#my special little guy gets the crown as he deserves
b0nelessdoodles · 5 months
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leshy in a maid outfit reblog if you agree
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vacayisland · 5 months
@!; Together. (That's all we need) Trollex / reader . . . art/writing trade with @greaser-wolf
"Tag list"! @storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat @cyb3r-st4r @esterphobic @nevaeh-jasso
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ꨄ︎. You honestly wonder how you got here sometimes. It was an odd situation, on the way on how all the stars aligned to create a perfect path for you and Trollex. For as long as you could remember you were friends with him, and later Synth. For as long as you two remember it was a 'us against the world' type of friendship, where you all did the stupidest things together and managed to get away with it (most of the time). You remembered those days all too well, where you three would play at the edge of the reef and race to see who could get to the center first. Where you guys would ponder on ways to get that ever so special dessert of the Techno tribe, not even being able to name it yet. Where life was fun and exciting, a lot less working and a lot less everything in your face.
ꨄ︎. And sure, life is still like that, but everything seemed to turn upon it's head a few years ago; well, five years ago to be exact, when Trollex first told you that he loved you. Then two years later when you guys got married. You never had expected to become a ruler of the Techno Trolls, as you always knew the 'crown' would go to Trollex (by blood).
ꨄ︎. And adjusting to a new life was always hard, especially when it meant into the life of royalty, yet you both managed to stick through it together. Trollex showed you to ropes, explained some costumes, and walked you through everything. He still does, even after all these years,, and that's what makes you hesitant. You both have finally settled down, the reef is in such a serine state of calm (even after sending ambassadors over to the Pop Troll Village) that you didn't want to disturb the waters. No, no it was too soon for that to happen, way too soon!
ꨄ︎. But then again, Trollex deserved to know what was happening! You've both faced everything and anything together so keeping him out of the dark would be a first and probably will educe more anxiety than what you were feeling right now!
ꨄ︎. But waiting a little bit couldn't hurt, right? The thought echoed in your mind as you stared at yourself through a mirror, your eyebrows frowning as you noticed one of the two eggs peaking out from your hair. You would reach up and attempted to cover the egg again, a million thoughts racing through your mind. This would be the hardest part, to tell Trollex about his eggs. How do you even tell your husband about such a thing? Sure, you've been dreaming about this since a year into your relationship with him, yet the moment has come at one of weirdest times that it made you feel a little sick. Surely, Trollex would want kids- his kids! You've seen the way he's acted around the younger Techno Trolls, always so caring and goofy, it's what made you want to have kids in the first place. But-
ꨄ︎. But, but, but, but, BUT! Ugh that stupid word is ringing in your head too much lately, like it always does. It's what Synth liked to call my irrational word, as irrational thoughts always steamed from the word 'but'.
ꨄ︎. Irrational thoughts that were proven irrational time and time again... So I shouldn't listen to those thoughts! At least, that's what Synth would say and Synth is not here right now so I have to just think Synth to be able to have some sort of support. Just thing W.W.S.D.: What Would Synth Do? Which, in hindsight is really bad for most situations because the answer would be rave-
ꨄ︎. A RAVE!
ꨄ︎. Trollex will be DJing at a rave later today and had asked you to be his plus one, which wasn't surprising seeing as you are his wife (but a little goofy upon thinking how there's really no Techno Troll not invited to a rave; But you got a cute date with you husband so he could ask you, so that's a win). But, besides that, maybe you could tell Trollex during the rave? It would be the most low pressure situation, if you forget there are countless of eyes on you both up by the turn tables, but Trollex will be in a good mood. So telling him shouldn't be that stressful?
ꨄ︎. But you could ruin the rave by telling him there; Such as what if he doesn't want the kid and then completely stops in his DJing to stare at you in shock? Then what if he recoils back and slams into the turn tables, causing records to scratch and...
ꨄ︎. Maybe you should go see a therapist... but not now. Right now you had to figure out how to tell your Husband about the eggs that are literally growing in your hair!
ꨄ︎. Ha, no pressure!.. right?
ꨄ︎. Maybe you could have tried harder to tell Trollex about his children during the rave, or maybe you could have done better in masking your nerves during the whole party. You hadn't noticed how badly this was all getting to you despite the countless of Trolls who came up to you, asking if you were alright. One of those Trolls being your husband! He seemed extra worried about your sour attituded during the rave, noticing how you sat off to the side with a scrunched face. He knew that face, he knew it all too well; It was your pensive face, the face you only scrunch when you're in deep contemplation about something. And it worried him to see that you weren't partying like you usually were, as raves usually got you out of your pensive moods. It's what he usually did to help you shake out all the bad feelings, even if you two were at home and all you did was play music and dance around together. So if music wasn't helping than something was wrong. Really, really wrong.
ꨄ︎. And as your husband, Trollex was determined to figure out what it was to be able to help you! With having to pry it out of you.
ꨄ︎. "Alright alright!" Trollex's voice over took the blaring music as he turned it down, purposefully so he could be heard. The Techno Trolls on the floor would turn and face him, if they weren't already, confused on what was happening. The rave had just started! No way it was already over. But Trollex continued, "Don't worry, I'm just passin' off the booth to a good friend of mine and you guys can get right back to partying. I just wanted to introduce DJ Cupcake!" Trollex exclaimed, gesturing to one of his closest friends (out side of Synth and You) as they sawm up to the turn tables. He would nod, giving them a fist bump, before turning back to the Trolls. It wasn't common for Trollex to part from a rave, though it wasn't exactly uncommon either. So while there was questioning looks, no one bothered to ask Trollex about his sudden departure. They just hoped he would be alright. Funny, considering how he was hoping you were alright.
ꨄ︎. "Trollex, you didn't have to leave the rave because of me!" You would pull your wrists away from Trollex's hands as you two got home, causing him to whip around, startled. You hadn't realized the edge in your tone, nor how loud you had shouted at him so he would take a moment and stop! You didn't mean to, but you needed him to listen. "Starfish-" Trollex would start, hands drawing close to himself as he tried to formulate his words. "I was just worried, you seemed..." "You better not say moody, Trollex!" You snapped crossing your arms as you felt your body become rather on edge. Your brain was on edge. Trollex didn't know but during his rush to get you to your home, in privacy to talk, he had almost knocked out one of the eggs from his hair. Granted, you shouldn't be mad at him for that, seeing as he didn't know they even existed yet. But you couldn't help it! To think Trollex could be so reckless with young lives, it made you bitter despite your reasonable thoughts. "No, no! I wasn't going to say that at all... you just seemed pensive! Like in a seriously deep train of thought and we both know that's usually not good." Trollex backtracked, trying to save himself from your accusation. His face would scrunch a little, noticing how you shot daggers at him and how stiff your body was before you exhaled, allowing it to relax.
ꨄ︎. This only made Trollex alarmed, as he's never seen you like this before. Sure, he's seen you when you were pensive, in deep spiraling thought, but not when like this. This? This was something different.
ꨄ︎. But that didn't make you any less you and he wasn't going to run away from this problem because you were acting differently than what he was used to. Something was wrong, he had to be the husband you needed him to be right now; You needed a shoulder to lean on. And that's what he's going to give you!
ꨄ︎. Gently, as to not startle you or cause you to tense up again, Trollex would reach out and place his hands on your shoulders. He made sure you were comfortable with his touch first, then he slowly guided the two of you to sit on the floor. He didn't want to move to the couch or your shared bedroom, just encase. He needed to be gentle with you right now. "Hey, love, is... everything okay?" He would asked, being weary of his tone; He tried to keep it was soothing and gentle as possible, watching your body language for anything he could pick up on. Anything that would give him a hint as to what you're thinking. No matter how long it took, he would sit here with you until everything was okay again. You were his world, as he knew he was yours, and there was nothing he wouldn't do to make you feel better. As he expected, though, he didn't receive an answer straight away. And he was okay with that. He was glad you trusted him enough to lean your head against his shoulder and allow him to wrap his arms around your waist, silently comforting you through touch. That was something cheesy to be thankful for, especially after three years of marriage, but he was. It gave him some reassurance.
ꨄ︎. You two would sit on that floor, cuddled up in each other's arms, for what felt like (and what was) hours until you would tell Trollex what was bothering you. But Trollex didn't mind. His eyes would glance back at you upon hearing your small sigh, a relieving sound to his ears (as he knew you've come to terms with opening up with him). Trollex would softly rub your back, comfortingly drawing circles, as a silent encouragement. He watched as you chewed over how you were going to formulate your words for a few minutes before he heard your voice. "Trollex.. I have something to tell you." You would mumble out.
ꨄ︎. And he wasn't going to lie, that one sentence made his heart both flip and drop at the same time.
ꨄ︎. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Though Trollex wouldn't tell you that, knowing you already had a lot on your plate. You would probably know later, anyways, when you two look back at this and laugh at it. "I kind of know I should have told you as soon as I found out," You would start, not helping with Trollex's nerves. He felt as you would squeeze your arms around his chest, and he would do the same in turn to your waist. "But I didn't want to ruin anything, with the reef suddenly being so calm after the Rock trolls attacked and Trollstopia starting and..." Your voice would trail off, to which Trollex would pick up, "Hey, hey.. you know it never matters what is happening out in the reef, yeah? Sure, Yeah, I'm their leader but that doesn't mean you're my second priority, Starfish. I'm here for you, okay?" You would nod your head against Trollex's shoulder, staying silent for a few more minutes. Was there any easy way to tell him? Should you just drop the bomb on him now? There wasn't getting around it anyways, so it would be best to be up front, right?
ꨄ︎. "Trollex.. we're having twins."
ꨄ︎. You would squeeze your eyes shut upon telling him, waiting for his reaction. It was the one thing that you were fearing, the one reason you were so scared to tell him about the twins, and now it was something you would have to come to face with. Though, after a minute of complete silence from Trollex, you couldn't help but fear for the worst. "Love?.." Your voice was shaky as you carefully leaned away from his shoulder to catch a look at his face; You needed to know what he was feeling, what was happening, was he freaking out like you had or was he disgusted or?!- You couldn't even see his face before Trollex shot his hands up to cup your cheeks, no longer holding your waist. The sudden movement caught off guard, even more so when Trollex face sudden came closer to yours than you remembered it being. Yet... he had the brightened grin on his face, and you swore his eyes were stars as he stared in to yours. "Tell me that again." He would whisper, the excitement pouring out of him from the truck load. You couldn't help but stifle a giggle, glad he was taking this news so well but also counting his request as slightly strange. Either way, you indulged him. "Trollex, honey, we're having twins..?"
ꨄ︎. You had seen Trollex overly excited before, hell even bouncing off the walls, but his over joyous attituded right now was something that bested all those times easily. You would watch as he was literally throwing fist bumps in the air, zipping around like a little guppy high on sugar while gushing all about how he wanted to be a dad. You were sure, if he could, Trollex would be shouting "I'm a father!" to the whole Techno Village despite not having seen his two eggs yet. "Honey, is this what you were worried for?" He would asked through his excitement, taking your hands to help you off the floor. You would giggle as he picked you up by the waist and began to twirl you around, his grin (which you adored so much) never leaving. "I'm sorry, I thought I made it so clear to you that I wanted a family! You don't understand how long I've waited to be able to have kids with you, and now you're telling me we have twins?? It's like a dream come true for a guy like me!" You couldn't help but laugh, your hands firmly on Trollex's shoulders so you wouldn't fall. All the worried you had gathered were quickly filtering out as Trollex pulled you close for a hug, unable to contain all the emotions that bounced out of him. "Honey, you haven't even met the eggs!" You would shout through your laughter, only knowing that Trollex would grow even more excited upon actually seeing his eggs.
ꨄ︎. And you were right. Despite being careful with them, making sure they wouldn't break and they were properly being heated, Trollex was even more esthetic about being a dad he could barely keep it to himself! You had to basically hold him hostage inside your home so he wouldn't shout to the world "I'M A DAD!", as you would like some privilege in having the two kids be a secret for at least a little. But, that then meant you had to deal with his excitement alone. A sacrifice you were willing to make. You would giggle and laugh every time Trollex hugged and cuddled you, nuzzling his head against your shoulder or neck or cheek, exclaiming how he was so lucky; Lucky not only to have kids, but that you were also their parent and you were his and he could not picture his life with anyone else!
ꨄ︎. It took a good few hours before his excitement would wear off, not fully, but to a manageable amount. By that time, you both were laying in your bed with the eggs in between you two. Trollex was just admiring them, like they were the most precious thing in his life, and you couldn't help but smile as you watched him. You weren't sure how you managed to get this lucky, but you were sure thanking everyone who managed to make it happen.
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@!; BONUS LITTLE SNIPPETS (things that didn't make it into the full story as well as some 'after math')
ꨄ︎. One of the babies were named Starr, after 'Starfish', and the other was named Pier. Trollex literally adores these kids so much, if you don't stop him he (and his parents) will spoil them rotten while teaching them out to be good people?? You trusted Trollex's parents, you didn't even need to question their ways (seeing how great of a man Trollex ways), but you did have to put a restriction on how much they did spoil Starr and Pier. Mostly you had to restrict Trollex.
ꨄ︎. Trollex and you have a jar of baby names! You had forgotten you two had set up a jar to place slips with baby names in them so when you two did have kids, it would be easy to pick out names. Trollex brought out the jar not even two days after he met the eggs, claiming how they needed names! He couldn't keep calling them eggs and eggie. You two saved the names you didn't pick, took out the two you did, and saved the jar encase you had more kids.
ꨄ︎. Trollex couldn't go two weeks before he spilled the news! You were even surprised that you managed to tell his and your families, and Synth, before he gushed about being a dad while DJing at a rave. Funny, it was the one rave you didn't go to because you were going to spend time with your family! You weren't mad at him, you found it cute how excited he was about being a dad, but it was surely confusing when random Trolls began congratulating you. (He did tell you as soon as he found you and apologize for slipping up :( )
ꨄ︎. No one could buy your babies anything because Trollex was on it first! Man was working on the nursery no less than a week to two after he first bet the eggs, asking for your input and all. He would let you help, but nothing too straining because you were holding the babies in your hair. Literally built the crib and room from the ground up by himself, with you helping where you could. Though the next day his and your parents would come over, asking if there's anything they could help with to pitch in for the baby. As soon as the words nursery left their lips, Trollex just had to show them the room!! Their jaws were on the floor, literally. Didn't expect the nursey to be done so soon. Trollex was very proud of himself.
ꨄ︎. The type of dad to go all out for any holiday, even mothers/fathers day for you! And in turn you do it right back. Y'alls house is so festive and cozy and fun.
ꨄ︎. Synth is like an Uncle to the kids, despite not being blood related to you or Trollex. But not all family had to be blood related, and you had to explain this to the two when they realized that Synth is just a really good friend. Family is chosen, not forced.
ꨄ︎. Overall, he's such a fun and goofy dad!! Will do anything to protect you and the kids. You guys are always his number one priority!
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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forbiddenmoss · 2 months
I believe Emily is the type of person to give EVERYONE a valentine's day card/gift. When the new farmer arrives some of the local singles are quick to join in on this tradition.
Emily- Emily gives everyone a little something of valentine's day because everyone deserves to feel special! Emily also tries to make hand make each gift so everyone has their own personal little something. When working at the saloon paying attention to what little things people mention liking. Shane says it's getting colder when he walks to work? Knitted hat and scarf with little chickens on it. Leah keeps destroying her clothes with paint finner? Hand sewn apron with lots of pockets for tools. With the new farmer Emily would crochet a little guy. Maybe the farmers favourite animal maybe a magical creature from the area with a little hand written note wishing you a happy valentine's day.
Hailey- Hailey is not like Emily. You only get a gift of her if yous are very close and she likes you. But if she does you get the cutest little hamper basket. She spends a while online getting face masks and chocolates to match her gift aesthetic for you. Maybe even some matching pajamas for you both but unless yous are already dating she's adamant it's a pal-ntines gift honestly it's not like she like she has a crush on you or anything.
Abigail- I honestly believe Abigail, Sam and Sebastian would buy each other the most ridiculous gifts they can find and Abigail would be quick to rope you into it. But maybe with you she puts a little more thought into it a little card with some pun "your my boo" or "I think you are DEAD cute" and the gift would be heart felt but funny and personal to the two of you. Sebastian is the only one who notices her blushing as she gives you the gift.
Maru- doesn't understand the point of valentine's day. Especially after reading into the origins of the holiday. Besides the holiday is so commercialised it's lost all meaning. Even if dating or married maru would only celebrate the holiday of you wanted to. They really mean well and love you dearly but they show affection through actions not gifts.
Penny- penny LOVES valentines day she tries to give everyone a little card with a lovely message. Penny and Emily go around the village together giving gifts and cards for everyone. Even her lessons that day focus on self love and appreciating friends and family. Jaz and Vincent love it. After she has self care time. Self love. Now penny is really shy and it takes a lot of encouragement to to make your valentine's day card a little more special to express her feelings. I could see penny making a flower crown from wild flowers and giving it to you.
Leah- She's friends with Elliot so of course she feels the need to really express the type of love she feels for you. Platonic, romantic, aesthetic doesn't matter she'll embrace it and create a sculpture that expresses that. After her ex she is quite reluctant to express her feelings in a direct way especially when the holiday brings up so many bad memories. But letting go of her emotions through her craft feels good and since you inspired her it makes sense to give it to you. It's like her own secret confession.
Sam- Sam really likes the holiday especially finding the most ridiculous cringe gifts to give his friends! He is really excited when you join in the tradition and can't wait to give his friends their funny gifts. If he likes you romantically he actually really struggles choosing a gift for you. Nothing really feels right to give to you. Abigail and Sebastian were easy but you? He ends up asking his mum for advice Jodi realises he has a crush on you (wait till Caroline finds out her little boy has a crush). Jodi suggests he writes a song so it's more personal. He does this but when the day comes he gets a little embarrassed and puts the CD through your letter box. Sadly he didn't say who it was from let's hope you recognize him through his music!
Sebastian- Sebastian really enjoys the new addition to the group. It took him a while to feel comfortable around you but now he does he loves playing D&D with you he loves sneaking off to your farm to escape his family for a smoke. He really appreciates you so when valentine's day came around he was actually really excited to get you the most embarrassing gift he could think of. You want a big blanket with funny pictures of the four of you printed on it right?
Alex- Alex always gives his grandparents nice gifts to show he appreciates and loves them this year he has a person to buy for. You. When grandma Evelyn finds out she is over the moon and feels this is the perfect moment to pass on the family cookie recipe. The first batch come out edible but questionable and kinda heart shaped. If you squint. Alot. When George finds out he gives lots of dating advice. Doesn't matter if he likes you romantically or not he's getting THE TALK from George. Lucky Alex.
Elliot- oh lord. This man. If yous are just friends you get a beautiful poem expressing his appreciation of your friendship. He turns up at your door at sunrise so you can start your day knowing he cherishes your friendship and is so thankful you chose this farm to move to. It is really touching and the fresh coffee be brings is really appreciated too. If he is in love with you he would set up a candle lit picnic on the beach at sunset. Candles lit very fancy wine (or any beverage he knows you like) with lots of food to nibble on between chatting. When the sun starts to recite the poem expressing his deep love for you. His muse. His beloved.
Harvey- after maru pushing him to confess his feelings for you and Emily chatting about the valentine's day preparations he finally decides to express it. He doesn't go out of his way to find you he just bumps into you when on his daily walk and plucking up his courage gives you the card and tells you how he feels. How he appreciates you how he values you how he feels more confident when he's around you. If yous are dating or married he will prepare a healthy little breakfast hamper and take care of some things about the farm so you can take it easy and relax.
Shane- this guy. He has never celebrated valentine's day he says it's because he believes it's just for joja mart to sell lots of heart shaped crap. He knows this isn't true he just finds it easier to hate the holiday than to feel sad he doesn't have someone special to share it with. He spends valentine's day with jaz who paints his nails gets him to make lots of cards with her. He finds himself making one for you and when jaz sees you she gives you his card. He didn't realise jaz took that card he thought it went in the bin but now you have the card you were never ment to get. After than jaz drags both of you to pick flowers and make flower crowns. Sitting together amongst the flowers Shane realises jaz has left the two of you alone which leads to you giving Shane his card and starting a conversation Shane never knew he needed to have. Just ignore jaz peaking around a tree proud of her work.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
infatuated bf!yeosang realizing sanwoo likes you and deciding to try and invite them into your relationship cause why not?
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o m g anon, that idea is literally the best. i LOVE woosansang. i decided to keep this fluffy but totally could have take the smut route 🤣
yeosang loves you. point blank. he’s so whipped for you it’s crazy and the others often tease him about it but he doesn’t care. especially when you are just infatuated with him.
so when he notices san and wooyoung beginning to show interest in you, he was curious. he probably should have been jealous because you’re his. he should discourage and stop wooyoung from cuddling up you when you all watch a movie. he shouldn’t let san take you out on cute cafe dates or let him kiss the crown of your head and hold you.
but then he notices how flustered the two of them make you. how they gang up and tease you until you’re running and hiding in yeosang’s chest. that’s when he finally decides to ask his two best friends.
“do you like y/n?” he caught them both off guard. wooyoung attempted to it and san had a guilty look like he had been a little kid caught stealing a cookie. yeosang doesn’t like comparing you to a cookie.
san opens his mouth to try and explain himself but yeosang stops him. “don’t say anything. i talked with y/n about the two of you the other night and she told me that she feels the same as you two.”
yeosang could laugh at how shocked the two males are, but he holds it. “neither of us mind you both joining the relationship… if you want to. i know you guys will love my y/n like i do.”
wooyoung fell into being your boyfriend faster than san. always hugging you, kissing you, and even more teasing than ever. he’s honestly more of a menace than a boyfriend most of the time. yet he still has his soft moments where he’ll do nothing but lay you down and kiss you until morning.
but then you and san go on more and more dates. his affection starts becoming more and more prevalent. he teases you just like wooyoung, but not as bad. he loves teasing you to make you flustered as he traps you between him and either the wall or the couch before he's smothering you in kisses.
and yeosang can't help but feel like you are getting all the love and attention you deserve. of course even though you're dating wooyoung and san, he knows that what you two have is special and incomparable.
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griffintail · 2 years
Lost Ones Halloween
I managed my brain to write something! They're more like headcanons of what the Lost Ones (With some special guests) would dress as for Halloween. It's just some cute shit for you guys. K! BYE!
(F/L) would dress up just like Tommy in his suit, calling herself Little Trusty and try to trick people into giving her more candy. Tommy would be very proud.
Star would still dress in her L'Manberg uniform but she'd care around a book with Declaration of Indepdance printed on the front and a guitar on her back. Wilbur would be honored by his little girl and make sure she'd get plenty of treats.
Little Blade would dress as Athena (her favorite goddess). Techno would praise her choice and take her out. Though he wasn't really welcomed in the countries, no one was willing to tell him no when he'd lead his little girl in with an axe on his shoulder.
Phil would be surprised by Angel's choice as she'd be dressed as his goddess. (Techno giving her no influence or help whatsoever. Nope!) Though he'd smile widely at the choice and defend her choice as they went out. He was sure Kristen loved it just as much as him.
Blue would wear a blue sheep costume and Ghostbur would not stop squealing with joy as he looked at his little girl. It was just perfect and adorable! Her cuteness didn't affect just him either and she most certainly got the best and most treats. (Which she split with Tommy).
She was already a princess! She wanted to be something different, so instead she put on a cape and crown, calling herself a king instead. Eret would grin and promise she'd make the best king one day. She most certainly felt like a king with the amount of treats she got.
She was a bit embarrassed with her costume as Dream managed to make time to be there for her. He would stand shocked as she was in a perfect outfit making her look like him. Eventually, he'd tell her he loved it before even giving her a sword to match his as well. No one would dare give less than what she deserved.
Lamb would dress as a bee. Tubbo would keep her on his shoulders all night, letting her "fly around" as they went out trick or treating.
Boo would dress as an enderman. To help her complete her perfect outfit, Ranboo let her have some ender pearls but had her swear to not throw them too far from him. She had fun the entire night and when she accidentally break his rule, Ranboo didn't have the heart to scold her.
Kit and Fundy had the perfect plan for mischief! She dressed up as a baby zombie and scared people the entire night, while also making sure to score plenty of treats. (It's alright if a few were someone else's)
Duckling dressed as well as duck! Quackity would be unsure about the costume at first but she looked too adorable to say no to. He could never say no to her.
Ram hadn't really planned on going out, but when Schlatt took her out to get an outfit to go out the day before, she was thrilled and knew exactly what she wanted to be. When she came out in a suit, Schlatt was confused until she said she was dressed as the best president, him. Damn it! She had to stop making him feel soft!
Creeper had thought about dressing as a creeper but thought of one better. She dressed as a prison guard and when Sam would ask her why, she told him so she could go to work with him instead since he was going to work that night. He had planned on letting Sam Nook take her, but, he could afford one night off instead.
Pup would dress as a shark. Foolish would absolutely love it and if she didn't get nearly enough as he thought she deserved, he'd make sure she'd get it.
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oliversrarebooks · 5 months
what do your guys think about flowers? do they appreciate a nice bouquet? does lady jessica get roses from her love interests? has fitz ever had them be thrown on the stage after a performance? has anyone ever made lex a flower crown and told him to stop looking so sad and tormented? (if not, i will make him one.)
also, do any of them have a favourite flower with a special significance? i feel like the resident gays might have something sappy like that going on. like "ooo i got a bouquet of roses from fitz in 1897 and now whenever i see roses i tear up and spiral for 5 consecutive days"
also, lex seems like the type to enjoy nice, pressed flowers... he would 100% kill live ones. oliver wouldnt tho, i think. in my heart, oliver knows how to take care of little potted plants like he knows how to care for old books. maybe he could get some for lex's (i bet) sad and lifeless little manor. it needs the touch of a living person /j
sorry for the many questions, i suddenly got curious. as a parting gift, i stick a flower in fitz's gorgeous gorgeous hair, and i assure him he looks stunning (which he already knew). i also give miss lily a flower for being employee of the month at the thrall factory. ... i would like to give everyone a flower i think... they all deserve it... lady jessica for being so pretty and fun, lex for being so sopping wet and squishable, emily and oliver for being the best thralls... (jameson gets nothing, but the rats get a flower too)
This is a great ask, I love it
Lex would definitely love pressed flowers. He enjoys floral scents, as well, and often smells a bit floral due to using soaps and perfumes with floral fragrance. But you're right, he does not normally have live plants in his manor. Particularly when he's in a mood, he tends to lose track of the days, and is poor of taking care of living creatures. This is part of why it's good for him to have thralls that can attend to their own needs. He's had cats before, but they were allowed to free roam outdoors and so often took care of their own food by killing the numerous city mice.
Lex would also have books on flower language. Among the supernatural folk, flower language is mostly the realm of witches and faefolk, as they have strong connection to nature and plants.
The idea of Lex in a flower crown is amazing.
I think it's spot on that Oliver would enjoy houseplants. Keeping houseplants in the manor would be difficult because the windows are usually shut (to protect Lex in case he needs to get up during the day). He would keep plants in his own bedroom, where he usually keeps the window open for sunlight and fresh air.
Oliver would beam with delight at being given a flower for being the best thrall.
Fitz does indeed get tossed roses and flowers at his performances. He loves gaining flowers as a token of admiration, but could never actually take care of a live plant. He does have one very bad association with roses that will come up in the story. Lex would usually get him flowers other than roses for that reason.
Fitz grins and preens at having a flower stuck in his hair.
Lily doesn't have a particularly good or bad association with flowers. She's always busy and doesn't keep house plants. She does very often wear floral print dresses, though. And she'd be very amused to be named the Employee of the Month at the thrall factory.
Jessica LOVES flowers. She loves to get them from admirers and fills her house with them. She has both real and artificial flowers -- she tosses the real flowers as soon as they start to die, and tosses the artificial flowers as soon as they get dusty. Like many things in Jessica's life, nothing actually lasts very long. She also often wears floral corsages, and flowers on her hat and in her hair.
Emily likes the flowers in Jessica's house. It's one of the bright spots of her dismal existence, and once she gets some art supplies, it's one of her favorite subjects to draw and color.
Jameson thinks flowers are for women and children.
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rabbitenn · 8 months
hi! im excited to see another idolish7 imagines blog!!! my birthday is coming up, so would it be okay if i requested hcs/scenario for what nagi would do on his s/o's birthday?
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It’s your birthday and he’ll celebrate with you as you deserve.
ft. Rokuya Nagi x gn! reader.
cw/genre: pure fluff.
hi, nonnie ! first of all, happiest birthday to you <3 i’m wishing you have a very lovely time on your special day 🩷 and i hope i managed to post this in time for your birthday too. thank you sm for requesting, i really hope it is to your liking !
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— Nagi is one of the sweetest guys you can ever meet. He loves his friends more than anyone ever, and of course, that extends to his s/o.
— So, obviously, he has to celebrate your special day with you! And no small celebration will do either! Your boyfriend wants this to be a beautiful memory when you look back at it.
— First things first, this wouldn’t be a proper birthday if there wasn’t a cake present, so he totally begs resident cook Mitsuki to help him prepare a pretty and tasty one for you (the latter has to prevent Nagi from decorating it with a Cocona theme, though, but he has good intentions, Cocona is very cute, after all).
— Nagi is very considerate and thoughtful under that flashy exterior of his. Not being new to having to queue in order to get his favorite anime merch, he’ll go to the ends of the earth if he has to just to get you that item you’ve been eyeing for months. No matter how expensive it is.
— And of course, he plans a whole trip for your special day, which includes visiting all your favorite places, or new spots you’ve mentioned you’d like to visit some time.
You awake to the vibration of your phone, resonating against the wood of your bedside table.
Turning around in bed, you groggily feel for the device, bleary eyes squinting at the screen.
Turns out, what you see is a little different from what you were expecting, for, instead of your alarm, a bunch of notifications from a certain someone cover the background photo of you and him.
00:00 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: happy birthday, my beloved 🌹💕
8:32 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: good morning, dear ! ✨
8:43 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: look outside your window, beautiful <3
8:44 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Nagi ✧: today is going to be special ~
followed by lots of cute memes and multiple emojis.
Despite the sleep still clinging to you like a blanket that beckons you to go back to the honeyed daze of nightly dreams, you get up from bed. Hair messy, and one of his Cocona t-shirts exposing your shoulder, you make your way to your room’s balcony.
And just as you expected, there your boyfriend stands. Cocona customized phone in hand, dazzling smile on his lips, and waving to you with one of his hands.
“Good morning to you too, handsome.” You chuckle, your arms laying crossed over the balcony railing.
The idol’s sky blue gaze brightens when your face comes into view, his smile widening even more if that was possible.
“Why don’t you come in, Nagi?” You invite him. “As much as the breeze up here is nice, talking like this is hardly convenient.” You suggest.
“That would be an excellent idea, my love. I’ve brought something for you.” He says, charming as ever.
“I’ll be right there.”
And sure enough, bring something he did.
A delicious looking cake, its sweet scent wafting through your living room as Nagi carefully arranges a few candles over its surface. Somehow, he even managed to find ones that match the cake’s coloring.
As he carefully lights them up, you get lost in him. He really is beautiful, and in that moment you’re convinced he is, without a doubt, a prince. You truly are lucky to have met someone as loving, gentle and caring as him.
“Happy birthday, [Y/n]” He utters, with a kiss to the crown of your head. “Make a wish, my darling.” Your lover whispers, his hands resting on your shoulders, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.
With tender eyes, you stare up at him, one of your hands resting on top of his.
“All I could have ever wished for has already come true, Nagi.” You confess, before reaching up to softly peck his lips.
Yes, Rokuya Nagi is definitely everything you had been looking for, you think, as you blow out your birthday candles.
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Ikemen Prince Headcannons
Pet names for MC - 16+ (suggestive at certain points)
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Jin Grandet
He calls you "Baby", with a smouldering look.
Yes, the look is important because he only used to say that word when he flirted with you. Now you're dating but that wouldn't stop his flirting with you by a long shot.
"Looking good today, baby", he says planting a kiss on your shoulder before you pull up your shirt all the way up. You both look at your smiling reflections before Jin leans to the side and steals another kiss from your lips.
In the afternoon when you're having tea with Licht and Yves he often joins in. He leans back on the settee and throws an arm over your shoulders as Yves continues rambling about Clavis' new prank. "What do you say baby?", Jin whispers loud enough for Yves to hear, "Should we make ourselves scarce and find a more private spot?". He nips at your ear and smiles at Yves' embarrassed face while he scolds him.
However, when you do get your alone time he slowly loses the cool playboy front he trained for years before meeting you. Soon he is heaving and calling you his "happiness"
Chevalier Michel
Of course, he has his favourite, "simpleton"
But after a while, he starts keeping it for special occasions.
In everyday life, he uses your name because it would be foolish to address you in another manner in front of others and too much of a hassle to even find a pet name you'd like.
But of course, when you're alone, or rather when he's alone with you, it's a different story
He lightly strokes your hair as you lay sleeping in his arms, the stars and moon casting the only light in the room. He restricts his movements to the most delicates he can master, his hands dangerously used to destroying things instead of caring for them. He kisses you on the crown of your head, a grateful smile adorning his lips. "Stay by my side my love", he whispers under the safety your sleep provides his heart, "always"
Clavis Lelouch
Clavis is not a man to restrict himself to one nickname for you. However, you can say a lot about his mood and intentions by noticing which one he chooses each time.
"Hey beautiful!", Clavis gives you a little wink to accompany his cheerful smile as he approaches. This is a regular occurrence now that you and he are "paramours". In fact, he loves introducing you as such to everyone, even those of high and important stature.
"Hey beautiful", he smiles as he hides the newest trap he set for Yves behind his back, "what are you doing here?". Honestly, when he calls you that you know he's up to something.
"I think I deserve a reward for today, sweetcheeks", he cages your body between his arms as he leans over your chair, "I barely annoyed anyone, it was so boring"
"Something you want to say, sweetcheeks?", his eyes shine with mischief as his thumb teases your lower lip.
He pulls you deeper in his embrace, your back flush in his chest. He buries his head on your shoulder and whispers, "I love you, sweetheart"
Leon Dompteur
Leon is the type of guy who would address you as "babe" EVERYWHERE. He's not bothered by the looks people give him when he calls you that in front of the nobility. Actually, he looks rather amused.
"How about we go to town today babe?", his voice is the definition of <sensational> as you walked together down the castle hallways.
He really makes it sound so natural that you don't know what to call him.
He uses it so much that you barely find your name leaving his lips during the day.
At night, however, your name is the only one he uses. It drips from his tongue like nectar, each syllable richer and sweeter than syrup. His voice drops an octave as he looks you in the eyes, love pouring from him as he calls you, "y/n"
Yves Kloss
Yves was reluctant at first when you asked him to find a nickname for you. His cheeks flushed red and he denied it with all his might knce you pointed it out. Little did you know thay he had already though a great number of ways to adress you, but he was yet to find the perfect one.
He tried once to call you Sugar but he heard himself sound like Jin and he never attempted it again. He even scolded himself for ever trying to use that particular one.
He tried calling you "Kitten", but then he realised he sounded too much like Nokto and he didn't like that either.
At last, one day when you were sitting on the settee side by side eating one of his Michelin star-level cakes, he leaned his head over yours and said, "You're absolutely adorable when you're enjoying yourself, mi cielo"*
You blushed as you knew he read that one of your foreign love stories, one you particularly enjoyed.
Licht Klein
"You're my heart", Licht says as he nuzzles against your back. He wouldn't let you look at his face but you knew he was crying. One of those nightmares probably again. "I adore you so much I hate you for it", his hands, wrapped around your torso, press you closer to his body. As the night carries on, Licht slowly drifts back to sleep. After a while, staying to catch a glimpse of his once again peaceful face, you allow yourself too to be swept up in the realm of Morpheus.
Morning come, Licht softly kisses you awake. "Goodmorning, my heart", he says. Each time you hear him call you that, your own heart bleeds with affection. You didn't know you could feel that much love, nor that you could be loved that much.
When he truly pours his heart out to you he goes for the full-on cheesy package
He places a gentle kiss on your nose, hands cupping your blushed cheeks. He leans close, his forehead resting against yours. "My beautiful nightingale", he says softly to you, "I love you so"
In all other times, Licht addresses you by your name. But even as he keels his unmoved expression up for everyone, once he speaks your name that all melts away into a beautiful smile. One that you cherish more than anything else in the world.
Nokto Klein
He loved introducing you as his fiancée, he would love introducing you as his wife.
I feel like Nokto is kind of a mock playboy and the minute he settled down he'd be one of those guys that half of his conversations spin around "my wife did this today" and "my wife did that today"
However, he still insists to tease you with a cocky grin, as if he still needs to win you over.
"Hey hotness", he says leaning against the wall opposite to the library, "fancy an outing?"
His favourite however would be "love". Without Chevalier's secret sweetness and possessive pronoun, he uses it when he addresses you no matter the room. He says it with ease, either in cheer or passion, and every time it falls from his lips you can't help but smile.
"You know love", he says pulling you closer by the waist after noticing your exhaustion, "I've gotten tired of this party. Should we go?"
You cling to his body after saying "i love you" to him in the safety of your dark bedchambers. He kisses your nose as he hovers above you. "Me too love", he says, "more than you know"
Luke Randolph
Do i need to say it?
He heard you calling him "honey" once and he fell in love a second time (you were the first of course). This time with that nickname.
He calls you outside, in balls, in offices, in meetings and of course when you're alone.
He says there is only one thing he loves more than honey and that is you, so it was the only word that even came close to summarizing his feelings.
"I missed you so much, honey", he says after returning from another excruciatingly boring training exercise. Even though you had not seen him for only an hour, you held him closer to appreciate his warmth.
He only uses your name when he is being serious. Whether it's concern, worry or frustration, when Luke uses your name you know it's time for both of you to sit down and have a conversation.
Sariel Noir
Oh boy, you know the man has a power complex/daddy vibe.
So of course he began with the classic "pet". I am 100% certain he did. He still calls you that when you *ahem* go beyond sfw
In public, he is the type to address you by your name.
I feel like he'd call you Sweetie
And he would do that with many tones like...watch
Sweetly: "Come here sweetie", he chuckles as he opens his arms to you, "I missed you"
Derisively: He tilts your chin with the handle of his whip. "So you think you can get a pass on your lessons now that we're together?, he smirks like the true devil he is, "You've got it all wrong, sweetie."
Rio Ortiz
Rio is a simp. We all know he is a simp.
So of course he'd call you "Goddess", Shingen style.
"You look so beautiful today, my Goddess", he says as you twirl on your new dress.
He holds your hand as he guides you through the empty town, the fountain square reserved just for yourselves. He smiles as your face lights up at the lanterns he has placed over the water. "This is what I love to see you wear most, oh Goddess of my heart", he kisses the crown of your head as he hugs you from behind, careful not to obstruct your view, "A smile as beautiful as the glimmering light of these lanterns.
Idk if Rio would be as good with words as I am but if anyone of them could say smth this cheesy it WOULD BE HIM.
Gilbert Von Obsidian
We are just gonna ignore "Fufu" for now even though he still uses it when he feels like teasing you (also I have the feeling that although it translates it like that to everyone, it means smth else and we'll get smth else)
He LOVES animal nicknames. Whether it's "bunny" or "kitten" or "doe", "Dove"...basically any cute animal that comes to your mind he has used its name to call you.
"Well well, little bunny", Gilbert grabs your chin so that your eyes meet his, "Wanna take a stroll on the dark side?"
(Don't just me for that line, I had to)
You hug your pillow tighter at the sound of the lark, turning on your belly to lay over black linen sheets. As the morning sun sneaks past the curtains to kiss your skin you feel another kiss, more real, being placed on your shoulder. "Good morning, my beautiful dove", Gilbert's hand traces your bare back before hugging your waist, "Did I visit you in your dreams tonight?"
I think he'd love "dove" a great deal more because you were indeed Rhodolite's dove of peace, sent to Obsidian.
Keith Howell
Keith would have two nicknames for you, as he himself has two sides.
Nice Keith would call you something like "Mariposa" (butterfly) or "Belladonna"
"Want to come to town with me tonight, Belladonna?", he gently kisses your hand, his eyes looking deep into yours.
Dark Keith? Oh he'd have something too...
His fingers trace the curve of your neck before kissing it. "I don't see why you're still staying in this place when you can stay with me", he says, his teeth lightly pricking your skin, "Come home with me, little sparrow, away from this cavern of beasts"
Silvio Ricci
What else would Silvio call you other than "treasure". If you read Court of Darkness you know who I stole this from BUT COME ON TELL ME I'M WRONG
He kisses your collarbone from behind before clipping on the beautiful necklace he's just gifted you. "A treasure for my treasure", he smiles as you look at your reflections in the mirror.
You walk alone in the streets, your hands full with a stack of newly obtained books. Suddenly a carriage stops at your side, the door flying open. "Get in treasure", Silvio lays on his seat cross-legged, arm dropped over the cushion, "Haven't got all day"
*mi cielo = my sky
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Four: Doorway Kisses
Summary-3.1k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Curtis and You begin to grow closer in this new budding relationship. Little moments shared begin to really show each other who each of you is and what matters for the both of you. As much as you are falling for Curtis, Curtis is finding he is for you as well and wants to really build this into something real.
Warnings- Reader has some doubts about herself and some inner hate talk. But this is mostly just some fluff with a few heated moments. This is an 18+ Only blog.
A/N- This is a shorter chapter but I loved the little moments they shared with each other and it felt like a good time to share those moments with you guys. This one is not proofread, my beta is having herself a WELL DESERVED vacation. So you all gotta suffer with my messy writing. As always, Thank You so much for all the comments, likes and shares. Every time any of you drop me a message saying what you thought or how something reminds you of Curtis and Honey, I seriously want to cry because they are so important to me. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics, Much love and Happy Reading.🐝
Chapter 3 / Masterlist
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You two had gone out a few more times during the month, each time getting to know each other a little better. The longer the two of you hung out together, the more comfortable it became. There was easy affectionate touches shared and a general ease of comfort with one another on the dates, when it was time to say goodnight, the kisses became more desiring, trying to stretch out the minutes just a little longer, just a little more. The more you got to know Curtis, the more you found yourself falling for the man who was so unlike anyone you’ve ever dated.   
You found out that Curtis loved stories, mythology, and legends, your very first glimpse was the night of your first official date stargazing. Turned out he was an avid reader in his down time and typically had a book stashed somewhere in his truck. You accidentally found a copy of The Viking Spirit under his truck's seat, the cover tattered and torn, the spine barely holding it together and when you flipped open the pages, the corners had small notes and highlights of parts he particularly seemed to enjoy. 
“Oh, I thought I had brought that inside.” He said absently as you flipped through it, taking a moment to read a couple of his notes but then closed it back up, feeling like you were imposing on his private thoughts. You tucked it on the dashboard so that he wouldn't forget to bring it inside the next time. 
“Must have slipped out of sight, out of mind. What's your favorite one?” Now here you would have thought it would have been some fearsome story about one of Odin's conquests but Curtis broke into a goofy grin and plucked the book off the dashboard, flipping through the pages. 
“This one…” He flipped the book so you could see the picture, a big man badly dressed as a woman. “When I was a kid, my grandfather read me these and this one where Loki helps Thor get back Mjolnir from a giant. I thought it was just the funniest thing, picturing Thor flirting to get his hammer back.” 
Curtis elaborated on the story, reading the chapter to you and before it was over, you both were holding your sides, laughing as tears streamed down your faces. 
“Your grandfather sounds like he was a great man, is he still alive?” 
Curtis sobered a bit, a finger tracing the books binding a moment like it was special to him. “No… I'm afraid he is not.” Then he snapped it shut and set it aside. “But him and my grandmother were great people.” 
You reached out, looking to comfort him with a gentle brush of your hand to his arm. “They sound like it, I’m sorry they are not here any longer Curtis.” 
Curtis broke into a smile and wrapped his arm around you, tucking you in close to him and a quick press of his lips went to the crown of your head. “Don’t be, it’s been a long time and I was lucky to have them.” You let yourself sink into his side, it was like you fit right there.
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It wasn't just you finding out new facts, Curtis did as well. Opting one night to just order pizza instead of going out, he crashed on your apartment's couch, a box of pizza opened on the coffee table as you stuck the dvd in the player before crashing on the couch next to him. “Okay, this is… well one of my favorite movies. I know you have seen it before, and I'm most likely gonna be the biggest dork about it, but I really can't help it, okay?” 
His arm went over your shoulder and he shrugged while you scooted into the curve of his body, hitting play on your dvd players remote. “Be the biggest dork ever Honey, not gonna phase me any. Actually it's pretty cute.” Curtis chuckled and you let your face hide against his side for a moment, the casual drop of Honey making your insides twist before you turned towards the start of the movie. An all too familiar scene of In-Gen employees started milling around a dinosaur cage and Curtis tucked you in closer, muttering under his breath. “This is even better than I expected, I do hope you have the other two? They all need to be watched at once.” Knowing full well you must have had them all, but you turned a hopeful look up to him, breaking out in the damn cutest grin he had ever seen.
“You bet jurassican.” Causing Curtis to snort, he hooked his foot in the leg of your coffee table to pull it closer so he could reach for the pizza box and neither of you would really had to move from your comfortable relaxing poses. 
“You really are a dork.” He tickled lightly along your side and you playfully poked his side with your elbow. 
“Takes one to know one.” 
“Oooh Clever Girl.” Curtis teased back while he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I dino what to tell ya, I am too.” 
The night ended with you falling asleep against his shoulder and Curtis easing you onto the couch and covering you up before slipping out of your apartment. He was hesitant to leave but knew that the two of you weren’t ready for the sleeping over stage, having just started dating. Before leaving, he took one last look at you curled on the couch and smiled to himself, considering himself pretty lucky. Before he headed out of the building, he double-checked your door, making sure it was locked behind him. 
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It was the beginning of October and stores in the area had there Halloween holiday displays out, covering most of Duluth's store fronts now.  Curtis made a pit stop at a gas station on the way home from work when he happened to see a little pumpkin ornament that made him think of you, the previous week you happened to mention how much you loved Halloween in a passing comment and then never mentioned anymore about it. It stuck out for Curtis, this little confession of what made you happy. So when he happened to see the little ornament for sale on the gas station counter, he included it with his purchases. 
Planning on surprising you with it, he showed up earlier than you were expecting that Saturday. A quick rap on the door announced his arrival and you answered from somewhere on the other side. “Coming!” 
You were busy grading your students' recent homework, red pen tapping at the corner of your mouth while you absently chewed it. Thankfully you didn't have to use it too often for most of your kids, leaving you pleased that your class really seemed to be embracing the current curriculum. You did jump a little at the knock, knowing he would be showing up, but he was there earlier then usual.
Rushing to the door, you went to sneak a look out the peephole and was greeted with a distorted reflection of Curtis waiting patiently. His arm was over his head, leaning against the door frame and his other hand behind his back. Unlocking the door, you opened it, allowing him to lean in closer to your space. “Hey good looking. You are visiting me early today?” 
“I come bearing gifts Y/N.” 
“You brought me a gift?” You bit your lip and tried to peek around him, but he was effective in blocking your view. “What do I gotta do to get it?” You finally gave up trying, looking up at him hopeful and a bit in surprise. 
“Hmmm…” He contemplated, eyes rolling upwards as if thinking. His handsome face with that dark beard that he must have just trimmed and splattering of barely there freckles was starting to drive you a bit crazy waiting and when you gave a bit of a huff of impatience, he broke into a grin. “A kiss from my best girl? I would rather enjoy that.” 
This nickname made you feel like butterflies were fluttering through your chest and your teeth dragged against your bottom lip with insinuation. “I'm your best girl?” So far almost all your kisses shared have been initiated by Curtis, like he couldn't get enough and had to steal one more. But this one you would get to give and that made you a little nervous about being clumsy. You stepped in closer and slid your hands around his waist in a loose hug, your fingers stretched, trying to get a feel for what he had hidden, but he effectively twisted it out of your reach. “You are not even gonna let me feel it?” You pouted a bit and he shook his head. 
“Nope, I’m not gonna let you feel what it is.” He scoffed and you pressed in closer, letting the tip of your nose run against his jaw before going to tiptoes to press your lips against his, soft at first as you nipped slightly for permission. He sunk in closer into your doorway, letting you deepen your kiss, tongues sliding together and soft moans exchanged. Your arms shifted from his waist to up around his neck to hold onto him. You were feeling the excitement build, the urgency to take this further with him. Your fingers curled around his neck and pulled him into the rest of the apartment. 
Curtis followed your lead, his foot going up to press against the door to swing it shut. He managed to stuff the gift in his jacket pocket to make use of both hands, letting them fall to your hips to keep you close while backing you up. It wasn't till your legs hit the arm of your couch did you fall back into the cushions. Your hold on Curtis made him fall down with you. “Shit.” He cursed out while you whined underneath him. He was pulling himself up a bit to keep from crushing you, with worry in his features. “I didn't hurt you did I?” 
You started giggling, covering your face then and trying to contain your embarrassment at the klutzy moment you had. “No, sorry. I didn't mean to make us trip.” You peeked out from under your hands and wiggled the tip of your nose at him. 
Curtis smiled in relief and reached up to move your hands off your face, pressing a gentle kiss this time before shifting off you and helping you up. “You don't have to apologize for something like that. It was what I was looking for.” Tugging you in closer to him. “Now close your eyes, so I can give you your gift.” 
Leaning into his side, you tilted your head into his shoulder to hide your eyes and he tilted a bit to reach into his pocket and pulled out a small paper bag to set in your lap. “Okay… Open them.” 
You lifted your head from his shoulder and went to pry open the paperbag, peering into it. “Ooh!” Pulling out a small little pumpkin ornament that was made entirely of glass, you trailed your fingers over the twisting stem that curled around and delicately laid over the bright orange glass. It fit perfectly in the palm of your hand, a small little treasure that made your heart swell at the thoughtfulness of the gift. “Curtis this is-” You sighed out and carefully set it on your coffee table to keep it from breaking. “I love it. Thank you so much.” 
This rewarded him with another kiss, which he happily accepted, albeit surprised at how much you seemed to love the little gift. 
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That night you two went to dinner and a movie. You had made the suggestion and Curtis was happy to go along with it. You kept it simple for dinner, grabbing sandwiches at a local diner along with a bag of chips you two shared. Curtis had started to pick up on little things, such as how you seemed to prefer curled over chips. He was sure to hand you each one he came across. The way you filled up your cup with mostly ice when getting a drink while out. Curtis also noticed that you would pick at your food, eating just tiny bits. It made him wonder, but dared not question you about it, at least not so soon. 
The movie went well, together you two shared a bucket of popcorn, sitting near the backrow of the theater. Curtis was able to stretch out his legs with the extra room and you were able to put up the arm rests for extra room, able to cuddle close to Curtis’s side without the arm of the chair biting into your waist and making you feel squeezed into the theater seat. As the movie progressed, his hand found its way to your thigh, squeezing now and then, his thumb brushing back and forth in a gentle manner. The quiet was a comfortable intimacy for you two. Curtis valued the way you were now comfortable enough to just sink into him, even though you two had not slept together, these moments were just as valuable. 
It was something Curtis had never really had, but always craved. You made it just easy to be with you, you were this constant warmth welcoming him, you talked with such passion and had even taken the initiative to learn more about the things he has shared he was interested in. How you were even single blew his mind, but he was already counting his blessings now that you happened to be at Paulies shortly after he met you. His thoughts wandered about all these things during the movie, losing complete track of what the two of you were watching until he felt you stir next to him, your own hand now mimicking the way his was tracing your thigh, brushing so close to the front of his pants that it was hard for him not to chase after your touch. 
You don't know when he lost focus, you felt it first in the way his hand grasped the inside of your thigh, like he was holding onto you from escaping his touch. Lifting your head off his shoulder, you glanced up to see him so serious, his eyes capturing just enough of the screen's glare to show how far away his gaze was. No reactions to the theater screen. Your mouth twisted a bit with curiosity at what he was thinking about. 
You moved your hand into his lap, leaning up to slide your lips against the shell of his ear, whispering. “Where’s your mind at handsome?” 
He grunted in response, as blunt as ever. “How fucking lucky I am to get to take you out. But yeah, I lost track of the movie.” 
You laughed softly as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, appreciating that Curtis was straightforward and didn't leave you guessing what he was thinking. His eyes dropped to where your hand rested, finishing his train of thought. “And you keep going like that Honey and my mind is gonna be on how good your hand feels on me.” 
That made you purr, feeling rather daring in the safety of the dark theater. “That's what I’m hoping for, Curtis.” You gave a firm squeeze and that gave you a well earned groan, proud of yourself as you let up and settled back into watching the movie. 
When he dropped you off that night, he pinned you against the apartment building's door, thoroughly taking you apart in his kiss. One hand braced himself against the door, helping to cage you in between his hard body and the old apartment door that creaked at the weight of you two leaning against it. His other hand was holding the back of your head, tilting you just the way he craved, able to trace your tongue and his beard scratch tantalizing against your mouth. When you broke, you looked up dazed, panting slightly. “Do you want to stay over?” 
Curtis wanted to, more than anything ever but he pulled away just enough for you to breathe, so your body wasn’t pressed in every inch of his. He could see the doubt starting to cloud in your gaze, that maybe you made a mistake. “Y/N, more than anything. Believe me Honey. But…” He paused, trying to find a way to explain himself without making you doubt him. “You mean alot to me, like a fucking lot. I want this to last and in my experience taking it slow is the way to… Fuck, I’m not good at this.” He growled a bit, reaching up to fist his hand in his beanie and tug it off. How was he supposed to explain that he wanted you so badly under him, wrapped around him, always with him but he wanted to earn that right. 
At first you thought he was rejecting you, an old fear playing over common sense. You are too fat, to big, to much, why would he want to sleep with you? These dark little thoughts suddenly flared like a neon light in your brain, recalling the way Jake looked at you disgusted the day you two broke up. 
“You are disgusting, why would anyone want to have sex with you? Get some fucking help Y/N.”  
 But then Curtis started to explain why he was saying no, the worry that crossed his face and how he was so sincere in his touch made your mind clear. Trust him. 
You pressed your palm against his chest, making him stall. “Hey, it’s okay Curtis. When we’re both ready, right?” You smiled at him and relief took over when he gave a small smile back. Grasping your chin lightly between his thumb and forefinger, this kiss was a gentle caring one, his feelings were equally matched in this as before even though this was was a subtle thank you instead of one driven by passion. “Thank you for understanding why I wanted to wait. Why you’re my best girl Honey.” 
You both shared a good night and he waited long enough to see you head back upstairs to your apartment before he left for the night once more even though he wanted to stay so badly. 
Once you escaped back up to your apartment, you let yourself lean back against your now closed door, your fingers lifting to press against your lips while smiling softly at the words he left you with. 
Best girl, his best girl. 
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frostbite-merun · 11 months
Well Known Knights of the Round Table Ranked
King Arthur: ???/10 So he's weird because his whole deal is that he's a Good King. The interpretation of what that is varies from person to person so he's wildly different across pretty much everything. Is he a noble and somber figure doing his best? Is he a kind of dumb but well meaning golden retriever of a man? Is he a mighty warrior and shrewd politician? Depending on the person, yes. And while that's really cool, it means I can't really rate the character because there's a million different versions of him. There's also interpretations where he's the antagonist to Lancelot and Guinevere's Whole Deal because I guess it's easier to excuse cheating by twisting the cheated-on character into a jackass. Just make it polyamorous you COWARDS
Sir Lancelot: 9/10 Fundamentally changed the entire canon and story. He's been awarded with the 'Most Accidental Teamkills' award and was voted 'Biggest Drama Queen in Camelot' 7 years running. He's inherently funny as a concept as the world's most popular OC do not steal, doubly funny taking into account that he also caused what I suspect to be the first instance of Vriscourse-esque fandom drama. Legendary. Also he's bisexual and if you give me like a week in The Hole I think that I can find pre-internet sources for this.
Sir Kay: 9/10 Unfortunately overlooked in later works considering he's A) King Arthur's adopted brother B) Funnie and C) A good foil to a lot of the other characters. He's a hothead, bully, braggart, and a jokey kind of guy with more pride than sense that's usually there to get his shit kicked in a bit. A good chunk of knights also have him talking shit at them as their entire motivation for going off on a grand quest. They can't put him in gritty reimaginings because he'd make them too much fun to read/watch. Though I DO admit that he has the potential to be very, very annoying if written poorly. I'd also like to note that he's avoided being made into a perfect-pure-special-Christian-boy-who-does-the-chivalry for over 2000 years and has maintained his shithead status. King.
The G Boys (Gawain, Gareth, aGravaine, and Gaheris): 6/10 I wish people would stop forgetting that Gaheris and Agravaine exist and/or mashing all four of these men into One Guy. I understand the irony of me giving them a shared entry but this is a long post and they're all brothers. It's nice that Gawain got some love recently with the 2021 movie Green Knight. And by love I mean good lord people were horny for Dev Patel. Also Gareth is canonically Baby. He is the ultimate Little Brother.
Sir Mordred: 10/10 MORGAN LE FAY IS NOT HIS MOM. Shoulders the whole final act of the legend as the antagonist. Let's be honest, he'd be a Tumblr sexyman if more people knew about him. He ticks all the boxes: Misunderstood, pale, dark hair, a bit evil, tragic backstory (incest), rebellious... Personally I'd love to see him break containment and take the Sexyman Crown he so rightfully deserves. Duck from Thomas the Tank Engine managed it, so I don't see why he can't.
Sir Bedivere (Bedwyr if you're a REAL gamer): 10/10 I do not CARE if I am biased. This man is my BLORBO. He HAS BEEN since I was FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. And I am VERY UPSET that the most common spelling of his name is borderline un-google-able because of the Fate Series. I am ASSAULTED by mildly horny images of anime men that I wasn't looking for. I was LOOKING for scraggly Welshmen. It's like accidentally taking a sip of someone else's drink. I wanted COKE not TEA dammit. At least they remembered that he has a prosthetic hand. He and Arthur possess the only braincell in Camelot.
Sir Griflet: 10/10 This guy is functionally a different character from who he initially was. Who did he used to be, you ask? Nothing big, nothing important just a minor welsh faerie deity. I don't know how he got added to the canon but I'm glad he did. Now he's Bedivere and Lucan's cousin and sometimes trades places with Bedivere as the last survivor of the final battle who chucks Excalibur into the lake. I like to think of him as a faerie who just showed up, convinced Bedivere and Lucan that he's their cousin, and hangs around Camelot because he finds it all interesting. Lastly: He has like... a hundred different names.
Sir Tristan: 6/10 Look his whole deal is that he's sad. Not sad as in like... pathetic but experiencing the emotion of sadness. That is what he's known for. His name is SYNONYMOUS with being sad. The ORIGINAL Sadboy. He would have an emo cut with those weird checkerboard streaks if he lived in 2007.
Sir Galahad: 0/10 The most inherently funny character in the canon. He was invented as a middle finger to Lancelot. He EXISTS because people were mad at Lancelot. He is THE purest HOLIEST mostest special boy. We're talking 'angels come down to take him away to Heaven' special. The only reason that he's a 0/10 is because I am mad that he steals Percival's role in a lot of stuff or gets mashed with him to form a Dragon Ball Fusion.
Sir Percival: 9/10 To be perfectly honest I only like this guy as much as I do because he has the coolest name out of all the knights. He's a pretty generic 'super cool and special and handsome and chivalrous' sort of knight... But I do not care. He has a cool name and I vibe with the aesthetic it conjures in my brain whenever I read it. I'm not alone in this based on all the adventures he was given until they got given to Galahad which sort of implies that he's the blueprint for the 'godly and virtuous knight who does chivalry'.
Sir Dagonet: 10/10 This guy is great and I'm pretty sure he was almost a meme a few years back??? I just remember getting blindsided by seeing a bunch of tumblr posts about him a few years back. He started his existence as just an asshole braggart who existed to make some of the other knights look better, then a violent, bloodthirsty crazy guy, and now he's a beloved jester who got knighted. I'm a fan of the jester interpretation myself because good lord there's enough 'violent man accidentally murders people' guys running around and Kay covers the 'braggart asshole foil' role in a less obnoxious way. I imagine him with silly little jester bells tied to his armor whenever he goes out on quests.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
honestly really impressed with the beyond evil casting people because if i saw yjg's cutesy fluff demeanor and overall leaning pretty cute filmography i would not have the wisdom to cast him as juwon opposite shk like how did they even see it? the borderline psychic powers they must have
In response to this post Hey anon!! Thanks for taking the time to message me. You are quite right, they are geniuses. Before Beyond Evil, I hadn't seen any of Yeo Jin Goo's or Shin Ha Kyun's work (I knew Ha Kyun vaguely). So, I had no preconceived notions of who they are as actors or the roles they played prior. Since I finished watching Beyond Evil, I have since seen multiple projects by them but still, I find Beyond Evil to be my favourite (for them both).
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With Jin Goo specifically, his long (and still young) career seems to have two main categories: Sageuk or romantic lead in a fantasy drama.
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He seems to have a little bit of an issue with being type-cast (not always the rule but there's definitely a pattern). The majority of his filmography isn't to my taste, I find it to be quite cringy (nothing against him or the projects. i just suck at dealing with positive depictions of love. I'm defo the problem here). I still haven't finished Hotel De Luna or Link: Eat, Love, Kill and I really found the romance storyline in The Crowned Clown to be painful (So Woon deserved better). So, I think it's exciting when he plays roles that go against his typecast. Personally, I think Joo Won excels at being unlikeable. He's so good-looking and has a trustworthy demeanour on screen. He's a cute guy (with his face and personality) and it shines through the screen! So when those elements are tested by his character's being a prick/outright evil, it makes him SHINE. I loved him as Han Joo Won and I wanted SO MUCH MORE of him as Yi Heon. He needs to play (another) villain ASAP!!
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Also, the fact that he didn't win an award for his work in Beyond Evil or The Crowned Clown is actually a piss-take. Yeo Jin Goo is the best at crying (seriously, how does he do it?? who hurt him???). He's also one of the best at micro-expressions and showing depth to a character's emotional range. I think he's a very intelligent actor, who's not afraid to push his character to the max.
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I really hope he pursues more serious drama roles to explore his acting chops in a variety of genres/stories/characters. He's very very good at the romantic male lead and the emotional King. He's sooo good at that. But... I think there's a much wider range there. (he's still super young so there's definitely time for him and his career to grow)
Shin Ha Kyun's career is just a gorgeous display of diversity and range. He's... gosh... that man. I just absolutely adore him.
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(^ my reaction to everything I've watched him in. Every time he's on screen, I get sooo giddy like I've got a schoolgirl crush or something)
As for how the production team knew to put them together... Well... From my understanding prior to Beyond Evil, they were both very well-known, very popular actors who have both received acting nominations/awards. So, they both would be desirable to help boost the show's wide-range appeal/popularity. The production company (probably) sent out scripts to many agencies, and then the agencies dished out the scripts to the actors available/ best suited/interested in doing that role. Jin Goo and Ha Kyun were both clearly interested, so they probably auditioned separately and then eventually did a chemistry test... AND BOY DID WE GET LUCKY THAT THEY HAVE ON-SCREEN CHEMISTRY.
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I think the casting team knew they had something special. (and they were right. not only can they both act their socks off, they understand their characters 100%, and they were both willing to push the boundaries of the role and story.... and they get on and work really well opposite one another)
We got soooo lucky that all the right dots aligned for this show to be made as well as it was. I'm forever grateful!! I hope Yeo Jin Goo and Shin Ha Kyun worked together again- they're special and the world would be such a more lovely place with more of them in it Thanks again for the ask, I'm going to go because my laptop sounds like it's actually taking flight haha Bye!
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frienderbender · 2 years
Gointothevvater here! For the character meme thing, I send Melmord and Murderface! 🖤
Send Me a Character
two characters i love dearly!
the man himself. melmord.
First impression: brian posehn what are you doing here. funny dude, fun character design, oh i think i saw some fancomics about him let’s see what that’s all about……..and now i’m drunk and crying over him and the therapist cool cool. i realized pretty quickly that jt and melm reminded me almost exactly of my old favorite pair from my old fandom so they gave this weird sense of nostalgia.
Impression now: love this guy and it’s entirely because of my best pal m. the time and love he’s put into making melmord into a fully developed character with so much lore and nuance is just. god i can’t overstate it enough. beautiful.
Favorite moment: the entire sewer scene plays out like a drug PSA and i quote it all the fucking time. doesn’t help that i think i can do a pretty good impression of him😭
Idea for a story: so many! currently i’ve been tossing around an idea that’s some guys AU-centric about him and jt taking a trip together (not before bothering their besties rikki and nikki ofc). and like all things on here this all started because of a tweet m made
Unpopular opinion: i have to say i’ve never seen a character with such a dedicated hatedom as melmord. for some reason the people who really hate him REALLY hate him. it’s like if you’re a charles fan, i can get it. but there’s some folks i’ve seen who just like. have it out for melm and i’m like man he got hit by a train i think we’re good😭😭 idk to each their own i guess. not my problem.
Favorite relationship: jt/melm owns my heart forever, but of course i can’t NOT mention rikki/melm i invented it! and rikki/nikki/melm. and i really love the tension between melm and charles; not necessarily romantic i just like how they play off each other (see: NMH AU)
Favorite headcanon: rikki kixx fan melmord is my fave. i know he wanted to manage him so bad but unfortunately rikki was all in to the sober rebranding by the time melmord might’ve had a chance😔
and of course murderface my best friend murderface
First impression: the guy meant to be the gross out character. ok. lucky for the creators my sense of humor didn’t change from when i was like 12 so he’s fucking hilarious
Impression now: one of my faves! he and skwis are tied for my fave members of the band. he’s the funnest to draw, i think he deserved better in terms of his writing oh my GOD, and again. he steals the show with his lines.
Favorite moment: the christmas special makes me lose my fucking mind every time. like there’s so many good deliveries and expressions during that whole ordeal, and i always love him and knubbler working together.
Idea for a story: the entirety of the last guys AU; i’m always wanting more murdertooth stuff and i want to see him and toki struggle in the post-apocalypse. just because. and the A-plot of 70s AU. let toki and will go on their soul-searching journeys or whatever.
Unpopular opinion: he’s in the same boat as toki where i think he really got the short end of the stick in terms of character writing. i’m hoping the new movie will solve this because he really deserved to have a slightly more serious look at his character. i think that’s a common difficulty for writers when it comes to the comic relief characters is that they don’t know how to give them their more grounded moments. but again, hopefully the new movie will remedy this, at least a little.
Favorite relationship: murdertooth‼️ they’re everything. planet piss you will always be famous.
Favorite headcanon: he’s from louisiana and nothing will change my mind. he was born there and raised there until his parents’ deaths, then he and his grandparents moved around several states in the south for years before eventually settling in florida. also one year pickles got crowned king of bacchus and will was PISSED
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Watch "Dodge lovers fyp fyp fyp" on YouTube
We have these and we're holding them we haven't made any Bradley GT 3 and it's because we haven't started the company up again and there's a whole bunch of people doing it so we have to wait till they're done and they will be done the max don't want them doing it there's a couple Max doing it probably and they're getting beat up by morlock and they deserve it he says I told you not to it's a real good reason to they want us to make them so they refit their cars go real fast and try and kidnap us and other it's highly motivational for Max I'm not sure about others
It's motivational for us but it's not the cat's meow that'll be hard knock 50 or 5150 and he can't get it anywhere and it's just sitting there and we're not able to do anything no this is very motivational this is our company and we're trying to make it the Bradley GT because it was our car it'll be our car but it is design and he's the intellectual guy and where the physical people it used to work but it's not doing crap we're trying to make the car and we suck at it we use the old recent mold of the Bradley GT2 we changed it a little to make it look modern it's really cool looking but we can't get it to go fast but hard before and suspension and souped up the motor and it goes like 280 so we don't see how they're getting these figures
Well you got the 280 number from the Big Chief Indian motorcycle and people say it shouldn't go that fast but it does and the Bradley GT2 that they made is made with a special material it's called titanium alloy and they got it up to about 1280 it is true it was about 13 40 really it was 1380 but it's above a thousand miles an hour and you thought that was very fast and it is and it's a souped-up Dodge motor and they're trying to put a special in it and it will go a lot faster so they're taking it all back and they're trying to make them and sell them as titanium alloy and they put the bottom piece on and they're trying to make fly cars so I'll tell you what we're going to start going after them for it cuz we don't want the making them and it's a patented idea and they did the first time and we don't want them doing it again to try and hurt our son
Thor Freya
We're also going to knock you out Trump and you can't say that stupid s*** is going to cost you me and you may say it but we're saying you can't and we're going to come after you for it and we can go after you for making the car we told you not to. Now this kid suffered on your stupid hand and you're a retard and you're mean to him and he wants those things back and he doesn't want the stupid pantry treatment even though he's going to go through the stuff we are suggesting he throw it away because none of it might be good and it's true too lots to go stale and it's not treated correctly. And he said that he can do that and probably should but he thinks for anyways cuz he's got room for food and he needs to store some and it's helpful and she's trying to be helpful and does it for her people are poor and he said it's going to help people in the future at some point but we need those bags off the ground and he's going to do that but really this is going to be the best day of my life we're going to go after him for this car he's going to keep trying to make it and we're going to keep busting his balls we're also going to watch a huge Army come down and destroy him of his own people cuz he keeps saying is fighting his own thank God no not really but it is something
What a nightmare you are Trump what a nightmare. We saw you on the crown jewels and you just staring at them like an idiot and saw him see the ball and he recognized it from the movie and we have to see what that is so now there's a fight on and we appreciate the motivation we also want to see them make the Bradley GT3 and your version you're so smart you're calling with the Bradley GT cuz you're an idiot that's why so we're taking your men out right now where the car is they're going to use the car to go after you and you have like 20,000 I'm going to use them to go after you right now too
My son says that we had this idea before and that we didn't want to issue it but we have a different metal that we say that they can make and it's not that technical and our armor version is extremely powerful it's much better than theirs and the boys get filled with like an alkaline material it's like calcium and it does stop practically everything and yeah it works like ceramic nut armor what we're going to say is he's thinking we could use the metal for the whole but he doesn't know how thick or if it would work and it would work it would be kind of thick like 2 in no it'd be like half an inch thick which is thick but it's space age material and it would endure about 30,000 miles an hour in the air as opposed to about 12,000 with what we're going to use which is not even titanium alloy it's just metal and that would be for the Bradley GT3 and he's thinking of making different levels but Bradley GT3 and he can't think of the name but it would be like a run of the mill and we do understand that you have different levels you can purchase online but this hole would cost probably $30,000 and couldn't put it on the same ad because it would look ridiculous so it looked like another company trying to beat us up and he agrees with that they don't have the same moniker and the same address and we're going to go ahead with it a lot of people want that but they're going after Trump very hard and vja has one and they're going after him and he is titanium alloy just like the elder and Tommy f he has one and he had one before but he didn't produce them a lot and he didn't know what it was and now he does and he has one that's closer to what our mega car is but they're making their Bradley GT a little bit different and towards his mega car design and you can see that some of them want mid-engine and you can do that and we're going to do that on our kids I'm going to wait till you kids are gone mostly gone and we're going to use it to attract you to get rid of you and actually Trump is thinking of purchasing the zero motorcycles but he doesn't want to sell them and our stipulation is they have to be brought to the dealer close to it to go to the dealer or at the dealer and he's trying to think about it but we don't think he's going to go for it so it's kind of a real pain in the ass okay so we're going to sit down and talk to Terry cheesman cuz we're tired of talking to this idiot and see if Dan wants to go too cuz we don't want to deal with nobody anymore the guy just wants his way and he's a pansy and we can kill him off and his people like nothing or about to show him and he wants to sit down and tell us what to do we just really have a choice is ridiculous we'll start selling the bikes elsewhere too by the way they sell great on the black market as a matter of fact I'm going to start doing that and if cherry cheese been in Dan want to get involved that's their deal
Thor Freya
You're a pompa's ass Trump they don't have to post anything you want they were going after you and you're ridiculous. Just sit here in space and say you're everything you don't belong in our area in our domain of space but that's okay you get hit all the time. And we're going ahead and selling these bikes cuz you're a dick and you had it and you don't want it hey put it in the warehouse it's a mile of 5 miles from your shop store but you don't want that you said it we're already going on the black market
Zues Hera
I said the top part but this is how it goes we're not making a deal with you because you're not making a deal and we're selling them in the black market because they're sick and tired of hearing you and they're not automatic they're geared but they work much better than yours even though it uses everything but the battery and the gear case which there wasn't one it is very fast. The top speed of the mid level zero is about 280 the top speed of the big one the top level is about 390 and the top speed of the runabout Enduro is about 180 it's too fast for a sun even though he wants one because he can drive around and everybody would call him a Japanese zero but you guys don't fall for any of that. We have a lot of orders in and we're going to try and fill them and we need help from those people ordering them to get them out of there and away from Trump and they're going to help and it is a big business because this will lead to the electric motorcycle company producing tons of these , no we're going to use the name. But that is the company doing the mod. We already have several huge orders and we're going to fill them you'll see him driving around and you'll think it's just the old bike they pulled out of storage. Okay we're pulling those out and selling them they go 150 miles in the top speed is about 90 and they suck but we want to get rid of them and we want to be known as the dealer and we're going to change it up and do it our way and they understand that
Thor Freya
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griffintail · 1 year
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I posted 2,187 times in 2022
1,868 posts created (85%)
319 posts reblogged (15%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,404 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#🍋 collab 10 - 587 posts
#🍋 collab 14 - 469 posts
#🍋 collab 13 - 197 posts
#mcc liveblog - 31 posts
#🍋 collab 10 - 17 posts
#incorrect lost ones - 10 posts
#griffindog shy - 9 posts
#mcyt x reader - 8 posts
#mcyt imagine - 8 posts
#mcyt fanfiction - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#minty went you dont know something about my dnd character as we were talking to another party member
My Top Posts in 2022:
Lost Ones Halloween
I managed my brain to write something! They're more like headcanons of what the Lost Ones (With some special guests) would dress as for Halloween. It's just some cute shit for you guys. K! BYE!
(F/L) would dress up just like Tommy in his suit, calling herself Little Trusty and try to trick people into giving her more candy. Tommy would be very proud.
Star would still dress in her L'Manberg uniform but she'd care around a book with Declaration of Indepdance printed on the front and a guitar on her back. Wilbur would be honored by his little girl and make sure she'd get plenty of treats.
Little Blade would dress as Athena (her favorite goddess). Techno would praise her choice and take her out. Though he wasn't really welcomed in the countries, no one was willing to tell him no when he'd lead his little girl in with an axe on his shoulder.
Phil would be surprised by Angel's choice as she'd be dressed as his goddess. (Techno giving her no influence or help whatsoever. Nope!) Though he'd smile widely at the choice and defend her choice as they went out. He was sure Kristen loved it just as much as him.
Blue would wear a blue sheep costume and Ghostbur would not stop squealing with joy as he looked at his little girl. It was just perfect and adorable! Her cuteness didn't affect just him either and she most certainly got the best and most treats. (Which she split with Tommy).
She was already a princess! She wanted to be something different, so instead she put on a cape and crown, calling herself a king instead. Eret would grin and promise she'd make the best king one day. She most certainly felt like a king with the amount of treats she got.
She was a bit embarrassed with her costume as Dream managed to make time to be there for her. He would stand shocked as she was in a perfect outfit making her look like him. Eventually, he'd tell her he loved it before even giving her a sword to match his as well. No one would dare give less than what she deserved.
Lamb would dress as a bee. Tubbo would keep her on his shoulders all night, letting her "fly around" as they went out trick or treating.
Boo would dress as an enderman. To help her complete her perfect outfit, Ranboo let her have some ender pearls but had her swear to not throw them too far from him. She had fun the entire night and when she accidentally break his rule, Ranboo didn't have the heart to scold her.
Kit and Fundy had the perfect plan for mischief! She dressed up as a baby zombie and scared people the entire night, while also making sure to score plenty of treats. (It's alright if a few were someone else's)
Duckling dressed as well as duck! Quackity would be unsure about the costume at first but she looked too adorable to say no to. He could never say no to her.
Ram hadn't really planned on going out, but when Schlatt took her out to get an outfit to go out the day before, she was thrilled and knew exactly what she wanted to be. When she came out in a suit, Schlatt was confused until she said she was dressed as the best president, him. Damn it! She had to stop making him feel soft!
Creeper had thought about dressing as a creeper but thought of one better. She dressed as a prison guard and when Sam would ask her why, she told him so she could go to work with him instead since he was going to work that night. He had planned on letting Sam Nook take her, but, he could afford one night off instead.
See the full post
134 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Hi I notice your requests are open! If you want to do for the lost ones that dad!techno x child!reader where they get into a little argument about something and the reader runs away for a bit but techno try’s to find them? Anyway have a good day!!
Guess who has a computer! Congrats! You're the first request for my return! Hope you enjoy!
The Clubhouse
Pairings: Parental! Technoblade x Teen! Reader
Warnings: Running away, Arguing
         It had started simple, the argument, just the teen stating her opinion on the matter.
         Uncle Tommy had been living with them for so long and he had never wanted anything to happen to that country, even if the said place had betrayed and hurt the pair of them. Techno would hear anything of it though. L’Manberg would go, he would make it go, and that was the simple and short of it. When the teen tried to give points for their opinion, that’s when the argument truly started, and everything went downhill from there.
         The yelling started as they argued about the future of what was to happen. It was not a pretty scene.
         Then before Technoblade knew what was happening, (Y/N) was out the door. He huffed but turned to continue getting his supplies ready. It was probably best. They just didn’t understand, and he hadn’t told them the full story anyway. They didn’t need to know.
         He spent some hours getting the rest of his supplies ready for the final doomsday. The house was quiet other than the light dripping from the brewing stands and his crafting of better weapons. When he looked out, the sun was starting to set, and he looked up the ladder. He was sure he didn’t hear the door open, but he’d taught his kid well.
         Going up the ladder, he saw the door slightly ajar like it was this morning, and opening the door the rest of the way, he saw the clean room with no one inside. They weren’t home yet…
         He gripped the doorknob before turning back for the ladder. Quickly, he put on his cape and grabbed his sword before going out the door.
         “(Y/N)!” He called as he stepped into the snow. “Kid! It’s time to come inside!”
         When there was no response, he gripped his sword handle before going to the doghouse. With a whistle, one dog rushed forward, and he was on the hunt to find his child. The dog started to sniff before running off into the woods. Techno glanced at the sun before following. They’d find them.
         But the journey out was longer than Techno wanted. He’d call out their name occasionally, hoping to get a response from the teen, but there was none, and the dog kept following the scent they had. The walk continued far longer than he wanted as the sun was gone and the night was upon them.
         As he started to hear zombie groans and skeletons rattle, the dog sprinted forward barking before sitting in front of…
         “A house?” Techno frowned.
         Who the hell was living out here? If someone kidnapped his child, they clearly had a death wish.
         Though as he got closer, calling it a house generous. It was a small building, more of a shed really. There was a chimney built in though producing smoke out of it. He came to the door, the dog sitting next to it, before quickly opening it with a hand on his sword. He relaxed though as the teen jumped from the floor by the fire, all alone in the decorated room.
         In the shed, there was a table and two chairs. Close to the fireplace, there was a bookshelf set up against the wall. There were a few chests inside as well and the last thing he saw was a jukebox sitting in the corner close to the door, with a few discs sitting on top of it.
         “How’d-?” (Y/N) started but the dog came in and they sighed. “Right…”
         “What is this?” Techno asked closing the door.
         (Y/N) huffed quietly as they went back to the position they were before; knees pulled up, arms wrapped around, and their head resting on top of them as they stared at the fire.
         “Never seen a clubhouse?” They muttered.
         “A clubhouse?” Techno raised an eyebrow, then glanced at the second chair rather than there being one. “Who else comes here?”
         “…Uncle Tommy doesn’t come over anymore. He’s too scared of you.” (Y/N) looked at him. “We built it together.”
         “Tommy wasn’t supposed to leave the house.”
         “That’s why it was a secret.” (Y/N) laughed quietly as they looked back at the fire.
         Techno crossed his arms as he was quiet for a while.
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209 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Hello! It's me agian sorry for bothering ya but I have another wholesome request with a younger sibling reader! Do you think you could do one with technoblade with a shy little brother reader and the reader just makes him things to give his brother as gifts so he just secretly has them all somewhere them philza finds them and technoblade is just embarrassed?
The Favorite
Pairing: Brother! Technoblade x M!Child! Reader
Warnings: None :)
Techno didn’t mind gifts. He appreciated them like everyone else and said his thank you’s. It was just a bit embarrassing when they’re personal and he wants to keep them tucked away.
That’s why all of (Y/N)’s gifts were safely hidden away in a chest off to the side in the old wither skull room. It was the safest place he had ever made and no one would find it. A fight always seemed to be knocking on Techno’s door though and Phil and he had to do some planning away from impressionable ears, so to the secure room they went.
“We’ll be back in a little while,” Phil told the small boy as Techno waited by the door. “If you need anything though before we get back, go see Ranboo, and don’t be nervous about going over. He knows you might come over if you need something.”
The little boy nodded as Phil smiled, ruffling the boy’s hair as he stood up straight. “Ok, let’s—”
“Wait, I got something for you Techno.” The little boy shifted nervously before going to his brother quickly handing him a thin gold chain with an emerald attached to it. “Dad helped me make it…”
Techno gave a small grunt of appreciation and love at the boy’s gift as he put it in his pocket, patting the boy’s shoulder. “You did a really good job. Thanks, kid. I’ll keep it safe.”
The boy then smiled brightly before running off to his room.
“He really looks up to you mate,” Phil told him as they walked into the snow.
“You know that terrifies me?” Technoblade said as they walked. “We don’t need another fighter in the family.”
“He’s got an art side, maybe he’ll stick with it.” Phil chuckled softly.
“Ender, I hope so,” Techno muttered before swiping the snow away on the ground and pressing the button he revealed, the wall in front of them falling away.
Techno didn’t want (Y/N) to be like him. He liked his little brother as he was and he was indeed his favorite brother, though he never and never would admit it out loud, and not just because he gave him gifts. The boy was clever and thoughtful, just nervous around people, which Techno could understand and appreciate about his little brother.
The pair stepped into the hidden room and Techno closed the wall behind them before following Phil.
“So, what’s this about a favor?” Phil asked as he walked into the room.
“It’s not that important,” Techno said as he moved as subtly as he could to his out-of-the-way chest. “What is, is that I need to get information before I go help with this favor.”
“And what kind of information is that?” Phil crossed his arms as he looked along the walls. “Where are you going to get it?”
“Somewhere I have to go alone,” Techno said as he quietly opened the chest and went to put the necklace in it.
“Alone? Why the hell-What are you doing?” Phil had turned around looking at the hybrid.
Techno froze as Phil raised an eyebrow.
“You’re really hiding (Y/N)’s gift in a throw-away chest?”
“No!” Techno immediately got defensive about it.
“Then why are you putting it in there? You know you’ll lose it.” Phil said as he came over, the conversation before completely lost. “I mean, I’m the one who organizes your chest.”
Techno went to stop Phil from looking in the chest but the older man was able to get a good enough look before Techno pulled him back. Phil paused before looking at Techno.
“Those are gifts (Y/N)’s given you.”
Techno grunted as he looked away. “Yeah…So?”
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283 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
so normally I'm super shy to ask stuff like this but I fell in love your child series! I was wondering if you could do a P!philza x winged reader? I hope I'm not asking for too much -Blue
Um, I might have strayed a tiny bit from just Phil to a tiny bit SBI, but it's certainly still Phil's kid and I think it's still pretty cute so I hope you like it Blue!
Flight Lessons
Pairings: P! Philza x Winged! Child! GN! Reader, Some SBI x Child! Reader there too
Warnings: Mentions of Falling
A/N: Reader is like eight, Tommy's maybe seven in this story.
         “Daddy!” The winged hybrid child jumped on their father. “It’s morning!”
         Phil startled as he put a hand on the child’s back, catching his breath before gently laughing. “Yes, it is, angel. You are ready for today?”
         “Yes.” They beamed excitedly.
         “Good, then let’s go get some breakfast before we go out.” Phil stood slightly, holding the child to him, before carrying them outside of his tent.
         He carefully placed them in their usual spot next to the fire pit before he went to work lighting it and making the meal for this morning. The small child bounced eagerly in their place as Phil cooked and before long, the taller winged hybrid came out.
         “Wilby!” The child exclaimed.
         Wilbur winced at the volume so early but smiled lightly as he picked up his sibling.
         “Hey, squirt. You ready for today’s lessons?”
         “Yes! It’s going to be lots of fun.”
         “Dad always makes his lessons fun, doesn’t he?” Wilbur chuckled. “But I’ll be close by to make sure it is fun.”
         (Y/N) giggled as Wilbur sat with them in his lap instead, humming slightly before taking a special brush for wings from his inventory and gently going through their wings. The child gave a small, delighted noise at the nice feeling as Phil smiled lightly at his children. Those two may be his actual blood but he loved them just the same as he loved…
         The small boy came out of his tent with a yawn, probably woken up by the smell of food, before spotting his other young sibling and waking completely.
         “(Y/N)! You’re going to fly!” Tommy grinned just as delighted as Phil’s other child.
         They clapped their hands with a bright smile. “I’m flying today!”
         Phil and Wilbur bother knew it was hovering and gliding lessons, but they didn’t want to ruin the pair’s fun with technicalities. Phil finished up breakfast looking over at the trio.
         “Alright, time to eat,” Phil told them.
         Wilbur gave a hum before sitting the smaller hybrid down back in their usual place, satisfied with his work. Phil divided out the meal, the younger two finishing their portions as fast as lightning. They were ready for today’s lesson.
         “Ok you two, go get ready for the day while Wilbur and I finish.” Phil chuckled.
         The pair rushed to their tents eagerly.
         “Techno still off at the village?” Wilbur asked.
         “Yes, but he should be back by midday.” Phil nodded.
         “Do you want me to take Tommy somewhere while you have the lessons, so he doesn’t distract (Y/N)?” Wilbur asked with a chuckle.
         “No, they should both be alright once the lessons start. And (Y/N) really wants you there as well anyway.”
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306 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Request if you want or just a cute mental picture: Y/n giving Techno a pink flower that just melts his heart and Reader being like “Look! It’s Dad! :D” + Reader making a pink flower crown for him to wear for those tea parties (Techno barely fits in the tiny chairs and Phil dies laughing)
Pink Flowers
Pairings: Parental! Technoblade x F!Child! Reader
Warnings: None :)
*Whisper* I wrote this on my phone. It was a struggle.
Techno’s axe collided heavily with the tree as he could see his little girl running around with Ghostbur, the pair not far away from him. It looked like she was having fun with the ghost as he showed her some flowers that had managed to bloom in the harsh weather of the tundra. They were running low on wood and Techno wasn’t too keen on leaving (Y/N) alone with Ghostbur as Phil was off for trades and Tommy was off being…Tommy, so he took the pair to stay close by as he worked.
He needed just a few more trees and they’d head back. Though it was nice to see his child running around in her pig-eared jacket, giggling happily as she talked eagerly with Ghostbur. He went back to cutting the lumber as the voices whispered meaningless things and whispering about the adorable child he could see in the corner of his eye at all times.
“Alright, you two.” Techno gathered up the last of the wood. “Let’s get home. That’s enough for the day.”
“Ok! Come on (Y/N),” Ghostbur told her before the trio went back towards home.
He laid the wood heavily by the fireplace once they were back inside, but frowned lightly when Ghostbur was “whispering” behind him.
“Go (Y/N). He’ll love it!” Ghostbur whispered to her.
“Dad.” (Y/N) called.
He straightened up and looked at her as she had her hands behind her back.
“Yeah, kid?”
“This is for you! It looks like you!”
She showed her hands and in her hands was a pink flower crown. The voices went wild as he relaxed, smiling lightly at the gift. He crouched as he took it gently from her.
“Thanks, little blade.” He thanked her, taking off his crown putting the much too big object on her head, making her giggle as he put her crown on his head. “It’s perfect.”
She fixed the crown on her head, rather futilely as the voices screamed at the cute girl in his head, smiling brightly at him.
“Really?” She asked.
“Yes, it’s pretty great. I expect nothing less from you.”
She bounced happily, the crown only frowning more as Techno heard Ghostbur squeal about how cute they were.
“Now…Princess.” He smirked, making her beaming smile turn to sunshine. “Is there anything else you need?”
She hummed before nodding eagerly, the crown falling in front of her eyes and he fixed it to see her (E/C) eyes. “Can we have a royal tea party?”
“Of course, your highness. I’ll make some actual to drink.” He stood up. “You can set it up.”
“Uncle Ghostbur’s invited too!” She declared.
“It’s going to be a wonderful party!” Ghostbur nodded as he came over to her. “Let’s get the chairs and tables! We can decorate with the other flowers.”
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348 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fanimesenseiwrites · 3 years
Things the MC would bring back to their demon bois from the mortal realm:
MC goes to second hand stores and vintage shops always on the look out for vinyl records that they think Lucifer would like.
Most of the time they try and bring back stuff he'd actually like, such as Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi
Once, they brought back Stravinsky's Firebird Suite and Lucifer wouldn't stop kissing them (once they were in the privacy of his room of course)
Sometimes the MC will bring back more modern music just because it makes them think of him
"I dunno, I just listen to Hozier and think of you"
Lucifer doesn't like all the modern music they bring back but he appreciates the sentiment just the same
Then there's the gag gifts...
Any kind of music that has a reference to the devil or Satan or hell is fair game
These gifts usually elicit an eye roll from the eldest brother but he keeps them all the same
This is why Lucifer owns a copy of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
So when MC brings back a copy of Giuseppe Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor, they're a little surprised at Lucifer's delighted reaction
"You know, I was the one who visited Tartini in his dreams."
MC's mind = blown.
"Also, this copy is cursed. I know you know how much I enjoy cursed vinyls."
"I- wait... What?!"
MC is very upset that they had a cursed vinyl in their possession this whole time
This boy loves stuff, and he loves MC, so he's gonna love any gift really
But MC knows he loves treasure and jewels and as much as they'd love to just bring him back nice watches and jewelery...
So MC settles for semi-precious stones instead
They always find fun and beautiful stones at museums and those metaphysical stores and they always pick out one that reminds them of Mammon
They're really nervous when they give him his first gift
"Hey, I got this for you and I know it's not fancy or expensive but I saw it and thought of you and I just wanted you to have it."
Mammon will love them until they die. He is really just so touched that MC thought of him. He'll try and play it cool though
He totally fails. MC won't tell him that though
MC brings him Lapis Lazuli and tells him it reminded them of his eyes and Mammon is now a puddle of lovesick goo on the floor
Mammon puts more shelves in his room dedicated to all the gifts MC gives him
One time MC brings him back some fool's gold in a teeny little jar on a chain, so that he can wear it
"Fool's gold? Why cuz I'm a fool?" Mammon asks with a roll of his eyes.
"What? No, cuz I'm a fool for you."
Mammon only love MC until they die? WRONG.
He's gonna love them forever now
He was gonna do that anyways
C'mon, this boy is easy. Anime/manga stuff and TSL. Need I say more?
At first he'll be suspicious of MC wanting to give him gifts, but once they've convinced him that they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart he's really touched
The first thing the MC brings him is a pen with a little Ruri-Chan on the end of it
"I know it's not much, but I just happened to see it and I knew you'd like it"
Like it??????
He's never seen anything like this in the Devildom and he doesn't think about the small stuff usually because he's too busy trying to get the big collectors edition items. So he actually really loves this.
MC continues to bring him cute small stuff like buttons and keychains and Levi loves them all.
His favorite item(s) that MC brought him is a pair of Lord of Shadows and Henry BFF enamel pins
He definitely tackle hugged MC when he got them
He gives the Lord of Shadows pin back to MC so they can each have one and show off their BFF status with them
MC loves going to second-hand bookstores to shop for Satan.
Satan also appreciates new books, but there's something special about how his face lights up when he finds something old or rare. Anything with a little bit of history to it.
Of course, finding rare books for not a lot of money is a rare event in itself
So a safe bet is to bring Satan non-fiction, the boy loves to learn
But he really loves it when MC puts thought into finding fiction books that he would like
"I just really feel like you'd like Dean Koontz so I brought you one of my favorites by him."
Satan loves those gifts the most because he can talk to MC about the books afterwards
Satan's absolute favourite gift is a leather bound copy of Arabian Nights though
"I was thinking we could read this one together"
"Like you read it to me and pretend to be Scheherazade?" Satan suggests.
MC is flustered at the connotation of the suggestion but agrees anyways
The time they spend together reading that story will forever be one of Satan's favorite memories
He's a little harder to shop for than the MC had originally imagined
They tried bringing him make-up and skin care, which Asmo always graciously accepted, but he never seemed super excited about the gifts
But what else is to be expected from the guy who already uses only the best products?
MC suddenly gets an idea when they send Asmo a selfie of them at the park
- OMG! You're so cute! And the background is pretty too!-
MC starts dressing up and going to nice and beautiful places just with the intention of taking pictures
Botanical Gardens, museums, downtown skylines, anything that would make for a good picture
MC goes full on aesthetic art hoe just for Asmo
Only the best pictures get sent to Asmo
Asmo is LIVING for the looks their MC is serving up
- You are absolutely STUNNING! I'm in awe at these AMAZING pictures-
MC makes a scrapbook of the best pictures to give to Asmo the next time they see him
Asmo loves it and keeps it on display in his room always
Also, Asmo definitely makes MC their personal photographer after seeing the wonderful shots they took
Obviously, the boy loves food. He's always down to try new snacks from the mortal realm.
But MC wonders if there's something better that they could bring him
One day MC is at GNC for supplements for themself when they notice the workout supplements and get an idea
They grab some fun flavored protein powder and some BCAAs and a really nice shaker bottle just for Beel
Beel is actually really excited to get these gifts!
The Devildom doesn't have fun flavors of protein powder and the shaker bottle is such a great idea!
MC always brings new flavors of protein back for Beel, doing their best to find the weirdest flavors for him to try
Beel's favorite is definitely Birthday Cake.
MC starts bringing him new stuff to try too, protein bars, recovery supplements, collagen, and superfoods shakes
Beel tries everything and tells MC what their favorites are
"I love the BCAAs, I just wish the Devildom had them..." *sad Beel noises*
MC may or may not talk to Diavolo about researching BCAAs and getting them produced and sold in the Devildom
The supplements MC brings actually help Beel with his workouts and to control his hunger (a little)
Beel actually gets hotter??? Who knew that was possible???
MC definitely takes advantage of Beel's new 8-pack 😏😏😏
What do you get the boy who only wants to sleep?
MC has gotten him stuffed animals and blankets and even a couple of nice pillows, but nothing seems to excite him
... but maybe that's just his personality??
It's not until MC accidentally leaves a sweater in the Devildom, that they figure it out
- You left your sweater down here- Belphie texts MC.
- Oh no, I'll just get when I come to visit y'all again-
- That's fine. I like having something that smells like you-
And the light bulb went off in MC's head.
Every time MC goes to visit they leave a shirt or sweater behind for Belphie, so that he can have something that smells like them.
Belphie loves how MC smells, its like a sweet dream all the time. It helps him sleep better when they're gone.
Belphie starts to complain when MC is gone longer than the item they left smells like them
(Which is every time)
So MC will start leaving Belphie more than one item, packing them in airtight bags so he can use them one after another until they return
Belphie can and will fight anyone who tries to take MC's clothing
"Mammon, you have two seconds to put that sweater back or I will kill you."
And Lucifer probably won't stop him
He's honestly the easiest to please.
He's so fascinated with any thing that humans do that he'll enjoy any gift from the human world.
MC's first gift to him is a rubber duck.
"The duck is wearing a crown so it made me think of you and I just thought it was cute."
"I love it! What's its purpose?"
"Uh... to float around in the bathtub with you and look cute?"
"Isn't that what you're for?"
Diavolo loves the rubber duck so much it gets his own silk pillow to rest on when it's not taking a bath with Diavolo.
MC brings him cute pens, and keychains sometimes bottles of wine if the bottle is cute.
"The bottle is shaped like a cat! Isn't that delightful?!"
MC's proudest moment was when they found a full and intact tea set at the thrift store
Diavolo immediately fell in love with it.
He insists on only using that set when having tea with MC
But his favorite gift will always be the rubber duck.
He'll insist that he doesn't need any gifts but that won't stop the MC.
MC is with him in the kitchen in the Demon Lord's Palace when they get an idea.
Barbatos works so hard, he deserves some things to make his life easier and liven up the bland kitchen
MC's first gift is a vegetable spiralizer.
"You use it to turn zucchini and squash and the like into noodles so that you can do fun stuff with vegetables!"
Barbatos accepts it graciously, but he'll probably never use it.
MC brings him spices from the mortal realm and Barbatos actually really loves those.
When MC brings him a food processor, he offers to cook for them right then and there
Despite all the weird gadgets MC ends up bringing him, and there are plenty out there, Barbatos's favorite is a ladle that looks like a stegosaurus.
It's far more whimsical than anything he would've ever picked out, and he'll never use it, but only because he's afraid of ruining it, not because he doesn't love it.
At some point, Barbatos does ask MC to stop bringing him kitchen gadgets
"Why? Do you not like them?" MC asks with a pout.
"I appreciate all of them, but I have everything I need when you're in the kitchen with me."
If MC wasn't already in love with him they are now
Smooth bastard just doesn't want anymore shit in his kitchen
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Yandere Profile - Link (Legend of Zelda)
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As some of you may know, today is the release date of Skyward Sword HD for Switch!! So I decided to release this one now in honor of that :3
I went towards the idea of a Princess!reader because that just opens the gate for sooooo much potential. I'm leaning heavily towards the ZeLink interactions in BoTW and Skyward Sword just because those games have the most interaction between the two.
Also! This is great bc it gives me the opportunity to explore an idea I've actually had a long time! I've always thought about how many opportunities there have been across the games for Link and Zelda to be kinda like "haha well seeya later" and just... bolt, run away from everything, abandon their roles and responsibilities and all that. Like, if OoT kid Link got her before Ganon did and ran, if SS Link just decided to get her on the bird and bolt before everything went down, if botw Link was just like haha what if we ran away from everything together... jk... unless...?
And final note, Link is a great pick for the very traditional yandere -- sweet and : ) but can snap into darker personas. I really liked writing this bc I tend to have more self centered yans and less of the "worships the ground you walk on" type of yans like I think Link would be, so it's a nice change.
As usual now the nsfw section is divided by a ---- line.
TWs: fem reader, heavily implied Zelda!reader, stalking, murder, very brief mentions of gore/dismemberment of rivals, manipulation, very brief suicide mention, themes of reincarnation (I’ve been told this can be triggering to some people so just in case)
TWs (nsfw section): noncon, somnophilia
Severity Scale
Intelligence/Perceptiveness: 4 Brutality: 8.5 Physical capability: 8 Mental/emotional instability: 7 Restrictiveness: 6 Sexual sadism: 5 Stubbornness: 8
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
The primary trait of Link that any darling -- any person, really -- would notice is that he is, well, quiet. He has always been a man of few words, and really, he often doesn't know exactly what to say. On his own, at a first glance, he really does seem like a gentle, humble spirit, someone who blends into the background pretty well, who isn't particularly prideful or reckless or aggressive.
Which is why, to be honest, he might sort of evade the gaze of most people -- he doesn't stand out. You remember him as the boy that smiled at you now and then, it's a soft, gentle sort of smile, one that you feel conveys nothing but the utmost innocence and contentment with the world. You know he's pretty good at fighting, but doesn't get into fights needlessly, he's accomplished and respected, but has never been the guy everyone is talking about -- he's in the background, against the wall. Never speaking, always looking out, sometimes at the sky, sometimes carefully watching people. Sometimes you see him, gaze blank and tranquil, and wonder what he's thinking about. Whether he's the village boy in the time of Twilight, the trained and honored warrior that slept for many years, the boy that came down from the sky -- you can't help but feel at ease around him, safe, you can't help but find him endearing and pleasant.
Yet, you always seem to notice him. Other people... forget he exists, sometimes, he's so quiet. You never do, for whatever reason.
When he needs to get something across, he prefers to express himself through actions, not words. If you lived in Skyloft, or Ordon village, you might find problems mysteriously solved, work suddenly done that you don't remember doing. That fencepost outside your home that broke has been replaced overnight. A village child went missing and he comes back a few hours later with them in tow. Always humble, never demanding or expecting thanks, he tells you in his quiet voice that he's happy to help you.
And should you ever ask him for anything, he'll drop whatever he's doing to help. Anything for you, he says with a smile, which makes you feel a bit guilty when, honestly, you're not even sure you're remembering his name right.
And yet, sometimes, you feel so at ease around him it seems unnatural. He seems so easy to trust. You feel like you've known him forever. And sometimes you feel... for just a split second, less at ease. You find yourself randomly stiffening at his calm, sweet voice. You find yourself looking around when you're alone, as if you feel someone is there, and for some reason, his face flashes through your mind. Sometimes when he looks at you, you feel sort of cold. It's almost like invoking a memory you don't have, like some kind of learned instinct you can't recall a reason for. But those moments are fleeting, they come and go before you can even process them, replaced by warmth and comfort.
If you do spend time with him, if you find yourself gazing out your window when he's training, the next thing you notice besides him being quiet and sweet is that he's strong. It's almost ironic, how all the other knights or village boys are so aggressive and rowdy all the time, many of them taller or bulkier, and yet, none of them could ever dream of defeating Link. Not one can match his agility, speed, prowess. Such a pleasant, calm person, with so much skill, strength, and power, but that power is so rarely seen exerted. People marvel at his talent, they say it's as if he has the experience of lifetimes and lifetimes of battle in his blood.
And it's why you feel at ease when he's assigned the task of guarding you. His capabilities are unmatched, and yet you'd never fear any harm to you from him. Both of those traits put together make him the best candidate to protect you.
Of course, you do find yourself doing most of the talking. Sometimes you find yourself rambling to fill the silence, and you fear you're annoying him, but when you stop he raises an eyebrow and asks why you got so quiet. Did he do something wrong? He seems to worry about that a lot -- has he done something bad? Has he made you upset? Are you mad? At first you think he's worried about his position security, but after a while you realize he genuinely worries about it.
And when you do continue your ramblings, you're surprised to find he remembers your words -- every little thing you say. Things you don't even remember telling him. He asks you about that relative you mentioned one time, his eyes light up and he walks a bit to the side because look, it's your favorite flower over there, he'll get it for you. It's impressive, really, how he manages to remember such things. He must take his job very seriously.
He does enjoy giving you such things -- he loves giving you gifts. It's usually things he finds, wholesome little things -- makes a crown out of the flowers you like so much, finds something interesting here or there, while he was off-duty he saw something in the markets he thought you'd like and got it for you. You almost feel guilty, it's so constant that he's giving you things.
Sometimes you ask him about himself, you realize he knows so much about you and you so little about him. He blushes, he rubs the back of his head, he insists there's nothing interesting about him, he wouldn't waste your time like that. It takes time to get him out of his shell, but eventually, he tells you this or that, little stories from his life.
Sometimes you take long walks, you like to get out of the stuffy walls and have fun outside, he accompanies you across Hyrule. Sometimes it feels familiar, you pass places you've never been that give you a feeling of nostalgia, deja vu, a sense that you've been here before.
He’s protectiveness incarnated. Insanely so. He can spring to his feet at a moment's notice and deals with anything that comes for you before they can even get close.
It makes you feel safe, but there's something else there. It's a ferocity that is so contrasting to his normal self, different even from the times you've seen him fight as he trains. It's a glint in the eyes, an aggression in his expression, that almost makes him seem like a different person. And it lingers for a moment, once the creature is dead and his sword hand falls to his side, he turns and glances at you to his side, a hand raised to wipe the blood off his face, and for that lingering second, it's still there, his blank expression and wide eyes -- a ferocity so intense it starts to look like bloodlust, chaos, destruction. And then, it's as if you imagined it. Smiling and telling you it's gone now, you're ok. You're glad he's so truly devoted.
In fact, he's so dedicated to his job that he starts... doing it... outside of his job hours...? Well, today he was given the day off, and you were told to stay inside because you didn't have to go out. He comes knocking on your door, says not to be startled if you hear someone outside your door move or shift or anything, but he just wanted to let you know in case. He'll be right here. Keeping watch. So don't worry. You're safe.
And likewise, he was supposed to have a day off when you were supposed to enter the town. You were assigned two other guards to watch you, since it's a special trip, so you're surprised to find just Link waiting for you. He took care of it, he says, he didn't feel right leaving your safety up to someone else, he doesn't trust them. So they agreed to let him take over for today.
All of this said, he doesn't have to grow alongside you, he doesn't have to be the childhood friend, the knight who guards you. He doesn't even have to have met you. Fate works in odd ways like that. There's a sort of inexplicable instant attachment he takes to you, almost as though it's some kind of destined, divinely inspired sort of thing. He would describe it as saying you feel familiar to him.
He's also, notably, prone to a more traditional trope of what you might call humility whiplash. For the most part, he's got that overly humble, worshipping, "I don't deserve to even stand in your presence" sort of mentality. However, although it's rare and requires a lot of wearing down his mental state, if pushed far enough, he can have brief moments where he snaps into more or less the complete opposite -- entitlement, arrogance, aggression, getting mad at you for the behavior he'd normally take with a smile on his face. Thankfully, unlike some yanderes that have a whole snapping episode towards their darling, his are very very brief, usually only a matter of seconds or a single snarled sentence before he snaps back to normal, wide-eyed and apologetic and telling you I don't know what came over me. It’s... a little frightening to say the least, but you blow it off, tell yourself that hey, everyone has moments like that... Right?
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
For the most part, he doesn't need it, he can pretty easily cling to your side well enough to be assured of your safety, and he manages to scare off the undesirables not with a glare, but a smile that's just a little too sweet and far too persistent -- it unnerves people. You hear a lot of people say that something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. Or that he gives me goosebumps for some reason. Even the people he scares away themselves can't pinpoint exactly what it is, all they know is that, despite being reputed as kind and quiet (and maybe a little dense), somehow a lot of people agree that something about him puts people at unease, and that's all he needs. Because they stay away from him, and if he’s by your side all the time, that means they stay away from you too. Why keep you trapped when you can just be isolated?
An aware Link is a a unique scenario. One scenario that's rather... interesting to imagine is a Link that defies fate itself, a Link that decides to be selfish in one of those rare snapping moments of his. Perhaps he makes a decision when everything starts going down, when the chaos is beginning, or perhaps he has somehow managed to gain knowledge of the bigger picture at work, the reality of the nature of your existence and his.
Perhaps he begins to think it's unfair. To suffer again and again. To prove himself again and again, and not always even to reap any benefits, to work so hard and yet still -- still -- you slip out of his grasp. He longs for a life with no tribulations, no struggle, no fights to be fought. He begins to feel like it's what he wants the most. He begins to feel like maybe it's what he deserves. So many lifetimes of struggles, if the higher powers won't give him a reward, he'll take it himself.
And perhaps, for all their higher power, not even the great goddesses themselves would have ever predicted it -- humans are ultimately creatures of will. To defy fate and to run away from destiny -- it wouldn't be the first time a human has tried such a thing. Sure, Hyrule may be destroyed. The people may all die. There may be nothing left. But you know what? He's stopped caring. If you're alive and he's alive, tucked away in your little corner of the world where you've found respite, well, that's all he needs. Even if you're on the run from forces that would want to find you, even if the threat of the final third of the triforce owner looms over your head. He'll ignore it, he'll look away.
You'll live a quiet little life together, a happy life without suffering, without quests and enemies, without strife, without worry. That's what he tells you when he steals you away, lifts you out of your bed one night. Says to be quiet, there's danger outside your door, he's rescuing you. You have no reason to not believe him. He waits until things go down, a castle under siege, but rather than taking you to where you're supposed to go, he climbs onto the horse and starts... riding away. It gets further and further into the distance, and you might ask why, what's going on? You have a job to do, he has a battle to be fought. But he says you're going far, far away, someplace you'll be safe.
But what about the divine beasts, the seals, the Twilight, whatever threat runs in this world in this time, what about the threat of Ganon, you ask? He says it doesn't matter anymore. You were doomed to fail, he thinks, it's either stay here and die, or run away. All that matters is you. And he'd like you to feel the same way for him. You will with enough time, don't worry.
He just wants this happy, quiet life with you that he’s been denied time and time again. It’s all he wants. If fate won’t give it to him, he’ll make it happen himself, and carve out the life he is determined to have, defying even the will of higher power.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
He gets it. Really, he does. "Stop following me!" You yell. Well, he understands why you might feel that way, but this is kinda his job. He thinks you're naive. Not that he would ever, ever have a thought that you're imperfect, of course! It's because you're so perfect and pure that you're... less aware of the dangers all around.
He'll let you think you're free, perhaps. He's more than capable of being quiet, quiet is kind of his thing. Watching you from a short distance is easy. Of course, his horse might make a noise, he can't really help that, or he might misstep on a branch or something. And then you turn around and get all mad again. Now you're even more angry. Well, he can also tell your guardians/father, who will encourage you to accept it. You can't help but feel a little bad -- he's just doing his job.
Now, our aware, runaway Link, well, does he really need to keep you restrained? What would you go back to? Certain death, a land destroyed? Sometimes you mention home, and he's quick to remind you that home doesn't exist anymore. His home is where you are. Can't you feel the same way? You found peace here in this little place -- a village far far away. Travelers, you call yourselves. What's the point in going elsewhere? How would you ever survive without him? He's not very good at being subtle or skillful about the psychological manipulation, it's obvious he's trying to scare you into not leaving, but... it still works, because really, he has a point.
He doesn't want to have to use physical restraint, in any case. And for the most part, it's not needed, because one important aspect of your relation is that his job kinda revolves around you (in some incarnations), or, perhaps you live in the same little village, but either way the thing is that his presence does the job well enough -- he's always there, perhaps more so than almost any other yandere. Even when you think you've managed to get away from him for a moment, somehow his face pops up out of nowhere. How he manages to pull it off is a mystery, you swear he manages to find you so well and predict your movements it's inhuman.
But if you really, really pose a problem, a smarter and sneakier darling that somehow manages to keep slipping out of his grasp and running off (you never get away for more than about 20 minutes or so, but nonetheless), you keep trying to run off when he's sleeping (he wakes up in approximately 25 seconds if your presence is absent from the bed, but that's still enough time to run out the front door), every time he turns his head (which isn't often) you're trying to disappear... well, in that case, he can reach a point of deciding more straightforward measures are necessary. He hates to do it, really, at least when he's not yet at a snapping point. But it's for your own good. And he says so, quite apologetically.
But it's not so bad, it's not like you're being chained to a wall or anything. For one, he got leather ties so you'd be more comfortable, but more importantly, as your guardian, he figured the best thing for you to be tied to would be... himself. Think of it like friendship bracelets! It's just... got a 5-foot chain connecting them. This way you can't sneak off at night, and you won't get too far when he's distracted. It's a safety measure.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
He's a learner. At first, it's easy. Honestly, he is a rather naive, gullible boy, sometimes he reminds you of a happy dog with his bright eyes. He likes to believe the best of people, give them the benefit of the doubt in all circumstances, and that goes double for you, who he believes can do no wrong.
And even when you do lie to him, it's still not wrong. You didn't do anything bad. Clearly there has simply been a misunderstanding, and you thought you had to lie. Or perhaps you simply forgot a detail or were confusing something with something else. It wasn't malicious on your end, he knows that.
He's actually significantly smarter than he lets on in practical knowledge, though. Those dungeon puzzles pay off, you know? He's got pattern recognition down. So over time he learns how to distinguish when you're lying to him or attempting to deceive him, and sees through it increasingly well.
And yet, he doesn't really... get mad over it, most of the time. Again, he's just capable of deluding himself into believing there's a reason. He believes so strongly in your goodness that he finds a way to interpret everything you do as out of benevolence. So you snuck out the window and didn't tell him you were going for a walk because you just wanted to get away from his suffocating presence for once? You were just thinking of him. You didn't want to burden him and wanted to give him a break. Well, that's thoughtful, but don't worry, he doesn't need a break. He thinks it's precious you're so considerate of him though!
You don't tell him you were talking to that person, and you lie and say no when he asks, because you don't want him to worry, and because you underestimate how dangerous others can be. He's told you a million times and you don't listen, but that's ok, it's because you're just so pure you see the best in everyone. Everything you do is good.
Because he perceives your lies, he will still work against and around it. He won't confront you on your lies, he'll just make sure to deal with the situation -- you lied about sneaking out, well, he'll just keep watch and be ready to meet you outside next time. You lied about talking to a person, well, he'll just have to make sure they stay away from you instead.
If you're trying to trick him, he just plays along until necessary. Smiles and nods. He gets the suspicion you're planning a break-out when he told you he was leaving to go get something from town... rather than saying so, he just decides, you know what? Why don't you come with him? Oh, you're feeling sick, you tell him it's ok, go without you? Well, he can't leave you alone then! Because you're clearly not and just trying to get him to leave... or, as he says, he can't just leave you alone. He'll go another day.
He's fairly manipulable when it comes to praise and affection. You can easily Pavlov him into certain behaviors or patterns with just the slightest words of praise and affection. He's not a very outwardly expressive person, tends to stay quiet, but you can tell how he feels inside when you give the slightest praise, a hug, a kiss on the cheek -- you can see that soft hint of a smile and tell that inside, he's basically melting, even if it's not obvious to most people. And, much like the lying, he’s honestly often aware of it, but he just can’t help it.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He tries to get you the things that he feels will make you happy. Your happiness is incredibly important to him, and he usually thinks about how any action he plans to take might affect you, spends a lot of time debating choices of things to do or say and try to determine how each one will affect you and choose accordingly.
As such, he goes out of his way to support the things you want to do. Have a hobby? He'll find the best materials available. Want a book or a food? He'll obtain it through some means. Even if procuring it involves a side-quest-y set of mundane tasks or scouring the world for 70 of this and 50 of that to exchange it for the item from an obscure specialist, it's all worth it.
The only thing he just doesn't give up on is the constant vigilance and insistence on being by your side more or less every waking second. And every sleeping second. And just every single moment you're alive. It's for your safety.
This is actually one of the things he can get a little nasty about when it comes to how he deals with it, because he quickly has the bright idea that if you don't get it, he'll make you understand. Of course, he can't actually risk you getting hurt, so he stages it. Allows you to sneak off, or at least think you have, and walk right into the path of those monsters he lured, or the people he hired to intimidate you. Of course, it's only natural that he shows up at the last possible second, right on time to save you. You should expect that, after all, it's his responsibility to protect you, of course fate works out perfectly like this. See, he was right, it's so dangerous, and without him you'd be dead. Hopefully you grasp that now.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
His is mostly related to vigilance. Where are you? Who have you been talking to? Who was that person you were talking with just now? What did they say? He's not nosy. He just cares about you. It’s in the job description. You ought to understand just how much certain bad people would love to find you and hurt you. That's why he has to know.
This isn't our modern world, so there's no phones or tracking devices to speak of, just himself, which, well, might as well be a tracking device since he never seems to have difficulty finding you. Sometimes you're not sure how he does it.
He tells you that you don't have to be with him 24/7, but you will be, even if you don't realize it. He's aware enough to know that you'll feel suffocated and get mad if you're aware of his presence all the time, so he gives you your "alone" time, aka, the "follow her quietly from a 20+ foot distance" time. It all feels the same to you. Well, sometimes you feel eyes on you, but you shake the feeling off as paranoia.
So it's not so much that he sets rules and reacts when they're broken, but rather, he works his way around anything you might do so well that he doesn't need you to follow his rules, or really, you take them more as suggestions. But honestly, that's kind of worse. It's enough to drive a darling to the brink of a mental breakdown very quickly. With Link you will inevitably become paranoid, nervous, you feel like you're going insane because he manages to pop up everywhere, he always knows what you did when you did it and you have no idea how it is even conceivably possible for him to know some of the things that he knows. He confronts you very plainly and quietly, often sweetly, asking why you did this or that or telling you it's ok, you don't have to hide anything, surely there’s a good reason, and if not, he forgives you anyway. In a way, it's worse than an angry confrontation. You begin to feel like he's omnipresent, like he can read your mind, and it truly takes a mental toll and affect you worse than any normal yandere's concept of punishment.
This ultimately works out well in his favor. The more you just do what he wants, the less it feels like a violation or intrusion that he knows these things, since he was there with you, it makes sense, and you continuously get bent to his will.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Ah, and thus we get to that brutality rating.
It would be unthinkable to think that any sort of scum would even dare. Even he isn't worthy of being with you, and someone else thinks they could be? So, he more or less views "rivals" as an offense. When they're threats, well, he's allowed to deal with them. When they're not, well... he has a wonderful reputation. If he says he overheard that person planning usurpation or assassination, that they realized he was listening in and wildly attacked him, everyone will believe him. Even if the death seems a little... non-immediate. And uh... frankly... overkill. How exactly... did those limbs get perfectly severed during equally armed combat? And was it... really necessary... to kinda spill entrails all over like that? He'll apologize, of course, he was just so outraged by the thought of someone hurting you or your family, you know? You notice his eye twitches a bit as he says it.
He has a lot of... bottled up frustrations, which we'll touch on in the nsfw section as well, but it tends to manifest in those two ways: sex and violence. Rather than exerting stress and anger and frustration as it comes, he lets it fester. He tries to maintain being the noble, humble, self-sacrificing person he feels he should be. That is... difficult to do for a long time. People expect a lot from him, even in timelines where he's not necessarily realized as the hero quite yet, he usually has a lot of responsibilities. But then you tack on the whole hero thing? The weight of the world is sometimes, quite literally, on his shoulders. Do you have any idea the kind of stress that comes with that knowledge? It's not pleasant. And it quickly bottles up, a very very fragile bottle set to eventually shatter in a matter of time.
On a longer sort of quest, he just kinda... leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. Enemies don't actually just poof out of existence the way they do on-screen, you know. Anyone coming across an area he's just been through is met with literal piles upon piles of corpses, sometimes monsters, but sometimes people. He takes a very scorched earth sort of policy when it comes to dealing with things.
He's able to easily get close to people, with that sweet face and puppy eyes and lithe body, people don't really feel on guard around him nor intimidated. That makes it significantly easier to infiltrate enemy hideouts, earn favors, and work his way in to be able to commit mass murder more easily. Granted, no one thinks too much of it because they *are* truly enemies, after all, they *did* need to be taken out and well, if the rulers can choose to either send a group of ten soldiers or just one guy and get the job done equally well either way, they'll go with the latter option. No one thinks anything of it, except the occasional person who laughs and says something to the effect of remind me to never get on your bad side, haha! He gives that sheepish, sweet little smile, and jokingly tells them that yeah, better not.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
For you, nearly impossible. For others, at a hair trigger.
For the most part, he conceals anger well until, as aforementioned, it bottles up and bursts. The truth is he gets irritated virtually all the time by other people. People who talk to you. Look at you. Smile at you. He’s actually rather easily annoyed even when you’re not involved, but again, he’s good at hiding it until it builds.
His rage has a commonality with his calm -- it's quiet. At least, at first. When it's directed at others, his eyes narrow. It's the telltale sign that someone has ignited his rage. It burns on the inside, it starts off as a spark that builds and builds and grows larger and larger until it's a blazing fire that consumes everything in his path. It's a loss of composure, a rare moment of complete loss of self-control. From his own perspective, it feels like he's not in control of his own body, it's all a blur happening in front of him and when it's over he's looking down at his own hands, unable to process his own actions, sometimes unable to remember them.
But it's violent, merciless, unforgiving. It does not yield to begging, it does not leave anything alive unless forced to. You remember the first time you realized how unnatural it was, how shocked you were at how he did something that certainly went against the code he was sworn to follow, the very first time you felt truly afraid of Link. It was a walk in town -- someone called out to you, spitting obscenities about you and your family, your lineage, threw something at you -- he caught it in his hand and crushed it, and quickly, without a word, advanced on the offender. And, to make a long story short, you had to prevent him from beating a man to death in public in broad daylight. He was forgiven by his superiors, but even they seemed shocked. You had to pull him off, and when he jerked his head around to look at whatever was stopping him -- before his face softened as he recognized your own face -- the split second you saw the burn of hatred and fury in eyes that were normally so soft and loving, was nothing short of unsettling, you still recall the chill that ran down your spine.
And honestly? It's terrifying. And the first time, it's shocking. Sure, you knew he could fight. You've seen him fight off monsters, bokoblins and lizalfos and the like. But something is different about seeing the blood of a human being run down his sword, dripping onto the ground, to see the bodies and the blank, numb gaze on his features he always has after it's over. The absolute lack of hesitancy he has to run human enemies through before they even have a chance to explain themselves, how unbothered he seems by the carnage left in his wake. The way he turns back to you, drenched in red and smiles, tells you it's ok, you're safe now. There's no need to look so scared.
And it changes how you view him, in the long run. Less of a guardian angel, more of a guardian dog, one that defends your name when you never asked him to. Pleads to tell him not to fall on deaf ears -- you just don't understand why it has to be this way, he says, you can't comprehend the threat they posed. From the sweet boy that leaves you flowers and repairs and instead leaves a wave of destruction in his path you would not have thought possible.
Directed towards you, though, it's entirely different. He tries his best to have patience with you, no matter what. He smiles, he tries to make excuses as to why you'd say this or do that, why you'd feel a certain way, and he's rather good at deluding himself to give you the benefit of the doubt.
But when it reaches an end, when he can no longer lie to himself, when you push it to a point that you truly make him mad, it's more of a snap. The times he'll lay hands on you in a truly violent way are rare, and as aforementioned, very brief. It's usually not so much of actually a blow, so much as a grab. He just can't get what he's trying to tell you through your thick head, so he stresses it, trying to make you understand as he grabs you by the upper arms, shaking you with each word, and he only stops when he sees the pain and fear in your eyes, drawing his hands back at lightning speed. He saves you from some danger very narrowly, one of the few times he lost track of you for a moment and had to frantically search before coming across you being attacked. What would I have done if something happened to you? Don't you understand that? He's so lost in the relief it takes him a moment to feel you beating on his arms in the embrace, choking and wheezing that you can't breathe, that his grip is so tight it feels like he'll snap you in half. He draws back again, and he apologizes, but it will certainly happen more than once.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Above. Like, so, so, so far above. He feels like he doesn't even deserve to look at you. Of course, neither does anyone else, so he's just, you know, stepping up to bear the burden of wrongdoing to keep people even worse than him away from you.
So it's less that you're just above him so much as you're above everyone. He's actually, perhaps surprisingly, a little bit of a pessimist about the world. The world is full of so many terrible people and so many horrible things happen that he's borne witness to. It's a "world cold and hard, (y/n) soft and warm" sort of thing. You're the one good thing, the thing that makes him happy, the ultimate source of comfort he has, and he has to prevent you from being defiled by the evil of the world, keep you innocent and sweet (even if he's just deluding himself to think you are those things in the first place).
This ties into, again, how he interprets every action you take as good and benevolent -- he has the "you can do no wrong" mentality. Even very blatantly malicious things, he'll interpret in a way that makes you somehow still come out a perfect, innocent angel. If you do harm to others, well, they simply deserved it. You did something technically wrong, but you knew no better, or you were desperate. You can't be held responsible for any of it. And if you're mean to him, well, he probably did something to make you upset.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Sort of a duality. Yes, he's very persistent. He thinks about it all the time. Every time you yell and try to run and hurl nasty insults at him, it hurts far more than you realize. He doesn't let it show on his face or in his voice, but it really does, and it gets to him sometimes. He's hyper observant of every little thing you do, your body language, your tone, the way you look at him, and the slightest of differences can change his mood internally, although it tends to look the same outwardly.
He makes little mental notes of it -- today she didn't flinch when I touched her shoulder. Today she didn't frown when she saw me coming. Little things like that will make his entire day. Likewise, the inverse kills him inside. He aims to make every day one of the former days, where the littlest signs of acceptance or even kindness and affection give him a sort of high that makes him feel like he's floating.
He tries his best to do things that he thinks will, well, earn love. Every opportunity to do something for you, he takes it. Everything he sees he'd think you'd like, he buys (or steals, or... loots from a dead body) for you. On and on that idea goes. And although he doesn't say too much, when he does speak to you, he usually has something nice to say. He views it in a formulaic way -- ironically, think about it like those collectibles in overworlds. You get enough of this or that thing, and once you have enough, you can go talk to this or that person and donate them all and get a reward, right? He's accustomed to viewing things that way. Love should be the same way. If he just completes enough tasks and gathers enough items, eventually he'll unlock your love.
That being said, even if it doesn't happen, much to your despair, he just... doesn't. Give. Up. He doesn't quit. No matter how many times you tell him, it doesn't make a difference. You can tell him you'll never love him, and it's like it goes in one ear and out the other. He keeps trying. And he never, ever, ever stops trying. What did you expect? The boy's been fighting the same enemy over and over across lifetimes, needless to say his spirit has build up some persistence.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Bonus: Zelda/Triforce of Wisdom Darling
And don't worry. If it all goes wrong, when he fails, those divergences in time where the hero is vanquished and evil wins out -- it's not the end. Somehow, that's the feeling he gets, holding your little lifeless body up, running hands across your cold skin. Somehow, he feels oddly calm. Like it hurts, but it's ok. Like he'll see you again. Maybe not soon, but one day. This time didn't work out. But the next one will.
And that's the feeling you'll always have. Every time you meet him and you feel like you've met before, the lingering memories when you wake from your dreams -- flying through skies and sailing on oceans, a child, an adult, a boy you've never met, or one you've known all your life, but it's always the same face, the same voice, the one right beside you in the waking world. You sometimes wonder if he has the same feelings, the same dreams, the same sense of something greater than yourselves at work, the sense of being just smaller pieces in a much bigger picture.
The sense of permanency, that each other is all there will ever be -- regardless of how it makes you feel, regardless of how that scares you, sometimes you feel like you can never be free. Sometimes, when you think of running away, those dark moments when you think of even escaping from life itself, it feels futile. It's as if you know it would never hold him away forever. As if death is insignificant. Perhaps in this lifetime, you'll become aware of why that is, or perhaps not.
With other obsessive lovers, just the idea of til death do us part is a terrifying thought. But, for Link, not even death can keep him away from you. Your suffering is already determined by the will of higher power, for the sake of a greater good. 
In truth, it’s the goddesses who made him this way intentionally -- it’s designed to ensure your safety, even at the cost of your suffering. Again, for a greater good. Sure, you may live one lifetime to the next desperately locked in the same cycle in which your freedom and will is stripped from you, but in the end, it serves a purpose. 
Nor will he change -- perhaps this one this time is a bit more spirited, more calm, more pessimistic, more optimistic... but in the end, at their core, they're the same soul, with the same will deep, deep down. The same drive to find you and protect you. The same love for you, an all-consuming love that destroys everything in its path to you and leaves ruin in its wake.
And if fate should one day keep you apart, should things change, for whatever reason, it’s unable to change him. There's another force even more powerful than fate determined to keep you together. The only thing more unavoidable, inevitable, and unescapable than fate, is Link himself.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
In moments of passion, he changes a bit, unlike other more submissive yans who stay consistent in their reverence and desire to please.
You see, after a while, being as lenient and tolerant and flexible and completely devoted as he is... constantly self-sacrificing in so many ways, to you, to Hyrule, to the world... some frustrations build up. It's a big, big bottle of emotion, all tucked away and festering, getting greater and greater and eventually it has to explode somehow.
His reservations and inhibitions fall away. Perhaps a darker, more selfish side comes out. Perhaps that's why he's so rough. He knows he'll regret it later, the bruises from how hard he grips, the marks from the bites, but the hormones and the heat takes over. He'll feel bad for defiling you. He'll apologize. And he'll do it again. And again. And again.
But once the resolve crumbles, it topples. That is, he can't partially maintain it -- if it's partially gone, it falls apart completely. He lets go, so to speak. And when he lets go, you find that underneath that carefully constructed resolve and willpower that holds him back, he can be a very, very rough and possessive lover. In his normal state, he wouldn't dare think of you as a possession, or as something he's even worthy of. He would like so, so much to think that, to feel like he's allowed to -- but he doesn't. He chastises himself for even having such a desire. But in those moments, when his resolve is gone and his brain isn't thinking quite too clearly, he might even have to audacity to say "mine." Even if it's not true, not now, maybe it will be. He would like that so much. His and his alone.
And in a moment of clarity, he might even throw away the inhibition on purpose. The more selfish side, the same Link that drags you away from your destiny -- he's already forsaken his responsibilities, hasn't he? Why care anymore about the structures that no longer exist, your status and his, if there's no kingdom left? He likes that it happened, even. This way, this time, you can throw off those titles, those roles. Without your status, your title, there's nothing stopping him from making you his. And you will be his, and nothing more. It's all you need to be. So he doesn't have to care anymore about any of that, he doesn't have to stop himself from going wild. Biting into every little spare patch of skin, covering your body with marks that make him feel comforted to see.
As far as drive it's a bit of a two-sided duality. Outwardly he's not a very sexual person at all, blushes and stutters and averts his gaze at the slightest mention of suggestive topics, tries his best to be Respectful(tm) by always looking away when you're in a compromising position, or your skirt flies up, etc etc. Given how constant his vigilance is, he has a tendency to accidentally walk in on your changing or bathing, except unlike with many yanderes, it's genuinely an accident. Not that the image doesn't stick in his mind, nor does he wish he hadn't gotten to see, but he does feel guilty, and it was genuinely unintentional. He kinda freezes up, so it takes a moment for him to actually snap out of it and run out.
That being said, he quickly develops something of a masturbation addiction when he's younger, it starts as more of a stress reliever than anything, He's so sweet and always feels bad about talking about his problems and feelings, so that and, well, violence are the only ways he can get it out. Thus he learns to channel stress and nerves into sexuality, and once he has a real living body and not just his hand, that dependency on cumming to relieve it doesn't change.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
Particularly so, yes, cares quite a bit. And it takes a while for him to feel comfortable. Even consensually, the first few times he touches you for several months, he's got trembling hands and stays quieter than ever, constantly freezes up every time you move or make a noise because he thinks he's done something wrong. He has to be coaxed into feeling more comfortable before he gets used to it, but he will build confidence over time.
As addressed before, though, if he's pushed and pushed and pushed long enough, you can get a darker side to come out. This is most likely something that would only occur post-kidnapping in a distant time, once he's far away from any possibility of consequence and destruction has set in to the world around you. He starts to get a little bitter, if you've been mean to him. It all builds up. Don't you get that he's literally saved your life? That he devoted every waking second to you? Isn't he kinda entitled to some thanks? The cycle of time never rewards him. Even the figures he helps over time rarely give him more than a verbal praise and thanks, maybe an item here or there, and then disappear. His role feels thankless. He starts to feel like he deserves something, something tangible, in return.
Surprisingly, though, he actually does not take the route of guilt-tripping or emotional manipulation or gaslighting his way into it like a lot of the sweeter yanderes when he does have that snap. His snaps/breakdowns are rather extreme in terms of how much of a polar opposite they are to his normal state, rather than just a slight bend of his normal personality. Rather than taking the route of most yanderes like himself, he just gets directly physically forceful. Still somewhat sweet, though, reminds you he loves you, he'd die for you, you're his entire world. You'd argue that doesn't really change the actions, but considering how frightening he is in that state, you're not dumb enough to vocalize that.
The guilt consumes him alive afterwards. Like, immediately afterwards. He's still panting and twitching and buried inside when it sets in. That being said, he doesn't get to stuttering and profusely apologizing, like he does over smaller offenses. It's all done and he can't take it back, so he just kinda collapses and says nothing. He's not the best with words, you know. It's an odd mixture of guilt and, honestly, a bit of satisfaction and relief. It feels like letting go of some self-imposed burden, that feeling of finally surrendering to some deep want, even if it comes with a lot of remorse, the relief of finally letting go does have a good feeling as well... and because of that, it’s another one of those barriers that, once broken, can’t be built up again.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
In all honesty the boy is, for the most part, a fairly gentle and vanilla lover. He doesn't really need anything special to get off -- he's easily excited and cums very very easily too. Just the prospect of getting to stick his dick in you in any capacity is enough to make him nearly burst at the thought honestly.
In general, as aforementioned, he's very very cautious and gentle to a point, but has a tendency to get actually kinda rough once he gets into it. The thing is, the roughness aspect is actually unintentional. He's one of those boys that is a little bit unaware of his own strength, doesn't process exactly how hard and fast he's going. He just gets lost in the feeling, kinda enters a dazed lusty haze where he's less aware of his actions. Doesn't realize he's literally got an iron grip pressing your head down on his dick or into the bed until you start flailing your hands because you can't breathe. Doesn't realize how hard he was gripping until he sees the bruises on your arms and hips later. That sort of deal -- poor thing is just unaware and doesn't have enough blood in his brain to think straight.
Surprisingly a really big one for him. (Remnants of a past life cycle with some lupine experiences perhaps?) In all seriousness, he could not explain exactly why if asked, it's one of those "I just like it" sort of things. It feels like yet another way to conjoin the two bodies, pulls you close. The marking aspect is also nice. Granted, he feels guilty afterwards, tries to help it heal. He has that same duality where moments ago he was this intimidating beast of a human being, rough and growly and jerking you like you were weightless, and now he's back to this bright eyed softie stuttering while he apologizes.
The guilt is mixed with a bit of enjoyment, though. It's constantly conflicting -- sure, part of him understands it's embarrassing and will help you cover up, but part of him doesn't want to, he wants people to see. Part of him looks at the marks and tells himself internally to never do that again, and part of him sees them and just wants to give you even more. It's a constant internal conflict, poor thing.
As far as a place, he likes the neck and shoulders best, simply because it's the most visible and it's the most passionate ones to create, when your bodies are tightly locked together. That being said, though, he also has a thing for biting at the insides of your thighs. It's another one of those I just like it sort of things.
Sometimes, when you're asleep, or pretending to be, you can feel him trace the bite marks with his fingers, softly running them over the circular pattern, just enough to barely ghost over your flesh.
It puts him at ease. This one is particularly prevalent towards the beginning of your relationship, before you really know... how he is. He has this image of you as so pure and he couldn't bear the thought of defiling you with his horrible horrible thoughts. The guilt eats away at him for a while, but eventually he just can't hold back, but how could he ever do anything to you and risk consequence? So... the solution he comes up with is waiting until you sleep.
He tests the waters to see how heavy of a sleeper you are. Calls your name at increasing volume, lightly runs his fingers over your hair, pokes your face, whispers in your ear, runs his hands over your arms. Just to see what makes you rustle, if anything, so he knows the limits. If it turns out you're an incredibly light sleeper, well, unfortunately that means he's limited to just jerking off to your sleeping form, but that's ok. Just seeing your soft face and the cute way you breathe, the slightest way your lips open, that's enough for him.
If it turns out you're a heavier sleeper though, well, he tries to fight the temptation, but ends up going further. Slowly climbs onto your bed, careful to make the weight shift as gently as possible. Slowly pulls the covers back. Runs his hands up and down. It's a lot better when he can actually see your body as he jerks off, honestly. If he's feeling particularly risky, he might press your thighs together, feel how soft your skin is to his cock, how nice the squeezing pressure between them is.
He gets easily lost in a haze, though, so he inevitably ends up accidentally cumming on you and has to frantically find a way to lightly dab it up without waking you. He panics quite a bit, but that doesn't stop him from doing it again the very next night.
Overstimulation/Forced Orgasm
It just means he's doing a good job, really. Sure, you squeal and kick your feet back and forth and tug at his hair, but that's just because it feels good. Orgasms equate to love and feel good, right? Sure there's a little bit of pain when you go overboard, but then it just leads to feeling even better, right?
It's kind of an irrational compulsion rather than a logical goal, though. He just has an impulsive need to feel you quiver and spasm and clench, it basically gives him a chemical high hit and a wave of reassurance, makes him feel good in both the physical sense and the emotional sense. The first one sends him into this compulsive need to feel it over and over and over again, as many times as he can. It's another one of his internal conflict things -- sure, he knows it's hurting, but he just has to get one more. Just one more. But of course, every time turns into "just one more" when he's been saying that for half an hour now.
And, to be honest, it kind of gives him a pride boost to think he can make you cum against your will. How many people struggle to achieve that even when both parties are trying? It makes him feel good in an adequacy sort of way, he feels needed.
Size Kink/Distension
You know, there's a well-known thing among the male-lovers in this world when it comes to size. It's never the arrogant, loud guys, it's never the social butterflies, it's never the tall guys, it's never the beefy muscly guys. No, they're not the ones that end up somehow bestowed with absolute monster cocks. It's always the soft, lean boys who don't talk much. And they're always painfully unaware of it, too.
He's no exception. Not to the size or the complete lack of awareness. He hasn't spent a lot of time around guys his age too much, he's always been the one sent for some special task and ends up out in the wilderness by himself on journeys, or, in some lifetimes, accompanying you most of the time. He doesn't know what the average dick looks like, so he has no idea he's far above average.
This might sound like a plus, and of course in some ways it is, but also he doesn't think about the fact that the average body isn't properly equipped to handle it. You're supposed to just kinda put it in, that's how the sex works, right? Poor thing, especially if it's entirely consensual sex, he's just kinda ???? because why are you in pain? What is he doing wrong? You have to eventually explain it's literally just his body, not something he's doing.
That being said, naturally, he's a humble person, but hearing you say that does kinda... make him feel good inside. A little bit proud. He's not a person who takes a lot of pride in many things, so he likes having this one thing, and quickly notices you can visibly see it through the bulge it makes in your stomach. Especially if it's in a position where your back is pressed to his front, every little movement creates the bulge, so expect to get a lot of that.
He doesn't really bring it up much or talk about it when he's actually fucking you, it's more like, as with many things, something he's quietly aware of and silently enjoys a lot internally, even if it's not voiced.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
Yes and no. It has to do with his overactive protection instinct. What if something happened or went wrong? He couldn't take that. He couldn't lose you.
At the same time, he likes kids, and he's very good with them, very patient. And over time, realizes that a kid would be the perfect tool of manipulation, and besides that, isn't it a beautiful thing, an ultimate manifestation of love?
So how to work around that... Ultimately, what he decides to do is have a kid... Just not by blood. There are plenty of orphans in Hyrule, wandering the streets and the wilderness, picking one up is easy. ...You wouldn't leave this poor child to suffer out there, to fend for themselves, would you? Nor would you leave him to take care of it by himself... Right?
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Oh, it's not like he thinks of it that way. He would call it... a reminder. You put yourself in danger again? You tried to go back again? You were gone and for ten whole minutes he didn't know where you were? What could the solution to this issue be? The only thing his brain can really come up with is making sure you need him. Making sure you're content and satisfied here with him so you don't go running off.
Thus we return to the forced orgasm thing -- see, you do need him. It feels good, right? You say it hurts, and maybe it does a little, but ultimately you wouldn't be cumming if it wasn't good. No one else can ever do that. No one else knows you like this. No one else was made for you like this. You can't replace him. You need him. And he can keep going as many times as it takes until you see that, too. Even if he gets milked dry, he has a mouth and hands for a reason.
And by "until you see that," I mean until you say it. In his more... emotionally intense moments, he gets a bit insistent. He needs to hear you say it. Admit it to yourself. And to him. That you need him, that you depend on him, that you'll never leave again. And don't think your patience and tolerance can stand a chance of outlasting his -- it will keep going until you say it.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
He's one of those wholesome type of boys who goes with something sweet. He says maybe your hair, your face, your skin, your eyes. It's all so comforting. So familiar. Of course, not to say that he doesn't like your less wholesome mentionable parts, but he wants to be chivalric about such a question, and feels answering that way would be too disrespectful.
In his unspoken thoughts, though, he likes the hips. It's a part of you he can grab onto and hold you close with. He puts his hands there a lot and holds tight, like he feels like at any moment you could slip out of his grasp. And, I mean, it's nice to look at, can't forget that.
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