#nathaniel ft. lila.
jeonstellate · 9 months
ocean waves & faded dreams — shore viii
tony’s attempt at digging into johan’s life returns unsuccessful, so wanda offers another way.
⚝༄ platonic!tony stark x original character (ft. platonic!bucky barnes x original character)
⚝༄ no warnings available for this shore
⚝༄ paragraph format — 0.9K words
masterlist | ow&fd masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
The Avengers stayed silent after Detective Jessica Jones and Agent Johan Collins left the floor. The deafening silence wasn’t because they had nothing to note about the hours they spent with the kid assassin; but, rather, it was because they had a lot to note. Everyone simply just couldn’t settle which one to say first.
"I like her," Pietro Maximoff was the first one to break the silence. "Kid, I mean."
"She does seem like a good kid," Sam Wilson indirectly agreed. "Even with the whole ‘programmed to kill’ thing."
"It took a lot of strength resisting her trigger like that," Bruce added. "She was in a lot of pain, almost like it was slowly killing her."
They all saw how the twelve-year-old looked when she was fighting her programming. She was trying her hardest to hide it, but they all still saw right through her. Mostly because the intensity of the pain must’ve been too much to hide effectively, even for a well-seasoned agent. Although she did seem to feel better after napping and reuniting with her fellow assassin, the pain notably came back with a stronger force once she laid her eyes upon her targets once more.
Regardless of how tormenting it was, Johan still fought anyway.
"She’s too young to have gone through all of what she did," Clint lamented.
Out of all of them, Clint was one of the two people with an understanding different than the rest. Sure, Natasha, Bucky, and the Maximoff twins understood in depth what it was like to be experimented on. And the others could only begin to imagine how difficult her life was, as her struggles greatly differed to theirs.
But Clint and Scott Lang were the only ones who understood how young she was. "Kid’s only three, four years older than Cassie. Jesus."
"She’s around the same age as Cooper and Lila," Clint nodded, his expression stayed crestfallen.
The Avengers fell silent again after that remark.
They all had the opportunity to meet the three children mentioned, along with the youngest Barton kid Nathaniel. Cooper was the oldest of them and yet, he was still far too young. Not that there was an appropriate age to be traumatized to the core, but the point still stands: Johan Collins was far too young to be an assassin with post-traumatic stress disorder.
"Tony, what are you doing?" This time, it was James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes who interrupted the silence. Had he not done that, then his best friend in question’s actions probably would’ve escaped everyone else’s notice for another five more minutes. However, since he did, they all turned just in time to witness him open the S.H.I.E.L.D. database in a holographic screen.
"Researching," Tony Stark replied simply, before typing: Johan Collins.
"Invading privacy, you mean."
"Only if I can actually find info on Kid." His hands began moving faster as he maneuvered the holograms in front of him. Everyone unconsciously held their breath as they anticipated a wall full of her information to pop up any second. Except . . . "Rogers, did you just jinx it—"
"—I’m assuming you did." He cut Steve off before the latter could even defend himself. "Are there any other ways to spell her name?"
"Try ‘Anastasia Stark,’" Natasha suggested. Tony followed through. Unfortunately, the screen still came up blank. "‘Anastasia Collins’? ‘Johan Stark’?"
"Boss, you have a new message from Director Fury," FRIDAY announced, effectively halting Tony’s so-called research.
Everyone suddenly looked at him expectantly, silently urging him to read the message out loud with their eyes. "What did he say?"
"‘You aren’t authorized to see Collins’ data. Stop snooping.’"
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Much to Director Fury’s chagrin, Tony merely took his message as a challenge. Unfortunately for the challenger, though, he still failed to uncover anything regardless of whatever offense he threw at the S.H.I.E.L.D. database.
By the time he ran out of all the system offense he knew on top of his head, the blank screen was mocking him.
"What is S.H.I.E.L.D. hiding?" He blurted in frustration, mostly to himself. "Barnes has a profile, so why doesn’t she?"
"What are you trying to find, anyway?" Bucky spoke up. "Maybe I can answer."
"Jones was obviously avoiding to mention something. I want to know why."
"I can give you more than that." Wanda, who had been awfully quiet since Agent Collins and Detective Jones came to the common floor, finally contributed to the conversation. "I can show them to you."
"You went inside her head?" Pietro looked at her in slight disbelief. "What did you see?"
Contrast to her twin’s reaction that had a hint of curiosity in it, Steve’s response wasn’t relatively as excited. "Wanda, we’ve talked about this."
"I didn’t force my way in. She was thinking very loudly." That would’ve been a weak attempt at defense if it really was one, except she wasn’t actually defending herself. "Kid kept on thinking about one memory in particular." She was merely stating facts as they were. "It answers the ‘why’ Stark wants to know and more."
Wanda let her words sink in. "Fine. Let’s see it."
"Only if we could help her see her father." Wanda bargained out of the blue — albeit as if that was her plan all along.
No one could read what she was thinking. Not even her twin, who knew her more than anyone else in the room, could decipher her expression.
"I can’t promise you that," Tony’s reply was almost immediate. "We can’t afford to expose a civilian to an unpredictable, amnesiac assassin suffering from PTSD."
next shore >
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lucky-cataclysm · 1 year
Some random Miraculous headcanons
Felix has a cat. Her name is Bree.
Ms. Bustier is Nathaniel’s mom. After she and her husband (Nathaniel’s dad) got divorced, she changed her last name back to her maiden name, and Nathaniel kept his dad’s last name.
Marinette and Chloe are sopranos, Alya is an alto, and Adrien and Nino are tenors. Lila is tone-deaf and can’t sing for shit.
After Clara Nightingale released her Miraculous song, Chat and Ladybug did a cover of it, with cameos from Rena Rouge, Vesperia, Carapace, Viperion, Polymouse, Ryuuko, Bunnyx, Pegasus, Pigella, Tigress, and King Monkey.
Rose is autistic.
Alix has ADHD.
The original Miraculous Team (Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace) sometimes switch Miraculouses just for the fun of it.
Kim is somehow TikTok famous??? And no one knows how??? Like, the class was talking about their favorite TikTok creators, and Kim just randomly said “oh yeah, I have like 2k followers on TikTok” and went back to working on his science project while the whole room stared at him in complete silence. Chloe is still trying to figure out how he did it, since most of his videos are just him doing things like “how many pushups can I do in a minute” or “trying to rollerblade for the first time ft. my friend Alix”.
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agentofscifi · 3 years
Success is the Best Kind of Revenge Ch. 3
Heels click onto the floor of my office as Chloe pushes open my doors. My hands were currently holding up the train of a dress hung on Juleka. Alix follows after Chloe, tinkering with some kind of camera in her hand. Over the years, as we all graduated from University and done pretty well for ourselves.  
Juleka ended up changing her major in school after three semesters. Instead of going into performing arts for instruments, she went and got a composition degree. Juleka wrote music for a variety of artists and was one of the most sought-after songwriters. When she wasn’t doing all of that, she was modeling for my company. Juleka did a variety of photoshoots for several companies, mine included throughout her University Years. After I opened up my first few stores, we signed a formal contract. She’d been working for me for almost a decade. She split her time between Paris and Nashville in America. 
Alix decides to focus on a degree in art history. She worked at an Auction House company in Paris, moving between the various countries of Europe to authenticate pieces of art and then handle their sales. She was rather successful at her work, earning many bonuses for rather extremely successful sales. Alix’s unique style and comfortable professionalism made her easily approachable to buyings. She was rather blunt, and it did her well in her job. On her off-hours, Alix did some minor modeling and promoting much of my athletic pieces. Alix’s popularity grew as she competed in several X-Games in and after university. She won several titles in skateboarding, BMX freestyling, rollerskating, and snowboarding before retiring after a slip-up when snowboarding. She shattered her kneecap, broke a leg, her collarbone, and dislocated her arm in two places. She still did BMX biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, and snowboarding, just not in a professional capacity. That being said, little kids still asked for her autographs all the time.  
Chloe graduated from the London Business School with Honors and then proceeded to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York to get a Graduate Degree in Global Fashion Management. She modeled some of my designs, worked connections, handled all my brand’s social media accounts, and finalized contracts. Now, she had several people working underneath her, to handle the day-to-day operations. Either way, Chloe handled all of the Brand’s business dealings and flourishes.  
As for me, I attend the London College of Fashion. I got a Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and Development with honors. After those years, I went to Milan to attend Istituto Marangoni International for a Master’s Degree in Luxury Accessories Design & Management. After that, I relocated back to Paris. My first boutique opened up quickly after that along with a small factory with a loan from a bank. I ended up having to open a second factory within three months due to demands. More boutiques opened up worldwide as the Brand became a household name.  
“Hello Chloe, how is everything?”  
“We got invitations to a reunion for Lycée. Alya sent them, as she was the class representative when we all graduated. Personally, I think she wants to get her hands on you or Juleka for an interview. You know her journalism career is in the gutter.”  
Alix snorts. “And who’s fault is that?” 
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Her’s. The idiot ruined her blog when she was a teenager and she never changed. She still does idiotic and frankly dangerous things to get a scoop. Sure, she does some basic research now, but the girl’s been detained several times for endangering people and disrupting the peace. No University would touch her, and no place will hire her.”  
Alix looks up from the camera. “So, you didn’t inform everyone in the fashion journalism world about her history, knowing it would spread to all major news and journalism networks.  
Chloe raises an eyebrow. “Look, this company’s image is important. I was not going to let Miss Blogger ruin it for 15 minutes of fame. She dug her own grave.”  
I sigh. “This is great and all, but are you all going?”  
There’s a snort right behind me. “Not on any of our lives. We will not be sinking that low.”  
“Chloe!” Juleka’s face is red and slightly scandalized.  
“What? Why would we go to this reunion? To see how everyone is doing? It’s rather simple. Alya’s a tabloid writer. Nino is a barely successful DJ who works at a music store to help pay his bills. Max is an IT guy at a company. That fake research paper haunts him to this day. Kim works at a gym. The drugs screwed his athletic chances over and he never planned for anything beyond going to the Olympics. Nathaniel works at an art store and does nighttime classes. He’s unsuccessfully worked with 7 different writers for his comics after leaving Marc.   
Now, Myléne and Ivan are happy, at least. Myléne works as a secretary and Ivan as a grocery store manager. Both are part-time so one of them can stay home with their kids at a time. They have millions of photos of their family on their Instagram accounts. Neither one can do much with charities. The fraud they committed was spread around the charity communities fast.  
Rose, Adrien, and Sabrina are the only ones who did what they wanted to do. Rose had a few years of fame with her music before getting married and settling down as a youth music teacher. Adrien moved to America and works for a University. However, I know for a fact that he will not be returning to Paris for anything less than a funeral or a wedding. As for Sabrina, after some therapy, ended up as a Detective in Marseille.”  
“Didn’t you pay for her therapy?” I tie off my last stitch and let the train fall to the platform.  
Chloe purses her lips. “I owed her that much. I screwed her childhood up, majorly.”  
“Did you stalk everyone to find out all of this?” Alix has a mischievous look.  
Another eye roll from Chloe. “I didn’t need to. In this day and age, all you need to do is type their name into the internet and all of their social media pops up.”  
I hum. “What about Lila?”  
“She’s still in prison. Tried another appeal a little while ago, to no avail. Her long list of offenses and the “assisting a terrorist” change isn’t something any judge would want to touch, even with a 10 ft pole.”  
Juleka simply shrugs. “Back to the point at hand. I’m not going to this reunion. Rose is the only one I wanted to keep in contact with, and she’s not going. It’s her five-year anniversary with her husband. She’s going to Spain that week.”  
Alix shugs. “I’m not going either. Kim has tried to contact me so many times to help him get back into the sports world. I am not giving him another chance. Besides, there’s this huge auction going on in Russia for that week. I am not missing that for a few hours with our childhood classmates.”  
I look at Chloe. She raises a perfect eyebrow. “Not a chance and you are not going either. Heavens forbid Alya posts something on that new blog of hers.”  
I set my needle and thread down on a work table and gesture to Juleka to get changed. “I’m not going if none of you are. Besides, there’s this fashion show in Milan that weekend. It’s for freshly graduated designers to show off their talents to possible employers. I was planning to go to find some who would specialize in Fashion Contour. I’ve been doing quite a bit of work in that field and want to get a fresh pair of eyes that will eventually take over that area of our brand. I was also hoping to look for someone to start a Make-up department. One of your people mentioned the idea at a meeting.”  
Chloe nods and starts to type into her phone. “I’ll tell my assistant to look through the applications we have to see if anyone fulfills the requirements for that job. Just find that new department head.”  
I give Chloe a nod as Juleka hands me the dress from before. A custom-made wedding dress for a woman who happened to be Juleka’s exact size. One of the many I had made of the years since I’d started my fashion business.   
Some part of me wanted to thank Lila. If I was honest with myself, I wouldn’t be where I was if she hadn’t arrived at my class and taken everyone’s loyalty. They weren’t bad people, but thanks to Ms. Bustier, they were a drain on my energy and abilities. Now, however, I was one of the most well-known and successful fashion designers with over two dozen people for me in Design. I could not be happier. 
Ch. 1 ~~~~~ Ch. 2
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cryptthecryptid · 4 years
My Miraculous Ladybug Fanfictions
Most of these are going to be MarcNath lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26051308/chapters/63355555 - Prompt Book
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29436945 - Valentines Day Fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29220228 - Chat Blanc but its someone else, featuring time traveling Nathaniel and Bunnix
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29122551 - Extreme gore and graphic descriptions of tourture
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29102292 - Luka Angst, and Batman crossover
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28911024 - Salt and an ot3 that doesn’t get enough recognition 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28703613 - Sick Fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28246950 - Hurt/Comfort, ft. Trans Marc
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28289937 - Con Fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28196931 - TW for Attempted Suicide
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27972044 - Ever had a nightmare your being chased by an elrich horror that looks somewhat like you? No? Well I have so this was me projecting
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27808510 - Short as balls
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26852467/chapters/65515615 - Ah yes my most popular fic, filled with Lila Salt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27664646 - Warnings for mention of Rape, its not on screen but it is mentioned
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27541096 - Misunderstandings but not the angsty kind
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27541042 - Pure unfiltered angst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27541012 - Tutor fic, also angst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27540967 - Proposal Fic, surprisingly no angst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27444391 - Angst or Fluff depends
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27431269 - Fluff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27098899 - Cannibalism
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26703790/chapters/65139175 - Matchmaking gone wrong and a pinch of Alya salt
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25945384/chapters/63067192 - Ghost fic, 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1931029 - Trans Nath time babyyyyy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26114266 - Adoption
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26092147 - :)
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1890163 - This could be hurt/comfort or straight angst, it depends really
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25960636 - Baby’s first fanfic
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
The whole high metabolism Marinette thing. For proper salt Lila would start spreading rumours about Marinette being anorexic and stage an intervention with the class/girl squad. Trying to publicly humiliate her.
If we go to the route where this is that not all the class knows, except Nino, Nathaniel, Chloe, and Sabrina possibly even Juleka then yeah Lila would be shot down bc this can go well with good teacher!bustier ft adopted chloe.
Basically they do make an intervention without Juleka and Alya (alya salt) does a live stream on her Instagram.
cue Mari arriving with a really big chocolate muffin and just deadpans.
“I have a high metabolism dummies.”
Cue Lile trying to call her out in class and Mari letting Bustier tell the class that it’s on her medical file.
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username8746489 · 4 years
Me: *Making a "Don't Lose Your Head" animatic ft. Nathaniel and Lila*
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adrienscroissantx · 4 years
hi it is i the julerose atla au anon and i am Back:tm: with updates: so marinette is now yue, partly because her vibe fits with yue's and partly because "my first girlfriend turned into the moon", adrien is now zuko, lila is azula, chloe is mai, and sabrina is ty lee. mireille is suki and some random background characters ft. aurore are the rest of the kyoshi warriors. i kinda wanna say marc is kyoshi and nathaniel is rangi, because Gay:tm:, and i have no idea who korra and company is. :)
Ooooo yue marinette that's so cool. She is the moon 😭
Adrien and lila being related is a hot take i like.
Also ty lee sabrina????????? Mwa chefs kiss
Thanks for sharing omg!!!!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Copy and Paste
Copy and Paste by Angelsandsuperheroes
Adrien may have forgotten that asking Marinette out on a date didn't necessarily mean she was his girlfriend. (it doesn't take him long to fix it)
Ft. Plagg and a fly squatter (links in to part 1 x)
Words: 2773, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of If I ever were to lose you
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Rose Lavillant, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Lê Chiến Kim, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Alix Kubdel, Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Plagg
Relationships: Adrien - Relationship
Additional Tags: Social Media, Group chat, Twitter, Instagram, Adrien Agreste Is Sunshine, Strong Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Hot Mess Adrien Agreste, Fluff, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng Fluff, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Has a Crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Plagg Is So Done
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24985714
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Classmate Valentine dates
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983 notes · View notes
by SmolTownFangirl
Abigail rolled her eyes, “Dude, if you’re not gonna kill me or tell me who you are, you mind at least kissing me so I can have that real fanfic experience?”
“Kill you,” Lila laughed, unexpectedly, because holy fuck, this beautiful girl just told her to kiss her- and oh no Lila was pinning her to the wall. “Why would I kill a pretty thing like you?”
“Well,” Abigail flushed, hand coming up to tap at the knife on her throat. “This makes me a little tad bit nervous.”
Romeo and Juliet but no one dies and its between two teen girls who just so happen to be the daughters of the avengers. Ft. Harley as a veryoverprotective and begrudgeing brother and Peter as abbie's main go to for sneaking out
Words: 9690, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Lila Barton, Abbie Keener, Harley Keener's Sister, Harley Keener, Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Cooper Barton (mentioned) - Character, Nathaniel Barton (mentioned)
Relationships: Lila Barton/Abbie Keener, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Lila Barton/Harley Keener's Sister
Additional Tags: my crack ship?? getting taken seriously?? yuh, Song fic, Tony Stark is a Good Dad, Harley Keener is a Good Bro, This is crack taken seriously, also minor lila abbie character study, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), BUT ENDGAME? AND IW? NEVER HAPPENED, HATE THAT SHIT, fluff!, Angst!, oh baby this fic has it all, romeo and juliet who?
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
Cat’s Writing Masterlist (Long Post)
So, it’s been a hot minute since I updated my last masterlist, so I’m gonna make a new one. I’m warning you all now that I have 81 published works on AO3, so this is gonna be a long list, but I’m gonna try to make it somewhat easy to navigate idk we will see.
Marinette’s Secret: G, Love square, crack/fluff
The Big Reveal: G, Plagg-perspective reveal, crack
Accidental Date: G, platonic Adrinette, fluff
Games We Play: G, LadyNoir, fluff
Better Together: T, Chat Noir/Adrien-centric, crack
Amour Chassé-croisé: G, Marichat, fluff/crack
No One’s Side Kick: T, Chlolya, crack, pre-Rena Rouge name reveal
Garbage Cliche MariChat Balcony Makeout Scene: T, MariChat, steamy/crack
Just For You: G, Chlonette, fluff/crack
Best Friends Forever: G, Alya&Marinette, fluff
Cat-astrophe: T, Love Square, reveal fic/crack
All Around Me Are Familiar Faces: T, multiple perspectives, crack
Never Trust Chat Noir Near Yarn: G, platonic Marichat, crack
Toddlers and Miraculouses: G, LadyNoir-ish, crack
The Fox and the Chat: G, Rena&Chat, crack
A Lesson in Love: T, Alyanette, steamy
Go Fish: M, kwami-perspective, post-reveal, crack/implied sin
Where the Sun Don’t Shine: T, platonic MariChat, crack
Heists and High Heels: T, Chlolila, crack
What If: G, Copycat-based, crack
Princess Adrien: G, classmate fic, crack
The Adventures of Beetlebug: T, LB!Nino, crack
The Greatest Gift of All: T, Chlolya, crack/fluff
The Secret Life of Kubdel: G, Kim/Max/Alix, crack
Kid Rebel, Boy Menace: G, OT4, crack
A Christmas Tail: G, Felinette, fluff
Fight Me Under the Mistletoe: G, classmate fic, crack
No Matter Who You Are: G, Adrinette, reveal fic, fluff
A New Life: G, Adrinette, fluff
Tell Me a Secret: G, Adrien&Plagg, crack
The Class Scheme to Make Kimax Canon: G, Kimax, crack/fluff
Holiday Spirit: G, Lilanette,Chlogami,Lukadrien, fluff
The Perfect Night: G, Adrinette & kids, fluff
Onto New Beginnings: G, Adrinette, fluff
Finding Happily Ever After: G, Adrinette, fluff
Sweetheart’s Ice Cream: G, Adrinette, Glaciator what-if, fluff
Home is Where You Are: G, MariChat, fluff
Checkmate: G, Ladrien, fluff/kwami swapish
A Day in the Sun: G, Adrien&Nino, fluff
Nathaniel’s Apology: G, MarcNath, fluff
Themed-Prompt Challenges:
Think Outside the Love Square: T, various rare pairs, fluff mostly 
A Collection of Tumblr Prompts: T, various ships, various genres usually described at the beginning
Miraculous Swaps Week: G, Master Fu & Emilie Agreste (though pre-Emilie name), unfinished
Fluff Month, Non-love Square Edition: G, various ships, fluff
When the Moon Found the Sun: T, Lukadrien, fluff/angst
Rare Pair March: T, various ships, various genres
Valentine’s Day Drabbles: T, various ships, fluff
Fluff Month, Love Square Edition: G, love square, fluff
August 2018: G, various ships, fluff
A Family of Friends: G, classmates, fluff
Rare Pair Month 2019: G, various ships, various genres mostly fluff
Completed Chapter Fics:
A Mile in My Shoes: G, love square, kwami swap/fluff
Colors of the Soul: T, love square-centric though other ships featured, angst/fluff
To Tame a Queen: T, Chlonette, Chloe-redemption, fluff
Bedtime Stories: G, Tom/Sabine ft. babinette, fluff
A Time for Love: G, Markov/Alix’s watch (you read that right), crack/fluff
Beyond the Line of Duty: T, love square, reveal fic, crack, might continue
Ladybug and Bumblecat: G, Ladrien, kwami swap, crack
A Merman’s Heart: T, Marichat, fluff/fantasy AU
How to Catch a Ladybug: G, Lilanette, fluff/drama
Honey and Spice: T, Chlolya, Chloe-redemption, fluff
Kiss, Kiss Learn My Secret?: G, love square, fluff/reveal fic
The Girl Under the Mask: G, Ladrien, fluff
On-going WIPs
A Night to Remember: G, Alyabug, fluff
The Adventures and Disasters of Living with Roommates: T, classmates, crack
Midnight Rose: T, Julerose, angst/fluff/fantasy AU
Within the Garden Walls: G, Myvan, fluff/fantasy AU
When the Chat Calls: G, MariChat, fluff mostly/crack
Teen Heart’s and Comic Pages: G, MarcNath, fluff
A Place to Call Our Own: G, QPP Adrigami, crack/fluff
The Fate of Misfortune: M, LadyNoir, angst/pirate AU
How an Angel Falls: T, Kimax, fluff/angst/fantasy AU
All’s Fair in Love and Superheroes: G, Ladrien, fluff/angst
Lady du Coeur: T, love square, angst/fluff/reveal fic/canon rewrite kinda
More Than Just a Friend: G, Adrinette, fluff/angst
Lady Luck: M, Adrinette, fluff/angst/college AU
Moves Like Jagged: G, Adrinette, fluff/crack
The Fall of Rome: G, classmates, Lila downfall, spite fic
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: G, Marinette-centric with Adrinette, spite fic
Taming Lies and Chasing Butterflies: G, akumanette, spite fic
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criminal-lymindless · 5 years
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starker ft. the conjuring au 🏠
"Diabolical forces are formidable. These forces are eternal, and they exist today. The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow."
// Part 2 //
During a particular morning, a reporter went to visit them, wanting to ask questions about the notorious room in the house where they kept objects related to the cases they had investigated so far.
Peter was hesitant about it; most of those people used to accuse them of quackery. However, Tony, on the other hand, had decided to give the reporter named Everett Ross a chance, willing to give him the opportunity to know more about their investigations.
Peter decided to stay in the living room while Tony led the man into their secret room, unlocking the door.
"We keep everything locked in here." He explained to the reporter and pushed the door, entering the place. "Feel free to look around. Just don't touch anything. Trust me. You don't want to be touching this stuffs --Unless your that desperate to die, then okay."
"Wow..." Everett looked around, he was clearly amazed by the things he saw there. "This is crazy..." The man commented. “So all these are taken from cases you've investigated?" He turned to look at Tony who nodded positively.
"That's right. Everything you see in here is either haunted, cursed or has been used in some kind of ritualistic practice." Tony clarified as he walked between the shelves. "Nothing is a toy." He added and watched Everett crouch down to look at a stuffed animal. "If I were you I wouldn't touch that."
Everett suddenly took a step back once hearing that and stood up, clearing his throat.
"Uh...If I may Mr. Stark, but Isn't it scary or doesn't it worry you to have all these items right in your home?" The reporter questioned.
"That's why a priest comes by once a month to bless the room." Stark explained. "It's safer for these things to stay in here than out there. Who knows what would happen if they did. Probably the end of the work." Tony chuckled a bit. Everett Ross nodded as he listened to Stark.
"So it's like keeping guns off the street then?" He said. "But why not throw everything in an incinerator? Destroy them?" The man asked curiously while taking notes, now standing in front of Tony.
"That would only destroy the vessel." Tony assured him. "Sometimes it's better to keep the genie in the bottle." He winked at him.
The reporter looked around once again after hearing that. He was a bit anxious and when he started talking again, Tony watched him carefully, eyed him up and down. He had an idea on what was making Everett nervous, and the REAL reason why the man came over to visit them.
Which is why he needed to act quick.
Tony clapped his hands together, giving the man a fake smiled as he signal him to follow him. "Already then, if you don't have anymore questions we can finally wrap this shit up--"
"Is the, uh, Annabelle doll here?" Everett interrupted Tony before he could even finished his sentence. The reported looked around for the familiar the doll everyone has talked about.
Stark sighed and muttered a few curse words to himself. So much for acting quickly. He reluctantly pointed to another direction, "Right over there. But we don't have time for--" Everett ignored him and walked up to where they kept the doll.
Tony is really starting to consider this interview was a bad idea, and maybe Peter was actually right for once. He walk towards the reporter and the doll, where it was stored in a wood and glass case they had built for it.
Everett looked at the doll for a few moments before turning to look at Tony again. "You said she's a conduit?" He asked and began taking notes again.
Tony only hummed in response. He was getting really tired of this interview and needed to wrap this up already. They couldn't be this close to that doll, even if it was safe on that wooden glass case. Anything is possible.
"But what does that mean?" The reporter turned on his tape recorder this time.
"It means that a very powerful demonic has latched itself onto her." He told Ross as he looked at the doll for a second. Glaring his eyes into her empty one's.
"So when you guys investigate these hauntings, how do you stop them from latching onto you?"
Tony shrugged. "We have to take great precaution." He explained trying to remain calm.
"Is that what happened to Peter then?" The man then questioned.
This cause Tony to snap his neck at him, arching an eyebrow. His mood suddenly changed when he heard that. "...What about him?" Tony frowned. Everett seemed a bit nervous after seeing his reaction. He knew damn well he's stepping into some sensitive stuffs.
'Could be another reason why Ross came over after all.' Tony thought to himself, looking directly at Everett. 'Why would this guy need this information anyway? Couldn't he just fucking read in another newspaper?'
"Well, Father Strange told me that..."
Oh, that little fucker--
"That was different." Tony snapped. Not caring that this was being recorded. No one comes after his baby boy. Not even some fucking priest with some shitty weird name. Fuck Stephen. "What happened to Peter happened during an exorcism. Nothing else."
"And what's the difference?" Everett challenged back.
Tony was about to tell Everett to 'fuck off' and leave because he was being bothered by the intrusive questions, when he heard something coming from behind one of the shelves.
"Excuse me." He murmured before walking towards the place where the sound came from, sighing as he found the familiar face of a little puppy crouched behind the shelf, weaving his little tail.
"Dum-E, what the hell are you doing?" Tony sighed as he looked at the puppy he had adopted with Peter years ago. "You know better than snooping around here, darling? Did you touch anything?" Dum-E only barked in return.
"Alright, come on." Tony took Dum-E into his arms. "You can't go into this room, no matter what, remember?" He said and after making sure Dum-E would stay at the kitchen with Peter where he would watch him, before he went back to where Everett was.
"Alright Everett, listen the fuck up--"
Somewhere else, a Family had just moved to Rhode Island after loosing their Jobs and home. They were both skeptical and dejected with this new change in their lives, however they were stil glad to have found a house at their current state, where they would move in with their five children. Even if the house was actually an dilapidated farmhouse.
The family was know as the Barton's. It included Clint and Laura Barton with their five children, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel, and the twins Wanda and Pietro. The twins being the oldest and Nathaniel the youngest of the Five.
The Barton's didn't take long to fit in, each kid sharing a comfortable bedroom and the parents managing to keep the expenses with the money they have left while one of them look for a job. It was great. The Kids would go to school, Clint would continue to unpack or fix a bit on the house, Laura would make food while also do a bit of cleaning around, and Nathaniel would run around playing by himself until his siblings return from school.
Things were going incredibly well until unusual situations started happening in the house.
At first, it was just weird sounds that came from different parts of the house in the middle of the night, then, objects began to show up in different places without anyone touching them. Clocks would stop at exactly 3 am in the morning.
Everyone in the house was aware of this, but no one had spoken up about it yet. They all thought that they were probably suffering from mass hysteria because of stress. Which was quite possible.
However, it was not until one accident that made it impossible to ignore the situation. That one accident that made it clear that something was going on, and it was not because of mass hysteria, but something connected to the house and the weird things that were happening so far.
Funny how it happened the night Wanda woke up in the middle of the night after feeling someone grabbing one of her feet.
The be continued...
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ao3feed-harleypeter · 5 years
by SmolTownFangirl
Abigail rolled her eyes, “Dude, if you’re not gonna kill me or tell me who you are, you mind at least kissing me so I can have that real fanfic experience?”
“Kill you,” Lila laughed, unexpectedly, because holy fuck, this beautiful girl just told her to kiss her- and oh no Lila was pinning her to the wall. “Why would I kill a pretty thing like you?”
“Well,” Abigail flushed, hand coming up to tap at the knife on her throat. “This makes me a little tad bit nervous.”
Romeo and Juliet but no one dies and its between two teen girls who just so happen to be the daughters of the avengers. Ft. Harley as a veryoverprotective and begrudgeing brother and Peter as abbie's main go to for sneaking out
Words: 9690, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Lila Barton, Abbie Keener, Harley Keener's Sister, Harley Keener, Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Cooper Barton (mentioned) - Character, Nathaniel Barton (mentioned)
Relationships: Lila Barton/Abbie Keener, Harley Keener/Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Lila Barton/Harley Keener's Sister
Additional Tags: my crack ship?? getting taken seriously?? yuh, Song fic, Tony Stark is a Good Dad, Harley Keener is a Good Bro, This is crack taken seriously, also minor lila abbie character study, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), BUT ENDGAME? AND IW? NEVER HAPPENED, HATE THAT SHIT, fluff!, Angst!, oh baby this fic has it all, romeo and juliet who?
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Alya salt prompt: It’s Lila’s birthday (good pathological liar!Lila) and Marinette organizing a party for her at the hotel and Alya, who doesn’t believe Lila about her condition and thinks she just said that to make Marinette feel pity for her and steal her bff with connections (the only reason she was her friend in the first place) so she makes a group chat and makes the party her “revenge” party. Adrian salt too, after Alya ruins the party he tries to make Lila and Marinette say sorry to Alya
This would go well with the good teacher!Bustier ft. Adopted Chloé also with Chinese Mexican American raised in Texas!Marinette.
Marinette holds a crying Lila who was sticky from the jelly that was from the peanut butter and jelly macaroon her friend had ordered for her birthday, the ones that the class, except Nathaniel and Chloé, threw and smashed into Lila when Mari had left to rush and get an order she forgot for Lila's birthday party.
She glared at everyone who was snickering and hugs Lila tighter.
Adrien walked over to the two girls and gives them a disappointed look of his face.
"Say sorry-" he says before a loud cracking slap was heard through the room.
Adrien's cheek was now turning a dark pink as he was laying down on the floor holding his cheek.
Mari's thick curls made her look like a predator looking for their prey as her brown eyes zeroed in on Adrien and the rest of the class who took a step back.
A rattling came from a closet and the door slammed opened and Nathaniel, Chloé, and Sabrina came tumbling out.
Bustier got in touch with Chloé's birth parents, the mayor and Audrey the fashion critique. She was able to have all three finally meet and one of the treats was the Chloé could use the hotel for anything as long as she had permission from her mother and with Andre.
"PORQUE ISIERON ESTO?! TELL ME NOW! WHY?!" Marinette screams out furiously.
Before the rest of the class could say anything the door opened and in entered the class's parents. Who froze at the destroyed party decorations, the crying birthday girl being hugged by Marinette.
Mrs. Rossi, Ms. Bustier and Tom anr Sabine walked up to the front glaring at the class.
"What. Happened?" Mrs. Rossi said icily as Ms. Bustier gave the class, the ones who ruined the party, a disappointed look.
Andre rushed in and saw how destressed his daughter and her friends looked before glaring at the class.
"I have cameras. I will have security check them."
Alya and the rest of the class who agreed on revenge shared scared looks.
They were screwed and didn't help they destroyed all the dishes Lila payed Tom De La Dupian to make from the plan Alya told them.
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chalantness · 6 years
fic: Right Where We Are
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~3200 Characters: Steve/Natasha, ft. Tony/Pepper Summary: 
“It can’t be that important to save if we haven’t needed it yet,” she points out.
He tilts his head. “There’s nothing wrong with being a little sentimental. I know the only thing you used to collect in your old apartment was dust, but—”
“Alright, you ass,” she cuts him off, unable to keep from grinning as she shoves his shoulder, and he laughs as he heads back inside the house.
For: @sassaspazz - your comment ended up being the inspiration I needed to write marshmallow fluff. Thanks, babe!
Read On: [ ao3 ]
Neither of them had very many things to pack up when they moved, but what little they’d decided to bring with them had been put into a few boxes and stacked in a corner of the garage to be dealt with later. Since they’d lived the better half of almost five years at the Avengers Facility, none of the furniture had come with them, and Tony insisted on having them pick things out of a catalogue to be delivered. Most of the morning had been spent instructing the movers on where everything would go, peeling off the plastic on their shiny new appliances and unboxing all of their new plates, and by the time evening had come around, all they’d wanted was to finish hanging their clothes in the closet so they could take a bath and have dinner in bed. Everything of importance had been unpacked, and they would get to those boxes in the garage eventually, Steve had promised.
Evidently, eventually had finally come.
“You want to do that today?” Natasha asks from the kitchen table, watching as he rinses their dishes off from breakfast and loads them into the washer.
“They’ve been sitting there for months,” he points out with a laugh as he glances over at her, one eyebrow arched, and that teasing, boyish grin pulling at his lips. The morning light makes his hair seem lighter and his eyes bluer—which is hardly fair, all things considered.
She shrugs her shoulder, gulps the last of her coffee before standing and walking over to him. His hand is still wet when he reaches for her hip and tugs her to his chest, but she hardly cares. His eyes drop to her lips as she lets her tongue dart out to lick the taste of their coffee creamer off of her bottom lip, but when he leans in to do the same, she tilts away to set her mug in the sink. “Fucking tease,” he murmurs, his lips landing on her neck instead, just underneath the line of her jaw, and the hand at her hip squeezes gently.
She hums, smirking up at the ceiling. “I just figured you’d want to go outside now that it’s finally stopped raining.”
He chuckles against her skin, making her tingle from the soft vibrations and the tickle of his beard as he slides his lips upward, over the apple of her cheek.
“It won’t take us all day,” he points out, cupping her face with his hands, still wet with water and soap, and he grins when she makes a face at him. “We can bring them outside,” he adds, nodding his head toward the sliding door that leads into their backyard, out onto the white patio that she and Steve had spent an entire day repainting. Then he pulls back to glance over at the clock hanging on the wall. “Besides, we can’t really go anywhere until Pepper and Tony get here,” he points out, “so we’ve got a couple hours to kill.”
She’s smiling as she rolls her eyes, poking at his chest through his thin, white shirt. “Fine. But since they’re almost all your boxes, I think you should wait on me.”
“You act as if I don’t do that every day,” he retorts, laughing when she shoves him off of her and turns to walk away. “Nat?” She glances over her shoulder to find him grinning widely. “I love you.”
Her lips twitch. God, he’s such a sap. “I love you, too.”
She knows she’s smiling to herself like an idiot as she heads up to their bedroom, but she couldn’t care less.
And because she knows the man she married, she knows that Steve will probably want to head out into the city with Pepper and Tony once they get here, because he always likes to take a walk when it’s warm enough. She changes out of her pajamas and into the white sundress that Steve had bought for her last month, “just because I thought you’d like it.” They never have a plan when they have the day to themselves like this, but it’s safe to assume Pepper will want to have lunch wherever they end up, and they’ll probably make their way to a park after a bit of shopping. She never thought she’d find herself with a day off, let alone spending it in such a simple, predictable way, but this is her life.
And she kind of loves it.
She doesn’t feel like fussing with make-up today, so she runs a brush through her hair and leaves it down, then heads back downstairs just as Steve is walking in from the garage with three boxes in hand. He pauses at the bottom step when he sees her, his eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly as his eyes trace down her dress.
“Definitely a good purchase,” he says, his gaze fixing on the hem of her skirt, and she feels herself smirk as she reaches up to brush her fingers through his hair, drawing his attention back to her face after a long moment.
“We have boxes to go through, Rogers,” she reminds, patting his bicep and fighting off a smirk as she walks around him.
His chuckle follows her out onto the patio, where he already has a glass of iced tea waiting for her on the table and a small bowl of grapes, and it’s ridiculous how this small gesture—something so undoubtedly Steve, that he’s done dozens of times before—makes her heart flutter in her chest. He sets the boxes down by her chair and leans over to kiss her, like he can’t quite help himself. “I’ll go grab the rest if you want to get started,” he says, lips curving into a smirk as he adds, “try not to just throw everything away.”
“It can’t be that important to save if we haven’t needed it yet,” she points out with a smirk of her own.
He tilts his head. “There’s nothing wrong with being a little sentimental. I know the only thing you used to collect in your old apartment was dust, but—”
“Alright, you ass,” she cuts him off, unable to keep from grinning as she shoves his shoulder, and he laughs as he heads back inside the house.
When she opens the first box, she finds herself shaking her head when she realizes it’s one of hers. She peels away the newspaper from the framed pictures of the Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel that she’d stuck inside, stacking them onto the table, before turning to the set of Latin textbooks Tony had given to her as a joke for her birthday a few years ago. She hadn’t even cracked one open, and honestly, she doesn’t think she’ll read them even now that she has more time to. Tony wouldn’t care if she donated them, so she leaves them in the box—all but a small paperback thesaurus, where she knows Tony had scrawled into one of the margins: ‘Fallaces sunt rerum species.’ Very clever, Ms. Rushman.
She really has no use for this damn book, but she finds herself setting it on the table along with the framed pictures of the kids rather than putting it aside to be recycled.
Fuck. Maybe she is a little sentimental.
She sets the first box aside and cuts open the next one, which is obviously one of Steve’s boxes—there are two small canvases tucked inside, a stack of sketchbooks and a tin of acrylic paint tubes, among other things—but what makes her pause is that there’s a folder on top of the pile with the SHIELD logo printed on; an old mission file, weathered at the edges and practically falling apart at the spine. The date stamped at the top corner is from years ago, a few months after Steve had finally taken up Nick’s offer to join, but she can’t remember any significance around it. Especially when she flips it open to skim the debrief inside, detailing a reconnaissance assignment that had come up uneventful.
But, as she flips onto the last page of the mission debrief, she catches sight of ink bleeding through the page from the back. She doesn’t know what she expects when she turns the page over, but she pauses, lips parting as she finds herself staring down at a sketch.
Of a ballerina.
It’s rough, done in pen, and she can tell at certain points where Steve had gone over his own lines again, having not yet decided what to draw. But the figure is unmistakable. The woman is posed in fifth position—legs crossed, toes pointed, arms held over her head—but drawn at an angle, as if being watched from someone off to the side.
Natasha lifts the file up to get a closer look, but something slips out from between the pages behind the drawing, falling onto the table: a white napkin with a faded restaurant logo printed on, and a folded receipt from a diner.
She sets the file down on the table and picks up the diner receipt, unfolding it to find another drawing sketched onto the back in pen. It’s smaller, of course, but almost no less detailed than the sketch he’d done on the file. This one is also of a woman, angled from above, with her long eyelashes closed and her hair sort of falling in her face. Her lips are parted slightly, and she looks—peaceful, as asleep. In fact, she can tell by the angle – and by the strange warmth tugging at her chest – she knows that this woman is sleeping.
She is this woman, sitting on the same side of the booth as Steve, sharing fries and a milkshake only hours after they’d stood together at the edge of a falling city.
Hours after she thought it had been the end, and she was comforted with the thought that, at least she still had Steve by her side. She had Steve with her until the very end.
“Do you remember that?”
She jumps slightly in surprise, too transfixed on the sketches in front of her to notice that Steve had come back with the last of the boxes. He comes to stand beside her, one of his large, warm hands sliding over her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as he stares down at the diner receipt in her hands.
“Sokovia?” she asks, her voice soft, though she already knows what the answer is.
He nods, licks his lips as he pulls her close and brushes a kiss to her temple, just because he wants to. “I was surprised that you fell asleep on me that day,” he admits with a touch of amusement in his voice. “You never fall asleep in such an open place. You never even let yourself nap on the couch when we were at Tony’s.”
“Letting your guard down like that takes a lot of trust,” she says as she tips her head to look up at him, lips curving at the corners. “But I was with you.”
His eyelashes flutter slightly, emotion flitting across his eyes, too quick for her to catch, until something akin to awe settles in his gaze as he stares down at her openly, adoringly. “Yeah,” he breathes, his thumb absently toying with the thins strap of her sundress. “You looked so peaceful. I’d never seen you so—young.”
She knows there’s a quip on the tip of her tongue, a retort about her actually being young in comparison to him, but she can’t quite get it out. Maybe she doesn’t want to. Doesn’t want to make light of this moment, and the strange warmth unfurling inside her chest, making her feel tingly and airy and light. “So, you wanted to draw me?”
He exhales a laugh, hand sliding across her shoulder to cup the back of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair. “I always want to draw you,” he admits, his voice low and gravelly and husky against her ear as he leans down, reaching across her to pick up the napkin and flip it open. Now that she realizes what she’s looking at—now that she’s made the connection—she recognizes the logo of the dive diner that Tony had made them go to after the dust had barely started to settle in New York. Years ago, at the beginning of everything. The beginning of them, and their quiet taunts and idle touches and lingering glances. She stares down at yet another sketch he’d drawn in pen, on a napkin he must’ve kept when they left the restaurant, because she’s certain she hadn’t seen him drawing when the six of them had been sitting together around that table.
This time, there’s no denying her likeness in the sketch—on this small napkin, in a generic ballpoint pen, he’d captured her. Her lips are curled into a slight smirk, her eyes glinting in something mischievous and playful, all at once, and her curls are sort of wild as they fall around her face.
“If you had opened these before,” he tells her, tapping the stack of sketchbooks inside the box with his knuckles, “you would’ve gone running in the other direction.”
She bites the inside of her lip, trying, and failing, to hide her smile. “Oh, I don’t know, Rogers,” she says, setting the receipt aside to wind her arms around his waist, leaning into his. “I’ve never scared that easily.”
“Yeah?” He cradles the back of her head with the hand still in her hair, gently massaging his fingers against her scalp in that slow, teasing way that she loves. “You mean if you had opened one of those books and saw yourself sketched on those pages, barely a month after we’d met, you wouldn’t have found it strange?”
“I didn’t say all that,” she murmurs, letting her voice trail off as he chuckles softly. She splays her fingers across his back, palms pressed flat as she slides them up the strong dips of his muscles, quirking an eyebrow at him. “But I was there when we thawed you out of the ice, so—that wouldn’t exactly have been our strangest interaction.”
“Good to know,” he laughs gently, dipping down to kiss the middle of her forehead. “I really did try drawing other things. Other people. But I always came back to you.”
She hums, letting her eyes flutter closed as she draws her index finger in nonsensical swirls against his back, through his thin shirt. “That was our thing, after all.”
He draws back just enough to meet her gaze, his grin dimpled, his eyes glinting. “Was?”
“If you plan on going anywhere, soldier,” she starts, arching one eyebrow up at him, “you know I’m coming with you.”
His chest rumbles with a laugh as he cups her face, tipping her head up to slant his mouth over hers. She twists the material of his shirt between her fingers, stretches up to meet his kiss as he licks at the seam of her lips. It hardly ever starts off slow with them. They’re too impulsive, too impatient, and they’ve spent too much time waiting.
He groans softly, kissing her harder, deeper, and she lets him guide her back until she’s pressing against the side of the house, his body curving over hers as his hand drops to her thigh. She makes a little sound from her throat, feeling his calloused fingers slide down her leg, grasping her knee and hitching it higher, hooking it around his waist—
Until they hear the front door being unlocked.
“Fuck,” Steve murmurs, breathing out a coarse laugh as he pulls away, tilting to peer back into the house as the door is being opened, voices spilling inside.
Natasha exhales a breath as loosens her grip on his shirt, not entirely letting go. “You had to give him a key, didn’t you?”
“Considering he put in our security system, he’d be able to get in no matter what,” he points out, moving the straps of her dress back into place on her shoulders, then he smooths one of his hands down her dress to gently tug at the hem of it. He grins. “And as tempting as it is to hide out here, they’ll find us eventually.”
As if they’d heard him, the voices burst into the kitchen, louder and talking over each other, and a peel of laughter makes Natasha smile widely and wiggle herself out from where Steve had her pressed against the house. Steve’s chuckle follows her into the house as a little girl bounds right for them, exclaiming, “Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve!” as she throws herself at them, confident that Steve will catch her. Which he does, hoisting her up into the air and tossing like a doll her with ease before tucking her against his side.
“Hi, Nikki,” Natasha greets, leaning in to smack a loud kiss against her cheek, in that way that always maker her giggle like crazy. Then she turns, arms already outstretched toward the squirming little bundle in Pepper’s arms. “Hi, baby.”
James bursts into laughter as she hugs him close, his tiny face pressing against her cheek as he tries to squeeze onto her neck with all his might.
She runs her fingers through his soft hair, swipes away a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth as she turns to Pepper with a grin, one eyebrow arched. “How was he?”
“A complete menace,” Tony quips just as Pepper nudges her elbow against his chest and answers, “An angel, as always.” Her eyes, sharp as always, take in the flush still coloring Natasha’s cheek, then slide over to Steve as her eyes sparkle. “We didn’t interrupt, did we?”
“I thought we gave you the night off so there wouldn’t be interruptions,” Tony adds, grinning at them widely as he looks over their shoulders at the opened patio door. His eyebrows shoot up and he clicks his tongue with a shake of his head. “Outside, Rogers? Really? You get the place to yourselves and you want to do it outside?”
“Do what?” Nikki asks sweetly, innocently, and Pepper turns a sharp look onto her husband.
“We were cleaning out boxes,” Steve answers easily as he sets her down on top of the kitchen island. “But speaking of outside—how about we head into the city today?”
The girl squeals in excitement, and, because she’s laughing, so is James. Steve turns to catch her knowing smile, winking, and she chuckles as she shakes her head at him. “That sounds perfect,” Pepper chimes in as steps toward Natasha and leans down to kiss James’s cheek. “I’m not ready to say goodbye to this little fella just yet.”
“Still coming up with all the best ideas, aren’t you, Cap?” Tony says as he walks over to Steve, clapping a hand against Steve’s shoulder. Natasha watches as a look passes between them – something familiar, something knowing – and that warmth tugs at her chest again when Tony murmurs, “The simple life, huh?”
“Yeah,” he breathes out with a laugh, glancing over to meet Natasha’s gaze as James squirms in her arms, stretching his arms out toward his dad. “I finally got it.”
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spectralarchers · 7 years
AU: Werewolf and Vampire Couple ft. Werewolf Laura and Vampire Clint
Hngggg, you know I love vampire/werewolf stories, right???
1. Vampires are Guardians of Werewolves on full moons. Clint was assigned as Laura’s guardian through SHIELD paperwork. He was on duty for her second shift, and he spent that entire night talking to the door into the holding cell about his life as a vampire. He’s been a vampire since the Crusades.2. When they started going out publicly, people always inverted their species, assument Clint was the wolf and Laura the vampire. They both have a great amount of fun fucking with people until Clint suddenly has his teeth out and it’s not fun anymore because the person just insulted werewolves and nobody insults Laura on his watch.3. Vampires aren’t supposed to bond with the wolf on full moons, but Clint did because someone tried to stake him after being Laura’s guardian for a couple of years and she killed the assailant by ripping out their throat and lying down on Clint to protect him. (She drooled all over his face while she slept on him, and when she morphed back into human form, Clint kept a watchful eye on her as she rested. He sipped her victim before calling it in.)4. Cooper’s a werewolf, Lila is neither and Nathaniel is a werewolf. Being a vampire isn’t something you inherit, so he’s bound to see his kids grow old and die, just like he’ll see Laura grow old and die. But he promises that he’ll always look after them, no matter what.5. Laura has a pack of were-girls like herself, with Natasha, Bobbi, Jessica and Kate and after a couple of years and some arguing and full moon bonding, Clint was assigned as their lone guardian on full moon nights. Only Kate ever tried to kill him, but that’s because she’s still young.
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