#my phone fell from a high place last night and landed on my lovely four-month-old laptop of a baby
dailyfalsesymmetry · 11 months
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day 52
welcome to our second guest on this blog, my friend @terracottakore!!
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mostlydysfunction · 3 years
From The Stars, Part 9
Summary: Kira moved out of town for isolation and peace and quiet. But that quickly gets turned on its head when a spaceship crash lands not far from her house and a strange creature decides she's its new queen. Luck had never been on Kira's side, but things are going to get a lot worse for her as she's forced into this new role and everything her new alien subject thinks it entails.
Warnings: Lying, shady parents, some hinted at violence at the end.
Authors Note: Again, this has been up on my Ao3 since like February. Link is in my masterlist if you prefer to follow there and get updates sooner. There’s going to be only a couple more parts to this one however, so might not even matter. 
Kira watches the SUV roll down the hill and into the lake. It’s cloudy, the moon and stars covered, bathing the trees in darkness. Kira’s only light is from the flashlight in her hand, aimed at the SUV currently sinking in the lake. She won’t move until it’s gone under completely, not wanting anyone to see what’s happening.
Two months ago if you had told her she would be standing in the woods in the middle of the night sinking a federal agent’s SUV in the lake to cover up their murder by her alien babies, she would have thought you were insane. But now she felt nothing. Her babies needed to eat and it was just unfortunate that the Feds happened to be the first to show up.
Kira waits until the bubbles have stopped before turning, making her way up the hill and back to the road. It’s a bit of a hike back to her house, the air cold enough she can see her breath fog in front of her. Her mind goes to her children and if they’re warm enough in the barn. Her alien hadn’t shown any signs of minding the cold, but her children were obviously different than him, and she can’t help but wonder if they can tell the temperature difference.
She feels a sense of urgency as she gets closer to her house, hating being apart from her family. They were her family now. Her children, their father. She doesn’t understand the relationship between them, she doesn’t even know if it’s biologically possible for her to love an alien. Humans could feel emotions towards animals, inanimate objects. Emotions including love. Who’s to say it’s not possible to feel the same for an alien lifeform she has no communication with who had forcibly impregnated her with his eggs. Maybe it’s only the oxytocin talking, the immediate motherly instinct she had felt over her babies that was drawing her closer to her alien. Or maybe it was because around him, she felt safe.  
Kira opens the door to her barn when she returns to her property, quickly closing it behind her as her babies run up to her. They’re hip-height now, growing faster than she thought possible. All eight of them surround her, bumping her gently with their heads. She smiles down at them, patting them each on their smooth heads. They let out content little cries, warming Kira’s heart. Her alien approaches her, nudging her gently with his own head. She gently strokes its elongated head, leaning against him.
Her eyes drift closed, her brain buzzing with energy. She focuses on it more and finds she can see with her eyes closed. The barn looks distorted like she’s seeing out of a fish-eye lens. The colors are darker, not quite as vibrant with her own eyes, but she can hear every small sound wave bouncing off the walls. She can hear something speaking, not words but a sort of idea in her mind. She can feel her eight babies around her, all of them like strings connected to her mind.
She wants to lose herself in the sensations, bury herself in them, and never come out, but her phone vibrating in her pocket snaps her out of it. She pulls away from her alien, her brain reeling for a moment before she centers herself back on Earth.
“I have to take this. I’ll be back.” She says, backing away from her babies and her alien.
She leaves them in the barn, heading back towards her house. She looks at her phone. She doesn’t want to answer, but she knows she has to.
“Kira? God, I thought something had happened to you! I was going to come and check on you but...you sounded so sick when we talked last and then you weren’t answering.”
Kira feels a pang of guilt in her chest. “I’m sorry, dad. I was on some heavy meds. It was some kind of viral thing. Wiped me out for a few days. I didn’t even think to look at my phone. I’m doing better now though.”
“That’s good. That’s...really good.”
“Do you want to come over? Catch up a little?”
“Yes. That would be great.”
Kira sets the cups of coffee on the kitchen table before taking a seat. Her dad looks old. Older than the last time she saw him. He’s had something on his mind. She can tell by how messy his hair looks. He would always run his fingers through his hair repeatedly when he was thinking hard. Her mother used to joke he’d go bald from doing it one day. Now that she looked at him, Kira can see his hair is thinning. There are dark circles under his eyes and he looks about as bad as she does, but she doesn't think he birthed alien eggs days ago.
“Kira...I’ve had a lot on my mind recently. About you. About this place.”
Kira sips her coffee. It’s scalding but she can’t bring herself to care. She hums in response, letting him continue.
He runs his finger in a circle around the rim of the cup. It’s an old habit. It means bad news. “You’re all alone out here. I shouldn’t have left you out here by yourself. But...your mother...I just couldn’t...”
Kira reaches out, putting a hand over his. It feels strange to her, to touch human skin again. She almost doesn’t like it. “It’s okay. I know.”
Her dad stares into her eyes for a moment, taking her in. “There’s so much she wanted to tell you. She begged me to tell you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t face the truth. I didn’t know how to tell you. I wasn’t sure you’d believe me.”
Kira frowns, her stomach churning. She doesn't like his words. “Dad...what are you talking about?”
He sighs, taking a long drink of his coffee, staring out the back door. “I remember it like it was yesterday. Right out there. Where the roses are. It used to be hydrangeas before...before you arrived.” He runs a hand over his face. “God, I should have told you this years ago Kira...”
“Dad...you’re scaring me.” Kira’s hands are shaking as she sets her coffee cup down.
Her dad turns back to look at her, holding her gaze. “You’re not ours.”
Kira’s body goes cold at his words, a strange feeling running through her. Her whole life she’d been told they were her parents. This was her dad sitting across from her. And now...
“W-What?” She pulls her hands into her lap, squeezing them into fists to stop them from shaking.
“We don’t know where you came from. Well...we sort of knew...” Her dad glances back out at the garden before looking at her again. “Kira...you fell from the sky.”
Kira can’t say anything. None of it was making sense. Her brain was buzzing, churning, his words seeming like a foreign language. Thankfully he doesn’t wait for her to respond.
“It happened almost twenty years ago. It was almost dark. Your mother was outside planting tulips on the other side of the garden. I was making dinner. Grilling, like I used to. Everything was quiet like it gets out here, but then...the sky exploded. Blew the windows out, it was so loud. Came down in a ball of fire right into your mother’s hydrangeas. I thought it was the end of the world for a moment, but then...your mother was always so quick to act. Put the fire out with the garden hose. I thought it was some kind of meteor, but once the flames died, I could see what it was. It was...some sort of space pod. We tried and tried to get it open, see inside. Eventually, we managed to pry it open and inside...You couldn’t have been more than four years old. Teary-eyed and sucking your thumb. You looked so human.”
He runs a hand down his face. Kira can see the tears in his eyes.
“The feds were on us almost immediately. I wanted to turn you over to them, but your mother refused. She knew what would happen to you if we did. So we hid you. Made up some bullshit story. The feds didn’t believe us, but we were insistent.”
Kira’s mind begins to work at high speed. The visits from the feds suddenly didn’t seem so strange anymore.
“You were so human in every way. Almost every way. You never got sick. Kids always got sick but you never did. You could bend metal with your bare hands and you could hear things miles away. Your mother taught you to control it. She was better at that than I was. I made it my job to make you feel as normal as possible. She dealt with all the...strangeness. That’s why when you told me you were sick...I knew something had to be wrong. Something was going on. You’ve never been sick before.”
Kira clenches her fists tighter, taking in her father’s words. She had arrived on Earth in a spaceship? She supposedly had superpowers? He was right in one thing...she had never been sick before. She just thought it was a good immune system. But apparently, it was something else. Something more.
“Kira...please say something.”
“I don’t...” Kira bites her lip, breathing deeply. “You expect me to believe that? That I fell out of the sky in a spaceship and...I’m supposed to be what, Superman?”
“No, it’s...” Her dad sighs, looking down at his coffee. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I wanted your mother to tell you from the beginning but...she thought it would be best...if you thought you were normal...”
Kira stands from the table, unable to sit anymore. “Bullshit. I call bullshit.” She makes her way to the back door, looking out at the roses. The place she supposedly crash-landed on Earth. “You had an affair, didn’t you? I was never my mother’s child and you couldn’t live with that so you made up some bullshit story to hide it! That’s why you couldn’t stay!”
“Kira, you know I would never have...”
“I don’t know anything anymore.” She clenches her fists again, glaring at him. “I don’t know what’s more unbelievable. The story that might be true or that you would spew some bullshit to try and hide something else you did to fuck up.”
“Kira, I loved your mother!” Her father stands from the table, knocking over the chair. “I loved her more than anything. But we couldn’t...” He takes a deep breath. “We tried. We tried so many times. She wanted so badly...but we couldn’t. Then you fell out of the sky like an answer to our prayers.”
Kira feels tears prick behind her eyes. The story is starting to sound not so fake the more she thinks about it. She had an alien hiding in her barn with her babies she had birthed after mating with him. An alien that had crashed to Earth and found her and chosen her. If she was also an alien...it would make her new reality not quite so strange anymore.
“Kira...I’m sorry...”
“I want you to leave.” She says, her voice shaking. She hates it. She turns back to face her dad. “Get out. Go home. Don’t come back here.”
Her father stares at her brokenly for a moment before grabbing his coat and heading towards the door. Kira stays where she is until she hears his car door shut before heading out to the barn. She’s shaking by the time she reaches the door, slipping inside quickly and closing the door.
She takes a few steps into the darkness before dropping to her knees, tears falling down her cheeks. She’s overwhelmed, not knowing what to believe or even what to think. If the story was true, then so much of what had happened made perfect sense. But if her dad was lying to her to cover up something else...either way he had lied to her. He had hidden the truth about her for her entire life. She feels anger bubble up inside her.
Her children are by her side in seconds, snuggling up to her. She reaches out to them, touching them, solidifying herself in reality. She should have died. She had carried eight eggs to term and birthed them. She had lost so much blood...too much blood. But here she was, mostly healthy with no medical help. She had never been sick a day in her life. She had managed to tame an alien simply with her presence. She had seen what he was capable of. He could have killed her instantly that night, but something about her had stopped him.
Maybe she was alien.
Kira is on her feet as soon as the barn door slides open. It hits the other side with a slam, the shadow of her father standing in the doorway. Her heart leaps to her throat, the buzzing of her babies loud in her ears.
“Kira...what the hell?”
“Dad...you should have just gone home.”
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snitches-at-dawn · 3 years
timing’s a bitch || d.m.
definitely not based on my life rn. i am not simping for my bsf no way sir.
anyways, i’m alive. 
muggle!draco x muggle!reader au
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your phone screen lit up next to you.
'u up?' - draco
you grinned, 'who's asking👀', you texted back.
'open the door i'm walking over'
'yeah right you'll take 20 mins to do your hair call me when you're actually here loser' you texted back.
you grew up with draco malfoy and blaise zabini living a lane away from you. you were in the same grade and had parents who got along like a house on fire. you went to the same school and rode on the same bus, only to come home and play together in the evenings.
as childhood rolled around into adolescence, the tree swings which witnessed shared candies saw secrets and stolen swigs of alcohol from your parents stash.
you weren't particularly fond of draco and he wasn't your biggest fan either as kids. you handled each other around blaise because you were his best friends. you sort of just... lived your lives around each other even though you him and blaise were always together. it was odd but neither of you questioned it too much.
slowly though, you both grew. you stopped being an self-righteous know-it-all, he deflated his ego and surprisingly enough the two of you got along like a house on fire. you cracked the same 'that's what she said jokes,' loved each other's music tastes and became inseparable during the last two years of high school.
as you and blaise celebrated that you'd be attending the same university, essentially chucking you in the same city for at least the next four years, draco was on the opposite side of the country. it sucked. especially considering that you liked him. ‘like’ liked him. got-butterflies-in-your-stomach-when-you-thought-about-him-couldn't-dream-of-leaving-him liked him. perfect. you were due to leave for uni in three months when you realised you liked him. timing was great. to make it even better, you had decided to tell him tonight. three days before your flight.
your phone pinged again. 'get the door'- draco
you creaked the door open, trying to not wake your parents as they had just settled in for the night, "shh, mum and dad just went to sleep."
draco deadpanned, "it's midnight."
you shrugged, "they're old."
"you're a bitch."
"you're best friends with a bitch so hah," you rebutted.
he sighed at you and pulled you in for a hug. you breathed in his scent. it was so cliche- to love the person you're attracted to's scent, but his was... god it was intoxicating. your hallway flooded with his cologne scent and you knew you'd be taking a moment to yourself every time you approached the door tomorrow to get another sniff.
“what’re we watching?” he asked softly as you both padded up the stairs to your room.
“i was thinking maybe star wars?”
he stopped on the last stair, “no. no way. we saw it last week.”
“right and we’ll watch it again.”
“just because you simp for kylo ren-”
“how could i not simp for kylo ren?”
you bickered in low voices till the both of you had settled into bed, leaning on each other and started ‘dumb and dumber’ on your laptop for the millionth time. as per usual, you both ended up on your phones, scrolling through tiktok and instagram, showing each other posts.
draco nudged your shoulder, “y/n. i’m hungry.”
nuzzled into his shoulder crook you replied, “go make something then. i’m asleep.”
“no you aren’t. get up.”
“mnghhhhhhh,” you moaned.
“i’ll let you have coffee even though it’s four am,” he crooned.
you glared at him as you got out of bed and pulled on socks, “you can’t just use my coffee addiction to get what you want.”
he threw a wink at you as you both made your way to the kitchen.
“what’re you making?” you hopped up onto the counted and asked.
“well what do you feel like?” he asked, examining the contents of the refrigerator.
“nothing but i’ll eat some of your food if i like it,” you shrugged.
“how about... erm... pancakes?”
you grinned, “perfect.” 
draco knew your kitchen as well as you knew your own, and it worked the same way at his house. he pulled out flour, eggs, sugar, milk and every other ingredient without even stopping to ask you where everything was, as you weaved around him making your coffee.
back onto the counter with crossed legs and sipping your coffee, you watched him deftly pour the batter from the bowl into the pan. he smirked as he noticed your eyes on him, “wanna see a flip?”
“yeah!” you exclaimed, sitting straighter as the pancake flew superbly into the air and landed on the floor to which you snorted, “well done, idiot.”
he frowned, “you do it then if you’re so clever. go on!”
“oh but darling i never said i could,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him.
he shook his head at you with a smile, “piece of shit.”
you winked at him, “you love it.”
“that i do. okay here have a bite,” and he handed you a plate with a pancake.
you bit into the pancake, not caring about cutlery, “oh god that’s horrid.”
“draco these are the shittiest pancakes you’ve ever made.”
“your face is the shittiest pancake i’ve ever seen,” he fired back.
“lame comeback- 2/10.”
“your face is a 2/10, y/n.”
“shuttup, malfoy.”
“you shuttup, y/l/n.”
“no you,” you said.
he clenched his hair with his fists, “i can never win with you! your banter limit is just- you don’t even have a limit! my gods you’re so annoying!”
“no you,” you smirked, “oh come on you walked right into that one!”
he groaned, “i hate you.”
“no you don’t,” you smiled, “alright let’s go finish the movie.”
“nah i’m gonna go home now,” he said, looking at the time on his phone.
you felt your face fall, “why?”
“y/n it’s five in the morning and i have to be up early, plus you have to pack for your-”
“no shuttup. we said we wouldn’t talk about my flight. i don’t want to think about leaving when i still have time.”
he sighed, “you have like, seventy hours before that fucking flight.”
your heart was racing now, “no just stop. you promised you wouldn’t bring it up, draco!”
“y/n why’re you so panicky about leaving? it's a new start- it’s good!”
“no it’s not, draco!”
“because i like you and i don’t want to be five thousand fucking kilometers away from you on the other fucking side of the country,” you half yelled-half whispered, still trying to keep it down so as to not wake your parents.
his hands which were previously gesticulating wildly fell limply to his sides, “what?”
“please don’t make me say it again, it was hard enough the first time,” you blurted as you nervously wrung your hands together, “i know you don’t like me- like you said you don’t like anyone last night at millie's place but i just-”
“i like you too.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Cowboy - Part 2
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Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Warnings: Jung Jaehyun is a cowboy, need I say more? (a bit of angst and drama, and it sometimes might feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks book, so I’m told lol)
Word count: 1708
This series will be updated every Thursday and Friday starting 7th January.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3
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You barely recovered before he walked off, rounding the outside of the building. Scrambling after him, you soon fell into step with the son of the household.
The incredibly attractive Jung son.
“So you’ll be able to put on the power?”
“Sure, I’ll just wind up the generator and in about three hours-”
“Generator?! Hours?!”
He laughed then, the sound making you halt in your tracks in a daze. Glancing back at you, he smirked. “You’re sure easy to fool, Miss City.”
“Well, I was expecting a teen with the way your mother spoke of you, Mr Cowboy.”
“We’re a loving bunch around here,” he answered, walking over to a box on the side of the house and patting it. “All I have to do is flick a switch, and you’ll have power.”
“Thank god.”
“Not willing to rough it even for a night?”
“Rough it?”
He smirked again. “You sure don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“So people keep telling me. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure you will,” he replied, staring back at you for a moment. You raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled, pulling open the box and turning on the main switch. You saw the lights in the house you had flicked on come to life, and you clapped your hands together with glee.
“Are you scared of the dark?”
“Are you always this full of yourself?” you shot back, and he grinned.
“Anything else I need to know about so I can survive the night?”
After shutting the fuse box, he returned to your side, stuffing his hands deep into his jean pockets and leaned towards you. “You sound like high maintenance.”
“Perhaps I am.”
“You’re in for a rude awakening here then.”
“I’m adaptable,” you announced and he laughed. “What, I am!”
“This isn’t something you just get used to, Miss City. You’ll be gone before long.”
“And what will you do if I prove otherwise?” you challenged, and his eyes lit up, glinting with enjoyment.
You had to admit this banter was doing things for you too.
“There’s no point making plans for things that won’t come into fruition.”
“You’re infuriating.”
“I know, but it seems that you’re enjoying it.”
“Fine,” you stated simply, throwing your hands up. “Thank you for turning on the power, Mr Cowboy.”
“Enjoy your night, Miss City.”
You both rounded back to the front of the house, where you went to the veranda, and he approached the truck. You eyed it warily. “Is that thing legal?”
“Don’t try and use too many appliances at once. Houses like these can get overloaded, and it’ll trip the fuse and turn the power off. I’ve got cattle to run tomorrow, so you’ll be without power for some time if you do that.”
You blinked, trying to decipher if he was being serious or not. He shrugged and opened the door to the truck. “R-Really?”
“Take it on as some friendly advice.”
“Ah, is that what it is.” You nodded with a laugh as he climbed into the cab of the vehicle. Dashing down to the driver’s side, you leaned on the open window, and he watched you curiously. “Can you give me some more friendly advice?”
“Don’t open the front door. There might be coyotes howling out in the distance that you’ll have to get used to and by the hay barn, there is an old owl that likes to hoot around three in the morning. You’re welcome.”
“Wait! I was meaning more like if there’s regular mobile data service out here. I’ve got some files to-”
“You’re in the wrong place if you want to be on the internet, Miss City. I’ll give you two days out here before you head on back to your four-gee or whatever the thing is called.”
“You’re getting on my nerves.”
He grinned. “And you’re on my door stopping me from getting home to dessert, ma’am.”
Lifting your arms off, he tipped his cowboy hat at you again and started up the truck. You shook your head as he reversed down the drive before turning the vehicle around.
“Wait! I didn’t even get your real name!” you called out into the night, pouting some.
It didn’t matter. Even if he was the most handsome guy you had seen in months, he was also not your type with how easily he assumed so little of you.
Fishing out your phone, you held it up in search for a stronger signal. Groaning when there was only one bar, you stomped into the house and shut the door behind you.
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When your alarm went off the following morning, you were already wide awake, staring up at the ceiling in sheer frustration. The advice you had received last night had been helpful, but what you needed was earplugs instead. You never knew the wilderness to be so loud.
“How am I going to get enough sleep here until I can order some earplugs?” you questioned to no one in particular, sitting up in the bed. You had to admit, whilst the sounds of the outdoors had kept you up, the bed had been surprisingly comfy.
There had to be some perks for being this far detached from proper civilisation.
“Might as well get up,” you decided, flinging back the blankets and padding across the hall into the quaint bathroom. You hadn’t paid a lot of attention last night to the house, too exhausted from travelling for two days. As you did your morning skincare routine, you used the mirror to look around your space. It had a cozy cottage-core vibe that you had recently seen come up as a trend on Pinterest.
“Natty loves things like this,” you told the home, smiling softly before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
The house was decorated warmly. Although many modern conveniences were missing, you couldn’t help but feel like you were in a home that was cherished.
Someone must have loved this place like that at one point in time, you thought, jumping when the phone went off again.
“Miss L/N, is that you?”
“Ah, yes it is, who am I speaking to?”
“Oh! June told me that someone was staying at the old Jung house so I figured I’d give you a bell and offer you some breakfast down at the diner. You won’t miss it. We’re the first building on Main  Street.”
“That’s so kind of you to offer, but I have all the ingredients for a power green smoothie here-”
“Smoothie? Darling, a drink isn’t going to give you enough energy to get through your day.”
“Aren’t you starting your surveying job of Blayne today? There’s a lot to get through.”
Not really, you thought wickedly and bit your lip in case you said anything out loud. “Ah, right. Well, I’ll come down then.”
“Do come!” And then the line went dead.
“Who was I even speaking to?” you wondered when you placed down the phone, blinking slowly.
You got ready and headed down the bumpy drive and then another fifteen minutes until you reached what the inhabitants of this strange place called Main Street. You had to admit, it was the only area of Blayne were you saw more than two people at once, and it relaxed you to be back around people.
You hadn’t realised just how overcrowded the city was when you found yourself now missing the constant sight of people.
Once you parked your car, you got out and locked it, checking to make sure the door wouldn’t open. You heard a snigger from the sidewalk. “You’re new here.”
“Ah, yes.”
“You don’t need to lock your car here. No one is going to steal it,” the young girl said, eying you curiously. You nodded politely and walked inside the diner, instantly hit with the smell of fried food.
You were hungrier than you expected.
“Miss L/N!” a voice called, and everyone in the establishment turned to look at you.
Smiling politely and rushing over to the front counter, you sat down on a stool. The woman who greeted you smiled graciously. “I’m May.”
“May… June-”
May laughed. “Our parents weren’t all that creative with our names. I’m June’s older sister.”
“Oh! It’s nice to meet you. Please, feel free to call me Y/N.”
“Earl, can you serve up our guest the breakfast special?” May called out without taking her eyes off of you.
You smiled gently before darting your gaze to the menu distractedly. “You have a nice place here. Do you sell soy chai lattes?”
“Soy what?”
“Ah, nothing. Coffee. Coffee will do.”
“Black or white, darling? Any sugar?”
After sorting yourself with caffeine, you then glanced around again. There were about six others in total, and most of them were looking in your direction. Nodding politely at them, you turned back to May.
“I guess you don’t get many visitors.”
“They don’t stay long, no,” she replied, placing a large plate loaded with a fried assortment and pancakes. You eyed the meal. It would be triple the macros for your daily intake. Still, you were hungry.
You picked up your knife and fork. “They don’t?”
“I think the last person stayed a week. That was pretty long.”
“Only a week?” you cut into a hashbrown. “Why did they leave so soon?”
“Unless you’re a farmer or born into farming, you wouldn’t really enjoy being out here. We have only twelve stores. Nothing arrives here quickly, and you have to be pretty self-sufficient to survive. There’s not a lot calling people here.”
“There could be. I mean, you have a lot of land-”
“For farming,” May cut in, and you swallowed down a bit of hashbrown before nodding.
“Yes, but it’s beautiful and picturesque. People who want to escape the daily grind would flock to a place like this if there was an establishment to stay in.”
“Our inn hasn’t had a guest since nineteen-eighty-three. You want to know why?”
“It has a ghost story?” you asked innocently, and May merely smiled haughtily.
“The only people staying in Blayne were born and raised here, Y/N. You’ll soon realise the utopia you and your company are hoping to build out here is a pipe dream.”
Part 3
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[NCT Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
unrequited love - spencer reid
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Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of murder, usual criminal minds stuff tbh Word Count: 2.6k Requested By: anonymous : “can you write a spencer reid fic? something ansgsty maybe..”. 
No one understands why you do certain things even when you know you're never going to get anything back. - Shahul Hussain
The smell of freshly brewed coffee was probably your favourite, especially at ungodly hours of the morning. Closing your eyes for a brief moment you could feel a sort of calm and warmth surround you. The aroma slowly awoke your senses. Your lips touched the brim of the white mug in your hand and you took a slow sip.
“Good morning Y/L/N.” Derek Morgan appeared beside you. You looked up at him from your mug. “I brought you a coffee but I can see you couldn't wait.” He joked holding up a paper cup. “You know me Derek, I’ll take all the caffeine I can get.” You replied grabbing the cup from him. “Especially at four in the morning.” Derek smirked. “Yeah, they have to stop doing that to us.” 
With two coffees in hand, you made your way to the conference room. The rest of the team was already there. You sat at your usual seat, placing the coffees on the table in front of you, and turned your attention to the screen.
“Morning my lovelies.” Penelope began. “I would say good but there is nothing good about it given the case we have been asked to wor-” “Garcia.” Hotch interrupted briefly encouraging her to get to the point. “Right. Yes. No time to waste.” Penelope cleared her throat and fixed her glasses.
“Last night, twenty-five year old Millie Moore didn't return home after her shift at a bar in Riverside, California. Her body was discovered this morning in a dumpster behind her workplace.”
“The killer wanted her to be found.” JJ stated. There was a brief pause before Penelope continued. 
“The kidnapping and murder was linked to four other cases in the state of California spanning over the last month.” The images filled the screen causing you to clench your fists in disgust. 
The small rather insignificant action was observed by the brunette man sitting across from you. Unnoticed by everyone else at the table, Spencer’s eyes focused on your hands before travelling up to your face. He examined the look spread across your features, trying to figure out what was on your mind. 
“He definitely has a type.” Rossi noticed. “Any signs of sexual assault?” Derek questioned. “Yes, actually all of the victims displayed signs of uhm.” Garcia couldn’t bare to finish her sentence. 
“Given the small cooling off period between each victim, we need to assume the unsub has his next target already picked out.” Hotch stated. “Garcia can finish briefing us on the plane. Wheels up in twenty.”
The group nodded at each other and all got up from their seats - all but you. For some reason you couldn't avert your eyes from the gruesome images that filled the screen. 
“Y/N...” Spencer’s soft whisper brought you back to reality. He stood just a few steps away. You titled your head to look at him noticing a concerned look spread on his face. “They look like me Spence. The victims, they all look like me.” 
Spencer cleared his throat. “Humans in fact, aren’t that genetically diverse. So eventually, the numbers would dictate that certain features resembling yours and another persons will randomly combine.” He paused. 
“But that doesn’t mean they are an exact duplicate of you.” He smiled hoping you would smile back. “You’re right, sorry. It’s just a little weird.” “We’ve had weirder.” Spencer said as you got to your feet. The young doctor grabbed one of the coffees for you as you grabbed the other and followed you out to the pit. 
“You know caffeine increases alertness by blocking a brain chemical called adenosine that makes you feel tired, while at the same time triggering the release of adrenalin that’s known to increase energy.” Spencer stated placing the coffee cup he was holding on your desk. 
“If the amount of caffeine is high enough, these effects are stronger, resulting in caffeine-induced anxiety.” You finished the fact for him, slightly rolling your eyes. “Yes Spence, I know. You tell me this every time I have more than one mug in the morning.” The smart doctor shrugged smiling at you. He grabbed his go-bag from underneath his desk and waited for you. 
The friendship you shared with Spencer was an odd one. The two of you were quite close when you were still at the academy. He helped you study for all your tests and was always one to share tips on how to complete certain tasks. 
A couple of years go by without contact. At that point you were a field agent in New York, which is where you reconnected on a case. The spark was instant although neither of you wanted to admit it. This time Spencer stayed in touch. It was clear then that whatever undiscovered feelings he had for you back when you first met resurfaced - but you weren’t ready to explore whether you felt the same.
Next thing you know you were getting a call from Aaron Hotchner with an offer to join the BAU. Something, you later found out, Spencer had fought to get organised. 
It felt like you played with his heart. To an outsider it probably even looked like that - he fell in love with a girl and landed her a dream job in hopes that she would love him back. 
“What if we’re dealing with a disgruntled boyfriend or husband?” JJ posed the question. “He lost someone in his life that resembled the victims.” “Then why kill them?” Derek questioned. 
The team was gathered around a conference table brainstorming. Spencer was the only one not sitting down, not unusual for Dr. Reid. He was pacing around the bullpen talking on the phone, probably with Penelope. 
Your eyes lingered on the back of his head for a moment through the glass window. Something Derek noticed immediately. “Where’s your head at Y/L/N?” You turned your attention to the rest of the team. “What if JJ is right in a way? But rather than a significant other, what if the unsub was rejected by these women or someone who looks like them?” 
Derek nodded his head in understanding. Your eyes scanned the team waiting for anyone sitting at the table to suggest something else. It was Rossi who opened his mouth next however whatever was on his mind was interrupted by Spencer storming into the room.
“Where’s your mind at pretty boy?” Derek questioned leaning back in his chair. “I spoke with Garcia. All of the victims had social media accounts and tagged-” He approached the map pinned to one of the boards. “- three different spots in this location before they were murdered.” With a red pen, Spencer circled one area on the map. 
“The hunting ground.” Rossi stated and everyone else nodded.
“Let’s split up.” Hotch began. “Reid, go with Y/L/N. Derek and Rossi, and JJ you’re with me. I’ll get Garcia to send us the exact addresses, hopefully one of these places will bring us a step closer to catching the unsub.” 
The team got to their feet and one by one left the conference room, leaving you alone with Spencer. “Ready partner?” He asked smiling at you. “Always.” 
It didn't take long to get there, traffic was unusually quiet for California. Plus whenever you’re with Spencer the conversation flow makes the moments pass by quickly - you never run out of things to talk about.
“Looks closed.” You said getting out of the car, shutting the door behind you. “Strange, it’s the middle of the day.” Spencer noted as he walked around the hood. The two of you glanced at each other before moving forward towards the entrance of the coffee shop.
The door wasn't locked so you made your way inside. A small ‘ding’ from the bell above your heads signalised you have entered the premises. An eerie feeling came over you. 
The lights were switched off. The chairs were placed neatly on the tables. Menus were carefully stacked beside the register, sugar bowls placed in a row along the countertop. A wet floor sign was placed in the middle of the room. You walked around it carefully, that’s when you noticed the strong smell. 
“Is that?” You asked looking at Spencer. “It smells like bleach.” The young doctor stated back, his hand travelled to his gun. Slowly, with one hand on your weapon holster, you made your way around the countertop. That’s when you felt someone grab you from behind. A shriek escaped your mouth getting Spencer’s attention. 
The unknown male held your arms behind your back as he led you back towards the middle of the coffee shop - using you as a human shield. He kicked over the yellow sign and stopped. You could feel his hot breath against your skin, it made you sick. “Let her go.” Spencer stated sternly, pointing his gun.
“I’m going to walk out of here.” The male said. “And you’re going to let me.” You watched Spencer shake his head. “I can’t let you do that.” His response wasn't what the man wanted to hear. Frustrated, he drew your weapon from the holster and placed it to your temple causing the air to catch in your throat.
“How about now?” The man sounded angrier. He could sense your fear, just like you could sense Spencer’s. The young doctor met your gaze briefly before looking back at the man holding you. 
“What’s your name?” Spencer asked. The man scoffed. “I’m not telling you shit!” “Tell me your name and maybe we can sort something out.” Spencer said calmly, his gun still pointing in your direction.
There was a brief moment of heavy silence before the man snarled: “You first.”
“My name is Dr. Spencer Reid and the woman you are now holding at gunpoint, that’s Agent Y/N Y/L/N.” You could feel the man shift, as if he was trying to get a better look at you before he turned his attention to Spencer again. “Theo.” He said simply. 
“Nice to meet you Theo. How old are you Theo?” “What’s that got to do with anything?!” 
Your whole body was shaking at this point. 
“O-okay Theo. Tell me this instead, why did you kill all of those women?” “I didn’t hurt anyone!” Theo snapped. “Only a guilty man would hold a federal agent at gunpoint.” Spencer pointed out. “Shut up!” Theo lowered the gun from your temple and pointed it at Spencer. A lone tear escaped the corner of your eye. 
“Why did you kill them Theo?” Spencer asked again. 
“They deserved it.” Theo answered after a brief moment of silence. “They hurt me!” “How did they hurt you Theo?” The man’s grip around you tightened. “They just hurt me!” He screamed. “Now let me go or I swear, she’s next!” The gun was back at your temple. 
Spencer met your scared gaze. The look in his eye was almost as if to say everything was going to be okay, that he was going to get you out of this. You tried to smile. You even mouthed “It’s okay.” at which Spencer’s jaw locked - he wasn’t going to lose you, not like this. 
“Those women hurt you Theo? I know exactly what that feels like.” Spencer said calmly. “Being hurt by someone you love.” You could feel Theo nod against your head. His grip loosened slightly.  
“Do you know what unrequited love is Theo?” Spencer asked and without waiting for a response continued. “It’s love not reciprocated or returned. It’s when you love someone and they don't love you back, they don't acknowledge your love.” Spencer stated. At this point you were crying. Lone droplets escaped your eyes and traced down your cheeks. 
“That’s how those women made you feel, right? As if you weren’t worthy to love them.” Spencer said. You could feel the hurt in his voice.
“They didn't see me.” Theo said, his voice shaky. “They didn't care!” He exclaimed taking a step forward. In doing so, his grip around you loosened completely and you were able to turn around while grabbing his arm that was holding the gun.
Theo kneed you in the stomach causing you to fall back a little. When you looked up he had the gun pointed at you. 
“If you shoot her, I shoot you.” Spencer said sternly, his weapon once again drawn and pointed at the unsub. Theo scoffed. “She's the one that hurt you, isn't she?” Spencer didn't respond. “I figure I’d be doing you a favour then.” 
The sound of the gun being cocked caused your heart to stop. Yet Spencer was quicker. He fired one shot, hitting Theo in the shoulder. This enabled you to overpower the unsub and disarm him.
“Call for backup.” The young doctor said kneeling down beside you. “Spence-” “Call for backup.” He repeated without looking at you. Without saying another word, that’s exactly what you did. 
The sound of silence filled the plane. Everyone was exhausted to say the least, and catching up on necessary sleep. Yet every time you closed your eyes you felt uncomfortable. Spencer’s words from the coffeeshop kept ringing in your ears, the broken look on his face overwhelmed your brain. 
Slowly, you got to your feet and walked down the jet. The young doctor was sitting alone at the back of the aircraft, head buried in a book. 
“Hey.” You whispered loud enough to get his attention. His head popped up, his eyes met yours. “Hi.” 
“Mind if I sit down?” You asked politely pointing to the empty seat. “Not at all. Make yourself comfortable.” He placed the book down as you made yourself comfortable. 
“Can’t sleep?” “I could ask you the same thing.” Spencer replied. “Well, having a gun pointed to your head isn’t exactly dreaming material.” You breathed with a soft smile. Spencer nodded his head.
There was a brief moment of silence.
“I wanted to thank you.” You said. “For saving my life.” “I was just doing my job.” Spencer replied. “Right.” You sighed and leaned your head back on the chair, breaking eye contact.
“Y/N-” “I’m sorry Spencer.” You interrupted. Confused, the young doctor asked: “Why are you apologising?” “For hurting you.” Slowly, you tilted your head to once again look at the brown haired man. His head was down, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.
“I’m sorry for making you feel as if you weren't worthy.” “I just said that to get the unsub’s attention. I said that so he would let you go.” “We both know that's not true Spencer.” 
The young doctor sighed. “I don't know what you want me to say Y/N.” He whispered while turning his head in your direction. “You don't need to say anything.” 
Spencer lifted his hand and slowly using one finger placed a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he did. A shiver ran down your spine at the touch. 
“I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.” Spencer said, his hand now holding your face. “However, you made it obvious you don’t feel that way about me so I’ve done my best to just be your friend.” He sighed. “Y/N it’s getting really hard to just be your friend.”
He let his hand fall before shifting his body weight away from you. He leaned his head against the aircraft and looked out the window. 
Tears formed in your eyes. “Spence.” You whispered but he didn't respond. Instead, the young doctor closed his eyes.
You knew better than to keep pushing. With your fingers, you wiped the tears from your face and made yourself comfortable before also closing your eyes. 
Hoping you’d drift asleep quickly your mind wondered. Tomorrow, you would talk to him again tomorrow and everything would be just fine. Right?
Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command. - Alan Watts
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 13: On Your Left
Summary: Steve and Katie meet a new friend whilst out jogging, and Steve is sent on a mission to rescue a ship- the Lemurian Star…but it fast becomes apparent that not everyone on his team is pulling in the same direction.
Paring: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW, 18+)
A/N: We jump forward a couple of months here and slip straight into the Winter Soldier storyline. Credit to @angrybirdcr​ for another lovely edit, and this re-post contains additional materiel- I’ve written the mission out instead of merely skipping over it.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 12 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 End of March/Beginning of April 2014
“Turn it off,” Katie’s voice was muffled from the pillow she had buried her face into as the alarm rang around the dark bedroom. Steve moved slightly to turn it off, but he wasn’t fast enough for his Girlfriend’s liking. “Steve!”
With a huff he leaned over and slapped the offending item with his palm, hitting the snooze button.
“Why is it even set?” She grumbled “It’s not like you don’t normally wake up at the crack of dawn anyway…and who uses an alarm clock when they have a phone?”
“You know, no one makes you stay here.” Steve teased, with a chuckle moving so that his front was pressed to her back.
“You’ve been away for five days, I never sleep as well when you’re not here.” She mimicked his line from the night before in a baby voice.
“And that’s why the alarm is set, because I do sleep better with you.” His arms circled her waist and he grinned to himself as despite the fact she was grumpy and tired she melted into his arms as he nuzzled at her neck, revelling in her smell, her warmth.
“Jerk.” She grumbled. “I mean what time is it anyway?” There was a pause as he continued to simply breathe her in and she glanced at her phone giving a scoff as she saw the ridiculous time on the screen “5:30? In the morning. Five. Thirty…”
“You said you wanted to go running.” He murmured, his eyes still closed.
“No, you said you were going running and I said I might tag along because I’ve eaten nothing but shit whilst I’ve been in New York, which, by the way is your fault…”
“My fault?” Steve laughed, cracking an eye open “I wasn’t even there.”
“Exactly” she muttered “No one to stop me.” “I wouldn’t stop you anyway. You’re a big girl, you make your own decisions…” “Big girl? You calling me fat?” she teased as she rolled onto her back and turned her head to face his, just about making out his features in the dark room. He rolled his eyes, God she was a pain in the ass at times.
“Yeah, you’re huge.” he deadpanned, his hand travelling over her flat stomach and coming to rest on her hip. “Enormous.”
“Ok, well now that we’ve established I need to run, you know on account of me being a hippo, that still doesn’t answer the question why we have to go so damned early anyway. It’s not like we have to be anywhere…” “It’s less crowded.” he shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s because it’s a ridiculous time.”
“Stop being a fucking brat!” Steve laughed and she huffed out breath again.
“I’m not being a brat, it’s just a stupid time to be getting up.”
“I love how full of sunshine and happiness you are in the morning.” Steve muttered as he dropped his head so his lips could gently trail a few lazy kisses down her neck before landing at her collarbone and giving a quick nip, his hand tightening on her hip.
She sighed, her body already starting to respond to his touch, the way it always did, betraying her. 
Damned him and his fucking bastard sex appeal.
“Okay, if you want to actually get up now…” She muttered, as his mouth travelled back up and she rolled her head back to give him access to the spot on her neck that drove her wild every time he found it.  “I suggest you stop.” “I hit the snooze button.” he muttered, lips brushing her ear as he spoke. “We got about eight minutes left.”
“Eight minutes? You have a very high opinion of yourself.” Katie replied, tilting her head so she was looking at him, smirking.
Steve said nothing, just cocked a single, mischievous brow at her before his lips met hers, his hand running down from hip to thigh then across, parting her legs slightly. They were still naked from the night before, clothes strewn all over the apartment after he’d been so desperate to get his hands on her.
She moaned gently into his mouth as he slowly sank two fingers into her and her hips instantly bucked upwards, drawing a grin from his mouth. 
“Easy, Baby.” He whispered, his mouth returning to her neck.
Four minutes later she lay beneath him, a quivering wreck and he was right behind her, two shallow thrusts later as he tumbled over that edge with a low groan, eyes fluttering shut as he fell forward onto her. He smirked into her neck when she had finally regained her senses enough to quip that he’d beaten his best time by a full sixty seconds. And sixty seemed to be the flavour of the day as it was almost another sixty minutes before they got to his favoured running spot, the National Mal thanks to the fact it had taken Katie half an hour minutes to locate her running shoes which she’d eventually found in her car.  Steve had seized the opportunity, as always to lament her for the fact she was messy. 
“I’m not messy.” She scoffed indignantly as they walked the seven blocks. “I’m just not as OCD about everything being in its right place, all the time, like a neat-freak Soldier”
The good natured jibing had continued until they reached their destination and walked through the park to the reflecting pool
“How many laps did you do last time?” Katie asked, as Steve stretched his arms upwards, cracking his back.
“Six.” he said.
She looked at him, frowning. “That’s like what? Twenty miles?”
“Nearer twenty-two.” He grinned.  “You want me to keep your pace?”
She laughed “No way, you’ll just bitch at me for being slow.”
“I do not bitch…” “You bitch like a 14 year old girl.” Katie lamented, gently shoving him in his back. “Now go, go on!”
He smiled again, jogging backwards for a second before he set off at a rate of knots. Exercise always made him feel good. Running, boxing, sparring…fucking. Pushing away the dirty thoughts that had arisen to the forefront of his mind, he was quick to find a comfortable pace, his trainer clad feet slapping the concrete.
It didn’t take Katie long to find her rhythm either. Despite not being with SHIELD anymore she had kept her fitness training up, sparring three times a week with either Natasha or Steve in the local gym. She was technically still an Avenger after all, Tony having now fashioned her another Supernova suit which was basically a version of his latest Iron Man suit but in Silver and Blue, the Nova shaped star sported in the chest where the mini arc reactor powered it. She’d given it a trial run whilst she had been back in New York and was just as impressed with it now as she had been with the prototype he had blown up.
Her feet gently slapped the ground as she ran, the sun was rising on the last day of March and it was promising to be a sunny, bright spring morning.
"Hi.” A voice greeted her as another jogger she hadn’t seen before caught up with her and fell into step with her.
“Nice day for it!”  Katie smiled.
“You normally run this early?” He asked “Haven’t seen you around before.”
“That’s because I don’t normally run here!” She smiled “But I just spent 5 days in New York eating crap so…!”
He laughed and held out his hand. “Sam Wilson.”
She took it and gave it a shake. “Katie Stark.”
“Well I’ll be damned!” Sam grinned “I didn’t recognise you. Nice to meet you.”
“You too.”
As Steve was about to lap Katie for the first time he noticed she was running with another jogger, a black man wearing a grey sweater with short, cropped hair. At one time this would have sparked the green eyed monster in his chest, but not now. Not only did he know she wouldn’t stand for it, but he knew she was just sociable in general. She would talk to anyone given the chance and moreover, she was his girl, he knew that. As he approached them he breathed out an “On your left.” as a warning as he sped past into his second lap.
Sam frowned, looking round and Katie smirked, trying not to laugh at the look on his face as Steve’s frame whizzed off into the distance.
“I never tire of looking at these.” She commented a short while later as they rounded the monument.
Again the sound of heavy footsteps came. “On your left.”
“On your left.”
“Uh-huh. On my left. I got it.” Sam called after him as he entered his fifth lap.
Katie didn’t even try to stop herself this time and she laughed at the slight look of frustration on Sam’s face.
Not long after they were making a lap around the pool at the base of the memorial. Sam gritted his teeth at the wholly unwelcomed sound of footsteps behind him once again, he looked over his shoulder “Don’t say it. Don’t you say it!”
“On your left.”
“Come on!” Sam shouted and Steve allowed an amused smile to spread across his face.
Sam tried his hardest to pick up his speed to match that of Steve’s but failed miserably after only a few moments, now completely gassed out.
“Are you alright?” Katie asked laughing as she approached his hunched over figure, catching her own breath.
“Oh, here he comes…Superman himself…” Sam said gesturing to where Steve was now walking towards them, hands on his hips. He paused at his girl’s side and looked down at Sam.
“Need a medic?” he teased.
“I need a new set of lungs.” Sam chuckled breathlessly. “Dude, you just ran like thirteen miles in thirty minutes.”
“Guess I got a late start.” He shrugged, shooting Katie a pointed look. She responded with her best innocent stare, batting her eyelids at him. Rolling his eyes, he turned his attention back to the stranger who began to talk again.
“You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap.” He scolded jokingly. “Did you just take it? I assume you just took it.”
Steve smiled, he couldn’t help but like this man. As he looked at him, he noticed the military symbol on his grey sweater.
“What unit were you with?” Steve asked changing the subject and motioning to the man’s shirt.
“Fifty-eighth, Para-rescue. But now I’m working down at the VA. Sam Wilson.” He said motioning for help up.
“Steve Rogers.” Steve held out his hand and pulled Sam to his feet.
“I kind of put that together.” Sam said as he tried to catch his balance. “Must have freaked you out, coming round after the whole defrosting thing.”
“It takes some getting used to. But I’ve had help.” He smiled, looking at Katie who grinned back. “Good to meet you Sam.”
“Yeah, bye Sam!” Katie smiled as Steve gently placed his hand on her lower back to steer her away.
"It’s your bed right?” Sam called out from behind him.
Steve paused and they both turned back around. “What’s that?”
“Your bed, it’s too soft.” Sam went on to explain. “When I was over there, I’d sleep on the ground and use rocks as pillows. Like cavemen. Now I’m back home, in my own bed, feels like-”
Steve cut him off. “Like lying on a marshmallow, feels like I’m gonna sink right to the floor.”
"How long?” He asked Sam
“Two tours.” Sam responded. “You must miss the good old days huh?”
“Well, things aren’t so bad.” He folded his arms, taking a quick glance at Katie who raised her eyebrow at him, teasingly. “Foods a lot better. We used to boil everything. No polio that’s good.” He paused before making a gesture with his hand. “Internet so helpful, I’ve been reading that a lot tryna’ catch up.”
Sam nodded and then moved his right hand from where it had been folder across his chest and held it, fingers extended. “Marvin Gaye, 1972, ‘Troubleman’ soundtrack.” He said, returning his arm to its resting position “Everything you’ve missed jammed into one album.”
“Ohhh man!” Katie groaned “I love that film.”
Steve nodded, smiling and pulled out the notebook she had bought him the previous year, “I’ll put it on the list.”
“We can download it later.” Katie offered. Steve smiled as he closed his book before he reached into his other pocket for his phone which was going off. It was Natasha.
'Mission Alert. Extraction imminent. Meet you at the curb :)’
He showed the message to Katie who read it whilst he looked over at Sam.
“Well Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that’s what you wanna call running.” He joked extending his hand.
“Oh that’s how it is?” Sam says amused shaking the offered hand.
“That’s how it is.” Steve responded, laughing slightly.
“Okay, anytime you two wanna stop by the VA. Make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Steve said as Natasha pulled up in her black chevvy sports car.
“Hey guys, anyone know where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil.” She quipped.
“Hey Nat!” Katie waved at her and she nodded whilst Steve simply shook his head.
“That’s hilarious.” He commented dryly as he turned to Katie. “I’ll call you as soon as I can, okay?” She took a deep breath. “Be careful.” She instructed as she leaned up to give him a kiss. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Steve made his way to the car, opened the passenger side of the car and dropped into the seat.
“How you doing?” Sam called with a smile as he squat down to get a better view of both Natasha and the car.
“Hey.” She responded with a small smile.
“Can’t run everywhere.” Steve joked smugly, looking back at the man.
“No you can’t.” Sam chuckled and Steve shot one last look at Katie who waved as Natasha surged the car forward.
Katie watched them go before she turned to Sam.
“Military girlfriend huh?” He teased and she laughed.
“Something like that.” “Fancy a coffee?” Sam nodded to one of the stands parked over on the square and she smiled.
“Sure, why not?”
Sam insisted on paying, despite Katie’s protests and they took their coffees over to a bench, sitting down in the early morning sun. As they talked, Katie fast realised she really liked this man, and he was pretty damned interesting too. He told Katie about his time serving in Afghanistan and how he had chosen, post the loss of his partner, Riley, to leave active service and focus his attention on helping others through work at the VA.
Katie had never really dug into the VA much, but it seemed like it did some pretty good work, helping those Soldiers who needed help adjusting to life post discharges for medical or mental health reasons. Sam confided in her that the DC branch was under threat due to lack of funding, and she made a mental note to speak to Tony about it being something that maybe the Stark Relief fund could look into partnering.
When they both realised they had been sat on the bench chatting for almost an hour and a half the pair of them both, knowing they had other places to be, exchanged numbers and she promised to pass his onto Steve.
The rest of her day went pretty quick, in a flourish of telephone conferences and various other ad-hoc emails to deal with, talking to the editors and Business Development team about potential authors to target. By the time she logged off for the evening it was gone eight. She leaned back in her chair, glancing up at the photos that decorated her office, her eyes being drawn to the one on the shelf of herself and Steve which had been taken at the New Years Eve gala last year. 
Picking up her phone she debated texting him, but she knew better than to bother him. From personal experience, STRIKE missions were heavy going. Instead she decided she was going to break with their usual routine whereby he would come to hers if it wasn’t too late post mission, and she was going to wait for him at his.
 “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star.” Rumlow spoke, moving images along a screen as they all stood watching as the jet flew over the Indian ocean. “They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.”
“Any demands?” Steve asked.
“A billion and a half.”
“Why so steep?” Steve asked, frowning. That wasn’t so much steep as fucking vertical.
“Because it SHIELD’s.” Rumlow replied and Steve took a deep breath.
“So it’s not off-course, its trespassing.” He said exasperatedly, turning to his left and looking at Natasha.
“I’m sure they have a good reason.” She met his eyes, her face not faltering for a second.
“You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor.” Steve raised his eyebrows as she looked back at the screen.
“Relax.” She drawled. “It’s not that complicated”
“How many pirates?” Steve looked back at Rumlow.
“Twenty-five.” he replied, once more swiping at the screen. “Top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc” he pulled up a photo of Batroc on the monitor. “Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol’s Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.”
“Hostages?” Steve pressed.
“Uh…mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” Rumlow flashed up Sitwell’s photo and Steve shifted slightly “They’re in the galley.”
“What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” He queried, an air of frustration in his tone as he pulled on his gloves before he took a breath and issued his instructions without waiting for an answer. “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you’ll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep up after, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get ‘em out. Let’s move.”
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow nodded to his team and they all began to bustle around the jet.
Steve moved towards the back, checking his ear piece, raising his wrist communicator to his mouth. “Secure channel seven.”
“Seven secure.” Nat picked up a few more bits of equipment from the shelves, passing a coms device to Evans as Steve walked behind her to the ramp. “Did you do anything fun Saturday night?”
“Well, seeing as all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, I had to settle for a movie and pizza with my girl.” He shrugged as he fit his ear piece, a smile tugging at his face. “Yeah, it was fun.”
Natasha grinned and Evans gave a chuckle as the pilot spoke into his ear. “Coming up by the drop zone, Cap.”
Steve punched the button to lower the ramp before he grabbed his helmet.
“You know, I think it’s cute. You’re like a regular, normal couple.”  Evans said, and Steve turned to him as he fastened the straps on his helmet.
“That’s because we are normal.” He replied, a little louder as the noise of the air blowing through the ramp surrounded them. Steve grabbed his shield and swung it onto his back, the irony of his statement making him smile even more as he walked towards the end of the ramp.
“Yeah, because most people do this type of stuff for a living.” Natasha shot after him and he turned to face her, smirking.
“Well, at least it doesn’t get boring.” He grinned, before he threw himself off the jet.
“Was he wearing a parachute?” Rollins turned to Rumlow who gave a huff of a smile.
“No. No, he wasn’t.”
Steve held his arms and hands out to the side of himself as he was free falling through the air, before he shifted, straightening his legs out below him and crossing his arms over his chest. He speared straight into the ice cold water below and, after a moment to adjust, he started swimming toward the ship, using the anchor chain to climb up onto the deck. He dropped silently over the railings and grabbed the guard who had walked past seconds before in a choke hold, rendering him unconscious as noiselessly as he could. Then he set off at a sprint and it wasn’t long before he encountered two more of the pirates. Using his shield he hit the first one and took him down then sent the vibranium weapon flying once more where it ricocheted off the hull of the boat and took down the second. He caught it and continued running around the side of the deck where he encountered another three. The first one he dispatched with a harsh kick, taking the others down with a quick leg swipe and a harsh punch to the face. The next one he saw wasn’t looking so Steve sped up and used his momentum to shoulder barge him over the side of the ship, before he launched at the next one, taking him down with a swinging choke hold. The one after had a knife, which was slightly more inconvenient, but Steve managed to disarm him and used the dagger he now had possession of to pin one of the other guards hands to the wall as he was reaching up to hit the alarm button, before knocking him out with a kick to the head.
That was how it went for the most of it. Steve ran the entire deck, taking everyone down using his shield, arms, legs, body, any means he had before anyone could raise the alarm. And he was almost home and dry, until he dispatched of what he thought was the final merc, until as he caught his shield, he heard the click of a gun right behind his head.
“Bouge pas!” The man spoke and Steve tilted his head slightly to glance at the man in his peripheral, understanding the words to mean don’t move. So he didn’t, especially not as he had just spotted Rumlow drifting down towards the deck. The STRIKE leader shot at the pirate, taking him down and landed a few feet away.
“Thanks.” Steve nodded to him.
“Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me.” Rumlow joked and Steve turned to see Natasha and Evans parachute down onto the deck to join them.
“So you know you said before about things not getting boring?” Natasha asked as they strode across the deck, Steve slinging his shield onto his back. “If you ever need any tips on how to keep it from getting boring in the bedroom, just ask.”
Steve shook his head and let out a groan.
“When you gonna ask her to move in with you?” Nat continued.
“Secure the engine room, then we can talk about my sex life and living arrangements.” Steve deadpanned back
“I’m multitasking” Nat sing-songed as she effortlessly hopped over a set of railings, disappearing onto the lower part of the deck.
Steve set off at a run, vaulting up a few steps, using railings to swing himself onto the higher level of the ship before he stopped just below the bridge, shooting one of Lawson’s listening devices at the windows. He listened in as Batroc instructed his men to fire the engines and then Steve retreated to a spot where he could see Batroc clearly through the window of the control bridge. Crouching down he continued to listen into their conversation, easily able to understand the French they were speaking, one of his many skills picked up in the war. It had come easy post the serum, as with everything it had enhanced his ability to memorise and grasp things like that.
Batroc was being informed by one of his officers about the radio silence from SHIELD and Steve watched carefully before Evans’ voice cut across the jabbers of French.
“Targets acquired”
“STRIKE in position” Rumlow replied.
“Natasha, what’s your status?” Steve whispered into his wrist coms, but there was no reply. “Status, Natasha?”
“Hang on!” She said loudly, and Steve waited as he heard a bit of a struggle before she spoke again twenty or so seconds later. “Engine room secure.”
That was it, they were clear to engage.
“On my mark” Steve whispered “Three. Two. One.”
With that he set off running towards the bridge, leaping up a small set off steps before he flung his shield through the window. He jumped in after it and Batroc caught him with a kick to the chest before sprinting off and kicking his way out of the door. Steve jumped up, wrenched his shield from where it had been wedged in the metal panels at the back of the control room and ran after him.
“Hostages on route to extraction.” Rumlow informed as Steve emerged onto the end of a set of steps. “Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap.” The STRIKE leader continued as Steve jumped down onto the main area of the deck. “Hostiles are still in play.”
Steve looked around before he turned on his heels and started walking “Natasha, Batroc’s on the move.” He instructed quietly into his coms. “Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.”
There was no reply, and Steve was starting to get pissed off at her radio silence.
But then, out of nowhere Batroc flew at him with another harsh kick which sent Steve flying, and no sooner had he righted himself, there came another. The two engaged, toe to toe, fists flying, legs kicking, arms blocking and Steve had to hand it to Batroc, even after he knocked him down with his shield, the man was quickly back on his feet. Steve aimed a knee to his gut and flipped him backwards only to see Batroc effortlessly fling himself into several back flips before landing on his feet a short distance away, smirking as he eyed Steve up.
“Je croyais que tu étais plus qu'un bouclier.” He chuckled slightly and Steve cocked his head to one side, chewing over the man’s words… I thought that you were more than just a shield.
The arrogance in Steve won out and he straightened up out of his attack stance. You wanna go, fucker? Fine. Let’s dance.
He took a breath, stashing his shield on the harness round his back, and undid his chin strap, pulling his helmet off. “On va voir.” He said simply, tossing it to the floor, his eyes not once leaving Batroc’s who gave a huge grin.
They dodged for a second or two before they began to fight once more, trading punches, kicks and a few more knees to the gut before Steve threw himself up into the air, twirling his body round into a huge over-head kick, connecting his boot straight with Batroc’s head. Batroc fell to the floor and soon staggered back to his feet, but Steve didn’t give him chance to recover properly. He ran at him, spearing them both through a door, and sitting up slighting, Steve knocked Batroc out with a huge punch to the head.
He took a moment to draw his breath when a voice rang out across the room.
“Well, this is awkward.”
He looked up to see Natasha smirking at him from where she was bent over a computer.
“What are you doing?” Steve demanded as he rose to his feet.
“Backing up the hard drive. It’s a good habit to get into.”  She retorted.
Steve glanced over his shoulder, happy Batroc was still out cold, before he strode purposefully towards her.
“Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?” He drew up behind her and glanced at the screens. As it registered what she was doing he shook his head in exasperation. “You’re saving SHIELD Intel.”
“Whatever I can get my hands on.” She drawled, still tapping at the computer as she looked at him, before turning back to the screen.
“Our mission is to rescue hostages.” Steve glared at her.
“No. That’s your mission.” Natasha corrected as she finished what she was doing and pulled the pen drive out of the slot. She turned towards him and smiled causing Steve’s anger to bubble even more. “And you’ve done it beautifully.” Her tone was almost patronising as she smirked, moving to pass him.
At that, Steve felt his temper snap and he grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks. “You just jeopardized this whole operation.”
“I think that’s overstating things.” Natasha stated calmly but before Steve had time to reply a movement caught his attention. Batroc stood up and threw a grenade at the two of them as he ran off. Steve deflected the bomb with his shield before he grabbed Natasha round the waist and hopped up onto the desks. Jumping to another one, Natasha shot out one of the glass windows into an internal office and they dived in just as the bomb exploded.
Smoke, ash and debris rained down on them and Steve gave it a second before he looked over his shoulder and out before sitting back down to take a moment. He was beyond pissed off. Pissed at Natasha and pissed at Fury for not bothering to tell him the full story.
“Okay. That one’s on me.” Natasha breathed out.
“You’re damn right.” Steve grit his teeth and pushed himself up, storming out in anger. Of course, Batroc was nowhere to be found.
**** Steve was that angry about the cluster-fuck of a mission that he didn’t speak a word to Natasha all the way home and yes, he knew it was childish, but he was getting seriously pissed off at the secrets and lies that seemed to be part and parcel of any goddamned mission Fury sent him on. Once back at base he stormed off the jet, ignoring pretty much everyone and simply barking out that they would debrief in the morning.
It was just before midnight when he got home, and as he pulled his bike up into the designated space allotted for his apartment, he noticed Katie’s car was in one of the guest spaces that lined the street. He frowned slightly, she never normally waited at his for him. Not for any particular reason other than he normally spent the hours or so after a mission debriefing before heading home to decompress for a few hours and then if it wasn’t too late he would head to hers. But the more he thought about it now he realised that he had no idea why he did it that way. It wasn’t like she didn’t understand what it was like being a SHIELD operative, or that he didn’t want her at his. 
Knowing that she was there made him smile for the first time since he’d left the Lemurian Star and, despite his various aches and bruises, he found himself taking the steps to his apartment three at a time, his eagerness to see her wiping all other thoughts from his mind.
She was on the couch, bare denim-short clad legs tucked underneath her, and she looked up from the TV as he walked into the living area and leaned in the doorway, smiling softly at the sight of her, hair tousled slightly from where she had been leaning her head against the arm of the couch.
“What are you doing here?” He asked gently as she sat up.
“Decided I’d wait for you.” She shrugged “You complaining?” “Not at all.” He smiled, turning away as he unzipped his jacket and hung it over the back of one of the stools by the breakfast bar before he crossed the room.
“You had a good day?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She replied as he walked back into the lounge. “Vanity Fair have written the article already, if I’m happy with it tomorrow then it’s going to be published this month.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile at her tone. She was proud, and she had every right to be. So was he. Stark Independent Publishing LTD had taken off like a rocket and the glossy magazines were queuing up to interview the youngest Stark prodigee. She had declined all of them until the board had suggested she do one interview for Vanity Fair, along with a photoshoot in her office. She’d reluctantly agreed, but had confided in Steve she’d actually kind of enjoyed it.
“That’s fast.” he said, heading back into the room.
“Yeah they’re really pushing for it.” She smiled as he dropped besides her with a groan, lifting her legs up so they crossed his lap. As he did so he jostled the bruised ribs and muscles he’d obtained on the Lemurian Star and let out a hiss, rubbing slightly at his torso. Katie spotted this, as always, and frowned, moving her legs so she was sat up, scooting over to where he was and gently tugged at his t-shirt. He didn’t stop her as she examined the large bruise over the side of his ribs and gently ran her fingers over it.
“Ouch.” She mumbled softly, looking up at him and then tilting his face round. He knew there was a small cut on his temple but other than that and the bruise to his side he was uninjured. “Is this it?”
He nodded.
“So how did you do it this time?”
“I got blown through a window.” Because that was a perfectly normal thing for Captain America to do, Katie merely rolled her eyes and dropped a kiss to his cheek as she stood up “I’ll get the arnica and fix you something to eat”
He loved this, the way she just wanted to take care of him, but he was aware of what time it was too, and he didn’t want her to feel like she had to play the dutiful housewife.
“Kitten, you should go to bed, its late.” He grabbed her hand. “Once I’ve patched you up and fed you I will.” She shrugged stubbornly, tugging gently on his hand and he allowed himself to be pulled up “Go take a shower, I’ll sort your dinner.”
This time he didn’t protest, simply smiled, dropped a kiss to her head and headed to the bathroom.
He stepped under the hot water cascading from the shower and let out a groan as it hit his body, allowing it temporarily to soothe his mind and his aches. He still couldn’t shake his annoyance at how the mission was gone. Suddenly, he was distracted by his stomach grumbling and he realised he was actually really hungry. He quickly washed off before cutting the water and stepping out, grabbing a towel. He could hear Katie in the kitchen as he walked down the hall towards his bedroom where he dried himself off and dressed in a pair of loose sweats and a grey T-shirt.
The smell of food hit his nostrils as he walked into the kitchen, making his mouth water. Her food was always good, he had no idea what he was in for tonight but he didn’t care. As he approached where she was stood, both his hands dropped to her hips and he placed a soft kiss on her neck, an easy sign of affection before he let out a heavy sigh and reached into the refrigerator.
“So, you wanna tell me what happened?” She asked, turning to look at him as he downed pretty much an entire bottle of water before he slumped down at the breakfast bar and explained everything to her. She listened, asked questions, shook her head, and when he reached the bit about the ransom she whistled slightly through her teeth, coming to the same conclusion he had when he heard the demand.
“That’s steep.” she frowned and Steve snorted.
“That’s what I said. Turns out its SHIELDS.“
The microwave finished and Katie moved to open the door, stirring whatever was in there before removing it and placing it down in front of him, along with a plate of his favourite bread. He was silent for a moment as he stirred the hot stew, Ghoulash, before taking a small mouthful to test the heat. Damned she could cook. He nodded appreciatively.
“It’s good.” “You sound surprised.”
“Behave.” He admonished, giving her a look. “You know what I think about your cooking.”
He continued to eat as she stood up and fished about in the cupboard he stored the bottle of Arnica gel she insisted he keep to hand. As he ate, she settled next to him and hitched his shirt up, gently and carefully applying the ointment to his side. The bruise extended from the middle of his rib cage to an inch or so beneath the band of his sweats.
It was relaxing, and he relished her touch and her gentle tone as she continued to talk.
“So did you get the hostages?”
“Yeah.” He nodded in between mouthfuls. “That bit was pretty easy all things considered.”
“So what’s wrong, love?”
She could tell there was more to his mood than what he had told her, and her instincts were proven right when he let out a soft sigh as she continued to rub at his side softly.
“I’m just annoyed Sweetheart.” He sighed eventually “At Fury, at Romanoff.”
“At Nat? Why?”
“She was running a separate mission, which meant the task I gave her to back Rumlow up with the hostages wasn’t done.”
He nodded.
“More secrets” Katie sighed, feeling a flash of anger. “You know this is exactly why I got out…legacy or no legacy.”
“Tell me about it.” He dropped the spoon into the empty bowl. “We were lucky no one was hurt, or worse. I mean, Rumlow was great, got everyone out but, Doll, how can I lead a team when half of them are lying to me?”
“Nat was just doing as she was told.” Katie spoke softly, trying to deal with each issue one at a time.
“Since when is retrieving Intel more important than people’s lives?”
“I’m not saying it is. I’m just saying don’t be so hard on her.” She reasoned, her fingers still tracing shapes on his skin. “She has a job to do, same as you. Its Fury you should be talking to about it.”
“Oh I intend to.” Steve snorted. “I’m going to go see him tomorrow morning after de-brief…”
“Well, at least you’ll get an explanation. I mean it might not be what you wanna hear but…”
She was right, of course. Pushing it from his mind, Steve concentrated on her touch as she was still gently rubbing his side. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of contentment, and was disappointed when she finally finished and let his t-shirt fall down before she stood up to put the ointment away.
“You want any more to eat?” She asked, once she’d washed the arnica off her hands.
“Is there any?” He looked at her hopefully.
She smiled, nodding, and then gave a small yawn which she tried to stifle, but Steve noticed it.
“Okay, I’ll warm some more up and you’re gonna go to bed.” He said, standing up “And that’s an order.”
“Bossy bastard” She retorted. He replied simply with a raised an eyebrow and stern glare as he crossed towards her. She held her hands up, “Okay, I’m going…” She leaned up to kiss to his cheek.
“Won’t be long.” He smiled.
Steve had another bowl of food before he slipped the dishes into the dishwasher and headed to the bathroom to clean his teeth. He turned off the lights, crossed into the dark bedroom and pulled off his T-shirt, sliding into bed behind Katie. His arm curled over her waist, surprise surprise she was in one of his shirts, which did nothing to ebb his growing desire and the twitching in his groin. Hoping she wasn’t asleep, his nose gently nuzzled at her neck, and he was pleased when she responded.
He needed this. Wanted this. Wanted her.
“When you told me to go to bed…” Katie sighed, as his lips gently started their assault on that spot, “I thought you meant to sleep.” “Want me to stop?” Steve practically purred into her neck.
“Didn’t say that.” She replied, rolling her head to catch his lips as his hand crept down her inner thigh. She let out a contented sigh and he smiled against the side of her neck as he traced his fingers over her hip, hand flattening as it crept down and round to the top of her panties, his fingers slipping inside, where he found her hot, wet, ready for him. It was enough to harden him completely as he started to gently tease her, causing her to groan at the pleasure, her back arching whilst his lips continued to kiss and caress her neck.
“Steve.” She moaned softly, her tone pleading. “I want you…”
Fuck, he would never get tired of hearing that. Ever. 
“Yeah?” he whispered.
“Yeah. Please Stevie.” He didn’t think he’d ever be able to say no to her. His hand moved up and he gripped at her hip, gently rolling her so she was lay on her back, using his leg to part hers. He guided his shirt over her head, pulled down her panties, before he stripped off his boxers, fingers lacing in between hers, as he crawled over her, pinning both hands above her head as he worked his way into her. They both groaned as he stretched her, and she looked up at him, those eyes locking onto his as he leant down to kiss her, starting up a slow, gentle pace. He moved slowly, again and again, lips caressing hers, then her jaw, then her neck, all the time his hands wrapped around hers, causing her to surrender to him completely.
He kept up that soft, gentle pace, loving her completely. He could tell she was close, he knew the signs well enough now and as she groaned in delight, tightening around him he coaxed her, “That’s it baby girl…” lips soft on her ear.
And then she came, shuddering underneath him, her head tipping back, as she let out a gentle, low, broken moan of his name. It sent shivers down his spine and he continued to thrust through her orgasm, the tale heat spreading across his belly and then he tipped too, jerking and groaning slightly before he fell forward, burying his face in to her neck.
“Love you.” She whispered softly into his ear as her hand ran up his neck, into his hair and he gave a hum of contentment as he regained control of his senses.
“Love you too, so damned much, Sweetheart.” He rubbed his nose up against hers and she chuckled slightly as he rolled off of her. She scooted closer so she could lay her head on his chest and his arm curled round her, large hand tracing shapes on her skin at the bottom of her back as she tossed her leg over his.
“What time are you in tomorrow?” She asked gently, hand rubbing absentmindedly over his chest.
“Half nine.” He gave a sated yawn.
“We can have breakfast together, I made cinnamon rolls.” She muttered through a yawn of her own.
“That so?” “mmmhmmm”
“You know, you’d make a good little housewife.” He grinned, thinking back to his thought before. He knew her response before she had uttered it. “Fuck you.” He chuckled, dropping a kiss to her head and they both fell silent. And his last thought as he drifted off to sleep was just how her being here had made him almost forget his worries.
Katie lay still, listening to the sound of his breathing which grew even as he fell asleep, clearly exhausted. He always needed food and rest after missions, his metabolism drained him. She stole a glance up at him, long eyelashes lay against his cheek as his head lolled to the side slightly, facing her.
“Night soldier.” She whispered softly, placing a peck on his lips before settling down and succumbing to her own tiredness. ********* Katie woke the next morning, tangled in Steve’s arms, his face pressed into her neck as he’d done his usual koala impression. As gently as she could, she moved to check her phone for the time, and found it to be twenty-five past seven, five minutes before her alarm was due to go off. Cancelling it, she glanced back over at Steve who shifted onto his back, the arm that had been thrown around her gently resting on his chest. Smiling, she climbed out of bed deciding to leave him to sleep as long as she could.
Considering what a light sleeper he normally was, Steve didn’t stir when Katie returned following her shower and was still out of it when she finished dressing so she unset the alarm on his bedside clock and headed to the kitchen. She put on a fresh pot of coffee, threw the fresh rolls she had made the previous day into the oven and settled down on his couch, flipping on the TV whilst she quickly scanned through her phone, looking at her schedule for the day. She only had one meeting in the afternoon, and it wasn’t important so she fired an email through to her PA asking her to reschedule.
At about eight-fifteen, there was still no sign of Steve so Katie headed through to the bedroom to wake him up. Any longer and he would be late for his debrief. He was lay side on, facing her side of the bed so she dropped next to him…
Something was tickling his nose, right on the bridge. He gently sniffed, and then soft lips met his. Again, again…Steve made a completely involuntary noise that was halfway between a groan and a sigh as he realised his girl was kissing him awake, before her lips met his and this time he gently responded.
“Hey.” That soft voice greeted him and he smiled, gently cracking an eye open and meeting that emerald green.
“Morning” He said groggily and she smiled.
“It’s almost eight-fifteen.”
He frowned, that was late. “My alarm didn’t wake me?” “I turned it off, sorry-not-sorry” She said with a tone so blasé it made him chuckle “You needed the rest.” She gave him a soft kiss again “There’s coffee in the kitchen and breakfast is ready.” “You know I could get used to this” He rolled over so he was on his back as she rose from the bed. “Coming home to a ready-made dinner, waking up to ready-made breakfast before I go to work. And you.” “Nice to see which one of those is your priority.” She teased over her shoulder as she left him to it.
“Always you, Doll.” he murmured with a smile. But as he lay still for another few minutes, he thought about it more and more. Over the past four months, other than when they were away either on missions or business trips they had spent every night together, either at his or hers but last night, something had felt different to him, more intimate. She’d taken care of his mission injuries, cooked for him, made love to him, and now here she was making him breakfast before she would wave him off to work later on. It was almost normal, what people with mundane nine to five jobs did. And he realised he wanted that all the time, he wanted to come home, find her there, wake up with her, every single day.
“When you gonna ask her to move in?” Natasha’s voice popped back into his head.
If he was honest, he hadn’t given it a lot of thought, it wasn’t something people did back in his time before marriage. But times were different, hell he was different, and as he lay there contemplating it, he realised, it wasn’t such a bad idea.
When he headed through, Katie was sat at the kitchen table, laptop fired up, mobile glued to her ear.
“I know!” Her tone was one of utter excitement. “I mean I didn’t think they would turn out so good…or they’d be done so fast but they’re pushing for this month’s edition…”
He dropped a kiss to her neck and glanced at the screen, pausing when he saw the image. It must have been one of the photos done whilst she was in New York and as he looked at it, he felt his mouth drop open. His girl was stood against a wall in her office in the tower, one leg bent, high heeled foot raised back against the flat surface behind her, palms splayed either side of her thighs as she looked to the right. Her hair was pulled back in a slick, high pony tail, her make-up was heavier than normal and utterly flawless, and she was dressed in a grey charcoal pinstripe suit which cinched in at her waist, with a low cut white blouse underneath.
“Yeah, I know Tony.” She continued speaking into the phone as she glanced up and saw the expression on his face. She pressed a button on the keyboard and it flipped to another picture, this one of her sat in her chair, legs apart, elbows resting on her knees, as she looked beyond the camera, laughing at something. She looked absolutely fucking stunning. His eyes roved the image on the digital copy of the article and he began to read the writing that was next to it.
There are a lot of things you might absolutely hate about Katie Stark. Aged just twenty-nine she has more money than anyone could possibly wish to spend in a life-time, looks and a figure that you would kill for, and a Super Soldier Boyfriend with a jawline that seems to be carved from marble. However, after thirty seconds in her company despite wanting to hate her for all of the above, it was simply impossible not to like her.
Unassuming, accommodating, and with a smile that you simply can’t help but return, she welcomed us into her office and was remarkably humble about the entire thing, admitting that she still wasn’t quite so sure why we were so interested in her. We took the time to grill her on how the first three months of Stark Independent Publishing LTD has gone and what we can look forward to in the future.
Katie stood up and gestured for him to sit down and carry on reading the article. She headed off into the living room, continuing her call, so he read as he ate a hot cinnamon bun. The article ploughed through a load of questions about the book that had launched the business when they published, the fact the company had already registered over fifty-percent first quarter turnover, where she thought the business was going, future pipeline projects, her favourite authors, genre, books, previous role in Stark Industries before she had spent a few years working for a Government Agency following the Battle of New York (no mention of Supernova or SHIELD) and then the final paragraph took a personal turn.
When asked if she would indulge us with a personal question she sighed slightly before grinning and telling us to ask and see if she answered. So we did…
“We know that you’re a notoriously private person, in comparison to your brother anyway, but most of our readers are dying to know…what’s it like dating Captain America?”
“No idea, I’m dating Steve Rogers.” She replied immediately, a faint flush hitting her cheeks as she spoke, all the time fiddling with a delicate yet gorgeous antique looking emerald ring which sits on her right hand, a gift we suspect from the man in question. When asked to elaborate slightly, she bit her lip and simply smiled before explaining; “Steve isn’t just Captain America. There’s more to him than a shield. He’s the kindest, gentlest, most caring man I’ve ever met and he makes me unbelievably happy.” The blush spread from her cheeks to her ears “And that’s not down to the Serum or outfit, it’s just who he is. The fact he’s 6ft2, drop dead gorgeous with a smile I’d happily die for is a bonus.”
Steve felt himself grin as he read the words and glanced at the small photo they had framed the paragraph round. It was the shot of them together that had been taken at the Stark Industry’s New Year’s Gala as they danced. His eyes continued to the final part of the article, this one complete with a picture of Katie and Tony. Katie sat at her desk as Tony leaned over, looking at something on the computer screen. 
When asked about the other man in her life, her brother Tony, she smiled again, another genuine smile, the love she has for her elder sibling evident on her face and in her voice.
“I owe everything I have to Tony. He brought me up from the age of seven, gave me absolute, unconditional love and opportunities I know I was extremely fortunate to have. People have a pre-conceived image of what he is like, and sometimes he can play into that, but to me he’s been nothing but loving and supportive, my father and brother rolled into one and I can’t thank him enough for everything he has done and given me. He backed my decision to open SIP from the off and believed in me and has always pushed me to be the best I can be.”
We couldn’t resist another personal question, so we asked her a little cheekily how Tony had reacted to news that she was dating one of his fellow Avengers, who had served alongside their Father Howard in WW2. Hesitating slightly, she flushed before smirking and answering, a grin on her face.
“How he found out wasn’t ideal, but once he realised we were serious, he was fine about it. I think deep down after my last car crash of a relationship, he’s just happy I’m with someone who puts me first.”
“Do they get on?” At that she laughed. “They have a love-hate relationship. In that they hate the fact they love one another. Tony has these ridiculous nicknames for Steve and he can be an absolute nightmare at times, but to be fair Steve’s quite sarcastic himself too but I know full well that they have each other’s six and, even though they would probably deny it, they are quite close and would miss one another if they weren’t around.”
Steve, grudgingly, had to admit she was right. Tony could be a pain in the ass at times, but he would miss the billionaire if he wasn’t there. Underneath all his bravado he knew that he thought the world of his sister and, despite their initial meeting whereby Steve frankly thought the guy was a dick, he’d fast learnt during the Chitauri Battle that underneath that persona he had a heart of gold and was more like his father than he would care to admit. A fact that Steve was even more convinced of having gotten to know him much better on a personal level over the last two years or so.
Whilst the siblings certainly share a lot of attributes, both good looking, tough, hard-working, Katie has a certain softness to her edges and we challenge anyone who spends time in her company not to warm to the youngest Stark. Stark Independent Publishing has, in our opinion, a very bright future ahead of it whilst it is spearheaded by such an astute and shrewd business woman and we wish her all the best.
“What do you think?” Katie watched as Steve read the article, leaning against the wall, nibbling at her thumb, nervous to see his reaction.
Steve jerked his head round and smiled at her. “I think it’s fantastic. The photos are stunning, the article is well written. Are you happy with it?” “Yeah.” she nodded as she walked over to his chair, standing behind it and slipping her arms round his shoulders from behind “They wouldn’t drop the whole So you’re dating Captain America angle though, so our PR department told me to answer a few personal questions to shut them up. Are you ok with it?” Steve smiled and turned side on in his seat, pulling her into his lap. “Seeing as I’m the kindest, gentlest, most caring man you’ve ever met how could I not be?” “I meant every word of that.” She smiled, rubbing her nose against his.
“I know baby.” He gave her a peck on the lips. “Now I need to go or I’m gonna be late.”
Sighing she stood up as he did the same, grabbing a final cinnamon bun from the plate.
“I’ll be back at mine” She informed him as she walked to the door with him, “I have a few calls to do this morning.” “I’ll come over when I’m done.” He smiled. “And maybe we can do something this afternoon?”
“Sounds perfect”
***** Chapter 14
**Original Posting**
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Claus
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You should know that I wrote this whole thing just for the bad pick-up line Mac uses. And then I got hit with major baby fever while writing the end and....you’ll see.  Merry Christmas, y’all! ❤ 
Established MacRiley AU
Riley’s only warning to Mac’s arrival was the slam of the front door before he yelled, “I’ve got the rings!” His boots clunked on the hardwood floor as he walked down the hall to their bedroom. “Let me get dressed and then we can go—” 
Riley met Mac’s eyes in the bathroom mirror. He stood in the doorway, slack-jawed, taking in the full effect of her costume. Smiling to herself, Riley finished applying her mascara, arching her back and sticking her ass out for his benefit. 
Mac cleared his throat. “Wow. You look incredible.” 
She twirled to give him the full effect. The stretchy, ribbed material of her off-white sweater dress clung to her body, stopping just below her knees and leaving nothing to the imagination. Her favorite black, high-heeled boots gave the outfit just a bit of edge. But the real showstopper was her coat—crimson velvet trimmed with fake fur, swirling gold and silver embroidery, elegant bell sleeves. It even had pockets. 
“This is my favorite part.” Clasping her hands behind her back, Riley swayed back and forth, watching the bottom of the knee-length coat swish like a bell. 
“It’s stunning,” Mac said, still a little stunned himself. He finally closed the gap between them. “You’re the hottest Mrs. Claus in LA.” 
“Literally,” Riley joked. “This outfit is toasty, and in case you didn’t realize, it’s definitely not cold outside.” According to her phone, the high was supposed to be 74 degrees. 
Mac rubbed her arms. “In all seriousness though, you look beautiful.” 
Even after all this time, Riley still blushed. “Thank you,” she murmured against his lips as she pulled him down for a quick kiss. 
She sat on the bed, unashamedly checking her boyfriend out while he changed into his own Santa costume to match hers. He fished around in the pocket of his discarded jeans and pulled out a pair of rings. “Matty said we, and I quote, have to return these to the Phoenix tomorrow, so no using them to build a homing beacon or something.” 
“Got it,” Riley said dryly. “No homing beacon.” She reached for her ring, but Mac seemed to have other ideas. He handed her his ring instead—a white gold band with a thin, but ornate border. 
Mac spoke in a deep, announcer-like voice. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Mrs. Claus, you may go first.” 
Riley held his left hand in hers, playing along. “Do you, Santa Claus, take me to be your wife?” She tried to be serious, but her lips curled into a smile without her consent. 
“I do.” Riley slid the ring on. Mac continued, “Do you, Mrs. Claus, take me to be your husband?” 
Riley made a show of thinking it over first. “I do.” He slid the ring—an engagement ring and wedding band fused together—onto her finger. She’d worn it before. Like Mac’s, it was white gold, but the tiny diamonds set into the bands made it glitter in the light. The engagement ring part had a princess cut diamond surrounded by more tiny diamonds, making the whole thing walk the fine line between opulent and gaudy. 
She looked up, and Mac’s soft smile made her want to melt in a puddle. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he announced, lacing their fingers together. 
“Okay.” Riley wrapped her arms around his neck. “You do that.” 
They drove Riley’s Jeep to the hospital, since someone forgot to go to the gas station on his way home, and they were already late. They’d gotten a little distracted after their fake wedding. 
Mac rested his hand on Riley’s thigh while she drove. She leaned away from him, resting her left elbow on the door and holding the top of the steering wheel with her right. When Mac didn’t take the hint and started caressing her thigh instead, Riley batted his hand away. 
“Oh no,” she scolded. “We are not doing this right now.” Mac pouted in the passenger seat. 
They arrived at the hospital, hauling two massive bags of presents with them. The hospital administrator met them in the lobby to escort Riley and Mac to the children’s wing, thanking them and the think tank profusely for the entire duration of the walk.  She and Mac exchanged the same sly look they always did when someone referred to the Phoenix as a think tank.
Meeting the kids went by in a blur. Altogether too many young, bright faces swarmed the waiting room, clamoring to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus. With each kid she met, Riley was in awe of how they were all so positive and happy and full of laughter, even though many of them were so sick and would be spending Christmas in the hospital. 
The kids gravitated to Mac like moths to a flame. He sat and talked to each one, asking how they were doing and what they wanted for Christmas. They asked him ridiculous questions, like what snacks the elves like best and who his favorite reindeer was. In a classic Mac moment, he explained to a wide-eyed group of ten-year-olds that male reindeer lose their antlers every winter, so his reindeer are actually all females. 
Every time Mac walked past—which Riley suspected was far more times than necessary—he squeezed her arm or grazed a hand down her back, and Riley couldn’t help the smile curling her lips each time he did it. 
After a while, Riley gathered the kids and read a picture book version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Pausing to show her young, captivated audience the pictures, she flicked her gaze to Mac. He stood in the back of the room with his arms crossed in a very un-Santa-like manner, chatting softly with one of the pediatricians. The rainbow lights of the Christmas tree behind him cast him in a warm, pink glow. 
The kid closest to her tugged on her coat, and Riley turned her attention to the girl. She was probably ten or so, with intense, dark eyes that probably never missed a thing. Including Riley’s wandering attention, apparently. “Are you checking out Santa?” she questioned. 
Caught. Riley cleared her throat. “Um—” Giggles erupted throughout her audience. “So what if I am? He’s very handsome.” 
The girl scrunched up her face. “Gross!” Riley joined in on the second wave of giggles before returning to the story. 
Later, after the chaos of opening presents, the adults rounded up all the kids and settled in to watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The hospital administrator set it up so the movie projected on an empty wall. Mac pulled up a pair of chairs behind the projector and motioned for Riley to sit. Lacing their fingers together, Mac leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for doing this with me.” His expression was raw and unguarded. 
Riley squeezed his hand twice in response. “Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” 
They’d barely made it ten minutes into the movie when the shyest kid—a six-year-old boy wearing Spider-Man pajama pants who looked like a tiny version of Bozer—crawled into Riley’s lap. The boy didn’t say a word; he simply nuzzled his face into Riley’s shoulder and wrapped his tiny arms around her waist. Riley let go of Mac’s hand to pull the boy into her chest, where he fell asleep for the remainder of the movie. 
Afterward, Riley carried the boy back to his room while Mac started to say goodbye to the other kids. They’d been there more than half the day, and for many of the kids, it was time for blood tests or scans or chemo. Or maybe just a nap. 
Riley hugged the last kid goodbye with a bittersweet smile on her face. The little boy in her arms was so young, four or five at the most. Behind him, his mom mouthed, Thank you.
When the boy finally let go, Riley looked him square in the eye. "You be good, okay?" He giggled, nodding furiously before returning to his mom.
The boy and his mom walked away, leaving Riley and Mac alone in the waiting room. Riley stared after them. That had to be so hard, watching your kid have seizure after seizure and then spending days in the hospital, waiting for answers the doctors didn't have.
"Riles." Mac's low voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "You okay?"
She blinked. "Yeah, I was just thinking about that kid."
"I know," Mac sighed, rubbing his face. "He asked me if I could stop his seizures for Christmas."
Riley's heart clenched. "What did you say?"
"I told him I'd try my best."
Riley swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump in her throat. Without thinking, she drifted into Mac's embrace, hands finding purchase on his chest and resting her cheek on his shoulder. His arms circled her, pulling her tightly against him.
She couldn't string the right words together to describe how she was feeling. Sorrow, for the kid whose childhood was now destined to be filled with doctors and hospital trips. Empathy, for the single mom trying her best to remain positive for her kid's sake. Admiration, for the way Mac smiled reassuringly at the little boy despite the tears welling in his eyes. Riley settled for, "I love you." She kissed Mac's cheek.
Pressing his lips to the crown of her head, he said, "I love you too."
They stayed like that for a long time, only parting when Riley said, "Let's clean up and go home."
Remnants of wrapping paper and plastic packaging littered the floor—all that was left from the bag of presents they'd brought. Well, that and the glitter. The ungodly amount of glitter that was, to Riley's horror, everywhere.
She picked up a wad of half-crumpled wrapping paper, sending a flurry of gold glitter airborne. Most of it landed on her clothes. Great. She'd be finding those damn gold flecks for months.
Mac chuckled behind her. She whirled on him. "It's not funny!" she said with mock offence, sticking her tongue out at him.
But he wasn't looking at her face. His eyes tracked her every movement, lingering on the places where her off-white sweater dress hugged her curves beneath her long, red coat.
Riley made a show of brushing the glitter off her dress, starting from her knees and working upward, drawing Mac’s attention with her movement. When Mac's gaze finally reached her eyes, she winked before resuming not-so-innocently picking up wrapping paper. Riley kept her back to him, waiting for Mac to make the next move. 
Hands locked on her waist. Mac tugged her closer, his lips grazing her ear as he spoke. "I'd put myself on the naughty list for you."
Smirking, she replied, "Oh really." Riley glanced over her shoulder and had barely even realized Mac's face was still right there when his lips landed on hers, and he spun her to face him fully. The pile of wrapping paper she was holding fell to the ground at their feet, covering their boots in more glitter.
The kiss wasn't very good. Riley couldn't stop smiling, no matter how hard she tried to pull herself together enough to kiss him back instead of bursting out laughing. I'd put myself on the naughty list for you. He said that as if he were on the nice list in the first place. They broke way too many laws on a weekly basis for that to be true. Not to mention, Mac's non-consensual cell phone breaking alone was enough to put him on the naughty list for life.
"Are you just going to keep grinning like an idiot, or are you actually going to kiss me back?" he teased.
It took all of her concentration to pull off even the most chaste kiss. A little too eagerly for being in a hospital waiting room, Mac sucked on her lower lip and slid his tongue into her mouth, his hands sliding under her coat and caressing her sides.
Riley had just gotten it together enough to slip her own tongue in without getting a mouthful of teeth or fake beard when she heard a faint giggle. Her eyes snapped open, and she saw the cutest little girl peeking around a Christmas tree. 
“Santa, we have an audience,” she warned. 
Mac pulled away, blushing faintly, but his hands lingered on Riley’s stomach for an extra second. He gestured for the little girl to come closer. Sheepishly, she rolled out from behind the tree. Tinsel covered every available inch of her wheelchair, and the wheels lit up when she rolled in a way that reminded Riley of the light-up sneakers that were popular when she was a teenager. Not that she'd actually owned a pair, of course.
Mac squatted in front of the girl, whose wild blonde curls were equally unruly as Riley's own hair. "Were you spying on us?"
"Maybe," she said with a shrug.
Mac twisted to look at Riley. I like her. "What do you think, Mrs. Claus?" he asked. "Do spies get put on the naughty list?"
Yes. She winked. "I think this one can stay on the nice list. She managed to sneak up on Santa, after all. Very impressive."
The kid beamed. She had no idea.
"Yes," Mac said slowly, "very impressive." He turned back to the girl. "So, what do you want for Christmas?"
The girl listed a whole bunch of presents, claiming she wanted to give Santa options. Mac listened intently, nodding at all the right points.
Something warm bloomed in Riley's chest as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her. To say Mac was good with kids would be an understatement. When a kid spoke to him, he always gave them his full, undivided attention and took every word very seriously. When a kid was being serious, Mac was serious, and when a kid was acting silly, Mac would be twice as silly. And as a result, he could crack even the shyest and grumpiest of kids, and, more importantly, they would trust him. 
A thought popped into Riley's head. I want to have his babies. As if her body was reiterating what it already knew and her brain had just figured out, her hands unconsciously drifted to her abdomen. 
The same spot Mac's hands hands had lingered a minute ago, she realized with a start. Did...did he want kids with her too?
Riley wanted kids—she wanted kids with Mac—but she also knew that neither of them were ready to give up their job. They couldn’t keep doing what they did with a kid in the world. After growing up with absentee parents, they’d never risk leaving their kid to grow up without one or both parents. 
But when the time finally comes, when she and Mac are ready to trade in getting shot at and making stuff explode for stability and mundane normalcy, she won’t be able to wait any longer to start a family with him. 
She waited until they were in the Jeep before broaching the subject of kids. Tentatively, she began, "What were you thinking about back there when you put your hands on my stomach?" The look on his face then said he was definitely thinking about something, but Riley didn't want to assume what. 
Mac dodged her question. "Sorry, I didn't realize I did it." 
Riley knew that was a white lie, but she didn't call him on it. He'd answer honestly in his own time. Since it was too big a subject to outright ask him, Riley took a more subtle route instead. “Do you see yourself having kids?” 
His eyes widened in response. “You know I want kids.” 
That wasn’t what she meant. Wanting them and actively reshaping your life in order to have them were completely different things. “Yeah, but do you see yourself settling down, getting a safe, normal job, and raising kids?” They’d vaguely talked about this before, long ago, but Riley suddenly needed to ask him again. 
Mac was silent for a long time, staring out the front window. “Yeah, I do,” he finally said. “With the right person.” He glanced over at her, eyes softening. 
Me too, Riley wanted to say, but she choked on the words. It took her a couple tries, and the words came out strangled, but she was pretty sure Mac understood. Neither of them needed to say it directly in order for the other to understand: I want to have kids with you. 
Riley spent the rest of the drive fantasizing about the kid-filled Christmases in her future. She glanced down at the ring on her finger. First step, she thought. Get a real ring. 
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Saving Jay
Pairing: Jay Halstead x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 1956
Author’s Note: TBH I don’t really like how this turned out, I had such writers block and I had no idea where to go with this, if it’s not what you were looking for just shoot me a message and I’ll rewrite it.
Trigger Warning(s): Bad words, maybe?
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: When Jay is accused of Lonnie’s murder, he calls his lifelong best friend and love of his life, Y/N Y/LN, a New York City Homicide Detective, to help him.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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You had known Jay for what felt like forever. Ever since you moved to Chicago when you were little, moving in next door to the Halstead family.
You were the best of friends and practically inseparable. This friendship prompted your mothers to talk about how the two of you would end up together. They were so certain that by high school, the two of you would be dating.
But he got with Allie. You liked Allie, you thought she was good for Jay, and you were happy for him.
And that was around the same time you started dating Brad. Brad was a nice enough guy, actually he was kind of great. He was the stereotypical jock, but an uber sweetie. Practically the definition of Himbo. You met him because you were a tutor in high school and he needed tutoring in almost everything, except for math, which he was surprisingly great at.
Jay and Allie didn’t last, and neither did you and Brad.
However, you and Jay never officially got together. It wasn’t because the two of you didn’t love each other, it was quite the opposite. You loved each other so much that you didn’t want to risk losing each other if things didn’t work out. You never talked about it, it was like an unspoken agreement between the two of you. However, the two of you have hooked up a few times.
The first time the two of you hooked up was the night before Jay left Chicago for the Army. The two of you didn’t talk about it, it was just another unspoken agreement between you. It was like it never happened.
However, Jay would write to you while he was deployed. You and his mother were the only two that he would write to, and the only two that would write to him.
You fell in love with him more and more.
So much so that when you found out that he was discharged from the Army that you flew back to Chicago to see him. He was different, but he was still your Jay.
You stayed with him for a week. That was the second time the two of you hooked up.
But you had to go back to New York. You had to get back to the real world.
You had just landed in New York and turned your phone back on, and as soon as it connected to the network again, it began dinging over and over again. You frowned as you looked at it and saw that you had four missed calls from Jay, two voicemails, and six text messages.
You quickly called your voicemail and punched in your code to listen to them.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s me, Jay.” You were greeted by his voice and you could tell he was buzzed. “I know you’re on the plane and can’t answer and I think that might actually be better, I’m not sure I could say this if you answered. Maybe I shouldn’t say it at all. It’s probably a bad idea. Forget it, ignore this.”
Then came the next one. “It’s me again. I know you’re probably still on the plane but I just wanted to say that I miss you and wish you were still here. I love you.”
You breath caught when you heard that, as soon as you knew the voicemail was over, you hung up and went to your texts to read through them.
They were all from Jay except for one from your mom asking you to let her know when you were back in New York and home. You quickly opened the texts from Jay to read them.
Four out of five were of him telling you how much he’s loved you over the years, the fifth was him apologizing and saying that he didn’t want to lose what the two of you already had.
You decided to wait until morning to call him, spending all night thinking about it and listening to the voicemails and reading the messages over and over again.
“Halstead.” He answered.
“Jay?” You asked softly. “I got your messages.”
You could hear his breath hitch, just like yours did the night before.
“Jay you have to know that I love you too.” You said softly. “But you and I…” You trailed off.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I know. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He hung up on you then, which broke your heart completely.
It was two months before Jay would answer your calls, and when he finally did you could tell things were different between the two of you.
It became colder, more distant than the two of you had ever been before. You had never been like this. You had always been there for each other. Always. You were inseparable growing up, best friends. Even into adulthood the two of you were always there for each other no matter what.
It killed you that this was what your friendship had been reduced to.
And then one day he actually called you.
“Jay?” You asked softly, rolling over in your bed to look at your alarm clock. The bright green numbers read 2:32 AM.
“Hey, I’m sorry for calling you so late.” Jay said softly.
You sat up in bed. “It’s fine. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just couldn’t sleep.” He answered you in the same soft tone, but there was something else there too.
“Jay…” You prompted softly.
Jay sighed softly. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” You asked him, the sleepiness you felt causing your brain to work a little slower.
He paused for a moment, pondering over his words before speaking again. “For being a complete dick to you lately.” He sighed again. “I shouldn’t have been and I’m sorry. Your friendship means more to me than that. I don’t want to throw it away over this.”
You smiled softly. “You’re never gonna lose me, Jay. Ever.” You assured him softly.
“So we’re good? We’re still friends?” He asked softly, hopefully.
“Of course.” You said softly. “Always.”
Jay breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank god.” He murmured quietly then yawned.
“Jay, you should try to get some sleep.” You said softly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for waking you.” Jay told you.
You shook your head despite the fact that he couldn’t see you. “Nonsense.” You said softly. “You can call me anytime you need to.” You assured him. “And if you can’t get to sleep tonight, call me back.”
“You sure about that?” Jay asked you.
“More than sure.” You told him honestly.
“Okay.” Jay said quietly. “Goodnight, Y/N. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay, I look forward to it.” You smiled and hung up the phone, setting it back on your nightstand.
Over the next few months, your relationship with Jay went back to normal, except for the fact that you regretted what you said. You regretted not telling him how you felt, how much you loved him.
And then the day came that he called you.
“Hey Jay, what’s up?” You answered cheerfully.
“Y/N.” Jay’s voice immediately tipped you off that something was wrong. “I need you.”
“Why? What’s going on?” You asked.
“They think I killed him.” Jay told you, breathing out.
“Who?” You asked softly, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Lonnie Rodiger.” Jay answered you.
You knew who it was immediately. The man that killed Ben. Sure it was never proven, but you knew just like Jay knew.
You ran a hand through your hair, thinking about what to do. “Okay, just sit tight. I’m on my way.” You assured him.
You couldn’t get a flight to Chicago fast enough, so that was what prompted you to drive from New York City to Chicago. You made the trip in record time, you’re certain you broke some speeding laws.
The minute you got to Chicago you called him. “Hey, I’m in Chicago, where are you?”
You set up a meeting place, you got there and the minute you saw him you immediately hurried to him and hugged him tightly.
He hugged you back, holding you close to him. “Thank you for coming.” He whispered to you.
“Anytime.” You replied softly.
As soon as the case was cleared and Jay’s innocence was proven, the two of you went to get drinks together.
When you got back to his place, things became awkward again.
“Y/N-” Jay started at the same time you did.
You both clamped your mouths shut and you smiled a bit.
“Go ahead.” Jay told you softly, finally looking at you.
You reached over to take his hand. “I don’t think it’s really any secret how much we mean to each other.” You started out softly.
“I sense a but coming.” Jay almost groaned.
You smiled gently. “But…” You started. “I think it’s best if we just stay friends.”
Jay nodded to you and gently squeezed your hand. “I understand.”
You took a deep breath. “I can’t stand the idea of losing you, which I would if we didn’t work out.”
“You say if we didn’t work out, but have you ever thought about what if we did?” Jay asked you softly, meeting your eyes again. “I’m not trying to change your mind, if you don’t want us to be more than friends, I’ll accept that. But I want to know. Did you ever think what if this is it? What if we’re meant to be together?”
You stared at him for a moment, your mind racing. “Jay-”
Jay nodded slowly. “It’s okay. I’m happy just being your friend.” He told you softly, letting go of your hand as he stood up. “Want a beer?”
“Do you think we’re meant for each other?” You asked him as he walked to the kitchen to get himself a beer.
You could hear him walk back into the living room, there was a pause on his end before he sighed. “Yes, I do.” He told you honestly. “I’ve loved you since the first day we met when we were five years old. I loved you through your awkward phase in middle school, I loved you when I went into the Army, and when I came out. I’ve always loved you and I always will.”
You shook your head as you stood.
“Don’t go.” Jay said softly, stepping in front of you, regret flashing in his eyes over the words he said.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You breathed out before pulling him into a kiss.
It didn’t take him very long to realize what was going on and kiss you back, his arms wrapping around your middle and pulling you close.
He pulled back slowly, opening his eyes to look into yours.
“The only reason I even went to New York was because I couldn’t stand Chicago without you.” You told him softly, your hand still resting at the back of his head.
“We can make long distance work.” Jay whispered to you.
You watched him for a moment. “You sure about that?”
Jay nodded. “I’d do absolutely anything for you.”
You smiled softly and a comfortable silence fell between the two of you, his arms were still around your middle, your hands resting on his shoulders now.
“I’m gonna move back.” You said quietly.
He was quick to look at you. “What? Are you serious?”
You nodded. “Like I said, the only reason I left was because you weren’t here. You’re back now, so I might as well come back too.”
Jay grinned at you, picking you up and spinning you.
You laughed. “Stop it, put me down you goof!” You were still giggling when your feet touched the ground again.
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lennoxstone · 3 years
maggie lindemann & she/her / female ‷ watch out , lennox stone has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty-four years old and celebrate their birthday on october 30th . they are from dallas, texas, reside in tripp’s trailer park and are currently working as a photographer. one thing you should know about them is she can be very stubborn and intense. 
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tw: death, foster care, mental illness, drugs, child abandonment, neglect, suicide, self harm, blood
Full Name: Eleanor ‘Lennox’ Stone
Age: 24
Birthday: October 30, 1996
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/her
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: Two brothers; 12 years old and 1 year old, from the family that wants to adopt her
Mental Illnesses: Bipolar II Disorder
Occupation: Bassist for Graveyard, freelance boudoir photographer
Eleanor Stone, who later renamed herself Lennox Stone, was born in Dallas, Texas to a drug addict. She was very clingy with her mother and had intense separation anxiety, likely due to her mother leaving her alone as early as five years old for one, sometimes two nights, in a row. When she was alone, she’d play the little keyboard in her bedroom, familiarizing herself with the notes eventually and teaching herself, later, to play keyboard. Ellie, her mother called her at that age, slept in her bed with her at night, and her mother believed that Ellie played the card really well of being ‘scared’ to do things by herself, when in actuality, Eleanor was scared. Did she sometimes manipulate because of that? Yes. But at her core was deeply ingrained fear that her mother would leave her forever. The only thing she knew about her father was that he was dead. She only found out in her young teenage years that he took his life, and was an alcoholic, after looking him up and meeting up with a living relative. 
One night, Eleanor’s mother had an accidental overdose and showed up with Eleanor at her side at the neighbor’s doorstep. Her mother proceeded to have a seizure right there, with the seven year old girl looking on. The neighbors called an ambulance and they arrived, a social worker meeting them at the hospital. Several calls to CPS had already been made due to strange behavior going on with Eleanor’s mother, and she’d seen people come in and question her mother. Nothing came of it then, but this was the final call. 
She believed for a long time that she was wrongly ripped from her mother at a young age, but it was only later that she came to have feelings of hate for her biological mother. Seven years old and withdrawn, she was mute for a year at her foster home. She said nothing to her foster mom, but would talk at school and to the therapists and to her foster dad. She manipulated him often, and ignored her new mom completely. Truthfully it was too painful to have a new mom. She told the therapist everything was fine. Nonetheless, her foster parents gave her up, and she went on to her second home at eight and a half years old. She stayed with them for three years. At nine, she would cut her wrists just to feel something. Her foster parents believed it was an act of manipulation, but it wasn’t at all. This time, she responded to therapy and stopped cutting her wrists for the most part, though she sometimes does even to this day when things are really bad. At ten, she had night terrors and would wake up screaming horrifically. She had moments where she would stare emptily, or just stop talking mid-sentence, and it scared both of her foster parents. Again, manipulation or acting--’faking’-- was suspected. She was later diagnosed with depression and reactive attachment disorder. 
At eleven, she got into her parents’ liquor cabinet and in a fit of rage smashed all the bottles, cutting her feet accidentally as she tried to leave the kitchen, and her parents found her, horrified, blood and glass all over the floor. She, luckily, didn’t have an infection when they rushed her to the hospital with nasty cuts and open wounds all over her feet and knees. 
She would scream out for her mom at night, and when her foster mom came to her side, Eleanor pushed her aside and screamed in her face. She said, “Fuck you! You aren’t my real mom!” They frequently cried at night, at wits end with this child who they had welcomed in their home who wouldn’t bond with them. They finally came to think that they weren’t suited to be her parents, and it was with a heavy heart that they stopped being her parents and she went on to the next home. 
Eleven and a half, she found a permanent home--well, permanent until she aged out of the foster system at sixteen, and decided instead of staying with them, she’d start her life somewhere else, and picked a random place. While the time lasted, anyway, it was for the first time that Eleanor was able to bond with a foster family. They had a cat that she loved and a baby boy. So, why, did they want her? Well, they told her---because they had lost a child a few years ago, and they felt something when they first saw Eleanor. They felt that they intensely wanted to give her a good home. 
She thrived with them for the first couple of years, getting involved in music, fine tuning her skills on the keyboard, and branching out to other instruments, feeling like she was finally good at something, even had a natural talent for it. 
She began getting into alcohol and smoking marijuana at fourteen. They found it in her room and questioned her about it, not upset at all, very gentle. It was due to their gentle parenting that she decided to quit what she herself even believed was acting out. At least in that way. She still went out at night a lot without telling anybody, just needing to escape. She would mostly walk by herself, but she had one good guy friend, Matthew, who would be awake whenever she called. Eleanor fell in love with him and he fell in love with her. They were together for two years. During that time span she had found out the truth about her father, that he had been an alcoholic and had ended his life. She had enough of Texas. Her parents assured her she had a place with them for as long as and whenever she wanted it, but she left without a proper goodbye. She called them a month later to let them know where she was. She was staying at a friend’s house (someone she’d met and partied with upon landing in Roswell--they knew each other a week before she moved from her motel into their apartment.) She and the other female quickly began a romance, full of drama. She began questioning a lot about herself. Playing around with her identity. Who she was. What she liked. What she believed. But mostly, she was reckless, restless, and impulsive. 
Seventeen, she changed her name unofficially from Eleanor to Lennox, left her girlfriend, and became apart of a group who were forming a band, moving back and forth from place to place. She’d become even more musical, and it had become a discipline for her, even; it was the one thing she felt like she was good at, and she took it seriously. It was and is really the only way she can express herself. And she loves the bass guitar, and can also play drums and piano. She felt like it was a good release for her anger. It was then that she found Cyrus, and the two formed a toxic relationship, almost always fighting. She had genuine feelings for him and probably still does, but the relationship wasn’t healthy in nearly any sort of way, and she didn’t feel she could handle that kind of thing anyway. Even though inside she hated being alone, felt this gaping hole in her heart when she was, that gaping hole didn’t take long--that emptiness didn’t take long--before it swallowed her whole again, even when she was right there in someone’s arms. Maybe the echoes of her childhood catching up with her?
She’s a tortured soul, feels like she’s lived way longer than her twenty-four years, and the “accidental deaths” that happened when the band was hanging around in mosh pits utterly ruined her. She beats herself up for it everyday, even if it couldn’t have been her fault. She still asks herself, is it my fault in someway, indirectly? She misses Cyrus. Now using music to get to him, even going off on her own and creating a hauntingly angry solo song that was leaked accidentally, showcasing her talent in a way that no one had quite seen before--who knew she could sing, or play the piano so well. And just when they’re working on creating their fifth album. But she was always known, even in childhood, to cause problems. And she did so in Graveyard. Frequently. Acting out, not showing up to meetings, or showing up late, or high. Lennox spends a lot of her days doing drugs and drinking alcohol, finds difficulty in getting through most days without them in some form, and she’s definitely rebellious, even aggressive at times. But underneath all of that is a scared inner child that actually feels things very deeply and loves intensely. In the past year she’s gotten into boudoir photography, and has found she’s decently good at it. She’s managed to accumulate clients, enough that she can afford living at the trailer park. Her foster family moved to Roswell a year ago, after their son was born (a happy surprise), after communicating with Lennox through phone calls and webcam for several years. They’ve just asked her if she’d be okay with them adopting her, even though it seems to her that it’s pointless at her age. Her sleep schedule is shit, as she often finds herself wandering around at night, not able to shut off her mind, thinking about running away and starting her life over someplace else. But she never does it. At least, not yet. The urge to run away in every area of her life is always so strong. 
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captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Two
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven,
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 3k+
Warnings: None... yet… Maybe need a filling for all the fluff I wrote in this part through...
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor (Eventual)
In This Part: Emma and Lena spend some time together. It’s not a date, even though they both wish it is.
The angst still hasn’t happened yet! Got probably two more parts to write before things get angsty! 
As always B!D is named.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @thewitchandtheassassin , @natasha-danvers , @life-is-hella-unfair , @finleyfray​, @supergirl-writingz​
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Emma Danvers is happily playing on her Playstation, munching on popcorn and having some much needed rest time. The band are having a break from the farewell sold out world tour. With the holidays coming up they decided to split the tour up to allow them time with their families. The last part will be around America after the New Year. The last gig happening in National City, where their first major gig happened. Emma pushed this idea, finding it quite poetic to finish with the band in the place it all accelerated for them.
Emma didn’t mind the over a month long break. It meant she was home for Thanksgiving and spending more time hanging out with her sister’s, friends and Lena.
Speaking of Lena, the first thing Emma did when she was back in National City was to surprise the CEO on her birthday. She took her best friend to all their favourite hang outs that had a gift at each place until leading Lena back to her apartment where the Superfriend’s were waiting to celebrate with her. By the end of the day Lena was a tearful mess and thanked Emma as she held onto the blonde in a tight hug. 
Emma smiles at the memory and her eyes quickly look at the clock above the huge tv. They had planned to have dinner together tonight as recently Lena has been so busy planning Gala’s and Charity events as well as her CEO job, Lena hasn’t had much time to meet her friend individually.
Seeing it was time to get ready Emma smiles, saves the game and turns everything off. She gets up and bounces into her bedroom to change into some smart casual clothes.  
Quickly looking through her walk in wardrobe Emma picks out her favourite deep blue skinny jeans that make her legs and ass look incredible. A white lace shell top under a red blazer and black high heels. She finishes the outfit off with her layered necklace, a leather wrap around bracelet and natural looking makeup. She pulls her hair out of the high ponytail and lets her naturally wavy blonde hair fall around her shoulders.
Looking herself over in the mirror Emma nods and grabs her green clutch. Placing her keys, small journal and phone inside. Making her way down to the bug Emma hums a song she’s working on, but, as always, it’s not quite there yet.
Soon she pulls into L-Corp’s garage, the security guard waving her through. She parks in Lena’s space and gets out.
“Hi Miss Danvers!” The security guard calls and waves at her.
“Hi David!” Emma calls back as she locks the bug. She waves and smiles at him as she makes her way to the elevator.
When the elevator doors slide open Emma steps inside and presses the button for the top floor where Lena’s office is. Her phone pings inside her clutch and Emma gets it out. Smiling at the message Kara sent to the Danvers sisters group chat.
Kara: I hope you and Lena have a nice time tonight!
Emma goes to respond but a message from Alex appears below Kara’s.
Alex: Traitor.
Kara: What did I do?
Alex: Not you! Emma! It’s sister night!
Emma: Aww I’m sorry Alex, but this was the only evening Lena had free. I promise to make it up to you.
Alex: How?
Emma: Anything you want.
Kara: Yea I’m actually a bit annoyed too!
Emma snorts with laughter at Kara’s message. The doors slide open and Emma slowly exits the elevator as she composes her next text.
Emma: Same goes for you Kara. Also, here’s an idea… Why don’t you both meet up? *Le Gasp!*
Alex: Kara, I’ll be round in 30 mins!
Kara: Bring Potstickers please!
Alex: Already ordered!
Alex: Have a great evening Peanut!
Emma: Thanks! You too! Love you!
Kara: Love you too! (followed by hundreds of emoji’s that widens Emma’s smile.)
Alex: Love you too! (followed by a red heart emoji and means just as much to Emma.)
“Are you planning on coming in?” Lena’s bemused voice calls out.
Emma looks up and realises she stopped in the open doorway of Lena’s office.
“Meh, I’m okay here.” Emma cheekily says and hovers for a few seconds before approaching Lena’s desk.
The raven haired beauty smirks at her before looking down at the papers she was signing. Emma’s eyes wander over Lena’s torso, mainly her chest. How the off the shoulder black dress fits in all the right places. Emma can’t wait to see it fully when Lena stands. In the meantime, Emma goes right up to Lena and hugs her from behind.
“Hi.” Emma whispers and feels a sudden urge to kiss Lena’s neck and back, which is on show due to Lena’s high ponytail and the off the shoulder dress. It takes everything in her to not look down at Lena’s chest.
“Hi.” Lena responds in a breathy voice, almost like she senses what Emma is feeling. “I’m almost done.”
“Take your time.” Emma gives Lena a squeeze before pulling away and stepping out onto the balcony.
Lena’s hand moves swiftly across the pages as she signs the last of the papers for the Christmas Charity Concert L-Corp is organising for the Luthor Children’s Hospital next week.
When she’s finished Lena gathers them up in a neat pile and rises from her chair. She looks around her office to see where Emma is and pauses when she finds her on the balcony, looking out at the city. Lena can’t help but gaze up and down Emma’s toned body. When her eyes land on Emma’s shapely ass, she bites her lip slightly. But when Lena realises where her thoughts are going she quickly shakes her head and turns away, grabbing her handbag and clearing her throat.
“Ready to go?” Emma’s voice says behind her.
“Yes!” Lena says over her shoulder. “All done.”
“Great!” Emma walks up to Lena’s desk, her eyes going up and down as she takes in all of Lena. She goes to walk out of the office but is stopped by Lena’s hand on her shoulder.
“Can I have a proper hug now?” Lena smiles brightly at the blonde.
“Of course you can!” Emma wraps her arms around the CEO. Sighing happily when Lena’s arms do the same. “You seriously give the best hugs.”
“Don’t let your sister’s hear you say that!” Lena laughs into Emma’s neck, causing the blonde to shiver.
“Yea, they’d both have a fit!” Emma chuckles as she pulls away. She holds out her arm for Lena to take and they exit the office. “How’s your day been?” Emma asks while they walk to the elevator.
Lena sighs heavily as she presses the call button.
“That good huh?”
“Well, it's recently gotten a lot better.” Lena squeezes Emma’s arm. Her eyebrows almost shoot up when she feels the muscle underneath. She knows Emma is fit, but not that fit. The doors slide open stopping her train of thought and they both enter. Lena lets go and Emma leans against the side of the elevator, looking at her friend.
“Yea must be such a relief finishing for the day.”
“I meant seeing you, you dork.” Lena's smile widens when Emma throws back her head and laughs. Lena loves Emma’s voice but her laugh is pure magic. She could listen to it for days.
“I’m honoured. Seeing you has been the highlight of mine too.”
“But the night is still young.” Lena tilts her head.
“I can’t imagine anything that can top you.”
‘I wish you would.’ Lena thinks, almost biting her lip again. “What if the restaurant has Creme Brûlée?” She chooses to say instead.
Emma pouts her lips, as if deep in thought.
“Arse.” Lena shoves Emma’s shoulder lightly causing the blonde to laugh again.
“I think it would come a close second to you.”
Lena’s insides melt at that comment and she smiles shyly.
The doors slide open and Emma holds her arm out again, walking with Lena to the bug. She opens the passenger door for her friend.
“My how gentlewomanly!” Lena slides in and Emma closes the door beside her.
‘Cool it Em!’ The blonde berates herself. ‘This is not a date.’ Emma gets into the driver’s seat and starts the bug. ‘Rao I wish it was a date.’
“So, how was your day? Other than seeing me being the highlight?” Lena asks as Emma pulls out of the garage, waving at the security guard as they pass.
“It was… okay?”
“Is that a statement or a question?”
“Er… I mean, I went for a 10k run and did some weight lifting. Worked a bit on a song, played Mass Effect.” Emma shrugs. “It’s been a very general day for me.”
“How you run 10k and do weights everyday is beyond me.”
“It’s fun!”
“If you say so darling.” Lena laughs and rolls her eyes.
“I do say so!” Emma laughs too. “But I do have recovery days as well.”
A noticeable drum beat starts on the radio and Emma whoops, recognising it as one of her current favourite songs. She turns the volume up high and dances along. Smiling brightly when Lena joins in. Not caring that people can see them when they wait at a red light.
A few do a double take as they walk past the bug and wave when they realise it is Emma in the yellow VW and Emma waves back with a smile. Generally fans in National City are respectable to Emma’s privacy and space. When fans do approach her Emma is always polite and will always give them her time. One such time she sat with an kind, eldery lady who had approached her while Emma was sat on a bench at the park. She gushed at how Emma’s music had helped her during the loss of her husband. Tears fell down her old cheeks and Emma gave her a tissue. The blonde listened to the many stories the eldery woman had and gave her a hug when they had to part ways.
Soon Emma and Lena pull up outside the restaurant and valet jumps to open Lena’s door. Emma reluctantly gets out to let the valet drive the bug to the parking area.
“The bug will be fine darling.” Lena says taking a hold of Emma’s hand as the blonde watches the yellow VW be driven away.
Emma weaves her fingers through Lena’s and smiles at her crush. Nodding she walks to the entrance and takes the elevator up to the top floors where the restaurant is.
“Ah! Ms. Luthor and Ms. Danvers! Welcome back!” The host greets them warmly before showing them to their favourite table in a secluded corner by the window. Emma especially loves the view. They are given the menus and the specials for the day. Emma quickly scans through but she already knows what she is ordering.
While they wait for the food the two women catch up. Chatting about anything and everything. Smiles permanently on their faces.
“So how’s things for the events going?” Emma asks while sipping on her Pepsi Max. She’s never been a lover of alcohol, seeing the effects it has on Alex and her peers put her off for life.
“It’s-” Lena pauses for a moment.
“Lee?” Emma frowns.
“Well, we’ve hit a bit of a road block.” Lena sits up a bit straighter. “You know the concert happening next week?”
Emma nods and she tilts her head. She’d already got her ticket with the Superfriends and was planning on anomalously donating a large sum of money to the children’s hospital.
“Well, the act had to pull out and I’m not sure where to find a replacement so quickly. I would ask you but I know this is your rest time and I completely respect that-”
“Lee!” Emma reaches out and takes a hold of Lena’s hand on top of the table. Lena’s cheeks start to blush, but she is blaming the red wine she is drinking. “Take a breath!” Lena does.
“Sorry, it’s just been a bit stressful.”
“I bet.” Emma says sympathetically. “But, I would love to help.”
“Of course! I know of a great gospel choir that could sing with me. Would actually be nice doing something different to country, you know?”
And Lena did know. Emma’s singing voice didn’t naturally have the country tone so she did have to add it in. Lena had been blown away one time when she heard Emma’s natural tone. She had been waiting for Emma to finish in the shower and she heard her voice singing out. Doing runs and riffs that had Lena’s jaw hitting the floor. Lena even got closer and stood by the door to listen better. When Lena heard Emma approach the door she quickly and quietly scurried away.
“Yes, would do you good to try something different too? For your solo career? Let the fans hear more of what you can do.”
“That’s if they want to hear it.” Emma looks away at the city below them, her insecurities bubbling to the surface.
“They would be fools not to Em.” Lena squeezes Emma’s hand and the blonde looks back at her.
“Thanks.” Emma gives Lena a small smile. The anxiety of stepping out into her solo career still worries her. “So-” Emma lets go of Lena’s hand and takes out the journal from her clutch. Opening it and clicking her pen. Her mind switching into work mode as she thinks about the concert. “What songs would you want in the set? And for how long? Do you want the audience to sing along? Will you give a speech?”
Lena pauses as she sips her wine. “Well… I guess the classics and no I don’t think the audience need to participate. It’s not a carol service. You have free rein other than it needs to be wrapping up around 9pm. A speech will be given, probably from someone from the hospital rather than me. Maybe ten or twelve songs, allowing the speech to be near the end and have an upbeat song to finish.”
“Okay.” Emma makes some notes and song ideas. She grins as a surge of excitement hits her. “Can I be a bit rude and message the lead of the choir, Karen?”
“You may. I mean I have dumped this on you.” Lena laughs and takes a sip of her wine while Emma gets her phone out.
“Er… Will the choir be paid?” Emma looks up at her. “I mean I can pay them, that’s no issue. Forget I said anything.”
“Em! It’s okay. And yes the choir will be paid. Ask them what they, Karen? Charges.”
Emma nods and quickly sends Karen a message. Who responds instantly in all capital letters that they will definitely perform with her at the concert and, in Emma’s opinion, quite a low price. Emma sends a message back confirming a time to meet the next day to go over ideas and songs. Already planning a set list in her head.
Lena watches Emma with a smile on her face. How Emma starts to radiate even more with her excitement.
The food soon arrives and like a true Danvers Emma digs right in.
“Oh Lee!” Emma moans, causing Lena’s brain to short circuit. “You need to try this!” Emma puts a piece of her food on her fork and holds it out for Lena. She watches as the raven haired beauty leans forward and slowly wraps her mouth around her fork. Emma swallows thickly when Lena moans too.
“That is delicious.” Lena agrees. “Do you want to taste mine?”
“Sure.” Emma waits for Lena to cut into the food and hold the fork out to her. And like Lena, Emma tilts forward, keeping her eyes on the raven haired beauty as she wraps her mouth around the fork. Emma can’t help the sound of pleasure that escapes her lips as she tastes the food. Closing her eyes briefly and when she opens them she swears she sees Lena biting her lip. “Wow, you made a good choice there.”
“I’m not sharing!” Lena laughs and starts eating again.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Emma says before digging in.
However they do share a Créme Brûlée and Lena has to clench her legs together when Emma sounds like she’s having a mouth orgasm with every bite.
“Okay, no, maybe this is the highlight of my day.” Emma says while licking the spoon and winking at a blushing Lena.
“I don’t know whether I should be offended or not.” Lena raises an eyebrow at the blonde.
“Nah, nothing compares to you Lena. You know that.”
The two women smile softly at each other before continuing their conquest of devouring the dessert.
When it’s time to leave Lena is having an intense tug of war with herself. She wants to come clean. To reveal to Emma that her feelings have gone deeper than friendship. As Emma drives her back to her apartment Lena wants to ask Emma to come up with her. But her past stops her from talking.
“Lee?” Emma notices how quiet Lena has gotten. “You okay?”
“Yea.” Lena says softly.
“You sure?” Emma presses further, knowing Lena is not fine.
“Yes, just tired I guess.”
“I bet you are!” Emma knows this is only partly the truth. Instead she drops it and gives Lena a sympathetic smile. “I really appreciate you spending time with me. I really do mean it when I say it's the highlight of my day, well week, even month! And I know how busy you are around this time of year, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome love.” Lena can’t deny the warmth that fills her heart. “It’s been the highlight of my month too.”
All too soon Emma is parked outside of Lena’s apartment building. “Well, thanks again. Shall I let you know the order of songs etc?”
Lena nods. “You can also send it to Jess as well.”
“Will do.” Emma smiles brightly and leans forward, opening her arms up for a hug. Lena happily falls into them. “Love you Lee.”
“Love you too Em.” ‘More than you’ll ever know.’
They sit like this for a while, just enjoying being in each other’s arms. Lena finally pulls away, knowing if she doesn’t go she will never leave.
“Good night.” She says while opening the door.
“Night. Sleep well!”
Lena is about to step out of the bug when she thinks ‘Fuck it!’ Lena leans back over to Emma and places a kiss on the corner of Emma’s mouth.“You too.” She quickly gets out of the car and enters the building. If she’d looked back she would have seen the brightest smile on Emma’s face as she watches her go.
(Part Three)
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Turn for the Better
Someone To Stay Ch. 1
Spencer x fem!reader
Spencer POV:
I open my eyes and glance around the room. It's darker than I remember. I must have fallen asleep reading on the couch again. I glance down and see a pile of books on the rug. Oh yeah...I only made it through about four books this time before I nodded off. I sigh in frustration that I'm awake. Might as well get up I suppose.
I wander into the kitchen and pull open the fridge only to be met with a jar of peanut butter, week old left overs, and a half empty jug of juice. Next.
I try again with the pantry. Almost completely bare. I guess this is what happens when you stop going to the grocery store. I settle on a cup of apple juice and a bag of chips... better than nothing right?
I slump back down onto the couch and pull my green wool blanket over me. As I stare up at my ceiling, as I begin to let my mind wander. But this was dangerous territory. I have to keep my mind occupied, I just have to. So I quickly sit back up and turn the TV to one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes. They say that anxious people re-watch the same shows because they find the familiarity comforting. I could definitely understand the feeling.
It was the weekend, which meant I wasn't called into work. Cases had been slow lately, as we spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork back at the office. Unfortunately for me, this meant less distractions. Distractions were good. Distractions were necessary. They are the only way I make it through the days anymore.
Things had finally returned to normal for me back at work. I was going into the field, and it felt like my coworkers were no longer tiptoeing around me. I hate when they do that, and it bothers me more than any amount of teasing ever could. I'm not so delicate, so easily breakable. Look at everything I have been through, everything I have endured. Yet here I am, still alive, still doing my job. I didn't need to be babied. So it was a relief when I felt the regular rapport I shared with my friends return. They had gone back to the sarcastic remarks and silly nicknames. I was grateful for it. They did, however, continue to check up on me. This was something that I did appreciate. They've seen me go down a dark road once before. I have no intentions of ever returning. I was stronger than that... I think. All I know is I have held on this long without resorting to any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Coping mechanisms...oh how I wish I had something to make the healing process easier. Having a fairly empty social calendar left me alone often. Normally I would find comfort in the peace and quiet of my solitary apartment, but not quite so much lately. I couldn't very well make plans to go out, and I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. Who would want to hang out with me right now anyways? I'd be a damper on the fun, and everyone knows it. That's probably why my friends stopped inviting me to the nights at the bar.
There I go again, letting my mind slip into a dark hole of anxiety. Its not a safe place to be. I quickly turn my attention back to the show in front of me, letting it drown out all other thoughts.
The ring of my phone quickly draws my attention away. Finally...another case! I jump up to answer, seeing the name on my screen: Derek Morgan. That's odd. Usually Hotch or Garcia call to notify us of a new case.
"Hello?" I answer, confusion lacing my voice.
"Pretty Boy! Buzz me up!"
Well now I'm even more confused. Derek never comes to my apartment. I quickly press the button letting him into the building and opening my apartment door, waiting for him to arrive.
As he comes up the stairs, he gives me a grin shouting, "Come on man! Get dressed. We're goin' out!"
I roll my eyes and retreat back into the apartment, Derek close behind me.
I sink back onto the couch, my eyes glued to the television as I tune him out.
"Aw c'mon. Don't be like that. How long have you been sitting there watching TV? Have you done anything else today, at all?"
I don't answer, I don't even look at him.
"Oh, let me guess. You've been reading all day, huh?"
"Wow, can't get anything past you huh?" I say dryly, regretting my tone as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Alright that it. You've been cooped up in here too long. Like I said before, we're going out. And I'm not taking no for an answer" he says sternly, raising an eyebrow at me.
I finally look up at him as I roll my eyes.
"You know I can kick your ass right?" Derek smirks.
"Fine" I concede. "Well...where are we going? I don't know what to wear unless you tell me what our plans are."
"Don't pretend you don't wear the same fancy button ups no matter where you end up going."
I let out a small laugh...he's got me there.
"Dinner at Rossi's. I know pretty boys are high maintenance but, hurry up or you'll make us late!" I smile at the nickname. Same old Derek.
You let out a sigh of relief as you watched your coworker approach you, ready to receive report. It had been a particularly busy shift, and you were ready to get some much-needed rest. You walked to each patient room, giving Clementine summary of the day and the latest updates on labs and vital signs. You stepped into each room with her, checking one last time to make sure each of your patients was doing well and didn't need anything else before you left. Normally you and Clem would spend some time catching up and making jokes, but she could tell you were tired and needed to be home more than anything. You wished her good luck on her shift as you made your way to the break room. After putting away your stethoscope and the large collection of pens, pencils, and markers you kept in your pockets, you finally headed towards the elevator to leave for the day.
You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by your dog, Juneau. She was a rescue you adopted a few months back. She still needed to make progress, but she had really warmed up to you and your friends and seemed much more comfortable in her new home. After feeding her dinner and taking her for a short walk, you heated up a quick frozen dinner and sunk into your couch.  Curling up in your blanket, you spent a few minutes browsing through different streaming services only to land on The Office, as usual.  Your mind drifts to what your next few days might consist off. You just so happened to land 4 days off in a row, but you had no idea how you would spend your time. You glanced down at your phone as it lit up.  It was your Uncle Will.
"Hey, whats up!" you chimed, glad to hear from your favorite uncle.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm actually calling to invite you to a dinner some friends of mine are having tomorrow night. I know your schedule is real busy. But I haven't seen you much since you moved up here to Virginia! I know you haven't met many people here yet, but I think I can help you make a start. "
The kind gesture made you smile. You had always been fairly close with your father's side of the family. He had grown up in Louisiana and met your mother at a college in Texas. You spent your childhood in Houston but frequently visited the Cajun half of your family. Uncle Will had moved away once he fell in love with Jenifer Jareau, his now wife, and you hadn't seem much of him the past few years. But as luck would have it, your nursing career had lead you to a hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. You felt extremely lucky to have family nearby, or else you would have been completely alone. But sometimes you still felt that way, which is why you were so grateful for his offer.
"That actually sounds great! I am off for the next four days, and I didn't really have anything planned. Who will I be meeting at this dinner?"
"Well it's some of JJ's coworkers. They're like a second family to us, and I know they'll be just as welcoming to you. I already told them you moved up here, and they've been begging to meet you."
"Aww I can't wait to see Aunt JJ and my sweet little cousin, Henry! Its been so long since I came to visit you guys. I think Henry was barely two years old the last time I saw him."
"Well we all hope to see you a lot more now that you're here. You're like a daughter to us, Y/N. You are welcome to visit any time you like. I know nursing is a stressful job, and it can take a toll. Its important to have family and friends around you when things get tough." You could hear that this was a genuine offer and you fully planned to take him up on it in the future. Being alone in a new state was taking its toll.
"So where and when should I plan to meet for dinner?"
"I'll text you the address real quick. Everyone is planning to meet around 6. It shouldn't be too far of a drive. It's one of JJ's coworker's houses. David Rossi. He's a real easygoing guy, and he loves cooking for everyone. He loves meeting new people even more, so you should feel right at home!"
"Sounds like a fun time. Thank you again for thinking to invite me. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Alright boo, talk to you later."
You smiled at the pet name used by the entire Louisiana side of your family. I guess the north had yet to steal his southern roots. You hung up the phone. You finally had plans. It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a coworker.  It would also be your first excuse to dress up since moving and starting your new job. Too excited to wait, you jumped up from the couch and began to rifle through your closet for something to wear. You didn't want to be too over or underdressed. You grabbed a black spaghetti strap fit and flare dress and throw it on with some black panty hose, a lightweight maroon cardigan, and some black heels. You snapped a quick photo in the mirror and shoot a text to Aunt JJ.
Y/N: Apparently I'm joining y'all for dinner tomorrow night...is this too much???
Aunt JJ: I heard! I can't wait!
And oh my goodness, no! You look gorgeous! It will be perfect.
Also...Henry is so excited to see you!
You smiled, more confident in your choice. Aunt JJ had great taste. You had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple times, but the two of you had clicked right away and stayed in touch over text and Facetime. Sometimes she felt more like the sister you never had.
Starting to feel the effects of your particularly difficult shift, you start to get ready for bed. You wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. You say goodnight to Juneau and crawl into bed, snuggled under all the blankets. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, with the feeling that things in your life are about to take a turn for the better. You couldn't explain it...but somehow you just knew.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter twenty-one: misery loves company
"another fan's appreciation, a do-be, don't-be situation. drag me down into your hatred." -"misery loves company", anthrax
“Thank you again, Marla.”
Sam, Zelda, Alex, and Chuck had landed in Syracuse at around nine thirty at night. And, once they had landed and after a swift phone call to the apartment in Hell's Kitchen, Marla drove up for a ride over to Joey's place. For all Sam knew, he had barricaded himself into his place and thus she asked Marla to bring some more things along with her all the while: her old journal stayed put in that red courier bag over her shoulder. If Joey would at the very least let them in, she knew that the work of her pens and her pencils would perhaps help him.
Once Marla bounded into the airport parking lot, and she pulled up to the curb of which the four of them congregated at in anticipation of her, Sam was quick to catch her there at the driver's seat first: she kept her hair that bright neon green except this time around she ridded of the black stripe so she had a solid helmet of rich ferocious green hair that they saw from clear across the parking lot.
“You got those books?” Sam asked her once the three of them had piled into the back of her car.
“Right in the back seat!” Marla announced with a quick gesture behind her.
“Yeah, there's a li'l stack of books here—right here on the floor,” Chuck told her; once she put her courier bag in the trunk, Sam rounded the front of the car back to the passenger seat.
“Those are the books I got from the house in Elsinore,” she told him. “Next to my art, they were the only things that kept me sane. I have no doubt those books will help him recover and keep him company in this hard time for him.”
She strapped in and Marla lifted the parking brake, and they proceeded away from the curb and into the rest of the lot. Despite the glow from North Syracuse, the darkness met them there at the driveway and all the way into the woods outside there. The memory of her and Joey having driven up to North Syracuse felt so fresh in mind: it wasn't that long ago he took her to the edge of the lake and then he showed her some hockey moves, complete with a round on the ice.
She kept her hand up on the “oh, shit” handle over her head all the way out from that city's edge.
“I'm also glad you two guys and Zelda came with her,” Marla said at one point, and with a glimpse into the rear view mirror.
“Well, as Alex said—Joey's going to need all the support he can get,” Chuck told her.
“I was coming back East anyway,” Zelda added, “back to Providence once all is said and done here.”
“Tour's cancelled, I assume?” Marla asked her with another glimpse into the mirror.
“Yeah, pretty much. My hope is that we can pick up where we left off again soon enough. The four of us are fine and good to go—like we'll tour with David Bowie or with Springsteen, as long as it gets us going again.” Zelda paused for a moment. “We were doing great, too!”
“New album,” Sam said in a soft voice.
“Marla can't know the full truth about it as of yet,” Zelda pointed out; she had leaned forward to the back of the seat to better say that to her.
“Oh, right, right, right.”
“I didn't even hear you anyways,” Marla said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Anyways, but yeah! We were just killing it lately. More so than when we toured with them and these two birds on either side of me here. I have no clue what's gonna happen to Anthrax now.”
“They're gonna need a new singer, for one thing,” Chuck told her. “Who that's gonna be is another question all together.”
“Somebody who isn't Joey,” Sam declared.
“Yeah, it's not gonna be the same without him,” Alex agreed with her. “He gave them that dissonance that makes them stand out. His high voice held in junction to their hard and fast music.”
“He also gives them their heart, too,” she continued, “like when they were just a quartet and he was playing guitar, they had a lot more heart than when Scott was with them the first time around.”
“Yeah, they did,” Marla said with a glimpse over to her. “They really genuinely did. Like they had a certain warmth to them. Like a kindness of sorts.”
They fell back into silence and Marla took the next exit off to that familiar neighborhood, the street with the right turn across from the art shop, buttoned up for the night. The apartment complex stood dark and lifeless against the inky black sky overhead.
Sam reached his front door first and knocked on the panel.
“Joey?” she called through the wood as Chuck stood behind her.
Silence on the other side. The kitchen light was on, as well as the living room light. But it felt as though nobody was home.
“Try the knob,” Chuck advised her, and she turned it to the side. The door swung open.
There on the living floor, stretched out flat on his back, was Joey. His jet black curls had spread over part of his face while his arms were stretched out on either side of him. He looked as though he had fainted: through his curls, Sam made out the sight of his eyes pinched shut. His otherwise brown skin had washed out to the point it was more pale than the four walls that surrounded them.
To think that she held him in her arms only a month before. To think that she had come so close to him before that point. To think that he confessed his love to her and kicked that other woman away from him.
Sam lunged for him.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion from that point onward. She was about to clasp her hands to the sides of his face when something stopped her.
Or someone.
“Sam, look!” Chuck pointed out.
She glanced down at Joey's outstretched right arm. The syringe on the floor, filled with something gray and liquid, and for all she knew fatal.
“Joey!” Zelda shouted from behind them.
“JOEY!” Sam never yelled so loud in her life as she crouched down on the other side of him.
“Oh, god,” Zelda groaned. “Oh, god. Oh, god, oh god oh god oh god oh shit—oh hell no.”
“Oh, fucking hell,” Chuck said as she ran his fingers through his hair. “Sweet Jesus don't let it be true.”
Marla and Alex skidded into the apartment.
Joey groaned in his throat and Sam and Chuck gasped.
“Joey?” she whispered to him. Chuck crouched down next to her. Marla and Alex loomed right behind them.
“What's—what's all the yelling?” Joey grunted out through gritted teeth.
“Oh, thank god,” Alex declared in a broken voice.
“What's going on?” Joey rolled his head over so his hair streamed off of his face. Sam looked over to the couch to find an empty beer right bottle next to the base.
Using a tissue, Zelda picked up the syringe from the carpet and she tossed it into the garbage can in the kitchen; Sam and Marla took another look at his arm to find that he had not made a single puncture.
The point of the needle had missed the vein by about a hair's breadth. Had he not been drunk, he would've made the lethal injection. Being drunk literally saved him.
Marla and Zelda lifted him off of the floor and propped him into an upright position, with his back right up against the front of the couch. He bowed his head and his jet black curls tousled around his shoulders and his chest. Tearful, Sam lunged forward and lifted his head for a better look into his eyes: those soft brown irises had given way to bloodshot terror. The beautiful sun kissed Indian boy she had fallen in love with had the angel of darkness looming over him right at that very moment.
“Joey,” she pled into his face, “Joey, can you hear me?”
“I do,” he said as he closed his eyes. His dark lips, once smooth like chocolate, never looked so dry and chapped from the lack of liquids.
“Dude, why do you have to do this to yourself?” Alex demanded, mortified.
“I just feel like I have to,” Joey confessed in a broken voice: all the while, he barely moved his lips.
“We enjoy a couple of beers once in a while, but it's once in a while, though,” Chuck pointed out.
“Joey, I could've lost you!” Sam declared as she could feel the tears coming on.
“I've only had one drink,” he told them; indeed, he didn't smell alcohol at all, but rather like he had been asleep for hours on end. “I just—don't want to be awake anymore. I want to sleep. I can't sleep. I want to sleep.”
A single tear fell down Sam's cheek at the sound of that.
“Joey, listen to me,” she begged him. “You and I were getting so close to each other in my bed—in my bed! Back at my mom's house! Make no mistake, I was about to go all the way with you. I'll go with you all the way right now if you want.”
“Sam, please,” he said as his eyes drooped shut, “I'm not in the mood right now.”
“Joey—please—listen to me. You don't need to pollute your body like this—you have to heal—you have a beautiful body and you mustn't do this sort of thing to it.”
“I deserved it, though,” he breathed out; she could hear tears in his voice.
“No! No you didn't! You didn't deserve any part of it, Joey!”
She began crying right there, right in front of him. She pushed the hair out of his bloodshot eyes once again.
“I want to heal you—I want to make art of your beautiful body and show the world of what I see in you. All the love I feel, away from the horrors of which you do to yourself.”
She brought her lips to his, to that dry and cracked skin and she could feel the pains in his heart all the while. She held her hands on either side of his face to better feel his skin.
“I love you, Joey,” she begged right into his gaping mouth. “I love you—I love you, Cliff—”
“What?” he asked her.
“I love you, Joey,” she repeated in a near whisper.
“I thought that's what you said,” he breathed back to her.
“What else would it be?” she asked him and she could feel her eyes burning with tears. She ran her fingers through his inky black hair for a better look into his face, so sick and pale; and she took a glance down at his body, so thin and emeciated.
“When's the last time you ate?” Chuck asked him in a gentle voice, to which Joey shrugged and he closed his eyes again. Chuck turned back to Zelda, Marla, and Alex right behind them.
“One of you go into the kitchen and get him something—he's probably famished to high heaven right now.”
“No,” Joey begged them.
“No?” Sam demanded as she brushed a tear from her eye.
“You look like you're about ready to pass out,” Alex chimed in.
“Why the hell is he here,” Joey sputtered, and his speech slurred a bit.
“Alex came along because he wanted to help you!” Sam exclaimed. “Chuck and Zelda did, too!”
“I don't need help,” he croaked. “I don't need an Eskimo again.”
“Yes, you do! Yes, you do, Joey! You got fired and now look at you! You're in dire straits! I let one boyfriend die, I'm not going through that again.”
“I can get it myself...” His voice was to a near whisper at that point, further accentuated by the lack of liquids within him.
“I need to help you, Joey—I need to get you away from that. I need to protect you.”
“Sam—don't—with him,” Marla advised her as she set a hand on her shoulder. “He'll figure it out himself.”
“But I need to help him! He needs help—” Her voice broke as the words left her lips. Marla tugged her up from the floor and she turned her around to better face her.
“Literally the best and sexiest thing you can do for him is to let him figure it out for himself,” Marla continued in a gentle tone. Sam could see in her eyes that she too was crying. But she had to let him go, even if it meant another series of deep breaks within her heart. She bowed her head and wept right in front of Marla; she lowered her head and all but collapsed right into her chest. Marla cradled her in her arms and held her within her chest.
Chuck joined in right next to them.
Sam couldn't think about anything any further than that. All she recalled from that point onward was her climbing back into Marla's car and then nothing else after the fact. Everything was a blur, such that the mysterious man finally returned to her, even while she was wide awake. She pictured him right next to her, with his eyes deeper than the bottom of the ocean and his face right up close to her own. She wished to ask him on what to do next, but he never said anything to her.
Instead, he shook his head to her and then he looked back towards the trunk. She couldn't hardly think of anything else, but she knew that he meant business, and he always did when she reached a dead end. Behind every dead end was the road less travelled and his presence within her showed it to her. Marla saw him, too, and thus she knew that they were all in it together. It was all she could think about on the way away from Joey's apartment.
One of them led her into some place there in Camillus and the next thing she knew, she sat right next to Alex in a booth somewhere around there. She brushed away more tears and she peered over at Alex and the thoughtful look on his face. He had already ordered himself a cup of coffee despite it being almost eleven o'clock at night.
“Where's Marla, Chuck, and Zelda?” she asked him in a broken voice; she picked up a napkin so as to dry her eyes.
“Chuck and Zelda went next door for something,” he replied in a gentle tone, “Marla's right there.” He pointed to the right of her, where Marla finally picked up the receiver after she had apparently been waiting in line for a time. She put in the coins and slowly dialed the number.
Alex picked up his mug and took a sip of coffee.
“Hello, Charlie,” she started in a loud enough voice for the both of them to hear. “This is Marla. I know it's late, but meet up with me, Sam, Zelda, Chuck, and Alex as soon as you get this. We're at the coffee shop up in Camillus, like it's the coffee shop right at the center of town. It's highly important that you do. Like, this is dire. This is a potentially life or death situation here.”
Sam turned her attention to Alex right next to her in the booth, and his hand rested upon the table top before him, right next to his cup of coffee.
“So you said your parents hail from New York, right?” she asked him in a broken voice.
“Yeah, Sheep's Head. A neighborhood down in Brooklyn—my dad's from there, especially.”
She looked down at his cup of coffee right before him. Having coffee so late at night felt so strange to her, but at the same time, there was something so precious about it. She thought back to when she and Joey first met Alex, and he sat on the front porch of the coffee house with Cliff. The only thing they missed was a bit of rain on their backs otherwise the mood would surround them and fit like a glove. She had bought him some ginger snaps all the while.
“You know what, Alex?” she started. “You're always giving me stuff. I wanna give you something, too.”
“Nonsense, you always give me stuff,” he pointed out with a straight face. “You feed me and you cuddled up next to me—both in my car and in my bed. You took me to your old home, too, the place you go to when no one's looking. That's far more than what it's worth, Samantha.”
“And you took me home...” Her voice trailed off as she glanced up at Marla who had dialed another number on the pay phone right next to them.
“So we're always giving each other stuff,” she told him. “How 'bout—we give each other our silence?”
“Our silence,” he echoed that.
“Yeah, if we don't stifle one another with gifts to each other, surely we'd have to give each other our silence.”
Alex lowered his gaze to the floor before them and then he nodded his head in realization of what she meant by that.
“I don't know if I've told you this,” she started again, “but one thing I've always wanted to do with Joey was make a glass piece based off of him.”
“Glass—like stained glass?” He was stunned by that.
“Yeah. When I was in school, Belinda taught both me and Marla some tricks on how to work with the glass tools—you know the cutter and how to make things go with the grain of the glass. It was something I've always wanted to do when I was in school.”
“And you never did?” He knitted his eyebrows together, to which she shook her head.
“Never could get into it,” she confessed. “And I have no clue where to start with where Bel works over in Albany, either.”
“Do you think—” He raised his gaze to the ceiling overhead: the light over them shone down on his prominent brow and it in turn made his eyes appear deeper than they actually were. “Do you think maybe they can get you something there?” He returned his gaze to her.
“Maybe,” she said with a shrug and a sniffle: all the crying had loosened her up. “But then again, that would mean that I would have to come back here to New York. I'm already just barely settled into my mom's house. And I'm still just getting to know you guys, too.”
“Traveling can be hard, too. I mean, look no further than when we were in Germany last summer.”
“Oh, yeah, on the flight home, you were out like a light,” she recalled.
“And I was out like a light after I got back to the hotel from the border, too!” he added with a chuckle. And then he turned serious once more. “Well—Samantha—”
She turned her attention to him, right into those bright steely deep eyes with a quick glimpse to the little tuft of gray over his brow, which had returned to full bright fruition. He nibbled on his bottom lip.
“Whatever you want to do—” he began, but he stopped from something right next to them, and Sam turned her attention to Zelda who had just walked in through the front doors right then. Marla hung up the phone but then Zelda lunged for it herself.
“Sam?” Marla said once she turned back around towards them.
“What's up?” she asked her.
“You guys aren't gonna believe this.”
Alex raised those dark eyebrows at her.
“Apparently Bill hasn't nulled the marriage,” she told her. “You're still legally his wife.”
Alex closed his eyes and bowed his head.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Sam groaned as she leaned her back against the vinyl seat right behind her. “But wait, I kissed Joey, though! That's a breach of contract, isn't it?”
“For it to be as such, you have to be caught,” Marla pointed out. “You have to actually show proof of it in the state of California.”
“Caught,” she echoed. Alex raised his head right then.
“Caught,” he muttered, and then Sam raised her eyebrows at him.
“Marla, do you have your camera on hand?” he asked her.
“No, it's back home in Hell's Kitchen.”
“Why?” Marla frowned at him. Sam lowered her gaze to those spidery guitar player fingers right next to his coffee cup, and right next to her own hand. Thin and sparse, perfect for running along the neck of that little red guitar back at his parents' house.
“Well,” he started again with a bit of caution, “'cause if you did, I'd ask Sam here to hold my hand with me and you to take a picture for us. If he needs proof that his legal wife's sneaking around behind his back, then let's give it to him right now.”
“I think you're gonna need to do way more than to hold hands with her, Alex,” Marla pointed out. “Even when she said that she and Louie screwed around, he didn't buy into it once. At least as far as I could tell anyway.”
She sat back down next to Sam while Zelda called up someone, probably one of the girls back in Rhode Island. The three of them sat there in silence, when Marla turned her attention back to them.
“I have an idea,” she said in a low voice, “but it doesn't involve him, though.” She nodded at Alex.
“What're you thinking?” Sam asked her as she drummed her fingers on the top of the table.
“We go back to Hell's Kitchen—you know, it's four hour drive, so it's going to be real late by the time we get there but it'll be more than worth it, though. Like we get in the car and—and—” Marla closed her eyes.
“We go back there and—seeing as Chuck is with us, another Native American man—I do a little—” She ran her tongue over the edge of her top row of teeth.
“A little what?”
Marla nibbled on her bottom lip and then she made the shape of a woman's body with her index fingers and then she made a camera gesture thereafter.
“Marla,” Sam scoffed, albeit in a hushed voice.
“Well, what the hell else are we supposed to do, though, Sam? Especially since we're here right now, within range of Hell's Kitchen and my camera—” She flashed Alex a dirty look.
“Hey, sometimes the way is through, you know,” he pointed out as he took a sip of coffee.
“And be the other woman with Chuck and Tiffany?” Sam was horrified. “I don't think so.”
“Well, unless Joey wakes up any time soon, there's no way to do something straight up without crossing some lines and then showing it off to Bill to verify it. As far as he knows, you're a citizen of California now and therefore his official wife. He won, Sam. Unless you go to bed with Chuck and I catch you on camera all the while, that Bible thumping mother fucker won and you go back to Elsinore and undo everything Bel and I did to get you out of there.”
She sighed through her nose and she pulled in her fingers so she had her fist upon the table top.
“Time to put on your acting skills, Sam,” Marla told her with a wink. “C'mon—it's a four hour drive. The longer we stick around here, the later it'll be by the time we get home.”
Alex polished off the rest of his coffee and then, as Marla left a tip for the waitress, the three of them headed out of there right as Zelda hung up the phone.
“Rose is coming to get me,” she told them.
“Okay!” Marla replied. “So—good night for now.”
They exchanged embraces and then Marla led Sam and Alex back outside, where Chuck met up with them, out of breath and with a sheen of sweat on one side of his face.
“Where've you been?” Sam asked him.
“Looking for another phone,” he told her as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. “Not another one for at least a couple of blocks and the damned thing wasn't working.”
“Well, we're going back to Hell's Kitchen,” Marla announced to him, “I have an idea because Sam's still caught up in a little pickle with her insane counselor.”
“Oh, really?”
Sam herself then turned to Alex.
“By the way,” she started, “what were you going to tell me a little bit ago?”
“On what?” he asked her.
“You know when we were talking about glass and coming back here to New York, and how traveling is hard and whatnot,” she recalled. “You were going to say something to me. Whatever I wanted to do and then you got cut off. Ring any bells?”
He paused and then his face lit up.
“Oh, yeah! I was gonna tell you that whatever you wanna do—I'm behind you on it.”
“Yeah.” Even in the afterglow from the cafe behind them and the streetlights before them, she could see the thoughtful look on his face. She sniffled again and she flashed back to when he rescued her from the side of the road.
“Besides,” he continued with a shrug of his shoulders and a shift of his weight, “after what happened with Joey earlier, you're going to kinda need that, too. That type of support. I'm sure Marla and Belinda would give it to you, too. But—you know. The more, the merrier.”
“Thank you, Alex, that—that means a lot to me.” She showed him a little smile and she could feel the tears coming on once more.
“Hey, it's just like when I picked you up from the side of the road a couple of months ago. I'm just doing what I can.”
“Hey, kids!” Chuck called out to them. “Think the snow's coming, I feel it!”
“Oh, shit! Yeah, let's get a move on...” Alex and Sam ran to the car together, and he stayed right behind her in the back seat on the four hour ride back to New York City. Even if the snows came in right then, Sam knew that she could rely on friends now.
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dibidibifiction · 4 years
A Hundred-dollar Bill: PART 1
Warning: foul language Word count: 1.5k
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made for personal entertainment of readers. The writer does not ever intend to offend her readers nor does she aim to spread false information about anyone as to pay any disrespect to the real-life persons whom the characters are based on. She also does not claim ownership to any of the images that are being used.
“Mmm, Y/n, these are delicious!” Kibum exclaims as he takes one more full bite of my homemade triple chocolate cookies.
“Hand me one!” Taemin says, concentrating on the television screen where he and Minho are playing PS4.
“I'm really glad you like it. I’ve always loved baking,” I say to Kibum while joining him on Minho’s bed, ignoring Taemin. “This is actually my first time baking again ever since after my mom passed long ago. If you want I could—”
“Yeah!” Minho roars in the middle of his basement bedroom, making me jump. “I won, motherfucker!”
“I guess you're happy now?” Taemin mocks him while throwing the controller on the couch. Minho doesn’t ever let it go every time he loses a game. He would force his opponent to play more of FIFA 18 with him until he finally wins.
Minho continues to yell victoriously while he runs around the room with both of his hands in the air like an Olympic champion. He proceeds to Kibum and I on the bed. He jumps, and lands on us belly first.
“Ah!” I shriek in cramping pain, his boney hips hitting my thigh. “What the hell!”
Kibum, who doesn’t even look up from his phone, scrunches his forehead in irritation. “Hey, get off!”
While Minho annoys us even more by moving all his limbs like he’s swimming, together with his contagious high-pitched laugh, an idea comes to mind. With all the strength I have, I heavily climb on top of him, sitting on his butt to pin him down. I avenge, starting to poke and scratch his sides up and down.
“Shit, no!” Now laughing even louder because of the tickling, he suddenly draws his whole heavy body to roll to the side, making me crash onto Kibum’s shin. Now he’s the one pinning me down. Before I know it, Taemin jumps in and starts tickling me with his fingers, switching back and forth my neck and my stomach. It’s like they planned to destroy me.
“What did I ever do to you, Taemin!” I scream at him breathlessly, shaking my whole body in a struggle to escape the boys’ strong grasp.
“Hey! Would you guys stop that?” Kibum, the one who bitches the most, shakes up from the bed and transfers to the sofa where the other two boys were playing video games. “Why am I even friends with you?” he complains, taking another one of my cookies from their box on the side table.
Minho and Taemin stop what they’re doing. Breathless but are still laughing at me. 
I’m finally free, exhausted from their physical bullying. I look like I’ve just had rough sex and got all fucked up in bed. “He’s right. Why am I even friends with you?” I sulk. I am sick of always being the weakest target. I blow my messed up hair away from my face as I get up and follow Kibum to the couch. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his neck. “Kibum, save me.”
“That’s on you, babe. That’s what you get from bringing us all together in the first place,” he says, as sassy as ever. 
Oh, right. I did introduce them to one another. I met them all separately. In different places and different times, but all in the same year. Two years ago.
I first encountered Kibum on Instagram. I followed him and commented on his IGTV about easy outfit hacks. It’s from him where I learned how to cut my jeans stylishly when they’re too long, or turn old clothes into good-as-new ones. He is brilliant. I even sent him a private message to tell him that, and we ended up hitting it on.
A few days after that, I ran into him on the streets of the city. I’m genuinely surprised that he recognized me, chatted me up and practically forced me to have lunch with him. He fell comfortable with me that same day and blurted out all his frustrations about being stuck in life. He had been wanting to go to fashion school but money was too tight and the influencing career wasn’t really working. I was weirded out at first since I’m not really good at making friends. But this guy appreciated me instantly just because of my comment on his post. I don’t get that a lot. He said that I was only one of the few who constantly followed him and actually cared. Plus, I was the only one who's close by. 
He’s been doing Instagram for years but his audience had grown too slowly, which I didn’t understand. Kibum’s work was absolutely impressive and effective. 
We had been having dinner at the same café, where we had lunch for the first time, almost every evening since then. We just connected.
Taemin used to be a famous pop singer but his career fucked up because of rumors gone wrong about him using drugs to appear happy and funny in reality shows. 
It was a late night, just around two months after I met Kibum, a man with bleach blond hair in a dark hoodie bumped into me for running from men with huge cameras. In my attempt to help out, I ran after him and pulled him up into an alley where he’d be hardly seen. However, my plan failed and he started to panic. When the paparazzi was gaining on us, I started panicking as well. So without extra thinking, I pushed him onto the wall and made out with him. That way, they’d be too uncomfortable to even look and just puzzledly proceed to different directions. 
Taemin stayed on my couch that same night and disappeared the next morning. On my way home from work a few days later, he randomly approached me to borrow money for some errands—which I did lend him—and offered to pay triple. I immediately and strongly declined that payment. Instead, I asked him to have dinner with me and Kibum at the café. 
We, including Taemin himself, expected that he’d just eat with us only for a few days, but he figured it was a safe place where almost no one crazy could recognize him and chase after him, especially when he dyed his hair back to its natural color. 
Since then, I’ve got two best friends by my side.
Minho is the son of my boss—well, former boss—who is the CEO of the company I worked for, which he’d soon inherit. He hated the company. Hell, he hated his father. So did I, which is why I quit just recently. 
Minho and I bonded over cigarette breaks every four P.M., right before my work hours ended. I’d then head to the café to meet up with Kibum and Taemin. 
One afternoon, he just invited himself to join us since he claimed that he had nowhere else to go. 
Just then, our little group stopped growing in numbers and started growing something tight and unbreakable. We would learn about each other’s hardships and be there for one another. We would celebrate every little achievement. The bond that we had was just very natural and unexpected. Some of us had fights but they were never too serious and we would realize that our friendship is always bigger than anything. We are the broken pieces that are mended together by one another.
“Hey, here’s an idea,” I announce to no one in particular after a moment of silence.
“I hope it’s not another sketchy party like last time,” Kibum grumbles. He is laying on the sofa, using my lap as his pillow.
“I heard the family I used to babysit for is going away for the weekend. What do you guys say?”
I sigh when nobody says anything. “They have a pool. So…” I trail off, waiting for somebody to be excited as I am.
“There’s no way I’m breaking and entering someone else’s house,” Minho blurts out.
“We’re not breaking anything, we’re just entering,” I shrug.
“Yeah, Hyung. Stop being a wuss,” Taemin pats Minho’s back once. “I’m in! There’s no reputation to ruin anyway,” he shrugs as he walks towards the couch and sits under Kibum’s feet, taking my side.
I turn to Kibum, who is biting dead skin off his nails, pretending not to hear us. “Fine!” he rolls his eyes as he sits up. “I’m in too. Just for one night, right? We’re not staying there the entire weekend. My life is fucked up enough. I’m not going to jail.”
“Yes!” Taemin and I high five. We three then look to Minho. We are not taking no for an answer. 
“Oh, what the hell,” he gives in. I love that he doesn't need much convincing. He stands up, and runs towards us. Once again, he flops his wings, jumps, and touches down on all three of us. 
There was loud laughter, which I always love experiencing with these people. Next thing I know is we are group hugging. 
“So, when do we go?” Minho asks when he pulls away.
I smile cockily. “Tonight.”
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faefictions · 5 years
Lonely People | Ch 1
(If you would like to listen to the Lonely People playlist, either send me an ask/message or search for it on my profile!)
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader (slowburn, enemies to lovers)
Word Count: 4,015
Warnings: underage drinking (that’s all for this chapter, but I would just like to state now that this story will deal with some heavy topics later on, such as abuse, addiction, and mental health issues. Those chapters will have those warnings before them!!)
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“Y/n get over here!”
She searched the room for the voice calling her name, scanning over what seemed to be hundreds of heads before her eyes landed on her friends. The 2 were standing next to the beer pong table, waving their hands, urging her to come over. 
“Jace needs a partner,” Sierra explained, handing her the ping pong ball as she approached. 
“And why couldn’t you play with him?”
“Because I wanted the best, now get over here,” Jace said, pulling her wrist so she would join him. 
Ten minutes later, y/n had made every shot while the other team had made none. 
“Well, as fun as that was, I think I need to actually drink,” she winked at Jace, before grabbing Sierra’s hand and rushing off to take shots. 
“It’s really good to see you two finally socializing again,” Sierra commented loudly over the music. 
“I told you he would get over it eventually,” y/n replied. 
Just two months prior, Jace had tried to pursue a relationship with y/n, but her reply was less than ideal. Her exact words were that she didn’t “do the whole relationship thing”. They didn’t speak for more than a month after that, creating an awkward situation for Sierra considering their shared residence. 
“I mean I don’t think he’s really over it, he just knows that ignoring you isn’t going to get him anywhere.”
Y/n poured 2 shots, hoping that her best friend would just drop the subject. She had done her best to avoid talking about it for the past two months. 
“I thought you thought he was great anyway, I don’t get why you don’t just give him a chance,” Sierra remarked as she took the glass. 
“How about shut up before I stop talking to you too,” Y/n joked, clinking their glasses together and downing the liquid. 
2 shots later, the girls made their way to the living room of the house, sitting on the couch laughing through another story from Sierra’s childhood. This was their usual Friday night, although it wasn’t unusual to find them drunk at a party any other night of the week. 
The three roommates were all in their sophomore year of college and at that point, it was a miracle that none of them had been kicked out of their university. They all had their fair share of absences, tardies, and failing grades. 
Sierra and Jace grew up in the same town, and went to the same schools most of their lives. They didn’t really become friends until they went to college though. People tend to gravitate towards what is familiar, especially in foreign situations. That was the real reason the two became friends, but their bond became inseparable through their freshman year. 
They had met y/n halfway through their first year. She was at a party with her old best friend and Sierra ended up accidentally spilling a drink all over her. She helped her clean up and introduced her to Jace. That was just the first party of many for the three. Y/n fit in right away, and their friendship extended to make them an inseparable group. 
As they were laughing on the couch, the girls heard Jace’s cheers and laughter. They both turned around to see him running laps around the beer pong table, a sign that he had definitely had enough to drink already. 
“We should probably get him home,” y/n stated, a bit disappointed that she hadn’t had the chance to drink nearly as much as she wanted to. 
They both sighed as they got off of the couch, heading over to where he was still cheering. He was now high- fiving his partner, stumbling a little as he did. 
“Hey Jace, Sierra isn’t feeling too well, we should go.” 
The thing about getting a drunk 20 year old boy to leave a party is that he never wants to go. Without a good reason, there is no way he will depart without a fight. So the girls had a system of getting Jace home. They always lied about one of them feeling ill. If he wasn’t drunk every time they used it, he may have caught on. 
“What a shame, he’s one hell of a partner,” the boy beside him chuckled out.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same guy? Because as far as I’m concerned, he’s never made a shot in his life,” Y/n snarked, making Jace gasp comedically. 
“I never said he was good, just fun. I’m Tom by the way.”
He reached out to shake both of the girl’s hands. Y/n looked at Sierra as she shook the boys hand, and it was obvious that her friend was smitten.
“I’m y/n, and this is Sierra.”
“It’s nice to meet you both,” he said, holding eye contact only with Sierra. 
Jace came over to y/n and threw his arm around her shoulders in an effort to keep himself up, causing her to tense.
“You know it’s a good thing you guys are wanting to go, I’m starting to feel like maybe I had a liiittle too much.”
“Ok, big guy, let’s go,” she chuckled, then glanced to her other friend, “Meet us out front?”
Sierra nodded in response, prompting y/n to try to guide Jace out the front door. After a lot of struggling and weaving in-between underage drinkers, they were at the front door. As y/n reached to open it, Jace fell to the floor. She sighed in annoyance and tried to help him up, but he refused to let her grab him. 
“You are the most stubborn piece of shit.”
“I could say the same about you,” he chuckled from the ground. 
She rolled her eyes at his remark as Sierra and Tom appeared at her side. 
“Need some help?” Tom asked. 
“If you can work the miracle of getting him out the front door, be my guest.”
Tom stuck out his hand, and Jace took it right away, sticking his tongue out at y/n as he got up. The girls watched as Tom helped their roommate stumble out on the front lawn. They reached the front sidewalk when Jace suddenly stopped. He stumbled over to the tree a few feet away and used it to prop himself up while he spewed everywhere. 
“We were only here for like an hour. How is he this drunk already?” y/n mumbled to Sierra. 
“I told you he’s not over it. This is just exhibit A. Welcome back to the shit-show.”
A bit of guilt hit her in the chest, but she pushed it away. She told herself she shouldn’t feel bad for not liking her roommate back. At least she didn’t string him along, she told him the truth the second he mentioned his feelings. 
“Hey, mate, everything ok over here?” they heard someone call over to Tom. 
“Oh my God, there’s two of them,” Sierra squealed quietly to y/n, causing her to stifle a laugh. 
Tom told his friend that he was helping the girls get Jace out of the house, and introduced the boy to them. “This is Harrison.”
They all mumbled some nice to meet you’s before returning their attention to Jace. He was now leaning against the tree, luckily his puking had paused. 
“I’m taking the chance between hurls to start walking him home. You can stay here if you want, Si.”
She knew Sierra would have much rather stayed and gotten to know the boys. The expression on her face every time she glanced at Tom really gave it away. 
“I’ll feel like a terrible person if I don’t help you get him home.”
“We live like 2 minutes from here, I’ll be fine. You should really stay. I don’t know that there will ever be a party where you don’t have to babysit Jace again.”
“Hey, I can still hear you,” Jace called from by the tree. 
“Seriously, Si. Stay, and call me if you want me to come back and walk you home.”
Y/n walked over to Jace and put his arm around her shoulders again, helping him stand up. She was almost a whole foot shorter than him, so she wasn’t the best support, but she was better than nothing. 
They got back to their apartment, only having to stop twice for Jace to puke again. As soon as they were in the door, he rushed to the bathroom in his room, too rushed to shut any doors. She sighed at the sound of him violently heaving, knowing he was going to feel like shit the next morning. 
She went to her bathroom cabinet, grabbed some tylenol, and went into his room. She got his water from his bedside table, replacing it with the tylenol, and grabbed a blanket from his bed. Jace was sitting against the wall across from the toilet, so she took a place right next to him, setting the blanket over his legs. 
“Thanks,” he muttered. 
“No problem, now drink,” she said, handing him the water bottle. He reluctantly grabbed it and took a few sips before closing it again. 
“I put some tylenol on your bedside table. Take a few when you wake up, and when you’re done they go in my cabinet. Where’s your phone?”
“In my jacket.”
“Ok,” she grabbed the phone from his pocket and walked to his bed to plug it in. 
“It’s charging. Feel free to come knock on my door if you’re dying, Ok?”
“Ok… Thank you y/n. Seriously,” he was quiet, but she knew he appreciated her. 
“Of course. What are friends for?”
She returned to her room, finally getting the chance to look at her phone. 
She had four texts from Sierra. 
OH MY GOD this Tom kid is my future husband stg
His friend Harrison is pretty cute too. We could double date. Jace would hate it ;)
It might be the alcohol, but I think I’m in love
She chuckled at her friend. Their romantic lives were exact opposites. Relationships were the last thing on y/n’s mind, love didn’t matter to her anymore. But to Sierra, EVERY-SINGLE approachable boy was automatically her new soulmate. Going to the mall with her was like going on Tinder. Y/n was annoyed by it initially, but she found it entertaining at this point in their friendship. 
Y/n waited up for Sierra, wanting to be sure she got home safe. When she heard the front door open, she peaked her head out of her bedroom. She heard Tom and Sierra exchange goodnight’s, and watched as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek before walking away. 
The blush on Sierra’s cheeks was evident even in the dark, as she closed the door with wide eyes. 
“Ok, for a heartless woman, even I thought that was adorable,” y/n whispered from her doorway. Sierra immediately turned to her, a giddy grin on her face. 
“He was such a gentleman. Those don’t exist around here. I told you, I am marrying him. I have dibs. Every other girl can suck it.”
On Monday morning, y/n woke up to her alarm loudly sounding off. She hated Monday’s because she had one of the only classes she cared about. She had it on Wednesday’s too, but skipping parties on a Tuesday was easier with her roommates. But Sunday nights were a little more difficult for her to turn in early. If she skipped class, she would feel guilty, but getting up at 7 am was hell. So when the alarm went off, she got up and threw on some pants and a sweater, bracing herself for the chilly morning. 
She walked into one of her few Photography classes, being 2 minutes early for the first time all year, despite having stopped for coffee on the way. She sat down near the door on the left side of the room, getting her laptop out of her bag and sighing in and effort to ready her brain for the lecture. 
It was a fairly small class, full of Visual Arts majors. Y/n wanted to be a photographer when she graduated, that was the reason she never skipped that class. Even if she got herself kicked out of the university, at least she would have soaked up some knowledge about what she actually wanted to do. 
There were only about 12 students in the class when the professor, Mr. Sullivan, walked in, quick to comment on her being there before him. She wasn’t teachers pet, but she definitely had a relationship with this professor. She wasn’t lacking talent and he was quick to pick up on it. He wished she had better work ethic, but he knew that nothing he said could change that in her. 
After the first few minutes, the full class was there, a measly 16 students. The professor was going over some kind of composition lecture, but y/n wasn’t exactly paying attention. She tried her best to not go out drinking on Sundays, specifically so she could go to her Monday morning class without a hangover, but Jace and Sierra had begged her to go out with them for a couple hours. They promised they would be home by 9 pm, but 9 turned to midnight, and by the time they were leaving, she was about 6 shots in. That was the point where she went over the line between tipsy and drunk. 
So she was definitely hungover that morning, despite drinking a couple cups of water before bed. She tried her hardest to pay attention, but her professors voice was monotone and seemed to fade to the background, her headache the only thing on the forefront of her mind. She grabbed the bottle of pills she kept in her bag, full of tylenol and allergy pills. She took a couple pain relievers with the coffee on her desk, before trying again to concentrate on the lesson. 
Halfway through the hour, her professor finally caught her attention by announcing that they were going to begin working on their midterm. 
“We are going to be partnering with one of my colleague’s Fashion Modeling classes. I want you to make a portfolio as if you were applying to be a fashion photographer. I know that isn’t the field a good chunk of you are interested in, but it’s a good source of income and you might find yourself doing it on the side at times. You’ll all be paired up with a model at the end of class, and together, next week, you will find a few different outfits that our theatre department is nice enough to lend to us. The portfolio will be due on the last Wednesday of the quarter, so you will have about 2 months to complete it.”
Y/n sighed, resisting the urge to bang her head on her desk. She had taken portraits of families and High School seniors to make money on the side, so she knew how the general public was on the other side of her camera, but the one time she had worked with an aspiring model, she wanted to punch the girl’s face in. She was so bossy and entitled, and she openly said that she could have taken better photos of herself. After that, y/n openly hated models. 
He continued on to show different examples of fashion photography from magazines and websites, being sure to go over every single tiny detail of his favorites. 
With about 15 minutes left in class, someone poked their head in the door, asking if his class could join them. The modeling class came in. There were 18 of them, meaning that 2 of the photographers were going to be having 2 models. The only thing that would have made the situation worse for y/n would have been having to work with two models instead of just one. 
“We took the liberty of pairing you up based on prior assignments,” her professor announced before starting to call off the names of partners. 
She breathed a sigh of relief when the second photographer with 2 models was called out, knowing she only had to deal with one diva. 
“Y/l/n, you will be photographing Harrison Osterfield.”
She looked around the room to see which model raised their hand. She was relieved that she would be working with a male model, and when she saw who was raising their hand, she was even more relieved to see the boy she had briefly met at the party on Friday night. He hadn’t seemed too horrible, so she had hope. 
The professors finished calling out names and released the students to meet their models, get acquainted, and exchange contact information so they could begin planning shoots. 
She said hello to Harrison as he approached her, opening her sketch app on her laptop, ready to begin planning shots. 
“You’re Sierra’s friend right?”
“Yeah, y/n,” she said, reaching out to shake his hand. 
“It’s nice to put a name to the face,” he smiled. 
“Here,” she said, writing her name and number on a piece of scrap paper. She tore the excess off and handed it to him with a small smile. 
He entered it into his phone, shooting her a text letting her know it was him. 
“When you have exchanged information, you guys are excused. We will be meeting back here first thing on Wednesday,” the modeling professor announced 
“Y/l/n, stay behind a second,” Mr. Sullivan called out before she could make her way out of the class. 
“Ohhhhh,” the boy sitting next to y/n whispered to her. 
“Oh, shut up, Rob,” she scowled, swatting at his shoulder, causing him to chuckle. 
Y/n packed up her belongings in her bag, and made her way up to the professors, leaving Harrison behind without so much as a glance goodbye.   
“So, y/l/n, we paired you two up for a reason. According to Mr. Reynolds over here, Harrison is the most promising model in his class. He asked me to pair him with my most talented.”
“And you didn’t give him to Robin?” she asked in false surprise, causing the professor to scoff. 
“Don’t be a dumb ass. But since I paired him up with you, that means you are going to be coming to class on time from here on out, right? And hopefully this is the last class you come to with a hangover.”
“Professor, you and I both know I am too young to drink. I would never come to my favorite class with a hangover. How dare you?” she said, sarcasm thick in the entire interaction. 
“They’re going to get along well,” Mr. Reynolds scoffed from the side. 
“I’m serious, y/n. You and I both know you have more potential than you are showing right now. This is my second year with you, and I am not going to go as easy on you as last year. I’ve let a lot of your behavior slide, but I am not going to be like that anymore. I want a perfected 15 shot portfolio from you. Anything less will earn you a failing grade.”
Her smug expression fell, “15? You told everyone else 10.”
“Well, congratulations, you are my most promising student, and I’ll be holding you to a higher standard for this assignment. Show me you can do it and your final will be the same as everyone else’s at the end of semester.”
“Ok, fine, but you better expect an extra photo at the end of my portfolio, a picture of a very specific finger.”
He laughed at her snark, knowing fully well that she was serious. She had turned in a photo just like that for one of her assignments the previous year. The composition fit the criteria exactly, so he hadn’t failed her, and that had started his interest in her as a pupil. 
“I’ll expect nothing less, I’ll see you on Wednesday, Ms. y/l/n.”
She smiled as she walked out the door, ready to go home and fall back asleep in her bed, but the boy in the doorway ruined her plans of that. 
“Wow, you really have some balls,” Harrison said and she passed him. 
“Were you listening to that whole thing?”
“Of course. I heard my name as I was walking out, so I had to eavesdrop. Glad to know I’m the most promising in my class, and that I’ll be working with the best photographer.”
“Oh, trust me, I am far from the best in my class. Sullivan just has some weird obsession with pushing me harder than anyone else. I think he thinks I am a prodigy or something, and he assumes that if he pushes me hard enough I’ll have some kind of breakthrough and become this amazingly famous photographer and I’ll owe it all to him. I would shut that theory down, but he lets me get away with a ton of shit because of it, so I let him think whatever he wants.”
“So if you aren’t this amazing photographer that he thinks you are, should I be worried about the midterm grade?”
“Oh, no, don’t worry about that. I have perfected the art of giving that man exactly what he wants. We’ll pass with flying colors.”
“Ok, good to know,” Harrison chuckled, “By the way, Tom hasn’t shut up about your friend since Friday night, in a very obnoxious way. Any chance she likes him too?”
“Why doesn’t he ask her himself?”
“Is that a yes?”
Of course y/n knew how much Sierra liked this guy. She had spent the weekend listening to her drone on and on about him, asking why he hadn’t texted back or complaining that he hadn’t shown up to the same parties. It had gotten old after the 17th time she had brought him up, so y/n understood where Harrison was coming from. 
“That’s her business. But if he wants to see her, we’re going to a party tonight. I can send you the address.”
“But it’s a Monday.”
“Do you often go out on Monday nights?”
“Day of the week doesn’t matter. You want the address or not?”
“Sure, why not.”
“Ok, well I’m going to go sleep off this headache, I’ll send it to you later.”
She departed their path, leaving him smiling after her. He was amused by her. She was a small girl with the personality of a seasoned bouncer outside a nightclub. Something told him that working with her was going to be a difficult task though. 
Sure enough, a few hours later, he got a text from her. It was an address of a house about 20 minutes away from his shared apartment with Tom. Harrison was in his bedroom waiting for Tom to get home when he got it. He glanced at the message, too focused on the textbook in front of him to actually read it. He knew that if he was going to be going out that night, that he should get at least some of his work done beforehand. 
Tom came through the door, throwing his bag down on the floor in exhaustion. He had 2 back to back morning classes and then a 4 hour shift at work. He wanted to lounge for the rest of the night, but his plans were quickly ruined when Harrison appeared from his bedroom. 
“So guess what I did,” he called with a smug smile. 
“Good afternoon to you too,” Tom replied, collapsing onto their sofa. 
“You know that girl you won’t shut up about?”
Tom’s face lit up, eagerly asking Harrison to continue. 
“I got the address of a party she’ ll be attending tonight. Figured you would want to go.”
“But it’s Monday.”
“That’s what I said. Sounds like you found yourself a party girl. You want to go or not?”
Tom let out a loud groan. Of course he wanted to go, he had a huge crush on Sierra, but he didn’t want to stand up ever again. 
“Fine, when is it?”
“We’ll leave in 2 hours, lover boy.”
Tags (link to add yourself in my bio, or shoot me a message/ask!!)
@embrace-themagic​ @fanficparker​ @baconlover001​ @chloe-geoghegan1​ @chonisberonica​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @saturn-aka-six​  @ghostofdrfluke​ @calum-hoodwinked-me​ @peterplanet​ @mischiefmanaged49​ @bucky-newtlock​ @johnsambrosemcclaren​ @r3ader​ @lizzyosterfield​ @nicotine-sunshine820​ @hrryhllnd​​
I would love to hear any thoughts/feedback on this! I’ve been really nervous to post this since I have spent over a year working on it, so any kind of love with be MUCH appreciated. Love you all <3 
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How about it?
Warnings: age gap, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it, people!) 18+ readers
Y/N - Your Name
BF/N - Bestfriend Name
"I can't believe you made me do that." you flopped back in your chair frustrated with your best friend.
BF/N rolled her eyes at you. "Oh, shut up. It's a little fun, Y/N."
Your senior prom was next week and so far you hadn't been asked (not that you were bothered) but BF/N was already going with the guy she'd been crushing on for months. You'd always found it strange dating in high school; you were the only one in your year that was 19. It wasn't a huge problem being older than everyone (your late in the year birthday being what screwed you over) but you'd suddenly matured more than the boys in your year and you weren't exactly eyeing anyone who liked giving wedgies to the younger kids or nerds. So, jokingly, you said to BF/N you should just ask Tom Hiddleston out and, here you were.
"Relax, I bet he doesn't even take notice... No offense." BF/N smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes sighing. "Thanks."
Your day at school and after went pretty normal, the whole silly message you sent to Tom Hiddleston was pushed to the back of your mind and forgotten about. Until your phone pinged as you were getting into bed that night.
Your eyes widened as you re-read the message. This was real. Why?
Tom Hiddleston: Hello, love. Sorry for the delay in my reply but I wanted to make sure I could spend some time getting to know my date. I hope you don't mind my late-night message? x
Y/N: No, not at all. Thank you for replying x
Tom Hiddleston: Not at all, love. A beauty such as yourself shouldn't be kept waiting. May I ask you a question? x
Y/N: Of course x
Tom Hiddleston: Why would such a young, beautiful woman such as yourself want to take me, an old man to her senior prom? Surely you have boys your age on their knees begging you to go? x
Y/N: 1. I'm not that beautiful but thank you 2. YOU ARE NOT AN OLD MAN 3. The boys my age are just that, boys. They're a pain, they smell and they think to give those that have good grades wedgies are what turn a girl on.
Y/N: It's not, at all.
Tom Hiddleston: Noted.
This year the students had voted to have the prom at a fancy hotel instead of the school so your parents booked you a hotel room for you to get ready in, instead of getting ready at home and traveling to the hotel. Your mother spent the entire day with you doing your hair and makeup, asking questions about your mystery date. You'd told her an older 'boy' you had fancied for ages was taking you to the prom; what were you going to say 'the guy who plays Loki is taking me'. She'd have a breakdown.
It had been a while since you had received a message from Tom and were starting to have doubts. It was a pretty stupid thing to believe, a famous actor wanting to take you to prom. So, when the clock hit an hour after the official start of the prom and there was no sign of Tom arriving, you decided to give up waiting for him and headed down. Not the best way to arrive; late and on your own but your dress was too expensive not to go.
You sighed as you waited for the elevator to come up to your floor. It felt like ages before you heard the little ding and the automated voice say 'floor four'. You looked up as the doors opened, your eyes widening as a very audible gasp left your mouth. There stood the most gorgeous man you'd ever laid eyes on, beard and all.
"Sorry I'm late, love. Traffic was a nightmare." Tom smiled down at you, your heart actually skipped a beat when he did. "It's nice to finally meet you." he held his hand out to you.
You gulped nodding. "Y-You too." you smiled slightly.
Tom lifted your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles, smiling as he kept eye contact with you. Oh damn... He stepped back still holding your hand as you walked into the elevator. "I tried messaging you to let you know but my phone wasn't playing. Stupid technology," he muttered under his breath making you smile. "I'm awfully sorry, love."
You shook your head smiling. "It's fine, honestly."
Tom took a deep breath as he looked down at you, smiling as he raised his hand and softly brushed a piece of your hair back from your face. "You look absolutely stunning, Y/N." he whispered.
You blushed looking down for a moment forgetting what you were wearing for a minute.
"Thank you. You look as handsome as ever." you blushed a little more as you looked up to him, even in your heels you were still a little shorter than him but you liked how it felt. "I like the beard." you smiled up at him softly.
Tom chuckled as he placed his hand over his chin, giving it a slight rub. "You do? I didn't take you for the rough type of girl. Not many women do like my facial hair."
You nodded chewing the inside of your cheek. The thought of having his beard covered face between your legs sent shivers down your spine. "I'll take you anyway." you closed your eyes sighing. "I meant, I like you with or without me, the beard. You pull any look off." you blushed again. "Sorry," you muttered looking down. Idiot.
Tom chuckled, pinching your chin in between his thumb and index finger. "Don't apologize, my love. You can take me however you like." he winked making you blush even more.
"Smooth." you giggled making him laugh.
The pair of you eventually made your way into the ballroom where the prom was being held and of course as soon as Tom entered practically everything stopped. Some knew who he was and was shocked to see him there with your arm looped through his. Some had no clue who he was and were shocked to see you dressed the way you were. Some were shocked to see your date was an older man but neither of you cared. You caught the wide eyes look your best-friend wore as you walked passed her. 'Holy fuck' she mouthed as she looked at you making you giggle slightly.
"Why is everyone staring at you?" Tom asked, his lips brushing your ear gently as he did, sending shivers over your body.
"Me? Are you serious? You're Tom Hiddleston. Loki. Famous." you deadpanned making him chuckle. "They're probably thinking I paid you or something."
Tom came to a stop taking your hand in his and pulled you round to face him. "Trust me, your beauty and charm is enough payment, love." he smiled.
You shook your head giggling. "You're the charming one. If I was wearing pants, you'd have charmed them off by now."
Tom's head fell back with laughter. "That's good to know," he smirked at you. "Come, let's start enjoying your prom, shall we?" you nodded grinning as he lead you over to the bar.
After you introduced Tom to your best friend, Tom dragged you off to the dance floor. At first you were nervous and embarrassed because everyone was still watching you but when Tom pulled you closer to him so he could whisper 'Just look at me, sweetheart' you instantly relaxed. Although, it didn't last long; you started to get interrupted by people asking to have their photo taken with Tom and at first he was happy to do so. It was in his nature to be polite and gentlemanly but after the sixth time of you being pushed out the way, he had had enough.
He sighed heavily before he excused himself, moving over to where you stood toying with the straw in your drink. He slipped his arm around your waist as he leaned down. "Are you okay?"
You nodded sighing, mumbling 'fine', not daring to look up to him.
Tom frowned before he stood up straight. "Come with me." he took your hand in his and lead you through the crowd of students until you left the ballroom. "Have you eaten?" he asked looking down at you.
You shook your head. "Not for a while." Tom nodded smiling at you. "Why?"
"To order room service and get away from those ruining our fun." he winked as he walked you inside the waiting elevator. "Is, that alright?" he asked as the doors shut.
You nodded taking a deep breath. "That's, perfect." you grinned.
Once the two of you were back in your hotel room, you and Tom got straight to ordering room service going way overboard with everything. Burgers and fries, milkshakes, chocolate cake.
"This is probably your most boring night ever, isn't it?" you muttered as you sat on the bed, leaned back on your hand whilst you ate your fries.
Tom turned his head to look down at you, sighing deeply. "Quite opposite. I'm sat with the most beautiful woman I've ever met." he smiled softly. "I'm only sorry I attracted so much attention and seemed to have ruin your prom." he frowned slightly as he looked to the half-eaten burger in his hand.
You shook your head giggling. "It was bound to happen. I shouldn't have messaged you in the first place." you sighed deeply. "It's stupid really, I mean, you don't even know me."
"Well, let's get to know each other... what are you going to do when you leave school?" Tom asked, genuinely interested as he placed his burger down and wiped his hands on a napkin.
You smiled sitting up. "I'm taking a year off to go traveling before going to school."
Tom nodded slowly. "Ah, sounds fun." he smiled. "What are you going to be studying?" he asked.
"Dance." you smiled. "I wanted to go traveling before I had the reality of moving to a different country and relying on myself."
Tom raised his eyebrow. "Different country?"
You nodded smiling a little more, excitement filling you. "Yeah, London, I've been accepted into a performing arts school over there." you grinned at him.
Tom nodded as you started talking about what you were looking forward to when you left school. It was funny really, you may still be in high school for a couple of months but you seemed a lot more mature for your age. Suddenly Tom noticed a blob of chocolate frosting land just above your the neckline of your dress.
"Oh, God." you moaned as you looked down.
Tom gulped as felt the moan go straight to his cock Fuck!
You went to wipe it off yourself but Tom grabbed a hold of your hand, stopping you. You looked up to see Tom wearing a list blown look sending shivers right down to your core.
You gasped as Tom leaned forward slowly, his eyes locked on yours looking for any sort of hesitation from you but there was none. You closed your eyes as Tom's lips came into contact with your skin. You moaned as his tongue licked up the chocolate frosting.
"Oh, God." you moaned as his lips began assaulting your skin. His beard tickling your skin.
Tom let go of your hand so he could place it on the back of your neck as he moved up your body, trailing kisses and licks across your skin until finally, his lips were on yours. The pair of you moaned into the kiss, your hands falling to his waist as you felt his tongue caress yours.
"Tell me you don't want this. Tell me this is a mistake and I'll leave." Tom whispered against your lips.
You shook your head. "Stay. Please," you begged.
Tom nodded and stood to his feet holding his hand out to you. You stood up, staring into his eyes and slowly the pair of you began to undress one another. Before you knew it Tom was laying you down on your back as the pair you kissed slowly, his arms wrapped around you, holding your naked bodies together.
He pulled back with a soft moan before kissing you harder, his beard scratching your lips. "So beautiful," Tom whispered as he kissed your jaw and neck.
He kissed and nipped at your skin as he worked his way down to your chest, sucking and leaving a wet trail across your chest until he came to your plump chest. His tongue flicked across your hard nipples. You moaned loudly as one hand slid down your side, leaving a trail of goosebumps as he made his way down to your waiting cunt. He moaned against your skin as his fingers brushed your already wet folds.
"Fuck." he pulled back to look at you. "My God, you're just the prettiest sight I've ever seen." he smiled softly at you, his words making you blush.
"Please," you whispered, pulling him closer to you. "I need you."
Tom placed his mouth over yours as he slowly filled your pussy with two of his long fingers. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him pull them out slowly before pushing them back in. He repeated this for a few seconds before introducing his thumb to your throbbing clit.
"OH, FUCK!" you cried out as a wave of pleasure coursed through your body.
"Shh, baby girl, I've got you." he kissed your jaw and neck. "That's it. Cum for me, Y/N." he whispered as he curled his fingers up to meet that spot deep inside you, his thumb still rubbing your clit as his mouth caressed your skin; everything building up only to fall as your orgasm broke.
"OH GOD!" you cried out, your eyes rolling back.
Tom carefully pulled his fingers from you as wrapped the same hand around his impressive length, using your juices to slick himself up.
You nodded humming, a small, content smile on your face. "Yeah." you blushed as you opened your eyes, seeing Tom was already grinning at you.
"Thought you were gone then." he chuckled softly. "Want me to continue?"
You nodded quickly. "God, yes!"
He pressed his lips to yours softly. "Promise me when you move to London, you'll call me. Then I'll take you on a real date." he gave you a warm, caring smile as he brushed your hair back from your face.
You nodded smiling. "It's a date."
You sighed happily as you and Tom closed the gap between the pair of you, once again your lips caressing each other. The tip of Tom's cock brushed against you clit making you moan softly against his mouth. Slowly Tom pushed inside you, you slick helping him glide right in until his hips were flush with yours. The pair you moaned out at the feeling.
Tom dropped his face to the crook of your neck as he tried to calm his breath, your pussy felt perfect around him. You silly dragged your nails down his back, leaving angry red lines behind.
"Please, Tom." you whimpered against his ear.
Tom nodded as he pressed soft kisses against your shoulder as he gently pulled his hips back until the head of his cock was the only part of him inside you before he snapped his hips forward again, filling you up.
"OH FUCK!" you groaned as pleasure-filled you, over and over.
Tom's lips never left you as he moved his hips back and forth. Not too fast and hard but not too slow either. Just right. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer to you, feeling the head of his hit your g-spot.causing you to cry out.
"God! Oh, shit, yes-" Tom buried his face into your neck as he growled. "So, good... baby, cum for me..." he muttered as he pressed his fingers of one hand against your clit and used the other to hold your face close, his mouth taking your screams of his name.
Your orgasm took your breath away as you squeezed around Tom, pulling him over the edge too. He slumped over you as he tried to catch his breath. Lazily your fingers trailed up and down his spine, kissing his shoulder and neck as you laid in your bliss.
"What happens on a real date with you?" you asked, giggling as you felt Tom grin into your shoulder.
He pulled back licking his lips. "Oh, you'll see."
Part 2
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fk12b · 5 years
Thrill Of It All
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Boxer & Rockstar AU in the 80′s AU
Boxer!Bucky Barnes x Rockstar!Reader
@asadmarveltrashbag’s 3K Writing Challenge
Main Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
“You knocked over my ceramic Hello Kitty piggy bank, bitch”
“Once again, I fell in love with you”
Warnings: So much kissing. Just pure fluff. Boxing??? Rock & Roll??? Old shoes and alcoholism???
Word Count: 6258 Words
A/N: First of all congratulations to my friend @asadmarveltrashbag you’re amazing, and she deserves all the love. Second, thanks for letting me participate in this amazing challenge. And of course, I hope you enjoy this little piece of my mind. Here you go <3000. I’m so sorry for posting this like, so very late.
Based on these songs -> Stacy - Fortune (1985, AOR/Hard Rock/Arena Rock from USA )  + Thrill Of It All - Fortune (I recommend you to listen to these two songs, which they are one of my favorites, while you read this, or simply take a moment to admire these gems. Headphones greatly recommended)
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The roar of the crowd could be heard from miles away. They were ready for a good show.
One was King of the ring
The other was the Queen of the pentagram
But they couldn’t care less...
James “Bucky” Barnes needed a moment to relax his mind and clear his thoughts. He couldn’t let his feelings get in the way of this fight, or he would be bound to failure. Sitting on the bench of the changing room, he closed his eyes, letting his head rest in the lockers behind him, taking a deep breath to tranquilize his racing heart. After some seconds, Bucky placed his headphones over his head, pressing play on his walkman.
Always the same routine before a fight. Long deep breaths while he listened to her voice, that was one of the angels, becoming one with the guitar. How lucky he was for being blessed with her voice. Oh, no, she didn’t usually sing. Even though she moved graciously on stage, playing her bass as if it was another part of her body. She was not the lead singer of her group, no. She was the back voice with showgirl soul, brimful of elegance and grace. She was the soul of the rock group.
You stand alone
The look of a stranger in your eyes
Locking the door
Alone in the silence of the night
Pacing the floors, like a cat in the alley
You come and you go, oh such a tease
Barnes could spend hours just listening to her voice, as it made him feel warm, forgetting the rest of the world. The ending of the melody signaled it was the time for him to fight, and once the ballad of the goddess culminated, he stood up from his spot crestfallen, carefully, yet reluctantly putting away his Walkman inside of his bag. He stretched to warm the muscles of his legs, back, arms, cracking his neck, and finally, his knuckles. With newfound strength, he took his silk red robe, wrapping it around his form and putting on the hood, and headed out of the changing rooms, with thoughts of you clouding his mind.
One day I’ll reach down inside
Touch the fire that you hide
A kiss you won’t forget
Just for the thrill of it all
Meanwhile at the other side of the country...
The room you were assigned to in the huge venue’s backstage was almost quiet, with only the background noise the small TV was providing. Some sports channel your friend and lead guitarist of the band, Andy, had left on. You were currently sitting on a black couch, frowning with your elbows resting on your knees and hands laced resting under your nose, debating if you should wear black high heeled boots or just black boots.
The all so familiar opening of the boxing program made you deepen your frown, glaring at the two pairs of shoes on the coffee table in front of you. There was only half an hour left for you to get ready for the show, but all you could think of was your true love, and the argument you had yesterday.
It all started with a small thing. You had been stressed out thanks to the upcoming tour your band was starting today, sorting out last-minute details and making loads of phone calls and meetings with your bandmates, and agent, Tony Stark. Your boyfriend of five years, the world-champion boxer Bucky Barnes, was also tensed due to the nonstop fights he had.
During these past hectic five months, yesterday was the only day both of you had to be alone with each other. You couldn’t talk to each other much since every time Bucky tried to call you, it would go straight to voicemail, as you were twenty-four hours glued to it, talking to your manager or bandmates. And every time you tried to call Bucky to the hotel he was staying at, he would have already moved to the next location.
Bucky’s thoughts went to dangerous areas, thinking you were ignoring him, whereas all you could think of was the tour, as a result of your manager changing completely the detailed planned schedule you gave him, without consulting you, nor the band. You were furious, to say the least.
So, when Bucky finally arrived at your shared home, after five long months of not seeing each other, instead of being greeted with your usual smiley happy face and a tight hug, he was met with your angry self hurrying out of the house, grumbling you needed to go urgently to the studio, sparing him so much than small peck on the cheek.
Once you came back home from the meeting, you were tired and still angry as only half of the problem could be fixed. But Bucky was furious with everything, because his thoughts had clouded his mind, and it only took him to accidentally drop your favorite mug, scattering it into small chiliad pieces for you to snap at each other. The argument grew heated with every passing second until any of you couldn’t take it anymore, ending with Bucky rushing out of the house, knocking some things over after a harsh slam of the door.
When you woke up this morning, at an unholy hour to get ready for the tour, after not having slept a thing as a result of you spending the night crying, Bucky still wasn’t home and you felt hideous. Hence, between sobs, you got into the bus, leaving a letter for Bucky to read, if he ever returned home.
Now it’s up on your feet
Moving around from town to town
I know how it feels
Wearing a smile to hide a frown
When all of the while
I know what you’re thinking
You’re acting so shy
But it don’t mean a thing
The familiar tune, signaling the entrance of the first fighter interrupted your train of thoughts. It was your favorite song that your band had written. The one where the guitar solo, combined with the bass riff of the intro, sounded like a classical symphony, but still having the most heavy metal essence. Every time you played that song, the crowd always went wild with the first two notes and pumping their roar with each passing second. You always joked that it was the perfect song for boxing fight entrance.
And apparently, James Buchanan Barnes thought the same. You looked up to the TV and there he was, walking in all his glory to the ring, with confidence and a fire in his eyes, as if he was a fearful lion king. Your eyes followed his moves until the camera stopped at his face, clouded with determination. But all you could see were his beautiful blue eyes that shone with a newfound intensity. You almost forgot that he had a fight today, regretting not being there in the crowd to support him or watching the fight on the TV.
You were so lost in him and in your thoughts, you didn’t notice your friend JJ, the vocalist, dropping himself next to you on the couch to place a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He was the only one that noticed something was wrong since you set foot in the trailer, while the others were still busy doing last-minute phone calls. But JJ saw right through your happy facade, concern for your wellbeing in his eyes, and you broke down explaining what happened that night.
“Stop worrying, everything is going to be all right” JJ reassured you squeezing your shoulder and bringing you to his side. However, you stayed silent, felling how tears cascaded down your face, unable to stop them. “You know that James really loves you right?” You still didn’t respond, eyes trained on the TV, while you watched how he got inside the ring and walked to his corner. To be honest, you didn’t know if JJ’s words were right. As if sensing your discomfort, he gently shook your shoulders.
“Are you seriously questioning his love for you?” Andy gasped, sitting on your other side, pointing outraged to the TV “That man is forever devoted to you. I have never seen someone look at his significant other, the way Bucky looks at you. You are soulmates. I can see it in his eyes” You chuckled at his words, looking down at your thumbs twining them together, while he patted your leg with a reassuring smile.
Andy has always been spiritual and philosophical of the quartet, you weren’t going to deny his words, but maybe, any other day, you would have believed them fully.
“Ten minutes” The stage coordinator, Jerry, shouted from the door while Chanin, your drummer, waited in the doorway. Quickly, wiping the trail of tears away, you threw on the simple black boots that reached your midthigh, before having a tight group hug the four of you and running together to the side stage, simply closing the door to the room.
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No one bothered to turn off the TV, left on the sports channel. Barnes versus Wilson, the fight of the century was on, and as the first notes of the very song Bucky used for his entrance echoed through the venue, accompanied by the roaring clamor of the crowd, the first punch was thrown with the first chord of the first verse.
Wilson started his offensive moves, but Barnes’ defensive was impenetrable, and as Wilson stopped to adjust his stance, Bucky used that opportunity to land one of his famous punches, a powerful right hook thrown with his complete right side of his body, just before the referee signaled the end of the first round, in time with the first song. As if both crowds were one, they roared to support their favorites.
The first half of the fight started quite balanced but as Bucky’s stance remained like iron, tiredness was taking a toll on Wilson’s movements, and halfway throw one of the rounds, Bucky Barnes’ fieriness snaped and started throwing punch after punch, leaving Wilson with no time to respond.
Once Bucky threw one of his famous right hooks, that could shatter any jaw because like many opponents said they felt like iron, the fight was over. Bucky Barnes was victorious, having added another big title to his list. After the two opponents hugged, the world champion belt was given to the blue-eyed man, who hurried out of the ring as soon as he had it in his hands.
The press was left dumbfounded, wondering where the champion had to go in such a hurry, as if he had somewhere else important to be than answering their questions. Of course, he had somewhere else important to be. Better yet, someone important to go to. The journalists seemed to multiply themselves in front of Bucky. The flashes of their cameras blinding him everywhere he looked, in his frantic search for a way out from the sea of press and fans. One of the journalists even dared to jump in front of him.
“Bucky, Bucky, Please. New York Times, Do you have some words for us?”
“I’m retiring. Now, I’m sorry, I have a girl to see” The boxer interrupted the man before he started to bombard him with more questions, while the crowd around them gasped and went wild with questions, with a gentle shove to his arm.
“But-” The young journalist tried to pry more words out of him.
“Please, move. I have a girl to see” Bucky said more sternly this time.
“You heard the champion!” Sam Wilson shouted from his left making both of them turn to him, interrupting the interviewer bugging Bucky “Now, move!” he gestured with his head before locking eyes with the champion throwing a knowing smile his way “What are you waiting for” He sternly said, raising an eyebrow to Bucky, who gave him a curt nod in thanks, shaking his head with a small smirk of his own.
The young reporter gulped in fear, not wanting to upset the prize-winning more, he jumped out of his way, snapping pictures at Bucky’s retiring form, prompting the rest of the press to do the same.
One day I’ll reach down inside
Touch the fire that you hide
A kiss you won’t forget
Just for the thrill of it all
And if it’s only one night
Tomorrow’s yours but the moment’s mine
I’ll shoot my super twist
Just for the thrill of it all
It was past midnight when Bucky got back home. He was tired and battered, new bruises adorning his face. Throwing his bag carelessly next to the door, after kicking it with his foot, he peeled off of his body the leather jacket clinging to him like a second skin with a lot of struggle. His tired self and mind only had thoughts about snuggling with you, but the clatter of a shard, when he took a step made his head snap to the floor. It was then when the memories of yesterday came back overflowing his brain.
How he walked away from you, how the pent up stress took a better of him. Bucky felt horrible, as he crouched down to retrieve the pieces of the mess he made, wishing he could have acted better on his actions. The drained man frowned, not recognizing whatever broken object he was holding, but he was adamant about buying a new one to replace it.
When he left the pieced object on the entrance table, it was then when he noticed the house quieter than usual and all the lights being off. Maybe you were asleep? It was late so it could be understandable, but on the back of his mind, he feared the worst. What if you had left him for good? He couldn’t bear losing you, for a stupid mistake, a stupid fight. You made him a better man, you were his rock. He would be lost without you. 
To collect his thoughts and racing heart, Bucky went to the kitchen to pick a water bottle, running his hands down his face, and letting out a long breath through his nose. As he reached the fridge, the calendar where you wrote down important events, caught his eye hanging on the wall.
On the day of today, there were to events appointed, his fight and your first concert, signaling the start of the tour. It was then he realized he had been a complete stupid asshole. Instead of being caring and understanding about the stress the tours generated you, always making sure everything was settled to the detail, he was the stupid selfish idiotic boyfriend. And what made him tears sting in his eyes was that he wasn’t next to you to support you.
There was also written the name of the town there, only just six hours away. Letting his head hit the wall, he then glanced around the kitchen seeing a folded piece of paper with his name written on it. At that moment, his heart skipped a beat fearing the worst. In a panic, Bucky rushed to pick it up and without opening it he ran to your shared bedroom.
Once he reached the top of the stairs, his heart and mind were at a mile per millisecond and his worst fears became true when he opened the door to your shared bedroom and you weren’t there. 
His mind wasn’t registering anything he was doing or happening, too preoccupied with finding you, as he rushed back to the calendar, for any more details. It was in the side block of notes where the name of the hotel was written. Quickly picking back his leather jacket and bike keys, not caring that his dead tired muscles were screaming at him to stop, he carefully placed the note inside his pocket and roared his baby to life, speeding out of the porch to get to you as fast as possible.
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Bucky Barnes drove like a mad man, with only one thought in mind, and he for sure risked his life. But he didn’t care if he had lost you for good. He had to see you and apologize. Now, as he stopped in front of the hotel you were staying at, were a lot of fans had crowded around the entrance to take a peek at their idols, they went feral as all of them recognized him, not letting him stand up from his bike.
The security guards fending the hotel entrance came to his rescue, as they recognized him as your boyfriend, presuming he came to surprise you, pushing people away from him and escorting him, as they marched towards the main entrance, where they told him your room number. With a rushed thank you, he instantly ran up the stairs since waiting for the elevator would take too much time.
Just as Bucky walked throw the corridor leading to your room, he thought clearly. What if you didn’t want to see him? What if you were mad at him? Tired and more anxious than he was ever before, it took him a while to compose his thoughts. What he was going to say, Sorry? It seemed too plain, for his mistakes. He didn’t even have flowers with him.
Once he reached your door, he hesitated on knocking, hoovering his fist over it. He was sure you didn’t want to see him but well, it’s worth a shot. With a ragged breath, he knocked on your door. 
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You thought you had dreamed it, but you swore you heard a knock on your door. Taking a quick look at the digital clock with red bright numbers, you realized it was 6 AM. You were still tired as you still didn’t sleep well. It was always hard for you not to sleep near Bucky because he was warm and being in his arms always made you feel safe. Although, it didn’t help much the constant thoughts of the fight you had flooding your mind either. 
Since you didn’t have a concert today, you thought that maybe one of the guards needed something, or one of your friends wanted something, like go sightseeing, before the meet and greet with the fans. You rose from the warm, yet cold bed, placing a robe around you, and trying to tame your mane a bit before you opened the door.
You were surprised to see Bucky on the other side of it, looking down to the floor with a deep frown in his face. “Bucky” you softly whispered, his head snapping up to meet your eyes.
At that very moment, Bucky’s world stopped, again, as if it was the first time he saw you. Even having recently woken up, you were the most beautiful woman of the entire galaxy, and he surely will be blessed if you forgave him. Bucky’s mind halted as he took in your shiny beautiful Y/E/C eyes and merry smile. God, It felt like eons since he had seen that beautiful smile. Had he been this blind all this time?
Without thinking it twice, you crashed yourself forcefully to him, making him stumble a bit at the force, but never losing his balance, hugging him tightly to you. Bucky instantly pulled your much smaller form to him, circling your middle with his strong and sculpted arms. You buried your head in the crook of his neck as you clung to him for dear life as if he was going to disappear at any second, being sure you were still dreaming. You were pressing yourselves into each other so hard, it was as if you were trying to make yourselves into a single entity.
“You came” you whispered closing your eyes, letting him cloud your senses as you felt Bucky move one hand, to cradle the back of your head into his big hand, without letting go of you while you apologized to him.
“I’m sorry, doll” Bucky whispered back in your ear, kissing the side of your head, before cradling your face carefully between his big and battered hands, to rest his forehead in yours “I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, but just know that I love you so much. You are my sun and stars. You make me a better person. I can’t lose you. I’d be so lost without you”
“Bucky” you spoke softly his name as you turned your head a bit, to caress his nose with yours, leaving your lips close to his “What are you talking about?” you wondered frowning, your breath ghosting his lips with each word. Had he not read your letter?
You felt his lips crash into yours in a searing, yet tender, kiss full of love. He poured out every emotion he felt towards you in that kiss. You instantly kissed back holding onto his jacket and pouring out every ounce of emotion into the kiss too. And if it wasn’t for Bucky’s thumb caressing your cheek, you would have thought you were dreaming of this kiss. Bucky’s lips brushed yours, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could steal your breath away, feeling the warmth of his skin, and the taste of something undescribable lingering far after. When the need for air felt unbearable, you parted to gasp for air while he rested his forehead on yours.
“Please, don’t leave me” he whispered softly, not wanting to break the magic that surrounded this intimate moment, nuzzling your nose with his, lips brushing together in a feathery touch.
“Bucky,” you said a bit louder this time “What are you talking about?” You pecked his lips, making him hiss a bit as you realized now that he had a split lip, and a bruise forming next to his left eye. Carefully, placing your palm next to it, Bucky leaned into it, after nuzzling it to kiss it “I’m not leaving you, how could I ever leave you? I love you so much.” Bucky couldn’t help but kiss you again, he wanted to get lost in that moment, and so he did until you pulled apart and took shaky, shallow breaths “You are my world, my soulmate” you whispered caressing his cheek looking into his glistening blue orbs, getting lost in them. “You didn’t read my letter did you?”
“I’m retiring” Bucky let out a tired sigh, that’s when you took in his tired form, the bags under his eyes and the still-forming bruises. “I love boxing, but I love you more, doll” He but let his weight slump on you, yet cradling you to his chest.
“James Buchanan Barnes! Did you drive here all night, right after the fight, six hours on your Bike?” you only but freaked out, holding his face to make him focus “Are you crazy! You-”
Bucky silenced you with another kiss, and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled, while his other hand got lost in your locks. You ran your fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between you both and you could feel the beating of his heart against your chest, running one hand up to his chest.
Definitely, your senses had been seduced and you could no longer think straight. “Y/N” Bucky whispered slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. You smile, your heart fluttering at his voice as you clasped your hands at the back of his neck. Never before has your name ever felt so wonderful “I don’t care, I had to see you” He kissed your forehead as if saying sorry, a weight being lifted over his shoulders.
“You could have come here in the morning, If you had read my letter” you reassured him, untangling your form from his frame reluctantly, dragging your hands down his right arm, the one you knew was scarred and covered in tattoos. Bucky entwined your fingers with his tightly, as you dragged him inside your room, closing the door after him.
Looking down at his clock, he realized it was 6AM. Widening his eyes, at his idiocy he ran his free hand down his face, letting out a long sigh. “Please don’t leave me, I’m sorry for being an idiotic asshole” was all he could whisper as he let you drag him to your bed, making him sit there.
“I’m not going to leave you” You kissed his forehead and scruffy cheeks before you helped him take off his leather jacket and boots “How could I ever leave you?” you carefully peeled the t-shirt that had clung to him like a second skin. You knew he was sore after the fight, as you could see a lot of purple sports covering his skin. After he was only in his boxers, you both got under the covers, holding each other close.
“Because, I’ve been an asshole, baby. I thought you hated me” Bucky spoke tiredness taking over his body, now that he was comfortable and you in his arms. He felt how you kissed his eyelids, that he didn’t know had closed them, as a smile graced his beautiful face, one of your own mirroring his.
“I mean I thought you hated me because I yelled at you” you frowned letting your head fall close to his, laying almost on top of him.
“Uhm, no” he tiredly whined rolling to face you, entwining your legs together “Never, but the note...” he mumbled fighting very hard to stay awake
“We’ll talk in the morning,” you said kissing his lips once more, holding him close to you “Now go to sleep”
“Go to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up” you both let the sleep embrace you, not letting go of each other.
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It was a more reasonable hour when you woke up to a feather-like touch, caressing your cheek. You couldn’t help but beam, while you tried to hide, pressing your form closer to Bucky’s chest, that shook as he let out a happy chuckle.
“Good morning, beautiful” he let out in his morning raspy voice as he moved to kiss your cheek, playfully letting his body weight rest on you, making sure he didn’t crush you.
“Morning, handsome” you let out a jawn as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, and took him by surprise when you tackled him down to the bed, straddling his lap, as you both laughed non stop.
Bucky thought he was blessed by the angels themselves, admiring your ethereal form glowing in the morning sun, as he caressed your arms. After all this time, each time he looked at you, it was as if it was the first time he saw you. He would find new different glow of lights when the sun touched your skin, new different shades of your Y/H/L Y/H/C locks and the red of your lips. A new different twinkle in your bewitching Y/E/C headlights, when he looked into them and got lost. At that exact moment, that was all he ever wanted and needed.
“What are you thinking?” You wondered with a bright smile, caressing the purples in his chest, knowing that he didn’t hear a word you said.
“Nothing” the blue-eyed man focused on your caring and loving eyes “Once again I fell in love” he moved to a sitting position, holding you gently to him, cupping your face with one hand. Bucky leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the base of your neck, before leaving a trail of warm pecks along the length of it and throat, to brush your lips together in a searing kiss, warmth radiating from the spot where his lips just touched, slowly spreading through the rest of you. “I’m retiring from Boxing” Bucky announced stopping your next words with a soft and warm peck “Before you say anything, I’ve been thinking about this, and us”
“But boxing is your life” you frowned hugging his neck as he denied adamantly.
“You couldn’t be more wrong” Bucky smiled softly at you “You are my life” he stated kissing your forehead and lingering his lips there “I spend a lot of miles away from you, for just a mere seconds of glory, when all the glory and all I need is right here in my arms”
Your eyes were glistening with happy tears at his words, holding him tight and close to you. You didn’t understand why he needed to give up his dream, just for you. “Bucky, I can’t as you to do such a thing, just to be with me. Boxing is your dream”
“You don’t understand” he spoke softly holding your hands close to his heart “You are my dream, and I don’t ask you. I’m doing this because I want to” He paused for a moment to look directly in your eyes “I want to be with you, forever. I don’t want you to be worried if I will ever come back to you because I took a blow badly. I don’t need all the glory, nor the money. All I need is you”
By now, small tears were running down your cheeks, were Bucky made them disappear with his thumbs. He held your chin delicately between his fingers tilting your head up to meet his eyes. “If that’s what you want, I’m very happy” you nodded kissing him “I just don’t want you to regret a thing”
You watched how Bucky held a finger with a mischievous smile, moving to retrieve something from his pants on the chair next to the bed. He was hiding something between his palms, a big smile not leaving his lips.
“I was planning on something else but this, right here, is the right moment” He moved one hand to reveal a small velvet box, and carefully opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. You looked at him not believing your eyes, placing a hand over your agape mouth. “A promise to love you forever, I’ll be your friend and my love for you will never end. I will stand beside you, all the way and through the years, as life goes on and on.” He took a deep breath “Y/F/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honor of becoming my lovely wife?”
You could only nod, as by the time he popped the question happy tears were cascading down your face. Taking a deep breath, you croacked a yes as you crashed your lips into his. He had tears of his own as he chuckled when you pulled apart to put the ring on your tembrling hands. You both couldn’t belive it, but now you were engaged, you both feeling as happy as ever. You squealed when Bucky tackled you down to the bed hovering over you, and kissing you in a passionate kiss.
“Uhm, Bucky, Y/N/N?” You heard Chanin hesitan voice as he knocked on your door “I’m sorry for being a party pooper, but we really need to get ready for the meet and greet”
“Oh boy” you gasped having forgotten everything about today, being on cloud nine, that definitely your fiancé have nothing to do with, trying to push him off of you to get ready, to no avail.
“How did you know I was here?” Bucky asked not having any plans to move, until you playfully patted his cheek, and reluctanlty moving off of you.
“We saw your bike when I went to order the breakfast!” Andy happily squealed.
“We heard everything, by the way” JJ squealed too “Congratulations to the newlyengaged” They all cheered together.
“Are you presentable enough, so we can open the door to hug you both?” Chanin wondered.
Between chuckles, you quickly got ready so your friends and bandmates could hug you and congratulate you.
One day I’ll reach down inside
Touch the fire that you hide
A kiss you won’t forget
Just for the thrill of it all
And if it’s only one night
Tomorrow’s yours but the moment’s mine
I’ll shoot my super twist
Just for the thrill of it all
You were halfway through the tour, with Bucky by your side. It was unspoken rule that now that he was here, he had to join for the rest of the tour, and since you were engaged and you wanted to spend the most time together, no one hesitated on making room for one more troubled soul.
One of your bodyguards had injured himself while he chased a fan, that wanted to intrude in the backstage, so everyone thought that Bucky was fit for the job, now that he was retired from boxing. Your other bodyguard, Steve Rogers, didn’t complain either, as he loved having his friend Bucky around. For once, everything was perfect.
Halfway through the concert, after the song ended, usually where you talked with the crowd, you joined JJ this time, picking the microphone in front of you.
“How’s everyone?” JJ cheered making the whole stage go wild in a second “Wow! Are you hyped too, like we are? Holy shit!” You chuckled while everyone cheered again “I see you have decided to joing the small JJ-Talk, Y/N/N” he smirked at you placing his arm around your shoulders.
“Yes, it was about damn time, you know!” you happily spoke making the crowded stadium go wilder, if possible “And besides I have a present for you all!”
“Wohow!” JJ did a happy crazy dance, as the people chanted your name “Are you going to do what we ALL think you are going to do!” He looked at you spectantly, along with the quiet audience.
You took a deep breath, creating misterious aura, a smile permanently on your face, suddenly becoming nervous, as you didn’t rehearse what you were about to do “Yes” at that word the croud went savage with glee. “I have a song for all the people that are in love, or need a love song, or just simply, y’know, want to enjoy some music, and I don’t even know what I’m even saying” The crowd and bandmates laughed with you.
After thanking, Scott, the stage coordinator, who placed a tabouret and a microphone in the middle of the stage for your little performance, handed you your red Fender Stratocaster with a happy fanboy smile. Taking a look at the side stage for support, were Bucky was standing enjoying the show, next to Steve, you beamed when Bucky couldn’t help but throw a wink at you, along with a kiss.
“Man, you are so whiped” Steve leaned close to whisper to his friend “Wilson was very right”
“Oh, shut up, punk” Bucky slapped his head focusing back on you.
“So, this song is for someone very special” You cleared your throat as the crow awed “You know, is the cheesy moment-”
“Really? We didn’t notice!” Andy joked making everyone in the venue laugh.
“Don’t listening to him! He’s jealous because the song is not about him” you joked back, Chanin fuelling the joke with a Ba-dum-tss “So, I was saying, this a very special moment-”
“And cheesy” JJ repeated joining the teasing.
“SO, of course my song needs a beautiful” you raised your index finger to stop Andy “and cheesy title” by now the spectators were full on joining your antics clapping and whoping when needed “This song is called you still broke my hello kitty piggy bank, bitch”
Everyone laughed and cheered as the illumination dimed until there was only a spot light, pointed at you.
When Bucky heard the tittle, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, as he had finally discovered what was the figurine he broke. And for the first time, Bucky was going to hear you magical voice live.
As you strung the strings on your electric guitar, the rest of the world disappeared. He let you magical chant envelop him, there was no crapy cassette on a battered Walkman, around his ears to disturb your magnetism. But no cassette was crapy when it held your voice. It was never possible.
You were singing directly to him. This song was about you both, and even though, you were sharing it with the rest of the world it was entirely yours. You were pouring out your heart, voice becoming one with the guitar, that completed you to perfection. And he understood what that letter he found and held it close to his heart, meant. It was a love letter. It was the love letter turned melody. It was your ballad, your love song.
Just for the thrill of it all
And as the roar of the crowd could be heard from miles away, the King of the ring, run to kiss his Queen of the pentagram, as everyone cheered like there was no tomorrow...
Just for the thrill of it all
...But they couldn’t care less, as they held each other close as their hearts roared and cheered at each other, like there was no tomorrow.
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Let me know what you thought about it, feedback is very welcomed. And I’m very sorry for posting this so very late.
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