darkpunkrocker · 10 months
Why did Grim reblog that?
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shadow-turtle-234 · 6 months
Only nothing but a shred of the shared insanity this garbage gave us all
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samipekoe · 5 months
Have you tried seeing if you could get away with your Lacille work on Bluesky. Feels like the smaller audience would mean less risk of problems and you wouldn't need to worry about posts being deleted.
I've thought about it! but I still fear for my life! I made a post about it once just testing the waters and someone replied something like "lmao they would never but you do you" and it annoyed me enough to not want to post it there LOL
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grahamdollton · 7 months
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psychicpanic · 1 year
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my guardian angel nithael is so awesome
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erial-c · 3 months
ohh bare with me this live reacting was all over the place
UGGHH SAPPY DAVID IS SO CUTE  . i may not be the biggest shaw pack fan but his character development will never cease to kill me
asher panicking 😭😭 AND CALMING HIMSELF DOWN because he didn't realize today was the day
baaabe being dressed already?? that's ao fucking funny they fr just let ash sleep (also a little bit of personaloty for baaabe  . the crowd cheers)
asher please your mate is already dressed  . dear god
i love that darlin out of all people wanted to make it so that the mates won't see each other until the ceremony . i know it's mostly because they wanted to drive the listener groups aka the "fun group" as they call it (listeners are bffies CANON!!!) but it's much funnier to think they hold onto that tradition for some reason 
"we're fun too, right?  ...right???" yeah asher whatever you say🤞
"i don't even want to imagine what chaos those four are getting up to" THW SILENCE IN THE CAR???? erik was giggling and kicking his feet putting this in the script huhhuh
darlin being the one to make sure neither of the mates are peeking LMAO  . and sam calling them beautiful too. kill me actually
milo calling out asher's hair "are you trying to look like you got married in a wind tunnel?????? david don't let him walk out like that!!!!!!" further proving the headcanon that milo is the most well dressed of the shaw pack 
milo's nervous as shit  😭😭 i forgot he was gonna be the fucking officiant bro id be sweating fucking bullets too
"just maybe.. cuss a little less" great advice to tell milo out of all people  , sam
serious talk with the alpha and beta .. shivers
"why did you pick me?" asher  . asher  please.
"take the chance of saying something that's not perfect, if it means you get to really say what you feel" crazy  . i love angel (they are a listener character)) (they have no voice)) 
"you're the other side of my coin. you always have been" DAVID  . DAAAVIDDDD.
its good to see that david understands that while he know he made the right choice, he still understands the heavy responsibility he put on ash in assigning him to be pack beta
"you're too hard on yourself too" "well we had to have something in common other than destiny and smash bros, right?" KILL ME. stop being cute you loser
big three shaw pack hug  . ill kill myself
"i'm going to be up there lookin this good, people are gonna be confused on whose day it is!" "are they gonna be able to see you? do we get a step stool for behind the podium?" MILO DON'T LISTEN 2 THEM MY SHORT KING🤞🤞🤞 also beta boy😭😭😭😭😭
the effortless switch from banter to being all sentimental and emotional is crazy  . i hate these guys (lie)
yaknow while i did expect a few side characters/guest VAs to voice side characters , i don't think the audio feels that empty . it's just focused on the main characters and honestly im actually ok with it
not the laugh track😭feels like im watching a sitcom this is so funny
im assuming all the guests are empowered/informed  , because milo is calling the couples "mates"
girl nevamind the silence for baaabe's/angelangel's vows r still so silly
"the- the pairs of you. to each other. not all together. uh- congratulations  . uh- clap, everybody. now" no actually we're a polycule neow . canon because i said so
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pochacosicon · 6 months
Ya nevamind I can’t live without posting my bullshit
Did omad today after a 24h fast (276c)
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And also I bought some protein cookies to try next week
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saphyravenhurst · 8 months
Plzzzz wish we could've seen this exchange lmao
Angel Dust: Thanks fer fixin' that hole Pentious blew in the front doors. I can't have my creepy stalkers peepin' at the goods. It costs extra!
Alastor: ...Who?
Angel Dust: Oh, y'know, my stalkers. Buncha creepy, ugly freaks who want summa-
Alastor: No, no, no, I understood that part quite well. What I am referring to is the identity of who blew a hole in the hotel? I'd love to meet them myself! What a spectacle!
Angel Dust: (with an awestruck expression) ...Pentious. (Alastor smiles cluelessly) Sir Pentious? ...The snake in the blimp with the eggs? You just destroyed him- Nevamind. The point is, you betta be 'round next time he comes knockin' again.
Alastor: ...Pentious... Sir Pentious...
Alastor: This person's name confounds me... Tell me, is this 'Sir Pentious' one of my new age, adoring, idiotic 'fangirls'? If so, I guess putting all those arrows around my tower may have not been the wisest idea...
Angel Dust: W- What tha fuck are you talkin' about? (Alastor continues smiling as Angel waves his hand in the Radio Demon's face while he stares unflinchingly) Helloooo? Hell to Alastor?!
Alastor: It's on the tip of my tongue...
Angel Dust: (sighs) Aight, you have fun with that. I'm hittin' the sack. (he walks away)
Journey of the Light
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cetitan · 3 months
Nevamind it got cancelled I love having no car. Maybe I should keep having no car
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Ok. Hear me out. You did City of Angels but changed that depressing ass ending. Why can't you do the same with A Walk To Remember?!! It's your thing! You don't want to go against your thing! You can secretly write a super sad ending like you did with CoA if it makes you feel better!
Ok bUt, ok listen
The only thing I did with CoA is make her not run into a fucking logging truck like an idiot🥴 because that was so pointless and just,,, like what was that bitch? That was literally the only obstacle on the road omg
But with AWTR, her being sick is like the whole point 😅 her being sick and them falling in love despite all that and Landon growing as a person through Jamie's strength and wisdom, that's the whole point hOW am I even supposed to rewrite that 😩 they go through all the trials and tribulations of falling for each other and Lexa showing Clarke how to make peace with the things bigger than herself and accept what's beyond her control, to learn to find beauty and love in the present and the hard things in life rather than constantly chasing meaningless highs on the horizon. But then,,,, oops she just gets better?? How does that make sense???? Like Lexa's doctors just go like "lol nevamind 😜" girl help that's a malpractice lawsuit 😭
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baylardo · 1 year
i have to write down this halfbaked threshold au idea or ill die i dont expect no one to read or comprehend this one lmao ITS NEXT GEN STUFF OKERRRRRRRRRR
been wrestling with the idea of SOMEHOW having philippa interact with an evil!amelia and the thought's been kinda vague in my head for a while likeeee originally i was thinking mirrorverse but the mirrorverse is so convoluted and cough LAME i didnt really wanna go that route so ive been tossin around different hypotheticals in my head and likeeeee with that, ive also been Yearny for doing some TAME time travel shenanigans with philippa as well lol,,,,,
ANYWAY i got to thinking about Lesson Plans and the Endgame admiral's alternate timeline and how philippa abandons her family and stays in the delta quadrant, and ed's dead in that timeline, and amelia eventually makes it to earth but can no longer stand her mother and leaves,,, so shed be in her early 20’s somewhere when she leaves. and like generally speaking that timeline “ended” around the time that amelia would be likeeee 31 i think? it says in the party that the doctor took 33 years to come up with a name, presumably subtract one or two years for threshold. i think i was idealizing this “arc” happening when philippas freshly graduated from the academy, but i forgot that the admiral was celebrating like the 10th anniversary AFTER returning home so nevamind lol.
the endgame!amelia bails from earth and goes out to search for her sister for YEARS in the delta quadrant, and its fruitless, she never finds her. i was thinking maybe after a while of being out there within that 10-ish year timespan she ends up working with the Krenim (i figure shes probably valuable in any timeline shes really smarrrrt)
and then somewhere along the way, OUR philippa around the age of 31, gets dragged into this scheme with this alternate timeline’s version of her sister to help save the krenim and her from being erased. i figure shed get blipped off of a ship and brought to endgame!amelia’s Krenim one on accident. amelia’s in truth never given up the search for her sister, and when she picks up philippa’s signature she thinks shes finally found HER sister. at first amelia acts like shes happy to see her but as time goes on philippa begins to discover just how corrupt amelia’s become in this timeline and that in actuality, amelia blames philippa for abandoning her and leaving her with the mess of the universe to clean up on her own. eventually would lead up to amelia yelling at philippa about that.
the endgoal of the arc would be that like, they DONT save that alternate timeline or anyone in it, endgame!amelia cant be saved, shes too far gone etc. shed probably try and tell her she DID save her in this timeline, and tell her about her son, try and get her to believe that she isnt alone, even though they both know that isnt true. she ends up dying and philippa develops this huge guilt complex about it.
i wanna say just to be cute and edgy that somehow philippa would get to time travel to the point of Endgame and seeing her five year old self and getting to interact with her,,,, but idk haha thats indulgent :3 ANYWAY just a dilly dilly little thought that will go nowhere but i like needlessly piecing it out in my head :)
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truetogaia · 1 year
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rightintheghoulies · 1 year
Hi! I'm in love with your black background drawings, they're so well done! How long have you been making art for? You are so skilled!
Have just started really- I only do it for my mental health really (something 'productive' and nice to think about!)
I'm a complete novice and need references etc- and even then there's a fair few f*ck ups LOL Nevamind...
Reminds me of developing negatives; seeing an image emerege from the dark! :D
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hamatoredraphael · 2 years
"uh. tat ain't good, is it?"
Well, considering that the ones who tranq'd Donnie are the same ones who made Pri and Ali to be the ultimate weapon against you guys? I'd say no.
How 'bout next time they run off ta go get revenge on some child abuser with tranq guns they actually tell us so we can come with-?
(He lets out a heavy, done-with-the-middle-child's-nonsense sigh)
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yssring · 2 years
wshahahahahahahaha!!!! i lpve humans!! nevamind... nevamind tha nevanind.. nemvamind bemvaind nevamind... ehe..~!!
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pupuyvs · 3 months
girl nevamind… i js did a test run turns out i dont have canva pro anymo sorry boo 😩🙏
i just died.
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