#my teacher was like you alright and im like ah im fine? and she looked at me and i was like its cuz its the mornin im alright and she was
thinkingnot · 2 years
day ratings: mid, sleepy, tired,..etc..etc :////
hhhnnnggggg feeling lethargic and wanting to dissipate into my bed but also thinking of bedrockbros like themmmmmmmm >>>>>>>
and also having maths homework and physics work like ARHHUFHFHFH URGGGHHH
and also where is the james marriott tommy vod OMG ITS HERE
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today is now rated mediocre :|
oh look its like my profile picture :D
today rating is now: eh (added with a shrug like meh but a bit better like ehhhh it could be better but its a school day you can’t demand too much from it yk)
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
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Part 12
You give yourself a peace of mind when going to the doctors
It had been four weeks since Dabis's little “visit” to your apartment, ever since Keigo told you he had roughed him up a bit, you had learned to relax a bit more, but there really was no sign of Dabi, still, there was that small molecule of stress int he back of your mind that kept nagging at you that he must have been planning something.
But something else was bothering you, specifically mother nature hasn't visited you. At first, you were so dressed with starting a new school and the fact your Ex stalked you down that the fact aunt flow hasn't visited you in over five weeks.
You thought back “Okay let's see, I got my period, then three days later we did it, then two days after we broke up, so it should be here by now., there is no way I could be, I mean we used protection so, I should be good right.” you hoped as you clutched your stomach “I need to get a test.”
You hustled to the convenience store near campus and grabbed a test, and some chocolate and checked out, and ran back to your apartment.
“Okay so i have to pee in the cut and put it on the test, I can't just pee on the stick…tv lied to me.” you thought as you sat the test down and waited. And waiting for these ten minutes felt like hell as you looked at the test, it was negative, thank god.
You looked a the back of the box
“Pregnancy tests are not 100%, too soon of a test may result in a false negative.”
“Oh come on!” you shouted as you tossed the test in the trash and grabbed your phone, you gulped and called the only other women you knew.
Your mom.
She picked up almost instantly 
“Hi honey how are you doing?’ she asked “Have you made any friends.”
“Hi Mom, I'm doing okay, and yes I have made a nice friend, but I needed to ask you something real quick.”
“Well out with it,” she said
“My period..it's late,” you said 
“.....I'm sorry what?” she asked
“Mom my period is late.”
“You have been at college for a month!” she said 
“Mom I haven't slept with anyone here!” you yelled back
“Oh no don't tell me you-”
“Yes Mom we did, now look can you just help, I took a test and it said it was negative but i’m still scared….what should I do?”
She let out a sigh “Set up a doctor's appointment for blood work to test for pregnancy, (name) I have to ask did you use protection?”
“Yes, mom.”
“Okay good…did you always use protection?” “Yes Mom!” you said “But Mom what if im-”
“Ah, no no you will cross that bridge if you get there, now set up an appointment,” she said 
“Alright, thanks ma, love you, ill call you soon.”
“You better, and tell me about your new friend.”
“I will later Mom,” you said and hung up and let out a long breath, you called the doctor's office and set up an appointment, lucicily they could squeeze you in tomorrow.
So when you were in the waiting room the next day instead of in class you got a text from Keigo
“Hey, where are you?”
“I'm at a doctor's appointment :P”
“Ohhhhh for what, or is it tmi?”
“Blood work, getting some stuff checked out”
“Well have fun with the poking and prodigy, the teacher is giving me the stink eye, want me to come pick you up after?”
“I’ll be fine thanks tho, don't skip class mister.”
“I won’t :P”
You were called into the doctor's office and sat on the table and waited, you were a bit nervous as you clutched your lower stomach.
“Hello (name), I'm dr sato, and what bring you in today?” she asked in an open voice as she sat down on the chair
“My period is late, and I think there is a slight chance I could be pregnant, I took a test but I hear taking them too early can result in a false negative,” you said as you fiddle with your sleeve
“Okay I see, when was your last sexual encounter?” she asked
“About five weeks, it was three days after my period, we used protection, but my period is like to weeks late.” you said
“Alright ill draw some blood and get it into the lab.” She said, “Was contraction used.”
“Yes,” you said
“What kind?” she asked
“Condoms,” you answered
“Alright and would you like to do an std screen today?” she asked
“Uhh, no thanks just the blood work, please,” you said
“Alright.” she said and continued to type down on her computer “i will go grab the supplies and be back soon, but from the sound of it, it sounds like a later period, have you been under a lot of stress suddenly?”
“I…I guess I have.” you explained “I moved into a new dorm away from home, after breaking up with a not-so-good guy, and he has been bugging me a lot.”
“Ah well as your doctor I will run the blood work, but to me, it sounds like the sudden change and stress in your life has affected your cycle.” she said “We will do the test just to make sure.”
“Thank you,” you said and she left, returning with a needle, you looked away as the blood was drawn out, the bandaid placed on your arm and you were sent home, they said the results would be done by tomorrow.
On the walk home, you felt a sense of shame. Thinking back on those nights, and how you now felt about him, at the time you just felt so infatuated with him, it felt right, but the situation, looking back on it, made you feel like an idiot.
“Oh (name)~” Keigo chimed in as you were walking past the fountain to your next class.
“Hey Keigo,” you said and greeted him with a smile
“I see you got a booboo on your arm.” he said pointing to the bandaid, they took your blood away to clone you.”
“Haha, no no, just some blood work,” you said
“Ah routine check-up?” he asked
“Something like that.” you said avoiding the question, you looked up at him “Hey Keigo are you feeling okay?”
“Huh, me?” he asked and pointed to himself “Never better.”
“... those eye bags say otherwise.” you said, “have you been getting enough sleep?”
“Yup sure have.” He lied
“....well maybe you should add a couple more hours of sleep,” you suggested 
“...hmm perhaps I do require a nap,” Keigo said
“Also could you come over tonight to review what I missed,” you said
“I would love to, however, I have work.” he said dejected “I can give you my notes though.”
“That would be a great help,” you said as he handed you his red notebook. “I shall return it to you tomorrow in class.”
“You better.” he said and ruffled your head “Oops sorry I forgot you don't like that-”
“It's fine, it's growing on me,” you said with a smile and waved him off
“She is so cute.” he thought before slapping his face causing a couple of passersby to look at him as crazy. “No, we are not developing a crush on our best friend, who still needs to get over her psycho ex.”
The next day in class you and Keigo sat next to each other as you handed him back his notebook.
“Thanks again,” you whispered as the teacher droned on about the assignment you already finished, you liked to think ahead.
“No probs, did the notes make sense?” he asked
“Perfectly the chicken doodles in the corner really helped.” you quickly nudged him
“My draws do add a bit of a flair to my notes,” he said, you continued to check your phone waiting for the doctors to call, low and behold they finally did, and you excused yourself from the class using the back door.
“Hello, miss (last name)? dr sato here about your test results.” She said
“Yes that's me,” you said
“Well your test came back negative, however, you are low on vitamin D, I would suggest a supplement,” she said
“Oh thank goodness, thank you, doctor,” you said as you put a relived hand on your chest
“Of course call us back if you have any questions or concerns,” she said 
“Thank you I will if any pop-up,” you said and hung up
“What was that?” Keigo asked, you jumped and nearly smacked him
“Jeez Keigo you scared the crap out of me!” you exclaimed as he put his hands up defectively
“I'm sorry I'm sorry you left in such a rush I thought something was wrong,” he said, you looked relieved now though.
“Ugh I am,” you said slumping against the wall 
“Man it must have been something kinda serious then, have you been having faint spells or something?” he asked
“No nothing like that, just some personal issues that have been taken care of.” you said “and that is where this discussion ends.”
“Alightly, also did you know the teacher made it so if you leave his class you can’t get back in,” Keigo said
“...are you kidding me right now?” you asked as you felt your eye twitch
“Nope…wanna grab a snack?” he asked
“Might as well, I want something cold, it's hot,” you said
“Swee, I know this great ice cream shop a couple of blocks..that way.” he pointed down the street
“Well we can't go back to class, so let’s go,” you said and the two of you walked out of the building and to the ice cream shop, you just got a vanilla soft serve ice cone, while Keigo got the works.
“Keigo how do you know all the best spots for food?” you asked
“I just do.” he said “Also can I ask a question.”
“As long as it's not about the doctor's appointment, shoot,” you replied
“It's not.” Keigo said, “I was just wondering if you have seen your ex anywhere.”
“Surprisingly no,” you said
“Good, sometimes I wonder why you dated the human equivalent of a headache,” he said and you gabbed his side
“Owch!” he said
“Dabi was a headache looking back on it, but he had a charming way of weaseling his way in,” you explained
“Sorry sorry didn't mean to make it sound like I was blaming you,” he said, he messed up.
“It's fine, I know what you mean, but you sure do like to comment on my previous love life, when I know nothing about yours,” you said
“What there to say,” he said
“Well I've heard rumors that you are well…a playboy,” you said
“What me?” Kiego said “Probs because of how I dress and my laid-back attitude.”
You two were laughing a bit 
“But I have had three girlfriends, one was in elementary school and she broke up with me after one hour because another boy gave her a cookie.”
“Heartbreaking.” you joined in
“Second one was in middle school and we broke up after three weeks because turns out her friends made a bet.” Keigo continued
“Geez that sucks,” you said
“My last and final relationship was in my 20s but we wanted different things and ended it after a year and a half.” he finished his story
“Different things?” you said
“Yup…like I wanted a change to my lifestyle and she wanted the same lifestyle so we kinda just split off, I mean nothing against her it wasn't like messy or anything,” he explained
“Lucky you, sometimes I wish I could go back and warn younger me.” you said “But at least know I have an actual friend.”
“Same here.” Keigo said as he looked at his watch “Unfornuinttily I have to get to my next class, so I shall see you later.”
“Later Keigo I’m gonna run as well,” you said and headed off to your next class and scarfed down your ice cream. Little did you know a certain someone was watching your every move. 
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cleacc · 2 years
*This is a different storyline from Stranger Things but I'm using the characters. Hope you'll like it! :))*
*This is my first time writing in Tumblr soooo im sorry if it's a mess :))*
Warnings: None. If there is, please write it in the comment section.
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Y/N and Jonathan are in their last class which is science. Y/N's eyes are already closing when someone came rushing through the door.
"Oh! Here comes our new student! Kinda late isn't it? But let's hear what he's about to say." - Mr. Lupin said.
"I'm sorry uhm i don't have a car so I had to walk— or should I say run— to come here."
"Oh that's okay! But I'm hoping you could get a ride pretty soon Mr. Ballard you can't do this everyday."
"Yes sir."
"Oh class, this is Mr. Peter Ballard our new student. Please take a seat next to Y/N. Y/N please raise your hand."
Y/N Found herself staring into nothing, that's why when the teacher called her she got surprised.
"Oh! Ah, sorry? Yes?" Said Y/N.
"That's Ms. Y/N Mr. Ballard you can go seat next to her."
"Oh yes! Uh here..." Y/N said while pointing at the seat next to her.
Peter proceeds to sit next to her.
"Y/N right?" He asked
"Yes yes!" Y/N said still a little surprised.
"Y/N????" Asked peter waiting for her answer
"Y/L/N" (your last name)
"Ohhh... Peter Ballard" Peter said while pointing at himself.
"Yeah i know."
"Ms. Y/N you're the one assigned to Mr. Ballard okay? Show him the whole school."
*The bell rings*
Y/N and Peter are leaving the classroom when Jonathan approached them.
"Hey Y/N" Called jonathan
"Yes?" Y/N turned to look at him.
"Are we still going to go home together?"
"Well you can go ahead. I'm going to Tour Mr. Ballard here so that he knows where to go"
"Oh yeah? Well, I'm still going to get Will soooo yeah we're going to wait for you"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure! I'll see you later!"
"You and byers go home together?" Peter asked while they are walking to the gymnasium.
"Yes. Our house are close to each other."
"Can I come with you guys? I don't have a ride." Asked peter.
"Yeah sure, i have a bicycle and Jonathan and Will too." (Let's just pretend that they have a bicycle as their ride cuz that's cute)
"But i have to ask Jonathan first for y'know, respect."
"Oh okay."
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
"This is the gymnasium. We come here when there's an important event. Like Basketball and meetings or assembly. Just like last year."
"Last year?" Asked peter.
"Yes. When Will got missing, Jonathan's younger brother, the school held a meeting/assembly for him. Jonathan is not there tho because he's busy giving the flyers."
"Where did he got found?"
"We don't know actually. The only thing we knew was that he's missing and his mom and the chief found him. It's such a relief that he's okay."
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
"Here's the cafeteria. Y'know there's a rumor that lunch lady Phyllis is hoarding the chocolate puddings."
"Hey! Get out of here! The cafeteria is already close!" Said lunch lady Phyllis.
"Sorry Ms. Phyllis! I just have to tour the new student!"
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
"Jonathan! Peter wants to join us when we're going to school and going home from school. Is it okay with you guys?"
"Yes it's fine for me." Said Jonathan
"What about you will?"
"Will? Hey will!" Jonathan is shaking him.
"Sorry. Uh... yeah?" Said will with sweat in his forehead and hands.
"Are you okay?" Asked jonathan with concern in his voice.
"Ok." Said Will a bit pale.
"Sooo as we can see I'm the only one who has a back seat on my bike soooo peter you ride with me." Said Y/N tapping the back seat of her bicycle.
"Peter if you keep squeezing my shoulders we'll die." Said Y/N chuckling.
"My waist. Peter."
"What?" Peter asked a little flustered
"My waist. Hold on to my waist."
Peter put his hands on Y/N's waist shaking.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
Jonathan and will is already home and Y/N and Peter is still on the road.
"Here." Said peter.
Y/N stopped the bicycle.
"Oh! This is your house? We're pretty close to each other!"
"Yeah." Peter said while getting off the bike.
"Soooo me and Jonathan usually get ready at 5:30-6:00 and i always come to his house at 6:15. Now that you're here, I'm going to you first before going to Jonathan's house."
*Awkward silence*
"Uhm... You should get your lights fixed. It's blinking" Said Y/N changing the topic.
"Oh yeah about that." Peter scratches the back of his neck.
"I haven't really unpack yet so I'm using the old lights the old owners left." Peter said.
"Oh okay! I hope your lights is fixed by tomorrow! See you!"
"See you! Thank you for the ride!"
"Be ready at 6:15!" Y/N said getting ready to leave.
"Yes!." Said peter.
Y/N drove off.
When peter got inside of his house the lights are now blinking rapidly.
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yaomomvs · 4 years
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seijoh x manager!reader
in which aoba johsai vbc just wants you to take their hand, just as the many times they have reached for yours when they needed it
pls i’m sorry i just wrote this for comfort, in having a terrible week and so, i just really need my seijoh boys to comfort me even if it’s just in my head and just so you know, and as i’ve been trying to convince myself, things always get better
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tuesday, [15:56 pm]
“nice kill yahaba senpai!” kindaichi congratulates his upperclassman.
his voice makes you react, it scared you. still holding your pen and the notebook you always carry around even on normal practice days, your hand threatens you in the most scary way possible.
fuck no, just... breathe.
you are quick to leave aside the notes, and so, you look around to the boys, who just after the coach’s whistle sounds they are quick to approach your spot.
you take the water bottles as quickly as you can.
“oh y/n-san, i know we are irresistible but you can’t just slack off admiring us!” makki teases you laughing.
“if our dear manager is admiring someone is obviously me” oikawa says, before taking a sip of his bottle, slightly making you blush even more.
“i don’t think she likes idiots who still watch youtube conspiracy videos at 3am”
“weren’t you the one with a secret obsession for romance manga, iwaizumi?” it’s mattsun time to expose his friend. iwai mi doesn’t hesitate and he runs directly to matsukawa, while kunimi brings out his phone to start recording the chaos in the gym.
you don’t listen.
your head hurts, and then, you once again feel this weird thing in you stomach. you have been feeling like this for the past week, and you try to ignore it . but sometimes, you just want the world to stop.
you can’-
“y/n senpai?” watari calls your name, and you notice his furrowed brows looking at you, worried. you blink and correct your posture. you had just zooned out. “is everything ok?”
“ah yes watari kun!” you force your self to sound relaxed because you feel the sudden gaze of the entire team “i was just thinking in a smart way to insult oikawa, but i’m worried he won’t understand tho”
“hey! you said i was your favorite”
you fake laugh once again assuring everyone that you were just fine. the day goes on, and somehow is becomes more difficult to just stay down not worrying about anything.
and they notice.
you don’t walk home with the guys today. instead you run to the bus not before excusing yourself with an ‘urgent family thing’
“just please don’t let makki eat so much ramen today!” you giggle as you run to the bus “i’m not in the mood to dealing with diarrea!”
“that was a secret between us darling!” the pink haired guy screams cheeks blushing.
and maybe you were just too distracted, but before you face them away some of them notice how quick your smile fades.
“you know guys” yahaba is quick to say “call me crazy but, why did she lie?”
wednesday, [10:22 am]
when was the last time you actually enjoyed school? not practice, but school itself. seeing numbers everyday in the board that you don’t understand is frustrating. your throat hurts, there’s has been a not there since the begging of the day.
swallow it, y/n, dammit
you decided to take this class, don’t blame the world, blame yourself. isn’t it supposed to be simple? why isn’t it being simple? is that... 
"Square root of 57 is equal to Xo, miss" 
it is not like it’s a race, you want to say. why was the teacher obsessed with speed?, it’s unfair. your time is not the same as that of others. 
you drop the pencil and you recline in your chair, why couldn’t you do operations and analysis as fast as they could? you take a look around and the eyes of others look frightening. you see ambition, you see security, you see admiration.
the bell rings and you just want to run, and well in a way you end up doing it. leaving your homeroom, you tell your friends that for today you want to be alone, the halls of aoba johsai are big, for your fortune or misfortune. you go to the vending machine and when your drink falls, the minimum noise makes you startle, lately it’s like that, small noises or actions affect you way too much.
and iwaizumi notices it.
you don’t make a single move, it’s just the cold drink resting on your hands. and before iwaizumi could stop mattsun, he was already putting his hand on your shoulder.
the orange juice spills and once again fear takes hold of you.
you see them both, you’re not stupid and you know hajime stares at you weirdly, and now mattsun, you hide your fear it a bit worse than yesterday, but you do anyways.
"someday, Matsukawa-san, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME! and what will you do without me?" you try to say cheerful, wanting to take away the suspicion, for a moment it works.
"flunk history, that leads me to..." 
"no, sweeheart, i won’t give you my homework" 
you walk and both guys follow you, one faster than another, very naive of the situation. "I begin to believe you hate me," says Mattsun, as the three sit on a bench near the school cafeteria casually encountering kunimi who quickly joins you, patting the folds of your skirt as you sit down, you rest on the table and admire his needy expression and as the tantrum of mattsun grows.
minutes go by, your chest pain grows, but somehow you know how to let it go.
 with your hands supporting your face, lunch passes between you and kunimi, you try to talk, you really try. 
but still, your eyes just glow, and kunimi notices how it’s not the glow you always have.
thursday [12:03]
your head is spinning, you can feel the cold sweat. will this be the time? why do you feel so small? why can’t you say it?
it’s familiar, you recognize this feeling, an ocean, you’re floating, you know you can swim, but, you’re in the middle of nowhere, you look down. Out of nowhere the intimidating depth of the ocean is beneath you. And then, you sink. You feel like you’re drowning, you feel like you’re fighting the tide, but you just can’t do it.
i just need...
no, it’s not time yet, it’s still training. the boys... you’re the one who should take care of them, you’re the one who has to be be fine. they had no time to lose, they had a goal and for the moment that was the most important thing.
On that bench, your gaze is absent, you know it is so.
and through the window that overlooks your classroom, oikawa notices it too
“y/n...” he mumbled.
of course he’d noticed. at first it was not so clear, but now he remembers.
when kindaichi pinned your dark circles to him, while admiring you by fitting volleyballs in a way not of your own.
makki watches oikawa from your side, you don’t even know the pink-haired guy is there, unaware that he’s sitting next to you. but he notices. he’s been noticing for days that your eyes are threatening to close in the middle of class.
hanamaki catches your attention and instantly that mask you’ve been wearing for weeks appears again.
"hanamaki, i’m fine"
it doesn’t convince them. they both look out the window and nod.
oikawa notices, and god, he wished he had no reason to.
friday [14:00 pm]
please just... breathe.
you’re fed up. the feeling of guilt and discomfort is still there, can’t you be calm? people don’t need to know, but why do you want to shout it?
the dressing room is alone, the girls from the soccer team are out and it’s your only chance.
the team needs you, hold on a little.
your footsteps are heard in the hallway once again, a symphony you’re tired of listening to.
your chest hurts, your heart is aching, but you just need a little more. hands are shaking, the cold in your body, you need to stop.
you have to make them stop.
but when you walk into the gym, even with your eyes down, all you feel is warm. and it’s because, the boys were standing, aligned begging for you.
no, they beg for your sake.
and everything stops.
one hand from him on your neck, and one hand around your shoulders.
because oikawa, without warning, now has you in his arms.
and then, only then, you break.
tears don’t take long to come out, along with desperate sobs. your legs fail and out of nowhere, you and oikawa are on your knees.
with an alarmed look, the whole club runs towards both, surrounding you as sensibly as possible.
"i’m sorry, i’m sorry I’M SORRY" is heard from you, between hiccups.
“love, listen...” iwaizumi approaches you,somehow he managed to catch up with you, somehow he managed to hold your hand.
"i promise i didn’t want to, but i can’t, i can’t anymore, why can’t i? i try and i try and i keep trying but it’s never enough! IM TIRED OF SEEING SOMETHING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO PROCESS IT LIKE THE OTHERS. I’M TIREDD OF NEVER FULFILLING WHAT I SHOULD”
yahaba’s heart aches, and just as most of the team, is shocked.
your hands, oh your adorable hands, those hands that bandage his in the middle of an important game, he sees them shaking horribly between iwaizumi’s.
watari is quick to place your hair gently behind your ear, a kunimi covers you with his jacket.
“I LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND I DONT RECOGNIZE MYSELF” you lower your voice, its cracked now “oikawa I don’t recognize myself, I want to be me again" you whisper, and a knot appears in the captain’s throat, and he puts a hand on your cheek "please... just let me be me again" your throat burns, your eyes get redder.
the gym goes silent, your words still echoing in everyone’s head.
“why didn’t you-“
“i just couldn’t” you blame yourself cutting oikawa off “look at us! we are waisting time on me when we should be- i’m the one who has to- im you support not-“
“hey hey, love...” iwaizumi whispers his voice is filled with sweetness, letting you sit correctly and softly rubbing his thumb in your hands “how many times have you been there for us? y/n your hand is always there”
“that’s true” kyotani says, finally saying something, emotions overwhelmed him a lot, but he genuinely wanted to help you.
“there’s something about you, there’s light” kindaichi follows up.
“no matter where, or how bad we are, somehow you always are helping us stand up” mattsun also tries to carefully approach you, he wants nothing more for you to feel safe.
and oikawa’s arms were still around you. he never stopped.
“we have reached your hand so many times, so now it’s time for you to please take ours” oikawa holds you face, and you see the sincerity and kindness behind his brown eyes, it feels like home.
mattsun does a sign asking the coach for a day off, both of them smile tenderly at you and give the green flag. iwa and makki are next to hold you carefully helping you stand up. they help you stop shaking but it’s mad dog the one who wipes your tears away with a tissue watari handled him. still not knowing if he did it the right way. you still feel kunimi’s scent. you still see kindaichi holding your school bag making sure nothing is missing. yahaba is the one bringing you water. and oikawa still refuses to let you go.
all of them feel like home.
“thank you”
and that’s how you know everything is going to feel fine.
because this club was yours and you were theirs.
this was home.
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russett-pots · 3 years
Troubled Child
Kim Minju
TW: R*ape, Suicide, Violence
Don’t know if this is an angst or fluff? decide what you will
But please know that this is my first fic. if you have any comments plz let me know. im also going to start posting smuts eventually.
Inspiration: Minju’s The fault is not yours (watch it if you have time) 
General Thanks to: @iznsfw
Edit 1: was asked to change photo
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Your teacher escorts you to your new classroom, introducing you to your new classmates in your new school. You had to transfer from your old school due to your reckless behavior.
You were a troubled child; you got caught up with the wrong crowd back then. Drugs, violence, and bullying were the only things you know. Teachers had a hard time controlling your behavior. You neglected your studies, then eventually people lost respect for you. You regularly visit jail accused of petty crimes like pickpocketing, scamming tourists, and stealing from convenience stores. So often, the police are well aware of your antics.
The previous school had enough and kicked you out. Fortunately, something happened to you that changed your life forever. But this is your last chance, and you won’t waste it.
When introducing yourself, the students start murmuring, looking at you, knowing your reputation already. They think you are going to continue your rampage in the school. But you won't. You just sit down on your seat quietly, trying not to disturb anyone. You didn’t mess with them, and they didn’t mess with you.
But there is this one girl who always bugs you. She comes to your seat every morning, greeting you and giving you something to eat just in case you didn’t have breakfast. Her name is Minju. As of the moment, she is the only thing that keeps you smiling inside.
You don’t want to change your arrangement with your classmates. But her persistence towards becoming your friend warms your heart despite your cold attitude towards her.
Minju always invites you to join her friends at their lunch table. But her friends would always try to stop her, but that won’t deter her from being friendly with you. The only reason they haven’t left is your rejection of her offers. You always sit in the far corner alone as an outcast from the school. But at least you aren’t causing trouble anymore.
One day during lunch.
“Hi again, is it alright if I sit with you?” Minju asks.
You ignore her and continue to eat your lunch.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t you want company when you eat?”
“I want to be alone.”
“Can I call you Oppa? I heard you repeated a grade. So you must be older, right?”
You look at her with a black stare.
“Come on; I’m easy to talk to. I can help you get to know people. I’m sure they’ll be glad to get to know you.”
“I’m fine by myself.”
“You don’t seem fine. Turn the frown upside down. I can make you laugh. Watch me.”
She starts showing you a series of different funny faces, from a monkey dancing to a lama chewing on her food.
You giggle for a bit, but you go back to your poker face as soon as you are spotted.
“See, I know there is something in you.”
You go back to your cold demeanor, looking down, focusing on your food.
“Why do you even want to be my friend?” You complain you place down your utensils.
“I don’t know, but I have a feeling you are a good person. Everyone else thinks you are bad, but I want to see the good side of you.”
“That’s the bell. I’ll see you in class. Nice talking to you.” Minju skips away, looking back and waves
Waving back, “See you too.” You gently whispered, only audible to yourself.
You grew fond of her, hoping she could help you turn your life around, but the dark side of you still rejects the idea of her as a friend.
As the sun sets, you finish your study session at the library for the big math test tomorrow. While walking to your car, a modified Honda Civic Type-R is a gift from your former associates, you remembered.
Ah, wait, I forgot my gym clothes.
It is no big deal. It isn’t that far away. Just get in and get out. Your trek echoes around the empty halls, only with the sound of the janitor waxing the upper floors.
But when you get closer to the locker room, you hear a female voice screaming in pain and three male voices laughing and insulting her. You burst inside, seeing in horror three students attacking and raping Minju.
“Come one, baby, smile for the camera.” Says a 1st guy holding a video camera pointing at Minju’s beaten-up body.
“Take off her shirt. I got her panties.” The 2nd guy instructs the 3rd.
Minju is still struggling and trying but in vain to push off her attackers.
“Oh, this is going to the internet.” The 1st guy screams
Suddenly, you grab the camera and punch his face at the same time, knocking him out instantly.
The 3rd guy stands up, walking towards you. He throws a punch, but you grab his fist, crushing it at the process. You gave him a headbutt on his forehead, then an uppercut on his chin.
As he moves back, he brings out a switchblade. Raising your hands like a boxer, you taunt him to make the first move. He steps forward and slashes your shirt.
You return a quick jab squared on his face. He charges the knife at you, but you quickly grab his arm and knee his elbow, making it bend the other way. Using both your hands, you hold the front of his shirt, lifting him and throwing him at the lockers: two down, one to go.
You look at the 2nd guy. He slowly caresses Minju's ass and lines up his dick on her asshole. You charge at him before he can do anything to her. You get a hold of his cock and squeeze it. But after shouting in pain, he steps back then pulls out his knife. You back off as you give a glance at Minju. From that, you see her bloodied body lying on the floor.
But with you distracted, the 2nd guy charges at you, trying to stab your chest. You grab on the arm holding the knife and karate chop his writing, thus, dropping his knife. He charges, pushing you back on the lockers, bringing you to throw his fist onto your abdomen and after, elbowing his back and using your knee to kick his face.
He steps back, slightly disoriented, throwing punches not even close to you. With his still exposed cock, you kick his balls and land a final knockout blow to his face, finally subduing all three of Minju’s attackers.
You run to her, checking her pulse and breathing. She is unconscious but barely alive, but with many cuts and bruises on her arms, legs, and face. The worst thing you saw was the blood running down her legs. You check to see where it is coming from, but your worst fears are realized. Struggling to grab your phone from your pocket with your damaged hands, you dial 112.
“This is 112. What’s your emergency?”
“I need the police and an ambulance.”
“Okay, sir, but there was a multi-car pileup on the other side of town. First responders can only arrive in 1 hour.”
“What the fuck! One Hour! She’ll die before then.”
“I am sorry, sir; all personnel is responding to the incident.”
“Shas has been raped, For christ's sake. Send someone.”
You hang up the call and sit down beside her.
“Hi…….. op..pa, how…?” Minju is barely making up any words. Her mouth filled with blood dripping down on her chin.
Fine, I'll do it myself.
Before you pick up Minju, you thought to yourself,
Minju needs justice.
Seeing the video camera on the floor gives you an idea. You remove the belt of each assailant and tie them up on the pipes under the sink. You bring the camera with you so you can bring it to the police station.
After setting everything up, you carry Minju onto your arms. Barely hearing her breath, you run thru the hallways to your car, gently laying down on the passenger seat and fixing her seatbelt. You get in, turn on the ignition, and step on the gas.
You quickly drive out of the school and on the way to the hospital. But you had to stop at an intersection, with the red light still counting down. Looking left, right, then see a battered Minju on your side.
Fuck it
You floor the pedal, now committing to rush to the hospital at any cost, weaving In and out of traffic, honking at drivers telling them to get out of your way. Suddenly, blue and red sirens light up behind you. They'll only delay you.
After cracking your neck, you use the 2.0L turbocharged I4 engine, switching to sports mode. You harness all of your driving skills to evade the police, going in and out of dark alleys, or just using your outright using your pace advantage against them, finally, after getting into the clear and proceeding to the hospital.
Turning into the emergency driveway, you jump out of your car and rush towards the passenger door, pulling out Minju. You turn to the hospital doors, kicking them wide open.
“Please help!” you shout your begs.
As the nurse rushes towards you with a gurney, you slowly put Minju’s body down. The nurse pulls her to the emergency room, and you try to hold Minju’s hand as she drifts in and out of consciousness.
“What happened to her?”
“Cuts, bruises, and….. raped.”
The nurse pauses for a second.
“Okay, I’ll take it from here.”
You watch her taking Minju inside; the only thing left to do is hope that she’ll live. After moving away from the emergency room, you find a place to sit in the jam-packed waiting room.
Another nurse comes in and kneels.
“Sir, are you okay?”
You look at your hands and down at your bloodied uniform. “This...is..isn't...mine.” You stutter as your hands shake.
She takes out and uses her stethoscopes to check your heartbeat and breathing.
“You’ll be fine. Just a little shocked.”
She hands you a form.
“Please fill this out for her.”
“Her name is Minju.”
“Okay, please fill this out for Minju.”
You grab it, reading it slowly. The only information you can write down is her name, nothing else; you don’t know her medical history, if she is taking any medications, or even her birthday.
I barely know this girl. What am I doing?
You walk back to the nurse’s station, handing them the form.
“I am sorry. I don’t know her. I’m just her classmate.”
The nurse reads the little information that was given to her.
“It is alright. I search her up.”
“There! That’s him.” You turn around seeing a security guard escorting two police officers.
They tackle you, face planted on the ground, handcuffing you in the process—the usual spiel of reading your Miranda rights and stating your charges. The rest becomes a blur. You are taken to the station, booked, and tossed in jail.
As you regain your senses and lie down on the cold concrete bench, your mind starts running different thoughts.
Did I do the right thing?
If I didn’t show up, would Minju have died?
I hope she is okay.
A police officer comes and looks at you. “You have a visitor.”
Here comes a couple in their mid-late 40s. One of them is the Commissioner-General of the Korean Police, and the other is his wife. She runs towards you, embracing you.
“Thank you for saving our daughter. I owe you my life.” You can feel her droplets run down her cheeks and falling onto your shoulder.
The Chief of Police comes up to you and extends his hand.
“I would like to give you my biggest thanks for doing what you did.” you can see him try to hold back the tiny tears that are on the edge of his eyes.
He rests his arm on your shoulders as he brings you out of the station while the officers salute him. The father opens the car door for you, allowing you to get in. He and his wife move to the other side and get in. It is a silent car ride home.
As you arrive, “Is this your house?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you for the ride.”
“It is the least you can do. Is it alright if I walk you inside?”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll be fine.”
“I insist. I want to know you’ll be safe.”
You give in to his persistence, leading him to your apartment while his wife is left in the car.
The door opens.
“AIIIISSHHHH, I told you to come home early.” A man raises his arm, getting ready to slap you.
But the father grabs onto his wrist.
“Who are you to stop me from disciplining my child? Mind your own damn business.”
“I could have you arrested for child abuse if I wanted to, and….. do I smell some marijuana in here?”
Your father looks at his uniform and walks away in silence, taking another swig of his bottle.
He hands you his calling card. “If you need anything, call me.”
“Thank you, sir,” You bow to him as he leaves.
You look at it. “Chief of Police.”
Entering school the next day, students clear a path as you walk to your classroom. Even as you go inside, your classmates stare at you as you sit down at your table. Rumors already spread about the incident yesterday, mixing in different facts, lies, and opinions.
“Did he beat up those boys?”
“I think he killed one of them.”
“He saved Minju’s life.”
“Wasn’t he too harsh on beating them up? They wound up in the hospital too.”
“Minju deserved what she got. She is an attention whore.”
“There was a knife on the floor. Did he use it to stab them?”
“Was he the one that raped Minju?”
The homeroom teacher comes in but in a stressed-out environment.
“Okay, time for attendance.” He rushes to pull out the clipboard.
“Doyun. Check”
“Haeun. Check”
“Min-….” pauses for a second then ignores the name
“Jiwon. Check”
You look down in guilt from beating up Minju’s assaulters. Both of your conscience give conflicting feelings.
Are they just going to forget Minju?
Isn’t a thing I do, right?
Did I do too much?
If I haven’t left my gym clothes….
Am I going to get arrested for beating them up?
“Okay, attendance is over. Oh, new kid… sorry, but you need to go to the principal’s office. Don’t ask why. Just go now!”
You stand up and march towards his office. As you enter, you see him and two police officers. He offers you a seat.
“Son, This is going to get serious. I need to suspend you indefinitely.”
You stand up and protest, “What? Why? What did I do?”
“It is hard not to do anything with what you did last night. Don’t worry, and you aren’t in trouble. You can come back after the investigation is finished.”
The 1st police officer comes to you. “We need to interview you for your testimony. A detective would call you and schedule a time.” Both officers leave the school.
“Leave now. Please pack your belongings and leave quietly. I don’t want to make this mess any worse.”
You do as instructed, returning to the classroom and bringing your stuff home. A couple of classmates wish you luck as you leave. As you exit your school, you see Minju's father standing outside.
“Can you come with me?”
You just enter his car without hesitation. Thinking, it is already time for the interview, and Minju’s dad is leading the case. The car turns to the hospital, bringing it down to the front entrance.
Minju’s dad leads you up in the elevator to the 12th floor and room 1202. He opens the door, and inside is Minju, her family, and the doctor monitoring her.
She is lying down on the hospital bed, hooked up an EKG, heart monitor, and IV bags.
“Oh, you can make it!” Minju weakly says but with the biggest smile on her face.
Her infectious joy transfers to you as you begin to smile.
“I told you. I can make you smile.”
“I didn’t think like this.”
“A smile is a smile.” You both chuckle. “Let me introduce everyone. You met my dad and my mom; here is my Unnie, Eunbi, and my dongseng Yujin.”
“Thank you for saving my Unnie’s life. I cannot imagine my life without her.” Yujin tells you as her puppy eyes begin to tear up.
“Awwww, Yujin, don’t get too emotional.” Minju laughs but with concerning tone.
“Unnie, I really can’t live without you.”
Eunbi looks at you. “If you need anything. I’ll be there. You took care of Minju. I’ll take care of you.”
Then the doctor taps on your shoulder. “You did the right thing. If it was 15 minutes later, she might not have made it. She would have lost too much blood.” He gives his final checks on Minju before moving on to his next patient.
You look back at Minju’s parents discussing who should stay with her.
“I have to go back to the investigation.”
“I can’t either; the board meeting is today. What about Eunbi?”
“Eunbi has her finals today.”
“Daddy, can I stay?”
“Sorry, Yujin, you have classes.”
“I want to stay with Minju-unnie. I don’t know if I can meet her again.” Yujin cries while running back to Minju.
“Sir, I can stay. I’m on suspension until the investigation is over.”
“I don’t think Minju would be okay with that.”
“It is okay, dad. I would like to talk to him anyway.”
“Okay then, if Minju is okay with it.” He says.
The entire family exits the room, leaving you and Minju alone.
“Can you come to me?” Minju asks, “Is it alright I can call you Oppa? You are a year older than me.”
“That’s fine. No one has called me that for a while.”
“Why did you save me? Weren’t you supposed to not like me?”
“I couldn’t have left a friend behind.”
“So, I’m your friend now?” She happily asks, now knowing.
“There is another reason, though.”
“What is it?”
“My sister was also raped; she tried reporting it to the police but didn’t have any evidence. She slowly became distant and fell into depression. Until one day, I saw her dead body hanging on the ceiling.” You start to cry as your memories come rushing back. “I cannot let that happen to you.”
Minju also starts crying as she puts her hand on top of yours.
“I’m glad. I have you.” Minju smilies
~The End
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
BlackHeart Bakery
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Who says Halloween can’t be romantic?
Pairing: Emo! Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: fluff
A/N: HI OMG IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE. I love you, I hope you like it. I’m sorry it isn’t longer but, I still can’t wait for you to read it.
-you never imagined that the quirky lil bakery down the street from your university would change your life  
-But it did
-“Omg shut up, you’re so dumb.”
-“Rawr xD”
-“Did you just say rawr xD out loud??? That totally defeats the purpose of its existence...”
-“Don’t cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.”
-“And now you’re quoting the chronicles of narnia- alright just go back to sleep you big dummy...”
-“Mmm but you married a big dummy so what does that say about you”
-“Jungkook don't spoil it oh my god!”
-“Like they don’t know what’s coming already- spoiler alert losers! I get the girl.”
-“I hate you...”
-“Mm yeah- I love it when you talk dirty to me baby. The last time you said that- we ended up fuc-“
-“Ok! That’s enough! Our story begins...”
-Jungkook’s bakery was quite famous around your city
-If people didn’t come for the gaudy Halloween decorations  
-They came for the music  
-Exclusively pop punk, if you’re wondering
-It was like 2009 everyday  
-Which was comforting, considering the world has gotten a little
-Since then
-But anyways
-If they didn’t come for the music or the decorations
-They came for the AMAZING espresso  
-And the spooky themed treats
-But if you’re being honest
-You think the main thing that keeps them coming back
-Is Jungkook  
-If his sweeping black hair didn’t get you
-Or the adorable cheeky twinkle in his eyes
-It was the tattoos and the piercings  
-He looked like he walked right off of a black veil brides music video set  
-He was hot
-This was obvious
-But he didn’t seem to think so
-You had come to the conclusion that he was oblivious  
-he shoved his feet into his big black doc martens every morning  
-Slipped on his beaded bracelets and studded chokers
-Pulled his fall out boy t-shirt over his
-And just thought hm
-I’m pretty average I guess (lol)
-That’s a direct quote from him btw
-Men truly are hopeless
-Jungkook opened the bakery two years ago
-He had mentioned to you that he had saved up money from his 3 part time jobs to put a down payment on the building  
-Which was wedged between a sex shop
-And a thrift store
-And honestly his bakery
-Blackheart Bakery, if you’re being specific  
-Fits right in
-Jungkook refuses to hire new staff
-“They won’t do it right.” He whined to you one day
-“One time I tried to hire this guy and he put the sugared googly eyes on the cookie skeletons ALL WRONG”
-“How do you put googly eyes on wrong?” You had giggled
-“you just do- i- See? This is exactly why I can’t hire anyone...”
-You had started chewing on the end of your pencil in the midst of your laughter
-It was an unconscious habit
-And it makes Jungkook shift uncomfortably, his hands moving off of the top of your table
-“Don’t do that...” he had muttered, smirking to himself as he walked back behind the counter  
-he did that a lot
-He’d mutter something  
-Mildly flirtatious under his breath and then  
-Just walk away
-It was quite confusing
-But honestly you had a feeling he was just a filrty person  
-You certainly weren’t the only girl he smirked at
-Not that you pay attention
-Maybe you do  
-Pay attention  
-but it’s not your fault!!!!  
-You just  
-Can’t help but feel a little jealous
-You kiiiiiinda have a little thing for him
-Maybe it’s a big thing  
-Maybe it’s a massive
-But look at him!!!
-You simply couldn’t be blamed
-It was his fault  
-That’s what you’re going with
-It was Jungkook
-And his tight t shirts
-His ripped jeans
-His dangly earrings
-His tattoos
-His big
-Stupid boots
-Ugh ok
-You have work to do
-The whole reason you began coming to Jungkook's cafe was so you -could find a consistent place to study for your exams
-You were in school to become a teacher :)  
-And teachers have to study very very hard  
-Educating the youth is no easy feat  
-Jungkook had asked what you were studying during the first week you arrived at his spooky house of baked goods
-“Oh I’m an education major”
-“Ahh so you’re getting an education about...education.” He concludes
-“I love it.”
-“So meta.”
-“Are they educating you on the disparities between impoverished children and wealthier children?”
-His wide eyes were brimming with genuine curiosity  
-You kind of got a kick out of how candid he was about such heavy conversation topics
-“Not as much as they should be but, I’m actually writing a paper on a similar topic right now...”
-This caused a brilliant grin to come over his face
-It was almost blinding really
-And it made your heartbeat all wonky  
-“Of course you are. You look smart like that...”
-He had backed away from your table then, seemingly satisfied
-Had you passed the vibe check?
-“I’ll leave you to your paper.” He nodded to your laptop but as he walked away, he pivoted back towards you on and the heel of his combat boot, “welcome to Blackheart Bakery by the way, let me know if I can get you anything.”
-Another brilliant smile is sent your way  
-“Thank you.” You had smiled back, sending a tiny wave his way
-Which in turn, made HIS heartbeat all wonky  
-You’re cute
-Like really cute
-And despite how often it may seem like his eyes are elsewhere
-They are ALWAYS on you
-Every chance he gets he is glancing your way
-Smirking to himself at how endearing you are
-Brow furrowed
-Lips pouted in concentration  
-Completely oblivious to his gaze
-He has to remind himself to look away  
-He doesn’t want to be a creep
-“Creepy men deserved to get kicked in the teeth...”
-He’s said this to you before when another patron had made you uncomfortable
-Jungkook kicked him out immediately  
-“If you don’t leave, I’ll have no choice but to kick you in the teeth. One, because I can’t compromise my personal philosophy and two because you’re making my favorite customer uncomfortable.”
-Oh look there goes your heartbeat again
-The guy leaves in an angry rush, flipping Jungkook off in the process
-Saying something about leaving a bad Yelp review  
-He doesn’t care tho
-He definitely doesn’t want to be a creep
-You’re just so  
-He rolls his eyes at himself behind the espresso bar
-The latte in front of him neglected  
-In need of a bit of foam
-“Focus Jeon, she’s just a chick...”
No wait
-“She’s just a woman. A woman who I respect, like I respect all women...”
-He’s been watching a lot of feminist theory on YouTube
-He likes staying educated  
-And also fuck the patriarchy
-The man waiting for his drink has arched a brow at this point, wondering if his barista has lost his mind
-“Uhhh medium...” he checks the cup for his awful hand writing, “ghostly toasted marshmallow latte!”
-“Thanks.” The guy mutters, throwing a judging look Jungkook's way  
-He gives him a lazy salute as the guy struts away with a briefcase in tow
-“Thaaanks.” Jungkook mocks him, his face scrunching up in annoyance  
-Stupid man
-With his stupid briefcase  
-As Jungkook is pulling out a batch of cream cheese frosting stuffed pumpkin muffins  
-Or as Jungkook calls them
-PUNK-in Muffins
-Movement at the counter catches his eye
-is that
-”oh shit...” He grunts, hastily wiping his hands on his apron and rushing over to the counter
-normally he would meander
-or even slump to greet any new guests at this hour
-and by this hour
-he means 45 minutes before closing
-Jungkook’s bakery is open til midnight on weeknights
-9pm on Sundays
-and 3am on Saturdays (for the culture of course, gotta keep it spooky)
-tonight happens to be a Friday night and the person awaiting his assistance is
-”You’re still here?” He gawks, the black polish on his nails glimmering as he punches in a few keys on the register
-You offer him a tired and slightly amused smile, “No. Y/N died around 4:30, you’re speaking to her ghost. Please leave your message after the tone.”
-Jungkook cracks a smile, his palms resting on flat on the counter, “Do ghosts check their voicemails?”
-“Oh of course not but, I will be checking yours because you have access to caffeine.”
-Jungkook laughs
-no...he giggles  
-and it’s fucking cute
-but you digress
-“I feel like I should cut you off...this is your 4th latte; I’m pretty sure you’re 80% caffeine at this point...”
-“Noooo, don’t do that.” You whine slumping against the counter, “I just need to finish this one page...”
-He quirks a brow as he scribbles something on your cup, unimpressed with your statement, “You said that three hours ago. I’ll make you another one but I’m not putting an extra shot in.”
-Your face turns up in protest but he click his tongue against his teeth , shaking a manicured finger at you
-“Ah ah- nope. I don’t want to hear it. You either take that or I’m making you a hot chocolate and shutting the buildings power off.”
-With a dramatic sigh, you concede
-“Ugh fine. Here-” You go to hand him your debit card but he shakes his head
-“Put that away.”
-You want to protest but given the fact that he’s made the rules thus far during this interaction, you doubt you’d be able to stop him.
-A smile appears on your face then, appreciative of his generosity
-“Thank you.”
-He merely grins, waving you off before rolling up the sleeves of his black Blink 182 shirt
-as soon as his tattoos are out
-all the moisture leaves your mouth
-you try your hardest not to stare at him
-expertly, he eases the espresso shots into the milk, tongue poking between his lips in concentration
-and you
-being sleep-deprived
-and a little loopy
-decide to  
-if you could even call it that
-which you could but you shouldn’t
-“For the record, when I finally dig my way out of this of mountain of death I’m stuck in, I will definitely take you up on that hot chocolate...”
-Jungkook’s brow quirks at the tone of your voice, his hands suddenly itching with nerves
-was that
-was that flirty?
-should he flirt back?
-“My hot chocolate is legendary. You won’t be disappointed.” His lips display a small grin as he places the lid atop your finished latte, “Also mountain of death is a great name and I WILL be stealing it.”
-You giggle
-“and I WILL be suing you for copyright.”
-He laughs now, wiping up the bit of milk he spilled
-the sinewy muscles in his forearm tensing and untensing
“Good luck getting me to show up to court.”
-and that’s kinda how it was between you and Jungkook
-for like six months
-it was a little bit flirty but never anything to push either over you over the edge.
-and speaking of being on edge
-recently, you had gone from vacationing in your timeshare on the edge
-to signing a 35 year mortgage contract  
-4 bedrooms
-2.5 bathrooms
-of pure
-you could feel it in the middle of your back
-shoving itself up between your shoulder blades
-your body seemed to ache with it
-the worst part being
-it was Halloween
-You should be out with your friends, having fun
-wearing itchy costumes and drinking sugary drinks
-but instead, your headed towards the bakery to work
-Jungkook was behind the counter, smiling happily at a family dressed like the cast of scooby doo
-from what you could see he was wearing a skeleton onesie
-his jet black hair tousled perfectly above his head
-he looked adorable
-(and hot)
-He notices you instantly, his face turning up in surprise
-you offer up a small wave and head over to your table
-you know he’s going to say something about you being there but
-you don’t really have much of a choice
-this work has to be done
-it takes him a second to spot you but when he does
-he seems to perk up
-his smile brightening as he looks back towards his customer
-as you’re setting everything up, you feel a presence (not the spooky kind) at the end of your table
-it’s Jungkook and he has your regular order in one hand, along with something wrapped in skeleton-patterned parchment paper
-“I know, I know.” You acknowledge before he’s even able to chide you for being here
-He smirks “What are you doing studying on the holiest day of the year??”
-You giggle
-“The holiest day of the year huh?”
-“Of course. Halloween is the one night a year that the homies can dress like total -sluts and no one can say anything about it.”
-This makes you giggle again
-“And you went with slutty skeleton huh? I love it- it’s like as naked as you can possibly get.”
-He chuckles, gesturing to his costume
-His floppy black hair getting in his face
-“Damn right baby.”
-The way he grins tells you the pet name is a joke
-But the deepening of his voice gets to you anyway
-“Thank you for this. I promise I’ll get out of your hair early tonight.”
-“The only thing I’m worried about getting out of my hair is this white spray paint. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
-He’s put a streak of white spray paint in his raven locks
-Why? You’re not certain
-Does it look good on him, like everything else does?
-Its been a few hours since your night of studying began
-Jungkook’s dropped off two free lattes since you’ve arrived  
-As well as a slice of his ‘I write cinnamon not tragedies’ bread
-Which was equally hilarious and delicious
-You caught him glancing over at your table a few times but you didn’t think anything of it
-He’s probably just checking to make sure that no one needs your table
-His bakery is packed most nights but Halloween is a special night at Blackheart Bakery
-He has a trick or treat counter set up with free (homemade) candy
-A photo op complete with a fake haunted house backdrop
-A Halloween playlist
-And a bunch of discounts on his signature lattes and food
-you watch him amongst the chaos
-He is completely unfazed
-He seems elated at the amount of customers he has
-he grins and laughs at something a man dressed like Thor says at his counter
-he seems entirely in his element
-you realize that the denial tactics you’ve been trying out haven’t been working
-because this floppy haired, tattooed, slutty skeleton/baker kind of has a hold on your heart
-you’ve been friends for a long time now
-he always makes sure you’re taken care of
-he always asks if you’re ok
-he always gives you this little grin
-it feels like a secret sometimes
-but maybe it’s been his way of letting you know where he stands
-he’s been bringing you lattes and pastries for months now
-he never charges you full-price
-he always reminds you not to work too hard
-he likes you doesn’t he?
-you look back over at the counter to see him bending over and handing a skeleton cookie to a little girl dressed like Captain Marvel
-he laughs at something she says
-his eyes focused entirely on her and whatever she seems to be proclaiming to him  
-your heart goes wonky again
-enough is enough
-you’re doing this  
-Jungkook’s done so much of the work thus far
-it’s time for you to seal the deal
-and if he rejects you, well…
-you can just crawl into a hole and never come out again
-easy peasy
-You can feel his eyes on you as you get up to take your place in line
-luckily there isn’t anyone else behind you
-rejection with an audience would certainly be worse
-Jungkook has his witty comment ready for you as you approach the register
-“I know for a fact you haven’t finished your third latte and I’m not making you another one until-“
-“I’m not here for another latte.” You laugh, trying to ignore the thrashing of your heartbeat
-“No? Well, are you finally going to try my Welcome to the Blackened Chicken Parade Burger then? I’ve been asking you for like three weeks…”
-god he’s fucking cute
-“I’m here to ask you out.”
-Jungkook swears he feels his heart stop
-“You’re here to…”
-He repeats the first part of your response as his he didn’t hear you
-his black fingernails anxiously tapping against the countertop
-“I’m here to ask you out- on a date.”
-Jungkooks face seems to go through various stages of confusion before a shy smirk presents itself on his pretty mouth
-“Me? You’re asking me-“ He places a hand on his chest, “-out on a date?”
-“Yes!” You laugh, slapping the counter a bit too hard, your nerves getting the best of you, “Are you down?”
-He shakes his head but his answer contradicts his movements
-“So down, beyond down. There is no one on Earth who is more DOWN than I am. Yes. My answer is yes. 50000% yes.”
-you can’t help the smile on your lips
-“great. So are you free next Friday then?”
-He grins with his teeth this time, nodding emphatically  
-“Consider the shop closed.”
-and so it was
-you returned to your table moments later  
-feeling on top of the world
-you did it
-you asked Jungkook out
-and he said yes
-and now you
-you try your best to engage with your studies but with Jungkook on your mind
-its really hard
-roughly two hours later, things at the bakery have finally started to slow down
-“Hey uh- Y/N?”
-Jungkook's voice that pulls you out of your studying trance
-he’s standing at the entrance of his back room, waving you over with his hand
-and who are you to deny him?
-you make your way over there, annoyed at the instant increase in your heartrate
-he stands awkwardly to the side and gestures to the boxes on the metal rack
-“I just remembered that I’ve never given you a tour of the place. I give all my regulars a tour of the stockroom and my office and uh-”
-he cuts himself off and clumsily cups your cheek
-he pulls you into a kiss
-a really good kiss
-his lips are so warm
-he smells like cinnamon
-you could literally die happy
-The ridiculous nature of his first attempt to kiss you, makes you giggle into his mouth
-you feel him smile, his hands smushing your cheeks together as he pulls away
-“Ok I lied. There is no tour. I’ve just been watching you focus on your computer for the last two hours and you’re just really fucking cute and-”
-this time, it’s you who cuts him off
-“You better give me an actual tour next time. How else am I going to steal your secret recipes?”
-he scoffs in mock offense
-“Ah ha! So that’s the only reason you asked me out huh? Should I be calling you Plankton instead of Y/N? Ew no wait- that would make me Mr. Krabs and he’s a dirty capitalist...”
-You laugh, “Oooh good point. Guess you’ll just have to be Karen, my computer wife.”
-This makes him laugh now and the sound warms your soul
-“I could live with that- I like your last name better anyways.”
-with another kiss, your adventure with the emo baker of your dreams begins
-It may have been Halloween but it sure felt like Christmas to you
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Can I request a headcanon please? This thought just popped into my head and it seems like something Fred would do. Imagine him trying to show off his quidditch skills for a girl he likes/ his new gf and maybe trying to teach her the basics like how to ride a broom and stuff. She humors him for a bit but it turns out she’s insanity good and he’s a little embarrassed but mostly smitten
so you grew up with quidditch
one or both of your parents is a huge fan so they had you playing in teams when you were little 
like little league teams 
quidditch for kids
you were a bit burnt out when you got to Hogwarts 
so you didn’t really want to try out for quidditch 
and eventually it became a thing of your childhood 
until you start dating fred weasley 
you were happy to support him
you’d go to all of his games wearing his sweater and even watch some of his practices 
and he’d be constantly trying to impress you when he was on his broom and you were watching
you had never told him of your past with quidditch 
plus he looked cute trying to impress you 
fred was staying late after a morning practice when you met him on the pitch 
you brought breakfast for him 🥺
he’d give you a kiss too
you guys would have your little breakfast picnic 
and it would be so cute gOD 
sharing little kisses and feeding each other food 
but you guys would be sitting on the blanket you brought just talking before fred sees his broom lying on the ground 
and a lightbulb goes off
because this is perfect 
he’s got his cute, beautiful, amazing, h o t, girlfriend here with him and he could teach her how to ride a broom MEANING she’d be holding onto him and he could show off his skills 😤
a great plan really.
so he’d suggest it and you’d humor him because why not?
you get your hot boyfriend to hold onto you while he teases you how to ride a broom 
a great plan really.
so he’d go through the basics while you sat in his lap and he held the broom out in front of you two
he’s pointing out the stupidest things too
“this here is where you sit...”
“you mean the seat?”
“if you wanna get technical yeah, anyway pay attention babe.”
then you’d get to the actual riding the broom part 
and he’d insist on showing you all the moves first
starting from basic to
and it was impressive 
but you could do it with your eyes closed 
“alright, love, come on and get on the broom. don’t worry i’ll be here to catch you if you fall.”
“promise freddie?”
he didn’t know you were teasing him
or i guess...zoom
now you’re doing flips
youre standing on the broom
youre hanging off with one hand
idk but you are doing all the tricks 
and fred is just standing there with his mouth hanging open
because his girlfriend is so coOL
you’d land next to him and hand him the broom
“well uhhh you’re a quick learner good job.”
“i’ve just got a good teacher.”
aH and you’d kiss his cheek as he started to pout 
“why didn’t you tell me you’re some natural born... broom riding... professional?”
but lets be honest 
he thinks it is so aTTRACTIVE HOW YOU JUST 
he will tell everyone from that point on 
you’d tell him about how you played when you were little and all that
and he’d be completely supportive of your choice to not play anymore 
but you would have cute little broom flying dates 
or at the burrow you’d play and you would be on his team
every single time 
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mull3ts · 4 years
[𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; 𝟑:𝟐𝟕 𝐚𝐦]
⚠ Warnings! Smut, Dilf! Aged Up! Hyuck, He's ruthless :/, crying kink (vv smol tho), hair pulling, cockwarming, spanking, now ofc I'll put the daddy kink, ahem... im sorry.
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The air in the room reeked of sex.
Mr. Lee was still sitting on his chair working on some god awful "teacher thing" while you were sitting in his lap.
To be precise, you were sitting on his dick.
Your cunt gushed out more cum by the slightest movements. You softly whined when Mr. Lee readjusted his seating position causing him to put his free hand on the small of your back.
"Shh, be a good girl for Daddy, or else"
Yawning, you wrapped your arms around his neck burring your head into his neck, "Or else what?".
Mr. Lee moved his hips to thrust aggressively inside you. He grabbed your hair to make you look at him, "Or else I'll just fuck you until it hurts".
He put away whatever he was doing on his computer and landed a loud spank to your ass, "Go on baby, ride Daddy".
"B-but Daddy, we just-"
Mr. Lee plainly rolled his eyes at you, "Does it look like I care?". You sighed grabbing onto his thighs for support as you started moving up and down.
When you sunk back down on his dick, Mr. Lee threw his head back. "A-ah, fuck baby just like that" he cursed grabbing into your hips making you bounce faster.
After desperate cries for Mr. Lee to let you stop, he just smiled when a tear fell down your cheek.
"Awe, my baby looks so pretty when she cries. I guess you're my little crybaby now"
"P-please I can't t-take it" you sniffed as your pace slowed when you felt that your legs stung.
A slap landed on your behind, "Shut up, yes you can. You told me you could a few minutes ago you could, why'd you change your mind-"
It was a dream.
"Donghyuck, are you alright?" his wife asked, turning to look at him.
He turned his head to look at his wife, beads of sweat were on his forehead "Y-yeah I'm fine, just a bad dream".
Mr. Lee had realized the dream of you made him cum in his sweatpants causing a pink tint to adorn his cheeks. His wife furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you sure? You're sweating Donghyuck-"
"I'm fine." He stated plainly, getting up to go to the bathroom.
Upon entering the bathroom, the first thing he did was pull down his sweatpants to see what happened. The result: his dick sprung up in an angry shade of red, leaking cum.
Mr. Lee let out a sigh and internally groaned to himself.
What were you doing to him?
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tagged: @sunflowerhae @nct127grass @kunswifegwen @bbyyangiex2 @huangvibez
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kpopsickies · 3 years
Exam Fever
~based on true events~
sickie: Huening Kai
caretakers: Yeonbin
(also this is my first sickfic AU basically are Yeonbin Hueningkai´s parents, Kai is 15, both Yeonjun and Soobin are dad)
Yeonjun p.o.v
7:00 AM
¨Kai, wake up, time for school, you have your science exam today¨
¨alright dad, Im up, Im up¨ He muttered, before doubling over is a harsh coughing fit ¨you alright kiddo¨
¨yep!¨ My dad instincts kicking in I placed my hand on his forehead. He huffed and shoved my hand off. ¨dad stop it, Im fine, I need to get to school, I cant miss this exam¨
¨If you start feeling worse you need to come home alright bud¨
¨alright dad¨
Time skip to 2nd period
Kai p.o.v
¨Kai, are you alright?¨ I heard someone ask, I raised my head off the desk and was face to face with my teacher. 
¨yeah, yeah, Im alright just tired¨ my teacher looked unsure, ¨youre really pale¨ she said looking concerned, she placed her hand on my forehead.
¨alright Kai, to the main office right now¨
¨bless you Kai, now I mean it, you have a a fever, you need to go home¨
¨But our science test¨
¨You can make it up when you get back, now head on down to the main office, Ill call them to let them know you're coming¨ I nodded standing up, feeling lightheaded I staggered slightly. I made my way to the office. The secretary looked up at me. ¨Hey Kai, I just phoned your dad, he´s on his way¨
¨Thanks Mrs. Kim¨ she gestured for me to sit down. 
After waiting for a few minutes my dad came in. ¨Hello Mr. Choi, Kai, your dad is here¨ I stood up from the chair and walked over to him. ¨hey kiddo¨ he ruffled my hair taking my bag from me¨
Once in the car he turned to me. ¨I cant miss work, so Im going to have you come in with me and rest on the couch in my office, once dad gets off work he is going to pick you up and take you home¨
¨ok dad¨ I said leaning against the door of the car. I had almost fallen asleep when my nose tingled with an obnoxious itch. I scrubbed at it, ¨hey dad?¨
¨whats up?¨
¨do we have any tissues?¨
¨there might be some paper towels in the back¨
I searched the back and thankfully found what I was looking for, after blowing my nose the itch only grew.
¨h-hah-ah-hAtchu-Atchu-HaTcHu-HaTCH-¨ I sniffled a blew my nose again, feeling shy at the volume, especially with my dad right next to me. 
¨you alright kid?¨
¨yeah, Im *sniffle* Im fine¨ 
when we got to his office he reached over and placed his hand on my forehead, ¨alright buddy lets get you inside so you can lay down, leave your backpack in here, you can get it later¨
I followed him inside, ¨Hello Yeonjun
¨Hello Mrs. Lyn¨
¨is this your son?¨
¨yes, this is Kai¨
¨hello Kai, how are you?¨
¨Im good how are you¨
¨Im doing well, nice to meet you¨  My dad turned to me, ¨why dont you go to my office and lay down, I have a meeting but your dad will be here to pick you in like 20-30 minutes¨
¨thanks dad¨ I left
Yeonjun p.o.v
¨Is he alright?¨
¨hes out sick from school and my husband and I were both working so hes hanging here until his dad can pick him up¨
¨poor kid¨
~time skip~
Kai p.o.v
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew my dad was shaking my arm. 
¨hey sicko¨
¨hey dad¨
¨ready to go home¨ I nodded rubbing my sore throat. 
The two of us went out to the car.  
¨I know you're tired but buddy but I need you to stay awake, youre too tall for me to carry inside.¨ I nodded, coughing a few times. 
Once we got home I went straight to bed, only waking up when dad came in a few hours later. 
¨hey buddy, I have some medicine for you to take¨
¨thanks dad¨ I said taking the pills and the water from him. 
¨How are you feeling kiddo?¨ 
I shrugged. ¨not great¨ I muttered rubbing my nose. ¨hAtchU-hah-ah-haTchU¨
¨bless you¨
¨thanks¨ I said taking using another tissue, and tossing it into my overflowing trash can.  
¨hey dad¨
¨whats up Kai?¨
¨I dont feel good¨
¨yes I know, thats why you're at home¨ he ruffled my hair. 
¨the best thing you can do is sleep¨ 
¨ugh you always say that¨
¨its true, now get some rest¨
¨yes dad¨ 
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mysmegrace · 3 years
Hi! I’d love a short fic of Zen with a shy yet bubbly MC in a Christmas Fake Dating scenario <33 Hopefully with some anxious pining and a love confession at the end if that’s okay! I’ve been musing over this sweet scenario for a pretty long time and wanted to make my small dream come true
hey hey hey~ (ew im sounding like my old math teacher lol). i'd love to write that for you! sorry this came out a little late, i've been offline and working on other things. i hope i did this justice! 
summary: GD entertainment, the company zen works with, is throwing a christmas party. giving many of the actors special benefits, one of which is a free 2021 computer model for people who had brought in their significant others. zen could really use the upgrade, hence why he asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the night. he also asked you because he had feelings for you and figured that tonight would be the perfect night.
topics: christmas time, pretending to date, love confessions, romantic pinning, fluff.
words: 2k
For the Night, Or a Lifetime - Zen x MC
"are you sure this is alright to do zen..? i mean, what if rumors start to spread or they think badly of us?" you responded briskly. you were worried this would take a hit to his career, not to mention your anxious thoughts building up around the fact that you may have to speak with his boss and co-workers.
when zen had initially showed up 15 minutes prior, you were dumbfounded. last time you had spoke to him on the messenger, he had told you about some work he needed to finish up. yet an hour later, he was at your front door asking for you to act as his girlfriend tomorrow for the companies christmas party.once he had explained why to clear up your confusion, you weren't sure how to react. of course you would like to help him, but what if things didn't go as planned? what if you ended up ruining the night? you weren't secure in your acting abilities either.
"it'd be fine, i promise. we'll just act like a normal couple throughout the night and no one will suspect a thing" you heard him say, breaking your train of thought. looking up to meet his gaze, you quickly broke eye contact to contemplate your next action.
you knew zen could use the new computer, you’ve seen how old his current one was. but the fear of denting his career wouldn’t go away. you look up to meet him again, looking for a sign of reassurance or dismay. 
god those puppy eyes you gave to you. how could you say no? giving it another minutes, you eventually give in, saying “alright, but if something starts to happen we have to come clean”.
a breath he was unaware of holding came free as he heard your confirmation. a weight had been lifted off his shoulders because unbeknownst to you, he was planning to come clean about his feelings for you tomorrow night. so far, the plan was going just the way he was hoping for. 
“thank you babe, i’ll repay you back for this one day!” he said, giving his gratitude. “i’ll call when i come to pick you up” he adds, before turning to leave. it had already gotten late and he knew better than to stay with you for any longer while the moon was tempting him. no, that stuff would have to wait until the time was right.
watching as he left, the click of the door confirming it, your mind had completely gone blank on you. did that really just happen, you thought. you could hardly contain your excitement once he proposed the plan.
but you knew how the industry and his fans were. sure many were great, but many also say zen as a trophy they could reserve to themselves. a romantic partner could damage his career as allegations and opinions started floating around.
at the same time, it was difficult to hide. you had felt something for him that was so unfamiliar to you. something you could only identify as love. but what if he didn’t feel this same? what if...
enough, you told yourself. it was too late to get emotional and curious about what might happen. perhaps it would be better to rest and let your mind heal it’s anxiety for the time being. so that you did, drifting off while fantasying about the future, though you would never admit that.
a knock at the door caught your attention, allowing you to briefly look up from your phone. the sky had changed as christmas had arrived. everything was ready for your night as you had prepared once he had alerted you of his travel. 
opening the door, you gave a smile to greet him. one he returned promptly, pulling you into a friendly embrace. your heart skipped a beat, so anxious that you might do something he wouldn’t like. your body wouldn’t even offer you peace of mind to enjoy the closeness.
eventually letting go, you pulled your jacket on in a swift motion as you followed zen’s footsteps. being led to his motorcycle, a helmet was presented to you. “don’t worry, i’ll be safe. can’t damage precious cargo” he reassured you. 
god, was he trying to embarrass you, you thought as you felt yourself heating up. slowly gathering the courage to meet his eyesight again, you found him with a grin plastered across his lower face.
the nerve, though you’d have to let it slide for now. hoping on the ride, you heard the engine rear up as you went on your. wind hitting your face from all angles, moving your hair in whichever way it desired. 
pulling up to the event, you fixed your hair the best you could with your fingers with little time to spare. feeling your hand being grabbed, you looked towards zen, expressing a confident smile. in reality, you couldn’t believe what you had gotten yourself into.
taking the lead, zen greeted the people at the entrance in a polite yet swift manner. in your luck, they managed to find the time to question zen about your role to him. “she’s my girlfriend” he answered, before gesturing for the two of you to walk in.
the room was full of traditional christmas decorations with the occasional piece related to acting and performance. you quite liked it if you were honest. your attention was quickly redirected to the co-worker approaching the two of you.
oh no, you thought. what would you say to leave a good impression for zen and yourself as a pretend couple? remembering zen’s past words of advice, being confident and positive, you decided to adopt that attitude for the remainder of the evening.
“hyun, who’s this?” the person asked, leaving an eyebrow subtly raised. zen flashed a quick glance at you before responding “ah, she’s my girlfriend”. now was your time to shine. don’t mess this up, you told yourself.
“hello~ i’m mc. gorgeous event right?” you said with the nicest expression you could muster up. now you were left to hope you didn’t come across as too obnoxious or nervous.
“hello mc, pleasure to meet you” the co-worker greeted, reaching out a hand in your direction. slightly taken aback, you met his hand as you were involved in the handshake. that wasn’t so bad, right? maybe tonight would be easier than expected.
leading you to make a mental note of the three things you wanted to portray yourself as this evening. that being energetic, respectful, and adding in a tad of humor.
this formula seemed to be going well. an hour had already passed and nobody seemed to have a problem with you, openly at least. yet things started going down hill when you had a couple down further in the area whisper “things aren’t adding up with those two”.
a males voice added onto that, saying “i doubt they’re a real couple. look at them, neither one of them has shown the other any form of affection since they’ve gotten here”. you couldn’t find the words to say as you stood in slight horror.
how were they able to catch on? you thought you were doing good all night, making the environment relaxed and laid back. little to your knowledge, zen had heard the couple as well.
without giving it much thought, he knew he had to prove their thoughts wrong. hence why you suddenly felt yourself taken by the hands, pinned against the wall behind you. looking up in shock, you were met with zen’s face going in a kiss. of course, you couldn’t push him away. 
kissing him back, he found himself not wanting to stop. his rational mind took over quickly, pulling away. staring at you face to face, you could read the shock in his eyes. as if he was surprised by his actions. 
shock was something evident in your mind at the time too. you didn’t know what to think, what to feel. too many emotions were present for you to ever make sense of.
releasing your hands, he subtly went back to your side the same way he was before. almost as if it didn’t happen. yet you promptly heard his voice whisper “can we talk about this later?”.
without giving it much thought, you nodded in reply. you had so many new things to think about, you needed time. but in a good turn of events, the couple were no longer questioning your relationship status.
time passed in a slow motion, though reality reminded you that only an hour had passed once you looked at the clock. people were beginning to say their goodbyes, being given many gifts by the hosts. you and zen included as the computer was given for your leave.
returning to the motorcycle, you put on your helmet once again, as did zen. he would drive as you held onto the gifts in the back. this time, the wind wasn’t a bother to you. it had cooled off the heat from your face, deriving from the sudden actions of zen.
reaching your apartment complex, you got off the vehicle. looking nowhere but down as your feet carried you to your apartment, zen following behind you. as soon as your entered the familiar room, the fatigue from todays events had caught up to you.
now you were left with zen to discuss all that occurred. yet it took you a second to collect yourself for the conversation. you had no idea where this would go, you only hoped it would result in something good.
you heard the males voice begin to speak, “i’m sorry about doing that tonight, i should’ve asked first. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”. your thoughts paused for a quick second as something new entered. you didn’t want him to feel bad about anything, he didn’t deserve it.
“no no, you didn’t make me uncomfortable, i enjoyed it to be honest” you replied in a haste. your face changed as you really started to take in what you had just told him. you hadn’t meant to let that last part slide.
on second thought, perhaps it was a good thing to get it out there. you couldn’t hide your feelings forever. now it was zen’s time to become a visible shade of pink. were you serious...?
god that made him so happy. the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable and hate him. worried thoughts filled his head for a split second before you came in to save this sanity, as you always did.
“i’m.. glad to hear that. i was worried you would be upset. look, i have something to confess” he started, deciding now was the time. he observed as your eyes became a tad bit bigger as your mouth opened slightly in a curious form.
continuing, he said “i’ve had feelings for you ever since you joined the rfa. i couldn’t understand them at first, thinking i was juust lonely and desperate. but as time goes on, i can understand why”.
“mc, you’ve made my life change for the better. i can’t imagine life without you. so, will you go out with me? we don’t have to play pretend anymore” he finishes, lightening up the mood ever so slightly during the end. 
to say you were ecstatic was an understatement. finally your prayers were being answered. you could feel as your cheeks flushed before you gave your answer.
“yes, of course i will” you responded softly, as if speaking any louder would make this go away. standing in comfortable silence, zen was content with your answer. offering his gorgeous smile for your eyes only.
“thank you, ha you’ve gotten me so stocked. i have to prepare for practice so i’ll see you tomorrow.” he says, the tone of his voice raising noticeably. you give him a nod of approval, but become flustered at the words he said before leaving through the door.
“merry christmas, sleep well love” he sang out, before closing the door behind him. how did he expect you to sleep once he’s gotten you all worked up, you thought. giggling to yourself, you felt as the fatigue became even more present now that you were home.
laying down to rest, you were grateful for the best christmas gift you had received this year. the one that would be stuck with you for a long, long time.
15:43 AST - 07/28/21
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wisp-exe · 3 years
Okay fine ill post the story i wrote abt my found family. @vanillawaiver @killza-minecraft @ari-is-lonely @jackstanifold @157-bees @remy-roth
im sorry i used the wrong pronouns 4 u karmen but i submitted this for an english assignment and my teacher probably wouldnt accept the right pronouns
The microwave burst into flames as the light bulb exploded. CJ flinched back hard, staring at the flames. She was pulled out of her stupar by a hand on her shoulder.
“What are you doing, CJ?!” Karmen asked, grabbing the fire extinguisher.
“Ah, nothing. Sorry, I zoned out.” She responded, calmly.
The storm let out a loud BANG. Karmen had started to clean up the mess. CJ decided to go find her brother. She entered the living room, it looked old. All the furniture was victorian style. Marv sat on the dark green couch, right by the fireplace. He was reading a book she couldn't quite read the title of. The fireplace was big, and beautiful. It was engraved with stories told in pictures. The main one was the story of Theseus.
The story of Theseus is about a man who slays a beast, and then gets banished. A king, Lycomedes, takes him in. This is where the story has different endings. Theseus either falls off a cliff, or is pushed by Lycomedes.
CJ had been pulled out of her thoughts by another BANG from the storm.
The storm was louder than before, some might find it scary. That ‘some’ just happened to be Phil. He jumped at least a foot into the air at the next sound of thunder, before calming down and going back to the book he was reading, it was about Greek Mythology.
CJ distantly wondered where her brother Tommy was.
Meanwhile, on the second floor, Wilbur was wandering the halls. He couldn't find it in himself to settle down in one place. He glanced out the window, the storm looked like it would just be getting worse. Guess he was stuck inside. He should go find Ari and Bee. That would entertain him.
Bee was alone in their room. They were scrolling through their phone, when they decided to go find someone else in the house. Bee got off their bed and walked out the door. The hallway was dingy, and clearly water damaged. The carpet was a dark red with some gold details. They started down the hall. After just a few steps they could feel someone watching them. they suddenly felt a hand on their shoulder. They felt the cold metal of a knife at their throat. They let out one last scream before everything went dark.
There was a scream from the second floor. Everyone rushed to find the noise. What they saw terrified them. It was the dead body of Bee. They had been stabbed in the throat. Marv screamed. Everyone was crying. The death was clearly not an accident.
“Oh my god, someone here is a murderer!” Phil exclaimed.
Everyone looked at each other suspiciously
“Well it can't be CJ. She's so nice” Tommy spoke
“What if it was Wilbur? He was alone!” Marv shouted
“So were you!”
What if another person gets killed? The storm was raging, and people were blaming Wilbur. He was upset. Bee was his best friend. Everyone agreed to return to their rooms for the night and hope for the best. The phones aren't working anyways, the internet had gone out and there was no service in the area their airbnb was in. Wilbur decided to entertain himself with the bad mobile game he downloaded that was full of ads unless there was no internet.
Wilbur’s room was one of the smaller ones, consisting of just a bed, desk, and wardrobe. The bedsheets were a medium blue, and were queen size even though the bed was only a twin. He had set his bag on the dark spruce desk. The floor was a lighter oak wood color.
Wilbur heard a knock at his door. He didn't know who it could be, everyone was scared of him because they think he killed Bee.
“Who is it?”
Another knock, this time in a melodic pattern.
“Alright, fine i'm coming.”
Wilbur opened the door and froze. In Front of him was the killer, holding a bloody knife. He felt like he was going to puke at the sight of his friend’s blood. The murderer gave him a wicked grin. They covered his mouth as they stabbed him, making sure no one could hear the scream. Wilbur’s room was a bit aways from the closet inhabited room.
Wilbur’s body was found the next morning. No one felt safe around the others. It was only Karmen, CJ, Tommy, Marv, and Ari left, so it was easy to avoid each other in this big house.
Karmen was currently making themself toast. The toaster went off with a ding. Karmen put their toast on a plate, and spread butter on it. They then entered the living room to eat in front of the fire.
They heard footsteps from behind them. They turned just in time to get a glance at the killer, before being shoved into the fire. They screamed as they were burned. Soon the house was filled with the smell of burning flesh, the killer was nowhere to be seen.
Later around 11pm, the remaining people decided to stay together. They were in one of the bigger bedrooms, it had two beds, its own bathroom, and lots of floor space. The room’s color theme was green and yellow. Then the power went out. Tommy had taken out a flashlight and turned it on.
“I always keep it on me in old places, just in case.”
Marv felt like something was off. CJ was nowhere to be seen.
He had gotten stabbed, so had Ari. CJ had a sick grin on her face, Tommy had a neutral look on his. That was the last thing he saw.
CJ and Tommy proceeded to walk to the main staircase, not speaking a word. CJ started to walk towards her room.
“CJ, wait. I have something to tell you.”
CJ approached him, “What is it Tommy?”
She was going to say more when she felt herself get shoved over the railings, falling straight from the third floor to the first. There she laid, bleeding out in the middle of the beautiful entry way. Tommy then left the airbnb.
Thomas closed the book, “And that was the last they saw of Tommy, some say he still might be killing, without his sister. Others think he settled down with a family. I guess we will never know.”
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Fake Dating- Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Request:  Hi! Can you write a Stark!Reader x Peter Parker (Andrew please) were they’re fake dating because May was starting to catch onto the Spider-Man gig? They end up catching feelings and are scared to admit it? I hope this made sense! Thank you!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N; id love some feedback on this! and let me know if youd like a part 2
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“So, let me get this straight” Peter nodded for you to continue “You want to fake date?” He nodded again. You gave him a questioning look. “Care to explain or no?”.
“Right, right. So, Aunt May is starting to catch on. The other day, I came home all dirty from helping people and she looked at me like I just killed someone. So, you know about the spiderman thing so that's not a problem. And since your my best friend” He gave a sweet smile “i figure, when she finds out we've been ‘dating’ she’ll think thats why Ive been acting strange.” He explained like it made absolute sense. It didn't. You were contemplating throwing him off of the roof you where stood on.
“righttttt...” You looked at him strangely. “How do you know it'll work?” you had a feeling this was gonna go very wrong.
“well, you know- you know, she's aunt May, shell believe it” There was also another problem.
“You know if my dad gets wind of this he will literally kill you right? Like he will 100 percent get all the avengers to murder you, and then he’ll bring you back to life, then re-kill you himself” You stated dramatically. He paled then gave you a look. That look. The look that he had given you for the last 5 years. The ‘im right just trust me on this one’ look. 9 times out of ten he wasn't right. But for the sake of both of you, you hoped this was the one time he was right.
“Fine fine, ill be your fake girlfriend or whatever” You groaned leaning into his shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N) act more believable” He joked.
“Ah, Peter Parker, of course ill be your fake girlfriend!” You laughed loudly, shoving him.
“Shh, she might hear you!” He joined in, throwing his head back in laughter. After the laughter died down, you lay your head on Peters shoulder. You looked out into the sunset. It made you feel weird. Peter Parker's girlfriend. No. Peter Parker's fake girlfriend.
As the night was getting late, you decided to make your walk home, not before making your ‘relationship’ very clear to Aunt May. She was sat in the living room as Peter walked you to the door. As he opened the door for you, May looked your way, so you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to Peters lips before scurrying out the door. He lifted a finger to his lips and blushed. Obviously Aunt May, who’d known you for 5 years and had never seen you kiss Peter, had some questions.
“Peter? What was that about?” Her question pulled him out of his romantic state. Its just because she's your best friend, He told himself.
“uh-h” He awkwardly laughed. Why was he so hopeless. “She's my girlfriend, now, actually” He mumbled tentatively. Before he knew it, Aunt May had gotten up and swooped him into a hug.
“I always knew you two had something going on!” She cheered. He furrowed his brows but hugged back nonetheless. Why would she think that? He shrugged of the thought and told Aunt May he was going to bed.
“Hey Parker! Hows ‘the plan’ going?” You jogged up to him as he made is way through the school corridors, clutching his camera. “She believe it?”
“y-yeah she did” He noted as you fist pumped the air. He thought you looked amazingly beautiful today. As you two stepped outside, he spotted a cleared bench, he longed to take a photo of you.
“(Y/N)?” He asked getting your attention. “Stand righttttt there” He pointed towards the clear bench as you happily jogged over and stood on it. Peter had always taken photos of you, but today it felt different. For him at least.
“Like this?” You giggled as you struck a pose.
“Yeah yeah, exactly like that” he threw his head back in laughter as he snapped plenty of photos at your ridiculous poses.
“(Y/N)! Parker!” Your photography fun was immediately stopped by the dreaded voice of Flash Thompson, making his way over.
“uh oh” You whispered to Peter as he helped you jump from the bench.
“I hear she's your new girlfriend” Flash nodded towards you, grinning devilishly. You and Peter looked at each other.
“Yeah- Yeah she is” He was trying to be brave. It wasn't working very well.
“Lay off, Flash” You both turned your heads your Gwen Stacey, the girl Peter had been crushing on for a few weeks. Although, he didn't feel like that any more.
“Come on, Gwen. You cant seriously believe this can you. Little Peter Parker dating famous Tony Stark’s beautiful, intelligent daughter?” You felt disgusted at his comment, so did Gwen. “Does Daddy even know? Nah, he couldn't, Parker would be dead by now. Or has Daddy just lost his game? Not as strong as he used to be. You could feel that Peter was about to say something out of anger, so you quickly moved your hand to hold his, even though anger was coursing through your veins
“Listen, Flash Thompson” The group of students surrounding the scene got slowly bigger. “im not dating ‘little Peter Parker’ im dating Peter Parker, a guy who is 10 times more smart and intelligent and handsome as you'll ever be. So why don't you go listen to Mommy’ nodding towards Gwen. “And lay off. Oh wait! You don't have a Mommy” You made a mock sad face then giggled. The entire group was in shock, even Peter. Okay maybe it was a bit uncalled for, but he shouldn't have insulted your dad.
Flashs’ face turned magenta as he balled his fist and tried to throw a punch. You ducked under his fist. Your dad had taught you to fight once you could walk.
“Wow! You just tried to hit a girl” You smiled incredulously, while Flash was still bright red. “Thats fine, im all for feminism, ya know, equal rights equal fights” You said nonchalantly. “You shouldn't have punched Tony Starks daughter though” You added, right as your fist connected with his jaw and our foot connected with his nether regions. You grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back as the ever expanding group cheered. Just as you were about to stand on top him, Peter grabbed you and pulled you away.
“Okay, enough fighting, avengers style” He dragged you inside the hallway.
“He deserved it for what he was saying” You grumbled.
“Im sure he did but-” Peter paused as he saw the principle and two concerned looking teachers, making their way down the hallway. “Rain check?” He whispered.
“Yep!” You whispered back as you jumped onto his back and he sped of, out of the school.
“You have to admit, it was pretty cool” You grinned at Peter as he fixed up the cuts on your knuckles.
“It was cool. You knocked out Flash Thompson. ‘The’ Flash Thompson. But you got yourself hurt in the process” He whined.
“Wow, Mr ‘im-spiderman-and-i-risk-my-life-everyday Is telling me about danger, okay I see how it is” You joked.
“You know what I mean” He grinned. As he finished wrapping your hands, you heard footsteps coming upstairs. “Its Aunt May. What do we do?” Before you could think of anything, you instinctively brought his lips to yours and your hand fell into his hair. He kissed back passionately, like his entire life had been leading up to this moment. It sent a flurry of butterflies into your stomach. He felt the same thing. His lips tingled and his hand lay on your waist. You had officially caught feelings. And so had he. You heard the door open and kept your eyes tightly shut and lips moving.
“You got into a fi-” You furrowed your brows, that didn't sound like Aunt May. You moved away from Peters loving kiss to face the door. The second you saw who it was your face turned bright red, you were done for.
“Dad?!” You shrieked. Peter was drawn from his daze, dreaming of you beautiful lips, by your loud voice.
“Mr. Stark” He almost fell out of his chair at the sight of Tony Stark, Happy and Aunt May, all stood in the door in shock.
“Alright, Spiderling, hands off my daughter” Your dad hurried over and grasped your hand, gently shoving you out the room. Of course Tony Stark knew about him.
“s-see you later, Parker” You muttered. After Tony left, Aunt May shut the door awkwardly, returning to living room. And once, he was left alone with his thoughts. His thoughts about you.
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dilfdarthvader · 3 years
For the bad things prompt!!! Padawan anakin hiding an injury from obi wan (if you want it could be a 2 for 1 and be school struggles too!)
Im also avoiding packing (it stresses me out so much that's its not done but doing it also stresses me out so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
yay thank you for the prompt!! the injury is more “attempted to hide an injury” but, you know, anakin had other priorities.
relationship: obi-wan & anakin
rating: T
words: 1.5k
send me prompts!
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Anakin hated literature. No, really. He thought it was useless, pretentious, and not at all applicable to his role as a future Jedi Knight. He especially hated his current literature classes that he had to take as a Senior Padawan— currently, he was stuck in a class on High Republic Romanticism.
Obi-Wan wasn’t either a fan or a detractor of literature, but he saw some almighty importance in the classes. So Anakin was dutifully signed up for this course. The only positive was that this was his last literature class ever. If Anakin had it his way, he’d never write another essay on the various literary lenses and how they apply to some book from centuries ago.
Speaking of essays.
Anakin had been having a good morning, until he happened to glance at his datapad and noticed the shining notice: HRR essay due today— read plot of Coruscant Parks.
Unsurprisingly, Anakin had not read the Starnotes for Coruscant Parks, which he assumed had to be the most boring book ever.
(Not that he’d know for sure. Because he hadn’t read it.)
His stomach clenched still the reminder of the essay. He was already barely holding on to his passing ranking. Obi-Wan wasn’t a huge stickler for grades— it’s not like he expected Anakin to get Exceeds for every class, or even Acceptables. But he at least expected Passing. Falling into the Remedial category was met with longer Archives hours.
Anakin could not handle longer Archives hours.
If Anakin couldn’t finish the essay today, which honestly seemed pretty doubtful, he’d quickly dip below Passing. And that meant the teacher would contact Obi-Wan.
This is not good.
Anakin blinked at the datapad in horror a few times, processing all of his options.
There was, of course, one option. It was risky, but this particular teacher only accepted essays in person, not via upload. Which meant that if Anakin didn’t go in person, he wouldn’t have to hand it in. And that would give him another night cycle to get the essay done.
The only risk was if the teacher contacted Obi-Wan to let him know he’d skipped, but attendance for Senior Padawans wasn’t monitored as closely. He could get away with at least one skip. Obi-Wan would never know, the essay would be done, and he’d maintain his Passing grade.
It was foolproof. All he had to do was get out of the Temple. Maybe do a circle around Coruscant.
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Anakin, unfortunately, hadn’t taken into consideration his tendency to crash, or other drivers' tendency to slam into you causing you to crash.
He was over the Western Hemisphere, easing back towards the Eastern, when the Force screamed at him to watch out. Anakin was, as it were, on edge about being caught by Obi-Wan, and therefore immediately started looking out for ships owned by the Temple.
Which meant he completely missed the van ship barreling towards him. That is, he missed it until it slammed into him, causing his own ship to slam into the side of a nearby building. If Anakin were to retain consciousness from this, he’d be aware of his final oh, shit that was broadcasted out through his bond. The bond he shared with a certain Jedi Knight who’d been (unsuccessfully) working on fixing a caf machine for the past hour.
A few thousand miles away, though certainly just a short drive on the city planet, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s head popped up from where it had been by the broken caf machine, his eyes narrowed.
And when he reached out in the Force to find out why his Padawan, who should be in his High Republic Romanticism class, had just sent out a distress call, he was very unhappy to discover that said Padawan was not in the Temple, or on this side of the planet.
With a growl worthy of a tooka, he grabbed his robe and headed to the hangar.
Anakin awoke as he was being loaded into the back of an ambulance. When he opened his eyes, he saw the face of a togruta EMT, who arched an eyebrow when she noticed his eyes fluttering.
“Welcome back, Padawan,” she said.
He glared, though even moving his face muscles caused him to wince. “How’d you know I’m a Padawan?” he asked, ignoring how his words slurred.
The togruta rolled her eyes. “You have a braid and a lightsaber, dingus.”
“Don’t try to move,” she said. “You definitely have a concussion. Probably a broken rib or two. Wouldn’t be surprised if your left ankle is broken.”
Anakin scowled. “Is anything not broken?”
She shrugged. “Your spine seems fine.”
Well that’s always a positive.
The EMT continued to load him into the back of the ambulance. “Do we call the Temple or your, uh, what do you lot call them. Master? That’s a bit weird, yeah?”
Anakin sighed. “Master.” Anakin paused, considering. “But do you have to call him?”
The EMT rolled her eyes. “Feel like that might get you in more trouble, yeah? If you just disappear?”
Anakin pouted. “But he doesn’t have to know, does he?”
She shrugged. “Your funeral.” Before turning to walk out the door. “We’re heading to the hospital in just a minute,” she said, tossing it over her shoulder.
It was only a few more seconds after that when Anakin, now very nervous about Obi-Wan finding out, nervously poked at their bond. Hoping nothing would come of it.
He got a very annoyed poke back. A poke that demanded his location. His state of being. Anakin could feel that Obi-Wan was currently trying to find him.
I’m fine, Anakin tried to think at him. Nothing to worry about.
Obi-Wan sent a feeling of disbelief. The general vibe of I can feel your pain, my young Padawan, was sent through.
Anakin had a feeling hiding this injury was not possible.
He really, really should’ve gone to class.
Honestly, there’s no issue here. I’m about to go to the hospital—
Humor and worry, an interesting combo, colored their bond. Non-injured people don’t get transferred to the hospital.
Anakin glared at the wall in front of him. Smartass.
The EMT walked back in. “Still going to avoid calling your Master or whatever?” she asked.
Anakin’s glare shifted towards her. “He felt my pain. He knows anyways.”
“He felt your pain?” she asked. “That’s weird. Your lot are weird.”
Anakin snorted. Tell him about it.
“What’s his frequency, then?” she asked.
Thinking about numbers hurt his head, and he let out a low groan, rattling off the number with a wince. She looked at him in sympathy, before grabbing some tubes nearby, bringing them over to where he was laying.
“What are you giving me?” he asked. He’d never liked the doctor.
“We’re going to knock you out for a bit, get you ready for bacta.”
Anakin pouted. He hated being knocked out.
Maybe he should’ve just gone to class.
When he awoke again, it felt like no time had passed at all. And yet, he was in a bed in a hospital room that was most assuredly not the healer's wars in the Temple. He let out a small groan as he felt the residual soreness of his body, before he heard the shuffling of feet next to him.
“You’re alright,” his Master said, coming to stand next to him. He looked worried, his eyes scanning Anakin’s face. “You had me concerned.”
Anakin winced. “Sorry,” he whispered.
Obi-Wan hummed. “Do you want some water?”
Anakin nodded, gratefully taking the glass when it was offered. His throat felt parched.
“You’ll need to take it easy for a few weeks,” Obi-Wan said. “We’ll be doing light training. Nothing strenuous.”
Anakin nodded, finishing the glass and placing it in his Master’s outstretched hand. He shifted a bit in his bed, remembering why, exactly, he’d been in the speeder in the first place.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked.
Obi-Wan arched an eyebrow. “I think this was a good enough lesson on skipping class, hmm?”
Anakin huffed. “I didn’t finish an essay,” he admitted. “I just needed more time.”
Obi-Wan let out a long breath, reaching up a hand to rest on Anakin’s neck.
“Let’s just agree that you’ll ask for an extension next time,” Obi-Wan said. “Instead of breaking numerous bones. The first option is much simpler.”
Anakin blinked at him. “I can ask for an extension?”
Obi-Wan blinked back for a moment. “Of course you can ask for an extension, Anakin. Essays are late all of the time. It happens.”
Anakin continued to stare, before groaning and throwing his head back onto the bed. “I’m an idiot.”
Obi-Wan chuckled, giving his neck a small squeeze before stepping back. “Don’t think you’re getting out of extended Archive hours.” He paused, before crossing his arms and giving him a stern look. Anakin shifted in his bed. “And you know better than to attempt to hide an injury from me, young one. Do not try that again. Am I understood?”
Anakin blushed, but nodded. When Obi-Wan continued to glare, he let out a quiet “Yes, Master.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “Good. Now, we can discuss what you’re going to tell the Council in regards to the crashed speeder that wasn’t authorized for use.”
Anakin groaned again, just accepting the pain that came with the motion.
Yeah, he really should’ve just gone to class.
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 years
I wrote the 10 year anniversary fic
She's short but she’s sweet. Please enjoy.
to be loved a whole life long
Rated T, ~2.6k.
What is an anniversary, really, if not merely a ploy to indulge in all of the little pleasures one denies on any other day? Saying, “oh, well, we ought to save it for a special occasion.”
And, what, Jamie thinks, is an occasion more special than the day marking the tenth year since she began this beautiful, insane journey with the love of her life. A woman so remarkable that Jamie almost can’t believe she’s real. Almost can’t believe that she can wake up beside the same person every morning, smelling the same fruity shampoo, spend the day working side by side, and still, every night, fall into bed, eager to pull Dani close. Then wake up the following day and do it all again.
It’s a stability Jamie never thought she would have. After years of bouncing from foster family to foster family, Bly was the closest thing to home she’d ever had. Until, that is, these ten, wonderful years with Dani in the flat they share above the little shop that they built from the ground up.
She thinks as much as beams of cozy sunlight filter through the gossamer curtains Dani picked out for their bedroom. She has an arm draped over Dani’s middle, her front to Dani’s back, her hand tracing idle circles on the plane of Dani’s stomach beneath her sleep shirt. Jamie can hear the quiet exhalations puffing against Dani’s wrist, which she’s managed to trap against her cheek. Jamie is certain she’ll be graced with complaints of pins and needles when Dani wakes. Jamie will laugh and offer to massage the numbness away, and Dani will roll her eyes but allow her limb to flop inelegantly into Jamie’s lap.
Jamie props herself up on one elbow, her fingers trailing a path from Dani’s midriff, up her arm, to brush a wayward strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Dani begins to stir as Jamie presses slow lips to the junction of her neck and shoulder, moves to the shell of her ear, her temple, the slender curve of her jaw.
Dani makes a noise low in her throat.
“Ah, there she is,” Jamie hums, her voice, though quiet, still too loud in the morning stillness.
“Thought we w’re gonna sleep in t’day,” Dani sighs, already preparing to nestle deeper into the blankets.
Jamie runs a playful finger down the bridge of Dani’s nose. “Already did that, love. ‘S nearly half nine.”
“F’rgot you get up ‘fore the early birds,” Dani grumbles, “An’thing past six ‘s late for you.”
“The plants wait for no one.”
“They’re plants. ‘S not like they have anywhere to be.”
“You don’t know that. Could have important plant business to attend to.”
Dani, at last, rolls over incredulously. “Like what?”
“Dunno,” Jamie shrugs, “but you’re awake now.”
“You’re the worst, you know that?”
“Mhm,” Jamie chuckles, “happy anniversary, baby.” Their kiss is languid, sleep-heavy. When they break apart, their foreheads still touch.
“Happy anniversary,” Dani whispers, thumb absently caressing Jamie’s cheekbone. Her eyes glimmer with mischief when she meets Jamie’s gaze. “Wouldn’t be opposed to staying in bed all day, though...”
“Need food first.”
Dani huffs. “Fine.”
“Thought we might try the new cafe on the corner of Leeland and Huntley for brunch. Apparently, they’ve got terrific blueberry muffins.”
“And you know this how?”
“Kid and her mum came through the shop the other day. Wee gremlin wouldn’t put the damn thing down,” Jamie gripes. “Got crumbs all over my daffodils.”
“She sounds cute.” Dani sounds almost wistful.
“‘Course you’d think so. Once a teacher, always a teacher.” She waves dismissively. “Or something like that.” Jamie rubs her palms together. “Right, then, up and at ‘em. Those muffins won’t eat themselves.”
“Didn’t realize you were so excited by baked goods.”
“Not the baked goods I’m excited for. I seem to recall mentions of returning to bed after food.”
They are dressed and out the door in record time.
They’ve closed the shop for the day, allowing themselves a brief reprieve from the discord of the wedding season. Every other day, it seems, a new blushing bride parades through their doors, followed by a mother or mother-in-law with a thousand questions and a dozen requests per minute. Jamie enjoys the work, truly. Seeing the delighted relief wash over the room as the arrangement designs are finalized is immensely gratifying. Almost as gratifying as watching her flowers, her precious creations, adorn ballrooms and churches, surrounded by people celebrating life. The joy of being alive.
She feels it now, she thinks, the sheer euphoria of existing. Here, walking down the street, a take-away cup of tea in her hand, with Dani’s arm roped through hers.
They are living on borrowed time, she knows, stark reminders of blue and brown present in every reflection. Every so often, Jamie catches herself longing, pleading for more time. She should be grateful for what the universe has gifted her. But, on days like these, days where the air is right and the sun is warm on her skin, she finds herself wishing for a forever that she cannot have. A forever unpromised to a monster that lurks beneath the most beautiful smile in the world.
She pushes the thought aside. Tomorrow is never promised. All she has is today. And she’ll be damned before she lets it slip away.
They feed the waterfowl in the park with muffin crumbs. There are ducklings this time of year, and Dani’s gleeful cooing, high-pitched and elated, travels across the pond. Dappled shadows drape across her shoulders. Tree branches sway in a gentle breeze, casting a spotted cloak across the scene. Jamie feels the tension drain from her neck.
They sit, side by side, on the swingset, watching the joggers run past, waving at their neighbors and their golden retriever, the couple whose engagement party The Leafling decorated last month. Dani exchanges pleasantries with them all. It’s the Midwesterner in her, she likes to say, amicability is in her blood. Jamie does not understand, but she does her best to nod less than awkwardly while her partner makes smalltalk.
They stop for ice cream on the way home. It is a special occasion, after all, and the balmy June weather provides the perfect excuse to indulge in seldom-savored decadence. One, Jamie decides, they should absolutely partake in more often, if the child-like giddiness Dani expresses over cake batter ice cream is any indication. The crows feet at the corners of her eyes crinkle as she grins, and Jamie thinks she has never looked more lovely.
A trans-Atlantic call to Owen foils their initial plans of baking their own lasagna after Dani lets slip that they weren’t planning to boil the noodles before layering in the sauces.
“For the love of God, please order in. The both of you are im-pasta-ble. It’s like I’ve taught you nothing.”
“That pun was weak, even for you.”
“This is what you’ve reduced me to.”
So, they call in a delivery order to the Italian place down the road. Jamie chivalrously offers to pick it up, and Dani ushers her out of the flat with a vigor that has Jamie raising an eyebrow. But, she simply shrugs and slides into the drivers’ seat of their second-hand pickup. The familiar rumble of the engine is comforting, the crooning of some jazz singer on the radio soothing background noise. Crickets chirp in the early summer evening.
She swings through the grocer to pick up champagne on her way home and juggles the bottle and the takeaway bag of food as she fumbles her key into the lock. Dani opens the door just as she’s about to turn the knob, and Jamie falls forward, Dani catching her by the arm.
“You alright?” Dani asks, but there’s an amused lilt to her voice.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. If you could just take…” Jamie’s mouth goes dry. Her face is level with Dani’s hips, which she has come to realize are covered in a velvety fabric she does not recognize. Her eyes flick up, coming to rest on Dani’s collarbones, the exposed skin of her arms, the accentuated curve of her waist. “You… I… uh….”
“You could’ve knocked, you know. I would’ve let you in.”
“I… yeah, could’ve… knocked.” Jamie realizes she is frozen in the entryway, jaw on the floor, and, in all honesty, cannot bring herself to care. Not when Dani is standing in front of her, clad in a gorgeous purple dress Jamie’s never seen before, her bangs styled to frame her face, while the remainder of her hair is pulled back. Jamie clears her throat. “You, ah, you changed.”
“I did.”
“You, you look…” Jamie searches for the right word, but none seem to encapsulate the overwhelming rush of emotion she feels, looking at the love of her life in the dim light from the bulb in the hallway outside their flat, on the tenth anniversary of the start of life she never thought she would have.
Damn the limitations of this bloody language. She can say “I got absolutely goddamn shitfaced last night” in a hundred different ways, but there is no succinct way to phrase, “I love you so fucking much and you are the most incredible person in the world and I don’t know how I got lucky enough to know you and I could spend the rest of my life holding your hand.”
It seems, at least to Jamie, a grievous failure of linguistic evolution.
“Beautiful,” she settles on, at last. “You’re so beautiful.” It’s not enough. But it will suffice.
“Come on, loverboy,” Dani says, tapping the bottom of Jamie’s chin with a slender index finger before giving a tug on her sleeve. “Food’s getting cold.” She’s blushing, though, a faint tint coloring her chest as she takes one of the plastic bags from Jamie. Jamie, who merely stares at Dani’s retreating silhouette before remembering she’s supposed to follow. She shuts the front door behind her and stumbles into the kitchen, setting the bottle and second bag on the countertop next to the stove.
When she turns around, Dani is in the living room holding a match to two candles set on a ceramic dish on their kitchen island. She’s laid out their nice dinnerware, which, really, consists of the four gold-encircled plates and matching napkin rings they’d found at an antique store in Milwaukee, back when they had been exploring the country Dani called home. A vase of roses is positioned on the coffee table, and it’s evident that Dani arranged them herself, and oh, oh, how Jamie loves her for it.
“Surprise?” Dani says shyly.
Jamie blinks at her. It’s all she can do not to break down. Instead, she settles for taking two bold steps to Dani's side of the counter and kissing her senseless. Dani lets out a squeak of surprise, but quickly relaxes into Jamie’s touch. She’s biting her lip when they separate, Jamie’s twirling the fine hairs at the nape of her neck as she presses their foreheads together.
“Let me change, and we’ll eat, yeah?”
“Sounds good.” Dani’s breathing is an ounce heavier than normal.
Jamie winks slyly, wanders to their bedroom and opens the closet, pulling out the first acceptable outfit she sees. She doesn’t have to change, she knows. Dani could care less whether she’s wearing a three-piece suit or sweatpants. (Though she suspects the suit might have the edge.) She dons a white, three-quarter zip and black slacks, pausing briefly to add a pair of black leather suspenders she knows Dani likes. Something about being easy to grab and pull.
Dani is struggling to uncork the champagne when Jamie returns to the kitchen. Her tongue pokes adorably out of the corner of her mouth, and her soft grunts of frustration are surprisingly endearing.
“Hand it over. Come on, now. Before you put your eye out.”
“I can do it,” Dani protests. “Just. Need to tweak it. A little.”
Jamie takes the opportunity to press against Dani’s back, her arms wrapping around to cover Dani’s hands where they fiddle with the bottle. For a moment, Dani forgets to be cross and reclines her head, resting it on Jamie’s shoulder. She sighs, relinquishing control, and Jamie huffs out a quick laugh. She holds the champagne over the sink to catch the overflow when the bottle pops.
Dani mumbles something about “having loosened it,” which Jamie meets with resolute agreement and a, “‘course you did, baby.”
The lasagne, an Owen-approved non-abomination, has been plated, Dani having evidently done so while Jamie was shucking her dayclothes. She pours them each a healthy flute of champagne and seats herself beside Dani, raising her glass.
She hesitates.
“Wait,” Dani exclaims, hurrying to the hall closet. She rummages for a second, bringing back the Polaroid camera Jamie had given her their first Christmas together. She checks the film, appears satisfied, and balances the device on an upturned colander to set up her shot. She sets the timer and sidles under Jamie’s arm, picking up her champagne flute. “Smile!” Dani beams.
When the image prints, the picture reveals Dani, with the biggest grin Jamie swears she’s ever seen, and Jamie at her side, looking positively smitten. The flash has illuminated the silver streaks in her hair, the lines embedded in her skin. Time has been kind to her, she reminds herself, others are not so lucky. And, in any case, when she looks at this photograph, she will not be looking at herself.
Dani kisses her cheek and moves her keepsake to the coffee table for safety. Too many important documents ruined by spills for her to risk it. She props it gently against the roses. It’s perfect.
Again, Jamie raises her glass. She inspects the contents.
Again, she hesitates. Then, a toast:
“To another ten.”
Dani stills, looks at her.
Jamie can see the beginning of an argument forming on the tip of Dani’s tongue, and Jamie holds her stare. It’s a challenge. A dare, even.
They do not often speak of the distant future. Only when it is absolutely necessary do they broach the sensitive topic.
A world-weary smile paints Dani’s lips. Her eyes are burdened, the vivacity present mere seconds ago seemingly having vanished. She is tired. It shows in the slump of her shoulders, the crease of her brow, the way the giddiness of earlier has slunk away, leaving Dani bare-boned and fatigued.
She lifts her glass.
She says nothing.
“I love you,” Jamie murmurs after the faint clink of glass on glass. “So much.”
“Always,” Dani finishes. And Jamie knows she means it.
They embrace beneath the sheets that night, sweat cooling in the dry air. Jamie’s fingers are tangled in blonde waves highlighted with grey. Dani’s breathing has evened out, short puffs tickling Jamie’s sternum, as Jamie contemplates the window over her head.
She has found someone to love, and someone to love her in return. Someone who will stay, even on the bad days. Someone who expects nothing and deserves everything.
Dani is everything Jamie thought she never deserved. Dani is good. Dani is good and exquisite and utterly unbelievable and, god, how Jamie loves her.
She loves waking up beside her every morning, and she loves smelling the same fruity shampoo on the pillow. She loves spending the day working together on the business they built from the dirt up. She loves falling into bed every night and pulling Dani close. Every minute they have together is a gift that Jamie refuses to take for granted.
To another ten years, she thinks, and allows her eyes to close. Dani sighs against her.
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choco-exe · 4 years
Hi can I request, haikyuu boys (any of your choices) having a crush on their Classmate (y/n) and they tried to take a stolen picture during class hours. I tried this to my crush and I got caught by my teacher and classmate🙈
genre: fluff type: scenario status: proofread pronouns: gender fluid warnings: none author’s note: ack im sorry for being so late ;-; tumblr decided it would be fun to delete my work D: i hope you enjoy tho!! also e/c is eye color and f/n is friend’s name :>
𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚘 . . .  🖉 [𝟹𝟽𝟼 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜]    ✦ alright so you two are in math class    ✦ kuroo got dared (by lev) to try and take a picture of you in class without anyone noticing    ✦ and for some reason he agreed?? eh who knows what goes through his rooster-haired mind   ✦ n e ways he’s just sitting back in his chair because he’s a bored captain since hes already smort enough to know what you were learning   ✦ then the dare popped up into head as he was thinking of volleyball   ✦ he considered not doing it but like you were sleeping peacefully beside him   ✦ so he was like “f it” and whipped out his phone   ✦ little did he know, your friend was watching out for you    ✦ and it just so happened that they glanced at kuroo the moment he snapped a photo of you..
Kuroo felt something kick the back of his chair just as he was about to slip his phone back into his pocket. He glanced behind him, and all color drained from his face as he met your friend’s gaze. “What the hell are you doing, snapping a picture of Y/N?!” They hissed quietly at him. “They’re sleeping, for goodness sake!” “I- it-” The captain couldn’t form proper words to respond. “You aren’t a creep, are you?!” Kuroo managed to put his brain back together. “Of course not! My teammate dared me to-” “And you actually agreed to it?!” They scoffed, their e/c eyes narrowing. “That’s invasion of privacy!” “Well..” The rooster-head struggled to come up with a counterargument. “You’re right, but I’m going to delete the picture after I show my teammates! It’s fine!” “It is certainly not fine, you a-” “Kuroo-san? F/N?” You mumbled, waking up by their heated conversation lord how does the sensei not realize yet “Y/N! Kuroo-san-” Your friend started to say. “YOU TWO IN THE BACK, STOP CHATTING WHILE A LESSON IS GOING ON.” The sensei yelled ah she finally realized “Tell me about it after school..” You said sleepily, nestling your head in your arms once more. Kuroo smirked his significant smirk as he watched you fall back asleep, but let’s just say a certain someone had to hurriedly confess before his crush thought of him as a perv.
𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚊  . . .  🖉 [𝟺𝟸𝟾 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜]    ✒ ahahaha i bet all of you wouldnt have expected sugamama to be here right?    ✒ let’s not forget that he’s about as chaotic as tanaka, and he would be willing to break a few rules every now and again    ✒ and like you sit right next to the window and the sun just softly illuminating you?? with you looking so focused??    ✒ yeah that just made suga’s heart flutter    ✒ so OBVIOUSLY he had to take a photo to capture one of many moments that he’d forever treasure    ✒ unfortunately for him, you decided to glance at the clock that was to your right..    ✒ ..suga also being to your right You sighed as you chewed on the top of your pen. When will class be over, you thought, bored out of your mind. You glance at the clock, silently cussing when you saw that there was still a long way to go before school was let out, but your eyes were drawn to the male that was sitting right beside you. Sugawara widened his eyes in surprise as you both locked gazes, before your pupils traveled down to the camera in his hands, breaking eye contact. You noticed that his hand was right on button to snap a photo, and somehow, your bored mind managed to put two and two together. You opened your mouth, but before you could say anything, Suga put a finger to his lips. Miraculously, you obeyed his request as he scribbled something down on a note-card and folded it into a small square. He handed it to you and quickly looked away, very obviously trying to stare at anything but you. Curiosity eating away at you, you slowly unfolded the piece of paper. I’m trying my hand at photography, and since you looked absolutely stunning- with the sun kissing your silhouette -I thought I’d try to capture you first :) Your face reddened as you read what the setter wrote. You swiftly wrote a reply and quicky placed it on his desk, and then busied yourself with hiding your face with your hands, embarrassed. Suga flipped the note-card to the other side to see what you wrote. Maybe you should.. you know, take pictures after class ends? You two wrote on the note-card for a bit longer, before you both came to an agreement: since Suga took a picture of you without your permission, he owed you a date at the local cafe i have a soft spot for cafes ;> Turns out this worked in both of you guys’ favor.
𝚘𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 . . .  🖉 [𝟺𝟷𝟼 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜]    ♔ lets be honest    ♔ crappykawa would absolutely love to flood his camera roll with photos of you    ♔ like even if it’s creepy as hell he would still do it because he adores you that much    ♔ for some inhumane reason you still hadn’t seemed to have not caught on    ♔ maybe its because you’re just super oblivious to what anyone around you does     ♔ like you just don’t care about anything that isn’t a danger to you    ♔ no surprise whatsoever when oikawa started to capture pictures of you in class    ♔ on one unlucky day, though, he just so happened to take out his phone to sneak a picture of your focused expression as the sensei was walking around    ♔ said sensei walked by you two, and it was just unfortunate that this specific sensei was the one with the hawk eye vision.. “What are you doing, Oikawa-san?” The sensei said sternly. Everyone turned to look at the brunette as he gulped, slowly looking up at his sensei. “My phone fell out of my pocket, and it turned on when I was putting it back.” He said with a straight face, although on the inside, he was dying inside. The sensei stretched out his hand. “Let me see your camera roll, please.” “What for, Sensei?” “I need to see if you have taken photos of a student without their permission.” Oikawa nervously gulped again as he took his phone out of his pocket. When he was just about to give it to the sensei, you suddenly spoke up. “Sensei, why would you think Oikawa-kun took pictures of someone?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. “He’s obviously a good student, so wouldn’t it be unusual for him to be doing that?” The sensei sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Y/N-san, thank you for your concern, but just because a student is good doesn’t mean they’re good all the time-” “But it would be strange, would it not?” You replied. “I’m sure Oikawa-kun hasn’t done anything wrong. Besides, you’re wasting precious class time. Shouldn’t we be learning at this very moment?” The setter held his breath in as the sensei considered what you said. “Very well, then. Let’s resume the lesson.” The sensei walked back to the chalkboard and resumed where he left off. Oikawa looked at you gratefully, but you had already looked back down at your schoolwork. He made a mental note to thank you after class got let out.
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Warm - Douma x Reader Oneshot
"Okay, there's no denying it. I fucking love Douma." I thought while looking at the blonde sitting in front of me.
It's been six months since I first laid my eyes on this gorgeous man, and my feelings have only grown stronger the more we interact. "But it's frustrating because literally, everyone knows he's a player." I frowned.
"Meh, a girl can dream right?" I snapped out of my thoughts as the teacher called on me. "Miss L/N, would you mind sharing as to why you're so distracted?" I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet. "Hm. Now then, answer this question." The female teacher pointed at an equation on the board.
"The answer is x8," I said nonchalantly. "Correct." Then the class went on as usual. Soon enough the bell rang, signaling it was time to go home. "Miss L/N please stay after class I need to speak with you." I groaned internally at her words. I just wanted to go home.
"Okay." I answered, simply. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked up to the teacher's desk. Everyone had already left for the busses, so it was just me and the teacher. Or so I thought.
All of a sudden I felt someone swing their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in surprise from the sudden contact. "Heyyy Y/N-chan! You're staying after school too? Is it detention?" I heard a familiar voice say. I whipped my head around and came face to face with Douma.
"O-Oh no the teacher asked me to stay," I replied, stepping back a bit to create a distance between me and the handsome man. "Oh really? Same here!" He clasped his hands together.
The teacher cleared her throat and we both turned our attention to her. "I see you've met..." she started, "now then, the reason I asked both of you to stay after school is that Y/N, I want you to tutor Douma." My eyes widened in surprise. Douma made a pouty face in response. "Ehhh?? I thought I was making good grades!" He whined.
"Douma, you have a 40 in this class." The teacher facepalmed. I decided to stay quiet and see how this played out, because, well, I'm not against spending time with Douma anyway. "Oh, well then I guess me and you are study buddies now!" He faced me and grinned. "My house at six." He winked. With that, he ran out the door. "W-Wait! The teacher isn't done—" I sighed.
I faced the teacher and gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry.. is there anything else you need?" I bowed. "No that is all... but do you even know where Douma's house is?" She asked. I deadpanned.
"N-No.." She snickered and wrote something down on a yellow sticky note. "Here's his number, call him and ask him yourself." She handed me a sticky note. "And before you ask, I have his number because it's written on his student ID form." I nodded in response. "Thank you!" After waving goodbye, I made my way to my car and left.
When I arrived home I threw my bag on the couch, and quickly pulled my phone out of my skirt pocket. Taking out the sticky note from earlier, I put in Douma's number and sent him a message.
...dude you didn't even
tell me where you live
(this is Y/N btw)
Ohhh my bad! Just
come to house XXXX,
Kimetsu street 💕
ok thx  😻✨
Wait how did you get
my number
teacher gave it to me
im not a creep I
swear 🙄✋
Lmao okay see you at six
I put my phone down and checked the time. It was 4:30 pm so I had time before I needed to drive over there. I decided to go pick out clothes since, well, I want to look nice in front of my long-time crush. Although this is supposed to be casual, I wanted him to look at me and think I'm beautiful. It can't be helped, this man is my addiction.
I opened up my closet and picked out a f/c blouse and a flowy red skirt. I removed my school uniform but kept my black, thigh-high tights on. After replacing my school clothes with the outfit I picked out, I walked over to my vanity.
"Hmm... what hairstyle should I do?" I thought to myself. I decided on doing a high ponytail and leaving my front strands out to frame my face. When I finished doing my hair I took a good look at myself in the mirror. My blouse was neatly tucked into my high-waisted skirt and my tights were hidden securely underneath my skirt.
My outfit was casual but nice at the same time. I smiled, happy with how I looked. "Maybe I should wear my earrings." I debated whether or not I want to put them on. "Eh, why not." I grabbed my moon-shaped earrings and put them on my ears.
"There we go." I said out loud. I checked the time to see an hour has passed. "Ehhh?? I took that long?" I thought confusedly. I grabbed my bag, since it has notes I could use to help Douma, and ran out the door.
I hopped in my car and put Douma's address into its GPS system. On the way there I found myself freaking out. I mean, I'm literally going to my crush's fucking house right now! How could I not freak out? "I'm so excited yet at the same time so nervous."
"I really hope I don't end up annoying him..." I was worried he'd not like me and I'd ruin my chances with him. "Well I shouldn't dwell on it, it's not like this is a date or anything, it's just tutoring."
The GPS said I was here so I pulled over to the side and parked. I found myself in front of a large apartment building and sweatdropped. "I hope he doesn't have roommates... seeing as he lives in an apartment."
I texted him that I was here, then took my bag and got out of the car, locking it to make sure it doesn't get stolen. "Wait... what room number is he?"  I deadpanned. "This man really doesn't know how to tell someone the information they need."
I was about to text him again to ask what his room number was when someone called my name. I turned around and saw Douma running up to me. "Y/N! Y/N! you're finally here let's go!" He took my hand and dragged me inside.
I blushed from the contact. "U-um..." I stuttered out. "So, before we go up I do have a roommate, his name is Akaza and he's a bully." He rolled his eyes. "But don't worry he's out with his girlfriend, Koyuki, so we'll have the apartment to ourselves." He stopped in front of a door and quickly pushed me inside.
"Here we are! Make yourself at home." He walked over to a couch and plopped down on it. I sat down next to him a good distance away and opened up my bag, getting some notes and papers for math.
"So... what are you struggling with in math?" I asked. He shrugged in return. "I honestly don't know, I thought I was doing good in everything but I guess not." I sweatdropped at his answer. "Ah.. okay well if you don't know what you need help on then I really don't know how to tutor you..." I scratched the back of my head.
"Then let's do something else instead of studying!" Douma suggested. "Eh? Like what?" I tilted my head as I asked. Douma's cheeks were tinted with pink after my reaction. "What about... hide and seek tag!" He clasped his hands together.
I deadpanned. "Isn't that a game for kids..?" He chuckled at me. "You're never too old for anything! I'll be it first okay? Go hide nothing's off-limits." I nodded and ran out of the living room as he counted. I opened the first door down the hall and found myself in what seemed to be the master bedroom.
"Ahh... where to hide..." I looked around and saw the nightstand had a cabinet that could fit my petite form. I crawled in the cabinet just as I heard Douma yell. "Time's up! I'm coming Y/N!" After he said that it was eerily quiet. "It's like a fucking horror movie." I thought.
Suddenly I heard the door creek open and I held my breath. "Y/N~ are you in here?" He said, dragging out your name for effect. My heart was pounding in suspense as I heard his footsteps come closer. "Under the bed?" He stopped in front of the nightstand and presumably check under the bed. "Guess not... what about the cabinet in the nightstand?"
As soon as I heard that I bolted out of the cabinet and dodged his attempt to tag me. "I knew it! You're done for now." He laughed as he chased after me. "Nooo! Get away." I laughed along. I looked behind me as I ran down the hall and saw him getting closer.
"Hey! Y/N watch out!" I heard him yell as his eyes widened. I looked back in front of me and ran headfirst into a door. "Oww..." I fell back on my butt and felt tears well up in my eyes. "That hurts like a bitch." I clutched my forehead in pain.
"Y/N! Are you alright?" Douma crouched down next to me and looked at me in worry. "Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts and I feel dizzy." I responded. "Here I'll go get you some ice." He got up and hurried to the kitchen. I heard the fridge door open and Douma muttering to himself.
He came back with an ice pack in hand and held it to my forehead. I blushed from the close proximity and quietly thanked him. He smiled at my shyness and helped me up. "Do you want to stay the night? It's late and I let you get hurt so it's the least I can do." He asked. "U-Um if you don't mind..." I didn't really want to drive home at night, it gave me chills just thinking about it.
"It's fine! You can take the guest bedroom." He gently pulled me along to a room and opened the door. "Here it is, if you need anything you can find me in the living room most likely." He handed me the ice pack and smiled. "Thank you for your help." I bowed. "Ah, it's nothing." He waved it off.
I felt my dizziness get stronger and I held my head and squinted. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head. "Y-Yeah I'm just really dizzy." I answered. My knees buckled and I lost my footing. Thankfully Douma was there to catch me. "Oh my, I really hope you don't have a concussion or something." I was suddenly too tired to respond.
He picked me up bridal style and sat me down on the bed. "Stay here I'll try to find some medicine for your dizziness." He left the room. Although my mind felt like it was on anesthesia, I was still able to freak out about the fact Douma carried me like that. Through my drowsy state, I silently fangirled. "I'm back." He handed me a glass of water and a small pill. "It'll help you, take it." He smiled at me.
"Thank you." I whispered, before taking the pill. Building up my courage, I grabbed the hem of his shirt. He looked at me, clearly confused. "U-Um.. could you stay with me until I fall asleep." I asked shyly, avoiding his gaze.
He smiled warmly and nodded. "Sure thing Y/N-chan." He sat down next to me and I plopped my head into his lap. He chuckled at my behavior. I closed my eyes as I felt him petting my head affectionately. He pulled a blanket over my petite form and continued petting my hair. "Goodnight Y/N," and under his breath, I swear I heard the words, "I love you."
Sleep captured me before I could question whether or not I heard correctly. But nevertheless, it made me feel warm.
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