#namjoon x maya
dari-ede · 1 year
Night Turns Into Morning: Chapter 1
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Summary: Namjoon and Maya were best friends before they became an item. Both are musical artists and well known globally. Neither has ever dated someone in the same field they are in, much less work in the same COMPANY. Together, they must learn how to handle being in a private and secret relationship while trying to have a successful career. (This is a SEQUEL to "In the Middle of the Night")
PAIRING: Idol!Namjoon x Singer!FemaleCharacter
Genre: Romance
WARNINGS: SMUT, good-girl kink, fingering, hand-job, (light) pussy-slapping, full penetration, nipple-sucking
Walking down the halls of the complex, Maya couldn't deny the subtle stares didn't make her uncomfortable. While Namjoon's warm hand felt nicely around hers, it was hard to focus on that when at least a dozen eyes were fixated on where they were joined. It had been weeks since she had gotten back together with the leader of the biggest boy band in the world. They were still keeping their relationship a secret from the public but had agreed to be open in their private lives.
Currently, they were walking through security in their apartment complex and it was a space they had deemed safe to display some affection. Their home and their company's private halls and rooms were locations they were free to act themselves. And this was only possible due to NDAs being signed by security and staff at both locations. The community they lived in catered to the powerful and wealthy in South Korea, meaning they were guaranteed full privacy.
Namjoon had chosen this community a while ago for this precise reason: guaranteed privacy. So when Maya needed to find another apartment, he made sure to point this detail out to her. It didn't take long for Maya to agree. If the public were to find out an idol as big as RM was dating Maya, who was a well-known American artist, their company, Big Hit, would surely have a field day at its hands. Things would be chaotic.
The possibility of the public finding out about them was scary to imagine, so Maya forced herself to not think of it. She reminded herself of the little chance of their secret leaking. If someone spilled, they would then spend the rest of their days behind bars. Maya's new record label, which was also Namjoon's, had the funds to hire the best lawyers in the country and as part of Maya and Namjoon's contracts, their privacy was something the label would protect at all costs.
As Maya tried to settle herself down, Namjoon felt her uneasiness. Even though she had made great strides, Namjoon knew that it was a work in progress for her. There would always be moments her anxiety would try to beat the best of her.
He turned to her and noticed the change in her breathing. She was calming herself down.
He knew she felt his stare and turned towards him.
The moment her rich, maple eyes met his, he could feel her body fully relax. He sent her a soft smile. Her body then gravitated to his. Her head pressed against his shoulder as her other hand clutched his forearm. He could almost see her anxiety be swallowed down. That's my girl, he thought to himself. Maya was full of fight; her anxiety might win some battles, but his girl would always win the fucking war. He leaned over and pressed his lips on her head, feeling himself falling more in love with her.
The couple finally arrived at Namjoon's front door. He opened it and allowed her to enter first. They left their shoes at the entrance and walked down the halls to get to the living room.
Namjoon helped Maya take off her jacket.
It was late January and the weather was still pretty cold, would be for another few weeks.
"Want me to put your stuff in the room?" he asked as he motioned to the suitcase and bag on the floor. She had brought them in earlier in the day.
With her family in town and taking over her apartment, Namjoon had suggested she stay at his place for the time being.
She nodded. "Want some of the wine I brought earlier?"
"So I can get drunk and you can take advantage of me?" he teased, sending her one of his dimpled smiles he knew drove her crazy. He took her stuff and sent her a wink.
"You're lucky you're cute," she said, sending him a mocking glare then walked into his kitchen to find some glasses.
Just like during their first try at a relationship, Maya had given Namjoon control over when they were ready to take their physical relationship to the next level. She wanted him to be fully comfortable once they decided to have sex again. The only thing she asked was for him to be completely honest and sure. While he didn't believe in regrets, there was such a thing as learning from past experiences. He never regrated having sex with Maya but did think that they might have started things too quickly.
During their breakup, in the heat of anger, Namjoon had told Maya they shouldn't have had sex so soon but he hadn't fully meant it. Since they got back together, they talked about it at length. He wanted to be physically intimate again, but he wanted to make sure their heads and emotions were in the right place before they did so. He wanted their relationship to be more solid before they took that step. Also, he wanted to wait for the perfect moment.
And tonight felt right. Everything had been perfect. His parents and Maya's aunt and uncle, who she loved like parents, had a lovely dinner together. They all got along splendidly. There had been a lot of laughs and warmth as the six shared food with one another. This had been what Namjoon wanted: a full closeness with her. And he felt the way to do so would be to further bond with her surrogate parents and for her to get closer to his.
They had been working on strengthening their relationship—being more open with each other and expanding their communication. Emotionally, they had become incredibly intimate. Maya had been the one who struggled with vulnerability, which had been the reason for their breakup less than two months ago. However, after restarting therapy, she started to heal old wounds and was able to allow Namjoon in.
Namjoon was now seeing a completely different side of Maya. Every time she was honest with him, every secret she revealed to him, every concern she voiced made him want to fall to his knees and worship her. And because his emotions were getting more intense with her, it was more difficult to control his body around hers.
And after the perfect night they had, there was only one way to end it.
After placing Maya's stuff on the left side of his room—which was the side she took—he walked back to the living room and noticed two full glasses waiting on the counter.
He raised his eyebrows at her in mock surprise. "That's a lot of wine, no?"
"You have a high alcohol tolerance," she commented. "Don't pretend you don't."
"I'm worried about you," he said, reaching for a glass.
"The Latina blood runs powerful in these veins, baby." She took the other glass.
He let out a chuckle and raised his glass to her.
She tapped his glass with her own.
As they drank the wine, Namjoon took notice of a slight shiver coming off her. He turned to her arms and noticed the goosebumps.
Full concern took over. "Babe, you're freezing." He turned towards the thermostat.
"No." She said quickly, taking hold of his arm. "It's ok."
"It's not ok. Look at you." He reached over and rubbed her arms. Sure enough, she was cold to the touch. He knew he ran on hot, so she always felt cold to him.
"I'll put on a sweater," she whined as she kept him from moving away.
"But you'll be cold tonight. You know it takes a while for the ondol to heat the place."
A small look of sadness appeared on her face. "But then you'll be hot."
"I'll sleep without covers," he said simply, pulling away and walking to the thermostat.
But it wasn't that simple. Maya knew that if he got too hot, he would be too uncomfortable to fall asleep...and wouldn't sleep close to her.
And there lay the real reason and issue. There was a secret Maya was keeping from Namjoon. Something she had discovered long ago but had been too embarrassed to admit. However, Dr. Rob's voice made its way to her head.
"Any time you feel something but hesitate to voice it to Namjoon, I want you to take a step back and ask yourself what is preventing you from sharing that emotion with him. Is it due to legit concern or could it be the fear of rejection that's keeping you from opening yourself to him? If it's the latter, take a breath, and voice it to him. However little it might be."
She took a breath and ripped the bandage. "I sleep better when you're holding me."
Namjoon was in the middle of fidgeting with the thermostat and stopped abruptly when she spoke. He turned to her, giving her his full attention.
Taking another breath, Maya further explained. "You know it's difficult for me to fall asleep. Since I was a kid. Unless I'm physically and mentally exhausted, it can take me an hour to do so. I have to either drink a lot of chamomile or take melatonin drops and I have a weighted blanket that helps, too. But when I'm sleeping with you...." She let the words hang there. A blush made its way through her neck and face.
She felt so vulnerable, revealing such an intimate thought was incredibly difficult. There was no way Namjoon was going to make fun of her, but past experiences still dictated her emotions.
Namjoon wasn't saying anything, though. He was being completely quiet and patient. He knew her well and knew where she was getting at. But it was important for her to say the words out loud, on her own. So, he waited.
Maya forced herself to look back up and continued. "I noticed I don't need any of those things when I sleep next to you. I always get cold at night, but your body keeps me warm. When you hold me, it feels like a weighted blanket." She could have ended it there but she wanted to share everything with him. "Dr. Rob mentioned years ago that my inability to fall asleep might be due to past trauma. Nights at my house were...." The memories would lead Maya to a bad place. She wanted to tell Namjoon about those stories, but not right now. She needed to focus on one subject at a time. "Not so good. I never felt safe falling asleep. It continued throughout my adulthood. Dr. Rob recommended sleep therapy, but because of the pandemic, I never went. So, I continued with my methods. But after a while of us sleeping together, I noticed it. With you, I'm able to relax. There's no danger." Her voice was trembling; her body slightly shaking. She was about to share the key part of my secret. Vulnerable information. "You make me feel safe."
There were so many tears coming down. Despite her clothes, Maya felt naked.
Suddenly, those warm arms that protected her at night were surrounding her. "Thank you for sharing with me."
She snuggled closer, bathing in his heat. She let out a laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "My emotions are all over the place with you. My body feels safe with you at night, but my heart kept you away," she said, referring to what caused their breakup about two months ago.
He squeezed her. "Emotions are complicated. Just got to navigate through them."
After a while, she finally pulled away and thanked him. "It was a good day. Long, but good. My mood has been on quite a high. I signed a new contract I'm very satisfied with, we had a nice dinner with our families." She took a step back and ogled at the outfit he had on—just like she had done countless times throughout the day. "You wore my favorite suit. It was a great day."
He smiled at her, seeing the happy tears in her eyes. "It was a perfect day." His hands came to her shoulder and he pulled her closer. "It's good if we just relax for the rest of the night."
She took the lips he offered her and nodded. "I agree."
"How about we get you a bath?" His voice was gentle but his eyes were full of fire as his large hands smoothed down her sides.
Maya was pretty sure what he meant by this. "Will you be joining me in that bath?"
"Only if you want me to," he said with complete sincerity, his hands exploring her back.
"Of course I do. But will it be only a bath we take? Or will there be more?" Maya asked, giving him a coy smile.
He bit his lip in a way that drove her crazy. "Only if you behave."
The words and tone went straight to Maya's pussy, making it quiver.
Namjoon didn't have a daddy kink, and neither did Maya; however, she quickly discovered on their first night together that she did have a good girl kink. He came to swiftly enjoy the kink himself, loving how her body responded to it.
"I've been wanting to give you a bath for so long," he said, bending down so his lips hovered just above her shoulder blade. "You've been so good—I want to reward you."
Maya's pussy clenched and whimpered, turning very wet very quickly.
He noticed her shiver and couldn't help but give a sinister smile. He moved her collar down so his lips could leave butterfly kisses on her skin.
She let out a high gasp. "Namjoon." Her fingers gripped at his jacket.
"Hmmm," he murmured as he explored her exposed neck, his fingers coming to her upper back so he could fiddle with the buttons. She had on a semi-conservative dress, one that she normally never wore but had done so since they had gone out with their parents. While he preferred clothes that showed off her shoulders and curves, she looked damn good in anything she had on. Right now, though, he preferred she was wearing nothing.
"Are you sure?" she made herself ask. She hated to ask but knew she should.
He made his way to her earlobe. "Yes." His tongue tasted her pulse. When he felt her moan, he took her skin in between his teeth and bit a little. "I want to make love to you." His mouth went lower, skimming down her neck.
Another shiver went through her but then she immediately went still.
He pulled away and looked down into her rich, maple eyes. They were a little wide as she processed what he had just said. But then there was a slight look of humor in her eyes and the corner of her lips turned up the tiniest bit. He knew her facial expressions so well. He smiled, knowing how the phrase might have come out. "That came out corny—"
She giggled. "No. I mean, yes it kind of did, but I definitely didn't take it that way at first."
"Then what's so funny?" He asked not helping a chuckle from coming out.
She held back another giggle. "You totally made me swoon," she said as a light blush appeared on her cheeks. "And it was corny. If any other guy would have said that I would have walked right out the door. How the hell do you do that?"
"Do what?" He was pretty sure he knew what she meant, but his ego wanted to hear it.
"You know what." Her blush was coming back.
"I want to hear you say it," he admitted, pulling her back because she was backing away.
She let out a sigh and let him pull her back. "You have this way with words. And so many times the things you say are so simple, but you still manage to make me turn to mush." She stared up at him with an incredulous look. "'Make love'??? No one can make that sound good. Not unless you have Kim Namjoon's deep, timbre voice of course. A voice so goddamn low, it can soak any woman's panties."
It was his turn to blush. "Thanks?"
She smacked him, playfully, still looking a little shy. "We haven't done this in a while. You have to take it easy on me."
He let out a low chuckle as he dipped down, his mouth claiming hers in a soft kiss. "I'll take it nice and slow."
She felt the twelfth shudder at the last minute come over her body.
His lips pecked the tip of her nose. "How about you get ready? Bring the wine glasses with you. I'll start the bath." He didn't give her time to respond. He pulled away, squeezed her ass, and headed to his room.
Maya stood there, frozen for a moment. She smacked her face, snapping herself out of it. Walking into Namjoon's room, she took her luggage and took out her robe and fresh underwear. She didn't bring any sleepwear since Namjoon liked her in his clothes. She poked her head into the hall that lead to the bath, making sure she had full privacy as she undressed and put on her robe. Stuffing her clean underwear into one of the robe pockets, she went back to the kitchen to retrieve the wine glasses.
When she returned to the room, she noticed Namjoon standing over her things. "Where's your bath stuff?"
She handed the wine to him as she took out the items she used when she bathed. Before she could make her way to the bathroom, Namjoon blocked her. He placed the wine on his desk and took the items.
"I'll take care of it. Give me a few minutes," he said and disappeared to the end of the hall.
Maya tried not to laugh at his cuteness. As he prepared the bath, she organized the side of the bed she usually took up when she slept over at Namjoon's. She didn't miss how some of her old items were still there. Despite them having broken up for a month, he had left everything of hers where it was. Her heart fluttered at this.
"Ready babe," came Namjoon's voice.
She turned to the hall and just about let out a loud moan. The Adonis-like man she called her boyfriend was standing in nothing but a pair of boxers, his hands clutched together, covering his flat stomach.
Namjoon didn't have a model-like body but he worked out plenty. He had lost a lot of weight during their breakup, but he had gone back to the gym. His thick, muscled arms and broad chest gave evidence of that. And those thick-ass thighs showed off the fact that he cycled often.
"Stop ogling or your bath is gonna get cold," he chided, his face looking a little shy.
She walked over to him, giving him a flirtatious smile. “Kind of hard not to, handsome.” When she got to him, her hands reached out to his chest and gave both sets of his boobs a squeeze. They were so firm.
"Stop," he said, moving his body away.
She laughed and began to walk towards the bathroom.
He smacked her ass as she passed him. The robe was thin enough that she felt the intensity of it. "Hey!" She covered her ass as she sent him a glare.
"You don't like it, do you?"
"I didn't smack you. Plus, you grabbed my ass earlier."
The couple came to the bathtub and Maya just about came down to her knees. This man had lit several candles, added bubbles to the bath, and there was some soft music playing from the speaker on the sink.
Namjoon came behind her, his arms wrapping around her middle. He brought his lips next to her ear. "I'm the one who does the smacking in this relationship," he let out in a low whisper.
This time, Maya almost did come to her knees. She held tight to his forearms. "Damn you," she hissed at him when he caught her and let out a laugh.
"Let's get you inside, baby. It's full of your favorite bath salts," he explained and moved them closer to the tub. His fingers came to her belt and started to undo it.
She leaned back into his big, tall frame, loving how sturdy he felt.
His fingers came up to her neck. He began to push down the only piece of cloth that was covering her. As he pulled it down her shoulders, his lips traced her exposed skin. He was teasing her by how long he took to take off a simple robe off her. That was definitely what she thought he was doing, but in reality, Namjoon wanted to take his time. He wanted to marvel and soak in little bits of the beauty that was Maya. He hadn't seen her naked in months and he wanted to ease into it. That was the whole reason for the bath—to ease into each other again.
When her robe finally fell to their feet, Namjoon's eyes roamed over her gorgeous bust. Nipples so pretty and pointy, clearly aroused. Clearly inviting. His fingers moved forward, tracing patterns on the sides of her heavy breasts. He wanted nothing more than to bury his face in them. But he kept himself controlled. He had all night.
"Inside you go," he said to her, his hand coming to her lower back and giving her a slight push.
Maya shook her head, trying to make herself alert. She was about to take a step into the tub but felt Namjoon's hand take hold of hers. The hand he had on her waist steadied her. She understood what he was doing. Using him as support, Maya got into the tub, loving the way how hot the water felt. She was a fan of hot showers and baths; Namjoon of course knew this. He didn't enjoy the hot showers but had mentioned in the past that hot baths he could tolerate since they felt like a jacuzzi.
She let out a satisfying moan in the water as she felt Namjoon stepping in. She opened her eyes, internally cursing at herself. She was about to miss his naked glory!
However, she was quickly disappointed. "You're not taking them off?" she pouted as her eyes became level with his boxers instead of his naked cock.
Holding onto both ends of the tub, Namjoon let out a smile. "Not yet."
He almost laughed at her huff but held back. It would only irritate her. And he wanted her to fully enjoy this.
"No fair you get to see me naked—that's sexist."
He rolled his eyes and took the cup he had set aside. "I can't see anything at the moment, now can I?" he asked as he motioned to the bubbles. "Head back, please."
Another huff came out of her but she complied. She rested her head on his chest as he wet her hair, making sure he didn't get her face.
"I should have taken off my makeup," she said, helping him keep the water off her face.
"Your facial products are there. How about you handle your face and I handle your hair?" he suggested as he motioned to a spot that contained her cleaning products.
She did as he suggested. Namjoon focused on her hair as she used wipes to clean her face. She could do a full facial cleaning in the morning. She wanted to enjoy the pampering.
Namjoon was good with his fingers as he worked the product into her scalp.
"That feels amazing," she moaned as she fell into his chest.
"Good," he whispered. He took the cup again to rinse her hair, his fingers still massaging her. Once satisfied with his work, he took her bar soap and washcloth.
Maya's eyes were fully closed and lost to her surroundings, which was why her body jerked at the feel of Namjoon's hands taking hold of her breasts. She looked down and quickly noticed what he was doing. "Warn a girl next time."
He let out a low chuckle. "Just relax, girl. I got you." One of his hands contained the washcloth and was cleaning one of her breasts, while his other hand simply held onto its twin. He was gentle, once again, ensuring he took his time cleaning every inch of her. He took both of her nipples in his fingers and rolled them softly.
Maya twisted on top of him, rubbing against his groin. Her hands went behind her and she took him into her hands.
He pulled away. "It's not about me tonight, babe. Tonight's all about you," he said, his hand squeezing a breast and his fingers giving her nipple a light pinch. "Just enjoy it."
"I want you to enjoy it, too," she said, feeling her skin melting into his.
"I am." He placed light kisses on her neck. "Really."
She turned her face to look up at his. "You're not just saying that?"
He gave her a small smile. "When it comes to loving you, I'll always be fully honest with you. Promise." He pressed his nose against hers.
Her hand went to capture his neck, pulling him back to her so she could kiss him. "When you say things like that I don't feel I deserve you. You're too good."
He pushed her back so they could look into each other's eyes. "You deserve the world."
A single tear came down as stared up at him. "You are my world." She reached up to his lips once again.
The kiss was slow and steady at first. His tongue grazed her bottom lip. She let out a moan and opened her mouth, allowing him more access to her. His tongue danced with hers for a while, both of their arousals heating up. His hands went down her stomach, rubbing and cleaning her sides with slow tenderness. He got to her thighs and went at a turtle's pace, fingers moving an inch at a time. His fingers gradually made their way toward her middle.
She sucked in a breath of air once his fingers reached her center. He hadn't touched her clit or lips yet, but the fact that he was closer than before drove her wild. "Namjoon."
"Tell me," he whispered into her ear, his fingers tracing small patterns just millimeters from her clit. His fingers pressed a little harder, loving how her moan turned deeper.
"I need your fingers," she breathed out, her ass grinding onto his cock. "On my pussy."
"That's a good girl, using your words," he said as his fingers moved to where she wanted.
Her fingers dug into his thighs as she felt his fingertips finally touch her throbbing clit.
His lips came to her neck, nipping and biting her slightly. He took in her moans and increased his speed, feeling her clit pulse and grow hot. The moment her breath pitched and her back arched, he slowed down. He took her button in between two fingers and lightly pinched it.
A small sob came out of her lips when he continued to go at a snail's pace. The buildup within her was getting restless. She needed release. "Baby, pleeeease."
Her sounds made his dick hard. "What?" he asked innocently as if he wasn't aware of the chaos he was stirring inside her. "My fingers are on your pussy."
She dug her nails into his upper thighs, making him inhale sharply. "Inside me."
"All you had to do was ask," he said then his fingers further down. Once they reached her opening, he felt her relax a little.
He pressed his middle finger into her inner lips, moving it up and down, exciting her. His pace was steady and firm. After a few strokes, he then moved into her opening. Then, ever so gently, his fingertip went inside of her.
They let out a moan in unison, each loving the feeling for different reasons.
Namjoon could feel Maya's walls pulse around his finger as they swallowed it in. Maya's restlessness tamed at his touch.
His finger moved in and out of her, loving the way it made her ass rub harder against him. He was sure if she kept it up, he was going to cum in his boxers. However, he pressed down his orgasm and focused on bringing her to full satisfaction. She had taken enough teasing from him. She deserved a bit of release.
Using another finger, he inserted it inside her and picked up the pace. He went a little harder on her, knowing how quickly she came undone when he did so.
Having two fingers stimulating her caused Maya's toes to curl. Her climax was just a breath away. She could feel it. She could taste it.
Namjoon's strokes became a little rougher and harder. His other fingers pressed onto her clit and rubbed at a fast and hard pace.
Maya's legs began to quiver at his touch. "So close."
His fingers curled in, grazing at a special spot inside her. His fingers went further in, the tips pressing against that spongy sack. "Come on, baby. Be a good girl. Cum for me."
Her entire body jerked and exploded above his as she finally reached her climax. Her heart raced; her skin caught on fire. God, she almost forgot how good this felt.
While her toys and her fingers had kept her satisfied the last couple of months, nothing compared to when Namjoon brought her to fruition. When she self-pleasured herself, it was all about physical hunger and an itch she needed to scratch. With Namjoon...it was always more than that. It was always physical, of course, but the emotional element she brought out of her added an extra layer of bliss.
It took a couple of minutes for Maya's body to calm down and for her breaths to become steady. All the while, Namjoon's hands caressed her, helping bring her down to earth.
Once settled, she cuddled against him, rubbing her head to his neck.
"Have you come back to me?" he asked, his hand making circles on her stomach.
She gave a simple nod. "I think it's time for us to get to bed." She turned her neck and pecked his chest.
Another nod.
He pressed her back a little, signaling her to move forward.
She obeyed with a pout. He made his way out of the tub and she was quick to notice the tent on his boxers. She really needed to fix that once they got to bed.
He dried himself quickly and then offered her his hand. Taking it, she got to her feet and held onto both his hands as she climbed out. She didn't miss how he stared at her naked frame for a good, long moment before he wrapped a towel around her soaking skin.
Taking his time, he dried her hair, his eyes mostly on her tits and pussy than where he was drying. She didn't mind. Her eyes were feeding on his own titties and arms. He had wrapped the towel around his damn middle so she couldn't drool over his tent.
After drying her skin, he took her robe off the floor and tied it around her.
She turned to the side and noticed the wine. "We forgot about that."
He took the glasses and offered her one. "One last sip, so they don't go completely to waste."
"It lost its fizzle," she argued.
"Just one sip," he urged.
She rolled her eyes. Of course, he wouldn't want to waste an expensive product. She gave in and took a good, long sip. She knew if she didn't, he would only have her drink more.
He took one more sip himself, making a face as he gulped.
Maya laughed. "Told you."
He set the glasses back down. "I'll clean all this up tomorrow. Promise."
Maya knew he said it because he knew she had a bit of a cleaning problem. It's not like she had OCD, but messiness did bother her a little.
He offered her his arm to take. She did so and forgot about the mess they were walking out of. Together they made their way down the hall and to his bed.
Once they arrived at the foot of the bed, Maya turned towards Namjoon and tugged at the towel around his waist. "Your turn," she said with a coy smile.
He smiled back at her but took her hands in his. "Maybe another night. I told you; tonight is all about you. I meant it."
"But I like giving you attention. If this is about me, then shouldn't you give in to my wants?" She sulked.
He chuckled. "Tonight being about you has nothing to do with giving into your demands. Even if you do look super cute pouting."
Maya narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't call me—"
He shut her up with a heated kiss. His fingers threaded into her hair as he pulled her roughly against his body.
Maya forgot about what she was arguing about. His lips worked magic and made her forget everything else.
His fingers came between them and untied her robe. The cloth was on the floor in under two seconds. All that foreplay in the tub was making him want to be inside her. Soon.
It was only after she was fully naked that she was then allowed to tug at his towel and push down his boxers. She might not be able to go down on him tonight, but she was grateful that she could at least touch his thick member.
Her hands took full advantage, wrapping around him and squeezing him.
The action caused him to pull his lips from hers to let out a hiss.
She took the opportunity to bend her head and look down at his throbbing member.
God, he was fucking gorgeous. He was so thick and hard and had a nice girth. Using her tongue and mouth, she gathered a good amount of spit and aimed. The liquid fell off her mouth and landed at the base of his cock. She heard him let out another hiss once it made contact with his skin. Using her spit as lube, she moved her hands up and down his length, taking pleasure in hearing his sounds.
She took the head of his cock and twisted her wrist during her movements. Her thumb pressed onto his piss slit. Her other hand reached beneath him and took hold of one of his balls.
"Shit," he hissed. He couldn't contain himself anymore. It had been a mistake to let her touch him. Just as he knew her body well, she knew his.
He took hold of her curvy waist and lifted her easily.
A squeak escaped her.
He dropped her down on his bed. She read him well and went further up the bed. Once she was settled at the head and lying on the pillows, Namjoon simply stared at her.
"Shit, baby. You're beautiful," he said as his eyes tried to take in all of her.
Her eyes dropped to his member, standing fully erect and pointing right at her. It looked furious, needing a pussy to settle inside of. Her pussy only got wetter at the anticipation. "You're one to talk." She reached for him. "Come here."
His knees came to the bed and he crawled over to her, his body moving above hers. "I wanted to take this slow. But you're making it difficult."
She bit his lip, loving how he hovered above her. "Sorry."
He shook his head. "Not being a really good girl."
A loud moan came out from her lips.
Using his legs, he maneuvered her, making her spread her legs wide open. "Bad girls get bad treatment, did you know that?" His hand boldly pressed through her lower lips then came down with a light smack.
Maya almost came for the second time right at that moment. "Fuck!" Her hips twisted underneath him; her hands reached up to take hold of his forearms to keep steady.
He did it one more time, loving seeing her come apart.
She dug her fingernails into his skin, letting out a hiss.
He took hold of her thighs and pushed her legs straight up. Using one hand to hold her that way, he took his cock in his other hand and pressed the head of his cock onto her opening. "You on the pill, baby?"
She mewled. "Mmm-hmmm."
Both had a breeding kink. He knew once he put his dick inside her, it was going to be difficult cuming anywhere else other than her pussy.
He stroked his member against her pussy lips a few times, wanting her wetter. He was fairly big and they hadn't been sexually active for so long. He wanted this to be as easy for her as possible, which meant she needed to be as much around as possible.
Placing his cock head on her clit, he used two fingers to stretch her. Her walls welcomed him, squeezing his fingers. He pushed knuckle-deep, easily due to her arousal. He pulled back and came back inside her with a third finger.
"Yeeeesss," she moaned, moving her hips. She didn't have control over her legs since he was still holding them straight up, so it was the only thing she could do.
After several rubs, he pulled his digits out and placed the head of his cock onto her entrance. Her hole easily took him in. He felt her squeeze around him. "Easy, baby."
"Want you in," she moaned.
He pushed in a little further and her cunt suckled everything he gave. "Shit, you feel better than I remember," he let out as he pulled out slowly.
A whimper escaped her top lips. "Want you fully in," she nearly begged as she wiggled her hips. Hated that he had control over her legs. She wanted to wrap them around his waist and push him further in. Bring all of his long inches inside of her.
"We got time, baby. Just enjoy it." With the same slow rhythm, he moved back into her.
He continued at this pace for far too long, tipping her near the edge but not allowing her to fully fall. The slow strokes allowed the lube he needed to go balls-deep but also made the knot in her stomach go insane.
Maya felt insanely stretched. Even though she had been playing with herself lately with a dildo almost as big as Namjoon's cock, nothing could have prepped her for the real thing. There was something about Namjoon's cock that hit every sensitive area in her. It was long enough to pound a sweet spot deep inside, but not long enough that made the experience more uncomfortable than pleasurable. Its girth was thick enough to stretch her in sweet ecstasy, but not too much for it to be considered painful. And that thick vein along the underside of his length rubbed her walls just right. He really had a Goldie Locks kind of cock that complimented her pussy just right.
He popped his dick inside and pulled out almost immediately. Then, ever so slowly, he would press back inside her, only to pull out until just the head was inside her. He waited a few moments and pressed into her in a rough stroke. He pulled back out slowly once again and came back in with the same excruciating pace.
"Goddddd," she whined.
He moved her legs to her side, his cock hitting another sweet spot. "Ready to cum, baby?" His hips pushed forward, hard and rough, igniting a gasp out of her. He smiled.
"Yes," she moaned out. "Please." She reached forward and took ahold of his forearms. She had better control of her hips now, so she twisted them with desperation. "I need you."
He finally quickened his thrusts, loving the feel of her wetness and tightness around him. "You feel so fucking good, baby."
His movements were now causing squishing sounds to come out of their joined organs. She felt a gush of wetness coming out of her at hearing this. "Oh my god."
As he went faster, her boobs began to move. They looked so fucking appetizing. He bent forward and took one of her breasts into his mouth, sucking on her nipple.
Reaching out, she scratched at his chest. Her mouth opened to let out another sound, but she found her voice got stuck in her throat. He was hitting a spot that felt so damn good, it was causing her to go voiceless.
Seeing her mouth so wide open, he caught drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. Fuck, that was hot. He pulled his lips from her tit and sat straight up again, taking hold of her thigh and using it as leverage to pump faster into her. He could feel his balls tighten. He was close. But he wanted more time.
He moved her legs again. He spread them wide on either side of him but wrapped his hands on the front of her thighs to keep her from wrapping around him. He used this new angle to grip her and pull her towards him harder.
This new angle allowed him to have a great view of her bouncing breasts and face that was full of ecstasy.
Bucking her hips vigorously, she felt herself getting to the edge. "Almost."
He let go of one of her legs, moving his fingers to her clit. His fingers moved at the same vigorous pace as his hips. "Come on, baby."
Her eyes rolled back as her spine arched against his body. His cock was hitting such a honied area and his fingers were working beautiful magic on her. She was on the very tip, ready to erupt around him. His voice and words duplicated the amount of energy she was about to send out.
He bent at the waist, his rhythm never changed, and whispered ever so deep, "Be my good girl. Give me one more."
Her entire world came apart. Light no longer existed, touch and feel had ceased to exist.
Feeling her walls tighten around him, her body quiver underneath him, and hearing her let out a strong wail was all he needed. He pressed forward one last time and felt himself spill inside her. His body too shook from the intensity.
She let out a moan at the feel of his seed. Her arms wrapped around him, inviting his full weight on her.
He stayed like that, on top of her, forgetting how much he weighed. She just felt so nice underneath him. Her softness felt like a pillow.
It took a couple of minutes for him to realize he was probably crushing her. He immediately pushed off. "Sorry, babe."
She let out a small whine. "Mmm. You felt nice." A shiver came over her body at being separated from his warmth.
He noticed her coldness and pulled her to his chest, warming her.
She let out a sigh and snuggled. "So that's what making love is?" she asked, a little chuckle coming out.
He smiled at her teasing and kissed her forehead. "Did you enjoy it?"
She nodded. After several moments of silence, she spoke again. "You won't put on the ondol tonight?" There was a hint of concern in her tone.
"Well, it is winter. If I leave it off, we'll freeze to death," he teased. "But I'll keep it low. I promise."
Her next words were just above a whisper. He was certain she was falling asleep. "I just don't want it to be too warm. If I'm too warm, my body won't need you to keep warm. And I want to need you."
Other than when she told him she loved him, no other words she had said had moved him like this. He bent down and took her mouth into his.
Even as she was half asleep, she still felt the passion. They'd had plenty of intense, hot kisses. But this one reminded her of that first one they shared when they got back together. It was beyond passion. Beyond longing. It was full of love.
He pulled away slowly. "I want you to need me, too."
She smiled at him, her eyes heavy and closing.
He kissed her shut eyelids, marveling at her beauty. "Mai?"
"Mmmmm," she barely let out.
"I love you," he said with his full heart.
"I love you," she breathed out, her voice full of contentment. He swore that if she was a cat, she'd be purring.
NOTE: Unsure when Chapter 2 will be posted. I'm still mapping out the story and I tend to prefer writing a big chunk of a story before I start posting it, so it might take a while. 
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #56
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.7k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Your trip is slowly but surely coming to an end. 
Minus some bumps along the way, it's safe to say you had a great time either way. You and Jungkook have managed to talk like proper adults and it went well. But most importantly, you've made up. It is sad there's goodbyes soon to be said. You kind of wish you could stay here for at least another day.
But all of you have to go back to adult life. The weight is lifted off your chest, practically non-exist as you and Jungkook share a soft smile while all of you pack your things. Well – except Taehyung who's sitting on one of the portable chairs with sunglasses on, too hungover to help his best friend who's been complaining for the past ten minutes. 
"I take it you finally made up." Maya comes up to you, folding up a thin blanket when there's no one nearby. 
"We finally talked." you answer. 
She surely notices the relaxation behind your tone and features, causing her to smile knowingly instead of saying anything for a moment. 
"And? How did it go?" 
"Good. Great, actually. I explained myself well and we both had something to apologize for. It's not even about the apology. I think us talking is more important and even though I was pretty scared and unsure to just walk up to him and talk, I'm glad I got it off my chest." 
"Being honest is not always easy but I knew you guys would work it out. From what I heard, your friendship has always been strong." Maya grins. 
"How do you know that?" 
"Namjoon," she chuckles simply. "But that doesn't matter. Even I can confidently say it's true. And I haven't known you for too long and I solely know this just from seeing you and him, plus hearing you talk about him." 
You avert your gaze to the ground, your shy smile causing you to feel even more shy when you feel her eyes on you. 
"I'm jealous though. The sex after such an argument is gonna be amazing." 
And just like that, the air shifts and your gaze snaps toward blunt Maya who's already grinning, expecting your reaction of shock and disbelief. 
"Yeah, that's not happening." You cringe, muttering. 
"You don't want to? Wow, I mean—shit." Maya's the one who's shocked which has you snickering under your breath. She's unbelievable. 
"Not that I don't want to, but we've decided to take a break from... the sex part." 
"And whose stupid idea that was?" she exclaims, a laugh escaping from your lips the moment you see her face while she dramatically leaves her mouth open. 
"That explains it." 
She laughs, letting you know she's only joking. 
"I thought it would be for the best. I can't really explain it. I just think it's time for a break."
You're not going to tell her he fucked you in the woods while you both were unable to communicate together and were pissed off at each other. While you don't find it uncomfortable to be talking with her about your sex life, there are some things that are better left between you and Jungkook only. It's not like you're embarrassed about it but it feels too personal and intimate to talk about it openly. In the end, just like you told Jungkook, you wanted it at that moment and you don't regret it happening. He was right when he said the sex was good. It always is. 
But anyway... you two hooking up surely changed a few things between you and him. You let lust control you and while you believe sex like this doesn't necessarily have to mean a bad thing, you wonder how else would you solve it if you weren't hooking up. 
It's all frustrating and it seems like there are a few things you can't answer because it's that confusing. And you don't understand them. 
It might sound all dramatic but it's nothing like that. It's no big deal. You'll continue your friendship the same way and the only difference will be sex. You can't think about it too much, knowing once your hormones get the best out of you, you're going to have a hard time accepting your own idea. 
"What about you guys? Are you ready to go back home?" 
Maya groans, tilting her head back as she nods. "Yeah, I could do another day here. Though we've got a wedding to plan." 
"Do you know what month it's gonna be?" 
"We don't. We're about to make some calls and meet up with a few people to see which place is closest to our terms. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but it's so stressful to plan everything. We definitely want it to happen this year after having a conversation. But summer is pretty much all booked everywhere, unless we want some unaesthetic and cheap place." 
She sighs before smiling. 
"But it's okay. Joon is a huge help and he's very much involved. We're doing everything together." 
"That's great. Let me know if there's anything I can help with. I'm not sure how I'd be able to help, I know shit about weddings but just call me if there's anything I could do." 
Maya gives you an appreciative smile. "You're a sweetheart." 
With a smile on your face, you start folding a sleeping bag which you're sure belongs to Yoongi, who (surprisingly) is cleaning up the truck of his car so everything is neat and good to go. You're unaware of Maya's stare that's aimed behind you until she speaks up. 
"A stupid sweetheart if you decided not to fuck him." 
"What?" you mumble, following her eyes. 
There he is. 
Jungkook stops his task to grasp the hem of his shirt, bringing it up and dabbing the tiny droplets of sweat covering his forehead. That wouldn't be the issue if he didn't expose his abs to everyone's eyes – even though only you and Maya are staring – showing his bulky chest. Dryly gulping, you quickly turn around and nudge Maya to look away. 
She gives you a knowing look, offering you a friendly pat to your shoulder as you click your tongue in annoyance. 
They're just abs. Ones you've seen multiple times. You're fine. 
You're going to be fine.  
You still rush to pack your things, not even glancing in Jungkook's direction. Too scared to see him doing bare minimum and look absolutely hot while doing it. 
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Everything went back to normal. Well, new normal.
Yoongi acts like he hasn't spent a whole weekend with you, still patiently waiting for his lunch every day. Even on the way back home, he barely said a word and hummed quietly to his playlist. Surprisingly, you took a decent nap, catching up the lost sleep you experienced the night before. 
After four days of constantly buying Yoongi a lunch, you regret ever inviting him more and more each day. The man demands his lunch, holding you up to your deal. Are you surprised? No. Were you hoping he would leave you alone after a few days? Yes . 
The group chat is full of memes and possibly dates to hang out again, reminding you of your supposedly summer vacation. After the camping trip, you're a little bit more wary to plan something longer and serious than just a casual hangout. It's pretty stupid. One argument shouldn't hold you back from experiencing new memories with your friends. 
You and Jungkook haven't really spoken since the camping trip. You got to say a warm goodbye and ever since then, both of you have been too busy jumping back to your lives to talk. You know you're fine though. In your friends group chat, you've replied to one another a few times – mostly reacting to the memes or just to joke around. So far, there's not much change in your relationship with Jungkook. It feels pretty same and you know it's only because you haven't had the time to hang out and be alone. Is it stupid of you to say that you're a little bit nervous when that time comes? 
However, it eventually comes just when you anticipate it and you don't avoid it. This has been your idea after all. 
You and Jungkook text back and forth, this time in a separate chat without prying eyes of Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook's days and evenings are fully packed. There's not much time to hang out typically at your or his place – which again might be dangerous and too soon for you. You're being dramatic, that's for sure. But once he comes up with a plan, for some reason you agree even if his plan is the least common place to hang out for you and him.
Stepping inside the building, you're surprisingly met with a nice scent of freshness instead of sweat and testosterone. The gym Jungkook visits is certainly popular and modern, based on the fully packed gym and its interior that has a sweat already rolling down your back. 
“This is most certainly new.” you mutter, eyes wide staring around you as Jungkook cackles, leading you toward the front desk. 
There, of course, is a young female receptionist wearing a cropped tank top with leggings as if she's the one that's about to work out. Once again, Jungkook's often visit here shows when she easily recognizes him and both drops formality, which you don't expect.
While Jungkook goes to equip your gym access after you greet each other with the receptionist, you silently standby and listen to their conversation. You're aware of Jungkook's membership here and judging by the clear sight of the receptionist recognizing and knowing him, he doesn't have to show anything to prove his identity.
“Are you interested in getting a trainer for this session?” she asks, eyes jumping between you and Jungkook. 
“No.” You and him speak at the same time.
Nodding, she clicks off a few things on the computer before she says the price for a single access which has your eyes almost falling out their sockets. You and Jungkook both pull out your wallets. Desperately trying to beat him, you're too late as he pulls out his card sooner and pays.
“I could've paid for myself.” you point out, pursing your lips in a mere annoyance. Can't lie though. Your heart surely feels lighter knowing you haven't had to pay such a price for a full hour and half of torture.
Suddenly, Jungkook's plan doesn't seem that good at all. You would very much test your willpower back at his or your place. 
“I know you could've.” he sings out annoyingly, leaving you to roll your eyes at him as he thanks the woman, leading you away. “It was my idea, I know this gym is a bit pricey and you're not exactly the type to spend money on something like this.”
“Yah!” you nudge him, met with a toothy grin as he teasingly nudges you back. “What are you saying? Maybe I'll enjoy working out. I should work on those muscles.”
You and him share a look, grinning at each other after cracking up a few moments later, knowing very well he's right and you're full of shit. Working out is not exactly your priority. You have enough exercise when working, constantly on your feet all day. Not mentioning how much you walk and sometimes rush to get Yoongi his fucking lunch. But well, that's completely on you. It's a nice reminder to never do that again. To involve him in your stupid plans. 
While Jungkook leads you to the gym equipment (you're sure he would know his way around blindfolded), you're trying your best not to stare at all those muscular and slim people around you. Damn, you're really out of place right now. They all seem to know what they're doing. 
“You wanna lift some weights?” Jungkook asks, tossing down water bottles and two towels he grabbed from home for you and him. “Wait, you did some stretching before coming here, right?”
When he's met with silence, he looks up just to see your brow raised with a frown on your lips. He sighs, disapprovingly and not very subtly shaking his head as he mutters your name.
“I got into this bizarre outfit right after I got from work!” you exclaim, pointing at yourself. 
You tried your best, alright? A simple black leggings and an oversized shirt. It's definitely not the hottest outfit you would often see on Instagram of some fitness model, or just most women who work out and want to look nice. But who cares?
“And I don't ever stretch. Nobody's got time for that.” you mutter.
Jungkook snickers, some of his hair falling and shielding his forehead as he sits down on the bench. “You should stretch every morning, regardless if you work out or not.”
He used to stretch your muscles in other ways.
Oops –intrusive thoughts!
“Alright, alright.” You roll your eyes at him which has him laughing. 
“Okay, do some basic stretching while I do some lifting.” Already seeing your disapproving face, he continues. “Trust me, you're gonna thank me later.”
“But you said you would go easy on me!”
He did say that. In fact, he doesn't plan to destroy you on your first proper work out session. And probably the last because who knows? You're unpredictable sometimes.
But instead of calming down your nerves, he lies down but not before shooting you a smirk. “When have I ever?”
He starts lifting the heavy weight, pressing his lips tightly as he occasionally groans, some of them taking you far away from the gym. Still standing there, you dryly gulp and wonder, why the fuck you haven't invited him over instead? Suddenly, it sounds way more safer than this for numerous reasons. 
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Jeon Jungkook is coming for your neck. 
All he does is the same thing he would’ve done if you weren’t here. He’s focused, checking on you to see if you’re really stretching your muscles like he has advised you from time to time. While he’s oblivious to your inner thoughts and how much you’re actually trying to ignore the way his muscles tense and flex during his workout, he makes sure to give you a stern look every time he sees you flaking. 
He would’ve been a stern trainer, that’s for sure. 
One thing about him is that he takes his job and hobbies very seriously. He doesn’t like when people fuck around — maybe that’s why he’s so opposed to take Taehyung to workout with him. You’re clear Taehyung would enjoy being here just as much as some of the female audience clearly enjoy watching Jungkook. Obviously, he would not enjoy them eyeing and salivating over him, but rather appreciate the clear attention because you know they would eye Taehyung just as much. 
But Jungkook stays focused on himself, partly focused on you while you’ve been stretching your legs for the past five minutes until Jungkook reminds you to switch and stretch other parts with breathless voice. 
Once he finishes, he sits up and takes a short break as he watches you with an amused expression, sparkles dancing in his dark brown eyes. 
“What?” you huff out. “Am I doing it wrong?” 
“No,” he laughs. “I just never thought I’d see the day of you working out.” 
Straightening up, you flip him off with a sarcastic smile which allows him to laugh even more. “Don’t sweat it. I’m not working out yet.” 
After a minute, you stop stretching feeling like you’ve done a decent job. Met with Jungkook’s gaze, you purse your lips. 
“You know… we could’ve gone to a cinema or do something instead.” 
“Complaining already?” he asks amusingly, resting his arm over his thigh as he manspreads himself. 
Are you? It definitely sounds like it and to be honest, you're not sure. You thought spending time with him just hanging out would be a great opportunity to get your friendship back to the old ways. Even though there was a thought in the back of your mind of how that was going to go when you simply imagined Jungkook's sweaty body. You've had the opportunity to see him working out at his place and even back then, you had an awful time trying not to gawk at him. 
With the never-ending thoughts, you grow more upset at yourself. Jungkook is one fine piece of man and that's definitely not how you only see him. He's much more than that. When you look at him, you see him . Not just the physically attractive side of him. Not the way those girls are still eyeing him shamelessly. 
Although, you're not complaining for a reason Jungkook might think. You're not the athletic type like him, he knows that – hell, everyone knows it around you. Or perhaps, it's the tiny bit of this reason too. This is what you wanted. 
Perhaps you made things more dramatic and serious than they have to be. Looking at Jungkook, seeing his toothy grin he sends your way while he's completely oblivious to your inner (and annoying) thoughts, some of the weight lifts off your chest. 
“Not at all.” you assure him, ignoring his knowing look but luckily, he doesn't call you out on your bluff. 
“Come on, maybe we should do some cardio now. Get you heated up a little.”
Don't worry, you already took care of it, you think as you nod with a tight smile, following him across the room. 
Jungkook sets up the treadmill for you, setting up a manageable pace for you before he joins you. 
While music hits of this year blasts through the speakers, he advises you to focus on your breathing before he informs you you're going to do a few miles. Jungkook is keeping up with you, not sticking to his usual routine and for that, you're grateful. It feels nice to do the same thing together, just being in each other's presence even though there's not much time to actually have a conversation. 
After a while, you notice the same women who were shamelessly watching Jungkook the entire time since they noticed him, join you on the treadmills. Scoffing a little under your breath, you glance at Jungkook who's too focused to even notice anything. 
As you open your mouth to comment on it in front of him, Jungkook is in his own world as he suddenly tugs his shirt over his head before he tosses it over the handrail. That's when he must sense your prominent eyes on him as he glances your way.
“It's getting hot.” he explains, shrugging as he continues totally unbothered. 
Huffing out, you tuck a strand of hair behind your hair that has managed to get out of your ponytail. “You're aware of your fanclub here, right?”
“What?” Jungkook breathes out, shooting you a confused look. “What are you talking about?”
You snicker, “There are like three women who have been eyeing you since the moment they spotted you. They even followed us here, so they could stare .” you inform him amusingly, shaking your head when you see his frowned expression. “Oh come on. Don't tell me you're not aware. It probably happens every time you come here.”
You're not dumb and neither is Jungkook. He's definitely not clueless how many female gazes he catches (sometimes even male).
“I wasn't aware of them . But yeah, it happens.” he admits almost shyly, clearing his throat.
You trace his tattooed arm with your eyes for a moment, before saying: “Has anyone hit on you while you were working out?”
“Y/N!” he exclaims, sounding almost scandalized by your blunt question. “I said focus on your breathing.”
Is Jeon Jungkook being flustered? It only spurs you on and spreads your cheeky grin even wider. “Oh, so you do get hit on.”
Jungkook huffs, “Yeah, it happens sometimes.”
Hm, sometimes. You're not sure if you believe that. 
“How fast?”
“What is this?” Jungkook laughs, “Are you interrogating me?”
“Just curious.”
You really are. You haven't experienced being at the gym with him before. It's fascinating how he behaves here. Not that he's different or something, but it is quite interesting to witness this part of his life.
He sighs when she spots your curious gaze and the cheeky grin, rolling his eyes at you before he huffs out his response. “It usually happens by now. But you're here with me, so I'm guessing that's what holds them back.”
Why is that not surprising? Instead of feeling anything negative, you find that fact amusing and it makes you chuckle. “Oh, should I leave? Give them a chance to come here?” you joke, laughing even more when you see Jungkook's glare.
“You're annoying.”
In the midst of your laughing, you notice him cracking a grin which he has tried to hide. Your body feels lighter, despite your muscles growing tired already, but the moment between you lingers. This is how it felt before. Just you and him – teasing each other. 
Turning off the treadmill sooner than you should've (after hoping you've clicked the right button), you take the small towel Jungkook has brought you and wipe your forehead. You bite back the laugh that wants to come out when you see Jungkook's suspicious stare.
“Scared I'm gonna leave?” you tease, causing him to huff out as he cuts off his run and turns off the equipment. 
“Don't you dare.” he says, wiping his own sweat as he grabs the bottle of water and takes a few gulps. 
While his head is tilted back, throat bobbing at the way he gulps, you find yourself eyeing his buffed out chest. You don't expect to see Jungkook's eyes on you as soon as you look away from the amount of naked flesh, cheeks heating up immediately as his lips curl into a smirk. 
“Stop teasing me.” he simply says, moving closer as he drapes his towel over his shoulder.
“Are you sure I'm the one that's teasing?” you ask silently, eyes flickering down to his chest again as he chuckles. 
“I always tend to take off my shirt. I promise I'm not teasing.”
You believe that. Jungkook doesn't owe you an explanation and after all, you do know very well he prefers to be as naked as possible. Looking around, you spot a few guys shirtless as well and it's not that unusual to see the extra skin here.
“Perhaps you could control yourself a little, you know, around me.” you say with a cheeky tone, pointing at his body as he plays your game, humming while nodding.
And then he does something unexpected. He brushes his thumb across your bottom lip, feeling the softness of it as it feels like he prints his fingertip to the skin he tasted many times before. “You wanted the break, remember?”
The way he drops his tone but still keeps it light and teasing causes your heartbeat to pick up its pace. Stop, stop, stop . Hearing the warnings and red lights going on in your head, you stay rooted in your spot as Jungkook drops his hand, lips twitching. 
He's not oblivious when it comes to you though. He can tell your single body language or expression from miles away. 
“Perhaps you're the one who needs to control yourself a little.” And then he's patting your shoulder in a comforting manner. 
He walks away, laughing and fully content at your speechless appearance, ushering to continue in your routine as you mindlessly follow him. But not before sending a small glare toward Jungkook's fanclub, seeing them whispering among themselves. 
Surprisingly, things go back to normal and there's no teasing happening after that. While your heart still beats a little faster than it should've – and it's definitely not from working out and following Jungkook's instructions – the lingering tension is almost not there. Jungkook is back to being serious, showing you the right way to do things when needed and you listen obediently, doing an actual good job at it. Even if he's back in your mind during all of that, you find yourself to be distracted enough to enjoy your time here. And just you and him hanging out. 
Hour and a half passes quickly. Quicker than you previously thought it would. You get separated when it's time to take a shower and change clothes. Jungkook is finished soon, waiting for you at the reception (no surprise) as he's chatting with the receptionist again. Once he sees you done, he bids a goodbye and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“So, what are you saying? Are you gonna be my workout partner?” he teases, the two of you walking out of the building as he leads you to his parked car. 
All you can muster to do in response is to let out an awkward chuckle. “I would rather not.”
For obvious reasons. 
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Tossing the packaged food, beef burger and big fries precisely, onto the desk, you watch the bane of your existence slowly turn his chair in your direction as he makes sure you see his well amused and annoying grin. Delivering him a huge sarcastic and tight smile, you hold yourself back from wrapping your hands around his neck and choke him.
Min Yoongi has been nothing but a big menace. The worst thing is that you can't really complain because you agreed to it. 
Today, he requested to get a burger with fries for his lunch. The closest place is around twenty minutes from your workplace by a car, so you spent most of your lunchbreak getting his fucking burger, waiting for them to prepare it and then driving back. Your bank account is slowly starting to cry. Or is that you ? 
“Why thank you.” he beams sarcastically, sniffling the air around him as he leans closer to the packed meal, only spurring your annoyance for sure. 
“It's not like I had a choice.” you remind him sweetly. 
“A deal is a deal.” he sings out, the sound of you taking a deep breath causing his lips to twitch. 
You don't give him the joy of begging him, or even trying to talk him out of this. After all, he's not wrong. You like to think of it as your punishment for making a stupid decision. Overall, it wasn't that bad and for that, you're glad. Yoongi (surprisingly) got along with the guys and for what could be assumed a weak moment, he even told you he was enjoying the time there. It was certainly a weak moment on your part when you allowed yourself to cry in front of Min Yoongi. Somehow, you managed to convince him to hug you. The awkward hug makes you cringe till this day and you're sure Yoongi feels the same. However, he seemed to have his own weak moments for sure. Why else would he ever assure you that he did have a good time? Min Yoongi is not all bad, deep down you know that. 
“So how are things with your boyfriend?” He starts unpacking his meal, the scent filling the room as the office is yet to be filled with your colleagues. Most of them haven't gotten back from their lunch breaks, but that will soon change as it's supposed to end in five minutes. Unless they don't want Junho to come for their asses and spend the rest of the day listening to him complaining. 
“Good?” you ask confusingly. “Since when do you care?”
“I don't, but today has been boring as fuck.” he says simply, taking the first bite of the hamburger you paid for. You ignore the way your mouth salivates. You've managed to eat fries on your way here – something Jungkook would surely scold you for. He wouldn't approve of you eating while driving. Good thing he doesn't know. 
“I told you I'm not here for your amusement, Min.” you remind him.
“Back to last name basis? I thought we're closer than that after our weekend together.” he says loud enough for Benjamin to hear who's passing by, your cheeks flaring hot as he gives you both a weird look, luckily continuing his way toward the breakroom, you assume. 
“Our weekend? First of all, ew,” You cringe, erupting a laugh from him as his cheeks are puffed out with the hamburger. “And seriously? Do you really want rumors to start going around?”
“Nobody would believe I would go for you, relax.” he scoffs while your jaw drops to the floor. Once you collect yourself, you sit yourself on the edge of his desk.
“You did go for me once, as far as I can remember. And if I remember correctly, you did tell me my pu–”
“We don't talk about that.” he cuts you off abruptly, worth enough for you to say the words aloud when seeing his reaction as he looks flustered of you bringing it up. 
It's not like you wanted to, he didn't give you a chance.
“Me and my boyfriend are doing great though. How about you? Have you found yourself a suitable partner that is willing to keep up with your ass?” 
Yoongi chokes on his spit, trying his best for the food to stay in his mouth and that's when you know your job is done. 
“Enjoy your meal, Yoongi.” you tell him sweetly, getting off his desk and walking away with a triumphal grin. 
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The rest of your day goes smoothly, even when you haven't had a proper lunch but your latest interaction with Yoongi just brightens up your whole day. The look on his face and the little frown he made sure you see just made your day. And you made sure to let him know that. Not even Benjamin giving you a weird look very subtly could make you ruin your day.
That's how you've felt until you get inside your apartment building, knowing you have to change your clothes and freshen up before the guys come here. Taehyung is still at work and you're pretty sure so is Jimin, so you have a little bit of time before their arrival. Just as you're putting your phone back inside your purse, you lift your gaze to greet the neighbor just for you to let out an audible gasp. One that gets the attention of the very last person you've expected to see. 
In full glory, your ex-boyfriend stands a few doors away as he looks up, surely hearing you before his own eyes widen and mouth opens in surprise. 
“Y/N,” he breathes out, surprised just as much as you are.
“You've got to be kidding me.” you mutter, not dropping your eyes off Haneul. 
He hasn't changed, yet he seems different than the last time you saw him. He's sober this time for sure but that's not what you meant. At the sight of him, you're reminded of the moments you've spent together. Still shocked to see him, Haneul carefully walks closer.
“I–uh, my friend moved here. I was just visiting him, I didn't know you live here, I swear.”
The little panicked tone and expression on his face makes your features soften. The last encounter you had with him wasn't a pleasant one. You've had enough reasons to stay mad at him. And maybe a tiny part of you still is because of his own mistake. You wouldn't like to go back to it though. You've talked since then and you ended that chapter in your life. But still. Seeing him in front of you, looking panicked and careful like a lost puppy makes you feel bad for some reason. 
He has gained weight. Not lots of it but he looks… bigger and buff, though his cheekbones and jaw are more prominent.  He's wearing jeans, a simple white shirt with a patterned overshirt over it. He looks… good. Even his hair is darker and longer. That's what reminds you of the last time you've seen him. 
“It's okay,” you assure him slowly, not quite sure what to say. “I'm just surprised to see you here.”
“So am I,” he says, his features turning alarmed once again as he quickly jumps to elaborate. “I mean I'm surprised to see you here too. I really didn't know you live here.”
“It's fine.” you chuckle a little. You know how weird it must be for him too. Since the last time he assured you he wasn't stalking you, and based on his body language and expression right now, you're aware that he is actually scared of you to think otherwise. 
He's nervous. You're actually surprised that you can tell even after all these months.
“I never thought I would see you again,” he says softly. “I–do you have a minute?”
Frowning automatically, you look around and shift on your spot. He is not oblivious to your evident uncertainty and perhaps discomfort, his face saddening. 
“It won't be long. I just want to tell you something. It's been haunting me ever since… ever since the last time I saw you. I understand if you don't want to but…” he trails off, scratching his temple.
Looking back and forth between your apartment's door, you hesitate for a moment. For one, you're still shocked to see him here. To see him standing just a few feet away from you, looking at you in a total hope as he pleads with his eyes. 
Do you want him inside your place? It sounds too… intimate. Your place is private. To have him there out of all people… you're not sure how to feel about it. But one thing is sure, you definitely don't want to have this conversation in the hallway where anyone could hear you. 
“Let's take it inside, this is not a proper place to have any conversation.” you decide to say, slow with your movements as you move to tap your code and open the door. 
“Are you sure? I don't wanna overstep.”
Looking across your shoulder, you find him staring into the distance to avoid looking at your code to give you some privacy. That alone makes you feel safer because you know he wouldn't hurt you. Whatever happened back at the club… it was a mess but that shouldn't define all of him.
Still, you create a distance between you and him, still making sure he sees your hardened gaze as you invite him inside. 
“We can just talk here,” he says as soon as he closes the front door. “We don't have to go further.” He proposes.
Taking off your shoes, you cross your arms over your chest before leaning against the wall. “Okay, then talk.”
For a moment, he seems to be lost at words. But once you cock your brow at him, he shakes himself out of it and fumbles over his words. You're patient though, waiting for him to say whatever he needs to.
“I don't remember much from our last… from the last time I saw you. I mean–I do remember bits of it but I was too wasted to remember or even know what I was doing. I never reached out to you, not that I didn't want to, but I thought it's better if I didn't,”
You give him a look, raising your brow again as if to tell him that he's damn right .
“Listen, I don't wanna take any more of your time or bother you. I owe you a big apology, I shouldn't have ever cornered you like that. I was drunk and out of my mind. I still wasn't over our break-up and when I saw you–I lost it, I drank too much and I had no control over myself and for that, I'm ashamed.”
Squeezing your forearms subtly, you just stare at him before you sigh. “I was drunk too. I almost let you kiss me. And I probably would've if…” Jungkook didn't get between you two. 
 Haneul knows that, nodding understandably. 
“I never had a peace of mind after that. I was dumb and irresponsible. I still wasn't over the first love as they say.”
You stand up straight, arms still crossed. “I do hope you find your happiness.”
“Can I ask you something?” He tries, waiting for your nod. Once he gets it, he takes a breath and opens his mouth again. “How did you get over it?”
“Time,” you say as he nods, knowing that must be his answer as well. “And I had my friends too.”
Biting the inside of his cheek, he looks away as he nods. He knows who is included in your friend's circle and his very subtly annoyed reaction proves it. Jealousy is what got you into this mess in the first place. Who knows where you two would be if it weren't for the entire argument that took place during winter. 
“Um, well thank you for giving me a chance to apologize in person. I really needed that and I appreciate it.”
You nod. You could tell him that you hope he truly moved on. That he deserves happiness too and he shouldn't beat himself over his past mistakes too much. Or that you hope he matured into the right person because deep down, you know he's not bad. He had hurt you and you never expected it from him, but looking at you now, you've moved on faster than he has. He is still here, has waited for his moment to apologize again and you appreciate that. But to create more distance and avoid unnecessary affection, you stay quiet. Something tells you it's better this way. 
Perhaps you're being harsh. Or just reasonable and smart. 
Who knows.
He opens his door and you follow him, ready to say the final goodbye which doesn't necessarily mean you won't ever say hi again if you see each other in person. Knowing now that one of his friends lives here, there might be times when you see each other again. But there's no longer any connection there. You won't stay friends like you could've. You think it could only mess with his head.
Once you look up, you wonder why Haneul hasn't stepped out yet only to find Jungkook standing on the opposite side of the door, a prominent frown and glare framing his face.
“What the fuck.”
Getting in between them, you pull Jungkook inside as he spares you a short glance before his eyes don't leave Haneul's figure. You get Jungkook behind you and as Haneul gets the clue, he steps out of your place. 
“Thanks again.” he murmurs, trying not to glare too much at Jungkook who's still standing behind you. 
Giving Haneul one final nod and silent goodbye, you watch his figure retrieve as you let out a big sigh.
“What was he doing here?” Jungkook asks, breathlessly almost getting worked up at seeing Haneul here. 
It's not like you blame him. Haneul wasn't on his best behavior the last time he saw him. And before that too. 
“His friend moved here and we bumped into each other.”
“Great.” he states sarcastically, taking off his sneakers as he gives you a stern look which makes you innocently shrug before closing the door.
“He wanted to apologize.”
“And you let him inside your apartment? Jesus, Y/N.” He rubs his forehead, causing you to shrug.
“He was drunk at that time, Kook. He wouldn't hurt me.”
“You don't know that.”
“I do know that!” you argue, watching his brow raise as you retrieve a little, nibbling on your lip. 
Okay, maybe you don't know that. Haneul has proved himself to be… unexpected. But you don't think he would go far as to hurt you.
Jungkook sighs, closing his eyes as he leans his head back and stares at the ceiling for a second. He walks up to you, expression softening. “Y/N, baby,” He cups your cheek to make you look at him. You dryly gulp, having him this close to you after a long time. “We both know sometimes you can get upset and with a guy like him, you don't know how he's gonna react.” 
You do know what he means. Sometimes you can't control your mouth. But that's the last thing on your mind, not with him so close and calling you– “Baby,” You crack a grin. “We're on a break, remember?”
Jungkook huffs out a laugh, dropping his hands as you try to ignore the mere disappointment by that simple action. “Sorry.”
“I liked it.” you silently confess. 
He lifts up his gaze, mouth opening slightly before hard knocks behind you causes you to flinch. That breaks a moment as you see Taehyung's close up face on the display next to your door right after a ringbell can be heard, the system turning on the camera automatically. Jimin is behind him, nudging his head out of the camera. Snickering, you open the door as the lock unclicks and you're met with your friends face to face.
“What's up fuckers? What's the commotion about?” Taehyung cackles, tossing his sneakers off as Jimin sighs and shakes his head at evidently very active Taehyung. 
“Ignore him. He had a few drinks after work with his co-workers.”
“I was celebrating!”
“You celebrate a lot then.” Jimin mutters, ignoring Taehyung's glare before his sharp eyes stop on you two. 
“Commotion? What were you talking about?”
“We heard your voices when we got out of the elevator.” Taehyung answers you. 
“Were you listening behind the door, Kim Taehyung?” you exclaim, shooting him a disapproving look as he gasps and shakes his head, clearly offended by the suggestion. As if that couldn't happen when it comes to him. 
“We really weren't. We just heard voices because surprisingly, this fucker here was quiet the whole time on the elevator and even after we got out of it. We couldn't hear much. Taehyung is just as dramatic as always.”
“I was just joking, jesus. And who you're calling fucker?” 
You roll your eyes. “You just called us fuckers.” you point out, everyone going further down your apartment as you turn on the lights since you haven't had the chance to go fully inside. 
Taehyung just innocently shrugs. “But what's with the faces?”
“Y/N had her ex-boyfriend over.” Jungkook shrugs, your head snapping toward his direction as everyone in the room gasps. 
Jimin and Taehyung stare at you as if you were caught in a lie, their mouths open as their asses drop down onto your couch at the same time. The scenario is funny and you would surely laugh at them if it weren't for their disapproving and scandalized looks.
“Ex-boyfriend as the slut shaming asshole?” Taehyung asks, narrowing his eyes at you as you sigh.
“It wasn't exactly that, thanks a lot Jungkook,” you point at him, just as he shrugs in return before making himself comfortable in your chair. “His friend lives here, on the same floor I assume. We bumped into each other and he wanted to talk.”
“And you invited him here?” Jimin asks, frowning as you sigh just as Jungkook butts in.
“That's what I said!”
“I–” You stop for a second, rubbing your nose before sitting down on the arm rest, close to Taehyung. “I didn't wanna talk about it in the hallway. You guys didn't see him–” They start rolling their eyes and muttering a bunch of disapprovals before you quickly add. “He seriously just wanted to apologize for the last time. I gave him that choice and I'm unharmed. I'm okay. See?”
“You better be.” Taehyung warns. Jimin nods, agreeing. 
“You guys act like he physically harmed me. He's not that violent.” you inform them. 
As much as you appreciate their protective nature, you know Haneul is not the type to harm you physically. They all make it seem like that and you do think maybe they're a bit overprotective in this manner. 
“And I'm perfectly fine to tell him to fuck off.”
“Sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes that can cause more harm than you think.” Taehyung reminds you.
“Yeah, sorry Y/N but Tae's right.” Jimin agrees.
“You never know how any guy can react when they're mad.”
“You guys are being dramatic now.”
“Maybe, but better be safe than sorry.” Jungkook mutters. His elbow is resting against the armrest, fingers nibbling on his bottom lip as he gives you a stern look. 
“Kook's right,” Taehyung agrees. “Wait–Jungkook, you saw him? Was there a fight I missed?”
You snicker, “There was no fight, Tae because there wasn't a need for one.”
He disappointedly leans back with a pout. 
“He left peacefully. Said what he wanted to say and he's gone.”
“I hope you're not planning to see him again.” Jimin wonders, giving you a suspicious look as you stutter over your words, shocked at his suspicion while Taehyung snaps his head toward you, already ready to react.
“Why would she? God, don't be stupid to get back to him, Y/N.”
“Oh my god!” You shake your head, stopping him right away. “First of all, no one is getting back with anyone. I'm not interested in him like that, not that it's any of your business.” You tell them sternly, looking at every one of them, met with frowning Jungkook and then a second after, with the same looking Jimin and Taehyung. 
“We're just worried about you, that's all. But Jimin-ah, she has Jungkook now, right?” Taehyung teases.
“I appreciate the concern, but I'm not that dumb. And please stop bringing up me and Kook. We're not… doing that anymore.”
“You're not?”
Their reaction comes at the same time, bouncing against the wall of your small living room as the duo glance at Jungkook who nods in confirmation. 
You weren't exactly planning on telling them, in fact you and Jungkook never talked about telling anyone but that's simply because there was no need to. As always, that's between you and Jungkook. But now it seems like a good thing to inform them since Taehyung practically assumes you and Jungkook are hooking up. And despite his obvious shock and almost disappointment, his mouth frowns as Jimin suspiciously eyes you and Jungkook.
You don't tell them that you took a break. It's almost embarrassing to admit that you want to continue hooking up with Jungkook. Firstly, you want to focus on hanging out with him only. It seems fresh and nice, despite all the difficulties you have to go through every day.
“So you're no longer hooking up?”
“Who's dumb idea that was?” Taehyung exclaims as Jimin clicks his tongue at him.
“So you're just… friends? Everything went back to normal?” he asks, staring at you before focusing his eyes on Jungkook this time as he nods. 
“Do we have to talk about this?” Jungkook asks. “It's not like you discuss your sex life with me.”
“Not you, Tae.” Jungkook cuts him off, causing you to snicker. “But yes, she's telling the truth. Can we move on? I seriously don't wanna talk about my sex life.”
“The lack of right now.” Taehyung snickers, causing Jungkook to throw a pillow at him. 
Everyone knows that if Jungkook wanted to get his dick wet, he could do it anytime. The difference is that he's not that type of person and it's something he and Taehyung don't share. Minus Jimin since he's in a relationship now which still blows your mind to be honest. 
“I'm glad you guys got some sense after all.” Jimin says, leaning back as he makes himself more comfortable.
You and Jungkook share a look, your breath close to hitching once you spot those dark brown eyes from the distance, as you give Jimin a smile. One that you hope doesn't look nervous just as much as you seem.
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“What about Greece?” Taehyung asks, filling up the thoughtful silence. 
Luckily, for your and Jungkook's sake, the topic of your sex-life is no longer discussed – even though you know Taehyung is itching to know more details. Each of you has their phone in their hands, searching for the right destination for your first proper friend vacation. 
There have been a few suggestions, though you have to stay realistic. And all of you got bills to pay. 
“Won't that be more expensive?” Jimin questions, not quite sold on the latest suggestion.
“Not necessarily. We can always check.” he responds, shrugging. 
“And what about Hawaii? Many Koreans visit it, it's familiar and kinda verified if that makes sense.” Jimin says.
“Hawaii sounds nice.” Jungkook hums.
“Oh–Hawaii! Let's go to Hawaii!” Taehyung says excitedly, straightening himself off the sofa as you laugh at his sudden excitement. “I saw this TikTok about Hawaii destinations. It was beautiful.”
“Are you sure it's the destination you saw in that video?” Jungkook teases, both of you cackling as Taehyung flips him off.
“Ah, my aunt went there last year. She can't stop talking about it.” Jimin ignores the three of you, sticking up to the topic while Jungkook and Taehyung stick their tongues out at each other. Kids.
“Honestly, I don't care much where we're gonna go. As long as it's a nice place.” you shrug. “Hawaii sounds nice. Let's check it more, so we can finally decide.” 
Everyone agrees with you. When the four of you start searching for more details that entail what island you would pick, accommodation, flight tickets and overall the prices. The tiredness slowly overcomes you, your friends talk too much to the point you zone out. Their voices drift off as your head falls down on Jungkook's shoulder.
You hear them teasing you for falling asleep, but it gets ignored as you simply shrug and continue in your slumber. It's until Jungkook shakes you out of your sleepiness, his soft features are blurry until you blink a few times. In the distance you can see Jimin and Taehyung cleaning after themselves, the two of them in their own conversation. He gives you a gentle smile.
“We're going to Hawaii.”
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Over the course of a couple of days, everything is booked and set up. It feels nearly unreal. You've never experienced a vacation that involved a proper beach and island. It doesn't properly kick in, not even when you inform Junho about the vacation leave you want to take in mid July. Not very pleased by that, he knew you do have a right to take one, so he had to accept it. When everyone got a free pass, the group chat was filled with exciting gifs and memes. 
All that is left is to wait.
Taehyung: I fucking need this vacation y'all
Jimin: work?
He expects his job to be the cause of Taehyung's sudden message to the group chat.
Taehyung: no lol
Taehyung: just thinking about all chicks I'm gonna get 
Jimin: dude…
Taehyung: what? you used to be way more fun -_- 
Taehyung: you act like a priest now
Jimin: I don't think priest has a girlfriend 
Taehyung: doesn't it depend on religion?
Jimin: do you know anything about religion man??? 
Taehyung: than you're just stuck up man then  
Taehyung: fyi I do know a lot 
Taehyung: women love to scream for god when I 🍆🍩
“Ewww wtf” 
Jimin: we didn't need to know that
Taehyung: you guys are no fun -_- 
Kook: Just another day in this gc I see 
Taehyung: so boring  
Taehyung: where are my friends?! >.<
“They're responsible” 
Taehyung: like you're one to talk about responsibility
You gasp, snickering.
“Fuck you” 
Taehyung: come here then bby :P
Jimin sends a laughing gif, probably rolling from Taehyung's ridiculous messages. 
Jimin: we've matured Tae, time to find a girlfriend
Taehyung: I'd rather cut my dick off
“Can I do it? 🥺” 
Jungkook sends laughing emojis. 
Taehyung: I knew you were kinky little shit
“Seems like you're the kinky little shit” 
Taehyung: I never hid it ;)
“again… EW! -_-” 
Jimin: petition to cut tae's dick
“Maybe then he'll finally think with his head rather than his dick” 
Taehyung: you little bitch 
You send an emoji sending a kiss. 
Taehyung: y'all are so mean
Kook: I'm in the middle of photoshoot and I'm reading about Tae's dick
Kook: get a grip
“But I love talking about Tae's dick :(((“ 
Taehyung: YES!
Jimin: lmaooo 
Kook: seriously? -_- 
“Yes 😘” 
Taehyung: she can talk about yours if you want kook
Kook: I'm outta here 
“Taehyung -_-” 
Taehyung: just jk omg  
Jimin: let them live bro 
Taehyung: you're one to talk dude 
Jimin: fuck off
“Are the flight tickets returnable?” 
Taehyung: no you're stuck with us
Jimin: actually they are but you're going with us
Taehyung: you have no choice ;)
“I'm seriously gonna slap the shit out of you Taehyung” 
“But I can't I'm working” 
Taehyung: I can visit you ;) just try me 
Jimin: yeah don't do it girl 
“I'm seriously gonna kick your ass” 
Taehyung: I thought you wanted to slap the shit outta me :( 
“I can do both” 
Taehyung: I'm sure you can
Taehyung: Kook??
Kook: leave me alone
Taehyung: disrespectful brat
“Tell him to leave me alone too :<” 
Kook: yeah leave her alone too 
Taehyung: because what? what you're gonna do? :))
Jimin: you're never gonna let that go will you
Taehyung: nope ;) love to tease them
“Just come here, I'm gonna show you what's teasing” 
Taehyung: cumming!! 
Taehyung: oops I meant *coming :))) 
Kook: 🙄
Jimin: lmaooooo they disgusted
Jimin: me too me too
Taehyung: now that my job's done, enjoy your day you fuckers 😘 
There are no messages for a while. You're guessing all of you are busy. It's the middle of the day after all. 
“Is he drunk?” 
Jimin: no… just taehyung
Somehow, that sums it all up. 
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After work, you're in the middle of sorting out your laundry when you videochat with the guys. Much to your surprise, you ended up clocking off early which doesn't happen very often – if ever. Junho has seemed to be in a good mood today, which resulted in letting some of you leave early. Yoongi included who couldn't seem to be happiest as he rushed out of the door as first. 
“Where's Jimin?” Taehyung asks, holding his phone down as he unlocks the door of his apartment. The angle would not be very flattering for most people, but it's unfair it's not unflattering when it comes to him at all. 
“I think he's on a date.” Jungkook answers, one hand on a wheel as his phone is perfectly angled at him.
You laugh at Taehyung's face. “You know, you could try to go on a date too. I've got a few coworkers who would surely be interested.” you tease him, laughing even more when you see his features scowl in a mere disgust and disinterest. 
Jungkook cackles, eyes focused on the road. 
“If they're interested in having the time of their lives, my phone's on.” Taehyung jokes.
“You're so confident about that.” Jungkook laughs.
“You know Kook, you should've known that–”
“Alright, alright. Spare me the details. I'm driving.” Jungkook cuts him off quickly, making a grimace that makes you giggle. 
“Besides, I'm heading to the club tonight.”
“Alone?” you ask, brows raised in surprise. 
It's not like Taehyung is not the type to go somewhere alone, especially to a club. But it used to be something at least one of you went to do together. 
“No, I'm meeting Mark in an hour.”
“Wait–Mark as in the Mark I worked with?” you ask, closing the washing machine's door with a thud as you stare wide-eyed at the screen.
“How do you know him?” you ask, “I mean—how did this happen?”
You haven't heard of Mark for months. It's true you've seen him a few times after you quit the job there while visiting, but he hasn't been on your mind since then. It's not that weird because Taehyung knows him, you introduced them and Taehyung is very social, but you would've never guessed they actually hung out. 
“You know.. My friends started to focus on monogamy, so–”
“Shut up.” You laugh as Taehyung grins before giving you a proper explanation.
“I don't really know, I was in this other club one night and he was working there. I remember him from the time you worked together. Anyway, got drunk and we talked. We bumped into each other a few times since then and we kinda started hanging out.”
“Well, say hi to him from me.”
“Will do.” 
A message pops on the top of your screen. You read the name, seeing it's Jungkook texting you. Taehyung starts to ramble, while Jungkook waits at the red light that illuminates his face as he cocks his head toward his phone, motioning for you to text him back.
Kook: movie night tonight? have a free evening
A sudden rush of happiness evokes in your chest and you're too quick to type back.
“Yes!! Got a few movies recs we can watch” 
“What are the two of you smiling about?” Taehyung asks, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Nothing, nothing.” you sing out, seeing Jungkook chuckle as he starts driving again. 
“You can join me.” Taehyung suggests.
“I don't feel like clubbing tonight.”
“Yeah, me neither. ” Jungkook hums.
“Boring, I'm telling y'all. You are getting boring as fuck.”
“We're getting older, Tae.” you laugh.
“You? You're the youngest out of all of us! ” he exclaims.
“I'm an old soul, Tae. What can I say?”
“Old soul my ass.” he grumbles.
The three of you laugh and joke around until the call ends shortly after. A few minutes later, there's a knock at your door signalizing you of someone's arrival. Opening the door with a huge grin, your features falter a little when you see him. Jeon Jungkook stands in front of your door, hair wet as he informs you of the short summer rain he caught on his way here and that you've completely missed. Tattooed hand goes into his hair, swiping them off his forehead as a few droplets drop down his thin black leather jacket.
He looks straight out of a movie. A total heartthrob. 
He arches his brow at you, chuckling. “You're gonna let me in or not?”
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wintaerbaer · 10 months
things we don’t say: part 3 (kth)
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banner credit: @itaeewon
summary: Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader (with some VERY brief Seokjin x Reader and Yoongi x Reader)
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genres: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slooooow burn, angst, fluff
word count: 9.0k
chapter warnings: kook has literally zero chill (i’m so sorry about him), jimin channels his inner dominic toretto, taehyung is so sweet he’s giving me cavities, discussions of infidelity, swear words, namjoon still gives the best hugs
a/n: thanks for the patience in waiting for this one! for those who may have missed it, i ultimately opted to split this into two chapters, so now we’re looking at seven parts and an epilogue. :)
Read on ao3
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"I can make you a drink?"
"It's noon."
You sigh, slumping on the couch. "I appreciate it, Kook, but I'm just…" You stretch out, pressing your toes into his thigh. "Tired."
The week has gone by in a blur of tears and sleep. You'd taken the rest of the week off, thankful both that you had been carefully banking your PTO in case of an emergency and also for having a manager that prioritizes empathy and mental health. When you'd practically had a breakdown explaining your situation over the phone, she'd quickly granted you the time off—no questions asked—and told you to take care of yourself.
It's been mostly your friends taking care of you, however. After the night you came back from the beach house, you'd been whisked away to the guys' apartment to stay with them, camping out on their pull-out couch, which they’d insisted you could have for as long as you want (Taehyung had pushed you to take his bed, offering to stay in the living room, but you'd begged him not to make you feel worse by displacing him, and he'd eventually acquiesced). Maya and Taehyung had then gone back late the next day to pack you a bag with no Jace encounters.
He'd only texted you once—to provide a weak apology and to let you know he'd clear out of the apartment.
Still, your plan is to stay with the guys for a while; you don't think you could bear to be in your apartment alone right now, especially knowing that Jace has been with someone else in your bed. It's like the image is seared behind your eyelids, tormenting you every time you blink and pushing your mental fortitude to its absolute limit. You haven’t made it a single day without a breakdown, feeling as though you’re constantly trying to walk an emotional tightrope.
Except the tightrope isn’t pulled taut and is also on fire.
That being said, you welcome the distraction of having your friends around. Between Jimin working days, Jungkook working nights, and Taehyung having a flexible schedule with the museum and his photography gigs, someone is always around to spend time with you. Maya’s also taken it upon herself to pop in almost every night with wine, chocolate, or some other variation of breakup food and hang out for a while. You'd feel bad about their attentiveness (you feel sometimes like they're babysitting you), if not for the fact that it's the only thing keeping you remotely sane as you fluctuate between sobs and an overwhelming numbness.
This Sunday afternoon, it's Jungkook's turn to babysit; Taehyung left to run some errands an hour ago, while Jimin slept in late and is currently taking a shower. Jungkook's reclined on the sofa next to you, longs legs stretched out in front of him with his fingers laced behind his head. You'd thrown on a TV movie—some bullshit about a woman who goes through trials of love, only to realize that her perfect man was hidden in plain sight the entire time.
If only life were that fucking easy.
"Do you want an ice cream sundae?" Jungkook suggests as the credits roll. "I can make you an ice cream sundae."
"Are you just suggesting things that make your twelve-year-old brain happy?"
His lower lip pushes out in thought. "No, if I was going to suggest things that cheer me up when I'm sad, I'd offer to go down on you—"
"What the fuck, Kook."
"Which I'm game if you are, but I didn't think you liked me like that."
"Yeah, I think I'll pass."
"Suit yourself."
"Leave her alone, idiot. She's fragile." Jimin steps into the living room from the hall, fully dressed but still towel drying his hair. He takes in your relaxed forms on the couch—you, halfway burrowed under multiple blankets—and frowns. "You're not dressed yet?"
You blink slowly at him. "Should I be?"
"Yeah, Kook and I are taking you somewhere." He looks over at the man sitting beside you. "You didn't tell her?"
Jungkook's mouth stretches into a wide grin. "Surprise!"
You're still processing what the hell is happening—your plans for today were to park yourself in this spot and not leave—when Jimin strides over and yanks the blankets off of your body.
"C'mon, get dressed. We have an appointment," he says. "And wear something comfortable. You're gonna love it, I promise."
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A half hour later and you’re sitting in the back of Jungkook’s black Mercedes, watching the city pass by outside your window. Now that you’re up, it does feel nice to be out of the apartment instead of wallowing inside on the couch with a tissue box in your lap (which had been the general trend of the past week). Even listening to Jungkook and Jimin bickering about navigation up front helps to distract you from the dread that lingers like a blanket draped over your shoulders. All-in-all, you feel like you’re managing the fallout of your relationship as best as one can—at least when they find their almost-fiancé in bed with another woman. But grieving the loss still means that you’ve barely eaten, barely slept, and it’s not long before you’re dozing off in the backseat, dreaming of college—of sandy brown hair and green eyes.
You wake to Jimin’s hand on your shoulder gently shaking you out of your nap.
“Hey, we’re here.”
You’re on the outskirts of the city, it seems, in front of a squat, gray building that looks almost like a tiny warehouse. Peering up at the neon sign, you read, “Smash City Rage Room?”
“Cool, right?” Jungkook says, leaning against the side of the car.
You can physically feel the lines stretching across your forehead. “I don’t get it. We’re going to…?”
“Break stuff!” He takes your hand to pull you along. “Let’s go!”
You're led into a small, unassuming lobby—flat gray like the outside. Jimin gets you checked in with a burly-looking man behind a desk, who (after you’ve all signed some suspicious-looking release forms) promptly brings the three of you to a back room where you're fitted with protective jumpsuits, helmets, and goggles and instructed to "choose a weapon" from a rack filled with baseball bats and sledgehammers. At this point, Jungkook is practically bouncing out of his skin, the absolute picture of a golden retriever waiting for a ball to be thrown.
"You guys are really trying to distract me by taking me to Kook's version of Disneyland, huh?"
"That depends, is it working?" he says, grasping one of the hammers and weighing it in his hands.
"I'm skeptical but open-minded."
He hands you a bat, and your brawny host leads you to your final room—a wide, concrete space with a sturdy table in the middle and piles and piles of objects. Wine glasses, dinner plates, a computer monitor, and even a flat screen TV sit in heaps along the walls amongst some broken shards from previous visitors.
"You're free to smash anything in the room," the muscle man says in a gruff voice, "just no intentional damage to the building's structure. If you need something, you can flag us down through the camera up there," he points to the device in one of the ceiling's corners, "and someone will come check on you. Otherwise, just be safe and have fun. We'll come get you after an hour." Then he's swinging the door shut behind him.
You look blankly at the two men in front of you. "Now what?"
"We smash!" Jungkook says happily, already dragging the flat-screen onto the table. Then, before you can even respond: "Not like that, Y/N. Get your mind out of the gutter." He swings the sledgehammer down onto the TV screen, and it caves in on itself as Jungkook giggles maniacally.
"We thought this might help to let off steam," Jimin says, cracking a smile as he slams his bat into a propped up picture frame. "Try it!"
The two of them watch with wide, expectant eyes as you gingerly pick up a small drinking glass and place it delicately on the table.
"So now I just…?" You halfway lift the baseball bat, peering down at the poor, unassuming glass in front of you.
Jungkook leans forward, eyes eager, gesturing with the hammer in a light swinging motion he's clearly wanting you to mimic.
So you swing, bringing the bat down onto the lip of the glass with a moderate amount of force. It shatters, pieces flying outwards like little slivers of shrapnel.
It feels good.
The guys cheer, and Jimin reaches down to grab a champagne glass, setting it in front of you.
"Now pretend this one is that asshole's balls."
You hesitate, the mention of Jace causing the fist that's been around your heart to squeeze. You're angry with him, sure, fury simmering in your belly even now. But your biggest struggle and the source of all of your pain this week has been wrangling with your lingering feelings. Four years of loving someone are not so easily erased.
But you wish you could wipe it all from your mind.
You wish you could hate him.
"Let it out," Jimin murmurs, as you continue to stare, your hands gripping the bat. "This is the place."
You visualize Jace's face in your mind. His bright green eyes, his crooked smile, the tiny scar on his forehead from when he fell off his bike when he was nine. You can practically hear his voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
And then you see him in bed a week ago, his lips pressed to another woman's neck.
The champagne glass explodes like a small bomb into a million tiny crystals.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Jungkook yells, and it’s then that you realize that you were the one who swung the bat.
Your body is a live wire, pumping with adrenaline and a newfound rage. Before you know it, you don’t even have the patience to pick up the objects and place them on the table. Instead, you’re spinning around in a whirlwind, destroying plates and glasses and small kitchen appliances indiscriminately.
“This is for all of the lies about late nights!”
“This is for the fact that I’ve barely been able to breathe this past week!”
“This is for that dumb-ass crooked smile like he thinks he’s the star of some shitty movie!”
“And this is for that stupid, fucking green jacket.”
You channel all of your anger through the bat—every tear, every minute of lost sleep turned into shards of glass and debris. The tears come at some point, but you barely feel them as you scream out your frustrations, Jimin and Jungkook cheering you on the whole time.
It’s not a magical cure-all by any means, but you do feel a tiny bit of relief ease itself into your shoulders.
An hour later, you embrace both men in the parking lot. “Thank you,” you say, “for everything you guys have been doing for me. I needed this.”
Jimin shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Hey, I owed you for that time when I got passed over for promotion, and you brought me to Bar 613 and paid for all my drinks.”
“I just wanted to smash stuff,” Jungkook teases with a grin, but he rubs playfully at your upper back to let you know he’s kidding.
Jimin’s phone chirps with a notification, and he pulls it out of his pocket, squinting at the screen before muttering, “Hmm, Tae’s not ready yet.”
“Ready for what?” you ask, a feeling creeping in that your day of surprise distractions isn’t quite over.
“You’ll see soon enough.” Jimin’s knowing smile twinkles with mischief. “In the meantime, what do you say we get some ice cream?”
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“What do you mean you’re not coming?”
You’d returned from your rage room and ice cream outing only for Jungkook to swing his car into the “No Parking” zone outside the apartment and promptly kick you out to the curb, a pair of impish smiles flashing at you from the front seats.
“We have strict instructions to stay clear of the apartment for the next several hours,” Jimin chimes. “So we’re going to entertain ourselves for a while.”
You narrow your eyes at them, knowing they’re not going to spill but making a feeble attempt anyway. “What did he do?”
“Go find out!” Jimin says, just as Jungkook shouts, “Bye!” and rolls up the window right in your face.
You enter the building with a sigh, swinging the plastic bag from your wrist that holds the takeout container of rocky road that you’d gotten for Taehyung. A part of you wants to be whiny about your friends making such a fuss for you, working so hard to cheer you up, but at the end of the day, you just feel loved. Tomorrow, you may wake up with a hollow chest, your heart scraped out in the middle of the night as it has been for every day the past week, but for now, you let a little flame of happiness warm your insides.
You do hope, though, that Taehyung didn’t go through too much trouble for whatever he has planned for tonight. He’s already spent a majority of the past week hovering, holding you when you cry, and otherwise keeping a close watch on your moods. And in spite of him trying to be subtle, you’ve noticed how he doesn’t close his bedroom door all the way at night so he can listen for you.
He’s a great friend, the best, but the fact that you care about him, too, means that you don’t necessarily want to burden him, don’t want to be the source of his worry.
It sucks that you’re doing a shit job of it.
Probably just a movie night, you think during the elevator ride up. Like we’d do in college.
But when you slip the key into the lock and slide the door open, your heart immediately leaps into your throat, the bag of ice cream almost slipping from your fingers.
The apartment has been positively upended, furniture rearranged, flipped, stacked, and draped with blankets to create a massive pillow fort in the middle of the living room. It has to be almost eight feet tall, and you wonder what the rest of the rooms look like as you spy all three of the guys’ desk chairs incorporated into the structure—clearly, the entire apartment was raided to create this behemoth. Around the dining room and kitchen, dozens of candles have been placed and lit to give the open space an ambient glow, accentuated by the lowering sun dipping down outside the massive windows.
When the door swings itself to latch shut with a soft click, there’s a rustling sound before Taehyung’s head pops out of the fort, and he beams as he comes to stand in front of you.
“What do you think?” he hums as you continue to stare incredulously at the scene behind him. You try to say something, you should say something, but tears begin to flow over your cheeks instead, causing the room to blur and Taehyung to pull you into a hug. “Okay, I have to admit this is the opposite of what I was going for.”
You press a watery chuckle into his chest. “This is incredible,” you gasp, shifting back to look at him.
“I’m glad you think so,” he says. “And that’s not even all. Come look.”
He guides you to the kitchen, where you now notice the counters are littered with all of your favorite comfort foods alongside the snacks you used to share growing up: sugar cookies and popcorn, potato chips and pretzels, brownies and bite-sized chocolates.
“Just like old times. And—“ He lifts the lid off a pot on the stove, and you’re quickly enveloped in the soothing scent of tomatoes and basil. “Spaghetti for dinner.”
It was the first meal you ever made together. In retrospect, the lumpy, acidic sauce you concocted in your parents’ kitchen that day was far from perfect. But at the time, you’d called it the best meal you’d ever eaten, and Taehyung has spent the subsequent years perfecting his own recipe. He doesn’t make it often, but when he does, it’s the perfect blend of nostalgia and warmth.
“And to think, all I brought you was this,” you say sadly, dangling the bag limply from your hand. But Taehyung snatches it from you in a flash, digging in like it’s a Christmas present. When he pulls out the papery white container, he grins like it’s much more than just half-melted ice cream.
“Rocky road?” he asks, smiling even more widely when you nod. “This is amazing, Y/N. Thank you.”
You study him quietly as he puts the ice cream away in the freezer—just to soak in this beautiful, home-shaped human being—and he raises his eyebrows at you when he turns back around.
“What?” he asks, the corners of his mouth twitching like he’s trying to hide yet another smile.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you glance away. “Nothing.”
But the truth is, standing here in his kitchen, observing his tender movements as he carefully rearranges the snacks on the counter top—it’s the first time in a week that you’ve been able to breathe. And maybe it’s just because it’s been days of suffocating pressure around your chest, but the air pushing through your lungs now feels sweeter, richer as he looks up to capture your gaze again and gently takes your hand in his.
“Come see the inside.”
He pulls you to the mass of furniture and blankets, sweeping back an opening in the fabric to usher you in, and you gasp as he reveals the pillow fort of your childhood dreams.
It’s massive, tall enough for you to stand comfortably in, with wide walls and a tented ceiling that seems to suggest Taehyung has somehow tethered it to the apartment’s actual ceiling. The floor is absolutely packed with pillows, cushions, and heaps of additional blankets, and if you aren’t mistaken, there’s a literal mattress (maybe two?) buried underneath it all.
But the part that has your throat constricting on a sob, tears streaming once again, is the tiny side table he’s placed to the side, your star lamp glowing on top.
“How did—“ you choke, still taking it all in. The fort, the snacks, the lamp. “How did you—?”
“Found the lamp in your closet when we went to get you that bag of clothes.”
“And,” you wave a weak hand at the scene around you, “all of this?”
“Chugged a couple energy drinks,” he chuckles. “And Maya came by for a bit earlier to lend a hand.”
“Tae,” you say, wiping at your cheeks.
“This is…” Beautiful. Magical. Extraordinary. No single word seems adequate enough to describe what you’re feeling, his recreation of your childhood tradition to the nth degree tipping you into a state of practical euphoria after the hell of a week you’ve just had. You’d swear you feel like you’re about to combust with the amount of relief that’s flooding through your body in this moment, anger and grief giving way to joy and an overwhelming sense of fondness for the man in front of you.
You never complete your sentence, but Taehyung still seems to grasp your meaning, reaching out to squeeze your fingers one last time in a gesture of acknowledgment and understanding before he simply says, “Let’s eat.”
The two of you gather yourselves heaping bowls of pasta before burrowing into your pillow fortress, backs pressed up against the couch, which is being used to support one side of it.
“How was the rage room?” Taehyung asks, tomato sauce staining his lips.
“Surprisingly cathartic. But…”
You rub at your temple before letting your hand fall in a huff. “Temporary. It all is. Every time I think I’m getting a moment to catch my breath, I feel like I’m being punched in the chest a second later.”
“It’s only been a week,” he says. “You’re grieving. It’s going to take time.”
“I don’t want it to though,” you snap, immediately regretting your tone, even though Taehyung looks unfazed. “I just want to turn it off. He did this terrible thing, and I should hate him for it. I want to hate him for it.”
“But you don’t,” Taehyung says, jaw clenching.
Throat swelling, you choke on the words as they find their way out. “I thought I was going to marry him.” The all-too-familiar pressure in your chest rears its head again, suffocating you from the inside. “We had all these plans.” Your breaths turn shallow, coming out in short, rough pants quickly joined by tears that Taehyung rushes to wipe away.
You’ve never known love could hurt like this until now, and for all intents and purposes, Jace was your first real love. You’d had a smattering of boyfriends in high school, but never anything long term until him—nothing that ever made your heart feel like it was going through a shredder, a blender, and a hurricane all at once when it ended. And it’s not just your idea of him or your relationship that you’re mourning, but also the future that you thought you’d have together. The dreams you had dared to dream when you’d traded ideas of rings and children and white picket fences while tangled together in bed.
Sensing an imminent panic attack, Taehyung pulls you into his lap and loops his arms around you, coasting his hands up and down your back in long strokes. He’s done this every time you’ve broken down around him over the past several days, the physical sensation giving you something else to focus on when the thoughts and memories of your now-ex come flooding through the mental barriers you’ve been trying and failing to construct.
You concentrate instead on the ministrations of Taehyung’s hands, the warmth of his large palms resting over your shirt, the glide of his fingers tracing your spine over and over. His fingertips trail up to your neck (inhale) and back down to your sacrum (exhale) on a loop as you clutch the soft fabric of his own shirt. And as the dread looming under your skin begins to ebb away, you notice how your breathing has synced up, pressed chest to chest like you’re two halves of one whole. It’s calming, the light press of his ribcage expanding against yours, and it serves as enough of a distraction to get yourself under control, your feelings stuffed back into their box for the time being.
When you lean back to look at him, his dark brown eyes map your face, steady as ever.
“Better.” You nod weakly. “But life would still be so much easier if love worked like a switch.”
His brow tilts downward a fraction, a touch of melancholy passing over his face. “If only.”
“That makes me an idiot though, right?” you ask. “To still feel for him even after that.”
“No, it makes you human,” Taehyung says, before his expression suddenly turns grave. “Has he contacted you?”
You sniffle, rubbing at your nose. “Nothing besides that one text saying he would clear out of the apartment.”
“Good,” he murmurs. “Listen, I think everything you’re feeling is normal, and you shouldn’t put any pressure on yourself to process it any particular way.” A pink tongue swipes over his bottom lip. “But please, Y/N. Please promise me you’ll never take him back if he asks.”
Truth be told, the thought hadn’t even crossed your mind until now—imagining a teary Jace on your doorstep, begging you to give him just one more chance. In spite of your lingering feelings for him, the image only stirs up a dull rage, disgust burning like acid in your stomach.
“Not a chance,” you say, twining your pinky around his for a brief moment, and he visibly relaxes, leaning back against the couch. “I don’t think I ever want to see him again. But it…it hurts.”
You struggle to pull in a breath that doesn’t want to come, chin dipping down to your chest before Taehyung begins to move. Long fingers reach out to squeeze your hips before nimbly dancing down to your ankles bracketing his legs, where they give you another squeeze. He works his way up your body from there, moving his hands to your knees. Squeeze. Your ribs. Squeeze. Your shoulders. Squeeze. Elbows. Squeeze. Wrists. Squeeze.
He’s pinching each joint of your fingers between the pads of his own when you finally ask, “Tae? What are you doing?”
He doesn’t even look up, zoned in on his task. “Putting you back together.”
“Is that how it works?”
“Yeah, Hobi and Joon have been giving me lessons.”
You snort, and it appears to be the reaction he was hoping for because he beams up at you as you keen forward with laughter until you’re practically sharing breath, faces mere inches apart.
Time freezes; something in the universe shifts.
Your eyes wander over his face, tracing the paths between details that you subconsciously know are there but which you’re not sure you’ve ever truly looked at: the deep brown of his eyes, the mole on the tip of his nose, the plush curve of his lower lip.
He’s beautiful. It’s something you’ve always been aware of—an obvious fact of life in the same way the sky is blue—but you’re also lucky enough to know that his beauty goes beyond a handsome face. It’s also in the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs with his whole body, the way he always carries crackers in his bag for photo shoots at the park so he can toss some to the ducks.
The way he’ll upend his entire apartment to help heal your broken heart.
Artificial stars dance around the fabric walls like fireflies as you become hyperaware of how his hands have drifted back to your hips, barely there but warm. It’s soothing, you think, to be held between the boundaries of his palms, as if nothing and no one can touch you here. But it’s always been that way, hasn’t it? He’s always been your primary source of comfort, your north star at every turn, propping you up within the safety of your own little world like he does now.
His warmth is a siren’s song that has you shifting closer, your hands sliding from his chest to his shoulders, when his grip on your hips suddenly tightens as he breathes out your name.
“We have snacks to get to.”
The bubble pops as Taehyung shifts you off his lap, darting away to the kitchen. You, however, stay firmly rooted to your spot in the blanket fort; your mind whirs, an unfamiliar tingling sensation gently working its way through your nerve endings and making your stomach dip. It’s not at all unpleasant, but you don’t know what to make of it, thoughts turning without reaching any kind of foregone conclusion until Taehyung ducks back under the blanket and into your space, arms overflowing with snack bags.
He smiles at you and your stomach dips again.
But your mind quiets.
He’s your person, you think. Undoubtedly now more than ever as he settles back down next to you like the rock he’s always been.
“Story time?” he murmurs, the light passing across his face as he hands you a bag of your favorite chips. You gently place it in your lap without opening it, still jittery from the way he held you only seconds ago. Watching you with hooded eyes, he frowns at your lack of movement, the way your fingers have stilled on the plastic. “Something wrong?”
“No,” you say, sitting up straighter so he doesn’t feel like you’re ignoring him. “Wouldn’t be a blanket fort without a story, right?”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the light on the walls is now radiating from Taehyung himself as he launches into a clearly premeditated narrative about a princess and her devoted, best friend of a knight. After being betrayed by a prince from a neighboring realm, the two embark on an epic journey to restore their own kingdom, traversing mountains and crossing oceans together to retrieve the enchanted crown jewel that the thieving prince had stolen away. Another handsome and charming prince captures the princess’s heart during their adventure, and, once her power is restored, the two marry in the most beautiful and romantic ceremony the kingdom has ever seen.
“And they live happily ever after,” Taehyung says with a flourish. He reaches over to steal a handful of potato chips before slipping a hand behind his head and settling deeper into the mattress. You frown down at him.
“But what about the knight?”
He slides a potato chip between his lips, lifting a dark eyebrow in confusion. “What about him?”
“Where’s his happily ever after?” you ask, almost annoyed on the fictional character’s behalf. “He climbed a mountain and fought a dragon for her. What did the prince do? Just stand there and look hot?”
His expression changes, eyes widening in subtle surprise. “It’s not his story.”
“It’s not his story, Y/N.”
He says it with finality, so you drop it, left to grumble internally about what you feel was an unjust ending for the caring and loyal knight.
It was a sweet tale, but you can’t help but think that you would’ve written it differently.
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The return to work isn't as bad as you anticipated. Your boss, Jia, noticing your frayed nerves, has been easing you back in slowly with a handful of softball projects just to get you going again. As much as you think you needed that week to cry and wallow, it feels good to get back to some form of normalcy and have work to focus on and keep your mind off of things as much as you can.
The shadows linger though, anxiety grabbing hold of your chest every time you remember you'll be going home to a different apartment that night instead of the one you shared with Jace.
Jimin's been joining you for lunch every day, hanging around outside the office cafeteria before you get there like he's staking you out. You call him out for it on Thursday, and he looks sheepishly down at the table with a nervous chuckle.
"I kinda promised Tae I'd make sure you eat."
"Of course," you sigh. Taehyung's been getting up early every morning to cook both of you breakfast, insisting that it's part of his normal routine.
He forgets that you used to live together, and you know he's more of a granola bar guy in the morning, eager to get himself out the door and moving as soon as possible.
"You're all doing too much for me," you murmur. "You shouldn't have to babysit me like—"
"We don't have to do anything," Jimin says forcefully. "We want to be there for you. We do these things because we care about you."
"I know, but I just…" You swallow hard. "I don't want you all to see me as this broken thing that you need to protect."
Jimin's whole demeanor softens, and he reaches across the table to take your hand. You'd be worried about how this looks—two coworkers holding hands at lunch—if you didn't feel the tears welling up again, the urge to cry sticking itself in your throat like molasses as you try to choke it down.
"Y/N, that's not what we think," he says softly. "You're our friend. And you're hurting. And after the trauma you went through, it's perfectly understandable for you to need a little more attention and care than usual. Honestly, if anything, I'm worried that you seem to be taking things better than expected, and I think that's because you're trying to put a brave face on for us sometimes."
He’s not off-base. Especially after your Distraction Day, you've been doing your best these past few days to bottle everything down so your friends don't worry as much, taking your time to cry in the shower or quietly at night when everyone else is asleep.
"All I'm saying is that you can lean on us. That's what we're here for. And if your tough face can't fool me, you're definitely not fooling Tae. Let him help before he goes crazy with worry.”
Honestly, relying on Tae has been the least of your problems, even though you’re a little concerned about how he’s been waking up earlier than usual for you. That man has been your rock for years, and receiving comfort from him is almost second-nature at this point. It’s how the two of you operate. Everyone else, however…
“I’m fine with Tae,” you tell him. “But I’ve never felt this…vulnerable around the rest of you. It used to just be Tae and I, hiding away from our problems in my room, and now—“
“You have us!” He beams. “That’s a beautiful thing, Y/N, can’t you see? You’re not alone anymore. Not you, not Tae. You have us. All of us. We’re going to get you through this. And if you need a silver lining, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Jungkook and Maya this united against a common enemy before. I could’ve sworn I heard them the other night trying to figure out the best way to slash Jace’s tires without getting caught.”
“Don’t make me cry at work,” you say, blinking furiously to try and clear the sudden moisture from your eyes. “I think Jia is already prepared to send me home if I don’t stop sounding like I’m learning how to breathe for the first time.”
He laughs gently, giving your hand a squeeze before relinquishing it. “It’s going to get better, Y/N. I know I just called you our friend, but really, we’re family.”
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The summer presses on in a haze as you focus on just getting through one day, one step at a time: get out of bed, go to work, come home, shower, try to get a few hours of fitful sleep, eat somewhere in between all of that. And before you know it, an entire month has passed.
Taehyung continues to make you breakfast every morning and insists on taking you to your favorite ramen place at least twice a week for dinner, watching you with concerned eyes from across the table. You’d give him shit for it if his worry didn’t feel so justified. If he wasn’t so persistent in making sure your base needs were being met, you’re not entirely sure you can say you wouldn’t be starving yourself in grief. And you know it makes him feel better to see you eating—how happy it makes him to care for others—so you don’t resist when he pushes an extra pancake onto your plate or orders you a second helping of noodles to go.
It’s one of your scheduled ramen nights when you get back from work a little later, a particularly emotional day preventing you from getting your tasks done on time. You drop your bag in the living room with a sigh, thankful that no one is around to ask you how your day was—you’re really not in the mood. Taehyung had sent you a text letting you know that he wanted to take a shower before you head out, needing one after a long day of photographing clients in the baking July heat. You can hear water running in the bathroom, so you assume he must still be in there.
The living room makes you feel vulnerable with its vaulted ceiling and tall windows, like you’re laid bare for the whole world to see. Because of this, you decide to wait for Taehyung in his bedroom, hopeful that you might be able to find some reprieve in his tucked-away space.
You’ve been in Taehyung’s room before, of course, but you’re not sure that you’ve ever taken the time to really peruse. Unlike Jace, Taehyung’s space is neatly organized, and you’re first drawn to the large bookcase that dominates the wall adjacent to the door. He’s stuffed it full of art anthologies: Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, and Pollock giving way to old photography textbooks on the bottom shelves. About halfway down, you spot the bound collection of his own work that you’d had made for him as a college graduation gift (you got one for yourself too, and he’d blushed beautifully when you asked him to sign it).
Across the room, his bed is carefully made, dark bedding tucked cleanly under the mattress. In place of a nightstand and opposite the dresser, he’s set up a series of box shelves for his photography equipment—you spot lenses and tripods placed alongside gadgets you would have no idea how to use. His desk sits to the left, an impressive PC setup backed by a large cork-board brimming with post-it notes, business cards, and a photograph that has you stopping in your tracks.
The first photograph Taehyung ever took.
It’d been the spring right after you both turned sixteen, and Taehyung had finally saved up enough money from his newspaper job to buy his first camera at the secondhand shop. You’d gone along, bouncing up and down with excitement for him so vigorously that the shopkeeper kept giving you strange looks over the counter.
New toy in hand, Taehyung pulled you to the park, where the cherry blossoms were in full bloom—clusters of pastel pink contrasting wonderfully against the bright blue sky. You bought yourselves some kkwabaegi at a nearby food stall as Taehyung sat on a bench figuring out how to operate the camera. Distracted by the numerous dials and buttons, he didn’t even realize you had returned until you dusted his cheek with a bit of cinnamon sugar, teasing that his cheeks were just as fluffy as the donut you subsequently handed him with a smile.
Snacks finished, you strolled along the petal covered path, chatting about everything and nothing as Taehyung continued to fiddle with the controls.
“Are you going to be able to figure it out?” you asked, skipping ahead to pluck a wildflower out of the grass after several minutes had passed without him taking a single photo.
“Actually, I think I’ve just got it.”
“Really?” you said, turning around to face him and freezing at the sound of a click and the sight of the camera held at the ready in front of his face. His grin was full of mischief as he dropped his arms at your stunned look, and you rushed back to his side to give him a joking shove. “I wasn’t ready, you jerk. I’m going to look like an idiot.”
But Taehyung was still smiling widely, already striding down the path to line up his next shot. “Don’t worry. You looked perfect.”
You’d forgotten about the photograph after that day, as Taehyung never actually showed it to you. You figured that it probably didn’t turn out right, a blurry candid, and was scrapped. Now, looking at it, it’s not his best work, but it’s not nearly as bad as you’d pictured in the moment.
It’s you, backdropped by the pink of the blossoms, with delicate petals dancing around your form. Your eyes are bright and eager as you turn to face him, the corners of your lips upturned in the beginnings of a smile and the small purple flower raised halfway to your chest.
In spite of the struggles you know you were dealing with at home, you look content. Happy.
“Oh, you’re home.”
You jump, spinning around to face where Taehyung suddenly stands just inside the doorway, and you feel something flip low in your belly.
It’s not that you’ve never seen him shirtless—years of going to the beach house together have taken care of that—but here, in the low, intimate light of his bedroom, the sight of his mostly naked body strikes you in a way that it never has before. The veins in his arms and hands pop from the heat of the shower, skin tanned by his time spent outdoors. His dark hair is still wet and, as if on cue, a drop of water falls off the end of a ringlet, your eyes following as it rolls over sharp collarbones, down a toned chest and smooth stomach, and into the towel sitting low on his hips.
Taehyung clears his throat, and one look at his flushed face tells you that your perusal of his torso hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Why are you even looking?
“I—uh—sorry,” you mumble, snapping out of your trance also flustered, words spilling out in a jumble of unexpected nerves. “I had a rough day and just felt so exposed in the living room, and if Jimin or Kook showed up and asked me how I was, I was going to lose it so I came in here as a distraction, and I promise I wasn’t trying to snoop or anything—“
“Y/N, hey.” He crosses the room to where you stand, smiling gently down at you. “I don’t mind.”
You swallow, still looking for something to distract from the fact that you were very obviously just checking him out. “You still have this?” You point at the photo of yourself, and he looks at it, expression overcome with sentimentality.
“A reminder of how far you’ve come with your work?”
He turns his eyes back to yours, slow and warm as they settle on you. “A reminder of a perfect day,” he says, voice low, before creases form at his brow. “But your day wasn’t so good?”
Your gaze drops to the floor, and you suck your lips between your teeth in a gesture that is answer enough for him.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He doesn’t push; never pushes. If you told him no, you know that’d be the end of it, and he’d spend the rest of your night together coming up with different threads of conversation to divert your attention. And perhaps it’s this awareness—his consistent and mindful respect of your boundaries—that makes you so willing to open up.
“I just can’t stop asking myself if I missed signs. If I could’ve done something different. Something better.”
“We were together four years, Tae. Four fucking years.” You pull in a breath, fighting off the stinging of tears in your eyes. “And in the end, I meant next to nothing to him.”
It’s the part you’ve been struggling with the most, how you gave him years of your life—nearly half of your twenties—and let him dig his fingers into your heart only to pull it apart like clay.
Revealed bits of yourself to him that you’ve only ever showed one other person.
That man stands in front of you now, gently scrutinizing your face as he considers your words. His hands drift your way as if of their own accord, hovering into your space without ever truly touching.
“Would you want to though?” he finally asks.
“If you could’ve done something differently. Knowing what you know now.” A pink tongue darts out to lick his lips. “Would you?”
It’s a fair question, and you know what the right answer is supposed to be. You’re supposed to say that no, that son of a bitch can burn in hell for what he did. He’s trash, you can do better—all of the empty platitudes that are supposed to be expressed when a betrayal like this takes place.
But his actions don’t erase the years you spent together. Don’t mean that what you yourself felt wasn’t real.
And you loved him. You really did.
“I don’t know.”
Taehyung doesn’t exactly seem thrilled by that but nods nonetheless, his fingers wandering back to his sides to fidget with the edges of his towel. “You must know that none of it was your fault, though.”
“But if it was?” you question. “If I could’ve been a better girlfriend, a better partner—“
“It still wouldn’t have justified what he did.” There’s an edge to his voice now, a hint of anger. “Don’t you dare let that asshole make you feel like you deserved it.”
“No. No buts,” he says roughly, hands shooting up to grip you around the elbows. “What he did is inexcusable. There’s no making sense of it, and there’s no one to blame but him.”
You know in your heart that what he says is true, but your newfound insecurities have had you questioning your sense of self—that maybe you had a part to play in what happened. A relationship is two people after all, maybe he wouldn’t have cheated if you had—
“You did nothing wrong,” Taehyung continues, reading your mind. “He made an active choice to sleep with someone else. If he had an issue with your relationship, he had a hundred other ways to approach it. He chose to do what he did.” His hands slide up to your shoulders, appraising. “You are kind and thoughtful. Fiercely loyal. Always want what’s best for those around you. You still get breathless for the first snowfall each winter and make the most delicious triple chocolate cake.” Fingers give you a gentle squeeze. “And you never take shit from anyone. Especially people who don’t give you the respect you deserve.”
His words are a balm sinking deep into your skin, but his voice sets something alight in your core, your veins thrumming at the spots where he holds you.
What in the world is this?
“Don’t let him convince you you’re anything less than the incredible person you are,” Taehyung continues, oblivious to your perplexed state. “And if he couldn’t value that, someone else will. Lots of other fish in the sea.”
He holds your stare, gaze boring into you like he can telepathically eliminate every doubt and insecurity rattling around your skull, and a stray voice at the back of your mind thinks that whichever woman eventually gets to wake up to those eyes every morning is going to be so damn lucky.
He frowns, licking his lips again as he finally notices that you’re not altogether with him. “Are you okay?”
Y/N, what the hell?
You give yourself a little shake, playing back what he just said. “I don’t know about that.”
“You’re not okay?”
“No,” you say, taking a step back so you can loosen his grip and clear your head. “About the whole fish thing. I kind of get it now.”
He’s clearly not following. “Get what?”
“Your break from dating,” you say. “Why you wanted to stop for a while.”
He raises a long finger to rub at his bottom lip. “That’s…not quite the same.”
“Why not?”
“There were…” He tilts his head as he considers his word choice, and another drop of water slides down his chest. “Underlying circumstances.”
Now it’s your turn to be confused. “What the hell does that mean?”
“It means it’s a story for another time when you’re not trying to deflect by turning this around on me.”
“I’m not deflecting,” you argue. “I’m just saying I understand where you’re coming from now. Dating sucks. People suck.”
He chews at the inside of his lip, studying you. “That wasn’t my intention when I told you that.”
“Yeah, well when you told me that, we didn’t know that my boyfriend was fucking another woman,” you scoff.
He sighs at your crude reminder. “There is a third option, you know.”
“What’s that?”
“Just let yourself be,” he says. “You don’t need to rush into anything either way. If something happens, it happens. If not, then no pressure to look for it. But maybe don’t close yourself off from opportunities entirely just because one bastard made a terrible decision.”
“Tae,” you begin with an exhausted, rattling breath. But he cuts you off, already anticipating your protest.
“I just know you, and I know you’ve always believed in love. Dreamed of finding ‘the one’ and settling down.” He wrinkles his nose. “Made that whole wedding mood board after Haneul kissed you for the first time when we were fifteen.”
That makes you laugh. “Hey, you helped me cut out the pictures.”
“I did.”
You look at each other for an instant, twin smiles reflected on your faces before yours falls. “I just don’t know.”
“And that’s fine,” he says kindly, gently. “It’s okay to need time, and it’s okay to want to step away from dating for a while. It would just be awful if he ruined that part of you, you know?” His voice lowers even further. “It’s a wonderful part of you.”
You feel warm all over, like the comfiest, fluffiest blanket has been draped around your shoulders.
Honestly, what would you even do without this man?
“You’re a great guy, Tae. Do you know that?”
He blushes, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows, and a tingle runs down your spine before he finally looks away.
“We should get going,” he tells you. “Namjoon and Hobi said they’d meet us.”
You dip your head, the moment gone. “Okay, but I’d recommend putting on some pants first.”
His face turns a deeper shade of red.
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“Over here!”
Hoseok waves you down from a table at the back of the restaurant, pulling you in for a hug once you get there, just as he has every time he’s seen you since the incident with Jace. You’re then passed along to Namjoon, who embraces you with almost bone-crushing pressure.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmurs, swaying you side-to-side. You just nod into his chest, giving him a tight squeeze before he releases you so you can slide into the seat next to Taehyung.
Aside from the hugs and the fact that the entire dinner is a ploy by Taehyung to get you to eat, the night feels relatively normal, and you’re grateful for it. Hoseok and Namjoon dramatically complain about the perils of medical school, regaling the two of you with stories about catastrophic anatomy labs and exam mishaps to your and Taehyung’s delight. The first blip comes when Hoseok absent-mindedly mentions an all-nighter of studying for boards while simultaneously working on seating arrangements before he immediately cuts himself off, throwing you a remorseful look.
“It’s fine, Hobi,” you say. “The world doesn’t just stop because my relationship did. And I’m still excited for you and Sunny.”
He nods but still looks apologetic, causing Namjoon to hop in with a change of subject. “Oh, by the way, I have my roommate situation settled.”
“Uh-huh, I’m moving in with my friend Yoongi at the end of the summer.”
“Your childhood friend?” Taehyung asks.
“That’s the one,” Namjoon confirms with a nod. “We’re planning on having a little housewarming party once we’re settled if you’ll be up for it.”
“Sounds fun,” you say. “And I’d like to meet him.”
“He’s a great guy. Musician. He’s moving into the city for work.”
“Well if you vouch for him, I’m sure he’s wonderful.”
You don’t notice it, but Namjoon gets a glint in his eye. Sipping on his water, he glances between you and Taehyung before saying, “Speaking of great guys, I’d also like to introduce you to someone.”
Taehyung stills beside you; you freeze in equally stunned silence.
Hoseok’s eyes nervously dart to Taehyung then you as he says, “Ah, Namjoon, I don’t think—“
“If you’re up for it, of course.” Namjoon looks only at you, his tone casual as if he doesn’t notice the sudden tension. “He also just got out of a long-term relationship and is kind of a mess about it. I’m thinking it might do both of you good to get back out there in a low pressure situation, especially with someone who understands.”
“I…” You don’t know what to say. You’d meant what you said to Taehyung about taking a break from dating, but you also trust Namjoon. He wouldn’t set you up with a creep, and maybe he does have a point about a low pressure date to at least take that first step.
But isn’t it too soon? You and Jace were together for years, and it’s only been a little over a month. Are you supposed to take more time? Or should you just get that first date over with? It hits you suddenly that you don’t even know how to meet people now that you’re out of school. How do capital-A Adults even find dates? Maybe it would be better to meet up with someone that’s already been vetted by one of your friends instead of some random on a dating app.
Namjoon speaks up again as your mind spins. “It’s entirely up to you. I can give you his number, and if you decide to reach out, great. If not, no harm, no foul.”
Still undecided, you turn for a second opinion. “Tae, what do you think?”
But he’s staring intently at Namjoon, expression indecipherable. Namjoon finally shifts his attention from you to engage in an intense staring contest with Taehyung across the table, the two of them clearly having some kind of silent conversation while Hoseok looks on in obvious discomfort.
You’re sitting there—just trying to figure out what the hell is going on—when Taehyung abruptly faces you, slipping a hand over your knee.
“I think you should go for it.”
His eyes are sincere, his hand hot where it rests on your skin.
“Other fish in the sea, right?”
You blink at him. Well, that’s that then. If there’s anything in the world you have complete faith in, it’s that Taehyung would never lead you astray.
Turning back to Namjoon, you shift so Taehyung’s fingers fall away. “What’s his name?”
Namjoon smiles.
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a/n: the next two parts are my favorite, and part 4 is already around 85% written so i'll be looking to get that out asap! in the meantime, please consider leaving a like, reblog, or feedback!
taglist is open!
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299 notes · View notes
finallydelight · 1 year
author's note: this piece is a bit angsty, just how I love it :)) also mingyoung is a completely made up person. enjoy the chapter and feedback or thoughts are always appreciated! x
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July 14, 2022
''I don't know how they do it.''
Hobi's listening party was absolutely stacked with people, a lot of people Maya knew, but also a lot of people that she didn't knew. She had her doubts about going to the event, since she and Jungkook weren't publicly dating, but they agreed to just stay out of each other's way and meet up after the party was done.
She was having a great time. She reunited with some people she hadn't seen in a long time, like Sunmi and Dongmin. Yes, she was sad that she couldn't go up to her boyfriend, but she was there to support Hobi and she wasn't looking forward to having a dating scandal just yet.
Maya had interrupted her conversation with Lee Hi as she finished her drink and wanted a new one. She excused herself and walked up to the bar. She was handed a new glass of champagne and was about to walk back to her previous conversation partner when she stopped herself. Two people on the dance floor caught her attention.
Hyuna and Dawn.
The idol couple seemed to be in their own world, looking into each other's eyes as if one would disappear if the other one looked away. They danced, not caring one bit about what any bystander would think of them.
The Twice member must not have been subtle with her staring as someone took the place beside her and talked to her.
''Excuse me?''
The unknown woman pointed at the dancing couple. ''I don't know how they keep going after all that scrutiny just because they're dating.'' The confusion on Maya's face was evident, since the woman immediately followed her words up with an introduction. ''I'm sorry, I'm Minyoung.''
''I'm Jieun, nice to meet you.'' She introduced herself with a small bow of the head. Minyoung chuckled. ''Yeah, I know, I think the entire country knows.'' She joked, making the female idol even more uncomfortable.
''It's weird that after all these years, people are still so sensitive about idols dating. It's crazy.'' Minyoung continued, but Maya had no idea what to say to the woman. Why would she discuss such matters with a person she's never met before.
''You're an idol, what do you think about it?'' She directed the question at Maya, who wasn't very impressed by the conversation and just wanted to go back to people she did know.
She shrugged her shoulders. ''I don't really care about the personal lives of other idols, to be honest.'' Maya kept it polite, not wanting to come off as rude.
''Fair point,'' Minyoung said, ''but still it must not be easy.''
''I think, especially for the BTS members. I mean, they go further than just Korea, they're worldwide, the impact would be huge and not just on them, on their partner as well.''
Minyoung continued. ''How could you be in a relationship knowing the people that support you are completely against it and throw mean words and threats towards the person you love. A relationship like that just wouldn't work and especially if it's with another idol. Just imagine, it's either breaking up or giving up your career. Who would risk that for another person?''
It made her sad for some reason, listening to Minyoung's mini rant about idol dating. Her and Jungkook had been dating for more than a year and everything was going pretty well. Conflicting schedules were annoying, yes, but they knew that beforehand. So, why did she feel so discouraged all of a sudden? Maybe somewhere deep inside she knew that what Minyoung was saying wasn't entirely false.
Maya looked over at Jungkook who was sitting next to Taehyung and Namjoon as they were being filmed by their staff for some behind the scenes content. He was smiling around them, looking genuinely content about being with his members. As she looked at him, she thought about Minyoung's question. Who would risk their entire career, that they've worked on since they were a kid, for another person? Would she risk the career that she has been building since she was 11 years-old for someone?
''It was nice to talk to you, Minyoung,'' Maya held out her hand for the woman which she took and shook, ''I have to excuse myself, I have early schedules tomorrow.'' She did have schedules the next day, but thet weren't early at all. ''Likewise, Jieun. Have a good night.''
''You too.''
Maya put her glass of champagne down on a random table and made her way towards the exit, not even caring about saying goodbye to anyone, she just wanted to go home and lay in her bed. ''Unnie, can you pick me up?... Yes, from the party… it's not done yet, I'm just very tired… yeah, but he's with his members, I didn't wanna interrupt that… yes, I'll wait there… thanks… see you soon… bye.'' Jeongyeon had always been one of the members she confided in the most, she had this motherly nature about her that made Maya trust her so much.
Maya waited outside in the parking lot for her member and immediately got in once Jeongyeon had arrived, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
''Are you okay, Ji?'' The older one had sensed straight away that something was off with her fellow member, she could read them all like a book.
She was about to nod and lie about her true state, but realised that she didn't have to fake anything with her members. ''Can you answer something for me and I need you to be as honest as possible.''
Upon seeing her unnie nod, she proceeded. ''If my relationship were to be leaked to the public, do you think it will last?''
The question visibly took Jeongyeon by surprise, a frown forming on her face. ''Where is this coming from? Did something happen?''
''Can you answer first, please?''
Jeongyeon sighed, a deep breath leaving her mouth. ''Jesus, Ji, I mean, there will obviously be a lot of talk about it. People will have their opinions, but I think if you guys really want to make it work, I think it will last, yes.''
Maya simply nodded, taking her words in. ''Okay, thanks.''
''Can I get an explanation, please?'' Jeongyeon asked, still confused as to where her sudden question came from.
''It's nothing, I just had a conversation with someone and I wondered what your opinion was.'' The vague clarification didn't ease Jeongyeon's worries any less, but it was late and she was too tired to ask further about it. ''Alright, let's go home now~''
''Hey, hyung,'' Jungkook tapped Jun on the shoulder, ''have you seen Jieun? Can't find her and she isn't texting me back.'' He whispered, not wanting anyone to eavesdrop.
The eldest shook his head, not having seen her for almost the entire evening. ''No, sorry.''
Jungkook desperately looked around once more, despite having searched the entire place for his girlfriend, but no result whatsoever. ''Shit.''
''Maybe something came up, I wouldn't worry about it.'' Jin tried comforting the maknae, not thinking much of Maya's absence.
''What's up Jungkookie?'' Jimin had walked over to his members upon seeing Jungkook's distraught face. ''I don't know where Jieun is.''
''I saw her leave about 20 minutes ago, I think.'' Jimin calmly said, remembering seeing her leave the room. ''Wait, you didn't know?''
''No! She's not answering her phone, why would she suddenly leave?'' It wasn't that out of the ordinary for Maya not to answer calls or texts, but it felt a bit different to him this time.
Jimin and Jin didn't really know what to say to him, they also felt a bit confused by her lack of response. ''She probably has a good reason, you know her, she wouldn't just leave without a reason.'' Jimin squeezed Jungkook's shoulder, an attempt at calming him down a bit.
The youngest one simply nodded, too caught up in his own mind. ''Yeah, you're right.''
Guk: please call me, darling
Guk: did something happen?
Guk: do i need to beat someone up? You know I'll do it for you
Guk: please
Guk: please 🙏
Ji Ji Jieun: I'm fine, honey! I had a headache and the music was a bit too loud for me. Jeongyeon-unnie picked me up, no worries x
Guk: Okay, I hope it's nothing too bad!
Guk: Rest well, yeobo x
Guk: I love u ❤️
Ji Ji Jieun: me too ❤️
While Jungkook danced the night away with his friends and members, Maya laid in her bed wondering how kind the future will be for her and her loved one.
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Taglist: @stopeatread @sakuurra @seongwhaffels @cosmicwintr
106 notes · View notes
saturnzskyzz · 8 months
: 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :
Updated: June 6th 2024
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Hello hello!! I'm happy to be on here, for I always delete this app after a long while for regretting my decision's in fanfic writing, but say no more!! I'm back and I'm happy to announce that I will be officially writing for the interests I say during this introduction!
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: 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 :
◡̈ Call me Saturn
◡̈ I am 18 yrs old
◡̈ my bday is Feb. 8
◡̈ I am transmasc, Asexual, and pansexual
◡̈ i have a loving bf
◡̈ I have a torteshell
◡̈ my favorite color is green
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Ult bg: BTS
Ult gg: Aespa
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:About my blog:
I will write any genre going from romantic, to complete horror!
But, I will most likely write tkl fanfics and angst fanfics.
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This is a safe space for all! ◡̈ I am lgbtq+ friendly!
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I usually shorten my posts right after the cut off images. With that being said, !! I DO NOT OWN, NOR DO I TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY OF THE CUT OFF IMAGES I USE FOR MY POSTS !!
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:My personal tags:
#planeturns (you guys!)
#saturn asks and submissions
#saturn announcements
#saturn concepts
#saturn drabbles
#saturn fanfics
#saturn speaks
#Saturn thoughts
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:Who I will write for:
The fun part!!
my masterlist will be at the bottom of this post!!
Green: will write for
Orange: might write for (most likely the ones in orange will change)
Yellow: will only write for if you ask me it.
Red: will not write for
: Kpop groups :
Ateez (Bias; Jongho)
BTS (bias; Namjoon and Yoongi)
Stray kids (bias; Bangchan)
TxT (Bias; Soobin)
Enhyphen (Bias: Jake)
Monsta X
Aespa (bias; winter)
Enhypen (Bias; Jake)
All units of NCT (this might change)
Itzy (this might change)
NewJeans (this might change)
Xikers (Bias: Yechan)
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Ace Attorney (will strictly only write for Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Maya and Mia)
Attack on Titan (only a few I will write for)
Demon slayer (All characters)
Free! (Only a few I will write for)
Saiki k (will write for any character)
Haikyuu (All of Karasuno, Kenya, Bout, Oikawa, Ushijima, and Tensou)
Howl's moving castle
Attack on Titan (only a few I will write for though)
Assassination classroom
Angels of Death
:Video games:
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Sally Face (Sal, Larry, Ashley, Todd, Travis)
Stardew Valley (strictly just the bachelor's and bachelorettes)
Slime rancher (I have a cute idea for this one)
Mario Bros
:Animated Shows:
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Chaos Theory
Murder Drones
Rise of the tmnt
Spiderman: into the spider-verse
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
The Amazing Digital Circus
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Although I am a tkl blog acc, these are the things that I will NOT be writing for:
xReader fics (this might change 🫢)
Forceful tickling (strictly the ones that has the lee crying from being tickled because they don't like it- I don't mess with that shii)
Bondages (the farthest I will go is if I write a concept of someone being stuck, or they are just being held down by someone else.)
Ship content ( I don't mind if you precieve my fanfics as "ship" content, but don't reblog and tag it as such)
sensitive topics (to an extent)
Nsfw writing
If you guys have any suggestions for who I should write for, whether it be a game, show, band group, then please let me know!
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!!My Masterlist!!
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!
Take care of yourselves 🫵 and always wish for a good day for tomorrow!
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ofalqamar · 1 year
introductory post!
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welcome to ofalqamar!
my name is maya, and i am a mexican-american student with a love for the arts and humanities! this blog, ofalqamar will be dedicated to documenting my time as a university student, recording my studies as well as my hobbies as i navigate my 20s. 
kim namjoon described the indigo album as an archive of his 20s. i hope that this will be mine.
so get to know me down below! i’m not new to tumblr — can even be found at @theladydimitrescu for sporadic video game content! — but i am new to the study side of tumblr. don’t hesitate to reach out, as i am excited to meet new people!
all about maya
name: maya [ofalqamar] 
age: early 20s
favorite color: green
favorite film: el laberinto del fauno (2005) 
favorite season: autumn 
favorite song: black swan by bts 
acting: although i don’t have technical training as of yet, i’ve enjoyed the voice acting i have done in the past and would love to continue learning. i want to practice so that i can do film-based acting :) 
baking/cooking: i like trying new things from around the world!
dancing: i did ballet as a child and unfortunately abandoned it due to financial strain. i now plan to learn contemporary dance as well as hip-hop based movement so that i can be a dancer again. dance makes me happy 
drawing: i don’t actually know how to draw but i have the drive to learn 
music: i like to sing, and i have a decent voice that i want to improve over time (lean into my natural abilities and all of that). i also adore listening to music and analyzing music videos 
reading: i read a lot as a child and have slowly regained my love for literature as a young adult!
writing: i have a plethora of wips i am working on, including a story about día de los muertos, a star wars standalone, a star wars trilogy, a cyberpunk video game, and many more!  
books: babel by r. f. kuang, the ones who walk away from omelas by ursula k. le guin, un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes by gabriel garcía márquez, a game of thrones by george rr martin, the hunger games by suzanne collins, iron widow by xiran jay zhao, the cat’s eye chronicles by t. l. shreffler, the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by douglas adams
next on the list: mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia, human acts by han kang, black flower by the witcher series by andrzej sapkowski
film: el laberinto del fauno (2005), knives out (2019), spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018), the green knight (2021), it comes at night (2017), barbie as the princess and the pauper (2004), your name (2016), get out (2017), in the mood for love (2000), the lady vanishes (1938), interstellar (2014) 
music: bts, nemahsis, alaina castillo, megan thee stallion, lil nas x, txt, xg, gloria groove, the weeknd
streamers/youtubers: berleezy, kennie jd, xiran jay zhao, dylan is in trouble, joeiaco, pg, coryxkenshin, binging with babish, amanda the jedi, the try guys, cari can read, moreant,  with cindy, somebros [berleezy, joeiaco, pg, krystaology, imdontai, rico the giant, poiised, jojothamofo], jazzyguns, moreant, best ever food review show, hidamari cooking
Television: game of thrones (2011)/house of the dragon (2022), beyond evil (2020), the witcher (2019), the mandalorian (2019)/andor (2022), bojack horseman (2014), undone (2020), avatar: the last airbender (2005)/the legend of korra (2012), doctor who (2005), daredevil (2015), euphoria (2019), the walking dead (2010), vincenzo (2020)
video games: the last of us (2013), gris (2018), uncharted series (2007), tomb raider series (1996), resident evil series (1996), kena: bridge of spirits (2021), spider-man (2018)/miles morales (2020), god of war series (2005), witcher series (2007), telltale’s the walking dead (2012), life is strange franchise (2015), what remains of edith finch (2017), indie horror games on steam :) 
humanities: world mythology, english language and literature, world history (with a focus on mexico + korea), anthropology, sociology, psychology
english: literature (analysis and critique, as well as historical context) and writing (primarily fiction)
film/cinema: acting, cinematography, directing, producing, and writing 
language: english (native) with a desire to learn korean, spanish (latin american), arabic, turkish, latin, ancient greek, etc.
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ressjeon · 2 years
the seven seas | mlist
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come join us on our journey through the Mediterranean waters this summer, where we witness lovers fall prey to unforgiving seas and new voyages of romance embark as we sail through the storms of angst and heartbreak and wash up on shores of romantic dinners and wine. don't rock the boat too much, you may be the Titanic, but we can't promise we'll go down.
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⚓ steward: @jjksblackgf​​ 
⚓ pairing: guest/investor!hoseok x singer!reader
⚓ genres/aus: forbidden love, love at first sight, smut, fluff 
⚓ synopsis: looking to diversify his investments, Jung Hoseok decides that cruise ships are the way to go. to get the lay of the land, he embarks on a promising ship, where one of the beautiful performers has his attention immediately.
↬ embarkation: here
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⚓ steward: @temptaetions
⚓ pairing: busboy!taehyung x bartender!reader
⚓ genres/aus: exes to coworkers to strangers + strangers to…strangers, smut, heavy angst
⚓ synopsis: working with your ex-boyfriend is never easy -- especially when he’s still in your sheets long after the breakup. when you both land a spot in the sweet night cruise line and you find yourself entangled in a sticky web of exhibitionism and lust. after all, it is just business, baby. 
↬ embarkation: soon
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⚓ steward: @ressjeon​
⚓ pairing: captain!namjoon x heiress!reader
⚓ genres/aus: unrequited love, angst, smut, drama, crack, childhood acquaintances 
⚓ synopsis: people around you have pitied you for chasing him but how can you stop when he can never do wrong in your eyes. so perfect that you’ve been blind to what he truly feels about you, convincing yourself that the time will come for him to finally love you. the same questions will resurface once again on this cruise that you’re going on but are you truly ready whether the answers will be the same or not?
↬ embarkation: soon
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⚓ steward: @writtenwhalien​
⚓ pairing: guest!jungkook x passenger!reader
⚓ genres/aus: fake dating, best friends to lovers, fluff, smut, angst
⚓ synopsis:  bringing Jungkook along to your ex’s lavish cruise wedding seemed like a perfect idea at first — all your family and close friends together, nothing could go wrong… then Jungkook’s ex shows up and all of a sudden you’re in a year long relationship with him. you don’t mind though, really, how hard can sharing a cabin and pretending to be deeply in love with your best friend really be?
↬ embarkation: here
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⚓ steward: @erotikkook​
⚓ pairing: chef!seokjin x guest!reader
⚓ genres/aus: strangers to lovers, smut, crack/humour, fluff, slight angst
⚓ synopsis: was this... legal? was Jin going to get fired? it didn't matter; nothing mattered. not when the most attractive person he'd ever seen walked right into his restaurant, sat their ass down right in front of his cooktop, and gave him a look so hot he thought he might lose his mind right then and there. shit he was doomed, and most definitely fired… but it was absolutely worth it.
↬ embarkation: soon
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⚓ steward: @xjoonchildx​
⚓ pairing: passenger!jimin x murderino!reader 
⚓ genres/aus: mystery, smut, strangers to lovers
⚓ synopsis: a seven-day cruise is the perfect opportunity to relax, but jimin can't rest. not when there is an an intriguing passenger on the same boat, distracting him at every turn. sure, she's a little quirky, but Jimin can't help but want to get a better look at those tan lines. no harm in a little summer fling, right?
↬ embarkation: here
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⚓ steward: @hisunshiine​
⚓ pairing: pianist!yoongi x performer!reader
⚓ genres/aus: coworkers to lovers, light angst, smut, fluff
⚓ synopsis: you pick up a new entertainment job on a cruise ship, hoping that performing will get you the big break you’ve always wanted. you didn’t expect to meet Yoongi, who you mesh with well for performances, but after a betrayal of nauti-cal proportions, trouble arises in paradise. 
↬ embarkation: here
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host note: i would like to thank Maya for helping me with the collab summary and truly thank the rest of my lovely friends for doing this with me despite our busy schedules. you’re all wonderful people and i’m excited for all of us to share our stories soon ♡
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© all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, translate, or repost. all individual stories belong to the perspective writers mentioned in this post.
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apollostears · 4 years
Mark Tuan bf!headcanons
Fandom: GOT7
Pairing: Mark Tuan x black!reader
Warning(s): cursing and some spicyness
Creator: maya
A/N: Mark’s birthday is today (in Korea) andddd I wanted to write him a little something something because this is the loml!
*gif not mine*
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so mark asked you out, but it was hella awkward. like mans was blushing as he approached you! hadn’t even opened his mouth and looked like a hot chili pepper.
baby is a quiet and reserved person most of the time, choosing to observe and listen rather than talk, so he’d be good at reading your moods.
feeling like setting the world on fire? he’s the extinguisher. feeling soft? he’s there to keep you melting as you lay in his arms. omg i can’t 😭
if you’re a loud person, i don’t think mark would mind because he’s literally apart of GOT7 where BamBam, Yugyeom, AND Jackson exist. he can handle anything.
however...if you tried to get out of character with him just cause yo attitude rank, he quick to shut that shit down.
but on the other hand, he can be rambunctious and needy at the drop of a hat. it really depends on his overall mood.
y’all would be a really chill couple. probably preferring a couple of outdoor activities as dates and maybe having trivia night or something, at home.
he gives really awesome cuddles. like he can be playing the game and if you just climb in his lap, hugging him like a koala, he’ll just kiss you on your forehead and continue what he was doing.
he also likes it when you let him just lay his head on your chest or thighs or stomach and play in his hair. baby melts faster than a popsicle.
speaking of playing the game, you and that bitch gotta fight because she’s fighting for your number one spot. buttt mark isn’t always playing the game, so it’s never really been a problem. plus, whenever he’s playing you are usually doing your own thing.
the only time it is a problem is when your time of the month is here and you’re either irritated with everything or soft as fuck all the time. that’s when you want mark’s attention the most and he knows better than to do otherwise, especially when you’re irritated with everyone.
mark loves your natural hair.
he loves seeing you in poofs or just a pineapple. and if you can braid (i can’t) he loves when you incorporate them into your poofs or ‘fros.
if you get braids with different colors, he will definitely try and make y’all’s outfits coordinate with your hair color. not in a way that’s obvious, but in a way that compliments you.
you into wigs? he will start you a wig collection simply because you treat your wigs like he treats his games and you support his gaming habits, so he supports your wig collection. (make his pockets hurt).
PLEASE teach him how to wash your hair!!! you usually do washdays alone and sometimes mark is around to help pass you something, but he’s never actually done it and he really wants to.
his hands are surprisingly gentle as he works the shampoo through your scalp and rinse you out. you damn near fell asleep and he wanted to let you, because you looked so peaceful, but he woke you up and helped you add product.
when it comes to PDA, mark isn’t one to really do it but he does hold your hand or have an arm around your waist. he likes to feel you close to him.
when you meet his parents you were sooo nervous. i’m talking borderline bought to throw up. mark was actually concerned for you and offered to cancel, but you told him no and pushed through.
update: his parents (and siblings) loved you and his dad is so precious 😭✨
speaking of family, you met the dogs: milo and coco.
coco saw you as a threat, nooo cap. she growled at you every time she looked at you. youngjae had to stop you from yeeting their dog because she almost peed on you.
eventually, she started seeing you as an ally and warmed up to you. especially once she saw that you could easily convince mark to give her more treats.
milo was very excited upon meeting you and had been up on you since the first time you met him. he was such a sweet puppy and loved to be held in your arms, sometimes making you and mark look like a married couple with their child.
switching gears, but when you finally met the boys (which was about month six of your relationship) it was like trying crack for the first time.
they kinda didn’t know how to act around you because mark angry 😡 of mark’s personality and maybe you wouldn’t react well with rowdiness, but as SOON and i mean as SOON as you joined in on Bam and Yugyeom’s random dabbing moments, they knew you were the shit.
jackson likes to send ideas your way for his clothing line because you’re a fan of his and told him you had some ideas. he wants to make you a partner, but you told him no. that doesn’t stop him from paying you like an actual worker though.
you, jinyoung, and jb have a book club together and y’all read new stories once every two months. it’s pretty solid to the point where namjoon, shownu, changkyun, and a few other idols decided to join.
you and youngjae have a BUNCH of inside jokes. like the amount of times y’all just look at each other and laugh, it creeps the guys out sometimes. you always try to get a laugh out of him because it’s such a nice one and always cheers you up.
now, the dynamic trio. once bam and ygeom got a feel for your vibes, y’all were like the Harry Potter trio. anytime you three were together, chaos was to ensure.
those are moments where mark regrets his life choices, but then he sees you bonding with his brothers so well...it warms his heart 😣
eventually, the boys end up attached to you like your their girlfriend and markie no like that.
(i’ll probably make this a separate fic) butttt lets just say mark decides to fuck you in the practice room in front of the mirrors, right before the boys have practice, and all six of them mfer’s had to hear you moaning for their hyung.
(all they dicks were hard)
yeaah...it may or may not have activated a kink in all the boys including mark....
overall, your relationship with mark is God tier and so amazingly solid. that’s a forever mate right there.
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dari-ede · 1 year
In the Middle of the Night: Ch 27
Chapter 27: "난 온기 없는 어둠 속을"
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Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
Summary: As Bangtan prepares for a new chapter in their lives, they head to their private property in the forest for a songwriting workshop. As a songwriter and producer they have worked with for years, I’m asked to tag along. I was ready for the heavy workload and small amount of sleep during the workshop week. However, I wasn’t ready for the storm that came that changed my friendship with Namjoon forever.
Notes: More therapy. This is the breakdown of what's going on with Maya...mostly everything. There's a ton more, but focusing on just her issues with Namjoon here. Enjoy! :D
Pairing: Idol!RM/Namjoon x OFC
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut
Rating: M (sexual scenes/sexual assault in prior chapters)
Warnings/spoilers: Therapy
“I guess it wasn’t a fight, really,” I said after finishing telling the story. “It was more of a miscommunication. Namjoon and I always referred to it as our ‘big fight’, though.”
It had taken more than one session for me to tell the full story to Dr. Rob. There were pieces I couldn’t remember; I had to ask Yoongi to help me fill in the gaps. Dr. Rob continued to ask questions—wanting more details in certain parts of the stories.
“You and Namjoon didn’t start getting close until after your move to Korea, right?” Dr. Rob asked, looking down at his notes, and wrote something down.
“That was two years after you two reconciled?”
I nodded.
He took a long pause and looked to consider something before talking again. “You describe your friendship with Jin as playful and platonic. When did you start feeling close to him? You mentioned Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon were the last ones you still hadn't gotten close to.”
It didn’t seem odd that Dr. Rob was asking me questions about my friendship with the other guys. He had been asking similar questions throughout the last two sessions as I told him the story of Namjoon and my fight. However, I was interested in how all of this mattered with my relationship with Namjoon—and even more so, how it tied to the walls I put up.
“I think it was after Namjoon and my fight. The guys went on vacation days after. Jin and I messaged each other a lot. He sent me a lot of silly photos of their trip. There’s a video of Yoongi being drunk and Jin convincing him to perform a girl group song all on his own,” I said, laughing at the memory. I still had the video and watched it whenever I wanted a good laugh.
Dr. Rob gave a nod and noted something else. “So, it’s right to say that out of all the guys, Namjoon was the last one you became friends with?”
I nodded.
“And that it took two years longer than the rest of the guys?”
And then I finally caught on to what he might be implying. “Do you think I kept Namjoon at a distance after we reconciled?”
Dr. Rob shrugged. “In those two years, before he called you during your panic attack, did you guys exchange messages with each other—just as friends, nothing to do with work?”
Thinking deeply, I couldn’t give him an answer. I couldn’t remember.
“You said on multiple occasions that your friendship with Namjoon really took off after he helped you through your panic attack. That was two years after your fight. Perhaps in those previous years, deep within you, you held onto that fight,” Dr. Rob suggested.
After taking a step back and considering Dr. Rob’s words, I spoke up. “You mean to say, subconsciously I’m unable to trust Namjoon because of that fight? All those years ago?”
“It might be multilayered,” Dr. Rob answered. “There’s the hurt from the fight. You thought of him as a friend and entrusted him with information about yourself that was very personal only to find out he didn’t think of you as a friend back. That created trust issues. Then there’s the layer of your view of friends and partners—you trust your friends with your emotions, but with your partners, you’re very guarded. In the past, you felt shame in sharing emotions. You were ridiculed by your exes. You were made fun of and dismissed by them. There's also the layer of Namjoon reacting similarly to those exes. He made a judgment of your sexuality. You shared personal information with him, believing it was safe for you to do so, only for him to throw it to your face. And then there’s the possibility that you’re self-sabotaging this relationship.
“After years of unhealthy relationships, this bond with Namjoon seems very alien to you. Your fight or flight responses are kicking in—making you want to run off or do whatever you can to drive Namjoon off. You did it years ago when you guys were only friends—or colleagues. You wanted to rid him of your life before he had another chance to hurt you. And then you did it the night of your break up. Rather than stay while the argument is happening, or wait for him to come back, you took off.”
I let Dr. Rob’s words sink in. I thought carefully about what he had observed, but something wasn’t sitting right with me. “I know Namjoon would never treat me the same as my exes, though. There’s not an ounce of meanness in his body.”
“Then why did it hurt so much when he said you ‘give it up easily’?” Dr. Rob challenged.
I was too stunned to respond. He had a point there. Those words had brought out emotions that were familiar. Emotions I hadn't felt since my last asshole ex.
Dr. Rob’s face softened as he looked straight at me. “I’m not saying Namjoon’s cruel. I’m saying he’s human. Everyone makes mistakes. We’re all capable of saying things we don’t mean when we’re angry and regret it later. It’s not an excuse. But it’s important for you not to put him on a pedestal. Because there’s only one way he can go when he makes a mistake: down.”
“I put Namjoon on a pedestal?” I asked, taken aback by his use of the word.
“I think you do. It goes along with your belief you’re not his ‘exception’. You said, and I quote,” he looked down at his notes and read, “‘He knows how to make everyone feel special. I don’t think I’m an exception'. You are the one who put emphasis on ‘everyone’.” Dr. Rob stared at me for a while, allowing the words to sink in. “He must be extraordinary to make everyone feel special. And that’s how you see him: extraordinary. But after the two occasions he messed up, walls come up which blocked this extraordinary person from coming in and knowing you—someone who can be hisexception.”
I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt wetness on my lap. I wiped the tears off and internally screamed at myself. Dr. Rob’s analysis of me was making complete sense and answered so many questions. And it was angering me. “Why am I doing that to him?”
“It’s a defense mechanism, Maya,” Dr. Rob said gently. “Your entire childhood, your emotions weren’t protected. Your primitive role models neglected every emotion you had. Your physical needs were met, but your emotional ones were not. You don’t see yourself as special outside of your musical talents. You’re rejecting him before he can reject you. Just take a look at your response just now: ‘Why am I doing that to him?’ Rather than trying to figure out why you’re doing this to yourself, you keep thinking of him. I’m not saying not to think of him—but you must put your emotional needs in higher regard.”
“How do I stop doing that?” I asked.
“Hard work—like last time,” he said.
I took a breath. I remember that hard work. It was mentally and emotionally exhausting. But it had been worth it. I felt more centered and whole the more sessions I had with Dr. Rob. I was ready to have that feeling again.
I arrived at my house with the clear determination to head straight to bed; however, Yoongi was having none of that.
“I made budae jjigae,” he said, leading me from the living room to the kitchen.
Pouting and almost stomping my feet, I followed. “Where are Kiwoo and Dal?” I asked, referring to the two Big Hit staff who were also staying at the house.
“Taking a nap. We were out the entire day.”
“Is Ky being a good chauffeur?” I asked as we arrived at the kitchen island. “Be sure you’re getting your money’s worth with that stingy ass.”
Yoongi chuckled. “Today he asked for seafood.”
“He really has no shame. Don’t tell me you got him VIP passes for your show in Seoul.”
“I did.”
“That cheap, son of a bitch needs to start paying for stuff. You should have given him nosebleed seats.”
“He took us to a Clippers game again. We took normal seats, though. No press noticed, so I was able to enjoy the game.”
“Did he buy?”
“Why do you think we had normal seats?” Yoongi asked with a smile.
Figures. Kyong would never pay for floor seats.
I took a seat as Yoongi went to the stove.
“So, how did it go today?” he asked, taking a bowl, and starting to serve me.
I gave a stretch and let out a groan. “There was a lot to unpack.”
Giving a brief summary of the session and what Dr. Rob had analyzed, Yoongi listened intently. He gave little nods here and there, agreeing mostly with Dr. Rob’s words.
“Do you think I put Namjoon on a pedestal?” I asked Yoongi after I was done telling him about Dr. Ron’s analysis.
There was a moment of quietness as Yoongi looked to think about his next words. “Namjoonie is quite the individual. Brilliant, talented, and hardworking. It’s impossible to know him and not notice how special he is. Before even meeting him, I was told how gifted he was. I was jealous, I won’t lie. I hadn’t even met the guy and everyone around me was praising this son of a bitch like he was the next Tablo. But then I met him, and I understood what the hype was about. I wasn’t about to admit it, though," he said with a laugh as he remembered.
I smiled back a little. Namjoon and Yoongi's relationship had been quite intense from the beginning. Looking at them, one wouldn't understand how they could ever belong in the same group; let alone, live together 24/7.
Yoongi let out a sigh, his face going back to serious. "That jealousy didn't last long, though. You know why?”
“Why?” I asked, hanging onto his every word.
“I saw the weight he carried. I saw the light he brought to everyone’s eyes. And I witnessed the damage it caused him when people realized he was only a man. He would make a mistake and the way they looked at Namjoonie completely changed. And disappointing others was one of Namjoonie’s worst fears. He was only 17 and he was carrying so much shit. I was grateful that wasn’t me. But I felt empathy for the poor kid.
“For over a decade, I have seen how people look at him like he’s a god. At stadiums, fan meetings, crowds, and random people in public. He’s up on a pedestal to countless individuals. I’ve seen it with some of the guys as well. But I don’t think I’ve seen that look as intense as I’ve seen it in you.”
I took it in, opening myself up to accepting it. “I didn’t know I was doing it. It’s not fair to him,” I said.
Yoongi let out a heavy sigh. “It’s not fair for you either, Maiwa. Dr. Rob is right: you need to start considering your emotional needs.”
I nodded, agreeing with him. I had done it again without realizing it.
“Did Dr. Rob recommend any exercises for that? Give you any homework?” Yoongi asked.
I had and I told Yoongi what they were. “He said I should also get back to writing.”
Yoongi frowned at my use of words. “You haven’t written?”
I shook my head.
“On purpose?”
Dr. Rob had asked me the same question. When Yoongi asked it, I reacted the same. Nerves started to kick in. I disliked talking about my emotions, especially when it dealt with my vulnerabilities. “I’ve been too scared to. I reach for a pen or pencil, but then I start panicking. Dr. Rob thinks it’s still tied to my fear. Writing about that night will open up the floodgates to everything I’ve been holding in about him.”
There was a long silence.
I had said a lot and was too chicken shit to say more.
But Yoongi dared to ask. “What have you been holding in?”
A heaviness in my chest appeared. I felt the tears coming before they escaped my eyes. Thinking about this made me feel fucking scared. It was a fear I had always felt but suppressed. But Namjoon had brought it to the surface. In the months we had been together, he had managed to fish it out of me.
But I was reacting like a fish would once it was brought to the surface—suffocated, struggling, fighting to get back in the water. Craving to swim back deep into the sea that was full of darkness. It was a darkness that I was familiar with; however dangerous it might be. But there was no way I could go back. Namjoon’s hook would not let me go.
Warm arms held me, giving me a bit of oxygen as I struggled here on the surface.
“Perhaps it would be better to let it out on paper first,” Yoongi said gently.
I stayed in his embrace for a while, needing some time to calm down. Once I was settled, I made my way up the stairs and forced myself to go to my small office slash mini studio.
Deciding I wasn’t going to hide anymore, I decided to write.
Making my way to my stool, I took out one of my journals and grabbed my favorite guitar. I let my fingers do the work. My voice was shit, but I still hit the record button, not allowing myself to pause. For an hour, I let the mic pick up everything.
Didn’t know how to tell you the truth/ Don’t know why I do what I do/ Don’t know what I’m trying to prove/ Want to know the reasons why I do what I do
 I care for you/ But I’ve acted a fool
 Need a shot glass in my fist/ So I can spill away all my business/ Telling this stranger about you/ I ’m getting too personal
 Can they tell I’ve been crying all night/ I told myself I don’t care for you/ But I know it’s a lie/ Because I do
As much as I was grateful for Yoongi being there, he couldn't stay forever. His departure day had finally arrived.
He allowed me to hug him, making me promise to call him if I needed a friend.
It was hard to see him go, but it was good for me. I needed time by myself to collect my thoughts. Needed to be left alone to write and sing freely. Dr. Rob had been right. Now that I had gotten back to my art, I felt more grounded. The fear I had was starting to get more tolerable.
The day after Yoongi left, I was back at Dr. Rob’s office.
We were in the middle of another session when he caught onto something I had said and he was wanting me to further explain myself.
We were going over the breakup night again and I made a mention how I was silly in trying to hide my fight with my mother in the bathroom. I should have known better than to think Namjoon wouldn’t know I was lying to him. He always knew when I was lying, he knew me too damn well.
“Why is it such a bad thing that he knows you so well?” Dr. Rob asked, curiously. “Every time you say or hint towards how well Namjoon knows you, you have this look on your face. Like you don’t like it.”
“I don’t,” I said honestly, tugging at the ends of my shirt.
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know…. Namjoon always seems to know what’s going on in my head before I do. It’s a little scary.”
Dr. Rob was quiet for a moment as he looked through his notes. “I remember an ex of yours—I believe he was your first serious relationship. You described him as—and I quote, ‘a sick fuck who knew me so well, he knew what to say and do to embarrass and belittle me. It didn’t matter if we were alone or in public, but he had this special power that made him able to read people—especially me—very well. And he used it all for evil.’”
I remembered that ex. He was my first serious boyfriend. He never hit me, but he certainly used words to fuck me up. But Namjoon had never made me feel that way. “Namjoon would never use my secrets against me.”
Dr. Rob gave me a long look before presenting me with an interesting viewpoint. “On the night of your breakup, Namjoon telling you, you ‘gave it up so easily’ made you feel negative. You had entrusted him with something very intimate about your past sexual experiences. You felt safe to do so and that night, he used it against you," he reminded me.
I don't know why I kept forgetting that part.
“Again, Namjoon is human. You need to see him as so. Negating his faults is not fair to him or you,” Dr. Rob said. “He hurt you with those words. Whether he intended to or not. And it’s ok to be upset with him for it.”
I nodded, understanding. “It’s definitely something I’m going to need to talk to him about. It’s just…I don’t like being angry with him. I don’t think I have ever been upset with him for too long—even during our big fight all those years ago. I mostly was hurt but didn’t feel furious with him. Thinking about talking to him regarding this makes me feel anxious, to be honest.”
“I don’t remember you having anxiety when you met with your ex after your breakup. You met with him shortly after starting sessions with me. You wanted closure with him and you seemed pretty relaxed about it. Namjoon is different.”
“He is.”
Dr. Rob stared at me for a long while. “Being upset with Namjoon won’t make you care for him any less. And you care for him a lot.”
I nodded in agreement.
Once again, he was quiet. “I think you know what I’m indirectly saying when I use that word….”
My heart began to race because I do know what he was alluding to. And I knew he was going to make me say it. Because in the many sessions, we had had the past three weeks, I hadn’t said it.
“Well….” He pressed.
I took a breath. I knew I needed to let it out. I needed to face it. Namjoon had always made me feel so incredibly vulnerable and even though he wasn’t here, it certainly felt like he could hear me; as if he was waiting for the words.
 “I love him,” I admitted, feeling my chest crack as I did.
I went through a series of emotions. I was a blubbering mess for a good while. “I’ve never said it first. It always took me months to say it back when my past boyfriends said it to me.”
“Similar to the question I asked earlier about the problem you have with Namjoon knowing you so well: why is it such a bad thing to admit the feeling? Why not ever say it first?”
It took a long moment for me to admit it. I had always known the answer, discovered it a while back right after my breakup with Jerry, but had never let anyone know. “It seems silly, but it feels as if I was giving away a vulnerability as soon as I say it. And I don’t like feeling vulnerable.”
Dr. Rob nodded. “Makes sense you hate feeling vulnerable. If you did, who could you turn to? You’ve shared the stories of the rare times you sought help from your parents only to be brushed away—made to think your emotions were unimportant. It's the fear of being abandoned and/or rejected. It’s manifested into your adulthood and your adult relationships. You allow people in, but only up to a certain point. You draw a line. It was the root of your and Jerry’s problems. You didn't let Jerry in. And now you're doing it with Namjoon.”
A rotten thought made its way into my insecurity. “Jerry wanted to stay,” I pointed out. “He proposed even though we had our problems. Does that mean he loved me more than Namjoon?” The thought was enough to make it feel like a knife was cutting straight into me. To think Namjoon didn’t love me the way I wanted him to….
Dr. Rob took a moment before answering. “That’s one way you can look at it. Or you can look at it like Namjoon knows his worth. Knows that a relationship that isn’t open and honest will fail. He doesn’t want a failed relationship with you.”
He had a point there. Namjoon was fully confident in his worth; he had moments of low self-esteem but would never stay in a situation that would cause him damage.
“How do you think he feels about you?” Dr. Rob asked.
With every fiber in my body, I was certain I knew the answer. It had been a while since I had known the answer. It thrilled me to know it but terrified me. “He loves me.”
“Has he told you he loved you?”
I shook my head, wiping away some tears and keeping my head slightly down.
“Why do you think he hasn’t said it first?”
It was another answer I knew and it broke my heart to know it. “Because he knew how I would react. He was afraid of scaring me off.”
“So you know him just as well as he knows you,” Dr. Rob observed.
We were quiet for a moment. I bathed in the feeling I had admitted those words out loud. Bathed in the scary notion that Namjoon possessed a part of me that no longer belonged to solely me. My heart hadn’t been my own in a while and facing that fact was causing me to go through some frightening emotions.
“Your past boyfriends always judged your male friendships. It was one of the reasons why the relationships didn’t work out. Their accusations would make you angry, and defensive. That’s how you handled disagreements in the past. With Namjoon, you closed up. Like you did many years ago. Back then, he’s the one who messed up and he did his best to correct it.”
“Now I need to correct things. I need to open up,” I concluded.
“If you want a relationship with him—or anyone, for that matter—you’re going to have to. At least, a healthy one.”
“I want to fix things,” I said with determination.
I had messed up this time. It was my turn to correct it. And to correct it, I needed to view these emotions I had for Namjoon as something not scary. Because it wasn’t. It shouldn’t be.
AN: So, I woke up sick! Thankfully, I worked on most of the editing on this chapter earlier in the week. That being said, I'm not sure I'll have enough strength and/or time to go over the next chapter before next Friday. I might either post late on the weekend (depending on how I feel) or just take my time with it and post Chapter 28 in two weeks...
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
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personasintro · 1 year
Excuse me, but HOW exactly is jk doing anything wrong in mh? Oc was being petty bc she was insecure (which is a valid feeling, but being petty was immature and uncalled for). Which btw they discussed and solved through. Just bc it's a jk x reader fic, doesn't mean that the oc can't be complex and imperfect too. Also, some ppls comments about the other female characters in this fic are quite a bit... concerning. 1) I REALLY hope that these ppl don't act this way irl towards other women when they're into a guy. Bc it's giving jr. high energy. And 2) if it was a guy that jk was bringing and that oc was jealous of, would ppl be this up in arms? Men and women CAN and SHOULD be friends. There's more to offer than just romance and sexual attraction. Why does friendship suddenly need to be complicated just bc they're opposite sex? In that case, shouldn't jk be jealous of ALL of oc's guy friends?
Shouldn't namjoon be jealous of oc bc her and Maya are friends? No? Why? Bc she's a woman? Huh. Or maybe Maya should be jealous of oc. After all, she walked with namjoon on a hike a while back. Ppl weren't too vexed about that now, were they? Why is this different from jk and Ester? Namjoon and Maya are engaged for Christ's sake. Is it bc "oc can do no wrong"? That's it, right?
Please, for the love of God, let mimi write complex characters and dynamics in peace. She knows what she's doing, leave her alone 🫠
True true
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wintaerbaer · 1 year
things we don’t say: part 2 (kth)
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banner credit: @itaeewon​
summary: Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader (with some VERY brief Seokjin x Reader and Yoongi x Reader)
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genres: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slooooow burn, angst, fluff
word count: 11.4k
chapter warnings: IN THE SOOP TAE, swearing, alcohol consumption, feelings?, implied sexual situations (not for oc), that chicken fight game you can play in a pool (definitely not the animal cruelty kind, just want to clarify), bartender jungkook (who is also an absolute MENACE), infidelity, namjoon’s chest
a/n: we’re heading into the thick of things now! thank you to everyone who has shown this series love thus far. and even to those who may be silently reading, i appreciate each and every one of you. these characters have been in my head for years, and it’s so incredible to finally get to share them!
Read on ao3
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You’re starting to think you might be a terrible friend.
It's been a week and a half since Maya's art show when Jimin slides into the chair next to you in your office building's cafeteria. You've worked at the same company since graduation but in different departments, so while you don't see each other every day, you occasionally grab lunch together or pop over to each other's desk for a quick chat.
"Hey, stranger," he chirps, setting his food on the table before peering closely at your face. "Almost forgot what you looked like."
You roll your eyes at him. After the incident at the gallery sent your brain into an emotional spiral, you had decided to put some distance between you and Taehyung until you could figure out what the hell this all meant for your friendship. As a result, you hadn't been over to the guys' apartment since then—an unusually long amount of time for you to stay away.
Jimin frowns at your lack of a response, leaning forward until you look at him. "You avoiding us?"
"No," you say simply, busying yourself by taking a bite of your lunch.
"Sorry, let me rephrase. Are you avoiding Tae?"
You chew slowly, carefully considering your words before settling on, "Why would I be?"
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking. For a friend of course." Jimin shrugs. "He mentioned that you haven't really been talking to him—asked if I knew why. Plus, you missed two Sunday meal preps."
"I've missed them before—"
You purse your lips, guilt creeping in at the thought of Taehyung spending two nights cooking alone as you broke your tradition. "You can tell him what I told him—I've been busy."
Jimin frowns again, watching you stare at the table as you chew another bite. "Is something going on? Did he say something to you?"
"About what?" you ask, eyes snapping up to his.
"I..." he hesitates, suddenly uneasy. "I don't know. I just know that I've never seen you two like this."
"Like what?"
You give a dry laugh, more out of nerves than anything. "Chim, we're not literally attached at the hip, you know? We have our own lives."
"Yah, you know that's not what I mean." He sighs. "I can just tell he's missing you, that's all.”
If getting called out on missing meal prep nights made you feel guilty, then this is the true slap to the face. Taehyung may be mild and introspective by nature—a quiet force in his own right—but he holds close those who are dear to him, and you know he can't be pleased with your recent silence.
Still, any guilt tingling through your veins inevitably winds up outweighed by the memory of the flash of heartbreak that had crossed his face at the party, reinforcing your need for space.
"Well we'll see each other in a couple days," you murmur, a tiny burst of excitement breaking into your mind at the thought of your upcoming vacation.
Property of Jungkook's family, the beach house rarely used by his parents had become a staple for your friend group over the years as the go-to site for New Year’s parties and summer holidays. When Hoseok and Sunny had lamented the astronomical cost of the wedding and how they were going to opt out of having bachelor and bachelorette parties to help save money, Jungkook had offered up the house to do a combined pre-wedding bash to celebrate their upcoming nuptials.
Jimin taps his fingers on the table, looking at you quietly before accepting the change in topic. "It should be fun. Jace coming?"
"No, he has that conference."
"Damn," Jimin huffs. "Does that guy ever get a day off?"
"Guess he had to afford the ring somehow," you say, the corners of your mouth tilting up on impulse.
Jimin smiles back. "And here I was, wishfully thinking we might get a front row seat to a proposal this weekend."
“Not his vibe.” You scrunch your nose. “He never went to the house as frequently as everyone else. And I don’t know if he’d want a bunch of other people around. At least not people who know us.”
“Aww, why not?” Jimin whines. “We could all celebrate with you! And Maya could take pictures!”
“Or Tae.”
“Or—yeah, or Tae.”
You pretend not to have noticed his hesitation or the way he startled at that, and certainly not the way it made your pulse jump. Has everyone really been seeing this except you?
“Regardless,” you say, trying to ignore the sudden nausea rolling in your stomach, “I don’t think he’ll do it in front of you guys. And if he was going to ask Maya to take pictures, I think he would’ve done so by now if he was going to propose soon.”
When you had told Maya about the ring the afternoon after the gallery opening, she’d seemed genuinely surprised, clapping her hands together and immediately calling dibs on being maid of honor.
Go figure.
“Ah, well,” Jimin sighs. “There’s always the planning to help with.” He holds up a hand and begins ticking off his fingers. “And the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, rehersal dinner, eventual baby shower—“
“Woah, Park, getting a little ahead of yourself now, no?”
“Y/N, this is an exciting time for you! I’m excited for you!” He slurps down a mouthful of his noodle bowl. “And maybe I’m living a little vicariously through you. Maybe. A little.”
“Geez, Kook’s right, you are in a drought.”
“Oh, great. You too now?”
You giggle as he dramatically presses a hand to his forehead, food puffing out his cheeks.
“But really though,” he says, leaning forward again with concern in his eyes, “you are excited, right? After you told us about the ring, you seemed a bit off.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you get drunk that fast in a while.”
“I was happy for Maya and Tae.”
“And yourself?”
“Yeah, and myself.”
Jimin stares at you for a long few seconds, clearly not buying what you’re selling. “Fine. Don’t tell me.” He leans back in his chair in a way that says he’s letting you off the hook. “But you’d better figure out this weird thing with Tae before he corners you at the house. Good luck avoiding him then.”
Okay, maybe not entirely off the hook.
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The rest of the short work week passes in a blink, and you quickly find yourself packing for your trip on Wednesday night, the plan being to leave Thursday morning and stay until Monday. Jace fiddles with his phone on the bed, occasionally glancing up to watch you flit around the room as you fill your travel bag with an excessive amount of clothes.
"Are you leaving for five days or a month?" he teases as you cram ten pairs of underwear into a side pocket.
"I like to keep my options open," you say. "Never know what could happen with the weather."
"Or your bladder, apparently."
"Hey, it's gonna be hot. I'll have to hydrate."
He laughs at that before his eyes settle on you with a warmth that has you shifting under his gaze.
“I just love you, you know?” he hums.
Warmth blooms in your chest. “I love you, too.”
“It’s going to suck being apart.”
“I know,” you sigh. “I wish you could’ve come.”
At your words, you feel like you can literally see a light bulb turn on in his head as his expression brightens with an idea. “Do you want to take my jacket?”
He can only mean one jacket. You’d found it together a month after you started dating at a thrift shop downtown, and it’s been his signature piece of clothing ever since. Jace had pulled the bomber jacket and its bright green satin off the rack, and your first reaction had been to laugh. The thing practically glowed.
“You’ll look like a traffic light,” you’d giggled.
But Jace was already pulling the shimmering material over his shoulders. “Consider this your green light to jump my bones whenever you want,” he’d said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“I’d feel bad separating you from it, to be honest,” you say in the present. “I’m pretty sure a piece of your soul is tied to that jacket by now.”
He pouts. “You’ll be carrying a piece of my heart already; what’s a piece of my soul?”
“Smooth.” You poke at your bag. “I may not have any extra room in here though.”
“Fair enough, but if you change your mind, the offer still stands. What time are you leaving tomorrow?"
"Eleven. Should get us there a little before lunch."
"Us?" He pauses, setting down his phone. "You're driving with Tae?"
"No, Maya." A tinge of panic drops into your chest at the mention of Taehyung's name. Does he know? "Why?"
Jace shrugs, nonchalant. "No reason, just wondering. And you're back Monday?"
"Mhm, by dinnertime." You settle on the bed next to him, trailing your fingers along his forearm. "Do you want to maybe do a date night after work that day?"
He sighs deeply, tilting his head back against the headboard. "We have our conference debrief Monday, so who knows when I'll get home." You nod in understanding, but the disappointment must show on your face because then Jace is leaning forward to take your hand in his. "I'll tell you what, I know work has been keeping me from you lately, so let me make up for it.”
The pads of his fingers lightly dance along your jaw. "Fancy date night next Saturday? That upscale Italian place on Fifth that you love so much? I can make a reservation."
Your heart pounds as you will your eyes not to subconsciously drift to his desk, and you put on your best poker face. "It's a date."
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The drive proves an easy one for you and Maya as sunny weather and a surprising lack of traffic has you at the house in under an hour. As you drive through the iron gates, a small mansion, white and pristine, spreads itself out before you, and you're once again reminded of just how wealthy a family Jungkook comes from.
You had grown up very well-off, sure, but Jungkook’s parents and their vast real estate portfolio are on an entirely different level of rich. And while your parents had immediately cut you off right after you left for college, Jungkook’s parents continue to supplement his bartending income with a monthly allowance to this day.
The word “spoiled” is a bit of an understatement when it comes to your friend.
"You sure you don't want anything more serious with Kook?" you tease Maya, who sits in the passenger seat with her dark sunglasses over her eyes. "All this could be yours."
"As if," she scoffs. "Not worth it to have to put up with his ass for the rest of eternity."
You key in the code for the front door and are greeted by a multitude of voices, the cavernous open-concept kitchen/dining room/living room only serving to amplify those inside. Hoseok and Sunny are quick to reel you in, introducing you to Sunny's three bridesmaid friends, Hoseok's brother (who you’ve met a few times before), and—
Namjoon swoops in to pull you into a bear hug while lamenting how long it's been since he last saw you. Hoseok's best friend since freshman year of college, the former pre-med major had been a core member of your group of friends, but med school combined with helping to manage his family's restaurant means that you rarely see him nowadays in spite of him sharing an apartment with Hoseok and Sunny.
"How's the roomie search going?" you ask as Namjoon pulls Maya into an equally crushing hug.
"Mmph, still no luck. Though I may have an old friend from grade school moving into the city soon, so we'll see if that pans out." He throws a quirked brow at Hoseok. "But I haven't entirely given up on convincing these two to reconsider breaking up the dream team."
"Ah, Joon, you really wanna live with two newlyweds that badly?" Hoseok whines. "Just think about it for two seconds. Really think about it."
Namjoon clicks his tongue, cheeks now tinged with a dusting of pink. "Okay, maybe you have a point."
The light mingling continues as everyone settles in, and you find yourself taking stock of the kitchen and planning a grocery run with Sunny's friends when the last three members of your party come spilling through the door. Your companions head back to the entrance for introductions, but you stay firmly put, mindlessly busying yourself with plates and silverware, nerves alight at the thought of who just entered the house.
Voices still echoing from the living room, it's only a minute or so later when you sense the quiet presence of someone stepping into the kitchen, and, ever in sync, you don't need to turn around to know who.
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
You turn on instinct, your body responding to his voice before your brain can remind you of your avoidance. Taehyung leans against the kitchen island in a long-sleeved yellow shirt, baseball cap turned backwards on his head. Chin slightly tilted towards his chest, he's gazing at you from under his lashes, and you recognize it as nerves. "I, um, I'm about to go on a grocery run."
"I can come with?" he offers. "Keep you company, carry the heavy stuff—"
"I made plans to go with Sunny's friends, actually."
"Oh, okay." His shoulders drop ever so slightly, and you glance away at the shoreline crashing in the distance, anywhere but at your best friend looking like a kicked puppy in front of you because of your own cowardice.
"Listen, Y/N—"
"Later?" You quickly interrupt, not mentally prepared to have this conversation right now, especially with Jimin casting you looks from where he stands in the living room.
Taehyung licks his lips, seeming to scan your face for something before he swallows down words on the tip of his tongue, grimacing as if they're nails. "Yeah, okay. Later."
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When you said later, you truly meant it. While you and Sunny’s friends (Taehyung thinks their names were Iseul, Hana, and Yumi) run out for groceries, the rest of the group bustles around the house, splitting up rooms, settling in, and eventually migrating to the pool. Taehyung tries to catch you again when you return, but you hurry past him with a box of liquor, mumbling something about helping Jungkook set up the bar out back. Sunny’s friends dump the rest of the groceries on the kitchen island before scurrying away to the back deck with everyone else, which is how Taehyung winds up unpacking the bags.
He’s pushing a box of ramyeon on top of the fridge when he hears the back door click and slide open behind him.
“Need a hand?”
Namjoon walks into the kitchen, fingers poking at one of the bags.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
They unload the groceries in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Namjoon says, “So how have things been?”
Taehyung shrugs a shoulder. “Ah, you know, the usual. You?”
Quiet takes over again, and Taehyung thinks the conversation has ended before it even really started as he moves to place a bottle of orange juice into the fridge. But then—
“I heard about Y/N and Jace.”
Taehyung freezes mid-motion, the cool air from the open fridge slipping out and chilling his skin. When he looks up at Namjoon, the other man is studying him with a calm intensity that raises goosebumps along his arms. It’s not his first time being under Namjoon’s microscope, but he’ll never get used to the feeling of being simultaneously picked apart and comforted. Because while his friend may exude a quiet warmth, he always gives the sense that there’s also a million calculations going on under the surface at any given time.
It’s easy to let one’s guard down around Namjoon.
With that in mind, Taehyung opts for the simplest answer, slowly closing the refrigerator and saying, “Yeah?”
Namjoon nods, equally slow. “Are you alright?”
“I’m great,” Taehyung says, breaking the eye contact and closing the refrigerator to reach for another bag. “She’s always wanted this. And Jace is…” He finds himself rooting around his brain trying to find a descriptor for the guy. For someone who he’s known for several years, it’s bizarre how he can’t find a single word for him.
“She’s happy with him,” is what he eventually comes out with.
“But is he right for her?” Namjoon presses.
“You think he’s not?”
Namjoon reaches up to put a few bags of snacks into a cupboard. “I don’t know. It’s like he was always around in college, but he was never truly present, you know?”
“That’s a Joon-ism if I’ve ever heard one.”
Namjoon smiles, a dimple dotting his cheek. “You don’t get what I mean?”
“No, I do. But that’s not important, is it? It doesn’t matter if we think he’s the right guy; it matters if she thinks he’s the right guy. And if she does, then I support it. It’s not my place to do anything else.”
The words settle in the room, and he means every one.
“You know, I’ve always admired the two of you,” Namjoon says after a moment. “The way you care for each other is…extraordinary, to say the very least.”
The sincerity in his voice makes Taehyung blush. “Well, we only had each other growing up, you know? She saved my life when we were kids. I truly believe that.”
“I know, you’ve said that before. She gave you a way out.”
“A way out, a purpose, a friend.” He crumples a plastic bag into his hand. “She chose me when no one else did. Not even my own family.”
And you had, when no one else seemed to want anything to do with him, there you were, hanging by his side like his own personal guardian angel.
“She’s the most incredible person I know, and I would just…do anything for her.”
“Including watch her marry him, apparently.”
“Yes,” Taehyung says. Unhesitating. “If that’s what she wants.”
“And where does that leave you?”
Taehyung has nothing to answer that with—his worst fear laid bare in front of him. It’s the thought that keeps him up at night, plagues the very marrow of his bones every time someone mentions that tiny velvet box. Your childhood friendship may have allowed you to grow together as one through the years, but just as trees grow apart as they grow upwards, it feels like only a matter of time before your branches no longer intertwine, drawn apart by jobs and relationships, life and love.
How long until you’ve outgrown him? How long until you’ve started your own family and left him behind?
He has no right to you, and he knows that. The last thing he would ever want to do is hold you back, but perhaps a part of him thought he’d have more time. Now, with you suddenly not talking to him for reasons he can’t even begin to grasp, he feels like he may have already lost you.
Namjoon puts him out of his misery. “Do you know what Plutarch said about friendship?”
“I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.”
Taehyung stares, stunned and confused. Because Namjoon couldn’t possibly be suggesting…
“You’re saying I should tell her to say no to him?”
“I’m saying it’s possible to be selfless to a fault.”
It doesn’t sound terribly different in Taehyung’s mind, but he tries to consider Namjoon’s words regardless. Your happiness has always been his utmost priority, but could his unconditional support really be doing more harm than good? He likes to believe that if he felt your well-being were truly at risk, he would speak up.
Then again, with the way his friend is looking at him, he also can’t help but feel like he’s missing something important.
“What are you trying to specialize in again?” he asks, deflecting.
“Of course.”
Namjoon chuckles. “It’ll all work out in the end.” He winks, moving to rejoin your friends outside. “Life finds a way.”
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You’ve managed to evade Taehyung all day, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t felt his eyes on you.
The early hours had been easy, your supermarket run giving you an (albeit weak) excuse to put some physical distance between the two of you. But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain, especially after your group gathered together to decide what to do tonight.
When you’d entered the living room, Taehyung had already been seated at the end of the couch, a free spot open on his left; with the way that his hand had been resting, it was almost as if he was saving it for you. Instead, you’d chosen an armchair diagonally across from him, squirming more and more the longer he looked at you. Throughout the entire conversation, as the group decided upon going to the beach bar down the street to kick off your first night at the house, you don’t think his eyes left you even once.
You’re being a coward, and you know it.
Now, you sit at the vanity in your room, struggling with your necklace and just about ready to give up on the damn thing so you don’t hold everyone else up. The clasp doesn't want to cooperate, your fingers can't seem to get purchase on the thin metal, and really, who are you trying to look good for anyway?
Right as you prepare to abandon the cause and stuff the offending item back in your bag, someone knocks on the door and you yell for them to come in.
Taehyung saunters into the room, now wearing a black t-shirt and shorts, his hair pushed back in such a way that you can tell he's been running his hands through it. His eyes skim your figure as he softly closes the door behind him, and you feel your pulse double in pace. "Need help?"
"It's okay—I, um—" but before you can stutter out an excuse, he's already taking the thin chain from your hands, and all you can do is try not to focus on how his fingers feel brushing the back of your neck.
"There. Easy peasy." He eyes you up and down again before clearing his throat. "Looks good on you."
"I, uh, thanks." Your voice is practically a whisper, and you busy yourself with your make-up case...which may have been an adequate distraction if not for the fact that you've already done your make-up and so your hands are only left to wander aimlessly. Glancing up, you catch Taehyung gazing at you over your shoulder in the mirror, and the intensity of his stare has you dropping the case back to the table. "What?"
"You're avoiding me." He states it as a fact, eyes unwavering, and you turn to face him.
"I'm not."
"You are." He searches your face as if to find the answer written there in big, bold letters. "Why?"
A tiny spider makes its way across the corner of the ceiling, and you find yourself staring at it as you chew on your bottom lip, not knowing what to say.
"Hey," Taehyung murmurs, pulling your attention back to him. "It's me, yeah? We don't keep secrets."
But still you hesitate. "You won't get mad?"
He reaches out to hook his pinky with yours. "Of course not."
Letting out a shaky breath, you ask, "Are you okay with Jace proposing?" The question hangs between you for a second, the air thickening with apprehension.
His eyebrows press together, confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, it's just..." You pause to collect your thoughts. "When I told you about the ring at the gallery opening, there was a second where you appeared to be…bothered."
"Ahh, well..." He pushes his hands through his hair, mulling over his next words. "Do you want me to be honest?"
"I know we're friendly, but I've just never been his biggest fan, even in college." Taehyung shrugs. "You know I want the best for you, and he seems like a good guy and all, I just—I don't know." Another run of his hand through his hair. "I just get a weird vibe from him sometimes."
You smirk at that. "A weird vibe?"
"Yeah, like," he licks his lips, still fidgeting. "I can't put my finger on anything in particular, just something about him rubs me the wrong way sometimes." You open your mouth to respond and he quickly cuts in, "But I will 100% support you! If he's who you want and he makes you happy and treats you well, then I will cheer you on the whole way. Hell, I'll even walk you down the aisle if you want me to." That draws a small laugh from you, and he smiles. "If you’re happy, then I’m happy for you. That's all I care about."
You take in his beaming figure and are reminded of how thankful you are to have this man in your life. But the voice in the back of your head is still not entirely placated and before you can stop yourself, you're blurting, "And that's really it?"
Taehyung's smile fades, lips slowly turning downward into a frown, and you silently curse yourself. After seventeen years of friendship, the man can practically read your mind and you know it. "What aren't you telling me?"
You sigh. Seems like there's no way getting around it at this point, and so you decide you may as well dive in. Tucking your hair behind your ears, you quietly ask, "You don’t…have feelings for me?”
Taehyung's eyes blow wide, and you're surprised his jaw isn't touching the floor. After several moments of stunned silence, he lets out a strangled, "What?"
"No, I just—" you stutter. "Look, someone said you did, and after you seemed upset about Jace proposing, I thought maybe..."
He's deeply scowling now, the crease back between his eyebrows, and a flare of his nostrils indicates that he's pissed. "Who?" he asks.
"Who what?"
"Who said that?"
"No, Y/N, if people want to talk about me behind my back and screw with my private life, I have a right to know who."
He stares you down until you purse your lips and break. "Maya."
"Fucking hell," he says under his breath as he rubs at the lines in his forehead, and his lack of a denial has your head spinning.
"So it's true?"
"You haven't answered the question—"
"No!" He almost shouts it. "I don't."
"Because if you did have feelings for me, you could tell me. No secrets, right?"
He lets out a huff and stuffs his hands in his pockets, leveling his gaze back at you. "No," he says. Firmly. Definitively. "No, Y/N, I don’t have feelings for you."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. But something in your blood continues to tingle.
And really? You should've known. Should've trusted to get the truth from him and not secondhand from your friends who, though they mean well, have been known to meddle and gossip (and sure, maybe that includes yourself at times).
The heightened tension has dissipated from the room, but the two of you are still left looking awkwardly at each other. After a stretch of time, Taehyung shifts on his feet and asks, "Y/N, are we good?"
There's a hint of fear in his eyes, and it has any residual worry you're feeling melting away. This is still Tae. Your Tae.
"Of course we are." You link your pinky with his. "Always."
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The beach bar is relatively crowded for a Thursday night, the warm summer air and mix of bodies driving your group to disperse around the venue. Some migrate towards the live band, while others choose to mingle (and flirt) with the other patrons.
Noticing the way one guy at the bar has been eyeing you since you got here, Taehyung sticks close to your side, just in case. That is, until Namjoon finds his way back to the two of you looking harried, drawing you in so he can gently rest his hands on your elbows.
“Y/N, can I borrow you?” His light smile and the way he leans in close are clearly meant to project the image of intimacy, but his eyes are desperately screaming for help. “There’s an intoxicated woman who seems determined to motorboat me, and I don’t know where Maya is. I need a fake girlfriend.”
You pretend to swoon. “Joonie, with a chest like that, I’d be honored to be your fake girlfriend.”
Something aches behind Taehyung’s ribs as he watches you walk away on Namjoon’s arm when he just got you talking to him again. Still, a bit of breathing room is probably for the best. His conversation with you has him rattled; he doesn’t think his pulse has fully returned to normal since you suggested he has feelings for you. At the very least, he was able to smooth things out, which has noticeably eased the weight he’s been carrying the past couple of weeks.
But speaking of your conversation, you being summoned away by Namjoon gives him the opportunity to address the other elephant in the room.
He scans the crowd, determinedly ignoring the woman who’s been trying to catch his eye from a few tables over. (She pouts in his peripheral vision, shifting the neckline of her shirt to sit lower on her chest.) Finally spotting his target making her way back from the bathroom, he quickly moves to intercept her before she can join you and Namjoon at the bar.
Maya startles as he tugs lightly on her arm, leading her to a quieter spot towards the edge of the beach before abruptly spinning to face her.
"What the fuck?"
"What?" she quirks an eyebrow as if in askance but her overall countenance says that she knows exactly what this conversation is going to be about.
"You know what."
"Maybe, but I want to hear you say it."
Taehyung takes a deep breath. He loves Maya like a sister, but that sibling relationship means that she often gets under his skin like one, too. "You told Y/N that I'm in love with her?"
Her other eyebrow joins the first one in climbing her forehead. "Are you?"
Maya scoffs. "I'm going to give you another chance to say that, but try to sound like you actually believe it this time."
"You had no right—"
"So you're not denying it now?"
"I said no."
"Okay, that time was better, but it could still use some work—"
"Maya, fuck!" He scrubs a hand over his face. "Don't do this."
"She needs to know! What did you tell her?"
“That I don’t—“
“I thought you two didn’t lie to each other.”
“I didn’t!”
“You’re full of shit, and you know it.”
He’d swear he can feel his eyelid twitch. Maya always seems to know which buttons to press to get a reaction out of him. "She's getting married, for fuck's sake!"
"No, she has a boyfriend with a ring box in his drawer."
"Same difference."
"It's not."
"It is."
"She hasn't said yes yet, Tae."
He goes quiet at that. It’s painfully reminiscent of his conversation with Namjoon, and yet he’s equally at a loss. What are they honestly expecting him to do here? What could he possibly do that would accomplish anything other than drive you away, and rightfully so?
Maya’s gaze rakes over his face, scrutinizing him with a mixture of frustration and pity. "Tell me it isn't killing you."
Taehyung licks his lips, looking out across the bar until he finds where you’re standing with Namjoon. The latter says something that makes you laugh, and his stomach flips watching the way your eyes twinkle with mirth as you toss your head back, hair spilling over your shoulders.
You’re radiant. Stunning.
"She's happy," he finally croaks, but it comes out like he's physically straining to push out the words. "Leave it the fuck alone."
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You find Taehyung in the kitchen bright and early the next morning, already rummaging around and littering the counters with bowls and ingredients. The soft morning light drenches him in a golden glow, highlighting his honey skin, the slope of his nose, the long lines of his fingers as he works.
“Hey!” The smile he gives you is light and easy, the awkwardness between you having evaporated as easy as steam after your discussion last night. “Want to help me make breakfast?”
You jump in, immediately falling into rhythm with the way he maneuvers around the kitchen. God, you’ve missed this. It may have only been a few weeks, but cooking with Taehyung is one of your life’s greatest joys, and after missing two of your meal prep nights, it feels like a part of you has come home. There’s no doubt that you’re breathing a little easier today with the air cleared between you.
And honestly, how stupid to let a single comment from Maya drive a wedge between the two of you. You’ve known Taehyung practically your whole life. If he did have feelings for you, you would’ve figured it out by now.
Surely, he would’ve told you.
Lost in your thoughts, you don’t even notice that Taehyung is sneaking up on you until he’s already smeared a streak of waffle batter across your cheek.
“Augh, Tae!”
“What?” He quickly backpedals out of your reach, anticipating retaliation, but grinning widely. “You were clearly somewhere else. Had to bring you back to me somehow.”
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A while later, as Taehyung sets out the platters of waffles, fruit, and eggs, you begin making the rounds to let everyone know that breakfast is ready. Sunny and her friends thank you from where they’re hanging out on the back deck and say that they’ll be in soon. Moving back into the hallway, you greet Hoseok and his brother, Jiho, as they pass you; Hoseok gives you an appreciative high five when you tell them about the food. Namjoon and Jimin have their door wide open, so you only need to poke your head in, Jimin immediately taking off down the hall at the mention of waffles.
When you get to Taehyung and Jungkook’s door, it’s closed, a series of muffled groans coming from inside. Unhesitating, you knock hard, and the groaning stops, followed by a curse and the sound of shuffling before Jungkook is opening the door halfway, blocking your view of the room. Clad in only a pair of gray joggers, a light sheen of sweat coats his bare chest, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Can I help you?”
“Tae and I made breakfast. You’re welcome to join.” You nod your chin at the area behind him. “Unless, you know, you have better things to do.”
Jungkook smirks, amused. “Alright, I’ll be out in a minute.”
He moves to close the door, but you manage to stick a foot out to block him.
“Maya, you too!”
There’s a moment of silence as you stand there, Jungkook looking as smug as ever, before a voice sounds from inside the room.
It's a cloudless, sunny day so your group heads down to the beach after breakfast. Jungkook's beach house sits down the street, away from the center of town and tourist areas, which allows you a relatively private, uncrowded stretch of sand. The air is sticky with humidity, only mitigated by the breeze coming off the water. It's an oddly soothing combination of hot and cool that has you pulling in deep breaths of the salty air. You could stay out here forever.
"This is paradise," Hana says, verbalizing your own thoughts. "I wish I could live here."
You're sitting on your towel in the sand helping Maya sunscreen her back, but you don't miss the cocky grin on Jungkook's face.
"Well, pretty ladies like you are always welcome here."
Maya's shoulders tense up under your hands, and you're tempted to say something snarky in her defense before Sunny beats you there.
"Not my friends, Kook!"
Hana giggles, Jungkook feigns innocence, and you think that's that, stretching out on your towel to sunbathe. But an hour later, Taehyung is plopping down next to you in the sand.
"I need your help."
You slide your sunglasses to the top of your head so you can look at him better. "Sunny trying to set you up with someone again?"
He blushes. "No, Kook wants to have a chicken fight."
You push your glasses back down your face. "No."
Taehyung is quick, reaching over to pull the shades off your eyes entirely.
“Look,” he murmurs, leaning in close. “Normally I’d blow him off, but he’s pairing up with Hana, and Maya actually seems kind of bothered.”
You peek over his shoulder to where Maya is now chatting with Jimin, throwing furtive glances at Jungkook and Hana flirting by the water’s edge.
“I know they’re not exclusive,” Taehyung continues, “but you have to admit Kook is being a bit of a dick, and I kind of want to show him up.”
You’re still hesitant, lips turning downwards, and so he presses closer, until all you can see are big brown eyes.
“Please? For me?”
The past two weeks creep into your mind, two weeks of intentionally avoiding him—hurting him—due to your own idiocy, and that’s when you cave. You owe him.
“Okay, fine.”
You follow Taehyung down to the shoreline, where Jungkook grins widely at your approach and claps his hands together.
"A challenger!"
You shake your head at his antics and move to tie your hair up and away from your face. "Do we have any stakes?"
Jungkook strikes a dramatic pose: calf-deep in water, hands on hips, six-pack abs already glistening as he pouts his lips in thought.
Then, with a snap of his fingers, he says, "Loser cooks dinner tomorrow."
Well, that's much tamer than you expected. "Just dinner? No, 'loser has to go skinny dipping' or anything like that?"
His mouth forms into a tiny "o", eyes wide with excitement. "Do you...want that?"
"No," you're quick to clarify. "It just doesn't seem like much of a punishment for us."
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. "I like your food."
"Okay, but what if we win?" Taehyung asks, nodding from your right.
The cocky grin is back. "You won't."
Seagulls circle above like curious spectators to your game as you get into position. Taehyung squats in the surf so you can scale his back, sliding your legs over his tanned shoulders. He wraps his arms and hands tightly around your knees to secure you as he walks deeper into the ocean until the water is up to his waist. Roughly ten feet across from you, Jungkook and Hana have assumed a similar stance, and you're not sure if it's the waves rolling in or if Jungkook is actively bouncing on his heels.
"Jimin, wanna count us off?" he shouts.
From his spot on the beach, you see Jimin cup his hands around his mouth.
"On your mark...get set...GO!"
The men charge at each other through the water until you and Hana collide, grappling at each other's arms. In spite of a tiny build, she's surprisingly strong and sturdy, and you already have to adjust yourself on top of Taehyung, who likewise rearranges his grip on your legs.
"You good?" he grunts from under you, and you assure him you're fine.
You change your tactic, moving to push at her shoulders and send her backwards, but Jungkook shifts his legs to keep the two of them balanced. This gives Hana the chance to bump you with an elbow, and Taehyung likewise has to tighten his hold on you again to keep you steady.
This back-and-forth goes on for a short while, your friends now cheering from the sidelines, until Jungkook pushes forward and Hana collides with you again. This time, Taehyung adjusts to the hit by sliding his hands upwards, his long fingers skating up the soft inner flesh of your thighs and digging in.
A flash of heat rushes straight to your belly.
The sensation forcefully jolts your entire body and sends both you and Taehyung tumbling into the water. You kick around trying to find your footing before he pulls you up, sopping wet and spluttering as Jungkook and Hana celebrate their victory with raised arms and whoops.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
Hell if you know. You’d swear you can still feel the pads of his fingers on your legs, and so you merely blink at him with a shake of your head.
A biological reaction, you tell yourself, as you wade your way back to dry land. Nothing more.
You will your body to get a grip as you settle back down on your towel. You love Jace, you’re taken, and you and Taehyung have just reestablished the platonic nature of your friendship. Letting his touch have that kind of effect on you is nothing short of wildly inappropriate on two counts.
Trying to shake the shame poking at your brain, you angle yourself towards the waves and snap a quick selfie to send off to your boyfriend.
You [2:05pm]: miss you so much, wish you were here <3
It’s not long before your phone chimes with a reply, and you open the message to see a picture of Jace taken at a similar angle. He stands in a sea of businessmen and conference booths, suit crisp and hair neatly combed. The smile he wears is bright, eyes crinkling in the way you love so much and setting of a flurry of butterflies in your belly.
J <3 [2:07pm]: i’d say i wish you were here but i wouldn’t wish this place on my worst enemy let alone my favorite girl lol
J <3 [2:07pm]: i miss you too, beautiful :(
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By the time the sun starts its descent, you’ve all moved to the pool on the expansive back deck, Jungkook immediately hopping behind the outdoor bar to make drinks.
“You know,” you say from your perch atop one of the stools, “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who can match your enthusiasm for your job.”
He smiles, rattling a cocktail shaker. “It gets me booze and ladies. What more could I ask for?”
Yumi soon joins you at the bar top to ask Jungkook for a margarita, and is quick to strike up a conversation with you. Unsurprisingly for one of Sunny’s friends, she’s incredibly nice, and you learn she works as a hairdresser in the city.
“I’ll have to check out your salon!” you say. “I’ve been meaning to get a trim.”
She claps her hands together eagerly. “If you want to give me your number, I can text you the address!”
As you’re putting your contact information into her phone, she looks at you thoughtfully and adds, “Not to sound like I have an ulterior motive, but Sunny also mentioned that you’re going to be getting married soon, too?”
Heat creeps into your cheeks. “Ah, yeah, nothing official yet. But, you know, it seems like it’s coming.”
“Exciting!” she declares. “Just figured I’d let you know that I do weddings, too, in that case. And I know we’ve just met, but I’d still give you the friends discount. Sunny’s friends are my friends, as far as I’m concerned.”
“That’s so sweet of you. I’ll definitely give you a call to talk about it once we’re actually planning.”
“That sounds gre—“
“Sorry to interrupt.” Taehyung wanders up to where you sit, handing you a plate of steaming beef and cucumber salad. “Hoseok and Jimin got the first round of meats done. I knew you’d want it hot.”
The moan you let out as you take the plate from him is downright scandalous. “Ugh, you’re the best.”
You’re rewarded with a light chuckle and a signature boxy grin. “I know.”
As he heads back to the grill and you dig into your food, Yumi lets out a dreamy sigh. “It’s no wonder he’s planning to put a ring on your finger. I wish someone would look at me like that.”
A piece of food lodges itself in your throat, and you cough hard. Yumi stares at you in alarm until you regain your breath and turn to her with wide eyes. “Tae and I aren’t together.”
She looks back and forth between the two of you like she’s trying to solve a puzzle. “You’re not?”
“No.” You shake your head emphatically. “We grew up together. My boyfriend is at a work event.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” she exclaims. “I just noticed how close you were at the bar last night and how he’s always—“ She cuts herself off with a shake of her head. “Nevermind. That’s my fault. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
You assure her it’s fine, and she changes the subject, asking how you know the others and what college was like. Your chat carries on for a while longer before you excuse yourself to use the bathroom.
You don’t even make it halfway across the deck, though, before a tattooed arm is snaking across your waist, lifting you off your feet, and carrying you in the direction of the pool.
“Jeon Jungkook, don’t you fucking dare!” you screech, trying to wiggle yourself out of his grip to no avail.
All you hear behind you is a maniacal giggle before you’re tossed through the air and land in the water with a splash.
When you come up to the surface, pushing your wet hair out of your eyes, you find Jungkook cackling by the pool’s edge. You glare at him.
“C’mon, Y/N! It’s a tradition!” he laughs. “It’s not a beach house trip without—“ But he doesn’t get to finish that thought before Taehyung shoulders him hard in the back, propelling him into the water next to you.
You only give Jungkook a second to get his bearings before you’re hopping onto his back and trying to play wrestle him back under the water to the laughter of your friends. It’s hopeless really—Jungkook is basically a mountain of hard muscle that barely budges under your touch—but a few minutes of scrambling all over him with determination, and he eventually concedes and humors you by allowing you to dunk him below the surface.
It’s later, once you’ve clambered out of the pool and are toweling off on the deck when you hear him talking to Jiho behind you.
“He got you good. You didn’t even hear him coming, did you?” There’s a shuffle and a “Pow!” like Jiho is reenacting Taehyung’s takedown.
“Ah, it’s alright,” Jungkook laughs, no hint of a grudge in his voice. “I messed with his girl.”
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Your party stretches on into the night until the sky has turned inky black, peppered with stars that shine intensely this far removed from the city. Almost ironically, your group has mellowed out as the alcohol has flowed, settling into smaller groups scattered around the deck. Namjoon sits with Hoseok and Jiho, clearly getting philosophical around the fire pit. Sunny is gathered to the side with her friends as they sloppily braid each other’s hair, the occasional burst of laughter coming from their general vicinity. Jimin lays on his back at the side of the pool, drunkenly tracing constellations with his finger. And Maya and Jungkook are nowhere to be found.
There’s a sense of peace that flows through your veins as you watch your friends smile and talk while you grab yourself a beer from the poolside bar. You’ve always loved coming here. Sure, getting a free stay at a waterfront mansion is nothing you’d ever say no to, but it’s really getting to spend quality time with your friends—away from all of your real world responsibilities—that makes this place feel almost magical.
You look out to the shoreline and spot a figure sitting alone on the beach, staring out at the waves. You’d been thinking about joining Namjoon’s group by the fire, but that plan is immediately pushed out of mind as you grab a second bottle and make your way towards the sea.
You’re not loud in your stroll, the soft sand muting your steps, but Taehyung seems to sense your approach anyway, not startling a bit as you seat yourself next to him and hand him a beer.
“Contemplating the wonders of the universe?” you ask. From this angle, he looks almost like he did in Maya’s photograph of him—the same constellations in his eyes.
Taehyung stretches his legs out with a sigh, leaning back on his palms. “Where do you think we’ll be this time next year?”
You sip at your drink. Honestly, you can’t imagine things being all that different.
“Right back here?” you say. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of coming here. This is my ultimate happy place.”
Taehyung hums in agreement. “It could be your pre-wedding party we’ll be having next year.”
“You think?”
His brow furrows at your doubt. “I’d expect you’d at least be planning then, no? Or you could already be married by then if you guys want to move fast.”
The thought sends jitters running down your spine. “Who knows?” you challenge. “Maybe you’ll be the one married. Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate tomorrow and elope because you know it’s fate, and there’s no point in waiting.”
Taehyung barks out a laugh. “That sounds somewhat out-of-character, no?”
“Hmm, true. You’re more of a wait five years to move in and another five years to propose kind of guy. Work on your credit score and establish a detailed financial plan before even thinking about merging assets. And don’t even get me started on the background check.”
“Geez, Y/N. Does Jace know you just casually talk dirty to other guys like this?”
You playfully shove at his shoulder, and the pink of his tongue pokes through his teeth as he laughs.
“Oh, wow, look.”
Taehyung points a delicate finger as a tiny flash blazes through the sky, trailing light and stardust in its wake. He turns to you, smiling.
“Make a wish?”
The words come out on a whisper like a secret meant just for the two of you.
As you sit there, gazing out at the shadowy horizon in the distance, you feel perfectly content. What do you wish for when you feel like you already have the world? Work has been going great, and after almost a year of unpacking boxes and rearranging furniture, you feel like you and Jace are finally settled in and cozy at your apartment. You think about Jace—his smile, the soothing feel of his hands on your skin, the little black box in his desk—and contemplate all of the joy you can sense coming your way.
And then you consider the man beside you.
His eyes are closed as he meditates on his own wish, his legs now drawn up so he can rest his forearms on his knees. It flashes you back to when you were kids, lounging away the hours in your room or hanging at your favorite spots around town—the park, the library, the ice cream shop where Mrs. Kang would often take pity and treat the two of you to free cones. When you were young, Taehyung almost always sat like this, knees to his chest as if he was trying to make himself smaller. As if he could make himself invisible to the shadows that followed him every second of each day.
Taehyung’s always been a positive person, steadfastly determined to not let his demons poison his perspective of the world. Though neither of you were fond of explicitly discussing your situations, Taehyung always maintained a bright outlook on the rare occasions when your frustrations would spill over. There’s still the family we can choose, he’d tell you. We’ll find them one day.
Still, though, you could always sense a certain anxiety lingering under the mask of his smile. It showed itself in the way he’d sit with his arms around his knees, in the way his forehead would crease during the moments when you’d catch him lost in thought. This had eased up in college, the change in scenery and your newfound friends loosening his bones and laugh lines. But since graduation, you’ve seen some of that tension return to his shoulders like he’s carrying extra weight, especially in the past year.
You consider the man beside you, and you think, then, that he deserves the world, too.
I wish for Taehyung to have everything he wants. You squeeze your eyes shut, casting the thought out to the universe with everything you have. Every last desire of his heart. He deserves it all.
No one in the world would be more deserving. Of that, you’re sure.
When you open your eyes again, he’s watching you with an unreadable expression on his face.
“What did you wish for?” is all you can think to ask, blinking at him.
“Well if I tell you, then it won’t come true.”
You roll your eyes, shaking your head with a teasing scoff. He smiles.
“Happiness,” he declares. “If I had to put it simply.”
You smile back at him, hoping those stars stay in his eyes. “Yeah, me too.”
He’ll find it. You know he will.
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It's Sunday morning when shit hits the fan.
After Saturday passes with ease, another lazy day by the pool punctuated with you and Taehyung collaborating on a fried chicken dinner as per your bet with Jungkook, you wake up on Sunday to the sound of Iseul's squeals over there being no hot water, a fact which is soon confirmed after the men team up to check the heater. Jungkook calls his family handyman (apparently those come standard when you have more houses than you can count on one hand), but the man is quick to inform him that he's getting ready for his granddaughter's birthday party and won't be able to come out until tomorrow.
"There's no way I'm making it through the day without a hot shower," Maya grumbles.
Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows. "I can show you a hot shower.”
She doesn't even look at him.
You're also not enthused about the prospect of having to either take a cold shower or skip one entirely. So when Maya suggests going home a day early, you're already leaning towards the idea as well.
"It won't be that bad," Taehyung says, lips turning down in a tiny pout when you tell him. "The key is to just go fast."
"I'd rather not have to do it at all." You giggle as his pout deepens. "We're going to stay until the evening. It's only like a twelve hour difference."
"But I thought we were going to do a movie night."
Okay, now you feel bad.
"Temporary reschedule?" you suggest, poking at his bottom lip. "Jace and I are going to dinner on Saturday, but my Friday night is free."
A hand rubs at his chin as he pretends to make a show out of pondering your offer. "Deal."
Later, you're sitting on a chaise lounge on the back deck, soaking up your last few hours of sun with one of Jungkook's signature cocktails in your hand when Maya sighs deeply beside you in a similar show of disappointment.
"It really is a shame though," she laments. "Tonight was supposed to be our big send-off, and now I cleared my schedule tomorrow for nothing."
"We could do a girls night?" you say. "I have this new cab sav I found the other week that we could split."
"Ooh, twist my arm."
Plans made, you pull out your phone. Jace has been texting you on and off from his conference all weekend—just brief check-ins and I miss yous—so you shoot him a quick message now.
You [4:53pm]: the water heater here is busted so i'll be home early tonight. maya is going to come too, might stay over. can't wait to see you <3
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The sky is a misty orange when you pack the car and say goodbye to your friends, Taehyung giving you a particularly tight hug. Things were great between you for the rest of the weekend, but you can feel the tension of your conversation lingering in the way he holds you that extra second.
You check your phone as Maya settles into the passenger seat and buckles her seat belt. There's still been no word from Jace. It's not particularly unusual for him to forget to answer his phone—especially since you expect he's busy wrapping up the conference—but a seed of worry still plants itself in the back of your brain. You hope everything is alright.
The ride is mostly quiet, you and Maya occasionally singing along to a song on the radio as the evening gradually turns to night. But about halfway back home, you feel the need to straighten things out.
“So I talked to Tae.”
She’s quiet for a second, her face shrouded in shadow. “Uh-huh.”
“He said he doesn’t have feelings for me.”
Maya shifts in her seat, angling herself towards you ever so slightly. “And you believe him?”
“Yes. Definitely.”  There’s no doubt in your mind. “He’s never given me a reason not to.”
Silence stretches itself between you, Maya entirely unreadable as she seems to be puzzling something out in her head.
It comes as a surprise, and you jerk your eyes away from the road to glance over at her. “Okay?”
Maya shrugs. “Okay.”
“That’s it?”
“Do you want there to be more?”
You work your mouth in a stunned gape. Because she’s right; why are you pushing this?
“No. We’re good.”
When you get to your apartment, you swipe you and Maya into the building and head towards the elevators. You’re a little bummed that your time at the beach house had to be cut short, but you take solace in the fact that you get some time back with Jace.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Maya asks on the ride up.
You grin. “We could play that Twilight drinking game I sent you.”
“Pfft, I know I said I have tomorrow off, but I meant I could handle a mild hangover, not alcohol poisoning.”
You fumble for your key at your apartment door, sliding it into the lock and pushing the door open. The first thing you notice is that the lights are on, so Jace must be home.
“Babe?” you call, as you and Maya dump your bags by the couch.
“Where’s that cab sav?” You nod in the direction of the kitchen, and Maya skips over to investigate.
A moan sounds through the apartment.
You and Maya both freeze, staring at each other. Goosebumps break out over your entire body, a frightening sense of impending doom slamming itself down on your consciousness.
A second moan, and now you notice the lights on under the closed door of your bedroom. There was no sign of forced entry, but the image of a wounded and bleeding Jace pushes itself to the forefront of your mind.
You rush to the bedroom door, fearing the worse.
You swing it open.
And your entire world collapses.
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Taehyung can’t quite shake the feeling that you’re slipping through his fingers.
Movie night had been his idea, a way to get you in one spot (and mostly to himself, if he’s being honest) after your two weeks of silence. Now knowing the reason behind your push for space, he doesn’t blame you at all. Maya throwing that wrench into your relationship was surely unsettling, and he understands wanting time alone. But he’s missed you; he’s not going to deny that. And he’s desperate to prove that things can be okay between you. Things can be normal.
But the universe, it seems, is stacked against him.
He’s ambling through the house, wondering if Jimin might be up for a game of ping pong in the downstairs game room, when his phone blares in his pocket. It’s a jarring sound, violent in the way it disrupts the calmness of the house, and Taehyung frowns when he sees Maya’s name on the screen.
Maya never calls.
“Tae, oh thank God.” Her voice is high and tight—clearly in distress. “You need to come to Y/N’s apartment as soon as physically possible. Grab Jimin and Kook if you need to drive them back—whatever. But just—as soon as possible.”
“Wait, wait, slow down,” he urges, hairs standing at attention on the back of his neck. “What’s going on? Is everyone okay? Is Y/N okay?”
“We got back to the apartment, and Jace he…”
Time seems to slow in anticipation of Maya’s next words—the kind of eerie stillness that precedes a storm, quiet and disarming in its disguise.
And then she drops the bomb.
“He was with someone else.”
Taehyung’s ears ring. There is no possible way he heard that right. “What?”
The breath that comes from the other side of the phone is heavy, like Maya can’t even believe the words coming out of her own mouth. “He was in bed with someone else.”
A chill drips down his spine, pushing its way through his veins until his entire body runs cold. This can’t be happening. Not to you. You’ve had enough pain and hardship in your twenty-five years of life—he’s seen it, weathered it with you. Things are supposed to be getting better; this is supposed to be the payout for years of heartache. Surely, the universe wouldn’t be so cruel.
But then it happens. A single, anguished sob rings out in the background of the call, sharp and pained in its grief.
His heart shatters, shards piercing the spaces between his ribs.
“Tae? Are you still there?”
“She needs you. Please just get over here.”
Then line goes dead.
Taehyung is only frozen for a second longer before he’s bounding into motion, tearing down the hallway and into the living room where Jimin lays on his back on the couch. The latter shoots into a sitting position when he sees the look on Taehyung’s face.
“You okay?”
“Y/N—she—we—“ His mouth feels like it’s filled with sand, and while he stands there, working his jaw in agonizing frustration, Jimin leaps to his feet to close the distance between them, grasping Taehyung’s shoulders.
“What’s wrong? What happened to Y/N?”
His lungs burn as he finally finds the words. “Jace is cheating on her.”
Jimin goes still, the same stunned shock registering in his body.
“We need to—we need to go,” Taehyung gasps, and Jimin is quick to sit him on the couch.
“I’ll get Kook. We’ll take care of this,” he says, voice steady. Commanding. “You just wait here and breathe.”
The next several minutes are a blur as Jimin rushes to get Jungkook, and they work on packing the car, briefly explaining the situation to the others. Taehyung can’t think of anything but you, his focus reduced down to a pinpoint in his mind. You must be devastated. In spite of what he had said about his own feelings on Jace, he knows how much you love him, how you were expecting to spend the rest of your life with him. How must you be feeling to have an entire future ripped away? To have to bear witness to and suffer that kind of betrayal?
He’s not quite sure how it happens, but he winds up in the passenger seat of his own car, Jimin sliding behind the wheel and peeling away from the house and onto the highway. The air inside the cabin is thick, a stifling combination of premature summer heat and heavy silence, with even Jungkook sitting oddly quiet in the backseat. Taehyung is thankful for the absence of conversation; he doesn’t think he can handle talking about any of this until you’re in front of him and he can hold you, feel that you’re safe.
He realizes somewhere along the way that he’s shaking, your cry still ringing in his ears.
The trip from the beach house to the city only takes about forty-five minutes, but it feels like days, headlights and street lamps zipping by like tiny suns as Taehyung wills the car to go faster, faster, faster. He’s never felt further from you before, never been so determined to close the distance between you like he is now.
Whatever you need from him, he’ll give it.
Jimin finally pulls into your apartment parking lot, and the car hasn't even fully stopped before Taehyung is bolting out at a near sprint. Jungkook and Jimin catch up to him as he pulls out the duplicate access card you had given him in case of emergencies, swiping them into the entryway and down the hall where he pounds the button for the elevators.
"It'll be okay," Jimin says, staring Taehyung down where he seems to be vibrating in his shoes. "She'll be okay."
"She'd better be," Jungkook mutters, fists clenched tight.
(Jimin hopes Jace has long cleared out of the building, lest they run into him.)
The elevator ride is tense and slow, the numbers ticking upwards in time with the pounding in Taehyung's ears.
The bastard was sleeping with someone else.
You thought you were going to marry him.
He'd spent time with Jace all through college. Even laughed with him at times.
The sound you'd made on the phone, like you were physically wounded.
If he ever sees that piece of shit again—
The doors open with a ding that snaps the mess of Taehyung's thoughts into focus.
He's here. You need him.
It's a brisk walk to the end of the hallway, and then he's practically punching your apartment door, which swings open almost immediately as if Maya was waiting on the other side. She and Taehyung stare at each other for a brief moment, her mouth stretched into a tight line before she simply nods her head in the direction of the bathroom. Taehyung makes the final leg of the trip in five long strides before freezing in the doorway.
The fractured shards of his heart turn to dust.
You're curled up on the bathroom floor, a tangle of arms and hair covering your face as your body trembles with quiet sobs. They echo around the tile, filling the space between you until Taehyung thinks he can feel the sound burrowing itself under his skin, a morbid tattoo he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to erase. This image, he thinks, will surely haunt him for the rest of his life.
You. Completely and utterly broken.
He falls to his knees so he can brush your hair aside, the strands draping themselves over his fingers like a tether. Your face is red and stained with tears, and he reflexively wipes at the ones he sees rolling down your cheeks as you peer up at him, only now registering his presence.
"I'm here," he murmurs as his hands continue collect your tears, trying to carry them for you.
When you hear his voice, your cries start up again in earnest, and you reach out to clutch at his shirt. Taehyung immediately gathers you into his arms and tucks you into the haven of his chest, holding you like if he squeezes hard enough, he can press your broken pieces back together.
"T-tae...h-he..." you gasp at his collarbone, words failing you as Taehyung hugs you to him even tighter.
He runs his hands through your hair, presses kisses to the crown of your head, trails his fingers up the length of your back as you burrow into him, wails escalating.
"Shh, I've got you, baby."
He does. He'll hold you forever if he has to.
"I've got you."
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a/n: thoughts? guesses as to what taehyung used his wish on? likes, reblogs, and feedback give me life :)
taglist is open!
a/n 2: oh, fun fact. when jace caught oc going through his desk in part 1, he wasn’t even thinking about the ring box when his eyes flicked to the drawer. he was worried she was going to find the condoms, which would’ve been weird since they hadn’t used them in like two years (oof) (this isn’t plot relevant, just a detail tidbit lol)
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issabangtanfic · 4 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 8)
Synopsis: When for once rich doesn’t rhyme with Christian Grey.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
Swinging my bag over my shoulder and tucking it under my armpit, pick up the large box containing my brand new set of portfolios I just picked up from the printing store. The box obstructing my vision, I trust my instincts to guide me to the office. I close my trunk with one free hand and walk a few steps, peeking to the side of the box to watch for the steps before the double doors.
I give one of the doors a great push with my feet, but it comes back too fast and slams right into me as I try to walk in. Squealing, I lose my balance and send the box flying, falling onto my butt spectacularly.
“Damn it.” I mutter to myself, looking at the dozen of my portfolios scattered next to the tipped box. I reach for one but almost grab two leather shoes.
“I can’t believe how clumsy you are.” Mr.Jeon crouches down before my eyes, all grey suit and sickening looks. I nearly jump.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, my face a mix of horror and surprise.
“I came to pay my consultation fees.” He explains, pricking up each of my photo books and stacking them. I give myself a mental slap and help him clean my mess.
“You forgot to charge me.” He adds. Yeah, that was a detail I wish no one would have noticed.
“Did I?” I feign surprise, and he answers with a soft chuckle. ’S’all good now.” He says reassuringly, getting back up with a cheetah’s ease. He stretches a hand down to me.
“I always pay my debts.” He declares.  I take his hands and try to ignore how it feels around mine and he helps me up, before handing me my box.
“Do you think you’ll be okay with this?” He asks once I can’t see him anymore, and I hear him press the button for the elevator.
“Yes, thank you.” I murmur, so glad that my crimson face is hidden from his view by the cardboard box.
“Have a good day.” I hear him say to me as I step in. Please go away. I punch the third floor button.
“You too.” I choke out as the doors close. I sigh deeply. Please let this be the last of last times I see this man.
“Hi everyone.” I call once I enter the office.
“Morning. You just missed Mr. HotButtocks.”  Jade teases, eyebrows wriggling. Oh, please.
“Who she forgot to charge for the consultations.” Fred chimes in before I can answer, appearing behind Ava with a bunch of folders in his hands. Oh, crap.
“Well, it wasn’t-“
“Save it. He tipped. A lot.” He cuts me off. I almost sigh in relief. “What’s all this?” He asks me.
“Port folios.” I reply, starting to walk to my office again. This is getting heavy.
“Need help?” I hear Ava call after me. I look at her over my shoulder.
“I got it! It’s pancakes that I need Ava!” I retort. When I turn my head back and make a turn down the hallway, I bump into a firm chest,  sending my package flying once more. The content pilled on the floor, I look up to the man in front of me.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The tall, platinum blonde asian guy says, crouching down to clean the mess. 
“It’s okay.” I reply, more intrigued by the reason of his presence than anything.  I join him on the floor, quickly throwing my portfolios back into the box.
“Kim Namjoon.” He pauses to streatch his hand out.  “I’m the new architect.”
The new architect?
“I’m Maya Fair. Nice to meet you.” I reply, shaking his hand. 
“I had no idea Fred had hired someone.” I tell hm, unable to hide my surprise.
“He thinks it could be plus for the company to have both designers and architects.” My new colleague says to me. It’s not a stupid idea.
“He also told me you would be my partner.” He adds, lifting himself off the floor with the bax in his arms.
“Partner?” I repeat, rising to my feet.
“We have our first client who asked for both a designer and an architect.” He says as I open the door to my office. We’re already starting?!
“It’s 10 ten in the morning.” I gape at him. I’m sure Fred hasn’t communicated on it yet, how would anybody now we have an architect?
“It’s good friend of mine.” He clears up as we both step into my office. Oooh.
“Oh, Maya.” Fred calls from outside the door.
“I see you’ve met Namjoon.” He smiles at the newest employee.
“Yes, he just told me about the two-in-one.” I tell him.
“Then, you’re fine. I gotta go. Bye!” He sings, nearly pirouetting his way out of my office. Namjoon and I both chuckle at him.
“Where should I put this?” He asks, my package still in his hands,
“I could take advantage of your height and have you put it up here.” I propose, pointing at my unused top shelf reserved for my drawing equipment.
“No problem.” Namjoon replies, placing the box on the shelf with ease and grace I could never have.
I thank him warmly and ask him about our appointment today.
“It’s at 2pm, downtown near the design museum. Should we take my car?” He proposes. I don’t mind not driving for once. This two-in-one package has its perks.
“Sure.” I reply.
“I’ll leave you to it, then. See you.” He greets before leaving my office. Taking a cleansing breath, I slide behind my desk, ready to get to work.
“Cute, right?”
I look up and see Ava standing in my doorway, hip jutted ou and a plate of pancakes in her hand. I chuckle rolling my eyes.
“What about Eli?” I shoot back.
“No one’s above Elijah. But he is cute, right?” She replis, walking over to my desk. Ava is addicted to men, it’s crazy. I grab a pancake and shove it down my throat.
“M’yeah.” I mumble. He is cute, but the. real snack is that pancake for me.
“He’s from Seoul, graduated from Barlett, and worked with people like Emma Thomson and the Beckham’s.” She gives me his whole resume without me asking, raising her eyebrows in excitement. So he’s high class, huh?
“Aren’t we a little small for him?” I raise a brow, and Ava replies with a clueless shrug.
“You know, Maya.” She trails off. “I had no idea Jeon was putting you through all this.”
“It’s fine, Ava. Really.” I reply dismissively, reaching out for a second pancake. 
“It’s all behind me now.” I reassure her.
“I can’t wait to get back to work actually.” I say excitedly.
“Well, I’ll let you do just that.” She declares, turning on her heels.
“Thanks for the pancakes!” I say to her back before she exits the room.
“Miss Fair?”
I lift my head from my scribbles and see Mr.Namjoon standing in the doorway of my office.
“It’s Maya. We’re colleagues.” I give him a warm smile that he returns immediately.
“Okay well, you can call me Joon if you want. ” He says to me.
“Joon. Is it time?” I ask him.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
“I’ll be outside.” He says before closing the door and ambling off. I quickly gather my belongings, my portfolio, my tablet and my note bad, before joining Namjoon at the elevator.
“Who are we meeting?” I ask him.
“Choi Minah. A friend from Seoul.” He explains. I’m meeting a lot of Korean people these days. From Mr.Jeon to him to Mrs.Choi.
“She’s a designer for Alexander McQueen.” He tells me, though I don’t really know what to do with this information.
“Interesting.” I say to myself. So he’s a high-class architect bringing us his high-class clients. Why did he settle for us? We are way too small of a company.
“A round apartment in a square building?” I utter once we're out of the appointment. Miss Choi has been very friendly with us, she's easy going, funny and very elegant as I had imagined, but she's also very edgy.
She likes vintage decors, clothes and even vintage movies. She lives in the wrong century. Her requirements were...disruptive. Not impossible to realize, just very...interesting.
“Rita doesn’t do conventional.” Namjoon explains as we walk back to his car. We both know that's an understatement. She's unique.
“Had the building been round she would’ve wanted a triangle house.” He muses.
“If she’s opting for minimalism I won’t be much help.” I retort. The project sounds amazing, but I don't see how I can ring much to it. Namjoon might as well have gone alone and asked for advice if be needed any.
“Of course you would. You’ve done plenty of such projects.” He counters.
“How do you know?” I ask, squinting my eyes at him. He gives me an embarrassed smile.
“I borrowed one of your portfolios.” He admits. 
“Borrowed?” I repeat. When did he do that.
“It fell out of your box.” He says. I lift an eyebrow. What a sneaky dude.
“I was going to give it back, I promise.” He says reassuringly. Oh, whatever.
"Well we could trade portfolios. I'd like to see your work." I tell him.
"I'll get you- Oh.” Namjoon freezes and stops in his tracks, eyes glued to a sign. Looking in the same direction, I realise we’re in front of the design museum, and he is reading the colourful banner above the entry.
“An RCR exposition?” He says under his breath.
“What’s that?” I enquire, clueless.
“Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigen dnd Ramon Vilalta, three of the best architects in the entire world." He nearly gushes, a smile stretching his face. Well, if you say so…
 “I knew they were in London to work on a house, but I had no idea they would have an exposition here.” He mumbles to himself, frowning deeply. I read the sign.
“It’s the last day.” I remark. “Do you want to have a quick look?” I propose, and he directs his frown to me.
“Shouldn’t we get back to the office?” He says. Well, we can always take the long way home.
“Fred won’t know.” I say reassuringly, I always make pit stops between meetings if I ever have to.
“I don’t know if I should be doing this on my first day.” He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck.  Don’t tell me he’s a bootlicker!
“Oh, come on.” I refrain an eye roll. “We can be out in ten minutes. Plus, it’s your last chance.” I argue, and that seems to do the trick.
“A quick look then.” He says quietly, refraining a smile to hide his excitement. 
Jeez, he must really love these guys. As an interior designer I’ve always been interested in architecture. I have always admired the way our ancestors have pushed the limits of what we could build, of how they could create entire spaces that tell stories. 
Namjoon. and I walk into the museum and amble in the middle f the exhibit. For someone so excited about these architect, my colleague seems to be skimming over each model and picture quite fast, almost as if h was looking for something.
“It’s there.” He nearly gasps, stopping in front of a replica of a cubic, rainbow-gradient coloured building.
“El petit Combe.” He says. I take a closer loo at the colourful yet minimalistic square.
“They made this in collaboration with Lego’s.” He explains to me. Now that I know that, I’m less bothered by all the squareness of the place.
“Playing with Lego’s is actually what made me want to be an architect. Before my parents would start buying me equipment to draw plans, I would use Lego’s to build models.” He explains to me. What a lovely story. And what a ingenious kid he must have been! I remember doing the exact same thing with Lego’s whenever I wanted to change the layout of my bedroom, but when I was a teen.
“And this actually is a school in Spain.” He says, pointing at “El Petit Combe”.
“Imagine going to school in a Lego building.” He whispers to himself. His passion for architecture is nearly palpable, the excitement in his eyes visible and almost contagious.
“Are they building a Lego house in London? Is that why they’re here?” I enquire, which makes him chuckle.
“I wish.” He says, walking away from his favorite piece. I follow him to wards the back of the room to see the rest of the exhibit. “I haven’t been up to date with the project, but I think they’re finishing their Mesh Manor.”
“Mesh Manor?”
“Ever heard of the Mesh House in Hampstead?”
I shake my head, and he fishes his phone out of his pocket.
“It looks like this.” He says, showing me a picture. Ah, mesh as in mesh textures in modelling softwares!
“They’re using the same concept but making it their own. On a bigger scale.” He explains. “Speaking of the devil.”
He stops in front of a replica of what would be the manor. My brain can’t really wrap itself around the idea of having such a big building built like this. The scale of this project is huge. But it doesn’t feel at all like a manor, just like a manor-size piece of contemporary art.
“You can hardly call this a manor.” I remark.
“It fits the definition.” He retorts. I mean, yeah, if it comes with enough land.
“I wonder what the inside looks like.” I muse. I am currently imagining luxurious minimalism, which of course would fit but which I am also bored of.
“I’m curious to see what they were trying to express with this.” I tell myself. “I hope it’s not minimalism.”
“Well, you could see for yourself.”
When I snap my head towards Namjoon, he’s reading a leaflet he found next to the description of the replica.
“They’re doing an inauguration party.” He tells me. Oh, do they?! I could go with Sidney. She loves acting fancy.
“Certified designers and architects only.” He mumbles. Oh, that kind of party?! 
“Proof of employment should be sent to this e-mail address for an invitation to be sent to you.” He reads. That is super selective. Well, it’s a high class project carried out by high-class architects. 
“Dress code: suit and tie or cocktail dress.” He finishes. That sounds a lot of fun, but I can’t go with my baker of a roommate.
"Would you like to go with me?” He proposes. 
What? He’s already asking me out on a date. I have nothing against him, but I’ve had enough os testosterone for at least a month. Hell, I’m so fucking blind I hadn’t noticed he was interested in me.
“Not as a date though.” He adds quickly. i blink up at him.
“I’m really not trying to ask you out.” He says. If we weren’t on the same page I’d be offended.
“But if we both enjoy architecture, we can have a good time.” He explains, and I hide my relief. This could be fun. 
“Sure!” I nod vigorously. “Sure. It’ll be fun.”
He grins, eyes almost disappearing.
“Perfect.” He pipes up. Looks like I have a not-a-date this weekend. "We should get back to the office now."
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hellreads · 4 years
what are some of the most filthiest fics you've ever read?
this is the HARDEST ASK I have received so far, I spaced out after seeing this ask trying to recall every single filthy fic I ever read because there’s a lot but I will only be adding three fics per member for this ask, now, what I consider filthy may not be your cup of tea or may seem vanilla to y’all but to each their own, btw filthy to me includes threesomes to gangbangs because we’re weak for double penetration in this house, a lot of cum play and sloppy seconds, dirty talk, degradation, and more ~ by more I mean feelings, I need to feel something before drowning me in good explicit smut but I like pwps too lol, anyway, enough of my ramblings let’s get to the list! | 🍒
NOTE: please check all tags and warnings before reading a fic, read any of these at your own risk!
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❥ The Hills by @minflix➴ Ski-Trip/Vacation!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok | Series➴ A ski trip with old friends sounds like a fun time, right?when your ex-boyfriend (who you hate but somehow always end up in bed with) and your stepbrother (who you are harboring not-so-secret feelings for) tag along at the last minute, you have a feeling it won’t be an uneventful weekend.but fun? debatable. that remains to be seen.
❥ Pour Up by jungxkook (deactivated/story no longer here on tumblr)➴ Fuckboy/Fratboy!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ You like to pretend you hate Jungkook and Taehyung but sleeping with both of them doesn’t sound so terrible especially when you’re drunk and faded.
❥ Extreme Obsession by saylilirose➴ Psychological/Yandere!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ In life, you meet one person that you live and grow old with. 
You? You meet seven. 
But your love? Non-existent. 
But theirs? Real…and obsessive.
Which turns deadly and dangerous. 
Without hesitation.➴ NOTE: this story contains heavy/dark/taboo themes and this isn’t for everyone, make sure you read all tags and warnings before starting this fic, you’ve been warned.
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Kim Namjoon
❥ Miss Communication by @dovechim➴ Poly!AU | Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ Poly relationships can be complicated. especially one where there’s an established hierarchy, and someone decides to break the rules. in a series of miscommunications between your boyfriends, you find yourself being the conveyor of peace and something else that isn’t quite what you expected. 
❥ Tigerboy by @joonbird➴ Hybrid!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ “You, a docile rabbit hybrid, have been waiting a long time to meet the mysterious tiger hybrid, Kim Namjoon.”
❥ Criminal by @teawithkpop➴ Criminal/Police!AU | Namjoon x Reader x Yoongi x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ Namjoon is a wanted criminal, and he decides he wants you to be his ‘last meal’ before he’s booked.
Kim Seokjin
❥ The Devil Wears Armani by @floralseokjin➴ Devil!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series➴ You never imagined accidentally attempting to sell your soul to the devil would lead to this…
❥ Off-Limits by @floralseokjin➴ Brother’s Bestfriend!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series➴ You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse…
❥ In The Bleak Midwinter by @pcyheartgirlx➴ Idol/Escort!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Chanyeol | Series➴ We’re all whores, we just sell different parts of ourselves.
You own a multi-billion dollar company, servicing the biggest names in kpop, in more ways than one. Under the name “Starlight Catering”, you, your best friends, Damon and Maya, and your hundreds of workers provide stress relief for idols.
You have partially retired, not because you didn’t want to, but because Chanyeol was your muse. He was all that you had time for and all you needed. Until Jin came along.
So what happens when you mix fire and ice?
You get smoke and all the lines are blurred.
Min Yoongi (hardest list to make, I have a lot of good Yoongi filth T_T)
❥ Zelus by bumblexfox➴ Sugar Daddy/Lovers!AU | Yoongi x Reader | One-Shot➴ Yoongi becomes jealous when your close friend Jungkook puts his hands all over you right infront of his face. So, Yoongi decides to make sure you know who you really belong to.
❥ Dead Leaves by wrienne➴ Detective!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | Series➴ In which you (reader) are a homicide detective about to face the biggest hurdle both of your career and life.
Married to probably the kindest but most boring man you’ve ever met and living in a town where nothing ever seems to happen means life for you is dull. Dull enough to drive you crazy with boredom and dissatisfaction. However, life changes abruptly when your old boss retires and a new man takes his place - a man you used to love (and sleep very regularly with) more than a decade ago. Especially when your husband comes home smelling of perfume, you’re unable to resist your more carnal urges and dead women start showing up across the city with unnerving frequency.
❥ Hyung, Open the Door by @gotmetalkinginmysleep➴ Idol!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Taehyung x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ You’ve been keeping the boys awake with your moaning for months thanks to Yoongi. Tae and Jungkook want to find out why.
Jung Hoseok 
❥ Flight 18 by @noona-la-la-la➴ Idol!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Korean Air Flight 18 leaves daily from Los Angeles traveling to Seoul. You’ve taken this flight before, but this time you’ve got an irritating passenger in the neighboring seat. Little did you know that he would end up giving you the ride of your life.
❥ See Both Sides Like Chanel by @minflix➴ Rich Kids/FWB!AU | Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok | One-Shot➴ You, Namjoon, and Hoseok are inseparable. Three best friends that grew up together since you were all in diapers.
But lately, Namjoon has been drifting away…
So on his birthday, you and Hoseok remind him just how inseparable the three of you really are.
⤷ or alternatively: a little less twenty-one candles, a little more “touch me”
❥ Langour by @littlemisskookie➴ Step-Siblings!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Hoseok’s got a lust-driven thirst for his step sister.
Park Jimin
❥ Sharing is Caring by @littlemisskookie➴ Prostitution!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Jimin | One-Shot➴ Jin graciously decides to loan you to handsome Park Jimin for the night.
❥ Power Play by @dovechim➴ Pornstar!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ You know him as the A-lister of all porn stars; a man who sits pretty in his place at the top of the food chain. But you also know him as the Park Jimin who single-handedly humiliated you and ruined your own career as a rookie just starting out, the epitome of the biggest dick in the entire industry… and you’re not talking about his assets. But when Park Jimin comes to you, saying he’s in a slump that only you can get him out of and begs you to sign an exclusive contract with him; things get messy… in more ways than one.
❥ Neighbors by @jkeuphoriadreamland➴ Neighbors!AU | Jimin x Reader | Series➴ Finally achieving your successes in life you never expected the distraction that came with your new hot neighbor. He, however, had been trying to get your attention for a much different reason.
Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook (because majority of my fave filth includes these two ~ I am breaking the 3 fics list for them because I can dsjkhfkjasdhf)
❥ Clandestine by @ditzymax➴ Assassin!AU | Taehyung x Named OC x Jungkook | Series➴  As a professional assassin, Kim Kinsoo has many shrouded secrets in her life. Some of them she shares openly with her loving boyfriend, but there are other things he must never know.
❥ Shameless by @imaginethisbts➴ Voyeurism/Exhibitionism!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ Taehyung’s the new guy in town, just trying to make some friends. And when Jungkook invites him to a party, he thinks he’s finally gotten a good opportunity to meet some new people. But what he doesn’t expect is witnessing his new friend Jungkook and his girlfriend, you, getting it on in front of him, and all of the other guys, at this so-called party. 
❥ When You Least Expect It by @johobi➴ F2L/Lovers!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last-ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation.
❥ Stealing the Bite by @wildernessuntothemselves➴ Supernatural!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ In a world populated by the supernatural, witches were the most despised and mistrusted of creatures. Everyone desired to make use of their powers but no one was willing to be seen openly conferring with them. And so there came to pass a heinous practice: Small covens of witches were isolated and kept under wraps in every kingdom, to be utilized when needed, and kept under close watch to prevent them from rebelling. 
Growing up in a kingdom ruled by werewolves, abuse and scorn were a fact of life, but you were determined to put an end to it. You devised a devious plan to gain power, and it involved a certain prince.
❥ The Doms Next Door by @tatertotthethot➴ Poly/Tattoo!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ In which you unknowingly accept the offer to become a tattoo model for the two, sexually-crazed men next door.
❥ Maid for You by @forgottenpasta➴ Idol!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | One-Shot➴ As Bangtan’s dorm maid you’re expected to be professional, your identity anonymous. Until Jeongguk finds you on your knees beside his bed, with his rolex in your hand.
❥ Into Temptation by coconutty➴ Demon!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ It was just a dare…
❥ Lust and Errors by @imaginethisbts➴ Step-Siblings!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ Stepbrother, fuck buddy… They were one and the same now. But what started out as some mindless fucking game, quickly turns into something much more difficult and complex.
❥ What’s Mine is Mine by @avveh➴ Idol!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot ➴ You caught his eye from day one. As far as Jungkook was concerned, you were always meant to be his.
❥ This Isn’t Love Darling by @junqkook➴ Mafia/Escort!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ He tasted of an empty night and an eclipsing moon, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes when he put his mouth on yours.
❥ Illicit Photography by @jkeuphoriadreamland➴ University/Photography!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ You’re a well respected university professor who assigns a portfolio project to your photography students, but your best student, Jungkook, doesn’t follow the rules very well.
❥ My Way by @ellieljade➴ Fuckbuddy!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ Jungkook doesn’t appreciate your boyfriend’s insistence that he stop sleeping with you and he knows just how to prove that you like it his way.
❥ Moth to Flame by @bang-to-the-tan➴ Vampire!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry.
❥ Void by @btssavedmylifeblr➴ Space!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ You are the only female crew member on a 12-year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
❥ Temptation Series by @yminie➴ Idol!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ Sleeping Temptation : Yoongi and Jimin come home to find you asleep on the couch. To say they were happy they beat the other members back would be an understatement.
➴ Waking Temptation : Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon are home, and you’re not asleep anymore.
➴ Sweeter Temptation : After an eventful evening, it’s the morning after and Jin’s there to take care of you.
➴ Breaking Temptation : Jungkook ditches movie night for other activities, and you’re not impressed.
❥ Seven Deadly Sins by @mintedmango➴ Demon!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ You stood suddenly, chair being pushed away by the backs of your legs, the rest of the sins standing with you as you looked around in panic. All except Sloth who was out cold in the corner.“Oh, little pet, indeed, I am still hungry.”
❥ Physcom by @teawithkpop➴ Idol!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ AU where live-in Physical Companions are provided to k-pop groups so the members can relieve their sexual related stress and tension - around their busy schedules, of course. You are one such “PhysCom”. However, complications arise when the BTS members start harboring romantic feelings for you. Feelings you’re not sure you can reject with any believable amount of conviction. Such a scandal could result in getting both you and them fired and exposed, ruining any future career options for all parties involved… it turns out the “com” in PhysCom might as well stand for complications.
❥ Cum by @honeymoonjin➴ Idol!AU | OT7 x Reader | Two-Shot➴ An episode of Run! BTS in which the seven members compete to see who can make you cum first.
❥ The Gentlemen’s Club by @brookelegend➴ Club!AU | OT7 x Reader (Hobi-Centric) | Series➴ You’ve been in a dating drought, more specifically, a sex drought. Your best friend has the perfect remedy for your problem: The Gentlemen’s Club.
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jjungkookislife · 4 years
part 8: ooh, I smell tea (M)
pairing: hoseok x oc
wc: 1.4k
warnings: mild smut, marking
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Hoseok decides to return to his hotel room, hoping to take a nap before meeting up with you later for an after-dinner drink once again.  He’s a bit nervous, not sure what he should wear or if things will go further tonight.  
He had set his phone on ‘do not disturb’ after Jungkook had spilled the beans.  The last thing he wanted was to answer questions pertaining to a girl he met while on vacation.  He knew his friends meant well, especially after not showing interest in anyone after his three-year relationship went down the drain last year.  Hoseok just didn’t want to get his friends’ hopes up, not when he already knew it wasn’t going anywhere.  Should he still try to see you despite knowing it wouldn’t lead nowhere?
With a sigh, Hoseok swipes his key card to allow himself into the room, climbing into his queen bed and hoping to have a small nap before dinner.  If tonight went well, maybe he could take you out to dinner tomorrow night.  He only had tonight and tomorrow night to see you, his heart clenched at the thought of never seeing you again but he felt it was better this way.  A summer fling, something he could get over easily. 
Hours later, Hoseok is waking up from his nap, feeling well-rested for once.  With a yawn, he stretches, twisting his waist from side to side before getting out of bed.  
After freshening up, Hoseok checks himself out in the mirror, taking a selfie before heading out of his room down to the bar.  
Hoseok is happy to see he’s made it here early enough to grab seats at the bar; he grows nervous as the last few minutes tick by.  He wonders if you’ll show up but then realizes you were the one who had set the time. 
“Waiting for me?” You smile as you sit beside him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.  Hoseok flushes, feeling flustered all of a sudden.  He clears his throat, a dusty-rose blush lingering on the apples of his cheeks. 
“I’m glad you came,” he tells you honestly, taking your hand in his, pressing a kiss on your knuckles.  
“I’ve been looking forward to it all day,” you admit, turning to grab the bartender’s attention.  You order a drink, turning to Hoseok for him to order one as well.
“I was hoping to see you around today,” Hoseok says as he stirs the straw in his drink before meeting your gaze. 
“I spent most of my morning at the beach then my afternoon at the north side pool,” you explain as you wrap your lips around the straw, sucking down the alcohol. 
“Ah, I see.  I spent my day at the Eastside pool,” Hoseok smiles warmly as he sips his drink. 
“Don’t turn around,” you murmur, your eyes focused on something behind him.  Hoseok looks at you with a confused look, fighting the urge to turn his head.  
“My friends are spying on me apparently,” you grumble as you raise your hand to shoo away your two friends. 
Hoseok chuckles, watching your face as you mouth curse words at them until they finally leave.  You sigh heavily, rolling your eyes before your eyes lock with Hoseok’s. 
“I’m sorry about that.  I told them about last night and they want to make sure I’m safe,” you explain briefly. 
“I told my friends about you too,” Hoseok smiles brightly before he finishes his drink, pushing it away from him.  You chug the rest of yours, taking his hand in yours as you hand your card to the bartender.  Hoseok tried to protest but you waved him off as you take your card once again. 
“Let’s go,” you whisper with a grin as you lead Hoseok out of the bar toward the beach you had been to the night before. 
“Have you heard from your friends?” You ask as you feel the water brush along your feet, the coldness of it makes you shiver. Hoseok chuckles, pulling you close to his side with his arm wrapped around your waist. 
“One of my friends went to Bora Bora,” Hoseok smiles as he tells you about Namjoon, then Taehyung, and Jin.  
“Did you get to see your friend today?  The one you came with.”
“Oh, him.  He’s around here somewhere, I swear.  I saw him for breakfast but he’s been out ever since.  He probably won’t come to the room again tonight,” Hoseok shrugs as you walk to a spot to sit down on.  The sand is cold beneath your behind but you curl up into Hoseok as much as possible. 
“What about your friends?”
“Ah, they spent the evening together. I figured I’d give them some time for themselves.  We had breakfast together and lunch after spending most of the day on the beach and in the pool.”
Hoseok watches you warmly as you continue to tell him about everything you did today in great detail, including the amazing drink you had at the swim-up bar earlier.  You stress how much he needs to try that drink before he heads home.  Hoseok agreed to try it, on the condition that you go with him tomorrow afternoon once you inform him of your pending lunch plans. 
You place your head on his shoulder, enjoying the silence between the two of you as you watch the waves crash against the shore.  Hoseok can feel his heart racing, anxiety bubbling in his veins as he looks down at you.  He knows he shouldn’t feel this way towards you after spending two evenings together but he can’t help it. He wonders if you feel the same.
You turn to look him in the eyes, a bashful smile on your lips as you look at his lips and then his eyes.  Hoseok notes the blooming blush on your cheeks as he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.  His hands cup your face, holding you close as your lips move in tandem.  A soft moan escapes you, your lips parting enough for his tongue to caress yours. 
Your hands grip his shirt, pulling him closer until he guides your back onto the sand.  You feel him above you, your fingers becoming laced in his hair as he moaned into the kiss.  You love the feeling of his soft, pink lips on yours, coaxing soft moans from your lips. 
Hoseok kisses a trail down your jaw to the column of your throat, nipping softly at the flesh to mark you.  Your hands are tangled in his locks, your back arching into his body as you moan his pseudonym.  He grunts in response, moving the sleeve of your dress to the side to plant a kiss on it before he sits up, a shy smile pulling at his lips.  
“Jay,” you breathe his name, panting as you try to catch your breath.  He laughs softly as he does the same, running his hand through his hair to try and fix the disheveled mess it’s become. 
“Maya, would it be too forward for me to invite you to my room?” Hoseok is blushing profusely, his beautiful fingers stroking your cheek.  Your eyes twinkle with delight and excitement, “I would love that.”
Hoseok smiles brightly, his cheeks still dusted pink as he rises off the sand before offering you a hand. 
You take it, loving the way his arm wraps around you as he leads you off the beach back to the hotel.  You feel giddy, the two of you kissing the moment you step into the elevator, his hands moving from your waist down to cup your ass, kneading it as you moan.  Your face becomes buried in his neck, soft whimpers and moans of his name escape you. His dick throbs in the confines of his shorts, curse words escaping him as the elevator dings and opens on his floor. 
Hoseok reluctantly breaks the kiss, “soon baby.”
You keen at the pet name, smiling as you take his hand for him to lead you down the hall to his room. You wait for him to open the door, allowing you inside, pausing to let his friend know not to come to the room tonight.  You giggle when his friend sends him a wink emoji as Hoseok gets on his bed beside you, kissing you once again. 
You get lost in the feel of his lips, wanting him closer to you as climb into his lap, his hands exploring every inch of your body.  Moans of his name escape you and it’s not long until you’re naked and writhing beneath him as he fills you to the brim with his cock.
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nightskyhoseok · 4 years
Éternel: Wings of Fire [BTS Dragon!AU]
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Pairings: BTS x OC Genre: Fantasy, Angst, Drama Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, lowkey hate it but lowkey proud of it at the same time???
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Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 
Word Count: 8.9K
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
As my eyes slowly peeled open, I began to feel the warmth of the sun's rays falling onto my skin. My sight had quickly adjusted to focus on the brightness of the pastel sunset plastered across the sky, thin clouds trailing along the soft hue above. I groaned and diverted my gaze, moving my head to the side to avoid the sunlight only to feel the blades of grass tickling the skin on my cheeks. My head turned for itself and I saw two people lying just a couple feet away from me. I propped myself up on my elbows only to fall back onto the ground again due to the sharp pain shooting through my shoulder and back. 
Standing up slowly, I observed my surroundings to see a total of seven familiar people lying scattered around the area. Seven very familiar people. Ignoring the pain rushing through my body, I cursed under my breath and rushed over to the person closest to me.
“Jin? Jin!” I gasped, dropping down to Seokjin’s limp body, vigorously shaking him. “Come on, come on.” Only a few seconds passed when he suddenly jolted up, his breath heavy and scattered. With a soft sigh I dropped my chin to my chest in relief, thanking the heavens that he was alive.
“Maya? What… what happened?” Seokjin questioned after finally catching his breath. 
“I don't kn-” I quickly cut myself off with a soft gasp as I recognized the environment around us, a huge castle standing strongly before us, the aura surrounding me all too familiar. “Oh my gods.”
“What? What's wrong?” 
“Nothing.” I looked around to see six of my other friends lying in the grass, limbs sprawled and bodies appearing lifeless. “Help me wake them up.”
Seokjin nodded and stood up, rushing over to Jungkook to tap his cheek a couple of times, causing him to abruptly jerk awake. I moved over to Namjoon who was lying on his side. I checked for his heartbeat, and once I made sure he was actually alive and breathing, I lightly shook him. His eyes shot open and he sat up, moaning as he held his head. "Maya, what's going on?" Namjoon inquired. "Where are we?" "Shh, don't stress about that now. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked. He responded with a low grunt as he clutched his side, but he declined my help and gently pushed my hand away when I attempted to look at whatever he was hiding.
"I'm fine," He said as his breathing began to regulate. "Okay. I need you to wake Hoseok up." "He's with us too?" "All eight of us are together. Now, please, go help him. I'll get Yoongi." He nodded and stood up quickly, jogging over to Hoseok, who was already awake, but obviously freaking out. I crawled over to Yoongi and hurriedly shook his body, but he didn't react in the slightest. I tried everything in my power to wake him up, but he laid still and motionless, barely breathing.
“Shit, you're bleeding,” I heard Namjoon curse.
“He's not waking up,” I said, desperation filling my voice. I clutched onto Yoongi’s shirt as tears spilled down my face, landing on the soft skin of his arm. His eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up, his hand reaching up to the back of my neck with his nails creating crescent shaped dents in my skin.
“Maya- agh!” He winced as he grabbed his thigh and pulled it close to his chest, and that's when the rest of us realized he was bleeding heavily. I gasped and pulled his leg out to attempt to stop the bleeding, but he resisted due to the pain.
“Yoongi, stop moving!” I practically yelled, and that's when everything went silent - until a loud roar erupted from the distance, following thumps as whatever was causing the noise neared closer to us. The boys completely froze, but being the only one knowing what to expect, I gently let go of Yoongi and arose to my feet, walking forward to the cluster of trees leading into a forest of which the noise was coming from.
“What are you doing?!” Jimin shouted as he began to run towards me, but he stopped dead in his tracks once the source of the noise emerged from the forest.
A dragon. 
Thick, black scales covered its body. Its jade eyes pierced into our souls, as if it were trying to evaluate us one by one. It was quite intimidating to say the least, but as soon as it saw me, it purred and happily ran over to me, nudging its head against my body.
“Hey. It's okay, bud. I'm okay,” I whispered, softly running my fingers across the dragon’s rough, dark scales. Of course, I was extremely happy to see my dragon again, but at this point, I knew there was no hiding from the boys anymore. I turned around to face them, but they were surprisingly calm - even Yoongi, despite his heavily bleeding leg. They were all in too much shock to notice anything else happening around them, including one of my servants running through the gates beside us, gasping at my injury once she was close enough to see the extremity of it. 
“Mistress! Come, This One must get you cleaned up,” D’Vorah said, her crystallized eyes scanning over my covered injury as she gently pulled at my opposite arm, her yellow, chitinous hide chafing against my soft skin. When she looked up, she had realized that we were not alone, and I could already predict her course of action. She growled and jutted out her four extensive stingers from her back, proceeding to bury the two bottom ones into the ground and point the two top ones towards the boys. At the same time, her withered and delicate bug-like wings sprouted from her back, supporting her body that was now elevated.
“D’Vorah, no. They are with me,” I told her, moving to stand in front of her so that her stingers were just mere inches away from my face. Her expression softened and she pulled her stingers from the ground, retracting both them and her wings into her back.
“You are hurt, Mistress. Come, This One will tend to your injuries,” She insisted, extending her arm out to me.
“No, I'll take care of myself later. Yoongi is my priority.” My eyes wandered over to him, who was still lying in the grass, blood slowly seeping out of his open wound. I quickly walked over to him and dug my arms under his arms while Jungkook took his legs, lifting him up so we could carry him inside. We hurriedly carried him up the stairs, into the castle, and through the long, empty hallways, eventually laying him down on one of the beds in the infirmary as the boys and D’Vorah followed me. “D’Vorah, you may go.”
“Are you certain, Mistress?” She asked, unsure.
“Yes, we’ll be alright.” She bowed and exited the room, leaving just me and the boys. I was scattered. I was disoriented. I was a mess. As I searched for a small glass vial, I continuously knocked over other supplies. However, the boys were kind enough to help me put them back where they belonged. As soon as my eyes landed on the small vial full of a clear, glittering liquid, I snatched it out of the wire stand and opened it up, simultaneously picking up an eyedropper beside me as I made my way back to Yoongi. I was ready for this, but all I needed was a little cooperation from the mint-haired boy.
“Maya-” Namjoon tried to speak, but I had cut him off - unintentionally of course.
“Yoongi, I'm going to need to take off your jeans.”
“Is this your excuse to finally get laid?” He chuckled in a stiff tone.
“How can you even be joking at a time like this?” I huffed and rolled my eyes as I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down so his thighs were exposed. I grabbed the vial and dipped the tip of the eyedropper into the liquid, sucking just a few drops in, then taking it out and applying it to Yoongi’s wound. He hissed in pain as the skin began to regenerate rapidly, the liquid spreading to close up the wound in just mere seconds like he had never been injured in the first place.
I had expected questions to start plummeting in, but there was only silence. After dressing Yoongi, I placed the supplies back where they belonged, proceeding to take out a small ceramic cup and a few natural herbs, after putting on a cup of water to heat up in the kettle.
“How… how did you do that?” Yoongi stammered.
“It's complicated.” I mentally slapped myself for answering his question so vaguely, but I wanted to have to slowly break it to them instead of just throwing it right at them.
“Maya, where are we?” Taehyung questioned, looking around the room to inspect every little tool and gadget laying around.
“Tae, this is where I grew up.”
“In… in a castle?” Jimin voiced, trying to make sense out of the whole situation as I crushed a few plump berries with the stone pestle in my grasp. Silence overtook the room for a few moments, but I eventually broke it as I realized I had finished with the medicine. I poured the water and herbal mixture into the cup and stirred it for a few seconds before handing it to Yoongi.
“Here, this will make you feel better.” I could tell his eyes were full of reluctance and fear, but I knew that deep down, he trusted me with his life. He slowly took the cup and took a sip, only for him to immediately spit it out. “I'm sorry, I know it's bitter.” My voice was unexpectedly assuring, and I didn't realize its effect until Yoongi downed the medicine without hesitation. I took the cup and began to clean it out when Yoongi decided to speak up.
“What was that?” He asked, a slight tone of disgust in his tired voice. I simply shook my head and ignored his question. “Maya, what's happening?” His soft voice made my arms weak, urging me to gently set down the cup and turn to face them. This was it. I couldn’t hide the truth any longer.
“I'm not who you think I am.”
“Noona…” Jungkook began, but I interrupted him with urgency.
“No, don't. I need you to listen to me.” I took a deep breath, flashing my eyes up to meet theirs, not even taking a moment to blink, as I wanted this to be as sincere and personal as possible. “Right now, we’re in The Embrace, a series of islands within a different realm, known as The Claim. I'm the ruler of The Embrace, and there are thousands of dragons living here under my name for safety and protection from the other areas in the realm. Only certain people are allowed here, and others aren't allowed to leave once they've come here. It’s for our safety and protection, and since I can't make any exceptions, that means you boys have to stay here too…”
I could feel my eyes welling up with tears, but I continued to speak, even though I knew I was silently crying at this point. I had to get everything out.
“I mean, it isn't too bad here in my opinion. We've got everything you'd have in the normal world. Running water, AC, heating, working pipes, electricity, Wi-Fi, modern food… you get the idea.” My tears were overflowing, and though I couldn't hold them back, I just wiped them on my sleeve and kept talking. “You don't know how sorry I am to have to put you through this. I don't even know why we’re here, but I can't do anything about it. I would take you back home, but I'd have to wipe your memory, and I haven't found a way to do that without getting rid of everything else. I'm so sorry, this is my fault, I-” Before I could finish my sentence, Yoongi had me enveloped in his arms, holding me tightly as I tried to hold back my sobs.
“It's okay,” He whispered, practically making me burst at the seams. I sobbed into his chest as he gently embraced me, and eventually, the others joined in to comfort me. A few minutes passed, and I had finally calmed down. Everyone pulled away from each other, and I apologized under my breath, hoping that no one would hear.
“Don't apologize. You said even you don’t know why we’re here. It's not your fault,” Seokjin consoled with a soft smile. I nodded slowly in agreement and he wiped away the rest of my tears before speaking up. “We’ll stay, right guys?” The others nodded immediately in approval with reassuring smiles. 
“I have to admit, it'll be hard to stay away from family and friends…” Taehyung said truthfully.
“I'm sorry,” I apologized, feeling just as bad as I was a minute ago.
“No, no, it's okay. Really.” The room was tense for a moment, so I decided to ease up the tension by speaking up.
“Um, so, I guess if you have any questions you can ask me now,” I mumbled, shyly scratching behind my ear with my fingernails.
“Well, first of all, shouldn't we put some of that glittery stuff on your shoulder? You're still hurt,”  Yoongi suggested, going to grab the same vial and eyedropper I had just set down.
“I'm fine, really-”
“Maya, you're hurt. Just let me do this.” I sighed and turned my back to him, pulling my shirt down to provide access to the wound, allowing Yoongi to squeeze out a drop of the liquid onto my wound, eliciting a hiss from me as the skin quickly worked to repair itself. As Yoongi placed the supplies back where they belonged, Jimin took the chance to ask a question.
“What is that stuff anyways?” He asked curiously.
“They're tears of an extremely rare dragon. They can cure anything, from broken bones to certain diseases, but they're hard to obtain,” I explained. 
“So what do you use for smaller injuries?” Namjoon asked. 
“Like what?”
“Well…” He shyly lifted up the hem of his shirt to reveal a small but still moderately bad cut on his side. 
“Joon, why didn't you say something?” I stepped over to him and placed my hand over his wound, focusing my energy until a soft violet light began emitting from my palm, healing his laceration in a quick minute. 
“Shit, man,” He laughed in amazement as he looked down, with no wound or scar in sight. “You're amazing.”
“Ah, I'm not that special.”
“Are you royalty?” Jungkook asked me bluntly.
“Jungkook-ah, don't be rude,” Hoseok scolded.
“Oh, sorry, Noona. I got a little excited.” A soft shade of pink spread across his puffy cheeks, and I smiled in response.
“I am,” I verified.
“A princess?” Jimin guessed.
“A queen.”
“Wahhh! Our little cutie is a queen!” Seokjin screamed, picking me up and spinning me around in his arms.
“Jin, stop!” I giggled as he set me down.
“Does anyone else live here?” Yoongi asked.
“Yes. I have four servants: D’Vorah, Mileena, Tashi, and Luthais. My other friends Sam, Hyunae, Minjun, and Fawn are also with me.”
“There's other Korean people?” Namjoon asked, a bit of relief in his deep voice.
“Yes. Everyone on this island speaks Korean, English, and Draconian.”
“It's my native tongue, the language of the dragons.”
“Maya, not to be rude, but do you actually have any space for us?” Seokjin questioned politely. I smiled and made my way over to the door, signaling for the boys to follow me as I spoke.
“This castle wasn't built for nothing. Come with me.” I led them upstairs and around the vast, royal halls, pointing out the rooms we were passing by as well, in case they ever wanted to go check them out. I opened the door to a spare bedroom and took Jungkook’s hand, tugging him inside. “This will be your room, Kook.”
“The entire thing?” He gawked, taking in the golden color scheme, every corner and every piece of furniture dazzling with rich embellishments. The chandelier’s diamonds sparkled in the glistening light, giving the maknae his true golden look. 
“Yes, it's all-” Jungkook excitedly cut off my sentence with a breath-quenching hug, spinning me around wildly as I begged for him to stop before either of us got too dizzy.
“Thank you, Noona.” 
“You're very welcome, sweetheart.” His cheeks quickly turned a bright shade of pink. He jumped on the bed, after hugging me one last time, and curled his body underneath the blankets. I turned off the lights as I gripped the doorknob tightly, pulling the door in slowly. “Rest up, Kook.” 
The rest of the boys continued down the hallway to be led to their rooms until only Yoongi and I were left alone, roaming around the halls. An awkward silence took over us. To my surprise, instead of stopping when we came to his room, he kept walking forward. 
“Yoongi? Your room is right here.” He turned his head over his shoulder to look at me with a sly smile.
“I know, but I wanted to stay around you for a little more,” He said.
“Am I hearing you correctly? The Min Yoongi doesn't want to sleep? What has the world come to…” I joked, walking towards him, eliciting a fake laugh from him as he sharply flicked my forehead. I winced from the sudden impact and pushed his shoulder with annoyance, a playful smile spreading across both of our faces.
“I'm still a little confused about all of this.”
“Like what?”
“I mean, how were you able to keep this hidden for so long? Didn't it get tiring?”
“Yes, it did, but it was for my own safety - and yours too. I couldn't let you find out about this, but now…” My eyes fell to the ground in guilt.
“It's okay. None of this is your fault, sugar.” I was a bit taken aback by his sudden use of my nickname. My head slowly rose so our eyes met. I smiled but the silence returned and lingered in the air for a few moments when Yoongi decided to speak up again, breaking the awkward tension surrounding us as he began to walk forward, my body automatically trailing beside him.
“So, that black dragon we saw earlier, is that yours?”  He asked.
“Mhm. His name is Toothless. Do you want to meet him?” Although he nodded hesitantly, I eagerly grabbed his hand and pulled him to a nearby balcony, where a marble platform connected to the floors beneath our feet, elegant glass double-doors separating the two. I pushed open the doors and led him outside. Understandably, he was terrified, considering that we were thousands of feet in the air, even though there were railings on both our left and right to prevent us from falling off. I pulled out a slim silver whistle and blew it, which echoed throughout the mountains. 
“Your dragon seems pretty close to you.” Yoongi spoke, discreetly pulling his hand away.
“I’ve been with him ever since I was a kid. He’s a Night Fury, the fastest species known.”
“Wow. I-” Before he could finish his sentence, Toothless suddenly landed in front of us with a loud thud, causing both me and Yoongi to fall over, our foreheads clashing together. “Damn, sorry.” 
“No, it's fine.” A long pause finally pulled us both into the realization that Yoongi was positioned on top of me, his hands either side of my head. He awkwardly cleared his throat and stood up, pulling me up as well. As soon as I got to my feet, Toothless rubbed up against my body and purred loudly, my hands immediately attracting to his black, scaly body. “Hey, bud. I missed you.” 
“Hey, what happened to his tail?” Yoongi observed, pointing to his two tail fins, one of which was replaced by a makeshift leather fin.
“Oh, that. I found him when he was wounded from a fight. At first, he couldn't fly without me, but that little contraption lets him fly freely."
“You made this?” He asked as he knelt beside the leather fin, raising it with his palms. I nodded shyly, but my smile returned as Toothless nudged my body with affection. I nearly flinched once I shifted my eyes back to Yoongi due to his intense stare and wide grin.
“You're amazing…” After such a confusing and short statement, he stayed silent for a moment, an awkward tension filling the air. 
“Yoongi, you're staring.”
“Oh, sorry,” He mumbled, looking away, a shade of red painted on his cheeks. 
The dark slender dragon took this empty moment of time as an opportunity to bond with Yoongi. Toothless chittered and dug his way under Yoongi’s arm, earning a small giggle from the mint-haired boy. Whining, he rolled over and smiled, his toothless mouth being displayed to match Yoongi’s signature gummy smile. Yoongi laughed, but was quickly cut off when the dragon playfully pounced on him, his pupils fuller than the moon.
“Aish, he’s a playful one.” 
“Come on, bud. Get off him,” I laughed, prying him off of Yoongi. “So, you wanna go for a ride?” I asked rhetorically as I quickly ran inside to grab something, leaving Yoongi behind with Toothless.
“What do you me-” Before he could even finish his sentence, I had returned, a leather saddle in my arms. As I began to latch his saddle on, Yoongi stood off to the side, a glint of curiosity and fear in his milky brown eyes. I adjusted the last strap and stepped back to Yoongi, extending my hand out. Although he was reluctant, he enveloped his hand in mine and allowed me to lead him onto Toothless’ back. I climbed on afterwards and sat in front of him, my back facing his chest. I turned my head over my shoulder to look at Yoongi after he hooked his feet in the stirrups.
“You ready?”
“I guess so.”
“Hold on tight.” I slid my hand down to Toothless’ shoulder and gave him a little pat, prompting him to gently spread out his wings and lift himself into the air. As expected, Yoongi immediately gripped at my waist, snaking his arms further around my body as we flew higher into the air, and came to a steady glide. “Hey, you can look up now.” I teased as he slowly moved his face out of the crook of my neck and opened his eyes to see the beginning sunset, hundreds of miles of land spread underneath us with dragons sprouting from every corner, all jovial and safe. Bundles of trees hid tiny hatchlings playing and running in the forests below, their mother chasing after them with a wide grin and perked spines. The silhouette of a gargantuan beast overlooking the mountains stood out from the soft and serene colors of the sky.
“This is…” Yoongi gawked, unable to gather the rest of his words, and before I could speak, the feeling of his hands roughly gripping my waist messed with my ability to speak as well. I froze in place for a moment, peeking over my shoulder to look at him, and then his hands, hoping he’d get the message.
“Yoongi-ah, your hands-“
“Oh! Sorry.” He mumbled, fumbling to find somewhere else to put his hands. 
“I-It’s fine. Just try to loosen up a bit.”
Toothless continued to carry us around the island, practically giving Yoongi a grand tour from a different perspective he never could have dreamed of. Eventually, the pale-haired boy spoke up, startling me slightly in the process.
“I have to admit, this is pretty cool. It’s amazing. He’s amazing,” He smiled, gently patting Toothless’ side with praise. As the deafening silence returned, I quickly thought of an idea and tapped Toothless in excitement, whispering for him to fly upwards on my command. 
“Yoongi, you may wanna hold on,” I advised. “Let’s go, bud.”
“Wait, wha- Maya!” Yoongi had cut himself off and held onto me for dear life as Toothless began to climb up into the clouds, flapping his large wings in powerful bursts as we rose further up, and eventually above cloud level, where a whole other world was waiting for us. Just as we broke through the thick clouds, Yoongi had dared himself to look up, yet when he did, he didn’t regret his decision. Dozens of silver and white dragons pranced and perched along the clouds, the sunset's rays reflecting off of their scales, producing an odd but gorgeous array of colors into the skies. It was just as incredible as the view on the ground.
As intended, we were nearing closer to the castle, and my focus fixed on a particular silver dragon, isolated away from the others, resting on top of a cloud. Toothless must have known what my intention was as he flew closer to the dragon and called out, only briefly catching the loner’s attention. It turned away, quite obviously shy. I sighed then whistled sharply, which caught and kept the dragon’s attention. Dapples of silver swirled around its ruff as it tilted its snout towards me. I gestured for it to follow Toothless, and it obeyed, diving alongside us until we reached the front gates of the castle.
I slid off of Toothless and helped Yoongi get off after, then guided him over to the shy silver dragon. With our hands still clasped together, I moved behind him and nudged him slightly forward to the creature, and although hesitant, he obliged and walked slowly along with me. 
“Hold out your hand,” I said suddenly, causing Yoongi to snap his head back in confusion.
“What?” He questioned, clearly afraid but slightly intrigued.
“Trust me.”
The dragon bowed its head as Yoongi moved forwards, the two nearing closer until his hand was mere inches away from the dragon's snout. Slowly, I guided Yoongi’s hand to its snout and gently pressed his palm against its scales, a warm purr emitting from its throat. I felt the boy’s body relax and removed my hand from his, leaving him with my hand still on the dragon's snout. The ends of his mouth turned upwards almost immediately, and a sense of euphoria took over what seemed to be the entire island. His gummy smile soon made an appearance as the dragon moved closer to sniff his snowy hair.
“He likes you,” I smiled, walking over to the dragon to give him a pat on the shoulder.
“Does he have a name?” Yoongi questioned, still entranced by the dragon’s grace and beauty.
“He could say the same for you, Yoongs.” The dragon stepped back, allowing for Yoongi to step closer to me, not even attempting to disconnect his eyes with mine until a shrill-like scream rang throughout the air and instantaneously drew us away from each other.
“Unnie! I can’t believe you’re back!” A young girl shrieked as she and another young man flew down on their dragons to land and come running over to us. 
“Hyunae!” I laughed in glee, but it was cut short as the girl proceeded to pick me up and squeeze me tightly. She was small, but she could definitely pack a punch. I practically had to beg her to let go before she suffocated me. As she set me down, the other man picked me up again and swayed from side to side roughly, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles, eventually his own joining in. “It is so good to see you, Minjun.”
“I missed you,” Minjun whispered so that only I could hear him, eventually pulling away from me. “What are you doing back so early?”
“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain-“
“Wait, is that Suga? From BTS? Am I dreaming?” Hyunae gasped, pointing her finger to a very stiff and uncomfortable Yoongi.
“Yes, he’s here with all of the other members. They’ll be with us from now on.”
“Waahh, this is the best day ever!” Suddenly she jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, his eyes wandering over to me with a look that was a clear cry for help. 
I laughed at Yoongi’s suffering then leaned over to Minjun and whispered in his ear.
“By the way, don’t mention to the boys that they’ll be getting their own dragons just yet. They need time.”
Hyunae squealed again and pulled away, still freaking out over her idol that was standing in front of her, in the flesh.
“Sorry, she’s excited. She’s a big fan of BTS… as you can probably see.” I muttered the last part so nobody could hear what I was saying. “Don’t get off duty though, Hyunae, you still have to finish your surveillance with Minjun!”
“Oh, right! Sorry, unnie. Come on Jun-Jun, I’ll race you!” She quickly mounted her dragon, not even hesitating to take off into the sky, leaving Minjun behind, slightly irritated. 
“For god’s sake, Hyunae! Don’t you have any respect?!” Minjun yelled, quickly mounting his dragon to follow after her. It was only until they were out of our view when Yoongi decided to break the silence.
“How old is that girl?” He asked, almost with a tone of disgust.
“She’s only 15, it’s a part of being young,” I sighed.
“She’s 15?”
“Five years ago, I rescued her from a slave trade in the Northern Markets of The Claim.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, she’s found a new life.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back. “She’s like a daughter to me - ironic, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I never told you I can’t have kids?”
“No, I don’t think you’ve ever brought it up.” Defined eyebrows arched imperiously as he put a hand on his hip. He looked stiff and his eyes were blank, as if holding back a certain emotion. 
“Well, now you know. Come on, we should go. It’s getting late and tonight’s a full moon.”
“What’s so bad about a full moon?”
“You really don’t wanna know.” I grabbed his hand and led him inside the castle after dismissing Aenaes and Toothless so they could roam freely for the night, giving his saddle to D’Vorah to put back while we roamed the halls. Inside, the rest of the boys were chatting away in the kitchen, all of them working, cutting vegetables and seasoning dishes. As Yoongi and I made our entrance into the room, they all froze in place, and, being the clumsy guy that he is, Namjoon dropped the glass he was holding in his hand, shards flying and scattering all over the tile floor.
“Really, hyung?” Jungkook huffed, crossing his arms like a disappointed mother. 
“I didn’t expect them to come in so suddenly!” Namjoon whined, causing all of us to erupt into laughter. 
“Don’t worry, the dragons tend to break everything they see too,” I consoled.
“Hyung would blend in perfectly with them,” Taehyung muttered, earning a smack from the eldest boy.
“We were going to cook you a surprise dinner. It’s the least we could do,” Seokjin said as he began to clean up the shattered mess that Namjoon had inevitably created.
“Oh no, I should be the one doing this. After all, you guys have to put up with this,” I said apologetically.
“Well, we’re almost done. Mind helping out?”
I assisted them with the preparation of the rest of the food, and when the meal was finished, all eight of us carried the numerous amount of dishes to the dining room, setting them down on the long, wooden table. As if on cue, Hyunae and Minjun walked into the room, returning from surveillance, stomachs rumbling and mouths drooling.
“Wow! Who made this?” Hyunae exclaimed, and the seven boys proudly raised their hands, at least until Jin quickly swatted Yoongi’s hand down, causing him to hold back a stiffened laugh. “Thank you so much!”
“Yes, thank you,” Minjun added, bowing deeply along with the younger girl.
Everyone took their seats and began to dine into the food, while simultaneously conversing with one another. Eventually, a short girl with platinum blonde hair entered the room, halting everyone’s conversations and averting their attention to her.
“Maya, you’re back,” She smiled, taking the empty seat beside Hyunae. 
“Hi, Samantha. I see you’ve gotten taller,” I joked, the dining hall echoing with everyone’s laughter. As I began to take a sip of my water, Minjun spoke to the boys.
“So, I heard Maya is going to give you all dragons,” He said in a quite monotonous tone, causing me to choke on my water and cough it up as Seokjin comfortingly patted my back until my breath steadied again.
“Minjun, I specifically told you not to say anything about-“
“Jungkook, right?” He said innocently, pointing to the youngest boy, who looked utterly confused and lost at the moment. “You look like you could train a Monstrous Nightmare. Maybe even a Red-Eyed Ravager! Those things are absolutely vicious, let me tell you-“
“What? You don’t think I should warn them of the dangers they’re exposed to if they’re gonna live here? I think they have the right to know what could happen to them-“
“Em pleni!” I yelled, pushing back my chair as I slammed my palms against the table, a familiar sting returning to my eyes, which was not exactly my main concern at that moment. “Dison laik son swima op ona rein.”
With a defeated huff, Minjun smoothly stood up and left the room without another word, leaving the dining room with complete, utter silence. Before the boys could turn their heads to me, I covered my face with my hand and began to leave the room when I felt someone gently grab my wrist, a soft voice following:
“Why are you hiding your face?” 
“Yoongi, don’t,” I pleaded, and he unexpectedly yanked my hands away, but I was quick enough to shut my eyes as tight as I could. As his hands traveled up to cup my cheeks, I pressed my palms against his chest, desperately trying to make him give up. 
“What are you hiding?” He asked, his voice gentle yet concerned.
“You guys will get freaked out.”
“Noona, we won’t,” Jungkook spoke in the most reassuring voice he could muster up.
“God, you’re impossible,” I sighed and muttered under my breath as I slowly fluttered my eyelids open, the boys simultaneously exclaiming in admiration and surprise at my glowing white eyes. 
“Woah! Are those real?” Taehyung asked excitedly, quickly rising from his seat along with the others to take a closer look - even Hyunae joined in, despite the many times she’s seen my secret, haunting eyes.
“They’re gorgeous,” Yoongi commented, the heat flushing to my cheeks as his gaze intensified.
“I think hyung meant to say ‘you’re gor-‘“ Namjoon teased, but he was quickly shut up by a kick to the shin from a very agitated Yoongi.
“Maya, why do your eyes… you know?” Jimin questioned shyly, purposefully avoiding eye contact with me from the sheer, overwhelming intimidation I was sending off.
“Chim, please don’t be scared. It’s just me. They usually turn white when I get frustrated or scared,” I explained with a soft smile.
“I’d be damn furious just looking at that bratty kid again,” Yoongi commented in a bitter tone.
“Well, Yoongs, that kid is actually 29, so maybe you’ll have to hold back on your personal feelings and be a little bit nicer to him,” I sighed, an obvious disappointment covering Yoongi’s face as he realized he’d have to call Minjun ‘hyung.’ “I gotta say though, he’s acting strange.”
“Is what he said true?” Namjoon asked, taking me aback by his question. “About us getting dragons?”
I opened my mouth to speak, yet no sound escaped, as I wasn’t even sure what the answer was yet. Yes, it was common for newcomers to get their own dragon to tame, but it was different for the boys. Their hearts were forgiving and nurturing, and I honestly didn’t think they had the right heart to handle this kind of stuff. I was practically heartless compared to them.
“I-It’s true - but I wanted you to settle in first. I just thought it’d only be right to let you guys have a dragon of your own. It’s a stupid idea, I’m sorry-“ I began to speak, but Hoseok was quick to cut me off.
“Hey, I think it’s a good idea. Don’t put yourself down so much,” He said with a gentle, reassuring grin that shined brighter than the sun. “But maybe we should start off small so I don’t get a heart attack right away.”
The group laughed at Hobi’s comments, lifting the room’s depressing mood to a more bright, cheerful one. Suddenly, I had an idea that I knew the boys would agree to.
“Hey, how about we go for a swim? I’ve got an indoor pool on the other side of this floor,” I suggested, and as expected, the boys did indeed agree, rushing to eat and clean up the leftovers. While Hyunae decided to go upstairs to her room to study, I led the boys to the pool, which once it came into sight, the younger ones began to strip and jump in without hesitation, the others following quickly, with the exception of Yoongi, who stood beside me unfazed by his members’ actions. “Oh my god, guys! I have swim shorts you could’ve used.” I covered my eyes and jokingly looked away in disgust.
“Come on, where’s the fun in that?” Seokjin laughed as he and Jungkook swam to the deeper end.
“Hyung! Why don’t you come in?” Taehyung said, his boxy grin appearing.
“Too much effort,” Yoongi simply retorted and began to walk towards the sofa sectional in the corner. I took this moment to focus my attention on the pool water, and flipped my hand towards the ceiling, slowly raising it as my fingers curled, the water quickly deforming and splitting into a messy sphere floating in the air. I moved my hand so that the sphere followed my movements and was positioned right above Yoongi. Just prior to reaching the corner, I opened my hand and the sphere of water instantly broke, soaking him completely.
“Holy shit!” Jungkook yelled in excitement, clapping his hands like a little child. As I faced the other boys in the pool to do a couple bows, Namjoon spoke up, pointing to Yoongi, who was frozen still but clearly waiting for the right moment to move.
“Maya, you better run,” He advised, and as soon as I turned my head to look at Yoongi, he was standing right in front of me. He lifted me up bridal style and hovered my body over the water, threatening to throw me in. I screamed and clung onto his wet, white t-shirt, my eyes traveling down to see a faint outline of his abs, heat intensely rushing to my cheeks at the sight. 
“Yoongi, please don’t! I’m sorry, I swear! Please-“ I cried out helplessly.
“Cute, she’s begging~” He cooed in an oddly seductive voice. As a simple but clever way to tease me, he pretended to drop me by quickly letting go and catching me before I hit the water, making me scream and hold onto him even tighter.
“Fuck, Yoongi! Please!” 
“Hmph, you’re no fun.” He quickly set me down, giving me a sense of safety. Without allowing me to even take a single breath, he grabbed my waist and jumped into the pool, dragging me along with him. I broke away from his grasp and surfaced up above the water, Yoongi following shortly after, not that I even cared as I began to attack him.
“Hey, don’t curse!” Seokjin scolded.
“My island, my rules, sweetheart.” I lifted my hand out from the water and flicked my finger upwards, causing a tentacle-like stream of water to spike up and strike Jin’s back, shortly dissolving afterwards. He yelped and rubbed the stricken area to soothe the sudden vicious contact, the rest of us laughing at his reaction.
“How do you even do that?” The elder boy pouted, automatically drawing me closer to him to embrace him and apologize, making sure he was alright.
“It’s something I like to call waterbending.”
“You are incredible,” Yoongi giggled.
“Ah, I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Maya! Catch!” Hoseok shouted from behind me. However, as soon as I turned around, an inflated beach ball hit me in the face, almost as if karma was calling my name.
“Attack!” Taehyung screamed as he dunked me underneath the water, the others quickly joining in to grab at my flailing limbs. Every time I tried to rise up from underwater, one of the boys pushed me back down. After what seemed like hours and hours, they finally stopped and I was able to rise up and breathe properly.
“And that, my friend, is what we call karma,” Seokjin gushed innocently as I eventually regained my breath.
“Maya, I wanted to ask if your parents are here. I’d love to meet them,” Namjoon said, smiling, however his smile dropped as he saw my expression darken at the mention of my parents.
“They… aren’t with me anymore.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, I-“
“No, it’s okay. You should know about them. It’s just been so long since I’ve talked about them.”
“You don’t have to talk about it, Noona,” Jungkook consoled.
“Yeah, we don’t want to pry,” Jimin added.
“It’s alright. My father passed away shortly after I was pronounced as the ruler of The Embrace. He made a deal with my enemy, that if he sacrificed himself to them, they’d leave us alone. He wanted to make me queen as soon as possible. I was only 12 years old,” I said, speaking as clear and slow as I could to prevent myself from tearing up. “He was executed that day, but the enemy kept their promise. It’s been seven years and there hasn’t been any sign of them.”
“I’m so sorry,” Taehyung whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder for comfort. “What about your mother?”
“Oh, I’ve never met my mother. She left the Embrace a few weeks after I was born. I don’t even remember her name…” 
“Hey, sugar, you don’t have to say anything else,” Yoongi stated, moving closer to embrace me, to which I happily accepted, wrapping my arms around his figure as his arms snaked around my waist. Eventually, when the depressing mood subsided, we got back to messing around in the water and playing with each other. We were having so much fun, I didn’t even notice how late it had gotten.
We left the pool, wrapped ourselves in warm towels, and I sent each of the boys to their rooms, where a fresh pile of clothes was waiting for them, which was generously chosen by my servants Mileena and D’Vorah. I went to my room to change, and Yoongi waited for me to walk him back. However, Yoongi asked for me to stand by, and quickly went inside his room, stepping back out within a minute wearing a black sweater, sleeves lined with red and black stripes, along with ripped skinny jeans, the same outfit that had been laid out on his bed.
We stood there facing each other, standing awkwardly without saying a word or making eye contact. I opened my mouth to speak, but Yoongi was faster and unintentionally cut me off.
“Hey, can we just stay together for a little longer?” He said suddenly, his words coming out more like a beg rather than a request.
“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?” I asked, notably concerned as I gently grabbed his arm to get his attention.
“I just…” He sighed and looked away, leaving me with a heavy feeling of guilt. No doubt about it, he was probably broken inside, having to stay away from friends and family to live a whole new life. Without saying anything, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room, and to the connecting balcony, where a perfect view of the night sky was awaiting us. 
I sat down close to the edge, our hands still clasped together as he slowly sat beside me, inching closer to me as the moon finally began to reach its peak. Although I hesitated, I rested my head on his shoulder, moving up against him so his arm was draped around my shoulder, resting comfortably as he held me close. Minutes passed in silence, the overbearing beauty of the dark shades painting the sky speaking for us.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I whispered, looking up to admire the sky, outlines of dragons soaring against the twinkling stars. Yoongi simply nodded and hummed in agreement, the deafening silence returning shortly. I glanced at him quickly, his eyes fixed on the distant stars.
“I still can’t believe this all existed, and we never even knew about it,” Yoongi suddenly said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, but it was for good reason, though. If people in Earthrealm learned that this place exists, we’d all probably be caged in a zoo or taken into a science lab for experiments.”
“That’s why we decided to stay. It was clear that going back would just harm you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi,” I said sincerely, looking up as his obsidian orbs connected with mine.
“No problem, sugar,” He smiled, ruffling my hair lightly, his gummy smile creeping onto his lips.
“When are you going to stop calling me that?” I quietly laughed as flashbacks of our first meeting came to my mind.
I remember how embarrassed he was when he knocked open a sugar container onto me while I was kneeling beside him in the baking aisle, looking for a bag of chocolate chips on the bottom shelves. He was so cute when he was flustered, blushing like crazy and apologizing over and over again. He even tried to brush all the little specks of sugar out of my hair, and even though I told him it was fine, he insisted on paying for my stuff to make up for his clumsy act. After helping me with my bags back to my car, he asked for my phone and quickly typed something in my notes, then handed it back to me as he walked off with a wave. I’ll never forget how wide I had grinned at his few, sweet words.
My name’s Yoongi. Text me sometime, sugar. 
I still can’t believe my quirky nickname came from such an embarrassing but memorable moment for the both of us. Now we look back on it and just laugh it off as if it was destined to be.
“Yah! Are you even listening to me?” Yoongi’s voice snapped me back into reality.
“Huh? What, oh sorry,” I sputtered, shaking my head as my mind finally wandered back to me.
“Were you daydreaming about me?” He teased, poking at my shoulder.
“What? No! God, you’re an idiot,” I groaned, swatting his hand away.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not, dumbass.”
“Hmm, I might just have to tickle the truth out of you.” He suddenly began to ruthlessly attack my sides with his fingers, causing me to squeal and stand up to evade his attacks, yet his hands kept following. I giggled and pushed his hands away, running away from him as he chased after me. With all of this excitement, I didn’t notice that I was nearing towards the edge of the platform, and when I did, I was too late, frantically trying to balance myself. Luckily, Yoongi was quick to catch me by my waist and pull me back away from the edge protectively, one of his hands traveling up to my cheek as worry overtook his dark, loving eyes. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, thank you,” I mumbled as he pulled me closer, pushing my head so I was now burying my face in his chest, his chin resting atop my head.
“God, you scared me. You almost got yourself killed.”
“I would’ve been fine, Yoongi.”
“Come on, let’s go inside.” With that, he gently grabbed my wrist and led me into my bedroom, which connected directly to the platform that was previously underneath our feet not too long ago. He was about to let go of me and exit the room, but I gently pulled him back, looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Is there anything else you wanted to know or ask for?”
“Uh, well… me and some of the others left their phones back in the dorm, and I was wondering if you could possibly get them.”
“Of course. I can send a retriever to collect them and be back by tomorrow morning. I could even tell them to get your laptop so you can still work on your music here.”
“Seriously? Thank you!” The smile on Yoongi’s lips was wider and brighter than any other smile I had ever seen. He suddenly threw his arms around me and lightly pecked my cheek, but quickly pulled away once he realized what he had done. “Ah, I-I’m sorry, I got excited.”
“It’s okay, Yoongs. You should go get some rest.” He nodded and left the room after hugging me one last time, leaving me alone with my overwhelming thoughts. 
I sighed and fell onto my bed, not even making an effort to clean myself up. Pulling the vanilla scented blankets over myself, I let my eyes close, but sleep wasn’t able to come to me. My mind was busy running hundreds and hundreds of miles, filled with concerns and questions about the new future I inevitably brought to the boys. 
They were innocent and untroubled, despite their heavy schedule and constant pressure from companies and the media. Here, they were free, but the emotional toll could be more grave than it was when they had normal lives. 
With them living here, the world just got a whole lot bigger. I recited the skills and protocols they’d have to learn to be able to survive, and that’s when I realized what was in store for me. I’d have to teach them how to fight, how to fly, how to survive - but I didn’t even know myself if they had the heart to follow in my steps. They’d even eventually have to learn how to-
My thoughts were quickly cut off by a soft knock on my door. I propped myself up on my forearms and quickly fixed my hair, calling out to the person standing outside, their shadow seeping through the bottom opening of the closed door.
“Yes?” I yawned, shifting my eyes to the balcony doors when I realized how late it had gotten, the bright stars shimmering against the utter darkness of the sky. The person outside spoke.
“Maya, it’s Yoongi.”
“Oh, come in.”
The door slowly creaked open, and lo and behold, Yoongi stepped into the room, his tousled hair and pouty lips making him look irresistibly adorable, the white sheet wrapped around his body only adding to his softness. He closed the door behind him and adjusted the sheet as I spoke up to ask him what was bothering him.
“I can’t sleep,” He mumbled, rubbing his half-lidded eyes with his sweaty palms.
“Well, what do you want me to do about that?” I teased, but immediately recognized my mistake as I remembered how impossible it was to deal with Yoongi when he was grumpy - which was almost always when he was tired.
“Cute. Now move over.” Before I could say anything to protest, he threw his sheet over me and climbed onto the bed, crawling over me and collapsing beside me, pulling the sheet back over him, along with a good portion of my blanket I was previously covered with. I groaned and tugged it back, leaving him with only the sheet. As I was just beginning to fall asleep, I felt a shift in weight on the bed and realized that Yoongi had moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back and his breath tickling the skin on my neck. “It’s cold.”
“Take some of my blanket and go to sleep,” I whined, throwing half of my blanket over to his side. Even with the extra warmth, Yoongi moved closer and slid his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me into his curled figure. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him off, and before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I had fallen fast asleep in his arms. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
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sugasweetcandy · 5 years
Fame, Flash... Love? (Chapter 2)
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, eventual smut
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: You finally caught your big break in the music industry, becoming an American pop sensation. You didn’t expect all this success and you definitely didn’t expect to catch the attention of seven Korean idols.
A/N: So I have been super busy lately and haven’t been able to post as much as I would like. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get on a better schedule soon. Also sorry if this is getting off to a slow start. I promise you’ll see more interacting with Yoongi as well as the rest of the members in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter. :)
The show was going a lot better than you had anticipated. Your worries about all the people and the cameras seemed to slip away, your attention being totally captivated by the men sitting next to you. Watching them laugh and dance along to the performances was incredibly endearing. You had planned on keeping to yourself in order to not bother them but they made a constant effort to engage with you.
Talking to them was surprisingly effortless. You were never good when it came to meeting new people, however holding a conversation with this group of men was easy. Before tonight, you could have never pictured actually getting the chance to meet them. They were such a phenomenon. Each member so incredibly stunning and talented that they almost seemed unreal to you. But here you were, sitting next to a group of men that were so incredibly... normal. Just a normal group of guys who were doing what they loved.
Thinking about it made you smile. You couldn’t believe that you were up for an award and they weren’t. They more than deserved it but because they were a k-pop group, they didn’t get the recognition they deserved amongst western artist. It was infuriating to you but you could tell the boys were just happy to be there and see some of their favorite artists. The world truly didn’t deserve BTS.
The sound of Namjoon’s voice suddenly calling your name pulled you from your thoughts. You blinked a few times to clear your head before looking over at him.
“Isn’t your category coming up soon?” At the mention of your nomination, your anxiety slowly took over you again. Your eyebrows pulled down in a frown and you swallowed.
“Um... yeah. I think so.” You forced a smile on your face which Namjoon returned with a reassuring one.
“Don’t worry. We still get nervous at award shows. We were really nervous about presenting tonight. You’ve very talented though and you deserve this nomination.”
Upon hearing that, a genuine smile spread across your face and you could feel tears prickling your eyes. “Thank you... That means a lot.”
You sat back in your seat, still nervous but feeling a little better than before. Your attention was drawn back to the stage when you heard clapping around you. You saw Alessia Cara and Bob Newhart making their way to the center of the stage. This was your category. To your right, you could feel Yoongi leaning a little closer to you so you looked over and was met with a soft smile.
“Good luck.” He whispered which had you instantly smiling. 
You replied with a quick thank you before returning your attention to the stage. You knew the cameras would be on you so you did your best to give a happy expression. You just wanted to get this over with, practically holding your breath as they finished going through the list of nominees. This was it. Once they read the name of whoever was on that envelope, you could stop stressing about this. stop worrying about the cameras. You knew there was always a chance of being on camera throughout the show but actually knowing that you're on camera right now in front of millions of people was... terrifying. You watched as Alessia opened the envelope and read it the card before returning her attention to the audience. Opening her mouth to say,
Wait. You couldn’t have heard that correctly right? That was your name. Holy shit, that was your name. You hadn’t noticed that your mouth had fallen open until you were softly being shaken by Yoongi, bringing you back to your senses. It took you a second to register the clapping, looking around and finding every pair of eyes on you. You slowly rose to your feet on wobbly legs, now noticing that the men beside you had also risen to their feet while they clapped and smiled at you. You gave them a nervous smile before making your way past them and through the stage. 
What were you going to say? How were you going to even say anything? What if your voice just stopped working. You know you shouldn’t be this nervous. You were an artist, shouldn’t you be used to being in front of an artist? It was easy singing songs you had poured your heart into though. That came naturally. But public speaking? Now that was your worst nightmare. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of the microphone while clutching the Grammy award in your hands. You took a deep breath before starting to speak.
“Wow. Honestly... I’m at a loss for words right now. As y’all know, I’m still new to this. I am so incredibly lucky that I get to wake up every day and do what I love. I’m so lucky that I get to share my words and my voice with the world and that people actually want to listen. I would like to thank my parents for always believing in me. My manager for putting up with me. My best friend Maya for forcing me to come tonight because I was terrified. And most importantly my fans. Y’all are my family and I love every one of you. Thank you.” You smiled out at the audience and gave a small wave before turning around and making your way backstage.
*****************************************************************************************************The rest of the show went by fast and you were finding yourself disappointed. You really enjoyed talking to the guys. They were so sweet and easy to get along with. You found yourself backstage talking with them, dreading having to say goodbye. Taehyung was showing you a picture on his phone of tannie which you cooed at. Placing a hand over your heart because you felt like it might literally burst from the sheer amount of cuteness.
“Congratulations again.” You heard Jimin say. You looked up and smiled brightly at him. 
“Thank you! It was so nice meeting you all!”
“Nice meeting you too!” J Hope beamed. 
“Can we get a picture together?” Namjoon asked which had you nodding enthusiastically. 
“I can take it!” Maya piped up, holding her hand out as Namjoon handed her his phone. You had almost forgotten she was standing there.
You all posed for the picture, you standing in front of the guys and smiling widely. Maya took a few pictures before handing the phone back to Namjoon.
“We hope to see you again.” Namjoon pulled you into a quick hug and then you found yourself receiving a hug from each of the men as they bid you a farewell. The last to get to you was Yoongi. 
“We should... all hang out soon.” It took you a second to register what he had just said to you. Opening and closing your mouth a few times before finding your voice again to speak.
“Yeah... Yeah, I would really like that.” 
He flashed you a gummy smile, the biggest smile you have seen out of him tonight, before handing you his phone.
“Put your number in. I’ll text you.”
You quickly typed your contact information into his phone, worried that he would suddenly change his mind, before handing it back to him.
He smiled as he pocketed the phone and gently pulled you into a hug, whispering softly next to your ear. “I’ll be seeing you soon.”
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