#nami i love you you're just like me fr
beanghostprincess · 8 months
My take on OPLA's "Arlong Park" as a Nami kinnie with a lot of things to say
I have a lot of complaining to do about how OPLA wrote and directed the last two episodes and, generally speaking, Nami's character and dynamic with the others. However, and as I said the last time I wrote one of these posts about my takes on OPLA, I understand that it's really hard to make a Live Action of something so iconic and long as One Piece. However, I do think that there is some stuff that could have been done better without it being a problem with the lack of time and all that.
That being said, please enjoy my thoughts on Arlong Park and Nami's character. This will be completely messy and chaotic but it's just that I'm too lazy to organize my ideas properly.
Pre-Arlong Park
For starters, I don't like how they introduce Nami's character arc. I understand that to get attached to her character and show that she's growing fond of the crew you have to make her like them and be friends with them. And that's great! I really liked her interactions with them and it really shows that she cares deeply about all of them but she just can't get too close or else she'll put her mission and them in danger. She can't get too attached out of self-hatred and fear and she can't be herself, even if sometimes her true personality shows whenever she gets too comfortable. And it's beautiful, especially with Luffy.
However, the little hints about her past and current situation felt forced. Perhaps I'm just picky with the script, but I think it would've been way better to show us that she's enjoying her time with them but for some unsaid reason, she refuses to open up. And then, the whole thing with Arlong happens. No hints. No deep trauma-dumping with Zoro. And, please, no verbalization of her ongoing situation that she's literally trying to hide.
The thing with OPLA is that they don't let the characters show their feelings without speaking. They don't let the actors express what the character's going through with silent acting. They have to explain everything verbally as if we, the audience, were stupid.
So I have this feeling that the foreshadowing and hints for Arlong Park were forced and out of character, especially because they wanted to rush Nami's friendship with them (for no reason, since you can do that simply by showing us that she's having a good time but she doesn't let herself actually stay with them or just be herself). You can be friends with somebody and love them without knowing shit about their past or suffering (Luffy in the manga is a great example, but I'll talk about that later) so the friendship they were building between Nami and Zoro could've worked anyway without that drinking game (obviously used as a plot device to foreshadow Arlong Park).
Nami befriends them too easily, in my opinion. She obviously cares about them and wants to be with them, but she can't. That's why canonically she steals the Merry and leaves them there on their own the moment she has the chance to do it. And she cries. And feels like shit because she finally found people who genuinely wanted her and liked her, but she can't be with them. She can't because she thinks she'll hurt them. Because she thinks they'll hurt her. Because she doesn't let herself open up to anybody but herself. Because she has a mission.
OPLA could've easily done that, but for some reason decided to make Nami openly tell Zoro to not fight because they're friends (she probably would think so, but would never say it out loud. Plus, she knows better than to try to stop Zoro. That scene is bullshit) and then stay to see the fight after regretting trying to leave them because they're friends. And it's bullshit, once again, because, despite her feelings towards them, she would never let herself be happy like that. Canonically she hates betraying them, but she has to do it. And yet the live-action decided to make her say all of her feelings out loud when her whole character is about refusing to express her pain out loud.
Good job Netflix (this said with a very sarcastic tone, by the way).
One of the things that bothers me the most, too, is how she blames Luffy after the fight. Not even canon Nami would do that. Yes, she doesn't yet acknowledge Luffy as her captain, but she knows he's the one who has the last word. She's aware that it was Zoro's own stupid decision. She knows why Luffy let him do it. She knows they're stupid but they want to get stronger and follow their dreams and she won't be able to stop them even if she wants to. So it doesn't make any goddamned sense for Nami to actively fight Luffy about it. She should be smarter than this.
And yes, you can say that perhaps it's just the frustration of them being able to stupidly follow their dreams when she can't do it herself. It makes sense. She definitely is. But you can show that frustration without her yelling at Luffy for something she knows she can't change.
Also, as I said before, she expresses her feelings and worries out loud. Not even just out loud, but too loud. She yells how worried she is and how close they are now. That they are friends. And I think that their friendship could've been shown instead of just said with her words, because Nami, in the beginning, would've never let herself admit it. Not to them. Not even to herself. Their friendship and care are something she can't afford right now. And yet she's obviously delaying her mission to stay with them? And she's verbally telling them that they're friends? It makes no sense to me.
Then, Arlong shows up at the Baratie.
Not the decision I would've made but, okay, let's take it.
And Nami of course goes with him, but I don't like how they made it happen.
The thing is, Nami canonically steals the ship and goes to Arlong Park because she has her life there. Her duty. You can see clearly in the manga how much she wants to stay with the crew but how her hometown is more important than her own happiness. Here, it just looks like Arlong came for her and she goes with him only because he's there. If he hadn't shown up, she probably would've just stayed with the others as far as we know. Which is, once again, bullshit and out of character.
She goes with Arlong, acts like the villain, and goes away.
And it's pretty much rushed and it feels forced. So, well... Let's say I only liked Baratie because of Sanji (off-topic, but his backstory and scenes were the best. But perhaps I'm just not objective since he's my favorite Mugiwara hehe).
Arlong Park
The crew's reaction
It doesn't make sense. Let's just say it like that.
In the manga, both Usopp and Zoro get righteously angry at Nami because she stole their ship and that's the main reason why they decide to agree with Luffy and go look for her.
However, here, Nami didn't steal anything from them. And yet they're... Mad at her?
Zoro and Usopp know better than to just leave her behind because she was the one leaving them first. I understand that Usopp might be a coward and he doesn't want to get into fights for a girl he just met, so I kind of get why he doesn't agree with Luffy. However, Zoro is supposed to know that she isn't like this. They've had... A lot of bonding scenes together and yet he's like: "If she wants to be left alone, then so be it". And I get it because Zoro is, well, Zoro. But OPLA!Zoro has bonded with Nami. He obviously respects her decision here, but acting like she betrayed them is stupid because she never stole anything from them besides the map (which was hers to begin with, by the way). They don't have reasons to hate her and if they were going to make her go without stealing the Merry then they could've also made the whole crew agree with Luffy to get her back.
No comment on Sanji, by the way, he does great. Great Sanji. Taz I love you (please ignore my blatant favoritism).
They encounter Nami and, once again, I don't like how verbal they are all the damn time. Luffy should NEVER tell her to ask for help if she needs it. He knows she needs help, he just wants her to be the one to say it and he knows she will once she's ready. I liked Nami saying something along the lines of "No, this is the 'me' you want me to be" though. Great line.
Then they meet Nojiko, and let me tell you... I have so many issues with this I don't think I'll ever finish talking about it.
First things first, why the fuck is Nojiko unaware of Nami's intentions? The whole thing about Nojiko is that she loves Nami to death and knows the reasons why she's doing all of this. That's why she's able to tell the crew about their past with sadness but love and care and so much worry for Nami's wellbeing. She meets the crew and instantly knows how much they care about her. That's why she helps them: She wants Nami to finally be free and have more people who love her in her life.
Instead, OPLA makes Nojiko hate her sister because apparently, she thinks she betrayed them. Cool. More unnecessary angst for Nami (sarcastic comment, again).
But that doesn't bother me that much. You know what bothers me? What enrages me?
Luffy hears Nami's backstory.
Why. The. Fuck. Is. He. There.
Literally this was just the writers' choice because they fucking wanted to because there's nothing stopping them from making him climb to the rooftop the second Nojiko starts talking. He keeps saying he wants to hear Nami's feelings from her, and yet he stays to hear what happened to her.
What makes Luffy such a great person and captain is how little he cares about his crew's pasts. He doesn't want to know about how they used to be or what happened to them, as long as they stay true to how they are now. And what makes Luffy and Nami's bond so important and beautiful and strong, is how much Nami hates what happened to her and how little Luffy cares. Nami hates herself for what she did, and Luffy loves her because of who she is now. Perfect balance. Beautiful, precious bond.
OPLA could've just fixed it by making Luffy climb to the rooftop sooner, and they didn't. I don't know why yet. But they didn't. And it makes me so mad...I need to talk to the writers or I swear to God-
That makes his conversation with Zoro not make any sense, but hey! Pretty Zolu scene that I appreciate and it was really beautiful to watch. Not complaining here.
Nami asking for help (THE Arlong Park scene. THE moment. THE straw hat thing)
Despite Emily's amazing acting (God, I love her. As a director/writer wannabe I can easily see that she's a pleasure to work with because Oh mY gOd) I didn't really enjoy the scene. This has to do with the directing and not the acting or script, by the way.
I hate the shots. I just- I just hate the shots they use in this show, in general. Always. But this time it made me cringe in the worst moment because it's supposed to be a heartbreaking, captivating scene.
Diving the scene like the anime does is a beautiful thing to do, but the shots are just TOO. DAMN. CLOSE. So it doesn't look pleasant and it bothers me. Again, maybe I'm just picky.
Also, Luffy should've covered Nami's eyes with the straw hat. I know it seems like a dumb thing to say, but it's (in my opinion) one of the things that makes this scene so special and beautiful in canon. It's Luffy's way of telling her not to cry. He gives her his hat as a metaphor. Simbolism. A promise. Yadda, yadda, yadda. He gives her his most precious and important thing in the world as a way of welcoming her to the crew and showing that he trusts and loves her. As a way of saying "Here. Have this. I will help you and then I will come back for this later and you will be coming with me. You have to take care of it". He's literally referencing Shanks here, guys!!! He did the same with him!!! So it might seem stupid, but it wasn't hard to just use a shot to make it look like he had covered her eyes completely.
Leaving that aside, Emily's acting was outstanding and I can't wait to see her in Alabasta with Vivi because that's going to be insanely good for my soul.
Nami's flashback
I don't have much to say about it besides that the acting was awesome, the setting was really really gorgeous, and it's just how I imagined Nami's past would be portrayed. Lil Nojiko and Nami are extremely cute and talented and Bellemere was amazing.
However, I must say that I did find it weird how Nami is the one asking Arlong if she can work for him. Like I get that her plan was to buy the village back but, like- Just make Arlong interested in Nami first so that way she can come up with the plan and agree to his conditions.
Also, it doesn't make sense to use chains on Nami if she's willingly working for him and was the one to ask first. They treat her like a prisoner for no reason? To be honest they should've just changed that scene to the canon one to make Arlong force her to work with him.
I'm not an expert and despite being a fan of a lot of shonen animes, fighting isn't really my thing. I just sit there waiting until the actual plot starts again, not gonna lie.
But I must say that the Zosan argument about what Luffy needs (full of jealousy, by the way. Zoro, I know what you are!!) was pretty funny and Usopp was a delight to watch. The fight with Arlong happened a bit too fast in my opinion and they could've been way more creative with the choreography but, again, I'm no expert. I just know that the fight is like only the first 15 minutes and that's a big no-no when it comes to closing plots.
Once again, this is just a product of the overuse of the Marines and their screentime. They could've just changed the whole Garp plot and added more of Arlong Park (we will always miss you, Hachi. You deserved to be with us).
Post-Arlong Park
I don't have much to say about the party. Really cute. They're really sweet together and I enjoyed watching them acting like the family they are. Zoro and Sanji bickering is pure gold, Nami smiling as she looks around at her new life, and Luffy cheering Usopp up!!! That was the sweetest thing ever. I died. I loved every second of that scene because our sniper deserves all the love in the world.
Then Garp shows up and does the most unnecessary thing in the world. Which is fighting Luffy for no fucking reason and then walk away. Waste of time. Doesn't do anything to the plot. Incredibly boring, too. Hope they fix their dynamic and Garp's character (and the overuse of the Marine's screentime) next season. Although I won't complain if Smoker and Tashigi are on my screen 24/7 in s2 because I love them to death and Tashigi is my girlfriend (real).
Overall Opinion
I didn't hate Arlong Park, per se, but as a person who relates to Nami's character a lot (she's extremely important to me for a lot of reasons. I even have her tattoo!!) I can't help but feel a little disappointed at what her arc turned out to be.
That being said, I still enjoyed the last two episodes and I seriously think that the last scene (the crew talking about their dreams) is literally the best scene of all. In every way.
If you're reading this, I love you for being so interested in my opinion <3 I literally just write these to put my thoughts into words. It's really fun!! But I'm aware that it can be pretty long JKZDBDJKSDHJK (I could talk about this show for hours). Also, if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, ignore them. I'm too lazy today to read all of this and fix them, ngl.
Tag: @leiatroublecat TikTok editing account where I post my OPLA edits: seraspring
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princeoftheeternalbog · 3 months
Op characters with a clingy/handsy drunk? let's go
suggestive in Sanjis, Luffy, Brooks, DEFINITELY in Namis and Frankys and maybe Usopps? Mostly vague stuff, on that note would you guys actually be interested in like nsfw stuff? I know I'm really toeing the line here and i have drafts but I'm nervous to post😭.
Feel like this could be ooc in some places but who cares😻(me :()
Giggles a lot, he finds it so cute and it really makes him feel warm in his chest. He can't get enough of you to be honest. Like this man loves physical touch but be warned he will think it's a sudden new level in your 'friendship'(read:in love with each other) and start acting that affectionate all the time. Willing to carry you around and also wrap himself around you so you can walk with him just there, yes this includes to the bathroom-
Adores it. I think he actually loves affection and physical touch but just doesn't say it because he thinks it's obvious (it's not). So when you come up to him, wobbly and on your 6th drink, and just practically throw yourself into his arms hes just like :/). Makes sure you stay nice and close to him because he doesn't want you clinging to anyone else, and he always makes sure you drink water before bed even if bed involves falling asleep on top of him.
Makes him nervous to be honest. Usually he's the forward one in the relationship but here you are untucking his shirt just to shove your hands up it. He absolutely will shriek if its in front of other people, and he's trying to wrangle your grabby hands but he really enjoys it so his resolve is so weak. Tries to satiate you by being affectionate back but it just makes you worse and he ends up taking you to a more private area so he at least doesn't have to blush in front of others.
She thinks it's so cute. Let's you do whatever you want as long as the people around you are comfortable and you've said it's fine(when sober ofc), but she doesn't really care about people seeing until you start trying to either get undressed or undress her and then she takes you to a private space because she's ever so slightly possessive. Listen for a girl who didn't have much, you add a lot of value to her life and she wants to treasure you properly, she doesn't trust anyone else to appreciate you the way you deserve.
Surprisingly confident. You come up to him with this big dreamy smile and you're practically falling over yourself so he just- scoops you up. Front piggyback style yk, he's got one arm under your ass supporting your weight and the other one is holding his drink, listen this mf is strong okay you think a man who can build a boat isn't strong? Fool. He just lets you do what you want to be honest, one of your hands is tucked in his back pocket, the other is trying and failing to undo his overalls and he's just like "You okay honey?".
She's flustered. She's not that used to physical affection so it makes her really giggly and blushy, though she's still quite confident in her words and actions, she's fr twirling her hair around her finger. She has quite a high tolerance for alcohol but she actually gets a bit similar when she's drunk, she's more reserved of course but she just melts into you like butter on a hot pan. The crew always take so many pictures because they think it's so cute, literally every celebration you two just end up cuddling and then it sorta turns into a big cuddle pile with the crew because seeing her relax gets them emotional.
Oh baby you are looking in a mirror. He is just as bad if not worse- when he gets drunk he is a massive flirt and a massive tease. He's so giving in relationships and usually you don't have to ask twice but being drunk will mean he wants you to practically beg for a kiss. Half because he thinks it's funny and half because he's a horny bastard- Though if you get upset then he immediately drops the teasing, even when drunk he's so considerate of your feelings and your boundaries.
Doesn't mind at all but prefers to be in private when you're like this.
Quick headcannon that his bones are more sensitive than skin because there's less external protection-
Lets just say one time you touched a sensitive area in public and he will never get over the reaction he had or the fact that other people saw it. So you go to room jail as soon as you start trying to practically crawl inside his clothes to be as close as possible. He's not mad though, he giggles the entire way, he's just very shy about his interests.
Flustered as hell but makes him feel really secure in your relationship. Also, he lowkey loves being able to bring it up to tease you later, like he pulls an uno reverse when you're sober and you're just like omg omg omg- He's a sneaky guy fr, does so many unexpected things in a relationship. Don't get me wrong though he'd never let you do anything inappropriate, even when drunk he's very aware of boundaries and social etiquette so if he notices you getting a bit grabby then he takes you somewhere private for both your benefit and the people around you.
Oh baby. This man is feral don't even start. The first time he experiences it, it's actually really unexpected, it's quite early in your relationship so you havent been too affectionate yet, but you come up to him and just sit down. On him. And you can practically see his brain melting out of his ears, his face goes so red you think he's going to pass out but the second you stand up, drunk and lowkey sad, he snatches you back down. You wanted to sit there, you are going to sit there now you have no choice. (You do but would you want to get up?)
Menace. Cannot even state how much of a menace. He's so physically affectionate that it usually flusters even the most confident people, and this is while sober, so if you start getting clingy when drunk he just becomes obsessed. But he absolutely hates it if you're like that with other people so once you start getting to that stage then he's whisking you away to your shared room, usually you stick to him like glue anyways but the crew love to wind him up by coaxing you away from him with food and funny stories.
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owlight · 2 years
monster trio + Law with a partner who calls them a cute nickname for the first time in public & how they would react to it
Characters: Luffy , Sanji , Zoro ,Law
Warnings: sfw , fluff
Notes: just writing ideas I had after reading a lot of fanfics this week 😔, not proofread so excuse me for any mistakes
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Honestly he doesn't mind it ,he is very affectionate to you in public and you calling him some cute nicknames just feel natural to him he doesn't really notice when you first did
" Luffy! Sweetheart! Don't ! Nami gave us a budget this time!" You tell your captain who's dragging you to a restaurant "(Y/nnnnn)! Come on this look tasty I don't think I ever tried this one!" Luffy plead " 'sighs' alright just this one time baby"
Actually everyone else Noticed and they found it adorable how you both interacted with each others (not Sanji tho he is dying from jealousy and envy)
He personally like to call you sunshine whenever he feel like calling you a nickname,which is rare but he does it whenever he want to get something from u ,with puppy eyes and all
It always work cuz you're a sucker for cute nicknames yourself and Luffy picked a very pure choice 😔
At first he is embarrassed by it ,only because he is trying to look tough when you're both out together and you make it very hard for him to keep that act up sometimes
" hm sweetheart, do you think we can get to that shop over there? I think they might have what I'm looking for!" you tell him as you drag him with you,Zoro cheeks look slightly pink as he sees some old women calling you both cute couples,he is too stunned to speak so he simply follows u like the sweetheart he is
After that ,he tries to get used to it really by choosing a nickname for you as well ,so he can call you by it in public
He chose "Kitten" and "bear" ,truly depends on his mood,he isn't good at this nicknames thing but he is trying for you
He still blushes when you call him any cute nicknames no matter how long you have been together<3 this man is very sweet at heart
He dies he Is very flustered when you do that ,you made this man so happy his heart busted out of his chest and he fell on his knees, you're so cute calling him a nickname Infront of people????
" Sanjiiii I'm tired of walking can we stop for a moment? " you whine as you walk next to the cook who is holding most of the groceries that is needed for the ship "oh alright Sweetie! You should have told you were tired ,we could have stopped at the coffee shop!" He tells you with a rather sweet tone,you smiles at him "thank you for stopping babe,to be honest I didn't think the way back to the ship was that long-" everything else you say to him next is a blur because his brain stopped at hearing you calling him Babe ,like woah fr? You like him like that? Ofc u dumbsweetheart you both been dating for months he actually goes down to his knees as he cry in happiness ,going back to the ship might take a bit longer than you thought
He Doesn't mind ,he actually loves it,he love to call you pet nicknames and the fact you do now yourself? Like yeah ,he feel like achieved true happiness ,like please call him all the cute nicknames ,please ,he want it to be an everyday thing
He enjoys the new nickname thing very much ,he hope you both upgrade it to something Spicer (holding hands in public)
" hey Lovebug ,can you grab some strawberries from that shop for me? I need to go grab some fish for bepo " you tells him with a smile as you walk away "alright (y/n),be careful" he reply back without actually registering what actually just happened ,but as he pick the strawberries for you ,his brain hit him with the realization,oh
Ngl this man is very stoic(at least tries to be) a slight blush appear on his cheeks as he realize what you called him,a rather cute nickname , lovebug? Should he asks why you chose that to be exact or act cool like nothing happened????
He pick the latter (actually not).he decide this is a new step to your relationship with him,he will start calling you "love" as payback
Which isn't so bad as he think it is,you find it nice ,he is trying and it's admirable for sure ,he will try to come up with a creative nickname for you later on so be prepared for that
He did ask you months later why do you call him love bug and the fact you told him it's because of how he cling to you whenever you both hug made him a bit flustered , you're really cheesey ,smh ,he loves u to death
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sinning-23 · 7 months
Supa Freak (NSFW Headcannons)
Seggcy headcanons plus bonuses opla headcanons
Warnings!: i mean ... it says nsfw in the title bro...favorite position, volume, size, stuff like that, things they say during the act-
Anyway! Enjoy
Warnings: THESE ARE 18+ HEADCANNONS! Let’s be fr.
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-Okay so…..I’m not saying it’s always the quiet ones but-
-I feel like he’s not particularly picky when I comes to being intimate with you. If he can see your face or be able to had a handful of your ass in his hands he’s happy. (doggy w/ the mirror in front of you. best of both worlds)
-He’s not much of a submissive lover either, I think the closest you’ll ever get to that is riding him and even then he’s got control most the time.
-I like to think he prefers back shots because he likes the sound of your skin slapping because he’s fuckinf you that hard and fast. He also like then you can’t seem to form a sentence cause he’s reaching even the deepest parts of you.
-He’s not very loud btw. Like slight groans here and there. I think he’d be a pinch more talkative tho.
-“That’s it, take it.” Or “Justttt like that.” Or “You like the way I fuck you? Don’t you?”
-7”, shower, cut
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-Let him eat. And he won’t stop until he’s satisfied.
-That’s his go to honestly, if he’s not going to do anything else, he’s going to eat you out. It’s his favourite, you just taste too damn good. I feel like he’s the type to lock your thighs in place and hold your hips down so you can squirm away from in in an attempt to save yourself from overstimulation.
-Puts his hat over your face and has you lean alllll the way back. Loves seeing you like that.
-He’s a pretty good volume, and he’s never had a problem taking with his mouth full so jsut know you’ll get to hear everything he as to say about you and how good you are to him/for him.
-“Soooo good” Or “Fuck I could eat you all day.” Or “Stop trying to run from me, I’m not finished.”
-Had made you squirt on multiple occasions from his tongue alone. Call to a ‘special skill’.
-6.5, grower(ironic), uncut
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-He can laugh you out your panties we all know it too, don’t act surprised.
-I feel like he’s one to like good old cowgirl. You mean to tell him he can see your face AND feel/fill you up? Oh say less.
-I think his favorite part is watching you sink down on it, that little nervous look you get wondering if it’ll fit despite you having done this countless times before.
-Knows your thighs get cramped up so he will take it upon himself to lift you up and thrust upwards so you can have a break. But god is it hard to hold back when you’re so warm, and wet, and squeezing him so well. He wants to last but you’re making it hard to.
-Not much of a talker but will definitely moan and whimper. He’s too busy trying not to cum to talk. He’s got to fuckin focus-
-Oh the chance that he does talk it’s really to warn you or swear at how good you feel
-“F-Fuck.” Or “Wait I can't-I’m gonna-”
-6.5, uncut, shower
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-Against the wall (bitch I know yall saw him shirtless I'm sure that he's got enough body strength for the both of you.)
-Something about you being trapped gets him going. He makes sure you're secure against the wall too, his hands secure at your thighs and ass, holding you up, watching the way your body kinda recoils with each thrust.
-Just know he's marking you up, I mean all the way up. You're gonna look like someone strangled you by the end of it and, yes you did because he's got a thing for choking (giving or receiving) but also he can't seem to keep those pearly whites off the skin of your neck. Claims you're "too delicious not to taste."
-let him lick caramel off your titties.
-Isn't really loud, but isn't exactly quiet either. He's definitely more of a talker if we're comparing him to Zoro, but he also moans more.
-"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, give it to me mamas." or "Can you feel me right here chérie?"
-7.5, grower, cut
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-On a countertop. Somewhere she can have you sit pretty and let her do absolutely filthy things to you.
-That rose toy is NOT letting up by any means and you can bet she's already got 3 fingers stretching you out.
-She's the type to not only talk you through it but also praise you for lasting this long. Makes it a note to give you sweet, soft kisses because her fingers are about to bully another orgasm out of you.
-I think she's a fan of countertops because every time you get off there's a niceee shine over it and most likely a sizable puddle dripping off the side.
-"That's my girl, my pretty girl." or "I know, I know, let me make you feel good."
-5, has a vibrate setting(4 speeds), baby blue
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-Standing up, you bent over, him pulling your arms back, in front of a mirror, watching how your tits move when he thrusts into you.
-This man is fucking filthy, he will fold you like a goddamn lawn chair one second and eat you out the next.
-There is no true favorite honestly, as long as he gets to feel you squeeze around him and hear you tell him how good his cock feels deep inside you.
-You quickly learned why he's so cocky, its not without reason that's for damn sure
-He can be whiny and a mess when he's particularly desperate and in need of you to take control. Sometimes he's quiet and calculated, either in the mood to punish you for being a total brat, or he's frustrated/pent up. Total wild card. You just gotta be able to gauge which side of Buggy you'll have the pleasure of seeing tonight
-"Take this dick baby, fuckin take it." or "This pussy is mine, understand me?" or "Keep doing that honey, I'll even beg for it if I have to."
-8, grower, cut (ironic lol)
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-This man is a very tentative and intimate lover. I mean he really really makes you feel and fucking savor EVERYTHING he has to give you. He knows he has to leave again sooner rather than later so at least one of the nights if not all that he gets to stay with you are so dams passionate.
-He's a very heavy breather and groans a lotttt. Hell, he swears a lot too. He just can't believe how wet you are for him, how easily he can slide into you and feel you squeeze down on him.
-His favorite position I feel like has to be you sitting on his lap. It's easy to just slide in and have your back pressed to his chest. he can touch any part of you he wants, kiss your neck and shoulders, hold your hips, and run his hands up the plush of your stomach and chest. He can caress your thighs if they get sore, and he can spread them wider too if he wants.
-"That's my girl. Doing so good for me aren't you?" or "Ohhh god." or "Let me love you, need to show you how much I adore you."
7.8, shower, uncut
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aryxchse · 8 months
roronoa zoro headcanons
a/n: hi meet my bf
pairings: a little zoro x fem! reader
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- he always looks so confused
- like you're trying to talk to him but he's like.. dozed off
- literally the funniest guy ever and doesn't even realise it
- like he'd be telling his honest thought and the crew would be laughing their ass of
- he's not a picky eater but he definetly hates pasta and idek why
- reads the books robin has finished and talks with her
- hates listening nami talking about maps because he doesn't get it and it makes him mad
- he doesn't know about the money math stuff either so he just doesn't like when nami opens her mouth ( kidding ofc )
- likes winter more
- a really good swimmer like- really good
- he can follow the ship if he fell to the sea and he wouldn't even be tired
- he does the poses that every gym guy does in front of the mirror
- doesn't like wearing clothes because he thinks its limiting his moves, but he has to yk ( we wouldn't mind- )
- his bandana (?) needs to be washed fr it smells SO BAD.
- has like 2 shirts
- sometimes looks at mihawk and says 'that guy is so me' like how boys act when they see ryan gosling
- he's actually so shy around women and it was hard for you to talk to him since he's both cold and shy
- he's used to talk to nami and robin but if you're new in the crew, my mans not talking
- ask him about sword fighting and boom he's an extrovert
- he dyed his hair black too, he's just a fanboy okay
- oblivious about flirting but if he gets it he becomes a whole tease
- he smells like metal and salt water
- his naps are so light bro like- you'd think that he's dead asleep but with one crack his eyes are wide open
- has very good reflexes and its so hot when he catches something before it falls
- helps sanji sometimes because hes good at chopping ( although its SO RARE )
- anyways i love him
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by the way, im just on episode 27 of one piece and if i made a mistake like if zoro is actually good at math or his naps are deep?? idk but let me now! i'll change it, thank you for reading!
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viiiiiiiiiin · 2 months
Sanji with bff reader who's trying to be his wingman and failing pls (either because sanji is really bad at picking up ladies or the reader is horrendous at wingmanning, heck maybe even both, you decide)
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Next Time: Sanji and Wingman Reader
Includes: Sanji , Male Reader , Strawhats
A / N: STOP I LOVE THIS. LOSERS BEING BESTIES FR !!! I hope u don't mind that I chose male reader. I don't write much of them and I want a variety :) enjoy ! Sorry it's short @@
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"Cmon Sanji ! You got this ! Do what we rehearsed !" You gave him a thumbs up and a toothy grin. The blonde haired gentleman nodded in return as you took your place behind the door.
Another failed attempt , you assumed by the way his head was hung downwards. You walked over to him and patted his back gently. "It's okay , Ji. You'll get 'er next time !" You laughed and threw your arm around his muscular shoulder.
"Maybe I should try a different pickup line. What do ya got , Reader ?" He asked , grabbing a notepad from seemingly nowhere.
"Ooh ! Ooh ! How about this ! Pretend to spill a drink and be like 'I tripped over my feelings for you . . .' That's gotta win Nami over for sure !" You spun around and grabbed out a poster board.
"What about something about tangerines ? 'You heart is as sweet and sour as a Tangerine' as you kiss her hand. That's gotta make her swoon !" The fact that both of you were so bad at picking up women honestly made the crew feel a bit bad. Why Sanji listened to your advice , the world will never know.
"How about for Robin - Chwan !" He said , spinning as he spoke of the dark haired diva. You placed a finger to your chin , deep in thought. Maybe a dark pun ? Maybe a history pun ? Before you could think , you spoke.
"Ooh ! How about 'you stole my heart like Doflamingo stole Dressrosa . . .' Thats gotta woo her !" You jumped up and down and smiled widely. "What if I gave her something as I said that ?? Or you could help me trip for the pick up line with Nami - Swan !" Sanji rambled as he swirled around , a love tornado of lust was what he was.
"Ooh ! Great idea !! You're so smart !!" Sanji closed his notepad and you both walked over to the ginger. She raised an eyebrow and you pushed Sanji , fake acting like you did it by accident. "Oh no ! I'm sooo sorry Sanji !" You snickered , watching as he fell to his strong knees.
"I tripped over my love for you , mademoiselle . . ~" He spoke smoothly , a perverted grin on his pale face. Nami picked up the book she was reading and smacked both of you in the head.
"That one sucked ! At least be mote creative !" With that , she stomped away and left the both of you with massive bumps on your heads. You both groaned and sat up.
"Fuck , another failure. I'm sorry , Ji. I'll figure somethin' out." You scratched your aching head snd looked sadly at the devastated cook. "Maybe you just haven't met the right girl ! Try flirting when we get to the next island !"
Your suggestion didn't go unheard. As you approached an island to restock supplies , you snd Sanji ran out to the nearest bar. "Try buying her a drink and saying she's as sweet as it ! Or I could spill it on you and you could say your love for her spilled over you !" You suggested as the both of you dashed to the nearest bar.
"Yeahh !! I got this !!"
He does not got it. You spilled the drink and it got ALL over his slacks and the ground. You both ended up being kicked out for causing a disturbance and made all the women laugh at yalls failed attempt at seducing a possible suitor.
You both walked out , dejected at the last failed attempt. You sighed dramatically and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry , Ji ! Next time !"
Next time. How many more 'next time's can he take ? You both were seemingly made to be best friends. One horrendous at flirting and the other horrendous at wingmanning. Next time , next time , next time. Would there be a next time ?
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licorice-tea · 3 months
Pirate Bias
Pairing: Nico Robin x reader
Content: reader is a straw hat/ pirate fan (just like me fr), a little nervous around their fave, robin! could be sent as platonic or romantic since its just a first meeting! part of my 100 follower event <3
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: (cringe title? perhaps…) I'm not really into kpop so I hope I used the term “bias” correctly lol :) also I haven't really edited this super closely yet, so if there are grammar mistakes I'm sorry about that!!!! pls enjoy, ty to the anon who requested!
The last thing you expected to see upon entering the bar for a midday pick me up, or the last people you expected to meet rather, were the Strawhat Pirates. Yet there they were, in all their glory: from the boyish captain to the grandiose cyborg, the latest addition to their crew. Still in a state of disbelief, your eyes scan the bar trying to get a headcount on every one of them.
And low and behold- almost the entire crew is somewhere within the dimly lit bar. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are gathered around an old arcade machine. Zoro and Nami are at the bar, and Sanji and Franky are eating at one of the few regular tables. It's kind of strange to see them all in such a normal setting, acting like normal people instead of, well, The Strawhat Pirates. “What are they doing here, of all places?” You wonder. The only one you don’t spot is one Nico Robin, with her gorgeous black hair and blue eyes. Perhaps she’s watching their ship; you’d heard that was common for pirates, to leave someone to watch the ship since being attacked was always a possibility.
However, your curiosity is overridden by the pure excitement in your veins. To say you're a fan of the Strawhat Pirates would be an understatement- you had followed their story closely through the World News ever since the events of Alabasta. You thought they were just what the world needed: people who fought for such righteous ideals as freedom and happiness and peace. Still, Robin is your favorite, so it is just the slightest bit disappointing that she isn’t among the others. If she was, you’d surely approach her and strike up a conversation, even compliment her on something. Her intelligence, her power, her beauty…
“Hi there.” A calm voice greets you to your left.
You turn your cheek and blink in astonishment when you find Nico Robin in the bar stool next to yours.
“Oh- hi!”
“You’ve been watching my friends. Why is that?”
“I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t think anyone would notice, um… I just, well, I’ve heard all about you guys from the World News, and, gosh this is embarasing, I just think you’re a really cool crew!”
Robin tilts her head and leans her head on her hand. You can’t decide if she’s suspicious or -, so you continue rambling. “I don’t mean you any harm, really I… I have your wanted poster on my wall!”
At this shocking and unintentional reveal, Robin quirks a brow and her lips twitch up in the subtlest of smiles. “Is that so?” She laughs politely behind her hand. “I didn’t know I had a fan!”
“Well, y-yeah, I guess you do!” You laugh along, albeit more awkwardly.
Robin hums contemplatively. “So, are you on a crew yourself? Or a marine division perhaps?“
You shake your head rapidly. “No, no I… I couldn’t live that kind of life. I’m not as strong as you guys…”
“That’s too bad,” she smiles softly, “I’d love to get to know you better.”
“Really?” You didn’t mean to sound like such a fan, but you couldn’t help it. It was Nico Robin, for fuck’s sake; she was practically your pirate bias!
“Mhm. What’s your name?”
You smile back and shake her hand. Her grip isn’t espescialy firm, but it is stable. “Y/n, it’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nico Robin,” she nods and extends her hand- the one she isn’t resting her chin on- toward you in greeting, “but I suppose you already knew that.”
You can barely contain the way your smile breaks out into a grin. “Yeah, I did.”
“So, I expect you want an autograph then?”
Your mouth gapes- is she serious? Not that you’d turn down an autograph from the Nico Robin, but… isn’t that kind of a weird thing to ask for? Especially when all you want is just to talk to her, and get to know her better, too.
“I’m kidding.” She laughs again, but it’s more unrestrained this time around. Then she looks around the bar at her crew mates, and back at you. “Come on, y/n. Let me introduce you to the others.”
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
hello i am also a hiiragi magnetite enjoyer but a casual one (the songs just bang. they're really good. i loop them) and i had no idea until we became mutuals and i looked at your posts that their songs are part of a series. i had never looked into it. i am genuinely interested and if you ever wanted to rattle off to me what it's about i will eat that shit up fr. it's been so long since i was last majorly into a vocaloid song series
hi hi! i hope you dont mind a public answer bc you're far from the only one who didn't know. once u know what to look for tho it starts making a bit more sense.
in short: its a sci-fi, time loop-type story about a group of people trying to stop the world from ending
but i'll get into the songs a bit for u. (this is long)
in long:
yes its absolutely a series with the exception of fabric flower, perfection, nadenna, uni, and rasshaina. everything else so far is part of the same series. (in their personally uploaded songs obviously their commission songs arent part of it)
idk where to throw this in so im sticking it at the beginning all of the characters have names. i asked & they answered me directly. but they're keeping them a secret until they feel like the time is right so i would LOVE to tell u their names but uh. no one knows but hiiragi magnetite.
aru sekai series is actually a fan given name. hiiragi magnetite has never addressed the series out side of the songs themselves unless asked about it. if you called it aru sekai series to them, they dont correct you, so until they want to give it a name themself, i'll be calling it aru sekai series. the name coming from the first song aru sekai shoushitsu of course.
im going to put my proof its a series here first bc i see a lot of eng fans say they didnt know, and even jpn fans that realize theres a series will get it wrong & say theres 2 different series going on. its the same story its one series.
the easiest way & the way that made me realize it is aru sekai shoushitsu opens with "nami no ne no yume wo miyou ame hodo no uruoi wo/ umareyou mou ichido nakuse domo nai keredo" etc which is important in a lot of ways but for right now we're just going to focus on the melody of it.
this same melody occurs in all aru sekai series songs except for kugutsu ashura & laboratory. kyuuyaku hankagai has it in the last chorus at 4:48 as well as the more obvious 5:16. shuuen touhikou has it in the choruses as well at 1:20, 2:34, and 2:46. oumen mokushiroku is the only song so far that has it in lyrics as well instead if mixed into the instrumental, its the last lyrics starting at 2:30 "ah mata aete yokatta ne to itte hoshikatta no ni/ tasogare ga tokete yuku kiete yuku nanimo mienakunaru". unplanned apoptosis its a bit harder to hear & much shorter but its at 0:57, 1:06, 2:16, and 2:26. i dont know why i see people insisting marshall maximizer is a separate series bc its one of the obvious ones with the motif at 2:23 (or at least more obvious than some others). canon has it at 2:20.
theres also the theme most people realize that (kyuu)yaku, (shuu)en, and (ou)men have the same kanji as what starts lines in aru sekai shoushitsu.
a lot of songs also have text in the bg thats basically lore & helps connect & clear up somethings. a lot of these repeat lines from previous songs.
& then we get to kugutsu ashura & laboratory which dont have any of those but they are part of the series your key is in the lyrics using similar themes & concept & wording to other songs.
so what are the songs about
aru sekai shoushitsu
this is a headache of a song that, im so grateful they give us so many songs to expand on bc trying to make sense of it with no context was actually the worst. the absolute most important thing u want to know here is the lines they made into the motif for the series which establishes this tragedy is repeating. the theme of rain/blue is the symbol the current world is coming to an end and they'll later be "reborn" and try again.
no one has any idea what the repeating greek(?) means. i can figure out the words toroid & function & thats it & ive never seen anyone else get any farther with it. if anyone knows please i am begging u to tell me. anyway, from the word toroid alone though i know it has something to do with the world repeating itself.
thats the next main theme i'll get into. the story is a loop of sorts but i hesitate to say its a true time loop bc there is very clear emphasis on the concept of fractals, so repeating but not exactly the same, and toroid shapes, so not a perfect loop like say a sphere or circle would be. instead of a time loop sending them back to the beginning of the day its more like waking up in an alternate timeline altogether. its not a 1:1 learn what the day brings and get out that way. each time's different in its own way. the fractal theme drifts off a bit after a few songs but its still there overall.
the other big one is the concept of things seeming the same when theyre different, and this is easier to miss bc it's actually in the bg text rather than the lyrics. there's a whole paragraph about if a man dies in a swamp from lightning and then miraculously another bolt of lightning in the same area creates a man that's exactly the same in structure, memory, everything, is it still the same man as the one who died. this not only applies to the concept of the world itself, that not only is the world itself not quite the same when everything restarts, but is also a big thing with the characters themselves. there is something that people have that make them "people", something that can be lost, and without that, even though they seem to be the same, they're more of a "thing" than a "person." very big detail that was only a theory until laboratory was posted and confirmed it. aru sekai shoushitsu also says, in lyrics, "however, as long as you exist as people, the old world's legacy will continue on in the toroidal direction." so as long as they still have what makes them a "person" they can still be reborn in the next iteration of the world.
i think those are the most important things. the lyrics are a bit objective overviews of the next songs based on the starting kanji and also a bit more technical detail of whats going on, and the rest of the text is a more subjective view of the events than the lyrics.
kyuuyaku hankagai
this one's the start of our subjective character songs. all the text in it is at the beginning. i won't get too into it bc i dont think there's anything specifically u need to know from it, put it definitely helps put the level of desperation into perspective. theres a bit of play in it with the concept of "people" again, but its more about the lengths everyone will go to to do something about the situation iirc.
quite obviously this is the "past" song and establishes this has been going on for a while. i dont have an exact timeline for you, and im not telling you that because its the "past" that this is the beginning of everything. however. we do get told once again the concept of a "self" is important to the continuation of this. we also get a bit of world description, saying about how the world gets torn up and destroyed at the end.
short overview of it is they've been at this a very long time, everyone is well aware of the stakes, they're desperate & tired, but in the end they know even if they die at the end of the world because they cant save it, they're going to wake up and need to face it all over again. thats why theres so many long notes in this. this song is this characters cry for help. they cant let go bc if they do, if they lose their "self" its all over for them, they know that (although its not blatantly said at this point), so they have to keep going through all the "fractals" hoping that something they do sometime is going to work.
song has a lot of specific terms but its not as impersonal as shoushitsu u can feel the character in this song, especially with all the specific "byebye" written with various forms of regret and pain of separation etc. in an effort to keep this short im going to stop there for now.
shuuen touhikou
song that fits with the "end" (shuu) lines of aru sekai shoushitsu. quite literally an answer to the question of what would happen if they tried to escape instead of facing it.
the first part of text sets up the characters frame of mind, that they've been through this so many times trying to save everything, what if they didn't have to?
also in the text are the "shuu" lines from aru sekai shoushitsu, as well as part of the text from the beginning of kyuuyaku hankagai. and the last text deals with the concept of "ego" a bit instead of a "self".
the lyrics are such that this character is still part of whatever everyone's doing to fix this, but doesn't really agree with how its being handled, constantly being frustrated by how nothing's changing and no one wants to try anything too different. they entertain the idea of just running for it, that theres some town out there that they'll be safe if they can reach, that maybe running is enough to do something that they arent just standing around hoping anymore.
so effectively, no, even if they were to drop everything and run for it, it won't do them any good. (by extension they might also not be able to come back from it, but i cant say that for sure)
oumen mokushiroku
the concave "ou" song. also the only one i can accept the ""official"" english title for since mokushiroku is read as apocalypse in aru sekai shoushitsu.
theres no text in this one! unless u want to count the ou kanji.
this one's interesting bc instead of a part of the human team we have an angel who can't do anything to help them. shes watching over them, she wants to help, but for various reasons she just cant. she cant tell them it's not her fault, she cant affect anything in a way that matters. part of the reason she has the broken umbrella i think is just to really get across shes supposed to be the safeguard but she cant. for reasons beyond her control she cant.
some of the lyrics kind of mirror other songs, "inoru you ni" "omotai kaze furiharau you ni" for example relating to similar phrases in shuuen touhikou, "ima sakenda" like the main lines of kyuuyaku hankagai, starting of with rain similar to aru sekai shoushitsu among other things.
and of course like i said this is the only song that uses the motif in the lyrics & this is a theory but im putting it out there i feel like that implies the others are a part of this but this character in particular can actually do something about it. i dont know if shes actually the one who makes the whole world be reborn or not but i will put that out there.
theres also the line like "we lost something without a shape or feeling" & i think thats another tie into the theme of needing to keep their "self" for any of this to be possible.
unplanned apoptosis
theres a lot going on here. this chara is hilarious to me bc all the others are pretty collected about the whole thing all things considered and shes just acting out the whole time.
she hates it. shes fed up & i think should be considered an unreliable narrator to an extent. she tries to act like fine whatever i dont care but she does. she does. she also doesnt want to take blame for anything.
now, theres the line in here like jibun wo koroshite and this isnt in the way u might immediately think. i also hesitate to say its the same "self" the other songs are talking about considering its jibun rather than jiga. its more like suppressing & denying her true feelings to deal with everything. not that that wouldnt tie in to that big theme if she took it too far but for now shes safe.
theres text in this song this time tying it directly to oumen mokushiroku in case the art wasnt enough for u to know that. its a bit about fate being predetermined for them, a bit about things continuing in the same direction they've been, but shes brought back again
the songs really a lamentation of losing her past and future to this as well as showing how badly shes handling it.
and theres a bit of foreshadowing here in the what with the window(s) behind her being dark and broken while also being the exact same in composition to the one in oumen mokushiroku. which u think initially is because the angel cant help her, but the lines in canon about something causing the glass to break i really think is in reference to this and is saying she's at least part of the reason the angel cant help anyone. whether shes aware of this i cant say bc shes a liar who doesnt take blame for anything & since this is her viewpoint thats a bit unclear.
marshall maximizer
i think its that it's asa's art instead of sena yuta's that people think this is unrelated but honestly arent u people so confused. u look at these lyrics and think its a stand alone song? are u not so confused?
anyway, this is actually another big one in terms of plot
welcome to sunk cost fallacy the song. like literally. thats what it is, admitting they've put everything into what they're doing that it's probably not worth it, but they've been at it this long they can't just stop either. its gotta pay out eventually right-
but if u take anything away from this, its that "people" or at least this character can tell when someone isnt one of them anymore. theres the lines like "observing you acting like a person gone mad" "to you who's pretending to be a person gone mad" where both "person" and "you" are written in katakana much like when the concept of being a "person" is discussed in aru sekai shoushitsu. "you" (kimi) being similar to "thing" (mono) in this case (shout out to hayato in the hiiragima tag on twitter for figuring this out btw)
theres also the iconic lines up to hito de nashi? as though to say, but if you act as a person does, then arent you a person as well?
and then the text. its. heavy. discussing what it means to be a person, if there's something special about it, if it matters to be alive for yourself or because of something else (in a series context. so. being forced to live without the "self" they need for example) it even starts to get into the "mono" versus "hito" concept until both characters talking get too overwhelmed by it. the character they were talking to then "disappears" after admitting they might nit be a "person" which seems to say those that lose their "self" dont get to continue.
for now though, the character narrating the song is still a "person" they still get to try again, and they continue to
another one i see people say isnt part of aru sekai series. it says aru sekai de in the first lyric. whats not clicking.
this ones more on why things arent quite working out.
theres a sense of balance they need to keep in place, presumably, so they can make it out of this, but each time something happens that upsets the balance. again, theres the mention of cracking the glass that i think is a reference to that window in both oumen mokushiroku and unplanned apoptosis. this seems to be their sign if things are working out or not, the chorus of this song seems to being saying if the glass breaks theyve messed up, nothings going to change and they need to try again.
this chara's like the others in that shes also tired of everything, but she still has her "self" so she has to keep trying. only she'll do anything that might work so they dont have to do this again, so they "don't say goodbye" again. which includes lying a bit so people will try her ideas.
theres also the part admitting they didn't want any sacrifices for this, but, clearly, that didn't work out in their favor. this is probably a pretty broad definition of sacrifice, can be everything from time, energy, etc to sacrificing their "selves" for their cause.
theres also text in this song!! its coded in the video but shunnanna in the hiiragima tag decoded it so we know the text! it talks a bit about coming to and realizing the worlds okay, theres pretty flowers, and it smells like it just rained. it also then repeats the nami no ne no lines from aru sekai shoushitsu. the last part talks about a risky experiment that got out of control and ended up destroying everything. which that last part, to me, seems to imply this whole thing was their fault in the first place.
in the end tho, this songs the same they don't accomplish much and have to try again.
kugutsu ashura
tongue twister mantra the song.
this ones interesting bc the character isnt human to begin with (being ashura) so i think thats why the motif isnt here. they get to repeat in their own way tho.
shes just that. a puppet really. she cant do anything to help out, rather she can only do what she's supposed to so to speak.
if u can get through the wording though theres a lot to this!
its a bit more of an outsider's perspective at how needlessly desperate this how thing is. things are awful, everyone's having a bad time, hell, people are actually dying, but no one listens to reason and things keep continuing on in the same way. it places a lot of blame on the place that started the whole thing, the place mentioned in the canon text i believe, honestly for a good reason, and kind of criticizes whats going on.
and then u have the ending that really cements its part of the series for me, the whole thing changes into what feels like almost hope which is a nice change for this series. it talks of moving forward, of getting new starts, it works in the theme of rain especially with urufu as the same base as uruoi wo from aru sekai shoushitsu, and then of course the "mata ibukuyou ni" being thematically similar to the "umareyou mou ichido" also from aru sekai shoushitsu
theres a lot of specifics in the whole thing & a lot of very specific word choice but i think that gets the point across for now
theres no extra text either but honestly the lyrics are quite enough context if u can decipher them
this song is so heavy. like. up until now things have been left rather vague and theres room to doubt how dire everything is especially with how subjective the songs are but this.
this girl is losing her "self". thats the whole song. her just terrified and being completely unable to stop it even though she would do anything to change things. all that talk from the other songs about whos a "person" and whos a "thing" this is a "person" whos becoming a "thing" and doesnt have a choice in it. i dont know what she did. but this is her punishment for it. she ignored things she shouldn't've and now she cant be her "self" anymore.
this is telling us directly its not just the world theyre fighting for, theyre fighting for everything that makes them who they are too. it's traumatizing in its own way that they live through the end of the world repeatedly. but now shes living through the end of herself and she wont get another chance. and thats why theres no motif in this one. she is no longer a "person" she can no longer continue. theres also no extra text in this song.
thank u if u read the whole thing thats where we're up to right now!! i hope thats enough to at least get started. theres a lot of deep diving u can do in this series & its a lot of fun to keep up with as it happens bc sometimes a new song just clicks so many things into place.
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chaidrivenwhore · 11 months
unpopular opinion (mayhaps) + thoughts abt impel down off the top of my head (till ep 442)
impel down arc is low-key dragging it out a lot and it's put me to sleep. i don't like that. but i'm still gonna watch it bc i'm physically incapable of skipping a single episode.
bon-chan? smash. he's amazing and wonderful and ek bon-chan toh mai bhi deserve karti hu ✋🏽
ace my baby if anything happens to him i will cry (usual) and the way luffy just wants to rescue him ughhhhh i love them sm
high-key missing the mugiwara crew ngl
robin my babe being in the country where everyone's forced to work is so interesting i wanna know what happens
nami my bbg hopefully she learns more abt climate and geography and becomes more slay i love her sm
sanji my baby boy, i hope you're okay out there
zoro my other baby boy is w the horo horo girly (she's lonely but still) and i REALLY wanna know how they're holding up
chopper (tiny child fr) is getting tossed around in bird kingdom pls someone keep him safe
usopp my guy pls be okay stop hallucinating pls tell me he's okay i will weep
brook you absolute darling kinda wanna know how's the satan worship going lmaoo
hancock is a sweetheart i want nothing but the best for her (she's low-key a bitch i love her)
i have immense respect for warden magellan tbh, considering he was tryna do his job and he's not shitty like hannyabal
buggy and mister 3: misadventures of a lifetime feat. impel down
the levels are ingeniously designed and i love the potential that it has
okay talk to you after more eps
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
I think my favorite thing about pre-timeskip Sanuso is that they are 17/19 years old. They are. So young. Teenagers. They know nothing about love and. And they are so stupid. Don't get me wrong, they still are. But they were even MORE stupid, if that's even possible.
And I love saying they started crushing on each other around Skypiea but-- Just imagine these two idiots already giggling and kicking their feet right after. I dunno. Arlong Park. Extremely early. They literally just met. And you have this casanova-wannabe having the realization™ about maybe perhaps kind of liking boys. And the other idiot who has a type™ (rich, classy, kind blondes) and won't stop asking himself why because Sanji is annoying af. He genuinely doesn't understand why he likes Sanji. Seriously. He hates it. And Sanji's sexuality crisis lasts between like, zero seconds and absolutely nothing because he sees Usopp smiling at him and his mind goes "prettyprettyprettyprettyboy" and there's no use trying to fight his demons (bisexuality).
The funniest thing about this is that they won't stop arguing like. From the moment they see each other. Usopp understands why he likes Sanji, okay? He is a pretty boy. He is also kind when he isn't being a complete jerk. He is kind of cute when he talks about the All Blue. He helps people whenever they need to. But then Sanji says something stupid and Usopp has the "fuck he is so annoying I wanna make out with him I mean---" crisis like, three times a day. While Sanji, since he has stopped fighting his demons, is a mix between "I will get over this crush fr fr he is just a guy" and "haha maybe if I save him he will give me a kiss on the cheek haha that'd be nice hahahahahahaa *gives in to gay thoughts for an hour until he sets the kitchen on fire*"
Sanji gets Usopp's goggles back in Alabasta because he is so down bad he just wants Usopp to thank him. Usopp is burning with jealousy in Whisky Peak when all those girls flirt with Sanji. They are both like "teehee it's cold out here we should probably sleep together just for warmth right hahaha". They spend all of Alabasta being annoying and everybody hates it. Vivi thinks they are dating. Sanji explains Usopp the 'Mr.Prince' trick and puts his glasses on only because Usopp thinks it's soooo cool. And Usopp thinks it is soooo fucking stupid but he wants to hype him up because, again, he is seventeen and he wants the pretty (and very stupid) blondie to kiss him.
When they get to Skypiea it is. The fucking worst. That is peak crushing on each other. It is not even realizing they are crushing, it is extreme "if we aren't next to each other constantly I think I will die" type of thing but "we can't tell each other how we feel bc what if it's not mutual". So they sleep next to each other. They hold hands. They pretend like they don't like it. They are dying from embarrassment. Sanji tells Usopp he doesn't care if he dies because he is having an "I need to look straight" moment and Usopp is having a "fuck why did I fall for a straight guy" moment. Then Sanji saves them, because he is like that but also because he is. Head over heels. Usopp takes care of his wounds right after and they are both so. So nervous.
Like-- Sanuso but they are crushing early in the story and they are both SHAKING every time they talk to each other. Sanji tries to act sooo cool and Usopp is like "haha yeah you're sooo cool" while regretting every decision he has ever made because why the hell does he want to fuck a blond loser.
By the time they get to Water 7 everything is more like. Genuine and romantic and they are basically in love with each other at this point. So I don't need to explain anything but. But. But Usopp in Thriller Bark thinking he is so cool with his little vampire hunter outfit and Sanji being down bad for him because he is, indeed, very cool. But Usopp is also having his teenage Conan Gray 'Heather' moment because Sanji won't stop saving Nami and Usopp just really really really wants Sanji to save him instead but okay fucking blond guy I hate him I hate him I hate him---
They both have their moments of screaming btw. Sanji finds moments alone to go to the kitchen and just. Scream inside of pots. Scream inside of glasses. Scream inside of cabinets. He likes Usopp so much it's physically unbearable and Usopp won't stop spending time with mosshead so of course he is angry. And Usopp goes to the boys' quarters to scream in pillows and the lockers and he is so stressed.
Sanji tells Usopp to taste his food before anybody else (please I am making this for you this food is for you love me love me love me love me) and Usopp constantly tells Sanji his stories because nobody else listens to him (do you think I'm cool please think I'm cool please please). Sanji has so many nosebleeds every day but they are not exaggerated they are. They are just there. He will constantly have nosebleeds and he lies and says it's just a weird condition because saying "please let your hair down more I am in love with you" is weird. And Usopp constantly bumps into walls and shit like that when he is trying to make Sanji look at him.
Their crushes on each other take like, at least, 80% of their time. It is insane and ridiculous and awkward and they are blushing 24/7 and kicking their feet and screaming and they like like each other. They don't say it like normal people. They like like each other. Because they're. Stupid. And young. And they make so many mistakes but they are growing up together. And I think that's beautiful and I adore them <33
WAIT WAIT WAIT EDIT: Not to mention the first time have sex. Not going into details bc. That's for another post I want to make. But they definitely had sex like. Before Sabaody. And it was the weirdest most disgusting teenage thing ever and I adore them. They were SO anxious. And it is. So cute. And I love themIlovethemwefnlwkefnln (<- normal person)
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princeoftheeternalbog · 2 months
Would op boys catch you if you fell? Lets find out next time on dragonball- no sorry it just reminded me of that narrator ANYWAYS.
I only did boys because i didnt have much inspi for Nami and Robin so i decided to wait until i do cos I don't wanna half arse stuff.
So anyways I feel like I saw someone do this idea already but it might've been just one character like a law x reader? I'm not sure but I would love to tag them so if you know please tell me ! I will also try to make sure mine is different :p.
Depends. Like if he's fighting or eating then probably not but if he thinks you might get hurt then he will 100% attempt to catch you. Key word being attempt. Poor boy probably makes the fall 10x worse, like if you trip on one step you're suddenly falling down the entire flight of stairs with a weight on top of you. He will apologise though so at least there's that.
He always catches you. Or prevents the fall in the first place. He tells himself it's so you're not unnecessarily out of commission for a fight but really he's a huge softie. Though he always catches you really ungracefully, llike there’s no princess carrying here, he's holding you upside down by the ankle with one hand fr. He scolds you every time too like- "Why do you never watch where you're going" or "Tie your shoes next time idiot", which you should hear as "I can't stand watching you get hurt". Cutie:(
Oh you know he does. He lives for romance and what's more romantic than saving your beloved from certain doom (tripping on a rock). Oh he also does it in the most dramatic way possible, he'd rather throw himself to the ground underneath you then let you hit the floor, he's doing twirls, picking you up with one arm, occasionally will throw you in the air first so he can rearrange what he's holding. Menace tbh, like he's just obsessed with teasing you in any way possible.
Another one who tries his best…tries🙁. He's always so dramatic about it too, he literally screams your name like you're in a horror movie and everyone is always like "WHAT'S WRONG?!" and Usopps just "Oh they tripped on a step". He either injures one of you in his attempt to catch you OR you both end up in the most compromising positions just as someone walks past . He goes so red trying to explain the situation while also trying to check if youre okay😭.
Oh every time and it’s smooth as hell every single time. Says super cheesy lines every time like “OWWWW GUESS YOU FELL FOR ME BABE”, and he gets sparkly eyed every time, he loves romance as a genre and finds it superrrrrrrr(😚) cute when something happens that matches a trope he's read. If he didn't catch you he'd probably panic and constantly apologise but just give him a kiss and he'll forget about it soon enough.
Catches you every time, really gently and really romantically. Instead of just full on catching you, he'll purposefully slow your momentum to minimise injuries in case his attempt at grabbing you fails because then you'd both fall and he'd rather not. Like if you trip into him then he'll pull you both into a delicate spin type of dancing and you're like huh??? He thinks its a really cute trait to be honest but it also makes him really worried about your safety so he likes to keep one hand on you at all times.
Catches you as often as he can, like he won't sprint across the ship to stop you from falling but as long as you're in his reach you will never hit the ground. And he always catches you really gently like you barely feel the impact so sometimes you won't even notice you've tripped until later when you see the scuff on your shoe or something. He really likes holding your hand to make sure you ‘keep your balance’.
He doesn't want to look soft so he tries to force himself not to catch you for just harmless falls...yeah no that doesn't work. As soon as he sees you losing balance you hear that ever familiar room, shambles and then you're in his arms. If it's later in your relationship then he's a menace, he will use this to tease you, like "Oh. Looks like an angel fell into my arms" with this stupid ass smug smirk. He's just really obsessed with you.
Catches you most of the time unless it's gonna be really funny. Also he catches you super awkwardly, like he's so obsessed with you but he never knows where to put his hands because hes not used to giving affection so it's like just in the most ungraceful ways. You are literally being held up by his arm around your thigh or something and you're like what the fuck and he's just stood there 🧍🏻‍♀️.
Prevents the tripping and catches you if necessary. But if you're too clumsy then he just starts getting huffy and hauls you up into his arms so there's no risk of you falling whatsover...and then you bang your head against the ceiling- He probably feels so bad if you get hurt because of him to be honest, he tries so hard to make you happy yk. Anyways at some point he just starts adding cushion to all the potentially harmful areas on the ship so even if you do fall it doesn't hurt.
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owlight · 1 year
Hello hello! I’ve been really enjoying reading your writing and saw that your requests were open! (:
May I request Zoro, Usopp + a character of your choice (even if it’s nobody) with a gn! s/o who has no sense of danger? They just enjoy the excitement of adventure and rush into things with no thought ~
Thank you in advance if you decide to take my request !
Thank you for requesting 💖😚 I love this request fr,been in my draft for few months I'm sorry for that
Tags: not proof read, fluff, reckless behaviors,making up plots as I write
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Zoro & Usopp & Trafalgar law with a gn!s/o with no sense of danger
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You're like Luffy but worse because unlike Luffy you're smart and still choose to walk right through the danger of life without a blink of an eye
But lucky for you ! Zoro is built different (kinda himbo ngl) and he will walk through danger with you with no thought too because someone gotta keep you safe while you walk into the most obvious death trap ever
He will always keep an eye on you ,just to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble,but just like Luffy you wander off on your own ,he goes after you (he get lost in his way to find you) and then he find you fighting some marine captain at a bar for some animal crackers
He so chill with you because years of begin with Luffy had made him immune to no sense of danger (he is also like you too so he doesn't mind it much)
He really like your fearless side ,you could get into the wildest most dangerous situation and you would still have your smile ,he admire that about you a lot
"(y/n) nami told us to stay low" Zoro grumble as he carry you under his arm and run from the marine troops running after you two "yeah but he was a dick to the waitress AND tried hitting on me" you defend yourself, Zoro shakes his head "...you got yourself a point but I'm not taking the blame when we reach the ship,you will !" Zoro says as he run down some alleyway to hide from the Marines,he can't help but smile at the fact you still trying to get free to fight the Marines...ah yeah he is a bit more in love with you because he want to do that too but for once he gotta put your safety before his hunger for a good fight...
He will try his best to let you be doing your adventures safely,he is strong and can protect you well but eh if only he wasn't so bad at actually stopping you from doing reckless things
He will agree to anything reckless you want to do because he Is just...he think it's a good idea? Why not fight a whole troop on your own with him? Both of you are capable???? He doesn't see why everyone think that's dangerous
He is your ride or die for real,he would go down with you with anything without a thought usually,he might argue for like one minute then he would give in Because he think you got a valid point
he might be Stern with you sometimes to make sure you don't harm yourself though , putting yourself in harm is his last thing on his list (still on the list tho)
He enjoys your spirit, quality time with you always lead to him learning new things about himself like he could fight five crocodiles to grab you from an untimely death
He is a 10/10 boyfriend, would help you invade a country if you asked enough
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Law sometimes wonder how you both Ended up together, you are the complete opposite from him ,you rush into things ,you are reckless,you don't care for danger
But again you're the reason why he is able to do so many new things ,explore new island and get into some questionable situations
"(y/n)-ya....where were you..and why are you holding a Capybara?" Law asks as he stand on the deck of the Polar Tang,you are standing on the sand as you look at the decked submarine ship "oh yeah,see I went to explore the island with bepo and then I have seen some guy,see the guy called himself the capybara king and he was terrorizing the people of the island,turning them into capybara and I had to fight him and yeah I kinda lost the fight..... and I need your help" you tell him and law rub his temple,so tiredly "we shouldn't care it's not our business,we should leave,get Bepo and let's leave the island" law says sternly and you smiles sheepishly "ahhhh..this is Bepo though,he turned him into a Capybara cuz he took the fall instead of me..."
Law left eye twitch slightly as he grab his sword ".....alright show me where is that bastard ,I will deal with him and then we are leaving and you are grounded for the next month"
You are the reason why he partly have anxiety from new places ,please stop getting into dangerous situation the moment your foot hit an island
He is this close ".." on just starting to put you on those kid leashes before going anywhere,just so you don't wander off somewhere and end up liberating some island by accident
He appreciates your fearlessness yet it make him worry so much about you,please Just stop trying to have some new adventure he know you're a Pirate but You are not immune to injuries
He patch you up after every adventure you end injured from ,he is always glued to you after that ,making sure you don't leave his sight
The crew have a chart for watching (baby sitting) you duty ,they all trying to help law not get grey hair before his thirties by watching over you before you end up somewhere you are not supposed to be
Law still loves you though,your energy is a fresh breath of air in his life even if you always acting so recklessly ,he still adores you
Will try to explore with you sometimes in hope to keep you entertained and safe (you end up finding the one piece I swear)
6.4/10 boyfriend , would stop you from doing a lot of dangerous things ,but sometimes he will watches you do dumb reckless things just to see you come to ask him for help ,it's his favorite routine in a way
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Every night ,he pray to god that you stop trying to do these dangerous adventures because you always end up dragging him with you ,bless your heart your idea of fun is like active suicide activities in his eyes
He loves you truly but he can so much play brave in face of death,you are like Luffy (but without the plot armor) and he worry sick for you whenever he sees you wander off to your new adventure whenever you reach a new island ,and so much against his own self preservation..he follows you
"my love... I'm pretty I saw Marines camping nearby" Usopp mumble as he hold your hand, walking with you,you have no care in the world as you walk " oh yeah I know,I already burnt Thier camp, they won't bother us for a while while we gather what we need " Usopp felt his eyes jump from his skull '' YOU DID WHAT?"
" oh damn is that judgement??? Uso! I was keeping us safe,beside I made sure no one was inside ya know,it will be more calm for us to walk!" You explains to him and he sighs deeply,your intentions are pure yet your action was what he could describe,a crackhead level plan "we will have to deal with angry marines when they discover what you did ,they will probably call for backup"
You shake your head with a little mischievous grin " they won't be able to,I took all Thier den den mushi mushi " you tell him as you show him your bag,and it was true it was filled with transport snails different shapes and looks very relaxed as they eat a.. cabbage? Do you keep cabbages in your backbag?
"....alright I guess you...really thought this out" Usopp mumble nervously,failing to see that one of the snails look like it belonged to a certain golden suit admiral...he trust you enough to not be that foolish..but you are unfortunately and he is in love with you..
Always have a mini heart attack because of you,have mercy on his soul he will have a heart condition because of reckless you can be combined with Luffy own recklessness,how did he end up having to be with two reckless people in the same crew???
He tries his best to district you off any dangerous situation,so you don't jump at it ,just like with Luffy ,he would gaslight you into NOT going to the dangerous Island because no we didn't just go pass it please don't tell Luffy about it
You are Chaotic good,which he appreciates you are not doing all that out of idiocy (like Luffy) but sheer curiosity and wanting to explore ,it's cute
He singlehandedly saved you 68836 times by begin the voice of reason for you and you listen to him because you love him
He would save you if you need saving ,he would man up for you just to save you and you would appreciate him and love him-at least that what he thinks he want to do, usually you end up saving him ngl
You and him are the polar opposite yet mash together so well,you still listen to him when things get serious and he still let you go apeshit when he notices you needing to let your energy out
He still adores you anyway, because after you get tired from getting into so much adventures ,you cuddle to him like a little cat and he goes through 7737 stage of happiness while biting his hand to not wake you up
You're so precious to him in general even if he is pretty sure he is getting white hair because of you
10/10 boyfriend ngl , would try to stop you but fails miserably and end up joining you,is good at lying his ass and getting you both out of trouble so good for you ngl
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hwiyoungies · 1 month
porque mucho hablo, pt. 2 JAJAJAJA
y si he visto incluso Nami y Zoro shippers que igual que con Perona yo digo wtf they couldn’t act more like siblings y’all?? yo entiendo que hay dinámicas tan fuertes que en fanon se vuelven shippeables (zosan, zolu, FROBIN<3, namivivi, etc.), but there are some dynamics that just scream platonic imo, pero pues quién soy yo para juzgar?🍵 JAJAJAJ
si el peor arco para Sanji fue Fishman Island people are just haters JAJAJAJAJA I MEAN, en la vida real obvio un tipo así yo digo “llévenlo a terapia” but this is literally an anime of adventure AND COMEDY!!! man was stranded for two years on a remote island without women, ofc the silly joke for the womanizer/helpless romantic will be he loses his marbles when he sees a woman again ://// hay cosas que yo siento que la gente toma muy en serio cuando solo son for comedic reasons y otras cosas que si son un poco más preocupantes and don’t even bat an eye like, what’s wrong with y’all
okay, confieso que yo si pensé “será que Crocoboy era Crocogirl o tiene un pasado vergonzoso que Ivankok sabe?” JAJAJAJA BC ANYTHING CAN APPLY- he could’ve worked for the rebellion or have been an annoying little kid raised by Ivankok, idk anything- pero que sea la mamá de Luffy: amigos, busquen terapia JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ LIKE WTF THEY DONT EVEN LOOK ALIKE AND HE TRIED TO KILL LUFFY
no fr that was such a plot twist to me AND THEN SABO FREAKING COMES BACK???😭🫶🏽 y no sé si recuerdas a un personaje llamado Grount? I saw him and I was ready to hear he was Luffy’s cousin or something LMAO yo lo vi y dije “por qué parece Luffy con un mohwak?” JAJAJAAJA a este punto estoy lista a escuchar que cualquier personaje puede ser familiar de Luffy
yo, me quedé con la teoría de Corazón de que “will of D” se refiere a que son enemigos de los dioses y los “dioses” son los celestial dragons porque solo esa teoría entendí JAJAJA Sengoku took the time to explain another theory to Law and I zoned out like, can’t someone just say it directly I don’t get it
my yapping under the cut LMAO
FROBIIIIIIIIN oh you're an intelectual for real. y exacto entiendo q a todos les gusten dinámicas distintas y q vean esas dinámicas de una forma diferente pero zoro y perona?? romántico?? q es lo siguiente q van a decir luffy y ace? por favor JAJAJA
TU LO ENTIENDEEEEEES, o sea yo lo veo en el animé y también pienso llévenlo a terapia por favor este hombre lo necesita, pero literal si estás viendo un video de sanji en tikok o cualquier cosa así todos los comentarios son "ok but fishmen island" ok what about it huh, you're telling be you would be better surrounded by some gorgeous gorgeous mermaids? stinky liar. y sí pq pa mi el hecho de q quería ver a gente desnuda sin su consentimiento es harto peor q ay no se desangró pq es un estúpido, but to each their own i guess we sanji enjoyers are still thriving LMAO
i'm honestly on board with the theory of croco being trans, makes sense what else could he own iva. but then they start with the crocomom and i'm like......... i know we're all allowed our headcanons and stuff but this one literally came out of nowhere LMAO
SABO COMING BACK MADE ME CRY SO MUUUUUUUUUUCH, luffy was ready to kick his ass only to realize who it was and that whole scene is just so well done. and i LOVE that sabo ended up being the one eating the mera mera fruit because who else if not him. a este punto pueden decir q cualquier personaje es familiar de luffy y ya ni me sorprendería (a menos de q sea crocodile ese lo sigo poniendo en duda ajajaja)
no te voy a mentir, the will of d es una de esas cosas q aún no entiendo bien y q a esta altura tengo miedo de preguntar AJJAJ antes de q viera one piece un amigo literal me explicó q significaba y yo literal mirándolo con la misma cara q luffy pone cuando law se pone a explicar sus planes
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onepieceimagines · 7 years
So I'm 22 and have been out for awhile, but I'm sorta in a depressed mood partly because of it and wanted 'support' from the characters of my favorite anime. Could you possibly do one where the reader confesses to the entire Straw-hat crew, and Shanks and Benn that he's gay? I'd like to see their reactions and possibly have them comfort the reader if he's upset about it. It seems you're closed for requests but you posted a couple things, so I thought I'd try asking. I'm sorry to bug if you are.
(You’re not bugging me! I’m sorry its taken a while to get this out. I admire you for being out. I don’t have the courage to come out yet to my family ._. I hope this helps you fell a little less lonely at least! I used ‘you’ for the story since I think that will help best)
Monkey D. Luffy: He had been looking for you for a while now. A pout formed on his lips as he couldn’t find you anywhere. He liked hanging out with you the most since you always were free to play games with him or just hang out with him. The last place he had to look in was the aquarium. He peaked in through the window on the door and grinned as he saw your form. He didn’t notice the zoned out expression you had on your face nor how you were curled up.in the seat. You almost jumped out of your seat as he slammed the door open.
“(Y/N)! I’ve been looking for you!” He bounded over to you and threw his arms around you, his head tilted to the side. “What’s up? You’ve been kind of gloomy lately.” You could only smile faintly at the curiosity in his voice. 
“I… I should really tell you something, Luffy. Mind sitting down?” He blinked and sat down with his legs crossed on top of the seat, facing you. 
“Sounds serious.” You let out a breathless chuckle and scratched the back of your head.
“Kind of…” You sighed at how his eyes were looking at him wide-eyed. “Luffy… I’m gay.” Silence filled the room and you were too nervous to look at him.
“Uh, (Y/N)? What does that mean?” He muttered hesitantly. You glanced at him and gulped, already feeling your confidence fading.
“It means… I’m not attracted to women and I’ll fall in love with a man one day.” The rubber man blinked and his mouth turned to a small ‘o’ as it clicked. You watched his expression and cracked a small smile as you could literally see the cogs turn in his head. 
“So… Kind of like the opposite of Sanji?”
“Please don’t compare me to Sanji.”
“Okay so like a little bit of Sanji?”
“If it’ll help you process this, then yes.” He grinned at you but it soon fell as a question raised up from the depths of his head.
“So, why do you look so upset?” You clasped your hands in front of you and fiddled with your thumbs.
“A lot of people don’t find it acceptable. I couldn’t help but be nervous when I was telling you.” He blinked and his cheeks puffed out.
“That’s dumb. You love who you love.” He raised his fist up. “And if anyone says anything to you, you got me and everyone else to back you up.” He grinned again. “So, don’t worry about it anymore. I’ve got your back. Always.” You felt a smile lift your lips and a sting behind your eyes. You gently bumped your fist against his, relief hitting your body like a wave.
Roronoa Zoro: You watched as he slumped down on the floor and prepared to take a nap. You stepped over him to sit on the couch. After countless spats in the past, you let him sleep wherever he wanted. He was the most comfortable in his own space anyway. His arms were resting behind his head and he had his eyes closed. You looked at him from where you were sitting and sighed.
“Hey.” He hummed in response, not even flinching. “I have to tell you something.”
“Go ahead then.” He mumbled.
“… I’m gay.” He opened his eye to look at you and closed it a while after some silence.
“Thanks for telling me.” You blinked, surprised. Your best friend wasn’t really great with words but you expected more of a big reaction from the swordsman.
“That’s it?” He opened his eye again and raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“You aren’t going to act shocked or ask a bunch of questions?” He shrugged and put his arms down.
“Well, I do mean it when I say I’m grateful for you telling me. It’s your thing to tell so I’ll keep my mouth shut about it.” You grinned and crossed your legs on the seat.
“You’re such a softie on the inside.” He rolled his eyes and went back to his resting position.
“Shut up, will ya?” After a moment of silence, you couldn’t help but voice the question that’s been nagging at you.
“So… It really doesn’t bother you?” He sighed softly and looked at you again, raising an eyebrow.
“Why would it bother me? It’s your life. Who you find attractive is your choice.”
“It bothers a lot of people…” He glared at you and reached over to flick your forehead.
“You care too much about what other people think. Who cares? It’s your life and you’re gonna find someone to like or love or whatever.” He closed his eye and grumbled. “Let me sleep now.” You smiled slightly and nodded.
“Right. Sorry.” You laid down against the seat, thinking that a nap would be a good idea for now. As you were drifting off, you heard his voice grunt.
“If someone says something to you, let me know. I’ll beat their ass.” He grumbled, making you smile sleepily. 
“Overprotective softie.” He grunted again before snores filled the room from him. You curled up against the seat and dozed off yourself.
Nami: You sat next to the orange haired girl as she tended to the tangerines. The two of you finally found a calm day within the crew to step away and look over the tangerine trees. You were gripping the bottom of your shirt tightly as you glanced in her direction. ‘She’ll accept me… She will… Right?’ You kept thinking as your heart raced against your chest.
“Nami?” She looked at you and smiled.
“What is it, (Y/N)?” She asked, brushing her hands off of any dirt and leaves.
“I… Okay… What if a close friend of yours told you that… that they were gay?” You cursed at yourself for not just letting the words come out but your courage left as quickly as the words left your mouth. She stayed quiet for a bit, thinking before smiling and sliding closer to you.
“Then, I’d give them a hug and let them know that I still love them. They’re my precious friend and that won’t change.” You felt your eyes stinging, urging the tears to not flow.
“So… It wouldn’t bother you if this friend was gay?” She giggled softly and hugged your arm gently.
“Nope. They love who they love. I have no say in that. I’m here to support them.” She smiled up at you. “They’re still my precious friend and I’d feel honored that they trust me enough to tell me something so important.” Your tears finally showed themselves but you hugged her tightly to hide them from showing. 
“Even if other people hate it?” Your voice came out muffled against her shirt. Her eyebrows furrowed before her expression saddened. 
“If anyone dared to hurt for something you can’t control, I won’t accept it. I’ll always back you up.” She cleared her throat before stroking your hair back. “I mean your friend.” You could barely contain the tears that you felt from the overwhelming support you got from her.
“… Your friend really is grateful to have you as their friend.” She giggled and hugged back, patting your back.
“Just know, (Y/N). You don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me anything. I mean it when I say that I’ll be there to support you.” You sniffled and rubbed at your eyes, looking at her.
“Nami… I’m gay.” She smiled at you, giggling as she helped you to wipe your tears away.
“Thank you for telling me. I will always support you.” You let out a breathless chuckle and hugged her again.
Usopp: You don’t know how the phrase left your lips but you just knew that the silence between you was tense and you didn’t want that. You hung around Usopp a lot since he didn’t mind your presence and he also liked that you complimented his work once he was done with it. You don’t really know how the phrase left your lips but it put a halt to your conversation.
“Uh… That’s not the way I wanted to tell you…” You mumbled, gripping the sides of your head in frustration. Usopp looked at you with wide eyes.
“You’re gay?” You peaked at him and nodded slowly.
“Yeah…” You saw how a smile bloomed on his face and he put his hand on your shoulder. 
“What are you worrying about? That’s great news, right?” You blinked, taken aback by his reaction.
“You’re not… Freaking out about it?” He raised an eyebrow, already packing his tools and chemicals away. Once he was done with that, he looked over at you. 
“Freak out? Why would I?” He plopped down in front of you and tilted his head.
“I don’t know… Some people are uncomfortable with this kind of stuff…” He shook his head and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Listen. You’re still the person that I wanted to be friends with. You’ve discovered something about yourself but that doesn’t change who you are. If you love guys, it doesn’t make me stop wanting to be friends with you.” He grinned and got up. “So that’s why this is something we should celebrate! Let’s get the others too! They’ll definitely want to party about this too.” He said as he stood up, holding his hands out to help you up.
You put your hands in both of his and pushed yourself up with his help. You caught him by surprise when you moved your hands to wrap around him in a hug.
“(Y/N)?” When you didn’t respond, he hugged back just as tightly as you held him and patted your back. “You were really stressed about this, huh?” You sniffled, your voice muffled from the fabric of his shirt.
“I didn’t want you to hate me….” He let out a soft huff, gently ruffling your shoulder.
“You’re my friend. Through thick and thin.” You smiled and raised your hand to rub at your eyes, nodding.
Sanji: You literally thought you broke him. His cigarette was hanging loosely between his fingers and his visible eye was wide as he stared at you. You checked the time and saw that he’s been quiet for about a minute and a half. You reached forward and snapped your fingers in front of his face. He snapped out of it and blinked a couple of times.
“Wait, you’re-”
“Gay. Yeah. I’m gay.” You could see that the wheels were turning in his head.
“So, you like-”
“Men. Yes.”
“Not women?”
“Not romantically or sexually.” He stayed quiet for a bit again and took a drag of his cigarette. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response.
“Are you going to be okay with this information?” He nodded a little, pushing the plate of small sandwiches in front of you that he just finished making before you had entered the kitchen and leaned back.
“I’m perfectly fine with it. That means I won’t have to keep an eye out on you when you’re around Robin-chwan and Nami-swan.” You let a breathless chuckle, your tense body finally relaxing as you could tell that he was half-serious.
“I thought you’d be the least understanding.” You quickly shook your hands. “No offense! Your love for women is so strong! I didn’t know how you would react!” He pouted slightly but it disappeared once he realized that you were right.
“Makes sense.” He rested his elbows on the table and looked at you in the eye. “(Y/N). I love women.” You felt a sweat drop forming on your forehead.
“Yeah, we all know that.” He nodded before gesturing to you.
“You love men. I know that now so just as you let me be, I’ll let you be. I have no say in what you do but just know that as long as we’re friends, I’ll support you.” Your smile made a smile lift his lips up too and you nodded.
“Thanks, Sanji.” 
Tony Tony Chopper: The cute expression on his made you feel ridiculous that the little reindeer would judge you. He blinked his big eyes and tilted his head.
“Gay?” You nodded.
“Yeah… It’s seen as ‘normal’ for a man to love a woman but for me and a lot of people, we like the same gender.” He held his cheeks in his hooves and puffed his cheeks out.
“So you’re gay? So that means that you like men?” You nodded.
“You got it.” You smiled slightly. “It’s pretty serious for me. Your reaction is pretty positive but there have been people I’ve told who have reacted badly…” Chopper crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he tried to make sense of it in his head.
“Hmm, that’s ignorant. I remember the reindeers I was around back on Drum Island looked for a female mate but it was rare when it was two males.” He looked at you and smiled. “But love is love, right? If you love someone, it doesn’t matter what others say! It’s between you and the person you love! Regardless of gender!” His grin made you sweep him up and hug him tightly. He was flustered at the sudden show of affection but smiled happily at you.
“It doesn’t bother you?” He shook his head.
“Of course not! You’re my friend and I still love you!” He grinned at you. “So if anyone says something to you, I’ll back you up!” He thought for a bit and his grin became sheepish. “Or get Luffy and Zoro to come help.” You laughed and gave him a final squeeze before putting him back down.
“Thanks, Chopper. I won’t hide something from you again.” He smiled at you and held up his hoof, making you smile and bumping your fist against his hoof.
“Thanks for trusting me with something so important!”
Nico Robin: She peaked over her book to look at you as you entered the library where she had planted herself in for the night. She smiled at you and patted the spot next to her while moving the blanket away from her so you could sit next to her. You smiled slightly and sat next to her, getting under the blanket as well. It was almost as if she was expecting you since she had a second cup of tea ready on the table. She was skimming her eyes on the page but she could tell that you were nervous from how you rested your head against her shoulder.
“What’s on your mind?” She asked as she flipped a page.
“… i wanted to tell you…” You took a breath. “I’m… I’m gay.” The silence that followed made your eyes turn to look at her. She had a soft smile on her face as her eyes skimmed the page. 
“That’s amazing, (Y/N). I’m happy that you told me.” 
“It doesn’t bother you? Or surprise you?” She closed her book and looked at you, smiling gently. 
“I had an inkling that you were but it wasn’t my place to assume.” She tilted her head slightly. “Why would it bother me?” You shrugged slightly and took a breath through your nose.
“I don’t know… People’s views get in the way of friendships sometimes.” She shook her head and smoothed her fingers through your hair.
“(Y/N). I know a thing or two about being judged. I would never do that to you. I’ll be here to support you. Always.” She smiled as she pushed the tea saucer closer to you. You wrapped your hands around the cup and smiled softly. Robin would be the most understanding from her past. You took a sip of the tea and put it down.
“Thanks for not hating me, Robin.” She giggled gently before opening her book again. 
“I should say the same to you.” You both rested in silence, you enjoying your tea and Robin enjoying her book. She broke it with a teasing tone behind her question. “So, anyone on the ship catch your eye?” You felt your cheeks heat up and rolled your eyes playfully.
“Already teasing me?” She giggled and nodded.
“What? You wanted tonight to be serious?” You smiled at her sly smile and poked her cheek.
“Go back to reading.” She giggled and nodded, looking back at her book as you continued to relax on her shoulder.
Cyborg Franky: You had to cover your ears from how loud and excitedly he yelled.
“(Y/N)! That’s awesome! It’s SUPER!!” He was grinning at you as you slowly lowered your hands. You smiled, his enthusiasm was contagious.
“Of course! It’s an honor knowing that you trust me so much to tell me something so personal!” You smiled but it soon fell as your insecurities came back up your throat and out in a flurry of words. 
“But won’t you be uncomfortable if I have a boyfriend around here eventually?” He blinked and shook his head.
“Why should I be? It’s your life, right? I would never be uncomfortable if you’re happy and have someone to love.” He grinned at you. “By the way, have you found someone that’s caught your eye?” You blushed lightly and shook your head quickly, making him let out a chuckle. 
“Franky, thanks for not pushing me away. I really do appreciate it.” He placed his much bigger hand on your shoulder and looked at you seriously in the eyes.
“(Y/N), you are my friend, more like family. I would never abandon you. None of us on this ship will.” He moved his hand to your hair and gently ruffled, smiling. “No one is going to say something rude or mean to you while I’m around. I’ll protect you and so will the rest of the crew.” You smiled, reaching up and patting his hand with yours, your head moving a little at the movement you caused.
“I couldn’t ask for a better friend if I tried.” You grinned up at him as he laughed.
“That’s good to know. You can trust me with anything from now on.” He smiled and patted your head. “Let’s go get some cola.” You chuckled and nodded.
“I’ll give you my share.” As the two of you made your way to the kitchen, you looked up at the cyborg. “By the way, Franky... Could you please keep this between us for now?” He gave you a thumbs up and grinned.
“You got it. But when you do tell everyone and you need back up, you got me.” The tension in your shoulders relaxed and you laughed again, this one much more relieved.
Dead Bones Brook: He was humming along to the tune of his violin as he was writing another song when you walked in. He smiled at you before playing the last string and putting the violin down. 
“What brings you here, (Y/N)-san?” You smiled slightly as you stepped over to sit down at the seat, putting a tea saucer down. 
“I brought you some tea.” He smiled and stepped over to take a seat next to you. 
“Thank you so much, (Y/N)-san.” He took a gulp of the tea before turning to face you. He tilted his head slightly as you bit your lip, looking lost in thought. “The tea isn’t the only reason you came here, is it?” You took a breath and shook your head.
“No... I came here to tell you something that’s pretty important.” He laid the tea cup down and gave you his full attention. He stayed still until you decided to speak up. Taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes back up. “I’m... I’m gay.” He smiled at you as he picked his tea cup back up and took a sip.
“That’s great. You didn’t have to be nervous to tell me.” You smiled slightly.
“I know that you wouldn’t react badly but there was still that fear.” You closed your eyes, releasing another shaky breath. “You’re a precious friend of mine and if you reacted badly... I wouldn’t know what to do.” You confessed, curling up into a small ball. Bony fingers stroked through your hair as he smiled.
“I support you, (Y/N)-san, and I’m grateful that you told me. It’s something to be proud of! You’ve accepted a part of yourself and now you can be honest with yourself as well.” He reached over and grabbed his violin. “Thank you again for trusting in me.” You opened your eyes to look at him and smiled.
“You accepted me for who I am. That’s all I’ve ever wanted from you and the rest of the crew.” He did a soft version of his laugh and he positioned his violin 
“It’s the least I could do. You accepted me for who I am as well.” You smiled as he started playing again. You leaned back and closed your eyes, your head swaying a little to the music. 
Red Hair Shanks: You wanted to let him know this part of you but there was that small chance that he would freak out and react negatively to your news. After a night of partying, the rest of the crew was passed out across the ship, hungover and in a deep sleep. You were laying on the deck next to your captain, looking up at the stars. He would doze off any second now so you wanted to let this itching thought out as fast as you can.
“Captain...” Shanks looked at you and smiled, he had sobered up long while ago but the drowsiness was finally getting him. 
“What’s up, (Y/N)?” He saw the serious look from just your profile and raised an eyebrow. “Hmm?”
“What if... What if I told you that I was... gay?...” He didn’t look away from your profile.
“... Then we would celebrate this.” You looked at him with wide eyes.
“What?” He smiled at you.
“Yeah. What? Did you think I would kick you out of the crew or something?” You shook your head slowly, still in amazement.
“O-Of course not but... You’re taking this surprisingly well...” He chuckled and nodded, looking back up at the sky. 
“Our crew is very diverse. I don’t judge those for something they can’t control.” He looked at you and smiled. “Just like everyone on the ship, I still respect you and am grateful that you’re trusting me with something so important to you.” He reached over and patted your head. You smiled, feeling relief go through your body.
“I was afraid you’d freak out.” He pouted slightly, glancing at you. 
“Hey, I can be serious sometimes.” He stretched his arm above him and let out a yawn. “Let’s get some rest, alright?” He grinned at you, more sleepily than before. “We can throw another party to celebrate.” You chuckled and rolled your eyes, looking back up at the stars.
“I think you’ve had enough talk about parties today.” You murmured, hearing the snores already coming up from next to you.
Benn Beckman: He was a bit surprised when you wanted to talk to him in private but he tried to find some time from his first mate duties to talk with you. Finally sitting together, he waited patiently for you to start talking.
“There’s something important I wanted to tell you.” You murmured, throwing him off. Usually, when someone in the crew wanted to rely their secrets on someone, it would be the captain. He guessed that it was his stoic expression most of the time that scared people off. He nodded a bit, focusing back on you.
“What is it?” You took a deep breath, a bit nervous at how you were going to confess a big part of yourself to the first mate.
“You’re the first one I’m telling this to but... I’m gay...” Your voice quieting down towards the end. Even though your voice was quieter than a whisper, he still caught it. He silently looked at you, unsure of what to say. After a while, he noticed the flustered expression on your face. He realized how much courage it took for you to say this to him. A small smile lifted his lips and he patted your head gently. You looked up at him, surprised a bit at his sudden actions.
“You’re very courageous to let me know this about you. It’s an honor to know that you rely on me enough to share something so personal.”
“You’re taking this really well...” He nodded.
“It’s not my place to judge you nor do I want to. You will love who you love and you’ve got the crew and I to support you from now on.” He gently patted your head.
“You really think so?” He nodded and a genuine smile filled his face.
“Yes I do. So thank you so much for relying on me again.” He murmured before hearing his name being called. He sighed softly and patted your shoulder. “I gotta go now but if you need someone to talk to or to support you, come find me. We have your back through everything.” He smiled at you one last time before leaving the room. You took a deep breath and slouched down in your seat, unable to believe how easy that was and how understanding he actually was.
(I’m sorry if these aren’t that well written. Half-way through they got repetitive it seems ._.)
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princeoftheeternalbog · 4 months
Could do nicknames one peice characters would call you?? Xx
Suggestive in Sanji and Namis part but mostly sfw!
I only did the strawhats this time but without further ado: petnames/nicknames op characters call you🫶
I think Luffy would pick something really cute like flower, like in the morning when he tackles you out of your hammock to wake you up and he's like "GOODMORNING FLOWER :DDDD" while squishing you(😐).
OR he would refer to your future title aka consort of the pirate king(cocky mf). Even if you correct him like oh well you're not king of the pirates yet he just keeps saying 'but why can't I say it now' until you give up. LOVES when you call him my king or my sunshine, it makes him feel all gooey inside. He likes other nicknames too but those ones especially.
Surprisingly a classic sort of guy, he'll call you hun or love, mostly always in private. But if he thinks someone is bothering you he'll purposefully say it really loudly like "oh hey LOVE I was looking for you" while glaring at the person.
Always says it in the softest, sweetest tone when you're alone. Seriously he's like some romance drama lead the way he's sighing around the word when he's holding you close. Blushes so pretty when you call him a petname back even if it's the most cringey, disgusting petname like pookie wookie. Like he'll cringe but still blush.
Probably uses almost every name you can think of but especially darling, mon amour and sweetheart. Says them in every tone imaginable and he says them in a very specific way when you're alone, sometimes he'll say them that way in public to fluster you though (asshole🫶).
Jokes on him though because he folds really easily for the same trick. One time you said baby in that tone on deck and he tripped and fell over so... you're the real winner here. He likes to act very confident and he can be but he very often finds himself with wobbly legs around you- he can't help it you're just too fine.
Babylove, sweetheart, pretty thing, YES I KNOW OKAY LISTEN JUST HEAR ME OUT- I just think once he gets over the honeymoon phase and he's comfy then he's smooth as fuck. Like this man is fine okay and once he knows what hes doing, he KNOWS yk. Always says them directly in your ear though🫣, he's still too shy to look you in the face while saying that sort of thing. Like he's slick but he's also sweating and trembling while he romances you.
Also he absolutely blushes bright red when you say anything of the sort to him. One 'hey pretty boy' and it's over for his blood pressure, one time he fainted and he was so embarrassed that he avoided being alone with you for a week.
Sunshine and treasure(in like every single language she can think of). Either says it in the sweetest tone ever or the most scary and she never uses your name unless she's really really scared or relieved (or during the...thing).
LOVES any and every nickname but if you say something cringe in front of somebody she makes you pay a fee😭. Fr 200 berry just for you to call her shnookems in front of Chopper, its mostly because the cringy nicknames somehow make her feel shy like omg you love me enough to confidently call me cuddle muffin ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ how disgusting (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^). But also she uses this money to buy you little gifts and trinkets so can you complain(yes).
Love, honey or sweetheart. Says it in this cute little sing song voice you didn't know she had and it's just so sweet and enticing fr she got you floating over there like a sailor drowning to a siren's song. But seriously if she's using a petname then you know she's in a really affectionate mood which means lots of touching and kisses!
Her favourite nickname that you call her is 'my wife'. Listen I think she's secretly quite intense romantically so hearing you defend her to someone by going "THAT'S MY WIFE" really does something to her heart. She tries for ages to trick you into saying it again so she can record it and listen back whenever she wants(You give her a recording for her birthday).
Babe, baby, cutie and probably something really corny like superstar🫶. Definitely the type of person to holler "THATS MY BABY✨✨" while you're kicking someone's ass and it's really embarrassing but simultaneously really reassuring.
And tbh a nickname is usually followed by a kiss, well actually most of his interactions with you are followed by a kiss- Anyways he loves it when you call him one back especially those classic ones like my love or darling, fr he's obsessed. Will absolutely tell everyone what you just called him and if he ever gets hit on he says some stupid dramatic shit like: "Only one person will ever call me their love..." Like shut up😭.
Dearheart. Iykyk. He finds dearheart is the only petname that even slightly encompass how he feels about you, and besides that he's a very classic guy. ALWAYS kisses some part of you after he says it, usually you're forehead because he's quite tall but sometimes he kisses your hand like some fairytale prince.
Blushes really easily at being called pet names especially more modern ones like baby, gently chides you for it but secretly loves it. It's like those clips of chopper where he pretends he's not flattered by a compliment😭 Brook is fr like "Oh my- please don't call me such things in public" while he's giggling like this:
Tumblr media
Love, butterfly, starlight, dewdrop and anything that makes you flustered. He's secretly quite chaotic when he wants to be and he loves seeing you laugh so he tries to make you as happy as possible at all times. Despite how often he uses beautiful flowery language with you, he's quite shy with physical touch so he's stood like 6ft away going "My starlight you are prettier than anything in this world"😭.
Adores any pet name with the word my in front of it. Like my love, my baby, my man, he's just in love with you and he thinks he should be kissing you at all times! Sweetest man ever to be honest.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
i love and relate to Usopp sooo much, hes like one of my highest kins. not only cause of his anxiety, but when i was younger (and now, not just as much) i was a chronic liar. it was mostly a trauma response due to my neglectful parents, and id usually lie to make myself sound cooler or to get attention and i wouldnt rlly be able to control it. just seeing him do the exact same thing and still have people care for him is like. huh. so that can happen. (sorry if this is worded weirdly im bad at articulating my thoughts sometimes)
I love Usopp kinnies SO much. I am literally surrounded by them, honestly. My best friend is an Usopp kinnie and my fiancé too. They're my pookies. I luv them. Does this have anything to do with my own kin list? Probably!
I'm sorry you had to lie because of your parents. If it makes you feel any better I can just go and kick them. Parents should care about their children. You shouldn't have to lie to get people's attention, I'm sure you're a wonderful person without needing to do it. Although it's not something that you can't actually control most of the time, so,,, You're a wonderful person anyway, I'm sure. You deserved!!! Love!!! And attention!!! And people will love you no matter what!!! That thing doesn't establish whether you deserve love or not. I'm so so happy that at least you found comfort in Usopp. He's just,,, He's such a great character. He brings me so much comfort too. But that's just because I love him a lot and he's 100% the type of person I'd be friends with.
I know the feeling, by the way. Sanji is one of my highest kins too. And WCI changed my life because?? Wow??? Sanji sabotaging and sacrificing himself constantly like the stubborn, people-pleaser idiot he is because of his issues with his family and Luffy wanting him anyway??? The way they love him??? AND WANO????? Sanji there fucked me up completely. He's just like me fr. And I swear, watching a show that tells you "hey, is this who you are? Look at this character who's like you get loved!! Because they deserve love!!" it's just the most cathartic thing in the world. Not to mention Robin saying she wants to live. And Nami asking for help after being alone for so long. Like- One Piece really changes lives, huh.
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