#n m rashid
sufiblackmamba · 1 year
زندگی سے ڈرتے ہو؟
!زندگی تو تم بھی ہو زندگی تو ہم بھی ہیں!
زندگی سے ڈرتے ہو؟
آدمی سے ڈرتے ہو؟
آدمی تو تم بھی ہو آدمی تو ہم بھی ہیں
آدمی زباں بھی ہے آدمی بیاں بھی ہے
اس سے تم نہیں ڈرتے!
حرف اور معنی کے رشتہ ہائے آہن سے آدمی ہے وابستہ
آدمی کے دامن سے زندگی ہے وابستہ
اس سے تم نہیں ڈرتے
''ان کہی'' سے ڈرتے ہو
جو ابھی نہیں آئی اس گھڑی سے ڈرتے ہو
اس گھڑی کی آمد کی آگہی سے ڈرتے ہو
پہلے بھی تو گزرے ہیں
دور نارسائی کے ''بے ریا'' خدائی کے
پھر بھی یہ سمجھتے ہو ہیچ آرزو مندی
یہ شب زباں بندی ہے رہ خداوندی
تم مگر یہ کیا جانو
لب اگر نہیں ہلتے ہاتھ جاگ اٹھتے ہیں
ہاتھ جاگ اٹھتے ہیں راہ کا نشاں بن کر
نور کی زباں بن کر
ہاتھ بول اٹھتے ہیں صبح کی اذاں بن کر
روشنی سے ڈرتے ہو
روشنی تو تم بھی ہو روشنی تو ہم بھی ہیں
روشنی سے ڈرتے ہو
شہر کی فصیلوں پر دیو کا جو سایہ تھا پاک ہو گیا آخر
رات کا لبادہ بھی چاک ہو گیا آخر
خاک ہو گیا آخر اژدہام انساں سے فرد کی نوا آئی
ذات کی صدا آئی
راہ شوق میں جیسے راہرو کا خوں لپکے
اک نیا جنوں لپکے
آدمی چھلک اٹھے
آدمی ہنسے دیکھو، شہر پھر بسے دیکھو
تم ابھی سے ڈرتے ہو؟
ہاں ابھی تو تم بھی ہو
ہاں ابھی تو ہم بھی ہیں
تم ابھی سے ڈرتے ہو
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lotstradamus · 2 months
any chance for a spare old man daniel/armand fic rec? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥺
in the details by infinitevariety - 'a turning point. immediately post-s2.'
hell is: by cannibalenthusiast - 'Daniel drinks another martini and a half, says, “You’re lucky I’m on blood thinners. I used to handle my liquor way better,” as he sets the unfinished drink on the table and offers Armand his arm again. Armand sits next to him this time, their bodies turned in toward each other as he cradles Daniel’s arm and drinks. The blood gives him a headrush, and he blinks rapidly to attempt to clear his vision. This time he leaves the wound for longer, lets blood drip down toward Daniel’s wrist before he laps it up. “Fuck,” Daniel murmurs as he watches. “That’s more like it.”'
I like your getup, if you know what I mean by cannibalenthusiast - 'His brain conjures the image of Rashid standing primly with a plush towel draped over his slim wrist. “For your jizz, Mister Molloy,” he says. Daniel snorts and spits onto his hand.'
the fog eating the night by tei - 'If Louis had wanted him alive, he'd have escorted him out himself. But he hadn't. He'd left Daniel standing there stunned, and walked out like none of this had mattered to him at all. Whether he meant to or not, Louis had given Daniel to Armand.'
old habits by tei - '"You're fucked up, you know that?" Daniel says. "Do you really like that shit? Or is it just a habit for you by now?"'
hell and you by quensty - 'With respect to Daniel’s life, pain in the ass is spelled A-R-M-A-N-D.'
strange mutations by leavethebes - 'Armand’s done it to him once before—gored him through the stomach, gutted him like a fish, snipped his gills off, and drained him right down to the fluttering valves of his heart. Left Daniel little more than a shriveled husk of a person, and somehow Daniel is back here anyway, on his knees in front of Armand and begging for the oblivion that was promised.'
you know that one tweet that's like 'iwtv is like porn for people who are into such weird shit that sex isn't even involved anymore?' yea
159 notes · View notes
badrrr · 1 year
Some of the names that had previously been mentioned here in this channel. The least we can do is to atleast mention the ones we know..
Our scholars from Bangladesh who are behind bars, among whom are:
Sheikh Jashim Uddin Rahmani
Sheikh Hārūn Izhar
Sheikh Ali Hassan Osama
Sheikh Mahmud Hasan Gunvi
Sheikh Abu Taha with his two assistants Amir Uddin Foyez and Abdul Muhit
Our Scholars, students of knowledge and preachers who have been imprisoned and tortured by Tawagheet Regimes, among whom are:
Shaykh Nāṣir alFahd
Shaykh Sulaymān Nasir al-Alwan
Shaykh Waleed As-Sinani
Shaykh Khalid Rashid
Shaykh Ali al-Khudayr
Shaykh al-Khalidi
Shaykh Saud al-Obaid al-Qahtani
Shaykh Ahmad al-Asir
Shaykh Faisal
Shaykh Benbrika
Shaykh Abu Baraa- As-Sayf
Shaykh Abu Umar
Abu Hamza al-Misri
Abu Hamza (ATP)
Abu Imran (Belgium)
Abu Ilyas (Holland)
Abu Abdurrahman (Denmark)
Our scholars who had been k***d in the way of Allah after imprisonment:
Shaykh Musa al-Qarni
Shaykh Faris az-Zahrani
Shaykh Hamad al-Humeidi
Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tiwayli
Hayla al-Qusayr
Umm A 
Umm Abdul Qayoom 
Ukht M and her daughters S and R (UK)
Sabir Miah (UK)
Ali Hussain (UK)
Safiyya (UK)
Safiya Yassin (USA)
Our young Deutsch
sis & student of Shaykh AMJ
Muhammad Abu Bakr (Minshawary)
Ali Bhola
Abul wali AbuKhadir Muse (The Smiling Somali)
Iqbal Khan (India)
Abu Syahla
Abu Yousuf
Brother R
Abu I and Abu N
Ukht S & Ukht H from India
Umm Hud
Sister A
Sister B & siblings & their mother 
Umm Mariyah
Brothers Jahanzaib, Nabeel, Abdullah Basit
Sister S (Bangladesh)
Our dear brother Muhammad Azharuddin
Brother 'Talib Exposed'
Brother Abu Luqman (Anjem) 
Brother Khaled 
Abu Fazul
Abu Umar (Pakistan)
Ibn Tsar (Chechen)
Hadi Nabi
Abu Ibrahim 
Ari and Alan 
Last edited on 25 Sep 23
اللهم فك قيد اسرانا و اسرى المسلمين
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compneuropapers · 2 months
Interesting Papers for Week 32, 2024
In and Out of Criticality? State-Dependent Scaling in the Rat Visual Cortex. Castro, D. M., Feliciano, T., de Vasconcelos, N. A. P., Soares-Cunha, C., Coimbra, B., Rodrigues, A. J., … Copelli, M. (2024). PRX Life, 2(2), 023008.
An event-termination cue causes perceived time to dilate. Choe, S., & Kwon, O.-S. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 659–669.
Stimulus-dependent differences in cortical versus subcortical contributions to visual detection in mice. Cone, J. J., Mitchell, A. O., Parker, R. K., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2024). Current Biology, 34(9), 1940-1952.e5.
Sexually dimorphic control of affective state processing and empathic behaviors. Fang, S., Luo, Z., Wei, Z., Qin, Y., Zheng, J., Zhang, H., … Li, B. (2024). Neuron, 112(9), 1498-1517.e8.
Post-retrieval stress impairs subsequent memory depending on hippocampal memory trace reinstatement during reactivation. Heinbockel, H., Wagner, A. D., & Schwabe, L. (2024). Science Advances, 10(18).
An effect that counts: Temporally contiguous action effect enhances motor performance. Karsh, N., Ahmad, Z., Erez, F., & Hadad, B.-S. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 897–905.
Learning enhances representations of taste-guided decisions in the mouse gustatory insular cortex. Kogan, J. F., & Fontanini, A. (2024). Current Biology, 34(9), 1880-1892.e5.
Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning. Leitão, A., & Gahr, M. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(18), e2312323121.
Information flow between motor cortex and striatum reverses during skill learning. Lemke, S. M., Celotto, M., Maffulli, R., Ganguly, K., & Panzeri, S. (2024). Current Biology, 34(9), 1831-1843.e7.
Statistically inferred neuronal connections in subsampled neural networks strongly correlate with spike train covariances. Liang, T., & Brinkman, B. A. W. (2024). Physical Review E, 109(4), 044404.
Pre-acquired Functional Connectivity Predicts Choice Inconsistency. Madar, A., Kurtz-David, V., Hakim, A., Levy, D. J., & Tavor, I. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(18), e0453232024.
Alpha-band sensory entrainment improves audiovisual temporal acuity. Marsicano, G., Bertini, C., & Ronconi, L. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 874–885.
Excitability mediates allocation of pre-configured ensembles to a hippocampal engram supporting contextual conditioned threat in mice. Mocle, A. J., Ramsaran, A. I., Jacob, A. D., Rashid, A. J., Luchetti, A., Tran, L. M., … Josselyn, S. A. (2024). Neuron, 112(9), 1487-1497.e6.
Incidentally encoded temporal associations produce priming in implicit memory. Mundorf, A. M. D., Uitvlugt, M. G., & Healey, M. K. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 761–771.
Intrinsic and Synaptic Contributions to Repetitive Spiking in Dentate Granule Cells. Shu, W.-C., & Jackson, M. B. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(18), e0716232024.
Dynamic prediction of goal location by coordinated representation of prefrontal-hippocampal theta sequences. Wang, Y., Wang, X., Wang, L., Zheng, L., Meng, S., Zhu, N., … Ming, D. (2024). Current Biology, 34(9), 1866-1879.e6.
Calibrating Bayesian Decoders of Neural Spiking Activity. Wei 魏赣超, G., Tajik Mansouri زینب تاجیک منصوری, Z., Wang 王晓婧, X., & Stevenson, I. H. (2024). Journal of Neuroscience, 44(18), e2158232024.
Attribute amnesia as a product of experience-dependent encoding. Yan, N., & Anderson, B. A. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 772–780.
A common format for representing spatial location in visual and motor working memory. Yousif, S. R., Forrence, A. D., & McDougle, S. D. (2024). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(2), 697–707.
Unified control of temporal and spatial scales of sensorimotor behavior through neuromodulation of short-term synaptic plasticity. Zhou, S., & Buonomano, D. V. (2024). Science Advances, 10(18).
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
The Cruel Choice
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The Master lumbers around like a shadow in the smoke as armed forces move further in while helicopters cover the skies. He doesn’t lift a finger as his own thralls are being fired upon, gravely wounding them all. Ruixiong receives a bullet to the neck while Abena gains two on her torso. Rashid, being the biggest target, has four on his back, forcing him to lower his shield around Phoebus as he falls forward, nearly dead.
And despite the rain of bullets, the Master does nothing but talk. He takes the time to speak to his thralls as the armed forces take cover briefly in case the Seven fire back, not knowing for sure what they were dealing with other than the fact they can clear an entire pier in such small numbers. Sorcery? Advanced weaponry? They don’t know, and they must be careful to act accordingly. And yet still, the Master speaks, unafraid of their approach as his thralls lay on the ground, bleeding and dying.
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“Did you think anyone would just come here to thank you for saving lives when you destroyed others? Did you truly believe, for a moment, that anyone would look upon you favorably for discerning which souls to spare and which ones to take?”
The Master takes an unfallen chair and seats himself onto it, going as far as to cross his legs as he rests a hand on a knee.
“Your actions with those hostages proved nothing. Nothing but the very fact you will never be seen as anymore than murderers and monsters. Those hostages did not see human faces; they saw demons. They didn’t see hands, they saw fog and fire. They didn’t see eyes; they saw sin. Your sin. All of your sins.
“There was no righteousness in your actions. Only cowardice. You hide your deeds beneath the mask of goodwill for humanity. But such goodwill is false. You know it. You know there are consequences in defying me… me, who always knows what is best for you. Did I demand you finish the job out of sheer cruelty? Oh, my beloved children… 
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“I knew this would happen to you. Because this is what happened to you in Mactan. In Jeddah. In Beijing. And in Tortuga. You come in with good intentions, hoping to survive… only for you to die for doing the right thing.
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“...But I am merciful, aren’t I? I gave you what you needed. And it seems, for all your hard work… I will have to step in again.” The Master raises his head as grenades are being ready while the armored trucks and helicopters close in…
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The Master turns his head towards Guy in particular. He smirks as he looks upon his leg in particular… the same leg that was wounded and introduced the fever that nearly killed him in 1521.
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“Oh, Guy… how much you suffered this entire year. You only wished for it all to end. All because of some little words your brother said around this time last year.”
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“.......Would you ilke to know… the conditions of Phoebus’ Pact?”
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“To… sell his soul…. To save my life…”
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“...It was more than that.”
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“.....Phoebus the First. Son of Avignon. Child of the Persecuted by the Crown and the Cross.”
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“Show them the true deliverer of all pain and suffering in the world. The true meaning of death.”
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Phoebus rises from the debris….
And says nothing. Nothing as the men, armored and armed, release their weapons to sip into a slumber.
First their eyes close.
Then their breath escapes their lips.
Then their eyes sink into their sockets. Their tongues roll back into their skulls. Their blood pools. Their skin tightens.
Then they rot. Then the flies and maggots die and rot. Any rat and roach that survived the chaos on the piers fell over and slept before fading away. Kelp that washed ashore curl and dry up even while the tides are still high. Seagulls and petrels lose strength mid flight. Foam and detritus containing dead fish form along the waves as everything dies.
Even the drivers of the vehicles still going. The helicopters spin out of control and crash into the sea as well as the armored trucks, drowning anyone left who may have resisted Sloth’s slumber.
No words. No commands. Even the wind is dead. And nothing is left.
Only an eternal sleep.
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María domark
Nacimiento: 25 de diciembre de 1995 (edad 28 años), San Petersburgo, Rusia
Estatura: 1,7 m
Pareja: Roy Kornblum (2018–)
Shael Selvia
Modelo del ejército femenino de Israel .
harén, harem
nombre masculino
En casas musulmanas, zona en que viven las mujeres.
nombre masculino
Entre los musulmanes, conjunto de todas las mujeres que viven bajo la dependencia de un jefe de familia.
título de origen árabe aplicado a líderes religiosos o políticos a nivel local
Jeque[1] (del árabe: شيخ [shaij o sheij] ‘anciano’) es un título de origen árabe, etimológicamente comparable al arquetipo de viejo sabio.
Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
príncipe heredero y jeque dubaití (n. 1982)
El jeque Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, más conocido como "Fazza" (en árabe: حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم‎; Dubái, 14 de noviembre de 1982); es el príncipe heredero de Dubái y presidente del Consejo Ejecutivo del Emirato de Dubái. Es el segundo hijo del jeque Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vicepresidente y primer ministro de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y gobernante de Dubái.[1] Como equitador, Maktoum es múltiple campeón mundial en los Juegos Ecuestres Mundiales.[2][3]
Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Información personal
Nombre completo
Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid bin Saeed bin Maktoum bin Hasher bin Maktoum bin Butti bin Suhail Al Maktoum
Nombre nativo
حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم
14 de noviembre de 1982 (41 años)
Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Islam suní
Lengua materna
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Hind Bint Maktum Bin Juma Al Maktum
Educado en
Rashid School for Boys
Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Escuela de Economía y Ciencia Política de Londres Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Poeta, empresario, comerciante, jockey y político
Cargos ocupados
Príncipe de la Corona de Dubái
Su Alteza el jeque
1 de febrero de 2008 - actualidad
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Carrera deportiva
Turf Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil (2008) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
[editar datos en Wikidata]
Títulos y tratamientos
Última edición hace 3 meses por 2800:E2:8880:1B99:70E4:79EC:A9BA:8A37
El contenido está disponible bajo la licencia CC BY-SA 4.0, salvo que se indique lo contrario.
Política de privacidad Términos de usoEscritorio
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Entry 2- Sustainability practice of a sports venue
Crypto.com Arena
Crypto.com Arena, previously known as the Staples Center, has been in existence since October 1999 holding a capacity of 19,000 patrons (AEG World-wide, 2024). The arena has created a home for sports and entertainment, home to four well known professional franchises such as the NBA Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers, WNBA’s Los Angeles Sparks and the NHL’S Los Angeles Kings. The stadium not only host sporting events, but it is also known for its history in hosting national and international events on a regular basis as followed, NBA all Star games, WWE, Disney on Ice, and the famous Grammy awards night.
Sustainability practice is defined as a significant environmental practice that’s taken by manufacturing industries to preserve the environment and improve the quality of human life (Adbul-Rashid et al, 2017). Sustainable practice of a sports venue can be identified as an important factor in a sport stadia, environmental sustainability  can be described as the substantial environmental cost of constructions and day to day operations at a facility (Bunds et al, 2019), where more attention has been brought upon the topic of sustainable practice for, sport and entertainment venues where more focus has been shifted to increasing environmental improvement through sustainability initiatives (Hottle et al, 2015). 
Crypto.com Arena have approached the sustainability practice for a sports venue to a high degree, a dedicated page labelled ‘Environmental Sustainability’ which provide information on the venues approach to addressing its responsibility and commitment to operating to a high standard. In addition, Crypto.com Arena is working in correspondence with AEG sustainability who work together to minimize environmental impacts through sports and music to influence action to be taken within communities (AEG, 2024). For example, Crypto.com arena introduced rooftop solar PV systems, they also installed LED sports lighting. (Refer to image 2 and 3 for brief overview of LED lighting and rooftop solar systems). 
Based on reviews left from patrons some label the stadium as having a “great sound and lighting system” and “clean” (Trip Advisor). Essentially such feedback highlights the sustainable practice approaches that Crypto.com Arena have in place to ensure they are meeting the needs of its stakeholders but ensuring their actions align with the objectives and goals of the organisation. 
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Abdul-Rashid, Sakundarini, N., Raja Ghazilla, R. A., & Thurasamy, R. (2017). The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(2), 182–204. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-04-2015-0223\
AEG. (2024). Crypto.com Arena. https://www.aegworldwide.com/divisions/facilities/cryptocom-arena
AEG. (2024). Sustainability. Inspiring the world’s many voices to protect our planet.https://www.aegworldwide.com/about/sustainability
Bunds, K. S., McLeod, C. M., Barrett, M., Newman, J. I., & Koenigstorfer, J. (2019). The object-oriented politics of stadium sustainability: A case study of SC Freiburg. Sustainability, 11(23), 6712. 
Crypto Arena. (2024). Environmental Sustainability. https://www.cryptoarena.com/arena-info/environmental-sustainability
Hottle, T. A., Bilec, M. M., Brown, N. R., & Landis, A. E. (2015). Toward zero waste: Composting and recycling for sustainable venue-based events. Waste Management, 38, 86-94.
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koval-nation · 10 months
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64) Dulatowie, dulattar; dulat; Дулаты, дулаттар; дулат - duże stowarzyszenie plemienne, największa grupa w obrębie Senior Zhuz narodu kazachskiego. Dulatowie, jako część Kazachów, są częścią Uysunów, jako część Kirgizów, jako część plemienia Sayak, jako część Uzbeków, jako część grupy etnograficznej Kuraminów. Dulatowie mieszkali wzdłuż brzegów Ili, aż do Chu i Talas oraz w środkowym biegu Syr-darii. V. V. Bartold znalazł podobieństwo między nimi a Mogholistan Duglats. Według szacunków Bayana Rakiszewa z 2016 roku w Kazachstanie przebywało wówczas 1309 tys. dulatów. Według spisu rolnego z lat 1906-1912. Dulatów było 334 tys., m.in. w Taraz – 60,8% ludności Kazachstanu, w Szymkencie – 32,8%, w Biszkeku – 93,7% ludności Kazachstanu.
Uran (okrzyk przodków (bojowy)) - „Baktiyar”. Tamga (symbol przodków) - „Domalak”. Etymologia słowa „Domalak” to totem Słońca (Kun belgisi). Domalak ana – kun domalak; Nurila – kun nury; Sary Baybishe – kun sary; Zharykshak – kun zharyk; - Nur ul lub Nuryn („Nirun” według Rashida ad-Dina) – kunnen taragan.
Kwestia etniczności Dulatów była wielokrotnie przedmiotem sporów wielu badaczy – niektórzy uważali ich za tubylców mongolskich stepów i potomków plemienia Duglat, o czym wspomina Rashid ad-Din (V. V. Bartold, Ch. Ch. Valikhanov) lub plemię Baryń, inni – Turcy (N. A. Aristov, S. Amanzholov, V. V. Vostrov, M. S. Mukanov). Według teorii tureckiej, podstawę etniczną Dulatów stanowiły plemiona zachodnio-tureckiego Khaganatu (VI w.), znane w źródłach pisanych jako „Dulu” (pięć plemion Dulu i pięć plemion Nushibi) - mieszkańcy Semirecze. Co więcej, przez pięć wieków (700-1200) w znanych dziełach nie pojawiały się wzmianki o dulu. W Chagatai Ulus (1224-1348) Duglaci założyli własne państwo Manglai-Sube. Dulatowie są jednym z klanów należących do dużego stowarzyszenia plemiennego Uysun. Charakterystyczną haplogrupą dla Uysunów i Dulatów jest C2-M217. Genetycznie Uysunowie z ludów Azji Środkowej są najbliżsi Bayatom żyjącym w aimagu Uvs w północno-zachodniej Mongolii. Haplogrupa C3-gromada gwiazd (obecnie oznaczona jako C2*-M217), według Zh. M. Sabitova, odzwierciedla wkład genetyczny Nirun-Mongołów, potomków Bodonchara (przodka Duglatów i innych klanów mongolskich). W tym samym czasie Sabitow połączył Dulatów Kazachstanu i resztę Uysunów z plemieniem Nirun-mongolskim Baryn. W 2019 r. rozpoczęto projekt non-profit mający na celu klasyfikację rodziny Dulat. Serwis ma charakter bezpłatnej, moderowanej encyklopedii. Plemię Dulat dzieli się na 4 klany, które z czasem zaczęto dzielić na mniejsze klany (alfabetycznie):
1. Botpay:
2. Zhanys:
3. Sikym:
4. Szymyr:
Istnieje wersja utożsamiania Dulatów u Kazachów z Duglatami z Mogolistanu. Pogląd ten popierał akademik V. V. Bartold oraz inni historycy. Według wielu innych badaczy Dulatowie i Duglaci z Mogolistanu mają tylko podobne etnonimy. Według tej wersji Dulatowie mają to samo pochodzenie, co pozostałe klany stowarzyszenia Uysun i nie są bezpośrednio spokrewnieni ze średniowiecznymi Duglatami. Najbardziej szczegółowych informacji na temat historii plemienia Dughlat dostarcza historyk Mirza Muhammad Haydar Dughlat. Według jego zeznań Dughlatowie byli „jednym z głównych i potężnych plemion Mogulistanu”. W okresie upadku ulus Chagatai, szlachta Duglat podjęła decyzję o utworzeniu niezależnego państwa na terytoriach sąsiadujących z Kaszgarem i Yarkendem. Ponieważ we wszystkich państwach mongolskich, zgodnie z tradycją, najwyższym władcą mógł być tylko Czyngisyd, Amir Puladchi (Bulaji), przywódca plemienia Dughlat, wystąpił z zamiarem utworzenia niezależnego od Chagatai ulus państwa Mogulistan, z pomoc protegowanego - chana z Czyngisydów. Czyngizid, którego wybrali Duglaci, okazał się 18-letnim Togluk-Timur-oglan. Tym samym Czyngisydzi stali się początkowo instrumentem politycznym w rękach Dughlatów. Od tego momentu głowa plemienia Dughlat zajmowała stanowisko ulusbega – „władcy ulus” – pod rządami chana Mogulistanu, który zajmował się faktycznym zarządzaniem sprawami państwa. Sam historyk Muhammad Haydar Dughlat był kuzynem Padishaha Babura, a także sułtana Saida Khana, który w 1514 roku podbił ziemie przodków Dughlatów z Manglai-Sube i założył na ich terytorium niezależny Chanat Mogulia. Po śmierci sułtana Saida Khana jego następca Abd ar-Rashid Khan I (1533-1559) położył kres władzy Dughlatów w chanacie i dokonał egzekucji ostatniego ulusbega - Sayyida Muhammada Mirzy, wuja historyka Muhammada Haydara.
W Taszkencie mieszkał jeden z wpływowych bijów narodu kazachskiego, Tole bi Alibekuly (dulat, gałąź zhanys - zhantu), który faktycznie dowodził Starszym Zhuzem. 10 wiorst od Taszkentu wzdłuż drogi Chimkent, w rejonie Karakamys, w 1725 roku włóczęga imieniem Sabalak, późniejszy słynny Ablai Khan, pasł wielbłądy Tole Bi. W notatkach majora Peremyshelsky'ego z 1853 roku opisano miejsce przyszłej osady (Alma-Ata), położone na ziemiach plemienia Dulat:
"8 sierpnia 1853
G. Dowódca Korpusu
Miałem zaszczyt poinformować Waszą Ekscelencję o moim zamiarze zbadania szczytów Ałmaty. Po zbadaniu pierwszego i drugiego Ałmaty oraz doliny między nimi wraz z inżynierem-porucznikiem Aleksandrowskim stwierdziliśmy, że łatwość pozyskiwania drewna, duża ilość pięknych gruntów ornych poprzecinanych rowami, pastwiskami i obszarami sianokosami, znacznie przewyższają obszary na Issyk i Talgar, dlatego zaproponowaliśmy Ałmaty jako miejsce przyszłych osad, a dzięki zajęciu tego punktu wszystkie najlepsze miejsca koczownicze i uprawne Dulatów będą na wyciągnięcie ręki" - Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev, „Materiały dotyczące historii narodu kazachskiego”, Taszkent 1925.
"W latach pięćdziesiątych XVII wieku Dulatowie wyemigrowali na zachód, a w latach 1690–1790 mieszkali w dystrykcie Taszkent. Dulatowie rządzili i byli właścicielami Taszkentu. W źródłach rosyjskich informacje o plemieniu Dulat pojawiają się już w XVIII wieku. Tak więc w opisie składu plemiennego Kazachów, opracowanym przez M. Tevkeleva w 1778 r., mówi się, że Senior Zhuz składa się z 10 plemion, a wśród nich jest wszystkie pięć głównych klanów Dulatów: Botpay, Shymyr, Sikym, Zhanys, Bogezhil".
Sirgeli jest zaprzysiężonym bratem Dulata, przodka plemienia Dulat.
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welidot · 1 year
Jacqueline Fernandez
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This Biography is about one of the best celebrity of the world Jacqueline Fernandez including his Height, weight,Age & Other Detail... Express info Real Name Jacqueline Fernandez Nick Name Jacky Profession Actress and Model Age (as in 2023) 37 Years old Physical Stats & More Info Height in centimeters- 170 cm in meters- 1.70 m in Feet Inches- 5' 7” Weight in Kilograms- 56 kg in Pounds- 123 lbs Figure Measurements 34-25-35 Eye Color Dark Brown Hair Color Black Personal Life of Jacqueline Fernandez Date of Birth 11 August 1985 Birth Place Manama, Bahrain Nationality Sri Lankan Hometown Colombo, Sri Lanka School Sacred Heart School, Bahrain College University of Sydney, Sydney Education Qualifications Graduate in Mass Communication Debut Film Debut: Aladin (2009) Family Father- Elroy Fernandez (Businessman) Mother- Kim Brothers- 2 (Elder) Sister- 1 (Elder) Best Friends Sonam Kapoor Religion Christian Home Address Bandra,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India Hobbies Travelling, gymnastics, swimming and dancing Like &DisLike N/A Favourite Things Of Jacqueline Fernandez Favourite Food French cuisine Favourite Actress Angelina Jolie Favourite Actor Shahrukh Khan and Leonardo DiCaprio Favourite Colors White FavouriteFilm The Bridges Of Madison, Gone with the Wind Favourite Sports Basketball,Tennis,Cricket Favourite Perfume Issey Miyake Favourite Song N/A Favourite Destination Italy Favourite Book The God Of Small Things Boys , Affairs and More Of Jacqueline Fernandez Marital Status Unmarried Affairs Sheikh Hassan Bin Rashid Al Khalifa (Bahraini prince) Sajid Khan (Director) Marriage Date N/A Children N/A Earning Money of Jacqueline Fernandez Net Worth $9 million Salary per Film 2-3 Crore/film (INR) This Biography written by www.welidot.com Read the full article
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hardynwa · 1 year
Full list of 257 judges to hear petitions
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A total of 257 judges will hear petitions arising from the 2023 general elections in Nigeria, according to a list by the National Judicial Council (NJC). Proceedings at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal and State Election Petition Tribunals are expected to commence fully in May after the Worker’s Day holiday. Nigerians have shifted their attention to the tribunals as aggrieved candidates in the February 25 and March 18 contests attempt to overturn victories. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has issued Certificates of Return to all winners of various positions. Already, hundreds of petitions have been filed to challenge the outcome of the presidential, National Assembly, governorship and state assembly polls. But more are expected due to the April 15 supplementary elections in more than 20 states, in view of the provisions of the Electoral Act, 2022. Section 132 (7) & (8) allows for petitions to be filed within 21 days after the declaration of results. The respondents have 21 days to respond, while the court has 180 days to decide. The senior judicial officers to preside were drawn from State High Court, FCT High Court, Federal High Court and National Industrial Court. Below is the full list of the judges approved by the NJC under the leadership of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Olukayode Ariwoola. Abia: Justices C.O. Onyeabo, O. Zik-Ikeorha, C.H. Ahuchaogu, A.O. Chijioke, K.C.J. Okereke, L.T.C. Eruba, B. Anya, N. Philomena, A.O. Phoeba, C.K. Nwankwo. Adamawa: Justices H.N.H. Joda, B.I. Ladukiya, Musa Usman, K.L. Samuel, A.J. Balami, K.Z.U. Modibbo. Akwa Ibom: Justices P.P. Idiong, A.D. Odokwo, O.A. Okon, F.J. Ibanga, and N.M. Obot. Bayelsa: Justices J.B. Egele, and Justice T.Y. Abasi. Benue: Justices W.I. Kpochi, T.A. Kume, T.T. Asua, P.T. Kwahar, M.T. Ugar, A.I. Ityonyman, M.M. Odinya, I. Muhammed. Borno: Justices H.Y. Mshelia, A.Z. Musa, U.S. Sakwa, M.G. Abubakar B. Othman. Cross River: Justices F.N. Isoni, E.O. Abua, O.I. Ofem, A.A. Ewah, U.A. Ibrahim, E.I. Ebri, I.B. Etape, E.A. Ubua. Delta: Justices A.O. Apkovi, F.N. Azinge, C.N. Ogadi, E.N. Ejiro, T.O. Uloho, M.O. Omovie, C.O. Emifoniye, C.I. Dafe. Ebonyi: Justices H.A. Njoku, B.A.N Ogbu, N.E. Nwibo, C.E. Eze, I.P. Chima, O. Elekwa, T.A. Achom, U. Onwosi. Edo: Justices V.O. Eboreime, J.O. Okeaya, Irele-Ifijeh, V.O.A. Oviawe, I.P. Braimoh, T.I. Eghe-Abe. Ekiti: Justices A.L. Ogunmoye, A.A. Adeleye, L.O. Ogundana, E.B. Omotoso, A.O. Familoni, J.A. Apuabi, O.O. Oluboyede. Enugu: Justices R.O. Odugu, E.N. Oluedo, N.R. Oji, C.A.B. Onaga, U.J. Nweze, E.N. Alukwu. Gombe: Justices A.M. Yakubu, H.H. Kereng, S.Y. Abubakar, M. Fatima, D.S. Sikkam, M.A. Haruna, B.H. Abbayo, M.I. Gombe. Imo: Justices L.C. Azuama, K.A. Ojiako, B.C. Iheka, S.I. Okpara, V.I Onyeka, E.N. Eke, K.A Leweanya, J.I. Obichere. Jigawa: Justices A.M. Abubakar, A.Y. Birnin Kudu, I. Ya’u, N. Zargina. Kaduna: Justices E.Y.B. Lolo, K. Dabo, M.T. Rashid, M.N. Sidi, A.Y. John, E. Michael. Kano: Justices M. Yusuf Ubale, A.A. Amina, I.M.M Karaye, N. Saminu, J.S. Suleiman, S.A. Maryam, S.M. Ado, A.A. Maiwada. Katsina: Justices A.B. Abdullahi, A.K. Tukur, I.W. Baraka, B.U. Safiya, I.I. Mashi, L. Umar, A. Yarima, M.D. Hadiza. Kebbi: Justices U. Abubakar, N.I. Umar, S.B. Shuaibu, F.H. Bunza, S.K. Manya, A.S. Bello, S.U. Mukhtar, U.A. S/Kudu. Kogi: Justices F. Ajayi, S. Umar, M.M. Gwatana, A.S. Husaini, S. Zubayru, B. Aina, D. Yakubu. Kwara: Justices A.A. Adebara, A.S. Halima, A. Gegele, F.D. Lawal, J.Z. Umar, M.A. Oniye, O.I. Olabisi, K. Abdul-Latif. Lagos: Justices M.O. Obadina, J.E. Oyefeso, A.O. Opesanwo, L.B.L. Akapo, J.A. Kudirat, S.S. Ogunsanya, I.O. Akinkugbe, O.A. Adamson. Nasarawa: Justices R.G. Soji, A.M. Mainoma, S.A. Ayiwulu, A.A. Ozegyu, M.A. Ramat, J.K. Kurape, A.T. Chanbo. Niger: Justices M. Abdullahi, S.T. Zainab, Y.G. Bilkisu, I. Usman, I. Hauwa Kulu, L.M. Amina, M.I. Khadijat. Ondo: Justice O.A. Osadebay, P.O. Ikujuni, W.R. Olamide, O. Sunday, J.O. Abe, A. Enikuomehin, T.M. Adedipe, A.E. Akeredolu. Ogun: C.C. Ogunsanya, Justice O. Ogunfowora, A.A.S. Femi, A.O. Araba, A.A. Adewole, I.O. Awofeso, D.I. Dipeolu. Osun: Justice A.A. Ajeibe, A.O. Ayoola, K.M. Akano, A.L. Adegoke, M.O. Agboola, S.A. Oke, M.O. Okediya, A.O. Adenji. Oyo: Justices G.A. Sunmonu, O.M. Fadeyi, E.O. Ajayi, M.L. Owolabi, M.I. Sule, L.A. Ganiyu, B.A. Taiwo, O.A. Adetujoye. Plateau: Justices A.I. Ashom, N.J. Dadi, T. Zololo, G.M. Kamyal, V. Dadom, D.S. Damulak, S.S. Fomber, B.M. Bassi. Rivers: Justices M.O. Opara, G.C. Aguma, F. Onyiri, L.T. Senewo, F.A. Fiberesima, L. Ngbor-Abina, O.D. Gbasam, S.S. Popnen. Sokoto: Justices M.U. Dogondaji, A.G. Sifawa, M. Mohammed, S. Shehu, M.A. Sambo, D.Y. Danjega, B.Y. Tambuwa, B. Ibrahim. Taraba: Justice S. Haruna, A.B. Abbare, C.J. Katabs, M.A. Badamasi, E. Tata, K.A.A. Yara. Yobe: Justices M.Z. Usman, K.B. Yusuf, M. Kyari, H.L. Musa, H.S. Tahir, K.M.B Inuwa, A.K. Kime. Zamfara: Justices H. Mikailu, B.M. Kucheri, I.H. Ismaila, U. AbdulNasir, S.G. G/Bore, B. Rabi. FCT High Court: Justices M.E. Anenih, O.A. Adeniyi, A.I. Kutigi, A.O. Otaluka, Y. Halilu, A.O. Ebong, B. Hassan, E. Enenche, A.S. Usman. Federal High Court: Justices A.A. Okeke, M.A. Onytenu, H.R.A. Shagari, J.O. Abdulmalik. National Industrial Court: Justices I.S. Galadima, S.H. Danjidda, K.D. Damuak. Read the full article
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pt-anderson · 3 years
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Change all my friends Only ‘cause you asked me twice Change all my clothes That don’t make a difference either I don’t want anything Unless there’s you Unless there’s you I don’t want anyone Unless it’s you Unless it’s you
“Is this the beginning of civilization? Or the end?” Did My Best & The Eternal Tao 2.0 Double-Header Music Feature by The Voidz Directed by Johann Rashid AKA Promiseland Animations by Benjamin Portas
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 16, 2023
Sleep deprivation and hippocampal ripple disruption after one-session learning eliminate memory expression the next day. Aleman-Zapata, A., Morris, R. G. M., & Genzel, L. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123424119.
Aversive memory formation in humans involves an amygdala-hippocampus phase code. Costa, M., Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Gil-Nagel, A., Toledano, R., Oehrn, C. R., Kunz, L., … Strange, B. A. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6403.
Sleep preferentially consolidates negative aspects of human memory: Well-powered evidence from two large online experiments. Denis, D., Sanders, K. E. G., Kensinger, E. A., & Payne, J. D. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2202657119.
How do (perceptual) distracters distract? Dumbalska, T., Rudzka, K., Smithson, H. E., & Summerfield, C. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010609.
The induced motion effect is a high-level visual phenomenon: Psychophysical evidence. Falconbridge, M., Hewitt, K., Haille, J., Badcock, D. R., & Edwards, M. (2022). I-Perception, 13(5), 204166952211181.
Salience memories formed by value, novelty and aversiveness jointly shape object responses in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Ghazizadeh, A., & Hikosaka, O. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6338.
Recurrent Hippocampo-neocortical sleep-state divergence in humans. Jang, R. S., Ciliberti, D., Mankin, E. A., & Poe, G. R. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123427119.
Cone opponent functional domains in primary visual cortex combine signals for color appearance mechanisms. Li, P., Garg, A. K., Zhang, L. A., Rashid, M. S., & Callaway, E. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6344.
Hippocampal gamma and sharp wave/ripples mediate bidirectional interactions with cortical networks during sleep. Pedrosa, R., Nazari, M., Mohajerani, M. H., Knöpfel, T., Stella, F., & Battaglia, F. P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2204959119.
Generalizing the control architecture of the lateral prefrontal cortex. Pitts, M., & Nee, D. E. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107688.
Natural scene sampling reveals reliable coarse-scale orientation tuning in human V1. Roth, Z. N., Kay, K., & Merriam, E. P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6469.
Stable Working Memory and Perceptual Representations in Macaque Lateral Prefrontal Cortex during Naturalistic Vision. Roussy, M., Corrigan, B., Luna, R., Gulli, R. A., Sachs, A. J., Palaniyappan, L., & Martinez-Trujillo, J. C. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8328–8342.
A Midbrain Inspired Recurrent Neural Network Model for Robust Change Detection. Sawant, Y., Kundu, J. N., Radhakrishnan, V. B., & Sridharan, D. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8262–8283.
Distinct organization of two cortico-cortical feedback pathways. Shen, S., Jiang, X., Scala, F., Fu, J., Fahey, P., Kobak, D., … Tolias, A. S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6389.
Predictive coding, multisensory integration, and attentional control: A multicomponent framework for lucid dreaming. Simor, P., Bogdány, T., & Peigneux, P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123418119.
A model of autonomous interactions between hippocampus and neocortex driving sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Singh, D., Norman, K. A., & Schapiro, A. C. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123432119.
A robust core architecture of functional brain networks supports topological resilience and cognitive performance in middle- and old-aged adults. Stanford, W. C., Mucha, P. J., & Dayan, E. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2203682119.
Optimal noise level for coding with tightly balanced networks of spiking neurons in the presence of transmission delays. Timcheck, J., Kadmon, J., Boahen, K., & Ganguli, S. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010593.
Dissociating the involvement of muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors in object memory destabilization and reconsolidation. Wideman, C. E., Minard, E. P., Zakaria, J. M., Capistrano, J. D. R., Scott, G. A., & Winters, B. D. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107686.
Inducing forgetting of unwanted memories through subliminal reactivation. Zhu, Z., Anderson, M. C., & Wang, Y. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6496.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
“Master….. I’ve come for my monthly report on the Crew….”
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“Ahhh, my Little Nani. You were reminded of what you’ve done for me in Guangzhou, weren’t you? I heard from a little birdie you’re getting married…”
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“You did?! From whom?!”
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“You. Just now.”
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Giovanni takes in a breath. He hates this. He hates mind games with the Master... and he hates how he can never win. Not with his own brain the way it is.
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“We still have that deal, Giovanni. You give me a soul of equal value to your beloved Annalise, and I will leave her alone. You haven’t been able to do that for me yet. Not even with your little stint at dragonslaying.”
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“Please, Master! Is there no other way?! Can I not offer you anything else?!”
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“You and your Crew were not able to procure me the one hundred souls for Arcelia’s. I am giving you the chance to give me one. Just one for Annalise. Can you not do even that?”
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“Please, Master! There has to be another way! Guy went to you, didn’t he? What did he offer you? He offered you something when he ran to you last winter, didn’t he?!”
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“What makes you think he offered me anything, Nani? For what?”
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Giovanni pauses for a guess. What would Guy want from the Master beyond what was already gifted to him? The young man considers how--despite his impulsiveness and hedonism, Guy is otherwise fairly down-to-earth. “W-……… I don’t know….. Your company?”
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The Master grins. “Do you believe that is the case, Giovanni?”
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“Were you able to guess that just like how Guy guessed your secret?”
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“M-Master….. N-no…. You read my soul?!”
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“I didn’t, Nani. Once again–you just told me.”
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“You know I cannot just read souls readily–I need to crack them open first like a clam. Though having your soul fragment given to me freely is helpful so that at least I can track your whereabouts no matter which part of the world you and your Crew flee to. Where is that trust you established with me and just me, Little Nani? Are you afraid I will back out on my deal?
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“Did I break my promise in Guangzhou, Nani? That I will not place retribution upon you and your Crew for betraying me?”
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“Have I ever broken my promises, Nani? Have I ever broken our deals? After all, Giovanni Bartolomeo Vespucci….
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“You were the one who came to me. Hoping to make a deal to ensure that your beloved Crew will never abandon you. Just as Phoebus was abandoning you for his new hospital. As Rashid for his new business venture with Mrs. Cheung. As Guy was for San-Gwong. As Ruixiong for his heroics in China. For Josep and Abena for their daughter Arcelia.
“You knew they were never going to bother returning to the sea. That they would never return to me. Not with a hospital, a business, a rebel plot, and marriages on the way.”
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“It wouldn’t matter if we never aged. Phoebus was becoming close with figuring out how to artificially age us. We had no plans on how to fake our deaths with old age once the time comes, and even then–old age would still be a very long time for any of us….
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“I was so scared… so scared they’ll just put me away and forget about me until I wither away… just like Gregorio and Lorenzo…”
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“The domestic life without having to deal with a pox was always tempting for your Crew. Ten years is a long time… imagine fifty. All because Josep–your savior–chose his daughter over you. But thanks to me, that abandonment didn’t happen. Your Crew belongs to you and only you now. And they will never abandon you as long as I am in constant watch over them like barnacles to a hull.
“Imagine the irony of the situation now. The tables have turned. You are the only one who is about to have that happy life in marriage. All while the rest of your Crew wallow in misery of lost love and broken relationships.”
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“No wonder your secret is destroying you from within. My deal still stands, Nani. You have a few more months before I collect. More than a single night, no? Whatever Guy does with your secret matters not to me–that’s entirely on you and your Crew. I will see you when I see you, Little Nani.
“You can give me a full report on the Crew the next time I see you. You have a good night….”
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buggiesbuzzing · 3 years
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( if you wish to be added to any character or fandom taglists either comment, ask, or shoot me a message !!! additionally, if you have any requests for a character not on here, feel free to send it anyway, there's a chance i'll write for said missing character, but send a back up just in case !!! )
( any underage characters have been aged up to 18+, i do not write minors — aged up characters will have headcanons )
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Castiel “Cas”
Fergus “Crowley” MacLeod
Kevin Tran
Charlie Bradbury
Jody Mills
Rowena MacLeod
Lucifer / Casifer
Chuck Shurley / God
Mary Winchester
Jack Kline
Stanley “Stan” Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenneth “Kenny” McCormick
Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Gwendolyn “Wendy” Testaburger
Clyde Donovan
Craig Tucker
Tolkien Black
Barbara “Bebe” Stevens
Rebecca “Red” Tucker
Henrietta Biggle / Girl Goth
Michael / Tall Goth
Damien Thorn
Estella Havisham
Georgie “Firkle” Smith
Kevin McCormick
Karen McCormick
Pete Thelman
Mark Cotswolds
Rebecca Cotswolds
Scott Howl
Liam de Lioncourt
Vara Oberlin
Damien LaVey
Polly Geist
Miranda Vanderbilt
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Amira Rashid
Brian Yu
Vicky Schmidt
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Bruce Banner / The Hulk
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
T H A T 7 0 s S H O W
Jaqueline “Jackie” Burkhart
Steven Hyde
Michael Kelso
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred & George Weasley
Severus Snape
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Emmett Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Charlie Swan
Bella Swan
Vasilisa Dragomir
Rosemarie Hathaway
Dimitri Belikov
Mason Ashford
Vivien Harmon ( Murder House )
Violet Harmon ( Murder House )
Tate Langdon ( Murder House )
Lana Winters ( Asylum )
Kit Walker ( Asylum )
Cordelia Goode ( Coven )
Zoe Benson ( Coven )
Kyle Spencer ( Coven )
Madison Montgomery ( Coven )
Cordelia Goode ( Coven )
Misty Day ( Coven )
James March ( Hotel )
Brooke Thompson ( 1984 )
Montana Duke ( 1984 )
Xavier Plympton ( 1984 )
Shota Aizawa / Eraserhead
Mina Ashido
Ochaco Ururaka
Ejiro Kirishima
Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Katsuki Bakugou
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Enji Todoroki / Endeavor
Shoto Todoroki
Fuyumi Todoroki
Keigo Tamaki / Hawks
Usagiyama Rumi / Miruko
Toyomitsu Tashiro / Fatgum
B R O O K L Y N N I N E - N I N E
Jacob “Jake” Peralta
Amelia “Amy” Santiago
Rosalita “Rosa” Diaz
Terrance “Terry” Jeffords
Charles Boyle
Gina Linetti
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Linda Martin
Daniel Decker
Charlotte Richards / Goddess
Ella Lopez
Elenor Shellstrop
Chidi Anagonye
Tahani Al-Jamil
Jason Mendoza
Fiona Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Philip “Lip” Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Jimmy “Steve” Lishman
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
Barry Berkman ( Barry )
Stu Macher / Ghostface ( Scream 1996 )
Charles Lee Ray / Chucky ( Childs Play Franchise )
Michael Myers / The Shape ( Halloween Franchise )
Jason Voorhees ( Friday the 13ᵗʰ Franchise )
Tiffany Valentine ( Bride of Chucky )
Susie / The Legion ( Dead by Daylight )
Anna / The Huntress ( Dead by Daylight )
Officer Slater ( Superbad )
Pete Davidson
Harley Quinn ( DC Universe )
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taenuviel · 4 years
Thanks for the tag, @theladyhaleth !
10 songs i've been listening to lately:
1. Yogyakarta - Kla Project
2. Sahabat - Chrisye
3. Rajamangala - Musicians of Kraton Yogyakarta
4. Melodramma - Andrea Bocelli
5. Shepherd boy - Ayanga
6. Und das und das und das - Rebecca das Musical
7. Kahin To - Rashid Ali, Vasundhara Das
8. 少年 - Zheng Qiyuan
9. 天边外 - Zheng Qiyuan
10. Gerechtigkeit - Der Besuch Der Alten Dame Musical
My url in song
M - Matahari - Chrisye
A - Andaikan Kau Datang Kembali - Koes Plus
N - Never let me go - Florence and the machine
Y - Yen Ing Tawang Ana Lintang - Waldjinah
A - Ah, mes amis! - Donizetti
R - Rebecca - Rebecca das Musical
E - Ein madchen dass so lacheln kann - Tanz de Vampire das Musical
L - le temps de cathedrales - Notre Dame de Paris
I'm tagging @aang-jinora @tisthequenchiest @wildonionhats @you-okay-honey
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koval-nation · 10 months
Bez obrazu
59) Uysyn-nogai, Уйсын-ногай, үйсін-ноғай - jeden z klanów Nogai-Kazachów. Uważany jest za najstarszy klan spośród czterech klanów Nogai (Uysyn, Koyas, Kazankulak, Kostanbaly). Uysyn-Nogai są częścią starożytnego plemienia Uysyn. Po upadku Złotej Ordy, część Uysynów stała się częścią Ordy Nogai. Z kolei Nogai Uysynowie wywodzą swoje korzenie od legendarnego Maiki Biy, który był więźniem Czyngis-chana. Na przykład na listach składu klanów wiosek Nogai w regionie Kayasul na terytorium Stawropola (według słynnego etnografa Nogai R. Kereitova) klany Koyasly, Kostambala, Kazankulak i Uysun są stale wymienione razem, czyli klany zawarte w Nogai-Kazachowie. Odnotowano tu także małe wioski letnie zwane Kostomgaly, Orazakai, Kazankulak-Uysun, Karatatori Uysun i inne. Warto także zauważyć, że według zeznań tego samego badacza klan Uysun uważał się za „sarai kuba”, czyli konfederację „członków pałacu” wywodzących się z „takht el” – rdzenia Państwo Złotej Ordy, skupione wokół dwóch stolic - Sarajewa XIII-XIV w. Ciekawe, że N. A. Aristow przypisał Uysunów, którzy byli częścią Kozaków Bukey Nogai, Ushinom z epoki Czyngis-chana, o których pisał Rashid ad-Din, czyli jednej z najstarszych arystokratycznych rodzin Darlekinów -Mongołowie. O mongolskim pochodzeniu Uysunów pisało także wielu innych autorów (Ch. Ch. Valikhanov, M. K. Zhabagin, B. B. Irmukhanov, Zh. M. Sabitov). Wśród Nogajów, Koyów (Koyaslych), Kostomgalów i Kazankułaków uważano za część „Kypczaka Kuby” (pokolenia Kypczaka), która zajmowała jedno z czołowych miejsc w strukturze plemiennej tego ludu. Uysuniowie z rodziny Nogaj-Kozaków wywodzą swoje korzenie od Doynasza Batyra. Kto doprowadził do przesiedlenia z rzeki 25 rodzin nogajsko-kazachskich. Sakmara na kazachskich stepach w latach czterdziestych XVIII wieku. Słynął z mądrości i odwagi, siły i woli. Był blisko dworu chana.
Karatory Uysyn
Sari Uysyn
Baktybaj Uysyn
Terenkudyk Uysyn
Żanakai Uysyn
Doynash Uysyn
Babyl Uysyn.
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