#need to draw lyle too
templnut · 6 months
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more gundam with some Neil sketches
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lucksea · 2 months
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now that artfight is over i can take some time to properly design them before i make new refs
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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0 notes
7s3ven · 16 days
SHORT STRAW. human! miles quaritch
IN WHICH… miles quaritch needs a scientist on his team, and you just had to draw the short straw.
Notes: scientist/doctor! reader, petnames, inappropriate jokes, age gap (not explicitly stated, but it is there),
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As a kid, you were always quiet and introverted. As a teenager, you rarely spoke. Now, as an adult, you were on the most dangerous planet, working as a scientist despite having a medical degree. You weren’t even sure how you got on Pandora. All you did was get outstanding grades, win some awards, and then the RDA shipped you off. It’s not like you were complaining, you had nothing left on Earth.
Pandora was your home now and little by little, you grew comfortable with the new environment. You were working along Grace Augustine, a renowned scientist. And you were finally happy with where you were in life.
“Those idiots!” You heard Grace yell as she slammed her cup of coffee onto the table, accidentally spilling the hot liquid onto her latest report. She screamed out a string of curse words, causing every head to turn in her direction. "I need a damn cigarette!"
You hurried over with a pack, handing it over to Grace. "What's wrong?" You asked, furrowing your brows together lightly. You didn't have to question it too much to know what was running through Grace's head. You knew, based on the frown and sneer pulling at her lips, that it had something to do with Parker Selfridge or Quaritch. Maybe even both, with the way her eye was twitching in annoyance.
"Quaritch, that bastard!" She exclaimed, throwing a rage fit. "He wants a scientist on his team for today, even though I offered before, and he said no!" Grace clicked her tongue, banging a hand down onto her desk.
No scientist would willingly work for Quarditch, and Grace knew that. That's how you ended up in the conference room with about ten other scientists who doubled as doctors, Miles Quaritch, and Lyle Wainfleet.
You stood close to Grace, almost hiding behind her. The Colonel had always intimidated you; he towered over you, and you were rather scared of his strength. You had seen him punch another marine, sending the soldier flying back. So, it was safe to say you wanted to stay on his good side.
"Alright, everybody, grab a straw," Grace muttered. Some of the other scientists groaned, tilting their heads back in frustration. Drawing straws was the usual method the scientists used to decide who would write the next report or who would have to chug the year-old alcohol sitting in the cupboard.
"That's how you're gonna decide my team's scientist?" Quaritch grumbled, clearly unimpressed by the childish method. Grace merely rolled her eyes. "Just assign me your best one. Or better yet, assign me the prettiest one." He pointed right at you, lips curling into a snarky smirk.
Grace held out an arm, "She is my best scientist."
Quaritch shrugged, "That's a bonus."
Grace ignored him, holding out a handful of straws. Quaritch watched as each person picked a straw, their gazes darting around nervously and hoping they weren't the unlucky person. "Okay. Hold 'em up." Grace muttered. There was a moment of silence before her eyes flickered to you in pity. "Y/N got the shortest."
"Well, lookie here, I won." Quaritch didn't even try to hide the grin on his face, mocking Grace.
She scowled, pointing the middle finger at the marine. "You better keep her in one piece, you dog. I need her to finish writing her thesis."
"Yeah, I'll keep your pretty little scientist safe." He uttered as he walked around the table, stopping in front of you. "In the meantime, get that damn report on my desk before Selfridge has a fit again." Quaritch hooked a finger around your belt, pulling you forward. "Let's go, Wainfleet."
You barely had time to process the situation before Quaritch’s firm grip on your belt yanked you forward again, pulling you into unified steps with him. You struggled to keep up with his long strides, feeling the stares of your coworkers burning into your back.
As you walked, more like jogged, you could feel the intimidating presence of Lyle trailing behind you. He didn’t say a word, but you knew he was watching your every move. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, the cold, metallic walls making you feel claustrophobic.
Quaritch finally broke the silence, his voice gruff but not as harsh as you expected. "Listen up, Doc. I don't need a nervous wreck on my team. You’re here to get the job done, not to cower in the corner. You got that?" He poked your shoulder, and you quickly nodded.
“Good,” He continued, his pace not slowing as he spoke. “My team and I need someone who can act as a scientist and a doctor. We're lucky we got stuck with you." You heard a loud click beside you, and you turned your head to see Lyle grinning at you. He was replacing the bullets in his gun as a means to scare you even more. "We’re going into the forest, and I, more like Selfridge, need you to analyze some samples. Think you can do that, pretty?”
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice steady as you responded. "Yes, sir. I can do that." You kept your gaze lowered.
Quaritch glanced at you from the corner of his eye, his expression unreadable. “Good. Keep up that attitude, and you might just survive this.”
You didn’t know whether to be reassured or terrified by his words. You knew that Pandora was dangerous—more dangerous than you ever imagined when you first arrived. The creatures, the environment, and even the air could kill you if you weren’t cautious. You had never actually left the science base before, and now you were being dragged out against your will by a team that seemed to care more about their mission than your life.
As you reached the armoury, Quaritch stopped and turned to face you, his gaze piercing. “Suit up. We leave in ten.”
You nodded again, quickly moving to gather the gear you needed. Your hands trembled slightly as you secured your equipment, the heavy weight pressing you down. You had always been comfortable in the lab, surrounded by data and experiments. This was entirely different—this was survival.
Lyle handed you a weapon, and you hesitated for a moment before grasping it. You weren’t used to holding one, and the cold metal felt foreign in your hands. “Better learn to use that fast,” He said, patting your shoulder. “You’ll need it out there.”
You barely had time to attach the last handgun to your hip before Quaritch approached you again. "You ready, pretty?" He grinned down, hands resting on his hips. Without another word, he turned and led the way towards the rest of the marine team.
They lifted their heads, raising their eyebrows. "Who's that?" One of the only female members questioned, pointing at you.
"Our little scientist." The Colonel uttered, slinging an arm around your shoulder, "Play nice with her. She’s never been outside before.”
The team gazed at you, looking you up and down with a mix of curiosity and amusement at your height compared to Quaritch. Their eyes soon flickered to Quaritch's arm that was draped around you.
"New meat? The forest will eat her alive." The same female marine, Z-dog, smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest.
You heard Quaritch chuckle and felt his grip tighten around you as an act of reassurance. Or perhaps it was to keep you from running. "She’ll be fine. I’ll ensure she knows how to use more than just her brains out here."
Lyle, leaning casually against a nearby chair, grinned as he chimed in. "Oh, I bet you will, Colonel." There was a grin spreading across his face. "You always did have a soft spot for the smart ones. Just don’t get too distracted."
The team laughed, their voices rough and playful. Quaritch rolled his eyes but didn’t bother to deny it. "Don’t worry, Wainfleet. I can multitask. Besides, if you’re so concerned, why don’t you take her under your wing? Show her how the big boys play."
Lyle gave you an exaggerated once-over, his grin widening. "I dunno, boss. She might be too delicate for me. I wouldn’t want to break her."
Z-dog snorted. "Please. You’d be lucky if she didn’t break you first, Wainfleet. Don’t underestimate the quiet ones—they’ve got a lot of pent-up energy."
Quaritch raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the banter. "You heard the lady, Wainfleet. Better watch yourself. Might just find out what this one’s capable of." He slapped you on the back.
You couldn’t help but blush at the teasing, not accustomed to it. Your science and medical coworkers never mocked each other; they were far too lost in their own worlds.
Another marine piped up with a grin. "Hey, just make sure you keep her out of trouble, Colonel. The last thing we need is her getting lost out here and us having to play rescue squad. Unless, of course, you’d enjoy being her knight in shining armour."
Quaritch huffed, giving his teammate a mocking glare. "I’m nobody’s damn knight. And she won’t need rescuing. Right, Doc?" He nudged you.
You nodded quickly, trying to ignore the heat creeping up your neck. "Right."
"Atta girl," Quaritch said with a grin. He gave your shoulder a light pat before stepping away, his authoritative tone taking over again. "Alright, enough with the jokes. We’ve got work to do."
The thick vegetation continuously slapped your oxygen mask, causing you to stumble every second. The suffocating air clung to you as you slowly trudged after the marine team. You noticed how Quaritch, who was at the front of the pack, would glance over his shoulder at you. You could tell in his gaze that he saw you as a liability.
After what felt like an hour of jogging through the forest, Quaritch abruptly stopped, raising a hand to signal to the others. The soldiers halted with practised ease. You, on the other hand, clumsily crashed into Lyle.
"Alright, Doc," Quaritch grunted, turning to face you. "Before we go any deeper, we need to ensure you know how to handle yourself. No point in lugging around dead weight."
You felt a lump form in your throat as he stepped closer, his tall figure casting a shadow over you. He gestured to the weapon slung over your back. "First lesson: how to use that thing. Have you ever fired a gun before? Or, are you more of a delicate touch type?"
Despite being covered from head to toe in weapons you had never held before, you knew you still looked out of place amongst the hardened soldiers surrounding you.
You shook your head quickly, trying not to let Quaritch's words fluster you. "No, sir. Never."
Quaritch smirked, clearly expecting your answer. "Figures. Well, you’re gonna learn fast." He grabbed your belt loop again, leading you a few steps away from the group. "See that tree? That’s your target."
"Hey, Colonel," Lyle called out, “Didn’t know you were into giving private lessons. Thought you left the hand-holding to Grace."
The other marines chuckled, their laughter low and suggestive. "Careful, boss," Another of them exclaimed. "You might have to be gentle with this one. Don’t want to scare her off."
Quaritch rolled his eyes, but the smirk never left his face. "Don’t worry, boys. I’ll go nice and slow for her. Gotta make sure she enjoys her first time, right?"
You blushed, trying to focus on the task at hand instead of the suggestive jokes being tossed around. Quaritch stepped closer, grabbing your gun and handing it to you. Quaritch moved to stand behind you, his hands settling over yours on the rifle to line up the weapon with the tree.
"Feet shoulder-width apart. Don’t lean too far forward, unless you want to kiss the dirt.” Quaritch grabbed your hips, pulling you back. What must have been an insignificant touch to him felt huge for you. You had never let anyone touch you in that way, too busy with your academics. “Keep your grip tight; You’re aiming a gun, not giving it a massage."
Behind you, Lyle couldn’t resist another remark. "Hey, Colonel, careful where you’re putting those hands. Might give her the wrong idea."
Quaritch shot him a sideways glance, his smirk turning into a full grin. "Jealous, Wainfleet? Don’t worry, I’ll let you hold her hand next."
Behind you, the marines barely held back their laughter as they leaned against the nearby trees. "Colonel, you gonna take her to prom next?" Z-dog teased, earning another round of chuckles.
Quaritch laughed lowly before returning to you to whisper the instructions in your ear. You took a shaky breath, nodding your head to his words. You shifted from side to side, steadying yourself before you squeezed the trigger.
The rifle's recoil almost knocked you off your feet. Lucky for you, Quarditch was there to catch you.
"Oh, Colonel's getting handsy," Lyle exclaimed. The bullet you had shot grazed the side of the tree trunk, missing the target.
Z-dog laughed. “Maybe you should teach her to aim at something a little closer, Colonel. Like you."
Quaritch didn’t miss a beat. "She doesn’t need to aim at me—she’s already got me in her sights." He loudly clapped his hands together, gaining your attention again. "This time, don’t overthink it. Just line it up and shoot."
You nodded, focusing on the tree once more. This time, you steadied yourself better, and your muscles started to faintly remember the movements.
Quaritch gave a grunt of approval at your second attempt. "Better. Keep at it. You’ll get there."
You practised under Quaritch’s watchful eye for the next hour, gradually getting more comfortable with holding the rifle. The marines kept up their teasing, mainly aimed at their boss and how he was eying you like a hawk.
"Not bad, pretty," Quaritch finally muttered, his usual hardened gaze softening just a bit. "Maybe you won’t get us killed after all." He turned to the Marines, clearing his throat. "Let's move out."
The next time the group stopped was in a secluded part of the forest deep inside the jungle. Your gaze studied the trees and plants around you.
“This is it, Doc. Get to work.” Quaritch handed you the rest of your tools. Lyle sat down on a rock, fidgeting with his gun.
At first, you were so focused on collecting samples that you didn’t notice the eyes following your every movement. You could hear the quiet shuffling of Quaritch, Lyle, and the other marines as they spread out to keep guard. They continued with their teasing banter to pass the time.
As you crouched down to get a better look at some glowing moss, you could feel Quaritch’s gaze on you—intense, and not exactly subtle. The other marines noticed too. His eyes trailed over you, lingering on your body.
You tried to avoid talking to the soldiers as best as you could, desperate to return to the lab so you could study your samples. That was your definition of fun.
Your silence was interrupted by Lyle crouching down beside you. “Careful with those flowers, Doc. They look like they bite.” You glanced at the cluster of spiky flowers, shrugging.
“They don’t.” You quietly murmured.
“Well, if they do, I bet I could beat them.”
Quaritch, overhearing Lyle’s nonsense, shook his head. “That’s ironic, Wainfleet, considering you’ve lost every fight against me.”
“Yeah but you ain’t a flower, Colonel.”
Quaritch sly grinned before looking at you. “You sure you don’t need any help, pretty?” You quickly shook your head in response. The last thing you needed was a soldier ruining your research.
“Watch out for the Colonel’s ‘help.’ He’s got a way of making it sound real nice, but before you know it, you’re running laps around the base at 0500." Lyle pitched in.
Quaritch rolled his eyes, standing up and slapping Lyle on the back of the head. “Thats only if you keep running your mouth, Wainfleet. Which reminds me, you still owe me ten laps from yesterday. You can start now.” With a groan, Lyle stood up, leaving your side to run his dreaded laps.
You were pleasantly surprised that you had not tripped yet. You were naturally clumsy, always managing to make a mess out of the simplest of tasks. You walked forward to look at another flower but a vine that was hidden within the foliage caught you off guard.
You tripped and fell with a large thud, catching the attention of everyone nearby. Quaritch walked over to help you but not before laughing. “Careful.” He teasingly warned. The Colonel made no attempts in hiding how he eyed your body up and down. “You gotta watch where you step. Though, I gotta say, I don’t mind the view.”
You quickly scrambled to your feet, cheeks heating up. Lyle, who had been watching intently, snickered. “You sure you’re just out here for the plants, sir? No other reason?”
You were ready to head back for the day before a plant in the distance caught your attention. “I’ll be quick.” You muttered to Quaritch, hoping he’d let you look at it. He nodded after a long pause.
“I’ll go with her. The rest of you, stay here.” He ordered his soldiers before following after you. You had a skip in your step as you carefully manoeuvred through the maze of tree roots but you were soon too distracted to keep up the pace. Quaritch easily overtook you as you scribbled messy notes into a small notebook.
You were almost at the plant before you slipped again. You mentally cursed at your clumsiness and inability to stay focused of your surroundings. You couldn’t catch yourself in time before stumbling into Quaritch. The impact was enough to send him forward but he quickly turned so his back would take the brunt of the fall. You landed on top of him with a soft grunt, hitting your head on his shoulder.
You took a few moments to regain your breath before you felt Quaritch’s hands rest on your hips. “If you wanted to lie on top of me, pretty, you could have just said so.” He teased. “I always knew you scientists had a habit of being direct but this is a little much, don’t you think?”
You quickly pushed yourself up. “I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to!” This was the loudest Quaritch had ever heard you talk. He could barely hear your whispers sometimes, having to lean down to understand your words.
“I ain’t complaining but unless you’re into dangerous places, you might wanna save this stuff for when we’re not in the middle of an alien jungle.” He drawled, causing your body to heat up with embarrassment. He didn’t let you stand up, wanting to see how much of a reaction he could draw out.
Lyle peaked his head around a bush, having heard the sound of you falling. “Are you guys gonna keep us waiting for long while you deal with all that tension? Because I have some coffee I’d really like to drink back at the base.”
“Calm your horses, Wainfleet. We’ll be there in a second.” Quaritch responded, letting you go like he hadn’t purposefully held you down.
In the end, you got the plant and you returned to the base safe and sound. You had expected the Colonel’s attention to be a one time thing but he followed you into the lab.
Grace arched an eyebrow at his appearance. “Here she is, Augustine, safe and sound like I promised.” Quaritch grinned, patting you on the shoulder. “The next time I need a scientist, I want her.” You were already scrambling towards your workspace, laying out your samples.
Quaritch turned to leave but he flashed you another grin. “See you later, pretty.” He called out.
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Colonel's orders!
Summary: Lyle doesn't show up for your date, Quaritch rectifies the situation.
Human!Miles x gn!reader, Human!Lyle x gn!reader
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It was an odd situation you had to admit. Lyle and you? No one would have seen it coming, well no one except your roommate.
"He's a dog y/n! You're a fine piece of ass and he's sniffin!" She called to you as you got ready by the mirror. Her head didn't even pop up from her data pad as she chewed on her pen.
"What the hell does that even mean Kim?" You didn't have time for her nonsense warnings. Your own shift had run late and if you didn't leave now he'd be waiting. You just wished your hair knew that.
"Means what it means." She said crossing her arms. "You shouldn't go. AND if you do I'm not clearing out so there'll be no hanky panky" You rolled your eyes. Cheep as RDA was you were lucky in your station to only have one room mate to deal with. She could be a pain in the ass but at least she kept her side tidy.
"I have no idea what your saying half the time." You grumbled mainly to yourself, having a last once over in the mirror before heading out.
"If your not back by 0900 I'm inviting Prager over!" You wished the sliding mechanical doors were capable of slamming as you left.
She was one to talk about your taste seeing as she'd been making her way through the military types. Still in some ways she was right. You'd never seen them as your type before but Lyle had been a special case.
You were a jack of all trades, often flitting from task to task in where ever they felt you were needed. Your primary work load was in mechanics, which was where you met him. Lyle clearly wished to jump the queue and reckoned it was a 50/50 he'd get to the top of the order or blacklisted. His cheesy pickup lines and obvious eyeballing would have normally pissed you off but for some reason you'd found it charming.
Maybe it was his sincerity? He certainly seemed to find you genuinely attractive and was not shy about expressing it. Maybe it was the lack self seriousness he displayed? Or maybe it was simply that no one else had shown this much blatant interest in you in a while.
There were no games with him. He was clear in his intentions from the beginning. Before you'd even finished fixing his gun mount on the craft, he'd set up a date. You appreciated the straight forwardness greatly. You often found people difficult to read and wished more would be as blunt at times.
So here you were, outside the hanger leaning against the wall in your nicest causal clothes. It was a miracle you'd made it on time, better than that you were a couple of minutes early! You used the time to catch your breath, peering at your reflection in the glass.
You looked nice. It was hard to look special with what little you'd brought with you but still the effort was clear. Anyways he'd still be in his camo so he'd be a hypocrite to think you'd not bothered to dress up.
Not that dressing up was necessary, you were only going to an observation deck. It was technically out of bounds for yourself but with him as escort it would be allowed. As he told it, that catwalk had the best views of the night sky. You quite looked forward to seeing it, would be a change from the lower levels you tended to work in.
Minutes ticked by slowly. Muscular men and women in military gear filed past, looking at you with confusion as you waited. You kept your eyes down, hoping not to draw too much attention. Wouldn't want to get kicked out before Lyle even got here.
Your feet started to ache. Looking down at your watch again you noted how late he was. 15 minutes wasn't so bad, maybe he'd needed a shower first and had just forgot to message you. You rocked back and forth on your heels, staring out at the moving crane in the hanger.
30 minutes was understandable. Something must have come up and made him late. If it was work then of course he wouldn't have been able to message you and let you know. The timer lights had gone out leaving the hall dim. You slumped down now, sitting on the floor. Might as well rest a little while you waited right?
45 minutes. The cranes had stopped now, the large hanger bay stilled. Whatever workers left must have gone off to their own beds through other exits. You hadn't seen another soul in the last half an hour. Was he just not coming?
55 minutes was your limit. You could feel the frustration rising in your throat. It constricted as your chest spasmed, threatening to start you sobbing. You held the flood gates, your eyes only glassy, you wouldn't cry here.
You felt stupid for falling for what ever trick he was playing. A prank amongst his friends maybe? All watching on CCTV at the poor sod he'd tricked into thinking he liked them. Fuck them, they wouldn't see you cry. You were gonna walk back to your room like nothing was wrong and let your roommates vicious tongue say it for you.
You stood, stretching out your aching muscles, your back giving a satisfying pop. You moaned a little in the empty space as you reached high in your stretch. Then you heard someone clear their throat.
You glanced over to see the Colonel himself eyeing you. You yanked your arms down fast, adjusting your clothing that had crept up.
"Sir!" You straightened, mind racing. What could you say to excuse your being here? Did he know his own men well enough to mark you as an outsider here?
"Shouldn't you be..." He began.
"Yes! sorry sir! I was waiting for someone and..." You cut him off, trailing off with a half hearted laugh at the end there. You weren't hiding you emotion well, you could hear a manic edge to your tone. Well fuck it, your evening couldn't get worse right?
"I think I've been stood up, sir." You met his eye when you said this tears threatening to spill. This was the first time since the mandatory safety briefing you'd seen him this close. You'd done well the last few years, making yourself indispensable on base, never needing to leave its safe walls. Nor having to be in the presence of the Colonel who you'd found so frightening before.
He didn't seem so scary now. Emotions quickly passing across his admittedly handsome face. Though it was marked heavily by deep scarring he was very agreeable up close. He seemed to soften a moment, an easy smile gracing his lips.
"By one of mine? Now that won't do darlin" You blushed at the pet name, eyeing him nervously as he reached a hand out to you. You took it gingerly, staring down at his rough hand clasping your own. Then your eyes drifted to his biceps, wow he was huge.
"Colonel Miles Quaritch." He drawled out, laughing a little. Your eyes shot back up to his, busted.
"Uh, y/n, sir!" You squeaked out. You tensed as he pulled your arm in, hooking it through his own. You followed his movements, allowing him to walk you through the doors off limits to yourself.
"Gave you my name for a reason there darlin'. Just Miles will be fine." You just nodded to him, the whole situation rapidly getting away from you.
"Now what had my no good dog promised you huh?" he turned his head to you, flashing a brilliant smile. You settled against him, content he wasn't going to yell at you and happy to be closer to his muscles.
"The stars." You spoke, more steadily this time, a dreamy hint touching your voice. You'd never seen them so clear as the first night you arrived on Pandora and had been squirreled away ever since. "We were going to go look at them."
Miles hummed to himself, leading you to an elevator on the far wall. An assistant had made to approach with paper work, he shot him a look you couldn't see. The man almost jumped, fumbling with the papers before scampering off. Maybe a little apprehension on your part was warranted.
He seemed a little lost in thought as you entered the lift together. Maybe mulling over who's place he'd taken tonight. Part of you wanted to keep it a secret, after all he did seem annoyed you'd been left waiting. Maybe Lyle deserved what ever his Colonel would do however. Likely be better than your plan of never helping him again.
The lifts sliding doors brought him back. Charming smile slipping back into place as he stepped out with you.
"You'll be wanting a mask for this spot." He removed himself from your side, stepping ahead to the evopacks hanging on the wall. He took one down turning to you.
"After you." He placed the mask over your head, drawing you in close as he adjusted the straps. He tucked hair off your face, hands tracing down to tilt your chin up with his finger. Your breath caught in your throat, he was close now, his eyes darting to your lips. If it wasn't for the glass between you, you'd have felt his breath. He smirked down at you before pressing the seal, it hissed startling you back to reality. Where it didn't seem like your Colonel wanted to kiss you.
You hadn't realized quite how hot you'd become until the door hissed open and the cool night air hit you. It was refreshing, not so cold as to be uncomfortable.
"Up here." Miles lead the way climbing the ladder first and taking your hand when you reached the top yourself. He pulled you up sharply making you bump against his broad chest. He held you there a moment, hands on your elbows, before stepping back.
"Well, there's your stars." He smiled and you raised your head up.
No earthly sky could compare, not even the old photos of desert skies. Millions of pin prick lights, splashes of blue and purple nebula, another moon and the huge expanse of Polyphemus.
The night here glowed brilliantly. You couldn't help the glee that bubbled through you. You jumped a little, waving your hands trying to disperse the feeling. It was so beautiful, beyond anything you'd expected from your brief glimpse.
You twisted back to Quaritch, suddenly bashful from your display. He was simply smiling back at you from where he'd decided to sit. You joined him, flopping onto your back to better take in the view.
"As promised?" You turned your head to his, stars sparkling in his icy blue eyes. You grinned at him.
"Better!" You shuffled closer pressing your head to his shoulder. You wondered briefly if that'd be okay but he didn't move. You stayed like that for a time, letting him speak. He'd apparently learnt a bit from navigation, important out in the field so he said. He pointed to clusters, constellations changed quickly on a moon planet but certain groups could be spotted and used to navigate.
You told him about your fear of the forest. That you'd known a friend who died their first day out there. That you'd found every excuse to stay inside since. He listened, nodding to himself. You supposed he understood, he'd seen first hand what was out there, though he'd chosen to fight it.
When you began to yawn he suggested you go back. Ever the gentleman it would seem, he took your hand. Helping you up then escorting you back. You protested lightly, that you could return yourself but he wouldn't have it. Taking you right to your room door.
"Well y/n, it's been a pleasure." He raised your knuckles to his lips, leaving a soft kiss. You giggled a little, debating a curtsy when you noticed the time. 1100 and as expected your darling roommate had left the customary warning of her sock on the floor.
Miles caught your sudden change of expression, quirking a brow at the sock you glared at.
"Sorry...uh my roommate... she has company." You fumbled. It wasn't against any rules or anything but it felt like grassing her up to the big boss. He paused a moment before he caught your meaning, barking a laugh at the situation.
"Now wouldn't it be funny if I just..." He trailed off before quickly opening the door. You barely had time to react before you saw a half dressed Prager flail and fall onto the floor. Your roommate was no where in site, likely in the bathroom.
"Private!" Miles half yelled, causing him to scramble to his feet and salute. You couldn't help but laugh at him standing there in his underwear, beet red.
"You have a field mission at 0600, best get some shut eye soldier." Miles voice was light hearted, filled with humor at the situation. Regardless Prager scooped up the rest of his clothes before running off down the hall, babbling out 'yes sirs' and 'sorry sirs'.
You turned to look up at Miles, still giggling. He smiled back down at you before his face relaxed a little. He looked at you more seriously then, before his hand raised to cup your cheek. He was close again, this time you could feel the heat radiating off his skin. He stooped a little, leaning closer to you. You felt his lips brush against yours before...
"Colonel, sir?!" Miles leaned away, hand leaving your cheek, he turned to who ever called. You didn't even need to peak around him to tell, Lyle. What was he doing here now? You were still upset about him leaving you waiting like that, but he'd come to you?
"Ahh, this the date then?" He turned back to you, face tight in a forced smile. You felt your face flush, mind still reeling from the almost kiss.
"uh yeah... Lyle." He jogged into view around Miles now, red faced and out of breath. You looked at the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes incase it got you tearing up again.
"Aww y/n I..." He started, struggling to speak through his panting.
"This is my bad." You turned to Miles as he interrupted. His face and voice giving a casual impression that didn't reach his body language. His muscles were tensed. You could see his fists balled, white knuckled.
"I'm afraid my Corporal here was pretty behind on paper work and I'd insisted it be done by tomorrow. Fair to say I ruined your evening, you have my apologies." He tipped his head before marching off.
You felt you should say something but what? What do you say to your higher up who almost kissed you in front of your date. You turned to Lyle, his breathing more steady now.
"How about a rain check? Happy to show you that spot another night." He smiled sweetly, dimples forming. You remembered why you'd been so taken by him before, he really was a good looking guy.
"Yeah, rain check" You returned his smile, watching as his eyes lit up at the chance for a do over. "but your boss beat you to that date." You added laughing at his shocked expression as you entered your room.
"Wait he what?!" He shouted as you closed the door. Kim had reappeared and was grinning from ear to ear.
"Details. Now." You rolled your eyes playfully as she dragged you to sit on her bed.
The next morning you worked bellow an engine block. Trudy had complained about something leaking and was unwilling to let anyone but you touch her baby.
Your mind was still racing. You wanted to see Miles again but at the same time you still had a date promised to Lyle. It wasn't cheating right? You weren't 'dating' dating? He was just gonna take you out, no reason you couldn't think about someone else. Chances were he was playing the field too, no harm right?
"Knock knock" You heard someone tapping the metal and slid out from under it. Lyle stood above you offering a hand to help you up. He pulled you up and into a quick hug, before pulling back to grin at you.
"What?" you asked, the cheeky look still spread across his face.
"Someone cleared both our schedules for the rest of the day." He somehow smiled wider before scooping you up and spinning with you in the air. You shrieked, laughing as you balanced yourself holding his firm shoulders. He placed you gently back down, giddy smiles shared between you both.
"Must have made a very good impression on the boss. Maybe need to have him run into you more often." He winked slinging an arm over your shoulders. You blushed, he'd really gone and given you both a full day off? Lyle tugged you closer, kissing your temple and leading you out the hanger.
"We're gonna have so much fun!" He beamed. You smiled back, enjoying the feeling of being smushed up against his broad chest.
Unbeknownst to you Miles watched seething from the catwalk above.
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pragerswoman · 20 days
hey i was wondering if you could write headcanons for the recoms for when reader uses her safeword during a particularly graphic and rough scene 🤔
-🖌️glitter gel pen anon
Safe word
Pairing: All recoms
Warnings: smut, (mndi), NSFW
A/n: hope you enjoy thank you so much for the request 😊
Miles Quaritch: Her hands were not idle. They roamed his chest, tracing the scars that were a testament to his battles. Her fingers found the button of his trousers, fumbling in her haste to free his hard erection, thick and demanding. He didn't bother with gentleness, pushing aside Y/N's shorts and underwear, exposing her to his hungry gaze. He slammed into her wet tight hole, burying himself balls deep, feeling her tighten around his cock like a vice. He didn't give her time to adjust before slamming into her, fucking her like a dog in heat. She cummed so many times that a creamy ring formed around the base of miles cock. After hours of miles filling Y/n's little pussy with his cum she screamed her safe word "red," miles halted as soon as he hear it.
Lyle wainfleet: "Just a little more, baby," Lyle panted, his breath hot against Y/n's ear. "I want to feel you come apart in my arms."y/n's eyes rolled back in her head, a silent plea mingling with the ecstasy on her flushed face. Her nails dug into the bedsheets, the fabric tearing with the force of her passion. Lyle hovered above her, his own muscles tight with restraint. He thrust deep, his movements sharp and deliberate, each stroke calculated to push her closer to the precipice without letting her fall. The room was a cocoon of heat, the scent of their desire thick in the air. The only sounds were their ragged breaths and the rhythmic slap of skin on skin.Y/n's eyes fluttered open, her pupils dilated with pleasure. Her voice strained. "I need it."Lyle's own need was palpable, a living entity demanding release. But he clenched his teeth, drawing back slightly, his self-control a steel rod against the tempest of desire. He knew the sweet agony of edging, the delicious dance between pleasure and pain. He'd been pushing her there for hours, her cries and gasps a symphony of need. The heady scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, a potent reminder of the power he held.And then she did it, her voice a crescendo of passion that shattered the quiet intensity. "Blank!" she screamed, the word echoing through the room. It was the safe word they'd agreed upon, a stark reminder that even in this maelstrom of ecstasy, she was in charge.
Recom Mansk: The heady scent of pheromones danced around the figures entangled in the sheets, the only sound the steady rhythm of their breaths and the occasional slap of skin against skin. Mansk, a seasoned warrior with a penchant for the unconventional, found himself lost in the fiery embrace of the elusive y/n, a woman whose beauty was matched only by the intensity of her passion.Her eyes, gleaming with a fierce hunger, bore into his as she straddled him, her wetness coating his thighs. Each thrust was met with a grunt from Mansk, his strong hands gripping her hips, guiding her in a primal dance that spoke of a craving that went beyond simple lust. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, the soft cries of pleasure escaping her lips egging him on. The room was alive with the energy of their union, the mattress squeaking in protest under their fervent movements.Her hands clawed at his chest, leaving red trails of passion across his skin. She leaned forward, her hair cascading around them like a fiery waterfall, and whispered a desperate plea into his ear. "Harder," she breathed, and the word was like a match thrown on gasoline. Mansk's grip tightened, his rhythm becoming more punishing as he gave her exactly what she asked for. The slap of their bodies grew louder, the room echoing with the sound of their shared need.But in the heat of the moment, Mansk's hand slipped, his palm connecting with her flesh with a crack that was almost too much for even her heightened senses to handle. Her eyes watered and she let out a gasp that was half pleasure, half pain.Yet the pain grew, each smack sending a new wave of agony crashing over her. Her body thrummed with it, the line between pleasure and pain blurring until she could no longer tell which was which. Her breaths grew ragged, her grip on Mansk's shoulders tightening until her knuckles were white. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, she whispered, "Sea." The word was a soft exhalation, a mere brush of sound against the cacophony of their lovemaking, but it was enough. Mansk stilled beneath her, his eyes snapping to hers, filled with concern. He knew that word, knew what it meant in the context of their games. Carefully, he eased her off him, his touch suddenly gentle, his body cooling from the heat of their passion.
Recom prager: "Prager, you're a fucking genius!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes glazed over with pleasure as she leaned back on the sofa in his quaint RDA base room. Her legs were spread wide open, giving him full access to her glistening wetness.For hours, Prager had been relentlessly devouring her pussy like it was the last piece of food on a starving planet. His tongue danced around her clit with a precision that would put a seasoned ballerina to shame. Each flick, each suck, each gentle nibble sent waves of ecstasy coursing through her body, making her toes curl and her fingers clench into the fabric of the couch.Y/n's moans grew louder and more frequent as the intensity of her pleasure mounted. She could feel her orgasm building, a volcano threatening to erupt from deep within her core. She bucked her hips, trying to grind herself against his face, desperate for that final push that would send her spiraling over the edge.And then it hit her—a climax so powerful that it felt like a supernova exploding inside her. Her body convulsed, her muscles tightening around his head as she screamed out her safe word, "lemon," at the top of her lungs. He immediately pulled back, his face glistening with her juices, a smug grin playing on his lips as he looked up at her.
Recom lopez: Lopez chuckled, his eyes never leaving hers as he stroked her smooth inner thigh. "I could do this all day," he murmured, his thumb brushing against the damp fabric covering her pussy. The heat from her body was palpable, and he felt his own pulse quicken in response.Her legs fell open with a gentle sigh, revealing the dark patch of her underwear. Lopez leaned in, his breath hot against her skin, and y/n's hips twitched in anticipation. With a devilish smirk, he hooked his finger under the elastic and pulled it aside, exposing her glistening folds.He took his time, exploring her with the pad of his thumb, tracing lazy circles around her clit. He watched her face, the way her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth parted, a silent invocation to the heavens above. His other hand caressed her stomach, the muscles tightening and releasing in time with her breaths.The first orgasm hit her like a sneak attack, a sudden wave of pleasure that made her back arch and her nails dig into the bedsheets. Lopez felt a thrill of satisfaction, his own arousal growing as he watched her come apart for him. He didn't stop, though, continuing his ministrations, eager to feel her climb the peak again.Her breathing grew ragged, her hips moving in rhythm with his touch. Y/n was a maelstrom of sensation, a whirlwind of need that spun faster and tighter with every pass of his thumb. The second time was harder, her muscles clenching around his finger as she whispered his name like a prayer. He felt the tremors in her body, the way she tried to hold back, but the dam had been breached. He pushed a finger inside her, feeling her warmth and wetness envelop him, and Y/n's eyes fly open. Her teeth clenched, and she gasped, her hand reaching down to grip his wrist."Orange," she screamed.Lopez's eyes snapped to hers, the smirk on his face replaced by a look of concern. He immediately ceased his movements, his hand hovering over her. "You okay?" he asked, his voice thick with desire and a hint of worry. Y/n's chest heaved, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "Yeah," she managed to breathe out, her body still quaking from the intensity of her climax. "I just... I needed a second."
Recom ja: "You're so beautiful, y/n," Ja murmured, the air had anticipation as they lay together on the bed, a pattern of shadows playing across their skin.Her heart raced as she felt the head of his massive cock pressing against her tight anus. Ja pushed forward, the tip of his cock stretching her open. Y/n gritted her teeth, her eyes widening as she felt the intense pressure building. His girth was more than she'd ever taken before, and she could feel every inch of him as he slid deeper into her.Ja's self-control wavered as the sensation of her tightness enveloped him, the heat of her body threatening to overwhelm his senses. He'd never felt anything so good. With a groan that echoed through the room, he lost control and began to pound into her, his hips driving his cock in and out with a ferocity that surprised even him.But as the pleasure built to unbearable heights, Y/n's eyes grew wide with pain. Her body tensed, and she let out a blood-curdling scream. "Cake! Cake! Cake!"Ja froze, his cock buried deep inside her, his eyes snapping to hers in alarm. He recognized the safe word immediately, his heart plummeting at the thought that he'd hurt her. He gently pulled out, his eyes never leaving hers.
Recom brown: her eyes squeezed shut, her back arched in ecstasy. She hadn't heard Brown come in. She looked up at him, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson.He took a step closer, his eyes darkening as they scanned the array of sex toys scattered around her. He knew she had them, of course; they had played with them together countless times. But this was different. Brown reached out and took the vibrator from her trembling hand. He turned it off, the sudden silence echoing through the room. He studied it, his expression unreadable.Y/n swallowed hard, her heart racing. She felt a strange mix of embarrassment and arousal. She had been caught in the act, but she also knew that Brown was as kinky. He had a penchant for pushing her boundaries, for making her beg for release. He had done it before, and she had loved it every time.Brown's gaze lingered on the sex toys, his mind racing. Without a word, he took a step closer and slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The sound was sharp, echoing in the quiet room.Y/n gasped, her body jolting at the sudden sting. He slapped her again, harder this time, watching as her lips parted and her breath hitched. Her cheeks were now a brilliant shade of red.Brown dropped the vibrator and reached for the largest dildo on the bed. It was a deep shade of purple and glistened with the remnants of her lube. He didn't bother with asking if she was ready; he knew she was. He slammed it into her, making her cry out. She was wet, so wet that the toy sank in easily, filling her up to the hilt. He began to pump it in and out, his rhythm relentless, his eyes never leaving hers. He watched as she bit her bottom lip, her eyes rolling back in her head.He switched to a smaller vibrator, turning it to the highest setting. He traced it along her clit, teasing her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm before pulling it away. She whimpered, her body writhing with need. He smirked, enjoying the power he had over her. "You're going to come for me," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. "But not yet."Her breath came in ragged gasps, her chest heaving with each thrust of the dildo. Brown watched her reactions closely, reading her body language like a seasoned conductor leading an orchestra.The smaller vibrator danced around her clit, the intense vibrations causing her to buck her hips. He knew she was close, could see it in the way her toes curled and her knuckles turned white as she gripped the bedsheets. But he didn't let up, his movements deliberate and precise, she'd let out a little scream, her body arching off the bed. He watched her with a mix of hunger and satisfaction, "Cum for me, y/n," he ordered, his voice thick with desire. "I want to hear you scream."Her eyes snapped open, meeting his, and she did as she was told. The orgasm ripped through her, a tornado of pleasure that left her trembling and gasping for air. She screamed his name, her back bowing off the bed, her body a tapestry of sensation. The vibrator didn't stop, though, nor did the dildo. Brown was relentless, pushing her past the point of pleasure into a realm of pain and ecstasy that she had never experienced before.But then, something changed. The pleasure morphed into something else—a panic, a fear. Her breath caught in her throat, and she whimpered the safe word that they had agreed upon. "Lost," she whispered, the word barely audible over the buzzing of the toys.Brown's movements stilled immediately, his eyes snapping to hers. The smirk on his face vanished, replaced by concern. Carefully, he removed the dildo and set the vibrator aside. He climbed onto the bed, his hands gentle as they cradled her face. "Y/n, are you okay?"Her eyes searched his, a mix of fear and confusion swirling in the depths of her pupils. "I-I don't know," she managed to say, her voice a tremulous whisper. "It was just too much."
Recom fike: In the dimly lit room, Fike's muscular frame hovered over the small, fiery form of his girlfriend, Y/n. Her eyes, a piercing shade of green, locked onto his, filled with a mix of passion and trepidation. The air had the scent of their desire, the gentle rustling of their bodies the only sound that broke the silence. His hand, calloused from years of manual labor, wrapped around her slender neck with a gentle but firm grip. It was a silent declaration of his love for her, a love that thrived on the edge of pain and pleasure.Their bodies moved in a frenzied dance, a dance that was raw and unrehearsed. Each thrust was a declaration of need, a demand for more. The bed beneath them creaked under the weight of their passion, the worn springs protesting with every collision of their hips. Her nails dug into his back, leaving a trail of fire that only served to fuel his hunger. Her gasps for air grew more desperate, her body arching and writhing beneath his. The choking was a part of their ritual, a twisted symphony of breathlessness that brought them closer to the precipice of climax. The base of his cock, now glistening with a creamy ring of cum, was a stark contrast against the flushed pink of her pussy. It was a sight that could have been plucked straight from the most intense porn scene, but the reality was far more intimate, far more personal. This was their love, their secret, and they reveled in it. The way she looked at him, the way she bit her lip to muffle her cries, it was a silent plea for him to push her further, to show her just how much he craved her.But in that moment, as he felt the beginnings of his own orgasm coil tightly in his balls, he made a mistake. He tightened his grip around her throat, not quite understanding the delicate balance of power that they had established. The gasp that she usually made was replaced by a wheeze, a sound that didn't quite match the symphony of pleasure that usually accompanied their lovemaking. Her eyes grew wide, and for a brief second, he saw fear in them. It was a stark reminder that their kink had boundaries, that there was a fine line between the rush of erotic asphyxiation and actual danger. Her safe word, "chocolate," barely escaped her lips, a desperate little sound that pierced the haze of passion. He immediately released her, his heart pounding in his chest. He had gone too far. The air in the room grew thick with tension, the silence now a stark contrast to the chaos of moments before.
Recom Zhang: Oh, baby, not too tight," y/n panted, her wrists bound to the bedpost with a crimson ribbon that matched the passion in her eyes. Zhang's strong hands adjusted the knot, ensuring it was snug but not painful. Zhang leaned in, his breath hot against her neck as he whispered, "Trust me, it's going to be amazing." He kissed her collarbone, his teeth grazing her sensitive skin. He slid down the bed, his gaze locked on the prize between her legs. The sight of her bare, glistening pussy made his heart race and his cock throb. Zhang's tongue darted out, tracing the delicate line of her pussy. The sweetness of her arousal filled the air, intoxicating him. He licked and kissed her inner thighs, savoring the taste of her skin. He could feel the heat of her desire radiating from her core. Y/n squirmed, her eyes rolling back in her head as she moaned his name. He took his time, teasing her clit with the tip of his tongue, swirling and flicking it with expert precision. He knew her body like a map, every inch of her a treasure to be explored. He felt her legs tense, her breath hitching in her throat. Zhang took a deep breath and plunged his tongue inside her, the warm wetness enveloping him. Y/n's moans grew louder, her hips rising to meet his mouth. He lapped at her, drinking her in, the sound of his own saliva mixing with her juices echoing in the quiet room.Suddenly, he stopped, leaving her trembling on the edge. He stood up, a smug smile playing on his lips as he untied the ribbon from her wrists. Y/n looked at him, confused and desperate for more. He took her by the hips and gently turned her over, positioning her on all fours. Zhang retrieved a length of shiny, black rope from the drawer of the nightstand. He began to tie her wrists behind her back, the rope biting into her skin just enough to remind her of her vulnerability.He didn't keep her waiting long. His cock, thick and hard, pressed against her wet entrance. He pushed in, slow at first, feeling her tighten around him. Y/n gasped, her eyes widening as she took in the sensation of being filled so completely. He watched the rope indent her skin as she struggled against it, her breasts bouncing with every shallow thrust. Her moans grew louder, more desperate, as he began to pound into her with increasing force.The headboard knocked against the wall in a steady rhythm, setting the room alight with the sound of passionate slaps. He was relentless, his hips moving like a piston, driving in and out of her with a primal urgency. He knew she was close, could feel her inner walls fluttering around his cock. He reached around, his hand finding her clit, and began to rub it in time with his thrusts. Y/n's scream was muffled by the pillow she'd bitten into, her body shaking violently as the fifth climax tore through her. Her pussy clamped down on him, pulsing as she rode the waves of pleasure. She could feel her legs giving out, but the rope held her in place, allowing zhang to continue his relentless assault. He groaned, feeling her tighten around him, her orgasm setting off his own.With a groan, he came, filling her with his hot seed. The sensation sent her over the edge once more, her body convulsing in a sixth orgasm. She collapsed onto the bed, her limbs limp and trembling. Zhang withdrew, his cock glistening with their combined juices. He untied the rope, his hands gentle as he massaged the red marks it had left on her skin."Snoop," she finally gasped, the safe word slipping out in a breathless whisper. It was their signal that she had reached her limit, that she needed a break from the intensit. He knew the rules of their games, and he respected them without question.
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avatarrecom · 9 months
Cutesie little things they do for you
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader
Word count: 875
A/N: Just a little something something for @raving-raven-writing's birthday, so here's my (belated) birthday gift to you! I hope you have a lovely birthday next year and I can't wait for your next awesome writings!
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🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch If your shoelaces are loose or undone, he’ll tie them for you. That’s it, that’s the headcanon.
No but seriously, imagine this man crouching down in front of you, putting your foot on his thigh and tying your shoelaces. Or even better, after a long day, he’ll take off your shoes and massage the painful spots 😫🤤
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet He hates it when you’re sad. So if he sees your sad face, he’ll do one of two things. 1: he’ll make the corniest, most horrible jokes to make you laugh. Or 2 (this is his standard go to when you’re crying): he’ll cup your face between his hands and starts kissing your face everywhere. Not a single spot goes unkissed. And he’ll continue kissing your face until you’re laughing, even if it takes all day.
🍬 Recom Z-dog Z-dog has asked you many times to design/draw tattoos for her. Even if you have the artskill of a 3 year old who’s been left alone with several markers and a giant white wall, she’ll get them tattooed. If you have several tattoos, she’ll design one for you too. If you don’t like tattoos because of the needles, she’ll still design one and print (?) them out as those temporary ones. It's her way to make sure that you carry a piece of her with you (and to claim you as hers, but she's not gonna tell you that).
🥽 Recom Walker I headcanon that human Walker was (and still is in her heart) a woman of color. She used to help her mama with braiding at her mama’s shop and knows how to do all kinds of braids. So when she’s bored, she tells you to sit in front of her and she’ll braid the most complicated things in your hair. She has special products to use and everything she might need. You’re her only victim (muse) because you’re the only one with long hair, since she can’t really do anything with Z-dogs short mohawk (she tried, Z-dog looked ridiculous and she made Walker swear to never tell anyone, but Walker has pictures to blackmail Z-dog when needed).
😎 Recom Mansk Mansk always has a spare pair of sunglasses with him. If he sees you squint in the sunlight (Idk if Na’vi eyes work the same as human eyes, but just pretend they do), he’ll magically appear behind you and puts his spare sunglasses on your nose. If they are too big for you, he’ll order and carry a pair of the exact same ones that he has in your size.
🧯 Recom Prager We all know that dying as a human and waking up as a Na’vi is difficult. The memories of your past life, the life that you can never return to, sometimes give you nightmares. When Prager sees that you’re having a nightmare, he’ll run his finger over the bridge of your nose, careful to not wake you up. It’s really soothing and often calms you down. When you’re awake the next day, he’ll be expecting a kiss as a thank you tho.
⚕️ Recom Ja Ja always carries snacks for you (for the others too, but only if they really need it). You can just reach into one of his pockets for a snack anytime you want. He carries all your favorites, if one of the other Recoms is close to fainting and they need something to eat, they get what they get. If they don’t like it, too bad.
🧢 Recom Brown He celebrates everything in your relationship. He celebrates the first time you two met, the first time you two talked, the first time you two kissed, the first time you two hugged, literally everything. He even knows how long you’ve been together to the second. And he has gifts for every celebration. Those gifts are like the little things.
Imagine that there is a mall/store(s) on Pandora (accessible for recoms/Na’vi as well). If he sees you look at something, he’ll secretly buy it for you as a gift for those celebrations. Also, he’s definitely the type to do those trends where the guy buys everything his s/o has in her online shopping cart/wish list.
📿 Recom Lopez I’m pretty sure that we all headcanon that Lopez carries extra medical supplies for Ja. So I think that he carries extra mags and whatever you might need when you’re on a mission. You forgot something? Don’t worry, he knows how you sometimes forget things. You have run out of something? Don’t worry, Lopez has some extra because he knows that you can’t live without it. Sometimes he’ll prank you with it too. Imagine you’re looking for something. You’ve looked in every single one of your pockets, both of your clothes and of your vest, your pack, literally everything. So now you’re just going through everyones stuff. Suddenly Lopez has the exact thing in his hands. He swears it was in your vest the whole time, but you’re 100% sure it wasn't.
⛓️ Recom Fike So we all know that I headcanon that Fike is an anxious boy. When he’s stressed or when you’re stressed (and the situation allows it) he’ll hold your pinkie with his own. It’s not a huge gesture or something sappy (except it totally is), just a reminder that he’s there and that you’re not alone.
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puddle-nerd · 9 months
Use Me
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Summary: The funny thing was that had you been asked an hour ago if you’d ever thought you’d be in this situation, you’d have said no. (Recombinant Lyle/Human Female Reader)
Prompt #6 (Thigh Fucking) for Avatar12DaysofKinkmas2023.
Story Tags: No use of Y/N, Thigh Riding, Female Reader, Interspecies Sex, In Public, Size Difference
Added Update: The lovely artwork I used in my banner (I found it on Pinterest) belongs to @thevanityofthefox 🤍🩵💙💜❤️ Thank you for such wonderful depictions of Lyle
AO3 Link
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Your naked body was situated upon his clothed lap, your hands cupping the back of his bare neck and your lips sealed to his as his tongue danced with yours. His large, blue hands were gripping the curve of your buttocks firmly, moving you leisurely back and forth over his thigh as he wanted, listening to you whimper and moan from the stimulation of rubbing your bare cunt over the rough material of his workout trousers stretched taught over his muscular thigh. Lyle pulled back with a chuckle and then bounced his leg, making you release a whine before you shuddered in pleasure.
The funny thing was that had you been asked an hour ago if you’d ever thought you’d be in this situation, you’d have said no.
You were a human soldier working for the RDA and had been off duty so you’d decided to go to the gym to make sure you didn’t allow yourself to go soft, what with the lower gravity, if you ever got rotated back to Earth (you hoped you didn’t because there really wasn’t anything back there for you). Wearing a tank top over your sports bra and some knee-length leggings in your favorite color, you’d gone for using the human-sized treadmill first to warm yourself up, blasting your music in your headphones to get yourself pumped up.
Across the way, on the more Na’vi/Avatar-sized side of the gym, was one of the recombinants – Lyle… Wainfleet, you thought his name was; like you’d come to know of his routine, he was lifting weights and he was shirtless, letting all those lean blue muscles of his torso and abdominals out on display, shimmering with a light sheen of sweat. Normally, it took a lot more to get you hot and bothered but there was just… something… about this particular recombinant that just did it for more easily than any human man had attracted you ever before. Maybe it was that humorous smirk he always seemed to wear when you saw him and the jokes, he always seemed to rattle off that had you fighting off a smile. Maybe it was seeing all those beautiful stripes, especially all over his scalp leaving his braided neural queue as a striking focal point amongst all that built sapphire muscle or the several tattoos decorating his skin. Either way, you always found your eyes drawing towards him whenever he was around.
And if the sudden current grin adorning his lips was anything to go by, he knew you were staring right now, too.
Until he looked up at you and stuck his tongue out, bracketing it with his index and middle fingers suggestively.
You stumbled upon the treadmill, ducking your face away from him as you cunt clenched in want and quickly spread your feet to stand on the side rails before you made an idiot of yourself and faceplanted on the machine and possibly bloody up your face. You cringed at your slight blunder and decided to try to slink away, turning off the treadmill as quickly as it would let you.
Only to nearly run into a blue wall of muscle.
You quickly took out your earbuds, craning your neck to see Lyle peering down at you with a wide smile. He laughed, “Aw, don’t hide yourself, baby. I like it when you stare at me. Makes me feel all tingly.”
You flushed and shook your head in amusement. “Sure you don’t need a medic for that?” you shot back teasingly, stepping around his body with a full body shiver as you noticed his hip bones peeking out at you from the waist of his trousers. You licked your lips, eyes lifting back up to his golden gaze as you added jokingly, “Might wanna get checked for a rash or oozing or something.” Only to yelp as his tail swatted at your backside in retaliation. “Excuse you, sir.” Lyle groaned, “Yeah, that does it for me, doll. C’mere.” You squeaked as Lyle scooped you up into his arms before he sat on a nearby bench, depositing you onto his lap, your legs straddling his thighs. You bit down on your lower lip and grinned up at him, enjoying the feel of his huge hands settling upon your hips rather possessively.
“Hi,” you murmured.
“Hi, baby,” Lyle replied, wiggling his eyebrows. “So… I don’t know if you realize this but I am really into you. Want to help me break my new in?” You raised your brows at his offer and bit down on your lower lip harder before you replied, “So, uh… I’m interested in this offer but, uh, it’s been a while. Before you fuck me, you’re gonna have to prep and stretch me first before I’ll be able to take something at least twice the size of a human.” He hissed as you palmed the front of his sweat pants, feeling his cock hardening in anticipation. “Think you’re up to the challenge, sir?”
The recombinant smirked, replying enthusiastically, “Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.” Lyle quickly lifted you off his lap like you were nothing more than the weight of a feather – and he was almost twice your size so maybe you were comparable to a feather to his strong muscles – and stripped you eagerly, right there in the middle of the gym before laying you down onto one of the benches and lifting your legs to rest upon one of his shoulders so he could kneel in front of you. Quickly sliding his sweat pants down, he pulled out his hard cock and stroked himself as he took in your naked body with a beaming grin. “God, you’re so fucking hot,” he purred, his tail and ears twitching in building arousal. He quickly bent down and kissed you hungrily, gripping your backside and sliding his cock between your thighs. You reached out and cupped the back of his tattooed neck as your tongue battled his, moaning as he squeezed your ass and thrust his length up against your sopping entrance to increase your excitement. “Fuck, baby. You’re getting so wet for me, ain’t ya?”
You nodded, your breath coming in stuttered gasps as you begged, “Yes. Oh… god… Feels so good. More, please.”
Lyle bit down lightly on your shoulder and moved faster between your squished thighs. “Yeah, baby,” he grunted against your skin. “Keep moving… just like that. Make a mess all over me when you cum.” You shivered and whined, speeding up your movements as the coil in your belly tightened. “That’s it,” Lyle purred, his tail wrapping around your calf, his fingers digging into your ass. “That’s my girl. Cum for me baby. I want you to soak my pants.”
In retaliation, you reached out and tugged on his neural queue when it dropped over his shoulder, making him cry out and grind up against your clit harder, cum splashing over your belly and tits in glowing blue goop. “Fuck, Lyle,” you whined, your slick trickling out of your cunt as you hit your peak, saturating his cock and his clothing.
The recombinant laughed breathlessly.
“Damn, baby, I feel like a virgin again,” he joked.
You met his grin with your own replying, “I mean… technically you kinda are. Wanna go change that?”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 19 December 2023 Word Count: 1,212
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triscribeaucollection · 5 months
Hole in the Wall, Part 1
Lyle never needed to wonder ‘how did it come to this’. He could point back to the exact date and time of day, when the door of his small bar swung open, and all conversation between the handful of patrons died a sudden death.
Kid Flash, either bold as brass or too dumb to notice, walked right inside with his bright yellow costume and little red boots. To make matters worse, he dragged along a second, even smaller kid - though at least the boy with a cape seemed to have the good sense to look rightly alarmed. Most of the guys inside wore regular clothes, but off in one corner, Heatwave and Mirror Master were decked out in full gear, weapons obvious on the table between them, both men just as obviously staring at the two pipsqueaks with baffled suspicion.
Didn’t matter to the Kid, though. He came straight up to the bar’s counter dragging his buddy, and put on exactly the sort of great big grin Lyle’s nieces used when they were trying real hard to politely ask if they could break a rule. “Hi! Can we use your phone real quick?”
Lyle blinked. So did half his patrons. “...the phone.”
“Mmhm!” Kid Flash nodded towards the old landline Lyle kept up on the wall. “Our comms kinda got fried and Flash isn’t around, so-”
“KF,” his little friend hissed, casting a quick glance at the nearest guys, who made no effort to disguise how they were glaring right back.
“What? Dude, it’s fine-”
Getting over his shock, Lyle thumped a hand down onto the bar to draw their attention. “Phone’s only for paying customers.” Saying that, he cast a glare of his own around the room, saw how it immediately made most of the patrons ease back down. 
Kid Flash winced, turning an apologetic expression on his friend. The smaller boy sighed and grumbled something under his breath, but nonetheless pulled a crisp twenty dollar bill from one of his belt’s little pouches. “Do you have any soda?”
Lyle grabbed them a couple of root beers.
“Thanks. Keep the change.”
And with that, the boys became patrons themselves, and thankfully everybody else inside the bar understood Lyle’s biggest, firmest, ‘broken under no circumstances’ rule: no picking fights with other customers. Now, if someone came in to cause a scene, they either ignored Lyle or he flat refused to serve them, which lit the green light for the rest of the room to ‘escort’ the troublemaker to the door. But once money and drinks changed hands, that was that, everybody enjoyed their beverages in peace Or Else.
In the back corner, Mirror Master and Heatwave scooted their weaponry out of sight, but otherwise went back to sipping and swapping complaints like nothing happened. And slowly, the rest of the bar followed suit.
Kid Flash chugged down his root beer in five seconds flat, before letting out a belch that wasn’t half bad for a middle schooler. “Okay! Can I please use the phone now?”
Lyle tipped one shoulder up in a shrug. He stayed put as the Kid came around the far end of the counter, one eye on the smaller boy still fiddling with his own bottle. “Don’t have bars like this where you’re from, huh?”
“Oh, sure. But I’d get shot full of holes in ten seconds if I tried walking into one,” boy replied flatly. “Or grabbed and tossed into a box until Batman showed up.”
That gave Lyle pause. “You’re the Bat’s kid?”
The child who couldn’t have been more than ten, maybe twelve years old at a stretch, lifted one hand to wiggle his fingers in a wave. “Yep. Robin, nice to meet you.”
What the actual hell.
Following that new train of thought got derailed, though, as Kid Flash’s phone call went through. “Hey, it’s me! Look, I know you guys thought me and D- uh, Robin- were just gonna go do some normal stuff, but we kinda interrupted a bank robbery-” Ah, that was the job Miggen was talking about the day before, “-and we’re fine! But there might have been an EMP emitter around that went off, and our comms kinda aren’t working, and since I can’t carry Rob back and he doesn’t want us to just take a bus in our costumes-”
By this point Robin had dropped his head onto the counter, both hands still gripping his bottle of root beer. Age him up a bit and swap the drink for a beer, Lyle thought he’d fit right in with the usual I’m surrounded by idiots patrons who came in to groan about friends and co-workers at the end of a long week.
“-no, we left the backpack with our regular clothes on the other side of the bridge,” Kid Flash went on. “Well, yeah, I could, but- look, Rob is from Gotham, if I left him alone for ten minutes there’s no telling what would be on fire when I came back.”
Lyle almost snickered at the insulted expression on Robin’s face when he picked his head back up. A couple of other patrons also listening in did snicker, which just made the boy’s expression twist up even further.
“...where are we? Uh. So- do you, uh, remember that place Flash mentioned? The hole in the wall bar all the Rogues like to hang out at...?” Kid Flash abruptly pulled the phone away from his ear, wincing, and even from three steps away Lyle could hear a very loud voice on the other end.
“You are so dead,” Robin remarked.
“Shut up,” the Kid hissed back, before returning to his call. “I know, I know, but Rob bought us root beers and customers aren’t allowed to fight so it’s fine, we just- oh no. No, wait, you don’t need to-!” Lyle raised an eyebrow at the boy’s sudden panic. And understood it perfectly a moment later, when Kid Flash slumped in place and said in a very small voice, “Uh, hi Mom.”
Several more patrons in the bar snickered, or choked on their drinks, or otherwise looked like Christmas just came early. Robin’s head dropped back down onto the countertop.
“No. Yeah. Yes- I know that, but- yes, ma’am.” From what little of it Lyle could see, the Kid’s face appeared to be turning an even brighter shade of red than the color of his boots. “But I did do my homework!”
In the corner, Heatwave let out a startled bark of laughter, and Mirror Master went ahead and turned in his seat in order to watch the scene with a wide grin.
“That’s not due until next week!” Kid Flash continued to protest. “And it was on my desk, how did- you didn’t need to do that, I would have brought dishes down tonight!” The next pause dragged on, until the boy abruptly burst out, “Three WEEKS?!”
“I should’ve gone to bother Speedy instead,” Robin mumbled into the counter.
When I need a break from Inflicting Awful Things on my favorite boys in other fan fic stories, I of course turn around to instead Inflict Awful Things, Humor and Embarrassment Edition xD
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zephyrine-gale · 1 year
hi! i took a long break from tumblr and im back and i still love your art sm and the colors aaaa goals! im glad someone else out there has honkai brainrot (affectionate) like i do, mihoyo continues to supply us with the gay people and every time im like look! theyre like me but cooler! god when will they drop apho3 im begging but them dropping oaths in the concert was legendary + hi3 seele and hsr seele my beloved <3 dsjghd anyway i hope youre doing well!
thank you so much!! I hope you're doing well too, im always having honkai brain rot, seele's arc has been so good i love her sm
cant wait for apho3 i need to see my boys again they mean everything to me (and lyle's concept art!!! art book 2 pls deliver... I'll draw u as many lyles as u want mihoyo)
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recom!Lyle Wainfleet x Recom!Reader
Summary: Lyle was thankful for only one thing in his life, you. Warnings: Soft smut, Language Word count: 600 words
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @eywas-heir @reneehillary69 @cavvedinn @itsyoboysparkel @doggodorime @dumb-fawkin-bitch @pandoragalora @thecrazyswamp @the-black-pines @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @netherklutz @luciddasher @avtprint @theesexystallion
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Lyle wasn’t a soft man. He was a marine, build with hard muscle, he’s taken more lives he could count and he’s had to build up walls to stable himself.
But she, she made his insides melt and stomach fill with butterflies. His heart always palpitated at the thought of her and his tail would flick happily, pupils obviously dilating.
He thought about the time that they first met and thought about how lucky he was to have a girl like her, how lucky he was to have met her and found the courage to ask her out. Now she was his, and he was hers.
“What are you thinking about? Hm?” ___ whispered from in his arms, feet shuffling under the duvet and hand crawling up his bare chest, feeling his calm beating heart.
“You” he looked down at her, the morning light reflecting off of her blue skin and yellow eyes shining a bright amber. Her tail swished and he saw the covers jump a bit, grinning at her as she rolled her eyes.
“That’s so cheesy” she giggled, feeling one of his hands run up and down her bare back, drawing circles with the tips of his fingers.
Lyle huffed air out of his nose and bent down so the flat bridge connected with hers “only for you”. He used his other hand to cup her face and press their lips together, it was slow, sensual and filled with so much love and affection.
They eventually pulled apart to breath shallow breaths, smiles bright and rivalling the Pandoran’s sun. ___’s eyes hooded slightly and she sat up, pulling herself on top of her lover, straddling him. He took in her naked body and his breath hitched at her beauty.
His hands hovered over her sides until ___ placed them upon her full, naked breasts. Her head tilted at his mesmerised expression as she bent down on him, capturing their lips together once more. The kiss this time was deeper, tongues interlinked and quiet moans echoed through the room.
Lyle squeezed her breasts and rubbed the peaked nipples, sitting up himself and taking one into his mouth, swirling his hot tongue around the nub and sucking slightly. ___ whimpered and wrapped her arms around his neck, softly grinding herself on his lap.
The man was stiff, hard as a rock. He was prepared to take her, he wanted to push her onto her back and slip his cock into her with fever. But he’ll take his time, he has all day to do what he wants with her.
“Lyle!” she squealed as he bit down and sucked the tit back, popping it out of his mouth and looking up at her with admiration. ___ kissed his head and rubbed her cheek against it, smelling herself on him. Soft purrs were heard from both recoms chests as they scented each other, something so primal and so intimate halting the process of their mating.
“I love you.. you know that right sweetheart?” the marine said in a whisper, blown pupils looking into her own.
“Of course I know. I love you too” she cupped his face with both hands, grinding down again on him. He groaned and pushed her hips down slightly, feeling her wetness coating him.
“I’d do anything for you ___. Fucking anything”
“Anything?” she felt his erratic heartbeat under her hand and felt her ears go against her head in pleasure, his hands pushing her down again to feel her heat more.
“Yes. Shit. Anything” Lyle panted out, bucking his hips up a little.
“Then I need you to fuck me”
“Yes ma’am”
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naavispider · 8 months
What would Spider's life have been like if Lyle had been given custody of him after Quaritch was locked up in the Cat in the Cradle ?
That's a super interesting thought, and it probably deserves its own oneshot. If Lyle had raised Spider since he was a kid, things would have been a lot different. First and foremost, Spider would have grown up believing his father was innocent. He probably would write to Quaritch and visit him often in prison (unless the judge forbade it). If he wasn't allowed any contact with his father still then I'm sure Lyle would have done a great job explaining what really happened to his dad, and Spider miss him a lot, counting down the days till he got out.
I reckon Lyle wouldn't raise Spider alone. He'd have to prove he had the means (both financially and emotionally), and I think he'd draw on RDA resources quite heavily. His best friend Z-dog would help out a lot and I really like the idea of those two co-parenting despite the fact neither is interested in the other romantically. Z-dog is a strong lesbian and Lyle (after getting custody of Spider) wouldn't be interested in chasing his own romances anymore.
Lyle would be a good uncle to Spider. I can see him sending Spider to a good private boarding school when he gets older, which Spider enjoys. When he was younger Lyle would struggle at first but eventually prove to Spider that he can give the kid what he needs. He's goofy and sympathetic, but he knows when to rein it in to be there emotionally for Spider. (On another note, I think he'd still be called Spider as a result of Lyle's jokey personality).
Quaritch would make sure that all of his funds were transferred to Lyle so that Spider never yearned for anything. They'd probably live in a semi-modest house, and Lyle would be too soft on Spider on the rare occasions Spider missed chores. Spider wouldn't get in trouble too much because he develops a close relationship with his uncle, borne out of mutual respect. If Spider ever stayed out too late though, Lyle would be super overprotective (maybe more so than Quaritch would have been) because he knows it's not his child he's looking out for. He'd be terrified to do anything wrong and so if Spider caused him to worry then Lyle would not take it well. That being said, Lyle is also Spider's biggest defender whenever the kid does something stupid at school (which is not often). He'd also play the whole 'kid misses his dad' angle at the principle and then later he and Spider would smirk at each other as they made their way out to the car.
Overall, Spider would be well rounded, respectful and happy. Lyle would be content with his life (he'd probably have given up the RDA) and not be able to imagine life if he hadn't been the one to raise Spider. Whether Spider was allowed to talk to his dad in prison or not, Lyle would keep Quaritch well informed and show him pictures of how Spider is getting on etc.
This was super interesting to think about because I'd never really considered it properly before. This is just one AU though but I'm sure there could be more angsty alternatives. I'm surprised there aren't really any fics that depict Lyle raising Spider because I'd love to read one!
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Hey there 🤗 Could you write something about recom Lyle trying to swoon a human reader? She is hesitant about him because their physical differences but he wins her over eventually with the help of some grand romantic gestures (in my head I imagine Lyle as some type of casanova who is a charmer with the ladies hahah)
Yes Captain!
Recom lyle x human female reader!
I imagine Lyle as pretty clever after reading a post about his IQ and deleted scenes of him analyzing an attack. Man would so catch on quickly.
Not sure if i've come up with anything that grand but he's certainly a charmer ;3
There were many downsides to coming back a na'vi. His clean shave now had a long braided rat tail; he frequently bashed his head on door frames, his body worked light a night light but worst of all his game had suffered.
You caught his eye day one. Sweet little pilot jogging over to the general. He'd been unable to take his eyes off you as you struggled to zip up your jumpsuit. When you'd started actually talking with him he was done for. You were perfect, everything he'd ever wanted.
He joked with you as you flew them on a mission to secure an outpost. Putting out his hand to help you up onto the craft. You'd taken it laughing as he bowed. Your soft hand feeling so small in his own. He'd been delighted when he made you laugh, despite the angry looks from Mansk he got for 'distracting' you. The sound was like music to his ears and he swore he'd be the cause of it forever.
The whole day you'd been with them he was certain he was catching the same vibe off of you. You blushed at his compliments, were always by his side and even seemed to be flirting back at times. You'd even not so subtly squeezed his bicep whist using him to get up.
So when he'd found you on the way to the mess hall, slung an arm over your shoulder and asked you out, he'd been surprised at your rejection. He spent that meal sulking while you sat over with other humans. Still he wasn't the type to give up easily. Just needed a little convincing that he was a great guy right? He could do that.
Emboldened he continued his courtship in earnest. You'd headed out with them to search the perimeter. Quaritch had found out something was knocking the cameras down and they were out with the team reinstalling. This gave him ample time to show off, especially when the team split up and you were alone together.
You reached the first felled camera, grabbing the broken thing and dumping it in your pack. You took the replacement out before eyeing the fence. Before you could even think to climb up, Lyle swooped in.
You let out a squeal when he hoisted you up onto on shoulder. You wobbled but his hands on your hips steadied you.
"High enough?" Lyle laughed at your flushed expression. You nodded swiftly, turning your attention to the camera. Lyle preened at your reaction, watching the blush spread up to your ears. He couldn't say he wasn't enjoying this too, the feel of your hips under his fingers was electric. He gave them a subtle squeeze as he plopped you back down.
"Uh yeah...um... next one." You stormed ahead quickly.
At the next sight the camera was intact. You stopped to make note while Lyle watched your back. Nestled in the tree there were bright red flowers were growing. They were dainty things, elegant thin petals that curled around the ends, with a shining black center. An idea sparked and he picked one gently.
"104 is looking fine we should move onto..." You paused, frozen as Lyle slipped the flower behind your ear.
"'Bout as pretty as you, no?" He grinned watching your colour rise to match the floral decoration.
It was that exact moment the thanator growled. In an instant you were both drawing guns, firing desperately at the pouncing monster. Lyle's faster reflexes kicked in and he grabbed your waist pulling you down as the creature crashed into the fence behind you.
He scooped you up under his arm before sprinting off into the forest. The bullets had bounced right off that thing, best bet was to loose it and double back to the base.
Lyle leapt over fallen logs and rocks, gripping you under one arm and his gun in the other. The beasts heavy footfall bounded behind him, crashing through obstacles.
The thought came to him as he barreled past the flora. The cameras that had been knocked down were red. Their casing was a vibrant plastic with the lens a black glass center. He glanced down at the flower still tangled in your hair before grabbing it. He looked back at the beast, holding it aloft before tossing it behind him.
He immediately slid down and darted behind a tree as he heard the thundering approach stop. Sat tucked against the twisted roots he kept you pulled tight against his chest. Feeling your rapid heart beat against his arm.
He risked a peak watching the thanator rear up before its front paws slammed down on the flower. It sniffed the remains before tugging dirt across to bury the thing. He stayed still, plastered to the trunk as it's head moved. The nostrils flared before it turned thundering back towards the fence.
Lyle let out a breath looking down at you with a strained laugh. Your tiny frame crushed against his broad chest. He could barely make out your face behind the fogged up mask but he heard you laugh too. Your small hands were still gripping his arms. You noticed too pulling them away suddenly before clearing your throat.
Hesitantly Lyle loosened his grip allowing you to stand up out of his lap. He felt that pang of rejection again, grumbling at the loss of your heat.
"We should circle back, try give the thanator a wide berth right?" Your mask had cleared, leaving your face visible again. Lyle could see the remnants of blush on your cheeks. He agreed leading the way back, though the fading light concerned him.
His thoughts dwelled on you as he walked. He couldn't figure out what your problem was. You liked him, he was sure. He wasn't an idiot, he'd had plenty of experience to know when someone returned your feelings. So what was holding you back.
A roll of thunder snapped him back. In a moment the sky opened up and the heaviest rain he'd ever experienced began. You shrieked beside him, moving closer into his form for shelter. Lyle hunched forward blocking the worst of it from hitting your head.
His head swiveled, spotting a larger tree off in the distance. He nudged your shoulder, pointing it out and you both ran over. It was hard to match speed with your gate so much shorter than his own. In the end he decided to just scoop you up and run fully. You gripped around his neck as he held you into his chest.
He was right, the larger tree had an internal structure that left room for himself and you to crawl in. Like a tiny 'home tree' he thought, though his mind switched back as he felt your warm hand on his peck. You didn't meet his eyes but he caught your meaning and placed you down.
In the tight space he had to sit to even fit, with you stuck in between his legs. There was enough room for you both to sit with a back to opposite walls but even your shorter legs couldn't straighten. It left you both very close and very wet.
Lyle watched your eyes drag across his chest, feeling a pride swell up in him. Oh you liked what you were seeing, even if you wouldn't admit it. Lyle felt a little mean, pulling at his soaked vest before tugging it up over his head. He caught you swallowing hard before your eyes darted to the floor.
With you distracted he took the opportunity to admire the way your clothes clung to you. Perfectly hugging the swell of your breast, even allowing him to see the perk of nipple pocking though. He followed a bead of water that ran down your chest wishing he would follow that trail himself.
He was beyond frustrated by you. You would fit so perfectly in his arms so what was holding you back. Then it clicked. He stared down to his long legs, bent to cram into the space, then past them to your tiny frame.
He wondered what he could do, what he could say to assure you it wouldn't be a problem. He was sure it wouldn't be, he was patient, he could take it slow with you. Just out right saying that was sure to put you off though.
Your body suddenly shook, a violent shiver running though you. You hugged your arms in, rubbing them with your hands. Lyle hadn't felt the chill, something in his new form keeping him warmer.
"Come here you're freezing." He smiled opening his arms to you. You paused, eyeing his chest before your teeth started chattering. You were being silly, you were gonna get sick if you kept it up. Lyle thought to just pull you to him but he didn't have to, you shifted over. You turned your back to him, scooting inbetween his legs.
Lyle shifted, lifting you up onto his thigh to sit and wrapping his arms around you. You froze going bright red again and staring at the floor.
"Thanks!" You squeaked out.
The two of you sat like that as the storm raged on outside. You eased into him, relaxing into his hold. Lyle absent-mindedly rubbing your back and legs as he listened to the rain outside. It was only when his hand raised higher he began noticing your reaction.
You stiffened again, pressing your legs together tightly, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. Lyle smirked, running that hand up over your hip and to the swell of your breast. He tucked his face down into your neck, placing a gently kiss to your throat.
He felt your breath hitch, shaky hand coming up to touch his own. You didn't pull him away however, just placed your own hand atop his on your chest. He continued kissing up your neck, nuzzling behind your ear.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked feeling your hand grip his own.
"No." You spoke clearly, voice tinged with the desire Lyle was feeling himself.
"Good." He continued bring his hand up to turn your face to his. Your hand followed pulling your mask off a moment. Lyle took the opportunity to kiss you. It was needy, a desperate heated moment before you had to break away to replace the mask.
Lyle wanted more but he'd have to wait, plenty of time for that in an environment where you could breath. For now he refocused on your neck tugging your wet shirt lower. He followed down, hoisting you up under your arm pits to get better access.
You pulled away a moment, Lyle certain then you'd changed your mind. Instead you removed the shirt, looking back as his pupils blew out. His lustful gaze trained on you before he dove back into open mouthed kisses.
He felt your hands all over him. Rubbing his skin, kneading into his shoulders, down his arms, across his chest. He felt your fingers tracing round his boxers hem as he nipped your breast.
He sucked the skin, desperate to leave as many love bites littered across you as he could get away with. The stiffened, groaning as he felt your hand reach down, brushing the length of him. He paused his own exploration as your hand wrapped around him giving an experimental tug.
He moaned at your touch, looking back to your heated expression. Your eyes were widened and your mouth had formed a little 'o'. He laughed a little, drawing your gaze to his own.
"Think you'll manage?" He only half joked.
"I can make this work."
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lostboysmate4ever · 2 years
Secret Love in War
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Pairing: ?? x Female!Reader
Summary: This takes place during Avatar 1. Y/n is the sister of Jake Sully and she joined the RDA after Jake. Y/n is working on Pandora with a secret
Warnings: Pregnancy, puking, violence, age gap, love triangle(?), secrets, secret lovers, war, death, future smut, fighting, lots of swearing, can be dark
Y/n was on her knees and a heave came out of her. She was in the bathroom hovering over the toliet as she let her food out into the toliet.
Her stomach was burning like acid. Y/n Sully was just laying in bed trying to sleep before she had to get up for work.
Y/n works at the RDA. She works on aircrafts and anything with machines she fixes.The RDA came after her on Earth asking her to join so she did.
The only reason why she said yes was to get off Earth and to see her brother again who disappeared.
Y/n found out Jake went to Pandora after her brother Tom’s death. She was working under Colonel Quaritch. 
Y/n always comes in the army bay whenever the colonel’s AMP suit breaks and help fix it.
As y/n was laying in bed sleeping, suddenly she woke up in a sweat. Her stomach clench and flipped causing her to kick her blanket off.
She rushed into the bathroom. Y/n puked up everything she ate hours ago as tears came down her cheeks.
After a minute she stopped until food came back up. Y/n has been in the bathroom for a while now. She was too busy heaving to hear a door knock on her door.
It was her best friend, Lyle Wainfleet. Lyle was a corporal who worked for the RDA and was a SecOps.
It was his and the others SecOps job to keep the civilian personnel safe from the dangers of Pandora. They were the big guns that help protect everyone.
Lyle also serves as Trudy Chacon’s door gunner. Y/n met Lyle in Hell’s gate when she first came to Pandora.
He was her first friend. Y/n liked Lyle because how funny and silly he was. That draw her to him and they got close. Lyle knocked on the door waiting patiently for y/n. He came to get her for breakfast but there was no response.
That worried Lyle “y/n? Are you there?” He asked through the door knocking on the door again.
Again no response.. 
He typed into the keypad next to the door of y/n’s room. Y/n told him the code just in case she was still asleep or in case of emergencies.
The door opened and Lyle walked in. “Y/n?” He asked looking around for her to see her bed was empty and blanket was messed up.
That’s when he heard it. He heard puking from the bathroom. Lyle walked to her bathroom door and knocked on it "y/n? Little gal are you okay?" he asked.
Y/n spit into the toliet to speak and lift her head up "come in" she said before her body let out another heave.
She turned back to the toliet and puked into it. Lyle walked into the bathroom to see her hunched down over the toliet.
Y/n had crazy hair that was in a braid that rested on her back. She was still in her sleep clothes which was men sporty shorts that came to her upper knee, a huge grey short sleeve shirt and a grey hoodie over it.
Lyle crouched next to the puking female "n/n what's wrong?" he cooed, pushing her hair back. 
Y/n grabbed some toliet paper and wiped her mouth after finally her stomach settled down . She threw it into the toliet and flushed the toliet.
She rested her elbow on the lid and her hand was on her warm forehead. "I-I don't know. My stomach is burning" she groans.
Y/n shakily got up from the ground. Lyle helped her up. "My stomach feels much better after vomiting" she said.
He laughed "maybe it was just something you ate. Come on, get ready before we both are late girly" he told her.
Y/n nodded "alright! But you need to go. Shoo!" she said. Lyle laughed walking out of the bathroom.
She walked out to grabbed her clothes and rushed back into the bathroom to change into her work clothes which consist of army pants, a blue short sleeve shirt and an army jacket with combat boots.
Y/n rebraided her hair and put hair gel to keep the baby hairs from sticking out. She walked out of the bathroom to see Lyle sitting on her bed messing with her stuff. "Ly! Get out of stuff. Let’s go" she slapped his hands.
"Mean!" he whined. Lyle followed after y/n as she walked out the door. "Shit.. Missed breakfast" she cursed.
"Good thing I ate before coming to your room" Lyle smirked. Y/n flipped him off "piss off asshole" she said causing him to laugh.
Lyle went off somewhere as y/n grabbed some breakfast. She had to beg the counter attendant behind the counter to give her some leftovers.
The person gave her a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and a biscuit. Y/n walked as she ate which was a normal thing for her since she always seem to be late for breakfast.
She was not a morning person at all who likes to sleep in. Y/n ate as fast as she can without upsetting her stomach again. "Yo! Sully. There's a meeting we need to be at in a few minutes" Fike told her.
Y/n cursed "thanks Fike" she slapped his shoulder "welcome! Don't be late. Colonel wants everyone on time" he told her.
Y/n sighed rubbing her face. She threw her plate away and walked to the meeting area. As soon as she walked into the room, she looked around looking for Wainfleet.
A whistle caught her attention. Lyle was standing up waving for her. Y/n smiled and walked over to him.
She caught the attention of the colonel who was standing in the middle of the room. He smirked at her staring her up and down. Y/n gave him a glance giving a small smile before looking away.
Y/n walked to the first row and sat down next to Lyle and Fike. The whole room was full of chattering.
Y/n was talking with Lyle and the others waiting for everyone to arrive. She grabbed Lyle's hat off of his head "hey!" he yelled.
They both started goofing off which everyone was used to. As y/n and Lyle fought over the hat, y/n felt eyes watching her.
She ignored them and placed Lyle's hat on her head shielding her eyes from the bright light. Y/n sat back as Fike and Lyle pushed each other.
"Hey!" y/n yelled when Lyle took his hat back. "Why do you even wear a hat? To cover up your bald ass" she joked.
Fike bursted out laughing and Zdinarsk let out a laugh. Lyle placed his hand on his chest in fake hurt "that hurts" he said.
Y/n laughed when the lights turned off. It was meeting time. Y/n got serious and sat up in her seat. The Colonel started talking about his plan about the Navi’s and how they were going to get their resources.
As y/n looks at Quaritch listening to him talking, she started feeling naseous again. Oh god.. Not now
Y/n started taking deep breaths trying to prevent herself from puking again. She tapped on Lyle's big arm "can I get a bottle of water Ly" she whispered into his ear.
Lyle nodded. He got up from his seat. Y/n noticed Quaritch looking at her. She gave him a 'I'm sorry' smile. He gave a small smile for a second hiding it from the others and continued talking.
Lyle returned giving her a water bottle "thank you" she said giving a small sip. Lyle looked at her face.
He glanced at the colonel and back at y/n. He discreetly started whispering to y/n to make sure to not get in trouble for talking.
"Hey. You're looking awfully pale. Are you feeling alright?" he asked. Y/n glanced at him and then looked back at the colonel. "I'm feeling naseous. I'm trying to get through this without getting sick" she whispered.
Lyle looked at her worried. "I'm fine" she mouthed turning her attention back to the colonel. I must get through this without puking. Wait until the meeting is over please she begged her stomach
Continuing taking deep breaths and trying to pay attention to the colonel talking. The meeting was over after almost five minutes. The colonel dismissed everyone. His team and y/n stayed behind.
Y/n slowly stood up slightly shaking. Her stomach flipped and panic hit her. Colonel was talking with Fike and Lyle.
No one was paying attention to y/n not noticing her desperate state. Food started to come up and she couldn't stop it.
Y/n covered her mouth and rushed to the garbage can. She heaved into the garbage not noticing everyone's attention was on her.
"Holy shit are you pregnant?!" Z-dog exclaimed. Lyle rushed to his best friend, he rubbed her back and was making sure she doesn't puke on her hair.
"I'm sorry.. I couldn't hold it anymore" she cried. "Hey it's okay. Don't be sorry. There's no way your working today. Lets get you back to your room so you can rest" Lyle told her.
She nodded lifting herself from the garbage can. Lyle wrapped his arm around her middle and rushed to get her out of there.
Y/n held onto Lyle forcing her shaky legs to walk. She missed Quaritch's look of shock. He watched as she walked out of there.
(Time skip)
Y/n was sleeping in her bed wearing a tank top and panties since it was hot in her room. She woke up to a knock on the door.
She groaned and cursed whoever woke her up "coming!" she yelled. Y/n got up from her bed and grabbed some shorts from the floor.
She put the shorts on and opened the door to reveal her brother "Jakey! Come in" she told her brother.
Jake smiled at her and wheeled into her room. Y/n flopped onto her stomach on her bed "what's up?" she asked.
Jake looked nervous "there's rumors about you going through the whole building" he started. "That's just great. What are people saying now?" she rolled her eyes.
It was normal for everyone to gossip and start silly rumors. The last time crew members started a rumor about her was when they said she and Lyle was dating because how close they were.
"People are saying you're pregnant and that Wainfleet is the father" Jake said. Y/n choked on air and coughed "what?" she rasped out.
"Y/n, they keep talking about how you puked after the meeting this morning" he said. "Jake I'm not preg-" she started and then she started thinking back of her last period.
Y/n sat up looking wide eyed "I can't be.." she mumbled to herself. Jake looked embarrassed "Sis when was your last... Um menstruation cycle?" he cringed.
Y/n rolled her eyes "Jake my periods are irregular. One time I didn't have a period for three months before I got it again" she said.
Jake placed a hand on her arm "have you been.. active?" he grimanced. "Jake! I'm not telling you that! You're my brother" she blushed.
Jake laughed "come on n/n. I'm trying to help" he told her. Y/n thought about last week. "Shit.." she mumbled.
Y/n has been active lately but she's been safe. The panic on her face told her brother what he needed to know "n/n you need to go to the Infirmary to find out if you are pregnant" he lightly said.
Y/n got up from the bed and started pacing. "I can't be.. It's got to be a bug" she tried to convince herself.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Jake asked looking worried for his sister. Y/n turned to him "no, no I couldn't ask you that Jakey. I don't want to interrupt your avatar time. I'll ask Lyle to come with me. Go and get into your avatar" she told him.
That made Jake suspious "y/n be honest. Are you and Wainfleet together?" he asked her. Y/n glared at him "Jake we aren't dating. We are just best friends. And before you ask no I'm not sleeping with him either" she said.
"Then who-" he started until he saw the glare y/n was giving. "Nevermind just get checked out" Jake told her.
She nodded. Jake and y/n walked to the door. Jake wheeled out of her room and turned to her "keep me updated sis. If your done with your checkup before I'm done with work then come visit the lab okay?" he asked.
Y/n nodded "okay I'll do that. Just be careful" she told him. Jake smiled and hugged her. Y/n crouched down and tightly hug Jake.
Jake felt her fast heart beat and shaking body "you're going to be fine sis" he comforted her. "Thanks bro. Now get out of here before Grace kicks your ass" she told him.
Jake laughed and wheeled away.  Y/n sat on the bed looking at the floor. She grabbed her communication device (I don't know if they have phones on Pandora)
She sent a message to Lyle asking him to come to the Infirmary with her. It was lunchtime so Lyle shouldn't be working with his duties.
Y/n laid on her bed waiting for his answer. She was trying to calm herself down. Her device vibrated and she grabbed it. Her hand slightly shaking
Lyle: Why do you need to go to the Infirmary? What's wrong??
Y/n: Just come to my room and I'll explain
Y/n placed her device down and got up from the bed. She placed her boots back on and got dressed trying to distract herself as she waited for Lyle. As she placed her jacket on, someone knocked on the door "Oorah!" a voice yelled.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I can't with you Ly" she said walking to the door. A loud laugh came from behind the door.
She opened the door "so what's going on with you lil bit?" he asked walking into her room. "Jake informed me of some.. rumors" she started.
Lyle chuckled "oh yeah I heard. People are saying I got you pregnant" he said. Y/n fidget as Lyle looked at pictures of Jake and her that was on the wall.
"Lyle my brother made me think about it and.. I may be pregnant" she said causing Lyle's head snap to her.
"Please can you come with me? I'm too scared to go alone" she mumbled all the sudden looking like a scared little girl like how she was on her first day on Pandora.
Fear was hitting her. She wasn't ready to be a mother. Lyle looked sad to see how scared and upset she was.
He didn't like when she was sad. "Okay I'll go with you lil bit" he told her placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Thank you Ly" she said.
"Come on lets get going" Lyle told her. She nodded grabbing her dogtags, putting them on. They walked out of her room towards the Infirmary.
As they were walking in the halls towards the doctors area, someone knocked on y/n's room door "y/n are you there?"
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outstandingblue · 2 years
Promises to Keep
Nine - Soft Spot and Watching Eyes
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| Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen |
Jiniraa starts sharing her world with the Recoms and Miles keeps finding his eyes drawn to her.
cross-posted on ao3 here content warning: none wc: 6.2k (and i thought last chapter was long)
“You want us to do what?”
“Put down your weapons and sit on the ground,” Jiniraa replied to Ja, “I’m really not asking for much.”
“What so we can braid each other’s hair and gossip about our crushes at school?” Lyle snickered back, elbowing Prager to have him join the joke.
“You want that?” Mansk mumbled under his breath. Jiniraa made it a point to ignore all of their snide comments. 
Miles was apprehensive about the method of instruction Jiniraa chose to teach the Recoms the Na’vi way through. They were used to training beyond exhaustion, pushing the body and mind to its absolute limits. They were not used to sitting around in a kumbaya circle.
Jiniraa crossed her arms, “I learned your way with your methods, now you will learn mine. Sit down. Now.”
Her tone was becoming increasingly more hostile, annoyed at the defiance she was facing. The group seemed to notice. 
Lyle was the first to respond, holding his hands in the air in mock surrender, “alright, alright princess. No need to yell.”
Jiniraa’s ears flattened as she bared her teeth, “don’t call me princess. Just sit your asses down.”
The Recoms looked around, silently asking each other if they actually were going through with this. Were they actually going to surrender the weapons? Lay them down on the ground as they sat around, unprotected, in the most hostile place they’d ever been? The place they died fifteen years prior? Hell no. 
They had navigated further into the forest, away from the clearing they were dropped off in. The noise of the chopper would’ve signaled to any hostiles in the region of their exact location. If the Omaticaya - or other Na’vi - had any scouts in the area, they would be drawn right to the clearing. For the sake of the team, they pushed deeper into the forest.
Every time there was the slightest noise, the Recoms would freeze and draw their guns. As for Spider and Jiniraa, they were back in their element, almost smiling at every little breaking branch or brush of wind.
Lyle had been calling Jiniraa a “god-damned tree-hugger” in his head the entire trek, growling every time he got hit in the head with a vine he should’ve cut down with ease. Five minutes into their move, Jiniraa scolded both him and Prager from using their machetes on the thick undergrowth. He tried to fight back, but the Colonel shot him a deadly look. He was supposed to listen to Jiniraa. The insects were starting to get to him as well; they didn’t bother anyone else, only Lyle. Z-Dog said it was because he smelled like shit.
So - Lyle was in less than a favorable mood when Jiniraa asked him to sit in a circle.
Everyone was on edge, flashes from that day were fresh in their memories. The drop of bodies as arrows flew from hidden perches. The sound of mud under their boots. The yelling and screaming of orders. They were picked off one by one, not knowing who would be the next victim of the forest. 
Based on the Colonel’s meticulous time-keeping, the eclipse would be upon them in just over two hours. The team needed to settle before the eclipse; they have a tendency to become trigger-happy morons when pushed too close to the edge. Jiniraa’s overall peaceful persona was somewhat putting everyone at ease, but it wasn’t enough.
Miles had somewhat expected her to bolt with Spider the moment they touched down. She thought so too, but resisted the urge. Maybe the trackers and threats were enough to keep them in line. 
Jiniraa stopped waiting for the Recoms to follow her instructions, allowing her legs to fold under herself as she was lowered into the soft embrace of the forest. Serenity was coursing through her veins as she sat, waiting for everyone to follow. A variety of faces stared back at her. 
Annoyance from Lyle, but she already knew about that one; his frustration was evident even through the sunglasses. Apprehension from Prager, lips pressed together. Mild disgust from Ja - his boots sunk into mud a while back. Curiosity from Zdinarsk, she seemed to be the only one mildly intrigued by the other woman’s proposition. Irritation from Lopez - he’d almost tripped over three oversized roots in the past twenty minutes. Mansk was unreadable, as usual, a stone face behind his dark shades. 
One by one, everyone turned to the Colonel, looking for their commanding officer to provide direction. He stared back at them and glanced at Jiniraa, “would you just sit down and quit your yappin’?”
No one moved, so he pursed his lips together and continued, “I’ll keep watch. Just listen to what she says.”
He didn’t wait for any objections, turning on his heel and circling the perimeter. He was just out of eyesight, but kept within earshot for security reasons. Jiniraa felt a ping within her heart, secretly disappointed that Miles wouldn’t see the forest for the first time like everyone else.
The Recoms all sat down, slinging their weapons across their laps. They knew Jiniraa wanted them to put their weapons down on the ground, but they wouldn’t let their weapons get too far out of their reach. They kept their hands trained at the ready in case something, or someone, decided to approach the group. They would be ready within a moment’s notice, back on their feet and ready to defend their territory if need be.
“I want everyone to close your eyes,” Jiniraa began, looking around the circle they formed, “just trust me, okay? Take in the sounds around you. Listen to everything. You’re not scanning for threats, you’re trying to feel the embrace of the forest
“Can you hear the stream in the distance? Hear the mother viperwolf caring for her young? Do you feel the breeze pushing through the canopy? Can you smell the sweet nectar of the fruit, just a hundred paces away?
“Think about what you feel around you - the soft ground, the residual wetness from a recent storm. Feel the pulse of the Great Mother. Feel her web of connectivity. See it in your mind.”
As Jiniraa finished her speech, she allowed them to be alone with their own emotions in silence, processing the world around them. They all went through a series of emotions. Mansk was the first to follow her direction to close his eyes, not that anyone would know. Lyle was the last, muttering his tree-hugger insult once more. They all felt incredibly stupid as they sat there. 
“When you’re ready, open your eyes. Take all the time you need. The forest will still be here. My ancestors saw these trees as we do today. My grandchildren’s children will walk the same path we did today. The forest will persevere.”
Prager was the first to open his eyes, remaining silent as he gazed towards the largest trees. Lyle was the last, actually finding a single moment of peace in nature.
Jiniraa recognized the astonishmemt spread through the Recoms, pride spreading in her chest as they just a quick glimpse of her beautiful home. Under the guise of teaching them ‘how to Na’vi,’ as Miles so eloquently described it, she planted seeds of respect for the forest, regardless if it was genuine or not. 
Together, Jiniraa and Spider introduced the unit to the different flora throughout the forest, focusing on what plants were edible, medical, and straight-up poisonous. 
Miles would circle around every few minutes, checking in with everyone before disappearing back into the tree line. He watched from afar as Jiniraa introduced the unit to Pandora; his ears strained and attempted to listen to the conversation. 
Although his hearing was drastically improved in this new body, it wasn’t enough to hear the way he laughed at Lyle when Spider convinced the Corporal to stick his nose in a well-known allergen flower. Lyle didn’t stop sneezing for five minutes. 
Miles didn’t have a choice, he needed to stay on tour for the sake of his unit. They would be able to focus on Jiniraa if he was on watch. He was supposed to ease their anxieties, but man, he desperately wanted to be part of that group right now.
“Colonel to Wainfleet,” Lyle pressed his fingers to his throat. He swatted at the insects that continued to assault and bother him, attracted to the sweat that pooled around his neck. 
“Go ahead Lyle.”
“What’s your pos? Startin’ to get dark,” Lyle was doing a good job hiding the anxiety under a rougher-than-usual voice, but Miles heard right through it. He’s known everyone long enough to know their little ticks. 
“Rotating back now. We’ll group up and wait out the eclipse.” Miles turned away from the winding plant he’d been inspecting, allowing the vine to fall as he turned and made a bee-line back. 
He found Jiniraa smiling, practically glowing (even without her bioluminescent dots) while being back in the forest. Spider was next to her, a mirrored look on his face. She seemed to have forgotten about the earlier incidents in the training center and on the tarmac. It was all washed away. Good, Miles thought to himself.
“Oh! Miles! Look at this - it’s a yovo. You have to try it!” She jumped across the clearing to approach the Colonel, who stared back wide-eyed at her. He had watched her fall over her own feet walking on flat ground in the RDA facility, but here? She was maneuvering around raised roots, thick vines, and oversized leaves with ease, moving like a fish in water. 
Jiniraa practically shoved the small purple ball into his hands, smiling eye to eye. She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to try it. Looking past Jiniraa’s bubbling form, everyone else had uneaten fruit in their hands as well. 
Miles raised an eyebrow, a small smirk pulling at his cheek, “is this your attempt to poison us?”
She didn’t reply, only grabbing the fruit from his hand and taking a small bite. Only enough to prove the fruit was in fact edible, leaving the rest for him to enjoy. She maintained eye contact as she bit down, jutting her head forward to keep the dribbling juices from falling down her front. She wiped the excess juice that pooled on her chin with the back of her hand, pushing the fruit back into the Colonel’s hands. 
He shrugged and took a tentative bite. Now - he had a feeling it would taste good, but not this good. He had to suppress the moan that pushed through his throat when the sweetness touched his lips. 
The food at Bridgehead wasn’t the best - hell, it was basically a military chow line. Filled with rehydrated food and ‘nutritional’ paste. Calories were all that mattered. Being edible and enjoyable were secondary thoughts. But this thing was just sitting in the forest waiting to be eaten? He could’ve been enjoying this food the whole time?
Jiniraa’s eyes were wide, a little slack-jawed waiting for his official review of the fruit.
“Now, that is fucking delicious,” Miles choked out, mouth full of a second bite. Jiniraa squealed in pleasure, spinning around to see everyone else take their first bites as well. 
In unison, the team took their first bites of Pandoran fruit in union, sharing in the euphoria that spread throughout their entire bodies once the fruit touched their tongues. 
This was the food they were supposed to be eating. Not the slop served at Bridgehead. No wonder Jiniraa refused to eat, only taking the bare minimum when Miles threatened to force feed her. Growing up on stuff like this? It was cruel to try and eat the gray shit they called nutritional down. 
Miles gave everyone a minute to enjoy their snack before he ordered them to circle up. The first signs of the eclipse were beginning. Within five minutes, they would be plunged into total darkness for about an hour. 
Jiniraa and Spider didn’t seem too fazed by the unit's movement around them. Jiniraa perched herself on a fallen log near the outskirts of the circle, laying on her side and letting her eyes close, lulled by the sounds of the forest. 
Spider sat hear his friends’ head, fiddling with elongated blades of grass. He’d braid and unbraid, repeating the process until the strands were falling apart. It was a feeble attempt to dissuade anyone from trying to converse with him. 
“We holding position here, boss?” Lyle spoke up.
“Yeah. We’ll wait for the eclipse to pass then be on the move again.” Miles responded, checking his watch, “we have a little more than four hours until the transport will be back to pick us up. Today is a test run, tryna see how those two will work with us. They seemed to pass the test, not creating too much of a problem.”
Lyle hummed in acknowledgement, not expecting the Colonel to continue, “we’ll get longer stints of off-base time from here on out. If everything goes well the rest of the day.”
Lyle nodded curtly, pushing his shades onto his forehead once the treeline was too hard to see in the dark. The entire unit was on edge, flinching at every little sound that came from deep in the forest. Jiniraa’s tail kept brushing against a nearby bush; at first it was an accident, but she turned it into a game once she realized how it affected everyone. 
After the umpteenth brush of her appendage against the bush, Miles clenched his teeth in annoyance, “could you keep that damn tail of yours under control? I’ll cut it off if you don’t stop.”
It was probably an empty threat, Jiniraa knew that, but there was a small part of her that feared he wasn’t lying. Regardless, Jiniraa didn’t open her eyes, only waiving a dismissive hand in his direction. She flexed her tail harder on purpose, making more noise than before. He huffed, making her raise her brow bone, but her eyes remained closed as she responded. 
“Your dogs should calm down. Enjoy the forest a little.” She shifted onto her back. Her bioluminescent freckles were in full swing, framing her face. Miles' eyes traced down her sternum and stomach, watching them disappear under the waistband of her pants.
“And take a nap like you are?” Jiniraa could imagine what the Colonel looked like right now: standing with a cocked hip and a hand on his belt or upper vest. She wasn’t too far off from reality. Only thing - she didn’t think his eyes would be raking over her resting figure, trying to remember the location of every single dot that graced her skin. 
“I’m awake,” Jiniraa muttered. The conversation faded away, going silent for upwards of an hour. Spider watched the unit communicate through their hand signals, but no verbal communication came from the Recoms.
Jiniraa would shift her position every once and a way, flipping from one side to the other trying to get comfortable. Every time she moved, she unknowingly pulled the Colonel’s attention, eyes darting to her resting form. He assumed based on her steady rise and fall of her chest that she had fallen asleep. 
Eclipse came and went without any notable occurrences. Once the darkness fully receded and light prevailed, there was a collective sigh of relief. Jiniraa remained laying across the fallen log, moving her forearm across closed eyes when light interrupted her rest. 
“Alright, let’s keep moving. We have a little more than three hours before our transport is here. You two, get up.” Miles ordered everyone around.
Spider jumped from the log and Jiniraa followed shortly after, stretching her limbs and rubbing the rest of her eyes. She didn’t let herself completely succumb to the desire to sleep. It made it harder to refocus herself in the present, suspending herself between conscious and unconscious for too long. As much as she wanted to just sleep, she couldn’t leave Spider alone like that. 
Once Jiniraa was on her feet Miles continued, “we’re moving. I want us to go north and then circle to the rendezvous point. Let’s go.”
They moved at an unrelenting pace. It made it difficult for Spider to keep up; he may have grown up in the forest and knew how to maneuver the terrain better than any Deja Blue member, but his shorter and weaker limbs made it impossible to keep up. 
They continued pushing through the brush for an hour without pause. Jiniraa was panting, desperately needing to break for water. She refused to ask the group to slow down. They already thought she was weak and fragile - she wouldn’t prove them right. For her own pride, she couldn’t prove them right. 
Neither Jiniraa or Spider recognized their exact location - it was a tactical decision, disorienting the prisoners to discourage them from an escape attempt. The quick pace didn’t allow them to try and figure out their location.
The sound of a waterfall could be heard in the distance, growing louder as they continued. Jiniraa wouldn’t ask the Colonel, but she secretly hoped they would head there. In reality, the Colonel hadn’t planned on going towards the waterfall. He saw it on the aerial map when he first surveyed their location, but something inside him pulled his body closer. 
There also was the pair trailing behind, he knew they were both growing tired. They were lagging further back than he was comfortable with. Lopez was at the rear of the group, forced to hang further and further back to keep the pair in front of him.
Jiniraa attempted to cover up her burnt out induced lagging by brushing her hands against overhanging plants. Even though it burned, she forced her body to push forward and scold Lyle every time he reached for his machete, the leaves and insects and mud were really starting to get to him.
She flicked his shoulder, “do you not listen? Put the knife away. There is no need to kill the forest for your personal path.”
Exasperated, Lyle turned to the Colonel with wide crazy eyes, hoping he’d come to his defense. He didn’t. However, he made a motion for Jiniraa to walk with him. 
Smirking down at her Miles murmured, his words were nice at first, but his mocking tone said otherwise. “You doin’ okay? You seem a little sweaty. Can’t hang with the big boys?”
Jiniraa smiled back up at him, baring her fangs more than necessary, “oh, I’m doing just fine.”
He raised his eyebrows, knowing she was lying and desperately needed a breath. Miles glanced back at the unit, they were starting to show signs of fatigue as well. A quick glance at the datapad showed the waterfall was less than two kilometers away. They just needed to veer a little off the intended path.
Miles softly elbowed Jiniraa, “hang in there, sweetheart.”
She averted her eyes, training them on the ground rather than making eye contact. If he noticed, he didn’t comment. 
Jiniraa just about collapsed when they finally reached the waterfall’s basin. Hands on her knees, she listened to the Colonel.
“Alright! We got twenty before turning and heading back. Rest up,” he clapped his hands together twice, letting everyone be at ease.
Jiniraa was already standing in ankle deep water before Miles finished his announcement. Spider was moving behind her, kicking water in her direction. 
Jiniraa gasped, a playful smile on her face, “you little shit.” She laughed, pulling the bottom of her pants up as she sent water in Spider’s direction. They continued splashing each other, moving deeper into the water. Spider eventually bit off more than he could chew and slipped back, making a splash as he fell under the water. 
Jiniraa laughed, trudging in his direction and pulled him back to his feet. Spider wouldn’t look her in the eyes, embarrassed by his trip, but he did laugh as he moved back to the shore. 
Miles was waiting, watching from a rock when Spider approached, “kid, you look like a drowned cat.”
Spider flipped him off. Jiniraa shook her head, following Spider back to shore. Jiniraa climbed along the Colonel silently. Miles raised an eyebrow as she sat next to him.
“Thank you.”
Miles held back a laugh, “what’re you thankin’ me for?”
“You didn’t have to head here. You said you wanted us to go north. We’ve been drifting east for a while.”
Miles didn’t think anyone would’ve caught onto that. He replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
HIs slight smirk said otherwise. He didn’t come to the waterfall just for Jiniraa and Spider, but also for his team. And himself, just a little selfishly. They needed to create new memories in the forest. That way they won’t just remember the night that half of Project Phoenix met their untimely end. 
“What’re you doin’?” Miles watched Jiniraa unclipping the green waist bag, setting it down behind her before slipping down on the rock they sat on. She stood an arms length away from Miles, pausing a moment before untying her pants from around her waist. 
Miles' eyes widened as he looked around. He had no clue what was going on in her mind. His heart was racing just a little more than normal, “hey what do you think-”
“I’m going for a swim. Chill out.” She didn’t give him a chance to respond before she slipped her pants off, neatly folding them next to the waist bag. Miles watched out of the corner of his eye, focusing on every move of her body. He tried to recall the placement of her dots, imagining how they’d look right now.
Her bottoms were unlike other Na’vi bottoms he’d seen. She didn’t have the modesty panel that others did - hers seemed more like bikini bottoms than anything else. The snug bottoms had beading across the waistline, matching the colors of her top. 
Big green eyes were staring at the Colonel, pulling him from his trance, “what.”
Miles scoffed, “nothing,” he turned his attention back down to the data pad until she was walking in the water. His eyes were drawn to a star-shaped patch of light blue on the outside of her leg, a healed scar. He recognized the shape, it obviously was a bullet wound. She’d been shot at some point, right into the hip. It started making sense - the way she favored the right leg when fighting, her reaction when he gripped her ankle and tugged, the way her eyes widened when she fell a certain way. It all must’ve agitated an incorrectly healed wound. 
Jiniraa pushed herself under the water. Sure, she’d been forced to use the showers at the RDA satellite facility, but it was nothing like submerging yourself under the cool embrace of water. It was an initial shock to her system, but her body quickly adapted. 
She watched as Spider scaled a large boulder before calling out, “‘Niraa, you watching?”
Jiniraa treaded in the water, keeping her head above the surface with ease, “I’m watching, go ahead.”
Spider took a running start before leaping off the boulder and doing a flip, flinging his body towards the water. He made a splash, luckily landing feet first. It wasn’t a pretty sight when Spider first attempted flips into the water. Jiniraa had to apply soothing salves to welting, angry red skin for countless nights. 
When Spider reemerged from the water, Jiniraa had a smile across her face, clipping and cheering at the kid’s skill improvement. 
The ruckus caught the attention of everyone sitting on the shore. None of them would even take off their boots, knowing they needed to be ready within a moment’s notice. Sure they could rest for a little, but that didn’t mean they could let their guard down. 
Prager was the first to speak up, a sad whisper under his breath, “I miss cannonballs.”
Z-Dog laughed obnoxiously, trying to imagine Prager doing a cannonball, “yeah, I’m sure your fat ass could make one hell of a splash.”
Prager held an offended, gloved hand at the tattooed woman, he argued back, “a cannonball is a matter of skill.”
Zdinarsk snorted, throwing her head back. They started arguing back and forth, annoying everyone to no end. Miles wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up, but it was nice seeing them acting normal. Since their transition to their new bodies, it has been weird between everyone. Miles couldn’t find the words to describe it - people would try and keep their familiar bonds from before, but technically they weren’t the same people from before. 
Sure they had the memories from their human predecessors, but the second they opened their eyes and formed a thought in Na’vi-based brains didn’t that mean they diverged from their human personas? Human Colonel Quaritch never would have diverged from the mission to take a pit stop at a waterfall simply out of enjoyment, yet Avatar Miles did. The longer he was in this body, the more he didn’t feel like the Quaritch. He felt like Miles. A new person.
Even as humans, the group threaded the line of personal and professional on a daily basis. They knew when to be serious - when to snap to attention or when they pushed their COs officers buttons enough, but they cared for eachother like a family. When forced into life or death  situations on a daily basis, it is hard to differentiate between a person protecting you because it's their job or because they see you as family. It’s impossible to differentiate between protectiveness because of duty and protectiveness stemming from love. 
That thought wasn’t on Miles’ as he watched Jiniraa and Spider interact. Spider obviously looked up to Jiniraa, bonded from years of living together. Jiniraa looked out for the human as one of her own. Any onlooker could discern the care they felt for each other. 
Miles cupped his hands together, yelling over the splashing, “you two got five minutes! I want you back on the shore in five.”
Jiniraa yelled back, “it has not been fifteen minutes!”
“I don’t give a shit. Five minutes.” They tried to enjoy their final few minutes of semi-freedom before Miles called back out, huge hands beckoning them back to the shore line. As Jiniraa exited the water, she rang the excess water out of her hair. The long strands clung to her skin, waves more defined from the dampness. 
Miles couldn’t help but appreciate the way her body moved as she exited the water. The curve of her waist. The way her miniscule clothing was fused to her skin, wet and sticking. The way her hair worked down her back. The way the muscle beneath her skin shifted with each step, covered by a thin layer of flesh, making her bulkier than the regular Na’vi. It made her look more human. 
Now, don’t get it twisted. Miles wasn’t finding her attractive, certainly not. Objectively, she had an attractive body. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Miles cleared his throat as Jiniraa slipped her pants back up her legs, “get your shit together. We’re going.”
Lyle circled his hand in the air, “Oscar Mike, let’s go.”
The trek back to the rendezvous point seemed shorter than the journey to the waterfall. There was a new pep in Jiniraa’s step. She was bouncing through the forest, jumping from branches long enough to sustain her weight. 
“Blue One to transport,” the unfamiliar voice was right next to her head.. She actually forgot about the comm in her ear, jumping when she heard a voice through it.
Miles responded, “this is Blue One.”
“We’re ten minutes out. Be ready for extraction. Over.”
The group circled around, watching and waiting from the treeline. When the engines were heard, Miles turned and pointed at Jiniraa and Spider, “we’re not getting a touch-down pick up like earlier. We’re using lines. Spider, you’re with Lyle. Sweetheart, you’re with me.”
He didn’t wait for the objection that was already building in Jiniraa’s throat before stalking towards her. Standing chest to chest he looked down at her. Her hair was completely dry at this point, defined waves resting against soft skin. Resting against her collarbone. Not that Miles noticed - absolutely not. 
“I could throw you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes or we can do this the easy way.” He waited for her to process. She didn’t say anything, only reaching her arms up, waiting for Miles to grab her. He smirked, not expecting her to give in that easily. 
He bent down slightly, slipping his rifle across his back as she wrapped his arms around his neck. Returning to his full height with Jiniraa in his arms, he turned around as she secured her legs around his waist, ankles hooking behind them. Their chests were pressed together. She buried her face down, trying to escape the rotating blades as they grew louder, beginning to hurt her sensitive ears. He tightened his hold on her, momentarily flashing back to her reaction on the tarmac earlier. 
Jiniraa’s voice was almost too quiet to hear. If she wasn’t pressed into his neck, Miles wouldn’t have heard it, “don’t drop me.”
Her breath was soft against the shell of his ear. A small voice, truly scared. He had one arm under the backs of her thighs. Subconsciously, he dug his fingers into her soft flesh at their situation and her breathy voice. 
Spider and Lyle negotiated a different course of action. Spider clung to Lyle’s neck, but on his back. Neither of them said anything and Jiniraa laughed at their awkwardness. They wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone.
Miles tilted his head down into the woman’s ears, “hey, legs tighter, I need both hands for a second.”
Jiniraa squeezed her thighs, holding herself against Miles’ torso as he secured the grappling hook to his belt. He moved his left hand against her back while the right gave a thumbs up to the line operator. 
“Jesus, woman, squeezin’ the air outta me. Ease up a little,” Miles choked out. He tried not to think about how easily she was holding herself against him. Muscular legs kept his diaphragm from working correctly. Tried. It was hard not to think as she clung further to his body, seeking a semblance of comfort the moment his boots left the ground. His hand ghosted down from her back and under her thighs once again.
Inside the transport, Miles let Jiniraa down gently, hands lingering her back a little longer than necessary. It was a closed carrier, unlike the helicopter from earlier. They wouldn’t be able to hang out and watch the sky transition into night, much to Jiniraa’s dismay. 
Once she was steady on her own feet, she thanked Miles with a small smile and he jutted his head behind her, motioning to the seats lining the bulkhead, “take a seat. We got a long ride back.”
Jiniraa nodded, pushing Spider in front of her, “mask still good?”
“This is the fourth time you’ve asked today. Yes, it’s good.”
She held her hands in mock surrender, “just checking, just checking.”
Jiniraa saw Mansk move towards the row of seats after packing his Hydra back into its carrying case. She fully expected a repeat of the seating arrangement to Bridgehead. He had that plan as well. Maybe he’d actually be able to get some rest, unbothered by the insistent bickering between Lopez, Ja, and Z-Dog that persisted from the cannonball debate.
Miles shattered the plan, taking a quick step in front of Mansk and bee-lining towards Jiniraa and Spider. He sat down with an overexaggerated exhale, hanging Jiniraa a regulator, “mask on. Kid, this is a human atmosphere now. You can take yours off.”
Jiniraa held her breath as Spider broke the seal of his mask, never getting used to the sound. She pulled a fruit from her bag, offering it to the kid. He wasn’t able to enjoy the messy fruit earlier, unable to take his mask off long enough. Spider thanked Jinira, crossing his legs as he showed down to the sweet and juicy food.
Knowing Spider was okay, Jiniraa let her head fall backwards against the bulkhead. She was exhausted from the day’s excursion, drifting off to sleep quickly. At some point, her head rolled onto Miles’ shoulder, an attempt to get comfortable in her unconscious state. Miles went still as stone, tentatively breathing so he wouldn’t wake her. 
Miles stared down at Jiniraa’s sleeping form, the memory fresh in his mind. Three weeks had passed since the first time Spider and Jiniraa went outside on a trek. The General was true to her word, each trip was longer and longer. They were returning from their first four-day trip, the longest one thus far.
Jiniraa was exhausted, falling asleep the moment she sat down. She didn’t even have the forethought to slip her mask over her head, trusting that someone else would do it for her. Miles did, everytime. 
Over the past month, Miles had seen a drastic change in Jiniraa. She was seamlessly blending into the folds of the Recom unit, sharing her knowledge. He started to grow a soft spot for the woman, watching over her and making sure she stayed out of harm's way. The first time a viperwolf came near them? He thought about burning the entire forest down if necessary to keep her safe. 
When the transport touched down, he could see Spider move to wake the woman sitting between them. The Colonel hissed an empty threat to the human. Miles swiftly slipped from his seat, managing to keep Jiniraa asleep. He unbuckled her lap belt and lifted her into his arms, mirroring how they always entered the carrier on the lines.
She was completely limp against him, but one hand was gripped to his vest. She roused in her sleep as Miles slid his hands for a better grip. He paused, letting her settle back down. 
The loading dock opened and revealed Bridgehead City, basked in darkness. Project Phoenix returned their base of operations to Bridgehead indefinitely. Here, the unit had apartments, a space of their own. A stark contrast to the RDA satellite facility where they lived in a storage room converted into barrack-style living. Bunk beds. No one liked the bunks. 
General Ardmore planned to immerse the captives into the folds of the team, assigning each of them to their own quarters within the Recom’s wing. They weren’t able to leave without the clearance of another member, but it showed a little bit of trust on their behalf. Give them a little in hopes they’d be more helpful to the greater mission at hand.
Miles navigated through the halls of the housing distinct, eyes trained straight ahead. He’d grown used to the curious eyes that watched as he moved through the long corridors. This wasn’t the first time he moved with a sleeping Jiniraa in his arms. No matter how many times people saw it, they would still stare.
Miles was lagging a little behind the rest of the unit. He needed to be slow enough to not wake Jiniraa up. He didn’t step out of the way when humans approached, refraining from hissing down at them. 
He pressed the button on Jiniraa’s assigned quarters, located directly across from his own. He’d been in here before, making it easy to navigate in the semi-darkness. He laid her down on the bed, gently unwrapping her arms from his neck before unclipping the bag from her waist. The bag he arranged for her to get all those weeks ago. 
After she physically attacked her over her destroyed bag, he wanted to make it right. Even though he hadn’t been the one to physically cut the bag, he still felt responsible for the loss. He bribed Lyle to keep the secret gift between the two of them. Settling the bag on a nearby table, Miles made his way out of the room. 
Jiniraa shifted in her sleep, whimpering slightly. The sound forced Miles to stop in his tracks. Whimpers amplified in his flicking ears. He contemplated his next actions. He could continue moving out the room and pretend he never heard anything. She wouldn’t know. Or he could turn around and see what caused her sleepy whine. He chose the latter.
Jiniraa was writhing slightly in her sleep, brow bone furrowed into a deep scowl. Eyes clenched shut. Miles silently made his way back to her, watching as her hands reached for something. Someone. 
His brain wasn’t in charge of his actions and he suddenly found his hand outstretched, laying against her temple. Soft fingers brushed the hair off her face and neck - it seemed to soothe her a bit. He traced the dots that outlined her face, completely mesmerized. 
Miles jumped a little as Jiniraa’s hand reached out, brushing against the material of his fatigues. She was reaching out for warmth and he was willing to provide it. Just because he was willing to provide it doesn’t mean he could act on those desires. With one final brush of his fingers over her cheek, he forced his body to turn and let Jiniraa return to her whimpering. The noises were a punch to the gut, but he’s dealt with worse. He’d be fine. She’d be fine. 
Standing in the doorway, he whispered to himself, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Her eyes opened slightly, watching a retreating form disappear.
Next: Ten - Breathe, Please
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avatarrecom · 1 year
Day 2: Eating out
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1k
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. I'm using the tag #Kinktober Avatar_Recom for my kinktober stories.
And I'm starting to use the tag #Avatar_Recom writing for all my other writing, so be sure to follow those tags!
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch Can’t get enough of your taste. He has you sitting on the edge of his office desk. If he could do all his colonel work with your cunt on his mouth all day, he would. It relaxes him to eat you out. (it’s the ritthem, it calms his mind) He honestly won’t care if someone walks in when he eats you out, but will lose his shit if the person doesn’t turn around immediately. Always overstimulates you. He needs to coax at least five orgasms from you in ten minutes, or he has done something wrong.
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet He eats you out for his own pleasure. I mean ofcourse he cares about your pleasure, But he eats you out because he loves your taste and sounds, not because it feels good for you. Definitely eager, almost too eager. He focuses so much that he kinda space out and he doesn’t really hear anything anymore. Not even you can really get through to him. That means that he usually continues until you’re either squirming and/or crying too much, or one of your other lovers walks in. Sometimes you’ll be crying so much from overstimulation that one (usually all) of your other lovers walk in to check on you because they heard you crying and they were worried. (God bless Lyle, he gets a heart attack when someone suddenly walks in)
🍬 Recom Z-dog Loves to eat you out. Especially if you’re sitting on her face. She’ll make you grind your cunt on her face. Loves it when your thighs are suffocating her. If she dies with your cunt on her face, she'll die a happy woman. She’s so used to chewing gum, that you have to remind her to take her gum out, before she eats you out. She forgot a few times and you thought it was really gross, but she honestly didn’t mind. (god why am I writing this, my grandma’s would chase me with their wooden spoons if they found out) On the phone with the sinner store: Yeah, one order of holy water please (and her, cuz I need her to eat me out.) god I need to touch some grass.
🥽 Recom Walker I guarantee she'll have you squirming and moaning with just her mouth within seconds. Always lies between your thighs, so she can see your whole naked body with just one glance. She’s the one who decides when you can cum. She says that you can’t come at all? Too bad. She says not yet? You better delay your orgasm until she says so. Always has a tight grip on your thighs, you won’t move unless she allows you to. She can eat you out for literal hours. She’ll just keep fucking her tongue in and out of your cunt like it’s her first meal in a decade.
😎 Recom Mansk He only goes slow. Doesn’t like frantically eating you out. He likes to take his time with you. Making you squirm. He has memorized every tell, twitch and reaction of your body. Definitely does a certain move, to draw out a certain reaction. He eats you out like he has days to eat his last meal.
🧯 Recom Prager When I say this man worships your body, I mean he whoreships your body (see what I did there). He’s literally on his knees before you. You always have the ends of his bandana twisted around your fingers. Does what you need him to do. If you need him to suck on your clit? He’ll be sucking like it’s a lollipop. You need him to fuck you with his tongue? He’ll tongue fuck you like his life depends on it.
⚕️ Recom Ja Gets pussydrunk the moment he tastes you. Loves to eat you out, but he wants to continue as fast as he can to actually fucking you. But in that short time he really knows how to make you cum. Definitely uses the spelling words trick. But he seriously makes it work. Loves to nuzzle the side of his face against the plush of your thigh.
🧢 Recom Brown He definitely knows what he’s doing. Wants to make you scream so everyone knows you’re his. If you’re not loud enough, he’ll just keep going until he’s satisfied with how loud you are. Lives for your moans. If someone walks in (investigating why someone’s screaming like they’re getting murdered), he definitely keeps eating you out, while maintaining eye contact with whoever walked in. He’s way too smug that the person who walked in can see that he’s the one who’s making you feel good. Even when it’s one of your other lovers.
📿 Recom Lopez Isn’t big on making you cum as much as possible in a short period of time. He likes to take his time and give you the most earth shattering, world rocking orgasms. If he has a day off, you better prepare for his head between your thighs for at least half the day. Really knows what he’s doing. You better learn Spanish. Because he’ll praise the hell out of you. Kinda likes it if you don’t speak Spanish, he’ll make his praise so much more vulgar. He 100% ‘accidentally’ nips at you with his fangs. Loves to draw a little trickle of blood when he nips at you. Tell me I’m wrong, the man lives for a little pain, just look at how much tattoo’s he has. 
���️ Recom Fike He definitely grinds his hips into the mattress while he’s eating you out.  Can cum untouched to your sounds. When you’re laying on your back with him lying on his stomach between your thighs, you’ll see his tail waving through the air. Like a cat's tail. He almost moans as loud as you because he loves your taste. Anxious if you like what he’s doing. Needs you to praise him during. For confidence. Totally not because he gets off on it.
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