#Or my poor Josh goes mad
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this isn't being suggestively cropped for the Tumblr sensors or anything. There isn't a whole 2/3rds of an image missing or anything. Or the accompanying piece for a short horror thing I'm writing... Call out to the eldritch terrors! I'm dipping my toes into Corprus horror! Because I'm toooootaly not planning an entire Morrowind fic or anything. And it's tooooootaly not just me writing too much Josh content. Which is toooootaly not annoying everyone in the entire fandom lol. I'm about to go on an undefined tumblr hiatus for my own sanity (you guys still can't have fun it seems) so this will be it for now. Look I rarely draw full frontal man meat but it's just how it has to be, the render will be shadowed lol.
Ask me about the full image! Do it! Before I run away and only come back periodically.
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justaphangirl07 · 1 year
Harry’s BEREAL goes off during sex and yore tied up the sidemen react
A/N: I can sure have a go for you! I hope you enjoy it
BeReal (Harry Lewis/Wroetoshaw Smut)
The act of tying someone up for aesthetic purposes
That is what Harry came home and told me that he wanted to explore
So that’s what we did
I am currently tied up with rope on our bed, having my mind blown by Harry’s cock shoving into me at a brutal pace
I have my head shoved into a pillow, with my arms tied behind my back using an intricate design that Harry found on the internet
It took him ages to do but boy was it worth it
Now just from this you should be able to tell that both me and Harry are kinky fuckers
So it doesn’t surprise me when mid thrust Harry shoved himself fully into me and reaches for his phone
“I have to take a picture of this, you look so good baby. Need to remember this forever” he mumbled as I see a flash out of the corner of my eye
Meaning that he took a photo of him with his dick fully in me, my arse on show and me completely tied up
He throws his phone down on the bed, a few seconds later before he starts pounding into me again
I can tell he is close from the erratic thrusts but I move my body with him best I can, as we both chase out orgasms
It isn’t long before Harry gives one last thrust before shooting his load into me
I let out a lot moan as I react my climax at the same time
It takes us both a few minutes to compose ourselves before Harry begins to untie me
Once I’m free, Harry’s arm wraps around me and guides me to lay down with him
He gently strokes both my arms in a soothing way, in case the might be sore from being behind my back for so long
After a while, he reaches for his phone that I was laying next to
He unlocks it and I look up at him to see his face has dropped
“What’s up?” I ask worried by his facial expression
“I might of fucked up” he mumbles
I reach out and grab his phone
I realise that the screen is open on the BeReal app
There is a new photo posted to Harry’s account
I click on it to see Harry’s face in the top left corner and my arse fully on show, whilst Harry’s dick is in my pussy
I can see that the photo has been liked multiple times and multiple notifications are coming through on what’s app
I click on one of the notifications to see that the sidemen group chat is going mental
Simon: Harry, another nude really? At least it isn’t your balls this time!
Vik: Y/N is going to kill you, is all I’m going to say!
Josh: Someone give Harry his knot tying badge
JJ: Wow Y/N really does have a nice arse
Tobi: No words
Ethan: Nice one mate ;)
“Harry, you dickhead! You posted the photo to BeReal!” I exclaim
“I’m sorry, it was the first thing I clicked on! I didn’t mean to post it! I’ll take it down!” He tells me as he takes his phone back
I push his hands down onto the duvet as I sigh
Even though I'm mad at him, it's not like he is the worst thing in the world
I mean it's not the first time it has happened
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not like they haven’t seen it all before” I say
“Nothing can be worse than when you sent out sex tape to the boys, poor Vik was scarred for life” I chuckle
“Now put your phone down and cuddle me, I might let you go again if your lucky” I say before pulling into into a kiss
Harry might be an idiot, but he’s my idiot
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abbyholmes · 6 months
I needed a couple of hours to sort through my thoughts about 7x04 - because I was busy screaming, crying, kicking my feet giggling - but now I just gotta say, before I dive into any details: I AM SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY.
As a bisexual myself who realized she‘s always been bi at the ripe age of 30 and after already being very married to the very male love of her life (which wasn’t at all changed by the realization), seeing bi characters having their ‚oh‘ moment later in life than in their teens is SO VALIDATING.
I love how yes, there have always been hints and it makes sense for the character but they actually gave Buck the space to find out this new thing about himself. They showed an adult man figuring this important part of his identity out when he was ready for it. Without it being induced by trauma or relationship troubles. That is so so so meaningful and so so so beautiful at the same time. I legit CRIED LIKE A BABY watching Buck‘s face go ‚oh I see‘ after the kiss. He just landed in his body as the penny of truth dropped and he seemed so content it made me squeek. I love seeing our golden retriever carving his place out in the world and discovering how to fully embrace all of himself.
And I love he gets to do it with Tommy.
Yes, I am a buddie shipper and that hasn‘t changed. However, whichever way the show moves now, bi Buck means the world to me. And the way they are telling the story with Tommy in a gentle, realistic way, I hope we get more of that. Hell I even really like their vibe together. Tommy seems like he‘ll be okay holding the hand of a baby queer and help him dip his toe into the water. Wherever that leads, it was a genius decision to introduce him to Buck‘s story.
Now for the details:
This episode wasn‘t only beautiful, it was also hilarious. THE TOP GUN REFERENCE HAD ME HOLLERING. At that point I knew some queerness was gonna happen because you don’t make the queerest reference in movie history without reason. Also absolutely loved the sewer conversation (hooray for Ravi by the way, I missed that little dude) and the emotions Buck goes through during the conversation.
Buck‘s jealousy is as stupid as it is adorable and I have to say I did find Eddie the slightest bit unfair. He knows Buck has abandonment issues and still doesn‘t register that he might need some reassurance. Yes okay, I get he wanted a little payback for the Nathalia ‚she sees me‘ bs, but come on, Eds, cut the poor man some slack.
The acting in the episode? Chef‘s kiss. Oliver was amazing, but I don‘t see Lou getting enough credit. He already planted his visible interest in Buck in 7x03 nicely in that one tiny interaction at the end and he really delivered on the flirty banter in this episode. Oliver, meanwhile, has done such a great job at showing the gradual change in Buck and the nervousness and the curiosity and hopefulness it tugged on all of my heartstrings. Deserving of an Emmy-nom. Great Job, loved every second.
Maddy and Chim very also amazing in the ep, especially Chim clocking immediately why Buck really brought him to basketball. It‘s gonna be interesting to see their reaction to Buck‘s truth - if he‘s ready to share it yet.
The only thing that bugged me was that Athena‘s storyline felt very rushed. I liked the theme and I think it hinted at important conversations, but it resolved the conflict too fast and too easy - making said issues seem smaller than they are. I struggle to believe that they would let a POC kid off the hook that easily. I wish this was realistic, but I doubt it is.
Bachelor call was great, loved gossipy Josh (by god, I want more Josh, I love that goofball) and Chim going full fanboy.
Can‘t wait for next week and hope we get more Hen and Bobby there! I missed them this ep.
I am so excited to see where Buck‘s story arch will go next. I‘ll explode with happiness if it slowly drifts towards buddie, but I won’t be mad if it doesn‘t happen or if it does happen and the show takes its time to get there. A slow buildup for this would be chef‘s kiss and I have a lot of trust in ABC and the writers that this is how they will do it, if Buddie happens.
All in all: Favorite episode of all the series for me, worthy 100th episode, will watch a billion times, made me all warm and fuzzy and giggly.
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kierreras · 2 years
! spoilers for gossip girl reboot are below !
overall, my biggest hope for the finale was fulfiled - kate was exposed and she is finally in jail. so yeah, i can count that as a win
still, gg reboot worked for me not only because of drama it had (and i am a sucker for drama), but because characters were really interesting and i personally resonated with some of them. so of course i am mad because we were robbed of good ending. luna finally getting her voice and having a storyline only for it to be thrown away like it didn’t happen. monet not being in italy when savannah was there during filming. couldn’t they include her in group scenes? i guess we will never know. oh, and the most boring character like obie being included in main gg plot, Rome plot, gg reveal plot. don’t get me started on this one cause i don’t even understand why they kept him around. zoya finally getting a promising love interest and his scenes with the whole group being cut? such a bad move.
as for triad, i am mad and disappointd. just a week earlier i was clowning myself thinking that they are going to break them three up. and what do we have here? aki and audrey throwing max under the bus again. them completely erasing their whole development only to end up together without any worries about max. and poor max feeling like they both played with him an got tired of him. i feel so sorry for him because he is the one character in this whole reboot who changed the most since the first episode. he is the only one whose development and progress were not forgot about.
thomas doherty is an amazing actor because i also cried with him when he realised that aki and audrey are not in love with him like he is with them. writers are really cruel for letting this scene be in the final cut because once again we have a media example that throuples are just for sex and sex only. once again tv series is proving that polyamory does not exist in a healthy way. once again the golden couple stays together and redeemed character is getting heartbroken. i can’t even describe in words what i am feeling right now because not only the triad had no purpose with this ending, but a character that had so much growth during the series has circled back to point zero. if writers were backing them up and completing most of the storylines because they suspected that the series is not going to be renewed, why letting triad stay this way? why breaking them up and pointing that their whole relationship mattered only to max and leaving aki and audrey together? i am so pissed at creators now. and if before finale i was able to defend them, now i actually can’t.
so, jobie and akidrey are getting their onscreen endgames while other characters get nothing. good to go gg reboot!
my ideal finale of this season would have been if triad broke up - them three breaking up and finding themselves outside of relationship. like we could have finally have their separated storylines and them being independent characters. specifically audrey and aki needed that. so i really hoped that three of them would break up, discover themselves and around season three finale they would realise what they are missing. so starting the last episodes of season three triad would be getting closer again and realising that the three of them are still in love with each other. they would have a confession in season finale and finally getting together in a healthy way (without sneaking behind each other backs and having any doubts) in the beginning of season four. as josh mentioned, he wanted to have four seasons of gg, so as for season four, i imagined characters to have college-related drama. for the triad, i think that they could have had a “will we last long-distance or not” just like seth and summer from the oc in season three. no cheating, no doubting each other, not any of them feeling extra. just regular senior year drama that every high school relationship goes through. i feel really robbed and i would be looking forward reading josh’s interview because i think he is going to share some of their plans for future seasons. also, let’s not forget that initial plan was for triad to be an endgame. so let’s focus on that
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
Buckle up kiddos because you’re about to get an in depth character analysis of our favorite unnamed character ever: Josh Rumble’s sister!
Major disclaimer before I start: info on this girl is few and far between. I did not reread the whole series and I could have missed something. If you find something unmentioned in this essay TELL ME. Do not be shy. No, I will not be mad. Yes, I will want to hear. I am rabid about this woman.
The biggest source of information we DO have about Josh’s Sister (from here on referred to as JS) is her conversation with Celia in the Gathering Storm. The bulk of this essay will focus on that scene, but I want to mention the other small tidbits that exist.
We basically have 3 facts found outside of The Summer Tournament.
1) JS is older than Josh Rumbles
2) JS taught Josh how to dance
3) JS gave Josh an e-reader for Christmas in The Final Word.
This tells us a couple more things.
1) Her family celebrates Christian holidays
2) JS is good at gift giving
3) JS has disposable income
Okay cool. So JS is in contact with her family who are either Christian or culturally Christian, she knows how to dance, and she loves her brother. Baseline stuff.
Now the spicy bit - the Summer Tournament.
For those who may have forgotten, Josh’s team won the Renasci Soccovolle tournament so now they’re going to nationals. The one that year is in Florida, and all of Josh’s friends have come out to watch him play.
Yes, you are remembering correctly. This is the stage of The Kiss. Josh kisses Celia, she slaps him, it gets caught on camera, it’s on the front cover of every newspaper. Josh is pissed, Celia is pissed, and JS is pissed.
Celia and co. are staying at a hotel for the tournament. They have nearby rooms, and Josh is staying with his teammates, presumably in the same hotel. It is unclear what JS’s rooming situation is.
Josh apologizes to Celia in the hotel lobby, and it ends with him storming away. JS confronts Celia directly afterwards, so we can infer the JS has seen the conversation.
The first thing we learn about JS is her appearance.
She is tall, and gorgeous. She has blue eyes, mahogany hair, and her two most notable descriptors are “cool” and “sophisticated.” If there is any archetype she fits it is “The Bitch.”
Fittingly, she starts off the conversation bitchy.
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She “stud[ies] her fingernails” for much of the following conversation. She is an absolute drama queen.
JS goes on to explain why she’s there. “I was here to watch my brother play. Our parents couldn’t make it.”
I would like to take a minute to remind everyone that Josh, for much of the summer, had been complaining because the one year he made it the Summer Tournament it was in Florida, the state where he lived.
The summer tournament is in Florida - where Josh lives - and his parents couldn’t make it. I think we all can agree that that’s a little weird.
They’re either poor and can’t veherate, thus making travel difficult, Josh’s tournament isn’t considered a priority for them (:/).
This next part is interesting:
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“I guess he talks about you a lot.” On the surface, this tells us that JS and Josh communicate frequently.
However, that clause “I guess” is strange. There’s no real reason to add it. Her message still comes across - indeed, is more impactful - without it. So the fact that it’s there speaks to habit. She’s used to either tempering herself and her opinions, or she’s used to hiding her relationship with her brother.
And then, and THEN!
“You didn’t have to make it so public.”
That is a loaded sentence. The implications there are scalding. This changes everything.
This sentence is pivotal because it tells us why she’s upset - why she’s picking a fight.
JS does not care that Josh has a crush on Celia. That is for him to work out. She does not care that Celia turned him down. That is for them to work out. She does not even care that Celia slapped him. Look at the sentence above. “Are you often in the habit of humiliating your friends?” she asks. Not ‘hitting’ not ‘injuring’ not ‘slapping.’ Humiliating.
JS does not care that Celia hit her brother. She cares that it happened publicly.
JS cares about Josh’s reputation.
With that revelation, I want to return to her descriptions. “Polish and sophistication” is what Celia notes about her contenance. Knowing that JS cares deeply about how her brother is seen, and therefore cares deeply about how she is seen, the air of “polish” cannot be anything but deliberate.
JS either wants to, or feels like she has to, be exceedingly presentable even on a Sunday morning travel-day.
This could be a result of being overlooked as a woman, but I think especially because her reaction to Josh’s “humiliation” was so strong, it is probably a quirk of her upbringing.
Contrast that with Josh. He’s constantly choking on his own masculinity. He’s a jock, he doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings, he is uncomfortable even when other people communicate their feelings, he has a fairly gruff exterior and feels threatened by other men.
Something about JS and Josh’s upbringing has caused them to feel that they have to perform gender roles very hard, and has also made JS see violence coming from a loved one as less important than reputation.
WHAT is their home life???
Genuinely. Something is Going On.
Whatever it was, it caused Josh to almost never mention it. He never calls his sister by name, and it is only though passing comments that we know they have a relationship. And we know nothing, truly zilch, about his parents.
So, to conclude.
JS comes from a … rocky home life. She cares about her brother. She is protective of her brother. She buys him expensive Christmas presents. He tells her about his friends and Celia. She listens.
She cares about being taken seriously, and beyond being very beautiful seems to have secured a well-paying job. She is very curt when she speaks, and likes to let people come to their own conclusions. She doesn’t offer her name and Josh never mentions it.
After the Gathering Storm she is never seen again.
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Daredevil (vol. 1) #97: He Who Saves
Read Date: February 20, 2023 Cover Date: March 1973 ● Writer: Gerry Conway ◦ Steve Gerber ● Penciler: Gene Colan ● Inker: Ernie Chua ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: John Costanza ● Editor: Roy Thomas ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I am so ready for Matt to move back to NYC. I wonder how much longer he'll be in the Bay Area. and what was the point out there? ● anyway. this isn't my first time reading the Dark Messiah. I don't remember him being a young blond guy doing acrobatics, though… ● a dog attacks him, he falls and hits his head, and his acrobatics career has just ended ● nice shot of DD getting into action
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● I was just about to say something about DD moving a trauma victim, but the paramedic beat me to it ● …..except that they say it's for "union rules" and that they can make an exception for Daredevil? okaaaay ● Jones gets taken off in a boo-boo bus, and cops tell DD about some gunmen at a university laboratory ● (uh, yes, there can be long waits in emergency rooms, but my guess is they would triage him and he'd be moved up the priority list being an unconscious head-wound victim…) ● DD finishes fighting the 4 gunmen and se--well, doesn't see--but realizes they're quite young. cop tells him they've been having trouble with kid gangs lately ● in the hospital, someone wheels away Jones ● ah, the "someone" is some kind of mad scientist. I'll bet there's gonna be some body-swapping happening! ● DD goes home, still wondering about the acrobat ● they still haven't quite shown Matt's eyes in any of the 96 1/2 issues of volume 1 I've read so far
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● ugh, another poor emotional damsel needing to be held by a big strong man 🙄 ● Matt looks very different in profile this issue. new artist? (too lazy to look at this exact moment) (later: nope, still Gene Colan) ● Matt and Tasha should take their conversation elsewhere so Ivan can sleep ● oh, so I guess Ivan's been out for 2 days. never mind. ● …Matt is wearing clear-lensed glasses…. ● Dark Messiah uses purple lasers from his eyes to free his disciples (the kid gangs) from the local lock-up ● …
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● the glowy eyes knocks DD out for half an hour. when he comes to, his cop buddy Carson helps him to his cruiser where he introduces his partner, McHenry ● Mordecai and about 200 followers are at Golden Gate Park, and they've set up a barrier so that the cops can't get in ● DD tries to get through the force field but is zapped out of the air ● Ha! Dark Messiah calls DD out on being dressed "in the garb of Satan" ● his three "Disciples of Doom" step forward: Josiah the Deceiver, MacAbee the Tall, and Uriah the Faithful ●👏👏👏
Synopsis: When street performer Mordacai Jones is seriously injured when he is attacked by a dog during one his street performances, he is rushed to the hospital by Daredevil, however instead of getting medical treatment, his unconscious body is captured by a mysterious figure who changes him into the Dark Messiah.
With Black Widow still recovering from injuries sustained in her battle against the Man-Bull, Daredevil has to combat the Dark Messiah alone, after the Messiah has used his powers to free "disciples" from prison. During his battle against the Dark Messiah, Daredevil is struck down and is soon shocked to find that the prisoners that the Messiah had freed were given powers as well and joined his Disciples of Doom.
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Fan Art: Daredevil by retkit
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 14
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riverstardis · 2 years
the stag, the dog, and the sheep:
time for a top tier episode!!
“come onn dylan! barry will have fallen into the sea by the time we get there!” “good joke” “thank you” “then again i suppose i’ve got to laugh haven’t i in case you punch me in the face again” max and ethan are laughing about it but cal’s looking moody in the back and he flicks ethan in the head because he’s being a “bully”😬
and here is ethan’s “i once chased a sheep through a field with charlie fairhead” from his game of two truths and a lie with fenisha sjdkfkgk
dylan and dervla just sat watching them “this is how far mankind has evolved. fully grown men who’ve worked their entire lives to become invaluable members of a progressive society, in the blink of an eye reduced to chasing a woolly ruminant” SJDKFKG
lol cal trips ethan and claims it was an accident even though it very clearly wasn’t and ethan’s like “cheers! i hope you’re not going to be like this the whole trip. we’re here for charlie remember.”
now his glasses are broken
ethan waking up with the sheep in his face skdkfkk he also seems to have lost his stag t-shirt? “oh shhh…eep”
dylan lmaoooo
“where’s charlie?” “who’s charlie?” “the groom. the reason we’re all here.”
david’s got a white suit for the wedding SJDKFKGK he says he swears he hired a dark one
ethan’s reaally struggling with that maths there sjskdkf i say that but tbh i would struggle to do 3 hours - 45 minutes in my head like that even when NOT horrendously hung over
noel’s forgotten his name and max tells him it’s leslie😭😭
dylan and josh check the police station. even josh doesn't remember what happened asdhjjkdh
poor elle. she’s been summoned for a hearing
ethan’s limping and says his leg really hurts and cal calls him a wuss and then he discovers the ‘be more cal’ tattoo. i mean that’s by no means the worst tattoo he could’ve gotten so in a way he was lucky
“i’ve got a tattoo! no! that’s the kind of thing you’d do!” “you pretty much are me now” yes indeed cal, you are mad at him for doing something you would’ve done to him without a second thought
david's being unusually chipper... the effect of him reducing the dose of his medication?
duffy's worried because charlie isn't answering her calls and she thinks he's run away and doesn't want to marry her anymore
the woman in the tattoo place says that ethan's screaming was the loudest she's ever heard and cal goes "sounds about right" sjsjdfjfjgfj
"you brought a stethoscope to a stag do?" "yeah! it's a comfort thing..." DHJKAHHJSD OH ETHAN I LOVE YOUUU I MISS YOUUU
ethan trying to distract the tattoo lady from them looking into the briefcase by asking to look at more designs "i'm thinking of a... caterpillar?"
"OO OO DONT BE SHY LADIES THERES A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE" "are you sure that's your brother?" "funny, i've been asking myself that a lot recently" SJAJKSJ why is ethan SO much more drunk than the others😭😭 i guess he's not as used to drinking so much. plus i think he'd drunk more than the others by the time they'd even set off bc they showed him opening another beer
lmaoo ethan asking cal whether he should put kisses in a text to alicia saying everything's okay and cal's like "what."💀
“there’s a dancer called candy. we think charlie might be with her. … no, no, not in the biblical sense” SJDKKFKGK
cal and ethan start arguing yet again lol ethan has no idea what it is cal's actually mad about😬
ethan lauching himself at the pimp guy and knocking him out to save cal YEAHH THATS MY BOY!!! he goes “nobody touches my brother” and cal goes “be more cal, eh?”🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
aww they’re doing a sort of a hen night (well, day) for duffy and david comes in and goes “oh great you’ve got her distracted!” 💀💀
“i remember faces. all of yours are imprinted in my brain. i’ll see you again.” “yeah, well this isn’t actually my face so um. i hired it!” skdkfkgkg i love him
the police officer asks dylan’s name and then he’s like “dylan keogh? are you sure sir?” because charlie was arrested but gave dylan’s name lmaooo
“you gave them my name, why did you do that?!” “imagine if duffy found out about this” “i’ve got a criminal record now apparently!” “drunkenness, resisting arrest, it’s nothing really” “yeah and impersonating a doctor i’m sure that’s an offence isn’t it! you know all of these things go on record, the next time there’s trouble, it’s muggins they’ll come looking for first!” SKDKFKGKG ohh dylan i love you
charlie has a tattoo that says ‘candy’ in a heart lmaoooo
dylan spinning the minibus and then he stops and they all rush to put their seatbelts on SJDFKKGKG come on guys you literally work in an emergency department💀
noel still thinks he’s called leslie sjdkfkkfkf
“i was thinking, maybe i should get a tattoo. be more ethan.” “ha” “you were seriously impressive back there” “yeah, we’ll, then i’d have to get one that said ‘be even more cal’, you’d have to get one that said ‘be even more ethan’, i’d have to get…” “just. stop talking. come ere” and cal puts his arm round ethan and kisses his head and hugs him I MISS GHEM SO MUCH😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
oh is that lexy? is that her name?
“well given that i’ve got at least 12 points on my license and a fresh criminal record, i’d say it’s been a pretty staggeringly unsuccessful stag from my point of view” oh dylan skdkfkgk
duffy saying in the vows “no sickness, because we’re nurses” :((((
damn david is tearing up the dance floor! meanwhile robyn looks worried
lmaoo alicia goes up to ethan at the reception and goes “i missed the main event so you’re gonna have to make up for it by taking your trousers off” and he’s like “i beg your pardon?” and she goes “i wanna see it!” and he realises she’s talking about the tattoo💀💀 and cal sees them talking and immediately goes and kisses some random woman who conveniently happens to be walking past at that moment so alicia sees and breaks up with him
shut up connie leave elle alone🙄
lmaoo duffy notices charlie’s arm hurts but he doesn’t tell her about the tattoo. i think charlie’s drunken tattoo is considerably worse than ethan’s lmao
“why would you do that to alicia?” “yknow, sometimes you can’t help yourself” cal actually looks really sad :( and ethan just looks confused. “so what you’re saying you don’t wanna be more like me now? because tattoo removal really hurts” lmaooo
“that’s the thing. whatever you do, however insane, i still look at you and think yeah that’s my brother” “and you’ve got me for life nibbles” THAT IS SO FUCKING CRUEL I HATE THE WRITERS I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 there’s no way in hell they weren’t already planning to kill cal off at this point because it’s less than 3 months away now and don’t they start planning storylines like 9 months in advance :/ and when richard winsor decided to leave he agreed to extend his contract an extra 4 months i think so they could give cal a good (“good”) exit storyline
i absolutely love how they’ve both decided to put their relationship over their relationships with alicia. i miss when casualty didn’t prioritise romantic relationships over everything else. i feel like that started to change in s32. man i miss the oliver kent and erika hossington era it really was superior
i think they should do a comedy episode like this again! although the show barely has any lighthearted moments like it used to be so maybe it would feel more jarring but on the other hand it would probably help bring back some light heartedness and fun!
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WEEK 3 - Wrap Up
One of my favorite movie scenes is this one from Margin Call, where Jeremy Irons says to Kevin Spacey "It's just money, it's made up...pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat". And guys, I gotta tell you I was a little disappointed when I announced this week that Kyle had not only won Survivor for the 2nd year in a row but he did it in a record breaking 3 weeks...and there was no "congrats Kyle!!!". No, "man that was crazy - good job"! Just silence. I am assuming it was because you were mad or bitter or maybe you were focused on the money you just lost! Guys, it's just money. Let's celebrate our Survivor Champ...Kyle. He did an amazing thing...let go of the money...it's over...it's gone. It's just Money.
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Speaking of money. Looks like Kelce Lately just grabbed his first high point win of the season ($20)...with 133.12 points. There is still Monday night to take place -and at the time of writing this, Dana has 3 guys still to play - Jones, Elliott and Shepard. But, he will need about 25 from each of those to take the lead, the win and the high point away from me. It was a good week for me, but I owe it all to Lamar Jackson who is playing for a billion dollar deal next year and I am reaping the benefits of that! Dana, sorry - you had some good action going you just matched up against the wrong guy this week. I move to 2-1 and Dana to 1-2.
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He's sneaky like Belicheck this year. Stu Jones grabbed a win with just 80 points against the previously 2-0 powerhouse Tu Padre. Gullahorn had a good game from Nick Chubb and also from Dameon Pierce (Houston RB)...but other than that his big stars like Jefferson, Sanders and Stafford just didn't show up at all. Meanwhile, even with a poor showing from Kyler this week and only 7.90 from Deebo - Stu grabbed 22 points from his Eagles Defense to sneak in a win by less than 2 points. But, as we say in fantasy football - a win is a win! Congrats Stu. See ya next week Gully. Please put up under 100 again! Please!
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Sorry Gabe. Sorry, that i have to take this approach to the paragraph. I know, I could focus more on Cliff's win - but it's just a better angle to talk about you being 0-3. Winless in 2022. Part of the problem I feel, is that you simply haven't yet broken 90 in scoring points. Maybe try harder to put players in that will score more points when they actually do score points. Like this week, Devonte Parker with 20 would have been good! Ya know? I'm just messing with you man. You know I love you. Cliff was just a little bit better than you this week and he has Josh Allen so, you gotta expect big numbers when you face Josh (I mean Cliff). The good news, it's behind you and you can move on to Funk Guy next week where you have a chance at greatness! Nice win Cliff! Congrats.
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I focused on Kyle (Backdoor Bandits) in the opening - so let's now talk about Krippayne. What a week for Scott. It wasn't enough for him to lose his match up against Kyle...but he also had the Chiefs lose to the Colts which knocked him out of survivor and then his beloved Seahawks lost to the Falcons. Just a brutal weekend for Scotty K. The only shining light I see in this match up is that Kyle ended up just a bit shy of taking high point this week. That would just be a bit too much winning in my opinion. Scott, let me know if you need someone to talk with about your state of mind. My hope is you can bounce back and grab a win next week. Kyle, congrats again. Great week for you.
(Sub headline) - Mitch goes Gay.
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Yes. Mitch picked up the kicker Matt Gay. Last Thursday he just dropped his old kicker Greg Joseph and was suddenly on team Gay. Which hey, that's cool. I get it. His move to Gay seemed to do wonders for the entire team. They were all on board with it and just like that, this Gay team, beat the previously undefeated Bebo Norman 115 - 79. It wasn't just the Gay kicker that did it for Mitch. He had help from Tannehill, Henry, Andrews, Christian Kirk and the Browns Defense. Congrats Mitch. Nice win and we are so proud of you. All the love! (insert rainbow logo here)
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Yeah, it's groundhog day again for Howard. Another loss! This time to Trade with Me. This one did come down to Monday night - because Rob had the Cowboys defense still to play but he would need 19 points from them to seal the win. Which is a lot to ask of the Dallas D - although for much of the game they did keep it close. Brett only put up 93 points this week but with great numbers from Robinson, Chiefs D and Waddle it didn't even matter that his QB Flacco only put up 3.40. Again, my theory is that we are all benefitting from Rob's Polka Band Touring Schedule...which will run through all of October. I am just hoping by the time November comes around he is 1-7 and will be officially out of the playoffs. More for the rest of us - ya know! Nice win Brett!
In honor of the Titan's first win we are featuring Jessica...or as I call her Jessi. She loves Macaroni and Cheese and wishes she could have dinner with Rob Gronkowski someday. She also wishes she could spin a basketball on one finger. Maybe someday Jessica but for now - just cheer for our team!
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gretavanlace · 2 years
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Starry, Starry Night
Josh Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, language, dirty talk, oral sex (m/rec), fingering (f/rec), slight dom/sub, etc
*Idk who to credit for this picture of our lord and savior, please let me know if it’s yours. This one goes out to my mullet!josh anons. Ya’ll are a feral mob of monsters, and I love you!*
Josh finds you on the balcony, staring up at the cloudless, ink-black sky. He snakes his arm around your waist from behind, startling you out of your quiet star-gazing.
“Whatcha doin’, sweetness?” he burrows gently into the crook of your neck. “Searching for life on mars?”
“Don’t do that!” you gasp, swatting away at his embrace. “You scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry…” his lips press against your ear. “didn’t mean to.”
“Yes, you did.” you smile, sinking into his arms, you never can stay mad at him. “You’re only quiet when you want to be. When did you get home?”
He sways you back and forth in the warm evening breeze, singing a couple verses of Bowie’s Life On Mars softly into your neck before snarking, “Just now, and yes, I did have fun with my brothers, thank you for asking.”
“Shut up,” you laugh. “I was getting there. How is my Danny, the love of my life, keeper of my heart?”
“Not great, hon…I had to off him. Did him in and tossed him in the river for stealing the affections of my woman. Like our poor Luca Brasi, he sleeps with the fishes.”
Your eyes roll painfully “God, you and that movie.”
“Film, love.” he corrects. “The Godfather is a fucking film.”
“My apologies.” your hands travel over his forearms, up and down, up and down. “Shh, though. Enjoy the stars with me.”
“Okay.” he mumbles, dropping soft pecks of his velvet lips just below your ear. “But if we see a UFO, we’re flagging it down.”
“Oh, for sure.” you’re melting into his kisses already. “Wouldn’t want you to miss your ride home on the mothership, weirdo.”
“You’d miss me.” he argues quietly, with a nip of his teeth over your pulse point.
“Maybe so.” you concede. “I wouldn’t miss your mouth, though, Kiszka. Shh, you talk too much.”
“You wouldn’t miss my mouth?” he teases, with a grin evident in his tone. “I think you would. I think you’d miss it here.” he sucks a bloom of electricity into your neck. “Annnnnnd I think you’d miss it here…” his hands snake under your shirt to lightly pinch your nipples, and then retreat. “And I know you’d miss my mouth right here.” One hand moves to your throat as the other slips between your legs to cup your cunt. “Yeah? You’d miss my mouth right here wouldn’t you, sweetness? Who would take care of this pretty little thing for you? Hmm?”
“Take me inside.” you breathe, attempting to push away from the railing as he holds fast to you.
“No. Right here.” a firm hand at the small of your back pushes you forward. “Grab onto the rails.”
“Josh,” your hand reaches back for him, desperate to lace your fingers into his hair. “Someone could see and…” you suddenly fall silent as the palm of your hand ghosts into his curls only to be met with a shorn, velour sensation. Your heart skips a beat until your fingertips grace over the delicate curls that are, thankfully, still there.
“What did you do?” you gasp, fighting to spin around in his arms.
He holds onto you firmly “Ah ah ah, baby…you stay where you are.”
“I want to see.” The protest escapes you sounding whiny and petulant as your hands map out the undercut.
“Too bad.” he wraps his fingers around your wrists and guides them back to the railing. “You’re going to cum first. Right here. Just like I said, and then we’ll see what you’ve earned.”
“Baby, please…” you beg, working diligently to make it pretty enough to be deemed irresistible. “Fuck, please, just let me see.”
“You, sweetness…” he taunts smugly, while reaching to slide his hand into your pajama bottoms. “You get to have a look when I’m sucking your cum off my fingers, and not a moment sooner.”
Without waiting for your complaints, he nudges your legs open wider, and dips two fingers into your warmth…burying them completely in one smooth push.
Your body is a betrayal as it collapses against the balcony with a choked, sobbing moan. When he gets like this – cocky and demanding, bossy and god-like, it dismantles you. His normally soft and gentle demeanor morphs into something completely foreign and it unravels you in the most beautiful way.
“Better stay quiet,” he warns, tucking into that delicious spot inside you. “Wouldn’t want the neighbors to hear you getting your pretty cunt played with. Or would you? Maybe you want them to hear how hard I can make you cum with just my hand.”
You reach back and run your touch over his newly shaved sides, rocking and bouncing on his hand. “Please let me see. Fuck, Josh, please.”
“I said, not yet.” he snaps in a rasping whisper. “You know what I want.”
He curls his fingers further and you lose it with a wail you both fail to silence.
“Yeah, that’s it right there, isn’t it, baby?” he bites along your shoulder and presses his cock, rock hard and warm, into the small of your back. “That’s the spot. That’s that sweet little place that hides away just waiting for me to come and visit, huh?”
You nod frantically, fingers still raking over the clipped curls “Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop.”
“I’m not gonna stop.” his hand fucks away at you relentlessly. “Not until you give it up. C’mon now, baby…I’d really like to fill you with my cock right about now, so let's not keep me waiting.”
“Fuck,” the curse shakes out of you wildly. “So good…please, I’m so close.”
“Already?” he sounds pleased enough with himself that you envision slapping him. “I know just how to touch you, don’t I, doll? And where…all the places that get all worked up and needy for my hands, and my mouth,” he fucks into you faster, deeper, “and my cock…know just how to take care of my pretty girl, don’t I?”
“Yes, baby, yes…” the words are less than a whimper. “Yes yes yes…”
“Let's have it then, sweetness.” his mouth is pressed, hot and humid, against the shell of your ear, licking and kissing between his words “You’re dripping all over me, squeezed snug and gorgeous around my fingers. Wanna feel that pretty pussy on my cock.”
You tighten around him and it pulls a heavenly groan from deep within his chest…the sound alone sends you careening into that blissful little death right outside, under the stars.
“There it is…” he sounds tortured. “That’s my good, good, girl. Look at you…”
The second you step into a clearer head, you're fighting to spin around while he holds fast with a mocking tsk of his tongue. “Calm down, little lamb…you’re awfully pushy.”
He’s having way too much fun at your expense and you’ve had enough. “You said!” you huff, encroaching upon what he likes to call a ‘hissy fit’. “You said you’d let me see if I came and I did, so…”
“You did?” he cuts you off. “I couldn’t tell.” He shakes his hand and you can hear the faint sound of your release hitting the concrete at your feet in tiny spatters.
“Josh…” you sound pathetic, but it matters not.
“Alright, don’t break my heart with that sad little voice.” he drops a kiss just below your temple. “Turn around.”
You spin in his arms so quickly he is forced to steady you on your feet.
“Oh…” you breathe in awe. “Oh…oh my god…”
He remains silent, allowing you to turn his head this way and that, soaking it all in, adoring him. It is so reminiscent of the early days you almost believe you might be able to tug on a rat tail if you were to reach around to the nape of his neck. The sides are non-existent, shaved down close…it isn’t much, just trails blazed into his wild tangles by clippers, but the effect is drastic. He looks both older and younger, harder, edgier…and while a small part of your heart misses the softness, the angelic mess of curls, a much larger part has lost it.
“Fuck…” the word drags out of you slow and airy, full of desire.
“Yeah?” he smiles, gripping your hips deeply.
“Yeah.” you nod urgently “Take me inside…or don’t, I don’t care. Just, now…right fucking now.”
His thumb taps at your bottom lip and then slips into your mouth. You instantly suck it in, babying it against your tongue. “So soft and warm in here,” he whispers, nuzzling the tip of your nose with his own. “What if my cock wants a little kiss before I take you inside?”
Without thought, you drop to your knees, wincing when your body hits the unforgiving ground. “Careful, sweetness…” he strokes over your hair “Don’t break my favorite toy.”
In response, your mouth falls open, soft and wet, ready for him with wide, worshiping eyes.
“Look at my pretty baby…” he sighs, cupping your cheek with his left hand, tugging his cock out of his pants with his right. “All ready and willing to be sweet to me. Begging to suck me off with those bambi eyes. I love you very much. Do you know that?”
You offer a quick, half-nod and then your gaze is falling to the swollen head of his cock. “Can I have it, Josh? Please…right here.” your tongue, pink and inviting, slips out and waits…calling to him, beckoning him in.
He takes his cock in his fist, pumping it once, twice…and then he’s dragging it across your tongue, swirling circles into the flat of it, tapping and sweeping, while holding your jaw open with a hooked thumb.
“That’s a good girl,” he coos softly “Just lick it for me, just like that.”
You want more. You want him stuffed down into your throat…choking you, suffocating you…and he can see it by the furrow of your brow. “You want to swallow me, don’t you, doll?” he pets at your face with his free hand. “You want me to slide it in and fuck that pretty face?”
An embarrassing moan hitches out of your chest as you lick him and try your hardest to close your lips around the tip.
“I know, baby…” he soothes. “I know.”
With that, he pulls away and starts into the house while you blink away confusion, knelt to the floor of the balcony like a whore. Like his whore.
He stops at the threshold and turns with one hand on the doorframe, and one wrapped around the thick base of his dick. “You coming, little lamb?’
You start to your feet, but he shakes his head “I think you look very pretty down there, sweetness. Crawl.”
Falling forward onto your palms, you comply without question or shame…dignity has no reason to ever feel shaken with Josh.
“That’s my sweetheart…” he smiles gently, curling a finger to lure you into the house.
He waits in the hall, watching as you slink along on your hands and knees to please him. “You deserve a gold star, baby. Unfortunately, I’m all out of those…what would you like instead?” his fist is continually running along his length, squeezing and twisting over the head. You can’t tear your eyes away, and it makes him smirk. “This? You want this cock, pretty girl? Your cunt is so tight. So pink and lovely…maybe I should ruin it. What do you think?”
“Please…” you are now bowed before him, as if in prayer.
In reply, he reaches down and pets the crown of your head “Get up, sweetness…the last place you belong is at my feet.”
Rising, a shudder of lust quakes out of you when he grabs you by the waist and swings you around, trapping you between the weight of his body and the hallway wall. “Gonna fuck you right here, doll. Look…” he guides your line of sight, grip firm on your chin. “door’s wide open…the whole neighborhood is gonna know how fucking dirty you sound when you cum.”
A broken moan tumbles out of you before you can stop it. “You like that, don’t you?” he mocks your moan softly. “Little lamb is a whore.”
Your hands abandon those silky, newly snipped sides, and delve into his tangles, yanking and tugging. “Just do something already…goddamn, just do something.”
You haven’t even a chance to register his movement, but just like that, your pajama bottoms and panties are puddled at your feet and he’s hiking you up against the wall.
“Wrap your legs around me…” he pants, already lining himself up. “and hold on.”
When his cock brushes over you, a keening wail escapes you…it’s as though you’ve waited days, weeks, years, for this. “Yeah? You want that? Want it inside? Wanna fuck?” he nudges in and sucks in a breath through his teeth when he feels how hot you are to the touch, how soaked.
“Yes, yes, yesyesyesyesyes…” your eyes clamp shut as if warding off physical pain.
He catches your bottom lip between his teeth and bites deeply enough to make you whine, then releases it. “I like it when you get all frantic like this. When you need me so badly you lose yourself to it…but I can’t wait any longer. Look at me.”
Your eyes flash to his, and the moment your stares lock, he drives into you. Filling you, splitting you open with that gorgeous, burning stretch. His name is a breathless, chanting mantra, and he nods along as he slams into you so ruthlessly you’re bouncing along the wall, pressed so fiercely against it you fear you might fall through.
He leans back, hands splayed out over your collarbone to lock you in place, and the change in position sends him sailing deeper inside you, at just the right angle. “Right there,” you breathe “Right there, Josh…don’t…please, fuck…don’t stop….”
“Awe, right there?” he sing-songs, sounding winded, “There it is again, isn’t it? My favorite little spot…now my cock’s come to visit, hmm? You like that?”
Your fists pound into his chest, body, mind and soul desperate for release. “Gonna…” a gulping, humiliating sound climbs out of you. “I’m…fuck…Josh…”
He knows you’re close, and he knows how much you love his voice in these crazed moments. You want his words floating along through your brain, undulating like filthy poetry across the expanse of your consciousness. “Do it then, little lamb.” he coaxes. “Be real sweet to my cock and just let go. Feels so good when you cum…wet and warm, so fucking tight. You gonna give it to me? Gonna be sweet?”
With a final pound of your fists against his chest, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your breasts into him. “There they are…” he groans. “My girls. I left them out, didn’t I? Gonna suck them slow and gentle until I fall asleep tonight…didn’t mean to forget them.”
When you begin to thrash around he rakes his hands into your hair, holding you still with a firm grip. “There it is…that’s my baby, I can see it coming in your eyes. You’re right there. Hush, little lamb…shh, just let it happen.”
It breaks over you like a thunderous squall, pulling you apart from the inside out. You are but a ship being tossed through violent waves…he is the storm ravaging the sea that threatens to swallow you up.
He fucks you through it, holding on until he is sure he has carried you most of the way, and then he is right there with you…beautiful groans and pants, curses and gasps of breath, your name and endearments, pouring out of him until you feel light-headed with Josh, Josh, Josh…
His forehead finds yours as you both work to calm yourselves enough to breathe normally…enough to think clearly…enough to float back down to earth…
“And to think, Sam said you’d hate it.” he smiles, when at last he’s found himself.
“Yeah?” you grin back, curling tighter around him when he pulls you away from the wall. “Well, no one ever said Sam was the brightest bulb.”
“Food and then another round?” he asks, teasing your throat with his lips as he carries you toward the kitchen. “Slow and easy, in our bed this time?”
“See? Ideas like this…” you smile, admiring his newly exposed ears “are why you are the brightest bulb.”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @gardenofgreta @theweightofstardust @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @kdarling1 @paintmyhouse @dvrkblooms @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @agirlwithmanytastes @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @avagvf @greta-flanveet-admin @joshkiszkas @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @xserenax-13 @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @loofypoofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @calumspretty @gretasmokerising @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @tripthelightfandomtastic @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @dakotadovato @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet
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deluweil · 3 years
9-1-1 5x04 review
Watched the episode, and I am mad! 😡
it’s bad enough that the lazy writers had Maddie leaving because of suffering of ppd instead of showing that there is a different way.
But they have Chimney taking off with Jee-Yun to find her. Which means no Maddie or Chimney for quite a while. 😭
No uncle Buck moments🥺 - because it was important to the writers to burn that bridge, with one precise punch while having a tantrum, so there was no way Chimney would leave Jee with her uncle, or even her pseudo grandparents.
I feel robbed. And I miss Maddie!😩
Also the cheerleaders confusion, was heartbreaking, I was crying the entire time. - super depressing 😭😭
The light points of this episode for me were: 
* The bonding moment between May and Harry, they both having crisis moments, Harry with the aftermath of being kidnapped - being mad - rightfully so - at his parents. 
(I haven’t written a meta for the first 3 episodes, but I will say, that even though Athena was a victim here, the first thing I thought, screamed at the tv actually, as soon as that creep ran away was to warn her family. At no point did she tell them and that led to Michael not screening the guests at the house party (yes it was a party), but seriously at all times he should have known where his son was and I’m guessing after watching the news and nearly losing Athena to him, he should have recognized that there was a criminal in his house.)
And poor May, who had trouble to comprehend the large diva- personality that befell her. 
Yes, Claudette may be a rock star, but she is a diva, I simply called her a bitch. I met and worked with people like her, Josh’s advice was terrible. The best way to deal with people like this is either to stroke their ego under the guise of learning or completely stay out of their way.
Considering May does not need her to become a dispatcher, since she already is one, staying out of Claudette’s way is the best course of action imo.
So yeah, eating ice cream and sharing how annoying current life progression is between the Grant siblings, was one my favorite moments. - I love that May managed to get Harry to open up, if even a little, when others could not - that’s a real older sister right there! :)
* Buddie moments: Yes there were more than one, I know that they didn’t get to work together but, the fact that Cassie asked about Michaela instead of giving out her own name, reminded me of Eddie asking for Buck and checking to see if he’s okay, while he himself was bleeding out on the firetruck’s floor. 
The entire thing was heartbreaking, but there was some recognition of that thought on Eddie’s face in the hospital, that made me think about that moment in 4X14.
The second moment was happier, obviously, when Eddie comes to Buck’s house after Chimney punched him. Offering Ice, beer and advice.
They were super cute, and Eddie reading the situation better than anyone could, because Eddie knows Buck better than anybody. I also had a recall moment back to the beginning of S3 where Buck, who usually takes care of everyone and fixes everything, was the one who needed being taken care of, but there was no one there to do it. 
Eddie is aware how very similar the Buckley siblings are, and he indeed made a 180° when it comes to catching Buck, as S4 shows.
Eddie reminds Buck that the Maddie he usually knows is not necessarily the Maddie that exist now. This Maddie is in the same position Buck was in S3a, only her way of dealing is stepping back instead of fighting to get back the ground she lost.
The situations are not the same, obviously, but Maddie, who usually takes care of everyone is the one who needs taking care of. Eddie may not have spent much time with Maddie, but he has with Buck and he can see the bigger picture clearer than anyone.
I do love that Eddie teases Buck about Chimney forgiving him, and then goes “Ice goes on the eye bud.” 😂❤
Also that cute shy smile Buck gives Eddie when he teases him? My insides melt just thinking about it. 😍😍😍😍😍
One more thing that pops into my head is the parallel of Madney and buddie here.
Buck says: “But I know she’s gonna be okay,” (which by the way is legitimate because Maddie left Buck and came back to him so many times throughout his life that at this point he’s used to it - that’s why when he tells Chim “Nothing happened to her, she just left.” I pretty much nodded with him, because this is Maddie’s MO. Where Buck fights, she Flights. - it’s that simple.) “He just doesn’t know her the way I do.”
Eddie replies: “Or you don’t know her the way he does.”
This screamed - 'buddie in a nutshell' to me. Because everyone know Buck in one way - the reckless, the brash, the loud one. We all made so many comparisons in 4x14 that you all know what I’m talking about.
But Eddie, he knows Buck in another way, he sees him differently, the Buck that everyone “know” is not the same Buck that Eddie knows. (”Because Evan” comes to mind..🤔)
So yeah, my new all time favorite buddie moment is now the balcony scene.
Hen coming to see Chimney off was also very emotional, but I was too mad to really appreciate it, I do however have to say how much I love their friendship, and how well Hen knows Chimney to be able to catch him just before he skips out of town.
I’m looking forward for Eddie and Hen working together, they have before and it’s pretty awesome to watch.
I can already see the probie working with Buck future problems coming on, When Eddie came he had experience, and he was battle tried already, probie is a newly minted civilian turned firefighter who is nowhere near as equipped to working as seamlessly with Buck as Eddie is and I can already see the trouble brewing.
Tbh the only thing I can see not working for Eddie and Hen is the fact that when Chimney is away for too long she gets short tempered. To those who watched from the beginning this is a call back to S1 when Chimney was on medical leave from the rebar incident, and Hen kept snapping at everyone - Bobby even stated “I can’t wait for Chim to come back”. 😂😂
Also if I’m being really honest I thought for sure Buck would say “Where’s Eddie when you need him?” When the were working on extracting the poor science teacher from all the metal bars.
So I really can’t wait for next week!! (btw is anyone else in a non-belief state that Athena is going to slap Harry? Because I really hope I was hallucinating.) 
Happy Tuesday everyone! 
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gretavanfleetlove · 3 years
Not mad?
AN: this is unedited and I’m pretty sure really bad 😬 but I’ve been working on it for awhile so here you go! 💕. And I’m gonna tag @joshstambourine and @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies because I shared the fic with them beforehand :) Summary: y/n and Josh have liked each other for awhile but have been too afraid to admit their feelings especially because of y/n’s protective little brother.
I nervously knocked on the Kiszka’s door. Danny, my brother, has been bugging me to go to one of his band practices and at least play a song or two with them for awhile now. It’s only a couple songs though right? It’s nothing bad, and plus Danny is one of your best friends and your brother. I can’t let him down. So here I am. I wanted to go with Danny so it wouldn’t be so awkward but, of course he was already there.
As I was nervously twiddling my thumbs, Sammy opened the door with Danny standing right next to him.
“Hey y/n!!” Sam happily said. That makes me feel a little more comfortable.
“Hi Sammy, what's up?” I asked, trying to hide my nerves.
“Nothin much we were just waiting for you.” He said, moving to the side to let you in the door.
“Oh awesome sorry I’m a little late.” I said with a smile. Which got cut off by Danny tackling me in a hug from behind.
Sam told me everything was fine and went to get me a soda, when Josh walked out. “Oh hey y/n/n.” He said nonchalantly. “H-hey Josh,” I managed to get out. See what I forgot to mention before is that I’ve had a huge crush on Josh since about 8th grade. Which is completely stupid since he’s one of my little brothers best friends but still. How could I not be head over heels for him?
He’s always been a gentleman, he’s kind, he’s talented, and loves his mother I mean come on he has everything!
But here I am at his house tripping over every word like an idiot.
“Hey y/n!” Jake said happily coming in from the garage. “Hey!” I replied, taking my attention away from Josh.
“Is everyone ready?” Danny asked, walking over next to me.
“Hold on,” Sam exclaimed and started chugging his soda.
“You probably don’t wanna see the rest of that come on.” Laughed Josh as he lightly took my hand, leading me into the garage. “You can ask Jake where to set everything up because well I don’t know.”
I chuckled at the fact he didn’t know where his own band, in his own house sets up their things.
“K thanks.” I replied shyly.
“Of course.” He said with a smirk, making eye contact.
I just finished up with the band, and it was amazing! Danny made sure I was comfortable and he and Sammy gave me a little tour of the house after I set my things up. And Jake was great, he was very welcoming to another guitarist and we fed off of each other really well. And Josh, Josh is incredible. I tried to give him compliments on his voice without sounding, I don’t know, needy. But, all feelings aside, his voice is insanely beautiful. He looked insanely beautiful singing too! “Y/n y/n y/n!!!” Daniel's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Danny Danny Danny!!” I yelled back matching his energy.
“How was it I think it was great you sounded really good so yeah and like I think I was good too and you and Josh seemed to click well and-“
“Shhhhh” I cut him off, laughing. And also impressed he said that in one breath.
“It was great Danny. I loved it, and yes you sounded amazing. Hopefully the other guys think the same?” That last part I phrased as more of a question, pretty much asking if the boys said anything in particular about it.
“Oh they did!” Danny says with a smile.
(TIME SKIP again don’t hate me*two months later*)
“That was great y/n really.” Josh said quietly to me as we walked off the small stage.
“Thanks,” I replied blushing. My crush on Josh has only grown since I’ve joined the band. Being together all the time, performing together, and even staying up late drinking coffee together.
It all just makes me fall for him harder.
“No problem,” he said with a smile. “Are you just gonna go home with Danny?”
“Yeah probably why?” I asked slightly, hoping he might be disappointed.
“I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to our place? We’re just gonna eat dinner and you know, I don’t know just hang out?” He looked nervous, looking down scratching behind his neck.
“Oh yeah I’m sure Danny wants to also!”
“Ok awesome!” He smiled at me and started walking back to the group. I followed close behind.
“Are you coming y/n/n?” Sam asked, putting his head on my shoulder. He’s always been like a second brother to me, since him and Danny are so close.
“Yeah I am!” I said with a smile petting his hair. I saw Josh from the corner of my eye sigh looking at Sam and I, and walked past Jake into our van.
And after a long car ride, singing along to Bob Dylan, we got to the Kiszka’s.
Their parents and sister me and Danny when we came in asking how we are. Then we all made our way outside. We all decided we would start a small fire since it’s getting dark out.
“Y/n y/n who’s better Donovan or Bob Dylan??” Danny turned around and asked, from his conversation with Sam.
“Don’t drag me into this Daniel!” I yelled at him shaking my head.
“We all know Bob Dylan is better!” Jake argued, looking at Sam.
“But think about it really, I mean you know I love Bob. I was just considering the possibility-“ Sam tried to say but got cut off my Jake yelling “ no, no nope negatory.”
Now in the middle of this argument I was sitting in between Danny and Josh when Josh slipped his hand into mine.
“You really did do really well today.” He whispered so only I could hear him.
“Oh thanks,” I replied taking a breath. It’s not unusual for Josh to be touchy, he was like this with nearly everyone.
“No problem.” He smiled, giving my hand a squeeze.
I wish I could date him, or at least kiss him. I’ve always wished that. But I couldn’t. Even though Danny is my younger brother he’s always been over protective, plus, Josh is one of his best friends and I can’t intrude on that. It would be like me dating his brother or something. And I couldn’t do that. But it’s tempting, especially right now, to just be with Josh.
“Are you ok?” That familiar voice of Josh snapped me out of my thoughts.
“Oh yeah, why?” I asked, but quickly realized tears starting to form in my eyes.
“You look like you’re about to cry.” Concern started to cover his face.
“No, I’m fine, I’m ok, sorry.” I quickly replied, wiping my eyes a bit.
“You’re good.” He said with a tone of comfort and also, still some concern.
“Y/n?” Sam turned back to me.
“What?” I asked, his voice scared me a little since Josh and I were talking so quiet.
“Tell your brother that he needs to open his musical horizons!”
“What?” I asked again confused what conversation topic has come up this time.
“He needs to hear some good jazz!”
“No no I do not y/n tell him!” Danny intruded.
“I mean I say listen to jazz!” I said just trying to get under his skin.
“Oh shut up.” He replied with a roll of his eyes.
Everyone laughed at the poor guy being forced into smooth jazz.
“Hey hey what’s that?” Jake yelled over everyone.
A chorus of curious “what’s” were heard.
“That.” He said tilting his sunglasses below his eyes (why was he wearing sunglasses at this hour, don’t ask me). He was looking at mine and Josh’s hands.
Of course Sam and Danny looked over.
“Nothing.” I answered shortly while Danny gave me that ‘ok sureee’ face.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Sam said, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s- we’re just holding hands.” Josh was blushing. Why was he blushing? Probably just because the guys will make fun of him. “Friends do that you idiots!” He defended.
“Friends do that?” Danny questioned.
“Yes.” Josh replied looking at me, I nodded trying to back him up.
“Josh I love you man but I’d never just hold your hand.” Danny said with a completely straight face.
“Well-“ is all Josh got the chance to say before gasps and “ooo”s were heard.
“Shut up!” I yelled at the boys too smitten to say anything else.
“Are you guys dating?” Jake asked.
“Y/n and Joshy sittin in a tree!” Sam started singing.
“Not yet.” Josh replied with a smirk. I’m gonna kill him. Or Danny will kill him. But was that his way of admitting he liked me? It kind of sounded like it. I meant to do something but I just sat there, still clinging to Josh’s hand, blushing.
“What?” Danny asked. Smiling?
“I said not yet.” Josh replied very matter-of-factly.
“You like him?” My little brother whispered, like the other guys couldn’t hear.
“Oh my gosh I ship it !” I heard Sam exclaim.
“Same” Jake squealed.
I responded to Danny with a quiet “yeah.”
“Do you like her?” He now questioned a hilariously scared looking Joshua.
“I mean yeah.” He nearly whispered.
“How much?” Danny asked again, with a straight face.
“I mean, honestly, like a lot a lot. You know?” Josh replied nervously twiddling his thumbs.
“And what about you? How much?” He turned back to me, looking more at ease now. And smirking a bit.
“A lot, a lot.” I replied, also too afraid to look Danny in the eye.
“YES!” He yelled suddenly, scaring all of us especially Jake and Sam who were watching this like it was a soap opera.
“Ok ok you guys are gonna be adorable! I mean if you want to be a couple which I assume you do, and Josh we could be brothers!” He excitedly exclaimed.
“Wait, so you’re not mad at me?” I was shocked my brain barely processed what he said.
“Nope.” He said with a dopey smile on his face.
“So you wouldn’t kill me if I dated her… or kissed her?” Josh hesitantly questioned.
“No, unless you hurt her then I just might kill you.” He said cooly. Then pointed at me and said “same goes for you, and don’t kiss in front of me because that’s weird.”
Josh and I were completely relieved but I was much too afraid to look at him after that extremely awkward situation.
“So Jake and I will be on wedding planning duty?” Sam asked with a grin matching Danny’s.
“If they would let us. But Danny has to have some say too.” Jake said thoughtfully.
“Who said we were getting married?” I asked.
“Who said we weren’t?” Josh asked with a wink.
“Ew.” Was all Danny said. And honestly all I could hear before Josh grabbed my hand and started dragging me in the direction of their house.
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sdmnluvs · 4 years
Home Town Glory- Minishaw
Disclaimer!! I know that Simon is in a very happy relationship with Talia! It’s just for entertainment purposes and to let me practice my writing. This is also posted on my Wattpad!
28 years old and he misses home more than ever. That's why he's walking the streets of Hemel Hempstead at quarter past 11 on a Friday night.
It wasn't his plan when he woke up this morning. But he had fucked up, told Harry he loved him and when Harry just stared at him he fled the flat in record worthy time.
Got back to his own flat with ignoring Harry's missed calls and texts. Grabs a bag and packs a weekends worth of clothes as Jj enters his room confused.
"You alright there Simon?" He asks dumbly as the taller runs to the bathroom to grab his toothbrush. "I-I fucked up, going home for the weekend!" He says, pulls out his phone to call an Uber. He doesn't care if it's expensive, would spend every dime in his bank account if it meant he didn't have to look at the pity his friends would throw him when they found out what he had done.
"Did something happen with Harry? Did you guys break up?" Jj asks shock evident in his voice. Everyone was sure that they were a stable couple. Maybe looks really can be deceiving.
"I need to clear my head for a while Jide, if Harry comes please don't tell him where I am," Simon says before grabbing his bag and leaving Jj standing in bedroom. Heard the door close and the younger doesn't know what to do.
But he listens to what Simon said. When Harry shows up half an hour later with tears in his eyes it takes all of his might to say that he doesn't know where Simon is. Says me might have gone to visit Josh.
It's evil really, Jj decides when Harry leaves his sitting room with a look of determination on his face. He's sending the poor boy on a wild goose chase for what? Jj doesn't even know what happened between the both of them. For all he knows Simon could be in the wrong here. He had said that he fucked up.....
But by the time he comes to the decision that he should ask Harry what happened the brunet is long gone and he curses to himself. Feels even worse when he realizes that Josh will probably send Harry to Tobi's to check, then Tobi will send him to Randys and Randy will send him back to the flat.
Simon calls him 2 hours later. He's sat in his old room and trying not to cry. "So what happened?" Jj never did have the best patience, Simons surprised he's waited this long.
"I overreacted I guess," the blond sighs. "I told Harry that I loved him. He just stared at me for a straight minute. I couldn't deal with it Jide so I ran. I ran as fast and as far away as I could. Sure I only made it about 27 miles away from home but I couldn't deal with the pity when I told you. I just thought, it's been a year and I've loved him for long. But I guess that it was too soon".
Simon explains it all and Jj listens. Doesn't interrupt just let's Simon talk and it feels nice. Once he's finished talking Jj comforts him. Tells him to go for a walk even though it's 8pm and the sun is going to set soon. Also tells him that Harry definitely loves him back. "He was probably shocked Simon. Give him time. Just go relax, hey go to that park you used to drag me to every Sunday!".
And Simon follows his advice. Tells his mum that he's going to pub to see a few of his old friends. He doesn't need her worrying about him anymore than she already is. So he heads out. Goes for a walk around the town.
Meanwhile Jj sighs when he hears the door knock again. Knows that it's either Josh about to give out to him for sending Harry round his when he knew exactly where the blond was because Tobi had already called him and gave out to him. Or it's Harry back, probably just as deflated as he was this morning.
Opens the door and he's not shocked to see Harry stood in front of him. Bit more shocked that Ethan is stood with him. Arm wrapped around the youngers shoulder. He's smiling sadly and Harry's a puddle of tears.
Jj opens the door wider and rushes both of them in. They all sit down on the couch and Harry won't let go of Ethan's arm as he re-tells the story of his day.
"I-I was shocked Jide, I didn't expect him to say it. I called him back, must've called his name 20 times but it was too late. He was gone. Cal wouldn't let me go until I had told him that happened. I never got the chance to tell him that I love him too. I got to yours as fast as I could. Then you told me to go to Josh and he wasn't there.
Freya convinced me to have a cup of tea and some breakfast. I didn't want to tell them why I was there but you know what Freya's like. They gave me some comforting words and then Josh said that he might be at Tobi's. So I went to Tobi's but he wasn't there. I stayed for a while, talked to Tobi to calm down.
Our last resort was that he was at Randys. But he wasn't. Randy made me eat again, told me that he'd probably of gone back to the flat by now. But that I should maybe leave him until tomorrow. I agreed and was heading home but I couldn't face it. The thought that I'd lost Simon forever. Like our relationship had started and ended in my flat.
Ethan was the closest person to me at that stage. Told the taxi driver to turn around...," he trails off tears falling faster and harder. Ethan throws a comforting arm around him and finishes the story for the younger.
"I tried to calm him down but it was no use. That's when I realized that maybe big man knowledge, strength, Integrity would know where Simon is by now!" Ethan says his eyes cold and narrow when he says Integrity and Jj knows that he's in for it.
He loves Simon he really does, he's his best friend but Harry's sat in their living room crying an actual river and Ethan's glaring at him as much as to say "Tell him the truth or else".
"He's away home for the weekend. I'm sorry Harry, I promised him I wouldn't tell you," but Harry isn't even mad. He lets go of Ethan for the first time since he entered the flat and hugs Jj as tightly as he can.
"Jide please, we have to go. I'll do anything, I'll, I'll-"
Jj stops him, the least he can do is drive the three of them to Hertfordshire as an apology to Harry. Even though it's 10pm and he has a meeting at 8am tomorrow. The things he does for his friends.
So here Simon is. Quarter past 11 on a Friday night. He had actually popped into the local pub. Met a few of his old friends and downed 2 pints. Laughed and laughed and laughed as they re-told childhood stories. Listens as they catch him up on everything he had missed the past 8 years not living at home.
Sure his mum had kept him up to date and he had come home every so often but he'd never found the time to catch up with old friends. Looks around the room and wonders if he had never left what would life be like?
Would he be sat here with the same group of friends every Friday night making memories to last a lifetime. Would Jide be KSI or would he be sat here right next to him. Would he of met a nice girl from the town and be married already. Would he of made memories?
Thinks and remembers that he's made memories to last a lifetime. He's met people, he's met his friends, he's met Harry. The love of his life and suddenly it's all too much. The walls of the pub are closing in on him. He thanks them for the laughs and memories but he's gotta go. Promises them that he'll come home again, with Jj this time and they'll make even more memories.
He looks back and smiles seeing them all doubled over in laughter over something one of them had said. He wants to say that he escaped but there was never really anything to escape. Everyone that stayed is happy. They're all content with their lives. And so is he. He took a different route that's all.
Left the pub and heads off in the direction of the park Jj had mentioned. He had wanted to leave it for last. Let's his mind wander as he wanders around the streets.
Passes by a group of teenagers shrieking in laughter, empty bottle of vodka in their hands and he has to smile. Because that used to be him, running through the same streets when he was younger. Drunk, young and free.
He's so engrossed that he almost walks into a woman. She asks if he's lost because she's never seen him around here. He shakes his head, tells her that he's not lost, just wandering around home. She leaves him be and he keeps going.
Arrives at the park and heads straight to the field. Lies down and watches the stars. Let's the day wash over him and he can't help but smile as he remembers the first time he ever went star gazing was with Harry.
Jj knocks on the door. Simons mum opens the door and she's so happy to see Jj. Welcomes him inside but Jj asks if Simons around. She can hear the desperation in his voice and tells him that he went down to the pub to met a few of the lads.
So the 3 of them leave. They enter and nobody bats and eyelid at them. Jj instantly spots the group of people that Simon should be with, it's just, he's nowhere to be seen. Swears under his breath as he approaches the table.
Taps one of the boys on the shoulder and he turns grinning. "When we told Simon to hurry back with you we didn't mean this soon!" The man laughs and stands up to hug Jj.
He laughs weakly "it's really nice to see you James, but do you have any idea where Simon is?". The man now known as James to Harry and Ethan shakes his head. Explains how he left 20 minutes ago, adds that he looked like he had been doing a lot of thinking. Jj thanks him and they leave,
"So we're back to square 1?" Ethan asks as Harry lets a sob rip from his mouth. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't of been such a prick today," he cries as Ethan hugs him.
"It's ok Bog, let's just head back to his, he'll be home-," Jj starts but then stops. He has a shit eating grin on his face. "I know where he is!".
They all pile into Jj's car once again and 5 minutes later they're pulling up to a park. "Simon used to drag me here every Sunday, I told him to visit here when I was talking to him earlier as a joke," Jj explains as they exit the car and head to the field.
And that's where they spot him. Lying in the grass eyes closed and mouth turned upwards in a smile. Harry walks closer as Ethan and Jj hang back.
"Si?" Harry asks shyly and the body shoots up. Looks around and all air leaves his body because Harry is inching closer to him with a nervous smile on his face. Simon can't take it, not whilst he's at home, in his safe place.
"Harry, please not-," but Harry cuts him off. "Simon please, just listen to me I beg. You don't understand what I've done to get here!". So Simon stays quiet.
"Si I was shocked when you told me that you loved me. Ever since I met you I was convinced that I'd never be enough for you. I was just a 17 year old kid with insecurities that would've drowned me when I first met you. But you, as cringy as it sounds you taught me how to love myself. I was finally in the shallow end when I moved in with Cal and Cal and I started drinking a lot, when the drugs started.
But you were there. Every single time I relapsed you where there. On bad nights that I was tempted you made me watch a shitty movie with you. And even though I hate movies I watched them with you. You supported me when I came out. And then you kissed me when we where in Vegas for Jides fight. A week later we had our first date in London and you weren't embarrassed of me. You held my hand as we walked home and you asked me to be your boyfriend and I said yes. Because I loved you. You kept me afloat, Simon I have loved you since I was 18, too young to know what love is as mum always said. But I loved you. And I still do.
And I'm sorry that I left you standing there waiting for an answer today. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that you loved me, you love me just as much as I love you! And I would've been able to tell you all of this this morning but Cal held me back and then Jide sent me on a goose chase like a whole twat.
So I'm sorry Si, I love you. A lot more than the moon and stars combined,". And Simons stood staring at him, tears falling down his face. Because holy fucking shit. Harry loved him as much as he loved Harry. Didn't even think as he tackled him into a hug. Kissed him deeply and had every unspoken word added to it.
And Harry seemed to just know because when they pulled away he hugged him tighter. They turn to their 2 cheering friends before Simon leans down to kiss him again.
Because he had Harry. Harry was his, the love of his life. "I even love you enough for the first time I tell you to be in Hertfordshire," Harry giggles and Simon grins at him. "Hometown glory I guess,". And then Simon kisses him again
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pilliepollie · 4 years
Day6 react to you "calling” another guy
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Thanks so much for liking it! I actually had a lot of fun coming up with these scenarios! (LINK for those of you who haven’t read it)
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It was late into the evening and you and Jae are finishing up cleaning after dinner. Being the cheeky devil you are you decided to pull a little prank. Walking over to the couch you sat down and pulled out your phone, “Hey what’s up JUSTIN! You haven’t called me in a while and I just wanna know how you been?... Good good, oh me? I just ate dinner, yeah not much happening right now.” Listening from the other side of the kitchen washing dishes, Jae begins to get confused since name he hasn’t heard ever, Justin? Who’s Justin?! Y/n’s never talked about him before. That Justin guy better not get near Y/n. “A date? At the movies? Tomorrow at 7-”, interrupting your lil act your boyfriend comes storming in, “HEY WAIT A MINUTE NOW WHO DOES THIS CHUMP THINK HE IS?!” You laugh hysterically, wheezing while trying to capture this moment of him in his angry stance, “Babe it was just a prank 😂🤳.” You turn around to show him your phone, there was nothing on the screen except a cute photo of you two. Speechless, he still even had his bright yellow dish gloves on, holding a sponge in one hand and a spoon on the other, “Oh you are so done. C’MERE YOU😤 ” The night ended with Jae chasing you around the house trying to catch you with his wet soapy gloves still on, “COME ON BABE YOU AT LEAST OWE ME A HUG AFTER ALL THAT!” 
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My goodness, this man would just stop in his tracks as he listens to your so called conversation with “Kyle”🤭. Good thing your back was facing him, otherwise your wide grin would’ve ruined the whole thing. You planned on doing this prank as soon as he gets home from work. Hearing the keys entering the lock and the knob turning, you proceed with the prank. “Haha yeah I remember that... Me? KYLE you’re asking me if I’m free tomorrow?” Being the protective boyfriend he is, Sungjin starts to get a little mad, “Alright I’ve had enough of this.” he murmured. Walking over to you, Sungjin lightly taps your shoulder and motions his hand to let you give him your phone to give “Kyle” a piece of his mind, “Hey Kyle, this is Sungjin, I’m not sure if you know me or are aware of our relationship but I’m Y/n’s BOYFRIEND, I repeat, B. F. BOYFRIEND. So run along now and go ask out someone else because she/he’s taken buddy.” Hearing you giggle from his passive aggressive response to “Kyle”, he turns to you with a confused face, “What? I can’t just let some random guy take my girl/boy can I?”, “Babe look at the screen.” Looking over to your phone, he sees the notes app being opened up with the words, “Who’s Kyle? Sounds like a made up guy to me ;)” Congrats, your boyfriend is now jaw dropped, and eyes widened 😲. “You little-” 
Young K
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The only member to catch onto your little joke in my opinion. But before finding out, he’d just stare at you like “ಠ_ಠ... So you just gonna let this happen huh?” In between your guys’ dinner, you decided to pull the prank, needless to say, saying another guy’s name was all it took for Younghyun to completely stop eating. With a mouth full of spaghetti he continues to listen, *What’s he saying? Is he asking you out?!* he mouthed. You shook your head, *Not telling*, I guess that’s what made him think that it could possibly be a prank, which it was. Being the annoying Brian he is and wanting to test his so called “theory”, he did what any boyfriend would do, or any annoying, crazy, and out of their mind kind of boyfriend would do. Thank god it wasn’t a real call because it would have been a major rollercoaster trying to explain this man’s actions. “OHH Y/N! GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD!”, “YOUNGHYUN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”, “YEAH JUST LIKE THAT BABY MMM RIGHT THERE YEAH THAT’S THE SPOT!” At this point you’d have to stop, god you could see the smug written all over his face, “You think you can prank me like that? I don’t think so babe 😘.” Needless to say, never make him suspicious during any REAL phone calls otherwise you’ll be in royally big trouble 😅
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I actually think Wonpil wouldn’t do anything, he’d just sit there not knowing what to do and kinda just wallow in sorrow around the house all day until you’d have to tell him that if was just a prank. “Babe what’s wrong? You’ve been walking around the house and looking like someone sucked the energy outta you.”, “Well I don’t know.. just leave me alone and go over to TYLER’S place because he asked you to come over and it SEEMS like he’s a funnier guy than me. >:( ” Lowkey about to be on the verge of tears until you started laughing over his jealous and bratty state, you walk over to him and squish his cheeks, making his lips pucker out in a cute way. “It was just a prank Wonpil, a skit, a one man show. I just wanted to see how you would react if it actually were to happen.” This poor boy would just stay quiet for a few seconds, trying to put 2 and 2 together 😂, “So Tyler isn’t a real person 🥺️?” “No babe he is not.” You and I and the whole myday community both know that Wonpil is the crybaby in the group so you best believe the waterworks will start flowing. “WAAAAAGHHHHHH”, making ugly sobbing noises with a running nose starting to form. “OH BABY NO I’M SORRY I WON’T DO THAT AGAIN I PROMISE!” Looks like you’re going to him a coddle him up with lots of kisses and I love yous because the poor man just went through a whole set of emotions within those few hours. Lesson learned, this man’s level of emotions will be the downfall of him someday.
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Chilling on the couch, Dowoon has not given you any attention what so ever this whole evening, instead he focused all his attention on his Nintendo switch. “Woonieee~ can we cuddle 🥺️?” Only to hear his response a few seconds later, “Sorry Y/n I gotta finish these last levels, I’m so close to getting to gold tier.” A few minutes later~ You come back to the couch with your phone in hand and up to your ear, “Yeah I could eat... Chipotle sounds great... see you in 10..JOSH.” Pretty sure it took him a few minutes to comprehend what just happened, when he did his fingers slipped leading to the game console to fall on his face. He gets up and goes over to you, mouthing the words *Y/n what are you doing 😕.* Ignoring him, you proceed with your act, “Oh are you on your way right now?” purposely smiling. Dowoon snaps and grabs your phone, lifting his arm way up into the air so you wouldn’t be able to reach it. “HEY DOWOON GIVE IT B-”, “I’LL CUDDLE WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT AND GIVE YOU FULL ATTENTION JUST PLEASE DON’T GO SEE A RANDOM DUDE OK!”, “Oh ok 😏”, “Wait what.” Confused over your quick response, he brings his arm back down and looks down at the screen, “Google search: Ways to get your boyfriend’s attention... Number 1- Pretend you’re calling another man.” Dowoon looks up at you like he’s just seen a dead man, “Y/n I lost all my progress because of you.” Giggling, “Yes I know,” you say, skipping happily to the bedroom, “Now quit standing around it’s time for cuddles 😊.” Laughing in disbelief over your whole act, “You’re lucky I love you.”, “Yes yes I love you too now get your cute ass over here.”
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booksfromblackwood · 3 years
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Is anyone still around in this fandom? If so, I thought I’d post the first chapter of an old fic that I re-wrote last year! Let me know if anyone’s still around, and if you’d be interested in reading more! Hope everyone reading this has a great day! :)
Han has left the chat.
Three Days Before The Disappearance
.Sam.Giddings. added josh_wash, ashleeeeey, xXGamerChrisXx, TheOriginalMatt, HanButterfly, BethWash, Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, and _Jess.Riley_ to the chat.
.Sam.Giddings. named the chat Info For Tomorrow.
.Sam.Giddings.: Hey guys! Just to keep everyone updated on our travel plans for tomorrow! I know it's going to be a long day for everyone so it's vital we stick to the plan and stay in our groups where possible!
ashleeeeey: Okie-doodle!!
TheOriginalMatt: How are you so organised, Sam? You're a lifesaver!
HanButterfly: Hi!!
BethWash: trust sam to be more prepared than those of us organising the trip lol
xXGamerChrisXx: Since when was 'okie-doodle' a thing?
EmilyD_: Thanks Sam x
xXGamerChrisXx: And thanks so much, sam!
.Sam.Giddings.: So quick reminder of everyone's groups:
_Jess.Riley_: I'm stoked!!
ashleeeeey: That's rich coming from someone whose username is xXGamerChrisXx! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash, Chris, Matt, and myself will start the journey first tomorrow morning.
xXGamerChrisXx: You wound me!
Mike_Munroe: Thanks for the plan, Sam!
TheOriginalMatt: Excited to see everyone tomorrow! This is going to be a killer weekend for sure!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Em, Mike, and Jess, you guys are next.
ashleeeeey: You're so dramatic!! XD
Mike_Munroe: Team Two here we go!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Made you smile, though! ;-)
josh_wash: what about us
.Sam.Giddings.: I'm just getting to that!
ashleeeeey: True :)
xXGamerChrisXx: You guys are already there and are therefore irrelevant! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Han, Beth, and Josh, you guys are there already!
josh_wash: thanks cochise i feel so appreciated
BethWash: lol thanks chris
Mike_Munroe: So, what are we all up to?
BethWash: i found cake
xXGamerChrisXx: Browsing reddit like a nerd XD
ashleeeeey: Listening to Sam's rundown of tomorrow unlike sOmE pEoPlE *coughcoughChris*
EmilyD_: Honestly just packing my final things with Jess. Mike's mostly watching the TV.
xXGamerChrisXx: :-(
.Sam.Giddings.: So, tonight we should all make sure our bags are packed and that we have our passports and tickets ready!! Set your alarms for the right times (depending on your group) and make sure to sleep early too (especially if you're in my group since tomorrow will be an early start for us)!
ashleeeeey: :)
TheOriginalMatt: 5am gang where we AT?
HanButterfly: Beth where are you rn? Because I want some of that cake!!
.Sam.Giddings.: So Team One (myself, Chris, Ash, and Matt), we need to be up by 5:00am and be ready by 5:30am for the taxi to the airport!! Matt and Chris, yours is going to be at Chris' place at 5:24 for some reason so make sure to be ready!!
BethWash: the lodge kitchen bcos where else would there be cake han lol
.Sam.Giddings.: We'll meet up at the airport when we arrive! Once we re-group, we'll check in, probably eat some breakfast whilst we wait, and then catch the 8:30 plane!!
TheOriginalMatt: Sweet!
ashleeeeey: Can't wait! :)
josh_wash: yo matt you surviving the puns
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two - you guys don't have to be up until around 9:00am since your taxi is at 9:20 and then your plane is at 11:30!
HanButterfly: Josh would you like me to save you some cake before we eat it all? :)
EmilyD_: We'll need a little longer than 20 minutes to all get ready but sure x
TheOriginalMatt: Just about! Myself and Chris have mostly been playing on his PS4 so I've been distracting myself with that! XD
josh_wash: yes please!
josh_wash: i feel for ya bro, a whole evening with chris' puns can prove fatal
josh_wash: you die of cringe
Mike_Munroe: Poor ol' Chris XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Once we arrive and get our bags, we need to catch the 2:30pm train and then the 4:20 bus! After that we have to take the 5:40 bus (I sent you guys screenshots of the route yesterday) and get off at Blackwood Pines ready for our hike up the mountain (with a little help from the cable car, of course)!
xXGamerChrisXx: I'm being BULLIED guys :(
ashleeeeey: Aw, poor Chris! :P
josh_wash: jk XD
TheOriginalMatt: I like how Sam's still here typing all we need to know whilst we're talking about cake and puns XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two, you guys need to catch either the 5:30pm or the 6:00pm train depending on when your stuff arrives. After that you'll need to get the 7:50 bus and then the 8:40 bus to Blackwood Pines (you have to specify you want it to stop there or the driver won't stop) before you head up. Remember to lock the cable car station once you get in, Mike!
josh_wash: oh gosh tHE CAKE
Mike_Munroe: Gotcha' Sam!
HanButterfly: No worries, Josh! I managed to save most of it from Beth!
BethWash: rip my chance at a third slice of cake
_Jess.Riley_: Really, thanks Sam! We're all packed and ready to go! Xx
HanButterfly: It's really going to be such an awesome weekend! I can't wait :D
ashleeeeey: Thank you so much for inviting me! I've never been on something like this before!! :D
TheOriginalMatt: Yeah, thank you so much guys! I can't wait either, Han!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Have we got rooms sorted out for the lodge, guys?
BethWash: ash take the plans away from sam so she can have time to relax lol
EmilyD_: I'm with Mike in the room away from everyone like agreed right x
ashleeeeey: I'm trying but she won't let me! XD
HanButterfly: I mean if needs be we can sort out rooms once we're here! If not maybe we just sort out the first night rooms since it'll be fairly late when everyone arrives and then we can adjust them as needed as the trip goes on!
BethWash: lol poor sam will be up all night organising at this rate
.Sam.Giddings.: Sounds good, Han!
Mike_Munroe: Great idea, Hannah!
BethWash: em, yours and mike's room (upstairs guest) may not be ready first night so is it possible for you to share a room with jess til we get a chance to sort it out tomorrow?
EmilyD_: That's fine, hon. Thank you again for the trip and for letting us use the upstairs guest room x
josh_wash: how about for the first night emily and jess share beth's room and then beth sam and han go in hannah's room
josh_wash: mike can go to the small room downstairs if he's alright w/ that and matt can room w/ me
xXGamerChrisXx: Yo dude you forgot ash
ashleeeeey: It's alright, Chris! I can find somewhere!
EmilyD_: Ash you're honestly lovely but I'd kinda' like to be with either Jess or Mike if that's alright xx
ashleeeeey: No problem, Emily! I wouldn't want to intrude! :)
EmilyD_: Knew you'd understand xx
josh_wash: why dont you and ash share a room cochise
xXGamerChrisXx: I thought I was rooming with you and matt?
josh_wash: bro please just think for a minute here
ashleeeeey: I'm not sure.
xXGamerChrisXx: Beth, han, and sam, is there any room with you guys?
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry to be a bother!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Of course you can room with us, Ash! We'd love to have you with us! :)
BethWash: im with sam
HanButterfly: Of course!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Thank you to the only valid washington kids right now!
josh_wash: -_-
xXGamerChrisXx: I see what you're doing, josh. ha ha, we've had our laugh, now please stop before this weekend.
Mike_Munroe: Rough subject, huh?
josh_wash: bro chill you know i was just joking
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry!! Please don't get upset with each other!
xXGamerChrisXx: No ash it's alright! i promise i'm not actually mad! :-)
josh_wash: he acts mad over text to get his point across but he literally just sits there with a blank expression irl XD
TheOriginalMatt: Is Sam still there, Ash? Haven't heard from her in a while!
TheOriginalMatt: Gotta check up on my plane buddy for tomorrow!!
_Jess.Riley_: Did you guys get window seats or middle isle seats? I got a middle isle and the others got a window!
BethWash: she hasn't drowned in her notes has she lol
TheOriginalMatt: We got two sets of window seats! Though I don't know which of us is actually going to be at the window and which one will be window isle!
ashleeeeey: She's just brushing her teeth! Her mom came in and brought us a load of vegan snacks for the trip tomorrow and now I'm even more excited!!
ashleeeeey: Speaking of which, I'm probably going to head to sleep in a minute! Though I'm not sure how much I'll actually get since I'm so excited!!! :)
xXGamerChrisXx: Sleep well, ash. see you in the morning :-)
ashleeeeey: Night, Chris :)
ashleeeeey has left the chat.
_Jess.Riley_: Well that was cute!
xXGamerChrisXx: People say goodnight to eachother! that's a normal human interaction!
_Jess.Riley_: You know full well it's cute when it's you two
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash told me she logged out so I came to say goodnight!
josh_wash: w/ jess on this one bro
HanButterfly: Goodnight, Sam!
BethWash: night sam!
josh_wash: dont let the bedbugs bite!
TheOriginalMatt: See you bright and early tomorrow!!
.Sam.Giddings.: See you at the airport/lodge, guys!
xXGamerChrisXx: Night!
.Sam.Giddings. has left the chat.
BethWash: its cute because you like eachother chris
xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Aww, don't tease the poor guy!
TheOriginalMatt: Chris says goodnight, as do I! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
BethWash: night guys!
TheOriginalMatt has left the chat.
josh_wash: night!
Mike_Munroe: Make sure to save me a slice of that cake, Han! I gtg!
Mike_Munroe has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Goodnight Mike :)
EmilyD_: We'd best be off too. See you all in the morning.
_Jess.Riley_: Night x
EmilyD_ has left the chat.
BethWash: night
HanButterfly: Goodnight x
josh_wash: night xxxxxxyzqvp
_Jess.Riley_: Ha ha, very funny. Get that one from Chris?
josh_wash: lol night
_Jess.Riley_ has left the chat.
BethWash: PLEASE can i have some more cake, han?
josh_wash: you guys can literally just talk if you wanted
HanButterfly: Nope! Gotta' save some for Mike~
BethWash: you wont shut up about that for the rest of the evening now, will you?
BethWash: lol
HanButterfly: :P
josh_wash: you guys gossip in the kitchen
josh_wash: imma head to bed
BethWash: night bro
HanButterfly: Sleep well!
josh_wash has left the chat.
BethWash: please?
HanButterfly: No :P
BethWash: ugh night sis
HanButterfly: Night, Beth! XD
BethWash has left the chat.
HanButterfly has left the chat.
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seekingthestars · 3 years
I come to you again in hopes of learning more about a seventeeny 🤲 flatmate seems rather Focused on Joshua and thus I must ask, for a friend,, what he like 👁👁
hello yes i am here for all your seventeeny information needs and i am more than happy to talk about SHUA, MY BELOVED 😭💘
we will start with the basics! Joshua Jisoo Hong, born December 30, 1995. he’s an only child, born and raised in LA in the States before moving to Korea and starting training in 2013. he’s also part of the Vocal Unit, and part of ‘95 line with S.Coups and Jeonghan! those three are the oldest hyungs in svt, i love ‘95 line
he spoke some Korean before moving to Korea bc he’d speak it at home with his parents and also went to a Korean church (he’s also sometimes so stupidly funny about the dumbest things – i promise this is related – a few of the members were on IDOL on Quiz and the hosts asked him what the first korean word he learned in korea was and he said he knew some before coming bc he went to korean church so they asked the first word he learned there was and he without hesitation goes “AMEN” fjewioafjwae).
Jeonghan started training after Shua and said Shua was one of the first ones to talk to him and they became super close! this story always makes me ;~~~~; but once when they were trainees they were going through some really hard times and jeonghan looked at shua and said “shua, let’s quit together” and he said “jeonghan let’s quit together” back and they went to their manager and cried and talked things through and obviously didn’t end up quitting but they’ve always got each other’s backs :’)
commercial break, i just love this clip so much LOLLL
he once SAID it was fine to call him Josh bc “everyone calls [him] Josh” but that’s a LIE LOLOL the members usually either call him Shua or Joshi! (that video also features a v cute sulky seungkwan and the host being Concerned over performance team starting their dance on the floor LOL) he also usually introduces himself as “svt’s gentleman” but he’s recently evolved that into “Gentle Sexy” jfiewaof
they call him gentleman bc he’ll talk softly and doesn’t get mad easily and “behaves with manners” but he can also be super playful and goofy and fun! he can sometimes be Jeonghan 2.0 (Chaos Master, especially when they’re together LOLLL they are chaotic besties) quick example is when he and dk were filming a video, he lost the game they were playing, and then tried to get the clip edited out by clapping and saying brand names so they'd have to do it over 😂 honestly he is so sweet though, ugh i love shua ;n;
he plays the guitar! also not 100% sure where it started but he sings “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 ALL THE TIME, it’s a big joke among the band and fans now lol this is a cute compilation of him singing it a bunch of times, including several with guitar performances as well! and more guitar (bc i love it!!!!): this is a lovely acoustic version of Very Nice by vocal team (so bonus points you get dk too!) that shua and woozi played guitar for!
since he was raised in the US, he obviously speaks fluent english and so does vernon (the two english speakers in the group!) and in the Carnival Going Seventeen episode he thanked vernon for speaking with him in english so he didn’t forget it ;; <3 also the Carnival Going Seventeen 2020 episode is a good one to watch for the members being goofy but also really sweet to each other and also bc Joshua had to host it and was Stressed™ about it bc it was really outside of his comfort zone and difficult for him. he kept stammering and not knowing what he was doing and he got ““fired”” from being MC halfway through it HAHAHA my POOR BOY
last year he picked up a hobby of making beaded bracelets and made them for all the members and idk i think it’s the cuTEST THING??? shua, my BELOVED 😭💞
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he’s one of the members who doesn’t post on weverse much, and he’s posted on his personal instagram twice since svt’s instagram ban was apparently lifted (i know nothing about that but apparently the members couldn’t/weren’t allowed?? to use their instagrams for a couple years or something, idk, anyway they’re posting again so WOOO), AND seungkwan once called him out as the member who never talked in their group chat (or even read the messages) HAHAHA 😂
and he has great taste bc he apparently plays botw (me, when shua plugs in his switch and it shows he was in the middle of playing breath of the wild: 👀👀💘💞💖💕💘)
his special “i love you” fluctuates between “shuahae” and “hongranghae” 😘
this boy is also so fine and fOR WHAT HERE TOO 😭💘
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and as before! a couple miscellaneous videos: english ver Rocket performance with Vernon, just shua being a dorky goofball, english compilation of Idol Hits with Vernon including their dumb rhyme battle LOL
and spotify playlists from shua to you :) beach drive / daily music
thank you once again for giving me permission to RAMBLE FOR A MILLION YEARS ABOUT THE GOOD BEANS 💗
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v0n-butch · 5 years
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Billy Hargrove x fem reader
“what about a billy x reader fic wherein the reader is kind of naive to his flirting so after quite some time he ends up having to be really blunt and almost literally BEGS for a date” requested by anonymous.
word count: 2,454
warning(s): swearing
a/n: cutest. idea. ever. I hope I did it justice, thanks for sending a request in!!! had to repost cause I messed up
Safe to say that at this point Billy’s been a little frustrated.
Nothing worked for this girl.
He’s never been so conflicted over something that in his eyes seemed to be a pretty black and white thing. When he sees a girl he thinks he could have a good time with, he tells her clearly and honestly and they become putty in his hands he can play with, until he finds something new, some might say akin to how a child goes about with toys. Never just the one will satisfy him. Y/N was meant to be one of his so-called “toys” and he sought after her the day of meeting her at the pool when his shift at the Lifeguard Tower was starting.
Y/N was — she was just something else. Billy went through the plan in his head about how he’d go about pursuing her, slowly reeling her in until hook, line and sinker. But the boy has never met a girl that was in some parts a total Einstein, a real genius. For instance, she aced all her SATs, passed all her classes with flying colors, even; but she was so goddamn stupid. Billy wouldn’t even call that an exaggeration, and he wasn’t trying to be mean. He didn’t know what it was, but she couldn’t pick up what he was putting down if he wrote “I WANT TO DATE YOU” on a baseball then threw it in her face. The poor thing still always excused it as something else. As a compliment, or he’s just a real nice guy, or he’s just kidding her. Playing a joke on her because she’s so gullible.
But he wasn’t a nice guy, and he certainly does not joke around when it comes to getting what he wants. Y/N just never had a clue, and it’s almost like it backfired in his fucking face.
The first time he tried hitting on her he was doing his boring routine at work, aviators shielding his eyes from the sizzling sun, whistle around his neck paired with the little red swim trunks being the uniform. The teen saw the herd of unsatisfied desperate housewives first, deciding to take a pass on that. Also passing by Heather, who he liked to get with in the ladies’ locker room if he was really in the mood while at work, and she shot him a smile with a suggestive wave and he winked right back at her. After all, he was getting hungry for a new chase and although Heather wasn’t that, she was something at least.
Billy did his usual rounds circling the pool, making sure everything was in order before someone wasn’t watching where they were going and slammed into him.
“The hell?” Billy looks down at the source that he collided with, seeing her for the first time. She scrambles to apologize profusely, stammering about not looking where she was going and that she was “super incredibly sorry.” Billy recovers quickly, not quite hurt and thankfully neither was she. He looked her up and down and knew what he wanted right away.
“It’s alright, don’t sweat it. How are you? You okay?” Billy asks genuinely, happy to have an excuse to touch her by helping her keep balance with his hands on her bare shoulders.
“I’m fine! I’m fine, I swear. I’m just not good at being aware of my surroundings I guess,” she says sheepishly, looking down at the ground. She really did look guilty for what she had done, but he’s immedietely glad it happened, seeing as though she looked like a girl in one of his fantasies in her red one piece swimsuit.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” Billy inquires, turning the charm on and keeping eye contact with her while he nibbles on his peppermint gum. She looks back up at him then actually laughs at the pet name, holding her hand out to shake.
“Y/N L/N. I went to Hawkins High, s’not like I’m new or anything.”
“Really? Cause I think I’d definetely remember a pretty face like yours,” he slowly gets closer to Y/N’s face in strides, secretly loving the height difference as she looks up at him with her innocent eyes. He notes that she even smells good, and he’s grown to hate the chlorine stench since he started working.
Y/N playfully shoos him away, laughing at him once again as if he’s a comedian or something. He doesn’t remember saying anything funny. “Whatever, man. Do you — oh wait, stupid question. I see your whistle. So you do work here, um...?”
“Billy. Billy Hargrove,” he licks his lips before taking off his sunglasses before seeing a stray piece of wet hair in her face and decides that he’s gonna go for it, as cheesy as it is, but since she can’t take the hint at the compliment he payed, he makes as much contact with her as he can get away with and gently tucks it behind her ear. She reacts with a smile before putting her hair back behind both ears, mumbling something about forgetting her scrunchie before her name is being called by a house mom from the corner.
“That’s my mom, ugh I gotta go. Nice meeting you though, Billy,” she called as she was already walking away from him.
“Hey! Hey, wait—“
Y/N was already gone. No phone number, not even the slightest hint of any plans to come in the future.
The teenage boy shrugs, knowing some days are just gonna be a swing and a miss around here.
Y/N becomes almost a regular at Hawkins Pool, dressed in the same daring red swimsuit and always tempting Billy with her greetings and little smiles. Sometimes he doesn’t get a chance to go over and talk because of shitty work, or a kid dives off the “No Diving” end, or eats while swimming. It can get hectic, but the lifeguard doesn’t let that stop him. Using any excuse he has to touch her (without any protests on her end) and any opportunity to compliment her on something she did or her appearance, he’s starting to feel like it’s a dud, and she’s immune to horny teenage boys sweet talk.
“Hey Y/N!”
She turns her head and sees Billy jogging up to see her. He automatically comes in for a hug, and her face warms up at the feeling of his big arms wrapping around her frame. He holds her for a second too long, then let’s her go before taking her hand and asking her to twirl for him. Y/N nearly snorts before doing as she was told, making a show of spinning not too fast while he still has his hand grasping hers.
“Beautiful,” he marvels at her aloud under his breath. Y/N scoffs once again at his words, and it seems as though that’s the only thing she ever responds with when it’s not even a joke.
“You’re joshing me, right? I just got this awkward sunburn because I fell asleep on the lawn chairs at the pool. With my arm on half of my face,” she gestures to her cheeks where her forehead is significantly darker than her chin. “It’s so humiliating especially out in public, dude,” she cracks up, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Billy gives in and laughs along with her.
“And why is it that you go to my work everyday? Oh, right. To see my pretty face right here,” he teases, putting out the bait and waiting for her to take it.
“Oh please. Your ugly mug?”
“C’mon, it’s okay. You don’t have to lie.”
“Nah, I go cause my mom thinks it’s good for me to be active, get outta the house and all,” she answers his previous question, ignoring his banter. “Speaking of which, she left me stranded here because she had errands and I wanted to stay longer to get rid of this ugly tan, so I’m screwed.” Thank God. Finally, he has something to thank Y/N’s mother for.
“I could give you a ride, no biggie,” Billy tried hiding his excitement in portraying nonchalance, barely meeting her eyes and praying she says yes so he can spend more fucking time with her outside of stupid work.
“Would you? I really don’t wanna cause trouble, it’s just—“ he silenced her before she starts rambling again then takes ahold of her hand
“Say no more. I’ve always got your back. And hey, I scratch your back, you scratch mine?” He asks with a devilish grin, raising one brow.
“That’s what she said,” Y/N fires a shit eating grin back, and then starts heading to the parking lot of the pool. “Meet you at your flashy car!”
Billy sighs as he hangs his head in defeat before regaining his composure, calling out a confirmation before going to lock up.
The blonde boy still foolishly keeps his hopes up for the car ride back to her place and to fill the quiet, he asks her if she wants to play twenty questions. As much as he knows the little things about Y/N, there’s still lots of simple details he’d like to know because he’s curious.
“Uh, alright. Twenty questions sounds g—“
“Great. Do you have a boyfriend?” He rushes to interject, eager and not hiding it.
“Nope, no boyfriend.”
“And why not?”
“Woah, right to the punchline, aren’t we?”
Y/N boasted as she runs a hand through her hair and for comfort spreads out a little wider in the passengers seat.
“Well, why don’t you?” Billy grows agitated, white knuckling the steering wheel as they wait at a red light, he turns to her. She still looks on ahead at the road, only meeting his gaze for a split second before she asks him if he has any gum. “Jesus Christ. I am so tired of this,” Billy lays his head on the wheel. Y/N inspects him for making sure he’s good before repeatedly calling out his name.
Nothing. He has nothing.
“Billy, seriously. It’s a fucking green light, go already!” She shakes him before he suddenly presses the gas, speeding down the road.
“What is up with you, man? What was that!”
“In my glovebox.” Billy sighs, still eyeing the road. “My gum. It’s in there,” he answers her silent bewilderment before recognizing that it isn’t important anymore, then prepares to give the most painful explanation to a girl he’s almost ever had to do. Other women he’s been with or hit on either rejected him right off the bat or got with him right off the bat, it’s never been this in between before, this awkward gray area that’s driven his mad. He doesn’t know what he’s trying so hard for anymore, maybe it’s her attention, or something else. But it’s not just one night, not anymore.
Billy recalls the directions she had given to him before all this, and he pulls up to her house at the correct address and stops the engine.
“I want to know why you don’t have a boyfriend because I think you’re great, like really great and -“
“I think you’re great too, though.” She intervenes, as if she’s challenging him once again. Billy has nothing left to do except almost literally write it out for her.
“No! Fuck, dammit. Just... will you go on a date with me? Like, together. Not as friends or whatever, but an actual date that not friends do,” he overly explains hoping that this time that covers it.
Y/N stares at him like he told her that planet earth is fucking flat, then has the audacity to mutter “I don’t understand”.
“What don’t you get here?! What could you POSSIBLY not understand this time!” He’s raising his voice, and it’s coming out all wrong, and he just doesn’t want her misinterpreting what he’s been trying to say all along.
“Billy, what I’ve been trying to say is that I don’t get why you would like me.” Y/N looks like her dog just died, defensively crossing her arms over her chest and stares at her lap.
“Guys don’t look at me. They don’t even know I exist,” she sighs and it makes him just feel so bad.
“Sweetheart, I think they look your way, you just don’t have a clue when they do.” Billy hesitantly reaches for her hand and holds it in both of his, begging her to look at him and communicate with him.
Y/N giggles again then looks up, meeting his eyes before leaning in further and further until their lips touch. She tastes like honey and mouthwash, and she kisses like she’s so scared to but wants it so badly. He leads them, cupping her cheek and not stopping until they both need a breath. The blonde boy can’t get enough, trailing little ticklish kisses around her jaw then down her throat, now turned awkwardly to get a better angle and not caring if his car is jabbing him in the stomach while he leans further in.
“I’ve wanted you all this time,” he whispers.
Y/N whimpers quietly before turning his head to meet hers again.
“You’ve had me. I’m just, I don’t know. I don’t do this very much and I didn’t ever think a guy like you would go for me, so I—“
“Shh. It’s fine now. You’re okay. Oh and just so we’re making sure, I don’t kiss my friends like this,” Billy reassures her as she laughs and shoved him away.
“Do you wanna maybe watch a movie sometime? There’s this cool futuristic-y one that’s coming out, the main guy is really cute,” Billy rolls his eyes at her before putting a possessive arm around her and going in for more kisses. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t even come close to comparing to you. But that isn’t the point,” she trails her fingertips over his cheek softly, and he’s never felt something so soft.
“I’d love to. What a train wreck, huh? You’re just a naive little thing,” Billy runs his fingers through her hair, before she lets him know that he’s an idiot and has to get home before her parents notice the flashy car in the driveway and wonder what’s up.
“Fine. I’ll let you go. But how ‘bout this weekend, that movie?”
She nods, kissing his cheek then opens the passenger’s door to get out. His eyes never leave her figure as she skips up to her front door, then catches the kiss she playfully blows and drives off, wondering what he should wear for their movie date that Friday.
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