#mysoginistic ass
watchyourbuck · 11 months
I’m watching 4x15 of lone star (“Donors”) and the way this fucking detective is speaking to Grace has me seeing red fr
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mazojo · 1 year
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Christine and I on the way to beat the shit out of a 40 year old man
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matt-murdick · 1 year
people who moan about Hayley not being a part of the Mikaelson family because she’s “just the baby mamma” drive me crazy. I’m sorry but I thought we were past reducing women to their reproductive organs?? even if we ignore the entire main plot line about family and Hayley’s plot line about finding the family she wanted in multiple different ways that she had never expected, they literally accept her into the family?? and yeah ALL OF THE MIKAELSONS ARE PART OF THE FAMILY BUT ARE ALSO STANDING ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN AT THE REST OF THEM. THEY ALL FEEL LIKE THAT. THEY ARE ALL MIKAELSONS. YES. EVEN HAYLEY. EVEN MARCEL.
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Alright, what romantic comedy movie would you leave exactly the same but change the main male interest for a woman?
Which movie drives you feral because the woman ends up with a guy that doesn’t deserve her?
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just-miru · 1 year
really sucks the english language will never capture the true poetic beauty of
"Băi băiatule, stai cuminte!"
"Băi fosilă, stai potol!"
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grlpartdoll · 3 days
I'm afraid I'm still very much thinking about this Freak weirdo mysoginistic Simon ;(
You're sitting on the couch as far away from Simon as you can get, practically falling off of the edge. You don't entirely trust him when your husband isn't around.
And having Gaz with him, you know that Kyle is soft hearted, and that he would never hurt you, but he's also.. a man. And there's nothing he can do about the fact that Simon putting you in your place does turn him on.
"c'mon, kid. Com'he'a." Simon grunts,,, patting his lap, the obvious chubbed up cock in his pants on full display as he man spreads the fuck out of himself, patting his lap with one hand, while the other just.. casually holds his fleshy member, idly rubbing up and down on it as he watches you.
Gaz, who sits beside Ghost, only looks at you through half-lidded eyes, trying to decide if he'll tell his boss about this, you suppose.
You shake your head at him, at the both of them, hands sweaty on your lap, over your naked thighs. You're not sure why Price decided to dress you in this little white number if he knew you would be left alone with his creepy, low-key insane lieutenant.
The white dress is about 3 sizes too small, hides about... None of your fleshy bottom, and the curves underneath the little dress. Your fertile hips, your peaking breasts. He'd also refused categorically to let you wear underwear. Which was usually the norm for when it was just you and price, but around guests...
You supposed Simon wasn't really a guest all that much anymore. He was over here more often than not, when off deployment, and even during deployment, he would blow up your phone with videos and pics of his hard, almost obscenely huge member, some in which he moaned about taking you, over and over and over and keeping you on him like a little cock pocket, good for nothing else but keeping him hard and warm and storing the seed that spills from those massive freaking breeder balls ;(
"m' Kay over here." You mumble, half watching as Gaz raises a cup of amber liquid to his mouth and drinks a small sip, clearly interested.
"that ain't your place to say, innit, dollie?"
You try to ignore the swoop in your tummy, the tightening of your core at that.
"m'the man here. Y'listen to me, brat."
You sigh, knowing that even if you don't end up going, you'll be placed on his lap by force anyway. So, with shaky legs, you tiptoe to him carefully, trying to tug down the dress.
Paying no mind to your embarrassment, he just grabs you and forces you, pressing your aching core onto his member, manhandling you into a straddling position.
As he watches you with that bored look on his face, Simon just prods and gropes at you. Gropes your plump breasts, your hips, your thighs. Leaves marks of his finger nails.
"y'see, Kid?" He says, to Gaz, now. "I told ya she's all soft and prime for breedin'"
"yeah, lieutenant.." Gaz says, voice gravelly. "I see.."
"Dunno why Price hasn't fuck'd his cum into her yet." He cocks a brow at you, something evil sparking in those eyes. "He's not bein' a bad husband, is he?"
A cruel laugh breaks from Simon when you don't reply, refusing to with your doe eyes closed shut tightly. He grabs your jaw and shakes your head around, making a loud whine catch in your throat. "Too dumb t'even know wot' m'saying rite now." He laughs cruelly, fixing your hair with a little condescending coo.
"yeah, who's a good girl? You? Yeah?"
You pout, pounding on his chest weakly, unable to find the adequate words to defend yourself. At this point, nothing could change his mind anyway.
Simon sighs, rolling his eyes as he tosses you to the side, onto the couch, face down ass up, and you scramble up, trying to get away, but Simon grabs you by the hips and drags you back, spanking you on your uncovered bottom.
"go fetch me a drink, woman," he says, finally.
You stumble a little, but you're a good housewife — so you clench your teeth and go to refill his empty cup. When you come back, Gaz is extending his crystal cup too, raising a brow in challenge.
"don't forget mine, poppet."
Simon pats him on the shoulder as some kind of sick, depraved praise.
So you pad back into the kitchen and come back moments later with his cup, and place it down on the coffee table, ignoring the look he gives you as you do.
"c'm'here," Simon grumbles, catching your wrist. He pulls you in, and kisses you. It's not soft, more like an animal licking into your mouth and marking his territory, and then pulls back. "Y'reward for being an exemplary little wife." He says, smiles at you, and hushers you off, asking you to sit at his feet until he's done nursing on his drink :(
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seriemorder · 10 months
romaticise your life the way influencers do when they travel to italy and go omg theyre so stylish they all dress so well and its just some dudes in a regular ass suit who just got off work on an early summer day who you can see have lost all joy to live and are just waiting for traffic to end their life. ive taken a bus with them. thats giovanni muchacha from accounting and thats mario rossi the lawyer. theyre being mysoginistic AND racist right now. "quando c'era il duce" is just an old expression about lost time and missed opportunities, yeah. their suit is a polyester blend.
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Proof that Tartaros is Romanian inspired (crack theory)
Some of you might say that Tartaros is based on a missmash of Asian countries and those people are WRONG. Clearly, Tartaros is 100% Romanian and here's why.
1. Bimet is wearing an honest to God mărțisor
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Yeah, it's yellow and white instead of white and red but they both look the same. He is wearing a mărțisor for good fortune like a good romanian would. Bimet = romanian confirmed!
2. Romania is very developed
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Romania has the fastest internet connection in Europe. This is similar to what we know about Tartaros' flurishing tech industries.
3. Mammon and Valefor have bombardier haircuts
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Here is an example of the avarage Romanian man (you can understand now why I've never seen a penis before when this is all the country has to offer.)
Valefor is very bombardier coded with him being obsessed with the gym and having an ugly ass haircut. The only difference is that he's not a mysoginistic asshole.
Conclusion: Tartaros is ROMANIA confirmed!!1!1!1!!
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thosewildcharms · 5 months
Your rhetorical questions have lit up my brain lol like what if Rick had met Michonne and Andre first instead of Morgan and Duane? 🤯 But anyway on a separate note, it’s so wild to see Rick and Shane’s first scene and Rick laughing along to Shane’s mysoginistic weird ass rant in light of who he is now. He really was just some emotionally repressed small town guy, And while Lori telling Rick “I wonder if you even care about us” in front of Carl was horrible, I wonder what Rick could’ve done or not done that would make her feel that way? And Shane said women’s problem is they don’t know how to turn off a light switch, to which Rick says part of the problem is he’s the one who’s leaving light switches on; I hate to be missing something that’s probably obvious but what did he mean with that?
oh that's a great idea for an AU anon. your mind!
this got long because who am i, so under a read more it goes.
maybe i got my rickgirl blinders on and am giving him too much credit but i thought rick was laughing at least somewhat incredulously at shane's speech (he was at the very least shaking his head a lot until the very end) but yes present-day rick would probably not have entertained that quite so much lol. but to kind of go along with that, my interpretation of light switch thing was rick kind of dismissing shane's, as you pointed out, misogynistic joke by saying he's the one with the issue turning off lights, and also to shift the conversation into the Actual Problems he and lori are having. also in retrospect it kinda feels like the show was lowkey already telling us lori and shane were more suited for each other than lori and rick but i could be reading into that. but listen metaphors have a habit of flying right over my (probably) autistic little head so i could also be missing some hidden meaning there.
as for the fight with lori, there's a flashback (i think in season 2?) where lori is talking to a friend about that same fight and she admits that she was the one who was being the asshole and how she got even more pissed off over how even-tempered and reasonable he was in response. from rick's perspective, he said he would try to talk about his feelings only for it to seem like lori didn't actually want to hear them after all. honestly i think they were just fundamentally incompatible, as we saw over and over in seasons 1 and 2. it wasn't anyone's fault, and their fights probably escalated because they didn't even know how to argue the way the other person wanted them to.
and not to constantly compare rick/lori to richonne, but rick similarly almost never yells or gets mean the few times we see him and michonne argue. the couple of times he did in towl were such an anomaly it set off alarm bells for michonne that something was really wrong with him (and also the situation was just objectively insane). but michonne and rick know how to disagree without getting ugly, and she certainly never has to try to provoke him into communicating because they have a fundamental understanding of each other that rick and lori never had. for sure rick learned from his mistakes with lori but i don't think the rick who was with lori was an entirely different person who said horrible things to his wife. he couldn't express himself the way we see he can with michonne because he just didn't have that type of connection with lori. and to be fair, lori didn't feel that with rick either, and again, that's okay. they probably should have just called it quits well before rick got shot. @cantstayawaycani and @jonesywrites go into this far more eloquently than I did here in their very excellent towl season 1 reaction video that you should definitely watch, because it's wonderful from start to finish.
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ilminnestrone · 3 months
This was originally meant as a reply to @rottenpumpkin13, but I didn't want to drown her in an endless rant, so I'll continue here.
A lot of fanwork that depicts homosexuality has its roots in mysogyny. I said what I said. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it myself, I wasn't brought up in a magical bubble and everyone is entitled to their kinks, including me. I'm an AFAB masochist sub with a humiliation kink, so believe me when I say it's perfectly fine to enjoy things that could be considered mysoginistic in the safety of our bedrooms.
Let's start with the obvious here: the seme/uke stereotype has obvious homophobic roots, especially when it is culturally appropriated and taken out of its original context (a context in which it is mainly aimed at young women who want to identify with the uke character). The sterotype being:
the top is always the dominant one, he's tough and strong, sometimes even sadistic and brutal and quite abusive;
the bottom is always submissive and breedable, feminine, frail and small, and he looks like he's not really enjoying himself.
Let me stress the homophobia in case it's not clear: you have to be feminine to enjoy dick. And let me stress the mysogyny: you have to be frail and not really into sex to be feminine.
So here we are: bottom-shaming (yes, it's a real thing!) was a thing even in ancient Greece and Rome. "To be fucked in the ass" still means "to have it bad" in Italian. The point is that being penetrated is humiliating because it's something women do, and being a woman is inherently bad. And if it's humiliating it must be painful too. Both the giver and the receiver orgasms are always depicted as some sort of debasing punishment.
There is no such thing as top and bottom stereotypes we portray in our fanwork in real homosexual relationships. Bulky hairy men can be submissive bottoms. Small twinks can be relentless tops. Most gay people switch. The younger partner can top the older. People with the same body type have sex (and it's actually easier that way, this comes from someone who's 5' and can't do certain things because of size difference!).
You know how much I love @birdblacksocialclub. One of the reasons being the fact she depicts achillean men in a realistic way: her Genesis and Sephiroth are both slender and muscular, roughly the same size and they want to have sex with each other because they're both young and hot. Who's the top? Probably Sephiroth, but it's actually unclear most of the time. Who's the dominant one? Ah, it depends, it's a battle of wits. Who's mainly? Both, because they're fucking men in their twenties. Who enjoy himself most? BOTH. They're smug and hedonistic about it. They're having sex for God's sake, it's one of the most pleasurable things in life alongside with pizza and punching a nazi.
This isn't really going anywhere. It's just my desire to see more variety and realness in gay fiction. I want to be able to find a Bottom!Sephiroth fic and not be overwhelmed because it's the first one I've ever read. I want people not to see a soft-spoken and queer coded character and immediately assume he wants to be pegged. I don't want people depict oral sex as submissive (it could be but it realy depends on how you do it). I don't want people to portray a character as small and feminine just to get him fucked.
And fucking please, let bottoms enjoy sex. We do. A lot. I swear to God, we're not suffering (even if we whine).
(And yeah, this is basically why I can't really stomach Omegaverse stuff).
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Once again remembering how Tony wasn't one of Steve's friends, but merely his annoying ass co-worker
The Stark that was actually Steve's friend is Howard
I still think one of the most disappointing things about the Avengers movies is that they never liked each other. It never felt like they had a fun team dynamic that grew and developed in satisfying ways over time. Tony feels partly responsible for this because everyone basically hated him before he had his martyr moment in Endgame. He was just endlessly cruel and mysoginistic to his teammates.
Civil War lacks the punch it should've had because Tony tells us that he and Steve were friends, but you have to laugh because since when?! Why was that never shown? Why would Steve choose a bully coworker over the one person who's always been there for him? Age of Ultron and Civil War were huge mistakes that caused irreparable harm.
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magpod-confessions · 3 months
i really dislike melanie and i have from day one, i did enjoy her more in season 5 and i think she's an interesting character but man i cannot stand her, and i really wish this fandom had more space to dislike characters whilst also understanding their complexity and arcs. i know there are people fundamentally set on misunderstanding characters and then hating them for it (which also happens a lot in this fandom) & that there are conversations to be had about misogyny in fandom spaces but calling people mysoginists simply because they don't like someone who happens to be a woman is just crazy. like i have a whole list of reasons to hate her ass and none of them involve her being a woman
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angstflavoured · 2 months
ex friend who i hate is deathly into tf2 and i need them to actually stay away from the new comic so bad like just me knowing they're going to be consuming it and liking it in the worst way possible makes me wanna punch a wall like no sorry these guys are MINE!!! STAY AWAYYY KEEP YOUR STUPID MYSOGINISTIC ASS AWAYYYYY FROM MS PAULING and i just know they're gonna make fanart of it like grrrrrrr grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 7 months
Remember when I said, I have more than 3 rants saved in my drafts? Yeah, so here is one of them.
Not a Random Thought but more of a RANT -
Alex fucking Palmer by god i hate this shit piece of a character( sorry for this crude language or upcoming ones, if any) befor some people say oh you gate alex you must be mYsOgInIsT, if you hate a woman you are not misogynistic and believe me i hate horseman and that shithead aydin too but this is about her.
Lets be honest here, NO ONE hates alex for her friend with benefits thing with Will, like okay you fucked move on and neither do anyone hate her for being a luxury escort.
She deserves every bit of hate for being a total bitch to emmy for no reason, looking down on her, comparing her trauma to her, emphasizing she suffered more??
Seriously Alex Palmer deserved a punch to the face.
At one point i even began to understand Aydin's point of view and i hated that scum bag, but alex she just got worse and worse.
Concepts like Dignity and maturity are foreign to Alex Palmer and it shows.
Also i don't think anyone else noticed this, but she clearly wanted to be way more than she was in everything specifically in Will's life thats why she kept on butting in.
She was so goddamn annoying.
I really blme PD for this too, they went about will and alex and will and damon all the time and when people started Shipping them, they were like "How did this happen?"
Why create a fuss of them when they are not even end game?????
Will was an alcohol and drug addict, was depressed, thought about suicide for years when he was around alex and damon And people are shipping them?????
The guy would have probably died of OD if they(Damon andalex) were around and emmy hadn't come back.
What kind of a shitty ass friend was this alex like she knew about will drugs and all not once did she say anything to stop him?? I know she is not responsible for it,but she acted all entitled all throughout Nightfall maybe used her head and said anything, even damon tried to make him stop drinking????
Also, someone has to say it so i will, this devil's night fandom is full of idiots and hypocrites, it is so normal for them to hate on banks and emory like they weren't the only two with brain, they literally LOVE the horseman but hate on emmy for what ?? Because she rejected a boy, or signed those paper??
She was backed in a corner and had to save her grandma, she thought of will and was technically helping them or else more videos would have came out?? Did you not read the book?? Horseman assaulted Rika, Damon treated Banks like a Dog, Will was a bitch to Emory in blackchurch, always pushed her in corners in high-school and by god they just Love them.
Or maybe they hate her because they wanted willalex.
Its is sooo common to hate on banks and emmy but god forbid someone mentions how much of an idiot rika was, alex almost let emmy got r*ped( someone mentioned it in a post that alex knew about taylor but didn't show herself to emmy), the douche bags horseman enough said but yes hate an orphan girl who wanted to save her grandma and did nothing wrong. Especially SOME fans act like you killed someone instad of mentioning the obvious.
Also how the fuck on earth PD can throw willemmy out of the window in their own goddamn book, ever since alex arrived everything was Alex,alex and bitch alex,...
The train scene was sooooo disgusting and vile and what made me livid is after that will says " oh she belongs with us, she is like us" i was literally like shutup asshole it took you this to see emmy belongs with you not when she said she loves you, and also the alex deserves to be taken care of, like fuck off!!!! she was nothing but a cunt of emmy for no reason in blackchurch and even after that, if anything emmy should have slapped her real good. But obviously as she was a fucking fanservice so it was only logical to throw willemmy and everything about them out of their book, right??
No one even hugged emmy, i said it once and i will say it again none of those assholes deserved emory scott. Not even Will bitchy grayson.
And the loop holes in Nightfall that were like 20 kept on coming because of this alex plot was sooo stupid.
How can you write a character like emory, so strong and complex and will insecure and addict and literally abandon them in THEIR OWN BOOK.
But yes Alex "fucking pick me girl, i am better than you emory" Palmer deserved the entire half of the book.
I once saw a tiktok that said Alex carried this series. My reaction was like
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She did nothing to the plot in corrupt, hideaway or killswitch instead of making normal things sexual and i don't count the shopping scene in hideaway because kai paid or else she wouldn't have done it. And in nightfall all she did was be a stupid bitch who was jealous of emory because will still wanted Emmy and aydin was ignoring her, as he should this bitch grated my nerves.
Everytime someone says Alex was awesome, i just sigh and move on.
I didn't pay any attention to alex in other books like she was a side character right, but in NF apparently she becomes a major character and ended up running the book, i blame those horny Facebook group people who wanted Alex so much they kept on bugging Them, look what you did you ruined a book that was about to be an awesome one.
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sooniebby · 5 months
There's this one girl I talk to every now and again because it's like a friend of a friend thing and she goes dead ass "I'm not a feminist" AND IM GAGGED, I asked why, she said because feminism is all abt killing men and hating men......girl my jaw dropped and I tried to explain to her that, that is not REAL feminism, that's extremists, ISTG AFTER I LOOKED UP THE DEFINITION AND EXPLAINED IT TO HER SHE JUST DIDNT GET IT AND GOT SO UNBELIEVABLY MYSOGINISTIC
Wow 😧 nah she just hates feminists. And it just freaks me out bc… feminists are literally the reason you have rights.. why do you hate them??? It’s just crazy
Reminds of my LGBT people that are republican… like are you stupid??
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mazuwii · 2 years
Would AOT men support Andrew Tate??
I'm bored so why not (unbiased headcannons, feel free to add your opinion)
•doesn't even know how to use electronics, in fact he doesn't even know who Andrew Tate is. He overhears everyone talking about him and how outrageous or "masculine" he is. He pictures this huge scary man with millions of scars, Dutch Van Der Linde history and that.
•when he finally hears an explanation from  Gabi's phone, he tries to peek over from his wheelchair. Let's just say, he was disappointed. His imagination was crushed at the sight of what seemed like a gay porn actor that talks too much.
•At one point in his life, Eren Sasha and Connie cosplayed pitbull at a pitbull convention (cult) , what makes you think he wouldn't use the bald hats again?
•of course he thinks Andrew Tate is a dumb ass but a little bit of trolling never hurt anyone.
•No he doesn't like him but he does quote him ironically
•Bertholdt scrolls on tiktok only for gardening and gaming content, and anything that doesn't fit into those genres, he instantly clicks 'not interested', he doesn't even bother listening. At some point the amount of Andrew Tate videos on his fyp began to piss him off so bad he blocked the hashtag, and even that didn't work 💀💀💀
•Reiner throwing on his dad glasses and squinting at he screen, "who's this?"
"Andrew Tate,"
He listens for a few seconds, but the words just aren't wording,"Just block him babe,"
No but seriously he finds the redpill community embarrassing af, especially with the hatred they have for single mothers, since he came from one and his respect for them
•Jean would agree with a few points, but will happily take pleasure by trolling his fans with Connie and Sasha
•If you ever see Bottom G edits, of random bald men twerking or dancing in an odd manner, labelled "top G spotted at an orgie" that was Connie and Sasha
•He’s a literal feminist, with receipts, try him.
•could not give less of a shit, his tiktok is full of those flowery 'goodmorning🌹🌸💐😘’ edits that he downloads and sends to people on WhatsApp
•This is tricky, on one hand he looks like the type of man that redpillers would make an edit of, on the other he looks like he'd bully them
•I'm sorry to my Porco stans, as much as I love him he would say "free top G" and no one even knows if he's being serious or not- like if you made fun of him, he’d laugh with you, so maybe not idk
•He thinks they're pathetic little boys
•Very proud of his mysoginistic beliefs, would defend Andrew to his death , and unlike Porco, very much goes on protests to "free Top G"
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