#national holiday and all that
ikusayu-no-hana · 1 year
😭😭😭there isn't a single weekend screening of the last wish I'm gonna kms
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pnfc · 3 days
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many such cases
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sceebybeeby · 1 month
quick athena doodle for lesbian week
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the function
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gatorgrumbles · 28 days
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I drew my number one husband to celebrate his day
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tj-crochets · 12 days
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The orange canvas and national parks tote for my uncle is done!!
I’ll take photos with better lighting tomorrow when the sun is up again, but I’m so happy with how this turned out. I made the bag pattern myself, because I couldn’t find one the size I wanted, and it’s got two patch pockets on the inside because I bought way too much national parks fabric and because pockets are useful
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ohyoufool · 6 months
Tis the season…
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meimi-haneoka · 2 months
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Happy birthday Sakura & congratulations for the conclusion of Clear Card Arc!! ✨✨✨✨
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mah-o-daryaa · 5 months
ATLA Headcanons: Nations Edition
Water Tribes:
Despite the might of the Fire Navy during the war, around 1000-500 BG (Before Genocide), the Water Tribes were known for producing the best sailors and navigators around the world.
The NWT (Northern Water Tribe) traditions greatly emphasized the Moon Spirit, Tui, whereas the SWT (Southern Water Tribe) traditions preferred the Ocean Spirit, La.
Water Tribesmen were known for being innovative, the greatest example being Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, who invented modern airships and submarines. The first pair of sunglasses, for example, were invented by a Water Tribe immigrant in Republic City. It was an innovation from snow goggles, which were worn frequently in the NWT capital, Agna Qel'a, to prevent snow blindness, and later by Sokka and the Mechanist during the Black Sun invasion in 100 AG (After Genocide).
The people of the Water Tribes were known for migrating to various lands to sustain their population. The first great example was Northerners migrating to the South Pole, circa 4000 BG, followed by the Foggy Swamp, Yokoya (present-day Kyoshi Island), and even had a small Fire Nation diaspora (who were all exiled by Firelord Sozin and later Azulon during the Hundred Years War).
Similar to the stereotype of Fire Nationals being obsessed with honour, common Water Tribe stereotypes included being present-moment oriented (going with the flow), being family-oriented, laziness and never being on time, and (unfortunately) living a hedonistic lifestyle, such as alcoholism and doing the "thing". It didn't help that actual examples existed in the form of Avatar Kuruk.
Earth Kingdom:
The Earth Kingdom was often mistaken for a group of nations rather than a single nation. It didn't help that the various provinces were very dissimilar to one another in language, architecture, customs, and (in the case of Omashu) governmental affairs.
The Earth Kingdom consisted of various diasporas from the other nations, including (but not limited to) Fire Nation colonists in the FN colonies (and later the United Republic of Nations), the Northern Air Temple and surrounding locations, and the aformentioned Water Tribe immigrants in the southeastern Earth Kingdom, the most prominent being the Foggy Swamp tribe, Kyoshi Island, and even the Si Wong Desert.
Common stereotypes for the Earth Kingdom as a whole were rare due to the sheer size and diversity of the nation. For individual nations, Ba Sing Se was seen as complacent and corrupt, Gaoling was opulent but arrogant, whereas Omashu was basically that weird kid nobody wanted to associate with. The sandbenders were seen as rogue criminals, and the swampbenders were mistaken for polar waterbenders.
Related to the above, diaspora groups were given common stereotypes related to their homeland; for example, Kyoshi Islanders were mistaken for Water Tribesmen, the Fire Nation colonists were stereotyped similarly to their countrymen back home, etc.
The Earth Kingdom had a long history of stonework and masonry due to the power of earthbenders. The Northern Air Temple, for example, was built mostly by earthbenders, and stone and marble statues were often built as gifts to foreign diplomats and the crowning of royalty in other nations.
Fire Nation:
The Fire Nation was known for its traditional dances for hundreds of years before dancing was forbidden by Firelord Sozin during the Hundred Year War. During the modern era, the greatest dancers were notably from the Fire Nation, relearning their pre-war culture.
The Fire Nation were also known for glassmaking and metalwork due to their control over fire. These were often sent as gifts or means of trade.
During Firelord Zuko's rule, efforts were made to preserve pre-war Fire Nation traditions including singing, dancing, and dragons.
Pre-centralized Fire Nation had many regional dialects that varied by clan; some examples include the Keohso, the Saowon speaking the Ma'inka dialect, and the Sei'naka speaking the Southern dialect of FN language. Later on, the dialect spoken in the FN capital city was made the official language of the Fire Nation.
Similarly to the Water Tribes, the Fire Nation was known for being innovative and technologically advanced, to the point where Fn engineers were often brought to other nations to improve infrastructure. After the Hundred Years War came to an end, Sokka worked with several such engineers to invent new technology introduced in Republic City.
Air Nomads:
Each Air Temple has its own regional dialect with loanwords from their closest nation. Avatar Yangchen, for example, spoke with the Western dialect, with loanwords from the Fire Nation syntax, whereas Avatar Aang spoke the Southern dialect, with loanwards from the Southern Water Tribe. The Northern and Eastern dialects included Earth Kingdom syntax.
The Air Nomads were known for their traditional songs. Before the war, Air Nomad singers and Fire Nation dancers and musicians often travelled together to performances around the world.
The notion that all Air Nomads were airbenders was actually Fire Nation propaganda. However, Air Nomads who were born airbenders were sent to the Air Temples to train under the monks and nuns while nonbenders were left with other families, hence the misconception.
Every year, male Air Nomads from the Northern and Southern Air Temples travel to the Eastern and Western Air Temples to meet female Air Nomads there. Yes, that's how Air Nomads are born.
Similar to the Water Tribes, the Air Nomads often travelled around various nations, forming diasporas around the world, most commonly in the Earth Kingdom. People forgot about that because of (again) Fire Nation propaganda.
Each Avatar wears an item of clothing that separates him or her from their fellow countrymen (technically canon). Kuruk has his polar bear-dog headress, Kyoshi is pretty self-explanatory, Roku has Sozin's headpiece, Aang immediately stands out too as an Air Nomad, and Korra has a pretty recognizable physicality.
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skitskatdacat63 · 23 days
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Happy 5/14!!!!
Aaaaahh not sure if this is my best work 😭 I just really wanted to draw smth for vettonso day but my brain hasn't really been functioning well LOL so I kept dreading working on this, especially bcs its so important to me, y'know? I hope it's good????? I'm happy with the concept, but I was just so unsure on so many of the angles and it was killing me. I did the color thing bcs I thought it'd add something interesting to it :) since I didn't paint it as I usually would
Anyways! Process!
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Now I will explain all of them:
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Boy king au is where it all starts of course. I think their relationship is the most developed in this compared to the others, but at the same point, they just start from such a different point, especially affection-wise. All of these kinda have a power dynamic, except the last one, and this is the most imbalanced. Fernando is being subservient, the only part of Seb he may kiss(in public lol) is his hand.
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Matador au next. They hurt themselves when they try to be affectionate, because they live in the culture of a sport of violence and death. The sword separates them, their love for the sport keeps them apart, in fear that they hurt each other. Seb, yet again, looks down upon Fernando. Seb haunts Fernando's whole career, the constant overhanging presence. Also aside from that, shame that you can't see his three musketeers look bcs of the black background 😔
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2012 core!!! I think this one is pretty easy to understand. Both of them often kiss their trophies, more so than any driver. So they're both trying to claim the wdc trophy by kissing it. Maybe you guys should just get rid of the trophy altogether and claim each other! But yes, just like the sword in the matador au one, the trophy and their ambitions divides, keeps them from ever bridging the vast gap between them, at least at that point in time.
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The conclusion! Aka what I wish we will get at Imola 2024- kidding kidding. But it is 2024. Finally there is no conflict between them, there's no big thing keeping them in conflict, they can finally come together. Finally they can touch, there is no gap to bridge, they can appreciate each other, and appreciate what they failed to in years past.
The thesis is basically that they always have their aspirations between them, and their aspirations happen to be basically the same thing. Until those are resolved, the gap between them is too vast for them to recognize and/or find any commonality. How do you get along with someone when you're both fighting for the same thing? How do you get along when it feels like one of you is winning more? How do you get along when there's such a vast gap?
In boy king au, it's going to take a while before they both feel settled about the issue of the throne. That's what makes that au interesting, they're trapped in this state of non-closure and they have to actually solve their issues without the matter of one of them simply removing themselves from the equation. They have to find a way to get over themselves and their aspirations, because like it or not they're stuck with each other. I think with the hand kissing, it represents how Fernando, at that point, is only willing to play along with the game if it's tradition, and he often won't budge in other ways. Yes, I will show subservience, but only in this detached, formal way that I don't connect personally to. He's still holding his own bitterness over meaningfully appreciating Seb. Though it's not like Seb isn't at fault. It takes a while for him to not hold things over Fernando, and constantly humiliate him. One day they will meaningfully show affection, and it won't be some sort of power play.
I think matador au is pretty similar to real life, and the 2010s era(it's basically just their actual plot line but in the context of bullfighting.) They're forever going to have this big elephant in the room, and it only really gets resolved when one of them leaves the sport. Once they're not fighting directly against each other, they realize what they've been missing out on and what they were not appreciating for so many years beforehand. They finally come together because they can't just rely anymore on the sport keeping them together. They actually have to make that step to be in each other's lives, rather than just taking their presence for granted.
Also the text on the comic. "We keep missing, and missing, and missing, and finally kissing." It's basically: we keep missing the point of it all, we keep failing to appreciate each other presence in our lives and in our own individual grand stories. But when we're not forced together anymore, we have to make the choice to come together again ourselves. We keep missing what we actually need to do. Missing each other in favor of our aspirations. Etc etc. One day we will finally embrace and there will be nothing keeping us apart.
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lesbiancarat · 11 months
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[230711] min9yu_k Instagram Update
에라이 여름이다💙
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gingerjolover · 6 months
hiii mama g!!! it’s my birthday today and so i’ve been thinking about what julien would be like on soft!gf’s birthday. first off, BIRTHDAY POST!!! (i’m taking her birthday post for herself into consideration while typing this) i think it’d be a slideshow of pictures, a couple that she’s taken of you and a couple that the boys or members of muna have taken of you. she’d definitely write a lengthy paragraph where every sentence is articulate and sooo meaningful to the point where it’s like your heart beats abnormally faster as you continue to read because she’s just SOOOO!!!!!!
secondly, i don’t really Imagine julien and soft!gf as hugeeee party people, so i don’t think they’d stay up at the strike of midnight waiting for soft!gf’s birthday. instead, i think julien wakes up at the crack of dawn, and obviously she knows how to cook, so she makes not only the most pleasing breakfast JUST to look at, but the most delicious breakfast for the both of them. so then soft!gf wakes up to julien, who’s already smiling ear to ear holding a tray table and setting it down before just peppering you with kisses and saying happy birthday in between each kiss I CANTTTTT IM FEELING ALL FUZZY shes so cutesie
and 24/7 on your bday, acts of service julien just never stops. she does every minor thing you’re so capable of doing for you. finished your breakfast? julien’s already taken it to the kitchen and washing the dishes. dropped something? she’s bent down to grab it for you. also, even though she already does this, she makes sure to open every single door for you, pull out the chair you’re gonna sit at, open the car door for you… like she is ON IT!
and then after having made sure she’s done (almost……) everything in her power to ensure that the day was all about you, there’s just oneeee more thing she was waiting to do to realllyyyy show how much she loves you…….. you get the VIBES! won’t say too much on that cause i’ve already talked your ear off and once i start, i won’t be able to stop BUT YEAHHHH JULIEN ON SOFT!GF’S BDAY ☹️☹️☹️💘
first off, HAPPY BDAY BABY!!!!! I hope you had SUCH a great day<3
and you are soooooooo right, i fully believe that acts of service is julien’s main love language (i have a blurb coming up about love languages for munagenius) and your birthday is the PERFECT excuse for her to literally wait on you hand and foot
as for the insta post i think you’re 1000% right and i can literally imagine julien scrolling through her album of you (of pics she’s taken but also ones that she’s been sent of you from muna or the boys or mutual friends) she would be so fucking picky about which photos to post making sure they encapsulate your personality perfectly and you’re right the post would be so beautiful and so heartwarming 😭 i think she would take the time to post the pics of your initials on her finger or a tattoo she got for you with you like posing cheekily with a thumbs up next to her or something
and i agree, unless it was a big birthday i can’t imagine them throwing a party but maybe if your best friend was in town or maybe your family or if it was a bigger bday and the boys, muna, kelli and ally and other friends wanted to do something for you it would still be super lowkey and julien would spend the whole day with you beforehand
she gives off the vibes of like if you open your door yourself she leans over, closes it and then runs to your side of the car like a bullet and then opens it, she def gets grumbly when you try and do stuff yourself
and I GET THE VIBES BABE I DO, i think she would just want it to be extra special and do everything you wanna do (she def makes a birthday sex playlist with an obsecure name i will die on this hill)
i also wanted to add she def wants to do everything for you on your bday, i think canonically soft!gf and julien don’t exchange gifts, like not big ones, mainly because they both do a lot of little things throughout the year, but julien ALWAYS spoils you on your bday, its usually stuff that’s practical but she loves to get you little things to watch you open in bed when your hair is all messy and eyes are sleepy, you’re like holding the covers up over your chest and she’s rubbing your back as you unwrap a bunch of little presents 🥹
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peachgoosy · 11 months
it is once again sycamore sunday You know what that means
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this time im compiling most of my desmond drawings that i made over the past week. which are a few because i started hyperfixating on him Oops
starting spoiler free i drew this a few days ago intending to wait until sunday to post it but i. forgot. so jts going here
bullying him again
what the hell you can only have one video per post. SAD
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I can't believe he is a professor sometimes. imagine if he was your professor. insane
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leaked nwos post credit scene
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this was made after like 7 hours of thinking about the bronev brothers but being unable to draw them. they mean a lot to me. can they please hug
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and finally.... descole thumbs up painting . thank you all for joining me this sycamore sunday
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liloinkoink · 7 months
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a year ago today, i sent @unexpectedly-haunted an idea i had for a renchanting au based around Ren as a god and Martyn as his follower. we spent quite a while tossing around a concept for the au in which i laid out an idea i'd had and he helped me flesh it out
the next day, Haunted came back to me with a design for Martyn in the AU, and i, unwilling to be undone, sat down and wrote a 500ish word oneshot, 20 Questions. i didn't really expect it to go further than that--i didnt even intend to write for it again!--but you guys greatly surprised me
the immediate support i got for my silly little drabble in the form of kind words, excitement from friends, asks and interest from followers, and even art from strangers motivated me to keep working at the AU. i dont think ive ever received so much love, support, enthusiasm, or kindness on anything else i've written in my life. i truly dont know how to thank the lot of you enough, nor do i know how to express how much all the love this fic has received means to me
what i can say is that Lamplight is now 45k words and counting, writing it and seeing how much you guys enjoy it has been an absolute blast, and continuing after those initial 500 words is one of the best decisions i could have made. ive made a lot of really good friends, met a lot of really cool people, and had a lot of really amazing experiences because of this fic, and i couldnt appreciate it more
to celebrate and show how far this idea has come... i'll put a cut, but if you want a few more screenshots of our initial planning convo, i've thrown them in (up until the point you hit plot spoilers). quite a few things have changed or been abandoned, but there are also pieces that have stayed completely the same (martyn's paladin oath from torchlight, for example, is almost verbatim the same as the oath i made up for him day one)
first, tho: thank you to everyone who has been reading and enjoying lamplight!!! and
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lesbiantahani · 1 year
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anniilaugh · 6 months
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Have a nice holidays everyone! 💚🎄
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thwackk · 1 year
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Guy sweep
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