#neo adam and neo eve
gayartists · 1 year
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Adam and Eve, Gustave Courtois (1853 - 1923)
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sparkys-ec-corner · 6 months
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new bodies
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child-of-arez · 2 months
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Eve, the devil, apple 🍎
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ask-team-misfit · 6 months
(Anon-Serperior@Lief and Finninkuo.)
Okay, for Arcues's sake, can you two please quit flapping your maws and let the big lady get a word in before I vine tie them shut for you?
Anonymous asked: This is going to be a long day, isn't it?...
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Lief: "Well that depends on the kid. Don't expect her to listen, though."
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Fenninkou: "Just admit you're up to no good already!"
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Pikavee: "B-both of you, this is way too much…!"
Imagine being literally anyone else and overhearing this right now, while sheltering in place. This would be Rue's experience, back in the cafe.
Usually hesitant to interfere in such things, seeing the extent of her partner's stubborn bravado, let alone seeing her be involved at all, eroded her usual discretion.
She sighed deeply. She moved from beneath the table to leave the cafe, stopping only to glance at Adam and Eve and pardon herself.
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Rue: "Excuse me."
thepersonaking56 asked: Percy's Lucario *Hits the fennekin's head* "Stop it kid. Just let them through."
pknerd-chimera asked: (@/pokege-ne-project ; Neo-Ka) Ugh, this was starting to get on her nerves from what she was overhearing. Annoying as hell is what this is. "Oi, ya knock it off already!" They gave a smack behind Fenninkou's head, just enough to hurt. "What's it, just y'all's job to argue loud 'nough for everybody to hear?" They seemed paticularly cranky, but Neo-Ka's look made it obvious they didn't give a shit.
[ @pokege-ne-project ]
Whatever sort of tangent Fenninkou may have went on next would be interrupted by the above. Upon being bopped on her head not once but twice, she winced and stopped short.
Fenninkou: "GAH! Ow! Why me?!"
Pikavee gaped a bit with shock, looking over Fenninkou with worry.
As for Lief, he didn't even try to hide it. He guffawed outright at this display.
Pikavee: "L-Lief! This isn’t funny…!"
Lief: "Oh, it’s not funny–it’s hilarious!"
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Lief: "Even these good folks are getting sick of your shit, you stubborn kid!"
Lief howled into another fit of erratic laughter, doubling over and then falling outright, lying on his side and clutching his stomach.
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Fenninkou: "H-he started it! You should be helping me get rid of them!"
Lief: "No, no. You got in the way. I gave you an ultimatum. One that you ignored multiple times."
Having said this in between his chortling and snorting, he sat up to look at Fenninkou again.
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Lief: "But by all means, keep being in the way and see what happens."
Pikavee: "P-please stop fi–"
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Fenninkou: "THAT'S IT! Rematch! Right now!"
Lief: "So you really WERE still mad about before!"
Once again, Lief burst out laughing. Fenninkou appeared absolutely livid, as if at any moment she’d strike first.
Pikavee: "I-I only wanted to ask for directions…!"
Rue: "ENOUGH! Please!"
When it seemed like a literal fight would take place in front of Pikavee despite her pleas against it, it was Rue’s shout that made them pause and look over.
She was marching towards them. Her tails, usually calm in motion, were quivering with pent up energy as she walked.
Fenninkou: "Rue?!"
Rue: "Everyone should be ashamed of themselves… this isn’t any way to treat fellow Pokemon."
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Rue: "And Fenninkou, what in Hecate’s name are you thinking?!"
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hi anyone care for a doodle of these two
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saragl728 · 1 year
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???/Psychic type Neo Adam and Neo Eve
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down-thedrain · 1 year
woke up today and decided that i'm only going to use my hced pronouns for the chars godbless
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evillious-renders · 2 years
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Half-body render of Neo Eve and Adam from the PV of Master of the Heavenly Yard song!
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theoryofarson · 6 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
I don't even need to be tagged to be horny. Let's go!
In no particular order:
Third (Theory of Love)
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He's so pathetic! He cries so much! He's so rude and mean and bitchy! His shirts are so big and his shorts are so small!
In conclusion, I would treat him right - the way Khai does NOT.
Nick (Only Friends)
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Speaking of PATHETIC!!!! THAT'S MY TOXIC BABYGIRL! MY CANCELLED BOYGIRLWIFESBAND! Sand really wasted an opportunity in that van. It should have been me...
Pa (Bad Buddy)
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You know who's taller than you, Pa?? Me!!! The thought of being the one to make her flustered...pick her up and brush her hair back...dear lord.
Ok this list is really starting to look like I want to be the one doing all the manhandling. I promise you I am also down to be handled. Let's switch it up a bit.
Porsche (KinnPorsche)
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Listen. You know I LOVE VegasPete as a ship.
But if we're talking about who *I* desire - first of all, your bitch is NOT prepared for the kinkery VegasPete get up to. Second of all, I genuinely think Apo Nattawin is one of the most objectively attractive men on this planet. Add to that Porsche's layered dip of a personality (fidgety jokester, devoted big brother, practiced fighter, willing killer, dutiful guard dog...), and I am quite sold. Give me the problematic mafia sex.
Hyeong Da Un (Blueming)
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Dude. I barely even remember this show. I had to look up the character's name. But he's BAD. And he always had like...this teasing superiority toward the main character? Like he knew they would end up together and was just waiting for MC to catch up to that realization? Yeah. That...that's hot.
Ueda Minoru (Our Dining Table)
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I believe this man was crafted in a lab to be as attractive to me, specifically, as possible. He looks like a bit of a delinquent, but he's a sweet and dedicated family man. He is troubled by the notion that he'll never be good enough. He's in love and afraid to say it. He's a bleach blonde with earrings and a bump in his nose and an Adam's apple that makes me want to follow the footsteps of Eve in the garden.
Mhok (Last Twilight)
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Lord, there is not enough time in the world for me to say all I want to say about this man.
I just want it to be stated, on the record, that I have been well aware of Jimmy's attractiveness since Bad Buddy days. Unlike others, I never let Wai's horrendous personality distract me from his absurdly hot face, which, at the end of the day, is the important thing.
And now that we have Mhok? Literally the perfect character - rugged yet tender, clueless yet hypercompetent, jealous yet selfless - full of desire and restraint and humour and sadness in equal measure - I genuinely cannot think of what else I would ask for.
And did I mention his hot face?
Finally, to round out the list, a special triple whammy:
Neo, Miw, and Shin (3 Will Be Free)
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Yes, all three. At once? Separately? I don't give a shit. For all I care, it could be me in this trunk and them looking down at me in disdain. That'd keep me going for like, a year. Just let me be in the orbit of these three ridiculously hot people and their ridiculously hot dynamic. Joss, Mild, Tay: if any subset of you is ever free, at any time at all, I am also free. At that time. Forever.
That was really fun. Tagging: Whoever wants to do it!!!! Go. Be horny. Be free.
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minnowtank · 4 months
so basically in my oc story it’s 2412 and everyone on earth lives on the planet exodus now due to a biological warfare accident which continues to affect people centuries later in the form of Fosse syndrome. the world has like a really weird version of communism where withering of the state doesn’t occur and religions and national differences and therefore the social constructs of race persist i’m sorry this is so bad you need context for this like it involves a hawaiian communist terrorist named kauhane becoming a saint in what later becomes neo-catholicism because a bunch of radicalized christian americans believed he could see into the future (he actually could) and he was like chosen by god and the communist terrorist also believed this and it made the politics all weird as a consequence. and then other stuff like the fosse gas affecting the state of politics. still working on the politics but that’s basically a theme of like oh everyone’s on a different planet are nations arbitrary ?? is anyone really anything anymore? and people like want to know where they “really” come from etc. and stuff and that’s a theme
so the plot is that a neo-catholic novice in the year 2412 named bianca must use her future-seeing abilities to stop a swedish ethnonationalist from creating a new hybrid species of super-swedes and the swedish guy in question is using these immortal worms that go in your brain and give you the ability to regrow limbs and stuff that are actually Adam, Eve, and Cain which would also take a while to explain lol but his name is stefan and he’s like wow sweden sucks now we used to be so great and he had a meltdown about ikea no longer existing once canonically and he becomes obsessed with Old World notions of racism and basically there are barely any ethnic swedes left due to a bunch of reasons involving eugenics in the past (they wanted to get rid of fosse syndrome in ethnic swedes) and so there are like barely any ethnic swedes and he wants to use the worms and yeah the worms can do stuff like “build themselves in the womb” and then it opens questions about like what the ideal human would actually look like if the fetus had the ability to create itself while in utero etc and things like that so whatever. he has a son with fosse syndrome that makes him have schizophrenic that cannot be medicated bc being fosse makes you resistant to a bunch of modern medicine. and the son has the adam worm while stefan has the cain worm and the son who is named alex btw is like i don’t wanna make a super race please let me kill myself instead but he’s being controlled by stefan and the worms. and then there’s that whole thing👍and there are other mutations regarding fosse syndrome and there’s like “epicentre nations” and other stuff and eugenics plot lines and things that will also take a while to explain. and the son and stefan are the remaining descendants of the long defunct swedish royal family.
also if the hybrid species super swede is born it will destroy the reality due to it breaking the law of evolution and i will explain that in the story also the virgin mary exists and like there’s that whole thing too and god exists but he left the universe and there’s the “purpose paradox” going on with god and stuff and yeah
and yeah there are a bunch of characters and there are 5 “main” protags: bianca, jacquie, enji (he has the eve worm and there’s backstory for that), sloane, and yousef and the plot is complicated and i’m not done but i want to keep going with it so idk. oh also settler colonial states don’t exist anymore there’s a country called the union of new world republics and it’s connected to the weird saint terrorist guy but like that guy was involved with their movement while also kind of being weird on the side but he was helpful to them despite being a massive catholic because his future vision constantly saved their asses from assassination and their views like clashed with his
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Fandoms I'm Writing For:
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sorted by category + fandoms in alphabetical order
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⋆˖⁺‧₊ ANIME ₊‧⁺˖⋆
A Condition Called Love
All Main Characters
⋆˖⁺‧₊ CARTOONS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Fathom/Argus
All Main Characters
⋆˖⁺‧₊ BOOKS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Anne Of Green Gables
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, Diana Barry, Gilbert Blyth, Jerry Baynard, Ruby Gillis
Percy Jackson
All Main Characters
Most Side Characters (no Calypso, Stolls & Will - yet)
only requests for the main five percy jackson books & the first two heroes of olympus
⋆˖⁺‧₊ VIDEOGAMES ₊‧⁺˖⋆
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
All Playable Characters
Ace Attorney
All Attorneys, Prosecuters + Companions
Most Side Characters from All Games
no Investigations 2 characters yet!
AI: The Somnium Files
All Main Characters
Trigger Happy Havoc Characters + Komaru Naegi (no Yasuhiro or Hifumi)
Goodbye Despair Characters
V3 Characters
no Monokuma, Monomi or Monokubs
Final Fantasy 10
Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, Wakka, Lulu, Auron, Kimahri, Seymour
no spoilers for X-2!
Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
Zack Fair, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Tifa Lockhart, Cissnei, Genesis Rhapsodos, Angeal Hewley
Crisis Core Only! No Spoilers for Base FF7!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
All Four Houses + Church of Seiros
Important Side Characters/NPC's
Fire Emblem: Three Hopes
All Playable Characters
Important Side Characters/NPC's
Fire Emblem: Engage
All Playable Characters (no Jean, Anna, Sapphire, Lindon)
Four Hounds/Winds + Fell Dragons
Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia
Alm's Party Members (no Mycen)
Celica's Party Members (no Nomah)
Berkut, Rinea + Fernand
Fire Emblem: Awakening
All First Generation Characters
All Second Generation Characters
Fire Emblem: Binding Blade
All Playable Characters
Kingdom Hearts
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Larxene, Marluxia, Vexen, Hayner, Olette, Pence
i'm currently playing through the games, but for now no spoilers for anything that isn't KH 1.5
NieR: Automata
2B, 9S, A2, Adam, Eve
NieR: Re[in]carnation
Dimos, Gayle, Akeha, Lars, Griff, Noelle, 10H, Akeha, Yuzuki Kurezome, Hina Akagi, Marie, Yurie
Persona 5
Phantom Thieves (+ Akechi & Yoshizawa)
All Confidants (no Kawakami, Shinya or Lavenza)
Persona 4
Investigation Team
All Social Links (no Fox, Sayoko, Shu or Hisano)
Persona 3
S.E.E.S. Members (no Ken & Koromaru)
All Social Links (no Pharos, Maiko, Mutatsu, Bunkichi & Mitsuko)
All Strega Members & Velvet Room Attendees
no FES or Reload exclusive content!
Persona Spin-Offs
Labrys, Sho Minazuki
All Lab Members
The World Ends With You + Neo: TWEWY
All Party Members
All Reapers + Side Characters (no Kubo)
Xenoblade Chronicles + Future Connected
All Party Members
All Side Characters + Villains
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 + Torna: The Golden Country
All Party Members
All Members of Torna + Their Blades
All Blades (+DLC; no Ursula, Boreas, Finch & Electra)
All Torna: The Golden Country Party Members
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 + Future Redeemed
All Ouroboros
All Heroes (+DLC & Post Game)
All Moebius & Side Characters/NPCs
Future Redeemed Cast
Zero Escape
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Characters (no 9th Man)
Virtues Last Reward Characters (no Quark & Tenmyouji)
Zero Time Dilemma Characters (no Sean)
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fuzzybluefox · 10 months
Evillious Chronicles headcanon
All of Adam and Eve's reincarnation arent very fond of fire due to them being thrown into the oven.
Neo Adam favorite animals are whales, meanwhile Neo Eve dislike bears.
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sparkys-ec-corner · 2 years
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day 10 - re_birthday
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child-of-arez · 2 years
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Eve in the garden of Eden
Merritt Anne Lea 1885
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rocknroll7575 · 10 months
Sun: *Opens her Eyes* It is time…
*Ren walks out of his home to see his mother and father talking with Nora happily in Kuroyuri*
Sun: time to wake up… to a new reality, a blank canvas that I have painted in, with warmth and peace
*Ruby and Yang walking down the streets of Vale with Summer*
Sun: In my new Era, the choice is yours, whether to live in quiet serenity…
*Ruby, Yang, and Summer stop to see Roman and Neo in front of them*
Sun: Or bloody strife
*Blake dressed formal and looking out the window of a car seeing the city of Atlas*
Sun: To dwell in joyous prosperity…
*Blake turns to look at Eve who quickly puts on her mask, hiding her brand*
Sun: Or bitter rivalry
*Jaune taking off his helmet only to turn around, sensing someone behind him, only to see Jax and Gillian walking toward him*
Sun: You can face each other, as sworn enemies…
*The sky turns dark as the sun is blocked out by the shattered moon and the three turn to look*
Sun: Or united as family
*Ruby, Yang, Summer, Roman, and Neo look at the sky as it also turns dark, confused as to what is happening*
*Blake gets out of the car to see the sky darken along with Eve*
Sun: For the storm is brewing…
*Nora and Ren seeing Sun slowly descend from the sky and looking forward*
Sun: And soon you will discover that even in this new era… one constant remains…
*A portal open and slowly walking out of it was Cinder, smirking*
Sun: There is always something worth fighting for
*Cinder stabs Jaune and Gillian in the chest, then proceeds to trip Jax and stab him in the eye with her glass high heel*
*Cinder tearing out Blake's throat and then beheading Adam*
*Cinder digs her thumbs in Ruby’s eyes, then bashing yangs face in with a glass hammer, Burning Roman, Neo, and Summer alive*
*Cinder shoots an arrow into Nora’s Chest and then her chocking the life out of Ren*
*Cinder then tried to fight Sun, but Sun kicked her in the chest sending her to the ground*
Sun: You have chosen to defy peace *eyes glow Gold* Then you have chosen war with a God
*Sun shoots Cinder in the legs, causing her to fall to her knees and he then summons two clones to hold Cinder down, he then rushes at her and kicks her head off of her body, only for the third clone to grab it and toss it back to Sun, who catches it with the end of his staff and stabs it in the ground*
RWBY: MK 1 teaser
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seths-wife · 2 years
Something strange in the "master of the heavenly yard" song.
Today, @catgirldeathgrips has pointed something very interesting to me about the "master of the heavenly yard" song.
As we already know, for those of you who have read the "master of the heavenly yard" novel at some point, Michelle Marlon has contracted with Eve, thus gaining the latter's powers as the sleep princess.
“The boy is Adam. And the girl is Eve…perhaps you would recognize her better if I called her the ‘demon of sloth’. Michelle made a ‘contract’ with her, and obtained her power as the sleep princess.” (master of the heavenly yard, chapter 7, scene 5).
As a result of the contract, Michelle could do pretty much what Eve Moonlit could do: using the gift, using hypnosis, ecc...
In the "not-eve" chapter of the novel, Michelle uses those powers on the main contractors while they were gathered together in the hellish yard.
As the girl unleashed Eve Moonlit's powers, though, things started to get out of hand and she was starting to become victim of the same Eve's hypnosis she owned, starting to think she is Eve Moonlit, herself.
“…Papa, it’s no good. My mind is…turning to Eve…”
“I—I am…the sleep princess…I am…” (master of the heavenly yard, chapter 6, scene 3).
Where am I getting with this? The same self-hypnosis Michelle was about to experience by overusing her powers is described in the "master of the heavenly yard" song in both the sung lines and the flavour text.
I will now quote the latter because it has something strange inside.
“I love you, Adam.”
“Who am I?”
“For on a dark night such as this, a scary bear comes out.”
“Who am I?”
“I don’t need you children anymore.” (Eve Moonlit)
“Who am I?”
“Because I know my prince will make me happy.”
“Who am I?”
“A flower absolutely must be pure.”
“Who am I?” (Mikulia Greeonio/Calgaround)
“There’s nothing that I can’t steal!…Probably.”
“Who am I?” (Platonic)
“I am in love with you.”
“Who am I?” (Michaela??)
“I can’t sleep today either.”
“Who am I?” (Margarita Blankenheim)
“You’re saying I mustn’t love a foreigner?”
“Who am I?” (Miku Miroku??)
“There’s nothing for it I guess, Papa’s a prominent judge.”
“Who am I?” (Michelle Marlon) ("master of the heavenly yard" song, not eve).
Those lines describe Michelle's struggle in her identity (but actually also Eve Moonlit's if you consider this scene of the gift novel), starting to think she's the latter or one of her aliases she went by in the different eras of the story.
But there's a problem here, as you can see.
Why is Miku Miroku there? (It must be her since she's the one who quarreled with her father about loving a foreigner, you can read about that here and there).
There is no way she is Eve's reincarnation because at the time of the Enbizaka murders, Eve was inside "Ma" and was always part of her spirit, until Nemesis shot her own mother and roamed free again (that's why she was available for Michelle to contract with and could reincarnate as "neo-eve").
A woman who was born as the result of a merging between me, Irina, and one of the “Demons of Deadly Sin”, Eve.
She took the name of “Ma”. ("muzzle of Nemesis", chapter 7, scene 2).
This fact becomes apparent if you read the context of "muzzle of Nemesis", chapter 7, scene 3 and this scene from the "master of the heavenly yard" novel, as well.
For this reason, there is no way Eve Moonlit could be part of "Ma" and Miku Miroku at the same time.
Once again, there we have a logical inconsistency within the plot, unless I got something wrong, you tell me.
Edit: thanks to @incohearent for pointing out that one of the quotes may belong to Michaela.
In that case, Michaela's involvement with this have little sense as well. Eve Moonlit wasn't impersonating Michaela, as the latter is the reincarnated Micheal Arklow with Eve's appearance.
On the other hand, the true Eve Moonlit was in the clockworker doll with her contractor, Prim.
“Abyss is gone now. Can you perform the magic to have me possessed by a demon when you’re not a sorceress yourself?”
“I can. As long as I have her—the ‘clockworker’s doll’.” The empress Dowager patted the head of the doll that looked like Mrs. Margaret once more. “The demon of ‘sloth’ dwells in her. …A more accurate way of saying it would be that this doll is the demon of ‘sloth’ itself.”
“The ‘clockworker’s doll’ is the being that is the mother to all other ‘demons of deadly sin’. And it is only when inside this 'heartbeat clocktower’ that her true power can be realized–” ("praefacio of blue", chapter 3, section 2, scene 7).
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