#necro worm
wytheriing · 10 months
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vi sarah and necro worms
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this-is-fox-speaking · 4 months
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not gonna watermark this one cause it’s shit
anyways. my retro if she was a necroworm beast. i like the thought a lot.
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sweetpolkadots13 · 10 months
!CW for blood, gore, and body horror!
So remember Gakuen Tengoku P1 from Just Dance Wii U, right?
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She is now infected by Necro Worms.
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omgitssonic · 11 months
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Crazy Human - Necro Snakes
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itsnotcoming · 1 year
Only context is I'm in a TLT server.
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absolutedisaster69 · 1 year
Now it's MY turn to be the mutual reblogging a new blorbo nonstop that barely anyone else will know.
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starlytenight · 2 years
I'm curious as to how your Morpho would react to other people's AUs where Gala ends up raising Meta, or the much rare verson, where Meta ends up raising Kirby and Gala as siblings. Or other versons where Meta and Gala are more friends than enemies.
Oh, I have friends with AUs like that so this is a fun one to answer!
Plus you get a small dive into my Morpho's quirks.
Basically my Morpho has never seen any worlds outside of things that are heavily based on in-game stuff, so he's never seen any dimensions where Meta and Gala are actually amicable toward each other until now/recently. In every world he has visited, they were always at each other's throats and he just came to expect hostility from their interactions, much like he came to expect Galacta eventually calling out to him.
In essence, he's destroyed countless worlds because they failed his test upon merging with the respective Galacta Knight and using his suffering to measure the world's worth. Those worlds failed, but the butterfly kept his bond with each angel, eventually gaining a strong connection to him as a concept. Each Galacta is different, but their fates have been the same.
To see such alternate worlds would be extremely fascinating to him. Just anything even remotely amicable, let alone familial or romantic.
His main focus is Galacta Knight, so he would be invested in those related to him, be it a son in Meta, friends, or being raised by Meta---He would just be fascinated by how rare it is (in his experience) to see them like this, not to mention how he would have to plan around such things accordingly to get his judgement duty rolling.
My AU is the first time he's seen them actually in love. He finds it incredibly fascinating to see unfold. He has always known Meta Knights across dimensions to be far too cold, solitary, and nearly ruthless before eventually softening up with Kirby, Bandana Dee, and King Dedede... but by then it's usually too late and the damage is already done.
Not to say Meta Knight and company are the reason for Galacta's misery per say, but summoning the poor warrior just to kick his ass out of sheer pride certainly didn't help the matter. Same goes for the many Kirbys that joined in on the ass-kicking without wanting to reason or help the angel. Galacta is always forced/summoned in, he isn't usually willingly brought into those boss battles. They haven't tried to help him. They just fight him the moment they see him, defeat him, and move on, treating him like a nameless monster.
Just like everyone else.
To see a Meta Knight loving him in this world, and even willing to die for him is such a wild concept to Morpho. He knew the other versions of him had such capacity to behave like this, (other Meta Knights with Kirby/the others being loving or willing to protect them with their lives) but they never had the right circumstances to bring that out toward Galacta Knight. In this world, he does. (Think like differing headcanons, variations in shipping preferences/orientations/differing events, ect.)
If he found himself in other places like that, assuming he isn't split apart, he would be happy to see Galacta Knight not suffering and not crying out for him.
However the problem would arise that they eventually do need to eventually come together for Judgement Day and he does need the local angel to work with him. Resistance from any Galacta Knight is not something he's used to and he would have to find a work around, assuming said Galacta Knight would not be desiring a better life/in such misery he would rather be dead*.
(*The feeling is like "I don't want to die but this existence is so painful I would rather be dead at this point, please help me" and thus Morpho grants him a new state of being with him to exact their combined judgement upon the world; all the pain and suffering placed upon the angel is felt by the deity, and then returned to the cruel life he was given which usually ends in oblivion.)
In some of these worlds, Kirby won, but everything was nearly devastated beyond recognition (his friends, family, Popstar, everything destroyed.) Others, he lost. That world is no more. Other variations exist obviously, it's a multiverse so anything is possible, but in general the usual outcome is failure of that respective dimension and it ending in death or near-total death.
Now, what's the fate of other worlds with Morphos there? Mine would just leave them be since that is the respective realm they have priority over. He does not interfere beyond perhaps a quick hello before moving on; his other self will do as they wish with that realm for it is theirs. He will judge whichever one he comes across first. It's like a "dibs" thing, haha.
As for MorphoGala AUs, haha, he'd love that actually.
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He "loves" Galacta (as a concept and each individual one) deeply (when he isn't split apart and a lil' out of it, haha), but is technically an outsider and doesn't interfere directly unless he has to.
In this world, he is delighted to have Necro at Galacta's side and is a bit disappointed he and Necro didn't get together, but isn't too broken up about it. Meta treats him well and this is the happiest he's seen any Galacta Knight he's met. Their connection mentioned earlier also allows Morpho to softly feel some of Galacta's emotions too, like Necro---so he also has a soft spot for this Meta with this Galacta not hating him and in fact loving him. (Note: his wording when he and Meta spoke, "Our dear Galacta.")
He also knows he and Galacta are going to come together one way or another anyway---Galacta cannot escape his fate. Meta cannot stop this. No one can.
In the end, every single one comes to him.
They are his in the end.
They will judge this world and deliver what they deserve.
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swordofruln · 2 years
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[mun] @turnecoat im so bad at drawing men but alas, i made it look somewhat decent JDKFGHKJDFG
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heyitschartic · 7 months
My girlfriend and I have been talking all night about the possibility of a Gideon the Ninth scenario except with Worm characters. There are so many juicy possibilities. Necro Amy and Cav Victoria as a fucked up duo that degrades as time goes on. Cav Aisha and Necro Alec as the kids of the group like Isaac and Jeannemary. Love Lost as the Necromancer with Rain as her cav, perpetually trying to get him killed. Cav Dean with Necro Vista in an incredibly uncomfortable type of grouping. Necro Lisa with Cav Taylor, working perfectly in tune but making everything worse. Everyone invited to this house at the whim of her Necrolord Prime to compete for powers.
And the big twist halfway through is that the powerful Necromancer Riley Grace Davis has hitched her way in using somebodies body to spoil the fun.
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wytheriing · 11 months
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hello pretty blood community i come bearing this, fucking Thing
oc info under the cut ig
vi sarah is pretty much immortal with how much she regenerates and she found that out via suicide attempt. good news tho she also found out she likes pain but bad news she cant die
shes considered a bit of an idol but pretty blood wont hire her because shes not really fit to torture other people, and while she does scream and cry out in pain when shes hurt, deep down everyone knows she doesnt REALLY die. but there IS a niche audience for her so all her own videos are homemade :]
every now and then she gets a gig with pretty blood like. more as a freelance "idol" and shell get killed creatively. her dream is to be killed by rinny or dream terror (eluca) despite thinking she has no talent. she loves the camera. she also wants pretty blood to fund and find a way to permanently kill her but alas. they wont let her in :(
anyways. since shes got a niche audience for her own diy homemade "films" she basically makes videos and streams and stuff of herself dying over and over and thats how she makes money
vi sarah goes by her stagename and abandoned her real name. shes got psychological trauma but she doesnt wanna exploit that unless its in a gig with rinny because they're special pain <3
her power regenerates her within a couple of hours for most major regular injuries. for something like being straight up beheaded, her body reanimates within the next few minutes to attach its head back on. if its chopped to the tiniest bits and piece, it'll start growing back at the largest piece closest to the heart and take about a week to recover
her body automatically purges itself of any and all diseases, and parasites die almost immediately upon entering her body. if its a particularly strong parasite (like the necro worm) then the parasite is "poisoned" by the effect of the regeneration, but the regeneration cannot be spread via this parasite. once this parasite is "poisoned", it will die within the next thirty minutes even if its stripped from the body and transferred to another. (add a few more months if trapped in cryostasis)
she dislikes the torture and death of other humans/malino, but is more apathetic to it when exposed to it. she can easily blend in with society but frequently gets mistaken as a klutz because shes always seen with bandages
other non-fucked up things: she loves all things sleep-related and has THE comfiest bed because she loves to nap for long periods of time. she loves all things pastry and sweet and is almost never seen without either a pillow/plush to sleep on or a pastry to eat
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SERIAL KILLER EDEN WHO KEEPS YOU ON A LEASH AND NAKED ALL THE TIME! For anyone else curious, this came from a discussion Necro and I were having on making Eden worse lol
Okay okay what about him trailing his hunting knife up your bare thigh while he looks over you, a dark glint in his eye. You can't pull back any further, pressed against the cold hard wall of the cabin, a heavy weight around your neck as you try not to panic. Even though this could be the moment where he finally gets rid of you. Where he gets bored of his plaything and buries you beneath his gardening plot.
It never comes, though. You're stuck being pulled around by him for months - or neatly chained up when he hunts alone. You used to flinch every time you heard a scream in the forest, knowing the hunter's axe had found a new target. You used to feel queasy eating any of the food, unsure of where the meat came from. You used to sob and beg when he'd pry your legs apart, eager to use you. Used to.
It was a numb feeling for a long while. Counting to 5 over and over again in your head, congratulating yourself for getting through the last 5 seconds and hoping you'd get through the next. A sense of routine has settled in, though. A sense of comfort and belonging that should never have existed.
The soles of your feet have become rough, no longer aching as you walk around the cabin or the rocks around the spring.
When Eden presses himself against your back, his hand worming its way between your thighs, you spread your legs further apart without thinking and grind against his fingers with a sigh.
When Eden pulls you into his lap and keeps your face against his chest, the tang of copper staining his clothes doesn't make you upset anymore. Instead, you snuggle in closer, feeling appreciative of the warmth he provides your nude body.
When a gunshot rings out in the forest beyond the clearing, you continue about your set tasks while paying them no regard beyond wandering if Eden will bring you a blood-soaked ring or necklace to wear.
The temperature falls as winter rears its ugly head. You're begging Eden to relax more as he ups his workload to prepare for the snowy months, desperate for the warmth he provides. You push too far sometimes, being put over his lap and spanked until you apologise good enough for him.
You've accepted that you'll have to grit your teeth and suffer the cold, doing as you're told and keeping your home clean. Keeping Eden happy.
Until he opens his closet one night, the old hinges creaking as he rifles through the bottom while you clean the dishes from dinner. Your teeth chatter as you work, determined to keep moving to stay warm until you can get in front of the fire and bask in the flames on your husband's lap.
The soft feeling of fabric draping over your shoulders halts your movement as your head whips around. A fur coat. Big on you, but small for Eden, you think.
"One of the first I ever made," he mumbles as he does up a button on the front. "I was much skinnier back then. Wasn't eating a lot. Hadn't learned to hunt properly. This was the first bear I'd ever brought down."
He kisses the top of your head as you thank him with a genuine smile, burrowing into the warmth. Your turn in his embrace, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. That sense of belonging feels heavy in your heart. Even when you tut after bringing your hand away, finding a drop of red on your fingertip.
"You missed a spot," you chide as you pick up the washcloth and wipe the blood from his neck. It's a miracle he gets by without you, honestly. It's a miracle that you don't find fear knowing where the blood came from.
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merakiui · 7 months
Mera, while we're in the subject of Gakupo, do u know the song Necro Eater by chance 👀👀 another delicious yandere song in my opinion ✨✨😌😌 (and the first verse is so fitting for Azul! But that's probably because I'm rotting with Azul thoughts--)
OMG YES!!!!! I love Necro Eater. It's an absolute banger!!!!! The first verse really is perfect for Azul... :o the lyrics "wearing a custom-made suit, putting on cologne and tying back my hair, as if to brush off my lack of self-confidence"!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA so very Azul. He's been on my mind so much lately. My fanfic productivity has gone up because of him. 😵‍💫 I wrote an entire royalty au just for endgame oviposition. The Azul worms are too deeply burrowed into my brain.
Have you ever heard "I Love You Hoe" by Odetari and 9lives? It reminds me of Azul sometimes hehe.
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creepling · 10 months
i’ve had to have some time to think about this because it’s new johnny lore, whether confirmed yet or not im not too sure. haven’t been able to get to the bones of it bc of the nancy gameplay. and it is also something out my comfort zone, but i do have thoughts. ive wrote this more as headcanon, keeping to exploring the fiction so don’t take it as my personal view. i know it’s opened a can of worms in the fandom, but this is me trying to make sense of it through writing.
tags: necrophilia, death, corpses, derranged johnny shenanigans.
many serial killers have confessed to dappling in necrophilia. it’s hard not to when they are toying with death through attraction. if they target victims they also have a sexual attraction to, and they also want to committ murder, there is then a psychological nuance to how they view that person (that they already see as less than human). they will revisit the murder scene, sometimes even dig up the body. they don’t even have to physically committ necro, but the obsession is still there.
in the case of johnny, it is not too far fetched to assume he has been in situations that can have this psychological change in him becoming a necro. how far he goes with it is what is left to the imagination. someone with a philia does not have to do the physical act for it to count, just the obsession mentally accuring is enough. when it comes to necro, the obsession relies on the intrigue of bodily autonomy, to strip it completely through death. his victims have a habit of escaping him, and he is despised by family members because of this. his drive for the hunt is not only to fufill his killer instinct, but also to assure that no one will escape. he views death as a trap, an everlasting bound on their body, mind and soul. his emotions are numb to the point he doesn’t even view it as killing them. he already sees them as an object - as a canvas of flesh - and in death it makes no difference. or, he has the delusion of still seeing light in their eyes; they can speak, but choose not to. in any of these readings, he fulfills his need for control. the body is now obediant, and he doesn’t need to bare anymore shameful scars.
since i’m not a necro (thank god) i assume the obsession is kin to looking at a statue. one of those greek ones where you admire the curves and angles of the body, awing at the creation. its stillness captivating since it’s so life-like, your mind scans for a jolt or twitch. you start to imagine how they would speak, move, show emotion. the person is immortalised to be admired and have them in memory. maybe johnny views his perservation of the bodies like a work of art, they are his muses. when they’re still and unmoving, he can make them who he wants them to be. he can have his derranged thoughts contained in his head, looking at the body on the meat hook, the same way the average person looks at a statue in a museum. maybe that’s all he does, just stares, a scenario in his head, held back by a force that he cannot identify. it’s the first time he’s ever questioned something about his character; and it scares him. that voice in his head, “you sure you wanna do that?” has never tried to stop him before, so why now? is it because drayton doesn’t take kindly to him ‘playing with his food’, is it drayton’s voice? no, he’d be more harsher than that. is it his mum? can’t be, she’s never stopped him before. then who is it? to the average person, that is what you call a conscious. to johnny, it’s an unwelcomed guest, another voice to nag at him. he’s bulldozed his way through life, eating and grabbing anything he desires, and now he’s come to a hault. he thinks the voice is challenging him, and he never backs out of anything. but for the first time in his life, he’s thinking about it. not because he’s questioning the morals, but to see how it will benefit him. and when he looks at maria’s body, hanging on the meathook, and could have sworn he seen her blink. even in death, she is defiant. now, he has to take back control.
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Unfaithful - Undead!Reader x Ganyu & Ei
CW: Non-canon Necro AU, graphic descriptions of violence, Reader death, Male!Reader, Evil!Reader, Undead!Reader, named character death.
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You and her fought valiantly among the dust and fire, side by side against the foulest of The Bearers. Plague was one, but his skill was on par with that of you two combined. With his halberd he deflected blow after blow, but your relentless assault left him no openings to retaliate. 
A moment of distraction was all he needed to turn the tides. A Wight approached her, forcing her to divide her attention. Sunqu used that and struck her with the side of his weapon, leaving her stumbling back. You screamed after her, and in a burst of rage you swung sloppily, allowing him to slash right across your chest. 
You fell with a scream. The black sludge covering his blade burned your flesh, bubbling and sizzling. Your muscles spasmed uncontrollably, leaving you writhing on the ground in agony. The suffering clouded your mind and senses, but you still caught the image of her fleeing, Plague following. 
Your mind wouldn't give out. You suffered, screaming until your throat gave out and you could taste blood. Most of your muscle fibers were ripped after the first hours, leaving you paralyzed. Nobody came to deliver the killing blow or to aid you. You were left alone, blood dripping to the ground. 
It is hard to kill an immortal. 
You don't know how much time has passed. Unable to blink, your eyes withered away rendering you blind. The poison still flowed within you, instantly killing any vermin that tried to feast on your helpless body. You tried to move, but you couldn't. But you wouldn't die either. 
It is hard to kill an immortal. 
At one point, some people came, hoisting you up by your bloodied limbs. They unceremoniously tossed you into a ditch. One by one, other bodies were dumped on top of you, wooden logs placed in between layers of carrion. You were suffocating, lungs filling with the stench of decay, worms crawling on your skin, mouth dry and full of dust, but you wouldn't die. 
It is hard to kill an immortal.
Heat started rapidly rising. Your pale skin was engulfed in flames, bringing forth extreme pain. You couldn't move. You couldn't scream. You could only lie there, begging for it all to be over. 
How much time went by? Hours? Days? Weeks? You couldn't tell. In a futile attempt, you tried to move your body. Much to your surprise, it obeyed. Your hands worked. Your legs worked. Your eyes worked again. All of the pain was gone. 
You crawled out of the ash filled ditch. Taking a moment to overlook your vessel, you discovered that your body was gone. No more skin, no more hair, no more fingernails, no more eyes… Everything was lost. You were nothing but a skeleton wrapped in little burnt flesh. You screamed in anguish, horrified and enraged at all you have lost. Yet your ire was not directed at Plague, no. It would be idiotic of you to hold a grudge against your opponent. You were just an obstacle in his way, a nameless one at that. 
Your allies were the ones at fault. She was at fault. She left you for dead, not even checking if you survived. Not even finding your body and giving it a proper burial. You were tossed into a pit and burnt like trash. Like scum. 
You wrapped yourself in pieces of stolen cloth and leather, and made your way to your former opponent's lines. Your 'friends' didn't deserve you. 
They took you in. They gave you a new life, a new purpose. A second chance, an opportunity to right all the wrongs you suffered. You swore your loyalty to The Father, swearing that should vengeance be yours, you will serve Him to the end. He gave you His blessings. 
An armor was forged, made to withstand nearly all blows. The remaining charred meat was scraped away, and your bones were infused with Necro, granting you fair element resistance. For the hundreds of years that followed you trained with only the best. Your skill was soon recognised, granting you your deserved station of general. Hatred built inside your undead soul with every drop of mortal blood you spilled. Your very being grew darker and darker, uncaring for pleas of mercy or moral reasoning. 
Before you moved to achieve your goal, you had one final test of martial might to pass. War's realm. You fought him, dying over and over under his blows. But the lands of eternal war were not physical - it was a test of the soul. You died, but you came back, for hundreds of years. You fought until you were capable of reliably blocking his blows. Only then were you ready to take her on. 
Armor on, sword and shield in hand, you took off to the mortal realm. 
Much to your amusement, Inazuma didn't change that much. Makoto was long dead, leaving her traitorous sister to rule over the nation. 
You could tell she was doing great by the poverty, famine and civil war you arrived at. 
It turned out she implemented a decree meant to target Vision bearers. That would be extremely helpful during conquest, as nearly no one could stand against the elite undead units you brought along. 
Since Ei was the Archon of Inazuma, finding her was not hard at all. Your spies observed her daily routine, and found something interesting. She never ate any sweets during her day. You remembered how fond she was of those, so you found that unusual. Around this time Aether, the notorious nuance wandering through the nations, arrived at Inazuma's shores. Your spies traced his every move and wrote down his every word. From his not-so-discreet conversation with Miko you learned that the deity ruling Inazuma was not, in fact, your former lover. It was a puppet soul inhabiting her machine body. Ei has been locked in her mind-realm since the war. How childish. 
You smiled at the news. Inazuma could really use a new ruler… 
As soon as you were made aware that Aether was fighting a pawn of Tsaritsa named Signiora, you arrived at the palace, your color guard in tow. You waited for Aether to leave, expecting the puppet to follow. Her programming was predictable, she would use every opportunity to kill him, an enemy of eternity. 
When Raiden Shogun stood behind Aether, the Musou no Hitotachi brandished, you jumped into action. Pushing him away, you took the hit on your shield, barely even flinching. 
"You've grown weaker, my dear. Erosion getting to you, hm?" You said as she recovered. 
"Who are you?" She hissed, preparing another strike. 
You charged, pushing the blade against her body with your shield. "The one you left behind. The one you left to burn, the one you left to rot."
"Impossible! You are dead… You should be dead!" She retaliated by stabbing the blade into your neck, but the armor held firm. 
"But I'm not. Your actions took my life away from me. And for every action, there is a reaction." You smiled, but no lips were there to show for it. "Prepare to die."
Ei blocked your attack, and pulled you into her pocket dimension in a flash of purple light. 
There, your weapons crossed time and time again, sending sparks and splinters of wood in all directions. Her elemental attacks were strong, but you came prepared. The plates covering your body were infused with Electro, allowing her element to flow harmlessly through them. Despite her best efforts, you've landed hit after hit. She stood little chance against you, one trained by War himself, the one who was preparing for this very moment for 500 years. Cogs, gears and pieces of metal littered more and more of the realm. 
Your blade sliced through her lower stomach, sending shrapnel in all directions and knocking her down. Her polearm, battered and chipped, landed next to her. Before she could grab it, you stomped on her hand, grinding it into the dust. She looked at you, hatred burning brightly in her mechanical eyes. 
"You're a fool." She spat. "You have no control over your own body and mind. You traded both for this."
"Maybe yes, or maybe no." You hummed, kicking her weapon further away from her. Her head dropped in defeat. "It's none of your business."
"You're a monster! This is not you, Y/N!" Using her arms, she started to drag the remains of her vessel away from you. "How…How can you do this?!" 
"For a long time my motivation was just vengeance. But after I've seen what you did to our Inazuma… MY Inazuma, I see killing you more as my duty. The land deserves a better ruler. A more competent, wiser, more just… Everything but what you are."
You line up your foot with where her heart would be. You stomp, caving the metal in and piercing through it like butter. You move your other foot over her head. 
"Sweet dreams, Ei."
Her vessel's head is in pieces, and her resistance ceases at once. With nothing to possess, she is but a spirit on the wind. You chuckle as her realm crumbles into darkness. Before you are pulled back to reality, you snatch her emblem. 
After inspecting the broken piece of metal, you look around. Blood and bodies are scattered on the palace's entrance. Your men, the finest of warriors you could find, stand behind the kneeling captives. 
Ei is dead. Her servants are at your feet. Inazuma is yours to take. 
"In Your name!" You shout, and toss her last remnant into the sea. 
Ei's spirit can only watch. 
You didn't have to search for Ganyu for long. She didn't lead the most stealthy of lifestyles. Her routine remained nearly identical to that you remembered - get up before the first light, go to work, get home past midnight, rinse and repeat. Dull and boring. She never reflected on her actions, did she? Even despite your reassurances, propositions, pleas. She couldn't care for herself. 
But soon it wouldn't matter anymore. 
The only problem was catching her outside of the city. She went to meet Cloud Retainer on a weekly basis, so finding an opportunity was not that hard. The issue was the last Yaksha - Xiao. He was barely holding onto life, the karmic debt weighing over his soul clouding his senses. He was nowhere as sharp as back in the day, but a simple visual camouflage wouldn't fool him. The solution was simple - wrap your vessel in freshly removed skin to imitate the aura of life. Coupled with a distraction in the Chasm, the way was clear. 
You found her asleep on one of the meadows. With a powerful punch to the nearest rock you woke her up. She was dazed, but upon seeing your bloodied, armored skeleton, she screamed in terror. She drew her bow at lighting speed, aiming it down at you with shaky hands. 
"W-who are you?!" 
"500 years and you have not changed at all, Ganyu." You smile, malice plain to hear in your voice. 
"... Do I… know you?" 
You groan. "Y/N."
She falls silent. Her bow starts to drop down as her mind speeds up. Tears start to form in her eyes before she lifts it up again. "You're l-lying! Y/N i-is dead…" 
"No! I wasn't dead. You left me… Left me to rot. They burned me alive. You didn't even come to check my body." You spit out, voice growing louder by the second. "You betrayed me, and so I came here to claim my due. Your life."
Ganyu is crying. She drops her bow to the ground and covers her ears, squinting her eyes shut. "N-no! That's… T-that's impossible! Y/N h-he…" 
She falls to her knees, weeping. You grip your sword tighter. "Fight me. Kill me, and you will live, or die trying. Don't spend your last moments in pathetic defeat."
She refuses to answer. Angered, you approach her and pull her up by her collar. "Fight me!" 
Ganyu sobs silently. Her grip on your arm is weak. In between her cries, she whispers. "I d-deserve this… I l-left you t-to die… D-do what y-you must… I d-don't deserve to live…" 
"What?" Your eyes would be open in shock, if you still had them. 
Before you can continue, you hear a sound behind you. Turning around you drop Ganyu to the ground, summoning your shield just in time to block Xiao's attack. You riposte with a low sideways slash, but he dodges in time. 
"Leave her alone, demon!"
"Or else?" 
Both of you move to attack, but Ganyu quickly gets up and stands in between you. 
"S-stop! P-please!" 
"Ganyu, what are you doing?! Get away from it!" Xiao pushes against her, but Ganyu holds firm. You lower your weapon. 
She turns to Xiao. "I-it's about me… Y/N w-wants me… You d-don't have to get hurt, X-Xiao…" 
"Y/N?" Xiao relaxes his stance. "How is he…?" 
Ganyu stands before you. She lowers her head to the ground, arms straight on her sides. "P-please…" 
You raise your sword, but you stop. This… is not what you expected. You imagined a duel. A chance for her to live. A test of your might, a long and tight fight… But here she is, offering her life to you so willingly. You're completely out of your element. This is not what you wanted. 
Her tears awaken something inside you. A long repressed feeling, one that was lost in the fires of the pyre, drowned out by screams of dying enemies, covered up by the blood you spilled. 
Your hand slowly lowers. You drop down the sword and shield, and carefully embrace her. She immediately wraps her arms around you and bursts into tears. Your gloved hands caress her hair, staining the blue with crimson blood. 
"I'm s-sorry… sss-so sorry…" She wails. "I w-was s-scared a-and w-we h-had to fight a-and w-when I g-got back y-your body w-was gone…" 
So it was… A mishap. You just missed each other. You were revived before she even had a chance to look for you. 
All this time. All this hate, all this pain, all this anguish… Just to learn that she was innocent. All the lives you've taken. All the dreams you snuffed out. Just to learn that it was misguided. Misdirected. 
You pull away. You can't cry anymore, but the sight of her so broken shakes your very soul. You wipe a tear from her cheek. "It's okay Ganyu… I understand."
You get up, and step away from her. With quick, expert movements you start unbuckling the straps of your chest plate. You expose the ribcage, bloodied and pulsing with a faint, purple light. A strong grip and a hard pull is enough to rid you of the ribs and expose your glowing core, a crystal prison for your soul. Your hand reaches into one of your belt packs, and draws a matchbox. 
Ganyu and Xiao watch in shock and surprise as you light a match and discard the box. 
"I love you, Ganyu."
You press the small flame against the crystal, and your body explodes to pieces before she can say anything. 
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Thanks for reading!
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starlytenight · 2 years
Oh man that was great. Does this mean Meta gets butterfly wings when he die???
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No, not exactly. xDD But it is a funny image here.
No, souls just become butterflies but can astral-project whatever form they held in life.
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They basically just look like colored butterflies when they're in Hades/The Dreamscape/Elysia/Puragtory/ect. But they can reveal what they looked like if they so choose.
The butterfly form is also given for them to pass to the realm of the living in a more physical manner, even if they can disappear from there on a whim.
Morpho uses said form to interact with the living as his 'true' form cannot until merged with either Galacta or another suitable soul.
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
if you don’t mind, could you please elaborate on your ideas for a tlt stage musical? i too am musical theatre scum and this idea totally took me by surprise- your ideas for it are so fun and creative 😭 i am dying to know more about how you would arrange gideon as a musical (songs, motifs, just general tidbits of any kind) for entirely selfish reasons- it feeds the little worm in the back of my mind that wants to imagine everything as a musical.
thank you!! i did theater lighting for like, 6 years (and regular theater tech for a few more years before that) so i am just envisioning it... it could be so cool especially if they lean into the more rock musical visual style. there was this one specific local community theater production of next to normal I saw once in a theater that could seat maybe 100 people, that just went balls to the ball with ridiculous atmospheric lighting and just.. visceral acting/singing etc and I have been thinking about it ever since. hugely influential on my personal tastes. the broadway next 2 normal wishes it could capture even one shred of the intimate intensity and i have been chasing that specific high ever since.
for a gtn stage musical i have a few scattered ideas, in no particular order:
a "getting ready for canaan house"/gideon's rapier training montage & group song -- specifically, this would feature all the house heirs and specifically the real dulcinea. she would, of course, be played by a different actress for the whole rest of the play, but the audience wouldn't know because after that scene her face is never clearly shown. OR, in the first "getting ready" montage, you only see her back. regardless, the show would pull the ol' switcheroo. also this would be a fun scene where we get a glimpse of all the cav/necro pairs. there would be colored lighting corresponding to house colors
i think act 1 ending with the pool scene would be cool thematically (a shift in the gideon and harrow relationship) and leave the opportunity for an act 1 closing ballad (whose tune is then of course repeated when gideon dies). i don't think there is quite enough post-pool scene material for the acts to then be totally balanced, but, luckily this musical exists in the brain only and therefore i can do whatever i want forever <3 also the big battle scenes could be enough to fill the meat of the 2nd act
I think all the duels should be songs or at least done to music. Specifically i think the marta v. cam duel should be cam & marta dueling in the middle while palamades and judith stand to the side each lit with toplight in their corresponding colors (blue-gray and red). they would sing dueling verses of an "i am" song that reveal their own relationships with their cavalier and personal motives etc. maybe naberius gets his own pompous little verse
The fight against the lab 2 construct should be a song monologue thing and after harrow and gideon win, the tune changes to some kind of little victory thing etc but when they stumble across abigail & mangus' bodies the music just. stops.
I think it would be cool if the musical really leaned into the horror of things that are unseen. Like, gideon (and the audience by proxy) being frozen on stage while palamades confronts camilla. the explosion is either silhouetted on the scrim or done entirely offstage.
Ianthe only ever gets directly lit after she has become a lyctor. She still doesn't really get a song-- she tries to monologue it, but the music doesnt get going for her.
The avulsion trial would be a song sung by Dulcinea, that sounds sweet on first pass and is absolutely sinister when looking back. i am not a songwriter which means I can simply imagine it being awesome
the final gideon and harrow scene would be like. yelling and shouting. great big puppets used as the construct. gideon falls on a rail and then everything goes totally black. silence, or maybe crying. harrow screams gideon’s name. then lights up on gideon standing behind harrow, holding the sword together, under a narrow beam light. they fight cytherea together and say the wedding vows and everyone in the audience bursts into tears. gideon slowly exists the stage and by the end of the fight harrow is standing alone
gideon and harrow should have complimentary instrumental themes. after gideon sacrifices herself, the themes combine into one theme. this could be cool if this theoretical musical had a theoretical htn sequel, bc the same instrumental theme could come back *minus* the gideon part
there should be visually symbolic rails or other sorts of death flags for gideon the entire show.
camilla does a backflip
fog machine
"dulcie's theme" will be a sweet & soft instrumental track that plays when she's on stage that goes to a minor key and becomes dramatic and sinister when cytherea's identity is revealed
lighting would play a big role in symbolizing soul siphoning. I am personally envisioning this musical as having like highly saturated and emotional lighting (bc that is the kinda stuff that was fun for me when i did it lmao)or w/e SO that when soul siphoning happens everything can gray out and desaturate. it would look so cool. also, there should be a "the river" or something theme instrumental that plays whenever siphoning occurs, especially at the end when silas siphons colum vs ianthe.
the gideon v. coronabeth scene (right before everything goes to shit) would be a reprise of the song that happens when gideon duels naberius, and also, it would NOT be included on the official soundtrack
also for a theoretical sequel htn musical, the mattias nonius v. wake battle would start out with just ortus and then harrow takes over and then abigail adds to it, overlapping, and then mattias and wake have like an dueling chorus like the argument in le mis.
when gideon comes back, the harrow actress and gideon actress are both on stage at the same time. the harrow actress does all the body things that gideon-in-harrow does, wheras the gideon body is the one talking/singing. the music in the river bubble is all minor key or otherwise symbolized as wrong. mercymorn gets her own song of course. in the AU river scenes, gideon is there but we never see her face. the gideon actress could play The Body (with a costume change of course), so there is ambiguity on what is going on and who the body is just as in the books. idk i havent thought as much about post-gtn musical ideas but i think it would be very weird and experimental
would absolutely love to hear other people's ideas on this also!!
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