#naruto x ninetails
agentbloodlust · 5 months
OKAY---"KIN" LIST (im defining kin as a fictional character i feel i embody in some major way and makes me feel seen by others. Also through which I can see myself as I have a difficult time with that as I have bpd among other things.
DEEP BREATH ...Okay. This might seem "cringe" or stupid but idc. It's a big deal for me to come out and release this list even to strangers.
Fox Mulder✨--The X Files
(Purest and parts of me I most strive to lean into. Also transboy. my crazy puppy dreamer energy to someone's skeptic down to earth anchor. ready to kill god and anyone who'd dare to hurt the ones i love and cant live without)
Tony Stark✨--You know who I am
(Aware of sins and ready to constantly improve and be better. Heroes are self made!! (built) He loathes himself AND loves himself. The cluster b is strong with this one. as well as cptsd and ocd. Specifically Sun armor. Blazing sunshine energy BOTTOMING AND SUB SPACE IS A NEED TO HEAL. DADDY ISSUES)
Will Graham✨ --Hannibal
(Hyper sensitive "empath" who struggles with mental illness and harmful urges. morally grey. morally good. morally bad. confused/hurt/gentle.)
Quentin Compson (male) --The Sound and The Fury✨
(first book character through whom i felt SEEN. he has MASSIVE ocd issues and the writing style for his chapters resonates with my soul. i was watching tokyo ghoul at the same time and "White Silence" the song makes me think of Quentin in a coffin covered in white flowers with white hair and I break down)
Naruto Uzumaki✨--Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
(hero's hero. he grew up with me and we are most alike in sunshine blazing personalities. Feel VERY DEEPLY and have deep trauma. anyone can change for the better--BELIEVE IT! Childish and loud. hyper with FEELINGS that sometimes get out of control and make us go ninetails mode. (intermittent explosive disorder) Which always end up hurting those around us even though we get that way in emotional responses to freak situations. "THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO BECOMING HOKAGE"
Lestat de Lioncourt✨--The Vampire Lestat (book)/ AMC's show Interview With The Vampire
(The villain in me. The wretched creature. The lover. Absolute chaos. cluster B diva. The trauma. Needing to feel SEEN and fucking everything up over and over. Obsession. Self harm. Suicidal and homicidal ideation.)
Nora (with Weiss' trauma) (team JNPR) --RWBY
(Bright eyed. Motormouth. Random and hyper AF but like actually. Living your entire life with/for someone and needing to figure out who you are without them. Hitting things with a massive hammer. A hero. Lightning blaze heart. Will do anything for those she loves. just add in the song "The Path To Isolation" )
Spinell--Steven Universe Movie
(oh god. the villain origin story. worst fears being imagined. the annoying love bombing and wanting NEEDING others approval and constant attention. bpd. the scythe. the HEALING.)
Asuka --Evangelion/Rebuild
((MOMMY ISSUES TO THE EXTREME) bpd again. need to be seen by others in order to exist. without praise or what you crave from others you are nothing. you only exist through the eyes of others. self harm/ suicide attempt (bathtub scene) mind rape scene. trauma driving your entire life and still...still wanting happiness for people and yourself. not knowing how to express love. coming off as annoying and loud and weird and narcissistic and then laying there alone in bed crying about how much you hate yourself. and yet STILL being able to grow at the end and save the world)
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fattymadiy · 3 years
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young kakashi
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nonhonomesorryy · 7 years
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Fatta da me:D
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frances048 · 7 years
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Naruto x Blue exorcist crossover coloured by Fran48
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saoirseunaronan · 5 years
Tag Game!
I was tagged by @ttreacherrous and @doremifah! Thank you, babies, love you both <33
1. Dogs or cats?
I like them both :(( can’t choose
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Normal celebrities lol
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Probably Canada or USA (”omg Caroline you’re so mainstream!” hell yeah)
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Oooh shit, I never know which animation movie is from which... both? lol
5. Favorite childhood tv shows?
I have no idea damnnn... do cartoons count? i watched more cartoons and anime i didn’t know was anime like digimon, pokemon, naruto, etc.
6. The movie you’re most looking forward to in 2020?
Frozen II, MULAN WTF, Miss Americana
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
Oh I read like 2 books in 2019 so I gotta say “Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe” by Robert Gellately. It’s a history book about (you guessed it) those three disgusting men that I wanted to know more about. It’s so so so so good, I loved it.
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel for sure! I’m a stucky bitch gotta love marvel
9. If you chose Marvel, favorite member of the X Men? For DC, justice league member?
I don’t care much for X Men honestly lol
10. Night or day?
11. Favorite pokemon?
Gotta say Ninetails or Mew
12. Top 5 Bands/Artists?
BTS, Taylor Swift, Stray Kids, Lana del Rey and 4minute (i’m saying right now cause my taste in music changes too much, but BTS and Taylor are my babies, ride or die, never changing)
13. Top 10 books?
Oooh wtf. I’m gonna put them in no particular order, ‘cause i can’t do that, it needs more time disamd (i put series too, but y’all don’t mind)
I Really Didn't Think This Through - Beth Evans (it’s a book about anxiety, for the love of jesus GO READ THIS FUCKING BOOK); 
Between Shades of Gray - Ruta Sepetys; 
The Hunger Games series - Suzanne Collins (yes, these books shaped me into who i am today); 
Percy Jackson - Rick Riordan (yes i have to reread them, i will soon, i don’t remember shit no more, but they meant so much to me and i wrote so much fanfiction about it, it should be criminal); 
Harry Potter series - JK Rowling
Patrik Hedström series - Camilla Lackberg (the excellence of books)
The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood (a classic)
Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastroph by Robert Gellately 
15. America or Europe?
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
I gotta say Tumblr still
17. Favorite vacation destination?
Somewhere cold
18. Favorite youtuber?
Damn I don’t think I have one
19. Favorite Author?
Right now Camilla Lackberg as she should
20. Tea or coffee?
21. OTP?
I rewatched the hunger games movies and I was reminded of Everlark so Everlark 
22. Do you play any instruments/sing?
I don’t lol I sing, but I’m terrible at it
tag people you want to know better:
@btsfated @shakeitoff @tayloralison @shedidntevenswear @dearsantae
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koukennin · 6 years
@sageheir cont. ( x )
      ✖ II — It wasn’t at all difficult for the elder Uchiha to understand that something was off about the normally cheerful youth, resulting the obsidian hues to do a quick ‘check over’ of the male while his collected mind worked at a quick pace.
      The chakra was different too; this chakra was thicker, more heavy and that voice too held something else, making Itachi be a bit on edge yet, none of that showed as he merely stood there, watching the other, listening with calm, ivory features.
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          ❝   I was... I guess, Naruto hasn’t informed you of this..  ❞
      Itachi knew now what was happening, he was talking to the fox inside the blond, something that was clear now after he had let himself think properly. It was strange seeing the ninetails like this; free, in control of the youth’s body.
         ❝  I though, didn’t choose to come back, I was somehow revived.              I never intended to hurt, Naruto, and won’t do it again, I have a feeling that’s              why you’re here..   
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sami-guinea-arts · 6 years
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Digitized version of an older A3 sketch with Kinkaku in his version 1 Ninetails cloak. We never really saw him in version 1, only shortly prior to transforming into Version 2 out of rage, what a shame.... :c I imagine this pic was in a battle against Kakuzu (or one of those Naruto as little brother fanfictions), whom mentioned he had seen him transforming once his little brother Ginkaku was defeated. I hope instead of shitty fillers we'll get to see what happened between them.   And that cloak was a pain in the ass to draw. X,D
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kayvngedits-blog · 8 years
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dxbayern · 7 years
eatingcroutons replied to your post: getintherobot: billciipher: imagineyouricon:...
ok but have you seen @irenydraws​’ Lahm + Pokemon fanart??? irenydraws.tumblr.com/p… irenydraws.tumblr.com/p…
I did and that Ninetails one is so up my alley but what's more important is WHEN WILL SOMEONE MAKE A FIPS X NARUTO AU or something bc i'd die
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punkwithpaints · 7 years
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My dudes, please know it's parody. But still accurate.) THiS iSH MEH OC!!!!! X3333333 She's part of NARUTO!! ❤️❤️❤️ (But Naruto is a BAKA!! >.<) She is meh ORGINIAL OC!!! DO NOT STEAL PLZ!!!!!!! Name: Niisan Ultamasa Toyota Chan Age: 16 years young Personality: Goth (NOT SCENE!!!), quiet, she intimidates people with her eyes. Doesn't care about you or any1 else!!!! (She's like that XDD) and they will tear YOUR THROAT OUT!!! She's crazy! But once you get 2 know her she's totes RAnDomZZZZ!1!!!1(PASTAAAAAA!!! lol Randomz like that) Appearance: She has sharp teeth and pointy ears cuz her mom was a werewolf! She haz lotz of scars from all the fights she's been in. (And she looks totally cool X3) One of her eyes is red. The other is rainbow. One is Gold. BUT THEY GLOW RED WHENZ SHES ANGER. (RAwr! XD) She wears a green belly shirt and black shorts with stockings, and high heel stilettos. (She's awesome like that!!!!!) She's a potty mouth X33 Quotes: "Psh....Nothing personal kid." "Psh, ...amateur ..." "Do I look like I care?" "...Pathetic." Backstory and about her!: She is married to Sasuke (Sakura can GO GET EATEN BY ANGREY BADGERS!!!...0.0....-//.//- hehe, sorry.) and she is the daughter of Kakashi Sensei!! She has demon blood and demons seals cause she was born with the demon of the 10 tailed ninetails! Her parents died before she was born :( They died saving Atlantis in the Pacific ocean....:( Her brother is Inyuasha. She has been the Hokage 4 TIMES!! cuz she is immortal. She's also the Avatar, she meets Aang in season 6. Everyone loves her, except the leaf village Becuz she killed them all with her powerz. But everyone likes her! Goku taught her the spirit bomb and she also is the dragonborn. (She meets FusroDah in season 7) Powers: Can grow wings and fly. Can control Earth, Wind, Fire, Rain, Water, Lightning, Thunder, Clouds, Plants, Metal, Wood, Birds, Can talk to animals (But don't make a disney princess joke!!! >x< She isn't some frilly girl!!!! She's kickbutt!), and she can create and destroy whole universes with 1 THOUGHT! She can heal people with a single touch but ALSO KILL PEOPLE WITH ONE TOUCH. She can Naruto run at 1000 MILES A SECOND! (She learnt it from Sonic, cause she raced him and WON!!!!) She can control peoples minds, she has telekinesis, super strength, and shapeshift! She has no flaws cause she's literally perfect and everyone loves her!!!!!!! She also hates herself cause she's killed people. :,( She's also an alien, btw, and a princess of her OWN VILLAGE! It's the Village of the Atlantic, like, literally it's in the middle of the Atlantic ocean but she can keep it afloat because her mom and dad were decedents of Atlantis and that's why she's the princess! Also it's cuz she can control water and can keep it afloat, even if she's super far away! (She cool like that.....Nyaaaa~) She has 6 fingers cuz her 6th finger is her pinky, it holds the powers of the 9tails 10 tails demon inside her. She chop it off to unleash the beast. Concern not, it grows back cause she has regenerative powers. Weapons: SHES A WEAPoN! She can also summon any weapon she wants and demons!!! NO CRITICS PLZ!!!!!! I know I'm right and don't need you opinion onions! I am a true artist cuz I don't need to use references and ask for help!!! Anime teaches me everything I need to know!! Realism is stupid! Bakas....
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ofstarkilling · 7 years
post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people. )
Agent Washington / Lieutenant Bitters [Red vs. Blue] | General Hux [Star Wars] 
X-Ray / The Risemonger [X-Ray && Vav] | Doctor Horrible [Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog] | Orihara Izaya [Durarara!!] | Lucifer / Castiel [Supernatural] | Scourge [Warriors Series] | Prince Zuko [Avatar: The Last Airbender] | Kiba / Darcia [Wolf’s Rain] | Issunboshi / Ninetails / Amaterasu [Okami]  |  Director Krennic [Star Wars]
Kylo Ren / Anakin Skywalker / Director Krennic [Star Wars] | Hatake Kakashi [Naruto] | Issunboshi / Amaterasu / Ninetails [Okami] | Stiles Stilinski [Teen Wolf] | Dexter Morgan [Dexter] | Orihara Izaya [Durarara!!] |  X-Ray / The Risemonger [X-Ray && Vav] |  Gabriel Agreste / Hawkmoth [Miraculous Ladybug] | Shiro [Voltron]
TAGGED BY:  n/a i stole it. TAGGING:  everybody. you can say i tagged you if you wanna i like seeing these things tbh.
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frances048 · 7 years
by Fran48
"Sarada, Boruto, Mitsuki, lets go.." commanded Konohamaru..his blue scarf blowing in the wind..
"Yeah.." said Boruto and Sarada, nodding..
"What about you Mitsuki?" asked Boruto..
Mitsuki was staring blankly at the sky
Boruto touched his shoulder.."Oi Mitsuki!" He shook him.."Mitsuki...are you okay???!" Boruto's voice sounded extremely panicky
"Mitsuki!!" gasped Sarada and Konohamaru together..They all continued to shake him but he stood silently, not responding to any of their cries..
Then suddenly, Sarada noticed something..."Sensei..look into his eyes..!!"
Konohamaru gasped..."Rinnegan.."..
"Like papa's?"
Boruto gasped.."..I remember..dad
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yokitsune · 8 years
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originally, kurama was suppose to have black hair and a blue school uniform. for whatever reason they decided instead to give him red hair with green eyes. they also decided to change his uniform to a pink uniform instead.
it was said that kurama’s character was actually suppose to be female and was suppose to be a “partner” for hiei. however, the writer decided to make him male instead, but keeping the idea of them being partners.
kurama was connected to kenshin during one of his fights with a demon named roto who ended up giving him a “X” scar on his cheek. he is also compared to kenshin in the fact that his human and demon side combine over time, much like kenshin’s battosai and wanderer personalities. they both have also said “suicide is not the answer” at some point.
kurapika, from hunter x hunter is to resemble kurama. seeing as hunter x hunter was written by the same author. the two character’s look a bit different but share similar traits as well as sense of fashion.
it was mentioned that kurama is the reason kishimoto picked the name “kurama” in naruto for the ninetailed fox. since kurama was a fox demon, he felt that it suited.
kurama has the same japanese seiyuu/voice actor as sailor uranus from sailor moon. which would make sense since the writer of sailor moon and the writer of yu yu hakusho ended up getting married.
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