#mzds fic recs
noswordinourlake · 5 months
@tavina-writes asked for arranged marriage fic recs, which turned into...this. Sorry Tav some of these are just very politically plotty but I figured those also fell into your mandate! I was going for a vibe. ANYWAY.
All fics MZDS/the Untamed!
Also under a read more because this got. Long.
marry for love by tuesday (3k, T, complete)
"Nie Huaisang snapped open his fan and covered his face. "Be careful. I'll take advantage.""
50-50 cute and intrigue!
from the other side of sorrow (series) by Sour_Idealist (128k, E, complete)
"Yu Ziyuan cuts off Wei Wuxian's hand. The cultivation world changes."
I couldn't tell you the split on emotional devastation and intrigue on this one because it's all happening all the time.
The Other Mountain by nirejseki (287k, T, complete)
"Lan Qiren still couldn’t quite bring himself to believe it.
He was married.
He had a wife.
That wife was Wen Ruohan."
I feel like anyone who likes politically plotty fics is already following nirejseki but I also feel like this list would be incomplete if I left off THE arranged marriage fic of all time so.
""You want Wen Ruohan dead," the Patriarch continued idly. "You want his corpse puppets eliminated. You want his halls burned to the ground and his soldiers disemboweled and begging for mercy. Have I about covered it?"
love, in fire and blood by cicer (360k, E, complete)
He gave another knife-edged smile.
"But what will you give me in return?"
"We would be willing to offer quite a bit in return for Wen Ruohan's defeat," Lan Xichen admitted. "But I'm afraid we don't know what an immortal such as yourself desires. Please advise us."
The Patriarch waved at hand at the front of the tent. "I want Second Young Master Lan.""
¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
not too strong by fluffysocks (89k, E, complete)
"He sinks back, closes his eyes again so he doesn’t have to look at all that red silk for a moment. He takes a deep breath.
It’s done. Jiang Cheng is married.
Now he just has to live with it."
Yes this is a Jiang Cheng/Lan Qiren arranged marriage AU. Trust me. Trust me. It's GOOD STUFF.
Restoration by ritualist (85k, M, complete)
"They say he was thrown into Luanzang Gang by the man who killed his parents; they say that he is an immortal cultivator who had been in a deep trance until the Wen sect disturbed his rest and incurred his wrath; they say that he is the fierce corpse of a cultivator who had somehow regained his mind and his spiritual powers. When Lan Wangji sees him for the first time, he understands why people talk.
Meng Yao wants safety. Xue Yang wants vengeance. The Sunshot Campaign wants victory. Yiling Laozu provides, for a price."
I'm a sucker for a nonlinear narrative! I don't want to know what is happening and no spoilers you won't for most of this fic. In a good way.
Give Me A Chance To Fall by brooklinegirl (38k, E, complete)
"Jiang Cheng just blows his breath out and rolls his eyes right back at Wei Wuxian. "Stop being an asshole," he says. "You're lucky this is being set up for you. Do you know how many people would die--literally die--to get the chance to be betrothed to Lan Wangji?"
"Betrothed." Wei Wuxian rolls the word around in his mouth. "It even sounds stupid.""
The classique arranged marriage AU.
I Started From The Bottom/ And Now I'm Rich by x_los (58k, E, complete)
"Wen Qing traps Wei Wuxian in the Demon Slaughtering Cave, but Wei Wuxian isn’t interested in being the beneficiary of the Wen Remnants’ noble sacrifice. His efforts to free himself accidentally send him back to the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign. Coreless but armed with demonic cultivation, knowledge of the future and his wits, Wei Wuxian takes advantage of this opportunity to come out on top of both the war and its aftermath—before either has a chance to happen—by marrying and swiftly burying the cultivation world’s worst men.
Lan Wangji is confused, hurt, and uncomfortably aroused by Wei Wuxian’s improbably elaborate series of Sect-themed bridal negligees."
I hesitated to include this fic in this section because it does get pretty dark and psychologically heavy but it is also. Hilarious. So!
Best Friends Forever by varnes (17k, T, complete)
"It happened like this: Jin Ling was a sect leader now, which was, and Jingyi really meant this, fucking hilarious. There were few things funnier, in his honest opinion.
Because he was young, and inexperienced, and also — it had to be said — a real shithead, there was apparently some belief amongst his advisors that the best way forward, to promote the picture of a stable, mature sect leader who absolutely did not cry at the drop of a hat, was for Jin Ling to get married.
OR: Jin Ling and Jingyi get engaged.
Things spiral from there."
Jingyi POV from varnes is a gift. Jingyi POV trying to figure out the post-canon political landscape is a treasure.
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labseraph · 2 months
Am reading a most delightful MDZS modern AU featuring an autistic character by the super talented @scarlettohairdye and now I'm thinking: Am I autistic? I remember feeling just like the character about things in the world as a child except that I was conditioned to pay attention to my facial expressions very closely.
You learn something new every day indeed.
Anyhoo, do go and read the fic. It's such a delight!
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GIF of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying exchanging fond glances from The Untamed. Lan Zhan in pale Gusu Lan robes and forehead ribbon and Wei Ying in dark robes.
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letteredlettered · 9 months
Fic Rec
Lament, by @kianspo
The premise of this fic is that WWX never comes back. LWJ as well as LXC and LSH feature. I thought that LXC’s and LSH’s parts would focus on LWJ’s grief, but this fic does something different with them.
I generally don’t want to read about the fragile beauty of making peace with grief. To me, reading about that feels more upsetting than whatever caused the grief in the first place, even though acceptance is healthy and necessary. In fact, perhaps it’s because it’s healthy and necessary that I find it so upsetting. If I’m going to read a sad fic, I want to wallow in agony, not be healthy! That said, this fic handled that differently than I was expecting, and made me feel good about everything in the end, which is pretty nice for a sad!fic.
Here are the things this fic made me think about. Slight spoilers for the story are contained herein:
LWJ. I’ve talked before about how one of my favorite things about LWJ is that he moves on. I always think of that as part of his resilience and strength, but in this fic, his decision to move on isn’t about strength, really. It isn’t a decision at all. It’s because he’s an animal.
The fact that LWJ is an animal isn’t explicitly mentioned in the fic and isn’t really what the fic is about. But the fact remains that humans are all animals, and animals are biological, and biology is a product of evolution, and life that survives happens to survive because it has mechanisms to survive. Humans like to think that we are stories, and we tell ourselves stories of who we are, and when our story is destroyed, we think that we should be destroyed too.
We forget that we have bodies, and our bodies want things for us—not just food and water and sleep. Our bodies want us to love our brothers and teach our children. Our hearts and minds want that for us, even when sometimes our conscious understanding can’t. That’s what LWJ in this story is.
LXC. Because I thought this story would focus on LWJ’s grief, I didn’t consider the range of time it might cover, which extends past the events of canon. One of LXC’s lovers murdered his other lover, among other things. LXC has his own grief, and he handles it in a completely different way than LWJ, because grief takes many forms and many shapes. The story doesn't directly discuss all the different ways we handle grief but instead shows it beautifully.
LSH. I might’ve told this story before, but once when I was maybe eight, my mom was telling me about something she and her best friend did in high school. I’d never heard of this best friend or ever even thought about my mom in high school. I asked her if she still talked to her friend, and she said probably not. I asked why, and my mom said she’d moved away and had a different life now.
Later that night I thought about it, and I cried and cried. I was heartbroken that there were things about my mom I didn’t know. I was also heartbroken that she had a different life now, that because she had her life here with me and my dad and my brothers in the place where we lived, she couldn’t also have a life with her best friend where she used to live. I was also heartbroken about the fact that I couldn’t witness or be there for the life that she had had. Basically, I was heartbroken over the fact that time exists and mind melds don't.
I think the shattering revelation that people have their own internal lives is something that’s kind of hard to hold in your brain at all times. I think it’s particularly hard for children, which makes it almost impossible to do when it comes to your parents. They’re just . . . there. They’ve always been there. A fact of existence. They do the things they do, and sometimes it’s very hard to understand that they do them for their own internal specific reasons, rather than that’s how the universe itself was built.
This is LSH in this fic. He continually is faced with the fact that his father is his own person who is built on his own history. LSH wonders about it, and yet his mind also slips off of it, because that’s just the way his father is.
But as we grow older, we often begin to understand our parents more and more. In so doing, we often begin to understand more and more about ourselves, and that’s also what this fic is about.
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“When I figure out what emotion I’m feeling you will be the first to know,” Wei Wuxian says, as evenly as can be expected for someone who has just learned that their very taciturn best friend that they desperately want to fuck is a secret floozy.
From "Lans Never Kiss and Tell" by FeelsForBreakfast
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Libraries, Curses, Fire, Brief horror Summary:
It’s Baidu that ultimately convinces Lan Wangji that Wei Wuxian is not, in fact, a librarian. The librarians he has encountered in the course of his studies have had varying opinions on search engines, but they have all known what a search engine is. Wei Wuxian’s enthusiasm does little to hide that his practical experience seems somewhat dated.
When he thinks on it–and Lan Wangji finds his thoughts turning toward Wei Wuxian more often than not–Lan Wangji is not sure what Wei Wuxian is. He is always in the library when Lan Wangji visits. It’s quite possible that he lives there, but that is not a claim toward normalcy either.
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elfwreck · 2 years
I watched The Untamed.
I'm now poking through AO3 looking for fics for my ereader.
Recs welcome, but I am going through rec lists and have a lot of practice with AO3's filters. Prefer longer fics. (50k+ words, although any length is fine.) (But I won't download less than 10k to the ereader.)
Have not yet finished the book or watched the animated version. They're on the "probably should do that" list. Don't want anything that would badly spoil those for me.
Do not want: Omegaverse (I'm damn sure I'll eventually read it, because it's everywhere, but is not what I'm looking for now), anything involving werewolf characters, modern AUs (again, will read eventually) (exception: Superhero AUs always okay), gen fic with background pining (look, I just finished canon; I am full up on "background pining" for now), torture mind games (so, that probably cuts out absolutely everything featuring Xue Yang for a while) (...and most Meng Yao fic), anything where Wei Ying or Lan Zhan are evil.
That leaves... rather a broad range. It's not that I like everything outside of that range (plz, no corpsefucking* either) (omg I might actually have to mention that; this fandom has a LOT of corpses), but that's the list that I know show up in fic that I don't want to read, or don't want to read right now.
* Wen Ning does not count as corpsefucking for these purposes; plz give me fics where Wen Ning finds love. (...are there Wen Ning/Lan Zhan/Wei Ying fics? Plz gimme)
I'm going to try to avoid joining any MZDS Discords because I am in :checks notes: seven BNHA Discords and I would like to avoid doing that with every new fandom I find.
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ladywindmasterr · 1 year
(idk if you've read/watched mdzs- if not, then FENG XIN)
YEAH IVE READ AND WATCHED MZDS!!! Wen Ning is one of my favs actually lmao
First impression
It was... interesting to say the least tbh. He randomly appeared, answering to Wwx, with two nails or whatever incrustated in his head and covered in chains and I went "Who Are You". And he disappeared like 10 mins later and ALSO, judging from how the characters talked about him he was a Big Deal. So yeah my overall reaction was "WHO ARE YOU"
Impression now
As I said before, he's in my top 5 fav characters. He's funny, sweet, very cool looking and has the occasional energy of a very anxious and wet cat. That are all the thing I like in a character. I want to stuff him in a lot of comfy blankets and give him a cookie.
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
It doesnt make too much sense but. Fic where him and Wen Qing are both the ghost generals. People fear them and it's just two sibling who love each other and Will Kick Anyone's Ass for their loved ones' sake. Aka each other and wwx
Unpopular opinion
uh i honestly don't think I have any? He gets watered down a lot and I don't like it but thats not an opinion. So. Yeah.
Favorite relationship
Sibling relationship between him, wq and wwx. Very cute, very sweet, please give out fic recs
Favorite headcanon
I think he'd like cats. That's it. He gives out the energy.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
as the sun will rise by vespertineflora is an mzds tentacle fic, I personally feel it is far removed from cannon such that if it’s the tentacles you want, lack of cannon knowledge won’t be an issue.
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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Oh, wow.  That’s… really specific and generally I’m more focused on wangxian stories than those that feature the juniors.  This could work for you: 
this blood in my mouth
by ShanaStoryteller
unrated (I’d say G) 4k, wangxian
Summary:  Sizhui is angry. 
My comments:  Oooh, when Lan Sizhui starts thinking about the hypocrisy of the Lans with respect to their treatment of the Wens and 'discipline' of Lan Wangji, he Does Something About It. This is so satisfying. 
like fire, like ice
by foreverstudent
G, 10k, no pairings  
Summary: When a lone Wen cultivator arrives at the Cloud Recesses and seeks out the last surviving child of his sect, Lan Zhan experiences a crisis of the heart.
Or: A-Yuan’s past and present collide, and Hanguang-jun wants what is best for his son, even if it pains him.
My comments: I am sobbing.
adoption, family feels, lan wangji is THE BEST DAD FIGHT ME, parent-child relationship, angst, so much angst, happy ending
I can also give you some Lan Sizhui whump?  And insecure Lan Sizhui?
Only If For A Night
by greyskais
M, 19k , Sizhui x Jin Ling
Summary: Despite everything, there was one naked truth that defied denial. Sizhui hadn’t asked Jin Ling to come because he’d thought Jin Ling would appreciate one last hurrah, a final night-hunt to blow off steam on fierce corpses instead of potential sect allies or enemies. Sizhui had selfishly wanted to have Jin Ling by his side once more, one last time before everything changed and he became untouchable, unreachable as Sect Leader Jin. To be completely honest, he didn’t care what happened to the Lanling Jin Sect. He only wanted Jin Ling to be safe because he cared about him, more than he ought.
My comment:  Sizhui and Jin Ling are in a forest, terribly injured from a beast, frightened and trying to survive. All Sizhui POV, and he’s desperate to be the older one, to protect Jin Ling from further harm (to the point of ignoring his own injuries). But Jin Ling is having none of that.
Jingyi, who was injured in the very beginning, is off to get help, but it takes a couple of days, and meanwhile Sizhui and Jin Ling are on their own. It’s very sweet, they eventually confess they’re in love and have some (injured) smexy-times… all very romantic… but then the beast returns.
In the end, Sizuih is very nearly dead, and Jin Ling vanishes for a month with his sect to clear out the forest, and Sizhui begins to question his commitment….
hurt/comfort, serious injuries, whump, love confessions, pining, hurt sizhui, hurt jin ling, smut
by kimboo_york
G, 8k   no pairings
Summary:  “There were rumors, of course there were. Some were more…more creative than others. As far as he was concerned, though, it mattered little if his son was a found changeling or his illegitimate offspring. A-Yuan was his son, and that was that.”
My comments:  Lan Wangji is the best Daddy ever FIGHT ME. Even when he’s half dead from whipping and pain he’s A'Yuan’s comfort.
And little Sizhui feeling so bad because he doesn’t live up to expectations for being the son of the great and powerful Huangong Jun because his core is tiny and dormant. Until that one time. And it turns out that Sizhui’s core is just radically different….
emotional hurt/comfort, insecure sizhui, hurt lan wangji, daddy lan wangji, protective lan wangji
*Feel free to tack on your suggestions, if you think of some that I’ve missed.
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uzukage-naruto · 3 years
I have another one for y’all. Jiang Cheng out stubborns the God of death and gets both of his siblings back to the land of living. 
Impossible Be Strange Attempts by Comfect
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consultingreaders · 4 years
The Untamed fic recs for people who are not into The Untamed
You haven’t read the book. You haven’t seen the show. You cannot name more than two characters. But more important than your lack of understanding of plot or magical systems is your deep love of deepest devotion. Right? Right. Let’s go. 
permissive presumption (7k) This is a great starter fic, because it’s short and has only two characters and is all in on that aching, arranged marriage + pining trope. Plus, you already know and love the author (the great @sarah-yyy) from your previous life as a Les Mis fan. 
grace and a tender hand (3k) Another great starter fic, again only two characters. They’re finally on a first date and it’s... not going well?! This author also has a bunch of other lovely short fics for your early feast. 
Unstrictly Ballroom (@ariaste, 47k) There is pining. There is ballroom dancing. There are schemes and rebellions against outdated institutional rules. It is very beautiful. 
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association (series also by @ariaste, 108k, unfinished, although certain works can be read as completed stand-alones) As an outsider, the best way to describe this series is NBT x Keep the Car Running x Lucky, wherein Meng Yao is a cross between John Watson and Mycroft Holmes in Saving Sherlock Holmes. If you are an @earlgreytea68 fan, hello. Welcome. Enter. 
live from new york (@itsvarnes 87k) An SNL AU, and absolutely hilarious. There are a few side pairings that will confuse you (many characters in this one!), but skim past those as needed and enjoy oodles of pining and misunderstanding and sacrifice and brilliance and love. 
see all this and more for just ten dollars a month (series by @scarlettohairdye,  207k, unfinished, although part I can be read as a completed stand-alone) The Only Fans AU. Heed the Explicit rating on this one, but there is also beautiful, meticulous pining, and a whole bunch about family and mental health and sex worker rights and, in Part II, knitting? If you’re into that kind of thing. A gem and a joy. 
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iamwestiec · 4 years
Fic Rec
Untamed fans, please do yourself a humongous favor and go read the from the other side of sorrow series by Sour_Idealist because it has got me fist pumping and grinning like a feral goblin over how PERFECT it is. Featuring:
Yunmeng Sibs working together as a finely oiled machine and kicking ass
Jiang Cheng using his rage for good
Wen Qing being brilliant, fierce, and absolutely in control of her destiny
Some smoking hot ChengQing
Jiang Yanli being a diplomatic genius
WWX every inch his terrifying chaotic genius self, only with less heartbreak and brittleness underneath
LWJ moving "like a creature of death and moonlight" which is maybe the most perfect description of his fighting style I've had the pleasure to encounter
Go go go go it's so good
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labseraph · 2 months
Jiang Cheng is a character that I feel is misunderstood by many; he is often trapped in hard places and has nothing but terrible choices, thanks to his parents' conditioning and his responsibilities.
Hence my soft spot for fics where he's shown to be a competent sect leader and has an opportunity to heal with Wei Wuxian.
This is a lovely fix-it fic that is such a satisfying read. So much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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GIF of Wei Wuxian on the left in black robes eating a bao with obvious enjoyment. Jiang Cheng on the right in pale grey-green robes watching him eat with a tender expression on his face.
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mojoflower · 4 years
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Cave Survival (or: how the Xuanwu cave could have gone)
by cerbykerby
T, 6k, wangxian
Summary:  "Why," Lan Wangji said each word in sheer agony, "are you not decent?"
"My clothes are wet," Wei Wuxian answered. "If I don't take them off, I run the risk of freezing to death. Don't you live up in the mountains? I thought you'd know about the dangers of the cold."
"I do." Lan Wangji looked absolutely tortured, staring at the cave wall. "So long as there's a heat source and your clothes are no longer soaking wet, you can put them back on."
Wei Wuxian made a face. "But I just got dry. I don't want to put damp pants back on."
"Wei Ying!"
"Alright, alright, fine! But just the pants."
An alternate version of the events in the Cave of the Tortoise of Carnage. All the cheesy romantic tropes. All of them. ALL. Basically an excuse to write Lan Wangji panicking and Wei Wuxian being oblivious.
My comments:  Tropes!
Aw, hurt/comfort in a cave, huddling for warmth, mouth-to-mouth.... What's not to love?
Wwx is so damned oblivious, it's hilarious:
Lan Wangji flinched backwards. "You! Stay right there!" His voice was raspy.
Wei Wuxian stopped. "What's the matter now?" he frowned. "I saved your life and built you a fire, and this is the thanks I get?"
Lan Wangji looked anywhere except directly at him. "Why," each word was sheer agony, as if he had to say them under threat of death, "are you not decent?"
"My clothes are wet," Wei Wuxian answered. Was it his imagination, or were Lan Wangji's ears pink? "If I don't take them off, I run the risk of freezing to death. Don't you live up in the mountains? I thought you'd know about the dangers of the cold."
"I do." He looked absolutely tortured, staring at the cave wall. "So long as there's a heat source and your clothes are no longer soaking wet, you can put them back on."
Wei Wuxian made a face. "But I just got dry. I don't want to put damp pants back on."
"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji growled, the name echoing off of the walls.
oblivious wei wuxian, cave, xuanwu, hurt/comfort, hurt wei wuxian, hurt lan wangji, humor, fluff, almost drowning, kiss of life, canon divergence
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scarletjedi · 4 years
I’m probably going to start reblogging some fic refs for The Untamed today, and if you don’t want to be spammed, the tag will be “SJ MZDS fic recs”
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Background, Jiāng Yànlí/Jīn Zǐxuān Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Jiāng Yànlí, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Wēn Qíng, Jīn Zǐxūn Additional Tags: Prince Lan Zhan, Prince Wangji, King Xichen, Diaster Bisexual Wei Wuxian, Alternate Universe - Cinderella Fusion, Xichen is a good brother, Wei Wuxian is a good person, The Jin Clan still sucks Summary:
Wei Wuxian is an orphan twice over, considered a bad omen and avoided. Lan Wangji is the prince of Gusu, a man of exemplary character and well respected. Stuck together for a night, both men find in each other a companion they want forever. But Lan Wangji is royalty and Wei Wuxian doesn't stand a chance. When the Lan family throws their yearly Spring Ball, Wei Wuxian's friends conspire to get him to that party and win the heart of his man, but trouble has always followed Wei Wuxian's footsteps and disaster is just around the corner.
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