A Raoulstine and Eristine fan recommend fanfics from our ships to each other!!
So @nerdywriter36 and I were talking about fanfics we liked and recommending some to each other, then, for fun and so we can both try experiencing it, we decided to directly recommend fics that are from the "opposite side"!! And for fun, since we can, we decided to exchange them publicly so that y'all can check them out too!! Here's my recommendations!!
Important note: we are both aware that some of the phics we recommend might put Raoul and Erik in a not so great light! It's bound to happen in phics for these ships 😅
Note: I don't know which of these authors have Tumblr aside from two, but if they do, please tell me so I can tag them!
This one is absolutely adorable and heartbreaking and but comforting in the best possible way 😭. This is actually the first phanfic I ever read! I LOVE the way they wrote Raoul SO MUCH, as well as his and Christine's relationship. It's really simple but REALLY sweet and THE WAY HE JUST WANTS TO PROTECT HER AND GETS SCARED WHEN SHE'S SCARED AND OH MY HEART I CANNOT HWHDHWHDHWHDHHWDHHWHD
Rating: General audiences
She wasn’t being rational, she wasn’t thinking clearly, and he could tell, but what was there for him to do other than to reassure her that he would try his hardest to keep her safe? She trusted him enough to want to marry him, so he had to be doing something right, but he didn’t feel like it was enough.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Erik runs out of patience and lets his temper get the best of him, costing him the boy's life and Christine's pity.
Now THIS one... this one is a little spicy, I will admit, but it's not smut I promise. Obviously I don't normally read stuff like this 😅 but It's really short and I thought it really was cute and well written too 😭
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Raoul laughed, "I'm afraid I never sought out that bit of 'education' when I was on shore leave."
This is a very good fic with a very good look at Christine and what she might've been feeling after Masquerade. "Themes of fear" according to the author 😭 and while there aren't as many Raoulstine bits, I thought I might as well include it 🥺
Rating: Teen And up Audiences
Every time she thought of what had happened that night at the masquerade, she could feel his hands so close to her neck. He had been cold, and whatever kindness, even love, she had seen his eyes was gone—replaced only with cruel and bitter jealousy.
This one's from @textsfromthefifthbasement!
HURT/COMFORT MY BELOVED 😭 this one's also really short but it is EFFECTIVE. THE IMAGERY. AUGHWHDYHWHDHWHFHWHDHEHD I'M whhdhwhdhejfje *cries*.
Rating: General Audiences
Christine's thoughts the morning after the final lair. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #14, On a Bruise.
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nerdynanny · 1 month
thinkin of changing my username on here so folks stop thinkin' i'm a personal blog.
so cast your vote!
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trinitydigest · 9 months
Nerdywriter Pioneers Comprehensive Business Plans That Empower Enterprises To Thrive
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jennyleewrites · 5 years
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Normally I get to live vicariously by the fictional characters I write about.... But, I have always thought it’d be fun to flip over a table (or my desk)... Turns out, it is totally fun! #haha #procrastination • • • #wednesday #mood #edgy #wednesdayvibes #silly #nerdywriter #play #feels #igetsoemostionalbaby #hilarious #fun #lol #funny #showmehowyoufeel #doit #succumb #itscooltogetmad #letitallout #lol #author #creative #writer #tvwriter #screenwriter #tantrum #yaauthor #writehardplayhard (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/jennyleewrites/p/ByEIpUeJqlk/?igshid=15qo1tj0onta0
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#nerdcreative #1982 #1982productions #poet #nerdlife #nerdywriter #nerdpostivitymovement #nerdandlove (at Crowley, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BusyX70lhKg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p3iuxwwtysvf
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boudreaubooks · 5 years
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New review is up on #Geekisphere! Venom: Lethal Protector is a modern retelling of the 1993 Marvel comic series of the same name. Check it out now!
#nerdywriter #review #geekstuff #comics #venom #marvel #bookreview
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TGS/Marvel Cinematic Universe AU
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Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18902716
This AU was made on a whim but i fell so much in love with it so i had to write one thing for it, although im not sure if i’ll write more for it later but who knows. @rewrite-a-million-dreams helped me out a lot with this AU and thanks so much for listening to me scream about this.
Comments and Kudos are appreciated \o/
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neganandblake · 4 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hand, Peaches... Chapter 209 - Since when have you ever been a gentleman, Negan?
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she’s certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit…
Chapter 209 - Since when have you ever been a gentleman, Negan?
[Blake goes to find Negan and tries to figure out why he’s been keeping tings from her?]
It took Blake ten minutes to find Negan, now walking alone down one of the darkened Sanctuary hallways.
He was bundled up, with a thick navy jacket thrown over his usual leather one, carrying Lucille in one hand, and Blake noted that Mia was absent from the other.
But knowing that the toddler was likely safe somewhere, Blake had far more pressing matters to corner him about.
"Peaches," grinned the dark-haired Saviour, glancing over her shoulder covertly for a moment, checking there was no one else around. "Can I jus' say, you look like one smokin' hot mamma, this afternoon-"
"Don't flirt with me, Negan," Blake snapped, coming to stop a mere breath away from him, looking stern and jabbing him in the chest with her finger. "Why didn't you tell me that people were getting sick, huh?"
Blake saw the smile falter from Negan's face.
"No, Negan, I'm serious. I'm done with you keeping shit like this from me," she said angrily. "We're supposed to be a team here-"
"Yeah I know that," said Negan suddenly frowning himself. "But Carson was handlin' it."
Blake gave an enormous huff at his words, raising her hands in exasperation. "And what happens if this spreads? What if everyone gets sick? What if people start dying, Negan?"
But before the blonde could say another word, Negan had grasped both her wrists stopping her mid-gesture.
"If that shit happens, getting wound up about it ain't gonna help anyone!" he said stopping Blake in her tracks, her visibly calming before him. "We've got a damn doctor here an' that's more than most-"
But Blake shook her blonde head looking forlorn.
"I know but at some point were going to run out of meds and if that happens people won't want to stay here. There's only so loyal they can be when people start dying," she admitted, her shoulders slumping dejectedly. "You just should have told me is all."
Negan gave a long hearty sign, letting go of Blake's wrists.
"Sorry, Doll," the dark-haired Saviour exhaled, running a hand down his visibly exhausted face. "Jus' had a lot of shit on my mind lately and didn' wan' to offload any of that crap on you."
And for the first time today Blake looked at Negan. Really looked at him.
He looked almost a shadow of the man he had been just a few weeks ago.
Heavy purple bags lay beneath his eyes and Blake was almost certain his hair was flecked with a little more grey than normal.
His shoulders rolled forward and he looked strained. Like everything at the moment was really taking a hard toll on him.
"Negan, I'm here to help. Offload all you want," Blake said with a small shake of her head. "If I can't help, I won't, simple as that."
Negan gave a hefty sigh.
"I know Darl'. I guess I jus' didn' think that layin' all that shit on a pregnant gal was the gentlemanly thing to do."
Blake smirked at his response, one of her slender eyebrows raising up into her hairline.
"Since when have you ever been a gentleman, Negan?" she teased, licking her lips.
At her words Negan seemed to relax a little, lifting his chin and grinning back at her.
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There it was. That spark back within his gaze again.
"So where'd you ditch Mia this time?" Blake pressed as the pair soon fell into step with one another, making their way back toward the large dining hall, as Blake slipped her hand easily into his.
Negan gave a huff.
"With Frankie," he replied, gesturing before him with the hand now carrying Lucille. "Kid was fine one minute, an' the next, all hell breaks loose. She jus' starts bawlin' for no damn reason!"
Blake offered him a bemused look.
"Must have been a reason," the blonde poked. "I swear if you've been telling her any more of your stories-"
The dark-haired man certainly was keen on telling Mia all sorts of gory, boastful stories about his rise to the top during their walks. Never in Blake's presence of course, as he knew full well his balls would be on the line. But of course, every time Mia had nightmares about "monshters", the blonde was very aware it was likely down to Negan these days.
"Wasn' me, Darlin'!" Negan said loudly, leaning back on his legs as he looked at her. "Kid's been outta sorts all mornin'. Huffin' at me one minute like I wronged her in some fuckin' way. Then the next minute its all tears and wailin'. Kinda like her Mom-OUCH!-"
Negan winced as Blake dug him in the side of the ribs with her elbow.
"-alright, alright, cool it, Peaches, I was jus' kiddin' around."
But the blonde looked up to see the dark-haired fiend grinning back at her, and so gripping his hand ever-tighter, the tall pair headed around the corner, leaving the cold hallway behind them silent and empty once more.
Just a short little chapter to tide you over! Hope that was ok!
@collette04​​​ | @mssharingisfun​​​ | @daydreamsandchai​​ |@onemorebeautifulnightmare​​​ | @arwa-alii​​​| @maggiesourie​​ |@blumenkind72​​​ | @toloaughistolove​​  | @negans-womam​|@elinyaes​​ | @mwesterfeld1985​​​ | @letseatandsleep​​​ |  @lovesjdm |@padmeisgay​​ | @karlbourbonismyhero​ | @lfsbitencourt​​ | @toxic-ink​ | @laaadygisbooornex3​​ | @cutiedaij​| @warriorqueen1991​|@itstheamandashow​​|  | @dessie​​​ @lovelynerdytraveler​​​|@joelssmugglingservice​​   | @sophiestru24​|@intensemindorgasms​​ | @jenn0755​ | @nerdygirlwithacrush​​ | @ali-in-fandomland  | @spn-mudkip |  | @embee222​   |@xagateophobiax​   | @nu1freakshow​ | @simplysiriuslyjoking​|@negan5589 | @ididntchoosethislife​​  | @yezzyzzz​  |@jessiellong1987​ |@likearaindropfilledwithgoldust​|@kristenallison04​ | @vanilla-negan​​ | @simplysiriuslyjoking |@shannmiw  | @qhbr2013​​ |@uncharte-dlove​  | @thedeadwalks​ |@pizzaisrelationshipgoals​​|@kalista225​​ | @saved-by-fiction​​ |@nerdywriter​| @hayleighloatx​​| @miss-cap21  | @nyakozhovur  |@theunwantedwriter | @myrabbitholetoneverland| @topthis808​|@depressed-teenagekids| @band--psycho  | @artisticlales |@itstotalyblue |@athena1504 | @sighsophiia | @make-things-beautiful2​ |@lynn1712​ | @thamberlina-deactivated20191031 | @batmanlover1593 | @jdmsgal​ | @queenslandlover-93|@neganrpblog | @michellevalvona | @roguesandsaviors​  | @fuckyeafishes | @hotdigggittydogg | @negan-the-cat​ | @little-big-mac2​  | @luna-thedarkwolf | @itookherteethies​ |@lauraclapton | @justnatalies | @queen0fants​ | @belsoleleann|@lellatron  | @bvckysbrns  | @omqstyleseditss| @tigger4367|@ohmy-sammy | @ainhoitaoz| @youshouldloveyourselfbruh​|@babeinthesun| @topthis808 | @colormewhole-blog-blog | @so-i-died | @sannamahlkvist​ | @the-nuup | @i-fucking-rock​|@deanervs​ | @searchf0rtheskyline​  | @starlessskies94|@lellatron | @carolines24 | @youll-all-get-yours | @jackybehappy|@candiloverr​ | @emybug101 | @imstonecoldnegan|@sapphirerose0122-blog​ | @katerinas | @blondekel77​|@thetruebornwildchild​​  | @nekocookie11|@mellowspypersonadeputy | @champagnesugamama | @lostdarksoul6 | @babygirlmeepi | @may-machin|@julyintherain12 | @drina365 | @bob-giovanni | @journeyrose|@faith-lynn9 | @mellowspypersonadeputy | @queenredfury|@heyworld07 | @sarcasticrose18 | @wonder-cole|@scarletthart96 | @mychemicalimagines | @risenfromearth|@haleyea | @ifsomeonewroteabookaboutme​​ | @beegnc |@imsensitiveplzdonthurtme​ | @xrosegoldwolfx​ | @vlightning95​​​ |@elskinner45​​​ |  @negans-network​​​ | @josten10-minyard03​​ |@neganscherryblue​ | @suoheiwajima​ | @mrsalliej47 |@myxtina​|@negansfav0ritewife | @jamiekingofmen​ | @gawd-why-is-negan-so-hawt​​​ | @thenightshadequeen​​​ | @stars-thunderbird | @hippychick912 | @neganfreak​​​ | @jamiekingofmen​​ |@ravenouswild​​​
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jaegereska · 4 years
Nightmight Playlist
@mega-nerdywriter​ has inspired me to make a nightmight playlist because Toshi and Mirai deserve all the love and content! This is their original playlist go check it out its cool!
Anyways, here you go, please enjoy my very angsty Nightmight playlist :3c
Distance - Christina Perri
Kites - Amber Run
The Warmth - Koda 
Tribulation - Matt Maeson 
Better - SYML
Bohemian Bird - Grizfolk
Losing Control - Mark Diamond 
Shiver - Amber Run
Heavier - Slaves 
Dancing with Your Ghost - No Resolve 
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hi!! for the emoji fic ask: 🦄 🐾 ✍️ 🛏️
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
So since I've started writing Phanfics for the first time, it's been my first time writing from ANY character's POV! The character I've written from the POV of so far is Raoul (of course), and Christine! But I'm also hoping I'll get to do Erik's POV soon!!
🐾 Do you plan on writing for any fests or competitions?
Maybe!! I'd definitely consider joining one for Phantom, although idk any as of yet since I'm really new (feel free to tell me about any I might be interested in!). Last year I joined Wyler Week, although I'm unsure of if I'll join again this year. I also definitely want to try joining Inklings again actually FINISH the story this time!!
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
Oh DEFINITELY comments by far!! Especially since I really love words of affirmation, getting comments are definitely my favorite thing about posting fics. Unfortunately it's also the thing I get the least of, but that's okay.
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Probably... vampires?? is that a trope?? I got a POTO Vampire AU fic idea maybe a month ago and I'm really excited to write it. I've written monster AUs before, a Werewolf Hamilton AU (very old, kind of embarrassing) specifically, but never something with vampires. So it'll definitely be an exciting new challenge for me!
Writer Goal Ask List for a New Year 🎉
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tometimetea-blog · 6 years
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Sorry for the late post. Today was kind of a crazy day. I got this years ago because I was interested in writing graphic novels. It is a cool read. I wish I could draw so I could make my own 😊 No tag today sorry. I'll try to work on more soon 💕 But there is a new video up on my YouTube channel: The Subtle Knife Review and tea pairing https://youtu.be/yC-ptnCJcyk QOTD- tell me about some of your hobbies (other than reading 😜) #howtowriteagraphicnovel #thedcguidetowritingcomics #awesomebook #graphicnovelhelp #graphicnovellove #booknerd #nerdywriter #totalnerd
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winterhcwk · 6 years
Writing is hard man turning all your ideas into words on page it’s almost impossible key word almost some people miraculously manage to actually do it and not to mention their work is fucking amazing
@peters-vlogs / @falseosterhollandfantasies / @likechadwick / @underoossss / @starksparker /@upsidedownparker / @rainbow-marvel / @fanboyswhereare-you / @austensepiphany / @tomsfireheart / @bucky-licious / @jurassicbarnes / @officialtessaholland / @arrow-guy / @peeterparkr /@fandomxobsessions / @fuckyou-imspiderman / @spider-bih / @spider-gwenscanary / @marvel-lously / @justsomebucky / @tomhollandxreader / @marvelsmurphy / @whyisbuckyso / @the-quackson-claxon / @shawn-of-the-times / @nerdywrites / @thatprofessionalfangirl / @loverboy-holland / @bilesbilinskix / @itsbilescallmebiles / @screamholland / @spidereyhes / @theblairtrilogy / @spiderling--parker / @parkersolo / @h-osterfield / @holland-ish / @hollandbaby / @sidespidey / @spiderlingss / @spiderboytotherescue / @jacobsbatalon / @theincredibleultron / @loserparker / @skymoonandstardust / @221bdragonslayer / @give-peter-his-churros / @justareader / @spidey-mantom
This took fucking forever and since I can only do 50 mentions on one post I’ll be making another one with more people who are amazing :) also I know like half of you have no idea who I am but I just really love your writing and thought you should get some love :)
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techyblogger · 3 years
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Can I recover lost Google rankings after almost 5 days of downtime? https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/otuldw/can_i_recover_lost_google_rankings_after_almost_5/
My site experienced 5 days of downtime due to a technical issue. Sadly, my web developer went MIA so I was left fending for myself. I haven't received the result of the root cause analysis but what's important is the site is up and running again. So far, the traffic stats show I've lost 10,000 organic traffic a day due to the prolonged downtime. I have already resubmitted my sitemap but I don't know if this is enough to recover all the pages that completely disappeared from the SERPs.
I'm planning to run the business as usual and continue updating pages, especially those that have lost rankings. What else can I do to bounce back from this? It sucks because prior to the downtime, I have gained a lot from the recent update. Thanks in advance.
submitted by /u/nerdywrite [link] [comments] July 29, 2021 at 03:37PM
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TGSFanFicFeb 2019 Masterpost
I didn’t want to spam everyone with daily updates so I decided to wait until I finished all my drabbles before posting them here \o/
Read all 28 Prompts here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17622701/chapters/41548250 
Archive warnings vary between chapters, warnings are always at the beginning chapter notes so please read in advance before continuing. There is some N//SFW but it’s pointed out at the beginning as well as any and all AUs or possible trigger warnings.
*Please read the tags*
Anyways enjoy and a big shoutout to the @theothersidediscord admins for hosting and setting this month long event up for me and my fellow writers, it’s been a lot of fun to do although i doubt ill be writing for another month after this
And another shoutout to all my friends on discord who helped push me through this 
Anyways thanks and I hope you enjoy this. If you’d like to see more please comment/kudos on ao3 bc i need it to survive
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neganandblake · 5 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hands, Peaches... Chapter 207 - Worry
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she’s certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit….
Chapter 207 - Worry
[With a broken generator, Blake, Negan and the Saviours know they have a hard winter ahead.]
Blake paled, clutching Mia tighter to her hip, as she stood up straight, moving quickly over to where Negan stood.
Their generator was broken and by the looks of it, the rest of their winter was going to be hard. Without power, heat or hot water the survival of the Sanctuary residents was going to be difficult, Blake knew that.
Since Eugene's stark announcement a murmur of voices was already steadily growing around them as lieutenants all shuffled about exchanging anxious look with one another.
She knew that once this got out to the other Saviours, the workers, the families, there was going to be nothing that could stop the ugly rumours and the worrying.
Blake knew she needed to help. Her position of power here at the Sanctuary had to mean something.
"We'll be fine," she said suddenly, in a loud voice, gazing around, not at Negan, but at everyone else standing in the bleak room. "It's gonna be hard, but we'll make it all work."
Everyone fell silent, looking to Blake now, Negan included, staring at her like she was the most precious thing to him, before giving a hard sniff and leaning back on his long legs, addressing the crowd too.
"Peaches here is right," he barked. "This shit is gonna be hard, but we are the Saviours. And we need to keep doin' what we've always done. We man the fuck up, we deal, and we come out the strong motherfuckers we always come out as."
Blake was almost certain she'd heard this speech before, but it of course was enough to sate the murmurs of the crowd all around them
"So, Eugene," Negan uttered again, taking a looming step into the portly man who was still stood before them in his long black coat. "You up for sharing exactly what it is we're lookin' for out there with Simon, Arat an' the boys?"
"I am," replied Eugene with a prompt nod.
"Alright then," said Negan gruffly. "The rest of you I want out there fetchin' supplies, blankets, coats, all of that shit. Oh an' some of you need to start boardin' up soma' those broken windows. Get this place sealed up."
The crowd all shuffled, nodding again at the dark-haired man.
"Well then alright, lets get the fuck to it before we all start freezin' our balls off in here," he commanded, gesturing with his hand for them to go.
And go they did, the rest of the room clearing away before their eyes
Blake remained by Negan's side, peering up at him as the last couple of people filtered out of the room.
"People are gonna get sick," Blake said in a worried voice.
Negan gave a sigh, dragging a hand down his tired-looking face. "I know, Darlin'."
He didn't say anything further and neither did Blake, for right now both adults knew just how all this was going to go down. Winter was harsh and even with Carson here, the likelihood of sickness was bound to rise. And with the Saviours living in such close proximity to one another, something like that was bound to spread quickly.
Mia in Blake's arms gave a whine, as the blonde shushed her gently again, pressing her lips to the tops of the toddler's dusty hair.
"I cowld," the baby girl murmured, turning her face towards Negan and chewing on her little fist.
Negan gave another huff at this, reaching over and smoothing his large hand over Mia's soft hair.
"You an' her need to get somewhere warm, Peaches," he said seriously. "It's gonna be dark before we know it an' I don' wan' the pair of you traipsin' up an' down those stairs after sundown."
"I need to go see the workers first. They're going to be panicking-" began Blake, but Negan cut her off sternly.
"No, Peaches. An' I mean it this time," said Negan standing up straight and glaring down at her, his dark eyes burning with love and concern for her. "You can go see them an' settle their damn nerves tomorrow, but tonight I need you to go back to our room an' stay warm. We clear?"
Blake knew that she would normally have scoffed at Negan's commands, but right now, maybe it was to do with the small life she had growing inside her, but she didn't really feel like arguing.
So much to Negan's obvious surprise, Blake closed her mouth, giving a nod in return and replying.
"Ok. Just for tonight."
By the time Negan strolled in through the door to his and Blake's room a few hours later, looking harassed, the temperature had dropped at least four or five degrees.
Normally, Blake suspected that she wouldn't have noticed the slight drop in temperature as darkness fell. But now, she could feel the icy wind that seemed to blast out from beneath the doors, creeping into the bones of, likely, every person in the Sanctuary.
Mia was already tucked up in their king size bed asleep, with an extra fleecy blanket thrown over the covers just in case.
Blake knew that she was lucky. Being with Negan meant that they had an abundance of everything up here. A gas lamp, extra blankets, winter clothes in her and Mia's closet…
Blake knew that she and the toddler would be safe and looked after no matter what, but it was the others at the Sanctuary she was concerned about. Those who worked for points. Those who toiled hard to earn just a small portion of what she had had given to her.
The blonde woman, who was sat on one of Negan's large leather couches, legs tucked up beneath her staring out at the darkened sky though the window, turned to look at the dark-haired man as he entered their room.
"How is everyone?" she asked in a quiet voice, as Negan tossed Lucille down onto the sideboard and glanced over at Mia sleeping soundly in their bed.
"Cold….and pretty goddamn nervous," he sighed, running hand down his exhausted-looking features.
Blake chewed on her lip as Negan moved over and slumped down into the seat beside her on the couch.
"It's only gonna get worse," Blake mused in a quiet tone as Negan looked her way.
He was silent for a long moment, sighing again.
"C'mere," he finally murmured placing an arm around Blake's shoulders and tugging her body close to his.
The blonde cuddled herself into him, tucking her face into Negan's tanned neck.
She didn't want to think about what would happen if a part for the generator wasn't found. Could they survive the winter? Longer even than that?
What would happen if the place eventually became uninhabitable?
There were now hundreds of Saviours. Where would they find a place with heat and power big enough to house them all?
But that wasn't the only thing worrying Blake and she knew it had likely crossed Negan's mind too.
What if the other camps- Alexandria, the Hilltop and the Kingdom, found out about this? It would certainly mean that the Sanctuary's defences would be down and it could be seen as an easy target.
All Blake knew now, was that they all needed to stick together.
They all needed to survive, to stay strong, just like Negan had said.
For if they didn't, Blake knew that this could be the end to the Sanctuary as they knew it.
Sorry this was short. Been busy with my new job so struggling to find time to write/upload. Hope you are all still enjoying it.
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The Perfect Night Part 2
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader, Tony x daughter!reader
Fandom: Spider-Man: Homecoming
Warnings: Language, a very pissed Tony (yes this is absolutely a warning), insecurities
Genre: Lil bit of angst, then some fluff
A/N: Woah, tons of people requested a part two, and I somehow found a little bit of time to write, so of course I jumped at the chance to write this one. Many people requested many different things for the part two, so I tried to fit them all in the best I could. Love you all! Also, if you have a request, please send it to the blog I made for writing @nerdywrites from now on. Thank you!
Part 1
“Fuck you Parker” Peter yelled at himself as he punched one of the walls in his room, luckily May wasn’t home. “Fuck you for letting” punch “the most amazing” punch “girl, in the world” punch “get away” punch.
He had successfully made a decent sized hole, but lazily threw a poster over it. That wasn’t what he was worried about.
He wasn’t even worried about being Spider-Man anymore. He wasn’t worried about The Vulture. He wasn’t even worried about the Spanish test he had the next day that he forgot to study for. The only thing on his mind at the moment, was getting (Y/n) Stark back.
Peter Parker called her 17 times. He sent multiple text messages, all that were left on read. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get ahold of her. 
Then he decided to do the only thing he had left, he was going to see her in person. He guessed this wasn’t his best idea, considering he was about to walk into a building that housed the one and only Tony Stark. Who was undeniably planning his murder at this very moment.
But it was all he had.
She was all he had.
And he would go through Hulk to get her back.
Peter may have been a tad over-confident. When Tony answered the door, his expression hardened “Parker”
“Please Mr. Stark, I-I know you’re mad at me-“
“I wouldn’t sugar coat it”
“Okay, you’re ready to murder me.”
“That’s more like it”
“I-I get that, I deserve it. In fact I invite you to do so, but please I have to talk to her. Please.” He begged, not even caring that he was practically on his knees.
Tony sighed, still not dropping his glare “You can come in, but you can’t talk to my daughter. We are going to have a conversation.”
Peter gulped “O-Okay”
Once they were inside, he was led to the kitchen, where he sat on a barstool as Tony made coffee.
“When (Y/n) announced that she was going to go to Homecoming with you, I told her one thing. I told her that she was too young to go to a dance, that I knew what happened there. After, when I asked her how the night went, I was actually eager to hear the answer. She was so excited for that night, she spent five hours shopping with Nat and Wanda to find the perfect dress, she spent almost the same amount of time getting ready.
“When I saw the way you looked at her, I thought that she would definitely be okay, because she was with someone who loved her.
“But do you know how heartbreaking it was to hear her response? She said, and I quote, ‘You know how you said you know what happens at dances? Well how many times do people get stood up?’
“Do you know how hard it was to hear that?”
A tear slipped out of Peter’s eye “I know I’m an asshole, I know I don’t deserve her, but I also know that I love her and I have to make up for my mistakes.”
“How do I know you are going to do that Peter? How do I know you aren’t going to fuck with her feelings again? How do I know that even if she gives you another chance, you aren’t going to break her heart a second time?” his voice was getting louder with each word, until he closed his eyes and took a deep breath “How do I know that Peter?”
“Because I love her. I love her more than anything, and there is no way in hell I am going to let her get away again. And if I’m fortunate enough to get her back, which I will do everything in my power to do, I am not going to make another huge mistake. I swear on my life that I will make sure no one hurts her, and that includes me.” He was standing now, also raising his voice.
Tony sighed “I will give you one chance. If she forgives you, so will I. But know this Peter, if you ever hurt her again, we will not be having a conversation. It will be so much worse.”
“Thank you” was all he said before bolting as fast as he could to the elevator.
When he got to her door he paused a second before knocking gently three times.
“I told you dad, I don't need you to check up on me every half hour.”
“It’s not Tony” was all he said, and there was a few seconds of silence.
“What are you doing here?” was all she asked.
“Can I come in?”
A few more second of silence, then the door opened.
She looked like a mess, he hair wasn’t brushed, there were fresh dark circles around her eyes, making her red, tear stained cheeks pop out more.
He felt awful, he had done that. He had made the person he loves most cry, he had put her in that pain.
“I’m so sorry (Y/n)” 
“You have every reason to be.” she said, refusing to break eye-contact “What excuse did you come to make this time?”
“I have no excuse for treating you like that, I-I just came to say sorry. I really mean it (Y/n).”
“Do you? Do you really? Because it seems like all I've heard from you in the past month is ‘sorry’, yet you do nothing to make it up. Even our make-up dates had to be made up.”
Peter looked down, then back up at her beautiful (e/c) eyes, that glistened with tears.
“I know I was stupid, so stupid.” he saw as she turned around to wipe a fallen tear and as she turned toward him he hugged her as more tears fell, and more.
“W-why did you do it Peter? W-was I n-not g-good enough? I mean, I know I wasn’t, but you could have a-at least told me instead of leaving me hanging every n-night.” she sobbed.
Peter backed up shocked “W-what? What do you mean you weren’t good enough?”
“I mean it’s pretty obvious, I’m nothing like the other girls. I’m not as pretty or desirable. I don't know why you would want me instead of someone like Liz Allen.”
Peter hugged her again “I don’t want to ever hear you say those words again (Y/n) (M/n) Stark. You are absolutely gorgeous, and smart, and hilarious. You can cheer anyone up by just walking in the room. You aren’t afraid to geek out with me and Ned, and you do what you like even though you’re a Stark, which means that someone’s always following you. I don’t want Liz or anyone else (Y/n), I want you.”
She let out another sob and clutched him tighter. He was also crying at his point “A-any chance we could give it another go?”
She said nothing, just looked up and kissed him “Does that answer your question?
He laughed and kissed her again, the feeling of her lips giving I'm the best feeling he had felt in awhile “I don’t deserve you”
“Damn straight”
They both jumped as they heard a slow clap, coming from none other than Tony Stark, standing alongside most of the Avengers.
Natasha and Wanda looked like they were trying as hard as they could to keep large grins off their faces. Obviously failing. They were perhaps the biggest fans of (Y/n) and Peter, and even after what happened they knew them two couldn’t last 24 hours without each other. 
(Y/n) glared at them as if to say ‘shut up’, but she knew they were going to ask non-stop questions later, when they weren’t teasing her.
Peter however, focused on the others in front of him. Tony had his death glare of his face, and wore a shirt that made the arc reactor on his chest pop out. Bucky was positioned so he face a little to the side, showing his metal arm. Thor had his hammer in his hands while both him and Steve stood tall, flexing a bit to show their muscles. Then he caught the eye of Natasha Romanoff, who he knew was a badass assassin who wasn’t afraid to do anything, and Wanda Maximoff, the trained agent who could move things with her mind.
He was to scared to find words, luckily (Y/n) saw, she rolled her eyes and chuckled “Awww, look at them trying to be all intimidating.“
Peter didn’t dare agree with her, though normally he would have laughed. 
“You all can go polish your crocs now” she said jokingly before dragging Peter into her room, the last thing he heard was Tony’s yell of “DON’T YOU DARE CLOSE THAT DOOR“ before she pulled him into another kiss.
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