#my precious aroace son
na-na-namine · 5 months
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The boy of all time.
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ilikemicrowaves · 5 months
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Tysm @wings-of-fire-adopts for this beautiful boy! His design is so unique and I'm happy have him as my oc!
This is Citrus, He is aroace and he is 17 years old (28 in human years)
Story undercut: please read I'm actually really proud of this for some odd reason
This is Citrus, He is a mudwing, leafwing hybrid. He lives in the rainforest with a rainwing family of 3, his brother, his brothers boyfriend, and their daughter. His actual parents, Shoebill of the mudwings and Bloodroot of the leafwings, were executed publicly in the town of Phtalo when he was still in his egg. In my wofverse, inter-tribe breeding is illegal. The parents and child must be killed, and the hybrid's parts are usually sold. Pretty cruesome.. Phtalo is one of the towns that takes this law very seriously. Thankfully, Shoebills sibs took their egg and hid it in the rainforest. Unfortunately, the egg was taken by the rainwings before Shoebills sibs could return. Tobacco, an elderly rainwing, took the egg and raised Citrus until he was 2 years, along side his own son, Precious. Unfortunately, Tobacco died of old age, and Precious and his bf, Mosaic, raised Citrus together until he was 12. Precious and Mosaic had adopted an unsibed mudwing named Pumkin by the rainwings. She was only 1 when they found her almost eaten by a jaguar. Citrus happily lived with his family until the age of 17, when he discovered that his father's sibs could still be alive. Citrus and his best friend, cabybara of the rainwings, decided to travel back to the town of Phtalo to find them. Citrus used a fake rainwing frill headband to stay hidden. Once they enter the village, they decide to stop for a meal at a steak house. When they entered, they questioned a bulky looking mudwing named Ox about them. She laughed and told them that they ran away cowardly with a hybrid egg but later where found and executed publicly, but the egg still missing. This news shattered Citrus on finding his family. Before they left, the sandwing cooking assistant in the kitchen noticed them. She followed them out until they stopped for a drink.
She approached them introducing herself as Sunrise. She asked them why they were asking about the executed hybrid family. Cabybara lies and says that they heard a story that the sibs of the hybrids father were still alive, and wanted to meet them.
Citrus asked her suspiciously what she knew about them, and she replied that only one escaped and she knew where he was. She agreed to take them to him if she was given gold. They made a deal and they packed their things before setting off into the late night sky. They traveled for two days before they made it to the outskirts of the sky kingdom. Here, they rested at a skywing motel. In the morning, a window was shattered in their room. The mudwing from earlier, Ox, and two other mudwings had followed them. Ox figured out that Citrus was the lost hybrid and knew the queen would take a liking in him.
They barely escape but Cabybara picked up a shelf and slammed it over Ox's head. Flying through the window Citrus lost his fake frills from Ox's attempt to grab him by the neck.
They flew as far as they could before they found a traveling market. Thankfully it was night time so no one could see them. Sunrise stole a cloak for Citrus before they passed through most of the market and decided to sleep inside a barn filled with cattle. Citrus spent the night thinking about his family and how much he missed them.
The next morning, they awere woken up by the barn owner, an old male skywing who kicked them out angrily. Before they set off, Sunrise decided they should do a little shopping. They got Citrus a bag and Cabybara bought some dried fruit.
They flew until they arrived in the town over, SilverHills. There, Sunrise takes them to Citrus's Uncle, Sarcosuches.
Sarcosuchus refused to believe that Citrus was his nephew until he took off his hood. Then, Sarco pointed out how much he looked like his father and that they both have the same droopy ears and small eyes.
Sarco offers Citrus to live with him. Unfortunately, Citrus knows he needs to return to his other family and that Ox is still hunting him, so it's not safe to stay. Hearing her name, Sarco scowled. Just then, the two mudwings traveling with Ox busted down the door.
Sarco yelled at her to stay back, and she grinned upon his presence. They knew each other, but how?
Citrus questions this while they are cornered, and Sarco reveals that Ox is his aunt, and that's how she knew he was a hybrid. She was the reason the village knew about the hybrid egg, she was the only one of his troop against hybrids, and that hatred was strong enough to rat them out.
Will they make it out?
I can't wait to expand these characters stories, I had fun writting this instead of sleeping.
Citrus with his frill disguise:
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Original ref sheet:
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
They are back in the capital!
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And we can finally get back to the main plot! 🎉🎉🎈🎈🎊🎊
Oh, thank god.
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Which means that Granny and Minglan were gone for at least nine months, maybe more? Also, how did nobody write to Granny to tell her? Minglan seemed to have no issues sending letters, considering that she was writing to her maternal aunt all along.
LOL, sneaky auntie Wei 😅
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You should have done that in the first place.
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LOL, I love Changbai 😂
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Give him some good advice, Second Brother! He makes the worst life choices on his own 😔
LOL, I had forgotten all about her and her worthless son 🤣🤣
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For a low-birth concubine's daughter, Minglan certainly has many respectable ladies very eager to make her their daughter-in-law 🤣🤣 Pity their sons aren't so great 🙄
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Brat behaviour.
Smh. This poor girl.
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I wish Princess Pingning and her imbecile son all the worst. Evil fucking people.
Jesus Christ, he is a moron 😡
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I have more regard for my Barbies' well-being than he has for actual human lives. Fuck him with a rusty pike.
Her biggest regret in life is that she cannot fuck her son herself and must assert control over his sex life as much as possible by proxy.
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Detestable characters.
Seriously, Minglan, I am as disappointed as your grandmother.
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Your taste in men is atrocious.
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He and his creepy mother give me all kinds of ick.
Princess Pingning would probably drown her in a well the first week because she would not be able to handle sharing the attention of her precious son.
Oh, Granny, she is a stupid fifteen-year-old. No matter what you taught her, her brain is still mush, and hormonal at that.
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I am so aroace, it isn't even funny. The idea of sacrificing anything for some man is just beyond alien to me and I just cannot sympathise with Minglan here at all. Just imagine marrying into that house! How does she think it will go?
Infinite stupidity.
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I can't wait for all this to blow up in her face. She deserves it for this foolishness because she really should know better.
Idiotic decision, really.
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Wait, who?
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I can't keep track of all these emperors and potential emperors.
Is this one of those snooty women at the polo game?
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Also, so many Imperial Consorts and no sons for the Emperor 🙄
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rabbitsrams · 10 months
I see a lot of girl!dad and boy!dad schlatt HCs out and I absolutely love them to bits and pieces!
But what about queer-kid!dad schlatt HCs? Like I see some brief of mentions of the kids being gay and schlatt being supportive of that but not really much else.
Like what if his son is into girly things like barbie, makeup, dresses, and is a little bit more sensitive than your average manly man. He’d ofc be sad that his son isn’t interested in baseball or most/any of his machine stuff, but ultimately he just wants his son to be happy and if that means being somewhat of a girl!dad to his son then so be it!
And he’d do the same thing with his tomboy daughter, but he’d be pretty excited if his daughter’s into baseball and/or his machine stuff.
And if his comes out as queer, I feel he will be incredibly supportive… like to that point of it being embarrassing.
His kid brings home his same-sex or gender nonconforming partner? Be sure that he WILL bring out the gun and do vague threats towards the ‘lucky’ kid. Especially if they’re a guy or a masc leaning kid.
Heartbreak? He will be there for every one, wiping away every tear that pours down his baby’s face. Even if his son’s traditionally masc, he’d still do it because he’s doesn’t want his son to bottle up his feelings like he did when he was younger.
If his kids is somewhere in the aroace kingdom? He’d be supportive of that too, I’d feel that if his kid’s on the more extreme end of the aroace spectrum… he’d be more relieved then anything because that’s one less thing that he’d have to worry about.
Kid’s now somewhere under the trans umbrella? You bet you’re bottom butts that he’s gonna get ANYTHING that his precious angel needs! Wardrobe changes? They’re stocking up on all of the kid’s preferred clothing like it’s the fucking apocalypse! Pronouns changes? Will contently correct oneself until he gets it right! Puberty blockers? Gotcha covered! Hrts? Already on it’s way! Top surgeries? Bottom surgeries? Any other gender-affirming surgeries? It’s scheduled as soon as they turned the legal to do so and as soon as the kid shows interest in surgeries! Not interested in any surgeries or hormones? Still will love his baby no matter what they do.
And if there’s bigotry or bigots out there? He will fight everyone of bigots tooth and nail if it means his kid will be happy (even if it means getting the gun out).
And god forbid his kid, HIS FLESH AND BLOOD!!! Is ever HATE-CRIMED!!! He will rain the fury of a thousand suns upon those idiots who decide to hate-crime HIS BABY!!! If he knew the identities of those unfortunate people… let’s just say he wouldn’t be so civil with those ‘people’…. and they’d probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
Anyways! I said my piece here, so feel free to add anything but I think I’ve went over the most important things. -🍓🫐anon
hey there! wow, this is amazing. so nuanced and i so agree! he'd love his kid no matter what. i loved reading this it was super sweet and captures schlatt's essence so very well. well done nonie <3
i'm not queer (i'm a cishet ally) so i'm not really sure if it's my place to continue on this or speak on queer kids' experiences, but i def want to boost queer voices regarding this topic (or anything related to it too ofc). if any LGBTQ+ writers want to continue this, hit my line! tag me in anything or send me an ask and i can read & boost it <3
but i do wanna add a bit to the girly things son and tomboyish daughter part bc that was my brother and i's experience: we kinda had a mix of everything lmao, i was a bit of a tomboy and he was more sensitive and not rly a "manly man" (gender roles who)
his daughter being super into old video games from his childhood and loving the consoles. schlatt being OVERJOYED and playing with her. she gets better at the game than he does lmfao (i'm just imagining mario kart wii idk why)
if she's more crafty with fixing up cars/machines/etc he'd love to help her out. buys her parts she needs and when she's done he's showing it off to everyone
and like i said before, schlatt 100% would go to all of his daughter's games if she was on a sports team ofc
and if his son wanted to get dolls or other girly toys he'd get it for him in an instant and even play with him!!! (my brother would always play dolls w/ me hehe)
also you teaching him how to do makeup (if u know how ofc) if he wants to learn <33
you and your son doing makeup on schlatt and him looking AMAZING. he's SO proud that his son made him look so good :D
lowkey though gender roles don't exist in this household, as long as the kid is happy then schlatt's happy <3
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 1 year
TMNT Headcannons from across the universe!
These are just headcannons I have for characters that NO MATTER which universe they’re in, I truly believe these hc are real in my heart.
• Raph curses like a sailor (Yes even your precious rottmnt!Raph). He is usually 101% done with whatever bullshit they’ve gotten themselves into and has no need or want to put a filter up because of it. Though he tries not to curse too much if Master Splinter or small children are around, he’ll slip up once or twice if he gets too frustrated.
• On the flip side: Leo NEVER curses. But it’s not because he’s the older brother/leader and wants to be an example for his brothers (especially not rottmnt!Leo). But because he’s a little shit and likes watching his brothers cringe at whatever nonsense he uses to replace swear words.
• Leo: Aw shucks! This really ruffles my freathers! Looks like we really go ourselves in a pickle this time fellas!
• Raph, Donnie, and Mikey, sobbing: Please for the love of god just say FUCK!!!
• All of the bros can skateboard but Mikey is the best at it.
• Donnie’s always got to be a little messeed up in the head, mainly because his morality is a fucking rulet wheel. Like he can be the sweetest person you know but if the situation does not benefit his friends or family he does NOT care for it.
• It has been stated before many times that Mikey has the most raw talent amongst his brothers and I truly believe that if Leo hadn’t stepped up as leader Splinter would have assigned it to Mikey. But like also Mikey absolutely DOES NOT want to be leader.
• I firmly believe that Raph is good with kids; like if it were possible for him to live a normal life I wholeheartedly believe he would be a kindergarten teacher.
• Donnie does NOT like kids but kids seem to like him for some reason.
• Leo is okay with kids, he’s just really awkward around them and doesn’t know how he should act.
• Mikey absolutely adores kids and they adore him right back! He doesn’t speak to them in that condisending way that most adults do as if children are stupid and don’t understand anything happening around them. He talks to them like any other person and respects their opinions and ideas. If possible he’d probably have the biggest family out of all his brothers.
• Hates pineapple on pizza: Raph, Donnie, Casey
• Likes pineapple on pizza: Mikey, Leo, Splinter, April
• Casey Jones would NEVER in a million years EVER be a cop! (I don’t fucking care what the Bayverse movies say CASEY JONES WOULD NEVER BE A FUCKING COP!!!)
• Casey is trans and bisexual, always! Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong!
• Even if she isn’t a reporter/journalist in every universe, April O’Neil is always gunna be a bit nosey by nature and know ALL the gossip.
• April is either gunna be Bisexual or AroAce, no inbetween!
• With that being said, if April and Casey aren’t “romantically” involved with each other they are QPP because they’re soulmates and I love their dynamic together.
• Raph and Casey are also QPP! They are ALWAYS going to be best friends in EVERY universe!
• Leo is bisexual, always! Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong!
• Mikey is pansexual and genderfluid/agender/genderqueer/idk they got something going on with their gender cuz it sure as hell ain’t cis!
• Donnie is nonbinary because he has no time for silly things like gender, only science! His sexuality is a squiggly line hand wave that’s somewhere on the ace spectrum and your guess is as good as mine.
• Raph goes by he/they pronouns. That’s all anybody has ever gotten out of him and if they ask he always replies with: my gender is who fucking cares and my sexuality is who gives a shit!
• Much like April, Splinter fall under the line of either being bisexual or Aroace, no inbetween!
• Splinter may be pretty bad with technology sometimes but he absorbes languages like a fucking sponge. At minimum he knows at least 6 different languages.
• If given the choice to either save the world or his sons Splinter will always ALWAYS choose his boys. No hesitation what-so-ever! This rat man would rather fist fight god themselves then ever even CONSIDER losing his babies! He’s not the most perfect parent and he can be a bit strict at times but he loves his children so, so much! To him they ARE his entire world!
• Cat person: Mikey, Raph, April
• Dog person: Leo, Donnie, Casey
• Bird/Fish person: Splinter
• Epic Rap Battles of History!!! Autism (Donnie and Raph) vs ADHD (Mikey and Leo)!!!
• Raph listens to emo rock and grunge music
• Donnie listens to either classical music or heavy metal depending on his mood.
• Leo is actually just as good at playing video games as Mikey. He excels best at super fast paced rhythm games and complex puzzle games.
• Mikey actually kinda enjoys meditating but he HAS to have music playing in the background or else he gets bored and distracted.
• April, Raph, and Donnie have formed a gossip circle where they shit talk about people they hate.
• With proper motivation Baxter Stockman is the most terrifying villain in the TMNT universe because the man is fucking insane and doesn’t care if he has to hurt himself or others to meet his goal. We do not thank our lucky stars enough that he is a coward prone to being bullied by other overzealous villains to do their grunt work. The world would have been destroyed ten times over if it were not for that.
• I feel like all the turtles’ troubles could have been avoided if the Shredder would have just taken some anger management classes, yoga, weed, something and like vibed for at least 5 minutes. Like if he took the time to think over his plans more than once he’d kind of be like: Yeah okay, no, this is fucking stupid!
• Bebop and Rocksteady are gay and married.
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aiyexayen · 1 month
B, U, N
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Liu Qianqiao/Shen Shen. A Little Foolishness by rustycreekspoon opened my eyes to the possibilities. I would read a 50k story about them easily. Maybe someday I will get to. 😏
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
it's difficult to pick favourites.
1. Wen Kexing from Shan He Ling. He's my most blorbo from my most show. He's my babygirl. He's my precious son. He's me in the ways I need to be reflected back at myself. I can fix him and make him worse and use him to express all my inexpressible feelings about home and identity and what it means to be human in spite of an inhumane life. He taught me how very sexy it can be to lift a whole-ass man up by his neck and slam him into the ground. Episode 11 lives in my head rent-free. His arc is the embodiment of maybe it's not too late for me. I can't love any of my beloved characters more than him to this day.
2. Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) from The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System. He's truly one of my favourite character arcs I've ever read. Hands down the best unreliable narrator I know. Nobody is doing it like him. He's completely terrible. He's so good. He's both worse and better than he wants to believe. He cares so much and loves so fiercely and grieves so deeply and he'll never admit it for a second. He came from a world that let him forget what it was to be human and he's re-learning his own humanity at the hands of characters from a novel that themselves become more human the more he treats them like people, in an exquisite metaphor and compelling study on the nature of humanity what it really means. He's a fascinating study on the human spirit and willpower and regret and how little it takes to make someone commit atrocities and how much it takes to break a true conviction. He's a self-serving bastard wannabe who can't help but give everything of himself up when push comes to shove. Half his thoughts are panicked swearing and live shitposting and cackle-inducing nonsense against a backdrop of a story that moved me to tears. He is gray-aroace feels. He is precious to me. I want to slap him into next week. And so it goes.
3. Menolly from the Pern series. I am running out of words but I will say, I wanted little more as a child than to run away to a place where I could belong and be finally understood even if my peers still didn't want me, where someone would tell me I was good, where I could learn everything about the world and how to become a meaningful part of it. Menolly lit the fires of those dreams that still smolder softly in me, and I will always love her the most for that and for getting to live them out for me. Also, gender feels.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
1: more rare ships let me devour them let me feast 🙏
2: more cross stitch patterns bc apparently i have to make them myself if i want to do fandom cross stitch?? 😭 as if i need more hobbies on hobbies...
3: more fics by this one author called aiyexayen i hear they have like fifty seven wip's where are the finished fics we want to READ THEM 😩
fandom ask me more things game
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For the character asks: Arslan Senki(i hope i got the name right)
Thanks for the ask!! Since there's no number, I'll just pic a few. Be warned, I ADORE THIS BOY. He's my precious bean, my cinnamon roll that could kill, my sassy child, etc. Literally tempted to answer every single on of the question but I'll try to limit it.
1.My first impression of them: no cap, he's the reason I picked up this show. So, I went into it with the anime (mistake, I know, the manga is definately better, but the anime isn't too bad). The first episode AND first chapter of the manga made him very likable for me: he was a sheltered kid with a good heart and very few friends. I was excited to see how he'd grow. I think the opening was perfect: setting up the world and some of the main conflicts, introducing out main character and his personal conflicts, setting up one of the main antagonists, etc etc etc. Love it. Love him.
7. A quote of them that you remember: "Narsus, I will appoint you court painter."
Reasons I love this quote:
biggest brain thing anyone in the series has every done (including every Narsus strategy)
said with charisma points MAXED out
never let them know your next move
12. Sexuality hc! Aroace. I accept literally nothing else.
13. Your favorite friendship they have: Etoile and Arslan's frienship makes me want to c r y. They are so good together, perfect foils to each other. They're the only one that treats Arslan like anyone else and not a prince: granted, they are pretty brash and mean but Arslan needs someone to not be all soft-spoken around him. I just want a scene where Arslan snaps and Etoile is all smug like HAH! GOT YOU TO STOP BEING THE PERFECT PRINCE! Etoile also challenges Arslan ideologically from the FIRST chapter , and every single encounter since has changed Arslan and left a mark on him. I love all Arslan friends, but I always feel like there is a divide due to the status. Arslan is a prince: of course he must adhere to the status quo. Etoile tho? They spit at the status quo. And then probaby spit at Arslan too for the fun of it. God I love them.
Also, I have a fic in my head where Etoile stayed a slave for a while so they and Arslan had a deeper relationship before they escaped.
(Also also, I like the idea of queerplatonic Etoile and Arslan.)
Also, Etoile gives Arslan this moment:
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ID: two panels from the Arslan Senki manga, read from right to left. In the first panel, Arslan and Etoile are falling, the sun is setting in the distance and there are clouds and mountains framing the scene. Next panel is a zoom into Arslan, the sun reflecting in his eyes. END ID
Other than Etoile, his relationship with Daryun is amazing. I don't really call it friendship though, I call it overprotective-dad-and-his-trouble-magnet-son.
16. A childhood headcanon: he was a super mischevious child growing up and it drove his guardians up the wall (but they loved him, everyone loved him, how can they not?)
21. When do you think they were at their happiest? I'm sure that Arslan has a lot of happy moments with his friends in the events of the manga, but I genuinely believe he was the happiest before he came to the castle. When he speaks of his childhood, he seems incredibly fond. To me, Arslan never struck me as particularily ambitious. He wants to be a good prince for his people out of the goodness of his heart, but being prince was not something he wanted. I feel that he hates the divide between himself and others that his status brings. I think he was happiest when he had not real status and was allowed to play with his peers without filters.
Thanks again for the ask! Have a wonderful day!
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quynhsandy · 4 years
Who would I be if I didn’t project onto my favorite characters??
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i-like-gay-books · 3 years
some (slightly) more coherent thoughts on awtwb cause i was thinking about it in the shower
i loved it. i loved the book to pieces, i mean snowbaz was so soft and actually functional most of the way through and agatha found her calling and simon found his family and penny and shepard are just precious and it was really a fantastic way of wrapping up the trilogy all in all
thinking back on it the morning after finishing theres something that rubs me the wrong way about one aspect of the book. first it was just the agatha niamh thing but then i got to thinking and its bigger than that
in awtwb there’s kind of an underlying message of you can’t be happy unless you’ve found your person/ are in a relationship
agatha and niamh for example. i loved loved loved the agatha storyline i mean i think it really makes sense that she would want to be a vet and that shed like animals better than humans and somebody needed to take ebbs place but
was the kiss even necessary?
idk i mean i can see how niamh was helpful to the plot in getting agatha to go back to watford and all but i just dont see why the pair the spare was necessary here. i just dont see why agatha couldnt be happy single and why it couldnt have just been an amazing thing for her to make a friend which, historically, she has trouble with. idk.
and then theres snowbaz obviously. i mean they belong together dont get me wrong. but they lasted barely 24 hours apart before they decided that wasn’t gonna fly because they feel so absolutely dreadful without each other. ok i seriously think thats some attachment issues stuff right there like yeah fine its romantic or whatever that they miss each other so much and its natural for people to wallow after a breakup, but the healthiest way of addressing that isn’t to avoid it altogether by just getting back together. i mean after that they barely spend a minute apart for the rest of the book. i love snowbaz as a couple to pieces but im just saying i dont think their level of attachment to each other is the healthiest and it adds to this feeling im getting from the book of much be in a relationship or else never happy
penny and shepard next. they’re cute oh my god. i cant believe how cute they are. i didnt get it after wayward son but i get it now. theyre perfect.
that doesnt mean i canst still think that it seems a bit like penny doesnt know how to be happy on her own and she didnt get much of a chance to figure that out. wayward son takes place over what, a week? and then so does awtwb. so thats like a week and a half of her being single, or at least knowing she is. i know she wasnt all sad over losing micah and didn't miss him but she definitely was pretty lost being on her own. i love penny and shepard! so much! im just saying...
after that its side characters. fiona and nico somehow ending up together?? getting married?? cause why, we needed a plot device (the ring) to get the gang back to england? and she's SO HAPPY with him, like she wasnt happy before? idkkkkkkk
and then also bay’s parents. i mean i get that one kinda because daphne did just up and leaver her whole ass family but like. in the end when she came back they didnt even question her. they were just automatically the big happy family again because she was home. like being in a relationship with daphne was the only reason baz’s dad is happy
writing it out these are all just like minor issues but they add up. i know rainbow is really here to write romance like thats her whole thing. i guess it just felt a bit too much like tying up the loose ends in this book, pairing the spares. and as an aroace its kind of uncomfy feeling to me. idk. again. 
i really really loved the book otherwise, flimsy plot and all (we know its really all about the character development, its ok rainbow) i just found this aspect kinda bugged me throughout.
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armenelols · 3 years
For the character asks, Gil-Galad
How I feel about this character:
Precious, a rare non-half-elf who got into my absolute faves list. We stan, my favourite Noldorin High King. Gil-galad was an elven king, of him Ema sadly thinks.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
No one. ✨Aroace™✨
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
ELROND. Due to Gil-galad becoming king so young, I always headcanoned that he had a hard time making friends - so once he got close to Elrond, they are the biggest BROTP ever. I love them. Also Círdan, his father/grandfather figure. To some extent broship with Elendil and Aldarion.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
After thinking... Much about it (months. years.), I think I prefer him as Orodreth's son, tho he still has only child energy. And dark hair. His looks in general fit more into Fingolfin's line than Finarfin's. But alas, my Gil-galad isn't a Russingon baby, nor a baby found in the woods, nor Elurín (or was it Eluréd?)
(I still get a crisis over his parentage every once in a while tho)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Time travel to the Third Age or unexpected release from Mandos straight to later Third Age Middle Earth.
If we go by weird and wild AUs, Gildor-galad
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AWAE 3x2 rewatch: thoughts and reaction
This is dedicated to the one and only Lucas Jade Zumann, who turns 20 today. Now, without further ado, let’s dive right into this episode.
When did Marilla become what TVtropes calls an Amazingly Embarrassing Parent? I mean, it was a matter of time, now that she’s a full-on mother to Anne. And Gilbert’s reactions are everything. Everything, I tell you.
How wonderful - Anne is going to town to learn about her past. I love how they incorporated this into her story in the series, it’s, as Anne herself would say, so much more ‘romantical’ than what the books gave her as a backstory. Also, there’s something about train rides that I love so much... maybe it’s because I don’t get to ride on a train very often, so it’s exciting for me... but let’s turn our attention away from me and back to Shirbert on the train again. 
‘Yes, I’ve taken notice of that.’ Wow, the wording. I bet he’s taken notice of something else, too. But with how Anne is treating him, Gilbert doesn’t seem in a hurry to confess any feelings just yet. Plus he seems not to know how... this is so perfect yet so frustrating at the same time.
Matthew’s awkwardness around women warms my heart. He’s just such a precious cinnamon roll and that’s that on that. 
This ride makes it, once again, so clear just how similar Anne and Miss Stacy are. True kindred spirits. Her incessant talking and unquenchable excitement over everything, combined with Matthew’s awkward struggle to find words, remind me so much of Anne’s first ride to Green Gables. 
Mary’s happiness over seeing her son, and his own cheerfulness compared to the last time we saw him are just everything. Everything - I’ve got a feeling I’ll be using this word a lot in this post. This episode is just that good, at least so far. I’ve allowed myself enough time and distance to forget what happens in it (or at least the details, I do remember some major stuff), so I can experience it almost as if for the first time. I love that about rewatches. 
Elijah is thinking about staying - what a lovely family they could be. But he’s quite... wary of Delphine, as if he’s jealous of the family his mother has built herself in his absence. I don’t really know the feeling, but I can tell it’s a horrid one. 
But look who it is - the man himself, Cole Mackenzie! I’ve been so excited to see him again, and now here he is, in flesh and blood. His friendship with Anne is just... you guessed it - everything!
I am so beyond happy to hear Cole talking excitedly about his new school and new friends, and his happy new life. This guy deserves the world - and he’s getting increasingly large portions of it now. So brilliant.
I see we’re being introduced to Winifred Rose here. She certainly seemed like a potential kindred spirit in her introducing scene - too bad her and Anne’s relationship to Gilbert wouldn’t allow this to happen. But who knows - maybe someday in the future... #renewannewithane
May I just say how much I agree with Miss Stacy on the matter of choosing to be single. No one should be forcing you to find a partner if that’s not what you want. I remember coming out to my high school ‘friends’ as aroace. Their immediate reaction was to try and find me a boy. Some people just don’t understand that not everyone needs romantic  (or otherwise) companionship to be a happy, functional human being. I admire Miss Stacy for standing her ground on the matter.
Anne’s traumatic past haunts her more than ever once she goes back to the orphanage she’s spent most of her life in. I think I’m getting traumatised just by watching, imagine what Anne has lived through. 
Poor Anne can’t even muster up the strength to speak, traumatised as she is. Thank gods for Cole, always there to help out. But I guess he must be realising now, just as I am for the second time, just as I was the first time around, how much Anne has really been through in her short life so far. She’s really lucky to have the Cuthberts now, and her friends, friends like Cole. But she’s still haunted by all the trauma. I’m crying. I don’t know if I can carry on with this rewatch. I might just stop right here. 
Seriously, thank gods for Cole. How can he always bring so much light into other people’s lives, even back when he didn’t have that much light in his own? And to be honest, Anne does the same for people. She’s done it so many times that she needed someone to do it for her for once. Thank gods for people Cole. 
‘If you’re having fun, you’re doing it wrong.’ That is a serious red flag. I know things were different back in time, but I really think that you can’t have fun with something unless you’re doing it wrong, it’s better not to do it at all. So Gilbert should pursue what makes him happy, not try to stick to formalities that, at best, bind him. But hey, he’ll have to figure that out for himself. I can’t possibly go in there and tell him. But gosh, how I wish I could...
‘The best part of knowing the rules is finding acceptable ways of breaking them.’ I feel like that’s an important message. Rules aren’t meant to be obeyed blindly. It is crucial to know when and how to a rule to make the world a little bit of a better place. I’m not sure that’s the message here in this situation, in fact I think it’s most likely not, but I’m taking what I can out of it, and I’m flying with it. Isn’t that what I always do? Twist any topic towards an aspect I can talk about - since I can’t really talk about a great many things. Well, whatever, let us try and focus on the episode at hand now. I really struggle with staying on track. But I still have half of this episode to rewatch, so let’s get back to where we were. 
Elijah is seriously out of line. Seriously. I get he’s bitter that Delphine is getting the family he didn’t quite have, but his mother is right about him needing to sober up. And Bash’s trying to understand him, but some people really need to meet the business end of things rather than the kind, understanding end. 
‘Catch a man. Is it like fishing?’ Gosh, Muriel Stacy, you crack me up. But she’s absolutely right, you know. Romance and courtship should not be like fishing or hunting. A partner is not an object to be obtained, not a prize to be won. They are a fellow human being with needs of their own. But if Muriel doesn’t want one, as I said somewhere above, she should in no way be forced to ‘catch’ a man.  
Anne needs proof that she was loved... well, look no further than the pair of lone siblings who accepted you in their home and in their hearts. Look no further than the Cuthberts. 
Gilbert is quite unusually cheerful today. I’m guessing that would be courtesy of Winifred. In another universe, maybe. Either way, there is a more serious issue at hand. Elijah again, who else. He’s stolen from John Blythe’s possessions, as if he has the rights to. 
‘Fraternising with savages’? Seriously, Marilla? After all the good things I said about you? Not that they weren’t true, mind you, but that doesn’t make the part about calling other people, fellow human beings, ‘savages’. No one deserves to be treated like that. 
Gosh, that was quite a way to say those three little words. Three heavy, meaningful little words. And sure, as far as I understand, for I am no mother nor do I want to be, worry is the biggest sign of a mother’s love. And despite all the things Marilla said about the Mi’kmaq, she is a good mother to Anne. 
Let’s sum up: Marilla is an amazingly embarrassing mother, but a mother nonetheless; Anne is so cold to Gilbert that he has to resort to awkwardly courting Winifred - why?; Anne’s quest for her own past; Cole returns - thank gods for Cole; Elijah is also back, but I can’t welcome him with open arms; Miss Stacy is a true kindred spirit who, however, does not need a man to be happy; Anne is haunted by her traumatic past; Elijah steals from a dead man; ‘fraternising with savages’ - have we forgotten Anne was also a person whom mothers didn’t want their children fraternising with?; Marilla says ‘I love you’.
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isaacmcadoo · 3 years
DIN DJARIN PLEASE i wanna see your hc for best tv dad ples anxnsd
1: sexuality headcanon: MY MAN IS AN ASEXUAL DEMIROMANTIC AND I AM NOT TAKING CRITISISM! except if you want to make a case for aroace!Din Djarin, then we can talk The self-projection is strong with this one.
2: otp: Cal/Din is the ONLY Din Djarin pairing. Maddie (@theozmachronicles) and I are in agreement for two reasons 1.) Din/Luke sucks (to quote myself, they were in the same room for two minutes and suddenly I can’t escape them.) and 2.) my two precious beans deserve the world and each other (also, BD and Grogu would be great friends and get into all sorts of trouble together.)
3: brotp: so, my favorite platonic relationship (or any relationship really) is Din and Grogu Djarin because they are my two favorite tropes rolled into one (found family and reluctant parental figure) but, I don’t really think of them as a brotp, so... I’d say Cara and Din because they are the iconic lesbian/ace duo I have been waiting for!
4: notp: literally Din with anyone other than Cal. Until I thought it up as an alternative to Luke/Din, I shipped him with no one, then Maddie and i started discussing how much better Cal would’ve been, and suddenly I had a ship for Din.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: that he’s ace (did I mention I think he’s ace?) alskaks But seriously, another headcanon I have for him is (and this is a bit dependent on time, so for the sake of this, he had Grogu for at least a year, okay?) for the one year anniversary of him finding Grogu, he threw a little party and made it like his birthday (since Din probably doesn’t know his son’s birthday) and he keeps celebrating every year after that, even if Grogu isn’t with him, because that kid changed his life forever and he loves his son more than anything in the world.
6: favorite line from this character: there are literally so many. “He means more to me than you will ever know.” is obviously up there. But I also really really love it when he says “Don’t play with your food.” because Grogu was not playing with his food, sir, he was being attacked, also anytime my favorite himbo says something stupid (Laser swords. Does this look Jedi to you? Are you a Jedi? (I don’t know Din, it’s been said multiple times that he’s a Jedi, but who knows.))
7: one way in which I relate to this character: he presents himself as a hardened badass but everything affects him deeply emotionally and he forms attachments quicker than anyone I know.
8: thing that gives me secondhand embarresment about this character: I wouldn’t describe it as secondhand embarresment, more secondhand anger? But anytime he interacts with Bo-Katan. I liked the woman in Clone Wars AND Rebels, but damn it if I don’t hate her here. She’s so condecending and just rude. She treated Din like a second class citizen because he was a Child of the Watch (lady, you too would still be in a cult if Maul hadn’t become the leader of said cult). Also, the way she talked down to Boba? Saying he wasn’t a real Mandalorian, just a clone? If Boba doesn’t consider himself a Mandalorian, that’s fine, but Bo-Katan didn’t need to say any of those things. I get that she had a lot of trauma, she lost a lot of people, but Din and Boba lost people too and they didn’t turn out like that, so... Just saying (did I use this as an opportunity to rant about how much I hate Bo-Katan even though the question was asking for something completely different? Yes. Do I care? No. (Also, sorry Maddie, I know you love her, but I am siding with my fellow asexuals on this one yes, this is me saying I also headcanon Boba as asexual, like his father before him for no other reason, once again, than I want to.))
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: my boy is a looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll (but he could also kill you in two seconds so don’t look at his son weird.)
Send me a character x
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carolyncaves · 4 years
Day five of the Spring Fest is Fresh, and I decided to use it in the context of Jiang Cheng being grouchy, because I’m always trying to be too clever.
1323 words, Jiang Cheng. Post-CQL. Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang aren’t literally in the scene but they’re effectively present by way of their antics. Aroace!Jiang Cheng vs ‘The Bachelor’ (figuratively)
It was a beautiful evening at Lotus Pier. The sun was setting at the water’s edge, casting the low-sprawling clouds dusty with pale orange and periwinkle glowing in the spaces between them. The air was cool and pleasing on Jiang Cheng’s face. His head of household and principal advisor was walking toward him along the boardwalk bearing a letter sealed with Nie Huaisang’s personal emblem. Jiang Cheng scowled and said, “What fresh hell is this?”
“A message has arrived from Sect Leader Nie,” she said placidly, as if Jiang Cheng had asked his question in the same fashion. “It was delivered by courier, flown promptly from Unclean Realm via sword, so I thought Sect Leader should receive it immediately instead of in the morning.”
Jiang Cheng somewhat begrudgingly allowed her hand it to him. He cracked the charcoal-colored wax. He read the message. He got about three sentences in before he felt the fires of fury start to rise up in him. He had to slow down and read carefully to make it to the end. “What is the meaning of this?” he demanded of her, because his mind was throwing the pieces together in various ways, and he despised them all.
“I have not read the message myself, Sect Leader.”
“It’s about a matchmaking arrangement for me, which Nie Huasiang has apparently already planned in its entirety to take place in three days’ time, and it says ‘with the indispensable help of your loyal staff’!”
Jiang Cheng had actually been relieved when the ninth matchmaker refused to work with him six years ago – though it had taken him over a year after that to properly examine why. He eventually concluded that the woman he was looking for didn’t exist because he wasn’t actually looking for a woman. Not because he was looking for a man instead – there was more than enough of that between Wei Wuxian and his precious Hanguang Jun. No, it was that when he really concentrated on it, the thought of taking some woman into his life and his bed and doing to her the things a man did to his wife … Jiang Cheng found the idea … not exactly repulsive, not most of the time. More like bizarre. He wasn’t interested in sharing quite that much space with another human, much less regularly. Much less to have them expect it and want it, and for Jiang Cheng to have a duty to provide it well.
In hindsight it was easy to see why he’d given the matchmakers such demands. Now he was blackballed, and he growled at anyone who so much as thought about bringing it up. They assumed it was because he was sore, and he was – just not the way they thought. He didn’t want anyone continuing to pursue it. He would have no heir by blood, but there were several promising disciples of the Jiang clan, and one of them would have to do. As for family, Jin Ling was as much his son as any natural child, and half the work now that he spent most of his time at Carp Tower. Jiang Cheng considered the matter settled.
His brave head of household, apparently, had other plans.
“Ah,” she said, not even pretending to be surprised. “When last we were at Unclean Realm, for Sect Leader Nie’s wedding, several of us were engaged in conversation by the Sect Leader and Senior Wei …”
“Who?!” Zidian crackled at Jiang Cheng’s side, and if his advisor swallowed hard in sudden fear, she deserved it. Betraying her own sect leader to parlay with those two malicious conniving …
“Sect Leader Nie and Senior Wei Wuxian,” she said again, and to her credit, it was almost as confidently as she’d said it before. “They told me they’d heard of talk among the people of Yunmeng about how you were alone so often now, with Sect Leader Jin spending so much more of his time in Lanling, and they commented on how admired you are and how compassionate your people must be to think of you, and then one of them suggested that perhaps a matchmaking event could be arranged in which suitors were carefully selected in advance and came to Lotus Pier to meet you in the grand and beautiful setting of your home …”
“And you helped!” Jiang Cheng should dismiss her for this. He should banish her from Yunmeng altogether.
He himself had been accosted by Nie Huaisang on the same subject at the same event, he now had unpleasant reason to recall. Nie Huaisang had said, “There’s something out there for everyone, Jiang-xiong. Just look at me and Meihua. Don’t you know companionship can take all kinds of shapes?” He’d been acting stupid behind his fan, as if Jiang Cheng didn’t know better now, but he was serious. Like he was insightfully asking if Jiang Cheng was just a repressed cut-sleeve who needed to get a grip. Like he thought he really knew something about Jiang Cheng.
“Sect Leader,” Jiang Cheng’s advisor said lightly, in a way that would have disconcertingly reminded him of Jin Guangyao if she hadn’t been so steadfast of heart and he hadn’t been such a disaster of a human being. “It so happens that the senior and the Sect Leader put to words something I and many of your most faithful servants had already been worrying about in our hearts. It is our desire for Sect Leader to know the peace and fulfillment of a comforting household.”
“My household is perfectly comforting,” Jiang Cheng snapped. “I am comforted a great deal by my privacy.”
“Perhaps, Sect Leader. Still, it is undeniable that the Sect Leader is even more comforted by Sect Leader Jin’s presence, when he is here. And now he will not be here very often.”
“So what?”
“So this humble advisor should report that there has been talk of various measures to handle this change among the Sect Leader’s faithful staff. Measures which include hiring concubines to, well, comfort you at regular intervals, and … medicated tea.”
Jiang Cheng could feel his teeth grinding together. His servants were so oppressed and terrorized, were they? They were driven by him to conspire and connive? He would show them ‘terrorized’ if they wanted to see it!
“Esteemed Sect Leader,” his advisor said, interrupting his internal tirade with a low bow, “please at least consider it. I did not sense any reason to doubt the good faith of Sect Leader Nie’s intentions.” She wisely left any mention of Wei Wuxian’s intentions out entirely. “I’m sure each of these suitors will have fine qualities, and they have each agreed to travel all this way and present themselves to you, despite the past.” Your past, she said without saying – she really had a lace tongue. She’d been in her post longer than all her incompetent predecessors combined because of it. “If the Sect Leader does not make a selection or at least entertain his suitors seriously, I cannot imagine the difficulty there would be trying to make any similar arrangement in the future.” This was Jiang Cheng’s last chance, she meant, because if he petulantly threw them all out after they had been assured this time would be different, there would really be no one under any heaven-forsaken rock in the entire cultivation world who would take him seriously as a match.
That wasn’t a bad thought.
There was the matter of the medicated tea and concubines, though.
“Bah,” Jiang Cheng said, storming around her and shoving the letter back into her hands. She would understand this as a ‘maybe’.
They were already coming, so he could receive them at least. Tiresome as it sounded, it would be uncivil to do otherwise, too much so even for him. Jiang Cheng would strangle Wei Wuxian if he ever saw him again. He would stuff Nie Huaisang’s latest precious fan down his precious throat.
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recipe-for-thomathy · 4 years
Across The Border
( Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 )
Warning/s: a bunch of swear words
Author's Note: this was so fun to write 😂 hope you all enjoy it!
Characters: All the Sides + mentioned Character!Thomas
Pairings: Logicality, Eventual Prinxiety, Dukeceit
Light and Dark. Good and Bad.
In the early days of the mind of Thomas Sanders, Light Sides and Dark Sides were separated by a border.
No one dared to venture into the other's domain, in fear of disrupting the Mindscape's 'balance' and the consequences it may cause to a Side if they were to leave their primary realm.
Roman knew the risk.
But it was a risk he was willing to take, if it meant being able to reunite with his brother again.
After everyone had settled themselves in their little reunion, Roman and Remus each conjured up picnic blankets to set down on the ground. Logan and Patton joined Roman on the blanket he conjured up, while Anxiety and Ethan did the same on Remus'.
"I baked cookies and a pie!" Patton announces while holding up the basket that held the said treats like it was Simba in The Lion King.
That, in turn, lead to the twins belting out The Circle of Life cause, hey, they're Disney Dorks.
"Maybe it was a mistake to bring these two back together." Ethan jokes as he lovingly watches his boyfriend begin reciting lines from the movie with his brother.
Patton hands out their snacks before leaning his body against Logan's chest, the logical Side humming in content as he wraps his arms around his precious partner.
"Specs is definitely Zazu!" Roman claims.
"Ooh, ooh! Anxiety can be Simba!" Remus adds with a glint in his eyes.
"Why am I Simba?" The young Dark Side asks.
"Because Dee and I are Timon and Pumbaa! We're your gay second parents!"
Logan quirks a brow at that, but once he recalls the movie, his eyes widen in realization, "Hey, Yeah!"
"So that leaves me and Patton as either Rafiki, Nala, Scar, or Mufasa." Roman lists down the remaining characters they haven't assigned to themselves yet.
"I'll be Mufasa!" The moral trait pipes up while raising his left hand, accidently slapping Logan in the face at his sudden action, "Oh my gosh, Honeybee! I'm so sorry!"
"No harm done, dearest." The logical trait assures, but Patton peppers his face with his famous healing kisses anyway.
Roman playfully rolls his eyes at the two. He knows Logan is secretly enjoying the attention the moral trait is giving him. It was obvious in the way he gave Patton figurative heart eyes.
"Roman can be Nala so he can end up with Simba." Remus slyly grins, watching his brother and Anxiety blush at his statement.
~Time Skip brought to you by Deceit and Remus wearing hula skirts~
As the day went on, the Sides engaged themselves in various activities. And although the border limited the list of games they could play together, that didn't stop them from having the time of their lives in each other's presence.
Ah, here we go.
They even agreed to establish their own team names.
So playing on the left we have Team Roman and the Disaster Gays.
"I object."
"Too late, Specs."
And playing on the right we have Team-
The anxious trait face palms while Ethan shoots his boyfriend a weird look, "And why is that, darling?"
"Because we're the shit!"
"Why did I even ask."
Let the game begin!
Roman and Remus conjure up balls and immediately begin targeting one another in accurate sibling rivalry fashion.
Patton goes to scold the twins for swearing but is stopped by a ball almost hitting his face.
"Sorry, Dad!" Anxiety shouts from the other side.
"Oh, it's alright, kiddo-!"
Patton turns around, just in time to see his practical partner fall to his knees, hands on his groin. The logical Side stares up at the moral trait with a pained expression and mutters, "Avenge me."
That's all it took for Patton to go on Ultimate Dad Mode.
With a determined nod, Patton places a kiss to his partner's forehead before facing his 'son' and his snake-faced figurative brother, them high-fiving one another for their successful teamwork.
"Alright boys, play time's over." Picking up two dodge balls with each hand, Patton throws them one at a time and hits both Anxiety and Ethan on the leg head-on.
The lying trait stares wide-eyed at the fatherly figure, his mouth agape, "H-How?!"
The moral Side shrugs and replies casually,
"I was always more of a thrower than a catcher."
Ethan chokes, Anxiety wheezes, Logan literally faints.
Patton got hit.
"Padre!" Roman falls to his knees and wails, "NOOOOOOOO!!!"
Remus smirks triumphantly, "Guess it's just you and me now, brother dear."
The creative Side stares at his brother in horror, "Brother, please."
"Long. Live. The King."
Roman, being the actor that he is, gasps loudly as he's hit in the chest, "BETRAYED!" He cries out before 'dying', his whole body going limp and he face plants right on the forest floor.
"YOU KILLED HIM!" Patton pretends to sob, Logan beside him being so done with their theatrics all the while Anxiety and Ethan just share a bored look with one another.
Remus smirks as he makes eye contact with his younger friend, "Anxiety, quick! Only true love's kiss can save him now!"
You know what he replied?
"Guess he's dead for good then."
Aaaand cue Offended Princey Noise.
@picklesandbeyond @mycatshuman @icequeenoriginal @nafsbluebery @its-high-time-that-i-dropped-in @ghostlygalactics @artissijam @the-pixie-with-seven-faces @nyafangirlingnya @fatesail @emo-does-things @the-aroace-queen-in-the-quiver @magimerlyn @chronophobica @4ngstyc00kie @agnes-is-ari @sashootkahoot @nothinglikehotchocolate @freyalis @lovingiseasy-434 @snek-snacc @ashtonbby2 @tiredfangirl04 @supersoftsupersleep @anassholewithawifi @not-a-clever-username @pixelatedrose @emsiemae @lunasfriendgabby @surohsopsisofclouds
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Raphael uwu
ok so i’m gonna answer before i read your response (i mean ok i did see magnus and rizzy mentioned but shush)
thank u for asking!
side note: all the ships that go under otp in any fandom really are really QPR for me bc that’s how i ship most things lol
OTP: QPR: with simon
BroTP: it sounds horrible to call the relationship between magnus and rapha a BROtp, bc they are not fucking BROs but it is platonic so it goes here xD it is my fav relationship in whole of downworld, hands down! another platonic ship i like him with is maia and luke, bc leaders who lead together, live together... or sth XD also i love his relationship with all of his clan bc it’s very deep and profound and familiar
NOTP: izzy obv, but pretty much anyone else too
favorite / least favorite thing about them: he is my precious baby, even before you get to the aroace goodness <3 and a very competent and loyal leader, and a loyal friend and son - are you picking up on that loyal theme? bc that’s what he is!
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mewtonian-physics · 5 years
character ask box meme: allen avadonia of course who did you expect from my stupid ass. if not him tho then uHHHHH lemy
why not
starting with Allen.
1. Do you love/hate/don’t feel strongly about this character?
I honestly don’t feel that strongly about him. Like, he’s cool, but he’s not really up there on my favorites list, and I don’t hate him, so...
2. What’s your favorite trait of this character?
He’s a good sibling.
3. What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character?
Every time he’s snarky.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be?
I want to be the creator’s favorite :P
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked?
LOL, no. 
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? If you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not?
I don’t know, honestly. He’s just... kinda there, y’know?
7. Who’s your OTP for this character?
Bold of you to assume I have one. Sorry, Gumilen isn’t really my thing. I want aroace icon Gumillia, haha.
1. Do you love/hate/don’t feel strongly about this character?
2. What’s your favorite trait of this character?
OH JUST LOOK AT HIM. THERE HE IS. MY CLOWN SON. look at his little face aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
3. What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character?
Every moment?! Okay I think my favorite moment is the headpat moment. He’s so precious. I’d die for him. I’d kill for him, too.
4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be?
I want to be as amazing and adorable as clown son... someday...
5. Have you ever pictured this character naked?
Ew, no. That’s my son we’re talking about.
6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? If you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not?
I loved him from the moment I first saw him...
7. Who’s your OTP for this character?
Let him grow up and have a nice, peaceful life with Rin Chan, that’s what I say. Imagine an adult Lemy. Imagine him having kids. Imagine Julia coming over to visit the grandkids ;-; my otp is lemy x happiness
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