#my yeehaw girl jess
madsmilfelsen · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thenookienostradamus, quyanaa!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 22 :)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 237, 409, yeehaw!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Magic Mike (allegedly), Always Sunny (allegedly), Killer Joe, True Detective (season one, I get too weepy if I think about season four too long but someday!), Midnight Mass, Shadow & Bone, Tell Me Your Secrets, Loki, and I've got an original work snuck in there, too
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
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5. Do you respond to comments? Typically! I have a habit of hoarding my favorites in my inbox so if I take a week or three months to answer you it's because I've been thinking about kissing you on the mouth. Comments really make my day so I do my best to show gratitude to those who take the time to make them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Maybe Sinhound? I don't set out to write angst.................. ever, but ending with Mildred's funeral wasn't what I was expecting either.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them :) I'm a sucker for love and happy endings :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? no and that gets more and more shocking each time I post a new work lately as my ao3 becomes a pit of depravity while I work through everything I can't put in my novel manuscript.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? hell yeah fuck yeah. I like playing in varying degrees of consent, unhealthy or unbalanced dynamics, girls who come too fast and have weird relationships with sex, yada yada. I have a really supportive husband who I am disgustingly, deeply in love with so a lot of genuine warm and fuzzy feelings for one old man in particular generates a lot of material.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I simply don't have the mind processes for it and admire those who can mix media like that.
11. free space / no question here, send me an ask with one instead please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of! would be awfully neat though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh man, I had a fun star wars piece I was writing with my dear friend, Jess, when impostor syndrome struck too hard to finish-- I still have the embroidery she did of our title (the inverse must also be true) in my office hanging below my first rejection letter :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? every goblin couple that make out nasty style, so uh, rust/sugar :( they're so special to me and pulled me out of a Hellacious writer's block
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My only wip is Sunday School Dropout because I sort of forgot where I was going with it, it'll come back with light voyeurism, blood drinking, virginity taking, the usual order
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like this is question to really sell myself but honestly, hell if I know, creating place? mannerisms maybe? Beyond my general insecurities, some of the nicest compliments I've gotten are for things I did unintentionally so hard to say! I have crafted some fuckin nonlinear bangers I'll give myself that much.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN TENSE and I HAVE NO WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF SENTENCE STRUCTURES, which annoy me and are my father's biggest complaints so I can't take them seriously enough to consciously attempt to improve on them yet. Lately, I've been smoking weed and flipping vocabulary flashcards before bed because my diction feels stagnant, a bit repetitive across pieces like.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I can't even speak english well enough to write coherently I'm not going to fuck up further with google translate. I did some ballet au's a few years back that I know have some french in it but I think I did a firmly okay job with the sprinkles of dialogue-- I know damn well my terminology is correct.
19. First fandom you wrote for? technically game of thrones, I have a sansa/sandor reunion very angrily tapped out in my notes app when season eight skipped it. The first work I posted was Seduction of Odile after I saw a post here about the potential of a rey/kylo blackswan au, reached out and asked if I could give it a try and here I am 22 works and years later :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to be corny but I have a soft spot for every fic that connected me with other writers who are so talented and inspiring and force me to be better so I feel like I can talk to them lmao
tagging tagging tagging @the-heartlines @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @littleredwritingcat @abeadofpoison @teeth-ing @itstendereye @barbie-nightmare-house
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Both Emily and Lorelai are planning to attend Rory's "Swearing In" for her Vice Presidency at Chilton So, this is a very similar scenario to the one that happened 4 episodes back in "Lorelai's Graduation Day". Yes ma'am, it's another "Lorelai is unhappy about having to be at a place where her mother will also be but Rory wants them both there" situation. Yeehaw.
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Shhh. Nobody tell her.
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This is such a great line, and I don't fancy myself much of a Quote Lover, but I love this one so much I want to make it a magnet and stick it on my fridge next to my "Why did you drop out of Yale" magnet.
Nothing of great consequence or interest happens at the ceremony. Rory and Paris give mediocre speeches. Things between Lor and Emily are still chilly. Emily wants to meet Lorelai for lunch at Luke’s the next day. I see Francie up on stage and remember, tis the season for an incredibly boring storyline involving mean-girl nonsense and school politics 🥱 Francie is the Jason of S3.
I plan to forward past a lot of that sillyness and save myself some time.
Rory tells Paris after the first student body meeting that she wasted everyone’s time and nothing was accomplished and nobody ate the doughnuts that were provided. Paris is incredibly turned on and asks Rory if she wants to get married.
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Just more Jess erasure... Alright, alright! This was Sookie's directive (supposedly) and it was said in jest. And here I was about to cancel Lorelai again for banning Jess from her stupid inn filled with mice. I've canceled her more times than an unwanted subscription to Dean Forrester Monthly magazine.
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Not me going "what is this stupid obscure reference that nobody will understand", then googling it only to find out it's from The Godfather, the award winning book and movie series that half the population alive has seen but not me. I don't watch movies, okay?
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Yes Ma'am!
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I hate this stupid bullshit. Blew past the entire scene.
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That's more like it.
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Luke: Kirk came to me for advice about whether or not he had a shot with you. I told him you liked movies and junk food and talking incessantly but we both agreed that there's nothing like some good lovin to shut someone up." So then you agree, the only thing that would get Lorelai to shut up is to fuck her? Take your own advice already, Sir, and do it already. You're killing us here. Lorelai: Can you bring me a sharper fork? I'm not sure this one will go through your hand. Ah, I see that like me, Lorelai is also a connoisseur of making jokes about injuring people with forks. We're not that different, you and I.
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What the hell else is there to do for fun in Stars Hollow?
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More Crusty nonsense. Followed by student council nonsense.
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Well if that isn't the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Pot calling the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Kettle black.
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At least Santa Claus visits his Children once a year, which is more than Christopher does.
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Not me and @frazzledsoul discussing just yesterday how often answering machines were used as a plot device on tv in the 90's and early 00's. AmyShermanPalladino in particular is obsessed with the humble answering machine. Because social media didn't exist yet and the male characters must have some way to harrass the women when they're apart. At least It's only Kirk this time so he probably meant well. Probably. He's kinda a perv. Lorelai: i hate my life. Maybe if we look into each other's eyes and say "I wish I were you" we could pull a Freaky Friday. (Imagining I'm me, Salty, and NOT Rory, Freaky Friday'ing with Lorelai): Let's see, let's see switching lives with Lorelai: The whole "fucking Luke" thing is good But then I'd also have to fuck Dean And I'd have to fuck Crusty.. Max? (eh?) Alex? (sure) Have Emily as my mother... Working at a dumb Inn... Idk if having sex with Luke is worth all that. Rory: "If we switched bodies, I'd have to date Kirk." If you switched bodies, Lorelai would have to date Dean. I don't hear her complaining about that.
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The real star of Gilmore Girls.
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Oh no. Not the LOR.
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*smashes that bottle of wine over Crusty's head*
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45? FORTY FIVE? He tripled the record held by the previous contender. Dean better step his harrasment game up if he wants to surpass that number. Crusty: "You don't get to dictate what to do! I called you (45 times) and you didn't respond so I did what I had to do. You can't shut me out, that's wrong! Your'e keeping Rory from me! Why hasn't she called me back?" EXCUSE ME? EXCUSE MEEEE??
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Oh my, the whiplash of seeing Rory stand up for herself and get into Crusty's face, only to have her head to Doose's in a few moments where Jess will give her the peg-lowering of a lifetime and she'll limp away defeated with her tail between her legs. I'll put that in my next chapter. Things Googled While Watching Gilmore Girls: Clemenza, I Take A Nap Gif, Now Kiss Gif, Spelling Of Connoisseur Cutting Room Floor A joke about how Jess won't be invited to any more Bracebridge Dinners since he's vegetarian and he's banned from the inn.
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multi-lefaiye · 11 months
Following the bloody death of Joseph McCartney in 1963, Seamus became a different boy. Harder, angrier, overall more cruel. While he'd never been particularly pacifistic, he became significantly more confrontational, throwing threats at anyone who sparked his ire. After that night, he defensively squared his shoulders and bared his teeth, puffing up like a furious cat to make sure the world knew not to mess with him. He began carrying a switchblade of his own, one he claimed to have pilfered from McCartney's corpse.
He'd already killed a man, and he wasn't even sixteen yet. Who knew what else he'd do if the wrong person pissed him off?
By this point, Seamus no longer felt like he had any connection to the little girl he'd been before, if he ever did to begin with. Regardless of who he was before, he'd proven himself just as much of a man as anyone. Leslie Burke was gone, and Seamus O'Neal was here to stay. He may still be young, but he was a man through and through.
This attitude quickly proved lucrative for him, and Seamus rose through the ranks of the Emerald Devils. Being Clarence's ward definitely gave him a leg up over the men around him, but he proved his mettle just fine on his own aside from that. Within a few years, he'd likely become an enforcer as well, leaving his mark on the world of organized crime.
However, in the fall of 1965, everything changed. Following a raid on a warehouse managed by the Devils, Clarence was arrested, along with several other high-ranking members and foot soldiers. Only a handful of mobsters escaped that night, including Seamus, who was able to scramble out through a back door before anyone could see him. He lost a shoe in the process, but he was otherwise undetected and unharmed.
Despite his influence in the underworld, the case against Clarence O'Malley was air-tight and damning. In the end, he and his associates were convicted of racketeering and drug trafficking, each sentenced to 25 years. Following the trial, the Emerald Devils all but dissolved, its members scattering to the wind to avoid being subject to the same fate as Clarence. Including Seamus, the bastard he'd taken in and raised as his own.
In the three months that followed, Seamus floundered, left without a purpose after the loss of his crew. He still lived with his aunt Daisy, but she became withdrawn following her husband's arrest and hardly spoke to the boy. Just as well, he supposed. He had more important business to attend to than his aunt's mourning.
For one thing, he had to find a new way to earn money for his family--not only his aunt, and his mother and siblings as well. Beth had moved back in with their mother, and Martin had recently been medically discharged following a devastating injury on the front lines. Even if he wasn't on speaking terms with his mother and siblings for the most part, he knew it was his responsibility to provide for them.
So, he began taking odd jobs, various under-the-table gigs for anyone who would hire him. He may not have been educated, but he was willing and able to work, and that certainly counted for something. Much of the work wasn't exactly legal, but it wasn't like that was much of a concern for him.
Then, in the summer of 1967, he received a phone call from his older brother Jesse. At first, it seemed Jesse just wanted to catch up, prattling on and on through the receiver, but it wasn't long before he got down to business.
How's your Italian? Jesse asked.
Bad, Seamus replied curtly. Why?
You'd better study up. Jesse's grin was audible in his voice. I might've just gotten you a job.
wow this was so much longer than i meant for it to be- anyway here's the first of the "inktober but without the art" posts i'll be doing! my goal with the rest of the prompt list is to just finish up the prompts and tell the rest of the story. whatever i gotta do to accomplish this goal, i'll do. yeehaw!
i don't think they'll all be this long, but this one had to cover a lot of ground lol. this is also forcing me to iron out details that have been pretty vague in my mind for a while, haha!! so that's good.
unofficial lil inktober taglist (ask to be + or - ): @skitzo-kero @anexor @vacantgodling @invaderskoodge @albatris @abysslll @whonsper @astral-runic @chaieyestea
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woodsborostabathon · 2 days
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aka the user formerly known as ambersrequel (rip). ceci / 22 / she/her / lesbian / boricua but i get a lil yeehaw with it. i'm not quite as strict with my dni criteria as i am with my headcanons! basically just don't follow me if you're: an anti, under 18, or have a habit of bashing any of the media i'm into. i'm proship and don't play about my faves, so please don't get me started.
speaking of my faves, this is kinda-sorta an about, kinda-sorta a masterlist of them!
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒.
lolita. vc andrews' dollanganger & casteel family sagas. my best friend's exorcism. stephen king's work (mainly carrie & misery). the kingdom of little wounds. the miseducation of cameron post. the mortal instruments. twilight. the virgin suicides. richard siken's work. junji ito's work (mainly tomie, dissolving classroom, & uzumaki). dark water. toradora. blood on the tracks.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 (𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑).
scream franchise (esp. films 4-6). saw franchise. the ring. final destination franchise. nightmare on elm street (1984. dream warriors. & 2010). dark water (both vers.). the exorcist. tragedy girls. marrowbone. get out. us. barbarian. abigail. ready or not. candyman (both vers.). mama. orphan. fatal attraction. it (1990). house of wax. the witch. silent night deadly night. village of the damned (1995). bloody birthday. the bad seed (1956). the craft. forget me not. my bloody valentine (2009). sleepaway camp. jennifer's body. silent hill. hereditary. white: curse of the melody. cinderella (2006). sinister (1 & 2). carrie (1976 & 2013). sorority row. ouija: origin of evil. lisa frankenstein . . . full list on my letterboxd bc otherwise, i'd keep going forever.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 (𝐍𝐎𝐍-𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑).
lolita (both vers.). the virgin suicides. flowers in the attic (both vers.). but i'm a cheerleader. welcome to the dollhouse. bottoms. the addams family (1991 & values). the hunger games. twilight saga. suicide squad (2016 & 2021). thirteen. heavenly creatures. heathers. gone girl. the room.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐒.
euphoria. you. interview with the vampire. house of the dragon. yellowjackets. supernatural. the summer i turned pretty. law & order: special victims unit. cruel summer. american horror story. that 70's show. criminal minds. ginny & georgia. shadowhunters. death note. mirai nikki. black mirror. love, victor. big love. deadly women.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒.
the sims (mainly 2 & 4). crusader kings iii. phasmophobia. dead by daylight. roblox. content warning. fire emblem (awakening & fates).
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂.
xana. ice nine kills. lana del rey. ethel cain. glass animals. flower face. marina. pom pom squad. chappell roan. melanie martinez. the technicolors. idkhow. ayesha e. waterparks. hey violet. mother mother. taylor swift. sza. panic! at the disco. my chemical romance. the weeknd. olivia rodrigo. young miko.
amber freeman. charlie walker. the kirsch siblings. sidney prescott. dewey riley. kirby reed. tara carpenter. chad meeks-martin. liv mckenzie. vince schneider. anika kayoko. amanda young. john kramer. carrie white. nancy thompson. quentin smith. jesse braun. louis & claudia de point du lac. lestat de lioncourt. shauna shipman. jackie taylor. dahlia williams. chris & regan macneil. samara morgan. angela baker. alessa gillespie. wendy christensen. esther coleman. mara chaffee. rhoda penmark. joe goldberg. love quinn. delilah & ellie alves. yuno gasai. misa amane. debbie brody. jennifer check. needy lesnicki. billy chapman. pearl. tomie kawakami. grace le domas. nan (ahs). alicent hightower. rhaenyra targaryen. helaena targaryen. jace velaryon. dolores haze. nate jacobs. maddy perez. cassie & lexi howard. fezco. gomez & morticia addams. wednesday addams. olivia benson. jeanette turner. jackie burkhart. steven hyde. the dollanganger siblings. heaven & tom casteel. isabelle & alec lightwood. magnus bane. simon lewis. carlisle & alice cullen. rosalie hale. cecilia lisbon. dawn wiener. cameron post. abby rivers. gretchen lang. harley quinn.
ocs. writing. the flds. some other cults + religious fundamentalism. psychology. video editing. video essays. book collecting (specifically 1st edition vca). lovecore + 'coquette' aesthetics. dogs. being silly & perhaps even goofy.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒.
slashersimmer (simblr), slashersweethearts (horror fandom ocs).
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
I guess #my yeehaw girl jess is my new tag? If so I LOVE it!!!!
girl of course it is duh. you’ll forever be my yeehaw girl
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anjitrait · 5 years
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- rhiannon cage — ̖́- for @ohsosims​‘s bachelor challenge
traits   ̖́-  bookworm, good, loner aspiration  ̖́-  freelance botanist
adopted at a very young age by an old farmer, anna has always lived a very quiet, subdued life. due to her father’s age, she found herself doing farm work since the day she joined his quaint house in the outskirts of del sol valley (near the edge of strangerville). the two grew close very quickly, and she found herself spending most of her time at home to help her dad, rather than socializing throughout her teen years. in her off time she found friends in books, and was rather content living her life out in the fields this way. it was only recently when her father’s health declined even more - he had been an elder for a while now - that he convinced anna to try finding a person outside of him: it was important to stay close with what family she had, but it was time for her to set the foundation of a family of her own.
fun facts  ̖́- - yes her dad 100% submitted her for this - only lets people close to her (aka dad) call her by her full name - her dad is a wheat farmer! and so is she - her favorite season is autumn!! loves her a good Squash - if she had 2 more traits they’d be: family oriented & gloomy - shy and stand-offish at first, complete mom when she warms up to you - it hurts her to be away from her dad, but they talk on the phone - its a shame she doesn’t know how to use her cell phone. like...at all - makes the best oatmeal cookies you’ve ever had - is awful at anything artsy- painting? more like pain-ting - verrrry strong accent, and god we stan - if she can wear a hat for an event she’s gonna wear a hat - cuts her own hair to save some money (a frugal legend) - if the sims 4 had horses she definitely would have a horse - her favorite bands are r.e.m., the taxpayers, & the handsome family - she was named after a fleetwood mac song so she loves them too - i was listening to my goth country playlist while making her - i almost made her have two parent figures but it’d be too much of an anne of green gables rip off and i can’t be that much of a stan
private dl // cc list included in dl
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
👀, 👨‍👧‍👧, 🌝 and 🍰 for the ask game? <3
thank you so much beloved!!!!!
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
answered here!
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
answered here!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
answered here, but ill also add im really looking forward to doing more with jess black!!
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
hmmmm so for real like, food for the soul comfort fics i really love rereading some of the stuff people have written of their ocs with jestiny, seeing other people capture her character is just very special and i guess... reassuring to me in a way?? 
in particular @honeysides wrote a beautiful and wretched piece with jessie and her evil gf helmi, @strafethesesinners has an equal parts cute and hilarious fic featuring jessie with her favorite yeehaw buddy cooper, and @clairercdfields gave me the sweetest little birthday drabble of our girls together. these really stick out to me because each has lines from jessie that are so in character it warms my soul <3
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i finished my s1 rewatch a few days ago, so while it’s still fresh in my mind, i wanna rank the eps even tho nobody asked!
22) Acafellas
coming in dead last! what the fuck was this?? the saving grace of this ep is “who’s josh groban?” “who’s josh groban? kiLL YOURSELF”
21) Funk
i love quinncedes <3 my beloveds <3 but this was not good! highlight: quinn’s performance with the pregnant girls lmao
20) Pilot
why does this episode feel longer than it is? too much 👞 that’s why
19) The Rhodes Not Taken
listen, i love april, but this episode did not spark joy! except for carrie underwood!
18) Dream On
directed by j*ss wh*don. that’s all.
17) Mash-Up
genuinely don’t remember the plot of this episode! but it’s when will sings thong song and that’s 🤮
16) Journey to Regionals
in terms of finales, it’s not their best. solid middle of the pack for me. but damn i love bohemian rhapsody <3
15) Throwdown
i quite like this episode! but I just like other ones more! keep me hanging on <3 my beloved! and fruity quinn!
14) Theatricality
gaga quinn. that’s it. that is the plot of the episode for me. cannot remember anything else.
13) Mattress
this episode is only this high because my stomach dropped out of my ass during THAT terri and will scene.
12) Vitamin D
a no brain cell episode. crazy terri. it is quintessential season 1.
11) Laryngitis
the boy is mine!! so good!! i love all the performances in this episode!! (yes even yeehaw kurt)
10) Bad Reputation
run joey run. and i love jonathan groff! it’s also one of the few times 👞 is nice to quinn
9) Hairography
some of the first stupid brittany bits are in this one! i love season 1 britt! and the babysitting scene ugh
8) Sectionals
the one time i enjoy wemma
7) Home
barole!! and quinncedes!!
6) Wheels
i accidentally enjoyed p*ck in this and i hate that but i couldn’t help it. the baking scene <3
5) Showmance
say a little prayer <3 my love!!! santana speaks!
4) The Power of Madonna
madonna told me to put it here.
3) Hell-O
silly comphet santana. and my boy jesse st james finally arrives!!
2) Preggers
this is the episode that made me want to keep watching. this is some classic teen drama bullshit and i ate it up with a spoon.
1) Ballad
this. is. the. episode. goddamn this one. i cry. so good. even tho the dinner scene gives me secondhand embarrassment.
let me know if i should rank any other episodes/seasons/etc.!
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writer-or-whatever · 4 years
@paris-geller-was-straightwashed tagged me to name ten characters I like from ten different things! So it’s happening (after it spent many many days sitting in my drafts half finished, whoops), Yeehaw! Also thanks for the tag, pal! :)
They’re not really named in any order other than the order they came to mind in (and also I’m taking a page out of @paris-geller-was-straightwashed ‘s book and do little descriptions Bc why not). I hope you’re all ready for me to type incompressible nonsense about some of my favs!
1. Alec Hardison (Leverage)
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He fits my “brilliant but a dumbass who is also a smartass” character type. Literally any character who has a genius level IQ, not a single ounce of common sense, and a witty one-liner for any occasion is automatically my favorite. (And, okay, Hardison has a bit of common sense, but he’s still a bit of a dumbass. Plus, a witty character who is a part of my fav OT3? Of course). Also he (and the other four main characters on this show) is such a well developed character and there’s a reason I’ve seen this show for what is going to be the fifth time once I finish the last one and a half seasons left of my rewatch.
2. Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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He’s awkward, struggles with his desires, emotions, and morality, and has one of, if not the best, redemption arc that I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. He encapsulates repressed confused teenager and I used to relate to him big time (trying to figure out whether what you want is worth it, if you want what your parents want for you, and if you’re willing to sacrifice parts of yourself or people who are important to you to reach a goal that you feel like you’re supposed to want. I have a lot of feelings about zuko and I’m not sorry about it). Also I’m pretty sure he’s a disaster bi, thank you very much.
3. Timothy McGee (NCIS)
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Okay, I’m only on season seven on NCIS, but I highly doubt I’m ever going to not like Tim. McGee is simply babey and that is all. He’s brilliant, he’s a published writer (!!! Ain’t that the dream) and he only does it in his free time, and he’s had some of the most character development since his introduction and his entire arc is like very nice and gradual and realistic and I just love him, alright. Every found family has a youngest sibling, and Tim is NCIS’s.
4. Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
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It’s a hard choice between Rory, Paris, and Jess for Gilmore Girls, tbh (a lot of sometimes angry book nerds, whoops). But something about Rory just speaks to me. She’s smart (and sometimes really dumb but mood) and driven and a little awkward and well-read and open minded and witty and well spoken and gahhh. She was also a small bit of my bisexual awakening so 🤷‍♂️ what can you do.
5. Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
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My favorite disaster bi from my favorite series in the history of ever (at least so far). Harry Potter (both the series and the boy) is what I come back to a lot, and so of course he had to make it onto the list.
6. Chandler Bing (FRIENDS)
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Sarcastic, smart, smartass, dumbass, need I say more?
Also, a king of existential despair and big same, bud.
7. Leo Fitz (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)
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He’s awkward and a genius and a smartass (tho he does have some common sense, usually). He has so much character development and one of the few canon relationships I really adore. He has so much happen to him and yet he’s just... fitz. And he grows and evolves but he’s still the same fitz that he starts as and I’m just love him a lot.
8. Peter Parker (Marvel)
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I love the MCU Peter Parker but, tbh, I love most adaptations of Peter Parker. I used to watch the old cartoons when I was a kid (and I think there was a more recent cartoon as well) and I have several Spider-Man video games and I just love him a lot. He was my first favorite character and also brilliant but a dumbass who is also a smartass, so that’s even better.
9. James Maguire (Derry Girls)
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(This is from a show I hadn’t even watched yet when I started making this post, whoops, and now I love it) But honestly James is just my favorite idk. He’s in possession of the groups singular braincell the most (other than probably Claire) but he’s still kind of a dumbass. He’s the outsider of the group but also he’s definitely a part of the group and also we love a found family arc kind of situation and he had it.
10. Cirilla (The Witcher (the TV show))
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Again, another new show. But Ciri is my favorite out of a cast of characters that I really really love. She just has, in my opinion, one of the most emotionally interesting arcs I’ve seen in a while because she goes from being a princess to being on the run and tries to fend for herself and figure out her destiny and I just love her and want good things for her. Plus, there are some found family feels and therefore found family fics and that’s very Yeehaw.
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akingsfool · 6 years
Jesse knows exactly what this is for, I’m sorry it’s late I just suck and I’m nervous so I’m sorry
Warnings: language? I think that’s it, it’s a pretty fluffy fic
Spot felt terrible. It was his and Race’s anniversary, and he had nothing for Race. Nothing! It’s not that he forgot. Oh no, he remembered alright. He was sitting at Jack’s house, a little over a week before their anniversary. Spot and Jack were lounging on the couch, watching movies and eating chips, complaining about their loud and obnoxious friends.
Suddenly Spot jumped up, almost spilling the chips, and frantically put on his jacket and shoes.
“Woah, hey, what’s the rush?” Jack asked, looking confused.
“Next week is Race and I’s anniversary, and I got nothin,” and with that, Spot ran out, slamming the door behind him.
For a little over a week he was panicking. He wanted it to be special, unforgettable even. But he didn’t know what to do. Sure, he could do all of Race’s favorite things with him, but they already did that pretty often. He didn’t know what to do, and he felt terrible.
He walked into the apartment he shared with Race, expecting it to be empty. Instead, Race ran to Spot, engulfing him into a hug.
“Happy anniversary, Spotty,” Race whispered. Spot could feel the vibrations of Race’s voice against his chest. Spot smiles and hugged Race back. Race pulled away and grabbed Spot’s wrist, dragging him into the living room.
Spot didn’t want anything for their anniversary. He was just happy to know that Race loves him, too. But when Race say him down on the couch, handed him a game controller, and sat down next to him, Spot was confused and a bit excited.
“Race, is this-“ Spot grinned.
“Mario Kart? Yup!” Race laughed, grabbing another controller. It was Spot’s favorite game! It wasn’t long before the two were fully invested in the video game. Spot was winning, as usual, but Race was trying his best. By his best I mean he was laying in Spot’s lap, trying to push him away, while also trying to get the controller out of Spot’s hands.
They played every course. Every last one. Spot won almost every time. He let Race win once. And he was glad he did. Race jumped up and smiled. Race’s smile made Spot weak because Spot is a total softy.
When they were done, Spot panicked a bit. He took a deep breath and smiled.
“Race, go get your shoes on,” Spot slipped his jacket back on his shoulders. Race gave him a confused look. “Come on, Racer, it’s time for your gift.” Race grinned and ran off to find his shoes.
Spot had no idea what they were gonna do, but they were gonna do it! Spot had ahold of Race’s hand, leading the taller boy down the street. Well, Spot did have one thing for Race. It was something he was trying to get right for weeks.
Spot led him to the animal shelter to play with the dogs. He sat Race in one of those small rooms and left him there. He asked for a puppy, and put the little guy in there with him and Race. Race took one look at the puppy and almost started crying.
“I just...I love him so much,” Race laughed when Spot asked what was wrong. Spot smiled and left the room to find a worker. Then, he called Elmer to ask for a favor. Not long after, they left the shelter. Race almost didn’t leave, but Spot promised him food. The two walked over to their favorite restaurant. It was just a burger place, but Race loves it.
The day was coming to an end. The sun was setting, and it was getting a bit colder. They had eaten, seen a movie, and went to the park before their day was over. Spot had never seen Race smile so much. They were walking home, holding hands and swinging them back and forth as they walked. Spot glanced up from the ground to see a bakery. The bakery Davey and Albert worked at. Spot smiled and opened the door, letting Race go first. Davey and Albert weren’t there, it was their day off. Instead there was a teenage girl behind the counter. She seemed to recognize Race almost immediately.
“Here to look at the expensive desserts again?” She asked, smiling. Race laughed and shook his head. He had his mind set on getting one of those desserts one of these days. But they were really expensive. Like, really expensive. Maybe one day. “Hey,” the girl looked over at Spot, “whose that?”
“My boyfriend,” Race said, grinning happily. Race walked over to the displays and looked around while Spot talked to the girl.
“So, I know he comes in here a lot,” Spot tapped his fingers on the counter. “And I know he’s been wantin one of those expensive desert things. You’re always here when he’s lookin at em, can ya get me the ones he wants the most?” The girl frowned, but walked over to grab the desserts anyway. She grabbed one, and put it in a small white box. The box weighed no more than a pound.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“Yeah, why not? How much could this little thing possibly be?” He asked, shrugging.
“Well, uhh,” she sighed, looking at the floor to avoid looking at Spot. “It’s….well, it’s 600 dollars.”
“I’m sorry, what?!” Spot whisper yelled. This couldn’t be 600 dollars. That’s insane. “For real? What even is this?”
“La Madeline au Truffle, sir,” she said shyly. “It’s one of the rarest and most expensive desserts. A pound usually goes for about 2,000 dollars, but the boss said that was to much to sell in Manhattan.” Spot sighed. There was no way he was spending 600 dollars on something so small. Then, he looked over at Race. He was smiling, his hair was messed up from the wind and his cheeks were still pink. He was looking at the desserts like a kid on Christmas morning.
“Alright,” Spot said, grabbing what he had left in his wallet. Sure, it was a weeks paycheck spent in one day, but it’s worth it to see Race smile. He handed it to the girl, who looked nervous.
“Are you sure?” she asked again.
“To see him happy? Anything’s worth it,” Spot nodded. The girl grinned and accepted the money, handing the white box to Spot. “Come on, Race, I got somethin waiting at home!” Race smiles even wider and walked out the door with Spot.
When they were closer to their apartment, Spot handed the box to Race. He looked confused at first. But when he opened the box, he gasped and stopped walking.
“Spot, oh my god,” Race looked up at Spot, who was giving Race a crooked grin that Race loves so much. “Oh my god, this must have- Spot, that’s like..a weeks paycheck. Why?”
“Because I love seeing you smile,” Spot said honestly. “Try em, are they good?” Race shrugged and popped one into his mouth. He handed one to Spot. The shorter boy shrugged and took a bite. They weren’t to bad, but they weren’t good.
“I like them,” Race said as they unlocked the apartment door. He had eaten most of them on their way home. Spot laughed and pushed open the door. A barking sound came from the living room. Race gave Spot a confused look and stepped in. He didn’t even make it to the living room before he dropped to his knees and started crying. The puppy from the shelter was sitting on the couch, along with Elmer.
“Spot,” Race sobbed, laying down and petting the dog. “C-can we call hi-him John?”
“Of course, Race,” Spot smiles. “Wait, why John?”
“Be-because it’s funny tha-that you have a dogs name and he-he’s gonna have a human name,” Race wiped some tears from his eyes.
“ti amo, Race,” Spot whispered. Race shot up, knowing exactly what Spot said. Race pulled Spot into a bone crushing hug.
“ti amo anch'io, Spotty,” Race whispered against Spot’s chest. This was, by far, the best day ever.
So, basically Spot told Race he loves him and Race said that he loves Spot too so yeehaw
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yeet-nhl · 6 years
strangers {m.barzal}
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A/N: yeehaw i wrote this at 4am, lemme know what you guys think. thanks for all the support on my previous things x
requested: yes / no
word count: 2.4k
title song: strangers by jesse harper (not really relating fully to the writing but inspired by nonetheless)
warnings: swearing, drinking, minor smut reference
The sleeve of your overpriced dress fell away as Mat’s hands explored your body. He broke the kiss you two were sharing for just a brief moment as he admired your body. Already he seemed to be at a loss for words.
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful…” he trailed off as you pulled him back to your lips. You began working at the buttons of his shirt as his mouth moved along your neck and toward your chest.
From the start of the night, you knew it would be something special. It was your senior prom and you were going with what some may consider your four year conquest. Ever since you started your freshman year and spotted the black-haired beauty that was Mat you knew you had wanted to be with him. You had spent countless months obsessing over what could happen between you two and after many many missed chances or bad timing you were finally in the position you wanted to be with him.
Little did you know, it wouldn’t last as long as you had hoped.
You put the picture down along with losing the train of thought you had. There was no use thinking about it now that it had been almost three years since you had last seen or spoken to him. You had mostly put it out of your mind until you had moved to Brooklyn and started seeing his last name popping up all around the city. He was absolutely adored here, especially since he was playing professionally now.
You almost found it funny how insignificant you seemed now when you look back on the experiences you had shared with him. Despite only dating for a year, you had given Mat so much of yourself in that short time. Everything from going to his games to sharing intimate moments and secrets was something he knew. He truly was your first love, now you questioned if he ever really felt the same. He used to know you better than anyone and now he probably doesn’t even remember your name.
Your phone buzzed, snapping you out of your thoughts once more. It was your friend asking you to go out tonight. Having nothing better to do you agreed and decided to make something to eat before giving any more thought to it.
Living on your own in the city was interesting to say the least. It was lonely at times but there was truly nothing like it at the end of the day. The beautiful lights and fast pace had always drawn you in when you were younger and your adult life was no different. Even though there was little rest with college classes and daily life, you were never bored and wouldn’t trade the excitement for anything. Sometimes it would just be nice to share it with someone besides your friends.
The hours between then and when you were supposed to meet your friends passed quickly as you filled the time with housekeeping and making yourself look presentable. Might as well look good and have some fun, right? The dress you wore fit you perfectly and was exactly what you wanted for a fun night clubbing. There was no way any man with a brain would be able to resist you.
You sent a text to your that you were heading toward the club as you got into the uber. It was around ten o’clock and the city was just as alive as it was at one. No less than twenty minutes later you were surrounded by your friends and already a drink and a half into your night. The music was blasting as bodies all along the dancefloor danced along to the beat. A few people in your group were already making their way into the crowd.
It was already a good night, a couple of drinks later you were ready to join the mass of bodies yourself and see who you might come across. Quickly finding yourself in the middle of all of the hype and people just as drunk as you were.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and being in a mood you decided to just go along with whoever it was that you were now finding in your company. The stranger moved along with your body and you had no complaints just yet, that was until you turned around.
You recognized him immediately and he seemed confused for a moment before his eyes widened in surprise. He looked like he was about to say something before you quickly turned back to exit the crowd. It sounded as though he was calling your name, but you weren’t sure.
You broke through the wall of people and headed for the exit to find your breath. You hadn’t even realized he was following you until you felt another touch on your shoulder. The music could still be heard as you stood outside with him now, still unsure of what to say.
His eyes burned into yours for the first time in three years. His hair a mess and sweaty, reminding you a bit of how he used to look on the bench during all those games you would go to to watch him play.
“I…what? How are you here? When? I just…. What?” He said, evidently confused.
“Three fucking years Mat. Three. Fucking. Years. Maybe you would know I was here for school if you would have bothered to give a shit in that time.” You didn’t necessarily have a reason to be mad at him yet here you were.
“Oh. Um, well. Hi?”
“That’s all you have to say for yourself? Really? Tell a girl you love her then disappear from her life and all you have to say is ‘hi?’”
“Y/N please don’t be mad. I have no idea what to tell you right now. I wasn’t exactly expecting to see you here anytime soon.”
“Did you ever listen when I talked to you? With how often I would talk about the city I have no idea why you sound so surprised.”
“Can I at least explain myself a little? Not like you have any clue what to tell me right now either.”
For some reason that statement seemed to immediately sober you up. “Oh believe me, I have plenty to say to you right now. I’m sure you could probably come up with most of them if you would have spoken to me even once. Is that really your idea of a relationship? Lead me on for a few years, date me for one and then break up with me because you got your big break? God damn it Mat… was that really all it was ever gonna be? What was I to you, just some fucking cheerleader you could bring to all your games and brag about to all your buddies? Someone you could make fall in love with you, only to leave without any fucking warning? Make them question if you were even in love with them too? This should give you plenty to say since you didn’t have anything before.”
He looked down at the ground after taking a deep breath and speaking once more. “What made you think I wasn’t in love with you?”
“You sure as hell didn’t seem to give a shit when you broke my heart and ended everything.”
“I never wanted to end everything. I didn’t want you have to put up with everything that came after we graduated. I didn’t want to break your heart, I didn’t ever want to hurt you. I just… can we talk about this when we’re sober? Come back to my place and stay there and we can talk about this in the morning?”
You scoffed, “Your fucking place? Don’t you have a hundred other girls who would much rather be going there to fuck you instead of having a heart to heart?”
“Probably but they’re not important right now, you are.”
He still knew how to bring down your walls, even when you were angry and drunk. You gave in and nodded as he called over a taxi. You quickly checked your phone and saw it was right around two AM. All the alcohol really started hitting you and you slumped against the window and closed your eyes. You didn’t even know you had fallen asleep until you felt yourself being carried from the car.
You woke up for a second time a few hours later in a bed that wasn’t yours and a pounding head that unfortunately did belong to you. On the nightstand there was some pills and a glass of water. You couldn’t believe he was pulling this after how shitty you were to him last night. Looking back, you had definitely been a bit harsh. It had been so long since your relationship had ended, but you were still so mad and needed some closure. In all honesty the only smart choice drunk you had made was agreeing to talk to Mat about things.
Glancing over to the other side of the bed, you expected him to be there. Instead you saw nothing but more pillows and sheets, it was clear you were the only one who had slept there the whole night. Near the end of the bed was a long t-shirt and a pair of shorts that would definitely be too large on you, but it was worlds better than the dress you had been wearing. You quickly slipped the clothing on and since the shirt was too large you went without the shorts. It smelled like him which was both comforting and upsetting. As much as you hated to admit it, you had missed his smell of firewood and apple blossom. To this day you had no clue what that boy used but damn was it good.
You found your bag laying on the ground and grabbed a hair tie, putting your hair up before going to find Mat. To your surprise he was sleeping on the couch and appeared to be nursing a hangover of his own. He turned his head to face you and gave a small smile as he sat up. You weren’t really sure what to do so you tentatively walked over to stand in front of him by the couch.
“G’morning, how’s your head?” You forgot how great his voice sounded when he first woke up.
“It’s fine, nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” You knew this wasn’t what either of you wanted to talk about, but you suppose it couldn’t hurt to make some small conversation.
“Do you want some coffee or anything?” He offered as he stood up to go over into the kitchen. You shook your head and debated if you should follow him. “Come on, don’t be a stranger.” He said as an invitation to join him.
The whole apartment was surprisingly clean. It made sense since he was probably hardly here but it still struck you as odd given that you knew how messy he used to be. Silence washed over you two and he made himself a cup of coffee and motioned to sit over at the table.
“There’s just no way to start this that won’t be awkward huh?” It was true, the tension in the air was thick and you still had no idea how to bring things up.
You laughed at his statement in an attempt to make this easier. “Yeah I guess you’re right. I do wanna say I’m sorry for what I said last night, I was drunk which doesn’t justify it but I didn’t mean to be so aggressive.”
“It’s okay, you have every right to be mad at me. Really I’m the one who should be apologizing.” His voice faltered at the end as he looked down at the table.
“I mean I kind of said most of what I would have now during my drunken rage, so I guess it’s your turn.”
He took a deep breath before he spoke again, “Look, the first thing I really need to clarify is that I absolutely was head over heels in love with you. I don’t know what I did that ever made you think otherwise but believe me when I say it now, I was so in love with you it hurt. The way I ended things was stupid, it was so so so stupid. Everything was really starting to take off for me and I knew that once I started playing professionally things would be hard. I would be traveling all the time, different city every week during the season, few hours to ourselves, and I never wanted to put you through that. I didn’t want to be traveling all the time, missing you, desperate for something just to make a mistake and have things end that way. I thought that was the easiest way to make sure I wouldn’t hurt you. I never really stopped missing you and I honestly don’t know why I never returned your calls. I don’t know why I never thought to reach out on my own during these last three years. I’m just so scared of hurting you again and I didn’t want to do anything dumb that would cause you pain.”
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until you felt a tear fall onto your hand. All the anger you had built up melted away with his words and all you wanted to do was hug him but you were too scared to move. “Well why didn’t you just say that, really kinda damaged this image I had in my head of you being a monster.” You laughed a bit at how ridiculous it seemed, he did as well.
“I missed you a lot Y/N, you really don’t have to forgive me but I really just wanted you to know I never had any malicious intent.”
“It’s crazy how I still feel like I know you in every way even when I know that's not the case.” You thought out loud.
“I’d really like to change that if you’ll let me. I’m not saying we have to go back to how things used to be but I wanna make things up to you.”
You nodded, finally standing up to go over and give him a hug. “Okay.”
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
OKAY BOO I SEE YOU!!!! CHANGIN YOUR PROFILE UP AND LOOKIN CUTE!!! Your yeehaw girl approves and absolutely loves your new aesthetic!!! Just wanted to pop in after I saw your url change and give you some deserved compliments bc ily Ré ❤️🤟🏻❤️ (on an unrelated note, I just finished watching good omens and UUUGGHHH I love those two celestial dumbasses so much)
OMG JESS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MY SWEET SWEET YEEHAW GIRL!! thank you so much, i am soso happy to know that you like the new look!! i love you so so much!! (yass baby, i still have to watch the show cos i started with the book, but i feel ya, omg) ❤️❤️
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haechanti-remade · 6 years
compliment some of ur mutuals! why not spread love! let this be a bridge to let u make new friends, or simply remind ur pals of how amazing they are! share this around if u’d like💕💕💕💕
listen im a big shy baby so im gonna use this to gush about some mutuals i always do (i wanted to gush abt more people but that would make this post Way Too Long + i have another one of these sitting in my inbox uwu) but like ok here we go it’s what they all deserve but also this is just me rambling and repeating words bc i never have any coherent thoughts so bare with me here if none of this actually makes any sense okay
@lofiloey listen jesse is so good and sweet and also? the Best Boy hands down i’m sorry it’s just a fact [i love he (he is jesse)], anyway his moodboards…. really god tier, i love them so much?? his sense of aesthetic and everything is really hecking good im [always] impressed whenever i see his content,, also his art… i love his style and seeing his fanart and his ocs is??? amazing i love it i love them, he just keeps getting more and more talented every day hm :((( also he’s super handsome and supportive, bright and talented and smart and strong, oof and a big cute dork who makes my days easier and brighter, my boyfriend and also my best friend and i don’t know where i’d be without him beside me. he’s also THE best boy i don’t make the rules, it’s just fact, and im always grateful for him being in my life hm
@darlinghyuck scar queen of being soft!! she’s So cute and So sweet (literally made out of sugar im telling you), theres never a moment where she Isn’t the Best Girl okay. first of all her writing and aus are top notch (and mayhaps the reason i ended up following her), they’re so amazing?? we stan?? and her moodboards are always super pretty too oof my heart nyooms :(( she’s really out there being nice and funny and always the sweetest softest lady all the time i really can’t take it, the Best Girlfriend too like OOF im so lucky, she’s just???? the prettiest, both inside and out and idk how to handle that yall, she’s another person who makes my days easier and brighter and im always so thankful for her
@sunshineboymark in this house we love and support miss megan okay i love her so hecking much :(( she’s super sweet and nice and a really interesting person, and talking to her is so so fun whether she’s talking about her love for rosie or talking about photography and her sky pictures or just talking about anything it’s just, really good and easy and i appreciate her so much???? miss megan really deserves the world and all the happiness in it shes so strong and smart and talented, through her good days and her bad she’s really one of the best people i know and im so thankful that she’s here and existing oof
@darlingrenjun listen okay so jemmie is the one with the most braincells, they’re the Most Functioning Bi i’ve ever met, they’re good and valid and also So Powerful??? Honestly jemmie is a god tier person, they have such a good personality and good morals and they’re kind and sweet and helpful and they’re really Role Model material. jem is really one of the best people i know Truthfully,, but also they’re super soft they’re never shutting up about how much they love renjun or kun or really anyone in nct in the autobots gc and that??? so valid we love a soft bean [jem]
@scungmin and here we have emily…. sweet emily, always tellin me, a twink to shup and callin me a f*rry/sc*lie…….. it’s Slander against my good name but i don’t mind bc she’s emily and emily is so valid and also im so grateful for her. she’s so Bright and Good and Really Hecking Funny okay, she really [does] deserve so much, she’s young but she’s so mature and smart and a young comedy queen in the making,,, there’s never a dull moment when you’re talking to her, don’t let the sarcasm fool you, she’s soft and sweet and just a tall babie marshmallow OOF we [i] love her in this house,
@rcnjun miss lisa literally her art is God Tier every time she post her art i cry a little bc her style is so cute and Good?? like sometimes she posts some of her sketchbook stuff and it’s always honestly stunning, and also not to mention?? her edits and stuff are always Top Tier… some of them are Completely Ridiculous and big Shitposts, but they’re always so Good, like wow we love stanning talent [lisa]. but also she’s so Nice and friendly??? and the funniest capricorn i know, the MOST valid renjun stan, a comedy queen… hm i could go on but tldr: miss lisa really is a whole all around amazing person and i [hope] she knows that
@1racha okay rose…… she’s so valid and funny and is? one of the best aries i know Thank you for existing okay, every time she spipe up in the gc it’s always a good time and OOF rose really deserves all the good in the world, that cowboy fool. and rose’s art??? holy shit we Stan an art god, every time i see it i’m floored bc it’s always?? so amazing oh my god… like that changbin she drew recently? is honestly amazing (especially the tattoos….. iconique) i was in awe… seeing rose on my dash and talking to her is always Great and really thanks for existing we stan [rose], my yeehaw kin
@monteenlovebot​ bIG OOFS @ her okay listen. miss addy is so cute and good and listen, she’s always calling me out and she cant spell sometimes but thats Okay she’s valid we love [her]. but for real though hm adeline is really adorabl (both inside and out), and she’s really sweet and a hella Good person all around (shes also a Big Soft too oof), and she’s always got good things to say, whether its something Cursed or tea or something soft or just anything in between its always Good Content and talking to her is so fun and oh oof miss adeline really deserves the whole h*cking world :(
@jisquish​ oh india sweet india first of all: aesthetic QUEEN of my god, you’re literally like the sun personified Just Saying, you’re so pretty and im? always quaking in my boots whenever you post a selfie :( second of all: you’ve got talent in every which way WOW a literal queen!!! your voice????? beautiful and good and smooth and??? your writing too??? god tier and good, i cant believe how much talent is in one (1) girl oh my god. also you’re just really nice and humble and funny??? you always have been and oof, i love interacting with you, you really bust my uwus, we all love #1 toothie miss india over here :((
@lqjaehyunanti !!!! she’s honestly one of the nicest people i’ve ever met?? like, interacting with her is always So Nice and she’s always out there spreading so much positive energy and love and it’s??? really refreshing bc not a lot of people are like that lately, and not to mention she’s also super adorable inside and out and hm, we don’t actually /talk/ talk but i always see her interacting with my other mutuals and sometimes we interact too and it’s always just? such a good experience okay miss ellie deserves the whole world
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plimchi · 6 years
rough ronja backstory
- she originally is from vietnam, but got kidnapped by human traffickers at the the age of 20 or so and then ended up being sold to talon
- they removed all her personal memories in order for her to function better as a test subject and possible agent
- at some point moira decided shes useless as a subject tho and they gave her to one of their retired scientists as 'hobby material'
- she was pointlessly cut open and tortured a lot; leaving her with lots of scars; only actual useful thing they did to her was enhancing her voice; so now she can influence people by singing or humming or talking in a certain tone?
- so anyway; 5 years of torturing and jesse comes across that old warehouse shes being held in, somewhere around texas; figures it belongs to talon and he decides to fuck that place up
- finds that scarred up girl in there, all feverish bc they didnt really ever care about her wounds and stuff; so hes like "poor thing, guess imma have to play hero and take that youngster to safety, yeehaw."
- so he takes her to an old overwatch safehouse and takes care of her until shes kind of better, offers to take her back home and shes like "uh bruh, idek what my name is" [after reading a childrens book she names herself after the heroine: ronja]
- soo she ends up staying with him, even if hes not too fond of it at first, always worrying shell just get harmed again with how much trouble hes getting into and he is a wanted man and all that~ but shes more than helpless, doesnt even know where else to go and follows him like a dog
- theeey end up falling in love; well ronja falls pretty quickly for him bc damn isnt that cowboy handsome, also hes been so kind to her and pretty much the first person she can think of whos been good to her and all;; while i guess jesse doesnt want to take advantage of her mental state or something, he tries not to fall for ger first, but, yeah.
-characterwise, she is very silent and shy, is scared of being left alone;; you know, typical aftermath of being abused like she was.
- amnesia has her being a bit naiive, still having problems with things like sarcasm and some basic knowledge, but since her mind had been blanked out shes also a very quick learner; and the cowboy teaches her a lot
- she is absolutely devoted to jesse, would give her life for him and really just.. sees only him? you know, like a dog thats so imprinted on their owner;;
- not being used to kindness makes her very emotional, at first being praised and hugged made her break out in tears instantly bc shes just not used to people being nice to her, she just gets so overwhelmed;; shes a crybaby, yeah.
-regarding sex, she doesnt mind it a bit rough at all though, a bit of pain is bit of a relief to her too and shes used to it anyway;; mccree is pretty much allowed to do almost anything he wants to her as long as shes rewarded with praises and tender snugglings~
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scullyeffect · 5 years
pitch perfect is way too much for me. i’m there dying bc of beca and jesse Not Flirting while putting away records, then she and chloe are naked in the shower together and i’m like yeehaw, then the girls are all singing and the boys are singing and god...the energy just REVOLVING through those Filmés is overwhelming i move around in a daze after watching them. all i’ve done is type this up and i already need to close my eyes for a minute and just breathe
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
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Pandora's box. You are kidding me right? I'm done. bye.
Actually jk jk. I'm not done. Clearly this was an inside job. Two people pooled their money together and clearly got it. The real question is... will this get back to me or not. I'm so discouraged right now. I feel like for some reason people don't trust me? I'm going for HOH right now but I ALSO don't want to hear what other people think I should do with it if I get it.BUT also I should worry about that if/when it happens. WE ARE MANIFESTING THIS WIN LADIES! This are still too shaky in this house. I need more answers. I need more people. I just need a pint and a side hoe and I'm good. Everyone seems to be pairing up and I feel like I have no one to turn to right now. We got: Kristine and Chris Brien and Madison Eve and Mackenzie APPARENTLY: Dem and Andrew Austin and Silence Gwen and herself.. Kori and his "I'm in the army" references Me and my paranoia. THAT'S A LOT OF DUO'S in this game. ugh. I JUST NEED A PERSON someone I can trust. Someone who I know is going to ride with me for a while and I just don't see that happening. Which means crackhead Jess will come out eventually. So yeehaw. Also Eve wanting to take out people I'm close with like Will and Brien... no. NO. NOPE. Not happening. 
I think i am safe this week right now i am just trying to maintain my relationships in the house its still a little bit hard to see whos in power but i am told i am safe this week i hope i can win either week 5 or week 6 hoh because thats when those hoh effects the game.
IMMA TELL U WHATS UP!!! My life is a mess. I bought a property and Emma has the other one. We just need to find out who has the last one. And I swear to lord Jesus if it’s Gwen I’m going to be PISSEDDDD. That girl has got to goooo. I’m really nervous about Andrew being HOH because I know Chris is in danger and he’s literally my #1 person in this game. Me him and Emma need to make it through this round. I hate that Chris made an alliance that included Gwen and Brian. Since Brian knows our secret and Gwen is a great social player and honestly a comp threat that no one is taking notice of. It IS only round 4 which is fine but still... I don’t want to compete against someone like Gwen. Because I’ve trusted that person before and got super screwed. Thankfully, Chris agrees with me. Anyways. Please send me more money :))) my Venmo is https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2882981236572160313 PLEASE SEND MONEY
Who gave out free samples of crack to the house? Last night I had a weird call with Eve. Essentially it seems like she wants Mackenzie to be given a power of the next property we buy so she can control the power via Mackenzie. I feel so bad for Mackenzie because when I've spoken to her she seems kind of discouraged about the way Eve talks to her sometimes. Which I totally get because I'm sometimes kind of shook by it all.  I reassured Mackenzie not to take it personally I just think Eve gets a tad bit overexcited with everything and kind of just shoots her shot. BUT. If these bitches think I'm their bitch they are GREATLY mistaken. In what world does me not getting the power this time when I literally gave up a property and money for Eve to get a power last time, work? If I was them I'd be throwing the power at my someone who isn't in the duo to make me feel safe and secure. I'm not giving up money and another power again, it ain't happening again. Kristine is all in my pm's now trying to figure out what is going now when it soooo transparent she doesn't trust me. Either Emma told her what I said about her and I not talking or homegirl really thinks that I haven't been hearing that she was leaking I was in a trio with Tawni and Gwen last round? Andrew being in power is good for me. He said he won't be putting me up, Eve wastes her power (although I kind of wanted it for us Chris going opens up the game a little more and takes a number away from the other "side" I see forming), and I think Andrew doing this will put some doubt into people's heads. This is all good for my game because it pushes another couple targets in front of me. My only concern right now is that Eve is going to expose that I traded her for that property.
Alright checklist for the past 24 hours... Got both utilities to make the Monopoly... Check. Received the option to Open Pandora's Box as a result, and Opened it... Check. Is likely to get fucked over as a result of whatever twist comes of it... Check. Lost HoH and wasn't even close with Andrew winning it... Check. Was told that I was supposedly safe this week by the HoH... Check. Watched the Light Blue Properties get snagged with not much way to speculate who has them... Check. Missed out on $80 in Live Comps because I stayed after a bit at work and was driving... Fucking Check. I think that's everything, guess now I'm just gonna twiddle my thumbs a bit and hope Andrew isn't gonna nominate or backdoor me.
Su Andrew is HoH this week and he has nominated Madison and Silence for eviction but....I heard that he wants to backdoor Chris. I’m 100% ok with Chris going home because he always wants information from me but he never wants to give me any info in return. I was also picked for veto and I do not want to win because my Power Trap alliance wants the veto not to be used while my Mandela Monocles alliance wants it used on Silence so either way it goes if I won I would be screwed. Basically I threw the veto competition.
HAHAHAHAH , if this isn’t a backdoor, I’m stupid. I know this is the case. For all that don’t know, me and Andrew are rivals because I targeted him in the last HoH competition and had people go after him. This caused him to be very butt hurt and a little bitch. Like bro , it’s a HoH completion where your dominating.. of course I’m going to go after you. I don’t care you called me safe, you are a threat since day one. Now I have Dem coming to me telling me all this information like bro.. what is you doing 😂. Thanks for feeding me information, you are not even in my final 5 but thanks for helping me ! This house is great and I know this backdoor won’t go through unless I’m over my head. Andrew , next time you have a chance, you should of gone for the head. 
episode 4 So my plan for this week as of right now I’m gonna nominate madison and silence because they didn’t message me saying anything If chris gets picked for veto eve is going to use her veto redraw Hopefully veto is used by the winner I backdoor Chris Baby goes bye bye But also this pandora’s box is more than likely to fuck with me this week :/ My prediction is vote flip but i’m just going to carry on as normal cause i can’t ruin my game due to paranoia also my top 2 allegiances rn are Eve and Jess Lowkey scary that im not in any set alliances yet cuz i know there do be some probably But its okay bc it might work to my advantage later on when im the free agent that these whores need ALSO MARk my words here. If William nominates me when he gets hoh hes a fucking FRAUD he made a deal w me safety for safety and its a good thing cause i was going to nominate his ass instead of silence So far everything is going according to plan and Chris will be out of the house by the end of this week, Obviously if me silence or madison win there will be veto use William said he would use veto aswell Only thing: i’m rly bad at puzzles I lowkey hate that I talk so much in the house chat but I cant help it............I dont want peeps to think im annoying...Sorry I just wnt to contribute to everything its like a disease There is no better feeling than having Chris shake in his boots :heart: You rly fucked with the wrong twink babe He thinks he has the votes to stay. I just have to laugh Especially since he tried to discredit me telling him I was a threat to his game with the simple words of "Bet" Bitch Ill show u bet rq. This is gonna be a split vote i cant wait for this to potentially blow up in my face I am deadass providing a list for SIlence on people he needs to campaign to Like this bitch is not leaving the house My loyalties 
I really want Chris to stay. We’ve become really close in this game. People don’t know how close we actually are. If they did, my alliance would probably just want him out. The vote will be split, and sides will be chosen. Eve is trying to threaten everyone into voting Chris out. She is saying it’s a unanimous vote. Please. It’s clearly split. She needs to goooooo. Please please Chris stay!!
What a fucking mess this vote is. This is what happens when cocky people get cocky and assume they have people on lock. I adore Eve and Andrew but... they should have thought this out a little better. I just.. I'm just.. I'm fucking livid. I don't get where Miss Thing Evelyn gets off saying stuff like "That’s my plea, stick your neck out and you will be rewarded". What are you going to reward me with? You warming the seat on the block for me after I'm gone because I sided with you? Thanks but if I wanted a seat warmer I'd go to Target not Walmart. But in all honesty, it's not like I don't want to do this move. I 10000% was into the idea but that's because I was sold the dream of it. I thought Andrew had more pull than he actually does. I knew Eve didn't have as much pull as she thought but Andrew I was wrong about. I was in a decent spot. I think? Kind of cruising the middle and now that spot is being blown up because it is CLEAR Andrew/Eve don't want to be the only ones to take the fall for this move. BUT.. I don't trust Dem to 1000% not get paranoid and flip and I don't want to be sitting on the sinking ship fucking alone. Dem is apparently going to just vote Chris so I guess I'm going to vote for Chris and hope for the best at this point. 
This week has been CRAZY! Basically Andrew won HoH and he wants Chris gone but he wants to backdoor him so he puts up Madison and Silence. Madison ends up winning the veto and Andrew replaces her spot with Chris. My dilemma is that I am in an alliance with Chris and Silence. I think Chris needs to go first because he is very sketchy. Also Silence can go next week easily. On top of all of this, I have been put in 2 alliances that I didn’t even know were forming. Each alliance wants somebody different to go home but I’m hoping that we have enough votes to evict Chris. 
Also Brien is a shady ass hoe and I will be exposing his relationship if he fucks me with this vote. Plus, I knew his ass bought a property and traded it Emma with Kristine and didn't tell me. He's keeping secrets from me and I'm not playing this game like season 1 Sansa I'm playing this game like last season Cersei. No fucks given. I'll probably die soon. His ass is playing the middle and if I win he is going UP. Sorry but this isn't the Bachelor it is BIG BROTHER.
I'm so excited cause it looks like this is the vote that will get the game going! I love everyone and want to stay together but like I'm so ready to draw this line in the sand and cause some chaos going!
I dont know what Eve's deal is with this threatening game tactic, telling people "The vote will be 12-0" or "Is you dont vote with me it will be a mistake" but I cant wait to see her face come eviction night 😈
Absolutely no way in hell i'm letting Chris get evicted. I refuse to let my #1 ally go home because of Andrew's ego being bruised. I'm hoping that my deal with Emma and Brien goes through and that she is able to use the power to basically threaten everyone into voting the way that they said they were going to vote. Again, I REFUSE to let Chris go home this week. Not that I have anything against Silence because he's just like... there but I'm more worried about who is staying versus who needs to go. Anyways, Emma better not be lying about using this power now... or else I will come for her. Chris is like my little brother who is older then me and I will protect him at all costs that I can!
i am NOT looking forward to this vote??? i still don’t know what im doing but i think this is going to be a shitshow
So Kristine has dropped a shit load of Tea on me, which has led me to question everything. APPARENTLY there's a Gwen-Chris-Kristine-Brien Alliance. Additionally there was a Chris-Austin-Dem-Kristine alliance. (Though that 2nd one is kaputz with Austin wanting Chris out and Dem being upset with Austin.) Emma got that Vote Reveal which presumably, Myself and Jess know, and I can only imagine Kristine and Brien probably know given they were the other Light Blue property holders that both agreed to give the properties to Emma. So at the very least that's not a power I have to outright fear because I know who has it, I know what the Utilities did. (Sortof, still waiting on that Pandora's Box) The Browns are presumably gone assuming that Veto Shuffle was a one time thing. (That power honestly makes sense since Early on it's Useful but later in the game it'd be worthless.) Unfortunately either Eve or me is being hustled and given that Eve has a biased opinion others know about in relation to this vote, I'm liable to believe more people would lie to Eve about voting Chris than me just because I'm not a biased person right now. If it weren't for the heart to heart me and Chris had as well as really hashing it out with Gwen I don't think I'd be keeping Chris, however based on what I know about the Chris-Dem-Kristine relationship (Thanks Kristine) I doubt Dem was actually with Eve for the vote anyway, which means for Chris to go I'd have had to convince either Gwen or Emma to vote him out which we all know is against their best interests. My best bet right now is to try and recover from any blunders from this round with as much social capital I can walk away with and hope whatever happens with Pandora's Box doesn't just completely screw me over. I'm just ready for this headache of a week to be over, but given it's a live comp next, I'm expecting this next round to be just as trash.
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