#need i remind you that she has accompanied us on all of our travels
Loving Arms (2)
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Summary: The children of Viserys I from his wife Alicent Hightower had always been lacking in affection from their parents. They simply didn't realize how much until their widowed aunt was brought into their lives. (AU where Alicent has an older sister and her kids get the love that they deserve, takes place some time after the Driftmark event)
Part II: Family Dinner
A/N: No pairings as of right now as I want to focus on the familial and platonic relationships with Greens when they're still quite young. (credit for the divider goes to @kawaii-lau)
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The royal family were not ones to eat a meal together often; typically dinner consisted of Alicent, Helaena, and Aemond. Or Otto and Alicent, even simply Aemond and Helaena. But rare was the occurrence that Aegon would sit at the table to dine with his family and that all members, apart from his Majesty the King Viserys, would choose to eat with one another.
Of course, the elder Hightower daughter was unaware that it was solely due to her arrival that all were seated at the table.
The meal itself was sumptuous; fresh venison on a bed of roasted vegetables, bread straight from the oven, a hearty stew, and a variety of sweet cakes and treats. All things that (Y/N) did not hesitate to eat from her plate, famished from her weary travels.
It was quiet, save for the occasional scrape of knives and the clink of forks or spoons.
"Well," Alicent smiled. "Isn't it lovely that we can all come together and eat as a family after so many years apart. If only Gwayne was here as well, then it would be similar to our youth, don't you think (Y/N)?"
Her older sister offered a tense smile, "I suppose it is a bit like our childhood. I am surprised you still remember any of it since you were quite young at our last family gathering."
"It comes and goes, because as you say, I was quite young when... when our mother passed," Alicent smiled at her children and all three straightened. "But I am reminded of it when I spend time with my sons and daughter."
"Then I am sure she barely remembers then," Aegon muttered and earning himself a kick to leg from Aemond.
"Behave!" the younger scolded.
Otto cleared his throat and the boys sat up in their chairs once more.
"Let us move past all this," the Hand said. "No need to trouble ourselves with the nonsense of remembering bygones and look to the future. Keeping our family strong and well established.
"Hear, hear!" Alicent agreed while lifting her chalice in agreement.
His oldest daughter couldn't help but laugh at her father's words and shook her head.
"Did you find any humor in my words, daughter?" he asked.
The tone in which he spoke, seemed to trigger something in Alicent as she shrunk back in her seat and looked to the meal in front of her. Her older sister, on the other hand stared straight ahead to their father.
"I find it amusing that you say that, Father" (Y/N) said while cutting into her venison. "You didn't seem to find the notion of family all that important when you left behind two orphaned children in Oldtown for your elder brother to deal with."
A sweeping silence fell over the table.
"Or am I wrong?" she asked. "Mother had recently passed when you left Gwayne and I behind at Oldtown, taking only our dear Alicent with you. She was your favorite after all."
"Do not start with me, (Y/N)!" Otto scolded. "You know your brother was being raised to someday lead Oldtown in my stead."
"What about your recently disfigured daughter? Why was she left behind?" she asked. "Or were you too ashamed that my face would make you a laughingstock. When as your oldest daughter, I should have also been allowed to accompany you to find an advantageous marriage as well."
"Do not speak nonsense, (Y/N)." Her father grumbled, "It was to your benefit that you stayed behind, otherwise you would have never been able to marry your husband. I have always looked to ensure our family would be well off."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, a soft frown marring her features. Her father's response seemed to aggravate her more than she let on, as she stood up from her seat, scraping it heavily against the floor.
"I think I will retire to my chambers for the evening," she turned to smile softly at her nephews and niece. "I will see all of you early tomorrow morning, I have a few things that I brought you three from Dorne."
She turned stiffly to her younger sister and father, "Good night!"
The clicking of her heels against the floor echoed as she left the room, and the Targaryen siblings looked to one another before turning their gaze to their mother and grandsire.
"May we be excused, Mother?" Aemond asked politely.
Alicent looked to be apprehensive, but her father wanted to have a word with her and waved the trio off. Muttering to himself in annoyance over his eldest daughter's words and behavior that evening.
Aegon was quick to pull his younger brother and sister from their seats, hoping that he could avoid either of the adults minds from allowing them to step away. Knowing that they would attempt to stop the siblings if they knew that they would chase after their aunt.
"Come on, come on!" Aegon urged with a giggle, hurrying to catch up with (Y/N).
Something soft bubbled beneath Aegon's chest and he could not remember a time he had felt this way since his childhood had been marred by maltreatment, neglect, and unkind words. But seeing his own aunt stand up for herself, not letting his grandsire excuse himself for his callous actions of the past, it lit a small feeling of hope that perhaps someone could understand.
And he didn't want to let that feeling go.
Aemond was struggling through his own internal torment and insecurity. He did not want to get his hopes up that his aunt would understand his feelings about feeling othered and scorned for his appearance that was he felt was no fault of his own, but he knew that he truly wanted to know.
No, he needed to know if there was someone else like him.
Helaena, perhaps did not feel as conflicting emotions as that of her older and younger brothers, but she also felt that things would soon change with the presence of their outspoken aunt. Words had often failed her, those closest to her rarely were able to understand the young princess even when she was direct with her words. But now... now here was this woman, that was clear and did not mince her words and let her thoughts be known.
She wanted to learn from this woman that was not afraid to be herself.
And there, standing alongside her sworn guard was (Y/N) as she intended to ready herself in her chambers.
But almost collectively the three shouted, "Muña!"
She turned to them and as soon as her soft eyes fell on their figures.
She smiled.
And it was then, the three were absolutely certain that they needed her to be a permanent fixture in their lives.
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A/N: And that concludes part 2! 🥳 Please let me know what you all think, I am honestly super pumped to continue this series.
PS. If your name doesn't show up highlighted, I am not able to tag you properly for some reason.
Tag List:
@minaxcarter, @hotleaf-juice, @pikomin, @deltamoon666, @cococrazy18, @firefairy, @dracaryxzs, @snowbunny58, @lacherrysouldy, @only4thefics, @queen-luna-007, @ambrivertenergy, @kayllineb12, @minejungwoo, @delaynew, @agustdeeyaa, @hueanhdang
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ask-gimmiventures · 1 year
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   “Oh yeah? What kind of update?” Crow’s eyes darted between Cherry and Pixel with suspicion.
   The zangoose simply sighed before continuing in his monotone voice. “Due to recent developments,” his eye flicked towards Cherry before looking back at Crow, “You’re application has been put under review again. Though you do not meet our normal requirements an exception can be made provided you can pass a test of sorts. If you are successful you will be allowed to join this guild as a support member.”
   “And the test is?” Crow narrowed their eyes, it couldn’t be this easy after all this time being denied. Could it? 
   “Princess Cherry has lost her crown in the dungeon located in the ruins of area one near the grasswither shrine. You will be paired up with another hopeful recruit and tasked with retrieving the item. This is a test of several of your skills as well as your ability to work in a team. Me and another guild member will be trailing you two but will not interfere. I will gather the others and meet you at the entrance of the dungeon.” Pixel turned and began walking away.
   “Wha- Hey I never said yes,” Crow sputtered at the clear dismissal.
   The zangoose stopped but didn’t turn, “shall I inform them that you rejected the test?”
   “No! I mean- uhg! Fine I’ll be there,” they huffed.
   Pixel nodded, “I’ll see you there then.”
   Crow watched him walk away. A happy squeal startled them from their musing. With a flinch they turned their glare on the flaafy sitting next to them on the table.
   “Oh Crow isn’t this great!” Cherry clapped her hands in joy, “you can really show them how great you are.”
    Crow was unimpressed, “I know you’re the one who set this up.”
    “I don’t know what you mean Crowley,” she feigned innocence, “after all guilds are supposed to be fair and unbiased in their judgment. Though some may need a friendly reminder now and then.
      “Whatever,” they rolled their eyes. “How did you even lose your crown? Or at least get it back yourself? I know that dungeon is low leveled.”
   “I like to support the local guilds,” Cherry said with a shrug.
At the dungeon
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   “They’ve traveled a large part of the region attempting to get into several guilds if that lessens your worry,” Pixel glanced towards where the princess and Crow were exploring.
   Lupin huffs, “and why were they denied?”
   “Unable to meet power and size requirements mostly, though many are hesitant about their past. Im sure you can relate if simply a little.”
   The riolu flinched. “I’ll evolve someday,” was muttered under his breath. He shook his head, nows not the time to be thinking like that. Nows the time to show how good he’ll be! 
   With a straight back and cheerful smile he walked towards the two waiting by the entrance. “Your highness,” he gave a small bow to Cherry, “it’s a pleasure to meet you and my temporary partner. I’m Lupin.”
   “Oh there no need for that, just call me Cherry,” she said with a happy smile, “it’s a pleasure to meet you too!”
    “Crow,” was all he got from the gimmeghoul. That and a suspicious glare.
     Lupin was unphased, he was expecting worse from the small mon. He turned his gaze back to Cherry, “worry not we shall retrieve your lost property and return it swiftly. Will you be accompanying us on this trip? It could be dangerous?” He ignored the laugh from Crow.
    “Oh no I’ll be with Pixel. I wanted to watch the test as well but I’m not allowed to help,” she chirped.
     “I see, well i suppose we should begin our quest.”
    “Of course! Good luck you two,” Cherry said. 
    Crow nodded back before jumping from her shoulder to Lupins, “let’s go blue boy.”
    Lupin held back a flinch as the gimmeghoul landed on his shoulder, “it’s Lupin.”
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Lupin and Crow have entered the dungeon.
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thevikingwoman · 2 years
So I had a little idea for a fling for Meryta, my WoL. Spoilers for ARR patches and the beginning of HW
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 941 | Read on Ao3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Meryta Khatin x Emmanellain de Fortemps | start of HW | fluff/romance Rating: Gen. New relationship, fling, start of relationship, surprise attraction, kissing
Reprieve - part 1
Meryta is grateful the servants of the Fortemps Manor keep the hearths going all night long. She’s fervently rubbing her hands against each other, the cold just doesn’t seem to leave her.
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest to go mining in Coerthas Highlands in the dead of night, but she couldn’t sleep, and sometimes there are ores you can only really find at night. The snowy wastes are peaceful in the dark, but very, very cold. Tonight, it was better than another sleepless night, tossing and turning, despite the nice bed and warm blankets in the room the Count has made available to her. She’s still cold from the snow and aetheryte travel, it’s like she hasn’t been warm for weeks.
At least it was somewhat fruitful. She wishes she could show Adelberta what she’s mined, but she cannot. She cannot go to Ul’dah. She’s far to recognizable and ever since –
The doors swing open, a little too loud for the quiet room, interrupting her treacherous train of thoughts. No matter how tired she is, she doubts sleep will come tonight.
“Miss Meryta!” Emmanellain walks in, dressed in rich fur and tall boots, his black hair messy about his face. It’s probably some sort of fashion, and she self-consciously smooths her hand over her choppy locks.
“I did not anticipate anyone was up this late, least of all you, our hero.”
He sweeps into a gallant bow, his eyes sparkling. She cannot help but smile.
“I was but mining. It is quite useful to provide one’s own materials.”
“I did not realize you were a woman of that many talents. Is it not cold and dangerous to mine at night?” Emmanalin throws himself on the couch, his head bouncing back against the headrest. “Probably not for you, I suppose.”
“It is quite cold out there,” she agrees. He doesn’t need to know or trouble himself with her lack of sleep.
“Well, I hope your trip was more fruitful than my soiree. Nary an interesting rumor and no one believed me, old girl!”
She turns, flicking her tail towards the fire. It’s cold too and she can almost hear her scales brittle rattle. Emmanellain continues on before she can ask what he means.
“About the primal. I had hoped my trials and adventures would be enough to lend me the ears of the ladies and lords, but not one believed me. Can you imagine?”
He’s animated, leaning forward and moving his arms, his hands. So different from the warm deliberate care of Haurhefant or the stern stillness of Count de Fortemps and his heir. Meryta suppresses another smile.
“Are you quite recovered, Lord Emmanellain?”
She should never have sent him off on his own.
“I am, thanks to you. It was quite an ordeal, though, was it not? They were going to eat me!”
Meryta shakes her head.
“I would not have let that happen.”
“I believe you, Meryta. Wish that others could believe me so easily.” His shoulders slump forward, dejected. She sits next to him, not sure how to comfort him. Maybe if she kills the primal, she should ask Cid if he can modify the Enterprise – knowing him he is already thinking about it. She should ask if he needs –
“I have an idea, a brilliant one!” Emmanellain perks up, his face splitting in a wide smile. She’s reminded of his half brother all of a sudden. “You must accompany me to the next party! No one will disbelieve you, and you can relate to them all of the primal. You, and I of course, will be the center of attention.”
“A party?”
“I believe Lady Far-de-Paix is holding a small event two days from now, I must attend and as a ward of our House you will be most welcome.”
“I’m not sure that’s – I have nothing to wear,” she says, grappling for an excuse. She doesn’t quite know why she’d not want to attend, and if the Count asked her ,she naturally would. She does have something to wear, the brocade coat she shoved in the bottom of her sack. She wrestles her thoughts back to the delighted grin on Emmanellain’s face.
“That we can take care of. You will look splendid; it will be perfect.”
“I don’t think I’ll look quite the way you expect.” No matter how she dresses, she’d look decidedly un-elezen, un-Ishgardian.
“Meryta, you will enthrall them. if I may be so bold – you are truly beautiful.”
He’s suddenly close, and she can smell the warmth of mulling spices and wine on his breath. She’s been told she’s pretty before, but she’s stunned by his sudden earnest tone.
“Your cheeks are speckled with little stars.”
She’s sure she has mythrite dust on her face or hair, frantically she brushes it away with her hands. Emmanelin laughs and grabs her hand. “No, your freckles, Meryta. I’ve never seen anything quite like them.”
Emmanelin’s hand is against hers, pressed against her cheek, his eyes sparkling. In a bold move he closes the gap between them and presses his lips to hers. She kisses him back automatically, lost momentarily until he breaks off, looking bashful, blush coloring his pale cheeks pink.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to presume –”
Meryta shakes her head, and lifts her other hand to tuck a stray bit of his hair behind his ear. “There’s nothing to forgive, Emmanellain.”
“In that circumstance, Meryta, perhaps I may kiss you again?”
“You may.”
They crash into each other, much less gentle this time. He kisses the way he talks, bold and animated and full of joy.
Perhaps this is exactly what she needs.
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gunnhldrs · 9 months
ー A package for Jean from the Adventurer's Guild was delivered, how exciting!
Inside the delicately wrapped gift box was a coffee mug, decorated with a simple yet cute illustration of two dandelion flowers blowing in the spring breeze.
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The mug also came accompanied with a short letter which read as follows:
Dear Jean, You are always working hard for the people of Mondstadt, but please remember to take a break every now and then. Why not enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee from this mug? I hope the design is to your liking. I actually tried painting it myself. ...Well, I did make a short trip to Dragonspine to get some pointers from a certain alchemist, since I am not exactly the most artsy person around. I think it turned out quite cute though! I assume you will be spending Christmas together your sister and the other Knights of Favonius, but you are always welcome to visit me in my Teapot! I will treat you to a delicious mushroom pizza! ✨ Take care and have a lovely holidays. Sincerely, Lumine
Her index finger traces the lip of the mug, opposite hand holding the letter as though it is a treasure meant for only the most delicate of touch. A smile has curled her lips as she reads over its contents once, twice, three times before setting it back on her desk.
The gift itself is quite cute, hand painted in soft pastels and just messy enough to be charming. She can see the effort in every stroke, can imagine the warmth with which they were made. It will certainly be of good use to her-- one could not drink as much coffee as she and ever have too many mugs.
Carefully, Jean folds the letter into fourths and tucks it into her desks uppermost drawer. It's a shallow thing, not good for holding much, but the note joins a small collection of photos and old memories where it will remain until next she needs a reminder of all that is good in this world.
Hands now freed, she plucks a pen from her ever-growing collection.
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Our dearest Honorary Knight, The gift is lovely. My own collection of mugs are all rather boring; dull, plainly colored. Yours will stand out among them, though I think I will favor it for that reason. That, and of course how it is a reminder of you and your time here. I will certainly pay you a visit sometime, though I must request that you do the same. I'm certain your travels keep you quite busy, but Mondstadt misses you. We owe you a great deal, you know. No words or gifts could ever express our gratitude. You will always have a place here with us. Be safe in your journeys, and don't forget to keep warm! Happy holidays, Lumine. Yours, Jean Gunnhildr.
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The towers surrounding the malleus key are a dark gray-purple color, thin and spire-like; there is a crown of white marble set on the top of the point. They are 10 feet wide at the base, but the majority of it is no more than 3 feet wide, and they're about 60 feet tall.
Pate goes up to the tower, and when he gets about 200 feet from it, he gets hit with faerie fire. He sees a dozen or so of the towers in a ring-like perimeter around the Shiver Keep.
I cannot believe that it took Sam forty-seven episodes to make a "are we human or are we dancer" joke.
The walls of the Shiver Keep are made of a dark gray slate, inlaid with organic, chitinous material. There are sentries walking along the walls, accompanied by "aramads" -- Laudna remembers something about how you "can't hide" from an aramad.
In the courtyard of the Keep stands the completed Malleus Key. It's 20 feet tall and much more intricate than the one the Calloways were building.
Orym has the best idea of the night: everyone jumps in the portable hole and Laudna (who has gotten to the other side of the wall with spider climb and invisibility) pulls them under the gate.
FCG really needs to do something about their spell save. 14 is just....... way too low for level 8, especially if they keep using CC and debuff spells.
There is a bright red beam extending directly upward from the Malleus Key to the visage of Ruidus, and pulses of energy sometimes travel up the beam.
Otohan is here.
She still has the tracking ring on her!
nat 20 on the perception check to read her lips
but first-- the figure next to her, potentially the captain of the guard, is 7 feet tall with pale skin and looooong ears. resembling the Nightmare King, somewhat. he is the "keeper" and rider of a massive winged beast, like a dragon but wrong, with membranous wings and bulging eyes. the fey (possibly archfey) figure is in conversation with Thull.
"Sammanar sits at the end of their patience. Have you reminded Ludinus of our arrangement, and the expediency with which we can remove his place in it?" "I assume you are of sound enough intelligence to know what must be done, and that there is no place for pleasantries or ego stroking in the scale of what we are doing." "Your continuous lack of respect is noted, human." "When you finally step from the shadow of the Moonweaver, I guarantee you'll be forgiven."
Potentate Sammanar, They Who Walk Unseen is the keeper of the Sun's Shadow and ruler of the Unseelie Court. They are also the person who ordered the Calloways to be hunted, as it was noted that they specifically were "impatient" about Yu's mission.
On the key, they can clearly tell that the power source that's in there now was not the original power source, but rather a replacement for something.
Laudna climbs inside the key, and can feel the arcane pulses that are sending waves up the tether to Ruidus.
With a successful arcana check, Laudna learns that they will need to destroy or steal something absolutely crucial to the key's function or to detonate it entirely to prevent it from being fixed. She also knows that they could detonate its arcane power sources by overcharging them with excessive spell slots or damage.
Laudna narrowly avoids dying again as she's pulled into the inner mechanisms of the key and pushed around by the gears. "Narrowly" meaning, judging by Matt's expression and the ways he's done these kinds of saves before (see c2e102), by one (she rolled a 10, which was most likely the low DC).
As Imogen twins a witch bolt at the arcane power sources and a stick of dynamite is lit inside the machine, roll initiative.
FCG stats update: their bolt thrower is a reskinned light crossbow.
Fearne casts wall of fire in a circle around the key and immediately detonates all of the arcane cores. everything in a 20-foot radius takes 45 force damage (22 halved) and is pushed 25 feet away from the key.
When the key is destroyed (which it is), the tether and the spectral Ruidus both disappear.
graviturgy dogs????
Ashton rage build update: while the gravity build is active and they're able to teleport, they can teleport up to 60 feet either when they kill an enemy or as a reaction when they kill an enemy.
have we talked about how interesting FCG's sympathetic binding mechanic is? like, what is actually going on here? FCG sees someone take massive damage, uses their reaction to halve the damage, gains half the damage as temporary hit points, and then if they have not taken enough damage to deplete those hit points they lose them and take that much damage.
how did I only just notice that Travis has a fidget spinner
these map cams are next level, I love them
me, when there are only 20 minutes left in the episode but the jabberwock just barely arrived: *fear*
anyway have I talked about how Matt's encounter design is fucking next-level big brain in this campaign? because it is
The person accompanying Otohan was "Sorrow Lord Zathuda."
and we pick up next week outside the Shiver Keep, hidden under the veils, with an unconscious Fearne in tow.
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openingnightposts · 5 months
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Costing Something Significant
“…Behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him, …And going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:1-2, 11ESV
Watching people hustle, bustle, push, shove, grabbing things to obtain their desired gifts isn’t a pretty sight. Few people are like a certain friend I once had, who began shopping the week after Christmas each year. Her list was thorough, estimating sizes for the year to come. By July, 90% of all shopping was finished, with toys being the only needed items, those were purchased in October. She always reminded me of the Proverbs 31 woman, V27BSB “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”
No one knows exactly where the Magi originated from, the ‘east,’ being the most precise location. Disputes arise, as to whether there were only three Magi, where they really came from, even their names. Were there only wise men, as in those with knowledge about stars or were they also kings? How many people accompanied them for protection? An army? Definitely, the entourage’ was more than the three puny characters of my nativity set.
Through knowledge of the stars, Magi learned the Savior of all mankind, God was being born on planet earth. Knowing about this glorious event they prepared for a major trip, with protection, gifts worthy of the King— treasure chests of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, not so extensive they couldn’t be handled by Joseph, Mary and a donkey. Yet, treasures large enough to finance Jesus’ family’s stay in Egyptian stay for minimally two years.
Wise men followed His star beginning moving westward. Did they have maps to follow— roads, something showing the lay of the land where they would travel?
Mom always said, ‘Wise men and women still follow Jesus,’ so true. Wise people prepare their hearts to know Him, not only as Father-God-Jesus in reverential fear, but also know Him as “Abba” intimately ‘Daddy—Papa.”
The Wise Men brought Him gifts costing something significant. We still give Him gifts— the most precious costing us everything— our wills, hearts, and faith. “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:25ESV.
As we approach the normally accepted time for celebrating the birth of Jesus, follow the attitude of Jesus’ earthly brother James 4:7-8NIV “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” He’s excitedly awaiting spending time with you. Give the gift of you to Almighty God for your special present this holiday season. It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Holy Father instead of running around telling the world this is the season to celebrate Jesus’ birth, please help us prepare a special altar in our hearts to sacrifice every part of us to You, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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leiyanliam-blog · 10 months
TECHNOLOGY LOG (11/27/2023)
Today, technology has reminded me of its wonders once again. From being able to spend my day with my family to being able to increase productivity when I am most motivated to do school work,
My smartphone has been a very useful gadget to connect me to my loved ones and inform them about our outing in SM City Sto. Tomas. I was able to reach my grandmother and aunt so that I could relay information about the said outing. In this endeavor, the Messenger app has been very helpful and convenient. "That's great!" my grandmother said after hearing the news of our outing. My aunt also said that she would be joining us too.
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My grandparents, aunt, and cousins arrived, and we hopped on the SUV where we would be riding. Of course, a long ride would not be complete without accompanying music. "We want Taylor Swift's music." my sister said.
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With the help of Spotify and Bluetooth, I was able to connect my phone to the radio. The fun is just starting, but I am already very thrilled!
Oops! We ran into a wall. No one knows the way to Sto. Tomas. So my mother asked me to help her with directions. Fortunately, Google Maps is very accessible, and it has a lot of features. It lets you choose a route that you prefer, depending on traffic congestion. It also displays the ETA as well as the distance traveled.
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Everything went well from there, and then we arrived at our destination. The mall provided a fresh breeze and is well-decorated with Christmas ornaments. Of course, I would not forget to take a photo. "Lucky!" I exclaimed because I have my phone camera.
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We all spent our day shopping, and we went out to eat at a restaurant to ease our hunger from shopping all day. After everyone was satisfied, it was already time to go home.
We had the same vibe all throughout the ride home. Taylor Swift on the radio, and constant chitchatting with each other. Before we knew it, we had all gone home.
At home, I immediately remembered all the things that I have to accomplish before I go to sleep. I opened my laptop.
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I opened Canva to edit the primary label of our drug product in Manufacturing Pharmacy. It took a fruitful hour of editing before I became satisfied with the results.
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I saved the photos, then immediately sent them to my groupmates for compilation of the pictures on the labels. I used an emailing app called Gmail to send my classmate the files. As a matter of fact, Messenger does not do justice to saved photos on the platform. Always low quality!
I also did a test run on how the label would come out if I printed it. So I turned on the printer and went on to print the sample labels.
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"GOOD TEST RUNS!" I exclaimed. I was ecstatic after seeing the results. At first, I thought the labels would be so small that no one could read them. Fortunately, there is Microsoft Word, which helped me adjust the size of the pictures on the labels. Technology is truly a wonder!
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After finishing the label, I proceeded to do other activities, such as answering quizzes and essays in the Canvas app. This is the app where we manage our online modules and courses.
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I also use QuillBot to paraphrase my poor sentences into well-constructed ones. This aspect of this AI is very fascinating. I also use this app to check my grammar and spelling.
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Moreover, to end my day, I play video games as a stress reliever. I particularly like playing Valorant. It is a shooting game, and I think I have the best aim ever. This game is so much fun to play, especially with online friends. My online friends told me that they were glad I played tonight.
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Now that I have had my fun, it is time to sleep. But wait! I almost forgot. I need to set an alarm so that I can wake up on time to get to the bus station. Another weekday, another school day!
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That's all for today. Have a good night folks!
CONCLUSION: I cannot live without technology. It has already become my companion in my everyday life, and it will continue to be so that I can increase my productivity with each passing day.
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The Alchemy of Chai
by Sheniz Janmohamed (Guest facilitator, Cooking Up Feminism)
When I was given the opportunity to facilitate "Healing with Chai, Poetry & Nature” for Cooking Up Feminism, I was sitting in the lap of grief. I had lost my maternal grandmother a few weeks before, and hadn’t (and still haven’t) fully internalized the loss. To be in the company of seniors was not only healing but also a reminder that we are also always in the company of our ancestors. It was heartening to hear senior participants speak about their parents, grandparents and elders. Sometimes young people forget that our elders were once children themselves, and long for the connection and memories they had with their own parents and grandparents.
In keeping with the theme, I opened the session with a poem about my great grandmother, from my book, Reminders on the Path.
The poem ends with the following stanza:
Great grandmother,
did you say goodbye, did you know there would never be a return?
a lullaby sung across generations a pang of separation in the bones a spoon of curd melting on the tongue a growl rising from the gut
this is how we say goodbye.
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Chai Pods by Sheniz Janmohamed
Madhu recognized the “good luck” ritual from her own family tradition, where the traveler is given a spoonful of curd mixed with sugar. She acknowledged how these superstitions and traditions fall away with each new generation, who become estranged from their original homelands. Ebru also spoke of a similar tradition from Turkey, where water is thrown behind the traveler before they leave, followed by the words (translated): “easy come, easy go, like water.” The session prompted a deep reflection of place and the nostalgia that accompanies our rituals and traditions. I began by sharing my own relationship to masala chai, a recipe that has changed as I’ve changed over the years. Each morning begins with the crushing of spices in a mortar & pestle and the slow simmer of rich black tea on the stove. The reason I make my own masala each morning is because each day requires a different remedy. On particularly gloomy mornings, I need the healing properties of ginger to wake me up. On sunnier, softer days, comforting cardamom will do the trick.
Lubna resonated with the alchemical properties of chai, referring to it as an “emotional beverage” that gives the drinker exactly what they need. It is a beverage for gathering and celebrating, but can also provide relief for particularly hard days.
Participants also agreed that our ancestral brews have the power to bring us together in ways that cafes can’t. When we are invited for kava or chai, we’re invited to be in the company and comfort of friends and family. We are welcomed into a circle of warmth that can’t be replicated anywhere else.
Lady P spoke of this intentionality. “Growing up in 1960’s Jamaica, coffee was the order of the day. Now coffee is not the same in Jamaica.” Chain stores and corporations have dominated the market, making it more challenging to have an authentic experience.
Lady P explained in detail the ritual for making coffee: collecting coffee from the Blue Mountains, drying it out, grinding it in a mortar, preparing the outdoor kitchen, gathering firewood for the stove, letting the coffee boil, straining it with cloth, scalding the goat’s milk and then pouring the mixture into metal cans. The grandfather or eldest man of the family would get the biggest cup to take with them as they went off to work on plantations and farms. Through detailed imagery and poignant reflection, Lady P encouraged us to reconnect with the slow grace of intentional creation— from planting, nurturing and gathering to preparing, brewing and sipping.
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. —Thich Nhat Hanh
In acknowledging the origin of our brews, we realized that all elements are required for making tea or coffee: the heat of a stove, the alchemy of water, scent and steam, and the coffee beans and tea leaves picked from the land itself. Every time we take part in these slow rituals, we are not separate from nature, but part of a system of reciprocity. Ancestral memory lives through our precious recipes, allowing us to revisit of our homelands with each sip. ~ Sheniz Janmohamed
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Sheniz Janmohamed
Sheniz Janmohamed was born and raised in Tkaronto with ancestral ties to Kenya and Kutch, India. A poet, nature artist and arts educator, she regularly visits schools and community organizations to teach and perform. 
Her nature art has been featured across Turtle Island, including the National Arts Centre and the Art Gallery of Mississauga. She has performed her work in venues across the world and has three poetry collections Bleeding Light (2010), Firesmoke (2014) and Reminders on the Path (2021). A recipient of the Lois Birkenshaw-Fleming Creative Teaching Scholarship, Sheniz holds an Artist Educator Mentor certificate from the Royal Conservatory. She is a firm believer in fostering community through collaboration and creativity. She recently served as the Writer-in-Residence at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (Winter/Spring 2022) . She is the founder and facilitator of Owning our Stories, the first writing circle of its kind for South Asian women in Ontario.
Links: Website: www.shenizjanmohamed.com   Twitter: www.twitter.com/shenizj Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shenizpoetics
All of the recipes and stories we share in "Cooking Up Feminism" will be published in a unique cookbook by Scarborough Arts, available to the public in 2023, so stay tuned. Bookmark our blog and follow along. Thank you for your support.
~Mariam Magsi (Workshop Facilitator, Scarborough Arts)
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
(Psst. The FTC asks me to remind everyone that this website includes affiliate links. This means that if you click on a link, you might earn a small commission. This doesn't increase the cost of the item or decrease its awesomeness. ~ Daisy) By the author The Faithful Prepper. At the moment, there are many articles on nuclear strikes. There are many. Given the current state of things, I have a morbid fascination with older nuclear PSAs (public services announcements). That's why I began to research the old British PSA Protect & Survive. These old PSAs are quite interesting, even though they may seem dark. These are some of the ones I found most interesting. (For real, current, yet practical nuclear survival information, check out our webinar tonight! This is my favorite of all the ones that I have found. These marionettes made of bizarre paper mache are used to inform people about what they should do to be safe. I have yet to figure out how that puppet got its strings to blink. This whole scenario is quite scary, has a Howdy Doody feel, and covers a lot of material. I don't think I would follow the advice of getting my cows to cover before i get myself covered. Although I understand the importance protecting food sources, I feel I have some more value than animals. The PSA has two booklets, "Your Livestock Can Survive Fallout" & "Your Family Survival Plan". I'm interested in these books. Cresson Kearny also recommends a 14-day supply. This is in line with Cresson Kearny’s statement that you will need to spend at most two weeks in any fallout shelter before you can think about going out for short periods. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=n2djuNBHwrg[/embed] It's not clear if this was meant to be a PSA. Perhaps it's a mix of an old film noir detective movie and Andy Griffith. Andy Griffith without the happiness, I think. There's also a Twilight Zone ending. This video is a mix of everything 1950s TV has to offer. The entire video is a story about enemy bombers being seen over Canada as they travel to the US (Portland if I recall correctly). The script is moved along by a narrator as people race about trying to be prepared for what's coming. This is a longer video and doesn't provide much closure. It is entertaining, however. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=ueEl7A7KaHA[/embed] This 1979 slideshow is cartoon-like and includes some general nuclear survival advice. It may be more interesting to you than mine. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=TYtLVyMKdo0[/embed] This video is the accompaniment to the 1975 pamphlet I wrote about. This PSA is perhaps the most serious looking of all the ones I have reviewed. These sound effects are very eerie to help the British people understand what to listen for. I don't think this is the best advice. The cartoon atmosphere lends itself to the spooky atmosphere. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=UgOybc8Jdoo[/embed] (Want to know how to store food?) To learn how to store food, download our QUICKSTART guide. This one is probably familiar to you as it was released by New York City about a month ago. A woman is shown on a green screen, telling people to shut down their windows if there's a nuclear attack coming. She also gives other advice. This one is not about the green screen. It's the timing. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=N-5d7V4Sbqk[/embed] This 1951 film has a Gone With the Wind feel. It features actors demonstrating what you should do in the event that an attack occurs. I believe there is also footage of the Japanese atomic bombs being dropped. This footage appears to include some footage of the aftermath. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=pDD9eufmqTk[/embed] This one is reminiscent of John Wayne's western style from 1950. Also, the audio throughout the whole thing is terrible. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y0XawkZ7zj0[/embed] This 1959 PSA is reminiscent of a Hannah Barbara cartoon.
Jetson vibes can be found here. Although I cannot tell if there is actual nuke footage in the video, it's definitely Jetson vibes. The advice to "sit down and make the most of it" when you need to go to a shelter is helpful, as well as "don't let yourself be discouraged span> This, along with the cartoon-style smiley family preparing to survive a nuclear attack was a great touch. A raincoat might not be the best way to protect oneself from radiation, though. I could see gamma radiation, but not alpha particles. You won't get much from the raincoat. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=y_gTGB6-9BQ[/embed] (Want to have uninterrupted access The Organic Prepper? Subscribe to our paid newsletter. ) Do you know of any other nuclear PSAs? What are your favorite eerie, most funny, or most bizarre things? Please leave your comments below. About Aden Aden Tate is a regular contributor to TheOrganicPrepper.com and TheFrugalite.com. Aden owns a microfarm in which he raises dairy goats and honeybees, as well as meat chickens, laying poultry, tomatoes, mushrooms, greens, and a pig. Aden is the author of four books: What School Should have Taught You, The faithful Prepper, An Arm and a leg, The Prepper's Guide for Post-Disaster Communications and Zombie Choices. His podcast, The Last American, can be found on Preppers Broadcasting Network.
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archonoelle · 2 years
i hate all the theories about paimon actually being the unknown god/betraying the traveller because like. that’s our bestie :(
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4dtk · 3 years
cute lil drabble with tsukiko, gojo’s and your child. switches between ‘gojo’ and ‘satoru’. lore here ♡
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“baby, daddy has to go to work!” gojo laughs when tsukiko, your daughter, latches onto his leg like a stubborn girl. all the while, she’s whining into his pants, and you make a mental note to clean her face right after because you know your husband needs reminders to wash his clothes (and also because you just hung the laundry last night, he couldn’t have recently washed it).
“no! tsukiko don’t want that! i want dada to stay!” satoru shoots you a look between ‘save me’ and ‘give me a resignation form right now’, making you giggle just a little while you watch your daughter try to give him the best pleading face she could muster.
it almost works. almost.
the sigh satoru lets out is monumental, crouching down after untangling her arms from his limb. gently, his fingers brush over the girl’s white hair that was almost identical to his, save for the way it fell over her shoulders — a little curly to match yours, and messy, too, from how much she moves during slumber.
“tsuki, hon, dada needs to go off to work. remember how i said i’m gonna inspire the next generation of sorcerers, yes?” it’s hard to hold in a laugh as tsukiko’s face contorts into one of confusion, not accepting her father’s reason even if she didn’t understand a word.
“if we make a promise, will that be better? hm?”
satoru loved promises, always proposing how he’d promise to bring you to a new dessert place that’s opened up — “i’ll bring you after my mission, ’kay?”. satoru promised how the two of you will eventually find happiness, as with other sorcerers — “i know it’s tiring, my love, it is. but it is so worth it, in the end, seeing smiles on people’s faces when you exorcise the littlest of curses.”
the longest lasting promise he’s made, though, still exists right now in the house he bought, in the ring you chastised him over because it was too expensive, in the bundle of joy that’s currently hugging him tightly. “i’ll marry you. one day, baby. i’ll get us a big house, and a pretty ring, anything. i just want you for the rest of my life.”
you’re so in your thoughts that you don’t recognise how your husband manages to successfully pry tsukiko away from him, giving her a big grin and solidifying his promise one more time by linking pinkies.
“c’mon now, up you go.” satoru huffs out as he carries the girl into his arms, bombarding her face with endless kisses accompanied by dramatic “muah’s!”. it reminds you of how he did, and still do, to you. “be good for mommy, alright?”
“and remember our promise! --- ----- -- ---.” gojo whispers the last part so that you can’t hear a thing, only offering a shrug and a sly smile when you try to eavesdrop. the last thing you remember is your lover’s lips upon yours and a confession, a smile into the kiss and a firm grab to your ass. with a giggle you push him away, bidding him goodbye as tsukiko clings to your side.
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“so what promise did you make, dear husband?” you lean into his side when you see tsukiko enjoy her mochi dessert, sighing in content when you feel his peck on your temple.
“don’t you think she said ‘i love you’ a lot to you today?” you scoff jokingly, nudging his side.
“so that was your doing? now she’s gonna say the words every time she wants something, satoru.” gojo turns to you, holding your shoulders tenderly, as he speaks, you’re reminded of his immense power and strength, yet all he does is treat you like porcelain.
his hands travel from shoulder to wrist, his hand is so comforting. “i told her to say it only when she means it. when she is fully happy with what she has. i guess she figured out she couldn’t go a day without mommy, either.”
at that, you smile, widening when he kisses your hands.
“will the flowers come soon, dada? i want to see mommy happy with allllll the love i have for her!”
satoru relishes in your puzzled expression, answering tsukiko with his eyes never leaving yours, “i won’t say, baby.”
the next morning, you awaken to a large bouquet of flowers at the door with a short letter: ‘for every time tsukiko’s told you she’s loved you, and for every time i did, too.’
your eyes doesn’t even read the sign off (well, you know it’s gojo by the handwriting) before you’re the next victim of a kiss attack from gojo. there, you stood in his arms, falling so so deep in love again that you wouldn’t even need any type of love potion. falling so fast that you’d manipulate time in whichever way you can to feel the thrill again.
“i love you.” thrill. that was what it was with satoru at first, but now you know he can love slowly, too. you have all of your life to hear those three words again and again, and just like he said — you want him for the rest of your life, too.
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pen-observing · 2 years
i create... (ii)
synopsis: we truly do not know what will become a treasured memory until later on but certain things are always beautiful. ayato and you are finally arriving close to mondstadt, but not before a few things go right and some things go wrong. 
part vii of my semi-short ayato series called ‘reinvention’ word count: 2.7k (longest one yet, don’t get used to it) warnings: oh no, we are in our reader has a fever + tension + fluff era a/n: i refused to have an i create...(iii) chapter so this is an all you can eat buffet
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there is always a certain epiphany in discovering a new truth about yourself; or, in this case, about the past you. as you made your way with thoma and ayato down to the docks, you realized just how you never took a walk along these parts since your initial arrival in inazuma.  
here, the people seemed to move faster than in inazuma city. ritou also seemed more in tune with the nature and simplicity of lives than inazuma city. yes, the large sakura tree from your window at the estate was a magnificent sight – but it seemed too grand to you. in addition, it reminded you of windrise and how the biggest events of your life transpired there.  
biggest events or biggest regrets?   regret is a tricky emotion and even if this question was whispered by a hushed voice in your mind, you refused to allow it to bear so much influence.  
the past you actually walked down these streets. the past you was actually at the docks before. yet, because of the emotions connected to how you got there – you refused to take notice of anything. you refused to see the small boy, tightly holding his hands together and offering a prayer. refused to marvel at sakura trees and the petals that fell on your head. refused to see how much life there was to be lived, how much charm hid behind it all.  
that was the past you. your epiphany made you swear how this time you would actually try and commit to memory the cities you see and the sea that helps you get there.  
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as soon as you stepped foot onto the ship – you knew that your oath was in good hands. the atmosphere surrounding you was a stark difference to the one you remembered. on this ship, people were laughing and your heart was lighter. on this ship, thoma was already acquainted with the one in charge and you knew that you could trust him.  
captain beidou was thoma’s primary acquaintance. she extended a greeting to you as well before she walked off to check on her crew.  
to you, she was charming but also something greater – while you were forced to change your life, while you were constantly having things done for and to you by the ‘elders’ who knew what was best for your family name – beidou existed freely.  
thoma, ayato, ayaka; all of them were bound to the land and to their duties, you had no desire to envy them. but something about beidou having done everything herself, having made every decision on her own...made you realize how different your circumstances were.  
she did not need to tell you such things, they were obvious.   instead of festering envy you decided to take an opportunity to learn from her freedom. from the freedom of them all, really. her crew and the calm poet accompanying them gave you the perfect chance to find a new understanding of that word before you made your return to the city that is its emblem.  
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the first night of your stay on the ship was a calm one. the waves were gentle as if they were greeting you again in knowing your oath to appreciate them, the wind extended its hands as if to welcome you changing.  
the second and third nights passed by in the same manner. and, while some would grow bored of the travel and routine – you appreciated these moments because finally you were allowed to.  
ayato remained as constant of a presence as ever. he knew when to give you space and when to approach. if he was not looking at you from the side while your eyes were tracing patterns of the clouds or sparking while watching the sea, he was next to you.  
ayato would sometimes approach you with comfortable silence so that it seemed like a shared moment of admiration. he would make sure to call you and remind you of when the meals were, as well as what to do if you felt sea sick or if the wind got too strong.  
on the fourth night, when you were not able to sleep, you found him sitting on one of the stairs while looking up at the sky and writing something.  
“you know that there is no need for you to stand there like that. feel free to sit down next to me.”  
you expected him to notice you and as his eyes followed your figure you suddenly realized your previous ideas were correct; ayato kamisato looked ethereal under the moon’s rays. he was both like the moon and it’s reflection on this was sea around the two of you.
“ayato, i thought this was supposed to be a vacation. ayaka will scold both you and me once she learns you were still working.”  
ayato hums as you sit down and he turns to look at you. you can feel his elbow touching yours as he lowers the piece of paper down on his knee.  
ayato wonders if you realize it. do you realize that this is the first time you actually called him just that and in such a tone? just his name, just ayato. simple. natural. and beautiful.   you never used his name because he knew that when you arrived, you hated it.   he is glad he hasn’t heard it uttered in hatred from your lips so far, but this is a sign that you are growing. even if you didn’t notice it, even if you didn’t pay attention – he did.  
“well you see, your words would be true if what i were doing was indeed considered working.”  
that night – you found out that ayato liked to write poetry in his spare time. he told you that his words were probably hopeless compared to kazuha so you were not allowed to read it. some curiosity and some wonder sparked in you, so you tried to grab it out of his hand.   ayato kept moving it away and before you realized it yourself – your hands were on his chest and the paper slipped out of his hand into the deep waters.  
you would never get to read that poem. but you did get to see ayato’s intense gaze upon you again, the way he seemed focused on your face. you got to feel his hands wrap around your wrists gently as he moved them away and said that the both of you should get some sleep.  
in your eyes, that was just one more secret about ayato that might never become known.
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the fifth night was different from the rest.  
the waves were still calm like before but the wind grew colder.   apparently beidou’s ship had an advisor who suggested that everyone should gather around once a week and tell stories to one another. it helped build team spirit and strengthen the bonds, they said.   all of these people were completely free. all of these people were full of adventures and lives so different but somehow in this moment they were all next to you, willing to share their realizations and stories.   that can be considered somewhat of a miracle so, despite ayato reminding you how late it was getting, you decided to stay up and listen to them all.  
in all honesty, you were still feeling spiteful from not getting to read ayato’s poem last night and you remembered how you knew nothing about itto and lady yae and, in a childish manner, you decided not to listen to him.  
and that was a mistake.  
you also decided to stop him from giving you his coat after an hour because he noticed how cold it was starting to get just when beidou started talking about how she got her vision and how you always remember the most important moments of your life.
and that too, was a mistake. you hate it; however, ayato was right. but admitting that to yourself while you are shivering in your bed served no real purpose.  
even with you not admitting it to him, and turning down his offer – ayato still continued to extend you kindness. ayato sat close to you after you refused his coat, when the stories were over, he walked you to your room and had thoma make it warm before he sent him off and said that he, personally, would make sure you were okay.  
his presence was soothing and comforting. and his hands were warm when he placed them on your forehead to check for a fever. he said you did not have it, thankfully and how he would bring you the blanket from his room too.
his knees were on your bed as he made sure the blanket covered your body completely. you could hear the genuine worry in his voice and wanted to thank him.  
however, in that moment ayato’s worry brought on words you never wish he would have spoken.  
“what’s wrong? can you not handle the cold weather?”  
you knew he was just asking to make sure. you knew he was just asking because he wanted to know so he could take better care of you. the logical part of your brain rationalized it, but you had heard those words one too many times formed with a smirk from a man who abandoned you and your emotions caused you to freeze in place.  
ayato felt relieved that you were no longer shivering.  
when you told him that, ayato remembered just how cruel fate could be. after opening yourself up to him, after saying his name like that, with ice on the tip of your tongue – you told him to leave.  
and he did. even while hesitating, he did. something told him not to take it personally. your eyes lost their shine and your tongue got sharper whenever you remember the individual you initially compared him to. he knew that. you were left there. alone. cursing yourself for such a reaction, thinking about how the room seemed colder without him in it.
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when the morning came, ayato was still the first one to enter your room. you pretended to sleep because it meant avoiding confronting him immediately and his hand was still so gentle as it checked your forehead. then, he softly called your name and when you opened your eyes he said that you had boarded liyue harbor.  
good, this way the two of you had to carry on. and ayato did not seem to delve on what happened last night, so, there were no issues to resolve.
however, there were new issues to be handled.   as soon as you stood up you felt weak. after saying your thanks and goodbyes to beidou you saw ayato linger behind.
you were expecting to continue on with your trip, however ayato told you that wouldn’t be possible.
‘you have a fever. it would be best if we stay in this city until you are completely recovered.”
you couldn’t believe him. sure, you felt weak but that was only because of not getting enough sleep last night.  
“thoma, i asked captain beidou where to get medicne just now. she drew us this map.”   thoma already knew what ayato wanted so he took the paper and ran off towards the indicated direction.  
“you can’t just change all of our travel plans like this.”  
if your group did not set off today towards mondstadt, you would all be late for the festival. your oath would be broken if you were inside one room all day. the excitement and promise of seeing your friends and home would come to be broken and mean nothing.  
ayato crossed his arms over his chest and it reminded you of how he spoke to usual workers that came to the estate.  
“just because you are being unreasonable, does not mean that this is not the right thing to do.”
while you were focusing on the letter, on the friends and home, on new freedom – ayato was focusing on your health. it was disheartening to hear him say it so outwardly, but your rational side knew he was right.  
instead of arguing with him, you stepped closer and ayato knew he lost once he saw your eyes. he was unsure if they were glassy because of the fever or because you felt so strongly about this.
“ayato..”, how dare you say his name so tenderly when he is trying to be stern for your own good right now? “i ask of you,” now your hand is holding onto his arm. “no, i beg of you for us to continue on. i can take medicine on the road and it will be just as effective. i promise to drink whatever thoma brings me!”  
ayato took in a deep breath. in reality, he lost as soon as you said his name. somewhere out there in mondstadt exists a part of you that was not broken, a part of you that is willing to go to such lengths just to get there – how could he say no to that? how could he say no to you?
“fine, but if your condition gets any worse – we are turning around and coming back here.”
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on the road, your fever kept coming back and you had to remind ayato about his words. your condition was the same, not worse, so going back would be him going against his agreement.  
in reality, you did not say it so eloquently because of the fever. instead, you kept saying: “liyue is the city of contracts sir kamisato! if we go back now you will be punished! i heard their god turns you into a rock stove if you break it!”
while you were mentally thanking venti for that information after saying it each time, ayato had to admit this childish side of you was interesting and adorable in his eyes.  
you probably won’t remember it after the fever goes down. just like you didn’t remember telling him how sorry you were for telling him to leave that night.  
thoma, however, swore to never travel with the two of you for such a long time again.  
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when your medications finally took effect and the fever completely stopped, you were already in windrise.  you did not actually remember much of liyue besides the city and the inn. well, you do remember it, but it all just looked the same to you.  
“so this is the famous tree of the hero i have heard about?”  
thoma was perhaps the most excited to be hereafter so long and he was picking up whirlwind asters so ayato and you were left alone. you felt some pride spark deep inside.  
“what do you say? would you call it as glorious as the sakura tree your nation is so proud of?”  
ayato walked in front of you and as he turned around he saw that you were approaching him with a skip in your step.  
is this what you were like always in this nation? will you ever have such excitement walking down inazuma?   he found his hand gripping into the pocked where the two rings were. yes, after all this time, he still kept them there.   if you were like this here, was he selfish in still hoping?  
instead of letting his questions fester further, ayato turned around to look at it in silence.   then, you looked around on both sides. do you go to the left side of the tree or to the right where ayato stands?   unexpectedly, for whatever reason, you remembered beidou saying how we never forget the most important moments in your life.  
and you didn’t.   you still remember this as the place where kaeya and you spent the most time. you still remember this as the place where he wounded you with refusal. but... you do not remember which side the two of you were standing on when he told you no.
despite this, once you look up, you start to laugh. ayato hears it and wants to turn around.  
“no, stand still!”  
he does as you say.  
“the crystal fly on your head seems to like you.”  
yes, indeed, you are more joyful here. and ayato thinks how glad he is that you were so stubborn in liyue harbour because he gets to share these moments with you.  
you walk towards him slowly and he knows what you are planning to do. he smiles to himself and still stands still. you really would make a bad addition to the shuumatsuban.  
“wait no! it noticed me before i--”  
ayato simply extends his hand up and catches it for you before you can finish the sentence. he can only hope your face is still this happy once you get to the city.  
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a/n: i said in a few days but it has been a week as you can see cus its long + i was focused on making a theory out of the chasm quest. i create... is my least creative title for a chapter in a while i refuse to subject ya’ll to number three of it. anyways i hope you liked it? i plan to have like 3 more chapters until this fic ends besties 
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monocaelia · 3 years
inazuma bound headcanons
their last goodbyes before you depart to the land of eternity.
feat. childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, xiao
warnings : inazuma spoilers, slight angst but mainly fluff
❀ childe
despite inazuma being a place not many have ventured to and from, childe isn't the slightest worried for your safety. he knows the dangers of the storming seas surrounding inazuma and of the situation the people of inazuma are in due to the vision hunt decree.
but he prides in the fact that you're strong enough to handle what inazuma has to offer to you. abyss, you've defeated him in battle, there's no way you can't handle a little thunderstorm.
the cheerful chirp of your name alerts your attention to the ginger haired harbinger as he approaches you on the streets of liyue harbor. you raise an eyebrow at him, knowing full well that he shouldn't be here and should be stationed at dragonspine.
before you can scold him about his responsibilities, he scoops you into his arms and spins you around. his laughter rings in your ears and you can't help but smile. any and all thoughts of being mad at him are washed away as soon as his eyes meet yours.
the rest of your day is spent with him, as he won't be able to see you off before your trip to inazuma. he buys you trinkets, food, slings an arm around your shoulders all so you could be reminded of him and how fun it is to spend time with him.
"you know, it's a shame i wasn't stationed in inazuma next. i would have loved to explore it with you and fight at your side for a while longer," childe muses to you as the streets of liyue begin to light up for the evening. his hand is in yours and you squeeze it in reassurance.
"i'll miss you, a lot." your heart swells at his words, pulling him into a comforting embrace. your lips curve into a smile when his arms tighten themselves around you and you can't help but think that you'll miss him too.
"don't forget to send me letters about your visit to inazuma! or else i'll go over there and hunt you down myself, [name]!"
❀ diluc
diluc is not too thrilled to hear that you're departing to inazuma. not that he has anything against the nation, but he knows how hard it is to enter and leave and he knows of the situation the people under the shogunate are in.
but he isn't going to harp you on making sure you can protect yourself. he has faith in you that you'll have a safe voyage over and stay alive while on your journey in the land of eternity. he's seen you singlehandedly defeat and restore dvalin; there's no need to worry about your wellbeing.
his hand brushes against your cheek, moving the hair that curtained your slumbering face. you look so peaceful, so at ease resting against his lap as if you aren't about to set off overseas with no guarantee of your safe return.
you stir from your short slumber, leaning into his touch and diluc cannot help the small smile forming on his lips. "did you sleep well?" he asks, watching you as you slowly get up from his lap. you hum in response and stretch your limbs.
"have you finished packing for your trip?" diluc's question earns a slight frown from you and he raises an eyebrow. "you didn't finish preparing for inazuma, even though you're leaving soon?" diluc's assumption is proven correct when you begin twiddling your fingers and struggling to find a good excuse.
a sigh leaves his lips, getting up and offering you a hand. you bashfully take it. diluc hoists you up and you let out a little laugh when he sends an unamused frown your way. "i'm sorry! i was supposed to finish my preparations today, but i wanted to see you before i had to go."
it's a good thing that diluc has a soft spot for you, otherwise he would have given you the scolding of a lifetime. instead, he gently grasps your hand and flicks your forehead with his free hand before leading you inside the dawn winery so you could properly prepare for your journey overseas.
"i can't accompany you to inazuma, unfortunately, but i'll wish you a safe journey. take care, [name], i'll see you when you return."
❀ kaeya
kaeya is intrigued when you tell him that you'd be leaving for inazuma anytime soon. it's not often that people willingly want to enter storming seas and a land that isn't fond of people traveling to and from.
if anything, kaeya wants to tag along and fight by your side in inazuma. there's not much to do in mondstadt anyways. with jean and diluc keeping everyone in check kaeya didn't really have anything to do besides stir up some drama between the people of mondstadt or provoke enemies of mondstadt.
but he knows that shirking from his duties as captain of the calvary just to accompany you to inazuma wouldn't fare well with jean.
"i'm sad to see that our journey together ends here," kaeya tells you during your final visit to angel's share, for a while anyways. you roll your eyes and gently shove him with your shoulder. you know he's trying to pull at your strings from the way his sapphire eye glimmers in mischief.
"it's not going to be forever, you know. i'll be back before you know it," you reply, taking a sip of your drink. "you're acting like i'm going to inazuma and dying there." you bite back a smile when kaeya sighs dramatically and leans his entire bodyweight on you. a groan leaves your lips from the pressure.
"it's like i can still hear their voice." you snort and shove kaeya off of you, earning a snicker from the taller male. "say, [name], why don't we leave the bar and have a night of our own? just the two of us before you leave."
you pretend to ponder at his question for a moment, but say yes. you don't miss the way his lips curl into a feline smile, or the way his hand encases your own as he leads you out of the tavern and into the chilly evening of mondstadt.
but the chill doesn't bother you. not with kaeya's warm hand intertwined with yours as the two of you laugh and chatter in the warm glow of the street lamps lining the streets.
"are you sure you don't want me to tag along? wouldn't want you to miss me, haha. come back soon. don't keep me waiting."
❀ kazuha
knowing you're about to take off to the nation he escaped from puts him on edge, if he's being honest here. he knows of how brutal raiden shogun can be, stealing the visions of the innocent so she can remain eternal.
yet, seeing the reassuring smile adorning your face calms his nerves. he knows of your strength, of the rumors and tales of you fighting a dragon and a fatui harbinger, but he can't help but worry nonetheless.
his hand gently grasps your own, his fingers drawing shapes along the curves of your knuckles and brushing over the callouses that have formed on your fingertips. your head rests atop his shoulders as the two of you sit on the deck of the crux underneath the stars.
"is something on your mind?" you ask when he pauses in his ministrations. kazuha sighs, pausing briefly before replying to you.
"will you be okay? alone in inazuma, i mean. my homeland is a beautiful and wonderful place, but there is a corrupt and unjust leader ruling over it. i fear you'll be harmed and-"
"and you won't see me again?" you smile and pull away to meet your companion's gaze. there is a storm of worry in kazuha's ruby eyes and you hold his jaw in your hand, thumb rubbing calming circles on his cheek when he leans into your touch and holds your wrist.
"i'm stronger than you think, you've seen that firsthand. i'll be okay, kazuha." your reassuring words seemingly relax the inazuman traveller, but you can still sense the uncertainty surrounding him.
kazuha presses a gentle kiss against your inner palm before sliding his hand up to interlock your hands together.
"should anything happen to you, the wind will guide us together and i shall protect you. stay safe, dear [name]."
❀ xiao
xiao is a bit... unsettled when you give him the news that you're leaving for inazuma in a few days. it isn't often that you get to see him due to his job as one of liyue's yakshas and your travels across teyvat's lands.
he knows you'll be okay in inazuma, but he has no jurisdiction nor power in inazuma. his responsibility lies in liyue and he cannot leave until his duty to protect the nation of contracts has been fulfilled. yet, he wants to accompany you so he can assure your safety and survival against the stormy seas of inazuma.
"oh, there you are," your voice calms the worrying adeptus, even more so when your presence is beside him. he doesn't respond to you verbally, but he spares you a glance before fixing his gaze back to guili plains.
there's a comfortable silence between the two of you, neither of you feeling the need to speak up. but xiao's gentle voice breaks it with a statement you've been anticipating. "it's not too late to stay in liyue so i can dispose of those who harm you."
you turn to face him, not surprised at all to see his piercing eyes already staring at you. "i have to, i need to find my sibling and meeting the shogunate is the only way forward." his lips form a thin line at your answer.
your fingers inch forward to touch xiao's hand; he flinches when your fingers graze his out of instinct. but he grasps your hand before it can retreat, squeezing it as if it would make you stay beside him.
but he knows you have to go, have to find answers on the whereabouts of your sibling even if it meant risking your life.
"if i can't protect you, promise me you'll protect yourself. if you were to get hurt... forget it. just make sure you stay alive."
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ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀɴɢᴇʀ ᴀɴ ᴀʀᴄʜᴏɴ | ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ ; ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴏɴᴇ - ꜱʜᴏᴛ
Ayo ayo!! It’s been a second hasn’t it? I’m so sorry it’s been a second since I’ve last posted and I do apologize about that ;; I’ve been in a massive writer’s block but also a drawing mood lololol I finally had the feeling to write after drawing a jealous / possessive dragon Zhongli, thus spurring on with where I am now. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did with writing it!
Art: @ko-ffeine​
>> Admin Ko
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“What does today’s commission entail for us?”
Soothing and melodic, the former geo archon’s voice swam into her ears as she briefly glanced back at her companion. It was one of those rare moments gifted to her that she was able to complete some commissions for the adventurer’s guild. After all, being a traveling librarian who focused more on knowledge than combat was much more of her strong suit. 
“It should be something simple. Nothing too hard from what I could gather.” 
A gentle smile was given to the tall male as honey amber hues gazed gently upon her form. Respectable and always the gentlemen, Zhongli stood tall and proud beside the adventuring librarian as the pair leisurely explored the plains of Liyue for the commission spot. When he had first met her, the funeral associate couldn’t help but become enamored by her curious filled eyes. The way she always happened to sought him out for knowledge and genuine respectable curiosity for the information he was able to procure for her.
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind, adeptis or not, that the former archon had become extremely fond of the librarian. Some may even compare it to that of a dragon guarding their beloved treasure. 
“Then I believe if we are to finish this in a timely manner, we could finish our discussion about the historical sights you happened to last visit.” 
Upon seeing her (e/c) shimmer with absolute delight brought a sense of peace into Zhongli’s heart as he couldn’t help but fondly pat her head as she flushed at the endearing action. 
Yet the feeling subsided as they neared the commission sight. Immediately her heart plummeted as she felt the color drain from her face at the familiar sight of an unwanted individual. One that she, disappointedly had the honor of meeting whilst adventuring with Xingqui. 
Having sensed her distress, the male stepped forth almost protectively before her as sweet amber hues turned molten with unbridled rage as he kept his stony gaze on the figure before the pair. 
“There seems to be….a tale of strife here. Do tell me what has happened little one…”
“I…It-’s nothing, c’mon. I think Kathryn won’t be mad if we skip this commission.”
“Did they touch you, Little One?”
“Did those disgusting sewer rats touch you?”
She flinched, the sheer anger that enraptured his words had her gulping as she lightly tugged on his sleeve, her voice soft and desperate to not further escalate the situation as she pleaded with the former archon.
“Please…let’s just go…”
“….Very well.”
Sensing the urgency in her voice, the former god conceded as he turned to face her. The anger in his eyes forcibly subsiding as he hurriedly guided her away before the treasure hoarders could notice. Yet unknown to the librarian, Zhongli had made sure to etch the man’s face into his memory. After all, there was information that had to be gathered. 
Upon the return to the colorful and bustling Oceanside city, (y/n) couldn’t help but breath a sigh of relief. Besides the one commission, everything else had ended rather well. With Zhongli’s strong shield and her own combat style, the commissions ended fairly quickly. 
“Thank you again for your help Mr. Zhongli.”
“Nonsense. I take great pleasure in accompanying you wherever you need it, Little One.” 
The pet name brought a sense of fondness to her heart as she hurriedly turned her gaze away from the liquid honey being poured into her very being as she coughed lightly to distract the male from her reddening cheeks. 
“I really appreciate it…well, I’ll be off then.”
“Hm, returning to Mondstat?”
“That’s correct. It’s been a nice couple of weeks out here in Liyue and I’ve definitely learned a lot from everyone here, but I do need to return to my duties as Lisa’s assistant.”
“I see, well I wish you safe travels back. I do hope that you’ll return soon though. Or else I’ll have to visit the land of the free myself. I do have some acquaintances there after all.”
A light laugh escaped her as she playfully nudged the other. A roll of her (e/c) hues showing nothing but an annoyed fondness as she lightly shook her head.
“Goodness, if I wasn’t so busy I’d think that you’re trying everything in your power to stay by my side Mr. Zhongli.”
“And if I was?”
She waited. A building heat in her veins as she awaited for the handsome man to reply with a joke. Instead of that, she was met with an all serious expression— save for the sweet affection dripping from his amber hues as he brought a hand up to lightly ruffle her hair. Immediately stammering out a flurry of words and rushed goodbyes, the librarian hurriedly bowed before scampering off towards one of the teleportation stations. All the whilst ignoring the fond look and deep chuckle that reverberated from Zhongli’s chest as he watched her scurry off.
Once out of sight, the former archon’s expression went from fond to unbridled anger. The atmosphere around Liyue hurriedly reflecting that of the former archon as darkness enveloped the usually bright lands as Zhongli made his way towards the adventurer’s guide. There, Katheryne easily supplied the terrifying male with the information he desired. Already knowing fully well what was to become of the treasure hoarders that dared to touch his treasure. 
»»————-  ————-««
It had been a week since her return to Mondstat, and if (y/n) was being honest with herself the amount of work thrown upon her had her quickly forgetting the distasteful incident she had faced weeks prior to her return. The disgusting feeling of hands and detestable warm puffs of air against her skin. The mere thought of it alone sent shivers down her spine as she shook off the feeling of disgust as she went about her duties. 
“Now…if I’m correct the next thing on the list is to just give reminders to those who borrowed Ms. Lisa’s books…—ow!”
Yet before she could even begin her search for the current occupants of the various tomes of knowledge a familiar figure loomed before her, causing the librarian to bump straight into a firm chest. Before she could even begin her apologies the stench of blood overwhelmed her as she stumbled backwards to meet familiar golden orbs.
“Ah, I do apologize little one, I hadn’t meant to surprise you…”
Finally getting a good look at the former archon she couldn’t help but gasp as she surged forward. His usually crisp and clean outfit was marred in blood and tears, yet in her fervent search for nonexistent wounds, she failed to notice the look of adoration that graced his features. Hesitantly, he peeled off his gloves before a large warm hand found it’s way into her hair as he gently petted her unruly locks to hopefully soothe her anxiety riddled form.
“Fret not little one, I merely disposed of some trash on my way to visit you.”
Confused (e/c) orbs met his own as his hand dropped from the top of her head to lovingly cup her cheek.
“Yes. The trash that dared to create discomfort for you when you and Xingqui had stumbled across in your journey.”
The statement itself brought a sense of dread into her heart as she gulped, knowing fully well how insanely powerful the male was, god or not. 
“D…Did you kill him?”
“No. Though I wish I did, remember our contract little one? I will not break it. Though I do admit, an acquaintance of mine is….educating him as we speak. I merely just gave it a stern talking to.”
Heaving a sigh of relief, (y/n) couldn’t help but slump against the blood muddled archon as she lightly swatted at his chest. The horrors of what could’ve become of the treasure hoarder now long gone— though of course that didn’t keep her from hoping that Zhongli’s ‘acquaintance’ would be merciful. 
“….Thank you, but you didn’t have to Zhongli—-”
“I wanted to. No one should ever make you feel uncomfortable, Little one. As long as I am by your side, this will no longer happen. I promise.”
With a small smile, Zhongli shifted his hand down to hold her own as he lightly kissed the back of it.
“Now, will you please show me your favorite places here in the city of freedom?
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firefly-in-darkness · 3 years
Lost and Found.
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Pairing → Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Characters → Ciri, Jaskier, Priscilla, Yennefer (mentioned)
Summary → Geralt left with Yennefer for months.
Word Count → 5k
AFG Square Fill → Geralt @anyfandomgoesbingo
Warnings → 18+. Angst, heartache, jealousy, swearing, happy ending
Betas → @wonder-cole // all mistakes are my own.
A/N →  Well this ended up being a longer story than I expected… I’ve only written for Geralt / The Witcher fandom once before and will have used content from the series, the books and the games as I have watched, read and played everything based on our ashen haired babe
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The tavern was full of locals that had escaped from the cold night air. Farmworkers caked in mud with a distinct stench of sweat, merchants drowned their sorrows or celebrated their successes. A shadowy corner for the gamblers prayed for their Gwent decks to fare better than their opponents. There were even some families gathered by the large fire with bowls of broth and torn pieces of bread.
You had taken a seat at an empty table, slightly out of sight from the group you were meant to be with. You weren’t ready to be confronted with that situation until you had at least two tankards worth of ale in your system. In all fairness, you had debated about coming here in the first place, but it was Cirilla’s twenty-first birthday, and you would have felt awful if you hadn’t shown your face, even for the briefest of moments to wish her well.
It had absolutely nothing to do with avoiding a certain witcher, nothing at all.
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A few years ago, Ciri marched into a small school on the outskirts of Rochdale, a quaint town in Velen, and stated that she wanted to continue her studies. Even if it was only for a few days a month. When her family visited. The matron was sceptical at first, not knowing who this child was or where she had come from but when Ciri produced a large coin purse, there were no qualms of fitting her into the roster of students.
You took Ciri under your wing the moment she’d stepped into your classroom. Ciri’s love for history and mythology strengthened the bond between you. Many evenings were spent talking about the world and all its wonder. And particularly, the monsters that lurked in the darkness.
In the space of a few weeks, you learnt a lot about Ciri and her adoptive parent. She confided in you about her hardships of trying to find Geralt. He was someone that her grandmother had told her to go to when Cintra fell to the Nilfgaardians. Your heart had clenched at the thought of such a sweet young girl wandering this world alone, with no family and in search of someone that she did not truly know existed.
It was one evening when Ciri unravelled the rope attached to her horse outside the school, waiting for Geralt to arrive, that you first met him. While you loaded the saddlebags with books, the sound of hoofs on the cobblestones caught your attention, and a majestic mare appeared from the side of the stone wall with a man astride her. He silently nodded to Ciri, no further expression or acknowledgement was made.
It looked as if there were no more than fifteen years between Geralt and Ciri, and he was not what you had expected. You had envisioned an older man, a farmer or merchant perhaps, with a family of his own. Not this handsome man, in a black cape, luscious white hair that curled over his shoulders.
He had caught you off guard, enamoured as you watched him dismount the horse. Your bodies almost touched in the tight space between you both. You stared at his chest, the wolf head medallion indicating his occupation. A Witcher. He towered over you; amber eyes glared down as you froze to the spot. Your legs felt like lead as you were held in his gaze. He should have frightened you, a slayer of monsters but, regardless of his stoic appearance, his presence provided a sense of calm.
The first grunt that he expelled went unheard, you snapped out of it when he did it a second time and shifted from his path so he could collect the books from Ciri. You could have sworn that, even though he seemed gruff, a small smirk twitched at your flustered state.
“See you next week Miss,” Ciri called after you as you lifted yourself into the saddle and gave her a small wave.
The awkwardness heated your cheeks and your mind spiralled at the way you’d reacted to Geralt. You had never frozen in front of a parent or guardian before. A cough brought you to your senses and a groan rumbled through you unexpectedly as you turned to him, eyes wide with embarrassment and a wish for the ground to swallow you whole.
You waited for Geralt to say something, but no words followed, and he seemed to be in just a flustered state as yourself, but you tried to shake that thought. There was no way a man like him would ever think of a teacher in any way other than a guardian should.
Ciri popped from around Geralt’s horse, a mischievous look on her face, “He’s trying to ask you if you’d like to join us for dinner or would like company back to your lodgings.”
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You smiled to yourself at the fond memory, the sound of music and laughter lifted your spirit in the small tavern. Until you glanced to the side; the seat beside you was empty, and its presence was a reminder of what you had lost. 
What had happened between you and Geralt was a friendship that had developed into secret sparks of lust. But your burning flame of love was extinguished the moment you saw him with Yennefer. After two years of tiptoeing around friendship and the late night trysts, you’d lost him to the most beautiful and powerful woman of the continent.
Your heart ached when you caught several glimpses of Geralt throughout the evening; either talking to the innkeeper or with Ciri and Jaskier as they attempted to get him to dance. He hadn’t seen you yet, you were sure of it, and you hadn’t made your presence known to anyone either. As much as you wanted to keep it that way, you would have to see Ciri at some point and that time came sooner than you expected as your eyes met across the tavern and she ran towards you.
In a flash of light, she teleported to your table and wrapped her arms around you. You would never get used to that. You returned the hug, clinging onto her as tightly as you could because it was likely this would be the last time, you would see her.
Nobody knew about your job offer at Oxenfurt Academy, that you were strongly considering the move to Redania, bags packed and ready at the door. It was what you needed, a fresh start. Plus, you knew that the matron was going to start looking at reducing the staff numbers after the drop in births in the town so you might as well get out before you were penniless.
You let Ciri go and caught another arrival to your side; Jaskier. His beaming smile was infectious, and he made you giggle as he dramatically bowed to you. Geralt was behind him, no expression on his face and not that you dared to look at him properly in fear for how much it would hurt you to do so. 
Completely unaware of the awkward tension that was filling the space between you and your former secret lover, Jaskier instantly took a seat opposite you and tipped his tankard upside down, “Oh Geralt, it looks like it’s your round!” 
Geralt grunted and left the three of you on your own. You relaxed ever so slightly as you watched him walk away and turned your attention to the birthday girl, woman.
“Oh, Y/N, it has been a while, three months at least!” Ciri said as she clasped your hands in hers.
“It has indeed, I heard from many merchants about your birthday celebrations, and I had to make sure at once that I was here to join in!” You beamed at her and shuffled along the wooden bench for her to join, “How long are you staying in town for this time?”
“I’m not sure, it depends on Geralt as always.” Ciri shrugged.
Priscilla, a beautiful blonde bard that caught Jaskier’s attention many moons ago in Novigrad, appeared at this side and pulled him away to perform a duet on the makeshift stage. In her excitement, Ciri jumped out and followed them. Even though they didn’t notice you had stayed behind, you didn’t mind and chuckled at their antics as they coaxed the patrons to gather around.
“Guess this is for you then.” Geralt slid into the seat opposite and gestured to the tankard, the foam spilling over the edge as you took it from him.
You were sure he could hear your heart thumping in your chest, choosing to give a small smile and a nod as you sipped the ale. The bittersweet melody filled the room, and it took you back to another time. To one where Geralt held you in his arms and filled you with so much hope for a future together.
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It was your first visit to the Skellige Isles, and you loved every second that you spent with Crach an Craite and his clan, celebrating his daughter, Cerys, becoming Queen. You had been surprised when Geralt had asked you to accompany him, thinking that he’d ask Yennefer or Ciri to join him, but you didn’t let the moment pass you by; it was the first time you’d been on a ship and travelled the seas, let alone attended a coronation.
The banquet hall was full to the brim of Jarls and their clans from the many islands that formed Skellige. Enormous amounts of food were laid out on the tables and wine was on a never-ending supply. The revelry continued long into the night, you and Geralt clapping and laughing along to the guests dancing the Cèilidh.
You brought the goblet to your lips, now stained red from the wine, and sipped slowly as you felt the alcohol taking effect. Warmth filled your cheeks and you felt like you were floating with Geralt at your side, his arm securely around your waist.
“Drink up, because we are going up there any minute.” Geralt whispered in your ear.
Once more, Geralt had surprised you, thinking he’d never do such a thing and proving you wrong in an instant. Or, just, maybe, you shouldn’t believe everything that Yennefer tells you. He whisked you up into his arms and you skipped into the throng of bouncing and twirling dancers.
After a few stumbles and the odd miss turn, you found the rhythm and began to enjoy yourself. It was like you were in your own little world with Geralt. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it might burst from your chest. Together, you rounded the dance floor, twirling between other people and joining them for the group segments of the dance before returning to Geralt to skip through a human archway.
The music hit its end, you and Geralt both collapsing onto a bench, still giggling through the pain of being out of breath. He leant forward, his hand firmly on the nape of your neck, and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back with no inhibitions.
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Your fingertips skimmed along your bottom lip, the memory of Geralt’s kiss still lingering there. After all this time, the memory had you brimming with hope and desire, or maybe it was the ale that was clouding your judgement. Without a second thought, you turned towards Geralt to find that he was looking straight at you, and he was too slow to hide his staring. You choked out a laugh as his eyes went wide and his cheeks tinged pink. Never in a million years did you think you’d see the witcher blush.
“I’m sorry but your face.” You giggled into your palm, swaying from side to side and clutching your belly. “So-sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” He tried to sound angry, but his smirk betrayed him.
Your fit of laughter tapered off and allowed you to regain your composure. The awkward silence filling the space between you once more as you resigned to not pursuing the conversation. A wave across the room caught your eye, Ciri beckoning you over but as you turned to stand, Geralt placed his hand atop yours on the table.
He hardly touched you, and you were staring at his hand, uncertain as to what he was doing. You lifted your head to find his softened gaze and immediately dropped back into your seat, nodding for him to say whatever it was that was on his mind.
“What were you thinking?” He whispered.
“When?” Your brow furrowed, the weight of Geralt’s hand growing as he relaxed.
“Just now. It looked like you were daydreaming.” He asked.
Your heart raced; you were silly to think he wouldn’t notice. He notices everything, and you couldn’t lie to him, he would catch you out, even if you were good at it. Stalling for time, you picked up your empty tankard and tried to catch the remaining droplets for some courage.
“If you really must know,” You paused, waiting for him to shut the conversation down but he didn’t and you felt the heat rising up your neck, “Erm, well, I was thinking about when we danced at Cerys’ ascension.”
Geralt smiled, a full beaming one, one that was like the moment he pulled away from your kiss all those years ago. It hit you with a force, and you couldn’t hold back all the feelings that you had packed away when he left with Yennefer not even a few months ago.
He didn’t say anything, just smiled and then sipped his ale. You weren’t sure what was happening and why he was looking at you like that. As if he was happy that you still thought of him fondly. Before you could question him, Ciri was at your side and tugging at your arm to join her, exclaiming that there would be dancing. You unfurled her hand from its grip and shook your head.
“I’m sorry Ciri, but I have to go now.” You gave her a sad smile as you stepped out from the table and pressed a light kiss to her cheek, “I hope you enjoy the rest of your celebrations little sparrow.”
Ciri’s face softened at the old nickname, “Thank you, do you need someone to walk you home.”
You chose to ignore the glare that Ciri was giving Geralt as you pulled the cloak around your shoulders. Geralt wouldn’t fall for her tricks but she was stubborn and from the huff and scrape of the chair, you knew she had gotten her way.
“Ready?” Geralt asked and you nodded, following him through the door into the night.
It was freezing, the air bit into the exposed skin of your cheeks and neck. Suddenly Geralt was in front of you, pulling the hood over your head and bringing it tighter around you.
“There’s a storm coming, you don’t want to catch a cold.” He explained.
You were dumbfounded at his care and the way he weaved an arm across your shoulders, guiding you back to your cottage. Unable to do or say anything more than put one foot in front of the other, or thereabouts, in your slightly merry state.
Geralt was warm, and smelt of ale, sandalwood, and leather. You were unable to stop yourself from sinking further into his hold, relishing the moment. Even if it meant that your heart would shatter once you reached your home, and the loss of his warmth would bring tears.
Silence remained between you, yet this time it was comfortable. It was as if this is where you were meant to be; walking side by side in a small town, surrounded by the multitude of stars and nothing but the beating of your hearts.
The cobbled path wound around various shops and cottages, culminating in the town square. It was empty, a distinct comparison to when you visited earlier in the morning to see if the visiting merchants had anything new or different to sell.
“Would you have liked to dance?” Geralt whispered, if the square was alive with the traders and merchants, you wouldn’t have heard him, but it was clear in the open air.
“I’m sorry?” You uncurled from his hold and stood in front of him, looking up at his glowing eyes.
“Back there, did I stop you?” He asked with a neutral expression that you had long ago realised was a mask to hide his true feelings.
“No,” you shook your head and wrapped your arms around yourself, “I did think it was time to leave though.”
“Because you were daydreaming about me?” Geralt asked, a lopsided smile on his lips as you continued down the path.
“Yes, because I was getting caught up in our past.” You ducked away from his sight, “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
“I was thinking about the same thing, well more specifically what happened afterwards.” Geralt stopped at the gate to your cottage, “And I think you were too.”
You looked up at him, knowing you couldn’t lie, with a sad smile “You know I was Geralt. Don’t play games with your thinking. Thank you for walking me home.”
Geralt’s words rushed out, “Can I come in?”
Once again, Geralt was full of surprises, he’d never invited himself round and usually, he would just enter without question. Then you thought of how different things were now that you had gone your separate ways. When he chose to be with her.
“What would Yennefer think?” You asked, the jealousy not missing from your tone no matter how hard you tried to be nonchalant.
“Yennefer is not my master.” He grunted, “Why are we even talking about her?”
“Because you left with her. That day.” You bit down on your lip in a hope of tears not making an appearance. “I didn’t realise you had feelings for her until Jaskier mentioned the djinn and the wish you granted.”
“That fuckin’ bard.” He growled, “I do not have feelings for Yennefer, my wish was about you, but it didn’t work. You didn’t want me near you.”
You recoiled at his tone, “excuse me? You’re the one that left in a carriage to god knows where for months without a single word.”
“I left a letter.” Geralt pushed through the cottage door and gestured his hands towards the candles dotted around the cottage, causing a flame to ignite at their wicks.
You followed him into your bedroom and watched as he pulled at the drawer that you’d put aside for him many moons ago, and atop his tunics was a piece of folded paper. You stared at the letter, now in Geralt’s hand. 
It had been too painful to open the drawer, you hadn’t been in it since he left. It had taunted you enough just by being there, a reminder of you welcoming him into your home. Let alone being able to feel the fabric or take in his scent, it would have filled your heart with more pain.
“As it’s still in the drawer, I’m guessing you didn’t find it.” Geralt sighed, placing it down on the furniture and leaning back against, folding his arms. “And that explains why you didn’t turn up the other night.”
“I didn’t, why would I have gone in there?” You whispered as you began preparing the fireplace, anything to keep you busy.
He mumbled, “Because you sleep in my tunics when I’m away.”
“Okay, and what about the other night?” You questioned as the flames caught on the logs, “Where was I supposed to meet you?
At the lack of response, you turned to look at Geralt and he was scowling at something behind you, the trunk at the door and a collection of bags. You watched him taking in the rest of your home. There were no ornaments or trinkets on the walls, no books on the shelves or stacks of parchment dotted around. It was all packed away, ready for you to leave.
“Are you going somewhere?” He asked, the neutral appearance back on his features.
“Yes.” you nodded.
“For how long?” His arms dropped from their hold on his chest.
“For as long as I have a job.” You stated.
“Where?” Geralt was quiet and looking down at the floor.
“Oxenfurt Academy.”
His head snapped up, amber eyes glinting in the dim light of your cottage, “Why are you going to Redania?”
“Because I have nothing else here.” You shrugged as a tear fell from your cheek, you knew that not saying goodbye was hard, but this seemed a lot harder.
“What about Ciri? Or Jaskier? Priscilla?” Geralt asked, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he waited for your answer.
“I’m sure I’ll see them again. Ciri and I will likely cross paths if she pursues her education, and I’m sure she’d track me down the second she finds out about me leaving. I already made a promise to Jaskier that I’d see Priscilla’s shows wherever I am.” Before Geralt interrupted, you sat on the edge of your bed and continued, “He doesn’t know, it was an old promise, and you know what I’m like when it comes to those.”
Geralt silently moved across the room and sat beside you, taking your hand in his, “What about me?” 
You shook your head, “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Geralt looked at you, a softness in his eyes, “So, Oxenfurt Academy?”
You were unable to look at him, ashamed of deciding to leave in haste and without talking to him about it at least once, “Yes, I leave in a couple of weeks.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere.” He promised and before you could counter him, he continued, “I asked you to meet me at the docks because I wanted to give you this.” 
Geralt opened a pouch attached to his hip and pulled out a delicate silver chain. He held it out so you could see the side profile of a wolf’s head with an amber gem for the eye. You weren’t sure what to say as you marvelled at the beautiful gift, lifting your hair away from your neck for Geralt to clip it in place.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” You whispered.
Your fingers glided along the chain and you held the wolf away from your chest, twisting it in the glow of the candles. A stray tear fell down your cheek but Geralt caught it with the pad of his thumb. You leant into his warm touch, his calloused palm a welcome feeling that you had long missed. Geralt lifted your face and pressed his forehead to yours before he softly kissed you.
The kiss was tentative at first, light pecks making way for harder pushes and pulls, swipes of tongue until your arms were wrapped around Geralt’s neck. You adjusted until you were straddling his lap. Geralt pulled at the lacing of your tunic until it loosened around your shoulders and exposed more of your chest. 
He brought his lips to yours again, the kiss was more heated than before. Tongues swiped and teeth nibbled along each other’s lips with him pulling your body into a tight hold, his erection hardening and pushing against your core. 
At the spark of pleasure, you pulled away in shock and lifted your body from him. You held the tunic in place and backed away, sitting further down the bed from him, his head hanging down as you tried to make sense of why you pulled away and were still protecting yourself when it was clear that he wanted you.
“I’m sorry Geralt, I- for the longest time, I thought you were with Yennefer, I-” You sobbed, hand cupping your mouth as you let the emotions flow freely.
You felt the bed dip and you turned to find Geralt laying back against the pillows, an arm open in waiting. You scooted up the bed and curled into his side, sinking into his warmth, and being soothed by the fingertips that swirled up and down your arm in nonsensical patterns.
“As I said before, I will follow you anywhere that you go.” He murmured and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
With the tears no longer falling, you tipped your head up to look at Geralt to find his eyes closed. You rested your head onto his shoulder and began to trace the shape of the medallion on his chest, sleep finally taking you to the world of dreams as raindrops began to patter on the roof.
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A new home: it was on a quiet street quite close to Oxenfurt academy, only a twenty-minute stroll until you were in the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a lot busier than you had prepared for, especially compared to your small town of Rochdale. 
Your colleagues had told you that you’d been lucky to find the lodgings in the area and for such a good rental rate too. The ground floor consisted of a kitchen and seating area and the upstairs hosted two bedrooms. It was just the right size for you, but you hadn’t fully unpacked yet. Satchels half-emptied and trunks open but still full to the brim with trinkets and books.
You were settled in the chair by the fireplace, the warm embers glowing as you read the book in your lap. It wasn’t late but your eyes were feeling heavy after the most hectic month of moving to the city and settling into your new role at the academy. 
A knock at the door made you jump; the book fell to the floor with a thud. Tentatively, you approached the entrance to your home and glanced through the frosted pane in the wooden door but could only make out two figures. Ciri and Geralt stood before you, your mouth dropped agape as their arrival was unexpected and you weren’t sure what to say.
“Surprise! I’ve enrolled at Oxenfurt Academy.” Ciri laughed and wrapped her arms around you.
You held her close and rested your chin on her shoulder, looking over at Geralt, shock and happiness coursing through you. In the dim light of the torches that lined the street, his mouth twitched into a smirk. Your heart fluttered and you couldn’t wait to have his arms wrapped around you once more.
“I cannot believe it; I wish you’d let me know beforehand so I could have prepared for your visit.” You beckoned them into the warmth of your new lodgings, picked up the fallen book and attempted to tidy away the pots and pans on the table.
“Oh, come on Y/N, it’s only us, I’ll start making a pot of tea.” Ciri headed over to the stove and filled the kettle.
Geralt entered your home, he filled the space with his height and broad shoulders, the atmosphere was tense, and you weren’t sure what to do. It had been a while since you last spoke to him; the morning after he returned and discovered you were moving away.
“Hello,” you squeaked, unable to keep the excitement from your tone, “erm- how long are you staying? Where are you staying?”
“Ciri mentioned you had spare beds.” Geralt murmured. “If that’s okay with you?”
“Yes, of course, right this way.” The steps creaked underfoot as you both ascended the staircase, and your nerves began to bubble as you felt his eyes on your back. You opened the first door to the spare room with two single frames and a small chest of drawers, “sorry it’s not much. My bedroom is just down the hall and there is a bath in there.”
Geralt placed a couple of satchels on the bed and removed his armoured plate. You couldn’t help the way you stared at him in the tunic and the dark hair across the exposed part of his chest. He pulled out a small bag from a satchel pocket and turned back to you with a small smile.
“I-We brought your favourite biscuits from Rochdale.”
The stutter did not go unnoticed, but you did not react to it, instead offered a smile and a whispered thank you as Geralt placed the bag into your outstretched hand. Instantly, you opened it and raised it to your face to inhale the sweet scent of the treat.
“This will go lovely with the tea, we should-.” You gestured back to the stairs and spun on your heel.
“Wait,” Geralt huffed and caught the crook of your arm to turn you to face him, “I should have done something else when you answered the door.”
A frown etched on your features until his hand cupped your cheek and you caught the way his amber eyes glowed as they flicked down to your lips. Your mouth parted and your eyes fluttered closed as you slowly edged towards one another, meeting in the middle in a soft kiss.
Your body tingled in Geralt’s hold, as your lips melted into his chapped ones. Knees grew weak as he invaded all your senses. It was as if he knew and wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you flush to his hard chest.
Both of you pulled away for air, his fiery gaze drank you in and sent a wave of pleasure through your body. He claimed your mouth once more with hunger, your hands carded through his ashen locks, and you tugged him closer still. Geralt lifted you into his arms and carried you to your bedroom.
Too consumed in your reunion and that Geralt had kept his promise to follow you anywhere, neither of you heard the door close behind Ciri’s hasty exit.
The tea and biscuits were long forgotten.
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