thana-topsy · 2 months
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Sometimes it sucks being the reincarnation of a goddess’s favorite pet.
I’ve always felt ✨a way✨ about Nerevar’s/the Nerevarine’s relationship to Azura. Honestly, any mortal that is jerked around by a god makes me feel uneasy. There’s the whole matter of free will that gets trampled whenever prophecy is involved. If free will is something that even exists in the first place…. Or this is all just a manifestation of my mommy issues.
Anyways, that’s a theme that’ll pop up in Liminal Bridges within the next chapter lol. So in the meantime, poor Teldryn. I’m really stoked on how this turned out. Happy birthday Morrowind!
Sketch because I like how the sketch looks:
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I did it...I rendered the meme....
Or a series of jokes about Teldryn Sero being given guns. You probably shouldn't give him weaponry. Rieking behaviour imminent!
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venacoeurva · 13 days
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Tfw one of you has to have his back against something, one of you has to sleep on his back, and all of you are in a tent made for like 2 people that was already a tight fit
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mareenavee · 1 year
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Nyenna ☼ & Teldryn ☾✩
First art of Nyenna and Teldryn for my fic, The World on Our Shoulders! Done by my friend, the most esteemed Painting.Roses on Insta.
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Slightly Better (tm) skyrim sexyman. Ft. my corprus scarred nerevarine headcanon.
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My goal was the have his warpaint (or tattoos) mirror the ridges of the scars in a way. Probably gonna revisit this design 1000 times
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Teldryn and Aegis being in love by @nordek-art !!
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friend-of-giants · 9 months
@orfeoarte it's been months but I finally finished my DTIYS Nerevarine Teldryn from your lovely prompt so long ago! Original prompt post here.
I tried to make the moon and star in his hands look like fire magic. Also had way too much fun messing around with the background.
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hater #1 yzralys
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hombrediablo · 7 months
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HAPPY SKYRIM DAY 11/11 here’s some screenies of Aegis and Teldryn traveling thru Skyrim, I will never bore of playing this game with them 🐉🌋💛💜
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Artwork of my Nerevarine Teldryn Sero, but with a twist—! He's young, and easily manipulated, and ready to go through The Horrors. Don't worry that's most Nerevarines but yk, it counts for something.
This was so fun to put together, as I'm trying a new fire technique, and I'm quite happy with the result!
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Below, WIP shots.
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thana-topsy · 7 months
I realized you're able to see the shrine of Azura from the College of Winterhold. Would Teldryn have any thoughts about it, given his past, or would he not care or give it too much thought?
Morning approached, though the sun had not yet broken over the mountains to the east of Winterhold. The sky had lightened to a dusky pink as the stars slowly began to fade into the purple edges of the cloud-dappled sky. Teldryn leaned against the stone wall atop the great balcony that encircled the College of Winterhold’s campus and gazed out across the gorge and over the sleepy city just beyond. He’d wandered, away from his warm bed and slumbering partner, out into the blistering cold to chase away the macabre visions that had robbed him of the final few hours of sleep. The intensity of the nightmares would ebb and flow, though they never truly went away. 
The massive black silhouette of the Shrine to Azura adorned the highest peak, overlooking the city. Like a hovering mother, Teldryn thought. When he’d first noticed the statue, he’d been briefly paralyzed with shock and nearly convinced himself that it was a hallucination. Because what were the odds? Here, in the frozen north of Skyrim. His mind had reasoned that they weren’t that far from Blacklight. The diaspora would have easily brought some of Her worshipers to Winterhold…
And yet, he couldn’t shake the feeling that it had all been planned. That the track of his life had always been carved ahead of him, and he was simply rolling along between the grooves, picking up speed as he hurdled like a toy marble towards an unchangeable destiny. And She was always there to remind him of that—to keep him in his place—to make sure he remembered who he served and who his life really belonged to.
“Teldryn,” came a sharp voice from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see Neloth approaching with a pinched expression and hunched shoulders. “What in the blazes are you doing up here? Come back to bed.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he replied, turning his gaze back to the shrine. He felt himself relax marginally when Neloth stepped up beside him. He threw part of his cloak over Neloth’s shoulder, sliding an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. “I was about to enjoy the sunrise.” 
“It would be more enjoyable in a warmer environment. Were you trying to catch your death?”
“Not actively trying, no,” Teldryn replied with a half-smirk. “I’m much more subtle about my suicidal tendencies.”
Neloth let out a bark of laughter. “I’ll concede you that.” 
The silence lingered between them as the first golden rays of dawn appeared over the mountains, streaking across the sky and chasing away the lingering twilight.
“I wonder if I should visit the shrine.”
Neloth shifted closer with a shudder. “What shrine?” he asked, his breath hanging in the air. 
“The shrine to Azura. Up there.” Teldryn pointed. 
“Oh. Curious. I never noticed it.” 
Teldryn snorted in amusement, his grip tightening on Neloth’s waist. “The giant, impossible-to-miss statue, and he says he never noticed it.”
“Has it been there long?” 
Teldryn’s laughter echoed off the stone walls, and he turned to press his face to Neloth’s neck. “Thank you,” he murmured.
“What in Oblivion are you thanking me for?” Regardless of his peevish tone, Neloth’s arms encircled Teldryn’s waist with a softness he only seemed to reserve for him.
Teldryn didn’t feel the need to clarify.    
Thanks for the ask, anon! I decided to turn it into a small writing prompt.
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this isn't being suggestively cropped for the Tumblr sensors or anything. There isn't a whole 2/3rds of an image missing or anything. Or the accompanying piece for a short horror thing I'm writing... Call out to the eldritch terrors! I'm dipping my toes into Corprus horror! Because I'm toooootaly not planning an entire Morrowind fic or anything. And it's tooooootaly not just me writing too much Josh content. Which is toooootaly not annoying everyone in the entire fandom lol. I'm about to go on an undefined tumblr hiatus for my own sanity (you guys still can't have fun it seems) so this will be it for now. Look I rarely draw full frontal man meat but it's just how it has to be, the render will be shadowed lol.
Ask me about the full image! Do it! Before I run away and only come back periodically.
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venacoeurva · 1 month
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Helps that Wrenwoof is pretty small too so he’s got extra endearment points and Wren offered to double his pay for having to lug Dwemer scrap metal to build his prosthetic leg lmao
Based off this meme idk this was the closest result to the original
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You know. If you headcanon Teldryn as the Nerevarine, then theoretically, from a certain point of view, a player character could technically still win the Skyrim Sexyman Poll. Hypothetically.
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vestigme · 7 months
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My Nerevarine and Teldryn has meet before when Teldryn was kiddo, Nerevarine was kinda an idol for him(while Nerevarine treat him like a son)
So meeting your idol after 200+? It’s quite cool✨💕
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Aegis and Teldryn caught kissing (NOT clickbait)
Beautiful art done by @/lunehowls 💛💜
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