#need to find smth else to mix in
birgittesilverbae · 9 months
today looking at how much water is needed to vary hues, got excited got distracted started the wrong direction with my greens but we are embracing the little hiccups 😌
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moonstruckme · 1 month
If you don’t mind what about poly!marauders (emts version) x reader where she hides a injury that’s kinda serious (idk like a cut that’s pretty deep or smth) but she doesn’t think it’s serious, so she tries to hide it from them to not feel like a burden since they are always busy with work. Basically just a mix of emts marauders and casual dominance
Thanks for requesting lovely <3
cw: mention of blood
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
You’re trying to figure out whether putting your shoe in the washing machine will damage it irrevocably when the bathroom door handle twists. 
You look up like a deer caught in headlights. Sirius’ gaze flits from the shoe in your hand to the bloodstained sock on the floor to your wide-eyed look. 
“Shut the door!” you whisper-yell. He must be reeling, because he actually does it, closing the door with a click and dropping down beside you on the bathroom floor. 
“What’s going on?” he asks. Again, his gaze goes to your once-blue sock, now marred by a dark red stain. “Are you hurt?” 
You see the moment Sirius notices the foot you’re holding, layers of toilet paper wrapped loosely around the arch. His eyes sharpen. 
“Don’t tell James and Remus,” you plead. 
“Are you hurt?” he asks again, sternly now. 
Your lip finds it way beneath your teeth. “Not really,” you say. “It’s not terrible or anything, I just can’t get it to stop bleeding.” 
“That’s not usually a great sign, sweetheart.” Sirius scoots closer, holding out his hands. “Let me see.” 
You know better than to argue, transferring your foot into his lap. He gives you an odd look about the toilet paper before starting to unravel it, the thin material tearing under his rushed handling. Your boyfriend relaxes slightly when the wound is revealed. It’s deceptively small for how much blood seems to come out of it, the cut only a couple of centimeters along the arch of your foot. 
Sirius adjusts his grip, lifting it to the light to see it better, and you try not to look so visibly flustered at the tender way he’s handling you. 
“It’s little, see?” you say. “No need to bother anyone else.” 
He lowers your foot to give you an amused look. “Darling, as much as I love to have our dirty little secrets together,” he says, “you know they’d kill me.” 
“They wouldn’t,” you say, half desperate. “They love you, and I’ll protect you anyway.” 
Sirius’ mouth pinches. He thumbs at your ankle apologetically. “James would have us both flat on our backs in under a minute. Admire your confidence, though.” He sucks in a breath. “Rem, James!” 
The TV shuts off, and then there are footsteps on the stairs. Sirius is impervious to your glare, only picking your foot up again and turning it this way and that to see it better. 
“What?” James calls. You can hear Remus grumbling about how your apartment is hardly large enough to necessitate this much yelling. 
“In here!” Sirius shouts back. 
The door opens a second later, your other two boyfriends crowding the already small bathroom. James is crouched in an instant, setting a hand on Sirius’ shoulder to steady himself. 
“Oh, lovie, what’d you do?” 
You open your mouth to respond, but Sirius says, “Can one of you grab the first aid kit and a pen light? I can’t see if there’s anything still in here.”
“There shouldn’t be,” you say as Remus goes for the kit. “I already took out the glass.” 
Both Sirius and James look up from your foot, eyebrows raised. 
“And what were you doing that you ended up with glass in your foot?” Sirius asks. 
Your shoulders gravitate towards your ears. “Cleaning up the glass that I broke.” 
Remus hums disapprovingly as he passes a pen light to Sirius, who clicks it on, shining it onto your foot. You do your best to pretend this doesn’t make you want to crawl out of your skin. 
“When did that happen?” he asks. 
“This morning.” 
“Sweetheart.” James’ disapproval is evident in his voice. You can’t bring yourself to look up and witness it in his face, too. 
“And why didn’t you say anything when you hurt yourself?” Remus asks. He sits down beside you, eyes on what the other two are doing though you can feel his attention on you. 
“Because I didn’t want to bother you,” you say quietly. 
He tsks, and he doesn’t need to say anything more. It’s plain enough you’re in trouble. 
For a few moments, the silence is thick and hot, torturous, but surprisingly it's Sirius who does you the mercy of putting you out of your misery. 
“It doesn’t look like you’ve got any more glass in here.” He clicks off the pen light, and your hamstrings sigh in relief as he lowers your foot to rest back in his lap. “That’s lucky,” he tells you severely. “You can’t always rely on just picking out the big piece and having that be that.” 
“Stitches?” Remus asks, and you tense. You hadn’t even considered that. 
“I don’t think so,” Sirius says, but he sounds uncertain. “It’s just barely deep enough, though.” 
“Let’s see.” James holds out his hands, and Sirius hands it off to him. You try to ignore the fact that your foot is being passed around like something a child brought to show-and-tell. James takes up the pen light, peering at it for a few moments before nodding decisively. He pats the side of your foot. “I think you should be safe.” 
You must look as relieved as you feel, because James smiles, squeezing up the length of your calf. 
“What I really don’t understand,” he says lightly, “is why the hell you’ve been keeping it wrapped in toilet paper.” 
You can’t help but return his smile sheepishly as you shrug. “It works,” you say. “Plus, Remus gatekeeps the first aid kit.” 
“It’s only in the cabinet above the toilet,” Remus sighs. 
Sirius scoffs, and James across you to pat him on the thigh. “No one can reach it up there but you, love.” 
You look over in time to catch your boyfriend’s eye roll, paired with the smirk he tries to hide. “Regardless,” he says, “it seems as though it wouldn’t be an issue if anyone who can’t reach it,” his eyes slide to yours, and you find new interest in the floor tiles, “would just ask someone else to get it for them, rather than being secretive.” You can feel his gaze searing into the side of your head, but you refuse to look up even when Sirius snickers and pinches your leg meanly. “If you didn’t have the kit, how did you clean it, dove?” 
“It’s clean,” you hedge, but make the mistake of looking up into Sirius’ stern gaze. He cocks an eyebrow as if to say Go on. “I ran it under the tap in the bathtub.” 
Remus sighs, Sirius groans, and James lets his head fall fully forward onto your knee. 
“Sweetheart,” James presses a kiss to your shin, “my love, I know you mean well, but this is why you need to tell us things.” 
“What’s the problem?” you ask as Remus moves to sit by Sirius, opening up the first aid kit. “Water’s just as good.” 
“It’s really not,” Sirius says, “seeing as antiseptic kills bacteria and water doesn’t. Do you want to stay where you are or sit up on the counter, darling?” 
“I’ve got a better idea.” James scooches over by you, lifting you by your waist and setting you in his lap. “There. Far more comfortable, don’t you think?” 
“Much.” You grin, turning your head to kiss him. “Thanks, Jamie.” 
“Spent a whole day keeping secrets and still getting the princess treatment.” Sirius’ tone is equal parts teasing and affectionate as he smooths a hand up and down your calf. “We must really love you or something.”
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hells-wasabii · 3 months
Smth for lute or velvette? Like a little short story w fluff innit? I see so many lute stories with her being rude 😭
A/N: Hey, hi! I have quite a bit in store for Lute, but for this ask I was gonna do either a confession or preening and I wound up going with the confession. I am absolutely gonna write a preening fluff Drabble later though since I did veer off the fluff on this one. Might be a little ooc but yeah, I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Character: Lute
Type: Fic (Lute x reader, Fluff, wee bit of angst? “Confessions”)
It all happened so suddenly, the whole event had nearly given you whiplash.
It was another relaxing evening in heaven, one that you’d been keen on taking advantage of. A nice stroll through the streets of heaven was exactly what the evening called for. A stroll that was disrupted when a blur of an angel all but came crashing down. You barely had enough time to bring your arms up to shield your face from the gusts produced by a strong set of wings. Daring to open your eyes, you find yourself face to face with none other than the lieutenant of heaven’s army. She almost looked pained, you noticed, with her eyebrows knit and her lips in a firm line.
“Lute?” You called out, confused. What was she doing here? It was unusual to see the lieutenant out and about without Adam somewhere close by, let alone so frazzled. Your confusion morphed into concern. Had something happened?
“What are you doing to me?” The words out of her mouth were accusatory, though they held no venom. They were more frantic than anything else. But you were going to need more than that to go off of. An ‘excuse me?’ was all that you were able to get on before Lute continued. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t get you out of my head.”
You’re taken aback by the declaration, but then again, how could you not be?
“I- W-what?” You tried your best, you really did, but you just can’t think of what to say to that. But that was perfectly fine for Lute, she had more to say. You can feel the gazes of other angles turn to you, something that brings a blush to your cheeks. This felt too personal, too intimate for the eyes of others. Shit, it felt like a confession, you realized. You were sure it was. How very like Lute, to go rushing in like this.
“Ever since we met. It’s like you cast some sort of spell on me.” Lute looked to the ground beneath her feet, unable to meet your gaze as her cheeks flooded with a heat that crept up her neck and to her ears. “Fuck,” The curse came out in a hiss as the woman reached up, running a shaky hand through her hair.
“It’s driving me crazy.” She admits, softer this time. When the lieutenant finally looked back at you, she looked… scared? It made you wonder, was she scared of the vulnerability… or was she scared of how you would react? Perhaps in reality it was a mix of both.
Words weren’t enough here, were they? Honestly, if it came down to it, you weren’t so sure you’d fare better than Lute had in that department. Actions did speak louder than words, that was how the saying went, right?
So, there in the eternal golden hour of the heavenly plane, you took the lieutenant’s face in your hands and kissed her. You were careful, giving Lute every opportunity to pull away on the chance that you had read it all wrong.
But she never did. Instead, only mere moments after you pulled away to gauge her reaction, her lips were on yours once more.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 9 months
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>>> the grim adventures of jon n' jack. feat batman n' spiderman. <<<
it was only a matter of time, before i would have made another crossover with those two. i can't deny, that they are very 1:1 for me, when it comes to comics supervillains. so why not to mix one awesome n' beloved thing with another? esp since funny enough, they do have quite a few similar plot-points. well, the halloween themed costume aside. i mean it goes as far as jack once having the bat-themed boyfriend pal, which reminds me of someone else, i know.
i've tried to make my notes more or less readable here, but they still might be a bit scattered. i attempted to keep them as short as possible, but i just cannot talk 'small'.
1. the first art is low-key based on underdeveloped AU, that i have about the early comic scarecrow n' modern jack meeting n' hitting it off serial killiar style. considering, that both of them possess killing methods, which have a noticable tradmark to it, i imagine that they will leave one hell of a mess behind, while traveling across the country. in that timeline, batman is dead. n' jack's shitty foster dad was killed off earlier on. neither of them knows what to do with themselves, since the people who they had *twisted* emotional conection with are gone. without any direction, they meet in the middle, n' decide that they can as well team-up n' try to make being a villain fun again. jon might experiment on their victims *or torture them if its his ex bullies* n' then give them to jack, who would scoop their brains out and put candle inside their skull. n' uh yeah, he literally did it in the comic. i was honestly surpised that marvel come up with smth that creepy. it really sounds more alined with dc, if anything. but either way, here they are. two *grieving* psychos going downtown. they will make one another so much worse, i imagine. n' they will totally kill that npc dude btw.
2. dark magic n' the drip. or jon n' jack at their corniest. like, jonathan looks like he watched too much the nightmare before christmas n' jack dress up like count dracula for no reason. it's so random-ish n' cheesy. but with this being said, i love both of those designs, n' think, that they really suit the vibe of comic issues in which they were featured. jack always came off as a he-witch to me, but it was nice to see it being played on in a different way. n' then, crane really rocks his own outfit as well. i totally need to draw him in it more often, haha. they dress up for a halloween party for real this time. n' well, i added batman n' spiderman into the mix here, bc i kinda wish that they got to fight / interact with those versions of jon n' jack. it would have been fun for a few reasons. also this can be technically counted as shipping art, but can be viewed as your typical gloating bad guy n' helpless hero thing too. n' to clear any possible questions, i only create stuff with adult peter parker. like cartoon era/late early comics, 20 smth one. i love my spiderman being of age, where he can legally mingle with his villains, not be detained at school lol.
3. the classic four from the timeline, when the comic plots were a bit more ligthearted. aka during the times, when the deadly mercenary n' crazy scientist were robbing banks, instead of harming *torturing* people. i love dark stuff, but there is charm to how 'simple' the scarecrow's and jack's goals once were. n' i love how the scarecrow used to do the lil, dorky dances. it really suits him. n' since at least 2 or maybe, most of jack o' lanterns are southernish in their roots like jon, i had an idea of them having a country dance *in the middle of graveyard* kinda just makes sense to me, haha. batman and spiderman merely happen to find them like that. n' well, it's kinda awkward. esp bc they technically don't do anything bad. i also imagine spiderman being like 'oh, so you have one of those too'. which is mostly a ref to how both the scarecrow n' jack were called 'the reject from land of oz' by other characters. they can rejoice here.
4. the develish & undead duo!! my friend once told me to try n' watch older superhero cartoons, and at first i was like 'welp, they prob be hella boring'. but then i caved in, n' watched a couple of superfriends episodes. as result, i fell in love with their scarecrow's desingh! it was unexpected tbh. usually, i prefer jon's older, classic scarecrow look. so no straw hair, less features exposed, just a hat n' a sack on his head, but their version of him actually did it for me. i find their crane both creepy n' cute. n' i also read on wiki, that he might be undead. so that bit interested me as well. non-human jonathan crane, what a concept! him returning from the grave just to be a menace to batman. n' to accompany him, there is an undead jack o' lantern from the ghost rider comic. his corpse literally got possessed by satan. anyways, both of them raised army of zombies. both of them undead n' prob won't ever get out of their spooky suits, since i don't think that they can. n' funny enough, jack's hometown was called sleepy hollows, if i remember correctly. so they can haunt people there, make it into a truly cursed land.
5. the last one was kinda spontaneous on my part. the other day, i was looking at what kind of action figures the scarecrow n' jack have. saw one, where jon was looking kinda strange, all black n' yellow. which is how i find out that he *apparently* got yellow lantern powers in newer comics, even if it was like for 10 seconds or smth. i didn't read the issue itself, but i found the idea kinda fun, n' his design was decent enough for me to get interested n' wonder what i can do with it. then, a bit later, i saw that jack had a venom-funko figure. i don't think, that he was ever canonically venomized in any of the actual comic issues, but once again, the mere idea of it happening was enough for me to consider doing smth with it. i mean, a venom-like tongue, but its made out of fire? dang. that's kinda cool. so yeah. the yellow lantern scarecrow n' symbiote jack o' lantern being the double trouble. if they weren't enough of a mean goblin-man before, now they surely will be.
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7ndipity · 4 months
Okay, I've not done this before but it's bugging me to death so, I need help finding a fic.
It was a vampire Yoongi au where he and the reader get matched together through some sort of blood doner service and they end up falling for each other(it almost seems like he owned like a nightclub/bar or smth, but I might be mixing up fics).There was only a couple parts, I think, and it was mainly fluff/smut.
I read ages ago and I’ve dug through the vampire yoongi tags and I can't find it. Idk if the blog's gone now or whatever, but I thought I'd ask just in case anyone else remembers what I'm talking about.💜
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emeyuko · 1 year
Okay, already posted on Twitter in a long ass thread but lemme talk about Yosuke's confession again, the "i never knew i had such a heat inside" or this depending of the traslation
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It's SO important cuz It really empathizes their relathionship pretty fucking well. Yosuke loved Saki bc she was the first person that saw him as something outside of the Junes kid who's parents are gonna ruin the shopping distritc (even if the way she feels about him was more complicated than that), she accepted who she was, talked to him, was nice to him
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we know Yosuke is a person who gets interested in people easily considering his flirty behaviour, but i am pretty sure his feelings for Saki were genuine and that there's a pattern, Yosuke is a lonely kid that is used to be treated like trash most of the time, seeing someone saying this stuff to him, makes him embarrased and...happy, and it makes believe that he's into people who are genuinely caring and kind to others, including a random loser like him. if Yosuke loved Saki for that empathic and kind nature, who's the person that fits perfectly those two terms? Is basically the whole point of their character considering that he's a protagonists and how it mix with the message of the game? That's right, Yu.
There are some parallels with Saki and Yu, in lots of ways, Saki and Yu both has this kind behaviour, can be teaseful around Yosuke and they both are big siblings that really love their little siblings more than anything, but despite their cool easygoing and kind behaviour, they are implied to be really deppresed individuals, for Yu/Souji more specificed in the manga about his parents("i wish all could dissapear" is a very suicidal thought, that Saki's shadow herself mentioned, like if she has thought about killing herself before)
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Saki made Yosuke feel slighty better with himself, how he shouldn't worry about what the others are saying around the town, because he knows that isn't true
Yu made him realize how nothing would change for him if he doesn't do something about himself, how he isn't alone and has everyone else and i would say he did more than Saki did.
Yosuke wasn't ready for a relathionship yes, but he slowly realized how much Yu mattered to him, how much he is "special" to him, Yosuke finds himself comfortable in Yu's presence, smth he didn't felt until Saki came in, so i think that's what "i never knew i had such a heat inside" means
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he's a perceptive person that knew that his relathionship with Saki wasn't mutual ("i knew all they said was right, i was just too embarassed to admit it...") and afterwards he saw how much he had going on in her head "i wish everything could just dissapear", Yu actually reasurred him, his kidness was more in a "i do like you as a person" instead of "i am kind to you bc i would be a ass if i weren't", Yosuke probably fell even harder than he fell for Saki, he finally found a genuine connection, the most genuine one he could ever have, that changed his life for better.
And i think It really fits his character, he is really someone who desires a genuine connection due to loneliness, people who genuinely liked him, instead of treating him as someone they need from time to time, thanks to Yu he's closer to the team.
And no, some people may believe Yu was like a """remplacement""" of Saki but i do believe this is just a natural course, you cannot control who you get feelings for, and slowly, you get to know them and fall for them, i do know people who broke up/lost their ex before and some weeks later, they fell for someone else, and there's nothing wrong about it, time passes, feelings changes, some people faster or slower than others but it's natural, and Yosuke should allow himself to love someone else when the other already passed away
So yeah, i do believe he got to experience, even an stronger feeling than before and it makes sense, (Yosuke also realized how life slowly changes in his SL, fitting EVEN MORE with his character arc)
Saki is special, Yu is special, and that wouldn't change in any way, not even how he sees himself, bc thanks to this experiencie, he could finally say he's special in his own way.
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bwbawa · 6 months
hello, so I'm questioning if I'm autistic so i can reach out for a diagnosis maybe, and i saw another person do this so i wanted to try it out
i wrote a list of some of the things i think that are autistic traits about me and if anyone would like to please read them and tell me if they could be autism or maybe smth else? lol, just as a big favour really. I'll give more context if any is needed, thanks so much!!
also please reblog for reach if you want to, thank you
ts bellow the cut :]
- stimming ( twirling and braiding hair, used to suck on my own hair as a kid, rocking back and forth, doing ??? weird stuff with ny mouth and fingers lol, moving legs a lot)
- echolalia; internal, repeating phrases and songs on my head, but also doing sounds with my mouth
- always feeling like an outsider. This wasn't bad for me as a kid since i was very into creepypastas and media related to being an outcast, i never related it to something bad until adolescence which im still in, and I'm more insecure now about it.
- also, very extroverted as a kid, didn't get social cues and was offensive sometimes
- couldn't and still can't control my strength very well ( sometimes things fall out of my hands or i touch someone harder than i wanted to)
- sensitive skin, to heat cold and pain
- very talkative, as a baby was LITERALLY born babbling
- not good at eye contact, either do way too much or way too little
- terrible at maths (jst not logical to me??? dk how people find them logical )
- kinda restrictive interests but no special interests
- very picky as a child, fav foods were salted noodles with ketchup or by themselves. ( still can't stand some foods and mixing some foods together )
- horrible coordination and balance: didn't learn to tie my shoes correctly, how to ride a bike or how to swim, i bought wheelies and cant use them because my balance is horrible, i run weird (like a baby kind of) and I'm always stumbling on my own feet
- again, didn't learn some stuff until grown: didn't know how to shower correctly or make my bed ( could be due to being very taken care of as a kid, aka my mom didn't let me do stuff by myself )
- terrible spacial awareness: again, stumbling with my own feet, waddling like a penguin when i walk with my friends lol
- bad perception of time
- got upset when things didn't go my way
- ran away when kids were being too loud but didn't mind big performances loud spaces
loud THUDS or sudden noises however startle me, scare me and stress me out: was and still am kind of afraid of balloons, shouting people and loud thuds. As a baby i cried when someone spoke too loudly
- lately I'm much more sensitive to stimuli than i was, could be due to heightened stress in my life: badly done beds make me want to cry, crumbs on the bed feel like hell, heat and sweating are hell, some months ago i cried because my sunglasses and headphones weren't working and there were too many sounds, my head it hurted and everything felt wrong, sent me into a kind of crisis.
- don't think I'm overly empathetic, but i have a strong sense of justice and get very upset and ill about injustices.
related to that, movies and shows that require a lot of stress i don't like, they make me feel ill and i prefer spoilers when it's like that, i get too nervous.
- socially awkward and don't know how to keep conversations going, at least small talk.
- although i used to talk a lot, nowadays i prefer to stay quiet sometimes.
- i get VERY angry and frustrated but it goes away kind of quickly?
-i used to be very loud and I still dont know how to control my tone of voice ( how loud or quiet i am) and i spoke in a very high pitched voice as a child
- i used to read a lot, went to the library in the recess instead of hanging out all the time with kids and used some complicated words that my parents didn't know i knew
- all my life i only had one close friend ( not the same, but always one)
- i think i had a specific routine of morning
- i have a hard time concentrating and being organized
- i make plans for myself in the night and get upset when OTHERS interrupt it but not when i do
- hard time knowing when to pee and when to eat
- again sensory issues, some foods make me want to puke, and wet, sticky or extremely dry hands are disgusting. Also, light touches feel like anger.
- as a kid I repeatedly watched stuff, ended up boring my family because i only wanted to watch that multiple times
- sensory seeker as a kid kind of, slept with my feet up, danced a lot (stimming?)
-i get irritated easily and can hurt people verbally
- don't know if related but i sometimes very anxious, get upset about not saying goodbye correctly to certain people, as a kid i used to cry and didnt want to go to school because of a "bad feeling" that smth bad was gonna happen, could be anxiety.
i absolutely sure there's more, but I don't wanna keep typing
just to finish, most of my circle is neurodivergent. And family wise, my sister is audhd, one cousin and uncle are autistic, my mom has adhd and two of my cousins are suspected autistic.
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justdeich · 2 months
Oh boy oh boy overblot refs w @inquisiteur37
So Deich's overblot is based on Oswald the lucky rabbit + the blot from epic mickey.
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If anyone interested oc info can be found here
Under the cut is me rambling abt overbloting and oc stuff I tried to put as much epic mickey refs as I could
I decided to mix them together because in the early concepts Oswald was supposed to be the main villain but it got changed and the blot got used instead. But in the game Oswald is still "kinda" a villain. Don't hit me I haven't played the game. I will. When epic mickey refurbished will come out.
The main reason for Deich's overblot would be jealousy and feeling useless/not being good enough???
Who wouldn't be sad. ya got transported to unknown place, get treated like trash and then, your friend seems to be adapting better than you. Look at them living life, new friends, new adventures, popularity, what fun.
And there's you. Didn't people forget that you gotta get home?? HELLO?? (Only in 7th chapter we really start to find info on how to get home soooo) You thought your friend will be there with you but no. They left you. For something better. But then you try to be as positive as they are, but you fail, you try to be helpful, it never works out, you try to regain control, but they seem.. to forget about you.. you were never enough. You don't belong. Never did.
Ya dont really wanna tell how you feel so not to bring the mood down..they seem.. so happy.. without you.. maybe its for the better...so it becomes a "habit" to just hide everything away and don't bring it up. You always managed to hide everything and be just fine. Just keep it up and you'll get through. What a "lucky habit" to have huh.
What great life they have huh. Do I get a chance to be a part of it?
Why does it hurt.. it hurts it hurts IT HURTS!! JUST MAKE IT STOP
I wanted Deich's overblot to be more destructive, to the body I mean. Deich been holding her feelings for a while. (i wanna make overblot happen in the 5th chapter. Or somewhere in that time period. For... romantic reasons..hehehe) ( Oswald trapping the blot reference) I think hiding singhs of ovebloting can lead up to some consequences.
Hiding symptoms of overblot may include: ink vomiting, hallucinations, body tremors- and maybe smth else, idk, need to think abt it.
Eee just sketches don't mind itttt it's baddd
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Deich would get fully consumed by the fantom, (phantom blot. Get it?) like forcibly getting dragged. (Like how the blot takes away mickeys gang) Ya know, blot dripping, huge puddles of ink pooling everywhere.
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The more you get corrupted by the blot the more sanity you loose? Right? I had this scene in mind where you're at the worst stage of blot but still try to communicate in a way, but the more you try to speak the more tortured you sound. Ink like acid running your vocal cords as more of it spills out, body tired from the amount of blot that covers your body but you still try to reach out.
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz love languages: acts of service
a/n: I have so many ideas yet none exist in my head,,that’s not meant to be poetic it just means I struggled with some of these
genre/warnings: I don’t think there’s any, gn reader (should be, pls tell me if there’s anything implying otherwise!!), swearing, guys I promise I know my grammar I just like casual language for my hcs
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-okay these will be short and sweet because I have so many thoughts
-folds your clothes along with his, or washes your laundry with his
-remembers your schedule so he can remind you of important events
-gives you tips if you ever go to the gym together and shares his water with you
-blows on hot food before he gives it to you
-takes photos of things he remembered you talking about when he’s at the store and asks if you want it
-holds your hands in his when it’s cold and rubs them to warm them up!!
-brings you water/snacks if you’re studying/working with little notes on them saying ur doing a good job <3
-brings extra tissues or lip balm or hand sanitizer just in case you need it
-okay this is kinda niche but like clearing out your phone tabs or compter tabs and scolding you if you have a messy layout or smth like that
-texts reminders to you regularly, drink water, eat, take meds, clean your desk when you get home…
-sends you cute gifs to cheer you up
-always checks in with your feelings in his own way “hey u big baby, are you okay? do you need anything?”
-pretends to laugh at the videos you send him because even tho they’re usually kinda lame it’s from you and that makes him smile but he’ll never admit that </3
-organizes any mess you left behind, puts your dishes away or puts your shoes away and then makes fun of u for being “messy”
-wipes away food you got on your face
-begrudgingly lets you have more blanket when you sleep/cuddle together because he doesn’t want to see u cold or uncomfortable :(
-takes your glasses/jewelry off if you fell asleep with them on
-opens jars/wrappers/bags for you
-lifts you into his shoulders at festivals
-because it’s October here’s a lil Halloween inclusion of him holding your hands at haunted houses and yelling at the scare actors for you <3 (also because it’s his way of coping lol)
-turns lights off/closes doors if you forget
-if you’re in the bathroom before bed he fluffs up your pillows so ur all comfy and cozy
-reads messages you got out loud if you’re preoccupied with something else, or alerts you if something seems important
-tells you stupid bedtime stories to help you go back to sleep if you had a nightmare
-begins to buy larger umbrellas so you both can stay dry together
-if you wear makeup he wants to help you by either by blending it or just straight applying it and giggling like a kid because “it’s fun”
-brushes your hair and styles it
-this might be also niche but holding onto your shoulders while you walk rather than your hand because it feels more secure?? also because he feels like he can bring you closer to him
-I never really write idol s/os but the idea of him looking over to you during an awards show to periodically make sure ur okay makes me melt
-feeds you and then pinches ur cheeks while laughing
-usually lets you choose the movie/show you want to watch, same with places to eat (unless you don’t know what to pick, then he’ll help you figure it out)
-runs you weekly bubble baths for you two to relax in
-holds/opens doors for you
-always wants you to relax, back rubs or nights off and doing face masks together
-he applies ur face masks for you :)
-he’s more of a receiver than a giver for this love language, his is mostly mixed with gift gifting
-making you playlists or untitled songs or coded titles so only you can find them on his Spotify :)
-he adjusts ur clothes, I feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to pick lint off of u without being promoted
-he’s a bit messy so he’ll tend to throw things into your drawer so it at least has the appearance of looking neat, he’ll help u organize if that’s what u want tho!! U just need to ask <3
-always checks in on you unprompted tho, makes sure you’re doing well at any hour of the day and whines
-he either spam texts u or shows up at your house with no warning to check up on you
-stands up for u but subtlety (English is not my first language it took me like seven tries to get that right pmg)
-BUT as I was saying, if you want to go to a restaurant but ur too shy to say it in front of the ppl ur hanging out with, he’ll be like “I WANNA GO TO ____” until they relent <3
-kills bugs for you
-teaches you how to bake and if he’s alone, he’ll bake extra treats for you (his fave thing to bake u r cupcakes !! )
-helps you build furniture and never teases u if you don’t get something <333
-if you play online games together he’ll try to always watch your back and fight off enemies for you
-or if you prefer taking the offensive, he’ll simply cheer you on :))
-sends flowers to your workplace/leaves them on your kitchen counter
-stargazes with you or plans out meaningful dates where he treats you
-makes you playlists
-sings you lullabies if you can’t sleep or just wanna hear him
-stays up after you to make sure you went to bed okay
-plugs in your phone for you before bed
-he always listens to your advice or at least takes it into heavy consideration, makes sure you feel heard
-asks if his jokes ever go too far
-“excuse me, they asked for no pickles”
-alway thanks you for acts of services that you do for him, leaves sweet texts or letters expressing his gratitude
-weirdly sweet remarks about how you’re so pretty it’s annoying or “who gave you permission to look so good tonight?”
-covers your eyes during scary parts of movies
-unless asked, he always lets you sleep in on weekends but never fails to be a human alarm clock if your digital one isn’t working
-wakes up before you 99% of the time so he can at least start a cup of coffee/breakfast for you
-pesters you into taking care of yourself (laying on top of you until you brush your teeth, tickling you until you relent to drinking water…)
-never breaks pinky promises, and always tells you in advance if there’s a schedule conflict so you don’t have to wait
-if he pays you back for anything he adds a little message “thanks for lunch, love you so much”
-tries new things for you because he trusts you, and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone as well
-asks if you’d like anything before he goes to the grocery store, and always remembers it
-thanks you randomly for being such a good partner or if you did something nice in the past few days
-always gives you a comfortable space to express yourself in, lets you talk and never interrupts you
-makes sure you stay uninterrupted as well, glares down anyone who speaks over u lolol
-makes a special handshake between the two of you
-very playful acts of services but they r still acts of services <3
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Obsessed with the couch metaphor callbacks in 6x15
It’s so incredibly obvious that Chris falling asleep on the couch was meant to mirror Buck. They are filmed the exact same way: camera follows Eddie into the kitchen, we stay with him there for a moment, then switch to the opposite angle as he comes back to reveal the sleeping person, and then back over his shoulder for a POV.
My doubt here is WHAT are they trying to tell us with these shots, and I have a few theories
Paralleling Buck and Chris as adoptive father/son? (This falls a bit short for me tbh but it’s likely given Buck’s donor arc, and it’s interesting that the actual witness to this reality isn’t him, but Eddie, who might point out Buck’s parental role to him later)
Showing Eddie lonely and how he needs someone else in his life because a kid and his bff aren’t enough and he still feels lonely (I actually hate this one but don’t put it past the writers… still doesn’t make much sense to me given how Buck’s nap was framed as welcome vulnerability and not a negative and it was pre-Pepa too)
Rule of 3 (A):we already saw Eddie asleep in the couch at the end of 6a but we could parallel Buck and Chris coming back to the kitchen to find Eddie asleep this time (could be… likely given what we know about Buck’s couch metaphor coming back in his last 6b scene, it could be the moment it hits him)
Rule of 3 (B): we could finish the season with all three Diaz-Buckley boys sleeping together on the couch, completely at ease and happy (again, likely given what I mentioned before and because it seems like Buck & Eddie will have an exhausting finale)
Rule of 3 (C): now this is wishful thinking but I want a mix of the past two options in which Christopher wakes up the day after the finale, goes to the kitchen to grab some juice or smth and Chris comes back to the living room to find both Buck and Eddie have fallen asleep on the couch after work.
Regardless… the thing I’m most curious about is the nature of the metaphor’s connection to the Diaz’s.
For one, it was actually Chris who brought up the couch the first time and it was Eddie who pointed out the romantic relationship symbolism of the whole thing. They are as tied to this idea as Buck. It was their first family scene this season and the effects of it have been rippling for 15 episodes so far.
Now, Buck falling asleep in 6x12 was clearly meant to be a nod towards the metaphor. The narrative made sure we knew it: Margaret pointing it out, Maddie mentioning it’s a long story to remind us of its significance, Buck struggling to sleep in his mom’s couch, and after he sleeps at Eddie’s he even marvels at how quickly he passed out. All these were big neon signs to make sure we had it in mind.
This scene in 6x15 however… Buck’s not here!!! The obvious framing as a callback to 6x12 in this episode is a direct connection to Buck and that moment and that metaphor. But it’s only Eddie and Christopher here. It’s a direct callback to Buck’s search for happiness. But given his absence, this scene isn’t about bringing Buck one step closer to realizing who his true happiness is. This scene is for us, the audience, only. It’s the writers telling us they haven’t forgotten and that we are still moving towards that realization. More neon signs.
In 6x12 we canonically connect Buck’s metaphor to Eddie’s couch for the first time (first time textually, at least, even if many of us saw the subtext coming).
In 6x15 we canonically connect Chris and Eddie to Buck’s couch metaphor.
These are similar statements, but not the same.
Anyway, my point is that wherever this is going it’s a Diaz-Buckley journey and the narrative is making sure we have it at the forefront of our minds while Buck and Eddie struggle with the wrong people and feelings of loneliness.
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lestatlioncunt · 24 days
6 albums i've been listening to (+1 standout track)
tagged by @devilbrakers thank you sooo much ezra <3
nei letti degli altri - mahmood. nel tuo mare: this one is difficult because i'm putting on repeat a bunch of songs from this album A LOT and picking just one is crazy difficult so i picked the one i find myself going back to a lot. honorable mention to stella cadente. these two are the songs i relate the most so i'll cheat and mention both
the age of consent - bronski beat. smalltown boy: i've been in the mood for this album a lot lately..smalltown boy is a classic and it will forever be THE song to me
pizza kebab vol.1 - ghali (begging ghali to come up with normal album names fr). safi safi: i'm too weak for the songs where he mixes italian and arabic together so this is an easy pick fhdkfkjd
black celebration - depeche mode. stripped: of course i've been listening to my fave album ever of depeche mode..chosing one single track is like psychological torture but yeah. LET ME SEE YOU STRIPPED DOWN TO THE BONE!!!! LET ME HEAR YOU MAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT YOUR TELEVISION!!! LET ME HEAR YOU SPEAKING JUST FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!
pony express record - shudder to think. 9 fingers on you: how to pick just one song from this album literallyyyyy!!!!!!!! i've discovered them a few months ago and i still need to do a deep dive in their discography but this album is an obsession fr. bonus pick bc i can: own me
midnight cruisin' - kingo hamada. 抱かれに来た女: one thing you guys need to know about me is that i go CRAZY for city pop. when i need to do smth and i want music to vibe to, i put on a city pop album. lately i've gone back to this one bc i'm obsessed with this song specifically. i've been listening a lot to different albums by toshiki kadomatsu too but since my fave ones aren't even on spotify and i have to use youtube like i'm in 2010 again to listen to him i gave the sixth spot to smth else fjdfkjdfkjd
tagging: @primonizzutto @quickhacked @reaperkiller @pawnguild @risingsh0t
@sorceresslodge @eternalchant @ncytiri @saintalessia
@hibernationsuit @gothimp @tekehu and whoever else wants to do this!!
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johnslittlespoon · 10 days
I love your bucky is dog fic so much!!! I reread it all the time it's so heart-warming and funny and just ahhh so good!! refreshing ao3 patiently and excitingly waiting for more<33
(a BIG mix of non–brainrot asks so i don't spam the timeline <33 some of these are from so long ago i'm so sorry. also lil disclaimer at the end about some specific asks i've been getting recently and why i won't be answering them! x)
1) !!?? you REREAD IT?? my heart wtf that's so sweet??? 😭💗 THANK U SM i will do my best to not let u down with future chapters even if shit gets a little bit angstier SDJKG <33
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2) LMAO backseat gala–ing from the comfort of a couch 😭 judging the outfits as if they don't show up in plain tuxes half the time <3
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3) <3333 thank u omg sjgkdk i'm so happy if my lack of stfu ability brings any bit of joy to anyone LOL
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4) ILY THX LEGEND @air-exec u enable me too much <33
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5) ALWAYS HAPPY TO INDULGE!! thank u for indulging my constantly rotting brain ur so kind 😭 <333
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6) yaurrr i think it's just bc i do Not enjoy being around children LMAO i can't ever get into pregnancy/family dynamic type fics in general, i wish i could tho bc they're so wholesome :') but YEAH exactly ugh. it's like. the action of talking about it, especially when it's unattainable, is so intimate bc it's like an "i love you this much" thing. but it's also so hot bc the possession of it (and possible feminization depending on the pairing) sighhh
also i feel that sooo hard, sometimes you just gotta go where ur writing heart takes u yk? it's hard to write something if ur not fully invested :') and omg stop i WILL cry. 😭💗 wtf. thank YOU!! ofc i would read!! some ideas just /hit/ and urs is one of them <33 but also yes omg it's UP there (if not at the top) on my list of pwps i wanna write once i finish yad(iym) <33 thank you for sharing urs too and sending u good writing vibes regardless of what u write!!
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7) GAHH this ones been on my ao3 read later since u sent this ask in!!! i literally have started a doc with links to moots fics i need to read/general fics i've stumbled across that look good and this one is for sure going in it. i do love reading sooo much, i just have the hell combo of adhd and dyslexia but i did start concerta a couple weeks ago which has def made it a bit easier to read lmfao thank fuck.
i think i just get in this headspace where i'm either a reader or a writer when i'm working on smth, idk if anyone else does this? i have a hard time slipping btwn both mindsets, i'm usually locked in on one at a time LOL but i need to get my shit together bc fuck everyone in this fandom writes so damn good and i want to leave long essays on all the fics and hype people up <33 i think once i finish the dog fic i'll take a few days to just consume my reading list to celebrate SJDGK
also omg i can't believe this ask is from before i even posted it that's crazyyy MY BAD. thank u and also that made me giggle JSKDG if that's my legacy in this fandom i'm honestly so happy ab that okay dog coded bucky is everything to me and i will do whatever i can to do him justice <333 and thank u again for the rec!
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8) [ X ] UGHHH stop mammal RUINED me. he's soososoo pretty i want to die i think about that barry era as curt in the motaverse so often it makes me sick. i love pretty twinks!! xx (i have a whole motaverse au curtbucky where curt looks like 2012–ish barry and he's ken's age and they're cute lil mechanics together and it's so stupidly elaborate and niche and maybe i'll do smth w it one day who knows)
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9) this is very sweet and i do appreciate you respecting my boundaries! thank you <3 i think a lot of people get annoyed at adults asking minors not to interact with nsfw posts on here bc the argument is always "they're gonna look even if you ask them not to" which, yeah, true! i was a teenager growing up online, i sure as hell did not let 18+ warnings stop me ever lmfaoo. i'm not telling minors to stay off my account because ik if people wanna find specific content, they're gonna find it. if teens are learning ab gay sex thru my blog, then at least they're learning ab it from a gay man who tries to keep things realistic in fic and who isn't a creep LOL.
that being said, i more so bar off minors interacting with my nsfw posts/writing bc i personally just feel uncomfortable discussing stuff like that with anyone who isn't an adult, and sometimes i don't have the time to check bios for ages (or sometimes bios don't have ages) before i reply to comments or whatever, so it's just easier to ask that y'all stick to the sfw so i don't accidentally brainrot some cooked shit with a child JSDJKG bc i would feel icky. i hope you understand <3
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10) IT MAKES ME SICKKK. not only that, but when i was rewatching it with my irl last week, i realized that in e5 when bucky's smoking in the plane after gale goes down, he's sitting in the right (gale's) seat, which i'm pretty sure he doesn't do at any other time :((( like he was trying to be close to him in anyway he could </3
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11) omg i've been meaning to watch that just to get a better inside look at stuff for world building purposes lmaooo but that sounds so wholesome :( i read that a lot of the guys would get real sad/touchy around holidays (obviously), so i could see a oneshot where one of them takes it upon themselves to try and cheer everyone up the best they can under their circumstances. a little found family holiday </33
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12) thank u for the rec!! i'm suuuch a slow reader, i'm still working my way thru the actual mota book LOL but i've added this to my reading list <3 i think i might've actually read a couple excerpts from that one in doing research for my fic and it looks really interesting (and heartbreaking) so i'm sure i'll pick up a copy eventually :^)
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13) oh 100% agree!! as someone who already isn't super interested in fashion/pop–culture, i find it very hard to look at the men's outfits and be blown away by any of them LOL but the women?? insane. was losing it over lana and zendaya's fits tonight ngl. hunter had me in a chokehold with last year's <3 tangent alright i always say this to my friends but i'm just jealous in general that women have so many more options in terms of clothes like.
okay listen i know i can leave my house in a skirt or crop top or whatever and a lot more guys are def starting to feel comfortable doing so. but i also enjoy not worrying about getting jumped or looked at funny! it's a lot safer than it used to be to do so, even in my small ass conservative town i'll sometimes put on some dangly earrings or a bit of rodrick–liner SJKDG but that doesn't mean it's normalized yet or whatever. point being that i wish it was because men's outfits would be sm more exciting at these fashion events if they had a wider range of options too!
but that aside, absolutely. until that changes, really it's not that hard for the men who are going with women (who don't want to go crazy with their outfits/who are more lowkey like you said) to just. wear something nice and on theme that compliments their partner's outfit and they'll be FINE. anything is better than something boring with no effort; effort doesn't have to equal crazy and fancy and elaborate. like austin's 2022 look has always been a standout to me because it was still a really nice look (even if it was simple) and it also worked so well because of who he had at his side. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i also literally don't know shit ab fashion so i rly shouldn't be speaking on it LOL. i just know some things make me go oh no and some make me go YUM
and that's probs the last i'll post about the met bc i rly don't care thaaaat much, i was just happy to see barry since he wasn't at the panel this weekend <3
OKAY THAT WAS SO MUCH I'M SORRY. i just felt really bad bc some of those have been sitting in my inbox for months bc i was waiting to compile them all into a post like this :-) but also one last thing, idk if it's bc of me stepping out of mota to talk ab the emmy stuff/the met this week, but i've had a couple gossip/drama(?) asks and i just wanna say rn that i won't be posting stuff like that, even though they've been worded kindly! one, because i rly only post about fic/brainrot/mota–fandom related stuff here (aside from rare exceptions like today lol). and two, because as much as i adore our boys and try to keep up with the things they're up to, i personally don't vibe with speculating about them (esp if it's in a way that kinda. forgets they are grown men who probably don't think twice ab some of the stuff that people think they do lolol). i have no issue with people who do like to talk ab that stuff, i follow update blogs and think it's totally fine as long as it's done respectfully! i just don't feel like talking about gossip fits the vibe here and frankly i don't care enough about what goes on behind the scenes half the time; i'm just here to create and support and be insane. <33 that's all, just wanted to say that so ppl aren't waiting to have those asks answered/aren't sending more in! x
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kimtiny · 8 months
So what to the ghosts think about their clone progeny? Proud? Annoyed? Indifferent? I can just see OG Confucius facepalming every time his clone opens his mouth, Harriet being annoyed about what a desperate people pleaser her clone is and Kennedy is just like “that’s my boy!” When if comes to JFK.
You basically got the energy!! Here's a list of what the clone parents think of their clone children:
Jeanne: Sees Joan as a reincarnation. Wants the best for Joan, gets upset when Joan is acting out and/or people go against her. Even with her flaws and mistakes she thinks Joan is worthy of her legacy and she just needs a helping hand to accomplish great things.
Abraham: Obviously sees Abe as a direct son. Very proud of him even when Abe is doing irrational things. Wants to guide him towards being a better person everyday, but does not expect/want Abe to be like him. He cringes when Abe tries to resolve conflicts and immediately fails, he has a cringe fail son but he loves him with every fiber of his soul.
John: Sees JFK as a son. Like you said, he has that 'That's my boy!' energy with JFK, always praising his multiple relationships. But even with this, we wishes that JFK was a bit more focused on things like school to actually do smth with his life. He was pleased with season 2 JFK's evolution.
Cléopâtre: Sees Cleo as a reincarnation. Cleopatre loves Cleo like a mother, like a ruler and like a God. She beleives that Cleo is her perfect modern reincarnation, and anyone who says anything wrong about her is wrong and deserves punishement! If she could, she would cover her clone daughter in gold.
Frida: Sees her clone daughter as a daughter. Frida is very proud of Frefre, her art, her attitude, her art, her philosophy, her art, her relationships and of course her art! She wants Frefre to always follow her instinct and never tell anyone what she can/cannot be. She's very proud of her duaghter and herself to have been such a good role model in her life and she feels she doesn't need to look over Frefre as much as the other clone parents, Frefre is independent and unapologetic and any parent would be proud of it.
Harriet: Harriet sees her clone daughter as a reincarnation/daughter (both). Harriet has mixed feeling about clone Harriet, she's very proud that she's such an excited and energetic girl- but she hates how people pleasing she is, and how afraid she is of a normal quiet life. Harriet wants to guide her daughter towards a healthy middle and especially towards stopping to try so hard to appeal to others! But overall, she is still very proud of her.
Kong Zi: Kong Zi sees Confucius as a son. Kong Zi likes Confucius friendlyness and how he wants to help everyone no matter what, he beleived that Confucius can carry his legacy- if he wasn't so distracted. Sometimes Kong Zi would want Confucius to be a bit more concerned with stuff going around him. But he's especially mad how Confucius' family treats him, Kong Zi was low key a noble and he beleived his prince son deserves the same respect as royals! He wants to guide Confucius in the right path of peice and friendship while protecting him from anyone that would treat him wrong.
Cristoforo: Sees Topher as a son, and doesn't like it. Cristo dislike Topher, finding him too nice and not well spoken enough. He's amused when he can drive Topher crazy but when someone else hurts him, Cristoforo feels a sense of panic to know if Topher will be okay. It's a weird relationship of love and hate. One thing he likes about Topher tho, is that he weird bright pink, Cristo is very fan of colors.
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jackhues · 1 year
I’m not sure if you have done this but how does Aus react to Peanuts mom dating Barzy and is he okay with peanut meeting barzy
aus has mixed reactions on mama dating barzy. peanut's 4 when mama and barzy are officially together (met a few months before), and mama talks about it with aus beforehand. like she hates causing confusion and her and aus are finally in a good place after the hookup, she doesn't want to ruin it. so she tells aus a little offhandedly, and he's like "oh?" mama feels bad, but aus is telling her no you shouldn't feel bad, you should go out on dates, have fun and stuff (even though it's killing him inside bcz this is making the fact that he and mama are not going to end up together again too real). but mama sounds happy and excited, and he's not going to take that from her.
when he finds out it's barzy, he's a little shocked. he never talked with barzy too much, but learning that he's dating mama kinda makes aus dislike him. he feels like barzy's not good enough for mama (smth he and jack agree on), and he's not very happy with it. he thinks it's just a fling and they'll move on, but then mama's calling aus and asking if she can introduce barzy and peanut, and mama seems so excited that aus can't say no to her. he begins visiting p more often during this time, bringing in nice toys and new clothes, till it gets to the point where mama has to sit him down and be like "aus, you need to calm down." but aus feels the need to have to one-up barzy, bcz that man took mama and he's about to take p too.
he's really conflicted during this transition period bcz he loves how happy mama seems and he doesn't want to take that from her, but at the same time, he's terrified mat's just there to take his place.
they do have a huge on-ice fight, after mama and mat get engaged, which is when p starts calling mat dad, and aus just loses it in the fight. after the fight, p's forced mama to wait outside bcz she wants to talk with papá, and she walks in, seeing her papá hunched over, eyes red as if he'd been crying. "papá," she calls aus, climbing into his lap and wrapping her arms around him. aus is holding p like he won't ever let go, doing his absolute best to not cry. "papá," she says again. "i don't know why you're fighting with dada mat, but it makes mama sad. i don't like when mama's sad. it makes you sad too. i don't like when you're sad either." and aus just smiles sadly bcz this is his little girl, and she's calling someone else dada, "you wouldn't get it." "i'm not that young," she tells him. "i know you don't like dada mat very much, but you don't tell mama because mama likes him very much. and dada mat thinks ur cool, but he's scared of you bcz ur my papá and he's my dada." and aus just takes a second to admire that... because yeah mat can be p's dada, and mama's fiance, but aus has a place in their lives to. he's p's papá, he and mama are coparenting.
mama has a similar talk with mat, and the two of them slowly accept each other.
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rottingraisins · 9 months
ur colors r so good and so vivid and beautiful all your art really stands out to me, it’s so bright and vibrant and brimming with character. howd u get so good w color?
thank you! and hm good question. I think like anything its ultimately just practice but thinking on it there's a few things that helped 4 me that I don't see mentioned a lot:
the single most important thing that made my art improve almost immediately once I realized it is that you can legitimately do fucking whatever. I think a lot of younger artists that look at like social media art tutorials a lot get it in their heads that there's a single perfect "system" that art functions in, like using a particular brush for lineart, a particular color and overlay filter to shade and highlight, a particular way to draw noses or hair or hands and while I think this certainly works for some people and even kinda happens automatically as you get better at art bc you create shortcuts for yourself you shouldn't really try to force it! I think the mark of a good artist is being able to vary these things, sometimes even within the same piece, and this goes doubly for color bc when you know how to use it well it can shift the mood of a painting a lot! Unless you're going for realism you can always say fuck it; red skin, purple shadows, green highlights. Whatever gets across the feeling you're going for y'know!
learning some basic color theory is obviously super important. I'm not gonna break it down here bc there's like hundreds of youtube videos on it but smth I recommend looking into is the distinction between local and non-local color! It'll help you start looking at art with more of an analytical eye so you can figure out what exactly artists you like are doing so you can try to imitate it in your own work. I personally learned a lot of what I know abt color from post-impressionist painters like Les Nabis, Toulouse-Lautrec, etc but you could just as well look at more contemporary art or even other people on social media
smth that helped me a lot is learning how to mix my own paint! I really think you only really need a handful of base colors (red, blue, yellow, green, pink, sienna, black and white) and should mix everything else from there. Those huge gouache or watercolor paint sets look very pretty but ultimately are mostly just a lot more expensive than they need to be, and mixing the paint yourself helps you figure out a lot about what base colors actually make up a certain hue. This knowledge even carries over into digital art bc the color wheel you have in most art programs is based off of traditional paint mixing so by familiarizing yourself with that you're simultaneously getting better at colorpicking! I used to be a digital-only artist and I saw a huge improvement in my digital art once I started working traditionally
I hope these helped somewhat! I should reiterate I'm not really classically trained in art at all and these are just what helped me figure stuff out! I've found a lot of it is just trying at it until you find something that works for you but maybe this'll speed it along :]
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(re: tags on rb'ed post) It's genuinely so wild to me that people don't know how to cook??? Obviously I don't fault anyone for it, you've got to learn and there's no shame to it, I just really thought everyone had some degree of culinary knowledge until I was like twelve.
Anyway, what are your favorite vegetables to cook with? Favorite summer recipes? Favorite pasta recipes if you've got them? I need new recipes to try :)
exactly, I don't want to fault anyone on it either!! we have to acknowledge the diverse backgrounds we have, levels of privilege etc--and i do also think with that comes, what do we assume as normal just bc it's our experience? and so it's so important to hear from other people. i find a lot of asians and women such as myself learn how to cook from a very young age just like you did, and then assume everyone else does too (i didn't realise most of my friends didn't do their own laundry either all through high school).
anyway in response to your question: I love cooking with eggplant, capsicum, sweet potato, potatoes in general, sweet potato leaves, basically every kind of legume and all the products people make from them, tomatoes, all kinds of herbs (but the italian mix is my favourite) as well as an assortment of asian vegetables and melons that someone in my family always procures and has too much of!! i also love to add ginger to any recipe i feel like is missing its meatiness, green/spring onions go really well with a lot of things and so do raw red onions or cooked brown onions!!
pasta wise i love everything pasta. a pasta bake is a go to one for me as i make a good white sauce and my sisters and i all love it!! lasagna is cool but a bit more time consuming so it's been ages. otherwise anything spaghetti bog/with meatballs (specifically the ones i make from Beyond Meat, water crackers, carrot, onion and spices) is good and i eat it with green beans! it's also super quick bc pasta sauce is like $1 for a big bottle where i live and you just pour it on your spaghetti or pasta. i also love all things ramen (both the curly type and the more expensive straight organic japanese one, they also have other noodles called udon and soba that you literally just boil for 5mins and have with sprouts or smth and olive oil and it's delicious). i do love mac and cheese when i get a good vegan cheese but it's pretty hit and miss on that.
and as for summer recipes i'm a big smoothie gal!! pack it with protein powder and chia seeds and coconut water for electrolytes and ice cream for fun but i love mango/banana, pineapple/papaya, mint/spinach/coconut, mixed berry, sometimes i'll shake it up and do orange/papaya or smth!! i love all the bright colours and how creamy they are if you have a good banana or mango or papaya or just really creamy soy milk. also love anything with watermelon+mint (my sister makes a really good salad with it and cos lettuce, olives, cucumber and baby tomatoes i believe). also my beyond meat meatballs go well on a skewer dipped in guacamole for the summer nights where it's light right up til bedtime!
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