#my top three i can fix her list is complete
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 months
Traitor- The Present
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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Synopsis:y/n is a hard working painter, trying to make the ends meet. She lives with and takes care of her sick Uncle, the only one she has for a family. She has dreams to make it big, and when the desperation for money strikes, she has to make a choice. Walk away after listening to an incredible deal that would fix all her problems, or take up the deal. A top secret, risky deal, which involves meeting Harry Styles.A man once rumored to be a dangerous secret weapon of a leading mafia. artist!y/n x mafia!harry (he's also a doctor)
Word limit: 5,021
Warnings: Smut. Fingering, dirty talk, exhibitionism, choking, light degradation.
Author's note: Thank you so much for all your love on the last part. If you guys want me to add your names to my tag list, just drop me a message! Feedback is appreciated, and please re blog to support me. Happy reading:)
"I swear there's no one on the planet that makes better sandwiches than you, Harry."
Harry and y/n were enjoying a picnic in the park, complete with ham and cheese sandwiches (cut in triangles, per her request), fruit salad, and cookies they had baked together the night before. Much to both of their delight, the park was nearly empty aside from a few toddlers playing in the jungle gym with their mothers.
Or so they thought.
"What are you doing tonight?", Harry asks her, enjoying the fresh air as he leaned against the tree, with his arm around y/n. Her back was towards his chest, and she was looking up at him.
"Oh I have to talk to a client, who wants to buy one of my paintings.", she lies. She had a meeting with Romania tonight.
"After that?", Harry drawls, kissing her neck.
"I promised Uncle Luke we would play pictionary today!", she says, as his lips hum against the pulse point of her neck.
"You can't get enough of me, can you?", she teases.
"No.", he agrees, stroking her hair between his fingers. "I would spend every minute of the day with you if I could."
"I would get bored.", y/n says playfully, and Harry growls, tightening his grip around her waist making her giggle. "I'll remember that the next time we're in bed.", he whispers in her ear, making her blush.
Then she saw them. Three men surrounded different areas of the park. All three of them were looking at them. y/n suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Um, Harry?"
"I think we should pack up and head home. I'll run late for my meeting with the client.", she says, squeezing his arm gently.
"Already?", he asks, pulling away from her neck and she nods. "I'll spend the night with you tomorrow, okay?"
His face turns into a cute pout, and she wonders how people in his past were intimidated by that face. "Okay. You'll have to make it up to me, baby."
"I will.", she promises, starting to pack everything up. They finished packing their snacks, took their picnic blanket, and y/n took Harry's hand tight in hers, keeping her eyes on the men as they walked to her car.
She drove away soon. "Why don't you drive Harry?", she asks.
"I don't like driving.", he simply says.
"Why is that? Did you have a really bad accident?", she hints.
"Uh...maybe, I don't know. I don't enjoy it. I like walking, and the hospital's close from my house.", he shrugs, looking outside the window. He looked so innocent to y/n.
She drops Harry, before leaving. She had a bad feeling, and she grabbed his hand before he could go. She had already scanned the place to see if the men had followed her, but they hadn't.
"Harry, be careful, yeah?", she says, worried.
"Yeah, why?", he strokes her cheek, noticing that something's bothering her.
"The world is not a good place.", she squeezes his hand. "Lock your doors, okay?"
"I will..are you sure you're okay?"
She smiles, bringing his hand to her lips to kiss it. "I'm okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Harry."
Harry nods, kissing her forehead. "Remember I'm here if you need to talk about something."
The guilt storm hits her hard again, and she nods. "Thank you. I gotta go now."
"Yeah. See you, sunshine."
She had to do it. She had to tell Romania that this has to stop. She got to the building, took the elevator, waited impatiently for it to open and Hans greets her at the door.
"Ah, in time today Miss y/l/n", he remarks, looking at his watch.
"I'm not always late.", y/n mumbles and he chuckles, stepping aside. "Come in."
Romania sat on the couch as usual, and y/n wonders if she gets up from there once in a while. Oliver was not standing, for a change. He was sitting on the seat next to the one that y/n usually occupies when she's here.
"Good evening, y/n.", Romania gives her a smile and Oliver ignores her, classic Oliver.
"Hi.", y/n nods, taking her seat.
"Anything stronger than water?", Hans asks her, cocking an eyebrow.
"No, just water. Thanks.", y/n says to him. She didn't want to drink with people who plot to kill other people who got into tragic accidents and lost their memory.
"So? What are your updates this week?", Romania asks her, keeping one of her lean legs over the other and looking at her with interest. Oliver turns her head to look at her, and Hans keeps her water in front of her before sitting on the table he usually leans on.
y/n got talking. She told them everything she found out and didn't. She told them about the ring as well.
"So he's still holding on to that.", Romania smiled. "That's a great break through, y/n."
"Was that Reagen's?", y/n guesses.
"Yes. She didn't know, but Harry was planning to propose to her after that night. After their last mission. Diamond ring, silver beading, wasn't it?"
y/n nods. Romania looks at Hans for confirmation who nodded. "That's the one."
"That means some part of him still isn't ready to let go of Reagen.", Romania says. "Or it was a slip of the mask. He wasn't expecting you to search his room and find the ring. He could easily lie to you, like he probably has numerous times now. Whatever is necessary to keep his identity secret."
"I really think you're wrong, Romania.", y/n says softly. "And I'm sorry that you all lost your friend, but he's no longer in there, if he ever was. The Harry I know is a kind person. He isn't capable of hurting anyone."
"You've fallen for him, haven't you?", Romania sighs. "You're in love and you've been sleeping with him."
Was it love? A fire ignited in her chest whenever she thought about him. Her whole body tingled when he touched her. She wanted to go home to him every day. Was that love? y/n didn't know. She hasn't been in love before.
"I heard he was good in bed.", Hans says, nodding. "Lot of girls wanted to get laid but he only ever had eyes for Reagen."
"He trusts you," Oliver says. "You've gained his trust, y/n. This week, you really have to destroy his walls and get him to remember everything. You don't understand. We need him. His life is in danger if keeps his act going on any longer."
"I-I'll take him somewhere safe, where no one can hurt him.", y/n whispers, then thought about how dumb that sounded.
Romania scoffed. "We have men everywhere, y/n. You have no idea how big we are. You're lucky it's just the three of us talking to you."
"I've seen guys following us, looking at us weirdly. Are they your men?"
"Maybe, maybe not.", Hans shrugs. "Can be enemies plotting his death. Too scared to come any closer to him. They were all terrified of Harry once they got to know he was our secret weapon."
"W-Why do people have to be so terrified of him?", she couldn't help but ask the same question she asked last meeting.
"He is not the man you think he is."Oliver spoke slowly, like he was warning her. "Take his fondness towards you as leverage and find out what we need. Do your job and let us worry about protecting him, okay?"
"You have time till seven days, and I have a plan.", Romania tells her. "Do it as I say, and you'll be done. You'll be free to do as you please, whether he remembers or not."
"B-But I can't just leave him-"
"That's your fault, getting romantically involved with him."
Yes. It was her fault. y/n nods, finishing the entire glass of water. "Tell me your plan."
"Road trip.", she says, clapping her hands together.
"That's your great plan?", y/n asks confused.
"Hans.", Romania said and Hans spread out a map on the table. "Reagen and Harry were smuggling gold from San Francisco to New Mexico, on road.", he says, pointing at the places on the map.
"From here.", y/n spoke softly, and they nodded. She lived outside the city, in a small town near San Francisco, but the nearest city to her is Dan Francisco. 
"It's a sixteen hour road trip. It'll take you two days if you cover 8 hours every day. Four days if you cover four hours every day. The choice is yours. But we need Harry here by the end of this week." Hans pointed to a place near the border. It wasn't Mexico yet.
"This was where the blast took place. Where Reagen died, and where Harry lost his memory. We want you to take him through the same route they took on their last journey together. We're confident Harry will remember something, if not everything."
"You want me to bring him to the same place he lost his past life..to see if the place brings back his memories?", y/n put it together.
"Precisely.", Romania nods. "Now what you want to do in those four days is not my concern. Get a room, go to a party, go to the beach, go to a movie. I don't care. But I need Harry's memories back. Traveling on this route, a route he has taken many times before, has to be the key."
It was a good plan if it works. "And if he remembers?"
"Leave the rest to us.", Oliver says, and y/n buries her head in her hands as she thinks. "Is there another option?"
"This is our best option y/n.", Hans speaks softly. "Our last hope. You can make it happen."
Just one more week and she can put all this behind her. Of course she knew that wasn't possible as she is now involved in Harry's life, but if at all he remembers, even a glimpse of who he used to be, no one can hurt him. They'll all be scared. Things might change between y/n and Harry, but at least he'd be safe, she thought. Yes, she had to make him remember.
"Road trip it is, then."
Harry sits on his bed, watching as y/n sorts through his wardrobe. "Do you have anything other than these formal shirts?", she asks, finding only more and more of single colored shirts.
"No. That's all I need.", Harry shrugs. "You don't like them?"
y/n turns to smile at him, and walks to him. "I love them, Harry. But for our trip, you definitely need more. I'm gonna take you shopping."
"I don't like shopping..", Harry mumbles, grabbing her hips and pulling her in between his legs. His thumbs draw circles on her skin that's exposed. y/n was wearing a crop top and shorts. "Can I not just love on you for the entire day?", he asks, kissing her neck and y/n feels his soft hair as she moves her hand to play with his hair.
"As much as I would love that..", y/n kisses his lips, making him smile. "You are in dire need of new clothes." She squeaks as Harry pulls her onto his lap. "We can have our fun later."
"The kind of fun we like?", he asks, moving her hair back to expose her neck, attaching his lips to her soft skin.
"Uh huh.", y/n sucks in a breath, twisting a curl around his finger. "Why can't your friend just drive the car back herself?", he asks.
y/n had made up a story to tell Harry about the road trip to Mexico. It had to be convincing. Romania gave her that story as well. She had to say that it was her friend's, and her cousin had driven to San Francisco last time he was here but he took the flight back, so the car was still with her. Now he needed it back, and he was too busy to come here himself.
"Cause she's busy. I owe her one.", y/n says, feeling horrible to lie to him, but she had no option. She would get him on the road, and try her best to make him recollect his memories. If he didn't remember, she would tell him the truth before the week ended. She wouldn't let him get killed. He might leave her when she tells him the truth but it's better than him dying. She could live with regret, but she couldn't, knowing that she helped someone with murder.
"And you need a trip. You've been working non stop, everyone needs a break.", y/n kisses his jaw, and Harry smiles, "I don't need breaks, I love work. The only reason I agreed is because of you."
"You can't say no to me, can you?", y/n pats his cheeks.
"You're cute.", he chuckles, before lifting her off his lap and standing on his feet. "Let's go."
y/n took Harry shopping, and he just stood there like one of the mannequins themselves, while y/n sorted through the clothes. He seemed to be enjoying looking at her, rather than the different collection of clothes.
"Here, try these on. There's the trial room.", y/n says as she places a pile of shirts onto Harry's hands.
"Um, okay." Harry walks to the trial rooms, and y/n chuckles to herself. He was so adorable and innocent. y/n even tried google searching about him, but she didn't find much. She wanted to know why people were scared of him. She wished she could talk to Reagen. She was the only person not afraid of him, and who was closest to him.
“How’s this?”
y/n gives Harry a once over, as he poses for her in a floral shirt.He hadn’t done all the buttons up, and she could see half of his butterfly tattoo.
 She bites her lip, nodding. “Get it.”
Harry looks around, before reaching a hand to tug her into the trial room. “Harry! What if people see?”
“There’s no one around, love.”, Harry pins her to the wall, trapping her with his large frame. “Are you getting worked up?”
“No..”, she lies, breathing heavily as he leans closer, his breath fanning over her face. “No?”, he smirks, pressing her lips onto her hers, and biting her bottom lip. She opens her mouth to let his tongue inside, and lets him explore her mouth. Harry’s knee comes in between her legs, separating them. One hand holds her hip while the other slips up her thigh, to her core. 
She clenches her thighs immediately, and he pinches her thigh. “Keep them open. Let me see for myself if you’re wet.”
She plays with the curls on the back of his head, and grips his shoulder as he parts her panties and runs a finger through her sleek wet folds. 
“Ah hah, looks like someone was lying.”
“Harry stop..t-they’ll hear us..”, she whispers, fighting back a moan as he slips one finger inside her. She was wearing a skirt, so he had easy access. 
“You’ll just have to be quiet then, baby.”, he hums, adding another finger and pumping them in and out of her slowly, in a dangerously slow pace. “Should I let you cum? You lied to me.”
“Y-Yes, please..”, she whimpers, starting to ride his fingers because he wasn’t using them fast enough for her to get off. He pulled away his fingers immediately, and she whined in annoyance. 
“You’ll take what I give you, won’t you sweetheart?”, he questions, the hand holding her hip moving to her throat. “Fuck..yes..”, she answers, her eyes fluttering as she looks at his hand around her throat. “Please..”
“Please what? You want me to choke you?”
“Yes, a-and let me cum.”, she murmurs, and he cocks an eyebrow, pressing his fingers around her neck just enough to make her vision a little bit disoriented, but it felt so good. “Please.”, she quickly adds and he hums in satisfaction. “Get inside me.”
“You’ll get to cum only if you are a good girl and be quiet, okay? Can you do that for me?”
“Yes.”, she agrees, nodding her head and he releases her neck, turning her around. “If you make a sound, I’m gonna stuff these panties into your pretty little mouth, got it?”
“Uh huh..” Harry flips up her skirt and drags down her panties, before unbuckling his pants and getting his dick out of his boxers. She keeps her hands on the mirror covered wall, and he keeps his hand on her shoulder as he slips his hard cock into her pussy.
“Fuck, so tight around me. Such a perfect hole.”, he groans, and she gasps at the feeling of being full, before quickly remembering that she should be quiet. Harry fucks her deep and quick, making her bite her lip so hard she was sure it was bleeding. It felt so fucking good. 
“Feels good, baby? This what you wanted?”Harry's fingers dig into the flesh of her hip.
“So good.”, she hummed, and let out a small scream as he thrusts quickly, and it hit just the spot. She was struggling to keep standing. 
“What did I tell you?”Harry grabs her ass, squeezing one of her cheeks. “What would happen if you couldn’t be quiet?”
“Y-You’d stuff my panties in m-my mouth..oh god.,”, she moans, and he picks up her panties. “That’s right. Want to let the whole world know what a dirty little girl you are? Open your mouth.”
His fingers grabbed her jaw and squeezed, making her open her mouth and he stuffs her panties into her mouth, making her moan around it as he continues to fuck her. “That’s better. Do you still think you deserve to cum?”
She couldn’t answer with the panties in her mouth, and she didn’t think she would be able to even if she could have. She was seeing stars. But she managed a weak nod.
“Yeah? I don’t think so.``, Harry quickened his pace, feeling him getting close and she clenched around him. “Fuck yes, just like that.”, he groans. “B-Because I’m nice, I’ll let you cum. Let go, baby.”
It doesn’t take much longer for her to tip over the edge, and he has to hold her up to make sure she doesn’t fall on her knees. Her legs were shaking from the orgasm, and her head was floating. Harry groaned as he released as well, slowing down his strokes. He pressed his forehead to her shoulder, breathing as they came down from their highs. 
He takes the panties out of her mouth, and presses a kiss to her shoulder. “Can I pull out?”
She nods, and he does, slowly before turning her around and pushing all the cum dripping down her thighs inside her. She whines from sensitivity. “You’ll hold everything in, right love? I’ll take care of it when we get home after our little shopping trip.”
“I-I think we’re done shopping for the day..”, she sighs, head leaning on his chest and he chuckles, pulling her into his arms. He presses a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re so perfect.”
Two days later, y/n and Harry were ready for their trip. She had planned it all for four days, the last day would be the seventh day. The end of her four weeks.
"You can always call me anytime.", y/n tells Uncle Luke as she checks the house over and over again, to make sure he has everything. She had found a home nurse who would take care of him when she was gone.
"I'll be fine, y/n. I told you I don't need a nurse!", he says as y/n checks his medicine cabinet, making sure nothing needs a refill.
"I know you can take care of yourself, the nurse is so I don't freak out, okay?", she says, sitting down when her uncle grabs her wrist.
"I'll be good, I promise.", he says, smiling with the soft glint in his eyes. "But you haven't been on a trip since ages, y/n. I want you to have fun."
y/n smiles, squeezing his hand. "You used to love going to new places and outdoors. I wish you were little again so we could both go get ice cream, and I'd push you on the swing in the park.."
y/n leans forward to hug her uncle, closing her eyes in comfort as his arms wrap around her. "You remind me of Reena sometimes. She would be a beautiful smart girl like you right now, if she was alive."
"She would. I'm sure she's looking at you from up there.", y/n says to him, and Uncle Luke smiles at her. "My little girl. I'll see her some day."
"Yes, until then, you're stuck with me."
y/n gets him to laugh. "Seriously, have fun y/n, don't think about me, okay? I'll call every day, but don't spend too much time worrying about me."
"I'll try.", she nods.
"Guess you gotta go, Harry will be waiting for you.", he says, stroking her hair back.
"Yup. It's just four days, I can do this right?", she asks for assurance, and Uncle Luke nods, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You can. You know, while I was making tea yesterday, I put in salt instead of sugar?"
"Oh god. That must have tasted horrible."
"My point is, y/n, don't trust everything you see or hear. You can't even differentiate salt from sugar if you don't look carefully."
y/n's eyebrows creased, and she bit her lip, thinking about that statement. Did Uncle Luke mean something? He did throw around words like that often, but this seemed different.
"What do you mean, Uncle?", she asks, pulling back from the hug to look at him.
"What do I mean?", he asks, confused. "Wasn't I talking about Reena?"
y/n knew he had forgotten, and there was no point bringing it up again. He would only get sad about the fact that he forgot something he just said. y/n made sure she packed everything, and went to go pick Harry.
She waits for him in the car, and after half an hour of waiting, he finally comes out. She gets out of the car to help him load his bag into the trunk.
"I thought you were gonna bail on me. We're already two hours past the time we were supposed to leave. We have to-"
y/n stops talking as she turns to look at Harry. He had gotten a haircut, shaved his mustache and trimmed his beard. He looked so handsome, the haircut made his eyes stand out. His green eyes were shining bright. He immediately looked a few years younger. His skin glowed in the sunlight. He wore a black t shirt exposing his muscular arms, and displaying all his tattoos. He wore baggy jeans and sneakers with that.
"Enjoying the view? We're not even in Mexico, yet.", Harry smirks at her, his dimples popping.
She blushes, pushing on his shoulder. He looked incredibly hot. "Who are you? What did you do with Doctor Turner?"
"He's gone for vacation, won't be available for four days. I would recommend rescheduling the appointment if you had one.", he says, making her giggle and hug him. "You look great Harry."
"Thank you, and you always do, y/n. Sorry for the delay, I had some last minute packing left. I'm ready to go now. Oh! I didn't know it was convertible.", he says, looking at the car.
"Isn't it sick? I thought you'll like it.", y/n says, watching him go around and look at it.
"Interesting," he agrees. "It's safe, right?"
"Of course. I drive safely. Hop in, let's begin our trip!"
Harry smiles and kisses her before getting in. Harry asks her questions about where they'll be staying, and she tells him she booked a room in a hotel near the beach for the day.
y/n sang along to the music and Harry listened to her with a smile. She really was a sunshine in his life. They stopped for tea on the way, and for a break. It was a little hut-like place, overlooking the hills. It was the only spot she could find on the highway.
y/n clicked some pictures of Harry as he leaned against the car. He caught her, and brought a hand to his face. "Whyy?", he drawls.
"It's a beautiful view!", she says, smiling as she looks at the photos.
"Let me take yours then! Stand there.", he points to a tree, and snatches her phone out of her hands.
"Okay." y/n walks over and strikes a pose, making Harry grin as he clicks. She made a funny face for the next one, and Harry pinched her side playfully when she came back running to him.
"You're so pretty.", he mumbles, pressing a kiss to her head as she looks at the photos. She smiles, leaning her head on his shoulder and tilting her head up to meet his lips. "Thank you."
They hit the road again. Harry had come off a night shift the day before so he was tired. He yawns and leans his head on the window.
"Will you get sleepy and crash if I sleep?", he asks.
"No, I think I'll survive for a while. We have one and half hours more, get recharged.", she pats his knee.
He was too tired to protest, and he let his eyes close. y/n kept looking at him sideways when she could. Harry looked so peaceful. She wished she could keep him safe with her like this forever.
Harry woke up energetic before they got to their hotel. It was a small place, but the view from their room was beautiful. Palm trees stood tall along the beach, dancing to the tune of the breeze emanating from the waters of the sea. They missed the sunset, but the sky was still painted in hues.
They decided to freshen up and then take a walk on the beach side. y/n changed into a purple and pink blouse, paired with matching shorts and put on her sandals. Harry chose a simple white shirt and black shorts. Harry took her hand when they walked, making y/n's heart flutter. They had held hands before, but now they were away from everyone, in their own world and happy.
Then they sat down on the sand while looking at the calm waters. "Why San Francisco?", y/n asks Harry as she traces her thumb on the cross tattoo on his hand. "You didn't grow up here, did you?"
"I don't think so..", Harry murmurs. "I think I'm from London."
She knew he was British from his accent that was incredibly hot, but London was new information. "Then why did you move here?", she asks.
"I-I don't know..I've been here since the time I remember.", he whispers.
"Move back to London, Harry. Or Mexico, or somewhere.", she mumbles, making him look at her. "Leaving you and my life behind?"
"That's what's safe for you. You can get a job there too, build a beautiful house and fall in love with a beautiful girl. Build your life there, Harry. Be happy.", she whispers, kissing his cheek. She couldn't tell him anything more.
"I built my life here, y/n. I don't know if I can do it again. I'm content with what I have now. I don't think it's possible to fall in love again either."
"Again?", y/n lifts her head from his shoulder. Was he talking about Reagen?
He tucks some of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah. I'm in love with you, y/n."
She felt her ribs hurting from the butterflies fluttering from her stomach up to her ribs, pressing on them. Her heart beat so fast, she thought it would explode out of her chest. y/n stroked his cheek as he looked at her with those gorgeous eyes. Her own eyes filled with tears, so she closed them, not wanting him to see and pressed her lips onto his soft ones. Harry's hand moves to the back of her neck, pulling her closer as he kisses her passionately.
"I love you too, Harry.", y/n whispers back, and touches their foreheads together. It was tearing her apart, hurting him. She would be responsible for breaking his heart. She wanted to walk into the sea and scream, letting the waves of the sea drown her voice.
Will he think think that what they have between them is also an act, when he gets to know the truth? But this was all true. y/n couldn't deny it anymore. She was in love with this man. The man who came into her life unexpectedly, and now without whom she cannot imagine living without.
"I'm happy, y/n. As long as I have you, I'll always be happy.", Harry whispers, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead.
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Things Learned and Unlearned Ch. 15
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Series Summary: Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
Pairings/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N, Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester, Lucy Winchester (OC)
Warnings: Each chapter will have it's own warnings, but there will be smut, seduction, virgin!reader, playboy!dean, Edwardian era BS attitudes surrounding sex and women. (Technically it's set in 1900 and the Edwardian era started in 1901, but you get it.) Angst, Fluff, all the good stuff that regularly pops up in my series. 😁
Chapter Warnings: None. Just angst and fluff.
Word Count: 3,343
A/N: So, here it is - Chapter 15, and the end of this series. I've been so grateful for all the wonderful reblogs and encouraging comments this fic has received as it's gone along week by week. Your support is the reason why it's finally completed.
It began life as just a few chapters from an orphaned fic of mine over on ff.net and now it's a fully completed Dean fic that I'm very proud of. 😊 So thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the end of this story, and feel it was worth the investment of your time. ❤️
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Four weeks later. January 1901.
Dean sat down heavily behind his mahogany desk and picked up his morning mail before immediately throwing it back down in annoyance. 
It will just be invitations and invoices, Dean thought, who cares?
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and digging his fingers into them. He was hungover and had barely slept. He felt like he'd been hit with a brick building.
With a deep sigh, he opened the file in front of him and ran his hand over the top page. It was his copy of the deal that he’d finally signed a week ago.
Two weeks ago, George Taskett had called his secretary to arrange a meeting. When Dean showed up at the appointed time, George apologized profusely for what had happened at the theater.
“It’s taken me a little while to reach out to you because I wanted to be able to tell you that Byron Temple had been fired, and before I could do that, I needed to speak to the board about it first. But I can assure you now that he has been permanently removed from his position, and fired from our company. It seems that the board shared my concerns with his lack of moral character.”
George had told Dean that when they investigated a little bit, they’d discovered that the incident at The Manhattan hadn't been the first such incident for Temple. Dean was not surprised, and he was glad that the board of Northern Freight had been all too happy to show him the door.
So with Temple out of the picture, the deal had gone through as originally planned and all three companies were now set to make a lot of money. Winchester Shipping and Lumber was in the best shape it had ever been in.
But he still couldn't sleep at night.
As he tucked the file away, he heard a knock at the door and then Grant's voice when he opened it. Dean couldn't make out what he was saying to the visitor, but if it was anything other than, “come back another day”, Dean might have to fire him.
A minute later, however, Grant was in his doorway to announce his guest. But Dean didn't need the announcement, as he saw his baby brother's towering frame standing behind his butler.
Dean stood up with a frown, walking out from behind his desk as Grant left, and Sam entered his study. “What's wrong?” He asked without preamble.
Sam shook his head. “Nothing's wrong.”
Dean's scowl got deeper. “What do you mean ‘nothing’s wrong’? Then what are you doing here?”
Sam shrugged. “Just wanted to visit my brother.”
Dean crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against his desk and fixing Sam with a look as he took a seat on one of the leather chairs across from Dean.
“You just wanted to visit?” Dean asked, his voice incredulous. “You thought you'd take a six hour train ride to just…drop in and say hi?”
“I just wanted to see how you're doing. See if you're alright.” Sam said innocently.
“Why wouldn't I be?”
Sam sighed. “Cause Y/N isn't.”
Dean's heart beat double time as he scowled again at his little brother. “Sam, honest to god…” He ran a hand through his hair. “This better not be the real reason you're here.”
“It is.” Sam said calmly.
“Well, then I'm sorry you wasted your money on a train ticket, along with six hours of your life.” He held up a finger. “No, twelve, actually, cause you're gonna leave now.”
Sam just continued to stare at him, annoying him profusely. Finally his little brother had the audacity to shake his head and scold him.
“Dean, why did you let her go? I saw you with her, saw you at Christmas. I know you love her.”
“Bullshit!” Dean barked at him, angrily. “You are imagining things, Sam, and I'm not interested in dredging up this same asinine conversation I already had with your wife.”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, she told me about it. Just made us even more sure that you were completely in love with Y/N. What we couldn't figure out is why you were so furious about the very idea of loving her.”
“Dammit Sam, drop this!” Dean shouted at him as he straightened up from the desk. 
Sam pointed at him. “Yeah, furious like that.” He shrugged. “But then…I think I figured it out “
"Oh, did you?" Dean asked with a death stare, feeling the panic start to rise up in him.
Sam's voice softened as he looked Dean in the eye. “You're afraid you'll end up like Dad.” 
Dean clenched his jaw and refused to respond.
But eventually Sam just shook his head. “You won't though.”
Fear and panic sat thick in Dean's throat, clogging his voice as he spoke. “You don't know that.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, I do.”
Silence reigned for a moment before Dean shuffled back and sat down behind his desk again. His head was pounding harder than ever.
He watched Sam for a while before he shook his head. “You don't remember him the way - I mean, obviously you couldn't remember him how he was. Before. But…” 
He scrubbed an exhausted hand down his face. “I remember. The way he was. I remember him laughing and smiling. The way he'd pick me up when he walked back in the door at the end of the day, ride me around on his shoulders…I remember all of it. And I remember when it was gone. He was like a completely different man. He might as well have died with her, cause he was gone and he never came back.”
Dean closed his eyes. “So, I swore to myself, I swore,” he emphasized, “that I would never do the same. I would NEVER love someone like that and then lose myself completely when they were gone.” 
He shook his head again and opened his eyes to pin Sam with another glare. “I just won't do it.”
Sam sat, quietly nodding for a moment before his brow wrinkled in thought. “Hmm…” He took a deep breath and spoke as he exhaled.
“Do you love me?”
Dean stared at him for a heartbeat before a red flush began climbing up his neck as he answered in a growl. “What are you talking about?”
But Sam just waved away his brother's words. “Nevermind, I already know you do. You love me a lot.”
Dean continued to glare at his annoying little brother, not sure what to even say to that.
“And I know you love Jess and Lucy too. Also a lot.”
“What is your point Sam?” He barked at him, although he thought he'd started to figure it out.
“I know this too, though.” Sam continued without answering him, “If anything ever happened to me or…Jess, or…” He didn't seem able to finish the horrible idea, and Dean felt his stomach churn and his chest ache at the mere thought. 
But Sam pushed on. “If something ever happened, you'd never abandon the ones left behind. You'd never leave us on our own.”
Dean bit his bottom lip, feeling his throat ache from his trapped feelings. 
“Oh yeah?” He asked doubtfully. “And how could you possibly be sure of that?” He smiled without humor. “I am my father's son, after all.”
Sam shrugged. “That may be, but you're also just Dean, my big brother. And he's the most selfless man I've ever known.”
Dean scoffed, but Sam continued over him. 
“You've never put yourself first. Not while you were raising me. Not when you went toe-to-toe with Dad for me, so I could go to law school. Not when you worked a second job outside the business, so that you could pay my whole tuition when Dad refused to pay for it with ‘company money’ as he called it.”
Dean couldn't look at Sam any longer, dipping his head to stare at the wood grain in his desk as his brother continued to heap undeserving praise on him.
“And ever since you took over the company, you've always put your employees first, you take care of them, you work twice as hard as you need to, and pay them a lot more than other companies do, to make sure they can live good, happy lives. I've seen your books, I know it's true.”
“So?” Dean cut into Sam's diatribe, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. “Even if all of this praise was true, which it isn't, none of it proves that loving and losing someone wouldn't change all of that. Dad was a good man too, until he loved a woman and lost a woman.”
Sam tightened his jaw. “Maybe he was, but he was also a selfish bastard for abandoning us, for just going off to live alone with his grief and anger. You weren't even five years old, and you'd just lost your mother!” Sam huffed angrily. “He should have cared about that too. He should have cared about you, about us...not just the wife he lost.”
Dean's instinct was to defend their father, but he didn't. He'd begun to see that Sam was right; it had been pretty selfish.
“And I'm telling you,” Sam said with conviction, “if you and Y/N were lucky enough to be blessed with children, you would NEVER abandon them for any reason. Not ever. Because you. are not. our father.” 
Dean heard his little brother's words, and the freedom he found in them, surprised him. It felt like he could breathe deeply for the first time in a very long time. He felt a tear escape and he dashed it away quickly, turning his chair away from Sam and staring at the wall. 
After a moment of quiet, Sam spoke solemnly. "But none of this speculating about how you'd act IF you fell in love with Y/N really matters anyway. Because the plain and simple fact is, you're already in love with her.”
The words still made Dean's stomach clench, and he turned back to Sam and shook his head. “No, I refused, I wouldn't let myself love her.”
Sam rolled his eyes and breathed out harshly. “Damn! You really are a monumental idiot.”
Dean scowled at him, unimpressed with his opinion.
“Dean, you can't stop yourself from loving someone. You can't just control something like that.”
Dean felt the old, familiar panic start to rise in his chest. If he couldn't control it...if he really did love her already…then he'd already lost, and he'd never be free of her hold on him.
I don't wanna be free.
The intrusive thought leaked into his mind and he closed his eyes, trying desperately to deny it but-
“She's leaving.”
Dean's eyes popped open to stare at Sam. 
“What do you mean?” He asked quietly.
“She gave us her notice. She's leaving. Catching a train in a couple of days. That's why I came to shake some sense into you before it's too late. She's going west, says she wants to seek some adventure, but I know it's really because we're all just a constant reminder of you. She's been miserable this whole last month - trying very hard to hide it - but miserable.”
Dean felt a different kind of panic rising as he contemplated Y/N being on the other side of the country, living her life a million miles from his.
She'd get married to someone else - someone who didn't become paralyzed with fear at the thought of needing her in his life. He'd win her over, he'd make her smile, make her happy. He'd give her children; he'd be the damn compatible husband she'd always wanted, and give her the little cottage and respectable life she deserved. 
The exact life he'd told her to go and live just before he made love to her and then snuck out of the room before she woke, like a coward.
He looked at his little brother, desperate now for his help. “Shit. I walked away from her Sam. I left her a goddamn note cause I was too much of a coward to say goodbye to her face. Cause I knew if I spent another minute with her, I'd be so tempted to do anything she wanted, say anything she wanted, just to get her to stay. And I couldn't risk it.”
Sam gave him a scolding look and just shook his head.
Dean's voice was slightly forlorn. “What are the chances she forgives me for that?”
Sam shrugged. “Won't know till you try, coward.”
Y/N clutched the handle of her leather bag tightly, gripping it over and over, wearing it smooth from sheer worry. She recognized that traveling alone, to some remote California town she'd never been to was ludicrous and dangerous. But she just couldn't take it another day; she needed to get as far away as she could. 
Living with Sam and Jessica everyday, watching them in their happy, loving marriage, was simply more than she could handle. The fact that occasionally, when Sam smiled or frowned or laughed a certain way, a tiny piece of his big brother would appear on his face, well, that was just the knife in her heart that made leaving quickly a necessity.
So, here she was, on a bench on the train platform, waiting for a train to roll in and carry her away from endless reminders of Dean. But even just sitting on the bench reminded her that she'd first met him while she was sitting on a bench - on that cool day last fall, when he'd burned his way into her life, into her heart and then into her bed. Unfortunately, he'd also burrowed his way into her soul, and she knew he'd never leave.
Even now she imagined that she heard him calling her name over the screaming whistle of the steam engine that was pulling up beside her; it was the train that would take her away from everything she wanted to leave behind. Though she knew she'd never manage it completely.
Y/N frowned slightly as she looked up; she thought she heard his voice again. Was she truly going mad?
But then she saw him, running through the steam on the platform, coming towards her. She jumped up, completely confused, but somehow feeling like she needed to be on her feet.
“Dean?” She asked as he reached her. “Why are you…? What-”
Dean interrupted her. “Don't get on that train. Don't go. I have a proposition for you instead.”
Y/N felt her heart plummet. “Dean-”
“Marry me.”
Her words died in her throat and she just stared at him, her eyes bulging as she tried to work out what was going on.
“Oh,” she said almost sadly, “I've actually gone completely mad now.”
But Dean was shaking his head. “No, sweetheart, I was the crazy one. I was the one who thought I could simply wish away, or will away loving you, but I should have known it was never gonna work.”
Y/N returned to being simply speechless, eyes wide and staring once again, as Dean continued, his voice sincere and ardent.
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I didn't stick around to say goodbye. Hell, I'm sorry I even tried to say goodbye in the first place. I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to let myself love you, or admit to it anyway. Seems like I didn't really have much say in the matter. Apparently trying desperately to not love someone, doesn't actually stop you from loving them. Who knew?" He said with a lopsided smile and a shrug.
Still smiling, he took another step towards her and his voice was strong and sure. "But I'm mostly sorry that I didn't wrap my arms around you the very first time I saw you, and absolutely refuse to let you go.”
“That's actually kidnapping!”
Y/N whipped around to see Sam and Jessica standing behind her on the platform with Lucy between them. Jessica slapped Sam's arm for his sarcastic comment. 
“Shush. He's trying.” She waved at Dean and called to him. “You're doing great, champ! Keep going!” 
“Give her the ring, Uncle Dean. Ladies like rings!” Lucy shouted.
Y/N started crying and laughing in the same breath, and nearly choked. But as Dean nodded at his niece and got down on one knee, tears won out and she started crying noisily.
He gazed up at her with a soft smile and slightly glassy eyes. “I wasn't planning to do this with an audience, and I have a lot to explain to you, I know, about why I was such an idiot and how stupid I was to be afraid of loving you.”
“Quit reminding her she'll be marrying a moron!” Sam called out again, and Y/N heard Jessica smack him again. But she couldn't take her eyes off of the massive ring that sat in the velvet box Dean opened and presented to her.
It was a Tiffany's box, she noticed, and inside was a beautiful diamond ring, with a small round emerald in the very center.
“I love you so much, Y/N, and I know I don't deserve you, but please say yes anyway.”
“Yes!” She shouted, taking the box from him and then throwing her arms around his neck, letting him stand up and twirl her around, laughing with him through her tears.
Everyone on the platform clapped happily, as Dean kissed her. 
Sam covered Lucy's eyes but she pushed his hand away, clapping loudly at the little fairytale that had played out for her.
As Dean pulled back, he slipped the ring onto her finger and ran his thumb over her knuckles, before raising her hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it, just like he did the very first day they'd met. It still had the power to make her stomach flutter.
“Do you like it?” He asked, touching the emerald in the center of her ring.
Remembering her prediction that emeralds would always make her cry, brought on even more of those predictable tears. She was happy beyond measure that she'd been both right and wrong about that.
“Yes, I love it.” She said as she kissed him sweetly and then gazed into his bright green eyes. “And I love you, Dean. So much.”
“Thank God. Just...just don't stop. Please?”
Y/N nodded. "Promise." She whispered.
Dean sighed against her lips before claiming them once again.
The St. Louis World's Fair. Spring 1904. 
“Lucy Winchester! You've had more than enough of that spun sugar now, come back over here and hold your brother's hand.”
Jessica ran after her six year old with her two year old in tow, until Sam grabbed him up and settled him against his chest. With her hands now free, Jessica grabbed a protesting Lucy away from the cotton candy cart.
Y/N laughed at her former student's frustrated little face and decided to try and help her sister-in-law out. “Luce come here; your cousin needs your help.”
Jessica let go of Lucy's hand so she could run back to her aunt and uncle. Y/N and Dean walked behind them a little ways, with their one year old, Melody, toddling somewhat unsteadily between them.
Y/N let Lucy take Melody's hand. “She loves walking with you and you're so good at showing her just how a real lady walks.”
Lucy beamed proudly as she immediately slowed her pace to allow Melody to keep up, and then walked very sedately to help her little cousin learn how to be a lady.
Jessica smiled brightly over her shoulder and mouthed, thank you to Y/N who laughed lightly. Dean reached over and took her hand now that it was free, swinging it gently back and forth.
Suddenly Y/N remembered Christmas day three years ago and how she'd imagined going to the World's Fair, and walking hand in hand just like this.
There were no cherry trees beside them and the crowds were fairly thick on the pathways around the fair, which meant they were jostled around a bit more than she'd imagined in her idyllic fantasy.
But the feelings she'd imagined back then were exactly the same. Family. Love. Belonging. She stepped closer to Dean and rested her head on his shoulder, squeezing his hand tighter.
He kissed the crown of her head and then whispered to her. “Happy, sweetheart?”
She looked up at him and gave him a mischievous smile. “Happier if you'd kiss me.” 
He pretended to be scandalized. “Mrs. Winchester? In public? In full view of the children?”
Y/N laughed happily, making her in laws look back at them and smile.
Dean leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “That's all my strict moral fiber will allow for.” He said in pretentious tones.
Y/N pouted at him playfully and he dipped his head to whisper against the shell of her ear, making her shiver.
“But Mel is sleeping in her cousins’ room with the nanny tonight. So later, in the privacy of our hotel room, I plan on kissing every writhing, shaking inch of your body until you -”
“Auntie!” Y/N was yanked back to reality as Lucy called to her, excitedly. “Melody said my name!”
Trying to ignore the raging fire her husband had kindled within her, Y/N smiled down at Lucy. 
“Well, I'm not surprised. She loves her big cousin.”
Lucy smiled widely before she dropped Melody's hand to run up and tell her parents her good news. Melody started to fuss over her cousin leaving, until Dean scooped her up to sit on his shoulders; then she squealed happily, thrilled to be up so high.
Y/N just watched Dean for a moment, her eyes watering slightly as she thought about how heartbroken she'd been on that Christmas day so long ago, when she'd believed this life was forever beyond her reach.
Dean looked down at her and she picked up his hand again, pressing close to him.
“I love you, you know.”
His beautiful green eyes were warm and overflowing with happiness as he bent his head slightly, holding Melody tightly so she didn't slip, and kissed Y/N senseless. Despite his earlier moral protestations, his kiss was slow and deep and it stole all the air from her lungs.
He pulled back from her and the look of love in his eyes stole her breath all over again as he answered.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead and spoke softly, for her ears only. "Thanks for teaching me how."
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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blouisparadise · 3 months
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Today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis and/or Harry have popular jobs such as firefighter, flight attendance, florist, and mechanic. Since we get requests for rec lists with these particular jobs often, we decided to compile them into one list. We're marked each fic according to which job it features. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog the post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) December | Not Rated | 1,924 words | 💐
Magic happens here, in December.
2) Pilot | Teen & Up | 5,279 words | ✈️
“We have fifteen minutes.” Harry glanced down at the watch on his wrist. “How fast do you think my tongue can make you come?” Still against the wall, Louis felt a shiver run from the back of his neck down his spine. In three years walking on moving planes, he’d never had such zero control over his legs. At least not until now.
3) Your Apathy’s Like A Wound In Salt | Explicit | 5,312 words | 🛠️
“What a fucking ass!” Louis shifts his body so he’s completely facing away from the scene. “I asked him last night to fix my car and he said he would accept a payment in the form of me sucking his dick. I guess he’s really desperate, I can’t believe him.” Louis rolls his eyes, finishing off his drink in one go. Niall shakes his head and shrugs, “I told you to ask any other mechanic in town but you didn’t listen to me.” “Well, I didn’t think he would fucking say that now did I, Niall?” “Louis,” Paige rests a manicured hand on his shoulder, “So, you’re saying you still wouldn’t hit it?” “My ex?” She nods. “Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.” Suddenly, Niall spits out his beer all over the table as Paige bursts out laughing. “Fucking ruthless, you are.” Niall runs a hand through his styled hair.
4) Oil and Lube | Explicit | 5,552 words | 🛠️
The one where Harry's a car mechanic and Louis' engine can't seem to stop revving around him.
5) A Place To Call Home | Mature | 8,113 words | 💐
The thing is, he’s pretty sure he’s found home in a person in his life, someone who’s been essential in everything he’s done since he was seven years old. Through every broken bone, through every breakup, through every failure; through every triumph, personal and professional, and every goal he has scored in his time in Man U, there’s been someone there for it all.  That’s his best mate. Harry. A twenty-two year old with the kindest heart known to man, a slow drawl that is entirely too endearing, with the dreams to open up his own flower shop. A quiet and earnest boy with those he doesn’t know, and open and honest and absolutely lovely with those he loves.  It all hits him, really, the night of their final game of the Premier League. Again, timing is not his forté. They’re gearing up, ready to hit the field for the second half against Liverpool that determines their ranking in the League, when his brain decides to come online (after seventeen years, apparently), and conveniently supply him with the revelation that oh yeah, you’re kind of in love with your best friend.
6) If This Room Was Burning | Explicit | 8,629 words | 🔥
Where Louis’ cat gets stuck on the roof and Harry is the firefighter who ends up saving her.
7) Decorated Emergency | Not Rated | 10,359 words | 🔥
So what if they kissed once. It was the end of a shift that had seemed to drag on for twelve days instead of twelve hours. Their doctor was slow and felt the need to transfer every single patient, putting more work on every member of staff. Harry was stressed. Louis was the one who crowded him up against the door in the break room. It was Louis' fault, he was always pulling shit.
8) Taking The Long Way Home | Mature | 12,499 words | 🛠️
Coming home from the beach, Louis' car breaks down and he has to call mechanic Harry.
9) Bloom | Explicit | 24,887 words | 💐
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry tucks the flower into the top pocket of Louis’ jacket, patting over his heart just once. “What is it?” Louis asks, eyeing the sunny little yellow flower, a bit like a buttercup, “It’s lovely.” Harry pushes a piece of hair behind his ear and smiles, “It’s a primrose. I got them in this morning, reminded me of you.”
10) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27,083 words | 🛠️
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
11) A Hungry Heart | Explicit | 27,601 words | 💐
Harry Styles, florist and Great British Bake Off contestant, loves many things. He loves his flower shop, he loves baking, and there’s also that little crush he has on pop star Louis Tomlinson. But when Louis arrives on set as the surprise guest judge, Harry’s worlds collide. Throw in a cup of cuteness, a teaspoon of teasing, and a pinch of pining, and there’s all the ingredients for an epic love story, or absolute chaos.
12) Tangled Up And Blue | Explicit | 30,159 words | 🛠️
Kai just shakes his head, making his way down the small batch of stairs with a hop in his step. “Have fun on your weird adult date.” Harry sighs. “It’s not a date.” “Dad, you already have him in your bed most nights,” Kai sings, walking backwards towards Louis’ car with an insufferable smirk on his face. “It’s not looking too good for you,” he shrugs, hands curled around the straps of his backpack.
13) You Wish I Was Yours And I Hope That You’re Mine | Not Rated | 31,259 words | 💐
“What did you wish for?” Harry blushes, “If I tell you it won’t come true…” Louis sits straight again, a cute little determined look forming on his face, “I wished that a certain curly ‘aired boy would take me on more dates because I ‘ad such a good time on this one. And that’s going to come true, isn’t it?” “Of course,” Harry nearly splutters. “Yeah, yeah definitely.” “See?” Louis grins smugly. “Now I told you mine and it’s still going to come true, so will you tell me yours?” Their wishes were different though, because whereas Louis’ wish was cute and endearing, Harry found his own wish rather embarrassing. But he can’t lie to Louis, nor can he say no to Louis, so he sucks in a shaky breath of air before he speaks softly, “I wished that I was brave enough to kiss you…”
14) Stay Until Tomorrow | Explicit | 36,766 words | 🛠️
There’s a dull ache seeping through Louis’ body as he wakes up; a mild headache from last night’s alcohol intake, a cramp in his right arm from sleeping on it weird and a familiar soreness between his arse cheeks that Louis fully blames on his lousy one night stand.
15) One Heart Broke, Four Hands Bloody | Explicit | 47,429 words | 💐
Louis’ life is really fucking dull until one day he happens upon the scene of a crime, as said crime is happening. A murderer with big hands and a charming smile somehow manages to change his life for the better.
16) Once Burnt, Twice Shy | Explicit | 52,644 words | 🔥
Louis and Harry are polar opposites in every way. Where Louis is a bestselling author from the city, Harry is a small-town firefighter who’s never left his home. Where Louis is spontaneous and spirited, Harry is introverted and calm, never straying from routine. When an ill-fated accident and an exceptionally intelligent tabby bring them together, they are forced to confront their pasts and forge a better beginning for themselves. Will sparks fly, or will it all go up in flames?
17) No Going Back | Explicit | 56,102 words | 🛠️
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right? This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
18) Between The Sand and Stars | Explicit | 63,128 words | ✈️
When an earthquake strands flight attendant Louis Tomlinson on a tropical island, he’s got paradise at his fingertips - miles of sunny beaches, immersion in vibrant culture, and a beautiful seaside mansion to enjoy. Unfortunately, it belongs to the egotistical musician Harry Styles, whose incorrigible management can do little to hinder his playboy complex. Despite Louis and Harry’s abhorrent first impression, contrasting backgrounds, and tendency to bicker every time they speak, who says opposites can’t attract? Them, of course, because they hate each other … right?
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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cherry-purple · 2 years
Clothes that fit G3 Monster High bodies
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My Draculauras wearing a mishmash of Barbie, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Creatable World and G1 Monster High clothes.
Last Updated: 10/05/23
I think it would be really helpful if we had a widely available list of clothes from other doll lines that fit Monster High G3 bodies.
The lists I’ve seen online are kinda incomplete and leave out a lot of info imo so it’d be good to have a list of clothes, accessories and shoes that fit the three different doll body types currently in G3.
So if you guys know of other clothes that fit, please comment on it! And we can make a big list with all the info gathered.
I’ll start.
Clothes and accessories that fit G3 bodies
- Bratzillaz clothes. Short skirts fit only at the thinnest part of Draculaura’s waist. They are also a bit too short and don’t cover her butt completely but that can be fixed by giving her tight shorts underneath. They can also look very short on Cleo but again, fixable if that’s not your style. Bratzillaz shoes also fit all G3s! The plastic is soft and pliable enough for G3 feet.
- LOL OMG clothes. All clothes I’ve tried from the main line fit really well. LOL OMG Tweens however is a different story. Some skirts will fit but will be incredibly short. The belts, chokers and bracelets also fit perfectly. Not the shoes, certain earrings nor the headbands though. Some earrings I’ve found are too thick to fit without having to widen the ear holes.
- Creatable World, though with caveats. The tops are a bit too long for G3 torsos and the bottoms do fit but it can be a struggle on Draculaura and Cleo. It took me a pretty long while to pull Creatable World shorts over Drac’s butt but when I did manage it though, they looked great. The glasses and hats fit really well too.
- Rainbow High but also with some caveats. Tops are too loose. The bottoms, socks and shoes however, fit wonderfully in my experience. The tops will probably fit Abbey much better! Earrings are a no go, too big and can damage the plastic of G3 ears in my experience but other people have managed to make em fit so your mileage may vary. RH Junior clothes are a good fit but not the shoes, too small.
- Barbie short skirts. Again, a bit of a struggle but old 90’s skirts did eventually fit, albeit tightly on Draculaura. I suspect the curvy Barbie bottoms would probably work a lot better on her. Stretchy leggings and socks did fit well at least but were a bit loose on dolls like Clawdeen and Frankie.
- Disney Princess clothes and shoes with some caveats. Some of the princesses’ clothes have torsos too long to be a perfect fit but many others do fit really well. The shoes have soft plastic, which means G3 feet fit in them but just be gentle when inserting them so as to not damage the shoes. For more info, check out this post and the notes to it.
- G1 Monster High cropped tops. The top that comes with G1 Clawdeen’s bathing suit fits G3 Draculaura really well. Other tops have too long torsos and skirts so far have been a lost cause. Bathing suits can fit G3 Cleo but with some effort. G1 boots can fit by heating them with a dryer first but I don’t know how safe that is.
- Mermaid High (credit to tumblr user @merrym1nt for this info!). Clothes fit all 3 G3 bodies with some slight caveats. Like with LOL Tweens, skirts seem to ride up Draculaura’s waist so they’re likely to look pretty short on her. The shoes are too small but the plastic is soft enough to fit on G3 feet anyway. To get an example of how the clothes fit, there’s pictures on merrym1nt’s tumblr.
- Ever After High clothes fit most G3s pretty well. A bit too tight on Draculaura but surprisingly not too bad most of the time! Tights have been a no go on Drac and Cleo in my experience, though. Shoes and boots can fit using the hair dryer method but again, not sure how safe this is so experiment at your own risk.
- Calico Critters tops (credit to @mmoonside for this info!). The tops fit the main G3 body type but likely wouldn’t fit on Cleo or Draculaura. Shorts will go up on the core body type dolls but won’t close in the back. To get an example of how the clothes fit, here’s some pictures of mmoonside’s Lagoona modeling the tops.
- Wild Hearts Crew although the clothes and boots fit, there’s sadly not much to choose from :(
- Descendants clothes and shoes all fit most of the current dolls (probs won’t fit Abbey though)! The shoes are also often reused in some of the Disney Princess dolls but with different colors (Descendants shoes have darker colors for their villain kids while Disney Princess shoes aside from Frozen’s Anna tend to be more colorful).
- DC Super Hero Girls with caveats. Clothes fit well on dolls with the main body type (Frankie, Clawdeen, Lagoona and etc) but can be kinda wonky on Cleo and not great on Draculaura.
Pls feel free to add more to this post!
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hyprfixate · 11 months
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soul vine ↝ [L.M.] :: part four
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: when you decide to get an ear piercing as part of your transition to adulthood, you expect a lot of things, like the pain and the high price tag. what you don’t expect, however, is finding out you’re soul-bound to the angry blonde from the parlor. or that you’re technically not human.
but hey. adulthood, right?
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ pairing: lee minho x she/her reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ chapter word count: 5.7k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ tags: magic au, grumpy minho, fantasy, medium burn, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, soulmate au, gang au, minho has some issues to work out
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ author’s note: I had to cut this chapter in half and then do some plucking cause... I got a bit out of hand. Please enjoy this longer than usual chapter to make up for my constant disappearances.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ tag list: @mal-lunar-28 @dutchessskarma @weakforskz @liknws @goddessraven2371 @beaann @deadpoetsandhoney @poody1608 @soobs-things @3nch1i @babyphotos0325 @skz1-4-3 @justcallmemitchie96 (comment on this post to be added!)
part one - part two - part three - part four
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It was so silent in the room, you could hear your heartbeat pulsing in your ears.
You weren’t entirely sure what being soul ties meant, but with the way the atmosphere changed, you could tell everyone was now on edge.
Chan spoke, his voice heavy with trepidation. “Min…”
Minho shook his head and stood up from his place on the floor. “No,” he said. “I’m not doing this. Fuck this.”
And before anyone could stop him, Minho pushed past Chan and all but ran down the stairs. 
You stared after him, your body almost frozen in shock. You certainly weren’t the only one either; behind you, Hyunjin had his hand slapped over his mouth, and you were almost sure Chan hadn’t blinked in the last 30 seconds.
After a beat of heavy silence, the three of you turned to look at each other, and despite your overwhelming ignorance, you spoke first.
“I… I don’t understand.”
Chan sighed as you spoke, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “He always does this,” he muttered. He cleared his throat and spoke up. “I’m so sorry to leave, but I’m gonna have to go after him. Stay here with Hyunjin, and I’ll send Jisung up when I leave.”
He paused on the top step, stopping to look at you with an apologetic yet firm look. “We’ll explain everything when we can. But you have to stay here.”
And with that, he was gone.
You turned your attention back to Hyunjin, whose wide eyes were fixed on the staircase. He glanced at you for a second, an untraceable emotion shading his face, before fixing his eyes on the floor.
Your stomach twisted, almost feeling ashamed of yourself. What have I done? you thought. And what the fuck do I do now?
“Did…” your voice was tentative in the silence. “Did I just ruin Minho’s life?”
“No,” Hyunjin whispered. “I’m just… I never thought– we never thought we would… his soul tie?”
For some reason, guilt clouded your mind. Not for Minho, though you weren’t feeling particularly negative toward him anymore, but for Hyunjin and Chan. They both looked genuinely stressed at the revelation, which made you think that the deeper, underlying meaning behind this was not good. The only question in your mind now was whether or not you wanted to be a part of the deeper meaning.
Whatever it was, you could tell the workers at the piercing parlor were into some kind of trouble. If their magic story was true, it was something that was completely over your head. You’d lived a normal life up until now, and you were certain that you wanted to continue having a normal life. Magic bloodline be damned, you were not about to get caught up in a battle that wasn’t yours.
At that moment, you decided to ignore Chan’s warning, and go home.
However, you weren’t entirely sure how to do that at this moment. Chan had asked, or nearly begged, that you stay put so he could explain things when he came back. However, he had left you there. With Hyunjin of all people. Now, you’d only known the redhead for a week, and only saw him in person one and a half times, but you had the feeling that he would not– could not– stop you if you decided to run. At least, not with violence. 
You eyed Hyunjin’s frame, taking note that he was more gifted in height than thickness– if you ran, he would catch up quickly because of his long legs, but if needed, you could take him.
You watched him sit up and rub his hands along his jeans anxiously.
You nodded to yourself. Yeah. You could definitely take him.
You began calculating the amount of footsteps from where you were to the staircase. If you walked quickly, it would take about 5 individual steps from where you were standing to the first stair. There were at least 10 stairs in the staircase, then maybe 10 more steps out the front door.  With a quick estimate, you realized two of your steps were probably equivalent to one of his. If you could get to the stairs without being noticed, you would have enough of a head start that you’d be just out of reach for him, and could probably make it home. 
The more you thought about it, the more you realized that this could actually work. However, as you took your first scoot, Hyunjin let out a soft sigh.
“Don’t,” he said softly. “Please. Don’t try to go anywhere. I can’t let you leave.”
A cold chill ran through your body. What was with the telepathy? How did they always seem to know something before it was said aloud?
You turned around with your arms crossed over your chest defiantly. “Why not?” 
You hoped your glare would shrivel Hyunjin into a pliant little wrinkle that you could convince to let you free, but upon meeting his eyes you realized that he was entirely unaffected. Besides the still-present air of surprise and confusion, he looked at you like nothing happened– the same way he looked when he met you. 
For some reason, this made you angrier. You’d just been attacked, sort of kidnapped, learned that you weren’t technically a regular human, and found out you’re soul bound to the angry blonde in the parlor. Yet he seemed to talk to you like it was just a normal Tuesday. You stared daggers into his eyes, hoping you could melt his brain into soup with your glare.
He patted the space next to him on the couch, breaking you from your trance. “I’ll explain, just, please come sit down.”
You thought it over for a moment. While Hyunjin seemed nice enough, fundamentally you were still being held hostage by a group of men. As curious as you were about the situation, you were angrier, and you didn’t want to give the impression that you were comfortable being mindless and obedient. For all you know, this could be some elaborate scheme.
So, instead of walking toward the couch, you turned around and made your way to the staircase and started walking down the stairs.
Hyunjin called after you, his tone sounding almost like a warning. You flipped him off and continued your descent, laughing to yourself about how easy this was.
Your laugh proved premature when you heard Hyunjin sigh again, and then within a second, his fingers closed around your wrist. 
            You gasped and tried to jerk your hand away, but his grip was strong, almost inhumanely so. You spun around and tugged your arm away from him again, using your other hand to attempt to pry his fingers off of you. Even though you knew you were using all of your strength, his grip would not budge. After a moment of pulling, you glared up at him and noticed something looked… different… in his eyes. They were dark, almost like his pupils had dilated so much that they swallowed every millimeter of the soft brown in his eyes. His gaze was unwavering, and though you wanted to say something rude, you noticed you felt… off.
Your entire body felt like it was slowing down. Every thought seemed to go one mile an hour through your head, and you could feel every muscle you used to blink. It felt like you were being dragged through molasses or wet cement.You were terrified, and you looked up at Hyunjin with what you hoped were pleading eyes.
He parted his lips and said your name sternly. Still stuck like a deer in headlights, all you could do was stare at him and hang on to his words.
“You cannot leave.” His voice was serious and deep. “I understand that you’re skeptical and frightened, but I can’t help with that until you sit down and let me explain.” 
You felt so pliant and relaxed that it made you dizzy. Swaying a bit, you gripped the arm holding you to keep yourself from falling over.
“It’s okay,” Hyunjin mumbled. “I’m not going to let you fall. But squeeze my arm if you understand what I just said.”
Upon your gentle squeeze, the redhead nodded and guided you back to the safety of the couch, still holding onto your wrist. He gently eased you into the cushions, watching to make sure you wouldn’t fall over. As his hand slid away from your wrist, rational thought came back to you, and the dizzy feeling began to clear like ember dwindling from a campfire. You felt a bit breathless and pressed your hand to your chest in an attempt to calm your breathing.
Hyunjin looked sheepish as he stood near you.  “I’m sorry,” He sighed, sitting down in his spot next to you. “I didn’t want to use my powers like that, but I was scared you would leave.”
You stared at him blankly as he spoke. The brown was back in his eyes, shining like fresh coins in the summer sun. “Why shouldn’t I leave,” you said between breaths. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on and I’m starting to feel like a hostage.”
Hyunjin sighed, glancing up at the ceiling as tho he was pleading for the strength to deal with you. “Can I explain now?”
“Please do.”
“The reason you can’t leave,” he started. He opened his mouth to say more, but you could see the words get stuck in his throat. His annoyed aura was quickly replaced with one of anxiety. He began to chew on his nails, staring at the floor as though the answer would rise from the floorboards. Finally, he let out a huff of air and shifted in his seat. “You can’t leave, because if you do, you’re going to die.”
Lead dropped into your stomach as you stared at him. He couldn’t have just said that. Your mind was playing tricks on you. “I’m sorry…What?”
He shifted again and brought his hand back up to his mouth. You noticed his fingernails were down to the stubs, and he was now just gnawing on his skin nervously.
“You didn’t mishear me. If you leave, you’re going to die.”
Your eyes were blank as you nodded. “Okay. That’s what I thought you said. Are you going to elaborate or am I just going to have to trust you blindly.”
“No,” he mumbled. “I’ll explain. Just– give me a second.”
Watching him, you realized that this was really hard for him to talk about. He was nearly shaking at this point, his breath coming out ragged and labored. After a moment, he let out a deep breath and turned to you.
“When you’re soul tied to someone, it’s more than just an emotional connection. It’s a connection in every conceivable way: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Your lives will be intertwined forever, and you don’t have a choice about it. The bond is eternal.”
Your anger had now subsided, and you hung onto Hyunjin’s every word like it was the gospel.
“The thing is, you won’t know you’re soul tied to someone until you meet them.” He was staring ahead now, his eyes dull and almost lifeless. “And sometimes, you don’t figure out who it is until it’s too late.”
You shook your head. “I don’t understand, Hyunjin.”
He focused his eyes back on you, and you could see they were beginning to get red. His face was flushed, and he chewed on his bottom lip before continuing. “You can’t fall in love with anyone else. The magic of the bond won’t allow it. Even if you begin to think you are falling for someone else, you’ll get sick. So many people have lost their lives because they met their soul tie after they were already married or in a relationship. Not many people are fond on the idea of giving up their families for a total stranger.”
You nodded slowly. “So… I can’t leave because I’ll go live my life and possibly fall in love with someone and die?”
Hyunjin shook his head, and his expression was grim. “The magic of the bond thrives on physical connection, like being in close proximity. Once you know who your soul tie is, that’s when the power of the bond is activate, and the need to be physically close begins. When you’re with your soul tie, your powers get stronger, you get healthier– all the things like that. But if you’re not around your soul tie…”
He took a deep breath before continuing. “If you’re not around your soul tie, both of you will die. If something happens to you, your soul tie will feel it. And if you die, they die too.”
“So… by coming here and getting my piercing…”
He nodded. “You’ve sentenced yourself and Minho to death.”
Before you could even begin to process what you just learned, you heard a quiet voice coming from the staircase. Whoever it was seemed to be singing to themself under their breath. You stared at their shadow as they inched closer and closer to the top, your stomach twisting and turning with anxiety.
Jisung peered over the banister and caught sight of you and Hyunjin. “Oh!” His smile was bright. “It’s you again!”
You couldn’t find the strength to match his excitement. You waved weakly at him and went back to staring at the ground intently.
Noticing the somber atmosphere in the room, Jisung cautiously made his way over to one of the lounge chairs and paused. “I’m sorry… is this a bad time? It’s just that.. Chan told me to come up here when I was done with my last customer, so I thought….”
“You’re fine, Ji,” Hyunjin mumbled. He motioned for him to sit down. “There’s something you need to know anyway.”
You could see the anxiety begin to settle on Jisung’s face as he gently lowered himself into the chair. “What’s going on?”
Hyunjin took a deep breath before gesturing towards you and introducing you. “You remember her, right?”
Jisung nodded slowly. 
“Well. She’s Minho’s soul tie.”
Eyes wide and mouth agape, he glanced between you and Hyunjin as though he believed it was an elaborate prank, and one of you would crack. Taking in your already anxious and disheveled figure, he closed his mouth and proceeded to blink repeatedly.
“Oh my God,” he whispered. “Oh my G… I–what?”
“It seems like I’m a Sirid,” you offered weakly.
Jisung glanced at Hyunjin, who offered him a very weak shrug in return. The grey haired boy attempted to regain his composure quickly.
“Oh wow. That’s… that’s, um…. So, which clan are you?”
“That we don’t know yet,” Hyunjin cut in He seemed grateful for the change of topic. “She never knew she was a Sirid, so she never used her powers.”
“Wait, so, how did you end up here? In the human realm?” Jisung tilted his head in confusion. “Making a portal takes–” He cut himself off, biting his tongue. “Well, it takes a lot of energy.”
You shrugged, completely clueless. “I’ve just… always been here I guess.”
Hyunjin paused for a second. “What year were you born?”
“I’m 21 so… 2002.”
Jisung scratched his chin. “Oh, well that’s way before everything happened with Ardor,” he mumbled.
You peered at him, confused. “What’s Ardor?”
Jisung’s eyes widened and his face flushed. “Ah– no one–i mean, nothing! It’s not important. I shouldn’t have mentioned it at all.”
You turned to Hyunjin for answers, but his eyes seemed glazed over with some unreadable emotion. It was almost like he was having a flashback of some kind. Once again, you could tell that whatever backstory came from this was not good.
Eventually, the red head sighed, and looked at you. “It’s okay,” he mumbled. “I’ll tell you. Iphorus is… not like here. There’s a ruler appointed every 15 years, called the Templar. It’s like… a monarchy, but worse. Everyone is expected to obey and praise the Templar and anyone who steps out of line is considered unworthy, and can be banished or… killed.”
“Ardor was the Templar four years ago,” Jisung added. “He wasn’t bad, not at first, but then his wife met her soul tie and chose to be with them, not him. Things were.. Not great after that.”
“Things went to shit,” Hyunjin corrected. “He went absolutely crazy. He hired the best minds in the entire realm to come up with a magic stronger than the magic of the soul tie. He burned all of the text on soul ties and made a law that anyone who meets their soul tie while already in a relationship had to stay in that relationship and wither away slowly. If not, they’d be caught and publicly punished.”
“And by punished, I assume you mean…?”
“Yeah,” Jisung confirmed. “More death and stuff.”
“Then the war started,” Hyunjin breathed. “It was.. Nasty to say the least. The population dwindled by 20%.”
You rubbed your hands over your arms, trying to beat the chill that just surrounded you. “That sounds horrible,” you mumbled. “How did you guys end up escaping?”
The two boys shared a look over your head before Hyunjin continued. “It was a hard decision,” he said gently. “But, ultimately, we knew didn’t want to be in that society anymore. So Minho rounded us up and.. We left through a portal. It’s been, what, 3 years now?”
Jisung nodded. “We can’t go back. Even if we wanted to.”
Your voice came out softer than you expected. “Why not? Can’t you just open another portal?”
Jisung paused, taking a breath before he continued. “No, we can’t. There’s no way to make a portal here– not unless you bring the materials from Iphorus. Even then it’s iffy because our magic is weaker here.”
“So.. you’re stuck here, essentially.”
“Yeah,” Hyunjin nodded. “But it’s not bad. It’s probably for the greater good of everyone that we stay here.”
You let out a shaky breath. “But.. what about your families? Don’t you miss them? Do they–”
Hyunjin gripped your hand quickly and shook his head, panic on his face. He had a finger over his lips, and told you with his eyes to stop speaking. You nodded at him, albeit very confused, before he looked away. You followed his gaze to see that he was staring at Jisung, who had that glazed over, flashback look in his eyes– the same one Hyunjin had earlier.
Jisung was trembling. He started digging his nails into his pants, scratching so frantically you thought he’s rip right through the fabric. You could hear him whispering under his breath, but his voice was so soft that you had no idea what he was saying. 
“Ji,” Hyunjin whispered. He reached over you and touched Jisung’s shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re here with me. We’re okay.”
Jisung put one of his hands over Hyunjins, repeating the comforting words under his breath. Though you were in the middle of things, literally, you felt so far away and helpless.All you could do was watch, and hope that Jisung would be alright.
After a second, you watched him squeeze Hyunjin’s hand and nod. “I’m okay,” he whispered. He looked up at you, the tips of his ears burning a bright red. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I don’t… hearing about family is… not great.”
“I’m sorry–”
“No, you don’t have to apologize. You couldn’t have known.” 
He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. “I have a… complicated family history. So hearing about it can make me a bit uncomfortable. But I’m okay now. I promise.” 
You nodded and let silence wash over the three of you as you stared at your lap. Iphorus sounded like an awful place, and though you were now technically a hostage of some kind, it sounded much better than being sent somewhere like that. It was a wonder how the boys seemed to get out mostly unscathed.
A million thoughts raced through your head at once. It was so overwhelming, all of it. You could feel the beginnings of an anxiety attach cresting it’s head over your conscious.
Hyunjin’s hand found it’s way to you, rubbing slow, calming circles on your arm. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“Yeah,” Jisung added sheepishly. “We’re here now, we’re safe from all of that.”
Your voice began to quiver as you tried to speak. “So… going back to the whole Ardor thing, is that… is all of that why Minho made the earring? So that people could find their soul ties and avoid death?”
“Something like that,” Hyunjin mumbled. “I don’t really know– it’s not my story to tell.”
“His invention did a lot of good during Ardor’s reign.” Jisung piped up. “But… I don't really know his intention for making it. Unless it was–”
“Either way.” Hyunjin cut him off, shooting him a look that you couldn’t decipher. His hand was still rubbing circles on your arm, and that cloudy, pliant feeling as beginning to return to your head. As long as you weren’t panicking, you didn’t really care.
“Either way, that’s our history now. We’re trying to stay focused on what our future is gonna look like.”
“I guess it’ll be the nine of us from now on,” Jisung said. “I wonder who’s gonna be your roommate while we clean up the guest room.”
“Wait, nine? There’s more of you?”
Jisung blinked. “Oh, I guess you didn’t meet everyone else yet. Well, you know me, Hyunjin, Chan, and Minho of course.” He held up fingers with each name. “That leaves Changbin, Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin.”
Noticing your anxious gaze, he continued. “But they’re good guys! I promise, it’ll be okay.”
As you opened your mouth to reply, a banging sound came from downstairs. The three of you shot up out of your comfortable slouches, eyes glued to the staircase. You could hear feet pounding up the stairs and the pants of breath from two people. Your anxiety settled for a moment when you saw it was Minho and Chan, but when you noticed their intense demeanor, it quickly returned.
Chan raced over to the three of you, hustling you out of your seats with urgency. “Get up,” he ordered. “Now. We need to leave.”
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t have time to explain,” he breathed. “Just– please. We need to get out of here right now.”
You allowed yourself to get pulled off of the couch and nearly shoved into the corner of the room farthest from the staircase. Minho and Chan moved around the room in a way that nearly seemed choreographed, despite the air of seriousness looming over them. Chan shoved everyone’s belongings into a duffel bag which he tossed to Jisung. Minho, on the other hand, slipped on a black sweatshirt and beanie before standing by the top of the stairs.
Chan stepped in front of the three of you, pressing his hand against the wall until it seemed to disappear right before your eyes. A large black door replaced what was there before, and Hyunjin opened it to reveal a long, dark staircase.
“Get downstairs to the car,” Chan spoke. “Felix and Seungmin are already in there. Changbin is driving, do not leave without him. Understood?”
The two boys behind you nodded. As Hyunjin began making his way down the stairs,  Jisung slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and reached his hand out to you. “I know you still don’t trust us that much, but please, you have to keep holding my hand.”
As you stepped forward to grab Jisung’s hand, a feeling of dread washed over you. It felt like you would throw up any second. You could feel your mind begin to get rid of all rational thought and go right into panic mode.
No no no, your consciousness chanted. We can’t leave. Stop. Stop!
“Wait,” you cried. Your sudden outburst had both Chan and Jisung surprised, but you couldn’t calm your voice down even if you tried. “W-What about Chan and Minho? Are we just leaving  them here?”
“It’s for the best, they’re gonna be okay, but I need to get you out of here now.”
Jisung reached for you, but you stepped back, trembling like a wounded animal. For some reason you were terrified. Your entire body felt cold and your mouth felt like cotton.
You shook your head at him, and felt the words coming out of your mouth before you could process them. “No! I’m not… I’m not going anywhere!”
From the bottom of the staircase, Hyunjin called your name with urgency. “Please,” he shouted. “Come on, we need to go!”
“We’ll catch up, Jin,” Jisung called. He turned his attention back to you, his big doe eyes pleading with you. “I know you’re scared, but it’s an emergency and we need to go. I need to get you out of here, you’re not safe.”
You felt crazy. The dwindling embers of your rational brain begged you to go with Jisung, to run into the arms of safety and protection. But a louder, roaring fire spoke over it, and against all of your instincts you were desperate to stay.
Breaking you from your thoughts, Jisung grabbed your hand tightly, no longer waiting for you to make the first move, and he began to drag you towards the stairs. You dug your heels into the ground to stop him, but he just began to pull harder. He was adamant about leaving, and you were adamant about staying. You writhed in his grasp with such desperation and vigor, you felt as though your body would explode.
You couldn’t leave. It felt like your body would tear in half if you left the two of them there. It felt like you were being sucked into a whirlpool, water splashing around you and knocking the wind out of your chest. You couldn’t stand it. Though you knew Jisung was strong, you felt an unnatural strength take over you as you ripped your hand out of his and stumbled back into the room.
“No, we can’t… we can’t leave them here.” Your words came out breathless, as though you were having a panic attack. “I won’t go.”
A hand grasped your shoulder, and you whipped around to see Minho standing right behind you. He gripped your shoulder tightly– not tight enough that it would hurt, but firm enough that it would ground you. Your breath continued to rake its way out of your chest as you stared at him, eyes darting frantically around his face.
“Calm down,” he whispered. “It’s okay. Breathe with me.”
You let you eyes close, and without effort, your breathing began to match his rhythm. It was almost scary how easy it was to follow him. With every deep, dramatic breath he took, your body was able to copy him without a single thought.
The breathing was beginning to help clear the thick smog that covered your brain, and though you knew you weren’t thinking completely rationally, you felt clear enough to slow down and listen to what he was saying.
You let your eyes open, and found that he was staring at you intently. The expression on his face was unlike anything you’d ever seen before. You were used to his scowl and glare, but now he was looking at you with a type of gentleness you didn’t recognize. Goosebumps raced across your flesh as you waited for him to speak.
“Look at me,” he said softly. “Look. I’m going to be okay. Okay? You can go. They’re taking you somewhere safe, and I’ll come join you when I’m all done here.”
He shook his head. “It’s okay.”
Emotions overwhelmed you the more you stared into his eyes. It seemed like everything around you had faded into nothingness, and you and Minho were alone in an entirely white room. Your senses were filled with nothing but him– his cinnamon scent, the softness of his hands, the sound of his heartbeat. You were entirely engulfed in him, even your brain seemed to be chanting his name over and over like a mantra, but something in you wasn’t satisfied. You needed skin to skin contact. 
You lifted your hand and put it on his, and you felt your entire body come to life, almost like you’d been shocked with enough voltage to power a small town. Minho closed his eyes and grunted softly under his breath, and you knew he felt the sensation too.
He opened his eyes after a moment, forcing them into focus before he continued to stare at you. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand, and you felt yourself begin to tremble. 
“You can go,” he whispered. “It’s gonna be okay.”
You found yourself whispering back to him. “Okay”
Jisung took the opportunity to slip his hand into yours again, and gently drag you away from Minho and into the staircase. The two of you held eye contact the entire time. It was unwavering, intense eye contact that made the line of sight feel sacred. You couldn’t pull your eyes away until Chan closed to staircase door.
Though you were no longer in that weird trance, your mind was still fuzzy and your senses were still full of nothing but Minho, so much so that you were barely aware of anything happening around you. You knew that Jisung was running, and obviously you had to be running too if you were still holding his hand, but it felt like you were floating above the ground, completely untouchable.
After a moment, you found yourself in the alley behind the parlor. The air was thick with the stench of garbage and rotten food, and the ground beneath your feet was sticky. You look up to see that there was a large SUV parked with the back door open. You let Jisung guide you toward it, before he stuck his head in and said God-knows-what to God-knows-who. Upon getting a response, he turned around and offered you his hand once again. The fog of your mind was beginning to clear, and you stepped towards him and took his hand, climbing into the third row of seats in the car.
You were met with many unfamiliar faces. There were two people in the row ahead of you, one in the driver’s seat, and another sitting next to you. You saw Hyunjin’s red hair cresting over the passenger’s seat, and your anxiety began to dissipate. At least there were two people you knew. After a quick count you realized that the unfamiliar faces were all four people you hadn’t met yet.
You turned back to Jisung, who was sliding into the row next to you. Once he was situated and the seat was back in place, you felt the car vibrate as the engine started, then it peeled off into the street at what felt like a dangerous speed. You’d almost forgotten the dire situation you were in after… whatever that was, happened with Minho. Thinking about him being back in the parlor without you, your anxiety began to come back, and you began picking at the fabric of your jeans.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry,” Jisung whispered. He gently reached over and laid your hand flat on your leg. “Are you anxious about the unfamiliar people? I told you they’re all nice guys.”
Deciding to keep your thoughts on Minho to yourself, you nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t know them,” You whispered back. “And so much is happening right now. Do they even know who I am? Do they know about… you know?”
A sweet sounding giggle came from next to you. You glanced over your shoulder to see the most angelic looking man you’d ever seen in your life. His hair was bleached white and fluffed around his face, perfectly accentuating his symmetrical face. Freckles were dotted all across his rosy red cheeks, from over the bridge of his nose to around his eyes– which were nearly closed as his smile took up his  entire face.
“I know who you are,” he giggled. “You’re Minho’s soul tie. I’m Felix! Nice to meet you.”
You stared at him nearly in awe of his features. He looked like the picture of innocence and joy– almost out of place in the somber space within the car.
“You don’t have to be shy,” he continued. “I’m nice, so is Changbin and Innie.”
He leaned close and dropped his voice to a whisper. “Seungmin’s kind of annoying, but it’ll grow on you, I promise.”
“I heard that.”
“Stop bickering back there,” the driver, who, if you remembered correctly, was named Changbin. He adjusted his rear view mirror and peered at everyone. Your eyes met, and he lifted his eyebrow curiously, almost like there was a question brewing in his brain. He dismissed it quickly by shaking his head.
Despite his extreme speed, he maneuvered through traffic so smoothly you questioned if the other cars were even real. He spoke up again, “You all buckle up, I’m speeding.”
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Felix sit up in his seat and put on his seat belt. When he noticed you staring, he gave you another smile before reaching up and buckling your seat belt too.
“Oh– uh… thank you?”
“You’re welcome,” he grinned. 
He peered at you curiously through his long lashes. He seemed to be searching your face, or trying to read your expression. You held eye contact and, for a moment, his cheerful expression dropped and was replaced with something untraceable. But just as quickly as it fell, it was back. You thought your mind must have been playing tricks on you.
“You don’t have to be scared,” Felix said as he leaned back. “Everything is going to be fine. We’ll treat you like family.”
As much as you wanted to believe him, you couldn’t even process what he said. Your brain was almost too full of thoughts, and it felt like it was going to explode. You were terrified, and rightfully so. Not because Changbin was speeding, though you were watching the speedometer intently, but because you were fleeing some unknown threat. Something that was bad enough that you need to leave immediately, and yet, Chan and Minho were staying back, preparing to face the threat head on.
What terrified you most, though, was the fact the the very fabric of your being felt like it was being torn apart the farther you were from the parlor, and as you stared at the setting sun, you gripped your knees and shuddered.
Please be okay, Minho you thought. Please please please.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
You've Been Gone So Long, Baby (Chapter Seven)《Completed Series》
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Matt had never let anyone so deep into his life until you. But when everything was going so perfectly, when he didn't think he could possibly be happier, he loses everything he loves in a single second–and he's absolutely powerless to fix it.
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains heavy angst & delayed comfort until the end
Word Count: 1.9k
a/n: This is the last and final chapter of this series! You can find the chapter list for this series here or check out my Masterlist for many other Matt Murdock series that are currently ongoing! Enjoy the final chapter of this one!
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Tying your robe around your waist, you shuffled on tired feet out of the bathroom and back towards the bedroom. A loud yawn flew out of your mouth as you dragged your feet along the floor, your body completely exhausted and sore. When you reached the bedroom, you paused in the doorway, hands dropping the ties of your robe as you took in the sight before you.
Matt was resting partway against the wall, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips as the sheets messily covered him just below his waist. He was shirtless, his muscles entirely on display as he lay on the bed with his dark mussed hair. And he was holding your three week old daughter on his chest, whispering to her with the biggest smile on his face despite the fact that neither of you had managed more than an hour and a half of consecutive sleep last night. The afternoon light was streaming in through the bedroom windows on the pair of them and you couldn’t fight the broad smile that spread across your tired face. Matt’s head rose in your direction, that beautiful smile of his now directed at you. His head dipped lower towards your daughter as he spoke.
“See?” he said to her. “I told you she’d be right back.”
You shuffled your way over to the pair of them, your eyes unable to look away from the heartwarming sight before you. “And miss another day of cuddles in bed with both of you?” you asked, feigning offense. “How could I possibly want to miss that?”
Carefully climbing up onto the bed, you watched as Matt leaned towards you for a kiss. Still smiling, you reached a hand out to his cheek, drawing his mouth to yours for a long, sweet moment. It was only broken by the soft baby coos coming from along Matt's chest, both of you grinning back down at your daughter.
"Someone's jealous," you whispered, reaching over and gently stroking her cheek.
"I would never leave you out, sweetheart," Matt murmured. 
Lowering his head, Matt planted a kiss to the top of hers. You sidled up to Matt’s side, resting your head on his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist, your eyelids momentarily dropping closed. A moment later you felt Matt’s soft lips place a kiss on your forehead and you hummed happily in response. 
"I should probably order us lunch," you mumbled, your face burrowing further into Matt's bare shoulder. Though if you were being honest, you really didn't want to have to leave the bed or Matt's side. "It's after one. Normal people would probably eat lunch instead of snuggling up in bed with their spouse and their newborn and forgoing all sustenance."
You felt Matt shifting underneath you and your eyes opened. Grumbling in dissatisfaction at his movement, you held him tighter.
"I can get up and order something, baby," Matt offered. "I can just put her back in the bassinet and let you get some sleep."
"You're the one who really needs sleep, Matty," you objected, reluctantly removing your head from his shoulder. "You wake up at every noise she makes. More than I do. I'll just get my phone and order something. You two stay here and nap."
"Baby–" Matt began to argue.
"No," you said firmly, climbing back out of bed. " You sleep. You want me to put her in the bassinet so you can get a more restful nap?"
Readjusting your robe as you turned around at the edge of the bed, you saw Matt gazing lovingly down at your daughter where she was contentedly growing sleepy from her place against his warm, bare skin. Her tiny hand was currently wrapped around his index finger as she let out a little yawn. Shortly after, you swore you heard Matt giggle at her.
For a long moment it felt like time had slowed down to a steady crawl as you stood there at the edge of your bed, hands still holding onto your robe. You felt in awe at how much love the man lying in your shared bed had inside of him. Ever since you’d returned from what had apparently been deemed the Blip a few months ago now, Matt had made sure you had adjusted to the world around you as best as you could. He’d been there to comfort you when you’d had to look for a new job. He’d helped your pregnant brain memorize your new phone number which had replaced the one you’d had for years. He’d caught you back up on world events and what he knew of what had happened to you.
You’d also held each other tight all the times you thought about those five long years that Matt had not only had to live without you, but the five years he’d ultimately aged ahead of you. Five years that you’d have otherwise spent with him and your daughter that the both of you would now never have together. And while he’d surely clung to you since your return–and of course your daughter in the three weeks she’d been out of your womb–like he was afraid you’d slip through his fingers again, he had been your rock through everything . Always so solid and steadfast, even if he had occasionally broken down and wept in your arms himself. He had always done whatever he could to put the pair of you first and you only wished that you would ever have the opportunity to return the favor for him.
“Hey,” Matt called out softly. 
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, drawing you back to the present. He was staring at you with his dark brows furrowed, his lips curving downwards at the corner. 
“Baby, why’re you crying?” he asked, shifting more towards you. “What’s wrong?”
Your hand reached up, dabbing at the stray tears that were in fact falling down your cheeks. Wiping away the dampness, you smiled and shook your head.
“I just love you so much,” you whispered, laughing lightly despite the tears still falling as you shook your head. “Sorry, I think it’s just the hormones. I don’t know why I’m crying because I’m just–just so unbelievably grateful for you, Matty.”
His left arm flew out towards you, his hand silently waving you back over towards him. “Come here, baby,” he whispered. 
You shook your head, wiping the back of your hand across the tears on your cheek again. “No, I was going to let you get some sleep. And order some food for us,” you told him.
He gestured you over with his head next, his arm still outstretched as he whispered your name. “Come on, come back over here,” he urged.
Hesitating briefly, you took in the tender expression on his face for one moment more before you were climbing back up onto the bed, making your way to him across the mattress. He drew you into himself and you were quick to rest your head back onto his shoulder, your gaze dropping down to your daughter. She was blissfully asleep now against Matt’s chest and you couldn’t remotely blame her; being in Matt’s arms–being held by him–always filled you with a sense of comfort and safety and love. His head came down to rest atop yours and your eyelids fluttered closed.
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he whispered. “So unbelievably much.”
“I’m so grateful you were still here when we came back,” you admitted, face pressed against his bare skin. “I have–have heard so many awful stories about spouses moving on or passing or–”
“Hey, shh,” Matt gently shushed you. “Let’s not dwell on all of that. You know I hate that you were ever gone, that it was five years before you came back,” he told you, “but I thank God every damn day that he brought you both back to me. That you’re both here now.” He cleared his throat, his own voice becoming thick with emotion. “Because for a while things seemed dark for me, baby. Darker than normal. And I–I didn’t know how I was going to keep going forward, day after day, without you. But–” he paused, exhaling a shuddering breath as you held him tighter, burying your face further into his shoulder, “–you’re here.” 
His hand on your arm squeezed you closer into his side. You kissed his bare skin beside your mouth, feeling the way his fingers pressed tighter into your arm in response.
“You’re here now and I will do everything in my power to keep you both safe,” he continued. “I want you to know that, baby.”
You nodded your head along his shoulder. “I already know that, Matty,” you assured him. 
“I love you,” he told you firmly. “I love you and I love her .”
Head turning on Matt’s shoulder, your focus dropped down to your daughter still cradled against Matt’s chest. His head still atop yours, you felt him shift so his gaze was also focused on her sleeping form. Your hand came up, fingers gently brushing over the soft bit of hair atop her head. 
“Hope,” you murmured.
Matt nodded his head along yours. “Yes,” he whispered, voice full of love. “Hope Murdock. My little miracle. She will always remind me of the importance of keeping hope alive.” 
He drew his head back from you and you glanced up at him, your eyes watering again as you rested your chin along his shoulder. His thumb was lightly stroking your arm as he gazed fondly back down at you, a loving smile on his face.
“The hope that brought you both back to me,” he said softly.
Despite the faint glisten of unshed tears in his own eyes, you saw the way they were creased at the corners, the smile on his face reaching his beautiful eyes. He looked happy, and he’d told you as much daily ever since you’d returned. It didn’t matter that neither of you had been getting much sleep for the past few weeks, or that Matt hadn’t been going out as Daredevil much for the past month and a half so he could be here for you. He was genuinely happy and it radiated from him constantly–even when he was changing one of Hope’s poopy diapers. 
“I just wish we hadn’t lost those five years together,” you whispered back.
“Me too, baby,” Matt agreed. “But you're here now and that's what matters. I've spent enough time being sad and angry and I don't–don't want to be anymore," he told you, gently shaking his head. "I just want to give you both all of me, for as many years as I have left to give."
Smiling up at him, your hand reached out and cupped his cheek, gradually drawing his forehead down to yours. His eyes closed immediately, the smile on his lips still lighting up his face.
“And you have all the rest of mine, Matty, my love,” you promised him.
Matt’s nose nudged yours and you tilted your face up towards his in response. His soft lips met yours in a gentle, leisurely kiss–a kiss that wasn’t rushed or hurried, hungry or desperate. A kiss that was slow and full of warmth. One full of love. One that said everything neither of you could ever put into words. And you both stayed like that, kissing on your bed with your daughter asleep against Matt’s chest, losing track of time and forgetting entirely about ordering lunch. 
Because neither of you were in a rush anymore, not when you had the rest of your lives together to look forward to.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Tumblr kept breaking when I tried to reply to the ask about this since the post is too long, so answering this here finally:
A non-comprehensive list of misc things I’d change in HoO, since apparently people wanted me to elaborate further (Re: [This post]). Semi-off the top of my head since I don’t feel like re-reading all of HoO with notations right now. Also this will be followed up by a Things I Would Change About TOA post as well at some point, since that was also requested and kept breaking, but my brain is exhausted from getting this post set up so that will wait. I will link it [here] when I complete it.
Going under a read-more cause it’s very long. Literally Tumblr crashed like three times while I was trying to answer the original ask:
As said before (and what is a given):
1. Goes without saying - fix all the distasteful offensive character descriptions/traits. Similarly, fix the whole "these characters inexplicably look down upon their cultures" cause that's stupid and it's really annoying every time one of the Argo 2 crew brings up something about their cultures only to immediately go "but THAT'S SILLY and WEIRD."
2. Remove Calypso from the active plot, rather than the current canon retconning that doesn’t work saying that she was never actually released from Ogygia like she was supposed to be. There's no excuse for why she wasn't, unless it's supposed to be the gods sent Leo to release her to fulfill that promise, but that's not really implied to be the case at all. There's no excuse for the Olympians to just go back on their promise, since Hephaestus is established to visit Calypso regularly and basically is her only friend. It isn’t the type of thing he’d let be overlooked given all the characterization we know about Hephaestus, and given they are explicitly friends it can’t be that Olympus just “forgot” either. Also Calypso doesn't actually add anything to the plot of HoO or TOA besides serving as a love interest for Leo (not even a motive, just a love interest that "fixes him,” because he already has motive in saving Jason from being the hero of the prophecy and helping save the Argo 2 crew/camp/etc from Gaea etc etc.  Leo's romance arc completely derails the established depressive spiral/destructive character arc that's been set up for him and it basically ruins Leo's entire character. He's a tragic character! Let him be tragic until he's done being tragic and then the end of BoO and TOA can be him starting his recovery arc! (I have some thoughts for how Calypso could work removed from HoO but an active character in TOA but that’ll be for the TOA post.)
If Leo still ends up on Ogygia, then have it be clear that Calypso's already left and the island is abandoned (which imo is WAY more narratively compelling for readers of the first series, because you already know the context of the island, but for readers who don't have that context it leads to this being an interesting mystery - who was Calypso? What was this island and why do all the signs/notes left by her imply she wasn't always alone but usually was and was desperate to leave?) and Leo has to collect the scraps left behind to build an escape for himself while he goes through a fun identity crisis. At some point maybe Hephaestus shows up and Leo gets an interaction with his dad that probably does not help his identity crisis and then he goes back to the Argo 2 to have a further identity crisis about how the rest of the crew got along in his absence (a good identity crisis or a bad identity crisis? depends on how they did without him! you decide! I personally like "they managed okay" and Leo feels Really Horrible About That Cause It Feels To Him Like They Don't Need Him. I like Leo's tragic arc, okay? It's compelling.) Iirc Leo’s also the only member of the Seven who doesn’t get to have some kind of direct conversation with their godly parent, at least in-person, so yknow. It’d be nice to have. Also if you want Aro/ace Leo Valdez this is the perfect spot to put it while he's having his identity crisis on Kiss Kiss Fall In Love Island, or when he gets back.
3. Jason's stab wound in BoO is not healed by the Power Of Friendship, and instead they use the Physician's Cure for that so it doesn't feel like they're literally deus ex machina-ing their way to cheating death like 3 times in the same book. It makes more sense to use Potion Of Don't Die on Wound Of Excruciatingly Painfully Slowly Killing You instead of Whoops You're Already Dead, Just Get Better. Ctrl+Z That Real Quick.
Given they already used the Physician’s Cure on Jason, Leo doesn’t die/get revived at the end of BoO. Instead he just almost dies, probably lands in CHB’s woods somewhere, and is found and patched up with the series ending on him being on the mend and starting on the path to healing and getting help for his Numerous Issues that he was putting off for The Entire Series. Which parallels nicely to Nico basically having the same thing (overexerting his powers to near death, ends series getting medical treatment/being on the mend and the indication that he’s moving on to a happier period of his life). Again, grand happy ending rather than aggravating fake-out.
Further notes: 
- Heavily tweak Ella's character cause I get what Rick was going for, but the execution is… not awesome! Please, there's already so much ableism in HoO just. hmm. We can do better.
- Jason and Piper break up in HoO, probably around MoA when they start seeing Percy and Annabeth interacting and after they’ve had time to hang out with each other and realize their arranged relationship is Kind Of Fucked Up, Actually. (Probably something something them having gotten to spend time actually getting to know each other between TLH and MOA while they’re both at camp.) They have no problems with each other specifically and do genuinely like each other, but it just gets really awkward given all the memory manipulation and being set up as a "picture perfect couple" - emphasizing stuff like them both being children of really famous movie stars in their universe, or Jason as a son of Jupiter/Jove (an "all-father" type god) [and Juno - mother figure goddess and goddess of marriage]/"son of Rome" and Piper as a daughter of Aphrodite (goddess of love, also Aphrodite/Venus indirectly is associated as a sort of "mother of Rome" due to Aeneas). They just feel like they have too many expectations being put on their relationship and even though they do both like each other it feels too forced for them, but they’re comfortable staying just friends. This just gives way more opportunity for low-stakes character conflict among the Argo II crew outside of Monster Of The Week Chapter so things don’t feel unreasonably busy and chaotic and we actually get some consistent development. Just a nice mini-arc to follow in the downtime. Also while we’re here, more directly establish Piper’s bisexuality earlier on. If she’s already having an arc where she’s contemplating her romantic life, throw in a couple of nods to like “Piper thinking about her old childhood crush on Shel, the kid of a family friend she’d see when her and her dad visited Oklahoma” or something. Literally anything just to establish some kind of set-up to her getting a girlfriend later. Just for consistency’s sake.
- Bunkernine has a very good post about wishing the Argo II didn't have the magic plates from CHB, which I agree with in concept. Like I was just saying, MoA through BoO lacks a lot of little moments where we get to really focus in on the characters, probably in part because Rick was struggling to juggle so many parties given this was his first foray into writing a major cast that size. We can definitely cut out a lot of the random unnecessary fights and dramatic moments that don't really do anything for the plot and instead replace them with little moments of casual life on the Argo II - the scenes like those that do exist in HoO are some of HoO's most memorable moments to me! And they'd help a lot with how the characters never felt fully and properly fleshed-out. Let them exist as a cohesive group without two-to-three of them being absent at any given time! I don't think we necessarily have to remove the magic plates entirely because they do solve a fundamental problem ("where are these kids getting food?") but like, there is nothing stopping them from still cooking and just using the plates to get ingredients! Let these kids bake or something! Even just for fun! Though also I have personal headcanons about the Argo II crew's cooking skills and I really like the concept of like, during HoH or something at like 3am everybody hears something and they all suspiciously shuffle into the mess hall. And it’s just half-dead Nico standing there in his PJs making food for himself because Dammit They're IN VENICE and he’s FROM VENICE and they DON’T HAVE TIME TO STOP AT HIS OLD FAVORITE RESTAURANTS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT STILL EXIST and he Hasn't Had A Proper Meal In Weeks so By The Gods He Will Make His Mom's Old Recipes At 3am before he keels over from this quest. He just stares at everybody and goes "What are you all looking at. go away." and the rest of the crew just shuffles away awkwardly and leaves him to it. (Is Nico’s 3am meal actually good? Who knows. It is left a mystery.)
- Tweak the god characterizations. Remove the "gods splitting" thing and maybe play more with different aspects of gods/verisons of gods across history/city-states/etc presenting themselves instead. The Roman gods are not wholly equivilent to the Greek gods and it's actually really interesting from a historical perspective, and I think there's a lot you could do with that but instead it gets flatted in HoO which is sad to me. Just generally though, with the god characterizations, like. [uncomfortable pagan noises]. Which is almost impressive because it is difficult to write the Greco-Roman pantheons poorly since a good portion of them are basically just very complicated metaphors turned into personifications and characters. So they work fine for narrative purposes when applied accordingly, and yet! and yet!! Rick managed it! He managed to really bungle it in HoO and TOA. Because instead of leaning into the aspects of metaphors and dynamic characters he just fell into 2D tropes, gimmicks, and stereotypes. Off the top of my head the only deities written Okay in HoO is like. Hades/Pluto and Thanatos. (even Chiron in TOA is extremely lackluster, it's sad.) In the first series it ranges from “okay” to “actually really interesting” so it’s sad to see that drop-off and I would like it to be fixed.
Some potential examples for this: Play with the historical ties combo of like, Athena, Minerva, Enyo, Bellona, and etc! Annabeth and Reyna parallels! if the first 2 books are about the trios, let MoA be about Annabeth and Reyna and both their connections to Athena(/Bellona). Let Reyna be a second half in the Athena prophecy! It'd be cool and fit with her thematically and would set-up the whole Getting-Blessed-By-Athena thing later in BoO and make that scene feel so much cooler!
- Also retcon the whole "Hestia appears as an 8 year old for no reason" thing. And maybe also Artemis only appearing as a teen, because while Artemis has a mythological excuse, Hestia doesn't, so it just feels weird and at worst comes off as a little aphobic (depicting a character who explicitly is uninterested in relationships/romantic love as a child despite them being an immortal god with no basis for appearing as a child or even being comparatively young to other gods) with how it relates to aphobic tropes about disinterest in romance being "childish".
- Remove the "no children of Minerva" thing. Also maybe emphasize the aro/ace vibes there cause Athena being implied to be the only ace character in the entire series who a.) isn't literally a child/teen nor appears as one, and/or b.) hasn't had an unfortunate relationship that makes them disinterested in romance, but also at the same time being the only one out of herself/Hestia/Artemis to have relationships of some sort (having kids, implied to possibly be romantic but unclear) issss bad! actually! Bad tropes, don't like that. (Again aphobic tropes of disinterest in romance being “childish” and something that can be grown out of, or a result of trauma. Also it feels weird that the only a-spec characters in the series are all women. Can we have a male a-spec character please.) Just let Athena be aro/ace and vibing and occasionally having brain children cause she can do what she wants and everyone is aware of this and chill with it (And being a-spec doesn’t mean she’d be disinterested in having kids). Also maybe make her feel less cold cause "a-spec character is cold and loveless" is also an aphobic trope that PJO!Athena falls into, actually.
- Speaking of aphobic tropes, fix the Hunters! Please. Please just redo the Hunters of Artemis entirely. Holy cow. I wrote up an entire alternate oath/rules set for the Hunt because it's just so weird and poorly done. There were male Hunters of Artemis in Greek Mythology! Multiple! And most of them were chill! The "swearing off all romance" thing is also questionable, because depending on what versions of myths you’re looking at it’s potentially implied the Hunters had romantic relationships among themselves. And in Greek Mythology all the Hunters were definitely not all pre-teens. And it feels especially bad that the only adult Hunters we ever see are explicitly ex-Hunters who are heavily implied to be not ace and definitely aren't aro and are also implied to have "grown out of" being disinterested in romance. (That gagging noise you hear is me being sick of how many aphobic tropes the Hunters are juggling).
The version of the Hunters i have written up is, and I quote (from my notes): "Hunters can be any age, species, and gender identity (so long as they are comfortable enough being occasionally referred to as “Huntresses,” “Sisters,” “Maidens,” and etc). Relationships between Hunters are allowed so long as it will not endanger/distract from the Hunt or endanger any other Huntresses. Having a child is not allowed within the Hunt and any Huntresses who wish to do so must leave (purely because having a pregnant person/young child on the Hunt is dangerous, and safety is the number one priority - especially as Artemis is a protector of youth and goddess of childbirth. Once they turn like, 12 they can join, that’s fine. Everyone knows middle schoolers are the optimal combination of bloodthirstiness and ability to wield a weapon)." Also, just as like, a side-thing, I wanna see a clear-sighted mortal Huntress, because we're told thats a thing but we never see them. Closest we get is like ancient semi-immortals and Technical Nymphs, or other Huntresses who are of unspecified mortal/demigod status.
- Similar deal - fix the Amazons. they're… better but still a little wonky.
- Some slight tweaks to the Cupid Scene - Nico still has a confrontation with Cupid cause that is a very compelling scene that works well for Nico's character and informs a lot about him (and serves a purpose in a very meta way - not so much for the plot but reflecting something the first series did occasionally which was a kind of showing an example of a situation, usually a negative situation that either mirrors or directly references a type of situation a kid may find themself in, and explains and shows sympathy for the character being hurt in that situation. Which is notable because the demographic for the series is young middle schoolers and particularly neurodivergent kids, who are probably approaching a lot of new social situations or may struggle with empathy. It acts as an introduction to “unfortunately this is a bad thing that happens sometimes, and it hurts people, which is why you should be nice to this kid. Look at beloved character. Here’s an elaboration on why they’re hurt so you can understand.” So for the purposes of that, the scene of Nico getting outed would likely remain, but it would still keep the very overt “WOW THIS SUCKS, THIS IS A BAD SITUATION.” stuff) Most of the tweaks are just slight adjustments to minor prelude dialogue and/or setting, like. Jason does not forget that being gay is a thing for a second. And etc. But Nico having a very literal metaphorical conflict about grappling with how he views the concept of love by LITERALLY GETTING KICKED AROUND BY THE GOD OF LOVE is actually kinda badass from a narrative analysis perspective. This is exactly what i meant in the previous bullet points about the gods in a lot of myths and classical stories playing the roles of personifications of metaphors and that being used well. Admittedly I'm 50/50 on tweaking Cupid's general attitude in the scene itself, because a more hostile Cupid lends itself better to the meta use of the scene as described before but a more sympathetic-to-Nico Cupid who is nonetheless still kicking the shit out of him is interesting from a metaphor standpoint (something something Nico overcoming internalized homophobia but in the very literal form of it’s the god that literally presides over protecting gay love [yes that is an actual thing Eros/Cupid is the god of] beating him up).
- Remove Reyna's “prophecy” entirely. It's stupid and pointless and doesn’t make sense with her character at all. Just say she's ace. There is not a single scene in any of the series that ever indicates that Reyna believes that she can only be happy if she’s in a relationship and that’s some kind of internal struggle she needs to overcome. The closest we ever get is Reyna being upset that her best friend disappeared and when he returns she finds out he had forgotten about her completely. Which does not apply to the “prophecy” at all. We just don’t need it.
- Absence of "a character" can work! Jason's lack of personality and backstory can work but it works best if it's absence is felt and properly explored. This works best if we get more information about Camp Jupiter from SoN and from the other Roman characters, especially Reyna (and maybe even Nico referencing his trips there!) because that inherently informs us about what Jason's life was like there. Have other characters note things about Jason and highlight the fact that this is absent from Jason's own POV! He's lost that part of his life! It was taken from him! That's such an interesting dynamic to have and explore! But we don't get any of that!
Side-note: Part of the problem with Jason's amnesia is that it feels so awkward especially compared to Percy's amnesia because we already know what Percy can't remember. We have the context that informs his character, even though he can't remember it, so that absence is felt and it feels really compelling! Also, Percy is unfamiliar with Camp Jupiter, and we're unfamiliar with Camp Jupiter, so it feels new and interesting (even though we don't actually get much about it so we never actually form any real attachment to it and that's a problem later on in every subsequent scene when we're supposed to care about what happens to Camp Jupiter but we. don't). The reason it doesn't work for Jason is because we don't know what's absent and we already know CHB. Jason also already knows about demigods and stuff, so if you're a new reader starting at HoO it just doesn't work. Because Jason already knows everything and we're being led from his POV primarily for that portion of TLH, and even Piper and Leo's backstories both heavily include being pushed around by Gaea/and or Hera/Juno, so if you aren't familiar with the universe you're just being hurried along and it ends up feeling weak. At least with Percy even if you don't know the contexts of his backstory, we can feel the implications of other characters referencing things about him extremely often, so you feel the weight of his memories being gone, and he doesn't know about the roman gods and you, the reader, aren't expected to know much if anything about it either. We don’t get the full demigod debriefing (but that's also the second book) but we at least get a Camp Jupiter debriefing. The first two books are a bit messy in those specific regards with setting up the camps for the series, and we don’t really see the camps much for the rest of HoO (except for CHB, of course).
This is personally why I stand by that if we ever get a roman series it should be a three-part series from Reyna's POV, because leading with Jason is basically like trying to lead PJatO with Annabeth - a demigod raised in camp and surrounded by the knowledge of this stuff their entire life. It doesn't work as a character who's acting as an introduction to this world for the reader. There's no real clean way to work that out for HoO unfortunately, since literally all our protagonists are given established pasts involving knowledge of Greco-Roman mythology being real and half of them are either already at camp or have been to a different camp. I'd say best solution would probably actually be leading from Piper for TLH and tweak her character set-up slightly in that she Does Not Know What's Going On At All re: Gaea and the Giants. She just knows Something Happened To Her Dad and she's the POV we follow into TLH, because that mirrors Percy in beginning of TLT well (with Sally being kidnapped)! It's a fun call-back for the old readers and a good lead-in for the new readers.
- Fix Nico backstory inconsistencies caused by Rick almost making his birthday in March and confusing himself over it. He's 12 in TLO, 13 in HoO. He was born January 28th, 1929, and got put in the Lotus Hotel and Casino in 1939 (If you wanna be cute, we can specifically say May 1st, 1939, to reference the musical). Hazel is one month older than him chronologically and one year older than him post-revival. Something something also smooth out the inconsistencies about Nico being raised in Italy and how Maria met Hades and stuff. Fill in the rest as you will.
- I do stand by that the entire PJO timeline is not one-to-one with the real world. That's always been a thing with the series. We're basically condensing everything from ~1998 to ~2020 into an 18 year timeline. We don't need to be exact with things. Don't get too bogged down with it.
- Make the whole "injuries caused by celestial bronze/imperial gold for demigods makes their souls self-destruct" thing specifically relating to cursed weapons/materials or feature some more volatile abomination combo weapons like Backbiter (with Backbiter being described as unstable due to being both celestial bronze and mortal steel). (Ex.: the spear used to stab Jason in BoO is just cursed, and maybe Octavian's catapult plan is a "well i put a bunch of mortal steel and imperial gold in a pot and melted them together a bit and now it really wants to explode so im gonna just chuck the entire thing and hope it kills everyone lots and lots <3" which is tbh significantly more dastardly and fucked-up, which makes Octavian a bit more compelling). Having it just be a plain trait of celestial bronze/imperial gold doesn’t make any sense and is only referenced like twice in HoO and never again in basically the entire three series. Again: consistency.
- Make a more prominent reference to the whole "btw there are retired adult Romans just living wherever but they're legally required to help any campers who request aid" thing, cause you could totally do something really fun and cool with that but idk what.
- PICK A THEME! First series theme was family! Second series theme is….. we don’t know! It felt like maybe a theme was intended at some point but we lost it. Forging a new life for one’s self/choosing your own path/etc could be a good theme, or something similar. or found family. or both. We’ve got a bunch of characters absolutely ripe for “I didn’t think i’d get this far and now I have to like, actually consider what i want to do in life. huh” arcs! (Frank! Leo! Hazel! Jason! Percy! Nico!) Do something with that!
- Lean more into the characters having aspects inspired by myths, or legends being mirrored in plot points: 7 against Thebes, the Argonauts, etc etc etc. The first series leaning into it heavily worked really well! More of that! HoO and TOA suffer a lot from lack of mythological basis to lean their plots on, despite there being plenty to work from. It instead just kind of messily mashes random misc myths (haha, alliteration) together into a very incoherent plot. Annabeth is known to be explicitly based off Atalanta, Percy is mostly based off Perseus and Theseus, Leo has loose connections based off of Demophon of Eleusis and possibly also his brother Triptolemus, etc etc. There’s stuff to work with! Poke around at the mythological figures of the original Argo and maybe match them up a bit (though most of the Argonaut myths were used in Sea of Monsters, so focus more on the figures/archetypes rather than just exact myths of what they did. For more plot-things, maybe consider Seven Against Thebes, though admittedly the plot of that is just Kinda Depressing.)
- Slightly related to that - lean into Piper presumably mirroring Orpheus! Or even if she isn’t supposed to, let her do that, because it fits with her thematically SUPER well. Her charmspeak is OP and that needs to be appreciated. In canon she brings Jason back from the brink of death in TLH and just straight up gives Festus a soul/free will/sentience. Let her go Orpheus-mode on everybody. You can even tie that in with the half-hearted snake theme that Rick tried to throw in there that didn’t work at all. We can make this work, just lean into it. It’ll be fun.
- Remove scene of Nico confessing to Percy at end of BoO. it’s just. random and feels sudden and OOC. Give Nico time. You could maybe replace it by having him come out to Reyna on his own terms while they’re on their quest discussing their adventures thus far and them having a very sweet little emotional moment rather than it being a weird out-of-place afterthought comical scene.
- Remove Bob and Damacus. They’re just half-literal dues ex machinas for Percabeth in Tartarus that don’t make sense. It feels extremely cheap and doesn’t fit with the established mythos of either figure (and Bob feels extra awkward without the context of knowing Sword of Hades). If they do run into a figure who helps them out in Tartarus, Arke could possibly be a good option - especially since in SoN Percy meets Iris. There’s a lot potentially you could do there with Percy mistaking her for her twin and stuff like that. If we want a figure to more-so take the role that Bob fills (Nico encouraging an immortal to be sympathetic to Percy and thus indirectly helping him later) that role could be filled by Nyx instead of making her a minor antagonist - imply Nico encountered Nyx in Tartarus or something and she took pity on him as someone who also understands the dark, and he told her about Percy and so Nyx is willing to help Percabeth escape. Plus imagine how COOL a Nyx & her children vs Tartarus/Titans/Giants fight would be. That’d be a significantly more memorable scene than the Tartarus fight scenes we did get. (“Why would Nyx help though?” One of Nyx’s kids is LITERALLY a goddess of friendship [Philotes], we have excuses.)
- On a similar note, this is more of a TSATS thing, but for goodness’ sake STOP THROWING CHARACTERS INTO TARTARUS. You’re overusing it! It only works when we use it sparingly! In fact, just in general Tartarus works better the less we see of it! Nico going through Tartarus once in SoN-MoA, yes, that works! Especially since we have almost no idea what happened to him down there, just that it was Terrifying and Horrible and he Barely Survived. Not going into much detail means we get more out of it. The only exception to that really was when Percy realized that Nico saw Tartarus as it truly was the entire time, because that’s one hell (ha) of a punch to the gut in terms of added information! Percabeth falling into Tartarus in MoA? Eh, fine, sure, because we’ve established that Nico (who is implied to be more resilient to that environment on virtue of being a child of Hades) talked about his experiences down there so they know what to expect and how to survive. Though it does kind of just feel like Rick went “Oh wait hey I can use this to make angst!” and then overused the hell out of it. It feels way weaker in general in HoH because of how much detail we get, because Tartarus has been built up so much until that point that literally anything we get will feel lackluster in comparison, especially with how it kind of feels like Percabeth just. breezed through it with little more difficulty than they’d usually face on their quests. Solangelo jumping into Tartarus in TSATS is honestly just a blatant “Oh boy we can make Solangelo into Percabeth 2!” and it doesn’t work at all because NICO HAS ALREADY BEEN TO TARTARUS.
The only way you could make Nico going into Tartarus two times work is if he fell into Tartarus a second time to replace Percabeth falling down there. Because we’ve established he knows what it’s like down there, he survived it once, and he is actively sparing someone else he cares about from suffering his same fate. And then he can return once again even closer to death and A Little Fucked Up and it turns into a rule of threes where we know “Oh, Nico can’t go back to Tartarus again because if he does he’ll Lose Himself Completely” which is way more interesting than romance angst for the sake of romance angst. Especially since again, we don’t see it, it’s all only implied. Also it then also turns Tartarus into even more of a “Nico is probably the only demigod who could ever even hope to survive Tartarus” which keeps Tartarus as an ominous thing. Percabeth falling into Tartarus lessens that by a lot because it implies that it doesn’t matter that Nico is a child of Hades; that had absolutely no bearing on his ability to survive down there. TL;DR: Stop throwing characters into Tartarus. Either throw Nico in twice in a row and no Percabeth or Nico and Percabeth once only and never touch it again.
- More heavily set up Percy’s emotions/mood/etc being influenced by water around him. If we keep most of Percabeth in Tartaurs, then this would really make the Achlys scene pack a bigger punch. Up until HoH everything is “oh how quirky” but the minute Percy’s surrounded by the rivers of the underworld and the acid/poision you get hit with the “oh shit” realization that Percy Is About To Get SCARY.
- Maybe have Annabeth keep her blindness from Tartarus, or trade Jason having glasses to her having glasses as a result of that, since vision is actually an aspect of Athena so it kind of fits her more, thematically-speaking.
- Change the judo flip percabeth scene in MoA to Annabeth picking Percy up and spinning him around in a hug/swinging him into a dip cause that’s cuter, makes more sense given Percy’s PTSD, and still highlights Annabeth being very strong and showing off in front of the Romans while they’re still being lovey-dovey.
But also, related to that, you could potentially make a sub-arc for Percabeth throughout HoO (so that they actually have like. some type of character development that fits them rather than them feeling stagnant the entire time) about Annabeth learning she doesn’t know as much about Percy as she thought (learning about Gabe [since as far as we know she actually doesn't know much if anything about that!], seeing his behavior change with different types of water, etc) kicked off by the judo flip scene, and possibly vice versa (Percy learning more about Annabeth’s time spent traveling with Thalia and Luke, growing up at CHB, her relationship with Athena and other campers at CHB, etc) so they gain a deeper understanding of one another. If Percy keeps his curse of Achilles, that could also factor in (contrasting Percy’s “perfect” image [relationship, near-immortality] against Annabeth realizing she doesn’t know as much about Percy as she thought [could also parallel that dynamic to Jaspiper, which opens opportunities for Annabeth/Piper and Jason/Percy bonding] [Or Annabeth/Jason and Piper/Percy bonding! I want more Annabeth/Jason and Piper/Percy parallels so bad. They’re almost there but we never get them. Please.]/ the Argo II crew learning about Percy’s past) with Percy being more prone to seek out conflict or solve problems with violence due to the Curse of Achilles and eventually recognizing that [possibly after Tartarus] and it scaring him just as much as it frightens Annabeth. Maybe at that point Percy tries to make some sort of deal to rid himself of the curse.)
- Maybe also explicitly parallel Percy getting the curse of Achilles with Nico’s help to Poseidon giving his lover Caeneus iron skin. There’s no really smooth way to do it, but maybe even just a during Nico’s pov him going “I heard about this myth once and got an idea. It didn’t work.” Just for that added through-line of connecting the series and further establishing “yeah, no, Nico’s been gay this whole time. this isn’t a new thing. we aren’t pulling this from thin air.”
- Give Piper a different weapon than the knife from the beginning cause she stops using it eventually anyways. Also just... no cornucopia. That part is just stupid and there’s no point for it. If we have to keep it as a plot object, give it to someone else - Nico could work because then there’s actually at least a valid relation there regarding his godly parent (yes, Pluto sometimes has cornucopia associations). Also Nico having a cornucopia would be kinda funny in a subversion of expectations thing. Maybe even have Nico go on a little exposition-y rant complaining about Hades/Pluto versus Plutus (the Greek god of plenty/wealth, later merged with Pluto).
- Similarly, either remove Diocletian’s scepter (if we have multiple characters who can boss around skeletons, why do we need an entire separate extra object whose sole purpose is to let them boss around skeletons?) or let Nico keep it but it loses its abilities, so it’s literally just “well now he has a cool bashing stick for bashing things.” Or let him use it as a cane to highlight him being disabled!
- As I slightly touched upon in a previous bullet point, give Piper more connections to her dad’s community in Oklahoma - where’s all her family friends? Tristan is a major pop culture figure in the Riordanverse, so it’d make sense that people from the community he grew up in would like. know him? But all we ever hear about is Piper’s Grandpa Tom. Even though apparently Piper is already good enough friends with Shel presumably before Piper moves to Oklahoma that the two start dating soon afterwards. Heck, again, have Piper reference Shel specifically. Just at any point. For any reason. Just to establish that she knows people her own age that exist outside of CHB.
Similarly, flesh out the background Romans in Camp Jupiter more in SoN and possibly also BoO, particularly the ones Jason references by name but we never see anything of, besides at most maybe more background references. Highlight them either through the SoN trio interacting with more characters while at camp (and we’re left to glean specific details of Jason’s past through others, which would make Jason more compelling and how these details are absent from himself but present to those around him, playing into his memory loss more) and possibly also through Reyna (and maybe Nico)’s POV(s) in BoO. (And maybe if we get a Reyna POV in MoA, then there as well).
- Let Reyna use magic! We establish that she studied under Circe and then never see anything come of that other than referencing her Tragic Backstory™. It could be a fun point for Reyna and Hazel to bond over, even!
- Remove the random “Hunters of Artemis death fodder” scene with Orion in BoO. There’s no reason for that. It’s just kinda dumb and feels bad given it’s basically just “We’re gonna kill a bunch of nondescript allegedly a-spec coded characters now for no reason. <3” like ???. That served no purpose. It just felt weird.
- Also just as a like, logistics thing - change the route Team Statue takes in BoO from the huge jump over the Atlantic into Peurto Rico into them traveling up into like the UK, then over to Iceland and Greenland and then Canada and down the east coast rather than the huge jump and up the east coast. The smaller jumps make more sense given the entire POINT of their quest taking as long as it does is that Nico can’t make extremely large shadow-travel jumps at that time. Plus if they’re traveling south then they could pass through Maine and we could maybe cameo Nico’s old school and that’d be fun. The pit-stop in Puerto Rico doesn’t really give us much that we couldn’t have just gotten from Reyna explaining it anyways. If they pause in Maine that can be where Nico and Reyna have a heart-to-heart about their tragic backstories and past experiences with horrible ghosts that they had to exorcise.
- If Team Statue travels a northern route we can make jokes about Nico learning specifically 1930s British English before he moved to America. The gang goes to London and Coach proceeds to incessantly make fun of Nico for not only using British slang, but using OUTDATED British slang (which is made weirder given he doesn’t have a British accent).
- Also extremely tiny detail but a specific acknowledgement that Piper was helping out Nico once they got back to the ship when Nico’s getting rescued from the jar. Since Piper just kind of drags him off-screen. Just any kind of follow-up to that. Like Nico doing his classic “You were vaguely nice to me. I would now Die For You.” Just them having basically any kind of interaction or acknowledgement of that scene, mostly cause I think it’s funny.
- Let Annabeth keep her laptop, and get rid of the sphere of Archimedes cause it just feels kinds pointless and random? We don’t really have any emotional connection to Annabeth’s laptop (and her hat gets replaced in Demigods & Magicians anyways) so her losing it doesn’t really feel impactful at all. Maybe have Leo use Annabeth’s laptop while she’s in Tartarus and that acts as the point of guilt for him rather than weird random curse stuff with a random new introduced object. Instead of “oh no fortune cookie thing or whatever” it’s him feeling guilty he saved Annabeth’s laptop but couldn’t help Annabeth herself. Especially since Leo would also have his Ogygia identity crisis in the same book so he can feel extra bad about himself for a bit, to lead up to his role in BoO nicely (sometimes a character negatively spiraling is more narratively compelling than them having positive development for the majority of the series and that’s okay! Let him be tragic but again he gets a happy ending and an implication post-BoO that he’ll begin a road of healing/recovery surrounded by loved ones. It works out.) AND there could be a very sweet moment once Annabeth gets back from Tartarus and Leo gives her the laptop back and it’s a huge relief to her that one of her prized possessions was in safe hands while she was gone and that she has it back when she thought she might have lost it.
- Further highlight Jason’s whole Greek/Roman/etc identity crisis. Bonus points if we go further into acknowledging Jupiter/Zeus’s epithets and roles and Jason having some epiphany that the Romans look to him with the expectations of Jupiter/Juno as king and queen of the gods making him some kind of perfect leader, but he’s not that at all. He’s the son of Jove and Juno, father and mother of the gods. He doesn’t want to be a general or praetor or anything like that, he wants to spend time with his friends and family at a summer camp where they’re safe. He wants to regain the childhood he lost being raised as a perfect soldier and get the chance to go to school and learn about his long-lost family and do cheesy summer camp activities. He is a wolf but he is not a creature built for the hunt - he is part of a pack.
- Touched upon it briefly in a previous bullet point but Curse of Achilles can stay/go, does not particularly matter to me either way. I do think it’d be funny though if Percy does keep the Curse of Achilles that he also randomly gets the Nemean Lion’s pelt back. Initially maybe as like a gift from Hera/Juno to help him cover his Achilles’ Heel while he’s running around with no memory just as insurance so he doesn’t die (with bonus points of the Romans being introduced to Percy either wearing the stupidest looking coat ever or wearing just a straight up bullet-proof lion’s pelt, which would even further solidify his “Are We Sure This Guy Isn’t A God In Disguise” vibes). But then later on into the series it’s just kind of part of his outfit or maybe even a running gag. The praetors have their magic bullet-proof cloaks, Percy has a very silly looking bullet-proof fur coat that is sometimes a whole lion.
- Keep Hazel’s blackouts. There’s not really a reason for them to disappear altogether for her? They’re somewhat tied to her powers and are a consequence of her coming back from the dead, which also helps keep the concept running in the series that death is a consequence that can’t just be easily evaded, even while we’re operating with the Doors of Death being open. That way future deaths in the series don’t feel like they could be as easily negated/avoided. Also, Hazel is disabled! This is a disability of hers! Why are we somehow magically getting rid of it without even an explanation as to why? Heck, if we’re getting rid of Piper’s knife, Hazel’s dreams when she has her blackouts could be used to supplement the dagger’s insight into the future, since we’ve already established that Hazel gets prophetic dreams sometimes anyways. Also fun thematic matching for the Death Sibs with them both having disabilities and random ways to glean the future (Hazel’s blackouts, Nico talking to ghosts). Her blackouts would probably improve slightly over the course of the series but never fully disappear, and it ends up mostly a thing of she can tell when they’re about to occur and prepare quickly for that or let someone know before she passes out.
- Get rid of Frank’s curse in SoN instead of waiting until The Tyrant’s Tomb. If we’re going to get rid of it eventually anyways, do it during the big scene of him freeing Thanatos. Let him have his cool big moment of embracing his destiny and that breaking the curse the first time he does it rather than him doing it twice but it only breaking the curse the second time? Also if the curse is broken earlier on then Frank’s entire arc gets to be about him realizing he has a life to live, since in SoN a major part of his character is that he’s not afraid of death because he’s used to the idea that his curse could kill him at any point. He’s actually pretty reckless for the beginning of HoO because of that. If he realizes that he no longer is at risk of dying at any given moment because he thought about candles too hard, then that opens the opportunity of him having a whole existential crisis about what he actually wants to do with his life and him looking to the future for once.
Bonus opportunity for this - maybe Frank actually gets fire powers as a result of his curse breaking. Ares/Mars has an association with fire so it would fit for him as a son of Mars. Plus, then we could also have an even more overt dynamic of Frank and Leo acting as each other’s parallels and foils and the two of them slowly growing more used to one another and actually becoming close friends. Lots of bonding over getting used to their fire powers and overcoming their mutual fears of fire and probably also solidarity in having lost their moms. Just - the boys are bonding! The boys are bonding. Fire boys hours.
- Related to Frank’s curse, give Hazel and Frank parallel narratives of them realizing they have a future ahead of them (Hazel re: getting a second chance at life and Frank re: realizing he’s no longer at risk of spontaneously combusting) and them grappling with trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives and how they want to live them after everything is said and done. And also being motivated for once to make it out the other side in one piece because they’re determined to not waste the opportunity they’ve been given. The two of them coming to terms with realizing they have a future if they can make it through this (which is also a fun contrast to Leo and Nico actively almost sacrificing their own lives for others and having essentially an opposite character arc for the majority of the series).
- Especially while Frank (and Hazel) are having these arcs, going back to the idea of Leo getting stuck on Ogygia alone for a bit - very strongly contrasting the arcs of Frank’s mental health improving over the series while Leo’s is very steadily decreasing (until BoO at which point again the series ends with Leo getting help and beginning to improve/heal).
- Also further emphasizing Leo and Nico’s parallels throughout HoO. They’re both autistic on top of the usual adhd/dyslexia and have issues with social interactions and care a lot about Hazel and are having a majorly bad time throughout the entire quest and are pretty depressed, etc etc etc. Again, parallel narratives at the end of BoO with them healing and things looking up for them - I think I’ve mentioned that like four times now you get the idea.
- Make Frank ADHD/dyslexic. There is literally no reason for him not to be and him being the outlier for being neurotypical feels weird and doesn’t fit with the literal entire worldbuilding we have for demigods. If it’s part of “demigod instincts” or whatever then Frank should be ADHD/dyslexic! And it’s not even a “the Romans aren’t ADHD/dyslexic” because we’re explicitly told they are! They are specifically also ADHD and dyslexic! So why isn’t Frank? There’s no reason. It annoys me.
- The Frank/Hazel/Leo “love triangle” can stay but it’s significantly more one-sided. Frank is mostly just intimidated by Leo for multiple reasons (mostly fire-related reasons) and Leo is mutually intimidated by Frank (because Frank is bigger than him and Leo is scared of everyone, really, but especially people who are bigger than him, because they could beat him up. Which is basically everyone). Hazel is not romantically interested in Leo and Leo is not romantically interested in her, though they are very close and do have a very confusing time trying to figure out the whole Sammy situation. Frank still misinterprets this as Hazel and Leo being romantic. Leo does not realize Frank is misinterpreting that as them being romantic and think Frank just hates him for the general reasons that Leo has found people usually hate him for no reason over. Leo wants nothing to do with that situation though. Eventually they all sort it out and become a very strong trio.
- Again as I briefly touched upon before, maybe give Reyna a protagonist role in MOA if not an outright POV. Probably an outright POV, with the main POVs of the book being her and Annabeth. Again, themes of historical associations between Athena and Bellona and playing with that, alongside making Reyna more of a prominent player earlier on in the series and letting us see more of the Romans. Use this opportunity to heavily parallel her with Annabeth (and also highlight her parallels with Percy, and Annabeth’s parallels with Jason).
- Really I just want more Annabeth/Jason and Percy/Reyna parallels. There’s so much you can do there. The blond(e) gifted kid/smart aleck raised at camp and their best friend, the former newbie raised with a difficult home life. Percy and Reyna both have dogs (Mrs. O’Leary / Aurum and Argentium) and pegasi (Blackjack and Skippy). And a sibling they don’t see often (Tyson / Hylla).  You could have notes about Jason and Thalia and Annabeth and the dynamics within that and how those internally parallel each other. Or more about when Reyna encountered Percy and Annabeth while on Circe’s Island. Really anything more about Reyna’s time on Circe’s Island. Heck maybe you could parallel that to Percy’s difficult time in school, since Circe’s whole thing was that she was training the sorceresses living there, so that’s kind of like a school environment. Paralleling first quests between Reyna and Jason with the events of the first series with Percy and Annabeth.  Etc. etc. etc.
- We are taking BoO and just. Throwing it out the window, really. We don’t have time to unpack all of that. Just start mostly from scratch, same extremely rough overarching elements are there.
- Also actually just. Rework the whole main prophecy too while we’re at it. It kinda sucks. It’s just kind of a weak prophecy. “To storm or fire the world will fall” or whatever; we can do better. I don’t have the brain power to write a better prophecy right now but just [see my recent post] for notes about what I think makes for a good prophecy in the series and why the main HoO one is kinda lame.
Again, I will be following this up with part 2 electric boogaloo: Things I Would Change About TOA* (*That I can say without spoiling Deadangelos too much) at some point and I will link that when I make it. If you made it this far, gold star.
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altsvu · 9 months
three way phone part 1
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pairing: sonny carisi x peter stone x detective!fem!reader
wc: 1.4k
summary: a movie night with the boys is all fine and dandy until things get spicy.
cw: shameless flirting, a little smut
a/n: in honor of this fic officially sitting in my drafts for THREE years (1/3/2021), i’m gonna post it today :) i’m thinking of making this a two part thing, with part two being raunchy asf. this is my first time writing a 3some so enjoy lovelies! 😭🫶🏽
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
For a while you had been toying with Peter and Sonny because they both had feelings for you, even thought lately you had been more close with Peter. Two weeks ago, Sonny took you out to his favorite restaurant, and last week, Peter took you to a baseball game. You, Sonny and Peter hung out a lot after work if one of them weren’t spending time with you, and you were hoping for something more with one, or both of them.
“Y/N.” You turned and saw Peter coming over to you. You were the only detective in the precinct, Sonny had left to get ready for movie night. On the other hand you were chilling in the break room getting some paperwork done. That was something you did when you didn’t feel like sitting at your desk.
“Oh hey Peter.” You smiled.
“Hey there beautiful.” He said. He kissed your cheek before he sat down.
“You always find a way to flirt with me.”
“Ever since that baseball game, I’ve had even more feelings for you.”
His hand found a way to your thigh.
“Aww, Peter. Really?”
“Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I was hoping...”
There was a bit of silence between the two of you.
“That maybe we can spend more time together. Alone.”
“I- How did you know?”
You scooted closer to Peter.
“It’s written all over you.” You whispered.
You and Peter both knew the energy shifted after that. He moved closer and kissed you. You kissed him back and it was one of the best things you ever experienced. His hands went to your ass, gripping it so he could transport you from your chair to his lap. A squeal escaped your lips.
“Damn Peter.”
“Damn, is absolutely correct. What’s on for tonight?”
“I was thinking Gothika or the Invisible Guardian, since you boys don’t want to watch romance movies.”
“I think we know how that would play out. But I would kill for some Naked.”
“Ooh, Naked sounds good. I’ll tell Sonny when he gets there.”
Peter smiled and looked at you.
“Nothing. You just look beautiful sitting on my lap.”
You kissed him then slid the paperwork closer to you so you could finish it. You shifted in his lap so that both of your legs were facing the table and you let him grip you by your waist. Peter watched as you completed your DD5’s. At one point he pushed some of your hair back.
“Peter...” You smiled. “Very tempting of you.”
Your phone went off with a text from Sonny asking you if you were still on for sitting in on the civil court case he’s working with Pippa Cox for with him. You replied with an “Of course! I can’t wait!”
“You planning on being a lawyer?”
“I haven’t thought about it. I’m just really interested in the court system. Plus, if I ever decided to, I have one of many great former and current ADA’s I can go to.”
“Am I on that list?” Peter whispered.
“Top 3.” You whispered back, finishing the last component of the 5. “Okay. I’m done.”
“Good. I can’t wait to see what you wear later. “
“I’m sure you can’t.” You smirked, getting up from his lap. “Accompany me to Liv’s office and my desk?”
“Of course.” Peter got up and grabbed you by the waist as you were fixing up the papers.
“Peter!” You shrieked. He chuckled and pulled you closer to him, then kissing your lips. After your little make out session, you stopped by Liv’s office and placed your forms on her desk along with a small note, then went to your desk to grab your things.
“So... I’ll see you in about an hour or two?” You asked after getting outside.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A grin formed on your face. “Bye for now, Peter.” You planted a kiss on his cheek and then went on your separate ways.
You had just finished getting dressed and spritzing yourself with a body mist. You wore a pink silk spaghetti strap cropped v neck, a pair of pink and flower patterned tie up sleep shorts, a black silk long robe, and white fuzzy socks. Going to the kitchen to set up snacks, you heard the doorbell rang and when you went to check, it was Sonny.
“Sonny!” You squealed when he kissed your cheek and gave you a tight hug and lifted you off the floor a bit. You closed the door behind him when he put you down.
“You look beautiful for someone who’s hosting movie night.”
“You think I’m overdressed?”
“Of course not, doll.” Sonny stepped closer to you and his hand made its way under your robe. It slowly slipped off and there was a moment of silence between the two of you. Sonny’s hands then went to the sliver of bare skin. “What you’re wearing is just fine.”
“Good.” You whispered. You planted a kiss on his cheek and walked over to the kitchen to prepare the snacks.
You already had the wine out, two bottles of everyone’s favorite cabernet sauvignon to be more specific, and you wanted to prepare a small charcuterie board with several cheeses, meats, grapes, and dark chocolate. You enjoyed doing things like this, it gave you a sort of satisfaction. People always praised you for bringing the best snacks and things of the sort.
Sonny followed behind you and offered to help you set up and make a pretty display. While setting up, the doorbell rang and you went to get it.
“Y/N,” Peter started, looking at you with a smile on his face.
“Hi Peter!” You smiled back. He pulled you into a hug for a little while. “We’re in the kitchen.”
Now finally, the three of you were here and ready to get the party started. You spent some time with them in the kitchen playing around by tossing and playfully feeding each other pieces of cheese, grapes, and chocolate. You were having fun. You liked hanging out with Peter and Sonny, and they liked hanging out with you just the same.
After a little while doing that, the guys helped you finish your display in the living room with the last of snacks, and then it was time to settle down.
“Are you boys getting bored?” You asked, taking another sip of wine.
After many glasses of wine and a fee snacks remaining, the three of you had finished the first movie, and was on the second movie you chose.
“Oh dear Y/N, very, very bored.” Peter joked. He draped an arm around you and looked at you passionately.
“Boohoo.” You mused. You turned to look at Sonny who was sitting beside you as well. “Sonny?”
Sonny smiled. “Never with you.”
“You’re so cute.” You smiled, planting a small kiss on his nose.
Peter’s hand trailed along the bare parts of your body. “I think… we can have a lot more fun on our own.”
You looked back at Peter, noticing the fierceness in his eyes. You let that same hand caress your cheek. Peter wanted to do his own thing, give you pleasure, and he wasn’t gonna let you go easily. He moved closer to you, his hands moving to your thigh.
However, you weren’t gonna give in. Not that easily. You sat there, letting Peter seduce you until you reached your breaking point. The softest moan escaped your lips. Sonny watched in amazement as Peter continued to seduce you. He turned your head to face him and he leaned in to kiss you. It was soft but also rough. You gave in and kissed him back, pulling him closer to you. You guided his hand to hold your waist. While kissing Peter you searched for Sonny’s hand to touch you as well. You could tell Sonny was hesitant, but when you felt the warmth of his body touch through the thin piece of silk that was the robe, you knew he wanted a piece of you too.
Sonny slipped a part of your robe off and kissed your bare shoulder, then went up to your neck and sucked on the soft skin. You had stopped kissing Peter at this point and he was leaving kisses on your chest. He slipped off the other side of your robe and as of now, the two men left you with bare shoulders.
“Boys. I think we should take this to the bedroom.” You whispered ever so shallowly.
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @detective-giggles @blackbeautifulqueen @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
Congrats on 500 followers! <3
A couple of prompts...
-I put you down as my emergency contact because I don’t know anyone else in the city, and we literally only met in passing, please forgive me but I am stuck at the ER and they won’t let me leave without you.
-First time meeting the parents
-“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
I got one from each list. Just leave Frederick on a leash? :)
🥰🥰🥰Thank you, my dear ❤️ *forcibly shoves Frederick back into the basement* You'll be pleased to know that Frederick has NOT been invited to the party 😂
also, both you and @renxzs asked for the "emergency contact" prompt, so I'll fill that one separately (and hopefully you'll like it hehe)
Word count: 814
Warnings: absolutely none :D
"I can feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about this stupid dinner." Aelin leaned back into Rowan's arms, biting at her lower lip like she always did when she was stressed.
"Fireheart, it'll be okay," Rowan promised, kissing the top of her head.
She blew out a sharp breath. "What if they hate me? What if my parents hate you? What if they decide we 'aren't right?' What if--"
"Hey." He cut off her rambling worries with a kiss, gentle and sweet. "Aelin, love, my mom and dad love you already, and they've only met you through my stories."
"Yeah," she admitted, her tense posture starting to relax. "I'm worried about my mom, though. Her standards are so fucking high."
Rowan flicked imaginary lint off of his suit jacket. "That's why I dressed to impress, love."
She chuckled softly. "You'll always impress me, love."
A soft smile curved his lips. "I love you, Fireheart."
"I love you too." She rested her head on his shoulder, drinking in the peace of the moment. "We really have to go, though."
He sighed. "Yeah, we do." Lacing his fingers with hers, Rowan led Aelin out of her apartment and down to where his car was waiting. He drove to the restaurant where they were meeting both sets of their parents for dinner, taking her hand as they got out of the car and headed across the parking lot. "It's gonna be perfect," he reassured her in a low whisper, squeezing her hand.
"I hope so," she murmured, squeezing his hand back.
The moment they walked entered the elegant, low-lit restaurant, they ran into the rush of Enna Whitethorn's enthusiasm. "Darling!" she chirped, folding Rowan into a breath-stealing hug. "Oh, it feels like we haven't seen you in forever, son!" She beamed, soft lines crinkling at the corners of her eyes.
"Hi, Mom," Rowan deadpanned, biting down on his mischievous grin. "It's literally been three months, calm down."
She pinched his cheek, which Aelin thought was completely adorable and something she'd never, ever let her stoic boyfriend live down. "That's too long, darling." Wrapping her hands around his arm, she steered him towards Aelin. "And who is this lovely lady? She's miles out of your league, my dear."
Rowan cleared his throat. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Aelin."
"Oh, it's so wonderful to finally meet you, Aelin dear!" Enna embraced Aelin, who took a few seconds to realize what was happening before she hugged Enna back.
"It's wonderful to meet you," Aelin laughed. "I can totally see where Ro gets his sense of humor." She winked. "When he allows it to show, at least."
Enna clicked her tongue conspiratorially. "Mmm, yes, he's far too solemn for his own good. I'm sure you're fixing that, though."
"We practice his smile for twenty minutes every day," Aelin agreed, nodding along. "The goal is an hour, but twenty minutes is such an improvement from the ten seconds he started with."
Rowan muffled a groan. "You two are getting along far too well," he complained, affectionately stealing Aelin's hand and sliding it back into his.
Enna beamed at the two of them. "Let me take you back to where we're all sitting." She walked them towards the back of the restaurant, where Rhoe and Evalin Galathynius sat with Pyotr Whitethorn at a table set for six, chatting animatedly. "The young ones are here!" she announced.
The parents immediately stood up, coming over to the young couple for introductions. Aelin threw Rowan a dangerous smirk and wink before turning to her parents, greeting them with smiles and hugs and kisses.
"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Rowan Whitethorn." She paused for dramatic effect. "My husband."
Halfway through shaking Rhoe Galathynius's hand, Rowan choked on air, coughing violently and blushing even harder. "Aelin!" he managed to wheeze as he caught his breath. "What?!"
Aelin burst into bright laughter. "Ah, love, the look on your face is too good." Her eyes twinkled with mirth.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Evalin gasped, muffling a smile as bright as her daughter's.
"Learned from the best," Aelin teased. "Rowan is my boyfriend, of course."
"Good." Rhoe kissed his daughter's cheek. "I won't start asking about grandkids, then."
"Dad!" Aelin's face flamed red. "You promised to behave!"
"That was before you decided to shock ten years off my life, Fireheart," Rhoe chuckled. "Fair play, hmm?"
"Fine," she acceded. After another few moments of greetings, they all took their seats, Aelin sliding in next to Rowan.
He took her hand under the table, sliding his thumb over the back of her palm. "Just so you know, love, I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
She nudged his leg with her high heel. "That's still several years away, buzzard."
"Good luck convincing our parents of that," he joked. "They're already planning the wedding."
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Monster Au? - Part 4
part one part two part three II part five Tw: mentions of vomit, disordered eating, reference to child abuse (past and current sort of), panic attacks, some body horror, some self harm- not fully intentional.  --- Mama cooed at him too- soft words, gentle and careful. As if he was a time bomb, maybe he was. “I’m sorry you feel yucky, baby. We’ll fix it. We will be home as soon as we can. I’m sorry we’ve been gone, my darling boy didn’t deserve that.” Steve hiccups really soft, his throat catching the noise. She hummed softly, and Steve’s creature calmed a little more.
It craved basic contact, wanted it so desperately- wanted it from pack. Not the pack that had rejected him, it hates those in his house. All of them he loves, so much. Would die for- almost had died for. Don’t, don’t want him. Steve chews on his fingers, listening to his Mama try and soothe his terror over the phone. “You feel like doing something for me?”
“Yea’.” His voice catches in his throat, comes out chokes and rough. Steve whines softly at the sound, chewing harder on his fingers. Bites down to leave imprints, maybe bruises.
Mama’s all soft as she asks him to move the phone to their room- he nods, whining quietly at the idea of hanging up to do it. She soothes that with more practice than Steve ever thought she’d remember to have. “I want you to gather all the pillows in the house they haven’t touched, yours. The extras in our linen closet in the master bathroom- then I want you to get some soft snacks. Granola- the good kind. Even if you have to run to the store, baby. I want you to get some cheese sticks- or anything you feel like you can stomach. Then I want you to lock yourself in the bedroom until we come get you okay baby?”
Steve, swallows. Even listing down the tasks feels too big, too much. He sinks his teeth into his hands again. Blood bubbling on his lips, “Mama-“
“One thing at a time, can you go check if there’s anything in the pantry?” There’s no- not anything he wants, can eat. His hands jerk, the lines long enough for the walk. He stumbles his way into the room.
The pantry does have some of his Mama’s fancy granola, and there’s some flavorless, no added sugar yogurt in the fridge, pushed to the back. He whines at the sight, dropping the phone to peel the aluminum top off as fast as he can.
The clattering of plastic meeting tile startles him, he can still hear her talking on the line. And he almost drops the yogurt to seek out that comfort all over again. “Stephan? Stephan honey?”
He presses the phone between his shoulder And his head and scoops out the yogurt with his fingers, it’s gross, and a little slimy. If he wasn’t quite literally starving to death Steve knows he wouldn’t be doing it this way. “Hungry.”
Steve mumbles the words out around a mouthful of yogurt, and his fingers. Mama coos softly, “I know, but go slow or you’ll throw up baby.” He makes a face, he really doesn’t want to do that again.
“Don’t- I don’t wanna puke again.” She hums and tells him she knows, so he had to pace himself. Eat the yogurt, with a spoon darling, not your fingers that’s icky, she says it like that too- and he feels so small. We are creatures not animals. And then take the granola bag with him to their bedroom. Steve finishes the yogurt, painfully. Lack of food despite his best efforts have made his stomach protest even the smallest amounts of almost completely unprocessed foods.
The yogurt knots in his belly, but he’s not immediately nauseous. So it’s, it’s a win.
The master bedroom is locked, Steve had forgotten he’d locked the door to keep the pups- kids from getting into it. Least his parents get home and their bedding smells like intruders. The house does, but once he gets the key out of the false bottom drawer in the bookshelves bottom storage-
He has to count to 30 as he does it, Steve knows where it’s at. He goes from the phone as it doesn’t reach that far into the office- the phone on there is unhooked. Broken he thinks-
Steve’s back to listen to her softly talk him down from panicking again. Before he even reached 26, hands shaking and sides tugging and pulling. Pain curling over his body.
Unplugging the phone and plugging it back in requires an extra hour of calming down. Sobs that don’t taper off until Dad talks to him again. Shushes him and coos at him, Steve hiccupping into each breath.
By the time he has the bed with more blankets and pillows. Mama talked him through building half a nest, before he was in too much pain to continue the shuffling hunched over movement. It's been hours. Long enough that he’s talked through another trip to the kitchen- alone but fast. Another yogurt cup, as many bottles of water as he can carry.
Stomach painfully full, but not threatening to turn over. The door locked, his Mama talking to him softly, in a bed that smelled like his space. His blankets in the mix after a paranoid and painful trip upstairs-
The door locked.
He’s asleep by the time the sun comes up, the phone a soft dial tone in his ear after a soft- unheard goodbye baby, see you in a few hours- from both his parents.
Steve stays asleep content, and warm and safe. When the Byers brush through the house to start making late breakfast.
He misses his shared opening shift with Robin. ---
Eddie toes his boots off, watching the teens pass by him in a rush to get into the house. Stumbling over each other, shouting about something or another that Eddie’s ears aren’t picking up. The tune into the steady, soft, calm. Sound of Steve’s pulse somewhere in the house.
He tenses, because Steve was supposed to be at work, with Robin. Robin, who wanted to talk to Steve about the whole “Bonded” thing. Not that, well she’d told him that, Eddie thinks it’s incredibly dumb to drop that on someone who doesn’t understand the concept just in the middle of a work shift-
Maybe he bailed on her- but. Even then, that doesn’t, that doesn’t sound like Steve. Even with the way they’ve all started holding him at arm's length. Maybe farther. Eddie’s teeth itch.
Steve’s pulse was steady, no jumps, no panic. None of the regular heavy anxiety that plagued Steve’s heart beat regularly, soft and steady. Sleeping. Peacefully too, no high blood pressure- nothing.
Eddie moved through the house- he wasn’t hungry. Not that eating actual food would do much, not unless it was basically raw- So he passed by the kitchen and almost ran right into the chair posted up in the hall. It scraped against the floor, his knee aching for a moment at the connection. He jerked, grabbing the back of it, holding it tight in his grasp for a moment. Eddie stared down at it, it was a chair from the living room, his eyes went to the table that normally held the phone- Which, was, not there. Huh.
He took a deep breath, and fully inhaled a mouthful of distress and anxiety.
Eddie got a good hold on the scent, mind pulling away from hyper focusing on Steve’s heart beat. Could still hear it thumping softly, his brain always hardwired to find the other. Eddie sorted through the scents in the house- There was a huge scent of panic, loneliness, and depression. That wasn’t hanging over the space last night, but it was there now, thick and clotted the further Eddie moved into the back portion of the house.
Towards the rooms that stayed locked.
Covered in the living spaces by wolf, witch, dragon, gremlin- excited emotions, all the regular flares of happiness, and content.
Eddie stepped back as he passed one of the few locked doors in the house. Senses slammed full force with the smell of rejection and hurt. He bit at his tongue, his hands shaking at his sides. It was thick. Laying on heavy, dragging on his shoulders- it held a sharper note, god if the back of the house- a part they didn’t go in. Eddie desperately didn’t want to know what Steve’s bedroom smelled like.
Because all of this? Fuck it smelled like Steve.
Serves him right truly- a flare of anger bright in his belly. Going and telling Eddie to fuck off like that. But it also burned why did he smell- there was so shuffling, and Steve’s pulse jumped just slightly before settling again. The sounds of bedding being moved around.
Eddie spun on his heel and walked back to the front of the house. The scent would cling on to him- and it got several heads to jerk up and stare at him as soon as he crossed the threshold into the kitchen. Witches didn’t have a nose for scents but the rest of them did. Besides maybe Dustin.
“Eddie? You okay?” Max's voice is careful, easy in a way it’s normally not “why do you-“ he shakes his head, picking at his clothes. Rubbing the fabric between his fingers.
“Not mine, uh. Don’t know, Steve maybe? Shouldn’t be this strong for a human.” It’s not, it doesn’t make sense, it shouldn’t smell like this, shouldn’t be this thick. Steve doesn’t even smell like anything half the time, besides like blood, and sick. Erica made a noise at that, huffing slightly. But ultimately, for apparently Eddie’s sanity, she kept whatever comment she wanted to say to herself. The rest of the kids shrugged, Max looked at him for a little longer before nodding slowly to herself.
They lingered around his edges, pressing up against him for the rest of the morning. Brushing against him- at least those that could smell whatever was clinging to him.
The morning was, simple. Regular just as it normally is. Maybe that’s why they didn’t think about the phone having not gone off for Robin’s regular morning call, maybe that was why they completely missed the car pulling into the driveway. It wasn’t until the click of a car door- Eddie tensed head jerking towards the door at the sound. Hopper came out of the kitchen, a rough growl already in the air.
A car door slammed shut, Eddie stood from his spot on the couch. The hair on the back of his neck rising, his teeth itch. The kid’s scramble, hearing it now. “What the fuck-” Mike’s voice is high, and whatever else the kid had to say is cut off by the unlocked front door all but slamming into the wall- a woman who looked frighteningly similar to Steve stands on the doorway.
Her teeth are bared, she’s making a sharp noise. Clicking, inhuman noises, sharp angry noise- Hopper growls, and there’s shuffling in the kitchen as he and Joyce-  the only two adults there that morning, shuffle up and into the main room.
“Stephan?” The woman pays them zero attention, ignoring Hopper’s growl of warning. Just clicks against and moves to the back of the house. Towards Steve- “Stephan baby?” She coos it out softly, Eddie tracks her movement, watching her go. Confusion coating his stomach as panic curls off of his shoulders, not here for his, just invading- She lets out a soft series of clicks, noise people don’t make. Noise that sounds warped against his ears.
There’s a soft jump in Steve’s pulse, Eddie could almost hear the other wake up. There was shuffling, and Hopper growled heavily again. The noise rattling around in his skull, a few of the kids capable of making the noise mimicked it.
Eddie shuffled, pressing himself against the wall- enough to hear Steve and the woman having a soft conversation with a door.
“Get out of my house.” Eddie jerked, finding the new figure standing in the doorway, his eyes widening. Hopper’s growl cuts a little, Harrington’s- Steve’s parents. Holy shit.
Did Steve fucking call his Dad on them?
His Mom was still knocking on the door, she was quiet, voice soft. Eddie’s nerves were fried, his teeth itched. She clicked again, a pattern to the noise almost-
Hopper was still growling. No words had been exchanged, and the kids were scrambling over themselves to move out of the intruders line of sight. Dustin had a handful of Eddie’s jacket, the boy making a nervous chittering noise. Faceless monsters were one thing? Whatever the hell Harrington was, was, was another thing.
He shifted, Mr. Harrington cut an intimidating figure, he was shorter than Hopper and slimmer. But there was something different. “Get out of my house.”
Joyce was posted at Hopper’s elbow, Eddie was beginning to realize that this was about to be a shit show. “Supernatural rights state that we have a claim on the house, it’s our space.”
Harrington tilted his head to the side, and Eddie got his first real good look at the other. And unnatural focus to his eyes, unworldly. Dangerous, wrong, wrong, wrong- Something was- was, just, warped, different. Distinctly monsterish.
And Eddie’s a fucking vampire.
“Supernatural rights, say you are trespassing.” Hopper’s growl cuts. “Supernatural rights say I can kill you.” Down the hall, a lock clicks- and a door opens, and something, something so far from human lets out a high animalistic cry of distress. High, broken, wretched- and Eddie’s whole body tenses even more.
The predator in the doorway watching them. Threatening them, lets out a low noise- it rattles against his ears. Mrs. Harrington lets out a soft series of clicks and then the door shuts. Both answer the cry of distress. One with soothing motives and another with a promise to remove the thing causing distress.
Suddenly Eddie’s out of his depth, monsters, supernatural. Rules, Eddie isn’t-
It hits him. Steve’s not human, he’s not human- 
They’ve fucked up, absolutely- the whole house smells like aggression and desperation. They’ve rejected Steve- holy shit they rejected Steve. No wonder he’s so hostile- they’ve fucking rejected him. Removed him bodily from pack- coven, bound  gatherings in his own god damn house.
If they’ve bonded, a pair, a bonded pair in Robin’s case, and then imprinted in Eddie’s- holy shit they’ve basically been torturing Steve for the past several months- Oh fuck.
Eddie lets out a small hiss as Dustin opens his mouth. Not now- the younger boy jolts but snaps his mouth shut.
“Out, between the harsh rejection of my child, and then pushing into their space- without knowing what you do as of right now. Is more than enough to kill you over. But Stephan adores you all- Gods knows why. So just this one, you get a free pass.  Get the hell out of my house.” And it’s- a flip has been switched.
Eddie watches as Hopper steps back, ducks his head, averts his eyes. Eddie does the same, tugs the kids out of the line of sight, grabs the back of Nancy’s shirt, hisses at Mike’s opening mouth. This is not something trivial. This isn’t a bitch their way out of. This is politics, this isn’t a pissing contest, this is Harrington is something with far more power than Hopper has-
If they refuse to leave, Harrington has full rights to kill or attempt to kill Hopper- for allowing his pack in someone else’s space. For allowing them to accept and then shove Steve out of the group almost bodily. They never had permission to be here, not really. Not since Steve’s word to Eddie in the bathroom, and they don’t have permission to be here anymore either.
There’s so many rules, a minefield of them, so Eddie herds the kids out of the front door. Almost shoving Nancy through the door, he is twisting, holding his ground in the doorway, as Harrington stands, protecting the hallway to the back bedroom. Steve’s pulse is loud, frantic, inconsolable. Hopper pushes at him. Him and Joyce holding the door while Eddie scoops up his shoes.
He can’t be here, can’t stand to try and be in this space any longer. Even if he was allowed, not with Steve sobbing, loud against his eardrums between walls.
They’ve royally fucked this all up. --- :) That’s as much as I have written down right now, so, part 5 might be, arriving sometime, later. Fingers crossed I actually post something on Ao3 before I make another ficlit post, probably not.  Anyway!  (Is this possibly going to lead into Non-binary Steve? Maybe, let me have this okay. I will steal all my favorite characters genders at least ONCE.) 
Protective but shitty parents!! They are trying, is it their best? Hell no, but they’ll get there. Remember Gray Area. 
Also, don’t bash characters please. I’m not actively trying to be like EVERYONE SUCKS. because they don’t, they are just, big fuckin dumb. It happens sometimes. Miscommunication my beloved and behated. Also lots of world building, which I should totally expand on, (and explain truly)  and will, depending on how out of control the plot bunny gets. 
Really out here saying that I wouldn’t post more of this until I updated “An Untuned Piano Sounds less lonely” (Ao3 link)  I may be a liar. But at least It’s myself I’m lying too. (mostly, 50% of the time, sometimes its to my readers because I tend to change my mind)  Where THE FUCK, did all yall come from. (full apologizes if I mess up tagging people again, I’m, very bad at this whole thing- if you asked to be tagged and I didn’t tag you, it’s probably because I couldn’t get it to actually work, or because my dumbass missed you asking.) @theghostinmymachine @sadcanadianwinter  @failedstarsandgoldenclouds  @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @bisexualdisastersworld @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @estrellami-1 @raysreads @knightofthieves  @sassysleeplord @gezell-igg  @ledleaf @haluton @h0n3y-dw
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London Will Burn - Chapter Twelve.
Look at me go! I updated on time for once, haha! Happy Friday, besties. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 4,180
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
“Sorry mate! Christ, the traffic was absolute murder! They’ve completely closed off the bloody main road outside my offices and... Oh, hot waiters. Hello!” 
In times of tension, Rin knew she could always trust in her old friend Carly for a little light relief, literally veering off mid-sentence to appreciate the appearance of the wait staff there at San Carlo, where they were meeting for a long overdue catchup dinner.  
With their beloved Rashida now living over in Chicago, it was just the two of them, their friendship fully re-bonded since Rin’s return from Africa. Not that geographical distance had diminished the love or closeness between the two lifelong friends whatsoever.  
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s fucking mayhem out there! Come here, give me a smooch,” Rin assured her, kissing her cheek as they embraced. “I only got here on time because I was in Chelsea for a meeting this afternoon.” Carly took her seat, thanking Rin when she dutifully poured her a glass of wine. “Anyway, why are you eyeing up waiters? Not loved up with twat waffles, still?” 
No, it was fair to say that Rin had never really liked Carly’s long-term boyfriend, Mathias. Not after their visit to Kenya, when he’s gotten absolutely smashed, resulting in him thinking he could square up to Sokoro, a decision that had landed him in a world of regret. Being dangled by his ankles over the top of the stairs within the lodge by the pissed off Kenyan until he’d apologised had sobered him up nicely, though. 
“You will be pleased to hear that the man known only as twat waffles to you is no longer in my life. Yeeted him about four weeks ago. I’ll say it, you were right.”  
Rin beamed. “I always am.” Well, not always. The events of the previous week were still burning in her gut, being shamed in the way she had been by Sean and his superior powers of deduction. “No but honestly, honey. I’m glad because you can do so much better than him!” 
“In this instance, you are correct. I can and I will, with that waiter over there with the blonde hair if I have my way.” She paused, raising her glass in his direction. He was at the table in seconds. 
“Good evening, ladies. Are we ready to order?” 
Oh, he was so sweet, absolutely none the wiser to the fact there was a bona fide man eater about to chomp down upon him. “Not yet, love. I was just appreciating the fact that you happen to be the most gorgeous man within the restaurant, so cheers to you.” 
He pinked at the cheeks, nodding while attempting to bite back his grin. “Well, when you need me, feel free to appreciate me again.”  
Rin chuckled, shaking her head. “We'll take some focaccia and olives to nibble while we decide, please.” 
He made a quick note on his iPad, smiling widely. “Certainly.” Scampering away, Rin fixed her friend with a look of pure mirth. 
“You’re terrible, Muriel.” 
Her assessment had Carly in hysterics, reciting their favourite line from the nineteen nineties cult classic film, Muriel’s wedding. They’d always said it to one another when there was mischief afoot. “I am, this much is true. So, how’s everything? How’s work, and my beautiful goddaughter?” 
“Tiger is perfect, as usual. As for work... hm.”  
Inclining her head, she took a sip of wine and thanking the waiter when he brought over the required pre-dinner nibbles. She winked again and of course, he blushed furiously. “Oh? I sense a story there. Does it have anything to do with her dad? How’s all of that going, by the way?” Of course, Carly had been made privy to it all. She’d known right from the start, after all.  
She ground her teeth before forcing a somewhat terse smile to her face. “I gave him a black eye last week.”  
Some things truly never changed, Carly making a motion with her hand that she should elaborate. “The tea requires spilling, Miss C.” 
And so, Rin did. She spared certain details over her work (although of course, Carly well knew she was a hardened criminal, Rin never gave away enough that could implicate her at any point in the future, just in case) but managed to sum it all up in a way that gave the story without all of the nuanced ins and outs of it.  
“Right, so he potentially saved you from making a big mistake with the Per...” she began, eyes scanning around before leaning in close to whisper, “the PM, shall we say, and you gave him hell for it?”  
“He embarrassed me in front of my associates, and took great pleasure in doing so,” she spoke, picking up another small cube of focaccia and dunking it into the balsamic vinegar bowl. “I don’t take kindly to that.” 
A taste of one’s own medicine was always the bitterest, Carly couldn’t help but note. “Yet you do exactly the same with him at any given opportunity.”  
Rin frowned. “I’m sorry, who’s side are you on here, exactly?” 
“Yours, always yours, love,” she was quick to interject, “but sweet, from what you’ve told me about him, if you bite at him, he’ll do exactly the same back. You two, you’re much too similar for your own good. Something I believe you once said about you both, didn’t you?” 
The focaccia was chewed upon with mild fury. “He doesn’t deserve to ever have one over on me. Not after what he did. I want him to suffer. His punishment will be prolonged, mark my words.” 
God, she was so hardheaded, especially when it came to Sean. Carly looked a little pensive, picking up her wine. “Do you want to know what I think about that? The complete, unfiltered truth?” 
Her lips thinned, eventually nodding. “I suppose an outside perspective couldn’t hurt.”  
“Okay.” She took a breath and another sip of Sauvignon Blanc for courage, placing her glass back down again softly.  
“You’ve already punished him enough, Rin. You deprived him of a relationship with his daughter for six years, and you came back and took an empire he was planning to preside over out from under him, and then made him effectively run his own company for you, on your terms. Trust me, from what you’ve told me about Sean, you’ve hit him twice where it hurts with big strikes. Family and business are what means everything to him, and you hold all the power over both. Prolonging that, well, as far as I can see, mate, all that does is cause problems for you.” 
“Your business deals should be running smoothly, and if you continue to hold him in contempt, they simply won’t. Risky really, when taken into consideration just what you do. Then of course, for Tiger. In fact, mostly for Tiger. Trying to repeatedly cut her father down for a mistake he made seven years ago will only hurt you and her in the end. Has he ever offered you an apology for his actions?” 
She lifted her chin, remembering it, when he told her of his lament. “He has. I have to give him that.” 
Carly reached for her arm, squeezing softly. “Well, then. There you go. You have to stop figuratively yeeting him right in the gonads for it at point or another, or behaving like this is only lowering you to his level, or former level, I don’t know. I can’t speak for him, but I can speak for your character. You’re better than this.” 
If anyone was going to give her the truth, it was Carly. It was a truth she did need to hear, too, before the battleground that was her relationship – or lack thereof – with the father of her child became even bloodier than it already was. “Why are you bloody laughing? I’m trying to talk seriously for once in my flippin’ life! You could at least appreciate my attempt to be sage!” 
“I am,” Rin chuckled, covering her hand with hers where it still rested upon her arm. “It’s just you still can’t help but be funny through it. Yeeting him in the gonads, oh god.” She descended there, laughing richly, even wiping a few tears from her eyes, it had entertained her so much.  
“And at the fucking risk of getting my head bitten off, well, maybe it’s because you still lust after what’s hanging directly above the gonads that you’re getting yourself so bent out of shape over him.” 
Immediately, she sat a little more upright, her laughter stalled. “Order me the burrata salad to start and then the salmon penne. I’m going for a cigarette.” 
“Avoidance tactics,” Carly chimed as Rin rose from her seat, discreetly offering her middle finger in salute.  
“Bugger off.” 
“Filthy habit,” she further teased, Rin mouthing that she was a knob, her clearly entertained friend giggling as she picked up her wine. “This could all be so much simpler for you if you weren��t so much like your dad.” she muttered, sipping the buttery smooth Sauvignon while looking down at the menu to make her choice.  
They had a lovely night together, parting ways at just gone 10pm, Carly heading home and Rin calling a car to do the same. After stopping at a Tesco Express to purchase a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black, though, home was not where she ended up.  
Sean was coming to the end of a five-mile treadmill run when the buzzer sounded through his penthouse, slowing the machine to walk before climbing off, his bare chest glistening with sweat. 
“Yes?” he spoke into the intercom, seeing the woman upon the screen turn to reveal her face to the front entrance camera.  
“Can we talk?” 
She had a nerve, turning up out of the blue at 10:35pm. “That depends on whether I’m going to get lambasted all over again for trying to do the fucking right thing, Catherine.” 
“You aren’t. Promise.” She knew she needed to give a little, Carly’s words hitting home with her a little. He buzzed her in, Rin moving to the lift, hitting the button for the penthouse. As it glided in ascent, she spoke sternly to herself, her internal monologue advising that she needed to keep calm and talk things through with him, apologise for her pride getting in the way the week before, that she was doing this for the greater good of business continuing to run smoothy, and for her daughter to have a father in her life. One who truly did want to be there.  
All of her steely composure flew straight out the window when he opened the door to her, though, when her eyes nearly fell out of her head for seeing him there, shirtless and gleaming with sweat, his navy joggers so low slung she could almost see his... 
“Well, don’t you look resplendent in Dolce and Gabbana,” he spoke, raising an eyebrow.  
She cocked her head, swallowing hard. “How did you know this is D&G?” 
He took a moment, his eyes roaming her slender curves. “I have an eye for quality.” The scent of her perfume wafted under his nose, spellbinding, those orchid notes reminding him how it felt to have his senses flooded by it, his eyes meeting hers.  
Her body moved, yet her feet planted, her mouth agape as her chest and cheeks flushed, overcome by the sight of him like that, her throat drying. No. Not now. She willed her brain to take the reins away from the jockey that was her desire, steer her right, but she failed. It was too strong, charging away down a path she swore never to encroach upon again, moving in a second to press her mouth to his, his arms immediately locking around her as he kissed her back with all the heat of a thousand suns.  
Now they were in trouble.  
Flattened against the door, he pinned her there as they gave in to the torrent, his hands smoothing over her body, reaching to ruck her dress up around her waist, both panting furiously as their tongues rolled in an erotic dance, Sean grasping her thong and tearing it from her in one swift yank. It sent a flood to where she ached for him, her legs wrapping around him as he lifted her, pulling his joggers down just enough to free his cock and plunge it into her fully. 
Lord, how she’d missed the feel of being split wide around him, kissing him in utter frenzy. It was mindless, feral sex, their need for one another rampant and unhinged, her body banging against the thick, black door as he fucked out every single wave of desire, longing and, if he was honest, utter contempt he held for her, his fingers dug in hard beneath her thighs.  
It sizzled through her, each sparking pulse, tiny fireworks set to burn within her blood, crying out as he filled her again and again, his teeth at her neck scintillating, hanging onto him for dear life. It felt like he was attempting to fuck her right through the door, the pace barbaric, smouldering, everything she needed and had craved in the years they’d been parted.  
It shimmered through them both, the crest of an almighty wave they rode until it crashed, washing over them entirely, Rin feeling completely mindless as she swam to the surface of her pleasure, desire glimmering down her spine. That was the moment her brain engaged, her breathless body pinned by his, their tightened muscles slackening as the divinity ebbed away. 
Oh, god. Damn him. Damn him for being so fucking irresistible.  
He was the first to speak, finally sobering from his orgasm enough to form words. “Please don’t tell me we’ve just possibly given Tiger a sibling.” 
“We haven’t,” she panted, “IUD.” 
“Oh, thank Christ.” He finally looked at her, withdrawing and placing her down, his mouth twitching a little. “So, you wanted to talk?” 
“I did,” she confirmed, rearranging her dress, looking away. Easily, she could have throttled herself for her actions, hiding her face in her hands for a moment, dying a little. “For fucks sake! We’re such a mess.”  
He raised an eyebrow, pulling his joggers and boxers back up again. “That we are, Catherine.” He paused, watching her run her hands over her hair, still looking desperately uncomfortable. “We could become less messy, though. Perhaps if we ceased the urge to needle at one another quite so much as we do.”  
“Are you truly admitting to the fact that you do?” she asked, Sean feeling his blood flicker in annoyance. 
“I am, yes. Because somebody who continues to fucking punish me for the mistakes of my past bloody deserves it. Know that for my part, it is only in retaliation,” he told her, walking over to his kitchen, Butch there in his bed, absolutely none the wiser to her arrival and subsequent pounding against the front door.  
She pulled the bottle from her bag, nodding towards him. “It’s because you enjoy the fight, Sean. Don’t pretend that isn’t how it is.”  
God. The Woman was insufferable. He turned to her, his nostrils flaring. “Stop it. If I can put my ego aside here and admit my transgressions, then so can you. You know full well you hold your power over me like a fucking sword of Damocles, in both business and with Tiger whenever the opportunity arises. Now, admit that, or get the fuck out. I’m going for a shower; I suggest you take the time I’m gone to consider that. Glasses are above the sink cupboard.” 
She knew she had to, he was right, but god, it wasn’t easy. They were both just too similar, too – to use an analogy she herself had many times before – cut from the exact same cloth. Except this time, deep down Rin knew that Sean was right, and she loathed him for it all the more.  
Life would be made exponentially easier for her if she simply ceased her desire to punish him, to realise that Carly was right. She had struck back against him more than evenly. The playing field was entirely equal once more.  
Just last week she’d heard Ed Dumani offer peace towards Sean, and regardless of the fact he hadn’t been ready to accept, she knew that a clean slate was exactly what had to happen between her and the father of her child, so that ultimately that precious little girl didn’t suffer because of her parent’s rampant toxicity.  
“I almost expected you to have done a runner.” His words pulled her from her thoughts, a freshly showered Sean entering the kitchen again, going to the cupboard himself to retrieve the glasses she’d been preoccupied from fetching. “I perhaps couldn’t blame you if you had.”  
He poured two large measures, Rin thanking him as he slid hers across the black marble worktop, knocking it back in one. He followed suit. “Come on, it’s fucking cold in here and the lounge is warm.” They walked back out again, Butch still sleeping on with a series of deep snores, taking a seat upon the long, L shaped grey sofa, Sean refilling their glasses. “So, what did you come here with the intention of saying?” 
Taking a breath, she closed her eyes for a second, seeing Tiger there in her mind’s eye. It forced her to take a lasso to her pride and give it several tethering yanks. “I want to apologise for my part in us continuing to have friction. It isn’t conducive to us healthily co-parenting Tiger, no matter how much I dislike you at times. I need to be better for my daughter.”  
He snorted softly, sipping his drink. “At times? Catherine, you despise me near enough constantly.”  
“Do you truly blame me for that?”  
“Yes, I fucking do when you’ve had seven bloody years to get over it!” he spoke tersely. “I apologised to you, and it was sincere. I regret what I did to you, every fucking day I regret it, but god above, woman! You have to take your fucking boot off my bloody neck at some point.” She looked accepting of his words, albeit that acceptance bitter, Sean continuing in her silence. “I lost everything, went through hell after my father died, attempted to claw it back only to have you take it all again and only give it on your terms. Terms I have complied with.” 
“But Sean...” 
“No, for fucks sake, there isn’t a fucking but here! Stop fucking punishing me. If you want me to cease resenting you, then you have to stop making me sorry for something I already regret! I am doing everything in my power to prove worthiness, to prove most importantly that I can and will be a fit father for Tiger, but as soon as you perceive me to have any kind of upper hand, you fucking use her against me, like you did with the Persians!” 
Her ire ramped in an instant. “You fucking enjoyed that, making me look small!” 
“I didn’t want Bahram Forouhandeh to fucking kill you! I was looking out for you, you ignorant, insufferable woman!” His eyes were wide, exasperated as he scoffed, sinking his whiskey. “And yes, maybe I did derive a little joy from cutting you down, but bloody hell, Rin! Like you don’t do exactly the same to me at every fucking opportunity!” 
“I just apologised, and you’re throwing it at me all over again!” 
“Because you need to have it thrown at you all over a-bloody-gain to recognise what you’re doing to me!” He took a moment, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest, trying to calm down from the anger that had all too sharply risen. “Your father was exactly the same. On his terms or not at all. You? You’re better than that, and I am one of the very few people in your life who not only sees that, but isn’t too afraid of you to tell you either.” 
Neither was Carly, and it wasn’t lost on her, how his statements more or less matched those of her oldest friend. She’d always taken pride in the fact people likened her to her father, but truly never dawned in her until right then that perhaps it wasn’t always a complimentary likeness.  
Bolting back her drink, she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Sean.” They were words that did not come easily, feeling bitter, like ashes in her mouth.  
Standing, he picked up the bottle, moving to seat himself at her side, topping up her empty glass. “Finally. Now I only have to await a little sincerity in your actions going forward, and maybe my fucking blood pressure might lower a tad.” 
Lifting the glass to her lips, she took a sip, nodding. “What would like first, then, for me to show this sincerity?” 
“A blowjob wouldn’t go amiss.” He expected the light slap he received to the chest. “Well, you did ask.” 
“And you just shagged the shit out of me against the front door not ten minutes ago!” 
He smirked, his eyebrows twitching. “I never claimed not to he insatiable.” 
Rolling her eyes, she rested her head back against the comfy sofa, biting her lip. He certainly never had, as a mere few minutes against the door had reminded her, should she have forgotten. “No, you definitely didn’t. I’m still not putting your cock in my mouth, though.” 
“Spoil sport.” The conversation moved away from their dalliance into the verboten, talking instead about of work and life, and then of Tiger when they were over half a bottle into the whiskey.  
“I know I say how perfect she is, the bias of being her mum, and she’s always so well-mannered when we meet up with you,” Rin began, her words peppered by giggles. 
“Apart from when we took her on the Harry Potter tour and she had a meltdown mid-way round,” he interrupted with, remembering the squealing well.  
“Yes, apart from that.” She paused again, looking pained. “You fucking have a habit of doing this to me, interrupting and making me forget what I was about to say!” 
He snickered, flicking the side of her glass. “No, darling. That’s called alcohol.”  
“Anyway, as I was saying…” 
“As you were saying.” 
God, how he knew how to wind her up, even when he was being playful rather than deliberately devious. “Be quiet, or I’ll black your other eye.” 
“You bloody won’t,” he warned, “look at it, still purple.” It was, too, just a smidgen marking the skin violet around the socket.  
“As I was saying, she isn’t the perfect, Tiger. She’s going through a phase of saying things she definitely shouldn’t at the moment. She called the window cleaner a dickhead the other day because he appeared suddenly and startled her.” 
Predictably, Sean cracked up hard. “The profanity apple has not fallen far from the tree, I see.” 
She laughed, cringing a little. “No, it certainly hasn’t. That child had bionic hearing, and stealth mode. I never know when she’s going to sneak up on me and overhear my vulgar mouth. Bastard shoes was another recent one, when she couldn’t get her little Timberland boots on because she hadn’t loosened the laces. Sokoro nearly pissed himself laughing at her.”  
“When do you plan on telling her who I am?” he then asked, Rin feeling a little pit inside for the question, no matter how gently delivered.  
“Soon, I think. Before our next meeting. She needs to know.”  
He smiled. “Good plan.”  
What was also a good plan to them that night was working their way through the rest of the Johnnie Walker, Rin feeling the effects strongly, not having much memory of the night. Upon waking the following morning, she certainly had no remembrance over how she’d ended up in Sean’s bed, her sober, slightly hungover self feeling a little flicker of panic. 
They hadn’t... nope. Her underwear was still on, she felt after checking, her shuffling around stirring the body at her side.  
“Morning,” he yawned, propping himself up. “I hope you don’t mind, but if you’d slept on the sofa you’d have only awoken to Butch trying to sit on your head, so I brought you in here.”  
“You have more than one bedroom though, no?”  
He might have been half asleep, but he heard the tease in her tones clearly. “I do, but the beds aren’t made up and I was too pissed to wrestle with a fucking duvet cover, so yes. Here you are.” 
The warmth of him, the bright of his blue eyes, the scent of his skin. No. Not again. 
“Here I am.” She looked down for a second, feeling a hand reach beneath her chin, Sean shifting closer, his heart quickening as she looked up from beneath her long, full eyelashes at him.  
That time, he was the instigator of the kiss they fell into, his body moving to cover hers. 
Now they were in trouble. 
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cpcwiki · 10 months
Hi, everyone! @mechanical-clown here on a new blog! That's right, it's the Real Official CPC Wiki Social Media Account here!! B) Unfortunately I do not have good news to deliver
It's been a hot minute since my last ad and I do want you all to know I'm still sorry for doing this. Unfortunately, again, how bad I feel making another ad is outweighed by how much the wiki needs more help. I've been feeling especially desperate lately because of the fact that CPC is ending soon, and there are many tasks that will be made harder if it's put on daily pass. So, in my cry for effort to get help, here's an explanation of what I believe is our biggest issue and a rundown of things that currently need to be done! Again I am sorry. This could take a while
If you were fortunate enough to not have seen this post last time, the Cursed Princess (Club) Wiki needs help if it wants to be complete any time soon. Kind of a lot of it. As we all know, cpcblr's very active and prolific in content and the wiki's typically... not. To seriously get into this, the only three active editors in the past month or two have been me, @the-neighbors-kid (aka cursed-princess-club), and Ama (not sure if she wants to be tagged but we all know her!). Shoutout to you two because you are actually the best thank you I love you /pl <3
Anyways, there are already a lot of things we need to do to fix up the wiki. Thankfully, accessing any episode for any information you'd like is easy! And it will continue to be that easy after CPC ends, because Webtoon doesn't feel the need to limit how many episodes a person can view, right? Right? ...Yeah, so, uh, daily pass exists.
As of the time I'm writing this, there are ~10 episodes left in CPC (forgot the exact number lol). Assuming there are no hiatuses, that's only 10 more weeks, or 2 and a half months - and that's pretty soon! While there is a chance that CPC might not have daily pass after it ends, it's a small one. And, to me, that sounds like a huge problem!! If CPC is put on daily pass, accessing episodes will become much more difficult. Looking for a certain character's appearances, adding images, even just finding a single reference - it'll take a day to unlock the needed episode, and that episode will be gone in 2 weeks. The best solution to this problem would probably be to just use physical copies of CPC to find things, but those aren't available to everyone.
And adding images with daily pass episodes? As a reminder, screenshotting while viewing an episode on daily pass is taken as a sign of piracy. Screenshotting, the way we get images for the wiki. I've tried poring through Webtoon's terms of use to find some answer about whether publicly posting such screenshotted images would be illegal, but there's no mention of daily pass, and the text is so dense it's hard for me to tell. (I want to say I'll take a second look at it sometime, but that's probably just going to go into my list of permanently-unfinished priorities. I doubt the physical copies would be a good alternative to screenshots, either.) Regardless, I don't want to take any chances with the law, or see however Webtoon would punish us on the chance they find our frightening screenshots. Thus, another top priority of mine is to add more images and complete more galleries before CPC ends.
Oh, yeah, and that's barely even scratching the surface! Here's more stuff we need to do, presented in an appealing (classic Mocha iykyk) bulleted list:
A major thing is filling in episode pages. Episodes 40-around 110 are basically blank - no synopsis, character list, summary, or extra information. This is the task that would likely be least burdened by the addition of daily pass, but in my opinion, it's still of the absolute highest priority.
Galleries, which display images of characters, locations, or episodes. While not generally that important, I do think it'd be a good idea to fill out mostly empty ones now - you know, since taking screenshots of CPC may become illegal in the future! Most characters have a good amount of images on their pages, thankfully (the pastel sisters have so many they were the first to get separate gallery pages); some, including Jack and Leland, have very few. Episode pages and locations often have way less, though those aren’t as important
Relationship sections for a number of characters. These involve write about characters’ relationships, though in a way that mainly describes their interactions throughout the episodes without expressing any specific opinions. Some major sections that need to be written/updated include Jamie and Leopold; Jolie and Nell; Leland and really everyone on his page but especially Jack; Jack and Lilyth; Suzanna and Lance/Lorena; the Plaid Princes with each other; and more! Many more!
History sections for a number of characters. In a similar vein to relationship sections, these just detail a character’s appearances in the story, as well as their past or other mentions of them. Examples of (mostly - Isolde's isn't fully updated yet) completed history sections include Whitney’s, Isolde’s, and Monika’s! Examples of incomplete sections include virtually everyone else’s.
You might be wondering why I, a wiki admin (in case I haven't said it enough) am not doing any of these things! That’s because I'm neglectful and pretty bad at my job. I will not sugarcoat that part anymore. As much as I love the wiki (it's where I met my best friend after all, and while I'm writing this they just went offline so he can get fucked /j) I don't have motivation to work on it very often. Really, I don't have motivation to work on much nowadays! Ama's been doing the virtually thankless job of keeping the wiki up for the past couple months, and I've been mostly absent. The wiki is only remotely as active as cpcblr because of her. I feel terrible about it, but I'd rather be writing this 9-paragraph cry for help than editing, so, uh... yeah this is a public apology to Ama. I am so sorry. I know this isn't very professional but I'm incapable of being professional about the wiki tbh
TL;DR: As CPC is ending soon, the impending threat of daily pass could take away the ability to look at episodes whenever you want, which would make wiki editing much harder. We seriously need editors to join us in finishing the wiki. Please at least consider helping us!! Any way you can is appreciated - even if you can only make very few edits, I'll be immensely grateful for your support :)
If you have any questions about anything wiki-related, contact me!! My Discord's at musicitself, and you can also always DM me on here! And here's an invite to our wiki Discord server, too!! Of course, you don't have to become a wiki editor to join, but (as was the point of this entire post) I would really really REALLY love if you did. Thank you so much for reading this long, and have a great day!
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Hey i know you already make a Thenamesh hunger games au and i just can't keep my mind of it specially now, Can we ask for a part 2 of it maybe when they already in the battle field.
Ikaris was not invincible. None of them were. Thena said so herself.
Gil stared him down, his chest heaving from running through this bizarre fabrication of a tropical jungle. He needed fresh water - any water - and fast. And now he was facing down by far the deadliest tribute in here.
Well, maybe the second deadliest.
"Oi," Ikaris tipped his chin at him, "tadpole."
Gil almost rolled his eyes before he remembered his order to never take his eyes off the enemy. He gulped. Ikaris was not invincible. Ikaris had a terrible temper.
"You volunteered, right?--for your nerd brother," Ikaris grinned at him, completely menacing. He certainly had the handsomeness and charm of a Capitol trained career tribute. "Y'know my bitch companion volunteered for her brother, too. She's the reason I'm in here."
Ikaris had a terrible temper. He was easily baited. Gil gulped, "I-I thought you careers all wanted the chance to fight in the Games."
"Yeah but not 'cause blondie got me stuck here."
Thena was right, Ikaris would kill anyone, and she was top of his list.
Gil kept his weight on his feet light. He wasn't as agile as Thena, but he knew he was definitely stronger than Ikaris. Ikaris had showy muscles for a specific strength, but Gil was certain he could out strong-arm him. It was the murdering that Ikaris would have the upper hand in.
"I've seen 'er talk to you," Ikaris continued. "You know where she is?"
Gil's blood chilled. That was why Ikaris hadn't launched a spear right through his heart on sight. He was hunting for Thena - his biggest competition - first. "No."
"What'd she promise you?" Gil didn't like the smirk on his face. "A li'l, uh, fun, eh?"
Gil's stomach twisted.
"You help me find her," Ikaris fixed his cold blue eyes on him, "I'll let you make good on that promise."
"I know she'd launch herself out of the arena before she would let you touch her."
Ikaris had a terrible temper, and the effect was obvious and immediate. He snarled, baring his teeth.
Taunt him, tease him, anything necessary, Gil heard in Thena's voice. He glared at him more, "that what pisses you off the most? That Thena doesn't care for your Golden Boy act? That she's the only girl in the world who doesn't want a damn thing to do with you?!"
"Shut your filthy mouth, you loach!"
Gil gripped Ikaris' arms as he charged in at him. Thena was right about his technique being simple and sloppy, too. He used brute strength, but he didn't have skill like she had. Gil had sparred with her a few times during assessments; Ikaris was nothing in comparison. Heavier, but nothing.
In retrospect, it was probably Thena doing him a favor and letting him show off his strength, even then. She had a weird way of looking out for him, and he only hoped he would get to pay it back somehow.
Gil twisted Ikaris' arm around, wrenching his wrist the wrong way and stealing his spear for himself. This would help him fish if there was any water to be found at all in this hell.
"Coward!" Ikaris roared at him as he scrambled to pursue him, injured or not.
Gil kept running. He didn't want to kill anyone in here. Not even Ikaris.
"Get back here!"
Gil squeezed his eyes shut. Ikaris was faster than he was. He sprinted harder, but he had been running this whole time. He didn't have the stamina of someone who had trained for this their whole life.
"Open your eyes!"
Gil skidded to a stop, slipping slightly on the jungle floor. He twisted to look behind him, vines and leaves in his way. He saw a flash of gold, and Ikaris a few paces behind him. Then Ikaris had a knife in his shoulder. Two--three knives driven into Ikaris' already injured side threw him to the ground.
"Move!" Thena turned, screaming at him over the drum of blood in his ears. She reached out, gripping the shoulder of his sparkly uniform suit and dragging him with her. "Come on!"
Gil let her basically drag him with her. He looked at her hand. She had her knives, a blade of any kind being her signature weapon of choice.
"Gil!" she barked at him, pulling him behind a tree and shaking him. "Look at me!"
He blinked, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. He had been fighting Ikaris. But now he was looking at Thena, with her blonde hair in a tight braid, her pretty green eyes, her pale skin. He was in the jungle, with Thena.
"Gilgamesh," she shook him again. This was why Kingo told him that Thena had so much skill; she didn't have the personality for tribute gifts. She was beautiful, though. "Gilgamesh, look at me and listen."
"I am listening."
"Where are you?"
"The Capitol," he repeated dumbly, just staring at her. But the edges of his vision were coming back, slowly. "The Games--the dome."
"Where is your home?"
"District 4." Home, in his little shack he shared with Phastos, Dad buried on the island and barely scraping by, just the two of them.
"Who are you here for?"
"My brother." Phastos wasn't a Fighter. He was a Thinker--he was gentle hearted, and kind, and he wouldn't have survived in here. Phastos had someone who loved him. Phastos had found love, somehow, in a world like this--a love that was already hard enough. "I'm here for my brother."
"Good." She nodded sharply, slapping him on the arm. She had a sparkly jumpsuit on too, but hers looked better than the rest, Gil thought. She gripped the two - mismatched - knives in her hands. "Let's go."
"Thena," he blinked.
"Here." She said it softer, pulling out a tiny canister from the side pocket on her leg. "It's not much, but there was some rain dripping off the tip of the cornucopia."
Gil gulped down what little water it was. She was right it wasn't much, but by all the districts it was more than he'd had, and he needed it.
"We have to keep moving."
Gil swiped at his chin and licked his lips, eager for every little drop. He looked at Thena's back as she started walking ahead of him, head twitching every which way to keep a lookout for them. "Please tell me you had some of that too."
Thena didn't even look over her shoulder at him. "Have you found any food?"
That was a no. Gil huffed, gripping the spear he had gotten from Ikaris. "I was looking for water. Even if there are weeds at the bottom, I can make us something edible."
That did get her attention. She nodded, saving her words and moving along.
"You're here for Druig," Gil said, and finally got to see some sort of human reaction from her. "That's what you keep telling yourself, right?"
Thena pushed some foliage out of their way, seeming to head in a very determined direction. "Might help keep you sane."
Gil understood that well. He cleared his throat, making sure not to trip on any roots or get caught on any vines. "Phastos...he's really nice. He's funny, too. He's not that strong a swimmer, but he, uh, he like--he invents stuff? Like h-he made a contraption that helps us get the nets in faster. Like an engine that makes the arm on the boat into a fishing rod reel."
Thena paused, holding a leaf up for him to follow. She was smiling. "He sounds like a good kid, Gil."
He smiled at her too, holding up the leaf for himself. She was shorter now that he was closer to her. "What's your brother like?"
Thena waited, really seeming like she was debating answering him at all. But she sliced through a vine in front of them and sighed. "Druig is four years younger than me. He shouldn't have been in the draw to begin with, he was just born early."
He was born early, and already as young as he could be to be in the draw--no wonder she had volunteered for him without hesitation.
"We have no one else," she said more quietly, looking around again. "I made Ajak promise me that if I died, that she would make sure he was taken care of."
"I'm sure he will be," Gil said quickly. They were pretty hollow words. But he meant them all the same. She looked at him just the way he would expect, too. But he smiled, "if he's as smart as you say he is, right?"
That seemed to surprise her. She smiled again, that pretty one that made her a crowd favourite. She smiled with her teeth; he thought it was cute. "Smarter."
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Top 100 Best Beatles Songs warning:this is my opinion and it may not coincide with yours and this is completely normal. So please don't get mad at this list.
(I decided that it would be fair to include in this list not only songs from albums but als songs from anthologies)
100) dig it
99) free as a bird
98) three cool cats
97)my Bonnie
96) across the universe
95)yes it is
94)Anna (go to him )
93) Your Majesty
92)a taste of honey
91)money (that's what I want)
90)thing we said today
89) when I get home
87) Mr moonlight
86) no reply
85)golden slumbers
84) boys
83)sea of time
82) hey bulldog
81)dear Prudence
80)wild honey pie
79)Martha my dear
78) pigges
77)if I needed someone
75)you won't see me
74) blue jay way
73) blackbird
72) yesterday
71) one after 909
70) I'm the walrus
69) strawberry fields forever
68)dig a pony
67)everybody's trying to be me baby
66) I will
65) the word
64)yer blues
63)glass onion
62) back in the U.S.S.R
61) birthday
60)happiness is a warm gun
59)why don't we do it in the road?
58)I saw her standing there
57)love me do
56) please please me
55)it won't be long
54) you really got a hold on me
53)little child
52)if I feel
51 ) I'm so happy just to dance with you
50any time at all
49) baby in black
48)hello goodbye
47) the night before
46)nowhere man
45) I'm looking trough you
44)I'm only sleeping
43) here, there and everywhere
42)good day sunshine
41)doctor Robert
40)Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
39)getting better
38) fixing a hole
37) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
36) lovely Rita
35)only a northern song
34)yellow submarine
33) two of us
32)Maggie Mae
31)for your blue
30) she loves you
29) I want to hold your hand
28) now and then
27)maxvell's silver hammer
26)sun king
25)baby it's you
24)too much monkey business
23) young blood
22) to know her is to love her
21) I got a woman
20)get back
19) you're gonna lose that girl
18) misery
17) you're really got a hold on me
16) fool on the hill
15) good morning good morning
14) Eleanor Rigby
13) twist and shout
12)octopus's garden
11)the ballad of John and Yoko
10)oh! Darling
9) do you want to know a secret?
8)and your bird can sing
7)Lucy in the sky with diamonds
6)all you need is love
5) within you or without you
4)Norwegian wood
3) something
2) love you to
1) It's Only Love
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bluiex · 2 years
a very merry scarian teacher au almost christmas special! mentions of grian working in a club / being a stripper bc i really liked that idea. y’all are so <3
with april turning five, christmas has become a much more exciting concept to the young girl. she hasn’t shut up about it, understandably so! first it started with begging to get a fake fireplace so they could put stockings near it, then the tree from the dollar store. even though scar himself said he’d buy them one, grian wasn’t one to take handouts! unless it was food.. even then it didn’t feel right. now it’s with april jumping up and down around their shared bathroom as grian is fidgeting with his makeup, getting ready for a shift at the club as his crotch goblin belts out christmas music. he gives her a pointed look once she climbs onto the bathroom counter to join him, starting to list off everything on her wishlist and the drawing they did today in school. grian stares at the crinkled paper in disbelief at the three adult stick figures and april’s own “self portrait.” he gives a weak smile, patting her head of curls and letting her ramble on while trying to fix his mascara. “do you think papa will visit for christmas ? he didn’t come to my party..” grian freezes, jaw clenching at the reminder of doc’s latest excuse on why he couldn’t show up to his daughter’s birthday party. the absolute lack of balls and audacity of a man, to miss his child’s birthday just stay out clubbing in another country. “maybe, sweetpea. you know your papa is a very busy man.” the words taste bitter as he lies through his teeth to the one true victim in this situation. it felt easier than the trauma of telling his daughter doc had never wanted to be around in the first place. it wasn’t going to take long for her to realize that on her own at this rate. “can you go get ready to bed so scar isn’t running around like a chicken with his head cut off?” he suggests, and with that she brightens up at just the very mention of scars name, dashing to her room. grian’s forehead thumps softly against the mirror with a tired sigh, eyes squeezed shut in a poor attempt to will the tears away. just the very thought of paying for christmas was already stressful enough, he’d find a way though. always will for his angel even if it means he has to go without eating at times, working even more shifts. adding doc into the equation though..? that was completely out of his control, slumping at the thought of doc being away in sunny fucking spain with some random hookup and living it up. the sound of the door bell ringing breaks him from the trance of self misery, pulling at the fabric of his crop top in an attempt to cover his binder as he rushes to answer the door for scar.
DOC MISSED HER BDAY?! *kicks him in the shins*
April deserves the world. And Gri plz let Scar get yiu a Christmas tree
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