#neurodiversity blinkies
blinkieopolis · 2 months
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cheezitofthevalley · 1 month
these blinkies go to therapy
or at least should
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i can joke about this because I have all the mentioned illnesses and disorders and have tried three of these medications. hehe.
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productoftheink · 4 months
Some disability blinkies !!! :3
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my-t4t-romance · 2 years
made some more blinkies with blinkies.cafe and I just gotta say I love this new template
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high-res version below
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sensostimmer · 2 years
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v happy with my new chewy!! it's for light/moderate chewers. It's definitely something else compared to the feather pendants I'm used to (which aren't really suited for chewing at all).
This chewy is also available in Silver and Gold and Black :)
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
welcome to this "blog"! here's some stuff to know :3
you can call me Matt (you probably know me as Will, but i don't go by that name anymore :))
I mostly post about school, musicals, being trans, neurodiversity, game theory (the youtube channel), social issues, videogames, Greek culture, and pretty much whatever I feel like talking about
Do not interact: Basic DNI (queerphobes, racists, ableists etc.) pro-lifers, TERFs, golden dawners (nazis), nationalists My tags: wills mumbles: Things unrelated to the main stuff I post. wills rants: Vents, rants, etc. Block this tag if you don't wanna see that wills asks: My asks. Warning! There are blinkies with flashing lights under the "keep reading"
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ID in all images.
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cryptic-science · 3 years
evil adhd and evil autism blinkies for when you are autistic and/or adhd and are incredibly villainous and evil >:3
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credit me if you use them !! (or i will straight up eat both of your legs)
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graphics-cafe · 2 years
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neurodivergent blinkies!! make your own [x]
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woodpengu · 4 years
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This is my smol bean, Blinky. She doesn’t talk, but she has a lot on her mind.
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brw · 3 years
🔥Black Bolt
i really like him! like i know i'm not supposed to really and i know he's done awful things but he genuinely is an interesting character. and of course i am biased bc he's a disabled character and he's got a wonderful malewife-girlboss dymanic with medusa (and you KNOW with that hair that they get up to weird shit) so i'm inclined to like him but genuinely. he's a good character and i absolutely LOVED his arc in ahmed's black bolt series, that remains one of my favourite comic series EVER.
i think part of why black bolt kinda comes across as a prick is bc writers... often don't really know what to do with the inhumans, and they're not popular enough to really have any dedicated readers to complain when they go back on something. like the inhumans have released the alpha primatives and nuhumans MULTIPLE times (bc writers understand that heroes can't really keep slaves lol) but they keep coming back under a new name or something either because a writer forgot or didn't care. which is a shame bc black bolt has the potential to be one of the most interesting comic characters. he's an INCREDIBLY powerful individual, he didn't have any contact of any kind growing up from those around him, and he can't communicate with those close to him.
and the thing that gets me abt that is that it's been mostly retconned that the inhumans have a sign language that he uses? so like.... did his family that he lives with and love.... not bother to learn it??? was medusa the only character that bothered to learn for him???? like hhjfdvhbjfvdbhj it raises a lot of questions! or like, alternatively, do they all know sign language and just assume humans don't have any and so have medusa say everything instead? there's just a lot of interesting things there.
i also like to think that he's autistic. like the way he seems to struggle with connecting with people even when he can speak (WHICH I HATE MORE THAN ANYTHING. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE MUTE. EVEN IF HE GETS TO SPEAK EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE HE WENT WITHOUT SPEAKING THROUGHOUT MOST OF HIS CHILDHOOD AND HE'S USED TO ALMOST KILLING EVERYTHING SO HIS VOICE SHOULD BE BARELY AUDIBLE AND SOFT. HE SHOULD STRUGGLE TO PRONOUNCE WORDS BECAUSE HE NEVER ACTUALLY SAID THEM, JUST READ. GIVE ME MORE REALISM FOR WHAT IT MEANS TO NOT SPEAK YOUR WHOLE LIFE MARVEL. PLEASE.) gives off a Vibe, and the way he explains that there's a chasm between him and everyone else is just. yeah. that disconnection between yourself and other people is a very Autistic Mood tm, and there's something to be said for overcontrolling parents not seeing as your own person, which ofc happens to neurotypicals often too but there is a big phenomenon of neurotypical parents being incredibly abusive & weird to neurodiverse children.
i just like this man a lot. visually he's fucking WEIRD and i love it, he's one of marvel's first disabled characters (and i SWEAR someone better use the term "disabled" for him at some point bc he is.) and though he's not AMAZING on the rep side i still have to appreciate him and his weird fucked up family. i really hope whenever he gets a big role again that writers continue with the character arc in ahmed's mini because i really want him to try and learn to be better than his own parents and be the best father he can be to blinky and ahura. also @ marvel please give us a scene of medusa pegging blackagar.
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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