#need to clean up the lines fix the anatomy etc
celestialtulip · 9 months
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Feeling a little shy about posting drawings again, but here’s a sketch for a linocut I want to make. Archangel Michael x Dame Aylin, pose based on “The Archangel Michael Weighing a Soul” by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1506.
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I really like your lunter art!! Can you share your digital art process?
Ah, thank you so much!!! :)) And yea for sure, I'll use my recent drawing to attempt to explain my process step-by-step. I hope it makes sense!
I often start with a rough sketch, and rarely do I care to clean up the sketch at this point, since it's gonna be completely painted over later, but I do fix up the anatomy, posing, proportions etc. This first part is like 30% sketching and 70% just adjusting said sketch lmfao.
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then the flat colors + rough lighting! same thing; everything is rough and I'm only laying down the base to be painted over later.
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I'd say the bg is next but honestly I mostly just start w a gradient and then add and add as I go, I usually have to thumbnail to figure out the composition because this part usually beats my ass, but here I had an idea of what I wanted to do.
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Paint over time! I merge everything down so I have 2 layers: the sketch and the flat colors, and then I start to paint over everything, starting with painting over the sketch lines with a smoother brush, in a darker, more saturated version of the area's color (so w her skin, I used a dark reddish-brown). I fill in any uncolored areas the paint bucket tool missed, and I define + clean up the details until It' looks presentable.
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Now for some extra polish, so proper highlights, shadows, blush, textures etc.
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This next part is just me making 30+ effect layers, just fucking around with overlay, add, and screen layers until I'm happy with the results. Remember how I said the first step is 30% drawing and 70% adjusting? This is that exact same principle, I finish the main 'drawing' part quickly, but it's the Other Stuff that I spend more time and pay attention to detail to.
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Finally, touching it all up! If I've been staring at the piece for a while, I leave it for some hours and then come back so I can see if there is anything I missed and need to go back to fix.
And after that, we're done! That's the general way I go about drawing, some things change from one piece to another depending on what I'm trying to accomplish but overall: This Is It.
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mothlagoon · 2 years
This year's glow ups, despite billionaires trying to kill me:
I've gone from eating packet noodles to making vegan vegetable ramen with dumplings and different sauces most days and cooking so much more
from being tired from my chronic pain to exercising every day and having so many walks through the forest and on the beach and swimming and paddling in the sea
Losing weight and being happy with my body for once
trying new food (never thought I'd have mochi, korean food, indian curry, okonomoyaki, onigiri, ramen, etc.)
and going out to eat, so much!
Doing chores and cleaning way more as well as decorating and fixing and building things, our house is looking so nice now (and the depression mess is almost gone)
I finished the laundry pile!! And found out we have a billion towels and a trillion socks!
Being able to pay for things (big things! And furniture and tickets and travel and presents and food and a tree surgeon and a new wacom tablet and the bills whenever I'm needed)
going to comicon and actually being able to walk all the way round and wait in lines, let alone actually getting autographs
Identifying and keeping my distance from toxic people
learning to be who I am and looking after my partners mental health as well as my own
getting paid and doing art based jobs
designing logos and making and selling out of tshirts
designing stuff for a 3D printing company
getting back into making plush toys and finally learning embroidery so they would be neater and level them up
starting a webcomic and doing 3 and a half pages, even though it's been SO difficult learning all this technical stuff by myself as well as artistically, designing the characters, environments and colour theory. Even writing plot and dialogue has been new to me (I've only ever done smaller comics before)
Going life drawing, just to top up my anatomy skills and just because I like life drawing
Got a message from someone who has had a tattoo of one of my drawings from when i was a teenager that was for their mental health and they wrote me a long message saying that I GET IT, which is true
Drawing a LOT more than i used to
being in the newspaper???
selling paintings!
Keeping up with stuff that I've always done like: learning new recipes, going out with people, playing games and learning languages
And even trying so much new stuff that I wanted to do for years that I've learned what I DON'T like, which is great because now I can make new goals!
It's all stuff I thought I'd never do because of the chronic pain but, like, who is this?? This is the healthiest I've ever been in my life. I still have waaay long to go but every year I'm so shocked at how different my life is now
Anyway, I'm taking a break until the new year, I've been very busy!!! 🌟
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purplealmonds · 2 years
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ACON3D reached out to me for a collaboration, and I used it as an excuse to draw my and @eggdrawsthings​‘ Star Wars OCs! I’ve been chipping away at this for the better part of a month, and despite the struggles, I’m pretty happy with how it came out! ^_^
Having used SketchUp for both my professional and personal work, I’m a HUGE advocate of using 3D to streamline my workflow. Utilizing pre-made models instead of making them from scratch is a game-changer! 
Extensive notes on my process below the cut.
Default 3D Model:
For this collab, I was to use one of the many 3D model resources sold by ACON3D to create an illustration. I chose the Joseon Dynasty - Thatched House by Team Truffle. The render below is just a fragment of the lovingly crafted set design - I recommend searching it up! (I’d provide a link, but Tumblr’s external link policy might nuke this post from search results if I do)
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Customizing the Model:
Modified and added some props to make the scene more thematically Star Wars. 
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From top left to right:
Building Column - Altered the shape and added motifs inspired by Mandalorian architecture. Mythosaur skull mounted on top is also modeled from scratch!
Uj Cake - Surprisingly few images of this snack despite it being mentioned in many fanworks - I think I used a photo off of Wookiepedia as reference for this.
Cutting Board - Pretty straightforward - a cutting board for the cake to sit on top of. It’s not visible in the final render, but I leveraged the kar’ta motif as a fancy inlaid pattern.
Vibroblade - Basically a replica of Din Djarin’s, though much of its design isn’t visible in the final render.
Buy’ce - This was my first time modeling a helmet in SketchUp, much less a buy’ce. Geometry is a hot mess, but it got the job done.
Xing’s Beskad - Referencing my Mando OC’s weapon of choice. Overall design’s taken straight from the beskad’s blade shape, guard, and grip – though I tried to give it more of a katana-like aesthetic.
Tooka - Or rather, a limb-less and tail-less tooka. By far the most primitive of the models, but I just needed it as a placeholder which I would draw details on top of.
Voorpak - This space chinchilla was...hmm. There were discrepancies between the creature’s original concept in The Wildlife of Star Wars: A field guide (small and 8-legged) and its first appearance in The Bad Batch (dog-sized and 6-legged). Needless to say, I was a tad irritated to find out I modeled and posed two extra legs before realizing they were extraneous.
Phong’s Saber Staff - Probably one of the more complex props in this spread, but Jamie’s detailed reference sheet sped up the modeling process considerably.
Vent Covers - Replacing some of the floor boards in the foreground to give this set a more sci-fi vibe.
Door - Once again, customized the screen design and panel patterning after Mandalorian motifs. This and the column will be the two biggest alterations to the set, so I took extra care to get the designs just right.
And this is what the props look like on set. Colors turned off so the lighting (which I later scrapped) is clearly defined.
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Now’s the bit that I finally add the characters and creatures into the composition! For this one, I did have a vague idea of what I wanted out of it story-wise – some kind of low key scene with Phong and Xing hanging out at the latter’s dwelling. To help sell the casual vibes, I had Xing dressed only in his cuirass and blacks. Definitely not because I was struggling to draw his armor. Perish the thought!
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Ah yes, the cleanup stage. Arguably the most crucial, time-consuming, boring, yet satisfying part of this process.  While much of this work is retracing what’s already been drawn, the concise line art eliminates much guesswork in the next steps. The goal here is to have a clean blueprint, so I don’t have dedicate bandwidth to fixing errors in anatomy, prop position, etc. 
I try to keep element of this comp well organized. For instance, Phong’s face alone has layers for their eyelash, iris, bottom eyelid, eyebrow, nose, mouth, bangs, braid, ponytail, hair ties, ear, and face - all clustered into a group, which is then clustered within a bigger group containing the remaining parts of their body. Definitely overkill, but I like running a tight ship for pieces I can take my time with!
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Color Flats:
Full disclosure: the color flats shown here are a lie. I didn’t land on these colors on my first try; it took innumerable rounds of trial and error. Color palette iterations ran the full gamut from monotonously drab to eye-searingly vibrant then back again. Lighting changed from high noon to overcast to night time in quick succession. Certain elements were individually altered to pop out more, then on second viewing, dialed back because they popped out too much. The colors you see below a grudging compromise of all the directions which it was pulled: 
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This GIF below is a more honest depiction of the utter chaos which was the evolution of this illustration’s identity crisis:
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I suppose after that GIF showing these next steps is bit of a moot point, but here we are anyways! I used Brightness/Contrast adjustment layers to start lighting the color flats. I start out with the polygonal lasso tool to block out the big shadow shapes, then go back with a textured brush to soften edges where necessary.
At this point, my layer count was going upwards of 900+ and file size at over 1GB. If I so much as turned off a layer, my computer threatens to have a meltdown. So consolidated these lighting layers by making them universal - one layer for darks, another for contact shadows, etc. 
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Final Render:
I guess this is where the magic happens? Textures, material renders, secondary & tertiary lights, atmosphere, etc. all kind of just happen at once. It’s a lot of stuff to describe in blow-by-blow accounts, and I’ve rewritten this several times already because Tumblr keeps prematurely closing out my unsaved drafts, so I’m gonna leave it at that!
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I’d love to see a review of the hippopotas line if you haven’t done them yet!
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I just love the general idea of Sand Hippos. Like, hippos don't get nearly enough attention for being Creatures That Will Kill You, so taking something as powerful as a hippo and then slapping it somewhere that isn't the water just makes them that much more terrifying. There's also some neat biological elements, though we'll get to that later.
Anyway, Hippopotas is charming, and captures the cuteness of baby hippos pretty well. The eyes are fun, as they allow it to sit in the sand with only the eyes visible, like an exaggerated version of IRL hippos:
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Also, the females have an inverted color scheme from the males. Pointless sexual dimorphism is always something I enjoy, so I like the attention to detail here.
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However, while I like what Hippopotas is going for, I'll admit that the design doesn't quite do it for me.
First, this is solely personal preference, but something about how huge the nose is relative to the rest of the body, especially the eyes, throws me. It feels a bit disconnected from the body.
Secondly, the camo markings. I like the idea of them, but the way they're on the torso and nowhere else in the design makes the head feel even more disconnected from the body.
And this one's minor, but what's up with those two flaps by the eyes? Like, why are those there? Once again, not major stuff, but just stuff that keeps me from liking it as much as I could.
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Side note, it looks the best when lying down and I wish it was depicted like this more often.
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Hippowdon is a bit more my speed, mostly because it fixes the stuff that bugged me on Hippopotas. The markings on the body are now consistent, the head isn't as oversized and has more defined anatomy, etc.
But what I really like about it is the way the sand works. It eats sand for sustenance, then blasts it out of those holes on the body. That's just cool!
Though with that said, this line REALLY needs to be placed near sand in the wild as much as possible. In PLA they're just in a swamp, and the coolness of the sand element is completely lost. Likewise, it lost the lying down pose and all of the sand when it was converted to 3D, and that's just not nearly as good.
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My only real complaint (outside of the pose thing) is that the colors don't quite do it for me. It's got kind of an ugly phlegm-yellow shade to it rather than a more neutral tan, and the grey and yellows are too close in lightness; the grey either needed to be darker or the yellow lighter to give the design proper contrast. Hippopotas' colors were much better in this reguard.
The female is all grey, which I actually like a bit more, but it's weirdly inconstant. Shouldn't the yellow and grey areas just flip-flop, like the way the colors do on Hippopotas?
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Also, side note: I like this 'dex entry. Hippos have some mutualistic relationships with fish for cleaning purposes IRL, so I like seeing some strange Pokemon-style mutualism in action.
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So overall, these are some pretty cool sand hippos, even if I prefer Hippowdon a bit over its pre-evo. Keep them in the sand though Gamefreak, please I'm begging.
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zulivaris · 3 years
Art Block tips that helped me
 I’ve recently experienced art block after 3 or so months of overcoming my last one. Thankfully this block only lasted a few days thanks to some things I’ve observed and noted down from the previous time. So I’m sharing these few tips in hopes that it might help someone get unstuck :D!
First and foremost if you’re tired, sad or anxious don’t be surprised that you can’t make art, go and take care of yourself by treating yourself with kindness and patience, the sketchbooks and canvases will wait for you :)
The tips are under here:
Separate art studies from the creative time:  When you do art studies you’re there to focus on specific things, learn and understand how things work so you can apply them later in your art. Studies take a lot of energy and focus and are the opposite of the creative "flow” of making your own pieces. If you combine the two the results are either unfocused studies or stiff drawings. When you sit down at your desk ask yourself “Do I want to learn something new or do I want to create something of my own?”
When you have an idea don’t be afraid of being messy: Let’s say you want to make a picture of several cats kolo dancing in the moonlight. How do you go about doing this? Well since you came up with the idea you already have a vague image in your mind, sketch it out with simple shapes, stick figures, circle and spheres etc Don’t worry about cat anatomy, or the dancer’s moves, sketch out the essence of it. This method removes the need to be perfect or accurate. 
Ok after the messy sketch then what? Well now that you have sketched out the essence of your idea (and hopefully had fun doing so) now you go on to look for references! You put the creative process on pause and you can do a few brief studies if you need to: anatomy, color schemes, values, poses. Pick out a few of your favorites but don't obsess over them, they are a guide, a tool.
You know much more than you think. You’ve probably been drawing for a few years now. You’ve probably done some studies and drawn more than one type of subject. Then you have already internalized some of that information. I used to be obsessed with capturing the minute detail of the subject, and not be able to draw ANYTHING without reference. Instead of a useful tool, references became another obstacle to my creativity. That’s perfectionism my friend, and that’s no good. Here is an exercise a good friend of mine offered: Draw a few characters, animals and objects from imagination. Make sure that the subjects have no personal value to you (no ocs for example) so that if you make a mistake you won’t feel bad about it. Make the process relaxed and comfortable, pour a nice cup of joe, listen to your favorite music ... You will notice that you do indeed know how to draw some things without reference, and it’ll help with your confidence. 
The more you do studies the more you understand This seems evident but the more you understand your subject the freer you can be and the easier it’ll be to draw it from imagination in the future. If you really struggle with something to the point of frustration (as in you can’t get it right even with reference) It means you have to study it. Have a study list, for example: hands, perspective, color theory etc. And one of those days you want to study pick something from the list, and look for videos on youtube or useful sites like line of action etc. Only study one thing at the time. You can go from studying hands to studying arms since they’re more immediately connected, but you can’t study hands and then jump to learning perspective right after. Trust me you can learn perfectly fine with the resources online, and I’m sure you’re clever enough to do it :D
Mistakes don’t mean you “suck”  I’ve noticed that the two most common causes for art block are perfectionism and lack of self-confidence.  The two can often go in tandem which is worse :’D But let me remind you of something, you can fix your piece along the whole process. Use erasers, lasso tools, liquify , select, paint it all over etc If something looks off to you then you also know deep inside how to fix it. Useful ways to see what clunks: flip canvas horizontally (helps with placement, proportions), turn the image to grayscale (helps to check values and where your eye tends to look), look at your image in thumbnail size and ask yourself if it’s clear, see the pose’s silhouette and ask yourself if you can tell what the character is doing etc. Don’t fret, everything can always be fixed :)
Perfectionism, sometimes it stops you before you begin Perfectionism causes you to overwork a piece, it makes you draw less, it makes art stressful, it brings insecurity. Let’s remove it with a simple exercise. It can be combined with the “draw things from imagination” once you’ve drawn something you like: dont do line art, don’t shade it, keep it as simple and crude as possible and then...post it. Yes, post it. You’re not at your best? You’re only human, this will help you embrace that very human side of you. You make mistakes. So what? The more mistakes you make the more you know what you need to study and the better at art you become. Mistakes are there to show us what we need to learn. See them as another tool and not a sign of failure.
Make the process as enjoyable as possible: You like art. You love drawing. Never forget this. Otherwise why are you drawing if you don’t enjoy it? It’s easy to fall prey to the mentality of those relatable memes that “art= suffering” or “I can’t even draw the other eye”. No no no my friends, these messages are fueling your insecurities instead of overcoming them. Let me tell you what, art is fun. It is. Art is fun, because I decided to make it fun again. And you should decide on that too. Personally I adore lineart but my hand-eye coordination is lacking to do it digitally, so....I just skipped it. Yes. I skipped it. I do the sketch, I clean it up a bit and then jump onto color which I adore. It allowed me to draw more and more freely. When I draw I listen to music, make strokes with the rhythm, I take breaks often and I drink my favorite iced teas. If you don’t like coloring do it in grayscale, if you love lineart then do that etc It doesn’t mean you won’t learn your weak points in the future with studies and practice, but you won’t let your weaknesses prevent you from drawing at all. No no, you won’t let them. You draw because you want to, despite of them.
Don’t wait for inspiration, provoke it  Inspiration is not a divine and capricious muse. You make inspiration. It’s easy just collect all the things you like, music, artists, objects, characters, animals, patterns, plants etc Make boards on pinterest or similar sites, combine things you like. You like suits? You like birds? You can draw a bird in a suit, or a bird-inspired suit design, there is frankly a lot of ideas that can spring up from little things like these.
When a project stops being enjoyable either pause it for now or move on to the next thing. Pieces aren’t precious. They’re not “the one time I got x right” they are one of many. This advice goes mainly to hobbyists who can afford the luxury of passing to a new project. I have a WIP of a character who is overly complicated (I enjoy a challenge from time to time) sitting for half a month. I sometimes come back to it and add something... but as soon as it starts to create discomfort and insecurity instead of enjoyment I move onto something else. In the meantime I created 3 or 4 new pieces. If I had waited on finishing that piece I would have been severely creatively and physically exhausted. The art comes from you, not inspiration. The more art you make the better you become.
That’s about it :D I know it’s long but I prefer to be thorough and cover all the possibilities. If you have read of this: Thank you so much I hope this helps you at least a bit, if it helps only 1 other person I’d still be very happy. Have a nice one, and kick art block’s butt!
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jellifysh · 3 years
First request for NSFW abc!: @bunnyrhe for Risk, Hair, and Experience
You didn't specify which member so I did them all <3 we're keeping this on the DL look below cut 👀
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Kim Seokjin: i feel like Jin is typically the type of person who keeps it pretty vanilla, at least in terms of equipment. he's not gonna string you up on anything crazy, maybe he'll use a vibe or plug or smth, but this is a man who can bring you to your knees with just his hands. if you wanna try something, fine, but if it ain't broke don't fix it
Min Yoongi: another pretty simple guy, he's more on the tactile play side of things, spanking, choking, ykno, he'll do smth if you wanna do it but not really otherwise. he will tie you up tho, no questions asked, easier to tease you that way
Jung Hoseok:.... you already know what imma say, this man is a certified freak seven days a week, he is up for anything, he has hooks drilled into the bedframe for ropes, he has satin lined handcuffs and an assortment of dildos, yes even tentacle shaped ones, he is down
Kim Namjoon: I wanna say yes... but I also wanna say no... he has a... how do you say... breeding kink? he has forgotten to buy condoms for the last five grocery trips but he swears his pull out game is god tier(its mid, honestly, but that's just cause he is literally debating whether or not to just cum in you every single time) other wise uhhh i feel like he'd have a paddle board to spank you with
Park Jimin: also a man with an assortment of toys, I feel like you guys have your weird kinks, but he's not a risk taker, not really anyways. All new kinks are throughly communicated and planned out and you usually just stick to your favorites. That being said, you have a pair of vibrating underwear and only he has the remote
Kim Taehyung: this man is a menace. I know i said hoseok was a freak but this man is a monstrosity. Idk if I've read too much yandere fanfic for him, but I just feel like he'd be so obsessed with you, like no matter what you want he's down-- minus the obviously gross ones like scat and watersports or whatever. Period sex tho? He's already getting the towel, you need help with your cramps, baby say no more. yea he has a foot fetish srry
Jeon Jungkook: dom. Full dom. Leather jacket, boot stomping, fingerless glove dom. He will say the dirtiest things to you, maybe back in 2018 i would've said he's baby, but we know too much now. I've seen undercut jungoo and that is a whole different man. He will tie you up and make you cry and then give you the best cuddles afterwards. The risk is whether or not he'll stop playing overwatch to fuck u
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I was considering splitting this one up but I think they all just have natural bushes? Like I'd say maybe Jin and hoseok keep theirs more trimmed than the others, but they're all clean cuz this is an alternative universe where boys wipe their ass
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Most experience: jimin and jungkook. Just absolutely insatiable. They know exactly what they're doing and thats the scary part
Medium experince: yoongi doesn't really care for hookups but he needs to release some tension ukno, and taehyung is on the high side of medium because he doesn't like hookups as much, but he still does them, just less than jimin and jungkook, hoseok likes to have someone he can communicate with so he prefers being in a relationship ship to have sex but he is known to go out n let loose
Low experience: I feel like the casual stuff isn't jins thing but he does know what he's doing, he's been in a few relationships and understands female anatomy enough to know how to make you squirt within the first ten minutes
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subjectnumberx · 3 years
Thumbnailing: Subject's Way
Thumbnails are an important workflow tool artists use to make creating their works more efficient. They are essentially tiny, low detail versions of the idea you may have in mind, and save time by helping you catch potential compositional errors, clashing colors in palettes(if you blob some colors on), and poses that simply might not.. work in character art as well as many other things not mentioned.
I am a very visual person and sometimes putting ideas to paper really helps me focus better on the task at hand. Organizing things into steps on the page really helps me not get overwhelmed. It might prove helpful to you as well.
In this tutorial, I'll take you through my workflow process when planning paintings and simple character illustrations.
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I start off the process by doing a ton of sketches of whatever thing from many angles, poses, etc. Usually if I have a certain image in mine I simply sketch that and adjust little things like angle, placement of limbs, etc. Work teeny tiny, you can enlarge it later. I,t really depends on what the goal is for that piece what the process looks like. Here the goal was to just draw a character, so I have many options.
environment sketches look a bit different for me, as I will sketch them in literal cubes. I am still working through the technique. I just haven't gotten good enough at them yet to consider a tutorial by me would be helpful to anyone though.
Like with piece D, it's good to plan compositional elements here too. I added the moon that would go in the eventual background, swords in the hands of B and E, etc. Had I had more time, F would have gotten rough roses, but I digress.
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After I have base sketches, I do very rough lines so I know what I'm looking at, and it primes me for what I could possibly have issues with in doing the final. I keep it VERY loose and don't dwell too much on details. If I'm drawing a character, I'm not even going to look up references, unless their silhouette is very complex. There is not much need for accuracy here. Just to nail down your subject's silhouette.
At this point, you can start eliminating which poses you don't want. Here I was very indecisive so I went through with sketching all of them.
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At this step ill also take the time to plan variants if I feel like I would be indecisive about them/need them for certain platforms (optional).
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Here's where things start to actually take the form of thumbnails. I work large and draw most of the anatomy of the subject so that things are positioned correctly in the frame. Draw the whole of something, even if you know it's going to get cropped out. There is nothing worse than trying to draw in a way that is already cropped, it messes up your anatomy bad, and you'll spend more time trying to fix it, especially if you are just starting out as an artist.
Physically drawing a box around them to help with framing is really good to help plan the composition of the final piece. Again, you can eliminate stuff here as well if they don't make interesting compositions. Consider the rule of thirds and how much breathing room you want or need in your piece. The one not in a box was eliminated because I didn't like the pose nor would it make a very interesting piece.
I also use different colors on the boxes so I can overlap them and keep my eyes from getting confused where one "drawing" ends and one begins.
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If I'm planning portraits/art in my painterly style, I'll take the time to block in some colors just to see what I should shoot for in the final. I will also do several pairings of colors in their own sets of thumbnails if the piece needs it/i want varients. I highly suggest blobbing so that you can see how potential colors will play with one another. Learning the teeniest bit of color theory will help, I promise, but for now, i'lI'lll refrain from the mini-lecture.
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these three two (you'll see), I figured would make better cel-shaded/quicker pieces due to how zoomed out they are, any true details I would want to focus on don't exactly work for my current style faraway. Be sure to tailor compositions that suit your style. I will be keeping these sketch ideas for future reference.
It's important to remember that just because an idea doesn't get used in this piece, that doesn't mean it can't be used in a further piece down the road. I actually have a horrible habit of deleting my thumbnails after I'm done with them, but if I'm thumbnailing in a sketchbook? I find myself browsing back over them for future pieces to get some rough ideas of what could work later.
One last thing, you don't have to plan as many thumbnails as I did, but I do suggest at least 3 or 4 to really stretch your creativity.
Thumbnails also make for a good warm-up. If you're curious, I did the initial sketches in this order: A C E D B F. I think it helped me loosen up a bit, but you can be the judge of that.
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I went back and tried another approach for a painting, but now I have the base for 3 paintings I could pursue, albeit rough, but it's good to learn how to paint like a sculptor, I digress.
That's all there is to it. the key is being clean enough to get the idea down, but rough enough to save time. work small, using basic shapes to create silhouettes. You can enlarge it later and use it as a base sketch.
Last two cents: I've also learned that sometimes if a piece is just not working, it's probably more than likely a compositional issue, anatomy, or perspective, Which is why thumbnailing can help you catch these issues early.
happy drawing :)
a/n: this is my first time really creating a tutorial. this might not be groundbreaking information for some of you and that's okay. this tutorial was initially created for someone in an art server I'm in on Discord, hence the slide-text-slide format. I have taken the images and text from that and compiled them here to make it easier to pick up the tips. I do not consider myself a pro on any of the things mentioned by any means, merely my take on it all. Get multiple sources, educate yourself, practice, and find what works for you. - Sub
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deeptimefossils · 4 years
What is it like were you work? What do you do in a typical day? Also, what type of education did you need to get to get where you are now?
It is super fun! So, we have a few different divisions at my job. The main company is Triebold Paleontology, and then there’s us, the DeepTime division. We all work together, though, so here’s a breakdown of everything: 
The museum:
Our lab is attached to a small museum. We have guides that give people tours, a giftshop, a tiny “theater” that plays videos about what we do and how we do it, and a place for people to view our lab. Pretty much just a standard dinosaur museum, except small.
Our Paleontologists:
We have several in-house paleontologists who go on digs, prep fossils, write papers, all the usual stuff. Great group of people. They’re working on a lot of fish right now. A lot. There are plaster jackets of fish fossils on every available flat surface.
Our molders:
The people who take the real fossils and make silicone molds of them. This means working primarily with clay, silicone, and plaster to make those molds. You’ve got to have a really good feel for how liquids behave to be able to make good molds so that the eventual casts will come out correctly. Some of the molds are simpler and take only a day or two to make, but others are much more complex and can take a week or more, such as the skulls we’re working on.
Our pourers:
Pretend that’s a real word. Anyway, these are the people who then take our molds and pour the liquid plastic into them to make the actual replicas, as well as placing any needed metal support structures within the molds. Again, smaller stuff is easier, but bigger stuff requires more specialized work such as pouring the mold in multiple steps and at multiple angles. Sometimes larger bones also require rotating while they’re being cast, and then filling with various fillers. Each project is a little different!
Our preppers:
Preppers clean up the molded bones. Basically this means working with a dremmel all day every day to get rid of any imperfections from the pouring process. Things like seam lines between the parts of the mold, pour spouts from where the plastic was poured into the mold, any air bubbles that got caught in the mold, that sort of thing.
Our assemblers:
Once aaaaaallll that is done, the replicated bones are given to our assemblers. This team is responsible for creating the metal skeleton that brings the replica fossil to life. They weld together any support structures that were placed within the bones during casting, add any other support structures, create a stand, etc. They also work with our real bone projects, which we do as well! These projects involve creating a metal support structure for real bones, along with adding in replica bones to fill in any gaps in the specimen.
Our painters:
Once the metal support structure is done, the fossil is disassembled (which they’re designed to do for easy shipping) and sent to painting. The plastic we use is either white, gray, or brown and looks nothing like a fossil, so our painters fix that. Spray paints, acrylics, and paint guns are all used.
Once painting is done, everything goes back to the assemblers who are also responsible for building crates to ship everything in. They get it all packed up and we ship it off to whoever bought it!
Whew. Okay, so that’s all the big stuff! We also have our DeepTime division, which is all of this stuff but condensed to specifically focus on teeth, claws, and miniature skulls along with some other small odds and ends. The above jobs are all handled by different teams, but in DeepTime each person does a little bit of all of those things while working on batches of 50-500 of a product at a time.
We’re also starting to do a lot of 3D work here. 3D printing and scanning is becoming a bigger and bigger part of paleontology every day.
As for getting a job here, or a place like this, I would recommend getting at least the basic paleontology knowledge, learning a ton of anatomy, and picking up some basic art skills like painting and color theory. Here at Triebold (and in DeepTime) specifically, we train from scratch, so that’s something to be aware of too, if you don’t have any background in that stuff yet!
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gabriel4sam · 5 years
The Duros who knew too much
Hunted down by the Separatist, Cad Bane has no other choice than asking help from the last person he wants to see again, the pseudo Rako Hardeen, the Jedi who sent him to jail, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Written for the @clonewarssavedexchange beta by the wonderful @sithsoka, for Sharnlyrical
Separatist or not, whoever had worked on the Wanted: dead or alive poster for Obi-Wan Kenobi was a fan... The swooshing hair, the unmistakable grin, the sparkling eyes, the shoulders that were more suggested by the tunics than hidden… The man on the poster looked more like a holovid actor version of a Jedi than like the warrior monk Cad Bane had had the displeasure  of fighting before.
With a smirk, Cad tore the poster off the wall. He was trying to keep a low profile but in this seedy part of the seediest town on the planet, he would have needed to take down the entire block before someone felt concerned.
He had elected an abandoned droid factory as a temporary safe house. Slowly he made his way to it, taking all precautions to make sure he wasn’t followed.
To survive the next weeks, he knew that vigilance, caution, and discretion were of the essence.
The Wanted posters of Kenobi really were all over town, and probably all over the quadrant. The reward offered was simply obscene. The Separatist leaders knew Kenobi was in the sector, far away from the Republic lines, and they had no intention of wasting this chance. Everywhere, idiots who thought they could take down an adult Jedi — and even more, that Jedi, the hand-cutting, survives everything and everyone poster boy of the kriffin’ Jedi Council — were getting ready for the fray and buying stun grenades by entire crates.
Cad entered the building, making sure to trip their silent alarm. He wanted the other user of the safe house to know he was there. It was prudent, since exhaustion could make people a little trigger happy. The other sentient was leaning down on his datapad, probably trying for the n th time to plot their escape from a heavily armed system wanting their two heads. Cad put the two containers of food he had brought back on a hastily cleaned table and couldn’t resist:
“Sweetheart, I’m home and I even brought you a little souvenir,” he said, and he put the Wanted poster with the Negotiator's face on the table just under the other man’s nose.
“You’re far less hilarious than you think,” Obi-Wan Kenobi answered, fixing him with those colourful eyes human had.
It had been a low blow from fate, that had put Cad Bane in the position of travelling with the most wanted man this side of the galaxy, and without the possibility of obtaining the reward!
It had been fate, or perhaps in a tad less bombastic way, it had been Count Dooku. The former Jedi, new Sith, and all-around too smart for his own good man had long ago understood the usefulness of bounty hunters. Far more shrewd than an entire droid army, and most of the time more efficient, bounty hunters could even be discreetly murdered if they were captured. Any connection could, of course, be totally denied after. It was less easy with an entire platoon of murder boots which could have been dancing the cancan with “ We’ve been sent by the Separatists ” painted on giant placards, for how subtle they were.
So, Cad Bane had worked for Dooku. Once. Twice. And again and again. The pay was good; Dooku could be a manipulative bastard in search of galactic domination, or whatever Sith Leaders did in their spare time, but he was a rich manipulative bastard, and a classy one. He always paid on time, and he never went back on the price.
Best kind of employer, in Cad’s opinion.
Until the time Cad had come back too early from a deal Dooku had sent him to, and seen too much.
Too much was perhaps an exaggeration. He had seen the ending of a transmission, half a chin under a dark cloak, and a grin on pale, thin lips.
Oh, that grin. That grin was still haunting Cad. He had seen more charming grimaces on dying men’s lips.
And the voice…. The voice, the dripping malevolence, he was still hearing it whispering in his dreams, which had turned dark.
That day, Cad had escaped Dooku only by luck, and he knew all of the Separatist forces were searching for him, relentlessly if discreetly. If it was official, it would have been admitting he knew too much.
Cad wasn’t an idiot. He knew Dooku and the entire Separatist army was a little too much for him. He needed help, and swiftly. He hadn’t contacted the Republic Judicial Service, a bunch of morons in his opinion, but the Jedi directly, who had immediately sent two of their Masters. It spoke of the Jedi’s desperation in this war, of how difficult things were that they couldn’t find anyone else to send than a Jedi killed ten hours into this mission, and the Negotiator himself; one of the fourth, perhaps fifth most recognizable Jedi!
So, here they were. Obi-Wan Kenobi had been caught on holocamera during the skirmish that had ended the life of his unfortunate colleague, whose name Cad hadn’t bothered to remember, and was now being searched for in every nook of the planet by every idiot with a blaster and a desire for credits. And the infuriating human was still probably Cad’s best chance of surviving. Force users were mortal, like everyone else. Nevertheless,  when lightsabers were singing, the best solution was still to find another Force User ready to die defending you because you had important information. Then, it was smart to run into the other direction while the two Force Users replayed the ancient feud of Sith versus Jedi.
All of this was not doing his mood any favours, and the worst thing was that he was pretty sure the Jedi, who had just lost a colleague, was still trying to cheer Bane up!
“Come on,” Obi-Wan sassed, appropriating one of the food containers, “It will be like the Rako Hardeen saga-“
“-an episode of my life I’m trying my damn best to forget-“ Cad grumbled.
“Us against the galaxy, the villain and the Jedi, daring against all odds-“
“-I love how you cast yourself as some sort of antithesis of the villain. This half of the galaxy is sure you ’re the villain, Jedi scum, dog of war of the Republic, etc.…”
“-Dog of the Republic? Hadn’t heard that one. And I’m pretty sure you liked me, when I was supposed to be a villain too!”
“That’s one of the reasons I’m reproaching you, Kenobi!” And Cad, taking his food with him, retreated to another part of the factory, suddenly more furious with the Jedi than about their circumstances.
He had liked Rako Hardeen. He liked people smart enough, strong enough, people he could be sure wouldn’t leave only grief in their wake, once the galaxy offed them.
He had liked Jango, which had been stupid of his part, because at the end, Jango wasn’t smart enough to keep himself from intergalactic conspirators…which may or may not have been exactly the mistake Cad had made too.
He was brooding, remembering how Hardeen had helped him in the Cube, how he had seemed dependable, as much as a bounty hunter could be, how Cad had imagined his days of solo hunts could perhaps stop, when half the wall exploded, half burying him in rumbles.
His ear canals were ringing, his torso almost crushed under the weight, he struggled to get free, even harder once he heard the tell-tale sounds of droids. He had been found, and soon he would join Jango wherever the kriff bounty hunt-….There. The hiss of a lightsaber, and the pale blue light, the only thing visible in the swirls of dust from  the explosion. The light danced, never still, and in every loop of its dance, sparks gushed, as the blade passed into the reinforced metal of the droids as if cutting through air.
In a few seconds, it was done. The droids sent to kill them was a pile of junk on the floor, and Kenobi, when he knelt down next to Cad, not even winded.
The rumble floated away and Kenobi helped him sit down. Cad bit down a cry. Something was broken in his torso. Kenobi examined lightly the area despite Cad’s protests that Kenobi could buy him dinner first, thank you very much.
“Your furcula is broken.”
“My what?”
“How can you…not important. Let me…”
“Hands off, eh, Kenobi. I’m gonna bite you, and my saliva is sure toxic to you…”
“Of course, it isn’t. Stop wriggling about, I’m trying to…I didn’t think you would be so prudish, stop moving, you blue idiot.”
Struggling along, the two fugitives took off, Cad resting against Kenobi, less because he couldn’t walk, nothing was wrong with his legs, but because every time they were in contact, the pain went down.
“Are you using Jedi tricks on me?”
“If I was, you would shut up,” Kenobi remarked, hurrying them from discreet corners of the street to the service entrance of the nearest cantina.
“Too close from the attack,” Cad protested, as Kenobi was hauling him higher into the building, mind tricking everyone they saw, until the door of a poorly lit room closed behind them.
“They won’t search this close, because they will think we will run as fast, as far as we can from the droid factory,” Kenobi finally answered.
“Yeah, because we should .”
“Not with you in this state. The gravity of his planet must already be hard enough on your body, I fear without that bone your thoracic cage will collapse.”
Cad grimaced and sat down heavily.
“You didn’t even know what that bone was,” Kenobi remarked.
“My education was more blasters than anatomy. Even my own. Do you think street urchin…” He stopped. What was he thinking, starting to blather like that about his past?
Kenobi knelt down in front of him and ordered:
“Give me your hands.”
“Human are gross and you’re not my type,” Cad huffed in annoyance.
“You stared at Hardeen’s behind too much for me to entirely believe you. Your hands, Bane. It will be much easier.”
“You are going to a lot of trouble for a bounty hunter who saw, perhaps, half the face of that thrice-damned Sith Lord.”
“It’s still a lot more than the lot of us saw, every piece of information is important…and even if it wasn’t, what sort of Jedi would be, if I let you suffer when I can help.”
“A smarter one.”
Kenobi laughed, and not the small huff Cad’s words warranted. A full bodied laugh, perhaps a tad hysterical, and for the first time, Cad paid more attention to the obvious signs of exhaustion of the other sentient. He asked himself how it would feel, all the death happening in the galaxy during this war, for a man who could touch unknown power, who could feel the fabric of life.
He gave his hands to Kenobi, clinging to them like an anchor when a great wave of power passed into him, fading between his eyelids in a shower of multi-coloured sparks. It was like being drunk on light, it was a high like no other, it was tasting power itself and when it stopped, the pain was gone.
Cad came crashing down on Kenobi, on Obi-Wan, like a tree would go down, like a ship with dead motors, and they rolled on the floor, the powerful connection shared for a minute intoxicating them. Human lips were warm and agile, and if the taste of his tongue seemed foreign to Cad, it was something exotic, like a fruit from a long lost planet, delicious and tasty. Cad bit down that mouth until the lips were red and shiny, and Kenobi was making the most interesting sounds, until the last whisper of power died down, leaving them struggling for breath on the floor, and putting them in a quite awkward situation.
“Do all Jedi healing has those interesting effects?” the bounty hunter asked, helping the human up.
“No,” Kenobi answered, his tone strange, and his face flushed, but Cad couldn’t have remembered what it meant when human’s faces were red if his life depended on him.
They sat down on the bed, carefully not looking at each other.
“We will just stay here a few hours,” Kenobi said, “then I suggest we steal a ship.”
“This is getting exactly like the Hardeen fiasco,” Cad remarked, “ and the last time ended with me on a fast track to jail.”
“Except this time, we’re on the same team. We made a great one when I was there to spy on you, so imagine how we’ll do now.”
A moment of silence.
“I liked Hardeen,” Cad admitted, because he needed something, anything to avoid feeling indebted to Kenobi for the healing, and that confession, that small fact he had kept for him all those months after the betrayal, seemed like something difficult to admit, something precious.
“I know,” Kenobi simply said, “and the sad part was that he…I….Hardeen liked working with you. Fleeing with you. It was…freeing. Good. Something without rules and responsibilities, something…” He clamped down on the next words and they stayed there, wishing the time to go faster.
A few hours to wait, a few days on the run, probably, before finding back the safety of Republic lines.
And whatever would happen during those days, they would be the only ones to ever know.
Cad licked his lips, where Kenobi’s taste lingered. He suddenly felt much better about all of this.
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dyggtheway · 2 years
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Photo by Tim Toomey on Unsplash
Distinguishing My Cold Emails from SPAM
For me, starting my own online business was not in the “plan”. It’s tough, but the toughest part for me is realizing that I have to start interacting with people from scratch. My past accomplishments mean very little in this arena.
Since I am an affiliate marketer that sells mainly digital items, like courses, work from home kits etc. I have had to learn the lay of the land for myself. This means being a customer, not just a provider. Posting links all over might get clicks, but it won’t get me sales. Most advice is like playing darts drunk. That means it’s fun, but it’s pointless.
Progress is finding the sobering north star and following this path. That means building a website, making contact forms, setting up an email and phone number. Looking around at people all the people the world over and showing them what my company can do, but also letting them show me what they need from my business.
I am now re-sculpting my business around what people actually need. What they need is straight talk. This means email marketing that doesn’t look, feel, or act like SPAM.
I hit the books, here is what I learned.
Email Marketing Campaigns Delivery Tips
Optimizing your email marketing campaigns can take some trial and error, but one of the first things you’ll want to focus on is getting them delivered to subscribers’ inboxes in the first place. In addition to following best practices like sending emails only during business hours and avoiding spam filters, there are five other things you can do to increase your email deliverability and make sure your messages get seen by recipients when they get sent out. Here are those tips...
Deliverability Checklist:
1. Make sure your email list is clean and up-to-date.
Too many hard bounces can negatively affect your email address and more readily trigger filters.
2. Avoid triggering SPAM filters with salesy words and too many images.
Filters are configured to target specific words that if used to often tell the recipient's server your email is S**M
3. Keep your list segmented, so you can send relevant emails to specific groups.
Imagine working hard to get to your contact and then annoying them by sending them irrelevant email they didn’t ask for. Be prepared by tagging and labeling your contact list from the start.
4. Pay attention to your email sending reputation with Talos.
There are other resources available but in general if you can use some tools to see where you stand in the terms of your IP address, domain name, or email account reputation. It’s better than presuming.
5. Warm up your email account daily, use a separate email account from your domain for cold contacts.
There are some great companies I have found like Gmass.co, Woodpecker.co, and Snov.io that offer free or free trials for warming up your email.
The Anatomy of an Email
Your title (from line), subject line, and content and signature should all be consistent in tone. Your reader will get a clearer picture of you and your business, and you have the chance to fix any mistakes. Suppose you have a casual from line (first name, no last name, no job title), but your subject is serious, and your content something else entirely. How can you know what's working and what's not?
Use social media comments made by your prospects to find out how to talk to people. Changing things up to better meet the mood, is the main rule to follow. No one ever lost money being too professional. Your human side can be part of that expression also.
What’s your goal?
Everyone has their own writing approach, I like to get all my thoughts out there first, then start editing. AI writers are a great resource when it comes to structure and factual content without spending time on research, too. This, however, will not compensate for the human touch. Have you ever called a business for help and were directed to an automated response? Did you like it?
The bottom line on formulating business correspondence is this, know your ultimate goal and follow the steps to getting there with your prospect.
Call to Action (CTA)
The best way to teach is from example. I hope this article had some value for you. Please let me know if you have suggestions or praise, and please subscribe to my marketing page in the link below for more resources.
If you already know what you are doing, playing darts drunk can work.
Marketing Newsletter
Promote with YouTube
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ya-boi-dean · 6 years
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some doodles i did for a mafiafell story im working on
chara and gaster are rival dons (✿ʘ‿ʘ)
sans ofc works for gaster
frisk is a marksman (who keeps it from their family bc.....secrets. undyne taught them how to fight and they just ran w/ it afterwards.)
frisk and chara are in their early 20s.
i need to clean them up and fix a few things (like anatomy, lines, etc)
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hilifewomen · 4 years
13 Reasons Why Your Vagina Feels Dry Constantly & How You Can Fix It
Feeling ‘wet’ can have multiple connotations. For the vagina, ‘wetness’ or natural lubrication is a necessary function. You’re at your healthiest when your vagina is optimally ‘wet’. This is also a signal towards a healthy pH balance in the vagina, a healthy sex drive, etc. However, natural lubrication of the vagina can be disrupted by a host of factors in everyday life.
On the other hand, if your vagina starts to feel dry, it can have a few detrimental consequences as well. These start with painful sex, vaginal infections, or even an underlying medical condition. However, vaginal dryness is also extremely common and most women experience it from time to time.
So, here’s a guide to figure out why your vagina feels dry.
1. You’re Using Soap Down There If you’re using a body wash or a soap to wash down there, you’re unintentionally harming your vagina. Shower products are not designed for use down there, the harsh chemicals in them can quickly disrupt the pH level of the vagina. Exposure to such ingredients causes vaginal infections. In fact, women can sometimes be particularly allergic to chemicals in soaps, detergents, dyes, lubes, and even perfumes. This is perhaps why you need to choose products that are specially designed for your vagina. Start with an intimate wash that you can use in the shower. Then, end with an intimate hygiene spray which you can take with you in your bag whenever you step out.
The Hi Life intimate Hygiene Spray is great for keeping your intimate area clean and infection-free. This bottle especially comes in handy when you use public restrooms and need to wash up right after.
2. You Might Just Be Dehydrated When was the last time you had water? If you can’t remember, it’s time you drink some now. Dehydration can be one of the major culprits behind vaginal dryness. Water makes up for over 60 percent of the human body. What does that tell you about the vagina? If you’re dehydrated, it’s going to affect things down there as well. Minimal water intake can lead to a myriad of detrimental consequences for the vagina as well as your body. In fact, after consistently drinking water (that is taking in about 2.7 liters of water a day), you should be able to see improvements in terms of your vaginal dryness in about three days. So, drink up your water, ladies.
3. There Might Be An Underlying Medical Condition If vaginal dryness is often coupled with dryness across other areas of the body like your eyes and mouth, it could possibly be an indicator of an underlying medical condition. These symptoms are also in line with Sjögren’s (pronounced like ‘show-grins’) syndrome. The condition affects the mucous membranes of the body and it presents itself on the surface as broad-spectrum dryness. It also affects both young and older women alike. However, to confirm which underlying medical condition you’re dealing with, you need to visit your gynecologist for more information. Other causes for vaginal dryness include hormonal imbalance, infections, irritants, medications, or other rare conditions.
4. Anti-Depressants Also Cause Vaginal Dryness Prescribed anti-depressants can sometimes have listed side-effects which may include an effect on the libido and an impact on the natural lubrication of the vagina. If you’re on anti-depressants currently, try finding out the side-effects. If the medication proves to be the cause, then talk to your psychiatrist about switching medications.
5. You’re Breastfeeding Post a pregnancy, breastfeeding is also commonly known to be the root cause for vaginal dryness and hormones in the body keep fluctuating during this time. 6. You’re An Active Smoker Regular smoking has the potential of causing a blockage in the vaginal arteries and reduce moisture down there. The natural lubrication of the vagina begins when blood vessels are engorged, a process that also takes place in the male anatomy and is subsequently called the erection. This higher blood pressure in the blood vessels causes serum to leak across the blood vessels from the mucous membranes of the vagina, leading to more moisture. Now, if the arteries are a bit clogged, there is a reduced amount of lubrication. 7. You’re Eating Junk Food Too Often Foods high in saturated fat can lead to vaginal inflammation which is not ideal for vaginal health. Now, generalised inflammation negatively impacts the body’s immune system’s response to infections, increasing the risk of catching vaginal infections. We all know what happens when you catch a vaginal infection, it makes your vagina dry as well.
8. Your Hormone Levels Are Fluctuating Dryness can also be attributed to a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, perimenopause, irregular period cycle, post-childbirth, or during breastfeeding. Other than that, cancer treatments like chemotherapy and pelvic radiation also lead to low estrogen levels which leads to dryness.
9. You Have An Underlying Infection Recurrent UTIs or yeast infections also impact the natural lubrication of the vagina. Infections down there change the pH level of the vagina which can make the vagina dry or change the consistency of the mucous secreted.
10. You Might Have Feelings Of Guilt Or Shame Associated With Sex If your vagina feels particularly dry during sex, you might associate sex with feelings of guilt and shame. These feelings can be there due to a number of reasons. However, to get back at it, it’s important to work through these feelings. Visiting a therapist or a sex therapist is one step that you can take that might help resolve these feelings. 11. You’re Not Engaging In Enough Foreplay During sex, if your vagina still feels dry, then perhaps you’re not engaging in enough foreplay. Different studies have shown that it takes women anywhere from 10-45 minutes to get fully aroused. If you aren’t giving enough time to get fully aroused amid sex, it might be the reason why you’re feeling relatively dry down there.
12. You’ve Had A Stressful Week If you’ve had a particularly stressful month, then the stress will start to affect your body as well. Stress is the devil that can impact your life in weird ways. It leads to troubling consequences like hair fall, breakouts, irregular periods, and sometimes even vaginal dryness. Take time out for yourself and release some of the frown lines through an activity that you like or even a hangout with your friends and you’ll see all the difference
13. You’re Using Synthetic Sanitary Napkins Synthetic sanitary napkins are usually filled with chemicals that are not great for the vagina. These include chemicals like chlorine, they also are filled with artificial fragrances along with plastic-based fibers that are not friendly to the skin at all. Wearing these pads during your period can have long-term effects on your vagina which include substantial dryness down there.
A simple solution to this problem is switching to organic pads. The best organic pads available in the market today are the Hi Life Organic Period Pads. These pads are made from GOTS-certified 100% organic cotton sourced from Texas. They are fragrance-free and feel soft on the skin. Switch to organic pads from Hi Life, they can be bought online, and wearing them can make all the difference.
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putridvodka · 7 years
How do you do poses for your art? I'm trying to get out of the habit for drawing the same pose but I'm bad at body proportions and poses
Hey, sorry for the late response!I still got a long way to go, but I’ll gladly give any tips others might find useful, this is how I do it
Usually I start the pose by either drawing stickmen or a very crude blob in the pose I want to use (at this point, proportions and anatomy do not matter, what matters is that the gesture is clear)
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Tossed in some drafts from HiddenAU for good measure lmao
So, after you’ve got your pose, try and add the muscles. You can keep them simple and messy. This is the part where we start looking out for general proportions and general anatomy. If something feels off, but you don’t know what, try flipping the canvas! If you’re doing it traditionally, flip your sheet/paper and hold it up against a light source (lamps, light bulbs, etc). This gives you a new, fresh view of your work, and any errors you might have will stand out and will be easier to fix
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Be sure to keep the line of action alive! She’s the one that pretty much makes the action clear and alive
After this, we are ready to start making everything as accurate as you need! Here’s where we start adding the hair and clothes, so it’s expected and okay to be rough and messy.
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This is where we realize what works and what doesn’t work. And so we are free to choose what to change (ex: the face angle, the muscle mass, neck width, expression, etc)
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Then we just clean + paint that sucker up and you’re done!
Hope this was useful! 
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purpkiins-blog · 7 years
holy moly your art is beautiful? and you're only 13? wow? if you dont mind do you think you can give me tips on drawing people? (and hi im also pan which is pretty cool to see you're pan)
thank you so much!! it’s p cool to see you’re pan as well.
as for art tips, i’ll try my best lmao. i think some basic tips are:- starting with the head, then the neck and shoulders, then the torso etc. usually makes things easier- use guidelines and basic shapes as much as you need to while sketching. you can always erase it later.- having a really clean sketch can help you a lot when finding mistakes so try to rub out all the guidelines and shapes before moving on.- use plenty of references and don’t be afraid to make your drawing really similar to the reference. that’s what it’s there for!- try not to reference off of other people’s art as no one’s perfect and their anatomy could be incorrect.- flip the canvas as often as possible while drawing if you’re working digitally. it really helps you identify mistakes or adjust the pose as you go.- use a line of action to guide you when drawing dynamic poses. i’m p sucky with dynamic poses so i’d suggest looking this up.- try to draw people from all sorts of places like cartoons, comics, books, even people from real life to practice diversity and flexibility. i see a lot of people (including myself) struggle a bit with same face syndrome but it’s not too hard to fix.
sorry i can’t offer any earth shattering techniques or anything, i’m still learning. i’d suggest you ask around and maybe some more experienced artists will have more effective tips. thanks for the ask!
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visionaryroofing · 7 years
Affordable Roofing Burbank
Truth be told there are multiple fantastic commercial and residential roof repair business in Burbank. These business specialise in roof repair , replacement gutters, vinyl siding repair, rows, ice dam removal, infrared moisture detection, maintenance, ice dam prevention et cetera. Should you get difficulties or acquire the wish to improve the visual aspect of your home, you really should speak with a repair contractor.
There are many competent roofing contractors out there and they can handle large and small projects. They service businesses and all kinds of residences such as townhouses, apartments, condos, and private homes. They can fix any type of roofing such as shingles, flat roofs, tile, and metal.Many roofing companies offer free consultations and estimates, so you should definitely take advantage of that. Meet with a few roofing specialists. Get answers to your questions and compare estimates until you find the best person for the job. Some roof repair companies offer same day repair services, so keep that in mind if you are shopping around. A roof is the most important part of a home or building, so you should get the problem fixed immediately. A poorly installed or damaged roof can cause excessive damage to a building, so find a contractor who can repair your roof quickly.
How to Install Metal Roofs in Burbank?
There is a new trend in roofing for residential and commercial construction. Metal roofs have increased in popularity over the last few years. With this increase there comes a need for the proper gear or equipment for safe and efficient installation.Although many workers continue to walk on roofs with their regular boots or work shoes, it can be more difficult when walking on steeper roofs. Some even just wear their sneakers thinking this will keep them from slipping and maybe they will on roofs that are less steep. If the soles of the sneakers are worn any at all, they may not have the grip necessary to keep a person from slipping. You also have to consider what kind of weather conditions you will have to be working in.When looking for good quality roofing shoes, you should look for durability, flexibility, and comfort. These shoes are not just for roofers, they can also be worn by other professionals like, insurance adjusters, gutter installers, house inspectors or even those DIY guys who like to work on their own projects.Where to buy metal roofing shoes?There are some choices out there for quality roofing shoes if you know where to look for the best discounts. Some of the best metal roofing shoes will offer shoes or boots with gripping traction or some offer a strap on sandal that fits directly over your existing shoes or boots.
Types of Roofing
There is a new trend in roofing for residential and commercial construction. Metal roofs have increased in popularity over the last few years. With this increase there comes a need for the proper gear or equipment for safe and efficient installation.Although many workers continue to walk on roofs with their regular boots or work shoes, it can be more difficult when walking on steeper roofs. Some even just wear their sneakers thinking this will keep them from slipping and maybe they will on roofs that are less steep. If the soles of the sneakers are worn any at all, they may not have the grip necessary to keep a person from slipping. You also have to consider what kind of weather conditions you will have to be working in.When looking for good quality roofing shoes, you should look for durability, flexibility, and comfort. These shoes are not just for roofers, they can also be worn by other professionals like, insurance adjusters, gutter installers, house inspectors or even those DIY guys who like to work on their own projects.Where to buy metal roofing shoes?There are some choices out there for quality roofing shoes if you know where to look for the best discounts. Some of the best metal roofing shoes will offer shoes or boots with gripping traction or some offer a strap on sandal that fits directly over your existing shoes or boots.
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from WordPress https://visionaryroofing.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/affordable-roofing-burbank/
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