#nah they got me BAWLING
cladestruction · 1 year
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me when i'm listening to the dethalbums on shuffle and DEADFACE comes up and i start replaying the entire chase+exorcism+band hug sequence from the movie in my head
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juupitrr · 1 year
suitcases man / vent
my sister came back from uni and moved back into her and i's room - which for the past 4-ish years has been mostly just /my/ room with her bed still in it for when she came over on holidays or moving between the uni years - and that meant she brought all her stuff with her and I had to move my stuff to make space.
I didn't realize it also meant moving my clothes and where i put them; like the suitcase I keep under her bed specifically at the far left end of it placed so I can pull it out, zip it open and take out the only 3 items that are in that suitcase, my black skater skirt, those black ankle socks I brought to kosov and never wore so keep there just incase, and that one corset top that came a day late than when I needed it.
When my dad helped her put her suitcases under her bed, they initially had to take out /my/ suitcase to make space for it then when they realized they had extra space, put my suitcase back in. In the far right side of the bed.
When my dad left I immediately went to it and fixed it and corrected it and my sister was looking at me weirdly "you're acting kinda ocd" "this is very ocd of you" and it annoyed me a lot because it was only recently that I've been comfortable with saying I have ADHD and she knew this and I thought the suitcase thing was another me or ADHD or both thing, so her naming it as something else just. it annoyed me. because I thought I finally had a kind of guide as to what certain things were and why. then in comes this whole new term id never considered that i now have to give a guest room in my head cuz now its circling in my thoughts a little in the back of my mind.
idk man just like, knowing what kind of neurodivergent u are is so fucking tough sometimes man, like why cant it be like the sorting hat or smn and it just tells u
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outlying-hyppocrate · 2 years
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AITA for not going to a restaurant my parents booked?
I (15M) live with my parents and Sister (13F) who has special needs and some allergies. Because of that, my parents only allow certain kinds of food in our home that are allergin free and autistic friendly. Sister doesn't like certain smells or textures, so they don't buy some foods. Everything done centered around her needs and wants.
When it was my 15th birthday, parents said I could pick restaurant I wanted to eat at. So I picked a Chinese Dim Sum place. But Sister doesn't like that kind of food cause she thinks the texture of some of the dim sum feels weird. And she does not like the fish dishes the way they are made at Chinese places. So parents asked me if I was sure and that they would give me more time to think about it. They returned 3 days later and asked again. I gave the same answer. So they asked "could you really enjoy your birthday knowing that Sister would not feel safe and be able to enjoy the food?" I said "yes. Because it is my birthday."
Mom and dad told me that I was being selfish and that they already made a reservation at Sister's favorite burger place. They already sent invitations to family telling them we would be celebrating there. So on the day of my birthday, I went to my friend's house earlier in the day and "forgot" about the restaurant reservation and ate dinner with friends instead. Mom and dad were angry because Sister had cried over it. They went to friend's house and dragged me to the restaurant but I did not eat anything.
When the cake came, (grandma bought a cake I wanted), Sister moved to blow out the candles because she was told she could. But I quickly pushed her away (not hard enough to hurt her) and blew out the candles before she could. Sister started bawling her eyes put and parents tried to comfort her. Grandma let me cut the cake, so I ate the first slice while Sister continued to cry. No one really said anything, but I could feel people staring at me.
When we got home, mom and dad yelled at me for first not showing up on time and second not letting Sister blow out the candles first. I argued that since it was my birthday, I should have gotten to choose the restaurant and blow out the candles for my cake. I got sent to my room. I checked messages I got from aunts and uncles and they were all calling me selfish and spoiled for the way I treated Sister at the party. Only grandma and grandpa were wishing me a happy birthday.
What is wrong with me wanting my birthday to be about me instead of my sister?
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iwanty0uu · 8 months
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❄︎ all characters are 19+ y/n being 20, second female character being 19, and male character being 21, contains swearing and mentions of violence ❄︎
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐...
The door to your childhood home flung open, throwing your keys on the kitchen counter you threw your shoes off and closed the entrance behind you.
“Aye why the hell you makin allat noise in my house baby girl?” your bald daddy asked you, setting aside his newspaper and putting his feet on the coffee table infront of him that was used for everything but coffee. The tears were already rushing down your flushed face, hands shaking as you found yourself trying to hold onto his shoulders for balance from behind the couch he sat now disturbed and concerned.
“Hey hey- whats wrong who did this to you?” his paternal instinct kicking in, “This aint about dat boy fat headed ass boy because if it is- Ima shoo-“
You interrupted
“Daddy its about him and your horrible daughter that you n mommy spoiled rotten who think shes obligated to have everything I got when i barely got any-fucking-thing myself. She just fucked up my relationship and ion know what else to do like..” you paused to catch your breath, in attempt to calm yourself down, you only created more noice and panic as anxiety settled in.
It felt as if the world was moving at 300 frames per second and everything was overwhelming. Your eldest brother sensed the drama in the living room and exited out of his own. I swear when it came to people business he found it with ease like a rat with cheese.But after seeing his little sister who claimed “thugs dont cry” practically bawling in fetal position next to your father in the couch, he couldnt help but mind your business. You are his business.
“The fuck am I hearing about Nataly?” He asked? “Bro that bitch cheated on ME fuck the nigga at this point with my boyfriend.”Anger settled into your bones as you called your mother to air out her business, hoping the family would judge her the way they did you all the times you made the same mistakes that she did.
“Yo ma” you answered calming down slightly, playing with your leggings, “Whats wrong im at work.” her phone propped up to see your beautiful but upset face, “Que pasa mí amor?” she asked, her once typing fingers stopped moving as she focused her attention on you.
“You’re daughter’s a slut. Caught her ass fucking my boyfriend.”
“Well thats your little sister…its wrong but she is still your sister.”
“WHATCHU MEAN SHE’S STILL MY SISTER? You dont see anything remotely wrong with what she did????” You asked at this point begging for empathy.
“Yes but-“
“Nah forget it she prolly got that cheating shit from you thats why daddy left your ass now.”
The “dun dun” of the now ended FaceTime was the only noise that filled the quiet room..your father started blankly at you.
.. “How did you know .. you kids were never supposed to know?” he whispered, almost as if he was still trying to save the secret, to keep it in Pandora’s box.
“Close your mouth before a fly goes up in there Lachlan.. I seen a video of her and her side nigga in her phone when i was younger..”
“NAHHHH THIS SHIT IS NEWS TO ME FUCK U MEAN MA CHEATED?? I just thought the d was not fire..” Lachlan now yelled, no longer trying to control his temper, disbelief and confusion.
But just like that, your relationship with your mother’s side of the family, and your sister was practically done for, until familiar footsteps entered the household.
Oh so now everybody and they mother wanna pull up today huh?
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tanema123 · 3 months
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This took a while. But belated Chaggie wedding day is here. The whole fam is here of course.
Alastor: *sulking*
Rosie: Stop sulking.
Alastor: *sulking*
Rosie: *rolls her eyes and mutters through her smile* Al. I know you wanted to walk Charlie down the aisle to spite Lucifer, but dammit, stop sulking about it!
Lucifer: *bawling his eyes down*
Angel Dust: Majesty... Are you ok?
Lucifer: Of course... Just... *Blows his nose in a tissue* Look at my baby girl. She is getting married. All grown up. *Starts full on bawling again*Her and Vaggie look so beautiful together.
Angel Dust: I see... Cherry. Should we do something about him?
Cherry: Nah, just let him cry it out.
Zestial: You look so proud today dear.
Camilla: Of course I am. My dau... *Coughs while looking away* student just got married. And she asked me to walk her down the aisle... *smiles softly*
Zestial: *smiles as well, happy that the wifey is happy.*
Husk: Nifty... Why aren't you throwing the petals?
Nifty: It makes a mess.
Husk: But it's a tradition.
Nifty: It makes a mess.
Husk: But it's a tradition and you gotta.
Nifty: *looks him straight in the eyes* No.
Husk: *sighs to himself. He ended up throwing the petals*
Charlie: *admiring her new wife*
Vaggie: Honey, you have been staring at me this whole time.
Charlie: Of course. You are so beautiful today. And now even more as you are my wife. I get to look my wife every day when I wake up.
Vaggie: *giggles* You already do honey. You are so silly sometimes. *Kisses her lips*
Charlie: *melts*
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 8 months
Greetings, i hope you're doing good🤍
Can i please request ROTTMNT brothers with their little sister?
Type: hc, platonic, hurt/comfort.
Scenario: it's about little sister reader who had been in a relationship - since she's the same age as Mikey - but she got cheated on and dumped so once her family knows - *cough* thanks to Donnie and his trackers *cough* - they go get revenge for their heart broken little sister.
(If it's okay with you can you add future Leonardo acting like the oldest brother/father to reader? It's okay if you don't want to, no pressure)
❝ home is where your heart is. ❞
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⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ − ⌗ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❝l 𝓪/𝓷: the wayyyyyy, i actually feel kinda baddddddd, for the fool that had the audacity. to even consider - much less f o l l o w through, with cheating on THE. ✋ Hamato [Name] ................. *crickets chirping* .... nah, no i don't. HAHAHAAA (also i am so so sorry this is so late- you sent this in to me LAST YEAR....... 😀............. *runs off bawling*)
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‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | aiight. to summy this entire shindig up: i feel sorry for the sucka that did you so wrong. because lemme tell you right now babygirl lah– you. you? you, are the most estimable treasure. the cherished jewel of the Hamato Clan. whoever this joker is, just know, they fumbled the bag DEVASTATINGLY HEAVY. oh, the agony is unimaginable. unimaginable, i say!
kinda like . . . how you felt that day.
yet every nerve ending felt like it'd been cauterized – an open wound burned closed.
the same way you'd burned your heart shut, sloppily, hurriedly, with the same grace as you'd gathered your dignity as soon as you laid eyes on your once-beloved,
. . . and their new one.
THAT DAY you come home from up top, eyes red and puffy, heartbreaking whimpers streaming from your lips as you stumbled through the main entrance. –where had your heart gone?
‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | in my professional opinion (*mocking hyena laughter echoing through the trenches*) : emotional pain, is unarguably, the worst kind of pain one can go through.
by fate, by coincidence, by the supreme pizza maker in the sky − all of your siblings were joined together in the main living room the moment you came home.
it'd be later on that you'd find out that each one of their sibling senses were tingling. it's exactly why they all coincidentally commence a living room rendezvous – which in of itself wasn't odd! it just became a tragic thing very quickly.
you didn't know whether to be relieved or even more devastated.
i concur you'd decide on a secret third thing −
when the previous relaxed vibe was wiped clean as soon as you'd stepped in and everyone caught wind of your devastation immediately, leaving a cold backwash of worry and alarm.
mikey was the first to reach you. when quickly followed by the other three, voices overlapping, all in varying tones but all uniform in inquiring 'are you okay?' . . . well. *blows heavy breath* you couldn't help the utter anguish that crashed into you in a relentless wave. being in a familiar and safe environment allowed your mind to slow down to a coherent level, and therefore allow what you witnessed to really sink in . . . you collapsed. metaphorically and physically.
"hermana? n/n, hermana, hey- hey hey- shhhh, what happened, what happened—?" leo, for all the panic that was pumping through his bloodstream, tried his best to comfort you: his foremost reaction to when you were in pain or discomfort of any kind. raph was a mess above all three of you; having previously been checking for wounds of any kind, he cringed back instantly when your cries only got louder. for a split second he was horrified he had hurt you, but a once-over showed that it . . . blessedly wasn't that? then- what . . .? donnie hovered nervously, eyes wide and shiny but even then, his hands were outstretched to you. reactive instinct. like he wanted to pull you - his only little sister - into a hug of sorts, but didn't know if it'd be received. –yet you clung to mikey with all you could hold yourself up to right then. even though he himself had no clue what was going on, he held you close and tight, tears of his own burning behind his eyes at the sight and sound of your wailing. "[n-name]? sisi, what–?" "t-they broke up with me," you bawled, your own words folding you over in despair once more. the room instantly got colder. no voices besides your own were heard. "they, th-they dumped me," you gasped, choking with hiccups, "a-and they, th-they were w-with someone e-helse! an- another per, hhu, person!"
seeing you in the aftermath of such an affair nearly killed all of your siblings.
you were so devastated that it just, broke their hearts. almost as much as yours.
you weren't like yourself.
and sure, that's to be expected!
i mean, it was your first ever relationship − your first everythings concerning intimate romance.
(well, that can happen in one's teenagehood, more or less.)
and to have what you'd thought was a beautiful bond, just.. flushed down the drain? just like that?
tha shii hurteded mayn, ngl. 😔✊
justice for [name] hamato, seriously. tf is wrong with people and dumping one of a kind gems??
‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | there are five stages of grief, even after a breakup. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, then acceptance.
and though it's a messy, painful time for you – your family is there with you through it all.
mikey (bless him) is of course, the one who assists in you recognizing all these stages and is an immense aid for caring for your delicate emotional state.
also helps that he's practically your twin. i mean, c'mon: ever since you both were tots, you were inseparable.
dare you say he knows you better than you know yourself. and that'd go even without his impressive emotional depth.
"you're amazing." he whispers. under your shared blankets and the dead of night, in contrast to the cacophony of invasive voices in your mind, his voice connected to your conscience buried beneath the mental rubble and held taut like a string of fate. no, is what you want to say. but you don't. you can't. because deep down, you know your brother is right. that all of them are right. mikey sits up in your shared hammock, the one used for special occasions, and tugs you up with him. he presses his forehead to yours and it's no secret that his gaze is made of fire. but instead of burning right through you, leaving you to shrivel up and disintegrate, to wallow in the wake of its aftermath – it's warm. it's light. "say it." "'you're amazing,'" you drawl; it's the clearest you've spoken in days. your pseudo twin blinks, eyebrow ridges met to his invisible hairline. a moment passes. two. then mikey snorts, quickly followed by you, and before you know it you're both dissolving into a mushy pile of giggles and obnoxious snorts. it was gleeful and euphoric and by the end of it, mikey is clinging to you like a koala, overjoyed. and you let him. it felt heavenly to laugh like this again. to smile.
as for your other brothers,
i can imagine Leo dragging you into self-care sessions at random.
i would say nights but really, with you guys' schedule, it could be for any time at all aksjhhd. nights are generally reserved for patrols and on the town's !! self-care is all day, every day !!
painting your nails; smoothing a face mask with care from his esteemed varietal top-notch collection on you as well as himself; stashing up a whole bunch of snacks, pizza, candy and comics (he makes sure to get your go-to orders + whtv you may be craving in the moment); turning on some fairy lights and happily binges all your favorite movies/series with you.
he'd give you tight hugs & make a bunch of well-timed jokes to get you into a better mindset on your gloomier healing days — but he can be serious as well !!
and when that happens, it's usually accompanied by heartfelt words and him tucking you against his plastron, like he could shield you from all the monsters and bad, evil things of this world.
(he'd always damn sure try.)
for all of his annoyingness, you mean the world to him and if losers like your,
🤢 ex 🤮 can't see that—
ahh one way or another, your other two dumpling brothers get lumped into the soup of self-care too !!
they do it for you, [name]. even if they don't always really want to,
they do it for you. 😤
Raph is so sweet. as your eldest brother I feel like he'd feel somewhat responsible for your heartbreak, but you get reassured that it's not your fault, and you reassure him that it's not his either. (please be patient with his logic, he'll get there eventually 😮‍💨😅) and in the aftermath he's spoiling you absolutely rotten.
carrying you everywhere (if that's whatcha dig.) getting you whatever you want: snacks, food, books, stuffies . . . anything man, he's already got it. and he cuddles you at night, giving you gentle shell rubs and churring deep in his chest — it never fails to lull you to sleep. 🥹 worked then, works now.
Donnie is a constant presence. He's not good at this "emotional stuff", or so he claims, but Don's the one who you subconsciously think of for a gentle, solid place to just be safe and be. not for distractions and laughter like Leo, not for being overly coddled and doted on like Raph, but... to just. Exist.
To be grounded.
Brought back to a steady surface.
ironically, it's the most sorting out of your emotions that you do in Donnie's presence: the most emotionally constipated of all your siblings c:
& he gives surprisingly good advice when you ask for it!!
but here's the thing.
Donnie always believed nobody was (or ever will be) good enough for his little sister, and this just solidifies it.
"Trash, everywhere."
"Donnie please—"
so ya might want to either retreat to a different mindset when this comes about or just don't take it to heart. there are wonderful suitors out there !! this one was just a bad rep. 🥹
(don't worry! dr. delicate touch elegantly exits stage left. don't mind the path of fire left in his wake! it's simply protocol. 😇)
‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | you know the mainstream energy that all siblings carry? when they get annoyed with you but the second anybody else tries you — they're out for blood?
🤢 ex 🤮
never stood a chance.
donnie had it alllll handled that exact night.
he was slinking off and typing away furiously at his little tech-wrist, even as raph cradled you
even as leo quickly made up the bedroom with all the combined blankets and pillows and stuffies throughout the lair
even as mikey clung to you with big, watery eyes and tried his best in reassuring you (he might've been more devastated than you about the situation ngl ✋🏼)
and while donnie hovered, he was working.
y'all should know homeboy by now —
he is always working.
i imagine all of them would wait until you're sufficiently distracted, and that's where your sister and dad come in!
april taking you out for some one-on-one time, some fresh air, either to go for something fun around the city or back to her place for an evening in, (aaaand because your big sis needs to get her get back on your behalf too *slings bat across shoulders* —) quality time cuddles and movie night with papa splinter!! <;3 : your dad is good at damage control; you're his only daughter, of course he cherishes you. plus, he raised you alongside your brothers. your very rambunctious brothers. (/lh) all things considered, i think he's a wonderful parent where it counts. he was heartbroken for you that very same night. after all, you'd cried for him like a baby, hands reaching weakly while marble sized tears dribbled down your cheeks..... he hadn't seen such behavior since your tothood.💔,
but splinter is an accomplished man. he was much more in control of his emotions and therefore acted as an anchor of sorts to you in the moment you needed it most.
he was the one to calm your brothers down and gave them all one by one tasks as he cradled your body in his arms. no matter how old or big you'd get, you'd always have a place in your dad's loving embrace. and the night your brothers plan to make their move, which would probably be a day or so after you came home, the old man took up his role and fed you milk and cake while doting. giving you his undivided attention and care whilst he strokes your head and cheeks, reminding you of how precious you are to him —
"my precious [name]," splinter says lowly, cupping your face with his small hands. his eyes are grim, but they shine with fondness as they gaze into yours. "my jade. my little shining sky. you never cease to amaze me. life is a relentless ocean, and you will sometimes be swept away by the waves and crash against the shores . . ."
he takes your chin gently, stroking just so with his thumb. "but we will not let you drown. your strength and resilience is a true testament to how valuable of a being you are, my daughter. never forget that."
" . . . m'kay, papa." you croak. you bury your face into his chest, comforted by the warmth and softness of his fur. "alright. i promise."
meanwhile, snap clip to your siblings. blending in with the night as they move with deadly swiftness and silence, moving with intention. purpose.
whether you know what they're up to or not is entirely up to you
but i think they'd go that mile in ensuring you didn't know the mapped out details of what they were planning.
because — well, y'knaur,
they didn't hold back one bit. 🙂
whether your 🤢 ex 🤮 was a human, yo'kai, it don't MATTER.
"these hands rated e for everyone" 🗣️ — the mad dogz fr.
‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | a detail I won't be letting anyone forget any time soon: you're all super powered genetically augmented mutants that were initially created for the sole purpose of war and worldwide domination.
you really think your
🤢 ex 🤮
— stood a chance?
nah fam....... nah.
I wanna say your siblings would be lenient, I really do (no tf I don't LMAOAOAOA-)
but realistically, I think they'd deal some heavy damage.
whether physically, emotionally, or mentally-
because you're their sister.
their baby. their princess.
and no matter how much they may lovingly tease you, and vice versa, they ain't about to let that ish slide.
the dealing of their cards is definitely not as worse as it could've been! but bad enough to not wish it on nobody else.
I mean you've got Dr. Delicate Touch, Raph in his big burly glory, and bro is Big Mad™, April is armed with her trusty bat and a Mayhem that's ready to be sicced, not to mention the deadly disaster twins —
they're all out for blood.
ohhohooooo man, they would render your
🤢 ex 🤮
into a pile of MUSH.
there are no remains. there is no recovery. the [name] hamato protection squad takes no prisoners. they kick names and take ass, even.
Dr. Delicate Touch had no preservations. (Ion even need to get into detail for that *shudders in fear*)
Donnie has the homewrecker's information, from birth to present day, down to the very microfibers of their genetic information to what they had for breakfast that morning - and he uses it to further inflict the irreversible damage that was started from Dr DT,
Leo can be, and was, terrifying. He's a broad two-edged sword that can slice through, clean and precise - so sharp you wouldn't feel a thing until he's done with his job of sawing you asunder, splitting through every atom with lethal precision.
and Raph definitely used his height and build to the highest advantage. He's got your 🤢 ex 🤮 cornered and trembling in their boots, tail between their legs (whether literally or figuratively that's up to you c:).
now legally, I cannot tell you what they did!! ,,,
but just know that they brought you to some serious justice.
"you so much as breathe their name again," they growl, "it'll be the last breath you ever take."
they wouldn't hold back their disgust. they probably make your 🤢 ex 🤮 (I will never get tired of typing that PLSSS) feel like a worthless pile of [redacted] from words alone.
and for good reason, tbh.
your 🤢 ex 🤮 had shared space and time with your family as well.
now - whether they were close with each other is ambiguous,
but realistically speaking: if they were your partner, I'd imagine they'd all at least be tolerant of one another to a certain degree.
because, well..... your siblings value your happiness.
even if you may or may not have had to scold them countless times for any odd behavior towards your now 🤢 ex 🤮, they left you both be.
......for the most part.
you'd think the shovel talk was enough!!
but after that encounter, they wouldn't give your ex a second thought.
they weren't worth the time, and you were an absolute enchantment. not even worth whatever your 🤢 ex 🤮 had going on.
they probably wish your 🤢 ex 🤮 "a happy life" to conclude the whole ordeal sksnsjdnk
oh I just know the sarcasm from the disaster twins was dripping with venom.
left boo boo kitty SHAKING FR 💥
but it simply cements the fact!!
your 🤢 ex 🤮 just wasn't the one.
when the wound of betrayal isn't as fresh, some time down the line, Leo would probably try to make you feel better by saying this is a "canon event" and essential to your "badass character development" 😭✋ (I can't stand him y'all plss-)
and even tho Raph cuffs his shoulfer for it, it really did make you feel better.
because, you know your worth.
you know you're a catch ✨👑💞 and if anyone can't see that,
then that's simply a personal problem of theirs.
‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ | bottom line, no matter what. your family has your back.
it didn't matter how much time it took, and how much time it will take:
they will always be there for you.
they're not perfect but they try the most!! 😭❤️
and in the times where your brothers act like.... well, brothers (/aff),
you've got a kick-ass sister to turn to.
and she's MORE than happy to lend a helping hand and back you up in the midst of tragedy 😉
and it's with them that you really do see the situation for what it is.
did it hurt? yes.
but that's the motions of life, babe.
and you WILL rise (see what I did there? AHA-) from this stronger.
not only because you're an absolute LEGEND.
..... but also, because your family is pretty great at reminding you of that too. 🥹
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headers / dividers credits !! : @chachachannah @rookthornesartistry
subject to editing after posting for grammatical corrections and polishing! :)
sniper baby I'm so excited to finally have this out for you, I hope you liked it !!! muwah muwah ❣️ good things come to those who wait. 🫂 and boy oh boy have you WAITED AND MORE. XD
© ziipzeepzop-eez all rights reserved, all reservations apply.
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stinky-ahh-gay · 5 months
Nah bruh, i need Klance fics recommendations.
Me no eepy without bedtime story (it will not be a fucking bed time story, i will spend all night until 5 am just to read about those two)
So... anyone got any fics that could make me sick to my stomach and make me bawl my eyes out? (Could be in any way, i just need it to be a good fic)
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wickjump · 2 months
Nah, because Cross being a "crybaby" is one of my favorite things about him (maybe cause I relate to it). Do you think he hides away when he cries? Like he tries to leave the situation as quickly as possible when he feel tears well up. Or he faces away from people, they can't see him like this. Thinking that if people see him cry they'll think of him a weak and wanting attention?
ABSOLUTELY. he’s the kind to go “omg how selfish can i be im just crying for attention” whilst literally hyperventilating. he turns on the bathroom fan and sobs there before exiting. he tries to exit the situation as quickly as possible, and it’s hell to try and keep the tears back when he’s in a meeting of some sort. if he can’t leave, he turns his head and prays to god they don’t see him or notice the tears
however there’s def been times where others have seen him cry or at least tear up. either out of frustration, upset, anger, embarrassment, shame, whatever. he cries when he fails a mission. he cries when a shirt he liked got a scuff. he cries when he loses something. he bawls when something he was looking forwards to didn’t go to plan exactly how he wanted—oh wait that’s just projection and also autism whoops.
and when he’s just. breakdown sobbing, he can’t exactly hide himself from people because he’s too focused on trying to breathe and not hyperventilate to the point of passing out (me fr). he just. he cries a lot. eventually the people around him get used to it but there’s still a worry every time he does because it’s a roll of the dice on what he’s crying about, and if it’s “serious” or “not”
note: everything is serious because how you are affected by things, no matter how small, matters more than what caused it, and you deserve comfort regardless of how “stupid” the reason behind your emotions or tears are
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ficnation · 1 year
Chapter 6: Facing the Strangers
Series: Way Down We Go || Season 1 Word count: 2,5k+ Pairing: Rick Grimes x Female! Reader; Shane Walsh x Reader; Daryl Dixon x Sister! Reader Warnings: usual twd themes A/n: Aye, it's WDWG time! I wanted this chapter to be as packed with tension as it was possible. Let me know your thoughts and theories! If you’re not on the taglist but you’d like to be added let me know!
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You woke up to the warmth of the morning sun, the rays streaming into the backseat of the car where you had fallen asleep. Merle snored in the reclined passenger seat, his boots propped up on the dash. You shifted your body into a sitting position, the wound on your side still aching horribly. You clenched your teeth and peeked through the window, gaze searching for Daryl and his beloved crossbow. 
Your younger brother stood near the lake, observing the water shimmering in the morning sun. He was finally taking a break from patrolling the perimeter. You wondered how long it has been since he got some rest—some real sleep—not a fifteen-minute-long nap. 
After the stunt Merle pulled at your camp near Turner Reservoir, you both agreed you’d not let him take another watch shift alone. You, though injured, were more trustworthy than him in spotting incoming threats and getting rid of them. Merle turned out to be too reckless, and you couldn’t risk coming all this way just for him to fuck up again.
As you stretched, the car creaked with your movement, the sound of metal and fabric shifting before settling into silence again. You slid out of the vehicle, unbothered by the loud slam of the door as you pushed it closed behind you. You secretly hoped it was clamorous enough to wake Merle from his deep slumber.
Daryl looked up from his spot near the water as you dragged your feet forward, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. At least your injury wasn’t pulsing as painfully as it did the day before—that was a win in your book.
“You should get some sleep, Daryl,” you said when you reached him, standing by his side and looking at the water ahead. It was so peaceful.
“Don’ think tha’s a good idea,” he replied, looking you up and down, lost in thought. “Does it still hurt like a bitch?”
“Yeah, but less than yesterday.” You hid your yawn behind your palm. You only managed to get a few hours of sleep—the pain on your side was too unbearable to allow more than that. “Seriously, you should kick Merle out of the car and take a nap yourself,” you insisted, studying the dark circles underneath his eyes and the paleness of his face.
“Nah, I should probably catch us somethin’ to eat.” Daryl stretched his arms above his head with a groan before letting them drop down to his sides.
“Can I go with you?” you asked with an excited glint in your eyes.
You used to do that together when you were kids—when Will took you to the cabin and all the cupboards were empty. Every mention of your hunger was a reason for him to lash out; he used to yell about how ungrateful you were, saying you should finally learn to fend for yourself. You were just a kid, and you had to worry about finding something to satisfy your hunger because your own father was an asshole who refused to provide for you.
Although Daryl is younger than you, he was always the resourceful one while you followed him like a lost puppy, clumsily stumbling over every branch and rock. When you got lost in the woods, he was the one who got you food and clean water as you bawled your eyes out. He was the one who taught you which berries and mushrooms are safe to eat and which can make you wish you were dead.
You shook your head to will the memories away as Daryl responded, “Nah, ya should stay ‘ere with Merle.” Just when you were about to protest, he fixed you with a challenging quirk of his eyebrow and you instantly shut your mouth. “Yer wounded.”
You groaned in exasperation, then nodded your head in agreement. You had no reason to get pressed—even though you could move a little bit easier now, you’d still be a nuisance to him on a hunting trip. “Alright,” you mumbled in agreement.
The moment the words left your lips, your ears picked up noise in the distance. You whipped around toward your brother, meeting his gaze in a silent question. His squinted eyes told you that he heard it too.
The noise got closer and closer with every passing second—its source was definitely heading your way. You could see the gears turning in Daryl’s head as he realized the same thing.
“Get to the fuckin’ car!” he ushered you, swinging his crossbow off his shoulder while his unoccupied hand pushed you gently toward the vehicle.
You listened to him without a second thought, moving forward as fast as your legs allowed you to. You got to the car just in time for another vehicle to come barreling forward and skidding to a stop by the lake, and the large boulders you occupied yesterday. As the door to the black Jeep Wrangler opened, Daryl’s crossbow was already raised and aimed in that direction.
First, a muscular man jumped out of the driver’s seat, then the other doors opened, and a few women exited the car. They had yet to notice your presence. You felt Daryl nudging your arm—a silent sign to get into the truck before they spotted you.
But before you could do anything, the metal door opened with a loud creak as Merle darted out of it. He had the best timing ever—you had to give him that. You heard the commotion as the strangers finally noticed your group of three. And oh my god, Merle had a gun.
You stopped in your tracks, motionless, your eyes darting toward the newcomers. The driver also pulled out his gun as he started moving toward you. Daryl was saying something to your older brother, but your brain turned itself off, focusing solely on the dark-haired man ahead. He came to a stop not too far away, but not too close either, his weapon raised in your general direction.
You had a chance to give him a good look over as the world seemed to slow down around you. His eyes were dark brown but seemed almost hazel as the morning sun hit them. The hair on his head was black and wavey, a subtle stubble decorating his scowling face.
You don’t know what exactly happened, but suddenly those same rich brown eyes were studying your person, almost concerned. “Ma’am, do you know these men?” he asked, his voice deep as his gaze darted between you and your companions.
Daryl moved in front of you, shielding you away from the stranger’s view. No one answered the man’s question—no one even thought about it. You noticed Merle tense up next to you, clutching tightly the pistol in his hands. The stranger’s expression remained unwavering, but his eyes did glance at your older brother’s weapon briefly before they tried to catch a glimpse of you once more.
A thought popped into your head, and you looked down at your injured side, quickly connecting the dots. Now, you understood the glint of concern in his eyes. Your shirt and jeans were still stained with the dried-up blood—you completely forgot about it.
You peeked over Daryl’s shoulder and your gaze met the stranger’s. You’re not sure what he saw in it, but it somehow encouraged him to take another step forward in your direction. Your heart was pounding hard inside your chest. Everything looked like it was in slow motion, the man’s movement, the crowd behind him watching your stare off, every twitch of your younger brother’s muscles. The silence hung heavily in the air as you waited with bated breath to see who was going to fold first and finally say something.
Someone from the unknown crowd walked over and took a stand by the dark-eyed man. “Ma’am, are you injured? Do you need help?” The voice belonged to a woman, it was gentle, with a hint of annoyance at the unnecessary hostility between your groups. “Shane, put the gun away,” she urged the man beside her with a hushed tone—almost a whisper.
Shane listened to her, and although tentatively, he did lower his weapon. The woman stepped forward with a confident walk, escaping the arm that shot out to keep her from going any further. She was a woman on a mission, you could respect that. Her gaze locked on Daryl as she tried to sidestep him, but his aim followed her. You could hear Shane say something to her—maybe even to all of you—but your brain didn’t quite catch it, once again. Merle was oddly quiet.
“Woman, ya step any closer an’ I’ll blow yer pretty brains outta tha’ head.” Yep, he's still here.
Merle didn’t take his gaze off her, he was still clutching the gun, ready for the stranger to try something. Daryl looked even more uneasy than before, and you wondered whether the end of the world squashed all of your trust in humanity into the ground or have you always been like that—you were leaning more towards the second theory. Your older brother, however, seemed calm, like he was the only one who was in control of the situation. He looked around, sizing everybody up with a mean look in his Dixon blues.
“Where did you come from?” Shane asked, tensing up as your older brother stepped into the woman’s path when she tried to sidestep Daryl again.
You noticed the mocking snort that escaped Merle, his knuckles almost white from gripping that pistol so tight. Maybe he wasn’t as sure of himself as he was pretending to be. You had a feeling he was about to do something stupid.
You grabbed him by the wrist, shaking your head disapprovingly. He rolled his eyes, but let you pull him back, seeing the imploring look in your eyes. Don’t do it.
The unknown man’s expression grew darker when he noticed you weren’t really caving in. “Drop your weapons,” he ordered. “We don’t wanna harm you.”
Daryl and Merle didn’t say a word, simply refusing to give up their weapons. You lifted your leg, then kicked the old man in the calf, not too hard, but not too delicately either. He dropped the pistol in resignation, grunted, and pushed it a step away with his foot. Daryl agreed wordlessly and lowered his crossbow.
“Wha’ do ya all want from us?” Merle barked out, towering over the petite woman that finally gave up, understanding she wasn’t going anywhere near you.
You don’t know what gave it away, but the strangers seemed to understand the two men at your side were your friends rather than kidnappers.
“We have a camp nearby. We come here almost every day,” the woman spoke, looking you up and down once you sidestepped the protective wall consisting of your two brothers. “Are you injured?”
“She’s good. Old blood,” Daryl responded to her question. He was met with a suspicious look from the strangers once again.
“The woman can speak for herself, for fuck’s sake.” Shane sighed deeply, clearly annoyed by the whole situation already.
“She don’ speak.”
“Oh…” You took the chance to look the brunette up and down. She was quite skinny with sharp cheekbones and long wavy hair with side-swooped bangs. From her behavior, you figured out she was a classic example of a woman who thought she was untouchable.
“Can I at least take a look at it?” she proposed—a pinch of concern in her voice.
You noticed the way her companion looked at her with admiration at her “selfless” attitude—like a love struck teenager. You guessed he was probably her husband—a lover at least. The man must’ve felt your eyes boring into him, he met your gaze, making you withdraw it instantly. The texture of the ground beneath your feet suddenly seemed far more interesting.
“Wha’? Ya wanna get a chance to feel up mah lil’ sister?” Merle, please, shut your fucking mouth.
“Dressing’s old. Might probably need a change, or it’ll get infected,” Daryl’s response surprised you, your eyes shot up to his face and the worry-etched frown decorating it.
“We have a medical kit back at our camp. We can bring it around, or you can come with us.” The brunette seemed just as shocked as you did, judging by her expression. She probably expected him to put up a fight and refuse to say anything about your injury. “You didn’t set up camp anywhere nearby, did you?”
“Nah, we’re jus’ passin’ through.” Daryl’s shoulders relax visibly as he let out a deep breath. “Plannin’ to head into Atlanta once ‘er wound heals up a little.”
“Atlanta?” Shane snorted loudly, earning himself a disapproving shake of his companion’s head. “Man, you got a death wish?”
You glared at him, his tone toeing the line between surprised and sarcastic. Judging by the scowl that started growing on Merle’s face—he was the one who had a death wish. Shane must’ve felt your eyes boring into his face, he stood a little straighter, holding your gaze.
“Place is swarmed with those things,” the woman added, nodding her head in agreement. Her eyes darted between you and Shane, a frown growing between her thin eyebrows.
“You heard ‘bout the refugee camp?” Shane asked as his gaze left yours, focusing on your younger brother instead. Daryl’s nod confirmed his suspicions. “It’s not there anymore. Don’t think it survived the napalm.”
The archer looked at you, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. You could’ve met the same fate if you didn’t leave the city to look for them. The thought that he could’ve lost you made him sick to his stomach. He exhaled deeply, his chest shaking with the trembling of his breath. You squeezed his arm briefly—a simple reassurance that you’re still there in one piece.
“Guess our plan jus’ died,” he mumbled out, mostly to you and Merle. His words were a weight off your chest.
Shane eyed Daryl’s crossbow, and an idea popped into his head. “You good with that thing?” He nodded his head toward the weapon, making the archer look between him and the crossbow confused.
“Shoots since he was a lil’ bastard,” Merle butted in before his brother could muster up a response. “Should’ve seen how many squirrels and bucks he brings back from huntin’.”
There was an uneasy feeling stirring up in your gut, Merle had a plan, and you were almost one hundred percent sure it wasn’t one worth considering. God, you’d give anything to know what silly little idea he brewed up in this empty skull of his. But he put it in motion before any of you could talk him out of it. Seeing the amazement in the brunette’s eyes and the silent understanding between her and her friend—it was too late for you to save the situation.
“You guys have a tent?” The man asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Did you just see the corner of his mouth quirk up?
“Nah, why?”
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Taglist: @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @depressedfrog2 @clemscult @lonewolf471 @btsiguess-kpop @notquitecannon @the-daily-multi-fandom-post @xhannahbananax03 @sourwolf-sterek32 @wonderful-writer @phoenixblack89 @yolobloggers @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witch-of-letters @capsiclesdoll @kingtwhiddleston @incorrectcapsicle @queentorresstuff @witheringblooddemon @hopefulatrocity ​ @jaiboomer11 @mewlingoizys
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heyidkyay · 2 years
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Part two
Here's part two! This took a while so I hope it's alright, thank you for all the love on the previous post btw, means a lot<;33
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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The ceremony had gone off without a hitch. The aisle had been lined with warm fairy lights and pink coloured rose petals. The sun had shone through the stain glass windows, reflecting faint coloured rainbows across the stone walls which surrounded us, and the room had been filled with so many smiling faces, as well as a few too many light sniffles that echoed throughout the large space. 
It had all been ever so perfect.
But still, as lovely as it had all appeared, and as incredibly beautiful as my little sister had looked stood up on that alter beside her husband- something which still seemed so insane- I had to try and stop my eyes from drifting back over towards the curly haired man who was sat grinning beside me.
Matty had been incredible during it all. He’d smiled. Laughed at the vows shared. Hooted and bellowed when Adam had all but bawled. But what had been most memorable, was the fact that he’d not stopped touching me throughout. A hand to the knee here, the intertwining of fingers there. He’d kept his arm draped over my shoulders as we’d all waited for the ceremony to commence, talking animatedly to those gathered around us, more than happy to entertain.
It all seemed to have passed me by in a funny sort of haze, and I wasn't even given the time to mull over my many scattered thoughts either as the ceremony wrapped up fairly quickly and we were all led out of the chapel and into a large courtyard which waited behind the building. Where a large white tent stood filled with an ensemble of chairs and tables, a fully stocked bar, a photo booth made to entertain, a DJ as well as a band, and a very impressive dance floor. 
Everyone seemed to be sharing the same idea as I watched most of the crowd venture straight on over to where a bartender was stood manning the bar.
I laughed quietly under my breath as a few of my braver, much younger, cousins attempted to score themselves a couple of drinks. And laughed a little harder when I caught sight of my nana scolding them all for it.
“What’s got you all giggly?” Matty asked from beside me, he had his arm wrapped around my waist again as he leant in close to whisper in my ear. I could feel his smile against the shell of my ear and allowed myself to shuffle closer.
“That.” I replied as I jerked my chin over to where my pops was now handing my cousin, the eldest of the lot, a tray of snowballs with a knowing wink.
“Ah,” Matty hummed with a light chuckle of his own, somehow cuddling me in further to his side. I wondered briefly if he was even aware of it. “A man who wants to be remembered. What a hero.”
I shook my head slightly in amusement. “She’ll kill him for it.” I told him, motioning to where my nana was still somehow none the wiser.
“Nah,” Matty countered, grinning. “How much are you willing to bet that its her handing out the drinks come the end of the night?”
I snorted as I lightly checked my hip against his own. “Don’t, you forget that this is your first rodeo, Healy. I know that woman better than most.”
“Hm, we’ll see about that, darling.”
We seemed to lull into a bout of silence then, not the awkward uneasy kind, but the type that just settled when you felt comfortable with another person. We just stood there, wrapped up in one another, watching the rest of the partygoers unwind. That was until my sister and Adam wandered in through the entrance, garnering an extreme round of applause. Matty and I whopped the loudest, cheering for the happy couple unapologetically, which garnered a few odd looks our way.
“That was proper nice,” Matty commented as my sister and his best mate made their way through the crowd of congratulations, thanking them all for coming. “The ceremony.”
I hummed my agreement. “Beautiful. If anyone deserves it…”
“It’s them.” Matty finished for me.
I turned to peer up at him then and found him already looking down at me, we shared a soft smile.
“You still up for all this then?” He proceeded to ask, “Having to lug me around for the rest of the night, introducing me to your family as your knight in shining armour.”
The question was sincere, but it forced me to remember that this was all just a big old lie. I scanned Matty’s face and found myself having to muster up a smile. I nodded as I swallowed.
“‘Course, can’t pass up an opportunity such as this, can I? Calling you my boyfriend for the night.” I teased him lightly before I let my attention drift back towards the rest of the party.
“Is that what we’re going with then?” I could practically hear Matty’s smirk, “Boyfriend, yeah?”
I had to bite the inside of my cheek when I turned back to face him. “If that’s alright with you, Healy.”
Matty made a low hum, giving me another once over, something I’d caught him at more times than I cared to acknowledge at this rate.
“More than alright with me, darling. But you'd best get ready then.”
My brow furrowed slightly, but before I could question it, Matty was tugging me back into his side.
“Y/n, lovely! How are you? Don’t you just look so gorgeous!” A woman’s voice then called above the noise. My head followed in its direction and I watched as one of my aunts zeroed in on us. 
She pressed a kiss to my cheek as I greeted her, and I saw the way her eyes lightened as she took in the man who now practically blanketed me. Matty merely grinned.
“Oh, wow. So the rumours are true then! You’ve bagged yourself quite the looker there, y/n/n.” My aunt Effie cooed, and my eyes widened in embarrassment as they surveyed the rest of the room. Rumours? Were people actually so invested in my dating life? 
Before I could even question her, aunt Effie was waylaying the conversation. “You’ve created quite the stir, you know.” She told Matty with a sly smile. Who in turn, quirked an intrigued brow.
“That so?”
Aunt Effie pursed her lips in attempt to hide the smile her eyes gave away. “Would seem so, love. Lots of talk.”
I tried not to show my bewilderment and stepped in before Matty could utter his reply, wanting to steer clear of the topic. “Auntie Ef I don’t think I’ve seen you since last Easter. You know, I’m still a bit miffed about missing out on your famous roast potatoes the other weekend- was all caught up with work.”
The woman seemed to brighten at that as she waved me off. “No worries there, sweetheart. You know you’re always welcome down ours anytime.” She assured me, before her eyes then caught Matty’s, “You too, pet! I’m sure everyone would be more than happy to make room for the new man in our y/n’s life. Pull off quite the sponge cake when prompted to, if I do say so myself.”
To my surprise, Matty was in no way overwhelmed by my aunt’s lack of filter. No, he seemed to be basking in all of this, leaning in close and squeezing my waist as he smiled. We must have made the picture perfect couple.
“Actually heard a lot about your baking skills, Effie. Y/n’s mentioned that honey glazed cake of yours more than a few times, so I’ll definitely be popping in. Has my mouth watering every time she talks about it.” Matty complimented smoothly, and as though it wasn’t already obvious enough, I could see just how easily my aunt was falling for his captivating charm. 
Not that I could blame her, much.
To be honest, I couldn’t quite believe that Matty had even remembered that little tidbit of information I’d fed him all those weeks ago. It was when I’d felt a little disheartened about missing out on my uncle’s birthday meal. It made me wonder what else Matty might’ve been hiding as I continued to let him make quite the impression on my aunt.
The three of us continued to chat away for a little while longer, Matty letting it slip about the few bakeries he’d visited whilst in Europe that summer, having my aunt practically eating out of the palm of his hand as she desperately wanted to know more about the man and his many adventures. I hadn’t the heart to deny her either. 
We hadn’t spoken much about his travels before now in all truth. Matty had mentioned a few things here and there in simple passing, but never in actual detail. I hadn’t realised he was so cultured. He had stories about being in Japan, road tripping it through Texas, and even staying in Australia.
I just stood and listened, unable to wipe the smile off of my face as a couple more family members and friends of mine walked over to give their hello’s, stopping once they too had been drawn into Matty’s inciting demeanour. 
When I had finally managed to drag him away from his many adoring ‘fans’, I almost wished I hadn’t, because that was when we fell into Jamie’s line of sight.
“Oh God.” I mumbled and watched my cousin call out for me, parting through the crowd with an unfathomable ease as he made his way over with his date Katie trailing just behind.
“I saw the swarm the two of you created over there and decided to try and catch you before your mum inevitably found her way over.” Jamie chuckled to me, giving me a side hug before he pulled away to angle himself more towards Matty, who was watching the interaction. “Alright, mate? I’m Jamie, by the way. Y/n’s cousin.”
Matty introduced himself with a tilt of his head and let my cousin shake his hand with an amused sort of smile. “Matty. Good to meet you, man.”
“You too. Was surprised to hear that our kid here had managed to bag herself an actual date to this thing. Was beginning to get concerned, you know?” Jamie said with a mocking sense of false concern before he grinned, “I reckon she seems like the crazy cat lady type, don’t you?”
Matty snorted out a laugh, but as I scowled he simply pressed a kiss to the top of my head. Something which had my cousin smiling, and my head reeling. It was a first.
“A bit, yeah.” Matty agreed with him, completely unaware of my dwindling mind as he conversed freely with my cousin. “Now that you mention it- weren’t you just talking about getting a cat?”
That dragged me right back.
“Fuck off the pair of yous.” I glared, shoving Matty away as I did but not making the effort to do so again when he just reattached himself. “I said I might! Besides, cats are superior, they don’t need half as much attention as dogs do. I can’t deal with having to walk a dog twice a day and tossing a ball back and forth in the freezing cold.”
The rest of them simply laughed at me and so I rolled my eyes.
“Dogs aren’t that much effort, darling.” Matty insisted, and Jamie was quick to nod along with him. The traitor.
“They honestly aren’t, cuz- just feed, walk and pet them and you’ll have a mate for life.”
I shook my head, but couldn't not smile lightly at the thought of them getting along. “Ganging up on me already, are we, Jim?”
Jamie gave me a proud sort of grin. “Missed having someone to put you in your place, y/n/n. Your head tends to grow twice its size otherwise.”
I stuck two fingers up at him, and the four of us started laughing uncontrollably when an older gent passing by tutted at me. Matty made a face, copying my action so that he could raise it towards the man’s departing back. “Oh, sod off, you old muppet.”
The gent glanced back over his shoulder at that, his bleary eyes wide as he looked down his nose at us. He stalked off with a scowl.
“Mardy fucker.” Jamie snickered, all too pleased with what had went down. Always looking for a bit of drama, my family.
“Ah, leave him be, J.” My cousin’s date, Katie, tittered as she wiped at the front of Jamie’s suit jacket, smiling up at him. “There’s always one, isn’t there?”
I watched them, content with the expression that crossed Jamie’s face when he looked down at the girl. He hadn’t been seeing her very long, if I recalled, but I could see just how smitten he was with her already.
“Always one.” Jamie parroted back to her and wound an arm around her waist. He seemed to remember himself then as he looked between the three of us, a nervous look on his face. “Oh, shit! I’m sorry, babe, completely forgot to introduce you lot. Y/n, Matty, this is my date, Katie. Katie, this is my cousin, y/n.”
I shook my head, amused by his antics as I smiled softly at the blonde on my cousin’s arm. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jim has mentioned you a few times now.”
Katie appeared happy with finding that out and I chuckled at Jamie who was giving me a dirty look from over top her head.
“What? You have! 'She’s well lovely, y/n.' 'Proper fit.' 'Do you reckon she’d be up for going iceskating with me and the lads?' 'What about Christmas, should I invite her ‘round mums, think she'd like that?'” I poked fun, dredging up all the things he’d said during a couple of our phone calls.
“You’re a right cow, you know that?” Jamie glowered but it was only in good fun, I could already see the smile that was now tugging at his lips. He nodded towards Matty, “Best escape whilst you still can, mate. Before she traps you too.”
Matty, who had seemed to be enjoying the ribbing, smirked when he pulled me back against his chest, his arms hanging over my shoulders as he swayed us slightly. “Ah, I reckon I wouldn’t mind it all that much. We could get up to all kinds of fun.”
I laughed loudly at Jamie’s immediate grimace. “Come on, man, that’s my cousin.”
“Leave them be.” Katie scolded him, swatting at her date's chest lightly. “They’re so cute together.”
“A woman with good taste.” Matty said as he laced his fingers through mine. I couldn’t not stare down at our entangled hands, my heartbeat quickened. “How’d you end up with this one here then?” He added teasingly, nodding over at my cousin.
“You’re a cheeky fucker.” Jamie snorted, his head shaking as he pointed a finger towards the two of us. “Can see why y/n likes you now.”
“What can I say, mate?” Matty shrugged nonchalantly, glancing down at me. “Hard to resist, me.”
I rolled my eyes and shared a knowing look with Katie. “Yeah, yeah. Pipe down, macho man. Your ego’s inflating again.”
“Not the only thing.” Matty murmured into my ear, and he dragged himself away before I could land an elbow to the stomach.
“Oh God, there’s mum again.” Jamie said suddenly, he turned away from the woman he’d just spotted off to the side and towards Katie, taking her hand in his. “Come on, I need another drink before she starts up again.”
“What, Jamie? Where did you say your mum was?” I asked loudly, knowing exactly what I was doing as I pushed myself up onto the balls of my feet- which was a slight struggle in heels, let me tell you- to see if the woman really was headed our way. 
Jamie instantly forced me back down, ducking as he did behind a bloke who was waddling by.
“Oi, you know what she’s like! Only just managed to avoid her proposing to Kate on my behalf when we were leaving the chapel earlier!” Jamie scorned me in a whispered-yell. 
“Sue!” I baited again, even louder this time, and cackled at the look of alarm that crossed my cousin’s face. I saw the woman in question peer around for the caller and dropped back down to avoid suspicion.
“You’re a prick.” Jamie mouthed to me as he dragged Katie away, still using the poor man from earlier as a shield.
“You love me!” I called after him, very pleased with myself.
“You’re a right little shit stirrer.” Matty laughed from beside me and I glanced back at him, mouth twisted to hide my delight.
“Don’t know what you mean.” I said as casually as I could, letting my gaze travel around the room.
Matty released an airy laugh through his nose at that. And when I couldn’t stop myself from looking back at him again, I found him wearing a lopsided smile.
“That Jamie then?" Matty acknowledged, his fingers finding mine as he looked out at the couple who were now stood by the bar, Jamie hunched over it slightly. I chuckled. “Seems like a nice enough guy. A lot like how you made him seem.”
“Oh yeah?” 
Matty hummed, his thumb trailing a pattern across the back of my right hand. “Yeah, reckon so.”
“Jim’s the best.” I smiled, desperate to think about anything other than the way he was holding me. “We were always dead close growing up, one of my best friends really. He’s stuck with me through a lot and I honestly don’t know if there’s anything I wouldn’t do for him.”
“Seems like he feels the same.” Matty commented, and I glanced up to meet his stare. “Good to have people like that around you.”
“Do you have people like that?”
Matty smiled, a genuine thing that reached his eyes and revealed his teeth. “Yeah.” He chuckled and I watched as his gaze skirted over to where Adam was now stood with his mate, George, and another lad. “That’s them. My guys. The three towering giants over there.”
“Really?” I found myself saying, turning slightly in his grasp to watch the trio. The closest two seemed to be goading the groom, laughing amongst themselves as they messed about, whilst Adam just swore back at them, unable to help his own amusement. Even from this far across the room I could make out the obscenities he was spouting. 
I leant further into Matty then, the two of us just watching the trio, which meant he must have felt the moment I tensed.
Because making her way across the dance floor in a large white wedding dress was my sister, and she had a familiar dark haired woman following right behind her.
“Shit.” I muttered under my breath.
Matty frowned down at me. “What’s happened?”
As subtly as I could I pivoted my body, using Matty’s bicep to rest my cheek against in an attempt to shield my mouth from view. “I’m just going to warn you now, my mum and sister are headed this way.”
But their speedy arrival didn’t give Matty, nor me, the chance to prepare ourselves. And so I gave Matty’s waist a light pinch in hopes to encourage him just as I felt a tap to my right shoulder.
“Ahem, hands to yourselves, please! The bride has arrived.” My sister declared as she curtsied dramatically, a mad beaming grin on her face.
I giggled with her as she pulled me into an overdue hug, “What are you like?”
She merely winked at me before she turned towards Matty, roping the man into one too.
“Don’t you look like something straight out a magazine!” Matty complimented, and she allowed him to spin her around as they parted. “Hann’s a very lucky man.”
“Careful what you say now, Healy, I’m a married woman and y/n here’s the jealous sort.” My sister taunted playfully, which earned her a light slap to the back of her wrist as our mum slid into the small group we’d formed.
“Leave your sister alone.” My mum chided, though her smile was enough to give her away as my sister linked their arms. “I don’t care if it is your wedding day, I want everyone on their best behaviour. That means no teasing.”
Y/s/n rolled her eyes comically before we shared a look.
“The pair of you.” My mum tutted with a sigh when she caught it, she raised an eyebrow at me afterwards and then sent an evident look Matty’s way.
I had to stop myself from laughing at her utter transparency as I moved to introduce her.
“Mum, this is Matty, my date for this evening. And Healy, this is my wonderful mother, y/m/n.” I initiated, being a little melodramatic with it all because I hated things feeling so formal and intense.
This was just a regular encounter for us, it wasn’t as though Matty was my actual date.
I shrugged when I gestured over towards my sister. “You already know y/s/n. She’s the woman who just married your best mate, if you’d forgotten.”
My mum shook her head at my antics, but knew better than to fight a battle she’d already lost.
Matty snickered beside me but did a small sort of dance, that countered the awkwardness typically felt in these scenarios, when he drew my mother into a gracious hug.
“Lovely to meet the woman who raised two incredible daughters. Can see where they get their striking good looks from too.”
“Don’t flirt with my mum, you bastard.” I grimaced through a chuckle, swatting at Matty’s shoulder when he made no move to leave the spot he’d taken up by my mum’s side. Not that she seemed to mind.
“Y/n, language.” She chided, but it didn’t do much seeing as she was smiling serenely over at my date.
“You’ve said worse.” I countered and had to all but tug Matty back beside me when I saw his intrigued expression.
“Is that so?” He voiced with a sly smile, but was laughing in good humour when he tucked me back into his side, pressing his lips to my forehead yet again to soothe me. I had to ignore the look my sister shot my way.
My mum’s eyes lingered on our close stance for a second too long before she spoke up again, “How long have you two known each other then? Your sister hasn’t given me much, even though I’ve been pestering.”
I sent my sister a small grateful smile, hands already clammy at the thought of having to go through with this next bit. But there Matty was, already steadying my oncoming nerves. 
“Met about three months ago now?” He deemed, looking to me for a nod of ascent before he just bulldozed on. “Bit out of the blue really, she showed up round Hann’s one random day, wanting to surprise y/s/n, but me and the guys were there already. She’d felt a bit bad about intruding...” 
He glanced down at me with a tongue-in-cheek smile then before he was back to gesturing haphazardly.
“But we got to talking and just clicked. She’s unapologetically herself, you know? I liked that about her, that and she can give as good as she gets.”
I laughed softly, but had to lower my gaze towards the floor upon hearing his sweet words, unsure on whether Matty was being truthful in his sentiment or if he was just adding more lies into the already messy web we’d spun.
“Oh, you’ll have me tearing up in a second!” My mum announced suddenly which had my head snapping up almost simultaneously. “You two just look so smitten- I’ve been keeping an eye out since I spotted you both earlier, and you haven’t left one another’s side once! I can see why you’ve been so secretive, y/n. He’s a gooden.”
I chuckled tightly, feeling my heart clench and shrink again. I could hear the sincerity in her voice, the warmth there. She also wasn’t wrong, the only time Matty and I had parted was when we’d both joined the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen briefly during the ceremony earlier. But even then, we’d only been a few feet apart and had shared looks from over everyone else’s heads. 
“Aren’t they just the sweetest? And it’s all thanks to me!” My sister added, and I noted how she sounded far too proud and somewhat optimistic about this whole ordeal. 
I furrowed my brow and wondered if this had been her plan all along. To get me completely besotted by the man stood beside me in a mere matter of weeks whilst we had traded texts back and forth. Only to then have me practically fall arse over tit for him and that cocky know-it-all attitude of his once we’d finally met.
“Always knew you’d be perfect for one another.” And I knew it then, when she winked at me with a shit-eating grin, that I'd been correct. 
She must have seen the look of realisation that crossed my face because all too coincidentally she caught sight of another guest and used it to make her great escape.  
“Well, that’s your sister for you.” My mum smiled, a tad amused. She stepped into the space my sister had previously occupied, eyes trailing after the bride’s retreating figure.
“Well,” Matty said to fill the silence that followed and I realised that he too had clocked onto my sister’s deceitful plan. “Who are we to deny the bride her wedding wish, hey?”
My mum was smiling away, none the wiser to how I was crumbling inside. I’d never wanted to throttle my own sister so desperately, I wanted to scream and shout, ask her why she’d put me in such a shit situation. 
She’d told me herself that Matty wasn’t looking for anything. She’d said it, and Matty had all but confirmed it during the early stages of our texts. 
And well- I just couldn’t believe she’d set me up like that, knowing full well that if I were to fall for him that there wasn’t a chance in hell that he’d feel the same. She’d really done it this time, and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react.
“Can’t say I blame her,” My mum breathed out through a light titter, eyes flitting between Matty and I as the man’s hand came to rest on my waist once more. I forced down the sudden lump in my throat. “You two do look so wonderful together. Don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much, love.”
I avoided both their gazes, thanking the waiter who passed me by with a tray of champagne, stealing a glass. I handed one off to Matty too and took a long sip before casually looking around the room.
“Happy to hear that.” Matty spoke, and I felt his body relax into mine as he did, only then realising how tense he’d just been. "Her smile truly is something to write home about."
“Aren’t you just the charmer.” My mum complimented, her eyes warm and voice soft. “I really do look forward to seeing more of you, Matty. Make sure you get y/n to bring you ‘round one day soon, alright? I’ll cook, introduce you to everyone properly.”
Her hand came to a rest on Matty’s forearm and she gave it a reassuring squeeze.
I all but guzzled down the rest of my drink, earning an odd look off of the man.
She looked to me next and smiled wholeheartedly. “I’m over the moon for you, sweetheart. You deserve every little bit of happiness after everything that happened, and just think- maybe someday soon, all of this, will be for the two of you.”
My mum laughed in delight and I tried my best to mimic her as best I could, dread filling every fibre of my being.
“I can only hope.” Matty joked with a wink and a lopsided smile.
“See? Charmer!” My mum grinned at me, her eyes wide to exaggerate her point. “But anyway, I’d best be getting back to the party, cake will be here soon enough and I have to make sure your grandad’s still awake for it.”
She casted one last fond glance at us before she wished us well with pecks to both our cheeks and wandered off. 
I gazed after her with a sort of wistful look, my throat tightening as images of her hopeful smile and sparkling eyes set ablaze in my mind. She was going to kill me if this ever got out.
“I’m going to hell.”
Matty snickered, but tightened his grip when I sighed defeatedly.
“I just feel so horrible! She's so lovely and amazing. And I just lied. To her face, Matty!” I all but whined.
Matty carefully took hold of both my wrists then and pulled me into his chest, letting his chin come to rest atop my head. “Oh, darling.” He comforted quietly.
I tried not to let it get to me but I could feel my emotions getting the better of me and so when I pulled away I tried not to look Matty in the eye.
“Sweetheart...” Matty murmured, hands still holding my wrists as he tugged me in again. “Come on, don’t get upset. Things happen. If your mum ever finds out, she’ll understand.”
I know he was just trying to help, but his words made me feel worse.
“Shame on you.” I chastised instead, pushing my fist against his chest gingerly to lighten the mood. It seemed to work somewhat because Matty snorted out a surprised laugh.
“Me?” He asked bewildered, “What the hell have I done?”
“You agreed to all of this!”
“So? It’s your mum!” Matty shot back at me, still chuckling away. He decided to pull my arms around his waist then, leaving them to rest on his hips as he lifted his own hand up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“So?” I parroted a little childishly, deepening my voice slightly to match his as I pursed my lips up at him.
“For one, I do not sound like that. And two, what’s with the whole-” Matty copied my action, pouting his lips and leaning in close in an effort to taunt me. “Huh?”
“It’s what you looked like, right then.” I replied, voice muffled as I continued to poke fun at him. I laughed loudly when he scowled and proceeded to push my face away.
“Twat.” He jibed, but never let me stray too far. Pulling me back into his arms when I just continued to laugh, any previous thoughts of guilt pushed to the side as I stared up into his eyes.
“Takes one to know one, babe.”
Part Three >
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 8 months
He's so creep, but he's so good
Percabeth power couple, yes pls
"It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in to 1990's" nah, but that's the fastest way to make me gag about a smell I can't smell 🤣
"No one comes baaaaaack" I love this man so much ❤
"I just think it's safer if I'm not the one holding them all." That's fair. ya know, as someone who drops her phone regularly, that's relatable.
Those pearls sound ✨ c r u n c h y ✨
IT'S THE SCENE - BABY PERCY 😭😭😭 aww my baby I just want to hug him. I can see it now, I'm gonna bawl like a baby in a few mins
"Not in Kansas...", "Hey, focus, we left Kansas four days ago." Reminder she hasn't seen a movie, points for continuity ❤
Grover squeezing that ball omg
Poor Grover, it's ok 😭
"Only suckers wait in line" 🤣🤣
"You're not dead.", "I mean, we're all dying... To some extent." He's a comedian 🤣
The silent whistle admittedly gave me chills; I can just see the horror on Annabeth's face. CERBIE!!!!
i just screamed a little... Oh, my sister is gonna cry
aww, Cerbies TOO cute, the little whines omg I'm gonna DIE. Annabeth giving him scratchies aww even though she's terrified. Percy is impreased
I am a Rottweiler lover at heart, so I'm just obsessed with Cerberus I'm not sorry
OH GROVER EW; Thank god he's okay
Oh, ik how they get separated I bet 😭 JUMP SCARE OH
Aww Annabeth threw him the ball such a good puppy omg
Is. Is Cerberus wearing a leather jacket? Or is that leather armor? I can't tell 🤣
Annie lore drop 🥲 grovers so impressed tho
"I think it's... It's in the dog." His name is Cerbie. /jk
Percy, baby, what did you draw that upset someone so much? He's just a BABY. I WILL FIGHT THIS HEADMASTER TOOTH AND NAIL IT'S A PEGASUS SIR.
Grover, stop guilting yourself sir
OH jeez what tf.
Man I guessed Asphodel, and I was fucking right. My Mythology teacher would be so proud. This is such a haunting take on Asphodel omg. That's terrifying.
"I trust your dad." Athena ain't gonna be happy about this one, ladies and gents. 🤣🥲😭
Annie's gone, and i stg if we lose grover I'm done
Nah, Riptide looks sick tho. Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen it in good lighting
so r we not gonna see Hades..?
"Is this?", " No.", "I, I mean it looks like-" "it, it absolutely is not.", "Okay. So... what is it then?", "Yeah, that's the master bolt!" This exchange was so funny 🤣
The pieces r fitting together... Hehe
"Zeus is just gonna have to wait." HELL YA, STICK IT TO HIM, GROVER, THAT'S MY BOY!!! Grover reminding Percy exactly why he chose Grover, his best friend, to come on this quest in the first place. ❤
Sad Baby!Percy 😭 that's a lotta ice cream for such a tiny boy
sally avoiding the topic and crying, I wanna hug her too. She's trying so hard.
Hades palace is gorgeous, damn.
Are we gonna get to see the Furies again???
Percy's hands must hurt from how hard and how constantly he clenches them fists damn.
Who tf-
HADES IS SO NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I was expecting a rocker dude, but I love the "silk robe, manicured hair". Man's got class.
"I admire the cut of your jib." Ok maybe not what WAS that 🤣
He's way less scary than I expected, tbh.
Is he wearing heels? It sounds like he's walking in heels
SALLY'S A GOLD STATUE NOW??? Sally reaching out for him 😭 I'm done. I'm done.
"What did you do to her?" I can sense the rage coming
Percy 😭
babe, Hades was so confused. He just wants to be left alone, such a mood tho. Percy's so confused
"But that voice, it definitely did not sound like you." That an insult or a compliment, I deadass can't tell 🤣
Ok... Hades is being very generous, but what's the catch here? This feels sus. Oh. There. Run. pearls. now.
"Hold fast, mom." HOLD FAST MOM YESSSSSS
Sad Sally 😭 What's happening rn
"Tell me why", "you don't wanna hear why." Fair, fair 🤣
Nah, Poseidon's actor fits the bill so well in my mind. Like. Mm.
Poseidon rlly does care.
"His mother raised him well." Damn right!
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AITA for letting my younger cousins and younger brother beat my other younger cousin at a game?
This is an old story, so I (Jenny, 18F at the time) will refer to everyone by the ages they were when it had happened. + false names.
For some context, my younger cousin Andy (9M) is adopted. He was abandoned by his parents when he was young and was neglected by the orphanage he lived in. As a result, my aunt and uncle decided to spoil him after taking him in. They gave him everything he wanted. But that did not do anything to help with his behavioral problems. When Andy doesn't get his way, he screams and will bite. I have been on the receiving end of this before.
So onto the main story. We were having a party at my house. My cousin Danny (13M), cousin Ben (11M), and younger brother George (14M) wanted to play some games on the Wii. Andy saw them playing and wanted to join them. Andy's parents pulled Danny, Ben, and George aside and asked them to let him play with them, for them to go easy on him, and let him win every match they played. The three didn't want to, but agreed to because Andy almost threw a fit when they said they didn't want to play with them. Ben protested against it the most because he did not think he was fair that they had to lose on purpose. Then Andy's parents asked me to watch them, but I could not play with them so that Andy could play instead. Babysitting duty as always for me. :')
Andy's parents went off to have some drinks with the other parents.
The four of them ended up playing some Wii sports games together with Andy winning every game because Danny, Ben, and George had to pretend to suck at every game. They were getting annoyed with this though. Why? Because every time Andy "beat" them, he would start bragging and saying things like: "Haha! You suck, you losers!" , "You're so bad at these games!" , "Loser loser!" , "I'm better than you!"
So when Andy went to the restroom for a break. Danny, Ben, and George asked if they could just start playing seriously the next games because they did not like having Andy constantly belittling them for losing. I said that they could.
When Andy returned, the three of them played their hardest and took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the next game. Andy flipped out. He started screaming his lungs off and bawling his eyes out. All the parents came over to see what had happened. Andy's parents were upset at Danny, Ben, and George for "not going easy" on Andy and said that they were being terrible older cousins for that. They ended leaving the party early.
Danny and Ben's parents asked us what happened and they told them. My great aunt said that I should not have told them that it was okay to beat Andy because "you know he has issues. You should have told them no because now he is going to think you all hate him." And Ben, not so helpfully, goes "But I do hate him." He got scolded for that of course.
Even though that has long passed, my great aunt still brings it up saying that I was the asshole for giving them the okay to beat Andy in the game, and that I should have told them to just endure it for longer instead.
So AITA for giving the three of them the okay to win against him?
What are these acronyms?
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
For @livingincolorsagain because your spiel made me laugh 😂
*Sam and Bucky, visiting Steve on the moon*
Sam: I know Sarah was like, "Maybe you guys should take a few improv classes," but who needs that? We can think of a prank on the fly for Steve when we find him. Bucky: It's going to be so funny. Steve: I didn't know you two were visiting! What brings you to the moon? Sam: *blurts* We're getting, uh, getting married. Bucky: *pulls Sam dramatically close* Uh, yeah, didn't expect that did you? Steve: *way too genuine* You two always looked like you were having a good time together. I suspected, but I didn't think you two noticed your feelings for each other. Sam: What. Steve: When's the wedding? Bucky: Uh - *looks at Sam* Next year. Still. Looking for a good location???
*Finds location for wedding and books it* *Chooses flowers* *Cake sampling* *Choosing a caterer* *Charlie Day board for napkin and tablecloth swatches* *Survivor-style knockouts for the band* *Choosing the flower kid* *Deciding Redwing will be the ring bearer* *Making Sarah and Steve their Best Lady and Best Man* *Discussing who will marry them* *Nights on end figuring out who sits wear* *Intensely researched registry for wedding gifts* *Professional photoshoot recreating their fake engagement and posting the photos on their new wedding website* *Suit shopping with friends* *Booking a fun honeymoon* *Making sure there are living arrangments for the cats while they're out of town* *Writing Personal Vows* *Discussing last names* *Signing all the legal paperwork and turning it in* *Helping everyone find sleeping arrangements* *Bachelor parties* *Rehearsal night* *Wedding* *Reception* *Honeymoon*
*A year later, on the porch with Sarah, sipping some Arnold Palmers*
Sam: Yeah, we sure pranked Steve well. Bucky: He didn't know what hit him. He was bawling during that best man speech. Sam: The way he hugged us and said it was the most beautiful wedding he'd ever been to and that we deserve a lifetime of happiness? He really got pranked. Sarah: You know, you really didn't need to do any of this. You could have just said it was a joke? *Sam and Bucky stare at one another* *They turn to Sarah* Sam: Nah. This was the only way. Bucky: *holds Sam's hand* Definitely the only way.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for purposely puking on the vice principal's shoes?
I (15F) want to start by saying I don't feel guilty at all for doing this... But, I still wonder if I should.
The vice principal of our high school has never been nice to me. He's always seemed to target me since I've been here. He's sent me to detention several times for things other staff have had no issue with in the past.
The targeting really ramped up after the last time this happened. I was sitting with my boyfriend before classes started for the day. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek... Which I know I shouldn't do at school... But I don't think it's severe enough to justify the reaction.
The principal walked up from the side and screamed for me to get up from my seat, and then yelled in my face until I started bawling my eyes out. He was fucking livid- beet red face, veins popping out of his neck and everything. He ended this scream lecture with a demand to "CLEAN UP MY ACT!" and detention for 2 days. I cried through most of both.
After that, this man has been watching me like a damn hawk every time he's been near me. I feel like I've committed a heinous crime and he thinks I'm about to offend again any minute.
That brings me to the situation I'm asking about now. In the middle of class today, I started my period. I panicked and told the teacher I needed to go to the bathroom, and she let me go.
I was running through the hallway to get to the bathroom, because I've bled through my pants before and I wasn't about to do it again... And I rounded the corner and nearly ran into the vice principal.
He stopped me and demanded to know why I was running through the hall, and I told him I needed to go to the bathroom urgently. I tried to get around him and he blocked me. He asked me if I had permission to be out of the classroom, and I told him yes and tried to get around him again.
And this man
And he fucking says, "Young lady, I know a lie when I hear it."
And I just got so pissed in that moment that I decided he needed some consequences for treating me the way he does... So I doubled over and I made myself throw up on his shoes.
(Uh. My older brother tapped on my shoulder and told me to clarify- I have an ability that grants me direct control over almost all the muscles in my body. I didn't have to use my hands to make myself sick like most people would.)
I got sent home after that, and I'm laying in bed in a lot of pain from the stunt I pulled... But, god, it was worth it. I think that bastard deserved it.
What do you guys think? AITA?
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ravs6709 · 4 months
Only Your Heart Beats The Sound (Keeps Me Awake So I Can Fight)- Shiguang
Word count: 3.0k words
Or read on ao3 here!
Ready to start bawling over link click... these two are everything... I had the thought of heartbeats and seeking out touch from each other which made me crave touch too
The shiguang can either be interpreted as romantic or qpr, but either way, it's pre-relationship. Everything that happens is throughout canon
Warnings: basically anything that happened in canon mentions
A warm body. A steady weight on top of him. Comforting. Crushing. A hand squeezed his own. A heartbeat, felt from both the chest and wrist. Soft whispers in his ear. Slow breaths tickled his neck. Dark. It was so dark—dark from the night, dark from the rubble on top of them, trapping them from even the moonlight.
Dark it was too dark and the hand of his mother (mother? stranger?) was going slack and her words grew weaker—
He needed to see her face. Needed to, because she was dying and he couldn't even see her face in her final moments. He could barely even turn his face, body pinned down by the rubble. His muscles strained, he needed to move, he needed to see, even if just one last time. If he could just see her face just one last time before she could die…
“I'm scared,” he whispered, breathless, “don't leave me alone. Don't—I don't want to be alone!”
His eyes squeezed closed, not like it made a difference in the lighting. He couldn't feel her pulse, he needed to get up—
Cheng Xiaoshi jolted, entangled in the blankets. Suffocating, he was suffocating, his limbs were trapped and—
“Oh what the fuck a ghost,” he gasped out, as he looked up to see white peeking down at him. One of his legs emerged free from the blanket prison, kicking up and hitting the bed frame as he fell off the bunk.
The white figure snorted, and only after several seconds did Cheng Xiaoshi realize that the figure was just Lu Guang.
“You look like a ghost,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, attempting to free the rest of himself from the blankets. “Don't laugh at me, why the fuck were you staring? Scared the crap out of me.”
“My sincerest apologies for my hair colour,” Lu Guang said deadpan, and Cheng Xiaoshi could tell that he was trying to suppress his amusement. 
Well, he got a rare Lu Guang snort… at his own expense, unfortunately. At least someone was enjoying his misery.
“Do you need help?” Lu Guang asked, already one foot climbing down the ladder.
“Nah, I'm fine.” Flailing some more, he got an arm free. 
Once he was finally fully free, he stood up, ready to get back to bed.
“You were having a nightmare,” Lu Guang said, now genuinely serious. “That dive… is there anything you need?”
Cheng Xiaoshi stared at the outstretched hand. It'd be so easy to grab it, to pull Lu Guang close with a tug of his arm. To hold one of the only two people that had never left him. It'd be so easy, but it'd be so difficult to reach right back out. 
Lu Guang would have heard every word that he'd said whenever he was in a dive, would have heard him as Chen Xiao, a grieving child who had just lost his parents. His own, then his “mother” again.
They rarely actually talked about how Cheng Xiaoshi would inherit the feelings of every person he'd ever possessed. An unspoken rule. Lu Guang didn’t talk about any of the inherited feelings that happened to mesh in a perfectly horrendous combination with his own, and Cheng Xiaoshi didn’t pry too hard when it came to his past. It wasn’t completely ignored though: a momentary comfort here and there during a dive, or right after the earthquake dive when he'd sunken to his knees and Lu Guang had sat right in front of him and loosely hugged him.
A brief, ephemeral thing, a shooting star that briefly lit the night sky. Rare, but treasured, and Cheng Xiaoshi found himself craving it more and more than what should ever be allowed. He already kept toeing the boundaries every time he draped an arm over Lu Guang's shoulder. Wasn't it pathetic to be this clingy, even when it'd been over ten years since his parents had left him?
“I'll be fine,” he said, walking past the outstretched hand and getting back to bed.
Lu Guang looked at him with narrowed eyes, but eventually just nodded silently and climbed back up onto his bunk.
Cheng Xiaoshi tossed the blankets into the corner by his feet, the idea of being covered up already making his throat close up. He could feel goosebumps on his skin, the room slightly too chilly because Lu Guang had always preferred the room to be on the colder end and Cheng Xiaoshi usually liked using a thick blanket, so it had never been a problem for him.
But it was a problem now, the room feeling too open and too cold. Too empty. He stared up at the top bunk, only hearing soft slow breathing. He wondered if Lu Guang had already managed to fall back asleep.
Their dynamic had always been push and pull, but Cheng Xiaoshi knew that their partnership wasn't exactly equal. That while he was probably Lu Guang's first real friend—not that he ever talked about his life before they'd met—he was the one who has dragged him into his orbit: basketball practice, repainting the shop (albeit it was Qiao Ling who had really made that offer), again and again until Lu Guang had cast aside any future prospects and moved in with him to run the business. They were friends, to an extent. Cheng Xiaoshi was the one who tended to toe the line, and while he knew Lu Guang would have easily left if he wasn’t okay with it all, sometimes Cheng Xiaoshi wondered if he ever took it too far for their friendship.
Friends, who happened to have both developed superpowers that ended up being highly compatible with each other. If it weren't for that overseas trip where they'd developed their powers, would Lu Guang have agreed to live with him? Or if Qiao Ling hadn't asked him to help repaint the shop, would their dynamic have remained strictly basketball buddies?
The thought of a life without Lu Guang had his heart throbbing. His hands twitched as if aching to hold something. The world was too quiet—he was alone.
Lu Guang, he wanted to call out, are you awake? But if he was sleeping, he couldn't dare wake him up. He pulled the blanket back, holding it in his arms, but it wasn't enough.
He turned back up to the bunk. Hesitantly, he raised his foot and kicked it lightly. Almost instantly, Lu Guang had moved to peek down at him. He let out a sigh of relief, realizing that the reaction time was too fast for someone who could have been asleep.
“I…” he began, but his throat felt too clogged to say. He turned to the wall.
What would he even say, anyway? Was there a proper way to tell your best friend that you wanted to be held so tightly, to be pressed to their chest and listen to their heart?
That felt forbidden to say. Even worse, it wouldn't have been enough. He wanted to slide in between Lu Guang's ribcage and dive straight inside and press his cheek to his heart. To hold it in his hands as it was beating, to be settled right there next to his lungs and feel every inhale and exhale. To feel this tangible evidence that his friend was there and he was not alone.
The mattress shifted behind him, a hand reaching over and clasping his. 
“You're not alone,” Lu Guang whispered into the back of his neck, knees slotting behind his own.
It wasn't the exact position he’d craved, but with the solid warmth behind him and the pulse of a heartbeat in his hands, Cheng Xiaoshi drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
When Lu Guang was stabbed, Cheng Xiaoshi's whole world crumbled. It took every ounce of self control and thinking of what Lu Guang would have wanted in order to not dive back in time to fix everything.
Was it his fault? If he hadn't gone back to try and rewrite Emma's inevitable death, maybe Lu Guang wouldn't have been left defenseless.
Covering up for Qiao Ling and letting himself get arrested instead had been hell. Not that he regretted doing it—she was his other favourite person. But sitting in a cold dark room on an uncomfortable chair handcuffed was not the way he wanted to spend the night. Even just one more time, he wanted to see Lu Guang's face, even if he was dead.
At least Captain Xiao understood the circumstances, and he was able to get the charges dropped and even driven to the hospital. Where—Lu Guang was alive. He barely even had the time to completely unpack all the grief that had settled in him the moment the police had announced he was dead, as the killer had then possessed Chen Bin and had him kill himself. Then having to fight and corner one of the perpetrators.
During these nights, Cheng Xiaoshi slept in one of the hospital rooms provided for him, since it wasn't exactly safe for him to sleep at the shop. Not that he had too many complaints: the idea of sleeping far away from Lu Guang was something he wouldn't allow. If he were allowed to, he'd probably even sleep in the same room.
There was hardly any time to properly relax, not that there was much relaxing to do with a murderer still on the loose. But in those rare moments, his heart wouldn't stop pounding, his body on edge, prepared for another attack. He quietly slipped into Lu Guang’s room late in the evening. He was laying in bed, staring intently at his phone, eyes shining.
“Lu Guang,” he called out.
The phone fell out of Lu Guang’s hands as if they’d burnt him. Cheng Xiaoshi found that weird. It didn’t look like he was texting, nor did it seem like there was audio that he was watching something. He didn’t say anything, just walked and stood next to the bed. Before he could get his thoughts in order and ask to hold his hand again like that one night, Lu Guang had moved over, patting the newly free space beside him. Cheng Xiaoshi didn’t hesitate to sit down, even if it was cramped.
It felt as if Lu Guang was reading his mind. Or maybe his heart. He wondered if what he wanted was readable from his face. Without words, without complaints, Lu Guang was letting him in closer, and it gave Cheng Xiaoshi the courage to reach for his hand. Cold, but not death-cold. A little dry. He’d offer lotion if it weren’t for the fact that the container was in his room, and he didn’t want to get up now. He slid his thumb down his slender hand, pressing it to his wrist. Thump. Thump. Around seventy-two beats within the minute. He was pretty sure that was a normal heart rate. Definitely alive.
Lu Guang said nothing, just staring down at their intertwined hands. His own hand felt like it was on fire, but as he tugged to pull away, fingers snapped around his wrist like a predator catching its prey.
Cheng Xiaoshi looked up at him, but Lu Guang remained silent, his face oddly focused. A pale thumb slid across his palm, and he had to fight back a shudder. A pulse fluttered quickly in his hands, and he couldn't tell who it belonged to.
Cheng Xiaoshi let his other hand drift lower, grazing the cloth of the hospital gown as it hovered over where he'd been stabbed. 
“I don't…” Lu Guang finally spoke, his voice hoarse, “I don't mind this. From you.”
“Oh—oh,” was all he could say dumbly.
He squeezed Lu Guang's hand a little tighter, gently tracing his thumb along every curve and knuckle.
“I'm glad you're alive,” he whispered.
Lu Guang's face softened, his eyes an endless abyss and his smile a small, but beautiful one. This was incredibly unfair. “Me too.”
Cheng Xiaoshi started to wonder if maybe he wasn't the only one who craved this kind of intimacy. If Lu Guang, even if at a much lesser intensity, needed this the way he did.
After that whole underground fight that resulted in Qian Jin's arrest and Li Tianchen's escape, Cheng Xiaoshi was once again forced to be in the hospital so he could recover from his gunshot wound. It was getting tiring, being bedridden. It took a good week to convince the nurse to let his bed be in the same room as Lu Guang's.
When Lu Guang got out of bed and walked over to his own bed, Cheng Xiaoshi scooted over to make room. No hesitation, their hands were already intertwined, the pulse of his heartbeat becoming a familiar melody.
Lu Guang's other hand rested on his gunshot wound, a mirror to earlier.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t gonna kill me in the first place,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, waving his free hand flippantly. “I mean, did you see my moves against Qian Jin? Even you did a surprisingly good job at fighting.” He moved the hospital gown he wore to reveal the wound. “See, it’s not even bleeding anymore. You know, I've never seen you snap like that before,” he continued, recalling the haunting way Lu Guang had screamed. Or the way he had launched himself at Qian Jing and mercilessly punched him again and again, despite his injury and lack of combat skill.
Lu Guang froze. “...I was worried that you were going to die.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I almost tried to change the past when I thought you were dead.”
He figured Lu Guang would scold him with an idiot, you know you can't change the past, death is an unchangeable node lecture like he usually heard when grief would overwhelm him with the intense desire to change a person’s life for the better. But instead, the hand that was in his tightened uncontrollably.
“Don’t,” Lu Guang said, his voice quiet, but sharp as a knife.
“I mean, I didn’t do it. I took your rules to heart—for once, haha. Past or future, just let them be.”
His hand only tightened in its grip, and inexplicably he looked away. “Keep following the rules.”
“Lu Guang, you’re holding me too tight!”
“Hey, Lu Guang, is everything alright?”
He simply nodded. He traced his fingers around the wound, and Cheng Xiaoshi just watched, wondering why he seemed so tense. Sure, Lu Guang had always been a stickler to the three rules, but his behaviour now seemed… different.
Cheng Xiaoshi took the hand he was holding and rested it on top of his chest. For several minutes, they just sat there in silence. He still didn't really know what to say in these moments that wouldn't ruin the atmosphere. If he even needed to say something at all. He supposed he could understand the value of silence, or whatever. They were both alive, and they were both there, breathing, hearts beating, holding each other.
“You don’t need to be scared,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, finally.
Lu Guang didn’t reply, but he hoped that those simple words could provide at least a little reassurance.
Unbeknownst to Cheng Xiaoshi, the first time it really happened, he had been asleep. It was not long after Lu Guang had made his dive into the past. Sleeping felt impossible, not when his mind could conjure every single detail of Cheng Xiaoshi’s death. When he could feel phantom blood in his hand. He was helpless, powerless, he'd never be able to save—
Something hit his back with a thud, and he shot up.
“Hey, Lu Guang, you good up there?” Cheng Xiaoshi asked from the bottom bunk.
“Fuck,” he murmured, rubbing his aching back. “Did you kick me?”
He laughed. “The ghosts haunting you and plaguing you with nightmares, I’ve kicked them away!”
“Idiot. Who kicks a sleeping person?”
“I did try and talk you awake. But you couldn’t hear me. One hell of a nightmare, huh?”
A nightmare would be putting things too mildly. Lu Guang wished that it was merely about nightmares. No, it was worse. Memories, felt both awake and asleep. 
“Something like that.”
As per their unspoken agreement, Cheng Xiaoshi didn't ask about the details.
“Feel better now?”
“Yes,” he lied, carefully controlling his breathing into something even. “Thank you.”
Cheng Xiaoshi quickly fell back asleep, Lu Guang could hear it in the change of breathing, and the way he stopped tossing and turning.
“Cheng Xiaoshi?” he whispered, just to make sure.
After confirmation, Lu Guang got out of his bed and climbed down. The room was dark, but his vision in the night had always been better than most and so he could see how the faint traces of moonlight lit up the back of his dark hair. Lu Guang had the overwhelming urge to run his hand through it.
It wasn't the type of thought he would ever usually have—he'd never been the biggest fan of physical touch. Cheng Xiaoshi was always the one to initiate. Maybe the sight of Cheng Xiaoshi dying in his arms made him realize that it was very much possible that those moments he brushed off could be gone forever.
As gently as he could, Lu Guang pressed his fingertips over the pulse on Cheng Xiaoshi's neck. A soft beat, almost impossible to detect since he couldn't actually press down. Cheng Xiaoshi let out a murmur, rolling over to face him, and Lu Guang immediately pulled his hand back. He still couldn't bring himself to actually move, to go back to his own bed, or wherever he planned to go from here. With Cheng Xiaoshi now facing him, his own heart was pounding.
He was smiling. A good dream, he hoped. It would be good if he would have good dreams every night. Lu Guang wanted to protect that smile. He had no regrets breaking his rules, if it meant Cheng Xiaoshi could keep on living like this.
Idk yet if I'll end up writing anything else link click, but if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist, just let me know!
Link click taglist: @subrosasteath
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