tharkflark1 · 7 months
Sora is screaming.
He's never been in this much pain before.
He's died before, it hurt but it's nothing in comparison to this.
Something is being ripped, torn, cut out of him. He can't fight it.
He's helpless.
Tears leak down the sides of his face as he writhes in agony.
Someone is talking.
He can't hear over the sound of his screams. The sound of his heartbeat in his ears.
There is nothing.
He is nothing.
An empty shell.
A shadow stands over him, Hand reaching for his face. Gripping his chin tightly. Raising him off the floor to force him to meet their face.
The hooded figure is talking. There's a buzzing noise in his ears.
The hooded figure is gone, animalistic shrieking fills his ears and he finds himself face down.
Something crouches over him.
There is a hissing noise followed by clicking.
Everything aches. It burns.
He's empty, too hollow to be human anymore.
Something warm, soft presses against his side.
It soothes away the torn edges of his being.
He can rest.
@mylifeisalieandididntknow holy shit!!! It’s short but wonderful! I love the visuals!!!!!
@kingarmorking come look!!!
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
I just found your Batfam au and died. Your aus are so cool+!! I love this one so much because the parallels!!!!! And the diatrust!!! And Tim!!!!!!! Also the line of being a black haired blue eyed youth with troubled past damn, half those adoption papers were filled out for sure!!!!!
Would Danny meet any of the Batgirls?
He’ll definitely meet Barbara, though maybe not right away. Bruce is trying not to involve him in the super secret stuff, just make sure he’s safe.
The Batman I’m most familiar with is the 90′s animated, so characters that didn’t appear in it, I’m less likely to include just because I don’t know them as well.
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Honestly, the CB au has me cracking up but also its just so wholesome. I utterly adore it. Any chance you can drop more wholeseome CB family moments?
I’d be delighted!
Nail painting becomes A Thing with the three idiots.  And hilariously enough Shoto is the master.  Because Dabi’s entire aesthetic and personality is just Messy(TM) and Izuku’s hands are never steady enough outside of high pressure situations to not end up with polish all over the place.  Meanwhile Shoto’s free handing designs and tips with the solid assurance of a boy whose entire make up is one half Dril tweet and one half “all my life I wanna smoke”.
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goodlucktai · 4 years
Have you done 4, 49, or 52 yet? If you did sorry. Oh... And will you post these on ao3?
49. “I have a concern.” “Just one?” “No, but I didn’t think you’d let me speak my piece if I told you how many I actually have.”
all of these prompt fills will make their way to my oneshot collection eventually :)
Shibata just happens to be there. 
Nishimura wanted snacks, and volunteered Natsume to go to the convenience store with him, and Shibata invited himself along. He’s only here for the weekend, after all, and Nishimura gets to have Natsume’s attention all the rest of the time. 
Natsume sighed, because he knew they’d bicker all the way to the store and back, but he still held the door and waved them through, arguments and all.
Now they’re walking back to Natsume’s house, the plastic bags between them bulging with sandwiches, and pancakes, and rice balls for poor, boring Tanuma. Natsume isn’t carrying a bag because he’s carrying that lazy sensei of his instead. 
Their breaths cloud in the crisp January air. The pink and orange of sunset has faded from the far corner of the sky, leaving it a deep, vivid blue. 
And it’s there, as they step off the sidewalk and head through the grass, cutting a familiar path through a familiar field of weeds and wheat, that Natsume seems to stumble upon courage.
“Hey, Satchan,” he says, “can I tell you something?”
It’s so casual, almost off-handed. Shibata almost misses it entirely. He’s trying to make sure his new shoes don’t get too muddy, distracted and looking at his feet while they trudge along. 
Nyanko-sensei’s eyes are very green in the fading light, glinting with animal brightness. Nishimura tips his head, silly and flighty at all other times, but super attentive when a friend calls his name. Particularly so when it’s Natsume.
Shibata can’t even make fun of the cutesy nickname, because Nishimura is impossible to embarrass. And Shibata has slipped up and used it before, too. 
“You can tell me anything,” Nishimura says plainly. If anything, he’s confused that Natsume thinks he needs to ask. 
And it’s this moment. Here, in the sprawling, rambling countryside. Here, in the blue hour, when the sun has gone down but the sky is still rich with color. Here, where home is just down the road and their friends are waiting.
Natsume says, “I can see spirits. I’ve always been able to see them.”
Shibata nearly trips, and it takes some real expert maneuvering to save his bag of convenience store food from an unfortunate meeting with the dirt. Nishimura stops walking abruptly enough that it’s almost a trip, too. His eyes are round and full. 
“I’ve never told anyone before,” Natsume goes on, sounding amazed by his own daring. “Well-- not really. Not since I was in grade school. No one believed me back then.” 
He’s always so pacific and detached, even when he’s in pain or afraid, that the edge of nervousness creeping into his tone now almost seems out of place.
For his part, Shibata is gaping. He can’t believe this. He wasn’t prepared. His eyes dart from Natsume’s anxious expression to Nishimura’s stunned one, and he starts shoring himself up. If he has to intervene, he will. He’s seen more proof than any reasonable person needs, and he’ll shove Nishimura’s face in it like a disobedient dog if that’s what it takes to make him understand. 
But it’s only a moment-- only seconds really-- before Nishimura’s face clears. He shuffles his bags to his left hand so his right one is free, and he touches Natsume’s arm the way Shibata has seen him do a thousand times. 
“That makes sense,” he says, nonsensically. “More sense than my esper theory, anyway.”
Natsume’s expression would put the sun to absolute shame. His smile is slow at first, but inexorable, like a stream of water picking its way around the bend that meets the river. He must be the brightest thing for miles. 
“You thought I was an esper?” he teases, laughter in his voice. “You watch too much TV.”
Nishimura throws up his hands, the contents of his shopping bag rattling ominously. “I saw you float in homeroom once! Like, a foot off the ground! ESP is way more plausible than you’re making it out to be, thank you very much.”
Shibata stares at them, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for this scene to shift. It can’t be that easy. It can’t be that painless. Nishimura must be lying to save face, or hiding what is most certainly a freak-out of epic proportions, because belief like this is impossible.  
Except now Natsume is introducing Nyanko-sensei properly, and Nishimura is talking to the cat-- surprise and wonder melting into acceptance as easily and naturally as a spring thaw. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing every time you stole my food!” Nishimura complains, tugging on one of Nyanko-sensei’s soft ears. “Natsume, your cat owes me money.”
Natsume laughs. He laughs, head tipping back, healthy color rising in his wind-chapped cheeks. In this moment, he’s so far removed from that tiny, overshadowed boy that Shibata used to bully on the playground that he might as well be another person entirely. 
Could it have been like this back then? Shibata wonders suddenly. The thought is intrusive and unwelcome. 
If he had been a kinder child, if he had suspended his disbelief for long enough to get to know the strange little boy no one wanted to sit next to in class, would Natsume belong to him the way he belongs to Nishimura and Kitamoto, Taki and Tanuma, Shigeru and Touko?
"Shibata,” Natsume says, in the tone of someone who’s said it more than once. “Hey, are you okay?”
Shibata blinks, arresting his attention. Natsume is watching him with a puzzled frown. Nishimura is waving his arms around and inching forward, as if he’s playing a strange, abridged version of Marco-Polo.
“Fine,” he blurts. “What’s your idiot friend doing?”
“He’s yours, too,” Natsume says peacefully. “And he’s looking for Nyanko-sensei.” 
“What, he poofed?” Shibata looks around the empty field, too. “How did I miss that?” 
“Who’s the idiot now, Sumi?” Nishimura calls over his shoulder. 
The annoying nickname slides right off Shibata like water off an oilskin coat this time. He’s still trying to catch up to this conversation. He almost feels winded, like he’s huffing and puffing across the finish line of a marathon that no one had the decency to warn him about. 
“I can’t believe you just blurted it out like that,” he says, barely mustering the strength to talk above a whisper. “You took ten years ojf my life, easy. I was hyping myself up for a big fallout or something.”
"I can’t believe it, either,” Natsume admits, smiling. “But it wasn’t even that scary, really. Definitely not as scary as I always thought it would be. Maybe because you were here.”
Shibata very quickly looks down at his hands to readjust his shopping bags and not because his eyes are stinging in a telling way.
Nishimura gives a sudden squawk of surprise, hands spread out against the empty air, eyes huge and moon-like. Then his face splits in a grin, and laughter comes bubbling out of him as easily as it always has, and he smooths one hand to the side as if he’s petting something. As if he’s petting Natsume’s ugly cat where it’s fallen asleep in his lap.
His trust is a wild, reckless thing. It’s almost infuriating to watch. 
Could it have been like this back then? If I was a better person?
“You said he can fly, right?” Nishimura demands. “I wanna fly! Tell him to take us the rest of the way home! He owes me at least a dozen rides, considering all the food I’ve given him.”
He’s already searching for handholds, trying to find a way up. Natsume stoops to gather the forgotten bags of snacks and loops the handles around his wrist before making his way over. To Shibata’s intense dismay, rather than tell Nishimura that it’s a stupid idea and he’s stupid for thinking of it, Natsume helps him climb up instead. 
“I have a concern,” Shibata says dryly. 
Natsume huffs. It’s not really a laugh, but it’s not not a laugh, either. “Just one?” 
“No, but I didn’t think you’d let me speak my piece if I told you how many I actually have.”
“You can walk if you want to,” Nishimura calls down. “No one’s making you come along.”
It’s very surreal to see him sitting on nothing, well above Shibata’s head. It’s still very annoying to watch him take to this strange new world with enthusiasm and aplomb, as if he was simply born to exist in this moment and be Natsume’s friend. 
Never one to be outdone, Shibata ignores his own uncertainty to drawl, “And miss the chance to watch you make a fool out of yourself in new and unprecedented ways? Never.”
Nishimura crows with laughter, too delighted to take offense. Natsume sighs just like he did before they left, when he resigned himself to their noisy, obtrusive company. He holds out his hand the same way he held open the door. 
He’s always standing on that threshold. He’s always holding out his hand. 
Shibata has already missed so many chances to reach out and take it. He’s not going to miss any more. 
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princesssarcastia · 4 years
Why do you like [Still, a great deal of light falls on everything.]? Love this one too.
it’s a line from a letter vincent van gogh wrote to his brother, theo, in 1882, and the kind of love that pours out of his writing there—for his brother, who he’s writing to; and his craft, which he’s writing about; and other people’s paintings, and the beautiful landscape he’s surrounded by—it just really gets to me!
what’s that line from the doctor who episode? “to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy of life.” 
that specific line is from a paragraph he spends describing the landscape around the Rhine railway station; in response, you can sort of assume, to some description Theo sent him in his last letter.  (the implication that they trade these sorts of things back and forth warms my heart).
and when I said that van gogh’s words are beautiful i MEANT it because he’s describing this ordinary landscape and reading it feels like studying one of his paintings.  a fuller context of the quote is: “Above it, a somewhat yellowish yet grey sky, very chilly and wintry, hanging low; there are occasional bursts of rain, and many hungry crows are flying around. Still, a great deal of light falls on everything; It shows even more when a few little figures in blue or white smocks move over the ground, so that shoulders and heads catch the light.“
not to be all high school english class about it, but the idea that a cold, dark, and rainy day can be punctuated by light, and that the light most visible on the people moving within it, is....breathtaking.  that’s a breathtaking idea, and one that we need to be reminded of sometimes.
go read the whole letter, if you can; it’s worth it.
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thenarator · 3 years
yay i get to share a whole paragraph! well, most of a paragraph.
If Bakugou enjoys the additional attention he doesn’t show it, and in fact snaps at Midoriya for looking at him too long. Dark Shadow, however, finds himself invigorated by being watched. Every time he feels Midoriya’s eyes on him he wants to do more, be stronger, have better technique than the others. Fumikage notices and sends questioning thoughts through their bond, but Dark Shadow can’t really explain it.
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Hey, i was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I scrolled for hours trying to find it but can't. I'm pretty sure it came from this blog. It's about Izuku not going to take Nighteye's bullying and big brother Mirio and it mentions that Izuku just escaped from Bakugo's abuse and he wasn't going to fall into another relationship just like that.
If i was mistaken, sorry.
It sounds kinda like Shattering Images by Blackwolfhunting.
If that’s not it, some of the other followers might be able to help!
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flameo-hotman · 4 years
Don't know if i made it, but zuko smiling with a turtle duck.
Tumblr media
Zuko smiling with a napping turtleduck. The council ended up having to have the meeting outside because Zuko couldn't bear to wake Fire Flake up from her nap.
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mochidoodle · 4 years
I just squealed over ebrything jjba related on your blog. Like... i have ascended
AHH THANK YOU I’m glad 😭
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holyangemon · 4 years
12. Or 1 if you haven't answered that already.
1. What crest do you think that suits you better?
Honestly none of them. The closest would be reliability but that crest only kind of exists. It depends on the language you’re watching in. I don’t think any of them really suit me though. I’m too boring for all that. 
12. Most painful death of all seasons?
This isn’t even a competition anymore after Yuujin. Before I probably would have said Angemon, since it’s the one that’s made me tear up, though Leomon in Tamers is more upsetting since it’s permadeath. It’d be pretty close between those two.
But then Yuujin comes along and is like ‘hey I’m gonna make you sob’. It was very rude and I didn’t appreciate it. Just making the gif set for that scene almost made me cry. I don’t think Digimon will ever top that death. Or, I hope not. Don’t think I could handle more painful then that.
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discordiansamba · 4 years
mylifeisalieandididntknow replied to your post “Can you tell us some more about Time Travel Toph—- or just rec some...”
Wha... Where's the fic? Is this just.... just planning?!?!? Cause damn this is qmazingQqqqqqqq
this is all just planning right now! Ideally I’d like to wrap up a few other of my currently in progress fics before I tackle this idea, but it’s definitely on the top of the list of things to be written
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queenangst · 4 years
mylifeisalieandididntknow replied to your post: fun BNHA fic concept; this is my house on fire au...
This is hilarious and has so much chaos radiating from it
i know i love it so much
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
In the conspiracy bros au, who is the most feral? And in the scale of feral, who can calm them?
I feel like, contrary to popular opinion, Shouto is actually technically the most feral. Because Izuku is absolutely a feral gremlin but he’s got the intellect and analysis skills to balance things out a bit.  Meanwhile Shouto is just like “I choose violence and Izuku” every single moment of his life.  He is a mix between the “all my life I wanna smoke” meme and a Dril tweet.
But to balance that all out they can all calm each other down but Izuku is obviously the best to calm down Shouto.
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
all the hearts to you 💛💚💙💜❤💞🤍
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Tagged by @digidestinedninjaofsunshine
Rules: “Reblog with the meaning/origin of your url, your favourite color, and tag at least 5 people who put something on your dash that made you smile.”
Origin of my url- well.... that's actually kinda embarrassing. But like... i mean i should have known but i was a fool!!!! My old blog name was akidflashfan because i love kid flash... but like... apparently some people thought it meant... kids flashing... fan... and like... i was so caught up in thw euphoria of kid flash that i forgot that those words... also had negative connotations...
Ergo my life is a lie and i didnt know=mylifeisalieandididntknow.
Favorite color- its a tie between blue and purple of all shades though mostly the darker shades.
@achairwithapandaonit , @l0uk45 , @chemicalmagecraft , @patamonn , @
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thenarator · 3 years
ok so i’m going to do a new thing and take sentences not from prose i’ve written, but from my outline for my next big fic project. that’s what i’ve spent most of the last two weeks working on, so honestly it’s more in spirit of the challenge. that being said, previously when i got multiple flowers, i decided to do several consecutive sentences. unfortunately, that’s like half a chapter of my outline, so to avoid major spoilers, here are six truly random sentences from my outline for “prince of heroes,” my next quirkless izuku project.
Izuku arrives home to unexpectedly find his deadbeat father in the kitchen, and when Izuku starts to attack him he swells into All Might in apparent excitement.
At some point Hitoshi asks Izuku to help him prepare for the exam as well, and Izuku comes up with a plan for him to pass the exam while showing off his quirk.
Aizawa visits Aldera Junior High, where a school official tries to persuade him that he has Bakugou and Izuku mixed up.
He communicates with Neito via JSL, which he knows from Hitoshi that Neito knows, so All Might will not hear over the radio.
As they herd the press off campus, Aizawa and Mic discuss their students, and Aizawa confesses that he thinks he mishandled Izuku, and wants to mentor him as well as Hitoshi, who he had previously wanted for a student.
Bakugou tries to attack Izuku at the last second, but Tsu knocks him through the portal, which closes after him.
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