#near death expirience
clickerflight · 8 months
Muir: Part 2 - Bonded
And part two for ya. Hope you enjoyed. Perhaps a bit rushed but I still had fun with it.
Part 1
Content: human police whumpee, bad injury, shrapnel, near death experience, vampire damaging his own wrist, a human becoming a vampire
Joseph laid on the couch, slowly reading through some course work. Since he’d only been in stasis for a few years there wasn’t too much to catch up on compared to a lot of his peers. Still, he needed to catch up on some of the things that had happened. He would be out of the rehab program pretty soon, actually, once he finished the last of these papers and got all of his documents up to date. 
He was pretty sure he’d stick around the rehab center, though. He didn’t have very many vampire friends back in the day. Or many friends in general besides David. Now he had a bunch of interesting friends, including the humans that worked at the center, and he felt a part of something as he took on responsibility here and there to help other vampires that had been in stasis for much longer than he had been. He hadn’t felt like he was a part of something helpful since even before he met David. He wished his late bond mate could see where he was now. 
Joseph sighed very softly to himself, scrolling on his Devpad as he kept reading through his assignments. 
He was just thinking about getting up and starting dinner when he felt something pulse like a wave through his chest. He laid breathlessly on the couch, trying to figure out what was wrong when he felt it crash into him again before sucking at him like a wave headed back out to sea. 
He followed it, getting to his feet, putting his Devpad down in confusion. It wasn’t until the third wave hit him that he realized what was happening. Flashes of silver, screaming, and ritual knives shot through his mind and he was out of the apartment, keys in hand and no shoes on his feet. 
He sped off in his car, the familiar steering wheel spinning under his hands and he rushed to follow those waves. The feeling of his bondmate in danger. 
He and Muir didn’t mean to become bondmates, but it wasn’t exactly a surprise when it happened. One morning, after a late night drinking beers together and watching soccer on TV, Joseph had woken up to find that the huge gap David left behind had been partially filled. It wasn’t enough to fill the gap he knew was supposed to be filled, but it was comforting all the same. Muir hadn’t noticed anything besides having more energy at the end of the day, which he was always glad to have. 
And of course, Joseph could tell when Muir was in danger, when his heart was beating quickly in his chest, when he fell or got bruised tackling someone. And now Joseph could feel the wounds buried deep in Muir’s guts, could feel the scratches on his arm. He could feel death breathing down both of their necks. 
Joseph screeched to a halt at the warehouse. He couldn’t remember most of the drive. All he knew was that Muir was inside and Joseph needed to get to him now. 
Muir was only inside the warehouse for another couple of moments as officers pulled him out of there, talking loudly. 
Joseph threw himself at the barrier that had been set up around the warehouse and a tall vampire caught him, holding him back. 
“Sir, you can’t be here. There-”
“THAT’S MY BONDMATE!” Joseph shrieked. He didn’t care if he sounded hysterical. He was. 
He was released quickly and Joseph was grateful. The instincts coursing through him would have had this vampire’s windpipe in his teeth if that vampire hadn’t let him go. 
He slid across the sidewalk, hissing at Granger, who looked like she was about to tell him to go away. 
“Josh?” Joseph asked urgently, pushing Muir’s hair back and digging through his layers of clothing to see where the radiating pain was coming from. 
“Seph?” Muir asked weakly, opening his eyes. “What are you doin’ here, man?”
“You’re dying,” Joseph replied in a tone so cold and accusatory that even all of the officers and agents fell silent. 
“Nah, man,” Muir said with a nervous laugh. “I’ll be fine. The ambulance will be here in a moment and- AH.”
Joseph had finally peeled away the last layer. Whatever had blown through Muir was powerful enough to make it through his vest and had blown a huge hole into him. There was another one, just a bit higher. Joseph just knew it only barely missed Muir’s spine. He knew that there was shrapnel everywhere inside.
Someone swore behind Joseph at the blood flowing freely from the wounds and soaking his clothing. It was harder to tell on his black clothing, but on his previously white undershirt the entire thing up to his collar bones was soaked red. 
Someone got down, putting pressure on the wound, making Muir shout, but with how the blood flowed, they both knew he only had minutes to live. Joseph grabbed Muir with blood soaked hands, forcing him to make eye contact. 
Muir’s breath hitched in his chest under Joseph’s elbow. He knew what Joseph wanted. 
“Seph,” he said warningly. It was the only reason Joseph hesitated. “Wait… I’m, ah….”
“You’re going to die,” Joseph replied seriously. “You are going to die and there is nothing human medicine can do for you, no matter how good it is. Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong.”
Muir looked him in the eyes, but he felt his own mortality as surely as Joseph could feel it. 
“I can’t lose you too,” Joseph said softly. 
Muir swallowed hard. His mouth felt so dry his teeth ached, his head pounding with blood loss. He looked up at the members of his team, who stared at him wide eyed, Granger watching with a hard look. 
He swallowed twice more before he said, “Okay. Okay. So, uh-” he blinked hard as his vision started to fade in and out with a weakening pulse. He could barely feel the pain of someone’s hands against his wounds anymore. 
“Drink,” Joseph said quickly, taking that as his permission. He quickly bit his own wrist open, putting it in Muir’s mouth. Muir did his best, sluggishly and numbly. 
He shuddered as the first swallow of blood hit his stomach. It was just slightly too cold to be normal human blood, but it seemed to heat him from the inside out. He felt strength begin to return to his limbs and something new, something loud in his mind screamed at him to latch on and drink quicker. 
When Joseph felt Muir grab on tighter, saw his arm come up to grab onto Joseph’s and hold it there, Joseph dipped down and bit into Muir’s jugular. Muir flinched at this, but the drive to feed was too powerful to fight now. Though the sight caused most of the group to look away, the humans and vampires alike huddled around them to hide them from view. 
Joseph kept going, keeping thoughts of David doing this for him out of his head as he cycled the blood between them three times, Muir twitching occasionally as something shifted or changed inside of himself. The ambulance got there as Muir opened his mouth to sink newly formed fangs into Joseph’s wrist a bit better, his wounds slowly beginning to seal. 
A paramedic pushed through the crowd and swore when he saw how bad the injuries were. Joseph licked the wound he made, helping heal it a bit and letting his fangs hide back up at the roof of his mouth like a snake, looking up at the paramedic as he gently tried to get Muir to unlatch from his wrist. 
“There wasn’t time,” Joseph explained and the Paramedic nodded. 
“Yeah, looks like it. We should take him along with us, anyways. And you. You probably gave him a fair amount of blood that you’ll be needing back.”
“Yeah,” Joseph said distractedly, trying to pry Muir off without breaking his new fangs. “Muir, come on. Let go.”
Muir whined, his eyes distant now. He would be out of it for a few days while his body recovered from the experience and his mind sorted itself out again. Joseph was grateful he and Muir could hide out in the ambulance away from the eyes of all the officers. From what he remembered, being a just barely formed fledgling was quite frankly embarrassing. 
Muir had to take time off from work. He could still do some of it at home and help with coordinating teams, but he couldn’t actually go into work. Not unless he wanted to bring Joseph along. If he could go right back to work. Joseph said he would get over it in a couple of weeks, but just the idea of leaving Joseph’s side for even 15 minutes seemed like the end of the world. He tried to get over it, tried every night to sleep in his own room, but he would have to give up after an hour of laying awake, shivering and unable to sleep as his incredibly slow heartbeat thumped louder and louder in his ears until he was driven to find safety in Joseph’s room.
Joseph didn’t mind the fact he tried to sleep in his own room every night, nor that Muir came in eventually to sleep with him instead. He let Muir work his way through the process, explaining what Muir could expect but not forcing him to do anything. Muir might be a fledgling, but he wasn’t a child. And the gaping hole that couldn’t quite be filled by Muir’s presence before, now was comfortably fitted besides a little sliver that remembered Joseph’s own Sire. 
Muir and Joseph sat together, Joseph working on updating his documents while Muir worked on applying for the documents necessary for being a vampire in this society, comparing notes as they worked. 
“This is infuriating,” Muir said moodily. 
Joseph reached out blindly as he filled in another detail, patting Muir on the face and making his bondmate snort. “There there. It’ll be alright. OW!”
He pulled his hand back, looking at the already healing fang marks in his hand. 
Muir just went back to his paperwork, looking smug enough that Joseph knew that wasn’t just an instinctive fledgling bite. 
Joseph drew himself up to his height on the stool, though he wasn’t taller than Muir and snarled. 
Muir yelped, leaping off his stool and tripping, collapsing to the floor. He got to his elbows, looking up over his chest at Joseph in shock. “What did you just do to me!?”
Joseph didn’t reply, simply waggling his head and giving Muir the same smug smile before he went back to working on his documents.
Part 1
From Dust to Ashes: @honeycollectswhump @writereleaserepeat @tragedyinblue @hyrules-sleepiest-knight @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thecyrulik @gt-daboss @currentlyinthesprial @pigeonwhumps @not-a-space-alien
Let me know if you want to be put on or taken off the tag list
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Starting to watch Gotham the series again and the way I would pull out someones arteries with my teeth for Eddy <3
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cinnamonest · 6 months
Also on note of that “bone breaking” post I believe Xiao is an absolute menace to the innkeepers because of his inability to gauge human sickness and injury. He's thoroughly convinced any slight discomfort you experience is a near-death situation.
Human life is incredibly fragile. Their bodies are nearly unbelievably susceptible to death from even very mild injuries and sicknesses, they die so easily it's frightening. Which is why he has to be very vigilant with you.
You once got a bit nauseous from eating something a bit past expiry date — you insist it's just food poisoning over and over, but he practically drags you to a pharmacist anyway “just in case,” because there are many deadly pathogens and parasites humans can die from that begin this way, and you will drop dead before you even know something is wrong.
If you have a headache, it's probably an oncoming aneurysm that will cause sudden death. You may think you have a mere common cold, but he is well aware that many very dangerous and severe illnesses begin as symptoms of common colds, some of which progress so rapidly you may not have time to notice before sudden death.
You try to explain your throat hurts because what you ate is giving you heartburn, but if it has the word heart, which is a very vital organ, that can only mean you are at great risk of, you guessed it, sudden death.
More than once now you've been sleeping a little too deeply — your breaths are so slow that it looks like you're barely breathing at all, so he has to shake you awake to ensure you are still alive. Any cough or sneeze is met with this head-jerk in your direction and yellow eyes wide open staring in panic, and you have to swear up and down you just got swallowed the wrong way or inhaled some dust.
Not even period pains are safe — it's normal, so you insist, you can't hide your discomfort so you're all but begging him not to worry about it, but this one time he remembers about seven hundred years ago he once heard a villager mention a woman who had internal bleeding mistaken for just that and died, so it must be seen professionally (yes, each month). The whole concept bothers him — you're bleeding and in pain, those things are bad, how can you be sure it's the normal amount of bleeding and pain and not too much, that you're not actually five minutes away from dropping dead? That's right, you can't know, which is why you have to let him carry you to the harbor for the third time this week.
Injury is even worse — yes, he's aware that human flesh bruises easily, but this bruise is on your ribcage, and you don't recall how it got there, there are organs underneath there and you could very well be internally bleeding out.
Both innkeepers are, at this point, used to him coming bounding into the main lobby in full-fledged panic, demanding to hand over the emergency medical kit kept by the front desk so he can save you from bleeding out (you accidentally cut your finger on a splinter on the baseboard), and they no longer bat an eye or ask where you're going when he comes barging through carrying you (protesting, at that) out the door without a word before vanishing in the direction of the nearest village with a doctor… even when you try to get their help to please tell him I'm fine, they just ignore you at this point, knowing it's futile.
There's a death at the inn once — you try to be reasonable and explain that it was a very elderly and sickly man who most certainly died of natural causes, but see, you don't know for sure that he didn't have some kind of rare rapid-onset deadly illness that can spread from the bottom floor all the way up to where your room is, so it is imperative that you be disinfected professionally.
He annoys the doctors too — they're all used to it at this point too, but many of them are aware of him, and none of the humans really want to oppose or risk upsetting one of these beings they have a degree of reverence for, so much to your dismay, all of them continue to treat his concerns as legitimate, even though it's very blatantly clear to you that they're faking taking it seriously.
On the bright side, having some pity on your suffering perhaps (or being tired of dealing with the same thing over and over), the harbor pharmacist managed to convince him that an over-the-counter mild painkiller was a miracle cure for a wide variety of ailments, so unless you feel that you need more, he says, then that should be enough… which cuts down on the frequency of your unnecessary emergency care visits, but only somewhat.
At this point, surely at least one of the concerns has been legitimate, he has definitely saved your life more than once by now. And yet, you have not thanked him for this, you continue to be so naive to your own fragility and do nothing but complain about it when you literally owe him your life. Unbelievable.
But rest assured, your ungratefulness will not deter him from continuing to take the utmost care of you, he'll continue to save you, regardless of how unappreciated these life-saving efforts are.
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Im afab and all my life Ive been okay with my gender that was assigned. Ive always been a girl, I understand every ounce of being a woman in both gender and sex, but now that I think of it...
I always think of myself as just of a human being. I often got that feeling of how stupid gender is, and... just now, I thought how much more comfortable I would feel if I used, even just in my blogs on the internet, she/them pronounce. I work a full time job, I study at a university and got plenty of mental health problems, and so SO much trauma, so I dont really have time to reflect on my gender when I have to reflect on suicide thoughts, near-death expirience in a war, abuse and more...
But, I mean, changing pronouns wont hurt anybody?? Even exclusively on the internet??
I mean, I genuinely feel like this "social experiment" invalidates the struggles of real non-binary and genderfluid people, and trans people also, because as far as I know all of that is tied to dysphoria.
I cant say Im experiencing dysphoria. Im okay with being a girl. Ive been okay with it for my whole life.
But changing pronouns still doesnt hurt anybody, right? I need your thoughts guys. Please help me.
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blacktowbarony · 3 months
d30 Fumbles
In Knave 2e, when you roll a nat 1, your weapon breaks. I was happy skipping this and running with the true B/X nat 1 of nothing worse than a miss happening, which is already bad enough. But my current crop of players wanted something fun to happen on a nat 1. A few suggestions were made, but I decided to mash it all together into a d30 table. d30 is good because some of these occurrences are really very bad, and some are actually very good. 5% chance of any one of these occurring is too high, and I don't have enough ideas for a d100 table.
And one more thing: I also wanted this table to act as like a "combat shift" mechanic to remind me to introduce new unpredictable elements to spice up combat every now and again. So a good third of these are changes in the environment or power dynamics of the fight.
d30 Fumbles
Oh Fuck. Something near you was a mimic, and it starts waking up. It attacks you after your next turn.
Knave 2e. As per rules-as-written: your weapon breaks. Magic weapons break 1-in-6.
Oh Shit. You shit, or fall in shit. You smell like shit until properly bathing.
Blunted. Reduce damage die by one step (d8 > d6 > d4 > 1). 10 minutes to repair.
Butterfingers. Weapon slips d8 feet away.
Dropped. A random item from your inventory is dropped, potentially damaged.
Unbuckle. An improperly secured piece of your armour flies off. -1 AC, 10 minutes to refasten.
Miscast. All your ongoing spells and magic item effects cease for 10 seconds.
Stubbed toe. Take 1 damage.
Friendly fire. Ally PC takes 1 damage.
Pulled groin. Can't run until an 8-hour rest.
Sprained wrist. Use just one hand for the rest of the fight.
Bird. Your attack strikes a passing bird or bat - you are blinded by blood, but +1 ration.
Exhausted. -1 to d20 rolls until you rest for 10 minutes.
Scarred. Next damage you receive leaves a permanent scar.
Expiry date. 2 of your rations spoil.
Bell rung. You slip and hit your head. Minus 3d6 XP.
Experience. You cock up your attack, but you realise why. Plus 3d6 XP.
Mother. What would she think if she could see you now? -1 damage for the rest of the fight.
Humiliated. An allied NPC thinks less of you.
Shift. The battlefield terrain becomes more treacherous, with you at the epicentre. E.g. quicksand, poisonous insects, weather change, darkness.
Encounter. The sound of combat attracts a random encounter.
Latecomer. A 1HD monster allied with your enemies appears.
Morale. Your failings mark you as easy prey - enemies auto-pass next moral test.
Offended. Lead enemy combatant develops an extreme hatred of you in particular.
Opening. Lead enemy combatant attacks an allied NPC as a free action.
Duel. Lead enemy combatant offers mercy for your allies if you duel them to the death.
Divine. A minor god looses patience and casts a random spell on your enemies.
Secret Weapon. Lead enemy combatant reveals they own a magic item, and starts using it.
Discovery. You faceplant into the dirt, where you find a magic item.
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evita-shelby · 6 months
Rewriting me own thg au because while i want to explore the games post Lucy Gray, i love angst and want a happy-ish ending for Eva and Jack. These are games taking place around the 60ish ones for plot purposes
They are victors of games after Haymitch
Eva was 17 when she won her games
Jack was reaped at 17 and won the previous game, his twin brother Laurie was reaped at 18 in the same games as Eva
They still have some of their original plot from here
Tigris saw the resemblance between Eva and Lucy Gray and Covey and d10 culture(mexico is very colorful i refuse to accept their colors are donkeyskin grey) and gets fired by Snow because she essentially turned her into the tall ghost of Lucy Gray
Doesn't help that Eva wins the games by romancing Laurie and then leaving him to die after he was bitten by a rattlesnake (the arena is a desert) as she hid in a mesquite tree(sorry I was hearing ramon ayala when writing this)
Snow really tried to get Jack to kill Eva during her victory tour only it backfired really badly because drunk 18 year old Eva tried to apologize (and make out a little) with what she thought was Laurie's ghost and 19 year old Jack was so shocked that people expirience guilt (the games cut out the part where Eva was crying the whole time watching Laurie die) and that Eva was not the heartless bitch he told him he was (snow was projecting a lot)
Eventually Jack and Eva become mentors (him by choice, Eva because the others had died of old age, or alcoholism) and start a casual relationship in the two weeks of the year they see each other
Jack and Eva recieve about the same treatment Finneck gets by sponsers mostly because Snow is pissed he didn’t kill eva
At some point during the years, they realize they have romantic feelings for each other, which sucks because even if they lived near their districts borders they can't be together plus also their life is pretty awful
Eva becomes a rebel sometime in her late 20s and realizes the only way to get Jack to see the Capitol as bad and their punishments as abuse is through her and stops using contraception given to her by her escort and stylist(also rebels) at the 70th hunger games
Jack and Eva are an open secret to the rest of the mentors and the Capitol so when Eva is mysteriously pregnant out of wedlock they immediately know its Jack's
Little Laurie Smith is born around the 71st games and jack can only see him when d2 has a victor and in pictures from when eva is in the capitol
This begins to radicalize Jack. Gina also gets reaped that year and dies, which has him joining the rebel victors
Time skip to 74th games where they use Katniss and Peeta's win to openly date knowing Snow can't hurt them or the capitol riots and Laurie is only 3 so he can't be reaped
Eva gets reaped and Jack volunteers because he wants to either die for her or with her
Their deaths are faked at the games, Laurie is smuggled to 13 and Jack is essentially conscripted into the rebel army
There is no birth control in 13 to encourage families and we see Coin's subtle authoritarian rule(Jack and Eva get a short marriage ceremony and a very tiny cake)
Eva learns medicine from a real doctor and nurses
The rebellion and the Victor's Purge happen, Jack is out liberating districts to get more d2 people to join and also he is expendable
Propaganda interview where tehy detail Snow’s punishments and his attempt to have eva killed
Jack joins Commander Lyme(d2 victor and rebel) in d2, knows way too many people because of the mentoring
Eva manages everything regarding d10 for the rebels since she was a landowner and used her winnings to get people fair wages and better treatment in lands and slaughter houses she owned
Jack is part of the army attacking the capitol and is there when the children are bombed
in a moment of growth jack votes no on the idea of the 76th games along with Eva (who is now pregnant with baby #2)
War ends and they move to the border between d2 and d10 which is now open for travel
Now comes the hard part, writing it
@justrainandcoffee @peakyswritings @emotionalcadaver @call-sign-shark
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shadowrmidnight · 4 months
Persona Empires Lore- My fansona
Aiko Masaru is the protagonist and thus has the wild card and leader of the court. She is also in possession of pocket mirror that acts as a compass, glowing when near the entrance to a forest. The enterance is a dead flower, and after going once, the dead flower will turn into a crystal version.
Mirror world
The forest isa place the victim has control over, the safe areas have the white versions of the flower with sunlight coming through. The center of the forest has a garden based on one of the famous fairytales such as Alice in wonderland.
The victim, and ruler of the garden is not a bad person and will not gain a persona. Rather, they are on deaths door after failing to do so themselves, expirienceing similarities to the hanahaki disease, but over time it gets more severe. First flower petals, then tatoos, then vines and eventually they die. The ruler is loosing their will to live and they need the ruler to help them continue on breathing.
The entrence is a flower the victim hold dear, like a rose, and that is the flower the victim coughs up. While interfearing with a garden can lead to saving the victim, it can speed up the death if not done fast enough.
When the flower crystalizes it must be taken to the magic mirror in Aiko's home and that mirror can be used to appear at any checkpoint in the mirror world.
The mascot of this world is a mute scale swan named Divinity. She's bassicly half-dragon half-swan in the mirror world and a mute swan in the real world. Her right eye is a sapphire and the left is a ruby, no pupil or scalera, they litrally look like gems. She also has a ribbon that is red turning blue with a golden feather with her name. And no, she can't talk.
When awakening a persona a crown appears in front of them and they transform into a fancy royal but still combat friendly. They don't need skin tight suits live persona5 since they're not theives, but they do have their own themes. And when summoning the persona they throw the crown into the air. In the real worl the crown turns into some sort of hair/head accessory like a headband or hairpin.
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thelealinhypehouse · 1 year
i need more hurt/comfort, sick fic, near death expirience fic in my life. I wanna the other one break down, scared of losing them, realization how much they care. Final talks ect. *look at acc* im gonna pay someone to write. but need more money more, i only have 3 dollars xD
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brooklynistrying · 4 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽
Chapter 1 Sneak Peak
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𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: BTS OT7 x Yoon Chaewon OC
𝓣𝔂𝓹𝓮: Series
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: When a strange girl arrives in Euphoria, there are so many questions, yet so few answers. What will happen to her as she uncovers Euphoria’s dark past and forms several relationships on the way?
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: Mentions of near death expiriences, cussing, and violence.
𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻: Reader discrestion is advised, this story isn’t for the faint-hearted, for all my friends who might feel uncomfortable or sick while reading this, have a great day and I’ll see you on the next story.
𝓐/𝓝: My first series, I hope you guys like it! 🎀
𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓻𝓮𝓬: Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
“3 Trites please?“ she whines “No, 5 trites and that’s final.” She slams the coins down on the table, an archery quiver belt is thrown at her, and the woman at the counter scowls. She runs out of the tent, the glaring eyes watching every move and the stench of Mead becoming unbearable.
She moves through the bustling crowd, pulling her cloak tighter around her head, moving through the bustling crowd, the sea of grey and brown feeling like it goes on for eternity. She walks into an alley, rummaging through the garbage, searching for any amount of food to satisfy her hunger, 𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘬. An Apple core hit her on the head, “What the hell?” she turned around and saw a brunette girl with sun-kissed skin and wearing a yellow sundress behind her.
“Haeun” “Chaewon” “I see you’ve made yourself useful at the farmers market,” Chaewon says sarcastically. Haeun looked down at her in disgust, “Dumpster diving? Really? What are you? An animal?”
Chaewon rolls her eyes, “Well what am I supposed to do? Even buying stuff from the lowlanders, I’m putting myself at risk” She takes a look around and pulls Haeun in by her shoulders, “If they find out, they’ll kill us” she whispers. Haeun looks at her incredulously, she slowly grabs her cloak and pulls it over her head, yanking it down over her eyes. Chaewon shoves her and Haeun starts walking away, she runs to catch back up with her.
“Where did they set up camp?” “Just past the Southeastern border,” “I thought Jihye was supposed to be the smart one” “It was a strategic spot, nobody can see it form the wall.” “They speak Russian, we don’t speak Russian, how the fuck are we supposed to communicate with people if we can’t speak the language?” “We shouldn't be speaking to people anyway! Keep your head low and don't speak.”
“We’re low on supplies, we’ll starve if we don't get another load soon.” we’re walking into the woods, dense, I can see maybe 10 feet in front of us. “Damn it” Haeun mutters as she catches her foot on a rock, she extends her arm out, trying to catch something to stop her fall, I catch her arm, pulling her back up. She gets up, rolls her eyes, and pulls her arm away.
The sun is going down, the orange and yellow rays beating down on us, I’m sweating to death in my cloak, trying to keep hidden, just in case any guards are on patrol. Lake Khasan is cold, the current is strong.
Should I finish the story? This is a sneak peak and if enough people like it I’ll finish it.
-Brooklyn 🎀
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Accidently Invating Sannoh
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Summary:After the fight against Housen,a situation in Oya High escaletes.Yasushi runs off,Kiyoshi after him.Drugged up on painkillers and a emotional mess Yasushi accidentaly lands in Sannoh.Leaving Fujio,Tsukasa and the others to search him before a fight happens with the wrong people or Yasushi running into Cobra and his gang.What they don´t know,he doesn´t just run into Cobra.No.he ruins date night with Murayama. Pairing:Yasushi/Kiyoshi,Cobra/Murayama,Fujio/Tsukasa Warning:none If there is one necessary feel free to tell me Authors Note:A longer one but kinda my favorite
Fujio enthusiastically announces that they´re gonna party.Yeah,they´re not celebrating a win in the fight against Housen but they all kinda need cheering up.So instead,they celebrate getting their ass kicked,on Oya High´s roof.Nearly all of them are gathered there by now.At least until Kiyoshi comes in to wreak havoc.
„Oi Fujio!Where´s Yasushi?!“He exclaims as he heads towards him and Tsukasa.“No idea.Isn´t Yasushi normally with you?!“Fujio replies confused.He could swear they left together.“No.I searched for that Shithead Yasushi was fighting earlier to kick his ass.“He frustratetly admits.„Yeah?!Why?Cause he kicked Yasushi´s ass enough to make his head hurt?“Nakaoka teases.„His head was bleeding,so he probably went to treat his injury.He could´ve headed home?“Tsukasa tries to solve the situation.
“Then he wouldn´t go home.“Kiyoshi barks out.„He rather eats razorblades then go home!That´s why he fucking stays the nights at mine.“He tries to contact Yasushi again but his phone´s off.Kiyoshi swears,kicking some furniture.
“Relax.He´s gonna be fine.“Todoroki says,putting down his book.„He did behave kinda weird.What if he hides at home because no one would search there?“Tsukasa thinks.„Excatly!He´s gotta be hiding.He loves parties!Why would he miss one?“Fujio then states.„Fuck!Now I gotta search for his ass.“Kiyoshi grumbles.„Sure!Let´s leave to see if your colleague ain´t dead!“Nakaoka exclaims enthusiastically jumping up from his seat.Todoroki sighs heavily,getting up too.“Great.We´re leaving then I´m taking?What?Someone´s gotta be the brain.“He explains rolling his eyes dramatically.“Doroki!You´re worried!That´s so sweet.“Fujio smiles.„That would be like worrying about a chihuahua with rabies that runs around biting people.“He groans,the others break out laughing as they leave.
They take the subway and a short time later they stand infront of Yasushi´s apartment. Sneaking a peek through the only nearly closed door,hearing screaming inside which is a normal occurance around here.They then see Yasushi roughly shoved against the wall,nearly collapsing as he coughs,arm wrapped around his ribs.He groans in pain before glaring foreward.„Kicking my ass ain´t gonna change that you´re a punk ass pussy bitch!“He screams,cockily going foreward,encouraging in a fight.“His mom´s lover.“Kiyoshi thinks bitterly as a liquor bottle misses Yasushi´s head by an inch making him stop dead in his tracks.Kiyoshi violently shoves the Oya High members out of his way.“He´s so dead!“He kicks the door open with enough force to break out of it´s hinges.
“Oi!“He screams as Yasushi´s head snaps at Kiyoshi´s great entrance.Tsukasa shakes his head.“Fuck it.“Now they all march in there,deathglaring at his mom who applies lipstick infront of a mirror,as if her lover didn´t just attack her son.Her lover - a guy who looks like a pimp on steroids,tries to take a step foreward only for Yasushi to throw a liquor bottle right back at him.“I will fucking strangle you with your own damn intestines<3!“Yasushi yells in exctacy,wild look in his eyes,eager to fight.The guy growls,as his eyes land on the others.He won´t be able to lay a finger on that brat with all those teenagers around.So instead he turns to Yasushi´s mother.
“What your brat needs is medication,another near death expirience or a lobotomy!He´s fucked up in the head!He´s a crazy sociopath!“He angrily yells at the woman, kicking the sofa table.Kiyoshi is eager to kick the shit out of him.His and Yasuhi´s eyes meet as they break out in a histerical,crazy laugh and Kiyoshi understands.They both head towards him,cockily strutting.Kiyoshi looks him dead in the eyes;“Leave now.“He growls.„Or leave in a damn body bag<3“ Yasushi adds as he feels his mothers eyes on him.“C´mon Baby let´s go.“She speaks up as she pulls on his arm towards the door.“Kick that bratty bastard out already!“He exclaims as they leave,Oya High members angrily stomping out of the way.Yasushi tries to throw another liquor bottle but Fujio deathgrips his wrist snatching the bottle.„Don´t encourage in a fight.“Tsukasa hisses.
„Where the fuck´s your mother gone too with that prick anyways?“Todoroki asks.
“Partying with lover boy.Gonna be back in like four to nine days usually.This shit is just a runaway home for damn relatives that are on the run,evicted or on parole anyways.She´s living with that douchebag nearly all the time now.“Yasushi explains and squirms feeling all eyes on him.He fucking hates it.He wants to vomit at the thought of them pitying him.“What the fuck,please if anyone here comes from a great parenting expirience raise your damn hand.Stop fucking judging me.I´m not a weak ass bitch.I don´t need a fucking pity party.“He exclaims angrily.Some take a step back,showing they´re not encouraging in fighting him.“No.You just don´t have the guts to tell us when you´re physically hurting.“Fujio states a sad look spread across his face.“Screw you!“
„Fuck yourself Shithead!“Kiyoshi screams,shoving him when he tries to fight him.
“Why woundn´t you come to me?!Instead you hide at THIS place?!Why didn´t you tell me that you feel like shit?!You shouldn´t leave the hospital on crazy revenge when you feel that shitty!I would´ve fucking got revenge for you instead!Or why wouldn´t you tell me your moms meathead lover kicks your ass either huh?!“He heard Kiyoshi scream in anger before.Nearly daily yeah,but rarely at him and it makes Yasushi crazily irritated.„I can fucking handle it!“He hisses through grittet theeth.Angrily wiping some tears away,dearly hoping no one saw the damn tears.“So the bruises aren´t always fights then?“Tsukasa asks and Yasushi bolts out of the door.„Shit.Are you crazy?Why would you ask him that?!“Kiyoshi yells before running after Yasushi.
„Fuck.“Fujio groans.“Yeah fuck.That ain´t the party we expected.“Shibaman states.
“What are we gonna do now?“Todoroki asks.“Leave the two of them to it?Fight it out?“Fujio shakes his head.“No.We gotta search for him!“
„Kiyoshi literally ran right after him.If he ain´t gonna find him that would be dumb as shit.“Nakagoshi states.„We´re gonna bring the party to Yasushi then!We celebrate here when Kiyoshi found him.I mean Yasushi said he´s literally on his own for at least four days.Easy.“Fujio exclaims happily.Enthusiasm creeping back into him.
„We take it as invitation!The door was open for each one to walk in and he didn´t kick us out jet.“Tsuji shruggs smirking.They´re gonna take that as a win.“There´s enough liquor to fill a fucking cocktailbar.That shit kinda screams party.“Shibaman says.“You wanna party in this mess?“Todoroki asks,raising his eyebrow.„What?You wanna clean up?“Tsuji asks skeptically.“No.At least hang the door back in it´s hinges.“Shibaman and Tsuji do as their leader told.
“Does he have at least something to treat his head injury?It was bleeding a little heavily.“Jamuo asks getting a look from Fujio and Tsukasa.“No idea.I don´t live here.“Tsukasa shruggs getting seated on the sofa.“The fridge´s empty too!“Fujio then yells from the kitchen.“The fuck are you doin in his fridge man?“Shibaman asks from the leather armchair going through the horror movies lying on the sofa table.“Worrying!“Fujio exclaims.„Mothering.“Tsukasa mumbles.“That shit´s disturbing.“Tsuji states eyeing the dvd´s in Shibaman´s hands.“That´s not horror movies,they´re bloody and brutal enough that they´re torture porn.“Todoroki states.„I don´t like horror movies man.“Nakagoshi states.“Yeah!I don´t even like speaking to living people why the hell do I wanna contact the dead?!They gotta stay six feet under and leave me alone.“Nakaoka exclaims and Tsukasa laughs.„Yasuhi uses them probably as lullabies.“
„Yo Fujio!“Shibaman yells and Fujio pops his head out of the doorframe.“Yeah?“ „Just head to the grocery store and get some stuff then!Fast food,candy whatever.“ „Painkiller,shit to cool his head and a first aid kit.“Tsuji adds.„Yeah?!“Nakaoka laughs.“That´s crazy!Who of the two of you shits money now?!“Shibaman and Tsuji look at each other laughing as Tsuji pulls out a fancy leather wallet.„The party´s on lover boy tonight!“Shibaman exclaims.The eyes of the others nearly jump out of their heads.„How the fuck did you get this?!Why?!“Jamuo yells.„He threw a liquor bottle at Yasushi after he nearly died from a head injury on a dirty ass pavement two days ago.Then the shit he said about him?!Nah fuck that shit.That´s the least he can do.Compensation.“Tsuji explains.„Just throw it in the bushes two blocks away.No one will know man.He will think he lost it partying.We also wanna know his name if Yasushi´s ass get´s killed.“Shibaman shruggs.„You can´t get less insane.Can you?“Todoroki asks trying to hide the smile on his lips.„Don´t encourage us.“Tsuji shakes his head.
„He´s not wrong though.Yasushi´s a menace but he´s our menace.Kinda.He´s one of us.We take care of each other.“Tsukasa admits.„I leave to the grocery store!“Jamuo volunteers.„Why?You scared you stumble into Yasuhis room and it´s a torture chamber?“Nakaoka laughs.„He would love that!You´re not wrong tho!“Jamuo says snatching the wallet.Nakaoka and Nakagoshi get up too.“Let´s leave then.You won´t be able to carry that shit on your own.“
Meanwhile Tsukasa looks at the pill bottle on the sofa table.Perscripted to Nishikawa Yasushi.Two days ago.“Oi Fujio!Yasushi´s probably high as fuck.“He says.“Their pretty heavy.Tons of them missing too.“Fujio get´s seated next to him.“He probably took a few more because of the fight with Housen.“Fujio thinks.“Dumbass.“Todoroki states from his seat when Fujio´s phone rings.„Oi Kiyoshi!Great to hear from you!Did you find Yasushi?“They have no idea what Kiyoshi says but it´s not great because all color leaves Fujio´s face and his smile drops.“Relax Kiyoshi!You´re panicking.Where did he run off to when you lost sight of him?“Oh shit,Fujio is gonna vomit.“Sannoh.“All heads snap towards him and Tsukasa snatches the phone.
“You´re gotta be kidding.I´m gonna kick his ass.He´s drugged up to the eyeballs,a emotional mess running wild in Sannoh?“Tsukasa groans.This gotta be a nightmare.„What do you mean he´s high?!He ain´t a fucking drugged up junkie Tsukasa!“They hear Kiyoshi scream.„The painkiller he takes for his head injury borderline on illigal.He probably took extra for the fight earlier.We gotta find him before he runs into trouble.Murayama will kill us if we create any damage in other S.W.O.R.D territories.“He explains.„Yasushi is gonna leave Sannoh in a body bag or a police car when he´s that angry.“Todoroki states.„Yeah,man got a crazy urge to fight.Prove he ain´t weak.“Shibaman says.“Great.Now we gotta go and search his ass before he does something dumb.“Todoroki rolls his eyes.„For example running into Cobra´s gang?Yeah!Let´s go.“Tsukasa urges.„I contact the others.“Fujio says taking out his phone as they all head out the door.
Cobra and Murayama lean against the wall outside of Itokan Diner after a makeout session while Cobra has a smoke.When they see a teenage boy with a head injury stumbling around“What kinda Idiot?“Murayama asks as his eyes widen in realization. “Oh yeah!Suprise!That´s one of my idiots!“Ignoring Cobra´s confusion he runs foreward.“Hey Yasu-kiyo!?Oi!Yasushi!“Cobra runs after him,then he punches him in the shoulder.„Behave.“He exclaims as he heads foreward.Murayama groans,Oya High kids are gonna make him insane.They could choose each night to harass him,but no they ruin date night with Cobra-chan„Yasushi!“Murayama yells again.“No,your worst fucking nightmare.“Yasushi growls out.Cobra just rolls his eyes.“Yeah,I´m terrified.“He says comepletely monotone.“You´re head´s hurt,you´re bleeding.“Cobra states as Murayama interrupts him.“Woah!You fought against Housen today too?!Are you insane?!Your brain is driving rollercoaster in you´re skull and you go fighting!Did you leave the hospital too early?!“Murayama could swear he hears distressed Cobra noises already.Yasushi looks at him puzzled.
„Gossip travels fast at Oya High and I´m Oya´s King after all.Leader of Yasu-kiyo faction attacked,got his brain mashed.Kiyoshi went crazy the next day,swearing revenge and all.“Cobra scoffs. Murayama can tell fariytales later.„Let´s go.We gotta at least take care of you´re injury.“Cobra says softly.„No!I´m not crazy enough to leave with you and the lunatic of Oya!Leave me alone or I´m kicking your ass Blondie!“Cobra sighs heavily.How he loves Oya High.“Instead of kicking my ass we´re gonna try to stop your´s from hitting the ground when you collapse in the nearest sketchy alley.We´re not gonna hurt you.Please just let me help you!“Yasushi rolls his eyes.He too exhausted to keep running.He has no idea where he is and his head hurts.The rain doesn´t make it easier so his suicidal decision of the day is made.He´s gonna leave with Blondie and Crazy.They take him towards Itokan Diner.
„Cobra-chan look at you being loving and caring.You have a heart,that´s great.Now you can stop being a grumpy meanie pants!“Murayama teases as they head towards the diner but Yasuhsi stops dead in his tracks,color leaving his face.“Cobra?!I´m in Sannoh,threatening Sannoh´s Hoodlum Squad´s Cobra?!“His head is fucked but even he understands the severety of the situation.Don´t get Yasushi wrong.He could fight Murayama and yeah try to fight Cobra too.Easily on a normal day.He doesn´t fear Cobra or the Hoodlum Squad.He´s not gonna lie though;he´s to weak to fight after the disaster with Housen and the brain injury to fight them.Last but not least he´s out numbered and funny enough the last out numbered fight landed him in a hospital. Cobra stops his downwards spiral.„Oi!Realx.No heart feelings.Oya High strays seem to be normal by now.“Cobra smiles slightly as he leads Yasushi towards a seat asking Naomi for a first aid kit.In a heartbeat he´s handed a heavily stocked kit,Naomi knows her dumbasses by now.So she tries to at least keep each thing necessary in case of emergency stocked.“How are you feeling?“
„Pain and not the fun kinda pain.“Yasushi groans.„Cobra,dumb question.“Naomi glares at the man.“Anything out of the usual?“Cobra tries instead. “Nope.“ Great,Cobra thinks at least no brain bleed as he undoes Yasushi´s dirty and soaked bandage.He takes the tequila and pours a shot,shoving it towards Yasushi.„Don´t have painkillers.We´re gonna need to be creative.“Yasushi downs the shot with no hesitation.Yeah he´s getting better and making dumb,maybe life threatening decisions.Ha!That´s at least some kinda talent!He takes that thought as compliment.If this Cobra guy kills him at least he´s gonna die wasted.As Cobra cleanes the injury Yasush´s eyes land on Murayama.Damn.Murayama´s heart eyes are insane.
„Soo,I will take from this,that the leader of the kiyo faction part,the second of the great crazy duo,is running like a lunatic around Sannoh now.Searching for his friend that wandered off with a bleeding head?“Murayama asks.leaning against the counter. “He leaves me alone,if he knows what the fuck´s best for his ass.“Naomi chuckles, drying some glasses.„You my little crazy guy run around in the rain,head injury, drugged,in Sannoh trying to fight our dear Cobra-chan.What kinda suicidal maniac are you?!What´s wrong?“Murayama states straight to the point.“It´s my damn life and I take it if and how I wanna.“Cobra sighs heavily again,it´s gonna be a looong night.“You kinda sound like Cobra.“Naomi chuckles as Cobra death glares at her.“My mental heath issues are not necessarily for tonight.“She rolls her eyes.“Yeah they´re for a psychiatrist who enjoys a challenge.“He shakes his head.
“There are other solutions than running towards death kid.“He explains as he poors Yasushi another shot,taking one himself too.„Death is forever.No romanticized bullhshit.You´re dead,gone.Yeah no more issues you´re running away from but no great shit either.“When Cobra is about to put his empty shot glas on the counter he stops dead in his tracks,Murayama´s words repeat in his head and the fog of the earlier drinks dissapear. “Wait a damn minute.Drugged up?The fuck did you take?!
When it´s Redrum I swear I open the rest of the stiches on your head.“Yasushi laughs.How protective Cobra get´s is hella entertaining.“Yeah,no.Took some heavy painkillers for my head,borderline horse pill ones but anyways,just a great old head injury.Sorry to dissapoint Blondie.“Fuck.Why can´t Yasushi shut up.Cobra´s gonna kill him.What the fuck does that damn tequila do to his head?!His barely existend filter is gone now.He´s so gonna die.
„You have no idea what the pills where you shoved down your throat like candy?“Murayama asks.„I don´t even know the name of my damn dad.How am I supposed to know the name of some medications man?“He exclaims confused and Cobra chokes and Murayama breaks out laughing.Oh how he loves this chaos!„You have no idea who your dad is?“He then asks ignoring Cobra´s groan on how it´s not necessary for him to know that.“Noope.I mean he lives in White Rascals territory somewhere and works in a cocktailbar or nightclub and each month comes cash my mom blows out partying.“Yasuhi wants to kick his own ass hearing himself talk.„Great!He´s on like mega painkillers!Congratulations Cobra-chan! You gave a drugged a teenager tequila!Ha,he´s gonna have the night of his life!Now there´s a party in his head!“Now it´s Cobra who looses all color in his face.„How the fuck am I supposed to know the kid is high as a kite?“He growls as he finishes treating Yasuhsi´s injury.“He can´t leave like this Cobra or you´re fucked.“Naomi threatens taking the tequila away,god knows what´s gonna happen.
He´s drugged up enough to erase the mental filter in his head so Cobra might as well give it a try to find out what´s wrong.„You wanna explain what´s wrong?Why you´re running away from Kiyoshi?“He asks.„Damn bastards saw shit they shouldn´t,then dared to go all;´You gotta tell us when you´re hurting.Tell us when a pimp on steroids screws your mom and tries to kick your ass.Don´t leave the hospital when your brain´s broken and we fight for revenge instead.´“Yasushi complains.„They sound like damn great friends kid.You should be grateful,they seem to care about you.“Cobra states.„No,Blondie!Not when you´re all teary eyed and that weak shit!“He exclaims.
„So instead of acting all though,you cried when they found out you´re hurting.Nothing wrong with that.They didn´t leave you tho?“Otherwise Cobra might beat up some teenagers today.Crazy night huh?
„Nooo.They didn´t leave.I cried like a bitch and ran away...“Yasushi hesitantly admits
„In fear of your own emotions.“Murayama interrupts.„I don´t fear anything.“Yasushi snaps.„Yeah you do.You fear any emotional things that make you seem weak and vulnearble in a fight.“Cobra explains.„Don´t mean your friends think you´re weak.Or attack you on that.It´s like kicking someone who´s down.“Murayama then says.
„They think I can´t fight my own damn fights.That I leave when it´s get´s ugly and bloody.Leave them to fight for me instead.“
„Did they look you dead in the eyes and tell you that?!No.What you gotta learn is that you´re not weak when you cry or when you´re vulnearble.How did you´re head got injured?A lead pipe?“Cobra hints towards his injury.„Yeah I guess.“Yasushi grumbles cofused.Did Cobra drink to much tequila?!„In that moment when the lead pipe hit you´re head,you were vulnearble.It weakend you because you were injured.Then you we´re fighting right?“Yasushi nodds.The crazy drunk guy could be onto something.“You didn´t leave someone else to fight for you.You weren´t physically able to.But you then fought your own fight.Then you leave the hospital early to fight for your revenge.You needed a break where you could be physically weak in order to heal enough to fight again.It´s necessary to break down sometimes.In order to get the will to fight back.We all have shit going on we´re not explaining to anyone.You just didn´t learn yet why your friends could be breaking down when no one else is near.We´re all screwed up in one way or another.When you´re gonna give them a chance to see you at your lowest you´re gonna be shocked that they will let you do the same then.“
„What the fuck is it with you damn leaders that makes you so crazily wise?!“
Yasushi asks but Cobra knows he´s thinking heavily about what he just said.
“Yeah.We learn a lot.We gotta get through a lot of shit to learn that tho.“
„Cobra-chan cries a lot too when he goes through shit!Yeah,he and and the friend that could eat the whole diner once cried infront S.W.O.R.D!.He´s not weak either!We love him,he´s can still kick ass!“Great.Now Cobra tries to stop himself from blushuing as he throws a dish towel at Murayama and Naomi laughs.„Your Oya lunatics love you.They just don´t want you dead.They went crazy with worry because you could´ve easily died that night.When you learn that you can loose a person for good it will change something in you.You could easily loose them too.Each fight,a wrong hit to head or internal bleeding.A knife in a fist fight.Dying is easy.And with your behavior you shove them away.You gotta ask yourself if you´re gonna be okay with what hurt causes your behavior in them.When they end up dead in the next fight,will they fear that you shove them away because you don´t care about them or you don´t trust them enough to let your guard down wich puts them onto the same side as a rival that you´re fighting,would you want them to leave on those terms with you?Or would you want them to know you love them,that you trust them and they can come to you when they´re in need of emotional comfort?That you´re gonna go out and kick the ass of whoever hurt them?“Cobra explains and Yasushi is a emotional mess.“Fuck.“God why does his head have so much emotional shit in there now?!Damn Cobra!He would love to be with Kiyoshi right now smashing some shit or get into a fight. Anything that keeps the emotions out.Kiyoshi.Fuck now he misses that fucker Kiyoshi too.
„At least let me contact sleepy lion.Tell them you didn´t collapse dead in a ditch?“Murayama raises an eyebrow and smiles widely as Yasushi nodds.“I can´t reach him!“Murayama exclaims loudly looking at his phone as if it personally insulted him.„Yeah,´cause his phone´s exploding!“Yasushi snickers.Cobra huffs. “Why?What did you do to his sleepy lion?“Yasushi just smiles through the tears in his eyes.“Wrote;call me for a fun time with his number into bathrooms all across Oya.“Murayama breaks out laughing.“I love this craziness!It´s creative.But wait...How do we contact them then?“He wonders.„Contact your friend.The crazy one that´s running around Sannoh.Send him your location“Cobra says rolling his eyes looking at Murayama.“Easy.“Now Cobra takes out his own phone writing a group massage to the others.“Send all Oya high strays that gone crazy in Sannoh tonight,to the diner.“
Meanwhile the Oya High members are spread out near,towards and in Sannoh, searching like crazy.Fujio and Tsukasa are now infront of Asahina Garage.“We could search for Cobra-san and explain the situation!I heard he and Murayama-san are close.Maybe he knows where to find him.“Fujio says.„Dumb idea.But yeah I guess we´re running outta options.“Tsukasa states.He´s exhausted.„We´re all gonna end up dead anyways.So where do you wanna search for Cobra?“Fujios eyes light up like fireworks.“Motorcycles!Exactly.The garage.We´re just gonna ask here.“He explains enthusiastically as he heads in.They´re greeted by a middle aged woman and a group of girls in gang jackets.„Oh!Hey Sweethearts.Can I help you?“The woman asks with a smile.Fujio to distracted by the pretty girls get´s hit on the back of the head by Tsukasa.“Yeah.We´re sorry to intterupt.My friend Fujio and I are looking for Cobra.“The woman laughs.“Cobra.Mhm.My lazy son over there probably knows where his friend is around that time.“She says head tilting toward Yamato who is currently on break.“You´re lazy son can hear you grandma!“He exclaims.“Oi!Kid!Behave.Don´t talk to Hisako-senpai like that!“One of the girls yells at him and he mumbles a half hearted apology.
“Soo..You search Cobra to join Sannoh?“The woman asks.Fujio shakes his head eagerly.“No.We´re from Oya High,we search for Cobra-san and idially Murayama-san in extension,because kinda lost our little crazy friend!He doesn´t wanna cause any trouble...No I mean that´s kinda a lie.He loves chaos...“Tsukasa intterpts Fujio´s spiral.“Our friend ran out on us after a fight and we lost him near Sannoh.He has a head injury and took a shit ton of painkillers.He has no idea how to deal with emotions other then violence,so it wouln´t be unnormal for him to start a fight with the wrong people.We don´t wanna fight or disturb any peace in S.W.O.R.D,we just need out menace back.So we thought if he tries to fight the wrong people around Sannoh because he doesn´t understand that he could easily get his ass killed,Cobra would´ve heard.“Yamato shakes his head,chuckling.What is it for Oya High that lures them all to Sannoh over the years?
“Yeah Cobra´s an old friend of mine.“His head hints towards a photo of Cobra,Yamato and a guy Fujio and Tsukasa don´t know.A photograph where Cobra has Yamato in his infamous chokehold.Fujio laughs.“I love this photo!“He whispers towards Tsukasa who snickers.When Yamato takes out his phone to contact Cobra he breaks out in laughter.A SMS from Cobra.��Your search is over.Cobra found your friend a little earlier then you.“He explains with a smile.
„Yasushi is so dead.“Fujio shakes his head in dissapointment. „No he isn´t.“Tsukasa says easily.„Rest in peace our crazy little menace!“Fujio exclaims clutching his heart dramatically.„Fujio!He´s gonna be fine.Cobra won´t run around killing!“Tsukasa hisses debating to just chain Yasushi and Kiyoshi up at Oya High when they found him.„Naah,don´t worry Cobra´s pretty pacifistic.No violence other when he fights to protect someone.Pretty honorable.“Yamato explains as he locks the garage.“Yeah?!Tell that to chokehold Cobra on the photo.“Tsukasa mumbles.
Meanwhile the door to Itokan Diner get´s kicked open by a angry and screaming Kiyoshi.All heads snap towards him as Naomi snapps.“No fights in my fucking bar!“Cobra turns toward her.“I´m sorry.He´s just worried for his friend.We deal with him“He tries to reassure her.„Oi!Yeah I am!I thought Murayama´s boy toy beauty killed your ass!“He exclaims angrily storming towards Yasushi.Eyeing him,searching for other injuries.“Relaax.I´m peachy.You suicidal clown!Why kick the door in like that?!Wrong place to behave like that!In gang territory!Your brain works shittier then mine.“Yasushi complains.„You crazy bitch ran around gang territory first!What´s your excuse then?!“Yasushi smiles pointing at his head.“Kiyoshi.This beautiful little injury is my excuse.“He says sickly sweet.„Then why run out on us asshole!“He yells gripping Yasushi´s shirt but getting pushed off by him easily.„I don´t give a ever loving shit if you cry or have a mental breakdown.If you just wanna throw a few punches.I don´t care if you´re weak,bruised and bloody you look the most beautiful like that anyways.I don´t care if we can´t fight because you got hurt,or if you faint ten times in a fucking row vomiting everywhere.As long as your not dead.!The night I thought you´re dead.That I gotta live the rest of my miserable existence without the second of out crazy duo!I swore that night you ain´t gotta fight alone ever again.Not because you can´t kick ass but because others out there can be sneaky ass rats with lead pipes or knifes.Then at least someone got your back man!If someone kicks your ass,I get insanely crazy revenge for you because I would fucking die for you.When something´s wrong,you´re gonna come to me.Im literally right here and not leaving not even when it get´s ugly.“
„Sappy fucker.“Yasushi chokes out,wiping a tear away.How on earth did he deserve Kiyoshi.„Whatever.If I´m just a sappy fucker ten no more sex!“Kiyoshi teases,knowing emotional situations aren´t Yasushi´s strong suit.„Oh no!“He exclaims dramaticalls.“Huh.I don´t give a shit!I don´t need your disgusting ass dick Kiyoshi!What got a dick,ain´t loyal.“He barks out laughing,
„Yeah?!Then what about me?I´m all ride or die!“Kiyoshi yells.
„You´re a dick that I ride and then I hope you die<3“Yasushi screams into his face.„Oi!I hope there´s rat poison in your pain pills!“He yells back.
„I will chugg the damn rat poison,then lick the electric outlet to be sure!“He threatens.They break out laughing.“Don´t be mean to me or I swear I will fall in love with you!You look so hot bruised up and angry I nearly forgot what a dumb fucking meat head you are!I love you.“Kiyoshi sighs.
„I´m not your whore!“ „Even if you can´t love yourself!“He exclaims dramatically,laughing.
„Love you too.“Yasushi then mumbles barely audible.
Cobra gulps another tequila,while Muraya takes a shot too.“I swear I´m done adulting for the night.Imma get shitfaced.“Cobra grunts. „Don´t you have a nightshift at the gas station Cobra-chan?“Murayama wonders.
„Yeah but this tequila tastes like calling in sick.“He lights up a cigarette now. „You´re the literal owner!“Naomi states.
„Yeah,so I own the right to call in sick“
„You got a job yeah?!“Yasushi then wonders.
„Leading a gang ain´t gonna pay my rent kid!Where do I sleep?Under my motorcycle?“ „You´re not sick though....“Murayama teases.
„I´m sick of the conversations around here.If I hear one more conversation about their sex life I swear I´m never having sex again.“Murayama thinks and pales.
„Oi!Yasu-kiyo!You kinky fucks!No more sexy talk.Please!Sexy flirt threaten your boyfriend at home!“He yelps.
This is when the door to the diner opens and Yamato comes in with Fujio and Tsukasa.In a heart beat Fujio runs up and hugs Yasushi who is trying to squirm out of Fujio´s deathgrip.“Yasushi!Soo great to see you!“He exclaims happily.“Take him off me!What are you a squid?!“Yaushi can´t help but laugh.„Hey Guys!Cobra!“Yamato laughs.“I found two of your Oya strays in the garage.Great to see you too though!“Tetsu soon joins with Nakagoshi and Nakaoka.“Oi Fujio!“ Nakagoshi exclaims.“We made a friend and hey you guys found Yasushi!“ Nakaoka yells enthusiastically.The backdoor opens and Dan walks on stopping dead in his tracks when he sees all the teeanagers.„Oya high?“He exclaims when his eyes land on Todoroki,Shibaman and Tsuji.We know how that last fight escaleted.“He groans. „Oh yeah?“Naomi speaks up skeptically.“And who a war with the White Rascals becauae a pretty woman told him to,so they crashed my fucking diner.?“Dan physically squirms at that.“They paid for the damage.“ „Yeah but I cleaned it all up.So zip it.“Then the backdoor opens again and Chiharu comes in with with Todoroki, Shibaman and Tsuji.“Woow,crazy.That´s a lot of Oya.“Tsuji chuckles.“You´re not dead!Great!“Todoroki then turns to Shibaman and Tsuji.„See,I told ya they don´t have the guts to go all Yasu-kiyo on Cobra and the Hoodlum Squad.“
“Heyyy you beautiful misfits you came to fight?<3“Yasushi chuckles.Tsukasa leans in the get a closer look at Yasushi.“What on earth happened to him?!“He asks and Murayama holds up the liquor bottle.“The beauty of tequila sleepy lion.We needed a painkilling solution.Oi!You´re gonna go all judgy it was all Cobra-chan!“
“We thought Cobra killed you or something similar.“Shibaman states and Cobra scowls.“Why does everybody think I´m a violent lunatic?!“Cobra whines and the Hoodlum Squad breaks out laughing.Fujio loves it here.“That´s all so great.“He whisper yells towards Tsukasa,fireworks in his eyes as he looks around Itokan Diner.
“You´re named after the Cobra twist man,that´s a wrestling move.“Tetsu says getting seated.“You normally use wrestling moves when you´re fighting which seems a bit brutal,at least sometimes.No heart feelings man.“Yamato tells him.„Then the fight where those pricks attacked the car and while Dan was leaving the car to fight you just pulled that guy in there so he can´t escape you.“Chiharu chuckles.Murayama jumps up eagerly pointing at Cobra.“Yeah and you threw me when we we´re fighting for the first time at Oya where you rolled up to kick ass because of Chiharu? Yeah that time.Nothings speacial normally yeah but suprise you threw me with your legs which was phenominal!Not gonna lie also hot as fuck.“Cobra lowers his head onto his arms that are folded on the counter.He would love to dissapear when Fujio speaks up.“Not to insult you Cobra-san but every photo we saw of you in the garage,you had a guy in a chokehold.“Cobra looks up at Fujio in suprise but then breaks out in laughter.
“Also am I goin crazy or did Yasushi and Kiyoshi kiss when we came in?“Fujio wonders and gets hit in the shoulder by Tsukasa.Yasushi unsteadily get´s up trying to sneak away and make a run for it just to get grabbed with ease by Cobra who just shoves him back into his seat.“You sneak away from your friends again and I will dog chip you Yasushi!“Cobra threatens.“Soo...Are you dating?!“Fujio asks eagerly.
„No label.Just rolling with the punches quite literally.“Kiyoshi grumbles,eyeing Cobra and his gang.Yasushi hits him over the head.“Oi!They´re not homophobes Kiyoshi!They´re homosexuals.“For the second time that night Cobra chokes on his drink.„Oh yeah?!“Tetsu chuckles.Cobra and Murayama are no secret in the gang but they love to tease them anyways.“Cobra made out with Murayama.Tongue down Cobra´s throat and all that fun.“Yasushi says.„How do you know that huh?!“Murayama wonders,they saw Yasushi not that early. „Easy.You had him pinned against the nearest wall.I saw that shit with my own eyes now I want to bleach them.I thought they´re gonna eat each other.“
„I thought they´re sworn like arch-enemies.“Chiharu states sarcastically. „Arch-enemy hah?!What´s Cobra is arching,his his back?“Tetsu laughs.Cobra gives him a sour look.“No?Then where have you been earlier with Murayama?“Yamato asks leaning closer.„Nowhere,with no one,doin nothing with nobody.“Cobra states easily.„Did the bleach take over your brain Cobra-chan?“
„Jamuo will love that shit with you and Kiyoshi.“Tsukasa chuckles.“Wait a damn minute.Jamuo?!“Tsukasa yells,looking around wildly.“Where´s Jamuo?!“
„Easy.Hiding in a trash can!“Nakaoka laughs.„That´s mean.This was once.We gotta contact him.“Tsukasa turns on his phone and another unknown number calls.With a groan he turns it back off.“I gotta get a new phone number.Yasushi call him.“He deathglares at Yasushi who breaks out laughing taking out his phone calling Jamuo.
„Jamuo!Relax you drama queen,shit.Stop squeaking!Come to the Itokan Diner will you?“Yasushi exclaims,irritated by Jamuo´s behavior.„To your funeral?!Are you dead?!Oi!Am I talking to a dead person?!“He squeaks and Yasushi barks out a laugh.„Yeah,I´m dead,in hell and I gotta say it´s pretty hot down here.It´s also where the party´s at so come the fuck to the damn diner you dramatic prick.“He hangs up and Tsukasa hits him in the shoulder and as Yasushi hits back,Todoroki comes and hits both of them.As Todoroki turns his back they shove each other Tsukasa falling against a table before hitting the floor,a cup with beer pouring all over him.“Behave normal,for at least once,I swear I should be paid for babysitting you.“Todoroki hisses angrily as they all break out laughing and Fujio helps Tsukasa up.
„Oi!Your moral compass gotta be a roulette wheel for scaring him like that!Kids gonna have a heart attack!“Nakagoshi laughs.„I hate you.Dearly.With all my heart man.“Tsukasa says glaring at Yasushi.„Yeah that keeps me awake at night.Suck it up.Oh,wait,naaah it doesn´t.I sleep peacefully like a fucking drunk ass baby,getting all that beauty sleep,just off your hate<3.“He teases.„Then you gotta need more of you´re beauty sleep,you still ugly!“
„Ex-fucking-cuse me?!“Kiyoshi yelps.„Relax man,you gonna end up stabbed again!Then I´ll beat the shit out of your damn stab wound last time will be seen as love tap“Yasushi warns.Oya breaks out laughing.„That means woman don´t like you whatsoever do they?“Nakaoka asks.„Yeah that´s why I gotta date his ass as a last resort.“Yasushi exclaims.„You´re both not necessarily a win“Tsukasa says.“He got fucking stabbed?!That´s not funny!“Yamato exclaims shocked at their behavior.“Yeah.Not funny ha-ha.Funny he kinda deserved it.“Tsukasa mumbles.“Oi!That was my greatest week at Oya high!“Kiyoshi exclaims.“We gotta repeat that.“Yasushi nods.“No!You´re not gonna take over shit!I don´t need this exhausting lunacy again!I´m the king I make the damn rules.The games is over anyways now!“Murayama yells at the two leaders of the Yasu-Kiyo faction.All eyes snap towards Murayama“Game?“Todoroki asks distrustful.„No game.Whatsoever.“He quickly adds not revealing their favorit entertainment game each new semester.„Yeah?15,taking a shiv to school.Man I miss high school.“Cobra sighs.
Now the door get´s ripped open and Jamuo comes running towards them. „Where on earth have you´ve been?!“Tsukasa asks.
„I panicked!Okay?!Yasushi going crazily Yasu-kiyo in Sannoh,I thought he´s gonna run into Cobra´s gang!Which he literally did.I couldn´t´reach Tsukasa.You where all spread out searching.I had a idea and ran off and didn´t tell nobody.I thought I´m gonna end up dead too!Shitty I forgot the knife under my pillow!“Jamuo exclaims hands flying with theatric gestures.„You sleep with a knife under your pillow?!“Fujio wonders.„Uhm,yeah it´s the only home secruity system I can afford!“
„We could easily rob a bank!“Yasushi says eagerly.“What?!“Came multible voices,most from Cobra and his gang.“He means have a wank?!“Kiyoshi says with no hesitaion.Head snap towards him and Yaushi looks dissapointed.“I´m trying to save the situation!“He hisses.“Nothing is gonna save the situation.That shit is nasty.You gotta keep this a secret between you and your internet service provider.“ Todoroki shakes his head.No therapist is gonna belive him this shit.
„Oh yeah?!We literally all live in the same shitty area.I can´t fight for shit!I mean I dared to bitch slap Yaushi once,nearly shit myself.Then he nearly killed me.I dared once and never again.I have my pillow knife!What do you sleep with then?!“Jamuo tries to distract from the haunting words of Kiyoshi earlier.„Yasushi.“
„I fucking knew it!“Jamuo calls out in triumph.“I told you those are not bruises!“ He turns towards Tsukasa pointing a finger in his face.“Yeah,I thought nobody
would be dumb enough the sleep with Yasushi!“Tsukasa groans.“Fuck you Tsukasa!“
Yasushi yells.“Sooo....Nobody choked out Yasushi that´s great.“Fujio states.
Yasushi and Kiyoshi break out laughing.“Ain´t gonna lie he kinda did tho!Both in one night ain´t that beautiful?!“He teases in a sweet tone.“You kinky bitch.“ Nakaoka yelps..Tetsu breaks out laughing first.“Can we keep them Cobra?!“
Later that night they´re at Yasushi´s again all seated in the living room,musik blast out of the sppeakers,they´re all eating and having conversations.“You gotta wash that beer off man you reek!“Fujio laughs throwing a pillow at Tsukasa,who get´s hit in the head with it and pouts.„Yeah just go and take a damn shower?“Yasushi states from his seat,leaning against Kiyoshi eating candy.“Take some shit to wear,whatever you find,even my moms clothes if that rocks your boat,relax and take a shower.What´s the worst that is in there?“Yasushi laughs as Tsukasa tries to get beer out of his hair.
„That´s yasushis bathroom we´re talking about.“Shibaman states taking a sip of his beer.„Probably razorblades on the walls.“Tsuji laughs.„Blood flowing out of the sink.“Nakagoshi teases.„Yeah and the light is the head of his enemy!“Nakaoka adds.
„Oh yeah and he showers with motor oil.“Fujio speaks up.„Relax,drama queen.“Yasushi then says.„Sure.If I´m gonna die in there because Pennywise lives in the sink as Yasushi´s roomate then Jamuo will fight for my revenge.“He chuckles and leaves into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later Tsukasa showers peacefully as the shower curtain get´s ripped open he screams.“Hey Tsukasa!Stop screaming it´s just me.“Yasushi screams back which makes Tsukasa only scream worse.„Something´s fucking wrong with you Yasushi!“He yells as he throws the nearest object at Yasushi which turns out to be
showergel. „Yeah,searched you some clothes,gonna put them near the sink!“ „You should replace motor oil with fucked up in the head and shoulders or somehting.At least gimme that shampoo over there.“Tsukasa scoffs and Yasushi does as he´s been told.“Nice ass Tsukasa!“Yasushi calls out when he leaves.
„Not a drop of sense of shame in this guy whatsoever.“Tsukasa shakes his head
„Love you too dickhead.<3“Yasushi yells from outside of the door.
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toxicruins101 · 2 years
"Why not?"
DreamSMP x male! Reader
(this is written in 1st person so either way no pronouns are mentioned.)
That was everything that clouded your vision and the floor around you
What happened? How could this have happened?
I never meant for it to end like this
I didn't do anything wrong
Yet pain is all I'm able to feel as of now, not sadness anger envy grief nothing
Just pain
I look up with little strength I have, my arm thrown to one side of the battlefield as the distant sound of sword clashing and screaming are heard around me
I know I'm going to die soon
No one can survive this
I can feel each and all burning wounds and bruises around my body each slowly briking me more to the edge of death
Each wound hurts more and more as the seconds pass
One I recognized
Tommy, the main character, main hero, everything good about a character is him, he's the saviour of this story, or you had hoped he'd been.
"YOU BROUGHT THIS APON EVERYONE TOMMY! YOU STARTED THIS YOU'LL END IT!" another voice, yet this one felt as lonley and as distant as you felt about the man.
Dream, in a word, evil, if you could use that word to describe someone it would be him
He has done countless and countless of crimes and sins, he was the villan, he found joy in killing, humor in torture, and love in death.
He was barley human, he was closer to Satan himself than to his fiends and family.
Yet it didn't really matter now did it? You were going to die either way
So who cares?
You didn't have any family, barley any friends, how could someone as insignificant as you matter in this living hell?
Yet my thoughts are closed off by that feeling
A feeling of panic, peace and rest at the same time.
Death, he had finally come to visit you after all these years.
Years and years of waiting yet he never came and now he seemed closer than ever
You closed your eyes and let out a breath you don't know you were holding
And let that beatiful feeling overwhelm you, your memories, your expiriences, thoughts, your feelings, your senses and finally.
Your soul.
"Hello?" a distant voice said almost like an echo
What? You had died? Where were you?
How is this possible? I don't want to be here
I just want peace
I want to rest
Thats all I ask for, nothing more nothing less, the sweet release of death
The forever silence, sleeping forever, just you and your thoughts
"well that's rather depressive" said the voice again, wait what?
How did it know?
Can it read my thoughts?
"I certainly can but not for the reason you think." the voice said again, the echo still present, it felt so far yet so near like that lovely feeling you had experienced not that long ago.
It had a almost male voice yet it was still very neutral, as if it didn't belong to a girl or a man.
"because it dosen't" the voice said again and I finally got the courage to speak.
"who are you?" my voice trembled, I had never felt so weak or confused.
"well, I'm the author" the author? What did that mean?
Who am I?
Why can't I see myself any longer?
Is this all I am?
Some simple words on a website?
"for them, you are, for me? Your my creativity, my thoughts and everything and more." what does that mean?
Are there more of me?
Of these stories with millions of words after another?
All in one simple website among million of other characters and stories
"right on the bullseye"
"how many more?"
"how many more of me are there?"
The voice chuckled a bit then said
"more than you could ever hope to comprehend"
"why do you do this? Bring this pain and write about it?"
"why shouldn't I?"
"you said we're your creativity, your thoughts and more, yet if so why inflict this pain on us?"
"well, every main character deserves a story, yet I can't just write about a simple day to day life can I?, who would read that?"
"I understand that, Yet why must you present pain and suffering?" why do this?"
The voice laughed a bit before saying with a smile clear on their face even though I couldn't see them.
"Why not?"
(hellooo, author here, this was something quick I wrote cause I thought it was a cool idea lol, also to take the chance and say that my requests, asks and DM's are always open! So go ahead and submit anything you would like to see me write about! ^^ of course it has to be related to the dsmp cause thats literally my whole page LMAO, sooo, yeah! And if anyone wants to be mutual or something just go ahead and add me or dm me and I'll answer as soon as I can, anyways thanks for reading, hope you have a great day/night, see ya!)
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bitantantranga95 · 7 months
A few days ago, I saw someone on reddit Talk about how historically accurate the American Girls' names were, and I wanted to do something similar but with the Sims' ones.
I'm going to do it with Strangetown's townies, because I believe that they speak spanish since the university's name is La Fiesta Tech (La Fiesta are spanish words). I'm going to do it based on data from Spain, my personal expirience and the years I think they were born.
Pascualín Curioso (Pascal Curious): Pascualín is a nickname for Pascual. He was born around 1975, his name was used around that year in Spain, although it wasn't popular enough and was starting to decrease in popularity (#188 in popularity at the start of the decade, slowly decreasing). Historical accuracy: 7/10.
Gumersindo Curioso (Vidcund Curious): It wasn't a popular name by the time I supose he was born (around the 80s), and from 1965 onward, It wasn't used. Historical accuracy: 3/10.
Lucas Curioso (Lazlo Curious): It wasn't popular around 1985, but in the next decade it started growing slowly. The average age is 15, so It isn't near Lazlo's one. Historical accuracy: 3.5/10.
Elena Pérez (Jenny Smith): It's peak was during 1970 and 1989, which it's between when I think she was born. I think it was used enough times to be in the #50 position more or less. Historical accuracy: 10/10.
Jaime Pérez (Johnny Smith): I am not sure if his name is Jaime or Santiago, as Jaime is a common nickname for that name. Since the year 1984 onwards, Jaime has been a popular name, the average age is 42 years. Historical accuracy: 8.5/10. Santiago, on the other hand, has been a more lineal name (in the graphic, it's shape os pretty regular). The average age is 49 years, which is a bit more than what I imagined, it's a possibility as well. Historical accuracy: 8/10.
Inés Pérez (Jill Smith): The average age is 35 years, which is accurate with the age Jill appears to be. By rank, it hasn't been lower than #38. It started to increase in popularity between 1990 and 2000, and it's peak was during the next decade, only 450 times less uses. Historical accuracy: 9.5/10.
Olvido Fantoche (Olive Specter): I don't know when she was born, since she has been able to escape the death, but I suppose it was between 1940 an 1960. It's peak was during the first mentioned decade. It is a really accurate name both historically and considering his background. Historical accuracy: 9/10.
Ofelia del Moho (Ophelia Nigmos): The average age is 67 years, and it has been decreasing in popularity since 1960 and 1970. By the time I suppose she was born, only 48 people had that name, but since that decade, it has been regular. Historical accuracy: 2/10.
Circe Panero (Circe Beaker): It isn't near popular. It's peak was in this last decade and the first times it was used, it was during the 80s. I suppose she's near Pascal's age, and there is no data. Historical accuracy: 0.5/10. I think that Circe wasn't born in ST, but I'm not sure, where she's from, so I'm gonna leave it like that untill I have better answers.
Tito Reclutas (Ripp Grunt)/Tito Curioso (Tycho Curious): Here I have the same problem as with Johnny: It is both a nickname and a name. I don't know what is it since the general's sons' names are weird. If it is their name, it isn't accurate, because it's peak was between the 50s and 70s. Historical accuracy: 2/10. If it is a nickname, it could be from names as Ernesto, Héctor, Roberto, Alberto, etc. All of them end Up with -to. The average peaks of names like that are between the 70s and mid 80s. They weren't popular enough during the decades they were born, but they weren't in not use either. Historical accuracy: 5.5/10.
Fofo Reclutas (Buck Grunt): It is just a nickname, of names such us Adalberto, Beto, Rodolfo. The peaks are the same as Ripp's one. By the time he was born, the names had suffered an important decrease or were used in less than 50 people. Historical accuracy: 3/10.
I think that I have covered all the names I could find. The names that don't appear is because they are used in less than 5 people.
Most accurate names:
Elena Pérez (10/10)
Inés Pérez (9.5/10)
Olvido Fantoche (9/10)
Less accurate names:
Ofelia del Moho (2/10)
Fofo Reclutas (3/10)
Gumersindo Curioso (3/10)
Thank for reading my rant. I found this really funny and interesting, and I Hope you found it as well :)
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idleiji · 10 months
How come I just found out my mom was in a near death expirience coz some guy threatened to stab her with a knife to steal her purse but the thing is she had nothing in it and she just gave it to him lmao
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goldenbloodytears · 2 years
Amell Family Timeline Discrepancies
DA2 truly has a horrendous lore issue, and world of thedas does little to improve it.
It's truly sad what happened to the Amells, isn't it? I still remember Grandmother talking about the balls that Lord Aristide used to hold at their estate and the Antivan violin players and dancers from Afsaana. No expense was spared and no one would dare miss it, lest someone think they weren't worthy of an invitation. And then poor Revka had the child. Magical talent, running in one of Kirkwall's most prominent families? The templars had considered Lord Aristide to be viscount after Threnhold's arrest. Can you imagine the scandal had he been chosen? They whisked the child away to the Circle, and the Amells simply had no luck after that. Leandra ran off with a Fereldan mage and then Damion was accused of smuggling. Poor Lord Fausten almost bankrupted his family trying to get the charges dropped, but I hear Viscount Marlowe simply wanted the Amells out of the picture. And it worked, too, didn't it? By the time Lord Fausten got sick, there was only young Gamlen left and a mountain of debt. 
I spoke to Dulci just the other day, and apparently Gamlen is now living in some Lowtown shack—sounds like the sort of character you'd cross a street to avoid! And let's not even talk about the estate.
Mother says we should remember the Amells because that sort of thing could happen to any of us. You know the old saying: "A Marcher's fortune rises and falls with the tide." If you ask me, this is just another misfortune that magic brings to honest folk. Andraste help that poor family, whatever lies in store for them.
—Excerpt from a letter written by Lady Amelie de Montfort
The Amell Family codex states several things; Aristride was considered likely to be Viscount following Threnhold’s arrest. Revka’s mage child prompted a scandal that interrupted this, and that Leandra ran away with Malcolm soon after.
Some dates for starters:
Chivalry Threnhold becomes Viscount in 9:02 Dragon.
Malcolm and Lenadra meet in 9:05 Dragon, they court in secret for several months
Leandra discovers she is pregnant, they run away; making Hawke born in (most likely) 9:06
Aristride dies in 9:11 around the time Bethany and Carver are born. Lady Bethann dies a year before.
Perrin Threnhold becomes Viscount in 9:14, 3 years after Aristride dies.
There is a noted timeline inconsistency when looking at the Amell codex: the codex appears to be suggesting that Aristride was being considered for Viscount following Perrin’s arrest (by Meredith Stannard in 9:21 Dragon). However, if this were true; then Kirkwall would be considering electing a very dead man as Viscount (10 years past the expiry date as it stands). However, there is another potential explanation:
What we know of Chivalry Threnhold; and the Threnholds in general is from Codex: History of Kirkwall, Chapter 4; “The Threnhold family assumed its foreboding control of the city at the very onset of the Dragon Age, less than a week after Maric Theirin retook the Ferelden throne from Orlais….Viscount Chivalry Threnhold was a vicious thug who took power through a campaign of intimidation, and his son Perrin who succeeded him in 9:14 Dragon Age was even worse.” According to this, Chivalry was near-just as bad as Perrin who succeeded him; and therefore, it’s possible to imagine that the arrest mentioned in the Amell Family codex is actually referring to Chivalry rather than Perrin. 
There is also an error in Malcolm’s WOTV2 entry. Leandra and Malcolm are said to meet at a ball held for Grand Duchess Florianne’s visit in 9:05 Dragon; held by Viscount Perrin Threnhold. What’s this? “But Perrin became Viscount in 9:14,” you say, “so how can he be Viscount in 9:05?”
Easy. What we’re dealing with is politics. Consider the possibility of a political vacuum, one not too dissimilar from the one you find Kirkwall facing under Meredith after Marlowe’s death by Qunari.  In this case, the title of Viscount might have been unofficially considered Perrin’s (there is, perhaps, the possibility of a provisional appointment similar to the one occupied by Bran Cavin). However, Lord Aristride would then be considered a popular rival candidate… at least until Revka’s child is found to be a mage. In this case, you can assume that he was still a relatively popular candidate but now with a much more divided base (likely further weakened when Leandra ran off with Malcolm), and with any other possible rivals in contention, the stalemate continued until Perrin was finally officially elected in 9:14.
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have youuuu watched our flag means death yet? :) new season come out october's 5th so if you wannna watch it closer to october fifth so you don't have to be eternally screaming forever to wait and see what fucking happens next (<- coming from personal expirience) then that's perfectly fine
I have not :)
Maybe some time in the near future. Can't promise though
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Tie your heart to mine
Chapter 12
Cw:mentions of death, near death expiriences and trauma
Gif by @emziess
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No more lying, Diane means it.
So when she offers him a tour of the house to get away from the servant’s watchful eyes, the witch proves it.
“Ask away.” She says leading him into the gallery.
Her mom has a love for the dark, most of Francisco Goya’s paintings and other obscure works adorn the walls of her private gallery in the small drawing room.
But here she displays some you would find in a normal estate.
Some portraits of her family, one of a long dead Smith relative, Beatte Smith, that she swindled from the 9th Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle the moment she got proof that the Romani King, Absalom Smith, was truly her ancestor and that his lovely daughter deserved to be displayed in her descendant’s house.
“Why were you so angry at me not treating your prophecy seriously?” Tom asks looking at Waterhouse’s Pandora as he asks her.
Rather fitting, he is opening the box and unleashing everything with that question.
Up until now, she had avoided speaking of her family history.
There was no need to ruin things with all of the skeletons in their closet.
“On my tenth birthday, I predicted Aunt Polly’s death, and five months later, she was shot in the head by the IRA.
A few years later, when I was fourteen, I was misdiagnosed with consumption by doctors because my best friend who sat beside me school, Cathy Shelly, caught it and died from it that same week.
Thank God it had been pneumonia and I survived when many of my classmates didn’t, but it still changed my perspective to know it is always one step behind me.
That even if I can feel it coming, I cannot stop it. Not for me not for anyone.”
Always one step behind her and that one day it will catch up or take someone she loves forever.
Now that she knew it was stalking Tom, she was so afraid of losing him. Of having him gone just like that.
Tom knew death, perhaps more than she did. He and his sister had been so young when their mum died of Influenza.
Stupid of her to expect him to have reacted to the inevitability of death like she did.
“I’m sorry for saying those things to you that night, we all process these things differently and I should’ve known better than to judge you for how you deal with shit like that.” She apologized and he accepted it.
“I suppose I could forgive you, like you said we deal with it differently.” Tom gave her hand a squeeze and even a small smile as they made up. “But I won’t accept your apology until you are completely honest with me about this.
Do you feel it coming for me?” he asks, deathly serious, his hand growing clammy in hers.
It being death, even calling it so is enough to scare the both of them.
“A chill in my bones every time I see you in your uniform, but mama sees us married with children, so perhaps it isn’t your death I feel might be someone else.” Diane answered wishing she could lie and say no, I don’t think you’re dying.
Death was a tricky thing to pin down in visions, her mother only saw it when it was going after a stranger or when she could prevent it for a loved one.
She didn’t see Tom’s death but saw a death in his family.
Maybe Douglas, or Lois or the baby that keeps appearing in Lois’ cards lately.
“Married, eh? Can’t even work up the courage to tell you I love you and you’re telling me I either die or settle down with you.” He pushes away his fears with his jokes and Diane realizes she doesn’t mind it anymore. Not one bit.
“I think you just did, Tommy.” The witch feels herself soar with that casual I love you he had said.
“Would you like to hear it again?” he asked with that grin of his that drives her crazy.
“As if you need to ask.” Diane answered knowing those three words will stay with her forever.
He leans down, letting her throw her arms around his neck as she stands as far as her tiptoes allowed her to and meet him halfway. “I love you, and I’m going to love you even if I don’t come back.”
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“He’s dying isn’t he?” her husband asks as they quietly observe the young couple hiding in the maze.
They weren’t seen by Florence, but Tommy and Eva could see them just fine from their bedroom window.
Bennett had gotten their daughter something for her birthday, a necklace he puts on her as they sit on one of the white stone benches in the walled maze.
Diane kissed his cheek in thanks and her boyfriend says something that has the two of them laughing quietly before deciding Florence and Gabriel have been tortured enough.
They were young and in love, and it was a sight that contrasted with the grim future awaiting them.
“Prisoner of war, but no, Tom Bennett’s not dying.” The witch shook her head smiling softly as she saw how sweet they were with each other.
Eva sees Douglas Bennett become a shell of himself when they tell him Tom’s missing in France, she sees him ignoring the sirens telling him to run and sees him accept death as he asks Josie to forgive him for not taking care of the children better.
“But his father will.”
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