#my way jschlatts version
isolawildest · 5 months
I am feeling FEELINGS
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too far ~ jschlatt
word count: 2231
request?: no
description: in which he takes his dickishness a little too far
pairing: jschlatt x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf, angst, use of y/n, schlatt being a dick, insecurities and self...issues (?),
masterlist (one, two, three)
*i read a fic with this premise like a week or two ago but i cannot for the life of me find it anymore and i needed some mean schlatt angst turned fluff so i am writing my own version. if you are the original author this one goes out to you i will tag you if i can find you*
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Everyone who knew Schlatt knew that he was sometimes "mean". It was never serious, it was all just meant to be teasing. For the most part, the worst of it went to Minx who was able to match his energy without it ever affecting her. Everyone else just got a few comments every now and then, but never anything incredibly rude.
Until it suddenly got directed all on you.
You had known Schlatt for some time, having met him through his online friend group while gaming one night. You had become acquainted quickly and you found yourself being excited whenever you knew you'd be playing or recording with him. It seemed like he felt the same way, or at least he was friendly and civil. That was until one recording when you were excitedly talking about something, he suddenly piped up to say, "Jesus, do you ever shut the fuck up?"
Everyone was laughing, so you figured it was just a joke, but it took you by surprise. You knew Schlatt was blunt, but it seemed completely out of nowhere when no one else seemed to mind your babble. You chuckled along with everyone, but you found yourself falling silent for the rest of the recording. Some of the others would include you in the conversation, but you only gave short answers.
After that, it seemed like Schlatt would be picking on you more and more. He rarely had anything nice to say to or about you. It became harder and harder to want to do recordings or streams when he was acting like that, and your mutual friends were starting to notice his continued bullying. It made everyone feel uncomfortable, even if he kept insisting it was just jokes.
It all came to a head when you were asked to do one of those "dating shows" on YouTube. It was you, Minx, Emma, and Jaiden, and Schlatt, Ted, Tanner, and Connor, with Jack hosting it. You weren't sure what the rules were or how the game was supposed to go down, but you loved watching the hilarity of other online "dating shows", and couldn't wait to be a part of it. You were a little weary of Schlatt's presence, but there were so many people involved that you figured you wouldn't get the brunt of his insults today.
Jack sent you the link for the Zoom call. You were one of the last people to join the call, so you were immediately met with a cacophony of overlapping voices. You chuckled to yourself at the familiar chaos. You adjusted your volume settings and positioned your webcam before turning it on.
A high pitched scream brought the conversations to a halt.
"What the fuck was that?" Jack said with a laugh.
"I think it was Schlatt," Ted said.
"Yeah it was me. Sorry, I just saw a jumpscare," Schlatt responded.
"What the fuck are you on about?" Minx asked.
"I saw (Y/N)'s ugly mug suddenly join the call and it scared me."
Everyone was silent. Your face burned and tears started to form in your eyes. Your body moved before your brain could register, your hand moving your mouse to click the "End Call" button. The moment everyone's faces disappeared, you allowed yourself to cry.
For all the hurtful stuff Schlatt had said, he had never gone after your appearance. It was one of your biggest insecurities because you felt like you didn't measure up to other female streamers. Sure, that was a cliche insecurity, but it was your truth. You marveled at how pretty all your friends were and would often mentally compare yourself to them. It wasn't something you had spoken publicly about, so obviously Schlatt didn't know he would touch a nerve, but it still felt like an extremely low blow. Especially for it to be the first thing you heard when you turned your camera on.
You sent Jack a message to apologize for leaving, but you told him you didn't feel up to doing the show anymore. He responded almost immediately to let you know that it was okay and he didn't blame you for your decision. You were shutting down your set up when your Discord started ringing; a voice call from Ted.
"Aren't you supposed to be recording?" you asked, trying to keep your voice even.
"We're taking a quick break while Jack decides if he wants Schlatt to compete anymore," Ted explained.
"Don't kick him off just because of me," you said.
"We don't really want him to play after what he said. It was incredibly fucked up and uncalled for."
"He's said worse to Minx."
"Yeah, but he and Minx have an understanding. We've all noticed that he makes fun of you, but you don't respond the way Minx does. I don't know what his problem is recently, but you don't deserve those insults. You're an incredibly kind person, unlike us assholes."
You chuckled through your tears. "You're not an asshole, Ted."
"I am sometimes, don't lie."
"Only a little bit." You wiped the fresh tears from your eyes and let out a shaky sigh. "I don't want to record with Schlatt anymore."
"I understand," Ted said. "I'll let everyone know, too."
"Thank you."
When you and Ted hung up, you sat back in your chair and took a deep breath. The sting from Schlatt's words was still strong, but you also felt some relief in having talking to Ted about it and him assuring you that you wouldn't have to record with Schlatt anymore. It still upset you that Schlatt made such a 180 when it seemed like you were both getting along so well, but you weren't going to wast anymore brain space on him.
Your phone buzzed from a Discord notification. You looked down at the screen to see Schlatt was trying to send you a message. Instead of reading it, you went to his Discord profile and blocked him.
It was easier than you thought to forget about Schlatt and his insults. All your friends did as you asked didn't invite you to recordings if Schlatt was a part of them, or vice versa with him. You went on to block him on all social media, and even muting his channels on YouTube so you wouldn't risk seeing him in your recommended. It was like he never existed, and you didn't even care.
You were in the middle of editing a video when a knock came at your door. You assumed it was the Uber Eats you had ordered, so you saved your progress and got up to answer. Instead of finding a delivery guy, you came face to face with the man you had been avoiding for weeks.
"What are you doing here?" you asked. "Wait, better question, how do you know where I live?"
"I bothered Ted until he told me," Schlatt responded.
You rolled your eyes. "Ted's dead to me."
You went to close the door, but Schlatt's hand shot out to block the door. You scowled at him. "Take the hint, Schlatt. I don't want to see you."
"I know you don't, and I get why, but please let me explain and apologize."
"I don't want to hear what you have to say. Honestly, you don't even deserve to take up my time to try and give some shitty explanation for your shitty behavior."
"I know - "
"You really hurt me," you cut him off. "I took the insults in silence because I knew you poked fun at everyone, but they really hurt me. It got to a point where I was dreading having to interact with you every time someone invited to a Discord call and I saw that you were in there too."
"(Y/N) - "
"And then you called me ugly in a call in front of everyone and that hurt the most. I know it shouldn't have given how much else you've said to me, but my looks are one of my biggest insecurities, and I know you probably didn't know that but still, going after how I look was such a low blow. And it hurts so much because I thought we were friends, but suddenly you're insulting me and bullying me at every chance you get, and it almost felt worse than the way you act with Minx so how am I supposed to take it as anything other than you not liking me and - "
Your rambling was finally cut off by Schlatt taking hold of your face and pulling you into him. You were shocked when you felt his lips against yours. Your initial reaction was to pull away and to start yelling at him again, but suddenly your brain switched to tell you lean into it. So you did. You pressed into Schlatt as much as you could; your body against his, your hands on his hoodie, standing on your toes so you could reach him.
Also to your surprise, Schlatt was the one to pull away first. He rested his forehead against yours, keeping his face inches apart from yours.
"That was one way to get me to stop talking," you joked.
He smiled. "Seemed to be the most effective way."
"So, are you about to tell me the reason you were being mean to me is because you liked me? Because if so, that is a very elementary school explanation."
"Unfortunately, that is the reason."
You pulled away from Schlatt and finally gestured for him to come in. You realized you had been standing in the doorway this whole time, and now that you had somewhat calmed down, you figured you'd listen to his explanation. You were much more intrigued now after your kiss, although you were far from completely forgiving him for what had happened.
You led Schlatt to your living room and you both sat down on the couch. You were very much aware of how close you two were sat. His body was inches away from yours. You could be touching him again if you wanted to.
"I was trying to push you away," he said, bringing you back to the topic at hand. "I was afraid you wouldn't like me back, and it felt easier to make you hate me than to risk that rejection."
"No offense, but that's a really stupid idea."
He chuckled. "Yeah, no offense taken because you're right. I should've just talked to you about it like an adult instead of assuming you would've rejected me. I thought the easier route would be to make you hate me, but then that succeeded and I realized how much I missed getting to talk to you. Not to sound too corny or anything, but everything felt empty when you weren't around. I knew I fucked up majorly, and I tried to apologize that night after what happened, but you blocked me on everything and I realized just how far I had actually gone."
You thought back to the call you had with Ted that day when everything had come to a head with Schlatt. "Did you not tell Ted how you felt?"
"Not until I begged him for your address. Listen, I love Ted and all, but the dude has a big fuckin' mouth. He would've let it slip one way or another how I feel about you, and I didn't want that. Actually, no one knew. I kept it to myself completely."
"You're an idiot. You know that, right?"
He nodded. "I'm more than well aware, yes."
"And you know it's going to take more than just kissing me and apologizing to completely redeem yourself? I understand why you acted the way you did, as stupid as it was, but it still really hurt me. I'm not going to forget everything just because you were being stupid."
"I don't expect you to. All I wanted was to explain myself and hope that you'd give me a second chance. I'm serious, (Y/N), I don't think I can just not have you in my life. If you don't want to date, that's fine. I'm okay with something platonic, as long as I have you."
You smiled and finally dared to reach out and touch him. You took his hand in yours, running your thumb over his knuckles. You then dared to lean forward and capture his mouth with yours in a quick, gentle kiss. When you pulled away, Schlatt had a smile on his face. You mirrored it with a smile of your own.
"You'll have to work for forgiveness," you told him. "You can start by taking me out on a date."
"Done," he said. "Right now?"
You giggled. "Maybe tomorrow. I was actually in the middle of editing a video when you came, and I have Uber Eats on the way."
As if on cue, there was a knock at your door.
"That would be it."
"Can I stay and hang out while you edit?" Schlatt asked.
"Of course. But I'm not sharing my food with you."
"Oh, you have no choice. You invited me in and let me stay, therefore you're sharing your food."
"You know what? Go fuck yourself, I take back everything I said."
You exclaimed and giggled as he suddenly grabbed you and pulled you to him. "Too late! No take backs! You're stuck with me for a very long time, toots."
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alpinefrsh · 8 months
jfc I think I’m driving myself insane/pos. I genuinely cannot wait for the turtles to find out about Tommy’s absolutely f’ed up past life and just be like ‘oh what bullshit is this!? >:(‘
Also, I think I have an idea of how you’re going to do the ✨Trauma Reveal✨ and if I’m right I am SO excited!! (I’d be excited either way)
Another thing I’m really excited to potentially see (don’t know if you’ll touch on this exact thing) is how different their world’s morals are!
Rise being a kids show, means that most of the villains are pretty one dimensional and, unless they’re actually important, tend to never really be treated seriously or ever get treated like actual people (unless there’s a redemption arc planned, like Barry).
But with the SMP, because all of the characters are written by individual real people and are treated like people, all of the ‘villains’ are actually just really bad(or good) people with enough questionable motives to earn them the title of ‘Villain’. (Minus JSchlatt and Dream ofc. They’re genuinely just evil)
I can totally imagine Tommy getting stressed or upset about the turtles labeling these characters as ‘villains’, and somewhat frantically trying to explain to them how morally gray people can really get. Because for Tommy, all the villains he’s seen were people he actually knew and could’ve been good friends with. My point is, Rise’s version of a Villain is vastly different from the SMP’s version of a Villain and I find that incredibly interesting, just in case you couldn’t tell ;)
Analogy over, that was way too many words but i started typing and couldn’t stop. Hope the writing is going well! Can’t wait :D
Raahhhh so many people would be added to their 'to punt' list (if only they weren't a universe away, lmao).
I'm gonna be honest, my current plan for how they find out about his past is slightly batshit and entirely evil (in the sense that I will be very mean to Tommy). We draw closer to that fic every day and I'm very excited about that fact.
Yeah, that's deffo one of those things where if it comes up it comes up, but I don't have any particular plans for it. I like to think he'd enjoy hanging out with Hypno and Warren (bullying. He would enjoy bullying Warren), they're rather flamboyant in their crime, I imagine Tommy's theatre kid ass would appreciate that.
But yeah, If I remember correctly, c!Tommy's of the mindset that most people aren't really evil or bad per se, they just make really bad choices sometimes. Like c!Wilbur. I remember c!Tommy once had a chat with Foolish about his stance on the concept of forgiveness and what he thought about Wil's past and current behaviour.
Never worry about using too many words, I happen to be a big fan of those things. Not gonna complain about that, it was very enjoyable to read :D
It was fighting me for a while, but I've finally found an approach that I'm happy with, so things are thankfully starting to go much smoother now o7
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antimony-medusa · 11 months
Fic Recs June '23
What did I read this month? Let me tell you, Hurt Comfort exchange finally released, and also I'm halfway through reading Extreme Timed Challenge exchange, and there have been some BANGERS. Not entirely DSMP, even though I am Still That Way, but yeah, it's still a lot of Emduo. I Am Who I Am.
The Fics - All One-shots this time!
One Fish, Two Fish by ssootsprite Fandom: Stardew Valley (Video Game) Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Grandpa/Willy (Stardew Valley), Lewis & Willy (Stardew Valley) Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Pre-Canon, Friends to Lovers, Queer Themes, Asian Character(s), set vaguely somewhere between modern day 1980s and laura ingalls sorry bout that, and the crack treated seriously is cus this is kind of a crack ship but i treated it Quite seriously Length: 1/1 chapters 3,141 words.
Willy, the fisherman, gets to know the new Farmer in town. They become friends. They become— more? Absolutely adorable little blossoming of romance. This was being recced as countryboy4countryboy and it is that and it's so good.
the DSMP let loose on the internet by impravidus Fandom: DSMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Social Media, Crossover, Crack, Humour Length: 1/1 chapters 3,056 words.
A glimpse at all the DSMP character internet presences. Techno runs a potato rating channel. There's people sharing the details of the fact that BBH killed his husband in the comments of his outfit channel. It's very funny.
the beehive state by amaranthinecanicular Fandom: DSMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant, POV 2nd Person, they're having a hard time but they're trying, the wonders of Utah help, takes place between Boundless Sands and the finale, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, they are brothers your honor Length: 1/1 chapters 3,980 words.
Okay, before you get scared off by second person, this is just immaculate. The voice is pristine, the relationships are devastating, I read it while being the :wails: emoji the whole time. Tommy shows up and demands Wil show him around, and then they are abrasive brothers, and just, UGH I'm not even a crimeboys but this is so perfect.
here’s to this, get used to it. by hoorayy Fandom: DSMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Alexis | Quackity & Jschlatt & Toby Smith | Tubbo Tags: Manberg | Manburg on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Toby Smith | Tubbo-centric Length: 1/1 chapters 1,171 words.
Just a perfect little slice of Manberg tensions, when Quackity discovers Tubbo sneaking back in, and uuuuuuggggghhhhhhh taking care of each other in a shit situation while being abraisve as hell. Neither of these men are good at emotions. Everything sucks. Schlatt is laying over the conversation like an opressive force. It's so good.
hearth by fensandmarshes Fandom: DSMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Niki Nihachu & Philza & Ranboo & Technoblade (Dream SMP) Tags: Found Family, Fluff, ambiguously canon setting? but without the canon ending? idk man, au - the version of canon that lives in my head, love languages go brrrr Length: 1/1 chapters 3,754 words.
The Syndicate, and love languages, and what they are to each other, in four parts, and :wails:. They CARE. Little tiny character studies reflecting on their relationships. I love them.
shall we rise to the occasion by Odaigahara  Fandom: DSMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Steampunk, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Champion of the Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Androids, Blood Magic, First Meetings, Developing Friendships Length: 1/1 chapters 2,830 words.
Death Angel Phil finds broken down Automaton Technoblade (He runs on blood!) and gets him running again. Oh my GOD the worldbuilding crammed into this one. Phil is a black hole in the universe! Beetles pray to gods of endurance! Religious wars! They banter and friendship! They're probably the final boss of somebody's D&D campaign because my god these guys are gonna do DAMAGE to the world. I love it.
Of a Different Color by Rhizophora Fandom: Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Sophie Hatter/Howl Pendragon Tags: Domestic Fluff, pregnancy fluff Length: 1/1 chapters 1,272 words.
Just adorable Howl's Moving Castle fluff when Sophie was expecting, with excellent Sophie and Howl voice. Howl is stressing out the whole time. Sophie's like "i'm a powerful witch and fine actually". Howl dyes his eyebrow orange.
a falling axe, a sharpened knife by sesquidpedalian  Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood & ZombieCleo Tags: scott exists only as a distinct absence, Telepathic Bond, Relationship Study, Late Night Conversations, Season: Double Life, Season: Limited Life Length: 1/1 chapters 2,081 words.
Incisive and magnetic character study on Martyn and Cleo and how they orbit each other and Scott, across two series. It's just, Oof. It's good.
Moonlit and Mending by InsomniWillow   Fandom: QSMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Rafael Lange | Cellbit/Roier Tags: Werewolf Roier, Vampire Cellbit, Post-Rescue, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Fluff, Alcohol, Late Night Conversations Length: 1/1 chapters 2,254 words.
monster4monster spiderbit late night conversations! It's so fluffy and comforting, after cellbit's kidnapping! Cellbit makes this spicy alcohol hot brazilian drink that I want to drink SO Much.
hey siri how do i tell my sister i was bit by a really weird dog and now i’m turning into a monster by hoorayy Fandom: Original Work Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Recently Turned Werewolf & Their Sister Helping Them Hide Their Secret Tags: Siblings, Protective Siblings, Werewolves, big families Length: 1/1 chapters 1,412 words.
So hoorayy is really good at taking single slice scenes and putting a whole story in them, and that absolutely happens here. Such good big family, and elder sister dynamics. I love them. I belive in the sibling dynamics here entirely.
improvised problems by hoorayy Fandom: DSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot Tags: Queerplatonic Relationships, Aromantic Alexis | Quackity, Las Nevadas on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Implied Sexual Content, Kissing, thumbs up emoji, Alexis | Quackity-centric Length: 1/1 chapters 2,810 words.
[Leans close to the mic.] AROMANTIC QPR TNTDUO. AND THEY KISS. I'm taking this one as relationship canon, it's fine.
Maybe This Time I Won't Wake From The Dream by juliana677 Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Bodyswap--character's hidden or downplayed pain/illness is discovered because of bodyswap, Bodyswap Length: 1/1 chapters 3,293 words.
Techno and Phil wake up in each other's bodies and then goes "you live like this? Unacceptable", and proceeds to try to help each other with chronic pain. Also Phil (in Techno's body) repeatedly walks into the doorframe.
The Longevity Clause by MissyColorful Fandom: SMPEarth Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Caring for a character's injured wings, Solitary Confinement, Aftermath of Solitary Confinement, Badass in Distress, BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Angst Length: 1/1 chapters 12,838 words.
WHUMP THAT BIRD. Phil gets kidnapped and is extremely bitey about it, but it's taking so long for Techno to rescue him, does he even care? (Techno is panicking trying to find him, but he can't FIND him.)
move your feet from hot pavement by Odaigahara Fandom: SMPEarth, DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Antarctic Emperor Phil Watson | Philza, General Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Developing Friendships, Misunderstandings, Prisoner of War, Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending Length: 1/1 chapters 2,795 words.
Ooooo I loved this one. Techno is part of the surrendering force to the Antarctic Empire, and he thinks he's going to be executed, and he's trying to remain upbeat about it, but y'know, the blood loss. And the impending execution. Extremely good emduo bonding moments.
filling up the emptiness by PolynomialPandemic Fandom: The Queen's Thief - Megan Whalen Turner Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Attolia | Irene/Eugenides Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Wound Tending, they trust each other so much ur honor, Aftermath of Torture Length: 1/1 chapters 1,211 words.
Irene takes care of Gen after a kidnapping! :sobs: They care so much.
a token for a ravager by loyalcrowlist Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Gladiators, compelled to follow orders, Gestures of Affection After Gladiator Fights Length: 1/1 chapters 3,895 words.
GLADIATOR EMDUO. And they have to fight each other. :sobs:. (My pitches for these are becoming less and less sensible, but *points* look at it. Gladiator Emduo. Techno gets told he has to beat up Phil or someone else will do it. These boys be hurting.)
tasting snowcones by mothandflame Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Pining, Oblivious Wilbur Soot, Friends to Lovers, Crushes, First Kiss, Summer Romance, Fluff Length: 1/1 chapters 3,737 words.
OOOOOOO It's cute. A first kiss in the summer. These boys are pining.
swimming out beyond the breakers by Odaigahara Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Avian TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Rescue, First Meetings, Sharks, Happy Ending Length: 1/1 chapters 3,580 words.
Shark mermaid Techno with just a TOUCH of body horror, and lots of fun. Tommy is a seagull! Wilbur is a grad student! Techno gets offered a phone and tries to bite it! I love them all so much!
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thesnailkiwi · 9 months
1, 2, 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25 for traffic life?
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Okay, see, I know people have different ideas and opinions and headcannons, but OH. MY. GOSH. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED.
The MCYT fandom makes me want to scream half the time. I'm gonna say it. Everyone gets BadBoyHalo wrong. Skeppy, Tommyinnit, JSchlatt, Stressmonster, Niki, and a bunch more, too. Half the time I want to explode in this fandom, so I stick with fanart, unless it's flower husbands. Because most FH shippers can read the characters well.
Musical theatre. People always (well, okay, not *always*) get Heather McNamara wrong when acting. I've seen so many awful versions. And Jenna Rolan from Be More Chill, especially when writing fanfic. Though, lemme tell you, all the characters in Be Less Single (BMC dating sim fan game) were spot on. Perfect, I tell you.
2. Compelling argument why my fave would never top or bottom
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
I'm overthinking. This could either mean opinions ABOUT fandom or fandom discourse. I'm assuming the latter.
I dunno man. I don't pay attention much to other people's opinions. I mean, if they badmouth my blorbos, I will have a compelling argument why the are the best being to exist. Headcannon-wise? I mean, okay, I really don't want this taken the wrong way *at all*. But I don't like it when people include [insert character] is trans/queer/pronouns/mental disability if it doesnt have anything to do with the fafic/story that's being told. I understand if you project or write a vent fic or whatever, because those are things to get out of your brain, or if you headcannon this or that, I get it. But if it has no relevance at all to the story, *if it isn't even mentioned*, DONT PUT IT IN THE GODDAMN TAGS.
It's not really a heated opinion, but I needed that out there.
I don't really like to shit on other people's headcannons. But if the opinion is "glup shitto is a bad character", OR FUKIGN WHATEVER THE FUCK THE MCYT SPACE DID TO NIKI, then I will fight you.
12. The unpopular character I like and everyone else hates
Okay. Listen. Purpled. Barely anyone paid attention to that guy because he wasn't a "main character" (there were none in the DSMP, people.) And everyone doesn't like his character after what he did to Slime. But I feel like he's a super deep character that gets overlooked. Quackity literally blew up his house and forced him to go live in Las Nevadas. Quackity also took a lot more from him, too. And when he killed/kidnapped Slime, he was projecting and let all of his grief out on the thing that Quackity cared about, since everything Purpled loved was taken from him.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
Okay okay okay. But like, guys. Coffee shop au's. It's simple, right? It's one of the most well known. BUT JESUS, BMC FANDOM, THERE ARE LIKE 5 TOTAL ON AO3. SOULMATE ONES, TOO.
Speaking of soulmates, the Hermitcraft/Life series doesn't have that many non-canon function ones. Like, I want to see timers. Or strings. Or the characters see color for the first time. Or the place their soulmate touches them first changes colors. There's not many.
18. It's absolutely criminal the fandom has been sleeping on...
The MCYT fandom has been sleeping on a bunch of damned bricks, don't even get me started.
There's too much to put for the MCYT fandom.
The BMC fandom has been sleeping on the wholeass line of "If Christine likes me in the end, will I be able to pretend I didn't fail my one real friend?" And all of the hidden stuff in the music. Like how in the broadway version, in The Play, the backtrack plays LGW when Jeremy gives Christine the Mtn Dew Red.
19. I'm mad/ashamed/horrified that I like...
I'm not answering this one. I apologize, but these heinous words do not need to be said to the entire world.
22. The favorite part of Canon everyone ignores
MCYT: everyone ignores smaller creators and literally the entire Canon. So all of it.
BMC: okay, listen, the silver hair the squip has is an absolute banger, okay??? And let's talk about that entire couch scene where Christine rejects Jeremy.
23. The ship I'm unwillingly coming around to
Majorwood. Kill me. I hate it so much omg but like, it slaps.
25. Annoying common fandom complaint
Uh, guys, it's okay to like the Era when ranboo and tubbo were friends. It's not taboo. I still go back and watch vods.
Sorry that one genuinely pisses me off whenever I see people like, "I wish that never happened". Like, guys, don't ignore important parts of what got ranboo to who he is and where he is today. Educate the young boobers. It's not wrong to like when two people are friends.
Then I hate it when people complain about shipping convex and are like "they're brothers!" No, they're not. That's your headcannon, not mine. Same with Grian and Jimmy. They aren't brothers. You can ship them if you want, just don't make it weird.
Anyway, thank you as per usual for sending me the ask, trash the beloved
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moonlight15sworld · 1 year
Fem y/n x Sapnap love story pt.1
The meeting,
Background info: for the past five years there has been a war going on between the dream SMP and L’Manburg  we known as Manberg. After the death of Manberg’s president Jschlatt and Technoblade’s so called “betrayal of L’manberg” along with Eret’s betrayal everyone was in shambles so Wilbur decided to take command and everyone approved.
Notices: in my AU/storyline Wilbur didn’t blow up L’manberg and instead is working inside the wall to build a tough enough base and “army” to defeat Dream and his “disciples” and so they have been going to war for about five years now.
Part one: my name is y/n soot and I have been fighting in this war for two years now and if you haven’t figured it out yet I’m on my half brother Wilbur soot’s side of this war and to be honest I’m not quite sure it’s the right one.
“Hey y/n are you coming to the meeting today?” No I’m just going to head to bed Tommy thanks for asking though “if that’s what you want then I’ll see you tomorrow” you too Tommy good night “night y/n” *sigh* it’s always the same work,sleep and fight what’s the point of going to those stupid meetings anyway they never listen to me not even my own brother I miss the old Wilbur *in the middle of the night* huh? (Why do I hear running this late at night everyone should be asleep except the patrol units) *the door opens and someone runs through closing the door behind them* w-who are you!? *he runs up and covers y/n mouth with his hand* “shh be quiet” *he pins y/n against the wall* (wait I recognize the bandana that’s Sapnap) *y/n starts to freak out* “calm down I’m not here to hurt you” then why are you here? “I needed a place to hide and this was the closest one” why are you hiding? “Cause your stupid patrol friends found me when I was trying to leave” we aren’t friends and that’s there job now I’m going to give you exactly five seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t alert the others that your here “okay okay let’s not do anything hasty now y/n” h-how do you know my name? “Everyone knows your name y/n after all you would be a great asset to have on our side” oh yeah sorry but I’m just fine here “there’s no point in lying to yourself after all we both know that your on the wrong side come and join us I’m sure you’d be a lot happier” (it does sound like a good offer but…) I’m not falling for your tricks you just want to use me so your side can win this stupid war *y/n eyes start to water* that’s all any of you care about “y/n please don’t cry” why do you care so much I barely know you “y/n I care because it’s the right thing to do no matter what you might think of me I would never try to harm you in any way” I won’t tell anyone you came just please go “if that’s what you want just please think about what I said”
This is a new series like if you want another part
I do take suggestions
If i miss spelled anything please let me know even though I watched the animated version of this series I am not an expert on it
This is my AU storyline and my version of events is somewhat different than the original
This is an entirely new storyline that I have created meaning that this is not copyright or a stolen idea this is a completely of my own imagination and creativity
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
An Unwanted Boy Found in a Tub
by cookiekty
Toby had been told by Puffy to never speak to strangers, but if he didn’t do this then it would just be another day of being ignored by his family, so he figured why not risk it? He followed Phil down the dirt path.
“Wait here.” Phil stopped right at the door. “Let me go tell my sons that I brought you.”
“Sons?” Toby feared the word. Everytime his mother said that word it meant more siblings and a bigger family. Toby didn’t want to come all this way with a stranger just to find another big family that would forget about him.
what I like to believe happened before the canon Dream SMP lore
my version of Tubbo's origin story
angst because Tubbo is unwanted and sad, but comfort because he finds his new family in the Sleep Bois
my personal Dream SMP prequel.
Words: 1898, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Toby Smith | Tubbo, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Cara | CaptainPuffy
Relationships: Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Technoblade, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Phil Watson, Jschlatt & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Cara | CaptainPuffy & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP) & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: Sleepy Bois Inc as Family, Goat Hybrid Toby Smith | Tubbo, Traumatized Toby Smith | Tubbo, Alcoholic Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Prequel, Sally the Salmon is Not a Fish (Dream SMP), Toby Smith | Tubbo Has Horns, Toby Smith | Tubbo-centric, Immortal Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson is Called Philza (Video Blogging RPF), Adoptive Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Sheep Hybrid Cara | CaptainPuffy, Protective Cara | CaptainPuffy, How Do I Tag, I Don't Even Know, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit are Childhood Friends, Pre-Founding of L'Manberg on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Pre-Canon, Baby TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Baby Toby Smith | Tubbo, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Older Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), References to Canon, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40849077
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How DSMP characters react to you forgetting to sleep.
I’m not very well versed in their characters minus a select few so most of these might be a bit out of character
•Platonic C!DSMP
❍Romantic Version
Possible TW: Insomnia, workaholic, cursing, violent jokes, mention of drugs.
H/P: home place
He takes not that you’re not acting like yourself.
Waits for a while to see if it shapes out by itself before stepping in
He’d pull you aside in the morning and ask very plainly if you’re feeling alright.
In typical Y/N fashion you say that your “fine”.
Knowing in his mind you’re not “fine” he’d ask you again this time with a harsher tone,
Once you inevitably agreed, he’d send you to bed telling you he’d bring you food later but that you weren’t allowed to come out of your room till you slept.
My man works in a prison, there really isn’t a good way for him to help you.
He’d still try, as any good friend would.
He’d send you some things that might help you relax such as lavender and a blanket.
We all know he’s so sweet but there’s still more to his character.
He’s observant and picks up on your sleepiness faster that most would.
In the early morning he’d hand you a cup of warm chocolate milk. (Because ain’t no sane person bouts drink warm 2% it stanky)
“Hey, I know it’s not my place to ask. But you’ve seemed very tired lately… has something been getting in the way of your sleep?”
Y/N fashion means you say nothing, adverting your eyes and trying to avoid the question.
He’d mumble something under his breath along the lines of “You Muffin-Head.” Before shifting into a smaller form than his usual 9 feet.
He’d politely ask you to go to the couch. If you refused he’d “encourage” you with a few “light” shoves. (I.e. Force you to sit on the couch.)
You’d spend that afternoon sleeping on the couch as he made sure you were comfortable.
Captain Puffy:
Not on her watch you don’t. Puffy is very much a parental figure to most. She’d just be so blunt.
“Nope, you’re going to bed. Don’t care what you say. You have to sleep.”
His character isn’t really the most empathetic, unless your George..
Though for the sake of this let’s just say, he does care at least a little.
“Are you an idiot Y/N” (tbh probably/j)
“Fucking sleep or I kill you”
She’d be worried as most would be.
They’d stop their duties and make a few hours to talk to you.
He’d ask about your sleep, tell you that she’s noticed your behavior changing.
Eventually leading to them taking the day off just to help you sleep.
Laying out a quiet time for the land and such.
He has higher intuition than most.
Noticing your sudden behavior change he’d politely ask. Once rejected he’d politely make you lay there as he explained some really boring crap.
Canonical anthropomorphic fox?
Fundy would make you a cave (a dark room with padded floors) and ask you to hibernate
He honestly wouldn’t notice, being to busy sleeping himself.
Jack Manifold:
“Go to sleep you fucking idiot!”
And other ‘polite’ words of encouragement.
He’d just ask someone else to take care of you.
Though he would eventually check up on you himself.
He’d make jokes about it, trying to slip by a few encouraging words.
“You know what I call a sheep that’s asleep?”
“Ashleep” *insert giggiling*
She’d casually bring it up during a conversation.
“Have you been sleeping okay?”
“Is there something I can do that might make you sleep better?”
I personally don’t think he’d go dad mode.
He’d more than likely confront you about his consern
“You should sleep Y/N.”
He wouldn’t force you Just highly recommend it
Keeping some crows around you to remind you to take a break in the future
You’d more than likely be working for him.
He’d take notice of the decreasing quality of your work
“Your works been shit.”
“What the fuck is wrong?”
“I’m pretty sure we have something for that, no I’m joking, I don’t know how to handle this.. you know what. I’m going to turn down the music. That’s probably the problem.” He didn’t even let you speak.
“You’ve been spacing out.. for a while Y/N..”
He’d have logged it in his journal. Marking it as important several times.
“Have you been forgetting to sleep? I know I do that sometimes.”
He’d try and connect with you over it.
“Why don’t we both take a nap?”
He’d walk into the living room all saucy teasing you as he probably would even though you’re just friends “Ayo, hot mamas~?” (He would still call a man that and you can fight me on that.
“Wha- wait hold up, have you been sleeping ?”
He’s honestly not observant and only realized because you didn’t respond as you normally do.
He’d honestly try and knock you out.. with a pillow
“Sleep prank!”
“Y/N of H/P, your face looks different than when I met you.”
You’d as you should be absolutely lost in trying to comprehend his speech.
“Y/N of H/P have you been sleeping the correct amount recommended by.. sleep?”
He’d be rightfully annoyed.
“You’ve been worse than usual. Beating you isn’t fun anymore are you okay?”
He’d find some way to make it seem like you’re inconveniencing him. Though in reality it’s his way of showing affection.
He would get mad.
“Why haven’t you slept! You’re dumb! Fuckin stupid! Sleep you idiot!”
So sweet… 😬
This man has a kid, he knows the deal.
“Hey, Y/N you’ve been sluggish, have you been sleeping okay? You’re starting to worry me.”
He’d recommend you things that help him sleep.
“You can’t be a good leader if your tired.”
“I can tell you this much you’re going to want to get as much sleep as you can. You never know when you’ll need to spring into action.. it’s always better to be rested.”
Surprisingly compassionate.
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comradeboyhalo · 3 years
badlands lore guide
this is a compact guide to most lore-relevant badlands streams. this does not include egg lore streams that are not badlands member centric (i.e, fundy’s, some of tommy’s).
for a complete egg lore masterlist, check out @eggpires’ amazing post here!! they also have a lsandburg masterpost, if you dont want my condensed version
☆: most important streams (in my opinion), to condense the list even more if you’re short on time
updated 11/27/2021
Skeppy’s first DSMP stream // Skeppy steals Tommy’s Disc: while initially i wanted no pre-badlands lore, i thought i would include some early c!skeppy lore since most people are unaware of it. 
☆ Founding of the Badlands (Ant POV/ Sam POV): red festival, around 2:04:20 in sam’s vod is when sam/ant/bad turn against schlatt and 2:25:50 is when they form the badlands. in ant’s pov, around 1:16:00 bad and ant defend the van from destruction, and techno also asks them about their stance.
The Second Pet War: sam’s pov, starts around 3-ish hours in, the badlands have their first fight as a nation against punz and sapnap and win
Pandas Stream: bbh’s pov, first stream the badlands do together, mostly a chill stream but around 30 minutes in, bad reveals his plans for chaos. i would recommend this stream to get a feel for the (early days) badlands dynamic
War Stream: bbh’s pov, badlands switch sides throughout the war and towards the end dream recognizes the badlands as an independent nation
note: jschlatt’s funeral stream is here or here, where they discuss resurrecting him with quackity but idk how relevant that will be towards the plot
First and Second(?) Prison Stream: the first two streams where sam starts introducing the prison, mostly grinding but check comments for good timestamps (a lot of the prison streams are just building, pls link me if there are more lore heavy ones im missing)
☆ First Egg Arc Stream: bbh’s pov, bad introduces the blood vines at the start and checks back on them in between building the prison (dream also drops some lore about the prison and his deal with jschlatt)
Egg Cracks: sam’s pov, mostly prison building but around an hour in sapnap explodes tnt near the egg and it cracks and covers it in obsidian
☆ Skeppy Gets Trapped: puffy’s pov, first half is skephalo couples counseling, second half is puffy, ant, and bad finding the obsidian halts vine growth and the egg’s influence
Red Skeppy Stream: Bad breaks Skeppy out of the egg to find he’s completely red and tries to (unsuccesfully) cure him with Puffy. 
Blood Vines Experiments: bbh's pov, bad and ant perform some experiments on the egg. the rest of the stream is hunting for pigstep for tommy
Real Estate Conflict: purpled’s pov, real estate conflict with him, ant, and ponk. this is for all you c!antfrost enjoyers out there. 
Containing the Egg: bbh's pov, bad cracks the obsidian around the egg and has ant and punz help him build a decontamination room around it
Red Skeppy: ant's pov, bad, ant, and eret try to cure red skeppy via holy bathwater there is no good way to word this
☆ Eggpire Stream: bbh’s pov, this is the definite start of bad’s villain arc as well as the stream where the eggpire is established. at the end, bad reveals he has been completely corrupted
Tommy Visits the Prison: the first time we see prison warden sam, happens in the beginning of the stream. also the first reveal of the prison
Tommy Visits the Egg: the first stream where tommy gets introduced to the egg arc, lore happens around the first half. im not going to be including a lot of sam nook streams btw since those are all tommy-centric, not badlands
Sam and Quackity talk Las Nevadas: occurs around an hour and 15 minutes in, sam and quackity begin to plan las nevadas
☆ Bad traps Sam in the Egg: bbh’s pov, the eggpire traps sam in the egg and threaten puffy. the first hour of the stream is lore, and the rest of the stream is bad fixing the nether hub while ant, schlatt, quackity, techno, ranboo, and eret are in the call
Bad visits Dream in Prison: bbh’s pov, bad visits dream in prison
☆ Rescuing Sam: sam’s pov, puffy and tommy rescue sam from bad’s trap
☆Sam Confronts the Egg: sam’s pov, sam finds the blood vines over his base and is at first content with them, but when the egg tries to threaten fran, he snaps out of it and starts blowing them up,
☆ The Egg talks/Quackity Confrontation: bbh’s pov, the first time we hear the egg talk. bad and quackity also have an argument, where bad’s true motivations are revealed. lore only happens in the first hour
Badlands Prison Wardens: sam’s pov, he hires ant and bad as prison guards
☆ Sam and Ponk’s Fallout: ponk’s pov, after stealing sam’s prison keys, ponk is tortured by sam. (i’ll add an awesamponk playlist here if i can find/make one !)
☆ Quackity’s Las Nevadas Streams: links to playlist, quackity’s current lore streams, they have important development for both the eggpire and c!awesamdude especially.
Red Banquet Invitations: bbh’s pov, bad and ant give out invitations for the red banquet
☆ Bad Talks to Red Skeppy: bbh’s pov, bad checks on the egg room for the red banquet and gets into an argument with red!skeppy. 
Big Daddy Island: i was unsure where to put this, but BDI is streamed by skeppy and, while its mostly out of character, the location is important for the red banquet. skeppy also starts rping briefly in this stream around 9 minutes in
Pro-Omelette Red Banquet Plan: The most important stuff happens around 40 minutes in, mainly pro-omelette group preparing for the banquet. id recommend for c!hannah lore especially 
☆ The Red Banquet: bbh’s pov, pretty self explanatory
☆ Antfrost’s Respawn: post red banquet, antfrost apologizes to puffy and confronts bad about what they’ve done
Tommy’s Prison Vods: these are important for sam’s character development, but are more tommy-focused. i assume most people have watched these, so i made the list very brief
tommy is trapped with dream
tommy dies // is revived
wilbur revival
L’sandburg: L’sandburg takes place after the egg arc, and has important characterization for foolish and post-possessed badlands. i linked a lsandburg masterpost in the post intro (thank you again eggpires), but heres a badlands-centric condensed version (very rough as of now):
the start of the toll gate
more l’sandburg but in bad’s pov
foolish, bad and sam negotiate lsandburg. this is the most important stream imo when it comes to badlands lore as a whole
bad tries to wrangle the badlands into war (and fails)
turtle love story + turtles being war prisoners?? the second stream calls back egg lore
more war but with puffy and ponk
note: finale stream and sam bucket not included in this recap! send me an ask if you need this completed and i’ll see what i can do <3
please let me know if i missed any streams or if any links are broken! as a reminder, this guide does not include all lore streams, as it was designed to be as comprehensible and condensed as possible. 
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gh0st-patr0l · 3 years
Puffy’s Monologue
This is a cut together transcript of some highlights from Puffy’s lore stream tonight (3/1)! The whole thing was good, but I want even the people who don’t wanna sit through the stream to see some of this banger shit
I highlighted my fav lines if u want an even more tl;dr version ;)
I am SO- beyond BELIEF! With the people on this server, and their actions that have ABSOLUTELY no consequences- unless you’re a child, apparently! If you’re a child here, you get LOTS of consequences, like exile, or DEATH, apparently- but no! No, nope- you can be a murderer, and you’re fine. You can blow up L’manburg, and you’re fine! You can blow it up AGAIN, and you’re FINE!
Being the hero isn’t working. It is NOT working- I am ONLY failing, and I’ve noticed that there is no prize, no joy, no ANYTHING that you get from being a hero. But! Being the villain- you sure seem to get away with EVERYTHING. So I’m starting to think, maybe I need a little bit of a change in perspective. Maybe- maybe less sparing people, less mercy! Maybe only for the ones that DESERVE it. And some of the people on this server right now DEFINITELY don’t deserve it. That is EVER so clear to me, now.
…But it seems like everybody I hold close either turns COMPLETELY insane, starts killing and spreading chaos and making this server a TERRIBLE place for anyone on it, OR, I lose them. Or I lose them, and I can’t protect them. So either way it hurts, and frankly, I don’t know which one is worse- Having them disappoint me, or me disappointing them.
…I am the way I am for... reasons most people don’t know. But in some screwed up way, I related to Tommy. …A part of my childhood, forever lost.
…Everywhere you look. Every block placed on this server, there’s a little piece of Tommy... a little piece of everyone that’s gone. Whether it’s Wilbur, or even JSchlatt; There’s a story in every piece of this land. And most of it has been... sad. There’s been brief moments of pure joy, of pure happiness, and- just... Like everyone was a family, at one point. But sadly, those little flickers of light and hope- they don’t last, here. 
…But it’s time for a new era. An era with finished symphonies. An era that’s not full of chaos, or lacking consequences, or punishing the innocent, or exiling the children... It’s a new era. Whether Tommy is here to see it or not, whether other people are ready for it, whether more lives need to be lost... whether it’s even my own. It’s time.
With men that like to play with lives like they’re toys... with men that haven’t really grown up, and they’re still boys. …And Dream. Oh, duckling, Dream... [laughing] He’s become the worst of them all! 
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acerace · 3 years
Dream SMP, Pandora’s Vault, and the Myths of Theseus and Icarus
Hello Dream SMP community! As you are probably aware, Dream has commissioned a frankly terrifying prison on the Dream SMP, but has not revealed who it is for. There are many theories as to who the prisoner will be, and after today’s events, I present to you my theory: 
Season 2 of the Dream SMP is the combined story of Theseus and Icarus, and Pandora's Vault is the Labyrinth. 
This is going to get long, so explanation under the cut! 
Firstly, a tl;dr of the Greek myths involved: 
The wife of King Minos of Crete had the Minotaur (who was fathered by a bull). King Minos had the architect Daedalus build a giant underground Labyrinth and the Minotaur was kept there. Shortly after finishing the Labyrinth, Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus within the Labyrinth. Minos also got into a fight with Athens after his son was murdered, and in return Minos demanded 7 girls and 7 boys from Athens to be sent to Crete every 7/9 years (depending on the version), where they were sacrificed to the Minotaur. Theseus of Athens, son of King Aegeus of Athens, eventually volunteered as tribute and (with string from Ariadne) made it through the Labyrinth, where he came across the Minotaur and slew it. At some point, Daedalus and Icarus built themselves wings out of wax and escaped the Labyrinth, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, causing his wings to melt and him to fall into the sea and die. 
So, what does this have to do with the Dream SMP? 
Season 2 of Dream SMP has very much been inspired by Greek mythology, and the many references to these stories seems to imply, to me at least, that this is where the story is going. 
Awesamdude is Daedalus. He is building an inescapable prison to hold someone of power, and is the only one who knows the secrets of the prison. 
Dream is Minos. The powerful king controlling not only his nation but also that of his enemy's. Once the prison is finished, he will trap Awesamdude inside to prevent him from helping the prisoner escape. This will sever his ties to the Badlands, so I imagine this will happen only after Skeppy and Bad give Dream Tommy's disc, or the Badlands will try to trade the disc for Sam's freedom. 
Tubbo is Aegeus. King of Athens and President of L’Manburg, he is being controlled by Minos. As well as this, Theseus is the heir to Athens, in the same way that Tommy was the Vice President of L’Manburg. It is probably worthwhile to note that Aegeus commits suicide when he thinks Theseus died in the Labyrinth, but I don’t think the SMP will go this far. 
Technoblade is the Minotaur. Powerful enough to challenge Dream, he poses the greatest threat to both Dream (representing Crete) and Tubbo (representing Athens). While Dream and Techno are on seemingly positive terms right now, they aren't officially allies, and from a Doylist perspective any teaming between them would end quickly or no one else would stand a chance. 
Tommy is Theseus. This one feels quite self explanatory, but I also think Tommy is going to break Techno out of the prison and possibly kill Dream in the process. 
Quackity is Icarus. This is based off of Techno's comments that he's flying too close to the sun, and that he's a major threat to Dream's authority and is actively challenging him. Also, Awesamdude and Quackity have a father-son relationship going on, and I think Quackity will die helping him escape or escaping himself after Dream imprisons him. (I also think that this is when his possession by Jschlatt will come to the forefront and possibly save him). 
After all of this goes down, I believe Dream will end up imprisoned, with absolutely no allies and no way out. 
So, the final theory: 
Dream is going to find out that Techno is harbouring Tommy and possibly threaten either Tommy or Phil's only life and imprison Techno in Pandora's Vault. Then, Dream will imprison Awesamdude and obtain Tommy's disc in the process. Quackity is either imprisoned too or attempts to rescue Awesamdude and generally stick it to Dream, but loses his final life in the escape. Tommy, hopefully with Phil and Tubbo by his side, will rescue Techno, and Tommy will kill Dream, trapping him inside Pandora's Vault with no one coming to save him. Quackity’s possession by Jschlatt will somehow save him and allow him to continue being plot relevant for the third season of the Dream SMP, which will deal with the fallout of Pandora’s Vault. 
And there we have it. What do you guys think? I’m very eager to see y’all’s thoughts on this :D
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lucemferto · 3 years
I talk about the current troubles of the Dream SMP.
If you want to help me out, please reblog! You can also retweet my tweet and upvote my reddit post. Thank you.
Script under the cut
I really hope Technoblade succeeds in breaking Dream out of prison.
Now why would I say that? Well, it’s because there’s this feeling in the fandom right now that Dream SMP Season 3 is … going slow. That there’s not much happening. Some have blamed it on the pace of how lore streams are doled out, saying we get too little lore stretched out over too much time. Others postulate that it’s the quality of the lore – that the individual plot points are badly told or that the high production value of certain streams prevent the story from gaining momentum.
Now, because I’m me, I think I identified the problem as something that’s structurally wrong with Season 3 as opposed to Seasons 1 and 2. In order to explain that we must look at one of my favourite narratological theories: the Three-Act-Structure.
But before we get into that, here’s your obligatory reminder to please like this video, comment your thoughts down below in order to help me with YouTube’s algorithm and subscribe if you really like my stuff. Please feel free to check out my social media presences and share my videos on there so that more people have the chance to see them. Thank you so much.
Let’s get back to the video:
 Chapter 1: The Three-Act-Structure Explained
The Three-Act-Structure as a model to explain narratives finds its roots far in the past with its earliest recorded instance being in the fourth century by the Roman grammarian Aelius Donatus though similar ideas were also expressed by everyone’s favourite Greek philosopher Aristotle.
Since then, the model has been continuously evolved and used throughout recorded history. There are also alternative models such as the Five-Act-Structure, the Six-Act-Structure, the Eight-Act-Structure, the … Nine-Act-Structure, Jesus Christ. But the Three-Act-Structure has reigned the undisputed champion in modern-day creation and analysis of narratives.
The particulars of the Three-Act-Structure as we know it today were codified in Syd Field’s 1979 work “Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting”, which has since become the Go-To-Work when it comes being a screenwriter in Hollywood. You want to write a script? You need the read the “Screenplay”.
The modern Three-Act-Structure is comprised of the following points/sequences:
-       The Backstory/Exposition: Exactly what it says on the tin. Sets up the Ordinary World that the characters inhabit, let’s us know about what character’s general deal is. It serves as an introduction to the story and world of your narrative.
-       The Point of Attack: This one is not often talked about and doesn’t feature in every story, but it’s still worth mentioning. This is where the major tension/conflict/dramatic question (structurally, these terms fulfil roughly the same function) is set into motion. It usually doesn’t include the protagonists of the story, but rather the antagonists.
-       The Inciting Incident: This is where the protagonists are sent on their way. We are introduced to their personal conflict and given a reason as to why they would have to leave the Ordinary World behind.
-       The Turning Point: This marks the end of Act I, where the personal conflicts of the protagonists and the major conflict of the overarching story intersect and coalesce. It is the natural fallout of the inciting incident, the big dramatic status quo change that we need in order to get the story going.
This naturally leads into Act II, where all the minor character conflicts are resolved and integrated into the larger conflict. This is what is referred to as the Rising Action: through the resolution and incorporation of the minor conflicts into the major conflicts, the story gains momentum. The action rises.
This act has two big culminations:
-       The Mid Point: The first culmination or Mid-Point sees some sort of shift in the major conflict. Maybe all the minor conflicts set-up in Act I are resolved and thus the major conflict becomes the full focus or the major conflict gains an additional factor. Instead of defeating the evil bad guy, the Heroes now have to defeat the Bad Guy and save the Damsel
-       The Lowest Point: The Lowest Point marks the end of Act II. Here the villains are just short of victory or maybe even achieve victory. In a romantic movie, this is the cliché end of Act II fallout which naturally leads into chasing the Hero chasing the love interest into an airport.
With the Lowest Point, the Heroes begin the third act almost or fully defeated. The stakes are high and everything seems hopeless. But then comes:
-       The Twist/Resolution: Usually, the twist coincides with either the protagonist or some sort of character having a eureka-moment or resolving their personal conflict – their Want vs. Need.
-       The Climax: With their problems resolved, the protagonists can venture forth to stop the villains or antagonistic force or save their love life.
-       The Dénouement: After the villain’s defeat/the resolution of the final conflict, the protagonist returns to the ordinary world, but changed by their experiences. The Dénouement is the one part of Act III, that can really drag it out – think the many, many endings of Return of the King for instance.
Up until now, I usually focused on that end of Act II/Act III-part when discussing the storytelling of the Dream SMP such as the Final Disc War, November 16th or Doomsday. Because Doomsday wasn’t just the Lowest Point in terms of storytelling quality.
But for Season 3, I instead want to focus on this section, The Inciting Incident and The Turning Point. Because this is where the current storytelling falters. The narrative has failed to pick up momentum, something that is achieved through a successful Inciting Incident and Turning Point.
So, I want to make the theory palpable and apply the Three-Act-Structure – with focus on Act I and early Act II – to all three Seasons of the Dream SMP to see where Seasons 1 & 2 succeeded and Season 3 failed.
 Chapter 2: The Three-Act-Structure Applied
Despite being much less written out and planned and more focused on the roleplay-aspect, both Season 1 and Season 2 somehow stumbled into recreating the Three-Act-Structure pretty well (S2 had its problem, but on the whole, it was still generally discernible).
I’m not here to discuss why narrative conventions and tools of literary analysis are applicable to something as seemingly idiosyncratic as the Dream SMP, I will do that in a future video. For the purposes of this video, we will simply have to take it at face value that these tools are applicable.
Season 1, which was probably the most consistently and competently written out of the three seasons thus far, has a very clear major tension/conflict: Who gets to steer the fate of L’Manburg, whether that be through stewardship or dissolution. It ties deeply into the personal conflict of our protagonist Wilbur as well as the external threat as represented by our villain JSchlatt, the best character in the story.
And not just that, basically every character whether that be Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy, Dream or Technoblade is invested in seeing this major tension resolved.
All this is achieved through a wonderful inciting incident and turning point. The inciting incident, the personal conflict for our protagonists, is Wilbur calling a presidential election. He wants to solidify power; his personal conflict being gaining full control over L’Manburg – I will talk about it more in my Wilbur-video.
This leads to the Turning Point, which in this case is a very natural cause and effect: Wilbur loses the election his sense of self shattered and JSchlatt, best character, takes over L’Manburg declares himself Emperor and exiles Tommy and Wilbur. The protagonists are forced out of their Ordinary World and the dynamic of the server is changed forever. The Main Tension or Major Conflict has been fully established.
This has server-wide consequences that every character is impacted by. All the many personal conflict are now framed by this all-encompassing major conflict. Thus, everything feels like it’s building up towards the same climax. Whether that be Fundy’s personal conflict as a deep-undercover spy, Niki’s conflict as the resistance in Manburg, Quackity’s struggle for power under Schlatt or the threat of Schlatt trying to expand Manberg into Dream SMP territory.
This even applies to the most disconnected conflict in Act II: The War between Sapnap and Tommy. Because even here, Sapnap’s stated goal is to gather enough power to take over Manberg. Now, that the power dynamic has shifted once it has signalled to other antagonists that the power dynamic can shift once more. The Balance of the Ordinary World is disrupted.
And from the Pogtopia-side, this conflict serves as a great way to not only build up their team, but also as a mini-version of their major conflict. If they cannot defeat Sapnap, what chance do they stand against Big Bad Emperor Schlatt.
Season 2, in spite of all the problems that it has, also managed to pull off the inciting incident and turning point rather well. The Inciting Incident here being Tommy burning down George’s house – his intent being to gain some leverage to win his discs back – which then again lead very gracefully into the Turning Point: Tommy being exiled from L’Manburg.
Tommy’s personal conflict – regaining his discs – was folded into the major conflict: Breaking Dream’s grip over the SMP (and in effect creating a new power dynamic on the server).
Tommy’s exile led to Tubbo being pushed by Quackity to institute the Butcher Army – an antagonistic force intent on making L’Manberg the strongest nation on the server; in effect dethroning Dream. This would of course lead to Hog Hunt and Technoblade’s involvement; ultimately bringing a lot of momentum into the narrative.
Now, Season 2 doesn’t pull this off as graciously as Season 1: You will have noticed that both the Inciting Incident as well as the Turning Point are pretty exclusively focused on Tommy which leads to the major conflict revolving mostly around Tommy and the characters in his orbit – which is not ideal when dealing with an ever-expanding ensemble cast.
While Season 1’s Inciting Incident and Turning Point also had Wilbur as their centre point, they were open enough to allow for other characters such as Quackity, Sapnap and most crucially Schlatt to naturally integrate themselves into the narrative.
What also doesn’t help is that the Rising Action up until the Midpoint is almost exclusively focused on Tommy as I discussed in my Philza-video. There is dramatic and narrative momentum, but it comes at the expense of basically every other character or storyline. The Butcher Army and New L’Manburg are painfully underexplored.
But still, despite its flaws, Season 2 managed to get the ball rolling. So where did Season 3 go wrong?
The main problem that Season 3 has is that it presented us with a large number of potential inciting incidents, but no concrete turning point. We have a lot of personal conflicts, but are as of yet missing the big major tension or conflict that ties it all together; that gives the framework in which the personal conflicts of the characters can intersect and resolve.
I think just to showcase how scattershot Season 3’s storytelling is right now; I’ll have to list all the big plot points of the season as they happened:
1.    Tommy meets with the Egg and shows an immunity to it. The Egg orders the Eggpire to kill Tommy in order to proceed with their plan
2.    The prison gets into lockdown mode, while Tommy is visiting Dream
3.    Tommy gets killed by Dream
4.    Tommy gets resurrected by Dream
5.    Technoblade and Ranboo come into contact with the Egg
6.    Quackity comes into contact with the Egg
7.    The Syndicate meets up and checks out Snowchester
8.    Tubbo loses a nuke
9.    The Red Banquet
10.  Tommy breaks into the prison
11.  Wilbur gets resurrected
Now, quite a number of those could have worked as either inciting incidents or turning point with some narrowing the scope of the narrative more than other. The early points involving Tommy for instance would have pushed him again into the role protagonist akin to how it worked in Season 2, while others like the Syndicate, the Red Banquet or Wilbur’s resurrection would have established the respectively involved groups or characters as the drivers of the major tension.
But none of these avenues are taken. All these conflicts are still insular; their resolutions don’t build to anything.
Tommy’s resurrection – which in my opinion is the first plot point that could have been used as the Turning Point relatively easily – changes the course of the prison and Las Nevadas-storyline, but has little to no impact on the Eggpire, Syndicate or Nuke-storylines.
Similarly, Tubbo losing the nuke could have led to the major tension becoming every faction hunting for the missing nuke in order to fulfil their personal agendas. But again, no dice.
And this just keeps adding up and up. Each new plot point subconsciously leads the viewer to expect that this will be the one to establish a major, unifying tension for the season – and then nothing comes of it. Though the volume of “lore” is still relatively high, the narrative momentum that is needed in order to make the viewer invested in the storyline is diminished with every potential turning point that is ignored in favour of more set-up.
And this structural problem of Season 3 when compared to Seasons 1 and 2 is made the most apparent when looking at …
 Chapter 3: The Eggpire
Oh, my poor boys. Where did it all go wrong?
To give some context: The Eggpire or Crimson-storyline actually started in the middle of Season 2, where they managed the impossible: Establishing a storyline with some narrative momentum and impact outside of the major conflict.
So, how did they do that and do it successfully at that?
The first thing we need to understand is that the Season 2 Eggpire-storyline basically involved no one from the “principal cast”. As such, the story was not chained to the developments that were going on there – such as Exile, Hog Hunt, the Green Festival, etc. – and instead had more freedom to do their own stuff.
The Eggpire-storyline in Season 2 was for the most part self-contained. So much so, that people were viewing it not as a part of the on-going narrative, but rather in the vein of Tales from the SMP: A story that stands alone, the resolution of which would have no impact on the server as a whole.
And, to be fair, they could have gone that route. But the writer(s) behind the Eggpire-storyline decided to be more ambitious.
The Eggpire-storyline in Season 2 follows its own mini-version of the Three-Act-Structure, with BadBoyHalo serving as its protagonist. The big narrative movements coincide and are influenced with dramatic movement in his own personal conflict. He is the Wilbur of this storylines – the once good man (relatively speaking), who falls from Grace.
Now, the thing that makes the Eggpire-storyline in Season 2 quite brilliant is that they ultimately tied the resolution of their tension into the major conflict/tension of the Season 2.
Doomsday saw the Lowest Point of the main storyline of Season 2. With L’Manburg’s destruction and Dream’s future imprisonment, there was a huge power vacuum on the server – a power vacuum that BadBoyHalo, now fully under the control of the Egg, was ready to fill.
The climax of the Eggpire-storyline in Season 2 saw the rise of the Eggpire as they spread the seeds of the Crimson in the L’Manburg-crater, intent on taking over server – thus adding onto the dramatic tension that Doomsday already established, making the Lowest Point feel even more foreboding and successfully linking their erstwhile separate storyline to the main tension of the overall narrative. The villains for Season 3 seemed to be perfectly set-up.
And then Season 3 rolled around and they … bungled it completely.
Though the Eggpire eventually came into contact with almost every active character in Season 3 – such as Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Technoblade and Quackity – they completely failed at driving the major conflict and establishing themselves as the main antagonistic force of the storyline the same way Schlatt and Dream had done in the Seasons prior.
The biggest missed opportunity in that regard is without a doubt the Red Banquet. Now, I talked in the past about how the Red Banquet failed just on its own – at least a specific aspect of it – but now we’ll have to talk about how the Red Banquet fails in the context of Season 3.
Because this was the moment that all the storylines could have been brought together. The Eggpire could have succeeded in their endeavour and established themselves as the most prominent force on the serve. This event would have impacted the server as a whole and thus the entire storyline.
Immediately we would have had a major conflict to drive all other storylines – such as Tommy’s storyline, Snowchester, the Syndicate, Kinoko Kingdom and Las Nevadas – to stop the Eggpire from fully taking over the server. All the character-specific conflicts could have then happened within the framing of this major tension.
Maybe Tubbo and the rest are hunting for the nuke, because they think it’s the only way to stop the Eggpire. Maybe the Eggpire wants to free Dream, because he could be of use for the Crimson. Tommy could get abducted by the Eggpire because he is some sort of chosen one or whatever and the onus would fall on the other characters to save him and stop the villains – so Tommy would become the damsel effectively.
Maybe they decide that the only way to defeat the Eggpire is to bring back Wilbur and that’s how that storyline gets integrated. Maybe the disparate forces disagree on that or other plot-points and there’s some infighting between them.
But still: All conflicts would be unified by this one major tension. The Red Banquet would have been the Turning Point to lead into Act II of Season 3, where all the problems would be viewed with the knowledge that the Eggpire and the Crimson was looming in the distance.
Alas, we did not get that. Instead, the Red Banquet turned out to be just another plot point in a long line of plot points that promises more in the future. Smaller personal conflicts are resolved just within the limited scope of their individual storyline and a major tension is yet to be seen.
When Bad says that there’s just one more Egg-stream planned, I hope he’s either misleading or not being clear enough on what he means. Because if this was it; if the Eggpire-storyline just kinda dies here – too connected to all other storyline to be seen as standalone and yet too separated to be enjoyed in the context of Season 3 as a whole – then it would be a worse writing choice than Doomsday.
 Epilogue: How the Prison Break can bring it all together
To bring it all back to the sentence I opened this video with: I hope Technoblade succeeds in breaking Dream out of prison, because this could finally be the Turning Point that introduces a major tension to the narrative of Season 3.
I hoped that Wilbur’s resurrection would fill that role, but disappointingly that plot point is again relegated to driving the tension of a few chosen storylines instead of providing a major tension for all players involved.
And with five months into Season 3, this Act 1 has gone on for far too long! For comparison, the entire written storyline of Season 1 encompassed 4 months. Season 2 took place in only 2 months. Season 3 has already exceeded both their runtimes and still seems to have yet to truly start.
Whether Technoblade breaks Dream out or Quackity succeeds in trapping Technoblade in Pandora’s Vault – there needs to be a turning point somewhere in sight.
Because my biggest fear is that we’re already past it. That the Eggpire-storyline will just fizzle out and that some other plot point will retroactively reveal itself as the turning point – because that would mean that Season 3 would have a horrifically unfocused, saggy and just generally unengaging second act. And that would be a shame.
Thank you so much for watching. Once again, please feel free to like, comment and subscribe. The links to my social media are all in the description down below. I have a bunch of stuff planned for the future including a very long video on Wilbur as well as two videos that have nothing to do with Dream SMP.
Until then, please be excite.
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theyre-just-blocks · 3 years
AU Brain go brrrr
Okay, okay, so after Tommy’s stream today my brain started to think up something of an AU thanks to JSchlatt joining Tommy and Techno’s vc and asking about his “cute ghost name” while he ate Chinese food. 
Basically it’s based around the idea that there’s 3 versions of Schlatt’s ghost that haunts the three individuals who messed with his shit during the funeral, Tommy, Tubbo, and Quackity. 
You’ve got the violent, power hungry dictator Schlatt ghost who haunts Quackity as a result of Quackity eating his heart. This kind of ghost is the possessing kind and is slowly taking over Quackity and controlling his actions and whatnot. That would explain his bloodthirst and sudden obsession with getting and keeping power. I just really want that Quackity possession arc. 
The next one would be Schlatt at his lowest point. It’s a lonely, depressed ghost that follows Tubbo everywhere, filled with guilt about the events he caused. He likes to go on and on about how he’s all alone and everyone left him, making Tubbo doubt his position as the President. In a way, he’s kind of like the voice in the back of your head that makes you doubt everything. And bonus if you merge this with the Dad Schlatt AU
The last ghost, we already saw it, is the one that haunts Tommy. Glatt is basically a normal ghost who likes to mess with Tommy. He’s friends with Ghostbur and is the Schlatt before he came to power. He’s just a nuisance really, and doesn’t really know what’s going on. 
Anyways, yeah. Because what’s better than one Schlatt? Three of them!
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katnip225 · 3 years
My Next Life As A Comic Book Villain
I really like the anime My Next Life as a Villainess.
So for anyone who does not know that anime here is a summary of the story. A girl dies then gets reborn as a the main villainess in a dating game. Many routes end up with her either being killed or exiled. So she works hard to make sure that does not happen.
Now remember that Manhunt au where the dream smp is a comic and Manhunt!Dream is a huge fan of it.
Yep. Manhunt!Dream dies and is now the main villain in the dream smp. Like in the anime, he starts out as a child. So he goes around befriending people that he knows will be on the smp. He wants to not end up in the prison. So he hopes that if he is really nice then he will get that big happy family that the smp was supposed to be.
Dream does think of just not making the smp but he really wants to. He wants a big family. All he had while alive was his younger brother.
Some changes
Sapnap does not kill any pets since Dream full on cries seeing one die. So the pet war never happens.
The smp actually had good health insurance and Wilbur was allowed to sell his drugs. As long as no one gets hurts from the drugs then the drug van was allowed. Plus even if Wilbur still wanted to to make lmanbrug then Dream would allow it
Dream would talk to Wilbur about babying Fundy.
Either Jschlatt is never allowed onto the server or he is under heavy watch so if he does anything bad then he will be kicked. Dream would help Schlatt to be a better person if it is the 2nd option.
Get Wilbur some therapy. He needs to learn to allow others to help him.
No prison is being built on the server
Make sure Quackity gets together with Karl and Sapnap from the start.
Fix the distance relationship between Wilbur and Phil
If Ranboo still has memories problems then he will help Ranboo
Helps Eret with his memory issues
The biggest problem would be the egg since that is something that dsmp!Dream did not cause.
Either Dream finds the egg first or once he hears that someone found the egg, he will block it off and explain to them what it is. This might be tricky since he might be asked where he got this info.
Plus even he makes sure no one gets close to the egg, he still needs to find a way to destroy it.
Now in the anime, it is found out that another character is reincarnation of a friend of the main character. So Foolish is the reincarnated version of his younger brother when he was alive.
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aroaceacacia · 3 years
I don’t agree that AO3 shouldn’t use CCs names. the “characters” ccs play in their content isnt a completely different person, its literally just themselves. so while we do write about a version of them in-game, i think people should still keep in mind that they’re writing about actual people, not characters
Yes and no
This is why the issue is complex - because there are different opinions!
However, I respectfully disagree, anon. While there is a grain of truth in the way, say, Hermits portray themselves on camera, there are also content creators like Tommyinnit and Jschlatt who very clearly are not portraying their IRL selves. (I've seen some people advocating for a split of the tags entirely. That's not what I'm saying.)
When it comes to the Hermits, there is a grain of truth but I think overwhelmingly the people who write and consume Hermitcraft fanfiction are basically making content about OCs based on the characters we see in the YouTube videos. Aspects of their real lives are incorporated when they're part of the brand (example: Jellie and Scar being disabled/a wheelchair user are two traits which are often carried over to the Minecraft character, but people decidedly are not writing about the actual IRL version of him), but Hermitcraft fanwork is basically entirely not written to be connected to or reflect the IRL lives of the CCs. Hermitcraft fanfic is not RPF. The majority of Yogscast fanfic and fandom is not RPF.
Obviously the water is murky, and that murkiness is why the situation is the way it is currently. That murkiness is also why I think I've said that my ideal solution would be to only include first names.
It is possible to acknowledge that Bdoubleo100 is not intentionally playing a character and signify that the works I share about Bdoubleo100 are about a fictional character living in a fantasy world and have no basis on the real lived life of Bdoubleo100 while also not tagging works featuring him SOLELY as "John Booko".
Anon, it's like there are two camps - total division between CCs and content, and no division between CCs and content. The current AO3 tagging system upholds no divison between CCs and content. Myself and many others have been saying that AO3's current organization makes us uncomfortable and does not reflect the way we engage with fandom. In some cases it exposes us to personal information about CCs that we wouldn't have known otherwise.
I am not, nor have I ever, argued for entire separation. I only want a middle ground because the way AO3 currently organizes and tags creators like Sneegsnag, Mumbo Jumbo, Docm77, Thirtyvirus, and the entirety of the Yogscast is confusing and unclear for fans who only know them or engage with them as their online aliases.
That's all.
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bisqueri · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tubbo will NOT be the next Schlatt and Tommy will NOT become the next Wilbur
(This is the text form version of my video where I talked about my own idea and stuff. The video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgZMFkdUTiY)
Salutations! I will be talking about my thoughts/general ideas about Villaininnit and Villain!Tubbo. 
Do I personally think that Villaininnit and Villain!Tubbo will happen? As of 12/17/20, not too likely for Tommy, because he has Technoblade backing him up and his moral compass has still not misaligned, but the possibility of it for the future is still there. Tubbo on the other hand… Oh I am mostly certainly sure, because he is already on the path to Villainy.
(Continuation below because it’s kind of long)
Now let’s start with the whole Tubbo-Tommy-Schlat- Wilburt connection. What is this connection? This is the idea that as the story progresses Tubbo will grow to become more like Schlatt and Tommy will grow to become more like Wilbur. Their predecessors. This idea has grown in popularity specifically in the Tumblr side of things due to the Exile arc. In this arc Tubbo goes against his cabinet and exiles Tommy. During this exile Tommy is slowly going off of the deep end. Several characters in canon, also pointed this idea out especially in the iconic line of “As long as I won’t become the next Schlatt, you can’t become the next Wilbur”.
What do I personally think of this connection? I think I can see why it’s so popular, not only is it backed up by canon lines by the characters, but the imagery of Tubbo with horns and Tommy with Wil’s coat is simply spectacular. However, I’m thinking of a different idea, because I think this whole connection is not that strong.
I’ll explain why. Tommy and Wilbur, though the connection is quite stronger than Tubbo and Schlatt I feel still doesn’t work that well.What separates them the most is their reaction to being exiled. Wilbur was filled with anger, he used that anger to start a new movement to save his country back with pride. He started clearing and building a new home the moment he got exiled. Tommy, on the other hand, is distraught and hesitant to start anew. He’s not angry, he’s frustrated.  
With the ominous message from the Exile arc about how people only respect him when he has power. Tommy will most likely have a power hungry arc in the future. Where he will do anything to get what he wants, different from Wilbur’s goal of destroying the thing he cannot have in what I assume is his miserable attempt to preserve it’s essence. To save L’manburge from Jschlatt
Tommy’s descent in the exile arc differs from Wilbur, Wilbur was more manipulative. Taunting Tommy on how he’ll never be president. While Tommy’s descent was filled with violence as seen with his actions towards Techno and JackManifold. Kinda like how Schaltt was with his old cabinet who was trying to help him.
The Tubbo and Schlatt connection, I think is way off. The problem here is that Tubbo said it himself, he doesn’t want power he doesn’t want control he wants what’s the best for New L’manburg. You can’t connect them on a goal oriented level. because Schlatt wants power. Schlatt simply does what he thinks is the best for himself.
The motivations of these characters should be the most important thing in connecting them. Because I believe that a character’s motivation, what a character wants will pave the way onto how they will achieve it and who they will become. So if Tommy-Wilbur parallels don’t align because Tommy wants to reclaim what was his, while Wilbur wanted to preserve what wasL’manberge; and Tubbo-Schlatt parallels don’t align because Tubbo wants what’s good for New L’manberg, while Schlatt wants what’s good for himself. Then what’s another idea we can apply to these characters.
Well, I present to you the Tommy-Schaltt and Tubbo-Wilbur connection.  I believe that the characters that have been paired off in this new connection have more in common than the connection I mentioned earlier.
Tommy and Schlatt both have selfish goals. Tommy wants his discs. Schlatt wants his power. Both of them also have violent tendencies which is most obvious during their descents. Tommy lashes out violently to the people who were trying to help him, just like a certain goat.
we know that Tommy can put his discs to the side-- he’s not that selfish, but Tommy is changing. He’s done putting his own desires to the side, he wants what is rightfully his. I can imagine Tommy realizing that the only way he’ll get his discs back is to become powerful. Give Tommy his villain arc, he deserves to go feral in the pursuit of power. Both Tommy and Schlatt have been exiled, I desperately hope that when Tommy returns from his exile he gets the power that he craves in order to get what he wants.
Tubbo and Wilbur. What do they have in common? Wilbur wanted to destroy L’manburg, while Tubbo wants to protect it. The thing they have in common is their unyielding love for L’manburg. A devotion that ruins one’s morality. That’s what Tubbo and Schlatt don’t have in common, Tubbo has ideals he maintains, Schlatt doesn’t. However these ideals are slowly being broken. In a reddit post, Wilbur confirmed that Tubbo is a lawful good. Tubbo stick to what is right and what is good. But as we can see Tubbo is under immense pressure from his cabinet, they don’t respect him. His cabinet wants power and they don’t see Tubbo as powerful. So, Tubbo in this current arc is turning against his morals of peace in order to satisfy his violent cabinet. He even broke the no armor rule. He’s changing and not for the better.
This sounds a lot like Wilbur during his time in Pogtopia. Where Wilbur’s sanity cracks under the pressure of his fellow Pogtopians wishing for a great ruler. Wilbur tossed his old days of adamantly using words to fight, when the war came he wielded his weapons. Since he can’t have his country, he’ll have to destroy it in order to protect L’manburg from the hands of others.
I predict that Tubbo will end up betraying the butcher army once he realizes how futile this quest is. That what Quackity is doing is ruining Tubbo’s beloved L’manburg. If Tubbo completes his road to villainy I think he’ll end up as a scary villain who manipulates and smiles through things. Tubbo cares about L’manburg the most. It’s the only thing that has been trusted to him, and I’m sure he’ll do anything to protect it, morals be damned.
There’s already hints of Tubbo becoming more obsessed with L’manburg. During the beginning of the Exile Arc, something stuck out to me. When Tubbo exiled Tommy he said “Dream, please escort Tommy out of my country”, not L’manburge, or New L’manberge it’s my country.  When he first said it, I immediately got flashbacks to Wilbur repeatedly saying “my L'manburg”.
So in conclusion, while Tubbo-Schlatt, Tommy-Wilbur have more connections aesthetically, I think that narratively Tubbo-Wilbur and Tommy-Schlatt have a stronger connection. Tubbo and Tommy know the score. They know that Tommy shouldn’t end up like Wilbur and Tubbo knows that he shouldn’t end up like Schlatt. They’ll do everything to not end up like their parallel predecessor . But nobody is stopping them from becoming like the other’s predecessors.
Tubbo will become  not like Schlatt but like Wilbur.
And Tommy will become not like Wilbur but like Schlatt.
Is this true Who knows? All I know is that these two will end up as on opposite sides of the battlefield
Bonus prediction:
Yo guys a short prediction on what I think will happen in the Christmas Festival. Philza will inform the Antarctic anarchist commune on the event and how Dream will be there. Tommy suggests that it’ll be the perfect time to try and get his discs back, and Techno will think it’s perfect time for revenge, and of course ghostbur is happy to attend a festival. On the day of reckoning. Dream gets trapped and all is going to plan. However I believe that Tommy’s unresolved confused feelings about his manipulator will cause him to help dream. Imagine the cinematic parallels of Tommy enderpearling to defend a trapped Dream just like how he enderpearled to Tubbo during the festival. Techno will help Dream escape this assanation, he owes dream a solid after all. And Phil will follow and protect his sons, because he doesn’t want to be helpless anymore. He wants to protect his family. And as things are going down Tubbo vs. Tommy. Wilbur will be breaking down filled with so much repressed memories begging to be let out. Maybe he’ll remember, and who knows what will happen to him. Maybe this will be the time that Tubbo realizes that the butcher army is ruining new l’manberge and he has to save his country.
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