#nanny faye
xoglitterbomb · 6 months
I love nanny faye
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crazyutubelady · 2 years
Watch "CHRISLEY Former COLLEAGUE Speaks Out - "he sd he would destroy me"..." on YouTube
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skippyv20 · 2 years
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zionistsinfilm · 2 months
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When you buy or stream Roseanne, She-Devil, Mr. Birchum, The Nanny, Manufacturing Dissent, The Eyes of Tammy Faye, you’re giving money to zionists. Roseanne Barr spreads hasbara.
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fangbangerghoul · 2 months
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Two of my OC's Ghoul and Kiichi! They are basically my Marceline and Princess Bubblegum except they are never in the same world at the same time.
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Ghoul's character inspo:
- Callie Maggotbone from Ugly Americans - Launch from Dragon Ball - Ritsu from K-ON - Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Yeo Mi-ran from Love to Hate You - Selene from Underworld
Kiichi's character inspo:
- Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice - Chole from Totally Spies - Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bepop - Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls - Fran Fine from The Nanny - Jackie from That's 70's Show
Blank template under the cut! I found it floating around on tumblr so I will just say the template is not mine.
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sapphyreopal5 · 9 days
I think Jared is the type of person who lives for love. He was always in relationships; when he broke up with a girlfriend, he immediately jumped into another relationship. He is very impulsive. I think he got married to genevieve too fast, his parents and his brother got married very early so maybe he always had the view to get married young. And he looks up to his brother very much.
He is a particular person; he looks like a very independent person, but at the same time he is always surrounded by people
Hello Anon thank you for your ask. So I made a relationship timelines post of both Jensen and Jared's marriages. Sure, I agreed that there are some holes in the Ackles' marriage and inconsistencies in their backstory but with timing purposes I don't see a whole lot of red flags with theirs. It is weird they chose to propose about a week apart or so for sure however. Now when I looked at Jared and Gen's timeline, this is where I saw red flags raising allover the place. I don't think their marriage is real loving much at all. I agree with you 💯 Anon, Jared LIVES for love. I feel like he's the type of person who would die without it, seriously. It's not a bad thing but some people just need to be in love because they don't do well without it, you know?
As for his siblings, I don't know a whole ton about their personal lives so I'd have to take your word on that marrying young tidbit. It seems like Megan travels a lot but as for their brother, I can't find much outside of him being a MD and of course married with kids. I do know however he like never goes on Instagram. She and their mom do keep in touch with Sandy via Instagram, I do know that much. It seems to me like they never "broke up" with Sandy and seem to interact with her more than they do Gen. Trust me, I've looked multiple times, it's still true today. Now, this is an old screenshot I took months ago. I can't seem to see this comment on this post any longer, not sure if Instagram is screwing up on me today or what (has done this before). Hmmm, do you ever see comments from Megan or even Sharon on Gen's stuff? Not really...
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Where is her dating history?
Also you guys, WHERE is there ANY info on Gen's dating history? I searched high and low for information on anything from prom photos, stories of someone claiming she dated their cousin or sibling or even a friend of a friend. NOTHING! Not even a whisper of her dating any former coworkers. The only photos I could find of her with someone else on the red carpet was from years ago when he and Ryan Sypek went "together" in September 2007 (Wildfire) but couldn't find anything on rumors of them ever actually dating or even any fan speculations.
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I did interestingly find this post on his Instagram from 9/2/2024 of a "Davis family reunion" aka a Wildfire reunion. Where is Gen? Hmmm, dunno can't answer that one. Not like she can't get a nanny or anything for something like this. She sure had no problem promoting the show going on Netflix back in May, 2 short days after Jared's Walker was officially announced as canceled. Can anyone say tone deaf yet again?
As for today, Gen doesn't appear to be a follower of Ryan's, although she does follow Nicole. I don't know if her and Ryan had some kind of falling out or what the story here could be. If anyone wants to chime in here, that would be awesome!
She did say in the video clip below they did more pranks on the set of Wildfire than on the set of SPN likely because she was on the set more. If you can get past the many "likes" and several more "ums", she admits to having an immature sense of humor and "everything makes me laugh". She claims that the character had such a nice ending, Kris' development was done and she ended up where she needed to be but "everyone's nice and cool" and does want to see them all again but "that's a tough one". I do recall seeing in her Instagram story not long after Walker was canceled she promoted Wildfire going on Netflix. Oh yeah and she's mentioned wanting a reunion or a reboot of Wildfire in recent times and also in a Facebook post back in 2018.
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She also posted this on her Instagram story back on May 23, which is of course 2 days after Walker was officially canceled. Very quick to talk about her show going on Netflix but very slow to talk about her husband's show being canceled...
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Oh but wait there's more, a few weeks later she did tell us all about how much of last night's episode of Walker means to her. She "got to revel in a dreamy episode I'll cherish forever". Not much to show support for her husband's "passion project" but whatever, it's a gift she'll cherish forever being on this show...
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If you are interested in seeing part one of that Q&A for any particular reason, here it is. Lol she admitted she should've read these questions beforehand. Apparently she'd love to work with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling because they're "fantastic".
Wildfire reboot coming up? Doesn't seem like it, I seem to recall her saying something about the possibility. Who knows, maybe if they (her and Jared) do something with the Pony book or whatever book storyline they're looking to possibly bring to the screen, they might make nods to Wildfire or even bring some of those actors on board. Wildfire reunion? Maybe...
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Ranking of "obligatory best friend for the MC" characters (like Bree from HFTH, Jenny from TNA, Malorie from Surrender, Faith from KOD, and any others I missed. From best (or least terrible) to worst. Go.
Sorry this took so long, I finally got around to making the list (which is actually going to be worst to best sorry anon).
So before we actually get into the list, there are a couple of (loose) criteria I had for determining who would be included in the list. One, no love interest best friends are allowed, so no Zoey, Jaime, Lily, etc. Two, it had to be CLEAR that the character in question was the MC's best friend. For instance, the OPH MC doesn't have a clearly defined best friend, so I avoided including any of the roommates on the list, same with Zeph from TE because it's not totally clear who the MC's best friend is.
22. Jenny (The Nanny Affair). I hate Jenny. I hate her I hate her I hate her. She is my enemy. She's boring, uncool, unfunny, and serves no real purpose in the story. She's useless. And worse, the MC enables Jenny and Aditya's affair. Boo. Boooooooooo.
21. Malorie (Surrender). Malorie isn't as awful as Jenny, but my god, she has no filter. And that's coming from an autistic person. Malorie spews the creepiest, grossest, out of pocket shit, AT HER WORKPLACE NONETHELESS. The writers try to play it off as funny but it's not. It's really creepy. If I were her coworker I would feel incredibly uncomfortable around her every day.
20. Bree (Home For the Holidays). Undoubtedly the most forgettable "best friend" on this list. I'm going to bet no one remembers her because she did nothing and was a Nothing Character.
19. Mandy (Untameable). Boring, bland, does nothing of note in the story except fall for our misogynistic brother. Blech.
18. Eddie (Rising Tides). Another Nothing Character, but helps the MC in a small way. He's a reused asset.
17. Nigel (A Very Scandalous Proposal). Another Nothing Character, but helps the MC in a slightly bigger way. He's also a reused asset.
16. Nadia (Perfect Match). Definitely my most controversial ranking on this list. Nadia always got on my nerves and I never cared about her as a character. She just...consistently annoyed me.
15. Chazz (Red Carpet Diaries). Chazz also annoyed the hell out of me, but slightly less than Nadia. I found nothing about him compelling.
14. Layla (Wolf Bride). She didn't serve a purpose in the story, and wasn't terribly interesting. She is the very definition of the Obligatory Best Friend because there was no one else in the pack who would've befriended the MC. Also, I'm severely tokophobic and every time she appeared in the story I got really lightheaded and sometimes had to put the app down for a few minutes.
13. Riya (Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance). Riya didn't do much in the story either, and the most interesting part of her character was her relationship troubles with Darius, which really wasn't interesting at all.
12. Faith (Kiss of Death). I am tentatively ranking Faith at number 12 because I haven't played much of KOD (non-VIP) but she's not terrible from what I've seen so far.
11. Faye (The Princess Swap). A lot of people strongly disliked Faye, but I honestly didn't mind her. She's kind of ditzy and absent-minded, but she's not actively harmful, nor is she bland on the same level as most of the others on the list. However, she's far from perfect.
10. Amy (With Every Heartbeat). Amy isn't a terrible character. She helps the MC and Dakota and wishes them the best even though Dakota is her ex. She's not super present in the story, though, but I liked her well enough.
9. Aveline (The Princess Swap). Aveline is honestly so goated for keeping the MC and her sister's secret throughout the story. She's kind and very loyal and is someone I'd love as a real friend. Unfortunately, she isn't really her own person and doesn't have a lot background-wise.
8. Maggie (Ms. Match). Props to Maggie for being one of three characters in Ms. Match I actually liked. She was a competent assistant and was really sweet without falling all over the MC.
7. Poppy (Hero). Poppy Patel is the only valid Poppy in Choices. She's got a killer sense of style, is funny, sweet, and is immensely loyal to your character. I hated the unnecessary drama between her and Dax, but I really liked seeing them actually get together because they just work.
6. Vivian (The Phantom Agent). Vivian and Rowan were the only two characters in TPA I could actually stomach. Vivian is smart as hell, brave as hell (she helps GAIA even though she was initially terrified), and let's be honest. She was the REAL hero. Vivian probably has back problems now because she CARRIED that team.
5. Briar (Desire & Decorum). Briar is kind of chaotic and I love that. Her best friend moves away to a noble estate and she's immediately like "sounds fly as hell, I'm down" and becomes her lady's maid. Honestly though, that's also kind of my biggest complaint about her. Her life is so MC-centric. I mean, she even names her baby after the MC. Nonetheless, she's otherwise really likable to have around and serves as the MC's closest confidant throughout the series.
4. Dionne (Foreign Affairs). Dionne is really sweet, kind of goofy at times, smart, and generous. IIRC it's stated that she volunteers at an animal orphanage. It's too bad FA was such a flop because I really liked Dionne (AND MURPHY!!!)
3. Alma (Mother of the Year). Alma is really kind but also flips a switch and becomes kind of a hard ass in like an instant. It's hilarious and I love it, and I love her. Alma truly was the backbone of MOTY and she helped the MC so many times.
2. Zack (The Freshman). Zack is the only one of the MC's friends who deserved the title of best friend, which is a title he thankfully actually got otherwise he wouldn't be on this list. He was always there for her even when the others were absorbed in their own drama and though he wasn't perfect, he was definitely the least problematic of the bunch.
1. Diego (Endless Summer). Who else could I put at number 1 other than Diego? No one, that's who. Diego was so gentle and kind and even though he'd had a rough time making friends, had a homophobic family, and later on in the series gets stuck with the Vaanti for six months, he never let his bad experiences make him a bitter person. He was friendly to absolutely everyone in the group and there was no drama to be spoken of with him. Diego was such a loyal best friend to not just the MC, but to everyone around him. And his catalyst idol reflects that: he was Canis, and the Endless even refers to him as "my loyal Diego" as they're remembering all their friends just moments away from death. Diego truly is one best friend to rule them all.
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zhoras-bitch · 2 years
➤ BLADES OF LIGHT AND SHADOW || Ray Nightbloom (№10)
➤ BLOODBOUND || Evita Vasquez (№11)
➤ CRIMES OF PASSION || Isolde Rose (№9)
➤ DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS || Vera Everstova (№12)
It Lives In The Woods  || De Vuong (№4)
It Lives Beneath  || Leah Vance (№6)
It Lives Within  || Rowena Hohenheim (№7)
➤ KISS OF DEATH || Jade Win (№8)
➤ LAWS OF ATTRACTION || Roxanne Voss (№5) 
➤ MURDER AT HOMECOMING || Reese Stone (№3) 
➤ NIGHTBOUND || Shayla Faye (№2)
➤ THE NANNY AFFAIR || Anita Schuyler (№1)
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niccolocraxxi · 2 years
❛ THE LONGEST DAY ❜ — May ‘62
   Nick had been up since dawn. He’d woken up and immediately slipped out of bed groggily sans his and Faye’s usual Saturday morning romp to get ready for a day he was only to be a bystander in. His wife, to his surprise, had gotten up before him, already busy in the bathroom when he walked in to take a piss, getting presentable for people coming to make her look presentable. Nick didn’t question it. He did have his own bathroom but hers was closer. An hour later he was in their conversation pit, shaved, showered, and sitting alone and away from all the action, already bored as he browsed the Los Angeles Times for something interesting to read, his second espresso on a small table at his side.   She’d put in this request for him to take part weeks ago, for moral support, and so he had no room to complain. According to Faye, this wouldn’t be like her normal one or two-day photoshoots. Cosmopolitan magazine wanted Hollywood’s enduring blonde bombshell to be professionally captured all over Los Angeles, starting here in their home. That had taken some convincing for Nick on Faye’s part. For obvious reasons, he preferred their privacy. She’d worn him down eventually with a Nicky here and an attentive fuck there. By the end of it, which might take several weeks, they’d have hundreds of photographs of her at home, at various beaches, at hotspots all around Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, and even a last day up at the Hollywood sign. Nick assumed he’d be required to support her at most, if not all of these locations.   He was bracing himself for all.   Their daughter Mia was on the floor in front of Faye, a witness to this big day, brushing their golden retriever Rudy’s snout, mimicking what was being done to her mother with one of the extra brushes the stylist had sweetly handed her. Rudy, like Faye, was always game for attention and sat there happily and let her, his tail thumping on the floor. A few months shy of three, Mia was already Faye in miniature. Same face, same blue eyes, even the same facial expressions, which sometimes caught Nick off guard. But, unfortunately to some, she had Nick’s same dark hair, a fact his dirty-blonde wife had been pointing out and lamenting since she was born. At this point, Nick was convinced she’d continue do so for the rest of their lives.   Matteo, their infant son, was out with their nanny who was running errands for the house. Unlike with Mia, Faye hoped their son did take after his father in the looks department.   “Watch his eyes, baby,” Nick said in a soft tone his daughter recognized as only for her, turning her head quickly to look at him and nodding obediently.   “Okay, Daddy,” she said before going back to brushing.   George Bartlett, Cosmopolitan’s chosen photographer and his wife’s long-time collaborator was at the far end of one of their couches fiddling with his equipment, with camera pieces and lenses spread out all over the carpet. The wardrobe stylist whose name Nick had already forgotten was turned towards another couch, spreading and straightening out of the all the clothing choices they’d brought with them. Neither man seemed in much of a hurry. And Nick knew how long it could take for his wife to get ready. For photoshoots, especially. Letting out as quiet a sigh as he could, Nick stared solemnly for a moment, shut the main section of the newspaper louder than he’d intended, tossed it aside, and reached for Sports.   It was going to be a long day.
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
Coeli's Picks: Multicolo(u)r, part 1
(Multiple movies listed left to right)
One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey (2020) / Madalen Mills as Journey
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Murdoch Mysteries ("In the Company of Women," s13 e16) / Hélène Joy as Dr. Julia Ogden
"Julia wears a striking outfit: periwinkle skirt, dusty pink blouse, short jacket of black with pink and blue ribbon stripes, and a blue hat with a pink band.  She also has a lovely mauve ensemble later in the episode, but it was the multicolored one that really caught my eye."
Feast of Love (2007) / Erika Marozsán as Margaret Vekashi
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2046 (2004) / Faye Wong as Wang Jing-wen
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The Road to Bali (1952) / Dorothy Lamour as Princess Lala
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Funny Lady (1975) / Barbra Streisand as Fanny Brice
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In the Mood for Love (2000) / Maggie Cheung as Su Li-zhen
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg) (1964) / Catherine Deneuve as Geneviève Emery
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Coming 2 America (2021) / Gladys Knight as herself
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"Lots of amazing costumes in this one - see also:"
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The Nanny (s5 e6) / Fran Drescher as Fran Fine
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spngirlpolls · 1 year
i have never seen another person talk about the show wings. so thank you lol i voted for that
yay! anon i love wings so much i own the box set (bc i am a physical media nerd)
here’s my pitch for wings for those of you who haven’t seen it: wings is an ensemble workplace comedy that about two pilot brothers, goofy slacker Brian and uptight Joe, who run a small airline in the island of Nantucket, Massachusetts. There’s also aspiring musician and childhood best friend Helen, who runs the lunch counter at the airport, kooky elderly flight attendant Faye, endearingly dim witted plane mechanic Lowell (played by Thomas Haden Church), and rival airline owner Roy. Later seasons feature other additional cast, most notably cab driver Antonio, played by Tony Shalhoub (from Monk, Marvelous Ms. Maisel, etc)
wings also takes place in the same universe as both cheers and fraiser, with characters from both of those shows making crossover appearances. it also has one of the most peaceful theme songs/intro sequences of all time (here)
if you enjoy 90s sitcoms like seinfeld, friends, fraiser, and the nanny, give wings a shot! it’s on hulu in the us.
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bob-mcbobbinson · 1 year
Hi, it’s 4.00 am and I can’t sleep.
I’m new at tumblr, I saw people make posts were they basically just introduce themselves and stuff and I thought I could do that too
Ok so… I’m Laeira, I’m almost 21 (fuck)
she/her | infp …but I generally don’t like lables
what this blog will be about: I guess poetry, art, music, and the inner connections between them and everyday life, everything I can found in my desperate quest to make the world a bit more bearable
there will be the occasional joke too, don’t worry, I have a very random sense of humor
about me: I like writing ✨🐚 (mostly songs, poetry, I’m currently working on a “novel”, pff feels so weird to say it). I like reading📖, though I’m slower than shit, cinema 🎥 and photography📸. Nature🌲🌿, I have a totally not creepy obsession with human anatomy🫁 purely scientific/artistic, and a totally platonic relationship with science 🔭⚗️ I guess I also love anthropology 🗿and philosophy 🩻 (but I don’t philosophize, just make fun of plato)
music I love (maximum restraint to minimize the otherwise infinite list): Björk, Jeff Buckey, Nirvana, Kate Bush, Pink Floyd, The Guess Who (not the Who), Radiohead, Cocteau Twins, Mecano, Heather Nova, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Donovan, Teresa Teng, the Beatles, Faye Wong, The Zombies, David Bowie, Mitski, Slowdive, King Crimson… fuk, and I’m not gonna get too much into classical, atonal, avant gard music… but you get the idea
fav movies: FUCK. I can’t do this. Let’s see… Mirror (Tarkovskij), Billy Elliot, Adaptation, the Incredibles, The Trial (Wells), Amadeus, Donnie Darko, Rear Window, Trainspotting, Polar Express (shut up), Coraline, Anastasia, the Shining, Whispers of the heart, the Graduate, Pollyanna, Naked Lunch, Ameliè, Black Swan, Lust for Life, Heathers, Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Cry Baby…(just kidding, I almost imploded)
fav series: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heidi (yes, I said it), Star Trek tos (so funny I exploded several times, best chairs, best fashion), Steven Universe, Phineas and Ferb, Arcane (of course), Adventure Time, The Owl House, Over the Garden Wall, Bewitched, The Nanny (best 90s show, fight me), Gilmore Girls (I still keep watching it but I HATE how they massacred most characters)
books I somehow managed to read: my favorite books are the ones I find the hardest to read. Metamorphosis, The Neverending Story, 1984, The Picture of Drodrian Gray, The Golden Compass, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The sorrows of young Werther, Memories from the Underground…fuk I actually read so little books it’s embarrassing, I’m trying hard to improve, I swear!
things I wish wouldn’t exist in this world: arrogance, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and any other bad type “phobia”; inequality, any kind of abuse, especially the one inflicted by “parents”, mental illness, inefficient systems, condescendence and general unkindness
other things that I wish wouldn’t exist in this world: OLAF, I hate you OLAF, Cry Baby, because it destroyed my soul, Howard the duck, because it destroyed my sanity, the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame, movie remakes, vinegar, and Olaf again, because he’s an insult to life itself
Hope you enjoyed this unnecessarily long post, and if you wanna talk about something feel free to message me :)
It would be nice if I could manage to make some friends too! :D 🦑
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crazyutubelady · 2 years
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Awwww Bradley letting the girls drive the Bronco on their 18th makes my heart so full 😭😭 I love them so much it's getting unhealthy oof
And him talking to them about life ughh I want him. And Faye. I want what they have. I don't think I've ever loved a character this much. If only I can get me a man like Bradley 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
I feel the exact same way
like do I want to be Faye's wife? Bradley's wife? their third? their best friend? their nanny? their child? do I want to be Faye? do I want to be Bradley?
no answers for these questions unfortunately
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labelleperfumery · 10 months
Viral Great-Grandmother TikTok Star Nanny Faye Dead at 98
Nanny Faye — the viral great-grandmother who captured hearts on TikTok — has died … this according to her family. The beloved senior’s grandson broke the sad news on her favorite social media platform — letting her nearly 240k followers (and… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/12/12/viral-great-grandmother-tiktok-nanny-faye-dead-dies-98/
View On WordPress
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the-book-queen · 10 months
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $2.49!
FREE ✦ Montana Cowboy Christmas by Jane Porter
Second chance. She's a nationally-ranked barrel racer, he's also in the pro rodeo circuit.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4853gR0
FREE ✦ Twelve Dates of Christmas by Charlee James
She's a copywriter who longs for her own romance novel HEA, he's a computer engineer who was told by his last ex that he is boring and unromantic. 
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/47Iu7mi
$0.99 ✦ A Moment At Christmas by Jennifer Faye
Widower single dad/ranch owner looking for a nanny + single mom.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/416LOti
$1.99 ✦ A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting
1st POV. Injured NHL star agrees to get help with physical therapy/rehab from his team captain's little sister.
KU Title
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3Ngivi9
$2.49 ✦ The Heiress at Sea by Christi Caldwell
Spinster masquerades as a thrill-seeking lad on the ship of a notorious privateer. He's doing one last mission before he returns to the title and estate he just inherited.
KU Title
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3TbtkFR
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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