reedraws · 3 months
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Another commission for the wonderful @neednothavehappenedtobetrue, featuring their character Elisabeth. It was an absolute delight working out the design of her wheelchair, I hope she gets the happily ever after she deserves!
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penroseparticle · 7 months
📚 📣
A song or album you could write a term paper on
Caravan Palace's debut album (Self Titled) came out in 2008. A refreshing, large ensemble album that included some truly talented producers, writers, and talent (did you know Delaporte is a credited writer?). Caravan Palace has had mostly niche success in the United States, as they've developed into one of the more well known Electro Swing bands out there, with their crossover US hit being Lone Digger, from Robot Face (I can't be assed to look up how to type it so take a copy: <|°_°|>, although Robot Face is an accepted title of the album as well) a song made famous not just for how fucking much it slaps, but also for its distinctive music video of anthro people in a club where everyone gets fucking killed in a bar brawl. The songs are snappy, catchy, and clearly evoking the genre and decade they're from, while still bringing something fresh and new. Caravan Palace is known for their dedication to music videos as a direct dialogue with their music- while the live music is great (I've seen them live 3 times now), and the songs stand alone on the album proper, you're really missing out if you don't watch the videos. For instance- you would have no idea that Moonshine from their 2019 album Chronologic intentionally riffs on Lone Digger 2/3 of the way through the song or why, and the music video (About a flat earth truther) looping around to the iconic music video all over again really drives home how even setting out and avoiding your rut can end you up in the same place- something of a Cassandra style warning despite the lyrics being much more open ended.
The band seems utterly massive at times, at it's largest it had... 9 members I believe? And the sound variety that they can produce is unbelievable for a group that size- I feel like everyone is doing 3 different jobs.
Also, their cover of Black Betty is my favorite cover of that song. Unimpeachable, and honestly might be neck and neck with the original by Ram Jam (I always liked Keep Your Hands On The Wheel way more anyways, sorry not sorry).
Anyways that's just my starting salvo for going into Robot Face, which was one of my first live shows in DC I actually chose to go to myself, and I CANNOT overstate how much it was a good choice. Caravan Palace is great give them a look.
A lyric that feels like it is specifically calling you out
Uh ok uh. Well. Let's just say that I really, really didn't understand Semi-Charmed Kinda Life by Third Eye Blind until this year, and I did not hear "Doing Crystal Meth Will Lift You Up Until You Break" a single fucking time in this song until this year either despite listening to this song on loop for fucking years, to the point where I am investigating whether this was a Mandela effect type moment for me personally and specifiically.
Anyways, the number of songs about drugs? Astronomical. Hard to avoid
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jdragsky · 1 year
Hi! is Midnight Oil ever going to be available on Itch for non-Patreon subscribers? I'm a $3 Patreon subscriber and I can't afford to subscribe at a higher tier (and I think I lose my early backer status if I change tiers and won't be able to go back), but I could pay $10-15 once. if that's not something you plan on doing, no worries, but I thought I'd ask! loved Wanderhome, confident I will also love Midnight Oil even though they look like very different games.
i'm planning to eventually put out midnight oil (maybe sometime early 2024?) but there's a couple things in the pipeline first and the game needs some substantial dev editing! its weird ... when i was first starting out i could type something up and publish it within a day, but these days it takes months of planning and nitpicking before i'm happy with it
also, you personally should email me at [email protected] and we can see if we cant work something out — i dont want you to lose your early backer status if u can help it!
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Hi! In your tags you mentioned reading a book in first person plural and I would love to know what it was.
Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris. It's about an advertising agency that's going through layoffs, so it's told from a general perspective of the employees.
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morhath · 9 months
14- favorite book! Also favorite song, which I think was #1 but I forget for sure
1. Song of the year?
I almost exclusively listen to My Chemical Romance, with some folk songs from like the 1300s thrown in for fun. I did really enjoy the new Hozier album though, and I especially love "Butchered Tongue" (makes me cry) and "Anything But" (extremely fun). I really liked "Eat Your Young" when it first came out but I fear I overlistened and now I usually skip it when it comes up on my mp3 player.
14. Favorite book you read this year?
I already answered with what were probably my top three, but I also really liked Tell Me I'm Worthless, Some Desperate Glory, and Chain-Gang All-Stars. This seems to be the "I would recommend checking the trigger warnings" edition in comparison to the previous list.
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letters-of-fire · 6 months
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a commission for @neednothavehappenedtobetrue! thank you so much, Liza was such a delight to draw c:
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you-marvelous-creature · 10 months
Apple Wrapped stats for @neednothavehappenedtobetrue :
7: pretty isn’t pretty - olivia rodrigo
2: want you back - maisie peters
9: boys of summer - don henley
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joestarlight · 1 year
I was tagged by the awesome @kell-be-belle! Thank you hon! Last song: Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Last movie: uuuuuhhh honestly probably Barbie? Everything else I’ve watched recently has been TV.
Currently watching: I’m rewatching Hannibal TV and loving every minute of it. When I did my first watch I was very “zomg how are they going to do Clarice?!” And I am enjoying it so much more now that I have detached it from the books. GEE WISH MORE FANS WOULD DO THIS HMMMMMM….
Currently reading: novel wise, I really need to finish Any Way The Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell, and I am chomping at the bit to start The Weaver and the Witch Queen by Genevieve Gornichec. I’m also reading The Living Tarot by T. Susan Chang and it is the best tarot guide I have seen in a long time.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: gimme all of it but I enjoy savory a lot.
Last thing researched for research purposes: I was just looking up Selkie lore to get some worldbuilding ideas. I also live in a constant state of Viking era research between my reenactment camp and my novel.
What are you working on?: finishing my second novel, which is also my thesis for my MFA program, and building a Viking village on the weekends.
No pressure to anyone but I tag @cowboybuttconnoisseur @skull-nymph @kayte-overmoon @neednothavehappenedtobetrue @logastellus21 @thisislisa @darklyhandsome and anyone else who might want to do this! Also if I tagged you and you're just here for fandom, that is totally valid, see this as me thinking your blog is cool, lol!
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racetrackthehiggins · 3 years
@neednothavehappenedtobetrue​ for the meme thing! my ask box wouldn’t let me format good so here you go. under a cut because it got loooong
i used the word brain SIXY FOUR times which means i definitely need to uhhh take some out here are top 3:
early adventures with Main Character and ambiguous non-human
Kincaid’s brain suddenly skidded to a halt.  “Wait a fucking second, if you haven’t been around humans for a while, then how do you know how to drive a car?”
“Osmosis,” Z replied, snappy.  “A little from watching humans.  Muscle memory mostly.  But I’ve been doing it a few days now and I’ve yet to hear any complaints from you until this very moment.”
“A few days?!” Kincaid squeaked, suddenly breathless.  “You mean to tell me the first time you drove a car was the day we left Boston?”
Z smirked.  “Not at all!”  It waited until he exhaled before adding, “The first time was the day before.”
climaxish with the lesbian side plot characters
Camila’s eyes narrowed. Below them there was some sort of shouting, but Elisha only had eyes for her. “You never struck me as much of a fighter.”“
That’s because—” Elisha wrested control back from him. “That’s because I have an angel in the passenger seat of my brain right now and sometimes he’s a little gung ho.”
“You have what.”
two non-humans breaking into the devil’s condo
Are we sure this is it?
“Yup,” they replied, popping their p’s obnoxiously.  “So what do you think?  Sock drawer or the drawer with his sex toys?  Or maybe the medicine cabinet, that’d be a good spot, yeah?  Personally, I’d keep the souls of the dead in the fridge, because I wouldn’t want them to get rank.”
I don’t think you need to worry about souls rotting, I think your brain has gotten there first.
for table we have seven not contained in other words and here is the best one:
Camila made the devil Bustelo from a can.  She had asked him how he took it, but he replied, however you take it is fine, so she sweetened them both with sweetened condensed milk like her abuela had taught her, and sat at her $39 IKEA TÄRENDÖ table across from Lucifer himself and tried not to feel guilty for being cheap around the devil.  Something about the sentiment, she was sure, was wrong.
win/winner not contained in other words (which are mostly knowing, showing and WING):
introish to our main dude, Kincaid
He parted the bead curtain with a hand and slipped through it, walking past his couch and bathroom and the cluster of ghosts crowded around his TV and heading towards the caffeine.  He lived in the basement apartment of a family home, and as long as he babysat sometimes and didn’t complain that they didn’t turn on the radiator when the first few frosts hit, they didn’t comment on his frequent gentleman callers, so it was win-win as far as Kincaid was concerned.
and the semi-climax
Lucifer leaned on the train door casually, having exited the train with unfitting poise and grace.  “Hello there, Gabriel,” he said to Gabby.  “Fancy seeing you here.  And you brought your son!  It’s a family reunion for sure.  Hi there,” he added, leaning forward a little bit and pitching his voice as though Kincaid were a small animal or child.  “I’m your uncle Lucifer and there’s something in your pocket that I need.  So how about we skip this whole fighting thing where I win and you have to watch your mom and your little friends die, and I promise I’ll keep you alive.  Sounds like a good idea, huh?”
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tboykrillin · 3 years
hello! I fully thought your URL was “sprite pepsi” at first, as in Griffin’s teen name? And then you post a bunch of mountain goats content, which is always a delight!
good news thats what my url is based off of!! sprite pepsi was already taken tho 😔 and YES i love the mountain goats i post an inordinate amount abt them :D
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reedraws · 3 years
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@neednothavehappenedtobetrue​‘s Molly! She seems like such a lovely character, and I can’t wait to see how the game turns out, thank you for the commission!
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penroseparticle · 3 years
see I just did the cloth mother/wire mother thing and got cloth mother, which feels like "snuggly, but not actually providing what people need to thrive"
like, I'm not sure there's an answer to this quiz that doesn't feel draggy to me? we just got dragged in opposite directions
See I think you're right- we were set up to fail
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pornosophical · 5 years
neednothavehappenedtobetrue replied to your post: oh my god, she’s Dr Saroyan! I was wondering where...
whatcha watching? I loved her on Bones
October Faction. so far it’s looking like urban fantasy horror where she’s the mom of a nuclear family whoe married into a monster hunting dynasty
the kids don’t know. the boy child is gay. the writing is good enough! at least so far. I have to stop and take breaks because of neuroses, y’know how we do
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neednothavehappenedtobetrue replied to your post: [[MOR] okay okay. being dead is not a solution...
being dead is not a life hack
...I like this phrase! I am going to steal. thank for phrase/encouragement/hugs.
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morhath · 2 years
cat, awkward, or laugh
queen's thief fanfiction:
“The old man is attempting to flirt with you,” she told Eugenides. “By telling you that the cat dislikes most people. Which is a lie.”
earlier in that same fic, which is so long I've had to break it into two separate docs--this is from doc #1 and the previous quote is from doc #2:
It was an awkward operation, getting onto a ladder that was rushing towards you while you also had one hand, but Gen jumped and managed to catch it with his hook.
fic for a different fandom, VERY old idk if I'll ever do anything with it:
Haru laughed, darted in for a quick hug, and then ran up the stairs.
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neednothavehappenedtobetrue replied to your post “Leverage isn’t on Netflix anymore & im cry”
It’s on Hulu
Hmmm none of the episodes are showing up???
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