#nothing too big from tel
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hater #1 yzralys
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dreamescapeswriting · 6 months
Bound By Rivalry ~ JJK
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⤜GENRE: established relationships, University AU, NON IDOL, jungkook being a soft baby boy and protecting the reader
⤜PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
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It was one of the last days before autumn break and this was the last place that Jungkook wanted to be, it should have been on top of the world with his break coming up but instead, he felt a sense of dread washing over him. He'd gotten into a small, maybe a large, argument with one of the other guys in his economics class and had started a scarp in the courtyard, and ended up punching him which now led him to be inside the principal's office. 
"I understand you want to move classes but I need the teacher's permission, he has to sign the form. Without that, there's no way I can move you." A voice Jungkook knew all too well sounded from the door and he glanced over to see his principal - Dale - staring behind him at whoever was in the office with him.
"But you don't understand I need out of there, he's-" The voice stopped and Jungkook stared over at you, biting down on his tongue as he watched you straighten your back a little. Were you trying to switch classes because of him? 
His eyes drifted over you as he took in your appearance, you looked as though you'd been crying but that didn't stop you from being beautiful, not that Jungkook would ever admit that out loud. He hated that he even admitted it to himself. You were smart, quiet, shy and damn right gorgeous.
He didn't like you.
At least that's what he told himself whenever he had to be around you, which was quite a lot. 
No one ever really spoke to you at the University, you were a scholarship kid, and you also worked in the school office during your free periods and in the cafeteria on your lunch breaks. It was why you didn't have many friends at the Uni, no one wanted to be friends with someone who was serving them lunch or working for the principal.
"I'll be with you in a second," Dale's voice was strong and demanding at Jungkook and he smirked at him, waving his hand. 
"Take your time, I'm sure you have much-pressing matters to attend to." He wiggled his eyebrows at Dale's assistant as he walked into his office, leaving you and Jungkook alone as he stared over at you. 
"Switching classes?" Jungkook asked, he had to admit that his interest was piqued at the thought of you moving classes because of him and he couldn't resist the opportunity to tease you. You glanced up, startled by his sudden intrusion, you hadn't even realised it was him in the office with you. 
"What's that all about, Yn?" He raised an eyebrow at you and you shook your head,
"It's nothing," You mumbled, attempting to brush off his inquiry with a forced smile, you wanted to get out of his vicinity as quickly as humanly possible but Jungkook jumped up and blocked the doorway. 
"Are you trying to escape the brilliance of my intellect?" He teased, a playful glint in your eyes and you scoffed at him,
"Hardly, Your ego is big enough to fill the entire lecture hall," You quipped at him, but your words lacked the usual bite that Jungkook loved so much. 
The two of you had been battling for the number one spot in the university ever since you had started there and you hated him, maybe hate was a strong word but you disliked him a lot. It didn't matter how hard you studied, or how much effort you put into your work he would always beat you, without studying and all while mouthing back to the teachers and it rubbed you the wrong way. 
Jungkook got to walk through the University as though it meant nothing to him and he still got everything he ever needed handed to him on a silver platter.
"Are you struggling with the workload? Not everyone can handle quantum mechanics." He quipped at you, you rolled your eyes a little and tried to swallow your emotions. There was no use telling anyone what was happening in class, not when they'd dismiss you or take the teacher's side so you just shook your head.
"I thought you'd be happy to see me go." You mumbled at him, slowly looking up at him as he frowned at you. As much as he teased you a lot about everything he wouldn't be happy to watch you leave, who would challenge him? Who would make him want to stay on top of everything? Without you he was nothing. 
"Ah, but where's the fun in being a genius if there's no one to challenge me? Besides, I enjoy watching you squirm whenever I'm around you?" You rolled your eyes at him and sighed, wanting nothing more than to go back to your dorm and rest for the rest of the night, but you had to stop by your physics class and ask the professor a question first and Jungkook wasn't helping by taking up your time.
"You don't make me nervous, as much as you think you do Jungkook."
"Never wanted to make you nervous, sunshine." The nickname sent shivers down your back and you tried to push past him, failing and stumbling back a little.
"Mr Jeon, you'll be here every day during your second period," The sudden sound of another voice in the room made you both turn around,
"What?" You both asked in unison, turning to face the assistant - Daisy - as she smiled over at you both, clearly not realising you weren't friends, not even close.
"As punishment for your fighting with another student, Dale thinks it's fitting for you to be punished this way."
"But I work the second Period." You told her as if she didn't know that already. But there was no way you were going to be able to sit with him for an hour a day for god knows how long so he can tease you more. That one free period was your time away from him.
"Good, you can show him what you do and how to answer the phone."
"But-" You were cut off as Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you shuddered, trying to ignore the tingling feeling you got up and down your back.
"We're going to get so close, Sunshine," Jungkook chuckled and you shoved past him, wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as possible, the form to switch classes closely clutched to your chest.
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Your footsteps echoed down the corridor as you made your way to Professor Thompson's office, your heart pounding as you tried to shake off the uneasy feeling that was rising in front of you. You didn't want to face him, you never wanted to face him but you didn't have much of a choice. As you reached the door, you paused, steeling yourself for what lay ahead. With a deep breath, you knocked softly on the door,
"Come in," His voice slurred as you took in a deep breath, slowly pushing the door open and heading inside. Your stomach churned at the sight that greeted you, Professor Thompson was sitting slumped behind his desk, a half-empty bottle of whiskey clutched in one hand, his words slurred and disjointed.
"Ah, Miss Y'n, what brings you here?" He sneered at you, it was no secret he hated you, he'd made it pretty clear from day one of you being in his class senior year that he wanted you to get out but you'd stuck it out. As long as you could but he was bringing your grades down, constantly failing you because you were the only woman in his class. A woman that could keep up which seemed to baffle the old drunk, so he'd fail you.
Every paper you handed in would come back with an "F" slapped on the top, the same paper you'd give to another physics teacher who would give you an "A" based on what she'd been reading. Swallowing hard you trembled giving him the paper,
"I need...I need you to sign this, professor. It's a request to transfer out of your class," You hated that you were running from him but he was a drunk and a misogynist who didn't think any woman could handle his work. 
His lips turned into a cruel smirk, his eyes narrowing with malice,
"Ah, so the little mouse wants to run away, does she?" He slurred, getting up from the chair and walking toward you, but stepped back. He was drunk, it wouldn't take much for you to kick him and run but you needed him to sign it first.
"Please, Professor, I just...I can't do this anymore, you're right...A-A woman can't handle it." You lied, trying to plead with him to sign it but his laughter rang out like a gunshot, harsh and mocking.
"Too weak, too stupid! Is that it?" He spat, his voice laced with venom as he stared down at you,
"I knew letting women into the University was a bad idea, especially those who can't afford it," He mocked, your eyes stung with tears but you refused to let them show in front of him. 
Unbeknownst to either of you Jungkook was watching the whole exchange from the doorway, he'd followed after you to bring you your bag but when he heard the exchange it was like he was frozen on the spot.
"Please, just sign the form." You begged, your voice weak and trembling with desperation.
But before you could react, Professor Thompson's hand shot out like a bolt of lightning, the back of his hand connecting with your cheek with a sickening crack. Pain exploded across your face, hot and searing as you raised your hand to clutch your cheek. You stumbled backwards, your vision swimming as you fought to stay upright, but your hands wrapped around your waist.
"Yn," Jungkook rushed out, his voice filled with a mix of concern and fury, tears blurred your vision as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened, humiliation and fear pressing down on you and suffocating you. 
"Pressor, what you did was utterly despicable. you have no right to treat a student - anyone - like that!" He yelled out at him, turning back to look at you, his heart breaking as he noticed blood running down your cheek. Fury built up inside of him at the sight of you injured, his fists clenching at his side, hitting his teacher would do nothing but it didn't make him want to do it any less. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." Thompson slurred out, his head shaking violently at the young man in front of him,
"Don't play dumb with me, I saw everything." He spat out, his voice was cold and unforgiving, you couldn't tear your eyes away from Jungkook, you'd never seen him so protective over someone before. 
"You should be ashamed of yourself! You're a fucking teacher, you're supposed to teach us and yet you choose to abuse your power!"
"I...I'll have you know, I am well within my rights to discipline my students as I see fit," He slurred yet again, 
"It's no longer the 70s Thompson! You can't hit a student," Jungkook boomed, wanting nothing more than to fight the older man.
"I can do whatever I want,"
"You're sorely mistaken, you think for one second I'm going to let you get away with it?" He laughed at him, walking you out of the office and pulling you into a nearby empty class.
You pulled your hand away and noticed your fingers were streaked with blood, you winced a little feeling a fash in your flesh. Drawing your hand away and noticing blood coating your fingers, bright red and thick. He'd cut you, most likely on the class ring he wore and tears rushed to your eyes again.
"Shit," You hissed out, Jungkook gently took your face in his hands and tilted it to look at him, his fingers were shaking as he stared at you. It was a cut on your cheekbone that looked deep but not deep enough for stitches. 
"I can tidy it up, come on." He whispered, about to link his hand in yours but you pulled it away,
"It's covered in blood," You mumbled, not that it would bother Jungkook. Getting to hold your hand was a blessing and he wasn't going to miss out because of a little blood.
"If you think for one second I'm bothered by a bit of blood you're wrong. You're hurt, Yn." He hissed out, his anger still at its boiling point because of Thompson, but as you slipped your hand in his it started to slowly melt away.
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"Is he the reason for wanting to move classes?" Jungkook asked as he stood between your legs, your head tilted toward the light as he carefully cleaned up the wound that tainted your gorgeous face. 
"Yeah, he constantly fails me even when I do great. He's a misogynistic asshat," You mumbled, hissing a little as he applied some alcohol to the cut, wiping it clean and making you smile weakly.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with him like that,"
"Only female in the class, he was bound to single me out," You laughed dryly and Jungkook shook his head, gently adding some butterfly stitches to the cut,
"It probably didn't help when I was constantly teasing you though, I am sorry." He murmured, his voice filled with genuine remorse.
"I never should have teased you so much. It was all just in fun, but I crossed a line."
"Jungkook...Your teasing never bothered me," You laughed a little and looked up at him,
"It pushed me to be better than you. I actually enjoy it." You giggle as you admit it to him and Jungkook felt a wave of ease wash over him as he saw you smile again, though he would never get the look of fear washed out of his mind.
"Thank you for helping me," You said as you looked at him, your eyes searching his as the two of you sat alone in the nurse's office. Standing so close to one another you could smell the aftershave he was wearing, 
"I'll always be here for you," He admits, running his hand over your cheek and smiling weakly, your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him, your pulse quickening the longer you stared at one another, his hand still cupping your face.
"I care...I care about you, more than I could ever say," He finally confessed, 
"I know we've been rivals but...There's always been something between us and I know I'm not the only one that feels this way," He whispers, almost as if he wasn't entirely sure of what he was saying. There was a high chance you'd tell him to leave but he needed to tell you otherwise he never knew when he'd get you alone again.
"You're not...alone in feeling that way," You whisper as you stared at him, both of you silent for a second before he leaned closer to you. You closed the distance between you, your lips brushing against his in a tender caress. It was a gentle kiss, filled with passion as you carefully wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you.
The years of pent-up attraction for one another unfolding as you made out, your heart racing so hard you could feel the blood pumping in your ears. Jungkook deepens the kiss, his tongue licking everywhere he can reach, your tongue sliding against his. He could kiss you forever and never get tired of it, but he knew you were in a vulnerable place and needed to stop. He bites your bottom lip softly before you pull apart, both of you panting heavily as he looks at you.
"We should go tell Dale, make an official report and get Thompson out of here," 
"That's where your mind went after kissing me? I must be a terrible kisser," You half teased, your heart sinking at the thought of him not enjoying it as much as you had. You turned away from him, wanting to look anywhere but at him but he slowly turned your head toward him,
"If I kept kissing you I'd never leave this room, once the report is done we're going out on a date."
"A date?" You quipped and he nodded at you, kissing your lips again and pulling back. As much as he wanted to stay there with you he couldn't stand the thought of Thompson ever being near you again.
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After months of working hard with Jungkook the two of you were neck and neck with your grades but neither of you seemed to care about it anymore. You worked together on projects, and ever since you started dating it had been a whirlwind romance and you became the power couple of the school. Especially after having Thompson removed from the premises.
"Did you see the announcement?" Jungkook asked as he sat beside you in the principal's office. It had been his punishment to work here in his second period but he found himself enjoying the time with you.
"You're number one," He told you with a smirk, your eyes widening as you rushed to your emails trying to find out if it was true or not.
"I beat you?!" You squealed a little too loud, turning back to your boyfriend who couldn't stop his smile.
"If I had to be number two to anyone, I want to be number two to you," He whispered before kissing you softly.
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pablitogavii · 4 months
Your stories are so good I can't
back to dad!Gavi <333
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You've spent all summer together with Pablo, Fermin and Berta in the small house you rented together. Since Pablo and Fermin were closest of friends, you quickly became best friends with Berta and the four of you loved spending the summer together.
"Oh dios mio!" you said looking at the pregnancy test in your lap when Berta walked in snacking on some apple slices.
"Que pasa amiga?" she said and you panicked not really knowing how to tel her the truth..what would she think? Damn, what would Pablo think!?
"Ummm I'm pregnant B" you say and her eyes opened as she rushed to give you the tightest hug ever.
"You too!?" she said and after a second you realized what she meant.
"So we are both..?" you checked and she nodded her head touching her belly. In an odd way, it made it easier to share this with your best friend who is going through the same thing as you..what are the odds (come on boys;)
"Have you told Fermin?" you asked and she shook her head.
"And you Pablo?" she said but you reminded her that you just found out yourself.
"How about we both do it tonight? Promise?" she said and you pinky promised feeling nervousness overcome you but also hoping deep down Pablo would be happy about it.
Pablo and Fermin were working out and going for a run (cause they can't stay still) and texted they are on their way home. You and Berta were sitting on the couch watching gossip girl when the doors opened.
"Hola girls!" Fermin said first leaning in to kiss Berta while Pablo followed sitting besides me and pecking your lips making you blush.
"Sorry for being a little late amor..traffic was horrible"' Pablo said and you smiled nodding your head pecking his lips once more.
"You should shower Pablito.." you tell him and he nods his head since he was pretty sweaty.
"Wanna watch something tonight when the two of us shower?" Fermin suggested but both me and Berta looked at each other which made them suspicious.
"What's going on girls? You look like you have something to say to us..todo bien?" Pablo said and you were a nervous mess quickly shaking your head.
"Maybe we should talk to them in private amiga.." Berta said reminding you of the promise and you nodded taking Pablo's head as you both departed to your separate bedrooms.
"How was your training Pablito?" you said not really knowing how to start this conversation..hey, Pablo guess what I'm pregnant is too much!
"Amor, dime what's going on porfi. You're worrying me? Did something happen to the two of you while we were away?" he said reaching for your waist and pulling you in while you played with his t-shirt.
"Um..no..not really" you mumbled but he raised your chin
"There's nothing you can't tell me,nena.." he said and you smiled knowing that was true.
"Um Pablito..I'm..well I just found out tonight..that I am pregnant..and Berta walked in telling me she is pregnant as well..and she hasn't told Fermin so we both wanted to do it tonight..and I" you were going on and on from nervousness when his lips silenced you.
"You're pregnant, nena?" he said with a smirk while you were a blushing mess nodding your head looking at him with big eyes. He didn't look mad..you would give anything to know what he is thinking right now.
"Are you mad Pablito?" you ask and he pulls you in closer with his hand wanting to rest on your stomach.
"Can..I?" he said and you smiled taking his big palm and placing it on your stomach with a new feeling consuming your mind right now.
"Our baby is in here.." he said and you smiled nodding your head.
"It's your papi Pablo, mi amor..un mejor futbolista del mundo" you say seeing Pablo's eyes sparkle as a tear left his eye and you dried it. Was he upset?
"Amor..if you don't want to have anything to do with it.." you started but he quickly looked up shaking his head while drying his tears and returning to touching your stomach.
"No, no, no amorcito..I'm just so happy to hear that and the fact my best friend will become a dad at the same time makes it all the more special" Pablo said and now you finally smiled wide nodding your head and hugging him tightly.
"Exactly what I said hermano! Congrats to both of us!" Fermin was heard and Pablo pulled away hugging his friend while you and Berta smiled hugging each other as well.
"Congrats amiga" Fermin said to me as did Pablo to Berta and we all were smiling all happy about the news.
y.n.bebe and bertag
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siempre juntitas 💗
aurorapaezg: aaaaa que lindaaas😍
mikkykiemeney: mucha suerte amigas mias😊
pablogavi: the left one is mine 😏
y.n.bebe: amorcito 💗
ferminlopez: the right one is mine 😏
End of Part 1 ;)
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evalevaeva · 10 months
hELLO are requests open? 😽😽 if it's okie, i'd like to request an ahn sooho × reader fic ( I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY FIC OF HIM I'M SO SAD 😭 )
Hero | Ahn Sooho
my first sooho fic :] thank you anon! also here's to @slytherinshua and hannie , no angst this time
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Meeting Ahn Sooho was the most unexpected occurrence in your life. It was almost like he was your hero.
You had your earpieces in, music blasting as you read the book in your hand. It wasn't every day that you were this interested in a book. The words seemed to swirl in your mind as you imagined each word, taking in each detail of every movement of every character.
That was until you were knocked down, hard. Your bottom slammed onto the concrete floor as your book fell onto the floor right after you, covered in soda. Your right earpiece went flying out of your ear, song stopping. Your eyes widened as you looked at your book, the words blending in with the soda, unclear.
You looked up, eyebrows furrowed as you looked at the culprit who had one hand extended out while the other was at the back of his neck.
"Ahn Sooho?" You asked, like a question, as he looked at you in surprise. "You know me?" Sooho replied as you looked at him, scoffing.
"Why wouldn't I?" You responded as you took his hand, standing up as you looked at the stain on your white uniform, starting to feel annoyed by your situation. "The infamous Ahn Sooho who nearly got his ass beaten by the baseball team over a girl. You're a playboy aren't you?".
Sooho's eyes widened as he took off his red jacket, revealing his white uniform that was unbuttoned to show his red work uniform.
"I wouldn't call myself a playboy, maybe everyone's just attracted to my charm?" Sooho responded as he winked, placing the jacket over your shoulders before picking up the soaked book and placing it on the locker near the window.
"I'll replace your book. By tomorrow, the same book will arrive at your table, sergeant!" Sooho said as he saluted you, picking up the empty soda can and continuing to run down the hallway.
You looked at the jacket on your shoulders, putting your arms through it as you zipped it, covering the stain on your uniform.
Sooho delivered his promise. You entered the classroom and walked to your seat near the middle as you saw the same exact book, this time with a sticky note on the first page.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you and ruining your uniform and book. I still feel like this isn't enough to make up for it. Would you want to eat lunch together? I'm in Class 1!" The messy handwriting read as you couldn't help but form a small smile on your lips as you grazed the yellow paper with your fingertips. Why was he like a puppy?
The bell for lunch rang, and unlike yesterday, you found yourself making your way to class 1, walking the back door to see Ahn Sooho fast asleep at his desk. His head rested on a pink bunny pillow, and his chest rose and fell deeply. You contemplated as you held the washed jacket in your arms, wondering if you should really wake the boy up.
"Ahn Sooho, it's lunchtime... and there's a girl here waiting for you. Sooho, Sooho, Sooho, wake up," The boy sitting in front of Sooho turned and shook the boy awake as Sooho jolted awake, eyebrows furrowed as he squinted. The boy let out a big yawn as he turned in his chair to stretch, but turned to see you standing with his jacket, waiting for him.
"Oh! Were you waiting for me?" Sooho asked as he stood up from his seat, finally awake. You handed him the jacket as you bowed slightly, "Thank you for lending it to me. It was a big help."
Sooho waved it off as he responded, "It was nothing! Besides, it was my fault since I... you know... dropped the soda".
The both of you made your way to the cafeteria, taking trays of food as Sooho paid for yours too, taking a seat at a table near the corner.
"So what should we talk about?" Sooho asked as he took a spoonful of rice and shoved it into his mouth. He acted as if he'd been starved for a week. It'd be impossible to tell a beast from Sooho.
You hummed as you thought about it for a few seconds.
"What do you like to do after school?" You asked as you used your chopsticks to pinch a piece of kimchi, placing it into your mouth as the taste engulfed your tastebuds.
Sooho thought about it as he responded with a mouth full of food, causing several rice grains to drop from his mouth.
"I work part-time at a barbecue place, and I do deliveries on two days. I don't go home because I'm scared I'll fall asleep and miss school. I can't miss school," Sooho shared as he saw the curious look on your face as you placed a spoonful of soup in your mouth.
"Why can't you miss a day of school?" You asked as Sooho responded, "I need to graduate with a perfect attendance. My grandmother wants me to graduate with a perfect attendance, even if I don't end up going to college. So, what about you? What do you do after school?".
You picked at your food as you shared a little, "I go to cram school and then I go to help my grandparents at their bookstore. Their bookstore has a lot of books so I don't have to go far to get good selections. Cram school, is cram school. There's nothing special about it, just the 7pm to 10pm classes every day,".
Sooho laughed a little, making his eyes crinkle as he joked, "I guess we know which one of us will go to college".
You smiled a little as you scooped a spoonful of rice into your mouth, continuing your conversation with the boy.
To everyone around you, it seemed as if the both of you had just met after being apart for 10 years and were catching up on the many years you'd spent together before that. The both of you seemed to connect very well, talking about everything from games to food to stuff worrying you around the neighbourhood. It seemed like you'd finally found someone for you.
You walked down to the parking lot near the school as Sooho put on his helmet, his bag in the trunk below the seat. You were about to wave goodbye to him when he passed you a helmet, patting the seat behind him as he said, "You told me that the distance from the school to your cram school made it hard for you to eat properly. I'll send you to cram school from now on, so eat properly or I'll start packing you lunches like a cooking club member".
Your mouth was practically hanging open as he took the helmet from you, putting it onto your head as he slid the face shield down, tapping the helmet lightly as he ushered you to get on.
The wind felt comforting for some reason. You weren't sure if it was the weather, the vehicle or the boy with you, but your heart seemed to speed up as fast as the motorcyle as your arms were wrapped around the boy's waist, eyes wandering around as you looked at your surroundings curiously. It wasn't often that you'd get on a motorcycle and definitely not with Sooho.
It wasn't just you who felt the speed up of your heart, Sooho could feel your heart pounding on his back as his eyes were focused on the road, not wanting to injure either of you nor his motorbike. He drove with caution as he smiled to himself every time you saw something cool on the way, 'ooh'ing every time.
Sooho lifted the helmet from your head as your hair dropped down to your shoulders, some strands left, a mess on the top of your head. Sooho reached for the mess as he combed his fingers through your hair, making sure your hair was neat.
"Don't go around alone anymore. Byuksan Middle School might be an elite school, but the schools around us have scary students. If you need to go anywhere after school or after cram school, call me, and I'll pick you up. Don't wander alone anymore," Sooho said as he placed your bag on your shoulders. You look at him, wondering what this sudden feeling blooming in your chest.
You coughed as you excused yourself, cheeks red as you walked to the entrance of the cram school, turning to give the boy a small wave as you walked in, disappearing into the crowd of students. Sooho managed to give a small wave back as he kept the extra helmet in the seat storage, heading to start his delivery gig early so he could get back to the cram school by 10pm.
He was right on time. You excited your cram school as you waved goodbye to some friends you made as per Sooho's suggestion after the mini lunch date you both had. He was leaning on his motorbike, phone in hand as the LED lit his face blue, his eyes focused on the screen. The sound of students exiting seemed to catch his attention as he raised his head to meet eyes with you.
"Sooho? You're here?" You asked as Sooho took your bag from your shoulder, putting it back in the storage box as he reponded, "Why not? I told you I'd be here. My grandmother always says, 'Sooho! Don't let a girl walk by herself! Don't let her carry her own bag, and don't let her spend her own money!' So I'm kind of like... your hero? I'll save you anytime anything happens." Sooho mimicked his grandmother as you couldn't help but laugh at his horrible impersonation.
This became a daily routine as Sooho began to reserve the helmet only for you. He would never come late and would stay true to his word. He would buy you snacks if you had make-up classes at cram school, buy you dessert to go along with your school lunch, and always have an umbrella if the weather was down.
Sooho ran. His motorbike was outside your cram school while you were nowhere to be seen. He initially thought that maybe you had some extra work to do or someone held you up, but when he saw the familiar friends he saw you hanging out with many months ago, he couldn't stop himself.
"We haven't seen her since Physics class. Physics was at 9pm. She looked at her phone and suddenly left, saying she had an emergency. " Your friend informed Sooho as he started to feel tense.
"Which direction did she run to?" Sooho asked as your friends muttered amongst each other, trying to get a definite answer.
"She ran out and ran out the gate towards the Byuksan Alley," Your friend told him as the words 'Byuksan Alley' made him run towards that place as fast as he could.
"Sooho, can I tell you something?" You asked the boy as the both of you sat at lunch as per usual. It had become a norm over the past few months, and the both of you could be considered... best friends? What everyone knew was that both of you were insperable.
Sooho hummed as he looked at you, giving you his unwavering attention.
"I think, with everything happening between you, sieun and beomseok... beomseok sent some girls after me. They didn't do anything, but they said that I better watch out," You told Sooho as his face changed into one with anger. He turned to give the disgusting boy a glance as he responded with false calmness, "If anything ever happens with them, call me first".
Sooho turned the alley as he saw you on the floor, your uniform painted red as girls with white surgical masks on their face, uniform unbuttoned revealing black shirts and skirts at their knees, kicked you repeatedly. By their side, there were guys in school uniforms too, watching the violence as if it were some sick variety show. You were ambushed. You didn't expect them to find your number and threaten you with Sooho's life. You had no choice.
"Sooho!" You called out, trying to alert him in case he was in the area. He said he'd always save you, he will... right?
Sooho ran in, kicking the first guy in the chest, making him fall against the wall with a thud as he elbowed the next guy in the lungs, causing him to cough. Sooho took the chance to punch him in the face, not leaving him any time to recover. He then turned to the last guy, who looked at him, trembling. His eyeballs practically vibrated as Sooho walked up to him. The guy took off running, leaving the three confused girls.
"Baby, why did you run...?" The girl kicking you asked as she turned to see her boyfriend nowhere in sight, and her two friends' boyfriends on the floor, knocked out.
The three girls turned in horror as Sooho spoke, "Why would you do this to her? She didn't even do anything, and here you are, kicking her as if she did something to you. "
The three girls looked at each other as the middle one muttered, "Beomseok asked us to do it. He said that she told on us that we had smokes.".
Sooho scoffed. Just because a liar told them that she told on them for cigarettes? She didn't even know them, much less cared about whether they died early because of chemical sticks.
"Leave, and don't bother her again," Sooho said as he bent down to check your bloodied uniform. Your head had dirt marks from the shoes of the girls and your tears made the dirt coat your cheek. Sooho wiped the dirt off with his thumb as he smiled.
"I told you I'm your hero now, didn't I?"
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chestcongestion · 4 months
Losing Your Grippe- Ch.1: Ha//zbin Ho/tel
Chapter one of the Ha/zbin Flu Longfic here we go! I'm having so much fun already with this one and I'm excited to see where we go from here. I hope you guys enjoy!
Word Count: 4,432
Content Warnings: Contagion, Really Really sad Cha/rlie (not triggering, but I know it broke my heart to write sometimes, it's hard seeing her sad)
Charlie pinched her nose using her non-dominant hand and rubbed at the sensitive skin with her fingers, shuddering under the harsh air conditioning of the elite boutique where she was being fitted for a dress by two succubi- a pair of twins named Isla and Irma. 
“I’m sorry, Your Highness, was I holding the tape measure too tight?” Isla asked, sheepishly backing away and examining Charlie’s skin. 
“No, no it’s okay!” Charlie replied with a chuckle, “My nose was just itchy… snff! Can I have a tissue?” 
“Of course, Your Highness,” Irma- who had a measuring tape around Charlie’s thigh- replied, snapping her fingers and whistling for a tiny female imp who was standing against the wall, “Clover! Go get the box of tissues from my office!” 
Clover nodded, scurrying into the back room and coming out with a freshly-opened box of lotion-soft facial tissues, hopping onto a step stool and presenting Charlie with the box, her head held down to avoid meeting the princess’s eyes. 
“Thank you,” Charlie said, plucking a tissue out of the box and wiping the underside of her nostrils before attempting to blow her nose. The attempt was in vain, and after a short burst of moisture Charlie’s sinuses yielded nothing. 
“E-Eih’KtSchhew! ‘KzZsHEW!” Charlie sneezed, her nose trickling slightly as she plucked three more tissues from the box in Clover’s hands, trying and failing once again to blow her nose. 
“Please try and hold still, Your Highness, I’m almost done with your measurements,” Isla pleaded, measuring Charlie’s hips with the tape measure before measuring her inseam. 
“sNFF! Sorry,” Charlie giggled, sheepishly, dabbing at her nostrils while trying to keep still, “Thank you for accepting my order on such short notice, I promise I’ll pay enough to make it more than worth your while.” 
“Oh of course, Your Highness, it means the world to us that Hell’s heir apparent chose our little boutique to make her first ever overlord summit dress!” Isla said cheerfully.
“I wanted to be sure I got something that looked nice, this is my first time getting invited to the overlord summit, usually my dad just sends the sovereign and lesser overlords one of his advisors in his place,” Charlie explained, “This is going to be such a great advertising opportunity for the hotel!” 
“Well, we’ll make sure that you look absolutely stunning on the big day,” 
“Thank you so much!” Charlie said, her voice straining slightly, words grating against a suddenly-scratchy throat in a way that made her cough. 
Stepping down from the measuring platform and getting dressed, Charlie scrolled through her phone while the boutique staff charged her bank card for the cost of the dress. 
“Hey… I just remembered, the seamstress who I made the appointment with, the taller succubus with the star-shaped tail… is she on vacation? I wanted to speak with her about where I could buy a pair of shoes to match my dress… E-Eiih’kShhuu! E-Ehh…Eihh’ksSs-CHEW!” Charlie asked, still holding the tissues underneath her slightly-runny nose before moving a piece of her hair out of her face. 
“Oh, Zurie? She’s been out for a couple of days, she has the flu,” Irma said, nervously fiddling with the buttons on her shirt.
Charlie wilted a bit, frowning, “Aww, that’s terrible, I hope she feels better.” 
“We hope so too, the flu really seems to be going around,” Isla replied solemnly, “Hope you have a lovely day, Your Highness, your dress should be ready by tomorrow morning!” 
“Thank you, I’ll be back to pick it up,” Charlie said, finger-combing her hair and leaving the boutique, muffling an irritated cough with her fist as she climbed into the backseat of her car. 
“Where to now, Your Highness?” the driver asked. 
“Uhm-” Charlie paused, still overcome by her cough, letting a few more loose before the scratchy sensation in her throat settled down, “- Sorry. I need to go to the shoe store across the street from the Richest Cup, please!” 
“Understood, we should be there in fifteen minutes,” the driver replied, turning the key in the ignition and pulling away from the curb. 
Later that afternoon, back at the hotel, Husk was taking inventory of the liquor behind the bar counter, writing down the bottles and fullness quantities on a clipboard as he went through the roster. While he was eyeballing the amount of liquor in a bottle of blue curacao, the front doors to the hotel swung open. 
Razzle rushed through the lobby holding an array of shopping bags, scurrying to carry them upstairs so they could be put away in Charlie and Vaggie’s bedroom. Trailing slowly behind him, visibly overwhelmed, was Charlie, who quickly flopped into a stool at the bar, planting her face against the counter. 
“Rough day?” Husk asked, writing down the amount in the bottle of blue curacao on his inventory sheet. 
“Mmphhh,” Charlie muttered, her shoulders vibrating slightly as she shivered, turning her head so that her voice wasn’t muffled by the countertop, “I have so much to do to get ready for this event.” 
“You’re workin’ yourself up over the overlord summit?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow, “Pfft, it ain’t even worth the trouble. Then again, ‘suppose I’ve never had to go to a formal event as a lady, let alone one who gives a shit about lookin’ nice.” 
“I’m so nervous, I’m getting my dress made and I looked everywhere for a pair of shoes to match my dress, and I found three pairs but I don’t know which one I’m going to go with because they’re all different heights and they have different decorations and they’re all going to be so uncomfortable on my feet and-” Charlie’s rambling was interrupted by an aggressive hacking cough that she had to quickly cover with her forearm. 
Husk winced, scooping up some ice into a pint glass and pouring Charlie a glass of water, sliding it over to her on a coaster. 
“Thanks,” Charlie choked out, guzzling down half of the glass before turning away to cough again, “My throat’s been so scratchy, it’s killing me.”
Husk frowned, going back to examining the bottles of liquor, “Maybe your body’s shuttin’ down because of how much you’re stressin’ over the summit,” he remarked casually, writing out the amount of cointreau behind the bar counter onto his sheet. 
Charlie polished off the rest of her glass of water, shuddering a bit as she tried to compose herself, “It’s just so hard… I want this to be perfect, I have to examine all of my jewelry and figure out which pieces would go with my dress and whether or not they’d also match my shoes, and I still want them to complement what Vaggie’s gonna wear and I still have to figure out which hairstyle I’m gonna choose and whether that’s gonna go good with my outfit and my shoes and.. And…-” Charlie’s stressed rambling began to falter as tears welled in her eyes. 
Husk stopped working on taking inventory and focused instead on Charlie as she tugged at her blonde locks, her face suddenly coated in a thin sheen of sweat and bags forming under her eyes. 
“I still have to- khff!- have to decide whether or not I’m- Khff! Khff khff!- carrying a purse or not and-” Charlie paused, taking a wheezy inhale and turning away from Husk to release another hacking cough, and another, and another, barely having time to stop and take shallow inhales as her cheeks flushed a pinkish-red and sweat trickled down her face, dripping from her chin and nose to stain the neckline of her suit jacket. 
Husk walked around to the other side of the bar, resting a hand on Charlie’s back and feeling her lungs spasming in her chest with each unproductive and throat-scraping cough, “That cough sounds rough… you alright?” Husk asked, gently patting Charlie on the back in the hopes that it would help. 
Charlie’s coughing fit stopped for a moment and she gasped, finally able to fully catch her breath, wiping at her watery eyes and looking at Husk with a pitiful, exhausted expression on her face, “H-husk?” she whimpered, shivering and leaning into his touch, “I don’t feel well.” 
“I figured,” Husk replied, feeling Charlie’s cheeks with the back of his hand before pressing his heart-shaped palm against her forehead, “Damn… you’re burnin’ up. Here, I’ll help you get to bed.” 
Husk gently grabbed hold of Charlie’s wrists and pulled her onto her feet, not noticing Charlie’s wobbly legs and weak, staggering stance until she collapsed to her knees once he let go of her. “Charlie!” he exclaimed, panicked as he leaned down to the floor and gathered Charlie in his arms, “I’m sorry, I thought you could stand, did you hurt anything?” 
Charlie shook her head weakly, coughing into her fist before wrapping her arms around Husk’s neck, “My hips hurt… and my thighs hurt, but they were hurting before I fell down,” she mumbled, “I don’t wanna go to bed, I just need to lie down… I just… just… E-Eihh’PtSsHEW!” 
Husk cradled Charlie in his arms, rubbing her back as she coughed, before setting her down on the softest sofa in the parlor and watching as she struggled to settle into a reclined position, wincing with every movement as though she was in pain.
“I’m cold,” Charlie said, her voice wavering as she wiped away tears, biting her lip when her febrile shivering only aggravated the aches and pains in her body. 
Husk hurried into the hallway, grabbing a plush blanket from the linen closet and returning to the living room to spread the blanket out over Charlie’s shivering form, “That any better?” he asked, his stomach twisting in knots at Charlie’s discomfort. 
Charlie took in a sharp breath, letting out another aggressive cough, “A little, I’m still f-freezing,” she mumbled, her teeth chattering as she attempted to relax under the blanket, her eyelids drooping, “My head hurts.” 
Husk panicked, fiddling with one of his ears as he wandered back over to the bar and soaked one of his clean dish towels in cool water, wringing it out and returning to the sofa to place it over Charlie’s eyes. For a moment, out of concern and a deep desire to feel somewhat helpful, Husk gently brushed the back of his hand against Charlie’s face, a bit of relief blooming inside of him when she sighed out of comfort.  
“M-mhmm… E-eihh’kSShuu! Eih’KsSshew!” 
“Alright, you try and get some rest, I’ll make sure you’re alright,” Husk said, gently patting Charlie’s back as she began to cough again, her eyes watering and her cheeks growing flushed again as she struggled to catch her breath. 
“Vaggie…” Charlie whimpered, blinking away her tears and clutching her abdomen, “KHFFF- Khff!” 
Husk’s heart swelled in his chest, and he crawled onto the sofa, gently moving Charlie until her rocket-hot and shivering body was resting against him as she sat in his lap, coughing violently over his shoulder. 
“Vaggie’s still out shoppin’, she’ll be home soon, I promise,” Husk whispered, patting Charlie’s back, “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” 
“My… chest hurts,” Charlie said, her voice growing hoarse from her constant coughing as her nose began to trickle, the skin on her nose bridge flushing pink, “I can’t… can’t be sick, have to go to the- KHHHFF!- overlord summit… already bought my dress.” 
Husk sighed, gently cradling Charlie’s back as she phased in and out of consciousness, occasionally shooting awake to cough violently for a few minutes before dozing off again, still clinging to Husk like a feverish koala. 
Three hours later, Vaggie returned from her shopping trip with Alastor, and Angel returned from his shift at the porn studio at the same time. The three were flanked by Niffty, who had accompanied Vaggie and Alastor on their excursion but was hopped up on sugar from chugging slushies out of boredom while waiting for Alastor to pick out a new bowtie. 
“Fuckin’ finally, you’re back,” Husk groaned, still sitting on the sofa and bouncing a barely-conscious Charlie on his knee as she coughed weakly over his shoulder. 
“Yeah, took longer than I thought, I wanted to pick a dress that would match Charlie’s but I ended up just getting a couple in each color, I tried to text her to ask what dress she’d picked but she never… texted me back,” Vaggie said, her voice trailing off as she noticed her shivering girlfriend still clinging desperately to Husk, her suit jacket draped over the back of the sofa and her dress shirt soaked so heavily with sweat that her bra was visible through the sheer wet fabric, “What happened?” 
“She came back from shoppin’ and faded fast, she hasn’t stopped coughing since I got her on the sofa,” Husk explained, patting Charlie’s back as another violent series of hacking coughs ripped through her chest and scraped her raw throat. Briefly, Husk pressed the back of his hand against Charlie’s neck, frowning at the searing heat of her skin. 
“How long have you been sitting here with her?” Vaggie asked, raising an eyebrow as Alastor watched in anxious silence from several paces away. 
“Few hours,” Husk replied, “She wouldn’t let go of me and she can’t stand up without fallin’ down.” 
Vaggie chewed on her bottom lip, her stomach twisting a bit with worry as she reached out to feel Charlie’s forehead, her cool fingers sending such a wave of relief across Charlie’s hot and sensitive skin that tears of joy trickled from her eyes, “Holy shit…” she said in a hushed voice. 
“Yeah,” Husk said before bracing himself to stand while still keeping a firm grip on Charlie, rising to his feet while Charlie still weakly clung to him in spite of their noticeable height difference, “This ain’t just a cold… somethin’s wrong, I think we should take her to the hospital.” 
Charlie whimpered, pushing away from Husk, forcing him to hold tighter onto her to keep her from crashing and slamming her head against the hard floor, “Noo… no hospital… ‘m not sick- K H FFf- khff-khfff!- mkay, I’m a little sick… but I-I’m okay… KHHFFF-KHFF-KHFF! KOFF-Khhff-khff!- I’m fine,” she pleaded, sweat still running down her flushed cheeks as she struggled to catch her breath, her voice hoarse and her nose slightly runny. 
“Sweetheart, you look awful, I just want to be able to take care of you and make you feel comfortable, and we might not be able to do that without a doctor’s help,” Vaggie said, brushing her manicured fingers against Charlie’s face and smiling when Charlie managed a small, weak smile in return, “Don’t you want to feel better?” 
“Mmhm,” Charlie nodded. 
“Okay, it won’t take too long, we’ll be back before you know it, mkay?” Vaggie explained, smiling when Charlie gave her another weak nod, “Alright, c’mon Husk, let’s go to the urgent care center.” 
“Right behind you,” Husk said, following Vaggie back out to the car with Charlie still in his arms, leaving Angel, Alastor, and Niffty to their own devices. 
“Awww, poor Charlie,” Angel crooned, combing out his fluffy pompadour with his fingers, “I oughtta make myself useful while they’re gone, c’mon Niff, let’s go make sure she’s got somethin’ to eat when she gets back.” 
“Okay!” Niffty cheered, speeding past Angel to the hotel’s kitchen, still riding on a bit of a sugar high. 
“You comin’ Alastor?” Angel asked, resting a hand on his hip as he scrolled through his phone with another hand for a notes app folder filled with recipes he saved. 
Alastor shook his head, sticking out his tongue and shuddering as he pictured the parlor and lobby to be crawling with microbes, practically feeling them on his skin, on his clothes, in his hair, “No, I’m a bit preoccupied… I’m going to go have a bath and then have a few refreshing shots of disinfectant,” he grumbled, snapping his fingers and vanishing into his own shadow. 
Angel shrugged, “What a wimp,” he said with a teasing smile until he heard pans clattering to the ground in the kitchen, “Niffty, don’t break anythin’, I’m comin’!” 
An hour later, Angel and Niffty were looking at silly videos on Angel’s phone after making a large pot of tomato soup that was simmering quietly on the stove, when they heard the sound of Charlie’s coughing as she, Vaggie, and Husk entered the lobby. 
“Welcome back, that was quick,” Angel said, leaning against a wall as Niffty ran in a tight circuit around his feet, still a bit hyperactive. 
“Urgent care was packed, but we got seen pretty quickly once they realized who we brought with us,” Vaggie explained, holding Charlie upright even as her legs shook independent from her febrile shivering. 
“Nice, so what’d they say was wrong wit’ Goldilocks?” Angel asked, reaching out to help Charlie stand as she struggled to stay on her feet. 
“They did a swab test and found out she has the flu,” Vaggie said, “According to the doctor we spoke to it’s been going around like crazy.” 
“e-EIih’KTtSsSHEW!” Charlie sneezed, rubbing her nose with the heel of her palm, “I’m tired…” 
“I know, I know, let’s get you a cool shower so you can get nice and comfortable in bed, Hmm?” Vaggie offered. 
“Okay,” Charlie sighed, leaning against Vaggie and grimacing in pain before turning to cough into her fist, “I’m sorry… it’s so hot… everything hurts.” 
“I know, Babe, I’m so sorry you’re sick,” Vaggie said, gently patting Charlie’s back. 
“I’ll carry ‘er upstairs for ya,” Angel said, scooping Charlie into his arms and glancing at her with concern when he felt the overwhelming amount of heat radiating off of her feverish body. Pushing that sensation aside, Angel held onto Charlie and slowly climbed up the steps toward Charlie and Vaggie’s shared bedroom, Charlie occasionally taking a shaky inhale and coughing into Angel’s shoulder while clinging to him with her arms and legs. 
“You took good care of her while everybody was gone,” Niffty said almost teasingly, standing on Husk’s shoulder, “That was nice.” 
“What? I can’t be nice?” Husk scoffed, tossing Niffty to the floor as though she were a clingy kitten, watching as she climbed him again effortlessly and accepted defeat, letting her use him as a perch. 
“You can… it’s just rare that you’re this nice to anyone… even to Angel,” Niffty observed, “But that’s good, you’re a good kitty.” 
Husk rolled his eyes, “I’ll wear it like a badge of honor, thank you Niffty,” he said, poking her before setting her back down on the floor, “I gotta finish inventory on the bar and I’m sure there’s cobwebs somewhere inside the roof or the storage attic that you can clean up until the sugar wears off.” 
“O o oo! You’re right, that sounds like fun! Bye bye Husk!” Niffty giggled, sprinting up the stairs and vanishing on her way to crawl into the hotel’s makeshift-attic storage space, leaving Husk at the bar with his bottles. 
Relishing in the quiet, Husk scanned his inventory sheet and decided to pick up where he left off, “Okay… I finished cointreau, onto the next one,” he muttered to himself. 
Upstairs, in Charlie and Vaggie’s bedroom, Charlie had gotten out of her cool bath and was wearing a pair of lightweight cotton pajamas. Exhausted, Charlie climbed into bed and curled up under the covers, still deeply frustrated that she’d managed to fall ill so close to such an important event.  
“You comfortable?” Vaggie asked, pulling a thermometer out of the drawer in her nightstand and turning it on. 
“I guess,” Charlie sighed, opening her mouth and letting Vaggie slide the thermometer under her tongue, suppressing the urge to cough until the thermometer beeped, “What’s it say? K HFF- koff-koff!” 
Vaggie squinted briefly at the viewing window on the thermometer, “104,” she said, cupping Charlie’s face with one of her hands. 
Charlie sniffled, a pitiful frown on her face as tears ran from her eyes and trickled down her fever-rouged cheeks. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I- I’m so mad at myself for getting sick- snFF!- I feel hot and everything hurts and I’m so tired and I’m going to miss the summit and it was so important that I got to go this time and the overlords are gonna be mad at me and they aren’t going to invite me again and I paid so much for that stupid dress and now I’m not gonna get to wear it and-” Charlie rambled fretfully as tears continued to fall, hiccuping sobs interrupting her as she struggled to keep it together, “This is the worst and there’s nothing I can do about it and nothing can make it better!” 
Vaggie leaned forward, embracing Charlie in a tight hug as Charlie sobbed violently, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sure the overlords will understand and you’ll be able to go to the next summit… and we can go on a date when you’re better so you can wear your dress!” she said, rubbing Charlie’s hand in an attempt to comfort her. 
“KHFF-Koff! I don’t wanna wear my dress- SnFF!- I-I wanted to wear a pantsuit but the ladies at the boutique said a dress would look better,” Charlie sobbed. 
“Okay… well, I’ll call the boutique and tell them to make a pantsuit instead!” Vaggie said cheerfully, her heart aching desperately at seeing Charlie in such turmoil, “Does that help?” 
Charlie sniffled, wiping her eyes with a tissue, “I-snFF! Snff!- I guess… I’m sorry Vaggie, I really don’t feel good,” she said, her voice still hoarse and weepy as she tossed the tear-soaked tissue into the trash. 
“I know, Honey, I know… you’re really sick, I completely understand,” Vaggie said with a comforting smile, “What’s one thing I can do to make you feel better before you take a nap?” 
Charlie coughed violently into her forearm, struggling to catch her breath afterward as she rubbed her chest with a splayed hand, “Uhm… E-eihh-KtSshheww! Could I have a glass of apple juice? I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast but the thought of food makes me queasy.” 
“Of course, I’ll be right back,” Vaggie said, giving Charlie a thumbs up and hurrying out of their bedroom and down the stairs, pouring a glass of apple juice into a large plastic cup filled halfway with ice cubes before turning to head back upstairs. On her way toward the staircase, Vaggie was interrupted by Husk, who had gotten to the letter T on his inventory list. 
“She gonna be alright?” Husk asked, his tone slightly curious as he tapped his lengthy claws against bottles of tequila, counting them in his head. 
“I think so… I’m not too worried about anything happening to her, if an explosion can’t kill her I don’t think the flu’s got a chance… but it’s still heartbreaking to see her so miserable,” Vaggie said solemnly, “She’s really upset that she’s going to miss the summit and I’m trying to calm her down.” 
“She’ll be fine, there’ll be others… she isn’t missin’ much,” Husk scoffed, turning to shoot Vaggie an amused smile, “Best of luck, lemme know if there’s anything I can do to help while you’re takin’ care of her.” 
“Will do,” Vaggie replied, rolling her eyes playfully before saluting Husk and walking back up the stairs with the large glass of apple juice in hand.
Alone again with his bottles, Husk began writing down the amount of tequila bottles behind the bar on his inventory sheet when he felt a looming presence around him and scoffed, completely unfazed and unamused with the perpetrator’s antics. 
“Alastor, if you’re gonna skulk in the shadows like a dick, I’m not gonna humor you, either get up or fuck off,” Husk grumbled, looking over to the left of the bar as Alastor appeared out of the shadows, dusting himself off. 
“Euch, no amount of bathing managed to get me clean enough,” Alastor gagged, sticking out his tongue, “Charlie is a lovely young lady, very kind, but also the thought of her germs being on me makes my skin crawl.” 
“Oh please, you weren’t even near her, if anyone should be worried about gettin’ sick it’s me, and you don’t see me freakin’ out now do you?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms, smirking when Alastor gave him nothing but a flustered mess of indignant grumbling in response, “Mmhm, exactly.” 
“I’m half inclined to avoid you for the foreseeable future if that’s the case,” Alastor said, taking a couple of steps away from Husk and wrinkling his nose in disgust, “Catching this is absolutely not in my plans for the upcoming week… or ever.” 
“You don’t gotta worry about me, I’m fine,” Husk said, looking at Alastor with an unbothered look in his eyes and a playful smirk, “Nobody else is sick, not even close, you’re just a fuckin’ germaphobe.” 
“Indeed I am, and I wear it with pride,” Alastor said, turning his nose up in the air, indignant that Husk was mocking him for his sense of caution. 
“Well, can you wear it with pride someplace else? I’m busy,” Husk said, going back to counting bottles, his heart-shaped nose twitching slightly as he focused. 
“Hmph! If you insist… I’ll be back,” Alastor sighed, retreating into his own shadow and vanishing to go back to whatever he was doing, leaving Husk alone behind the bar with nothing but his own breathing and the quiet ambience of the evening to keep him company. 
For a moment, Husk pondered Alastor’s overblown concerns, realizing that for him the concerns were much more realistic, he spent the better part of three to four hours neck-deep in Charlie’s germs… and the flu was known for being particularly infectious… 
“Nahhh, I’m fine, Alastor’s got the immune system of a wet sock in a wind tunnel, I’ll be fine,” Husk said in a futile attempt to reassure himself, “It was only a few hours, it takes longer than that to catch it from somebody… yeah.” 
Husk paused, going back to examining his inventory sheet in silence when a violent tingling sensation from an unknown irritant radiated through his nose, causing his adorable heart-shaped button to twitch and wiggle. His nose grew itchier and itchier and itchier until- 
Husk gave a damp sniffle, wiping at his nostrils with the back of his hand. Slightly nervous, Husk swallowed, choosing to ignore the fact that he felt a faint tickle in the back of his throat. 
“I’m fine… I’m fine,” Husk insisted, chasing his willfully ignorant affirmations with a swig of whiskey. 
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Red Mountain Waffle House pt. 13
Author's Note: Tw for some blood. Jiub is a troll. For those looking for canon Sotha Sil behavior, boy are YOU gonna be disappointed
This one snuck up on me
One week, then two.
Jiub found his Venmo occasionally pinging with small amounts from Sadara, who sent apology notes in each one. Honestly, he didn't blame her, but he wouldn't say no to to the extra money. He turned her room into another grow spot and it was doing okay, but still not to the level that having her there to contribute to rent had.
She hadn't come back, but there hadn't been much for her to come back for. A dresser, a bed. Those handful of receipts from Suran in the trash can he still hadn't emptied.
The Waffle House was doing a little worse for her absence, at least in his opinion.
The new waitress was an ashlander, and icily polite to those with corprus. Maybe they weren't the best people, but their money spent like anyone else's, and he couldn't figure out why all of a sudden NOW Nibani would want to piss them off by instructing new employees to act like this. It had driven off a few of them, or at least he thought so - it was hard to tell some of the ash ghouls apart from one another.
A few of the ash creatures had asked where Sadara was. The new waitress didn't know; neither did Nibani, whose answer was, "She no longer works here."
Jiub kept silent; he sure as hell wasn't talking. Sadara had sent him a Discord message (she'd outright deleted Morrotwitter) asking him to not tell anyone where she was, and he'd kept to it.
She didn't hadn't added any specifics about what exactly had happened on her little trip to Red Mountain. He'd asked a second time and she replied, 'Nothing we're not used to hearing.'
For a few days after that she sent random pictures of gnarly wounds from fighting cliffracers and other wildlife, and then of the scars once she healed up. There were also a few pics of cliffracers being turned on a spit over a fire, and a little 'wish you were here this thing tasted great' message a couple days in row.
Then there started being images of the inside of some cave along the coast near Tel Fyr.
The Fyrs are paying me 200 gold a week for blood and plasma, apparently I'm RH null blood type. it's special or something. and being immune to corprus makes them want it too, so. Not doing too bad.
Sounds great. What's up with the cave?
Oh, it's near Tel Fyr. Easy access. There's some khajiit and argonians here too, cave's big enough to share, so we do.
How do you share a cave?
We just have bedrolls in different areas. I feel like I got the biggest spot because it used to be a slave pen and they don't want to sleep over here ever again. It's not that bad. We've even got pets.
the fuck kind of pets do you have over there? lost scribs?
couple of fat slaughterfish we feed fish and scraps to. One we call Betty White and the other we call Wilson. They try to bite us but honestly they're big enough it's hard for them to move fast enough for it. So they'll mainly just hiss and make noise until they get food.
"Excuse me, cook? Are you paying any attention to the food at all, or are you destroying my eggs on purpose?"
"Your eggs are fine," Jiub replied, tucking his phone away. The customer in question had come in a few times, and was - well, honestly, such a stick in the mud it was fun to tease him. He was very particular about his food, wanted his waffles turn an even number of times...so Jiub always made sure not to do that.
Sotha Sil himself. Not all that impressive, at least not to Jiub. He said he came there because the sound of the blight winds was relaxing, and when he needed relative silence this was a good place to have it.
And his fried eggs were always just slightly runny.
"Here, I'll redo 'em if you want, I was hungry anyway."
He handed a newly finished plate of waffles to the new waitress, who took them to another ashlander in the corner.
"Do you have no pride at all in your work?"
"I'm cooking eggs and waffles for 10 septims an hour, there is no pride in this work," Jiub replied with a shrug.
"You are an insubordinate imp--no. No, I will waste no more time on your shenanigans. This is not what I am here for. Just cook the food." Sotha Sil huffed, and turned back to the laptop in front of him.
It was a far cry from the nigh-emotionless construct Jiub had heard Sotha Sil described as. Something, it seemed, had set the man on edge...he'd asked a couple people if something had happened to set Sotha Sil off what he was usually like. Most people couldn't see such little things, little signs of being potentially angry, or annoyed, or any number of similar things. But due to long experience, Jiub was a master at seeing it.
He'd reached a point in his life where he was looking to get humbled again. His success with Almalexia had made him feel almost bored - if he could off her so easily (however temporarily it lasted), really, how much farther was there to go? Maybe Sotha Sil would be different. Maybe he'd be tougher, somehow...
How little a thing would it take to push him over and make him screech?
He could already hear Sadara's voice chiding him for it. You little troll, you just want your ass kicked, don't you?
Well. Maybe he did.
The waitress went outside to handle the garbage, and so Jiub was the one to deliver the plated food. He glanced down at the laptop, and saw a familiar sight.
A Pokemon battle.
And more importantly...
"Superiorsil? So it's YOU! I should've guessed," Jiub set the food down and went over to clean the stove.
"What do you mean, you should've guessed?" Sotha Sil's voice had turned accusatory.
Jiub turned back, and gave a deep smirk as he extended his hand. "Jiuberjabber. How ya doin'?"
A pause.
A long, uncomfortable pause.
And then, Sotha Sil - master of the monotone, king of the cutting politeness, suzerain of stony looks - leaped over the counter and wrapped both hands around JIub's neck.
Both mer crashed to the ground and despite the pain and increasing lack of oxygen all Jiub could do was laugh.
"You idiot--pathetic--little WORM!" Sotha Sil was snarling, "You broke my perfect record!"
"It's just a game, man," Jiub struggled, trying to get one hand into his back pocket. Still the laughter persisted, even harder because he saw how much it infuriated the mer above him. Or maybe it was due to the choking. "Don't take it so seriously."
He managed to get his trusty box-cutter out, and took a few stabs in the area of his opponent's ribs. Jiub and Sotha Sil wrestled about in this fashion another few minutes, getting the latter's blood all over the floor.
"What happened to the calm magus, huh?" Jiub, still giddy from the lack of air, went on, finally getting to his feet and backing away, box-cutter at the ready. "Oh, wait, you are what the people need you to be, right? I've read the sermons."
"That wasn't IN the sermons you illiterate cretin," Sotha Sil stood, his pristine white robe now utterly ruined. The stab wounds were healed over quickly, and he looked ready to fight--
--and then suddenly bristled, snatched a to-go box, stuffed the food he'd left uneaten into it.
"Come back soon," Jiub, still in the mood to tease, energized by the fight, blew a capricious kiss at the furious mer before him.
Sotha Sil left, muttering under his breath.
Jiub then looked at the ashlander in the corner.
"You gonna tell the Temple about that?"
"Who the fuck would believe me?"
Grumbling, and thinking he was far too sober for this, Jiub moved off to the bathroom to snort some skooma. Nibani would be in within an hour, and he needed the blood cleaned up by then. The waitress, utterly horrified by what she had just witnessed, didn't look like she was going to be staying long enough to do the job.
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hello! I have a request idea, but idk if you'd want to do it since it's a bit silly. 😂 But here it is anyway; &TEAM with a s/o who can't eat with chopsticks, how would they handle the situation and how would they discover this fact. (I'm sorry it's really weird, but I'm usually struggling eating with chopsticks so I came up with this to feel better lol)
Alright, this made me giggle when I first read this.
&Team reaction to you struggling with chopsticks
Warnings: fluff, crack
Word Count: 719
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He watches you for a moment, observing how your fingers are in the wrong position and how you struggle to pick up the rice. There is an amused smile on his face until he feels like you've embarrassed yourself enough.
He puts his hand over yours and repositions your fingers the right way while he helps you pick up some rice. He won't laugh at you directly but later when he's alone, he will think about it and chuckle.
Doesn't notice right away but when he does he will snort. Tries to cover up his laugh with a cough but you know damn well he just made fun of you. He apologizes and offers to help you pick up your food.
Makes it his mission to teach you how to use them properly but he will laugh every time you mess up. Not because he makes actual fun of you but because he thinks you're adorable.
Makes fun of you right to your face. (Also because he thinks it's cute how you keep trying) Every time he reaches out to help you, you swat his hand away because you're stubborn.
When some time has passed and you're still struggling, he gets a fork for you and laughs silently so you won't hear him but you can see his chest vibrate so you know he's still laughing at you.
Coos at you. Suggests to switch to a fork immediately but you tell him that you at least want to try. He accepts your decision and shows you step for step how to correctly hold chopsticks.
Even reaches for your fingers to place them in the right position. Not because you can't do it but because he wants to touch you. He would never laugh at you for such thing but he will smile like a dork every time you use chopsticks in the future.
Be prepared for a lifetime of endless teasing from this guy. Watches you struggle and doesn't even try to help you out. Little shit. Has a big smirk on his face as he watches you, but he can't hide his lovesick puppy eyes.
When you give up and get a fork, he'll tease you even more. But when you ask him to stop being a tease and help you out, he will. No hesitation. But he would still continue to bully you with it.
Sweetest little cinnamon roll ever! Almost immediately notices your discomfort and asks if you need any help. When you say 'yes' he will patiently explain it to you and show you how to use chopsticks.
If you get frustrated or annoyed because it won't work, no worries. Jo had a fork next to him because he had a feeling you would need it. Won't even mention it anymore afterwards. He's just happy you're comfortable while eating.
A mix of Yuma and Fuma. He doesn't notice right away but when he does, he laughs. Sorry, he can't help it. But he laughs out of adoration not because he wants to make fun of you necessarily.
It will become an inside joke but that's a different story. He will make it his priority to teach you how to use them and sends videos of people messing up with chopsticks to make you feel better.
If he wasn't Japanese, he would've probably struggled with them too, tbh. Has a confused look on his face when he watches you struggle. It takes a moment before he realizes you're from a different culture, one that doesn't use chopsticks.
He won't laugh. . . maybe chuckle but nothing to make fun of you. He laughs at himself for not realizing it sooner. If you ask for help, he will give it to you immediately but if you don't he'd just get you a fork.
This is someone who grew up in Germany so he is used to both forks and chopsticks. He watches you struggle for a good minute and tells you he did too when he had to learn how to use them.
Sends you some tutorials from youtube so you can learn on your own accord. He wouldn't be mad if you just eat with a fork because it's just utensils. There's bigger problems than chopsticks to worry about.
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olivia091108 · 11 months
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Bad idea right?
Summary:y/n is out and she texts Chad (based of Olivia Rodrigo’s song bad idea right?)
Word count:1109
Warnings:smut oral (f receiving)
Pairing:Chad Meeks Martin x reader
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I was at a club with my girlfriends just having fun wnd after getting a few drinks down I start thinking of Chad and even with my friends telling me not too I sent him a text
Hey I haven’t heard from you in a couple months but I’m out right now and I’m all fucked up
Continuing drinking I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket but not bothering to pick it up. Me and one of my friends go to the bathroom and while fixing my lipstick that’s bound to be messed up in the next 5 minutes I get a text from Chad. He’s sent his new address and I feel butterflies in my stomach.
I turn to my friend and tel her how I’m feeling so drunk and I’m gonna go home she doesn’t believe me and while we walk back to the bar I can only think if Chad and my brain is clouded with him.
“What’s got you all smiley”
“Chad texted her and she’s trying to go see him”
“I’m Seeing him tonight”
“It’s a bad idea right?”
They all start telling me how I’ll regret it in the morning and how bad we are for eatchothers and how we broke up for a reason
Fuck it it’s fine
Yeah I know that he’s me ex but can’t two people reconnect
“Bullshit your tryna fuck him”
“I only see him as a friend” that’s the biggest lie I’ve ever said and they know it as well.
After hanging out more and hoping they forget about Chad I couldn’t get him off my mind and soon we all start heading home and my friend drops me back and tells me that she’s glad I didn’t go running back to him.
I walk into my room changing into my blue lingerie that he loves and putting on my dress I was wearing before. And I’m getting in the car wrecking all my plans and I know I should stop
But I can’t
I’ve told my friends I was going to sleep(but I never said where or in whose sheets)
After driving to chads new apartment I park the car and I walk up the stairs. And I see him standing smiling at the door. And he’s never looked better he’s wearing nothing but his grey joggers and his abs look amazing
I’m sure I’ve seen much hotter men but I really can’t remember when
Hey ba-I shove my lips onto him and push him back into his apartment and kick the door shut behind me. His hands squeeze at my ass and he taps my thighs and I jump making my short dress go even higher. he slips his rounds into my mouth immediately taking control and he walks us into his bedroom and lays me down
He crawls ontop of me and starts kissing down my neck and I can feel him leaving hickeys as my fingers play in his hair. I sit up and start taking off my dress revealing the lingerie I wore just for him and he lets out a moan at the sight
Baby you know this is my favourite did you wear this for me. He asks his hands rubbing all over my body i sheepishly nod and he kisses me again while his arm snakes behind and undoes the blue bra letting it fall and revealing my tits
His hands cup both of them and he then kisses down to my tits and starts sucking on my nipple making me moan. “I love your’e tits so much”
“Hurry up and fuck me chad”
“Be patient”
He pulls himself off me and kicks off his joggers and his cock is already rock hard and I see some pre-cum leaking out.
“I forgot how big your dick is”
I pull of my thong and lie back on the bed while he rubs his hands up my legs stopping at my Pusey making me whine just wanting to feel him. He leans his head down and kisses my clit making me jerk my hood up and let out a moan
He licks a long stripe up my slit and I hear him moan before repeating it he avoids my clit and brings his fingers up to my mouth and I immediately know what to do and suck on them until he takes them out my mouth and slowly pushes the two fingers into my pussy making me moan forgetting how good he is at it.
“Your so tight in gonna have to stretch you out again”
I start to feel a knot form in my stomach and Chad knows I’m close and he sucks at my clit and starts lapping at it
C-Chad I’m go-gonna cu-um and he gives one hard suck of my clit before I cum into his mouth he helps me ride out my high until I have to push his head away at the over sensitivity.
He lifts his head from between my thighs and has my cum and spit around his mouth and he quickly licks it away. Before grabbing his click and pumping it a few times
“You ready”
“Uh huh”
He positions himself before pushing into my west pussy with ease both of us moaning at the feel of it. He pulls out leaving just the tip in before slamming his Whole length back in and he picks up the pace
My hair sticks to my forehead and Chad brushes out the way before kissing me agian and feeling our tongues fighting against eatchother before I pull away and moan at his cock hitting my g spot that he only knows where it is and continues to hit it with eatch thrust
“Cmon baby let go for me wanna feel your tight pussy squeezing me”
His words push me over the edge and my nails claw at his back while my orgasm washes over me and then I feel his cum fill me up. And he pulls out and kisses me before getting up to the bathroom. While he’s in there ive almost fallen asleep and I feel him cleaning me up before climbing into bed next to me and I lean onto his chest before falling asleep
I wake up to my phone getting a text and I groan before rolling over and looking at it. It’s from my friend
Y/n i know your’e at chads your locations on I really thought you weren’t going to see him this time
I don’t bother replying before laying back in bed and looking at Chad who’s still dead asleep.
It wasn’t a bad idea right?
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Omg guys this was my first time writing smut I don’t know how good it is but I hope you like it
Reminder my requests are always open
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kilfeur · 1 year
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Kalego a l'air fatigué vu l'état de sa chambre, il a pu confirmer qu'Atori était bien un infiltré, par contre ce qui a dû davantage le ruminer c'est le fait qu'Iruma soit un humain. Peut être que c'est un peu ça qui a aussi causé le bazar dans sa chambre. Car au début, il refusait d'y croire jusqu'à finir par l'accepter. Surtout qu'il va faire comme si il avait rien entendu vu le manque de réponse de Balam. C'est énorme de la part de Kalego qui est considéré comme un prof sévère et terrifiant par ses élèves. Se montrant sans pitié envers les ennemis de l'école ! Kalego voit Iruma comme l'un de ses élèves et le protégera en tant que tel, peu importe si il est humain ou non. Donc non en tant qu'ennemi, avant Kalego l'aurait sûrement balancer mais le fait qu'il le fasse pas montre justement à quel point cette relation avec Iruma l'a fait évolué et qu'il tient à lui à sa manière.
D'ailleurs je remarque que même si des démons remarquent qu'Iruma n'est pas un démon mais un humain. C'est pas du genre grosse révélation comme on pourrait le voir dans d'autres mangas. Mais plus de l'acceptance, y a Balam qui avait paniqué car Iruma n'aurait pas dû le dire car ils se connaissaient à peine. Mais les seuls qui donnent l'importance à cette révélation sont Baal et Kirio jamais les alliés d'Iruma. Donc ouais je pense que quand Iruma dira à Azz et Clara qu'il est humain, ils vont l'accepter
Kalego looks tired from the state of his bedroom, he was able to confirm that Atori was indeed an infiltrator, but what must have bothered him more was the fact that Iruma was a human. Maybe that's what caused the mess in his room too. Because at first, he refused to believe it until he finally accepted it. Especially since he's going to act as if he'd heard nothing, given Balam's lack of response. This is a huge thing for Kalego, who is considered a stern and terrifying teacher by his pupils. Showing no mercy towards the school's enemies! Kalego sees Iruma as one of his students and will protect him as such, whether he's human or not. But the fact that he doesn't shows just how much this relationship with Iruma has changed him, and that he cares for him in his own way.
Besides, I notice that even though some demons notice that Iruma isn't a demon but a human. It's not the kind of big revelation you might see in other mangas. But more than acceptance, there's Balam who panicked because Iruma shouldn't have said it, since they hardly knew each other. But the only ones who give importance to this revelation are Baal and Kirio, never Iruma's allies. So yeah, I think when Iruma tells Azz and Clara he's human, they'll accept it.
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jounosparticles · 1 year
What Your Heart Desires
(Part One)
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Jouno notices something is off when Tetchou gets oddly flustered at a simple compliment
genre: fluff
word count: 1758
When it comes to finding the truth, Jouno is easily the best of the Hunting Dogs. He can see through people’s words by listening to the sound of their heartbeat, and can easily talk his way into getting just about anyone to tell him the truth. Due to this, people tend to never bother lying about anything around Jouno, since he is not afraid to call people out on their true intent.
When sent on missions, Jouno is typically paired with Tetchou; the two make a fantastic team, and have taken down thousands of criminals effortlessly. Despite the fact that they argue non-stop, the work partners understand each other deeply.
After completing a mission a lot quicker than expected, the two decide to go grab a coffee before returning to the Hunting Dog’s base.
“Just go sit down, I’ll order for the two of us. No need to scare another barista with your horrific food choices,” Jouno smirks at his coworker. Tetchou goes and sits at the table the two usually occupy.
Jouno’s hearing is extremely sensitive, so finding a quiet place that serves good coffee made the two come here after a lot of missions.
“Here.” Tetchou takes the coffee that Jouno is handing him. He watches as his partner sits across from him.
“You did surprisingly well today, Tetchou. Usually you’re a pain to work with, but today you made the job much easier.” Surprisingly, that was one of the nicer things Jouno has said to his coworker. Tetchou knows that Jouno isn’t actually a mean person, but he definitely likes to argue and throw jabs whenever he gets the chance.
“You’re acting awfully nice today,” Tetchou sarcastically responds.
“Is it wrong for me to appreciate your work from time to time?”
“No, it’s just unusual of you.”
“Don’t get used to it.” Jouno takes a sip of his drink. He couldn’t help but notice that Tetchou’s heartrate raised a little after the comment. That’s odd, I barely said anything to him. Jouno thought to himself. Am I really that flattering?
Tetchou interrupts his train of thought, “you did well too.”
“Of course I did, I am the greatest Hunting Dog after all.”
“Not in combat.”
“Oh shut up, your sword would have nothing against me.”
Tetchou sighs, he knows he won’t win in an argument against Jouno. He enjoys trying to bother him, seeing his coworker’s pissed off face is something he adores. Jouno has always been entertaining in conversation, however, lately those feelings Tetchou has felt have began to evolve a bit. Jouno seems a bit more endearing lately; the way he smiles as he talks, the way he says Tetchou’s name, the way his hair always looks soft, it all makes Tetchou feel a way he can’t seem to feel about anyone else. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t stop imagining the way Jouno complimented his performance on the mission a few moments prior.
The white haired man very quickly noticed that his partner was breathing very shallow, as if he had something on his mind. “What is it? Your breathing sounds off.” This behaviour was unusual, Tetchou is typically very collected, having a slow heartbeat combined with deep breathing.
Tetchou doesn’t know how to respond to this. He doesn’t exactly understand what he’s feeling either. He feels happy, but also confused. Why was one tiny comment filling his mind? It wasn’t even a big deal, yet it was oddly affirming to hear. Still, Tetchou wouldn’t want to honestly answer that question, that just sounds like an easy way to get made fun of. “Nothing is wrong, I’m just tired today,” the man says quickly and sternly. Hopefully that was believable enough for Jouno to just move on.
A lie? Why would he lie to me? Surely he knows I can tell that isn’t the truth. Jouno thinks to himself. It was extremely out-of-character for Tetchou to lie, he is typically honest to everybody he speaks with. Jouno scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. “You know that I can tell you’re lying, right? What’s gotten into you? You’ve been acting off since we sat down.” Jouno is clearly frustrated. There’s no way it actually has to do with me saying he did well, right?
Tetchou has no clue of what to say in response. He decided to just ignore the question. The two sit in silence for a few moments, sipping at their lattes and thinking to themselves. Eventually, Jouno finally breaks the tension.
“Did I do something?” He asks sincerely. Almost immediately, he could feel the body heat of the man in front of him raise. I was right, he thought to himself. Maybe I can say something else later to test this.
“No. It was just a good mission, I’m not sure why I sound off to you.”
Another lie? I could just leave him be for now. Or maybe I could torment him for a bit. Jouno warmly smiles at Tetchou, before taking another sip of his drink. “About today’s mission, you cut down the enemy really quickly! I’m still rather impressed.”
“Thank you. It really isn’t a big deal.”
“If it wasn’t a big deal, why is your heart fluttering again whenever I talk about it? You know Tetchou, I heard it when I first mentioned the mission as well.” Jouno looks smugly, “are my compliments just that sweet to you?” The brunette could tell that Jouno was having fun with this. Yet, despite the embarrassment, he was enjoying the feeling. Still, there’s no way he would outright admit to that.
“You’re just trying to bother me, aren’t you? Sorry, your tactics don’t work on me.” Tetchou grins.
“It sounds like they’re working.” The white haired man finishes his coffee, and stops to think. Oh, this will be fun.
Tetchou finishes his drink as well, and stands up. Jouno stands as well, “come with me Tetchou, lets go for a quick walk before heading to the base.”
“We have work to do, we should head back now.” Tetchou argues, in reality he would adore going on a walk with Jouno, but work comes first.
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t look like we have anything except paperwork to get done for the rest of the day. A quick walk will be completely fine.” Jouno insists. Usually, Jouno also opts to get work done first, so him insisting they put off the job is odd. Tetchou sighs in agreement, and they leave the cafe.
The two take a walk through a small forest near the cafe. Since it’s the middle of a weekday, it’s extremely quiet. The two walk in silence for a while, while Jouno thinks of new ways to bother Tetchou. Does he just like compliments? Does it have to do with me specifically? It wouldn’t hurt to test him.
Jouno steps a bit closer to his work partner, who is moving very quietly. Jouno moves a bit closer, brushing his hand against Tetchou’s. “Sorry about that! I didn’t realize I moved that close to you,” he lies to the brunette. Immediately, Tetchou started feeling his own face heat up. Jouno feels this, and holds back a smile. So, he liked that too? Is it really possible that he sees me in that light? Jouno can’t help but feel a bit smug over this. The idea of someone swooning over him makes him feel great. But of all people, he wasn’t expecting Tetchou to be the one to feel this way. This idea made Jouno feel genuinely happy for some reason. He always secretly admired Tetchou, but never thought to see him in anything but a friendly light. Maybe there was more to his own feelings that he was avoiding.
“No worries,” Tetchou replied. Was that on purpose? Or did he actually touch my hand by accident? he thought to himself. It didn’t really bother him either way, but feeling Jouno’s soft hand against his own felt nice. I shouldn’t think too much about it. It’s not even a big deal.
“Why did we have to walk out here again? We should head back soon,” Tetchou asks.
“Just thought it would make for a good break. Besides, I’m enjoying listening to you.”
“You are? We’re barely talking.”
Jouno smiles, “I’m listening to your heart, and the way it beats a little faster whenever I talk to you. The way it started racing when I grazed your hand was a wonderful sound.”
“It surprised me, of course my heart would beat a bit faster.” Tetchou rolls his eyes. He doesn’t really know what to take from this situation, why was Jouno insisting on talking about this? It’s not like Tetchou would willingly explain his feelings. He couldn’t say his thoughts out loud. Jouno made him happy, happier than any other person does. Jouno felt warm, despite his cold exterior. Jouno was fun to talk to, and to work with. He loved looking at Jouno, his pretty hair, his cute smile, the way his uniform fit around his body. He loved hearing Jouno speak, he loved saying Jouno’s name. Everything about this man made Tetchou feel safe. Do I really have feelings for him? Can he tell? Is this why he’s acting like this? Tetchou is dumbfounded about his own feelings. He had felt like this for a while, but didn’t think to equate the feelings to anything more than friendship until Jouno started teasing him.
Jouno lets out a small sigh. “Mhm, okay. I can understand your heartbeat changing due to being shocked, but it doesn’t explain why your temperature rose. I can feel that as well.” Jouno found the attention he was getting extremely charming, his mind filled with ideas on how to torment his partner about these newfound feelings.
“I’m not sure why. I’m sure it’s nothing.” Tetchou quickly responded. He was clearly trying to dismiss the topic, which just made Jouno more tempted to bother him.
Jouno stops walking, “Tetchou.”
“What is it?” Tetchou faces him.
Jouno moves slightly closer, and places his hand on the side of the brunette’s head, running his fingers through his hair. “Listen to me.” Tetchou doesn’t respond, Jouno can hear the anxiousness his partner is feeling. His reaction makes Jouno smirk. He pulls himself closer, whispering in Tetchou’s ear:
“You can try to lie to me all you want, but your entire body is telling me how you truly feel.” Before Tetchou even gets to respond, Jouno turns away.
“Let’s get back to work, we’ve been gone long enough!”
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yuristarz · 11 months
Hello! Welcome to the first real chapter of Krampuslauf. I know i just posted the prolouge a bit ago, but I'm so excited about this concept right now that I just had to continue writing. I hope you guys like this one!
(English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
A nice Christmas getaway, this is what this should've been. An out from your regular stressful life, but things quickly turn from sweet to sour after a certain someone or something invites himself into your life.
A König x fem!reader fanfic inspired by the folktales of Krampus
Disclaimer: he talks about hurting reader but not in detail!!!
This is an 18+ story, so minors please dni!
The bathwater is luke warm when you get out, the wine glass is empty and you're well relaxed. After taking one of the fluffy towels you wrap it tightly around yourself and go towards the sink it's time to get ready for bed. Your luggage can wait, you'll have time for that tomorrow.
Reaching the master bedroom after quickly pulling your pajamas out of your suitcase you smile to yourself. This bedroom is a massive upgrade from yours back home. A king-sized bed a great view and even a fireplace. Yeah you can definitely manage with this place.
Falling into the bed felt like falling on a cloud, soft, warm, and fuzzy. The amounts of blankets and pillows comforting to the touch. Immediately the exhaustion sets in, the jetlag and the long drive finally catching up. After getting comfortable you quickly fall into a dream-less sleep.
You made it almost pitifully easy for him to stalk you. Leaving your curtains open like this, like you want someone to watch you be so vulnerable. His masked head tilts as he focuses on you. Leaning against the windowsill, his eyes glowed an ominous redish blue through the two holes at the front.
After a while of watching you a thought made its way to his head, he could just break in right now...do horrible things to you, unspeakable even. Make sure after he's done with you, people will fear him again. No, not tonight it's too early he tels himself. he'll let you live a bit longer.. let you settle in.
And when the time is right, he'll make you wish you had stayed wherever you came from...
The morning sun makes you squint your eyes as you slowly rise from the bed and stretch. You look around the room again, and your gaze stops by the window. Weird... yesterday an even coat of snow covered the windowsill. You were sure of it, maybe it was a bird or squirrel or it was always like that. Probably nothing to worry about.
After getting up and making your way downstairs you rummage through the cupboards and fridge. There isn't much to eat, mostly dry stuff and a few cans of fruit and onw with stew. You'd definitely have to drive to the small village at the bottom of the mountain to get some more things to eat.
After a quick meal consisting of crackers and some marmalade, you take your suitcases and drag them up the stairs to your bedroom. Opening the big doors to the wardrobe you start to stuff your clothes in it, making sure to put together an outfit together on the way. Now done with stuffing the wardrobe, you push your empty luggage under the bed and get changed.
You walk down the stairs once more and put your winter boots on by the door. As much as you'd love to just stay holed up here in the mountains for the next 14 days you still need food, so that meant driving down the snowie roads and getting enough food as to not make another trip down.
He watches silently as you walk out of the cabin and get in your car and start the motor. Good. That would give him some time to think about the best way to go about this.
Hi! Thanks for reading chapter 1 of Krampuslauf! It's a bit short but I think as the story continues they'll get longer. I hope you guys liked it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated <3
Since you wanted to get tagged :) @kneelingshadowsalome
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Friday - “it is true I wished to escape; and so I wish still; is not this not lawful for all prisoners?”
Angel is putting here parents through it with the back and forth is then isn’t coming home now.
God she hates Mac so much <3
But my hand closes around something else instead. Jimmy’s knife.
I glance to one side at Rowan. He’s spaced out, staring into the air. Holding his guitar like a soldier with a gun against his chest. He looks worse than he has all week. Sometimes I look at Rowan and can’t remember what he used to look like. We were in primary school when we first met. We were placed next to each other in class and told to learn five facts about the person sitting next to you. All I remember about Rowan’s was that his favorite band was Duran Duran. All he remembers about mine was that I’d never broken a bone. He had rimless glasses and short tight curls. His jumper was way too big for him. As soon as we both learned that we each wanted to be in a band, we were best friends. The boy next to me no isn’t anything like that boy. Not bright-eyed and excited to tell me about the new guitar he got for his birthday. Not dragging me to the music block go show me he could play the bass line for a Vaccines song. No laughter. No wonder. We got hay we wanted in the end, though. Didn’t we? We wanted to be in a band. Hang on, hang on, I need a sec oh my god. I’d like to once again say THEYRE BEST FRIENDS!!! CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS!!!!! ALL THEY WANTED WAS TO BE IN A BAND!!!!!!! EVERYTHING THEY EVER WANTED AND IT COULDN’T BE WORSE!!!!!!!!!!! secondly, NO LAUGHTER. NO WONDER.
Thinking about how fast Rowan signs the contract where Jimmy and Lister hesitate. How he knows it’ll be worse, less time to do anything but the band, to see his family, his girlfriend, to have a life, but this is what he’s supposed to do, this is what will make them successful, and eventually it’ll get better.
I think I’m losing it. Going off the wall. Is this why celebrities eventually get addicted to drugs? Because it all gets a bit too much? Sometimes I think about taking drugs. Sometimes I think it might help. When I see Lister smoke and drink, I know it’s bad, but I understand why he does it. It’s so he doesn’t have to think. I hate thinking.
oh Lister :(
“Do you ever imagine what would happen if we just…ran away?” asks Lister suddenly. I glance at him. He’s looking at the window too. […] “I think about it all the time,” I say. RUN!!RUN!!RUN!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lister you can’t be surprised when he climbs out the window you suggested climbing out the window and running away from your responsibilities. Jimmy meant business (is actively having a breakdown)
Do you ever wonder why Lister didn’t just follow Jimmy? Like I get it, he’s freaking out cause he didn’t think Jimmy was serious but man you could’ve just like followed him. Pretty easily.
I need to talk to Juliet. Jimmy will have to wait. I can message him on Twitter later. He’ll probably never see it anyway. Juliet is the priority today. I need to talk to her. I need to repair the mess I made. Nothing good ever comes from Twitter. Also, ANGEL YOU WERE SO CLOSE!!!!! YOU WERE GOING TO CHOOSE JULIET!!!!!
Angel is very enthusiastic about this, for some reason. I thought she’d be annoyed at having to go out of her way to give me back the knife. I didn’t think she’d still be a fan of me after seeing me have a meltdown yesterday. They don’t like seeing you sad.
Another group appear—boys and girls. A woman and her daughter. A group of men in their twenties. I just start posing for selfies. Like it’s a fucking reflex. I can’t just leave. I can’t just say no. I get it, but you actually can and frankly I think you should start being mean to them 🤷‍♀���
Jimmy clinging to the sleeve of Angel’s hoodie like a child. Angel taking care of the main part of the thing that has given her a will to live for the past five years. :(
Jimmy, you’re already taking her to your grandad’s house I don’t think telling her the address is going to give away the location.
Personally I love Angel’s Jimmy’s gonna murder her bit. Jimmy just doesn’t get it
I can’t with Jimmy’s family. I NEED to know about his relationship with his sister desperately.
I go to the front of the pews and sit, and for the first time in weeks, months, I don’t know how long, reach out to God. He’s waiting. He always is. No matter how long I go, no matter how shit it all gets, at least I have one or two things waiting for me. God doesn’t care whether I have one pound or one hundred million. God doesn’t care if I make a mistake, if I fuck yo again and again and again. God asks me, “How are you?” and I just start crying. I try to be white but I can hear my sniffs echoing from the stone walls. God says, “Say something,” and I tell Him that u don’t know what to say, and He says, “Anything you’ve got.” But I just cry some more. God tells me, “Everything that happens is making you stronger,” and I want to believe Him but I can’t. “I love you anyway,” He tells me. At least someone does.
I decide to stop and visit my grandmas grave. The gravestone still looks relatively new compared to the huge old stones around it, despite it being over five years old now. Grandma didn’t see any of this band shit happen to me. For some reason, that makes me glad. Joan :’(
Joan of Arc :(( Joan Ricci :(((( his grandma :(((((((
Piero isn’t buying any of this bs
“You would give your lives for these boys. You cling to them like you’re reaching out to a god. They practically keep you alive. But beneath that, and if you took all that away, you fundamentally do not value yourself.” He sighs. “All your love is given away. You leave nothing for yourself.” “I—I don’t think we’re all like that,” I stammer. “But I think you are,” says Piero, looking directly at me. SHOTS FIRED!!!
“I know he asked you for help,” says Piero, “but the trouble is, while asking for help is always good, it’s impossible to keep relying on others to solve your problems for you. There comes a point where you have to help yourself. Believe in yourself. “Are you talking about Jimmy or are you talking about me?” I say. He smiles and says, “You tell me.”
I’ve done something stupid, coming here. Just to have a little cry on my grandad’s shoulder. My own little pity party. He done something even more stupid, asking some fangirl to come with me, just because people on trains scare me and I thought she was a nice person. But there is one thing I am sure of. One thing I know is the right decision now. Not stupid. Not sad. Not pitiful. I’m freeing myself I’m leaving The Ark. !!! GO JIMMY GO!!!!!!!
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swtnrcmnt · 1 year
୨୧ -- busy; s.r
spencer reid x singer!reader
warnings: cursing, angst -> fluff,
four weeks.
that's how long it had been since you had seen your boyfriend. he said time and time again that he would be able to make it home in time for whatever important event you had going on that you wanted him there for, but work always came up.
you didn't know what to think anymore. if it had really been work why had you been hearing from his friends more than him? they all work with him, wouldn't they be working too?
after a while the "sorry i can't make it anymore tonight" texts stopped coming, all the calls went straight to voicemail, and he would just not show up without any explanation at all.
your friends were asking you where he was, your parents wondering if you two were still together, even your makeup and hair crew were starting to ask about him.
it started to get humiliating. everyone wondering where your "perfect sweet boyfriend" was and you never had a straight answer.
of course you were worried about him, and over time you started to think nothing of it considering nobody on his team ever asked if you had seen him.
you were getting tired of it. the weeks on end of not hearing from him, having to attend events that he knew were important to you alone, coming home to an empty house every day.
enough was enough. you decided to finally confront him about all his excuses, and made your way to the bau headquarters in virginia unannounced.
once the elevator doors opened, you immediately saw penelope staring at you with wide eyes that had a hint of panic, clearly not expecting you to show up. but instead of greeting you like she normally would, she muttered a quick "hi" and made her way back into her office.
as soon as your eyes landed on spencer's desk, you noticed he was sitting there with a pile of case files surrounding him.
deciding you weren't going to make a scene in his workplace, you calmly approached him.
"spencer." you said sternly but calmly, quickly grabbing his attention as his head shot up in your direction the second he heard your voice.
his eyes looked exhausted, with dark circles and heavy bags. you could tell he hadn't been sleeping as much as he should be.
quickly gathering his files to make them neat and organizing himself he said "y/n, hi. i, uh. i wasn't expecting you"
giving him an unimpressed look as walking towards the elevators, he already got the notion that you wanted him to follow you. so, he grabbed his satchel and asked jj if she could finish some case files for him as he followed behind you.
"there's a lot to talk about" was the first thing you said once the elevator doors closed, not even facing spencer as you spoke.
out of the corner of your eye, you could see him looking at you with some sort of sadness. he knows he fucked up big time. and he knows that you deserve an explanation.
once you got to the car, he insisted on driving like he usually does when you travel together, but this time you ignored his offers and headed straight for the driver's seat.
the drive home was unusually quiet. nothing but white noise from the soundproofing of the car and some music playing faintly in the background. "y/n.." spencer said breaking the silence once you pulled into your home, turning his head to look at you.
"i'm so sorry i was gone. you didn't to be left alone for so long." he said.
"i don't want an apology, spencer. i want an explanation. you can't just disappear on me for almost a whole month, not return any of my texts, calls, and even goddamn emails and then say you're sorry." you said, speaking while exiting the car and making your way to the door, spencer following closely behind you.
dropping his satchel on the floor next to the door, he said "i know i shouldn't have been gone and if you want an explanation i need you to listen to me."
sitting on the couch and finally turning to look at him, you gave him the chance to properly communicate to you why he had basically abandoned you.
"fine." you said, "tell me the reason why you were gone for four weeks with no explanation."
"there was this case at work-"
"oh bullshit, spencer." you interrupted, "if there was this case at work, how come the rest of your team were answering my messages, and returning my calls. so don't tell me a case came up because i know damn well it would not have taken four weeks."
"y/n if you could just listen to me for one second." he said, slightly raising his voice to get his annoyance across but enough enough for it to be a yell or shout.
you didn't give him a response, but instead rolled your eyes and slouched back into the couch.
"there was a case. it's just that i had to be undercover which would've taken more time than a usual one where i'm only gone two or three days." he said, keeping a calm tone to not trigger any more anger out of you. "the reason why you heard more from the team members than me is because their job was to work on the case from the bureau, not in the field."
"spencer.." you said, not a hundred percent convinced with his reasoning but somewhat believing him, "why wouldn't you tell me you had to go undercover or at least give me some sort of heads up before you went into the field. you know how worried i was about you? when you suddenly stopped replying to me, suddenly stopped coming home?"
he sat down next to you and sighed. "i know. i should have. and you have to believe me, i tried convincing emily but she said i couldn't if we wanted the plan to work. i can't begin to imagine how stressful and anxious the time must have been for you and i'm so sorry about that. i should've told you regardless of protocol, and i wish i did."
looking at him, you reach over to play with the strands of hair sitting on his forehead. "as much as i hate what you did, and i'm still angry at you.. i guess i forgive you." he smiled as you said that.
"but just know that if you ever do that again i'm dumping you." you said, completely serious about your threat.
he smiled, happy at the outcome of the situation "noted. by the way, i'll be asking emily for some time off. to make up for the time i spent away from you. and we can catch up on all the things i missed, and spend every second with each other." he said, pulling you in by your waist and planting a kiss on your forehead.
smiling up at him, you said "i'd like that. oh, and. i thought you should know that you'll be coming with me to all my fittings and rehearsals this week. big event within the next month that you need to get a new suit for."
"that's alright with me"
idk how to feel about this.. it kinda lost track of the main plot i guess? but i hope u enjoyed reading
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
Day 7: Serenade
So ummm the original draft for this went with the prompt, but after a few tweaks it has nothing to do with it. Have the writing anyways; I know some people wanted a continuation of this one.
I nearly had a heart attack when I woke up the following day.  Everything had been such a blur once the giant figured out how to communicate with me.  It slipped my mind that I was staying in Grady’s house.  Come to think of it, I don’t remember falling asleep.  The giant wasn’t in his room when I woke up, so I cautiously wandered out from beneath his desk where my makeshift bed had been constructed.  The blanket he’d given me made up most of it, and a towel served as my mattress.  My leg had healed up almost perfectly fine.  I can put my full weight on it now.  I couldn’t — and didn’t — want to imagine what might’ve happened to me had Grady been like all the horror stories I’d heard about giants before.  Not only would my leg be swollen beyond the ability to walk, I might’ve been locked away in a pet crate.  I’d heard of it happening to unlucky others, and feared it might happen to me.
Of course, no such thing occurred over the day I’d spent with Grady.  He’s been surprisingly hospitable, but I suppose that’s out of pity for me.  We’d gone to my camp to try to help everyone, but it was already too late.  The snow had piled up to my shoulders, burying almost everyone alive.  There were only two people left by the time we got there.  One had died on the way to Grady’s house, and the other had passed away as we tried to warm them up.  I’d been inconsolable the rest of the day, and fell asleep here.  I guess he’d put me in this bed after I’d passed out.
The bedroom door creaked open, and I cowered beneath the desk.  Slowly, I edged to the front of it and peeked up at the giant that had entered.  My heart calmed once I realized it was only Grady.  He’d come out of the bathroom the next room over, still slightly wet with only a pair of boxers on.  I stared at his bare torso, face rapidly flushing red.  He must still think I’m asleep.  Before I could hide again, he turned to his desk and spotted me.  “Ho!  Er’uoy ekawa!  Dloh no, tel em tsuj teg desserd.”  He acknowledged me, but I had no idea what he said.  Our languages are similar written down, but their pronunciations are too different for me to try and piece together what he told me.  I turned around and waited for him to get fully dressed before stepping out from my spot beneath the desk.  
This is the first time I’ve been properly face-to-face with a giant.  The days before, I’d been busy staying out of his way, trying to save everyone in camp, and figure out the giants’ language.  I cautiously stepped up to Grady; my head only came up to his shins.  He went over to his desk and took the clipboard with a fresh piece of paper as well as a pencil and some lead for me.  It’s still frightening, seeing him move around the massive space.  Even when he kneels down, Grady is still twice as tall as I am.  ‘Are you feeling any better today?’ Grady asked through the paper.  ‘My leg’s feeling a lot better.  I can walk on it now!’  He smiled, ‘That’s good, now I won’t have to carry you everywhere.’
Yesterday, while my leg was still swollen, Grady had to carry me wherever I wanted to go.  It was scary having to trust him so quickly, but I didn’t have much of a choice.  I clung tightly to his shirt while he held me in his arms.  It was an awkward situation, to be sure.  I was too big to be held in one hand, and too small to be carried on his shoulders.  He’d held me tucked beneath his jacket, blocking the freezing winds from reaching me while we trekked out to my camp.  Grady’s frightening size became less menacing once I remembered how kindly he’d treated me, and how safe I felt nestled close to him.  It’s slightly embarrassing thinking about it now.  
‘Did you want me to get you some breakfast?’ Grady asked me, taking me out of my memories from yesterday.  I nodded and he stood again, causing me to stumble backwards in shock.  Giving me a pitying look, he slipped out the door and closed it behind him.
A while later, he returned with enough food to feed a small group of people like me.  “Ereh uoy og,” Grady announced, “Evah emos tsafkaerb, neht ll’ew teg nwod ot ssenisub.”  His voice sounded a bit more serious than before, but again I couldn’t understand what he said.  I nervously ate my meal as Grady milled about his room, trying not to stare.  I understood why.  My height was dwarfed by all the giant-sized objects around me.  It’s an uncanny sight for me, but I’ve never thought about it from a giant’s perspective.  I must be about the size of a baby giant, if that.  Obviously, he doesn’t see me as that young of a person, but maybe that’s why he’s decided to take pity on me.
Once I finally finished my meal, he came back to my side, pencil in hand.  Grady brought the tip up to the paper numerous times, but he kept pulling back each time.  Eventually, he wrote ‘What are you going to do now?  The others you lived with..’  He stopped writing hesitantly, but I could tell what he meant to say.  I don’t have a camp to go back to anymore.
There’s a bigger camp across the giants’ subdivision — the one I tried to get to before the snowstorm hit.  I guess I could try going there.  However, there is another option.  A place that comes with heating, relative safety, and more food than I can eat.  The only drawback is my roommate.  I’m not sure Grady is even a drawback at this point, though.  I fiddled with the lead in my hand, staring at the paper in front of me.  What would Grady think of me if I invited myself to live in his house?  I can’t just stroll in and start making a home for myself beneath his desk.  
‘Do you have anywhere else to go?’ Grady wrote while I thought through what to do.  ‘There’s a camp at the other end of your subdivision’ I replied in a slow scrawl.  Carefully, Grady bent down all the way to the floor to look me in the eyes.  I hesitantly returned his gaze.  One of his palms drifted towards me and I froze as he took my restless hands in his.  They both fit effortlessly in Grady’s single palm.  “Uoy t’nod tnaw ot og ot rehtona pmac, od uoy?”  He asked me something quietly, but even if he’d spoken in my own language, I wouldn’t have understood him.  I was too mesmerized by the stunning hazel of his eyes.  They were so large I could see all the individual streaks of color that made up his irises.  
Before I knew it, his hand slipped away from mine.  Pencil in hand, Grady wrote ‘Would you rather stay with me here?  I could clean up the space beneath my desk and close it off so no one could look in.  It doesn’t have to be permanent, just until the weather gets nicer.’  
Simultaneous excitement and nervousness shot through my veins as I read his message.  With a shaking hand, I wrote ‘Are you sure you want me to stay?’  He nodded, ‘As long as you stay hidden, I don’t mind.’  I pointed to the words ‘stay hidden’ and drew a question mark beneath them.  His explanation quickly appeared next to it.  ‘If my parents find out that I’m taking care of you…’  Grady stopped writing, then looked back up at me.  He had a concerned look on his face, but I motioned for him to keep writing regardless.  
‘You know a lot of my kind don’t see you guys as actual people.  So if my parents catch you.. they’ll throw you back outside.  They won’t try to understand you like I do.’  I shuddered just thinking of it.  Adult giants seven — maybe ten — times my height, dragging me back outside into the freezing snow piled up to my shoulders.  They probably wouldn’t let Grady outside to reclaim me anytime soon, leaving me to suffer the freezing weather alone.  It would likely be too late for me by the time Grady managed to sneak back out to get me.  Even if it wasn’t, how long would it be before I was caught again?
“Yeh, I t’now tel gnihtyna neppah ot uoy, thgirla?”  His voice shook me from horrible visions of frozen wastelands and brought me back to the warmth of his house.  Hopefully it can be my house too.  Slowly I stepped over the paper and stood right in front of him.  “If you really do want me to stay, I’d-  I’d be so grateful..”  I stopped once I saw Grady’s eyes glaze over confusedly.  If only we could just speak with each other.  It’s already getting annoying having to write down everything I want to say.  I begrudgingly returned to the paper.  ‘I’d be so grateful if you let me stay here.  I don’t know how I could repay you for everything, but if you’re inviting me to stay, it would be stupid of me to give all of this up.’
A smile slowly grew on his face as he read what I’d written.  ‘Alright, then let’s get you settled in!’  Grady moved to get up, but I held out my hands to stop him.  “Wait!  I- I have one more question!”  He froze, looking down at me with another confused expression.  “Tahw si ti?”  I sighed, returning to the paper again.  I wanted to ask him why he was helping me — why he offered to let me stay despite knowing I had somewhere else he could drop me off.  I can understand why he’d been so kind until now.  First I was nearly dead, then I found I couldn’t walk, then my entire camp died, then I became a sad sobbing mess for twelve hours.  I imagine a lot of people would take pity on someone who had to go through all that, giant or otherwise.  However, I’m basically free to go now.  My leg’s healed up and I have my original goal still left uncompleted, so why did he offer to let me stay?
All of that spiraled around in my head as I sat staring at a blank portion of the paper, piece of lead in hand.  “Thgirla.  Ll’i tes pu emos ffuts htaeneb ym ksed rof uoy elihw uoy kniht tuoba tahw uoy tnaw ot yas, ko?”  He asked me a question — whether something was ‘ok’ or not — that much I could tell.  I watched as Grady began clearing out the space beneath his desk further, allowing me more room to stay hidden.  Just as I turned back to the paper, he yanked the large piece of furniture slightly away from the wall with a loud scraping noise, making me flinch.  “Yrros,” he said absentmindedly, continuing to drag it around until it was even again.  A spark of fear flitted through my chest watching him do that.  He’s strong enough to quite literally tear me into pieces if he wanted.  Not that he would.  He wouldn’t.  He won’t.
After watching him bang his head on the underside of the desk for the fifth time while setting things up, I gave up trying to write down what I wanted and instead went to help him with my living arrangements.  With some gestures and a few written explanations, I found that he’d pulled back the desk because the backs of the drawers were open behind it.  He wanted to build a small ladder for me to have a more private room in the lower drawer.  I had to congratulate him on that idea, because I honestly thought it was really cool having a two story house again.  
While he got to work making a ladder, I got to work putting up some makeshift walls.  Grady had brought me a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes to use as walls, and to make it less suspicious, Grady dragged over his laundry basket and pile of hoodies, throwing them around in a seemingly messy way that hid the cardboard perfectly.  We stopped for lunch, and I had to spend the second half of the day alone.  Grady and his family had somewhere to be that afternoon.  I sat staring at that paper for a while.  
I want to ask him; I just don’t know how.  How do you ask someone if every good thing they’ve done for you is out of pity?  You don’t.  
I’d find another time for that, or maybe he’d tell me on his own.  I busied myself with decorating my new home, but soon more deeper thoughts emerged.  Is this my new home permanently?  I know I want to stay here for the foreseeable future — through the winter at least.  But what happens after that?   I can’t live my whole life with a giant, can I?  Can I?  Again I tucked the thought away.  I don’t need to worry about leaving for a few months, until then I should just be thankful I have somewhere to stay that has heating.
Just as I was figuring out a lighting system for the surprisingly dark drawer, the door to Grady’s room clicked open.  Moments later, there was a knock on the front of the shelf.  “Yreviled!  Eht s’doof ereh!  Enoyna emoh?”  Grady’s voice held a certain lightheartedness that held my fears at bay for I time.  Plastering on a smile, I slid out of the drawer and stepped out from beneath the desk.  A large plate of food was piled in Grady’s hands.  It was more than what I could eat in the entire day.  “You.. didn’t have to get me so much!” I told him, astonished.  He happily handed the plate off to me and left the moment I went to get the lead and paper.  “Oh…”  I guess he just came back to make sure I was fed.
— pov swap —
Why was today of all days my parents’ anniversary?  The whole family, even my cousins that lived nearby, gathered to eat out at some expensive restaurant together.  I tried to seem entertained and enthusiastic about everything, but it was hard knowing who waited for me back home.  I’d left the little Survivor alone locked up in my room.  Hopefully she can busy herself with making a home beneath my dresser.  Hopefully she still wants to stay — not that I’d stop her if she wanted to leave.  That’s her choice to make, not mine.
Briefly, I managed to slip into my room for a moment to hand off some food from the restaurant, but my aunt and younger cousins had followed us home to catch up with everyone, so I made my visit as brief as possible.  I do not want one of my cousins coming to look for me while I’m talking with Hannah.  They would either rush to tell my parents, or rush to mess with her.  Both options were things I dreaded, and I’m sure Hannah would agree with me.  Finally, after readying myself for bed just to convince my family to leave me alone, I managed to return to her later that night.  It was a frustrating day to be sure, but the sight of the Survivor sitting up to welcome me back instantly put a smile on my face.
“Hey,” I addressed Hannah, kneeling down to be more level with her.  “I- I’m sorry about today.  I know it probably wasn’t fun for you sitting here alone.”  I stopped speaking when I saw the confusion in her eyes.  Right.  She doesn’t understand me.  I picked up the pencil and paper we’d been using to communicate and wrote: ‘I know I haven’t really been around today, and I’m sorry.  I know you’re probably worried about all this.  Are you alright?’  Hannah’s eyes drifted across my handwriting for a moment before balling up against her eyes.  She took a step away from me, head turned, but when she glanced back up at me, her face was slightly wet and her eyes glistened.  
That’s a no, then.  She didn’t look scared, but she certainly didn’t look alright, either.  “It’s alright, I.. It’s ok.  I promise this’ll be a rare thing.  I’m not gonna leave you locked up in here every day.  I don’t want to.”  Hannah can’t even understand it, yet when I offered her my arms, she sidled into them.  She feels so strange in an indescribable way.  It felt just like this yesterday, when I brought her through the snow to the place where the rest of her kind were hiding.  They’d all died in one way or another, and I felt awful for her.  Thankfully, Hannah does have somewhere else to go if she ends up changing her mind and leaving, but would it be a similar place to the awful living situation I’d seen in the snow?
After only a few minutes, her sniffles stopped and she slid out of my lap to write something.  ‘I didn’t mean to get so emotional,” she wrote hesitantly, ‘I don’t mind that you’re gone for a while, I just-’  Hannah stopped writing and stared at the words she’d written for a long time.  “If you can’t put it into words, that’s fine,” I told her before remembering to write it down.  I had to carefully bend over her to do so because she was still partially in my lap.  ‘You don’t have to tell me now.  Draft something up in your own writing then I’ll translate it myself, if that makes it any easier for you.  I’m going to try to figure out how to understand you verbally, but until then we’ll have to use this.  Is that ok?’  The Survivor read my writing, then answered with a yes and: ‘I’ll try to learn some of your language, too.  That’s good advice to try drafting something up instead of trying to write it all down at once.  As you can imagine, there’s a lot more I want to talk to you about.’
I sat in thought, staring down at Hannah as she glanced back up at me.  ‘Like what?’  She shuffled nervously after reading my question.  ‘Nevermind; tell me when you’re ready.  I have an idea on how you might get used to my language in the meantime.’  ‘How?’
Gently, I slid my hands around her torso and hoisted her up to my bed.  I could feel her breath hitch and heart skip a beat as she was lifted.  Hannah struggled for only a brief moment before recognizing what I was doing.  She turned to face me with a bewildered look the moment she could stand again.  “Tahw eht lleh saw taht rof?!  Uoy- Uoy t’nac tsuj kcip em pu ekil taht!  I teg taht uoy erew tsuj gnipleh em pu, tub I teg deracs nehw enoemos ym nwo ezis sbarg em, dnimreven a tnaig.”
She was yelling at me.  I know it’s probably because I picked her up without warning, though I can’t understand much else.  “Sorry; I’ll tell you before I do that next time.”  Hannah seemed to understand at least slightly because she nodded satisfactorily.  “Won tahw saw ti uoy detnaw em ereh rof?”  It took a second for me to remember why I’d put Hannah up there.  Grabbing the paper, writing stuff, and my phone, I got onto my bed myself.  I lay down so we were basically at eye level with eachother.  Hannah was actually taller than me that way.  ‘I thought we could kill two birds with one stone — spend some time together to make up for today, and get you to learn my language.’  While Hannah read my message, I propped my phone up on a pillow for both of us to see.
‘I thought we could watch a movie!’ I wrote happily.  ‘I’ll put the subtitles on so you can see how things are written and hear it at the same time.’  Hannah nodded, a small smile growing on her lips.  ‘I’d like that.  Thank you.’  I scrolled through a few different movies, letting her read and decipher the plot synopses of a few different ones before she finally chose and we settled in.  She’d picked a more girly movie I hadn’t seen because I hadn’t cared to watch it.  It wasn’t long before my eyelids grew heavy, and I let my head rest heavily on the bed.  
I don’t know how long I slept for, but I eventually woke up to the sound of snoring.  With a yawn, I lifted my head confusedly and froze.  Laying beside me, tucked against my arm, was the little Survivor, fast asleep.  For once she didn’t look conflicted.  In fact, she looked rather at peace.  My phone had shut off who knows how long ago, and I carefully slid my arm out from beneath Hannah to pick it up.  Carefully, I made my way off the bed and shut off my phone for the night.  Then, I turned back to Hannah.  I really didn’t want to wake her up, but I couldn’t sleep with her laying there.  Just like last night, when I had to put her to bed after passing out in tears, I again gently pulled her into my arms, tucking her to my chest to keep her from falling.  
With a slight mumble, Hannah turned over in my grip.  She unconsciously pressed herself against me, burying her face in the fabric of my pajamas.  She was adorable, but I had to put her down.  She’d never trust me again if she woke up to find herself snuggled in my arms.  I gave extra caution to make sure she fell seamlessly into bed, then slid a blanket over her.  I wanted to do more for her.  Though I know I’ve done a lot for her already, I can’t help but think it’s not enough.  Part of me already knows it’ll never be enough.  People destroyed her real home — the place where the Survivors came from.  I know this place will probably never feel like that, but I can at least try to make it a bit more welcoming.  Turning in for the day, I let my mind wander through things I could do or make for her.  It certainly won’t be perfect, but at least it’ll be something.  
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seaoftheworst · 17 days
The transponder snail sonorously thrums as the  cook  man clutches onto the mouthpiece, fair head tipping back as surrounding light casts a sheen over a pair of dark rimmed glasses, the blond quietly waiting for the recipient of the call to pick up. There’s excitable laughter in the background, the sound intermittently undulating in time with children playing a game among themselves, scampering feet lightly puttering against grass and concrete - giggles grow closer and meld together, subsequently distancing from the den den mushi upon hearing the utterance of  “be with you in a sec, my lovely”.  It’s a familiar voice drifting across the line, confidence and humour present within the candour.
“Heard it was your special day. This could be a courtesy call to wish you a happy birthday, but where’s the fun in that?”  It’s evident that he’s grinning despite a lack of visual representation of the caller, fingertips lightly drumming against the surface of a wooden table.  “I believe you were having a get-together to celebrate the day. Seems like an exclusive guestlist with a very unique menu.”  There’s an amused hum, the tempered sound segueing into a ripple of an aloof chuckle.  “I don’t recommend heading to the kitchen any time soon. Unless you’re interested in seeing the staff running around in circles…”  (  il aurait souhaité être présent pour assister à un tel spectacle, tant pis  )  “You’re missing a shipment with a few crates of ingredients, but I wouldn’t bother trying to track them down. There’s an orphanage of very happy kids who’re singing Sir Crocodile’s praises for the generosity of his ‘donation’.”  There’s a pause, an elevation in his voice that comes with a shift in weight.  “Always knew you were a big softie deep down.”
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His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched as he heard that all too familiar voice on the den-den. Whomever had leaked his number was not going to live much longer, as was the person who allowed the theft to occur. There was going to be hell to pay before the ned of the day, he decided, as his hand held the receiver held it far too harshly and it creaked at the pressure. He still did not know who this 'Mr. Prince' was, something he had wondered and contemplated for the last two years. When he finally had his hand on the man, he was not going to rest until the annoyance was nothing more than a pile of dust.
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feralwaff1e · 2 months
So let's talk about an arc in my Lady Betrayus AU, that I've been hesitating to publish.
Also fanart in the read more
So, I'm unsure of how Stratos hears this, but he gets wind that if given the chance, Betrayus would not take back her physical body. The reason being, is that it is not transitioned, and if she were to go back into it, the gender dysphoria would be debilitating for her. After all, her ghostly form is already perfect, so why take her physical body? She'd obviously get the bodies back for her army, though.
Getting wind of this and already mulling over many things in his head. Questions such as: Was our house not safe enough to talk about this? Was it our fault she ended up like this?(evil not trans). How can we make this up to her without disturbing the political system of Pacworld?
Stratos, not really thinking, decides the Best Thing Ever would be to surprise his sister with a present that shows he supports and loves her.
What is the present/surprise you ask?
Well, he's gonna take Betrayus’s body out of the repository and transition it for her…..Yeah, he really didn't think that through or thought about how maybe YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT. But he's not thinking that, he's thinking he's the Best Big Brother Ever.
He's giving his sister gender affirming care, well as much as the scientists/doctors sworn to secrecy would allow. The treatment Betrayus’s body was allowed to have without her permission was Hormone Therapy. Even then, that's still crossing the line. The only reason they're doing this is because he's the present, and they don't know what would happen if they say no.
So ,this is happening, Betrayus has no idea what's going on. The funny thing is, if Stratos had tried to ask or somehow tried to talk to her about it, she would have agreed! But he didn't. He took this whole choice/important decision from her. Not only that, but if he asked and they did this together? He would have been the perfect support.
He asks questions, makes sure nothing is harmful in the long term, all the stuff a good brother would do.
But he didn't, and Stratos lowkey is talking to her body sometimes, too. Not in a creepy way, but like how a loved one talks to the ashes or a grave. Little things, talking about his days, how he wished they talked more, how he's gonna make it up to her. It's concerning but not something anyone is willing to comment on.
This goes on, for what I wanna say, is about a year and a half. Enough that all the effects of the estrogen are seen on Betrayus's physical body. Longer hair, change in fat distribution, softer skin, etc. So after that, Stratos tricks Betrayus to coming to the roundhouse, under the guise of ‘Power Transferal’ that Betrayus would rule Pacworld.
Spoilers, it wasn't that.
Betrayus, confused as to why she would need to sign a document of power transferable in the basement, is About to fight her brother when the elevator opens. Then Stratos in all his glory points at the the thing he's been keeping his sister in, yells “Surprise!”
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There was her body, floating in a vat. Betrayus could only quietly float up to it and put her hand on it. She was stunned, speechless, and felt…scared?
“...What did you do?”
“I heard what you were saying about your body? So I thought I'd show my support and help with the transition and-”
She's gone from scared to angry in a snap of her fingers. Her brother took this from her, like how she felt he took everything else, she wasn't even there to see how body changed. Then what the hell were they supposed to do when the body was transitioned for her? Back into the repository?! It didn't make sense. None of this made sense to her!
She yells at him, hardcore, the whole laboratory temperature raised by a whole lot too. How could he do this without her permission?! Didn't he understand that he took away her autonomy a second time?!
She ends up scorching some of the lab and telling him to put the body back in the repository. She didn't know what he expected from this, but she was disgusted And disappointed.
Meanwhile, Stratos is distraught. His sister…She looked truly fearful of him. He didn't understand what he did was wrong. Shouldn't she be happy? Eleated? It didn't make sense to him. He doesn't see Betrayus for 6 months after. Even then, it's because she had to stop Ezra & the twins from beating the shit outta him.
This is all I got for this rn, may add more later. If y'all have any questions just send an ask
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