#my woman 4ever !!!!
sevlawless · 5 months
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arabella by @lampyri
so late in posting this but thank you sm for my birthday gift kay!!! 🥺💗 she looks so gorgeous u killed it!
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moinsbienquekaworu · 4 months
Confirmed. There is something going on with me
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my mother. I hate her
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may i requesting a pt 2 of ellie x thick reader last one had me kicking and swinging my feet while twirling my hair 0____0
fuck yeahhh here we go. this is a little more modern than the last one
warnings: smut, dirty talk, reader is thick, thigh riding, strap, sex toys, oral, kinda switch ellie, language, ellie is a bit feral (once again)
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as stated before, she'd absolutely DIE if you sat on her face. like literally ascend to heaven.
"ellie, but what if you can't breathe?"
"i'd die a happy woman. come here."
she'd lick you out so well, hands never ever leaving your ass, fingers squeezing the soft flesh
if you were laying in bed on your stomach, she'd just lay her face right on your ass, letting out a content sigh as you look back at her like girl wtf but you eventually get used to it
if you're into wearing dresses or skirts, she would literally start drooling immediately. she'd be taking you out on a date and you come out dressed in this cute little sun dress, so short your ass was almost peaking out. she was almost BEGGING for the wind to pick up just so she could get a view of "that sweet, sweet ass", as she liked to call it
if you were taking her strap (i think we've all collectively decided it's purple), she'd always want to give it to you in doggy so she could watch your ass jiggle and spread as she pounded into you, feeling the juicy flesh of it slapping into the top of her thighs
you'd literally be getting in the shower the next day, walking past the mirror and noticing the bruises in the shape of her hands on your ass from her death grip on them the night before
you couldn't even get mad at her tho. it just made her blush when you showed her
"what can i say? love your ass."
however, if she was taking your strap, she'd literally fall apart if you gave it to her in missionary. this way, she can still kinda see your ass bounce as you pound into her.
her ABSOLUTE fav tho? when you you ride her in front of a mirror. she'd be facing the mirror and you'd be sat on her lap. she'd have a perfect view of your ass bouncing on her through the mirror, also being able to bury her face in your tits, play with them, watch you come undone, your watch where her strap/fingers disappeared in your pussy
probably has you in her phone as "favourite piece of ass 4ever" cause she thinks it's funny (you don't find it that funny)
she's a MENACE in dressing rooms. since ur both girls and most retail workers would probably just assume you're typical girls who need to show each other shit before they buy it, she literally follows you into EVERY SINGLE change room. she's not subtle about it either. girl barely ever goes shopping for herself unless you go with her and force her, so she's mostly just watching you try on stuff. in this scenario, you're shopping for a new bathing suit and she's sat on that little stool or bench in the corner, manspreading, unashamedly staring at you as you change.
when you end up inspecting this thong-style bikini bottom in the mirror, ellie says "y'know you can't get that, right?"
your brows furrow. "why?"
"if you wear that out, i'll be bending you over one of those ugly lawn chairs before you can even get in the pool."
she'd just laugh, then go, "turn around. i want another picture of that ass."
let's just say you absolutely cannot ever go biking with her. the first (and only) time you went, she crashed into a tree cause she was so focused on your ass on that tiny little seat in those tiny little shorts when a squirrel or something ran in front of her. she veered to miss it and flipped the entire bike into a tree.
you could barely sit in peace. she'd literally just slot herself behind you and sit you between her legs, her hands coming to rest on your ass
she'd constantly be trying to make you squirt. not really relevant but
don't tell me she wouldn't pretend to fuck you from behind when you bend over to grab something like a teenage boy because she totally would don't lie
sometimes when you're cuddling, she'll just stick her hands between your thighs because they're so warm and squishy and she melts
you've also established that you can't go to the gym together for two reasons.
a) she thinks everyone is always staring at your ass when you wear leggings and
b) she's always staring at your ass when you wear leggings
she's probably almost started a fight multiple times over this too
"hey man! you staring at my girl's ass?"
he was a MASSIVE dude. you panicked and grabbed her by the shirt and BOOKED IT out of that gym
hand always on your thigh
no matter which one of you was driving, her hand was on your thigh
if you were wearing a dress, shorts, or a skirt, she'd constantly be kneading the bare flesh of your thigh.
she'd definitely draw little tattoos on your thighs when neither of you could sleep. she'd have this thin-tipped sharpie on the nightstand and she'd just grab it and start drawing.
sometimes she'd do it when you're sleeping. you'd wake up and there'd be a bunch of art on your thighs and your heart would swell
once, you noticed she wrote "my beautiful girl. mine forever." on your thigh and you almost started crying tbh cause i would
but mostly she writes little notes like "let's fuck when you find this" because girl is ALWAYS ready to fuck
i feel like a lot of headcanons say she loves giving, which is true, but ellie deserves some love too and she definitely deserves release
i feel like she'd be so vocal, so needy, so whiny. she'd absolutely LOVE to ride your thigh. she'd overstimulate herself grinding down on it, kissing you drunk and whimpering into your mouth. she wasn't even embarrassed when she saw the slick spot left on your plushy skin from her drooling cunt
i just know ellie likes them thick and is feral for it.
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permanent taglist:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
not tagging any of my other taglists right now as i'm currently in the process of separating my tlou taglist into joel and ellie.
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Another year has passed under the mark of sadness, struggle, depression, and low self esteem. Things haven't gotten better, they've gotten worse. Even despite many valiant efforts, I remain weak. For now.
Today is a special day. One when I get to eat good food, drink alcohol, get money because nobody knows what my interests are (not that I'm complaining) and eat a single slice of my birthday cake, as I can't take much sweets without feeling nauseus.
Speaking of cake, here's how mine looks like today.
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I don't know who the original art belongs to, as I didn't check it. I just wanted a nice art of Shinobu, and here it is. Beautiful. Even though the Shinobu inclusion on contentloadingandstuff is fairly small, she's still the best. Masked girls 4ever.
I got money. It's too much to just spend it on what makes me happy, so I will have to buy something actually valuable and keep it for a rainy day.
But regardless, I wish myself a few things - to pass my finals with at least crawling colors, to be a little happier when I celebrate my birthday next time, and hopefully find a woman who won't emotionally gut me this time.
And, first and foremost, so I have the opportunity to be here and celebrate it again next year.
Thank you for being with me for the second time! It's hard to believe this blog is already two years old...
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 3
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Propaganda under the cut:
What if u were a 80 year old successful media mogul and the greatest love of ur life was ur cringe disappointing failson who is also ur number one boy and u get sooo possessive and jealous and unwell over him u literally try to ruin/sabotage every relationship he’s ever had. also he keeps trying to kill you!
Kendall is probably the most wife a son could be tbh. the kendall and marcia parallels are crayy
He spends an entire season as his fathers robotic little slave. multiple people suggest they are fucking. his dad talks like a bitchy high schooler to any woman he’s ever been with while he handled his fathers viagra they want to OWN each other groomed so hard the word lost all meaning
off to the races edit: https://youtu.be/SqwBVm0qyRo?si=XWZ8kVlz3rjBx2yV
"You're my number one boy."
Mutual obsession, codependency and isolation sisters win
They happily isolate each other and follow these rules that nobody else understands, Merricat only cares about Constance and Constance would do anything for Merricat, no matter what Merricat does, and seemingly not out of fear, but out of love
When there's a possible love interest for Constance (who also happens to be said looks like their dad), Merricat wants him dead and in the end, even though Constance seemed more she could be a part of society, she chooses Merricat over him and over everyone else
Weird girls 4ever <3
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willalove75 · 1 year
Could you make a fic of Rebecca Welton x fem!wife!reader where the team knows Rebecca is married but she never specified that it was to a woman, so when reader and their daughter (I am a firm believer in mom!rebecca) come to take her to out to lunch every one is super surprised. (I hope that made sense.)
Also your fics are amazing!!
Are there other requests in my inbox I should do before this? Yes, absolutely. Am I doing this one first? Also yes because I'm OBSESSED with this and came up with a really good idea for it yesterday and I'm too excited to wait. mom!rebecca 4ever 🥺😭😍
And thank you SO much I'm so glad you like them!!💕
Ps. this was getting SO long I need to make a pt. 2 that I will post ASAP!! I love this and I feel like it needs a series dedicated to it heheh
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Rebecca is standing in the boys locker room pacing, she keeps checking her phone and muttering unintelligible words to herself. Ted walks in and sees her.
"Well either I'm late or you're sure down here early! Mornin' boss!" He says.
Rebecca is a little startled and turns to Ted.
"Oh! Ted, good morning." She gets distracted and looks back down at her phone and Ted gives her a look. "Oh sorry, I wanted to ask, do you have lunch plans today?"
"Well, Beard and I were going to do a sandwich switch but I ended up givin' it to one of the kids playin football this morning on account of they forgot their lunch at home and-"
"Great!" Rebecca cuts in. "I will meet you by the front door at 2."
"I think this is great, I think we should do lunchtime with the boss more often! We can play," Ted stops to think for a second and snaps his fingers. "Worst movie you've ever seen in theaters and best movie you've seen! Speakin of which, I went to the movies this weekend and-"
Rebecca cuts him off.
"Ted, I am also inviting Higgins and Keeley so there will be no 'lunchtime with the boss'."
"Ah! Great! Love me some Keeley and Higgie in the afternoon! So, what's the occasion?"
Rebecca is distracted by her phone again and doesn't hear Ted.
"Boss?" She looks up at him "You good? You seem a little wired for this early in the morning."
"Yes, I'm fine, not wired at all. And I have some visitors coming this afternoon I'd like you to meet." She looks back down at her phone.
Ted goes to speak and Rebecca cuts him off.
"I have to get going, see you at 2!" She says briskly walking out of the locker room.
Up in her office, Rebecca is still pacing, her eyes glued to her phone and Keeley walks in.
"Good morning!" She says, excitedly. She notices Rebecca is distracted and raises an eyebrow at her. "OI! What are you looking at?" She walks over to Rebecca and tries to look at her screen.
Rebecca quickly locks her phone and pulls it away.
"Oh come on!" Keeley pleads
"I'll tell you later," Rebecca says. "Are you around this afternoon for lunch?"
Keeley pauses to think.
"Good, I have some visitors coming I'd like you to meet. Front doors at 2, okay?"
Keeley's eyes light up.
"Who's coming?! Is that what you're looking at! Is it a new boyfriend?!"
Rebecca gives Keeley a glare, she doesn't talk about her love life with anyone, as hard as Keeley tries.
"2 o'clock." Rebecca says as she sits down at her desk.
Higgins walks in and greets Rebecca and Keeley.
"Higgins, you're coming to lunch with Keeley, Ted and myself. Front doors at 2." She says without looking up from her computer screen.
"Oh I'd be delighted!"
"Rebecca has some guests coming she wants us to meet." Keeley says playfully and gives Higgins a wink.
"Oh," Higgins says with a curious smile on his face.
"I'm very busy this morning so I will see you both at 2." Rebecca gets up and ushers them out and closes the door. Once the door closes she takes a deep, nervous breath and checks her phone again.
That morning and early afternoon were less than productive, Rebecca locked herself in her office and couldn't do anything but obsessively check her phone.
2pm rolls around and Rebecca checks herself out in the mirror, fixes her hair and smooths out her dress a few times. She takes a deep breath and exhales trying to calm her nerves. She grabs her bag and jacket and heads downstairs.
At the end of the hallway she sees Ted, Keeley and Higgins standing around waiting for her. The door behind them opens and they turn to see who walked in. Rebecca hears a voice politely say "Hi there, I'm looking for Rebecca,"
Ted looks down the hall and points to her. "That there would be the boss."
You walk through the crowd and your eyes meet hers from down the hall. Tears begin to form in both of your eyes when you see each other. The moment is interrupted when you hear tiny footsteps run down the hall accompanied by "MUMMYYYY!!!"
Sophia, your four year old daughter, runs to Rebecca and jumps into her arms. Rebecca picks her up, spins her around and squeezes her and litters her face with kisses.
"Oh I missed you." She says quietly into her ear as she holds her close.
You walk up to the both of them, a few tears fall from your eyes as Rebecca wraps her free arm around you and you wrap your arms around the both of them. You see tears falling from her eyes as she pulls you in for a kiss. You feel a wave of relief wash over the both of you as your lips meet for the fist time in nearly six months. Rebecca looks lovingly at Sophia and you can't help but feel like your heart is whole for the first time in a long time.
"Mummy, are you and mommy sad?" She asks puzzled.
"No love," Rebecca says "we're very happy." She says as fixes Sophie's shirt.
"Then why are you crying?" She asks.
"Sometimes baby," you say "people cry when they're sad, but, they also cry when they're happy."
"Oh, okay!" She says as she wraps her arms around Rebecca's neck and squeezes her.
You can see Rebecca's body relax as she closes her eyes, places her hand on the back of Sophia's head and hugs her back. You wrap your arm around Rebecca and place your hand on her hip and place your other hand on Sophia's back. You look up at Rebecca and look at every inch of her face. Her beautiful smile, the way her eyelashes gently brush against her cheeks when her eyes are closed. The little lines around her mouth and the corners of her eyes, her soft blond hair, her smooth skin. You take in every single thing you possibly can and try to commit it to your memory.
You hear a squeal from down the hall and look, you completely forgot there were other people watching your reunion.
Keeley is digging her nails into Higgins in excitement as he tries to keep squeals of pain back. You chuckle at them and look back at Rebecca, who opens her eyes and sees the group gawking at the three of you. She reaches her hand out and you take it into yours and you walk towards them.
"Ted, Keeley, Leslie," Rebecca begins, "this is my wife, y/n," Keeley lets out squeals of excitement as she lets go of Higgin's arm and he sighs in relief. "And this here," she gestures to the toddler in her arms, "is our daughter, Sophia."
"YOU'RE MARRIED?! WITH A KID?!" Keeley screams "But you don't wear a ring!!!"
She smiles and shrugs her shoulders and looks at you and you smile back. You both knew it would be easier and there would be less questions if she didn't wear it, and you didn't mind.
"Well I have about a million and one questions" Ted speaks, " but lets start off with, what's the best movie-"
Rebecca cuts him off. "Why don't we save the questions until we get to lunch? Y/n and Sophie are probably starving, they just got off of a long flight and I'm sure they want to go sit down."
"Yes please" you say, looking lovingly at your wife.
"Leslie, do you mind driving Ted and Keeley, I'm afraid there's not enough room in my car with the car seat."
You look up at Rebecca and your face is beaming. Even though having the car seat is a bare-minimum kind of effort, you know she spent a good amount of time last night getting it ready, making sure every strap was perfectly in place. You know how excited she was for you guys to come and you know she spent the whole ride to work this morning staring at the car seat, wishing the day would move faster.
"Sure, not a problem at all."
You walk to the car and you hear Higgins mention something about ignoring the mess and pushing aside dirty socks and gym bags as you get into the car and Rebecca puts the baby in her car seat and hands her a new toy to keep her preoccupied for the ride.
She walks to the other side of the car and gets in next to you, closes the door and the driver pulls away. You both look at each other for a moment and she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in, nuzzling her face into your neck. She inhales deeply, the scent of your skin filling her nose as you feel tears on your shoulder. You pull back and look at her, she looks up at you with bright green, teary eyes. God, you missed looking into her eyes. You wipe tears away with your thumb as she purses her lips and studies your face.
"I missed you, so much." She says as she looks deeply into your eyes.
"I missed you too." You say as your eyes fill with tears.
You look back at Sophia and see that she's distracted by her toy and the city whizzing by. You turn back to Rebecca and you both lean in and your lips connect. She slides her hand up your neck to the back of your head and gently holds onto your hair as you hold the back of her head and pull her into you as closely as possible. You feel her tongue caress your bottom lip and you part your lips to let her in. Her tongue explores your mouth as if it was the first time and you do the same. You feel her heartbeat increase as her chest is pressed against yours and you begin to breathe heavily. The kiss becomes more passionate as Rebecca puts her other hand on your hip and pulls you in closer. You slide your other hand up the side of her dress past the middle of her thigh and hold her tight. The whole world fades away, it's just the two of you and your love for each other that exists for this moment.
You're interrupted when you hear Sophie's little voice.
You slide your hand out from Rebecca's dress and your lips part, your foreheads rest gently against one another as you both smile and chuckle lightly.
"Yes love?" Rebecca says, looking over at the toddler who's looking out the window.
"Why do they drive weird here?"
You both look at each other and laugh. Rebecca looks at Sophia and you see guilt in her eyes.
"She's gotten so big," she says quietly.
"I know" you say as you look at Sophie whose attention hasn't left the window.
Rebecca looks at you, more tears and guilt in her eyes.
"Oh honey," you say.
"I missed so much," she starts to say as tears roll down her face.
You pull her in for a hug and gently rub her back.
"Don't do that, it's okay," you say trying to comfort her as she gently cries. "I know, but it's not forever, it's just temporary.
"Three and a half years doesn't feel temporary." She says as she pulls back and looks into your eyes.
You bring your hand up to her face to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks and look into her eyes.
"I know." Your heart breaks seeing her filled with so much guilt and sadness, tears begin to form in your eyes. "But soon it will just be a memory and we'll all be together."
She nods, not convinced, but you can tell the hope is all she has to cling to.
You pull up to the restaurant and Rebecca quickly wipes away her tears, you wipe away a mascara mark from under her eye and she smiles at you as you hold her face.
"You look beautiful by the way." You say, your thumb gently stroking her face.
She gently blushes and goes to get out of the car. You reach over into the car seat and begin to unbuckle Sophia. Rebecca opens the door on the other side and takes her out and puts her on the ground and takes hold of her hand. You get out of the car and the three of you walk into the restaurant.
"Table for 6 for Rebecca." She says.
The hostess brings you to your table and Rebecca slides into the U shaped booth. Sophia hops in next to her and you sit next to Sophia at the end of the booth. You hand Sophia her drawing pad and crayons and she excitedly grabs them and starts drawing.
Ted, Keeley and Higgins walk in, Keeley slides in next to Rebecca, Ted and Higgins follow.
"Okay can we ask questions NOW?" Keeley exclaims as she settles in.
Rebecca looks at you and you give her a nod. Rebecca playfully rolls her eyes and looks at Keeley.
"Yes, now you can ask questions."
Ted, Keeley and Higgins all begin to talk at the same time and Rebecca cuts them off.
"One at a time! Christ." She laughs as she looks at you. "Keeley, you go first."
"How long have you been MARRIED?! How did you meet?!" She lowers her voice a little and leans in "what's the sex like?! It has to be hot."
Rebecca's face turns a little red and you burst out laughing. Rebecca looks at you and you can tell she's asking you if you want to answer the questions or to let her.
"Go ahead" You say smiling at her.
"Three years, we met in New York and I'm not answering the last question."
You make eye contact with Keeley and give her a thumbs up and nod your head, making the three of them laugh. You see Rebecca begin to turn around and you stop but can't help yourself from laughing.
"You're a little prat!" She says to you with a laugh as she playfully shoves you.
She looks over at Ted and gestures to him.
"How 'bout we do an ice breaker!" Rebecca rolls her eyes as he continues "okay y/n, best movie you've ever seen in theaters and worst movie you've ever seen in theaters?"
You pause to think. "Best movie, Spider Man, No Way Home, opening night."
"Oh opening night, you gotta see those kinda of movies on opening night, the crowd gets crazier than a road lizard. Gotta love seeing the multiverse gettin' all mixed up so they can beat their respective enemies together." Ted says.
"Worst movie," you say, thinking, "Vampires Suck."
"Well I don't know that one,"
"You're better off, it sucked. No pun intended." You say
"Well I love intentional puns, like that one time-" Ted continues as Rebecca cuts him off.
"Uh, which one of you, you know," as he gestures to Sophia.
"I gave birth to her" you say with a laugh "Sophie was about six months old when Rebecca and I met."
You look down at your daughter, still scribbling across her pad, unaware of everything else going on around her.
"So how did you really meet?" Keeley interjects. "Saying New York is a bull-" she stops herself and looks down at the toddler. "Bull crap answer." She says carefully.
Rebecca looks over at you and you take the reigns.
"Well I had just given birth to Soph about six months before, so my girlfriends wanted to take me out for a girls night since I hadn't done literally anything since having her. So we got rooms at a crappy hotel, dressed to the nines and went to the bar in the Ritz-Carlton." You say jokingly emphasizing the fancy-ness as Rebecca rolls her eyes at you with a chuckle.
"So we were having drinks, and having a good time and I see Rebecca walk in and sit at the bar. Immediately I was like 'damn, she's a good looking woman.' And of course my friends saw the way I looked at her and were teasing me about it. Then whoever she was meeting came and sat with her and I stopped looking over because a) I didn't think I had a chance in hell with her and b) she was with someone so, that was that. So we hung out, had a few drinks, laughed, had a great time and I notice the person she was with leave money for the bartender and leave. She looked disappointed and I felt so bad. So one of my girlfriends went up to the bar and chatted her up and she came over and hung out with us."
You look at Rebecca, she seems satisfied with your response as she puts her arm around you.
"Oh come on!! I need the WHOLE story!!" Keeley begs.
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floydsmuse · 7 months
hi :) welcome to my blog! i hope you enjoy your stay 🧜🏻‍♀️
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this blog is strictly 18+, which means no minors whatsoever! blank blogs & anyone under the age of 18 will be blocked !
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about me: meghan | 20s | she/her.
who i write for: mostly Lewis Pullman characters like Bob Floyd (top gun), Rhett Abbott (outer range), & Calvin Evans (lessons in chemistry).
requests/asks: my inbox is always open :) so, feel free to send in any thoughts/thots, questions, or ideas you may have there !
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my masterlists:
Bob Floyd
Rhett Abbott
Calvin Evans
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my edits:
Show you off - Calvin
Lewis’ bday <3
I’ve got my eye on you - Rhett
K. - Rhett
My kind of woman - Bob
Cinnamon girl - Lewis
4EVER - Lewis
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shesay · 3 months
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Seeing Straight (and some bi) women be like "these radfems want me 2 be single 4ever" like I'm straight and these radfems r right 💯 first of all why r u so obsessed w the idea that being single equals loneliness maybe bc my family is rly loving and involved w me but like don't u have a family, friends? yk why everything is abt relationships w males that in many cases will harm u and it's so messed up how they get more angry at the women who tell em 2 just not date males than they're at males lmao like the majority of males in the us watch porn bsfr i rather be happy w my family and surroundings then be w a male that watches porn and follows ig models who post sexual and provocative content etc work on developing ur self respect yk it's the most important trait of a blessed happy woman
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enihk-writes · 4 months
[at the end of a burnt wick]
pairing: tang bo x afab!she/her!reader
NOT exactly an x reader because i didn't want tang bo and reader's relationship to be romantic, tried to make them platonic / co-workers like ah-duo and the emperor from the apothecary diaries + implied tangchung because all roads lead to old men yaoi
summary: anthology of a married pair
content warning: archaic wedding practices mentioned (i.e. having to consummate a marriage against the will of both parties) // stillbirth and child loss (disconnect with traditional expectations of parenthood)
word count: 6.66k
author's note: my roman empire lately is about how i used to audition to nijisanji and only niji at least 3-4 times (didn't even pass the first stage lol) before i got really fixated with rotbb.... maybe one day i will try my hand at vtubing and streaming again... for now it's fanfiction time ragggghhh!!!!! fictional men 4ever!!!!
the first time the young tang bo met her, was when he was a little over fifteen.
she was also just as young as he — a wee lass that had yet to lose the childlike roundness of her cheeks, round eyes that seemed to sparkle in wonderment at all the grandeur around her. tang bo didn't understand what was so special about the surroundings, he'd grown up here all his life and had already seen most of anything money could buy. this girl was weird.
he didn't find out until much later that this was the first time she had ever left the four walls of her room, much less her own home.
he thinks that it was no wonder she had looked so amazed with everything she saw back then. he can't imagine a life where he had to live constrained to one place, going through the same routine everyday would have bored him to death.
he wasn't looking forward to future conversations with that girl — he was certain she would be utterly dull and boring.
tang bo was furious that the elders had went and signed off the engagement contract without even asking for his approval. he had been meeting with countless hopefuls for a few years by now, and he'd been able to fend them all off by acting in ways that had all these well-bred ladies huffing and puffing in indignation. crying to their fathers that they would rather die than marry a man like he.
so who was it that agreed to this!
tang bo mutters under his breath, teeth gritted, fists clenched. he had to see with his own two eyes the woman who was stupid or desperate enough to let herself be wed to the likes of him.
the young man throws open the doors to the main hall, not caring one bit about the guests sitting inside. the elders and the patriarch in question frowned at his behaviour, biting their tongues from chastising him in front of strangers.
his gaze lands on a familiar face, a little older and a lot less naive, but familiar nonetheless. he didn't know that a person's demeanour could change so drastically in a few years.
tang bo's hands fall to his sides, he shuffles towards the end of the table, plopping down on the empty spot across his soon-to-be betrothed. he eyes her figure, chewing on the inside of his mouth, trying to come up with something to insult her with.
tang bo—
the patriarch didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence when the young man scoffs at the girl's face, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a sneer.
really? her?
tang bo glances over at the heads of his family, finger pointing rudely in the girl's face. they all sigh, knowing what was about to come from the impudent boy. they could only hope this girl wouldn't take his jabs to heart.
hey you.
he juts his chin at her.
all my other candidates looked prettier than you. hey, did you even bother to put in any effort when coming to meet me?
she ignored him, sipping on her tea serenely. the girl's guardians shift in their seats nervously. ah, this young master has yet to face their mistress' infamous anger.
tang bo clicks his tongue.
oi, did you even — hey!
he didn't expect her to splash the remainder of her drink onto him. the warm liquid splatters across his face and drips down his now damp hair, even the front of his robes were now soiled from the tea.
he looks over to the elders of his family in surprise, hoping that they'd stand up for him but none met his eye. he felt betrayed when he catches some of them trying to hide the twitch of their mouths suppressing their laughs.
they all thought that it was about time someone put this boy in his place, talented and intelligent as he may be.
needless to say, the rest of the meeting went on smoothly. and it ended with the confirmation of the two's engagement. much to tang bo's despair and the girl's indifference.
he really tried his best to drag his feet that day. the elders had arranged for an evening dinner in the newly established inn downtown with his bride-to-be and tang bo really did not want to go. he was kicking up a fuss with his clothes, this one was too dull, that one is too bright, it's too rough, it's too short... and so on. but when he finally ran out of excuses and the attendants tiredly managed to dress him appropriately — the sun was beginning to set.
tang bo perks up. perhaps he didn't have to go out with her after all!
he steps out of his room, surprised to see that there was no one in the courtyard. he shouldn't have felt a jolt of worry then, but he did, and he wondered if something was wrong.
where is she?
he asks to no one in particular, heading to her room three doors down from his, footfalls heavy on the lacquered wooden planks of the corridor. he hears panicked voices muffled behind the doors and throws the doors to her room open.
she sat in the middle of the room in nothing but her undergarments, surrounded by the tang estate's maids and piles of unworn clothes. she had her back facing him, and all he could see were the maids hurriedly hiding away the containers of makeup all shying away from his scrutinising gaze.
the maids didn't have to be told twice. they all scurried out of her room like mice, tails between their legs and faces pursed in anxiety at being caught in the middle of something they probably shouldn't be doing. tang bo sighed heavily. to think the woman he was to marry was getting bullied, by mere maids too? he felt ashamed on her behalf. he didn't like people who were fine with others taking advantage and stepping all over them. he hated that they didn't have a backbone to stand up for themselves.
kicking off his shoes, he entered her room — nose scrunched up instinctively at the suffocating dust in the air. he looked around to see all the windows shut tightly, there were no gaps for even a sliver of light to shine inside.
how has this girl been living so far, for her to be fine with this treatment?
tang bo coughed, stumbling over to open the windows, lightheaded from the lack of breathable air. he waves his hands to chase the dust outside, coughing even harder when the little particles get all up in his face.
he hears her giggle. much to his growing annoyance, what was so funny anyway.
he sits in front of her, letting the pile of unworn clothes cushion him from the hard floor. under the orange glow of the setting sun, he sees her for the first time today, all dolled up in the most garish makeup that would have certainly humiliated her, and had he not barged in she would have had to go around in public like that.
you look uglier today.
she chuckled and hummed in response, she looks around in search of something. grabbing a rag from under the clothes, she proceeded to wipe off her painted face, only to have tang bo take it out of her hands with a soft, let me.
he holds her chin between his fingers, rubbing off the white powder that contrasted starkly against her skin, making her look sickly. he rubs off the crudely drawn-out eyebrows and the thick rouge that sat on her lips. he can't help but notice the way her lashes fluttered as she tried to keep her eyes closed. maybe his fiancee was a little cute.
with her face now bare, the girl lets out the breath she had been holding. but tang bo wasn't done yet.
where are you facing. turn back here.
he ordered pointedly, and she couldn't help but to go back into her prior position. lips and eyes squeezed shut, much like a puppy getting told off for misbehaving.
picking up a brush out of the many lying haphazardly over the vanity, tang bo dipped it's tip into the little porcelain jar left ajar. it was lipstick in a shade deep red, the type that would have looked lovely especially on her.
he holds the girl's now bare face in one hand, the brush in the other, outlining the shape of her lips with the new rouge. the feathery touch of the brush tip was ticklish, moreso with how tang bo had been holding it in an uncharacteristically gentle way as though he were a potter painting intricate patterns on a cup before he sent it off to the burning fires in a kiln.
he pinched the brush, smudging the tint against his fingers and drawing faint circles at the outer corner of her eyes.
tang bo leans back to admire his handiwork. he couldn't help but feel proud of the results. not only was he good at martial arts and medicine, he had an amazing eye for aesthetics too? where would anyone find a better husband then he?
the girl opens her eyes cautiously, her gaze meeting his. he looked pleased, boastful even.
hmph. you look more presentable now.
he hands her a mirror, and as she looks at her reflection against the shiny bronze surface, she had to agree. her fiance had done a good job with her face. maybe he wasn't all that awful.
thank you, young master tang.
the girl smiled, her eyes crinkling upwards in a smile. tang bo scoffs and looks out the window, hiding his embarrassment at her sincere words. thinking back now, this was the first he'd heard her speak, wasn't it? maybe he should pay more attention once in a while.
heh. of course you should be thanking me.
the sky and grown dark. lucky him, he didn't have to go out to that dinner with her after all.
tang bo felt a little irked that she had been walking behind him even when he had slowed down to match her pace. it's almost like she had been deliberately hanging back.
he grabs her wrist and pulls her towards him. she stumbled over her feet and falls over with a startled squeak.
you're my fiancee. so stand proud and walk beside me.
he declares with a hand on his hip, the grip on her wrist with his other not once loosening. he walks again, just as slow as he had been earlier, feeling a little happy that the girl no longer lagged behind.
he'd started to warm up to her, no longer seeing her as the stranger living in his house, one day to become his wife. she was more akin to a little sister he'd have to babysit.
no, actually she was more like an apprehensive kitten left on his doorstep that he'd grown to like taking care of.
buying her sweets and spoiling her with accessories she might not even have a chance to wear just because he thought she'd look cute in them has been one of his favourite hobbies these days.
why was he so anxious about getting engaged before? ever since she became his fiancee, he didn't have to go out and meet with any more annoying noble ladies clamouring over each other trying to win over his affection. the best part was that she kept to herself, and minded her own business unless it was time to visit the elders and the patriarch for afternoon tea — which he didn't mind since having her as his own personal walking event reminder has really saved him from getting scolded even more by the old farts.
ah! look! they're selling meat skewers over there! come on, let's go get some! i'm sure you'd like those too.
tang bo giggles and drags the girl over to another street vendor. ah, lucky him. he's hit the jackpot with the whole engagement game — a tolerable and cute wife-to-be, could a boy ask for anything more? guanyin-ma really was looking over him after all.
after two seasons of living under the same roof, the heads of the tang clan decide that it was time for the two to meet with the fortune teller. set up an auspicious date through the tung shing, and be wed on the right phase of the moon and the best placement of the stars in the sky.
the young master is lucky to have found someone this compatible. it is hard for children born in his year to find a suitable partner. they say snakes rarely get along with the other zodiacs.
says the old eccentric woman who proclaimed herself to be the best fortune teller in sichuan and the one who had been checking the birthdates of all the potential brides that had been introduced to tang bo thus far. the boy felt the urge to get up and fight that hack, respecting his elders be damned, so she was the one sending him all those insufferable girls his way.
he feels a hand grab at his arm. fingers digging into his flesh enough to keep him seated. he looks over at the girl sitting next to him, expression unchanging, her body angled to lean a little closer to his.
his hand reached over discreetly to peel her fingers off him, bringing her hand down to hold his under the table, fingers intertwined. she seemed to relax a little, tense shoulders falling ever gently, her jaw growing slightly more slack.
to the untrained eye, the girl's expressions were the same. but to him, he's watched her long enough, even if it wasn't every day, to spot the subtle changes whenever she expressed herself. tang bo pats himself on the back for being such an attentive fiance.
his attention shifted from the conversation between the fortune teller and the elders to the girl's hand. they were soft and smooth, as expected of a lady of noble birth. his on the other hand were calloused from training, the tips of his fingers were starting to turn darker from the constant exposure to poisons. shit, he might have to start wearing gloves.
the girl hadn't been paying attention to the conversation going on either, spacing out until the elders called on the two. stifling their startled gasp, the two youngins stared at their elders, a confused expression painted on their faces, not one bit guilty for ignoring everything that was being said.
ah, it's good they are getting along well.
the fortune teller chuckled with a knowing glint in her eye trying to suggest something, but both tang bo and the girl didn't seem to catch her drift, the old woman's point flying over their heads.
the elders soon turn back to their discussion, talking about the best days that would suit the two.
look here, since they are both born as snakes, their auspicious numbers are two, eight and nine. i'd suggest we hold the wedding...
tang bo nudges at the girl.
she looks up at him. he leaned down next to her ear, wanting to ask her about her birthday, too embarrassed to ask about it outright in front of the elders. he didn't want to seem like an incompetent fiance to his future bride.
she hides a growing grin. it was nice of him to start paying attention to her. little steps, little steps. she wriggles her hand out of his grasp and writes down the date with her finger on the surface of his palm.
good thing their hands were under the table, or people would know about the cause of the redness dusting the back of his ears.
the meeting dragged on until late in the evening. it ended with the agreement that they were to be wed on the eighth day of the eighth month on the eighth year of the emperor's reign.
truly the most auspicious day for a union.
the long-awaited day came by later than expected. the previous emperor passed before he even got close to the eighth year of his reign. not wanting to change the numbers of the date, the elders decided to push the event back until the current emperor had reached his eighth year.
by then, the two had grown into a man and a woman, a lot older than the common age to be wed. but it was no matter. who would dare speak up against the tang clan's young master and his wife-to-be?
the day, hell, even the night before had been hectic. tang bo slipped past his attendants to take a peak at what was going on in her room. traditions be damned, who cares about the groom not seeing his bride until they were at the altar? that was so outdated!
what are you doing here?
she had been left alone to rest from the non-stop preparations since before dawn. tang bo walks in, careful not to make too much noise as he slides the door shut behind him.
why? can't i visit my wife?
i am not your wife.
his teasing voice moved behind her. he picked up the brush to comb out the knots that were all tangled up — the maids had put on extensions to lengthen her hair. she hadn't been able to grow them to the expected length, much to the annoyance of the maids. they hadn't been nice when attaching the accessories, she could still feel the burning sensation on her scalp.
there was no need to kick up a fuss at this point. especially in front of tang bo. this guy would have kicked out all the attendants who had been treating her poorly, but that felt like too easy of a punishment. she wanted to deal with them herself when the time comes, sorry for that, young master tang.
the leather gloves he wore were cold, and the feeling of his fingertips scratching against her scalp was soothing, enough to draw out a quiet purr from the woman. much to her shocked embarassment.
she leans away from him.
...please ignore that.
but how could he?
my wife... how can you be so cute~!
i need you to shut up right now.
if it was any consolation, the two had agreed that this whole affair was a pain in their ass.
wife, do you know when this will end?
what makes you think i have the answer to that?
tang bo thinks his bride was lucky to have that red veil over her face. if she wanted to shut her eyes and sleep, none of the guests nor elders would be any wiser. poor old him. they should have made a veil for the goom too, which smartass decided otherwise anyway? if he ever met that person, tang bo promised he would pummel the other to the ground.
she hums in acknowledgement, bowing her head at a guest who had come up to the front to pay their blessings to the pair.
tang bo called out again, his tone getting a little impatient. wincing when he felt her pinch the skin between his thumb and index finger. he tried to smile at the strangers passing them by, feeling drained and completely spent from the day's activities. it didn't help that the noisy chatter of everyone around them was making him feel worse.
wife, you should tell the elders that you're tired and want to rest for the night... i'm sure they'd listen to you.
why me? you go!
huh? me? nuh-uh, you go!
the back and forth lasted for a bit until they both agreed to ask the elders together. after all, having a partner-in-crime to take the fall together with you was way better than facing backlash alone.
perhaps the atmosphere of a wedding had put the elders in a carefree mood, perhaps it was the result of a dozen empty wine bottles. they think it might be both, but no matter, they received permission to get out of there.
the best news either had ever heard today.
scurring away quickly, the newlyweds giggle amongst each other like kids up to no good even as they were well into their twenties. the guests and elders cooed in amusement, talking about how nice it must be to be young and in love.
though that second part was so far from the truth, when the two talk about it again in their later years, it had grown into a funny story they liked to reminisce about over a midnight drink.
tang bo glanced over at his wife, carrying the same grimace as she did. it was hard not to cringe at the overtly crude decorations in their now shared room.
right. that was how it was in these parts. they were now husband and wife so the elders are probably expecting the results of the two carrying out their marital duties within the next year.
i don't want to do that...
me neither...
now sitting across each other on the floor, they discuss how to trick the maids who would certainly check the bedding the next morning. if nothing happened tonight then they would be under more scrutiny. but who's to say that there won't be any surveillance after? ugh! this was all so annoying!
tang bo watched as the woman before him let out a big sigh, dropping her head into her hands. he felt sorry for his wife, it must be hard living as the new daughter-in-law of his family.
should we get this done and over with?
he suggested finally, after exhausting all their options. his wife makes a face at that, but she can't argue.
awkwardly he hands over a vial, an all-purpose antidote of sorts, in case she gets accidentally poisoned while coming into contact with him. the head had passed it to him sometime during the ceremony earlier, tang bo had been hoping he didn't have to use it, at least he held himself back from throwing the whole vial at the wall when it was given.
he didn't say it at first, but he could hear the eyes and ears surrounding them grow careless every few moments, revealing their presence by accident with an unintentional movement or sound. how uncouth of them to be watching the two newlyweds like this. it seemed she'd also noticed their presence, with how she'd glance out the windows whenever a small rustle was heard.
i'm so sorry.
he murmured an apology as he kissed her cheek — he didn't have to look to know she had a faint look of disdain, directed to no one in particular yet still stung through his heart.
it's not your fault.
so she says. but it might as well be. to him at least.
the consummation wasn't a pleasant process. neither could look at the other in the eye. the knowledge that people were standing outside the room to listen in on the completion of their marriage made this whole ordeal so much worse.
tang bo feels his hips stutter, his face burns in shame as his hoarse voice tries to speak.
her hands reach out to brush his hair out of his face, fingertips lightly smooth out the crease of his furrowed brows. she'd resigned herself long ago, knowing this whole process was inevitable from the time she reached adolescence. to think her own husband did not...
she felt a slight twinge of pity. the young master tang was a lot more sheltered than she had thought.
when it was all over, they scrambled to get away from the other, each sitting at the furthest end of the bed — letting what had conspired sink in. how many more times would this have to happen in the future?
she was the first to collect herself. getting up, she shuffles over to tang bo, her hand reaching out for his.
my husband, we should go and clean up.
he nodded, taking her hand in his wordlessly as she led him to the tub hidden behind the partition. after dipping the dry towels in the now warm water to wipe their bodies clean, slipping into clean nightgowns and peeling off the soiled bedspreads to throw them aside, they finally crawl under the covers, yawning tiredly.
sleep came over easily, surprisingly enough.
the questions that hung around in the air at this time of the year were all about babies, children, the next generation. everyone wanted to know which of the wedded members would be expecting soon.
most eyes were turned on tang bo and his wife.
their marriage had happened over five years ago, almost ten, and all this time their other relatives who had gotten married later than they were popping out one offspring after another — yet none were to be seen for the young lord and his lady. the elders often lamented on the silence of their side of the estate.
rumour has it that their relationship was on the rocks, with how neither shared a room nor did they spend a night together like all the tang spouses — save for the occasional times they'd go to visit the other's quarters every two to three months. to scratch an itch as one might say. after all, they were still young and quite healthy, so such urges were still common occurrences. might as well do it with someone familiar rather than do that with a stranger.
the relationship between tang bo and his wife was actually far more amicable than anyone could have guessed. it was hard to describe the solace they'd found in each other's unspoken commanderie within the household. they'd been living together long enough to know virtually everything about each other, yet there was always a line drawn between them to keep the distance.
today, she wasn't here for any of their usual arrangements. tang bo had came back to find his wife nursing a cup of tea in one hand, resting it on top of a propped-up leg. she had set out a game of weiqi on the table, next to a steaming teapot and array of snacks.
looks like someone's got news.
his teasing voice called out to the woman, settling down on the seat across her. he hums in thought, contemplating his move as she places down her white bead on the board.
your uncle came over to see why we weren't having kids yesterday. he's given me the results this morning, right after you left.
the woman holds out the folded paper, a little crumpled from being kept between the layers of her robes. tang bo takes it, opening it to read what his so-called uncle had diagnosed his wife with. talk about elder butting into a youngster's business for no good reason.
he says that i'm barren.
she looks down with a small smile,and it looked a little bitter. of course, how could she not be? after all that had happened those few years back?
to say that she's unable to carry a child after all she had gone through back then was such a cruel prank from the heavens. he knows his wife wanted to be a mother more than anything, to give that little baby all her love in the world or along those sentiments — as did he. so if that's not going to happen... then, what now?
they were silent as they moved their beads across the game board. contemplating their next moves and what to say to the other.
there's crab stick snacks here, you should try some.
as always, she breaks the silence first. grabbing a few sticks of the salty treat to nibble on before handing the container over to her husband. tang bo reached for the food mindlessly, thinking about how nice it'd be to have these with some sweet wine.
ah, but his wife wasn't much of a drinker so that's a bummer.
he should have heard the cries of the baby.
it was quiet inside, and out where he was waiting too. the nurses and maids walked out of the room with buckets of soiled, bloody rags with their heads down and mouths drawn into a thin line — something was wrong, something had gone terribly wrong.
tang bo felt his feet move, walking towards the bedroom where the doors were still shut tightly. he weaved past the attendants trying to hold him back, all telling their young master to go back and wait.
wait? why did he have to wait when he didn't know what was happening to his wife right then? she needed him. and she needed him right now.
the midwife slides the door open just as he was about to open it himself. they both take a step back in surprise.
young master... the lady is alive and well. she is waiting inside.
the older woman bowed and scurried away from the scene to join the others in the courtyard outside.
his wife lay on her back on top of fresh bedsheets and a clean nightgown. she had a sickly pallor, lips were chapped dry with red marks of blood from where the skin ripped open. hair that was riddled with sweat stuck onto the sides of her face, the untied tresses splayed over the top of the bed. her eyes were unfocused and blank, staring straight up at the wall, mind elsewhere. her cheeks were still stained with the remnants of her tears, the evidence of what transpired within these four walls.
tang bo called out cautiously. she didn't respond, barely even moved an inch to acknowledge his presence.
next to her on the bed was a small swaddle, the stillness of what was supposed to be alive unnerved him. the child's dull skin, probably in some shade of grey, eyes that were never to open, oh.
he sits by her bedside, back facing her. he too, did not know what to say to her at that moment. he was the last person that could have possibly comforted her. well, it was his child too but they were both not lovers so this was an offspring born out of necessity rather than a genuine want. and at this point in his life, tang bo wasn't actually too thrilled about the prospect of fatherhood. not that he would resent that kid, it's just he might not have loved them like he should.
his wife, she's mentioned her anticipation of motherhood but once in a while, he'd catch glimpses of the unreadable expression she had when no one was looking — all while she rubs her growing belly. it made him think that perhaps she wasn't always telling the truth.
once there was a patient who had came to the tang estate to treat the growing tumors in his intestines and since he was a rather important guest, most of the members of the main family, the two of them included, had dropped by to greet him and wish him well for recovery. tang bo could never forget the intensity of her absent gaze at the patient's stomach, her balled fist tightening over her shawl ever so slightly.
perhaps it's good that she's dead.
tang bo feels his eyebrows rise up in shock.
you're not too keen on fathering a child either, are you?
he shakes his head.
well, that makes the two of us. the heavens must be looking out for her, keeping her away from parents like us who can't give her the love she needs.
his wife sighed deeply. her tired face falling to the side to look at him, a lopsided smile making its way onto her lips as if to ease the heavy tension of her words away. she might be right. perhaps, it was better this way. tang bo closes her eyes with his palm, patting her to sleep the way one would with a feverish child.
their daughter would later be the two's first and only child.
the woman wondered how one-sided her husband's relationship with his friend was. the man was a rather expressionless fellow — his sentences were short, curt and straight to the point. her husband didn't seem to mind, with now he was almost always all over that man. ah well, she's just happy tang bo has an actual friend.
rather than worry that he was drunk off his rocker out on the streets past midnight doing who-knows-what in who-knows-where, at least now he's causing trouble with someone she could easily track. apperently, the man was a troublemaker in his own home too.
the first time she met the older sect brother of her husband's friend, they shared a look of silent understanding. ah, so you too have an oversized child to deal with.
watching tang bo come home staggering on his feet together with the man, leaning on the other for support used to riddle her with worry but now she just ushers them both into a spare room prepped with the necessary herbs to concoct a hangover remedy and hope for the best. her husband was a capable man, he would never let himself falter and die in a ditch.
in hindsight, she might have been too confident in his abilities.
the swordsman was the best thing to have happened to her husband. and it was not an exaggeration by any means. not when he looked at his happiest for the first time since she'd known him. even if they were both past their fifties and sixties.
how nice. she thinks to herself whenever she spots them together. to find your other half, your kindred spirit in this word before you died... it must be nice.
she can't find it in her to be bitter. really.
if he were to look at what society deemed as a bastard husband, then that requisite would have had his face plastered as a prime example. the type of husband that any aspiring groom should not ever become.
though for those who were in the know, mainly his wife and himself, there was more to their marriage than what everyone saw. it didn't take long for either of them to recognise that this union had been a discreet way for them to hide away from what kids like them were supposed to act like in this rigid society.
they've stuck by each other as the only people who would have understood each other the best. so now that tang bo was finally finding the happiness he should have sought after all this time, he was always feeling the guilt of leaving her behind on her own in that house that had always been too big for just the two of them.
she has yet to utter a word of displeasure to him. that's how she was — the quiet one who kept to herself, letting things happen until the worst had passed over. it was one of the little things he detested about his wife.
he can't bring himself to really hate her. there was a time when he had opened up his heart and confided in her about some things he's been scared to come to terms with. the type of realisation one has from a very early age and has buried deep within themselves to fit into society and the expectations people had of him.
his wife had held onto his hand wordlessly, squeezing it ever so often to assure his nerves. he's never been this vulnerable before. he never thought things like this could be so frightening.
she had something to say too. but not right now. this was his moment, she's not so tactless to take it away. she can't stop thinking that if they'd been more honest earlier, then perhaps they wouldn't have hurt the other unknowingly all these years.
the walls they'd built between them were starting to come down a little — who would have thought they'd find out something new after decades of marriage.
she couldn't really understand why her husband was loudly crying into her shoulder. her good robes were getting wet from his tears and snot. how did this almost seventy-year-old man have no shred of shame — in front of the attendants no less?
she had given him her blessings earlier today, and he was now free to pursue the swordsman so why was he not going off to sweep his beloved off his feet and ride off into the sunset or whatever those romance novels say?
wife, you know you aren't obligated to be bound to me any more right? if you wish, you are also free to love someone else...
tang bo managed to say between sobs.
...thank you for your consideration.
she hesitated. what did he mean by her being free to love someone else? she can't think of a time when she'd ever felt that kind of emotion, at least not the one that every person around her was chasing after, even back when she was in her youth.
there was always a disconnect whenever the other wives she'd corresponded with ranted and raved about their husband's infidelities or little annoyances. they were always on the verge of hysteria, driven to that point out of love for their husbands they said. and she'd think about how foolish it was.
thank goodness her relationship with tang bo had not been built on a foundation that flimsy. rather, it was one based on mutual respect. which was far better—
ah but. he must have felt trapped in this marriage. not everyone in the world was like her. not everyone had been born with the inability to be like everyone else and it was unfair how they all just instinctively know what romance and lovers-love is. so to have held him back in this loveless situation for this long was a cruel thing.
the good wife, the understanding wife, the kindhearted wife. it's all that she's been the majority of her life. she doesn't know what else there was to her now that she's let-go of these titles. she's free to do what she wants. but what does a caged bird set free know?
she had packed lightly, the clothes on her back were lighter and less showy, the stark opposite of what she used to wear as the daughter-in-law of the tang family. there was not much hesitation as she donned the weimao — it's white veil falling past her knees. she looked at the darkened courtyard of their estate.
she's received enough goodwill in this lifetime. she prayed at the ancestral shrine one last time, asking them to look after everyone now that she's going off.
tang bo awoke to the frantic bustle of the maids outside his room. turns out his wife had gone missing overnight without anyone noticing. he walked out of his room, wandering around the family estate until he reached the main halls where it was quieter. no one was allowed in here outside of events except for the elders and the main family.
he picks up the tattered note that had fluttered to his feet — eyes widening as he takes in the words written on it.
tch, that woman could still pull some tricks at her old age huh. he didn't think she'd still know how to surprise him. the paper was burned away on a candle flame. he wonders if he'd see his wandering wife on his travels with his taoist-hyung. would they all share a drink at the teahouse when they do? oh he hoped so. there's not much things to look forward to at this age, so at least give him some stories and a meal.
ah. he should let his taoist-hyung know about this too. before it slipped out of that old head of his.
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fallloverfic · 5 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 11 thoughts
This episode was amazing alkdjlada. Spoilers for the book and donghua below.
Ah Fangxin in the coffin T-T Xie Liannnn... It's interesting they're... setting up for Hua Cheng's birthday? O.o Are they that confident they'll get to that (please be that confident, please!!)? Or just thinking "we get this in while we can in case there isn't enough"? Or just explaining why Xie Lian isn't getting out? It's a pretty (and sad) scene. And another Xiao Mengyou scene!! I'm so grateful for all the time we get alkdjaldj But also sad to think of how Lang Qianqiu thinks of him after saying all friends are false T-T
Xie Lian is so sad T-T Hua Cheng trying to comfort him. They're so cute together T-T Hua Cheng holding back so hard from hugging him.
Xie Lian destroying his statue T-T And then worrying about saving people. Hua Cheng wanting to say Something and being like... no we do what gege wants. Always.
Distracted by Xie Lian's poofy sleeves. I'm a poofy sleeves girl 4ever.
I'm a simple woman. I just like Hualian walking around together. Bein cute. Chattin. Saving people but not being in danger.
Xie Lian giving the "don't put me on a pedestal" speech T-T Love it so much. Hua Cheng being like, "yeah but idc, I'm right, you deserve to be there, no matter what others say". This man put a ring on it long ago, he ain't goin back. He Knows Things, Gege. He Knows. Things. Even more things you'd rather he didn't :/
Xie Lian's heart going doki doki
Sorry the eye swoosh made me laugh aldkjaldaj WHO ARE YOU SAN LANG TELL HIM alkjdaldkjal
Shi Qingxuan T-T And Xie Lian is so happy to see Wind Master :3 His bestie :333
Feng Xin lookin sexy with his spirit bow. I've loved spirit bows since I was like 6, okay???? I know, Fall coming out with the Hot Takes TM of "spirit bows are cool" aldkjaldaj For more Hot Takes TM, like "I just love Hualian", read more alkdjalj
Hua Cheng yoinking Xie Lian behind him made me laugh so hard alkdjalkdjaldja YOINK A GEGE
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Xie Lian's FACE alkdjaldaj "omg" aldkjaldja There's a line from tagteamme's wonderful Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua fanfic AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE that describes a flabbergasted/upset Shang Qinghua as a "wronged chicken" and that's all I can think of here alkdjaldaj
Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin confused at The Gay: ???
Hua Cheng: -satisfied smile- Yes he is Mine
Shi Qingxuan subtitling this book: "Good intentions can easily be misinterpreted when passed around. Better to start with bad intentions, and they'll believe it!"
Feng Xin not compelled by the Gay Married Couple. He protecc Dianxia. He left and failed so many times to do just that, after all. Not like Xie Lian told him to get lost out of fear or anything &lt;;.< Oh no I be havin Feng Xin and Xie Lian feelings, as I do every day T-T
alkdjalj Poor Feng Xin. He's so terrified of women. He's just completely gone. Just nope. Cannot do anything. No function. Goodness I feel bad for every female heavenly official having to interact with him.
Hua Cheng is so handsome this episode, honestly. Every frame of him is gorgeous. And male Wind Master is back!
asldakjdladj the little ding that plays when Feng Xin notes that Qi Rong's tactics are ridiculous. Translating the ding: duhhhhhh
Nothing about Xie Lian phases Shi Qingxuan. A true friend.
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I love them so much T-T
adlkajdlkajda Hua Cheng is Xie Lian's "sworn brother" I can't with Shi Qingxuan I can't alkdjaldjaljk (yes I know this is the line in at least the English translation but I just alkjdlajda it kills me alkdjaljda). Hua Cheng is so unimpressed alkdalj "You disrespect my relationship with gege???" (I don't think he cares, but I do love that he's slightly more chill with Shi Qingxuan because Shi Qingxuan is one of the the only other people who supports Xie Lian)
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I love Shi Qingxuan so much alkdjlaj He's your friend Xie Lian T-T You have a frienddddd
Hua Cheng like, "I'm better besties with gege than you are, Feng Xin >:3 Oh right you're not friendssss anymore are you >:3 Cause you abandoned himmmmm >:3" He's not mad about it. Nope.
Feng Xin covered in blood is pretty >.>
The soft Xie Lian thank you. The happy Hua Cheng acceptance. I love them so much T-T
Hua Cheng: "Overthinking. Just focus on doing what you need to do." He always reassures his gege. He wants his gege to do whatever makes him happy.
Ahhh what a good episode T-T So much Hualian. Feng Xin angst. So pretty. So good. And hey, the subs were decent! There's already been a preview for episode 12, so we know there's at least one episode left! I feel like they'll probably end the season either right before the switch to the past or right at the beginning, which is sad, but it makes sense. I just want more T-T
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn’t start till episode 3):
S02E11 (you are here)
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3terna15unshin3 · 11 months
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Then Because She Goes
Instagram AU (volume i)
back to masterlist — volume ii — volume iii
a/n: I really wanted to add more visuals to the TBSG universe so here is a the first part of my Instagram AU!!! This volume is full of 'posts' that would've occurred during the span of the fic, future volumes will include ones from the time jump before the epilogue and maybe even after that too :)) lmk what u think! AND try to spot all of the tiny references to the fic i added 😝😝 love u
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Liked by este.manansala and 102,009 others
trumanblack Taken on jamieoborne’s Leica
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rass1975 You look sad
↳ trumanblack What’s so bad about that mate
xfallingforyoux_ furry vibes ? jk
29 July, 2018
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Liked by g3orgiaheadley and 154 others
este.manansala Favourite doorbell in Stockport
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_catekeeling what are u doing in stockport get out of there
↳ Liked by trumanblack
19 September, 2018
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Liked by 1975adam and 297,632 others
trumanblack Proud of this one the1975 #abiior
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este.manansala Huge
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t_rumanb1ack ALBUM OF THE YEAR
30 November, 2018
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20 December, 2018
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Liked by rass1975 and 310 others
este.manansala do NOT go to a the1975 show. all they'll do is play a really fantastic set but then not play your favourite song and the frontman will swear at you via selfie when u complain about it
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trumanblack Must be mistaken, I would never flip off a woman
_catekeeling best night ever kinda
24 January, 2019
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24 January, 2019
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Liked by trumanblack and 211 others
este.manansala 50 years🌟
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trumanblack Flo + Jose 4ever
↳ Liked by este.manansala and _catekeeling
g3orgiaheadley A beautiful night! So happy to be there!
↳ este.manansala They love u sm😭
10 February, 2019
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21 February, 2019
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Liked by radvxz and 288,702 others
trumanblack Still wiggling round on stage but now I'm 30 (📸: jordhughesphoto)
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bedforddanes75 Bday boyyyyy
templetonabigail hbd king
este.manansala Put the tongue away damn
↳ Liked by trumanblack and rass1975
↳ este.manansala But happy 30th <3
--↳ trumanblack Not taking unsolicited tongue remarks rn
1975adam Old
8 April, 2019
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Liked by bedforddanes75 and 356 others
este.manansala I thought this was a silly little cat book but now I'm sick with optimism and a general appreciation for life
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trumanblack You're always sick with optimism
↳ este.manansala was trying to seem angsty & existential, sue me
25 April, 2019
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24 May, 2019
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Liked by dirtyhit and 218,555 others
trumanblack Manchester for the day
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bedforddanes75 That poster is brutal my god
iliwys42069 who is the girl tagged????
↳ trish2ledrew Idk I think a friend of the guys, they all follow her and shes from Manchester
↳ r0ssbassface matty has liked her posts since summer of last year lol and commented on a few too
2 July, 2019
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Liked by its.not.1iving and 1,006 others
este.manansala Turned 28 last week, still been told off by my mum bout the piercing
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_catekeeling SHE'S 28!!!!!!!!!
↳ este.manansala SHE IS!!!!!!
trumanblack Sexy bull vibes x
↳ Liked by thismustbmydream and 23 others
↳ este.manansala That won't rest my case with mum, matty
-- ↳ trumanblack Sorry
10 July, 2019
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Liked by este.manansala and 325,099 others
trumanblack Yes I did say another album will be out this year, yes we're working on it, yes I regret telling you lot when it would be out bc it will probably take much longer than that
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este.manansala Nice hair
↳ trumanblack Thx can i have ur number
1975adam We’re trying I swear
thankujodiverycool how much longer are we talking..
2 September, 2019
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6 February, 2020
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Liked by g3orgiaheadley and 2,882 others
este.manansala lolo is 76 !
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rass1975 Happy birthday lolo
trumanblack Legend
g3orgiaheadley HBD Lolo (i NEEEED this food omg)
↳ trumanblack It was the dream tbh u should’ve been there
_catekeeling 76 has never looked better
3 April, 2020
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lynnedrum · 10 months
A tribute to Baltimore and Jersey Club, classic trax deranged and rearranged. Performed LIVE for NORMAL 4 GIRLS 4EVER, Saturday, August 12th, 2023. ~ SETLIST BELOW ~
1.) Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (Sartana & Finesse Jersey Remix)
2.) MikeQ & DJ Sliink - The Bitch (feat. Miss Jay)
3.) KRS-One - Sound of da Police (Baltimore Club) (*)
4.) Keiska - Lil Frkk
5.) Three6Mafia - Lil Freak (K-Deucez Rmx)
6.) Mariah Lynn - Once Upon A Time (I Was A Hoe) (DJ Taj feat. Panic Remix)
8.) Jen Lasher - I Felt
9.) REPRIISE - TEMPLE [Intense Trip]
10.) C.Z. - STUCK
11.) XTV$ x Narvi - Crazy Frog
12.) JAVASCRIPT - Pinky Ring
13.) Drippy Dolphin - ♡-I Need To Drip-♡ (A Trippy Turtle Remix)
14.) Snap - The Power (Kodat Remix)
15.) Jenn Morel - Ponteme (LUNY "Latin Club" Remix)
16.) Constantine - Pena Aberta
17.) PrepTheProducer - Naughty Girl (Jersey Club Remix)
18.) DJ K. Millz & Tokyo - Earthquake
19.) DJ Smallz 732 & Big Shaq - Mans Not Hot ( Jersey Club )
20.) KANDY - afreakin (Eight40Eight Bootleg)
21.) DJ K. Millz - Get Busy [Sean Paul 2k10 Theme]
22.) @hikeii - BBY (@HIKEII FLIP)
23.) Daft Punk - One More Time (Kodat Remix)
24.) FISHER - Losing It (KAYVIAN Club Remix)
25.) Soulja Boy - Birdwalk (Zora Jones & Sinjin Hawke Bootleg)
26.) Jam City - The Courts
27.) TLC - No Scrubs (BBM REMIX)
28.) Kyle Edwards & DJ Bake - My Back (Jersey Club)
29.) SOPHIE - Immaterial (Gangsigns Bootleg)
30.) UNIIQU3 & Dos Flakos - Shake the Room
31.) Outkast - B.O.B. (Cool Hand Lex, Lemi Vice & Action Jackson Remix)
32.) DJ DEVILLE - Kulikitaka Pica (Deville Latin Jersey Club Fusion Edit)
33.) Linkin Park - Crawling (DJ Hood Remix)
34.) Tre Oh Fie - Pop 2 Da Bass
35.) @hikeii - Panic! At The Disco: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Hikeii Remix)
36.) Utada Hikaru - Simple And Clean (Jersey Club "Ray of Hope" Remix By KNMN)
(*) denotes a track that entered my life fully untagged and unsourced. if you know the artist of this remix, please let me know immediately!
Assets by MinaSheep
JulianaNRG: https://youtu.be/l5y442f-uq8
MinaSheep: https://youtu.be/H-JKRNqxQA8
SWIMMY: https://youtu.be/AZkC4W-PP6s
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boncottontail · 5 months
Just a little announcement.
In light of the recent screenshots that resurfaced on Twitter, I’ve decided to remove 4ever from Along Came A Spider. Thor will still remain as he’s an original member of the Avengers but will be played a different QSMP character.
Even though said tweets were posted way back in 2016, I am not comfortable with how a grown ass man (21) met up with a 14 year old girl and wrote some really weird tweets about her afterwards. Even though 14 is the legal age in Brazil, it still feels really disgusting to me.
(I dropped 🟩 for the very same reason and just because 4ever is from the QSMP doesn’t mean I won’t do the same)
Good news is: since Thor is only a minor character in ACAS, all I need to do is the edit the previous chapters and replace him with Elotes (who I chose to play Thor this time around). This will take a while but I will NOT put ACAS on hiatus. I will continue to update without mentioning him (before I finish editing).
I’ll probably start editing after I finish Chapter 9.
Do know that even though this replacement will change a lot of character dynamics, it won’t affect the overarching story! So you guys don’t have to worry about the plot getting all messed up :]
I understand that some people may be disappointed by this but do take into account that is my personal decision, as seeing the tweets made me extremely uncomfortable (especially as a woman myself) and I did not struggle with the decision to remove him. I actually got stuck on which character will replace him lol but I ultimately decided on Elotes!
That’s all, beijos xxx
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heygerald · 5 days
Ohhh talking songs now! The Fall Guy has such an amazing soundtrack! Thinking of that first scene with "Thunderstruck", obviously Tom isn't there, but I'm a sucker for the idea of him seeing Parker after their breakup (you're hurting us with that and you know it) all cool in a car with Colt (let's face it, she'll follow him to Australia, obviously) or just looking really good and (imagine this with a cool song playing in the background adding up to her look) him being to himself like "damn it I lost that woman"
UGH the "star struck, heart stopper moment when he sees her again" makes my heart hurt. The soundtrack of FG is amazing, and Thunderstruck for the Codi reunion is *chef's kiss*
It's fun to imagine all the ways they could be reunited, maybe something like 4Ever by the Veronica's playing would be good if it was dramatic like Colt's was? Or, if he sees her across the set, just staring as she laughs around with And I Think I Like You by the band Camino.
Ugh I love movie soundtracks! Let me know what other songs you guys think would fit!
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bulldyke-rider · 3 months
Y'know, I get why it may not seem favorable to associate yourself with women who only seem to kiss other women in front of men, or women who beat off to girl on girl and don't do much else with women, or women who try to recruit other women for threesomes, or women who had one girlfriend they didn't give a fuck about and discarded for a man, or women who say they'd sleep with women but never date one, or women who say they'd date a woman but never marry one, or women who want fucked by a woman but say pussy is gross
Thing is tho, they're not straight.
1) I don't think all these things are bad. I don't care if you wanna use women for sex or as an addition to your straight sex. I don't feel like it's my business. As long as you aren't hurting anybody, I don't care. Behave with a little discretion, have everybody involved cool with what's going on, and I'll let you live your life unbothered.
2) I don't think you have to defend yourself against women who don't behave like you at all. I think some things are more of a class thing, sure. But if you're happily ever after with your girlfriend and that's your princess fr 4ever and ever, you don't need to defend yourself when somebody is talking about bi women who don't take women serious romantically. You're obviously not the topic of discussion.
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