#my poor mentally ill blorbo
suffersinfandom · 5 months
Controversial opinion (?): the Kraken Era wasn’t all that dark.
There’s a whole lot of meta and fic out there that portray early season two Ed as a bloodthirsty, hyperviolent monster, and when that portrayal is challenged, the rebuttal is usually along the lines of, “I’m just doing what canon did. Did you even watch the show?”
I did watch the show, and honestly? I expected Ed to be so much worse than he was! When I see people say they didn’t think Ed did enough to redeem himself or that he went past the point of no return, I just… don’t understand.
I already went into this in my way-too-long meta about Ed and abuse, but I do think it bears repeating (in a shorter post) because it seems like Ed’s actions -- more than the actions of any other character -- are scrutinized and discussed outside of the context of, y’know… a comedy about pirates. There’s tons of casual violence in Our Flag Means Death. Sometimes the violence is even funny! 
So what does Ed actually do?
As far as I can remember (I’ve only seen season two a few of times, so correct me if I’ve missed something!), we see Ed directly harm someone twice in the first two episodes: first on the wedding boat, and then when he shoots Izzy in the leg. Kind of unimpressive numbers, yeah? Tbh, I'd expect more out of a heartbroken Blackbeard.
The first instance involves Ed shooting a man during a raid. That man has a sword through his chest before Ed fires, leading me to believe that Ed’s still following his season one pattern of keeping himself a step removed from murder (technically, the sword killed that guy). We also don’t see the murder happen; the man tumbles offscreen before Ed shoots. This makes the action less brutal. If the writers wanted us to be appalled by Ed’s violence, we would’ve gotten a graphic kill (or several).
And the second instance is Izzy. Ed shoots Izzy in the leg after he suggests that the shitty atmosphere is because of Ed’s feelings for Stede. Hot take, maybe, but I don’t think that was entirely out of line -- definitely not for a pirate captain whose first mate is acting out! Ed’s feelings for Stede are not the only problem; a significant chunk of the problem is Izzy. Izzy called in the navy and led to their capture and, more importantly, Izzy bullied Ed back into the Blackbeard persona. This is what Izzy said he wanted.
We’re also told that Ed has taken more of Izzy’s toes between seasons. This isn’t cool -- bosses definitely shouldn’t be asking for their employees’ toes -- but there is a precedent for it: in season one, Ed told Stede that he used to feed people their toes for a laugh (yuck). For a laugh. This, to me, implies that it’s not a huge deal. It’s certainly not completely unexpected pirate behavior, and it seems more lenient than, like, a keelhauling or a whipping. I think both of those things would've felt way more gruesome and dark.
As far as violent actions go, that’s not a lot. Like, numerically.
Things get darker in S2E2 when Ed becomes increasingly desperate for someone, anyone, to send him to doggy heaven. He’s unhinged and working his way up to a murder-suicide before he’s stopped, but he doesn’t lay a hand on anyone. He orders Archie and Jim to fight to the death. He ignores anonymous crewmembers as they’re swept overboard in the storm. This is bad! It’s self-destructive and selfish! But violent? Monstrous? I don’t really think so.
In my opinion, the worst thing Ed does is force his crew to do violence for him -- not because it’s violence (again, they’re pirates), but because the violence hurts them. THIS is what traumatizes them! Their trauma flashbacks are scenes of them hurting others, not of Ed hurting them directly. Ed didn’t physically torture his crew (with the exception of Izzy, and that’s complicated). His crime was driving them to do one violent raid after another, killing and plundering without any joy or theatrics. Ed feels trapped in the role of Blackbeard -- the role that he’s been desperate to escape -- and, in his heartbreak, he opts to trap his crew with him. 
Yeah, Ed is messed up in the first two episodes of season two. I don’t blame the crew for almost killing him; it’s what needed to be done. I think that Jim, Archie, Frenchie, and Fang had every right to want Ed gone after Stede’s return. 
But I don’t think that Ed was a super violent monster who tortured his crew and murdered his way through his breakup. He engages in very little onscreen violence, and the person that most of his violence is focused on -- Izzy -- is the same person who told him to be violent. I think that anyone who says that Ed’s actions in the first part of season two are extremely dark is either looking at them out of context, misremembering what actually happened and just recalling the dark tone, or working with some kind of motive.
In conclusion: Ed is a man who, at his very darkest, was still operating pretty firmly within the bounds of "stuff pirates do" (but not stuff Ed has historically done, presumably).
Also look at him. Thank you.
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GIF by unearthlydust
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vanilla-poisons · 4 months
Yeah but no it’s really fucked up that in the friendship show yugioh, Bastion experienced an extreme mental breakdown and gave himself up to a cult and the protagonist of friendship show just forgot about him or worse left him on purpose…after he saves Alexis he just focuses on beating sartorious. The reason he ended up in that extreme spiral and got into the cult was because his friends ignored his cries for help and when he’s trapped in a cult where even the cult doesn’t appreciate him…he is once again left behind. No because genuinely Jaden that was a shitty thing to do. You worked to save all your friends except Bastion. Bastion who has been nothing but a good friend to you and kind to you when even Alexis and Chazz were mean.
Bastion was told no one cared about him and that he was worthless and was proved right. He was proved right. All the work he put into his life was meaningless because no one loved him and no one ever would.
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rai-knightshade · 6 months
Get to know me tag game!
Exactly what it says on the tin, I was tagged by @samblerambles for this one!
Top 3 Ships: I hope this question means just, like, currently, cause no way could I choose a top 3 of all time 😭. Current Nuclear-Levels-of-Brainrot Blorbo ships are: 1) Jeca (Jesse x Beca, Pitch Perfect); 2) Zelink (Link x Zelda, primarily Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom); and 3) Zekkna (Jaina x Zekk, Star Wars Legends/Young Jedi Knights). Honorable mentions go to the polyam versions of these ships tho (JessexBecaxChloe and Jaina's Mini Harem aka JainaxZekkxJag(xmaybe Kyp but I'm not sold on him). And maybe also YonaxSidonxLinkxZelda, which I just think is neat and fun)
Favorite color: yellow! I love a good golden, sunny yellow I gotta say 😁
Last Song: unintentionally, Cake by Itzy (played on the radio at the boba place I went to today); intentionally, Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless Vault Track by Taylor Swift)
Last Book: you know what, it's been 7 months since I last read anything, I think that officially makes this answer None until I get around to reading another book 😅.... Or it's the Little Golden Books baby's first biography on Taylor Swift. Which might actually be cringier 😅 (cringe is dead and it's a cute book etc etc but goddamn does this still say something about my ability to read actual books nowadays rip)
Last Movie: The Eras Tour Movie, preceded by The Barbie Movie
Currently Watching: nothing intentionally. I like watching some of the MeTV block of classic 70's/80's/90's shows tho. I'm always down for classic Macgyver and Emergency!
Current obsession: while you might come to the conclusion, based on this post, that it's Taylor Swift, I'm actually still fairly normal about her I promise 😅 I maintain the distinction that I'm a swiftie, but I'm not a Swiftie™. There's a difference. No, the actual answer is only mentioned once so far: Pitch Perfect, more specifically Jeca (and also SwanSongs aka Jesse/Beca/Chloe), even more specifically the secret good sequel to the third movie where Jeca can still win (and everyone is truly, canonically queer in a myriad of ways) that lives rent-free in my head, multiple pages of my sketchbooks, and as the Big Damn Fic™ I've been posting very slowly to AO3 since last year. Don't believe me? I'm gonna add '#jeca' and '#not to Blorbo on main but' to the tags of this post, look through the reblogs and actual blogs I've tagged over the past couple years and you'll truly understand how deep it all goes.
Currently Working On: allegedly, it's chapter 2 of the Big Damn Fic™ I just mentioned, 'these hands had to let it go free and- (This Love came back to me)', for which i just posted the ending a couple weeks ago as its own fic in the series to show that I'm doing something with it.
Country You Want to Visit: Scotland, Norway, and New Zealand. And also maybe Iceland. Pretty much in that order. I'd take a tour of Europe too tbh but those are the Big 3 (4).
Tags for Funsies: @thesorrowoflizards @lord-owlsnake @qcboeifzzz @beautiful-flutey @avian-violet and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Go for it! (No pressure tho ofc)
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
ur putting me through horrors btw <- mark and sarah enjoyer
im so glad im causing horrors abt them ,, they bring me agony And suffering <3
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relatableblorbopoll · 5 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 11
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
"Spoilers! She's a college dropout in her early twenties, who suffers from untreated mental illness and dissociation and had a complete breakdown at college, causing her to come home. Now she's living with her parents again, but life in her dingy little hometown went on without her. Her friends are adults now - in a relationship and planning on moving to the big city, or having to waste away in a dead end job instead of following their dreams. Mae is the only one without a new adult role in life. She's not great with people either - she's blunt and often doesn't think things through, and in many ways just doesn't get the world of adults. She's also prone to petty crimes and general anarchy. She's kind of lost and purposeless, and trying to find meaning in life by desperately clinging to the past. Her decision to drop out of college probably saved her life, but it's also put her family in a tough financial situation and is viewed by most people as her just thoughtlessly doing whatever she wants. She's also kind of shamed a lot about not having a job or other productive role in life, despite the fact that her untreated mental issues are actually disabling for her. She also plays the bass real bad. Anyway, i love Mae a lot. Playing this game as a college dropout in my early twenties, sitting in my childhood bedroom in my mom's attic, back in my dingy little hometown, desperately missing my old friends who have all moved on to better, resposible things in life... yeah, it felt like the game was pointing dead at me. Given tumblr's general demographic, i figure i must not be completely alone in this"
Shigeo Kageyama / Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
"autistic. likes milk. if we reach a certain level of emotion we turn into a psychic bomb. cool brothers :)"
Barry the Quokka (The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog)
"Their only skill is working the microwave, they're non-binary, when seeing a trash bin their first instinct is to look through it, they're always the most normal person in the room, they can beatbox, and they were only hired due to being the only one who applied."
Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
"In a fantasy world, be a guy with a regular profession losing his goddamn mind. Poor guy has a guilt complex, (so true) and a lot of deep embarrassment regarding his life.(ehe) He just wants to do what he's passionate about but capitalism is evil and also he keeps getting scammed. Claims to not want anyone to know Things, goes into depth about these Things anyway. Is probably most definitely gay. Can be found face down on a table lamenting his fate. Terrible sleep schedule. (HA) He is such a guy. Wants to believe the world is a good place and people are inherently good. And wants to help people and do good himself. It's just hard. [And he has a roommate. Oh my god he has a roommate]"
"He was, and still is, regarded a genius. He aced his Akademiya days, he has the admiration and appreciation of so many people because he is oh-so remarkable. But what for, when reality is that he sits at home depressed and with guilt consuming him, faking the image people have of him, not only broke as fuck but actually in debt, drowning his sorrows in wine."
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
"highschooler who wants to spend the rest of his life doing what he loves. is obsessed with art and beauty and it's on his mind 24/7 received help from his now friendgroup to break from his abusive foster father who he still have complicated feelings with had to move into school dorms and am struggling to live independantly since he'd rather spend money and time on his art but he's still surviving and enjoying the good times id say also ends up saying whatever is on his mind and is pretty eccentric. very passionate about what he loves. doesn't want to do anything else."
Nanami Kento (Jujutsu Kaisen)
"Ex-salaryman, now jujutsu sorcerer. During one life-and-death fight, kept talking about how it was almost six pm with is when he is getting off work at 6pm no matter what because he hates overtime. While his opponent repeatedly almost kills him. Normalest adult in this shonen anime. Teen MC: "Let's go all out!" Nanami: "No. Where moderate effort will suffice, use moderate effort." Some of his quotes from the anime: "I studied at Jujutsu Tech and one thing I learned is that Jujutsu Sorcerers are shit! Then I worked at your typical company and one thing I learned is that work is shit! If both are equally shit I'll take the one I'm more suited to." "You've faced several life-or-death situations, but that does not make you an adult. Finding more fallen-out hairs on your pillow, watching your favourite stuffed bread disappear from the convenience store... The accunulation of these little despairs is what makes a person an adult." "I don't praise or disparage anyone. I adhere to facts and judge on that basis. That's who I am. There was a time when I mistakenly believed society operated the same way." "
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ghouljams · 6 months
rereading ur aus and seeing so many ppl share their ocs made me want to join the dance line ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (this is my first ask non-anon and prolly like my third ever ask so sorry for the word jumble, im nerVOUS).
I think I will name my little blorbo Stitch. The reason for her name is that she sells handmade plushies online (+ works part time at the local art store to make ends meet) and she gets hurt easily that it isn't too surprising for her to get stitches the various falls and cooking injuries. She's neighbors with Love and they get along very well (girlys with more than a few screws loose) and even gifted a green teddy bear to cabbage when she found out abt the changeling. Stitch is fully human, and at first it was for shits and giggles but it quickly became set that she had like, no magic. nothing. empty like a brick. It's to the point where, idk, I hope this works in this world, even the most normal human at least gets goosebumps/bad feeling (brush it off as the weather or just life stress) when faes are around, but she just don't feel shit. She doesn't have nor retains any magic, so faes can still get hooks in her, but like too strong of a tug and it would *physically* come straight off. Hence her random injuries, and the depth of the injury will depend on the weight of the tether. Tapping doesnt work on her either but it does make her throw up and physically ill.
Still figuring out how this would've happened, but so far my fav idea is that a fae scared her so bad as a child that something went wrong. I know this is mixing cultures, but my mum once told me (and i cannOT for my life find online material supporting this belief) that in the chinese culture one of the ways they explain why children see shit is because they retain the most connections to the Heaven Realm as newly reincarnated subjects (and the connection fades with age and blah blah). So maybe Stitch was seeing the faes so vividly that shit wrecked her to the point a screw goes loose (mentally, emotionally, magically (??) and physically (her hair grows gray now)).
The mental image that started this all is just Stitch walking in the streets looking like a fucking porcupine with all the tethers attached to her and maybe Konig passing by feeling confused that this human?? showed absolutely?? no sign of discomfort (which i assume should be unusually in his presence)??? Ghost once tried (for the first and last time) touching one of the hooks when she was chatting with Love and watches in slight horror (and surprised) as she starts bleeding from a cut on her arm as the hook disappears. Stitch just slaps duct tape (the only thing she had with her) over the wound to stop the blood with a big ol' grin and "It happens :)". 1fae1 def heard abt this incident and maybe even Price is befuddled
Once again, sorry for the word vomit, hope u at least enjoyed reading this mess and here's a giggle scribble of Stitch and Ghost + her dumb ugly mug <3
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Love love love love love Stitch.
My Sister's OC Hell is also neighbors with Love, so join the party!!
Yeah people like Stitch exist in the fae au and I have not gotten a chance to talk about them because most of the darlings have fairly run of the mill human shit going on. BUT The humans that have just zero magic, and don't retain magic to any degree are called "Sinks". Y'know because the magic just sort of sinks into them and is lost forever. The fae are a little iffy around Sinks because yeah their hooks don't catch them right, and I think even for Witch it's like walking past a hole in reality.
Konig would be very confused, Sinks aren't super common and he would probably follow poor Stitch for a while just trying to figure out what was going on. At least Ghost has to play nice because Love likes Stitch. Love would like Stitch a LOT. Mostly because she's like a golden retriever, but also because she would be so excited to have someone to craft with! Yes, please come over to her flat and sew while she journals, here hold to baby so she doesn't get fussy, no don't worry about Ghost staring he just does that.
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Please don't vote for Mob in the upcoming Mob vs. Shallan Davar/Veil/Radiant dissociation swag poll!
Beloved mutuals, I write today to make a desperate plea for Squimbo From My Polls, as I threatened to do earlier. This is relatively unimportant and I need to be working on homework right now but this matters, To Me.
You see, Shallan, and Veil, and Radiant, my girls, my beloved, my collective poor little meow meow, soon face Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100 in @dissociationswagcompetition's tumblr poll bracket. And folks, I love both of these blorbos. I really do. But Mob does not deserve to beat Shallan and Veil and Radiant! Shallan specifically here is the QUEEN of dissociating! And she's swagful! She deserves to sweep this entire bracket! However, the Stormlight Archive fandom is a fairly small one, and Mob Psycho's is... not. Do you know the post that's about Squimbo from an obscure manga from 2004 vs Pikachu, where Pikachu wins based on pure name recognition? I fear an impending situation like that when Shallan's system absolutely DESERVES to sweep. Friends, I know we all like Mob. I ask you to listen to my plea and vote for Shallan's system instead.
Let me start with the obvious. The mostly non-spoilery. To start, Shallan, Veil, and Radiant are a canon DID system. Yes, canon DID, that's not demonized and is accurately, fairly represented! They aren't side characters, either; Shallan's system is arguably one of the two most main characters in a book series with a very large cast! It's awesome! And Shallan, to be clear, has dissociation issues besides purely being part of a DID system as well. She is constantly emotionally dissociating to cope with life. It gives her significant memory trouble. She dissociates hard and constantly and her mental illnesses are a significant part of the narrative. And let me re-iterate: Shallan's system is so so swagful. Shallan is quippy and funny and smart, Veil is an utter badass spy, and Radiant is a master swordswoman. So much swag.
Plus, she does the whole bottling up emotions thing. I get that that's why Mob is in this poll probably and let me tell you: she does all that and more. She deserves this win.
This enough should be enough information to vote for her, but I want to give specific examples, and that gets into spoiler territory. So, a cut is in order.
TO START I want to say that Shallan dissociates so hard that the count of people that she murdered and then forgot about murdering is up to FOUR!! FOUR PEOPLE. She dissociates so hard her dissociation has a body count. All were very necessary murders which is why I do not consider this demonization. Her motives were incredibly understandable, such as self defense or necessary to save the world. Does not change the fact that she entirely forgot about them.
Also. She does not remember like half of her childhood at least, during which some of those murders took place! It is commonly suspected that she probably has more people she's killed under her belt and we just don't know about it because she forgot about them. Very little is known about Shallan's past in general because she dissociated too hard and doesn't remember it. She managed to acquire a shardblade, one of the most powerful weapons in the setting, and forgot how she got it.
Also!! She's very avoidant of things that are trauma triggers, especially if they threaten to make her remember stuff she's suppressed. It's very significant because Pattern, her spren, keeps trying to get her to confront her past and move on, and she keeps fighting this every single book. This is an ongoing, deep internal conflict, and not something brushed under the rug.
Finally: this system is so swagful guys. They She got stabbed and thrown into a room full of corpses, experienced The Horrors as they were being carried there, and still got up to continue their mission later, over the course of which they took a crossbow bolt to the head and acted like it was totally fine and the others were crazy for being worried about them, and they pulled it out solely because they couldn't talk around it. PLUS they magicked up an entire army once. Also, she's witty, and always has a quip, and she's married to another swagful guy, AND she and her husband would be down for a polyamorous triad with Kaladin if he was, which he sadly isn't. So much swag.
So please vote for my blorbo please please please I'll love you forever if you do. the end
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ikamigami · 2 months
So.. right of the bat... Lunar murdered Eclipse.
I won't put a make up on it because I'm pissed...
Ofc Eclipse will come back.. I feel sorry for him because he's (was) in a poor mental state... He was hallucinating.. (or it was the directive that made him go to Lunar but oh well we shall see)
He wasn't thinking clearly though.. because then he would expect Lunar to be mad at him and not want to help him... QwQ pls... Normally Eclipse wouldn't do that.. but he was unable to think that though...
I think that it would be better if he went to Sun.. sure Sun wouldn't probably know what to do but at least Eclipse wouldn't die.. but on the other hand Sun with his poor mental state wouldn't react to Eclipse's insults too well either.. I mean Sun wouldn't kill Eclipse.. but it could end up badly... Who read my recent post know what I mean...
So anyway... Why showrunners can't make Sun talk to Eclipse?! For the love of all that exist!!! Crap! Usvsjsbsnsbbsksnsnsk
I understand why Lunar wanted Eclipse dead but he still shouldn't do that!! Bsbsmbsbdn I'm pissed because those Lunar's fans are at it again! They don't see anything wrong with that cause UwU Lunar bean and he can do murder vxjkznsnsnn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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Now deal with consequences dear Lunar.... SMH
Lunar ain't that different from Moon, huh?!
I know that it's good angst and drama but it doesn't change the fact that I'm mad
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I don't have much to say for now cause that was too much for me...
Poor Eclipse... QwQ
I hope that Sun and Eclipse will bond together as mentally ill suicidal blorbos <3
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alastairstom · 7 months
tell me more about the *type of fictional character you Make Blorbo And All The Things* because I realised something about my Irl Blorbolike friends
(like I think I pretty much know it but I need to ask you to know for sure)
HA I kind of love this.
I'm almost always drawn to characters who:
Are a little bit erratic / strange / off the wall
Have bright, well-defined personalities
Have a little bit of darkness inside them (or a lot) because of either mental illness or past abuse
Have strained parental relationships
Are exceedingly smart, but not always in a generic book-smart way
Appear privileged at first glance but somehow it has a dark turn - think the "poor little rich kid" trope where, like, the kid has it all going for them but is absolutely miserable anyway for factors outside their control
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red-dead-disaster · 1 year
my blorbo is not yours to slander
unless you demonize her to the point of absurdism then i'm on board
looking at that one yn/arthur fic where mary is the villain (who is explicitly mentally ill, kidnaps arthur and his stupid kids and gets sent back to a 19th century asylum (basically hell and she has a god given right to take revenge on the world for it) at the end
she tried to kill some kids
arthur and yn barely stood a chance
that fic did it right, it was genuinely so absurd and chaotic
i was rooting for her through the whole thing and she was the real hero
if you slander my blorbo, make it god tier chaos
don't just say "ugh she was such a bitch leading up to the wedding so it's totally justifiable for arthur to leave her right on the altar for john" because there were at least two of those fics on ao3 and it's both unoriginal and character assassination. the other trope is yn or john or arthurs love interest "saving" 'our poor sweet uwu bean. from mary, that's even more unoriginal
mary wouldn't just be rude to yn or whatever.
that's not her
she's not a bitch
she wouldn't just be rude to someone's face (except arthur but it comes from a place of love and affection, similar to hosea), she's far too proper for that. she's not a petulent child.
you gotta make her diabolically evil because she does make a really entertaining main villain i'll give all of you that
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lemonbronze · 7 months
HHHHH idk man. I spend every waking moment thinking about the fire emblem blorbos but mostly Hubert
I am thinking so much lately about like. The mental health of the fe3h cast. Like how they all cope with their trauma and mental illnesses and disorders in different ways (or sometimes not very well at all)
Idk I’ve especially been thinking about Dimitri today & his trauma and his probably unmanaged schizophrenia and just how everyone around him behaves with him as a result.
And I’m often thinking about Hubert and his poor relationship with food and self care and self image
I have a lot of thoughts about all this kind of stuff but at the end of the day I think I’m really just kind of overbearing and annoying;;; my fixations tend to last for years and I feel like I’m super irritating lol
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mothheart · 7 months
Blorbo bingo Carlos <3
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My sweetiepie my poor misunderstood little autistic pretty sctientist. Silly man who's special interests are his husband and science <3 like It's not even a headcanon, he is autistic. I do see a lot of good takes about him more often than not, but I dont think enough people acknowledge his autistic traits. Like, it's just short of being actually canon. All they'd have to do is explicitly say 'yep, this bitch is Autistic.' (i will continue under a readmore for courtesy of friends/mutuals still not caught up)
He cares so much about Cecil and Esteban!! He loves Cecil and he's a good husband and that's a hill I will die on. I don't think enough people have gotten past the initial 'perfect carlos' and moved on and accepted 'perfectly imperfect Carlos' because he is criticized up and down for every poor decision or mistake to the point that people get the idea that he doesn't care about his family, and that makes me : (
He is definitely traumatized, almost definitely from whatever happened before he found his way to Night Vale (like everything with the phantom ocean and the university of what it is. hello.) And also definitely due to a lot of the things that have happened after arriving in Night Vale. (Like Cecil forgetting him and esteban completely?? And then forgetting he forgot when the timeline was fixed.)
This is too much rambling for blorbo bingo so TLDR I think a lot people are overly harsh on him bc we don't see everything from his point of view like we do from Cecil's & people are still expecting the idealized and flawless Carlos, when in reality he has always just been some kinda mentally ill/autistic/traumatized but very normal man.
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lespicybrocoli · 6 months
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Gracias a @rainy-days-and-nights por el tag!
Cloud Strife/ Final Fantasy 7
The original blorbo, my first love (the one you never forget), my first wet and sad man, the one hero who had mental illness before it was cool (jk, however It was the first I got to know), for him I downloaded the anime OVA in a process that took 3 days and 5 hrs per day on my local internet shop and i bought the original Advent Children movie and the extended. He defined my taste in fictional men.
Uriko/ Bloody Roar 2
My first crush, she made me a furry before I even knew what a furry was, she awoke in me my taste for fighting women and catgirls. Silly little weapon of mass destruction, best girl, best playable character in Bloody Roar (yes, Im biased, no I don't look to be corrected)
Raine Sage/Tales of Symphonia
I wanted to be her when i grew up, now older I come to undestand that maybe I wanted to fu--*gets kicked*
Best archealogist, best sister, takes no ones bullshit. What the world of research needs.
Roxas/ Kingdom Hearts
Righ in my teenager era, thought it was Cloud so I looked, stayed because of the tragic existencialism, best angry boy, he has never done anything wrong on his life, kicked Riku's ass like a pro, fave resident in Sora's Heart hotel. A little gremling out for blood.
Maka Albarn/ Soul Eater
My irrevocable call that I was, in fact, not straight. The most cool female character I had ever seen, fuck the perfect stereotype (even thou she was the academic sterotype of perfect student) she was a messy bitch with angry issues and it was so fucking healing to see her being that way. Made me realice you can have a boyfriend and a nonbinary partner at the same time.
Aqua/ Kingdom Hearts
My wife, she carries the whole BBS game on her back, not because something arbitrary like most powerful keyblade wilder (which she is) nor because she is the only one who becomes master of her group (wich she does) but because she, literally, pass the whole game,pulling together the shit her idiotic himbo crush and her best friend do during all the game. Her movements while fighting are top 1000 of sexy things
Riku/ Kingdom Hearts
He is the representation of the queer journey made game character, the ironic fact that he is the closest to the mascot of all that represents capitalism is incredible good for social study. Seeing him growing on the story resonated with my growing into a lgbta+ person and now we are both happy with who we are.
Dante/ Devil May Cry
I literally buyed the whole tri-pack of the DMC saga back in 2013 when I didn't even had a PS2, just to play it in a console a friend let me borrow. All the bro dudes buying his bad boy persona when he is a fucking depressed man that only knows happiness when he has his brother back, looked for the sexyness and irreverent style, stayed for the tragic sibling drama.
Dream/ The Sandman
The blorbo that pretty much brough me back to Tumblr. Goth, sad, twink, depressed, divorced dad of one poor soul with the most toxic family ever. Neil Gaiman saw that one comic about giving robot feelings and decided to do the same with concepts. No Neil, you didn’t give it feelings, you fucked up a concept.
Loki/ Marvel MCU
Sad wet snake, with queer tendencys ignored by most of marvel who is made justice on fanart/fanfic. My favourite "redemption" trope. Mama's boy. HE USES MAGIC, CAN SHAPESHIFT AND FIGHTS WITH KNIVES. May hate the world but loves his brother, that gets me every time. I just want them to be happy
I tag @umi-umita @agent-bee @seiya-starsniper
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doridoripawaa · 2 months
Revue Starlight for the ask game!
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! Revue is 1 of my 2 biggest comfort series and I don't talk about it enough!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Nana. Definitely Nana. I already am weak for lonely, big sister-type characters (to nobody's surprise) but after her backstory? WOW. She is so mentally ill (/pos) and I adore her.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Karen immediately comes to mind as so squishable and cuddly and I'm gonna tackle her with affection. She works so hard! She struggles but she overcomes! She probably needs a nap! She's gonna fight a giraffe!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Futaba feels so underrated to me! She is loyal and tough, and her growth into self-confidence is delightful to watch!!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Does Mr. White count? I get so excited every time I see a new piece of merch that Hikari has. I live vicariously through anime girls with a clear special interest.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Nana definitely hits for "problematic" but let's not forget about Hikari being a self-sacrificing disaster who literally flees halfway across the globe to avoid her crush. Peak theater lesbian. Iconic. I love her.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Kaoruko... teasing the bratty ones is always pretty fun 🫣
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): I want to say I'm sending both Claudine and Maya so they can recreate the revue of souls. but in reality I'm setting the giraffe on fire... again. wakarimasu.
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honeybeekao · 2 years
top 10 enstars
im gonna take this as meaning characters just know im giggling at this
1. rei - who's surprised? no one. his aura is alluring if youre not ritsu so i think im justified. also im mentally ill and he's mentally ill and ive decided we're mentally ill together. vampires with back pain and gay tendencies unite. he's such a kind creature there's so much love in his heart, and i wanna hug him!! i think people should pull him out of his coffin more, if only to make sure he's alright because god can he isolate. if you get me started on how rei feels about himself i'll start sobbing, he doesnt feel human due to being placed on the highest pedestal and othered his entire childhood and i just want him to feel worthy of love. also need him to recognize the love HE feels is real and not evil and he's not evil and OUGDHDHZJ rei's so sweet he's my favorite weirdo, i love him
2. oh god okay Madara - i actually cant pick between him and kaoru sometimes so these two are interchangeable. i think madara's like the most interesting character ever, theres something wrong with him BUT it isnt in the way that /he/ thinks. he isnt a monster and i think he deserves to be held gently. also he needs to wear a wedding dress and more flowy sleeves in my opinion he's sooo pretty he's beautiful he's gorgeous. his whole outlook on religion being disdain and sorrow is understandable, i think the conversation with kanata where kanata says "you cant say such things, you need to respect it even if it isnt real. because it's real to them" - i think it's a little profound. he doesnt wanna respect something predatory and dangerous and life threatening, not to mention the worst thing of all, it hurt KANATA. which madara will never forgivw or respect. fuck you fish cult
3. kaoruuuuuu - i adore kaoru my aro babygirl my lovely poor sad little man, do you think if someone asked to take a selfie with him he'd get flustered? i think so. actually just boosting his ego would be fun because you know he's so pathetic IM NORMAL ABOUT KAORU I SWEAR okay Okay i think he's really sweet and deserves the world. he's oblivious and that's okay. also i need him to fix izumi for me because im not doing that (yes i am but dont tell him or izumi) date plan is like my favorite story, i love his conversation with rei soooo much. he's a little gay. (he's very gay) kaoru doesnt understand girls he should talk to arashi. also transfem kaoru fandom where are youu
4. chiaki - sweetie lovely "only enstars character with morals" my wonderful little hero boy, i dont think i need any justification if you dont like chiaki i don't trust you /j. he makes me feel so many emotions, i think everything he's done is so impressive because at a point he was Terrified that he couldn't do anything that he reeeaaally wanted to do. but he got there, eventually. scrimbly of a guy, he's so silly i totally believe he ends up in the hospital every month and kanata scolds him for it . and kaoru tsks at him for it and they both love him this is what i'm saying. ryuseitai as a unit are here too because i adore them all with my entire heart
5. rinne - never thought he'd be here but i'm also glad he is despite his attitude flaws. he's a bitch and i love him!! he's fucking ridiculous sometimes like i love that it's canon he's pretended to be walking a runway because of his FS outfit. also his ways of getting things to work, while insane and good god why would you do that, it makes him so interesting. i cant believe this man exists in the enstars universe he's like an anomaly to me (oh did i mention he also has the "im not human" issue? all of my blorbos are ill) he's pretty. dont tell him that. or do, see what happens he probably needs to hear it. he feels he's disappointed hiiro already and so he avoids him which also makes me unbelievably sad. please hug your little brother he misses you. i promise you didn't disappoint anyone!!!
6. izumi - i joke that he's my problematic fav but i think what happened here is he has the perfectionism illness that leads to self destruction and mean approach to loving others. and i understand this on a level due to people in my life, i think he deserves a caring hand and should also get shoved a couple times. like once a year. i got obsessed with ironic blue and i Never went back im not sorry. ALSO HE'S SO EASY TO BOTHER i think kaoru should challenge him to more shit it's incredibly entertaining, those two <3 there's something wrong with him and He knows it and Everyone knows it, No One here is acknowledging it though!
7. kohaku - I LOVE KOHAKU he's so funny he's like an oddball but isnt an oddball and it's because he fucking grew up on the internet! i love that he treats his 2 units like a day and night job umm DOES HE EVER SLEEP? dear enstars dear cospro, he's 15 that isn't healthy. he makes me sad because he's still a kid and will continue to sorta be a kid because of growing up in such a Way. being locked away by your assassin family cannot do anything good for your mental health. i'm glad he has companions though, and i'm sure he at least has fun in idol stuff. how the fuck does he deal with rinne AND madara daily? i think i'd die. dealing with them in my head is already a nightmare sometimes /affection
8. keito - picking these is not difficult actually im having fun. KEITO HASUMI'S MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW dear god i look at him in any given moment and go Awwwww........ 😰 i love him so much. how can you be so stuck up yet So prone to causing problems. it's so fucking funny he's a little embarrassing and i think is very easy to mess with. madara says he's taking kuro away to be a solo unit and keito flips his shit he feels SO betrayed, this poor guy. i would say he's gullible, but that one's more on the sense of He doesnt trust madara at all and can totally envision that being the truth, hey madara at least one person thinks youre capable!! <3 keito's so normal and so very unhinged all at once, i love his glasses and his intertwining story with eichi and rei, i love his unit. akatsuki my beloveds i really like all 3 of them dearly
9. ritsu - oh ritsu dear ritsu you make me so sad i dont know what to do with myself. he can't stand change because it feels like loss to him, cough cough thisll happen when your brother is gone cough, but his home in knights is everything. he's sooo smart and i love when he's content and happy. just chilling out, he deserves it and i think him sharing that with others is really sweet. i think ritsu should take more shared naps with people, all of knights should nap more!! especially tsukasa. him and mao are insane to me i havent looked into them too much so you arent getting analysis, but mao's very obviously important to him
10. natsume - i love this witch boy with all my heart, probably just as much as i love the transmasc hc for him. i think he's a fucking genius, i think he's gonna dominate the world with his powers, i think he's insane but he's too little to be scary. also war era makes me Cry, the other oddballs were protecting him from as much of the evil as possible, sobs weeps hits the pavement. switch are very important to me.. i Love natsume's design they outdid themselves when creating him, coolest hair Ever..i think he should've had fangs though. Give natsume fangs and a trans flag thank u
honorable mentions!!
kanata, arashi, niki, mayoi, hinata, souma, hokke, shinobu
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inkedmyths · 6 months
Tagged by @g1ngerbeer 10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags ok let's see if I'm doing this right yeehaw
Trails of Cold Steel - ITS SO HARD TO PICK JUST ONE but well if I have to its gotta be Rean. The guy ever. He's done absolutely nothing wrong and the universe hates him. I love him sm. Shakes him in a snowglobe.
Star Wars - Anakin is the problematic fav ever. He's just the worst. God awful. King of bad decisions making. Virtually a demigod but is exceptionally stupid about it. Icon.
Splatoon - Does Captain 3 count. The fucking, faceplanting after doing something cool. The Booyah. The peace sign. They're so funny.
Monster Hunter - I LOVE UTSUSHI he's just so funny. Uses the word bodacious unironically. His pupil's No. 1 fan. He sparks joy your honor.
The Magnus Archives - Jon is so poor little meow meow. Just, so meow meow. Incredible character arc of bastard to pathetic to soft marshmallow with god powers and a martyr complex. Immaculate.
Legend of Zelda - Every single iteration of Impa is the GOAT. Guardian, protector, friend, she's got it all. BIG fan of Skyward Sword and Hyrule Warriors iterations specifically.
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - YJH IS SO. Local man having depression and mental illness due to regression, and then some asshole comes around and throws approximately 50 wrenches into his plans. Unfortunately, he becomes immensely attached to said asshole. His life is a nightmare and it's funny to watch.
Pokémon - N Harmonia was baby's first blorbo and I miss him sm. We love a cult survivor learning about how the world actually works, good for him.
Percy Jackson - SPECIFICALLY the Lightning Thief Musical especially the production I watched understands Luke Castellan better than anyone ever will and I am spinning it in my head all the time
Fantasy Life - Yuelia my daughter light of my life dearly beloved she's an angel she's grace she's done nothing ever wrong and I would die for her
Ok ok can I tag 10 people. Let's see. @foolsbangle @harasharaved @dracolunae @ashenknightt @the-carrotella @rosenmarille @ephemeralcemsilee @crowreans @charxan @kulvefaggoth
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