#i literally literally love him so much i wish he could reincarnate as a human so i can be his friend in every life
psychicpanic · 1 year
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my guardian angel nithael is so awesome
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aachria · 3 months
Dream Theory: Nothing Is Real
This is a theory I’ve had in mind for a while, I’m going to break this up a lot so it’s easier to understand and read. I don’t believe in this theory a lot just because it doesn’t seem like something you would do, but it’s an interesting theory and I’m bored. (I’m quite literally buffed up like a jock and geeked up like a nerd except I’m skinny as hell and hate sports)
To start off, what is Dream Theory? Well, besides this dream theory that is. Dream Theory is a theory from a book published by Sigmund Freud, who– fun fact is the founder of psychoanalysis– wrote a book called The Interpretation of Dreams. (To note, I’m planning on reading the actual book soon so as of now I have not read it, I might make another thing like this after I read it).
According to Frued dreams are two mental processes. One that constructs the dream based on wishes and desires, and the second that involves censorship of the dream which forcibly edits and distorts it. Dreams are wishes wanting to be fulfilled.
This… really ties into SSSBMTY doesn’t it. Ed ‘died’ in a Dominos' parking lot but that’s really all we know. They could be in a coma or brain dead. Dreams are confusing, even the human brain still can’t comprehend them. It’s hard to understand the real meaning of them. Hundreds of books can claim that dinosaurs in a dream represent old news coming back to haunt the future but another hundred books can claim that it means an older relative may interact with a newer baby. But why? Because no one can really know. Except you.
Ed has had some hardships in their past life. They don’t have a good relationship with their parents, not even their sister. They don’t communicate with them at all. When Ed died their thoughts never went to their family, the only other family we get mentioned is a deceased grandpa. This whole fun pirate adventure can be much more sinister, Ed wants a family, craves for it. So what better than to have a dream in a pirate world where family is everything, Ed gets that happy ending of a family, a real family that loves each other. Nami is like the older sister to Ed, Franky and Robin are their parents. Ed has admitted that they see Franky and Robin as their parents, although it’s not stated we can clearly tell Nami and Ed have the sibling bond. And then Canadian Gramps is their grandpa.
Why did I mention their grandpa? Ed had a good relationship with him so that doesn’t make sense. I was talking about the bad relationships, reread that, the key word is had. Ed misses their grandpa, before or even after the divorce Ed had a good relationship with him, they were close. Close enough that he would gift them things. But now he’s dead, and Ed will now always have a sinking reminder that he’s dead. The flannel.
How does this tie into Dream Theory? Ed is desperate for a family so that wish is their dream, they get THE family. Ed wants their grandpa back so their wish is fulfilled, they find out that they have (possibly) real family in this world, a grandpa. They wanted their grandpa back so much so they got a seemingly badass, awesome older person who was on the Oro Jackson with Roger.
The first process involves unconscious forces that construct a wish that is expressed by the dream. The second is the process of censorship that forcibly distorts the expression of the wish. In Freud’s view, all dreams are forms of ‘wish fulfilment’.
The first process created a family from Ed’s wishes. The second one censored it, it used censorship of a familiar world, One Piece. Something to note is that everything has changed. The characters are altered more to Ed’s liking or disliking. Sanji’s definitely more, accepting of okama, seeing with Ed. Luffy listens to his crew more. Usopp is slightly braver. Everyone has changed, all to Ed’s liking. Even the supernovas.
‘But Wizard (just call me that), what about your other theory with reincarnation? What about the talking honda?’ First of all a person can have multiple theories, and second… Thank you for asking >:)
This can delve even deeper. Ed is a nobody, Ed is a self insert, they are quite literally- NOTHING. Even in the real world Ed was still nothing. This royalty can be explained with a secret desire, which is why they have no idea what the royalty dreams are about. Ed wants to be something, they need to be something great, so what better than to dream about being a secret royal. The meanings inside the royal dreams could also be other things. The chaos that happens in the royal dreams can express the chaos outside their mind, everything happening around them. They just want to be something great that they can be proud of and satisfied. This can correlate to their parents wanting more out of them, or their sister. They want to be better than their sister in success.
The Red Honda Civic dreams are odd indeed, a mysterious figure holding their hand while facing the Honda. This is hard. This can be a throw away, a red herring. It could be anything, but I go above and beyond, so I dug and I dug, and I theorised. I’m basically MatPat/j (Please I’m begging you, please get the fucking reference).
Here's a breakdown of some interpretations I thought of from the Honda dreams.
So the nickname Princeling could tie into my royal dreams theory, it could also be a way of showing that Ed is not done until Luffy is king, which means Ed would be called king, in a way.
Something I caught actually is that when Ed is ‘speaking’ without a mouth it can tie back to a desire to communicate but they're just unable to do so. (A tie to my previous analysis on Ed’s behaviour).
The hand holding can be a symbol of guidance, the figure is guiding Ed. This figure can even be Ed themself, they’re guiding themself in this dream (it could also be a representation of Ed’s brain). The fact that they can communicate telepathically is another point.
Dreams are highly personal, and the true meaning can really just be understood by reflecting on your own experiences, feelings, and current circumstances in life. Ed went into a comatose state after being hit by the red Honda, for all we know they did it to themself!
Preface; I've got a deep seated hatred for Freud I will never overcome, and I make so plans to try. Fuck that guy. I also don't believe in his theory on dreams, I think it's kinda silly because dreams are fucking random, fucking weird, and mine never have anything to do with anything I want. I mean seriously, I had a dream last week about a pasta island and a baseball diamond and a bunch of fancy shoes at my middle school and Halo??? Which I know nothing about????? What the fuck does any of that have to do with anything at all. (NOBODY TRY AND INTERPRET THAT PLEASE.)
This is so much at once and by god if you don't make a lot of very good points. There's a lot of super interesting connections that can be made with the wish fulfilment and the dreams Ed has and the things that happen around Ed in the story.
The wish sentiment is especially interesting for REASONS that MAY OR MAY NOT be around.
This take on what pseudo dad/uncle is/represents is very different from a lot of the ones I've seen, and has so many layers that are gonna get so weird later this arc.
The 'using One Piece as a censorship lens' take is WILD and actually has some valid points??????
There's so much to unpack here. Dear fucking lord. Yeah, dream theory, got it. I remember back at the end of Skypiea when Ed got fuckin' blasted out of the sky there were a couple people very wary of a possible dream theory because of the 'white ceiling steady beeping' thing, it was actually pretty even keel between folks who thought it was the case or not lmao.
Y'all are just gonna have to wait and see, huh?
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sleeping-phoenix · 2 years
What Yato really wants
There is something bothering me since the last chapter (103-1)... Yato wants to die...
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He doesn't have the strength or will to get up and fight for his life anymore. And he's not wishing for someone to save him before it's too late either. He is wishing for a quick death, not to be saved. He doesn't seem to have a will to live anymore. I read this panels in shock. Yato is the character that time after time has shown an unbreakable love for life and the strongest will to keep existing. The Yato we knew has always wished to live no matter what. He taught Ebisu to appreciate his life, to clung to life and not want to be replaced by reincarnating.
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If a reason to make him want to die now existed, what would that be? What could possibly have changed that could make him want to die?
It's not because of his past. Sure he has always been haunted by his past and there's so much he regrets but he lived more than a thousand years with those regrets and never wanted to pay for them by dying, dispites he believing that's what he deserves.
This time he hasn't once think about what would feel like to get out alive and be reunited with Hiyori and Yukine like he has envisioned other times before when his life was in danger. This time he has envisioned himself so many times as a reincarnated child that is like he wants to be replaced by a younger version of him. Like if that was the best possible outcome for everyone. Better for whom exactly?
After he decided to kill Father to put an end to the calamity to protect everyone specially Yukine and Hiyori, he thinks about how a new gentler version of himself would be good for Yukine.
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But that's not it either. That thought was after he already decided to go on a suicide mission. He was doing the aftermath of his decision that's all.
The real reason why he made the decision was because he read Hiyori's journal, we already know that much. While he read it, blushing, he had to realize that Hiyori is in love with him.
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Hiyori herself acknowledge that her feelings are evident from what she wrote. Of course this made Yato really happy. But why instead of make him hopeful and wishing to return to her side like he wished in the yomi arc, he's now wishing for a quick death? He made the promised to Amaterasu before to risk his life and go kill Father but he wasn't intending to die. Hiyori's words not only give them the strength and motivation he needed to do what he had to do but completely change the way he regarded his own life.
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He has shown during this arc that he doesn't care what happens to him anymore but the last chapter even make it seems like he does wants to die. He's literally thinking "Yeah that sounds good. Hurry up and finish me off"
Why is he not fighting for his life anymore? Why is he giving up and accepting death? Could reading Hiyori's thoughs and learning about her feelings make him not only want to risk his life but actually wanting to die and reunite with them after reincarnating?
Is it possible some part of Yato wants to die for Hiyori's sake?
The thing is, Yato doesn't want to robe Hiyori from his human life. He has change and mature a lot as a God since the first failed marriage proposal. He rejected her in the hospital arc saying he couldn't take her with him to the far shore until she's an old woman. He tried to find her a suitable match in Kamuhakari, a good man to tie her plaque with. He never intended to tie his plaque with Hiyori's like Kofuku did.
His feelings have evolved from "I'll make Hiyori the happiest person in the world" (chapter 27) to "I'm going to make sure she's happy" (chapter 82.5) Meaning he'll not be the one to make her happy. Going so far as to say that she's going to have dozens of grandchildren and marry an up-standing, self-sufficient man, then starts drunk crying at the thought of Hiyori getting married.
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He is so in love with her and protective of her that he won't allow to take Hiyori for himself, not only because he considers himself to not be worthy of her but because they belong to different worlds. Yato wants the best for Hiyori, he wants her to experience and have a full human life, that she have the opportunity to become whatever she wants to become and have things he can't be or give her... children, grandchildren, a husband that would provide for her family, that at least won't be a burden to her economically and socially, that can keep her company, be seen by humans and grow old with her. He can't be someone that can provide her with a fulfilling human life. He is a God, it is his job to make sure she appreciates and seizes her life to the max.
Therefore, the fact of knowing her feelings makes things more complicated for her to have a normal human life. If the feelings were only on his side, he already committed to push down his feelings (the best he can) so he wasn't going to get in her way. But by the feelings being mutual it'd be far more complicated to ignore them and keep away from each other. So maybe he's considering himself, his current memories and feelings an obstacle for Hiyori's life and thinks it'd all be solve if he reincarnates. His feelings would go away and he we'd be destroying any romantic connection by turning himself into a child. Maybe he thinks he'd even be saved from the pain of seeing the woman he loves marrying another man.
Honestly I can't see them being together while Hiyori is alive because of Yato's strong wish that she has a happy fulfilling life to honor the gift she was given, to honor the opportunity she has that was robbed from Yukine, Sakura and all other shinkis.
After all Adachitoka have always tried to express through Yato the importance of appreciating the life we were given. Hiyori's death now would be a punch to the stomach to that principle so I believe Hiyori will survive and die of old age. Yato and Yukine will always protect her. And I'll be in my corner crying as hard as Yato will cry when Hiyori gets married T-T
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avelera · 2 years
Hello love!! ♥️ Any thoughts on We Are Going Down together by Dove Cameron and Khalid as anti-dreamling song??? It‘s a beautiful ballad and I keep imagining Hob and Dream singing it together and believing that it’s what they could do/ be for each other!?? That they could give up everything to be together because they love each other so deeply, but we as the reader know that no matter how far they’re willing to go for the other one they ultimately could never give up who they are at heart (which.. v healthy tbh, although co-depended feral lovers has always been my fav trope). Imo Hob would die to protect dream in a fight but he would never give up his immortality to love him and Dream would equally do everything to ensure Hobs safety and comfort, but could never abandon his responsibilities to the dreamers and his function to love him. The song just screams I WOULD DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, but the tragedy is that they truly couldn’t??? Agree? Disagree? I chose to scream at you specifically because you have an understanding of these characters and wrote different versions of them in totally different emotional states and general vastly different situations and yet they’re the same at the core?
No strong opinion on the song, honestly, I'm not familiar with it ^^;;
As for the idea though, of Dream and Hob having limits to their love even if they wish they didn't... I'd simply consider that mature, adult human behavior? Even as I'm sure Dream for all his romanticism would love to devote himself 100% to a lover, I don't think he'd ever include "sacrifice the Dreaming" in that bargain, just as Hob would never include "sacrifice my immortality" in that bargain, just as I don't think most people would/could/should include "sacrifice my life's work" or "literally die for you" in any relationship??
But I don't think that's a bad thing? Honestly, I wouldn't ship them if I thought they would? I actually find it quite important that Hob would never die for Dream, because the last thing Dream needs in his life is someone who gives even a whisper of an inch of justification to suicide ideation. I think what Dream needs to hear, far more than "I'd die for you" is "I'd never die for you, are you crazy? That's nuts. I will live for you and do my damndest to make sure you live as well but people aren't stories and dying for someone should never, ever have to happen??"
I think Dream seeing himself as a story (I know we get very meta with that since obviously he IS a story but let's accept the premise of being in-universe for a second, Hob doesn't live his life like he's a story) is how he martyred himself to his role as the Dream Lord and never managed any sort of healthy existence. IMO it's why he wishes so badly for a lover to give him something else to care about that much, because as a romantic he thinks only love can be worthy of being the singular focus of his life outside his task, but of course, no one single relationship can do that, nor should it. But I think someone like Hob, who wouldn't martyr himself for anything but can understand having a purpose in life and a life's work would maybe begin to help disentangle Dream from this like... deeply unhealthy martyrdom to his function and complete inability to like... admit he's a person with needs?
Just as a final note on the song, or at least that sort of message from a song, I could see them listening to it and Hob being like, "Well that's ridiculous nonsense, I'd never ask someone to die for me, that's crazy, isn't that right, Dream?" and Dream being all... distracted like "Gosh I wish that were me," about it until Hob slaps him upside the head like "No. Bad. If I died and I found out you died for me I would PHYSICALLY HAUNT YOU or better yet, reincarnate until we're in the same life again so I could shake the drama king out of you. We do not DO THAT in this house, Dream!" And maybe, someday, Dream would come around enough to realize that's Hob's love language but also just, y'know, sanity, and you can love someone, indeed love them more effectively, when you focus on living for someone instead of relying on self-destructive grand gestures like dying for them?
Christ, Dream needs therapy so badly...
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outoutdamnspark · 9 months
I just found this in my drafts and I don’t remember writing it or where exactly I was going with it, but hey! Have some random Gardenshipping thoughts!
(cw: none. one minor suggestive mention of office stuff. under cut for length)
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For all the silverfox!Emmet x Reina stuff I’ve thought of, for some reason I’ve never thought of Reshiram!Emmet x Reina before? So...
🔥 I imagine Emmet is an aspect of Reshiram - not the god-dragon in full, but a piece of it. He’s probably reincarnated several hundred times by now, as the mortal aspect of Truth, and has memories of all his previous mortal incarnations as well as Reshiram’s memories and probably even a good chunk of Kyurem’s. The man is A Mess™️, especially after Ingo, his twin, his brother, his other half (platonic, don’t make it weird), vanishes. After all, what is Truth without Ideals to give it purpose?
🔥 That’s why, when he meets Reina and she becomes his personal assistant at Gear Station, he gravitates towards her. Just like in Gardenshipping canon, he starts to fall for her because of her genuinely kind and caring nature; she also has no idea he’s a piece of a fucking god, so she just treats him like a normal person. Not a celebrity trainer, not a deity, just. As Emmet. And he soaks it up like a man dying of thirst. Here’s this beautiful young woman who truly doesn’t care what or who he is, she just wants to make sure he’s eating and sleeping and taking care of himself. How can he not be intrigued by her?
🔥 He can also smell dishonesty a mile away and he can tell Reina is just actually that good of a person. Sure, she lies about her living situation (she doesn’t tell him that she’s unhoused for the longest time), but I’d imagine Emmet can also tell the intent of a falsehood, so he probably picks up on the fact that any lie she tells is born from the need to survive, rather than malice or the desire to mislead. She isn’t hurting anyone - she just wants to keep her misfortunes private, and Emmet can... sooooort of understand that? (He might not like it, it makes him worry about her, but in the end it really only affects Reina herself, which makes Emmet bound and determined to get to the bottom of her problems and help her in any way he can. The man is SMITTEN.)
🍃 On Reina’s side, I honestly don’t think she’s all that religious; Reina is from Kanto originally, and she has a lot of internalized stuff from the local belief system (i.e. she’ll say things like “Legends” or “Birds” in place of “Arceus” or “Dragons”). She’ll probably still have a subconscious desire to believe in something, but she doesn’t actively practice anything. Also, having only been in Unova for a couple of years at most, she might not really understand the region’s religion all that much. She probably doesn’t really think about it - which. Valid.
🍃 That being said, she would probably not know how to handle being face to face with a literal piece of a deity. For starters, her entire worldview would be - at the very least - a little bit shaken. After all, if you go from nearly thirty years of disillusionment and not fully believing in anything because you’ve been through absolute hell, to suddenly finding out the man you’re in love with (and who’s been railing you over his desk every day) is the Incarnation of Truth, you miiiiiight need a moment to process.
🍃 (That last part, especially, because how on earth do you reconcile the fact that you’ve had an actual god between your legs?)
🍃 Reina already has hella self worth issues, so to find out that her boyfriend isn’t even human, she might not handle it well for a while. In her eyes, what could a god possibly see in a lowly human like her? She still loves him, that part will never change, but she’ll have to take some time to try and reorient before she can even work up the courage to go near him again.
🔥 Emmet, in the meantime, is going to be utterly distraught. He’ll put on his trademark Subway Master Emmet smile, but it’ll be hanging on with a hope and a wish, because he is not doing okay knowing that the love of his life might be terrified of him now. He can’t lie, no, but he’s gotten really, really good at talking around the truth after countless lifetimes, so anyone that asks how he’s doing is getting a series of non-answers until he can slip away. Reina makes him feel normal, human almost, which is something he’s never fully gotten to experience - because while he might be a shard of a Dragon, he’s still somewhat his own entity, since he’s, you know, actually out in the world of man and not sitting dormant in a rock somewhere. He’s constantly torn between two halves of his own existence, and the thing that made it bearable all this time was his twin; with Ingo gone, however, Emmet has been feeling the extra weight of responsibility around his shoulders like a yolk for damn near a decade.
🔥 Until Reina.
🔥 (Like in regular Gardenshipping canon, one of the reasons Emmet falls for Reina is because she just treats him like a person. Doesn’t fawn, doesn’t get close to him just to challenge him, doesn’t pity him; just sits with him and lets him be a regular guy.)
🔥 I’m also imagining the way Reina even finds out Emmet is one of the God Dragons of Unova is uhhhhhhh not the most pleasant of circumstances. Probably Team Plasma, but I’m picturing there being some sort of siege on Gear Station or an attack somewhere that requires Reshiram’s attention, and somehow, someway, Reina winds up witnessing Emmet with his more draconian features and spewing ethereal fire. Get that sweet, sweet ‘oh shit’ moment with Emmet turning around, eyes slitted and glowing, claws out, wings sprouting from his back, fire still trickling from between fangs too big for a human mouth, only to see Reina standing there, completely frozen, just staring at him. 
🔥 The follow-up conversation is gonna be... a lot.
🍃 I feel like it’ll take about a week or so for her to be able to talk to him again
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helmarok · 2 years
me & my friendgroup were hoping ganon would get more backstory and humanization in totk for the entire time since the sequel was announced :( the idea that he might get revived was so exciting. i didnt think it would happen but i hoped for a sequel where youd switch between link and zelda at different points- zelda being more lore and archaeology/exploration focused so youd learn more about ganon and the events causing the calamity and how to stop future ones as you also tried to understand why he was so enraged and what exactly happened to him and link engaging in direct dialogue and confrontation with ganon so the player can see his pain and character depth. the game wouldve been more about defeating the calamity possessing him vs ganon himself being bad and acknowledging that hyrule never really tried that route which lead to the constant devastation...sorry for rambling but tldr i feel you 🫡 ur ganons strongest soldier
literally this entire ask. i don't know why i had my hopes up cuz now i'm disappointed over something that was gonna happen anyways... i just wish that after throwing in the excuse of "oh well we use the same formula over and over because DEMISE'S CURSE causes hatred to reincarnate!" they actually built upon that, but they only focus on how the curse affects the chosen hero and zelda. like they never actually go into how the curse affects the man who is born asab (assigned satan at birth 😢)
heres what i think under the cut if youre interested, it's kind of a long story so whatever
my personal hesdcanon completely and totally disregarding anything totk says is that hylia chose ganondorf to be her hero. she chose him and the 'calamity' wasn't actually ganondorf himself based on the more lizard-like appearance of it in the tapestry: it was demise, hence the reason why it not only took a hero and princess but the divine beasts as well.
based on his outfit in the original trailer, i think he was invited to the castle. but while he went dressed his best, it was a trap. throughout his time as hero the kingdom questioned it because of their awful history. after defeating the calamity, ganon was invited for dinner and was betrayed. being poisoned by people he loves and cared about who he thought cared about him but their generational hatred just... led to this.
it broke his heart when they broke his trust because the male gerudo 'king of evil' could never be our chosen hero, the symbol of courage in the kingdom. he's the bad guy, and always will be even if it's a different man from the one in OOT and TP entirely. his broken heart turned into anger and rage while he was coughing and dying at the table as people he cared for watched it happen. his eyes turned red, his mane and tusks grew and his triforce shined. when he tried to grab the sword it burned his hand. hatred took over and changed him- keep in mind that demise's entire being relies on the existence of hatred. with so much hate in his heart the demon was able to grab ahold of it and use that as a second chance to win.
nobody could stop him but the princess, who did with hylia's help. his body and spirit was sealed under the castle before it got too bad. but over time, the betrayal ganon felt had 10k years to brew and demise used it to his advantage. ganon's hurt combined with demise's raw energy- malice- created what we see in botw as that ugly beast calamity ganon.
now here's my favorite part! everyone had to have wondered why the fuck hylia wasn't willing to help zelda this time around when zelda was unable to use the powers in her blood that her mom could use, and hylia never bothered to help her awaken them. well the reason for this is because hylia felt betrayed by her people. her people were so full of hatred that they tried to murder the hero SHE chose! not only that, but after ganon's murder, the sheikah strongly opposed, which led to what you can see in the tapestry- sheikah being pushed by guards, and then the game tells us their technology was destroyed and sealed away.
as punishment for the problems her children were causing, she decided to abandon them. they would get no help from her. no prayers would be answered, no assistance with light magic- they were on their own now. there wouldn't even be a chosen hero- link was actually chosen by fi when fi knew a hero had to come but hylia wasn't going to bother.
hylia only decided to step up after she felt sorry for zelda. when zelda prayed and begged her she ignored her until the hero died and she felt her child's pain. she finally decided to be a mom and make zelda's powers fucking explode. zelda walked into that castle and sealed the demon the best she could without the assistance of a hero. from then on after a hundred years, hyrule basically accepted the flying boar demon cloud over the castle as part of their life along with corrupted guardians and such.
basically i think ganon's story was about hatred and betrayal and that the reason calamity ganon is so insanely powerful, and the reason he takes on a more demonic form not made of flesh but physical hatred, is because of how much it hurt him. he is hurt and hatred took advantage of that.
demise's easy control of ganondorf is kind of a nod at how you'll see that hurt people can often get easily taken over by hatred. a wife who is cheated on might kill her husband. a trans man who has suffered his whole life might bully trans men who are happy. a victim of misogynistic culture might be manipulated by others into becoming a terf. it's sad how easily hate can take over hurt people.
for the hylians, it's how for generations their kingdom was destroyed by a ganon, so they can't think of him as anything other than a threat even if he is a good man.
so yeah, there's my ganondorf take. he's just some guy who is stuck in a cycle and i wish nintendo would stop acting like hyrule is a perfect kingdom and the royal family has no flaws because theyre the Goddess Children when time and time again there's been hints in the games at their treatment of others, especially the sheikah. basically what i want is for them to give their special little good guys and special little race of blue eyed bitches some more depth instead of just being like "theyre good and nothing more because they're the Good Guys so they can't do anything wrong and opposers like ganon are the Bad Guys". cuz it's 2023 and we deserve more advanced stories than "hero and princess defeat the big bad evil and save the day!"
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heartscfvalor · 6 months
Test Muse: Eve
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day -
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Heavily headcanon based Eve from Haz.bin H.otel
Eve was the second Wife to Adam, the First Man, after his first Wife Lilith was banished from the Garden of Eden due to falling in love with Lucifer the Archangel. Due to being made from Adam's rib instead of stardust and Earthen clay, she was more subservient to Adam as a result, born quite literally to love and obey him. She fell pregnant fairly quickly while in the Garden, and she and Adam genuinely fell very deeply for each other.
Things changed for the worst when Lilith and Lucifer snuck back into the Garden with the Fruit of Knowledge, from the Tree of Good and Evil. Out of fear for their safety, Lucifer had come to offer the Fruit to Adam and Eve so they could have free will, escaping the shackles that Heaven placed on them; his dreams of the four of them being happy and populating the Earth so their descendants could explore and reach for their potentials appealed to Eve and so she took the Fruit.
None of them realized the danger.
Evil took root when the Fruit was eaten; Eve's blood was tainted from the angelic food, and Lilith and Lucifer were taken to Trial by the Heavenly Council, eventually thrown into Hell for their "crime". Eve was almost killed, but the angels decided instead to banish her from the Garden instead. Adam had the choice to follow her, or stay in the Garden with a third wife; he chose to follow her.
They lived their lives with some strife and struggle, but made due. Eve successfully birthed her first son, Cain, and then later, she birthed Abel. The two boys were as close as could be, and some domestic bliss was enjoyed, before Eve got pregnant a third time with Seth, and the dynamic seemed to change enough that Cain felt shunned by his family and the angels. In a fit of anger whilst out in the fields, he killed Abel with a rock, becoming the First Murderer, cursed to wander the Earth forevermore in retribution for his crimes. Eve was inconsolable over the loss of one of her children, and she clung all that much tighter to Seth, pushing Adam away in her turbulent emotions.
Eventually, Adam was taken to Heaven as the first soul ordained by the angels, but Eve and Seth did not follow. Instead, Eve is stuck in a sort of Purgatory/reincarnation cycle, cursed by her tainted blood to never join her family in the Afterlife. Every death she experiences, she's thrown back to life in a new body, never experiencing Heaven or Hell. Her memories always stick with her, and she is frequently described as a melancholic figure, wandering the world wishing for respite. Humanities darkness haunts her forever, blaming herself for bringing destruction to her descendants.
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shoujo-helado · 2 years
my semi-long rant of a literal who
i’m going to go on a small rant bc this has been bugging me since march and i can’t keep this to myself any longer. SPOILERS BELOW +++ if you've only watched the ova of magic user's club, i don't blame you for not knowing there's a tv series. i initially thought they were two episodes until i realised the rest of them were unavailable in my country. the series focuses on the relationships between the characters whilst highlighting all of the shenanigans they get into. one example i can think of right away is when sae and aburatsubo are stuck in the club room - meanwhile on the other side of the school nanaka literally has to convince takeo to stop being a wimp and go look for them bc there is no way sae would “just leave and then think there's nothing wrong with that”. takeo then has a minute-long exaggerated monologue about his feelings for sae, which was a treat to watch. i’m a sucker for slice of life so i binge watched the show in less than a week. now, here's the issue with one of the characters - in fact i can't bring myself to call him a character since he's devoid of any personality, especially for a show that runs for 24 minutes. i fail to see the reason why the little blonde boy was included in the series. jurika is not human, but a magical construct given life by sae's true ideals and wishes about magic - which makes sense since her magic is so powerful. i’m relieved that they gave an explanation because i initially thought he was a second-year who was curious about magic but was too shy to ask anyone from the club (don’t ask) 
he's introduced as this “mysterious silhouette” gazing at sae at the end of ep2. tbh, i was hooked - at first i thought it was a reincarnation of jeff-kun until i realised “nah the little bear isn't coming back”
he's just there. whispering words of nothingness into the mcs' ears like “you should realise the true power of magic!” and “you shouldn't hide your feelings for this specific person so i'll keep reminding you until you do!” it felt cheap. i’m not saying there had to be gazillions of plot twists to make the show interesting, but at LEAST a spoonful of mystery would of been nice! and by that i don't mean “introduce a supposedly important character and then do absolutely nothing with them.” all of my red flags went up when i reached ep10. i love takeo a lot, don't get me wrong, but the fact that he casually let jurika into the club bc “he knows much more magic than we do” okay but where's the proof? would of liked to see that he wasn't all talk and no action HOWEVER we see how much jurika is capable of.. nearing the end of the second last episode. the fight scene kept me at the edge of my seat (which is a surprise since no fight scene has left me like that) afterwards i could come up with one question: “why tho?” what was the point? and why was he suspected to be a threat when he has done absolutely nothing throughout the series? DO NOT get me started on that scene also in ep10. why did he steal sae's first kiss?? that was not for you, that was for takeo!! i had to pause the video and process what the diddly darn i watched. i can't think of any reason as to why that happened. shock value perhaps? ion know.. lastly, sae and takeo's confession in ep13? either i’m terrible at recognising unexplained things or i’m just dumb overall but i can't tell if they're in a relationship. maybe the manga could tell me more, if there weren't 3 chapters fan-translated. i’m super desperate to get my hands on them, only problem is i have never purchased anything online. gotta persuade a relative of mine to help me out ANYWAYS im going to wrap up now and i hope my disorganised rant made sense! see yaa
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weltenwxndler-archive · 2 months
"General... do you remember what it was like? When you saw Dan Feng in the Shackling Prison?" (for JY!)
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golden eyes gazed upon the xianzhou luofu, considering the question for a few moments. they painted the entire incident in black and white, exiled yingxing, their beautiful wonderful friend, who would have never hurt a single soul and desired peace just as much as the high elder. dan feng wasn't wrong for seeking peace, they all were, hence they eliminated everything that sought disturbance, disarray and conflict. they tried to rally all the denizens of abundance, time and time again, until baiheng sacrificed her life. even now he would not forget her smiling face. she had gone through enormous lengths to keep her dear friends, especially jingliu, safe. and that lady pierced yingxing a million times through for seeking a world in which baiheng would not have had to die?
just like dan feng seemingly desired it. but jingyuan wasn't entirely sure since dan feng was not a loudmouth and far from emotional. "he was not wrong for seeking peace. don't we all just want to live? live on our own terms, perhaps also die on our own terms." but if that situation didn't arise, then baiheng wouldn't have had to die. in a sense she chose death but was originally forced into it anyways. jingyuan understood the rage and disappointment, the sheer sadness dan feng's more human side must have felt and that yingxing undoubtedly shared as well.
"it wasn't wrong. it's easy to paint the high elder as a traitor and maybe the method he chose wasn't perfect. the consequences were dire, but i still can't say that i condemn his actions." he took a deep breath, moving onto the actual question.
"sadness? i can't really put it into words." he had never been angry at dan feng, neither at yingxing. he understood their actions very well, he was also angry, he also wanted nothing but peace. he didn't even mean to become a general in the first place. often he just wanted to help dan feng, help him out of there, help his reincarnation, but watched him suffer there instead through all the torment they put him and even his reincarnation through. all alone, in the dark, so far away from the place he should have been at. jingyuan would have loved nothing more than to hold him in his arms at least one last time.
he wanted to share more than friendship with dan feng, but he never acted on his feelings. they sometimes slipped a little, like sand falling through his hands, but in the end there was nothing he could do. he'd be a terrible liar to say he didn't regret not doing anything in all that time, in those many many years, in literal centuries. at last dan heng was banished from the luofu and freed from the shackling prison on jingyuan's command, to wander the world all on his own. was that truly everything he could have done? was he as cruel as everyone else?
"sometimes i am not sure what to feel or for whom to feel sorry for. i wish i could change history, i want to properly say goodbye, maybe..." just kiss him once. "maybe i would have liked to take care of his reincarnation, but... it wasn't meant to be. i had to duel jingliu although i held no ill feelings for her either. i lost a two dear friends to the mara. another dear friend to me died. life changed so quickly into something i did not desire but i suppose what i felt watching dan feng was immense regret."
jingliu was still an insane being to him and the less rational side of him wouldn't have minded to inflict the same torment on her as she did to yingxing... but then she went to free him? some things made zero sense.
his pain through all those centuries was not comparable to what the other's felt. he did not dare to measure his pain in contrast to everything yingxing went through and everything dan heng had experienced from his birth until finding a proper place with wonderful people.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 75
Criss Angel is a Douche Bag/Human Nature
“Criss Angel is a Douche Bag”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean investigate the activities of a trio of magicians who are using a grimoire to execute real feats of magic
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: is anyone gonna die? Or are these old magicians just gonna be huge bummers?? Oh!!! Ok, given that I know how very few magic tricks work, I could never throw shade at an older magician that would make me a target of revenge
Girl, you’re just gonna put the rabbit back in the bag with the hoops and handkerchiefs all strung together??
The camaraderie between these old magicians is usually only seen on the battlefield. Jesus.
The world of magicians is ruthless is what I’m learning tonight
It does feel weird to have breather episodes with the literal apocalypse breathing down our necks. Ruby’s not wrong here
Ah nice, the magicians sniffed out that the boys aren’t actually fbi agents
Look. The Criss Angel wannabe might be a douche bag, but I don’t think he needed to DIE. Are they gonna find a Hanged Man tarot card at his place?
I don’t that Dean’s correct here. The stupid foreshadowing to the even stupider finale. He hopes he dies before he gets old ✅ it either ends bloody ✅ or it ends sad ✅
Which one of this guy’s buddies has the grimoire? Is it the … I’m suspicious of both of them. One for being super involved and invested and the other for hardly being around at all
Seems like it’s the one who’s heavily invested………..except he just died
Mmmmmm, is Dean talking about Vernon or Sam? (They’re always doing this, saying what they should say to each other to strangers)
Who the fuck is this guy??? So this guy is a little like the Doctor? He dies and gets reincarnated but just as younger versions of himself? (Also, i went on a tear trying to find out why I recognized this younger version…and somehow of course it was a like two episode gig he had on scrubs in 2007)
That many cards in a tarot deck and you only learned two tricks based on them? With immortality on your side??? Ridiculous
Oh…Jay killed one of his best friends and lost the other because of it
Oh, Sammy, this doesn’t feel like the right move. I understand why you’re making it. Doesn’t make it feel right
“Been On My Mind…”: No. 8
“Human Nature”
Plot Description: in 1913 England, an ordinary school teacher named John Smith has strange recurring dreams of adventures in time and space
Why does practically every episode this season start in absolute crisis? The TARDIS is ALWAYS seemingly nearly crashing
Man I wish I could watch this again for the first time. I’d definitely be like “whaaaaaaaa???” Bet I’d still be surprised at the end of Utopia too
Ugh, these British school boys at their all boys school are just AWFUL
John and Joan are very cute, but it is frustrating to watch them from Martha’s point of view. Oh…oh, she doesn’t even get mentioned from the dreams, but Rose does. And this isn’t to be mean about Rose, just…Martha’s felt so much like a placeholder already, even after getting the key and phone upgrade last episode, and she gets erased from this, too.
Oh Jenny…I forgot about you. Your story doesn’t end well, does it?
The kid playing Baines is so perfectly creepy (where else to I know him from?? I’m scared of losing parts of my comments before midnight arrives or I’d check)
I love this shed where the TARDIS is being kept. And being in the TARDIS is the one thing keeping Martha sane and not completely snap having to be a maid at an all boys school in 1913 England
“Don’t let me abandon you” like he knows he could definitely do that. I forgot the pears part was in the but she fast forwards through
What’s up with the Love, Actually kid though? Bran Stark’s buddy…
AND THE SCARECROWS!! I remembered them being there but for what purpose?
Oooooof this scene where the boys are learning to fire machine guns…like, I know they’re just going for accuracy but MAN.
It’s so bizarre to see this period romance play out alongside the terror that is the family of aliens chasing after the Doctor ALONGSIDE the tragedy Martha’s living through
Yeah. I thought so. Jenny becomes the mom of this family…
Poor Martha’s lost the only person she felt she could lean on this whole time, her one friend, and now the Doctor John HAS in fact abandoned her, too, completely
The camera angles and zooms in this episode would be alarming if they weren’t hilarious
Are the scarecrows other members of the family that haven’t been given truly human form yet?
What an ending!!
Episodes Since the Doctor’s Last Attempted Genocide: 5…but I’m not holding out hope for another one soon.
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What is the future? My dad won't let me see what I am capable of. He just goes straight to accusing me of breaking or dropping stuff on purpose and then when I get upset, feel overwhelmed, and meltdown he blames N and then while I'm trying to explain that I need to take a moment to calm down cos I feel triggered he tries to grab me and grab things off me.
Which like is a bigger trigger than a pan falling over, a cup of tea, a microwave, a remote control, a phone, a vacuum cleaner, and cake.
How the heck could I hurt myself with cake?
That was the last straw?
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So after he tried to grab the cake off me I hid it in my room until I could go share it with N and his family.
Today I forced myself not to delete messages and oh my god he called me? I love him so much. He's like a light at the end of the tunnel.
I know logical perspective he's a positive influence on me and he makes me happy so everything he does gives me a boost even when he's telling me that I frustrate him sometimes.
God it's so bizarre that I love how N finds me frustrating and yet with my dad I find him so frustrating that it literally boils down to "don't grab food off me when I'm hungry!"
It's not like I was going to throw the cake away. I was actually worried that he was going to do that or drop it on the floor. I was simply going to do what he said was ok to do with my birthday cake. I basically spent my entire day after my birthday not eating at all and then when I went to try share my cake. Also why do I need my dad's permission to share my birthday cake with anyone? How does accidentally dropping pans mean that I'm going to hurt myself with cake?
Also can I please have a moment to understand that I deserve boundaries and like he not touch me without consent ever again. Consent is important!
I use my money to buy food, I should be able to eat the things I buy. Someone gives me a birthday cake and says I can share it then that shouldn't change because gravity decided a bunch of pans had to fly to the floor.
I wish I could have my own place mainly so I can eat things that I buy for myself without my dad's weirdness and like overbearing nature.
The only people I really feel comfortable eating in front of is N and his family. I feel like my dad judges me too much and I am always anxious that he's going to shout at me for cooking.
It's hard to eat, I just want food all the time.
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I'm writing about food too much.
Now I'm hungry. Probably have chocolate.
I'm worried that if I eat the pink wafers I bought my dad will freak out like he did with the cake.
I bought 2 packs- 1 for me to share with N and one for my dad. What if he's assuming that box was bought by him so if I eat them he'll get upset. He's so easy to upset it's frustrating.
I'm so scared all the time that he'll grab me.
The things with our family feels broken. Like he refuses to get the support we need to heal.
It's frustrating. I'm always stressed living here.
I don't understand why my dad's house is falling apart. A lot of things have been broken for years and it feels like he enjoys things being broken and miserable. Almost like I have to stay here to try fix everything and I am stuck in his control.
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But- positive! This blog is for mushy stuff!
N is a wonderful human being. Golden.
I love him.
If there was a way to measure it I'd love to say he is my soulmate. True love, love at first sight, all that, he's the only one who fits perfectly.
If you could say that I knew him for eons, our spirits being reincarnated for hundreds of years, destined to find each other and fall in love.
He saved me from an arrow in some ancient battle, pulled me into a cave and whispered sweet nothings as he undid his kilt.
Bent me over and slid in quite rightly.
All things are water. All things are fire.
Call us steaming.
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
*scrambles in* Hey remember that Egg thing for a dp promt we talked about on that discord server *runs away*
After literally 2 months of not writing shit, I'm back.
Here's the animation of the story this fic is based on.
And here's the fic on Ao3
Rating: T Warnings: Existentialism, Death, References to depression and alcoholism, a lot of weird time bullshit. Characters: Danny&Clockwork
Hatching Inside the Egg
He was trying to fix the portal, when he died.
It was a freak accident. Unfortunate and anything but unremarkable, but fatal nonetheless. It was not a painless death, but the pain only lasted him a moment. His brain was so utterly fried and his body so burned he was better off losing consciousness before the end, trust me. It was a zap, and then nothing.
And that’s when he met me.
“What… happened?” Daniel asked, shaking. His black hair had turned shock white from the force of electrified ectoplasm, unlike anything I had ever seen. “Where am I?”
“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. There wasn't a point in softening my words.
“There was… my parents' portal, a big wire on the ground. I tripped and then… the button-”
“Yes,” I said nodding. I have not been the best at comfort, yet I floated to stand in front of him.
He shuddered, hugging his arms closer. “I… I died?”
“Yes, but everyone does, given time.” I said, polishing the clock on the end of my staff.
I watched Daniel as he looked around. There was nothingness around us, just him and me. As I do with all humans before me, I tried to look at his past. But I realized something bizarre. His past was beyond my sight- completely obscured. I looked to his future, and found nothing- no other lives planned, nothing beyond this accident of his. Daniel Fenton was an anomaly- I could not see where he was meant to be, nor where he was destined to reincarnate. There was only nothingness when I viewed him.
He was not connected to anything but himself.
He was a paradox, a past looping into a future in an endless mobius strip. He was something that should not be, something that should not have reached here.
Perfectly Dead, yet not.
Perfectly Alive, yet not.
And yet how very interesting he was.
“Where am I?” He asked, interrupting my train of thought. “Is this the afterlife or something?”
“You could say that,” I said, staring him down as I tried to figure him out.
He swallowed nervously. “Are you God?” He asked, both clearly afraid and in disbelief.
“Yes, I could be called God.”
I did not wish to tell this fascinating paradox that I was one of many Gods, at least not yet. Something within my very core wished for me to comfort him before I figured out his sentence, where he could even go after this.
Before I could parse my thoughts, I was interrupted yet again by soft sniffling.
"Sam, Tucker... Jazz. My parents-"
“What about them?” 
“Will they be okay without me?” He looked up at me, tears in his eyes.
I chuckled at the familiar, yet uncommon question. “That’s pleasant to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your loved ones.”
He looked at me with eyes full of guilt as he wiped the tears away.
To him, I didn't look much like God, or sound like one either. To him I looked like a toddler, or an adult, or maybe even an elder. All forms of indeterminate gender and race. Maybe I most looked like an authority figure- more a beloved grandparent or teacher rather than the almighty.
I took another moment to look through time before I gave my response.
"Your loved ones will be fine, given some time. Your parents will remember you as their perfect son, they love you dearly and had not had time to grow disappointed in any sort of failure. Your friends will grieve but become closer to each other over it, and your sister… she will use your death as a motivation for her future studies and career, and do much of it in your memory. If it's any consolation, even your bullies will feel guilty for how they treated you, and many will turn over a new leaf."
I watched his shoulders sag in relief, and yet my Core panged in guilt at the amount of information I felt the need to conceal, if only for his sake.
His parents, lost in their grief will try to dismantle the portal, but will not be able to. Ghosts will run amuck in his hometown without a line of defense. Amity Park will be largely abandoned within a year without any sort of protector, only to be put under martial law by some sort of organization. And although most leave, his parents will remain to try and defend their home town in his name. His friends will go through intense periods of grief and regret- survivor's guilt, as it were. Samantha will rage and Tucker will shut down, both succumb to unhealthy coping mechanisms for years before they both get clean for each other. And his sister, a brilliant mind who will fall into a bottle as most of the Fenton line does when handed grief on a platter like this. She will succeed, but she will be a shadow of her once shining self.
And still, this paradox before me, I have no idea in my eons of existence where to place him.
"At least they'll be alright, I guess," Daniel sighed. "So is this the part where I go to heaven or hell or whatever?"
“No, those are not where you are to be. In fact humans are to be reincarnated-" I started.
“Oh! So like Hinduism!!” he interrupted.
“Every human religion is correct in its own way. Now please, Daniel, walk with me.”
He followed along as we floated through the void. “So, where are we going? Is there a special place to do this thing or-”
“No, it’s just nice to walk while we talk.”
We floated along in silence as I contemplated what to do with for all intents and purposes was a lost soul, a human without a connection to the cycle. An unfortunate loner surrounded by nothing but those so unlike him. There was no instruction manual on what to do with a being such as he- others had died in similar portal accidents, but had always awoken on the mortal plane to live the rest of their existences before coming to me. Daniel somehow came straight to my doorstep, and had always been separate from the rest.
How could a being so perfectly Other, so perfectly Liminal, find its way here unassisted?
It was confounding, it was wonderful, it was-
"So if we all just kinda reincarnate at the end, what's the point to living for like seventy something years if we just turn back into babies in the end? It seems a bit pointless if you ask me." Daniel hopped between patches of swirling green void as if they were stones in a stream, a childish action that only some of the youngest of humans have done before me in this place.
“Not exactly,” I said. “Humans have the knowledge of their previous lives inside of them, they just can't access them most of the time.”
I stopped floating and took my staff in both hands, facing Daniel. “The human soul is deeper, more expansive, and brighter than you can imagine. The human mind can only contain so much without frying. Think of it as putting your foot in a pool to check if it's warm or not. You put a small piece of yourself in, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had."
"I guess that makes sense then. But will I ever remember?" 
I sighed. Young Daniel had not yet caught on to his differences. “Humans live such short lives, most just haven’t stretched out and felt the rest of their immense consciousness yet. If one were to stay here long enough, they would begin to remember.”
There was a beat of silence as the boy thought. “So, how many times have I been here already, then?”
I stilled the staff in my hands and stared him down. "Humans have been reincarnated an innumerable amount of times, and they will continue to do so until they are ready for the next step. Your sister, Jasmine, was previously a mechanic named Joe in the year 4,123 AD."
“Wait wait wait... you sent Jazz back in time? Like, you can do that?" Daniel stammered out, unsure of what all to ask.
“Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are somewhat different where I'm from.”
“And where are you from if not the universe or this weird green space place?" Daniel had crossed his legs and begun floating as we talked.
“I come from somewhere else, and there are many others like me. But currently, it's beyond your understanding, and best if we don't speak of it just yet.”
Daniel pouted like the child he refused to say he was. He sat and thought, tumbled the words around in his mind before speaking. “So wait, let me get this right- if I can be reincarnated as pretty much everyone or anyone whenever the hell you want me to be, I might have interacted with myself at some point?”
I smiled sadly at the boy. "It happens to humans all the time, not that any of them would ever know with their memories locked away. But as far as you're concerned, you're a peculiar case."
"What do you mean?" Daniel asked me. "I'm gonna get reincarnated too, right?"
I looked at the boy without emotion. I still did not know how to place this boy in the grand scheme of things, and as he stared at me in fear I felt the need to prod deeper. "I am sorry, Daniel. I don't believe you will."
His expression was filled with soul crushing pain as he sank from his position. "I always felt like the odd one out, and this is just beating it into me harder that I'm some sort of freak."
"You may not belong to humanity's universe like everyone else, but neither do I, nor any of my brethren." I responded, rubbing soothing circles into the boy's back. "Your existence is a paradox, you are not here or there, not alive or dead- at least not truly. How you even came to be here is a mystery."
"None of this makes me feel any better, you know."
"Well, maybe if I tell you what my theory is concerning you, Daniel. it is currently clear that you are more like myself than all of the rest of humanity. You see, this universe- where humanity reincarnates over and over into different people, I created. Every human that has ever lived, or will ever live, is a reincarnation of the same consciousness over and over and over again."
"Why would you even do that? What's even the point of it all, if everyone is the same person forever and ever." Daniel looked up at me from where his head was tucked into his knees. "What do you even gain?"
“The reason I made this whole universe, is for humans to mature.”
He looked me in the eye in disbelief. "You want humans to mature? Why would you tell me this?"
"This entire universe, Earth and all its planets and stars and everything, was created for humanity. It exists so that with each new life lived, humanity's intellect grows and matures."
Daniel groaned in confusion. "I don't understand... They hurt each other, and they love each other. Shit I even tease my friends and I love them, so why would you make a consciousness do all this??"
I stand tall, my eyes gleamed with light in the swirling green void. “Every time they victimized someone, they victimized themself. Every act of kindness they’ve done, they’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by humanity as a whole.” My words echoed with power before this strange anomaly of a boy as my form wavered between ages. 
He swallowed, although he no longer needed to. "Why do all this though, what do you get from it?"
"Because, humanity is like me. They are my child."
"Woah, so like- Sam, Tucker, Jazz? They're all the same baby God?" he asked, incredulous. "That's a little weird for me to grasp, but I can kinda get it. Even if it's still super weird."
"Yes, that is true. It can be a bit weird of a concept for someone as young as yourself I suppose." I chuckled. "But they're still growing, and will continue to do so until they have been every human through all of time."
"So the universe... the whole thing... all the stars and planets and galaxies- they're all..."
"An egg," I finished. "And one that still has a very long time before it's ready to hatch."
Daniel sat before me, uncrumpled from his previous ball like posture, and pondered a while. "So what happens to me now? I'm not like the rest of humanity, so does that mean I just stop existing?"
"No, it's much more complex than just ceasing to exist. Although, it is rather strange you managed to manifest in your universe without my notice- your existence to me is not much unlike a secondary fruit growing within the main one, or maybe even an egg with two yolks." I chuckled at the image. "Simply put, you seem to be a separate entity inside of the universe I created for humanity, and have matured much faster than they. You just managed thatch inside the egg, somehow."
"So... what does that mean for me?" He asked, astonished.
"I believe, with what I have seen of the time after your death, I should give you a second chance." I answered, brandishing my staff. "It would be remiss of me to extinguish such a lovely anomaly as yourself, to snuff out young surprise life of my kind would wrack me with guilt. But I think I have an answer..."
I lifted my staff above my head, and allowed power to course through it. "I think for the benefit of all humanity, I will send you back. To the moment of your death. The nature of such a death will create... some problems, but it will allow you to mature fully alongside the rest of humankind, albeit without your current consciousness reincarnating." My staff chimed with the toll of bells. "You will live alongside humanity, until the very last of humans cease to exist, upon which you will join me here once again as my child alongside your beloved humanity. And in doing this, I will be able to observe your personal development through time instead of remaining in the dark about you."
"So, what I'll be like... immortal?" Daniel squinted at the light coming off of my staff.
"It will be a sad, lonely existence in the end. You will watch your loved ones die, but will make bonds with others as time progresses. I feel you will be happy growing alongside humanity; a protective older sibling to it, if you will." I smiled at him as the light enveloped him completely. "Unfortunately, you will not remember our meeting, not until you have lived your life. We will meet again someday. At least, when the time is right."
As he began to dissolve back to his universe, Daniel cried out. "Wait! What can I call you? You're like, my god parent- literally. I want to know what to call you."
And as he faded completely, I answered. 
"Clockwork, master of the concept of Time. We will meet again, my son."
And I sent him on his way.
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evercelle · 3 years
you have good fanfic tastes so do you have any shorter fics/oneshots that youd like to recommend?
why of course...!! have some chasers to those longfics - mostly xiaoven but a few gen or other ships thrown in:
write novels in our heads | xiaoven, post-canon | the cringe moment when your embarrassing love letters are important historical artifacts | I LOVE A BREAK UP AND MAKE UP FIC and this one hits on SUCH an important theme, which is: i think one of the largest impedients to xiao's emotional freedom is xiao himself. also: A++ premise
all we are, is history | xiaoven, post-canon | A thousand years after the Traveler, Venti and Xiao celebrate their anniversary in a world they've watched history create. | literally nothing is more romantic than millennia of shared history. wow i love love
whirlwind | xiaoven | How could Venti resist playing for an audience as appreciative as Xiao? So he returns, over and over. | i like it so much i drew fanart for it!! i think if i had to recommend Only One xv fic ever to a person would probably be this one.
fell in love with a single touch | venxiao, NSFW, reincarnation AU | Venti and Xiao find a way to warm up after being caught in the rain. | spicy side content to a longer fic; theres just smth about this writer's characterization that is So tasty. silly and sexy
rites of purification | xiaoven, NSFW | when Xiao is badly injured on the battlefield, Venti takes him back to the Inn and helps clear the taint from his wounds | there's surprisingly not THAT much 18+ xvx content available (tragic) and this one in particular is a treasure
may our stories catch fire | albether | At the end of the world, Albedo tries to convince Aether to do what must be done. | the albether fic of all time
gales like this will be my demise | beiguang | Ningguang is a collector of fine things, and Beidou refuses to be collected. | the perfect push and pull between liyue wives
the old stars die and the young stars burn | venti & ayaka, ayalumi | What can Venti say — he has a fondness for revolutionaries. | i agree with OP there's no way venti doesn't have even a little interest in inazuma's civil unrest
another night in mondstadt | venti & xiao | venti has a drink and takes a walk. | the styling in this fic is so good...! the notion of time and memory for immortals getting Strange is also very On Point
hubris | albether, MCD | “The world is so vast and beautiful. Would you like to have a good look before it all goes dark?” | something about albedo's journey towards being human dovetailing with a corruption arc he can neither resist nor necessarily wishes to is so choice...! the title and the concept really are a package deal
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yoonpobs · 3 years
Unmm request: it's always jk whos fucking around so....... how about we make a difference... fuckgirl!yn x shy!jk 👀👀 thank u in advance!!! ❤️
NOW ... the tables have most definitely turned ... if bbgt oc and jk switched lives but tbh oc here is still devilishly sweet so >:) i saw this ask and was like TIME TO BRING CHAOS
pairing: shy!jk x fuckgirl!oc
genre: SMUT
warnings: cock worship, oc calls jk pretty, slobber 
words: 1, 648
Jungkook’s done a lot of impulsive things in his life. Like the one time, he bought five hundred dollars worth of in-game money purely because he was running on red bull and pulled two consecutive all-nighters for a game tournament Taehyung roped him into, or maybe even switching up his major because it didn’t feel interesting to him anymore; Jungkook’s an impulsive person.
But he’d like to think that he was reasonably impulsive, acting on his human nature rather than out of it. Though, right now he can’t say he believes himself either.
“How does it feel?” You coo, voice like a sin when you lean forward and Jungkook can’t look anywhere but at your tits. He wants to look up but then he’ll see your face and that’s no better for his muddled mind.
“G-Good,” He croaks, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head when he feels the slow drag of your pussy across his cock.
God, he’s never been so hard in his entire life. Not even in his secret masturbation sessions when he was forced to room with Taehyung in the first semester of college and had to listen to him and his girlfriend fuck until the wee hours of the morning. Because you were sin personified, all his desires manifested into a human being and staring him right in the face; awaiting him to pathetically give in.
“Just good?” you pout teasingly. Your hand reaches back to cup his balls in your palm and they’re hot and heavy when you squeeze, evoking a tight groan from Jungkook’s chest. He was so sweaty, chest heaving as he attempts to clear his head. He wasn’t even in your pussy yet and yet he feels himself on the brink of release. “That’s not right. Want it to be great,” You smile, and Jungkook swears he sees the devil horns appear by your head.
“F-Fuck—it’s—great,” Jungkook literally whines, hips bucking up to meet your hands as they squeeze his balls in tandem with the way you grind against his cock. He can feel each firm and slow drag of your cunt, the wetness that seeps through your folds leak out of your hole and wholly glazes his cock. His mind is fuzzy and he can only think of how hot and wet you’d feel.
You grind faster like a woman on a mission and all Jungkook can do is moan breathily, hands shakily gripping your hips tightly; so tempted to slip into your hot cavern.
Jungkook never even dared to dream about having you this way. He’s heard about you, of course, he had. You were the girl everyone wanted to be with or be. He’s heard stories about how your pussy was magical, and how you were the devil reincarnate; that every person who had the liberty of coming across you only drowned in your essence and got hooked onto the feeling of euphoria when you sent them over the edge.
You were perfect, in Jungkook’s eyes. You were so pretty and he wanted to call you a bitch but you weren’t even mean. You were so nice, so crazily good with your hips that his judgment may have been a little clouded. He didn’t expect the night to end this way, with your sex-crazed eyes peering down at him—and only for him to see at this moment.
“You’re so pretty, do you know that?” you hum, raking your other hand down his chest to tweak a nipple between your fingertips. He can feel you giggle when you hear him gasp at your gesture.
“N-No,” he exhales a deep breath of air when you lift your hips for him to see the flimsy strings of arousal that connect his cock to your folds. You’re so lewd, especially when you spread your lips to show your swollen pearl, hard and ready for attention.
You crawl over him, and it’s like a predator approaching a prey when your face rests right above his face, “You are. Prettiest boy. So cute. I would’ve never thought a boy like you had a cock so big.” To emphasise your point, your hand wraps around his length, squeezing hard enough in a way that Jungkook loves, and it only proves his point that you’re an absolute goddess.
“Fuck.” His eyes squeeze shut when you speed up your hands, and he wished he could see the way you were staring at him with a mischievous smirk.
“Faster? Harder?” you tease.
“Yes—no—wait, f-fuck, please,” Jungkook doesn’t even know what he’s pleading for but he feels his stomach clench rhythmically as his high approaches. When he opens his eyes, he almost regrets it because you’re so close and your hair is brushing against the peaks of his nipple. Your lips are swollen from the previous make-out session he was subjected to and he misses your mouth just by being reminded of it.
“So pretty,” you croon, pressing a kiss to his lips that’s so much softer compared to the way that your hands work aggressively on his cock, “So dirty.” You purr, pulling away with a smack of your lips.
He shakes his head, whining, “N-Not dirty,” Though he knows it’s a lie because he lets you have your way with him, completely at mercy by your hands.
You giggle, light and evil that Jungkook feels his cock throb even harder in your hand. You were a dream and there was no way that you were real,
“But you are,” you suck his bottom lip into your mouth, releasing it with a pop before you trail downwards, mouth hot on his skin until you reach his cock. His cock twitches in your hand in interest, especially when you allow a dollop of saliva to drop onto the tip, coating his length as he groans at the visual when he allows himself to look. “Only dirty boys let girls like me do this to them.” You sigh dreamily.
Jungkook’s mind is a mess of muddled thoughts that he can’t even muster a response, especially when you take his cock into the back of your throat like a pro, slobbering spit all over it without a care of how lewd it looks or sounds. In fact, Jungkook thanks the heavens above because he’s seconds away from cumming down your throat.
“I-I’m cumming—” he chokes.
You stare up at him with those bedroom eyes and Jungkook feels dizzy, his hand reaches to the back of your head as you bob your head faster around his cock, deepthroating him all the way until all he feels is the depth of your hot throat.
The visual and the auditory aspects of your slobber are what sends Jungkook over the edge. He cums with a loud moan, hips bucking up manically until he practically shoves his cock as far as he can down your throat. He doesn’t know where to look but he catches sight of the tears that threaten to spill out of your eyes and the spit that accumulates at the side of your mouth.
He cums so much and you take it all, mouth welcoming every spurt of his hot seed and Jungkook feels like he’s on cloud nine. Your tongue teases his slit to oversensitivity, and he winces at the way you continuously lap through his release, never relenting even when he whines and your eager mouth away from his flattening cock.
As Jungkook regains his breath as he blinks up at the ceiling, his head clearing up from his horny daze, his eyes droop to see your face and you do the next most obscene thing that has his flaccid cock jumping in interest.
You open your mouth to show him the cum he’s released, and swallow, making a show to moan.
Jungkook stares at you in awe, and he’s about to offer to reciprocate even if he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing, but you push yourself off his lap and lean down to give him a messy kiss. He can taste himself but he can’t bring himself to care when you just made him cum harder than he’s ever done in his entire life.
“W-What about—?” Jungkook stutters, but you only shoot him a smile he’s sure gotten you out of trouble enough times.
“It’s okay. I liked sucking your cock,” you reach a hand down in between your legs, swirling your clit for good measure as your thighs twitch and Jungkook can only watch with a gaping mouth. You collect your essence with your fingers and spread the digits to show your strings of arousal, all before you bring it up to his lips, “Open wide, pretty boy.”
And all Jungkook can do is obey, sucking in your fingers as he whines at the heady taste of your pussy.
When you pull away and your body heat leaves him, Jungkook only then manages to shakily sit up; noticing the way you’re quick to slip on your panties and the clothes that were thrown in a haze.
He’s completely bare while you’re already picking up the last of your things as he stares at you with wide eyes. But his mind is still in his post-orgasm stupor when he hesitantly asks with reddened cheeks and a shy voice.
“C-Can I … c-can I get your number?” he asks as he attempts to hold eye contact with you.
You’re sweet and evil all at once, and you give him a flirty smile with a light giggle before you glance into the mirror as you use your thumb to fix the edges of your lipstick that was smeared all across your face.
“Ask around,” you wink at him, “Pretty sure Taehyung has it.”
Then you leave, and Jungkook’s face drops just a little. But God, were you perfect.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Okay then, what happens to Jack Blaylock in his aftermath, after we see him literally walk away as the movie credits roll? What does the life of a hitman for hire deeply entrenched in the underworld look like after the main story is over and his part in it?
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― I think Jack Blaylock (or rather Timothy Calloway, as is his real name --- but what does it matter, he's had so many as is) leaves Erika because a person like him has to leave a person like Erika. It is inevitable. Namely, an individual with his lifestyle, a murderer, a killer for hire, someone who committed unspeakable and gruesome acts of violence can never be around people like Erika, who are normal and decent despite not realizing the danger the close proximity to darkness can bring. They can't be friends with people like that, they can't be lovers, they can't even be acquittances, even though Erika walks the fine line between the world of ordinary people and his shadow world, her world is out there, with people, and not monsters, so he leaves. And I doubt this is the first ''Erika'' figuratively speaking, who Jack has left. There has been many Erikas. Many Erics. And he's killed some of them as a goodbye, yes. This Erika can count herself lucky that he was actually rather fond of her even though she was clearly not the soulmate he wished she was. Maybe they can meet again, he thinks, under better circumstances, in another life? Or maybe not. If it is meant to be, it will be.
― Of course he keeps dabbling in his business of extermination for various clients because that is about the greatest talent Jack has, albeit, he does it under a different name now, travelling all across Asia and beyond for various clients who need some high profile target eliminated. Jack might be a Bob. Or he might be a Todd. Or a Blake. A Peter. He might have several fake identities at once to conceal the real one. But thing is, Jack could be here one month and some other country the next, always booked into the odd hotel or other, coming and going at leisure, utilizing various fronts to make himself seem legitimate, sometimes even going as far seduction, subterfuge, manipulation in his channel of killing. Basically, Jack's life doesn't really change all that much after the movie ends. It remains the same, tragically and perhaps frighteningly so. He might get involved or is at least the enforcer of some major execution that makes it big worldwide in the media, but that is simply testament to the dedication of his craft and a reminder to himself who he really is. I can genuinely envision Jack Blaylock becoming a renowned, veteran hitman and an infamous demon of the underworld in his own right into the present day.
― Does he ever get back his ancestral home? Where many generations have dwelled in? Where he can imagine living, in his own words ‘as man was meant to live’. Possibly, yes, because this represents Jack’s last vestige of humanity and even normality and he would, quite literally kill to acquire it back, and he does, for years, until it is rightfully his again. I can imagine that his plan is to retire there, and simply die there and be buried there, where so many of his previous family members have lived. What does he do between that? Visits temples. Meditates with monks anywhere from Thailand to Japan, India and back. Learns about reincarnation. More and more and more. Occasionally, he might kill for the pleasure of it rather than pay and a contracted job, becoming a serial murderer as much as a professional one because he simply develops an even more abstract fascination with the act of it. I can see him finding love, actually, if it wasn’t already Erika, but whoever he finds he most likely might kill. Ritualistic. In a roundabout sense, he wants to release and mark them as his so they can, as he himself already said ‘be reunited in another life and recognize each other’. But, whatever exploits Jack gets down to are mainly of the dark and gruesome variety.
― Jack Blaylock’s life boils down into many things. Bloody. Morbid. In and out of jail. Wanted by almost every authority under the sun with a big enough reward on his head to constitute a smaller fortune. Sky high criminal records, some sealed, some destroyed, some very much ongoing. Falsified passports. Falsified identities. Stolen ones . A trail of bodies in his wake. Never staying in one country too long, lacking an address, roots, a home, any semblance of normality. A network of contract givers protecting him while he’s valuable and passing him unto the next customer when his time is up. It involves mysticism. Loneliness. Yearning. Him waiting, to in effect, die, and be reborn as something or someone different and be given the love that a man in his business can’t validly have or enjoy. He is polarizing. Undeniably dark, yet also tragic. A harrowing figure. Might actually die at an (ironically) deep old age simply because he wishes to respect the cycle life and rebirth and not interrupt it, having a chance at being a different someone in a different life. 
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ackerpreach · 3 years
This ending .... I can name 500 reasons and I will name them right now, because I don’t think I’m the only one who is upset with how things turned out. (Also, A positive message for all of you at the end)
Update: after reading more theories from fellow RM bloggers, and sleeping over it one day, this entire chapter might be an april fools... Don't fully lose hope yet beautiful people. It's me just giving a review on a possible fake April fools chapter
After following this franchise since 2013, so nearly a DECADE. this ending is a pure disserve to the entire fandom. I feel like Yams has rushed it just for the sake of being done with the entire manga. So many things are left open, characters and their developemt are reverted back all the way to chapter 1 or are left even worse than that...
Mikasa’s worthless character development/ Aaronmika’s horrible toxic codependent relationship 
Oh honey... Let’s start with how horrible Isayama has treated her. We were all rooting for her, because we all felt like she was so misunderstood. She had a horrible childhood and imprinted on a guy who treated her like trash 99 percent of the story. And then, slowly but surely, she starts to realize she has to stop obsessing over him in the uprising arc with the help of a real man who treats her like a queen, more importantly, he treats her like a real human being. This man sees her for her abilities and that she has the power to be self dependent. She learned parts of herself, that she was able to work together with him like no one else could.  She learned parts of herself she was unable to do so if she kept obsessing about Aaron. All this love, care, mutual understanding and RESPECT these two shared. 
but...NAH FUCK THAT, right Yams?? Throw all this development away, all this bonding. Let’s make the main female lead even more yandere than she already was in the first season. Let her make out with his decapacitated head (like dude, this is also pure disrespect to Aaron’s dead body btw) and let her obsess even more about the guy who has treated her no better than a piece of toilet cloth 99 percent of the time. The guy who was never really appreciative in front of her for saving his ass billions of times, who always pushed her away, who yells at her and snaps at her whenever he can instead of reasoning and talking calmly with her in mature way. (EVEN PARODY YOUTUBE CHANNELS WHO DONT SHIP ANYTHING MAKE IT A TROPE WHERE AARON TELLS MIKASA HE HATES HER GUTS WHENEVER HE CAN) 
Then after all that, suddenly Yams tries to last minute persuade us Aaron’s always been head over heels for her???  He should have build their relationship better which he hasn’t even tried to do so... He must be thinking his fans are stupid for eating this from his hands.    
Like seriously??? What is this??? 
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Isayama is just fully contradicting himself. It’s like someone tipped him off with a buttload of money for him to write Aaron like this to satisfy shipping needs and to cash in those extra money’s from it. Even if he tried to cater to Erem*ika, this is not how you write a loving and caring couple which people will root for. 
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This next two panels just freaking infuriates me to the core of my soul. I can’t even describe how dissapointed I am with Mikasa. 
Why is she clutching that head so obsessively like that?  Why is she walking and turning her back away from her comrades? After everything they have done for her, after all they’ve been through?! After everything Armin has done? Standing up for Mikasa, beating up Aaron for hurting her. I feel like even Jean, Connie and Sasha have cared more for her in a healthy way.  Sure, Aaron cares for her romantically too apparently (What a twist Yams :)), but has he aided her to becoming a mentally healthier individual? Has he aided in her mental stability? The answer is a big fat NO!  All I see between these two after today’s raw Chapter’s are too Yandere obsessed individuals who have no clue on how to maintain a healthy relationship. 
Love should only go as far as the heart can endure and it seems like her character is not willing to be aware of that. Even Armin was able to let go of Aaron in those latest panels. Why does her entire character resolve around this guy??? I really do not understand. Her Ackerbond and her age is not an excuse for her to throw her life away like this. 
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Shonen’s disgusting portrayal of women 
I’ve seen this countless of times in the many years I’ve watched anime. SasuS*ku from Naruto, Ichih*me from Bleach, Shinji and that oranged hair girl from Neon Evangelion.. Why do these women get decreased to simpletons with one single goal? And that is to obsess over a bland male lead who either treats them like trash or doesn’t notice them up until the last last chapter (LITERALLY WHAT YAMS HAS DONE). Some go even as far as the male leading wanting the kill the female love interest and yet the female lead is still in love with them???. It’s disgusting for him to write the MAIN female character this way. 
It’s dissapointing we believed in Isayama doing Mikasa’s character right. That she’s finally being able to let go of her codependency and to live for herself maybe live in Hizuru and find more about her roots???, but every single time she shows some improvement, it’s burried deep in the ground again by the Author. It almost seems like a lowkey kink of some of the male Mangaka’s to write about a girl obsessing over them no matter what. I see this so many times to the point that I truly stand behind it that some of them might have this fantasy. 
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I wished he didn’t portray her last panels like this. Everyone else is living their lives while Mikasa is still grieving about him. I’m not saying she’s not allowed to grieve and everyone takes it at their own pace, but cmon... Show her living her life too. This is too much. Her being next to his grave and grieving him as her last panels just shoves it in our faces that YET AGAIN, BEING OBSESSED WITH AARON IS ALL HER CHARACTER STANDS FOR. 
I truly despise how Isayama handles her grieving, kissing his decapacitated head, carrying it around like some handbag, and her last panels being thissss.
The world leaving Paradis alone miraciously after all that??? 
It’s so weird and out of place with so many political feuds and disagreements between the world and Paradis, the entire Rumbling happening and we can see Mikasa just chilling outside in Paradis with no one bothering them. You can see the rings of the walls in the picture below.  I don’t know the exact reason behind as the manga is still in Korean, but from what I see, the story went the route of: throwing a happy ending without enough proper reason and  it was all fixed just like that in a snap! It doesn’t fit the entire narrative of attack on titan for things to be so peacful out of nowhere. When it comes to the narrative, how things work in that world, how hard it is to achieve peace, everything made somewhat sense up until chapter 138. 139 seems so so out of place...  It’s like I’m reading a chapter from a totally different manga. 
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Aaron Yoghurt got defeated so easily/ Aaron’s character assassination
The build up on the first part of the rumbling was great, those kids carrying coins. You could feel humanity’s fear and Aaron’s hatred in those pages. As if he truly had a goal and he has turned away completely from his comrades and his closest friends with no return. The world seemed truly doomed, but he  got defeated just like that. He was in the nape all this time (because screw the warhammer power of hiding yourself elsewhere in his ginormous titan body). There is no master plan as we all expected, and in the end he just acts all yandere in the paths with Armin and that’s it... They massacared his entire character as well. Many fan theories created a better ending with his character. Him being reincarnated as Historia’s baby would be so much better. For him to still keep on seeking and to strive for power. It has always been his motive. It’s his personality from the start until chapter 138. Even if things are okay, to keep on going and to seek that adventure, but then.. He’s so weak and directionless suddenly.. It’s so weird... This is not Aaron at all???
Using Aaron for him this entire post, because I don’t want others to invade our tags... :)))
Historia’s baby 
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The only panel we got from Historia’s child was this. Just a normal kid, normal life... Why did Isayama put so much effort in highlighting Historia’s pregnancy if it was nothing too spectacular anyway? It seemed he had major plans for this kid and for their development too??? It’s again, big plans, big developments, big relationship dynamic, but all  got thrown out of the window... 
Don’t read the next sentence if you are a minor :’) 
It’s like almost ejaculating, but stopping right before it and repeating that every single Arc.
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My energy when writing about this chapter is the same as Nostalgia Critic and his hatred for atla the live action
In Conclusion...
I know us fans should not be deciding on how this story should end, because this is Isayama’s story after all, but I truly wished for him to wrap up things much more rounded. There are so many unanswered questions... Again, I think for the sake of being done with this manga, he rushed all of it. He’s become a millionaire from this story and now his pockets are jammed full, I guess he doesn’t need to put in any effort anymore, right? Perhaps a controversial opinion, but I really wished he cared for his fans a little bit more with this last chapter by giving some answers that make sense at least. It’s his fans who gave him this platform and the opportunity to tell his story and for him to at least give in a bit of effort especially in the last chapter is the least he can do. Rivamika being canon or not, he truly rushed it without thinking much about the entire story line. He expanded it so much, he didn’t know how to bind it all together.
Even after all this, I’ll still ship them in the headcanon type of way. I do give credit to Isayama for giving us a template for such a beautiful dynamic between Levi and Mikasa. He decides to waste it, but that doesn’t mean we have to.  I want to thank all the people with amazing writing skills, the ones who give us beautiful art like @carmenlee @phit chan @vialesana​ and many more. I want to remind all of you that we can create something beautiful of our own and we don’t neccesarily need canon lore for that. The art I’ve seen, the fanfictions I’ve read have touched me deeper than Isayama ever could at times.The Mikasa in our mind is appreciate of Levi, is mature, classy and has a strong will for herself. They spend their remaining days together peacefully. Keep writing, keep drawing, stay creative. 
I love you all so so much, I’ve only been publicly active since March, but thank you Rivamika fandom for giving me so much joy as a lurker these past 7 years <3
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