#mytho x fakir
Forget Them, It's Only Me
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~1k, Fakir/Mytho, No Rating, Canon AU Summary: Mytho gets volunteered into one of the Gold Crown Academy's ridiculous schemes. Fakir won't tolerate this.
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spookberry · 1 year
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Princess Tutu but like, make it Ever After High
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candiirabbitart · 16 days
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Chibi couple varieties final design and colors
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virtualsoup · 5 months
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I hope this reaches princess tutu nation
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jewishicequeen · 1 year
Yeah while you were away we gave your boyfriend some Raven Blood. Yeah he's edgier then you now. He dances the villain's part and he's going to jump out a window and frame you for pushing him. He's gonna try and saduce several young girl to steal their hearts. He's turning into a literal raven. Sorry.
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floralcavern · 3 months
What Ahiru felt for Mytho was purely attraction since he was handsome and a great dancer. She felt like she had to fix him. He didn’t feel any emotion, the only thing he really felt for her was curiosity and even a little bit of fear (as well as gratitude). And she mostly just felt pity for him.
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Ahiru and Fakir’s relationship is built more upon learning more about each other. She didn’t have to fix him. She wanted to understand him and she indirectly inspired him to be the person he wanted to be. He could open up around her and she didn’t have to worry about being perfect Princess Tutu around him like how she does with Mytho.
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strawberrypancakesco · 9 months
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Working on some magical girl designs here's the Princess Tutu Bows.
Vote in this Poll for merch ideas.
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swanqueen1215 · 11 days
You're telling me they're not the same characters?!?
Belle (2021) Princess Tutu (2002)
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Both couples seem to have the same arc of trust
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Both the Dragon and Fakir watch over their brother, one who is quite innocent, pure and kind, but they believe that they are alone in the world. And to avoid being vulnerable, they both resort to a hostile and aggressive attitude
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But the princess and the boy end up connecting in a much deeper way...
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And that's why I allowed myself to make a vague sketch of a version of Princess Tutu in the role of Belle (please excuse my lack of talent in this)
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Characters will grow close to each other through the most traumatizing and deep character development thinkable and the fandom will go "Hehe, hurr durr, they're so in love" and like yeah, but can we also talk about how strong their bonds are outside of romance? Especially when they had just as deep of a connection with the other characters in the quad squad, but you brush that aside to dumb it down by shipping two and two?
Not hating or anything, and I'm not trying to say it's an inherently bad thing, I'm just saying ya'll sound like Mr. Cat sometimes.
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juniperfoxxy · 8 months
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I love this show so so much.
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rueenjoyer · 1 year
Gee Ahiru! How come Drosselmeyer lets you have THREE partners?
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princess tutu polycule go crazy!! here r some messy doodles
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland AU
Ok ok ok,
Just hear me out..
Ahiru from Princess Tutu as Yuu!
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And she helps deescalate overblotting when she dances ballet as Princess Tutu (like during their flashback to traumatic childhood moments)
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I don't know if this would be like Sailor Moon/ Superman where no one but Grimm and the ghosts (and maaaaaybe Crowley?) know she and Tutu are one and the same.
Lilia totally knows and keeps saying vague things that confuddle Ahiru about whether or not her identity is discovered.
Jack maybe knows, or at least assumes they are related if not the same person.
Ace keeps saying things like "Man, you're such a klutz! You know who isn't a klutz? That pretty ballerina." While Deuce is all “She seems strong…I’d like to fight her!” please don’t
Maybe Idia, Ortho, Cater, and/or Rook would be the ones actively trying to find out her identity. Rook even dubs her "La Princesse des Cygnes."
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All of the post-blotted dorm leaders + Jamil would look back on the calming dance with the mysterious princess fondly, even if some *Leona* won't admit it. Some might even developed a crush on the beautiful and gentle ballerina??
Malleus meets Ahiru as she is in her normal- klutzy - human form, and becomes fascinated by her without even knowing or being interested in the rumors of "La Princesse de Cygnes.”
Gym Class? Despite Coach Vargas's well-intentioned —though mostly overwhelming —support, Ahiru trips over her own feet, and cannot be trusted with a broom.
Alchemy Class? Professor Crewel makes Ahiru sit in a corner and do-not-move-a-muscle-for-the-seven's-sake so that no vials shatter and no potions that should't go together won't mix. Somehow, explosions still happen.
History Class? Professor Trein sees Ahiru as a well-behaved - well, as best as she can - student, but for some reason his cat finds reasons to pounce at her and scare her, disrupting the class.
If she still randomly turns into a duck:
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Leona finds her duck version and -surprisingly- is quite sweet to the duckling (a more gentle and less sinister version of Scar teasing and playing with the mouse after the opening of The Lion King) before Ruggie interrupts him, and Duck-Ahiru scampers away in fright when Leona sarcastically tells the hyena he interrupted his lunchtime. Whoops.
Grimm doesn't actually attempt to eat Duck-Ahiru despite constant empty threats he'll do so whenever he and Ahiru argue. He actually comes zooming to her aid if he perceives the duckling to be in danger (much like Archimedes saving Wart/ Arthur when the latter was a fish in The Sword and the Stone.), though he quickly denies actually worrying about her and insists it'd be inconvenient if he lost his minion.
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Prince Mytho Role:
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Malleus, but actually interested in Ahiru from the start? Amused -and touched - that even though she seemed terrified of him at first, Ahiru actively makes an effort to get to know him till she's not even phased by his intimidating appearance and comfortably interacts with him.
Fakir Role:
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Leona, in that he's rough and teasing to Ahiru, but is surprisingly gentle with Duck!Hiru, and maybe shows his hidden soft side to her. Big flustered tsundere when he one day puts two and two together and realizes why this cute and sweet little duck's scent is so similar to Ahiru's.
Just something I thought would be fun.
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necrotic-scum · 8 months
just finished princess tutu. in a deep state of depression and heartache. no one talk to me unless it’s about how fakir and duck actually lived a very happy life as two humans in love
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faeriegirl · 2 years
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I've been thinking about an au where ahiru tells mytho the truth/her feelings through dance 💗✨️ and mytho helps her get better at dancing! And they spend more time together!
Also, the raven's blood does make him act cwazy still. But sometimes he's lucid enough to be friend shaped, mischievous, or even flirty if he feels like it? Mytho explores his emotions au -nodnod-
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I got a request. Princess Tutu headcanons for Mytho x S/O. Topic is Romance Headcanons.
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MYTHO adores the way you express yourself in any situation. You always put him first, not because you like him. But just because he's your friend. (In the beginning..)
"So, you wanna go check out this cool book I found? It has so many amazing dance styles. I think you could pull it off!"
"Not.. Really."
"Oh, that's okay. I'll show this to Duck later then."
"... I wanna try this with you." Mytho pointed to a specific pose in the book. You try to smile, but it was more of a awkward grin. Noticing how close the dancers were.
"Uh. Sure, I guess' we could try. Sorry in advance if I step on your toes."
"I don't mind."
You let out a chuckle, stretching your bones as you place the book down. "Uh-huh, course'." You said, knowing he was actually being honest.
He often is curious by you, you make his head become occupied with only thoughts of you. Sometimes. When he is alone and Fakir or Rue aren't by his side. He actively seaks you out, if not to converse, then just be in your presence.
If we are gonna be technical, he doesn't have many emotions and when he does.
They.. Aren't exactly positive until later on. Even so, he still enjoys your company, but also envies you.
He becomes possive of you when he has most of his heart shards. Dragging you away from a task or someone conversing with you.
"I want to dance, with only you."
You frown, knowing of how blunt and forward he was. But, this felt different from the other times he hungout with you.
"Mytho, it's break time. I really gotta-" His grip on you tightens as his golden honey eyes stare into your's intensely.
"Please, stay."
I could see him try to show his feelings for you in motion and action instead of words, dancing as one of the examples. He's a very selfless person and would protect you from any harm, he is a prince.
What good is a prince if he can't protect the one he cherishes most of all?
He would absolutely try to propose marriage to you once he has all his heart shards. As Prince of Crows or Prince Siegfried.
Is definitely a gentleman as Prince Siegfried, showers you with love and loves wooing you.
Prince of Crows doesn't treat you as much as gentleman. But places you on a pedestal and clings to you like his treasure.
"I will love you until I can no longer..."
[Thank you! SO SO SO SO MUCH! GOD, I LOVE MYTHO! Requests for Princess Tutu are open! Will also do genderbend characters too! *Wink wink* Anyway! Yay! I added a little yandere-ness oops!]
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spookberry · 1 year
Ptutu x eah lore dumb if ya want.
Well! My idea's kinda vague all things considered, I know way more about Princess Tutu than Ever After High. I'll try to explain how I imagine the set up of the main four characters goes though!
Duck/Ahiru(Royal)- She's this generation's Princess Tutu, but she isn't related to Princess Tutu, but was mysteriously given the role. How this happened is something she keeps secret technically? though no one's really bothered to ask her anyways. The fact that she's actually a duck is also a secret. She's very clumsy and naive but she's got a heart of gold yadda yadda, she's much the same to canon. She hasn't had to return the heart shards yet because Mytho's heart isn't yet shattered. Her necklace therefore gets its powers from some where else.
Mytho(Royal)- He's the biggest difference so I wanna talk about him next. Because unlike canon PT he isn't the Prince from the story. He is simply the Prince's son. He's fully prepared and willing to make any sacrifices he needs and follow in his father's footsteps for the sake of the people. Mytho's arc I think would be about learning that he doesn't Have to sacrifice himself for the greater good and that he's allowed to be selfish sometimes too. He's still a bit of a weirdo though, repressed in the Proper Rich Boy way instead of the Literally Lacking a Heart way lol.
Princess Craehe/Rue(Rebel)- Rue's pretty chaotic, as always. She knows she has to follow in her father's footsteps and fight the Prince and then be defeated by him. She's also madly in love with her childhood best friend Mytho. Considering at the start of EAH Rebels and Royals like Do Not mingle, I think their romance is more of a long con. Rue though has it in her heard that she can have her cake and eat it too. Be Princess Craehe who terrorizes the town AND get the prince in the end. (Apple would definitely try to use Rue's dedication to being Craehe as a means of convincing Raven but it would backfire)
Fakir(Royal)- I love fakir so much and he absolutely is Embracing his edgy lil "reincarnation of the knight" thing here, even more than before. A lot of the same dynamic as canon tbh, childhood friends with Mytho. Him and Rue have their silly little love triangle with Mytho forever and always <3. though I imagine his manipulation and control over Mytho is toned down a bit because Mytho here is able to express his feelings a little better. I'm not as well versed in Ever After High lore, but I imagine the fact that Fakir is related to Drosselmeyer, the writer of their story, would wind up also being Very Important in this setting once it's revealed.
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