#netherlands airport
eretzyisrael · 2 months
by Troy O. Fritzhand
The main international airport in the Netherlands issued an apology on Monday after two Israeli women, including a former Hamas hostage, were allegedly harassed and publicly humiliated by a security worker.
“It is clear that the two passengers did not feel that they were treated appropriately. We regret and apologize for this,” Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport said in a statement. “We will make sure that such situations do not happen again in the future.”
The incident in question took place on Friday when the Israeli women, one of whom was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 and later freed from captivity in Gaza, were attempting to go through airport security for their El Al flight back to Israel. When handing over their Israeli passports for inspection, the airport security officer, reportedly of Pakistani origin and Muslim faith, approached them in an aggressive way.
The officer singled them out for being in the wrong security line, told them to move, and then threatened to fine them, Israeli news website Ynet reported. The worker then proceeded to remove them from the line and began to scream at them, reportedly making derogatory remarks about the fact that they are Israeli.
An escort for the women then called Israel’s embassy in the Netherlands, which in turn called El Al’s security team at the airport. The airline’s security team cleared the situation and assisted the Israeli women in getting to their flight gate.
The escort, who was not named, said in a statement to Israeli media it was “as if we had committed some terrible crime … I have never had such a humiliating experience. Everything was intentional — it was very clear that he saw the Israeli passport and it ignited him. We felt attacked and humiliated. He had evil in his eyes.”
The Israeli Embassy in the Netherlands said it will be filing a formal complaint over the incident.
“This is especially painful considering all the trauma the abductee has already suffered,” Modi Ephraim, the Israeli ambassador to the Netherlands, told Dutch media.
It was not clear from the airport’s apology whether disciplinary action was taken against the security worker.
According to reports, the two women were part of a delegation sent by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to speak to groups about the experience of hostages who were held in captivity by Hamas terrorists.
In common with other European countries, antisemitism has skyrocketed  in the Netherlands since the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel, with an 800 percent increase in the number of antisemitic incidents recorded in the weeks immediately following the terrorist group’s atrocities.
Friday’s incident came just two weeks after a local Jewish civil rights group in Britain charged that two Israeli nationals who survived Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel were detained and subjected to discrimination while being processed at Manchester Airport in the United Kingdom.
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nocternalrandomness · 29 days
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MRTT from the RNAF at EGPF
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architectureofdoom · 1 year
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KLM Building 404, Schiphol airport, Joan Overhoff, 1983
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weraceasone · 1 year
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dougielombax · 25 days
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Okay what the fuck!
That’s not even the first time this has happened!
That’s horrifying.
Bloody hell!
I think this happened before to a flight technician in India several years ago.
Hold on.
Yeah that was it.
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scavengedluxury · 1 year
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Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, 1968. From the Budapest municipal photography company archive.   
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p-redux · 1 year
Being pictured on the street is not leaving his hotel room. Just because filming is commencing Monday again, you don't have the call sheet. As usual you are inflaming stories. Plus Sam has 3 assistants, one travels with him, it used to. be a dark haired male, but havent seen him this trip. So she could be the replacement. It's likely she is an assistant, as Marina Campbell was at one time.
Hi, oh reading impaired one. I never said the woman pictured leaving Sam's hotel was seen leaving his hotel room, just his hotel. I stated and posted facts given to me by the source who TOOK the pic--Sam was seen leaving his hotel with a woman. I then said she could be a date, a friend, or an assistant. People in the comments left their various opinions. I, Purv, have not made any conclusive determinations about her identity, and I never mentioned hotel room.
As for filming, again, FACTS I have already stated based on the source who approached me giving me info about when he filmed in The Netherlands. She said he was done filming The Couple Next Door in The Netherlands. She said there is filming in Belgium today, June 12, June 13 and June 14, possibly more. As we saw in my earlier post from Deuxmoi, Sam was indeed photographed at Brussels airport going through immigration. You only do that upon arrival into a country. So, in fact, I DO know where Sam is filming in the next few days.
I'm not "inflaming" anything, "as usual," I'm simply passing on INFO given to me by sources, and posting FACTS. Literally. FACT: Sam was photographed leaving his hotel with a woman. And that's what I posted. FACT: Sam arrived in Belgium, and the TCND filming schedule shows filming in Belgium for the next few days. So, please show me where I'm "inflaming" anything.
As for Sam's assistants, yes, he's had assistants. Personal assistants are different from handlers and different from publicists, agent, managers. He had that male assistant you're referring to, he also had a young brunette female assistant years ago. He's much more famous and busy now, so I'm assuming he must have a personal assistant. The woman leaving the hotel with him in New York "could" have been his assistant...she also could have been a friend...she also could have been a date. ALL possibilities, not facts. And I stated as much.
As for Marina Campbell, she was NEVER Sam's assistant. She was originally Ron Moore's assistant and was close with Ron and his wife ex Outlander head costumer, Terry Dresbach. She became good friend with Sam, some suspect for a time possibly FWB. She was seen in photographs traveling with Sam in the early days, hiking with him, and working out with him.
Are you clear on FACTS now, Anon?
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yugocar · 7 months
preparing to go to the netherlands by calculating my expanses be like "okay so im gonna save on groceries and eat cheap meals so i can spend 500 milion euros on train travel with which i will see my friends and reach my accomodation"
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waugh-bao · 16 days
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NYC -> Casablanca -> Fez in 3 days (2024)
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debdarkpetal · 2 years
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#Repost @/_letusclingtogether_ on Instagram:
Brian and Roger at the airport in Netherlands, 1974.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 6 months
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We flew home today.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it because, since we essentially arrived in Seattle a coupla hours after we left Amsterdam on a ten hour flight...
Today is literally packed with more hours in it than the usual 24.
It's a weird experience thinking major parts of today actually happened yesterday...
When it was all.
The same.
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We didn't get to bed the previous night in anything remotely resembling a timely manner, by the way. After Kimmer's packing extravaganza—a feat in which she seemingly fit more than should fit our luggage into our luggage—after that it was 1:30AM. Setting a wake-up alarm for 5AM, then, left us three-and-a-half hours for, you know, actual sleep. Only I didn't get (or I didn't take) the full three-and-a-half. I got maybe two hours and then lay awake in bed, eyes closed, relaxed under the covers. Not sure what that was all about but, as my friend Ann likes to say, there you go and there you are. 🙂
Regardless of the monumental lack of sleep, I got up a few minutes after five seemingly without penalty. I didn't feel groggy or sleep-deprived. I just got up, readied the hot water for tea and coffee, woke Kimmer up, jumped in the shower and, by the time I was done, she's up and we're doing our final step of packing the last of our belongings into our luggage before zipping them closed, moving them to the door while we stream "Cunk on Earth" on Netflix and take a few moments to eat some of our food for breakfast that's part of the food we can't take home with us 'cause there's no room.
Coupla minutes to 630, my cousin texts me a "Goodmorning!!!!!" and we're on our way down to the hotel lobby where, surprise surprise, not only is my cousin waiting for us but also her daughter, my niece, both lounging on the couch. It's a surprise because my niece was supposed to be overnight in another town to the east of her hometown, with friends celebrating their new home. Instead, she cut that night short and showed up to see us away.
Which was very very very very very very VERY sweet of her. ☺️
After we squared things with our hotel, we found my cousin's husband waiting outside, car backed up to the ramp in front of the entrance. So we throw our bags in the back, jump in the car, and off we go.
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I should mention here that I'm pretty proud of us 'cause this one time at the start of our marriage when we did this 'lil exercise, departing Holland a touch over thirty years ago, it was a comedy of errors. We were staying with my aunt and uncle outside of Amsterdam and we were still packing the very morning our flight was to leave. So it was a messy morning, rushed. I think my uncle might've slightly dinged a car behind and opposite his as he backed out of his parking spot in a hurry to get us to the airport on time. He was pretty classy about the whole affair, only casually remarking how my parents were always packed 'n ready a coupla days before leaving.
This time around, Kimmer packed us at the tail end of the previous day—technically the first hours of our departure day—then we slept a little, got up when we were supposed to, and were out the hotel right on time.
Our plan's to arrive at Schiphol Airport three hours prior to our flight. Which is what happened.
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The night before, my niece gifted Kimmer with a candy-filled Harry Potter mug. So in the car this morning they're comparing Harry Potter merch when Kimmer asks my niece if she has any of the stickers.
No, I wish! comes the reply.
Now it so happens I have Harry Potter stickers in my rucksack 'cause I was gonna take some time on the flight to Holland placing them on my new water bottle. Never got around to it, though. So I pull them from my bag and hand them over to the back seat.
My first moment of gift-giving as an uncle. 😊
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Later on the road, I recognize a bookend experience:
It's daylight again, the late morning of our first day in Holland. Monday. January 1. Six days before. We're traveling across the countryside to our hotel. The sun's out. It's been raining so the trees and grass and highway are painted with a lovely sheen. There are moist reflections in every color, on every texture, in everything we see. Which makes for a beautiful, classic Dutch pastoral scene.
On the radio, it's Depeche Mode, The Cure, and later, "Babe" by Styx. The inside of the car's basically filled with an 80s vibe. I'm talking music with my cousin's husband who's driving the car. We talk 80s music. Popular music. And, of course, music as it relates to my daughter's career as a professional musician. ☺️
Now it's six days after. It's today, this very moment, on the way to Schiphol Airport in the morning while it remains dark outside. It's nighttime for all intents and purposes even though we're navigating the space between 630 and 730 in the morning. In the front seats of the car we're talking about vacations, about traveling by car from Seattle to southern California, about driving that same distance from Holland to southern Italy. My cousin's husband describes yearly vacations ("holiday" as he refers to them) that are the equivalent of piling everyone in the car and hitting the road. In this case, he talks about arriving in Tuscany. He talks about arriving in Genoa. He talks about avoiding hard-case luggage in favor of duffle bags. He talks about traveling through Switzerland, driving the never-ending Gotthard Tunnel, traveling over the mountains when the tunnel's backed up. He describes one vacation they showed up on an Italian beach and no one was there. He describes various strategies for doing this holiday including splitting the 16-hour drive in two with a stayover in Switzerland, allowing for a 10AM casual departure on the first day of their travels. Returning home, the driving strategy becomes a single, mostly overnight, drive to avoid traffic.
It's fun to compare the way we take family vacations, family holiday. It's fun to compare all the things about them that are the same and the very few things that are different.
We also talk about traffic leading into Amsterdam, traffic cams on the outskirts of Amsterdam that serve the same purpose as the traffic cams in school zones in our neck of the woods. We talk about apps he uses to spot and report speed traps and, because we hit a bird just then, we share our own personal stories of hitting birds and other animals on the road. I relate stories I heard about deer leaping right into the sides of trucks or RVs. He wins for a personal story because one time on the way home with friends, a pretty large bird impacted the front windshield, smashing it inward. He's in the back seat of the car at the time looking up something on his phone when the impact occurs. So it's a violently sudden, catastrophic experience for him.
At the same time we're talking about all these things, the back seat of the car is engaged in more relational fare. Boyfriends and girlfriends. Parenting. And school.
At one point we're talking about another one of my cousins. We're talking about their kids when my niece leans forward into the front seat space to fill us in on a few things including shared family vacations with that cousin's family and that time one of the sons was in a TikTok video with his teacher. He was pretty embarrassed by it... but the video did get a lotta views. 😁
And with these competing, complementary, and mostly overlapping conversations in play, we pull into a parking lot at the airport, pull our bags from the back of the car, and walk into the terminal, the five of us.
It's 742AM.
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In case you've never been, Schiphol Airport is huge. Schilphol Airport is MASSIVE. And while SeaTac has every airline represented in the main terminal as you enter, at Schiphol there's nothing central like that. You basically figure out in which direction your terminal is then you walk a bunch until you're closer to that terminal from which your flight leaves. It's only there that you finally arrive at the self check-in kiosks and the self baggage drop.
A lotta selfs going on in this airport, I gotta say.
It's definitely a good thing our family's with us because paying for our one big piece of luggage turns into at least a ten minute ordeal. The scanner can't (or won't) read my card. Can't. Can't. Can't. Until finally, with family standing all around me, pitching me suggestions, the scanner humors me and decides to work.
So family, as it turns out, is the essential ingredient to successfully paying baggage fees at Schiphol Airport. 😉
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Once that's done, I realize we're living our parent's experience because, once upon a time, my parents, too, left with a lot of family food gifts in their luggage. Once upon a time, too, they had to buy extra luggage, like my cousin did for us the previous day, to hold all those food gifts. Once upon a time, too, my aunts and uncles walked my parents through the airport, helped them with their bags. Once upon a time, too, my aunts and uncles bade my parents farewell in this very airport with embraces and kisses on the cheek.
What was true then, it turns out, remains true today. I think the only difference is that we're more huggers these days.
Another difference, I think, is that we're more likely to draw this moment out because we don't want it to end. We can always think of more conversations to have, more pictures to take.
In the end, we say the things we need to say to each other, the things we want to say. And I'm sure after one round of hugs and a subsequent impromptu conversation, we indulged another round of hugs as if the first one never happened.
For me, my regret is leaving this family. This one and the larger one with whom we navigated the week. I'm also caught by the realization that it would've been a pretty cool thing to have known my cousin's husband earlier in both our lives. And I'm profoundly struck by the fact that, while we live a pretty good and fulfilling life in the states, our lives would've been better, our lives would definitely have been better, with my cousin in it.
Because she really is all that.
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With our extended goodbyes out the way, and after one last round of family photographs—all of us in one image—my cousin and her family start making their way back to their car as we turn to get in line for the self baggage drop.
As we take our place in line, I remember to look back for my family. I immediately spot them walking away. They've been keeping track of us in line as well. And in that moment in which we catch each other's attention for the last time, we reach our hands high into the air to wave goodbye.
And finally.
Go our separate ways.
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wawek · 1 year
I never liked to travel and i dont have much drive to see new places, like the pictures are ok with me for the most part. But if i had a way to travel id do it for food. Like if i was a dnd character and i had to have a motivation to go adventuring itd be trying different foods... it blows my mind how many ingredients ill never get to try
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secondlifep · 1 year
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SecondlifeP 5.2
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culmaer · 2 years
I knew the airport situation in Europe was dire, but KLM just issued an advisory to, if possible, only travel with handluggage, because they can't guarantee that they won't lose any checked baggage
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Flower fields near Amsterdam Int. Airport Schiphol in The Netherlands.
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Audrey Hepburn and her first husband Mel Ferrer arrive in Schiphol during their visit to the Netherlands Photography by Ben van Meerendonk November 1, 1954
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