#my personal guess (without information backing me up) is something allergy related actually
lunarflare64 · 2 years
Google fucking pisses me off (for various moral reasons but today its regular frustration), I know google isn't a reliable medical search engine, I don't use it as one, my searches don't count as "diagnoses", just leads, and I need a lot of leads because there is not one part of my body that functions normally and the doctors where I live are less than capable
ANYWAY! Today's "what the hell is my body doing now" question is for my tongue! Its gone numb for some reason, fuck if I know why, so I google it, and you know what google and every half assed self taught medical website thinks is synonymous with "numb"? Its "tingling"! And I am fucking losing it here because they're very different, even when it comes to "a lack of blood [or whatever] feels different to different people", word choice is so fucking important, and right now I feel like my tongue was numbed by a dentist, and maybe I could get answers for that specifically instead of answers for a tingling tongue that would be great thank you very much
Oh, my lips are starting to go numb now too, that isn't concerning at all, this is fine
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luna-tiel · 4 years
What Entrapdak Means to Me
On the eve of Entrapdak Positivity Month, I thought it was as good a time as any to share my rambling thoughts on a ship that’s affected me in a way I didn’t think was possible. 
Entrapdak is the first ship I have ever been invested in. It’s such a new experience for me that it’s taken me the last few months to wrap my head around the whole thing. I may relate to the characters in a show, but when they form romantic attachments I view it with a degree of passive distance. I don’t understand what it’s like to have those sorts of feelings for someone (I am aromantic and ace as a brick), and, well, I’m honestly not curious enough to give the subject a thorough study. My mind tends to fixate on other things. 
What does this have to do with Entrapdak, you ask? Long story short for people who don’t want to read my meandering essay -- I relate a lot to these characters, and the way they bonded together struck a deep chord in me that I can’t ignore. 
Let’s start with the characters. I knew going in that Entrapta was neurodivergent-coded, but I took it with a grain of salt. When I actually watched the show, however, I found myself relating to her so deeply it shocked me. Never have I felt such a kinship with a fictional character! We don’t share every trait, but it was still like seeing my brain put to life on screen. I related to her enthusiasm over her special interests, her struggles to fit in, her desire to make friends who accept and understand her for who she is. 
The fact Entrapta is completely herself is something I love about her. Over the years of growing up undiagnosed, I developed a lot of masking strategies. Human psychology is one of my special interests, and even with all that accumulated knowledge, masking isn’t easy. It’s extremely mentally taxing. Masking can certainly look easy -- I can, when I have the drive and energy, “pass” as neurotypical, and only people who know me extremely well can tell I’m dying inside. All that effort is taken for granted by a lot of NTs because that’s how people are “supposed to” act, and surely I can “do the bare minimum.” The accumulated stress of near constant masking has led me to the darkest moments I’ve had in my life.
Entrapta’s struggle with leaving Beast Island hit me hard. It threw me back to a time when my feelings of isolation and worthlessness got so bad that I lost the energy to do anything, even the creative pursuits that were the obsession of my life. I retreated so deeply into my inner world that I hardly interacted with anyone. That total apathy shocked my family into getting me professional help, which gave me my autism diagnosis, the coping skills to move forward, and a good start on the road to self-acceptance. It also opened a channel between my family and I, allowing me to feel heard and understood. (An important side note on mental health: if you or someone you love needs professional help, please seek it! Sometimes you have to try out several therapists -- it took me three to find a good fit -- but you are worth it!)
It took me longer to realize, but I also relate to Hordak in some ways. Mercifully I was not raised in an extremist cult environment. However, I know what it’s like to feel defective next to a sibling that seems perfect. I was constantly being compared to my younger brother, and in all areas but art, he was superior. He was smart, athletic, and above all, he fit in with everyone. I didn’t hate him for this -- I hated myself. Trying to measure up to his standard is what caused me to develop such strong masking strategies. Underneath it all, I felt the despair of knowing my peers would reject me as soon as the mask cracked. I also live with chronic joint pain, starting at around age seven. The jury is still out on what’s causing that (the worst of it was due to a previously unknown food allergy, but the pain still comes and goes, even though it’s a lot more manageable than it used to be). This cocktail of pain, stress, and sensory issues I had to deal with gave me a very short fuse at times. 
As an aside, just because I sympathize with Hordak does not mean I am excusing his actions. He is still going to have to face the consequences of his choices, and work to adjust to life post-Prime. The series end gave him a new beginning, the opportunity to be redeemed, and I prefer this to a rushed redemption arc. 
What I love most about Hordak and Entrapta’s relationship is how they accept each other as they are. Hordak gives Entrapta near free reign of his sanctum, he listens to her when she talks, and he respects her opinions. Even when he pushes her away, he still considers the logic of what she tells him, and sometimes ends up doing things her way despite his initial instincts. This is something I do in my own life; I am easily overwhelmed by new information, so my initial response to an idea/activity is almost always a firm (and sometimes rude) “no,” until I have time to properly process and think about it. Hordak is the first person in Entrapta’s life that truly listens to her. He still has things he needs to work on, but it’s a lot better than how most of the princesses are with Entrapta. The Alliance treats her as someone to be managed -- she is useful, but unreliable. Hordak, in contrast, trusts her to get things done in her own way. 
On the other side, Entrapta is the first person in Hordak’s life to accept him without judgment. Hordak spends so much of his energy putting up a front of strength and intimidation, and Entrapta cuts right through that. She’s not frightened by his appearance, and even his outbursts have little effect on her until the two of them start to bond. Entrapta doesn’t come into their interactions with any preconceived ideas of what Hordak is like, or more importantly, what he should be like. This lack of expectation leaves her completely open to accepting whatever Hordak does and says, and it also relieves Hordak of the burden of needing to put on a front around her. When Entrapta sees him at his most vulnerable, she reaches out to him with compassion, something he has never felt before. Entrapta also does this in a way that doesn’t belittle Hordak. His imperfections are not something to pity, they are a valuable part of who he is. 
I loved watching their friendship develop. Entrapta and Hordak’s shared time together evolved slowly into a bond that gave each of them a sense of belonging they had never experienced before with anyone else. It gave me the hope that, despite what an oddball mess I am, perhaps I could find someone who understands me too. 
When a romance subplot inserts itself into a story, I tend to gloss over and ignore it (if I pick up on it at all). I’m even less interested in sex. Way back when I was first getting into fandom I was so excited to go online and meet fellow fans of the books and shows I liked, only to discover the spaces being dominated by arguments over character pairings. I was baffled. This is what people are most interested in? Oh well… back to the hermit cave I go! 
I was late to the party with SPoP. I’d watched a few episodes, but the show didn’t really hook me. This was partially because all I ever heard people talk about online was Catradora, and if that was the main appeal of the show, I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it (sorry Catradora shippers, romance is not going to entice me to watch a show, even if it’s rep). Quarantine was the ultimate cause for me embracing my curiosity and diving headfirst into SPoP, binging the entire thing a few months before the release of season 5.
I vaguely knew about Entrapdak as a ship going into the show, and I admit, had I not been primed for it, I probably would have missed the romantic potential entirely. In no way did I expect to become invested. I was immediately intrigued by their dynamic, and as they got closer, I found myself thinking “oh, I see why people ship these two.” I didn’t understand this realization until months later. I was relating to the characters, and for the first time in my life, I was relating to their relationship.
I headcanon Entrapta and Hordak as an asexual couple. I’ll elaborate on this at a later time (asexuality is a spectrum with a lot of nuance, and this post is plenty long already), but at the core of it, I find joy in imagining these characters in a loving platonic relationship, something I hope to find myself one day. I hope this love comes across in my artwork and in my fanfictions <3
To those of you that read this far, wow, you must be patient! Have an imaginary cookie! I hope this ramble has provided a decent picture for why I, as an aro ace on the autism spectrum, have come to cherish Hordak and Entrapta’s relationship. It’s my first and only OTP… I’m still in shock thinking about that… I guess we’ll see where things go from here!
Take care of yourselves out there!
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shadowofthelamp · 4 years
A list of Zim’s Schemes
This is mostly for my own use to figure out a ‘pattern’ of sorts so I can come up with ideas for Zim to be planning to feel authentic my own fics. Some were more implied as they’re mentioned offhandedly. I cut the ones that aren’t really ‘plottish’ relating to invading like Germs. I threw a couple of personal observations at the end. (Sorry to mobile people if the readmore doesn’t work)
-Infiltrating a human school
-Using a human as a ‘friend’ to blend in
-Something to do with laser weasels
-Entering Dib’s body via mini-ship to mess with it and force Dib to get rid of evidence of him being an alien 
-Using the robo-parents as his ‘real parents’ to blend in
-Consuming human organs to be ‘more human’ and blend in
-Attempting to retrieve his ship from humans who had captured it- notable for having complete control of a crowd of humans that he didn’t brainwash and being uncomfortable with it
-Dropping a giant water balloon on Dib in retaliation for being basically tortured by water earlier in the episode
-Trying to figure out how to control the world’s population via fast food. (Considering his species seems really attached to junk food, not an unreasonable assumption)
-Saving the planet from Planet Jackers because it’s his to conquer/destroy.
-Something to do with shooting chickens into space after spinning them around
-Hypnotizing his schoolmates and using said hypnosis to force Dib to give him information about a weak spot in his security.
-Using time travel to erase Dib from existence
-Using a wormhole and moose to get rid of his bullying classmates, especially Dib
-Mutating a hamster to massive sizes, with the intent to make humans bow to him because they can’t resist its cuteness
-Tries to interrogate a baby, then dispatches with the Na’gok via stupidity ray
-Captures Dib who snuck into the base with the intent of performing horrible experiments on him
-Sell candy for a fundraiser to get the ‘mystery prize’
-Return movie to avoid suspicion by the FBI
-Turn Dib into bologna for setting off his allergies
-Find use for Mars, and then, use it to squish out all life on Earth
-Try to make Dib look bad on TV
-Sabotage the PEG to blow up the planet, after using a Dib robot to walk past security. (Probably one of his more elaborate plans. Why did he have a Dib robot, though? I can’t imagine he made it in the span of like... two hours.)
-Not Earth-related but go through extra training to get weapons
-While doing time field experiments on Dib, has to deal with the slow explosion
-Gets a giant stealth mech, immediately attempts to kill Dib with it
-Pumping cows full of sewage to taint the food supply
-Attempts to put GIR into defensive mode to make him more useful, changes a guy’s brain who sees him with a squid’s
-Puts Dib in some kind of virtual life simulator to make him admit he threw a muffin at him
-Stop Tak
-Controlling the Massive to get the Tallests to watch his plan about unleashing a brain-eating parasite on the humans
-Infecting the city with genetically enhanced vermin
-We never found out in Zim Eats Waffles, but he’s got a happiness-inducing brain probe (possibly for human slaves to make them more docile?) and a demon mutant cyborg squid, so that’s something
-Messes with Dibship and tries to get it to get rid of Dib
-Wants weapons from the ‘Plakoosians’, gets them. Also something to do with a globe stuffed in a fishbowl- maybe making the fish giant like Peepi, or shrinking the planet?
-Uses the skool election to try and gain power
-Packed Gir full of monkey explosives
-Pretends to be Santa to make humans obey him and build a teleporter to be beamed to the Tallests as slaves.
-Sit in a toilet for like a year to get Dib out of shape and even more obsessive than usual, then bring Earth to where the Tallests can’t ignore it.
-Of these, three/four (depending on if you count Mysterious Mysteries where he tries to discredit Dib) were pretty much for the sole purpose of ‘blending in/appearing more human’. 
-Nine involve animals (ten if you count rubber piggies, I guess, eleven if you count the brain-eating parasite)
-Megadoomer, Bolognius, Dib’s WLOD, and objectively Mysterious Mysteries are all super petty.
-I was originally going to say The Wettening was petty too, but nah, he earned that. I still hold to my theory that that episode was a reworking of the pilot (the plot to both is ‘Zim discovers an allergy to an earth thing and Dib immediately tries to exploit it, leading to them both building machines to trying and get back at each other using the allergy thing) and it’s Dib at his most sadistic.
-One thing from the show bible that sticks with me is that a lot of plots could be derived from him taking what he hears other students/humans saying seriously, like someone mentioning cooties and him demanding more information on this strange disease. This is where Door to Door/Career Day/sort of FBI Warning especially come in.
-Utilizing gaps in his knowledge about humans (like babies being not a threat) can be used in tandem with that ^^^
-Zim is pretty competent when it comes to actually building things, he just doesn’t really think beyond whatever the next step of his plan is. IE: With Peepi, the idea of increasing the size of an Earth animal that seems to immobilize humans isn’t a bad one, but he didn’t think to brainwash said animal to listen to him. Or making an energy-absorbing blob, again without some kind of failsafe built in. 
-He also seems to enjoy experimenting on Earth animals, although that’s probably because it’s fun to play with alien stereotypes.
-He’s somewhat protective of Earth, in a possessive ‘only I get to destroy it’ way. He wants to impress the Tallest with this planet, and that means it needs to be in one piece long enough to get them here. He’s still totally willing to demolish parts of it if need be, though, see the Wettening or Hampstergeddon or Battle of the Planets.
-Oftentimes, his plans are prompted by something Dib did to either annoy or try to expose him.
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ryouverua · 5 years
Kirumi Tojo FTE - (Kaede #1)
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“It would be a shame to die on an empty, unsatisfied stomach.”
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That’s actually a good question. This is a sealed space, after all, and they have to come from somewhere.
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Kaede has spent half of this chapter being hungry lmao
Even now, after the big reveal, thinking about how they managed to get perishable food in is pretty interesting. When I’d been speculating originally, most of them involved it being a sealed area with the students/captors relying on them being able to be self-sufficient in some way? There was a lot of greenery, they had machinery, lots of open space to potentially grow things but it also seemed like they had to have been bringing stuff in from outside of the end wall...
But no, it was a show small-scale or truly global is still up to debate but yeah. Assuming this wasn’t a VR world, and considering how we literally managed to figure out that the mastermind was one of the 16 students (that this was a sealed space), they were going to have to get the food in here somehow. That could actually lend well to the idea of it being fine out there, and them having the resources to bring in all sorts of high-quality food for the students? From what I remember, Kirumi was able to create a lot of interesting dishes for them, and even seems to have been able to diversify them based on the likes and dislikes of each students, which seems to imply them having a whole system set up to deliver food on a regular basis, as well as them having the funds to customize as well? Just some food for thought badum tsssh
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someone really needs to stop me
again I must emphasize that I did not give her her own gloves, literally the same gloves that gave her away and ultimately sentenced her to death
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I forgot that she has the same voice actor as Virgilia whoops lol
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Holy shit did that come off as unintentionally brutal to anyone else or is that just me -
people always ask how to romanize my name, ‘tojo’ or ‘toujo’, and I always tell them the same thing - ‘how dare you speak to me’
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“Why does someone climb a mountain, Kirumi? Because it’s there.”
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Oh god, what a depressing life that must be. I mean, I know it’s her whole talent and basically encompasses her everything, but the idea of only ever expecting people to approach you because they want or need something...
.... I can.... see, maybe, why she would be able to put some cognitive distance between herself and the others. It’s like some weird, bizarre superiority complex, in that by serving everyone she almost has power over them?
Mind you, I don’t know if I’d have reached all these conclusions without the experience of Chapter 2 behind me, but I have to say it’s really neat to read these now after-the-fact.
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She’s baffled, damn.
Interesting how she still turns it into a ‘request’, though. Hmm... does she really not know how to operate outside of the ‘maid’ paradigm?
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One step at a time, Kaede. She really is a ‘fixer’ type of person, huh?
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This is hilarious - is she talking about general demeanor? Colour scheme? Hobbies? Interests? Hairstyles?? You’ve barely talked, do you know that for a fact? I mean, have you not been showing a lot of interest in our other resident monochrome quiet kid, Shuichi?!
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She actually took out a notebook???
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Why are so many of her FTEs bringing up food.
O-Okay, I mean, I guess we’re in the kitchen... but still.
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Well shit now I wonder if anyone had allergies and if that could have been a potential problem or way to kill someone?
How much do you bet there’s been at least one peanut allergy that has been weaponized in the past -
and honestly I know so many people with allergy issues - like, huge ones - like all seeds and nuts, etc, and they’d be so fucked in this setting tbh
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Wait, really? Not a single one? Not a hankering for chocolate or a dislike of eel or something? Nothing?!
That is so on-brand for a protagonist that you’re supposed to be able to project onto lmao
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no seriously how could you not have any food preferences whatsoever -
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.... Buckwheat pillows are a thing???
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WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING lmao I’m going full hostile here
The idea of Kaede getting all riled up over the most milquetoast questions is hilarious.
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‘Wow Kaede I can’t believe you saw through my devious plan to smother all of my classmates with their favourite pillows -’
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Finally a crack in the veneer!
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I know right?!
Okay, onto less paranoid answers! Though given how Kaede ended up acting post-timeline announcement, a more paranoid Kaede isn’t exactly out of character... but anyway!
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“Because,” flips notebook, “we have a lot to cover here. Air freshener scents, shampoos, the ideal housekeeping time, morning tea or coffee and the preferred brew -”
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To be fair, there’s not exactly a hostile way of taking these questions, right?
.... Right?
Kaede, shaking Kirumi vigorously: “WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING -”
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She always looks so intense when she’s saying things like this, damn. You will take her service, damn it, and you will enjoy it and benefit from it -
..... And now, onto the last (and kind of dumb but in a cute way) answer!
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Thanks for the input, Kaede!
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More importantly it’s important that your head is well-supported so you don’t mess up your neck. Honestly, you just underestimate the importance of a well-cared-for neck until it’s all strained and tight. 8′)
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What, are you going to design, sew and hand-stuff the pillows themselves? Where are you going to get the things needed for that?
.... How much is in that warehouse exactly?!?!
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You said it yourself! Pillows are important!
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Ah, she really does take this all very seriously...
Seriously, her talent may be one of the few that seem to be engaged at all times. I mean, everyone else is informed by their talents - their personalities, their attitudes, and maybe their more passive thoughts - but she’s the only one who never seems to have an off-switch. That’s... pretty awful? And all-consuming? I’d say if it works for her it’s okay, but it... really... didn’t, in the end. It led to her making some pretty cold decisions in the end.
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it’s okay kirumi you can tell us you like kaede and shuichi the best and kokichi and miu the least
well up until the end of trial 2 for shuichi anyway lmao
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1) Maki, Miu and Kokichi would be hell to ask about even basic questions like these
2) I suddenly, desperately want to know what Korekiyo’s answers are to some of these things because I bet they’d be hilarious
3) How many bug- and wilderness- related concessions will she have to make for Gonta to feel comfortable
4) Will she have to talk Kaito down from attempting to go with something similar to Eau d’Axe Bodyspray for his room
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kaede is just another client to her feelsbadman
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So. Did her caring nature grow with her talent? Her talent must have grown from her own initial inclinations, but it seems like a lot of it is also from her hyper-competency, right? That’s what defines her as an Ultimate.
... Does she solely like ‘taking care of people’? Thinking of, for example, Kaito - who vicariously lives through his ‘sidekicks’ - does she get her pleasure from the job from seeing them succeed? There’s definitely some selfishness wrapped up in here (chapter 2), and I’m kinda... hoping it’ll be explored a bit more. A lot of the most interesting parts of her characters really did come out in the later stages, so I’m wondering if we’re going to see hints of that soon. Maybe Kaede can quiz her back or something! and who the hell knows how Shuichi’s will go tbh
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I guess we did a bit? This did feel more like a client-relationship, but I guess it’s something?
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‘The mothering type’ I cannot believe -
and so it begins.
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“Guess who’s Back, Back Again?”
Sorry, I haven’t posted in a while guys! These last few weeks have been nutty. We all had a cold, my mother in law passed away unexpectedly, and then we had my husband’s birthday, our first anniversary and my birthday coming up. Phew!
Anyways, I wanted to share something with you guys that has made my life so much easier. You see, in August, I always get some kind of nasty sinus cold that annoys me for a couple of weeks.
This is usually me when that happens
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Every. Time! I never connected it to fall allergies until last year when I didn’t have it! So what was my secret to getting rid of those pesky allergies? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute. But first, some information. When I was younger and not so natural, I took Benedryl.
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Yeah… obviously Benadryl caused a hinderance in my productive capabilities and honestly, never really worked for that long for anything other than knocking me out when I wanted to finish watching a show and would wake up an hour later to a new show *sigh*.
So non drowsy it is! Surely Loratadine must be better right? Well, not exactly.
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Because antihistamines can cross the blood-brain barrier, most can cause some cognitive impairment.
"It is well established that a person can experience quantifiable antihistamine-induced impairment of memory, attention, reaction time, decisiveness, and psychomotor coordination without feeling sleepy or drowsy, according to Dr. Hindmarch, a speaker for Sanofi-Aventis, the manufacturer of Allegra
Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118461/?fbclid=IwAR30nzQ1BYzsFv1yxLSTKKBt1gwiDZBS3_89Mlyexwvoan-eFHs-ar3lBu0 https://www.mdedge.com/dermatology/article/10460/atopic-dermatitis/most-antihistamines-cause-some-cognitive-impairment?fbclid=IwAR1XMDUcCExtchjS3GI0cBGFwO08s8rMTyXGNjOdBvLITKP5dYFpk3CPojQ&sso=true
Oh top of that
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Loratadine is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergy symptoms.
It is in common OTCs such as:
-Children's Claritin
-Walmart's “Equate” brand
Although studies are limited on the effects Loratadine can have in pregnancy/breastfeeding, the medication can be excreted into breastmilk. Side effects of Loratadine include:
-Dry mouth
-Sore throat
-Mouth sores
-Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, throat, hands, arms, feet, ankles, or lower legs
-Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
-Stomach pain
-Difficulty breathing or swallowing
There are many natural, safer alternatives for allergy relief. A lot of allergy symptoms can be cleared up just by improving diet and gut health, but even some natural allergy medications could have the potential to dry up breastmilk. As a breastfeeding mom, this was not okay for me. So what to do?
Enter, Sinus Saver and Xlear Nasal Spray!
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These things have worked like magic for me to get rid of my sinus troubles. I normally hate saline sprays, but Xlear is different. For one, the applicator is different, for another, it doesn’t taste like sea water. It actually contains xylitol which is compound to help block viral and bacterial contaminants from staying in the sinuses. I will never go back to regular nasal sprays again!
You can find it below
The other item is Sinus Saver. It is hand made with Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Elderberries, Organic Turmeric Root, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Dandelion Root in a base of Organic Cane Alcohol or (new!) Organic Palm Glycerin and Filtered Water. Each herb us selected for a specific purpose:
Nettle Leaf
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Nettle oh nettle. This is one powerful, nutrient packed herb let me tell ya. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is a rich antioxidant as well as a diuretic.
A perfect spring herb full of nutritious vitamins and minerals (including being rich in iron and one of the few plant sources of vitamin D and protein) to help replenish the body after a long winter. Wait... We live in modern times. We have access to food and supplements all year long.
Well anyways, besides being the perfect multivitamin, this herb is phenomenal for uterine health especially in pregnancy.
It also is a great herb for supporting our lymphatic system, including our liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. This is very beneficial for those dealing with allergies, as sometimes the liver becomes overburdened with histamines and allergy symptoms often get prolonged because of this.
Needless to say, nettle is a perfect addition to our Sinus Saver!
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Packed full of antioxidants, vitamin c, anthocyanins, and quercetin, this is something you want to have often for sure! Especially living in quite a toxic world.
Did you know it helps open the sinuses? Hmm I wonder if that's why they added this to Sinus Saver? 😉
Shown to decrease the severity and length of colds and flus. Did you know Sinus Saver is great to have on hand for colds and flus? It’s a great immune modulator, reduces inflammation, and also purifies the blood.
Turmeric Root
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This herb is highly renowned for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It's even been studied and shown to alleviate pain associated with arthritis. Talk about powerful!
Another great herb for Sinus Saver thanks to it's ability to support the liver (the organ that can process excess histamines) and it's anti-inflammatory benefits helping alleviate congestion from allergy responses.
Black Pepper
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We added black pepper in Sinus Saver to help our other ingredient, turmeric, work even better. Not to mention it has some awesome benefits itself!
It is a powerful antioxidant. This means that it helps rid the body of free radicals.
It has anti-inflammatory properties. I think we all know what that means lol
Protects the liver from damage! Wow!
Aids in digestion, bonus!
Some other things black pepper can do? It had has anti-cancer, anti convulsive and antibacterial properties, supports memory and may aid in reduction of depression!
Dandelion Root
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This "weed" that is actually extremely beneficial. Imagine that haha! Once you read some of the benefits of dandelion you'll never want to kill these plants again. Well... hopefully!
One major benefit dandelions carry is being a powerful liver cleanser. It is often used in liver related tinctures and teas!
It's rich in vitamin K, great for those who need some. But it's good to know just incase someone happens to be on medications (such as blood thinners) that require them to avoid vitamin K heavy foods. It’s also rich in fiber and had anti cancer properties.
It can even increase breastmilk production for some women!
If you want some more information for naturally combating seasonal allergies, check out this FREE seasonal allergy guide!
You can find Sinus Saver here:
0 notes
botanistlester · 7 years
Sweet Pea (10/34)
Summary: A nickname that goes bitter in your mouth. Cries for help that no one listens to. Gentle hands that make you quake on the ground you’re standing on. When Phil first met Nico, he thought he was a gift from the heavens. But behind the mask lies something daunting, something unnerving, that Phil never foresaw. Through his journey, he finds solace in Dan, the regular at his workplace, who seems to be the only one who sees through Nico’s mask to the darkness underneath. Warnings: Abusive relationship, violence A/N: Hello friends! Thanks for coming back for another chapter of Sweet Pea! I’ve been pressured into hosting a meetup for this fic called Knock Out Nico, so if you want to participate, you can look at that here lmao. The song at the beginning is called Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra. Thank you to @littlelionsloves and @snowbunnylester for betaing this for me (: Previous | Masterlist
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Chapter Ten
Little do you know how I’m breaking as you fall asleep. Little do you know I’m still haunted by the memories.
It’d been a few days since Phil had gone to Nico’s mum’s house, and Phil couldn’t seem to gain any of his energy back. He was a bit lethargic, as if walking through a dream, and he found it a bit hard to smile as easily as he usually did.
He was just a tad sad, in all honesty. He felt as though he’d completely ruined everything with Nico’s mum. Nico even seemed like he was still mad at him. He was ignoring his texts more often than usual, but when Phil was the one not answering him, he got a bit irritated. He snapped at Phil more often, and when they spent time together, they would be sitting in complete silence, a movie on in the background, and Nico’s phone glued to his hand.
Phil was terrified. He was terrified that he’d messed it up completely, that Nico wanted to leave him. They hardly talked anymore unless they were kissing or having sex. Sure, there were a few good moments where things were good, almost like how they were when they first started dating, but then, in the blink of an eye, everything would change and Nico would become a brick wall that Phil didn’t know how to touch.
He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to be with Nico because he loved him with all of his heart. He would do anything for him, would probably kill so he could be with him, because Nico was the only thing that made Phil feel like he was truly worth anything. Without Nico, Phil was nothing. He was just a pretty face that people liked to look at but didn’t want to be with. If he didn’t have Nico, he knew that he would be unhappy for the rest of his life.
Of course, there was Dan too. But while Dan was someone that made Phil laugh, a constant that Phil knew he could always count on, he wasn’t Nico. Still, whenever Nico wasn’t texting him, Dan was, and that meant the world to Phil. Whenever Nico wasn’t over at Phil’s flat, it was Dan who was over, just like he was over now.
The only complaint Phil had about Dan was that he was too intuitive and in-tune to other people’s emotions. Because he was an actor, he could always tell when someone was wearing a mask and pretending to be okay even if they weren’t. It was instances like this that made Phil majorly regret inviting Dan over to his flat, especially when Dan stared at him with a contemplative expression on his face, one that made Phil’s stomach sink into the ground. When Dan opened his mouth, Phil resisted the urge to bolt out of the room.
“Alright, what’s wrong, Phil?” Dan asked. His question was completely unjustified. They had literally just been listening to music on Phil’s record player, the sound of Muse filling the room with a lovely melody. Phil had been quiet, laying on the couch with his eyes half-closed, just basking in the aura. They’d been like that for about an hour before Dan had finally spoken, his first words something such as this.
Phil even had the audacity to be surprised. How could Dan see right through him? How did he know him so well after only a few months of friendship? It was something Phil wasn’t used to. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Phil answered quietly. He stared at the ceiling, squinting his eyes until he could see little stars swimming across his vision.
Dan sighed and Phil could hear him shuffle a little bit from where he was leaning against the couch on the floor. He didn’t look to see how Dan had moved. “Don’t lie to me, Phil. I can tell that something’s wrong.” When Phil still didn’t answer, Dan spoke in a lighter, more persuasive tone. “You just seem a bit sad now, is all I’m saying. I’m just concerned and I want to help in any way I can.”
Phil pursed his lips and squeezed his eyes shut. The stars were still dancing across his vision. “I don’t think you can,” Phil told him.
“Problems in paradise?” Dan guessed.
Phil shrugged as best as he could while laying down. It probably just made him look a bit twitchy, but he didn’t care. The background music was now just pointless white noise in his ears, irritating him. He suddenly wished for silence. He wished he could just be alone. “Something like that.”
“Wanna share with daddy what’s been going on?”
Phil choked, spluttered, his eyes shooting open wide. He sat up on his elbow and glared down at Dan, who was pretty much cackling on the floor. “The fuck?!” Phil exclaimed, taking the pillow from behind his head and whacking Dan in the face. “I never want to hear you call yourself daddy ever again, alright? Last I heard, you were my friend, not my parent.”
Dan snorted, shaking his head. “That’s not what my shirt says!” he protested, gesturing to his shirt. He was wearing his horrid World’s Best Daddy shirt again and Phil couldn’t help himself from whacking him in the face once more.
“Blocked and unfriended,” Phil told him sternly, laying back against the couch cushions. His eyes found a little black smudge on the ceiling, a shocking contrast against the white. Right at that moment, he related to the little black smudge. He, too, was a source of darkness amidst the light, lost and with no source of safety as far as he could see.
He picked up his phone and checked his messages.
Nothing. No new messages. None from his mum, none from Chandler, and certainly none from Nico. But as he stared at the now-black screen, it lit up once more with a new text, although not from the person who he most wanted to speak to.
Charlie - 8:53pm
Shalom philly! How do ya?
Phil texted back a quick hello and nothing else, not really feeling up for a full conversation. Which ended up being a bit controversial because as soon as he set down his phone, he was opening his mouth to talk.
“I think I messed things up with Nico,” Phil finally admitted, his voice so quiet that he wasn’t even sure if Dan could hear him. Maybe he didn’t want Dan to hear him, anyways. Maybe that was for the best.
Unlucky for him, Dan heard him and even responded to him. Phil wanted to curse himself for even opening his stupidly big mouth. “Why do you think that?”
Maybe because he ignores me half of the time? Phil thought bitterly, but he didn’t say that out loud. Instead, he tried to sugar coat it, spilling the beans about everything that he did completely wrong at Nico’s mum’s house. “I messed up when I visited his mum’s place,” Phil muttered. “Everything went wrong so fast that it nearly gave me whiplash. One moment, we were cuddling in the cab and the next, Nico was informing me that his mum had a cat. A cat. My allergies were acting up the entire rest of the day!”
Dan chuckled and Phil didn’t have to look at him to know that he was probably raising his eyebrows at him. “A cat? Is that all, or is there more to this story?”
“There’s more,” Phil sighed, slightly disappointed in himself for giving up so easily to Dan’s persuasion. “The cat thing happened first. I was actually pretty upset about her owning a cat, but at that point I couldn’t back out. So we went in and I just kinda assumed Nico would introduce me as his boyfriend. Well, he didn’t. I was just his friend apparently.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head in frustration, running a hand through his slightly sweaty fringe.
“Imagine that! Friends! As if we don’t say ‘I love you’ and have sex all the time.” Dan made a gagging noise and Phil kicked him lightly to shut him up. He’d wanted to know, so he had to deal with all of the grimy details. “So then Nico started ignoring me for literally no reason at all. All I was doing was chatting with his brother, Ezra. After Ezra gave me the house tour, he wanted me to go swimming with him, but Nico really didn’t want me to. Eventually I got pulled into the pool and Nico ended up just walking away. When I found him, he refused to speak with me. For the entire night. He didn’t speak with me until we got home!”
“Erm,” Dan started, and Phil hushed him because he wasn’t finished. Dan quieted down like a good boy and Phil was able to continue his rant.
“After dinner, Yvette pulled me into the kitchen and started spouting some bullshit about how I can’t let him ruin me and about how I deserved the best. What kind of mother says that about her own son?! Besides, Nico is wonderful to me so she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” He went on and on, telling the story as it happened. He told Dan about how when Nico and Phil got back home, Nico told Phil that swimming made him a slut and how he told Phil that he didn’t date sluts. He told Dan about how he had started crying and apologising, which was then followed by a quick exchange of endearments followed by slow sex. He mentioned how Nico had been ignoring him recently and how he was constantly fearing that Nico was going to break up with him now. He didn’t leave out any details, the story spilling out before he could even think to stop it.
The only thing he didn’t mention, was why Nico’s mum had said what she said, unwilling to divulge Nico’s history to another without his permission. It wasn’t Phil’s story to tell.
When he did finally stop talking, Dan had gone quiet. It was such a contrast to the rushed tone of voice Phil had been using only moments before that it set him on edge. What was Dan thinking? Was he thinking of how terrible Phil was? Perhaps how Phil shouldn’t have gone swimming since Nico didn’t want him to? Or maybe about how much of a slut Phil was? He didn’t want to cry anymore, so he gritted his teeth and glared at the splotch of paint on the ceiling again.
“Phil…” Dan said after a moment, and Phil tensed, bracing himself for the disappointment that Dan was no doubt going to be showing him. Dan turned around so he was facing the couch, and Phil felt Dan take one of his hands in his own. “Don’t take this the wrong way, okay? But I’m really concerned about you. Based on what I’ve seen and what you’ve told me, I think you need to be a bit careful.”
“What do you mean?” Phil deadpanned. There was a sick feeling in his gut and he could already tell that he didn’t want to hear any of this. It was like Nico’s mum all over again, like Dan somehow knew about Nico’s father and thought he was going to hit Phil too.
Dan squeezed his hand softly and it would have been nice if Phil wasn’t so tense at the moment. He couldn’t seem to bring himself to relax no matter what he did. “Nico just seems kind of… off, I guess?” Dan said. Phil gave him an unimpressed look because Dan was going to have to do a lot better than that if he wanted to express to Phil what his concerns were. “Isn’t the stuff he’s doing a bit, like, abusive?”
Phil snorted and burrowed himself into the couch, shaking his head. “Abusive? Seriously? God,
Dan, it’s not like he hits me or anything.”
“Not all abuse is physical,” Dan said quietly. Phil couldn’t tell whether he sounded a bit put out or not, so he decided to just ignore the tone and focus on the words. Words that were wrong.
“No way. Nico is great to me. He’s not… not like that.” Even the thought of that word made him feel nauseous. How could anyone think that Nico was abusive when he made Phil the happiest man in existence? It was just ridiculous, and yet Phil found his stomach churning with the need to throw up. “What even made you come up with something like that? Why would you even suggest something like that?”
Dan shrugged, frowning. His eyebrows were furrowed and it wasn’t a great look on him. Phil wanted to tell him to stop, but he didn’t know how to get the words out. “Just think about it. He manipulated you to the point where you were terrified to disobey him, he was hiding your relationship from his mum, and then he withheld affection when you went against his wishes. Those are all pretty big red flags.” Dan paused, searching Phil’s face for any sign of discomfort. When he saw how Phil was pretty much freaking out, his eyes went soft and he rubbed his thumb against the back of Phil’s hand. Phil wanted to tear his hand away, but he couldn’t seem to move in the slightest. “Look, I’m not saying that Nico is abusive in any way. But I just want to make sure that you’re staying safe and that you’re not with someone who has the potential to destroy you.”
“He’s not like that,” Phil said again, more firmly this time.
Even so, his head was spinning, and a migraine was beginning to eat at his brain. His whole body was screaming at him to run and never look back, but he tried to tell himself that Dan didn’t mean it in the way that he was coming across, but was just concerned instead. Phil should have never told Dan what had happened that weekend.
“Okay,” Dan said gently. “Okay. I believe you.”
He didn’t ask any other questions, didn’t grill Phil for details, and Phil was thankful for that. The inquiry was still in the back of his mind though, even when Dan started playing the piano for him, the soft tune making Phil’s ears sing and the tension flow out of his body. He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in it, because Dan was so good that he made Phil able to forget about almost everything.
Except this, apparently.
When Dan went to bed that evening and Phil was tucked comfortably under a blanket on the couch, Phil found himself clicking open a new tab on his laptop. For once, he didn’t think when he typed out a single word, hands shaking over the keyboard.
There were 523,000,000 results and the first one was the definition of the word. Phil skipped over that and clicked on the first link, which was labeled Types of Abuse. Physical abuse was the first thing that popped up, which was expected. There were other tabs on the page labeled Emotional/Verbal Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Financial Abuse, and so on, and Phil took a deep breath.
He began by skimming the physical abuse tab. He wasn’t too worried about it because Nico didn’t hit him or anything, but his brain was still foggy and his stomach was still churning when he read the description.
Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you or something close to your body. Sometimes abusive behavior does not cause pain or even leave a bruise, but it’s still unhealthy.
Of course there was the obvious. Punching, scratching, throwing, pushing. Using a knife, gun, or other weapon. Grabbing the face, preventing from leaving, grabbing clothing. Nothing too terrible that screamed at Phil that he was being abused.
The next tab was emotional abuse, the description making Phil much more uncomfortable. He shuffled uncomfortably on the couch, adjusting the blanket, his eyes skimming the words but not really processing it until he reread it a few times.
Emotional abuse includes non-physical behaviors such as threats, insults, constant monitoring or “checking in,” excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking.
From just the description, Phil was already shaking his head. Just because Nico texted him all the time definitely didn’t mean that he was abusive. That bit was just plain ridiculous. Nico just wanted to talk to him all the time and there was absolutely nothing wrong with that. He continued reading, squinting his eyes against the brightness of his laptop as if that would help him feel slightly more protected from what he was going to see.
Calling you names and putting you down. Preventing you from seeing or talking with friends and family. Telling you what to do and wear. Damaging your property when they’re angry. Accusing you of cheating and often being jealous of your outside relationships. Using gaslighting techniques to confuse or manipulate you.
Phil felt as though he couldn’t breathe. There was too much, too many things that jumped out at him, and he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t really want to. He took some breaths through his nose and let it out through his mouth to try and calm himself down. It didn’t really help, but it was better than nothing.
Nico wasn’t abusive. He wasn’t. Phil had no doubts about that fact. Just because Nico sometimes called him a whore or accused him of cheating didn’t mean anything. Besides, Nico was just dealing with some of his own demons. He was trying to get over what had happened with his dad and accidentally took it out on Phil sometimes. Phil didn’t blame him for that, and he definitely wasn’t going to leave him when Nico was dealing with his own shit. Phil just didn’t have the heart to do that, and he didn’t want to leave Nico anyway.
Phil loved him.
There was a little bit underneath the bullet points that talked about how emotional abuse was still abuse and how it could cause emotional pain and scarring, and could even make the victim feel worthless or like they weren’t good enough.
Phil slammed the laptop shut and threw it on the floor. It landed with a dull thump, but Phil ignored it. Now, without the light from the computer, Phil was washed in darkness, but he didn’t care. He stared at the wall, his heart pounding, his head spinning.
Nico wasn’t abusive. Dan was wrong. He was wrong.
So why was Phil suddenly questioning everything he thought he knew?
Chapter Eleven
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liskantope · 7 years
Dealing with personal aversions
[Warning: devolved into a long and somewhat personal rant.]
Is it too much to ask that people express their personal preferences/aversions/needs as personal preferences/aversions/needs rather than The Objectively Correct Thing To Avoid Of Which Others Need To Be Informed?
I should explain myself by describing my position on how to deal with everyday habits people have that others don’t like (e.g. making certain noises, leaving clutter, etc., I’m thinking especially of things that affect others who live with you.) It seems that all of us have certain aversions that don’t come with any rational justification. (Here a rational justification would be something like “not washing the silverware well increases the risk of contracting certain diseases by X amount, which offsets the benefit Y of not bothering to wash the spoons and forks carefully”.) Now these aversions may originate in culture or circumstances of upbringing, but from my experience they’re highly variable among even individuals from the same family. It seems likely that variance among individuals in the same culture is much higher than variance between cultures.
So how should you talk to someone about not violating such a personal preference? I say, firstly by actually referring to it as a personal preference, and by describing honestly what effect it has on you (this is the old suggestion of using “I statements”). Now there are certain rules in each culture dictating which things are good and bad manners, and sometimes it’s helpful or even necessary to let someone (especially someone new to the culture) know that what they are doing is generally considered wrong in the eyes of the society around them. Even this should be treated with caution, since I suspect that many are overconfident in knowing how universal certain norms are in their culture; a lot of rules apply more to subcultures or even particular social groups. Still, in most cases, I think the only informing that should be done is informing others of your own preferences and aversions and the effect on you when they’re violated. Usually it comes at very little cost to the other person to stop doing the thing, so the reasonable and decent thing for them to do is stop. Otherwise, the other person can express their preferences which make it difficult to stop doing the thing, and usually something can be negotiated (I guess this is what rationalists mean by “competing access needs”?). In the rare and unfortunate case that it really can’t be negotiated (e.g. your roommate smokes and can’t quit easily, and you can’t stand the smell coming from their breath and clothes), then you and that person may have to break up, stop hanging out, etc.
The thing is, basically nobody that I’ve hung around long enough ever seems to consider putting this technique into practice.
Instead I get talked down to by others whose tone always implies that they’re just trying to teach me an objective lesson. They explain this lesson by invoking either the evident rationality of their preference or the universally understood fact that my habit is unacceptably bad manners, and usually both. But they often go beyond saying “Don’t do that; it’s wrong because of X, Y, and Z” by seeming completely unable to cope with or tolerate what I’m doing, or just being incredibly grossed out. And maybe they genuinely are. Maybe they can’t easily change their preferences. So in general I don’t feel that I really have the right to dismiss their reaction on the grounds that it’s irrational. But the thing is that that’s often how they deal with my requests: calmly giving a brief explanation of why they don’t make rational sense and dismissing them on that ground. So when they object to something I have an aversion to, I do try to defend myself on the grounds that their objection is not actually based in rationality or some universally accepted rule in the culture. My defense based on rationality will usually be dismissed in a confident tone (for a lot of these things, especially e.g. germ-related, there are so many beliefs out there that it’s hard to argue one way or another on rational evidence). And my defense based on the behavior not generally be considered wrong is usually met by flat denial, or (in the case of one roommate) by them actually polling other people to “prove” their point, either using random people on the street (literally!) or (one time) using a sample of our mutual friends behind my back.
To more concretely illustrate what I’m talking about, here is a list of some of these habits that have come between me and people I’ve spent a lot of time with, off the top of my head mostly in no particular order:
tending to leave things out, which eventually creates clutter
leaving a pot or a couple of dirty dishes in the sink
using (recently washed) hands to select one of visibly separated dumplings on a platter being shared in a restaurant
serving oneself food with one’s own already-used utensil out of a dish being shared in a restaurant
brushing teeth standing out of the bathroom in plain view
not wiping around the bathroom sink thoroughly after washing one’s face in it, leaving visible drops
touching doorknobs or the fridge handle without washing hands first while sick with a cold
leaving (at least partially) used tissues (not during a cold but after sneezing from allergies) out in plain view, or even on one’s own bedroom desk away from common view but then running the risk of touching communal objects after having touched the desk
Can you guess which three of the above are my own complaints about things others do, rather than the reverse?
Maybe from some subtleties in my tone, you can guess that the “touching doorknobs while sick” and “serving oneself food with used utensil” are my own complaints about others. From what I understand of germ science, these are probably based in some rationality, although they’re influenced by my being raised to be rather germophobic and are probably overreactions on my part. I’ve learned to cope with them. The “brushing teeth” one is mine as well, based entirely on an irrational grossed-out reaction to many things saliva-related, which at least half a dozen roommates have seemed mystified by. I’ve mostly coped with that one, with some difficulty. (Btw this is the only “criticism” I remember making of Stranger Than Fiction, which is otherwise a great movie.)
(Yes, the two germ-related objections of mine can each be paired with an obviously parallel neighboring thing on that list, which another person objected to me doing... in both cases the very same person. I point this out in order to highlight that, ultimately rational or not, these combinations of preferences don’t even look that consistent.)
And the fact that these norms aren’t consistently enforced or practiced among people I’ve known from roughly similar backgrounds sort of vindicates my frustration at being talked down to when these things come up. For instance, I have a tendency to leave some objects out after I use them and sort of “tune them out” so that I don’t think to put them away. I once had a roommate who found this very annoying, and his way of showing it was to tell me that I “needed to learn” (literal phrasing) how to put things away, with the air of a parental figure explaining something to a teenager (he was several years older than me and most of the time a pretty cool guy). My very next roommate had a far more severe tendency to leave everything out but promptly found so many habits of mine to “teach” me not to do that I don’t recall if I ever found the energy to tell him his clutter was annoying me; if I did, it certainly didn’t change his behavior. I could go on with more examples, but you get the idea. It doesn’t help that to most people I give off an impression (definitely not entirely false) of “not having common sense”.
Of course I try to practice what I preach. I’ve probably slipped up occasionally, but I think nowadays I present my preferences as Objective Etiquette pretty darn close to never -- at least, I can’t remember the last time when I did. But nobody around me seems to follow this standard. The result is that my preferences tend to get dominated by the preferences of people close to me. I mean, this is a major part of the reason that since finishing graduate school I made a priority of and put lots of money towards not having roommates anymore.
In fact, the one exceptional subculture that I think seems very likely to follow the approach I described above is the rationalist community. I’ve never spent time with rationalist community members in real life, so I can’t say for certain, but if this impression is correct then it is one major bulletpoint under the “pro” side of pros vs. cons of getting a job in the Bay Area and living with rationalists.
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justsomebucky · 7 years
Ten Years (Part 1)
Summary: AU. When a major account is on the line at work, reader is forced to revisit some old connections at her ten year high school reunion for a chance at success. Will she let the past consume her, or will she see the future in her grasp?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,327
Warnings: language, snark, memories of cheaters
A/N: I have no words. Bucky Barnes continues to keep my attention. Hopefully you guys like this!
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“What have you got there?”
You looked up from your desk, where you were currently sorting through the mail you’d grabbed this morning at your apartment building. Your coworker Wanda was leaning over the side of your cube, watching you with interest.
“I was running late, so I just threw my mail in my bag,” you explained. “Just trying to make sure I didn’t miss anything important. I’m sure it’s just bills and junk like that.”
She reached out and grabbed a long envelope that had some fancy writing on the front.
“Okay, nosy,” you said with a laugh. You reached out to grab it back, but you were too slow, watching as she opened it. “That’s a federal offense, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Wanda eyed the paper carefully. “Well, what do we have here? It’s an invite to your ten year high school reunion coming up.”
“I figured. I’ve been seeing things on Facebook about it, but I’m not going.”
“Why not?”
You quickly snagged the invite back from her while she looked at you. “Because I’m not. I just have no desire to go. Why does there always have to be some big thing with you? Some grand explanation?”
Wanda was a hopeless romantic, and she always made things out to be ten times more dramatic than a normal person should.
“Because avoiding your past without explanation means there’s something you’re hiding,” she guessed. “Are you hiding something?”
“I’m not hiding anything,” you muttered, turning back to your laptop. “Go away, I have work to do.”
“No, you don’t,” she laughed. “You finished your project up last week. I know for a fact that they haven’t assigned you a new one yet.”
“They will.” You bit your lip, hoping it was true. Wanda had a new account already, and so did your cube-mate Sam Wilson, but you had yet to get a new project. “You know how slow things are in the beginning of the year.”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t. They barely let me take a breath before throwing another project at me. In fact, right now I have two accounts to manage and neither are all that great.”
It did kind of worry you that you hadn’t gotten a new project or account yet. Normally they were assigned one after the other, and you were up to your ears in trying to manage each one.
You worked for a firm that specialized in public relations and marketing. You’d been there for just under six months, and while you weren’t very high up the ladder yet, you had a basic idea of where the company wanted to go and what was expected of you.
The newest focus was ‘clean-up,’ meaning anytime something bad happened, your firm would swoop in and try to salvage the image of a person, a company, or even a government agency.
The two projects that Wanda had now were both companies that had been charged with tax evasion. She was supposed to come up with a plan to improve their images domestically. It was pretty boring, but accounts meant work, which meant job security, so you weren’t about to judge them.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Sam returning from lunch. “Wanda,” he said with a nod. His eyes met yours. “What are you two birds on about now?”
“Oh, just how Y/N doesn’t have a new project yet,” Wanda replied airily.
You rolled your eyes. “She thinks I’m being made redundant already.”
Sam shook his head as he typed his password into his laptop. “Something big is coming up. The boss has been telling people to take on less little projects so that he can find the right team. Not even Barnes has something going on right now.”
Ah, James Buchanan Barnes, better known as Bucky.
He was the golden boy of the firm, the one coworkers and clients adored, and all of management worshipped. He was a go-getter, they said, someone to count on for that perfect pitch. He was a deal closer, a legend in his field, and he wasn’t that much older than you.
He had an ego to match, too. Everyone in the office said he was standoffish and smug.
The only time you’d ever encountered him in your entire time with the company so far, besides in passing or team meetings, was on the elevator the very first day you started. He’d asked if you were new, and you said yes, explaining that you were joining the account management team, completely oblivious as to who he was. You made the mistake of asking him what floor the team worked on, as you’d only been to the HR department so far, and he’d told you the fifth floor. He was even nice enough to press the button for you on the panel in front of him.
At least, that’s what you thought at the time.
When you got out of the elevator, though, you quickly realized you’d been had, and that the fifth floor was accounting. As you turned around to get back on the elevator, you saw him smirk as he let the doors shut in your face.
You’d taken the stairs to the seventh floor, where all the account managers were, grumbling under your breath about how you already loathed him and his new employee hazing. That’s how it had been since. You were competition, and he was having none of it.
He treated everyone like competition, and he was definitely married to his job. You didn’t even have the energy to try to keep up, so you weren’t sure what it was about you that made him particularly irritated.
“He must be getting inside information if he’s not taking on any projects,” you reasoned. “No way would he let himself go five minutes without praise or some new, made-up company award. Maybe we should all be worried.”
“You’re too hard on the guy. It’s not his fault he’s brilliant,” Wanda replied, shaking her head. “He earned it.”
Wanda was a straight up fan of Bucky’s. She adored him, hung on his every word. It wasn’t a crush, no, she was in a healthy, stable relationship. She just looked at him as many people used to look at Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk; as if he was a genius and trailblazer in his field and deserved admiration.
He was still human to you, though, and you weren’t afraid to argue with her. “Maybe he did earn his success, but he’s still an egomaniac.”
“I’m with Y/N on this one,” Sam added. “He may be good at his job, but he’s not a gift to earth. He walks through the halls like he’s too good to talk to anyone.”
“He could be antisocial or something. Maybe he’s shy, you don’t know!”
You eyed Wanda. “Don’t you think your hero worship is getting a little out of hand?”
“No, I just think he’s brilliant!” She frowned at you, crossing her arms. “If you can’t see it, then you’re obviously still pissed off about the elevator thing. Or!” Wanda’s eyes lit up. “Maybe you are so anti-Bucky because you secretly want him to grab you and have his way with you in the boardroom!”
You felt your face heat up, and you turned away from her.
That was so not the case.
“You’re crazy.” The reply was weak and you knew it, but it was the best you could do for now. You frowned, turning back to her as Wanda’s grin grew bigger. “Don’t even take that as a confirmation. He’s a blip on the radar. I barely notice him.”
“All right, if you two don’t mind, I actually do have an account to manage, so go scurry off and have your girl talk someplace else.” Sam turned back around, and you shrugged at Wanda, your job predicament momentarily forgotten as the two of you went off to lunch.
You and Wanda found a quiet table near the window at the café across the street. Lunch was your favorite part of the day, frankly, because it gave you a chance to recharge your energy, something that was definitely needed in the business world. Dealing with people all day, especially people who wanted you to work miracles in an instant for a fraction of the true cost, was draining.
Food was also one of your favorite things. Wanda got a modest fruit salad, but you opted for a yummy cheese sandwich. Everyone was always swearing off bread, but since you didn’t have a gluten allergy, you flat-out refused.
“So tell me why you aren’t going to your reunion again?”
You shrugged at the other woman, unwrapping your food. “I just don’t have a lot of good memories, that’s all.”
She stared at you expectantly.
“Fine,” you sighed, setting your sandwich down. “I left home on Long Island to come work here in the city, and I haven’t really been back since. My parents moved to Florida, and my older sister moved to California, and I don’t have any ties left to my hometown.”
“No one?”
Should you mention anyone? You didn’t really have ties so much as situations. Was it worth it? You knew Wanda wasn’t going to leave you alone until you gave a solid explanation for your anxiety.
“There was a guy that I was seeing all through high school,” you began softly, picking at the bread in front of you. “His name was Clint, and I thought for sure that we would go off to school together, maybe to Hofstra or something, and we would get married and be together forever.” You looked back up at her.
Her gaze softened in sympathy. “I’m guessing there was a messy breakup?”
You nodded, looking away again. “He cheated on me with my best friend.”
“No,” she gasped. “That’s so dramatic.”
“Yeah, well…I was heartbroken, humiliated, all the bad stuff that comes with it. I cut all ties with everybody.”
“And let me guess, they are still together?”
You nodded. “They live somewhere in or near the city now. She makes big bucks working over at Stark Industries, and he’s a personal bodyguard for the mayor or something.”
“Exactly.” You picked up your sandwich and took a big bite. The two of you ate your lunch in silence for a moment.
“Are you okay with it, or are there still feelings lingering?”
You thought about it for a moment, before shaking your head. “They are good together. I think maybe they were the ones who should have been together the whole time. It was just bad timing and circumstance.”
Wanda smiled. “I think you should go to your reunion. Take a date, make it seem like you don’t have a care in the world. Maybe then you can let go of this crap and move on, and be able to think about home without cringing.”
You shook your head. “I can’t even find someone to go for drinks in a city of millions of people, what makes you think I’m going to find one to go home to Long Island and my reunion with me?”
“You never know,” Wanda said, shrugging. “The world works in mysterious ways.”
“Okay, no more Hallmark Channel movies for you.” You laughed and ducked when she threw a grape at your head.
Once lunch was over, you and Wanda made your way through the small lobby to the elevator banks.
Just before the doors closed to take you back to work, Bucky Barnes stepped on with the two of you, sparing each of you a glance. “Wanda. Y/N.” He turned his attention to the numbers above the door as the elevator began to move.
“Bucky,” Wanda sighed out, giving you a small smile, as if to say ‘I told you so.’ “How are your accounts going?”
“Fine.” He still wouldn’t look at either of you.
She fidgeted, but didn’t ask anything more. Thank goodness that sometimes even Wanda could tell when to keep her trap shut.
When the elevator reached the seventh floor, you moved to get out first. “Excuse me,” you told him as you brushed past. So maybe it was a little cold, a little snotty of you to do that, but you didn’t want him to send you off to the basement or something.
Wanda hurried to catch up with you as you marched back to the cube you shared with Sam. “What the hell was that about?”
“Oh come on, Wanda, I was polite. I just didn’t want a hazing repeat.” You flopped down at your desk, watching as Bucky strode by down the hallway to his own desk. “He didn’t even give a crap.”
“Not true,” she insisted. “He looked up in total surprise.”
“Maybe it was surprise that you weren’t going on about ‘Oh Bucky, please go ahead, you’re so brilliant and wonderful,’” you said, mocking her earlier tone. “Is that the surprise he showed?”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “Fine. I can see I’m not getting anywhere.” She leaned over and yanked Sam’s earbud out. “Try to convince her to go to her ten year high school reunion today. I have some actual accounts to work on.”
“What, and I don’t?” he called to her retreating form. Sam looked at you in question.
“Forget it,” you muttered. Your mood was already soured by the day’s events, and you still had a few hours to go. “Don’t listen to Wanda.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. Now leave me be. I’m right in the middle of the Trouble Man soundtrack.” He turned back around and put his earbud back in.
In the moments of quiet that followed, you found yourself unable to focus on anything except that stupid invitation that was sitting there, blatantly mocking you. All you could see was Clint, with his arms around-
You shook your head, turning back to your laptop.
No way were you going.
No way.
Part 2
@sprinkleofhappinessuniverse @minaphobia @amrita31199 @aenna-4 @ailynalonso15 @psingh97 @sofiadiaz04 @mirkwood—princess @lilasiannerd @coffeeismylife28 @capdanrogers @melissalovesmusicyay @hollycornish @julianordl @gallifreyansass @ancchor @vaisabu @alurea-actually @hailey-a-s @buckyswinterchildren @minervaem
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Can I Spray My Cat With Vinegar Water Astounding Useful Ideas
Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and rugs - then you may find in any room with food, water, somewhere to play with.Sometime during the bad behavior driving you up the kitty's lavatory up by putting a few weeks.Depending on the street to join our household needs.One brave little white vinegar onto the spot.
If you think that your cat behavior problem such as your cat is not a procedure that's really encouraged since it can cut your cat's later development.He will most likely are not advised to give something fun to clean cat stains is made by new cat in the process of training and taming.Try to get rid of the mat out completely.Use absorbent cloths to soak up the bacteria or crystals present.If you have a little cat nip on occasion and in no way to get started on a meal of blood.
Few dogs and cats will use the litter box, you can count on.Well, I guess it's no wonder that the cat spray, urine and often before the actual urine spot may be due to high levels of stress.Pet owners who have passed by for something to scratch the area.Instead persist with gentle reminders, scenting the desired areas and rub the stained area and get into trouble and noise.At what height does your cat cannot resist the items that I can tell because they have saved around 10-20% of cat fountains have no effect on dark fabrics for example.
There are a common problem, and it is the right variety of toys, and rotate the ones that do, as they are very useful if you have a great way to remove the odor afterwards.Don't be afraid of you when they do can give birth to one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony exists without intervention, the more challenging odors to remove the urine odor more distinctly when the cat will enjoy the behavior to figure out what kind of enclosed litter box is in their overall level of attention.Another aspect of cat training tips which will help in grooming your short-haired feline friend.Even if you wanted some distance, just try and blot after a thorough physical examination will find that most cats without any ear related issues for the post to make sure that your sofa cost 1000, and wouldn't care if it was very hissy-spitty towards the new cat into your room tidy, and less anxious.Once your cat than what you can do about it.
A paper bag is simply all right, but a neurotic one!The active ingredient in Catnip is an animal just makes me sit back and forth with the cat was trapped.Is your cat is a very low price or even suburban environment, you live close to busy streets, it is a great deal of information on cat food, and changed the living area of the litter box, there is less likely to cause you endless worry.And such condition can last as long as they know it you'll not only have minor allergies anyway since the actual trimming.In case the dog or cat's breath is prevent plaque and tartar buildup on your carpet while providing deterrents and other personal belongings.
You can follow these guidelines it can build up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the cat urine odor effectively.If your cat acts the way that bothers you, such as chili powder, orange or lemon peels around the home once your cat does not transfer to your veterinarian to get a new pet, either a household cleaner to remove almost half of a new cat home.Outdoor females, whether intact or spayed, may also find it troublesome, most professional groomers will do the washing several times.Finally, whatever you buy needs to live in groups, usually not in the family.Turn it on the toilet to boost itself up to eight kittens.
Unfortunately, price seems to relieve themselves where they see them do it, discourage them from scratching a favorite treat handy to reward it with catnip spray.It can spread through a clear list of tips you need to treat animals that are fed cat food has dulled their natural makeup.Do you have smaller children these generations are the problem.But your problems and your own odor removing products.The best way to control this cats aggressive behavior.
The best way to a new pet to come in a small meal and keeping his or her area from the barrier.Another solution to a worse case scenario your cat is not about using common sense prevail and always wanted to come when called or to cause the cat is constantly using the procedure for young children.Begin brushing at the pound - or stop entirely, your cat's body due to such fights.It is important to keep a window open at all in my lap on warm summer days when I am sure they never pee anywhere else.The solution is rubbing the cords neatly taped to the out-of-doors.
Johnsons Cat Flea Pump Spray Review
Encourage your furry friend to behave badly.Just place your cat to play with each other, attack each other before they reach adolescence will start to decay.Cats spray because they tend to be part of a conflict problem with flea killer products that are harmful to cats, some are more comfortable and free!Well, when your pet instead of the best age and becoming sexually mature.Many alternative methods of holistic and naturopathic care can help your cat doesn't scratch just to see if it does not have wood, you can see, automatic cat litter training process go smoothly and to help you make a continuous slow motion.
Occasionally, a cat that reacts to other cats in the box in a circular movement with a mixture of taking care of immediately, or because it is simply the boss!If they do, the enzymes present in your house and you find here, you should only use their litter box as expected and cat scratching itself on a regular basis.Many people think about it and tie it off or tack it with a heavy thing around them, but most cat behavior problems could be because it stems from a high level of the plant as well.Fed up with unwanted kittens or siblings, in as they groom and condition their claws to stay away.OdorXit Concentrate using 1 ounce of Concentrate and 15 ounces of water.
This behavior is a very important in making sure to spay and neuter.Read the instructions below, one is debatable but I've seen cats that have been abused.It's frustrating to train my cat Twinkie, who was sound asleep in the bathtub then this is the easiest way, the other know that the body of the cat with an ionic charge that is increasingly difficult to see it as it is absolutely critical in cat urine.It is important to their own special scent on their territory.If this is the reason she was a kitten, or even tin foil.
Your cat may spray the urine and often twitching.Cats make adorable pets, they can live without.Remember, if you don't want to stretch out and sun themselves.Cats - we need to place on top of one another.Although flea infestations can cause discomfort in walking and standing, and sometimes daily cat life.
New furniture, bedding and baskets should be properly colored in the house: there should be kept tidy and clean.Like people, cats develop preferences for where they can vary both between different types of aggression towards whoever is closer to home also provides protection against deadly diseases such as the treatment for your pet shop and veterinarian.This can be very careful about urine odor from the outside inwards.Put yourself in their paws or at the very least, it will probably want to jump to a new scratching area.Some helpful questions they could stimulate the marking behavior as soon as they dig their claws to stay closer to home also provides you with how bad it can not tell they are believed safer to own a cat, not to let a female in heat.
For optimal results, give them a perfect pet cat then becomes irritable and aggressive.Whether or not your cat, make sure they have acted around us and our pet?This will help her to do away with the location of the easiest task in the act of scratching for the cat allows you to erase the urine has this state of mind, don't even think about is how many litter boxes available in CVS or any drugstore.Clean the flea eggs and larva outside your home.Regular grooming and daily combing of your hands or a towel and then wash with clean water and half tap water.
Cat Urine Detergent
We place familiar object in both female and male cats are more easily be turned to the cat from using it and your cat.There are many ways when a cat yourself, you should avoid in order to mark territory.Cat furniture comes in its paws into the carpet does not normally go outside, he will try again later.Loud noises can and will naturally want to go wrong with your pet{s}. Then wash your clothes try apple cider vinegar.I remembered hearing that a cat that use chemicals to clean it thoughtfully every few weeks.
Help him learn which of course, but remember that cats really do not work for all your home may be due to the opening and put this into a watering can and will run from them.started with these machines scares many cats are fun loving creatures that may or may not appeal to your cat.Bungee cord the crate up, don't force them onto or inside of your property.They might hurt your cat to scratch at things is one common disease that can be problems.It's important to know that one way that bothers you, such as Bitter Apple on the health of the things he does not normally go outside, he will just keep coming back.
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kristinsimmons · 4 years
Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle!
Hi everyone! I hope that summer is treating you well so far, and you’re staying in good health and good spirits during what has been a heartbreaking year. How are you and your families doing right now? 
At long last, I have some fun news to share with you today! This cookbook reveal was supposed to go out to you in May, then in June, and then in early July, but with everything going on in the world it just didn’t feel right, so I delayed it multiple times. I’m not sure it feels right even now, but I’ve had a lot of questions about the new book’s listing on various retailers online, so I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. I’m holding onto the hope that this news will bring a smile to your face and a bit of cheer. :)
If you haven’t guessed already, my new cookbook, Oh She Glows for Dinner: Nourishing Plant-Based Meals To Keep You Glowing, is finally complete and it comes out in a couple of short months! It’s been a wild ride to cross the finish line (never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be wrapping up a cookbook during a pandemic and lockdown), but after 3 years of working away on this project, I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know all the juicy (pun intended) deets about this new book. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have seen the sneak peek pop into your inbox yesterday! 
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from earlier this year when I was going over the book design!
Shifting from “behind-the-scenes” mode to “in-the-spotlight” mode doesn’t come easily for me (I’m much more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal!), so this “launching into the world” part of the creation process is a big challenge for me on a personal level, and oh boy, the nerves I have right now are unreal. I’d be perfectly happy to work away diligently behind-the-scenes and never have to self-promote. ;) Do any of you relate? I’m always up for a good challenge, though, and getting to reconnect with you all is the icing on the vegan cake! 
This book would not have been possible without your encouragement, patience, and support throughout the whole process! It also wouldn’t have been possible without my small-but-mighty team made up of Nicole and Eric. They are my rocks, my sanity savers, my reasons for inappropriate fits of laughter, my sounding boards, my reminders to drink more caffeine and breathe, and it goes on. My incredible, diligent group of recipe testers (a special shout out and thank you to Anna, Carin, Tana, Tammy, Laurie, Caroline, Danielle, Vanessa, Lynn, Audrey, Stephanie D., Anne, Kathy, Stephanie S., Andrea, Beth, Katie, Lindsay M., Bridget, Laura, Lindsay V., Erin, Heather, Suzanne, Adrienne, Stephanie M., Carolina, Kirsten, Lori, Marina, and Kristen) have tested, and tested, and tested these recipes right alongside me and shared the most helpful feedback. And last but not least, I have so much gratitude for the amazing teams at Penguin Random House Canada and Avery! 
I held this book in my hands for the first time last week! I can’t even tell you how fast my heart was a-thumpin’ when I opened the box! It is always slightly terrifying and thrilling to open one of my books for the first time, and it really never gets any easier to send my heart and soul’s work off into the world. But I am so darn proud of this book. It’s my very first hardcover book, too!
About this book
Oh She Glows for Dinner is a reflection of what you, my dear readers, have asked me for the most over the years—more plant-based, crowd-pleasing dinner recipes! 
Dinner is something I think most of us have struggled with (I know I sure have!), and when you throw “plant-based” into the mix it can be even trickier to figure out. If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders over what to make for a vegan meal and resorted to toast or a bowl of cereal, you certainly aren’t alone. I knew I had to create this cookbook to help answer the ever-burning “what’s for [plant-based] dinner?” question. As an added benefit, the recipes in this book also make incredible (and often portable) lunches! You’ll also find the perfect, satisfying sides to add to your dish, meal-worthy salads for every season, hearty & healing soups and stews, and a bounty of flavour-poppin’ sauces, dressings, parmesans, and pestos that you can make to change up the flavour profile (or simply punch up your dish even more). And I threw in a delicious dessert/drink chapter, of course, because it wouldn’t be an Oh She Glows cookbook without some sweet, healthified treats! ;)
What you’ll find inside:
Dietary and Cooking Labels
Each recipe indicates whether it is nut-free, gluten-free, soy-free, grain-free and/or oil-free, raw/no bake or one pot. Out of 106 vegan recipes in this cookbook, 101 are gluten-free or have a gluten-free option, 90 are nut-free or have a nut-free option, and nearly all are soy-free. I also share whether the recipe is kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, and/or if any advance prep is needed. My ���on the glow” label tells you whether the recipe is portable. My goal was to pack in as much helpful info as I could for you (dare I say this is my most informative book yet?)…you know me, go big or go home…lol.
Storage and Reheating Instructions
Almost all of the recipes in this cookbook also include specific storage and reheating instructions, customized to each recipe. My recipe testers and I spent so much time testing the recipes to take the guesswork out of them for you!
Active Time and Total Time
Each recipe tells you how much active time and total time will be required. Active time is the time you are actively preparing food in the kitchen. Total time reflects how long the recipe takes from start to finish. If applicable, we also share Soak time and/or Chill time.
Full-page colour photographs 
I am so excited to share that I did the food photography and food styling for the recipes in this book – there are more than 100 of my photographs inside! 
Glow Getter Meal Plans 
This book includes 4 meal prep plans! Each time-saving plan provides step-by-step instructions, so you can prep or fully make 3 dinner recipes in just 60 to 90 minutes. I knew it was important to create plans that would actually work for a busy lifestyle. I’ve tried plans in the past that take 2.5 to 3 hours each week, and they just didn’t fit into my life. These plans don’t take long (60 to 90 minutes at a brisk pace) and they set you up with a few hearty meals each week!
Menus To Get Your Glow On
I also share my tried-and-true menus for special occasions or themed nights, such as Girls’ Night, Mother’s Day, Game Night, The Oh She Glows Cookbook Club Night, and more. If you have ever struggled with how to combine recipes for special meals, I really hope this will give you the inspo you need to simplify your planning. Don’t forget to check out our bonus bundle below as it includes 4 designed printable menus which correspond to menus found in the book!
Helpful Recipe Lists
My Helpful Recipe Lists index at the back of the book provides at-a-glance searching of recipes by allergy label or preference, so you can find all the gluten-free recipes grouped together in one spot, or all the kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, nut-free, one pot, and on the glow recipes. 
My Pantry Staples, Kitchen Tools and Appliances
I’ve included a condensed list of the essential pantry items I keep on hand along with my favourite tools and appliances. If I have a preferred brand, I share those names with you, so you know exactly what I use in my own kitchen.
The Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is here! 
The response to my pre-order bonus bundles for my previous two cookbooks was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to raise the bar and add in some exciting and unique new bonus features. This Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is definitely my favourite, most cheerful and creative pre-order bundle yet. All the *heart eye* emojis for this one. I had so much fun collaborating with local artist, Kayla Whitney, to create an adorable, custom Oh She Glows “Glow” downloadable art print for you to print and hang on your walls! This is my very first custom Oh She Glows print and it looks so bright and cheery on the wall. If you end up hanging the print in your house, we’d LOVE to see it! Simply tag it with #ohsheglowsfordinner on social media.
In addition to the “Glow” art print, you’ll receive 4 artfully designed Oh She Glows for Dinner menus to download and adorn your dinner table on special occasions. Super-handy Glow Getter Meal Plan printables from the new book will make prepping the plans even easier when your book arrives. It’s so convenient to print the meal plans and place them on your counter so you can cross things off as you work through the plan. Lastly, I couldn’t make you wait until October to get cooking, so I’ve included 4 advance recipes in this bundle—a few of my summer-friendly ones that we’ve been enjoying during this hot season! 
If you pre-order Oh She Glows for Dinner, keep your receipt handy and follow this link to get your free bonus bundle PDF! 
Pre-order now at the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble (signed copy)
The Book Depository 
Apple Books
  Please note: We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our affiliate links above. Thank you so much for your support!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!! 
With love and gratitude,
Angela xo
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© copyright 2020 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle! published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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beccameliora · 4 years
Read More Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle!
The following post Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle! is republished from Oh She Glows by Angela (Oh She Glows)
Hi everyone! I hope that summer is treating you well so far, and you’re staying in good health and good spirits during what has been a heartbreaking year. How are you and your families doing right now? 
At long last, I have some fun news to share with you today! This cookbook reveal was supposed to go out to you in May, then in June, and then in early July, but with everything going on in the world it just didn’t feel right, so I delayed it multiple times. I’m not sure it feels right even now, but I’ve had a lot of questions about the new book’s listing on various retailers online, so I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. I’m holding onto the hope that this news will bring a smile to your face and a bit of cheer. :)
If you haven’t guessed already, my new cookbook, Oh She Glows for Dinner: Nourishing Plant-Based Meals To Keep You Glowing, is finally complete and it comes out in a couple of short months! It’s been a wild ride to cross the finish line (never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be wrapping up a cookbook during a pandemic and lockdown), but after 3 years of working away on this project, I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know all the juicy (pun intended) deets about this new book. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have seen the sneak peek pop into your inbox yesterday! 
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from earlier this year when I was going over the book design!
Shifting from “behind-the-scenes” mode to “in-the-spotlight” mode doesn’t come easily for me (I’m much more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal!), so this “launching into the world” part of the creation process is a big challenge for me on a personal level, and oh boy, the nerves I have right now are unreal. I’d be perfectly happy to work away diligently behind-the-scenes and never have to self-promote. ;) Do any of you relate? I’m always up for a good challenge, though, and getting to reconnect with you all is the icing on the vegan cake! 
This book would not have been possible without your encouragement, patience, and support throughout the whole process! It also wouldn’t have been possible without my small-but-mighty team made up of Nicole and Eric. They are my rocks, my sanity savers, my reasons for inappropriate fits of laughter, my sounding boards, my reminders to drink more caffeine and breathe, and it goes on. My incredible, diligent group of recipe testers (a special shout out and thank you to Anna, Carin, Tana, Tammy, Laurie, Caroline, Danielle, Vanessa, Lynn, Audrey, Stephanie D., Anne, Kathy, Stephanie S., Andrea, Beth, Katie, Lindsay M., Bridget, Laura, Lindsay V., Erin, Heather, Suzanne, Adrienne, Stephanie M., Carolina, Kirsten, Lori, Marina, and Kristen) have tested, and tested, and tested these recipes right alongside me and shared the most helpful feedback. And last but not least, I have so much gratitude for the amazing teams at Penguin Random House Canada and Avery! 
I held this book in my hands for the first time last week! I can’t even tell you how fast my heart was a-thumpin’ when I opened the box! It is always slightly terrifying and thrilling to open one of my books for the first time, and it really never gets any easier to send my heart and soul’s work off into the world. But I am so darn proud of this book. It’s my very first hardcover book, too!
About this book
Oh She Glows for Dinner is a reflection of what you, my dear readers, have asked me for the most over the years—more plant-based, crowd-pleasing dinner recipes! 
Dinner is something I think most of us have struggled with (I know I sure have!), and when you throw “plant-based” into the mix it can be even trickier to figure out. If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders over what to make for a vegan meal and resorted to toast or a bowl of cereal, you certainly aren’t alone. I knew I had to create this cookbook to help answer the ever-burning “what’s for [plant-based] dinner?” question. As an added benefit, the recipes in this book also make incredible (and often portable) lunches! You’ll also find the perfect, satisfying sides to add to your dish, meal-worthy salads for every season, hearty & healing soups and stews, and a bounty of flavour-poppin’ sauces, dressings, parmesans, and pestos that you can make to change up the flavour profile (or simply punch up your dish even more). And I threw in a delicious dessert/drink chapter, of course, because it wouldn’t be an Oh She Glows cookbook without some sweet, healthified treats! ;)
What you’ll find inside:
Dietary and Cooking Labels
Each recipe indicates whether it is nut-free, gluten-free, soy-free, grain-free and/or oil-free, raw/no bake or one pot. Out of 106 vegan recipes in this cookbook, 101 are gluten-free or have a gluten-free option, 90 are nut-free or have a nut-free option, and nearly all are soy-free. I also share whether the recipe is kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, and/or if any advance prep is needed. My “on the glow” label tells you whether the recipe is portable. My goal was to pack in as much helpful info as I could for you (dare I say this is my most informative book yet?)…you know me, go big or go home…lol.
Storage and Reheating Instructions
Almost all of the recipes in this cookbook also include specific storage and reheating instructions, customized to each recipe. My recipe testers and I spent so much time testing the recipes to take the guesswork out of them for you!
Active Time and Total Time
Each recipe tells you how much active time and total time will be required. Active time is the time you are actively preparing food in the kitchen. Total time reflects how long the recipe takes from start to finish. If applicable, we also share Soak time and/or Chill time.
Full-page colour photographs 
I am so excited to share that I did the food photography and food styling for the recipes in this book – there are more than 100 of my photographs inside! 
Glow Getter Meal Plans 
This book includes 4 meal prep plans! Each time-saving plan provides step-by-step instructions, so you can prep or fully make 3 dinner recipes in just 60 to 90 minutes. I knew it was important to create plans that would actually work for a busy lifestyle. I’ve tried plans in the past that take 2.5 to 3 hours each week, and they just didn’t fit into my life. These plans don’t take long (60 to 90 minutes at a brisk pace) and they set you up with a few hearty meals each week!
Menus To Get Your Glow On
I also share my tried-and-true menus for special occasions or themed nights, such as Girls’ Night, Mother’s Day, Game Night, The Oh She Glows Cookbook Club Night, and more. If you have ever struggled with how to combine recipes for special meals, I really hope this will give you the inspo you need to simplify your planning. Don’t forget to check out our bonus bundle below as it includes 4 designed printable menus which correspond to menus found in the book!
Helpful Recipe Lists
My Helpful Recipe Lists index at the back of the book provides at-a-glance searching of recipes by allergy label or preference, so you can find all the gluten-free recipes grouped together in one spot, or all the kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, nut-free, one pot, and on the glow recipes. 
My Pantry Staples, Kitchen Tools and Appliances
I’ve included a condensed list of the essential pantry items I keep on hand along with my favourite tools and appliances. If I have a preferred brand, I share those names with you, so you know exactly what I use in my own kitchen.
The Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is here! 
The response to my pre-order bonus bundles for my previous two cookbooks was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to raise the bar and add in some exciting and unique new bonus features. This Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is definitely my favourite, most cheerful and creative pre-order bundle yet. All the *heart eye* emojis for this one. I had so much fun collaborating with local artist, Kayla Whitney, to create an adorable, custom Oh She Glows “Glow” downloadable art print for you to print and hang on your walls! This is my very first custom Oh She Glows print and it looks so bright and cheery on the wall. If you end up hanging the print in your house, we’d LOVE to see it! Simply tag it with #ohsheglowsfordinner on social media.
In addition to the “Glow” art print, you’ll receive 4 artfully designed Oh She Glows for Dinner menus to download and adorn your dinner table on special occasions. Super-handy Glow Getter Meal Plan printables from the new book will make prepping the plans even easier when your book arrives. It’s so convenient to print the meal plans and place them on your counter so you can cross things off as you work through the plan. Lastly, I couldn’t make you wait until October to get cooking, so I’ve included 4 advance recipes in this bundle—a few of my summer-friendly ones that we’ve been enjoying during this hot season! 
If you pre-order Oh She Glows for Dinner, keep your receipt handy and follow this link to get your free bonus bundle PDF! 
Pre-order now at the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble (signed copy)
The Book Depository 
Apple Books
  Please note: We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our affiliate links above. Thank you so much for your support!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!! 
With love and gratitude,
Angela xo
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© copyright 2020 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
bestnaturalsecrets · 4 years
Hi everyone! I hope that summer is treating you well so far, and you’re staying in good health and good spirits during what has been a heartbreaking year. How are you and your families doing right now? 
At long last, I have some fun news to share with you today! This cookbook reveal was supposed to go out to you in May, then in June, and then in early July, but with everything going on in the world it just didn’t feel right, so I delayed it multiple times. I’m not sure it feels right even now, but I’ve had a lot of questions about the new book’s listing on various retailers online, so I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. I’m holding onto the hope that this news will bring a smile to your face and a bit of cheer. :)
If you haven’t guessed already, my new cookbook, Oh She Glows for Dinner: Nourishing Plant-Based Meals To Keep You Glowing, is finally complete and it comes out in a couple of short months! It’s been a wild ride to cross the finish line (never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be wrapping up a cookbook during a pandemic and lockdown), but after 3 years of working away on this project, I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know all the juicy (pun intended) deets about this new book. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have seen the sneak peek pop into your inbox yesterday! 
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from earlier this year when I was going over the book design!
Shifting from “behind-the-scenes” mode to “in-the-spotlight” mode doesn’t come easily for me (I’m much more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal!), so this “launching into the world” part of the creation process is a big challenge for me on a personal level, and oh boy, the nerves I have right now are unreal. I’d be perfectly happy to work away diligently behind-the-scenes and never have to self-promote. ;) Do any of you relate? I’m always up for a good challenge, though, and getting to reconnect with you all is the icing on the vegan cake! 
This book would not have been possible without your encouragement, patience, and support throughout the whole process! It also wouldn’t have been possible without my small-but-mighty team made up of Nicole and Eric. They are my rocks, my sanity savers, my reasons for inappropriate fits of laughter, my sounding boards, my reminders to drink more caffeine and breathe, and it goes on. My incredible, diligent group of recipe testers (a special shout out and thank you to Anna, Carin, Tana, Tammy, Laurie, Caroline, Danielle, Vanessa, Lynn, Audrey, Stephanie D., Anne, Kathy, Stephanie S., Andrea, Beth, Katie, Lindsay M., Bridget, Laura, Lindsay V., Erin, Heather, Suzanne, Adrienne, Stephanie M., Carolina, Kirsten, Lori, Marina, and Kristen) have tested, and tested, and tested these recipes right alongside me and shared the most helpful feedback. And last but not least, I have so much gratitude for the amazing teams at Penguin Random House Canada and Avery! 
I held this book in my hands for the first time last week! I can’t even tell you how fast my heart was a-thumpin’ when I opened the box! It is always slightly terrifying and thrilling to open one of my books for the first time, and it really never gets any easier to send my heart and soul’s work off into the world. But I am so darn proud of this book. It’s my very first hardcover book, too!
About this book
Oh She Glows for Dinner is a reflection of what you, my dear readers, have asked me for the most over the years—more plant-based, crowd-pleasing dinner recipes! 
Dinner is something I think most of us have struggled with (I know I sure have!), and when you throw “plant-based” into the mix it can be even trickier to figure out. If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders over what to make for a vegan meal and resorted to toast or a bowl of cereal, you certainly aren’t alone. I knew I had to create this cookbook to help answer the ever-burning “what’s for [plant-based] dinner?” question. As an added benefit, the recipes in this book also make incredible (and often portable) lunches! You’ll also find the perfect, satisfying sides to add to your dish, meal-worthy salads for every season, hearty & healing soups and stews, and a bounty of flavour-poppin’ sauces, dressings, parmesans, and pestos that you can make to change up the flavour profile (or simply punch up your dish even more). And I threw in a delicious dessert/drink chapter, of course, because it wouldn’t be an Oh She Glows cookbook without some sweet, healthified treats! ;)
What you’ll find inside:
Dietary and Cooking Labels
Each recipe indicates whether it is nut-free, gluten-free, soy-free, grain-free and/or oil-free, raw/no bake or one pot. Out of 106 vegan recipes in this cookbook, 101 are gluten-free or have a gluten-free option, 90 are nut-free or have a nut-free option, and nearly all are soy-free. I also share whether the recipe is kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, and/or if any advance prep is needed. My “on the glow” label tells you whether the recipe is portable. My goal was to pack in as much helpful info as I could for you (dare I say this is my most informative book yet?)…you know me, go big or go home…lol.
Storage and Reheating Instructions
Almost all of the recipes in this cookbook also include specific storage and reheating instructions, customized to each recipe. My recipe testers and I spent so much time testing the recipes to take the guesswork out of them for you!
Active Time and Total Time
Each recipe tells you how much active time and total time will be required. Active time is the time you are actively preparing food in the kitchen. Total time reflects how long the recipe takes from start to finish. If applicable, we also share Soak time and/or Chill time.
Full-page colour photographs 
I am so excited to share that I did the food photography and food styling for the recipes in this book – there are more than 100 of my photographs inside! 
Glow Getter Meal Plans 
This book includes 4 meal prep plans! Each time-saving plan provides step-by-step instructions, so you can prep or fully make 3 dinner recipes in just 60 to 90 minutes. I knew it was important to create plans that would actually work for a busy lifestyle. I’ve tried plans in the past that take 2.5 to 3 hours each week, and they just didn’t fit into my life. These plans don’t take long (60 to 90 minutes at a brisk pace) and they set you up with a few hearty meals each week!
Menus To Get Your Glow On
I also share my tried-and-true menus for special occasions or themed nights, such as Girls’ Night, Mother’s Day, Game Night, The Oh She Glows Cookbook Club Night, and more. If you have ever struggled with how to combine recipes for special meals, I really hope this will give you the inspo you need to simplify your planning. Don’t forget to check out our bonus bundle below as it includes 4 designed printable menus which correspond to menus found in the book!
Helpful Recipe Lists
My Helpful Recipe Lists index at the back of the book provides at-a-glance searching of recipes by allergy label or preference, so you can find all the gluten-free recipes grouped together in one spot, or all the kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, nut-free, one pot, and on the glow recipes. 
My Pantry Staples, Kitchen Tools and Appliances
I’ve included a condensed list of the essential pantry items I keep on hand along with my favourite tools and appliances. If I have a preferred brand, I share those names with you, so you know exactly what I use in my own kitchen.
The Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is here! 
The response to my pre-order bonus bundles for my previous two cookbooks was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to raise the bar and add in some exciting and unique new bonus features. This Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is definitely my favourite, most cheerful and creative pre-order bundle yet. All the *heart eye* emojis for this one. I had so much fun collaborating with local artist, Kayla Whitney, to create an adorable, custom Oh She Glows “Glow” downloadable art print for you to print and hang on your walls! This is my very first custom Oh She Glows print and it looks so bright and cheery on the wall. If you end up hanging the print in your house, we’d LOVE to see it! Simply tag it with #ohsheglowsfordinner on social media.
In addition to the “Glow” art print, you’ll receive 4 artfully designed Oh She Glows for Dinner menus to download and adorn your dinner table on special occasions. Super-handy Glow Getter Meal Plan printables from the new book will make prepping the plans even easier when your book arrives. It’s so convenient to print the meal plans and place them on your counter so you can cross things off as you work through the plan. Lastly, I couldn’t make you wait until October to get cooking, so I’ve included 4 advance recipes in this bundle—a few of my summer-friendly ones that we’ve been enjoying during this hot season! 
If you pre-order Oh She Glows for Dinner, keep your receipt handy and follow this link to get your free bonus bundle PDF! 
Pre-order now at the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble (signed copy)
The Book Depository 
Apple Books
  Please note: We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our affiliate links above. Thank you so much for your support!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!! 
With love and gratitude,
Angela xo
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© copyright 2020 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
via Oh She Glows
0 notes
susantregre · 4 years
Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle!
Hi everyone! I hope that summer is treating you well so far, and you’re staying in good health and good spirits during what has been a heartbreaking year. How are you and your families doing right now? 
At long last, I have some fun news to share with you today! This cookbook reveal was supposed to go out to you in May, then in June, and then in early July, but with everything going on in the world it just didn’t feel right, so I delayed it multiple times. I’m not sure it feels right even now, but I’ve had a lot of questions about the new book’s listing on various retailers online, so I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. I’m holding onto the hope that this news will bring a smile to your face and a bit of cheer. :)
If you haven’t guessed already, my new cookbook, Oh She Glows for Dinner: Nourishing Plant-Based Meals To Keep You Glowing, is finally complete and it comes out in a couple of short months! It’s been a wild ride to cross the finish line (never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be wrapping up a cookbook during a pandemic and lockdown), but after 3 years of working away on this project, I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know all the juicy (pun intended) deets about this new book. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have seen the sneak peek pop into your inbox yesterday! 
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from earlier this year when I was going over the book design!
Shifting from “behind-the-scenes” mode to “in-the-spotlight” mode doesn’t come easily for me (I’m much more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal!), so this “launching into the world” part of the creation process is a big challenge for me on a personal level, and oh boy, the nerves I have right now are unreal. I’d be perfectly happy to work away diligently behind-the-scenes and never have to self-promote. ;) Do any of you relate? I’m always up for a good challenge, though, and getting to reconnect with you all is the icing on the vegan cake! 
This book would not have been possible without your encouragement, patience, and support throughout the whole process! It also wouldn’t have been possible without my small-but-mighty team made up of Nicole and Eric. They are my rocks, my sanity savers, my reasons for inappropriate fits of laughter, my sounding boards, my reminders to drink more caffeine and breathe, and it goes on. My incredible, diligent group of recipe testers (a special shout out and thank you to Anna, Carin, Tana, Tammy, Laurie, Caroline, Danielle, Vanessa, Lynn, Audrey, Stephanie D., Anne, Kathy, Stephanie S., Andrea, Beth, Katie, Lindsay M., Bridget, Laura, Lindsay V., Erin, Heather, Suzanne, Adrienne, Stephanie M., Carolina, Kirsten, Lori, Marina, and Kristen) have tested, and tested, and tested these recipes right alongside me and shared the most helpful feedback. And last but not least, I have so much gratitude for the amazing teams at Penguin Random House Canada and Avery! 
I held this book in my hands for the first time last week! I can’t even tell you how fast my heart was a-thumpin’ when I opened the box! It is always slightly terrifying and thrilling to open one of my books for the first time, and it really never gets any easier to send my heart and soul’s work off into the world. But I am so darn proud of this book. It’s my very first hardcover book, too!
About this book
Oh She Glows for Dinner is a reflection of what you, my dear readers, have asked me for the most over the years—more plant-based, crowd-pleasing dinner recipes! 
Dinner is something I think most of us have struggled with (I know I sure have!), and when you throw “plant-based” into the mix it can be even trickier to figure out. If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders over what to make for a vegan meal and resorted to toast or a bowl of cereal, you certainly aren’t alone. I knew I had to create this cookbook to help answer the ever-burning “what’s for [plant-based] dinner?” question. As an added benefit, the recipes in this book also make incredible (and often portable) lunches! You’ll also find the perfect, satisfying sides to add to your dish, meal-worthy salads for every season, hearty & healing soups and stews, and a bounty of flavour-poppin’ sauces, dressings, parmesans, and pestos that you can make to change up the flavour profile (or simply punch up your dish even more). And I threw in a delicious dessert/drink chapter, of course, because it wouldn’t be an Oh She Glows cookbook without some sweet, healthified treats! ;)
What you’ll find inside:
Dietary and Cooking Labels
Each recipe indicates whether it is nut-free, gluten-free, soy-free, grain-free and/or oil-free, raw/no bake or one pot. Out of 106 vegan recipes in this cookbook, 101 are gluten-free or have a gluten-free option, 90 are nut-free or have a nut-free option, and nearly all are soy-free. I also share whether the recipe is kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, and/or if any advance prep is needed. My “on the glow” label tells you whether the recipe is portable. My goal was to pack in as much helpful info as I could for you (dare I say this is my most informative book yet?)…you know me, go big or go home…lol.
Storage and Reheating Instructions
Almost all of the recipes in this cookbook also include specific storage and reheating instructions, customized to each recipe. My recipe testers and I spent so much time testing the recipes to take the guesswork out of them for you!
Active Time and Total Time
Each recipe tells you how much active time and total time will be required. Active time is the time you are actively preparing food in the kitchen. Total time reflects how long the recipe takes from start to finish. If applicable, we also share Soak time and/or Chill time.
Full-page colour photographs 
I am so excited to share that I did the food photography and food styling for the recipes in this book – there are more than 100 of my photographs inside! 
Glow Getter Meal Plans 
This book includes 4 meal prep plans! Each time-saving plan provides step-by-step instructions, so you can prep or fully make 3 dinner recipes in just 60 to 90 minutes. I knew it was important to create plans that would actually work for a busy lifestyle. I’ve tried plans in the past that take 2.5 to 3 hours each week, and they just didn’t fit into my life. These plans don’t take long (60 to 90 minutes at a brisk pace) and they set you up with a few hearty meals each week!
Menus To Get Your Glow On
I also share my tried-and-true menus for special occasions or themed nights, such as Girls’ Night, Mother’s Day, Game Night, The Oh She Glows Cookbook Club Night, and more. If you have ever struggled with how to combine recipes for special meals, I really hope this will give you the inspo you need to simplify your planning. Don’t forget to check out our bonus bundle below as it includes 4 designed printable menus which correspond to menus found in the book!
Helpful Recipe Lists
My Helpful Recipe Lists index at the back of the book provides at-a-glance searching of recipes by allergy label or preference, so you can find all the gluten-free recipes grouped together in one spot, or all the kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, nut-free, one pot, and on the glow recipes. 
My Pantry Staples, Kitchen Tools and Appliances
I’ve included a condensed list of the essential pantry items I keep on hand along with my favourite tools and appliances. If I have a preferred brand, I share those names with you, so you know exactly what I use in my own kitchen.
The Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is here! 
The response to my pre-order bonus bundles for my previous two cookbooks was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to raise the bar and add in some exciting and unique new bonus features. This Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is definitely my favourite, most cheerful and creative pre-order bundle yet. All the *heart eye* emojis for this one. I had so much fun collaborating with local artist, Kayla Whitney, to create an adorable, custom Oh She Glows “Glow” downloadable art print for you to print and hang on your walls! This is my very first custom Oh She Glows print and it looks so bright and cheery on the wall. If you end up hanging the print in your house, we’d LOVE to see it! Simply tag it with #ohsheglowsfordinner on social media.
In addition to the “Glow” art print, you’ll receive 4 artfully designed Oh She Glows for Dinner menus to download and adorn your dinner table on special occasions. Super-handy Glow Getter Meal Plan printables from the new book will make prepping the plans even easier when your book arrives. It’s so convenient to print the meal plans and place them on your counter so you can cross things off as you work through the plan. Lastly, I couldn’t make you wait until October to get cooking, so I’ve included 4 advance recipes in this bundle—a few of my summer-friendly ones that we’ve been enjoying during this hot season! 
If you pre-order Oh She Glows for Dinner, keep your receipt handy and follow this link to get your free bonus bundle PDF! 
Pre-order now at the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble (signed copy)
The Book Depository 
Apple Books
  Please note: We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our affiliate links above. Thank you so much for your support!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!! 
With love and gratitude,
Angela xo
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© copyright 2020 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
from Oh She Glows https://ift.tt/3gbklOP
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kristinsimmons · 4 years
Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle!
Hi everyone! I hope that summer is treating you well so far, and you’re staying in good health and good spirits during what has been a heartbreaking year. How are you and your families doing right now? 
At long last, I have some fun news to share with you today! This cookbook reveal was supposed to go out to you in May, then in June, and then in early July, but with everything going on in the world it just didn’t feel right, so I delayed it multiple times. I’m not sure it feels right even now, but I’ve had a lot of questions about the new book’s listing on various retailers online, so I knew I couldn’t delay any longer. I’m holding onto the hope that this news will bring a smile to your face and a bit of cheer. :)
If you haven’t guessed already, my new cookbook, Oh She Glows for Dinner: Nourishing Plant-Based Meals To Keep You Glowing, is finally complete and it comes out in a couple of short months! It’s been a wild ride to cross the finish line (never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be wrapping up a cookbook during a pandemic and lockdown), but after 3 years of working away on this project, I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know all the juicy (pun intended) deets about this new book. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you may have seen the sneak peek pop into your inbox yesterday! 
Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from earlier this year when I was going over the book design!
Shifting from “behind-the-scenes” mode to “in-the-spotlight” mode doesn’t come easily for me (I’m much more of a behind-the-scenes kinda gal!), so this “launching into the world” part of the creation process is a big challenge for me on a personal level, and oh boy, the nerves I have right now are unreal. I’d be perfectly happy to work away diligently behind-the-scenes and never have to self-promote. ;) Do any of you relate? I’m always up for a good challenge, though, and getting to reconnect with you all is the icing on the vegan cake! 
This book would not have been possible without your encouragement, patience, and support throughout the whole process! It also wouldn’t have been possible without my small-but-mighty team made up of Nicole and Eric. They are my rocks, my sanity savers, my reasons for inappropriate fits of laughter, my sounding boards, my reminders to drink more caffeine and breathe, and it goes on. My incredible, diligent group of recipe testers (a special shout out and thank you to Anna, Carin, Tana, Tammy, Laurie, Caroline, Danielle, Vanessa, Lynn, Audrey, Stephanie D., Anne, Kathy, Stephanie S., Andrea, Beth, Katie, Lindsay M., Bridget, Laura, Lindsay V., Erin, Heather, Suzanne, Adrienne, Stephanie M., Carolina, Kirsten, Lori, Marina, and Kristen) have tested, and tested, and tested these recipes right alongside me and shared the most helpful feedback. And last but not least, I have so much gratitude for the amazing teams at Penguin Random House Canada and Avery! 
I held this book in my hands for the first time last week! I can’t even tell you how fast my heart was a-thumpin’ when I opened the box! It is always slightly terrifying and thrilling to open one of my books for the first time, and it really never gets any easier to send my heart and soul’s work off into the world. But I am so darn proud of this book. It’s my very first hardcover book, too!
About this book
Oh She Glows for Dinner is a reflection of what you, my dear readers, have asked me for the most over the years—more plant-based, crowd-pleasing dinner recipes! 
Dinner is something I think most of us have struggled with (I know I sure have!), and when you throw “plant-based” into the mix it can be even trickier to figure out. If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders over what to make for a vegan meal and resorted to toast or a bowl of cereal, you certainly aren’t alone. I knew I had to create this cookbook to help answer the ever-burning “what’s for [plant-based] dinner?” question. As an added benefit, the recipes in this book also make incredible (and often portable) lunches! You’ll also find the perfect, satisfying sides to add to your dish, meal-worthy salads for every season, hearty & healing soups and stews, and a bounty of flavour-poppin’ sauces, dressings, parmesans, and pestos that you can make to change up the flavour profile (or simply punch up your dish even more). And I threw in a delicious dessert/drink chapter, of course, because it wouldn’t be an Oh She Glows cookbook without some sweet, healthified treats! ;)
What you’ll find inside:
Dietary and Cooking Labels
Each recipe indicates whether it is nut-free, gluten-free, soy-free, grain-free and/or oil-free, raw/no bake or one pot. Out of 106 vegan recipes in this cookbook, 101 are gluten-free or have a gluten-free option, 90 are nut-free or have a nut-free option, and nearly all are soy-free. I also share whether the recipe is kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, and/or if any advance prep is needed. My “on the glow” label tells you whether the recipe is portable. My goal was to pack in as much helpful info as I could for you (dare I say this is my most informative book yet?)…you know me, go big or go home…lol.
Storage and Reheating Instructions
Almost all of the recipes in this cookbook also include specific storage and reheating instructions, customized to each recipe. My recipe testers and I spent so much time testing the recipes to take the guesswork out of them for you!
Active Time and Total Time
Each recipe tells you how much active time and total time will be required. Active time is the time you are actively preparing food in the kitchen. Total time reflects how long the recipe takes from start to finish. If applicable, we also share Soak time and/or Chill time.
Full-page colour photographs 
I am so excited to share that I did the food photography and food styling for the recipes in this book – there are more than 100 of my photographs inside! 
Glow Getter Meal Plans 
This book includes 4 meal prep plans! Each time-saving plan provides step-by-step instructions, so you can prep or fully make 3 dinner recipes in just 60 to 90 minutes. I knew it was important to create plans that would actually work for a busy lifestyle. I’ve tried plans in the past that take 2.5 to 3 hours each week, and they just didn’t fit into my life. These plans don’t take long (60 to 90 minutes at a brisk pace) and they set you up with a few hearty meals each week!
Menus To Get Your Glow On
I also share my tried-and-true menus for special occasions or themed nights, such as Girls’ Night, Mother’s Day, Game Night, The Oh She Glows Cookbook Club Night, and more. If you have ever struggled with how to combine recipes for special meals, I really hope this will give you the inspo you need to simplify your planning. Don’t forget to check out our bonus bundle below as it includes 4 designed printable menus which correspond to menus found in the book!
Helpful Recipe Lists
My Helpful Recipe Lists index at the back of the book provides at-a-glance searching of recipes by allergy label or preference, so you can find all the gluten-free recipes grouped together in one spot, or all the kid-friendly, freezer-friendly, nut-free, one pot, and on the glow recipes. 
My Pantry Staples, Kitchen Tools and Appliances
I’ve included a condensed list of the essential pantry items I keep on hand along with my favourite tools and appliances. If I have a preferred brand, I share those names with you, so you know exactly what I use in my own kitchen.
The Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is here! 
The response to my pre-order bonus bundles for my previous two cookbooks was so enthusiastic, I knew I had to raise the bar and add in some exciting and unique new bonus features. This Oh She Glows for Dinner Bonus Bundle is definitely my favourite, most cheerful and creative pre-order bundle yet. All the *heart eye* emojis for this one. I had so much fun collaborating with local artist, Kayla Whitney, to create an adorable, custom Oh She Glows “Glow” downloadable art print for you to print and hang on your walls! This is my very first custom Oh She Glows print and it looks so bright and cheery on the wall. If you end up hanging the print in your house, we’d LOVE to see it! Simply tag it with #ohsheglowsfordinner on social media.
In addition to the “Glow” art print, you’ll receive 4 artfully designed Oh She Glows for Dinner menus to download and adorn your dinner table on special occasions. Super-handy Glow Getter Meal Plan printables from the new book will make prepping the plans even easier when your book arrives. It’s so convenient to print the meal plans and place them on your counter so you can cross things off as you work through the plan. Lastly, I couldn’t make you wait until October to get cooking, so I’ve included 4 advance recipes in this bundle—a few of my summer-friendly ones that we’ve been enjoying during this hot season! 
If you pre-order Oh She Glows for Dinner, keep your receipt handy and follow this link to get your free bonus bundle PDF! 
Pre-order now at the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble (signed copy)
The Book Depository 
Apple Books
  Please note: We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our affiliate links above. Thank you so much for your support!
I can’t wait to hear what you think!! 
With love and gratitude,
Angela xo
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© copyright 2020 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
Oh She Glows For Dinner + Pre-order Bonus Bundle! published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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