#neta mark
xxvalkyriesxx · 24 days
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Flying Changes - Chapter Four
A Nessian Equestrian Fic
Masterlist // Previous Part // Next Part
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CW: Mentions of alcohol abuse and drunk driving, mentions of family members being hurt bc of addiction. Cassian is indeed an ass in this one. So is Mor.
“Look, Nesta. You got yourself into this. You’re the one who drove drunk to the cemetery last month where you knew your sisters would be there. It’s almost as if you wanted to be caught, falling into a trap they didn’t even set.” He shook his head, looking out the nearby window.
“You’re lucky you didn’t kill someone.” Eris huffed as he ran a hand through his hair.
“I know I might be asking for a lot. But I can’t stand it here, Eris.” Nesta said, crossing her arms.
“You’re asking for something that I can’t do. The judge will not lighten your sentence. In fact she may double down. Or better yet throw you in jail.”
“Maybe it would be better.” Nesta mumbled.
Eris rolled his eyes. “My hands are tied. You put yourself behind that wheel. There's no excuse for that in this world.”
Nesta remained silent, her foot tapping against the table’s leg. The probation officer leaned back in the opposing chair staring.
“Sorry chick-a-dee. You should have known better.”
Her eyes raised until she met his gaze. Glaring from her silver blues to his browns. A smirk rolled with his lips. He leaned down, closer to Nesta. “Careful, pup .”
Eris shot a glare at the officer. “Watch your tone, Bellius. That’s my client you’re speaking to.”
Bellius lifted his hands up in mock surrendering. “Sorry, Eris. Bitch got my tongue and all.”
Nesta snarled shooting up from her chair, but Eris caught her wrists before she could do anything. 
He leant down to her ear. “If you want a punishment worse than what you have now, by all means, continue.”
Feeling Bellius’ stare, Nesta yanked her wrist from Eris’ grasp.
“I’m done for today.” 
Nesta marched out of the tackroom in a silvery blaze.
Bits of the citrus peel came under Nesta’s nails as she finished peeling the clementine. Eating one at a time, Nesta took out her phone, shuffling a playlist to listen to. Her head bobbed to “Stone Mother” by Joise & Laurel. The folky country music played in her earbuds where cellos and violins made art with their bows. Drums in the back and piano as the melody she sang along softly to the music. The sound helped soften her thoughts from earlier with Eris and Bellius. It was something she didn’t want to think about; how she ended up here.
Looking up, Nesta watched the horses from the therapy barn graze. By now she was learning who was who despite not working with them. The two terrasen cove horses were Sundrop and Starlight.They trotted around the area, playfully annoying one another. At first glance it wasn’t easy to tell who was who, but if she looked closely, Starlight’s forelock was a brownish color compared to the rest of his mane that was whitish blond like Sundrop’s.
Grazing near the pasture fence was the nidaros draught named Betty. Cassian mentioned he wanted to call her Betty Brown Eyes but everyone vetoed the name. The horse looked up, watching Neta. She could maybe see where Cassian was coming from, however she would not ignite that man’s ego.
The sun was setting in the late August sky as Nesta’s gaze traveled from horse to horse. It was so natural looking at them, studying their markings and their behaviors that she didn’t notice that different music was playing.
Until she heard the soft violins play the instrumental version of a song about a summer’s cruelty. Her eyes widened at the sounds as she remembered it all; riding Flame in the Grand Prix freestyle in her first Olympics at sixteen. Flame performed the piaffe gorgeously, his body in elegant trot. But what stole the show and earned them the bronze medal were the smooth transitions of the flying changes in his canter strides.
Naturally Nesta’s posture changed from muscle memory. Back straightened, eyes forward, hands steady. Her attention was solely on the music so her gaze unfocused from the world around her. Colors of the sky and grass and horses blended together. Her face stayed neutral as if she was still performing.
Then the music stopped as the wire to her earbuds were yanked. Startled, Nesta scrambled to stand, meeting blonde hair and glaring brown eyes. She stood up fully, tucking her phone back in her pocket, the clementine on the ground.
“Can I help you?” Nesta asked.
“You can help the ranch. Breaktime is over.” The woman said.
 Nesta recognized the designer logos on the woman’s outfit and accessories. Who the fuck brought Barbie Karen out here?
“Excuse me, but you don’t order me around.”
“I do when my cousin owns this ranch. I do when my best friend has had to suffer from not just alcoholic parents, but a sister too.”
Guilt slid right to her heart at the mention of her family. Shifting left, Nesta stared at the woman in front of her. She looked oddly familiar, remembering her on Feyre’s instagram. Ranging from posts featuring the City of Starlight to late night stories. Her stomach twirled with slight envy whenever they appeared on her feed. She raised an eyebrow at the woman as she tried to recall her name.
Michelle? Monica?  
Nesta glared. “I don’t know why you’re being such a busybody? And in any case, I follow Cassian’s orders.”
The woman glared right back. “Cass and Az went to the tack shop a few towns over to buy more feed or whatever.” She glanced down at her manicured nails before continuing. “It doesn't matter. Cass put me in charge of you. As a reminder, you were sent here to work. Not to look at ponies all day.”
The guilt dried out as anger brewed over it, swelling in Nesta’s stomach and mind. Her hands curled into fists. As emotions rose, so did the familiar wanting waves of liquor Nesta knew she should ignore.
“Fuck off.” Nesta snapped, her tone bitter to the bite.
The woman stood unphased. “Cassian mentioned you would be stubborn as Rhys’ mule. Get back to work, Nesta.”
Nesta moved back so she was leaning against the nearby tree. “I think I’m quite content to stay right here actually. And clearly you know me, but I don’t know you. Although you seem oddly familiar.” The desire to drink grew with every word she spat.
“I remember my sister hanging out with an alt-righteous bitch. Megan was it?” She spoke without missing a beat.
“It’s Morrigan.” The blonde snarled. “And last time I checked, the alt-righteous bitch was the one who almost killed her own sister by driving drunk.”
Time swirled as Nesta was no longer standing near Morrigan on that damn ranch. No, she was behind the wheel of her car, familiar blue eyes looking at her in fear, wincing for the impact to happen. The guilt rose and overlaid her entire soul as engine smoke blew into her lungs. 
Cold deadly rage bolted Nesta from the tree, her body barely inches from Morrigan.
“You know nothing about that day.”
“I know enough.”
The rage grew sorrowful in its course through Nesta’s heart. Her desire to defend herself lay defeated in between them. Nesta silently walked past Morrigan, bumping her shoulder with the blonde’s.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Morrigan called out.
Nesta stopped, looking over her shoulder. “I can’t stand you if I’m sober.”
She walked away, every step in wrath and grief. As Nesta came near the house, spotting a bay mare trotting around uneasily. Her body language came off as scared almost. Don’t I know the feeling?
Turning her head, Nesta continued walking down the dirt driveway making it all the way to the mailbox before turning on the two way road, heading to the right. Her phone was her only companion whose battery life ran dangerously low as the sky only grew darker.
Nesta was unsure how long she was walking for as she made her way down the road. The urge to drink was clutching her throat, needing the taste of smooth cold vodka. Her nails scratched her left arm, trying to suppress the urges that she fed willingly for the last several years. Body aches and a pounding headache merged not long after, her symptoms starting to come back in high tide.
Fuck that bitch. Fuck Morrigan. She doesn’t know anything. None of them do! Nesta thought to herself as her mind stayed focused on all of these thoughts. Her guilt had drained entirely but only to be replaced with anger. It was like this for years, no one knowing the truth, and Nesta knew she shouldn’t be surprised, but it bothered her. It bothered her to her bones, as they carried her trauma.
A car going the opposite direction came over a hill, its headlights blinding Nesta for a moment where she walked on the narrow shoulder. Large fields were all that she could make out as she stopped walking. A slow dread curled into the pit of her stomach. Where the hell was she?
She peered up to the sky, the once oranges and pinks and purples were now the shades of blackish blues. The sky was littered with stars, however their names she never could recall. Feyre was always good at remembering the constellations, their names and where they were in the sky.
The thought of her baby sister made the pit grow bigger, anchoring her to the stop. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to think of Feyre. Reaching into her pocket, Nesta drew out her phone that’s battery was at five percent. Panic strode deep within her, hands shaking. Quickly Nesta unlocked her cracked screen, moving on autopilot as she found the last number she called that was several weeks ago. The phone dialed, her anxiety growing.
I shouldn’t have called. She’s busy. She has her life. She doesn’t need me. But I–
“Hello?” A voice Nesta recognized far too well spoke on the other line.
Nesta struggled to speak, but her anxiety pushed through with a tail flare of courage. “Ellie?”
An old nickname for her first younger sister. Growing up they called each other Nessie and Ellie, a duo that survived their mother’s laws and father’s absences. The other day she didn’t want to think of her, but now she clung to her sister’s voice in this endless sea of darkness.
“Are you drunk?” Elain accused.
Startled by the accusation, Nesta’s pitch shot high. “W-what? No. Listen it’s a long story, but I walked off the ranch and my phone is dying-” 
“What!? Where are you, Nesta? What are you even thinking? Are you asking to join our parents now?”
Hurt slammed into Nesta like the wind was knocked out of her. But she pushed it down, all the way to the rage she grew familiar with living with. The rage everyone saw.
“Fuck you, Elain. I was just trying to talk to you.”
“Well excuse me for not knowing the difference. I don’t think I’ve spoken to you sober in almost two years, Nesta.” She sighed before continuing. “And the last several times you called, all you did was apologize to me while drunk.”
“You got yourself into this mess, Nesta. Figure out how to get back on your own.”
Her words ironically mirrored Nesta's conversation with Eris. Before she could hiss or cry out, the line went dead. Nesta pulled her phone away from her ear, the black screen filling the void. Numbly, Nesta walked, her anxiety and hurt and rage clung to the ground making her steps heavy as she pushed forward.
Her eyes stung with tears as Nesta continued walking. She sniffed, hoping to bottle these feelings away. She hated crying. Hated looking weak. Hated how she could be taken advantage of with tears. As sadness brewed into a simmering rage, she suddenly stopped. Lights of a nearby store shined, an open sign flashing in the corner of the window. Then it hit her.
“I also live down the road from the House of Wind. I run the general store down the way. If you make a right out of the ranch and keep going down, you’ll find my place eventually.”
Before Nesta knew it, she was running. Her lungs heaved at the sudden exercise as Nesta pushed open the door, almost falling face first into the wooden floor. Trying to regain her breath, Nesta gazed around the shop area. There was a counter filled with crops probably from local farmers. Nearby was an entire shelf dedicated to the local honey, ranging from honey in a bottle to honeycombs. On the other side was local pet food and toys. There were a few spots that held snacks and drinks for customers.
As Nesta approached the cashier counter, news clippings of barrel races that were so old the paper was an ugly hue of a brownish yellow. There were actual photos along with magazine cut outs. Then in an old wooden frame behind the counter was a photo of a woman who looked like Emerie. Her smile was big as she stood next to a bay colored horse. The horse wore western tack as it seemed genuinely content with the woman.
“We’re about to close, so make it fast–Nesta?” A voice came out from a nearby backroom. Her new friend stood with her hair in a braid like the other day. Emerie lifted the hatched to cut through to the store area.
“What are you doing here? I thought you said that you were…what’s wrong?”
Nesta shook her head, but felt the sting of water in her eyes threatening to fall. She rubbed her eyes roughly, pushing the tears away. She took a breath, then another one. Her hand still over her eyes as she spoke.
“I..I got lost.” She sheepishly shrugged. “Didn’t want to be alone.” She mumbled the last part.
There was weight on her free hand. Pulling the hand away from her face, Nesta cast her gaze downwards. Emerie’s hand laid on top of her’s.
“These roads can get pretty scary at night if you’re not familiar.” Emerie said, before pulling her hand away, ushering Nesta to the backroom. With a little encouragement, Nesta stepped forward going. Most of the room was taken up by shelves, back-stock items. At the end of the room was a desk with a computer and a phone.
“Make yourself at home.” Emerie pointed to a chair as she walked to the desk.
Nesta sat comfortably in the cozy armchair. It was worn down by the years with scratch marks and stains, but the golden velvet stood out like a sore thumb. It was the brightest item in the room, possibly on the store level. Nesta raised an eyebrow at the chair.
Emerie grinned at her expression. “I live upstairs, but sometimes I like to read down here when the shop is closed. My dad’s family has had this shop for decades. My mom helped with this store ‘til the day she died.”
Her brows furrowed, lost in a memory. A moment passed before Emerie spoke again. “He wasn’t a good father or husband, but that chair was the one thing he allowed my mom to have.” Emerie shrugged. “Having the chair here is like having her down here too.”
Glancing down at the chair, Nesta’s fingers traced the left armrest. Her gaze returned to Emerie as her new friend stared at her own tattoo on her arm. Emerie traced the words inked into her skin.
“It was something she said to me every day, even on the day she died. ‘I love you Emerie, more than the mountains, the moon, and Mars .’” Emerie’s voice cracked slightly when she finished the quote.
“I’m sorry about your mom.” Nesta’s mother appeared in her mind. Her stare mirrored Nesta's eyes, watching with unrestrained coldness. Rubbing her arms, Nesta tried to draw warmth from the friction of her hands.
“Thank you. Also I’m sorry, I tend to leave the AC blasting down here all of the time.” Emerie apologized as she tossed a blanket from a nearby basket.
Nesta caught the thow, noticing all of the different horses scattered around. A similar one flashed from a childhood memory. Quietly, she breathed looking back up.
“Is your dad still around?”
Emerie laughed, although there was little evidence of humor. “No. He died two years ago. Had a heart attack while running the store…When I found him.” Emerie tapped her fingers against the desk, shifting. “It was like a weight had been lifted.”
Nesta moved so she sat cross-legged underneath the blanket, mindful to slip off her boots beforehand. “I felt similar when my mother died. I was already traveling to shows by then, but when my dad called me to tell the news, I felt…I felt clear, if you ever felt that before.”
Emerie nodded. “I have.”
Standing up, Emerie opened the mini fridge near her desk. She pulled out two glass bottles that resembled beer. Nesta voiced concerns, but stopped short when Emerie handed one to her, a colorful label she’s never seen before. 
Cola Cold  - originally made Smite Hill.
“Smite Hill?” Nesta puzzled, staring at the logo.
“It’s a small town south of here. They’re not friendly, as you could guess by the name, but they make all sorts of craft sodas and strangely enough neat rabbit statues.” 
Emerie took a sip. “Their cola is far by the best in the world. And it’s a twist cap, so don’t even worry about asking for a bottle opener.”
Nesta hummed, twisting the cap off.
The first sip hit her with something fizzy, sweet, tangy, and maybe even citrusy. 
A small smile appeared as she took another sip.
“See? It’s good.”
“It’s fine.”
“Liar!” Emerie grinned.
The two smiled at one another, clanking their bottles together.
After a moment, Emerie asked. “You wanna tell me how you got here?”
Nesta took a sip of the soda. “Not really, I don’t wanna talk about me right now.”
Emerie didn’t push, taking the hint. Settling into her desk chair, she reached for a book near the computer when Nesta gasped.
“Is that The Seven Lords and Me ?”
“You know Sellyn Drake?” Emerie’s eyes sparkled with a devilish delight.
“I’ve only read that one from her. What else do you recommend?”
“Oh Nesta Archeon, you have no idea of the pandora box you just opened.”
As the truck turned off, Cassian had an uneasy feeling nestled inside him. Everything was fine up until Azriel and him were on their way back from the store for horse feed and other necessities for the barns. He spotted Mor’s convertible in the lot in front of the house. Grabbing the bags from the tailgate, Cassian began walking to the therapy barn first. He winced slightly with the added weight on his shoulder.
But as he walked, Cassian didn’t see the braided golden brown hair he’s grown familiar with over the last two weeks.The newest horse over in the corral was moving uneasily. She kept trotting and cantering, changing her gaits.
Where was Nesta?
“Cass?” A feminine voice called out. 
Cassian turned to see Mor coming out of the house.
“Hi Mor. What’s up? Have you seen Nesta?”
Mor picked at her nails. “You didn’t see her on your way home?”
“On the way home?” Cassian shook his head. “What the fuck happened, Mor?”
“I asked her to finish her break and return to work. It’s what she’s here to do after all. We got into a little spat, and then…” The words trailed off as her hands struggled to empathize. 
“Then what, Morrigan?” 
It was rare for Mor’s full name to be used within the family. It was even rarer from Cassian.
Mor disappointedly shook her head, caught off guard by the use of her full name. “I don’t know…She said something like going to drink or something. Then she just walked off the ranch.”
The world froze as Cassian’s mind went over everything that Mor just said to him.
“And you…You, you didn’t stop her?”
“I didn’t think she was serious and then 15 minutes went by, and…I’m not sure where she went...”
Panic rustled in his chest. “Alright, and you saw her walk out the ranch, not anywhere else?” He shifted, handing Mor the feed. “And here, put this food in the barn. Just leave them inside the feed room. I’ll get to it later.”
Mor grunted, the heaviness catching her slightly off balance. “Where are you going?” 
“To find Nesta. Unless you want to call Feyre on how you lost her sister.”
His friend quickly turned around, heading to the barn. 
His foot tapped, thinking.
Nesta couldn’t have gone far…Downtown is about a twenty minute walk from here. It’s the closest place to buy a drink.. 
Cassian pulled out his phone, calling her. It went straight to voicemail.
“Shit.” He dialed a second time, but was left with the voicemail again. He sighed as he stayed on the line.
“Hey Sweetheart, I don’t know where you are, but you need to get your butt back over here at the ranch…I’ll see you soon.”
His hand pulled at the ponytail from the half-up half-down look. Biting his lip, Cassian raced through his options. He could call the cops, but that could make everything worse for Nesta. And after her AA meeting earlier in the week, she seemed to be doing a little better. Was this all for nothing? His other hand hovered over Rhys’ name in his contacts.
Fear brewed as Cassian recalled that he had faced this before, losing someone out in the field during a battle. But what started as a rescue assignment turned into a recovery mission. The fallen soldier was eventually found far out west of the base. The state of his body…Cassian shook his head, not wanting to relive it again.
I’m not there anymore. He took a deep breath before running up to the house. As he ran, Azriel came flying out of the door.
“Emerie just called.” Azriel said, sounding a little breathless.
“Emerie as in Rip’s daughter, Emerie?” Cassian questioned.
“The only Emerie we both know who has the ranch’s number. Nesta’s with her.”
Cassian blinked, the shocked settling in. “She knew how to get there?”
Azriel shrugged. “Maybe Emerie mentioned it at AA. But we can discuss that later.”
The brothers hopped into the truck before taking off down the road.
The door to the truck flew open as Cassian jumped out. Standing on the store’s porch was Nesta. Behind her stood Emerie. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” Cassian shouted. Frustration and worried mixed, but it was only anger that dripped from his words. His gaze titled down, finding two glass bottles on the ground.
Cassian’s body shook, unable to hide his wrath. “You were drinking?!” 
Nesta looked down, not saying anything. Her arms crossed over her chest.
“Nesta, get in the truck.” Azriel called out, climbing out the driver seat. His black stetson hat blended with the night sky.
Nesta didn’t look back as she got in through the passenger door side, sliding to the middle. Cassian began to sneer when Azriel approached him.
Emerie glared at Cassian. “She was with me the entire time, Valyrian. She hasn’t had one sip. You know this is a dry store.”
Azriel nodded, picking up one of the bottles. “We would’ve smelled the alcohol on her. This is pop. She isn’t drunk, Cass.” His tone was almost a warning to his brother.
Cassian wrestled trying to find the right words. His ears shaded pink in embarrassment.  “I’m sorry, Emerie.” He stood as the regret of his words sunk deep. “Thank you for looking out for her.” He spoke gently to Emerie. “I’m sorry that I yelled and accused her of drinking.”
Emerie rolled her eyes. “I don’t care that you yelled, I care that you accused my friend. And more importantly you should be apologizing to her. Not the other way around, General .” Cassian’s old nickname from high school rolled off her tongue like it was nothing.
Cassian mumbled, agreeing with Emerie before he and Azriel got back into the truck.
The truck ride home was the most silent 2 minute car drive Cassian had ever been on. Not soon enough they pulled up onto the long driveway. Cassian didn’t spot the red car in the lot anymore. Mor must have left then. Probably for the best..
The three left the truck. Nesta stormed away, heading to the house. Cassian started to follow, reaching for her hand, but Azriel stepped in front of him, blocking his path. At this angle he could see the slight differences in their height.
“Leave her alone tonight. It’s been a long day for everyone. Talk to her in the morning.”
Cassian sighed, his anxiety spiking. 
“Let’s take care of the horses for now. It’ll distract you.” Azriel moved past him, but soon turned around. 
“You may also want to take your lessons and learn from them. Whatever you said about the damn horse in the corral, apply it to Nesta. She’s not broken, but no one becomes an alcoholic for shits and giggles. You of all people should know that.”
Cassian grimaced, the toll of his emotions from the evening wearing him down like rocks under water. He felt his brother’s hand on his good shoulder.  
“Let her come to you, Cass. When she’s ready.”
“When did you become the smart one?” Cassian questioned, cocking his head to the side.
His brother let go of his shoulder, heading towards the barns.
As Azriel walked he called out. “I have two very idiotic brothers. Someone has to be the smart one out of the three of us.”
Cassian agonized replaying the moments with Nesta in his mind. The emotion was so much, the dull familiar pain in his shoulder ached. He groaned, massaging his bad shoulder. The chronic aching had returned like clockwork. 
Glancing up the meadow of stars above him, a soft voice called out from his memory. The voice felt almost like it was from a different lifetime, combing through the ridges of his childhood.
“Today was bad, Cassian. But that means tomorrow can be better.”
Cassian turned, his gaze settling onto the mare in the corral. She wasn’t pacing as much, but she refused to stand still. Her big brown eyes watched him, as if something or someone was communicating with him.
“And if the next day is bad, you don’t give in. Keep reaching for tomorrow.”
Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @chairofchaos @blueunoias @velarisdusk @c-e-d-dreamer @jsmelodies @inkedinshadows @wolfnesta @lilah-asteria @highqueenmorrigan @daughter-of-lethe
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deepseaspriteblog · 2 months
pleaseeeee drop more info on the new fanspecies if you have any i would love to jane/jaye-ify them
Sure! I went ahead and typed down all my ideas for them but it's all very vague and not yet set in stone. Still, if you want to try your hand at making any of them, you're definitely welcomed to!
I made a base for it too! You can use these to make them, or for any other reason, just credit me if you do.
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Lore dump under read more!
Lore: All of them have magic and instead of a traditional family, Baphomets are raised in covens, with kids usually being grouped together like the girls in Madeleine. They’re taken care of by a priest (of any gender), who is helped by deacons (also of any gender). They are ruled by the High Priest (usually female). They are sensitive to light and live in ruins. They’re secretive and vaguely sinister, but also very polite. A respectful attitude is very important for Baphomets. 
Their naming conventions are 4 letters, a hyphen, and a three letter surname (eg: Rose-Lal, Kana-Mar Neta-Lei, etc.), . Though the relationship between parent and child isn’t given much focus (since children are raised by coven leaders instead), Baphomets take their birthgiver’s surname. 
Appearance: they all have that same color scheme, though perhaps in differing shades? Their horns are always goat-like but the shape can differ. They have goat-like eyes, too, with bright pink scleras. They have long tails and cat-like noses.
They have little flames atop their heads like a weird halo- it’s mostly harmless, though when a Baphomet is straining their magical energy the flames can grow out of control and become larger. It is said that a Baphomet who is overwhelmed with hatred and power will be consumed by their own flames. In its default form, however, all it does is glow harmlessly. It disappears when a Baphomet is sleeping or dead. 
Their symbols are geometric, runelike shapes that are always mainly pink with a white accent. 
Lore: A pretty mundane fanspecies, all things considered. They’re not that different from humans socially or culturally. Harpies and Tengus (and perhaps some other bird based fanspecies I may create in the future) are thought to be descended from a common ancestor, though the tengus have their own myths/beliefs. They like tall areas though and are often from mountainous regions. They may or may not be able to fly once they reach maturity, I haven’t made up my mind, though if they do I;m sure the harpies are mad about it since they can’t. 
Naming convention is undecided, though I’m gonna go with six letter first names for now.
Appearance: They have the wings of a crow and the ears of a dog. They have golden scleras like the trolls and facial markings inspired by kabuki performances, so they’re mostly red but other colors can be used as well. As for their hair color… I’m a bit torn if they all have blue hair or if they have differing hair colors. You can decide if you want! 
Their symbols are pretty much just fankid symbols, but with two colors.
Lore: According to Harpy mythology, they once had wings that were big enough to soar across the sky and never get tired. They believe that the original harpies were created to be entertainers for their God, but they grew greedy and prideful and tried to fly to Paradise and steal God’s riches. In retaliation, God took away the Harpy’s most prized possession- their wings, so that they would not be able to fly again. Realizing their mistake, the Harpies begged for forgiveness and wished for their wings to return… Which it did, but in much smaller form- no longer than a human’s arm, and certainly not big enough to fly for anymore. And so, the modern harpy is with wings that cannot fly. 
Dancing is a very big deal for harpies, and they have a variety of traditional dances, and many of their folk stories are told through the art of dance. 
Appearance: In addition to their facial markings, Harpies also tend to have body markings. Shoulders are most common but it can appear anywhere. 
As for color, the harpy I made had her color scheme lifted right off of Feng Huang from SMT, but I think any bright color is possible. Hair color tends to be dark, but not always. Antennae feather thing is usually gold though, as is their hands and feet that have that bird skin (I think they’re called scutes?). Speaking of feet, they’ve got clawed feet and thick soles so they don’t wear shoes, but some of them wrap their feet for a little extra protection. 
Naming convention is 4 letter first names and surnames ranging from 3 to 5 letters. 
Their symbols are troll-like.
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workersolidarity · 4 months
🇮🇱 🚨
📹 Scenes from massive protests inside the occupied Palestinian territories from Israelis who demand the resignation of the occupation's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his administration, and demanding a ceasefire deal that brings home the Israeli hostages.
According to reports in the Hebrew media, protesters, including the families of the Israeli hostages, called for the resignation of Netanyahu, rejecting an invasion of Rafah and demanding a ceasefire deal to bring home all hostages being held by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance.
Reports stated that protesters smashed through erected barriers to gather on Ayalon Road near the Peace Bridge, where Israeli police assaulted and forcefully removed demonstrators using stun guns.
Demonstrations, involving thousands of Israeli protesters, arrived at the Azrieli Junction and marched along Menachem Begin Street in Tel Aviv, where confrontations broke out between protesters and the police who attempted to prevent protests from reaching Ayalon Road.
Police used trucks and anti-aircraft machine guns to block and intimidate protesters on their way down the road, but protesters bypassed police and blocked the northern lanes of Ayalon Road under the Peace Bridge.
At the same time, Ayala Metzger, daughter-in-law of Yoram Metzger, an Israeli hostage in Gaza, was arrested by police, while several other family members of hostages were also detained, including Shahar Mor Zahiro, Neta Hayman, and Esnat Meiri. Many other protesters were detained as well.
Relatives of the hostages in Gaza reportedly punctured the tires of vehicles, including Nathalie Tsengauker, sister of the hostage Matan Tsengauker, while others chained themselves to vehicles.
The relatives of hostages also shared a message stating, "We call on the public to demonstrate for the abductees - Netanyahu is the obstacle to the deal and also the obstacle to the state. He is the one who waged the most failed war, sacrificing and betraying our loved ones for the sake of his seat."
Demonstrators further called for new elections while rallying at the Kaplan intersection where former Israeli Minister, Yizhar Shai, who's son was killed in the October 7th attacks, spoke about the "pain and sadness" that flow in his blood, along with "sharp question marks" with regard to the "terrible disaster" of attacks.
"Mr. Prime Minister, on your watch we received destruction and torture and horrors and burning and the smell of death everywhere. We suffered a resounding military failure like never before, we lost the feeling of personal security throughout the country."
"For seven months, Israeli citizens and soldiers have been locked in dark tunnels in danger of their lives. And your ministers, publicly consider the cost of human life. They threaten the integrity of your coalition and you are a coward, weak, blackmailing and spineless."
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deathlessathanasia · 9 months
half-formed thought here… In most retellings and interpretations I see the assumption that Hera has always been first and foremost the goddess of marriage even as an unmarried maiden, that marriage has always been her primary concern and that her personality and behaviour must always have reflected that. Certainly, this is Hera's main sphere of activity in ancient Greek religion, but I don't actually think that this role should define her so strongly from the very beginning or that marriage should be considered her primary function before she actually marries Zeus.
In terms of mythology, there are indications that she only gained her marriage-related titles once she became the wife of Zeus: "… Temenos, who himself established three sanctuaries for the goddess, and gave her three surnames when she was still a maiden, Pais; when married to Zeus he called her Teleia" (Pausanias, Description of Greece 8.22.2); "… but when her marriage became openly known, and their intercourse first here in the neighbourhood of Citliaeron and of Plataea had been revealed, she was called Hera Teleia and Gamelios, goddess of the perfect life, and of marriage." (Plutarch, cited in Praeparatio Evangelica); In the scholion to Theokritos' Idylls 15.64, it is said that Zeus approached Hera and promised to make her his wife in the place where, in later times, a sanctuary of Hera Teleia would be built; in a scholion to Iliad 1.609, Hera's epithets Teleia and Syzygos are attributed to the fact that she is married to Zeus.
It is worth noting that the cult title Teleia likely wasn't always limited to the sphere of marriage for Hera. Gregory Nagy discusses at some length the connections between Hera,hora, heroes and telos in "The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours". Here is an example of what Hera's aspect of Teleia might have also meant: "Being on time for death is precisely what happens to Kleobis and Biton, sons of the priestess of Hera … Their timely death marks them as cult heroes, and the word that expresses this timely death, which will lead to timeless immortalization, is telos. And it is most appropriate that Hera, the goddess of timelines, presides over the telos of heroes"." Joan O'Brien also suggests that "early Hera fulfilled worshippers, in the sense of bringing them to a completion (telos) of their life cycles".
Connected to the point above, it is theorized by some scholars that Hera's cults were slowly reshaped so that she could be integrated in the Panhellenic Olympian pantheon, which led to her role as goddess of marriage and wife of Zeus to be emphasised to the expense of her other aspects and functions. Jennifer Larson summarizes the theory more succintly in her "Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore": „O’Brien has made a strong case that the major cults of Hera underwent a transformation about 600, partly as the result of the influence of Homeric epic, from celebrations of a powerful nature goddess of the potnia therôn (mistress of animals) type, to a more limited depiction of Hera as bride of Zeus and guardian of marriage. … the clothing and bathing of the image, in earlier times a devotional activity and a ritual renewal of the goddess’s powers, now took on the more specific denotations of the bridal raiment and bath. Hera’s high crown, the polos, came to be shared by brides, and her fertility symbol of the pomegranate also gained (or was narrowed to) a nuptial significance."
Similarly, Neta Aloni-Ronen, in "Marrying Hera: Incomplete Integration in the Making of the Pantheon", suggests that in the Argolid she was not seen primarly as the wife of Zeus, but as a patroness of heroes and warriors. In addition to her military function Hera Argeia was also a kourotrophos and goddess of childbirth, was concerned with the care of cattle, the tranzition of both females and males to adulthood (which would include marriage as well so she'd still be concerned with it to some extent) and even agriculture (in one Argive legend grain was called "the flowers of Hera" and the first king who yoked oxen to the plough was said to have dedicated a temple to Hera as "the goddess of the yoke").
In Samos, too, she was a fertility goddess who had the entire island under her protection and seems to have had wide-ranging functions. Philip Brize, in "Offrandes de l’époque géométrique et archaïque à l’Héraion de Samos", suggests that the functions of Samian Hera were similar to those Hesiod gives to Hekate in the Theogony: "And we can assume that many features of the cult of the Samian Hera date back to this pre-Hellenic [Carian] cultt, especially the importance of the sacred tree. It is not surprising that the Samian Hera resembles the most important goddess in Caria in historical times, Hekate. The hymn to Hekate, inserted in the Theogony of Hesiod, attributes to the goddess a plurality of functions - political, military, agonal and naval. She ensures the protection of the herds together with Hermes, and, moreover, she is Kourotrophos. This catalogue reads like a praise to the Samian Hera."
So it is not as if Hera would have had no honours before she became the wife of Zeus if she wasn't the marriage goddess par excellence, quite the contrary. Her importance might have been regional rather than universal, but her power was still great and was definitely not restricted to the marital and domestic sphere.
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readysetimready · 5 months
“O'Brien, who deals extensively with Hera's role in the Argolid, 16 states that, ironically, while the Argives were building the Heraion, Hera's status was actually in decline due to the penetration of the Homeric epic tradition, which represented Hera as part of the "Panhellenic family" and as a less than sovereign "wife and sister". 17 This conclusion partially converges with my conclusions, but, to my mind, the critical question that emerges from this fact is why should the Argives choose to build such a magnificent temple to a weak goddess whose status was in decline?
In answer, my working hypothesis is formulated in terms of the tension between aristocratic particularism and Panhellenic tendencies. The aristocrats in the Argive plain shaped Hera's cult and temple as a response to the postulated Panhellenic wave that swept through many areas of Greece. For them, Hera was not only a mediator with the past but a symbol of their exclusive heroic past, and thereby of their identity. Devotion to Hera enabled them to mark their uniqueness in the face of the changes occurring in the Greek world. Based on this interpretation, there is nothing 'ironic' in the building of the Heraion: Rather, it was part of an effort to construct and preserve an aristocratic identity and ethos that would assist regional aristocrats in maintaining the distinction between themselves and the rest of their local society. Hera was given an important role in this campaign. Her cult was the local aristocratic alternative, the answer to an emerging Panhellenic tradition which centered around the idea of the powerful god, Zeus, who married his wife and sister, Hera.”
- Marrying Hera: Incomplete Integration in the Making of the Pantheon
Neta Aloni-Ronen
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bitchfitch · 2 years
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I've decided Neta needs to be more scrungly.
Like, when Renat finds them they are halfway dead and using the infection as a way to sustain themself in their decay.
That bottom most image where they've gone to root where they're still pinned in place by their last consort's weapon is an Idea, but I feel after they're freed but before they've been able to molt all the damages theyre more like the top right. weak and wounded, unable to walk on their own and still dependant on Renat for almost everything.
I've also decided their mask is four parts instead of two, the lower ones cover their mouth while the upper ones are just for decoration.
(also the circles are it's eyes not the mopey lines. those are just markings on their mask)
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autoini · 6 days
Neta X Set to Begin Manufacturing in Indonesia
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Neta Auto has officially begun production of its electric SUV, the Neta X, in Indonesia. This significant step follows its global debut at the 2024 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show. The Neta X not only enhances options for environmentally conscious consumers but also establishes Indonesia as Neta Auto's primary manufacturing center outside of China.
First Production Outside China
The production of the Neta X in Indonesia, in collaboration with PT Handal Indonesia Motor, marks a major milestone. Indonesia is the first country outside China to produce this model, positioning it as a key player in the global electric vehicle (EV) market. This partnership will also cater to export markets, showcasing Indonesia’s growing prominence in the international automotive industry.
Neta Auto is committed to supporting the local economy by using domestic components. Peter Zhang, Managing Director of Neta Auto Indonesia, stressed the importance of local components as part of the government’s requirements and Neta's strategy to strengthen the local industry. This approach helps foster greater coordination with local suppliers and provides a boost to Indonesia’s EV sector, aiding its industrial growth.
Neta X Specs and Features
The Neta X is designed to meet modern driving needs. As a five-door SUV, its dimensions—4,619 mm long, 1,860 mm wide, and 1,628 mm tall—offer ample space for passengers and cargo, making it an excellent choice for families and frequent travelers.
Under the hood, the Neta X boasts a powerful 160 HP electric motor with a flat torque of 210 Nm. This combination provides a smooth driving experience, both in the city and on highways. The 63.56 kWh battery offers an impressive range of up to 480 km on a single charge, making it ideal for long-distance journeys.
Superior Charging Technology Features
The Neta X is equipped with advanced charging technology, including DC Fast Charging, which allows for quick top-ups during busy commutes. Additionally, the vehicle features Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) technology, enabling it to power external devices—a feature that can be highly useful during outdoor activities or emergencies.
Neta Auto has already begun accepting pre-book orders for the Neta X, offering attractive benefits to early buyers, such as a lifetime warranty and a free wall charging station, including installation. These incentives make the switch to electric mobility even more appealing for potential customers.
Launch Date and Price
Although Neta Auto has not yet confirmed an official launch date for the Neta X in Indonesia, the vehicle is expected to be priced between IDR 460 million and 490 million. This pricing makes it a competitive option in Indonesia's rapidly expanding EV market. The car’s combination of cutting-edge technology, competitive pricing, and local production will likely make it a strong contender in the Indonesian electric vehicle segment.
For more updated information about the automotive market, the latest cars & bikes, Please visit our website https://www.autoini.com
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thoughtswordsaction · 2 months
Militarie Gun Share New Single & Video "Thought You Were Waving"
Photo by Manuel Casanova Los Angeles’ Militarie Gun today share their anthemic new song “Thought You Were Waving” alongside a vibrant Neta Ben Ezra-directed video portraying the band in a series of unruly and dangerous situations. “Thought You Were Waving” was featured by Zane Lowe today on his New Music Daily show and marks the first proper new music from the band since the release of their…
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chrisryanspeaks · 2 months
Militarie Gun Unleashes Electrifying New Single "Thought You Were Waving" with Thrilling Video!
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Militarie Gun, the Los Angeles-based hardcore band, is back with their new single “Thought You Were Waving,” accompanied by a cheeky Neta Ben Ezra-directed video that portrays the band in unruly and dangerous situations. Premiered by Zane Lowe on his New Music Daily show, this track marks the first fresh material from the band since their acclaimed debut album, "Life Under The Gun," released last year. This new release, created with the talented Zachary Dawes (known for his work with Lana Del Rey, Sharon Van Etten, Bully, and Elton John), signals a promising new chapter for Militarie Gun. The single follows closely on the heels of “Gun Under The Gun (MFG),” a track created for the WWE 2K24 video game as the entrance music for Post Malone's wrestling character. Post Malone also included the band's hit "Do It Faster" on his curated playlist for the game's soundtrack, underscoring the band’s growing influence in the music scene. Militarie Gun has been on an international tear, recently wrapping up a series of headline and support shows with Hockey Dad in Australia. Their globetrotting schedule continues through the end of the year, highlighted by a highly anticipated hometown show in Los Angeles on July 25th, supported by Gouge Away, Heart to Gold, and Human Garbage. Festival appearances at Lollapalooza, Project Pabst, Thing Festival, Reading & Leeds, Louder Than Life, and Aftershock are also on the horizon. Additionally, the band will embark on a European tour with Lip Critic, Pluto The Racer, Never Yours, Chiefland, daysdaysdays, and Tripsun on select dates, and will join Manchester Orchestra for the 10-year anniversary tour of their album "COPE" across North America in September. Tickets for all upcoming shows can be found here. Earlier this year, Militarie Gun released "Live Under The Sun," a mini-documentary that showcases the band and their collaborators reimagining tracks from the "Life Under The Sun" EP at Manchester Orchestra’s Atlanta studio. Featuring guest performances from Manchester Orchestra, Marisa Dabice of Mannequin Pussy, and Christine Goodwyne of Pool Kids, this documentary highlights the dynamic and expectation-defying songwriting of bandleader Ian Shelton and the growing community around Militarie Gun. "Life Under The Sun" strips back a selection of songs from their debut album "Life Under The Gun," placing Ian Shelton’s intensely personal songwriting at the forefront. The EP includes standout tracks like "Never Fucked Up Twice" featuring Bully's Alicia Bognanno, "Very High (Under The Sun)," "My Friends Are Having A Hard Time" featuring Manchester Orchestra, "Will Logic" featuring Mannequin Pussy, and a cover of NOFX’s "Whoops I OD'd." "Life Under The Gun" was one of 2023’s most celebrated albums, earning praise from Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, NME, Revolver, Stereogum, SPIN, Paste, The FADER, and more. It landed on multiple best-of-2023 lists, including those from Alternative Press, The Ringer, UPROXX, Stereogum, and Rolling Stone, who noted that the album "takes everything that’s uniquely cathartic about hardcore and lacquers it with insanely catchy melodies." The album's infectious appeal was showcased in Taco Bell's ad campaign featuring "Do It Faster." Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 2 months
Militarie Gun Unleashes Electrifying New Single "Thought You Were Waving" with Thrilling Video!
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Militarie Gun, the Los Angeles-based hardcore band, is back with their new single “Thought You Were Waving,” accompanied by a cheeky Neta Ben Ezra-directed video that portrays the band in unruly and dangerous situations. Premiered by Zane Lowe on his New Music Daily show, this track marks the first fresh material from the band since their acclaimed debut album, "Life Under The Gun," released last year. This new release, created with the talented Zachary Dawes (known for his work with Lana Del Rey, Sharon Van Etten, Bully, and Elton John), signals a promising new chapter for Militarie Gun. The single follows closely on the heels of “Gun Under The Gun (MFG),” a track created for the WWE 2K24 video game as the entrance music for Post Malone's wrestling character. Post Malone also included the band's hit "Do It Faster" on his curated playlist for the game's soundtrack, underscoring the band’s growing influence in the music scene. Militarie Gun has been on an international tear, recently wrapping up a series of headline and support shows with Hockey Dad in Australia. Their globetrotting schedule continues through the end of the year, highlighted by a highly anticipated hometown show in Los Angeles on July 25th, supported by Gouge Away, Heart to Gold, and Human Garbage. Festival appearances at Lollapalooza, Project Pabst, Thing Festival, Reading & Leeds, Louder Than Life, and Aftershock are also on the horizon. Additionally, the band will embark on a European tour with Lip Critic, Pluto The Racer, Never Yours, Chiefland, daysdaysdays, and Tripsun on select dates, and will join Manchester Orchestra for the 10-year anniversary tour of their album "COPE" across North America in September. Tickets for all upcoming shows can be found here. Earlier this year, Militarie Gun released "Live Under The Sun," a mini-documentary that showcases the band and their collaborators reimagining tracks from the "Life Under The Sun" EP at Manchester Orchestra’s Atlanta studio. Featuring guest performances from Manchester Orchestra, Marisa Dabice of Mannequin Pussy, and Christine Goodwyne of Pool Kids, this documentary highlights the dynamic and expectation-defying songwriting of bandleader Ian Shelton and the growing community around Militarie Gun. "Life Under The Sun" strips back a selection of songs from their debut album "Life Under The Gun," placing Ian Shelton’s intensely personal songwriting at the forefront. The EP includes standout tracks like "Never Fucked Up Twice" featuring Bully's Alicia Bognanno, "Very High (Under The Sun)," "My Friends Are Having A Hard Time" featuring Manchester Orchestra, "Will Logic" featuring Mannequin Pussy, and a cover of NOFX’s "Whoops I OD'd." "Life Under The Gun" was one of 2023’s most celebrated albums, earning praise from Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, NME, Revolver, Stereogum, SPIN, Paste, The FADER, and more. It landed on multiple best-of-2023 lists, including those from Alternative Press, The Ringer, UPROXX, Stereogum, and Rolling Stone, who noted that the album "takes everything that’s uniquely cathartic about hardcore and lacquers it with insanely catchy melodies." The album's infectious appeal was showcased in Taco Bell's ad campaign featuring "Do It Faster." Read the full article
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jemknott · 4 months
Manifesting: Crafting Your Own Reality
Manifesting is not just a mystical concept but a process involving thoughts, feelings, choices, and beliefs that shape our reality. This article delves into the principles click here of manifesting as taught by Nisandeh Neta, based on the teachings of Richard Mark-Coates. Over 13 years of practice and five years of teaching have refined Neta's approach, which emphasizes that we are always manifesting, consciously or not. The goal is to harness this power by understanding and directing it to create desired changes in our lives.
Manifestation rests on four foundational elements: thoughts, feelings, choices, and beliefs. Each plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences and realities.
Thoughts: The Blueprint of Reality
Our thoughts are powerful tools that continuously shape our perception of reality. The unconscious mind, much like a metaphorical refrigerator, stores every thought—positive or negative—without discrimination. A study by the National Science Foundation suggests that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, with 80% being negative and 95% repetitive. This highlights the importance of cultivating positive thoughts to influence our reality positively.
Feelings: The Energy That Animates Thoughts
Feelings are the life force that turns our thoughts into tangible experiences. They add depth and dimension to our desires, transforming them from mere ideas into reality. The intensity of our emotions often dictates the strength and speed at which we manifest. For instance, joy and enthusiasm can accelerate the manifestation process, whereas fear and doubt can impede it.
Choices: The Pathways to Different Realities
Every decision we make opens up a new path in the maze of possibilities. Indecision, on the other hand, can stall our progress and keep us in a state of limbo. Making conscious choices, even in the face of uncertainty, propels us forward and helps the universe align circumstances in our favor.
Beliefs: The Framework of Our Reality
Our beliefs form the framework of our reality. They are deeply ingrained perceptions that dictate how we interpret and interact with the world. Challenging and reshaping limiting beliefs can lead to profound changes in our life experiences. For example, replacing a belief like "I am not worthy" with "I am valuable and deserving" can dramatically alter our life's trajectory.
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insurgentepress · 5 months
Meta supera expectativas de ganancias en primer trimestre
Supera las expectativas la empresa tecnológica @Meta duplicando la ganancia a 12,400 millones de dólares en el primer trimestre del 2024.
Agencia, Ciudad de México.- El gigante estadounidense de las redes sociales Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) duplicó sus ganancias netas en el primer trimestre del año sobre igual período de 2023, hasta 12,400 millones de dólares, un resultado que supera los pronósticos del mercado. La compañía de Mark Zuckerberg tiene entusiasmado al mercado por sus perspectivas en la tecnología de…
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marwahstudios · 6 months
11th Edition of Athleema 2024 Kicks Off with Spectacular Opening Ceremony
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New Delhi 29th Feb, 2024 :The 11th edition of Athleema 2024, the highly anticipated annual sports meet organized by Asian Education Group, commenced with grandeur and enthusiasm at the Neta Subhash Sports Complex in Jasola Vihar, New Delhi. The event witnessed a magnificent opening ceremony, marked by the presence of esteemed guests and a vibrant display of athleticism.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Asian Education Group, emphasized the significance of sports in life, highlighting its numerous benefits ranging from improved fitness levels to enhanced problem-solving skills. He stated, “Sports should be a part of life as it not only improves overall fitness levels but also helps in reducing stress, boosting confidence, and fostering new connections among individuals.”
The event was inaugurated by Mr. Rannvijay Singha, a well-known actor and presenter, who emphasized the transformative impact of sports on one’s personality and outlook towards life. He remarked, “Playing sports builds your personality and teaches you to live life in a better way. It instills good values, ethics, and skills, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with positivity and resilience.”
Athleema 2024 witnessed overwhelming participation, with over 70 colleges, 3000+ participants, and more than 200 teams from across India competing in 11 different games. The lineup of games included cricket, football, badminton, volleyball, basketball, kabaddi, table tennis, carrom, among others, in both singles and doubles categories.
The inaugural day of Athleema 2024 was a spectacle of passion, skill, and sportsmanship, as talented participants showcased their prowess in various disciplines. The event brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by their love for sports and spirited competition.
Dr. Marwah expressed his gratitude to all participants, organizers, and sponsors for making Athleema 2024 a resounding success. He commended the dedication and commitment displayed by everyone involved in making the event a memorable experience.
As the competition unfolds, Athleema 2024 promises to be an action-packed extravaganza, celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie among participants.
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interest-articles · 7 months
Hozon New Energy Automobile: Leading the Charge in China's NEV Market
A Closer Look at Neta, Hozon's Subsidiary
Hozon New Energy Automobile Co Ltd, a Chinese new energy vehicle (NEV) maker, has been making waves in the automotive industry with its Neta-branded NEVs. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Shanghai, Hozon has gained recognition primarily through its subsidiary, Neta Auto. With a strong focus on the mass market, Neta aims to provide affordable NEV options to consumers, including extended-range electric vehicle (EREV) and battery electric vehicle (BEV) models.
As we delve into the world of Hozon and Neta, we uncover their journey towards revolutionizing the NEV market in China.
A Vision for the Mass Market
Neta Auto, a subsidiary of Hozon New Energy Automobile, has set its sights on the mass market, aiming to make NEVs accessible and affordable for a wider range of consumers. By offering a variety of models, including EREVs and BEVs, Neta is positioning itself as a key player in China's rapidly growing NEV industry.
From Inception to Production
Hozon New Energy Automobile obtained its production qualification in China in April 2017, marking a significant milestone in the company's journey. Shortly after, in February 2018, Hozon's manufacturing plant in Tongxiang, Zhejiang province, opened its doors. This state-of-the-art facility has played a crucial role in enabling Hozon to bring its NEVs to market.
The Rise of Neta: A Model Lineup
In July 2018, Neta Auto unveiled its first model, the N01, which garnered attention and excitement within the industry. The N01 made its official debut at the Guangzhou auto show in November of the same year. While the N01 has since been discontinued, Neta has continued to expand its model lineup.
As of March 2024, Neta offers a range of models for consumers to choose from. The Neta Aya, Neta S, Neta GT, and Neta X are all part of Neta's current lineup, catering to different preferences and needs. These models showcase Neta's commitment to innovation and meeting the diverse demands of the NEV market.
Hozon New Energy Automobile, through its subsidiary Neta Auto, has emerged as a prominent player in China's NEV market. With a focus on affordability and accessibility, Neta's lineup of NEVs has captured the attention of consumers seeking environmentally friendly transportation options. As the demand for NEVs continues to rise, Hozon and Neta are well-positioned to lead the charge in shaping the future of the automotive industry in China and beyond.
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evlithium · 7 months
CATL's Shenxing Battery Receives TECHNOBEST 2024 Award
On December 15, the international jury panel of AUTOBEST revealed that CATL's Shenxing battery clinched the prestigious TECHNOBEST 2024 award after garnering votes from jury members representing 31 European nations. This marks the first time a battery product has earned the TECHNOBEST award, and CATL proudly stands as the inaugural China-based company to achieve this distinction.
AUTOBEST stands as one of Europe's esteemed auto juries, recognizing excellence since 2001. The jury highlighted Shenxing battery for its disruptive innovation: "CATL introduced Shenxing, the world's pioneer in 4C superfast charging LFP batteries, capable of delivering a 400 km driving range in just 10 minutes of charging, alongside an impressive 700 km range on a single full charge. Shenxing is anticipated to significantly allay fast charging concerns for EV users, heralding an era of EV superfast charging. Emphasizing the fundamentals of electrochemistry, CATL continues to innovate in material, electrochemistry, and system structure, achieving superfast charging, high energy density, and elevated safety concurrently in a groundbreaking manner. Shenxing pushes the boundaries of LFP chemistry performance, spearheading innovation in the battery industry."
Dan Vardie, the founder and chairman of AUTOBEST, commended CATL's leadership under founder Robin Zeng, describing CATL as a phenomenon in the battery industry with numerous breakthrough technologies. Regarding Shenxing, Vardie stated, "It's another revolution proposed by CATL, benefiting customers globally with much faster recharging times, superior energy density, and heightened safety."
Shenxing battery made its debut in August of the current year and is slated for mass production by year-end. Currently, CATL has partnered with various OEMs to supply Shenxing batteries, including NETA, CHERY, BAIC BJEV, JIDU, VOYAH, and others. Electric vehicles equipped with Shenxing batteries are set to hit the market in the first quarter of 2024.
AUTOBEST's jury meticulously selects awards annually through comprehensive tests, including on-road and on-track driving sessions, establishing a robust and comprehensive evaluation standard within the motoring media. TECHNOBEST stands as one of AUTOBEST's revered accolades, dedicated to acknowledging cutting-edge technologies in the automotive industry.
The AUTOBEST awards ceremony relocates to a different European country each year. The upcoming 23rd AUTOBEST Awards Gala is scheduled for May 2024 in Luxembourg.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
I really like that the markings on Neta's mandibles make them look Absolutely miserable. Despondent with woe.
But in reality they're spiritually doing the :3 face constantly and those markings are an example of aggressive mimicry.
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