idontknowreallywhy · 14 days
Another instalment of dinky Scott at School - I think there are (as yet unwritten) scenes in between these but I figured I’d get the key ones down then have a look and decide if it’s actually a story to flesh out or just a series of snapshots to leave as is.
Apologies to any actual teachers who may notice I am playing fast and loose with how such things might work in real life.
Disclaimer: Teeny Scooter does not actually appear in this bit, but is much discussed…
THE Jeff Tracy.
She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t spent most of the night revising the 6 bullet points she wanted to cover in that one 12-minute parent-teacher conference. She’d quietly ensured the slot immediately afterwards was unbookable just in case things… overran.
None of the other teachers had met him, only the mother, who by all accounts was very pleasant. She hadn’t expected him to come, assuming he was probably on the moon or something equally intrepid. But the little box next to the number 2 had been ticked on the form so unless it was a grandparent or something…
The fancier biscuits she’d picked up from the store had just been a whim… sometimes she wanted to bring a bit of luxury into proceedings, that’s all it was…
Oh heck she’d bought fancy biscuits. Just like the hopeless fangirl she was. As if he’d notice anyway?
The first parent had noticed and seemed to enjoy their chocolate dipped Viennese finger biscuit. So it was worth it.
The second set of parents hadn’t turned up at all which left her with an agonising 18 minute wait.
It was fine. Just another PTC with some totally normal parents hoping to hear what a delight their precious offspring was. And she intended to thoroughly emphasise that part right at the outset because he really was.
The other notes she had would also be fine because she had considered every possible way of delivering them and had figured out the most persuasive.
All. Fine.
She needed another word for fine.
A gentle tap-de-tap and the door cracked open to reveal a waterfall of red hair and a very friendly face. Behind, even taller than he looked on tv, towered the man from the all those documentaries she’d binge-watched as a student.
Definitely just a normal PTC.
Felicity Miles, teacher, champion of tiny people, competent human, took a breath and greeted the couple with professional confidence and a welcoming smile.
In the last five years she’d broken similar news to four other sets of parents, and observed her mentor do similar in her training year. Not a big enough sample to be conclusive but the fact the reaction had been the same each time had lulled her into a complacency about what to expect.
It went something like - shocked faces, initial denial, possibly a little anger, guilt that they hadn’t known, 3 of the mothers and 2 of the fathers had cried. Then, usually, she could see a little relief creeping in…. The hope that it hadn’t been something they’d got Wrong after all.
And then a brief conversation about what could happen next and arrangement of a meeting to discuss further when they’d had time to think. She’d hand them the department of education-approved info leaflets and smile and promise it would all be alright.
This one wasn’t going the way it should.
To start with there was zero surprise. Not even a flicker. In fact they’d looked at each other and smiled, before patiently listening to the rest of her little monologue. Right up until she started outlining the stages in the school’s neurodiversity support pathway at which point Mr Tracy had lifted a hand and cut in:
“There’ll be no need for anything formal. He’ll learn to manage his difficulties and he’ll overcome them.”
Felicity did her best to ignore the calm tone in his voice that simultaneously commanded she agree with him, advised it was a done deal not worth fighting against and reassured her that he was obviously right and it was all for the best. She pictured the desperate little human curled up in the Octopus House and tapped into the protective rage it generated:
“I don’t think you understand, Mr Tracy. A diagnosis would mean he could get that little bit of extra support he needs, perhaps a Teaching Assistant to keep him on track and help with refocussing when he gets distracted. He could have occasional time out on special programs to develop his interests, as I said he really does excel at maths and…”
“Ms Miles, please stop there a moment.”
She did so.
A few seconds later she remembered to close her mouth.
“Are you aware of what Scott wants more than anything in the world?”
She clenched her jaw in an effort not to snark back “a glimmer of self-esteem?” and thought about what seemed to make her zoomy little friend the happiest. The answer left her mouth before she was aware she knew it:
“He wants to fly.”
It was his mother who sighed and spoke next, the slight unevenness of her voice probably undetectable to someone who hadn’t spoken to a LOT of exhausted parents:
“He does. He always has from the moment he realised he couldn’t. Even before he really understood what airplanes were, he’s been fascinated by them and has been determined to reach the sky to join them. He seems to view gravity as a personal insult…” she chuckled then added “Being a parent to Scott Tracy is 90% catching him as he leaps from places he shouldn’t according to all the laws of physics be able to reach.”
Her husband reached over and squeezed her hand with an affectionate smile and added in a much softer tone:
“In his pram he watched the birds, it was the only thing that settled him. You won’t be surprised to learn that all of his bedroom decorations are aircraft-related. He’s not even remotely interested in space travel or what his mother and I do other than that we both flew planes first.”
Felicity could see it all but felt the conversation had gone off on a tangent. She took charge again and tried a different tack:
“But to achieve his goal he is going to need to have decent grades at the end of his education and the foundation of that starts here. He has so much potential and… look, I couldn’t give a damn about the class interruptions, please don’t think that is what this is about. I can handle all that, it’s what’s going on in his head, how he sees himself and I think we need to have something in place so that he and all his future teachers understand that… I hate to say it but for some, a formal diagnosis is the only way to persuade people that a child isn’t deliberately…”
“Ms Miles.”
The sigh escaped this time.
“Yes, Mr Tracy?”
“Do you happen to know the criteria one must fulfil to train as either a commercial airline or a military pilot?”
“Offhand? Not, precisely, no.”
“There is also an exclusionary list. Certain conditions, diagnoses, other events on a medical record that may prove to be a barrier to acceptance. Many people in the field don’t agree with everything on the list, but at the moment it exists. You’re clearly a smart woman, Ms Miles, and I can tell you’ve already worked out one of the conditions noted on that list.”
He wasn’t wrong. She hadn’t released her breath since the word ‘exclusionary’. But it forced its way out now in a quiet groan and then a whisper:
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donotaskmeagain · 4 months
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Made some lil guys
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Bonus! Scotty
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(yes i know the rank bands are inaccurate but squigglies are hard to make with flannel)
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b4kuch1n · 3 months
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simulated earth (it does not matter)
#sherlock and co#sherlock & co#podlock#comic#sherlock holmes#john watson#victor trevor#ft. archie (in like three panels lmao)#need to figure out a podlock specific tag for these guys so this doesnt clutter up the main sh tags#bc ohhh boy. I anticipate being insane abt s&co for a While#this comic def a Hot minute post-gloria scott#what is this about exactly? you ask. haha well (there's sunlight bouncing off a window and when u look back Im already gone)#listen I caught up to everything right before gloria scott and holy Shit that case knocked me on my ass#as a chronic adhd (and thus serious memory problems) haver.... (holds sherlock tenderly)#I have not listened to SOLI yet btw I will tomorrow. I wanted to finish this before catching up#Im obsessed with them. Im such an easy idiot lmao Im a sherlock holmes adaptation enthusiast before Im a human#gloria scott.... the way it muses on the limit of the genre same as the red headed league.... what about the victims?#what about the victims. what about the victims. what part of the pain does the process of investigation cure#victor's like. he's between jobs he's between boyfriends he's living with his dad whose caretaker he just became. who does he have#and sherlock holmes is about the truth but john's been about the solution so far. I just. I really like this john watson lmao#listen the way he complains and then refuses to shoot the underlings in red headed league. based. I love him#I can fix him (radicalize him against punitive justice)#(I am refraining from talking abt sherlock in the tags here bc I Will run out of tags before Im done)#(mariana is not here but I care her too!! she will be here more often in the future I swear I fuckign swear......)#(''I'm in a co-op that's sponsoring my visa. also I just witnessed two actual dead bodies like a month ago'' you mean everything to me)#screams. I got attached SO fast this show is targeting me specifically. my broke millenials suffering in london show#I have like a number of sketches too be prepared. theyre gonna show up soon. until then#have a good day lads. be there! be there.#edit: this comic is finished and assembled in full before I listened to the solitary cyclist part one. this has been an update#I have now listened to SOLI part one. I must hit john watson with a hammer
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flanzee · 1 year
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some scotts from yesterday!
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liplessthomas14 · 3 months
The way Stiles just overreacts to everything and the way Scott is just so chill is so funny to me like-
Scott: Things with Allison are going good. Like...*lowers voice* really good. Stiles: Ewwww, Scott! Never share that much information about you in bed ever again! Stop talking before I have the urge to maime and kill MYSELF!!! Just shut up, Scott, ewww that's gonna scar me for the rest of my life I don't wanna know what's going on in that dirty little brain of yours ok? I don't-
Stiles: Dude, Malia snuck in to my bedroom last night and we spooned and then she did this with her claws *lifts shirt and shows what's probably a very scarred back* Scott: *gives a suprised and slightly concerned look* Holy.
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tweeksandturns · 6 months
Scar didn't win because he had no friends.
No. Scar won because he had one (1) friend, even if it was at the end. Because despite all of the tasks he was given making him out as the villain, theres one thing that makes the last session different from all the ones before. And maybe it's Scar's definition of the word Friend.
His definition throughout the life series of that word, has always been 'Ally'. He gives his friends access to all of his supplies, and he gets info and there proximity in return. Someone he can count on.
In the last session he had many allies. He played the game on all sides, and got everything he needed, while still killing off those that he was against and with.
And maybe he didn't intend to end of with the Mounders as his team, but whether he realized it or not, it gave him the one person he needed. Because Pearl was the one friend in the end. Because they stayed together
And Scott sacrifices himself for his allies because he wants them to win, and Pearl offered to do the same. AND that, was what made the difference between pearl as another ally or as a friend. Because She sacrificed herself not just because she wanted Scar to win, but because she didn't CARE to win.
And Scar said No.
Because he didn't care to win either.
And the funny thing is these two have teamed once before. Even if it wasn't for long, they stayed together in Double life, in refuge from those who hurt them, no matter what way they hurt them.
In this last session, Grian and Scott were against Pearl and Scar. Grian is teamed with Etho and Cleo, both of which Scar got the final kills for, and Scott teams with Gem and Impulse, BOTH OF WHICH SCAR GOT THE FINAL KILLS FOR. Scar killed the people that both of their soulmates were teamed with.
Pearl and Scar are parallels. because they didn't win because they were alone. They won because they used what others were willing to give, and they always had someone (or something (like dogs maybe hint hint)) that was there for them.
They won because they know how to play the game. It;s not pressing buttons, and playing along with allies. Its taking what they won't give you, and taking what they are willing to give you.
And they know how to play the game.
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redmoonfever · 1 year
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Your honour, they are the same
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idontknowreallywhy · 18 days
A little Teeny Scott wip snippet because the little Scooter popped into my brain as he often does when I’m a bit overwhelmed.
Tis another snapshot of my OC Primary teacher POV (oh oops I have two! No, not THAT one the other one! The one who taught teeny Scott rather than the one who trolls adult Scott)
Like many a primary class store cupboard, the one in Felicity Miles’ domain was crammed full of everything under the sun that could plausibly be “useful for craft one day” alongside all the more formal stationery supplies, brightly coloured sports equipment, first aid items, cuddly toys with their own bandages (often deployed to greater effect than the official first aid items).
She also had a small shelf, high up, she kept for the special pieces of work, the ones which demonstrated where a child had suddenly Got Excited - technicolour art, poetry with unashamed overuse of newly discovered adverbs, science projects, Scott Tracy’s poster about Pi. She always smiled to remember how after his initial disappointment about what the little squiggly symbol DIDN’T mean, how Absolutely he had adopted his new “favourite number”. She had a few from each class and when teacher life all got a bit overwhelming she’d take half an hour at the end of the day and reflect on why she did this in the first place. Retaining the space meant her marking piles were rather more crammed together and higgledy piggledy than ideal - her more organised colleagues would certainly raise an eyebrow - but it was worth it.
There was also a space about half a metre wide and about the same high on the very bottom shelf which it was important she kept empty. Again, the independent observer might have queries as to why, when space was at such a premium, this was necessary. She would probably just smile enigmatically and point at the tiny masking tape sign in wobbly 7-year old handwriting that said “The Octopus House” and leave them with more questions than they were ever going to get answers to.
The Octopus House wasn’t a secret but she didn’t advertise its existence. The few kids who knew about it found it because they needed it. The ones who needed to hide away for a moment, but not be too far away from the safety of their peers or the ones who needed to squeeze up small to process the big feelings without their limbs causing trouble.
It had received its name three years ago on that memorable day when she Lost a Student. He was just gone for at least 20 minutes which must have cost her at least a year of her life. Between the three adults in the class that day they’d subtly searched the corridors, the toilets, the lunch hall, the library and what could be seen of the playground but it was like the child had evaporated. Trying not to panic she’d sent the rest of the class out with the experienced TA and the very-green-but-compensating-with-extreme-enthusiasm NQT to do Olympic relay races on the playground (thank you Ancient Greek class project).
She leant on the back of the door for thirty seconds to catch her breath and psych herself up for the inevitable crisis meeting with the head and the moment at which that would turn in to needing to break the news to his Father.
The silence crowded in on her and she felt herself beginning to properly panic.
She didn’t even know exactly when he’d disappeared. He was there at the start of the lesson, seemed happy, seemed engaged. He’d been very excited about the task they had been given to recreate the Parthenon out of craft paper and had taken charge of his small group so naturally… they’d all been given their part of the mission and they were actually DOING it! Very effectively it seemed! She’d made a mental note to add “leadership skills” to the list of positive things she was going to put on his school report (because the previous few she’d read had made her nauseous with anger) and turned to assist a wailing child with no less than three glue sticks embedded in her hair. And that was… half an hour before? Oh hell that was a long time.
She and the other adults had been so busy mediating the minor battles breaking out in other groups that when a little voice piped up “where’s Scotty? He was sposed to make the lintels!” and her blood had suddenly run cold.
If he was hurt or in danger because she took her eye off him…
She blinked back tears and had just composed herself to pick up the phone to the head teacher’s office when she heard a tiny sniff and spun around to identify the source. Nobody was there.
Hardly daring to breathe, she tiptoed through the room checking under desks already checked three times.
Just as she was concluding she’d imagined it, there it was again - the tiniest noise but definitely a sniff and seemingly from the direction of the cupboard he couldn’t be in because the thumb turn bolt was still in the locked position.
Feeling like she was going crazy she unlocked the door and looked inside anyway.
Obviously it was empty. Her wishful thinking was wasting time. They needed to get a proper search party organised.
She turned to leave and heard it for a third time.
And it was that day, in her 5th year of teaching, she discovered just how small a ball a tall child could make themselves into. Seriously, the octopus had nothing on this kid.
The space was much smaller then, barely 30cm wide and only there at all because she’d taken out the long, thin box of baton-shaped sticks that had been wedged tightly in between stacks of who knew what. All she could see was a tangle of uniformed limbs and a mass of sweaty chestnut hair.
He obviously knew she was there and was holding his breath, clearly hoping not to be seen. Expecting to be in trouble.
Felicity picked up her phone and sent a quick “crisis averted” message to her TA and then, after ensuring the door was wedged wide open, she slowly lowered herself to the floor. Pulling her knees up to her chin to mirror his posture she rested her back on some boxes a few inches to the left of where he’d tucked himself away.
And she waited.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
I was bored so I decided to google DC Character Sorter. See if I really do have any biases, subconscious or conscious. And it appears I do. Here's my Top 11 and Bottom 11. One criticism: No Red Tornado. If Red Tornado were on this list, he would've been top 5.
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Numbers #1-4 are all characters I love. Jason Todd and Guy Gardner both have anger issues (I've extrapolated this from my limited experience with them in other media), and I relate to that. Tim Drake is also shy (again, extrapolating based on context clues) and that's relatable too. I've always liked Alfred. I don't know why Barbara Gordon and Commissioner Gordon are in the top 10, and I guess Alan Scott because I've always liked Golden Age DC? Idk, but it honestly feels pretty accurate.
Also, obligatory Screw Batman. He is my least favorite character on here for a reason, namely I would click any other character's name over him (even characters I didn't even know).
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astranite · 7 months
Neurodivergent Tracies Headcanons!!
I've been thinking about this for ages (pretty much ever since Ive been into Thunderbirds) and lately seen and had more discussions with people, so I've decided to finally make this post! And hoping it might spark even more discussions! Also given how many Thunderfam members including myself are neurodivergent, and how positive I have seen the fandom be towards it :)
I'll elaborate later, at some point, about why I think these and specificities. Because I have many thoughts. Too many thoughts for right now!
I also decided to include stuff as well as autism/adhd, because neurodivergence has so many things to it.
Scott: ADHD, C-PTSD.
John: Autism, anxiety.
Virgil: Autism, depression.
Gordon: ADHD, autism, PTSD (hydrofoil accident and medical).
Alan: ADHD.
I also reckon Brains is autistic. I don't feel like I know Kayo well enough yet to have any headcanons in particular, but I wouldn't say she's not neurodivergent. Same with Penny. I also headcanon Grandma, Jeff, and also Lee as having ADHD. And I write Lucy as autistic but that is very because I said so and I want to.
So, thoughts? Headcanons? Neurodivergent Tracies stuff you want to see more of?
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hellyeahsickaf · 4 months
I might have accidentally taken 80mg of Adderall instead of 40mg and I haven't figured out whether or not I did or if I'm just scaring myself bc yeah that much won't like, kill me but it's definitely too much
I took my meds as normal but my half asleep brain said "oops silly me I forgot my Adderall" and I take my 40 and I sit there for a minute like "shit did I just double my Adderall?" And yeah as I'm typing this I feel like I may have taken 80mg of Adderall it feels like my brain is hooked up to a car battery (don't ask me what this means) whoops
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yokyopeli · 6 months
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Lucas Adams (Niko Terho) Grey's Anatomy 19x18 Ready to Run (2023) +ADHD 2/ 4
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thunderbird1lover · 3 months
Okay I really would love for some ADHD Scott Tracy fics because I've looked everywhere and can hardly find any!
(If u make one tell me please 🙏)
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maxisawaffle · 8 months
mhm i have no idea how tumblr works but i’m gonna attempt to make an introduction post
FILM!! (i am a letterboxd dweller)
THE MOVIE NIMONA?!?? (will read the book eventually)
THE NINTENDO 3DS (modding it and such)
KINS ‼️‼️🗣️
STAN MARSH (south park)
QUINNI (heartbreak high)
CHARLIE SPRING (heartstopper)
i am from australia!! (wa) i am a MINOR and i’m gay and non binary 🗣️ i have 2 dogs and my pronouns are they/them 👍
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koool-thing · 5 months
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my friends and family when I talk to them uhm
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sillywabbits · 8 months
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A lil wip!~ Got sap on the brain 💞💞💫
I'm so hyped for the new Scott Pilgrim show coming out. Saw they recreated one of my favorite screencaps from the game and wahh I just had tooooo~ 💞💞✨✨
Any other Scott Pilgrim fans out there lurking, DCA community? ❤️👀
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