#nemesis worship
khaire-traveler · 6 months
⚔️ Subtle Nemesis Worship ⚖️
Stand up for yourself and others
Join causes that you're passionate about; attend a protest if it's safe to do so (don't risk your well-being please)
Learn self-defense (includes weapons)
Support human rights or abuse survivor organizations
Educate yourself on historical breeches of human rights and how they still affect people today; educate yourself on oppression
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have imagery of swords, scales, whips, lashes, daggers, or apple branches around
Have a stuffed animal goose or griffin
Eat an apple
Grow an apple tree or thistle plant
Be kind to yourself and others
Prioritize your well-being; put your needs first
Assert your personal boundaries; learn what your boundaries are
Practice patience, especially with people you dislike or who annoy you
Cook a meal for someone in need
Volunteer at a homeless or animal shelter
Donate supplies to a homeless shelter; blankets, warm clothes, and canned foods during the winter are especially needed; hygiene kits are often highly sought after year round
Cook a meal for your loved ones
Practice empathy for others (not at the risk of your own well-being, however; empathy does not equal self-sacrifice)
Try not to support companies or organizations that are morally corrupt or supporting things that go against human rights (Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Salvation Army, etc.)
Educate yourself about corrupt organizations and companies so you know which to avoid
Be gentle with yourself when going through something difficult
Apologize for your mistakes, even if it's hard; only do this if you are prepared for a potentially negative reaction, however
Hold others accountable for their actions; don't let people off the hook constantly
Hold yourself accountable for your actions; take responsibility when necessary
Light a bonfire in her honor; write down bad things that have been down to you on paper; burn them in the fire (safely!!!); focus on the feeling of retribution
Take a warm shower/bath after a long day, especially if you're feeling down on yourself
Write encouraging affirmations on sticky notes and place them where you'll see them
Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses; celebrate what you're proud of, work on what you're not
Express yourself in little ways if you can't be fully open; a bracelet to represent your gender, pride flag colored shoelaces, etc.
Celebrate your accomplishments; you did a great job!
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc.
Engage in random acts of kindness; holding the door for someone, complimenting a stranger, helping someone carry things if they're struggling, tipping well, etc.
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Practice restraint; learn to hold your tongue if it would only escalate a bad situation
Engage with self-care often, especially when feeling unwell
Practice emotional regulation; allow yourself to feel your feelings; find healthy emotional outlets
Work on forgiving yourself of past mistakes; learn from it, and move on
Let go of people or things that do not contribute to your life in a positive way
Focus on yourself, your future, and your well-being rather than focusing on the success or torment of others; YOU matter, YOUR success matters!!!
When you make promises, try to hold yourself to completing them
Build makeshift animal shelters for animals, especially in the winter season (bird houses out of wood, cat houses of old coolers, etc.)
Engage in activities you're passionate about; drawing, crafting, bike riding, etc.
Play with pets if you have any
Exercise; get movement throughout your day
Pick up trash in your neighborhood or environment; don't litter
Don't kick someone while they're down; offer them a hand up
Treat vulnerability with kindness rather than hostility
Give yourself compliments; wear things that make you feel attractive or badass
I may add more to this later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Nemesis. I hope this helps someone, and take care, y'all! ❤️
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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mythicalmuseomine · 5 months
Lady Nemesis
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Goddess of revenge and retribution
Requested by anon. This will be by final anonymous request, as personally I feel it is more respectful to the pantheons. You can request via messages.
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hekatean-path · 5 months
Prayer to Nemesis:
Lady Nemesis,
Winged goddess of the scales.
Whose holds the divine right over retribution over all,
Whose sword brings down your judgement over those who you deem fit.
Oh, beautiful goddess,
She, whose judgement we are all under,
I ask that you cast your judgement over those who cause others harm,
Physically, mentally, sexually, emotionally, and politically.
I ask you watch over those who are being affected by those who cause harm,
I ask you to keep them safe.
Blessed be
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a playlist for nemesis i made <3
a playlist for all my nemesis worshippers, this is all upg though so please do not boil me
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freespiritlilith · 1 year
kindred lilith worshipers and revelers and rule breakers UNITE! ! !
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ray-does-witchcraft · 5 months
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My dash is kinda dry, soo... interact (or message me, i could use pagan/witch friends, rayvpng on discord) if you are:
a witch of any kind (im eclectic i love hearing about yalls practices)
pagan (specifically hellenic but others welcome as well :3)
into demonolatry/demonology
an aphrodite, hermes, apollo, ares, nemesis, phobos & deimos, or lucifer worshiper
into spirit work (any kind)
working or knowledgeable about fae and/or dragons (PLS)
into basically anything occult related
bonus points if latino or/and queer!!
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Aphrodite leaning on Nemesis (2nd century BC sculpture from Myrina, Greece)
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applefoam · 26 days
I've been reading up on lady nemesis, she seems really interesting
(if anyone has personal experience with working with her, what's she like?)
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underworldhadess · 6 months
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Nemesis, Greek goddess of retribution by irkallan
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one thing i'm really really fascinated by is the fact that everyone in the modern pokemon world seems to consider the deities a power source, nothing more. the games generally imply that knowledge of the legendaries has been lost to time and legend and only preserved by a select few who keep to the Ancient Ways but i don't really think that sounds likely. i think they might be common knowledge people just don't seem to. conceptualize them as greater than in the way that we generally think of them. "this is a divine force that underpins reality and has been worshipped since antiquity" is not a thing that seems to have any problem coexisting with "i'm going to put this thing in an engine and make it my tool." and it's very frequently the baddies doing this which maybe weakens the point a little but very rarely is the point of contention with the bad guys "hey you shouldn't do that to god" that's kind of like, never the part of their thing that people object to. it's always their motives, never their methods. when the Good Guy (local ten year old) catches god and makes it their new partner, nobody has a problem with it! and people joke about this but i'm saying it might imply a way deeper facet of society than people give it credit for.
and is this maybe trying to force the round peg of pokemon legendaries into the square hole of actual religion. very possibly! the games aside from pla certainly seem only very occasionally interested in treating these creatures as gods or godlike or worshipped in any way, and far more often just want to treat them as regular pokemon But Stronger. so it's maybe not reasonable to try and say these entities are deities. but the problem is they are! it's not like this isn't supported textually, it's just... not a part of canon that canon is actually interested in. dialga, palkia, the lake trio, kyogre, groudon—these things are gods. canon can mince words and call them legendaries and "worshipped as deities maybe sometimes" but when you get to the point where you're discussing something that represents a fundamental force governing reality and/or can end the world on a whim then idc what you call it. that's a god.
but the problem is that they are gods and also pokemon, they're both simultaneously. and people in the pokemon world seem to have worked this out, and have had the collective realization that the gods are truly not exempt from their own rules. they can be captured, they can be subjugated, they can be used. this also ties back in with the whole anarchism discussion obviously but it's just the fact that like. it goes way deeper than everyone being fine with the ten year old putting the lord of time in a ball. the entire world operates on the premise of "eat your gods."
does that like... contradict worship? can you be faithful to something knowing it's been used as a tool?
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randomnameless · 8 months
I think there's another element that just screams why Wilhelm's meritocracy failed. Nemesis and the Elites weren't just viewed as heroes, their weapons were viewed as sacred and people followed their example by killing and stealing to increase their own power. The Empire were viewed as zealots by their people, people which Wilhelm then took into his power. These people believed in an ideology that seems to have viewed Agarthans as gods, their belief systems are going to align with that ideology and while some might have bent the knee and some might have fled, others might have just paid lip service to the new religion in order to maintain their own power (much like Lorenz says they do in the present).
This whole discussion also seems to make what Wilhelm did not much better than Edelgard's "I'll conquer lands and kill any leaders who don't bend the knee," and irony is coming to bite Rhea in the ass by a descendant who champions the same beliefs she fought against But on the other hand, their intents were different. Wilhelm wanted unification to end the bloodshed and stealing, bringing peace to Fodlan. Edelgard broke the peace to bring those ways back and increase her own power, completing the moral decline and becoming everything the Empire was supposed to be against.
Both Wilhelm and Supreme Leader start wars of conquest, so there are some similarities, but as you said, intent was different.
Which might explain why there were - if we follow this theory/hc - why there was no civil war in WoH Adrestia, when Tru Piss ends up with dealing with "unrest", in the Tru Piss situation, instead of appointing Leopold as the governer of Leicester, Willy could have appointed Gloucester Sr and conscripted part of his troops in the Adrestian War Effort.
The "bend the knee or die" behaviour from Supreme Leader comes from her wish to be the only, well, "Supreme Leader" of Fodlan and/or as explained in FE16, try to replace Sothis/the CoS in Fodlan by herself.
I guess in the WoH's situation, it was either "side with us or with nemesis", with the added twist that siding with Nemesis meant being an inherent threat to Adrestia (if might makes right), the CoS's teachings and Nabateans themselves - I'd say Willy was paranoiac but who wouldn't be if they had to deal with this situation : siding with Nemesis means possibly learning how to make Relics and that's, imo in this theory, the one thing Wilhelm wants to avoid at all costs.
Like, siding with Nemesis would have meant those people want to continue to kill/pillage/burn because "they're strong so they can do it", and possibly turn against Wilhelm's trusted allies (if not more! like, possibly, his own son!) to turn them in shiny weapons to become even "stronger".
In the end, it doesn't matter, because subjugation is subjugation, but if Willy doesn't want to MAGA - or isn't as obsessed with it as his most well-known scion - but only to kill Nemesis and make Fodlan a peaceful land where Nabateans can exist, I could see Adrestian occupation being "lighter" then, say, what happens in Firdhiad during AM.
Thinking about this though, I wonder if Rhea mediating and ackowledging the Kingdom's existence isn't a way to "make up" for Willy's subjugation - sure maybe he wasn't the one to consider northerners as subhumans, but this situation still happened because Adrestia conquered those lands and those people - and restoring their autonomy to those people, with, of course, the constant presence of the Church to "guide" them in the right course of action, and not start to, again, kill/pillage/burn because they're stronger and maybe find the sleeping Cethleann to vivisect her.
Of course it's ironic, because even with the Western Church, it's the Kingdom who supports and helps her and more or less adopted Willy's ideas about what a noble should be (not someone holing themselves in the capital!) when Adrestia fell apart in 7 years !
Willy's conquest is fascinating to me, because no matter how hard I try to spin it, there's still the issue - not tackled by the Fodlan games of course - of Nabateans and Relics : humans, during the WoH, know how to craft Relics, and what material they should use (I doubt Rhea'n'the Saints used hair dye for fun) - how do you remove this "knowledge" from humans, especially the ones following Nemesis who were depicted as greedy and power hungry?
Even if he might have had the best intentions (restore peace to the land, and support the Nabateans) Wilhelm had to deal with this issue -> which ultimately led to the "bend the knee (and remain ignorant about relics) or (possibly learn how to make relics and) die", it sucks, but it might have been the solution he found to solve this riddle.
So, in a way, given how the Empire was founded on a "bend the knee or die" as all Empires are, imo, Adrestia was bound to decline, even if I think Nabatean influence would have slowed it tremendously, and, say, made Enbarrites not consider Northeners as livestock (so maybe everyone could have coexisted "peacefully" a bit longer).
As for the people who joined Willy (thus bent the knee) -
Given how Adrestia at inception was nothing and the Empire had no Relics nor crested kickass warriors like Nemesis (sure, Seiros is a thing, but there's 1 Seiros and 4 Saints for 11 Elites and Nemesis!), I wonder if the people who joined Adrestia at first weren't joining the "weakest" horse, thus had to let go of their "might makes right" motto.
I also think the CoS helped a lot to smoothen things between conqueror and conquered - maybe by offering relief and helping rebuild the conquered lands, something that would be impossible in Nemesis' land (why the winners, aka, the strong, help the weak?) - and the Empire banked on the CoS's good PR to be more easily accepted by the people?
As for the ones who paid lip service, well, they might have existed lol, but I'd say, learning Nemesis keeps on losing (even if he is the strongest) when he's fighting someone who doesn't even have a relic (tfw people think Wilhelm is the one fighting Nemesis and not Rhea!) might have made them reconsider the Agarthan's pov and what they were really believing in - if Gods gave Nemesis'n'co their weapons, why is a loser like Wilhelm, not blessed by the same "gods", able to defeat them?
Maybe the God from the Seiros Faith is stronger than the Gods who blessed Nemesis? So the Seiros Faith is the real deal?
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theoneandonlyqueen · 3 months
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Here's my WIP of Nemesis
(Trying to be more brave and post my art)
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rowankblack · 2 years
I know we all horny for Nemesis in Hades II but like. I lowkey don't want her as a romancible option. Like I want her to be tough badass woman we all pine for as players, but she's more of a cool older sister type to Melinoe.
(Also bc lowkey I want the female romantic option for Mel to be Iris, just bc I feel like Arke is gonna be a boss fight and if I'm right, the arc and the interactions can just be so good and angsty but comforting)
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hekatean-path · 3 months
I have been listening to my Nemesis playlist recently (lots of drama at work. Luckily, I am on the sidelines, but it involves the ma ager who I have had run-ins with in the past) because I would like Nemesis to serve out divine retribution to those who deserve it because they have not had they just deserves yet.
The song I played while putting together a prayer and offering to Nemesis is Karma's A Bitch by Brit Smith. It seems fitting for this situation because no one involved in the drama is blame-free, and I know karma is going to be a hard pill for them to swallow.
Hail, winged Nemesis with her scales of justice and sword of divine retribution ⚖️🗡
Blessed Be ✨️
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vvarvvon · 2 days
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the reason remy was ousted from the legion once his parentage was revealed isn't just that he is a greek demigod. it was the fear that his grandmother wasn't as roman as was implied. nemesis is just nemesis, the romans keeping her original name. and if his grandmother was greek… then they had a greek demigod as a centurion for years.
it was less "remy is greek ew" and more "oh fuck the greeks aren't awful???" it's why lilith didn't fight for remy to stay. her loyalty to family was overruled by the fear of what the legion—the only home she had ever truly known—would do to her if they decided her record no longer outweighed the idea that she might be a greek demigod.
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Skylla Worship
Subtle Harmonia Worship
Subtle Galatea Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Subtle Triton Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Heimdallr Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Subtle Frigga Worship
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I will be making separate lists for these pantheons because I have too many links lol.
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