#my precious libero
haikyu-mp4 · 5 months
Friend of a friend
word count; 2535 – gn!reader, suggestive at the end, manga spoilers
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Back in high school, you went to Inarizaki and chose to be a manager for the volleyball club in your second and third years. It was incredibly fun and you might have cried when they won nationals in their last spring tournament before your class graduated.
Even after graduating and going your different ways, you stayed friends with Suna and the twins, as well as some of the other players. Unfortunately, you spoke much less frequently with the others.
Being friends with those three means gossip sessions, which is why you were lying on your bed with your computer open on a video call with the guys, updating each other on the latest gossip.
“How’s the new team, Rin?” Osamu asked, making Atsumu squint with a cocky smirk as he probably immediately started comparing it to his team. Suna shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s cool. That Komori guy is nice, I never really talked to him in high school,” he said, mentioning him because Atsumu had told you guys all about the players in the All-Japan group back in your second year. And of course, everyone knew about the best high school libero of the monster generation. You let out the tiniest gasp, covering your mouth when the twins started cackling while Suna looked confused. “What?”
“We never told you?” Osamu asked Suna in particular while you were making wild gestures for him to shut up. “Y/n has had the biggest crush on Komori since our second year at Inarizaki.”
Oh, the horror. Suna’s face lit up in a way it rarely did, suddenly armed with precious information to be used against you. “Are you serious?”
“It was a high school crush, get over it!” you yelled as if the blush on your cheeks was not giving you away.
“You were practically drooling.” Atsumu accused you and if you could punch him through the screen, you would.
“Miya, I swear to god-” but Atsumu knew you couldn’t reach him, so he smirked and kept that big mouth talking.
“When we were at nationals that year, the two of us went off to go watch Itachiyama.” he started, but you interrupted him.
“Because Tsumu wanted to stare at Sakusa,” you mumbled, already giving up on making him withhold any information.
“I was scoping out the competition! Anyways, one look at Komori was all it took before I was punched way too hard in my shoulder and forced to give up any information I had,” he explained, making it as dramatic as he could for Atsumu-purposes and clutching his upper arm as if he could still feel it.
“Reeeally?” Suna cooed. “From what I can tell, he’s single.”
Osamu had his mic off as he was in the kitchen making food, leaving you to the two worst ones. “This is why ‘Samu is my favourite,” you mumbled. He gave the camera a thumbs up and a wink, still leaving you to your own defences.
“Is he the one getting you a date with your lifelong crush?” Suna asked rhetorically, phone whipped out in the corner of his screen making your face go pale.
“No, but neither are you!” you yelled, hoping it was somewhat threatening, but it sounded more desperate. “And who said lifelong? I hate you.”
“Fine, suit yourself.” he finally said, but the way he was side-eyeing the screen while Atsumu smirked told you this was not over yet.
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Fortunately, weeks went by without you hearing anything else about any supposed date. Komori did come up in conversation now and then, which you appreciated when it wasn’t just so they could tease you. You could feel the crush blossoming again every time Suna told you about their adventures in volleyball and it felt somewhat nostalgic.
Should you give in and ask Suna for his number?
This is what you were wondering as you walked through the city, barely dodging bikes that tried to run over you while you daydreamed. The better option is probably giving in, but you preferred admiring him from far (far) away rather than facing the possible rejection. You pushed the door to the cafe where you’re meeting Suna, before huffing as you realised it said pull. Good start to the day for sure. When you finally got inside, you were muttering under your breath as your friend’s laughter rang in your ears.
“Shut up!” you barked at him before sitting down. He already ordered two hot chocolates when you said you were on your way.
“What’s got you so scatterbrained?” he asked, leaning his arms on the table.
You glared at him over your hands, which you were leaning on. “How to secretly perform a lobotomy on my enemy while he’s sleeping,” you answered, but your ears still burned red knowing what was actually on your mind.
“So you weren’t thinking about a certain teammate of mine?” Suna asked, wiggling his eyebrows. However, he looked genuinely surprised when you just leaned back down on your hands, not denying it. “Wait, you were?”
“Why am I friends with you?” you whine, finally sitting up to sip your hot chocolate in hopes that it would fix all your problems.
Suna smirked, hearing the bell ring over the door of the cafe. “I can think of a few reasons,” he said quickly before lifting his hand in greeting, making you whip your head in the direction of the entrance. To your horror, there stood none other than Komori Motoya. “Motoya!”
The libero smiled kindly, making your heart skip a beat as he walked over to you two. “Sunarin! What’s up?” he asked.
“Just catching up with this lovely person,” he said, throwing you a devilish grin. Komori turned to you, bowing lightly to greet you as well.
“Right, Suna told me about you. Komori Motoya.”
“Hi,” you said, feeling shy as you told him your name as well. As if you didn’t already know his name. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Thankfully, he didn’t seem to think too much about how you said finally. “And you.” With that, Komori smiled and excused himself to order his coffee. This gave you some time to soundlessly curse at Suna, until you had to plaster a smile back on your face when he came back over, sitting down for a moment while waiting for his name to be called. “You were friends from high school, right?”
“Yes.” You glanced at Suna for help, words stuck in your throat. “I was a manager for the volleyball team.”
Komori made a sound of realisation like he finally put two and two together. “I thought I knew your face from somewhere!” he said, memories flooding back of the game in their last year of high school where they faced off against Inarizaki. “The pretty manager who got scolded by the referee for being too loud.”
You laughed at the memory, looking at Suna to see if he remembered as well and somehow managing to overlook that he called you pretty. “That’s the one,” Suna said, confirming that he did.
“You beat us in the semifinal,” Komori added. “Rin said you saw another one of our games at nationals once.”
“Not just once,” you chuckled before realising what you said and shutting up immediately. Both of the boys chuckled as well, one to ease your embarrassment and one to embarrass you more.
“Komori!” the barista yelled, relieving you at the perfect time. The man stood up and got his drink before coming back over but not sitting down. “I’ve got to go, but let’s meet again sometime, yeah?” he asked, directing the last half at you more than his teammate.
“Yeah,” you agreed, putting as much effort as you could into giving him your best smile. He bowed quickly before turning on his heel and leaving with a final goodbye.
Your eyes went straight to your friend, squinting. The second the cafe door closed, he burst out laughing, trying to not be loud and disturb others. “Not just once!” he mocked, making you bury your face in your hands. “You’re so hopeless at this.”
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Let’s just say Suna told the twins how that went over your next video call, so now you’re watching them laugh at you as well, begging any existing god for it to stop and to just bury you already. After a few minutes, the laughing and teasing cooled off. “Well, now it’s my turn to step in,” Atsumu announced, and once again they got to watch the colour drain from your face.
“Step in? There will be no stepping in.” you stuttered.
“This Friday, I’m hosting a private party,” he said like a rich man from some movie. “And let’s just say you’ll enjoy the guest list, y/n.”
You bury your face into your mattress, pressing a pillow over your head. “Please, anyone. End my misery!”
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But who are you to deny a good party? It’s just for fun, nothing interesting.
Nothing interesting at all- the thought drifted off into nothing as you watched Sakusa and Komori walk through the door. You chuckled to yourself at how Sakusa seemed to already turn around and try to escape when he saw there were more people there. From the corner of the room, where you previously chatted with Atsumu before he had to answer the door, you watched them. While calmly sipping your drink and leaning against the wall, you observed how sweet Komori acted, turning Sakusa back around and urging him to stay.
However, you should never let your guard down when you’re friends with a Miya. Next thing you knew, all the previously mentioned guys were looking where Atsumu pointed; right at you. In a fight or flight moment, your eyes widened and you escaped into the crowd before Komori could even see you properly. What a classy reaction!
The party went on and you danced with a couple of people you knew from here and there. It was a decent party, you had to admit Miya was good at hosting. Lucky you also crossed paths with a smirking Suna at the edge of the living room turned dance floor. “You truly are the image of grace,” he teased, and you glared in betrayal.
“Thank you,” you answered instead of arguing, moving along with the beat. Suna still seemed smug, and you felt a sense of deja vu when he lifted his hand and yelled ‘Motoya!’ over the loud music. “Have I told you that you’re the worst?” you asked in your sweetest voice before using some liquid courage to turn around to your undeniable crush with a drawn-out ‘heeey’.
“Hey, I was hoping I’d find you,” he responded, a hand caressing your upper arm because some people were pushing. “Where did Suna go?” he asked, glancing up once or twice before settling his gaze on you.
“I asked him to call on you, actually,” you lied, choosing fight instead of flight for once. After all, you had downed a cup or two of mixed alcohol since earlier.
“Really?” Komori smiled and you naturally copied it, albeit a bit more dazed. “Why?” he started moving with you to the music, his hand stroking down your arm and finding its place on your waist.
You didn’t answer him with anything more than a flirty smile and sheepish shrug, stepping closer to him and getting lost in the music while you dared to. If Suna was so insistent on him perceiving you, you didn’t want to seem like some loser with a childish crush.
Eventually, the song changed and you looked down into your now empty cup with a small pout. You left it on the closest surface and turned to Komori. “Should we go somewhere quieter?” you asked, pointing towards the stairs. When he agreed, you loosely grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs, looking around for a moment before realising the only good options were the bedroom or the balcony. “Bedroom or balcony?” you asked without thinking much about what it might seem like.
Did he look nervous? Komori was fiddling with his empty plastic cup and didn’t meet your eyes, biting his lip as he looked at the door to the bedroom. “Don’t you think it would be occupied?”
You shrugged and walked over to the door, pulling on the handle and swinging the door open only to find an empty albeit a bit messy room. Turning back to him, you knew your cheeks were burning. It’s just from the alcohol… “Coast is clear.” Komori followed you inside before closing the door behind you, hesitating for a moment before deciding not to lock it. What if that scared you off? What if he misunderstood? The two of you ended up facing each other in the middle of the floor, both thinking too much to make the first move. You weren’t sure if you pulled him upstairs for anything specific, you honestly just wanted to talk to him more now that you had the chance. And guts.
Komori accidentally dropped the empty cup he had been fiddling with and winced, seemingly spurring into action from that little movement alone. “You’re gorgeous.”
You looked at him wide eyed before the words just fell out of your mouth. “I have a huge crush on you.”
A breathy chuckle left his lips and it brushed over your face because he was so close, yet he was seemingly moving even closer by the second. “Sunarin told me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut for a second, cursing your best friend in your mind until you feel Komori’s hands land on your hips more confidently. “I hate him,” you informed him in a whisper. The little space between you felt like it wouldn’t fit anything louder.
“I don’t,” he answered with a small grin before he kissed you, making your arms automatically loop around his neck to pull him closer. You kissed him back with the lust of every wandering thought you had of him the last few years, and he kissed you back with the passion of someone who wasn’t used to being the crush with a cousin like Kiyoomi. When the back of your legs hit the bed, you lay back and pulled him with you, feeling one of his hands slide under your shirt, which you had no intention of stopping.
Suna wasn’t sure if he was happy or not with the sounds coming from Atsumu’s bedroom when he went looking for you. He was glad his plan worked out but he did not need the mental image that came with you moaning his teammate’s name. Is it possible to rinse your brain? Also, Atsumu would act so mad about you doing whatever in his bed before you ‘snuck’ out of the party hand in hand with Komori.
And Osamu would hear all about it in the morning when you came to get food wearing an EJP Raijin sweatshirt. He’d tell you having you there on your derailed walk of shame was bad for business, but still let you sit there and babble about how great Komori was, both in bed and after.
At least you were happy, and that made them happy too.
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Maybe some headcanons with Blitz having an S/O who's a big volleyball fan? :o Like imagine Blitz, his S/O, Moxxie and Millie having a volleyball match for fun
(I saw in your pinned post that you wrote for Haikyuu and Helluva Boss so I combined the two :3)
Oooh! Yaaayy! Let’s gooo. I love Blitzø so much! He is my favourite from Helluva! Thank you so much!
Blitz- Guns & Volleyballs
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Blitz is a very troubled one. Having a lot of problems on the inside whilst establishing himself as a pure prick on the outside but when he finally willingly let you in, he dropped most of his self-defensive behaviours… around you
Blitz actually finds your little passion adorable. You’re a demon, you can do ANYTHING you want but yet, you chose a human sport? How precious
Blitz always falls on his face when it comes to your volleyball games as a result of him playing with you to cheer you up or to bond or to help you. He may dislike this but hearing your joy through those cute laughs makes the embarrassment change to worth
Blitz legit has a volleyball snuck away in his office so when you want to practice with him or practice in general, he’ll get it and toss it to you
Blitz is that type of boyfriend. Trust me, he may seem like the very cold and harsh type who wouldn’t be included in his partner’s hobbies but he is, even if he doesn’t get it
Blitz is already arranging a holiday for I.M.P and not even so they can enjoy a day off work, just so you five can go to the Envy Ring, go to the Beach in order for you and him can kick the M&M’s ass in a Beach Volleyball match
Blitz considers you, his lover and his daughter, Loona on the same level of importance to him, so he tries his darn best to make sure you and Loona get along. He even encourages Loona to try play volleyball with you. You’re her step-parent, you need to be liked by her
Blitz happily listens to you ramble on about all the volleyball facts you love and have memorised whilst you’re both alone and spending time together, and I swear to Satan, this man has never looked more in love in his entire life
Blitz believes himself as a good opposite hitter but he’s actually a real good libero. His childhood gymnastics and circus skills make him really flexible and let him cross long distances quickly so he can do digs effectively. His circus skills is the main reason you and him win volleyball games
Blitz will buy or make you cute little volleyball outfits. Your jersey, your professional volleyball outfit and you know it that he puts his name in a specific but noticeable corner on the inside so everybody knows you’re his
Blitz is naturally protective of you so when you accidentally collide with your teammates and it ends with you briefly concussed or when you’re genuinely accidentally hurt during the game. He is pointing his gun at your teammates to fend them off and carrying you off the court to look after you
Blitz will sneak you out to Earth, with his Asmodean Crystal wristwatch and disguise both of you, so you can play on Earth and try out human Volleyball. He’ll either play, as he honed his skills, or he’ll play your manager and take care of you after the match
Yeah. Blitz goes inbetween your partner teammate and your manager but he somewhat more prefers being the manager so you can shine in your favourite hobby
“Hey, Bae. How did the volley tournament go? Yes, of course, I went to it but I want to hear your view, ‘kay?”
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Being Inarizaki’s Manager
🚑Miss Manager Breaks Her Hand🚑
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Inarizaki x female! manager (she/her)
Warnings: mention of broken hand, pain relievers mentioned, crying, angst(?) to fluff
A/N: this idea stemmed from the 2k headcanon celebration and I loved it so much that I thought I’d indulge myself 💅
This team ranges from “protective dad squad” to “problem children”
It’s giving season 4 Seijoh x Shiratorizawa crossover
Like I’m both excited and scared for you
Now being their precious manager, you were literally worshiped on this team
The third years, Kita, Aran, Omimi and Akagi, absolutely adored you beyond all measures
You were the light of the team, the rock 🪨
The second years, Atsumu, Osamu, Suna and Ginjima, were the guardians of YN
They didn’t think anyone was good enough to breath the air of THEIR YN
And last, but certainly not least, our precious bby first year, Riseki, absolutely had the biggest crush on you
He looked up to you and worshiped every step you took
Needless to say, you were irreplaceable my dear Yn
Unfortunately “irreplaceable” does not equate to “unbreakable” as our lively Inarizaki was about to learn
Because you see, it happened so fast that absolutely nobody knew what to do
You sent the solid team that was slated to win nationals into the biggest frenzy ever
And it all started with a rouge volleyball 😌
You see, it was the end of practice and everyone was packing up the gym
Everyone except for a certain someone 👀
Now I know what you’re thinking ok? This is all Atsumus fault
It’s always Atsumu fault 🙄
And while 99.9% of the time it most definitely is, this 0.1% was not
Because it was someone else who accidentally caused the chaos
“Sumu pack it up! It’s time to go home!” Kita shouted as you picked up the remaining volleyballs
“Just a few more serves, I’m almost at my limit,” Atsumu said as you mindlessly continued your work
You were use to this, Sumu was Sumu and there wasn’t much more you could do
And by now, he had learned to avoid hitting you so you really didn’t mind
You just continued about your merry way, picking up balls and daydreaming
“Come on bro, let’s go I’m starving!” Osamu whined
“If you’d practice your serves as much as you eat, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about missing any!” Atsumu said before slamming a service ace into the opposing court
“What did ya say to me?” Osamu raged
“Oh boy,” Aran said 😐
“Knock it off you two! Let’s just finish up!” Ginjima yells
Suna 👉🏻👀 📱
Meanwhile, you are just lost in your own world, probably daydreaming of peace and quiet
“Give me that ball!” Osamu shouted as he grabbed the ball from Sumu before tossing it and slamming it into the opposite court
It looked like a good serve, a solid one even
It’s course was set to land right on the end line
Which was, coincidentally, right where you were 😃
Akagi, our star Libero, saw it first
“YN LOOK OUT!” He shouted as the rest of the team watched on horror
Thankfully, you manage to get your hand up quickly
The ball hit your hand, smack on and deflected towards the wall
A loud and almost visible sigh flooded the gym as everyone was relieved you didn’t get hit in the head
However the calmness lasted approximately .02 seconds when they heard you whine and grab your hand
“Crap Yn!” Omimi shouted as the team raced towards you
You were grabbing your hand as tears began to flow down your face
“YN I’m so freaking sorry!! I didn’t mean too!” Osamu said, coming beside you as he looked at your hand
Fun fact: a professional volleyball serve can be upwards of 120mph (193kph)
Osamu isn’t a professional but it’s safe to say he can probably reach at least 80mph (128kph)
Needless to say, there’s a lot of force behind a serve
I googled all the facts 💅
You look at Osamu, tears in your eyes as you respond, “it’s ok Samu, I should have been watching.”
Meanwhile, your hand is beginning to swell and it hurts so bad
“Let me see it YN,” the coach says as he studies your hand
“Is she going to be ok?” Ginjima asks as Coach looks at you
“Riseki, grab an ice pack quick, Kita and Aran, take YN to the nurse now!” Coach barks as the team goes to work
Suna comes next to you, holding your hand gently as Riseski hands him the ice pack
You hiss and whimper as the ice hits your skin
Osamu and Atsumu stand to the side, visibly upset that their arguing lead to you getting hurt
“Come on Yn,” Kita said, putting his hand on your lower back as Aran took over for Suna, bracing your hand
Atsumu and Osamu wordlessly began cleaning up the gym with the rest of the team, feeling awful about what happened
“Hey!” Omimi says as the twins look at him, “it was an accident. She’ll be ok.”
Meanwhile, in the nurses office…
“We need to call your parents Yn, you need to go to the hospital,” she says as you look at her
“She’s ok isn’t she?” Aran says, concerned
The nurse shakes her head, “I think her hand is broken, she needs x-rays to confirm.”
Kita and Aran’s eyes widen as you hold your hand, crying a little as the pain continues to sink in
The team finishes cleaning up and they all run to the nurses office as they see you sitting outside with Aran
“Hey everything’s all right?” Atsumu says as you look at him
“The nurse thinks she broke her hand, her parent is coming to take her to the hospital,” Kita says as he walks out from the nurses office
Osamu immediately deflated, he feels absolutely awful about what happened
He realistically knows it wasn’t really his fault, accidents happen, especially on the court
You notice him looking sad as you stand up and walk to him
“Samu it’s ok! I’ll be ok I promise,” You say, hugging him as he hugs you back
It’s a sweet moment that is unfortunately interrupted 😐
“What about me YN?” I’m sad too!” Atsumu whines as Osamu and the team glare at him
You smile and giggle, hugging Atsumu and then the rest of the team
Your parent arrives and you are taken to the hospital
The guys all go home, worried about what happened to you
They all feel awful, knowing how much pain you are in
Suddenly, their phones all ring, the group chat lighting up as they all simultaneously answer
“YN are you ok?” Osamu shouts from his phone screen
Talk about turn of events 😅
“Will you shut up and let her speak?” Ginjima says
“How about everyone shuts up and let’s YN talk!” Kita finally says as you smile from the hospital room
“Hey guys, I’m ok! My hand is broken but I got a cast on it!” You say, showing the team your favorite color, now wrapped around your hand
They all go silent, feeling awful
Osamu feels the worst as he looks at your wrapped hand
“Damn Yn, I’m so sorry!” He says again, his face expressing immense concern
You laugh, an odd gesture given the situation, “Samu it’s ok! The doctor was super impressed that I managed to deflect a serve like that! It’s not a bad break and they said within a few weeks I should be healed!”
“Are you able to do volleyball practice YN?” Akagi asks as you nods
“No physical activity for a while but I can still write and do everything I normally do! So it means I get out of gym class!” You say, excited you won’t have to participate in running for a while
“Did they give you something for the pain?” Aran asks as you nod
“Yeah they gave me some good pain relievers but I won’t be in school the rest of this week,” you say as the boys all deflate
“I’m really really sorry Yn! I feel awful!” Osamu says again
“Samu it’s ok! It was an accident! I should have been paying more attention anyways!” You say as you smile
Thankfully, a certain someone knows just how to lighten the mood 😏
“Really if you think about it, it’s all Sumu’s fault,” Suna chimes in as Atsumu takes over Osamus phone
“What the hell Suna?!? How is it my fault??” He shouts
“Well if you wouldn’t have kept serving, this never would have happened!” Ginjima adds
“It’s true,” Riseki says
“Atsumu you are going to run so many laps tomorrow!” Kita says as
Atsumu 👉🏻👁️💧👄💧👁️
They are all just glad their precious manager is ok 🥰
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wordsofelie · 5 months
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Chapter 1
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Content Warnings: Manga Spoilers, Post-Time Skip, Friends to Lovers, Enemies? (Or maybe just dense people) to Lovers, Angst, Fluff
Summary: The best way to prevent a broken heart is to tame your feelings, keep them locked in a room. At least that is what Shiroyanagi Natsumi thought. Until, she sees him again, Kuroo Tetsurou, taller, older, prettier. And she realises a heart that longs, hurts more than a heart that breaks.
Words Count: 2.8k
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Kuroo Tetsurou - 黒尾 鉄朗
Shiroyagani Natsumi - 白柳夏美
黒 (black) 白 (white)
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Scientists say black is the absence of all colours. Artists say it’s the only shade present in all colours. I say you are all of that –presence and absence, light and obscurity, shade and colour.
One of the most annoying tasks she has to do as the freshly-new athletic trainer of the Japan Women's Volleyball Team is to appear in a collaboration video with the coach and the team members. Shiroyanagi Natsumi has always been used to being the tallest girl in her class, which is why in first grade, her parents had made a bet on her career path — it would be whether volleyball player or modelling — but because she hated to be in the spotlight, she chose volleyball. But now, as she stands beside the athletes (and despite being 6’ tall), she feels extremely small. At least she managed to stay in shape thanks to her studies in sports science, I should have gone more to the gym, she thinks anyway.
When her coach broke the news that the sports promotion division of the Japan Volleyball Association wanted to include her in their campaign, she would have given anything to murder the obnoxious, stupid, sadist — and whatever adjective strong enough to express her hate — person in charge of that division.
According to the coach, it is important to bring to light their indispensable job. And what can she say about it, he is her boss after all and she dreamed of working with the Olympic team for years. So, she offered a tense smile and returned to her office.
“Did your dog die?”
Ito Izumi, the regular libero of the team, looks at her with big eyes.
“Of course not, I would be desperate if he did,” Natsumi mutters, a pout appearing on her lips at the mention of the loss of the love of her life, Saba, a cute and fluffy Cavalier King Charles spaniel that Natsumi adopted two-years ago. My child, as she likes to call him.
“Well you do look desperate, Nana.”
Liberos are said to be, well, straightforward. And they need to. At the end of the day, in a game they don’t have time to be precious or cautious, they just have to dive to the floor and end up with a few bruises. Natsumi never understood why one would want to do crazy things like liberos, that’s why she was fine with being a middle blocker in school. As the saying goes, clichés die hard, and Ito Izumi is no exception to the rule. She is in fact Straightforward, frank and a little bit crazy (she also happens to be the best libero of all Japan).
Natsumi only sighs, “I hate photoshoots. And why do I have to be here anyway? If I chose to be an athletic trainer and not a proper athlete it is because I don’t like getting the attention. Argh. ”
Only a few pictures have been taken, yet the athletic trainer already feels exhausted and blinded by the too-bright white lights of the flashes. The two girls are seated in a corner of the studio, taking a water break from all this agitation.
“Eww, I know you don’t like photoshoots.”
“Why are you laughing?” Natsumi asks, eyebrows raised.
“It’s just-” Izumi took a few seconds to wipe away the tears that started to form in her eyes “I just remembered the day of your graduation, when Yaku and I dragged you all the way from the toilets to take a picture.”
Her friend cringes at the mention of the memory, she softly pushes the libero. “Shut up!” Deep down Natsumi feels her heart lighten. Is that nostalgia from a time when one did not have to think about taxes and bosses and grocery shopping and whatever adult responsibility?
“I remember how Suzuki-sensei screamed at Yaku for entering the girls’ toilets.”
“He turned all red.”
They laugh so loud the make-up team turns and gives them suspicious looks.
“See, I know this would make you smile.”
Natsumi looks at Izumi, offering her a soft smile. “You always know how to make me smile.”
And this is as true as the law of gravity. Izumi never fails to make her friends smile. The girls met in high school. They both went to Nekoma, known to be a powerhouse for volleyball. Natsumi was one year above Izumi. When the latter became a first year, Natsumi was made vice-captain of the female team. She remembers when Izumi entered — or rather burst into the gymnasium. She’s so loud, everyone thought. She was grounded by the captain and had to take care of the cleaning for a whole month. One time, when Natsumi stayed a little longer to train her serves after a defeating match, Izumi told her how happy she was to be in this team. Natsumi found her naive at first, they had just lost, and terribly, how could she be happy? But as she looked at her, cleaning the polished wooden floor and acclaiming every action her teammates made, Natsumi smiled. That day, she discovered that Izumi wasn’t just loud and naive, she had a gift, one of putting the smile back on your face. Whether it was when Yaku hurt his ankle during his last high school tournament, when Kenma forgot to save his progress on dragon quests or when Kuroo turned silent for a whole month when Natsumi announced she was leaving for America. Her presence itself brings joy.
“Do you have news from Yaku by the way?” Natsumi asks.
“Of course I have. He came back from Russia last month. You know, It’s not because he broke my heart ten years ago that I resent him.” Izumi puffs out her chest, trying to express the little pride she has left through her posture.
“This sentence itself makes it obvious that you’re not over it.”
“I-well, you know how I am. I have a crush on a guy-”
“On a libero you mean.”
“Alright, alright, on a libero. I have a thing for liberos. Anyway. I confess to him. He says I’m a pain in the ass. I get over it and find a new gu-libero. That’s called the circle of life. That happened in high school with Yaku, with that Nishinoya guy, the list is long. My new target is the cutie cutie Komori from the boys’ team though.”
For anyone foreign from the situation, Izumi could be diagnosed with Emophilia. But Natsumi has known her friend for over a decade now, nothing could surprise her anymore when it comes to Izumi’s love life.
“Anyway. We’re having dinner with the boys tonight, wanna come with us? Just like the good old days.”
Natsumi knows what “good old days” mean, she knows who that includes, and as strong and independent and tough she may be, she doesn’t feel ready yet.
But maybe that’s the point of life, jumping off the cliff when one feels the least ready.
But she gets up. Somehow being in the spotlight of the cameras and getting yelled at by the photograph is less scary than where this conversation is leading to.
“I am deeply, deeply, sorry for being late.”
An infuriating, sarcastic voice resonates in the studio — or as it sounds like to the athletic trainer. That doesn’t stop her from turning around as fast as the light.
Taller. Older. Prettier. That is how Kuroo Tetsurou reflects in Natsumi’s eyes as he makes his entrance.
“Kuroo-san!” Coach Watanabe runs towards the man. “Kuroo-san, it’s good to see you.” He energetically shakes his hands.
“There was an accident on the road, I’m very sorry.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine! Listen, girls.” The older man shouts to capture everyone’s attention. As if Natsumi’s eyes were not already glued on the tall silhouette of what appears to be a ghost. Am I time travelling? She asks herself. No way, no way, Kuro would never wear a suit.
She’s not dreaming. He is indeed wearing a suit. A black suit, making his thighs look as muscular as ever. A red tie, reminding her of his Nekoma’s jersey. A few buttons of his white shirt loose, probably in an attempt to get some fresh air — Tokyo summers are cruel — all of that means only one thing, Kuroo Tetsurou is no longer a teenager. No longer the captain of the volleyball team. No longer an awkward eighteen-year-old boy unable to confess his feelings for his best friend from the opposite gender.
When Kuroo catches sight of her, his whole world seems to be still. Did colours disappear?
“Shiro?” he whispers awkwardly, too low to make the coach stop his presentation.
“This is Kuroo Tetsurou, he is in charge of the sports promotion division of the Japan Volleyball Association. He was the one suggesting the brilliant idea of this campaign.”
So this is the obnoxious, stupid, sadist person Natsumi wanted to murder a couple of days ago. Of course, how could it be someone else? How naive of her.
If Kuroo is no longer a teenager, so is Natsumi. Her younger self would have walked past him, giving him a cold shoulder and screaming that he was the most stupid and selfish and stupid  — teenagers do have a limited list of vocabulary — person she knows. How dare he reappear in her work territory now? But her twenty-six-old self clears her throat and manages to find better words than “stupid” and “selfish”.
“Hi, Kuro”.
“Hello there, are you real or is this a very good hologram of Shiro?”
“Even though your hair looks like you just woke up, you’re not dreaming. That is me.”
“Well- I guess you look smaller. And more tanned.”
“You can thank the Californian sun for that.”
Kuroo's heart skips a beat. How could he say thank you to the Californian sun when that same sun was the one who took her from him?
“Tetsuu!” Izumi sings. However, her joy is quickly stopped by the deadly glance Natsumi is giving her.
“Did you know he would come?” Izumi reads in her friend’s eyes.
But liberos are fearless, they like to jump and dive and sometimes, to drown.
So she ignores her and slams the man on the arm, “The captain is looking fine.”
“Izumi, it’s good to see you, it’s been a long time.” (A long, long time indeed.) “How are you? Are you enjoying your new life in Italy?” he asks.
“Ew, our coach is pretty intense. The Italian championship is coming next October, so we need to prepare but apart from that pastas are good, the sun shines, and the wine is fuck-”
“Izumi, we need to go back to the photoshoot.” Natsumi interrupts. “See you later Kuro.”
As she’s about to go to the other side of the studio, Kuroo adds with a smirk. “I did not know you were into modelling now.”
That’s your fault, she wants to say, you were the one proposing this fucking campaign. But instead, she goes for something more sarcastic, after all, she is talking to Kuroo, the king of sarcasm.
“There’s many things you don’t know about me, Kuroo Tetsurou.”
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If Natsumi had got up and tried to run away from the “good old days” conversation is certainly not to end up in this precise situation. But here she is, stuck between Yamamoto and Kuroo in the most crowded Izakaya of Shibuya. Izumi is ordering her fourth beer, Asahi, her favourite. Yaku is trying to hide it from her. Lev is eating a cauliflower salad and explaining that he needs to keep his diet clean if he doesn’t want to lose his contract with whatever agency he is working with at that time. Yes, she is having dinner with Izumi and “the boys”.
“Shiroyanagi-san, do you want more fried chicken?” Shibayama asks with his usual polite tone (almost too pure for this world). But Natsumi says no, her hair already smells too much of greasy food, she might need to wash them with a super special shampoo tonight.
Don’t get her wrong, it’s not that she doesn’t want to be here. A reunion with her high school friends could be very enjoyable but the thing is, when she woke up that morning she did not expect to run into Kuroo Tetsurou and even less to eat next to him and feel his shoulder and hand and leg against hers in a small restaurant.
“Isn’t Kenma coming?” she finally asks Kuroo.
“He has this very important livestream tonight, but he might come later.”
“Nice.” She shyly mutters.
Kuroo looks at her sipping her glass of water.
“Is this how this conversation is going to be like?”
“What do you mean?”
If Natsumi did not know Kuroo well she might have thought that his attitude remained unchanged. But she does know him, even separated by years and continents, she knows when he was pissed. And right now, he looks pissed.
“Small talk.” he finally answers. “We haven’t seen each other in years and the only thing you’re asking me is when Kenma arrives.”
“I haven’t seen Kenma in quite some time too.”
That’s how you wanna play, Kuroo thinks.
“Says the girl who left for America.”
From across the table, Yaku overhears his former captain and decides to let Izumi drink her beer. That’s a lost case anyway, she’s already drunk. What matters now is how Natsumi’s eyebrows frown and how she starts scratching her nails, a bad habit she has since forever and that she usually goes back to when she feels uncomfortable.
“It was eight years ago, Kuro, eight years. Do I need to apologise, again?”
“I’m not looking for any apologies.”
“Then what do you want?”
Yaku wants to interfere, he’s good at it, that used to be his job in the team, but as his mouth opens to speak, Inuoka lets out a sound that only he — and probably Shoyo — could understand.
“Heyaaa! More meat is coming.”
Kuroo gets distracted for a second, drifting his attention away from Natsumi. The girl lets herself breathe again and grabs her bag. She has to get out of this place and escape from the noise and the heat of the food in front of her.
When Kuroo turns back, Natsumi is out of sight.
Once safely outside, she gets a cigarette and a lighter from her pocket.
How funny it is that people smoke when they feel stressed, strangled, muffled. Can this be called fighting fire with fire?
“I did not know you smoked.”
Long and blond-dyed hair, yellow eyes, awkward smile. Natsumi would recognize him in a crowd filled with thousands and thousands of people. Or cats.
“What a shame for an athletic trainer, I know the song.”
Kenma chuckled, “As if I would judge your lifestyle when I sleep maybe three hours every night.”
“That’s the prize to pay for being rich and famous.” She lights up her cigarette. “I only smoke when I’m tense or having a drink with my friends though.”
“Which one is it right now?”
Kenma doesn’t reply back so she decides to go a bit deeper and complains about the raven-hair boy.
“Your best friend is the worst. He says I’m only having small talks with him when we haven’t seen each other in years but he blames me for going to college in America. Argh. This was eight years ago, Kenma. Why is he still mad? I hate when he does this with his superior tone and tcht- never mind.”
Her voice has become more nasal and furious as she talks. Anger and cigarettes are not a good combination.
“Guess some things never change.”
Natsumi, back pressed against the wall, sighs, “for sure, he hasn’t changed. He’s still a jerk.”
The good thing about talking with Kenma is that she is free to say whatever she wants, she can even insult his best friend, and he wouldn’t argue.
“What I meant is that you guys have always been kinda awkward.”
“Awkward? What do you mean?”
The boy, already tired of the conversation, crouches down, “You can’t have a proper conversation without fighting. I’ve never seen anyone like you two, or, well, maybe Shoyo and Kageyama are like that. If you were a romantic book you would be, I don't know, what they call academic rivals or something like that.”
“A romantic book? Seriously Kenma, as if…”
The silence questions even more the boy, “as if what? As if you could ever have romantic feelings for him? I don’t really know this kind of stuff so I won’t give any advice but I’m not blind. And neither are you.”
It’s a good thing Kuroo is still inside, she would hate having to discuss that topic with him. “Romantic feelings for Shiro?” She remembers him saying to Kai one evening outside of the changing room, “She’s more like an annoying cousin to me.”
Kenma gets up and she stubs out her cigarette.
“Tell the boys and Izumi I went back home because-”
“You missed your dog.”
That is the easiest and probably most credible lie he can give, so she thanks him with a soft smile and leaves.
She hopes to find solace under her fleece blanket, drinking a hot chocolate buried in whipped cream and with her dog resting on her chest, but when she opens the door of her apartment — a door that needs to be oiled — and is welcomed by the darkness, the silence and the emptiness of the room, she sighs. Soon enough, Saba greets her by whining.
“Hi baby, I missed you.”
The only thing that eases her mind is that tomorrow will be Saturday, no need to go to work, no need to run into him.
She doesn’t have a lot of pictures on her white walls, only a few from high school with Izumi and some from college. As she looks at them she wonders if she should have been to America at all, if she shouldn’t have stayed in Japan instead. With him. But thank gods, she comes back to her senses quickly and regrets ever thinking that. America was great, it was the best decision of her life. She shall not let the guilt intrude upon her mind. Kuro must be getting under my skin. She concludes before going to bed.
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Author notes: hey guys ! this is my first fanfic on this account, I hope you enjoyed it. feel free to tell me what you think <3
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 4 months
Watched Haikyuu!! Battle of the Garbage Dump (SPOILERS)
Did I enjoy myself? Absolutely!
Did the story still hit?? Hell yeah!
Was it well produced? I very much think so. The cinema experience definitely was a lot of fun and compensated somewhat for the condensing of the story.
Do I wish it was still a season instead of a movie? Yeah kinda
Look, I specifically set out to not read the final two inter high matches of the manga because I wanted to experience it purely through the anime. So do I know if there’s anything that got cut for time? No. I can tell that there probably were. And I think I could feel the slightly rushed aspect of the movie coming through at only an hour and a half when it should have been closer to 6ish hours of content.
But the experience they produced via the movie was still such a good goddamn time that I didn’t really care in the moment.
The whole Kenma POV sequence intercut with flashbacks had me on the edge of my seat bc ALL OF A SUDDEN THAT WAS THE END OF THE MATCH. I genuinely have no clue if that’s how it was played in the manga but I thought it was thrilling.
I think other than a clear sense of montages in the movie rather than hanging onto every single point being made at a time like they have done in the past, they did make some clever choices on what moments to focus on. The Hinata-Kenma dynamic with the Karasuno-Nekoma dynamic playing out on the wider scale just honed in on the fact that these are two very close teams with friends and rivals with such a deep admiration and respect for each other finally having a no holds barred match for the win.
It just made every moment hit harder knowing that every point made by the opponent was both a loss and win for their side bc they lost that point but they got to see how amazing their friends have become.
Like Kuroo watching Tsukki kick absolute ass and Tsukki constantly aware and grateful how his improvements were borne from the advice Kuroo gave him???
The fact that at all points each side was admiring the other side for how they’ve improved or how good they are and there were just these precious little squabbles like between Kuroo and Tsukki complaining the other one should just drop the ball bc the rallies are going too long or Yaku and Nishinoya stopping to admire how cool the other libero is.
Coach Nekomata said it best: “Curiosity and respect instead of fear”. Just two besties having a really good match.
Kags hearing one word from Ukai to have confidence in both Hinata’s resilience to move beyond this shutdown by Kenma and also faith that he’d be able to do his new and improved jump if Kags just gave him the opportunity. AND THEN HE DID IT. Thus shocking everyone around him once more that Hinata had another level to him??!
Tsukki always and forever hyping up his best friend Yamaguchi. Kuroo trying to get a ride out of him by saying Yamaguchi might try to win on his own (after Tsukki specifically says he himself wouldn’t be able to win alone) and Tsukki says “he’s the guy who will surpass me”. MY BOI LOVES HIS BOIIII
It was also so interesting to basically have Kenma be the protagonist of the movie. Like it starts with him and his backstory. And the volleyball match ends from his POV. And he, like Tsukki, can finally say he had a lot of fun and found volleyball fun. And he has Kuroo and Hinata to thank.
Look my friend who had zero context for the story as a non-anime fan found it such a fun movie.
Haikyuu is gonna Haikyuu no matter the animation or the production value or the amount of screentime bc the story at its core is such a good goddamn story.
Am I worried how the second will going knowing they’ve got the Seagulls match PLUS timeskip PLUS MSBY vs Schweiden Adlers match?
But this one was a lot of fun. And I really enjoyed it.
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le-panda-chocovore · 6 months
Okay what about your Top 5 Haikyuu characters go!
Okay what about your Top 5 Haikyuu characters go!
Already regretting because how dare you make me choose ?
1. Bokuto Kotarou : I'm literally Him IRL, like the dumb of the ass and insufferable energy and the loud voice- 100% Me. I love him.
2. Kozume Kenma : Do I even need to say it ? Just look at my profile picture. He's so pretty. Also he's a nerd. He's a baby with social anxiety. I love him.
3. Nishinoya Yuu : He's also Me lmaooo I love him so much!! He's 100% the reason why I started volleyball. I wanted to be a libero because he's so fucking cool. When I put a Rolling Thunder during matches, people are impressed because this isn't the usual way of recep (they often believe I hurt myself)
4. Tsukishima Kei : he's such a bullyyyyyy !!! Tall Blonde and Gorgeous, our favorite french fry a bit too salty aasshfkxkkslsl that boy roasted the entire public with just a stare pleaaaase no one does it like him (except maybe Kuroo and Daishou). I love him.
5. Oikawa Tooru : So Pretty So Precious So Savage he deserves the world like really why didn't he went to the Nationals ? That was fucking homophobic I've never accepted it (/j) He's also an idiot but it's okay I love him that way.
Now I'm going to post this before I change my mind lmaooo
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undercityrezident · 2 years
So we’ve come down to it: Ash’s battle against Leon that’s been hyped for most of the Journeys series. Let’s hope that it meets with the expectations the show-runners set.
Off the bat, I was worried that, with Goh away in Hoenn for his Mew excursion, we might end up seeing the battle episodes broken up piece by piece with cutaways to Goh’s adventure.
While I certainly admire Goh’s own story and his efforts to fulfill his found quest, I’m glad that this episode, at least this first one, wasn’t divided between the two ventures. I think the two each deserve their own episodes to shine in for the culmination of their respective stories.
Now, the big question...
Is the fact that Dawn is the only one of Ash’s past companions to come in person to his finals match a pearlshipping hint? If not that, then the direct mention and reference to how they cheered the exact same way for Ash in Sinnoh, Piplup cheerleading and all, definitely feels like it.
Ok... that might not be the big question on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but that was my immediate thought when she showed up and we didn’t get even cameos from the other companions (aside from the lab crew, we love you guys).
I know... it’s probably a voice actor issue more than anything, but I’m hoping we at least get some brief cutaways to Ash’s former travelling companions watching him in the next few episodes. We did get some cuts to his former competitors, which is a nice touch at least.
One interesting bit we did get on Leon’s side of the flashback train was him battling against someone who can be reasonably assumed to be a young Sonia. To that, I can only say: give us the adorable face of our precious young professor please!
Oh hey, present-day Sonia showed up to support her former rival too! That’s cute, I guess. I don’t really ship that ship to be honest, but I like the context she’ll be able to offer on Leon throughout the battle. And, frankly, the more Sonia in the anime, the better!
And hey, more breadcrumbs for us phaesporiashippers in how Diantha and Cynthia have a goddamn private booth to watch the match from. I won’t lie, I actually made a stupid giggle-like sound when I saw it. Sadly, aside from brief commentary between the two on the match, we don’t get to see much more of them.
With the pre-match banter can an interesting wrinkle: Leon said that he’ll let Ash use all the tricks in his arsenal: z-moves, mega evolution, and dynamax/gigantamax.
On one hand, cool that we get to see a return of all the empowered forms that Ash has worked hard to master.
On the other hand... eh... it has me thinking about two things:
1) It’ll be hard for me, the audience, and maybe the in-universe community to take Ash’s potential victory in this match seriously if he has a leg up over Leon.
2) Ugh... really Leon? Are you so cocksure of yourself that you’re willing to do that to yet again demonstrate how badass you are as the invincible champion? Good grief... I know you said it was for the excitement of the challenge, but me - biased as I am - cannot take that claim seriously with how you’ve been written and hyped up over the series.
But either way, Ash accepted it, and while I was thinking it might’ve been out of character for him to accept a handicap like this, I did recall he got to use a larger team versus Roxie’s three in their gym battle back in Best Wishes. I suppose he’s willing to indulge opponents’ whims as long as he feels it’s still somehow a fair match.
The match started off in earnest with Cinderace vs. Pikachu. Leon made a comment on how Ash wasn’t invested in strategy, and it showed true in how Ash’s inexperience was unveiled in dealing with Cinderace’s libero ability changing its type to ground. I do like that, already, the arrangement that Ash agreed to is being offset by his lack of knowledge compared to Leon’s. Credit where credit is due, Leon.
After recalls by both competitors, we continued the match with Gengar vs. Inteleon. Funnily, Ash mirrored my thoughts in how it felt like he was battling Goh’s pokemon. Then again, when Pokemon puts so much focus on its starter mons and their evolutions, it’s inevitable that we’d see them appearing quite a bit. I’m sure we’ll see Rillaboom later too.
The next twist of the match came in how Leon’s Inteleon mimicked Ash’s countershield from his match with Cynthia. I feel like Ash shouldn’t have been surprised. As I said in my review of Ash vs. Cynthia, it’s not hard for a competent opponent to steal and use the technique. It happened with Ash vs. Fantina and again with Ash vs. Paul.
That said, the display was impressive, but Ash managed to break through it with a will-o-the-wisp that turned it all to steam. I was hoping Ash would take greater advantage of that fog with Gengar’s ghostly movements, but instead, he opted for a gigantamax. We’re already seeing Ash use one of his now three major enhancements, and I’m wondering if it was the right call at this point.
Leon got to play cheeky in response, having Inteleon use not one, but two hands for their Snipe Shot and Dark Pulse moves, something that seems goofy but I actually found halfway amusing. The line Hop dropped about “Big Bro’s Inteleon can dual wield” had me choking back a laugh for how “gamer” that statement sounded.
After some impressive acrobatics (not the move, just literal flips and whatnot) from Inteleon, we saw both competitors landing some crucial hits, with Gengar burning through its three turns (after two moves, but they wrote it off to Gengar getting hit in a sensitive spot at the back of its mouth, causing it to lose the gigantamax early; I’m... not sure how to feel about that...) but scoring a knockout hit on Inteleon.
Up next was Leon’s Mr. Rime while Gengar continued in the match. Ash managed to turn the whole “ability trap” back on Leon, a nice way to bookend this part of the match for the episode, by having Gengar’s Cursed Body ability disable Mr. Rime’s Freeze Dry attack. However, it came at the cost of freezing Gengar solid and encrusting the field in ice. Worse, it led to a KO on Gengar, leaving each competitor with one knocked-out pokemon.
So far, this is an interesting start. If the episodes continue to focus on the match (sorry Goh, please wait your turn) and the battles continue to exude interesting uses of abilities and moves like this, I think I could find myself enjoying this match, despite my disposition towards Leon. The preview seems to show some interesting antics ahead. It looks like Dracovish enjoys eating baby dragon-ghosts.
Regardless of all that, I just hope we get to see more of Ash’s old friends hyped for his match and at least watching, if not actually saying something. I guess I’ll have to hold onto that hope until next week. At least, for now, we have pearlshipping.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
Hi! Your Haikyuu x 1D event sounds so exciting! I was initially going to request Better Than Words with Nishinoya but it's no longer available 🙈 If it's still available, could I please listen to I Would with Nishinoya instead? I love the song but I always found it sad. If it's still available, I'm excited to see how you write it, I'd always choose Noya over anyone ❤️ Thank you for doing this! Hope you're doing good!
Now playing... I Would
word count; 624 – gn!reader, for my 1D x Haikyu event
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Training camp is not for the weak. That’s what Nishinoya said as he was forming an alliance with Tanaka and Yamamoto so that the three of them could protect their precious managers.
Kiyoko had managed to recruit you around the same time as Yachi, meaning you were still quite new to the volleyball club. Because Nishinoya was in your class, he saw it as his responsibility to make sure you were comfortable and happy. It might also be because of his huge crush on you, but that’s still up for debate.
Every moment he’s not immersed in a practice game, he’s keeping a watchful eye on you. His mental reports mostly say “smiling”, “looking cute” and “clapping, probably for me”, so he’s happy with the progress so far. You seem to be settling in very well.
Until there’s a break, and while he’s chugging down more water than what should fit in his body, he sees you flirting it up with Kuroo, standing between two of the courts.
Kuroo could never be the right guy for you. He could never treat you the way Nishinoya would. He’s also way too tall, it would be bad for your neck.
Noya’s gasp was audible and made you turn your head, only to see your favourite libero with his teeth practically bared like an animal. You chuckled under your breath, shaking your head and telling Kuroo good luck on his next game.
When you returned to your team’s side, you bumped your elbow into Nishinoya’s arm. “Hey there, tiger. Ready for the next set?”
Nishinoya lifted his chin with that cheeky smile on his lips. “Always.”
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He acted like usual, most of the time. Nothing could disturb his focus as Karasuno’s guardian. However, any time off the court, his attention is dedicated to you.
Nishinoya watched as Kuroo offered up his dessert to you after dinner. As he made you swoon with his undeniable charm.
And as you’re on dishwashing duty one of the last evenings, Nishinoya strolls into the room and practically scares the life out of you. “Has he said he’s in love with you?”
“Who?” His hair is still dripping, he must have just washed up. You put down what you were doing and shake the soapy water off your hands.
“That boyfriend of yours, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
“Kuroo?” You laughed but then did a double-take. “Boyfriend?!” By now, Noshinoya had crossed his arms, and you almost wondered if you were in trouble.
“Has he said he’s in L-O-V-E? Because I would.”
“You… would?” you ask slowly, not quite understanding what the problem is. Noya walks closer and puts one hand on each of your upper arms.
“You’re literally so cool and pretty.” You looked down at each of his hands and then back at his face with wide eyes.
“Thank you,” you squeaked. “But Kuroo isn’t my boyfriend.”
Noshinoya blinked once, twice, and then quickly let go of you. A light blush blossomed on his cheeks as he realised he might have gotten ahead of himself there. “Right. That’s what I came in here to ask you…”
By now you’ve ditched your confusion to laugh at him, one hand covering your mouth so it wouldn’t be so loud. “Then the answer is no! But I appreciate the compliments.”
Noya chuckled, never one to falter for long. At least you’re laughing and not just awkwardly crawling away from him. “You can have as many as you want.”
“Because you’re in L-O-V-E?” Nishinoya thought his heart might beat out of his chest because that smug look on your face right then was exactly what made him fall so hard in the first place. The same look you had after naming his signature move rolling thunder.
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seneon · 11 months
sen, you play volleyball, right? what position do you play? :0
i play vb during PE in my school actually, not like as an actual dedicated sport. and i mostly play libero because im honestly scared to bruise or break my precious fingers (again)
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libaeroh · 5 years
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he’s so precious 🥺
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Being Nekoma's Manager:
Dating Yaku Morisake
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*look at the little hair flutter 🥺
Yaku Morisake featuring Nekoma x Fem! Manager
Warnings: light Swearing (?), YN fights men
A/N: This is a request from Spooky anon 👻 @cookiesandmilksx ! Also requests coming M,W, F staring September 5th!
Go go Nekoma! Push it, push it Nekoma!
I literally write whatever comes into my brain 😅
YAKU MORISAKE!! Our resident libero and demon senpai 😈
Love that for him!
He's more than earned the name- from his rigorous training of Lev
To his teasing of Kuroo
Yaku is one spicy gremlin
However, he's not all spice
Especially for his soft and sweet girlfriend
That's right YN, for you Yaku is legit the softest boi 🥺
When you first became Nekoma's Manager, Yaku took an instant liking to you
We all know he likes girls with short hair
BUT 👀 no matter the length of your locks, Yaku finds you so adorable and cute
It's actually kind of a phenomenon to Nekoma
They are all so confused 😕
What happened to Yaku?? And why does he only act like that around you 🤨
Kenma and Kai are the first to figure out why
The other ones aren't stupid just kind of clueless in a sense
Once Kuroo figures it out, Rooster boy never let's it go 😅
"I see someone has a crush on our precious manager"- Kuroo 😏
Yaku 👉🏻😐😑
"Who?"- Lev and Yamamoto simultaneously
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😐🙄
Kuroo will pester Yaku until he finally snaps
Legit it will happen one day strong practice
Kuroo has been bothering Yaku all day about asking you out
Yaku had been busy training Lev so his patience is already at zero 😅
"Just do it Yaku. You're not scared are you?"- Kuroo 🙃
That's when Yaku loses it
Unbeknownst to Yaku, you heard the entire thing
"You- you like me Morisuke?"- You
Yaku turns slowly and stares at you 👁👄👁
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😐🤦
Kuroo 👉🏻😏
The rest of the team 👉🏻🍿👀
Yaku is now sweating 😰
"Well I- uh, I umm well"- Yaku, the blubbering mess
Sorry YN you have to step in ✋🏻
You walk up to Yaku, give him a kiss on the cheek and say
"I like you too Mori"- you say, giggling at his blush
Yaku 👉🏻😐😳😍
Kuroo 👉🏻😏 still smug, he'll say this was his plan all along
We know it wasn't
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😮‍💨 finally
The team 👉🏻🥺🤧
And thus begins the ship know as YakuYN
Yaku is so sweet to you YN
Mans will pick flowers for you and walk you home
Honestly he is the softest boy only for his Nekoma's precious YN
And you are literally the princess of Nekoma
All the boys adore you 🥰
You dote on then individually, encouraging them all to do their best
When Yaku or Kuroo get upset, you know exactly how to calm them down!
You encourage our bby Shibayama to do his very best
You know just how to get Kenma motivated
By stealing his switch and/or phone 👀
And you know jusy how to deal with Lev 🙄
That's right, our resident problem child
You know just how hard Yaku is on Lev
So you try and be the more nurturing of the two 🥰
It's like good cop, bad cop
Yaku widdles Lev down to nothing and YN swoops in to save the day 🙌🏻
You can deal with alot of the crap the guys dish out, including Lev
However 👀 if there is one thing you don't tolerate, it's when Lev or anyone makes fun of Yaku's height
You happen to love your short king 🥺
And when you get on YN's bad side 😬
Let's just say I don't want to be anywhere close to you ✋🏻
I value my life thank you very much 😅
So one day at practice, Lev is feeling a bit bold?? Sure let's go with that
He walks into the gym and Yaku immediately starts in
It's really no different than usual
But then, it happens 👀
"I wouldn't expect you to understand Yaku, you're so short it probably went over your head"- Lev
The gym 👉🏻 dead silent 😶
Everyone, including Yaku, looks to you
You're head slowly turns to glare at Lev
Exorcist anyone?? 👀
Lev can feel the heat of your gaze YN, he's afraid to look at you
Lev 👉🏻👀
You 👉🏻➖️👄➖️
Lev 👉🏻😧
You 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
You get up and walk towards the guys
The scariest part is how calmly you walk over to them
Kai probably helps the first years evacuate the area 😅
Their precious eyes don't need to see this
Yaku is mentally trying to figure out how to handle this
He does his best to ca you down
"YN hey its ok, Lev and I do this stuff all the time. You know that big tall idiot"- Yaku, laughing without humor
"Morisake"- you say holding your hand up to him and glaring
That's all it takes before Yaku is like " I've done best 🙏🏻 thoughts and prayers Lev"
Kenma grabs his phone out to record 📱
Kuroo is ready to have Inuoka replace Lev
Kai is planning Lev's funeral
"Would you like to repeat that Lev?"- You say, glaring at the tall beast
Lev rn 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁 ummmm
"I'd think LONG and HARD before you answer Lev Haiba"- you say (THATS WHAT SHE SAID)
"I-uh- I'm sorry YN"- Lev 😰
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Yaku"- you spit
No matter your height, Lev flinches 😅
YN fights men ok ✌🏻
"Yaku I'm so sorry. I totally lost my tempter"- Lev practically begs
Really Yaku isn't mad at Lev but he's too afraid to say anything in fear that you might lose it 😅
"Its-its ok Lev"- Yaku answers cautiously
Like the flip of a switch, your mood changes
"There! I'm so glad we are all friends"- you 🥰
Your boyfriend looks at you 👉🏻😶
Lev 👉🏻🥲 yeah...
The team 👉🏻👀🍿
You kiss Yaku on the cheek and skip away, returning to your duties
"Remind me never to talk smack about Yaku around YN"- Kuroo whispers to Kai
You hear him, your head snapping to glare at kuroo
Kuroo 👉🏻🤐
That's right 💅🏼 nobody messes with Yn and her man!
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Kageyama Soulmate AU
  I wrote this months ago and I still like it. It’s a bit short for my liking. If anyone reads this and wants to see it continued please let me know, I’d be happy to write a part 2, maybe post-timeskip with some spice? 
Enjoy ;)
 It was the very reason you'd gotten into volleyball in the first place, that little tattoo on the back of your neck. It meant that the sport was important to your soulmate, so important that the universe saw fit to mark you with what was very clearly a volleyball. 
The mark had shown up on your tenth birthday, as it did for most people, and you'd immediately begged your guardian to let you play. You'd been in a volleyball club ever since, and you'd come to love the sport yourself. Your teammates became as precious to you as family, and the rules of the game came as naturally to you as breathing.
Still, volleyball wasn't your passion, your one drive, the thing you'd spend the rest of your life doing. Volleyball was your happy place, but what you really loved was travel, you had plans to go all over the world, and wanted a job that would let you do that.
You often wondered what would be on the back of your soulmate's neck, maybe an airplane? Some other mode of transportation? Who knew.
According to family members and friends who'd already found their soulmate, the tattoo was merely symbolic, they only knew that they were each other's soulmates when they made eye contact for the first time.
You'd gone about finding your soulmate strategically since looking people in the eye came naturally to you, all you had to do was play your best so that your team could go to more and more places: training camps, tournaments, exhibitions. These places didn't lack for people with a passion for volleyball, all you had to do was keep your eyes up, and wait.
You’re a second-year student, and your team has made it to nationals, despite the odds. It’s taken some doing to beat all the other incredible teams in your prefecture, but it was done, and you got to march out behind your captain, led by the flag of your home.
Tournaments made you far too excited, and nationals were the perfect place to find your soulmate, you didn't doubt that if they'd made volleyball their passion, then they'd be here. Still, there were some nerves underlying your excitement.
 You were in the starting line-up this year, a wing-spiker, last year you'd been put in to replace one of the third years that took a fall, and your team lost that set. It was illogical to blame yourself when you'd only stood on the court for the last ten minutes, but...you didn't want to lose again, and you weren't going to.
After winning your first match at nationals, you were literally shaking with excitement, eyes alight despite the flushed tone of your cheeks and the sweat on your palms. You stood in one of the hallways with a few of your teammates who were chattering excitedly about the match, none of you could believe you'd won, you were going to play on tomorrow.
You couldn't find it in you to chatter, you felt so accomplished, so proud of yourself and your friends. You looked out into empty space and your thoughts drifted off, a smile on your face because this had to be why your soulmate loved this game so much, could anything really replace this feeling?
You libero yanked at your arm, shaking you out of your thoughtless delight, and you followed wherever they led without asking until you smacked square into a fast-moving orange blur. You grunted as the boy smacked into your chest, it was your friend's grip on you that kept both of you upright.
  "Sorry! Sorry about that, are you okay?!" the boy wailed, jumping back from you a bit too quickly and almost tripping onto his ass. You caught his wrist and pulled him back onto his feet.
 "Calm down, you'll hurt yourself." You scolded calmly "Jeez, what's got you in such a rush?"
 "Hinata you dumbass!" The voice came from behind you, so loud it made you start, throwing a hand over your ear which you were sure was bleeding.</p>
 You turned around to snap at whoever had just deafened you and froze at the sight of cobalt eyes, the words dying on your tongue as the entire world came into focus as if the Earth itself had stopped turning.
 He was gorgeous, eyes the colour of the sea and hair as dark as the night sky, it looked so soft you wanted nothing more than to touch it, run your fingers through it. He was in a volleyball uniform, so your hunch had been right, all this time.
 "Uh, Kageyama, you good?" Hinata wondered at his friend's utter silence and stillness.</p>
  Your soulmate shook his head and blinked as if he could shake off what just happened, his eyes returning to yours as soon as possible as if he couldn't stand to look away from you, his lips parted as if to speak, but words got stuck.
  Without thinking, you beamed at him. There was no resisting the urge to jump into his arms, bury yourself in the smell and warmth of him. He didn't hesitate the wrap his arms around you and lift you off your feet, you shivered when he buried his nose in your neck, muttering something that only you could hear against your skin.
 You sighed dreamily, his hair felt like silk between your fingers "yours."
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 2 years
Can you do haikyuu boys x basketball player
i gotchu shawty. imma do my two favorite but if you had any specific people send another request 😋
he gets excited when he sees you on the court
he treats basketball like something totally foreign to him, when it’s not fr 😐
he literally has stars in his eyes bro, and he might even ask you to play or teach him some tricks or something
Hinata loves to learn things about sports so he will make it his goal to teach you somethings and also want you to teach somethings
once he gets somewhat good he’s gonna boast about it and shove it in everyones face
if you guys are dating then you both do little activities together like working out to as a way to hang out together
or maybe playing each other’s sport
you guys like to go to the beach and play volleyball (if you can’t he’ll teach you)
and you guys also go to parks to play basketball
i imagine that he’s pretty decent at playing, he’s like not bad but not great so he’s decent
the first time y’all played together he shocked you
he was hanging on the rim of the basketball hoop like
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bless his heart he’s so precious
will definitely let everyone know around you that you both play sports bro
“your partner does what? oh that good i guess but my partner and i both play sports!!”
but then when it’s just the two of you he gonna start arguing about how volleyball is better than basketball
like bro pick a damn side
you both like to workout together even if it’s just like a little walk around your city
and post game naps are top tier
he’ll often relate volleyball and basketball and then he’ll say stuff like
“but like you know you’d make a great middle front,?!!!” “babe you’d be a great libero, your so quick!!”
like you’d say thank you but then you’d be confused cause wasn’t you just talking shut earlier?!!
i also feel like he’s not that good at playing basketball besides his whole ass ego
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he’ll let you teach him how to play but he’s so damn stubborn it’s crazy :/
“i know what i’m doing” he misses “i did that intentionally”
or he’ll be like “this one is for the kids in Africa” then totally miss the shot
like bffr.
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chickentendieboi · 3 years
ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ || ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ
—tw/cw: none (:
—wc: 2,123
☼ a/n: {originally on my quotev and wattpad}
Your eyes landed on the one and only Mr. #1 from Aoba Johsai.
Oikawa Tooru.
Your boyfriend.
It was after the practice match your team had against them. His face held a huge smile as he walked towards you who had a scold on your face. "Tooru..."
"Y/N~ I'm so happy to see you~" He ignored the scold you had on your face as he happily greeted you.
"You weren't supposed to play at all today." You folded your arms across your chest.
"Heh... heh... well... I needed to show up Tobio-chan and all. And besides, my knee doesn't even hurt anymore, so it's fine." He waved you off but then something blurred in front of your vision.
"You stay away from our precious manager!" You heard the voice of your teams libero speak up, followed by your other loud winged spiker.
"Yeah! Who do you think you are, thinking you can just go up and talk to our Y/N?" You couldn't quite see it, but you knew that Tanaka had his 'scary' face directed at Oikawa.
"Woah, woah. Down boys." You chuckled. "It's alright. Let's just get going." You patted their shoulders and looked at Oikawa before they turned around, giving him the 'I'll call you later' signal and headed off to the buses.
That was last week, today you were watching the game between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai from the crowd with Yachi. Kiyoko was sitting on the bench, which, you'd be lying if you didn't say you were jealous but at the same time, it was safer that you weren't down there. Your eyes kept trailing to your boyfriends figure, the one person you didn't want people, mainly your teammates, to know about.
It's not that you felt ashamed or embarrassment from dating him, it's just so much heat and attention that came from being around the setter. Not to mention how people will treat you once they find out you both are dating. Now that it's mentioned, you admit you were skeptical about dating him at first, seeing as how he's the staple for playboys. But over the past few months, he's definitely proven his feelings were true towards you and only you.
How you'd come across each other since you went to other schools was thanks to one of your friends. She was dating Matsukawa from Seijoh, so when they ended up double dating, she brought you and he brought Oikawa. Matsukawa was a bit skeptical about bringing Oikawa along, but Hanamaki had his own girlfriend and hell if he could convince Iwaizumi to go. So, Oikawa it was.
The date went well, even Matsukawa noticed a difference in how Oikawa acted towards you. So, over the course of 4 months, he did his best to show you that he only had eyes for you. And also, Iwaizumi confirmed it as well since he saw a hell of a lot more of him than you did, especially his interactions around the school with his overwhelming amount of fangirls. But never once did he sway towards any of them.
But back to why you didn't tell your team, well... this was a crucial time for them and you didn't want them worrying about your feelings when they were going against your boyfriend, and... some of them may be wary considering he was the enemy and since they know how he is... Sure, they'd understand your feelings for the setter and accept them no problem, but you still felt nervous announcing it. So for now, under wraps.
The game ended in a loss for your team, which hurt but you also felt a bit of joy for Oikawa. You looked down at the boy whose eyes were already on yours. He knew how you felt and you could tell by the way he smiled at you. Oikawa, who was filled with fake smiles, could never fake one towards you because how could he mask a genuine smile?
You ran down the stairs, phone in hand, letting Oikawa know you'd wait for him by the far bathrooms after your meeting with the team. Shortly after, you turned down the hallway where the tall boy was propped against the wall.
"Y/N~" He chirped with a large smile and engulfed you in a sweaty hug.
You chuckled lightly and softly pushed him back. "Tooruuuu, I love you but I'd like to not be covered in sweat."
He reluctantly backed away and looked down at you with a frown. "Aweh, you're so mean Y/N-chan~" He may act differently with his smiles but he was still his whiny dramatic self.
You shook your head amusedly and gave him a soft smile. "Good job today, Toor. You played amazingly, I could hardly take my eyes off of you."
"But I beat you guys, why do you look so happy for me?" His face fell as he watched you, his eyebrows knitting together slightly.
"Well, yeah, that sucks... but my boyfriend also won. So, why wouldn't I also be happy for you?" You brought your hand up and cupped his cheek. "I can feel both happiness and sorrow." You then dropped your hand and twisted your hips, swinging your arms. "But, considering we lost... We'll probably be practicing hardcore until the Spring High prelims, so that means less time to see you." You pouted playfully when you looked up at him.
"We'll be practicing just as hard, love. But, seeing as how that'd be the case, I better take advantage of the fact that you're in front of me right now." He smiled and closed the gap, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you close. "I'll need..." He twisted his lips to the side as he thought. "one kiss for my game against Shiratorizawa tomorrow, one kiss for the time we'll be apart, and one kiss because you love me." His chestnut gaze playfully dancing in your eyes.
"How about one big one for everything?" You giggled as your nose twitched with your smile.
"I can get behind that." He jovially smirked and captured your lips with his kiss. Tightening his hold, he moved around your lips, making you melt with the friction.
You could hear footsteps so you frantically pushed away from Oikawa and muttered a sorry as you patted down your shirt. You saw that it was only some other high school's player and chuckled. "I should probably head back anyway, I know the team must be waiting for me. Do your best tomorrow, know I'll be cheering you on with all my heart." You went up on your tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss before scurrying off.
As you rounded the corner, Iwaizumi's voice made you squeak in shock a bit. "Sometimes, I think you're too good to him."
"Well, he treats me the same, so why wouldn't I put my all in for him as well?" You shrugged, slowing your steps and turning as you looked at your boyfriend's best friend.
"That is true." He chuckled softly. "Go on, your team's waiting for you."
"I am, I am. Watch after him, Iwa." You smiled and jogged off down the hallway.
The month had gone by, Oikawa had lost against Shiratorizawa and then got sucked into the never ending loop of practicing. You'd be out late with your team or away at training camp, he'd be practicing his ass off after practice had already ended. Naturally, he'd be pushing himself harder since Ushijima beat him again... But that didn't stop him from sending you cute pictures of him with an annoyed Iwaizumi in the foregrounds and of course, you video chatted or talked on the phone close to every night.
Now, you were walking into the gym when your phone vibrated. Looking down, a smile formed on your face and you looked up at the captain. "Hey Dai, I'm going to go greet my friend real quick! I'll be right back!" You gave a quick wave as you saw him nod and headed back out of the gym and over to the side.
Peeking at your surroundings, you headed around the corner and made your way to the back side of the gym. As you got closer, you heard your name being called from behind you.
Looking back, your face lit up. "Tooru!" You ran to close the gap and pounced into his spread arms and nuzzled your face into his shoulder.
"Damn, I've missed you~" He playfully pouted as he let you down and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "And I've missed your face so much."
"Toor, you basically saw me every night." You shook your head as you laughed.
"Yeah, but that's different than actually holding you." He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist.
"Well, that's the problem with being such a dedicated volleyball player." You chuckled, bringing your hands up to grab onto the zipper portion of his volleyball jacket.
"Yeah I know, but hey, so are you." He nudged your nose with his, making your cheeks lighten a pale pink as you smiled. "God, you're so cute."
"Yes, yes, I know I am." You joked, shaking your hair a bit, earning a heartwarming chuckle from the setter. "But we should probably get back. People will be looking for us if we're gone for long."
"Mmmhmm." He began to hug you closer and closer before he leaned down and landed his lips on yours for a quick moment. "Let me get a few good luck kisses in first." He spoke before he gave you another quick kiss.
"Hey, hey. I don't want to give you too much good luck." You stuck your tongue out slightly but he captured your lips once again, awkwardly kissing your while your tongue was out. "Toor." You giggled but that didn't stop him from pulling you flush against him and backing your lightly into the wall.
You were melting into the kiss, giving off a happy sigh until your body went rigid.
"Y/...N...?" The soft voice of your teams 3rd year setter met your ears and your blood went cold. Shit.
Turning your head and trying to wiggle out of Oikawa's grip, you swallowed hard and met the astonished eyes of Daichi and Sugawara. "I, uh..." Awkward? Try comedy. "Hey mom... hey dad... meet my boyfriend." You scratched the back of your neck.
Nudging your elbow into the side of Oikawa, he coughed slightly before speaking up. "I plan to treat your daughter with the utmost respect and admiration." Nice... nice Tooru...
They both seemed a bit taken back, mostly by how Oikawa followed up your words. "You... you both are dating?" Daichi spoke up this time with a concerned face.
"Yeah, uh... we'd kind of been dating for 5 months now. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't want any of this to interfere with your games." You scratched your neck again after you swatted Oikawa's hand away from your butt, trying to keep your eyes on your teammates.
"Well, you are your own judge, so if you feel safe with him, then we will support you." Suga gave a delicate smile.
Daichi agreed but then took a step forward and focused on Oikawa. "Don't let that make you think we'll be going easy on you during the game. No matter how hard Y/N cheers for you, we'll make her cheer for us twice as loud." Daichi spoke with confidence, his taunt not wavering the slightest.
Oikawa stayed quiet for a bit as he contemplated his words, since he'd just normally go off and bad talk the other team, that other team was you so he paused. "Well... we'll just see then who she cheers for the loudest."
"Uh guys, I hate to cut this short and all, but we should get inside." You tiptoed around their words and began to slowly walk away.
"I'll see you later, love." He quickly stopped you and placed his lips on yours, not once, but twice, the second time was while he eyed your teammates then he quickly skipped away.
You rolled your eyes at his childness and then looked at the boys. "Just... don't tell the others until after the game." You pled but they understood.
"Let's just head in. We've got your boyfriend to crush now." Daichi smirked and headed off in front of Suga and you and your mouth dropped.
Suga let out a small chuckle. "I'm just shocked that you didn't think you could tell us about your little secret."
"Well, if I told you, then it wouldn't be a little secret anymore, now would it?" You laughed back and shook your head. Well... that went better than you thought.
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 | 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
I've written several romance Miya twins headcanon, but I think if the twins had a younger sister, it's going to be chaotic and fun. I am going to have fun writing this! I am so excited!
Characters will be aged up!
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Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu
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OVERPROTECTIVE. They are extremely protective over you and would constantly check on you.
Since you were two years younger, the three of you have been inseparable since young, and you three almost resemble triplets.
They were the ones that got you into volleyball, and you moved to Hokkaido for middle school and high school since you were scouted and offered a scholarship too.
Though you guys are apart, your bond is stronger than ever.
When you come back to visit during the holidays, they would bring you out to eat and hang out with their friends.
You played as a libero for your school team and the National Junior team.
They often tease your accent since you have stayed in Hokkaido for quite some time; your Kansai dialect was not as polished as your brothers.
Some of his friends are interested in you, and the twins immediately shut down their idea of dating their precious baby sister.
You got along very well with Suna, which irks the twins a lot since they trust him as a friend but not with their baby sister.
With schoolwork and the long hours of training, you have no time to think about a relationship.
But you and Suna get along really well.
When it was time for the official games, they would call you, and you guys would exchange how the games went.
There was a time that you accidentally injured your ankle in the middle of the finals, and your brothers were watching the live stream, and they immediately leapt out of their seats and ready to fly to Hokkaido.
Luckily it was just a sprain, and you guys won, but your brothers managed to fly to Hokkaido.
Your teammates were fangirling over your brothers, but you slight embarrassed and glad that they are here.
Your coach lets you off earlier since your brothers are here, and you starts crying when you three were alone.
They were caught off guard since you rarely cry.
You were disappointed in yourself that you injured at such a critical moment, and it was the first time you ever got injured in a game.
The twins comforted you by getting you some good food and carry you all the way from the restaurant and back to your school.
They also went to support you at the Nationals, with their old teammates tagging along.
Years passed, you and Atsumu went on to play volleyball professionally, and Osamu opens his own onigiri shop.
The one person that the twins desperately prevented you from getting close became your boyfriend; Suna, definitely has the last laugh.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe my daughter has been hiding you for so long! I'm so glad that this silly girl finally brought you to meet us!" Your mother warmly welcomed Suna into the Miya house.
Your father and your brothers were behind your mother, giving him the 'stare' while silently judging him.
"I would have brought him earlier if not for my dear brothers. Right, Tsumu nii-san and Samu nii-san?" You glared at them as your mother fawns over Suna.
They look away, and your mother ushers him into the dining room, where she has prepared a spread for all of you since it was rare of you guys to come back home. Suna bought your parents some expensive tea leaves since you mentioned your mother is recently obsessed with tea.
Suna had a lot of fun teasing the twins since they never expect him to make a move on you and succeed.
Your dad was the most serious since you are his baby daughter and treasures you a lot. It would definitely hurt him if your heart got broken, and he would hunt whoever hurts you.
"Suna, are you going to marry my daughter?" You choked on your rice and starts coughing, and Osamu pats your back, and Atsumu gives you water. You and Suna have only been dating for a year now, and marriage is a long way to go.
But that question didn't faze him at all. He calmly took your hands in his and stare straight into your father's eyes.
"Of course, I love her. I'm not saying this to assure you, but I promise that I will marry her when the time is right." He sincerely said, and you heard sniffles then sees Atsumu crying.
You were touched and shocked by his reply but even more surprised at Atsumu's crying.
"Suna! You are the best! You have my approval!" He threw his arms around Suna, and Osamu did the same.
You laughed and squeeze his hand while your brothers bother him.
Though they may be annoying, they are still the best brothers that you will ever have.
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Oh yeah, lovely Miya older brothers and boyfriend Suna. Love all of them.
Thank you for reading!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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shibaraki · 3 years
YAKU IS MY SHORT KING AND I LOVE HIM i am a certified yaku simp and fucker. that guy could bench press me. he could throw me over his shoulder no problem. he is That Strong.
and he’s got the Coke Can Dick. no i do not take criticism yaku morisuke (27) olympic libero has a fat cock it’s canon <3
Bby you have impeccable taste, as expected!! You’re so right, Yaku LOVES to manhandle you, has your legs around his waist any chance he gets. Loves taking you out in your cute little outfits, long legs on show, other men staring at you and gaping when they see he’s at your side. He’s handsy, too, not inappropriate with it but hes always got a handful of your ass — keeps it snug in your back pocket. Completely unperturbed by snide comments coming from taller guys about his height or how he landed you, because in the end he’s the one that will have your thighs cushioning his head once the night is done. And LORDD when he fucks you he has you whining because ‘yaku you’re too big’, your knees thrown over his shoulders as he looms over you, caging you in. Regardless of your height difference Yaku actually makes you feel small, dainty and precious in a way you thought you would never experience
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