#nessian family fluff
asnowfern · 11 months
Dancing with the world in my hands
Summary: Nesta introduces the Symphonia to her daughter and naturally, they have a dance party.
WC: 1k
Read on AO3
A/N: Just a little fluff to beat away the Monday blues💕
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The house is quiet.
Nesta snaps her head up from her page at the realisation, taking note of the page number. She has read nearly an entire chapter in the time Alea has been doodling abstract colours on a drawing pad.
To her chagrin, three year old Alea is not at the little drawing desk her father had painstakingly built for her. Her crayons and colour pencils lie haphazardly on the pad and surrounding floor but the girl in question is nowhere to be seen.
And the house is still too quiet.
“Alea?” Nesta calls out cautiously, pointed ears strain for a hint of sound the kid is bound to make.
Nesta stands, catching the knitted fabric just before the blanket fully slides to the ground. “Alea?” She summons a little louder this time.
Still nothing.
“A little help here?” She mutters to the ceiling - the ace in her sleeve.
Her reading light blinks rhythmically at the Valkyrie almost in faint amusement. Find her yourself.
Nesta clicks her tongue and grumbles, “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
The window opens a crack, just enough to let in a gust of wind. It whips at her face and teases the stray strands just enough so that it tickles her face. The equivalent of the House blowing a raspberry.
With a huff, Nesta marks her page and drops the book on the side table. She makes her way down the corridor leading to the bedrooms, snorting at how the faelights lining the walls twinkle in jest.
A tussle in her room captures her attention. An assortment of her items surround her daughter like a ritualistic circle. The fae in question has her face scrunched up in concentration, her lips pursed and her wings tucked in tightly. She looks down at the spherical object that Alea holds in her chubby hands and her stomach nearly drops.
Quick to rein in her temper before it slips out, Nesta chides, “Alea! What did I say about messing with our stuff?”
Alea looks up at her, completely unrepentant. Instead, her face splits into a white smile. “Mama!” Stubby legs thud excitedly across the wooden floorboards. She holds up the orb, “What’s this?”
Nesta feels the smile curving up her lips as she takes hold of her precious object, saying gently but firmly, “This is a Symphonia and you need to be very careful with it because this is a very important present papa gave me.” She taps the top, watching beautiful hazel eyes sparkle as music fills the room.
“Music!” She exclaims, clapping little hands in joy.
Nesta switches around in search for a more upbeat tune. She and Cassian had recorded many songs over the years as they travelled around Prythian and even the occasional continent. Eventually, she landed on a cheerful tune from the Summer Court.
“What about this?” She asks fondly.
Alea’s head bobs slowly, her hips starting to sway side to side to the beat of the music.
“Dance” Nesta explains, taking her daughter’s hands into her own. Her own hips too begin to sway along.
“Dance!” The little fae repeats cheerfully. She twirls and hops and eventually falls out of rhythm. Not that it matters, not when her wings flap excitedly and joyful laughter echoes throughout the room.
Her wings dip slightly when the song ends and another more serious tune begins. Her brows crease in response, “Another?”
Nesta taps the top a couple more times, cycling through the songs until a familiar baritone voice comes on.
“Papa!” Her daughter scrambles up from where she had been rolling around. She leans over the musical device, her eyes round and bright in wonder.
Cassian’s voice carries the Illyrian lyrics, every flex of intonation soothes the soul. He is joined by a single drum which steadily grows into a full ensemble of percussion and female chorusing. If Nesta closes her eyes, she could almost imagine the roaring fire and the communal energy swirling through the air.
A soft weight leans against her front. Alea’s face is filled with wondrous amazement as she switches her weight from one leg to the other, her head bobbing along.
Nesta feels as if her heart could combust in that very moment. Giving into the urge, she sweeps her daughter into her arms and squeezes her into a tight hug.
“Mama” Alea complains, wriggling her way out of the embrace to demand, “Dance!”
They repeat the song for at least another five more times before another gust of wind blows through the room. It lights up the golden thread winding through her chest with shimmering warmth. Cassian steps through the room to receive a face full of flapping mini wings. He spins his daughter around, inciting delightful giggles.
“What is this?” He asks as he lowers Alea to the ground, who promptly launches back into her own dance.
She quirks a brow, “You tell me”
Cassian clears his throat, looking slightly embarrassed as he registers the familiar tune. “Ah”
Nesta says nothing and chooses to wait instead. Her mate huffs slightly. His eyes shift downwards to the blaring Symphonia and his face softens, “My mum used to sing this to me. We never had drums or a chorus to sing with but…”
He trails off, “When I came across the females singing them in their community tent the other day and,” hazel eyes are bright when he meets her gaze, “I just had to record it.”
Nesta crosses to her mate in a heartbeat, enveloping him in a hug. She breathes in the comforting scent as strong arms circle snugly around her waist.
She leans to capture his lips into a chaste kiss. She says softly, “It’s beautiful”
The strong cut lines pull into a teary smile.
“Yeah, it is.” He breathes, leaning in to slot his lips against hers once again-
“Papa!” An insistent hand tugs on his pants. Their daughter’s face is set in a pout. “Stop!” She decrees.
The two of them laugh as Cassian lowers to a squat. “Okay. Papa stop.” He agrees.
“Dance!” Their daughter, the little princess of their life, grabs one parent on each hand and begins twirling around - just for the song to end.
“Again!” She demands, and they do. With her world in her arms, Nesta dances.
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lady-of-tearshed · 2 months
Mother knows best
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Nessian & Platonic!OC!Nessian's daughter (Briana)
Cassian Week 2024
Day 3: Family
Sumarry: When Cassian encounters a hair issue with Briana, he can't help but wonder through his despair in this situation: "What would Nesta do?"
Warnings: None. Really, pure fluff
Word count: 804 words
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
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“Bri… I’m trying so hard…” 
“But it huuuuurts!”
Cassian pulled the brush away from his daughter’s hair. He didn’t have a fucking clue how she managed to get that much fir sap in her long shiny hair, so much like his. He kept staring at the nest-like mess her hair was in right now, and sighed, trying to find any inch of remaining patience left in him. 
When he became a dad, Cassian thought nothing could ever test his patience more than the dashing Illyrians recruits he had to train every once in a while. This exact moment he was in just proved him the opposite. He was exhausted, Briana was too, and mama was away to enjoy her girls’ night, the first she had in a good while. She deserved it, and Cassian could handle it here for once.
What would Nesta do… 
“We won't chop them off, right daddy?” Briana whimpered, her eyes shined with tears as she looked up at her dad, and escaped them to roll down her perfectly rounded cheeks. 
“Of course not sweetheart… Daddy won’t let it come to that. Huh… here,” Cassian said matter-of-factly while he picked her up into his arms, not missing to notice how big and tall his baby girl was getting. He kissed her tear stained cheeks, and filled the tub with warm water and vanilla scented oils, in hope it would help dissolve the sticky substance from his daughter’s beautiful, yet currently very tangled, curls.
“You’re going to sit and soak in a nice, warm bath and relax for a while, sounds good?” Bri nodded quickly and shimmied out of her dirty Illyrian leathers before jumping, inheriting all of Cassian’s grace, into the bath. The water splashed everywhere, covering Cassian from head to toe before he could even think of protecting himself from the splash. 
He wiped a hand across his face, and caught his daughter's amused glance. “Ha.Ha. So funny,” He rolled his eyes, sitting beside the bathtub to dip a finger, making sure the temperature was okay.  
An amused grin formed on his lips when his daughter attempted to roll her eyes at him, too. “Funnier than you and your “We don’t bite unless you ask us to” boring joke.” 
Sassy, just like her mother.
“You and your mother just don’t have any sense of humor,” “What did you say?” Cassian jumped a little, Briana followed the movement as their head pivoted to the bathroom door. Cassian threw the dirty leathers in the laundry basket, trying to hide the evidence, although the biggest one was currently sitting in the bath, of their wild and quite messy adventure. “Nesta! My love, I… uh…” 
Cauldron, Nesta looked like the Mother herself. A pure, raw, enticing beauty emitting from her.  
And he fucking missed her. 
He rose up to his feets, quickly closing the distance between him and his mate, and captured her lips into a searing kiss, flooding the bond with his relief of having her here now. 
“Mama, my hair…” Briana's pouty lip wobbled, and her whimpering tone made Nesta quickly pull away from her mate's arms.  
She walked up to her daughter and offered her an amused, yet reassuring smile. Nesta stroked Briana’s cheek and looked up at the mess her hair was in. “I assume you and daddy had lots of fun tonight?” 
Briana nodded, her eyes closing in content as her mother’s way more skillful fingers threaded through the knots and spread shampoo to melt the sap tangled in her long locks. “Yeah, we went flying!”
“Near the snowball fight field?” Nesta guessed, since there were lots of pines and firs there. 
“Yup! We made a gigantic snowman, we raced through the trees…” Her hands were flying everywhere, splashing water on every wall of the bathroom, and Nesta struggled to keep working on the knots on top of Briana's hair.  “Oh oh! Guess who won the race?!” 
Nesta chuckled “From how excited you sound princess… I'm going to assume you did.” 
Cassian faked an outraged expression, his hand snapping to his chest as if he'd been stabbed, and Brianna smiled widely. “Yeah, I did!!” 
Nesta smiled, thinking to herself how lucky she had been to be blessed with such a mate. She could never express how grateful she was for Cassian to fill her and their daughter's head with those joyful memories. 
“I'm proud of you Bri.” Nesta kissed her daughter's soapy forehead, then rinsed off the excess of soap covering her hair with water. “All done! No more big knots.” 
Briana launched into her mother's arms, hugging her tight, not caring that her movement made the water spill over the side of the bathtub. “Took notes to know what to do next time Dada?” 
Cassian laughter booming through the small bathroom. “Yeah, baby. I took notes.” 
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A/N: Short Lil one, but I love it sm 🥹💕
Acotar Taglist: @lilah-asteria @mybestfriendmademe
Cassian Taglist: @acotar-lover @ladybookstan
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moodymelanist · 1 year
Like A Bird
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happy day 1 of @nessianweek everyone!! I'm so excited to be doing this for the THIRD YEAR in a row and I can't wait to see what everyone creates ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Summary: Nesta and Cassian oversee their daughter’s flying lessons.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵✵ Cassian
When his daughter first came to Cassian practically begging him to teach her how to fly properly, he had been so excited that this day had finally come. The moment he’d realized Nesta was pregnant, Cassian had started dreaming of sharing important milestones with their children like this. He’d thought about how much kinder and more patient he’d be with Seraphina than his teachers had been with him, how wonderful it would be to share his love of the skies with his daughter the way he wished he could’ve with his mother.
But that was before reality entered the picture. 
Cassian had tried to teach Sera for all of a quarter of an hour before he realized he wasn’t cut out for it, because the first time she fell out of the air his heart had fallen with her. He’d moved faster than he’d thought possible to stop her from hitting the ground, and Nesta had teased him for days about how dramatically he’d reacted. 
Thankfully, Azriel had been more than willing to step in. He’d taught both Feyre and Nyx how to fly, so he was the natural choice to help Sera when Cassian couldn’t. Sera had been so excited to spend time with Azriel that she’d hardly been able to sleep the night before, and although Cassian was put out that he wouldn’t be the one to give Sera her first flying lessons, he knew there would be plenty of other ways to share his love of the skies with her. 
“It’s okay, Papa,” Sera told him with all the understanding a child could muster up. They were waiting for Azriel to arrive at their home in Illyria, and she looked absolutely adorable with her hair braided out of her face. “Don’t be scared.”
“Papa will be just fine,” Nesta replied, shooting Cassian a look that clearly said don’t you dare ruin this for her. “Right, Papa?”
“Right,” Cassian responded immediately. He bent down so he could press a kiss to Sera’s dark hair, smoothing down some of the frizz that had formed when she’d yanked on her clothes. “I’ll be brave for you, zogu.”
Their conversation was effectively ended by Azriel stepping out of the shadows and into their backyard. The early spring air was still cool enough to immediately turn his cheeks a little pink, but they were all long used to the mountain air in their family. 
“Good morning,” Azriel said after the last of his shadows had dissipated. He was dressed in dark leathers as usual, though his smile was bright as he turned it on Sera. “Ready to learn, Sera?”
“Yes!” Sera said back, practically bouncing on her feet now that Azriel was here. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
“Alright, alright,” Azriel replied with a little chuckle. He held out his arms and Nesta, Cassian, and Sera all latched onto whatever part of him they could reach. “We’re going.”
The familiar feeling of Azriel’s shadows enveloped them all as they traveled to a nearby clearing perfect for teaching little Illyrians how to use their wings properly. Cassian and Nesta watched as Azriel and Sera walked to the top of the gently sloped hill, just high enough for Sera to get a running start and take off without hurting herself if she fell, and settled in to keep an eye on their daughter.
“She’s growing up so fast,” Nesta said with a little sigh. She threaded her arm through Cassian’s and leaned into his side, contentment thrumming through their bond as his wing automatically moved to block her from the cold breeze. “I can’t believe she’s already learning to fly.”
“I feel like I blinked and she wasn’t a babe,” Cassian said back, turning to press a kiss to his mate’s temple. “You sure you can’t stop time anymore?”
“Very sure,” she replied dryly. It had been decades since she’d saved Feyre and Nyx’s lives, so the subject wasn’t nearly as sore as it had been all those years ago. “You don’t think I would’ve done it already if I still could?”
“Just testing you, sweetheart,” he responded, turning to her to drop a wink. When he turned back to watch Azriel and Sera again, he realized Azriel had finished giving her some pointers and was stepping back so she could try for herself. “Looks like they’re starting.”
Cassian watched with bated breath as Sera attempted her first flight of the day, her little wings flapping out and keeping her steady for a few glorious seconds before she overbalanced and dropped like a stone. He couldn’t keep a little noise from escaping as Sera ran out of time to course-correct and crashed to the ground, but he pushed down every instinct telling him to go and comfort his daughter. 
It helped to have Nesta’s fingers suddenly digging into his arm through several layers of fleece. He knew that it was part of the process, but they both knew how much he hated watching Sera get hurt. Still, just because he had to let her go through this didn’t mean he couldn’t at least verbally confirm she wasn’t too badly hurt. “You alright, Sera?”
“Yes, Papa!” Sera called out, bouncing up from the ground like nothing had happened. She turned and gave everyone a delighted grin, like losing her balance mid-air was the best thing to ever happen to her. “Promise!”
“You’re doing wonderfully, Sera,” Nesta called back with a little wave before turning to Cassian with a slightly exasperated expression on her face. While they waited for her to trudge back up the hill so she could try again, she said, “Cassian. Are you sure you want to be here?”
“Of course I want to be here,” Cassian immediately replied. No matter how anxious he was watching his daughter learn to fly, he knew how important it was for him to be here. “I just— I know how many things can go wrong, sweetheart.”
“She’s six,” she responded with a roll of her eyes. “She can’t even go that far before she gets tired, my love.”
“That won’t stop her from flying into a tree,” he muttered. “Or going too high. Or going too low. Or—”
“Or you can stop being such a mother hen,” she gently interrupted him before he could go on for too much longer. “You know none of us would let her get seriously injured.”
“I know,” he grumbled. He knew very well that between Azriel’s shadows, Nesta’s silver flames, and his own siphons, Sera would be more than safe. “I just can’t help but worry.”
“I know,” she repeated. She reached up and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, her eyes soft as she looked at him. “But we can’t protect her from everything.”
“Won’t stop me from trying,” he replied. 
She just smiled. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
By the time Sera had finished talking to Azriel about what she’d done wrong and how to fix it for next time, Cassian had mostly managed to pull himself together enough to watch her try again. She soared through the air for a few seconds longer this time before she fell, and although the nerves were still there, pride was slowly but surely starting to take its place. 
“Did you see that?” Sera asked excitedly, pushing herself up from the ground with another huge grin. She’d gotten far enough that Nesta and Cassian were but a few feet from her, and she quickly closed the remaining distance to continue talking. “I got so far!”
“You’re living up to your name, zogu,” Cassian replied. He couldn’t help but smile back at Sera in the face of her obvious joy at learning to do this. “We’ll be able to go flying together before you know it.”
Sera’s hazel eyes grew wide. “Really, Papa?”
“Really,” Cassian confirmed. He loved the idea of being able to share the skies with his daughter, and he couldn’t wait to show her even more of his favorite things about Illyria. Granted, it would be at least several years before she had enough stamina for longer flights, but he was still more than looking forward to it.
“Maybe I’ll be able to read in peace for once,” Nesta joked, reaching out to brush some grass off of Sera’s coat. “No interruptions.”
“But Mama, I thought you liked it when Papa interrupted you,” Sera responded with confusion. “Isn’t that why you show him all your love books?”
“Don’t keep your uncle waiting,” Cassian told Sera immediately, not needing to look at Nesta to know how pink she was. “Less talking, more flying!”
At the reminder that she was in the middle of a flying lesson, Sera didn’t waste any time in turning and running her way back up the hill. “Sorry, Uncle Azriel!” 
“Mother save me,” Nesta muttered once Sera was far away enough. 
“Mother save us both,” Cassian amended, turning to smile at his wife’s still-pink cheeks. “I hope our other children won’t be so observant.”
As expected, Nesta just rolled her eyes and turned back to watch Sera continue the lesson. They both knew it could take years to have another, but that was alright. 
Cassian had waited his whole life for Nesta, and another few decades for Sera. He didn’t mind waiting more if it meant spending days like this, surrounded by the people he loved with everything in him.  
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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readychilledwine · 7 months
✨️Poly+Acotar Week Masterlist✨️
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Details Coming Soon
Day 1: (4/7) Beginnings
The Story of Us
Nessian x Reader x Azriel
After Nyx is given a school assignment on family dynamics, The Inner Circle's quad is stuck trying to explain to Nyx why they all still live together.
Day 2: (4/8) Comfort
Matching Wounds
Feysand x Lyria Vanserra x Azriel
The first High Lord's meeting after the war with Hybern brings some old memories up that Lyria and Rhys would have rather forgotten, leaving their mates to try to patch together wounds they can't see.
Day 3: (4/9) Secrets
His, Yours, Mine
Poly!batboys x reader
Finding out you were pregnant should have been the best news. It's too bad you don't know which of your three mates is possibly the father, though.
(Slight hidden pregnancy trope. Angst to fluff)
Day 4: (4/10) Adventures
Home to Me
Elucien x Reader
After the death of Beron, Lucien is finally free to move to the Day Court, and he could not be more ecstatic to have you and Elain by his side
Day 5: (4/11) Favorite Tropes
Mister Grumpy Pantseses
Grumpy!Azris x Sunshine!Reader
All you wanted was a day in the vegetable garden with your husbands. Your husbands just wanted to spend the day at each other's throats.
(Angst and fluff)
Day 6: (4/12) Celebration
Happy Birthday, High Lord
Tamcien x reader
You and Lucien pulled all the stops for Tamlin's birthday this year. Now you just have to hope your mate appreciates it.
✨️ Day 7: (4/13) Free Day ✨️
Schedule Conflicts
Feysand x Lyria Vanserra x Azriel x Nessian
Azriel shouldn't plan dates when he's tired. Luckily, Lyria finds a solution that makes everyone happy. Game Night.
The Ruining of Seraphina
Inner Circle x Seraphina Vanserra
Seraphina should have known better than to make a bet against her mate. Especially when losing that bet means being free use for the Inner Circle for a week.
(It's just filth. 🤷🏼‍♀️)
For the High Lady
Poly!batboys x reader - can be read with or without reading the Auralism post in Valentines Day Bingo
Rhysand's generosity knew no bounds, not even when it came to sharing his mate with his brothers.
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Stuck in the Middle with You
A Halloween modern AU Fic - Azris/Reader throuple
Warnings - sweet tasty fluff and a literal ton of sexual innuendo
Word Count - 1.8k
Author's Note - this contribution to @erisweekofficial did not come about without help. I would like to send my heartiest gratitude to my co-author @nocasdatsgay for not only giving me the idea and letting me run with it but also for her help with deliciously witty banter. Everyone say "Thanks nocas!"
Another big shout out to my main divider designer babe @tsunami-of-tears who kills it as always with her amazingly beautiful dividers.
ALSO - Gold Star 🌟 for the first person who DMs me and can tell me who Nessian and Feysand’s couples costumes were. 😉
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“First off, let me just say that finding costumes for a throuple isn’t the easiest thing ever ok?” You fidgeted nervously, shifting your weight between your feet as you stood before your partners in the living room of your shared apartment. “But as soon as I saw it, I knew this was the one. So please try to keep an open mind, alright?”
Two sets of eyes met yours as you glanced between them. One set of hazel eyes regarded you curiously while the other set, deep golden amber, narrowed on you suspiciously. 
Here it was, two short days before the much anticipated Halloween party at Rita’s bar and grill and here you stood nervously clutching the bag in your hands. 
“Well,” Eris’ smooth tone drawled. “Let’s see it then.”
“Open. Mind. Eris, please,” you pleaded. His eyes remained narrowed and your fortitude faltered for a moment. Eris was the more rigid of the three of you. He could certainly be soft and dare you say even silly, within the comfort of his home with his beloved partners, however in public was something he was still mastering. Asking him to do so in a costume was another added layer outside his comfort zone. 
Slowly, you pulled the garments from the bag and draped them over the couch cushions for inspection. Just as you turned back to face your jury, Az let out a breathy chuckle, eyes alight with amusement. Before either of them could say anything, a loud crack of a laugh rang from the open kitchen.
“Ha! Oh, that’s genius. I can’t wait to see it!” Cassian cackled from atop his barstool at the counter.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Eris sneered.
It wasn’t exactly part of the plan to have an audience during this reveal, but it was your turn to host the weekly family dinner and your trip back from the store had left you short on time before your guests began arriving. And wherever food was involved, Cas was always early. Shooting Cassian a withering glare, you turned back to your partners, softening your gaze.
The mirth in Azriel’s eyes danced brighter. “I’m the chocolate,” he claimed. His lips quirked up at the corners in a sly smile as he reached forward to snatch up the costume. Without wasting another second he slipped the printed tunic over his head and pulled it straight.
“How is it that you get first pick? What if I wanted that one?” Eris grimaced, eyes scanning over the length of Az’s body. 
“You couldn’t be the chocolate anyway,” Az chuckled. “It would clash with your hair. Besides, this goes better with my skin tone.” Stretching his arms out wide in an exaggerated pose he showed off those rippling arms. Deep toned skin glistened deliciously even under the harsh lighting of the living room. 
Cassian gave an appreciative hum of agreement from his perch on the barstool just as Nesta strolled in the front door and leaned up against the counter next to him. Her gray eyes scanned the room assessing before quipping, “Eris should be the marshmallow.”
Eris whipped his head towards her, burnished hair swinging wildly as he did. “I swear if you are about to insinuate it's because I’m soft – I will leave right now.”
Reaching a hand out slowly, Az landed his palm on Eris’ shoulder. All the while biting at his lips to keep himself from laughing. Cassian wasn’t nearly as successful in hiding it as he buried his face behind Nesta’s shoulder and let loose a strangled noise. 
You ignored them both, grabbing Eris by the elbows gently as you stepped closer to him. “Eris, please. It’s one night. It’s a costume party, we won’t be the only ones looking silly. I just want to have a couple’s costume like everyone else.”
You hadn’t planned on a guilt tripping plea, but in reality, you really did want this badly. Those amber irises swept up to your gaze once more before softening from their hard glare. Uncrossing his arms, he sighed. “Fine. I’ll be the marshmallow.” 
He didn’t smile as he agreed. His face remained held in that pinched manner as he leaned forward to grab his puffy costume, but he had agreed. And that’s all you had hoped for. 
“Oh, thank you!” You held the squeal in your throat at bay as you peppered his freckled cheek with kisses. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
Scrambling your arms into the last choice and pulling it straight, you watched with rapt attention as Eris’ shock of red hair poked through the top of his rounded tunic and he settled his arms at his sides peering down at the toasted marshmallow costume.
“Very fitting,” Cassian quipped with a smirk. “Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside.” He dissolved into more barely contained laughter. Even Nesta’s frosty veneer cracked at the joke.
“Don’t say it like that,” Eris grumbled.
“Burns your tongue but the payoff is worth it,” Azriel piped up with a smirk of his own and a gentle pat to Eris’ backside. 
“Please. I’m begging you. Stop.” A flush of pink crept up his cheeks.
“At least you guys get to be something fun,” you stated as you peered at the rather bland tunic. “Graham crackers aren’t even that good without the toppings.”
“So – you are saying you like to be topped then?” Az tossed out with a smile.
“I thought that was obvious.” Eris proclaimed, this time a smile of his own graced his stately features. 
It was your turn to flush. “Ok. I don’t like this game anymore,” you bantered as you slipped off the tunic and folded it back into the bag. Eris quickly followed suit, eager to be rid of the ridiculous thing. Everyone began milling about, claiming their seats for the impending dinner.
“Wait!” Az pleaded. “No one has even mentioned how I melt in your mouth yet!”
“More like melt in your hand but – sure. Whatever,” you flashed him a devilish grin as you shoved the coffee table out of the way.
“Hey! It. Was. One. Time.” Az countered loudly.
Cassian sidled up beside him with a chummy pat on the back as he snuck in to claim the seat next to him. “That’s all it takes, brother.” 
This time the whole room broke into giggles, Nesta’s being the loudest. 
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The party at Rita’s was still going strong even as the wee hours of the morning were approaching. Even though you were nearly dead on your feet from dancing the night away, you were having the time of your life. But those feet still needed a break.
“I need to sit for a little bit,” you half shouted over the music to Az, who was gripping your waist tightly as he shimmied against you. A quick nod of acknowledgement and his large hand slipped easily to the small of your back and he guided you off the dance floor through the crowd. 
Your group of  friends had claimed a table along the furthest wall, far enough away to be able to hold a decent conversation without shouting while still being in sight of all the action. The majority of your group was gathered around the small table, sitting or standing. Rhys and Lucien approached from the direction of the bar, drinks in hand. As you stepped close, Eris’ arm slipped around your waist as his other hand smoothly offered you a beverage.
“Having fun?” Eris silkily crooned in your ear as he pulled you close.
Swallowing the large gulps of ice cold water you replied with a laugh, “So much fun!” Trailing your free hand along his collar, you pulled at the ribbon now hanging there and palmed the lightweight medal that was attached. “I still can’t believe we won,” you beamed.
“They created a category just for us as a threesome, love,” he grinned slyly as he kissed your cheek. “We won by default.”
“A win is a win!” Az exclaimed from behind Eris, pulling you both into his muscled arms. 
“Hear, hear!” Cassian cheered. With his perfectly slicked hair and pinstripe suit, he really did cut a dashing figure. Nesta’s back leaned against his front, both of them sported similar medals. The long black wig that Nes was sporting made her gray eyes even more enchanting and the tight black dress hugging her curves left little to the imagination. “It’s all thanks to you mia cara,” Cas said with a feline grin as he ravished Nesta’s neck with kisses. 
“I knew I should have picked something more people would know,” Elain pouted from her seat at the table. Lucien quickly swooped her into his arms and deposited her squarely into his lap. “No pouting, Princess. I think you make a fine Buttercup. It’s not your fault there are so many uncultured heathens around here.”
Elain let out a squealing giggle as Lucien’s fingers danced up her sides. “You’re right,” she stated firmly. “And you certainly make a devilishly handsome Wesley. I think you should keep the mustache.” Lucien’s eyebrows raised as his eyes gleamed with delight and he nipped at Elain’s ear, eliciting another squeal. 
“At least there weren’t multiples of you guys,” Feyre whined in jest as she swung out an arm to showcase the room around them. “I figured the hype from the movie would have died down by now.” Nearly every other blonde in the bar had their hair teased to perfection and sported some shade of shocking pink, feet adorned with sky high stilettos. 
“There’s always next year, darling,” Rhys cooed as he tugged her closer.
Plopping into the chair you pulled from the table, you groaned as you kicked off your own high heels. Eris quickly joined you, sliding a chair in front of yours and sliding his hand along your smooth leg, raising it to land in his lap.
“I don’t know why you insisted on wearing those,” he frowned as his warm hands squeezed deliciously along your arch. “It’s not like graham crackers are known for their footwear.”
You chose to ignore that jab as you moaned at the soreness being massaged from your sole. “Mmmm, keep doing that,” you insisted as you brought your other leg up to his lap. 
“Anything for you, my treat.” Eris smiled softly at you as his hands worked their magic on your feet.
“Oh Eris, you really are gooey on the inside,” you cooed with a giggle as you poked a toe at his costume. 
His whiskey glazed eyes sparkled with mirth. “I’ll show you gooey on the inside,” he retorted loudly enough to be heard over the thumping bass of the room. Unfortunately also loud enough for the whole group to hear as well. 
Your eyes shot open with shock and delight at his joke, a laugh caught in your throat. Az’s bark of a laugh cracked through the shock as everyone else’s ringing laughter joined in the merriment.
“Wait – that’s not –,” Eris stammered as the pink color flushed at his cheeks. “I don’t like this game.”
@mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria @chairofchaos @pit-and-the-pen
@prythianpages @c-starstuff-man0
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
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Nessian x reader
A/n: This is my first commission piece! I'm so happy with how this turned out. Thank you @dreamlandreader I'm so happy you like it 😊
Word Count: 3,223 words
Warnings: Angst, self doubt, fluff
Joining the Night Court as an emissary for the Winter Court has been a dream come true. Besides your home, Winter was your favorite place in all of Prythian. Their politics and history fascinated you, making you work your ass off in school so you could be the best of the best at court relations.
Feyre and Mor had been the ones that found you. Originally you were working for the governor of the Palace of Bone and Salt. The fact that you were being under utilized made Feyre pay you a visit, delivering a much better job offer.
Since you started you finally got your own apartment in a nicer part of the city, and you have been much happier going to work. Yes, it’s a bigger work load but you love keeping busy.
You also adored the Inner Circle. The High Lord and his family embraced you, not hesitating to treat you as one of their own. Especially Nesta.
The two of you clicked right away, becoming instant best friends. And of course she’s a package deal with Cassian.
You couldn’t deny your attraction to them as the months went on. Nesta had invited you to train with the Valkyries after working for the court for only two weeks, where you became very close. The small touches as she adjusted your stance mixed with Cassian’s praise never failed to make your face heat. It was odd, having a crush on a mated couple.
Finally, after a year of casual hangouts and staying late at the House of Wind enjoying their company, Nesta asked you out to dinner. “Nothing super fancy, unless you want fancy then we can go somewhere really nice or we can-” You cut off Nesta’s rambling by taking her hands in yours. “Anywhere you want to go, I’ll be happy Nes.”
Her smile brightened after that. Before leaving you to go make plans she bent down and softly kissed your cheek, whispering, “Until tonight.”
Seven o’clock came faster than you anticipated. Nesta knocked on your bedroom door just as you were putting the last clip in your hair. Opening the door you found a radiant looking Nesta. She was wearing a beautiful long black velvet gown. A slit up the skirt that showed off her toned thigh and a wide strap that hung off her shoulder.
“Wow,” You gasped out. You swear you saw Nesta blush as she quickly looked down. As she looks back at you her eyes roam your body. Drinking in every single one of your features. “You look stunning.” She whispers out, holding her arm out for you to link with hers. Taking it with a wide smile, she leads you down the hall and out your apartment.
Once you’re taken to your spot in the middle of the restaraunt Nesta pulls out your chair for you, pushing you close to the linen covered table. “Thank you.” You said sweetly, smiling up at her. She leans down to place a kiss on your forehead before taking her own seat. The kiss made your cheeks turn pink. It felt different than the one Nesta placed on your cheek earlier today. You could tell this one was meant to be felt. To be full of warmth and convey care.
Three courses and a very expensive bottle of wine later, you and Nesta were full and giggly. As your laughter died down she braced her forearms on the table, leaning closer to you. A giddy smile pulling at your lips you copy her. Your noses almost touching. “I have something to confess.” Nesta says coyly. You tilt your head at her unusual tone. “What is it Nes?”
Your heart was racing. Hoping for a confession of love from her. It was so wrong of you to hope that. Cassian was your friend too. You didn’t want to drive a wedge between them or the rest of the Inner Circle. At the same time you were wishing for Cassian as well. Wishing it was the both of them confessing their love for you. But he isn’t here, Nesta is. Maybe he doesn’t care about you as much as you thought.
You thought you were close with him. You shared jokes, would be board game partners, and even dragged him shopping with you. Cass pretended to hate it but liked spending time with you. Or so you thought.
“Meeting you has been an unexpected joy y/n. Getting to know you, having fun with you, and spending with you has just…I can’t think of a word to describe it, there isn’t one perfect enough.” You felt tears forming behind your eyes as a lump settled in your throat. No one had ever been this happy being with you. Not even your last boyfriend treated you with such kindness.
“I’m so happy I met you too Nesta. You and Cass and the rest of the family have been so kind to me.” Nesta closes the distance between your hands, lightly playing with your fingers. She looked hesitant to speak again. “I want to be honest with you, y/n. Cassian and I care about you. Not in a just friends way…”
Your eyes widen in shock and hope.You open your mouth to speak but the words get caught in your throat. “I-I care, I feel the same way.” Nesta lets out a happy sigh of relief and visibly deflates back into her chair while staying attached to you.
“We want you y/n. If you’ll have us.” You nod vigorously. “Yes. Yes, I really do.” You can’t stop smiling at her the whole walk home. Nesta holds your hand as you swing them back and forth.
Finally back at your apartment door, you frown a little, not wanting this sweet evening with Nesta to end. Looking between your new girlfriend and your door you let out a sigh. “Tomorrow morning Cass and I want you to come over for breakfast. We can talk more about things.” Nesta brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear, coming down to lightly trace your jaw. You nod, giving her a small, “ok.”
Unlocking your door you turn back to face Nesta. Looking up at her your eyes land on her full lips. “Nes?” “Yeah baby?” Pink slightly tints your cheeks at the pet name. “Can I kiss you?” Your voice barley above a whisper.
Nesta smiles and brings her hands up to cup your face. They feel soft against your skin. Leaning up to meet her you feel a spark as your lips touch. Your mouths move against each other in an elegant dance. The kiss full of warmth like the one she placed on your forehead earlier that night. For the first time in a long time, you feel genuine love flood your body. She’s holding you like you’re going to slip away and she won’t let that happen.
Your hands find home on her hips, pulling Nesta closer to you. In that moment, you decided you wanted to feel this love for the rest of your immortal life. And if you felt this way with just Nesta, how would you feel when Cassian started showing you love?
Would he though? He didn’t come to dinner tonight.
The kiss slowed until you two were just resting your lips against each other. Your breaths heavy as you pulled apart. “Goodnight baby.” Nesta gave you one last parting kiss before leaving you.
The next morning you donned an adorable cherry pink dress, practically skipping through Velaris on your way to the House of Wind. As you approached the outskirts of Nesta and Cassian’s home you spotted him waiting for you as he always did.
Cassian was wearing a wide grin as you approached. He scooped you up into his strong arms, spinning you around. Pulling back to look in your eyes, he held you firmly. “Hi sweetheart.” “Hi Cass.” you say sweetly, wrapping your arms around his neck to prepare for the flight up.
Cassian softly took off from the old cobblestone street, the beating of his leathery wings soothing your nerves as he climbed higher and higher.
Landing on the balcony of the living room he gently sets you down, grasping your hand. “How did you sleep last night?” He asks casually, leading you towards the informal dining room. “Fine. I had some excitement keeping me up.” He lets out a breathy chuckle and kisses the top of your head. “I can only imagine.”
As you walked with him you couldn’t help the tight feeling forming in your chest. Over thinking, like you partially did last night, as you wondered if Cassian really wanted you with them.
You couldn’t help it. You knew Cassian loved you as a friend, but his love for Nesta is like nothing you have ever seen before. You didn’t know if he would like bringing another person into their mated relationship. It took Cassian so long to win Nesta’s trust and heart. Would he want to let another share that?
Entering the kitchen you saw Nesta laying out plates of food on the table. Muffins, croissants, fruit, breakfast meats, and pancakes. Cassian pulls your chair out for you, like Nesta did last night. He pushes you in and takes the seat next to you.
Nesta sits across from you with a sweet smile on her lips. “Hi baby,” she takes your hand, bringing it to her lips. “Please dig in.”
Scooping food onto your plate the three of you fall into easy conversation. After a while you fall into a lull, unsure what to talk about besides the obvious.
Clearing your throat, you decide to start. “So…Nesta and I talked last night.” The pair perked up, making slight eye contact. “And I want to be with you guys.” They let out a sigh of relief and Cassin rested an arm on the back of your chair, smiling down at you. “But, I have a few questions.” Nesta nods. “Ask whatever you want, we’ll answer it.”
You turn to Cassian, a small pout on your lips and a sliver of worry in your eye. “Why didn’t you come to dinner last night?” He lets out a shaky sigh. Like he’s nervous to say anything to you. “We thought if it was just one of us, you’d be less intimidated by the thought of a relationship.” You slowly nod, letting his response seep in. “And you don’t mind this Cass? I don’t want to be a burden or cause problems for the two of you. I just-” Cassian tilts your face up by your chin with two of his thick fingers. A doting look on his features.
“Sweetheart. You have nothing to worry your pretty little head about. Rest assured, we both want you as much as you want us.” His thumb rubs against your chin. You felt relief knowing your anxiety was all for nothing.
Weeks have passed since your relationship started with Cassian and Nesta. It started out…chaotic to say the least. The three of you wanted time together but work picked up for all three of you. It was a busy time of year with the holidays right around the corner.
It also didn’t help that Cassian was away in Windhaven for a few days every week. It had just been you and Nesta at your apartment or the Town House.
Cassian being away made that doubt about how much they actually wanted you creep in again. You love your time with Nesta but you craved time with both of them. To just sit with them and bask in their attention. Maybe it was a mistake being with a mated couple.
On the last night of Cassian being away Nesta slept over at your apartment. You opted to sleep on your side rather than in the middle of the bed cuddled up with her like you usually would. You were too tense, lost in your thoughts and didn’t want Nesta to worry. Though she probably sensed it.
As Nesta laid down you curled in on yourself, trying to get further from her. This didn’t go unnoticed as she huffed at your movement. Sitting up, Nesta turns the lamp on on the bedside table, the dim yellow light illuminating her profile. She grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face her.
“Talk to me y/n.” Nesta pleaded with you. Taking a deep breath, you sit up, bringing your knees to your chest. Nesta rests a comforting hand on your arm, her thumb rubbing small circles on your skin. Worry glinting in her steel-blue eyes. You lay a hand over hers, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“Does Cassian like me?” Her face contorts into confusion. “Baby of course he does, he loves you. Why wouldn’t he?” You shrug, unable to meet her gaze in fear of bursting out into tears. “I just-I feel like he doesn’t want to spend time with me. I know work has been crazy but there’s a part of me that doubts…everything.”
When you look up at Nesta a single tear falls down her cheek. She shuffled closer to you, throwing her arms around your neck, pulling you flush to her chest. A few tears escape your own eyes. “I’m sorry baby. I’ll talk to him or we can all talk when he gets home.” You nod against her.
Cassian arrived home late the next afternoon. Wearing that wide goofy grin on his face as he came through the door of the Town House, embracing you both.
Back at the House of Wind later that night, you and Nesta lounge in the living room as Cassian makes dinner in the kitchen.
Sitting down at the table together Cassian tells you about his trip to Windhaven. It takes all of you not to interrupt him and blurt out, ‘DO YOU LOVE ME!’ But you hold your tongue as you push your vegetables around your plate. You don’t have much of an appetite anyways.
Cassian’s booming laugh pulls you from your thoughts. Out of the corner of your eye you see Nesta quickly glance at you. Looking up at Cassian you give him a small smile that he returns. “Sweetheart, I was wondering if you wanted to go out, just me and you.” You sit up straighter, surprise taking over your features. “Really?”
“Yes,” He laughed out, “Nes gets you all the time and I want you to myself for a bit.” You look to Nesta, as if asking for permission. She gives you an encouraging nod. “Ok. Can we go out tomorrow night?” “Absolutley.” Cassian brings a hand to the back of your head, placing a chaste kiss on your head.
Nesta helps you get ready for date night. Finishing up your make-up she lets out a dreamy sigh, “You look so pretty y/n/n.” She moves behind you to make sure your hair is perfect. “I’m excited to have the house to myself. Not that I don’t love having you two around but sometimes I just want to get lost in my book.” She giggles to help lighten the mood, making you giggle too. Nesta meets your y/e/c eyes in the mirror. She gives you a loving smile, draping your hair over your shoulders. “Ready?” “Uh-huh.”
Heading down the grand staircase you see Cassian waiting for you at the bottom with a bouquet of your favorite pink roses. Cassian watches you with a love sick grin as descend the last few steps. “You look stunning.” A slight blush dusts your cheeks as you look up at him. Cassian hands you the bouquet. You sniff them, taking in their sweet scent before placing them in the vase on the entry way the table the house put out for you.
You were surprised that you weren’t nervous during dinner. You and Cassian had fun joking and flirting like normal. He was extra touchy with you, never letting go of your hand an dpractically pulling you onto his lap at times. Cassian made sure he gave you his undivided attention throughout dinner.
Hand-in-hand, you take a walk along the Sidra, admiring the stars. “Lets sit for a minute sweetheart.” Cassian places a hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the nearest stone bench. Sitting, Cassian holds your hands in his lap.
“I wanted to talk about us.” You swallowed nervously at his words. “Nesta talked to me. And I’m sorry that you’ve kept that pent up for so long. I love you very much y/n. I’m so sorry if I haven’t shown you that. I promise that I will show you how much I love you for the rest of our lives.”
You grip his hands tighter in yours. Letting their warmth seep into you. Cassian’s hands are rough and battle worn. Yet so gentle with you, like Nesta’s. You feel safe with him. From the look in his eyes you know he meant every word. That it pained him you didn’t feel loved by him.
“I love you too Cassian.” You leaned your head against his shoulder. The two of you sat like that for a while, watching the stars shimmer.
It’s been almost a year since you started dating Nesta and Cassian and you couldn’t be happier. The three of you fell into a comfortabel routine. You always made time for each other, had regular date nights, and made sure time with family was balanced out as well as one-on-one time. And thanks to Nesta and Cassian’s endless begging you broke and moved into the House of Wind.
You placed down the last snack bowls, stepping back you admire the setup. Tonight was a night for just the three of you. It was rare you all got to relax and you were happy to see them let their guard down. To put away the mask of the General and Valkyrie.
You hung small fae lights, laid out extra blankets and pillows, set out snacks, and everything you will need for face masks. The front door shut as Cassian and Nesta’s voices floated up to you from the entry way. Approaching the living room they paused in the archway.
“Do you like it?” You ask, clasping your hands under your chin. Nesta rushed over to you, pulling you into a crushing hug. “It’s perfect.” She mumbled into your hair. You relax into her as Nesta hugs you tighter than you thought possible. “Missed you today.” “I missed you too Nesa.”
She broke away, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. “I’ll be back, I’m going to change. Are you coming with me Cass?” You both look to him. Cassian is casually leaned against the door frame as he shakes his head. “Nah, I’m just going to chill in my underwear.” Before the two of you can protest he strips in the middle of the living room. “Will you take my leathers to our room?” He asks with a shit eating grin.
Nesta rolls her eyes at him, playfully slapping his shoulder. “Fine. But don’t start without me.” she calls over her shoulder. Cassian rushes at you picking you up, and flopping on the couch with you against his chest. You giggle and snuggle into his muscular chest. “Missed you today sweetheart.” “Missed you too Cass.”
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kale-theteaqueen · 9 months
The Humble Art of Gift Giving
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SO Thrilled to participate in my first ACOTAR Secret Santa with @acotargiftexchange! I absolutely loved writing this piece for @danikamariewrites. Everyone check out her work if you haven't already, it's amazing! I hope you enjoy this piece of Nessian Christmas Fluff! Merry Christmas, TTQ <3
Summary: Nesta loves giving gifts. Takes pride in it, actually. Especially at Christmas. She's had her list of potential options for her family ready for months now, and all that she needs to do now is actually buy them. And therein lies the problem. What if they aren't good enough? What if they're cheesy or off the mark? Nesta's gifts are always perfect, and this year will be no exception. Cassian knows this, and loves her for it. But her biggest challenge this year isn't shopping for family. It's getting a gift for him. Especially when she makes it her personal mission to top the previous year's presence. Luckily, all it takes is a quick trip to the local Christmas Market to give her the inspiration she needs.
Read Below or on A03!
Nesta scowled at the Excel sheet in front of her, at the blank squares that needed filling. It was December 16th, and there were still too many open-ended questions. Feyre was getting new paints, ones she specifically asked for, and were linked accordingly in her designated row, highlighted in a soft green to indicate she’d purchased them. Elain was receiving a set of earrings and a necklace made of pressed flowers, also highlighted in green.
And Cassian, well…
There were many, many links in his row. Options upon options. But nothing felt good enough.
Nothing felt good enough for Gwyn either, nor Emerie or Azriel. Links to Etsy shops, indie bookstores, and, regrettably, even Amazon filled the sheet, but they were all white, the category marked ‘Purchased?” painfully blank. And she hadn’t even begun to consider what she should purchase her extended family of sorts.
They always did this holiday together, making a big bash out of it, and every year since Feyre and Rhysand got married, and especially since she and Cassian had gotten engaged, she was presented with the same dilemma.
What did she get them? Would they even bother to get her anything?
Apparently, they were, or at least that’s what Feyre had claimed, when she asked. Her sister jumped on any chance to have a big happy family, and though it took significant effort and trial and error, she more or less had it. Nesta just didn’t know quite where she fit in.
“Sweetheart, your food is going to get cold.”
Nesta raised her eyes from her laptop, frowning at her fiancé, who was smiling knowingly at her from the other end of the couch, a bowl of pasta in his hand. She should have been working on the next book in her series, the manuscript open in a separate tab. Her last book may have only been out for about a week, but even still, deadlines were deadlines. If only Nesta had actually written anything in the past two hours.
“I gave you twenty more minutes, as promised.”
With a sigh, Nesta sat up straight, closing her laptop and evaluating his latest creation in front of her. Pesto, with fresh pine nuts and fusilli pasta. Gods, she didn’t deserve him when he made dishes like this. Especially when he had to pry her away from her writing. Or at least, what was supposed to be writing.
“How’s the Christmas list coming?”
Ah, he knew her too well.
“I just don’t know what to do,” She said, taking her first bite and practically melting at the taste in her mouth.
Cassian hummed knowingly, more than aware of how meticulously she planned Christmas presents. She collected links for months, bookmarking random Instagram ads or TikTok promos. But when it came to actually purchasing them, to deciding on what was good enough, she often lamented for weeks.
“We’re going to the market tomorrow, right?” He asked. “I’m sure we’ll turn a few more of those lines green.”
“I suppose,” Nesta said quietly, lifting a hand to push her glasses farther up her nose. A new development, one she still wasn’t quite happy about. But spending time reading in the dark had its consequences, apparently.
“We won’t leave until we’ve got at least the rest of the family knocked off.”
“Maybe it’s stupid, and I should just get them all gift cards or something.”
“You hate giving people gift cards, Nes.”
Nesta sighed, leaning back against the cushions. “But if they don’t even like me, then why would they want a gift from me?”
Cassian stretched out his leg so his foot could nudge her calf affectionately. “They like you, sweetheart. All that tension has been resolved, yeah? Mor was just telling me that she was excited to see you and hear about your latest book.”
Nesta frowned, stirring her fork around her bowl of pasta. It was true, the animosity that defined a lot of her relationship with Feyre’s found family was largely gone after months of working out past traumas or grief. Now, a year and a half later, Nesta was three books into a successful series, and happily engaged to the man beside her, who continued to look at her with nothing short of affection in his eyes, despite her anxiety.
“You’re right,” She replied. “I just…”
“Want it to be good enough?” Cassian supplied, scooting closer.
She nodded as his arm slid around her shoulders, pulling her comfortably against his chest.
“Your gifts are always so thoughtful, you know,” He replied. “Mor wears that charm bracelet you got her, with all of our initials, almost every day. I think the only competition you have is yourself, baby.”
 Nesta huffed out a soft laugh, nestling into his shoulder. “I just want everything to be right.”
Cassian tipped her head up, kissing her softly. “I know. Tomorrow, Nes. We’ll get it all wrapped up, tomorrow.”
The Christmas Market was crowded, families and individuals alike scouring the stalls for the perfect, unique gift for their loved ones. Nesta watched them from her spot near the entrance, a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and a map in the other. In her pocket, her phone sat ready with her meticulous list of gift recipients.
“Alright,” Cassian said, looking over the page listing all the vendors. “Should we start from the right and snake our way through?”
Nesta nodded, her eyes scanning intently over the seemingly endless number of shops. There were at least twenty candlemakers, local artists, even a bonsai tree shop. The wheels in her head began turning, and she began making mental notes of who would be most interested in which items.
But before she could delve too deeply into her analysis, Cassian slid his arm around her waist, squeezing just enough that she looked up at him.
“Try not to look so serious, sweetheart. We’re supposed to be merry.”
Nesta huffed, but took a step forward towards the shops, holding out a hand for him to take. “I am perfectly merry.”
Cassian laughed, a bright and melodic sound that often was the only thing to pull her out of dreary moods. “Of course. The most festive woman I know.”
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help the smile that tugged on her lips. Pulling him forward, she entered the first aisle, taking in the first few shops. On careful steps, she approached a woodworking tent, eyeing the various cutting boards, cheese platters, and handcrafted pens. They were all beautiful, but nothing caught her interest or fulfilled the basic requirement of what she considered to be a perfectly tailored gift.
That is, until her eyes caught on the end of the table, at the line of puzzle boxes. She smiled, running her fingers over a medium sized one, assessing the various cogs and gears within.
Amren did mention needing something new to fidget with.
Pulling out her phone, Nesta filled in the tiny woman’s row, and flagged down the shop owner.
With one gift down, her confidence boosted, and she strode down the path towards the next few stalls with a small smile, eyes scanning over the various handmade jewelry, knitwear, and blown glass. Cassian wasn’t too far behind, though his attention was typically scattered in these kinds of environments. More often than not, she’d turn and find him gone entirely, entranced by a tent in a different aisle.
He grinned at her when she caught his eye, holding up a knitted flower hat, small and definitely intended for a pet. Immediately, her mind drifted to Azriel’s beloved twin black cats. And, more acutely, how horrified they’d be at the prospect of being dressed. Rolling her eyes, she smiled amusedly at him and shook her head before continuing on her way, knowing full well her fiancé would try and convince his brother to put them on anyway.
As she looked through each row, the time seemed to fly by, with her list slowly but surely getting smaller and smaller. As she reached the center of the market, she finally looked down at her phone to take stock of what she’d thus far acquired:
A set of blown glass flowerpots for Elain.
A cocktail smoker set for Azriel, paired with a bottle of locally distilled whiskey.
An old map of the city for Rhysand.
A set of handmade wooden ballpoint pens for Lucien.
Which left Gwyn, Emerie, Morrigan, and, of course, Cassian.
She hadn’t found anything remotely good enough for him. Everything was either something she’d already done, or found too tacky, or cliché. It had to be personal, thoughtful. Something no one else would think of.
The closer she got to reaching the end of the market, the more anxious she became about the prospect.
Luckily, all it took was a brilliant antique book stand to occupy her thoughts.
It was by far her favorite tent so far, with shelves lined with antique copies of some of her favorites, of bags made from the bindings of repurposed books, prints and posters, and everything a bookworm could dream of. Smiling at the shop owner as she entered, Nesta made her way to the collection of old novels, perusing the selections.
There was nothing particularly rare or beautiful, but as Nesta scanned her eyes over the titles, there were at least several options to satisfy Gwyn, who loved collecting old and special edition copies of her favorites. But, to her surprise, it wasn’t her lovely friend she had in mind when she found the final book in the row, larger than the others. Taking care to pull it free gently, she observed the title.
Landscape Painting Through the Ages: A Definitive Guide
Flipping through, she smiled at the depictions of various flora and fauna, of the various instructions on perspective and shading. It was old, perhaps 40 or 50 years, but it was perfect for her youngest sister, who was always looking for new references to paint from.
Even better, as she turned around to approach the counter, she spotted a gorgeous Pride and Prejudice handbag made of a re-purposed binding. Gwyn would be head over heels. The shopkeeper smiled broadly at her as she approached, and said, with a thick accent,
“That one’s been sitting on the shelf for ages. I’m glad she’s found a home.”
Nesta smiled at the kind man.
“It will be well loved.”
Arms full, she stepped back out into the path, scanning for Cassian who was, unsurprisingly, nowhere to be found. She’d thought he’d have been easier to spot, with his height. But it seemed everyone had their own tall significant other to drag around.
Retracing her steps, she scanned through the rows, tent after tent. Rounding the corner, she contemplated texting him, telling him to meet her at the entrance to save her the anxiety, but then she caught sight of his curls, the red scarf around his neck, and her tension eased.
He stood at what was unmistakably a jewelry stand, and Nesta quirked a brow as she approached. The old woman behind the counter spoke animatedly to him, and in his hands was a tiny box, wrapped simply with a satin bow. Her interest piqued, she tried to assess what it was, listening for any clues. But just as she approached his side, he spun on his heel, grinning down at her, the box disappearing into his pocket.
“There she is,” He said. “How are we doing, sweetheart?”
Nesta looked up at him quizzically, and the amusement in his eyes told her he already knew what she wanted to know. But he didn’t budge, even after several seconds of staring him down. So, she relented,
“Fairly well. Just Emerie and Morrigan left.”
And him, of course, but that was for her knowledge only.
“See, I told you this market would be a good one.”
“What about you?” Nesta asked, shifting her arms as he reached to take some of her bags from her.
“A master of gift giving never tells his secrets, Nes.”
Nesta scoffed, even as she looped her arm through his and they meandered down to the remaining tents.
“How many of those ridiculous cat hats did you buy?”
“They had powdered wigs. Do you know how amazing Shadow and Smokey will look in those?”
Nesta shook her head, unable to hide her grin. “Azriel will kill you.”
Cassian shrugged, unbothered by the prospect. “I just want one picture of my nephews. Then they can rip them up for all I care.”
“I still don’t know what to get Morrigan. I have no idea what she likes other than wine.”
Cassian tilted his head in contemplation. “There’s that distillery that makes social justice themed alcohol, their booth is back towards the front. That would be right up her alley.”
Nesta’s brows rose, the idea scratching her itch for something unique yet appropriate for the still superficial friendship they had.
“That’s perfect,” She said quietly, pulling out her phone, anxious to fill in her spreadsheet. “Let me just-”
“Take your time, baby. We’ve got plenty of it.”
Nesta stared down at the screen, satisfied by the solid block green rows. Just two left now, which seemed so much more manageable than this morning when they started. A weight lifted off her shoulders, and she let out a long, satisfied breath.
“Just Emerie then.”
Cassian hummed in acknowledgement, offering his arm to her again.
They made it to the front of the market, and Nesta turned to assess the stands again, deciding on where to look again for her friend. Slowly, she wandered to one of the first jewelry booths, assessing the various bracelets. It was intricate metalwork on gorgeous cuffs. Cuffs that would make incredible friendship bracelets.
“Your ring is gorgeous.”
Nesta lifted her eyes, meeting the soft brown ones of the girl behind the counter. Looking back down at her hand, she assessed her engagement ring, the ruby set among tiny white diamonds. Cassian was by no means a poor man, but still, she’d protested that she didn’t need something so exquisite. He disagreed.
“Thank you,” she replied. “My fiancé has good taste, or so I think.”
“Excellent taste,” the girl replied. “The gold band will match those cuffs nicely.”
A smile tugged on her lips as she ran her fingers over the metal. “I think you’re right,” she said. “I’ll take three.”
The girl grinned at her, moving away to wrap them. All the while, Nesta continued to try and come up with various ideas for Cassian. But still, nothing seemed like enough. He had an engraved watch, one she’d gotten him for their first Christmas, and he had plenty of other sentimental gifts, ones she’d all but planned out years in advance.
And now, it seemed like nothing could top it. Except perhaps his wedding band, which they’d just selected only a few weeks ago.
“Wait, are you Nesta Archeron?”
Nesta returned her attention to the girl, who had her bag of goods in her hands. Her brows were in her hairline, her mouth dropped open.
“I… Yes, I am.” Nesta replied, still unaccustomed to being recognized in public.
“I thought you looked familiar. You’re my favorite author!” The girl gushed, her entire face brightening. “Would you… Would you sign my book? I got the last copy on release day. I absolutely adore the love interest. How he accepts Aurelia even with all her quirks and dark days? To die for! Did you base him off your fiancé?”
Nesta couldn’t hide her smile this time, knowing full well that most of his description did indeed from the man waiting just a few feet behind her. And with that thought came a new idea, one that seemed so simple, yet hadn’t before crossed her mind.
“Perhaps. And I’d love to,” She replied, reaching out to accept the copy and a pen. It was still so surreal, even after all this time, to see her own work in person.
Quickly, she signed her name, wishing the girl a happy holiday season, before shutting the book and handing it back.
“Thank you so much!” The girl said, looking so unequivocally happy it made Nesta’s throat tight. It was remarkable that someone was this happy about her writing.
“And…I’m really glad you found your person. I hope one day I find mine.”
“You will,” Nesta said, accepting her jewelry with a larger smile. “I know it.”
Over the course of the next week, Nesta’s nerves about what to buy eased.
Only to be immediately replaced by her nerves about if each recipient would like the gifts she got them.
It was December 23, less than a day remaining before the entire family would gather for Christmas Eve dinner. Nesta was always nervous to meet with them all at once, it was a feeling that would likely never quite go away. But now, at least, it was more anticipatory. Would Elain and Feyre like their gifts? Would Mor and Amren? Rhysand and Azriel?
As she looked down at the wrapping paper in her lap, the boxes strewn out in front of her in the living room, she ran through her gift checklist one more time. A warm glow was cast over the living room, the Christmas tree lights twinkling. Cassian had lit a fire a few minutes ago, and the heat of it soothed something deep in her soul.
It would be fine. These were good gifts. She’d wrap them, and everything would be perfect.
“Nes, sweetheart, I found the rest of the scotch tape.”
Nesta lifted her eyes, smiling gratefully at Cassian as he padded back into the living room, settling down on the floor, his back against the couch. Nesta shifted down to join him, reaching for Azriel’s gifts to place into a box. With meticulous precision, she taped it up, wrapping it in navy-blue paper with silver stripes.
“You’re so good at this,” Cassian murmured. “You should make it a paid service.”
Huffing a laugh, Nesta reached for his finger, using it to hold a satin ribbon in place as she tied it off.
“I don’t think my skill is quite that impressive. Gwyn’s, perhaps. Or Elain’s. They'd probably make thousands.”
Cassian hummed, leaning forward to press a kiss to her head.
“Feeling better now that you got Emerie a slot in that coveted yoga class she’s been trying so desperately to get into?”
“Much,” Nesta replied. “Though, you know how nervous I’ll be tomorrow, anyway.”
His laugh was soft, and he shifted, his arm sliding behind her, pulling her close once she set Azriel’s wrapped package aside.
“Nervous about whether they will like your gifts or nervous about having attention on you while you open yours?”
Nesta swatted him lightheartedly, hating and loving how well he knew her.
“They’re good gifts, right?”
“Amazing gifts, sweetheart. You put Santa Claus out of business every year, and we all know it.”
“I do, don’t I?”
There was one thing, at least, she wasn’t nervous about anymore. And it was his own gift, which she’d finished only a few days ago. The idea had struck that moment at the jewelry stand, and every day since she’d worked to put it together.
He pressed a kiss to her temple, a proper smile on his face. “Does that make me Mrs. Claus?”
Nesta lifted her head, assessing with a raised brow. “I’m not sure. You can’t exactly bake cookies very well.”
Cassian reared back in mock offense. “That was one time, Nes. I could make a successful batch of cookies right this minute if you wished.”
Nesta shook her head, shifting to settle more comfortably against his chest. “I think I prefer you staying right here.”
His chest vibrated in contentment, almost a purr. His arm was a comforting weight around her, and not for the first time did she marvel at how her life had turned out. How she was spending her evenings with this man, in their house. It was all pretty perfect, if you had to ask her. And Nesta had been raised never to believe in perfect things.
“But yes, you know I love attention.” Nesta said with a sigh. “It’s always fine, I know. I’m not sure why I always get nervous.”
“You want everything to be perfect, my love. And it always is.”
Nesta hummed, though couldn’t say she was convinced. Still, she adored him for how soothed he could make her with just a few words.
“You know, I was thinking,” He added after a moment. “I know you don’t like all the attention on you when you get gifts. So, what if we start our own tradition of exchanging the night before? Just us?”
Nesta’s lips parted, and she sat up, assessing him. Her gift to him was wrapped delicately, sitting under the tree next to the one he’d placed for her, just hours ago.
“You want to?” She asked, something within her very much approving of the idea.
“Well, you’ve been very secretive about my gift. Maybe I can’t wait anymore.”
Nesta couldn’t help the smile that tugged on her lips.
Before he could smile back at her, she was moving, pushing out of his arms, and crawling the few feet over to the base of the tree. Reaching, she grabbed her own package, turning back to face him.
“You sure? You like being the center of attention when there are gifts involved.”
Cassian smirked. “Because I always get the best ones from my lovely fiancé. I can brag about it all night tomorrow.”
Her cheeks heated, despite herself, but she smiled back, shifting back over to him. Holding out the package, she said,
“Well then, be my guest.”
“You’re excited,” Cassian replied, intrigue in his voice. Lifting the gift, he shook it lightly by his ear. “Should I be worried?”
“Just open it, you brute.”
His smirk softened into a gentle smile. With deft fingers, he untied the ribbon around the box and undid the paper along the taped points, not tearing. He truly knew her too well. She sat back on her haunches, watching closely, wondering only at the last minute if it was too stupid, too cheesy.
Cassian’s brows rose as he unveiled his gift, the title of her latest book staring up at him.
“This is… your book.”
Nesta bit her cheek, controlling her nerves. “Open it.”
His interest was clear in the focus that settled over his face, and he opened the cover. His eyes scanned over the note she’d penned there, an extra dedication to him and him only. Carefully, his fingers brushed over the various tabs throughout the pages.
“What is this?” He asked softly, opening up to the first one.
“We weren’t together when my first book came out,” Nesta explained. “And we were just getting started when the second came out. In this one, the main character, Aurelia, she-”
“Leaves the first love interest for the one she ends up with, I know,” He said softly, flipping to the next tab.
Nesta nodded, folding her hands in her lap. He had read the entire thing before publication, after all.
“This is…Sweetheart.”
Nesta shifted closer, evaluating which line he was looking at.
“Aurelia scowled as Ramin brushed a bead of sweat off his brow, the jagged mountain path looking nothing short of ominous. “I thought you said you liked the outdoors,” He said. “This is the outdoors.”
“I like sitting outdoors. Not hiking for thirteen miles.”
“We have to get up this hill, sweetheart. We need to get a better sense of our position.”
There, in the margins, was her script, slightly messy yet coherent to those who knew her best.
“October 4th, 2019. We went camping as a family, to Rhysand’s cabin. We got lost trying to find the campground’s maintenance buildings. We hiked six miles, because you wanted to get to higher ground, to ‘evaluate our position.’”
Each tab had a memory associated. Something Cassian did or said that Nesta had taken and put into this character, the manifestation of what love meant to her. From their petty arguments to the ways in which he understood her unlike anyone else. To how she knew it was him, from the moment they met, and no one else.
“Nesta, this is incredible.”
“I know it’s not much,” She said. “But I couldn’t figure out what to get you that you didn’t already have.”
“Sweetheart, it’s everything.”
Cassian looked up at her with genuine tears in his eyes, an expression that was almost reverence on his face. It filled Nesta with intense warmth, with love.
“You like it?” She asked, her voice a soft whisper.
He moved, quickly, closing the book with care and setting it aside, before he was crowding into her space, pressing kisses all over her face until he caught her lips, where he stayed for one, two, three, four more, until she was practically breathless.
Nesta’s hands rested against his own, which cupped her face, and laughed, just a little.
“I love it, Nesta,” He replied. “I love it.”
“Yes, sweetheart. I will treasure this always.”
She pressed her forehead against his, relishing the affection she felt from him.
“I wanted the world to have a piece of how wonderful you are,” She murmured. “But the specific reasons as to why can be just for us.”
“What did I tell you,” He replied, dipping her head to press another kiss to her lips. “The best gift giver.”
Pulling back, he stroked his thumb over her cheek affectionately before moving towards the tree.
“I’m afraid mine may look quite small in comparison.”
Nesta shook her head, watching as he pulled the tiny box from its place atop the tree skirt. The man could bring her a rock, and she'd likely cherish it until she died.
“You know I don’t need anything special.”
“So you tell me every time I get you a gift, baby.”
He approached her again, settling down beside her and placing the box in her hands. It was the one she’d seen briefly at the Market, the one he’d hidden from her.
“I know you got me something that’s not sentimental, and I got you a gift like that too, for tomorrow night. But these, I think, can stay between us.”
Nesta couldn’t shake the smile from her face as she nodded her agreement. For several seconds, she stared down at the box, the gold foil of it glinting in the light. Cassian nudged her with his nose, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Open it, Nes.”
“Be patient.”
But even as she said the words, she was pulling the ribbon free and lifting the cover off. Her eyes roved over the necklace that sat nestled on a pillow of velvet, and she went still, her throat tightening.
It was a simple pendant, one that held two stones – their birthstones, to be exact, bound together by metal that had been shaped to look like a single golden thread. Lifting it out of the box, she assessed it closer, lips parted in shock.
“Turn it over.”
She obeyed him, surprised at the small engraving that had somehow fit on the back. Their initials were there, with a year. Next year, the one they were getting married in.
“It’s beautiful,” She said quietly, running her finger over the gems. "Where did you-?"
“I had it custom made from the woman you saw me speaking to. I was picking it up when you so sneakily almost caught me.”
Huffing a laugh, she smiled down at the piece. Simple, yet elegant. Exactly her taste.
“Put it on me?” She asked.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
His hands were soft. They always were, when he touched her. In one gentle movement, he swept her hair over her shoulder, and in the next, he brought the necklace around her throat, the pendant resting perfectly between her collarbones. He clasped it easily, letting his hands slide over her shoulders, his head dipping to kiss her neck.
“I knew it would look beautiful on you,” He murmured. “But I still wasn’t prepared. You’re so stunning, Nes.”
Nesta leaned back into his arms, which wrapped tightly around her, the warm spices and cedar she associated with his scent enveloping her senses. Tilting her head up, she caught his jaw in a kiss, grinning as he dipped his chin to meet her lips properly.
“Merry Christmas,” She whispered, lacing their fingers together where they rested on her stomach. "I love you."
Cassian all but melted at the words, squeezing her tight and settling back against the couch, just holding her.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart. I love you too.”
The next evening, when Nesta and Cassian arrived at Feyre and Rhysand’s house to celebrate, arms full of gifts, her family’s eyes caught immediately on the gold pendant around her neck. Mor and Feyre pestered Cassian for hours, wanting to know where, exactly, it had come from. Azriel had kissed her on the cheek, complimenting her politely as he always did, warm and protective of her as he was. Elain gushed, and Amren smiled approvingly, always appreciative of fine taste. Even Rhysand complimented it, clapping Cassian on the shoulder.
It was a soothing experience, a welcoming one. It filled her with the confidence she didn’t know she needed, to say without hesitation that she belonged here.
And as the family settled around the tree, anxious to pass out gifts, any lingering anxieties faded away to nothing. Nesta couldn’t deny it to herself any longer, nor to those around her. In that moment, she felt entirely complete, entirely content. Entirely sure that this was the life she was meant to live, here with these people.
Just as Cassian had promised, everything was entirely perfect.
--- End ---
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rowaelinsdaughter · 7 months
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a/n;; i dont know how, but i have managed to finish tis fic, ill try to write the requests i have but i dont promise anything. school sucks. also, first time writing nessian :)
artist;; lotrgirl
WARNINGS;; angst!! to fluff, mentions of blood, car accident, MODERN AU.
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“she should be here already” nesta said, glancing again at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall of feyre’s house. her sister placed a hand on her shoulder, “she will, maybe the traffic was bad.” nesta sighed. cassian entered the kitchen, walking directly to her mate. his hands grabbed her by the waist, his thumbs massaging it. he searched her gaze. “she’s okay nesta” he rested his forehead with hers, his hands moving upward to her face, caressing her cheeks.
she nodded, grabbing the plates left and they went to the living room where the rest of the family was gathered. they were talking when the news reported a last minute news.
“we have breaking news. 30 minutes ago, a large truck collided with a car. apparently the truck driver was under the influence of alcohol and he veered off the road until colliding with the car that was going in the opposite direction. we passed the connection to our reporter.” the reporter showed and behind her, the truck was turned over and the car… the car was demolished. the paramedics were attending to the driver of the car. there was blood all over the road… but nesta knew the owner of the bracelet, knew who the driver was. 
one moment she had the dishes in the hands and the next time they were on the floor. everyone was holding their breath, elain had a hand on her mouth and feyre approached her sister placing a hand on her shoulder. nesta looked at cassian behind her, fear was written on his face. pure fear. he was the first one to broke the silence. “we need to go. now.” 
none of them could drive, so rhys was the one driving. cassian in the passenger seat, and feyre and nesta were in the back seats. after 15 horrible minutes, they made it to the accident just in time to watch the ambulance go away to the hospital. “we need to follow the ambulance” rhys said. 
so the follow her.
when they arrived to the hospital, they watched as the paramedics lowered the stretcher from the ambulance . she was covered in blood, so much blood they didnt know if she was going to survive. nesta and cassian runned after the medics, and they watched her enter the surgery room. a doctor stopped them.
“sorry but you cant enter”
“shes our mate, shes our wife!” cassian raised his voice.
“i know sir, but we need the doctors to do their job. please, just wait here.” and she entered the room.
cassian sighed and looked at nesta. her eyes were distant, as if she could watch her mate.
please mother. dont take her away from us. please. 
he hugged her. both praying she could make it alive.
4 hours later, a doctor left the surgery room. they all stood up, nesta and cassian approaching her, while feyre and rhys waited behind them. 
“how is she?” nesta asked. her hands trembling with fear.
she sighed “she’s alive”
her knees buckled and cassian reached for her, both laughing and crying. feyre was the one to ask, her face stained with tears. “where is she?” 
“she’s in room 146, in the intensive care unit zone. a nurse will guide you”
wires were attached to her, too many wires. beep. beep. beep. beep.  that was the only sound, and it was killing them. she had not moved or awoke. 
cassian watched nesta laid down beside her, she had fallen asleep the moment she touched the pillow. but cassian couldn't sleep, so he watched them, waiting for his mate to wake up. to see her beautiful eyes again. to kiss her. to hug her. to hear her laugh. 
her entire body hurt. 
that was the only thing she knew.
she didn't know where she was.
the last thing she remembered was the truck crushing her car and then nothing.
but know… 
slowly she opened her eyes, blinking due to the light. something was beside her or someone, she didn't know. but someone was watching her. she looked beside her and met nesta’s eyes. her blue-grey was dull. black bags under them. messy hair. she lifted a hand to her face and nesta started crying. she had never seen her cry like this. she noticed someone was on the other side of the bed. cassian. he was also here.
he took her hand. his much bigger than hers. she loved that. 
he was also crying, but he managed to speak “hello, angel”
a small smile.
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tags;; @throneofsapphics @thehighladywrites @vanserrasswife @shadowdaddies @loneliestluvr
all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
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acourtofladydeath · 11 months
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Hello all and welcome to the depths of depravity my masterlist! Here you will find all of my fics to date, which are available to read on AO3. While most of my work is currently ACOTAR based, I write for multiple ships across many fandoms and will happily hear your requests!
✍🏻 indicates a WIP
🌶️ indicates spice
🗡️ indicates depictions of violence, battles, and/or injuries
📚 indicates a multichap fic
💞 indicates fluff
❗ indicates heavy emotion/emotional trauma/death, however this may not be inclusive as every person experiences and reacts to emotions differently.
💤 indicates a hiatus
Please be sure to check all fic tags on AO3 as well as these initial indicators! Many of my fics include explorations of physical and/or emotional trauma.
All Things End ❗ This fic has an immersive, direct read playlist component that you can read about here!
The Soft Heart & The Shadow 🗡️❗
The Soft Heart & The Little Fox 🗡️❗
One Bed, One Bond, and a Pair of Wings
Enter: Uncle Autumn 💞
Fighting Fire with Fire 🗡️❗
And So Our Life Begins (ASOLB) ✍🏻📚💞
A Second Chance, *part of the ASOLB series
Finding His Shadow: An Azris Peter Pan AU **please note this fic is very aged up from the original material 📚🗡️🌶️ in Ch. 2 only
Fire Alarm
All I Want For Solstice Is You, part 1 of the Winter Cabin series 💞
Forest Fever, Soothing Shadow 💞
To Speak Through Smoke, part 2 of the Winter Cabin series 💞
Pieces of Us, part 3 of the Winter Cabin series 💞
Nessian & Nessriel
In Due Time 💞 (Nessian)
What Happens In The Night 🌶️ (Nessian)
Complications Arose, Ensued, Were Overcome 🗡️ (Nessian)
Take These Broken Wings ✍🏻🗡️❗📚 (Nessriel)
Hold Me Close, Hold Me Tender 💞 (Nessriel)
Our Greatest Adventure 💞 (Nessriel)
Multi-Ship or Other ACOTAR
3 Jewels In The Hewn City 📚🌶️ (Feysand, Nessian, Azris)
Lovers Live & Die Fortissimo (LL&DF)💤✍🏻📚 (Azris, Nessian, Feytamsand, Elucien, HelionXLOA)
Publicly Pleasing, Silently Drowning 🗡️❗ (Eris Vanserra)
How I Met Your Fathers 💞 (Feytamsand)
Stairway Snoops (Azris X Nessian polycule)
Into the Fire 🌶️ (Feytamcien/Lufeylin)
Return to the Hewn City ✍🏻📚 🌶️(Azris X Nessian swinging)
Welcome to the Family, part 1 of the "To Become A Vanserra" series 🌶️ (Elucien, Berlain, Erislain, Elain X all Vanserra Brothers)
Rules are Rules, part 2 of the "To Become A Vanserra" series 🌶️(Azris, Berzriel)
ACOTAR Drabbles
The Fawn, The Fox, & The Fiend 🌶️(Eltamcien)
Live, and Be Happy ❗ (Feytamsand)
The Wall Comes Down 🗡️ (Azris)
Just One More 🌶️(Nessriel)
The Empyrean
The Quiet Game 💞 (Tairn/Sgaeyl and Andarna)
Baby's First Birthday 💞 (Tairn/Sgaeyl and Andarna)
Last One Standing 🗡️❗ (Tairn/Sgaeyl, Andarna, Violet/Xaden)
Other Universe Fics
A Place Eternal 📚❗🗡️🌶️ in Ch. 5 (TSOA/The Illiad/Greek Mythology: Patrochilles, Hades X Persephone)
Reunited (Dr. Who: Amy X Rory)
The Final Moments ❗ (Torchwood: Jack X Ianto)
The Days We Thought We'd Never See 💤📚 (Spartacus: Agron X Nasir)
Event Week Masterlists
Poly+ ACOTAR Week 2024 🌶️💞
Azris Week 2024 🌶️💞
Eris Week 2024 🌶️💞🗡️❗
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wingsthatshimmer · 7 months
****Nessian Fluff****
A Mountain to Climb Together
Summary: This is a Nessian fic set a few weeks post-ACOSF. Nesta reveals her pregnancy. This is the first chapter in what I hope will be a series about Cassian and Nesta starting their own family. Let me know what you think!
Nesta knew she had to tell someone. She just didn’t know how. It was the guilt that was driving her into a self-imposed isolation. She knew it was her fault for sleeping with Cassian without drinking her contraceptive tonic. She had told herself it was only once. And the low likelihood of Fae pregnancies provided further consolation. Now, the cost of her mistake dawned on her and fear took over her mind and left her paralysed on the bathroom floor.
An hour later, Nesta had composed herself and was rejecting the house’s offer of tea.
“Thank You. But I will be fine. I survived the Blood Rite. I will survive this too.” It was a comforting gesture. And although she appreciated the house’s company, she knew she needed someone else’s support.
As she picked herself up again and headed towards the dining hall, Nesta focused on her breathing and repeated the same reassuring words that soothed her nerves earlier, “I am the rock against which the surf crashes.”
Cassian would be back any time now for dinner. Nesta sighed and rolled her eyes at the dinner laid out on table. The house had gone to great lengths to put together a grand feast fit for a celebration.
“Well, it’s not exactly subtle, is it?” Nesta muttered under her breath. At least the house was excited. She focused on breathing through her mouth and hurried towards the nearest window to push it open. The mixture of overwhelming smells of food only made her feel more nauseous.
Nesta swivelled her head towards the door as the sound of Cassian’s heavy landing made its way through the house.
The doors flung open. Cassian's hair and flight leathers were lightly splattered with rain and Nesta noticed a fresh wound under his eye that stretched all the way to his jaw. He was seemingly oblivious to the cut on his face as he turned towards her with a wide grin.
“Hello Nes.”
Instantly, she forgot about her own worries and rushed towards him. He chuckled as she held his face in her hands and inspected the wound. It was shallow and already healing. However, a cut like that meant something had gone wrong during Cassian’s usual meetings in Illyria.
“I contemplated going down to the River House first to clean this up. I knew the mother hen in you would worry.” He placed his hands carefully on her hips and pulled her tightly against himself.
“I missed you,” he murmured softly against her lips.
Nesta tried - and failed – to pull back to have another look at his face. “Of course I’m worried! You were meant to be in a harmless meeting. What happened?”
“No meeting set in Illyria is ever going to be harmless, my love. I’ll be fine.” He brushed a quick kiss over her head and intertwined his hand with hers as he led them to the dining table. “But if you’re still worried about me, I could suggest a few things that will speed up the healing process. For a start, it’s been proven that letting your mate eat his dinner off your naked body is a sure remedy for any injury.”
Nesta laughed as she took her seat.
“Last time we did that you dropped most of our dinner onto the floor. Unfortunately for your injury, I think it’s best that we try to eat our food tonight instead of wasting it. And stop avoiding my question. What happened today?”
Cassian feigned an exasperated sigh as he began eating, “Pity. I spent the whole flight here dwelling on that fantasy.”
“Cassian.” Nesta crossed her arms and levelled a stern look directly at him.
“It’s nothing serious, Nes. I promise. You already know about the dissent within Illyria following the latest Blood Rite. I’m meeting with Rhys and Az tomorrow to speak about it. We’ve seen this sort of thing many times before. I can handle it.” Before he took his next bite, Cassian glanced at Nesta’s plate and worry immediately lined his face. He walked over to her and began pouring food onto her plate. Nesta relaxed into her chair and looked up at her mate with complete adoration when she saw the way he acted out of concern for her. He kissed her lightly before placing a full plate of dinner in front of her and taking his seat on the other side of the table.
“Is the interrogation over? Now who’s the one wasting food?” Cassian said as he gave her a taunting smile.  
Nesta returned his smile and began eating. “Fine. The interrogation will be put on hold until further notice.”  
“I can live with that. Now it’s my turn to ask questions. What’s the occasion for this feast?”
Nesta nearly dropped her glass. She looked away from his gaze and cursed the house silently.
“The feast wasn’t my idea. You know how the house is prone to theatrics. But I do have some serious news I need to share with you. As well as a confession.” Her voice came out shaky and she looked down at her plate. It was too difficult to watch how he would react. Once again, the fear rushed over her.
Nesta hung her head low. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.  
Cassian immediately stopped eating and strode quickly to her. He knelt before her on the floor and lifted her chin up so that he could look into her eyes while his other hand clasped hers tightly.
Nesta let the tears fall as she saw the worry and fear etched into his face. How was she meant to tell him? This was meant to be a decision they would make together. She feared how quickly this was all happening.
Cassian caressed her face and one by one, he kissed her tears away. Nesta leaned into her mate and steadied herself.
“I forgot to take my contraceptive tea. I thought it wouldn’t matter. But now…” she trailed off and finally let go of the weak shield she had placed over her body to conceal her scent.
Cassian’s eyes widened with realisation.
“You’re pregnant” he whispered in disbelief.
Nesta nodded once slowly.
Cassian began to laugh and pulled Nesta out of the chair before he spun her around in the air.
“I can’t believe this!” He pulled her into a tight embrace. “We’re going to be parents.” He whispered into her hair.
“You’re not upset? Or frightened?” Nesta could barely speak from shock.
“It’s my dream to have a family with you, Nesta. How could I be upset?" Cassian pulled back slightly to look at her. “I don’t care that you forgot about the tea, I know it was an honest mistake. I’ve done it too.”
For the first time in hours, Nesta took a long and steady breath. Relief washed over her. “I want to have a family with you too. I just thought I’d have a lot more time to prepare. I don’t know if I can do this. Raising a family is a long and difficult journey.”
Cassian kissed her deeply. “You’re right. It’s another mountain to climb. But it’s one we will climb together.”
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
This Is Halloween
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Azris, Elucien, Nessian, Gwyn, Emerie, Mor, Feysand & Nyx, Jassa, Amren, Varian etc. type: fluff word count: 2k words warnings: little vulgar wording summary: Halloween special
"I want you to wear this tonight." Eris gently reaches around Azriel's chest from behind, his fingers sliding over the row of buttons, fastening one after the other. 
"It is my costume for the party, obviously I am going to wear this," Azriel chuckles, relishing in his husband's embrace, leaning back against Eris' hard chest. 
"I think you did not understand," Eris drawls and clicks his tongue. "I want you to wear this tonight. After we get home. I want you wear this while I am on the ground, between your thighs, my mouth wrapped around you."
Eris grins, looking into the mirror right into Azriel's eyes, covered by the ghostface mask he is already wearing. A shiver of lust and anticipation courses through Azriel, and he chuckles lowly. 
"And do you also want me to chase you through the house, making you beg to let you live?" 
Azriel grins behind his mask, heat rising into his cheeks. Even after years of marriage, the spark between them, as well as the passion and the lust, are still there, and he couldn't be happier.
"I definitely want that," Eris hums, kissing Azriel's shoulder. "But it won't be my life I will be begging for. It will be your—"
The ringing of the door bell interrupts their sensual conversation.
"Trick or treat!" the little boy, Nyx, hollers. The whole Archeron family is dressed up as Dracula. Rhysand wears a black cape, fake fangs in his mouth, a droplet of blood painted below his lip, and his dark hair slicked-back. Feyre, the queen of midnight she is, donned a long black gown with red accents and a vampire collar. She also has fake fangs in her mouth, and a droplet of blood below her lower lip. And baby Nyx looks adorable. He wears a small cape, mini fangs in his mouth and tiny bat bings are strapped to his back. He wiggles on his feet, holding a big plastic pumpkin in his small hands as he is waiting for his uncles to put sweets in. 
"Uncle Az!" cheers when Azriel finally lifts his mask and chuckles. The tiny boy runs, rather waddles very quickly to his uncle, who immediately coops him up, cuddling him tightly. 
Lifted up, Nyx dangles his little plastic pumpkin in front of Eris's face, beaming brightly, so Eris can fill it up with sweets, which he of course does. Nyx cheers, grins, giggles and thanks his uncles which warmth and makes happy smiles spread over their faces. 
"Your outfits don't quite match, right?" Feyre lets her gaze run over the two males, the corner of her mouth tugging upwards. 
Eris takes a step closer to Azriel and gives his mate's rear a gentle slap, which makes Azriel jump slightly, yet a sly smile creeps up on his face. "We couldn't agree, so no."
Rhys and Feyre laugh at that.
"And so we ended up as Ghostface and Dr. Frankenstein."
"Well, it suits you," Rhys compliments, allowing Nyx to take hold of his hand. Instantly, the little boy tugs eagerly at his father's hand. With a pleading tone, Nyx exclaims, "Let's go," stretching out the word "go". Rhys offers a wave to the two men, already trailing after Nyx, who had sets off towards the next house on the street.
"We won't be joining you at the party. So, have a wonderful evening," Feyre says with a smile on her lips. 
Eris and Azriel's smiles are radiant. "You too."
The two men stay at the door until the family disappears and then they also return inside, adding their last touches to their costumes. 
"What if we also ditch the party?"
Azriel turns his head to the side, amusement playing on his lips. "Your brother is hosting."
"And my brother will forgive me for ditching the party." Eris slings his arms around Azriel from behind and kisses his husband's shoulder. He brings a hand up, to slide the ghostface mask back over Azriel's face and grins. "We will have a good reason for not coming," Eris muses. 
"You wanting me to bang you in this mask?"
Eris gives his eyes a dramatic roll, and steps away, gently tapping his mate's butt. "Alright, we are going to the party."
Azriel wants to remind his husband that it actually had been Eris who had been trying to convince Azriel to go to the halloween party for weeks, who had wanted them to dress up, and who had been on fire to go there together. But Azriel decides to keep his mouth shut, just chuckling lowly, his gaze following Eris until he disappears into the kitchen to collect his wallet or whatever. 
Merely half an hour later, Eris and Azriel, their hands intertwined, arrive at the Vanserra-Archeron home. It is a beautiful, and lovely forest cottage, perfect for the couple. Nestled deep within the large forest, there is their delicate cottage, its facade now adorned with delightful Halloween decorations. A cobblestone path leads to the cottage's entrance, gently illuminated by flickering candlelight. Jack-o'-lanterns accompany the path, their faces carved perfectly, as they create both an eerie but also inviting atmosphere. Each pumpkin has a different face, some look friendly with big smiles, while others seem spooky with sharp, toothy grins — Elain simply did an amazing job, Eris concludes. As they move closer to the house, halloween music already sounding from the inside, they marvel at he meticulously decorated facade — tattered pieces of frabic in shades of black and white flutter in the breeze, while cobwebs adorn the windows. Hanging bats, their wings outstretched, seem to soar through the night sky above the roof and Eris knows that his poor little brother probably had a heart attack watching his wife put them up there (or vice versa, because those two are protective as hell). 
The party is already in full swing as they enter, immediately being greeted by one of the hosts of the party — Lucien, dressed as the Mad Hatter. Elain is a few steps behind him, greeting some other guests. They create a stunning picture together, looking absolutely fabulous. 
With a broad smile under his bizarre hat, Lucien says, "Eris, you make an amazing Dr. Frankenstein! And you," he adds, gesturing to the his brother-in-law, "that’s truly not a bad costume."
Lucien and Azriel are not the best of friends, but they get along, mostly for Eris' happiness. 
The male dressed as Dr. Frankenstein responds with a chuckle, "Thanks, little brother! You two look absolutely dashing. Thank you for the invite, by the way."
Elain finally also joins her husband at the door, and playfully curtsies and says, "Welcome to Wonderland, Eris, Azriel! It's going to be an amazing night of spookiness and wonder!"
Lucien has to laugh at his breathtaking wife, his arm wrapping around her so he can kiss the top of her head. 
Together, they all make their way into the living room, where they join the others. Elain's sister Nesta and her husband are dressed as Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. They look absolutely fantastic. Cassian hollers and laughs loudly as he hugs his best friend and then claps his hand on Eris' shoulder. "You two," he chuckles. 
Gwyn, beaming brightly next to Nesta, is rocking a Harley Quinn costume. She already had one or two drinks and finds it hilarious that she introduces herself as "Harley Gwyn."
And Emerie who is dressed as the Batwoman has to laugh from the bottom of her heart every single time she hears it. Soon, they are also joined by Mor who shows a dashing Barbie look, grinning brightly, swaying to the music. 
Eris, his hand once again sliding into Azriel's, turns to look around in the room, mareveling at all the decoration adorning the walls, all the work Elain and Lucien put into it. 
Halloween music sounds around them, accompanied by chatter, laughter and people singing along with it. 
The living room looks like a magical, spooky world. The lights are dimmed, and they create long, scary shadows on the walls. Even inside there are jack-o'-lanterns everywhere, and Eris wonders how long it must have taken Elain and Lucien to carve them. Cobwebs hang from the ceilings and corners, and are joined by bats and ghosts. There are fake spiders hanging from strings, or at least Eris hopes they are fake. The large dining table is incredibly, once again Elain has outdone herself. 
There is a great variety of treats from neon gummy worms, candy corn scattered like autumn leaves, and sandwiches shaped like tombstones. A big bowl of witches' brew punch is set in the centre of the table, fake spiders sitting on the edge of it. There are also mummified hot dogs and Eris can only grin at them. Alongside those dishes there are even more ghastly treats like monster eyeballs that also must be some kind of sweets. 
Eris lets his gaze stray, watching Amren lean against the doorframe dresses as Cleopatra, putting all her jewellery on display. She is talking to Tarquin, and his nephew Varian who is Amren's boyfriend. They are dressed like they are straight out of Baywatch. 
And there are Vassa and Jurian – Superman and Wonder Woman. They are happily chatting and also dancing a little, while eating the lovely treats Elain has provided.
"This party is fucking fantastic," Eris expresses. Lucien brings drinks over for all of them which they down after their cheers, happy chatter and laughter following. 
Azriel and Eris inform the others about having met Feyre and Rhysand plus their little baby boy and all once again come to the conclusion that Nyx is just the sweetest little baby boy in the whole entire world.
"You being so terribly calm is even scarier with the mask, Az," Nesta chuckles and nudges Azriel with her elbow. "The longer you stay quiet, the more unsettling it becomes."
The others join in laughing and even Azriel, muffled behind his mask, chortles. As the music gets louder, people start dancing in the middle of the living room and soon are joined by Eris and the others.
Some random zombies join in alongside skeletons and a Joker. He is a friend of Nesta, his name is Balthazar and he soon catches Gwyn's attention, who turns to him with a smile as they start dancing together, freely, wildly, and without a care in the world.
There is only one night in the world where you can be this crazy and free and you have to celebrate it to the fullest. Their dancing only shows how much they love Halloween and having a good time together with friends and family. As the music gets louder, more people start dancing and having fun. Also more alcohol flows, the witches' brew and some stronger liquors. 
Azriel's hand rest on Eris' waist while the man starts to sway, chatting with brother and his sister-in-law. In the meantime, Cassian is talking to Azriel about everything and anything, and Azriel listens and laughs slightly from time to time, simply enjoying his brother's company. They haven't seen each other in a minute, and it just feels good to have him around him again. 
Nesta is dancing with Mor and Emerie, all of them showing off their fabulous costumes and dance moves. When Balthazar and Gwyn also join, them dancing, Gwyn giggles and says, "I lost all sense of who I was, I only had eyes for puddin'." Balthazar is laughing and so are the others. 
As the night progresses, Eris, with quite a bit of alcohol in his blood and trying to be absolutely seductive while dancing, makes finger guns, moving them up and down his body, away from one side to another, dancing, or rather trying to dance, always keeping eye-contact with his husband. Azriel can barely contain it, laughing so hard and loud, his ghostface mask starts to vibrate.
"I can't wait for us to get home," Eris rasps as he moves closer to his husband, a slight slur in his voice, trying to dance with the man who hasn't moved a single bit this evening. Azriel laughs again and grabs his husband's hand. "Soon, baby. Soon." 
Somehow Eris manages to make Azriel dance with him, and soon both of them are moving together, joined by Nesta, Cassian, Mor, Emerie, Gwyn and Balthazar. 
Lucien and Elain are swaying together close to the bar, her hands on his chest, Lucien's hands on the small of her back. "You've truly outdone yourself." He smiles down at her. "The party is absolutely perfect." 
Elain beams and bounces on her toes to kiss his lips. "I am already looking forward to next year."
~~~~~~~~ azris, feysand, nessian, elucien tag lists: @helhjertet @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @crushedcloudsx @brekkershadowsinger @girasoli-e-sorrisi @ignite-me @swifti-ed @cassiansbigwingspan @ladyelain@vulpes-fennec @girlinglass999  @autumndreaming7 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @rippahwrites @shadowhunter2003 @my-inner-crisis  @acourtofthought @itwasalwaysaboutthetea @multifictional @sunshinebingo @gracie-rosee @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel@aayo-whatt@ofduskanddreams@banasheefan56 @thelovelymadone
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rosanna-writer · 10 months
Rosé Flowing with your Chosen Family
Summary: Role-Reversal AU. After accepting the mating bond, there's only one thing left on Rhysand Cursebreaker's agenda: introducing his human brothers to his mate, Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court. When Cassian and Azriel meet Feyre's Inner Circle, it might just be the longest family dinner of Rhys's life. Warnings: None Pairings: Background Feysand, Nessian if you squint Word Count: ~3.6k
Based on this prompt from @sjmkinkmeme: "Just good'ol family fluff. In which Rhysand Cursebreaker brings his brothers, Cassian and Azriel, to meet his mate, Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court, friends and family in the City of Velaris. Hilarity and shenanigans ensue."
Since it's almost Thanksgiving, I figured I'd finally get this awkward family dinner one-shot out of my drafts! You can find it below or here on AO3.
Rhysand picked up the second half of the Book of Breathings, the final result of so many months of scheming and a plan that had gone off without a hitch. Feyre would be delighted—not that Rhys would ever fail a task she assigned him as her emissary to the mortal lands.
Maybe she'd even show her appreciation in bed when he got back.
He tore this thoughts from Feyre and looked up at his brothers watching him with interest. They didn't say anything because they didn't have to; Rhys knew they were wondering what was next now that he had the book.
"You heard the queens," he said, "so it's your choice, whether you want to stay here or come with me."
"Come with you to Prythian?" Azriel said, as if he couldn't quite believe it.
"I understand if you'd rather stay here, but I think you'll be safer in the Night Court. My home is your home, and there are people there I'd like you to meet," Rhys said.
For Rhys, the Night Court had felt like the home he was always looking for, but that might not be the same for Cassian and Azriel. When he tried to think about his first days in Prythian, tried to put himself in their shoes, it felt like a lifetime away to Rhys. He'd been another person—Cauldron, another species—when he'd gone Under the Mountain.
"Like who?" Cassian said.
Rhys smiled in that way that always preceded one of those dramatic reveals he was so partial to. "For starters, I'd like you to meet my mate."
Rhys only got a glimpse of Cassian's grin before he was folded into another one of his brother's bear hugs. "You bastard, why didn't you tell us you had a mate?" Cassian said.
"I only just accepted the bond. Things have been…up in the air," Rhys said.
It was a bit of an understatement, and he planned to tell his brothers everything eventually. The bond had snapped for Feyre on the balcony just after they were freed from Under the Mountain—she'd grabbed him and winnowed him straight to Night. Rhys had hated her then. But so much had changed in the months since, and he'd just accepted the bond the other day.
Cassian let him go, and Azriel clapped him on the back next. "Who is she?" Az said.
Rhys's grin only got wider. "Feyre Archeron, the High Lady of the Night Court," he said, her name like a prayer on his lips.
Azriel cocked his head as if he hadn't heard correctly. "I thought she was your boss?" he said.
Rhys had been coming to the mortal lands not just to see his brothers, but also as Feyre's emissary. He'd asked her to allow him to handle this himself, and she'd given him all the space he asked for, no matter how much it worried her when being on opposite sides of the Wall dimmed their bond. His brothers hadn't met Feyre yet. The Night Court might be Rhys's home, but to them, the Queen of Night was still the wicked female parents told their children would eat them if they misbehaved, a demon and a nightmare.
Hardly the sort of person you'd want as a sister-in-law.
"I'm still her emissary," Rhys said. And since accepting the bond, everything had been such a whirlwind that he and Feyre hadn't discussed what being mated would mean for his place in the Night Court.
Azriel just raised an eyebrow at that.
"Well congratulations anyway," Cassian said, a little unsure.
"Thank you," Rhys said quietly, unsure how to express his relief that his brothers seemed more concerned about a potential power differential than the way a mating bond was just more evidence that he was no longer human like them. It meant everything that nothing had changed between them, even after he'd died and come back to life as High Fae. "Are you coming or not? If so, I can tell you more as you pack."
Cassian and Azriel looked at each other, a silent understanding passing between them, before they both nodded. Rhys relaxed. If his brothers had wanted to stay here, Feyre's soldiers would have kept them safe. But he'd breathe easier with both of them behind Velaris's wards.
And beyond that, he'd missed them.
Once their bags were packed, Rhys winnowed his brothers directly to the living room of the townhouse. The instant they arrived, Feyre's voice floated down the stairs. "Rhys!" she called, too relieved that she sensed his arrival to use her daemati abilities. "Did you get the Book?"
She appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in one of Rhys's sweaters and a pair of paint-stained leggings. Her braided hair hung over one shoulder. The effect was decidedly un-High-Lady-like.
At the sight of two men flanking Rhys, she froze halfway down the stairs, eyes wide. "Are these your brothers?" she added, more quietly.
She should have known that Rhys might want them to come to Velaris after all the business with the mortal queens. But still, she'd thought he'd at least have warned her. Rhys spoke of his brothers with nothing but love and admiration, and she desperately wanted them to like her. Feyre might not admit it until the end of her immortal life, but she was nervous. She didn't want Rhys's family to look at her like she was a monster, just like everyone else did.
The one with the longer hair—Cassian, if she remembered correctly—just winked at her and said, "Come on, Feyre. We don't bite. Unless you ask us to."
Rhys slid his hands into his pockets, the way he did when he was nervous, too. "The last I heard, Cassian, no one has ever taken you up on that offer," he said. The other one, Azriel, just snorted at that.
Despite having been in the Night Court less than a minute, they were obviously comfortable. It gave Feyre the confidence to say, "I'm glad an appreciation for affirmative consent is a family value."
That actually coaxed a rare smile from Azriel, but Feyre didn't notice as she descended the rest of the stairs. Her attention was all on Rhys.
Perhaps it was the mating bond still being fresh, but after having him gone for just a few hours, the urge to launch herself into his arms was strong. Instead, she forced herself to focus and added, "But you did get the Book, right?"
Rhys smirked. "Of course I got the Book. Have you ever known me not to deliver?" he said.
In truth, she hadn't. But before Feyre could say anything, Rhys was kissing her, probably pressing a bit closer and dragging it out a bit longer than he should in front of family she'd just met.
When they broke apart, Feyre refused to look embarrassed. It took every last scrap of grace she could muster—and as a High Lady, that was quite a lot—not to blush furiously. "It's nice to meet you both," she said, then turned to Rhys and added, "I can take the Book to Amren while you show them around."
"Only if you promise to hurry back," Rhys murmured, fingers brushing hers as he handed her the Book.
Feyre's voice dropped lower. "Hurry back to you? Always."
Cassian's cough sounded mysteriously like the word "gross." Azriel chuckled. Normally, Rhys stayed out of his brother's minds, but he pushed past their shields and said, Behave.
Based on their expressions, Feyre could tell that Rhys had said something to his brothers mind-to-mind, but she decided she didn't want to know what it was. She pulled on a coat and tucked the Book securely under it. With her hand on the doorknob, she turned back to Rhys and added, a note of command in her voice, "We're having a family dinner tonight at the House of Wind. I expect all three of you there."
A family dinner meant everyone would be there. "Then let the games begin, Feyre darling," Rhys purred.
Once the door shut behind her, Cassian mussed Rhys's hair. "Look at you, Rhysie. A mated male," he said, as Rhys batted his hand away and attempted to smooth his hair back down.
"It is good to see you happy, though," Azriel said quietly.
"More importantly," Cassian said, draping an arm around Rhys's shoulder, "has she got a sister?"
His brothers would be in the same room as the Archeron sisters within a few hours—Mother save them all.
Rhys ducked out from under Cassian's arm and indicated the guest rooms up the stairs with a jerk of his head. "Two, plus a cousin who might as well be a sister, too," he said.
When Mor's family caught her with another girl and cast her out of the Hewn City, the Archerons opened their home to their cousin. Mor had told Rhys her story during his first week here, when Feyre had declared she was calling in their bargain, and it had helped him stop being terrified out of his mind of the Night Court. Mor was like him—Rhys had gone Under the Mountain for the love of another male.
After showing his brothers to their rooms, Rhys told them about it, as well as everything else. Feyre had winnowed him here after everything Under the Mountain, so overcome that she'd just blurted out that they were mates. By the end of that first week, they weren't friends, but he hadn't hated her anymore. Then his relationship with Tamlin had broken down in the aftermath of it all, and Feyre had offered him a soft place to land. Working as her emissary, preparing to fight Hybern—it had given him a purpose when he'd been adrift.
Determined to give him all the space and time he needed, she hadn't mentioned the bond since that first day. And yet she'd still breathed life back into him when his time Under the Mountain had left him a half-dead shell of a male. It was only a matter of time before he'd accepted the the bond. During his trips back to the mortal lands, his brothers had heard pieces of the story. But now they knew all of it.
It was a while before Feyre returned, far longer than it should have taken her just to winnow to Amren's apartment and back. Rhys supposed she must have been corralling her Inner Circle and that maybe she'd wanted to give him some time alone with his brothers.
"I'll need to fly you to the House of Wind," she said when she returned and found the three of them in the living room. "We should leave now since it'll be two trips."
"Fly?" Cass and Az said in unison.
Feyre smiled and let her wings shoot out from her back. The twin looks of surprise she got in response made her wonder if Rhys hadn't told his brothers that he could form wings of his own. He hadn't gotten around to learning to use them yet.
"What are you going to do, carry me up there?" Cassian said.
Feyre shrugged. "No one else is going to do it."
"Are you sure you can—"
Before Cassian could finish that sentence, Feyre hooked one arm around his legs and the other around his back and scooped him off the floor. "Is this alright, or would you rather I sling you over my shoulders?"
"Shit Feyre, what the hell do you eat in the Night Court?"
According to the rumors, younglings, but it didn't seem like the time to mention that. Feyre thought she might have frightened him, but Cassian seemed positively delighted that she could carry a man as large as him with so little effort.
"You'll find out in a few minutes," she said.
Feyre carried Cassian the last few steps to the door, then shot into the air once they were outside. To Cassian's credit, he didn't even squeeze his eyes shut during takeoff.
Now that it was just the two of them with no one else in earshot, Feyre said, "If you're considering giving me a speech about how you'll kill me if I ever upset Rhys, you don't have to bother. I already know."
Cassian snorted. "Rhysie might be a little scrawny, but he can handle himself."
If Cassian thought Rhys looked scrawny now, he should have seen his brother when he'd left the Spring Court for good. Now he looked the healthiest Feyre had ever seen him.
"Good. Anyone who marries into my family needs to be able to."
"What makes you say that?"
As if on cue, they reached the balcony to the House of Wind. "You'll know why by the end of dinner."
Her sisters were already waiting there. Elain had chosen a soft blue gown and kept her wings hidden; ever the gracious hostess, she'd probably been careful to look as unassuming as possible when meeting Rhys's human family for the first time. Nesta, however, was still in her fighting leathers, wings out as always.
As she set Cassian down, Feyre gave them a look clearly telling them to be nice. She didn't bother using her daemati powers—she and her sisters could communicate plenty with just a single glance.
And with that, she turned back to retrieve Azriel next. Rhys had told her that Az was the only member of his family with manners, and Feyre could see why. Azriel made polite conversation about Velaris and even started to thank her for flying him when they reached the House of Wind.
But they both went silent at the sight of Nesta and Cassian grappling on the balcony.
Feyre set Azriel down with a sigh. This could mean one of two things: either Cassian had immediately said something that set Nesta off (certainly possible) or the two of them were getting along swimmingly (equally likely).
Down the bond, Feyre said to Rhys, I know I said I'd fly you here, but we have a situation. You should winnow.
"Nesta!" Feyre said, shaking her head. Elain gave her a sympathetic look, and Feyre could've sworn she heard Mor and Amren snickering together in the corner. "Must you?"
Both Cassian and Nesta froze mid-grapple at the sound of Feyre's voice and turned to look at her. Nesta used the moment of distraction to roll over and pin Cassian to the stone floor.
Just then, Rhys winnowed above the balcony and dropped smoothly into place next to Feyre. "I suppose this is the situation you mentioned?" he said.
Nesta stood up, moving with her usual grace. "There is no situation," she said coolly. "I think I've proven my point."
She held out a hand to help Cassian up, so Feyre concluded this was a sign her sister had decided she liked him. Based on the pulse of relief down the bond, Rhys had come to the same conclusion.
Which was fortunate—with the way Cassian looked at Nesta as he took her hand, his eyes might as well have been replaced by hearts.
Rhys and Feyre locked eyes as a simultaneous Oh no crossed both sides of the bond. There would be more sparring from Cassian and Nesta in the future, and they'd all be lucky if they left the House of Wind standing at the end of it.
"Anyway, these are my sisters Nesta and Elain, my cousin Morrigan, and my second-in-command Amren. And this is Rhys's brother Azriel," Feyre said.
Elain stepped forward, extending her hand. "It's so good to finally meet you," she said with genuine warmth. "Rhys talks about you often."
"Talks about me positively, I hope," Az said with a wry smile, taking Elain's hand. "It's nice to meet you, too."
Elain being her usual charming self set Feyre's mind at ease—Mother bless her spymaster of a sister, who could drag secrets out of anyone with just a few smiles. Maybe they could actually get through this dinner without sending Rhys's brothers running away in fear.
"Is there a reason we can't continue this conversation over dinner? I'm starving," Mor said.
"As if I'd ever get between you and food," Feyre said. Mor stuck her tongue out, and Feyre hissed at her cousin.
As they walked towards the dining room, Rhys and Feyre reached for each other's hands at the same time. With the mating bond still so fresh, the urge to touch each other at all times was still strong. The only thing that had cleared Rhys's head enough to leave for the mortal lands without Feyre had been sparring with—or if he was being honest, getting a sound thrashing from—Nesta that morning.
The eight of them took their seats, a few significant glances between Feyre, Rhys, and Elain communicating their agreement to make sure Cassian and Nesta were seated as far from each other as possible. Mor caught sight of it and smirked into her wineglass.
The food was relatively plain—Feyre hadn't wanted to ask the cooks to put something elaborate together at the last minute. And yet Cassian was blatantly sniffing at his forkful of chicken. Azriel kicked him under the table.
Rhys gave his brother a sympathetic look. "It was hard for me to trust the food when I first came to Prythian, but I assure you it will be the best you've ever tasted," he said.
Feyre pushed her own food around on her plate uncomfortably. She'd forgotten the human superstitions about eating fae food, even though Rhys had told her all about how hesitant he'd been to touch it during those first days in the Spring Court. Cauldron, she'd just gone and invited them to dinner.
Rhys squeezed her hand under the table. It's fine, he said down the bond, giving her another one of those smiles that made her heart flip.
"I never thought we'd find someone whose table manners were worse than Amren's," Nesta said from the other side of the table.
Cassian grinned, holding her gaze the entire time he bit into the slice of chicken, chewed, and swallowed. Nesta's lips curled back into a snarl.
Mor quietly filled a glass of wine and slid it to Feyre.
"Criticizing my table manners? That's bold coming from an Illyrian," Amren drawled.
Feyre stilled, instinctively looking to Rhys. His brothers had already been brave just to come to Prythian and eat their food, and she did not want to explain exactly why Amren wouldn't touch her plate, at least not on Cassian and Azriel's first night here. It had been difficult enough to get Amren to forgo the blood just this once.
"Might I remind you that I'm also Illyrian?" Elain said, a little tartly. It had always been a point of contention with her—she might not have been a natural-born warrior like her sisters, but her mother hadn't allowed her to get out of training to fight.
"Elain's right," Mor said. "It's not Illyrians who are the uncivilized ones, it's the males. We had five centuries of peace until Rhys came along."
"And just had to drag two more with him," Nesta muttered darkly.
Feyre shot Nesta another warning look, ready to remind her sister that Rhys had brought his brothers to the Night Court for their own protection. Nesta just shrugged as if to say "I have a point, don't I?"
Yet again proving he was the only one of Rhys's brothers with manners, Azriel steered the conversation to safer ground, saying, "Your top advisors are all female? That would be unheard of in the mortal lands."
The wave of pride that Rhys sent down the bond was so strong that Feyre blushed and ducked her head, a little overwhelmed. "Far too many courts have no female advisors at all. I dreamed of something better, and when I became High Lady, I made sure things changed," she said.
So had her sisters, who were dreamers just like her. After taking command of her armies, Nesta had ensured female Illyrians received ample opportunities to train as warriors, and it had been Elain who turned the library in the House of Wind into a place of refuge run by priestesses in need of it.
"It's not exactly what I expected when I first arrived here, either," Rhys said.
Nesta started to say something, but Elain cut her off with a glare and said, sweet but pointed, "I'm glad we were able to change your mind."
"Speak for yourself," Nesta muttered.
Cassian's eyes gleamed, bright with interest, as if he were sizing up an opponent. Nesta stared back without blinking.
Before she had a chance to start growling, Azriel said, "Have you always been able to fly?"
It was all the opening Elain needed to direct the conversation to an anecdote about Feyre crashing face-first into a tree when she'd been learning to fly as a child. And in turn, Cassian seemed to get into Nesta's good graces by telling a story about hitting Rhys in the face with a snowball several times in quick succession.
At the sound of her family's laughter, Feyre found herself relaxing. By the end of the meal, it seemed they'd actually managed not to scare off the humans or offend them, and they'd even dodged any awkward questions about exactly why Amren hadn't touched her food. Perhaps…this dinner might not have been anything close to the disaster that she feared.
Or at least, it seemed that way until their plates were clear, and as they all stood to go, Mor grinned and said, "Why don't we take Cassian and Azriel to Rita's?"
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
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A/N: I am THRILLED for this week! I've been planning these fics for a while now, and I'm so excited to show them all to you! 💕 So here's a Masterlist of my work featuring our precious Lord of bloodshed. A huge thank you to @cassianappreciationweek to host this event. You guys are amazing, good job!
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Day one: Flying
What defines you (Angst-Comfort) (X Reader)
Sumarry: Cassian and Azriel have been sent on a mission while Rhys is away. Cassian gets back from this mission injured, and the prognosis of his wings recovery is uncertain.
Day two: Hair
My rugged Illyrian (Angst-Comfort) (Fluff) (X Reader)
Summary: Cassian is about to meet your parents for the first time, and he is skeptical that they'll appreciate his rugged Illyrian's features as much as you do...
Day three: Family
Mother knows best (Fluff) (Nessian and their OC!Daughter Briana)
Sumarry: When Cassian encounters a hair issue with Briana, he can't help but wonder through his despair in this situation: "What would Nesta do?"
Day four: Lover
Lost in translation (Angst-Comfort) (X Reader)
Summary: Cassian is worried he's being too clingy since you don't seem to show him your love with physical touches... But maybe the two of you just got lost in translation.
Day five: Scars
Scarred (angst) (Nessian and their OC!Daughter Briana)
Summary: Cassian's traumas comes back to haunt him when their daughter naively wishes for a real war, like the ones in her books.
Day six: Birthday
Birthday... Cake? (Angst) (Fluff) (x Reader)
Summary: You tried baking a birthday cake for Cassian's birthday, but you overestimated your poor cooking skills.
Day seven: Free day!
Unprofessional duties (smut) (X Reader)
Summary: You and Cassian are both generals from different Courts. Him, the famous general of the Night Court, you, the skilled and strong general of Day Court. What would happen if Helion, nosey High Lord that he is, ordered you to take the night off and enjoy the festivities with your sexy general? 😏💕
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears 💕
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Nessian Fics
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Chaptered Fics
I Will Love You Without A Single String Attached *^
To get out of an awkward encounter with an ex, Nesta convinces a random man in the bar to pretend to be her boyfriend. When she learns it's her future brother-in-law's brother, they concoct a plan to fake date to get their busy-body family off their backs.
Who's Counting ^*~
Nesta just wants to get through her senior year in college. She's certainly not interested in a certain captain of the school's soccer team, chemistry lab partners or not. Too bad Cassian has other plans.
Let Our Hearts, Like Doors, Open Wide ^*~
When Cassian's six-year-old daughter, Mellie, meets Nesta in a bookstore, will she play matchmaker to help her Papa find happiness and love?
And They Were Roommates, OMG, They Were Roommates ^*~
Cassian convinces Nesta to pretend to be his fiance and to move in with him, to score a great apartment, but will he regret that decision when he starts to develop very real feelings for his new roommate?
Wonderland *~
After the War, Nesta broke the mating bond with Cassian. When she returns to Velaris after living on the continent, she finds out the consequences of that choice.
Falling For Your Fools Gold *^~
Nesta is sailing on her father's merchant ship when it's attacked by pirates, but not just any pirates. It's the infamous Lord of Bloodshed.
But I'm Only Looking At You ^*~
Regency AU where Cassian crashes Nesta's wedding to Viscount Mandray to declare he's already laid with her because he can't watch the woman he loves marry a cruel man.
Barbarian Bat *^~
In Progress
The ACOTAR and IPB crossover no one asked for.
I'm Here, Right Here (Wishing I Could Be There For You) *^~
In Progress (Note: this fic is currently being rewritten)
Nesta finds herself struggling to cope with everything after the War, but Cassian is there to reach out his hand.
When We Howl, the Moon Will Cower *^~
In Progress
Witch Nesta finds herself married to werewolf Cassian after her mother arranges marriages for her and her sisters.
Key: ^ fluff // * angst // ~ smut
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readychilledwine · 4 months
y are lucien and eris on the self care series? thats weird
It isn't a smut series, so I am unsure of what is weird about Lyria giving her brothers a massage. It's actually really common in the massage industry to go to a close friend or family member.
You want to be comfortable with your massage therapist. Lucien and Eris are covered in scars and probably have self-esteem issues regarding their backs. Lyria, as their sister, would not judge those scars, especially with what we are going to learn about her relationships with Eris.
The Self Care Sunday Series is going to be angst, fluff, and some humor. A side from Rhysand and Feyre, it will be Lyria's first time interacting with members of the Inner Circle. We will get to see the sparks start between her and Nessian, get to see the tenderness and sexual tension of her and Rhysand's relationship, and get to see Lyria comfort Feyre postpartum, and we're also going to see her tension and anger with Mor, her fear of Amren, and the mix feelings she has for Elain.
I can see how it would be odd to have Eris and Lucien on there had this been a smut series, but then it would also be weird to have Elain. Lyria isn't looking to complete an Archeron triathlon, and she sure as shit isn't looking to bring the female pining after her mate into her bedroom.
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ninthcircleofprythian · 4 months
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🔥- Smut 💕- Fluff 🙈- Angst 🩹- Hurt/Comfort
Masterlist Header by @saradika-graphics
Please read all warnings on fics - some fics contain heavy emotional topics and explicit descriptions. All fics will be appropriately tagged at the time of posting. Please read them carefully before diving in. Your mental health matters.
🔥 Winner Takes All - After returning from a girls retreat weekend at the cabin, Nesta and Celeste find out the Bat Boy husbands have made a bet they are sure to lose. (Azriel x OC Celeste)
🔥Here Comes The Sun - When the Spymaster of the Night Court discovers your little crush, you end up crossing a lot of firsts off your list. (Azriel x You/Reader)
🔥💕Dinner and Dessert - As his mate's due date approaches, Az can't handle the sight of her pregnant body in a sundress without going a bit feral. (Azriel x OC Mira)
Continuing Series
Unbound - Not having a mating bond didn't stop the love Azriel and Celeste have for each other or their commitment. When an unknown magic lingering from Celeste's past causes her to lose all memories of the last century, will they be able to rebuild their life without a bond tethering them together? (Azriel x OC Celeste)
💕🙈 Part 1 - They Don't Know About Us
🙈 Part 2 - Don't Pull Away
💕Part 3 - We're Going to Solstice Dinner -- and We're Gunna Get Married
🙈🩹 Part 4 - Dancing With Your Ghost
🙈 Part 5 - As The World Caves In
🙈 Part 6 - Numb, But I Still Feel It
🙈 Part 7 - Putting on a Brave Face
🙈 Part 8 - Take Me To Church
🔥 Kiss - Don't Tell - Cassian/Azriel - M/M - after a wild threesome months ago - Cas and Az get a little curious what things would be like without a third party involved
🔥 Make It Hurt - After a truly terrible day you come home only to be surprised by the one and only Eris Vanserra and he knows how to make it all better. (Eris x You/Reader)
💕 Stuck in the Middle with You - Eris relents to participate in a throuples Halloween costume contest at your insistence. (Halloween modern AU) (Eris Week 2024 - AU day) (Azris/Reader)
Continuing Series
The Bird and The Badger - a series of interconnect one shots told in non-linear order detailing the life of Eris x OC (Bryn) --- eventual Azris x OC (Parts will be listed here in chronological order)
💕A Matter of Trust - Eris needs to find someone he can trust to help with part of his secretive plan against Beron.
🙈Keeping Up Appearances - Eris and Bryn travel to Night Court to enact the bargain with Rhys.
💕A Pocketful of -- Ragweed? - (Short little drabble for Azris week) Eris might be snide and snarky with his words, but he sure knows how to surprise his mate with his actions.
🙈 May Her Memory Be a Blessing - no summary. please read the authors notes. this will hurt. emotional damage.
💕 When You Wish Upon a Star - just a little slice of life and domesticity for dad!Az and dad!Eris.
💕 Scrabble Drabble - Family game night after weekly dinners tended to get a little contentious. It wasn’t unusual for someone to quit midway through or to accuse another of cheating. It was no different now that Lucien had joined in the weekly tradition with his mate, Elain.
💕Icing Is The Spice Of Life - Elain may have slightly over-commited her famous holiday cookies to friends and family. But her mate Lucien comes to the rescue. Cuteness abounds.
💕 In which the fae of Prythian discover bubble gum - (Feysand, Nessian, Elucien, Azris, Mor)
Corner Productions
(Collaborations with Chaos)
🔥 Gold Star for You - silly NSFW smut headcanons of everyone and reader - Reader introduces gold star reward system in the bedroom.
💕 With This Ring - Headcanons about Eris Vanserra and his affinity for jewelry - especially after a certain Shadowsinger enters his life.
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