#neil melendez angst
americaswritings · 3 years
Someone for you
Warnings: Reader gets hurt so a little angst I guess
Summary: You’re trying to break off a fight in the ER and get hurt in the process. Neil takes care of you.
Words: 3.5k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x intern!reader
A/N: Neil Melendez taking care of you. Just imagine it I dare you. 
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What did you just say to me?!” You lifted your head at the loud voice, laying the clipboard you had previously stared at to the side to find out what was going on.
“I called you an asshole, because that’s what you are!” It was Jared. Oh no.
You rounded a corner to find him in the middle of the ER, a middle aged man standing closely in front of him. They were staring at each other with such intense resentment that you knew it was only a matter of seconds until the situation would escalate.
“Hey!”, you called to get their attention as you hurried over to them, but they didn’t seem to be aware of you. Other patients were starring now, watching the situation unfold with curiosity and fear. You gestured towards a nurse, signalling her to get security, just in case. You didn’t think Jared would let himself get involved in a fight while he was on shift, but you didn’t want to take a risk either.
You had nearly reached them as you saw the man whispering something towards your co-worker, too quiet for you to hear. Whatever he had said, it had been enough for Jared to lose his temper. “Jared no!”, you yelled, grabbing onto his coat just as the tall man lunged forward.
He landed a good punch at the man in front of him, who immediately reacted. Chaos erupted around you, distracting you for a moment. A second later something hit you in the face, sending you tumbling backwards.
Pain shot through your nose and eye as you brought a hand up to your face, covering it out of an instinct, as if it would help to soothe the pain. You realized it must have been Jared’s elbow hitting you, as he had pulled back for another punch. He didn’t seem to have realized it, too caught up in the fight.
Security arrived along with other doctors who had realized what was going on. You could make out Dr. Andrews and Dr. Melendez upon them, helping to break off the fight by tearing the two men away from each other.
Everything had happened so fast, it could have only been a matter of seconds and your brain was trying to keep up with it.
You watched as security brought the man outside, who was struggling against their grip and yelling insults. Jared was breathing heavily, his face still twisted in anger as Dr. Andrews tried to talk him down.
You were still in shock, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest as you stood by and watched them helplessly. Your vision had gone slightly blurry, so you could only make out a silhouette as you saw someone walking up to you.
When he came closer you realized it was Dr. Melendez. Relief washed over you. His calm demeanour and rational thinking always helped to ground you.
“What happened?” His voice was firm and stern. Just like he sounded when he talked to his patients, if it wouldn’t have been for the edge of worry you could make out. “Got hit by Jared’s elbow”, you muttered, hoping he wouldn’t give you a lecture, telling you that you shouldn’t have gotten involved.
But he seemed to sense it wasn’t the right time, because he let out a sigh instead, the frown on his forehead deepening. “Come one, I’ll have a look on it”, he stated, placing his hand gently on your lower back to guide you to a room.
You knew the gesture meant nothing to him, but the touch still send a shiver of warmth through your body. “I’m fine”, you argued, knowing how busy he was and not wanting to occupy his time. You couldn’t see his expression, but you were sure he was rolling his eyes at you. “You aren’t. Now come on.”
Now you were the one to sigh but you let him walk you to an examination room. You sat down while Neil closed the door, locking out the noise of the busy ER. The silence that followed was soothing yet terrifying. You had been alone with Neil before, but never in a room with closed doors. You shuddered at how intimate it felt.
Neil turned back towards you, getting himself a roller stool so he was sitting right in front of you. You had never been so close before, his eyes starring directly at your face. Carefully he reached out, touching your hand and you realized you were still covering your face with it.
“Sorry”, you mumbled, letting it fall into your lap and you saw his lips curve into a small smile before his eyes filled with concern. You stayed silent as he inspected your face, not daring to move as his delicate fingers travelled over your skin.
Suddenly you felt empathy for every patient of his. How could they bear his eyes on them, the closeness, his touch? He was professional, but it was impossible not to notice his good looks. Did they feel just as flustered when he looked at them like this? The intensity behind his gaze nearly felt unbearable, making you feel completely exposed.
You tried not to stare at him while his eyes were fixed on your face, but you couldn’t look away. You had never been so close to him, and you doubted you would ever get the chance again, so you felt the urge to memorize every detail of his face. 
The way his eyes narrowed as he concentrated on the task before him, the deep frown between his brows, the way his lips curved as he pretended not to notice your staring. You adverted your eyes to your hands, feeling caught. You could feel your cheeks heat up and hoped he didn’t feel it too.
“Am I gonna die?”, you joked as the tension grew unbearable. Neil leaned back, his eyes twinkling. “You’ll live.” You let out a long breath, pretending to be relieved over the news while covering up the way the moment had affected you.
“It will leave a nasty bruise though. You should put ice on it.” You nodded, even though both of you were aware that the information wasn’t new to you, considering you were a resident. 
“Does your head hurt?”, Neil asked as he observed you now with distance between the two of you. He was serious again and you could see that he wasn’t pleased. It would only be a matter of time until a lecture would follow. You groaned on the inside as you thought of it.
You were tempted to brush it off, but the way Neil raised his brows at you told you he would not buy a lie. “I’m not getting a head CT if that’s what you’re asking”, you settled on instead. You knew Neil was worried about you and you didn’t want to give him another reason to be.
The idea that he was worried send a wave of excitement through you, but you tried to ignore it. He was your boss. Of course, he was worried, if something happened to one of his residents. He would probably act just the same if it was Claire sitting in front of him.
A lump formed in your throat, and you gulped it back down. You were being ridiculous. Neil was just being professional and taking his behaviour any other way wasn’t fair to you or him.
“I am not going to order you to get a head CT for a bad hit. I am not Shaun”, Neil stated, standing up now. You followed him, wobbling a bit on your feet. 
“But I am ordering you to take the day off-” “What?! No!” Neil raised his brow at you again. “That was a nasty hit you took there. It will definitely leave a black eye and the headache will only get worse.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, clearly unhappy with his order but knowing he was right. You couldn’t treat patients while walking around holding an ice pack to your face and you couldn’t fully concentrate when your head felt like it was about to burst.
“You’re going home.” His voice suggested there was no room for discussion. Not that you would have tried. He was your boss after all, and you had to obey to his orders. But being reminded of it after the vulnerable moment you had just shared felt like a punch to the stomach.
"Get some rest”, he added more gently as he saw your disappointed face.
“Fine.” You smoothed down your scrubs and walked past him. But before you could open the door, an uprising thought held you back.
You turned back to Neil, his eyes locking with yours immediately. “What will happen to Jared?” You could see his face harden and your stomach sank. “He didn’t mean to do that. He didn’t even realize it”, you tried to defend him. You didn’t even want to imagine the consequences he would have to face.
Neil sighed, clearly unhappy with your reasoning. “It’s not my call to make.  He attacked a patient. The directorate will decide about it.” You nodded, the impact of what had happened beginning to dawn on you. Jared could get fired. He had physically assaulted a patient in the middle of the ER. It would be a miracle if he would be allowed to keep his job.
“The guy said something to him though. You know Jared. He wouldn’t have attacked someone just like that.” Neil looked at you thoughtfully. “Did you catch what he said?” You sighed in defeat. “No.” 
“Then there’s nothing you can do for him now.” It was the truth, but a part of you still refused to leave. “Can you tell him I forgive him?” You knew you were walking on dangerous territory right now but leaving like this seemed wrong. It wasn’t Neil’s duty to deliver Jared a message from you, but you really wanted him to know. 
A part of you hoped that Neil didn’t seem himself just as your boss and wouldn’t mind the favor. In the time you worked here you had gotten to know him a little. You had been there when he had gone through the breakup with Jessica. Neil was private, always focused on keeping up a professional attitude, but sometimes in the late hours of the night you two would talk.
You would be bent over books together, trying to find a solution for a problem you were facing. It was nearly peaceful, the silence that filled the air while you were reading through medical books. You were both too deep into your work to acknowledge the other, but you knew you weren’t alone and that meant more than you could put into words. 
Then even the most unattainable obstacle didn’t feel impossible to solve, didn’t make you feel hopeless and lonely. 
And sometimes Neil would break the silence after a while. When he realized he needed a break, his thoughts wandering back to his own life, he would look up at you, all absorbed in your reading. In moments like this he would allow himself to look at you, really look at you. 
In the quiet of the night, the distance he always had to keep towards you suddenly seemed forgotten. Meaningless. It was just you and him, a few books and too many thoughts and feelings bottled up inside of him. 
He was tired and exhausted, frustrated by the problem and his incapability to focus. Before you could find him starring at you, he would break the silence, tell you something that kept him from fully committing to the task at hand.
Once that had been imagining a life without being a father. Then it had been about letting someone you loved go. In the beginning it had been purely for that reason, helping him get it off his chest so he could concentrate better. It had been purely selfish, a way to make him feel better. 
You had always been a good listener. He had noticed that about you from the very beginning. The way you listened to your patients, how you found time to get to know them better and talk to them. It seemed to come easy to you, because it wasn’t something you had to learn. It came naturally to you, because it was who you were. You cared. 
While it certainly raised red flags in his head from time to time that you cared so much for your patients, he had learned to use your gift for your patients best interest. If they were too stubborn or too scared to agree to a required treatment, he could count on you to convince them otherwise. 
He was arrogant and he was selfish. It had only been a matter of time until he had seeked your advice just the same as they did. But had it only been for his own benefit in the beginning, he hadn’t expected to begin to care too. He couldn’t remember when something had shifted, when he had started to talk to you because he really wanted to know your opinion, your thoughts, your advice.
Now he wanted to talk to you, because he wanted you to know. And worst of all, he wanted to know you, get to know you, learn everything there was to know about your life and who you were.
You had offered him glimpses so far. It felt ridiculous how desperate he was for them. 
But in the light of the day, it was easier to bury his feelings. It was easy being your boss, keeping up a professional demeanour. What made it hard was the moments he overheard you talking to the others. Another glimpse of who you were and what your life was like, yet he had to force himself to walk away. 
You could see your question had surprised him in the way his brows shot up and he tilted his head to the side to gaze at you in wonder. “Are you serious? You’re going to forgive him, just like that?”, he asked incredulously.
You nodded, drawing your brows together at his reaction. You had expected him to say something, but about the fact that he was your superior and not your decision to forgive Jared. 
“He hurt you”, Neil emphasized, his tone a little louder now. “He didn’t mean to. His day is bad enough already. Right now, he probably fears losing his job. I don’t want to add to his list of things to worry about.”
Neil stayed silent, his frustration with you visible in the way his jaw was clenched, and the tension lingered in his shoulders. “I guess we’re gonna have the talk right now”, he heaved, and you flinched. “The talk?” 
Your heart sped up as you imagined what he could mean. Had you done something wrong? Made a mistake? Were you being unprofessional? Did he know about your feelings for him? Were you that obvious?
Whatever it was he wanted to talk about, it seemed to have been on his mind for a while now. And it wasn’t anything good judging by his stern tone and the wrinkle on his forehead.
You walked back into the room, sitting down in case your legs would decide to give up. Holding onto the fabric of the treatment bed grounded you as you waited anxiously for him to speak.
“You care.” You drew your brows together, not getting what he was trying to say. “So?” Neil let out a breath. “You care too much. In this job you can’t let yourself feel for every patient. It will break you.”
You were caught off guard by his words. You hadn’t tried to hide the empathy you felt for your patients, but it never had gotten in the way of your job. Neil had known it all along, so why address it now? Had the other doctors said something to him? Did they think you weren’t made for this job, because you were too involved?
“Isn’t that my decision to make?”
Your head was spinning with thoughts, and you gulped, feeling a little defensive. Caring wasn’t a bad thing. You couldn’t imagine doing your job without feeling for your patients. Or worse, using it to manipulate people, like other doctors did. You didn’t want to become such a doctor, such a person.
When you thought about it, you doubted you were even capable of it. It was a part of who you were, and you had always thought of it as a good thing. Now that Neil was looking at you with a frown, you suddenly felt insecure about it.
He clasped his hands together. “I am your supervisor. It’s my job to tell you, to make sure you won’t get hurt, because you will in the end, if you continue like this.” You were taken aback again, the dread in your stomach growing. 
You admired Neil for his demeanour. He effortlessly switched between being distant and authoritative to compassionate and empathetic all while staying professional. You knew he cared for his patients much more than he let on. 
Apart from that they took advantage of your empathy. If it came to convincing a patient to agree to a procedure or talk to them, all eyes would fall on you. Neil had counted on your skills to change a patients mind multiple times. What was different now? 
But you knew you couldn’t ask him all of this. “I don’t get what that has to do with this”, you settled on, not wanting to argue with your boss right now. His eyes narrowed for a moment, and you knew you had struck a nerve.
Neil was always composed. Always calm and collected. Of course, you had seen him upset before, angry or frustrated, but he had never lost his temper. Now you could see the heat in his eyes and a part of you wondered if he would let it out.
But the tension didn’t leave his body. Instead, he clenched his jaw, raising his voice as he spoke. 
“Jared hurt you, but you say it’s fine. You’re always there for everyone, listening and giving them advice. But what about you? When do you think about yourself? You can’t always put everyone else first.” 
You flinched at his loud and harsh voice, but just as much over his words. Why would he get so riffled up over this, so upset over something that didn’t have anything to do with him or the job for that matter? 
“I can’t help it”, you whispered truthfully. Neil’s gaze softened immediately, and he released his hands, which had been balled into fists. He took a step closer to you and you watched with big eyes, not sure what to expect from him. 
He had surprised you many times today already.
“You should have someone who looks out for you. Someone who puts you first.” His voice was gentle when he spoke, so low that you weren’t sure you could trust your own ears. 
His brown eyes were filled with a warmth you had only seen a few times before, once when he had saved a mother’s life and her children had hugged him. But never would you have expected it to be directed at you. Your heart melted and you blinked, hoping he couldn’t see how much his words had touched you.
But it wasn’t just that he was looking out for you, thinking about your wellbeing. In his words, the way he had said them, was an underlying meaning. If you hadn’t known better, you would have assumed he was talking about himself, offering to be that person for you. 
But that couldn’t be it. He was far out of your reach. You only heard what you wanted to hear. 
Neil cleared his throat, straightening up and the emotion cleared from his face. “You should really get some ice for your eye”, he lightened up the atmosphere. It took you a moment to adjust to the quick change of topics, but you nodded, putting on a polite smile as you hoped down the bed.
“Thanks, for taking care of me- I mean my eye, gosh.” Your face heated up and you saw Neil grin in amusement. “Anytime.”
And you knew he meant it. 
Maybe you hadn’t been wrong, and he really wanted to be that person for you. Whatever it was, you were determined to find out. His words had showed you that he was much more attentive than you had expected, thought about you more than you had dared to hope.
Maybe it was time to do just what he had said, put yourself first and find out if there was a chance for the two of you.
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pollyna · 3 years
Prompt set during 4x20:
Lim and Claire still get up go for a run at the same hour has they did with Melendez. Neither of them took away the alarm from their phone, even if they now life gives them new hours, new routes and new people to run with.
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baraye · 4 years
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This is not you. And it’s not right. We can be friends and have it not be weird. It’s already weird. I’m not gonna stay. Well, you don’t have to run away just because I’m here. I’m not running. I’m being professional. You’re overcompensating. Trying to play it safe. And it’s... It’s hurting things. It got Park and I in an argument. That’s not how I want to be mentored. That’s not who you are. At least, it’s not who I thought you were. 
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murlendez101 · 6 years
Ambulance Ride Pt. 2
Melendez felt his blood run cold. 'Shaun has been shot, his condition is getting worse' He looks up to see Claire give him a terrified look. His breathing became rapid. 'Not Shaun' "Dr. Melendez you need to breathe." He looks at Claire who had stepped closer from seeing him freaking out. "He's going to be ok."
'Will he though? What if he doesn't?' Melendez shakes those thoughts from his head. 'Since when did you get so attached to Shaun.' He doesn't have time to be thinking about this. "Prepare the OR, he's going to need surgery." Claire nods and goes to one of the nurses to pass on the information. Melendez then turns to Dr. Park and Morgan. "There's another fatal. It's Shaun. He's been shot in the stomach and his condition is rapidly going down. Prepare yourselves for a surgery." They both look concerned but nod their heads determined.
It wasn't five minutes later when the ambulance finally arrived.Neil saw Kalu and a paramedic step out of the ambulance with a stretcher. On the stretcher was Shaun. They wheeled him in. "Kalu status." Neil ordered.
"His O2 levels are down, but the bullet missed any vital organs. The bullet in still there, and if not taken out soon his conditions may worsen and can lead to death by bleeding out." Kalu finishes. Melendez nods. "Head to the OR. We're getting the bullet out now." They wheel Shaun down the hall and his team follows. An arm reaches out and stops Neil.
"You know you cannot operate on someone you're close to Neil, it's against the rules." Dr. Andrews says to him. "Listen I don't have time to argue with you about rules ok. The more time I spend here talking to you, the more chances he'll die. So you can take this rule and shove it where the sun don't shine and if the board has a problem with it they can find me later." Andrews looks shocked but Neil didn't have time to fully indulge on it as he went walking to the OR. He suites up with the rest of his team and heads into the operating room.
They made an incision where the bullet was, and sewed off anything that was destroyed in the process. Suddenly the monitor went off. Neil looked up. "I don't understand we got the whole place fixed." He was freaking out. 'I can't let him die, not lie this.' Claire walks over, assessing the area.
"We should've closed off anything." She said still looking for anything abnormal. Kalu leaned over. "All signs are showing internal bleeding."
"But we closed off everything." Morgan adds. "There has to be bleeding somewhere. Maybe we missed it." He replies back. He moves the gown over to the right side to see if there's anything over there. "There shouldn't be anything over there. The bullet only hit the left side." Claire says pointing to the left side. "But, a piece of the bullet could've gone to the other side and damaged something." Kalu says still looking for an obvious sign of internal bleeding. "See, there." He points to the bruising of skin.
"That's an obvious sign of internal bleeding." Park says. Neil takes a breath in. 'Shaun's gonna be ok, we found the problem.' "Good work Dr. Kalu." Neil says to him. Kalu nods. "Alright let's get to work." They make an incision right where the bruise is. Blood comes pouring out. "When this clears, we need to find the shrapnel that is lodged someone in here." They found the shrapnel and Shaun's vitals go back to normal. "Ok, let's stitch him back up and we'll be done."
'Thank god he's going to live.' Neil cleans himself off and brushes off any bad thoughts about the operation. Then he stops suddenly. 'Do I like Shaun?' His reactions were a bit over the top. 'You would react the same if any other of your residents were in an accident.'
'But would I?' Shaun is different to him. When Neil is mad or having a rough day, seeing Shaun makes him smile and feel safe. Even thinking of him now brings a smile to his face. He sighs. Shaun won't like a guy like Neil. Neil is stubborn and snaps at people a lot. Neil sometimes hates himself for not trying to open up to people and never getting to know them personally. I guess that's why he doesn't have a lot of close people in his life.
He walks out of the locker room and is greeted by Dr. Glassman. "Don't even try to tell me that my actions were wrong. I know what I did." Neil starts. Instead of getting bashed he got hugged. It took Neil a second to register it, then he finally hugged back. He slouched against the hug, realizing how tired and emotionally exhausted he was. It was a four hour long surgery, mostly because he ran through everything that could go wrong and tried to deflect it while he still could. Dr. Glassman patted his back then let him go.
"No I'm not here to bash you or tell you that you were wrong. I'm here to tell you thank you for saving Shaun's life. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't go against Andrews. Speaking of, don't worry about the board i'll handle that for you."
"Thank you Aaron." Neil says smiling slightly. "Where is Shaun at now?" "He;s in room 122." Neil and Aaron both head down to the room to check on Shaun. When they stepped into the room, Neil had to look away. It brought physical pain to him when he saw Shaun hooked up to all the wires.
'It's your fault you made him go on the ambulance.' Neil felt a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and sees Aaron giving him an encouraging nod. Neil breathes deeply to compose himself and walks over to the side of the bed. He checks Shaun's vitals, once. Twice. Again and again until he finally says he's ok. He's stable. He's alive.
"Neil." Aaron calls. Neil turns and looks at him, expecting him to give bad news but it didn't happen. "He's going to be fine. He's stable. You did good now sit down and relax."
'I can't relax. I did this to him. It's my fault he's lying in the bed covered in wires.' Neil sat down in the chair right beside Shaun's bed. He moved to grab Shaun's hand but decided against. Aaron had ended up pulling up a seat beside Neil's.
"You care for him a lot, I can see it in the way your hyperactive about his care. I mean four hours for a bullet removing surgery, that takes you only two hours on a good day. You went through every possibility of what could go wrong and fixed it." Aaron finished keeping his eyes trained on Neil's face. Neil looks back at him, searching his face for any emotion, but all he can see is sincerity. He looks back down to the bed where Shaun's hand lays open towards the ceiling. "I don't know why Aaron." Neil says turning to Aaron. "Oh but I think you do Neil." Neil looked confused but it dawned on him. 'He wouldn't do this to any other of his residents because Neil loves Shaun. He loves Shaun so much that he would fight the board and get fired if it meant he would live.'
"I can't Aaron." Neil says panicking. Shaun wouldn't like him. Not after how he treated him when they first met. "He would never like me." Aaron chuckles. "You are so oblivious." Neil takes offence at that comment. "I meant as in he likes you too." Neil makes on 'Oh' face then he turns panicked again. 'Why would he like me? I'm.......me.' Aaron noticing his reaction places a hand on his shoulder. "You are a good person Neil. Shaun can see that in you, that's why he always listens to you. That's why he's always encouraging you to do better. Because he believes in you. Don't doubt yourself Neil. Besides I don't wanna be the one that has to beat you up if you do something wrong." Neil laughs a little at that. He looks at Shaun, his face softening in affection.
"Take care of him Neil. He needs you." Aaron says, patting Neil's shoulder once and standing up. "Please call me if his conditions change. I'm going to grab lunch and be right back." Neil nods. When Aaron leaves Neil goes back to thinking.
'What if we do get together?' Neil smiles at the thought. He would get to see Shaun everyday, kiss his beautiful face, touch his hair and so many other things. Of course he'd make sure it was ok for Shaun considering he doesn't like being touched. Neil looks down at the bed where Shaun's hand lays. Neil raised his hand and rested it with Shaun's. He stayed there for a while, absentmindedly rubbing Shaun's knuckles with his thumb. He was so lost in thought that he almost didn't register the hand squeezing his hand back. Neil looked up to see Shaun's blue eyes piercing into him. He made a move to remove his hand, knowing Shaun doesn't like touch when the hand wouldn't let him go. Neil expected him to be disgusted or at the least uncomfortable but Shaun didn't show any of that. Instead he held on tighter.
"How are you feeling Shaun?" Neil asks quietly.
"I am in pain." His other hand reaches up to his chest, rubbing it slightly. "Would you like more pain medicine? It's probably worn off a little by now." Shaun nods his head, and Neil stands up to reach for the IV bag but stops short when the hand he was holding, holds him back. “Shaun you gotta let go if you want more pain meds.” He grumbles slightly but lets go of his hand. Neil rolls his eyes, smiles and gets to work. He puts in more pain meds, checks Shaun’s vitals for the millionth time and settles back in the chair. He looks at Shaun, relishing the fact he’s alive and with him.
“It didn’t feel wrong.” Shaun says suddenly. Neil looks at him confused. It takes Shaun a couple seconds to answer again. “You held my hand. It didn’t feel wrong.” Neil stops. “It didn’t feel wrong.” He repeats back to Shaun. He nods. “I just said that.” “I know I was making sure I heard correctly.” Shaun turns to look at him. “I didn’t know you couldn’t hear.” Neil chuckles. “No Shaun, I can hear perfectly fine. I meant it as I couldn’t believe it.” Shaun nods and turns back to the ceiling. Neil took out his phone surfing through emails and also to tet Aaron that Shaun is awake and fine.
“I like you.” Neil looks up from his phone and smiles at Shaun. “I like you too.” Shaun turns to him. “I mean as I romantically like you.” Neil smiles even more. “As I said before I like you too. As in I like you romantically.” Shaun turns to him and smiles slightly. “Can I hold your hand?” Shaun asks. “Yes.” Neil brings his hand up and Shaun grabs onto it. He tenses slightly but relaxes, not having this be normal for him. “Get some rest Shaun. I’ll be here when you wake up, okay?” “Okay.”  With that Shaun closes his eyes but still holds onto Neils hand. Once Shaun was fully asleep Neil let go of his hand. He stood up and headed for the door considering he was still at work and had to tend to other patients. He’d much rather stay with Shaun but his job wouldn’t allow that. He took one last look at Shaun and headed out into the hall, smiling as he went.
to be continued
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2x07 Hubert
“Thank you for everything you did. I meant what I said to Kayla,”
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mrs-barnes-library · 3 years
My Favorite Good Docotor Fanfictions 👨‍⚕️
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Shaun Murphy :
Movie Night 🌺
Convincing The Board To Hire Him 🌺
Picked On 🌺😭
Gossiping 🌺
His Girlfriend 🌺
Help... And Love ? 🌺
Being His First Kiss 🌺
Lay With Me 🌺
Hold Me, Please 🌺
Attractive 🌺
Mistaken 🌺
You  & Me 🌺
Kiss Me 🌺
You Are Very Pretty 🌺
On The Same Wavelenght ( 1 ) 🌺
Love And Pancake 🌺
Something There 🌺
One, Two Steps 🌺
Careful 🌺
Baking With Shaun 🌺
Helping Him When He Gets Stressed Out 🌺
Crush 🌺
Standing Up For You Against Dr. Melendez 🌺
Eating Breakfast With Him 🌺
Seeing Him With A Baby 🌺
Meeting Him For The First Time 🌺
That’s My Rings 🌺
Contact 🌺
Being Grateful That He Keeps The House So Organized 🌺
Sharing Your First Kiss With Him 🌺
Finding Him Wearing One Of Your Shirts 🌺
Nervously In Love 🌺
Him Being Confused When You Flirt With Him 🌺
Are You Happy ? 🌺
Delivery Time 🌺
Stargazing 🌺
EpIPen And Girlfriend 🌺
When He Finds You Hurt 🌺
When He Proposes You On Valentine’s Day 🌺
Curiosity 🌺
Support 🌺
Breathless 🌺
Love Bites 🔥
Fingering 🔥
Shaun Murphy x sister/reader :
🌺 : To See You Happy
Neil Melendez :
Just Friends 🌺
Being Scared Of Him Because You Have Autism 🌺
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chiefdirector · 3 years
Hello! Could I pls request angst prompts 11. And 13. With neil melendez? I love your fics so much🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤ I just binged ur masterlist in the past hour🥲💖🥲💖 thanks and have a great day lovely 🌹❤
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Helplessness | Neil Melendez | The Good Doctor
Angst prompts:
11 - "What did i do wrong?"
13- “Help me… please I’ll do anything.”
Dr. (Y/N) (L/N) looked down at the patient on the bed before her. The feeling of helplessness started to drift through her veins. She had tried to do everything for this patient but had come up with nothing.
Originally, the patient, Charles Snow, had come in for a sprained wrist but had showed admiral symptoms. After a full body work up, Dr (L/N) had found five tumours on his stomach and small intestines.
She had tried to operate and it was a success, until he never work up from the anaesthesia. She didn't know what had happened. She was usually good at her job, great even, but this one patient had put a block in her brain. She wasn't her usual self.
"Hey," a voice said from behind her, breaking (Y/N) out fo her train of thought. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was. She could recognise her fiancé's voice anywhere. "Are you alright?"
(Y/N) keep lookin down at Mr. Snow. "What did I do wrong?"
Neil walked over to (Y/N)'s side, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Sometimes these things just happen."
"They don't. Not for me."
"What was he in for."
(Y/N) sadly laughed. "A sprained wrist. He came in for a sprained wrist and now look at him. I can't do this! I can't do this anymore. Help me… please I’ll do anything. Help me… please I’ll do anything."
Melendez took (Y/N)'s hand and began leading her down the corridors of the hospital until they were in his office. He sat down with her on the sofa which shad had always insisted should be in the room.
"Sometimes, as much as it hurts to do, its easier for the patient to let go." Neil said as he wrapped his arm over (Y/N)'s shoulder and pulled her down so she was resting on his chest.
He kept his grip on the girl as she started to cry. (Y/N) always put her all into her patient's care. It was one of the reasons she had the lowest surgical mortality rate in the hosptial. But it always meant when she lost the patient, it hit her so much harder.
"It's okay," Neil continued. "You did everything you could. Now we have to do the hard part."
"I know. I hate the hard part."
"Then we will do it together."
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
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gemstone-roses · 4 years
gemstone-roses masterlist 
18+ only please and thankyou 
💋-smut 🖤-trigger warning✨-fluff. ❣️Angst. Please read the warnings on each individual fic. This masterlist and my blog is 18+. Includes the following fandoms.
Teen wolf, hannibal, marvel, criminal minds, law and order svu, Harry Potter, divergent, supernatural, the good doctor, bridgerton.
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Teen Wolf
Headcanons of them giving into their feelings for you; includes Chris argent, Derek hale, coach finnstock 💋
Peter Hale
A little fall of rain 🖤❣️ - in your last moments, you go to Peter.
Chris argent
Fix you up - Chris fixes up your injuries. ✨🖤
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Hannibal Lecter
Reader comes home with back pain ✨
Confront - reader confronts something from her past 🖤🖤 major tw
Just can't say no - hannibal helps you be more assertive. ✨
Headcannons for them giving into your feelings for you - includes hannibal. 💋
Divine - you confront hannibal with what you know, it doesn't go how you expect. 💋
Emergency contact - your in a car accident and hannibal is your emergency contact. 🖤✨
Sick - hannibal takes care of you when your sick ✨
Get fucked - 💋 nsfw, anal, headcanon
Come as you are - hannibal with reader who dresses 90s grunge and is very messy ✨headcanon
Not your fault - reader blames herself major tw🖤
Fight - your tired of picking yourself up off the floor ✨🖤
Possessive hannibal - hannibal gets possessive when your injured. 🖤 ✨Headcanon
Lips like sugar - sugar!daddy hannibal 💋
Beautiful - your insecure about your small chest, hannibal reassures you. 💋
Fine dining - hannibals determined for you to be his, possessive!Hannibal. 💋
Hannibal with an s/o with hearing aids - ✨
Safe - hannibal helps you with sleep paralysis ✨
Sei sempre nel mio cuore - Italian reader 🖤✨
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Eric Coulter
Explosions 💋
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I swear by the stars - ✨
Steve Rogers
Sunny days 💋 - you refuse to take part in water related activities, Steve occupies you instead.
Sam Wilson
Beach - you hate the beach✨
Bucky Barnes
Good girl - Sam Wilson x Reader x bucky Barnes💋 Sam fucks you while bucky praises you
did you know you used to be my hero - Sam comforts you. 🖤✨ - parental abuse tw.
Ground Control 🖤❣️-your last mission
Spaceship 🖤-bucky is there when you fall apart.
Good girl Sam Wilson x Reader x bucky Barnes 💋 Sam fucks you while bucky praises you.
find me in the library - ✨hard of hearing reader
Helmut Zemo
Soft sex with zemo - 💋✨
The avengers with a teammate/so with hearing aids
Part 1 - includes Steve, bucky, Thor and Sam.
Part 2 -includes Clint, doctor strange and Bruce
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Law and Order SVU
Olivia Benson
About time 💋 - Olivia has a crush on you
Rafael Barba
Boyfriend - daughter reader ✨
Stood up - daughter reader. ✨
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The Good Doctor
Neil Melendez
You work in a hospital! - your afraid of the doctor ✨
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Harry potter
Sirius Black
step into the future - you have some good news. ✨
the life and death of sirius black 🖤❣️
Golden trio
To love another person is to see the face of God - after the battle, based off the epilogue in les miserables ❣️
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Criminal minds
Aaron Hotchner
Almost 💋-hotch is sick of your behaviour, gn reader.
I hope you understand  ✨❣️
Penelope Garcia 
nobody but you ✨
Spencer Reid 
Gone - daughter reader
Team Fic 
In Too Deep - your hiding a secret, ✨.
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Dean Winchester 
Bad things ❣️🖤-entry to the sad hatters writing challenge, this is the first thing I ever wrote on tumblr.
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Simon basset - the Duke of Hastings
Powerful right hook - you hate parties✨
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imagine-a-fangirl · 4 years
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 Anon requested: i got you fam - neil melendez x reader but like 70% angst, 30% fluff. rest is up to you :)
A/N: Two stories in one day, this is getting crazy. Also not 400 words but 1700(oops) 
Falling for a surgeon was probably never a good idea just thinking about the long days and crazy hours. But being a nurse and falling for the top surgeon was probably even a worse idea. The two of them had gotten along the moment y/n set foot into the hospital as a new nurse. She had learned so much from him and he always seemed to pick her for the surgeries whenever he could. But for her own good y/n had decided this needed to stop, she was on her way to make some great progress career and even gotten a job offer in a more specialized hospital. Y/n had been hesitant to take it but she also knew she couldn’t let her feelings for Neil Melendez get in the way of that. 
Y/n was busy going through a couple files when Neil leaned against the desk “Morning y/n.” “Good morning Dr. Melendez.” She coldly greeted him without looking up He got a little thrown off by her sudden change in behavior but continued either way “I have an interesting surgery on my schedule next week and I want you to be there.” “I’m afraid I won’t be able to do that Dr. Melendez.” Y/n told him, finally looking up from the files. “Why not?” “Because that is my only day off next week.” “Can’t you change shifts? “No I can’t. I might have to plan my whole schedule around you, but luckily I don’t have to do that in my private life.” Y/n knew it was not fair at all to say something like that and she didn’t mean a word of it, but she needed to do something to get some distance from him and this seemed a good step. “Okay then, I’ll see you later y/n.” He excused himself, everything from his posture showed his confusion from the way she had just spoken to him. Jasmine, one of the older nurses chuckled “I’ve never seen dr. Melendez so shaken, I don’t know what you do to him but he really has the hots for you.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jasmine.” Y/n got up from her seat and went to check on her patients.  Behaving like this was nothing like her, but she tried to convince herself that she needed to create some distance between her and Neil to be able to move on.
The week whole week had been a challenge for her, she tried to keep Neil at a distance and had to fight the urge to apologize and tell him how she really felt. Y/n tried communicate with the Residents and Dr. Lim to avoid him as much as possible. Of course people noticed her change in behavior, but barely anyone tried to figure out why. Alex and Claire tried to get something out of her when they went out for drinks but they quickly realized she wasn’t spilling anything. Y/n did tell them about the job offer she had gotten and they both were really excited for her. After they finished Alex walked her home and started talking again “What is holding you back?” “What you mean?” Alex shook his head “The offer is a great opportunity, but something is holding you back.” “It’s nothing Alex, I just need some time to think. It’s a big decision.” “It is.” Alex agreed “But you want to take it, that’s why your behavior changed. Look you don’t have to tell me what it is, all I know is that pushing people away is not going to make this decision easier.”
The next morning y/n was called early, Jasmin had called in sick and they needed someone to fill in for the operation Melendez had told y/n about the week before. With a healthy dose of reluctance she got out of bed and got ready for work. Neil had been right, this surgery was a great opportunity. Not only the surgery was an interesting one, but the patient as well he was some criminal who was both a flight risk and dangerous. Would it been two weeks earlier y/n would be the most excited one there, but things were different now.  “Nurse l/n I’m surprised to see you here, I thought your schedule wasn’t revolved around me.” Neil remarked when he saw her in the OR. “I’m here because Jasmin got sick and someone had to fill in for her Dr. Melendez.” Y/n remained professional, pretending she didn’t hear the angry undertone in his voice. “Alright then.” Without to many more words the team started the operation, Melendez communicated as little as he could with her
Y/n was placed in charge of the care around their patient, protocol stated he was kept handcuffed to his bed, communication mostly went through the intercom and they could never go in the room alone. The officers were guarding the room in case something happened. Everything seemed normal he had woken up, still weak but he responded to all the test, his vital signs were steady and so it looked like she was going to get home on time. Y/n got up to do a final check on the patient “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you before the next shift takes over?” Y/n waited a moment  for the man to respond but he didn’t. “Sir, do you hear me?” y/n tapped on the window to see if he’d respond but he didn’t. “Page Dr. Park and Dr. Melendez please.” Y/n called to the nurse station She opened the door to see what was wrong, completely forgetting protocol. “Sir are you alright?” she checked the machines but the vital signs seemed completely normal. She checked his pulse, but when she did she noticed his cuff wasn’t on there. Before she did much as look up she felt multiple punches. She hit her head against the floor as she fell down, but before things could get worse, Park, Melendez and the two officers pulled him away from her. “Claire take care of y/n, now!” Melendez called before sedating the man. Claire helped her up and got her out of the room and into another to treat her. Alex soon followed and told a nurse to prep for both x-ray of her chest and a ct-abdomen. Not much later Dr Melendez stormed into the room “What were you thinking?!” Neil started to yell at her “You knew the protocol!” “Neil.” Claire tried “He wasn’t responding, I did what I thought I needed to do.” Y/n calmly responded, her head was still pounding, her arm hurt and she noticed she had some trouble breathing. “Why didn’t you wait until one of us was there?” Park tried to be the voice of reason between the two of them. “You knew he was dangerous, you knew you shouldn’t go in alone and what you did was stupid!” Neil yelled again. “Why don’t you keep an eye on him next time, if you know it all so well.” “I don’t know what I did to you to deserve this attitude this past week, but you better get it together! You know better than this.” y/n tried to ignore the desperate undertone in his voice “Don’t worry about that Dr. Melendez, I won’t be your problem for very much longer.” “What?” “I’ve been offered a job at another hospital and I’ve just decided to take it.” Y/n tried to get up from the bed, she needed to get away from him before she would do something stupid. “Y/n stop you need to stay in bed, we still have to see if there is internal damage.” Alex tried to get her back into the bed. She tried to push him away but the last thing she felt was the cold floor before her whole world went dark.
Y/n woke up to soothing sound of the monitors, only to realize the monitors were not a normal sound to wake up to. As she opened her eyes it took a minute to realize what had happened. She looked at the clock which was on 3 o’clock and judging by the darkness she saw through the window it was the middle of the night. “You’re awake.” She looked to the other side of her bed, not realizing he had been sitting there holding onto her hand “What are you doing here?” “You collapsed right in front of me, you didn’t think I’d just leave did you?” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t  be.” He assured her “You made a mistake that’s all, I’m just glad that you’re okay now.” “I meant for my behavior this week, I thought it would make it easier for myself to push you away.” She confessed “Would make what easier? Taking that job offer?” Neil was a little confused “You know I’d never hold you back, right? Park told me about it, it’s an amazing opportunity and you deserve it.” “I know you wouldn’t hold me back.” y/n removed her hand from his “But I would hold myself back, because of my feelings for you.” Maybe it were the drugs in her system that made it so easy to tell how she felt or maybe it was the fact that she was just attacked but she wasn’t afraid anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was to scared to ruin our friendship, I know it’s such a cliché.” Neil couldn’t help but laugh “I don’t care if it’s cliché or not, I wish you told me sooner.” He took her hand in his once again. “Because I could have put your mind at ease, I like you y/n. I might even go as far as to say that I love you.” “Are you serious?” “I am.” He promised “And that doesn’t change if you take another job. It anything it would make things easier, since we wouldn’t have any problems with HR.” Y/n laughed for a short moment before wincing in pain “We’ll talk about this later over a dinner, okay? Right now you have to rest and get better.”
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specialagentlokitty · 4 years
Shaun Murphy x Sister!reader - To see you happy
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Hello could you do Shaun Murphy x younger sister. The reader dating Neil Melendez and its secret. But when they decide to tell anyone, Shaun act protective brother, like he doesn't agreed to their dating and even the threatened him. He even gave Neil The Talk (cause he doesn't want the r feels the heartbreak) and the whole staff including, Melendez and glassman we're shock and realize this is only one time Shaun really felt normal human being. Fluff and some angst pls 😉😘😘😘 - Anon❤️
You nervously fiddled with your shirt as you stood outside Shaun’s flat, he had invited everyone over to drink and talk, and you and Neil decided it would be best to tell them all you were dating.
“Hey, just breathe, it’s okay.” Neil said gently.
You took a breath and nodded your hand, lacing your fingers with his quickly before letting go and knocking on the door.
“I just hope Shaun is okay with it.”
“Shaun’s a big boy now, he can accept it.”
You gave Neil a disapproving looked and he gave you an apologetic one.
The door open and Shaun stood there with a smile on his face as he stepped aside.
“You came.” He smiled.
“Of course I did Shauny!” You laughed.
You ruffled Shaun’s hair, making him smile even more and stepped into the flat, followed by Neil and Shaun who trialed behidn you both.
“Everyone is already here.”
You smiled sweetly at your brother and watched as he wondered back over to Dr Glassman. Claire, Jared, Lim, Alex and Morgan where all there too.
“Look who’s finally arrived.” Jared teased.
You laughed and walked over to him, Claire and Morgan and took a seat with them all.
“It’s nice of Shaun to have us all.” Claire smiled.
“Yeah, he’s really trying, I’m proud of him.”
You looked at your brother before turning back to them all.
“He’s making an effort, it’s good for him.” Morgan agreed.
You nodded and hummed along, jumping out of your skin when a glass appeared in front of your face. You flicked your gaze up to Neil and took it from him with a warm smile, your face heating with embarrassment.
“Welcome.” He smiled back.
Neil took a seat next to you. Claire narrowed her eyes and glanced between you both.
Glassman, Alex and Shaun all came over. Glassman and Alex sat in front of you with the others, and Shaun sat on the floor next to you, looking up.
“There HAS to be something going on between you two.” She muttered.
“Maybe there is.” Neil smirked.
Neil slipped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you a little closer into his side as you tried to fight your blush.
Her face lit up with shock and excitement.
“No way!” She gushed.
You raised your head defensively.
“Yes, Neil and I are dating. We thought we’d tell you all together while you’re together.”
“Congratulations.” Glassman smiled.
You beamed warmly at him, scratching the back of your head sheepishly.
“I think you two work well together, you suit each other.”
“Thank you Morgan.” Neil replied.
“Yeah, and we finally don’t have to see you two pinning after each other.” Alex laughed.
The others laughed and you turned to Shaun who was staring between you and Neil. You frowned and slid from your chair, kneeling in front of your brother.
“Shaun?” You asked softly.
Everyone went quiet, Shaun stared at Neil and stood up. Worried, you stood up too, moving out of Shaun’s way but close enough to step in if something happened.
“No.” Shaun said.
“What?” Neil asked.
“No, you can’t date (Y/N), I won’t allow you to date her.”
Glassman stood up, placing his hand on Shaun’s shoulder.
“Shaun, you can’t decide who your sister dates.”
The others anxiously watched the scene play out.
Shaun shrugged Glassman off and glared and Neil, balling his hands into fists. You tooks his hands and held them there, stepping in front of him and Neil.
“Shaun...” you whispered, “it’s okay...”
“It’s not okay!” Shaun argues, “what if he hurts you?”
Now it made sense, shaun was worried Neil was going to hurt you.
“Shaun, trust me. Hurting (Y/N) is the last thing I want to do.” Neil said calmly.
You searched Shaun’s face, but he still glared at Neil. Shaun took his hands from yours and moved in front of you protectingly, his head hel high as he stared down Neil.
“(Y/N) has been hurt, she’s been hurt a lot. I don’t like seeing (Y/N) hurting, I don’t like seeing her sad. (Y/N) should be happy, she deserves to be happy, does Dr Melendez make you happy?”
“Yes Shaun, he does.” You replied softly.
Shaun fiddled with his hands and ran his figures through his hair a little before he placed his hands back to his sides.
“If you hurt (Y/N) I will hurt you.” Shaun said darkly.
“Did you.. just threaten me?” Neil asked.
You swallowed nervously and waited for Shaun’s response.
“Yes, I did.”
It went silent, and Neil chuckled, holding his hands up.
“I have no plans on hurting her Shaun, I love (Y/N) is never hurt her.”
Shaun seemed to accept this answer because he moved out of your way and let you walk over to Neil.
Everyone turned to Shaun in pure shock and he simply smile, a smile that was directed at you, and you smiled back.
“I like seeing you happy.” Shaun laughed lightly.
You laughed back and beamed every brighter.
“I know you do Shauny!”
You all sat back down, you with Neil, this time Shaun sat next to you.
“Damn.. I didn’t know he had it in him...” Alex whispered.
“I think that was the first time I’ve seen Shaun show any sort of really anger.” Morgan muttered.
Shaun paid them no mind and turned his attention back to the TV, his hand holding the edge of your shirt like he did when you, him and Steve were together.
You played with Shaun’s hair while you rested your head on Neil’s shoulder.
Shaun respected Neil, you knew that, but you also knew that Shaun would live up to his promise to hurt Neil is Neil ever hurt you
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americaswritings · 3 years
Never until now
Warnings: Suicide, throwing up, angst, hurt, fluff
Summary: When the prisoner shoots himself to donate a part of his liver, you’re there instead of Claire (1x15).
Words: 4.6k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x resident!reader (can be read as Neil x Claire on my ao3) 
A/N: I wish they would have adressed Claire’s feelings after what she witnessed. It was a traumatic event and I think it should have been talked about. This is my take on what could have happened instead. I hope you enjoy!
Add yourself to my taglist!
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“Please, Boris, put down the gun”, you tried to get through to the prisoner standing in front of you, his gun pointed towards the head of one of the security men. You had always prided yourself in your ability to connect with patients, but now you felt as though your words were meaningless.
He had already made his decision, even before the moment he had sprung up and attacked them. What was even worse was that Alex seemed to support his action, his words hinting that his death could allow him to make the donation he so desperately wanted.
You frankly shook your head, feeling helpless as you tried to overtalk him. You were running out of time. You could feel the prisoner slipping away, the tension in the air growing with every passing second. 
You had been trained to expect the unexpected, to adapt to every change and surprising upcoming. But nothing had prepared you for something like this, the fading chance to save someone who was about to take his own life in front of your very eyes.
“Please, don’t do this. There are other ways”, you pleaded, not caring how desperate you sounded. All you could think of was preventing what could never be undone. Your gaze shifted towards Alex, who was standing in front of you. He seemed composed, rational, the police officer in him coming to the surface.
For a brief moment you wondered how often he had been in a similar situation and how often he had failed, not chosen the right words, lost the person. But maybe there were no right words, maybe the choice had already been made and there was nothing you could do.
“Don’t listen to her. It’s your choice. You do what you want”, Alex pushed, and you narrowed your eyes at him, disturbed at his intention. “Yeah”, Boris muttered, his voice shaky but filled with determination. From the corner of your eye, you saw the prisoner move, pushing the security guard away raising the gun to his own head.
“Boris, no!”, you shouted, your eyes widening as you realized what he was about to do. You wanted to turn your head away, knew that you should, but you were frozen.
As the shot rang out you flinched violently, the horror of what had happened only slowly sinking in. Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you gagged, feeling the sudden urge to throw up. 
Everything seemed to be in a blur as your heart was racing in your chest, your eyes ringing from the loud noise of the shot. Even though it was over, had barely taken more than a second, your mind was replaying the scene over and over again.
It all became too much. You turned away, your hands coming up to your temples. You grasped your hair at its roots as you paced back and forth, trying to calm yourself. You wanted to erase the memories, wanted to get out of here and pretend it hadn’t happened, but you couldn’t forget what you had seen.  
Your breath had sped up and you realized you were on the edge of a panic attack when a sudden thought caused you to freeze in your tracks. What if the bullet hadn’t killed him?  
The chances were slim, but you had heard of patients who had survived a shot in the head. What if there was still the chance to save him and you were wasting time? You were a doctor after all.
You ran towards his limp figure on the ground, trying to ignore your stomach twisting at the sight. Crouching down you ignored the other’s stares on you. Your fingers came up to feel for a pulse and the contact send a shiver down your spine.
“He still has a pulse. We need to get him up right now!” You turned towards the men, disbelief written on your face as they didn’t react. How could they just stand by and watch? “Alex!” His eyes locked on yours. But your voice, now firm and authoritative, seemed to have an effect, because he finally sprang into action, calling for a gurney.
You knew he didn’t do it, because he thought there was a chance for the man to survive or because he thought he deserved it. He only did it for you.
But his reasons didn’t matter right now. You had to move fast, get all the help you needed and try your best to save the prisoner’s life. It was all you could do after you hadn’t been able to stop him.
It didn’t matter what he had done or what you thought of him. It was your job. You had sworn to save lives and that was what you would do.
You were too focused on the man in front of you, his weak pulse under your fingers to notice what was going on around you. When you looked back up someone had brought in a gurney. You figured Alex must have paged someone to come down.
“Come one!”, you urged the security men, and they finally followed your command, helping to get the man up on the gurney and rolling him towards the ER.
You didn’t know where you took the strength to keep going as you raced through the halls, your heart hammering in your chest. Finally you reached the ER, people looking up in shock as you wheeled the man in.
“What happened?” Jared and a team of doctors came rushing towards you. You opened your mouth but couldn’t bring yourself to say the words out loud.
Alex’ gaze fell on you as you stayed silent. “He shot himself”, he told Jared, and you watched as they moved around the man, hooking him onto the monitors.
The sound of the heart monitor filled the room, a shrill sound to your ears. “He’s flatlining”, Jared announced, moving to start PCR, but Alex held him back. “He’s dead and he has a donor’s card. We’re gonna take everything he can donate.”
With that he turned away, leaving the room and Jared and you starring at each other in shock. 
You felt numb as you watched the scene in front of you. Someone had turned the heart monitor off and you felt grateful for the silence, but it reminded you of the shot. The memory had started playing in your mind again now that it was slowing down. The adrenaline was leaving your body as you realized it was over.
“I am sure you did everything you could”, Jared told you, his eyes earnest as he patted your shoulder in a way to comfort you. You didn’t say a word, not knowing if you could agree with him.
Had you done everything you could?
Shouldn’t you have seen it coming long before you had guided him towards the prisoner’s transport? Hadn’t all the signs been there? You had been to blind to notice them, too influenced by Alex’ comments on how Boris would use every opportunity to escape and use it for his own good. 
Jared squeezed your shoulder slightly before hurrying out of the room. He was probably on his way to the OR, hoping to be able to assist Dr. Melendez to save the little boy’s life. At least something good would come out of it. The boy would get a second chance, a new life.
But you couldn’t think of that right now, couldn’t bring yourself to join the surgery when you had watched the man take his own life just moments ago. Even if he had been a bad person, it felt wrong. 
You hoped Dr. Melendez wouldn’t question your absence, but frankly, you didn’t care. Your shift was nearly over anyway and afterwards everyone would be enjoying themselves during the hospital’s ball. They would forget easily.
So you shuffled towards the locker rooms, stopping at the restroom when the sickness returned. You couldn’t remember the last time you had thrown up, the bile leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. You washed it away with water from the sink, splashing cold water onto your hot face. 
When you lifted your face, you nearly didn’t recognize yourself. You looked pale and exhausted, your eyes were bloodshot. Your hair was sticking to your face and sweat was covering your forehead. Your eyes widened when you noticed red traces on your scrubs, another wave of sickness sending you rushing to the toilet once more.
You had been covered in blood before. It came with the job, especially the shifts at the ER, but you had never felt so repulsed by it before. The mere look of it made you grip onto the sink, your knuckles turning white as you gasped for air.
You thought back to Alex, how collected he had been, calm even. He had been eager to assist the transplantation, even though he had been a witness to Bori’s death, his suicide, just like you had.
You figured it came with his experiences of being a cop. He had probably seen worse things countless of times before.
Right now, you wished you were more like him. What he had told Boris had been wrong, but at least he wasn’t on the edge of a panic attack, freaking out over the sight of blood stains on his clothes. 
You decided you needed to shower and get changed, hoping you could make the way from the restroom to the lockers without running into someone. You really looked like hell. 
You peeked out of the door, rushing through the corridors and keeping your gaze locked to the ground to avoid any eye contact. Luckily you made it to the changing rooms without any encounter.
The cold water felt like heaven on your hot skin. Even when you started to shiver, you couldn’t bring yourself to turn up the temperature. The coldness seemed to have a sobering effect on you, sharpening your senses and waking you up. 
When you walked back to your locker, you let out an audible sigh as your eyes fell on the only piece of clothing it contained. Your dress.
When starting your shift this morning you had still planned to go to the ball afterwards, to have some fun with your friends and let loose. Now you couldn’t imagine being surrounded by laughter and music. Another thing that felt wrong.
But even though you didn’t want to attend the ball, you didn’t have any other option than to change into your dress. You had changed into your scrubs at home, bringing only the dress with you. So it was either the dress or a pair of bloodied scrubs.
You chose the dress but ignored the necklace and earrings you had brought with you to wear with the dress. When you wanted to slip back into your shoes, you paused, inspecting your right shoe. 
“Are you serious?”, you muttered as you observed the faint bloodstain on it. Now that you had noticed it you couldn’t bring yourself to put on the shoes, so you fished for your heels. At least if people saw you dressed up like this, they would think you were attending the ball. Maybe it was a good thing, preventing people from raising questions.
You quickly blow dried your hair, hoping to make it out in time before the others showed up. You wouldn’t be able to endure their chatter and worried glances.
The noise of your heels on the hospital floor nearly made you flinch. You tried not to draw attention to yourself, yet that was exactly what you did as you hurried through the floors.
When you finally made it outside, you took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air. It immediately seemed to ground you, allowing your breathing to calm and your heartbeat to return to a steady rhythm. 
All you had wanted was to escape the enclosing walls of the hospital and go home, but now that you had stepped outside, the thought of returning to your apartment didn’t seem appealing anymore. It would be too quiet, allowing your mind to replay the scene over and over again. You didn’t even want to imagine going to sleep tonight. 
But that would be a problem for later. For now, you would enjoy the night air, trying to think of nothing at all.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but eventually you heard the dim sound of music. So the ball had started. 
You wondered if someone would notice your absence. Claire and Jared wanted to go as a couple, making it finally official, so they probably would have eyes only for each other. You smiled a little at the thought. They were a cute pair. 
Shaun had enough to deal with. The pure concept of a party was a challenge for him, the loud music, mix of sounds and crowd of people. You couldn’t imagine how overbearing it must feel like for him if it only took a bad day for you to feel overwhelmed by it too.   
And Alex and Morgan, they weren’t your friends. 
You grimaced as you imagined the triumph Morgan would feel the moment, she noticed you hadn’t showed up. Not showing up meant passing up the chance to talk to people who had influence and money. Another opponent down and she didn’t even have to move a finger.
“Shouldn’t you be inside with your friends?” You jumped at the familiar voice, not heaving heard someone approaching you. You turned, the railing you had previously leant on now against your back.
Dr. Melendez, your boss, was standing a few feet away from you. Your eyes darted over his body. You had seen him in suits before, but it never ceased your knees to go weak. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” You could have sworn his eyes had flickered over your body, taking in your appearance, but they were just as quickly on yours again that you couldn’t be sure.
“I’m not really in the mood for partying”, you confessed. “Or flattering some influential people”, you added as you thought of Morgan’s attitude. She had taken one look at your dress in the locker room this morning and had declared that it was a bad choice. That alone had told you that you had picked the right one. 
She was scared of you, of your chances to get a job after your residency was over. Of course it was important to you, but you felt whenever you didn’t try to impress your attendings with your actions, you were more successful. Pretending to be someone else and acting against your own instincts wouldn’t get you to success. Even if it did, you wouldn’t want it.
Dr. Melendez, though you two weren’t on shift anymore so he was Neil to you now, raised his brow. “No, that’s not really your style”, he agreed, and you quirked your brow. “What’s my style?” He seemed to think about your words, a little smile spreading on his face. 
“You’re definitely a people pleaser. You want people to like you, but that doesn’t mean you agree with everything they say. You have a set of principles you live by. If you get something in your head, it’s hard to convince you otherwise. You can be quite stubborn sometimes, which can be a good and a bad thing for a surgeon, it depends.”
“Wow, that’s alarmingly accurate”, you admitted, not being able to hide your surprise. You had always known that Neil picked up on more than he let on. He could be quiet and pretend to be indifferent, but he was observant and attentive. A good mentor.
He probably knew more about you than you anticipated.
Neil chuckled. “I know my team”, he stated, but it didn’t sound patronizing. You nodded slowly, searching his face for clues of what he was really feeling. He seemed relaxed, so you guessed the transplantation had gone well.
You expected him to leave, either heading home or to the ball but he surprised you again by walking over to stand beside you at the railing. You turned back towards it, your gaze lingering on him for a moment to try and understand why he was here, here with you, before darting back to stare into the distance like he did.
Maybe he had noticed you had been absent at his surgery and wanted to lecture you. But it didn’t seem that way. Outside of the hospital he seemed so normal, like a guy you could meet in a bar and not the surgeon you looked up to and hoped to impress. 
“It’s been a tough day”, he suddenly spoke up, his eyes fixed on the skyline in front of you. “But in the end, we saved a little boy’s life. Through his sacrifice many more will live. He gave them a second chance.”
“A second chance he will never get”, you threw in and Neil turned his head to look at you, his eyes sharp. “He was a murderer. His last action might have been heroic, but he still took the lives of many innocent people.” You avoided Neil’s eyes boring into you, turning back to face the city. 
“I know”, you sighed, your thoughts racing now that you thought back to what had happened. “Alex told me you were there, when it happened.” You let out a frustrated huff. Naturally he had told Melendez about it, so much for staying under the radar. 
“Of course, he did”, you muttered under your breath, but loud enough for Neil to hear. You could see him frowning at your reaction. “You should take the day off tomorrow.”
You took a sharp inhale at his words, your anger growing. “And Alex?” 
Neil’s frown deepened. “He’s been a cop. He knows how to deal with it.” “Right”, you let out a bitter chuckle, “Alex is the hero of the day and I get punished for trying to save someone’s life.” 
You knew you were being difficult and maybe a little respectless, Neil was your boss after all, but you were too exhausted to supress your feelings and too tired to care.
You could see Neil tense beside you, his jaw clenching as he tried to calm himself. “This is not a punishment”, he stated, surprised by your intense reaction to his order. “What else would you call banning me from my job for a day?”
A cold breeze made you shiver, but you ignored it, too upset to feel the cold. Neil’s gaze shifted into something else. He looked concerned now as his eyes searched yours, trying to see through the walls you had built around yourself.
“You were a witness to something traumatic today. You will need time to process it. In your and your patient’s best interest I am telling you to take a day off.” “You think I can’t handle patients right now?” The hurt was visible in your voice, a sense of betrayal settling in your stomach.
Neil ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated by the way you were misinterpreting all of his words. 
“As a surgeon and your boss, it’s my job to make sure you’re in the condition to treat patients. It wouldn’t help anyone, least of all you, if you made a mistake, because your head is somewhere else. But-”, he raised his finger, stopping you from interrupting. 
You closed your mouth, your shoulders slumping as you waited for him to continue. “As a friend I am trying to look out for you. You have a big heart, and you care more than most. What you saw today-”, he trailed off, his eyes now soft, searching your face, “You shouldn’t have to go through that alone.”
A lump formed in your throat, the anger vanishing as quickly as it had emerged. Neil was looking at you with such affection. His eyes were gentle, but filled with pain, like he could see how much you were hurting, and he was hurting with you.
You had seen him worried before, mostly when it came to his patients and the risks complicated procedures included, but it had never been directed at you. 
Never until now.
“He was a murderer”, you repeated his words from earlier, as if who he was would ease the horror of what had you seen. As if it could take away the pain. You wished it did, felt like it should, but your feelings didn’t change. 
Neil’s eyes softened, a dimple appearing on his cheek as he curled one side of his lips into an empathetic smile. “But he was still a man, taking his own life in front of your eyes. It’s okay not to be okay right now.”
A tear escaped your eye and you quickly brushed it away, wanting to keep as much of your dignity as you could. The evening had already been an emotional rollercoaster so far, crying in front of your boss, who you had a hidden crush on wasn’t something you wanted to add to the list of things going wrong.
“It wasn’t your fault. From what Alex told me, he had already made up his mind. No one could have stopped him.” Neil’s voice was gentle, but firm. He seemed to know how much you needed to hear those words, how the regret nibbled on you. 
It seemed like he always knew exactly what to say, even if you didn’t want to hear it at first. He had been right earlier, he really knew his team. Knew you.
“We lose patients all the time. It’s always hard, but this-”, you bit your lip as your voice wavered, “it’s different.” Neil listened attentively, nodding in understanding. “You should consider talking to the hospital’s counsellor”, he suggested, and you immediately tensed. 
“Knowing when to ask for help is not weak, it’s a sign of strength. You should give it a chance or talk to someone else about it.” You considered his words, knowing he was right. If it had been someone else, you would have told them the same thing. Why was it so much harder now that it came to yourself?
“You’re used to putting others first, but you have to look out for yourself just as much.” Neil’s eyes were locked on yours, his stare so intense that you wanted to look away but couldn’t. It was as if he could see right through you, as if the walls you had built around yourself didn’t apply to him.
You shivered as you wondered how much he could really see.
“I’ll give it a chance”, you muttered weakly, and Neil responded with a smile. “Let’s get inside.” He offered his arm to you and your eyes widened a little in surprise. “I actually didn’t plan to show up”, you confessed, letting out a nervous chuckle.
Neil raised his brow, his eyes darting over your dress, and you felt yourself blush. Hopefully he couldn’t see it in the dark which was surrounding the two of you. “I didn’t bring anything else with me and I needed to get out of my scrubs”, you explained, and his eyes darkened for a moment as he understood.
“It would be a waste not to dance in that dress”, he claimed, a playful smile on his lips. You immediately felt lighter, the sudden change of atmosphere a nice welcome after the heavy conversation. You shook your head, a shy smile stealing its way on your lips. 
“No, I can’t go in there”, you insisted, still smiling. You didn’t want him to miss out on the party because he felt guilty for leaving you out here.
Neil pretended to pout, thinking over how else he could convince you. “One song?”, he asked, hope in his voice and you grimaced. “Sorry.” He let out a sigh, reaching out and placing his hand on your lower back.
You were too surprised to protest as he guided you towards the building, the sound of the music growing louder the nearer you came. “What are you doing?”, you stammered, panic creeping into your voice. 
You hadn’t taken him for the guy to care, if you attended the ball or not. But just this morning you had chatted the others up over the ball. He had proven how attentive he was, so he probably remembered your previous enthusiasm.
It seemed like he didn’t want you to regret missing out on it later, but he wouldn’t force you. Right?
A moment later his hand was gone, and he stepped away from you. “You said you don’t want to go inside, so we’re taking the dance outside.” He extended his hand, waiting expectantly. You eyed it suspiciously at first, disbelief written over your face. 
“One song?”, he repeated, and you felt yourself melt under his hopeful gaze. “Okay”, you agreed, taking his hand and stepping forward to meet him.
He gently placed his hand on your lower back again, reaching your intertwined hands upwards to guide you to the music. You placed your other hand on his shoulder, keeping a reasonable amount of distance between the two of you.
The music sounded muffled, but it was loud enough for you to recognize the song, vowing to remember it later.
Someone could have seen the two of you, but Neil didn’t seem to mind. So maybe you were interpreting too much into it.
You had never been so close to him before and you couldn’t deny that you wanted more, to close the remaining space between the two of you.
As you swayed to the music, both of you caught in a comfortable silence, you wondered if this meant as much to him as it did to you.
He probably always danced with his residents at the ball, nothing more than a friendly gesture you told yourself, though Morgan was the only other woman on the team except Claire, who was taken, and you couldn’t imagine them dancing together. Didn’t want to imagine it.
Not possible, you reminded yourself. But in nights like these, when Neil let his guard down and showed you how much he cared, you couldn’t help yourself and hope. Hope that there was a chance he might feel for you too. 
It was desperate, but it was thrilling all the same. A dream out of reach and yet so close. You inhaled his scent, a smile forming on your lips as you decided that no matter what this meant to him, you were grateful that he was here with you.
Neil caught your smile, responding with one of his own. “You look beautiful by the way”, he whispered, and you nearly choked on air. A part of you pushed you to play it down, brush it off by pointing out your flaws. But you stopped yourself, choosing to accept his compliment instead.
He spun you around and a surprised giggle left your mouth, making him laugh. It was a beautiful sound, one you weren't used to. He was always so professional during shifts, keeping his emotions under control. So when you got a hint of what he felt underneath all those layers, you couldn't help but marvel at it.
Never had Neil looked at you with such an intensity behind his eyes, such fondness.
You knew the song would come to an end, night would fade into dawn and a new day would begin. But what had happened between the two of you tonight meant more than you could put into words. 
After everything that had happened today, he had managed to make you smile and enjoy yourself, even if it was only for a moment. You knew the next few days would be hard, beginning with the moment you stepped into your quiet apartment and were left alone with your thoughts and memories. But with him there to support you, it didn't seem as scary anymore. As hopeless.
You dared to catch his gaze once more.
Never until now.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Shy Love
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Neil Melendez x female! reader
Genre: comedy, angst, prompt, romance, fluff 
Words: 2,304 (ok where did she come out of ?)
Request: By anon Could you do a Melendez x reader oneshot where at the hospital he’s the most shy person he’s ever seen but he happened to see her out and she’s totally different like loud and reckless and stuff, and he can’t decide which side of her he loves more and confesses
and another anon hiii idk if you’re taking requests but if you could do a neil melendez x reader fic w/ angst prompts 7 and 11 I’d be the happiest!!! (like mostly angst but ending with fluff if that makes sense)
Prompts: 7 -  “you should’ve said that yesterday.” 11 -  “it’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.”
Authors Note: MiX iT aLl ToGeThEr AnD yOu KnOw ThAt It’S tHe BeSt Of BoTh WoRlDSs!!!!!!! if you didnt get by the song i mixed two requests cuz why not but this one has a lot to do w walmart and like its funny and silly but then super angsty and gets rlly in the feels,,like its a whole lot but i love my boo sm he is lemonade
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“Y/N, how would you like to join us? We’re going to the bar when our shift is over,” Neil asked you with dreamy eyes. His hand resting on your shoulder. Neil was always trying to bring you out of your shell and make you associate with your coworkers. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to gather with your workmates its you were shy around them. With your friends from your hometown they knew how odd you were and would never judge you or dislike you but all these doctors you knew were way more mature than you. They had their life figured out and you were worried they wouldn’t like the real you and who you really are. 
You grabbed all your books that you were going to study that night for a patient of yours and carried your bag. “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’m going to call it a night.” You said with a small voice, thanking him with a kiss on the cheek. 
“You sure?” Neil smirked.
You waved, “bye Neil.”
Neil shook his head at you declining his offer. All he wanted was to have a night out with you. He wanted to get to know you better.
As you stepped out of the hospital your phone buzzed with a call. You chuckled as you saw the caller ID display your friend and roommate's name. 
“Yes, Janelle?” 
“Girl, meet me at Walmart! They got the good stuff you like so much on sale.” She was sparking with such enthusiasm for something so mellow. 
Giggling you put your friend on speaker as you started your car, “I think you’re the only person I know that gets excited for Walmart.”
“I thought since you’re always so busy-”
You rolled your e/c eyes, “here we go again! Always the same topic of conversation. I’m sorry I’m over here saving lives!”
“I’m just saying I barely see you anymore. I miss you. I want to know whats going on with your life. Any guys? Lets just hang out for a little bit, please.” 
You felt bad, your friend sounded lonely and you could go for some best friend advice and love at this moment. “Sure, why not? I’m coming over! Order me something from McDonald’s okay? I’m starving.”
Janelle laughed loudly on the other end.
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The burger hit the spot of your hunger. You licked your lips and wiped your fingers. 
“Do you think we need more of this?” Janelle pulled out the coffee creamer from the milk aisle. 
“Yes,” you said with a definite answer. “You drank all of the other one?”
Janelle looked at you bashfully, “oops, that was me?”
“Oops, that was me?” You repeated sarcastically. “Of course that was you. I barely get to drink coffee creamers anymore. I now drink that dark stuff at work.”
“Right, work. So how’s that Melendez doctor?”
You almost choked right there. People were eyeing you as you playfully slapped your friend in embarrassment. “Janelle! What if he’s here?”
“Honey, he probably shops at Whole Foods not at some Walmart, okay. Besides why are you so secretive about him?”
You waved your hands in front of your face to try hide your bashful expression, “Because, he’s so handsome and more mature than me. He has his whole life figured out. I’m still living off of Ramen while he probably eats with Beyonce!”
“Oh, someone has a crush! And he’s rich!”
You put bread in the cart and almost knocked the cart into an old woman, “Just because he may be rich, Janelle, doesn’t mean that’s the most important thing. But yes, Neil Melendez may be rich.” 
Your best friend and wing girl squealed louder than a pig. “Oh my God! You like him! You like him! You like him! Why don’t you just ask him out then? You are so pretty, he’d probably say yes.”
“That’s the problem. He may say yes. It’s not definite. I’m, I’m too afraid. It doesn’t matter. We are just coworkers he’s my boss and we have a professional relationship, nothing more.”
“Alright, I won’t push it anymore.” Janelle grew a big, evil, smile on her face. She skipped behind you and pushed you in the shopping cart. 
You screamed loud and whipped your head around to her, “what are you doing Janelle?”
“You’re too stressed out Y/N. Let loose. It’s time we have fun.” Janelle didn’t even give you enough time to interject because she was already speeding down the shopping lanes. She pushed you faster and faster. 
At first you were afraid but then the adrenaline got to you and you started laughing. She poured chip bags and bags of marshmallows on you to replicate rain. She twirled the cart and your cheery cackles were heard through out the whole store. 
This is what you meant. You could be a silly willy with your best friend and people that knew you. But you were too shy and afraid to reveal your fun self to others but more to Neil. You were frightened he would say you were too stupid for him or that you were not serious enough. Neil meant so much to you that you were always shy around him. You liked him so much and you never wanted to jeopardize your relationship you have with him. 
What you didn’t know was Neil did indeed shop at Walmart and he was doing some last minute shopping. 
He was peering at a bag of pistachios when he could of sworn he heard your shrieks. He paid no attention to it at first until he heard your voice nearby. It couldn’t have been you! No, not shy, flustered, Y/N. Neil turned the corner and was met with the surprise of you dancing in the shopping cart. He was a bit confused. You were always shy around him when Neil would talk and hang out with you. It was a complete 180. Who was this person? He couldn’t help but smile. You looked so adorable and cute having fun. You were being a ball of excitement. So different than how he knew you or what he thought he knew. He loved how sweet you were when you were shy but you seemed more happy now. He loved the real you. Neil even found himself getting jealous. Why didn’t you show your true, inner self to him? Were you afraid of him? He wanted to know everything about you and he felt like he didn’t know you at all. His smile started to disappeared. Neil didn’t think. Before he knew it he was making his way towards you and your roommate. 
“Hello Y/N,” Neil created a fake grin. 
You were completely horrified. Your heart pounded vigorously. Was he watching you this whole time? He probably thought you were being absurd. At once all the nerves consumed you. You became speechless. You were so embarrassed! You quickly hopped out of the cart and sheepishly put your hands behind your back. “H-hey Doctor Melendez. I didn’t know you shop here?”
“It’s Walmart. I hope I can shop here.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head. 
“What my friend means is that you look rich and so handsome that we suspected you might shop at places like Whole Foods and what not.” Janelle saved your butt.
Neil chuckled, “no, I need my junk food.” He then eyed you. “Saw you having fun here.”
You looked down, scared for his talk. 
“Why don’t I ever see this side of you? I think you should let that fire out more at work in front of all of us. I think its cute.” He winked at you as he walked away. 
“Oh my God Janelle,” you fell against the cart, leaning against it. “I think I just died. That was so embarrassing!”
Janelle danced around you, “are you serious? He said you were cute! Agh, I wish a guy would say that about me!”
“I’m so glad that’s over.”
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It wasn’t over. Far from it.
Neil couldn’t sleep that night. He was angry and jealous. He wanted to start a relationship with you but he didn’t even know who you were. How was it going to work? He didn’t understand why you kept who you were away from him? Do you hate him that much?
Neil paged you and texted you that he needed to discuss something with you, asap the next day at work.
Your bones shook like a tree. You were more than nervous, you were petrified. Was this about the fiasco at Walmart or was this something more? Neil meant so much to you, you didn’t want to ruin what you two already had. 
You knocked on the door to a vacant room. You saw Neil sitting at the table through the glass windows. 
“Come in,” he said loud for you to hear. 
You walked in slowly. 
“Please sit.”
You sat, biting your lip. You played with your fingers awaiting the blow. 
“I just want to say I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me but I wanted to discuss something that’s been bothering me.”
“I thought I knew you. I don’t know why but when I saw you having fun yesterday my heart hurt. It’s weird to explain.” Neil rubbed his temples, clearly this was effecting him. “I fell asleep that night thinking about you.”
“About me?” You felt flustered. 
Neil heard how that sounded and quickly tried to save himself from the grave he dug himself, “please, let me rephrase that. What I mean is, I know you for being this quiet, shy woman and who I saw yesterday was this outspoken, fun, burst of fire. Why is there such a change?”
You were afraid he was going to bring it up. You felt hot. You weren’t really sure how you were going to respond. “I don’t know.” You became shy. 
“I just don’t understand why you are so...afraid of me? Have I done something to scare you?”
“It’s not you okay,” you were becoming overwhelmed. Why did he have to bring up something you were insecure about? Why couldn’t he just let it go? “It’s me. I just I don’t-”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just want a complete honest answer. I don’t want you to dislike me. Please tell me what happened.”
You wanted to shut out everything. You were self conscious of your personality. You felt like crying. You stared at your hands and wanted to be sucked in a hole. Your lips trembled as a tear fell.
Neil saw that and felt like a monster. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to-”
You wiped your tears away and stood up, “You said enough. It’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.” You were about to leave but entered the room again. “I’m insecure about myself and I don’t like the real me. I’m afraid you won’t like who I am because I really like you Neil. I hide because who I really am is this crazy, reckless person. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry I’m weird.” You walked away leaving Neil feeling defeated and hating himself because all he wanted to do was tell you how he truly felt. 
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It was the next day and you were swallowed up in your blanket, eating ice cream and watching rom cons that were too good to be true. You felt hollow. You thought you maybe had a chance with Neil but he hated you and found you unattractive. 
Janelle came in with a guilty look on her face, “it’s okay babes.” She hugged you tight. “If he doesn’t love you then he doesn’t deserve you because you are a gorgeous thing.” She smiled trying to make you laugh. 
You chuckled weakly and cried into Janelle’s shoulder feeling like a glob rather than a person. “I even told him how I felt.”
There was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” You slipped on your slippers and walked around the apartment gloomy. You opened the door and standing there was Neil holding a bouquet of roses. “Oh its you.” You threw the door in his face. 
“Please Y/N I really need to talk to you.”
Janelle turned you around like a mother, “go talk to him. Now.”
You groaned as you met with Neil’s body. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted towards you yesterday. It was wrong and I am very sorry. I was being stupid. I was jealous because I wanted you to be yourself around me. I wanted to know how adorable you act and I want to push you in a cart. I want to have those fun moments with you because you are special Y/N. You have this beautiful, amazing personality that lights up the room and that makes me feel giddy. I’m a complete idiot for treating you like how I did but Y/N I like you. I like you a lot. I would love to take you on a date like a gentleman because you deserve the best. These are for you.” He handed you the roses. 
You were speechless, mouth agape as you stared at this man completely smitten with you and confessing. You smelled the roses and smiled, “they smell amazing. Thank you.”
“Phew, I’m glad you liked them because I was really nervous you were allergic or something-”
You pulled Neil’s collar and gave him a big kiss. It was sensual and perfect. It wasn’t too quick but not too long. Both lips moved in perfect sync. “You should’ve said that yesterday.”
“I really should of if I was going to get that outcome.”
Janelle started clapping in the background like a victorious warrior. “Amazing! So when’s the wedding?”
(ENDING A/N: i’m not sponsored by walmart sAdly i swear hhhhh)
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​, @fandomchick80​
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lizabethl · 4 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: The Good Doctor (TV 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Melendez/Shaun Murphy, Claire Browne & Neil Melendez Characters: Neil Melendez, Shaun Murphy, Marcus Andrews (The Good Doctor), Morgan Reznick, Claire Browne, Audrey Lim, Alex Park, Aaron Glassman, Lea Dilallo Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Slow Burn, Canon Autistic Character, Fluff, Medical Inaccuracies, Comfort, Medical Trauma, Trauma, POV Neil Melendez, Light Angst, Gift Giving, Apologies, Eye Contact, Acts of Kindness, Falling In Love, compliments, Touching, Flirting, Texting, Talking, Sweet, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Love Languages Summary:
Five times when Shaun showed Neil love, and one time when Neil returned the sentiment.
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imperial-martian · 5 years
BBC Sherlock
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Star Wars
Lucifer [ Seasons 1 - 3 ]
Joker [ 2019 ]
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
John Wick
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
Knives Out
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
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BBC Sherlock
Mycroft Holmes
James Moriarty
Gregory Lestrade
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
Marcus Andrews
Neil Melendez
Shaun Murphy
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Atticus Finch
Arthur “Boo” Radley
Star Wars
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker [ Original + Sequels ]
Han Solo [ Original + Sequels ]
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anikan Skywalker/Darth Vadar
Darth Maul
Boba Fett
Orson Krennic
Qui-Gon Jinn
Cassian Andor
George Washington
King George III
Samuel Seabury
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Hercules Mulligan
Marquis de Lafayette
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Charles Lee
Philip Hamilton
Lucifer Morningstar
Stephan Strange
Agent Phil Coulson
Tony Stark
Steve Rodgers
Agent Everett Ross
Peter Parker
Joker [ 2019 ]
Arthur Fleck
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
Emperor Commodus
General Maximus
John Wick
John Wick
Viggo Tarasov
Iosef Tarasov
Santino D’Antonio
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
James Bond
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Sergio Marquina: The Professor
Andrés de Fonollosa: Berlin
Aníbal Cortés: Rio
Daniel Ramos: Denver
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Armitage Hux [ Star Wars ]
Thomas McGregor [ Peter Rabbit ]
Ash Starmer [ Black Mirror (season 2, episode 1) ]
Tim Lake [ About Time ]
Caleb Smith [ Ex Machina ]
A. A. Milne [ Goodbye Christopher Robins ]
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
John Wick [ John Wick Series ]
Neo [ Matrix Series ]
Tomas Anderson [ Matrix Series ]
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
Orson Krennic [ Star Wars ]
Nolan Sorrento [ Ready Player One ]
Ralph Anderson [ The Outsider ]
Sheriff of Nottingham [ Robin Hood ]
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Oneshots can typically take me anywhere from 45 minutes to a few days. I never go below 1,000 words, and I have only gone up to 4,000, however, I plan to improve and go past that. Keep in mind that when requesting oneshots they will take me some time to do, especially if I’m busy.
Example ;; Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock) x Reader oneshot in which the reader is hired as Mycroft’s personal assistant. Over time, Mycroft discovers that he loves her after the reader takes a bullet for him.
Imagines don’t take me more than an hour usually. I keep them below 1,000 words, but typically they’re past 200 to 300 words long. When requesting these you can usually expect them to be done within in hour or so, unless I’m busy.
Example ;; Atticus Finch (TKAM) imagine where he is the readers lawyer.
Drabbles take me less than 30 minutes. They’re short and always exactly 100 words. I’d usually finish this anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.
Example ;; Gabriel (Good Omens) angst drabble.
Depending on the request, these may vary from a couple hours to a few days if I need ideas. I don’t have a word limit for these, however, usually they are over 7 bullet points long.
Example ;; Headcanon for President of the Hospital Marcus Andrews (The Good Doctor) who’s dating a surgeon who works for him.
Preferences are typically pretty quick for me to do depending on which fandom and how many characters you want. No word limit.
Example ;; First kiss preference for Commodus and Maximus (Gladiator).
Aesthetics/Moodboards are typically just a collage of photos for a character you want. It can be a character x reader collage, or even a specific character au that you want.
Example [ 1 ] ;; An Arthur Fleck (Joker) x Reader aesthetic.
Example [ 2 ] ;; An Agent! Mycroft (Sherlock) moodboard!
Ships are a small things for followers/readers to interact and ask me which characters I ship them with from a specific fandom.
Example ;; For Marvel: I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I’m 5’ 9. I love to read, write and explore. I enjoy talking to people, however, I typically get really anxious which causes my hand or legs to shake...
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To all my followers and melendaire shippers get ready for me to be sappy af 💕💕 I tried to keep this short but y’all know me everything ends up way too long
Not to be a dramatic bitch or anything and be that person who stops watching because of a ship but I don’t know if I can do it next season guys I really don’t.
I was getting ready to change my url to Claire Browne and make a fanvideo after the season ended because I knew we’d get more melendaire content in the finale but after this I’m just done. This show made me so happy especially with everything going on in the world today and the fact that it got taken away from just like that and I’ll be bitter about it forever sucks. The fact that all it changes now depresses tf outta me the show actually got me to be active on tumblr and now it’s over
I know it shouldn’t be about the ships but they just did the character and the fans so fucking wrong okay they really did.
So this may be one of the last posts I make myself about the show so I just really wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to this fandom and these shippers. We’ve been through fucking hell and supported and each other and have been there for each other through every mishap and shared so many theories back and forth and I’ve never been that deep into a ship or fandom on here and I fucking love you all so god damn much.
Despite what the writers did to us tonight I still wanna thank the show for bringing these amazing fucking women in my life and introducing us to each other and be the first few to openly ship melendaire way back in the beginning of season 2 and starting a group chat because of it.
So to my girls:
@pinkobsessedfreak the baby and the pessimist of the chat I love you so much katie and I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t reached out to me in season 1 about melendaire and I will forever appreciate that. It felt like we were the only two at the time shipping it and to see you grow so much as well throughout high school and the chance that I got to see that means the world
@gilbxrt-blythe the optimist to my angst and who always cheered me on with my endless theories and would never leave me hanging talking about our ship. You always came in clutch with you Canadian promos 😂 and the fanfictions and have always been there for every single one of us and I love you so much Abby
@romancelvr the most levelheaded one out of all of us. You have always tried to calm us down and always gave so much wisdom and insight to the show, the ship and our lives and I will always be grateful for that. I’m going to miss your analyses of the show and how you had so much faith in things turning out okay tonight and I wish so badly you were right I love you so much sarah
@bellarke-rollercoaster you always gave Katie a run for the money about who was the pessimist 😂 but you’ve always managed to brighten up the chat with your bluntness and your humor and I love you so much for that. I’m glad to have known you and be there for you when I can and you do the same for me. I love you so mel and just you wait we’re all gonna visit you in France and annoy the shit outta of you
@jillrox202 you were the 2nd person to ever reach out to me about melendaire and we started messaging about them I was so happy to have found another friend to talk about them with. You’ve always come in clutch with the melendaire stuff happening on twitter and insta and always gave us links to the BEST fanvids and updated us on so much. If there was anything happening with melendaire you were always the first to know. I love you so much Abby and I’m so glad we became friends
@maddieandyou I know you left the chat last year but you still impacted my life and the fandom so much! I love your constant typos and you’ve always spit balled back and forth with me about theories and we could go on forever reblogging each other back and forth with new ideas and I’m gonna fucking miss that so much. You’re honestly probably the heart of this ship and brought the melendaire fandom/shippers so much closer together I love you Maddie
And to all my followers! The silent supporters and the ones who have always commented on my posts or reblogged or sent me asks, and the ones who have reached out to me when I was struggling personally, thank you so much for always making me feel welcome and being on this journey with me.
I would list you all but this post would end up so much longer then it already is but seriously I see all of you and please just know how much I love y’all.
Seriously you all have changed my life and I’m so fucking grateful for that and wish things could’ve ended better for us
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I’m gonna miss y’all and your love and support for my shitty and always too long reaction posts and I’m gonna miss making memes and talking about theories with you all and I’m just gonna miss melendaire and Neil Melendez 😭😭
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papasmistakeria · 4 years
Alright you know what fuck Shore but here's a review of the finale AKA "Neil Melendez Stan Rise Up"
See the point here, I've prepared myself for Melendez dying. I've read through 6 articles in the morning and cried till evening. I've wasted tears, I was prepared for Melendez having to be game ended
I have a few things to say but it'll be in a seperated post
I cried not because Melendez died (I was prepared) but because Alex and Casey. Casey, on the edge of death, calls Alex dad and Alex, pretending to be his death, comforted him and made him make peace with himself before he died 🥺🥺🥺
Actually, no, good for Park because he's a great dad and he's trying to be a better dad
I love how everyone's calm, peace, crying, and dying, and then there's Shaun who's literally racing against time, trying to save Vera's life with what seemed to be Detroit: Become Human's Connor styled soundtrack playing in the background
This is one of the bits that I love about Shaun; He's shown great determination and in the end he focuses on one thing and one thing alone; Saving lives even at the risk of his. It's Shaun's main goal and this is the only thing I can appreciate in this episode. They're consistent with his views and that's great
Oh look Morgan lost her chance. Wow. Why am I not surprised?
And Melendez got game ended you guys. AhAH FUCK!
Ok Shea got together at least SOMEONE had a happy ending
Overall: Look, this episode had potential. I could've given it a 9/10 but then Shore pulled a Game Of Thrones move and fucking MURDERED Neil Melendez. That itself is a red line. Season 3 had severed an already fractured tie with the series and with this finale, it could only go worse. I get it, some would think it's progressive but it's not. Death and angst don't equal dephts, it just made you look like a dick to the character and completely ignored the character importance. But I'll go into that deeper in another post
What I want to see in season 4:
If y'all need me I'll be in the Lord of The Rings fandom
Still hoping for Jared Kalu
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