heart-strong · 1 year
phil a confirmed nerdfighter pointed out the tfios bench
depression cured
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trainwreckarollin · 1 year
So once upon a time in a year that was 2007, Hank and John Green (yeah, those internet-famous dudes) started a vlogging channel called vlogbrothers. In 2007, I discovered the community and truly found a place that felt like I belonged in it.
That era of the internet was a wild, amazing time, and I miss it.
Now, in 2023, Hank Green has cancer. And for the sake of nostalgia (and not because I think Hank is gonna die, because I don’t, because he has great doctors and a really good prognosis), I’ve started to rewatch those videos from the beginning.
And MAN does it feel like coming home.
So I didn’t have a super-great childhood. I was what we used to call a “latchkey kid” and what we now call “a child of emotionally neglectful parents”. It was a little worse than that in some ways, and in some ways, a little better. But at the time, I was a kid who spent most of their free time alone.
But I had the internet! And in 2007, the internet was a wild west of a place. I’m talking geocities and websites that literally anyone could make, but a with bunch of search engine sites that were fresh babies, you could get your silly fake website to the stop of a results page and lead an unsuspecting child to some wild misinformation.
Or, in my case, youtube videos about nerds. Fighting nerds.
As I go through these videos, I remember some of the in-jokes that still exist in the lexicon of John-and-Hank videos, and get to relive the birth of those moments, like the tiny chicken, or fishing boat proceeds, and of course, the most iconic, birth of the name and hand-symbol of Nerdfighters.
(This is where I would put a gif of the nerdfighter symbol IF I HAD ONE)
(Can I imbed a gif that tumblr doesn’t have? Can I--?)
...Link in the doobleydoo, if you’re a fellow Nerdfighter who gets it, but click and you get the Nerdfighter motion, it’s fine. It’s fine. 
Part of therapy is finding who you used to be, without getting too stuck on who you used to be. The part of you that dies when trauma happens doesn’t come back, but it doesn’t mean they are completely gone. It just means you will never be whole in the same way that you were before. But you can become whole again, just differently. 
Watching these two dudes in their late 20′s (I am OLDER than they were when they started WHAT) do silly things to create joy and decrease worldsuck, is incredible. And it’s also what I wanted to do with my life in the Great Before. I can get some of that back, if I remember what I loved about it in the first place. 
I hope so, anyway. Wish me luck, Void. 
And Don’t Forget To Be Awesome. 
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road2nf · 1 year
All of this because we do it together and because together nobody is weird or strange.
The Vlogbrothers have more than helped me to grow even in the short time I have been in it. Every word, every encouragement makes me feel more special with more desire to do something for the world and not just for me.
It makes me feel I have the ability to do wonderful things.
Participating in the communities on the Internet, I could participate in discussion about everything and nothing, that made me think about life and its meaning and to better understand each other and practice empathy.
Thank You.
-Carol Xavier (lolitacorderosa.blogspot)
Nerdfightaria is an awesome place.
We are sometimes the runts of the litter in society, doing something that can be seen as weird or strange but together it is no longer strange.
We can sing songs about quarks, read books about a girl with deadly illness and help save the earth by decreasing world suck. All of this because we do it together and because together nobody is weird or strange.
I have learnt things I would have no interest in, laughed at jokes that were clearly horrible when I look back on it and added in your pants to absolutely anything imaginable. They made me learn, laugh and live life to help. That is why I look up to them.
Thank you, Hank and John, and I’ll see you on my computer screen.
-Bee (sherlok-lives.tumblr)
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idk I just think it'd be really cool if nerdfightaria shaved their heads in solidarity with Hank Green during his cancer treatment
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legok9 · 4 years
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Hank Green's A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor spoilers without context
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emilyarmadillo · 4 years
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor spoilers but I give you no context
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soggyspaceturnip · 4 years
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April May from A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor
Sadie R.
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besosenbrooklyn · 4 years
i’ve been watching the vlogbrothers quite a lot in the past few years and now whenever i watch a yt vid i always get confused when someone calls the description box anything other than the doobly do
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formlessinthenight · 4 years
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Started A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor! I loved An Absolutely Remarkable Thing so I’m excited ABFE is finally out! I’m a nerdfighter through and through so I’m always excited for anything Hank or John have a hand in making.
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jazy3 · 4 years
Finally Getting to Watch the Looking for Alaska Adaptation
Hi Everyone, I'm very excited because I just figured this out. For Canadian Nerdfighters and anyone else who loves John Green’s novels the Hulu adaptation of Looking for Alaska is now available on CBC Gem to stream! Apparently it went up in April, but I've been trying to find a way to stream the show in Canada and couldn't. Very excited! 
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keithspyder · 4 years
I repost this every year... because this says it better than I ever could.
Rest in Peace, Esther.
For my friends here on Tumblr - and you know who you are - I love you. With all my heart.
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xxshankxx · 4 years
hell yeah just what i needed
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aestheticobject · 5 years
I WILL live my life like I'm in a protagonist in a John Green novel, and all you miserable bastards can get tf over it
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the-geeky-fangirl · 4 years
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
My writing will never be as good as John Green's and that's okay
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legok9 · 4 years
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Hank Green when he gets his new idea of the week.
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darichonne · 4 years
As long as we don’t die, this is gonna be one hell of a story - Radar (Marcus)
if I could sum up the book Papertowns on a line then this would be it. The idea of driving straight for 24 hours just to see a friend is one hell of an adventure I surely wouldn't miss if the opportunities would knock on my door for as long as I have pals like Quentin, Radar and Ben then that's really one hell of a story to tell someday to my future kids. That is why old friends are really special to us because we know that we can't make them they just sorta happened and appear themselves to us while we are kids.
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