#neon all the beauty and the bloodshed
thequeereview · 2 years
Film Review: All the Beauty & the Bloodshed ★★★★★
Film Review: All the Beauty & the Bloodshed ★★★★★
Oscar and Pulitzer Prize-winning documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras’ exceptional All the Beauty and the Bloodshed—which was Queer Lion-nominated and won the Golden Lion for best film at Venice—weaves a compelling dual narrative that shifts between an unflinchingly personal portrait of photographer Nan Goldin’s life and career, and a focus on her recent campaign to hold those culpable for the…
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teamnefarious · 2 years
'All The Beauty And The Bloodshed' Is The Most Powerful Documentary Of The Year
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Photo Courtesy of Neon
'All The Beauty And The Bloodshed' is the most powerful documentary to come out this year so far.
Incredible, powerful filmmaking from start tp finish. This one tells the story of the opiod crisis in America but from a different perspective than what we're used to.
We follow Nan Goldin as she takes her crew to different museums and court cases to fight the Sackler family for their role in the opiod crisis. The Sackler family founded Purdue Pharma and they invented Oxycontin and lied to doctors and patients about how addictive it truly was.
There is a lot of back story into Nan Goldin's life from the beginning until they were able to take down the biggest facilitator of the opiod epidemic in America.
The crew staged demonstrations in museums to bring awareness as the Sackler family name was everywhere. These museums eventually took down the Sackler family's name and stopped accepting donations and it's one of the only wins for the people fighting this as Purdue faced very minimal repercussions for what they did.
This was powerful and sad and intense and intentional and needs to be seen for many to open their eyes to what is happening in this crisis.
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pedrospatch · 11 months
do you have any joel miller fic recs?
so i only just started having time to really read now that my schedule has opened up slightly, i want to make a fic rec list once i get semi caught up but most recent fics that I have read can be found under the tag vee’s recs (they aren’t all just Joel tho) and I also have a few of them on my list which you can find under tbr shelf
but until I can get a proper post going, here are some fics that i have enjoyed in the past and that live rent free in my brain
Soft & Sweet, Neon Moon, and Burlesque by @cavillscurls (all her work is great though so go snoop that masterlist)
Ghost of You by @thetriumphantpanda (also has a ton of great work, once again, go snoop that masterlist)
In My Hometown by @swiftispunk (if i remember correctly a little bird aka han teased on she might be working on something related to this universe so it’s been on my mind)
Honeyed by @softlyspector (I need to catch up on all parts, but the first one had me head over heels)
bloodshed, crimson clover by @morning-star-joy (this was an amazing story, you’ll blow through all 12.1k so fast you’ll be like wait it’s over?!)
one more cup of coffee by @cupofjoel (also a masterlist worth snooping tbh this piece is so beautiful and if your favorite color isn’t brown, it will be after you read this)
Seams by @fuckyeahdindjarin (this series can cheer you up no matter what, i am willing to bet my life on that)
June by @atinylittlepain (i advise that you read this with a box of tissues in hand)
so these are just a few of the fics that i have read before and think about often, again, i want to make an effort into making either a fic rec post or doing some kind of weekly or monthly recap like so many of my mutuals do, so hopefully i can figure that out soon. 🤍
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vecnawrites · 1 year
Patreon Reward: A Pure Support Group, Chapter 11: Neo
Another meeting, this time with Neo needing to speak her piece...
It was the newest meeting of FABJA, and tonight was led by Lian Ren, with Nora Valkyrie being her second. Pyrrha had been meaning to come and be Lian’s second for the night, but when she and Joan had been watching a movie earlier, Joan had fallen asleep, her head on the redhead’s chest. Pyrrha had been not only unable, but unwilling to make Joan move, even as the other blonde’s hand crept up and rested on the breast she wasn’t letting her head lay against.
While the tent that she pitched was highly embarrassing, as was Joan grabbing her breast, at the very least Joan wasn’t groping her lower regions in her sleep before they left. It had happened before and the mess had been...well. Let’s just say all three futa members of JNPR had to replace their pajamas several times throughout the year.
But that was neither here nor there, as they both sat in the room, looking over the assembled crowd at the moment.
May, Velvet, and Ruby were all talking softly, blushes on their faces as they were obviously talking about last meeting’s subject matter, if the nearby Arslan’s burning red face meant what they thought.
Fiona and Neon were chatting as well (who knew that those two were old friends?) as they waited for the meeting to begin properly, doing their best to stay calm, which was honestly failing, considering their lower garments were bulging outwards.
Other members of FABJA were mingling about as well, though the main reason they were here tonight was surrounded by her own support group.
Neopolitan was sitting curled up in her seat, the act of hugging her legs making her look far more vulnerable than she had ever seemed outside, with Cinder, Emerald, and the Malachite Twins sitting around her, each of them talking to her quietly, the sounds lost in the din of conversation.
Clearing her throat, Lian looked over the room as they quieted down. “Hello, everyone, and welcome to another meeting of FABJA.” she began, seeing the expectant looks from those around her. “Today we have another person who needs to share what happened to them. Remember, there is no mocking anyone for their embarrassments, understood?” she warned, knowing that a few people in the room thought the girl haughty, especially Nora.
Then again, her partner had never forgiven the mute girl for the sex toy incident...or the punishment both had gotten from Goodwitch after said incident was over.
“The person who needs to speak tonight is Neo. Neo? At your leisure, please.”
A slight mechanical whine spilled from Neo’s hypervoice as she sighed, looking up, her mismatched pink and brown eyes glazed over before they sharpened as she was pulled out of her memories.
“<Hah...it...it was during the Halloween Movie Marathon that the Beacon Theater offered…>” she said through her hypervoice, her tone slightly shaky, even through the prosthetic.
“This is going to be so much fun, Neo! I know you like horror movies, so I thought this could be fun!” Neo couldn’t help but smile at how energetic Joan was, the bubbly girl practically bouncing on her feet, which did...enticing...things to her chest.
Neo shook herself. She needed to stay calm. This was one of the few times she was sure to have time alone with the blonde beauty, and she wasn’t going to let her hormones ruin it for her.
“<Thank you for the invitation, Joan. I hardly ever get invited to go to the movies.>” which was a pretty sad truth. Due to being a mute, it had always been hard for Neo to connect with others, and never mind the fact that most people didn’t like the same movies she did...which she thought rather sad. After all, most people tended to cringe at seeing visceral horror and bloodshed, and those that didn’t, were Hunters and it rated a ‘meh’.
But Neo found an enjoyment among them, if only because the ‘pint-sized terror’ (as her adopted father Roman referred to her as) enjoyed mocking the cliches and outdoing the carnage against Grimm targets or training bots...though she would admit that it wasn’t the same without blood.
But that was neither here nor there. Flashing their student ID’s, Neo made her way with the bubbly blonde to the concession counter, both getting popcorn and their chosen drinks (for her it was a cherry soda, and she noticed that Joan got a normal cola) and headed to their chosen theater.
As they entered, they noticed that while there were some students, the back seats (“The best seats!” Joan proclaimed) were completely empty and with a happy sound, Joan grabbed Neo’s hand and pulled her over to them.
Settling into the seats, Neo could admit that Beacon really did do right by its students, and this certainly beat having to scrounge for entertainment!
Settling in, Neo couldn’t wait to see what movies were picked for the night.
Emerald groaned, putting her head in her hands. “You poor, poor bitch…” she groaned, knowing exactly what happened, getting a flustered look from Neo, who waved her hands wildly, an almost unheard of expression from the normally sure of herself member of their team. “You were doomed before you knew it…”
Before Lian could say anything, Neo nodded, continuing. “<Yeah, I learned that the hard way...damn it.>” she huffed as Yang snickered at the inadvertent pun she made. “<I failed to think of the fact that she’s jumpy…>”
Neo was enthralled by the movie on screen; it was an older one, a more classic one, but that didn’t mean that it was less impressive than the newer movies. Actually, considering it was a classic, it captured her attention better than the ones that only relied on excessive blood and gore.
These had story building in them.
However, she had failed to realize that Joan could get jumpy this these movies (surprising, since she had seen the girl fight an Alpha Ursa in the Emerald Forest without a lick of fear on her face)...at least, until the blonde literally jumped out of her seat with a squeak and landed onto her lap, her bubbly rear pressing down onto her.
Neo released a sharp breath, her pupils shrinking as she felt the bubbly swell rub against her groin, her cock, which had been calming, surging with arousal from the feeling of a curvy woman, and the sweet smell of her skin.
Neo’s teeth sank into her lower lip as she tried to desperately keep her cock from bulging out and poking Joan in the rear. That was not how she wished to let her crush know that she liked her!
It was going to be awkward enough telling her eventually that she had sex with her porn star aunt!
Even worse, she was helpless to let Joan know what was happening to her, since her Hypervoice was off, and her head was shoved into the girl’s chest, leaving only her eyes (now glowing bright) looking at the screen as the killer stalked their next victim.
As they pinned them down and began to stab, Joan jerked as though she was the one being stabbed, physically each and every time.
...and considering her cock was harder than the shaft of Hush at the moment, perhaps that was a bad analogy?
Every shift on her lap was torture, Neo feeling precum leaking out into the fabric of her underwear, over her balls, as the beautiful blonde bounced on her lap in fright.
Bounce! Neo gasped as Joan rocked her rear against the bulge in her pants without knowing what she was doing.
Bounce! Her face was pulled down further into Joan’s chest, her nose in the girls cleavage, the only thing she was capable of smelling being the sweetness of the girl’s skin.
Bounce! Her balls churned angrily, loudly enough that she swore it was a miracle that no one heard it over the sounds of the movie in front of them.
BOUNCE! Neo’s eyes closed as she lost her battle with her orgasm, shuddering hard as cum sprayed into her pants, soaking them and covering her cock, balls, and inner thighs with the thick warmth vacating her balls.
Her shuddering was pronounced enough that Joan noticed and hugged her all the tighter, whispering into her ear, “It’s okay, I’m scared too!” wiggling closer as and only making her cum harder.
“<The only way that I managed to maintain any dignity is spilling my drink over my lap when Joan finally got off of my lap...but I’m still pretty sure everyone but Joan knew...>” Neo groaned, burying her face into her hands.
Cinder huffed. “They probably did…” she muttered, shaking her head sadly, knowing the embarrassment that her teammate must have felt. Though that statement was probably better off not being made, as Neo only curled up more.
Lian sighed, knowing exactly what the girl felt, as did Nora and Pyrrha. “...thank you for sharing with us, Neo.” she said softly, “Let us end the meeting and head to bed, it’s getting late for us all.”
Shuffling filled the room as members of the support group shuffled out, some walking straighter than others, the support group separating until their next needed meeting...
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bunwithantlers · 1 year
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"That's how towns die. Not with a bang, but with whispers and whimpers."
One thing that I've always appreciated about Cyberpunk 2077's world is the stark contrast between Night City and the surrounding wasteland. From minute one of this game, you're being thrust into this world of bright colours, neon and chaos, everything is violent in a loud and bright way, with gunshots and techno music and screams. It's beautiful, in its own way, and it draws you in, because it's fun.
And then you leave the city for the first time, and it's like the whole environment suddenly comes to a screeching halt. All the neon is replaced with greys and beiges, there are no bright screaming advertisements anymore, only the wide open sky, the windmills - and the corpses of towns. And you learn that there's a whole different kind of violence in this world. It made me realize why so many people stay in Night City, why it's like a glue trap for its inhabitants. There's just nothing out there for them, no perspective, nowhere to run. At least in Night City, there's the idea of hope, sold shrink wrapped in vending machines. Out here, there's nothing. Night City is violent bloodshed, but the Badlands are violent resignation. I don't know which is worse.
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austerulous · 2 years
◈   @tlacehualli  //  cont.
Sombra was electric.  Next to the desert bloom of fuchsia and ultraviolet, even cobalt blue, siren red and acidic shades of yellow paled.  Odessa’s cherry irises were pulled to her, time and again.  First when she applied her bright war-paint, again when she denounced the devil in their moonshine, and now that they were in the thick crush of the mosh pit.
It was all distraction, the briefest of respites.  For the queen, and for her subjects.  Close threadbare curtains, block out thick columns of pyre smoke.  Forget the incurably sick with radiation, vomiting viscera in understaffed subterranean wards.  Music filled the head, filled the empty spaces in the heart, leaving room for nothing else.  There was only the crowd moving in tribal unison, a mass made into a writhing, many-headed monster.  Short-lived, too – as they all would prove to be.
Showered harmlessly by angle-grinder sparks, Odessa dissociated in the crackle of speakers, in the shifting patterns of neon lights.  Liquor burned a hole in her gut, drowning out the ghosts she carried with her always.  This was the domain of the living, it left no room for the dead.  The Australian government and the world at large had forsaken them, turned a blind eye to the poison and bloodshed at its irradiated heart – but Odessa would never abandon her post, her people.  The Junker Queen moved among the denizens, drank with them, moshed with them.  Bled and laughed and screamed and grieved with them.
Sombra was not one of her subjects, but for her Odessa was prepared to make a shield from the meat of her body, to protect from the waves of inebriated Junkers.  There was no need.  Her vibrant, enigmatic guest was agile, her reflexes undimmed by the booze. 
Music eventually folded under its own weight, swallowed by silence save for the murmur of the crowd and its drunken revelry.  Static thrummed, the familiar high-pitched whine of tinnitus droning on in Odessa’s ears.  Her voice was hoarse, bruises mottled the acres of exposed, sun-struck skin.  They evacuated together in the tide of tired, dusty, sweat-shining bodies that leaked from the arena. 
Carry me.  For a moment, it seemed like Sombra was already there.  All lilac and magenta.  Modified, featherlight, feminine.  Perfumed with a scent akin to flowers that no longer grew.  Open arms folded to find it had been a command made in jest.  Typical.  Any time Odessa imagined Sombra, she was always walking away, always just out of her reach.  Dull disappointment was diluted by a flood of incredulousness.
“Fuck off – you’re forty-three?”
Perhaps the secret to a baby face lay in the creams and elixirs Sombra swore by like a snake oil salesman.  Odessa snorted at the thought.
“No cryin’ for bed then.  Clearly you don’t need your beauty sleep.”
Stairs constructed from steel grating creaked beneath their boots as they peeled away from the masses, staggering along desolate stretches of echoing corridors.  Where most of the merrymakers would retire to the rusting lean-to houses in the shanty town, they were destined for the familiar sprawl of the royal quarters, tucked away in a lacklustre and windowless wing of the Omnium.
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corndoggod · 4 months
May Day
Earlier this week I had one of those “goddamn I love this city” days. It was May Day and I was in the office for the first time since Dad passed. It was good to see some familiar faces and a reminder that work can be more than just toiling in front of a screen; there’s people and unlimited seltzer and cheez-its too. 
Commuting into Manhattan feels at once powerful and subversive. Powerful because its the city and we work on the unlucky 13th floor with an expansive view of lower Manhattan and a shotgun view of the glassy superscrapers in Hudson Yards. Subversive because I commute on bike, racing up Washington down to the Navy Yard and over the Manhattan bridge onto Broome all the way to Soho and then up the service elevator via an anonymous doorway on Spring. Flying and sweating beats coffee any day. 
When I clocked off, I saw the Palestine protestors marching up 6th Ave. I made plans to meet C at Foley Square for a protest and pedaled toward the tip of Manhattan even though this passing crowd had to be it. Sure enough Foley Square was just about empty. There were a couple of city clerks zombieing around and a few NYPD holding their belts fast. More interesting was the caracass of the media circus surrounding Trump’s criminal trial. Crowd control gates lined the streets around the imperial Manhattan courthouse, with its wide imposing columns standing erect to uphold the law. At the foot of the steps, still more gates corralled field correspondents and their camera crews with the names of major networks taped in neon on the ground in a child’s chicken scratch. They reminded me of livestock organized for slaughter. 
Power was so concentrated in this moment I could almost taste History, and here I was gliding through it like a duck with no compass. 
I checked my phone and C had already texted me: “They’re headed toward your office. Follow @peoplesforumnyc for updates on their location.” So I wheeled back around knowing exactly where I’d go, ignoring traffic cops and weaving through impatient cars sleeping on their horns (Ah, the symphony of a disrupted city). I beelined to a little magazine shop on Spring where I bought a tallboy and watched the procession still parading up 6th. I told C it must be at least a thousand deep and to get off at West 4th and then cracked open my Wave Chaser to head that way myself. The aluminum can was sleeved in a royal purple that matched the colorway of my aluminum bike, which made me feel extra slick as I wormed my way through standstill steel on a street parallel to the protest, sipping at my beer, lapping up the sun and smiling through the tight, loud, angry passageways. 
I caught up with the head of the protest at Washington Square Park. Up front was a legion of Hasids followed by students, workers and hundreds of New Yorkers in all their beauty out to decry the bloodshed overseas and the extraordinary step of university administrators calling in NYPD to break up campus protests at Columbia and CUNY’s City College-New York further north. Israel had bombed all the universities in Gaza and now New York’s universities were raw nerves. After riot police were called onto campus with what looked like military-grade equipment, I anticipated an escalation tonight at NYU, where the last encampment remained standing. 
I remained on the fringe until C got there, preferring observing to chanting. I chatted with a fellow biker and took long pulls from my paper bag, trying to flush it all down before C arrived. “Find me by the dump truck,” I told her and moments later there she was. “You taste like beer,” she said. 
She’d spent the last three nights away in Jersey visiting family and then working in Princeton where she had a job limewashing the house of some CHIP VP. She insisted we must visit Princeton and I was all for it. I loved college campuses, especially rich ones slathered in Ivy, brick and corduroys and I could go hunting for John McPhee, a demigod in my monkey mind. If I could, I’d straddle media and the wild, with one foot in Midtown and the other on Mt. McKinley. But as it were I’m just as likely to flatline somewhere in the Heartland.
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awardseasonblog · 2 years
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Per la categoria #MigliorDocumentario abbiamo quest’anno una sfida particolarmente interessante: da un lato il doc politico #Navalny (Warner Bros / CNN Films / HBO Max) che ha conquistato la sua leadership dopo aver vinto 2 precursori come il Producers Guild Award e il BAFTA e dall’altro il meraviglioso doc di Laura Portrait, vincitore del Leone d’oro all’ultimo Festival di Venezia, #AlltheBeautyandthebloodshed, (NEON) che ha invece vinto numerosi premi assegnati dai critici americani tra cui i 3 chiave (NYFCC, LAFCA, NSFC) ma che però ha mancato una candidatura importante ai PGA Awards. Ad inseguirli c’è l’apprezzato e suggestivo doc Fire of Love (NatGeo/NEON), dato favorito per tutta l'Awards Season potendo vantare su numerosi premi settoriali: da quelli conquistati agli International Documentary Awards (IDA) a quelli ottenuti ai Cinema Eye Honors Awards assegnati alla saggistica cinematografica. (LINK NELLA STORIA) NOMINATION OSCAR 2023 Best Documentary Feature Film -“All That Breathes” -“All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” -“Fire of Love” -“A House Made of Splinters” -“Navalny” #AwardsSeason #AwardsRace #OscarsRace #RoadtotheOscar #Movies #AwardsRace #BestDocumentary #Oscars2023 #OscarsPredictions #FinalPredictions #StagionedeiPremi #Oscar2023 #PrevisioniOscar https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXMFIZMFnU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smokeflix · 2 years
What should win. What will win.
Best Picture
“All Quiet on the Western Front” (Netflix) A Netflix/Amusement Park Film in co-production with Gunpowder Films in association with Sliding Down Rainbows Entertainment/Anima Pictures Production Malte Grunert, Producer
“Avatar: The Way of Water” (Walt Disney) A 20th Century Studios Production James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers
“The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight) A Blueprint Pictures/Film4/TSG Entertainment Production Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin and Martin McDonagh, Producers
“Elvis” (Warner Bros.) A Bazmark Production Baz Luhrmann, Catherine Martin, Gail Berman, Patrick McCormick and Schuyler Weiss, Producers
“Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) A Hot Dog Hands Production Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert and Jonathan Wang, Producers
“The Fabelmans” (Universal/Amblin Partners) An Amblin Partners Production Kristie Macosko Krieger, Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner, Producers
“Tár” (Focus Features) A Standard Film Company/EMJAG Production Todd Field, Alexandra Milchan and Scott Lambert, Producers
“Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount) A Paramount Pictures/Skydance/Jerry Bruckheimer Films Production Tom Cruise, Christopher McQuarrie, David Ellison and Jerry Bruckheimer, Producers
“Triangle of Sadness” (Neon) A Plattform Production Erik Hemmendorff and Philippe Bober, Producers
“Women Talking” (Orion Pictures/United Artists Releasing) A Plan B Entertainment / hear/say Production Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner and Frances McDormand, Producers
Actor in a Leading Role
Austin Butler in “Elvis” (Warner Bros.)
Colin Farrell in “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight)
Brendan Fraser in “The Whale” (A24)
Paul Mescal in “Aftersun” (A24)
Bill Nighy in “Living” (Sony Pictures Classics)
Actress in a Leading Role
Cate Blanchett in “Tár” (Focus Features)
Ana de Armas in “Blonde” (Netflix)
Andrea Riseborough in “To Leslie” (Momentum Pictures)
Michelle Williams in “The Fabelmans” (Universal/Amblin Partners)
Michelle Yeoh in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24)
Martin McDonagh “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight)
Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24)
Steven Spielberg “The Fabelmans” (Universal/Amblin Partners)
Todd Field “Tár” (Focus Features)
Ruben Östlund “Triangle of Sadness” (Neon)
Actor in a Supporting Role
Brendan Gleeson in “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight)
Brian Tyree Henry in “Causeway” (Apple)
Judd Hirsch in “The Fabelmans” (Universal/Amblin Partners)
Barry Keoghan in “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight)
Ke Huy Quan in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24)
Actress in a Supporting Role
Angela Bassett in “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Walt Disney)
Hong Chau in “The Whale” (A24)
Kerry Condon in “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight)
Jamie Lee Curtis in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24)
Stephanie Hsu in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24)
Animated Feature Film
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio Marcel the Shell With Shoes On Puss In Boots The Sea Beast Turning Red
Documentary Feature Film
All That Breathes All The Beauty and the Bloodshed Fire of Love A House Made of Splinters Navalny
International Feature Film
All Quiet on the Western Front Argentina, 1985 Close EO The Quiet Girl
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
All Quiet on the Western Front Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery Living Top Gun: Maverick Women Talking
Writing (Original Screenplay)
The Banshees of Inisherin Everything Everywhere All at Once The Fabelmans Tár Triangle of Sadness
All Quiet on the Western Front Bardo Elvis Empire of Light Tár
Film Editing
The Banshees of Inisherin Elvis Everything Everywhere All at Once Tár Top Gun: Maverick
Music (Original Score)
All Quiet on the Western Front Babylon The Banshees of Inisherin Everything Everywhere All at Once The Fabelmans
Music (Original Song)
“Applause” from “Tell It like a Woman” (Samuel Goldwyn Films) Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
“Hold My Hand” from “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount) Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga and BloodPop
“Lift Me Up” from “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Walt Disney) Music by Tems, Rihanna, Ryan Coogler and Ludwig Goransson Lyric by Tems and Ryan Coogler
“Naatu Naatu” from “RRR” (Variance Films/Sarigama Cinemas) Music by M.M. Keeravaani Lyric by Chandrabose
“This Is A Life” from “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) Music by Ryan Lott, David Byrne and Mitski Lyric by Ryan Lott and David Byrne
Production Design
All Quiet on the Western Front Avatar: The Way of Water Babylon Elvis The Fabelmans
Costume Design
Babylon Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Elvis Everything Everywhere All at Once Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Makeup and Hairstyling
All Quiet The Batman Black Panther Elvis The Whale
Live Action Short Film
An Irish Goodbye Ivalu Le Pupille Night Ride The Red Suitcase
Documentary Short Film 
The Elephant Whisperers Haulout How Do You Measure a Year Stranger at the Gate
Animated Short Film
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse The Flying Sailor Ice Merchants My Year of Dicks An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It
All Quiet on the Western Front Avatar: The Way of Water The Batman Elvis Top Gun: Maverick
Visual Effects
All Quiet on the Western Front Avatar: The Way of Water The Batman Black Panther Top Gun: Maverick
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thequeereview · 2 years
LGBTQ Critics announce winners of 14th Dorian Film Awards - Everything Everywhere All at Once named Film of the Year
GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics has just revealed the winners of its 14th Dorian Film Awards, with Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert’s breathtaking Everything Everywhere All at Once named both Film of the Year and LGBTQ Film of the Year. Distributed by A24, the genre-defying movie which features a touching storyline between a mother (Michelle Yeoh) and her queer daughter (Stephanie…
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sablefilms · 2 years
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365store · 2 years
Laura Poitras’ Nan Goldin Doc ‘All The Beauty And The Bloodshed’ Tests Box Office – Specialty Preview
Laura Poitras’ Nan Goldin Doc ‘All The Beauty And The Bloodshed’ Tests Box Office – Specialty Preview
Laura Poitras’ Venice Golden Lion-winner  All The Beauty And The Bloodshed opens in three theaters today, testing a crowded specialty market at the IFC Center, Lincoln Center & BAM in NYC. It adds LA and San Francisco (AMC Sunset 5 & AMC Kabuki) Dec. 2. Presented by Neon, this is the story of internationally renowned photographer and activist Nan Goldin told through her slideshows, intimate…
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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ramascreen · 2 years
Official Trailer For ALL THE BEAUTY AND THE BLOODSHED - In Theaters in New York on Nov. 23rd and Los Angeles on Dec. 2nd
Official Trailer For ALL THE BEAUTY AND THE BLOODSHED – In Theaters in New York on Nov. 23rd and Los Angeles on Dec. 2nd
NEON has released this official trailer for All the Beauty and the Bloodshed, directed by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Laura Poitras, in North American theaters this fall, to be followed by ancillary and digital release. In Theaters in New York on Nov. 23rd and Los Angeles on Dec. 2nd. This film, from Participant, marks NEON’s third collaboration with Poitras. All the Beauty and the…
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lapdropworldwide · 2 years
‘All the Beauty and the Bloodshed’ Is a Towering Film About the War Against the Sackler Family
‘All the Beauty and the Bloodshed’ Is a Towering Film About the War Against the Sackler Family
Neon Films Art, at its finest, holds the world accountable. That notion is fundamental to the work of Nan Goldin. She is a celebrated photographer whose still snapshots of the fringe communities she inhabited, and whose later protests against the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma, are two sides of the same activist coin. Having found her voice through photography, and then used it to restore the…
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Some of my favourite female characters in fiction
This list is not exhaustive and while I do have other characters that I find charming and that I love, I have noted these characters because in my opinion, they have struggled and/or there is a certain analysis to their personalities. 
Please take note that some of the characters are not morally good or have done questionable actions. This is not to discuss or say they are role models, but rather to write up what they represented, their role in the story or simply their personalities. I’m not here to justify the character’s actions.
Remember that a well-written characters do not have to be morally good. 
Also, a lot of them are from memory and the analysis aren’t well-structured. 
Let’s dive in:
1. Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby
Daisy, in my opinion, is incredibly misunderstood and unjustifiably hated among the readers. Her betrayal to Gatsby is indeed vile and it did upset me, I definitely think that she is materialistic, shallow and hurtful.  
“I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
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Daisy did shit on Gatsby [trying to avoid spoilers here].  
However, I do like to note that I think part of her materialism and shallowness is because of how women were in the 1920s. They did not have any freedom or agency. To Tom, she seems to be a trophy wife for him to keep; and to Gatsby, he only liked the idea of her, he wasn’t in love with her. To everyone around her, she was an item, a beautiful doll to be possessed, rather than a person. I think that’s why she turned out like that. 
She's materialistic because men around her sees her as an object. Nonetheless, Daisy is still “careless” and hurtful; and I think this stemmed from the life she had led that were a compilation of choices that were made for her. Her betrayal towards Gatsby is what makes her character rather disappointing to most readers. The whiteness in her dress as described in her first appearance? It’s not innocence, but rather a void and jadedness. 
2. Neon Nostrade from Hunter x Hunter
Yet, another girl in our list that loves to be hated by the fandom. Though honestly, most of her haters are Chrollo and Kurapika stans who gets jealous because Chrollo got to hang out with her and Kurapika works under her. Also her repulsive hobby - although this is actually what makes me like her. 
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I have addressed this in my other posts before, but let me just copy and paste them (and modify a bit):  Her upbringing and exploitation by her dad makes her materialistic and emotionally detached. This materialism and detachment is manifested in the form of her hobby as a dead body parts collector. But other than that, she’s really a normal girl, just sheltered and spoilt. The money she spends are even from her talent Lovely Ghostwriter, her father will be nothing without her. So I don’t see an issue with her spending them on shopping etc. 
In fact, I would argue that she bathes in materialism to fill the emptiness that she has. Her father is more concerned with her ability and power, she has no friends and is guarded 24/7 by employees.
All the times she threw tantrums and the way she talks… it’s a different speech pattern altogether when she interacts with Chrollo - which may suggest that the whole spoilt attitude is exaggerated to gain attention from a father who is indulgent in terms of material gifts, but not in terms of affection and time for her.
When Eliza cried, she was willing to forgo bidding the auction physically. Yes she did not care about the bodyguards because she is more focused on the living and the present (Eliza) than the dead.
The reason why she didn’t seem fazed when Dalzollene and the others died is because a) they were her bodyguards, it’s their job to put their life on the line to protect her, b) she mentioned to Chrollo that her fortune-telling is for the living, she likes to live in the present and doesn’t believe in the afterlife.
Neon is more focused on who is alive, rather than the dead (which also represented by her hobby of dead body parts collecting). She focuses on the present, unlike her clients who likes to know their future or people who dwell in the past. Kurapika on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He dwells on the past and likes to focus on his dead clan rather than the present times with his friends (which is completely understandable).
Another significance is that her fortune-telling ability is very useful and helpful, she says that she wanted to make people happy with it; but however, it is commercialized and used as a means of power (knowledge of the future = power) by her father and pretty much everyone around her. Just like how she objectifies dead people by collecting their parts, the people around her sees her as a tool due to her fortune-telling abilities, rather than see her as a person. Even Kurapika chose to get employed under her, for his own agenda (he is bound to meet dead body parts collectors at some point). 
She treats people like objects because people see her as one.
Of course, collecting dead body parts is a pretty fucked hobby; but what she represents and her role as a minor character is what makes her an outstanding minor female character in the show. 
Yes. She has traits that are not your typical role model, but neither are other hxh characters. She’s not independent, naive, can’t fight, in need of saving, uncaring at times and spoilt. She is far from so-called “strong female character” that we often look up to. She is a character with bad traits which is a result of being a victim. But that’s what makes me love her as a character in hxh. It reminds us that there are girls out there who has lack of freedom and control over their own fate; and their only way out is through materialism and detaching themselves from people. 
In fact, she might be even relateable to some people more than other female characters because there is vulnerability in her character.
3. Hua Mulan (Mostly the Chinese 2009 film, though the most well-known is the Disney 1998 animated film)
There has been various adaptations for this character, with the Disney Animated version being the most prominent.
However, my favourite one is definitely the Chinese film Hua Mulan: Rise of A Warrior (2009). It portrays the horrors of war and the suffering it brings, nationalism, camaraderie among the army - all while giving us the admirable Mulan climbing up to the ranks of being a war general.
I highly recommend this adaptation. I know the Disney Live Action 2020 version did not receive good reception, and we honestly did not need one because this 2009 Chinese film does the job well (I like their soundtrack though). It's not really well-known because it's a Chinese film (which is hella ironic because Hua Mulan is a Chinese character? Lmao).
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"Today we will stain the battlefield with our blood. Behind us is our homeland. If we have to bleed out our last drop of blood, if we have to become bleached bones in this desert, we must defend it to the death! We must let the Rourans know we Wei warriors will never surrender and will never compromise! Soldiers may rebel against me, generals may leave me for dead, but I, Hua Mulan, will never betray my country!"
Generally, I either have an issue with strong female characters because they are just shallow (meaning they are only physically strong, often viewing rudeness, misandry and independence as strength). I like female characters who are so much more to that.
Mulan, in this film, not only showed her badassery in fighting the war for more than a decade, but we also see how much she struggled. Everytime her comrades die, her heart gets broken. Yet she has to learn how to pick herself up and become the leader that they need. She dislikes war, she dislikes the bloodshed; yet she fights for her country.
To me, a strong female character is not just a feminist icon or someone who can fight. In fact, a female character doesn't need to be someone capable of fighting, what makes her strong is to be able to overcome turbulence with determination.
I think this is something that is lacking in recent "strong female characters" - showing us their strength through perseverance.
As for the Disney's counterpart (talking about the 1998 film here), it is less morbid but we also see her trying her best to make her family proud and protect her country. Like the song Reflection and Loyal, Brave and True, she struggles with finding her purpose and her role in her family.
"The greatest gift of honour, is having you for a daughter."
4. Blanche Dubois from A Streetcar Named Desire
It's been years since I had analysed Blanche, but among all the 6 books that I had to study for English Literature, A Streetcar Named Desire has been my absolute favourite.
I think what struck me in this book is not just the style, but Blanche's vulnerability. Her actions are definitely not morally good: she misrepresents things, she lies, she even had sex with an underage student. She's paranoid, mentally unstable and prissy. Which was why, her polar opposite character, Stanley, is so annoyed with her.
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After her husband's suicide, we see Blanche relying on the company of men to fill the void of her loneliness and misery. She is also concerned about her beauty fading with age - I find that highly reliable. It sounds incredibly "vain", but beauty does play a part.
Based on Evolutionary and Mating Theories among humans, appearance in women are especially important (also for men but not as much as women). Of course, there are other factors and traits that people find attractive, but Blanche's concern is valid here. She needs to find a husband to escape from her financial troubles; and her age, beauty and chastity plays a huge factor in her search for getting a man in the setting she was in (which was Mitch in this case). Ironically, these are the very traits that she has "lost" and so desperately tries to hide it.
Her ending is truly a devastating and upsetting one. [Will not talk about it due to spoilers]
"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers."
5. Haibara Ai/Shiho Miyano from Detective Conan
Perhaps one of the girls that is a wasted potential. In a series where the characters are mostly flat, she's arguably the most multi-faceted (but somehow I had heard that she no longer has the same complexity as she used to have - it's been a while since I followed this series).
But I remember absolutely loving this character.
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Her background story is really unique in the show and one that is embedded within the Black Organisation plotline (why her character was dropped... Forever frustrating for me).
From the moment she was first introduced, we see Conan taking an immediate distrust towards her. A guy who is a detective who had been catching criminals - yet one ex-syndicate member stands before him. The one that actually helped to develop the APTX4869 that changed his life.
Yet, we see that it wasn't entirely within her control. Both her parents were syndicate members and when her sister tries to get both of them to leave, her sister dies.
Ai starts off as seemingly cold, pessimistic and avoidant. But as her arc goes on, the iceberg around her melts. We see her quirky sarcastic replies, her taste for fashion and she genuinely desires to be happy. Her relationship with Conan developed into a beautiful one - to the point where Conan trusts her with anything and they would risk their lives for one another.
Yet, we also empathies with her impending jealousy and heartache. The boy she has fallen for already has someone else. What's more, the girl is genuinely kind and is a splitting image of her sister. After Ran saved her from Vermouth, she quickly warms up to Ran as well.
She's also the key to developing the antidote for Shinichi to be back with Ran - an almost painful metaphor for her to give him away (he never belonged to her in the first place). Yet, she doesn't really stop them from being together (even though in some cases she appears jealous or phrase ShinRan's reunion as a word of caution).
I definitely think she is the most compelling character in Detective Conan because of her character development and the struggles she faces. It's definitely upsetting that her character has been neglected.
“Don’t judge people from the outside. Like any rose has thorns, the more the person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside.”
6. Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Who is the best female character in Eva? Asuka or Rei? My answer will always be Misato, Risato is a close second (I wanted to analyse Risato, but I’m trying to keep it to one person per series). Misato is one of the 90s anime babes. She definitely captivated many people’s heart. 
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I must say though, I have a soft spot towards female characters who has some sort of daddy issues (why I like Neon Nostrade). It’s been a while since I had watched Eva, but I’m going to try to remember why I like her. 
I think the concept of Hedgehog’s Dilemma has been echoed throughout the series, and all the characters seem to struggle with emotional attachment towards people. I actually like to phrase the Hedgehog Dilemma as “Avoidant-Fearful Attachment Style” - wanting connection with people, yet not being able to do so out of fear of being hurt. 
For Misato, when I initially first watched Eva, I compared her a little to Blanche Dubois in how they cope with loneliness - their sexuality. I remember being confused with her interactions with Shinji, who was half her age. At times, she serves as his guardian/mother figure; but at some moments (I think it was sometimes after Kaji’s death), she tried to seek comfort with Shinji by attempting to initiate sex (which Shinji rejects). I remember coming across a comment somewhere that Shinji and Misato’s relationship is somewhat like Humbert and Dolores (from Lolita) - can’t comment on this as I only read the first chapter of the book. 
It makes me think that she uses sex as a way to cope and the only way she can connect with people (and it’s superficial), which doesn’t work for Shinji because she needs to be her guardian (and ultimately fails to be purely his guardian once she crossed that no-no boundary). 
Another thing to note was her backstory about her dad. There seems to be a dissonance, given that she resented her dad for not spending time with her due to his work, but he ended up sacrificing her life for her. I do think it’s a bit of guilt (because resenting her dad but he saves her - these two contradicts one another). It’s clear that her issues to connect stems from her backstory regarding her father. 
It’s interesting how she compares Kaji to her father. I do think she loves Kaji, but “reminds him too much of her father” (as to put it simply). There is this... stereotype that we find someone similar to our opposite-gender parents, no matter how shitty they were towards us. I believe that it is because we tend to stick to something that is familiar to us, even if those type of people aren’t good for us (I think to break this cycle is to practise self-awareness and know what is good for us). 
Anyway, Misato is a character that I really liked (as all the characters in Eva) because they highlight Hedgehog’s Dilemma that stemmed from their parental issues. Maybe I have not watched a lot of anime, but female characters with issues with their fathers are not as explored deeply as male characters and their parental issues. A lot of times, female characters (especially in shounen) serves as a romantic interest and yes they can have really sad backstory, but not issues towards their father and how it affects their relationship with other people. So far, the only ones I had seen is Mukuro (Yu Yu Hakusho), Misato and Neon Nostrade. 
7. Disney's Cinderella
First of all, she has been a victim of abuse since she was a child. It's not easy for her to escape her predicament. Where can she go? It's not that easy.
Boy. I hate how much people remember Cinderella wrongly and attack her for being "backwards", which is actually factually wrong.
Cinderella always get flack for using the Prince to "escape" her predicament when "she can do it herself".
I say that's bullshit. I actually came across a youtube video: Cinderella Stop Blaming the Victim [please check it out for more in-depth analysis]
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Despite all that, she's doesn't internalize it. She knows she doesn't deserve to be treated this way, and she does to a certain degree stand up to them (whenever the cat makes her tasks harder). She knows when to fight back and restrain herself because it might endanger her life.
After years of suffering in this domestic household, she remains kind, compassionate and hopeful. Which is not an easy feat. The problem is, these traits are often seen as feminine and synonymous with being weak. But it is actually, in fact, signs of strength. The mental fortitude she has to remain kind after all she went through is a sign of strength.
The Fairy Godmother only appeared when she was losing hope - take note that she ends up crying because her stepsisters tore her mother’s dress (which is the most disturbing scene in the film). 
Even I had remembered this wrongly - one crucial fact is that... She did not want to go the ball to nab the Prince. That was her stepsisters. Homegirl just wanted to chill. She did not even know she was dancing with the Prince!
When Lady Tremaine locked her up to prevent her from reaching the Prince, it wasn’t the Prince that saved her. She and her animal friends got her out of the room, and proceeded to prove that she was indeed the maiden that had danced with the Prince. Her marrying the Prince was only a fitting end to her because it provides her a home and an escape from an abusive household; however, it was her resilience for holding onto fate and being mentally strong, and her initiatives partially contributed to her happy end. The Prince is more like a passive character. 
I highly think that people tend to brush her traits - e.g. compassion, having fate, being kind is listed as feminine. However, it is far from being weak, which most people would deem it as. But that is definitely not true. 
“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true.”
8. Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Mikasa is either a hit or miss among AOT fans. Some people like Mikasa because she is physically strong and her loyalty to Eren is admirable. On the other hand, some people think she’s clingy and her being physically strong makes her a Mary Sue. 
Whether or not you like Mikasa, there is a fact that she is not a Mary Sue. The definition of a Mary Sue is a female character lacking in weakness and seems perfect. 
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She is physically strong, yes - I believe that Isayama wanted to distribute traits to the trio. Even Hannes has said it in S1. Armin represents intellect, Eren represents grit and Mikasa represents strength. So her being physically strong makes sense, and Isayama also provided an explanation for it (being an Ackerman). 
However, this does not mean she lacks any weakness. Arguably, her loyalty to Eren is both a liability and her strength. This “weakness” has been highlighted by her dilemma between her loyalty towards Eren and her belief that mass genocide is wrong.
[I won’t go into details about the manga parts that have not been animated as of 2021, can’t spoil it too much]. 
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