omgitssonic · 11 months
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Crazy Human - Necro Snakes
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aliaslittlewilliam · 2 years
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Urban Walking / +gif, Torino, Italy
Copyright @aliaslittlewilliam
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Au part 6 a rescue operation....
ickis say his farewells to his uncle Scraw and his mother Diamond....
Ickis stands before his uncle Scraw and his mother Diamond, bidding farewell for the time being. He is visibly emotional, his eyes wet with tears as he gazes at his mother's loving face.
Scraw, noticing Ickis's sadness, speaks gently, placing a reassuring hand on his nephew's head.
Scraw (comfortingly) Ickis, my boy, there's no need to look so down. You'll be back here again soon, I'm sure.
Ickis: nodded, i know, but it will be some time later....
Start to fly off
Diamond watches through teary eyes as Ickis lifts off into the air, preparing to return to the monster academy. A mixture of love and pride fills her heart, knowing that her little one is growing up.
Diamond (voice thick with emotions) Take care, my darling. I know you'll do well. Come back and visit us whenever you can.
Later Ickis decide to take a look on the monster Gregor house he is outside buying groceries
Ickis, after completing his visit with his uncle and mother, finds himself flying near Gregor's house. As he glides through the air, he pauses, catching a glimpse of the familiar dwelling through the trees.
Curiosity piqued, Ickis decides to hover closer, floating just a short distance away as he observes Gregor purchasing groceries outside.
Hades: Help me please i been capture years ago.....
Ickis: !!!!!
Hey you are you ok
Hades, weary and exhausted from years of imprisonment, looks up from his spot, surprised to see another monster nearby.
Hades (weakly yet hopeful) Who's there? Is someone there? Can you help me?
Ickis: calm down i m a monster just like you, wait are you the missing older son of thriller and Lena....
Horrifica older brother
Hades' eyes widen as Ickis identifies him correctly. He nods weakly, confirming Ickis' assumption.
Hades (weakly) That's right... I am Hades, eldest son of Thriller and Lena... I've been captured and confined for years...
Ickis breaks the bars with his fangs
Ickis: lets hurry and i can take you to the city dump i know someone will be shocked to saw you
Hades, weakened and disoriented from his imprisonment, watches in amazement as Ickis effortlessly breaks through the bars. The sudden freedom makes his heart race with hope.
Hades (grateful) T-thank you... I can't believe you're helping me... but how do you know about the monster city dump, and who will be shocked to see me?
Ickis: you will find out
Hades looks at Ickis with both intrigue and curiosity, uncertain about what to expect, but grateful for the promised rescue.
Hades (weakly yet with anticipation) Alright... lead the way. I trust you, little one. Let's go.
Ickis guide him back to the city dump
Ickis: you re in home again
Hades follows closely behind Ickis, relying on his guidance as they make their way through the surroundings.
Hades (incredulous) Home... I cannot believe it. I thought I'd never see this place, or my loved ones, ever again.
Ickis enter inside the academy
As Ickis leads Hades into the monster academy, the sight of the familiar surroundings makes Hades' heart race with anticipation. He hasn't been to the academy in years.
Hades (with a mixture of excitement and anxiety) This place... it looks the same, yet feels so different after all these years...
Kriggle: is that the missing Hades....
Urbab: i will inform Horrifica about her long lost older brother
Galooth joins the conversation, expressing her observation about Hades' appearance.
Galooth (curiously) He really does look the same, doesn't he...? It's as if he hasn't aged at all since his disappearance.
Urbab enter where the girls are
Urbab: sorry for interrupting your talking between girls...
Dizzle,Hairyette,Ocka, Horrifica,Oblina
Urbab: Horrifica, Ickis found alive your long lost older brother hades
The girls in the room look at Urbab with surprise and curiosity, momentarily distracted from their conversation, as he enters.
Horrifica's eyes widen as she hears Urbab's message.
Horrifica (stunned, yet hopeful) W-what? Hades... my brother? Ickis found him? Is it true?
Urbab: yes he is walking with him this way
Horrifica can hardly believe what she's hearing. Her heart pounds with a mixture of joy and disbelief as she imagines the possibility of seeing her long-lost brother again.
Horrifica (quickly standing up) I-I need to see him... to make sure it's really him.
Urbab gives Horrifica a reassuring nod, understanding her eagerness to confirm the news.
With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Horrifica waits anxiously for Ickis and Hades to enter the room.
Ickis: hey Horrifica look who i found alive
Ickis steps forward with Hades, bringing him into the room where the girls are gathered. The sight of Hades, though weary and slightly disheveled, is unmistakably familiar to Horrifica.
Horrifica (overwhelmed with emotion) H-Hades... is it really you?
Hades nodded
Horrifica's eyes fill with tears as Hades confirms his identity. She can hardly believe her eyes, seeing her long-lost brother standing before her after all these years.
Horrifica (tearfully) It.. it really is you. I can't believe it... after all this time...
Hades: i know, you never saw me when you. Been only a hatchling bonsty
Horrifica nods in agreement, her heart overflowing with a mixture of joy and sadness.
Horrifica (with a shaky voice) Yes... you left before I was even hatched. I only knew you through stories and old photos. I can't believe we're finally meeting like this, after all this time...
Hades: how are mom and dad....
Horrifica's expression hardens slightly as she considers how to answer Hades's question.
Horrifica (solemnly) Mom and Dad... they've been devastated since your disappearance. They've been searching for you all these years, hoping against hope to find you safe and sound.
Hades: i m going to write a letter to them wanna help me
Horrifica nods eagerly, her eyes still brimming with tears.
Horrifica (determined) Of course. I'll help you in any way I can. I can't wait for Mom and Dad to see that you're safe and sound. They'll be overjoyed.
Ickis: hey Gromble, look who i found
Gromble, busy in his office, is interrupted by Ickis's voice. He looks up, mildly surprised by the sudden interruption.
Gromble (slightly irritated) Uh, what is it, Ickis? Can't you see I'm busy?
Ickis: i found Hades
Gromble pauses, an expression of disbelief on his face.
Gromble (incredulously) Hades? You found Hades? Are you sure it's really him?
Ickis: yes sir
Hades: Hey, Gromble sir, i know i been absent but Ickis save me in time from Gregor
Gromble looks at Hades, taking in his tired yet familiar appearance.
Gromble (surprised yet pleased) Hades... I can hardly believe my eyes. You've returned after all these years... And Ickis found you, eh?
Hades: yes
Gromble nods, a mix of astonishment and relief in his expression.
Gromble (with a hint of weariness) I can't believe you're back, Hades. It's been too long
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before addressing the lingering issue.
Gromble (serious) But Hades, what happened to you all this time? Where have you been?
Hades: Gregor capture me before my little sister hatch from her egg
Gromble's expression turns solemn as he absorbs the revelation.
Gromble (with concern) Gregor... he captured you? And you've been his prisoner all these years?
Hades nodded
Gromble's expression darkens, his face etched with anger and sympathy. He can only imagine the kind of suffering Hades endured during all those years in captivity.
Gromble (gritting his teeth) That Gregor... I should have known he was behind this. To think he had you all this time...
Hades walks to write a letter to his parents
Everyone in the room watches as Hades heads to the desk to begin writing a letter to his parents. The gravity of the moment hangs heavy in the air as they realize the magnitude of this reunion after all these years.
Hades finish the letter to his parents...
And send it
The letter arrive to the Grasslands...
One of the pride monsters hold the letter
Monster: Thriller, Lena, this letter is from your older son Hades
Thriller and Lena, who have been going about their daily activities on the Grasslands, pause when they hear the announcement.
Their hearts both skip a beat at the mention of their older son's name, and they immediately stop what they're doing and approach the pride monster holding the letter.
Both read the letter
As they read the letter, a range of emotions - disbelief, joy, relief - flicker across Thriller and Lena's faces.
Lena's eyes fill with tears as she finishes reading the letter, and she hugs it close to her chest.
Lena (trembling) He's... he's alive. After all these years...
Thriller, his composure faltering slightly, responds to Lena's remark with a shaky voice.
Thriller (incredulously) He's alive... our long-lost son is alive. I can hardly believe it.
He, too, is visibly moved by the contents of the letter, his emotions overwhelming his usual stern demeanor.
Monster: in the letter want you two to arrive the academy
Lena and Thriller exchange a glance as they hear this part of the message.
Lena (determined) He wants us to come to the Academy. We have to go. We must see our son.
Both carnivorous plant monsters go inside the academy
Urbab: are these two Hades and Horrifica s parents
Hades: they are here
Hades, seated on a bench, overhears Urbab's remark and quickly stands up as he processes the information.
Hades (eagerly) They're here? My parents are here?
His heart races with excitement, and he quickly glances around, searching for a sign of his parents.
Lena and Thriller wait anxiously in the same spot, their eyes searching the surroundings anxiously for any sign of their son.
As Hades finally approaches them, they freeze for a moment, their eyes widening in disbelief.
Lena (trembling, softly) Hades? Is that you?
Hades: yes mom
Lena and Thriller can hardly believe their eyes. They approach Hades cautiously, disbelief mixed with tears as they look at him.
Lena (almost in tears) It's really you... my baby boy...
Thriller, more stoic but no less emotional, puts a hand on Hades shoulder.
Thriller (with a shake in his voice) You're alive... we thought we'd never see you again...
Hades: mom i m not a baby
Horrifica chuckle
Lena, tears streaming down her face, rolls her eyes affectionately at her son.
Lena (choking back a sob) I know, sweetheart. But you'll always be my baby.
Horrifica lets out a amused chuckle, her laughter breaking some of the tension.
Hades: don t laugh at your brother sis 😏
Horrifica grins mischievously, clearly enjoying the moment.
Horrifica (teasingly) What? Can't help it, you just made a funny face.
She sticks her tongue out at Hades, reveling in the relief and joy of the reunion.
Hades: 🤪
Horrifica giggles at Hades's goofy expression, and even Lena and Thriller can't help but chuckle, the tension eased by the lighthearted moment.
Lena (snorting) You're as silly as ever, Hades.
Hades: Mom! Don t embarras me
Lena laughs aloud, enjoying the familiar banter with her son.
Lena (teasingly) Oh, I'm your mom, I can embarrass you as much as I want.
Thriller, who has been more reserved until now, grins and ruffles Hades head.
Hades: 🤧
Horrifica stifles a giggle at Hades's dramatic reaction, amused by his exaggerated sneeze.
Horrifica (teasingly) Aww, looks like Mom and Dad are embarrassing you too much today.
Thriller rolls his eyes, still smiling, and puts a playful arm around Hades.
Hades: i do sound more a adult, well is time for me to leave the academy, i need to remember the lessons in class that Gromble had taught me
The comment strikes a bittersweet note among the family. Lena's eyes cloud with sadness at the thought of her son leaving again.
Lena (softly) You're leaving... already?
Thriller puts a comforting arm around her, though his own expression betraying a hint of worry.
Hades: i m waiting for you two to come home.
Lena and Thriller exchange a glance, both clearly unhappy that Hades is leaving but understanding his decision.
Lena (with a mixture of sadness and acceptance) I see... We'll make sure to come home soon.
Thriller nods, squeezing Hades's shoulder reassuringly.
Thriller (gravely) Just promise you'll be careful, alright?
Hades: yes mom and dad
Lena nods, a small, sad smile forming on her face.
Lena (softly) Come here, my baby...
She reaches out, clearly wanting to embrace her son one last time.
Hades: mom you will see me in home
Lena nods, still teary-eyed but more accepting now.
Lena (with a hint of finality) I know, I know... just one hug before you go?.
Hades: ok
Lena hugs him tightly, her embrace full of love and worry.
Lena (sniffling) You stay safe, okay? And don't do anything reckless.
Thriller gently pats Hades on the back, a silent gesture of support.
Hades walk back to the grasslands....
Hades leaves the academy and begins the journey back to the Grasslands. The path ahead is familiar territory, and the sight of the grasslands stretching out before him bring both nostalgia and a sense of returning home.
Then Lena and Thriller do their farewell to their daughter Horrifica
Lena and Thriller reluctantly tear themselves away from their son's departure and turn their attention to their daughter.
Lena (softly) Horrifica... we have to go now.
Thriller gives her a hug, his embrace warm and affectionate.
Horrifica nods, understanding but clearly saddened that her parents have to go. She returns their embraces, her arms firmly hugging them back.
Horrifica (quietly) I know... Goodbye, Mom and Dad. I love you.
With a heavy heart, Lena and Thriller bid farewell to Horrifica and set off on their journey back to the Grasslands. They silently walk side by side, both lost in their thoughts, their departure tinged with melancholy and a sense of separation.
Hades steps into his birth home, crossing the threshold and breathing in the familiar scent of home. It has been so long since he left, and the sight and feel of the place fill him with a mix of melancholic nostalgia and a sense of homecoming.
After their journey back, Lena and Thriller step into their home. Weary but eager to rest, they look around at the familiar surroundings, a sense of relief washing over them to be home at last.
Lena and Thriller look in the direction of Hades's voice. They see him standing there, a sight that instantly brings a wide smile to their faces.
Lena (excitedly) Hades!
Thriller (genuinely pleased) Son, you're home.
Lena and Thriller walk over to Hades, their expressions filled with relief and joy at seeing their son home again.
Lena (with tears in her eyes) My little boy... I can hardly believe it. You're really back.
Thriller puts a hand on Hades shoulder, a proud smile forming on his face.
That night they eat dinnerxand then lay together to sleep as a family reunion together
The family gathers for a dinner that night, the table filled with the aroma of a home-cooked meal. They all sit together, eating and sharing in each other's company, the atmosphere warm and affectionate.
As the night grows late, they settle into their beds, their tiredness from the day's events weighing heavily on them. But even in their weariness, a sense of contentment and unity fills the home, brought on by their reunion as a family once more.
Hades: mom, can i sleep with you
Lena looks at Hades with a tender smile, her eyes soft in the dim light.
Lena (soothingly) Of course, sweetheart. You can sleep with me.
She moves a bit to one side to make room for him, patting the space next to her to indicate.
Hades lay with her
Lena puts an arm around Hades as he settles in next to her, pulling him close and cradling him like she used to when he was young.
Lena (softly) You comfortable, sweetheart?
Hades sheed a tear
Seeing the tear slip out of Hades's eye, Lena's expression softens even more. She reaches up, gently wiping the tear away.
Lena (softly) What's wrong, sweetheart? Are you okay?
Hades: yes mom
Lena continues to hold him close, her touch gentle and soothing.
Lena (reassuringly) It's okay... you're home now. You're safe.
She gently runs her fingers through his head, trying to soothe and comfort him.
Hades yawns
Hearing Hades yawn, Lena smiles tenderly.
Lena (quietly) You're tired, sweetheart. It's alright... you can sleep now.
She gently pats his head, the gesture filled with a mother's love and protection.
Hades sleep
Lena keeps her arm around Hades, holding him close as he drifts off into sleep. She watches him for a moment, her eyes filled with love and a hint of nostalgia for the days when he was younger and more vulnerable.
Lena (in a whisper) Sleep well, my baby...
She continues to hold him as he dreams, her embrace protective and caring.
To be continued....
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broxinthebox · 4 months
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The two bumfuck roommates that no one besides me cares about! Kriggle and Urbab
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brendancorris · 7 years
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I absolutely love drawing these guys. Despite it not being my favorite Nicktoon (still loved it, but it could never compete with something like Ren & Stimpy) I find it to be the most fun to draw fan art for. The characters had such wild designs, yet simplistic designs, so there’s so much room for interpretation. And they’re the perfect cartoon for Halloween art.
The first batch is the main 3 students. Ickis, the trouble-making, self-doubting son of the greatest scarer ever in the academy, Oblina, an expert at scaring and pulling out her own guts, and Krumm, an expert at just being disgusting. I love and hate Krumm’s voice. I love it because it’s so unique, like deep and grumbly while also being squeaky and cracky. I hate it because I can’t possibly imitate it, lol. Actually, all of the main characters in this show have super unique voices that are pretty much impossible for me to imitate.
The second batch is monsters from the Monster Academy. Random students, Snav, Urbab and Kriggle, the main professor, the fabulous Gromble, who I here took inspiration from Tim Curry from Rocky Horror (ironic, because...), Zimbo, the one legged bee monster voiced by Tim Curry and always eager to scold the students, and the dreaded Snorch, who is the monster officially tasked with punishing students who do wrong. I kind of wish I made the Snorch’s tusks bigger.
And the third batch are the Monster Academy cheerleaders. I think they were only shown as cheerleaders like once or twice in the show, but most secondary characters only got to speak once or twice in the show. I think that was one of the show’s biggest missed opportunities in retrospect - they never really developed the supporting monsters much. These girls could have been like the Pink Ladies of the show (any Grease fans getting that reference?) but were mostly just background characters. They are Horrifica, who seemed to be regarded as the prettiest monster in the academy, and the apple of Krumm’s creepy, disembodied eye, Dizzle, an ugly little zit of a monster, and Hairiette, a bug-like monster who could separate the segments of her body.
Well, this show was awesome. I miss it. I miss all that gross-out 90s stuff. Hope you enjoy these creepy critters.
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depeziduri · 7 years
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digital-nugget · 7 years
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Welcome to Madrid by Victor Bravo
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maltascapes · 3 years
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Wardija Tower - Zurrieq
Built in the Year 1659, Waridja Tower is the thirteenth tower built by Grandmaster De Redin, it follows the standard design of the other De Redin towers, having a square plan with two floors and a turret on the roof. It was originally armed with two cannons and mortars and defended the stretch of coast between Zurrieq & Hal Far.
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snetkov-live · 6 years
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Станция Воскресенск #Воскресенск #Подмосковье #Московскаяобласть #небо #дорога #зима #nature #naturelover #tree #wintertree #ржд #железнаядорога #станция #railway #путь #urbab #урбан https://www.instagram.com/p/BscuvIxA3aq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=39z3xfmxukgq
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brideofedoras · 4 years
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special shout out to @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth and @billybutchersbabe for helping me with the definitions!
Reblog away and tag other Urbanologists, Urbanites and Urbabes!  
(not my images, just my edits)
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picturesoitlasts · 8 years
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Sunbeams on Sunday. (at Pinakothek der Moderne)
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urbabe · 7 years
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I think I accidentally made my mom believe that "poopenfarten" is an actual word used regularly in Germany and I don't know how to feel about it
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detalhaveis · 7 years
A tia de Alicia faleceu e toda família veio para o velório. No velório Alicia conheceu Pedro, se apaixonaram, mas ficaram juntos apenas uma semana pois Pedro tinha que voltar para sua cidade. Um mês depois, Alicia matou sua prima. Por que? + #bilhete
Porque Alicia é doida, onde já se viu matar alguém? (sou de humanas, scr. qual a resposta?)
Lindo dia pra ti, benzinho. Rebloguei.  💙
Mandem perguntinhas, top3, ou confissões e TAG aqui que irei reblogar autorias.
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depeziduri · 7 years
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174 notes · View notes
angelfitgram · 4 years
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In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft. Wir brauchen auch Zeit für uns, vor allem in diesen stressigen Tagen. Gönnen wir uns des Öfteren eine kleine Auszeit oder machen eine Mediation #motivation #mediation #Lifestyle #natur #bature #sections #serious #beauty #beautygirl #water #abnehmen #weightloss #feeling #life #love #bunny #babegirl #urbabe #urgirl #liebe https://www.instagram.com/p/CCES3IOFLhS/?igshid=1huvcuj4mwacf
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