#neurodiverse tracys
idontknowreallywhy · 4 months
Another instalment of dinky Scott at School - I think there are (as yet unwritten) scenes in between these but I figured I’d get the key ones down then have a look and decide if it’s actually a story to flesh out or just a series of snapshots to leave as is.
Apologies to any actual teachers who may notice I am playing fast and loose with how such things might work in real life.
Disclaimer: Teeny Scooter does not actually appear in this bit, but is much discussed…
THE Jeff Tracy.
She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t spent most of the night revising the 6 bullet points she wanted to cover in that one 12-minute parent-teacher conference. She’d quietly ensured the slot immediately afterwards was unbookable just in case things… overran.
None of the other teachers had met him, only the mother, who by all accounts was very pleasant. She hadn’t expected him to come, assuming he was probably on the moon or something equally intrepid. But the little box next to the number 2 had been ticked on the form so unless it was a grandparent or something…
The fancier biscuits she’d picked up from the store had just been a whim… sometimes she wanted to bring a bit of luxury into proceedings, that’s all it was…
Oh heck she’d bought fancy biscuits. Just like the hopeless fangirl she was. As if he’d notice anyway?
The first parent had noticed and seemed to enjoy their chocolate dipped Viennese finger biscuit. So it was worth it.
The second set of parents hadn’t turned up at all which left her with an agonising 18 minute wait.
It was fine. Just another PTC with some totally normal parents hoping to hear what a delight their precious offspring was. And she intended to thoroughly emphasise that part right at the outset because he really was.
The other notes she had would also be fine because she had considered every possible way of delivering them and had figured out the most persuasive.
All. Fine.
She needed another word for fine.
A gentle tap-de-tap and the door cracked open to reveal a waterfall of red hair and a very friendly face. Behind, even taller than he looked on tv, towered the man from the all those documentaries she’d binge-watched as a student.
Definitely just a normal PTC.
Felicity Miles, teacher, champion of tiny people, competent human, took a breath and greeted the couple with professional confidence and a welcoming smile.
In the last five years she’d broken similar news to four other sets of parents, and observed her mentor do similar in her training year. Not a big enough sample to be conclusive but the fact the reaction had been the same each time had lulled her into a complacency about what to expect.
It went something like - shocked faces, initial denial, possibly a little anger, guilt that they hadn’t known, 3 of the mothers and 2 of the fathers had cried. Then, usually, she could see a little relief creeping in…. The hope that it hadn’t been something they’d got Wrong after all.
And then a brief conversation about what could happen next and arrangement of a meeting to discuss further when they’d had time to think. She’d hand them the department of education-approved info leaflets and smile and promise it would all be alright.
This one wasn’t going the way it should.
To start with there was zero surprise. Not even a flicker. In fact they’d looked at each other and smiled, before patiently listening to the rest of her little monologue. Right up until she started outlining the stages in the school’s neurodiversity support pathway at which point Mr Tracy had lifted a hand and cut in:
“There’ll be no need for anything formal. He’ll learn to manage his difficulties and he’ll overcome them.”
Felicity did her best to ignore the calm tone in his voice that simultaneously commanded she agree with him, advised it was a done deal not worth fighting against and reassured her that he was obviously right and it was all for the best. She pictured the desperate little human curled up in the Octopus House and tapped into the protective rage it generated:
“I don’t think you understand, Mr Tracy. A diagnosis would mean he could get that little bit of extra support he needs, perhaps a Teaching Assistant to keep him on track and help with refocussing when he gets distracted. He could have occasional time out on special programs to develop his interests, as I said he really does excel at maths and…”
“Ms Miles, please stop there a moment.”
She did so.
A few seconds later she remembered to close her mouth.
“Are you aware of what Scott wants more than anything in the world?”
She clenched her jaw in an effort not to snark back “a glimmer of self-esteem?” and thought about what seemed to make her zoomy little friend the happiest. The answer left her mouth before she was aware she knew it:
“He wants to fly.”
It was his mother who sighed and spoke next, the slight unevenness of her voice probably undetectable to someone who hadn’t spoken to a LOT of exhausted parents:
“He does. He always has from the moment he realised he couldn’t. Even before he really understood what airplanes were, he’s been fascinated by them and has been determined to reach the sky to join them. He seems to view gravity as a personal insult…” she chuckled then added “Being a parent to Scott Tracy is 90% catching him as he leaps from places he shouldn’t according to all the laws of physics be able to reach.”
Her husband reached over and squeezed her hand with an affectionate smile and added in a much softer tone:
“In his pram he watched the birds, it was the only thing that settled him. You won’t be surprised to learn that all of his bedroom decorations are aircraft-related. He’s not even remotely interested in space travel or what his mother and I do other than that we both flew planes first.”
Felicity could see it all but felt the conversation had gone off on a tangent. She took charge again and tried a different tack:
“But to achieve his goal he is going to need to have decent grades at the end of his education and the foundation of that starts here. He has so much potential and… look, I couldn’t give a damn about the class interruptions, please don’t think that is what this is about. I can handle all that, it’s what’s going on in his head, how he sees himself and I think we need to have something in place so that he and all his future teachers understand that… I hate to say it but for some, a formal diagnosis is the only way to persuade people that a child isn’t deliberately…”
“Ms Miles.”
The sigh escaped this time.
“Yes, Mr Tracy?”
“Do you happen to know the criteria one must fulfil to train as either a commercial airline or a military pilot?”
“Offhand? Not, precisely, no.”
“There is also an exclusionary list. Certain conditions, diagnoses, other events on a medical record that may prove to be a barrier to acceptance. Many people in the field don’t agree with everything on the list, but at the moment it exists. You’re clearly a smart woman, Ms Miles, and I can tell you’ve already worked out one of the conditions noted on that list.”
He wasn’t wrong. She hadn’t released her breath since the word ‘exclusionary’. But it forced its way out now in a quiet groan and then a whisper:
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astranite · 4 months
Edges of the Universe: Part 1
Scott and John :)
The tags in summary: Hurt/Comfort, this is what it is fundamentally but we do dive into the angst and the fluff, Autistic John Tracy, Scott Tracy has ADHD, Scott Tracy Has PTSD, Autistic meltdowns, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Chronic Illness, that's how i'm treating John's space issues, this is all written from a disability and neurodiversity lens and lot of my own experience, there's alot going on but there's also alot of love here, and acceptance, its about hope its always about hope ultimately, things are hard and they wont just fix themselves but it does get better, we just have to keep hanging on. all of us you and me together, its not a straight line there are alot of up and downs and emotions in this fic, as in life and everything because thats whats its like but its not impossible Ao3
John threw his arm over his face as the lights suddenly turned on and tried to burn out his eyeballs.
Scott muttered apologies, voice kept considerately quiet. John heard the flick of the switch and the click of the door closing as all settled back to blissful darkness. 
Shuffling noises continued: the thwump of what he guessed was a very expensive suit jacket tossed carelessly over the back of a chair, a muffled curse as something was tripped over and the cracking of Scott stretching out his back. Then footsteps hushed by deep pile carpet came back to his side of the room. 
John kept his eyes screwed shut, arm still draped across his face. He could feel his own heartbeat, a touch too fast and in time with the throbbing pain in his head. The hotel sheets were a ridiculous thread count, all silky smooth with crisply made corners, but they scraped against his skin because they weren’t the same worn, soft ones he had at home or his sleeping bag up on Five which was also home.
He’d be getting smotherhenned any second now that Scott had found him, but honestly, he was too tired to care. 
The ache in his muscles matched the gnawing of guilt at his insides for leaving Scott in the meeting alone. 
Then he refuted that thought because he wasn't meant to be doing the whole tearing himself down thing anymore, and the meeting had been an objectively fine one, hashing out a few items for Tracy Industries with the legal department. They were going over the fine print for an acquisition of a small health hazard of a company before the contracts could be finalised and work could begin on bringing it up to scratch. 
The lawyers came highly recommended by Jack, their family lawyer and old friend, and it was just a couple of points better settled in person, giving a nice excuse for him and Scott to spend some time together away from the Island. Not the bloodthirsty investors and board members John had had to verbally tear to shreds on several occasions.
Scott had been fine. It wasn't like he couldn't handle himself. Except that John would rather be there to take the load off of Scott’s shoulders as much as he could. And because this sort of detail work was far more John’s area than his brother’s.
Scott was decent at it, had built up the skill over the years since dad wasn't here and had thrown Scott to the wolves. He was now careful to check thoroughly where he used to make hasty, barely caught in time mistakes. But it was more out of duty and sheer necessity, and John thought privately, the colossal fear of failure hanging over Scott’s head at any given moment. 
John actually liked picking documents apart, clause by clause, sentence by painstaking sentence. Usually. 
Except for today, where he’d walked out only an hour and a half in. 
It’d been fine, to start with. He’d ignored the dizziness and irritating pinching between his brows. He’d done the correct greeting people and handshakes business then knuckled down to review the document and be pedantic about the positioning of commas, trying not to fidget with his suit too obviously when the tie was too tight around his neck or rub at his eyes as his contacts felt weird. 
Far too much time had been spent pinching the bridge of his nose, attempting to force his brain into gear to focus on the words in front of him. The legal jargon slipped between his fingers, lines blurring together, when this was his thing—even if not in precisely his area of expertise—dancing between meaning and technicalities, finding the thread of logical arguments building on one another, untangling it when it faltered. 
He’d just made it worse. There’d be careless mistakes Scott and the lawyers would now have to fix because of him. John had spent more time staring at the single dead pixel in the corner of the holo caused by a fault in the projector and shuffling his feet around in his shoes as the seams of his socks had twisted up, than actually listening to explanations, which was also meant to be his thing. 
When they finally caught his attention from completely spacing out, everyone had been looking at him in concern: Scott, the two lawyers, his own pale reflection in the glass tabletop. He’d excused himself before he put his foot in his mouth and said something stupid. 
On the way out of the meeting, he’d leant against the closed doors behind him for a minute as the world dissolved into sparkling lights. The familiar, overwhelming feeling that he shouldn’t even be in the room dug at the jagged hole opening up in his chest. He’d dashed at his eyes, storming out of the building before anyone had a chance to ask what was wrong, before he burst into humiliating tears in the middle of the lobby. 
Dodging people barely helped as they pressed in on him; moving as quickly as he could was far too slowly; he was light headed, swaying as gravity tried to drag his body down. No one had noticed. He swore everyone was watching him. 
It was too loud. It was too bright. The words sensory overload pinged in a corner of his mind. At least he wasn't particularly recognisable to the general public, outside of the specific crowds at astrophysics conferences. He hoped. 
His hands flickered at his sides, accidentally, while held out slightly for balance. He hadn’t meant to let them, not where others would see and stare for drawing attention to himself for existing. The rapid, fluttering movements were one of the only things holding his world together right now and if he stopped it would all implode and he’d fall apart to fragments and he really didn't want that to happen right this second.
The hotel was next door, a short, long walk away. John had had to cling the handle bars in the elevator, gaze fixed on the doors to stay upright. While sifting through his memory for the floor number, the multitudes of details swirled before he could press his finger to the lift button, the metal cool beneath his fingers, indented with the number and its braille counterpart embossed. 
He could easily handle going to space but on Earth could barely manage this. It took another few deep breaths in the hallway while his stomach had felt like it had been turned inside out to get it together enough to fumble for the room access card. 
He had flopped onto his bed, basically fallen, as soon as he got inside. The lights remained off. He’d removed his dress shoes and contacts lying horizontal, head pressed to the mattress, because it was one of the few things that made the dizziness any less worse. 
Even though the noise was gone in terms of decibels, he’d clamped his hands over his ears—no one could see him so he could and everything was still too loud in sensations.
At least his bed had been unmade from the morning. Neither he nor Scott liked anyone poking around their stuff while they stayed somewhere. Scott’s bed on the other side of the room was made up with impeccable military corners, better than how they’d found them, as Scott always did even when John was pretty sure he hated it. 
It would’ve been too hard to wriggle between tightly tucked in sheets as exhausted as John was; this was why he despised gravity and all the issues he had with it. A cutting voice in the back of his head snarked that it was more the fault of his love of space than any Earthly forces.
And here he had stayed, lying on his side still in his suit, shivering slightly from the too cold air conditioning. When he felt the mattress sinking down as Scott sat on the edge of his bed, John curled up tighter.
Then there was the smotherhen. A concerned, “John?” was uttered by big brother as a hand brushed through the air centimetres over his shoulder in a question before a nod from John had it resting there.
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echologname · 1 year
April is Autistic Pride Month!
30 days of yippee characters!
For each day of Autistic Pride Month, I will draw a fictional character who is canonically or head canonically autistic or the 'sona of an IRL individual. Yet other neurotypes often overlap with auties and as a whole, neurodiversity is too immense to be exclusive, so, I will include characters of other neurotypes such as ADHD, OCD, PTSD, dyslexia processing disorders...etc.
I will update this post as the month progresses.
Day 1: Serial Designation N - autistic (head canon)
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From the show Murder Drones by Glitch Productions on YouTube.
Day 2: Fantoccio - autistic (canon)
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From the musical 3D platformer for PC, Billie Bust Up by Blueprint Games.
Day 3: Julia - autistic (canon)
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From the PBS Kids show Sesame Street (debuted in episode 5715) by Sesame Workshop.
Day 4: Penny Polendina - Autistic (head canon)
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From the show RWBY by Rooster Teeth on Crunchyroll.
Day 5: Marcy Wu - autistic (head canon)
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From the show Amphibia created by Matt Braly on Disney Channel.
Day 6: Rocky Rickaby - head trauma (canon) + ADHD (head canon)
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From the webcomic, Lackadaisy by Tracy J. butler.
He LOVES pancakes!
Day 7: Donatello - autistic (canon)
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From Nickelodeon's Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Day 8: Norma Khan - autistic (canon)
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Particularly from Dead End: Paranormal Park on Netflix, based off of the comics, Dead Endia.
Day 9: Billie - ADHD (canon)
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From the musical 3D platformer for PC, Billie Bust Up by Blueprint Games.
Day 10: Jack - ADHD (canon)
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From Bluey by the Australian studio, Ludo.
Day 11: Twyla - autistic + misophonia (canon)
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From Nickelodeon's Monster High show (G3).
Day 12: Padparadscha - processing disorder (head canon)
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From Cartoon Network's Steven Universe created by Rebecca Sugar.
Day 13: Arcus - dyscalculia (canon)
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From the Webtoon Acception by Colourbee (Coco Ouwerkerk).
Day 14: K.2 - autistic (canon)
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From the Webtoon Piece of Mind by lunar_neo
Day 15: Dory - anterograde amnesia (canon)
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AKA, "short term memory loss."
From Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo.
Day 16: Entrapta - autistic (canon)
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From She-Ra And The Princess of Power on Netflix
Day 17: Pema - autistic (canon)
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From the Autistic Aliens comic by Kyah Comic
She likes creatures, so I drew her with a Luna moth.
Day 18: Aristotle - autistic (canon)
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From the musical 3D platformer for PC, Billie Bust Up by Blueprint Games.
Day 19: Wednesday Addams - autistic (head canon)
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Day 20: Aaron Mitchell - autistic (head canon)
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From The Mitchell's vs. The Machines by Sony Animation on Netflix.
Day 21: Hunter - autistic (head canon)
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From the show The Owl House created by Dana Terrace.
Day 22: Goh - autistic (head canon)
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From the anime Pokémon Journeys.
Day 23: Libby - autistic (head canon)
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From Disney Channel's The Ghost And Molly McGee
Day 24: Wasabi - OCD (canon)
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From Disney Pixar's Big Hero 6.
Day 25: Bebe - autistic (canon)
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From The Proud Family: Louder And Prouder
Day 26: Renee - autistic (canon)
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From the Pixar Spark Short Loop
Day: 27: Maud Pie - autistic (head canon)
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From My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Day 28: Dendy - autistic (head canon)
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From Ian Jones-Quartey's OK KO: Let's Be Heroes on Cartoon Network
Day 29: Kawaii~Chan - autistic (head canon)
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From Aphmau's My Street Minecraft roleplay on YouTube.
Day 30: Angel - autistic (canon)
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My furry OC. She's a sheltie covered in rainbow sprinkles 🥰.
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twobruhsinahottub · 7 months
Just a PSA that it takes nothing but some patience to help someone with a disability (in this specific instance, an intellectual one). You may even make a friend in the process.
There is a girl in my class, lets call her Athena, Athena struggles a lot with understanding, both due to an ID and due to English not being her first language. The teacher told her she will not pass because she doesn't understand. The other students laughed at her. I will be honest with my intentions here : I chose to help her because I want to be a teacher aide and i thought of helping her as great practice. Whether these intentions were good or not is not the point but i want to be transparent. I knew it may be frustrating to try explain things in a way she understands, because i am advanced intellectually and often think in very "elaborate" concepts and words, so it takes a concious effort to sort of simplify my thoughts, but i thought about my wanting to be a teacher aide and realised i need to get over the frustration, so i helped. In the end, she got her project done really well and retained the knowledge from it as well. All it took was time and patience and a bit of simplifying my thoughts and explain what certain things mean. In the process of helping her eith her work, i got to onow her as a person as well, abd turns out shes really fun to be a round, we plan to meet up this weekend at a coffee shop and do some more studying because she reall liked how i helped her and i enjoy spending time with her as well. I was hesitant help her, but realised quickly that shes super cool and a great person to hang out eith, and also turns ouut im a pretty good teacher too! I'm looking forward to our coffee meeting on Saturday i think ive made a great new friend. Also, another girl in our class spoke to the campus manager about how our tutor (well call her Tracy) treated Athena and so hopefully Tracy can better understand in the future that the way she treated Athena wasnt okay and that neurodiversity (Tracy mentioned taking a course on neurodiversity and teaching neurodiverse students) is more than just a little social quirk and can also mean someone needs a lot more patience when learning / being taught.
All in all, this isnt to say im some wonderful person for helping Athena, my intentions were iffy, but more to say that helping people is kind and takes nothing from you but some time and patience, and if all goes well, you can make a great friend by doing it.
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The Garden Project - snae_b
Damn, now I gotta try squash blossoms
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley, Anathema, Beez (Beelzebub), Hastur, Ligur, Tracy, Newt, misc characters 13 chapters; 44,315 words. ~ He isn’t sure how he fell. But he has. Hard. And he has a feeling that Aziraphale is right there with him. ~ Warning: illustrated, nsfw, food, alcohol, mild injury/nosebleed, anxiety/unmanaged neurodiversity causing distress, gruesome hypotheticals/insincere threats, brief! urine/excrement/vomit mentions, unsanitary location/semi-public/bathroom sex, rimming, semi-confusing time/POV switches
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sometimesraven · 1 year
Don’t mind me just having a little cry over this TikTok describing my posture PERFECTLY.
Because this is the first time in my entire life that anyone has told me it isn’t my fault
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dsenlightenededits · 2 years
#Neurodiversity is a huge part of my "giftedness". Most #Empaths, Channels, #Lightworkers, #Geniuses 🤓, Creatives, what ever you want to call us, are #neurodiverse.
Today in honor of #KatharineHepburn's heavenly birthday 🎂, I share 1 of my favorite #movieClips with you, from 1 of my favorite #classicMovies - #DeskSet, with Katharine #Hepburn & #SpencerTracy.
I am eternally in Love with this couple & this quote. "I associate many things with many things" ... very few things describe me as much as this 🤓
Whenever someone tries to tell me that neurodiversity is "new", I point them this way 🎬. It also happens to be one of the smartest, funniest, sweetest films you'll ever see (I love #trueLove shining through on screen 🥰🥰). I completely recommend the full film, especially this 10 minute segment on #Genius 😉.
♥️ & Pass this post on to Spread the Love 😊.
If you'd like to work with me spiritually 🔮, I've got multiple options for you this month :
🧿 #Quantum Sessions ®, #AkashicRecords/Past Life Readings, SpiritAnimalMedicine ® mini Readings & more, can be purchased anytime through my site < www.DAMCLDesigns.com >,
☆ #Empaths & #Energy event with body scans is Live on Z¤¤m this Sunday May 15th, 2022 [*🎟 ticket Link 👇]
♡ & Friday Night Lights Live Group Reading is Live on Z¤¤m, Friday May 20th, 2022 [*🎫 tickets 👇]
○ the Live Z¤¤m events ⬆️ are currently the most affordable ways to work with me Live, + payment plans are available for sessions, coaching, healing & more. Energy Art, DigitalDownloadz, & Enlightened Merch are also available on my website 𓌂© www.DAMCLDesigns.com ™®𓋹.
1on1 Quantum {Life}/Consciousness Coaching & Energy𓌂Healing packages are also available; Contact me for a Discovery call if interested in those.
I look forward to working with more of you this month; and wish you ÅLL the enjoyment of your own particular brand of Genius 🧠😉.
Be Blessed 💙💜
With LoveLight & LightCodes...
𓌂©♡~Danielle, #DAMCL ™,
@DsEnlightenedEdits ™®☆🌈𓌂𓎬
𓌂© www.DAMCLDesigns.com ™®𓌂𓍳𓇳𓌂
#psychicMediums #Lightworker #TwinFlames #LifeCoach #OldSoul #ConsciousnessCoach #Starseed #Strega 🧿𓋹𓂓𓋴𓎬⍟
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crossdreamers · 4 years
Everything's Gonna Be Okay Shows 'Dual Spectrum' of Autism and LGBTQ Identities
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I have learned to know, love and respect many transgender people on “the spectrum”, which has led to a lot of interesting discussions about the relationship between autism and being queer and/or transgender
Is it true that neurodiverse people are more likely to be queer or trans? And does that mean that there is a relationship between the two ways of being human?
The jury is still out. There might be a correlation, but that does not mean the one causes the other. There are a lot of neurodiverse people who are not transgender. The majority of transgender people are not on the autism spectrum.
But Tracy Gilchrist is probably on to something in her article on the TV series Everything’s Gonna Be Okay:
//One theory about why there appears to be a higher percentage of autistic people who are queer than the percentage of neurotypical LGBTQ people is that those with autism have already dealt with being on a spectrum.
“They’re focusing on forming who they are and [often] sexuality gets put off to the side,” Smith says. “By the time they sort out ‘I’m on the spectrum and this is what this means, this is where I’m missing social cues, and this is what I need to work on,’ the sexuality comes trailing in a little bit later.”
“Because they march to their own drum and they have this freedom of understanding of ‘I’m different and that’s OK,’ their ability to accept themselves as having another spectrum within how they decide to identify is not as challenging as neurotypical folks.”//
In other words: Being outside the perceived norm in one respect helps you tackle belonging to another marginalized group in a better way.
In the series Miranda and Drea (both played by neuroatypical actors) are pansexual.
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Trans and autism discussion over at Crossdream Life.
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mia-ugly · 4 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Adam Young (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Beelzebub (Good Omens), Pepper (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Warlock Dowling Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Secret Relationship, Slow Burn, Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Fake Marriage, Alcohol, Crowley is a cool uncle, Aziraphale is an excellent teacher, Motorcycles, some problems you solve by getting married, crowley is a disaster gay, Crowley is Good With Kids (Good Omens), Crowley says Ngk, Neurodiversity, Seizures, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, standardized testing is awful, orphan / deceased OC parent, CW: the American Healthcare system, sad child custody situations, legal marriage can matter, there are no shotguns in this fic promise it's just a phrase, Big Emotions, Graphic descriptions of heartbreak, like physiological heartbreak, but it gets better, swoony love letters Summary:
There are rules about these things. Rules that exist for very good reasons, to protect everyone involved. And if the rules say no dating they mean no dating. But then Crowley loves a loophole.
Aziraphale pretends he doesn't. But he has a talent for working within the letter of the law to get what he wants.
A human AU in which Crowley parents teens and Aziraphale teaches teens, and they both do it very well. Extremely soft, cinematic, and sometimes serious. They just really really like each other.
I read this last night in a super fun anxiety spiral and woke up with long luxurious hair and a brain that produces serotonin. Crops watered, children fed, etc. The burn is slow but it’s so entirely delightful and full of longing that it flies by (I say, with my entire fist in my mouth) and Crowley is the coolest, weirdest, sexiest idiot to ever be defeated by chairs.  @charlottemadison42 is an incredible writer, and this whole fic sings. (Get in on it now while it’s still a WIP so we can scream about each update together.)
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Look at Escalus trying to erase canon again in order to excuse his personal fave Scott and demonize a canonical neurodiverse character of Polish origins https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/184941520580/why-did-scott-think-that-stiles-a-human-could
anonymous: Why did Scott think that Stiles, a human, could overpower and beat to death a chimera with a wrench? When Scott and several other supernaturals could barely fight one off before? What’s his thought process there?
Let’s start with, by Lies of Omission (5x09), which chimeras had Scott encountered or about which he could have reasonably learned? Belasko, Tracy, Lucas, Corey, Hayden and Josh. Beth, the kitchen-table claw girl, and Donovan, Scott neither had first-hand experience nor could anyone give him a reasonable report.
You know what’s interesting about those six? They’re all different. Being hybrids of different supernatural creatures, they all seemed to have different power sets and different extreme emotional states.   
Tracy was a tough fighter. Her tail, her paralyzing venom, her wall-crawling, her hard skin. In the animal clinic, she did put Deaton, Scott, Malia and Stiles down for a time, but that’s because she got the drop on them. Kira fought her off by herself and Malia fought her off by herself.
Now, Lucas managed to keep Brett, Liam, Scott, and Kira busy, because they had to avoid those nasty stingers, but they also weren’t fighting to kill. They (except Brett) knew that Lucas had been transformed against his will, so Scott were holding back (until Kira decided to go all terminator on Lucas.)
But Lucas, as tough as he was, was killed by one crossbow bolt. So he wasn’t invulnerable. A lucky blow could take him down.   
Corey on the other hand, was also a chimera, but he had no fighting capability whatsoever. He was pliant and relatively calm. Hayden, as well, had claws and fangs, but she wasn’t instantaneously a candidate for the Mortal Kombat tournament.
In other words – Stiles would probably be helpless against Belasko, a chimera designed to kill, but Stiles could probably defeat Corey. So what was Donovan? Scott didn’t know.  
And Scott also had experience with Stiles – the real Stiles – taking on monsters too powerful for him. Stiles took on the conjoined twins in The Overlooked (3x10), and before you say “he was ineffective” his mother also took on the conjoined twins in The Overlooked (3x10) and was very effective. There’s also the Argent and Calaveras hunting families, who are humans who scare werewolves.
Scott himself said that very season “No super strength or samurai swords, but they stay alive“ about Stiles and Lydia. He has respect for Stiles’ capabilities. He always has. He never tried to bench Stiles and even in Said the Spider to the Fly (6x11) it’s Lydia who tries to bench Stiles because they almost lost him. Scott doesn’t want to call Stiles because Stiles is having fun in Virginia. “You guys didn’t hear his voice. He sounded really excited to be there.“
It’s only fanon (and Stiles himself) who believe that Stiles deserves special consideration for only being human. And Stiles really doesn’t believe that – his words in Lies of Omission were a desperate and cruel attempt at deflection, because he really thought this was the end of his friendship with Scott. 
And this is yet another proof that not only does Escalus despise canon more than he clearly despises canon Scott McCall, but he also never watched an episode of the actual show, because here’s exactly what Scott himself actually said about Stiles and Lydia in season 06x20 (“The Wolves of War”): 
SCOTT: Some can do things you’d never believe. And others might only be human, but they make up for it by being really smart. 
I mean, either delusionals never even bothered to watch an episode of the actual show, or they are EXTREMELY bothered by the fact that everyone acknowledge Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin as the clever ones in canon for some very obvious reason.
DW: Oh dear. Pew is taking a lot of words here to make excuses for Scott, isn’t he? But what’s new? 
What does he mean he doesn’t know what sort of chimera Donovan is? It doesn’t matter, Prince, because Scott also thinks Theo is a werewolf, and Scott knows what werewolf strength is and still thinks that Theo couldn’t physically prevent Stiles from attacking Donovan, even if Donovan was somehow as weak as a lamb. 
It’s bad writing, Prince, and it makes Scott look like an asshole for not even making an attempt to clarify with Stiles what happened–it also makes him look as dumb as a fucking post. 
Not forgetting that even in the kindest scenario that Prince can imagine for Scott–that he’s entirely ignorant of how dangerous chimeras are, or at least assuming their default is weak and fluffy as kittens despite the fact they’ve been killing people left, right and centre all over town–Scott literally has to think the worst he possibly can of Stiles in order not to question Theo’s story. That has to be his starting position for everything else to fall into line: that Stiles is the dangerous killer, not the chimera. And he doesn’t even question it! 
“Oh, Theo says my best friend beat a chimera to death. Even though the only thing I know about chimeras is that a bunch of them have been killing people, and that this one specifically made threats to kill people before he was a chimera, it makes most sense to assume that this one is relatively harmless and that Stiles, who I have known most of our lives, is the violent and unstable killer in this scenario. I’m sure that Theo, who Stiles has been warning me for ages not to trust, is, after all, perfectly trustworthy.” 
Some fucking friend he is, huh? 
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astranite · 3 months
Edges of the Universe: Part 2
Scott and John :)
Part 1 // Ao3
The tags in summary: Hurt/Comfort, this is what it is fundamentally but we do dive into the angst and the fluff, Autistic John Tracy, Scott Tracy has ADHD, Scott Tracy Has PTSD, Autistic meltdowns, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Chronic Illness, that's how i'm treating John's space issues, this is all written from a disability and neurodiversity lens and lot of my own experience, there's alot going on but there's also alot of love here, and acceptance, its about hope its always about hope ultimately, things are hard and they wont just fix themselves but it does get better, we just have to keep hanging on. all of us you and me together, its not a straight line there are alot of up and downs and emotions in this fic, as in life and everything because thats whats its like but its not impossible
@idontknowreallywhy thank you for all.
“You alright?” Scott asked, “And I’ve brought takeaway if you’re feeling up to it.” 
“‘S only a headache,” John mumbled.
Scott’s hand gripped his shoulder more firmly. “Seems like some headache, Johnny.”
John couldn't handle even the gentle ribbing right now. Or Scott needling him about what the hell was wrong with him to make him admit to it, which was pretty hypocritical coming from Commander ‘I’m actively bleeding out but I’m Fine.’
John sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. That wasn't fair on Scott. He was getting better at letting them in when it was needed. All the smothering came from a good place of looking out for little brothers prone to getting themselves into trouble, and John also had a history of being less than honest about exactly how ‘Fine’ he was.
He pushed himself into a sitting position, leaning against the headboard of the bed as the blurry dark crowded in at the corners of his vision at the rush of his blood pressure dropping. Because he, Thunderbird Five, head of communications for IR and an astronaut breaking records for space hours and expertise, had really pushed himself today. Went totally wild with it. He had, he checked his mental notes, landed on Tracy Island yesterday evening, sat in the passenger seat of Tracy One as Scott did all the flying to get here and immediately clocked out as soon as they got to the hotel. Then attempted to attend a meeting today. Wild, he bit out in sharp, sarcastic thoughts. Maybe that ignored the busy week he’d already pushed through. Even if he usually had to rest the day after the rough descent down from orbit because that was what his body needed and that was meant to be okay.
John reached over to flick on one of the bedside lamps to make it easier on Scott. He squinted in the brightness but it was better than the main light. In the background was the rustle of biodegradable bags and the distinctive snap of takeaway containers being opened: Chinese, from the place he and Scott had really liked the last time they were here, predictable so he wouldn't have to deal with trying something new.
Objectively, the food smelled good but John’s stomach turned. He spent several amusing minutes poking at his noodles, trying to figure out whether it was merely his usual space issues or he was coming down with something.
Scott bumped his shoulder ever so gently. “I got the not too spicy ones for you in case you weren’t feeling so good.”
“Thanks, Scott.” John’s voice came tiny and squeezed out. 
He picked up a mouthful and they were okay, it was him that was at the point of so hungry he was nauseous, and Scott had realised that he hadn't had lunch or dinner and made sure to bring back food John would like. Because he was thoughtful and he cared, and John had the best big brother so why did that make him want to cry?
They ate in silence. Companionable silence. It was kinda nice actually, just sharing space with Scott.
John did not cry all over his brother and his noodles. He would’ve gotten his tablet to read on and distract himself except he’d need his glasses which were in his bag, though he could turn up the font size, except the headache made staring into a bright screen currently unpalatable, so the entire point was moot.
He tipped his head back, resting it on the wall, then turned to Scott.
Scott had scoffed his entire meal far too quickly, shovelling noodles into his mouth with his set of chopsticks, whilst scrolling on his phone. Hair falling out of its careful gelling, top buttons of his blue business shirt undone, meeting out of the way and laughing at something inane, he seemed far more relaxed than this morning. Share space with Scott was nice because he too rarely got to.
John looked away. He pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping an arm around them, rocking slightly before it made him too dizzy. He stared off around the room, mostly to keep himself from giving in to the urge to worry at the numb, hollow wound in his thoughts. To map out its shape and form, going over it like the hole left by a pulled tooth. To not drag himself into a John classic overthinking spiral, and attempt to ground himself or whatever. 
The room. Too much beige. Carpet, curtains, walls, really what were they thinking? 
John liked colour. He’d chosen the stripes running throughout Thunderbirds Five and his bright orange baldric with the matching narrower lines through his uniform on purpose. They broke up the monotony of whites and greys space stations were far too prone to and he soaked it up, everything from the stickers and few books in his little room to the colour coded holotabs that displayed each of his siblings’ vitals. Bright and vivid, they reminded him of alive, alive, alive. 
Here, even the abstract painting was nearly monochrome. Virgil would have a lot to say but John could only muster a vague disgust towards it. Or maybe it was mostly his mood turning to harshly critical.The place was nice enough, clean and neat, nearest to TI. They didn't need fancy. 
Hints of the darkened evening view shone through the gaps between the curtains in the form of city lights. John had watched the sunset in hours previous briefly paint the dimness of the room through slitted eyelids. 
There had been the colour he wanted, but he’d ignored it instead of opening the curtains up to the light like he usually would in lieu of visible stars. He had stared at the wall, drifting in his thoughts amongst the achy pain and exhaustion instead of choosing to do literally anything else.
And here he was overthinking, doing exactly what he wasn't supposed to be doing. Fantastic job, John.
Doors to the hallway and bathroom, both shut, John listed. Lamp on Scott’s bedside table, dark grey, not black, switched off.
The blue blanket Scott brought everywhere lay as a bright splash on top of the covers of Scott’s bed, a familiar sight no matter where they were.
They didn't have to share a room, with the large beds on each side where John took the one nearest the window under claim it would be better for the stargazing he wouldn't do because of the light pollution but would make Scott edgy from feeling too exposed and too far from the exits. His brother’s face had crumpled in relief before he’d gleefully bounced on his bed like he was totally still five, as John laughed with him. 
With their money they could easily afford two, could get the frankly a waste of money whole penthouse suite of rooms, but they didn't need to. And it was nice to be close.
He and Scott hadn't regularly shared a room since before Alan had been born, and John was fully aware that as adults it would drive them both mad within a week, but on the occasional business trip or even rarer holiday, it was nice. Waking up disorientated and jet lagged in the middle of last night, he’d fallen back to sleep to big brother’s calm, even breathing. Plus Scott could look over and reassure himself at least John was here and okay, as substitute for checking in on all his little brothers before he turned in.
…it had actually been a bit after Alan had been born that the rooms had been shuffled. When it had been Mum and Dad and baby Allie he had to sneak past to go stargaze outside for a few months until Alan was big enough and got the cot, sharing a room with Gordon. Then it was him and Virgil so Scott as the eldest, encouraged by Dad, could have his own room. 
Virgil was a lot quieter and less prone to dragging him into crazy schemes, and John had loved sharing a room with him, of course he did, but something had still ached as he helped take Scott’s aeroplane posters down from between his glow in the dark stars to put them up on bare blue walls that smelt of new paint. Virgil had never woken up when John went to stargaze, no matter what he tripped over or how much he swore, so he never came with him on those forbidden midnight trips either. Scott had. 
But after Mum, because John was evidently all for following miserable trains of thought tonight, Scott technically had still shared a room with them. Just when no one, especially Dad, would notice. John had woken up to the door opening after everyone else was asleep each night to Scott tiptoeing in to curl up on the floor between his and Virgil’s beds, wrapped in the blue baby blanket that had been Allie’s until it was put away but had originally been knitted by Mum for Scott.
John had always shuffled over to make room for Scott beside him. Scott shouldn’t be alone, he wasn't meant to be alone but everyone had known that evidently except for Dad. He’d always woken up at dawn when Scott left too…
Scott’s hand back on his shoulder startled him, and between the flinch he barely processed the worried, “Earth to John?” 
A wave of dizziness hit and John buried his head in his knees. 
“Sorry,” John mumbled.
“No apologies needed.”
Scott gently took the container of noodles out of his hand which he was holding and had kinda forgotten about, even as the pointed edges dug into his palm. John’d only managed half of his before he had to put it aside. Maybe later, if he got over the nausea. 
Scott held out an arm, giving John the option of being pulled into a hug. He swallowed and shuffled closer, then leant against Scott. 
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isfeed · 3 years
Neurodiversity in technology: Are businesses missing out on key talent?
Neurodiversity in technology: Are businesses missing out on key talent?
Tracie Gildea Contributor Share on Twitter Tracie Gildea is chief marketing officer of STANLEY Security and is a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. My son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the first grade. As a mother, it took an ecosystem of support from schools, counselors and family members to ensure that we understood his needs and provided support for…
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thereadingmoon · 4 years
Traci Chee’s A Sea of Ink and Gold: What Could’ve Been Better
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In the first part of this review of a Sea of Ink and Gold, I’ve extolled its virtues as a series that manages to wrangle in a dozen stories together while managing to maximize its medium as a book to tell a story about the magic of reading with an inclusive cast to boot. Really, I find that it’s an amazing feat for a debut writer to pull through.
But also said in my last post, I did have a few grievances with it. Every story has its flaws, and that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily bad. It just means that they’re as human as the writers who make them.
Despite it being a wonderful story, I personally found a few things to nitpick about: an issue with the lack of worldbuilding, and the later benching of a large fraction of the cast.
One thing that I didn’t like in the worldbuilding of this book is something I haven't found a formal name for. I’ve come to call it non-ethnic diversity. I call it that because, yes, there are people of color at the forefront of this cast; but they have no inherent culture behind them, and there is no context to the cities, jungles, or societies they live in.
Characters are race-coded through descriptions of their appearance, but their societies are vaguely described besides explaining how they function with the lack of the written word, the effects and views of the transnational war, and the strings the Guard pulls in the Five Kingdoms of Kelanna. It also didn’t sit well when mentions of ruffly dresses worn by women and girls, streamlined military uniforms (translated into my mind’s eye as Napoleonic or Continental blues and reds), and individualistic outlooks in life (see: the need to leave a legacy) painted the setting as inherently western.
If you were to look at the map of Kelanna, you’d see that it’s a vast world. I find it a missed opportunity to even briefly mention the cultures of each nation and how distinct they are in a world rich with interesting worldbuilding that’s built on an intriguing concept.
The fantasy genre is somewhat infamous for it’s stereotypical and even racist allusions when it comes to fictional species/races. Warmongering "savage" races hit all the stereotypes and descriptions of indigenous or African peoples. Countries that are covertly Asian-leaning in culture always seem to be sneaky and manipulative. More often than not, the superior warriors and peaceful elves or fae are depicted white, or at least fair-colored. This uninspired and lazy race-allusion is not what I hope this series to have achieved.
Instead of assimilating real-world races into a fantasy setting, why not create a fantastic culture? Let's look at another modern Fantasy series, A Darker Shade of Magic. V.E. Schwab sets an alternate London in a country that’s inspired by Euroasian culture, where locals speak a language loosely derived from Turkish. The locals are tanned with dark hair, and their culture and values are implicitly explained throughout the series. What’s more, in the second book, the foreign cultures that are ushered into the story aren’t stand-ins for real-life ethnic groups. Sure, they were inspired by aspects from reality, but I personally found it something unique in that series: these cultures were distinct to the world of Red London, and can only be contextualized by the series itself and not real-world biases.
That is what I wanted in Kelanna, and what would’ve fleshed it out more as a world. Yes, there are people of color in this book. Yes, this is great in the terms of inclusivity and diversity in the Fantasy and YA genre. But in my opinion, the non-ethnic diversity takes away from the worldbuilding as well as an opportunity to flesh out the Five Kingdoms and the characters that inhabit it.
Another thing about the characters: some would say that the vast cast of Sea of Ink and Gold is an example of baiting or pandering the people of those communities by creating characters that are meant to represent them, only to be later discarded from the story and the plot. I would say that too. In fact, I am saying that.
I am so happy that books are becoming a platform of representation, most of all young adult fiction, which is fiction aimed at people who are still looking for their identity or for affirmation of their identity. But I found it absolutely jarring that there was a build-up of intimacy between we the readers and the merry misfits of the bloodletters—  the kidnapped children turned impromptu army. We read into their rapport and sympathize with their stories. We listen to the bloodletters speak of how they were kidnapped and turned into murderers in the quest to fulfill a prophecy. They revel in their atypicality, their uniqueness, and their strangeness.
Then, later, they are a collective group, almost only exclusively referred to as a unit. I can barely remember any of their individual names, and I can only categorize them through what makes them different. They are defined not as people, but what group they’re meant to represent. The only times a character is distinguished is if they become a plot point, if they need saving, or if they die.
This is a pattern: we are introduced to the intricacies to a person, but soon they are benched and put to the sidelines. From the extensively inclusive cast who aren’t Safia and Archer, only a handful was fully fleshed out as people and given character arcs to develop in. Everyone else becomes background characters and is briefly mentioned in passing. They simply slip right off the page.
Though that may be the point. Identities and people don’t need to have meaning. But one must remember that when writing a story, all things that are mentioned must have a purpose according to the principle of Chekhov’s Gun. Setup must have a reason and must follow through with a purpose. In Sea of Ink and Gold, there is little utilization of the liberal details we’re given of each individual throughout the story, and the characters become mere labels to glance over.
In writing a story, some things can only be cut out because of their irrelevance, or they can at the very least be briefly or implicitly stated through showing and not telling. Adeline and Isabelle's relationship in the book is heavily implied through their affection and loyalty with one another, but their love doesn't need any confirmation because it's blatantly clear.
That's not to say that the canonization of character traits like gender, sex, and neurodiversity shouldn't be done. But like more common character traits, I believe that there are more diegetic and natural ways to have them revealed other than jarring, jagged word-of-god narration that details the nuances of someone's identity. I've found this done in the book The First Sister, by Linden A. Lewis. There, a person's sexuality and gender are referred to glibly, and the pronoun "they" was used with little over-contextualization. Only once was there a very brief and in-character exchange referring to the gender of the character.
In a Sea of Ink and Gold, the characterization of Aljan is one such example of this. His neurodivergent behavior is deliberately noted in narration but never directly referred to. Some of his habits are offhandedly mentioned through dialogue in a way that alludes to the bloodletters' familiarity and acceptance, but it was never something that we've brushed by on an intimate level because it wasn't something relevant to the plot. What was important was Aljan's character as a whole.
I understand that not all characters can have this treatment. I personally think one pitfall of a Sea of Ink and Gold is the size of the cast and the number of plotlines that are forced to come together. In the quest to weave how many plotlines together, some characters are pushed back and forgotten, arcs falling weak or forgotten entirely. This may draw back from the story, but it doesn’t remove what good this series has in it.
A Sea of Ink and Gold is many things. It’s a magical work of fiction that I still encourage anyone who loves books and fantasy to read. It was ambitious, if not cliched, and it’s no reason to swear to never read the series out of spite. If this is Traci Chee’s debut, I only shudder to think what she’ll come up with next.
Want to see more essays like this? Check out my blog’s masterlist for more hot takes or book recommendations.
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brentrogers · 4 years
Psychology Around the Net: April 25, 2020
This week’s Psychology Around the Net is, unsurprisingly, heavy on COVID-19 news. Get tips on how to build a psychological first aid kit, the latest on how coronavirus quarantine could affect different kids, ways your media consumption is traumatizing you, and more.
Be well, friends!
How to Build a “Psychological First Aid Kit”: The American Mountain Guides Association recently published “Stress and the Resilience for Coronavirus” which is a collection of mental health resources designed by Laura McGladrey, a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) instructor. McGladrey is also a nurse practitioner who specializes in emergency medicine and psychiatry and the guide was designed to help mountain guides dealing with the stress of COVID-19. However, as Outside‘s Tracy Ross points out, this guide is useful for everyone during the coronavirus pandemic and Ross used it as a springboard for this list of tips to get through this time.
Will Coronavirus Quarantine Mess Up My Kid’s Mental Health for Life? Probably Not. But Poor Kids Are at Risk: Experts are still gathering data, but the general consensus for now is that most kids will come out of this pandemic all right, with young children being poised to bounce back even better than older adolescents and teens. However, generally a child’s resilience is tied to his family’s stability and safety, and kids from already vulnerable families (thinks money problems, food insecurity, poor relationships) likely will suffer the most and need the most help.
Can PTSD Be Transmitted Over the Airwaves? The Impact of Media on Our Mental Health: Some news is necessary; for example, school closings and the latest on your state’s stay-at-home orders. However, constant coverage of the coronavirus pandemic can take a toll on your emotional and mental health. Find out if your media consumption is traumatizing you and get five strategies you can use to build up resilience during COVID-19.
Link Between Obesity and Sleep Loss: Much research in the past has suggested poor sleep quality puts people at risk for obesity because it deregulates our appetites and so leads to more calorie consumption. However, new research out of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine finds that it’s not the poor sleep that causes obesity; rather, it’s excess weight that causes poor sleep.
How Do I Make This Work? Being Neurodivergent, Working Remotely, Kids + Families: “For those autistics or otherwise neurodivergent adults who need to work remotely due to COVID19 , a huge part of how it’s working is whether there are young or school aged children at home, and how well they balance their own needs with the sensory and personal challenges of families. This is true for both neurodiverse and neurotypical parents. Those who are fortunate have available childcare; for many, that’s impossible and this is “do it yourself.” Kids take time and attention, and without childcare, it’s very hard to get anything done.” Marcia Eckerd has much to say on the matter of autistic or otherwise neurodivergent parents finding ways to balance working from home while surrounded by kids and other family members during this coronavirus pandemic.
Health Care Workers Seek to Flatten COVID-19’s ‘Second Curve’ — Their Rising Mental Anguish: Doctors and nurses surveyed in China, Italy, and the United States report experiencing many mental health problems during this coronavirus pandemic such as increased stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and the burden is only going to rise according to Roy Perlis, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital: “We have to try to flatten this curve, but then there’s a second curve we’re going to have to flatten: the mental health consequences of the pandemic.”
Photo: Pexels
Psychology Around the Net: April 25, 2020 syndicated from
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Shotgun Wedding, or, sometimes a first date requires filing some paperwork
by charlottemadison
There are rules about these things. Rules that exist for very good reasons, to protect everyone involved. And if the rules say no dating they mean no dating.
The rules are less clear about marriage, and Crowley loves a loophole.
Aziraphale pretends he doesn't. But we all know he's skilled at working within the letter of the law to do whatever he damn well pleases.
------------------------------------ A human AU in which Crowley parents teens and Aziraphale teaches teens, and they both do it very well. Extremely soft, cinematic, and sometimes serious. They just really really like each other.
Words: 2893, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Adam Young (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Beelzebub (Good Omens), Pepper (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Warlock Dowling
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Secret Relationship, Slow Burn, Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Fake Marriage, Alcohol, Crowley is a cool uncle, Aziraphale is an excellent teacher, Motorcycles, some problems you solve by getting married, crowley is a disaster gay, Crowley is Good With Kids (Good Omens), Crowley says Ngk, Neurodiversity, Seizures, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, standardized testing is awful, more tags to come, orphan / deceased OC parent
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/22557148
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Shotgun Wedding, or, sometimes a first date requires filing some paperwork
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Unhhad
by charlottemadison
There are rules about these things. Rules that exist for very good reasons, to protect everyone involved. And if the rules say no dating they mean no dating.
The rules are less clear about marriage, and Crowley loves a loophole.
Aziraphale pretends he doesn't. But we all know he's skilled at working within the letter of the law to do whatever he damn well pleases.
------------------------------------ A human AU in which Crowley parents teens and Aziraphale teaches teens, and they both do it very well. Extremely soft, cinematic, and sometimes serious. They just really really like each other.
Words: 2893, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Adam Young (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Beelzebub (Good Omens), Pepper (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Madame Tracy (Good Omens), Warlock Dowling
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Secret Relationship, Slow Burn, Ineffable Idiots (Good Omens), Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Fake Marriage, Alcohol, Crowley is a cool uncle, Aziraphale is an excellent teacher, Motorcycles, some problems you solve by getting married, crowley is a disaster gay, Crowley is Good With Kids (Good Omens), Crowley says Ngk, Neurodiversity, Seizures, Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, standardized testing is awful, more tags to come, orphan / deceased OC parent
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Unhhad
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