#near me motels under $40
truetravelplanner · 1 year
Discover budget-friendly motels in California under $40 per night. Find out how to save on accommodation and tips for booking affordable motels in California.
Read the full article here: https://www.truetravelplanner.com/cheap-motels-near-me-under-40-tonight/
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joybabyjune · 9 months
Unexpected Snow
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Pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader
Summery: When you try to hide from a heavy snowstorm in a motel, you find out that all the rooms are taken. Frank offers you his room, but you can’t let him sleep in his truck. You get him into your room and into your bed 👀
Warnings: explicit (minors dni!!!), big age gap (reader is 21, Frank in in his late 40’s), pet names (Sweetheart, sweet girl, good girl, pretty girl), no use of y/n, alcohol consumption, harassment (not from Frank), smut, oral (m & f receiving), unprotected piv (be smart friendsss), little bit of praise kink, little bit of degradation kink, dirty talk, creampie.
Author’s note: alright I really wanted to participate in the Beardthalbash thing. So I wrote this. I hope you guys like it. If you do, please let me know with a note and if you really like it, please reblog. You’ll make my day and it’s completely freeee.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language + I kind of wrote this pretty quickly because of the Beardthalbash deadline. Don’t hate me for any mistakes ✌🏼
“Why?!” You yell out angrily, slamming your steering wheel and accidentally pressing the horn. “Oh shit..” You sink lower into your seat and wave a little apology at the car beside you. The lady on the radio continues talking. She goes on about the upcoming snowstorm and you really start to realize that you won’t make it to your destination. “Why today..” You whine to yourself.
After living with your alcoholic mother, and all the different men she brought in your life over the years, you finally decided that it was time for you to leave. You packed your bags, got into your car, closed your eyes and pointed your finger somewhere on your map to pick a location for you to start a new life.
You’ve been driving for a few hours now and the weather is getting worse and worse. You can feel your car struggling against the wind and the road surface slowly turns white with the snow that’s falling. Your wipers are working overtime and the windows fog over. “Fucking hell.” You mutter and turn off the radio, you’re done with the slight tone of panic in the weather reporter’s voice.
A few miles ago you saw a sign that said there was a motel nearby and you sigh in relieve when you see the exit towards it. “Lets just hope this only lasts ‘till the morning..” You say as you drive onto the parking lot. It is fully packed, but you find a spot. It’s not exactly near the entrance, but you take it. You get out of the car and are immediately hit by a gust of snowy wind. You run over to the reception and quickly get inside.
There’s a line of people, all trying to get a room and you quietly join the queue. It doesn’t take long before it’s your turn and you reach into your bag for your money. “One single room please..” You say while you look.
“I’m sorry ma’am but we’re fully booked for the night.” The lady behind the counter tells you. “There’s another motel a couple of miles away. If you want, I can call them to see if they still have a room?”
“W-what?” You ask frowning. You look out of the window, the weather has gotten even worse and there’s no way you can safely drive any further. “You have nothing?” You ask, slightly panicking.
“I’m afraid so..” She answers.
“Can stay with me, pretty thing..” You hear a voice drawl behind you. You turn around and see a man smirking at you. You take in his appearance and your stomach turns at the idea of having to sleep with him to have a place to stay. He must be in his sixties, his blonde-grayish hair sticks to his forehead and his mustache turned yellow under his nose due to years of smoking. There’s stains on the flannel that’s way to tight around his beer belly. “Got room for you in my bed, I mean..” He adds as his watery eyes glide over your body.
“N-no thank you.” You say nervously, deciding that it’s not worth it.
“Oh come on, Princess, can’t go out in weather like that..” He says nodding towards the window. He walks closer to you and you’re overwhelmed by the smell of sweat, stale beer and ashtray. It brings you back to all the times your mother’s boyfriends would try to get handsy with you. “Promise I’m not a serial killer.” He says laughing and displaying his yellow teeth.
“N-no, I’m good, really..” You say again and he reaches out to touch your face but you back away.
“She said no, asshole.” A voice behind you barks. You turn around and see a big, attractive looking man. Dark hair, dark eyes, well groomed beard. He radiates danger, but for some reason he makes you feel safe. “Leave her alone.”
“And who the fuck are you?” The creep asks him. “Who are you to decide what I should do. Keep it to yourself and let me have my fun with this one.” He adds and tries to reach out for your waist this time.
Your savior grabs his wrist and turns it, making him cry out in pain. “Go to your room and leave the girl alone.” He says, his voice a whispered growl.
“Ah ah ah, okey okey!” He says trying to free his arm. Once he succeeds he holds up his hands. “Alright. She’s all yours man. Not worth the fucking trouble.” He says, looking you up and down as he walks away.
You wrap your arms around yourself, feeling dirty with how looked at you and spoke about you. “Thanks..” You say looking at the floor.
“Here. Take my room.” He says and hands you a key.
You frown. “W-what? But where are you gonna-“
“Slept in worse conditions. I’ll be fine.” He says. “Take the keys, kid.”
“I’m not a kid.” You say looking up at him. Not really sure why it bothers you.
He huffs a laugh and smirks a little at your stubbornness. “Just take the keys and be safe, okey?”
“We can-“ You start. “We can share the room.” You say taking in his appearance and not minding his company.. “I’m not comfortable with letting you drive in this weather either.”
“I’m not driving, I’ll just crash in my truck.” He says. “I’ll be okey ki-, sweetheart. Trust me.”
You smile a little at how he caught himself when he was gonna call you kid again. “But-“
“Go.” He presses. “Get your stuff before the weather gets even worse and I’m not even gonna let you get back to your car.” He smirks teasingly.
“O-okey, thanks a lot, ehh..”
“Thanks a lot, Frank.” You smile and take the keys from him, quickly shoving a fifty dollar bill in his hand for the costs of the room.
“You don’t need t-“ He starts, looking at the money.
“You will take it.” You cut him off and you quickly walk away before he can say something else.
You hold your hands above your head to shield you from the snow while you run to your car. It does absolutely nothing to protect you, but there’s not really a better option available at the moment.
Luckily you fit al your belongings in a single suitcase and a backpack, so you don’t have to haul a lot of luggage. You grab your stuff and run as best as you can towards the rooms. The wheels on your cheap suitcase have trouble with the speed and the think layer of snow that has formed on the floor. You quickly look at the worn leather tag that’s attached to the key. “23..” You mutter the room number. The room in front of you has a big 18 on the door. You follow the wall to your left. “19.. 20.. 21..” You mutter to yourself as you pass the doors. The sound of a car door slamming closed catches your attention and you look over to the parking lot. It’s the guy who gave you his room. Frank. You squint your eyes to look inside his truck and see how he’s wrapped himself in a blanket. You bite your lip, feeling guilty and hold up your hand in a mixture of greeting, thanking and apologizing. He waves back and juts his chin in the direction of your room, telling you without words, to go inside.
You rush inside and look around. It’s a bit dated with the terrible green and orange wallpaper and worn out wooden furniture, but it’s nice and warm which is the only important thing for the night. You look around, but there’s not much to see. A bed, a tv, a desk with a chair and thank god, a minibar. You open the door to the bathroom, and peer inside. “Fucking hell..” You laugh through your nose when you see the puke green shower cabin. “Who would choose that..?”
You decide that going to bed early will make it feel like the time goes faster so that you can hopefully be on your way again before you know it. You fish some clean underwear and a big t-shirt from your suitcase to sleep in and head into the bathroom for a shower.
The hot water feels good on your skin and it’s the first time today that you relax a little bit. Your mind drifts to Frank in his truck and you really feel guilty. He helped you out big time and now he’s out there in the cold. You figure you could at least invite him in for a beer or something. If he really doesn’t want to share the room, he can always go back to his truck after that. You turn off the shower and quickly dry and dress yourself.
You peek through the curtains and see that he’s still awake, reading some book. You bite your lip and wave to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice you. “Fuck..” You mutter to yourself and move to open the door. “Frank!” You yell, shivering from the cold. Goosebumps forming on your bare legs. “Frank!”
He looks up and his eyes widen. He rolls down his window. “What the hell are you doing?!” He yells. “Go inside!”
“Come in here!” You yell back. “Warm up a bit, h-have a beer, take a sh-shower, whatever.. Y-you can go back to sleep in your truck after, j-just come in for a while.” You say shivering. “W-won’t take no f-for an answer.”
“Fucking hell..” He curses, wiping a hand over his face in annoyance and quickly gets from the car. “Alright, alright. Just go inside!” He says while he grabs a duffel bag from the backseat.
You smile to yourself, happy to get what you want and you quickly get inside, leaving the door open for him.
“What’s wrong with you.” He growls when he gets inside and quickly closes the door behind him.
“Felt guilty.” You answer shrugging as you sit down on the edge of the bed.
“Gotta be more careful with people if you’re gonna be traveling alone, little girl.” He says and drops his bag on the floor. “Don’t even know me.”
You pout a little, knowing that he’s right. “You gave me your room instead of offering to share like that creep.” You justify your actions. “Guess that makes you a good man, right?”
He huffs as if he doesn’t really agree with you.
“So…” You say skeptically. “Are you like.. Gonna kill me or something?”
He laughs quietly. “No, Sweetheart, you’re good.”
“Good. And I won’t kill you, so that’s settled then.” You say. “And I’m not a little girl by the way, I’m 21.”
He laughs. “Alright, I’m sorry.” He says holding up his hands in a mock excuse.
“There’s towels in the bathroom.” You say while you get up to look in the mini fridge. “The water is nice. And here..” You say when you open the fridge. “Here we have some beers, some nuts and some chocolates.”
“You don’t have to do this.” He says. “I’m fine in my truck.”
“Stop it. I’m not letting you stay out there.” You say, leaving no room for discussion.
“Alright.” He says, rubbing his neck. He grabs his bag and takes some clothes out to bring into the bathroom.
You grab yourself a beer and lie down on the lumpy bed. “Let’s see what the weather is gonna do..” You mutter to yourself while turning on the tv.
“Conditions are getting worse and worse outside and it does not look like this storm is going to settle anytime soon. Specialists are calling it the worst snow storm in years. You’re advised to stay inside and-“ The weather lady gets cut off by a shirtless Frank who opens the bathroom door.
Your mouth drops open at the sight of his ripped body, he slicks his wet hair back and water drips from his beard onto his chest. You rasp your throat and look away. “‘M sorry, didn’t think to bring one to the bathroom.” He says as he grabs a tank top and pulls it over his head.
You’re suddenly very aware of your lack of pants. Sure the t-shirt you’re wearing is big enough to be called a dress, but it still only reaches your mid thigh. “I can, eh, I can put on pants if you-“
“Don’t worry about it.” He says while taking a beer from the fridge. He grabs the chair, sitting down on it with his legs spread. “‘S your room, should wear what you want, right.”
You nod towards the tv, changing the subject of your clothing, or the lack thereof, to the weather reporter. “Says it might be the worst storm in like.. Ever..” You say. “Well, maybe not ever.. But in years.”
“-cold temperatures like this can be deadly, so please be careful and stay inside if possible.” The weather lady continues on the tv.
“See. It’s dangerous out there. Think it would be considered murder if I let you sleep out there in your truck and you die tonight?”
“Nahh..” Frank says smirking. “Sooo.. What’s the deal with you? You running from something or towards something?” He asks waving a hand at your luggage.
“Who says I’m running?” You ask biting your lip.
Frank raises his eyebrows and tilts his head, telling you it’s pretty obvious without words.
You sigh and look away. “From something I guess.. I don’t know, just.. Just need a fresh start, you know?”
“Hmm.” He nods in understanding. “Get that..”
“What about y-“ You start but you’re interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. “The fuck..” You mumble nervously and you pull your legs up to your chest.
There’s another loud knock and you see Frank grabbing a gun from his bag. “Wha-? W-why do you have that?” You whisper yell.
Frank places his finger against his lips to tell you to shut up and he walks to the door. “Hey Princes!” You hear the slurred voice of the creep from before and another loud knock on the door. Frank’s body visibly relaxes, he places the gun in his waistband on his back and he yanks open the door.
“The fuck did I tell you, huh?” He growls.
“Y-you?” He asks confused. He sounds very drunk. “Saw the -hic- saw the girl go in here..”
“Get the fuck out of here.” Frank says angrily. “Now.”
Seeing Frank protect you like that kind of turns you on. And the way the muscles of his shoulders and back flex as he tenses in anger when the guy doesn’t leave straight away. Fuck.. The beer and that fact that you haven’t gotten any action in a while also don’t help.
“If you wanna live, you go to your room now and you don’t come out till the morning.” Frank rasps in a low voice.
You should be scared of this stranger with a gun, threatening someone’s life, but you’re not.
“Alright.. Jesus..” You hear the guy slur and you’re guessing he walks away.
“Yeah, that’s right..” Frank rasps before closing the door, placing the gun on the desk and sitting down again. You watch his Adam’s apple bob as he takes a sip of his beer and you squeeze your thighs together.
“T-thanks. Don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.” You say. “Good thing I got you in here, huh?” You add, smiling and winking playfully. Maybe even flirtatiously.
“Yeah yeah..” He huffs a laugh.
“First you save me by giving me your room and then you help me get a creep away from that room..” You say getting on your knees on the edge of the bed and looking up at him through your lashes. You’re pretty sure your nipples are showing through your shirt. “How can I ever repay you..?”
“How can ya-?” He looks off to the side, licks his lips and looks back at you. “Listen, Sweetheart.. You don’t have to do this. ‘S not why I helped you.”
“I know I don’t have to..” You say and you bite your lip, looking at his crotch. You think the bulge has grown a little already.
“Y-you already gave me money for the room and let me use your shower..” You can tell he’s getting a little nervous.
“Huh.. That’s right..” You say smirking at the realization. “Maybe.. Maybe you should thanks me then..” You’ve never been this forward in your life, but you kind of like it. There’s no going back now and you lift your t-shirt over your head.
“Fuck..” Frank growls softly as he takes in your appearance. The only thing covering you is a tiny black thong. “Sweetheart..” He pleads a little, but he gets up and walks your way. He places two fingers under your chin and pushes your head back, making sure you look up at him. “You sure?”
“Please..” You say panting.
He growls a little and moves his hands to your bare tits. “These are perfect..” He says as he squeezes them a little before rolling the hard nipples between his fingers.
You moan softly and arch your back, pushing against his hands. “F-feels good.”
“Yeah?” He asks as he leans forward and sucks one hard little peak into his mouth.
“Yesss..” You moan louder as you feel his warm tongue slide over your skin. He bites gently and your eyes roll back in your head. “Fuckkk..” His beard scratches against your skin, but it only adds to the pleasure.
“Like that, little girl?” He asks.
“Not a little-“
“Yeah y’are.. A bad little girl.. Seducing men over twice her age..” He mumbles against your skin as he kisses his way to your other nipple. Giving it the same attention as the first one.
“Oh fuck..” You whine, your belly clenching at his words. “Don’t usually.. I.. I’m a good girl..” You pant.
He gets up and pulls the tank top over his head. “Good girl, huh? That right?”
You nod, looking up at him through your lashes.
He slowly undoes the strings of his shorts. “Gonna show me how good of a girl y’are, hm?”
You swallow thickly. “Y-yes..” You say nervously and move back on the bed so you can lean forward on your elbows, your face level with his crotch. “P-please..”
He growls and pushes the shorts down together with his boxers. A big, rock hard cock springs free. It’s thick and veiny with a nice, large, pre cum leaking head. Your mouth waters and you moan loudly. “So big..” You whine and take him in your hand. “Fuck..” You swallow thickly as your feel that he’s too big to wrap your finger around the shaft.
“You can handle it though, right, Sweetheart?” He teases and gently lays his hand on the back of your head tangling his fingers in your hair.
“Gonna try..” You say while you start stroking him. You look up at him while you stick out your tongue and lick the pre cum from his tip, lightly tonguing the little slit before swirling your tongue all around the head.
“F-fuck..” He hisses.
You contemplate if you should tease a little more, but you’re too inpatient. You smile up at him and slowly let him slide into your mouth. Your lips stretch tightly around his girth and you moan.
“That’s it.. That’s a good girl..” He groans as you take him as deep as you can, until he pushes against your throat.
You moan and your eyes roll back in your head at his words. You’ve never been with anyone who talked to you like this and you really like it.
You start sucking him slow and deep, letting your saliva drip down his shaft. You stroke the part that doesn’t fit in your mouth with one hand and gently fondle his balls with the other. The muscles in his stomach clench and his hips buck forward. The movement pushes his cock against your throat and you gag. “Fuck ‘m sorry.. Been a while..”
You smile around him and moan. “Oh you like that, huh?” He asks and he thrusts deep into your mouth. You gag again. Your eyes roll back and you moan. You love the way he takes control, the way he uses your mouth, your throat, for his pleasure. “Yeahh.. See, just a dirty, bad little girl.. Want me to fuck your face, hm?”
You try to say yes with his cock in your mouth, but all that comes out is some gurgles, so you nod. He growls and starts thrusting. “That’s it.. Take that fucking cock..”
You gag and choke. Your eyes are watery as you look up at him and you’ve never been more turned on in your life. Never been this wet.
“Gonna make me cum like that..” He groans. His hand tightens in your hair and he pulls out.
“Hmmmm.” You protest and you try to keep him in, but let go with a pop.
You pout and he chuckles. “I was supposed to be thanking you, remember?” He asks, gently stroking himself.
“Y’are..” You say, your voice a bit hoarse. “Think I’m doing this for you?” You tease smirking. “No.. This is for me.. And now I want my treat..” You add and open your mouth, sticking out your tongue.
He laughs through his nose and shakes his head in disbelieve. “Gonna take a minute before I can go again if I do that. ‘M not 18 anymore, Sweetheart.”
“Don’t care..” You say. “Please..” You add before sucking him back in your mouth hungrily.
Frank growls loudly. Rambling while you determinedly suck him off, stroking what you can’t fit in your mouth. “Fuck.. You want it, Sweetheart? Want my cum? Such a good girl.. Yeah, don’t stop.. Sweet girl.. Fuckkkk!”
Thick, hot cum coats your tongue and squirts against the back of your throat. You moan and swallow everything. Fuck that was hot.. You slowly and gently suck a little more, trying to get every last drop without overstimulating him. “F-fucking hell..” He groans softly. You let his softening member slide from your mouth and smile up at him proudly. He smiles back at you lazily, showing the crow’s feet next to his eyes, and caresses your cheek. “That was amazing..” He pants. He immediately looks more light and relaxed.
“Yeah?” You tease, biting your lip and getting up, sitting back on your heels.
“Yeah..” He says and he almost sounds a little shy. “Your turn now..” He says as he gets on the bed and guides you on your back with him on top of you. He gently grabs your jaw and leans in to kiss you. The scratching of his beard against your chin and cheeks is pleasant in contrast with his soft lips. His tongue darts out and flicks over your bottom lip, silently asking to let him in. You open your mouth and your tongues dance together in a passionate kiss. His free hand moves between your bodies to your dripping center and he growls. “Oh, Sweetheart.. You’re soaking..” He mutters against your lips
You buck your hips into his hand. “P-please..” You pant. You need more.. A lot more..
“Did sucking me off make you this wet, Sweetheart?” He teases a little.
You don’t answer, just moan.
“Can I take these off?” He asks playing with the hem of your panties.
“Please..” You say. You’re the shy one now. l
He sits up, hooks his thumbs in the lacy fabric and you lift your hips, so he can slide them down your legs. He throws them on the floor. “Open up, pretty girl..” He says and he slides his hand from your knees to the insides of your thighs spreading you open for him. He growls loudly. “Such a pretty pussy.. Wanna taste you, Sweetheart.. You want that? Want my tongue, sweet girl?”
“Y-yes, Frank.. Please.. Need it so badddd..” The last word is dragged out as he slowly slides his flat tongue through the full length of your slit. “Holy shit..” You moan.
He growls loudly. “Hmmmm.. You taste so good..” He slides his tongue through your lips a few more times, pushing it inside of you a couple of times, before swirling it around your clit. His tongue soft, warm and wet against your sensitive skin.
“Ooh, Frank! Fuck! Y-your good at that!” Your hips buck and he holds you down, growling. He slowly pushes two fingers inside you and sucks your clit into his mouth. “Holy.. Fuck!” He hooks his fingers inside you, massaging the spongy skin at your front wall while sucking and licking on your clit. You see stars. “Frank I’m gonna.. Please don’t stop! I’m gonna..” You fist your hand in his hair, holding on for dear life.
“Do it..” He hums against your skin. “Cum on my tongue..”
You cry out loudly as you explode. “Yessss!! Oh fuck!”
“Hmmm..” He growls as he laps up your juices. “Good girl.. Good girl.. Fuck I need to be inside you..”
“Yess.. Need you.. Please..” You pant and you try to pull him up at his shoulders. He moves over you, forearms on either side of your head, caging you in and kisses you again, hungrily. You taste yourself in his mouth and the hairs from his beard are wet with your slick.
He’s hard again and you can feel him against your groin. He moves his hand between your body’s and aligns himself with your opening. “Ready, Sweetheart?” He asks looking into your eyes.
“Yes.. Give it to me..” You pant.
“Eyes on me.” He says and slowly but surely sinks inside of you. “Fuck..” He hisses. “So tight..”
Your mouth falls open. “Oh Frank..” You moan. “So big.. So good..”
He slowly starts fucking you. His jaw is slack and he looks at you like he’s in awe. “Please, kiss me..” You moan and he happily obliges. It’s amazing and it feels like the two of you have known each other since forever.
“You feel so good..” He growls against your lips and speeds up his thrusts, making you cry out a little. “This okey?” He asks between kisses and he moves his hand between your bodies to rub your clit.
“M-more.. Harder, please..” You moan.
“Yeah?” He asks, lifting up his head to look you in the eyes. You nod and he nods back before speeding up his thrusts even more, properly pounding you now. You can feel him slamming against your cervix and it feels absolutely amazing.
“Oh F-Frank! Fuck!” You cry out loudly. You can feel yourself nearing another orgasm. “Please don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
He growls. “Gonna cum for me? Gonna cum on my cock?!” He asks never slowing his pace.
“Yes!! Oh Frank!!!” You squeeze your thighs around him tightly and lose yourself in your orgasm. “Yessss!!”
“Fuck! Wh-where d’you want it?” He pants, his voice sounds strained.
“I-Inside! Please! I’m on birth control.. Please I want it inside me! Please Frank, please cum for me!” You beg, moaning.
His breath hitches in his throat. “Oh you’re perfect.. S-so perfect.. Fucking fill you up.. T-take it!” He pushes inside of you as deep as he can and stills as he cums, growling loudly. “Yessss!!”
He collapses on top of you and you just lie there, both panting. “Can’t breathe.” You say after a while. He chuckles and rolls next to you, pulling you into his arms.
“That was..” He mutters.
“Yeah it was.” You say.
“‘M not going back to my truck.” He says looking at you, smirking.
You laugh. “I’m glad.” You say and you cuddle into his chest.
You don’t know what tomorrow will bring and if the snow will be gone, but you don’t want to think about that now. Right now, you just want to enjoy the warmth and safety from this amazing man.
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soap-mothership5 · 4 months
This is sorta how I imagine Orel and his family in the future post-ending (+headcanons) (Part 2) :
Bloberta and Christina edition
// These headcanons happen assuming MO takes place in the 90’s - early 2000’s
(Incoherent rambling warning, these turn EXTREMELY SPECIFIC as it goes on)
anyways let’s do this
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If Orel had a limp in his left leg, Christina has chronic pain in her right arm. Only Orel knows why.
Christina becomes a Literature Major in college. Growing up in the household she had, Christina sought comfort in books growing up (She hid them under the floorboards and some remain even after moving out).
She has a worn out copy of “Are you there God? It’s Me, Margaret” she stole from the forbidden section of the library. It was appalling to her at first, but it became her favourite book to read in her teen years (second place to the Bible, of course).
She likes to talk about boys (Orel) to Stephanie, who’s also become like a big sister to her.
Because of their fields of study, they have a long distance relationship. They break up for a certain time period because of this, but in the end they reconnect and love each other again. (I’ll write more on this in the near future, Orel and Christina is ENDGAME for me)
She starts working as an English teacher when she comes back to live with Orel and their siblings. When they finally have kids, she passes on to her daughter her book collection.
(This is way longer than I expected omg)
After dedicating a large part of her life to Clay and the children, she leaves home when Orel leaves for college. She would be in her late 40’s at this point.
Using what savings she kept over the years, she travels all around the U.S. staying in motels, hostels, rented houses, etc. She collects postcards and souvenirs for her kids and grandkids.
Years into her journey she visits Orel for his marriage ceremony and decides to divorce her husband shortly after. It ends bittersweet.
She had a long series of lovers (men and women) she’s been with over the years. While they still had their impacts on her, these relationships stayed unfulfilling in the end. Part of it is because she’s still plagued with the guilt of her actions with Clay and the kids with no sense of closure (or responsibility).
She married another man from Tallahassee but only for a half a year (don’t ask her about it).
She finds out she’s queer by the time she travels to the East Coast. She’s not familiar with modern LGBT terms so she stays unlabeled.
By the time she’s in her late 50’s/early 60’s, she decides to finally move in with Shapey and his family.
that’s all for now…if you have anything to say leave them in the comments or reblogs…if you want for me to write more you can also comment and share!!
Currently I’m working more on Orel, Shapey, and Block. If you have anyone in mind you want me to HC send me an ask or place ‘‘em in the comments
Thank you for those who liked and shared my prev post…I haven’t done stuff like this in a while!!
(It’s 2am and I am so tired help me.)
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
series masterlist
part one • part two • part four • part five
happy golden days of yore • 3
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pairing: dark!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. 18+ ONLY. future parts will contain noncon smut. 40s misogyny? pet names. masturbation. i’m just gonna say, reader is detrimentally non confrontational 🫣.
words: 2.9k
notes: so glad you guys are enjoying this miniseries! there’s only a couple parts left and i’m really excited to share them. 🖤
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You awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee floating through the air and 40s jazz music playing from downstairs. You never would have thought Bucky Barnes was a morning person, but it’s not like you knew him at all. You grimaced at the memory of your lost thong and decided to try and sneak around the living room before you went into the kitchen. You got ready really quickly in the bathroom before you snuck downstairs as quietly as you could.
You moved all the cushions, pillows, and your throw blanket but couldn’t find it anywhere. It wasn’t on the stairs, or under the couch, or still in the laundry basket. You had no idea where else it would be.
“Looking for something, sweetheart?” Bucky’s voice startled you as you were on your knees, in a slightly compromising position with your ass in the air, looking under the couch one last time. You sat right up and turned to him, surely looking like a deer in headlights.
“Oh, I just thought maybe I left something down here last night,” you tried to explain without having to really explain.
“What is it, I can help you look?”
“It’s nothing, really, I-”
“Tell me,” he instructed.
“It’s just..an article of clothing,”
“What does it look like?”
“It’s black…”
“That’s descriptive,”
“It’s not a big deal, honestly,”
“Why are you being so skittish?” he asked, eyes narrowing. You got scared all of a sudden, more worried he was thinking you were up to something than anything.
“I’m not, it’s just-...I’m looking for my thong,” you told him.
You avoided eye contact for a moment but when you risked a glance at him, his face was blushing a light pink.
“Oh,” he responded, a lopsided nervous smile breaking out on his face before he schooled his expression. “Well, uh, I haven’t come across it, but if I do, I’ll make sure to..return it.”
He spun on his heels to walk back into the kitchen as you grimaced at yet another not so great encounter.
“Coffee’s on if you take any,” he offered as you passed through the doorway.
“Thanks,” you replied quietly before grabbing a mug.
“I hope you don’t mind I used some of your groceries,”
“No, not at all, feel free,” you assured him. “I brought plenty.”
“And I hope you’re hungry, food’s almost done,”
“Yeah,” you breathed, “smells great.”
“How’d you sleep?” he probed, almost too casually.
“Alright. Woke up once or twice, but,” you trailed off. “How about you?” you asked back politely.
“Best sleep I’ve had in three months,” he acknowledged.
“Three months?”
“I’ve been gone for work since September. Most of my sleeping, the little I got anyway, was done on jets, motel beds, or couches.”
“Sounds grueling,”
“I’ve had worse,” he brushed off as he set a plate down before you. Two pancakes with some of your berries on the side, some bacon, and an egg.
“Thank you so much,” you beamed. “This looks amazing. What time did you get up?” you asked as you glanced at the time to see it was only nearing 8:15.
“I’m usually up by six, habit I guess,” he answered as he sat down with his own plate. Of the three other chairs at the table, one on each side, he took the seat next to you rather than the one across. His build was big and the table wasn’t, so though it seemed a good enough distance to prevent it being awkward, he still felt really close.
You simply nodded in response before looking down at your plate. You took your fork and cut into the stack of pancakes and prayed to any being that was listening that they would be good. You weren’t the best at hiding your initial reaction to things and you knew he was watching you take that first bite.
You were pleasantly surprised at the fluffiness. They were warm and buttery and your eyes closed in tantalizing delight. You couldn’t have stopped the small, sweet moan that you made if you wanted to.
“Oh my god,” you muttered, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as your lashes fluttered open, your eyes meeting his intense ones, nearling drowning in the blue before you looked away and back down at the food. “These are incredible. I never would have pegged you for a chef, but wow,” you complimented.
He laughed then, a beautiful sound you would’ve admired if you weren’t still slightly hung up on the look you swore you caught in his eye just a moment ago.
You ate breakfast with a much chattier Bucky than you’d met the night before. He asked you a lot of questions; what you do for work, where you live, what you do for fun, hobbies, friends, even asked about your relationships. He was quite the smooth talker, which you really weren’t expecting. There was this easy charm about him that made him seem disarming. It was almost hard to believe this was really once the man known as the Winter Soldier. Though every now and again, this look came over him. Almost imperceptible and always fleeting, but you couldn’t ignore it once you noticed. Something dark was lurking within him. Whether that was just the presence he gave off, if you were being biased because of what you knew he did for work, or if it was really there in him, you weren’t sure. But the weather was supposed to be clearing up by tomorrow, so you wouldn’t be sticking around to find out.
After breakfast, you went upstairs to get some alone time. That was the main reason you had come to the cabin in the first place, to just get away from everyone and everything. You pulled your laptop out and decided on a movie to watch while you packed most of your things away. You wanted to be ready to go in the morning. You were fine leaving the decorations, the food, and the few items you had in the kitchen, you had your own stuff at home.
There was a knock on your door and you paused the movie and walked to open it. Unsurprisingly, you found Bucky on the other side.
“Long time no see,” you joked.
“Would you mind not having your door shut all the way?” he asked bluntly. You were slightly taken aback by his change of mood, but didn’t want to upset him any further than you apparently already had.
“Oh, sorry. Yeah, no problem,” you acquiesced.
He stood a lot taller than you and it was easy for him to look into the room behind you. He furrowed his brow when he saw one of your half packed bags on your bed before shooting you a questioning look.
You were really taken aback now, totally lost as to why he was looking at you the way he was.
“Going somewhere, doll?” he asked. There was an edge in his voice that was clear despite his attempt to hide it with a closed lip smile.
“Yeah, the uh, weather’s supposed to be cleared up by tomorrow so, I’m just getting my stuff packed,” you answered uneasily, attempting to hide your discomfort with a smile of your own. You only hoped yours wasn’t as see through as Bucky’s.
His tongue jutted out past his lips as he took in your answer before he nodded. “If you need help taking anything to your car, let me know.”
“Okay,” you breathed with a nod in return as he turned to walk away. “Thank you,” you added, watching him descend the stairs.
His behavior had you worrying you were being rude, but you couldn’t justify staying in his cabin for another three weeks just because he said he didn’t mind. It felt weird. You tried to shake off the feeling and returned to packing more clothes.
The rest of the day passed pretty quickly. You stayed upstairs for the most part but went down for food and water every so often. You heard Bucky coming in and out of the cabin a few times, but had no idea what he could be doing out there. It was possible he was getting more logs from the wood shed but he wouldn’t have had to go in and out as many times as he did if it was just that. You figured it wasn’t really any of your business, though and carried on with yourself.
You seemed to have a hard time with the thought that maybe he was upset at you. It was odd because that feeling wasn’t a common occurrence in your life. You didn’t normally care what people thought of you, but the idea that you had bothered this guy so much was getting to you.
When you’d made yourself lunch, you made him a sandwich, too. He was doing some kind of work on his tablet while he sat on the couch in the living room. You set the plate down on the coffee table that was in front of him while you held yours in your other hand.
“I don’t know if you’ve eaten or not yet, but,” you started as you pushed the plate toward him. He looked over from his work to the plate and then up to you, almost surprised before a charming smile grew on his face.
“Thanks, sweetheart. That’s thoughtful of you,” he said appreciatively.
You smiled back before you headed to the staircase, feeling slightly better about the tension that you felt was so evident earlier. You were clearly reading into things.
You pulled the pan of chicken from the oven as the timer on the stove began ringing. The smell of Italian herbs filled the air as you set the baked chicken to rest. You’d just finished the mashed potatoes and the broccoli was ready to go, too.
You hadn’t planned on making another dinner tonight, but Bucky came by your room and asked you if you wouldn’t mind and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no. You didn’t want to be rude and it was your last night here. Plus you figured you wouldn’t be cooking like this again for a while, you couldn’t remember the last time you had cooked this much for yourself since you had moved out on your own.
You assumed the timer going off prompted Bucky to head to the kitchen because he appeared shortly after. You served both of you and sat down at the table once you got the glasses of water.
“So, uh, I’ll probably be heading out early tomorrow,” you began as you cut into your chicken breast.
“So you said,” he replied shortly.
“Right. I don’t know if you’ll be up when I leave, so I just want to say thank you, again,” you looked up at him, almost shy, nervous. The energy shifted yet again at your mention of leaving and he seemed a bit peeved.
“You mentioned John would come up here in January, did you want to set a date?” you asked, treading lightly.
He looked at you then, thinking for a moment before he spoke.
“I’ll call you,” he answered stoically.
“Okay. I’ll write my number down before I go,”
There was a tense silence between the two of you as you continued to eat.
You were growing more and more uncomfortable until Bucky cleared his throat, taking a sip of water and swallowing hard, sucking his teeth before he spoke.
“So, you have plans when you get home?” he asked, causing you to look up from your plate to him.
“No,” you shook your head, “not really.”
“Just tryin’ get out of here as fast as you can, huh?”
“Wha- no. It’s not - I’m not,”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I get it, you don’t have to explain. All alone out here with the one time Winter Soldier. Doubt many would’ve stayed as long as you have already,”
“Really, Bucky. It’s not that. You seem like a really great guy. I just, I know you said you like your solitude, and I do, too. And I hate feeling like I’m intruding in your space. I think it’d just be better the sooner I go,” you tried to explain without offending him again.
He nodded softly as he averted his gaze, something akin to sadness swimming in the depths of his blue eyes. The apparent vulnerability had you rethinking what you’d thought about him previously.
“Well, thank you for dinner, doll. It was delicious,” he said as he stood from the table, taking his nearly empty plate to the sink before you heard him head upstairs.
“Great,” you muttered to yourself under your breath, feeling absolutely awful.
You finished up in the kitchen after Bucky left and made sure to clean up the mess from dinner. You found a scrap piece of paper and wrote down your name and number before putting it up on the fridge with a magnet. You went upstairs and did one last go over your room, making sure you had everything ready to go in the morning. You grabbed your towel and a pair of pajamas and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower before you went to bed.
As you stood under the warm water, washing the suds of soap off your body, you thought you heard a creaking from the other side of the bathroom door. You peeked your head past the shower curtain and saw who you could only assume was Bucky’s shadow passing under the door frame. You quirked a brow, wondering where he was going but didn’t give it much more thought as you returned to finishing up under the water.
As you were drying off with your towel, you cursed under your breath as you realized you’d forgotten to grab a bra and a clean pair of panties. You bit your lip as you considered just running across the hall with your towel wrapped tight and pjs in your arms or just putting your pjs on and forgoing the undergarments completely. That wasn’t a problem for you normally, in fact it was a slightly common occurrence, but regrettably, the sleep shirt you’d grabbed was near see through and if you ran any risk of bumping into Bucky when you ran to the room, you’d rather it be in your towel than with your chest on display.
You finished drying off as best you could before rewrapping the towel around your body. You held your pjs under your arm and opened the door to scurry to the room, only to bump directly into a waiting Bucky.
His hands came out to steady you and you felt your skin warm beneath his touch.
“Oh my god,” you floundered as you gripped your towel tighter.
“I’m sorry, doll. I was just about to knock and ask if you needed anything taken to your car before I went to bed,” he explained, hands still holding you.
“I think I got it,” you chirped, just wanting to move past him already. You moved to sidestep him and only then did he drop his hands. You tried to ignore the way he had been looking at you from the moment you bumped into him. Heavy and dark. As you scampered past him into your room you could still feel his gaze on your curvy, rounded figure.
“Good night,” you called as you entered the room and turned to shut and lock the door behind you.
“Night, doll,” he said quietly as he watched you still.
You only woke up once during the night, but the reason why was more disturbing than it had been the night previous.
You had left your door just barely ajar and put one of your duffle bags right behind it before you went to bed. You didn’t think Bucky would come into your room while you were sleeping or anything, but the night’s earlier encounter just had you feeling a little more vulnerable than you’d already felt.
Still, with the door partially open you could hear all the weary creaks of the cabin and the bumps that sounded from out in the hall. And with Bucky’s own door open, the noises from his room easily made their way into yours.
You thought you were imagining things at first, but the more awake you became, the more clearly you heard the sound of barely restrained grunts, and the wet squelching noises that only seemed to get rhythmically louder in sync with them, coming from across the hall.
Your heart was racing as you realized what it was you were hearing.. As you realized what it was that Bucky was doing.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to roll over without causing the bed to squeak under your weight.
You tried to tell yourself it was only human. Everybody does it. Who were you to judge what someone else does in the supposed privacy of their own bedroom in the middle of the night. Still, the thought of his eyes on you, his heavy gaze trailing up and down your body the way it did - the way it had even when he first saw you…there was something a little too intense there. It wasn’t right to assume things about people, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that your image might be somewhere in his thoughts as he got himself off.
You pulled a pillow over your head as you laid on your side and, gratefully, fell asleep sooner than you thought you’d be able to as you tried to ignore the strangled moan that sounded from across the hall and the odd sensation it sent through you before the near silence of the cabin returned.
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
Watch the Bed Burn
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JakexMC One Shot Smutty Fun
Words: 4.1k
Hi! It’s me again! The one trick smut pony. More smut. More outtakes you can read with no knowledge of my story. However, I have rewritten much of this. This was originally the “big” moment between them. But Manon had other ideas when I began writing the story in order. So I have this to share!
There is a little bit of scene-setting at the beginning, then we get to the fun stuff. I had to write more to make it work as a One Shot. I’m so glad I can use it somewhere! I hope you enjoy. This will be the last for a while, I have to finish the main story before I’m 40! ❤️
Her heart usually kept a steady rhythm. Danger, violence, and death, she could face all three without a second thought. But standing in that motel bathroom, steam-covered mirror blurring her overbright eyes until she swiped a hand over it, she felt her heart rattling against her ribs as it raced ahead of her tangled thoughts. Jake was on the other side of the paper-thin wall, in her bed, and she was very aware of how little she wore. Nought but a silk robe that skimmed her thighs cloaked her, and she realized she was nervous. Nervous to unlock the bathroom door and walk out to face him again.
It had taken a lot of convincing to bring him back here, and now that he was, she didn’t want to pretend she was his friend when she wanted so much more than that. She’d looked at him in the harsh light of her phone’s torch the night before and knew he would either be the best thing she’d ever tasted or a pretty poison, killing her slowly. She was enough of a masochist to know the pain would feel like heaven. There was something between them; the late-night chats they’d shared over the last few weeks had proven that, but in reality? She felt as if she were handling a livewire every time he came near, her body instinctively turning to his no matter where he was, and those eyes... those fucking eyes. All she wanted was to see them locked on her, changing from blue to black as lust took over.
The need ran under her skin like a current, filling her with restless energy she hadn’t experienced outside of a good fight, and it was thrilling. She knew he felt something too, saw it in his fisted hands whenever she invaded his personal space, the deep inhale he took as she brushed past him on the way to the shower. How his eyes seemed tuned to her already and tracked her every move until she was out of sight. Now they had to share a bed until the house was ready. They’d met only a day before, but time wasn’t on their side. She was determined to find out if their chemistry would fizzle out after or ignite a wildfire the likes of which Duskwood had never witnessed. No time like the present, Manon thought, drew a deep cleansing breath, steeled her spine, and strode for the door.
She almost jumped when she opened the door and found Jake standing there, hand raised to knock, and neither of them spoke as they took in the other. His eyes traveled over her diminutive form, from her braided hair to her bare feet. She realized too late that her damp skin had rendered the white robe covering her chest almost see-through as he cleared his throat and stared over the top of her head. Choking down a laugh, she broke the silence as he seemed determined to pretend he hadn’t seen anything.
“Is everything okay?” She asked innocently, forcing him to meet her gaze and smiling softly when he did.
He nodded, swallowing thickly before he said, “Yeah... I was going to check on you. You were in there a while.” He shrugged, lifting a hand to scratch at his neat beard.
“I see... Do you want to shower? There are more towels in there.” She said lightly to ease his nerves.
Jake only nodded, and she padded out of the doorway, laying a hand on his arm to ease past him as he still hadn’t moved. It felt like a static shock as their skin connected, and even he was wide-eyed as he blinked at her. She had nothing to say for once and was glad when he recovered and disappeared into the bathroom. Her breath whooshed from her as she went to the bed and plopped down. A recklessness she knew too well was settling within her. Her impulsive side wanted to snatch, tear and grab. Take what she wanted, and damn the consequences. The practical side wanted to wait and protect herself from possible hurt when the inevitable end came. She wasn’t made to be careful, though, and it was simple to ignore that whispering voice telling her to hold back.
She glanced around the room and noted his things neatly piled on the floor beside her chaotic mess of bags and clothes spilling from them. The shower turned off after five very long minutes, and she heard him curse, the sound shocking in the heavy silence of the room. Her heart was in her throat, blood roaring in her ears as the door unlocked, and he walked out wearing nothing but a towel slung low over his trim waist. Water droplets traversed the peaks and valleys of his broad, muscled chest, and her eyes were glued to it like it was the best show she’d ever seen. Gods help her. She was fucked. Hopefully in the way she liked, she would find out soon enough as he caught her staring and arched a thick brow.
“Did you forget to take a change of clothes in?” She teased despite the flush creeping up her neck and face.
He gave her a no-nonsense look that made her want to laugh.
“I can turn around. I won’t look... unless you want me to,” She smirked, noticing a small dark smudge on his forehead that he’d missed while he’d washed.
She was on her feet, moving toward him before her brain caught up, and she couldn’t remember deciding to move. He went still at her approach and didn’t flinch as she reached up to wipe the mark away, he hardly seemed to breathe, and it made her brave. Pushing up on her toes, she whispered, “There. You missed a spot.” Neither of them moved, staring at each other as time spun out like a reel of thread, and the heat pouring off him was enough to scald her as he leaned closer, eyes locked on her mouth. She wanted to kiss him and see how he’d react, but she’d bossed him around enough and refused to force him into something he didn’t want.
Everything in her screamed to touch him, but she slowly lowered her hand and made to turn away, knowing if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to resist testing his restraint. Regret hovered at the edges of her mind before she’d made a complete turn. She was already disparaging herself for daring to think this awkward, reclusive man would match the fantasy she had of him. Her heart stalled and picked up a marching beat as a large firm hand wrapped around her upper arm and pulled her to a stop, twisting her back to face him.
“And if I wanted you to look?” He rasped, his voice sounding rusty from lack of use or lust. She didn’t know for sure but felt it slip over her skin like dark magic, goosebumps scattering over her body in the wake of it.
Shaking off her surprise at his directness, she said, “I can’t promise I won’t do more than look...” She murmured, feeling drunk as his eyes darkened and a spark caught in their midnight depths, matching the one in her gaze.
The hand on her arm flexed, tugging her against him, and she wanted to melt into him.
“I don’t see the problem.” He said, and she could have punched the air but refrained. He needn’t know she was insane just yet.
Every sound was magnified as they waited for the other out. The quiet rumble of the next room’s TV and the slow drip from the bathroom tap crashed like cymbals through her ears. Every nerve was alight and primed for him, nipples hardening to stiff peaks as desire kindled low in her abdomen. She could’ve spent forever in that moment with him. She gave a slow blink, a challenge in her eyes as she stared up at him. Fortunately for her, his flaw of sensing emotions did not translate to the language of bodies, teeth, and tongues.
He crushed her against him, capturing her lips in his before she could brace herself. A tide of feeling and lust swamped her until she was drowning, but she’d never felt more alive as he breached her mouth and his tongue swept inside. A deep shuddering groan rippled through him as they tasted the other and liked what they found. It was a messy, clumsy thing that soon turned into a possession of her mouth so sweet and stirring she moaned as she threw her arms around his neck and rose up to get in closer, nipping at his bottom lip to make him tighten his grip on her and sighing into his mouth when he did.
Kissing was just the prelude to what she really wanted. Usually, she’d hurry it along, but this wasn’t just a necessary preliminary. No, this was something new, something she feared she’d become addicted to, like those besotted with alcohol or some other vice. Her fingers curled into his damp hair and pulled, smiling into the kiss when he grabbed handfuls of her ass, and she wriggled against the hard length of him trapped between their bodies. She was growing slick with every brush of his tongue and bruising press of his lips, wanting more, needing everything he could give her. The flick of his tongue in her mouth and the scratch of his beard on her blushing face was beyond everything she had dreamed up in her wandering mind all those times they’d danced around their growing attraction. He was backing them up to the bed, and she had no hesitations as she let him lower her onto the mattress and silently urged her to shimmy up so he could crawl over her.
They were panting, eyes hazed with smoke as desire took over. She nodded as he reached for the tie on her robe and clumsily undid the knot, letting it fall open and revealing all of her for his perusal. She searched for the usual insecurities whenever she found herself in this position and found none she wanted him to see. If the scars littering her body bothered him, he didn’t show it, and it only made her want him more. Her hands itched to touch him, and she gave in as he lowered his head to steal her breath before mouthing his way down her jaw and neck. Mapping the skin of his shoulders as he took tiny mouthfuls of her skin, sharp teeth making her jolt. She couldn’t believe her luck.
Hooking a leg around his hip, she arched and flattened her hands on his shoulders, pushing and surging up to roll them so she was on top. He’d lost the towel at some point. He gripped her hips as she moved in a slow slide of her slick folds against the rigid cock beneath her, chasing friction as his smothered desperate noises made the wetness between her legs turn to a flood. Somehow she found the strength to break free of his mouth and settled back on her haunches. Manon eyed him, her palms flat on his bare chest as she straddled him, his pretty eyes watched the sway of her breasts intently, and she wondered how long it had been since he’d had someone in his bed. Curiosity won out, and she had to ask, bending to tug at his earlobe with her teeth, drawing a hiss from him.
“How long has it been since you’ve had a woman touch you like this?”
She trailed her hand down the side of his face, his neck, wrapping it loosely around his throat as she nipped at his lips, her tongue darting inside to play with his when he allowed her inside, getting lost in the feel of him before pulling back to hear his answer. She gently scraped her nails down his chest, enjoying the play of muscles jumping under taught skin.
“A while.” His voice was husky and threaded with a familiar yearning, making her smile, satisfied.
“Good. I don’t like to share, Jake.”
He smirked, eyes hooded and focused solely on her, watching her revel in being in control, but it wasn’t to last. He flipped them, so quickly she squealed in surprise, purring when he settled on top of her, his hips cradled in hers, giving her the promise of friction. Her skin felt too tight, like she would burst if he didn’t touch her, anticipation making her tremble. He braced his arms at either side of her head, nuzzling his nose along her jaw to turn her head to the side and biting down on the fragile skin over her hammering pulse, her hips bucking in reaction and sending a lick of nerves down her torso. He chuckled darkly against the skin of her neck, soothing the hurt with a sweep of his tongue, and she moaned too loudly, idly wondering if the entire motel would know his name by tomorrow. When he looked into her eyes, she wanted to die, the hunger in them so consuming she feared she’d be nothing but ashes in the wind by the end of the night.
“Tell me, Manon, how long has it been since a man has heard you scream his name?”
Her dirty mind skipped into the near future to hands, teeth, and fingerprint bruises on her skin, a whine of impatience leaving her at the compelling visual. Jake noted it immediately and smiled so wickedly she whimpered, the need to taste it rode her hard. She tried to lean up to do just that, but he pulled back, watching her face as he took her wrists in hand, the delicate bones bending and twisting as he raised her hands above her head and pinned them. Her breathing was harsh now, her chest heaving as the fire in her core cascaded through her body, sweat already beading on her skin. He watched her every reaction, memorizing them, and she struggled against his hold to make him hold her down with strength.
“It’s never happened, Jake. If you try your best, you might be the first... if you can make me forget my own.” She answered him finally, challenged him, sounding braver than she felt. His answering smile was a promise.
“How should I start?”
She rocked her hips against him, a whine slipping from her when he refused to give her what she wanted to stop the fiery ache between her thighs, satisfied to feel he was hard as steel, and they both groaned. Still, he didn’t move to touch her, just watched her as she rubbed herself in a slow slide along the length of him, the tease maddening and not enough to ease her.
“Just touch me, Jake, please, just - there, oh god.”
She tossed her head back as his free hand slid between them, and he felt just how much she wanted him, cursing blackly under his breath at the mess he found her in.
“Fuck Manon,” he growled, the sound adding to the mess his fingers had dipped into, “is this all for me?”
She could only nod in reply as two long fingers slid inside her, easing the ache a little so she could think past it, her hips rocking as he crooked his fingers and her mouth opened on a warbling moan. More, more, more, the word echoed in her mind as his thumb grazed her clit, once, twice. Only giving her enough to make her growl in frustration as her inner walls fluttered around his fingers, his words and lust-blackened eyes sufficient to have her clinging to the edges of sanity as she lost herself completely. Her hands twisted in his grip, struggling to grab hold of anything to keep her tethered to the bed. Jerking her hips to take the invasion, sobbing as a warning pulse flared under his touch. He just watched her react. Another finger added, stretching her, the tinge of pain sending her wild. She was so close, hips riding his hand, and the crazed sounds coming from her only made him work harder. 
He drew out her torment for an age, it seemed to her, and she was near to begging when finally, his thumb circled her clit, the fingers in her cunt pushing farther in. His whispered words were the trigger, “Come for me,” and she shattered, incapable of speech as she thrashed under him. His hand never ceased as he wrung her pleasure out of her, her mouth still open in a silent scream, eyes heavy-lidded as she watched him sit up, withdrawing his hand from her and letting go of her wrists. Her hands tingled as she tried to reel herself back in, but he wasn’t finished.
“I didn’t hear my name, Manon. We’ll have to try something else.”
Manon could only blink, desperate for more but terrified too. If he could make her feel like this with just his fingers, how could she ever face letting him go? She pushed it aside and refused to acknowledge it or ruin their time together with tomorrows problems. Instead, she grinned at him, her freed hands fisting the sheets, brow quirking as she loosed a shaky breath.
“I guess so. You better get to work then.”
“I want to taste this,” his hand cupped her sex, and she whimpered, the thought of his mouth on her cunt so hot she felt she’d combust.
Fucking hell, he was going to kill her, and she’d thank him for it. He looked through her as though waiting for her to back out and end this now. She would do everything but.
“Quit playing, Jake. Fuck me.” She demanded, unwilling to wait anymore, and his black chuckle told her she was in for it.
“On your back,” He ordered. Manon shivered at the dominance in his tone, her body going loose as she did as told, pressing her thighs together in a vain attempt to dull the burning emptiness in her core. He arched a brow, “Spread them wide for me... Good girl.” he said as she followed his instruction, and she preened. Something inside her perked up at the unexpected praise and wanted more of it as he eyed her glistening cunt and licked his lips. Her breath came in short gasps as he knelt between her parted thighs, unyielding fingers pinning them to the bed. Heat shimmered through her as his mouth... God, that mouth settled over her clit, and he sucked it into his mouth. She was so sensitive after her orgasm that he barely had to work on her. Alternating between soft taps of his tongue and long, languid licks that had her crying out.
Frustration nipped at the frayed strands holding her together at the sight of his dark head between her legs. He was entirely in control while she was vocal and utterly at his mercy. As his tongue pushed inside her, she clutched at his hair, unsure if she wanted to drag him nearer in or shove him away as her inner walls clenched and sweat trickled down her face. He sensed she couldn’t take much more and rose up on his knees, swiping his hand over his mouth soaked with her essence. A thrumming under her skin made her quiver as he wrapped his hand around his rigid cock and stroked himself, the weight of his gaze on her breathless face almost too much to bear. She reached out to touch him, wanting to replace his hand and put him in the state she was in, but he batted it away, his eyes all smokey darkness that pulled her down as he stared into her. Her essence flowed down her thighs as he let go of his cock and grabbed hold of her legs, arranging them as far apart as he could get them; her feet curled into the mattress so her hips were tilted slightly, her hands fisting the sheets to stop herself from snatching hold of him.
Once happy, he checked in with her, making her heart soar, “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” She managed, and he muttered, “Thank fuck.” making her laugh, but soon it wasn’t funny anymore.
He was between her legs and gripping her hips before she could blink, the fat head of his cock teasing her entrance before he dragged her twitching body onto his cock, gliding into her depths effortlessly until he was buried so deep inside her she whined in distress. Her legs lifted and closed around his flanks, his stomach flat against hers in a deliberate grind that made them fit perfectly. He bit and licked at her lips in an attempt to calm her and gain entry. She opened as he made slight movements to let her acclimate to him. Each slight drag of his cock against her oversensitive flesh was devastating to her then. She was very close to combusting as she clawed at his back and babbled incoherently, digging her nails into his lovely ass to urge him deeper.
Gritting her teeth as he denied her, she moved her legs back until her heels dug into the small of his back and changed the pressure, centering him within her to hit that spot high up inside her that she knew would send her into ecstasy. Jake took the hint; her left leg was drawn up and straightened against his shoulder, and his gentle thrusts were replaced by brutal, punishing snaps of his hips. The muscles under her hands bunched and relaxed as he filled her, twisting her into a position that ripped the air from her lungs as pleasure seized her like a trap and raced through her bloodstream, feeling it in her fists, feet, and eyelids as she slammed them shut.
There was pain now, a sting of tender flesh as he drove into her. Still, it was the type of pain that had her keening and scrabbling for purchase as she clung to his back, deliberately tensing around his thick length to pull a ragged moan from him. Then it started, the low drawl of stirring, carnal words that she had never imagined could come from him as he pleaded with her to fall first as he wouldn’t last much longer. Every plunge of his hips caught her clit. They were so closely tangled. Circular movements flush against her split folds made her open her eyes with a choking wail, his mouth cutting off the noise she was making.
It started with a prickling of her skin creeping up her body, over her breasts and face, inner walls tightening around his cock, and she came hard. Her muscles were tied in knots as he freed her mouth, and she gave a savage cry of his name, a curse, and a prayer that made his eyes turn black as coal. He fucked her through it; the solid girth of him and the torturous waves of her orgasm gripped them both, stealing her wits and ability to form coherent sentences. She was relieved when he gave a guttural cry and stopped holding it back, slamming into her one last time and holding her down as she thrashed until he was spent. The pulse of her release and the blood hissing through her veins in a dizzying rush deafened her to his jagged whisper of her name.
Utter delirium held her captive, the tiny spasms as aftershocks jumped under her skin making her feel crazed and like she was dreaming as he fell over her at long last and silenced her soft whine with a kiss so lush and insistent she happily gave him the last of her breath. She was only dimly aware of him gathering the strength to slide free of her and arrange them in a more comfortable position, too lost in how quiet her mind was to worry about any awkwardness. They were sweaty and sticky, both in need of another shower. Still, her legs were boneless, and her body was too heavy to pull herself away from his comforting warmth as he dragged her across his chest and wrapped an arm around her.
She was in that half-aware state between sleep and waking when he finally spoke, “I win.”
It took a moment, her brain sluggish and slow on the draw, but she laughed low and rough, throat raw as she replied, “I think we both won.”
“Call it a draw? We can settle it tomorrow if you like.” He murmured, and she heard the delicate but reluctant hope in his voice as she closed her eyes and hummed.
“Tomorrow, Jake.”
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mintyblueberry · 2 years
Half a Man (Chapter Two)
Sam Winchester x Male Reader
Warnings: Tiny bit of spice
Summary: (Y/n) recounts to Sam about his experience of the ghost haunting a church
A/n: I’m definitely going to add in some season one scary stuff to this. There’s more spice coming. And more of (y/n) being an amazing hunter
Word Count: 1k
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“Hey.” Sam spoke above the drunken hustle and bustle of the crowded bar. It became evident as he neared the taller man that he had been drinking by his pupils and how excessively he was sweating. Whenever he was drunk, he had the remarkable ability of not slurring his words. (Y/n) smiled at Sam before motioning to the bar tender for another drink. It was in this moment that he glanced over Sam’s shoulder and saw Dean in deep conversation with a dark haired man and a younger looking man staring at them both. He nodded his head in their general direction and asked,
“Who’re they?” The bartender slid a bottle of beer across the bar.
“The dark haired one is Castiel. He’s an angel and the other one is Jack. It’s a long story.” (Y/n) shrugged his shoulders clearly not that bothered by Sam’s lack of explanation.
“So long as they’re good at hunting and won’t end up hunting me I don’t care. Although with this job even if they wanted to kill me, I’d still take their help. It’s a mess.” (Y/n) stared briefly into the distance as he thought back to the past few days.
Like Sam and Dean, he regularly read the news to find jobs. This job was in the Wichita local paper but it was plainly obvious that something wasn’t right. At first he thought it was demons. Disappearances. Murders. Or so it would seem. There had been a witness to one of the murders. They had described a cloaked figure appear out of the shadows and broke the man’s neck in an outright gruesome way. Once (y/n) had arrived, the witness had already checked himself into the local hospital after suffering a mental breakdown. The next lead was the building that the attack happened near. A church. An old looking church but after conducting research it was only 40 years old. Nevertheless, once he went there to have a look around, something almost instantly felt off about the place.
Luckily for him, the local priest was inside cleaning away the items he had been using the mass.
“Hello Father, do you have a minute? I’m a news reporting. I just wanted to ask a few questions about the murder that happened here last week.” The priest visibly whitened and refused to answer any questions about what had happened.
“Is there anything you can tell me about the church.” He was more willing to answer these questions.
“It has a dark history. The original building dated back to 1645 but it was burnt down by a group of women supposedly around 1706. It was rebuilt the same year and has been refurbished every so often before it was demolished and rebuilt about 49 years ago.”
“Why did they burn it down?” The priest sighed and sat down on the nearby pew.
“The community at the time when the church was built persecuted women. Poor souls. They weren’t always burnt either. There’s an old well nearby and most of the time they were thrown down there. Left to die. A record that was found in the vault below this building talked about how they howled in anguish for days before the well went silent again.” He looked away as he finished speaking.
“These murders. This isn’t the first time it’s happened is it?” Without looking back, the priest responded in a low, almost fearful voice,
“No. There are other records, records from the rebuilds that speak of hooded figures appearing out of the darkness and taking men. They’re rarely ever found. The man who died last week was found down the old well. Someone had ripped the wooden cover off and dropped him down there.” It was around this point that the priest ushered him out and refused to speak to him anymore.
As with any good hunter, (y/n) went back to the motel and waited for nightfall before returning to the graveyard. It was eerily silent. Every twig snapping under his boots echoed in the vast darkness. His nervous heartbeat filled his ears, his breaths became shallow. He had been a hunter for five years, fought all manner of creatures, and yet, ghosts still filled his body with fear.
A branch snapped ahead, dragging (y/n) out of his thoughts and his feet stopped on their own accord. It wasn’t long before he spotted a pair of flashlights and the two teenage boys holding them. They turned to him startled and bathed him in light. He quickly pulled a hand up to shield his eyes.
“Who are you?” They exclaimed.
“Can you lower the flashlight?” They both lowered their flashlights and that’s when he saw it.
Blood curdled screams filled the night.
“What was it?” Sam asked.
“I’ve seen some shit these past few years Sam. Ghouls, demons, stuff I can’t even remember the name of, but that ghost was fucking scary. I’m a grown ass man and I was scared. It was a woman I think. At least from how they were dressed I could tell it was a woman. Hooded cloak but it was the face. Talk about looking fucked up. No eyes, just blackness. I was stood maybe eight or nine foot away and I felt like I was being sucked in by them. Half the face was gone too. Think zombie but worse. Everything went cold too which is why I think it’s more than one. I mean the priest said multiple women were killed during the witch trials.” He grimaced as he finished filling Sam in. The Winchester had grown up fighting monsters so very little fazed him but seeing another hunter pull a face when talking about a hunt made him feel uneasy.
“You know Dean, he’ll want to research and then go again tomorrow night.” (Y/n) nodded in agreement.
“Do you guys have a room at the motel?” (Y/n) asked whilst taking a sizeable gulp from his beer. The way his Adam’s apple moved as he drank was sinful.
“One room, two doubles.” (Y/n) rolled his eyes before responding,
“God Dean’s being tight. I’ve a room, stay with me for the night.” He watched Sam carefully before giving in and smirking as he took another drink. Sam shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. He looked over his shoulder and saw the Dean and Castiel were still talking.
(Y/n) smirk became a full grin. Sam was still looking at his brother and didn’t see the lustful smile on his friends face.
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globalhotelfinder · 1 year
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jamiesugah · 1 month
I just finished a five-part, six-hour YouTube deep dive on a 45-year old murder case and it is fucking INSANE and needs to be a miniseries. Way more interesting than another OJ Simpson doc. Who cares.
Anyway. Story. Someone I went to high school with is in jail for murder. He was up for parole a few years ago and got denied. Anyway, when Netflix came out with the new Unsolved Mysteries show, it made me think of him, and I mentioned it on our monthly family video chat. Which prompted my dad to go, "oh that reminds me of when this girl that my sister used to babysit was murdered".
And I just kind of blinked at him. Like. Say more right now. Why am I almost 40 and didn't know this. And he didn't tell me much, but there was a TV movie made about the case so I looked it up. Learned the basics of the case, and it always stayed in the back of my mind, because there didn't seem to be much on it anywhere.
Putting this under a read more just in case people get triggered by it. Also it's long.
So when I looked up the Wikipedia, there was a bit on it, but the basics are that she was a teacher in a town in PA near Philly (she is from my dad's hometown, though, which is super tiny and rural), and she was found in the trunk of her car in a motel parking lot near Harrisburg (which is a couple hours away from Philly). Her children also disappeared and THEY WERE NEVER FOUND. IT'S BEEN 45 YEARS.
It was the kids that kept this in the back of my mind. No one ever found out what happened to the kids. Their dad is dead, both suspects in the woman's murder are dead, and they spent their entire lives claiming that they were innocent and the other man had done it. We will never know what happened to these kids. They were 10 and 11.
Anyway, I fell into a bit of a YouTube spiral this past weekend where I started with watching videos on the Watcher situation, then Jojo Siwa, then J Lo, and then somehow ended up on true crime, specifically The Boy in the Box and then the Yuba County 5. And I was like, "I've never been able to find an official documentary, but surely someone on YouTube talked about this case about the woman and her kids." And lo and behold, I found one.
It is six hours long, which surprised me, but I kept watching because this shit is BONKERS, and the fact that there was only one TV miniseries (even if it starred Stockard Channing and Treat Williams) and, like, 20/20 never even covered this is a huge missed opportunity. This shit is BANANAS and Hulu or something needs to jump on this.
So the two main suspects, who were both convicted (though one was later overturned as the cops withheld evidence during his trial), were the former principal of the school - who was also convicted of robbery and his sentencing was like the day after the murder - and her secret boyfriend and fellow teacher.
By the way, the principal has a Wiki page, the woman - Susan Reinert - does not.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher was like a narcissist and compulsive liar. He was dating something like 5 women at the same time (including two former students) while being legally married, and he used to tell people that he had helped the government hunt down rebels in Cuba, which of course was not true. He basically had a little cult of followers around him, and he would ask them to do stuff like HIDE WEAPONS and WIPE FINGERPRINTS OFF $25K IN CASH and no one ever went, "huh that sounds shady" because I guess he was just that charismatic.
The former principal was known to be weird and secretive. He never even let his wife or their children in the basement of their own house (which when they raided because of the robbery they found riddled with bullet holes), and it's more than likely that he murdered his oldest daughter and her husband and then tried to pretend they ran off to California.
Anyway, the boyfriend/teacher spent the months leading up to Susan's murder telling as his "followers" that he knew for sure that the principal was going to kill her and lamenting that he would likely be framed for it because she had made him the beneficiary of her life insurance (which she did, and he would have gotten like $700k which is a lot of money now, let alone in 1979). And none of these people went to the cops or told Susan, even though they all knew each other because they all worked at the same school. So then boyfriend/teacher worked REALLY hard to have an airtight alibi on a specific weekend, which just so happened to be the weekend that she died.
After the murder, all of this dude's followers were like, "wow you were right, principal actually killed her", and then he suddenly started going, "no I think he was framed by the mob" and everyone was like wtf is wrong with you, you have been telling us for months that he was going to kill her. And then his lies started to catch up with him and basically everyone in his influence turned on him and went to the police, except one of his girlfriends, who may or may not have helped him dispose of the kids' bodies, since they were never found.
ANYWAY this case is fucking crazy and should absolutely be immortalized on like HBO or something, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole, this is the first part of the series that I watched. It is super detailed. Like the murder doesn't even happen until part 3. You can also look up The Mainline Murders, there were a couple of books, but one was written by the principal's lawyer.
0 notes
hate-being-alone · 2 years
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A\N: this is my first time writing a story, I hope it's to your liking. If you have any suggestions or tips pls put them in the comments.
I can't say I remember it clearly, it was as hastily and forgetful as a dream. 
  I'm a female (36) and this happened two years ago on December 23. Just like every year, I was on 150 from West Virginia going to visit my parents in Ohio. It was nearing 1 Am when my eyes began to blur from drowsiness and I realises I was running out of gas. So I stop in a town called Xenia and came across Xenia Country Inn. It was a bit of a run-down but I couldn't afford to take a detour. I parked in the lot and headed to the front office which was in the front corner of one of the two buildings to the motel. There was a middle-aged man behind the counter that seemed to be watching a sports event on his cell phone. It was hot in there and there was a slight buzzing sound coming from the flickering light above.
   I asked for a room and the man finally looked up from his cell without greeting me and mumbled 28. I assumed it was the cost of the room so I handed him my credit card. After scanning my card he gave me an old-fashioned key with the number 12 engraved on it. As for getting my card back, I walked across the parking lot to my room. The door was pretty difficult to unlock. I had to shimmy the key a little to get it to turn. I stepped into the room and was instantly greeted by the smell of sweat and cigars. I wondered if I should go back and ask for a different room but by the look of the entire perimeter, every room was probably just as awful. The room was small and had worn out the whiteish carpet, a large dresser as a tv stand, a closet across the mini bathroom, and a bed that surprisingly looked cleaner compared to everything else. I shut the door and tried to lock it but I was having more trouble locking it than I did unlocking it. After about a minute of shimmying it and trying to lock it, I felt as if I have made it reach its limit. When I tried opening the door it wouldn't budge so even though it wasn't properly locked as long as the door wouldn't open that was fine by me. Taking off my shoes and setting (my now existent luggage) down I crawled into bed and heard all the old springs squeaking as my weight pushed into the mattress and bed frame. I tried putting on the tv but of course, the remote didn't work. I then decided to inform my parents that I would be later than intended but there was no cell service. Sighing, I shuffled under the covers and waited for sleep to take over me. Then that's when I heard it, the sound of scratching. I scanned around the room to find out where it was coming from but to no avail, I ignored it and finally dozed off.
Not even an hour later my stomach started to feel uneasy. Upon opening my eyes I notice that my covers were pulled off of me. I sat up to pull it back over me but stopped when I noticed the sound of breathing that wasn't my own. It was heavy and shaky like it was struggling to breathe. Cautiously I bent my body over the side of the bed to peek underneath when I could feel a huge lump in my throat. Even from the dingy room lighting, it was clear what was staring back at me. A woman may be and her late 40s with unruly chestnut brown wearing a dark sun dress. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, her smile was modest. In one hand she held my phone and with the other a large kitchen knife. I immediately became panicked, my palms were sweating and my breathing became erratic. I quickly threw myself against the headboard as she hastily pulled herself from under. She stared, just stared for what felt like hours while her grip on the knife tightened. She slowly brought her right index finger in front of her mouth signaling me to stay silent. The only thing I could process was the pounding of my heart in my ears. I began to shake as she strutted towards me, sitting down beside me she put her hand on my head gently and started petting me while making soft shushing noises like I was a toddler. She gestures for me to lie down, and I complied. I had no idea what her intentions were but I hoped by not agitating her she will not harm me. Before kneeling by the side of the bed she softly pulled the covers back over me. And once again continued to stare. I didn't dare let my exhaustion get the better of me. I stared at the ceiling till it finally hit 6 am. My eyes burned and dry, and my body felt rigid from not moving for hours. The weary woman finally stood and walked to the door somehow effortlessly opening it. Throwing my now dead phone onto the bed she gave me one last glance before closing the door behind her. I shakily let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I grabbed my things and sprinted toward my car, of course not before giving the man the key to the room. I filled up the gas tank with the extra gas I had in my trunk and slept in my back seat.
In another 3 hours, I finally made it to my parent's cabin. I didn't speak about the experience to not ruin the mood. And I still haven't till today. I hoped to pretend as if it never happened I would get over it sooner. But now I realize it was selfish of me to do so when I could be warning others. Now I either use the buddy system or fly when visiting far locations.
0 notes
saiqherrr · 3 years
— earth is so rough   (m. fushiguro)
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.pairing megumi x fem!reader
.content warning/tags fluff, cuddling, kissing, hugging, abuse, daddy issues, lil angst
.synopsis megumi wants to run away with you
.a/n this is dedicated to my very good friend honda. ily. the biggest megumi fan ik. yeah so here. also, the plot is inspired by tyler the creator’s song, “okaga ca”. there might be some typos, i did not proof read at all. i will be editing this from time to time to fix it up so yuh
megumi is 18.
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THEY GOT INTO IT AGAIN. megumi and his intense, persistent father had contended once more. when he called you and asked you to pick him up from his place, you didn’t ask questions, nor did you hesitate. you knew his circumstances well. toji’s father was an over-achiever and he anticipated his son to be the same way. there was continuously something off-base with anything megumi did. megumi couldn’t recall the last time his father ever said the words “i’m proud of you.”
megumi had gotten into your car with a black, fitted t-shirt on, grey sweatpants and old sneakers. you could tell he had just gotten out of the shower, too; his hair was down like his fathers, his damp, black locks of hair stuck to his face in contrast to the gelled up spiky style he usually rocked. he smelled like coco butter, most likely from the lotion he used. his dark eyes met yours once he settled into the car. they were bloodshot and you swore you could see them tremble.
did he make him cry?
usually, when megumi quarreled with his father, he was left irate and disillusioned, however, it rarely ever made him sad. megumi noticed you had observed his eyes for too long and he adverted them quickly.
you gulped, fixing your hold on the wheel as you watched him buckle in his seat belt. sighing sadly, you put the car in drive and made your way to a parking lot near a playground, a spot where you knew you could see the moon from.
you both sat in silence for a while. he sniffed a couple of times and cleared his throat. you wanted to know what happened this time specifically because it seemed to have left megumi so shaken up. you jumped the gun and decided to ask.
“megumi, what happened?”
he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. it seemed to bother him that you asked since you’ve never asked before. “we argued, that’s it.” his voice was so stern it made you flinched.
“then what did your father say that was different this time? you were cry-”
“nothing was different.” megumi raised his voice. he desperately wanted you to stop asking. digging deep was something he wasn’t used to.
“quit lying to me,” you persisted.
megumi kissed his teeth and threw the back of his head against the seat. “for fucks sake, y/n, why are you pressing me so hard about it?” megumi’s voice lamentably split and he let out an unstable breath afterward. he was crying again. he felt his throat closing up, his face becoming a slight shade of red as he was trying to hold his tears back. a conspicuous vein appeared on the side of his neck and his hands clasped together on the back of his neck.
the sight felt so unnatural for you. you had never seen megumi this way and a heavy feeling sat in your heart. “megumi...stop...” he was starting to scare you. your eyebrows jerked, curling upwards in concern as you put your hand on his thigh, squeezing it. “please, let it out.” your voice was soft but oddly encouraging. it was enough to let megumi’s emotions free. the car was filled with megumi’s excruciating cries. ugly, uproarious crying filled each zone of the car. his breathing was sporadic, his face clenched with distress. his cries would falter in certain minutes and after that begin once more with boisterous wails. you rubbed his back in an endeavor to calm him down, hoping he’d be able to express himself properly.
the crying subsided eventually, and his breathing had become stable. his nose was red, his eyes were swollen and the right side of his lip was bleeding from biting on it. “i’m sorry...”
“for what?” you ask, confused.
megumi gulped and looked out the window. “for crying like that...”
your body got chills, hearing him feel guilty for showing emotion. it was probably something that his father had beat into him. “megumi, don’t ever apologize for expressing yourself.” megumi looked like he was gonna cry again, but not because he was upset about what you said, but because he wished his father had given him emotional support like normal, supportive fathers would. he held back this time because he genuinely wanted to keep his composure to talk. “let’s get some air.”
megumi nodded as you both got out of the car. you let the car stop running but left it on and turned up the volume to let the math-rock playlist you had playing be louder so you could hear it just enough on the outside. you both got onto the front of your car and laid back on it.
megumi looked at you with those raven eyes and clenched his jaw. you saw youth in his eyes, innocence. you saw a child that never got to properly grow up. “he told me...he was better off selling me... to the clan.”
your heart dropped and you turned away from him as the words repeated in your head. you knew toji could be vicious and stern, but you didn’t know he could say something so heartless to his son. now everything made sense as to why megumi was so distraught.
“that... was really wrong.” your voice was two-dimensional, but you were at a loss of words. “i don’t know what to say, megumi, i’m sorry.”
megumi chuckled. “it’s fine. it’s fucked, i know. i didn’t know what to say either.” he got quiet all of a sudden, an eerily pleasant smile grew on his face. “i just wished he loved me.”
the words made your lips part in shock. you wanted to respond, but nothing came out of your mouth. megumi didn’t take his eyes off the moon, and that smile still didn’t fade. “megumi, i do genuinely think your father loves you...but he has a very hard time showing it.”
“i don’t know...i don’t care. i just don’t want to be around him anymore,” he utters. he extended his arm and put it around you, and proceeded to pull you closer to his body. his body warmth comforted you. this was all you needed in your life, his content. your nail drew circles on his chest and he rubbed your back simultaneously. he suddenly picked your small body up and placed you on top of his own, pulling you down by the neck so that your lips could arrive at his.
you both shared a few tiny pecks before your tongues started clashing together. he slides his tongue along your mouth. it was a muddled and somewhat abnormal kiss however it didn't make any difference to neither of you. there was love with each touch, every smooch. you both forgot about oxygen, desperately breaking away from one another.
you looked down into his eyes and smiled. “i love you so much, megumi.” your voice was close to a whisper. megumi stared into your eyes for what felt like forever. he finally spoke
“y/n, would you run away with me?”
“run away?” you repeat. your eyebrows knitted together, baffled. “why...?”
“wouldn’t be fun? we’re 18. we’re about to graduate school.” he spoke of it so casually as if there was no flaw to the sudden idea. “i want to get away from here, but i don’t want to abandon you.”
“all this is so sudden, megumi. i’m willing to do a lot for you, but i’m more worried about you making a decision you might regret-” he quickly cut you off.
“i won’t regret it.” megumi’s voice was so serious. as serious as the time he first said he loved you. your pupils grew with excitement. “so are you going to come?”
you nodded eagerly, your face flushed with giddy warmth. you two broke the embrace and didn’t hesitate to get into the car again. you turned down the music and put the key into the ignition, the engine revving up.
you guys didn’t have a set destination, but if you went straight ahead, you knew the place wouldn’t matter as long as you were far, far away from home. after an hour of driving, you were getting tired and decided to find out the nearest motel. you were lucky enough to have some cash on you. once you located the motel, you drove there quickly, eager to be in a bed. megumi had his seat cranked back, laying on it peacefully.
you nudged him a little bit it to wake him up. “gumi..”
megumi jolted out of his sleep, flinching hard and his eyes shooting open. you giggled uncontrollably. the way megumi always woke up from his sleep like he was panicked was comical to you.
“we’re at a motel. we’ll rest here for tonight.”
he nodded as he continued to awake himself from his nap. his phone buzzed and it slightly startled him. you watched him as his phone illuminated his pale face. you watched his jaw clench. “what’s wrong?”
“it’s my dad.”
you leaned over to see what he saw. there were a couple of messages, a few minutes apart, the last one was sent just a second ago.
i shouldn’t have said that to you. 9:14 pm
i’m sorry. 9:20 pm
come back as soon as possible 9:21 pm
are you with y/n?? she’s welcome to stay over once you come back. 9:40 pm
i know you’re mad, i’m sorry i really am megumi. 9:43 pm
i know i’m not the best father. i just don’t want to see you fail. i don’t want you to make the same mistakes i did. it’s not excuse, but i never meant to hurt you. 9:45pm
come back home as soon as you can. i love you son 10:21 pm
you blinked a couple of times and sighed heavily. “do you want to go ba-”
“no.” megumi responded, but it sounded like he was pleading. it sounded forced, as if he wanted to prove something.
you got into the parking lot of the hotel and the two of you got out and hurriedly checked in. those messages toji sent to megumi appeared in your mind. you knew he loved megumi, but you wished megumi could see it and accept it. their relationship as son and father needed some work, but it wasn’t bad enough to completely disappear.
megumi’s phone buzzed again as they walked down the corridor to find their room.
wherever you are, i hope you are safe. 10:35 pm
megumi cursed under his breath and put his phone on do not disturb. you couldn’t read the message, but you knew it was from toji from megumi’s reaction.
you took the key to your room and opened it and megumi didn’t even have to think about getting into bed. before he did, he stripped himself of his t-shirt and pants, leaving himself in only his boxers and his white tank top. you slid your jeans off your legs and crossed your arms over yourself to take off the tight shirt. you took megumi’s black shirt instead and put it over your body. it was way bigger compared to your figure, you giggled internally.
you slid into bed, throwing the cover over you as megumi did the same.
you both faced each other and smiled. “i love you.” you both, surprisingly, said it in unison and shared a quick kiss before megumi spooned you and held you close to his body.
in the middle of the night, you felt megumi’s embrace melt away as he turned over. you still were fast asleep, but he wasn’t. he was up, repeatedly reading over the messages toji had sent him, crying silently. warm tears rolled from the corner of his eyes and over the bridge of his nose before they got to the other side of his face.
at around four in the morning, megumi had ordered himself a taxi and discreetly put his pants on and went outside once his ride arrived. he knew he had to go back home. he knew he couldn’t put you through that situation. he knew he wanted to fix things with his father. he sent a text to you for you to see when you’d wake up.
sorry for being spontaneous. i’m going home. come home, too. 4:38 am
megumi thanked the taxi driver for driving such a long distance before he got out and walked up his porch steps. he ranged the doorbell and he hoped his father would hear it so he wouldn’t be outside for too long.
what megumi didn’t know, was that toji was waiting for him, on the couch, sleeping super lightly. once he heard that doorbell rang, he sprang up to his feet and charged to the door, unlocking both locks and swinging it open. his heart pounded once he saw his son and pulled him in for a hug without saying a word.megumi’s arms wrapped around his father’s built figure and he silently cried, as did toji, as they shared a sentimental embrace.
by the time you woke up, it was nine in the morning. you yawned and stretched, cracking a few bones. you sat up quickly once you realized megumi was not in bed with you. you checked your phone immediately and saw his message. you sighed with relief because one, he was safe, and two, he went back to his father.
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truetravelplanner · 9 months
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Explore cheap motel options in Albuquerque under $40 per night. Budget-friendly accommodation choices for your stay in New Mexico's vibrant city,
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americanegg · 3 years
egg’s digestible guide for attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
(cheap to mad expensive) post then later a (free quest cars) post
Car Model >  €$ (Fixer). All details about each are my own experience. Location of vehicle by district and waypoint.
(Reminder that if you’re short on eddies you can do Gigs, Sidequests, and “Assault in Progress” mini quests to get rich and level up.)
1. Thorton Galena G240 > €$ 13,000 (Regina)
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Rusty hunk of junk but functional, especially after your car gets bodied in the beginning of Act 2. Located in the garage of your apartment building.
2. Makigai MaiMai P126 >  €$ 14,000 (Wakako)
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Small. Super fucking small but decent and could turn into a red bullet on the highway at the cost of absolutely no control on your turns. Located in the southern part of Charter Hill, Westbrook sitting neatly in a small parking lot.
3. Mahir Supron FS3 >  €$ 16,000 (Reyes)
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Sort of van type situation but compact. Cheap and definitely made of plastic. Like it says that in the lore. Located East from Hargreaves St waypoint in Arroyo.
4. Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson >  €$ 17,000 (Padre)
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It’s a smooth ride, I’ll give Padre that. Long in length and takes years to turn with but it’s not made for street racing so it’s still decent for traffic and looking like a corpo. Located directly South of the Pumping Station waypoint in Wellsprings.
5. Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight >  €$ 19,000 (Dino)
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Another van-type situation with plenty of seating. Could drive your kids to soccer with this one and get there in one piece. Average vehicle overall but can go 210mph if needed. Located SouthWest of the Downtown Central waypoint and sitting in a parking lot.
6. Thorton Galena “Gecko” >  €$ 21,000 (Dakota)
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Found in the Badlands this is a great choice for rocky roads at 100mph. Go crazy and go stupid outside the city with this bad boy. Shred rubber and whatnot. Be wary of turns and speed in rocky areas as you can make as much airtime as a dirtbike on a ramp! Located SouthWest of the Old Turbines waypoint in the Eastern Badlands.
This is where Street Cred Level will come into play along with your pocket full of eddies:
(cred = streetcred level)
7. Kaiba Kusanagi CT-3X >  €$ 22,000 > 12 cred (Wakako)
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Right after Jackie’s Arch, this is my favorite ride in the game. She’s sleek, perfect for bypassing traffic, and very well-designed. Located in an abandoned parking lot in Japantown, Westbrook directly NorthEast of the Skyline and Salinas waypoint.
8. Archer Quartz EC-L R275 > €$ 29,000 > 12 cred (Regina)
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Another great set of wheels for burning rubber and kicking up sand in the Badlands, if you have the eddies for it. Located South of the Offshore St waypoint in Northside and immediately next to a Neutralize the Perps mini quest.
9. Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar >  €$ 32,000 > 12 cred (Dino)
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First of the heavy duty SUV you acquire at 30k eddies. Didn’t drive this one very much since I’m a small and sleek kinda dude but if you need to ram a taxi or show off to your video game girlfriend your chunky ride, here is the car for you. Located in Corpo Plaza SouthWest of Arasaka Tower waypoint or NorthWest of Reconciliation Park waypoint.
10. Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor >  €$ 37,000 > 12 cred (Padre)
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If you want to look like an asshole you can check this one out. Pretty much a bougie limosine type situation. Long car so long turns my guy. Located in Wellsprings, Heywood sitting in a parking lot West of Berkeley & Bay waypoint. 11. Thorton Colby C240T (aka Thorton Colby C125) >  €$ 39,000 > 20 cred (Regina)
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Vehicles to pick up your gf/bf and go to a drive-in theater with? This one. Smooth ride with plenty of seating to do you know what at said drive-in theater definitely not watching Bushido 3. Located Northside, Westbrook South of the Docks waypoint in a small parking lot in front of the Ded Zed clothing store.
12. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green) >  €$ 43,000 > 12 cred (Reyes)
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Imma be honest... I’m a slut for Thorton car models. This one is straight up satisfying to my ears and eyes. Located in the parking lot of PieZ waypoint in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.
13. Thorton Colby “Little Mule” >  €$ 49,000 > 12 cred (Dakota)
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Truckin and fuckin around the Badlands? This is definitely the car for you!  Located near the Sunset Motel parking lot in the Eastern Badlands.
14. Quadra Type-66 Avenger >  €$ 55,000 > 20 cred (Dino)
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Remember those Need for Speed games? No? Well imagine it for a second and look at this preem ride. Got that image in your mind? Now look at your wallet. Located West of Metro: Republic Way waypoint tucked under the Empathy club building.
15. Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley” (aka Quadra Type-66 640 TS)  >  €$ 58,000 > 20 cred (Reyes)
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If you haven’t noticed, Quadra Type-66 are very good at designing cars that make you look like you shred these streets since you were a babe. Like, Baby from Baby Driver would fuck this ride up, you know it choom. Located West of Kendal Park waypoint in Rancho Coronado, no more than 2-minute walk away.
16. Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate >  €$ 62,000 > 20 cred (Padre)
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Another Limo! I’ll be honest, six wheels on a car this low is crazy but Villefort always finds a way. This is the ride you’d drive to your corpo apartment to go pick up your corpo wife so you can take your corpo ride to a nearby corpo restaurant and only drink Spunky Monkey in a wine bottle. Located directly West of the Palms View Way waypoint in The Glen.
17. Herrera Outlaw GTS >  €$ 62,000 > 30 cred (Dino)
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Limousine type body but god damn if it ain’t gorgeous to look at. A real sexy piece of wheels, this one. Located in Corpo Plaza, North of Ring Road waypoint. 
18. Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” >  €$ 73,000 > 30 cred (Dakota)
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God am I a fan of rides that pick up hefts of sand and dirt? Yeah, I am. Do I love how this car looks? Absolutely. As a Nomad V, is this one of the sexiest rides you can get? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. Located in Southern Badlands near the Protein Farm waypoint.
19. Mizutani Shion MZ2 >  €$ 75,000 > 30 cred (Regina)
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Not gonna lie, this is the car that occupies my headspace every time I boot up Cyberpunk. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the design, maybe it’s the car I would take to my honeymoon, idk. Located in the same garage as the Thorton Galena in Little China, Watson.
20. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” >  €$ 76,000 > No cred requirement (Regina or Sampson)
Condition to receive for free: Sparing Samson in “The Beast In Me” side quest
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Okay other than Beast which is a chonky beast this one is a very speedy beast with classic racecar features but bulky armor. The wiki literally says this ride has 666 horsepower so you KNOW this shit is gonna slap as soon as you get in and hear that engine, dawg.  Can be found in Little China, Watson in Megabuilding H10.
21. Brennan Apollo >  €$ 94,000 > 30 cred (Padre)
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If you thought Jackie’s ARCH and the Yaiba Kusanagi was sexy boy you will not be disappointed. Smaller and more compact but a speedy on the highways and countryside. Side Effect is you’ll look like the coolest pizza delivery driver in Night City. Located in Vista Del Ray, Heywood a short walk away East of Delamain HQ waypoint. 22. Mizutani Shion “Coyote” >  €$ 115,000 > 20 cred (Dakota)
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... Look at her. Just... just look at her. Look at those wheels, that build, the spoiler, look at her! I would own so many Hot Wheels and have her in a display case alright. Like, you know what you’re signing up for at 100k eddies for Dakota. Like this car that was originally used for scooting around the city was LITERALLY modded for the Badlands. As a Nomad this is a must-have. Located in the Eastern Badlands, North of the Sunshine Motel waypoint.
23. Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 >  €$ 128,000 > 30 cred (Reyes)
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The most SUV that ever SUV’ed in Night City. Reyes calls you for this one and shit, it’s new, it’s spotless, it’s a shiny new car, and trouncing down Badlands, the streets of Kabuki, Pacifica, name it. This beaut does go maximum of around 150mph but with how big this bad boy is, it can charge through the highways but be wary of how you turn corners! Located around the block from the Red Dirt Bar waypoint to the East in Arroyo, Santo Domingo.
24. Quadra Turbo-R 740 >  €$ 129,000 > 30 cred (Wakako)
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TURBO-TASTIC ride. Again, of racecar design, you can almost smell the 1980s nostalgia from the picture alone. Located in the Dynalar building/waypoint in Charter Hill, Westbrook.
25. ARCH Nazaré >  €$ 138,000 > 40 cred (Wakako)
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Writing this guide up to this point I have discovered that Old Lady Wakako knows what “fucking nova” means because all the cars she offers are fucking bangers so of COURSE she would offer an ARCH bike like this bumblebee badboy. You can see all the fun bits in and around the bike to know what you’re getting into so expect some hella smooth sailing. Located on the way TO the Drive-In Theatre in the lot of the Gig: A Shrine Defiled. South of Drive-in Theatre, North Oak, Westbrook.
26. Rayfield Caliburn (White) >  €$ 157,000 > 40 cred (Dino)
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Dino actually coming in clutch with this last call for vehicles he offers. Like, I had to look up what “hypercar” meant to logistically know how hype this car makes me every time I hit the gas. At high speeds the engines purr like a cat, which is a whole other satisfying experience after driving hunks of junk. Located West of the Corporation St. waypoint in Downtown, City Center.
27. Rayfield Aerondight S9 “Guinevere” >  €$ 225,000 > 50 cred (Wakako)
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Um... so... this is- this is the last car from Wakako. I haven’t even gotten to the point of being able to afford this... this... work of art. I can only imagine, with the Rayfield brand, that it’s better than the Caliburn. Which I don’t even think that’s possible but once I buy it I’ll let you know. Located North of the Columbariam or directly West of the North Oak Sign waypoints in North Oak, Westbrook.
Yo, if this guide helps you or makes your day or think it’s absolutely genius or dogshit don’t forget to like/reblog! Share with your friends!
Free Vehicle Post coming soon!
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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roses-ruby · 5 years
{Bunny Cam}
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Jungkook x Female Reader
Genre: Stalker AU, Angst, Smut, Mature
Warnings: Masturbation, Oral (Male receiving), Sex but not really, Obsessive/Possessive behavior, Toxic relationships, Yandere, Cursing, Spanking, Homophobia, Mentions of a slur, Mentions of gore, Murder, People being shitty
Word Count: 14,242
Summary: He watches when you sleep, he knows if you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be bad only if you dare.
A/N: Lmao, the summary fucking sucks akfbkfbouhfo (so does the story). I planned this for kookie’s birthday but I wasn’t finished so fuck me. This is pretty dark so please be careful and make sure you read the warning! Edited but I’m always a dumbass so let me know if you find any mistakes. Also let me know what ya’ll think🥺 As always, enjoy!
He’d been at this for a while.
Well, a while could mean a considerable number of things. Let’s say he’s been at this for a long time; more accurately 3 years. He had your schedule memorized to a fault. The way you liked your eggs in the morning to the number of panties you owned, he could answer it in his sleep. He probably does, he thinks. Mumble about you in his sleep. You occupied his mind 24 hours in a day, and that’s why he felt he should be watching you all the time – like right now, as he sits uncomfortably on top of the willow tree next to your window. Perched in a posture that embarrasses him, with a branch digging into his inner thigh.
It’s all worth it when you finally come out from your steaming bathroom, a towel hanging dangerously low on your chest, showing the beginnings of your soft mounds. He almost moans at the sight, both from frustration at your tardiness and the sudden tightening of his crotch. Positioning his camera in front of his face, he eyes your figure through the lens. Careless yet graceful, you dance around your room from one end to another picking up your laundry and placing it in a basket. His camera softly shutters each time he decides to save a pose from you, which happens a lot. He wonders if he’ll get lucky once you head to your dresser and pick out a light orange sundress. A smile graces his features at your choice. It was one of his favorite dresses on you. But sadly, luck was not on his side as you come up to the window and shut the eggshell curtains on him.
Huffing, he sits up a tad to find the ledge he uses to exit the tree with his leg.
He learned the hard way that once you closed your curtains, you usually don’t open them for the rest of the day; so now he has to head home. He was disappointed of course, he wanted to continue watching you – especially in that dress. But its fine, better things await him at his house. Shoving his camera inside his satchel, he jumps off your back porch and runs to the alleyway a few meters from your place. There in the dark lane lays his locked bike, which he unlocks and hops on – beginning his ride home. He lived a few blocks away from you, not having the money to live in your side of town; but once he did, he planned on becoming your neighbor. It didn’t matter if you already had one, he knew he could take care of them easily.
After peddling for around a mile, he parks his bike near the run-down, motel-like apartment complex he lived in. Binding it to the rusted and useless ‘Cheap rooms available!’ board pole, he runs up the stairs to the second floor. The whole place was dirty, rat and roaches scurrying the floors ever so often, and there was a strong musty smell that enclosed the compound. The paint from the walls was chipping – tainted by unrecognizable stains and the wooden foundation grew mold. He hated this place, even if the rent made up for the appearance. Often, he would get into a quarrel with the land-owner, despising the man’s careless attitude towards the residence as well as toward his own rotten teeth and hairy chest. One day, he’d love to grab a blade and slice it right through the old man’s heart, but he promised you he’d only kill for you. Stomping his way past the ancient doors, he makes it to his own and slams it shut once inside.
His sanctuary.
Switching on the light of his small studio, he walks to the computer, settling his bag down by the twin bed. He scratches under his ribs over his hoodie as he settles into his chair. The tree by your house was filled with blood sucking bugs and he should probably do something about it, but he’s always so distracted by you he barely remembers to get other shit done. There was evidence of that scattered all over his cramped space, especially the floor. The 4 walls surrounding him are filled with photos of you on various days and angles. Polaroids of you hang in a line from a string on the ceiling, stretching out from one end of the room to the other. In front of him are multiple monitors, which he opens to reveal a video of you on your bed in your room. He lets out a content sigh at the sight of your calm form laying on your bed with a book. Your beauty shone even through the grainy pixels of the tiny spycam he hid in your room.
Moving the live feed to the smaller monitor on the right, he pulls up the spycam taping your bathroom, or more so your shower. He shuffles around his desk, picking up an open beer can from underneath his table. Relaxing back in his chair, he rewinds the broadcast to around 40 minutes ago, taking a sip of his drink. There you were, climbing into your shower, closing the glass door behind you. His eyes greedily graze your naked form, your radiant skin, the curve of your slender back, the way your nipples perked forward at the cold air. He was so glad he spent the extra money on this spycam with higher definition than the others hidden around your house, even if it left him broke for a month. His breath hitches when you slightly bend down to turn on the faucet, messing with the knob to get the perfect temperature for your shower with your ass on display. What he wouldn’t give to spread your cheeks apart, run his tongue along your folds and anus, drive his thick fingers deep into your cunt and have you dripping down his arm.
He didn’t notice how hard he was clenching the aluminum can until it exploded all over him, soaking through his jeans and hoodie. Groaning he picks up the tissue box next to his bed and begins wiping himself off. It was good that he became distracted before he could get too worked up, it was still light out and he didn’t want to be spent before midnight again. Throwing the tissues next to the other used tissues on the floor he gets back to doing his favorite thing. Pausing the window of your shower he brings back the live feed of you in your room to the main monitor. He smiles at you still lounging on your bed, the book placed over your chest as you scrolled away on your phone. You could be so lazy on the weekends, he cooed at your leg haphazardly dangling off the side of the bed. He loved it when you stayed indoors by yourself like a good little girl, it meant he could have you all to himself for the periods he spent watching you. It was just him and you, no one who could disturb his time between you both.
It isn’t clear to him when exactly you stopped connecting with the outer world. Perhaps it was when your lovers mysteriously vanished 3 years ago, or when men stopped trying to flirt with you all together. He recalls how scared you had been when officers came to interrogate you, and as bad as he felt – as much as he wanted to blow the heads off their burly bodies – he knew you deserved it for thinking you could make room in your life for anyone that wasn’t him. Or maybe it was because your best friend refused to talk to you ever again; a small rumor making its way to her ear about how you slept with her dad. Which was easy to believe seeing how he’d been fucking girls younger than his daughter for years. Most likely it’s when your parents cut off contact with you, the reigning black sheep of the family, when they received the sex tape you shot with your ex marked from you. An ex he ended up smashing each finger off of. Whatever it was, it was definitely because the gods had blessed him. You were meant for him and only him, and the circumstances that had all seemed to work in his favor only solidified that fact.
It was when he was off reminiscing about the most important years of his life that he bumped his leg into a hard brick-like object under his desk.
“Fuck,” He curses as his legs feels a light ting. Rolling back in his chair, he stares at the culprit that was the large stack of white paper. The manager had handed it all to him yesterday after he finished his second week of overtime; ‘to be stapled and collated’ he said. That motherfucker. Because of him – not only did Jungkook not have time to get home earlier to you, but he had to haul the hefty pile of papers uphill on his bike.
Whatever he thought about that guy doesn’t matter – he should get started on this task soon. Since this job is the one job he can’t afford to lose. So, with a heavy heart the young man clears his desk of the old ramen containers and sperm tissues and empty weed bags with one swift arm movement, cringing when he hears them hit the floor. Bending down, he easily heaves the stack up onto his now empty desk and begins to shuffle through them. Then he looks back up at you who’s back to reading her novel. If there was one thing he’d never do, it was show you how much of a slob he actually was. He couldn’t bear the thought of you finding him disgusting, so when he finally got you, he knew he’d do all the cleaning and housework. And that was fine with him, as long as he got to enjoy being a bit filthy while he was alone in this dreaded place. You would never find out, of course.
He starts to read the first document he grabs, something useless about company liability. Then he moves on to the next one, and the next. Until his mind is full of words and a yawn is crawling up his throat. Jungkook eyes you every few minutes or so, making sure you were still be his good girl. And that’s how he ends up spending his energy that day.
He wakes up with a large intake, forcing himself to sit up with his nose feeling strangely stuffed and his spine aching. As he adjusts his groggy vision, he notices the documents in a neater stack on the edge of his desk. That’s when he recalls the night before – how he was double tasking while trying to keep an eye on you lounging about. How you both took a break for dinner and watch some stupid melodrama with that tall actor you liked. And how he finally fell asleep on his desk at 2 in the morning while stapling said documents after you turned your lights off.
Jungkook didn’t have money for night vision cameras yet, but he was working on it! It sucks that everything was so expensive these days, especially love.
Yawning, he stretches his arms and back as he opens his sleeping screens hoping to see your face to cheer up his otherwise crappy consciousness. His face quickly falls however, when he notices you’re not in your bedroom or bathroom or living room or even your driveway.
He freaks out and jumps out of his chair in sore legs, reaching for his bag on the bed.
9:12 his phone displays – making his round face turn pale. Running around in his room, he rushes to get ready. His bladder was especially full of the beers from last night. Other than that, there wasn’t much he had worry about since everything could be easily completed by multitasking. Such as brushing your teeth while pulling up your socks or combing your hair and looping your belt. After chaotically tying his white striped tie around his collared neck, he spritzes on the expensive cologne you once mentioned you like on a man, spraying on a bit more than usual since he hadn’t had time to shower. With that, he stuffs the skillfully collated and stapled documents into his black leather satchel and sprints out the door.
20 minutes later he was in front of the 25-story glass building. His nerves were eating at him as he hastily locked in his bike and entered the automatic doors. In front of him stood a black suited man in shades with his arms crossed.
As Jungkook jogged up a couple steps, the man raised his huge hand to stop him.
“I.D. please,” He spoke in a gruff voice
“Right,” Jungkook zipped open the front pocket of his satchel and brought out an employee I.D., swinging it around his neck. The man stepped aside, and he let Jungkook scan his I.D. in the machine next to him, that let out a green light afterward – letting him inside the small screen doors. He exhaled a breath, continuing his run to the elevators and punching in his floor. His insides felt like they were plummeting the whole ride up.
He really just wanted to quietly go to his desk, without making any ruckus or causing a scene but luck wasn’t on his side this time as the first person he sees when the doors slide open is his aging supervisor and his scowl. Once the man thoroughly eyes him in minor surprise of running into him, he frowns.
“You’re late,” The man grit through his yellow teeth
“I’m s-sorry, sir. I was up all night an-”
“I didn’t ask for excuses Jeon,” He sneers, “This is the second time this month, once more and I’ll have you kicked out of here- ass first, understand?”
“Yes sir,” Jungkook bows and steps aside to let the man use the elevator.
Before the doors slide close, his supervisor gives him another threatening glare. “Did you finish what I ordered? I’ll be back soon, and I better not find one mistake on those documents, you hear me Jeon?
“Yes sir” Like hell you’ll be back soon, you aging bastard.
Once he’s out of sight, Jungkook let’s out a sigh. He thought he was gonna lose his job today for sure. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Mr. Jang to act this way towards him and most of the team. The only people – correction women he’s nice to are the ones he finds fuckable. Still, he’s glad this didn’t happen in front of you.
He opens the doors to the office space, breathing in the cold air conditioning and watching everyone scurry about as usual. Some girls glance at him as he indifferently passes them on his way to his corner. His desk was luckily located with yours directly in front. Even though yours was closer to the Manager’s office and his was further back near the conference room. When he sits down in his chair, he notices you’re not at your desk. For a few minutes, he just eyes your empty area with confusion. The worry he felt this morning crawling back into his system.
But it quickly dissipates once you make your way out of the manager’s office, a few files in tucked under your right arm. Jungkook’s mood easily shifts at the sight of you and his heart starts to beat faster. He couldn’t go too long without seeing you, your graceful figure in that tight pencil skirt flawlessly hugging your hips. You sat at the front with rest of Team A who you supervised. Your side of the lineup were considered company gems; the pay was better, working conditions were more lenient and you all even had a dental plan. Sadly, thanks to him not knowing what to do and ultimately dropping out of college, he was grouped into Team B – the dispensable ones. His group was overworked and underpaid – even though the company made it seem like they treated all their employees equally. That was total bullshit.
And they had the worst fucking supervisor. An ancient stickler tyrant who acted like he was stepping out for business when Jungkook knew he was out fucking some blonde prostitute he was obsessed with in some cheap motel behind his sick wife’s back. Nothing in this company benefitted him. Not the pay, not the hours, and definitely not the bitchass supervisor. Nevertheless, he slaved all his days in this building for you. Looking up in your direction again, he smiles. He got to see you every day and that was enough for him. As long as you remained here, he would never quit. Just then a scowl made its way onto his soft features. What were you doing in the manager’s office half the time? Jungkook knew it wasn’t anything like that – that you were just doing your job, but doesn’t he call you in way too many times a day? His fingers clenched the strap of his bag as Jungkook thought about that man making a move on you.
You’re not good enough.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the clacking of heels and a pleasant scent light up his area.
He jumps when he hears your voice, rolling back slightly. There – in front of him you stood with a large halo surrounding your figure. His throat feels caught as you meet his eyes and raise an eyebrow. You were the most beautiful being in the universe, he bet even angels compared themselves to you. But they wouldn’t hold a candle. Jungkook felt over the moon at your proximity, cameras couldn’t capture the absolute divinity you embodied so casually. The tip of your nose, the smoothness of your glowing skin, the light makeup over your eyelids. Even the posture you stood in was lethal. Everything was luring him in until he was completely lost and at your mercy, and he’s certain that showed on his face. He sucks in a breath as he hears you speak again, some uneasiness in your melodious tone.
“Umm…you’re Jungkook, correct?”
As he processes your expression at his odd behavior, he forces himself out of his reverie. Can’t have you thinking he’s a weirdo.
“Y-Y…Yes,” He manages
“Oh, good. I was just wondering if you have those documents Mr. Jang asked for? He called to tell me he would be a bit late and if I could retrieve them and give them to Mr. Kim”
Jungkook had always wanted to skin the face off his supervisor, but in this moment, he’s never adored a man more in his life. You actually came all the way over here and talked to Jungkook because of that old man’s incompetence. He hopes Mr. Jang receives the blowjob of his life today.
You eye the boy staring at you with wide bunny eyes. He was always so strange, you wondered why your female colleagues gushed over him so much. You were about to speak again when he stands up straight – making your startled feet shift backwards slightly.
“Umm…Yes!! I have them,” Jungkook states with his voice higher than usual. He opens his satchel and digs out all the documents, presenting them to you with one hand.
“Oh, thank you,” As soon as you reach out for them and bumped your hand into his accidently, he let’s all the documents go. They fall to the floor with a loud ‘thunk’ making a few heads in the neighboring desks turn your way. “Oops.”
You bend to the ground, gathering up all the paper once again. Most of them were in stapled piles, so thankfully they didn’t scatter around too much. When you assembled the bunch, you look back up at him from your position on the floor. His eyes seemed like they would pop out of his skull and you thought you heard him gulp as he continued to observe your position on the ground. Slowly you stand up straight, feeling unnerved.
“Thank you,” You say once again holding the documents on your chest. When you fail to obtain a response, you just awkwardly turn around, sensing his eyes following you all the way back to your desk.
What a weird guy.
Jungkook’s legs feel like a frail horse once he makes it back home. Trudging up the stairs and into his room with a slumped back, he jumps right into bed and kicks off his office shoes. He covers his eyes with his arms.
Then he smiles, stretching his pink lips and displaying his bunny teeth. He smiles so big and wide.
Wow. Wow. Wow. WOW.
You graced his presence. You talked to him. You even touched him.
Holding his face in his hands, he rolls around the compact bed like a teenage girl. Holy shit. This was real.
It’s not that you hadn’t spoken to him before – I mean you both did work in the same company for years and he’s wrote down previous dates of conversations in his both his calendar and journal. But you’ve never made this much eye contact, he’s never got to study your face this close for so long, and you definitely had never touched him. He almost exploded right then.
And then, the part that virtually killed him. You were on your knees…right below him. Innocently staring back up at him. FUCK!
Jungkook groans as recalling that image has him hard instantly. His mind was racing, and he felt he was going crazy with his body temperature continuing to climb. The sun was just beginning to set which let orange streaks of light into his room through the blinds. He huffs as his hand caresses down his torso to grab his bulge, hissing when his fingers make contact. Swiftly, he unbuckles his slacks, pulling them off his butt to rest on his knees. He continues to fondle his hard on through his briefs, moaning when imagining your soft hand instead of his much larger one.
His imagination takes him back a few hours ago, with you on your knees in front of him. But this time there’s no documents on the floor to pick up. This time, no one else is around the chattery office space – unworthy peasants breathing the same air as you. This time, your eyes have a dark undertone in them as you sit there without any clothes on. Your skin was as smooth as porcelain, color reflecting the ceiling lights of the office. He holds his breath when you take your right breast in your hand, pinching your perky nipple with your thumb and index finger. No distractions. No distance. It’s just you and him, and this heavy atmosphere.
“Jungkook,” You say in a sultry tone, crawling closer to him on all fours.
“Fuck,” He curses as you hook your fingers into the waist band of his underwear, slowly pulling the cloth down with a smirk. Jungkook catches a tiny gasp from you as his erection springs up to his stomach in front of your face. You lightly grab the underside of his shaft as his breathing becomes heavy. Poking your tongue out – you lick a stripe up his dick, and he tenses, shoulders rolling back with a shiver. With a mischievous glint, you bring your tongue around the top, swirling his precum over his head while tracing a vein up his shaft with a manicured finger. Your hand bobs up and down his dick as you continue to skillfully twirl your tongue around the tip. His hand clenches tightly as you wrap your pretty lips around the head and hallow out your cheeks to suck.
“Ahhnn,” He hopes you don’t mind his loud, sort of feminine moans. But he still bites his lip to suppress them.
You remove yourself with a pop. Your hand was still gripping around his dick, steadily moving along his rod. Stretching your lips, you wink up at him and he has to do everything in his power not to fall to the ground. He was light headed with lust clouding his vision. The room had gotten dimmer sometime ago, he could only make you out as he did this morning. Your strawberry scent invading his rationality as you sat in front of him. Your honey tone as you repeated his name. The way your red lips curved with every syllable you spoke. Lips you were once again opening as he took your luscious locks in his fingers and directed his dick along your mouth. For a moment he just traced around your lips, glossing them with precum. These lips were his possession along with the rest of you, only he gets to claim them. Then he brought his head back inside your mouth, watching you take all of him in with hooded eyes. Inching his way inside, he saw your jaw go slack and lids flutter the more he forced himself in. You looked so beautiful with tears surrounding your sockets as you struggled to breath when he hit the back of your throat.
“You’re so perfect baby,” Your warm cavern was made for this – for him. Once he feels your throat muscles relax against him, he takes himself out ever so slow, obsessed with how wet his dick became with your saliva. Just to push himself inside again, holding your head down as you struggled. He threw his head back, failing to keep his moans quiet as you gagged around him with your nails pushing at his thighs. Tightening his fingers amongst your hair, he pulled your head back with force before he stuffed you full of himself once again.
He keeps that pace swift and harsh, frustrated at how you were always a few feet from him yet still so far away. This is what he needs, what he craves. His heart beats harder every time he shoves into your wet entrance, watching the way hot tears roll down your cheek but you don’t try to fight off his brutal thrusts. Saliva was sticking at the edge of your lips; your jaw was practically unhinged at his girth and lipstick was smeared all over his dick. You let him use your face like a fuck doll, rolling your eyes into the back of your head as he speeds up with his orgasm approaching.
“You – you’re so beautiful,” He grunts with every thrust “My angel, my doll, my fuck toy. M-Mine. Mine. Mine.”
Words slurred against his mouth as you laid your tongue flat against his shaft, slick dripping of your chin. As his arms fell to his sides, you once again took control of bobbing your mouth and hand against his length. It was really just himself and his own fingers but God he could imagine it so well. He could retrace every part of your body – practically ingrained in his mind from how much time he spent stalking observing you. Hours would go by of him watching you masturbate. Memorizing each facial expression of yours. Thirsting for your heat – this thirst, this is exactly how’d you feel. Jungkook could practically taste it.
He cums with one last push inside your warm mouth and a loud cry of your name.
Opening his eyes, he takes in large breaths gaping at the ceiling of his apartment. Holy fuck, it’d been a while since he came so hard. Chest moving up and down – it takes a moment for him to calm himself. Still high off your pretty face stuffed with his dick. He lays limp in his bed, bringing his hand up to see the insane amount of cum covering his palm. This part always brought him an odd grief. Having to ‘wake up.’ Be alone in his dirty room with your divine company no longer in sight. There was an empty feeling, not just in his balls but in his heart. It was all your fault. Coming near him with those big doe eyes, practically begging him to fuck you on your knees. Yet you wouldn’t let him…not right now. Fuck. Fuck you.
Jungkook knew it wasn’t the right time, that you didn’t know him well enough for him to make a move, but his patience was wearing thin. He had to act fast since he desperately wanted this dream to become a reality.
You were typing away at your keyboard screen, finishing whatever goddamn report of the month. At this point, you were moving in autopilot not even registering any words that were making their way onto the screen. Your back aches as you sigh, you really hated this job. If the pay wasn’t so good, you would’ve quit so long ago. The only good thing about this company was the dental plan really, and the big house you got to afford due to your wages. Co-workers of yours were snarky pieces of shit who excluded you in any activities due to you being the boss’ favorite. Communicating with them was always troublesome, which is why you were here working overtime alone on this 4-person job. At least your co-supervisor was a nice old guy who acted like a gentleman. Really trashy towards his own team though and you were pretty sure he was cheating on his sick wife. When you were almost done with the last paragraph, your phone next to your coffee mug decided to buzz and interrupt the silent, dim office space.
You pick it up reluctantly, already knowing who’d be behind the bright screen. As usual, your misery proves you correct as the name of your arrogant dick for a boss flashes on your phone screen. He was one of those types; the men that feel like they’ve led a hard-working life because they went to a prestigious college without a sport’s scholarship even if they enrolled with their rich parent’s money. Any sort of self-reflection towards their privilege fails to register within them. This man called you for fifty things a day even though he had his own slutty secretary on her knees every time he asked. Maybe you’d feel for the girl if she wasn’t scowling at you whenever you passed by her desk to reach his office. You knew she hated you because he had a thing for you. When he wasn’t calling you in just to subtly check out your ass, he was making passive sexual remarks in completely normal work-related conversations.
It’s not like you didn’t find him attractive. He was tall, dark and you knew he was eating rich with how much time you spent eyeing his muscles. But god was he dumb as fuck. And he didn’t enthuse you any bit, other than maybe imagining him pounding into you from behind with his thick fingers wrapped around your neck. Sexual attraction was normal you suppose – you were two young attractive adults after all. But other than that, you really desired nothing to do with him. Actually, you desired no relationship with anyone at all, for that matter.
Since your last boyfriend’s disappearance three years ago, you recall being too scared to date for a while. Staying at home 24/7 and opting to buy some large dildos in the place of men. But that fear had left you long ago. Slowly, you became someone who just didn’t care in searching for fairytale romance or a passionate night with the love of your life. Instead you just wanted to feel the thrill of being alive, that ecstasy of feeling afraid – waiting for the unknown. You wanted to feel like you did when you saw your dead boyfriend’s horribly mutilated corpse. But that moment had fled too fast and everything around you had become predictable in some gloomy, miserable pattern – with nothing to excite you. Your life had actually become so unbearably boring that you had all the time in the world to accept these insane thoughts into your head, with no one to stop you from so. There was no point in shame any longer, you had your fair share of that when your isolation first started turning you insane.
The more reclusive you stayed, the more apathetic you became.
Sighing, you click on his name to see what he wanted with you at this lovely time of the evening.
‘Had Lana review the documents
She said a page is missing from the last stack
Ask the intern about it’
Of course, he would think Jungkook was an intern. He surely paid him like one. You look up at his empty desk. For once in their despondent lifespan, Team B was allowed to head home on time. Great that meant you’d have to talk to that oddball again in the morning. Lost in thought at your dreadful near future, you get startled as your phone buzzes yet again.
‘More importantly, we’re still up for tmrw night, right?😉’
Staring at the screen with insignificance, you type your reply with bitter fingers.
‘Of course, sir❤’
When you’re about to type him a reply for the ‘intern’ text, a twinkle from across the room catches your eye. You glance back up to see the outline of an unfamiliar object on Jungkook’s desk. Peering into the indistinct space, you desperately tried to make out what was sticking up from his otherwise flat desktop. Oh, right! It hit you then – that was the black bag he carries around daily.
Honestly, you always thought he was weird, and you didn’t pay much attention to Jungkook. Writing him off as another tedious side character that appears in your timeline here and there. The ladies of the office surely seemed to disagree with you, obsessively gushing over his bunny-like features and sturdy physique. Little boys like him didn’t interest you. But you did find yourself studying him sometimes – you’ve always been a curious person – which is why you knew he carried that bag everywhere with him, never letting it out of his sight. Even today, he handed you the pile of papers straight from that satchel. He kept everything in there, how could he forget it here?! Although…he did look out of it the whole day today after your small interaction with him. Maybe he was unwell?
Whatever it was, the situation at hand was more important. If you told your boss Jungkook had left for home, even though he had every right to, he might get fired. That man was impulsive and became furious over the dumbest situations. He once fired an employee that gave 16 years to this company for not ‘ordering the right cupcakes for his favorite client.’ Groaning, you stand up and walk across the office to Jungkook’s desk, your heels clacking amongst the floor. As you thought, it really was his bag that was thrown on his desk.
It wasn’t right to look through his things and you didn’t want to, but you couldn’t have this young man losing his job over something as small as this. Something you can easily fix…hopefully. But why should his status at the company concern you in the least anyway? If he is or isn’t thrown out, it wouldn’t harm your life in at all. Crossing your arms in irritation at the headache starting from the battle of your moral interpretations, you reason that it wouldn’t hurt you to do one kind thing. Perhaps it might land you that promotion you were seeking tomorrow.
You felt bad. Your gut told you something was wrong. What if it’s not in there and you just invade his privacy for no good reason?
With reluctance you grabbed his bag, opening the zipper in slow motion.
Jungkook was peddling as fast as he could. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID. How could he be so stupid. The whole fiasco with you talking to him today and his stupid hormones made him overlook something important. It was ridiculous how he was more concerned in getting home and jerking off to you then paying attention to any of his surroundings. Shit. If only you knew of the power you had over him. He didn’t even remember the dumb item until he was looking for his expensive camera when he recalled leaving it in that bag and leaving said bag back at his desk! Everyone had probably gone home by now, right? He knows some of the janitors steal from the pricks of Team A, but if a whole leather bag is on his desk won’t they at least take a glimpse? SHIT. Jungkook pushes his feet down on the peddles with great force, practically flying towards the workplace like a car.
There wasn’t any way he could afford for anyone to see what was on that camera.
Barging into the office on two left legs, he wheezes with his palms on his knees as he surveils the area around him. Most of the lights are off and the room is empty of life or noise. In a hurry, he had run into some of the caretakers downstairs and they told him they didn’t start on his floor yet. Out of habit, he glances at your desk, to find you staring at him with wide eyes. He straightens himself immediately, closing his mouth along with the racket of his breaths.
Why were you still here?
You had your hands hovering the keyboard and a fresh batch of coffee stood next to you. Were you supposed to be working overtime today? He thought it was tomorrow because he memorized your schedule for this month last week. Did your plans change without him knowing?
As he continues to leer at you, you clear your throat which makes him snap out of his daydream. Carefully, he turns away from you walking towards his desk. The bag is still right where he left it. He knows he can just grab it and go, but the fact that you’re here with him…alone of all things. How good could today get? Fuck, he thought he drained himself enough for today, but his mind was still racing with substantial thoughts. Would it be okay if he talks to you? Maybe he could help you out in whatever you were working on. Before he could get too far and freak you out, he grabs his bag and swings it around his shoulder. Turning around again he takes slow step, trying to seem casual. Was he walking too awkwardly? Did he look good in this hoodie?
When he’s a couple steps from the door, you call out to him.
He faces you with giant deer eyes, “Yes?”
“I received a text from Mr. Kim stating that the last page from the documents you gave me this morning was missing. Do you think you have it in your bag?”
He takes a moment to process what you said, “Yes? Um…Oh right,” He begins digging in his satchel. And there it was, one single page – stuck to the bottom, ripped from the edge where it was originally stapled. The corner of his lip perks up when he finds his camera on top of the document. “Here you go”
Walking over to you, he hands out the paper and you notice it shaking in his fingers.
“Thank you, that’s all.” You say, gently taking the paper from his trembling grasp. Setting it down aside, you pick up your mug to take a sip of your coffee. It was still steaming so you blow on it slightly, puckering your lips. That’s when you notice the shadow in your peripheral vison. You look up to find Jungkook – still as a tree – gawking at you behind an unreadable expression.
“Yes?” You say in a confused tone
“N-no nothing” He stutters, clutching the straps of his bag tightly. “Sorry,” He states, before walking away from you. Turning his head subtly, he gives you one last glance before he heads out the door.
Jungkook was sure he was going to pop open his knuckles as his characters dies once again. He had been gaming for what – two hours straight? His room was lit with only his PC’s screens, and he’s sure his eyes would drop out of his sockets if he doesn’t close them soon. Also, he’d definitely lose his voice from screaming into his mic so much at the arrogant teenage brat who keeps mocking him. If only this damn kid appeared two days ago. His gameplay sucks because his focus is somewhere else – on someone else. Yesterday’s events had punctured both his mind and balls and he was completely spent. Yet you still continued to linger in his mind, like you had your hand wrapped around his brain.
It was destiny, Jungkook believes. It was a sign; the stars are telling him to make his move. Finally, after three years all he needed was some form of answer to his craving for you and he knows he’s received it as of yesterday. He was planning on talking to you by the end of the week, maybe asking you out to coffee like normal people do. There was always that fear of you saying no, but not after last night. Jungkook acknowledges he’s handsome, knows how people view him both in the office and out on the streets. Unlike some of the virgins on his server, he’s had his fair share of pussy before.
There were tons of different types he encountered. A few girls that were looking for a handsome fling. Others wanting arm candy. The most annoying girls repeatedly tried to find a way to get beneath the sexual layer – thinking themselves to be saviors or that he’s some poor lost ‘badboy’ who needs saving – clinging onto him with their delusional fantasies. They were always the hardest to shake off. His favorite type were the girls who understood that they have no meaning to him, they just wanted to get spit on and choked during intercourse. This was all way before he met you, of course. Before he pledged his faithfulness to his and your relationship. Nevertheless, he does know how to get into a woman’s pants.
He wants more with you, however. He wants to hold your hand whenever he feels like it and laugh with you at the cheesy dramas you watch and come home to you when the dark thoughts in his head overwhelm him and his loneliness eats away his soul. Jungkook’s never understood what love is or why people put themselves through pain for something as silly as that, at least not until he met you. What he feels for you, its love isn’t it? It consumes him entirely and he numbs the ache of not having you by watching over you compulsively. By memorizing your habits, by making you as alone as he is. Funny…he thinks he’s become like those girls he hated. A more excessive version, perhaps.
Jungkook growls as he dies yet again and closes off his sever. Today was just not his day. He discards his headset and grabs his unfinished ramen cup, practically shoving the last of its contents into his mouth in one large take. Throwing it to the side, he grabs his energy drink and downs it in one go while he’s still chewing to help swallow without difficulty. Stretching his shoulders, he huffs, looking at the time on his screen. You were probably making dinner right now. Maybe watching a horror movie or finishing your novel. What if you were in that mood tonight, the one that made you rip off all your clothes and seize whatever sex toy you touched first in your drawer. He loved your dildos the most, he was always amazed at how they stretched out your cunt so nice and tight. Exactly like he wants to. Sometimes he’d break into your house just to lick them clean.
Shuddering from his thoughts, he opens his folder where he stores the camera records. His favorite part of watching you was the anticipation. He clicks the kitchen cam to find it empty. Okay, so you weren’t cooking. He goes on to click the living room cam. Also empty. In excitement, he clicks the bedroom cam…to find it blank? The screen was black, and it darkened his entire room. There was no sound or even static from the tape. Great…it’s probably broken.
He sighs, staring at the monitor in scrutiny. There were other times when his spycam’s malfunctioned or broke down over the past three years and it was always such a hassle. Barely managing to excuse himself from work to sneak into your house when you’re not around, finding the spycam (and maybe taking a trinket of yours), getting back home to diagnose it. And either spending hours fixing it or spending money replacing it. Then sneaking back in and placing it back up. Always took a lot of work and interesting fact he discovered – acting like a thief was sort of dangerous! Who would’ve thought? His ‘all black ensemble all the time’ hadn’t helped either. Your neighbor almost caught him last time.
Today was really not his day, but the important thing was to see what you were doing. He glances at his camera on the side of the desk. Would you have your window open tonight? Well…there was only one way to know for sure. He gets up from his chair, pausing a bit as his vision blacks out for a moment. When it returns, he grabs his camera and stuffs it in his satchel. Then he slips out of his sweats to pull up his jeans and has to sit on the bed to wear his heavy easy climb shoes. Once he picks up his keys, he’s out the door into the cool summer night.
The bike to your place was easy, the wind blew through his hair like a lullaby. His hair was getting quite long, most of it reaching halfway to his ears. He was going to cut it, but he saw you eyeing him last week. There was no way he was letting scissors come near him now, not with the way your gaze glossed over his strands.
He finally reaches the usual alleyway and locks his bike by a drain pipe, making sure to secure it tightly. The reason why he parked it here was so no one takes note of the large blue P5X in the middle of the backroad behind your house as it was too heavy to carry over your fence. Besides, he’d trust the abandoned alleyway any day over the quite suburban neighborhoods. If movies have taught him anything, it’s that the nice-looking places are always the deadliest. That’s another reason he’s installed cameras around your house; for your own safety.
Jungkook spots your place after a short walk, turning his slow steps into a quick jog. As he comes near, he notices the light of your bedroom window beaming into the road, and he quietly cheers. Your window was open – he finally gets to see your pretty face. When he was in front of your house, he hops the familiar fence into your slightly unkept backyard. Once he moves in with you, the first thing he’s going to do is mow the fucking lawn. He walks up to the willow tree standing sturdy by your window, waiting on him to climb on. He loved this fucking tree, it was truly a pure and majestic plant.
As usual, he grabs onto a firm piece of bark and he uses his shoe to push himself up. He repeats this process until he’s safely tucked into the branches of the large tree. As usual, the leaves were blocking his way, and also protecting him from getting caught. Using the leaves as a cover, he gets himself ready by pulling out his camera and perching himself on his stomach. And as usual he moved towards the light behind the leaves.
As usual. Everything was supposed to be as fucking usual. But today was not his fucking day, was it?
When he finally gets a view behind the leaves using the lens of his camera, he almost drops out the tree all together. He let’s out a loud involuntary gasp. His throat constricts and his eyes widen at the sight he’s met with.
He first saw your eyes, your beautiful shapely eyes clenched together in ecstasy. Then he saw your arms. Your healthy, silky arms grasping onto someone’s broad back. And then your legs. Your sexy, glowing skin folded on someone’s hips. Hips that should’ve been his. He moves his camera out of his sight, taking your position in with his own two eyes. There you were, with your jaw hanging open and your body blocked out by someone else’s, a body you were urgently clinging onto. From then on started the moans. He hadn’t registered them before until just now, his brain connecting the movement of your mouth to the soft moans just now reaching his ears. A shaky breath leaves him.
“Uhh – ahh-” You were getting fucked, up against your wall.
“There,” You were mewling for the man pounding your smaller frame
“Faster!” A sob leaves his throat, his pants tightening at the scene. No, he didn’t want to get hard at this, not when his heart was shattering into a million pieces. But his body refused to listen to him as his dick started leaking precum
There was slight sweat on your forehead, your eyebrows were furrowed, and your now open eyes were glazed with desire. The muscles of the stranger tense as he holds you, hard ridges producing beads of perspiration – both yours and his – leaving no distance between your entangled limbs. He doesn’t know what to feel, just that his body hurts a lot all of a sudden. He accidently presses the camera shutter, not noticing it taking one pick after the other of the dreadful scene in front of him. Suddenly you make eye contact with him and his whole figure freezes.
You were looking. Fuck. You were staring straight at him, he knows you could tell he was here. He should get the fuck out of here – leave this place immediately but he’s frozen. The pounding of his heart intensifies when you smile.
You were…smiling? You were staring straight at him and…smiling? What the fuck was going on? A chill ran down his spine.
While making direct eye contact with him, you smirk, bringing your hand up to grab your boss’ locks. “Right there, baby,” You groan, throwing your head back but still staring out that window. “Ahh-You do it so well, better than mm- anyone.”
Jungkook was crying. He felt the tears leaves his sockets one by one. It was those days again – the ones three years ago. When you would break his heart daily by casually dating or flirting. When he had to put together that revolting tape of you and your now ex. Nausea crept his insides, his arms felt limp. Only the shadows know how he survived that time period. And it was supposed to be gone, that retched habit of yours. You were only his now. Yet here you were, with that evil glint in your menacing stare, mocking him with every breath that left your lungs.
When the bastard moves his head to the side to nose your neck, is when Jungkook catches a glimpse of the man who tore you away from him. It was him…your boss. Jungkook’s breathing becomes heavy.
You were doing this on purpose. You were torturing Jungkook on purpose. But WHY?! Why would you do that to him? Are you punishing him? It’s not something he knows for certain, but he does know this man had corrupted you. He took you away from Jungkook. He made you become this cruel. And Jungkook doesn’t share what’s his, ever.
It was that sudden thought just then, that blackened his pupils and clenched his teeth. The tears became hot, leaving a fire in their trail and burning the skin of his cheek. He no longer cried out of utter devastation, but a new emotion fueled him – bought back the energy that drives him to pursue you. Anger. Red, hot, scorching anger.
“I’m gonna cum”
He can no longer digest the scene. His stomach churned at the sight and he forced himself away, jumping out of the tree and falling feet-first into the lawn. As he straightened up, the ache got worse, his head felt like it would explode any second. So, he leaned on the bark, trying to keep cool. It didn’t work though as his mouth dropped open and he threw up all over the roots of the plant. His throat constricted and he struggled to breathe, eyes wide at the misery at hand. When he was done vomiting his guts, he took a step back and observed the sight in coughs he tried to keep silent. Pieces of food had mushed together and dyed into a green unidentifiable gunk by his energy drink, drenching the roots and grass surronding of the tree. He felt so sick, eyes hazy and the gross stench filling his nostrils. As soon as his conscious cleared a bit, he ran away from the scene of the crime.
Jungkook ran from the tree. From your yard. From the long backroad. All the way back to that silent alley way, not once looking back.
He was out of breath once he found his bike. Too exhausted to drive for now, he rested his arms on the wall. That’s when he noticed some of the contents from his earlier actions got on his pants and he wiped away at them furiously, grunting loudly. His grunts soon became whimpers and his eyes blurred once again as he let out a loud wail. Why would you do this to him? Why? He did everything for you, just to be with you…so WHY?
His body is shaking as he hangs onto the wall, trying to wipe tonight from his mind. The longer he thinks about, the crazier he becomes. Images continue to plague his mind and he shouts curses into the wall as his crotch continues to ache.
Why was he hard at a time like this? What the actual fuck was wrong with him?
No longer having the energy to care, with one last curse he unbuckles his jeans and pulls out his raging dick. Immediately he starts stroking his shaft strong and fast, and he uses the last of his adrenaline to fuel his pace.
He can see it still, your naked form. The gorgeous expanse of your skin and your legs spread apart. Except this time, you’re bent over your bed with your ass on display for him. Only for him. Your hands are tied behind your back but you’re not struggling. Yet.
Grunting, he jerks himself off as he imagines raising his hand up – then landing it straight on your soft ass cheek. You cry out as you shift away from him only to have him hold you down with his other arm. The skin around your butt becomes a rosy color, his hand print appearing in the aftermath. Immediately his pupils blow out, breath coming in hefty takes as he one again raises his hand towards your other cheek.
“How *smack* dare *smack * you *smack*” He grits out the last word so hard that he accidently bites his tongue. The taste of iron swirled in his mouth. Your cries were muffled against the bed your face was stuffed in and it makes his heart ache. This isn’t what he wanted, he only wanted to make sweet love to you. Give you everything you asked for. But he was weak and inept…underprivileged and a good-for-nothing. His insecurities held him back for three fucking years, but he was trying. Groveling away in the only company that would hire him. Letting himself be belittled, ridiculed, endlessly worked…all for you. He was trying really hard. Hiccupping as tears fall down his face, he rubs against your bottom to sooth you, not taking his eyes off of your cunt.
In exchange, that man embodied everything he wasn’t. Money. Status. Power. He could provide for you – he could give you anything you wanted and maybe that’s why he got to touch you. Jungkook recoils, recollecting what a dumbass horndog he became just because his fingers brushed yours. How sad was it that after all his efforts, Jungkook was stuck behind his dirty 4 walls masturbating to thoughts of you every night while this man got to live his dream without even half the work? What had he done to deserve you?
Not good enough. Not good enough. You’re not good enough.
“W-Why…did you do that t-to *hiccup* me”
“Why, when I love you so much?” When he recalls what you did, all the anger comes back. Red paints his vision as he once again spanks you like crazy, not caring about your screams this time. With how you angled your ass, you were practically urging him to continue. Heat radiates from you and his palm, his mind traveling a mile a minute. He brings his thigh up to your core, enjoying the way you instantly soak through his jeans while whining at the stimulation. Not just your suffering but even your face wasn’t correctly recreating in his perception, because to him this wasn’t about you. It was about your lack of fucking respect for him. Right now, only his pleasure mattered to his brain.
Pausing his merciless attack, he enjoys the view of your dripping cunt. Once again mindlessly rubbing at your bottom. Grabbing your sore ass cheek with one hand, he positions his dick at your entrance with his other. He groans as he sinks into you, stretching your insides apart. Fuck, if it felt this good in his own mind then he can’t even fathom how it would feel in reality. As he settles all the way inside, he doesn’t wait for you to relax around him. No, he wouldn’t wait for you.
Instead he pulls out and slams against you balls deep with one swift thrust. His moans sound out in sync with your cries – pleading for his forgiveness.
Before he could help it, he cums right then – abruptly, unfinished and the fury still alive in his bones. Inhumane growls come from him as he’s faced with the red brick wall that he coats with hot white strings of his semen. Bumping his forehead onto that wall, he slows his breathing, watching as the white streaks drip down the uneven ridges of the bricks. Reality kicks in. This is how it would be every time, wouldn’t it? He wouldn’t get to be inside you, he wouldn’t get to taste you, and he would spend away his days ejaculating prematurely like a fucking child.
Unless he did something about this.
Something he hasn’t done in a while.
As the young man continues to stand alone in that alleyway, an idea forms in his head. Since you were staring at him in such a sinister way – no surprise or fright in your face – you know exactly what he was doing and probably who he was. For the first moment that night, he flashes his pearly whites. Looks like it was finally time for you both to officially meet.
The man paced as fast as his heavy legs could take him, trying his best to seem confident and not an object of suspicion. Sweat was building in his temple and he could feel it. In that moment, all of his senses were at their peak and he’d probably be able to feel the flutter of a fly’s wings or a mole beneath his feet. As he wasn’t the most athletic, he was already out of breath from the steps he had taken, but he clamped his mouth shut. His eyes wandered around everywhere, staying no place more than a few seconds.
When he opens the doors of the building, he’s greeted with another presence.
“Good evening Mr. Jang.” A young janitor, probably his son’s age tells him. It has an unsettling effect on him – one where his eyes widen, and eyebrows raise. He responds with a forced smile, teeth clamoring faintly, as he continues to walk on by.
“Yes, good evening.” The worker’s pupils follow the blue suited man all the way to the elevator, where they are involuntary required to make eye contact again as he waits for his lift to arrive. Another forced smile from his side.
The elevator doors open quickly to Jang’s relief, and he gets inside. He hits the top floor immediately and looks towards his shoes. For a few seconds he just blinks, trying to see if this was some hellish nightmare he was stuck inside. If he could somehow wake up to a better reality. With her lying next to him.
The lift reaches the top floor and lets him out, he quietly walks into the windy night enclosed by the vacant terrace. There he pauses, running a palm on his bare head a few times to ease his discomfort. She did that for him too, it always calmed him down.
His phone rings. Again.
“Y…Hello…yes I’m at the rooftop. Yes, I’m alone.”
The aging man shifts on his legs as the distorted voice replies to him. It was that contrast of the unusually deep baritone in one ear and noiseless summer night in his other that ran a chill up his spine.
“I’ll do it…but please can I ask wh- no! NO! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again. I’ll do what you asked!”
“Just please,” He begs, bringing his hands up in the darkness to his head, “Don’t send those photographs to my wife…”
He sniffles bitter and exhausted, as the call ends and he’s once again completely alone. Eyeing his phone, he stands there for a bit just exhaling through his nose. The calm before the storm let’s say. Never in his life has he considered himself a kind man, he always took what he wanted from who he wanted as much as life allowed him to. His wife was just some rich whore he managed to impregnate in the 80’s, he didn’t mean to make a life with her. He also didn’t mean to just watch as life left her. But he can’t change what happened; he can’t change that they have a son who rarely speaks to them, he can’t change that he found another woman – much younger, much tighter. And he can’t change taking a generous life insurance policy out on her ill body. Divorce isn’t something he could afford, not when he’s this close.
Instead was he a murderer? No, he couldn’t cause someone’s death even if he was hoping for another’s. So that has to account for something, right? It was the least he earned to be able to love himself…didn’t he? With a deep sigh and a muffled sob, he clicks on his boss’s name and waits as his phone starts ringing, holding it next to his ear.
He did it…he called him. Now he should start talking but no – the words won’t come out. Should he tell him the truth? Should he stick to the script? All he could do was stand there with his mouth catching flies as the other line repeats his greetings.
“Hello? Jang, what the fuck? I know it’s you. What the fuck do you want at this time of night?”
Compared to the other call, this man’s voice was louder, and he hated it twice as much. Perhaps this was destiny, a twisted fate of all the choices he’s made in the past couple of years. Kim had always been a brat, the reason Jang dreaded going into the office he should’ve originally been in charge of. The brat didn’t have half the qualifications he did, nor did he have half the rights to speak to him in such a belittling manner. Nonetheless, luck only delivers to the wealthy or sons of the arrogantly blessed. Seniority holds no place in competition to those privileged enough to win. Perhaps this was karma, another card of destiny – taking back what was unfairly given.
He failed to register the threat looming right behind him, caught up in his pleasing daydream of a payback. His own karma watching him with hawk eyes.
If this is destiny…then he doesn’t have to feel bad about this, does he? It was always meant to happen, and he was just doing what the cards told him. He was just a messenger delivering a message.
And so, with a large gulp, deliver he did.
Kim parked his Benz at the back. He parked near the trees, their cover setting an ease inside his otherwise chaotic mind. The last thing he expected tonight was a call from that musty old man. Fucking Jang, he wonders why he hasn’t fired him yet. It was you who did most of his work anyway, while he was out fucking some chick from their red-light district bar. If only that bastard wasn’t also involved in his side business.
Getting out of his car, he takes fast strides to the structure in front of him. All of this was getting out of hand.
“There’s a mole…We should meet”
Kim wasn’t gonna lie, he was shitting himself the whole ride to the warehouse. Contrary to what people think, Kim considered himself a sharp man. He knew that none of his crap was really his, that his alcoholic father could take everything away in a matter of moments if he pissed him off enough. That man spent his youthful years beating the ‘sissy’ out of him and now uses his older age to sass the failing status of his business. It was such a curse representing that man’s last name. Such a tragedy that he was born into the mud pile he called a family. Maybe that’s why he took refuge behind illegal activities, turned his once average company to an underground drug laundering agency. That way he could earn his own money, untainted by his elegant family’s legacy. He craved that independence.
Everything was better than it seemed anyway. They weren’t distributors nor were they providers, they were just middle men. People who safely hid the drugs given to them by providers and taken away from them by distributors. Meaning he’d get the same amount of punishment despite having the least amount of profits. Apparently, young rich boys mean nothing to mafia heads or underground gangsters. Nothing more than disposable aid like he considered others. Tsk. Fuck all this shit.
What he needed to do was find this ‘mole’ Jang mentioned and eliminate him fast. There wasn’t any blood on his hands minus multiple teenaged addict’s untimely death, but he didn’t consider that his fault. However, this time he’d make sure to kill this son of a bitch – whoever he was – himself. The thought of finally having power over some plebian pleading soul right before he rips the life from their eyes gave him an adrenaline rush. Finally, he wouldn’t just be a monster because of who his father was, but because he could get shit done.
He grunts when he makes it to the warehouse doors, opening them with more force than he meant to. Once he steps inside, he notices that It’s too dark to see.
“Jang? Where the fuck are you?” Kim shouts into the shadows
Nothing but silence in return. He feels uneasy…like there was something terribly wrong with this place.
“Fuck,” He mutters, pulling out his phone to call the old man. His shoulders were tense, and his eyes roamed about. The alcohol in his system heightened his nervousness, made everything sort of unfocused even in the dark. With one call, he charged into battle without thinking, eager to blow someone’s head off tonight”
Ring Ring
Everything went in slow motion as he spotted a light coming from a few feet away. It looked like a phone. Kim gulped before he walked towards it. Praying that it wasn’t what he was thinking.
As he came by it, he began to tremble. His name was displayed on the small screen. It was cracked from an end and…there was something red on the front edge. What the fuck.
In an instant he turns around, the ringing still haunting his ear. He definitely heard something…or someone?
“W-who’s there?!” He tries to shout but his voice fails him as he squeaks. The realization that he’s not alone frightens him. All the vigor from before leaves his build and he becomes a small boy once again. The shadows symbolizing his father, the small noises sounding like the leather belt that bruised him continuously.
“W-what do you want?”
“Weak,” he hears his father’s voice sneering, “You gonna grovel like a f*g? You sissy.”
Anger swells inside his chest, his teeth clenching in pure hate. “I won’t grovel you motherfucker, come out this instant!” He roars before taking out his gun and shooting a few rounds at random. Still, no reply. Kim heaves in the darkness for a few seconds, placing his gun in multiple directions, trying to make out the cunt playing with him.
That when he notices Jang’s phone. It’s gone. Did someone take it? When? As he’s busy staring at the ground where it once laid, he doesn’t hear the steps of the shoes behind him.
He falls to the floor with a thud as something heavy hits the back of his head. The gun slips away from reach, further into the darkness. Screaming he clutches the gushing wound on his head, blood immediately making its way from the blow in his cranium. He tries to push himself up with one arm, falling back down miserably. That attempt lands him a hit on the back of his thigh as he wails. His vision blurs and he wheezes in pain, completely immobile in a growing pool of his own blood.
His father laughs at him, the leather belt in his hand crackling with pride. Turning himself around, he brings a weak arm up, pleading with the silhouette of what he thinks is a man. “P-please, I’ll give you whatever you want.”
The man scoffs, reaching behind him to pull out a tiny object. He flicks it a few times to reveal a lighter. As the fire brightens everything around him, he notices a bat in the man’s other arm. A very bloody bat. Slowly, he brings the lighter up to his face and Kim’s eyes go wide with the last bit of his strength.
“Y-you’re that i-intern-
“Name’s Jungkook.”  The man interjected before bringing the bat up and smashing it into his face.
In a moment, the last thing Kim saw were spotted stars in his eyes before he felt the awful pop of his nose breaking and eventually lost conscious.
You were painting your nails. Scratch that, you were attempting to paint your nails. Bending your body in half and sticking out your tongue in concentration, you groan when that bombs, and you make yet another mistake. This shit was impossible.
After a long week of complete exhaustion, you were happy to be home on your couch with a pizza box on your left and a glass of wine on your right. Sitting there and swirling the brush inside your nail polish container you hummed along to the tune of the newest pop song stuck in your head. It was a nice night, compared to the heat wave your city had been experiencing for the past month. So, you decided to leave the windows open and let some breeze in. Soon you were thinking about watching a thriller on Netflix.
You sighed, this is always how your days passed no matter what type of weather was out there. Alone – in your way too large to live alone in house. Since your bitch of a best friend left you, she decided to take all your other friends with her. Online harassment from her minions got so bad you had to delete all your social medias. Family was no good either. Your parents were the most annoying creatures on the planet, refusing to let you in that one time you flew home to see them for the holidays. Whatever, it didn’t matter – you fucking hated everyone anyway. Fuck Melissa, fuck Dad, fuck David, fuck Uncle Ben.
There were sometimes though, where you would make a stupid penis joke towards an actor on screen and wished Melissa was around to laugh in that obnoxious way she often would. Or that your Dad would still call you for his check ins with one of his million pet names. You wished David was still around to see if your company really made you supervisor, he owed you like $40 bucks from the bed. And other times you wished Uncle Ben still brought you those expensive gifts from his crazy trips.
But whatever…like you said. Fuck everyone.
You’re startled when the doorbell chimes, almost bumping your acetone all over the place. In confusion you look over to your clock hanging above the dining room wall. It was almost midnight. Who could it be at this hour?
You jump again when the doorbell rings for a second time. Whoever it was sure was impatient. Moving your pedicure items to the side, you stand up in annoyance, making your way over to the door. Quietly you peek into the peephole, hoping to see a familiar face. Oddly, no one seems to be outside. Yet the bell chimes again.
With great hesitance you pull the door open, only slightly.
The sight you’re met with leaves your jaw hanging open. On the other side of the door – right in front of you, stood Jeon Jungkook. Not a trace of emotion on his face as he glared at you and pushed the door open the rest of the way. You back up slightly. He was holding a bat covered in blood and dirt, red and black stains surrounded the smooth skin of his face. The stench of iron and gasoline makes you scrunch your nose, and you put a palm over it in disgust.
Jungkook stands there, staring at you. You wore a white silk kimono, one side of it delicately hanging on your arm and exposing your bare shoulder. Smitten by just the sight of you, he breaths in your strawberry musk – mixed with acetone for some reason. When he steps inside you let out a tiny gasp. Raising an eyebrow, he continues to watch you. He prepared a whole speech about how you’re his and he was here to punish you accordingly tonight but as soon as your glassy orbs met his, he lost all train of thought. Funny, he was tearing limbs and breaking bones a couple of minutes ago and now he feels like he can’t even advance his hand to touch you.
When you continue to look at him with such distaste, he expected you to scream, to cry, to run. He was expecting you to act like his prey usually does.
He was not expecting you to smile.
“What did you do?” You ask him in the biggest smile he’s ever seen you in.
It feels like the breath has been knocked out of him. You step closer to him, tilting your head to hear his answer but he’s struggling to form words. Fluttering your lashes, you patiently wait for him to talk.
“I…I-I killed him.”
“Killed who?” You ask without missing a beat. It seems like you’ve realized though as your mouth forms an O and you let out a laugh, “Wait, Mr. Kim? You really killed Kim?”
Jungkook nods as his heart starts beating faster. He’s not used to you being so close and acknowledging him. “And Jang”
“Whoooaaa, and Jang?” You jump up in enthusiasm, surprising poor Jungkook.
“Y-you don’t care?” He asks in a tiny voice
You give him a weird face, “Care? Why would I?”
When he gives you the most clueless face in return, you sigh – crossing your arms. He sure was naïve.
“I found your camera,” You begin, looking up to witness his shocked reaction. He looks like he wanted to say something, but you hold up a finger to stop him, “Well, actually I found all your cameras. The first one being the one with all those creepy pictures of me.”
“At first, I was shocked, and a little upset. Then I became scared. And then I realized…that I was actually scared” You stare at him with wide, insane eyes and he wonders why he’s never witnessed this side of you. It was kinda turning him on. “I was scared…holy shit I was scared of you and it was the best thing ever. Then I wondered if you had any other cameras…and I was right.”
Lifting your head to the left corner of the living room, you point at the spot. “I found the first one there, and the second one in the kitchen and then in the bathroom and so on.” Suddenly your face becomes solemn and you give him a scowl that makes him deflate like a small animal.
“Then I thought…Wow! so much interesting shit is happening in my life – in my own home and I had no fucking idea? Why? Because my stalker happened to be a bitchass coward who couldn’t make a move?”
He winces when you berate him, his head dropping and tears forming in his eyes. There was so much he wanted to tell you, but a headache was forming in his brain from all the gasoline he had inhaled. You place your hand under his jaw, gently bringing his face up to yours again, “That’s why I decided to lure you out myself. I took off the spycam in my room and decided to fuck my boss, hoping you’d come see and do something. Knew you would perch on my willow tree seeing how the photos in your camera were angled…Which by the way is a fucking mess! Clean up the nasty chaos you made on my precious tree tonight!”
Jungkook nods firmly, still processing what you said.
“S-so wait…wait then Kim was jus-”
“Yeah, Kim was just a pawn. He’s practically been begging to fuck me for years anyway, and I was gonna do it for that promotion he offered me. But this is better. Also, Jang touched my ass way too much on ‘accident.’ I didn’t want them to die, but I don’t exactly care either.”
Jungkook smiles shyly. The fact that used Kim to get to him. You didn’t care about Kim’s money or his power. He got insecure for no reason. And you had just asked him to stay by telling him to clean up his mess! If he’s right in guessing your intentions, then he feels that he’s going to burst out crying. Although he’ll still punish you for fucking him. That agony he felt was still deep inside his gut and he hadn’t been able to cum for two days, plotting this elaborate scheme of murder. With everything you were telling him, he didn’t think you’d mind much.
You’ve accepted him, after all. He’s enough for you.
You’re enough.
“Tell me what you did to them.”
“I beat them to a bloody pulp.” Jungkook says monotonously. It’s the first sentence he states without stuttering. “Attacked them both from behind with a single blow and cracked their skulls. Continued to beat the shit out of them then dropped Jang’s body to an alleyway. Broke both of his arms. Dragged him to an empty warehouse known for drug transactions where I fucked up Kim. Smashed his face in, his eyeball was hanging out by the end of it…it wasn’t very attractive. Then I threw gasoline all over the place and burned it to a crisp. Firefighters and Media’s probably there by now”
“Holy shit…that’s…fucking crazy,” You eye the bat. “What if you get caught”
“I won’t…they’ll say it was a rival drug gang. Left a few traces of underground trash” He answers as you lift your brows. There was a lot you didn’t know about him, especially the three years prior to him getting that job in your office. You wouldn’t know of the life he had before he laid his eyes on you, the co-worker with the beautiful smile showing him around his new workplace. He wasn’t interested in returning to a time before you became his purpose for existing, but he was smarter than he looks.
There was a lot he understood.
Jungkook frowns at the floor before making eye contact with you, “Do you…hate me?”
“…Your weird ass excites me Jungkook. I think I fucking love you.” Meh, honestly you weren’t really in love with him. But it wouldn’t hurt to say it cause you knew as long as Jungkook stayed this psychotic, he’s the only man you would come close to loving. You hadn’t ever been in love before, but you were willing to ty it out.
At your confession Jungkook shows you his bunny teeth and his eyes crinkle. It meant so much to him, you wouldn’t even be able to comprehend. These three years have gone very differently for both of you, after all. While you were out there losing people from your life and wasting your existence away, Jungkook was falling in love with you deeper and deeper each moment he spent watching you. To the point of complete, irreversible fixation. A loud bell rings inside his head and he chokes up.
“I love you, too.”
You grab his cheeks, lurching forward to kiss him and it only takes a second for him to reciprocate.
It was a sloppy, hungry kiss. Your tongues swirls around his and your teeth bump into each other. You lick the sides of his mouth, tasting someone else’s blood and the residue of fire. It makes you moan into him. With that the beast awakens, dropping the damn bat out of his hands and grabbing your ass instead, pulling you close to him. His wet muscle dominates yours easily, your legs giving out slightly and he rushes to hold you up by your thighs. Ever slip of his tongue has you clenching your core in excitement. Lewd noises fill your doorway as you hang onto his sturdy frame and he pushes harder and harder against you. He bites your lip and you whine, feeling him smile into your mouth. When you felt like you could no longer breathe, you pull back to stare at his blown-out pupils with lust fogging your mind.
Out of breath, he whimpers as you rub against his hard on. He was sexy as fuck with his lips swollen and glossy with your spit, pupils dilated, his jaw ajar and lurid sighs leaving him. Jungkook held onto you for dear life while waiting for your next move, you felt his thick fingers digging into your thighs. You smile at him with heavy lids, running a hand through his wild strands. Cautiously, he places his face into your exposed shoulder and inhales your scent. Shivering at the sensation, you groan as he starts biting at your neck aggressively, as if trying to make a statement. You coo at him, trying to calm him down by patting his head, and you wonder if it worked once he slows down and you feel tears amongst your bitten hickeys.
That’s what excited you the most about Jungkook. There was no certainty about him, you couldn’t predict him at all. Some part of you thought he would come to kill you instead of Kim or Jang and the rush you felt seeing him in your entrance drenched in blood almost gave you a standing orgasm. Right now, you have no fucking idea why he’s sobbing into your shoulder while dry humping you with such eagerness…was he happy? Was he mad? Was he sad? You couldn’t tell that Jungkook was absolutely enthralled to finally have you in his arms – touch you all he wanted – and he did have a very rough and bloody week. He was emotionally drained. What you did know, however, was that you haven’t felt this much thrill for a long, long time. And the root cause of it was this man baby in your arms, covering you with gore and ash.
What a weird guy.
You weren’t sure where this was headed, all you knew was that Jungkook would be pounding inside of you on your bed in a couple of moments. Without changing of course because the guts spilled across his shirt was making you drip down your thighs. Wrapping your arms against the crying bunny rabbit, you speculated if there was another extravagant plot you could cook up to get him to kill someone – this time right in front of you. After all, it was as if you were Frankenstein and he was your monster with rabbit features and brawny arms. The thought makes you chuckle before you notice how he’s began hiccuping and repeating his love for you on your skin. Sighing, you whisper in his ear to simmer down. It was getting difficult to breath with how he was smothering you. Oh well.
Looks like your night just got interesting.
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s-creations · 3 years
Return the Flames - Chapter 7
All at Dead Bird Studios knew of Amos' (The  Conductor's) ability. How the owl could suddenly erupt into flames if  angered enough. When the studio first opened, Dominic (DJ Grooves) was  told that Amos had his ability under control. Nothing to worry about. No  possible loss of anything from an open flame.
A few years later however, and that control seems to have lessened to a dangerous degree.
It should have just been a simple, week long drive to fix the problem. It really should have been.
Dominic should have asked a lot more questions and should have been prepared for a twist ending.
Fandom: A Hat in Time     Rating: General Audience     Relationships/Pairings: The ConductorXDJ Grooves   Warnings: Eventual depictions of violence, slow burn relationship, named characters, attempt of an accent, being hunted down, a race against time (sort of).
One good thing to hold onto, during this troubling time, was that both directors had their wallets. Even after being flung around in or flung out of the crashing car. They were able to purchase the needed items and rent a car from the larger section of the town. Back on the road within two hours. 
 “I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’m up for driving all day.” Dominic remarked, a yawn escaping him once completing that sentence. 
 “Do ya need me ta take over in a few?” asked Amos.
 “If you’re up to it. But I have a feeling we're both in need of an early night.” 
 “Do ya think that’s a smart idea?”
 “We can’t not sleep Amos.”
 “But we just got away from our new, unwanted stalkers.”
 “I think they’ll also need time to lick their wounds. As well as try to figure out which way we might be going next before getting to our final destination. At the moment, we have the upper hand.”
 “Ya seem ta know a lot about this.”
 “I’m just using rational thinking. Now, you get some sleep. I’ll wake you in a few to decide if we need to stop or not.”
 “I’m alright,” the penguin gave a gentle smile, “I’m not dealing with an ‘illness’ that could possibly... Just sleep Amos.”
 The owl didn’t have enough energy to put up a fight, finding himself curling in his seat and falling asleep. His head resting against the window. His ears twitched feeling something run through his feathers. But he didn’t let it bother him, sleep claiming him quickly. When he woke again, it was Dominic gently shaking his shoulder. The sun was just beginning to set. The car was parked outside of a motel. The penguin already holding a key for one of the rooms. 
 “...I thought ya were gonna wake me when we were gonna switch.” Amos muttered.
 “You know that was wishful thinking that you would be okay to drive. Come on.” 
 They shuffled into the room and claimed their own bed. It was a simple room, with only the basic needs and nothing added in the way of decor. Both directors just happy that it was actually clean. As they laid there that familiar awkwardness settled in between them once again. 
 Normally, Amos would have claimed space in the ice filled tub. Letting himself embrace the cold to keep the flames at bay. Now, however, he didn’t feel the fire attempting to release itself. Amos didn’t need the ice nor did he want to sleep, too uncomfortable to relax. So, here he was. Sitting across from an exhausted looking penguin that went from being a rival to someone Amos needed to rely on to survive.
 “So…” Amos hated how quiet it was. Not even the neighbors were making any sounds. 
 “We’ll need to find an ATM tomorrow,” Dominic answered, “Keep using money to keep our trail as cold as possible.”
 “Won’t usin’ the machine call attention to us?”
 “I really hope not. But we’ll need to take the risk in order to make sure we have enough.”
 “Fair point… How much do we have now?”
 Dominic pulled his wallet out. “I have...32 dollars. You?”
 “Even 40…” Amos pulled the phone’s directory towards him, giving it a glance before grabbing the phone. “Ya aren’t allergic to anything, right?”
 “I’m in the mood for pizza.”
 “...You know what, sure. That sounds good.” 
 “What do ya want.”
 Amos visibly blanched at that answer. "Of course.”
 “Oh, and what are you going to have, Mr. Connoisseur.” 
 “...Pineapple and ham.”
 Letting out a laugh, Dominic shook his head. “Well then. Aren’t we just two special cases.”
 “Hush. Ya want a drink.”
 “Yes, please. Do you think they have bread sticks?”
 “Hold yer horses!” Amos laughed weakly, “How much money do ya think we have?”
 “Enough for bread sticks.”
 Amos fully laughed at that, Dominic joining in with his own chuckles. “Fine, we can get yer peckin’ bread sticks. Ya needy bird.”
 “Just for that, I’m not sharing.” The penguin playfully huffed. He grabbed the remote, turning on the television and started flipping through the channels. 
 Amos merely rolled his eyes as he ordered. As they waited, they found a channel playing classic movies, each taking turns telling small stories from their childhood. The rest of the evening was spent reminiscing on their personal favorite movies and shows. Lazily eating away at their carb heavy meal. It was rolling close to midnight when Amos passed out. 
 Even with how exhausted he felt, stomach full and feeling warm, Dominic couldn’t follow the owl’s example. His mind was still buzzing with the thoughts and fears that had combined from the beginning of this trip. He honestly felt as if he was living in one of his movies. Except with a lot less music, which was discouraging. Someone, a government agency apparently, wanted Amos gone. Like, completely gone. Because he was apparently ‘dangerous’. Became of some ability that Amos never asked to have. 
 Attempting to get comfortable, Dominic rolled onto his side facing Amos. Without the constant pile of ice that hid him, Dominic was able to get a better look at the passed out owl. Which was honestly amazing with how much Amos had slept that day. 
 He had kicked the sheet and comforter away. Creating a sort of half nest of fabric around him. Amos himself was curled into a ball, arms covering his face. His top leg occasionally twitches in his sleep. A soft ‘thump’ was heard from time to time, Dominic realizing it was Amos’ tail moving. The penguin could only hope that the other director’s sleep was peaceful. 
Dominic let out a slow sigh as he watched Amos sleep. This trip was supposed to be easy. A way to help Amos relax and not have to stress so much over what was happening to him. Now, they had an unwanted parasite following them around as a constant reminder of Amos’ affliction. And it angered Dominic. He was stressed, Amos was stressed, and this was a situation neither of them saw arising. They needed a break. A vacation away from their ‘vacation’. Just time to sit back and breathe. 
 He wasn’t sure when he started to drift off, his mind was still racing with how to make this better. But as the clock hit midnight, Dominic fell asleep. The answer he was looking for appeared a few days later.
 “Amos, look!”
 The owl was pulled from his thoughts as Dominic’s excited call. “Hmm, what?”
 “We’re coming up on a fair!”
 Amos frowned and turned his attention back out the window. Sure enough, there were signs lining along the side of the road. A large structure seen off in the distance. 
 “And? What do ya want ta do about that?”
 “Aren’t you curious? A small town fair, it could be fun!”
 “I- what? Did ya forget, we’re kind of on the run?”
 “And we’ve been on the move for two days without incident. I’m stressed. You’re stressed. Let’s go enjoy ourselves!”
 “Are ya crazy?”
 “When was the last time you went to something like this?”
 Amos squirmed in his seat. “Never.”
 “Never been ta one. Ma didn’t have the money and now I don’t have the time.”
 “Well, now we’re making time.” Dominic answered simply as he pulled into the field that was functioning as the parking lot. 
 “Are ya serious? You’ve lost it! We’ll stick out like a sore thumb here!”
 “In the middle of absolute nowhere, who’s going to care?”
 “As a Moon Penguin and a deformed owl, two species of birds that don’t live anywhere near here? Yes, people are going to care!” Amos sank further into his seat as they parked. “Dominic!”
 “Come on Darling, I want to have a day to look back on this crazy trip and enjoy something about it. And not just think about the chaos that was brought from this.”
 “The pizza last night wasn't enough?” The side look with the raised brow was enough of a ‘No.’ that Amos fell quiet. He remained quiet and allowed himself to be pulled from the car. Ears flat as they joined the cue to purchase tickets, eventually joining the fair crowd. 
 It was loud. Children screaming with glee as they rushed from attraction to attraction, parents frantically following. Mechanical noises from the nearby rides and vendors created a cacophony of bangs, whistles, and screeching metal. Beings of different sizes and species shouting at each other trying to be heard over the noise. The smell in the air was a mix of grease and sugar.
 “What do you want to do first?” The penguin looked around.
 “Ya pulled be in here.” Amos growled, ears still down in disagreement. 
 “Conductor, Darling, this is for us to both enjoy! And you’ve never been to one of these, so you need to get the full experience. Meaning, you need to pick what we do first.” 
 “What I need is for us ta get movin’.”
 “Let’s start with the food then.”
 “Are ya even listenin’ ta me?” Amos snapped as Dominic merely walked into the crowd. Following without much choice and not wanting to be left behind, Amos huffed as he started after the penguin. 
 It was as a plate of fried dough topped with powdered sugar was pushed into his hands did Amos really start to question what was happening. While the penguin was known as the more social director out of the two, this still seemed a little out of character. Dominic wasn’t one to push problems away. And they were in the middle of a rather large problem. So why would he very blatantly act as if they were on some sort of actual vacation?
 Lost to his confusion, Amos didn’t put up protest as he was pulled along. Dominic more than happy to take the lead through the different fair activities. Seeming to hit every one of his favorite spots that brought up a different childhood memory. 
 They were always doing something. Eating, taking in the sights, on a ride, conversing. Amos even forgetting a few times that they were supposed to be on the run. That his clock might be counting down to his final breath. 
 Then, it hit him. As they were exiting the ‘haunted house’, laughing hard at the terrible acting and Dominic started in on another story, that Amos realized he was relaxing. Even more so, he felt...happy. Nothing like when he was caring for his family or winning another award. It was as if he was content with just being himself for a while. A feeling Amos couldn’t remember having for a long time, if ever. 
 All because Dominic had demanded that they stop.
 The penguin was unaware of the look of absolute adoration the owl held for him as they entered into the gaming area. 
 “Do you feel skilled enough to take these on?”
 Amos was pulled from his stupor when Dominic gestured to the line of booths holding numerous carnival games.  “Nah, I know better. I’ve heard how these games are rigged ta make ya lose.”
 “Oh, such an owl of little faith.”
 Amos raised his brow as Dominic made his way towards the nearest booth. Giving a shrug, the owl merely followed, joining the other as the penguin paid to play. The booth had it’s back wall filled with small, inflated balloons. The attendant handed over a bundle of five darts before standing to the side, hiding among the plushies that lined the side. 
 “Are ya tring’ ta prove somethin’?”
 “Possibly. Now hush and watch.”
 Letting out a snort, Amos leaned against the booth to watch the display. Holding one of the five given darts, Dominic cautiously took aim. The owl was planning on making some smart comment when the first dart was let loose. Fully expecting for it to be ‘a swing and a miss’. Only to have a resounding ‘Pop!’ as the dart hit it’s intended target. 
 “Ooo, one of five. Amazin’.” Amos recovered quickly, smirking seeing Dominic’s face go sour.
 “Just keep quiet.”
 He would never admit it, but Amos was impressed. Even more so when Dominic actually won two more rounds. 
 “Wonderfully done sir!” The booth runner said with a wide smile on his face. “Feeling lucky?”
 “Absolutely Darling.”
 “If you win one more round,  I’ll let you pick one prize from the very top row. The best of the best I have to offer.”
 “Well, how could I refuse such a challenge. I’ll happily accept.”
 “Okay, now yer gonna lose it.” Amos remarked. 
 “Would you just let me enjoy myself.” 
 “Fine, don’t grumble to me when ya lose.” The owl stumbled slightly when Dominic hip bumped him. “Watch it.”
 “You watch it.” Dominic countered before getting back to the task at hand. It seemed even the small crowd of people couldn’t distract the penguin as he held another clean sweep. 
 “Very impressive!” The booth attended called out, starting out the round of applause from the crowd. “Wonderful show, good show! Go ahead and claim your prize.”
 “You impressed?” Dominic leaned over to Amos as he gestured to the stuffed plushie he wanted. 
 “That ya were able to cheat the already cheatin’ system? Sure, if it make ya feel better.” Replied Amos with a smirk. 
 “I’ll still count it as a victory then. Here.”
 The owl was surprised when the won plushie was trusted into his hands. It was a star shaped pillow. The fabric was fuzzy, Amos running his hand along it, the texture soft. Realizing it felt similar to Dominic’s feathers. The design of said fabric was that of space. Inky black with swirls of pink, purple, and blue creating a galaxy. Spots of white designed to be the stars dotting the sky. 
 “Sorry, does it hit kind of close? We can exchange it.” 
 Amos realized he’d remained shocked and silent, hand resting on the pillow. “Ah, no, it’s fine. I want ta keep it. Thank ya…”
 “No one’s given me anything before.”
 Why was his heart beating so fast?
 Dominic smiled (which did not help Amos’ already frantically beating heart) and led the other away from the booth. “It’s a sort of some unspoken law that you need to leave the fair with at least one tacky item.”
 “It’s not tacky.” Amos quickly defended, startling the penguin. 
 “...I’m happy you like it.”
 “So...now what do we do?”
 “We have one more task to complete before we can leave.” 
 “Alright. Ya lead the way then.”
 With the plush tucked into the crook of his arm, Amos helped in carrying the feast of food Dominic started buying. They departed the fairgrounds proper, arms filled with food, as the sun began to set. Dominic led the way up a nearby hill and only stopped when they reached the very top. The penguin set up the food in a sort of circle, all within reach for both birds to enjoy. 
 The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon when they finally finished eating. Amos lying on his back, stomach full with the plush resting on his chest. Dominic was next to him, eyes scanning the sky. 
 “Shouldn’t we be leavin’?” The owl asked.
 “We well. We’re just waiting for the final event.”
 “Havin’ us gain 10 pounds wasn’t the final thin’ ta check off?”
 Dominic laughed. “No. This was just a last hurrah of fair food until next year. But...it’s probably dark enough for it to start.”
 “The show, Darling.”
 Amos’ question fell away as a familiar sound filled the sky before a firework went off. Painting the sky and ground a vibrant red. Now, Amos had seen fireworks before. But only on set. As props for his latest movie he would have been working on. Watching them without having to set it up, or worry about something going wrong, it was far more enjoyable. Amos even sat up as he became further engrossed with the show. 
 He felt Dominic shift next to him, sitting up as well, the penguin shuffling closer. Amos didn’t argue as he was gently pulled to lean against the other. An arm casually wrapping around Amos’ waist comfortably. 
 Dominic smiled seeing Amos’ tail swaying, ruffling the grass it was resting on.
 It was worth delaying their travels for this moment of peace.
 “Thanks Dominic…”
 “...You’re welcome Sweetheart.”
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herradhighpriestess · 3 years
Artificially Sweetened Sodomy 
Chapter 2:  Bloody Problems and Room-Temp water
Tig glanced up in the rearview mirror as Agent Kari Stillwater remained unconscious on the second-row seating before he dialed Clay.
“You all right?” Clay asked as he answered.
“You’ll hear soon enough but the wit sec shit went sideways and I, I need a place that’s discreet anywhere off 80. We got any friends I can crash with?”
“Let me make a couple calls, Chibs has some family left in the area off 80.”
Tig ended the call and looked up as Agent Stillwater groaned and stirred in her unconscious state. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he thought as he felt overwhelmed by the weight and dangerous ramifications of what he had just done.
“Because you’ve never seen someone like her before,” he answered as he had to force himself to not stare in the rearview mirror at her and keep his eyes somewhat on the road.
“What were you thinking?” he asked himself.
“That you want her,” Tig grumbled as he inhaled sharply as the olfactory bulb in his brain raped his senses by making him remember the warmth and spicy vanilla aroma when he yanked her off her feet and cut off her air until she slumped in his arms.
He pinched the bridge of his nose as the tiny snail-shaped cochlea bone in his ear bombarded him by recalling her gasps and eventual breathless sighs as he had squeezed his forearm against her slim neck.
The next hour was a fog for Tig, he kept looking up at Agent Stillwater’s slack expression. Clay called him back and gave him directions to a remote motel with a cash-only, week-to-week policy. Clay told him the name to check in under as well as the parking spot of an unregistered nondescript van.
Agent Kari Stillwater began to stir and groaned as she slowly began to regain consciousness. Her stomach began to cramp as she tried to recall the time she knew she lost.
Kari strained her ears and heard the miles passing under the large tires and then a sudden, violent vision of blue eyes and being on the wrong end of her regulation handgun.
Tig took the next exit as soon as she began to wake and pulled the SUV over on a dirt road opposite a junkyard, encircled with rusty barbed wire.
She forced herself to open her eyes.
Kari’s vision was blurry as she found him staring at her, almost studying her. Her eyes found a different gun in his hand, aimed in her general direction and she had the fleeting thought as to where her .40 caliber was.
She was awake enough to hate herself for flinching when his voice fell around her.
“There’s water in there,” Tig mumbled and pointed to a blue canvas bag by her feet.
Kari met the startling blue depths of her abductor’s eyes as he gestured again towards the bag with the barrel of the gun.
She barely blinked and never broke eye contact with him as she reached down and fumbled for a bottle of tepid mineral water.
Kari drank deeply and coughed harshly as the carbonation teased her dry throat.
She caught her breath before resuming small sips from the bottle before letting her eyes fall closed again. His gaze was too assertive, his silence overwhelming and bloated with unknown motivations.
He watched her patiently take a few more sips, taking in her pallid tone.
“Are you okay?” Tig finally asked evenly.
Kari scoffed and shifted uncomfortably as he lapsed back into silence, clearly waiting for her to answer.
She cleared her throat. “I don’t know. Am I?”
Tig’s expression never changed, “that’s all dependent on you Agent Stillwater.”
“I don’t have money,” Kari said on the tail of a ragged sigh.
“I don’t want money,” Tig said without a trace of emotion, watching as color began to return to her face.
She sat up straighter on the plush seat and smoothed her hair down while her mind frantically reeled for a way out.
“What then?” Kari managed as a stronger wave of nausea rolled over her.
She blinked slowly as her abductor fixed his attention on her and spoke casually, his face plastered with an unreadable expression.
“Not sure yet.”
Kari’s fear was barely concealed as she pressed her lips together in a firm line as his words reverberated and seemed to hang in the air. “What exactly does that mean?” she asked in an almost steady voice.
“Not sure yet,” Tig repeated slowly, letting his eyes casually dance over every bit of her exposed skin. His gaze lingered on the gruesome bruising around her slim neck, hating the discoloration that seemed to darken with each passing second.
“Did you kill the witness?” she deflected, the weight of his gaze growing unnerving.
Kari held her breath before the man with the shockingly black head of hair, sharp cheekbones and crystalline blue eyes shook his head.
“I didn’t plan for this,” Tig said in a louder voice than he intended, his words too forceful.
“Then drop me off at the closest gas station or restaurant and I’ll find my way home, I don’t need to remember anything too specific,” Kari threw out, not a shred of actual hope behind her words.
Tig’s chuckle sent a shiver from the crown of her head to the tip of her tailbone. The sound was all masculine, early man and spoke to the ebb and flow of her hormones.
“You’re stuck with me for a while,” he rasped musically.
His blue eyes seemed to darken as his lips pulled into a smile and she quickly looked down at her lap, suddenly and starkly thankful that he hadn’t restrained her with her own handcuffs.
Kari continued to stare at the tops of her hands as she spoke. “Where are you taking me?”
Tig shrugged noncommittally. “A place a few hours from here, off 80.”
“What’s this place?”
“Somewhere quiet.”
“Do you think the ATF doesn’t have a long reach?” she couldn’t help but ask on a scoff.
“They’re not here now are they Agent Stillwater?” Tig asked gravely and pulled back the hammer of the handgun.
Kari’s head snapped up and any color that had been returning to her face quickly evaporated.
Kari shook her head and tipped the last of the water into her mouth.
The now warm water swirled around her tongue and she surprised Tig by whipping her face towards him and spitting the citrus flavored water at him.
He shook his head and gave a startled shout as Kari scrambled towards the door and pulled at the handle.
Tig wiped the mixture of mineral water and spit out of his eyes before he climbed over the seat as she managed to push the door open before he caught her elbow.
Kari grunted and tried to yank her arm free of his hold.
“Stop goddammit,” he growled and captured her other arm before jerking her roughly back towards the bench seat and his solid embrace as he adjusted his hold on her.
Kari snapped her head back and nearly made contact with his already cracked nose. Tig growled and easily slid one arm to wrap back around her throat.
“Stop fighting,” he warned and tensed his forearm against the soft skin of her neck.
Kari froze, not wanting to be forced into unconsciousness again by near-asphyxiation.
Tig smiled approvingly as he relaxed his hold on her when she gave the barest of nods, letting his senses be water-boarded by the feel of her body and sweet smell of fear, anxiety and autumn leaves blossom and exude from her pores.
He closed his eyes as he pressed his face to the warm curve of her neck. “Are you through fighting Agent Stillwater?” he murmured against her flushed skin.
Kari nodded again stiffly and let a modicum of tension leech from her body as he suddenly released her and slid to the other end of the second-row bench seat, settling back against the other side door.
Tig waited in tense silence, his red blood cells energized as he watched her slowly turn and face forward in the seat. He licked his lips as he watched her fold her hands in her lap before she looked over and met his eyes.
He kept his expression neutral as he focused on the small cut that had opened on her upper lip from grappling with him.
“When were you supposed to check in next?” he asked as he fished his nearly empty crumpled pack of cigarettes from his pocket and shook one free.
Kari glanced at the clock on the dashboard before answering. “If that time’s correct, nearly two hours ago.”
She shook her head when he held out the pack towards her.
Tig lit the end and inhaled deeply, keeping the smoke trapped in his lungs as he tried to stop staring at her. He couldn’t stop finding the differences between her and the women that were normally in his sexual orbit.
Tig took a slow drag off the cigarette while he tried to imagine the protocol of a missing ATF agent and the expected agency response.
“How long do you expect me to …… travel with you?” Kari asked as Tig’s eyes settled on the smooth hollow at the base of her throat and the uneven rise and fall of her chest.
Tig slowly raised his eyes to meet hers and tilted his head slightly as he answered. “I’m not sure yet,” he started and continued in what he hoped was a casual tone, not wanting to add napalm to the brewing emotional forest fire. “But however long, I need to know you’re not going to be a problem Agent Stillwater.”
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conradscrime · 3 years
Lyle Stevik John Doe (Identified in 2018)
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January 08, 2021
Ugh. I love a good John/Jane Doe case. 
However, I do want to just remind everyone that as interesting as these cases are, they are very sad. We need to remember that yes a person who is unidentified is very interesting because there are a lack of answers. The main one being who are they but also what happened to them? 
I think when it comes to John/Jane Doe cases we need to mindful and remain extremely respectful and not so judgemental. These people at one point were someone’s children, sibling, perhaps someone’s parent, someone’s spouse. They were most likely someone’s everything at one point. And now there could be a family or friend or loved one who has no idea what happened to them, has no idea why they haven’t heard from them or seen them. 
John/Jane Doe cases are probably some of my favourite to research because they are just that, interesting. But I especially think in these cases we need to be respectful because these people are no longer here to tell their story or defend themselves. And everyone no matter, deserves to have their name back. 
I’ve known about the Lyle Stevik John Doe case long before he was ever identified. I want to say around 2016 is when I first heard of the case and when he was identified in May of 2018 I was so happy, though his story is sad. Since being identified his family has chosen to keep his identity from the public which I do not blame them one bit especially because I believe the family assumed he was out living a life without them and had no idea he had been deceased for so long. My heart goes out to the family of Lyle Stevik John Doe. 
TRIGGER WARNING: This case involves the topic of suicide and someone taking their own life. If this is triggering for some I suggest not reading this case and to stay tuned for upcoming cases I cover! I have a lot planned and there will be new posts from me every Friday (and on days where I am not so busy with work and school I will have 2 cases uploaded!) 
On Friday, September 14, 2001 a man checked into a motel in Amanda Park Washington called the Quinault Inn under the name Lyle Stevik after arriving there via bus. The clerk told police that he may have been Canadian, as he spoke with what seemed to the clerk as an accent similar to a Canadian one. 
When registering for his room he entered the alias Lyle Stevik, and for an address he wrote down the address of a Best Western facility in Meridian Idaho. The police ended up locating the hotel and questioning the staff, but none of them recognized photos of him. 
The man was reportedly seen walking back and forth at the side of the highway near the motel, but it is uncertain whether these sightings were seen before or after he registered for his room at the motel. The man actually requested a different room after complaining about the noise outside the room was he given. 
The man was found deceased in his motel room on Monday September 17, 2001. An initial report said he had stayed at the motel for two nights, but he had checked in on September 14, which meant he had stayed there for three nights. He originally only paid for one night, but then planned to stay for a few more days. He had hung himself by his belt from a bar inside the closet. 
He had left a note that said “for the room” on the bedside table and left $160 in $20 bills to cover the remaining two nights of the weekend, which I think just shows what kind of person he was in life, a good person. The bills used to pay for the room looked fresh, it appeared that they had been recently taken out of an ATM machine. He had no wallet on him or credit card, so it seemed kind of strange that the bills looked so fresh, because how did he use a ATM machine if he didn’t have a card or wallet on him? There was also a note left that just said the words “suicide.” He is thought to have died on September 16. It is suspected that he may have died by suicide due to depression or because of a fatal disease, though the autopsy showed no signs of that. 
The man was described to have light-skin, and by his features some report that he could of been from Native American or Hispanic ancestry. He also had black hair which was trimmed and neatly combed and green/hazel eyes. He weighed between 130-140 pounds, and was about 6 feet tall. 
An investigator also claimed that there had been a piece of paper located in the trash bin that had “suicide” written on it as if the man were practicing how to spell it. Some believe he could not speak English well. I find this strange though because the clerk that gave him his room never mentioned that he could not speak english well from the research i’ve done, the clerk only said he had some sort of accent and like previously mentioned it was thought to be a Canadian accent, and I feel as though that would of been a very important detail that wouldn’t of been left out. 
Police also said he had closed the blinds of the room and lined the closet with pillows. The man had no luggage with him, he only brought a toothbrush and toothpaste which were found in the room. He was wearing a gray tshirt and  blue levi jeans and black timberland boots. There was also a blue long sleeve plaid button up shirt found laying on a chair in the room. 
So you may be wondering where the name Lyle Stevik comes from. Some believe that he came up with this name from a character in a book written by Joyce Carol Oates. The novel was called “You Must Remember” and it was released in 1987. In the story, the main character’s father, Lyle Stevik, contemplates suicide, and attempts suicide, however doesn’t suceed. The John Doe spelled the name Stevik, but in the book the character’s name is spelled Stevick, with a C.
The local coroner’s office also said the man could of been from African-American ancestry in addition to having Hispanic and native american ancestry. 
DNA analysis concluded he was at least one-quarter native american and one quarter hispanic or spanish. His teeth showed evidence of earlier treatment with braces. He had an old appendectomy scar which is when you get your appendix removed, and also a small mole on the left side of his chin. He also had attached earlobes which is a genetic characteristic. His nails were clean and trimmed as well. 
The man also was not wearing a ring on his left finger, and there was no tan line there or any indication that he had ever worn a ring on that finger. They also did isotope testing on the man and found that he had travelled to various states before his death. Isotope testing in criminal investigations is basically used to find out things such as locating the country of origin for a given explosive, or to identify drug trafficking routes. 
The examination also showed that he had recently lost a large amount of weight up to 40 pounds. The medical examiner estimated this weight difference after noticing that the size of his jeans were fairly large in comparison to his body. His belt also had extra holes that had been punched into it. His age was estimated to be between 20 and 30 years old, giving his estimated year of birth to be between 1971 and 1981. 
Some also found it strange that this man had committed suicide only a few days after 9/11 happened. Investigator’s tried to connect the two, some people thinking maybe he had lost someone in 9/11 and could not go on without them so he decided to end his own life. 
The man known as Lyle Stevik was a John Doe. They had no idea where he came from or where his family could be. He was buried in an unmarked grave at the Fern Hill Cemetery in Aberdeen, Washington, and went unidentified for almost 17 years. 
Because this man had only been deceased for a short period of time before being found, examiners were able to obtain fingerprints, dental characteristics and DNA. These identifying markers were placed in international databases, including CODIS, but no matches were made. It was believed that he came from Port Angeles or Aberdeen, locations from which buses daily traveled to Amanda Park. 
The man was not recognized by any of the bus drivers from those areas. There were also two men who had gone missing named Alexander Craig and Steven Needham, but both had been ruled out as possible identities of the Lyle Stevik John Doe. 
In April of 2007, Lyle Stevik was listed as the profile of the month for Missing From the circle, which was a public service initiative launched by Lamar Associates, a law enforcement advisory organization based in Washington, D.C. to help solve cases of missing and unidentified Native Americans. 
The case went cold. But in 2018, two genetic genealogists from the DNA Doe Project named Colleen M. Fitzpatrick and Margaret Press uploaded DNA profiles to GEDmatch to attempt to link the unidentified man to individuals living in New Mexico and Idaho. The DNA Doe Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying unknown deceased persons. 
And then on May 8, 2018 it was announced by the Grays Harbor Sheriff’s office that Lyle Stevik had been identified through DNA analysis and comparison with genetic relatives, performed by the DNA doe project in collaboration with Aerodyne and Full Genomes Corporation. They found a cluster of matches of relatives, perhaps even two or three generations removed, in New Mexico. Through this they were able to find members of the John Doe’s birth family. 
The man was from Alameda County, California and was 25 years old at the time of this death. The Grays harbour county sheriff’s office notified the man’s family, who had believed him to be alive and had just thought he did not want to associate with them. His family had a set of his fingerprints that were taken in grade school, as part of a children’s identification program. 
The sheriff’s department compared those to the fingerprints of the deceased man taken in 2001 and made a positive identification. However, we do not know the man’s actual name because his family has asked to keep it private, they do not want him to be publicly identified. 
This case is oddly similar to a case that happened in 1996. A woman who went by the name Mary A. Anderson committed suicide in a hotel room in Seattle, Washington in October of 1996. However, this is known to be a fake name the woman used and they have never been able to identify her. 
She reserved a room via telephone on October 9 about 90 minutes before she checked in. She arrived with two bags and paid cash for two nights. She also entered a New York address and telephone number, which investigator later determined to be false. 
On Friday, October 11 her body was discovered by a hotel staff member after she failed to check out. She was found reclining in the bed, clasping a Bible to her chest with the pages opened to Psalm 23. There was a suicide note on the bedside table. She left no identification. 
The Medical examiner determined she had consumed a lethal mixture of metamucil and cyanide and ruled her death a suicide. The woman was white, said to be between ages 30-50, with well groomed manicured nails and neatly combed hair. She had an IUD inserted, and appeared to have had breast surgery at some point in her life. 
Police tried to identify her through fingerprint records on file with the FBI, as well as through missing persons reports filed in the US, Canada and through Interpol which is the International criminal police organization. They were unable to trace the origins of cyanide used and the medical examiner’s office said that the woman had purposely left out any way that she could be identified. I included a photo of her facial reconstruction down below along with Lyle Stevik’s.
Though I don’t really believe there’s any connection to these two cases they are eerily similar and as I mentioned earlier I think John/Jane Doe cases are especially important to cover, and especially important to be respectful of any friends or family if they ever come across this post. 
It makes me extremely happy that Lyle Stevik John Doe was identified in May of 2018. His family has asked to keep his identity from the public, however after doing further research I did find some websleuths who have supposedly found a picture of Lyle Stevik in a yearbook and have released his real name. Personally, the photo to me looks extremely real and does look like him, almost exactly. 
However, because his family wants to grieve in peace I will not be posting that photo or his supposed real name. I do not think that is fair to the family and I think we need to let this case rest. Lyle Stevik got his name back, his family has the closure they needed after all these years and that’s all that matters.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post! I have included a photo of Lyle Stevik John Doe’s sketch but I will not be including photos of his  body or the supposed yearbook photo of him as I just find that extremely disrespectful to not only him, but also his family. 
Hope you enjoyed this case!
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