#my sister fell off my bed 🤭
lutherisbbg1234 · 1 year
This song is such a banger anyways wtf is this 😭
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I forgot the user who made this sadly 😠.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
I heard through the grapevine that your request were open only till tomorrow night so
Werewolf!carlos 🤭🤭 fluff
Y/n constantly teasing Carlos because he always looks like a confused puppy 🐶 and he’s like Amor im a dangerous apex predator not a puppy.
babe ily (also i was gonna write this, read THIS by @lewmagoo, fell in love with it and... this happened) (if you guys are as obsessed with Rhett Abbott as me plspls read it) (even if not still read it lol its so fucking good)
warnings: light smut
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Carlos was insanely protective over his family, over his pack.
His father was the head of the family, the leader of the pack. His life centred around protecting them. He'd raised his son with the same mind set, to protect his sisters, protect his mother.
He was vicious, but only when he needed to be. To anybody outside of the pack, Carlos wasn't calm, but he was in control, ready to lash out at a moments notice. Most avoided him at all costs.
But she didn't know. She didn't even know what he was when they first met. Her not being afraid of him was what drew him in. She was bold and Carlos wanted to know more.
He couldn't stay away from her. From the first time he took her to his bed, pushed his cock through her folds while she whined out his name, he knew he didn't want to. He wanted to keep her caged in his arms, his body moving against hers, for as long as he could.
It wasn't clear when they fell into a relationship. Carlos just didn't want her being with anybody else. They'd never said they were anything other than having sex, but every time a guy approached her, her was stride up to them, a growl leaving his throat (the guy always backed off after that).
Carlos was still insanely protective over his family, over his pack. She had become a part of that pack, even if she didn't realise it. (She had learnt what he was, had watched him transform right before her very eyes.)
Lando was his best friend. He'd been accepted by his family, accepted into his pack. Carlos couldn't help but treat him like a pup sometimes. In the occasions where Lando was acting childish (and not even in a bad way), Carlos could grab the back of his neck, calming him down instantly.
But there were some things that Lando said, usually attempting to speak Spanish, that had Carlos continued. Soy lago, Lando had said. Carlos's brows furrowed as he stared at his muppet friend. Lando repeated it again. When that sweet, confused look deepened on Carlos's face, she couldn't stop herself from laughing.
His girlfriend, the woman he was mated to, couldn't stop herself from laughing as she watched their interaction. A playful growl left Carlos's lips as he looked at her. But then he turned his attention back to Lando. "I am a lake?" He translated, incredibly confused.
She snorted, holding her stomach.
Suddenly Carlos was standing. He strode over to where she sat on the couch. He nipped at her neck, let out a noise from his throat (a cross between a growl and a whine, one that had her giggling).
"I'm sorry, my love," she said and kissed his nose. "You just... you look so cute when you're confused."
He glared, but she knew it wasn't serious. "I'm not cute," he insisted.
If she ran her hands through his hair, she knew she'd get him to purr like a cat. But she held back. Not in front of Lando (or he'd never live it down). "Carlos, you're fucking cute," she said. "You're like a sweet little puppy."
He stood up straight, her arms slipping from around his neck as he pulled away from her. "A sweet little puppy?! Cariño, I'm a dangerous predator, a killer, not a puppy!"
Her eyes went wide as she stared at him. "Could you say you've got... the skin of a killer?"
His face dropped as he stared at her. But his eyes flashes as he stared at her. "You're gonna get it now."
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ma1dita · 5 months
do we have any sick!trouble and luke taking care of everything for her??(including her hehe🤭) if not then i’d like to think she would probably try to push herself through the day making sure camp doesn’t get set on fire bc older sister core! + dionysus probably dgaf 🤷🏻‍♀️ and maybe only luke noticing that she’s breaking out in a cold sweat and her movements a little more sluggish than usual but shes stubborn af so she refuses to rest
also ur works are crushing me jo they’re soo good😭💗
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: no trouble tags fuck it we ball! no edits either lmfao fluff :) can be a standalone just know reader is camp mom and Luke calls her trouble/slight cabin 12 mentions but not important (partners in crime series if you wanna check it out)
wc: 860
Luke doesn’t think he’s ever seen you be quiet.
Your voice is synonymous with the harmony of Camp Half-Blood in all of its forms: early morning announcements over the loudspeaker that serve as a wake-up call for campers to be ready for cabin inspections, hollow outcries to keep certain deviants in line (the Stolls and your brothers are a deadly force to be reckoned with), comforting words like kisses for scraped knees for the little ones, down to the gentle blanket of your singing at lights out. Luke also just knows by now that you love to have the last word—gods forbid someone else beat you at something you’re good at. Words always come easy when it comes to you (abilities of sons of Hermes aside) he finds out—but he can’t think of what can convince you to go back to bed today, especially with a temperature of 100.7 F.
He’s been circling you like a hawk this whole morning, not chastising (because clogged sinuses and all you’d probably fight him to your last breath), but rather helping out where he can. He swiftly double-checks counselor assignments once your puffy eyes leave the page, steers you away from walking straight into the fires of the forge instead of the exit at the armory, and waves off any bystanders who dare to get caught in the crosshairs of your bullheadedness.
In times like these, Luke’s almost grateful to be his father’s son (still a hard no, but you get the point). Doing these tasks undetected and mostly through a sleight of hand is better than worrying you even if he’s already at his wit's end; you’re quick in your own right too, body and brain separated today yet working on autopilot through a foggy sick-riddled mind. He hates leaving you like this even for a moment despite your protests of being able to handle yourself, but the two of you are spread thin today with all the work to do.
Luke finds you later after his workshop with your head against the cool stone of the climbing wall. You sniff into your sleeve, a wet sound stifled by the worn-down orange uniform you all wear, though yours looks as exhausted as you are, eyes closed and motionless even with lava slowly trickling from the top.
“Trouble? Are you okay babe? Grover fell off the wall already, you should… restart the mechanism,” he mutters, a big hand clasping at the nape of your neck like someone grabbing a kitten by its scruff.
“He’ll be fine, he’s a big boy,” you mumble with your face still attached to the rocks. “I’ve seen him climb over the Ares table for the last donut at lunchtime, molten lava and boulders should be a piece of cake.”
“At least cake is less painful and more delicious,” the satyr groans, hairs singed down to his hooves. Luke sighs, helping Grover back onto his feet for a well-deserved break.
“Babe…If you don’t move, sooner or later the lava’s gonna smother you.”
He shakes your arm since the controls are wedged between your body and the wall but it’s as if your body is bolted to the floor. A dissonant noise crawls out of your throat, “Dunno, kinda sounds nice. Maybe it’ll clear my sinuses.”
“Maybe it’s time to admit you’re sick.”
Even if he can’t see your face he knows there’s a scowl carved across it, “M’not sick. Just some allergies. I don’t get sick, Lu. Being sick is for the weak!” Lava continues to slide down the wall like molasses, inching you closer to a fate of fire— and your boyfriend watches you try to welcome it with weary arms.
“If you’re not sick, then I’m the best singer at Camp Half-Blood,” Luke drones as he crosses his arms. He can hear Percy laugh from the sidelines at that, silenced quickly by a glare.
“Now that would really clear her sinuses—even better if he dresses up for Theatrics again,” the son of Poseidon sniggers until a stray boulder comes barrelling towards where he and Grover are sitting. Everything’s suddenly less funny.
“It was one time, Jackson, and I wasn’t…” Luke sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Trouble was just mending a costume.”
“It’s okay Luke, not everyone can pull off a corset.”
“Grover, another word out of you man and I’ll make sure your legs are permanently hairless,” Luke grits, finally tired of the chit-chat and more focused on getting you to rest. In one quick movement, he sweeps you off your feet and over his shoulder while his other hand slams on the button to reset the gears of the climbing wall. A delayed reaction falters from your throat, something of a yelp and an exhale.
“Luke! Put me down!”
But he’s already off in the direction of Cabin 12 to get you settled under the covers for at least the rest of the day until you’re up and kicking again. Your protests are scratchy but loud as he takes you away from the two kids and it's as if everything is right in the world again.
“Remind me not to get a girlfriend that stubborn one day,” Percy mumbles, bumping shoulders with his best friend.
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amournoir · 1 year
pairing: sarah cameron x f!reader
count: 3.3k
warning: smut [boob play, licking, sucking, oral receiving & giving, face riding, fisting, language?]
author’s note: your girl is in a mood so you get to be in it too. 🤭 this is my very first fxf so please bear with me & let me know what you think about it, i hope you enjoy it! 😌 quick reminder that this is 21+
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You had come home early that day due to swim class being canceled which was a bummer since you loved it so much, your mother often joked you were half mermaid. Your parents had said they needed to talk to you later but since no one was home, you went over to your best friend’s house to pass time. Grabbing your bike, you hopped on it and pedaled to her house, parked it right in their front yard and dashed up the porch. 
You didn’t bother knocking, you just twisted the knob and invited yourself in. Her brother, Rafe, was sitting in the living room watching some show but at the sight of you, he yelled your name to his sister…per usual. You smiled and walked over to him, ruffling his hair a bit then skipped away to the stairs. You heard his chuckle before he was out of sight. 
You found Sarah sitting in front of her makeup table in her bikini. She was taking off her earrings and necklace slowly. You surprised her by running in and instantly jumping onto her bed. She shrieked as if you hadn’t been doing this every single time you came over so you laughed as always. 
“Fucks sake Y/N! Can’t you knock?” She asked, her hand clutching her chest. 
You beamed widely, “Yeah but it’s more fun hearing you scream.” 
“One of these days I’ll actually have a heart attack.” 
“Ooh can you? I need to put my CPR training to good use.” You asked with a grin. 
She scoffed, shaking her head. “I hate you.” 
“You’re not capable of it.” 
“Ugh just come help me.” 
“With what?” You lifted yourself up and propped yourself on your elbows. 
“My necklace is tangled with my bikini straps.” 
“Hmm I thought you said you hated me.” You wondered out loud. 
“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
She sighed and tugged on a tight strap but nothing happened. She tried again harder and this time, her necklace broke free but so did her entire top. You had been watching her the entire time but her back was to you, she wasn’t aware yet. You saw the reflection of her body on the mirror in front of her, you saw her huge boobs and nipples. You wanted to tear your eyes away but you couldn’t possibly. It took her longer than a minute to realize it and that’s when she quickly covered her chest. 
You pushed yourself off the bed and walked over towards her, standing right behind. Neither of you said a word so you just offered a smile instead. She couldn’t meet your eyes, you could see how nervous and embarrassed she was but there was no need to be. Both of you were girls, both of you had breasts so nothing was weird as far as you were concerned. 
“It’s okay, you know.” 
She kept her eyes down, “What is?” 
“You don’t need to hide it, it was an accident. No big deal.” 
She sighed and looked up at you through the mirror then smiled, “You promise?” 
You stuck your pinky out to her, “Pinky promise.” 
One of her hands reached out and linked your pinkies together. You suddenly had the urge to see it again, this time up close. So with your eyes fixated on hers, you placed both of your hands on her shoulders then lowered them to her chest. You stopped to see her reaction but she didn’t do a thing, only watched you. You continued on until you reached her bikini top which you carefully pushed down until it fell on her lap and now she was bare chested again. 
Your hands came back up and slowly kneaded her breasts, both at the same time then alternated. Your fingers traced her nipples which made her let out a very faint moan so you flicked her nipple and again, she made the same sound. You liked it. You liked hearing her moan and you liked how huge her boobs were. You kept toying with them, rolling them around, pinching and squeezing as she kept moaning. You stopped and her eyes shot open and stared at you. She turned around in her seat then stood up and fully faced you. 
Biting her bottom lip, she reached out to you and you let her. You didn’t know where this was going but you knew you didn’t want to stop it. Sarah didn’t reach out to kiss you, much to your surprising dismay, she reached for your top. You stood there as she lifted it up to reveal your black lace bra cupping your slightly larger boobs. She didn’t even bother unclasping it, she just pulled your breasts out one by one then bounced them in her hands as if checking their weight. 
Her eyes were fully fixed on your chest as her hands switched from soft massages to roughly squeezing you. A moan escaped you and that made her eyes flicker up to yours. Whilst holding that eye contact, she lowered herself and pressed a soft kiss between your boobs then on top of each one. You threw your head back so she kissed them again and again until she was licking them. You slowly pulled her up and held her hands as you led her to the bed where you laid down on your back and pulled her on top. 
With a smile, she tucked your hair behind your ear then leaned down and kissed your cheek. Your neck was next then her lips trailed back down to your boobs. She started with a few kitten-like licks then moved to sucking. You closed your eyes and relished the experience as your hands found their way to her hair where you tugged her head up. She lifted her head and looked at you then down at your lips, before you knew it, her lips were on yours. Your tongues explored each other, she was fully sucking you. You placed a hand on the back of her head to pull her closer and she placed hers on your neck which turned you the fuck on. 
Your make out session was hot and heavy in every which way, from grinding to sucking, you both couldn’t stop. Once it did end, the dry humping began. Sarah was on top slowly grinding her hips against yours to find some sort of release. You had placed your hands on her ass, pushing the bikini bottom between her cheeks. Your hands squeezed and dug into her ass, making her grind harder. Momentarily you stopped her and lifted your hips, removing your shorts and underwear in one go. 
Sarah stared at your bare cunt in awe, fully mesmerized. You smiled and ran your fingers between your folds, separating them as you gathered the wetness. You lifted your soaked fingers in front of her face and she opened her mouth instantly, her lips wrapping around you. She sucked and licked your fingers clean, even between the crevices. Such a hot dirty girl, you thought to yourself. You suddenly had a brilliant idea. 
“Can I taste you too?” 
“Only if I get to go down on you too.” She said with a smile. 
“Turn around and sit on my face.” 
Her eyes grew wide, “Wait I can ride you?” 
“Yeah, is it okay?” 
“I’ve always wanted to see you naked so this is a dream Y/N!” She exclaimed and immediately got herself into position. 
Sarah spread your legs apart for her personal viewing then kissed your inner thighs. Her ass was above your head, careful not to fall on you. Her fingers wandered around your outer area then inched their way closer until she reached your cunt. Without warning, she inserted two fingers inside your pussy very slowly then leaned down forward. 
She looked back to you and said, “You're so wet and pink.” 
You moaned in response instead and this made her wonder out loud, “How many fingers do you think I can fit?” 
“I don’t know, four?” You guessed. 
“Four?! Such a slut but I like it, let’s try.” So she did. 
Her lips kissed your cunt then she lowered her head even closer and licked your pussy. Your body naturally jolted and you moaned. Once she knew what made you react, she would repeat the action again and again. Her licks turned to full on sucking and her fingers pushed in and out, each time adding a new one. Four fingers in and you still wanted more. Out of nowhere, she spit on your pussy and pushed the saliva inside. 
Gone were your soft moans, now you were audibly groaning and rocking your hips to increase your release. Thank goodness everyone was out of the house. Her little sister was at some camp, her stepmom was on the mainland shopping all day, her dad was at his workplace, and you had heard her brother leaving minutes after you got there with his club friends. So you could moan as loud as you’d like, no one was around and the thought of that turned you on even more. 
You weren’t the only one turned on. Your moans and groans had gotten to Sarah so much that she was quite literally dripping. You felt it once but didn’t realize it until now, you thought it was sweat from you. Turns out, she had been getting off at the sight of you. To prove your theory, you reached one hand up to slide her bikini bottom aside and revealed her soaking cunt. Sarah gasped and slightly jumped at the contact of cold air. Your other hand came up to gather her wetness on your fingers and sucked it. Salty and smooth, you mentally concurred. 
“You get off by watching me Sarah?” You asked an obvious question but you just wanted her answer. 
“Who wouldn’t? My entire fist is in your squishy soft pussy and yet you’re still wet.” She replied. 
“You’re fisting me??” You hadn’t even noticed. 
“You’re so hot that way baby.” She cooed. 
“Fuck me deeper with your hand babe, I wanna cum.” I was so ready to beg. 
“Mmm you’re such a pretty girl Y/N.” She praises, “If only you could see how slutty you look with a fist in you. I’ll make you cum baby.” 
The thought was sending you to places further than you’d imagined. Sarah, your childhood best friend was naked on top of you with her ass in your face and her hand— fist, in your pussy. You now wanted to see it. A picture, video, anything to relive this after it was done. But it wasn’t, not yet because you hadn’t started. 
As your friend stuck her fist deeper into you and pushed in and out whilst sucking your clit, you lowered her ass closer to your face. Her cunt was now on your lips, you licked once then twice, each time Sarah moaned and pushed down. You could tell she wanted to ride your face and you wanted her to but not until you were fully satisfied. You used your fingers to spread her folds open then spit up inside and used your middle finger to push it in. You moved your head around to get a more comfortable position then spread your legs further apart as she kept going. 
Both of you were now eating each other out. You slapped her ass and motorboated her pussy, your tongue deep inside. This went on for a few minutes but you weren’t getting what you wanted so with a smirk, you slapped her cunt with your free hand. It hit you before you even realized it, she had squirted into your mouth which dripped down your chin. Her body convulsed as she placed her free hand onto the bed for support. She rocked her hips harshly against your mouth. 
“I want you to eat it all.” She said as she grinded harder on your face. 
“Yes Sarah, please give it to me.” 
She fully sat on your face then lifted herself up then sat down again. “Do you like that Y/N? Do you like me suffocating you?” 
“Hmmmph.” Your reply was muffled between her legs. 
“Can’t hear you. Speak louder or I’ll stop.” She lifted her hips up again. 
“Fuck my face baby, please use it.” You panted and waited for her. 
“Mm I plan on it. Now stick out your tongue, I want to fuck it.” 
You did as told almost immediately, you were very eager to please her. Sarah lowered herself on your tongue and got off then let it impose her again. She did this over and over, your tongue was being used as a dick for her. She bounced on it slowly then rolled her hips. Her hand was still inside you so every movement was turning you on again. You moaned wantonly against her pussy as she impaled herself continuously. Her head was thrown back, facing the ceiling, with eyes closed as she rode you. 
Her legs tightened against your head and you could tell she was close. She paused for a moment and threw her ass back into your face several times before coming on your tongue. Your lips widen to suck all of it in your mouth and down your throat. It was hot, salty, and smooth. She got off your face and rested on your abdomen, her wetness residue left on your boobs. 
She let out a sigh and looked back at you, “You’re such a good girl baby. Did you like mommy’s cum?” 
You nodded your head with a smile. “Mommy’s cum was a lot. I even made you squirt.” 
“It’s your turn now. I want you on all fours.” 
She removed her fist from inside you and you groaned at the feeling. Your pussy walls tightly held onto her fingers and this made her chuckle so instead she spit down on your cunt to loosen you up. With less effort, her hand was out and she rolled off of you. You could barely get up but the thought of being eaten from behind was enough motivation. You rolled to the side then lifted yourself up slowly, pulled your legs forward and used your hands to stabilize yourself. There you were, your boobs still in their bra but your underwear long forgotten on the floor somewhere. 
You looked back at Sarah and slightly wiggled your hips as you parted your legs. She grinned and came closer to you, her hands reached up to your bra and unclasped it, tossing it to join the mess on the floor. Your boobs immediately bounced around and this caught her eye. She reached down and pinched them, pulling them as if to milk them. You tossed your head back and moaned, your pussy clenching on thin air. 
“Fuck if I knew they were this big, I’d have done all this sooner.” She said, still squeezing and pulling on them. 
“You’ve thought of me?” 
“Hell yes. The amount of times I’ve wanted your boobs to accidentally fall out of your bikini or walk in on you after showering is ridiculous.” 
“Well now you can have me anytime.” 
“Anytime? Even in front of the guys?” 
“Sarah! We can’t do this in front of them.” 
“Why not? I want them to hear your pretty moans and see what a good girl you are when you’re fisted.” 
“Only if they can see you squirting down my throat. That was so hot by the way.” 
“Can I be honest Y/N?” Sarah asks, lowering her voice a little.
“Yeah of course.” 
“I’ve actually never done any of this before, I just saw it in some videos and I immediately thought of you. I was afraid you’d think I’m weird or something.” 
“Sarah Cameron, your kinky side is the hottest thing ever. I’ve never done this before either but I’m glad we’re each other’s firsts.” 
“Can I try another first?” She bites her lip as she looks at you. 
“Yeah, what is it?” 
“I want to eat you out on all fours.” 
You playfully shake your ass in front of her and say, “Bon appetit.” 
She grins and gets on all fours as well then moves closer to you. Once she has your ass in her view, she leans forward and slaps it softly then again harder. She lowers her head and licks from your pussy entrance to your asshole, this causes you to moan. She repeats it again and you push your ass back into her face, with both hands she grabs it firmly and sucks hard. She’s shaking her face around your pussy, her tongue deeply exploring your insides. You moan even louder, you instinctively arch your back so that you’re face down and ass up. 
The sounds coming from behind you make it sound like she’s actually eating. It’s wet and loud and it fully turns you on. You reach your hand back and feel her head then push her further into you. Sarah moans against your cunt and picks up the pace, her sucking becomes much harsher, you can feel her teeth lightly scraping you. You jumped forward, it’s all becoming too much but she follows you. She lifts her head up to take a breath then dives back in again, the cold air momentarily hits you and your pussy clenches. She spits into your asshole then lets it drip to your pussy, she does it again but the time spreads your cheeks wide so the saliva enters inside instead. 
You groan loudly, shaking your ass to get her attention back to your pussy. She notices this and sticks her tongue out then uses it to prod into your pink squishy hole, she tongue fucks you as you did her. One of her hands spreads your pussy wide open for her and the other comes down to pinch your nipples. You begin to come, she can feel the few drops on her tongue but she knows you’re not there yet. So she lifts her body up and uses her boobs to rub against your clit. With her tongue back inside your pussy, fingers pulling on your boobs, and her nipple grinding on your clit, you’re left coming in her face. You shake with so much force but she doesn’t let go on your ass, if anything she sinks her face further inside, sucking every last drop and swallowing. 
“Your pussy is so tasty baby. And you said I can have it whenever?” 
Your eyes are closed as you keep panting, unable to talk, you just nod. 
She tuts and slaps your cunt, “I need to hear you.” 
You jolt forward and quickly reply, “Yes, have me whenever.” 
“Sit up, I want you to suck mommy’s boobs again.” 
You do as told even if it does take you a minute then you look at her. “So we’re doing the whole mommy thing?” 
“Yeah, I like it.” She sits on the bed with her legs open wide and pats for you to sit in front. 
“Not surprised you have a mommy kink.” You reply with a smirk then sit, your cunts are so close to each other, you can actually feel the heat. 
“You feel that too?” 
“Yeah, can we?” 
Sarah smiles and says, “Another day, I’ll ride your pussy until we cum on each other.” 
“Fuck that sound so good.” Your hands reach for her boobs and you softly massage them. 
“Yeah? You want mommy to fuck your slutty pussy? You want our pussy lips together baby?” 
You nod before you answer, “Yes mommy, I want them to make noise and slide.” 
“Okay but now, be a good girl and suck my boobs. It’s feeding time.” Sarah places her nipple on your lip. You open your mouth and suck it in slowly, closing your eyes and your other hand gently slaps around her other boob. You were happy and you couldn’t wait for more. You’d be each other’s firsts for everything.
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🏷️ taglist:
⤷ @mrs-maximoff-kenner @thatfanficstuff @elijahmikaelsontrash @mxacegrey @thatfictionalwh0re @catmikaelson20 @loverswillowed @sweetwrathoflilith @panic-at-the-fiction @iiskittles16ii @original-siphon @hellotvshowtrash @onlyfreds @onlyfredslibrary @imgoingtofreakoutnow @slinthoex @i-love-nora @multiversediaries @decoffinated-vamps @hopester08 @aloneatpeace @hopes-wife @softcoremaybank @klaustopia @dreamingwithrafe @sweetestdesire @cottontears @cottonreads @buckyysdoll @spnandtvdudeservedbetter @impossibleheartflower @madetragic @spike-and-angels-gf
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w2soneshots · 5 months
Brother’s best mate -W2S
words: 0.8k+
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol consumption.
summary: you and harry meet through your brother ethan. After a night spent with the side girls you crawl into bed with your favourite guernsey boy.
notes: I haven’t written anything like this in ages!🤭 hope you enjoy🔥🫶🏼
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 301,583 others
y/username: spending time with my favourite people💞 (even if it's on a golf course😒😂)
Tagged: @faithloisak @behzingagram @wroetoshaw
faithloisak: aw I love you
-> y/username: ❤️🫶
y/nfanpage21: she's so 🌼🧺☕️🧘‍♀️🥐 coded
user19470245: omg they went to golf together😭
user83271430: the pic of ethan and faith is adorable
Last year I moved to London to be closer to Ethan when Faith fell pregnant, to help her and to spend more time with the both of them. I also bought an apartment so I'm just a 20 minute drive from them. I finally met the sidemen at the gender reveal. I'd never actually been introduced to them before, which was weird because they are basically the reason Ethan has a career and they helped him so much a few years ago when he was in a really dark place. Me and Harry didn't immediately hit it off, don't get me wrong I thought he was attractive but he's also very awkward and was wary that I'm his best mates sister.
After almost five months of being friends with the group, going to little parties or just hanging out with them me and Harry kissed. I knew it was bound to happen since we had both quickly developed a large crush on each other but after it had happened we'd decided not to tell anyone (especially Ethan) before we knew we were actually good together. It took just one month before we were officially dating and decided it was the time to tell everyone. Of course we told Ethan first, he was shocked but (to our surprise) happy that his best mate and sister were dating. Everyone else was so excited.
We've now been together for 6 months and only told the fans recently. Today I'm going to dinner with: Talia, Faith and Freya for Talia's birthday. Harry had a more sidemen shoot today so wouldn't get home until six. I had a shower, dried and styled my hair, applied some makeup then chose an outfit. I was on my way out just as Harry arrived back. "Wow," He glanced down at my outfit before returning his attention to my face "you look beautiful." I smiled "thank you Haz, I'll be home by ten." "You better be, I can't wait to rip those clothes off."
I arrived outside of the restaurant, thanked the uber driver then spotted Talia getting out of another car. I quickly walked towards her "happy birthday!" We excitedly hugged each other. "Thank you! Freya's already inside." She beamed. "Ok. I think Faith's running a little bit late, let's just go inside." I replied. We headed into the fancy restaurant and were taken to our table where Freya already sat. When she spotted us she immediately leapt from her seat. She said happy birthday to Talia then we all sat down. Faith arrived a few minutes later and we ordered our drinks.
After eating our starters, mains and desserts me Freya and Faith split the bill (not before trying to convince Talia to let us treat her for her birthday). Thankfully I had only had two drinks so I was just a little tipsy. We left then ordered a taxi. Freya was dropped off first then Talia and I was third. I said goodbye to Faith then hopped out.
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Liked by miniminter and 480,231 others
y/username: my girl @taliamar 's birthday dinner with @freyanightingale and @faithloisak 🤍💫
taliamar: I had the best night ily😘
-> y/username: ily
freyanightingale: 💓💓
y/nfanpage21: omg you look stunning!!
user91037494: I love that the side girls are actually friends irl it's so cute
When I got up to mine and Harry's apartment I unlocked the door, opened it, kicked my shoes off and dropped my bag. "Haz?!" I shouted through the apartment. I walked through into the bedroom, Harry sat waiting patiently for me "Hey." My mouth curved into a smile "hi." I jumped onto the bed next to him. "Have fun?" He asked. "Mhm" I hummed.
I turned to him and pecked his lips. The kiss deepened, he grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me onto his lap. I reached my hands down to the belt wrapped around my waist, I pulled it off and threw it to the floor. I moved Harry's hands from the back of my thighs to my ass. He groaned into the kiss then rushed to pull the zipper down on my dress, then he pulled it off and over my head, leaving me in just my matching black lace bra and underwear set. Harry broke the kiss to look down at me "you're so fucking beautiful." He rasped. I pulled his shirt over his head, followed by his pyjama pants. While Harry unclipped my bra, allowing the straps to fall from my shoulders.
Within just a few minutes we were both completely naked. Harry flipped me onto my back. I whimpered as I rubbed my thighs together, desperate for any sort of friction. "Harry, please." I cried out. "What do you want baby? Use your words." "I need you to fuck me."
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marvelfanfics1 · 14 days
Hiii!! I'm sliding in your inbox sweetheart🤭 first of all I hope you're doing good🫶🏻 I was wondering how do you think brother!rafe would react if his little sister asks him to teach her how to swim? (Cause I'm might be writting a drabble about it🙈💕)
I'm doing great!! Thank you for asking sweetie I hope you're good as well! Love youuuu 🥹🫶🏻 I just had to write a drabble myself because this thought is so cute but I can't wait to read your version if you write it!! 🤭💕
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"Rafey! Rafey!" You shout, your bare feet slapping loudly on the floor as you run towards your brother's room, pushing his door open.
Rafe was laying on his bed, phone held above his face and lifts his head just as you reach the side of his bed. "What did I tell you 'bout knocking?"
With a huff you go back to the open door, knocking a few times. "Can I come in now?"
He shakes his head with a smile, dropping his head back onto the sheets. "Sure, kid. Come on in."
Not needing to be told twice you rush over to him, climbing onto his bed and throwing yourself on top of him. He grunts, putting his phone to the side, furrowing his brows at what you're wearing.
"Why y'wearing your swimsuit?" He asks, his hand hovering behind your back as you sat up just in case you fall backwards.
"Wanna learn to swim!" You grin.
"Okay? And what do you want from me then?"
"I want you to teach me." You smile brightly at him.
"Wha- nah, I ain't got the patience-" He starts but you whine instantly.
"Pleeeeease!" You beg him, mustering up your best puppy eyes.
Rafe sighs, he supposes he could try and teach you for a bit since he doesn't have anything better to do because his friends are busy right now. "Fine. I'll be outside in a minute."
"Yay!" You cheer excitedly, clambering off his bed again and rush out of his room.
He simply chuckles, getting up as well to put on a pair of swim trunks.
Outside you are patiently waiting for your brother, sitting by the edge of the pool and swinging your legs in the water. Soon enough Rafe comes out, wearing his blue trunks and sunglasses.
"A'ight, let's get this over with." He says, getting into the water to stand close to where you are sitting and reaches for the pool noodle. "We'll start with this. Just do what I say and you'll be a pro in no time, got it?"
You nod, putting on your goggles before slowly sinking into the water, quickly grabbing the noodle to not drown.
After Rafe teaches you the techniques on how to move your arms and legs for a while, letting you try it on your own with the security of the pool noodle a few times but now it was time to try it without any help.
"C'mon, just swim here." He encourages you, motioning you to swim towards him with his hands.
You hold onto the edge, suddenly unsure and a little afraid of letting go. "Rafey, m'scared!"
He rubs a hand over his face. "I get it, okay. But I promise I won't let anything happen to you."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise. I'll tell you what, if you swim over to me now we'll go get ice cream afterwards, deal?" He suggests and you think for a moment.
With a nod you take a deep breath and start swimming towards him, moving your limbs just like he taught you.
"Just like that. Keep going, you're almost there." He smiles, cheering you up a little.
Eventually you reach him and Rafe grabs you under your armpits when you're within his reach, spinning you around in the water one time. "You did it! See, wasn't so bad huh?"
You giggle. "Thank you Rafey..."
"Not for that kid. I'm proud of you." He says softly, now secretly glad you asked him to teach you. Wouldn't be the first time something like this happened.
The first time you walked? Was towards him when he came home from the country club. Riding a bike? Rafe was the one who patched up your knee when you fell. And now he teached you how to swim.
"Now we get ice cream?" You ask, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, let's go. You deserve it."
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For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse
@mythixmagic @iris-xoxo-juhu
For Rafe:
@chiaraanatra @chimindity
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writingforstraykids · 10 months
All the times you fell in love with Chan
Pairing: Chan x femReader (mention of Minho | short mention of ot8)
Word Count: 3505
Summary: Falling for Chan has happened in small stages, and some moments stuck out: making time for you after his live streams, taking care of you as you're on your period, teaching you how to slow dance and many more...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, friends to lovers, cuddles, mentions of insomnia
A/N: Just a collection of short drabbles/scenarios with Chan🤭~ Moon🌙
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You’ve known Chan your whole life and growing up you tried not to think of him as more than your big brother and best friend. Nevertheless, you found yourself falling for him steadily and thinking back there are a few moments only increasing your feelings for him…
Chan smiles softly, watching you fool around with Seungmin and Minho, smacking a pillow onto the first's head. Minho starts laughing at Seungmin's baffled look and lets you hide behind him as the younger one seeks revenge. 
"I'm sorry," you giggle and jump up, running away. Seungmin races after you, and you quickly hide behind Chan. 
Chan giggles and reaches back, hands grabbing your sides. "Need an escape?" he asks. 
"Yes, please," you laugh, and he grabs your hand, pulling you after him. The pair of you race up the stairs, and Chan quickly pulls you into his room, slamming the door closed. You find yourself pressed against the door as he locks the door, still laughing softly. You giggle breathlessly and look at him, amused. “Good morning, by the way.”
“Morning, dear,” he chuckles before taking a step back. 
You make your way over to his bed and throw yourself onto it, pulling out your phone. “Give him five minutes, then he’ll be busy chasing someone else.” Chan snorts before joining you on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He yawns and rubs his face tiredly. You glance at him and frown softly. “How did you sleep?”
“Do I really look that bad?” he asks, contorting his face.
Putting your phone away, you teasingly poke his cheek. “Only a little.”
“Fuck off,” he mutters beneath his breath and squirms away as you tickle his side. “Stop that!”
You smirk and calmly rest your head on his chest. “You had trouble sleeping again?”
“It’s my own fault, honestly. I needed to finish that new song, and once I was done, I wasn’t feeling tired anymore,” he sighs.
“You’re an idiot,” you tell him kindly and yelp, surprised as Chan pulls you on top of him. 
Chan smirks up at you and hugs you close. “I know I am.”
You smile at him and fondly roll your eyes. “We could just stay here for a while. Take a nap.”
“Yeah?” he asks, eyes growing incredibly soft. 
“Yeah,” you nod and quickly make yourself comfortable on his chest as you start blushing. Chan has been your best friend for years, but now that you are both older, some things have changed. His hugs are still comforting as ever, but there’s a different type of intimacy to it.
Knowing how much Chan struggled throughout the training phase, especially before finally debuting, you loved nothing more than seeing him truly happy. When you first visited after their debut and met all his members, you could tell how proud he was of them. What stood out to you was how much the younger ones seemed to adore him and vice versa. They all welcomed you warmly, making sure you felt at home for the week you stayed with them. Chan started to miss you quite quickly again every time, so you found yourself back in Seoul more often than you could count. Changbin once jokingly mentioned you were their secret ninth member already, and Minho called you his little sister. With every visit, the time you stayed got longer, and your bond with each of them deepened. So when your university suggested studying abroad for a year, you knew where to go. 
You make your way through the airport, pulling your suitcase after you, and try to figure out where to find the closest cab. Your phone buzzes in your pants pocket, and you curse softly to yourself as you fumble for it, still staring up at the many screens and signs. You take the call without even looking at who called you and finally spot the directions for the cabs. “Y/N L/N speaking?”
The moment you hear his giggle, you know who it is. “You picked up without looking again?”
“Sorry, I’m currently at the airport and trying to find my way out of here,” you laugh.
“May I help you with that?” he asks, and you suddenly hear his voice double. 
You turn around stunned and stare right into his soft brown eyes. “Chan,” you breathe out, the phone still pressed to your ear. 
“Welcome back, dear,” he says before ending the call. He pulls you into a tight hug and sways with you from feet to feet. “Gosh, I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, Channie,” you smile and hug him back tightly. “Won’t be leaving that soon this time. You’re sure you can cope with me for a whole year?”
“I could cope with you forever,” Chan says quietly, and you pull back, searching his eyes.
“I’ll ask you about that again when we say goodbye in a year,” you tell him, only halfheartedly teasing. 
Chan smiles at you fondly, his dimples appearing, making him look very soft. When the hell did he become so pretty? “My answer will be the same.”
You sigh softly and close your laptop, finally done with all of your online classes for the day. Starting your period this morning, you aren’t in the best mood, and you’re glad the boys are all busy working somewhere else. It gets really hard pretending to function and having fun whilst you're internally dying because of the pain. You bury your head in your arms on your laptop as another cramp hits you and bite back a groan. 
“You’re okay?” 
You look up, slowly sitting up straight again, and meet Chan’s worried eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you nod quickly.
Chan spots your favorite mug and the package of teabags next to you. He strolls over, takes it, and realizes it’s the tea you drink to ease your cramps. “That time of the month again already?” he asks, and you blink at him. 
“Uh, yeah,” you say quietly, blushing a little.
“Bad day?” he asks, and you simply nod. “You’re done with school for the day?”
“Yeah, luckily,” you tell him.
“Alright, go pack up your things and meet me in my room after, alright?” 
“Okay?” you nod, confused.
“Also, you can grab a pair of my sweatpants and put them on,” he tells you. “They’re probably more comfortable than your fitting ones right now.”
You stare at him, stunned for a moment. “But…uhm, what if, you know,” you ramble, not quite knowing how to say it. “They’re really strong right now, what if the blood-.”
“It’s okay,” he assures you. “I wouldn’t mind, honestly.”
“Oh, okay,” you nod slowly, taking your laptop as he hands it to you. He sends you off with a patient smile, and you turn back around, halfway up the stairs.”Chan?”
“Yes, you can take a sweater as well,” he tells you, not even looking in your direction as he makes some more tea for you. He grins to himself as you laugh at him knowing exactly what you wanted. 
Chan was right, his sweatpants that sit more loosely around your hips feel a lot better. Also, the comfortable sweater makes you feel warm and safe instantly. You make your way back to his room after changing and stop in the doorframe. “What is all that?” you ask, surprised. 
A few of your favorite snacks and fresh tea are on the small table next to his bed. He’s currently checking the temperature of a heating pad, the package of your painkillers of choice sticking out of the pocket of his pants. “After last time, I wanted to be prepared,” he tells you, holding out the heating pad. “Is that alright?” 
“Yeah, that’s perfect,” you nod, holding onto it. After coming here not even two months ago, you haven’t been prepared enough for your first period. No painkillers, tea, snacks, or anything to help you feel more comfortable. Of course, Chan had gone out to grab some stuff for you, but it was a shitty start for all of you.
“Uh, do you have everything you need?” he asks, covering his mattress with a warm, fuzzy blanket.
“Yeah,” you nod, still staring at him. 
“I can still go and buy what you need, really, that’s no problem,” he assures you.
“It’s okay,” you tell him quietly, feeling tears brim your eyes. How fucking sweet was that?
Chan nods satisfied, and opens the window to let in some fresh air, knowing you felt hot quickly during your period. “You wanna watch a movie or something? I can still finish work later,” he tells you and turns around, frowning as you don’t answer. He spots the tears in your eyes, and his whole demeanor softens even more. “Oh, dear, that bad?” he asks softly, and you quickly shake your head. 
“No, I just…didn’t expect all that,” you admit, and hug the heating pad close. “You didn’t have to do all that, you know.”
“I wanted to,” he assures you before stepping over and pulling you into a warm hug. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible, even if you feel like shit, okay?”
You bury your face in his chest and nod gently. “Okay,” you whisper.
“Now stop acting like I did something massive and come cuddle,” he giggles, and you make sure to remind him that this is, in fact, massive.
You gently knock on Chan’s door before poking your head inside. “Channie?” you ask quietly, not sure if he’s currently doing a livestream. 
He glances over at you, smiling as he spots you. “Yes, dear?”
“Do you have a few minutes?” you ask as he checks the time on his phone.
“I’m about to go live..but, what’s wrong?” he asks, almost sounding a little worried.
“Someone pissed me off, that’s all. It’s not that important, don’t worry,” you wave him off.
“Why don’t you go and have some hot chocolate or something? Felix made brownies today, I’m sure he’ll give you some,” he smirks and checks the time once more. “We can talk later? I’ll call you once I’m done.”
“Yeah?” you beam at him, making him giggle.
“Of course,” he laughs before waving you outside. “Piss off, I have work to do.”
He joins you downstairs later, plopping down onto the sofa heavily. You glance at him as he sits there with his eyes closed for a moment, seeming like he has to ground himself for a minute. Gently nudging his side, you tilt your head at him. “You’re alright?”
“Tired, that’s all,” he nods, opening his eyes and giving you a weak smile. “Didn’t get much sleep last night, and it’s starting to show.”
“Oh,” you nod and squint your eyes at him suspiciously. “You should get some sleep then.”
“No, I promised you to talk after the live,” he shakes his head firmly. “You’re important to me, so I want to have time for you when you need me.”
You gently pat his thigh, not noticing how he stiffens at the sudden touch. “That’s really sweet, you know?” 
“So, what happened?” he asks curiously.
You start ranting about what happened today at work. He responds with little hums, encouraging you about doing the right thing as his head slowly grows heavier against your shoulder. As you continue your story, you feed him small bites of Felix’s brownies, and Chan sleepily lets you have your way of spoiling him. He tries to stay awake; he really does, but as soon as you start playing with his hair, massaging his scalp so softly, he can’t fight it anymore. You smile to yourself as you notice and pull him down with you onto the sofa. Chan cuddles into you in his sleep, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. “Night, Channie,” you whisper, and he hums drowsily in response. Chan being all soft and sleepy is a sight you’d never get tired of.
You groan frustratedly as you turn for the hundredth time tonight, still unable to sleep. You went to bed four hours ago once they all got back from their concert and called it a night. Back then, you weren’t really tired, but looking at your friends’ faces, you knew they were. There was no use in trying to keep them up. Nevertheless, you were unable to get any rest, tossing and turning since you went to bed. 
You’ve tried reading a book, but your eyes started to hurt after a while. Then you went scrolling through your phone, and once you saw one or two too many edits of your best friend and started to question your feelings for him, once again, you threw that idea overboard as well. Now you’re lying awake, trying to convince yourself that Chan means nothing more than a big brother and best friend to you. You try and fail miserably, knowing you fell for the handsome softie quite a while ago.
After another twenty minutes of self-pitying and messing up your sheets, you throw on a sweater of Chan, which he forgot in your room today, and make your way downstairs quietly. Maybe watching some tv and hot chocolate would help you relax. You notice too late that the lights in the living room are on and bite back a sigh as you spot Chan. The one you wanted to avoid after all those thoughts before. You need a moment to notice Minho as well, curled up next to Chan, head resting in his lap. He seems to be asleep peacefully as Chan’s mindlessly playing with his hair and watching tv, more or less attentive. “Hey,” you whisper, trying not to wake Minho.
“Hey,” he gives back with a tired smile and pats the spot next to him. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nope,” you shake your head and sit down carefully.
“Any reason?” he asks, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you against him.
You sigh softly and shake your head. “Not really, no,” you tell him. “What about Minnie?”
Chan chuckles softly. “You know how the adrenaline gets to him, he needs some time until his body calms down again,” he tells you and glances at his friend. “He knew I’d be awake, it isn’t the first time.”
“Mhm, I get that,” you nod gently and lean comfortably against him. “Tell me a story?”
“A story?” he giggles. “Like a bedtime story for little kids, is that what you want?”
“Chan,” you groan softly. “I’m not five anymore.”
“You were quite an adorable five-year-old, though,” he smirks, and you shoot him a playful glare. 
“You were only seven, don’t think you’re all grown-up,” you snort. 
“You sound like Min,” he laughs. “He keeps on telling me that one year isn’t that much either.”
“Well, it isn’t. Neither are two,” you insist, and Chan simply grins. 
“Not anymore…but I still remember how pissed you were once I turned 18, and you were still sweet 16,” he giggles.
“You’re an ass,” Minho suddenly chimes in drowsily. “It’s not that much of a difference, old man.”
“Fuck off,” Chan pokes his side, making him squirm. 
“Now tell her some damn story, I wanna sleep,” he protests softly and closes his eyes again. 
“Unbelievable,” Chan sighs but gives in since the two of you seem to agree.
It doesn’t take long until your head rests next to Minho’s, and you’re slowly falling asleep. Chan never fails to get you to sleep.
“What the hell are you still doing in your sweatpants?” Chan’s voice cuts through the silence of your room. 
“I don’t wanna go,” you mumble into your pillow, hiding your face as his confused eyes meet yours. 
The mattress dips beneath his weight as he gets comfortable next to you, mirroring your position. “But you were so excited only a few days ago.”
“I’m not anymore,” you whine softly. 
“Why? Come on, Min helped you pick that beautiful dress, Felix, Jeongin, and you bought the fitting jewelry…didn’t Hannie and Seungmin also help you pick out some make-up?” he asks, irritated. “Changbin helped with your shoes, Hyunjin offered to help with doing your hair…what the hell is keeping you from going after that team effort? Is it because I didn’t do anything?” he asks teasingly. 
“No,” you giggle and peak at him shyly. “I’ll embarrass myself.”
“What?!” he asks confused. “Why the hell would that be the case, huh?”
“They want us to slow dance in the beginning,” you explain, and he nods, still not getting the problem. “I don’t have a partner…and I don’t know how to.”
“Fucks sake, why didn’t you say so earlier?” he giggles at you and teasingly pokes your side. “I can show you how to dance.”
“Doesn’t matter if I look all fancy by myself,” you mumble sadly.
“Who said anything about you going alone, huh?” he asks, rolling his eyes. “I can come with you.”
You sit up, frowning down at him. “You?”
“Okay, sorry, there are seven other people at your disposal if you don’t want me,” he shoots back, only partly joking.
“No, Channie, that’s not…I just didn’t expect that,” you tell him and chuckle as he jumps up. 
“Great, I’ll go get the guys to get you ready why I search for a suit or something fancy,” he announces, and before you can protest, he’s gone. 
Only shortly after, you’re ready with the help of your friends and make your way over to Chan’s room. You knock at his door before stepping inside. He turns around, fixing his tie as he looks at you. 
“See, that would’ve been a complete waste not to go,” he smirks and takes your hands, pulling you in front of the mirror with him. “You look amazing, dear,” he tells you gently, and your delusional ass actually believes there’s love in his eyes.
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself,” you wink at him. It’s an understatement; he looks incredibly handsome. 
Chan pulls you against his chest, smoothly wrapping his arm around your waist. “Ready?” he asks, taking your hand and meeting your eyes. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, swallowing softly at how close he suddenly is. His cologne surrounds you, his hand feels soft against yours, and his hold on you spreads warmth through your whole body. He slowly guides you through the room, showing you the steps patiently as he sways with you. You don’t need a fancy ballgown in some massive hall surrounded by way too many people. He and you right here were all you needed.
You hum along to the tune playing through your headphones, not noticing Minho sneaking up on you. He suddenly plops on the sofa beside you, making you flinch heavily. “Min!” you protest.
“What?” he asks innocently. “It’s not my fault you’re listening to your love’s song for the hundredth time today.”
“My…what?” you ask, blushing heavily. “Chan’s not my love.”
“Only almost,” Minho shrugs and smirks at you. “No turning back once we’re connected, huh?” he grins.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, laughing at him. 
“We both know who he wrote that one about,” he says, but searching your eyes, he realizes you don’t. “Alright, fine, I do then.”
“I…I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you shake your head, slightly amused. 
“Oh dear,” he sighs softly. “You didn’t hear that from me, but your beloved Channie hyung wrote that one about you.”
“He what?!” you exclaim, and Minho’s eyes widen. 
“Hey!” he curses at you quietly.
“He wrote that one about me?” you whisper. 
“You’re either blind or dumb. I don’t know what I’d prefer at this point,” Minho snorts, and you punch his arm in protest. “He’s in love with you, and if you feel even slightly the same…Please tell him already. He’s getting on my nerves. I love you, but I don’t want to hear how sparkly your eyes are while I’m trying to enjoy my pudding.”
You can’t help but laugh at the disgust lacing his features. “You’re sure about this?”
“Very,” Minho nods patiently, blinking at you as you don’t respond. “Are you?”
“I’m pretty sure I want more than friendship with him, yes,” you nod gently. 
“Gross,” Minho comments. “Well, then get on with it. Do I have to do everything around here?”
“Right now?” you ask, confused. 
Minho groans softly. “Chan hyung!”
“What?” Chan shouts back from upstairs, and you try to cover Minho’s mouth. 
“Come down here, I was right!” he shouts, and your eyes widen in betrayal. 
“He knew?” you breathe out. 
“He’s as much a coward as you are, someone had to give you a push. It’s getting exhausting seeing the two of you dance around each other,” he grins and gets up as Chan comes downstairs. “Thank me later,” he smirks. 
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the list!)
Chan’s eyes meet yours, and you can tell Minho isn’t lying. Your heartbeat fastens, and you barely get out his name, unsure how to begin. Why was it so hard to say how you felt?
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Avatar Masterlist
You can find per character, polyamorous stories, headcanons and platonic stories! And smut🤠✋
Feel free to make send in any request, ask or headcanon you want 💕
Smut will be marked with the devil emoji 😈 and will be written in red
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Jake Sully
☆༉ No one will hurt you again (Yandere! Jake Sully x fem! Reader)
Request: Another avatar request. Imagine Jake as a yandere, and the reader admits to him that a few of the other woman in the clan are being cruel to her out of jealousy that she’s mated to him. So he’s livid, goes off and “teaches them all a lesson”, and then comes home and is super sweet and comforting to the reader?
☆༉ Mating time (Yandere!(?) Jake Sully x fem reader) [ SMUT 😈 ]
Request: Lowkey need yandereJake sex… imagine you finally get comfy enough to mate with him and he litteraly treats you like a princess the entire time constantly praising you for any action you do 😭
☆༉ Jake Sully and how he is (in bed) with a shy!human! Reader [ Headcanons + drabble ] [ SMUT ] 😈
☆༉ Jake Sully de-stressing reader [ SMUT ] 😈
☆༉ Sweet treat (DILF! Jake Sully x Fem! Younger reader)
Request: Dilf jake who is already married to neytiri {my love} And already has his four kids, but still isn't satisfied anymore, but theres a certain young na'vi who caught his attention. They obviously like jake sully {who wouldn't} but can't since he's married and is toruk macto, but Jake reassures the reader its fine with sum smut 🤭
☆༉ Neytiri being a nurturing mom to her child, you (Platonic! Neytiri x sully! Daughter! Reader)
Summary: just pure fluff with your mom. Neytiri loves you so much.
☆༉ You belong with me (Yandere! Neteyam x fem! Reader)
Summary: Yandere Neteyam forcing the bond because he is jealous
☆༉ Once upon in a dream (Neteyam x fem!reader)
Summary: Neteyam dreamt of a girl and fell in love with her. He has a pleasant surprise when Norm’s nephew joins Spider on his visit to the clan.
☆༉ Sweetheart, you are mine and you know (Yandere! Neteyam x Fem! Reader)
Summary: The new Olo’eyktan, Neteyam, at the peer age of 20 has yet to find his mate. The only woman who he is interested in, Y/n, doesnt want him. The only thing is that he doesn’t take no for an answer
☆༉ Only you my love, only you babe ( Lo’ak x reader ) [ ANGST ]
Nothing yet
☆༉ Mr. Steal your girl (Tsu’tey x fem! Reader)
Summary: Tsu’tey tries to make Jake mad by dating his mate (He doesn’t know that you are not Jake’s human mate but his sister)
☆༉ Tsu’tey meeting a Shpynx Cat for the first time (Tsu’tey x fem! Reader)
Summary: you show your unusual pet to Tsu’tey and this is how he reacts (one-shot not a headcanon)
☆༉ Nobody tells me what to do (Yandere! Ao’nung x Fem! Reader) [ SMUT ] 😈
Summary: Y/n was Lo’ak’s future mate back in the forest, when she comes to look for him after 6 years, she finds out he mated with Tsireya. Ao’nung is there to help her out and make her forget him.
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Oh, you are not going anywhere anytime soon (Yandere! Tonowari x Reader) [ fluff + smut ] 😈
Request: Yandere!Tonowari would honestly be so clingy and he would use his massive size as a weapon. You wanna leave the bed in the morning? He’s laying on top of you. You’re paying attention to something else and he wants affection? He’s physically picking you up and walking away
(This isn’t the only characters I’ll write for, this are the ones I have ideas for. Feel free to request whoever you want 💕)
☆༉ Feelings as deep as the sea (Yandere!Jake Sully x fem! Reader x yandere! Neytiri)
☆༉ Feelings as deep as the sea (Part 2)
Request: A yandere jake sully and neytiri and their fam being obsessed with ronal sister. Them trying to bring them to the family and when she rejects them jake cries and begs while neytiri is like : no 😑.
☆༉ You are ours (Yandere!Tonowari x fem! Reader x Yandere! Ronal) (☆༉ Non-yandere version here!)
Summary: Y/n was a normal Metkayina fisher until certain couple laid their eyes on her. You were already mated or so you thought.
☆༉ The love of our lives (Yandere! Jake Sully x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Neytiri) ☆༉ Part two
Summary: Y/n is a dreamwalker and when she is harassed by some of the clan members, Jake and Neytiri go feral. Once they find her, under the willow tree of souls, they comfort her and mate her.
☆༉ Having fun (Top! Jake x Bottom! Fem! Reader x Top! Neytiri) [ SMUT 😈 ]
☆༉ Not strong enough (Yandere! Tonowari x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Ronal)
Request: yandere ronal/tonowari x reader, were reader is being forced to be there, but tries to make an escape.
☆༉ What a beautiful sight (Ronal x Fem! Reader x Tonowari)
Request: can you do ronal and tonowari where maybe reader is neytiri’s sister and when ronal comes up close to judge the family she falls in love and tells ronal that they have to have her ?
☆༉ -Is she mine or yours? -Ours (Yandere! Aged up! Lo’ak x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Tsireya)
Request: Could I get a story about yandare!Tsireya and yandare!Lo'ak being head-over-heels metkayina!reader who is completely oblivious to them? where they're going to confess but when they are done making her gifts and meat to give them, they're missing? Could they confess after she randomly goes missing for hours and the entire village is looking for them? Could she be found ranting to an akula(it's the animal that attacked lo'ak in the movie)? Pretty please🙏
☆༉ What type of yandere are they? (The Sullys + Tsu’tey)
☆༉ Part two ⬆️ ( Tonowari, Ronal, Aged up! Ao’nung and Aged up! Tsireya)
☆༉ What would happen if the RDA kidnapped you? (Yandere! Jake Sully, Yandere! Neytiri, Poly!yanderes! Jake and Neytiri)
☆༉ What happens if your pull their tail softly while making out? [ NSFWish ] ( Jake Sully, Neytiri, Norm and Tsu’tey )
☆༉ The yandere effect only on the (platonic) Sully family and the yandere effect on everyone
☆༉ Yandere! Jake Sully though out the years
☆༉ Headcanons of yandere Na’vi, Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tsu’tey with an s/o who has a kid from another relationship.
☆༉ 3am Smutty headcanons
☆༉ Avatar characters try human food for the first time
☆༉ Jake Sully, Neteyam and Lo’ak with an S/O who can take on an akula or Thanator
☆༉ My family (yandere!Sully family x daughter/sibling! Reader) ☆༉ Rebel (part two-ish)
Request: May I please request a Yandere! Platonic Sully Family x Daughter! Reader fic? Where she’s Lo’ak’s younger twin and she’s very much like her dad’s twin Tommy. Maybe she’s the brains and would often be the mature one between her and Lo’ak? And they’re just protective over their baby girl. Was thinking of the fic showing what her life was like, like with all the scenes from the movie that were all family-focused up until they join the Metkayina and they learn their ways, maybe she gets some attention from boys of the Metkayina clan. Maybe she’s the one that gets shot and ALMOST dies and the family is just enraged and go on a killing spree with the RDA? And when she recovers she’ll be doted on?
☆༉ Our baby (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x Sickly born! Daughter/sister)
☆༉ Part two: Caught red handed
☆༉ Part three: Daily life of Y/n
Summary: Y/n was born sickly, scaring all her family a few times in her life with that condition. Now she is doing better but they are all overprotective of her now. (Just a bunch of cute fluff scenes with them and then yandere stuff)
☆༉ The fear of loosing you (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x sully! Reader)
Request: I would love to see more of the yandere platonic sully family AU! I loved it SO much! Like what if in the end it was her that got shot (but survived)? And imagine the aftermath of that (Jake would get one of those kangaroo baby pouches and strap reader to his chest if he could lol!)
☆༉ Part two: What’s so special about her (Platonic! Yandere! Quaritch x sully! Reader)
Request: Oml now that spider is with Quaritch you know that spider will be talking up the reader, making Quaritch get obsessed (it’s only a bonus that she’s Jake’s favorite daughter)
☆༉ She is my baby! (Yandere! Platonic! Tonowari x Na’vi/human hybrid! Reader)
Summary: short story about Tonowari fighting to show he loves his baby even if she is not his biological daughter.
☆༉ Taking the bullet for Neteyam ( Yandere! Platonic! Sully x sully! Daughter)
Request: can you do another platonic yandere!sully family x sully! reader where mc takes the bullet for neteyam please?
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yiiyiiwrites · 7 months
Pope x Older Maybank sister
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Summary: Pope x JJ's older sister (older by 2 years). Giving her a nickname: Missy. Just some cute Pope featuring another Maybank 🤭. 1001words
Pope hadn't expected to wake up tangled beneath the sheets with JJ's older sister. Her arm slung across his waist and face pressing into his chest. He peeked under the blanket, sighing at the sight of both them still somewhat dressed.
Inching back he gently lifted her arm from him and froze as his eyes fixed on the bruise on the back of her shoulder. Pope yelped, his body slamming to the floor.
Missy shot up, hands clutching the blanket to cover her top half. She squinted in the morning sun, smile playing on her lips as she Leant over the bed. "Morning, Pope." She fell back into the lumpy mattress and patted the free space beside her.
Blinking Pope stood, heart picking up at the realisation that he'd found himself there again. "Did we, did we?" He stuttered as he scrambled the small room for his clothes.
"Relax Pope, no ones home."
"How can I relax, I've slept with my best friends sister." He shoved his top on and stumbled into his trousers.
Missy flung the covers off. "Isn't that something you should have said after the first time." She smiled at Pope's shyness, his gaze not meeting hers but the ceiling as she grabs the first t-shirt she could.
It had to be that one, Pope groaned. JJ's baggy shirt hanging from her shoulders. Another reminder that he was out of his depth. He followed her out the room, if you could call it that. Was more of a glorified cupboard with a mattress on the floor and a small built in wardrobe.
"Look you only come around when your high Pope, I'm not expecting you take me out." Missy stared into the fridge, nose wrinkling at the lack of food inside. She shut the door, side stepping Pope to reach for the cereal.
Pope nodded. "Yeah I get that, but JJ." He leant against the kitchen counter, arms folded across his chest. "I can't ..."
"I'm not going to tell him," She said placing her hands on Pope's shoulders and giving him a squeeze. "Are you?"
"I'm a terrible liar, he'll know somethings up." His heart beat quickened in his chest the closer Missy leant into him. Their nights together were always such a blur, but they both found themselves coming back to one another.
Her vanilla scent lingered even when she retreated from his touch. Pope watched her dig into the cereal box and scoop it up, fingers plucking it from her hand to eat. "You know, high Pope doesn't overthink it. He's sure about what he wants."
There it was, her signature brow raise. Lips smirking enough to draw him closer. "Sorry, I'm trying not to freak out."
"Don't be sorry, you're normally long gone by now. I just assumed it didn't bother you." She shrugged tapping his chest. "We can stop whenever you want."
He knew she meant it, she always said what she felt. Part of him didn't want to keep leaving in the early morning, but the other half knew he couldn't stay too long. "High Pope wouldn't want that." He said with a smirk, his arms wrapping around her.
The slamming of the front door had them shoving each other away. Missy took a step forward as JJ entered, releasing the breath she was holding at the sight of her brother and not her father.
"Oh hey Pope." JJ narrowed his eyes at the two of them, gaze sweeping over kitchen.
"Pope was looking for you."
"Oh was he?" JJ tossed his bag on the table with a thump. "Because I was just at your place and your old man said you haven't been home." He moved forwards, Missy swerving from his beeline to Pope.
"I mean I..." Pope stuttered, his gaze pleading for Missy to say something, but she too was stumped on what to say. "I..."
"Why's your top inside out man?" JJ pulled Pope's sleeve and spun round to glare at his sister. "You slept with my best friend?" He shouted making her step back.
Missy froze, being on the other end of her brothers anger was something she'd never dealt with before. "JJ, I..." She said flinching as he raised his hand to snatch his hat from his head.
"JJ, I was high. Missy just let me crash in your room because she knew my dad would be mad." Pope blurted out, he stood between the two siblings, his hands lightly moving JJ away from Missy. "That's all."
He looked between the two of them, "Sorry man, it's just you two have been hanging out more with each other. I jumped the gun." He raised his hands and hugged Pope.
"Jumped a little high eh?" Missy said elbowing her brother out of her way to go back to her room.
"John B's waiting outside," JJ shrugged off his sisters response and grabbed his bag from the table as he made his way out to the porch.
"Just give me a minute, I'll be out in a sec," Pope called out to JJ, he watched him get in the twinkie before he pushed open Missy's door.
She glanced up from the cracked screen of her phone, deep breath escaping her lips. "Thanks Pope," she said pulling him down to the bed by his shirt and kissing his cheek.
He savoured the moment, eyes shutting and forehead touching hers. It didn't make any sense, both of them knew it, but they made the most of it. "I still don't understand," he whispered against her lips.
Missy held his face in her hands, thumb tracing his cheek. "You're nice to me, I feel like we both relax a little together." She kissed him and pulled away, hands slipping from him.
Pope flinched as the beeping of horns brought him back to reality and he rushed out the door, only to come back. "High Pope, bye Pope," he shouted slapping his palm to his face at his awkwardness.
"Bye Pope!" Missy laughed.
✨ I feel like Pope and JJ's older sister would be close and find comfort in one another. But they both know it's not something for the long run. - Yiiyii
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callsign-dexter · 10 months
Drunken Confessions
Request: Hi there 😊 aw let me send in a request as well 🤭 you're crushing on your colleague Antonio and him as well. But you catch Hailey flirt with him from time to time, so you end your shift at Molly's and decide to get drunk. The other Intelligence members are there as well and Antonio never lets you out of his sight. So when he sees some guy getting too close to you, he steps in and kisses you, making the guy leave. You're too drunk to process what's going on, so Antonio takes you with him into his apartment and takes care of you till you fall asleep in his bed and mumble something like 'I love you'. Then in the morning you can't remember why you're with him and he tells you what happened and that he loves you as well and that you don't need to be jealous as he'd always chose you 🙊
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Halstead!Intelligence!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, being drunk, alcohol
A/N: Thank you to @talesofreading for sending this request in!
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When Jay joined Intelligence, you had joined as well. You had always wanted to be a detective and when you heard there were two openings in Intelligence you jumped at the chance while Jay got the other one. You are the sister of Will Halstead and the twin sister of Jay Halstead. While working in Intelligence you got along with everyone and you didn’t take anything lightly and did your job well, so well that other departments were begging for you but you just couldn’t leave your family and Jay behind so you turned the opportunities down every time. You promised yourself you would never love anyone in the department not wanting it to get in the way of your work but there was one guy that had caught your eye, Antonio Dawson.
When you laid eyes on him it was immediate love but you knew he probably didn't feel the same way. Sure, you two flirted with each other but neither of you were going to make the first move both too stubborn to do anything. What you didn’t know was the first day you walked into Intelligence Antonio fell hard for you and couldn’t even keep his eyes off of you and when you smiled at him, he swore his heart stopped beating and it was only you two in the room and nobody else. 2 years later you both were still crushing on each other and every now and then you two would flirt with each other you even had been partnered together. Around this time, you had gotten a new person into Intelligence, Hailey Upton, after Erin left, you really didn’t like her, especially how she strung your brother along and then broke his heart, and you were normally very welcoming but something about her struck something in you. Of course you were going to be civil towards her during work hours but after those it was a different attitude.
You had gotten to work early so you could get some paperwork done while you were alone and you also tend to do your best work alone. You walked in and greeted Trudy and she greeted you back and buzzed you up. You went to the locker room and put your stuff into your locker and then walked back out and sat at your desk. Not even 10 minutes later you heard footsteps walking up the stairs and turned to look and a smile broke out on your face when you saw that it was Antonio. When his eyes met yours he smiled “Good morning. I see you’re here early.” He said and you nodded.
“I tend to do my best work when I’m alone. You should know this by now.” You said with a little chuckle.
“That I do. So what are your plans for after work?” He asked coming to sit on the edge of your desk and you smiled and put a piece of loose hair behind your ear.
“Well, I had planned to kick back and watch some mindless tv while eating pizza but we’ll see how the day turns out.” You said and he smiled, the smile that you had fallen in love with. He was about to say something else but the rest of the team walked up and you quickly got back to work he walked over to his desk and sat down you didn’t look up only focusing on the reports being filled out. The only time you looked up was when you heard Hailey giggle and you wished you hadn’t. The scene when you looked up you saw him smile and her push his shoulder you felt your heart break and when he looked over to you, you quickly looked down trying not to let tears fall what you didn’t was his smile fall and the look of concern pop up. He wasn’t listening to what Hailey was saying, just trying to be polite. This went on throughout the day and it only made you feel worse.
“Listen up.” Hank comes out saying and you all gathered around. “We have a drug deal going down and we need to go and bust them.” He said and you all nodded as everyone was going to change and gather weapons and you pulled Hank to the side.
“Hey, do you think I can be partnered up with Jay for this one? Just this one time.” You asked with hopefulness and he looked at you.
“Of course. Everything ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I just want to be with my brother on this one.” You said which was a complete lie.
“I’ll tell them when they come out. Now go and get ready to leave.” He said and you nodded. You went and got ready and when you walked out everyone was gathered around “I want Jay and Y/N together on this one.” He said and they nodded. Antonio looked hurt but didn’t say anything and that made you hurt inside. As you were heading to the house with Jay, he started to look over at you every now and then.
“Everything alright, Sis?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Everything is fine.” You had said and he looked at you.
“You have always been a bad liar. Now what’s up?” He asked and you sighed.
“I like Antonio and have had a crush on him for 2 years.” You said and looked over at him and smirked.
“I know.” He said and you looked at him surprised.
“How?” You asked, voice raising a pitch and he laughed.
“Come on Y/N/N. We’re twins. I know you too well. Will also figured it out. Now why did you request to ride with me instead of your partner?” He asked and you huffed.
“Hailey has been flirting with him and he doesn’t even stop her. It hurts too much.” You said and he nodded.
“He loves you. He would be stupid if he messes this up with you. Will and I have your back.” He said and you smiled.
“I love you guys.” You said as you pulled up to the house. You all stormed the house and got everyone in handcuffs without having anyone get hurt. The bust was a success but you were still feeling bad and to be honest heartbroken about what had been going on with Hailey and Antonio so you had forfeited your original plans and headed to Molly’s.
You arrived at Molly’s before anyone else so you got to drinking. You went up to the bar and got a bartender’s attention, you had downed the first drink easily when the rest of Intelligence strolled into the bar and they greeted you but when you saw Antonio you quickly ordered a new drink. You had been working on the second one while you mingled with everyone and then you saw your big brother, Will, and some of his colleagues. “Yo big bro!” You said and slapped him on the shoulder and he smiled.
“Hey, Y/N/N.” He said and gave you a side hug and then you noticed Connor and greeted him.
“Hey, Y/N. Are you drunk already?” He asked
“Tipsy. Not drunk.” You said and pointed at them and then laughed knowing it was a lie when you finished your second drink and you were really feeling it and it was making you forget about Antonio. You had gotten another drink while talking to them despite knowing you probably shouldn’t. You three continued to talk until you were called by someone and you bid them a goodbye and walked over to where you were called over to.
What you didn’t know was that he was watching your every move. He wasn't drinking much matter in fact wasn’t drinking at all. “Hey, Jay, your sister is drunk and getting cozy with some random guy that doesn’t look like he is up to any good.” Adam said and he looked over to you and he could tell it and sighed.
“I’ll go do something about it.” Jay said and Antonio shook his head and got up.
“No, I got it.” Antonio said and got up. You had been talking to some random guy on the back of the wall that you were leaning up against and was getting all flirty. The guy was getting all touchy and Antonio didn’t like that especially with how much you had to drink and didn’t seem to notice it. As he got to you neither you nor the person that was hitting on you paid attention until Antonio’s lips were on yours in a searing kiss. You didn’t know what was going on and the guy left the drink you had in your hands long forgotten and it had fallen from your grip and shattered onto the ground that seemed to pull you out of your trance.
“What?” You asked breathlessly and then stumbled into his arms.
“You’re drunk. I’m gonna take you home.” He said and you didn’t say anything and he helped you walk out while telling both of your brothers what was going on and then they bid you both a good night. Antonio helped you more like you leaned on him the entire way to his car. Once he got you settled into the car you began messing with the controls of the air conditioning and then the radio, he sighed but wasn’t going to say anything.
You were close to being at his apartment when you started to speak up “You know,” You slurred “I’ve had a massive crush on you for two years.” You said as your head slowly turned to look at him. “When I saw Hailey flirt with you and you did nothing, I figured I had lost my chance with you.” You said as he pulled into a parking spot in front of his apartment.
“I’ve had a crush on you too.” He said and you scoffed.
“Don’t take pity on me.” You said as you began to struggle to get out of the seatbelt and he watched you struggle but was quick to help you and then he got out and helped you out of the car. He helped you into the building and then into his apartment. Not much was said as he helped in and then he saw your face turn green and he quickly helped you to the bathroom where you had begun to vomit and he held your hair back. When you were down he slowly helped you up and into his bed and pulled the covers back and once you laid down and helped you take off your shoes. You hated sleeping in jeans but right now you didn’t care. “I love you.” You mumbled as he was getting stuff to sleep on the couch and he smiled and then walked out.
The next morning, he woke up before you and began making breakfast and coffee. Thankfully it was a Saturday which means that none of you had to go into work. The smell of food is what woke you up and had you sitting up in bed and looking around the unfamiliar apartment and you got up and stumbled out of the bedroom. When you got into the kitchen you saw Antoino there. “What am I doing here?” You asked him and that made him look up.
“You got super drunk at Molly’s and I decided to bring you here to sleep it off.” He said and you nodded and sat down as he sat down a plate of food and coffee. You started to eat and drink “You also told me you had a massive crush on me for two years.” He said and you stopped eating and looked up at him horrified.
“What?” You asked
“You said-” He began again and you stopped him.
“I heard you.” You said as you swallowed.
“But it’s ok because I’ve liked you, no loved, you for two years too.” He said and your eyes widened. “You also mumbled you loved me. You don’t have to be jealous of her or anyone else. You know why?” He asked and you shook your head. “Because I love you and I will always choose you.” He said as he came over and crouched down to where he was eye level with you. You leaned in and kissed him but pulled back when you felt the beginning of hangover vomit start to make its way up and you rushed to the bathroom. Antonio wasn’t too far behind you and once again held your hair back. Once you were done you flushed the toilet and then leaned back into him.
“How about I brush my teeth and then I can kiss you?” You asked and he chuckled and nodded and helped you up. He pulled out an extra toothbrush and gave it to you and once your teeth were brushed and mouth was rinsed out you turned to him and kissed him. The kiss was full of passion. “I’ve been wanting to do that for 2 years.” You said once you both pulled away and he nodded.
“So have I.” He said and smiled.
Yeah, this was going to be a wonderful start to an awesome, filled with a lot of love, and beautiful relationship.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
Can we get more asterin x reader 🤭🤭 (maybe some angst and fluff)
born rivals 
Asterin x Reader
Summary: Reader and Asterin weren’t supposed to be together. 
Warnings: death, some angst and fluff
A/N: absolutely! I love her so much, thank you for the request!
You were supposed to hate each other. Born to hate each other. Crochan and Ironteeth. She hunted your kind for sport, but spared you for some reason. 
“Shouldn’t you be putting my heart in a box?” you hissed, but no iron teeth or nails popped out. 
“What’s your name?” The witch asked, tilting her head. 
“What’s yours?” you countered. 
“Asterin.” She flashed a grin - normal teeth. You gave her your name, a bit reluctantly. She seemed amused at the whole situation. 
She hummed, “well, y/n,” she dragged your name out, “you’re too pretty to kill.” Against your will, your cheeks flushed. She noticed that with a smirk. Aster was beautiful. Long golden hair, tanned skin, black eyes flecked with gold, lithe but obviously strong - and deadly. 
“You need to leave,” you swallowed, avoiding her direct gaze but still watching her every move. She could very well decide to kill you. 
“And if I asked to spend the night?” 
She was pretty. You thought about it for a few moments, but your sense of self preservation kicked in. Bad idea. Very bad idea. “You can sleep outside.” She laughed and stalked out the door. You followed to make sure she’d really leave. And she did, but not without a final remark. 
“I know your scent now, pretty little witch. I’ll see you again,” she flew off. That night, you relocated, staying far away from any other crochans. You doubted she’d spare them as well - if she spared you next time. 
Asterin kept her promise, and did find you. Eventually you relented and let her spend one night. On the couch, you’d insisted. She snuck into your bed, and held you close. Maybe she was touch starved. Ironteeth were cold. You never discussed your fellow witches - only things like the weather, your favorite foods, arguing on the best times to fly. 
She came by maybe once a month, for decades, and eventually you found yourself looking forward to her visits. Even after magic fell, she managed to find you. 
You caught the scent on her one day - of something … evil and otherworldly. And - spotted a Wyvern in a distant field. You let her hold you, but watched as she left the next morning, thinking you were asleep, and she mounted the beast. Months later, when magic returned, you used a small glamor to disguise your scent and set out to find your sisters, your fellow Crochans. 
You were in shock to see Asterin with her coven, and hid as much as you could. She hadn’t spotted you when the horn sounded, and you took to the skies without hesitation - cursing as a barbed tail slashed across your abdomen. You didn’t take the beast, but you took the witch with you. 
Asterin felt her heart in her throat as she spotted the body. Y/n. Dead. She buried you herself, forcing the tears not to fall, and decided this was a story to keep to herself. Sweet memories, just for her. 
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weirdo09 · 2 years
byler<3 royal au (one shot?)
tonight was the night of the wheeler family royal ball. all of kingdoms surrounding the land were coming and the byers family were one of the lucky participants. since, the oldest byler brother and youngest byers twin were the wheeler siblings’ suitors. will and eleanor were the most excited about it and jonanthan was neutral.(these kids hella gay🤭)
the holders of the ball were frantic, queen karen was yelling at waiters left and right. king ted was grumbling while princess holly was jumping up and down. prince mike was grumbling about wearing a suit and princess nancy was absolutely delight to dance with her suitor tonight.(jonanthan) “why can’t i just go in my normal attire?” mike said annoyed “no, you cannot, it’s too….commoner.” karen said sternly “ughhhh!” mike huffed and walked away to his room. “you get back here right now!” karen shouted but mike was not stopping.
once mike was close to his room, he was still fuming thinking ‘why do i have to marry a girl i don’t even like?’ “ugh, this shit is so-!!” mike begin to say when one of the cooks, argyle chimes in “watch your language.” mike turned around and look confused before seeing who it was. “hey, man.” argyle said, mike still stared but grumbled a short hello before stomping to his room. “he’s gonna fall in love tonight.” argyle said before chuckling and walking away to the kitchen.
mike fell on bed, still in a funky mood. he buried his head in his pillow screaming in it then, he heard a knock. he irritately opened the door and there was nancy with her hands on her hips. “what is wrong with you, michael?” she demanded “absolutely nothing, dear sister, why do you ask?” mike said mirroring nancy
she barged herself in his room saying “it sure didn’t seem like anything when you starting yelling at our mother.” “can you just fucking drop it?” “it’s not like i’m going anyway.” mike grumbled crossing his arms. “like hell you aren’t-!” nancy began to say but mike interrupted “are we done now?” “you can tell mom i’m not going.” mike replied angrily. “no, i’m not because you’re going to the ball whether you like it or not.” “no.” “yes.” “no.” “yes and that’s finally!” nancy shouted at him, mike glared at her and said “ok, fine, i’ll go, whatever it takes to get to you to shut up.” mike said annoyed
“yay, ok I’ll get your outfit.” nancy said pleased that she convinced mike. “yeah, yeah, whatever now can you leave?” mike said impatiently “yup, i will be back, michael.” nancy said sternly
after nancy went to get mike’s outfit, his first thought was ‘what the hell is that?’ “i love it!” “can you leave so i can get changed?” mike said ready to get his sister out his room. she leaves without another word, smiling as she went. after he got his outfit on, he had said to say it was pretty nice. he checked the time, it was almost time for the ball
with the byers family, they were rushing to get everybody out of the castle. eleanor wasn’t so sure she wanted to wear her dress so she begged will to wear the dress for her. “how are we gonna pull that off?” will asked her in a whisper so the others couldn’t hear “easy, you wear a wig, the dress, the makeup all the glitz and glam while I’ll wear your suit. it won’t fail, i promise.” eleanor whispered back “oh, ok, just don’t get mad at me when i steal your suitor~” will whispered teasingly as he walked away to get ready.
“hey! wait for me, i have to do your-.” el paused at the part ‘makeup’ and ran after her twin.
after the whole glitz and glam montage, will had to say he look pretty good in the dress, it fit him perfectly. “kids, come on, we’re leaving!!” joyce yelled to warn them. el was in will’s suit and she kinda liked it. “ok, let’s go!” she said as she dragged will along with her. “wait a minute! i have on heels-!” will said while still being dragged.
at the ball, the wheeler family sat in their thrones and the neighboring kingdoms were starting to arrive. a few girls attempted flirt with mike but he wasn’t having it until he saw her. “who is that?” mike pointed to the strange ‘girl’ ;) nancy whispered to him “that’s eleanor byers.” “ohhh, well, see you, i’m going to go dance with her.” mike said before walking over to ‘her’.
will and eleanor were amazed at how big the ballroom is when, eleanor whispered “look, will, it’s prince mike!” “i bet he’s coming over to see you!” “actually, he probably thinks i’m you so, not really.” will whispered back. they continued to whisper until mike finally came over there.
“hello, my name’s mike, would you care to dance?” mike asked will/eleanor(for now 🤭) eleanor/will winked and looked at him “go.” eleanor whispered “uhm, yes of course.” will said in a very impressive accent. mike extended out his hand and will hesitantly took it. he thought ‘he is kinda cute, why not?’
they shortly made it to the dance floor and they began to waltz. will was doing surprisingly good in those heels while eleanor was cheering him on in spirit. then, began the slow dance, will smiled at mike and gently placed his head on his chest. ‘you aren’t eleanor, are you?” mike whispered into will’s ear. that made will jump and blush at the same time but he quickly relaxed and whispered back “yes, i’m her twin brother.” “can i see what you really look like?” mike whispered thinking ‘this guy is way too cute.’ will chuckled and whispered “after the ball.” mike poured but agreed, they continue to dance. they ated and laughed and danced the night away soon the ball would be over so, mike suggested they go to the secret corridor.
they walked down to the corridor, will made sure to check that the coast was clear before he took of his wig and makeup. “you’re so beautiful…” mike blurted out then, covered his mouth and thought ‘why did i say that out loud??’ “why, thank you, mike, you’re very pretty yourself.” will said and chuckled. 🤭 mike blushed and said “can i?” “can you what?” will said teasingly, knowing fully what he meant. “can i kiss you?” mike said softly staring intensely at will’s lips “wow, so smooth, pretty boy.” will said smirking but then replied “sure.” :) mike put his left hand on will’s cheek and slowly leaned in.
will leaned it quicker, making them finally kiss. they were in sync, lips to lips eventually tongue to tongue and finally, they slowly broke apart. they stood in silence for a little bit then mike broke it. “that was …… amazing.” he said as he started to laugh “huh, what’s so funny?” will said curiously “it’s just that-.” *laugh* “we just met today and i already feel like i know everything about you.” mike said. “i feel the same way too.” will whispered, surprised mike felt the same way.
“can i kiss you again?” mike whispered back “eager, aren’tcha ya?” will said “yea..” mike wasted no time, this time. it was a very soft, gentle, passionate kiss. after they broke apart, mike’s hands were on will’s waist and will’s on mike’s face. “we should be going-.” will said hesitantly, wishing this moment wouldn’t have to end. mike grumbled and buried his face in the crook of will’s neck. “mike!” will chuckled at his antics. mike lifted his head whispered softly “what does this make us?” “soulmates?” “star cross lovers?” will suggested “i like soulmates” mike said. “we should be going like right now-.” will said, starting to drag mike back to the ballroom when mike started to pout.
“will i ever see you again?” mike asked will as he was dragged. will suddenly stopped and looked mike in the eyes saying “yes, of course, you will.” they both smiled.
ahhhhh, that took so long 😭
@adorewillbyers @adoremaxmayfield @l0v3c0r3e @background-character-341 @pimplepogue @ronanticized @altronanticized @japplejottomjeans @forever-augustine @forevereternally-janedoe @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @willbyerswithagun @high--infidelity @no-ordinary-demigirl @butterflies-for-michael @delusional-dingus @tinylittle-superfan @/anyone i missed
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lyranova · 1 year
1)what do you do too Fell comfortable ?
2)what is you favorite animal (besides dog and cat)
3)what is the weirdest thing you did ever see as fare you remember
Have a good day and take care of you self🤭
Hiya Marune 💕! Of course and I hope you have a good day as well and that you take care of yourself too 🥺🫂💕!
1.) Hm, usually what I do to relax and feel comfortable is play video games or sit outside! This week has been very very stressful so far, so before I go to bed I usually play something like “Stardew Valley” that’s calming and takes my mind off of the stressful things, and when I wake up I check everything I’ve missed online before sitting with my dog outside 😁! I’ve found those things have been making me feel better lately 🥰.
2.) Ooo since Dogs and Cats are out I’ll ask take out animals like “wolves” and “tigers” since they’re related 😆. So my favorite animal has to be…Panda’s/Red Panda’s! I know the two aren’t related but they’re both just so cute and adorable, I’ve always had a fondness for them since I was little and I’ve always wanted to see one IRL 😭! Although I have seen a Red Panda IRL (I even have a plushie of him from the Zoo hehe) I have yet to see a regular Panda Bear 😭😔.
3.) Hm…the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life 🤔…I guess that would have to be the one time me and my family were shopping for doors at our local hardware department store. My mom, sister, and I were standing around chatting while my dad walked down the aisle looking for something when these two older men (late 40’s early 50’s aged) walked down the aisle and suddenly stopped and just…stared at me with these weird smiles on their faces. Well, I innocently thought they were needing something behind me (i was standing in front of door knobs) so I move closer to my sister to get out of their way, and these two men dead ass look at my sister and say to her face:
“ You still protecting her even though she’s prettier than you?”
My mom, sister, and I were so stunned and confused we couldn’t even *think* of an answer. These two men then smiled at my sister and I, looked at my mom and smiled, before they continued walking down the aisle.
I still have no idea what the heck that was to this day 😭!
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slut4bluemen · 2 years
Different feelings
Ao'nung X female Oc (my own 🤭)
⚠Warnings ⚠: None
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Everyone knew Ao'nung as a big mouthed bully, always speaking his opinion whenever he pleased, this worsens with the Sully family.
Except for the oldest daughter, Tsu'tan, she was something else.
The day her and her freak show of a family showed up Ao'nung had immediately taken a liking to her, she had sleek pulukan like eyes and large soft lips, her hair was perfectly braided and ties back to reveal a small cut just below her cheekbone.
Her body was lean and curvy, perhaps it was the tiny human DNA she possed form her father but who knows, she was the ideal image of a beautiful Na'vi woman.
Her voice... Oh eywa it drove Ao'nung mad, he hated it yet every time she stopped speaking he yearned for her to say his name again, she had yelled at him once, over a fight with her brothers that he had engaged in, it shook him to the core.
As he lifted his fist to strike lo'ak a loud voice yelled from over them, "GET OFF THEM" Tsu'tan had barked ripping Ao'nung off her brother, he fell on his rear, his eyes wide in surprise as she continued to throw the two other Metkayina boys off Neteyam, punching the firzzy haired Eu'tok in the head before kneeing Mo'tak in the chin.
He winced as they fell back.
"Listen here Ao'nung, if you touch my brother or speak badly of him again I will skin you " he'd flinch as she poked a finger at him.
As they left the four Metkayina boys stood up, dusting themselves off.
"She's something" Eu'tok muttered holding his head, they watched as Tsu'tan led her brothers and sister back to the hut, Ao'nung couldn't keep his eyes off her, still gazing in her direction as she disappeared into the village.
"I'll tell you what she is" ao'nung muttered standing up, he dusted his butt and thighs of sand before walking back to the village.
"She's amazing... " he sighed.
Ever since then his feelings had blossomed, soon realising that he liked her, in ways he'd never thought he'd feel.
Weeks later after the teenage boys had made up they sat around a fire, whilst their parents carried on.
The glow of the fire reflected in Tsu'tans eyes as she told tall tales to Tuk, using her arms and hand to exasperate her story.
The small girl giggled and the story came to a dramatic finish, Neytiri had returned from a trip and beconed the small girl to go to bed, Tuk yawned, nodding before saying goodnight to the older Na'vi kids.
Ao'nung watched silently as he mindlessly twirled a fish on a skewer over the open flame, Tsu'tan had moved closer, taking up tuks spot.
He felt his cheeks burn as your knee touched his, he gulped.
"Do you.. Um- want some fish? " she awkwardly asked, Tsu'tan nodded, they sat in silence again.
Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, Tsireya and Roxto chatted amongst each other, not paying attention to the awkward conversation between the two older Na'vi.
"Here" Ao'nung muttered passing half of the fish onto a separate leaf and giving it to Tsu'tan.
It was another half an hour before Tonowari had returned from his duties to check on his and Jake Sully's children, "Everything alright? " he asked, the five answered, he looked around.
Ao'nung and Tsu'tan had decided to seperate themselves, now perched on a rock near the shallows, deep in conversation.
Ao'nungs tail thuwaped around as he smiled, never taking his eyes off the forest girl, Tonowari smiled, it was clear as day that his son had fallen in love with Tsu'tan, he would discuss this later with Jake Sully, their two oldest childrens pairing was sure to please the people.
Tsu'tans tail swayed as she leaned forward, bringing her knees to her chest as she recounted the night before they decided to leave the Ometikata.
"... And after that I turned around, Spider had already been taken" she recalled.
"So let me get this straight.. This 'Spider', is a Sky person?... And you call him you're brother??" Ao'nung said.
She nodded, "yeah, he's our family, I don't really know the details but, his parents died in the Great War"
Ao'nung furrowed his brows as they fell into a comfortable silence, just staring out at the reef as the fish danced under the large moonlight.
"Awa'atlu is very beautiful " Tsu'tan commented.
Ao'nung smiled a small chuckle leaving his lips, "maybe one day I will be able to see the Ometikaya village" he whispered.
"Then I will see if the village's beauty matches the women that come from it"he said, his breath growing uneven.
His cheeks burned brighter than ever before as he kept his gaze on the Ometikaya girl.
She glanced back at him, with half lidded eyes, her lips parted ever so slightly, he studied her perfect heart shaped face, her sleek cheekbones, those large doe eyes.
Those lips...
He licked his own as he felt his gaze land on hers.
He finally moved forward, pressing his lips on hers.
They stayed like that, only for a second before he pulled away.
"I'm sorry I didn't... " he began before tsu'tan grabbed him by the cheek, closing the space between them once again, he leaned forward, using his hand to push her closer, their bodies melting into one another.
As he blinked his eyes open and pulled away he froze.
His friends stood behind a rock, smirks and cheeky smiles plastered on their faces, lo'ak choked back a laugh, "Did we interrupt something" Neteyam teased, Tsu'tan turned before giving them the finger.
"Get outta here you Sxoungs" she giggled.
The boys whooped as Tsu'tan grabbed Ao'nung once more.
Ao'nung felt his body melt as she held his cheek, deepening the kiss once more.
Tonowari sat by the far, although he couldn't see what the children where whooping and cheering about he had a feeling that his son had finally made his move.
He smiled.
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I like
Full on passed out while trying to read earlier
(A partial relief to me as it’s proof I’m not that tired exclusively with studies, I just have a genuine exhaustion and reading soothes me to sleep apparently)
And had distressing dreams while napping which is odd because I’ve been napping fairly well the past few days
But I think it’s probably fed into by my anxiety over this friend the past couple of days. Not even calling her a friend now and like even before that I was friendly but wouldn’t consider her a close friend, she’s my sister’s friend. Now, definitely not close friend since she reacted really immaturely over me just saying (in response to her getting back to me late) that oh I’m not sure I’m free on a day because another friend wants to meet up let me confirm. Her response being, oh I’m nobody’s plan b, which I did apologise over just as a matter of form. But her aggressive response over something small was enough to confirm, yeah I’m right for distancing from her.
I have no qualms about dropping said friend especially because we’ve had enough conflicts this is more of the same but over something so small and petty.
The other friend I am planning to meet up with turned out to not be available this week but honestly completely fine with having a day to myself, and it’ll be nice to catch up with her next week Insha’Allah. I do need to get back to studying after all.
I think I’m slowly starting to feel a bit more confident with the friends thing, like even though the conflict threw me off with the other person I still responded politely and I knew that she was overreacting, I just got some advice from other friends for confirmation (as well as ideas on how to deal with the conflict, basically step away nicely). I feel anxious again about meeting up with my friend next week because, well she’s someone I used to know really well… but I lost contact for ages, also she’s quite a bit younger than me too. I knew her last when she was right in the thick of teenhood so obviously she would be immature then, but she seemed nice when we had our little catch up at 2am so I have a good feeling. That said I think I’m also getting better at preparing for realistic disappointment, like, I’m reconnecting with her but I’m not riding too much on it because I just want to check in and see how she is, she was basically family to me for ages (and almost literally became family 🤦🏻‍♀️). Not every meet up or friendship is like, meant to be this huge lasting connection I realise, I call this the friendship level check date 🤭, you check the vibes and see how you feel.
But yeah obviously this was all weighing on my mind, I also fell asleep while reading The Woman In White which is genuinely pretty triggering for me but also at the same time really helpful. Cathartic it just takes a lot of the book to reach the catharsis.
I was okay getting up though, ate dinner and now I shall have some tiramisu bubble tea and shower and go to bed Insha’Allah ^_^
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sanderchu · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a Tommy x reader where it’s late at night (maybe like 1am or something) and they’re listening to soft slow songs in Tommys apartment and tommy pulls the reader towards him and they start slow dancing together (maybe sneak a cheeky forehead kiss or something in😌🤭😂)She/her pronouns <3
Slow Dancing In The Dark
Note: absolutely love it <3 all in tommys pov
Reader: Fem!reader
[Writing] or hcs
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I looked at her as we just sat on the kitchen floor. Neither of us could sleep, we didn’t know why but as long as I was staying up with her I was fine. She smiled and talked as I had able sisters playing in the background. We were just talking about our day leading to stories from our past days, it was relaxing but of course being me I was pretty loud. She didn’t seem to mind, she looked happy to see me myself.
Once able sisters ended I forgot my playlist was on shuffle and suddenly this slow romantic song came on and I looked up at my counter where my phone was and looked back down. Y/n seemed to like it so I just left it as is, but suddenly got an idea. I stood up and stood in front of y/n. I held out my hand as she held it and pulled her up making her freak out a bit. If I really tried I could have some strength in me but that’s for showing off to y/n that’s it.
I kept holding her hand and placed my free hand in her shoulder a little bit near her arm, “May i have this dance?” She looked at me and laughed at how British I sounded but soon nodded and we began to dance in my kitchen with the song. I swayed her gently noticing she was slowly turning tired. I pressed my nose on her forehead but in reality kissed her forehead gently without her noticing.
Once the song ended I noticed how tired she was and pulled her into a hug finally parting our hands. She immediately threw her arms over my neck as I hugged her waist. I suddenly felt her weight quickly go into mine making me almost drop her and make me fall. Thankfully I regained balance as I kept her in the hug. She fell asleep peacefully, so quickly yet gently I grabbed the back of her legs and pulled them up resulting her to be in a bridal style hold.
I carried her to my bed and laid her there as I quickly turned off my phone and rushed back into the room. I got in with her and held her close as I tried putting the blanket over both of us. “Good night y/n” I mumbled as I kissed her forehead once more and slowly drifted off too.
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